#took me awhile to decide how to do this follow up series and I still don't know if 'looks' is a good word for it but...
guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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TK/Carlos + Looks
↳ 1.01 Pilot
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Sir Steve, Knight Protectorate
Welcome to the little story I was working on during my move! Just a fun little thing to keep my writing streak going without have to dive into my heavy hitters.
The original idea is here.
I originally planned to go farther than the original idea like season 2-4 but as I was just needing something lighthearted it became a short little story three chapters long that might get turned into a series of What if's.
Summary: After the events surrounding Will Byers and his return to life, Steve has decided he can't control anything in his life but school, so he seeks to put a stop to the bullying. Cue Eddie getting heart-eyes over popular King Steve protecting his little sheepies. So he decides Steve needs a knew title. Sir Steve, Knight Protectorate will work just fine.
Steve was still reeling from actual fucking monsters and shit. And he actually had to go to school the following Monday like none of it had happened.
Fuck, they didn’t even offer therapy, just NDAs and money to keep their mouths shut. He had no doubt that the Byers family and Nancy had the worst of it, so he wasn’t even mad that she broke up with him.
He got it more than most people that she needed to time to grieve the lost of her best friend, be with family and hold them close for awhile.
It sucked.
Steve wasn’t going to pretend that it didn’t, because it absolutely did. But he understood. He told Nancy that if she ever needed a friend to give him a call.
His temper was short and his capacity for bullshit was low, that was the only reason he could come up with what happened that Monday morning.
He walked into the hall that held his locker to his books for the day when he saw Tommy H. having a go at some freshman. Like this kid still looked like he was in elementary, he looked that little.
“Knock it off, Hagan,” Steve huffed. “There is no reason to be harassing this kid.”
Tommy turned around and got in his face. “What’s it to you, Harrington? I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
“Dude,” Steve said, stepping forward instead of back like Tommy thought he would, “why are you so angry all the time? Chill out.”
Tommy’s head reared back as though he’d been struck in the face. He pushed Steve away. “Again, what’s it to you? You want to be friends again now that Miss Priss is finished with your scaly ass? Because where was my loyalty? We’ve been friends for years and you threw it all away for some piece of ass!”
Steve didn’t even stumble, he just crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You know what you did was over the line and you did it anyway. Because that’s the problem, Hagan, isn’t it? You don’t know where the fucking line is, do you?”
Tommy frowned and tried to push him again, but Steve just let his body slide with the motion and it didn’t even hurt. Tommy stared at him for a moment before stalking off down the hallway to his own locker. Steve just shook his head and went over to the kid who Tommy had been bullying.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked gently, helping him pick up his books. “If he does that again, you come running for me. I’m Steve, Steve Harrington, just ask around, someone will know how to find me, yeah?”
The kid nodded and took the books back from Steve before he took off in a tear. Steve sighed and he put his hands on his hips like a disappointed mom.
He looked around the hall to see everyone staring at him in shock. And that was when he realized what he had done.
Last week, he might have called Tommy off, but not really done anything about it. But he had not only called Tommy off, he put him in his place, and then helped the kid.
Yeah that was quite the turn around. So he just did like he would have done at basketball game.
He clapped his hands together once, nice and loud to make sure everyone was paying attention to him even more now.
“Right,” he said loudly. “Nothing more to see here. Move along now.”
They stared at him in even further shock now.
“Come on,” Steve said impatiently. “Move along. Shoo!” He waved his hands in front of him, trying to get them leave, but it was like herding cats.
Someone slammed their locker and that broke them out of their trance allowing them to move about their day like that didn’t just happen.
Steve looked around and saw Eddie Munson leaning against his locker, with his arms crossed. A locker, Steve was pretty sure was open when he walked in that morning.
That was certainly interesting.
Eddie had been having a rough morning. He spilled milk on his only clean pair of jeans. He was going to do laundry after school. He was! He just didn’t do it over the weekend because he had gotten a new book. A book that was currently being painstakingly dried out by Uncle Wayne with an old hair dryer, because Eddie dropped it in the sink. Then he almost forgot his homework and had to run back for it. He had managed to get to school on time, but Tommy H. had decided to chose violence that morning against a nerdy little freshman literally next to his locker.
He promised Uncle Wayne that if Tommy started something that he wouldn’t fucking finish it. He needed to graduate from high school and as it much as it sucked ass, he had to look the other way.
So imagine his surprise when Steve got in Tommy’s face and almost threw hands with the guy, telling him to back off. What was even more surprising was how quickly Tommy stood down.
But that wasn’t the last of Steve Harrington’s surprises, oh no...
He helped the kid gather up his stuff and offered himself as a white knight if Tommy did it again. But by then Harrington had drawn quite the crowd, but instead of soaking the attention like the full tilt diva the asshole jock most certainly was, he had tried to disperse the crowd. Like the attention had made him uncomfortable.
So he thought he’d throw the king a bone and slammed his locker shut. The loud noise startled the populous out of their stupor and sent them packing. He was more than a little shocked to see that maybe Steve had figured out who had rescued him.
And wasn’t that a kick in the head.
By the time he got to lunch news had spread that that morning’s incident was only the start of the king’s campaign to clean up the hallowed halls of Hawkins High. According to ye ole rumor mill, Steve had broken up a fight, called out two accounts of bullying, and stopped a class from rioting when the teacher had a medical emergency.
What was even more surp– he needed to find another word. Shocking. Astounding. Astonishing. Mind-boggling.
Anyway Steve sat down next to Carol and Tommy. Like even the great ex Nancy Wheeler dropped her fork, flabbergasted.
Tommy and Carol exchanged a glance.
“What are you doing here, Harrington?” Tommy growled. “Why don’t you sit next to your girlfriend? Oh that’s right she dumped your ass.”
Steve cocked his head to the side. “You made a valid point, we have been friends for years and I’ve decided I’m tired of running away from my problems.”
“And what,” Carol sneered, “we’re one of your problems now? Fuck off, Steve.”
Steve threaded his fingers together and rested his chin on his knuckles. “You didn’t use to be this way, you know. You used to be the sweetest girl and I’m trying to figure out if it was Tommy that made you this way or if you turning into a bitch is what made Tommy become such an ass?”
Tommy and Carol’s heads rocked back in unison. Tommy moved to stand up to hit him, but Carol pulled him back down.
“If we bother you so much why don’t you leave and stay gone?” she asked, low and menacingly. “We don’t need you, you need us. We made you king.”
Steve threw his head back and laughed. “No, you really didn’t. You need someone to keep you from your worst selves. And that’s what I’m going to do. You could be good.” He slid a piece of paper over to Tommy. “This is Miss Chen, the school counselor’s office hours. You will make an appointment with her by the end of the day.”
Tommy threw it on the table. “Fuck off, Harrington. You can’t make me.”
Steve leaned forward on his elbows. “Actually you’ll find that I can. After all they’re still trying to find the culprit who put the smoke bomb in the garbage in the principal’s office last year.” He slapped the table for emphasis. “It would be a real shame if they learned it was you.”
Tommy blanched and gulped heavily. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would,” Steve confirmed. “I know too much about you to have you go against me.”
Carol folded her arms and huffed. “Like we don’t have information on you, too.”
“Do you though?” he asked, sitting back in the chair and lazily stuff his hands in pockets. “I was never directly involved in any of it. Including the buying of weed for all those parties.”
This time Carol’s color drained. “Shit.”
“So this how it’s going to go,” Steve murmured. “You two have become my pet projects. I’m going to see if you can be reformed. Become better people. And to do that, we’re going to have to be friends again.”
Carol frowned as she twirled her hair around a finger. “Why are you doing this, Steve? I mean really. When you think people aren’t watching you, you get this haunted expression. It’s a little freaky, honestly.”
Steve sighed. “I have learned the hard way that running every time things get tough will only lead to worse consequences and I hate to see you come to harm because you realized the same thing too late.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I do care about you guys, of course I do. But this behavior is frightening. What if you hurt someone so bad that they took their life or they died because of your direct actions? Do you really think you could live with yourselves?”
“Tha–that can’t really happen, can it?” Carol asked, holding up her hand to stall Tommy from scoffing.
Steve shrugged nonchalantly. “That something you really want to test?” He leaned forward again on his elbows. “Having someone’s blood on your hands?”
They were both thinking it but Tommy beat Carol to it. “Is this what this about? Barb Holland? You know that wasn’t your fault, right?”
Steve turned his head away.
Carol slapped her hands on the table on either side of her tray. “If that’s what Miss Priss said, blackmail be damned, Steve, I’m going throw hands, do you understand me?”
Steve’s head snapped her direction. “What?”
“Look,” Tommy said, “what happened to her was a shame, but you did everything you could to make sure she was okay before we went in to dry off.”
“Like, she wasn’t even supposed to be there that night,” Carol said, nodding. “That’s all on Nancy. Don’t carry her shit too, just because you loved her. You tried to include Barb and she was rude.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath and nodded, choking down tears. “Thanks, guys.”
“I suppose,” Tommy said with a put on sigh, “we could be nicer. I guess.”
Steve threw back his head and laughed as Carol shook her head. He stuck out his hand. “Friends?”
Tommy shook it first and then Carol.
“Friends,” they agreed.
Eddie wasn’t able to hear what Steve and Tommy and Carol were talking about, but whatever it was it had ripples that quivered through the halls of the school.
Word had it that Tommy was seeing the school counselor and Carol had stopped making snide comments in passing.
Like, you could tell Carol was fighting back every nasty word that came to her head, as Steve would nudge her side and she would whisper to him what she was thinking instead. You could tell she was still being nasty but at least it wasn’t aimed at the target anymore.
But there were starting to be other changes too.
The basketball team was the worst of the jocks when it came to harassing the masses, but when Steve caught one of the members bullying someone, the next day, the guy was too tired to start shit.
So Eddie decided it was time for a little research and that meant actually going to PE. Fuck, he hated high school.
He dragged his ass to PE and the coach merely raised an eyebrow, but wisely said nothing. He knew why Eddie was there. Same reason as all the other kids that never came started showing up.
Steve Harrington.
The coach blew his whistle to call a foul and the kid who had been fouled immediately got up and in the other guy’s face.
Faster than lightning, Steve was between before the coach could even take a step toward the mounting trouble.
“Come on, Kenny,” Steve was saying soothingly. “It was fair play, you were just in the right place at the wrong time. Walk it off, then take your shot. You’ve got this.”
Kenny glared at the other player, but did as Steve suggested. Steve turned to the other player and patted him on the chest, murmuring something Eddie couldn’t hear, but the other guy just nodded and took his place on the line.
Eddie laughed out loud when Kenny biffed both shots and the other team got the ball. He didn’t know enough about basketball, but he could still appreciate a good strategy when he saw it.
As the game wore on, Eddie was starting to see the pattern emerge. If it was malicious, Steve would be up in the guy’s face telling him to knock it off and to play clean. If it was a good play and the fouled player was pissed, Steve would calm him down and praise the other team.
It was almost freaky how well Steve seemed to know the difference. And Eddie loved freaky.
Part 2 Part 3
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yikesmary · 1 year
FOUR: SHE FALLS HARDER — choi seungcheol x reader
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summary: where seungcheol takes care of you while you're sick and it leads you to interesting realizations.
notes: hi yes hello this series might end soon because i don't want to drag it on. there might be one more chapter after this one but i don't know how to end it so please be patient. or if you want, share some ideas with me.
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"Cheol, you don't have to stay. You had plans and you shouldn't cancel them because of me,"
"I'm cancelling because I want to take care of you. What kind of person would I be if I went out with knowing you were sick," Seungcheol told you.
"But you've been looking forward to hanging out with your friends without me for the first time in awhile,"
Seungcheol gave you a look then said, "They're just not my friends, they are yours too, you know. I bet Joshua or Soonyoung would get offended you don't see them as friends,"
Giving you a glass of water and cold medicine, Seungcheol had made sure you drank a good amount of it without overdoing it. He then gestured you to lean forward, and then he fluffed your pillows.
"Go to sleep for at least a couple of hours. I'll call the guys and tell them I'm taking care of you," he instructed, before leaving the bedroom
You had somehow became sick overnight, feeling fine the night before and waking up with a headache and a stuffy nose. You tried hiding it from Seungcheol, in order to make sure that he was going out with the others.
But he knew you better than you thought, because he immediately noticed something was wrong that second you didn't tease him for his bedhead hair like you've done since he moved in. Which was why he basically shoved a thermometer in your hands and told you to check your temperature.
Knowing that you had no choice, you decided to listen to Seungcheol and take a nap.
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The smell of something delicious being cooked woke you up. And when you opened your eyes and looked around, you forgot what was happening for a second. But then the events that had happened only hours before, where Seungcheol decided to take care of you took over your memory.
Standing up from your bed, you felt a bit chilly, so you took your blanket and wrapped yourself with it.
Shuffling out of the bedroom, you moved to the kitchen where the smell was coming from. And you saw a steaming pot of something which must be where the smell was coming from with Seungcheol stirring it slowly.
At the sound of your footsteps, Seungcheol looked up to see you bundled up in a blanket. He smiled softly at the sight of you before his expression turned into concern. "What are you doing awake and up? I thought I told you to sleep," he told you.
"The smell woke me up, it smells yummy," you said.
"I hope it is, or else my mother would kill me if I got her soup recipe wrong," Seungcheol said.
"You didn't have to do this for me,"
"Like I said, I wanted to take care of you. And the soup is no problem. When I was younger, my mom would make me the soup when I was sick and I always felt better after eating it. So, I thought you'd be the same," he explained.
The thought of him calling his mom and following the step by step instructions that came from her warmed your heart.
"The soup's almost done. I was planning to give the soup in bed but since you woke up, just sit there and don't do anything," Seungcheol said.
You followed his instruction, taking a seat at the table. You were still able to see him from your vantage point, so you settled on watching him as he prepared the soup.
He grabbed a bowl from one of the cabinets and was careful not to spill any of the soup when he poured it in. Seungcheol placed the soup on the table in front of you. "I hope it tastes good," he said, placing a spoon beside the bowl.
"Are you going to eat too?" you questioned.
"I'll eat later," he shrugged.
"How are you feeling?"
"I feel better than earlier. I think it was one of those one day sickness, so the soup would probably make me feel fully better," you said, taking a sip of the soup and you hummed at how good it tasted.
"This tastes so good, Cheol," you complimented.
Seungcheol beamed at your compliment, and he was about to reply when he was cut off by the sound of your doorbell going off. You looked at him confused, but he seemed to know what it was about, so he stood up and walked to answer the door.
You went back to eating the soup, but the sound of various voices stopped you. Just then, your 12 friends entered the kitchen, hands full with gift bags. "What are you guys doing here?" you asked, surprised.
"Cheol told us you were sick and we went to buy stuff to make you feel better," Minghao said.
"Aww, you guys didn't have to do that," you said, taking the gift bag that Seungkwan was offering to you.
"Well, Cheol couldn't be the only one to see you," Jihoon said.
"Trust me, he tried stopping us," Jeonghan added.
Mingyu then spotted the soup you had and turned around to see that still steaming pot of soup on the stove. He tried reaching out for your bowl, but Seungcheol smacked his hand away. "Not for you, only for her," he told Mingyu, who pouted.
"You've never made us soup before," Jun said.
"Well, he's in love with none of us so,"
You froze at that, realizing how domestic this all must look. Seungcheol sacrificed his entire afternoon/evening to take care of you.
This wasn't something someone would do for their fake relationship, so now you were thinking. You guys somehow blurred the lines of what was fake and what was real.
You knew that this wasn't going to last forever. You realized that, as long as this relationship was fake, there was going to be an end someday. And you didn't want someday to come.
Since you were in love with him.
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taglist (crossed out names mean tumblr isn't letting me tag you for some reason): @geniejunn @whyisaah @goquokka @wnewoo @aurasblue @dkluvrsclub @slut4donghyuck @staurdvst @whippedforjihoon @cakeart12 @venusprada @buffhoshi @cherryredcheol @heeseungdiaries @pluviophile-xxx @tyongff-ff @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @youre-on-your-ownkid @lukeys-giggle @scorpiobitch88 @forever-in-the-sky2 @joonsytip @haolistic @becauseiloveyunho @alonelystarfish @samvagejkflxhrt @violetvoo @ohmyhuenings @minghaossv @laurasseditss @sanniekook
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ellieluvr420 · 8 months
We meet again, darling epilogue (detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader x detective Ellie Williams)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
SMUT mdni
I hope this is a good ending to the series for you beautiful people that have followed the story from the beginning!!!
You lay on the large bed that overlooks the ocean on your private beach with Abby cuddling into your side, an arm lazily draped over your stomach. You had been here for just over a year now and you still never get bored of your daily routine, the constant sun and heat only sweetened the deal more for you as you gaze at the freckles that dot Abby's shoulders and face, she looked so cute with the permanent blush that crept over her nose and cheeks and you couldn't help but reminisce on your time with her in the city, although you missed it the sight of her now reminded you why you hadn't regretted your decision once. You're taking in her sun-kissed appearance when she shifts so that she can look you in the eyes.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course my love."
"How were you able to just up and leave so quick? Within a week of us speaking to Ricky you were ready to just up and leave the country. You had planned our deaths, you dealt with your penthouse, the business, everything, in a week. How did you do it?"
"I had been preparing to leave for awhile. I knew me taking over the Met would blow everything up so I got my affairs in order."
"Why would you do it if you knew it would go bad?" Her thumb was rubbing soothing circles into your side as you scratched at her scalp.
"I was bored, I was ready to go so I decided to go out with a bang, did me a favour that taking over the Met lined my pockets a little too before we left but I mainly wanted to really screw them over before I left."
"Why wouldn't you just tell me that?"
"If I had told you from the beginning that you'd end up running away with me to live happily ever after you wouldn't have taken me up on my offer would you?"
"So you knew and planned all of this from the beginning?" Her words were spoken with caution, her stomach twisted a little as you spoke.
"Yes, I had caught wind of my brother's frustrations with how I was running things so I was looking for a reason to cut ties so it would be clean and easy. When the opportunity to take over the Met came up with you I knew this was my chance. I took them over so that everything would crumble which meant I'd be able to take everything from them and my brother. I knew one day he'd try and get rid of me so I just had to wait for him to do that so I could end him. I knew what was coming so I informed Jeremy and a few others that when the time came I would pay them a huge bonus to dispose of his body and then scatter, of course their silence was part of the deal." Abby was quiet as she took in everything you said, she couldn't believe it but despite hearing all of this there was only one question on her mind.
"Was Ellie part of the plan?"
"No actually, she was a happy surprise, once I saw her I knew she would join us but I hadn't prepared for that from the beginning."
Abby processes everything you've said and she realises you manipulated her by playing on her greed for power and glory in her life, manipulated Ellie's need for love and company and you got what you wanted. You hadn't let go of your life in the city because it was the only choice you had, this was the plan all along and she had fallen for it completely and now there was no going back, she could never get away from you. She felt comforted by the darkness as she bathed in the glow of your love and let herself fall deeper and deeper into the hole you coaxed her into, making her bed and lying in the throes of your corruption.
As Abby lay quietly contemplating everything you had just told her Ellie walked back over to the bed with a tray of drinks in her hands and a joint hanging out of her mouth, the sight sent pulses straight to your core. She placed the tray down on the end of the bed and passed you and Abby your drinks before lighting the spliff. She inhaled deeply a couple times before passing it to you, you all took it in turns sharing until it was done and you were all blissfully laying enjoying the view you could never get enough off as you sipped your drinks. You hadn't smoked weed since your teenage years but you had come to enjoy getting high with Ellie and Abby, you pulled Ellie down to also lay on you and as her face nuzzled into your neck leaving feather light kisses you knew this would be your life until you died, the paradise you were surrounded by could be ripped away from you and you'd still be okay as long as you had them by your side,
You're interrupted from your thoughts when you feel Abby's hands wrapping around yours that's holding the drink and you let her lift it away from you and place it onto the tray at the end of the bed.
"Ellie take the drinks of the bed."
"What's the magic word?" Ellie snipes.
"I want to fuck and she'll kill us if we break anymore glasses." Ellie's eyes light up at Abby's statement and she immediately jumps up to move the drinks. You laugh at them talking like you aren't right there until they both turn to you with a carnal look in their eyes.
"Hey babe." Abby purrs as she sits on her knees facing you.
"Hi honey." You say in an annoyingly innocent tone.
"You gonna let us have our way with you?" Ellie questions although it sounds like more of a statement. Over the year that you had spent here you found yourself relaxing into a more submissive role when you slept together, you trusted them and enjoyed giving control to them in bed now you didn't need to have such a tight grip on everything in your life.
"Hmm ask nicely." The shift in power dynamic didn't stop you from fighting them a little.
"Please let us fuck you baby. You know how good we can make you feel." Abby kisses up the thigh of the leg she had wrapped around her waist as she speaks and you shiver at the tickle.
"You know you want it." Ellie had returned to her place at your side and was lightly circling your nipple with her index finger as she spoke.
"Well if you want me that bad how can I refuse?" As soon as you utter those words Ellie is attaching her lips to yours while Abby rips down your bikini bottoms. You're so entranced by the tangle of yours and Ellie's tongues that when Abby's lips attach to your clit and suck with a fervour you gasp in shock. Ellie keeps you firmly held in place as she pushes impossibly further into your mouth, her fingers are pinching and rubbing at your sensitive nipples as your hands find their way into her hair, you tug at her locks as Abby thrusts her middle and ring finger into your dripping hole, her pace only quickens as does Ellie's lips against yours. You can barely breathe with the stimulation they were both giving you, Abby's tongue swirling and sucking on your clit, even occasionally nipping at it as Ellie swirls her tongue over your neck and jawline following its path with open-mouthed kisses that leave a trail of bruises. Before you even register it you're finishing with a scream that's muffled by Ellie's lips that never left yours for a second.
"Come on you." As you're basking in the glow of your orgasm Ellie hoists you up over her shoulder so your hips are bent over it and your face is directly in front of her ass, you can't help but watch it as she walks, the sight making you lick your lips. You look up at Abby following behind and the image of her sucking her fingers clean as she walks makes your cheeks heat. Ellie bites and pinches at your thighs as she walks you to your shared bedroom where she throws you down on the bed. They both stand there eyeing you hungrily as you bite your lip in return.
Ellie climbs onto the bed, simultaneously manhandling you so you're straddling her thigh, Abby joins you both as she sits next to Ellie and pulls you into a longing kiss. You groan as you taste yourself on her tongue and Ellie takes that as her signal to start grinding your hips into her thigh, Abby smiles into the kiss as you gasp and pant, struggling to kiss her back as Ellie's pace quickens. The sensitivity from your previous climax makes your head spin as you feel yourself edging closer to that release all too quickly. Their hands were everywhere they could reach, grabbing and squeezing as the friction of your clit rubbing against Ellie's strong thigh made your breath hitch.
"You look so pretty like this babe." Ellie whispers in your ear before attaching her lips to your neck, your response is a groan that's muffled by Abby's plush lips that never stop her attack on yours. You moan as your hips stutter and you see white as your second orgasm washes over you, Abby detaches her lips from yours to let you catch your breath. Your forehead rests on Abby's shoulder as she rubs at your back while Ellie strokes your hair.
"You look tired, don't tell me you're going soft on us." Abby tuts at you and your lift your head to meet her eyes and smirk.
"You wish." They both chuckle but not enough for them to miss the tiny yawn you suppressed.
"Well you may not be tired but I definitely am." Abby did an overly dramatic yawn.
"Yeah me too." Ellie smiles at you as you raise an eyebrow at her knowingly. You appreciate them playing the game with you, weed had always made you so tired and that combined with sitting in the sun all day knocked you out every time. Abby wasn't lying when she said she was tired though, you all were and the dazed look in their eyes gave them away entirely. You giggle and get off of the bed walking to the ensuite.
"Well how about we pick this back up later on then hm? I need a shower, anyone joining me?" You smirk to yourself as you hear them both rush off of the bed to follow you, you hear their clothes dropping to the floor before you feel their bodies lingering behind yours as you turned the shower on.
You're all basking under the soothing patter of the water falling onto you, you were sandwiched between Abby and Ellie who were facing each other with your arms wrapped round Abby's waist resting your head on her chest. Ellie was rubbing your back as her and Ellie shared a sweet but passionate kiss, you could've fallen asleep right there and then until you jump at the cold loofah being rubbed over your back. The flowery smell of your body wash invades your nostrils and you sigh into Abby's chest as Ellie begins rubbing the loofah all over your arms, she bends down and kisses every inch of the skin on your legs before rubbing suds over them too. As she stands she spins you around to face her pressing a light kiss on your lips before massaging the front of your body with the soapy loofah. She purposely avoids your chest until she's washed everywhere else, the feeling of Ellie rubbing at your tits as Abby bites and sucks on your shoulder has you panting as your head falls back onto Abby.
"God I love your boobs like this. Do you think it would taste bad if I licked the soap off?" Ellie questions. Abby scoffs and you snort before pulling her flush against you. You stay entangled together until you slip from between them, tutting at their matching pouts.
"Don't look at me like that. I'm clean, you're both dirty. Clean up and come meet me downstairs alright?" You wink as you grab your towel wrapping it around yourself and walking off before they can protest.
Ellie looks at Abby with a mischievous smile as she holds up the loofah. "Want me to do you?"
"You're alright thanks." Abby chuckles before pulling Ellie into a harsh kiss, the loofah is long forgotten as Abby pushes Ellie until her back hits the shower wall. Ellie hisses at the sudden cold and Abby looks at her unimpressed. "Don't be a baby."
She kisses down Ellie's neck as her fingers creep towards Ellie's core. As Abby's fingers draw tight circles around Ellie's bud, Ellie's hands find their way into the taller women's hair, tugging hard so that Abby's face is pulled from her neck. They kiss again, though this time it was rushed and feverish as Ellie's hand finds its place at Abby's centre. They both replicate each other's motions as they inch each other towards their orgasms, they're barely kissing each other anymore, instead panting into each other's mouths as their legs tremble. As they both finish they share one more sloppy kiss before grabbing their respective soaps and loofahs, Abby's red and Ellie's purple, you thought you were hilarious buying their loofahs in colours that matched their straps. Once they were both clean they hopped out of the shower both grabbing their towels before walking to meet you.
As they walked into the kitchen they were shocked to see you standing there naked sipping a glass of wine, your face perks up at the sight of them before you hold a hand out to them stopping them in their tracks. "Drop the towels." They huff and roll their eyes as they both do what you say and unwrap their towels. The sight of them standing there completely naked, their muscles rippling with every small movement has you biting your lip and clenching your thighs as they continue walking over to you. "Give me a spin I wanna see the back too." They both spin looking equally as smug and you whistle at them. "That'll do it." They both come to stand beside you each placing a kiss on your cheek.
"I'm feeling a little objectified right now babe." Ellie whispers in your ear and you laugh as you grab her face.
"Sorry love, I promise I don't love you just for that banging body you've got."
"You love me?" Ellie looks like a deer caught in headlights. You had been more affectionate since moving here with the both of them but you had still never said you loved them, you often found yourself pondering it when you had a moment alone. All your life you had accepted the fact that you didn't feel things the way normal people did, the day you killed Richter was the first time you questioned the truth to that statement and the doubt in your mind had only grown. You didn't understand love, you hadn't felt loved by your parents as a child and you had always kept yourself closed off from any relationships as to not create a weakness for yourself so you weren't entirely sure what love was.
But when you looked at both their sun kissed faces framed by their wet hair, you knew, you knew that what you felt for them was love. It wasn't the kind of feeling that weighed on you the way your soft spot for Richter did, it made you feel light as a feather, like you could float away if they weren't there holding you and you're so glad they're holding you because the thought of leaving them caused your stomach to twist.
"Ellie, of course I love you. I love you, Abby, I love you both more than myself, which is hard."
"Oh believe me, we know." Abby snarks before cuddling into your side. "I love you." She directs her attention to Ellie and they exchange an awkward smile. "I love you too, you're both pains in my ass but I love you." Ellie holds Abby's hand that was resting on the small of your back as she mouths 'I love you too.' You smile and turn to face them pulling them into a hug as you take in their fresh scents. You never imagined yourself this way, it felt too soft and humane.
It felt too good for someone like you which is exactly why you love it. Richter had been right that day when you said you always wanted things you couldn't have. It always made you feel powerful, and now standing here with the most beautiful women you had ever laid eyes on, you realised you actually did it. You had proved Richter wrong because there was nothing you couldn't have.
You had it all now.
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fictarian · 1 year
Could i request Hobie w/ reader who struggles with expressing their emotions?🫶
𝐇𝐢𝐦 <𝟑 . ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝐏𝐭. 𝟖
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ღ I’m not gonna lie, I had such a hard time thinking of how I would portray the reader since there are multiple reasons as to why someone would struggle with expressing themselves, but I ultimately decided on making the reader reclusive, quiet, and VERY awkward. Shout out to my introverted and socially awkward followers, we’re in the same sinking boat 🔥
ღ This kind of strayed from the original request so that’s MY BAD (me when ADHD)
ღ Also, here’s the update on the votes for the next series— It’s currently tied between Miles (both 1610 and 42) and Pavitr Prabhakar, BUT, Spider Noir is currently in the lead. The voting ends when I post part 10 of ‘Him’, and that’s when I’ll choose the winner. So if you haven’t already, go ahead and vote here
ღ Good lord i’m running out of banners, maybe this is my sign to do another profile theme change
ღ Pervious part can be found here !
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• It’s a mystery to everyone as to how you and Hobie started dating, given that you both are polar opposites. And to be honest, you have no idea how you managed to bag him either LMFAO.
• You probably met him at the local record store while you were browsing through some of your favorite albums when Hobie suddenly came up to you, asking if you knew where a certain artist was. You didn’t respond to his question for a good couple of minutes, since you were still trying to comprehend the fact that a fine ass, 6’3, punk lover was actually talking to you and you weren’t dreaming.
• When you did respond, your answer came out in a jumble of loud incoherent words (y/n ahh 😭). Of course he didn’t understand what you were saying, so you repeated yourself MUCH quieter, and that didn’t help at all.
• In the end, you just pointed to where the albums Hobie wanted were located before hastily turning around while cursing yourself for fumbling so badly.
• I like to think that Hobie often hangs out with loud and extroverted people, so seeing someone that was the complete opposite of that was refreshing for him (no matter how awkward the situation was). And honestly, Hobie found it cute that he made you react like that from just him talking to you.
• So when you were at the counter paying for your albums, best believe that Hobie came up and payed for your shit as a way to engage in conversation. You did NOT know how to react to that, especially when Hobie only winked and slid you the receipt. He turned it over, which revealed a collection of numbers in messy hand writing.
• “Go head and add my number f’me, love” Your jaw dropped, causing Hobie to chuckle before he pushed himself off the counter waving goodbye to you before exiting the store.
• It took you awhile to actually message him, since you had no clue what to say. But talking to him on phone was much easier in your book, since you didn’t have to rely on your voice much and the thoughts that usually ran through your head in public were slowed.
• You started out with a simple hey and a thank you, and the conversation started from there. Since it was over text, you became a lot more at ease and relaxed while talking with Hobie. However, some (if not all) of the texts he sent made you giggle and kick your feet like a school girl 💀.
• At one point Hobie began flirting and soon, you became daring enough to flirt back.
• ‘Daring now, aren’t we? I bet you wouldn’t say all of this face to face ;)’ ‘Watch me’
• You eat those words when you two set up a place to meet up, and Hobie starts teasing you about the texts you sent NONSTOP. His teasing only makes you act worse and public, and somehow increases your stuttering x10.
• And even when he isn’t teasing you, every single thing Hobie says still makes you trip. For example, when you’re talking, and then he asks you in his deep and gritty voice ‘Speak up f’me, love. I can barley ‘ere a word that comes outta yer pretty mouth’
• 🧍
• Despite your differences and how easily it was for Hobie to make your brain rot, you two grew quite close over a short period of time.
• He’d always push you to do more things and meet more people, and even if it doesn’t work out, Hobie would always praise you for trying and getting out of your comfort zone.
• Hobie would he very supportive and patient with you, since he knows how difficult it is for you to properly get your words out. But even then, he still LOVES teasing you and seeing just how easily he effects you.
• Overall, Hobie would be your #1 hypeman and biggest supporter while also managing to be the reason of your demise
tag list ! @zalayni @luvstarrstruck @jrrantss @pixqlsin @kairiscorner @k4tsu3 @asmobeuses @maxoloqy @miirene
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thesetrashimagines · 5 months
You’re a Curse Baby Pt.9
A Jujutsu Kaisen Imagine (reader insert)
Warnings: mentions of suicide/self sacrifice, fighting,
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AN: Hey guys.....so it's been 3 years....my life has completely changed since I started this fic and I'm very sorry to have paused it for so long. But I've had the urge to get back into writing. This will be the last part of the series that follows the OG storyline. I'll be going off-script and into a new timeline written by me😈. Hope y'all are ready for a new chapter (and hopefully not too many slow updates) sorry for the extreme authors note but you deserved to know lmao.
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“You still okay back there?” Gojo jostled you, neither of you have spoken for quite awhile. The storm overhead was mostly gone, nothing but an overcast left to show your mood. You wordlessly nodded against his shoulder. “You wanna tell me what’s been going on?” He turned to take the path that led back to the old shrine. “I figured out how to exercise other curses.....along with myself.” The white haired man’s step faltered, “That patchwork curse, he can manipulate souls and since I can touch souls and go through memories, I thought maybe I could also manipulate souls. I was able to make contact with his soul and during our fight I could feel our energies merging so I started to use my energy to exercise him.” Gojo stayed quiet as you spoke, “He had a strong grip on me so I decided it would be best if I killed both of us. It was easy, all I had to do was turn our cursed energy into life energy and then let our souls slowly dwindle.” The older man stepped over pieces of the broken temple. “But you were unsuccessful.” You nodded against his back again.
“Yes he has much more experience with souls then I do, he was able to pull away.” You let one hand go back and rub at your sore eyes, “After the mission my body was weak, probably the weakest it’s ever been. I tried to heal myself and repair my soul at the same time.” Gojo spoke, “That doesn’t sound very smart.” You slumped against his back, “No it wasn’t. My body couldn’t take the constant rise and fall of my energy. Every piece of my soul that came back, my cursed energy doubled, and since I was using it to also heal my wounds, it would fall back down to a low level.” You looked over to the old broken temple, “I thought it would be okay since I knew I’d be here, the less energy the less I’d be detected.” Gojo slowed to a stop and turned his head back to you, “And?” You stared back at his black blindfold, “I pushed everything down, my energy came back tenfold and tore through all of the walls I put up, it made me panic and I ran into the woods outside of the event. I bumped into some low grade curses, they had me trapped and unable to move so I did the only thing I could and let my energy free again. I might’ve accidentally started a fire.” Gojo laughed and placed you on your feet, “From what I seen and heard, you’ve caused a few fires.” You looked at your hands sheepishly, “Yeah...” The sorcerer watched as your eyebrows pinched together, “But that’s not when I lost control.” Your hands shook, “My emotions....that curse said that it was there to kill you and hurt everyone else. I couldn’t stop myself from feeling scared, then I got angry, so angry.” Your voice became small and quiet, “I wanted to kill them. I was so blind with rage I almost-” Your hand smack over your mouth as a sob escaped your lips.
Gojo watched as guilt and shame over took you, your sobs echoed throughout the forest as you crumbled to the floor. It was obvious you felt bad for whatever had happened. “What did you almost do Y/n?” Your hands planted themselves on the ground as you leaned forward, tears fell from your eyes and drop to the soil, little wet patches spotted the dirt. You heaved and hiccupped, Gojo went to your side and sat down, rubbing a hand up and down your back. “I almost- I almost killed Yuji.” Your resolve had completely broken, the storm had come back loud and unforgiving, the rain fell to the Earth in fat droplets and thunder rumbled. To Gojo’s surprise there was no lightning dancing across the sky, had you exhausted yourself? He turned his eyes back to you and saw your hands covering your face as you cried, small purple tentacles played on your skin and hopped from tear drop to tear drop that rolled down your hands and arms. He looked at the hand he had on your back, the little sparks flitted about, halting themselves before getting to close to his skin. He finally understood.
“You’re scared of yourself.” His words caused you to curl further into yourself, “You didn’t kill Yuji, he’s fine.” Your head shook violently, “Gojo I almost killed him!” You finally turned to look at him, your face was wet with tears, eyes almost grey in colour and rimmed red. The blood and dirt on your face was close to being gone from your tears and constant rubbing. “But you didn’t.” Your face scrunched up and your hands lifted into the air, “Don’t you understand?! I almost killed him! I almost took his life away! Again! They were right, I’m a monster, a good for nothing curse!” Your head dropped back into your hands as you continued to ramble,  “He tackled me to the ground and I thought I was getting attacked again, I almost hit him...” You clenched your eyes shut, “His eyes, he looked at me with so much fear, he was scared of me...” The first flash of lightening darted across the sky.
“You didn’t kill him though. You were able to stop yourself.” A hand grabbed onto yours and pulled them away from your face. “And from how I saw the two of you were after the fight, I would guess he understood that you were acting on instincts.” Gojo tilted his head down to try and meet your eyes, “It’s normal to act on instincts, that’s kinda what they’re made for.” When you didn’t react to his little quip, he knew you were still shaken. “What if next time I can’t stop myself?” Your eyes fluttered up to his. “Do you want to hurt Yuji?” Your eyebrows furrowed, “No.” A smile spread on Gojo’s face, “Then you don’t have to worry about that.” He leaned back on his hands, “It’s a good thing I have my infinity on,” You looked up and realized how dry he was compared to you and the surrounding area, “Or I’d look like a wet rat like you.” You sniffled and smirked. A hand came down to your shoulder, “Don’t sell yourself short Y/n, You’re stronger than you think.” He groaned a little as he stood up.
“You may be a curse but there is a streak of humanity in you.” He bent at the waist, “How bout we train after the exchange event? Hm? Just you and me.” A small smile graced your features, “Okay...” He straightened up with a shout, “Alright!” The sun peered back down over the forest, glistening off of the rain drops. Gojo turned and started to walk away, “Come on baby curse, we still have an event to finish!” He put his arms behind his head as he walked forward, you dawdling on behind him like a baby duck. He wasn’t worried you would snap, you were too worried about keeping him and the others safe and happy. He knew why you were constantly trying to please him, you were created on the feelings of abandonment and among many other emotions but he knew you would do anything to stay with him and his students. You were loyal and you would rather die then you break it. Yes you were a ticking bomb at times but nothing like a few words helped you calm down. The bond and trust you had with Gojo and his students was incredible. Gojo knew of your attachment to the them but he’d be lying if he didn’t say he was a little attached to you too.
“So how is it possible that you get along with a gorilla like Todo?” Nobara nibbled on her pizza. “Well the two of us got along but it was like, I mean I do remember everything but it feels like I wasn’t exactly myself at the time.” Megumi looked uninterested in Yuji’s and Nobara’s conversation, his eyes drifted over to you where you sat off to the side staring down at your lap. You haven’t said a word or moved since Gojo came in and placed you in the chair, something was obviously bothering you but Megumi wasn’t sure how to ask.
“What do you mean? Were you drinking?” The girls voice brought him back to reality.
“You seriously believe I could’ve been drinking liquor in a situation like that? That would’ve been insane.” Yuji turned his attention to Megumi, “Anyways I’m just glad your injuries weren’t too serious Fushiguro, to your health and this pizza.” Yuji took a large bite from his slice while Nobara had another small piece. The dark haired boy looked between his friends, “You guys could’ve brought me something easier to digest.”
“No complaining.” Nobara spoke with her mouth open.
“Apparently I got off easier because my cursed was all gone and Ieiri was able to fix me up as soon as the roots were removed.” Megumi saw your ears perk up at the mention of his injuries. “Oh so that’s what happened?” Yuji swallowed his food. “You should know, you fought against them too didn’t you?” The pink haired boy nodded and shrugged his shoulders. “Itadori,” Megumi turned to Yuji who paused with his mouth open midbite, “You know you’ve grown a lot stronger. Before we both said that we stood by our convictions, I still think that’s true. But then on the other hand you could we’re both wrong about all of that.” Out of the corner of his eye, Megumi saw you turn you head slightly towards him, dimly glowing grey lilac eyes watching him. “Some question don’t have any answers,” Nobara placed her face on her palm, “Don’t think so hard, you’ll go bald.” Megumi sighed, “You’re right. I know it’s just a matter of trying to accept it.” He looked down at his bedding, “But why accept something you don’t want, only weak sorcerers do that. So I’ve decided,” His dark eyes met Yuji’s brown ones, “I’ll surpass you.” Yuji let out a laugh, “You never change.” Nobara looked at the two boys annoyed, “Did I get left out of the conversation again?”
“I don’t think it makes you weak.” The trio turned to look at you, “Wouldn’t not knowing the answer make you strong? Since you are constantly looking for it, wouldn’t that make you brave? Or that one word, um...courageous?”
Nobara let out a bit of air, “Why does the curse always sound so wise.” You all laughed a little.
“There you go, that’s my brother and his friends for ya.”
You let out a yelp and fell off your chair, Todo had shown up out of nowhere at the end of Megumi’s bed. Yuji shot out of his seat and ran for the door, Todo hot on his tail. “Wait where are you going brother? Wait hold on!” The two sprinted, “Look I’m grateful for you but come on, give me a break!” Yuji jumped onto the roof.
The sun beat down on you as you sat in the dugout. “I can tell somethings been bothering you.” You tore your eyes off of Yuji and looked at Megumi in surprise, “I mean no one was okay after that fight but it seems like there’s something else going on with you.” You glanced down at the white baseball uniform you were forced to put on, “I feel like I betrayed everyone.” Megumi tried not to let shock cover his face. “Before the exchange event I did something I never thought I could do....I almost exercised my own soul.” Megumi’s eyes widened this time, “What do you m-”
“In the moment I thought it was the best plan. Afterwards though my cursed energy was extremely low, I was barely alive. The healing process was difficult, I was using my cursed energy to heal myself and try to repair the damage I had caused to my essence. I guess the constant use of my energy to heal and for my soul to regenerate was too much for me, it was like being in a tsunami, one minute the tide was low and then the next my senses would flood and every wall I put up was being destroyed.” You took a deep breath, “The days leading up to the exchange event I buried everything down and decided I would try to deal with it later but when I was in those woods...” Your mind wandered back to when you were almost consumed by the flower curse, “I ran into some curses outside of the perimeter and I was trapped. Since I buried everything, I could feel all of it pushing against the blockades, it was like I was the storm this time.” Megumi watched you pick at the fabric of your shorts, “I lost control...” Your fingers gripped the white fabric, “Then I lost it again when I was fighting that curse. I was so angry, so filled with hate, all I felt was kill. Kill, kill ,kill, there wasn’t another thought in my mind. They wanted to hurt you, Gojo, everyone and I couldn’t let that happen.” The dark haired sorcerer stared at you for awhile then ruffled your hair, “You’re okay now, we all are. You were able to pull yourself back and that’s what matters.” You swatted his hand away which made him chuckle. He and Gojo had said the same thing, you were able to snap out of it and that makes you strong. Even with their encouraging words there’s still a looming fear that sits at the back of your mind. What if you can’t stop yourself next time? You never want someone to look at you in fear, like Yuji had, ever again.
“Kugisaki snapped! It’s a free for all!” Yuji’s voice brought you out of your thoughts.
You were playing outfield, furthest away and closest to the tree line. The first few plays went well but then there was another home run. Hit straight into the forest behind you, of course you wanted to win so you ran as fast as you could into the woodland. You could just see the ball soaring through the sky, smacking into leaves so hard they detached from the branches and fell to the ground. Your neck strained as you stared up at the flying sphere, you were right underneath it but then your sight was filled with brown then green then blackness. Your foot throbbed just a tiny bit, lifting your head up from the ground you noticed a tree root had tripped you up. Letting out a groan you pushed yourself up, "Stupid tree." Standing you looked around the forest for the ball. There was no sight of the white sphere.
"I lost it..." Pouting, you continued to walk around the trees in search for the baseball. In the distance you could hear leaves rustling, thinking it was someone on your team you called out, "Hey! Did you find it?" Running towards the noise, you pushed some branches out of the way and ended up in a small clearing. The sun peaked through the treetops and shined down on a large mass hunched over. It had large shoulders, the flesh stretched over muscle, the bones of its spine poked out from under it's skin, it's thighs were as large as you were, maybe even bigger, covering it was tattered pieces of a dirtied pink fabric. From where you were standing you couldn't see it's face, it's hunched over form obscured whatever you might've seen of the front of its body.
At the sound to your voice, the creatures head shot up. Long dark brown hair flinging around wildly before settling on the creatures big shoulders. It didn't turn towards you, just sat on its haunches, back stiff straight. A small voice came from the creatures direction, "What's wrong Mama?" A little pale blue boyish face peeked around the creatures large knee. Big round eyes gawked at the sight of you, and just when you made eye contact, the little boy disappeared behind the creature again. "Mama someone's here." The young voice wavered a bit. The long brown hair shifted forward and fell down as the creature looked down at the small boy then the creature let out a chuff and whined. Clenching your hands tight in nervousness, you spoke, "I'm sorry for scaring you, I promise I'm not here to hurt you. I've lost a ball and I need to find it." The large creature flinched at the sound of your voice and curled it's massive arms around, what you could only assume, the little boy in front of it. Despite the grip on the boy, he managed to wriggle to his way above the large forearms and looked at you again. "This ball?" He raised his small hand and in it sat your baseball. You nodded, "Yeah that one! You found it! Could I have it back?" The large round eyes filled with tears, "But I don't wanna give it back." The boy started to cry causing the creature to swaddle him and, for the first time, you saw the creatures face as it threw a glare over it's shoulder at you. She had a light brown eyes, a large brow bone which was furrowed as she glared at you, a button shaped nose, and a pair of pink lips which were set in a deep frown.
You swallowed, "Oh, um....I'm sorry but I need the ball to play my game" The little boys blue image fazed out and reappeared out of the large creatures arms a couple feet away from both of you. The small boy had a giant smile on his face as he let out a laugh and waved the ball in the air, "If you want it, then you're gonna have to catch me!" And with that he turned and sprinted in the direction you came from. You threw a quick glance towards the creature and she stared dumbstruck just like you did, both of you in disbelief over the child's rebellion. You looked back to where the boy once stood and made the realization, "he's running towards everyone..." The creature next to you whipped her head and stared at you wide eyed, she knew what you meant, the boy was running to the field, with all of the humans. In a second she was gone, her large form lumbering through the trees and shaking the ground as she went. You didn't wait too long after before you also took off to catch the boy.
"Wait! Please! They'll see you!" You yelled ahead hoping the creature and the little boy would stop, but neither of them did. If anything, the little boy ran faster. The creature let out a loud vocalization, something between a yell and a grunt, you assumed it was her way to communicate with the boy that he should listen and stop running. "It's dangerous! Please I just want the ball back!"
"No! Your stupid ball is mine!" A childish giggle sung out into the woods.
You groaned and doubled down on your speed. Your body ached a bit from the excessive use it had already been put through, but you knew if this boy or his 'Mama' were seen by any of the sorcerers, they'd be eradicated.
You could see the edge of the treeline coming up quickly, the creature in front of you must've seen it too cause she pushes off her haunches and leeped forward, grabbing the small boy and skidding to a halt. You caught up to them, you and 'Mama' huffing. "Please, please can I have the ball back?" The little boy wriggled and started whining, "No! Mama let me go! I wanna go!" His little feet dangled in the air as the creature held him above the ground. "Its dangerous out here, there's people who'll make you go away, forever. It's not safe to run around in these woods." You tried to reason with the little boy but was not having it. "You're lying! You're just saying that so I give you the ball back!" Once again his corporeal image fazed out of the space, the creature let out a loud yell as she turned 360 for her little blue boy.
Off in the distance, out in the baseball field, stood the child spirit. The cursed creature put a fist into the ground to push herself forward but you were faster.
"There you are Y/n!" Yuji's voice rang out as you broke out the treeline and ran straight towards the boy. Everyone stared as your knees hit the ground and curled your arms around an invisible body. You ignored everyone as you could feel the ground shaking from thundering steps. You let out the tiniest bit of energy to tether the little boy to you.
A loud yell is heard behind you, so close your hair flies about from the air expelled. Mama was not happy. "I've got him! I've got him, look, look" You turn and show the cursed creature the little boy in your hold.
"Y/N!" Multiple foot falls start approaching you. Whipping your head around you see Yuji rushing over to you. "No! Stay back, everything's okay!" The creature raised a fist and slammed it into the ground next to you, the little boy curled further into your arms and started to wail, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I just wanted to have fun....I never get to play with anybody!" His little body shook with the tears and 'Mama' only got more angry. Her large fist was raised and ready to strike you, seeing as now you have officially become a threat. But before she's able to strike, Yuji is able to slide between the two of you and punch her. "Yuji don't!" You gasped as the creature stumbled backwards. Yuji advanced, "Don't attack her!" Your arms tightened around the little boy as his cries only grew louder.
You unwrapped one arm from the boy and shot a purple bolt out, aimed at Yuji.
Hey, how y'all doin'?😗 so ye, here part 9. I'm so sorry if it's shit and not the updated you wanted. I've had a huge change in my life and writing quickly got put on the back burner. I really am hoping I find the motivation to continue and finish this story. Let me know you liked this chapter! Much love <3
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gomzwrites · 1 year
100 Followers Special: Fic Marathon
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Uniform ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
more info on the fic marathon check out this post :)
Day 3: Konig
Tags: fluff, xtall gn!reader, implied nsfw at the end, inaccurate uniform descriptions, bad German (translation below sentences)
Notes: ・❥・reader's texts are in purple ・❥・indented texts are memories ・❥・dividers drawn by @gomzdraws ・❥・credit to shadeops21 for that one specific shirt described in this fic
a/n: side note, I don't play the game but I did watch the playthrough and ref the cod wiki page. Also remember how I was talking the amount of struggle I did for this fic? its because of the uniform part, can't for the life find out whether Austrian Colonel uniform is red-blue, stone gray or gold, don't even get me started on the insignia XD please if you know what the official uniform would look like lmk in the comment!
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Ah great, looks like we ran out of mayonnaise... Konig dear! Where are you?
A few footsteps were heard when you called for him, and within seconds, he was right at the kitchen door, a worrying face evident in his features.
Yes Liebling? What’s wrong?
Ah, nothing much; we ran out of mayonnaise and a few other items for the dinner I’m making tonight. Can you run to the store and get them for me?
Konig nodded as he quietly walked towards you and took your hand gently.
Do you have a list?
Yeah, hold on.
You quickly take out a piece of paper and scribble down the ingredients needed, fold it neatly, and hand it to him. You think for a moment before smiling as you pat his arm.
Grab some dessert on your way home as well, my treat.
You finish by giving him some cash as his eyes brighten up and he chuckles.
Okay, thank you. I’ll make sure to be back as soon as I can, my Liebling.
You give him a peck on the cheek as he wears his hood and wave him goodbye once he goes into the car. You go back into the kitchen and prepare the other necessary preparations, such as seasoning and washing, before wiping your hands clean.
You decided that since there was extra time and you had to wait for Konig to return with the groceries, you might as well do other chores. You head into the master bedroom, which both of you shared, and open the closets, taking out a few of his military suits and laying them on the bed. It had been awhile since you looked through and iron them since most of his outfits are at the base, so it was refreshing to glance back at the series of uniforms he had.
You run your hands along the combat shirt and pants he had before, smiling when you see the clear difference in sizes over the years. He does still like wearing his black tactical Cyre G3 combat shirt, but what you really like is his Colonel uniform.
You lift it up as you examine it closely, tracing over the different badges and insignia sewed onto the uniform. You chuckle when you recall the memory of when he came home in it.
My dear! Wow, look at you all fancy and looking important! You give a whistle and chuckle as you quickly greet him and stare at him excitedly. Ah, please don't, my Liebling, this is embarrassing… Konig said as he quickly undressed and tossed the uniform onto the floor. But you’re the Colonel! Isn’t that, like, a great achievement in the military? Konig didn't reply as he sighed and kissed your hair; he didn't make any more comments about it, and you never brought it up since it bothered him, not until two days later during the late hours. You felt him rolling to your side as he slung his arm around your waist and pulled you close. I don’t like being one; it brings too much attention to myself. He mumbles as he buries his head into your neck, and you nod in understanding after making sense of what he was talking about and cooed him back to sleep.
But it looks so cool.
You thought to yourself as you looked at the collar, lined with delicate gold arabesques, as it shimmered under the light. You give a hum before you let the impulsive thought win and decide to wear it.
Truthfully, you’re also quite tall yourself thanks to your family’s genes, standing proudly at 6 ft tall(185cm), while Konig is just a few more inches taller around 6.6 ft tall(roughly at 200cm). It’s perfect because you can easily kiss his cheek without much effort and watch him blush hard every single time. He’s never gotten used to having someone who can stare at him the way you do so openly and with ease.
You decided that if you’re going to wear something this extravagant, you might as well go full out. So you promptly remove your shirt and wear the uniform carefully. It wasn’t comfortable due to how rigid the cloth felt against your skin, and the pants were a bit longer, but once you glanced at the mirror, you were quite proud and shocked at how good it looked on you, and it fits well, surprisingly. Well, everything except the sleeves. As always, it was also a bit too long and ended on your knuckles, so you just folded them up.
An idea pops into your mind the more you stare at yourself in the mirror.
You give a hum of amusement as you twirl and stretch around, giggling when you decide to imitate your boyfriend. You take a moment to recall the times when you got to watch his demonstration practice and smirk as you start acting alert and put on your serious game face. You hold up your arms in the air as you imagine yourself holding a rifle and mutter in a deep voice.
Target secured, attack the HVT!
You say this before twisting around and making the "pew pew" sound with your hand, giggling and chuckling as you completely get lost in the moment, then you crouch down beside the bed and pretend to resume a hiding position as you mutter softly.
And they say I could never be a sniper.
You make another dramatic "pow" sound before standing up and sliding to the center of the room with a "hyah!" and standing up, glancing around until you notice a tall figure at the bedroom door that you forgot to close. You instantly stop and freeze at your place as a blush creeps up your face.
Having fun, Mein Schatz?
You let out a huff of embarrassment for being caught like this, and you felt your neck heat up as you gave a sheepish smile.
I erm- Konig-
Scheiße, Sieh dich an... Shit, look at you...
He mutters as he slowly walks towards you; each step felt calculative, so slow as you watched his eyes that kept you in place. You can’t glance away, something about his gaze feels hypnotic.
Something about the way he looks at you makes you shutter; it's intimidating but also….primal…which is kind of hot. As he finally stands in front of you, so close that your chest bumps into his, he tilts his head to one side.
I hated this uniform, but now that I see you wear it, hmmmm…
His voice is deep and drawn out as he circles you, almost like a predator studying its prey. You gulped nervously as you tucked your collar in and answered back with a meek tone.
Should I take it off?
He gives you a long thought as he stands behind you. As soon as his hands are on you, he immediately carries and tosses you to the bed as you yelp at the sudden motion.
You ask as you watch him crawl towards you as he reveals a smirk, then opens his mouth and lazily runs his tongue over his teeth as he gives a deep chuckle.
No, keep it on, because I...will be the one removing it.
You swallow excitedly as you bite your lips and rest your head on the soft pillow, under his mercy as he towers over you.
Who cares about dinner anyway?
Previous fic: Kyle Gaz Garrick | Captain John Price Next fic: John Soap MacTavish
a/n: I know everyone hc Konig to be huge at 6”10 but I went along with the military guideline on the tallest height they allow which is around 6.6 ft tall, also I took Ghost's height as a ref which is around 6'4 ((yes yes I know none of these heights are cannon)) but ye XD thinking maybe I'll write some more tall reader x Konig fic in the future though :]
taglist: @cathnoneofyourbusiness | @land-lord-lol
like and reblog if you enjoyed this fic :D have a good day/night!
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brighttears · 1 year
hi i hope you’re doing well!! i want to start off by saying that i’m loving the dusk series so far!! like always your writing is just so captivating. I’d like to send in a request, but first, what do you think joel’s love language is? i think it’s definitely physical touch and words of affirmation (or quality time). The request is maybe some scenarios(for lack of a better word) where we see the reader find out Joel’s love language and show joel love the way he likes. I thought it could be a cute drabble, please take any liberties you’d like, and if you end up writing this then thank you so much :)
I decided I’ll just do drabbles (just learned that word lol) for each (except for gifts) and put all my opinions and reasoning at the bottom because it's kind of a lot. Also oh my god “show joel love the way he likes” 😭😭😭 PLEEEASE
I feel like I don’t see a lot of this!! I LOVE VULNERABLE JOEL!!!  LETTING HIMSELF BE LOVED WITHOUT ANYTHING IN RETURN!!! GOD DAMN I JUST WANT THE MAN TO BE ABLE TO RELAX!!!! Also thank you for the request and the praise I appreciate you so much ❣️❣️❣️❣️ (sorry this took so long, writer's block Took Me Out for a couple days)
no physical description, gender neutral, no use of y/n
Warnings: mentions of sex, pet names (baby, sweetheart, lovey dovey, honeydew (sickening i know))
Word count: 2k
Joel is known by what he does for others. At this point, it’s basically half of his identity. He’s a father, a protector, the one who will give you the shirt off of his back, take both watches so you can sleep, catch a bullet without blinking an eye. This is one of the things that attracted you to him in the first place, how he wears the love in his heart on his sleeve, even if he doesn't talk or touch much. When you started really seeing each other, you began learning his eyes and the words behind closed lips, and you found so much below the surface. To his core, Joel is a giver, that has always been the case, but he tries to never let on his needs, his wants. You have found it in his eyes, though, especially at the end of a long day. 
Today is one of those days. Joel walked in with tense shoulders and tiredly drooping brows. He barely mumbled a ‘hey’, just plopped down on the couch next to you, rubbing the heels of his hands into his eyes.
“Hey honeydew,” you move to slide your hands around him and rest your cheek on his shoulder, “Long day, hm?”
“Mhm.” he replies, leaning into you, his hands still in his eyes. You stay quiet to see if he wants to talk about it, but he doesn’t, so you stand from the couch, wrapping a hand around his wrist to lightly tug him to his feet, and then lead him into the bedroom. He follows and lays down for you, eyes already closed. Silently, you undo his laces, pull his boots off, he lays still as you pull his pants. You undo the buttons of his flannel and pull off his undershirt, and then you tuck him into bed. You draw the blinds to keep out the afternoon sun and lay next to him on top of the blankets until his breathing slows to sleep. Then, as quietly as you can, you remove yourself and gather his dirty clothes to wash. 
It took awhile for him to let you do this for him, and the first time he did, when you’d tucked the blankets around him, he cried. Some days he’ll give you a look that tells you to get in with him, and then turns his back for you to wrap yourself around him. He goes out like a light when you do that. 
This is the only thing you’ve seen Joel willingly let someone do that is just for him, without him needing to do anything in return, just for what he really needs and wants. He has tried to crush the notion that he wants or needs anyone to do anything for him, shut down the craving to be taken care of, but you’ve weasled your way into it. Joel is the most giving person you’ve ever met and you’re just glad to be able to give something to him, even if it’s just clean clothes and a warm, comfy nap. Nothing is as gratifying as being able to hold Joel the way he wants to be held.
The sun was shining in the forest the first time Joel slipped his hand into yours. The leaves were a bright light green, the path’s dirt almost gold in the sun. He didn’t say a word or look away from his boots on the ground. So, you didn’t say anything either, just held his hand, smiling wide, and kept walking. 
He didn’t say anything the second time either, only barely glanced to you at his side, then looked back down to hide in his footsteps. That time, you started to swing your clasped hands a little, and you could tell he was smiling just as wide as you were. 
At night, he started by just resting a leg over yours, only after you’d been laying for a while, eyes closed, without a word. You experimented by putting your hand in his open palm one night, just resting it there. The next night, he pulled you in. The night after that, you woke up to him wrapped around you like a monkey on its mothers back. And the next night, he held you like that but from the front, his slow deep sleeping breaths warms on your neck.
It felt wonderful. Not only because it was him, but because of the nature of it—it was for you to be holding him. You wouldn’t have known that that was something he wanted, he presents only as a holder, a big spoon, but really, he’s the baby. Just about every night after that, you’d come to him first and wrap him up so all he’d have to do is squeeze into the embrace (sometimes he makes a little hum as he does).
The sex changed after you started doing this, too. It’s more intimate, deeper, he’s loosened up and it’s become more fluid. He’s more vocal, too. The first few times like that he couldn't last more than half as long as he usually does, but he cums a lot harder and it’s just as hot to you as it must be for him. It’s just pure intimacy. 
He started doing more outside of the covers at night, holding you from behind when you were standing for awhile sometimes, sneaking a kiss to your head here and there, and he likes to walk close enough to you that you bump and brush against each other as you go. 
He does all of this without saying a word. There’s no need for him to, he’s telling you clearly through all of this touch that he trusts you completely and loves you deeply.
The first time you said something to him, Joel paused, and when he looked back at you, asking, “Really?” his eyes were lit up. You caught on and kept slipping in praise here and there, watching him break out in big goofy grins. 
Tonight you’ve seemed to have caught a bug of it, crowding him on the bed and showering him in it.
“I love you so much handsome man,” you peck his cheek as he turns it away, grinning pink and humming laughter, “You’re so good, you’re so special, lovey dovey, I’m so proud of you,” he giggles, eyes closed, “You’re my world.” Kiss his cheek, “baby I’m so glad I found you,” kiss, “you’re so strong and brave,” kiss kiss, he laughs, “you’re so funny, you’re my goofy guy,” he laughs harder and you can’t help but laugh with him. “I love seeing you happy.” You get yourself on top of him, folding your arms over his chest to see his plump, rosy face, still smiling ear to ear, eyes half lidded as he looks back at you. “My beautiful,” you peck his lips, “beautiful,” you peck and he starts laughing again, holding your waist lightly, “gorgeous,” kiss, “dreamy,” kiss, “handsome man.” kiss, “I love you.” 
“I love you.” He coos. He blinks, thinking, and just looks at you for a while, smile fading but not leaving. Then, in the softest, most innocent tone you’ve ever heard from him, Joel says, “Thank you.” 
Joel seemed pretty cold when you first met him. He barely ever seemed anything other than annoyed at best. So, you assumed he hated you. When you found yourselves left alone somewhere, usually to keep watch for something or other, it was for a while completely silent. It wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable, but it made you sad. You didn’t know him and, yeah, he seemed like just a massive grump, but you’d watched him with people he was close to, and you wanted that kind of attention from him. 
Maybe it wasn’t, but it felt like you found yourself alone with him often. You were ready to just stay quiet and not bother him while he waited out this time with you, set on your idea of what he thought of you, but then he started making small talk. At first, you, again, assumed he was doing it through gritted teeth, but then he started laughing with you, and then you were trading stories. Then you started seeking each other out to be alone together. 
You started taking walks, but you’d get so caught up in conversation you’d  have to stop, and found a spot on a large, fallen dead tree by the water. Skipping rocks, you'd talk about the past, he’d follow you around while you trailed away to pick flowers, then let you teach him how to make crowns with them. 
The fallen tree by the water and flowers became your place of solace to go and be alone. Just you and him, him and you, with each other until the sunset, or he’d wake you up early so you could go watch it rise from there, side by side in silence. 
You talked about anything and everything, sometimes nothing at all. Silent in the grass, you’d watch the clouds or the stars. It’s just nice to be around each other.
He told you so today, and it made you think of how he looked when you first met, the stone cold downcast eyes, hands ready on his rifle, hardly moving except to chew on his lip or grind his jaw. Today his eyes are soft, golden in the sunlight, an earnest, innocent smile playing at his lips, lax face showing off his cheeks, crows feet highlighting his contentment.
“You know, I thought you hated me the first few times we… hung out, as in, got stuck alone somewhere.” You admit. 
“No, sweetheart,” Joel’s eyes twinkle and neither of you are able to twist away your smiles, “you just made me nervous.”
“Why’d I make you nervous?” You laugh. 
“Well,” he looks down, still smiling, “I just wanted to find the right thing to say. Wanted to impress you I guess. Not anymore though,” he looks back up at you, “don’t feel any kinda nervous around you. I’m lookin’ for all the time alone with you I can get.”
“Well I’m glad we still have all day…” you tilt your head, “and tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. If you’ll have me.”
He shifts a little closer, “I’ll have nothing else.”
Don't ask me questions unless you want a mini essay lol i’ve always been that bitch
Omg. I think about this while writing and it's an interesting thing to explore bc what is hidden under there? What was he like before? Very fun to play around with.
(Side note I have only seen the show, I have not played any of the games so that’s where I get all of my context from) They didn’t show a lot of pre outbreak Joel obvi, and I’m kind of nitpicking the shit out of it, but what Joel initiates with Sarah is quality time. Although there was also physical touch, and I saw a post about Joel and Sarah’s closeness when they’re watching the movie, where they so naturally move into each other, and I dig that, but I feel like the focal point was spending time together for his birthday. 
Pause to say that I don’t think that gift giving is his love language because he gets the watch here and that's the only gift giving like ever, also the other gift was a movie to watch together, that’s why I didn’t write for it.
So my automatic thought is that his love language is acts of service, but the more I’ve thought about it I want to say that that as a priority has been an add-on. Like he forgot to get the pancake mix when he was supposed to, the cake, he got home late—he broke these promises he made to Sarah, and now, I think the pressure on acts of service is one of the lasting effects of her death. I bet he feels guilt for those promises he broke that day, and now he doesn't want to ‘let her down again’; he couldn't save her (ALL THAT MAKES ME SCREAM AND CHEW THRU MY ARM BTW), and now he craves control over things like that, so he does everything he can to try to make up for it, to protect the ones he loves. 
Joel doesn’t really talk much and he’s said he’s not very good at it. He delivers some killer fucking lines but they’re only big moments, so I think that one would be the hardest for him. Also, I can count on one hand the amount of physical contact he had at all, not all of them he even initiated. However, I DROOL over the idea of him re-discovering that he loves physical touch.
The one thing Joel always does is he is always there. Simply that it is his number one priority, and then he fits other stuff into it, like talking more and being more open, letting himself touch and be touched, etc. (although part of it is he literally has to be with Ellie all of the time, so that complicates it a little, but still)
So my big two are acts of service and quality time but I think his core love language is quality time.
Lol im sorry im just straight up disagreeing with you but for real for real, I think that’s one of the most beautiful things about all this, being able to take these things and run with it; we get to chew through all of this stuff and share all these different thoughts on it and it’s really cool to be on this platform and hear some thoughts that never would have occurred to me and that is so fucking exciting and fun to me. I think it is so cool to be able to take this art and explore more of it and just keep pumping life into it ykwim. So if you are reading this far thank u very cool 2 be here
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dk-wren · 9 months
Buddy Daddies Week - Ep. 1-4 Rewatch
Welcome to Day 2 of my Buddy Daddies Celebration Week! Today, I present to you some of my thoughts and musings from my rewatch of the whole series. Today will focus on episodes 1-4, with my thoughts and reactions for the remaining episodes being posted throughout the rest of the week.
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For some reason (I honestly don’t know why), I was very adamant that the main timeline would eventually cross paths with the prologue and we’d see those events again or perhaps it would be referenced in a later episode. Obviously, it never did. And so thinking about it now, if I had to place where the prologue happened, I would guess between episodes 5 and 6 (I know this isn’t necessarily anything new or groundbreaking. This is just me going through my thoughts).
I was originally thinking sometime between Episode 4-6 since Rei had slowly begun his process of opening himself up to loving and taking care of Miri, or accepting that he is her papa. Episode 4 was my starting guess because that’s where we’re introduced to Miss Anna, and Miri actually starts attending daycare. Additionally, Rei is still a little reserved or closed off at this point. However, based on the first scene of ep. 5 and Kazuki’s financial gymnastics, it seems like it’s been awhile since their last mission. Which to me, wouldn’t make sense for them to go on the prologue mission between these two episodes. Rei’s walls start to come down some more in ep 5, and Kazuki and Rei both agree that they kinda need to take on a few more jobs to make a living. With Miri getting mad at Kazuki and fully letting him know how much she loves Rei, I feel anything after ep 6 would make the prologue mission feel out of place in terms of Rei’s behavior. Additionally, by this point it seems like Rei had slowly begun to help out more around the house and with Miri. Therefore, with Rei and Kazuki needing to complete the mission they were on in the prologue, but Rei seemingly not as observant or involved with taking care of Miri, that is why I am placing the events of the prologue between episodes 5 and 6.
The way the kitty just snuggles up next to Rei! She knows she’s safe and protected next to him (and maybe that he’s always been a good person who is capable of loving another!!!)
Rei seems to have some understanding of Christmas, did he celebrate this when he was younger? Since that seems highly unlikely, did he just pick up on it and learn over time? Or did Rei experience his first true Christmas living with Kazuki?!
Random thought of the episode…is this their truck? Where do they park it/store it since we only see it on missions?
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Love how Miri's priorities are cake first, finding papa second
Is it bad that it took me reading someone’s post on here to realize Kazuki and their target, Atsushi Hayami, were meant to look similar? Like I see it now, but on a first watch, I was completely oblivious to it.
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This opening!!! I remember watching this scene for the first time and just thinking to myself, yep, that’s a four year old. And Kazuki, this man is already questioning everything. But also, despite being the one who is more prepared to be a father, I like how this scene shows how there are things that Kazuki is learning and may not have considered without experience
I don’t know a whole lot about name honorifics or modifies in Japanese, but I love how after Rei rejects “Papa” Kazuki still tries to keep it a family name with “Uncle” (before settling with “Rei-kun” for this episode and part of the following one).
Based on his reaction, I get a feeling this was the first time Kazuki made Rei french toast. If so, I wonder if Miri asked for Kazuki to make it or if he just decided that’s what would be for breakfast
Out of context, this scene is still pretty funny, like Miri managed to destroy their apartment in probably a few hours at most. When I watched this clip the first time, I always thought when Rei said “cover” (at least, according to the translation), he was talking to Kazuki. As in, to keep Miri distracted, they told her they were playing hide and seek, with Miri hiding and they would be the ones to find her. After watching the episode, I picked up that Rei was meant to be directing that comment at Miri, which I love how seriously he says it like its an actual critique. Just goes to show I guess how much Rei has grown over the course of the show in his approach to playing with/talking to Miri.
Moment of appreciation for this iconic scene!
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I feel like I should have taken this post credit scene more seriously when it came out because wow did it do a good job of formally introducing Ogino and just what would be in store when this fun little family comedy took a turn
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How do I hug little Rei while simultaneously punch Shigeki?
I really enjoy how despite Kazuki trying to get Rei to take on the title “papa” or “uncle” in the previous episode, both he and Miri respect that he doesn’t want to be called either name and generally will use “-kun” instead
Even though up until this point, Rei hasn’t been actively shown to take the lead in caring for or wanting to keep Miri, I love how he can already see right through Kazuki’s stance that they should return Miri to her mother
I’d argue this exchange just goes to show how much Miri already loves and accepts Rei as her papa, even if he does not actively return the gesture. She wants to know where he is and when Kazuki says he doesn’t know, she actively goes out to try and find him. Then, she comforts him in ways she’s probably familiar with: staying by his side and by saying the smile spell
This man is a hitman and (as we learn in a later episode) used to do gaming all-nighters, but is absolutely dead after playing for no more than a few hours with Miri. Another very accurate portrayal of how draining spending time with children can be, in terms of keeping up with their energy level
Based on the brief background given about Misaki and the impressions at least I took away from this episode, I wonder if this is what Misaki told Miri about who her father was and why he was not present in their lives
Nothing to add, just gonna leave this scene here.
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While I totally understand Kazuki and Rei’s reactions, and empathize with the messes Miri is accidentally creating, it says a lot about Miri in how she wants to spend time with both of them and/or help out with chores
One of my favorite, small moments, is the two times in this episode where music is playing as Kazuki and Miri start walking in one direction, with Rei heading the other way, only for the music to cut abruptly and show Rei forced to go wherever the other two are headed
As Miri is figuring out daycare herself, I think it’s sweet how her future friends, Kotori and Hinata, are the ones to somewhat explain why they don’t want to play with Miri (and why the other children feel the same way)
This post credit scene or the one from ep 4 is probably my favorite. Just another example of Miri showing how much love she has for her two papas. I also can’t help but wonder how many items in Miri’s room were chosen by her (aside from toys and decor) and how many were chosen by Kazuki and Rei? Also, how long did this take them? And please tell me that Kazuki dragged Rei with him as they went furniture shopping.
Also, if Miri only got her room at the end of the episode, where did she sleep the two nights they went shopping? Because in the beginning of the episode, Miri is still seen sleeping on the couch, but both times all of their shopping bags are covering the area where the sofa is. I think I’m looking to hard into this…
Thank you again for your support and for reading this post!
I hope you enjoyed reading some of my thoughts and random questions I had while rewatching this show (which I decided to edit down since this post would have gotten really really long otherwise-debating if I wanna post my full, unedited thoughts though at a later point). I think they do a good job of capturing the way my brain normally works, so yeah...
Anyways, hope to see you again tomorrow!
-Dakota Wren
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mydaroga · 10 months
Follow up on the Tune In ask, Thank you for your response!! And please, never apologize for the length, it was greatly insightful. I actually haven't started on the book yet but it came highly recommended to me as The definitive Beatles biography so I was looking around to see what others think of it. Most of the critical opinions I found on this site seem consistent with your criticisms especially about Lewisohn's tendency to cherry pick quotes or imposing a new context on them...
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Well, that formatted weird. Sorry. Anyway, I will definitely try to give as thorough an answer as I have time for, so that may mean just a few examples. If you want a deeper dive I can recommend the Another Kind of Mind Series, Fine Tuning. I don't agree entirely with their approach, but I agree for the most part with their findings and concerns, if that makes sense. And then there's Serene's blog entry which does a more thorough examination of the way Lewisohn ... hrm, shall we say, stretches citations to mean... whatever he wants.
I don't know that I am going to be able to go into quite as much detail here as I didn't keep these good notes while reading. But I can think of a few things that stuck out to me before I listened/read these other takes. And I'm happy to keep talking about this or expand, I'm not saying I don't like doing this, just that I am not gonna ... okay I'm going to write an essay? But I won't be as meticulous as I should be.
The first thing that made me stop reading and just go track down what was actually going on was a passage in which Lewisohn is talking about teen Paul's resistance to getting a job, going against Jim. From Tune In:
Paul still hated anyone telling him what to do -- 'It just never occurred to me to listen to other people' -- but when Jim insisted, sometimes Paul did as bid... as John scathingly noted. He went down to the Labour Exchange and Renshaw Hall and landed a £10-a-week Christmas-period job with SPD Ltd, Speedy Prompt Deliveries.
Now, all on its own without context this is a great Paul McCartney quote because you go, "yeah that checks out." I plan on using it as a sort of Macca meme, you know? But it was soooo Paul I thought, "wait, in what context did he say that? Like, he doesn't listen ever? He's admitting he just doesn't listen to anyone?"
So weirdly, it's not actually footnoted, but I found the source. It's a 1980 interview with Tim Rice, which is entertaining in its own right because he tells the guy who co-wrote Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita and later The Lion King that, you know, musicals are boring. Anyway, not the point.
It took me awhile to find the actual quote, because it's really a throwaway, almost self-deprecating aside, in the context of how he's listening to people more now because he's realized too many smart people just talk and it might be good to listen some.
So okay. Paul did say that, and he's admitting there was a time he didn't take the time to listen, but he's doing it in a sort of jokey way. I guess it's fair to say, generally, sure, Paul has a tendency to be headstrong and go his own way and that certainly would have been a factor in his psychological battle with Jim Mac over going to get his teaching license or whatever. It's not like Lewisohn is bending the facts of anything. It's not really a big deal. But it was the moment that clued me in that he's not necessarily using like for like. There's plenty of quotes about how Paul felt about this time in his life without using a joke from 1980 to shore up your point about his resistance to dad, in a paragraph that implies he's saying it about his resistance to dad. And when you've decide that "it just never occurred to me to listen to other people" can mean "and that's why he didn't listen to Jim about work, except this time he did," I don't know. It leaves a funny taste in my mouth because then you could use it for anything Paul decides to do differently. If that makes sense. If it applies there, it applies to anything Paul does. And Paul obviously didn't mean that in 1980.
Also maybe this is more nuanced, but while "Paul still hated anyone telling him what to do" is a true statement in any time in his life, that quote itself? Is neither necessarily relevant to being told what to do or very revealing. It actually is entirely unnecessary. The passage would be completely benign and throw me no red flags without it.
Like any of the points I make or, frankly, I've heard others make, it's less that he's saying untrue things and more that by using these citations in ways that remove them from context and add them to a different context, he is painting a picture but passing it off as fact. In addition, he often will use a quote from John's angry, Lennon Remembers period to interpret Paul's motives in the early 60s, rather than using, oh I dunno, a quote from.... Paul? Or a nicer quote from John when he's contradicted himself again? Again it's all legit sourcing and citing! But the contextualizing creates something he's selling as free of interpretation which is anything but.
The other one I've been thinking about is laid out quite well in I think episode 3 of the AKOM pod, and it's about Paul's creative development. While John's is described as original and a free spirit and rebellious in his artistic ambitions--which he was--Paul's artistic endeavors almost always come with a weasel word or caveat. What I mean is, John is always described as inventive; Paul is a gifted mimic. This despite a lot of attention paid to how John was basically copying his favorite cartoonists and artists--he even says at some point everything he does is Just William and Lewis Carroll. But somehow when he does it, it's extraordinary. He's got his own voice, while Paul is a talented parrot. Lewisohn gives props to all of Paul's many accomplishments but there's always either some kind of adjective like that to take away from it or this thing that creeps in where everything Paul does is for show. There are numerous places in Tune In where Paul is ostentatiously reading difficult books so he can be seen reading them. Anytime he's trying something new or going to explore a new art form or theater experience, Lewisohn has to point out that he wants to be seen to be doing something clever. When he writes songs, Lewisohn points out that he's not just writing songs, he's thinking about the image of being a writer or something like that. It's never because he's artistic, or likes the thing. He needs to be seen as someone liking the thing.
Now, we do have a quote from Paul about this. He does mention thinking about the image of a poet with the pipe and the leather patches, and he does at one point get a pipe and you know, famously pretend to be French to try to pull birds. (He does this again on that little week off he takes in France, years later, reminiscing about imagining he's a novelist in a cafe.) It's not that I'm saying Paul isn't capable of being pretentious! (I still have the beret I insisted on getting for my birthday when I was 16. I'm not immune. I still look great in it.) But Paul's, again, self-deprecating description of himself as a goofy teen appears to be the only 'proof' Lewisohn has that his reading, his art, his going to shows alone no one else cares about, is a pretense.
Again. It's not a huge deal and it's not like Paul didn't factually do all of this. It's that in a text that he's insisted in the front matter is free of speculation, Lewisohn's included numerous interpretations of Paul's (and others') motives without any direct proof/citation for those interpretations. That, I'm afraid, is speculative. And that's fine for an author to engage in--but he needs to be clear about it.
For the record he does this with John, too. He interprets numerous, sometimes almost contradictory actions of John's as "evidence" of his ability to lead. Sometimes he's like, in front and sometimes he's doing nothing and Lewisohn will conclude this was John also leading.
The point of all this isn't, like I said in my original post, that I think any one of these things is that bad. Paul's kinda pretentious? Maybe sometimes he did like to be seen reading War and Peace or whatever? Maybe John sitting back and watching what his mates are going to do is leadership? The problem, for me, is that it's not presented in a way that meets the premise of Lewisohn's introduction, which promises a work free of the prejudices and unsubstantiated speculation of his forebears. And I really do think that Lewisohn has convinced himself that he's done enough research and been a keen enough "Paul watcher" that it no longer counts as interpretation. I fear he may actually believe that he's done the math.
Again, I think you should read it. I loved the attention to detail and you'll get a lot out of it. But just be aware of this tendency, which I no longer think I'm imagining. And these are just the first two things I thought of and wanted to rant about.
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archives-of-camelot · 7 months
Valentines Day
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Characters: Eli, Evelin (@nimue-hidden-lake)
Series: Evelin Anniversary
Today was the day. February 14th. Valentines Day.
The sun shone through the windows, as the forecast foretold a clear day. Quite a beautiful one too at that. It was somewhat rare to see the sun shine after a fresh snow. The frozen crystals sparkled like millions of tiny diamonds. Perfect for today.
The air was filled with the aroma of various ingredients, as the kitchen was filled with sounds of cooking. Sizzling and clattering galore, as Eli made certain to prepare everything as best he could.
He'd cooked and cut the bacon, shredded the cheese, readied the spices, and was in the process of cooking the eggs. A recipe he used to cook for his family. Now he decided to share it with her.
But as his thoughts were brought back to her, he thought back. This was their 6th Valentines that they would spend together. And in another two weeks, officially 6 years since things got serious between them. He found it amazing how much had changed since then. Since they met under that canopy one autumn afternoon, to asking her out on a whim on this very day. Their anniversary was still a few weeks ahead, but that bridge would be crossed when the time came. Now, he had to focus on today, and not a day after.
After sprinkling the spices, cheese, and bacon onto the semi-cooked egg, he then folded it closed. He was making a sort of omelet.
"I hope I still got it..." he mumbled to himself as he flipped it over to cook the other side.
After a few more flips, it was done. A crisp, yet soft golden yellow. Perfection.
He sighed with a smile and put a knife and fork on the plate, and made his way to the table, where Evelin was patiently waiting, patting Pinro on her lap.
"Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long" he nervously chuckled.
"Not at all. Pinro kept me company" she scratched gently behind the cat's ears, resulting in a purr.
He put the plate in front of her, and she examined it with her eyes and her nose, before taking her fork and trying a bite.
"Something I'd make for my family on special occasions. An omelet, with bacon, cheese, and spices. Not too special, but my family seemed to really like how I made them. I only hope it's the same quality for you"
She savored the taste in her mouth a moment or two before swallowing.
"It's perfect. I can see why they liked it so much" she nodded.
"Glad you like it. I took extra care to get it right" he smiled.
She raised the fork and put her hand under it.
"Uh...what are you doing...?"
"I don't see a plate for you" she persisted.
"O-Oh, I woke up early, so I already ate. Besides, it's yours" he tried to reason.
She still held the fork up, staring with her usual stare. Eli knew it was fruitless, so he opened his mouth, which she then placed the fork into his mouth.
"There, was that so hard?" she tilted her head.
Breakfast went by, and after Eli insisted on putting her dish in the sink, Evelin pulled out the bag she bought yesterday. It was decently small, and a box could be seen inside, though the barely see through bag obscured any discernable detail. She then pulled out the box.
"Pocky?" he asked.
She nodded, and opened the box, placing one in her mouth, and leaning forward. She wasn't implying...was she?
A Pocky game? Well...it made sense, after thinking about it.
After a bit of hesitation, he took the other end of the chocolate biscuit in his mouth, staring directly into her eyes. She stared for awhile, before biting a little closer. Eli followed suit, biting a little closer than she did. He had to try and keep up, didn't he?
Undeterred, she bit closer again. Since when was Pocky so intense? Perhaps it was all in his head, but the fact she kept staring as she got closer didn't help things. He bit closer again.
As she took another bite, she closed her eyes, the two only being inches away. Eli bit as close as he could. As much as he was tempted to break it off, he refused. He wouldn't submit. He-
His thought was interrupted as she closed the gap, consuming the rest of the stick with a kiss. Eli's eyes widened as they held the position. His face flushed red, and his legs wobbled. He'd kissed her before, but no matter how much time passed, he always responded the same way. Was it because he enjoyed it? Was there some kind of spell behind it? He couldn't even ponder the possibilities as his mind raced before they finally separated.
"Happy Valentines Eli" she said with a small smile.
"H-Happy Valentines" he meekly replied, still recovering from the kiss.
She took another stick.
"Shall we continue?"
"Yes. There's still the rest of the box we have to eat, and I can't eat it all alone" an obvious lie. An excuse to keep going.
"A-Alright" Eli didn't seem to mind though.
He lost the rest of the rounds too. But given the kind of game this this...was that such a bad thing?
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terraxv · 1 year
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to someone who’ll find me Series:
an open heart for you
“You can’t finish that sentence, Malleus.”
The second Lilia cuts him off, Lilia can feel the displeasure coming off of Malleus in waves. Even after all this time, the man still didn’t know how to hide when he was annoyed.
“Do you believe I am lying?”
“You have never been able to lie to me. Not really,” Lilia still won’t look at Malleus. “I know all your tells. Just how long do you think I’ve been with you?”
-Lilia faces his future with Malleus and actually being allowed to want things for himself-“You can’t finish that sentence, Malleus.”
from the past
Malleus knew Lilia could burn. Yet when he sees the mark on Lilia’s back, he doesn’t know how to react.
-Malleus discovers an old wound of Lilia’s from the past-
first word
...he had been surprised when he started to hear Silver’s cries in the distance and how the didn’t seem to stop. It was odd. Even if it took some time, Malleus could usually calm him down.
Usually, Lilia would brush it off and continue the checks. But before Lilia realized it, he'd already turned around and rushed back.
He was home within seconds.
-Lilia faces how much he's grown to love the human infant he's been watching over-
a fair trade
“Hm. You did used to ask me to sing to you often. And you always lurked around the door when I’d sing to the children.” Lilia reminisces. He glances out the corner of his eye and sees Malleus start to pout.
“I did not lurk.”
“Of course you didn't,” Lilia laughs lightly. The subject brings up another memory to mind. “I wish you had come also. You have a wonderful voice.”
“It’s better I not.”
-Lilia and Malleus moment after the VDC auditions-
an off day
As reluctant as he was to admit it, he did get careless. He really should have ended things when he felt the back of his neck start to become stiff.
Yet when he remembers the brightness in those children's eyes, just because they were training together with him properly for the first time in awhile, Lilia can't bring himself to regret it.
-Lilia spends the day in bed after too long in the sun-
one way or another
They were wasting too much time right now talking about this. The more time they wasted here, the harder it will get stopping Malleus.
Lilia's thoughts raced while the others talked...
Watching them all, Lilia came to a conclusion. He knew it won't be received well, but this was the only thing he could do with the circumstances at hand.
-Malleus overblots, Lilia fears losing him-
new experiences
Lilia couldn’t help it. No matter how hard he bites his lip, his giggles still slip through.
On the bed, Malleus moves the arm he has thrown over his eyes just enough to glare at Lilia. The sight of it only makes Lilia laugh harder.
“It’s not funny.”
“Oh, I disagree deeply, Malleus. It’s terrible funny!” Lilia grins. Lilia couldn’t help it. No matter how hard he bites his lip, his giggles still slip through.
On the bed, Malleus moves the arm he has thrown over his eyes just enough to glare at Lilia. The sight of it only makes Lilia laugh harder.
“It’s not funny.”
“Oh, I disagree deeply, Malleus. It’s terrible funny!” Lilia grins.
hold me down just for now
Sleeping at NRC was different from back home. Not better, not worse, just different. He was never one to let his guard down no matter his surroundings, and here was no different. Unfortunately, he dreams were one of the few consistent things that followed him to the school.
a promise to keep
How long has it been since he started searching? It’s definitely been a few hours with how his drenched hair feels down his back. Thinking that, regret fills Lilia. He should have looked for Silver sooner. He thought he only needed time to calm down. Had Lilia known Silver would react the way he did, he would have handled it with more care. Or at least, he’d like to believe he would. Somehow, Lilia feels as though nothing would have changed this outcome.
i wonder why
“Why did you decide to take care of Silver with me anyway, Malleus?”
It’s something that played on Lilia’s mind every now and then. As he looks down towards the training grounds the knights use, he can’t help but think it over once again as he sees Silver and Sebek.
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gaynchristian · 2 years
How and Why I Became a Christian
Watching “The Chosen” series has made me think about how and why I became a Christian myself, and also my Bible study small group recently had us prepare our testimonies to get to know each other better.  I decided to share mine here as well for those of you who don’t know “my story”.  
When I was 21 while picking coffee beans on the side of a mountain in Costa Rica where I was on a college study program, I was asked this question by a young woman,  “Has aceptado a Jesucristo como tu Salvador Personal?” which means “Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?” I had never been asked this question so directly by anyone, even though I grew up going to church with my family every week, got confirmed in eighth grade, and was even president of my high school youth group.  I remember answering her question with some hesitancy in my confused Spanish, but the fact was I had accepted Christ as my personal Savior about a year and a half before that while I was in North Carolina for a summer job after my freshman year.  To me this meant that my sins had been forgiven and I received the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross as promised in John 3:16. But it took me awhile to fully understand and embrace that gift and God’s forgiveness.
I thought I had been a good kid, and I thought I understood and practiced my Christian faith from my church upbringing, but I drifted away from it quickly during my freshman year in college when I first started drinking to be accepted. I did well enough with my studies, but the drinking soon got way out of hand, and I ended up feeling very lost and confused by the end of the year and very distant from God.  I felt a lot of shame and confusion, and I was afraid of returning home, so I found a summer job in North Carolina at a YMCA conference center.  Little did I know that my life would change forever the first week I was there. 
The YMCA center was hosting a conference of high school Christian athletes, and I was drawn to listening to the testimonies in their evening chapel sessions when I was done with my work each day.  On the Thursday night that week, a member of the Atlanta Falcons shared his testimony about needing Christ in his life to restore his failing marriage even when he had achieved fame and glory as an NFL player. I identified some with his story since I was ashamed of what I had become during my freshman year while still wanting to appear as the good kid to my family and friends.  Along with the NFL player’s testimony, I thought deeply about the conference’s theme verse from Philippians – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” – and I knew I was missing something in my life. When he asked if there was anyone in the room who wanted Christ in their life, I quietly raised my hand in the back of the room while everyone’s heads were bowed.  
From that point on I knew I had made a decision to truly follow Christ, even though it took me about five years to fully embrace that decision and make Christ Lord of my life in every area that I was willing to turn over to Him.  I started to study the Bible more, go to church again, and attend a college fellowship group, but the drinking continued off and on, and then a year of much heavier drinking in Japan my first year out of college where I went to teach English.  Even though I had experienced quite a few blackouts from the alcohol by then, and done quite a few things I was very embarrassed by, I found it very difficult to give up.  
It wasn’t until I got back from Japan after thirteen months and moved back home that God got my full attention.  I was unemployed and directionless for several months, fell into depression, and finally through what I can only call God’s leading, I found out about a church meeting focusing on depression and the story of Job, and I realized that I had strayed a long way from who God wanted me to be.  Within a couple weeks of that meeting, I stopped drinking completely, got baptized, and publicly declared my faith in Christ and started to follow him earnestly.  
There have been plateaus and troubles and obstacles along the road since that period after college, but I always return to that verse from Philippians at the YMCA - “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” - to get me through crises and to look forward with confidence and faith. I also sometimes remember the Bible verses from Psalm 121 that I memorized in a fourth grade Sunday School class to get me through tough times – “I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Life has still been difficult many times over the years, but trusting in my faith in Christ assures me that He is there with me for comfort, peace, strength, forgiveness of my sins, and assurance of eternal life through his sacrifice on the cross for me.
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oasispolar · 2 years
Nfs most wanted gamecube
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Never played it on the GC before yesterday and it seems fine to me. Probably played it on a PS2 a bit, but it's been awhile. I've mostly played this game on a PC back when.
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Since dolphin makes the games look excellent at higher resolution I think you'd be better served hooking a PC to your TV to play GC games if you want them to look good on your HDTV. I use a CRT because all these games look like shit on my HDTV. We also have to look at the fact that the game only has 1.4gb of space, while the PS2, PC & Xbox 360 all had more space and better resolutions of the game.
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Nintendo Switch N64 Emulator: Is it Really That Bad - Performance Review. You don't notice it playing the career mode, but you will notice it doing quick race because they random up the stuff. GameCube, Xbox, PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3. Something is wrong with the reflective on the cars in Most Wanted, so it can look really really crappy on some cars. NFS Most Wanted doesn't actually look worse then the other NFS games on GC except for a few situations. Another contender for the title of best NFS game by the fanbase, Need for Speed: Most Wanted took the open world and (some of) the aftermarket car. If you are using the Dolphin Gamecube Emulator and struggling to figure out how to get these codes. If youre looking for the Need for Speed: Most Wanted (UK) Action Replay Codes then I recommend that you follow the link provided to be taken to that page instead. Download WinRAR Recommended Emulator(s) Emulator Windows Macintosh Linux. This page is dedicated to all of the Action Replay Codes that I have for Need for Speed: Most Wanted (US) on the Nintendo Gamecube. Also, a mod by EllisRacing restores the cut M3 E46 to the game.Ī language string for the BMW M3 CSL (E46) also exists in the Languages files, however, due to the somewhat incomplete translation, it is listed as BMW M3 CSL - BUG.I got curious about this and decided to check it out on my crt. Need for Speed - Most Wanted Rom Download 896.88MB. This car was later introduced in ProStreet. While both versions of the model have misplaced wheels and feature customization parts with the exception of bodykits and some missing hoods, the PS2 one has working visual modifications (including some early vinyls and a bugged number customization) with the only things missing being some decal positioning (panels, rear window and some door slots). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The Windows version doesn't have any proper materials assigned for the vehicle, resulting in a black shape, but the PlayStation 2 version still has the materials intact. I want the rom for NFS Most Wanted on Gamecube, may someone provide 4 comments. However, the Windows and PlayStation 2 versions still have the body mesh and car logo in the files. Download Need for Speed - Most Wanted (USA) roms for Nintendo Game Cube () and Need for Speed - Most Wanted (USA) ROMs on your favorite devices windows pc. Wii is compatible with most games developed for Nintendo GameCube. In a nutshell, Nintendo was able to sell over 21 million units. However, features were a drawback of the Nintendo GameCube. Some pre-release screenshots and game files indicate that the BMW M3 E46 (the base model the player's titular blue-striped car is the GTR race model) was supposed to be in the game. Gamers liked the powerful games, superb controllers and the overall quality. Also, a verbal type where the police calls the player's car as a Nissan also went unused.Ī mod by Zvott96 adds the Nissan 350Z as an addon car, converted from Need for Speed: Carbon.Īlso, a skyline node in the tires section indicates that the Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R34) was also going to originally appear, however, licensing related reasons also cut the car along with the entire manufacturer.įind a picture of the Windows model to make a comparison. Need for Speed: Most Wanted reintroduces police pursuits in the series in combination with the open world and vehicle customisation gameplay from the previous Underground titles. It is the ninth game in the Need for Speed series. However, the errors listed on the car are that it's cost, region and UnlockedAt is set to 0, and it uses Aston Martin's manufacturer ID of 21, instead of Nissan's manufacturer ID, which is 13 in the Unlimiter. Need for Speed: Most Wanted is a multiplatform racing video game developed by EA Canada and published by Electronic Arts. It was probably removed due to licensing issues because there are no Nissan cars in the final game.Īlso, a frontend node for the Nissan 350Z was located in the VLTEd data of Need for Speed: Most Wanted, however, it is not located inside vehicles due to the brand being cut. It was featured in its prequel, Underground 2 and later featured in Most Wanted's sequel, Carbon. Unfortunately, the only remnants of the 350Z are two files in that folder ( PREVINYL.BIN and VINYLS.BIN). The folder CARS/350Z indicates that a Nissan 350Z was going to appear.
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venomous--fics · 3 years
Day 27!
Pairing: Eddie Brock/Venom x Fem!Reader
A/n: Almost done! Oh boy, what a journey this has been! This is a bit on the shorter side, but that's okay, let's just say it's the start of a mini series.
"I'm sorry."
That's all that you heard on the way home, and as you curled up in bed. Everyone was sorry, but that wasn't going to fix the outcome. Sure there were other methods, but you wanted this particular one to work out. Was the clock always that loud?
What were you going to tell Eddie? He was just as excited as you to take this next step, but- It all seemed pointless. Because it was.
You managed to drag yourself to the living room and fling yourself onto the couch. This place seemed a lot more empty. Your phone kept dinging, and you knew it was Eddie, but you couldn't bring yourself to answer him. Sure, that was an awful thing to do, because he was probably worried, but you were just so tired. And... Sad.
You aimlessly flipped through the tv channels. Nothing good was on. Everything you saw was the one thing you wanted, but you'd never have. Family this, family that. Did it not occur to these tv writers that not everything works out for every person on this planet?
You tossed the remote onto the floor and decide to answer the phone, seeing as there wasn't much of a point to doing anything else.
Hey, you okay?
Maybe you're sleeping, but just tell me how everything went when we get home, alright?
Love you.
Love you too. Sorry, I was just tired.
That's alright! We're heading home. Excited to hear how everything went.
Oh, you thought, staring at the message, he won't be excited for too long.
You put your phone on the floor and just existed for awhile. Nothing felt right anymore. Of course, most people would tell you that this wasn't the end of the world- But it was the end of your world. At least, that's how you wanted to feel about this whole ordeal.
You shut your eyes and turned your head to face the back of the couch.
Maybe you hadn't gone to the doctor these last few weeks, maybe you'd just be clueless your whole life. You'd rather not know for sure than to know and hate yourself for it.
With a heavy sigh, you allowed yourself to drift off into a little cat nap. You were certain you'd be taking a lot of those as of now.
The door shut, followed by keys being placed down. Your eyes fluttered open at the sounds and you pushed yourself up on your elbows and turned your head, still feeling hazy.
"Did we wake you? Sorry."
"No, I wasn't- How are you? How was your day?"
Eddie came over to the couch and sat down at the other end, "Who cares how our day went. Yours is the one we want to talk about."
You sat up and it felt like you were going to be sick, "Uh huh. Okay."
Eddie looked like he was going to burst at the seams. He was so excited to discuss this and everything little thing that came with it. He took your hands in his, "Because I was thinking, There's this cute little house- It'd be just right, and I- Well, I mean, it'd be better than here."
"That's a nice thought." You said quietly.
"And it's in a great neighborhood. I got a little snoopy and checked everything out. It'd a great place, and then y'know, we can finally have a place where we can redo things and paint. We'll finally have that cute little yard you've been talking about." Eddie almost seemed lost in a daydream, "And since we're-"
He stopped when he saw the tears streaming down your face.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"Maybe it's happy tears."
"I want all of those things." You said, wiping your face in a fruitless attempt to stop the tears, "And I want everything else that you're thinking of. That's all I've ever wanted, and it's great that we're on the same page."
"See." Venom said, "Happy tears."
"But," You kept staring at your lap, watching your tears land in it, "I couldn't ask you to do all of that. It'd be pointless, after all."
"Pointless?" Eddie moved closer and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close, "I wouldn't say it's pointless. We got a common goal in mind, don't we? A fa-"
"Please don't say that word." You blurted out, "I hate that word."
"You didn't hate it," Eddie's speech seemed to slow down, "Yesterday. Did everything go okay today?"
"No." You sobbed, "It didn't. And- I- We-"
You felt a tendril latch around you as you cried and hiccupped. The world felt so tiny, and it's almost like everything's been thrown off balance.
"I can't-"
"You don't have to say it." Eddie said, pulling you into his lap, "We understand."
"I've ruined everything. We had this whole plan and now it's up in smoke."
"You didn't ruin it. You can't really control this type of thing."
"Aren't you sad? Upset? Don't you hate me?"
"Hate you? Never. And sure, I'm sad," Eddie kissed the top of your head and wiped your face on the sleeve of his shirt, "But, we'll figure something out, right? We always figure things out."
Venom understood, and he could feel just how heartbroken everyone was, but yet he didn't seem how this was going to tarnish everything. Was there no way to just... Fix this issue? Could he fix it somehow?
"Maybe we'll be that annoying couple on the block with the three loud dogs." Eddie chuckled, "Or cats."
Eddie could see that you didn't want a cheap laugh. You were looking forward to this next step, but now you were just stuck in place.
"I just want a baby." You continued to cry, "We both did, and I can't give you that one simple thing."
"I told you," Eddie tried to sound reassuring, "We'll figure something out."
"Does it have to be human?" Venom asked, purely out of curiosity.
You weren't sure why, but that make the crying worse. You'd completely forgotten that there's even alien races that have more babies than you.
"What did I do?" Venom asked.
"I'm sorry," You said, sniffling, "You didn't do anything. I didn't mean to- I'm sorry, V."
You put a gentle hand on the top of his head, "You probably don't get why this is such a big deal huh."
"Well, considering that all the children's I've had just leave and turn out evil," Venom replied, "I guess I don't even see the appeal in parenthood."
You gave him a rather kind smile.
"I promise that we'll figure something out." Eddie said, "But, for now, we gotta deal with the issue at hand right now."
"I'm sorry, Eddie. I wanted it to work out."
"It's not your fault. Sometimes these things just happen. And that's totally okay."
You deflated and laid your head on his chest. He was being so brave for you.
"It's okay to not be okay." You whispered, trying to not cry again.
The apartment was quiet as the tv flicked colors over everything in its view. You had no idea how quiet it had been, but then a sound broke the silence.
A sniff.
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The boys finding out you hooked up w/ Ross | Dysfunctional Quartet HC | post TFATWS
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Read the other HCs & imagines -> Series Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
Pairings: Pairings: Sam Wilson x Vigilante!reader (platonic/flirtatious), Bucky Barnes x Vigilante!reader (platonic/flirtatious), Helmut Zemo x Vigilante!reader (platonic/flirtatious), Everett Ross (flirtatious/slight romantic)
Content warnings: profanity, flirtatious banter, mentions & implications of sex. Mentions of violence | gn!reader (they/them)
Premise: The boys were aware their hacker companion Y/n was unpredictable. Having been a team for so long they should know to expect the unexpected when it comes to them—but a certain night of activities with their boss? Now that was something they did not see from a mile away.
See after being a team for so long, one would think the boys would be used to your unpredictable nature—but you knew how to surprise people.
Following a successful assignment, the four of you made it back to the States to do a final briefing with Agent Ross who was your superior. The meeting went good—no threats of being put back in prison because you actually stayed with the plan for the mission. Unlike the first one you were on.
When you were dismissed you were in a celebration mood and wanted to go out with the boys—even inviting Ross along. It surprised you when he agreed so you all made your way to a bar to have some drinks to toast another successful mission.
It was a fun time, but when the night came to a closing and the others were ready to go home, you still had to finish your drink and Ross offered to stay behind to make sure you made it back to the compound you were housed at. “Ahh don’t want to get rid of me yet, Rossi?” “Just making sure you don’t run off again, L/N.” “Whatever you say handsome.”
Well let’s just say that last drink you two shared turned into two. Then three. And one more for good measure until you two were stumbling into your room of the compound with your lips locked and clothes flying everywhere. “I knew you had a soft spot for me, blondie.”
Neither of you two had dabbled in late night activities in awhile—considering you were in prison, but that didn’t you didn’t know what you were doing. It was a mind blowing night to say the least—with you craving the agent more once it came to end.
Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to fuck your superiors—especially as a criminal— but you were not gonna let the opportunity slip away. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find the older man to be attractive with a sex appeal making your mouth water. You didn’t expect anything to come out of it, but it was fun while it lasted.
The next morning was….interesting. Ross didn’t know how to act or say—feeling like it had been a bad idea, but you assured him with a kiss saying, “Don’t worry, Ev, I can keep a secret. This may have been a one time thing, so thanks for making it worth wild—but I wouldn’t complain if you wanted more.”
After some small talk and establishing the night must remain hidden from everyone—including the boys, Ross made his leave. The smirk wouldn’t leave your face all day—feeling very proud with the fact you managed to score some spice with the blonde agent. You felt very accomplished—even if you had to keep quiet about it.
The following day, a Sunday, the boys had come to your place to go over what the move was on your next mission. Zemo spent most of his time drinking your liquor stash looking bored, while Bucky and Sam did most of the talking—as they usually did. Bucky was quite the observer, so he could pick up on the shift of your behavior.
“What’s up with you today?” “Whatever do you mean, Winter man?” “You’re barely interrupting us and look more relaxed—what did going out on Friday do a number on you?” “I just feel confident that whatever you and Cap decides will be the best move, Buck. No need to get sus of me.”
Bucky didn’t buy it, and he took notice you were wearing a turtleneck when it was nearly 80+ degrees outside. Sam got his attention again, but the former soldier was trying to figure out what was up with you.
It wasn’t until Sam excused himself to use the bathroom—which happened to be in your bedroom, that the truth (unfortunately for you) was revealed. “Uh, Y/n, why is Ross’ tie and badge in your room?” Bucky nearly loses it, “ROSS’ WHAT?! Are you fucking kidding me? I knew something was up—how you’re acting, the turtleneck when it’s hot as hell outside—why you look like you won an Olympic gold medal.” “Bucky would you shut the hell up—.” “No, Sam! Can’t you see this can compromise our whole team!”
Zemo, still drinking goes, “oh my. Y/n you slept with our boss?” All you could do was bring your hand to your face, cursing that Ross’ dumbass—who swore to the Gods your night was to be kept secret—was the one to give y’all up in just a day. “That motherfucker.”
Zemo smirks—feeling quite proud that you, a criminal, fucked y’all’s superior who happened to be a federal agent, “Did you at least enjoy yourself.” All you could do was send him a wink, ignoring the arguing between the two avengers. “The man knows his way around a body—plus he’s big. I wouldn’t mind having another taste.”
Let’s just say, Ross was in for a treat the next time you four were briefed.
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