#trans survivors
ifwebefriends · 9 months
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 4 months
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happy pride month
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harrowedknight · 7 months
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Replaying fallout 4 rn and i have many gay thoughts about the raspy voiced drug addict
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dee-the-red-witch · 24 days
Okay, this is it.
It's been ten years of fucked-up, and it's been ramping up more and more over the last three since I came out. Between getting used emotionally and financially to be the sole support for this family, Getting harmed daily by a kid that I want to love and support but who can't understand who this stranger is that replace his dad and more and more things on top of it. To the point where I've had no resources, barely any energy to work or function, and near constantly hit adrenaline rush responses at random loud noises. But things are moving forward. Monday, my son moves into care that's well-equipped for him, and they'll be better for him than I ever will be at this point or any time in the future. My oldest kid is old enough to be independent and start doing their own thing enough to get out of here. I don't have to worry about or protect them.
I can get out. Just move, on my own, find a safe place and rest and heal. Finally. Just, I have zero resources to do it with. The last decade has fucked my credit and rental history badly, I'm sure, as well. Which means finding a place within my normal budget and sweetening the pot by pre-paying as many extra months as I can. Plus that way I can be covered for housing during my transition surgery recoveries, since this family and apartment managed to drain every last cent from my transition fund to keep from becoming unhoused. And it'll mean me having to do a lot less asking for support and help, because I won't be supporting four people on one income any longer. But all of that means I need to get money together. Quick. And a lot. At least 5k, if not closer to ten. So, yeah, I'm asking for help again. To donate: http://paypal.me/tormentedartifacts
If you want to get something in return for helping, there's also always http://tormentedartifacts.com but I'll be clear. Anything big ordered right now is likely not happening until after I move, if not after my surgery recovery, since I won't be able to sit fully upright or work for a big chunk of that. Which means you may not see it until next year.
But anything helps. Please. Even just five bucks. And so does reblogging and sharing this wherever you can. So, if you do, thanks.
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shotofstress · 2 months
Coming back after being almost a week without electricity, phone, and internet connection. Huge storms with lightning and rain, and winds. We have never have winds like that here and the roof of so many houses were ripped off, stuff flying, etc. All this bc global warming, and the deforestation and mining in our lands. At this rate, in 5 years we will have tornadoes, a thing we have never ever have here. Nor our lands, infrastructures, states, and culture are prepared for this. Areas of the country are devastated, ppl have died, many are without electricity nor Internet connection so they are isolated. The houses are flooding with water, and the ones that not, are leaking from the ceiling. Too many neighbours and compatriots don't have roofs and the streets are full of fallen trees and pieces of roof material, no electricity, no signal, food rotting, but suffering at the same time for the cold of this terrible winter, and trying to do something, patching even when its gonna go to hell when the storm comes again this next days.
If u want to help me to fix the roof, walls, to buy food and being warm this winter please check my Ko-fi. If u can't donate, please reblog bc thats the only way to make this being seen by ppl thus receiving help. I'm really not being able to keep living like this, i can no longer cope, so please share.
Here are in my PayPal or MACH . I took the kofi link bc they were charging me a fee.
Please, educate about global warming and the effects on Global South, specially for working class, chronically ill, autistic, disable, and long covid survivor ppl like myself.
Edit: I added links
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misfauxpas · 3 months
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there's chemicals in the rain turning all the scugs trans!!!
maybe someday these'll be a sticker set. in the mean time, I've divided the Slime Rancher scug designs into four sticker sets, the first two of which will be available in the next few weeks or so!
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gor3sigil · 2 months
I spent the majority of my life being scared to DEATH about getting older. When I was 10, I listened to a song about growing out of the innocence of childhood and cried for hours. When I was 13, I could have panic attacks and crying fits because I was terrified of not being passionate about music as much if I grew older. I cried when I reached my 20s. And I'm scared shitless about turning 30.
The adults in my life were MISERABLE. I was told almost every day that growing up meant giving up, making sacrifices, having to bury inside everything you ever were as a child and teenager to fit in the mould or you were going to be the scum of society, useless, not worthy of anything.
The adults in my life were traumatized and never did anything to address their traumas. And they openly didn't want to. They were persuading themselves that they were fine or that it wasn't important to heal from the past. But their traumas transpired in everything they did, every decision they made, and the way they treated me.
And look, I'm not old by any means. I'm almost 27. But I spend every day that makes me closer to 30 like a waiting room before my inner death. Like one day I'll wake up and become a zombie and everything I ever loved and was passionnate about will be erased from my mind and heard, only to be replaced by the excruciating burden of responsabilities, chores, work, filling papers and wondering how I ended up living this way.
That's why I left my family. Because I was so sure that they would shove me into the same patterns they were in that I just dropped everything and went away. And the reaction I got in return was "Well, do you think WE'RE happy ? No, but life goes on anyways." I felt my inner child scream in agony. I packed, took a train, never returned.
And thank god I did.
It warms my heart so much when I see peolle here in their 30s still engaging in famdoms, nerdy hobbies, passions like writing, drawing, make music. Know that you're the reason I keep going and am a little less scared of being myself and growing into who I want to become.
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transjewdyke · 1 year
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twitter fucking kills me man (if someone could add a descriptive text in a reblog i would be so appreciative, i am dyslexic and i keep trying and failing)
edit: thanks to @is-this-just-fantasy for providing the alt text, i was really struggling lol
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barbieslutshamesken · 8 months
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nothing was ever there to be taken
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ashley-of-the-abyss · 4 months
Easy 7-step plan to getting rich:
1. Come out as trans and start taking HRT.
2. Apply for Survivor. Play up how your performance in challenges would cause drama, since if you're weak you'll be a failure to men and if you're strong you'll be cheating women out of a deserved win. (Note: Big Brother and other similarly cheesy reality TV shows also work if you're not comfortable showing your chest)
3. Wait for [Reality Show] to inevitably accept you. They'll eat it up, loving the idea of showing liberals they're diverse while getting conservatives to hate-watch/watch to see how bad trans people are at being their desired gender.
4. Once you're there, play hard. Try to win challenges, especially endurance- or intelligence-based ones, since people can't make a negative view for you on those one way or the other. Don't be afraid to point out to more accepting players how sad it would be if you went first, and how it would show how backwards society really is.
5. When you're in the final 9 since nobody felt comfortable voting against you and seeming bigoted on national TV, start fully being yourself. Create alliances, make friends, and show the audience that you're more than just a trans person: you're a person.
6. You're in the final two. Great. Now it's time to remind everyone how hard your journey was. Talk about how the right-wing stereotype of the season said you'd never be a [desired gender]. But don't push it too hard. Talk about your actual merits, and explain your strategy. Finally, remind everyone how amazing it would be if a trans person won [Reality Show], because it would mean that everyone has a chance at success.
7. Win. Or don't win, that's okay too. Either way, you'll walk away from it all with money, fame, and countless brands wanting to pay you to promote their product. You broke boundaries, and showed millions of young queer people, some of whom have disapproving families that would never give them the resources to discover themselves otherwise. You're a hero, an icon, and most importantly to a capitalist society, you're rich.
I am currently stuck on the first step of this process.
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butch-reidentified · 11 months
you survived the pulse shooting?! oh honey.. thats so awful..
so awful that a scum miserable cunt bitch like you wasnt brutally and painfully massacred. So awful that decent human beings lost their lives only for a piece of bottom of the barrel shit like you to walk out with your life when you should've been one of dead... just so unfortunate honey.
at least maybe one day your mental illness will get the best of you and you'll finish the job yourself :)
die, cunt. and make it snappy.
unfortunately for you, my mental health is excellent 😪 I'm currently on the way to an island resort with my wife & our best friends for her birthday, but I promise I'll try really hard to find something to be a little unhappy about if that'll help, ok? 💗
oh and thanks for reminding everyone how lovely transactivists are to anyone who even questions their beliefs on gender
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eternal-cupido · 2 months
Wammy's Boys Headcannons
Clinical anger issues 100%
listens to bands like She Wants Revenge 
The song "Tear You Apart" by them as a person
plays video games with Matt in his free time 
is scared of something oddly specific like crickets 
trans man 
probably has some of the deepest rooted trauma/insecurities in the whole series 
Has the worst RBF you've ever seen '
After he abandoned Wammy's House he turned into a bit of a stoner (Mello I see you with those chocolate bars.)
inferiority complex
Since they grew up idolizing L they subconsciously began to copy a lot of his behaviors
Is the youngest of the Wammy's House trio
When it comes to toys they either prefers train/car type toys or girl's toys 
Non-binary or genderfluid 
Has severe texture issues when it comes to fabrics, and that why they prefers to only wear pajamas 
struggle's a lot with survivor's guilt
He's a huge gamer and has been since he was young 
plays all kinds of video games, but prefers FPS
you can’t tell me this man doesn’t listen to hyper-pop or f-boy music
thinks he’s the shit 
really into AI, like this man is always making the dumbest deep fakes or playing around with it 
uses his knowledge of tech for chaos (putting traffic light settings a few seconds off type stuff)
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idkaguyorsomething · 11 months
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something something thinking about regeneration and self-perception again
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harrowedknight · 5 months
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teratophallia · 3 months
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Bad Bitches. Accept this little doodle of Cheryl and Yui as part of the free dbd sketches I did over on twitter <3
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paverics · 1 month
a gay guy approached my mum on a night out last night and said he “knows” that she is transsexual because he’s a gay man and he “can tell”
but here’s the thing — my mum had cancer. twice. she lost all of her hair. it’s never grown back. she wears a wig. it’s something she’s incredibly self conscious about. and it made her cry
my mum had 2 surgeries to remove all of her female reproductive organs, and she still suffers from the aftermath of those surgeries. i spent 2 years thinking she was going to die. i saw her in hospital for weeks, unable to walk and barely eating. i see her now struggling with the consequences of those surgeries. her lack of hair is the least important or interesting thing about her. i’m just so thankful she’s still here, regardless of how she looks (which is still beautiful btw, and i wish she saw it)
so i just want to encourage people to keep thoughts to themselves because i cannot stress enough how wildly inappropriate it is to approach a cancer survivor and question their womanhood when that womanhood almost killed them. mind your business
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