#tw skeletons
gentlenaa · 4 months
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The creatures are free ❤️❤️❤️
This took me around 16 hours done in a whole month (to not overwork my hands hahah) I'm really proud of it! This is a young Hathys in his natural environment :]
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arconinternet · 4 months
The Museum of Anything Goes (Windows/Classic Mac, M. Markowski & M. S. Robinson, 1995)
You can download it here, or download it configured to run on modern versions of Windows here.
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larissa-the-scribe · 4 months
Terrarium Lights, pt. 3.13
Previously on Terrarium Lights: a new person (?) has entered the chat (Next part >>here)
"I was wondering if you'd come back," he called. The voice was the oddest Gail had ever heard. She heard it clearly, and yet it seemed made of silences. Like it made itself known by quieting all other sounds about it than by making sound itself. But she almost missed it in the sudden realization that this new person’s teeth with fully black, but in a way that felt like they were that color because they were supposed to be and not because they were unhealthy or rotted. Just… black.
"I'm sorry," Jonathon said, halting before he could walk to the edge of the path. "I… when I realized, I… I don't know… I panicked."
"You always were a bundle of nerves," Samuel said with a fond chuckle.
"I… I suppose that makes sense. I wouldn't know. I've, um, mostly lost my memories."
"Ah.” Samuel looked more strained than surprised. “Do you know who I am?"
Jonathon nodded. "I know bits and pieces. But… I… well, the thing is… I might forget again. After today."
Samuel frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Right now… I'm, well… I don't know if I can quite call myself a ghost, but… similar." Jonathon looked back at Gail as if for help.
Gail made a shooing motion at him. "Go talk to your friend, say what you both need to. Don't worry about me. I’ll be here if you need me."
Jonathon drew up his shoulders, and walked out into the space between two trees, right at the edge of the water. Gail stayed back. She knew she was here more as a “just in case” and less because she herself had a definite role to play.
So she decided to take stock.
Samuel was a true ghost, as people most often spoke of. Jonathon was a ghost in his own way, but—Gail understood as they faced each other—they were opposites. Jonathon was still alive. Samuel was not. Jonathon was still warm, still lit with his own odd life; Samuel was colder as the ocean depths, highlighted in negatives.
As if she needed any further evidence that Samuel was no longer in the domain of the living, Gail saw what lay in the grass beside Samuel's pale gray boots: a skull. A fresh one. Gail did not doubt that, if she looked further, she would find further evidence of this new skeleton—the creatures of the woods and the sea had done their work thoroughly, but they had little interest in clothes; there were scraps of it about. And more—around Samuel's neck was a white cord, hung with a steely, gray-blue pendant that looked to be somewhat star-shaped. Gail could glimpse something glinting dully by the skull, and knew that a more normal-looking version of the necklace could be found there.
In a way, it was a mercy. Skeletons could be gruesome enough; a half-decomposed dead body would be far worse for a grieving parent. Not a pretty sight to have as the last image of their son.
Gail slid down against a tree, planning to recover her legs before they had to leave again. She clutched her shawl closer around her.
Jonathon and Samuel were talking—Jonathon might have been crying.
Beyond them, a white-gold sun, dazzlingly brilliant, poked its tip over the horizon; it sent a trail of shivering light skidding across the ocean.
"Lord," she said, gripping her shawl as she looked up at the leaves above her, towards the sky, "your creation is beautiful, and your people are stranger than ever I knew—and I've met some odd ones in my time. I wish I knew some kind of last rites to say over the boy, some prayer or passage that the preachers would know. I don't, sad to say. The best I can do is pray that you would lay his soul to rest, that he may find his way home to your arms and to his family's. And be with them Lord, as they are left behind. Again. Lay your peace on them to help them through this new trial. If I can be of comfort to them, I pray you’d let me."
She continued praying for a while yet, and recited what she could remember of 1 Corinthians 15.
The sun was hard to look at, so large and bright it had become, and the woods around them sounded with the lives of a hundred different creatures in the middle of their morning routines. Jonathon came back. He pulled a sleeve across his eyes, face as wet as a semi-ghost's could be.
“First,” he said, his shoulders braced. “You said earlier that you would tell me the whole story someday. Do you promise? With all the evidence and detail that you can?”
Gail nodded, solemn. “I promise.”
"Well then," he said, sniffling. "I think I’m as ready as I’m ever going to be.” He took in a deep breath that was half gasp. “It's time for me to wake up."
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shatinn · 4 months
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Fallout 4 - quest
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cloudsovrthmoon · 1 year
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Stimboard based off that flag for @mistandpixelbluepaint !!!
I hope you enjoy! If not up to your liking tell me!!
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1alchemistart · 5 months
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doing my duty of drawing skeleton falin
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A Curated List Of My Favorite Skeletons (and Skulls!)
We shall start, of course, with the obvious: Stringray!
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Followed neatly by pufferfish!
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gila monster skull (shh they are sleeping)
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moving on to flamingos bc they have so little to work with but they stretch it so far
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veiled chameleon skull (plus art by Elena Barbieri so you comprehend the importance of the sclerotic ring bone!) (bc some eyes have bones! some eyes have bones and that is so so valid)
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love us a good old-fashioned mole
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the tucan, always a fun classic
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in conclusion, a few dainty gibbon skeletons to calm you soul, bc why the heck not <3
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(yes the last one is a real vintage postcard sold in real Natural History Museum gift shops, before for some reason they reconsidered this marketing decision)
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windmills123 · 8 months
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warning: iciest game in years !!
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foodiebby · 2 months
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Some th!nspø <3
Removed faces from pictures + all pictures from pinterest
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genderless-nymph · 10 months
Why the fuck
is the quality of my day based off if I eat or not!! I get so depressed after I eat SO WHY THE FUCK DO I STILL EAT
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lilasnow22xoxo · 5 months
i LOVE hearing my stomach growl it’s like a constant reminder that i’m doing something right
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feefal · 2 years
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Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, or Zombie-ant fungus
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Mouse by Twisted Whiskers Taxidermy on Facebook.
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oceantoyz · 3 months
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themeeplord · 11 months
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Blessed with two minds.
Cursed to never use them.
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wonyoungism-0 · 2 months
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tiny body + long hair combo>>>>>>
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