#tucker knight
Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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guyincognitojr · 9 months
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 292
“Oh I am blaming all of this on you T,” one of the beings in the summoning circle groans, burying their corpse-pale head in clawed hands as their white hair flickered. 
“Me? Excuse me, I wasn’t the one to accept the summoning!” another being protested, hood hiding most of their face save for molten-gold eyes and glittering runes or code on dark blue skin. “I was trying to figure out how to convince PK to change our schedule to include more sleeping, so don’t look at me, look at S!” 
“Well I didn’t accept it,” the only girl-sounding one scoffed, her crown of thorns seeming to writhe and bloom in her black hair for a moment. She crossed her arms, narrowing green eyes just a few shades darker than the white-haired one. “Maybe talk to whoever decided to summon us?” 
All of the sudden the cultists and heroes were being peered down at by a trio of… honestly whatever they were, because they didn’t seem to be the “Infinite King” the cult had been attempting to summon. Actually, they kind-of-maybe looked like kids… Which probably meant their parents or caretakers wouldn’t be too pleased. 
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fanfics4thefanatics · 25 days
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daisyjoyflower · 8 months
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paintpanic · 2 months
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Knocking out the rest of my doodle requests in one fell swoop! Requesters' URLs under the cut.
From right to left, top to bottom, the drawings are for:
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jaxtaposition · 8 months
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finished the wip from earlier!
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inbarfink · 1 year
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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artzysyam · 1 year
My take of Jason's reaction after Danny throwing hands at Joker in locked cell
Based on @xysidhequeen AU part 15
Jason blinked his eyes open slowly and groaned. It had been Nox, the blasted sleep ghost, who had forced him to sleep. When Jason asked about Danny, all Nox gave him was a mysterious smile. 
“That fucking Sandman…” he muttered under his breath as he reached out for his phone, which thankfully was fully charged. He'd grudgingly admit that Nocturne had been a good father figure to Danny in some ways—though it still annoyed him how the man would always tease them about their possible relationship. 
Jason's eyes widened in disbelief as he read the headline of Gotham News on his phone - "Authorities Stumped! Joker Assaulted In Locked Cell! Corruption In Arkham?" He ran a hand over his face, still struggling to process what he had just read. Then, loud stomping and shouting from across the hallway caught his attention.
Sam sounded furious. Jason jumped out of bed, throwing on a red tank top and black boxer shorts. His heart raced with anticipation as he heard Sam kick Danny's door open. He couldn't believe what his best friend had done - Danny must have throwing hands at Joker while he was locked up in Arkham Asylum. As much as part of him wanted to celebrate Joker being incapacitated, Jason knew that this could mean another prison break and it would be even more dangerous now that he had been in Gotham for over a week. He suppressed the urge to dance with joy at the thought of finally getting revenge on the Joker and instead decided to remain quiet so Tucker wouldn't add one more picture of him in his blackmail collection.
Sam balled her fists and slammed the door shut with a resounding thud. She shot an annoyed glare at Jason before pointing her finger in his direction. “Your boyfriend—you handle this situation!” she snapped, leaving before he could deny their relationship status.
Alone in the hallway, Jason's gaze fell to Danny's door. His stomach fluttered with anticipation as he wrestled between yelling at his crush or embracing him with a hug. After a few moments of internal deliberation, he decided a hug was in order and opened the door.
Letting out a gentle chirrup of contentment from his core, Jason saw Danny stir and wake up from his nest of blankets. He looked exhausted.
"What..." Danny slurred, barely able to keep his eyes open. 
"Asswipe, I saw the news and..." Jason said before hoisting himself onto Danny's bed and enveloping him in a tight hug. "Thanks for making sure that fucking clown stayed put." 
Jason felt Danny's body humming with relief and appreciation as he nuzzled closer into his chest.
Danny, his eyes heavy with sleep, murmured a sleepy “Anything for you, Jaybird.” Jason smiled. This cuddle time was a reward he thought they both deserved in the happiest of circumstances. He tucked them further under the thick, warm blankets and laughed softly as Danny made a satisfied chirping sound before snuggling closer against him, looping an arm around his strong waist and resting his head on Jason’s chest. Gently, Jason encased Danny in the embrace of his toned arms to keep him from falling off the bed and secure in his loving protection. As one, their contentment washed over them like a warm wave and they drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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elithemiar-blog · 2 years
Field Trip + Danny Fenton Bladder Alarm + Mr Lancer's Class Being Cautious + Wayne Enterprise Tour
Danny's grade goes to Gotham for a field trip, at a select number of sites. During the WE tour does Danny need to use the restroom (1st stop for his group).
The rest of the class, who are used to ghost attacks following his departure, become hyper-vigilant and cautious. It's enough to permeate to other people who also feel like they're about to be attacked, like a pack mentality.
Danny returns and everyone calms down.
It doesn't stop there. Each location he does the same thing (his bladder ended up being an alibi that he can use for school, so he has to do the same while in Gotham to keep up the ruse), and still the Gothamites also react but they don't know why.
Eventually, a rouge does attack, while Danny is in the bathroom. Mr Lancer's class is calmer than even the most veteran Gothamite. They're being cautious, but now they have a reason to be so.
Danny returns to the class, which is now a hostage situation, and gets threatened. He does absolutely the opposite of what normal people expect and just stares the rouge down not even bothered by the threat.
Maybe it's normal for Amity Parkers to carry around a basic ecto-gun, so while the main rouge is preoccupied (and pretty darn startled) with Danny, they take down the henchmen.
Then the batfam enter.
(Maybe since the tour they've been looking into these out-of-towners [they caused everyone in their vicinity to have the fight/flight reaction] when they figure out the pattern of Danny using the restroom)
Idea rambling in tags...
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 313
You know what? Snake Danny. But not just any snake! Space naga. The world serpent, but literal- a moving galaxy, comets caught in the wakes of his movement, stars nestled between his scales. He’s like a giant cosmic LBM, wandering throughout time and space while he learns how to be an Ancient. 
He’s having fun! Learning so much and it’s a great way to chill for the weekends… er, or whenever he is seeing as sometimes Clockwork sends him off to not break a timeline or something. Who knows or cares, he was in space! 
Sometimes Tucker and Sam joined too, and honestly it’s all so much fun- especially now that they can make their own portals! C’mon he wants to check on this cool dimension he visited a while ago! 
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The Fright Knight
He's fucking awesome. Just speaking in prose. Swinging the Soul Shredder. Riding on Nightmare into every fight. Refusing to fucking explain it. (I mean he explained himself during Reign Storm but thAT'S BESIDES THE POINT)
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bandomchoiceawards · 10 months
*by an artist or related party (i.e. record label, producer, etc.), not a fan
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daily-dose-of-danno · 4 months
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Season 1, Episode 13 - Fright Knight
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theleslistuff · 5 months
Danny may 2024
Day 1 Insect
Filled vessel au
A mouth to cry suffering
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Vessels don't have a mouth, but the few ones that have it, know it's design is for not letting anything alive past through
(Danny is not sure if his mouth is normal between insects or an unsettling abomination, he's quite self aware of it...)
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