#tools review
plasmacutter89 · 5 months
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dammjamboy · 5 months
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thelailasblog · 20 days
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theoutcastrogue · 2 years
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Four stars because after stabbing a guy the butterfly knife wouldn't come out of his leg and I was forced to leave it there.
— most popular review of a ~15 euro butterfly knife [x]
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lavenderjewels · 6 months
I love Higuruma. Not just because he’s so willing to help Yuuji and the others (and because he’s hot), but he’s a character with particular traits that I’ve appreciated throughout JJK. The constant adapting and learning that can be seen with Mahito, strengthening his own capabilities that aren’t inherently offensive or overwhelmingly powerful like Tengen with barriers or Nobara being Mahito’s natural enemy, etc. It’s not like there aren’t interesting aspects to characters that are overwhelmingly powerful like Sukuna or Gojo, but it’s gratifying to see characters who aren’t still find ways to make just as much of an impact and work with others to do so. It’s no wonder Sukuna admires him, while giving far less thought to characters that could arguably be considered more powerful or destructive.
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snackugaki · 1 year
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one (1) dynamic from a show I watched when I was 12 is has a stronger grip on me than it has any right to, multiversal strength gorilla glue-ass grip.
bayverse setting isn’t conducive to Venus’ mysticism background so uhhh... i guess they argue fantasy vs sci fi genres? idk who would wear big naturals better, Gandalf or Magneto.
zombies, star wars, and star trek are neutral ground
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(that includes fanfic writers, hobbyists)
How do you include dialogue in another language, assuming all the character speak it, but not the reader?
More (not really necessary) details under cut, please answer me with reblogs or comments, you can also reblog even if you don't have an answer, for more visibility.
My story takes place in the french province of Québec ('ello there), but the story is in english, and so are most characters talking. However, i do wanna include french in some dialogue, because every bilingual québecer will easily switch between the two. I don't wanna do it too much, but only to add a touch of quebecism and make people understand that some characters have french as their first language. Some of my characters also have spanish as a first language and don't speak a lot of french
here's two dialogues example i got:
"Damn, she's so pretty." "She's gay." "Ouin, pis?" (Okay, so?)
"Bonjour, Alex. Je m'appelle Charlotte." (Hi Alex. My name is Charlotte) "They- They don't speak much French..." "You said they were bilingual!" "English and Spanish. Sorry."
"¿Qué diablos pasó ahí fuera? ¿Alguien te lastimó?" (What the hell happened to you? Did someone hurt you?) "Sí. Pero estoy bien, Anton. Solo tengo un- una- a concussion. I'll be okay." (Yes. But i'm fine, Anton. It's just a concussion.) "Y qué pasa con esto?" (And what about this?) "Me estas molestando" (You're annoying me.)
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ghostpajamas · 1 year
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new fountain pen (platinum preppy) and ink (noodler's pasternak). ink doesnt hold up as well as id expected against water, but i might not be letting it dry long enough. 54th massachusetts set my standards high lol. gorgeous color tho. very fond of how the pen writes as well. lines arent too thick, but dont feel scratchy
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cryptidclaw · 7 months
I want to get Procreate dreams but I'm not gonna do it until they add the lasso tool. Like??? That is a super important tool for animation why isn't that on there???
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hinamie · 15 days
fewer things make me doubt my skills as an artist more than drawing Rooms this is the ONE context where i prefer the outdoors i hate u furniture i hate u walls i hate u trim.....
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clonerightsagenda · 2 months
One of my starred book reviews got chosen as a SFF pick of the month. Further validation that my tastes are objectively correct
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girlwarlock · 8 months
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maybe it's a coincidence but it's a lil sketch that when i searched the ''intrusive thoughts'' tag (due to some curiosity from a post that crossed my dash) that this thing come up. @wip @changes I really don't like this kind of targeted communication, whether this kokobot is something that tumblr is cooking up internally or whether they're a third party getting the info from tumblr for this kind of targeted spam.
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orchid-merryweather · 1 month
I have a home maintenance class in my school, and as review for the final the teacher is just going through all the old slides, so I got to see this gem again and share it with all four people here
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huh-enheim · 2 months
I'm not a regular watcher of BOLDcast, but ever since someone sent me a link to their Dungeon Meshi videos I've been fascinated by their perspective as anime-onlys--their speculation sometimes raises questions that still feel surprising and insightful to me as someone who's finished the manga.
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serpentsurgency · 4 months
There are realities with SCPs in the 5900s.
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longlivefeedback · 10 months
Do you think there's a skin or a script or something or other to comment on specific chapters while reading in entire work? Like a comment button somewhere around the chapter end notes.
There used to be a floaty review box thingy script which may or may not be what you're looking for, but as I've never personally used it, I don't know if it still exists and works.
Opening this up to the blog for anyone to reblog or chime in on with information. Sorry I don't have a good answer right now, but hopefully someone in the notes does @frogwithapen !
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