enn-jay · 6 months
i love your haylor fics (you and loveinslowmotion write the best haylor) and at the end of Just A Little Bit of Your Heart you mentioned a Haylor discord and i was wondering if could join? on ao3 i'm Tsukiakari1203 btw
Hiii! Thanks so much for all your support & comments! It really does make such a difference! ❤️
Here is the link - I'm Nati-Jade in there too so say I invited you, it's locked down to keep it Haylor-Friendly. 😁😁
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shauds-archived · 4 years
bette kane as bat-girl sketch please?
Here you go, one Bette as Bat-Girl! It was my first time really drawing her, and she has a fun design, so thanks for the suggestion.
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blanddcheadcanons · 3 years
avery ho and kong kenan consider each other siblings and fight like that.
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Sora al Zahrani, Ra’s al Ghul’s first wife. He married her and when a prince killed her Ra’s retaliated and then founded the League of Assassins. 
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Amina Raatko, Ra’s al Ghul’s second wife. 
Amina was born Ky Ae-Min to a Korean father (Ky Sung-Ho) and an Arabian woman (Nylah Raatko) whose family had been in League for 3 generations. Ae-Min was Ra’s second wife and definitely his least favorite. When she discovered that she was pregnant, she was terrified. She had grown up in the League and she knew that he wanted a male heir. Afraid of what might happen if the baby was a girl, she fled in the middle of the night. She assumed the name Amina Raatko and settled in Russia. She named her child Nyssa and told her stories about her father. Nyssa married a man named Aleksandr Ivanovich Gurenko. They were childhood friends and Nyssa who was not attracted to men only married him because of convenience. They had 3 daughters, Hannah, Mika, and Karina. Hannah married Mikhail Vasilovich and they had a son Alexei. When World War 2 broke out, Nyssa and her family were imprisoned in concentration camps. Ra’s had tracked Amina down and had her killed. He also discovered Nyssa. He visited her and asked about her children. When she said that she had only daughters and that her only grandson was 5. Ra’s was disappointed. He’s hoped for a young heir that he could mold not one that would remember his parents. He left and abandoned them to die. Nyssa would be the only survivor beside her young grandson. After the war she tracked Ra’s down and requested to join the League. He named her Nasira al Ghūl and kept an eye on her. Amina smashed her vial of Lazarus water the night she fled.
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Hana Kuznetsov, the third wife. 
Ra’s met Hana Kuznetsov on the trip to Russia to execute Amina Raatko. He brought her back with him as his third wife after seeing her excellent combat strategies. They did love each other and when Dhikrit was born he exiled them to Ukraine instead of having them killed. Dhikrit would grow up there called Dusan being trained by his mother. When Dusan was an adult, Ra’s recalled him to the League where he met Dansui. When Hana joined the League she requested to be given a new name. Ra’s dubbed her Haram al Ghūl. She was born to a Russian father (Leonid Kuznetsov) and an Iranian mother (Elaheh Kabirii). She was born out of wedlock and her mother died when she was a few months old. She gave her vial of Lazarus water to Dusan who gave it to his wife.
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Melisande, the last wife
Melisande al Ghūl was born Suen Yan Mah Laqa in Hong Kong to the wealthy Suen Hei-son Yan and his Pakistani wife, Liyana Dhanial. When she was seven her father moved them to England. They chose to anglicise their names. Yan became Matthew, Liyana became Leanne, and Mah Laqa became Melisande. Mellie was given the best schooling and went to college studying toxicology. She also loved music and one summer when she was 25 she went to Woodstock. There she met Rahil Ghali. She fell in love with him and they married. After a year Rahil told her that he was Ra’s al Ghūl. She took it rather well and in turn told him that she was pregnant. He brought her back to the League as his wife. A few months later she bore Taaliah. Ra’s was pleased with the girl and decided that he would raise Taaliah to be his heir’s wife. Melisande was given control of a small group of Shadows and sent to safeguard the League’s business in Hong Kong allowing her to return home. Ra’s also gave her as a sign of trust a vial of Lazarus water. Melisande drank it years later after Taaliah told her that she was pregnant.
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Bonus- Dansui Kanakubo, Dusan’s wife, with baby Maarya
Mara’s mother is Dansui Kanakubo, a third generation assassin for the League. She and Dusan adored each other and were very happy when Maarya was born. When Maarya was three and old enough for training Ra’s separated Dusan and Dansui by sending them to different League outposts. Dansui died far from her husband and daughter while Dusan would reunite with their daughter years later. Her married name was Dansui al Ghūl. Dusan gave Dansui a vial of Lazarus water that he had been given by his mother on their wedding night. Dansui drank it but she still died.
Extra info- the Lazarus water vials were Ra’s al Ghul’s wedding gifts to his later wives. Each portrait exists in universe. Sora’s was done from memory by Ra’s. Amina’s was one Nyssa had commissioned years after her mother’s death. Hana’s portrait was Ra’s al Ghul’s wedding gift to Dusan and Dansui. Melisande’s was a gift from Ra’s to Talia when Damian and Attie were born. 
Fun fact- Melisande’s head piece was a belated wedding gift from Ra’s after she joined the League. 
Gifted to @dykegreenlantern​ as a thanks for her amazing help with Earth T
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the only RR I've read is the Batgirl crossover, Steph was awesome
Oh. I read the whole series. I love that book and I love the red robin tim of post crisis so much. I miss that dork.
Tim is a pessimistic realist so half the time he would be like, this is the moment I die, goodbye world, then have the villian on their ass the next second by the sheer power of his will, smarts and skill. He's awesome, well, was awesome in post crisis.
Also, remember this.
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duketectivecomics · 3 years
duke and harper bonding fics?
Hey! I have my Fic tag linked in the FAQ page & similarly, I have art/fic/etc that includes Harper tagged on this blog (in “#harper row” ofc) but as far as specific recs, I’ll be absolutely honest and say I have yet to see any fics that focus on Duke and Harper specifically bonding together.
My next best suggestion would be trying out AO3 by searching diff combos of Duke & Harpers tags respectively and filtering out extraneous characters/relationships! Good luck!
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thychesters · 4 years
okay! Then just Dickbabs being sappy during sex?
hmm, i didn’t want to go too explicit and get nerfed by tumblr, so the work around i’m going to try out is something more post-coitus at the tail end of something like a sunburst. after they got it on for the second time, lmao.
Dick hits the mattress with a sigh, and she can feel her own heart hammering away in her chest as the flush lingers across her collarbone. She raises a hand to brush hair away from her face as she inhales through her nose and then lets it out between her teeth. Beside her he shifts, and Barbara rolls onto her side, dragging the sheets with her and she moves to face him. He cracks his eye open as she settles.
“Thought you were going to make coffee,” she murmurs, and Dick grunts as he cranes his head toward her, kicking at the blankets.
“Workin’ on it,” he says, eyes closing again as she reaches over to trace her fingertips across his forehead, brushing hair away from his eyes before making her way to his nose. “Gotta a little sidetracked.”
“Just a little,” Barbara muses as the pad of her index finger makes its way to the jut of his lip. She pauses for a moment and then: “That was... unexpected.”
His eyes open again. “Not the word I thought you were gonna use.”
“I mean it. Last night, this morning... When you said you were stopping by I can’t say I saw myself waking up with you in my bed.” Barbara shifts again and Dick moves with her, hand come to rest against her hip, just below her waist and she moves to settle over him. “Not that I’m complaining.”
Dick drums his fingers on her waist. “I surprised the all-knowing Oracle? Let me put that on my resume real quick.”
“Still waiting on those pancakes, though.”
He lets out a breath, huffing, and rolls his head on the pillow. “So commanding. Is this what Black Canary has to deal with all the time?” Barbara huffs, though his arms tighten so she can’t move away from him. He meets her eyes again. “I meant what I said too, earlier. I can hear those gears whirring, Babs. We’ll figure it out. No rush, no worries, and no labels for a second, okay? Right now it’s just us.”
Barbara hums and her hand glides down the side of his face, palm cupping his jaw she bends down to kiss him. Something aches in her chest, but it’s not daunting like the night before, and something much more pleasant.
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batfamblog · 4 years
what is your opinion on bette kane?
she’s great and deserves more love from the fandom but probably never will get any bc dc fans are already terrible at keeping track of the three main batfam girls
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fiercestpurpose · 4 years
why are Scott and Emma perfect for each other? And why do you like them?
I like Scott/Emma because I’m a huge sucker for a power couple. They’re very effective together, with Scott as the public leader/strategist and Emma as the one who does more of her work in the shadows. They both know that the other one is in some sense morally compromised and they move forward accepting a level of grey morality from the person they’re building their team with.
On the flip side, they’re also just really cute and domestic. Emma buys very expensive beans for her morning coffee and Scott plans dates to Las Vegas because he think she’ll appreciate the irony and they’re really easy around each other. I love that juxtaposition - they’re very powerful, both in a physical ‘powers’ sense and in a political sense, but they’re also very ordinary and they rely on each other as partners both as superheroes and as people.
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incoherentbabblings · 4 years
i'm kinda interested in what the press thinks of Stephanie and by extension Timsteph
I guess it depends on the angle of bigots or biases!
Cons for Steph:
Crappy father, mother a former drug addict, comes from a meh neighbourhood and background, was a teen mum, not exactly up to par with high society norms and keeps putting her foot in it.
Pros for Steph:
Long history of knowing members of Wayne family (Cass and Tim) before ascension into extreme wealth, demonstrably close with other close members like Damian and Babs, Cinderella angle of being a victim of circumstance and being an underdog, thriving in adversity, paying herself through college, working a part time job and close relationship with local Gotham hero Leslie Thompkins, sympathy angle of victim of gang war who got her life back together and is thriving...
IIIIIIIIIIiiii think it would be a situation where - and I kind of touched on it in a couple of my fics - where the press would like her actually. Finding the Cinderella angle too neat to ignore. 
The general public would probably like her as a result (not to compare to like actual royalty but I think of the absolute fawning that Diana, Kate and Meghan got when the first got married... like that level of awe for what sometimes looks like simply existing) because again, underdog story everyone loves a fairytale etc... and Steph would have the drive to keep admirable works and actions going, enough to build her up a lot of good will.
Gotham high society would absolutely loathe her though. Interloper, social climber etc. Luckily their opinions don’t mean shit and Steph would continue on her merry way. 
I can totally see it going the other way though. I can see an argument for old money that can be more accepting of the different than new money, as they have ‘less to prove’ and are more stable in their superiority. Less likely to be threatened by one nice white blonde girl. However the press and general public can be vicious as we all know. 
I’m coming at this from a very British perspective though. I don’t really know if American press or society would behave like that. So uh, happy for a discourse if need be?
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leaiorganas · 4 years
do you like river song?
Hello! I think I am neutral on her. I don’t dislike her at all nor do I love her. When she’s in an episode, it’s fine and if she’s not there, it’s fine.  I don’t have strong feelings for her one way or the other  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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doks-aux · 4 years
honestly, as a Bette fan, I've never liked how Kate treats Bette. Kate seems to forget that Bette's been in the hero business longer. Kate treats her like a rookie. It bothers me a lot. 'Cause Bette wanted them to be partners and ended up being treated like a sidekick. Bette just deserves better and I'm so sick of what the writers are doing with her. They've just shredded her as a character. If you are a Bette fan, Batwoman (the comic) is not a good series for her.
The great thing about having a personal Earth is I can change whatever I like about canon. I haven’t read it yet, but from what I’ve researched, I also didn’t like how Kate (or anyone) was treating Bette. And in general I dislike the idea that personal tragedies are the only valid motivation for superheroism. Sure, they’re great drama fodder, but Tim, aka BEST ROBIN (my humble opinion that I refuse to budge on), essentially became a hero just because he believed it was the right thing to do.
Bette may not end up a huge player in my verse (I tend to focus on the villains more), but she’ll be treated with respect. Kate’s gonna end up heading her own faction of the BatFamily--with Bette, Carrie, Charlie, Harper, and Luke under her wing--and Bette will more or less be the Nightwing of the group.
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dykerachelsummers · 4 years
Greta Hayes, Mera, Rocket, Duela Dent, Natasha Irons, Traci 13, Beth Kane (Alice), Magpie, Talia & Nyssa al Ghul, Mar’i Grayson, Lilith Clay (Omen), and Shiera, Shayera, and Kendra’s Hawkgirls
raquel, natasha, traci, talia, mar’i, and kendra!
greta hayes
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y’mera xebella challa
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duela dent
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beth kane
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margaret pie
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nisreen al ghul/nyssa raatko
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lilith clay
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shiera saunders hall
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blanddcheadcanons · 4 years
Lady Shiva murdered David Cain and left his body for the animals to eat
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A rant on why I love Bette Kane and why it’s so damn hard
I keep seeing people erase Bette as the first Batgirl and I hate it. So what, she wasn’t as popular as Babs. That means jack shit because Bette still came first. I know Bette's unpopular and is seen as a wannabe and useless and a joke but she still came first. She was the first Bat-Girl and it doesn't matter that she didn't set the house on fire. She still means a lot to people like me. And part of that can be blamed on my love of Bombshells which featured her as a Batgirl. I'm always a little disappointed when she's left out of Batgirls fan art or when they skip her entirely when talking about the Batgirls. And recently people have been saying that Damian or Jason should be Flamebird and I always feel obligated to remind people that Gotham already has a Flamebird. I know that Bette loosing Flamebird after loosing Bat-Girl is basically a death knell for her unless they give her another legacy identity. My proof is Hawkfire. After getting that name she disappeared. It's why if she has to loose Flamebird I want her to be Batwoman. She's the best candidate for the role. Not Steph, not Babs, not Cass (she's Batman anyway) but Bette. She has ties to both Batwoman. She was Kathy’s sidekick and niece/pseudo-daughter while she’s Kate’s cousin and little sister figure. I'm very sorry for this rant but Bette just means a lot to me and I'm always going to fight for her.
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my birthday was yesterday! I am now 17. And yeah I'd love to see what songs are on your steph playlist
I wish you a belated happy birthday then.
Also, I think these songs capture her essence really well. But my playlist is still under construction.
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