#thoughts with witchy
witchyspiritsims · 1 year
Hellooooo, anyone out there remember me? It’s been almost a year since I’ve used this tumblr last - and over a year since I decided to start it.
As a bit of an explanation, I lost the Blackwood and AHC save files. Actually, I lost ALL my save files except some I’d backed up like three months prior or something. I’m not sure what happened but I put new CC into my game and when I started it up next just. Everything was wiped. I lost motivation after that and pretty much quit Sims 4. I switched to Sims 2 and really had a lot of fun!
Then my laptop broke. It stopped charging unless the charger was in a very specific position. We thought it was the charger itself so we bought a new one. Turns out it was the charging port. Online it said it had most likely come away from the motherboard. It’s been months since and I’ve been without a computer of my own.
That said, I’ve been using my husband’s desktop and it’s been a whole new experience for me. I’ve only ever had laptops. When he let me put sims on his computer it was like a totally different game. The graphics looked better, it ran so smoothly, and I could finally use reshade!!! I was so excited and it’s really given me my spark back for sims. So much so that I started an actual legacy challenge - The Sims in Bloom challenge. I had started the AHC before, but I never got very far into it since I lost my saves soon after. The Sims in Bloom legacy helped me really see the appeal of legacy challenges and I got pretty far in it before I found the Whimsy Challenge. Then my attentions shifted to that because I fell so deeply in love with it that it was all I could think about sometimes lmao.
But now I’ve found a new challenge and can feel myself wanting to get my grubby little hands on it. I read through the Crybaby Whims legacy last night and just. Wanted to start it so bad. But I know it’ll be like my other ones - I’ll play it till I find something better and then abandon it. I don’t want that to happen to my Whimsy legacy and I most definitely dont want it to happen to this one if I start it. So I’ve been thinking of bringing this simblr back to life. Maybe having the Crybaby Whims save as my simblr save, and the Whimsy save as my personal? Since I’m already almost finished with generation 1?
I also have to think about how I’ll be able to manage it. My depression has made my energy cap at like 5%. I’ve lost irl friendships bc I just can’t manage surviving and communicating at the same time anymore. Would adding an active simblr to my plate again be a good idea? I’m not sure, but I know I want to try it. I have this whole idea of making a cast list for the Crybaby legacy and how the drama of the first gen will start and I’m excited to FINALLY play with a teen because I haven’t played a teen at ALL since HSY came out. So I think what I’m going to do is…. Just post when I feel like! I was never a big simblr to begin with so it isn’t like I have dozens of people anxiously awaiting my posts. Especially since I’ve taken such a large break. I think I’ll kind of have to build back up again. Either way I’m not going to put so much pressure on myself to post here, and I think I’ll only use my twitter to announce posts and maybe chat with people here or there. Definitely don’t plan on getting into debates with people about the state of the sims or ea.
That’s just what I’m thinking about, anyway! Im getting a desktop of my own soon, so I might not start anything until then. Then again I’ll have to transfer stuff anyway. What’s the harm of another save file??
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maribellablack · 8 months
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Dancing around the bonfire somewhere deep in the woods equals therapy to me...
Ah, I can't wait for Halloween 🩸
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Domestic Witchy Things You and Solomon Do Around Cocytus Hall
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Sweeping bad/negative energy out of the Hall.
Hanging bells on the front door knob to cleanse the energy when either of you enter.
Keeping a jar of water on a windowsill overnight during a full moon to charge it and make moon water.
Having a shelf of different types of spiritual waters, such as - moon water, rose water, sun water, florida water, etc.
Using florida water when washing your clothes to energetically cleanse them.
Turning a broom upside down when there are unwanted guests in the Hall.
Having a few pieces of paper with the names of people who have done either of you wrong in the freezer.
Having a pitcher of wild violet lemonade in the fridge.
Candles on the coffee table, candles on the mantle, candles in the kitchen. Candles, candles, candles!
Keeping a large stash of birthday candles for quick candle magic :)
Painting the front door purple.
Bay leaves everywhere.
Sigils everywhere.
Spiritually cleansing anything new either of you bring into the Hall (clothes, trinkets, etc.)
Using rosemary to smudge and cleanse the Hall (Cocytus Hall always smells and feels nice because of this)
Having a deck of tarot cards on the coffee table that are almost never in the box.
Clapping at random times to sound cleanse a room that feels off.
Keeping a large shelf packed full of magic books, boxes holding herb/crystal chip vials, and other little (or big) trinkets.
Putting certain crystals (like black tourmaline) in the corner of every room.
Making your own black salt.
Hanging wind chimes outside.
Stirring your intentions into your coffee/tea each morning together.
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tragicc · 6 months
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dreamysnowangel444 · 1 month
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⁺˚*・༓☾Sister Of The Moon☽༓・*˚⁺
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pageofpomegranates · 1 year
More Art Magic Ideas🎨🕯️
Draw or paint using your non-dominant hand to bring out your inner child
Create a mini oracle set out of bottlecaps or coins
Write odes to the tools, herbs, etc. that you use the most in your craft
Use only natural materials in a work of art- tea, coffee, dirt, plant parts, etc.
Decorate playing cards to act as talismans and keep in your pocket/wallet/bag (i.e. a money drawing card to keep in your wallet)
Bring your inner sacred space to life by drawing/painting/collaging/sculpting it
Use handmade images as offerings to spirits or deities; create personalized images of spirits or deities you're in contact with
Make a poppet of yourself and stuff it with petitions or pictograms of what you wish to embody
Create a powerful protection amulet to hang above the doorway of your home/sacred space. What does protection look like to you? Use materials that reflect the kind of protection that you're looking for.
Crochet or knit a blanket that is enchanted to bring good sleep, good dreams, or for inducing a hypnagogic state
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divine-crows · 2 months
Things that feel magical to me that aren't inherently magical:
The rush of my blood and the burning air in my lungs when I run
The lilting, drowsy feeling as I awaken to the sound of birds chirping
The sound of a conch shell mimicking the roar of waves when I put it up to my ear
Comfortable silence with those I cherish
Rainstorms followed by the shining sun
Sitting (alone) in nature with a hot cup of tea
The warmth of the sunlight on an otherwise cold day
Random, unprompted midday naps
Babbling brooks and crashing waterfalls
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hobgobknowsbest · 25 days
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broomsick · 2 years
Pagan pro-tips
Having been pagan and polytheistic for about 7 years, I can attest to these tips’ efficiency:
Pinterest is your best friend when it comes to devotional art
But don’t ever trust a single line of information on there.
Casually call out or whisper a deity’s name when something makes you think of them, so you can invite them to witness it!
If someone asks too many questions and you don’t feel like “coming-out” as pagan, tell them you’re ~more spiritual than religious~ and they’ll act like they get it.
Write your own prayers who tf cares
Playlists playlists playlists
I’m serious, even the simplest stuff people would label as “aesthetic” works well when you’re on a busy schedule but you want to stay casually connected to your faith.
Sure, paganism is deeply personal, but are there other people you could learn from? People you could help? Listening + sharing = community building!
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witchyafterdark · 6 months
Maybe I'm just being a little delulu ✨ but I think this is the perfect reason why there might be a sequel to the game that's set in their 6th or 7th year:
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I know it's probably just a nod to the Chamber of Secrets. But you can't seriously tell me that the Gaunts haven't told Ominis about this! A previous descendant, Corvinus Gaunt, was able to conceal this part of the school during the construction of their plumbing system.
I'm so certain that this family secret has been passed on to the future generations. And besides, Harry was able to determine the existence of the Basilisk because it talked to him. He can hear it moving through the school. If anything, Ominis is the perfect student to handle this kind of situation because of his heightened sensitivity to sounds, he is a Parselmouth, and of course, his lack of sight.
Again, maybe I'm just being delusional but there is a reason why out of all the possible Sacred 28 families that WB could've chosen from, they chose a Gaunt; one of the most, if not the most, controversial family on that list.
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la1npilledg1rl · 8 months
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diana-thyme · 1 year
I’m a big fan of the fact that Holy Water is essentially infinite. If you add a drop of Holy Water to any water, it all turns into Holy Water. So this is a petition to make this the same for all water. Sun water? Infinite. Storm water? Infinite. River water? Moon water? Any other form of blessed or charged water? Infinite. No more not being able to do a spell when you want because you ran out of moon water. Keep tiny jars of the charged water and pour them in a bigger jar. Bam. So much charged water. And then refill the jar in that new supply. This is my petition.
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punkpandapatrixk · 4 months
Romanticising being a gentle Witch~
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Shifting paradigm~
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pageofpomegranates · 1 year
🎨Art Magic Ideas🎨
Use enchanted waters such as moon, elemental or holy waters to enchant your paint water
Create a thoughtform for/ensorcell a tool (paintbrush, pencil, needle, etc.) to assist your spell(s)
Recite chants/prayers/affirmations (intention) as you work
Experiment using herbs, resins, teas, etc. to make magical pigments
Make sigil stamps out of erasers, cork, hot glue, etc.
Create a portrait of your shadow self, or your witch/wizard/whatever-sona
Compile or record different playlists for different spell 'genres', meditation, and "vision board-ing"
Create your own recycled handmade enchanted paper for petitions
Protect your spells by documenting them in pictograms- use only images to portray the process
Use a recycled or handmade decorated container to house your 'personal demons'
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booksandwitchery · 7 months
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My attempt at explaining a concept from Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine
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cult-of-lambs · 4 months
if i were a vampire, you’d be the first one i’d turn so that we can be together forever <3
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