#tw; pet health
strangecowplant · 2 months
please help me pay my kitties emergency vet bill!
ive never done this before but one of my cats just had to get an extremely sudden emergency procedure and i don't know what to do, my vet and i have reached out to a couple incredible programs here to help with the bill but one is less than half and the other hasn't replied back yet, i've already declined the blood work (CA$356) to lower the bill at the risk of possible underlying liver and kidney issues not being found but its still a monumental amount for us right now. i just feel so helpless
we had enough to pay the minimum deposit to get the procedure started in time thankfully, but we were already scraping by as it is and now we're in desperate need of funds to eat/pay rent/pay off any remainder of the bill. i am disabled without aid and have been unable to work/haven't worked since 2015 but am on track to hopefully start working pt this fall. i live with my mom who has 3-4 jobs including one seasonal job which needless to say is stressful and wearing her down. we unfortunately are stuck in the most expensive place to live in canada with the inability to save up to flee so the cycle is never ending.
this is Teddy, my typically very silly vocal happy boy who's not quite 2 yet, my comfort king, my little muffin who acts like a weighted blanket for me at night and eases my anxiety, his favourite toy is his pink unicorn poof, he loves car rides and he can shake paw!
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he got a sudden urinary blockage last night with no straight answer as to why and progressively got worse as the night went on, i didnt sleep at all, i was panicking and bawling, naturally, and raced to the vet to get in as soon as the door opened. i assumed it was a uti which wouldn't have been as costly, but it turned out to be much more severe and life threatening. i never expected my usually extremely healthy boy to suddenly be at risk of that and im still trying to just process whats been happening
he needed to be sedated and given a catheter and some medication, the total bill came to CA$985.62, of which we were barely able to pay 500 of, and one program was able to donate 300 leaving a total of CA$185.62 for the bill. this, of course, leaves us scrambling for food and rent as well
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i know there are a lot of fundraisers out there needing donations right now, and i really hate letting myself be so open and raw like this but even a dollar would help tremendously and i would be forever grateful for any help whatsoever, even a rb to signal boost is greatly appreciated <3
TLDR; my cat had a sudden life threatening issue and now we can't pay the full vet bill or pay for food/rent
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
I'm taking my dog to the vet in an hour and would greatly appreciate it if y'all could pray to Artemis for him (or any deity, tbh). He's 12, and, well, I'm not sure what's going to happen. He's having an issue with his eye (I believe he will need a tooth pulled) but may not be able to go under anesthesia if needed. In that event, I'm genuinely unsure what we'd do for him. So, if y'all could just send a prayer, I'd appreciate it. I will be writing a general pet protection/health prayer for Artemis (that anyone can use) later tonight as well.
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ghoul--doodle · 5 months
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Emergency Commissions!
I specify chibis on the sheet but I am also willing to discuss other kinds of commissions for a discounted price!! Just dm me to ask
Payment will be taken through my ko-fi
If you can’t commission please consider a small donation if you can spare it- if not please reblog n share this post :}
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sillysnaily · 9 months
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Rest well, fellow companion
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quinloki · 1 month
I'm usually pretty open about everything - kink, smut, sex, morality, etc. including, I hope, mental health. But I don't know that I talk about it often as I could.
I'm not obligated to share things about myself. I choose to - I'm not obligated to write, draw, or even answer asks - I do these things because I find enjoyment in them, and I personally find extra enjoyment by creating a space that's comfortable for more than just me.
Today, is a bad day. I get them - I talk about getting them I know, I'm pretty open with "don't panic, I'm just taking a day away." or lower keyed, or some such.
One of the reasons I'm like that is because about three years ago I lost an exceptionally dear friend.
A force of nature.
A... objectively good person, who was, at the time of his passing about a year younger than I was.
Far too young. Here one moment, gone the next.
Today is hard. The A/C is out, it's hot outside, there's three fans in the room and one in the window trying desperately to keep things cool and comfortable enough. Funnily enough my day job, that good old 9-5 is the least stressful thing I'm dealing with.
I passed out from the stress a bit ago. Not like, blacked out and hit the floor, but like, one minute I'm eating on the couch, the next it's 2 hours later and my throat hurts because I was leaned back snoring like some old geezer conked out for an afternoon nap.
Which was more stress - I missed waking up my spouse, missed the time I could've spent doing other things, missed - well.
It's not yet a good day.
Honestly, I'm not sure what I mean with this post. I'll be okay, I always am. I guess I wanted to let people know, as much as I appreciate that y'all look up to me, please do not ever make the mistake of thinking I'm, I don't know, endlessly in control, I guess.
I struggle, say dumb shit, make mistakes, have pretty severe panic attacks, am 100% depressed, am egregiously terrified of bugs (I cannot tell you how much I loathe the fact that the window is open right now), and certainly have plenty of times, moments... days - weeks, every now and again - where it's not ideal.
Being true to myself in the face of that is, probably, kind of cool. I can concede that much.
Whatever my point for this post was, in closing I'll say - you're not alone. You're 100% worth it. It's so much bullshit to hear "it does get better" because it does, but it's never fast enough I swear. It's okay to have it down pat and then just not. Mistakes are a part of life you'll be making them in your 70s, but so long as you can take something from learn - a lesson learned, a capacity expanded, an understanding that some mistakes will be things you repeat, despite your best laid plans, and that's okay.
I love you - as a friend, as an acquaintance, as a fellow member of the wildly variable and frustratingly complicated collective known as humans, and maybe even as something more.
I'm glad you're here.
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freriahaha · 27 days
Dio & humanized Pet Shop
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Want to imagine what it would be like if DIO was feeding his stern loyal bird
If it was Iggy, the bird would have eaten him.
Meanwhile, Iggy in the previous art: 👹
Reminds me of a sticker, which is really awesome🧐
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maceofpentacles · 1 year
trigger warning for cancer!!
just got off the phone with my dad and my corgi, macy, does have bladder cancer. the vets have been taking their time trying to figure out everything but they finally got back to my dad today to tell him the news. we have 3 options for treatment and none of them are cheap. i hate to do this but i’m in the process of moving 2 more hours away from my family and i want to help them out as much as i can while also not having to ask them for money.
i’m not asking for donations, i’m really not, i sell divination readings so if you’d like to help my parents, myself, and most importantly — macy, please consider buying a reading from me! i have p*yp*l, v*nmo, c*sh*pp, ko-fi, and z*lle ((message me for that))
i’m more than willing to offer multiple readings for a lower price, i’m just desperate to help my parents and my dog. we have 4 dogs in total so having to spend a lot on macy is going to cause issues for everyone in the house so please, please consider sharing this post so people can potentially buy a reading from me.
this is a post that no one ever wants to make but here are some silly pictures of macy begging for my siblings food!!
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parasiticstars · 2 months
╰┈➤File Retrieved: Labor_Pets.pdf
Type: Labor Pets (also: working Pets)
Overview: These Pets take the jobs that human laborers protected by OSHA will not. Their masters are usually contractors, plantation/farm owners, and managers. They often will go from contractor to contractor as the job demands; as such, the older a labor Pet is, the more likely it will have a variety of skills and strengths.
Not to be confused with Servant Pets, though servants may work as laborers and vice versa.
Typical jobs are working on agricultural plants, plantations, heavy construction, certain factories, and warehouses. Labor Pets are not paid, but do earn "privileges", such as extra rations for themselves or their whole team, menial amenities in their bunks (if applicable), and breaks-- all of which may be taken away for misbehavior at their masters' discretion.
Needs: PPE is unnecessary with labor Pets unless the job is exceedingly dangerous. However, medical care may be given when needed and if confirmed the subject is not faking to shirk its duties.
Laborers are shipped with their standard collar-- a utilitarian metal band; heavy around the neck and extremely hard to take off, its main function is identification (via a number printed on the side), a marker if the Pet has a history of bad behavior or some kind of disability, and electric prongs for disciplinary use.
Training: Ideally, a labor Pets' training should be focused on forming learned helplessness and total compliance without sacrificing fine motor skills, rational decision making, practical skills, and communication. Since these types of Pets often retain their memories, however fragmented, best behavioral results come from the subjects voluntarily signing themselves into the system.
Labor Pets are often selected from people from extremely low income or homelessness, refugees, trafficking, prison, or runaways. Rarely, veterans may also be signed in, though symptoms of PTSD may complicate their ability to work heavy machinery.
Laborers may also be from the dregs and the flunkees of any other kind of Pet training. They will require more training, thus, laborers sourced from other Pets may preform better in "simpler" jobs, such as clothing factories or working on farms and plantations.
While laborers should be able to endure extreme working conditions, heavy-handed punishments (deprivation, amputation, disfiguring) are entirely unnecessary, and will only be a waste of product.
Medical notes: Castration or neutering is generally unnecessary. Heavy monitoring during private time is often nil. Sterilization in males is only needed if the subject has a history of letting its sexual wants impede work.
Females must undergo a mandatory ovariohysterectomy, though circumcision is unnecessary.
Labor Pets' lifespans are somewhat longer than other pets, averaging to 55 (discounting workplace accidents, violence from master to pet, and pet to pet violence). While aging may take away value and capability in the mid thirties, they may continue to work well to 70. Past this age, however, it is in the best interest to both the master and the Pet to euthanize it, as the resource strain to support a geriatric Pet for the sake of an extra set of hands will be be much more of a hindrance than it could help.
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strangecowplant · 2 months
please help me save my cat he means everything to me and i'm completely helpless to save him
i need a miracle to happen today
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jakey-beefed-it · 6 months
Back from the vet with a relatively healthy Frisbee. He's lost another .2 kg, but his heart murmur has disappeared and he was bright-eyed and energetic. The vet poked his tummy a fair bit and he didn't squirm or seem to be in any pain, which is very good. We're going to be giving him a vitamin B-12 injection weekly for the next month as well as a second dose of the anti-inflammatory every evening and see if that helps him put some weight back on. He's got another checkup in two weeks.
Considering doing the ultrasound for him. It's expensive, but not as invasive as a biopsy, and it could confirm his diagnosis. If it did, it wouldn't really change what we're doing for him, though, which is why I'm still leaning toward not doing the ultrasound for now. But it's not completely off the table, anymore.
Anyhow thanks for the hugs and support, everyone. For now, at least, the fluffy guy is is reasonably good condition, considering.
Here is a picture of him on my wife's chair tucked into our pride blanket.
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bewilderedbunny · 1 year
Hi friends, as some of you know I'm struggling to find work after being losing my job in February. My kitty Earl is now having dental problems that need to be addressed asap. Right now I'm pooling together all the money and credit I can find to make sure Earl gets the care he needs, I have also set up a ko-fi. Please don't feel obligated to donate! But if you would like to, the option is there. Regardless of if you donate or not, I want to thank you all for your love and support 💗
Pics of Earl Grey below:
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⚠️‼️VENTING CW:SA mention, animal death, depression
I’ve turned away from most of social media for health reasons so this is my last space to really vent about something I’ve been going through.
My pibble, my best friend and greatest puppy in the whole world, my favorite family member of ten years—is passing away. Tomorrow we’re gonna take her to the vet and see what they say, but realistically with her age, she’s gonna be put to sleep. I’m so heart broken and devastated. I’ve been through so much (s3xual abuse, trauma, heart break, unstable home situations, scary family members) and my dog is the thing that’s been keeping me “anchored” for many years. Of course I have supportive friends and loving family members as well but you know pets have a special place in our hearts that no one else can really occupy. I’m an animal lover at heart and my bestie is especially important to me. Idk how I’m gonna deal, I really don’t know. She’s been my family member and best friend for so long. Everything is gonna be so bleak without her. I’m shaking and crying as I write this.
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nabbit-unmasked · 7 months
Man, my social battery is drained today and I didn't leave my room.
I have a lot of overdue asks, so please be patient with me!
School is seriously stressing me out and killing my motivation this semester, especially from workload, issues with staff, and from social situations.
Please do be patient with me while I sort through this! I'm gonna go eat some dinner and regress for the night :3
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maceofpentacles · 1 year
help my family afford to get my dog the treatment she needs
tw // pet health + injury
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this is my almost 7 year old corgi named macy!! she’s had chronic ear infections due to allergies for the past 4-5 years of her life. the vets never give us a straight answer, always saying it’s some sort of allergy that could be food related, something airborne, or even something in the house. they flush her ears and then send us home with steroids to stop the pain in her ears that last for 2 weeks at most and it costs us around $300 every time we go in.
recently my mother noticed blood in her urine and her taking a long time to go potty which is leading us to believe she has a bladder infection on top of her allergies. my dad is going to call the vets tomorrow and schedule an appointment to get her checked out but i have no idea how much the tests and treatment is going to run us, all i know we don’t have the money at the moment. hence us being forced to forgo getting her the steroids to help her ears.
she’s in pain every single day. i hear her crying in pain at night when i come home to visit. we have to avoid her ears when petting her or she screams out in pain. my younger sibling tells me that it’s basically a constant thing at this point.
i hate doing this but i hate seeing my dog in pain more so please consider helping if you can. literally anything helps, even a single dollar. i offer all sorts of divination readings if you’d like to buy one to help.
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scary-friend · 8 days
Every day I remember that my dog won’t be here next year.
One year from now he’ll be gone, and there’s nothing I can do about it.
At any moment it could be the last time I see him,
Tell him I love you,
Hug him good morning,
And kiss him goodnight,
I want to turn back time,
I want things to be like they used to,
But that will never happen.
It’s been fifteen years together,
All this time I’ve never imagined a world without him,
Now it’s going to become a reality.
I can’t stop it,
I don’t know when it will happen,
and I don’t know if I’ll ever recover…
I remember the day we bought him home,
he was so sleepy all the time.
As he grew I watched him become the wild, energetic, explorer I’ve always known.
But now he’s almost become a puppy again,
He stumbles when he walks,
He can’t use stairs,
And doesn’t seem to interested in anything other than sleeping.
He’s not the same,
He’s losing fur,
I can feel his spine when I pet him,
I can’t even take him for walks anymore.
I’m watching him fall apart,
And I can’t help…
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I love you Koda, forever and always. Please just stay a little longer, please…
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ghoul--doodle · 15 days
Nelson’s death was very very sudden
He was ill during the day yesterday, and we had thought he was going to be fine, but had decided to keep an eye on him anyway
At about roughly 2am he woke my dad up because he wanted to go outside
Suddenly he got incredibly lethargic, and started panting as if he was short of breath, he also went very limp
We rushed him to the overnight vets when he wasn’t improving
While in the waiting room, he died in my arms
He was took into the back by the vets and we were told his cause of death had been a heart attack caused by a huge tumour in his stomach that no one had noticed
We were asked if we wanted to resuscitate him and try to have him operated on to remove the tumour. But with the damage to his heart, and the added stress of the surgery, plus potentially having to have him be ill, attend chemotherapy, have medication that would stress him out to no end, then at a later date the strain of having to have his eye removed, his quality of life just… wouldn’t be great. That and the vet recommended that we do not try to resuscitate.
So we made the heartbreaking decision to let him pass on
Nelson has been the sweetest boy I could ever ask for in my life and I will love him with all my heart until the day I die. I only wish I had more time with him.
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My sweet baby, I’ll miss you forever and ever
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