#tried a new coloring style not sure how i feel about it yet
aemondstark · 5 months
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"Second of His Name" 01.03 → "The Green Council" 01.09
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styxwanderer · 3 months
Hey you can ignore this if you don’t want to answer that. This is an idea to a reaction for the Twst cast to Yuu/Reader being mad at Crowley.
But IMAGINE Yuu/Reader getting told by Crowley that they can’t actually return to their own world because either it wasn’t possible to begin with or had some kind of time limit to which they could return home. And what if Crowley knew for a long time and just didn’t tell Yuu for whatever reason. Now they are so mad and want to commit arson.
I, at least, would ask Ortho, Epel or Floyd to help me empty out Crowleys office and pile it up outside making a big bonfire. (I wold make copies of all his Documents, (I’m not that cruel) I would just hide them to see the look on his face) I would also add things like magnesium, sulfate and other tings to make pretty colored flames.
I love your writing style and I hope you could write your ideas about this.
NRC Tales: No Way Home |
〖Twisted wonderland〗
Dear Neufra darling, I love that brain of yours. i want to kiss it! Sorry it took a while, my brain just kept on generating new ideas for this prompt. I hope you enjoy this fic.
•´¨*•.¸¸.•*´¨•.¸¸.•♪♫•¨•.¸¸❤¸¸.•¨•♫♪ •´¨*•.¸¸.•*´¨•.¸¸.•
“HOW COULD YOU?!” You screamed at the face of the old crow. All respect and calm demeanor to the side. 
“N-Now now..” Crowley was taken aback at your outburst. He  would have never expected these reaction coming from you, the usually calm and nice you. Yet here you are, vein threatened to burst out of your skin.
Why had this happened? 
It is simple.. 
You had discovered that this bastard of a headmage of yours could’ve actually send you back home a month ago, but since he missed the exact timing and all, he decided to cover up his mistake hoping no one would noticed. 
You went to report the headmaster of the progress you made and clues you have regarding a passage for you to went back, yet the crow was not in his office. 
Then you discovered the letter and a piece of paper explaining how the passage mirror works in regard to traveling through dimensions. The next possible time for a dimension travel is approximately 1000 year after the last one. This enough had make your heart clenched. You noticed the date written for the next possible time for dimension travel is a month ago.
Everything was blank for you, “no.. its cant be.. no no no..” 1000 year?! Is this a joke? Human can’t even live past 200. You ears ring as you have difficulty to breathe air. 
Admist of your panic the door turn revealing Dire Crowley. 
“Oh! You surprised me! You should’ve waited outside if i am not in the office .. well? Are you alright?.”
“You… am i alright?” You scoffed. As it clicked to you, the paper was in crowley desk, He knew, he knew but choses not to tell you anything, he knew but chose to pretend and leave you with your meaningless tedious investigation.
“What’s the matter?” 
“How could you…”
“HOW COULD YOU!!” You screamed pointing at the paper, you felt blood rushing up your head as tears build up your eyes, you can never see your parents again. Your siblings, your beloved pet, your friends. ‘I am now truly as good as dead to them.’ 
“A—ah.. now.. now..” 
“NOW WHAT?! I can’t.. i can never see my family… why? I can’t… HOW COULD YOU!” myriad of emotions blast through your nerves, but most of all the pain in your heart. You can’t breathe. If you can’t breathe then might as well scream. 
“YOU KNEW. YOU KNEW ABOUT THE DATE! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME? Why?! “ you could feel your salty tears rushing down your face.
“I am sorry.. but..” Crowley was taken aback by your outburst. Sure he felt guilty but at the same time, he couldn’t reverse time. 
“It was in your desk.. it was in your desk all along. The solution.” You vision has now blurred its view. You tried to wipe it but it kept flowing.
“I am sorry.. there is nothing i could do.. on the plus side, you have a new family now in twisted wonderland you see, new friends too, so don’t feel so disheartened.”
You could not believe your ears. You lift your face from your hand as you stare at his smiling face.
I want to punch that.
“ARGHHHHHH” You grab the nearest lamp stand as you pulled it off the switch as you lunged to this bastard. 
“AAAAAA!!” The crow screamed
Your body was hurled into the desk by an explosion, landing you to the inside of the desk. Everything ache, you felt that you might have cracked or broken a bone, but you are too numb to notice.
“Headmage!” The door slammed open as the red haired man walked in as he rushed towards Crowley side.
“What happened here? We heard shouting.” The man in a fancy business suit follow in tow.
“Somebody finally have enough of your shit huh old man.” The lion werebeast too walked in.
“Now who would’ve done that?!” The white hair man 
“No matter we need to dispose such unruly person, tch.. it’s always violence first.” The actor draw his Grimoire wand. 
“Hii.. is this an assassination attempt? That’s scary.” A flying tablet walked in.
“Whatever it is, such matters could be solved instantly.” The man with two black horned too entered.  It is rare for Malleus to be present the dormleader meeting, this time Lilia had kept his eyes glued and tell him to go to the meeting hence the rare occurrence. 
They all have just finished their discussion in the dormleader meeting and were heading back to their respective dorm before hearing a loud shout and noises coming from the office. They decide its best to investigate. 
In a glimpse riddled saw somebody was about to attack the headmage and hence the explosion spell. 
The lightbulb of the lamp shade has shattered upon impact. Some of the shard had managed to pierce your hand. But no matter , you could not feel the penetrating shards nor the flowing blood. You were driven by rage, rendering you senseless of others. You did not even noticed who had entered the office. All you want to do is to get back at Crowley the way you know to do. You can’t do magic, but you sure can cause physical harm. 
A loud slam brought the dormwarden attemtion to you. You whom had felt your shoulder dislocated, decided that it is an obstacle, hence you slam your shoulder back in place by slamming it to the desk. You felt no pain, just a hollowing despair.
“A monster…?”
“No thats..”
The housewarden could only gawk at the sight of your furrowed eyebrow, vein popping out on your side. A clear fury drenched your face.
“no no no no….DONT GET IN MY WAY” an anguished cry came from your mouth as you eerily stood up and charged towards the headmage. Your bloody hand leaving trails as you shove Kalim and Vil away so you could get to the headmage. 
Just as you were about to get a hit of that masked bastard you felt two strong arms holding you under the elbow, dragging you away from Crowley.
“Unhand me! I SAY UNHAND ME!” You struggle through Leona’s grip, kicking both your legs. You are manic.
“Eugh, calm down! Calm down, Y/N!” Leona whom had managed to snapped out of his shock tried to reason as he struggled to keep you in his hold.
“NO!! Please!! LET ME GO! Let me go!” Your eyes starts to blur once more, this time you can’t wipe the tears away, you don’t bother to do so, you had one goal to achieve. Tears are pouring freely from your manic eyes, eyebrows scrunched up marring your face. There is blood coming out one side of your face from the explosion. You are bruised all over, your clothes ripped and untidy, your hair a chaotic mess. 
Your appearance brought all of them to agape.  
Malleus upon snapping out rush to your side, helping leona to contain you.
“Y/n, please calm down.”
“Erkh, oi stop gawking start helping.” Leona snapped 
“You are bleeding!” Vil run to clasp your hand that hold the lamp shade tightly. 
“Let go.. your hand is injured.” He tried to pry it off your hand but you hold still. 
Your bloodshot eyes still focused on Crowley as you try to shake these obstacles. 
Kalim and Idia are staring blank to afraid to move. The gentle sweet you all gone replaced by your rage.
“Y/n! Im.. im so.. in sorry..im sorry” riddle stammered, he was ridden with guilt for casting the explosion that caused your injury, he hurt his precious person. 
“Whatever the fuck did  you do to rouse this reaction?” Azul turned to Crowley. Unable to stand the sight of your despair. 
“Uhmm..” crowley hated the attention that was instantly directed to him. 
“TELL THEM WHAT YOU DID! TELL THEM!! You.. YOU BASTARD!” You shouted still in their grasp unable to move further.
“I might have missedthetimelimittosendthembackhome. And the next possible date for it to happened again is 1000 year after last month Its not my fault—“ 
“FUCKKK YOUU!” With a new found power you try to pry those latching to you.
“Oii!” You manage to stagger Leona as he lost his grip, letting you slip. as much as Leona think you deserves to beat the crow to pulp he noticed your injured state, not wanting to worsen your condition he held on.
“Stop it! Stop it y/n. You will injure yourself.” Kalim rushed to hug you on your waist allowing Leona to keep his grip on you. 
“How could you missed the date for such important event?!” Riddle shouted to the headmage.
“And you don’t think to tell them!” Azul turned to shout.
“MOVE! AAAAARGHHH!!”  Frustrated by your inability to move you wailed.
If the housewarden were to be asked years after of the events that happened today they will always remember your anguish filled scream. Its deafening yet they could only feel their hearts cracking, as if they were hit by a hammer that let the pain vibrates through their whole body. 
It lasted not only for 5 second, you were screamed continuously for how ever long it takes for your lungs to be a depleted balloon. It is relatively a short time, but it felt like hours for the housewarden. At the end of your screamed you slumped down as those surrounding you lowered you to the ground slowly, vil finally taking the lamp shade out from your grip. 
“I… im… im never going to see them again.. im never going to see my family again… im never ..” you are interrupted by a sob before fully bursting into tears. Placing both your hand to your face. 
You felt yourself being wrapped in an embrace of the lion and a leathered hand patting your head. Kalim still holding you from the waist was moved to tears too. 
“Its not fairrr..” you squeek between sobs.
“ How could you be so irresponsible?” Vil shouted towards crowley.
“God help me im about to smash this lamp shade to your head instead!” Vil shouted
“Now now c-calm down.. lets talk about this.”
“What is there to talk about? Look at the pain you have caused!” Azul glared
“This is totally unacceptable! How could you?”
Riddle felt his head starting to colour red.
“This is enough, you have proven to me that you do not deserve to stand by them, now perish !” Malleus lift his hand up from your head as he walked towards  crowley, he himself felt enraged for what he did to you.
“Wa.. Wait wait wait!” Crowley stepped back, he sure wasn’t expecting the dormwarden to gang up on him, more the king of briar to be involved.
Malleus got close and closer as he clasp his hand on his neck.
“What is going on here.” The red robe man walked in inspecting the office, he was followed by the dog loving professor who too had been alerted by a heart wrenching scream. Behind both of them the big gym teacher too, follow them inside. 
The teachers sure wasn’t expecting the headmage to be choked by one of the student more over Malleus, they too wasn’t expecting the headmage to be surrounded by the other housewarden who had looked enraged. 
“what is the meaning of this” crewel demanded. 
Just as the teacher rushed in, the door opened for another trio.
“MYEH! What’s all the noises!” Grim rushed inside of the room
“We heard a commotion. Is everybody alright?”The spade boy rushed in with the heart.
The three of them were in their way to pick you up, since they were informed that you are going to report to crowley about the first year group hard-found investigation. They were planning to walk you back to the ramshackle dorm and have a midnight hang out with you and the others. 
Upon seeing the sight of malleus choking the headmage and the wrecked office they froze.
“Uwah.. what’s will all these mess..” ace surveyed the room. 
Crewel too observed the room before his eyes trails to another group in the room, he found you bruised, bleeding and sobbing into your hand as leona hugged you protectively  from behind and kalim, who is also crying, apologizing to you as in condolences, hugging your waist. 
“Crowley what did you do to my pup?” He spits. He won’t take shit from the man, looking at how broken you are not to mention the scream. He could feel the despair from your form. 
“I demand answer now!” Trein who had think of you as a stepchild, steps ignore the state of crowley who was still in the hold of Malleus. 
“I, i accidentally well.. miss the date in which the is the only possible date to open a transport to another dimension and the next date would be 1000 years from last month.” 
“And how are they in a ragged state?”
“Uhm.. that is my fault i thought the headmage was being attacked by an stranger so i cast an explosion spell resulting them to be thrown to the desk and landed behind. I am sorry.. im sorry y/n” riddle face was painted with guilt.
The silence given by the teachers is foreboding.
Crewel pull out his phone as he dial a number. “Hello I’d like to report a child neglect. Yes from NRC.”
“Wait wait wait! Please! Its a simple mistake, we living being made mistake.” 
“Not as crucial as this, this is just pure idiocy, that comes from me who doesn’t really understand much.” Vargas said.
“This is truly despicable.” Trein shouted
“Thats so fucked up!” Ace shouted
“No shit!” Deuce continues. 
“I knew we should never trust this bastard!” Grim snarled. Grim then rushed closer to where you slumped. Concern painted his face. “Henchmen…. are you alright.” 
The commotion starts again as the teachers too started to bash the neglectful headmage.
“… What.. what's the point..” you whispered a sob , slowly you put down your bruised and bleeding hand.
“What?” Kalim asked between sobs.
“What’s the point of living… everything… everything that i do is meaningless…” as the last word spout from your mouth your eyes rolled to the back, with your rage calmed into despair the extend of your injuries soon begun to catch up on its effects resulting your consciousness to fade. Its most likely from when you hit your head on the desk and then the floor resulting a blood injury on the side of your head.
“O-Oi… wake up. Y/N WAKE UP!” Leona stern voice laced with concern has alerted 
“Y/N! Y/NN!!” Kalim and grim yelled trying to wake you up. 
All attention turned to your limped body as they rushed towards your side. Crowley being dropped to the ground with a loud thud.
“Move movee!” Riddle shoved through the crowd.
“Leona lay her down and slightly elevate their head. Kalim let go.” Riddle shouted.
The sobbing Kalim of course refused to let you go, he is concerned for his dearest friend. Vargas had to pry Kalim off your waist as he clung to you. Leona comply because he know better.
Riddle begun a quick check up on your breathing. 
“They are not breathing!!” Riddle cried
“Move away give them space” Crewel pushed back the crowd as they all step back. 
Riddle then begun to do CPR on you.
The others watched with anxiety running course their veins. Dread filled their system as they thought of the worst possible outcome. After a while riddle managed to get you to breathe. Even if its faint at least you are breathing. With leona pressing on the wound in your head to stop the bleeding.
“We need to bring her to the infirmary hurry!” Riddle yelled.
Leona being the most athletic picked you up in an ease and rushed towards the infirmary. The others followed agreeing that there is a more precedented matter at hand and decide to deal with crowley after the matter is settled. 
Once they have arrived to the infirmary the nurse rushed towards you, ripping you away from leona’s arm asking them all to wait outside as they perform their knowledge to treat you. 
Leona stared at his bloody hand, it is not often that dread filled his guts, usually its a bitter annoyance, yet not all he could feel is anxiety amd dread. 
The rest was no better, they all thought of what they could’ve done to prevent this, what they regretted. None of them are prone to wishing, since a wish are for children. But now they found themselves wishing that all of this is a nightmare. Wishing that this would be over soon. Wishing for you to just open your eyes.  begging and praying for you to be alright, and for the you whom would embrace them in a warm hug with a gentle smile on your face to return not the lifeless ghastly you. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Ignihyde dorm,
For once idia wished he is present in that office instead of observing from the comfort of his room. His room felt chilly, shivers run down his spine, he was left speechless, so was ortho, who had been brought to attention by the commotion could be heard from idia’s monitor just as he was about leave to the ramshackle dorm gulped.
“Brother… what should we do?”
“I.. I dont know ortho..but we can’t leave them like this.”
Idia rushed as he and his brother rushed to the infirmary.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
in the infirmary,
The nurse finally were able to give you proper care as they patch you up, all that rest was for you to wake up.
Those do not settle well for any of the teacher nor the housewarden and your precious trio. They decided to keep you take turns to keep you company. Not knowing when you will wake up. 
The first is grim since he insisted so hard and refuse any other attempts to debate him. This meant of course that ace and deuce too to insist. And hence they got the first 5 hour to company their injured friend. Ortho insisted to stay with the group as well. Saying he is able to detect vital signs as the hours near the time of your collapse a crucial hour. So he wanted to check in you. 
Second goes to Kalim who is persistent about being any help to you what so ever. Kalim felt hopeless and useless. He wished he could’ve done something for you. And he blame himself for not being able to prevent this event. 
The third is Idia who had come in a rush with ortho, he volunteered to everyone surprise.
The fourth goes to Malleus, whom had  insisted since “he could stay up late than any other”. 
The fifth goes to vil whom had insist that since it would be in the break of dawn he is the most eligible guy for this because he woke up early. 
Sixth goes to Leona who snapped out of his trance.
Seventh to Azul, who was looking pale as if a shark was tailing him from the dark depths, he felt powerless like he was when he was a kid. And he loathe that. 
And last but not least to riddle. Whom still feels guilty for casting the explosion spell.
The days in which you are laid unconscious were tense and restless. An eerie silence has swept NRC. The dormwardens who were not on their shift returned to their dorm bringing the news to those who knew you. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Heartslabyul dorm,
When Riddle was rigid, he was devastated of the fact that he himself was the reason of your injury. He was greeted by trey and carter who upon noticing his face was concerned amd ask him what happened. 
When Riddle finished with the news, both thought that riddle was playing jokes at them, it is after they noticed Riddle tearing up that they realized how dire the situation was. The both of them are shocked to find that their friend bawling from guilt.
Trey and Carter calmed Riddle down and talked him out of his guilt, it truly wasn’t Riddle’s fault. 
The two of course wanted to give the crow a piece of their mind. Carter was about to make a video cancelling the headmage in his magicam (he was stopped by Riddle, even though he himself wanted Carter to post it.).  
Trey hastily walked to the kitchen to bake a lot of baked goods for their injured friends, having nothing to do Riddle and Carter helped Trey gladly, and so the three of them spent all might in the kitchen making fantastic delicious food for you. but of course they can’t forget a tart for the crow, a tart that shall be name ‘the pest killer’. Carter and Riddle too gladly help with his ill intent baking. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Savannaclaw dorm,
Upon noticing the smell of blood on their housewarden who looked grimmer than he usually was Ruggie and Jack rushed for answers. 
“Eugh so noisy…” 
With a sigh Leona begun the story, recalling the previous incident. 
Jack rushed to the infirmary, disregarding Leona’s attempts to stop him, leona could only sigh and let Jack be. 
Ruggie was in shell shock, he cannot believe the headmage! Just what kind of headmage neglect his duty?! He pity you, he wanted to go along with jack but he decided its best to do so later. Now he will plan the demise of a crow with the lion. That’s what he gets for messing with their pack.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Octavinelle dorm,
Azul was staggering back into his dorm, noticing the arrival of their friends Jade and Floyd. Noticing the pale they tease their friends but in actuality they are curious and concerned about the thing that made their friend so disheartened. Azul share the story, he felt himself going back to his overblot personality. 
Jade and floyd were silent, their face grim, their eyes were flashing dangerously. They looked to each other, and then a eerie smirk painted their face, 
“we can’t let that slide can we.” Said jade.
“We are going to give this crow the tightest squeeze ever!” Said floyd.
“Yes.. maybe a bot of a waterboarding action would make the crow realized that he fucked up.” Azul joined in.
But of course they find your well-being to be the outmost importance, so they will busy themselves watching over you until you wake up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Scarabia dorm,
Jamil was surprised to find his ‘friend’ come back to Scarabia a crying mess, when Kalim notices Jamil water begun to pour once more from his eyes as he rushed to hug his friend. 
“What happened?” Jamil sigh asked patting Kalim back. He was no surprise of Kalim
Burst of tears, his childhood friend are prone to waterworks since he wear his feelings by the sleeve. It is the reason that shocked him. 
‘That damn bird brain!’ He hissed internally. Jamil wanted to go to you directly, but Kalim cling to him making him stuck. 
They did get their turn on the shift and so the snake waited patiently. He decided to cook a recipe from his mother for when he was sick hoping that would help you with recovery even if you. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Pomefiore dorm,
“Why so grim Roi du poisson?” Rook questioned, noticing the slight slump in his overall perfect posture as vil walked back to his dorm. 
“Of course i should’ve expected from your ever so vigilant eyes…” vil begun to tell the tragic tale of yours. 
The french boy could feel his smile dropped 
“oh what a tragedy. How the most beautiful rose are the most prone to be picked first. They would wilt in the dirty hand of such a scum. Such a greedy hand doesn’t deserve to hold such pretty flower on their blooming days.” 
His face was slowly casted with the shadow of his bangs. As malice run course his vein. He was not a fan of violence but to protect such a rose he wouldn’t mind to get his hand dirtied on. 
He decided to listened when vil started planning the demise of the dirty crow. He supported Vil cruel method to the fullest. 
Epel who was eavesdropping on the conversation rushed to the hospital wing of NRC, he wanted to this is a mere talk, but he knew Vil would never fuss himself over meaningless gossip. He still wished it was not real and you are fine and awake and will greet him with a smile on your face. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Ignihyde dorm,
Upon returning to his room Idia slumped in defeat, he is useless powerless once more, 
“I can’t… I can’t lose another person..” 
He begun to bury himself in work, he wanted to make sure you recovered well and Crowley to get what is coming to him. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
In Diasomnia dorm,
The briar king arrival was greeted by his vice leader and his two peers, but to him it was just his family greeting him back.
“Waka-sama! Thank you for your hard work!” The booming voice snapped Malleus put of his rage trance. He didn’t even notice the ice trail he was living behind. 
“Oh uh… yea.” Malleus answered 
“Its.. cold isn’t.” The silver haired boy softly spoke. 
“Malleus is thought i thought you to better control of your emotion. Look at the ice trail.” The bat fae man scolds.
“Ah i did that. Im sorry.” With a snap of his finger the trail was gone. But now he was faced with the concerned faces of his family. 
“Malleus what exactly happened..”
“I guess i need to tell you this as well.” Malleus sigh in defeat as he share the tale of how Crowley absolutely messed up your mental capacity.
“I should’ve crush his throat when i got the chance.” 
The room seemed to dimmed. When the shock was broken Lilia was cursing the damn crow. Silver who was angry stayed eerily quiet. ‘Unfair’ he thought. ‘Thats unfair!’ He felt dreadful sorrow for you enough to filled hos eyes with tears. After all that you done for them, they could not help you. 
Sebek who was in a silent trance excused himself in a hurry. His pale face is apparent. ‘No you have to wake up… i still have some stuff i haven’t get to say to you’ he thought as he rushed out of his form into the infirmary. He may sound rude or strict but he do truly cares about you and his friend. He regretted not being frontal about his feelings. 
The rest three of them could only do what villains do best. Planning to absolutely crush the crow with a wretched smile on their face. Even silver was in on the plan, without the wretched stained smile of course, he believe just was needed for you, he will become your knight in shining armour. Afterall, the damned bird had attacked their family, and there is a dire consequence to pay. 
All of them regretted that they couldn’t protect your from this event, they wished they were aware of what Crowley did. This includes the other teacher who wished they to participate in the investigation to find your way back home so that they could at least be aware of Crowley and his neglectful behaviour. If only they are apart of the investigation, they would be able to prevent this event from going. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The infirmary was cold and quiet. Ace, deuce and Grim all looked sullen. Grim was teary, crying for you to wake up soon. Deuce was praying for you to get better, to open your eyes at the very least. 
Ortho was observing you diligently monitoring your vitals and looking for a sign in case your symptoms worsened. Though that doesn’t mean he was not haunted by the event. 
Ace was deep in his thoughts how he regretted not coming with you to the headmage office.
All of them regretted not being with you in the office. The image of your hollow dull eyes was imprinted in their memory. Your scream ringed in their ears. A shadow casted the infirmary.  
First was jack who came in,
He was taken a back by the sight of your limped body, the visible bandaged wrist and arm a sore to his eyes. He felt rage for whoever made you like this. 
Epel was next, 
He looked as surprised as as jack muttering “its a lie.. its a lie no way..” before going mad himself  he wanted to cuss and find Crowley right then and there, but he stop himself for the same of you. 
The last to come was Sebek, 
Who had come with a teary eye. Seeing you so broken, fragile like glass he turned away to wipe the flowing tears. How sad your fate were. He find himself mad to the perpetrator. ‘How dare they.’
They all wished to have been there to inform the investigation  they all did to help you to go back home. They wish they are in the office comforting you rather than leaving you alone to discover such secrets. And to be there to prevent you from spiraling into a despair manic breakdown. 
When their turn is up, they exchange their shifts, the sneaky first year get to company you twice since they insisted to go with their perspective housewarden when it is their shift.
 Grim was there all the way, and if he wasn’t, it meant that he was dragged away from your bed by just anybody to get himself fixed and have a proper meal. 
All of them begged for the little miracle they could have. They know miracle does not happened at all for the likes of them, but this time, just this once they wishes and pray to the great sevens to bring you back, to make you open your eyes. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Your eyes could finally flutter on the dawn of the fourth day since the incident. You noticed that the sky was still dark. You tried to look around but a sharp pain ring your head causing you to winched. 
“Mon cheríe!” The hunter, whose eyes were fixed on you relaxed as he rushed towards your side. 
“Thank heaven! Please lay still.. you don’t want to further the damage in your head.” Vil sternly reprimand, he was sitting on the other side with a book in his hand.
“Y/n! Y/n!!!” You are awake!!!”  You see feel a soft furry friend rushed to hug you from your bedside. 
“Thank heavens!! Hey grim! Give em sum space would’ya!” The purple haired boy half shouted, 
They felt a part of their anxiety evaporating from them. But that is not enough
“Hnn.. what.. happened?” 
“You…” vile stammered
“Y/n!! What's my name?”
“Epel, of course your name is epel..” you croak, your throat dry. 
The three people plus direbeast in the room sigh a heavy breathe, your memory is intact. 
“Here drink some water. He gently prop your head with his hand as he gently tip the glads of water into your parched mouth. 
Licking your dry lips you felt yourself weakly placed back to the bed.
“I.. i passed out…”
“Yess.. you have a concussion from the explosion.” Vil explained.
“The explosion…..” you muttered.
“I… i can’t go back… i can’t.. my family… i .. i can’t see them anymore.” You sobbed . Large bulb of tears spill from your eyes as quickly as it had pooled. 
The room was blurred by your tears and your sobs filled the room. 
“.. in sorry..” you hurriedly bring your hand to cover your face. You felt embarrassed to cry like this but you can’t help the tears that is pouring. 
“No stop that.. it’s not your fault mon cheri.”
He brought your hand back to the bed. Rook took a handkerchief from his pocket as he wipe your tears gently and carefully. Rook doesn’t find it disgraceful to see you in tears, in fact he thought your eyes looked like a jewel. 
He wished to comfort you very much, to take away the pain from you, but all he could do now was simply wipe your tears. 
Grim was silent. He could only lay his head on your chest as he try to comfort you with his padded paw. 
In all honesty Vil and Epel too doesn’t find you disgusting or messy for crying, rather they want you to cry on their shoulder, to comfort you the best they could. Same as Rook, they wished to wipe that tears away from you.
“Whatda’ya mean?! If its anybody fault its that damned bird!” Epel half screamed in his thich accent.
“YES YES! If i meet that crow! I’ll bite em for you!” Grim enthusiastically said.
“Epel is right! Never apologize to something that is not your fault!” Vil sternly advice. 
“.. thank you.. guys..” You try to suppress your hiccup and sob 
You were driven back to sleep because of your little breakdown much to the dismay of your friends. Your body and mental was too exhausted after the sobbing mess. 
They were all relieved that there doesn’t seem to be a sign of your physical damage to worsened but they could not bring them to be happy because you are so broken mentally. The little breakdown you have made a painful sting in their heart. 
“Rook inform the others that y/n is awake.” Vil ordered.
“Yes, Roi du poisson.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The others soon rushed to the hospital wing upon hearing the news. Their excitement was crushed to see your sleeping red tear stained face. 
“Hey, i thought you say she was awake?” Floyd lowly muttered, irritated.
“she fell back asleep.” Vil said
“Don’t mean with me?!” Leona growled 
“And who asked you to urgently come to infirmary?”
“Y/n really woke up!” Grim argued
“Yes! And she fell back to sleep from.. crying.” Epel continued.
A commotion starts, They were being loud, and accidentally waking you up. 
“Oh she really is awake!” 
“Hey! Great now you woke her up!”
You were rubbing your eyes. As you begun to slowly sit up ignoring Vil insistent to get you to laugh down. 
“At least lay here,” he grab another pillow from a nearby empty bed and he prop them up to make a comfortable sitting cushion.
“Thank you, vil.” You smiled. 
“uhm.. i made everyone worry.. im sorry.” You attempted to bow, you meant to only hurt crowley but here you are bai g a burden to everyone. 
Everyone protested. Vil grabbed unto you shoulder and prop the back to the pillow stack.
“What did i just tell you about apologizing for a mistake that isn’t yours?”
“Ah but i did made a mistake.. i become a burde-“
“Don’t finish that word! You are everything but a burden! And it was me who cast that blasted explosion spell, i caused your injury, i am very sorry you/n” Riddle felt shame as bow for forgiveness to you.
“After all you have done for us! It is us who could do nothing to help you. We are the one who should be sorry.” Lilia affirmed.
“ you have always been here for us, yet now…” Ace uncharacteristically said.
“We are sorry..” Kalim who was bought to tears again and were being held by Jamil as to not rush as hug you.
“No.. no.. please, Riddle i don’t blame you at all everybody in the bright mind would do that, and all of you are never a burden to me.” 
“Then don’t ever say you are a burden ok” silver spoke.
“Yes don’t you dare utter such blasphemy to your name!” Sebek yelled
“If its anyone fault! Its that damn birdbrain, don’t worry shrimpy I’ll give him a hugee squeeze for you~”
“Yes a punishment is at due.” Jade joined in.
“With no charge of cousse don’t worry yourself!” Azul smirked.
“Now here you muct be hungry, i made you my mothers recipe.” Jamil brought out a warm stew for you to eat.
“Yes! Jamil food always healed me when im sick!” 
“Ah yeah! After that you could have all the cake, tart, cupcakes, scones you’d like!” Trey add. Showcasing the whole baked goods he mentioned. Some of them are made in a cute animal shape.
“The heartslabyul bois made them with love~” Carter giggled.
“ whoa they bought the whole bakery to the infirmary!” Ruggie gawked
“Heh such a beloved spoiled herbivore you are.” Leona mused.
“You need to eat well y/n, for recovery!” Jack reminded.
“Yes that is true! A high nourishing food is good for a speedy recovery!” Ortho beamed. 
“Ah ok.. you went to pick the spoon up as the stew was placed in front of you, only to feel a the sun-kissed skin gently slap
It away.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He scolded. Jamil then picked up the spoon and scoop the stewing stew from the bowl, then he blow on them gently before moving it close to your mouth.
“Eh…” you blushed upon realizing what happened.
“C’mon the stew is spilling.”
“Ah ok..” you stammered. You hesitantly open your mouth allowing Jamil to feed you.
You felt quite embarrassed as you chew away the meat in your stew. 
“Why does it have to be you who feed them?” Ace grumbled.
“Because he made them.. don’t worry we will get out turn soon” deuce grinned.
“We should’ve bring them food too! Don’t worry next time i will cook a delicious meal for you!” Lilia announced.
“Oh uhm.. hahahha no.. i dont want to burden you hahaha.” You panicked.
The rest of them reminiscence the day they get to eat lilia food, the lot of them turned green.
You glanced at Tsunataron, Sebek, and Silver for help.
“Ah uh don’t worry we will help too!” Sebek boomed.
“Yes we would be the outmost help!” Silver joined.
“Yes we will keep a close watch!” Malleus continues.
“Hahaha thank you guys” you giggled.
“I too have a mushroom soup in mind! They are very nutritious you see!” Jade beamed as he always does when he talk about his mushrooms.
“Eughh stopp! Dont feed just mushroom to little shrimpy! They might get stomach pain!” Floyd complained 
“I agree with floyd, though the best of monstro longue food is at due!” Azul promised.
“I too have a recovery recipe for you, you will be healed in no time!” Vil said
“Oh! The great roí du poisson cooking for you, how luck must you be mon trickster.” 
“ big brother and i could come up with aomet too right, big brother!”
“Yes leave it to big… maybe not food hahaha.” 
Idia stammered at the end
The lot of them seeing this begun to have an idea to bring you food in the idea to get to feed you. Leona despite not saying anything brought you meat to eat, he said meat is very important for recovery. It was a very delicious meat, 
“Of course i bought them from only the best restaurant.” Leona smirked. 
…Rich guy.
Ruggie brought you his grandma ultimate recipe.
Idia unable to cook decided he will just made you a gaming console for when you are bored. You thanked him. He put a multiplayer game and other game too so the three of you could play together.
Occasionally the faculty member come to visit, 
Crewel would come bringing a potion for your health, he did scolded you for letting your anger control you. But at the same time, he understands why. Mainly he was concerned for his child pup
Trein would check up on you occasionally sneakily giving you treats, anything for his ehem favorite adopted grandchild student. 
Vargas patted you on the back trying to console you and occasionally visit you too, he noticed how small you look and can’t to want to protect you. “Next time there is any problem just call daddy! And i will be there in an instant!” He boomed with his white shining teeth. He really could an actor in a toothpaste commercial.
Sam was filled in on what’s happening after crewel came in eyebrow burrowed, smelling of tabacco and demanding the finest bottle of wine. He felt pity for his favorite child costumer. He visited you bringing you trinkets and candies from all around the island, he said its free of charge and that not to mind it since he was giving the candies away anyway, though you suspect he lied about that part. He often patt your head as you pop the snack or candy he brought for you.
The first year would visit you for hours after class it seemed like it has become their hang out place. Right after school ended, they rushed to go to the infirmary. They bring snacks with them and of course the famous Felmer apple juice. They would bring today's notes to you and do homework together, play game together, or any other stuff to cheer you up. 
The lot of them made you feel better though you are still saddened about not being able to see your family, you have to agree with Crowley that the family you have in NRC is heavenly for you.  
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Finally come the day you are discharged. 
The dorm planned a party for your recovery of course with the permission of the teachers. They bring all sorts of food and drinks. You enjoyed everything, their laughter, their pranks, the way they joked, the way they care for you and one another. Everything made the hollow in your heart to fill up.
“Now are we ready for the main event!” Azul announced.
“Eh main event?.. what is that.. i was not aware..” you whispered to grim.
“Hehehe! Just wait and see henchman!”
“We sure are!” They cheered, their eyes were glinted with mischief and wickedness.
“Introducing the flaming pest!” Lilia cheered as he flew above and lifted the sheet covering the stand.
It was Crowley tied to a wooden pole as stack of hay was stuffed in his surrounding. 
“What.. what!! HEY!! Released me this instant!!”  He screamed. 
“Whats the meaning of this! I expect better from you housewarden!! Crewel! Trein! Vargas! Sam! Save me!!”
He was meet with a smirk. Crewel raised the wine glass to his mouth as he sip the succulent wine. “ may you rest in pieces.” The two other laughed. Trein just smirked silently and sip his wine ready to watch the beautiful flaming pyre. 
All of them jeered and laughed. You could only find your self in a state of shock amazed of house brilliant and caring your friends are, you are brought to tears.
“Ah y/n is crying!”
“Why are you crying dearie.”
“It must’ve because of that bird!” 
“I DID.. Nothing .. at least now.” Crowley defended himself.
“No it’s not it, it’s just.. I'm just touch at how caring and lovely you are.” You are meet with couple embrace from the first year group whom had stayed by your side. 
“What a heartfelt sight you truly have a gift to bring people together. BUT NOT THE RIGHT TIME NOR THE RIGHT CAUSE! C’mon i am Sorry alright!! Pleasee!” 
“Thank us later once the show has begun, now be amazed!” Jade beamed from your behind holding your shoulder as he lifted your chin up to see the stage. 
“Pull the lever!” Ruggie howled.
“No nooo!!” Crowley shouted, he was so very sure he was going to die burning to the death, yet no fire ball come through. A bunch of hay fall through from nowhere, a summoning spell.
Then followed with tons of bags, robes, and coat. Another batch comes tons of hard worked documents., and a sofa.
“Eh..”Crowley was confused about the whole thing, until he realized that all of those stuff was taken from his room and office. 
“NOOO!! My Dioz branded coat! My Guzzi Bagg! MY VALENTINE ROBEE!!! I worked hours for that document pleaseeee. my 8 million thaumark couch!
“Set them on fire!” Kalim cheered
Carter was filming the whole thing. He will send the video to idia to render for high quality and will distribute them to those attending including the teachers. 
Each dorm were given a chemical to throw into the fire,
The Heartslabyul were given Lithium to turn the fire colour red.
The Savannaclaw were given Sodium to turn the fire colour yellow.
The Octonaville were given Caesium to turn the fire colour bright purple.
The Scarabia were given Radium to turn the fire colour bright red.
The Pomefiore were given Potassium to turn the fire colour darker purple.
The Ignihyde were given Indium to turn the fire colour Blue
The Diasomnia were given Boron to turn the fire colour green.
This of course is conducted safely. The idea comes from both Rook and Trey with the approval of Crewel who is also supervising them in this event.
“NOOOOOOOI!!!!!! Stop stop!! Burn me instead nooooo!” Crowley struggle two times the effort but to no attempt. Leona and jack had made sure that the ropes tightly dig into the headmage body. 
“ARGHHHHH!!” The headmage felt utterly despair as he too faint from shock.
You are mesmerized by the different colour that flashed by the pyre.
The whole party cheered. The bags, coats, and robes completely turned to ash.
Everybody had the same thought in their head. 
‘Serve him right for messing with y/n.’
You grow silent again for a after cheering as reality seep in on you.
“Hmm what’s wrong, are you not satisfied with the display?” Jack concerned voice brought attention from the rest of the group. 
“No it’s just.. since i will be here forever i don’t know where to go after i finished with my studies. I can’t do magic so i am practically useless in this world.”
“What are you saying henchmen! You and i will be together forever i am the one who could cast magic and you shall be the brain!”
“Yes and besides I wouldn’t mind if you take the last name Roseheart if you would allow. I will forever protect and i will provide you with anything you want. I will be a lawyer you see! You will be living the best of your life with me. And grim too of course. Besides i need to take responsibility for giving you, your first kiss.” Riddle instantly offered.
Your brain short circuited. “Huh… eh..” 
Did you just got proposed?!
No way right?!
“NO WAY! Y/N you should take Ashengrotto instead you see i will be the next biggest billionaire! You wouldn’t need to worry about penny of what you want to spend, unlike a lawyer who need to rely on a client to earn living. And frankly, CPR does not count as a kiss!” he sneered
“What do you mean by that huh?!”
“No, y/n you should come to briar valley instead! You could marry one of my son, i have options anyone you choose would guarantee to provide you with the best, Malleus will be king of briar, my other two will become a royal guard! Although i wouldn’t mind if you want to spend your days with my last years.” Lilia claimed.
“F-father.. but y/n its true i will provide you the best I could.” Red tint his cheeks.
“YES! I don’t care if you are a human, you are truly the best of best, i would be honoured if you are willing to spend your days with me.” Sebek blabbered blush. 
“Y/n would you consider, you shall be the queen of briar valley and i your king. We shall spend our moment with joy, i guarantee your safety and riches.” Malleus confidentially proclaimed red tinted his ears.
“Hah, and what lock her up in that dark gloomy tower of yours? Y/n you should ignore these guys. Come with me and become y/n kingscolar, your good friend ‘Tsunatarou’ are not the only one with a royal blood. Come with me, i will ensure twice what they offer. Be my queen herbivore.” Leona smirked extending his hand. He might sound pompous but the red tint on his face says otherwise.
“No, you might be royalty, but the al asim family possess riches compared to a royalty! And Kalim is the heir of al-asim! You should come to scalding sands instead!”
Jamil shouted, yes he just promoted his best friend, but who to say you can’t have an affair with him. 
“Yes! Yes!” Kalim agreed
“No way! Your family is riddled with murder attempts the leeches are guaranteed to be veryyyy secured! Shrimpy won’t need to be cautious when eating their food nor do they need to sleep with one eye open.” Floyd smirked. 
“Yes you could chose the either of us, but in all honesty i dont mind sharing with my brother you see, we always share out stuff anyway.” Jade laugh into his hand like a proper gentleman he was.
You never would have thought to see the leech brother blushing but here you are, 
“I am a renowned actor! The number one barchelor in the entire island! You should take my hand instead! I will promise you fame and glory! You will be rich and beautiful, you shall be my queen.” Vil too joined in with a blush to his face.
“Heh all actor have expiry date you know.” Leona tease
“What do you mean by that?”
“He meant when you are all wrinkly and old!”
Ortho tease, the gremlin inside of him seemed to have awakened.
“I am still far from that age! I am not old!!”
“But you depend on it.” Ortho teased again.
“Oh truly marvelous! But y/n I wouldn’t mind if you choose to go as Schoenheit, I too have to propose for you to take the name hunt, I promise to protect you and guide you till the day we have to separate naturally.” Rook proclaimed.
“Rook.. you dare betray me..”vil was once again shocked.
“You shouldn’t shock since you saw what was under my room wallpaper, and me as your supplier.”
“Huh.. that made perfect sense.” Vil sigh.
“Y/N .. w-would you go to S.T.Y.X with me! I know i might not be much, but i assure you! Styx have the best protection, they even manage to beat all of these housewarden. I want to rule styx with you… uhmm thats too cheesy!! The point is!! I would like to offer the shroud last name if you allow me to be with you!!!” Idia stammered. His hair tip turned pink as he fiddle with his fiddle with his fingers out of nervousness.  
“Yes y/n! We would have a lot of fun adventuree!” 
“Absolutely not.. not in a chance i’d let that happen.” The overblot boys yelled.
“SHADDAP!! It's not your choice its theirs!” He yelled.
“ARGHHH… ya kno, the bunch of ya! Not everythin is about richesss! Y/n! We could build our Felmer farm together! And I will take care of ye for the rest of ma days! I vowed to ya!” Epel declared! Face flushed red both from anger and rage.
“The Bucchi name would look good on you y/n. I promised to find any means to provide for us! And even if you don’t I don't mind if you want to have an affair with me, i can share!” Ruggie assert himself.
“Or me in that case! I promised to protect you as long as I can breathe, I may not have a mountain of riches but i will ensure a peaceful calm life for the both of us. What do you say y/n would you take the howl name?” Jack continued. 
“Y/n I may not have much as well, but I can ensure you a fun and on going life! I will provide for you! All you need to do is give cay- cay lots of love ok? And I promise you everything and the name diamond.” Carter too extended his hand.
“My family have a bakery and my sibling, and my parents are a very lovely and warm people! My parents and siblings loved you already! I will vow to be there for you always to the end of days, to provide for you in sickness and in health.” Trey fixed his glasses in nervousness, yet he delivered his message perfectly. 
“NO! Y/n! MY MOM LOVED YOU ALREADY! She kept going on and on about when you are going to visit! You don’t need to worry about horrible mother in law!! She adored you just as i have come to adore you… i-if you are willing to take the spade name.”
“No way! They would not last with somebody with the brain of a peanut! Y/n i will climb to the top of top! And provide you with everything there is in the world! How about that? Will you take the Trapolla name.” Ace too declared.
“So who would you choose?” 
“LIKE HELL I’D GIVE MY PRECIOUS PUP TO YOU BRAT! Wolves! STAY AWAY! Y/n will you become my child instead! Here you can sign your name here and here! I will provide you! And if you want a job you could be my exclusive model for my brand!” Crewel wave his riding crop to shoo away your barchelor as he hovers you and adoption paper.
“Teacher we too can find y/n a promising job! Away, no harrassment shall befell them!” Some of the students argued.
“I jest, y/n you should come with me! I have experience with kid. You shall be taken care of with the outmost dignity. I have enough to provide for everyone.” Trein claimed.
Vargas and sam are satisfied to be the strong protective and the spoiling uncle, yet they found themselves offering you the same offer.
“I own a family business far and wide and mysterious, i will tell you all about it if you sign here and here.”
“I will protect you from all the troubles amd boys! Over my head body!” 
“Whoa, you manage to make the students fight one another and the teachers too! Such power you have, henchman.”
You are left a blubbering mess.. 
“Don’t worry the great Grim will choose the most perfect eligible barchelor for you! You don’t mind anybody right?!”
“A..AA ….”
“Okk! such trouble this henchman brough me" Grim smirked
And hence the chaos ensued.
Though, it is safe to say that Crowley would not dare to pull something as such or mess with you again. Reports said he had become more diligent and responsible to his work. Such trauma you caused him.
So, whose hand will you take, my dear?
[Words 9219]
» End «
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
This is by far the longest fic I had written 9219 words?! YIPPEE
taglist: @neufora @shironakuronatasa
471 notes · View notes
cherryredstars · 3 months
hello can I request a reader being from 1610 Miles universe and she feels left behind by him since all he can do is like Gwen, so somehow she ends up in 42 Miles universe and they hit it off.
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Pairings: Miles-42 x gn!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Slight Angst?, Reminder: READER AND MILES ARE MINORS!
A/N: Hello! Of course you can!
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It's the same just... different.
It seems like home, smells and feels like it. But something in your gut tells you it isn't. Your gut screams that something is wrong, that something is missing. Your mind just can't prove it. Not yet, anyways.
You're not sure how you got here, how you can be asleep in one place and wake up in another without ever moving. Maybe it's some sort of fever dream, one of those insanely vivid ones that leave you yearning when you wake up. You're sure it has to be. How else would you explain this.
Your heart beats widely for the boy in front of you, even though your mind rations that it isn't really him. This isn't your Miles (and some cruel part of your mind sneers that he wasn't yours to begin with). This is someone else, something else. But he looks and feels like Miles. He speaks and acts like him. He has the same lopsided smile, same deep eyes that draw you in, the same carefree yet playful tint to his words. The only thing that differentiates him from the real Miles is his hair.
Two thick braids run down his scalp, containing his usually natural afro. They look good on him, like they're made for him. Now that you've seen them on him, imagining his hair in any other hairstyle feels wrong. There is something so complementary about this simple style on this specific Miles, and your gut tells you it's because this Miles has something that yours lacks.
For example, that look in his eyes. It isn't very unique to this Miles, because your Miles has that same tell-tale shine in his eyes too. But it's not for you, it's for Gwen. The girl who up and left one day but left some remnants behind that Miles clings to like a lifeline. That particular glossy sheen that envelopes his pupils when he talks about her, that rise of color that highlights his cheeks when you find him drawing her silhouette over and over. But this Miles- the one standing in front of you- is looking at you with those eyes and blushed cheeks. He's looking at you the way you wished Miles would.
He's tripping over himself, sputtering on his words as he tries to pull a faux illusion of calm. One so horrible and see through that you can't help but laugh, causing his eyes to widen and his collar to feel tight around his neck. He can feel the heat of his blush forming perspiration on the nape of his neck, the pounding of his heart sounding like it's shaking the whole space. He reminds you of a puppy, instantly fascinated with the new things dangling in his line of sight.
He opens his mouth and closes it, the words forming a ball in his throat. His eyes scan you as he tries to gather the words. He feels like he's in kindergarten again, trying to collect the numerous cards of words and trying to piece them together to find something that makes sense. In the end, he fails, the meaning of what they all mean- all these nouns and verbs and adjectives- escaping him until his mind locks onto the only word he really knows.
Breathless and intrigued. You smile, a warmth flooding your face and your heart singing. This may not be your Miles, but he's the Miles that wants to be. The Miles without a Gwen. The Miles who makes you feel like you're not someone's second choice. This Miles who looks at you like you're the stars in the night sky. This Miles is the one that was made for you.
You only fear that you'll wake up from this dream too soon.
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421 notes · View notes
coeurify · 1 year
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·˚ ༘ * “if I told you, you'd know how to go break my heart in two."
pairing: bff!ellie williams x fem!reader . college au. summary: you and your childhood best friend ellie have always done everything together, but things & feelings are starting to change. part 1 of _. slightly based on. and the song the perfect pair by beabadoobee. part 2 here warnings: whole series: lotsss of pining, angst, fluff etc. references to drinking, smoking etc. smut in future. just lots of exposition & fluff in this one. wc 4.3k
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There was something you missed about childhood. A bottomless pit of nostalgia rises in your throat whenever the air smelt a little fresh, whenever you hear the songs of the morning birds. Nothing was quite the same as that anymore, the sky was never as blue as it had been through your twelve-year-old eyes, and the flowers never smelt as sweet as they did outside your childhood home during the summer. You often were told you cling too tightly to it, onto the feeling that everyone loses when they grow past the age of sleepovers and elementary homework. But how couldn’t you?
You were sure no year could compete with those ones, especially sixth grade, and you claimed this every chance you got. Even now, head hung out the passenger seat window of your best friend’s car, wind pressing against your face gently as you pulled into the parking lot of your university dormitories.
“It smells like sixth grade,” you hum, eyes pressing closed as you try to picture the colors you swore only were bright in childhood. “What does that even fucking mean? B.O. and bath and body works perfume?” a voice came beside you, a chuckle following the statement. Your eyes shoot open, following the messy bun that shook as your friend laughed gently.
“Ellie,” you frown, “It smells sweet, you know? Reminds me of the air when we were kids.”
“Everything reminds you of middle school. Swear to god you're the only one who misses that place,” Ellie muttered, doing a pretty shit job of backing into a parking space near the dorm building. You would comment on it later, maybe take a picture to tease her with. For now, you focused on her words, a pout brushing your lips. “It was a good year! I miss it!”
“Rose-colored glasses,” El makes a dismissive motion with her hand, taking in your frown.
“I think you just say that 'cause it's when you met me,” your friend continues, looking very smug at the observation she constantly taunted you with.
Was it a little true? Maybe.
It had been the year you met when Ellie was still a lanky and loud-mouthed kid, unsure of how to act or dress. You had been no better, sitting alone at lunch tables, hiding behind your much too big flannel that was not at all the style of the other girls. When Ellie sat by you, a year older and wearing something just as awkward as you, a Savage Starlight shirt, looking just as out of place, well, it was love at first sight.
Love in a friendship way, of course, but love nonetheless. Those freckles that her face hadn’t quite grown into yet had become your favorite sight in middle school, green eyes that you searched for every time you bounced into the building.
A string had been tied between your two pinkies, and it never had once frayed. Not through the rest of middle school, not when Ellie tried soccer that year she left for high school and forgot to talk to you for a whole week— 13-year-old you was simply devastated— and not even when Ellie got her very first girlfriend in the tenth grade. She left soccer after the first month, her girlfriend broke up with her over text right before homecoming, and that thread led her right back to your pinky.
Of course, you were two teenage girls.. so you fought. She fought when you started skipping your Friday night movies to talk to a new friend when you were in the ninth grade. You fought when Ellie took a girl to prom in junior year and didn’t even tell you. The worst fight had been when she left for college, leaving you alone to face senior year in the small town of Jackson. Everything she did seemed to frustrate you that year, though you can now begrudgingly admit it was just because you missed her.
But all friends fight about things like that, right? In the end it was still the two of you. The nervous smiles of your middle school selves always found their way back to your faces, and always made you feel just as excited as you had been to meet. It was what led you to follow her to college. Now in your sophomore year and Ellie’s junior, not much has changed. You still had your Friday night movies— only now tucked into the small beds of your dorms.
So maybe Ellie was a little right. Perhaps she knew your mind a bit too well. Maybe you did love those years so much because they had been so filled with her. But you, of course, wouldn’t give her that satisfaction. “You're so full of yourself, Williams.”
Ellie flung the keyring around her fingers, shrugging again as she stepped out of her car. “Not full of myself, just right.”
The passenger side of her door creaked lightly when you pressed it, stuttering before you could really get it to push open . It was something that had started when you got too high once while visiting her after she started college, and you slammed it into a concrete wall. You refuse to acknowledge that's why her door sucks, but you both knew.
“Shut up,” you flip her off over the hood of the car, reaching below the seat up front to grab the bag stuffed full of clothes for the weekend drive. It was only the second week into the fall semester, but you and Ellie both found yourself craving a little time in the comfort of Jackson, hence the trip.
Ellie smiles in response, winking and grabbing her backpack. You start walking the path before she even locks the doors, hearing her trampling footsteps follow behind. “I was just joking,” the girl whined, eyes catching the side of your face as you looked straight ahead. You weren’t really mad, but you liked when Ellie apologized for her taunting. “You know, I think it's cute how… sentimental you are about that shit,” she knocks her shoulder into your own.
You feel your body tense lightly at the word cute, shrugging it off as you pull your favorite sweatshirt off your body, the early September air too thick for it. “Whatever,” you shake your head, nudging her back in a sign of acceptance.
“Gotta stop getting so worked up, peach.”
“Gotta stop calling me that,” you retort, eyes rolling at the nickname like you always did.
“I will when it stops being funny,” Ellie’s hand came to ruffle your hair, making your lips press together. You hated the peach story, and you hated when she messed up your hair even more.
“Swear one of these days I'm gonna bite you for doing that,” you puff, ID card slipping into the reader that opened the dorm door.
“I'm sure you’d bite me for a lot less,” she scoffs, thinking back to all of the times you had not so nicely bit at her for something like taking your food or roughhousing with you. She holds open the glass door for you to step inside the lobby. It's relatively quiet. A mid-Sunday afternoon meant most college students were tucked away in their rooms, probably studying or fighting a hangover. The AC of the common room welcomes you, painting your skin with goosebumps as you clutch your sweatshirt.
“Don't tempt me,” you joke, looking her up and down dramatically— like she was some meal. Ellie seems to shy away from your face, making a noise. “Shut up, biter.”
You pout at your friend, “You just don't get it.”
“I don't want to, dude.”
The response earns Ellie a slap at her arm, which she reacts too loudly at, watching as you flush and shush her. Ellie smiles and leads you to the elevator.
When you reach it, you pause momentarily, rocking on your heels.
“Maybe I should like— go get some food from the cafe or something,” you shrug, looking to avoid what was waiting in your dorm room. This was obvious to Ellie, who looked over at you with a slight sense of humor. She expected this reaction, just not as early as your tiptoes found the metal of the elevator door.
“Get in the elevator,” she shoo’s you inside, a hand against your back. “I swear she won't hurt you.”
The she that Ellie was referencing was your new roommate, Dina. She moved in late, meaning you had only seen her a few times before you left for the weekend. Most of that time had been spent sleeping, as you found yourself spending most free time in Ellie’s dorm to avoid her. It wasn’t that she didn't seem nice, because she did. You just weren’t the best with new people. It had taken you nearly a whole semester to get comfortable with your previous roommate.
“You don’t get it!” You pout, leaning against the cool surface of the wall. “You and Rose have been roommates since freshman year. I don’t know a thing about Dina. I mean fuck, maybe I should’ve stayed with Jade.”
Ellie quickly cut in at the mention of your old roommate, “Jade was a dick.”
Ellie's distaste for your former roommate was no secret, though you didn’t quite understand why she harbored such feelings. Sure, Jade was a little messy, and teased you sometimes. But she was always mostly kind to you, doing your makeup for parties.. inviting you to hang out. She even would hold your hand when you got too tipsy at events, pull you home to your dorm and shoo away everyone else, even El, to take care of you. But when Ellie told you she was bad news, to look for a new roommate— you didn’t question it much. She had been in Jade's year, after all, and probably knew better.
You spare a glance at her, watching how she looks away at the mention of Jade. It forced a swallow down your throat, suddenly feeling like you had just gripped a touchy subject by the neck and shoved it in her face. You couldn’t understand why it was so difficult to talk about, and you didn’t really want to. So instead, you sigh loudly when the elevator dings.
“What if she’s crazy? Like an axe murderer?” you begin to ramble, eyeing all the decorated doors that line the white hallway. Your door was only seven down from Ellie’s, you had counted, so you took in the numbers on each entry as you inched closer to your own. “If she was an axe murderer, wouldn’t she have already killed you?”
You groan loudly, finding comfort in picking at the seams of your bag’s strap. “You never know! Maybe it's a long game..”
Ellie’s hands find your shoulders, steering you from behind to be directly in front of the door with your and Dina’s name decorations on it. “You're fine, peach. Stop being a pussy.”
Your head flips back dramatically, landing on your best friend's shoulder. “If I die, it’s on you, ok?”
Ellie stiffens slightly, enough for you to notice, and enough for her to shove you off, but not enough to mention it. It never was. She mumbles a few ‘yea yea’s’ before waving you off and starting down the hallway to her own door, which your eyes follow right up until her hand finds the doorknob. She sends you one last look, nodding at you as another sign of encouragement. The staring session is long enough for you to swallow the forming lump in your throat and unlock your door, gently popping your head in.
The room is quiet and a bit warm— though you guess that's from the open window. At first, you think your roommate may not be here, but you find her soon enough. Dina is settled on her bed, earbuds tucked in her ears as she writes in some book, which you assume to be homework. The door clicking closed is enough to sound through the music humming in her ears, causing brown eyes to look up. Your stomach twists at the eye contact, nerves biting at your shaky hands. But Dina smiled like she had every other time you two interacted. A totally normal, non axe murderer smile.
“Hey! How was your trip?” she tucks the earbuds under her, turning the attention to you. You try your best to seem totally nonchalant, kicking your shoes off near your bed. Sitting over the plush comforter, a loud huff leaves your lips as you shrug. “Was ok, just a lot of driving.”
Ok. Small talk, you could do this. You could so do this. Mentally you pat your own back, thanking the stars above you had been blessed with a roommate who could carry a conversation. “Oh shit, that’s gotta be a long time in the car, huh? I think I’d die,” Dina shivered, “My weekend was spent cooped up, so I applaud you.”
“What’d you do?” you push, trying your very best to be social with the girl you would be living with for the following year. It only became easier to do when you imagined the look of approval from Ellie it would likely receive—a friendly sort, of course.
“Hm, just watched movies with my boyfriend. Studied, but personally I think it’s criminal how much work I already have to do,” Dina moves into a sitting position, beginning to rattle on about her classes. You listen, nodding along.
“It's two weeks into the semester, for fuck sake,” she finishes a few minutes later. It pulls an honest chuckle from you as you move your head in agreement. “Yea, I kinda shot myself in the leg choosing English major, all the essays,” you frown. “But god, my friend Ellie,” you can't help how easy it was to bring her up, “she’s got it bad. Physics major.”
Dina makes a sound through her teeth, shaking her head. “Tough,” her lips pull into a slight pout as she quickly switches back to the two of you. “Hey, at least we can suffer together..” the brunette grins, shrugging, “maybe we could have like study nights, throw on a shitty show and work on classes together. Fridays?”
The offer is sweet, making you feel fuzzy all over at the hint of a blossoming friendship. But the day suggestion had you frowning, a cold bath over your form. Fridays were for Ellie and you. “Me and Ellie do movie night on Friday..” you begin, a slight worry rising in your body that you may have ruined this building idea. Dina didn't seem to sweat it, smiling just as softly as before. “That’s fine, Lemme see your class schedule. We can plan a weekday.”
Dina stands, making her way to your side of the room and taking a seat on your bed without a second thought. It almost made you jealous how simply Dina had been able to talk to you, come into your space, and build plans like the two of you were not strangers being forced to live with each other. If Ellie were here, she would probably say someone like Dina was good for you. Someone who could bite into the world more harshly than yourself, someone who didn’t have to force the confidence. Ellie would probably really like Dina. The thought makes you smile, and a little less stiff when Dina presses against you to watch you open your phone. You swear you hear a giggle at the sight of your lock screen, but you push that thought away.
The two of you spend the next ten minutes with your heads tucked over the tiny screen of your schedule, finally landing on a night that would work for both of you, Wednesday night after your final classes. The topic quickly switched to creating a list of tv shows you could watch during these nights.
Before long, Dina had ended up lying on your bed, your teddy bear tucked in her arms as she stared at the ceiling. “Could I invite Ellie to this a few times? I'm sure she could use the study time..” You ask absentmindedly, fingers scrolling through a list of 2000’s sitcoms. Dina nods, “Sure, maybe I’ll invite my boyfriend sometimes too..” She flips onto her stomach, looking up at where you sit.
“What about Friends?” Dina hums, chin finding her palms.
“I’ll put it down, Ellie hates friends, though,” your nail scrapes across the phone screen, adding the title to the notes you had formed. “What about New Girl?”
Dina seems to like this idea, nodding quickly. “New Girl for sure..” she watches you, head tilting. “Is Ellie the one you kept disappearing for last week? You talk about her a lot.”
The question made you a weird sort of uncomfortable; not sure why the observation from your roommate had you shifting over your blankets. “Yea, I.. she’s my best friend. I was really, um.. nervous about meeting you last week so she kinda let me hide in her dorm.”
Dina laughs gently, “Oh! I thought I had pissed you off or something, and you were hiding out with your girlfriend.”
“No!” you quickly say, fumbling to make a gesture with your hands. “First, definitely not girlfriend,” it felt important to say that before anything else, “and second, you didn't do anything. I'm just a pussy.”
The answer draws another laugh from Dina, which has you smiling along. Your phone is discarded as you find yourself settling back into a conversation about tv shows, “C’mon, let’s keep going with the list.”
A few moments later, a buzz pulls you out of the little world that had grown around you and Dina as you chattered. It was your phone, the picture of you and Ellie that acted as your lock screen covered by a text notification.
she axe murder u?
You grin a lot more than you should have, lip sucking between your teeth as you reply.
why? worried abt me? 🤨
just wanted to see u say i was right
The text is sent without much more thought, pressing down your phone to be face down as you hop back to the conversation at hand. Ellie, though you hate to admit it, was right. Dina wasn’t an axe murderer. She was actually really cool. She made it easy to talk, the words falling from your lips without the usual pause to make sure it sounded alright.
“Maybe we should start New Girl now,” Dina suggested, pulling the fuzzy blanket on your bed over herself. “Deal,” you grab your laptop from its place under your bed, making quick work of pulling up the show and setting the screen in between you two. You pull your knees to your chest, listening to the theme song as Dina makes herself comfortable on the other side.
When the following text came in, you were a few episodes in, cheeks sore from the jokes Dina had made along with the characters in the show. The sun was beginning to dim by then, and though it was early— you still rubbed your eyes from tiredness. The long drive to Jackson and back always did that to you.
come over and watch smthn?
i got ur fave snack from the caf
You didn’t see the text this time, phone screen still pressed softly into the corner of your bed. The buzz didn’t gain your attention either, too focused on watching Jess steal a TV from her ex onscreen. You were sure Ellie loved this episode, one you had played far too many times in high school. But the crinkled nose of Ellie’s reaction to jokes was replaced by the loud laughs of your roommate this time, and you didn’t mind. You didn’t mind how you let your eyes blink closed while still sitting up, and didn’t mind how Dina turned off the episode and hopped off your bed.
“You look tired,” she commented, “get some sleep. Jesse wants me to come over anyway.”
You yawn as she speeds around her side of the dorm to put on shoes and gather her phone, blinking your bleary eyes as some sort of embarrassment settles in you. You had almost fallen asleep watching TV when it was barely even six yet. What a great impression to leave.
“Oh shit, sorry..” you sit up further, rubbing your eyes again.
“Dude, you drove like all day. I’d be tired too,” Dina assures you, ”think someone texted you,” she adds as she reaches the door, eyeing your phone screen that had lit up again.
You nod, offering a smile as a thanks, “See you later.”
Dina grins, shooting you a thumbs up as the door shuts behind her. A small huff is released, your head falling back against your pillows.
None of today had been as bad as you thought it would, but the tension of meeting someone new was still pressing on your bones, and the alone time allowed you to let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Dina was sweet. She made you laugh and relatively comfortable.. but the attempt to make sure she liked you was still leaving a tired ache on you.
You should check your phone, Dina’s reminder ringing in your ears as you let your eyes flutter closed. But sleep seemed more important right now, so you tucked your face into the pillow under you and let yourself have that. Whoever texted could wait.
﹒ ♡₊˚﹕﹒₊﹕﹒₊˚
Ellie’s head was also pressed into a pillow. Only she was staring at the ceiling, picking at her nails. She tried to ease herself when the third text had gone unanswered, deeming that shoving her phone off the bed dramatically was the only correct answer. It would be too embarrassing to text you again.
Her own dorm room was empty, a movie pressed paused on the first few minutes— a bag of your favorite chips next to it.
Maybe it was a little selfish, texting you and asking you to come over when she had been the one to tell you to get to know Dina. But Ellie was always a little selfish with you.
Especially when you stopped answering her texts.
She wanted to know exactly how everything went, how Dina had acted to you, if she was friendly, and if you got along. She wanted to know what you thought of Dina, what you thought of anything that happened. Ellie wanted you to be sitting on her bed telling her all this like you always did. But you hadn’t answered.
Maybe you had really hit it off with Dina and were doing something. That was what Ellie wanted for you. So she knew there was no reason to feel a sharp twinge in her chest at the thought you had ignored her texts to instead hang out with your roommate.
Her reactions when it came to you never made much sense.
So she had instead ended up with her eyes glued to the white paint of her dorm, convincing herself you had most definitely forgotten about her. Part of her brain waited for a buzz of her phone, maybe a knock on her door. It didn’t come, and Ellie shoved the chips off her bed next in retaliation to this. Maybe she was a little dramatic, but you had ignored her! Or, Ellie assumed you had.
In retrospect, she knew it wasn’t a big deal. She had just spent the whole weekend with you, and it had only been a few hours of unanswered texts. She could survive. She didn’t need her best friend to watch every movie. Ellie could wait until tomorrow to hear about your roommate. She could tell herself all of this, but it still made her ribs hurt a little. A bit more than it should.
But Ellie didn’t like to think about those sorts of things, the things that stayed unspoken between you. That had stayed that way since you met. Honestly, Ellie wasn’t even sure you noticed it. She knows she tries not to. She tries to lock all the little things away in the little box in her brain labeled ‘DON'T GO THERE!’
But when Ellie was alone, when you did things like not answer her for a while, or you two get into a small banter— she knows her reactions weren’t exactly normal. She knows that the anger in her stomach that builds with each moment you don't text her back isn't exactly normal. But as always, Ellie pushes it down. Plays it off to herself as dramatic girl friendships, something Joel used to always say about you and her when another argument left her in a shitty mood.
Yea, that’s all it was.
So she tucked her chin into a pillow, pressing play on the movie by herself, pulling out her journal from its place under her pillow to begin doodling in.
Like always, the pencil begins to leave lines of you. Today it was your sweatshirt that you tugged all around today. Ellie knew it as her own, one you had stolen from her all the way back when she was a senior. She isn’t sure you remember it, but she surely does. She remembers it whenever you pull it over your arms or stuff it in your backpack. You took that thing everywhere when it was cold enough, and Ellie always noticed.
She huffs, scribbling over the sketch with hard pencil marks, ripping through the paper as she writes in bold, messy letters, ‘Don't go there with her.’ Ellie forced the journal closed, doing her best to focus on the screen.
Halfway through the movie, she fell asleep, head pressed halfway on the pillow, her phone still empty from notifications.
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series taglist: @totheblood @elliewill @rxllingstones @elliesflower @hrtsellie @ellieluhme @darlingmisa @liabadoobee @muthafuckingstargirl @ribbonsouls @cretaceouss @bambiesfics @sl4t22 @callmekittenandyourmajesty @waywardpiratebird @starfaegirl @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss @haiixo @arcaneangstenjoyer @lllijeu
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yeonzzzn · 7 months
need a fic about staff!reader and idol!sunghoon who have to fool around in secret (but it’s not really secret bc hoon cannot control himself).. until its the newest headline on the gossip pages
anon, I love this fr fr!! your brain is *chef kiss* this one is for you!
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pairing: sunghoon x afab!reader word count: 1.7k
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Sunghoon tried to not make it so obvious. Tried to keep it a secret and his feelings nonexistent when the other members or staff were around. To hide any signs he could possibly be in a relationship or even talking to someone. 
Except, Sunghoon is way too obvious. He can’t keep secrets and shows his feelings all too well. He can’t help but get possessive or jealous making it again, obvious that he’s in a relationship. 
It didn’t start that way though. 
From the moment you were hired to be one of Enhypen’s new stylists, Sunghoon took a liking to you, trying to find any way possible to get his dick inside you. 
Except he was shy at first, keeping his dirty thoughts to himself and his hand late at night in his bedroom. 
It took months before Sunghoon started to get confident in flirting with you, testing the water at first to see how you’d react, and when you reacted the way he hoped…oh you were done for. 
You caught up to Sunghoon’s antics really fast. Noticing his eyes on you. Noticing how he was always the first in the dressing room and the last to leave. Always putting himself in front of you to style him so you didn’t get the chance to even style one of the other boys. 
Sunghoon was so obvious, but you found it cute, enduring, and kinda hot. 
Sunghoon wanted to get to know you, sure. But the attraction he felt and the thoughts of getting his dick wet kind of outweighed that. But you worked with him, there was plenty of time to get to know you. 
It wasn’t until a wardrobe malfunction happened that it really kicked things off between you and Sunghoon. 
His shirt ripped in the middle of taking off some of his equipment in between sets to readjust. Having staff members send him running to you to fix it. 
You looked at the whole torn at the back of his shirt, “The whole is too big, won’t be able to sew it back together. It’d be too obvious.” So it was settled on a shirt change. You walked to the clothing rack, picking an iced blue color shirt that matched his black jeans perfectly, “This one should do, here go ahead and—“
You weren’t expecting to see Sunghoon in the process of lifting the shirt off his body and dropping it to the floor. Exposing his toned body. Your eyes scanned his abs, his chest, his biceps…Bless whoever opened the first gym and started the chain reaction of opening them everywhere. Truly a blessing. 
Sunghoon smirked, loving to see the blush on your cheeks, getting you right where he wanted you. 
“Like what you see, pretty?” 
You made eye contact with him, trying every way possible to keep your breathing even. 
“Uh, h-here’s the new shirt,” you said, quickly placing the shirt in his hands and turning to walk out of the dressing room, except obviously, that didn’t happen. 
Sunghoon grabbed your arm and pulled you back, trapping you between him and the vanity. 
“Don’t leave me just yet, aren’t you supposed to make sure the shirt fits?” he rolled his hips against you, feeling his hardening cock against your stomach, “I’m sure it’ll fit perfectly though.” 
You knew Sunghoon knew what he was doing, trying to make a play on words for how well his dick would fit inside you. Granted, it was working, regardless of how flustered you felt at that moment. 
“Hoon, you have ten minutes before going back on stage,” you whispered, fingers gripping the sanity in hopes of keeping yourself from shaking. 
“Then we have ten minutes to get busy, now don’t we?” He leaned his face closer to yours, “YN, Let me make you feel good.” 
You nodded, letting him drop his hands to your legs and lift you on top of the vanity, rolling your skirt up your thighs and spreading your legs. 
Sunghoon didn’t think this would be the way he finally fucked you, but he was here for it nonetheless. 
He finally got to feel your lips on his, finally, had you wrapped around him perfectly as he pounded into you at a fast pace since his time was limited. The vanity rocked against the wall, being completely sure he was creating scuff marks on the white paint from the way he was fucking you against it. His hands squeezed your breasts. Tongue shoved down your throat. Your legs wrap around his waist, pulling him even closer to you as you cum, making a mess on his cock. He couldn’t get enough of you, spilling his seed inside your pretty cunt and giving himself two minutes left to spare before going back on stage. 
Sunghoon took any chance he could to fool around with you. Pulling you into any tight corner he could. Bending you over chairs, vanities, and the couches in the break room back at the HYBE building. Fucking you against walls at the stadiums they would perform at. Pressing your naked body against the mirrors in the practice rooms, leaving handprints behind once you two were finished. 
It wasn’t too long before he started developing feelings for you, wanting more than just sex with you. 
Sunghoon was already obvious as it was to the other members, they weren’t stupid. They knew he would sneak you over to their dorms late at night and he would sneak out of the dorms to your apartment. 
But once Sunghoon caught feelings, phew it was way worse. 
It became harder to not give you attention. To kiss you, touch you, spoil you. To act like there was nothing between the two of you when everyone was around. 
Becoming possessive when another male staff member would talk to you. Be jealous if one of the other members needed a wardrobe change and you were the one to take care of them. 
It became way too obvious to the point that Sunghoon finally broke down to the members about his feelings for you, their response being “DUH! We knew that already!” it made him feel relieved sure, but because of his idol status, he had no choice but keep it secret anyways. 
Which only made it harder once the two of you finally became official. The members and staff all knew, but the fans and the rest of the world didn’t. Sunghoon wanted to show you off but knew he couldn’t for your safety. 
It was comeback season for Enhypen. The boys were booked left and right for interviews, TV shows, and radio shows. The boys were busy and on a time crunch, but that didn’t stop Sunghoon from pulling you into the supply closet filled with the radio show equipment. 
“Hoonie,” you whispered, “Someone will notice we’re missing!” 
Sunghoon wasted no time pinning you against the shelves, his hands fiddling with the button on his pants, “Jake will vouch for us. Need you so bad baby.” 
You could tell your boyfriend was nervous, this was a major radio show. And what better way than to relieve his nerves by fucking you?
You lifted your skirt and slid your panties to the side, giving Sunghoon full permission. 
He licked two of his fingers, then slid them between your folds, groaning at the feeling of your cunt wrapped around his fingers. 
“Such a good girl for me,” he whispered against your lips, “always taking good care of me.” 
Sunghoon knew you didn’t have much time to waste, knowing you were ready to take him once your juices started leaking down his hand. 
He replaced his fingers with his cock, slowly sliding into you. Moaning out your name once he bottomed out. 
He wrapped one of your legs around his waist, giving him even more access to your cunt, and started pounding into you. 
Sunghoon gripped one of the metal shelves, using it to his advantage to push further into you, shaking the entire thing. 
The two of you moan against each other's mouths. Your fingers tangling in his hair. 
It didn’t take you long to cum. The fast pace Sunghoon was fucking you at with the help of his grip on the shelf along with him hitting your g-spot, it had you spilling over the edge. 
“Oh, fuck yeah,” Sunghoon growled, “Love when you cum on my cock.”
Sunghoon glanced up at his watch, seeing he only had minutes left, “I’m gonna go faster baby, okay? Wanna cum in your sweet pussy before I have to go.” 
You nodded, holding onto him tighter, settling your face in his neck. 
Sunghoon pistoned into you, fucking into you in a primal state. You attached your lips to his neck, teeth biting down on the skin to keep your moans from reaching outside the door. 
“hmmm, fuck, I’m cumming baby, oh fuck.” 
Right when Sunghoon released his load, the door to the supply closet swung open, and one of the radio show hosts' staff members stood there staring at you two, watching as Sunghoon slowly continued to push his cock into you, chasing what little high he had left.  
“I’ll come back later,” the staff member said, quickly shutting the door. 
It wasn’t news to anyone when all the famous KPOP articles on Twitter were talking about your sexual act in the supply closet. 
Sunghoon sat in the makeup chair, reading the articles on his phone while laughing his ass off. 
“They can’t even get the full story right,” Sunghoon laughed even harder. 
Your face turned red as you organized the boy's outfits for the comeback show tonight. 
Heeseung was also reading about the articles but from the tweets their fans were making, “Some of these posts claim they already knew you were fucking someone and that these articles just confirm it.” 
“Can’t we sue that radio company for even opening their mouths?!” Jake asked, fidgeting with the zipper of his jacket, “They went against Sunghoon’s privacy.” 
Sunghoon just shrugged, “Not like I care anyway. Not my fault the guy decided to be a dick.” 
Jay leaned over Heeseung’s shoulder, reading the comments, “Some of these say you kept going even after getting caught.” 
Sunghoon just smiled, not saying a word. 
“Oh, you’re sick,” Jungwon said, giving him a side-eye.
Sunghoon shrugged his leader's glare off and looked over in your direction, falling more in love with you than he was before, “At least I don’t have to hide anymore.” 
“That’s the thing,” Niki rolled his eyes, “You were obvious from the beginning!” 
“Exactly,” Sunoo said, “This only just made it easier for you two.” 
Sunghoon didn’t care that his relationship with you got exposed, because now he didn’t have to try to hide. Even though he sucked at hiding anyways. 
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thelazybard · 4 months
I recently dyed my hair my natural color (brown) after having it pink for like a year and I didn’t exactly receive the best reactions from my friends, so I was thinking maybe reactions from the clones you want to include to sort of the same situation? Like how they would react, either platonic or romantic, to y/n dyeing their hair back to natural??
Also on another note I feel like omega would probably dye her hair at some point of her life🌚
I'm sorry your friends didn't have a better reaction to your hair, I'm sure it looks fantastic!
And Omega so would dye her hair a million colors, especially if she ever meets Sabine. She has the perfect natural hair tone for it.
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GN!Reader x Clones: How they react to your natural hair color.
-Rex dyes his hair himself so he never judged you before for having an unnatural color in your own. When he sees you walk by with brown hair he asks about it. When you tell him it's your natural shade, he lets you know it suits you.
-Can't keep his eyes off your hair and how it complements your eyes and natural skintone.
-Reassures you it looks fantastic.
-Mentions the new hair and compliments it as you walk past each other in the hall.
-Can't keep his eyes off your new look and how well it complements your features, calls you gorgeous all day. ("Whatever you say, gorgeous.")
-Pretends like he doesn't notice. For weeks, he's in it for the long con.
-It's almost torture keeping up the facade, especially since he's not sure whether you've even noticed him "not noticing" or not.
-But he's determined to keep his longest-term prank yet going.
-If you're dating, he wants to make sure he's the FIRST one you hear from and that you know he likes your hair more than ANYONE else.
-He tells you how beautiful you look and even pretends he doesn't recognize you at first as a joke. ("Sorry baby, I'm spoken for.")
-Would consider it rude to make a huge deal over your new hair color.
-Instead, when you two are alone he mentions it suits you.
-He wouldn't want to put you on the spot like that otherwise.
-Is a bit flustered trying to get out the words to tell you your hair looks nice.
-He has a fear of seeming shallow, so he assures you that you'd look great with any color in your head.
-But damn if your natural hair doesn't look great.
-Makes an audible "huh" when you walk by with different hair, clearly impressed with how it looks.
-Makes a joke about having to fight all his brothers off.
-Offers to comb it for you that night just so he can get a better look.
-Immediately points out your new haircolor and asks if he can touch it.
-Makes sure everyone else has noticed and complimented you on it.
-Asks if you can color his "hair" next as a joke.
-Runs his hands through it at any opportunity.
-Tries to braid it for you and fails, but you still love it anyway.
-Doesn't say anything about it aloud, but thinks it looks nice and suits you best.
-Points out just how flattering the shade is to your natural complexion.
-Reassured you that you look great and there isn't anything to worry about.
-Makes some teasing comment in good taste about the new style.
-Kisses you on the top of your head at your hairline is to reassure you he likes the new style.
-Asks you to leave it down when possible so he can get a better look at it.
-Points it out in the child-with-no-filter fashion, and asks if she can touch it.
-She loves it!
-It makes her want to color her own hair, but Hunter says not until she's older :,(
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whoishotteranimepolls · 4 months
I've been waiting to respond since you made that post mocking us for wanting problematic characters banned from your polls because apparently you are not taking legitimate criticism of anime seriously. Because it is full of poor representation of minorities and lgbtq+ and you and all of your followers are laughing about it like it's nothing.
I will start with Yamato because everyone acts like one piece even though it's so full of misogyny. Having a trans character is amazing when I don't even think Yamato is actually trans. I'm pretty sure it's a translation error and everyone has latched on to it. So again that is not good representation if it's not confirmed representation and even if it was confirmed, it's not good representation. Yamato because of the one piece art style by default Yamato is full-blown a fetishization of trans people because all one piece characters if they are drawn, female presenting are drawn like sex dolls. So unless they go through an actual gender transition and not just a pronoun change. There cannot be good representation with Yamato because Yamato is a fetish, not a fully fleshed out character. I mean to boil it all down. I don't think the author is capable of having any good lgbtq+ representation one piece is just not a sophisticated enough story and the characters are just too shallow for that to be possible
Bleach did a similar thing with Yoruichi acting like it was so amazing to have a character of color and she is supposedly bisexual but she's just waifu bait and it reeks of misogyny and fetishization of BIPOC. She's a furry to top it all off. It doesn't help that the bunny chick from my hero is basically the new gen version of the same character, but at least she is disabled too. So at least they tried to do something with her character other than waifu bait
So I would like to know why every character I've seen promoted as great representation in anime for either the BIPOC or LGBTQ+ communities seem to only be horribly fetishized, useless, waifu bait. Not actually a good character.
And even when Japan is dealing with its own ethnic minorities and indigenous populations it still does a horrible job by playing into the Noble Savage stereotype Hollywood likes to play into. Have you not seen the anime Golden Kamuy? It's about Japan's own first Nations tribe and it's So disrespectful to that. I swear they could not have had a single person from Hokkaido, much less a member of the actual Ainu people involved in the creation of that anime or manga. And yet I've seen so many people brag about that anime and manga and how it's so good for diversity. When again, every single Ainu character acts like a bad native American stereotype from like a 1950s American Hollywood western. It's that bad and don't get me started on the fan service in that show. It's at a level that could be considered exploitative but it's okay. Some of the characters might be gay so it's representation. To top it all off it reinforces white colonial beauty standards because the main Ainu character is specially because she's half white and has blue eyes like her white dad and she talks about how she's going to be a new kind of better Ainu for the future because she's white passing. That show is a reductive racist dumpster fire and I can't believe anyone says otherwise.
But you said you won't ban characters unless the fandom becomes too toxic. But you really should consider looking out for the LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities by not promoting toxic problematic characters and actually banning these toxic problematic characters and shows
Fandoms vs Illiteracy #1
Feel free to critique the essay but not the person nor the person's intelligence. Do not call names, degrade the person, or personally attack them in any way. The purpose of this series is to critique/analyze the arguments contained in the essays.
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For those unfamiliar with the characters mentioned, here are pictures. The names are in the alt text.
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And here's one of the promotional images for season 2 of Golden Kamuy
So now that everyone is a little bit more familiar with everything mentioned in the essay and knows the rules, feel free to do your own research and respond.
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pretty-blkgirl · 18 days
Soul’s Desire [Ch. 9]
“Han, it’s been 30 minutes”
Changbin lets out an irritated sigh as Han checks his phone for the 5th time. You were late, embarrassingly late, and hadn’t even let Han know beforehand.
Chan was a little upset but chalked up your tardiness to preparing for your debut.
“She’s about to debut, Bin, we gotta give her some grace”
“It’s not that she’s late, Hyung, it’s that she didn’t check in first.”
Just as a back-and-forth was about to ensue, a wild knock on the door interrupted the boys.
Chan jumped up to open the door, letting you in. Han was immediately eased by your presence, missing the way his other two soulmates looked at you with a little hesitation.
“Hi guys, so sorry! I was with my members and we lost track of time“ You smile
Chan smiles back at you politely, but Changbin doesn’t. He was still a little bothered by how you failed to let Han know you’d be late, but he tried shaking that feeling off.
“No problem, it’s nice to meet you,” Chan says, “I’m Chris”
You bow politely while giving him a firm handshake
“I’m Changbin” Maybe it’s because you two are bonded by now, but you can feel how he’s already a little suspicious of you.
He’s very polite, shaking your hand and offering you his chair, but you suddenly don’t think the guys like you as much as Han said they did.
You four settle into some slight banter. You and Han joke around while Chan and Changbin watch, adding little comments here and there.
After a while, you realize you haven’t talked to your other soulmates, so you face Chan and put on your best smile.
“Chris, Hannie told me that you’re getting into fashion nowadays. Have you figured out your style yet?”
Chan gives you a grin, “I’m not so sure. I kinda like street clothing, tighter-fitting shirts, baggy pants, beanies, and stuff like that. I’m taking advice from Innie”
You nod, “I follow you on Instagram and honestly, your whole aesthetic is so cool”
You and Chan’s conversation flows naturally after that, with you complimenting him and him blushing while shaking his head.
After a few short minutes, you move on to Changbin.
“I know this is random but I always wanted to ask you, do you have a favorite verse of yours?”
He quickly shakes his head, “No, that’s like asking me to choose between the members. I can’t have a favorite”
Changbin had a certain aura about him. You knew he was one of the sweetest, gentlest souls ever, but you could tell he was the type to be polite, yet cold with new people.
He still took care of you, offering to get you drinks and snacks when you mentioned you hadn’t eaten yet and offered to give you his jacket when you shivered, but he couldn’t be bothered to send the smallest of smiles your way.
It scared you, and you wondered what you did to deserve the stoic expression.
“Y/n, tell us about you” Chan says, almost as if he can sense the tension
“Okay! Well, I joined JYP around a year ago now, I was a trainee for six months. My favorite color is gray, my favorite food is fried shrimp, I have three cats and two dogs back home, I’m an only child, and I’m the Maknae of my group”
Han smirks once he realizes he already learned all this information about you, the other two members nod at your words.
“I have a dog too, her name is-”
“Berry” You finish, smiling, “Did Han mention I’m a STAY?”
Chan laughs, a blush on the tip of his ears, “He said something about it, among other things”
“He said that you said you always felt connected to us” Changbin starts suddenly, “Can you explain that?”
You nod with a genuine smile, “Yep! I guess, as a fan, I always felt a little…closer to you guys. I chalked it up to me being delusional but after I auditioned for JYP, and moved here and everything, my palm started to itch like crazy”
“That’s interesting” Changbin mumbles, “Our palms kinda tingled I guess?”
“Silly enough, you know how our symbols are kinda shaped like an infinity symbol?” Han asked, pointing at your hand.
You neglected to wear symbol blurring ointment, only because your members demanded to see what it looked like. You just wore an oversized hoodie and hid your hands in the sleeves.
“Yeah” You affirm, “It’s so cute”
“It didn’t always look like that” Changbin confessed, “For the longest time, it was….incomplete?”
“Then you got your symbol, and BOOM” Han narrated with a loud clap of his hands. Chan and Changbin jumped in surprise while you let out a startled laugh
He grabbed your arm and lifted your sleeve just enough to show your hand, “now all of ours look like this” he cheeses
The food came after a few more minutes of conversation. Changbin warmed up to you after you asked him about his workout regimen, finally letting his goofy and flirty nature show.
Chan led most of the conversations, and that didn’t surprise you since you knew how extroverted he was.
Han was joking or laughing about something the entire time, while you sat there and thoroughly enjoyed your time with the group.
By the end of the dinner, Changbin decided to be the one to walk you to the cab he had ordered for you.
You two were in the back of the building to avoid any fans seeing you.
“Sorry for being so cold earlier,” He said as you two walked (rather slowly) to the car.
“Oh, um, that’s okay!”
He sighs, “I was just a little upset you didn’t check in with Han to tell him you were gonna be late. I have a thing about knowing where my members are and wanting them to be safe and whatnot so checking in with one another is a big deal to me”
You hum, understanding his point of view. Honestly, you like that he’s that way, your members are usually like that as well but you guys having each other’s location eliminates having to ask where you are.
You made a mental note to make it a habit to check in with your soulmates, especially Changbin.
“I understand that, and I’ll be more mindful in the future”
You make it to the car and he opens the back door for you to get in before reaching into his pocket and pulling out money.
“You’re not paying for the cab Bin,” You say, crossing your arms
“I called the cab, you’re my soulmate, I pay”
“Well you’re my soulmate and I don’t want you paying for me”
“Too bad, that’s something you’re gonna have to get used to.”
Before you could protest some more, he threw the bills in your lap before blowing you an exaggerated kiss and closing the door.
You rolled your eyes but smiled all the way home
Taglist: @chuuyaobsessed @h0rnyp0t @prttyxbby @yukichan67 @hanniemylovelyquokka @xxeiraxx @loveforlee444 @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor
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seiquack · 1 year
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Itchy Feeling
☆゚⁠.⁠* || Rindou Haitani | 灰谷 竜胆 x Gn!Reader U⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠U
Mutual pinning?, Rindou has a silly crush on reader but is confused about it, fluff
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It was itching him, the itch that gets under his nails that he couldn't scratch, the feeling of his insides itching, a feeling that he wanted to soothe and put an end to but wasn't able to, something was itching inside him and he desperately tried to ignore it
Strolling down the streets seeing the newly opened coffee cafe you wanted to come by with him yet he was sure you would order your coffee too hot and let it cool down until it's cold and not pleasant to drink anymore
A kid passing by holding a balloon the same as your favorite color, someone dressed in a fashion style you like, your favorite brand displayed on billboards, did everything reminded him of you? the itchy feeling surfaces again, and again he wanted to scratch that itch badly.
"Hey" a familiar voice went through his ears, a hand on his back made him stop his tracks and look back at who came in between him and his thoughts
it was you, looking up at him and engaging eye contact with him as you give him a small confused smile.
"funny seeing you here, thought u didnt want to hang out today"
removin your hand that was placed on his back and resting it on your sides
"oh uh, I didn't like the atmosphere at home and decided to stroll around," he said breaking eye contact from you and redirecting his gaze to the passing people by paying the both of you no mind and continuing their day
the itching feelign was gnawing him more as he feels his palms sweat a little causing him to wipe his hands on his pants
"well since were here now, do you want to hang out?" you ask him yet already grabbing his wrist and leading him somewhere , he hopes you won't realize how his palms got a little more sweaty than a second ago.
You didn't look back knowing the answer since he continued to follow your lead not removing your hand that was dragging his wrist. Rindou feels the itchy feeling gnaw him even more now, he feels something inside him pushing out the words from his mouth that he wishes to keep unheard
before a word could come out of his throat you stopped your tracts as well causing him to stop, he let out a deep exhale not knowing there was built up tension inside of hime that prevented himself from breathing
he notices you were looking at something and he follows the direction where your eyes landed, it was the newly opened coffee cafe that you were blabbering about to him a week ago
"Well, are you ready to go in yet? " he asks you which makes you look at him. He still wasn't looking at you instead he was looking at the view inside the cafe
"Yeah," you respond turning your heel to go inside the cafe and hearing his footsteps follow you inside. the sound of the door chime rings and the smell of brewing coffee and baked pastries filled your nostrils
You find where the line is to take an order and wait in line, while waiting you were looking around the cafe. It was a bit larger than how it looked outside
you were stopped from your trance of looking around when you heard the barista ask what you were going to order
you realized you haven't thought about what to order yet and you didn't want to look at the menu that was new to you and decide what to order since it will hold the line of customers behind you
"Two lattes, one iced, one hot" Rindou said to the barista at the cashier and paying, you looked at him again shocked that he ordered for you, you were always the one who ordered for both of you since he said he didn't like talking to other people.
You heard him mumble a small thanks to the cashier when he got his change, he grabbed your hand dragging you to find a table which sent you to shock #3 for today, you felt a warm feeling inside of you burn as Rindou holds your hand even if he was just dragging you
he finds a seat next close to the corner of the shop where there weren't too many customers, the both of you sit down. You were sat apart facing each other face to face
did he make the right choice by choosing to sit here, Rindou thought
"So, how's your brother?" you ask him, expecting him to reply with his brother doing fine or his brother was being an idiot trying to smooth talk random girls on the street almost getting mistaken as a creep. You didn't expect him to rest his head on the table as he answered that his brother was doing fine
"Okay then, why are you trying to avoid eye contact with me ?" he feels your eyes on him, he raised his head from the table still not looking at you but before he could answer
the barista was calling his name to pick up his order from the counter, what a lucky save for him he though.
He stood up excusing himself which put you into shock #4 for today, he realized he had to stop avoiding eye contact with you since you realized what he was doing
with a sigh he picked up the tray and turned around, he saw you looking at him from the table. he couldn't break eye contact now since it would be obvious he looked away
sucking up the building itching feeling that surfaced again inside of him, he went to your table placed down the tray with 2 cups of coffee and sat down not breaking eye contact
"Do like your coffee iced or hot?" he asks you, you look down to look at the 2 cups of coffee not hearing the small sigh that left his mouth when you broke eye contact
"I'll take the iced coffee if it's okay," you said looking at him he nods and takes the hot coffee from the tray, you follow him and take the iced latte from the tray
you watch him blow his coffee a little before drinking his coffee which prompts you to drink yours as well, you think if you should ask Rindou why he was avoiding eye contact and then suddenly making eye contact when he got back after you questioned him
before you could open your mouth words from Rindou made your eyes widen and leave you speechless
"I like you" it wasn't forced but it certainly seemed like he was trying to keep it a secret.
Well there's your #5 shock for today
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( a/n: Sorry if its short, it was supposed to be longer but I should've had posted this at 4am and not 5am but it didn't save when I accidentally closed Tumblr :3 )
Likes and Reblogs are appreciated (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠) ♡ !
m.list U⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠U
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pastry0w0rlord · 12 days
Can Winter Come Faster?
anyways smapo:
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Here is the timelapse for you timelapse lovers:
I tried a new/messier coloring style, I am not sure how I feel about this one yet.
The program used is Clip Studio.
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(Btw I found the whatsapp background image on pinterest, can someone point me to the artist if they know them? It's gorgeous.)
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More thoughts on Kai stuck in the never space : (possible AU)
I'm no definitely stuck on the idea that time passes differently there. Ergo, he's been there for a few years, at minimum a decade when finally does get out again at some point
There isn't really lots of common food there (The banished five don't need food to survive in my opinion) so he got used to eating anything eadible. So moss, insects, whatever he can find really
Bonzle is also sharing some of her magical energy with him, so it's easier for him to survive without much food or water. You can imagine it as Kai carrying one of her eyes on a necklace like a blue orb.
Since Bonzle also doesn't have a need for sleep like Kai does, she usually covers guard duty. Without her Kai would probably barely sleep at all (he already does)
At one point Kai ends up picking up magic. Though I'm not sure how exactly yet, he probably goes by gut feeling and a combination of things that Bonzle knows and his experiences with magic users.
Inside the neverspace, there are some other creatures as well. Mostly of magical/mystical nature. Now or then Kai either fights them for practicing magic, or even hunts them for food. (Safe to say, eating magical creatures has some effects on his body as well.)
He then combines his elemental fire with his magic, and through that gets a more flexible fighting style. This definitely helps as he's basically trying to hunt down the other forbidden five inside the neverspace
Bonzle obviously tries to stop him but Kai is to stubborn so she ends up following him anyways to pull him out if a situation gets to dangerous
Kai and Bonzle definitely form a sort of codependency
Bonzle at some point also told Kai about an agent walker she met right before the blood moon, and he figured out the rest
About his looks
You can imagine it, but his clothes are pretty thrown together after so many years, with scraps he can find somehow. His main red is still but barely present after time, but he ends up combining the colors of the other ninja in to remember them better. (When you use magical energy needed for your survival to dye your clothes in other colors.)
His hair grows out, and when it's open Kai pretty much looks like his mom. Most of the time however it's braided with on of Nyas hair ties he still had in his pockets. At one point he also ripped up his ninja mask for some bandaids, and is using the rest of it now as a bandana
He also gets several new scars, be it from experemening with magic, or fights with either the remaining forbidden or other creatures existing in the never space.
That's it for now. I don't wanna put to much stuff in one post, but please tell me if you want more or have ideas foe your own. I also still don't have a proper name idea for this AU/canon divergence, unless I'm somehow predicting s2 part 2 but that would be wild.
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
the real pig hunt
another mini fic for my 'hey loyal write this' challenge, this time based on this post by @curosart! an alternate take on 'hog hunt' and the butcher army execution.
“What if it doesn’t, uh, work?” Ranboo swallowed, trying to dislodge the lump in their throat and then swallowed again. “Like, what if it goes wrong or something?”
“It’s going to work, Ranboo,” said Quackity in a tone that made it clear there would be no further debate past this point. “Besides, if it goes wrong, that’s just less work for us, yeah?”
Tubbo nodded.
“Exactly, exactly.”
“But it’s going to work.” Quackity grinned. “And Techno is going to learn a lesson he’ll never forget.”
Techno should have known this would happen. Part of him had been waiting for it, ready, and there was no surprise when he received Phil’s message, just a pit in his stomach that the peace he had wanted to build here was about to be shattered.
And now there was blood on the snow (and he had tried, he had begged, but it was no use) and Quackity had an axe to his horse’s throat.
“Get away from them, Techno, or I’ll kill your horse right now.”
Techno stopped, holding his hands up.
“Quackity, you leave that horse alone…”
“Cooperate or I’ll kill Carl,” said Quackity. “Do you understand? I’ll slay this horse. Now drop everything.”
With a deep sigh, Techno’s shoulders sagged. He knew this would happen, he knew it, and began dropping his items on the ground.
“Okay, okay…”
“Your armor too.”
A moment of doubt made Techno hesitate. If he was going to get out of this, he would need his armor. Sunlight glinted off of Quackity’s axe.
“Do it or I’ll kill the horse right fucking now.”
Techno pulled the netherite gauntlets off and dropped them into the snow. The helmet was next and then the chest plate and he was about to ask what they were planning to do when he heard the unmistakable sound of a potion bottle breaking and the feeling of something wet hitting him.
“What the heck—”
And then the world around him was getting much bigger and Techno hit the ground.
“Is this a fucking joke?” asked Punz.
Dream shrugged helplessly, not knowing how to answer the question. He needed it to be a joke, it had to be a joke, and yet—
“What do we do now? I mean, this really messes with the whole rescue plan, right?”
It did and if it was anyone other than Technoblade, Dream might have cut his losses right then and there. He groaned, rocking back on his heels.
“Okay, new plan.”
A beat.
Punz looked at him.
“Which is…?”
“Well, same plan for you, I guess,” Dream said. “You get up there and distract them. I’ll get Techno out.”
“How are you going to do that?”
“Do you have an extra invis potion?”
Raising an eyebrow, Punz dug through their inventory and pulled out a glass bottle, the liquid inside an almost matte grey in color. They handed it to Dream.
“Good luck, buddy.”
Dream nodded; he was going to need it.
Techno had a brief flash of optimism when they tossed him into the small cage that maybe, just maybe, he could squeeze through the iron bars. That maybe whatever Quackity and his goons had done to him could work in his favor. But the bars were too close for him to fit through and his ear caught on the metal, making him let out a squeal.
This was embarrassing.
He got the point – turn the pigman into an actual pig, haha, very funny – but it was really cramping his style. How was he going to get out of this? How was he going to make sure Phil was alright? Techno could barely turn and he didn’t have hands to hold a weapon or that totem Dream had so kindly pointed him to.
There was a flash of white and then shouting and an explosion. Beneath him, something thumped against the wood plank he was standing on, hard. He didn’t have time to think about that. Tubbo’s voice cut across the commotion.
“Pull the lever, Big Q!”
Bruh, Techno thought, not like this. 
The wooden plank beneath his hooves – all four of them – broke and he fell. He expected to hit the ground and then for the anvil to hit him but someone grabbed him awkwardly, hands almost slipping on his haunches as they yanked him back. The anvil slammed into the ground with a rush of air, barely an inch away from Techno’s snout.
If there wasn’t a saying about how hard it was to catch a pig already, Dream thought there should be.
With one hand still on his axe, he scrambled to grab Techno as he pulled him back and out of the way of the anvil at the same time. It had come too close for comfort and Techno was practically upside down. He adjusted his grip but Techno seemed to be panicking.
“Techno—Techno, stop, it’s me.”  There was an indignant sounding squeal and Dream groaned. He was invisible; even if Techno was in a position to look at him, he would’ve seen nothing but a floating axe. “It’s Dream.”
The squealing turned into a series of oinks that could only be described as laughter.
“Yeah, whatever, laugh all you want,” said Dream.
He tucked Techno under his arm. Above the commotion still raged and it was surprisingly easy for Dream to slip away. That ease made paranoia stick in Dream’s chest and it took all his self-control not to look over his shoulder every few seconds and instead made his way to where Quackity and the others had left Carl.
Grabbing the lead, he pulled the horse towards the tunnel, the sound of shouting and explosions fading into the background.
Techno had thought being turned into an actual pig was about as low as he could get and then he had realized they hadn’t even planned on giving him a clean death. There was no honor in being crushed while trapped in a cage and Techno knew that was the whole point.
And now Dream was manhandling him as if he had never once held an animal before and also was afraid Techno would bite him. Techno had certainly considered it, especially when he had mounted Carl and turned the horse away from his home in the arctic.
He had considered wiggling out of Dream’s grip and taking his chances but he knew Dream wanted him alive, even if he didn’t know why. That was enough for him.
Carl took a moment to listen to Dream and Techno snorted in amusement.
The invisibility potion had worn off and Dream tilted his head down slightly to look at him. When he spoke, Techno could hear the frown in his voice.
“Your horse sucks, Techno,” he said as he pulled out his communicator with one hand.
And I’m gonna feed him so many golden carrots, thought Techno, oinking.
“Shut up.”
As Dream typed, resting the communicator on his thigh, Techno tried to peer at the screen, see what it was he was saying, who he was talking to you.
Techno oinked, rising in intonation.
“I’m trying to figure out where’s safe,” said Dream in reply.
Flicking his ear, Techno thought, I take back fifty percent of the times I’ve called you stupid, alright, Dream?
“Damn it.”
That didn’t sound good. Squealing, Techno nudged Dream’s arm, dignity forgotten. Dream tightened his grip on him as Carl side-stepped with a whiny. 
“It’s fine,” he muttered and then cleared his throat. “It’s fine—We just need to find somewhere to lay low for a bit.”
We also need to figure out a way to turn me back into a dang person, thought Techno. If something went south, he’d be useless. A pig couldn’t hold a sword and Dream was good but not that good. He oinked.
“What? I don’t speak pig.”
Techno oinked again.
C’mon, Dream, that’s whole problem, man.
He couldn’t see the expression on Dream’s face but the way he looked down at him and then leaned back slightly spoke of a sudden realization.
“Okay, but I don’t know what to do about that so,” Dream said and then nudged Carl lightly with his heels. “We’ll figure it out.”
We better, thought Techno with a soft huff.
Things had spiraled out of control. It was supposed to be a simple rescue mission, just make sure that Techno got out of there alive with his stupid horse, and now Dream’s mind was racing as he tried to plan where to go, what to do next.
How the fuck was he going to turn Techno back to normal?
“Fuck! Milk!” 
In his lap, Techno squealed and the horse shied and Dream had to work to keep him under control without dropping Techno. He pulled the horse to a stop.
“Can pigs drink milk?” he asked, looking down at Techno.
The noise Techno made was somewhere between an oink and a snort and very clearly held the tone of someone who thought they had just been asked a very stupid question. Dream felt his cheeks go hot and he was glad he was wearing the mask.
“Well—Well, to be fair, I don’t know pig biology or whatever.”
Techno snorted again. Dream rolled his eyes.
“Look, we’ll just—We’ll find a cow and fix this.”
It was a good idea.
Techno was actually a little bit disappointed that he hadn’t thought of it himself but it wasn’t as if he could have told Dream anything. Their means of communication was pretty limited though he had to admit that Dream was quick to figure out what he was trying to say.
So when he felt that odd tingle, starting at the tip of his tail, he had a good idea of what was about to happen. He tried to wriggle out of Dream’s grasp, giving a squeal, but Dream held on.
“Techno! What the hell?”
Oh, this is gonna be awkward, thought Techno.
There was a stretching sensation in all his limbs and then a pop, like a bubble bursting, and he was falling and taking Dream with him. Techno landed on top of him, knocking the wind out of them both. Startled, Carl whinnied and danced away before stopping to munch on some grass just a few feet away.
Techno looked down at Dream.
“Hey, good news, Dream, I don’t think we’re gonna need to find that cow,” he said.
Dream lifted his head and then gave up almost immediately with a deep sigh.
“—we’re never fucking talking about this again.”
With a laugh, Techno got to his feet – the two of them, not four – and reached down to offer Dream a hand. He hesitated for just a moment before taking it and letting Techno pull him up.
“Oh yeah, this is stayin’ between us,” he said and then, “For now, I mean, it is kinda funny…”
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Hello! May I request Ozzie with a reader who loves to dress in old-fashioned, cottagecore-y (yet elegant) dresses, please? She has a personality to match that style, too (Sweet, soft-spoken and more than a bit shy). I'm not sure for which Penguins do you write for, but I'd love to see 2022 and Arkham! If you feel like adding more, please do! Thank you! 🩷
"Cottage-core Fluff" Penguin Party
Might as well make this a penguin party 🐧🥳
I will warn you, though, that the shy/soft spoken personality aspect is similar to another ask I've done (albeit for lolita fashion). So I'll be leaning more into the fashion aspect!
TW: None
There's something about it... It's so sickly sweet in comparison to himself. Part of him feels like he should be repulsed. And yet... There's something familiar about it. It's not how his mother dressed, no that was a different fashion. But the whimsy and lightness of it makes him feel at home. Reminds him of a better time in his life.
There's a certain hesitance he feels around you because of these mixed feelings. He's beyond his past. He's the King of Gotham now, haven't you noticed? Black and dark accent colors. That kind of cuteness gets devoured in his world. Wouldn't you be better growing in the sunshine somewhere?
And yet you bring him warmth. You remind him that a sun still shines. There's something about the darkness, murder and mayhem he'll experience in just one night... to come home to you in the daylight. Just to hear the quiet echo of your voice greeting him and telling him you missed him.
Enamored with it. It reminds him of the old Snow White disney film- or something along those lines, anyways. Kind and caring. A soft beauty that could practically call the woodland creatures into your arms. It's why he doesn't trust you at first. Not fully, anyways. Far too many in Gotham who like to hide behind a pretty facade only to show their true colors when the joke stops being funny.
He doesn't push you away. No, rather he "tests" you. Gives you ample opportunity to take advantage. Take his money, embarrass him- He's been down this road before. And yet you act just as the fashion you dress. Sweet and good-natured. You "pass" everything he throws at you with flying colors. Truly, it's as though you could actually tame a beast if you tried.
He walks arm in arm with you down the street, his umbrella acting as a parasol for you. Someone like you, being as you are, being with him- he could take a very different sort of path knowing he has you by him. He could be good for you.
Talk about opposites! Y'know what kinda flowers grow in the sewers? Not any. Not before Ivy got pissed at him that one time and- well, you get the point. Outside was already a lot to adjust to and that was Gotham which is... you've seen Gotham. There's nice parts and there's parts that make you want to shower from the amount of nasty all around. Cottage-core reflects sort of... nothing he's ever seen before.
He'd be rather fascinated by it. It's not the frills and delicate porcelain he was kept so far from. It's not even the darkness and stink and metal he had to shroud himself in for protection amongst his feathery compatriots. It's new and he can actually touch it. Run his hands along the fabrics and almost smell the flowers in his mind. Imagine being outside in the sun with you... It's almost too bright. But he'd be willing to walk if you want him beside you.
It won't make sense to anyone around you two. He'll never play you love songs on a piano. He'll never be able to tell you the difference between a daisy and a carnation. He won't remember to put the toilet seat down or that you might not want to watch him eat this fish with his bare hands and teeth... But you know something? He loves you. He'll try to know those things that are important to you because he wants you to know he cares.
Arkham games
Does that come in a winter style? Or some rather... thicker material at least? A lot of it seems very light and airy and that just won't work in his club, luv. He likes you not frozen to death! Plus what about the winter? Do you know how cold it gets in Gotham in winter? Let him adorn you in finery! He'll make sure it has touches you like. He's not an entirely selfish man, after all.
The concept of it is very foreign to him. It's outdoorsy and soft. Something almost magical against the grime and muck he's encountered his whole life. He's never known a countryside that hasn't bored him to tears. It's easy to confuse your look for someone that isn't resilient. And yet they, whomever they are, would be wrong about that.
How else would you have made it to Gotham? To him- if you were completely at the mercy to it's shadows? A cottage can have thorns. A delicate and sweet hand can pull the teeth of her attacker. Just allow him to give you pliers, ducky, and that extra yank if you're feeling too merciful.
Batman 2022
Doesn't realize it's a thing until you tell him, tbh. He just thought you liked looking like you stepped out of a historical drama! Baking your own bread or whatever! It's something specific to you, it has a name. That makes it something he's got to know about. You ask him about stuff that he likes and he's interested in! He's not the big bad guy people might make him out to be- He wants to give you the same treatment.
He will tease you about it, though. Are you gonna sing the opening number to Beauty and The Beast? You look at him. ...What? Like he's not supposed to see the local theater? pronounced thee-a-tur. That's what you look like! With all the bonjour and readin' your book! Does that make him the big bad beast that's gonna hide you away in his castle? He doesn't take it as an insult.
Huge bonus if you actually cook or do the home-y stuff sometimes related to cottage-core aesthetics. He grew up in little Italy with a family that home cooked everything. Actually, even if you don't but you wanna learn, he could teach you a thing or two. You in one of them cutesy dresses, cookin' with him... He could get really into that.
I think at first he would scoff at a lot of it. Not because he doesn't care about your interests or think it's pretty. It's more the concepts of cottage-core. You want to look pretty, of course. He likes that you want to look pretty! But all that nonsense about doing everything yourself and your hands possibly getting callouses! Oh no, no. Let's stick to just the fashion, hm?
Now fashion, he understands. No one could ever accuse the man of looking cheap. And, no, that's not solely on account of him needing tailoring for his... stature. It's because he has taste, darling! The monocle and ensemble should prove that. Speaking of, he'll have to get some matching motifs for you. Still in your style, of course, but you'll look like a pair. You'll look stunning in purple, he's certain.
It's the soft-spoken nature and shyness that he's going to have to work on. You're with Oswald Cobblepot now. We take what we want by the fistfuls here. That includes you, his little sparrow! Tell him your most selfish, wicked hearts desire and he'll do his best to make it happen! Even if it includes brutal murder! Actually, it might be fun if it includes that. Or at least some light extortion and maiming. For his sake.
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
Could you write an adult Shauna Shipman x f!reader one-shot with quote 6 "I feel like you've got a hand on me at all times" "Maybe that's because I'm irrationally afraid that you'll disappear on me if I let go"
Ir could be something like, one day f!reader gets into an accident and almost d*es and after that Shauna doesn't let f!reader out of her sight because she's afraid that she'll loose her like she lost Jackie all those years ago
Thank you if you'll do it <3
💙Slipping Like Satin - Shauna Sadecki x fem!Reader💙
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
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Summary: During the scuffle to try and catch the blackmailer, y/n is injured and Shauna hasn't left her alone since.
Warnings: Swearing, guns, blood, general angst
Word Count: 1,663
A/N: Hello Loves! I'm trying out a new header for my next couple of fics! I might tweak it to get the style to be something I like more, but I'm excited about the new aesthetic. But this has been a request that I've been saving till I knew exactly how I wanted it to go, and while it's still not exactly what I wanted, I'm pretty happy with it, so I hope you enjoy! As always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading!
Shauna Shipman/Sadecki Tag List:
Yellowjackets Tag List: @frasersgf @minimickzy
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
“God damn it, Natalie, I knew this was a terrible idea!” You heard Shauna scream, her voice growing shrill as her throat squeezed with upset. It had hardly registered yet, but you began to feel a hot pain on the skin of your upper bicep. Your hand was squeezing the spot, and when you moved it away, you could see a glistening red sticky on your fingers in the orange light.
“Fuck. We’re completely fucked!” Natalie barked back, running her hands through her hair as she began to pace in a circle. Only then did you notice the gun in her hand. You bit your lip, swallowing thickly as you looked back down at your fingertips. That is till Shauna moved in front of you, taking your hand in hers.
“Hey, it’s ok. You’re alright,” she murmured in a hushed voice. You began to nod but didn’t say a word. Getting shot didn’t actually hurt as much as you might have anticipated prior, you now realized. “Can I have a look?” Shauna asked though she was already moving your arm gently with her shaking hands. Anxiety knit her brow as she tried her best to keep her breathing steady.
“Tai, can you come look?” She asked, gently adjusting your sleeve to get a look at the wound. Taissa moved beside her, pulling out her phone to turn the flashlight on. They both examined the area with furrowed brows and frowning lips.
“It looks like it only grazed her,”
“Should we get her to a doctor?” Shauna’s voice was low and hushed like she was trying to keep the thought of a doctor out of your head. Or maybe it was Natalie’s. The brunette still seemed quite upset with the whole ordeal. Taissa took another look before she shook her head.
“No. If we clean and bandage it good she should be alright,” she brushed at the wound with her finger just too close and you took in a hissed breath through your teeth, your nose scrunching at the sting. You heard Shauna gasp, her eyes widening ever so slightly as her grip tightened. Taissa retracted her hand but you managed a smile with a small chuckle.
“Let’s just get this patched up, ok? I’ll be completely fine,” your eyes wavered to Shauna for the last bit. You might have been attempting to assure her more than yourself, but you weren’t too sure.
If you were being honest, you didn’t remember the whole affair all that well. Mostly there was confetti, or maybe it had been glitter? It was something colorful and it got in your eyes, that’s all that mattered. It was followed by more of a foot chase before you burst out into a parking lot in time to watch the blackmailer driving off. You thought that had been the end of it, till you heard the sound of a gunshot, followed by a clank of metal. Most of what you could remember was just recounting what the others had said, but you wouldn't admit that. You knew Shauna would freak about the whole thing more if she knew.
She had been showing up on your doorstep nearly every day after that night. She argued it was to check on your injury, though you could handle it yourself. She’d been insistently clingy recently. She doesn’t talk to you for just under a decade then all of the sudden she’s showing up at your door with food and various banned goods like clockwork. She might as well move into your apartment with how often she was dropping in, keeping tabs on your every move. It was likely from her sixteen years as a mom, and you appreciated a little help every now and then, but it was becoming a little much. You thought of all of this while on the toilet, anticipating Shauna might be waiting outside the door.
She didn’t turn up right outside the door as you thought, but walking back into your apartment's main room, you found her scurrying around your kitchen, as though she was attempting to appear as though she’d been busy in your absence. She’d pulled carrots out of the fridge and some other vegetables she was now prepping.
“What are you doing now?” you tried your best not to sound irritated, though it might have been hinted under your tongue. Shauna’ pressed her lips in a line and shrugged, seemingly trying to look casual as she shrugged.
“I thought I’d make a soup,”
“You don’t need to do that, I can make food,” She nodded but didn’t look up from her carrots. You stood still, simply watching her without a word, trying to configure what could be going on in that head of hers. Yes, you’d been in an accident. Technically you'd been shot, but not really. It was scary for everyone involved. But it wasn’t a big deal! You were clearly doing fine. You’d been cleared by your doctor, though they only thought it was grazing from a bad fall. Why was she suffocatingly all over you? Your brow creased and you frowned, looking away.
“I’m going to get some sleep,” You didn’t wait for her to look up before turning around and going back to your bedroom. You leaned your back and head against your shut door, now safe in the seclusion of your room. You didn’t mean to be, well, mean. But this sudden attention was unfortunately discomfiting. You felt fragile under your care. You hadn’t felt fragile in years. Probably not since ‘96. You shivered at the thought of what happened back then. Shaking the thought away, you rubbed your eyes with your fingers. Sleep. That’s what you needed right now. Sleep would make those thoughts go away.
You woke up to a thumping sound somewhere in your apartment. The sound itself didn’t wake you, but it didn’t help any chances of falling asleep again. You sat up with a long yawn, dragging yourself out of bed only to notice it was now dark outside. You sniffed, leaving your room and padding out into your main living space. A warm aroma met your nose and you recalled Shauna’s soup. You were also reminded that Shauna was likely still here.
Sure enough, there she stood by your desk, your back turned to you. Her shoulders shook as you got a better look at her. Your brow furrowed and you bit your lip.
“Shauna?” Your voice was rough with sleep. Her name pulled her out of her head and she turned with a shameful look in her eye. She frantically wiped away tears that strew down her cheek. It wasn’t till you noticed what was in her hands and on the deck that you understood. She began to weakly apologize but you shook your head, silently approaching her. Her body was tense as you moved forward. She couldn’t realize it till you tenderly took the photos from her hands, fingers brushing over hers. She watched as you stroked the cheeks of the smiling girls, captured in a time capsule of Polaroid.
“I can’t believe you kept these,” Shauna murmured, her eyes wandering back down to the unearthed box sitting on the desk. You shrugged, smiling sadly.
“It felt wrong not to,” you mused with a hollow sigh. “I don’t look at them often,” Shauna chuckled when a thought came to mind.
“You were so excited to get that camera,” you nodded, letting out a soft laugh of your own.
“My parents rarely gave us holiday gifts early. They told me I should ‘capture the highlight of my teen soccer career,’” Your smile wavered sadly as you flipped through the photos. “Who knew that camera would only capture the worst few months of our lives,”
“We didn’t have it for the worst part,” Shauna corrected. You felt yourself tear up and forced a sarcastic laugh.
“Thank god I ran out of film,” you took in a long, sad sniff of air. Shauna’s eyes softened, growing wide as she began to cry again. Her arms found their way around her shoulders she pulled you in. Given the unexpected contact, you dropped the photos in your hands, sending them fluttering to the ground below you. You gave into her, going limp in her arms with your hands hung wilm at your sides. She held onto you so tight as you cried together. In so many ways it felt like mourning. You still mourned those you lost, the things you'd done, and the girlhood that had been so swiftly taken away.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed into her neck over and over as she told you to hush and save your words, but you couldn’t help it. You needed her to know “But I’ve been so mean to you this past week, and I know I shouldn’t, but I’ve felt like you’ve had a hand on me at all times and it scares me,” you cried, finally wrapping your arms around her back, hands squeezing desperately to the back of her cardigan. She let out a watery laugh and nodded her cheek against your forehead.
“Maybe that’s because I’m irrationally afraid that you’ll disappear on me if I let go,” She smiled as she said it, eyes shut tight. You knew just by the way her voice broke that it wasn’t a smile of joy, but one that held onto all the grief she forced herself to carry with her. You felt it too as you let out your own pitiful laugh of melancholy. You shook your head against her neck.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here, ok,” you pulled away from her just enough to see her face, holding her cheeks between your hands. “I’m right here,” there was an urgency in your voice as your lip quaked, tears still spilling. She took a long break, sniffling heavily as she shakily nodded. You smiled and nodded again, running your hand over her hair.
“I’m right here,”
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itsgrimeytime · 1 year
Magnolia in May (Part Six) || Rick Grimes (TWD) x Greene!f!reader Regency AU
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Taglist: @loliakeoghan23
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Inspiration (in honor of Speak Now Taylor's Version): Enchanted by Taylor Swift.
Summary: Your town was small, not the smallest you knew, but anyone of high fortune was the gossip of the week. Predictably, Richard Grimes was a thing of whispers -rumors of a search for marriage among the grassy hills. You weren't one to buy into town gossip, but something about him... just seemed a little too intriguing.
TWS: kinda anti-Lori, angsty as hell (sorry), misunderstandings, hopelessness, settling, and crying.
[[A/N: Actually so fucked up over this. I thank What Was I Made For by Billie Eilish for this sudden sprint of new inspiration. Thanks for reading :)) ]]
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"Lori," she added in, a wonderfully beautiful smile smoothing across her face, "-Mrs. Lori Grimes."
Suddenly, it wasn't raining around you. Or at least you couldn't feel it, despite the visual onslaught of the rain around you. You couldn't feel it-
"Mrs-" you cleared your throat -voice unsteady and scary, "-Mrs. Grimes?"
"Right, yes," she hummed, "-do you want to come inside? The rain is dreadful, I'd hate for you to get a cold. He should be down soon-"
"No," you answered, quickly -almost too quickly, "-no, I... It's not urgent enough to bother him."
"But it's urgent enough to walk in the rain?" She laughed -slightly, tilting her head, "-Really, he'll only be a few moments-"
"That's..." you paused, trying to keep your heart which was searing in your chest at bay, "-That's very kind of you, but I must be going."
"May I fetch you an umbrella, at least?"
You pursed your lips, squeezing your eyes shut and letting out a heavy breath -trying to will the urge of your heart, and be rational, "Yes, if it's not a bother."
"None at all," she spoke, holding the door open for you to enter, "-should only take a moment."
You flinched, but stepped forward, entering the entryway -the beauty of the paintings as stunning as when you first saw them. Paint rather layered and color varied, as you took a few timid steps -leading down the entry hall, and you would've gone back. Truly, not eager to spend more time here, but your eyes caught on something.
The shine of gold glimmered in the corner of your eye, and you'd only wanted to see a glance-
It was a family portrait, intricately painted with beautiful smiling faces. Lori was rather still, a rather practiced smile across her face, something rather off in it. Mr. Grimes was just to her right -face rather solemn, it didn't seem to fit him. You were so used to his smile, the crinkle by his eyes, seeing him happy -it didn't seem so in the painting. And in the middle stood a young boy, dark brown hair styled and blue eyes familiar -they were the same as his father's.
Your eyes skimmed over his figure, eyes as blue as the day you met him and curls pushed back rather harshly. His suit is a dark gray, a delicate thing with many layers -more sort of formal business look that you hadn't seen of the man yet. Still quite handsome, despite it all.
Something slipped down your cheek, unrestrained, vulnerable-
"Ms. Greene?"
You cleared your throat, scrubbing away at your eyes -the harsh red there surely leaving a mark. Even despite that, you tried to school your face into a more gentle expression -something to hide the pain. It was rather ungraceful.
"I seemed to be able to find one in the closet nearby," she continued, toying with the umbrella in her hand -until her eyes splashed up, resting startlingly still on your form.
Her eyes flickered to the painting, and back to you with a thoughtful sort of glance, "If you don't mind me asking, how do you know him?"
"Mr. Grimes?" you composed yourself, certainly wishing the tears away or the shake of your voice. Anything that gave you away.
"Well," you started, eyes unwillingly settling on him in the portrait (despite your better judgment) as you fidgeted with your skirt -mud caked upon it so thoroughly that you found it rather stiff, "-I met him in the market, really- more acquaintances than anything. Helped him find-"
"Judith," she answered -a little clipped, but you couldn't tell if it was because of you or mentioning Judith, "-I know. He's spoke of you."
You swallowed the cry in your throat -something stirring in you that he talked of you, but it felt numb. It felt so far than it had just the other day -tracing the inked letters repeatedly, hopeful. You knew you shouldn't have been hopeful, you told yourself-
"You danced," she added, approaching you with hesitant steps, eyes locked onto the portrait -detailing the figures in her own head, you assumed, "-all night at the ball, did you not?"
"Oh," you hugged your coat to your arms, the fabric growing stiff as it dried, "-that wasn't... Mrs. Grimes, you have nothing to-"
"It was," she interrupted, "-I know it was, Ms. Greene. I could see it in him."
"See it?"
She laughed, a little bittersweet -hand moving to rest upon your shoulder, "Richard Grimes is an easy man to read, I'm sure you've learned. As I showed up on his doorstep, his feelings for me had changed. I knew it, just didn't know who."
"And yet, he let you in?"
Lori didn't respond, a sort of silence developed in the entryway as you peered upon the painting -eyes caught on every curve of his face, everything you could recognize. He was rather solemn in the painting, sure, but it was still him. And a part of you wished to commit him to memory if you never saw him again, you wanted to remember.
"Could you," she paused, clearing her throat and dabbing at her eyes, "-Could you fall in love with him?"
"Mrs. Grimes-" you urged -you didn't want to come in between them, it was truly the last thing you'd want on your conscience.
"Ms. Greene, it is of no offense to me. Answer freely."
"You're his wife-" you echoed -tone in a sort of disbelief, "-how will another woman admitting she could love your husband not offend you?"
"I'm a wife who loves another man," she answered -voice shaky and echoing through the air, "-I can hardly judge."
You paused, eyes surfing over him in the painting -eyes lighting up with the familiar memories of crinkle smiles and berry baskets. You weren't there yet, sure, but could you be?
"I could," you answered with finality, tears rising up from your throat, "-I am. I am falling in love with him, isn't that just dreadful?"
Mrs. Grimes smiled lightly -a bittersweet feeling smoothing over his lips, "No, it truly isn't. But-"
You spun to her attention, heart heavy in your chest -a sort of dread clawing up your throat. It could never end well, could it?
"He loves his children," she started, hand moving from your shoulder down to the two of your clasped hands, "-and if my reconciling with him makes their lives easier, I know he will try to do it. And I..."
"You can't promise to say no," you finished, eyes a little bleary and heart cracked open, "-I wouldn't wish you to."
Lori flattened her mouth into a thin line, a deep sort of sorrow setting in her eyes -heartbroken, just like you, "It's a comfortable life, I'd be incompetent to turn it down, and for that, I'm... sorry."
You swallowed, tears washing down your face -steadfast, as your eyes settled on hers (a sort of mutual pain suffered there), "I'm sorry for you too, Mrs. Grimes."
She smiled a tight one that was barely upon her features -yet, you appreciated the little warmth that it garnered. It helped, that a family could be rebuilt from your broken heart, but it hadn't healed it.
You wondered briefly if it ever would.
And then, you heard it -the heavy fall of footsteps, tapping on the tile, and the voice. A voice you thought may stay in your head, despite the hurt that twisted in your gut.
"Lori?" he echoed down the hallways -tone rather straightforward, "-I finally got them to sleep if-"
You locked eyes with her, desperate, pleading as you took the umbrella from her hands, "Don't tell him I was ever here. You must understand this-"
She stared at you -a bit incredulously, "I mustn't lie, and he deserves to know-"
"I will not," you started, but the crack in your voice stopped you, "-I will not break up a family for something so... so trivial."
"It's not trivial," she spoke on instinct, "-I know that you know that-"
"Don't-" you echoed, faltering in place -heart only sinking lower, further, "-please, Mrs. Grimes. I can't- I can't hold onto this. I must, I must move on. You have to understand that-"
She looked at you, heavy and you could almost find solace in her pain -even just for a moment. A moment too long.
"Ms. Greene?" he spoke into the entryway, bouncing around the tiles and you couldn't find it in yourself to respond, to even turn around, "-Did you... Did ya travel 'ere in the rain?"
You coached yourself -years of practiced poise made it somewhat easy but in this moment, it was rather difficult. As your eyes matched his blue ones, a sort of wilt filtered through his face (he'd probably seen your crying, despite your work to hide it, it was always obvious), and almost on instinct, you saw his hand extend to you. To soothe.
"I... I was just going, Mr. Grimes," you spoke, lifeless compared to your previous words to the man, "-don't trouble yourself for me, I only wished for some shelter from the rain."
He paused, before flickering to the window -where the rain still held heavy, "It's still quite bad, Ms. Greene, I'm not sure-"
"Mr. Grimes, don't... don't make this harder than it has to be."
"Make what harder?" he asked -a flash between concern and confusion rippling across his face (You couldn't focus on it, it only hurt. All it could do was hurt.), "-I seem to be confused."
His eyes laid gently onto Lori then, as you felt your heart crush in your stomach -puzzle pieces falling to the floor with no match. And you willed yourself to step towards him, straightening his vest ever so slightly. Fingertips yearning for something so harshly, you couldn't help it.
"Mr. Grimes, you're a wonderful man-" you spoke -watery and bittersweet, "-but you're not mine."
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script-a-world · 23 days
Submitted via Google Form:
The post you had earlier about how quickly new technology has come in recently years is amazing and just puts things into perspective. Each decade will in fact look quite different as to what would be available. Stuff just 10 years ago can already be dated. I have a sci-fi story set in my own universe in which the story spans multiple decades. How do I create a similar advancement througout the decades? In fact, in thinking of other fictions that span decades or more - I don't really see such advancement. Some, yes, but nothing that appears and they always keep certain things 'retro' anyway. Not sure if it matters from this viewpoint but I can watch/read something, I don't find it easy to pinpoint its decade within the story just by tech cues. Whereas anything set in the last century, I generally absolutely can identify when its supposed to be. Especially if it's say... surrounding tech and not tech directly at the forefront of the story. Feels like there is something that I am missing that I could insert into my story that will explicitly date the events by its tech. Perhaps that's quite a pedantic point that most people don't really focus on, but I think it definitely would make things stand out and feel like it's an innovative society that makes advancements over the years.
Addy: I feel like there are two major possibilities for sci-fi: continued rapid development or a sort of slowed not-quite-a-plateau. In the second one, you'd see things like our developments with phones, but at a slower pace. Phones came out a while back, but they've been getting smaller (and then larger) with more features. Now they're basically mini-tablets with cell data. On another track, airplanes have certain limitations due to efficiency and interactions with air currents (flying too fast drives up your fuel consumption *rapidly*), and we also still use the SR-71 Blackbird, which came out in the 60s. Our ability to model things and develop things has improved massively, but the SR-71 still works really really well. It gets the job done and, more importantly, we already have it. Our world is a mixture of tried-and-true classics and new developments.
For sci-fi, I'd say a lot of it depends on where they turn their attention to. Can't get new developments in brightly-colored concrete if nobody's pursuing it, after all.... and a lot of that comes down to trends. Look at home development trends - the 2000s had a lot of heavy wood and whatnot, and then it swung into minimalism, and now it's slowly emerging from greige-land (gray+beige) into "some colors, but not too many (yet)." Call it around 15-20 years for a housing style to change. If you walk into a house with 70s decor, you can just tell. The style/era has characteristic features. The whole reason we have so many developments in phones is because people are interested in phones. If nobody cared, nothing would happen.
So what are people prioritizing for research, and how does that affect new developments? New methods of wood engineering, growing organs in labs (maybe there's a breakthrough that massively reduces the cost or reduces the rejection rate), vibrantly colored steel (not currently possible, to my knowledge, and I'm the steel person here), or something with temperature-sensitive plants to act as "natural" thermometers.
People want to develop and grow, it's just a matter of what we develop and when. What's the style of your era? What's the trend? How does that affect industrial research? Or, on the flip side, a new development could launch off a trend. Say you can make color-changing paint - that's going to launch a whole thing of people doing highly customizable rooms with whatever accent walls you want. And for why it doesn't take over and last forever... maybe it becomes kinda tacky after a few years. People might use color-changing paint while deciding what colors to use, but then go get proper paint for the "real thing" because color-changing paint just feels tacky and kinda outdated. Maybe it flakes off easily or is easily removable, or maybe it's super hard to remove. Either could make it feel troublesome to the layperson.
Maybe there have been some difficulties with growing most crops in lunar soil (which is basically rocks with no microbiome), and someone went "hey, if we add this chemical, that'd allow for better water penetration, which would allow for more plant variety" so now you've got a more varied diet instead of subsisting off of 2-3 plants.
One example of IRL research is someone whose project was to look at the amount of white on the wings of monarch butterflies before the migration and after the migration (seeing which butterflies survived to reproduce during that). They found that butterflies with more dappled edges did better, and that may be due to microcurrents at the edges of their wings kinda breaking up the wind. How that ties into the colors? Well, black absorbs heat and white reflects it, and that heat difference causes pressure differences that cause tiny tiny currents. That's the current theory, anyway, it's still being looked into.
People had looked into color differences a little bit, but hadn't really gotten into it properly. Maybe your world(s) didn't really think about it from that angle, and so after a certain year, all atmospheric vehicles with wings have characteristic dappled edges. Maybe those dapples change with time, like how the camouflage on military uniforms is more pixelated now to confuse cameras moreso than people. Maybe you see it on kites for children as well, or on drones or rotors or whatever else. Is the payoff worth it? Maybe not, but it's sci-fi. Why not?
For sci-fi fiction, I think that many franchises want it to appear sort of timeless, where everything kinda has the same general "sci-fi aesthetic" look to it. From that perspective, changes don't matter as much. I will say that Star Trek does have some of their aspects change over time (like more developed communicators and phasers, better EVO outfits, etc - compare Enterprise, TOS, and TNG, for example), though more slowly than in our modern day. The shapes of ships, the tools they use, etc.
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