#twisted villain
maybe-im-dark · 2 days
🔍 X-Men Origins: Wolverine & X Men 2 - The Cold Manipulation of William Stryker 🔍
Okay, let’s talk about the absolute MASTER of manipulation in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X Men 2—William Stryker. If you thought this man was just another “mad scientist” villain, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the layers of how twisted, manipulative, and downright delusional this guy really is.
1. The Ultimate Manipulator: Twisting Truth and Emotion
When Logan confronts Stryker about Kayla's death, we see the FULL extent of Stryker's manipulative skills. He doesn’t miss a beat—looks Logan dead in the eye and says, “I didn’t know it was Victor. I swear on my son’s life.” And for a second, you almost believe him, don’t you? Because he’s just that convincing. But let’s be real: it’s a complete LIE, and what makes it so twisted is that Stryker knows EXACTLY how to push Logan’s buttons.
The thing is, swearing on his son’s life means absolutely nothing to him. Why? Because he HATES his son. In the comics and movies, Stryker’s son is a mutant, and that’s a source of shame and rage for him. He despises mutants with every fiber of his being, even when it's his own flesh and blood. So, in that moment, when he swears on his son’s life, it’s not a gesture of sincerity—it’s an act of cruelty. He knows it’ll manipulate Logan into believing him, and that’s all that matters. Stryker doesn’t care about truth; he cares about control.
Key Point: Stryker’s willingness to use even the most personal aspects of his life as tools for manipulation shows how far he’ll go to get what he wants. He’ll twist any truth, exploit any emotion, just to keep people dancing to his tune.
2. Logan as the Ultimate Experiment
The moment where Logan gets the adamantium injection is the perfect example of how little Stryker values him as a person. When Logan’s heart and brain activity stop, there’s this brief moment where Stryker looks devastated—like he’s just lost something precious. But let’s be clear: he’s not mourning Logan’s death; he’s mourning the failure of his experiment. Stryker isn’t sad that Logan might be gone; he’s ANGRY that his weapon didn’t work. That’s what Logan has always been to him—an experiment, a tool, a weapon.
This man never cared about Logan’s humanity. He never saw him as a person with feelings, memories, or dreams. To Stryker, Logan was just another piece of the puzzle, another project to perfect. And the moment it seemed like that project had failed, Stryker wasn’t heartbroken—he was infuriated. That’s why he doesn’t even flinch when Logan starts to regain consciousness. There’s no relief, no joy, just the cold, calculating realization that his weapon might still be functional.
Key Point: Stryker’s reaction to Logan’s apparent death reveals his true feelings—Logan is nothing more than a tool, a means to an end. There’s no empathy, no connection, just cold, hard science.
3. Stryker’s Fantasy of Being a Hero
Here’s where Stryker’s delusion gets next level. He lives in this fantasy world where he genuinely believes he’s working with mutants to make the world a better place. But let’s be real—Stryker hates mutants. He despises them, fears them, and wants to control them. But instead of facing that reality, he convinces himself that he’s the “good guy,” that he’s fighting the “good fight” to protect humanity from the mutant “threat.”
It’s the ultimate form of cognitive dissonance. He’s not building weapons to protect humanity—he’s building weapons because he wants CONTROL. He wants to be the one who decides how history is written, who the heroes and villains are, and who gets to hold the power. And the most terrifying part? He actually believes his own lies. He’s convinced himself that he’s a hero, that his actions are justified, even as he tortures, manipulates, and murders.
Stryker isn’t just a villain—he’s a man who’s so deeply trapped in his own delusions that he can’t see the monster he’s become. He thinks he’s “saving the world,” but in reality, he’s only saving himself, saving his ego, and building a legacy on the bones of the people he’s destroyed.
Key Point: Stryker’s need to be seen as a hero blinds him to the reality of his actions. He isn’t fighting for a better world; he’s fighting to create a world where he’s in control, where he’s the savior, even if it means becoming the very monster he claims to be fighting.
4. The Warped Sense of Control
Stryker’s obsession with controlling the war against mutants isn’t about “protecting humanity”; it’s about rewriting history to cast himself as the hero. Every lie, every manipulation, every betrayal is just another step toward cementing his own power. He doesn’t care about right or wrong—he cares about winning. And that’s what makes him so dangerous. It’s not that he doesn’t understand that what he’s doing is wrong; it’s that he doesn’t care, as long as it means he gets to write the ending of the story.
5. “Only I Understand You, Logan” – The Offer to Join Him Again
In X2: X-Men United, Stryker tries to tempt Logan to join him once more, saying, “You were always an animal, Logan. I just gave you claws.” And there it is—the classic manipulation. He preys on Logan’s fear, his sense of not belonging, and tries to convince him that only he understands him, that only Stryker can help him find his place in a world that sees him as a monster.
But let’s be clear: if Logan had accepted Stryker’s offer, it wouldn’t have been a partnership. It would’ve been enslavement. Stryker would have used Logan’s power, his rage, his pain, and twisted it into something monstrous. He would’ve used Logan to kill his own friends, likely through mind control, and then basked in watching Logan spiral into guilt and self-hatred once he snapped out of it. Because that’s what Stryker does—he takes the broken pieces of people and molds them into weapons of his own making.
Key Point: Stryker’s offer to Logan isn’t about understanding him—it’s about owning him. It’s about taking Logan’s pain and using it as fuel to further his own twisted agenda. And the worst part? He’s so damn good at making you believe that he’s the only one who truly gets you.
When he looks at Logan, he doesn’t see a man—he sees a weapon. When he looks at mutants, he doesn’t see people—he sees threats to be eliminated or tools to be used. And that’s why he’ll never be the hero he pretends to be. Because a hero fights for people. A hero values life. And Stryker? Stryker only values power.
TL;DR: William Stryker is the ultimate manipulator, using lies, emotional exploitation, and self-delusion to control everyone around him. He doesn’t care about mutants; he doesn’t care about making the world a better place. All he cares about is control, power, and rewriting history to make himself the hero. He sees Logan not as a person but as a weapon, and his disappointment at Logan’s apparent death is the purest reflection of that. Stryker will always be trapped in his own fantasy, unable to see that he’s the real villain in his story.
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ariwa003 · 10 months
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Twist Villian trope?
[Today I drew Commander Milton. Yes I played Fable3 DLC. It wasnt terrible I did liked locations and new items presented. One characters that spoke to me was Milton, he had some powerfull message but the fact he was "bad one"/"twist villain" made me disappointed since I found him likeable companion at beginning of DLC. Thats all hope you enjoy the art!]
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enchantingepics · 6 months
Story Prompt 62
There lurked a villain, cunning and shrouded in darkness as he ruled his domain with an iron fist. But little did he know, a plan brewed in the mind of one who sought to outwit him.
The protagonist, a figure of mystery themselves, had ventured into the villain's realm with a daring resolve. Their aim: to infiltrate the villain's inner circle, to become his confidant, his right hand. It was a dangerous game, one where the line between ally and adversary blurred with each passing moment.
As days turned into weeks, the protagonist gained the villain's trust, weaving their way into the intricate web of deceit that surrounded him. Yet, amidst the shadows and deception, an unexpected twist emerged.
The villain, drawn to the protagonist's charm and cunning, began to make advances. His words dripped with honeyed promises, tempting the protagonist with power and riches beyond imagination. But with each sweet whisper, the protagonist felt the weight of their conscience grow heavier.
Caught between the allure of darkness and the flicker of their own morality, the protagonist faced a choice. Would they succumb to the seductive whispers of the villain, embracing the path of darkness laid before them? Or would they steel their resolve, confronting the villain and putting an end to his reign of terror once and for all?
In the dimly lit chamber where the villain held court, the protagonist stood face to face with their nemesis. The air crackled with tension as the two locked eyes, each silently daring the other to make the first move.
"You've played your part well," the villain remarked, his voice smooth as silk. "But now, it's time to choose. Will you stand by my side, or will you fall at my feet?"
The protagonist hesitated, torn between duty and desire. But in the end, they knew what had to be done.
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theborgchives · 5 months
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Super cool swag moment where ur own villian arc is 100× more extreme then the literal disney villian ur based on
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thebubblesareevil · 2 months
Villain Jack and Maddie (with a twist!)
Danny realizes that his parents would be in serious danger if they were caught harboring a “fugitive ghost” by the guys in white.
So under the guise of hanging out with friends Danny runs away.
He runs into the Justice league and after a small misunderstanding they put him on the team with the other teens (he’s toned down his powers so he doesn’t get caught) and they agree to help him take down the prejudice laws against ghosts!
Great right????
Except Phantom is seen on the news fighting alongside the Justice League and well….they are know to work hand and hand with the government.
A week later the Justice League meets their most formidable villains yet! The newest members of the light Drs Jack and Maddie Fenton.
The league it keeping it under wraps from Danny, not wanting him to find out that his parents have decided to hunt him down. It would break him.
Unfortunately one day while both Batman and Superman are at Mt Justice, the Fentons blast their way in.
The Fentons start demanding for the hero’s to turn over Phantom or else when the broken voice of Danny interrupts them.
He’s bleeding.
Danny had never heard his parents curse but the language they threw at the league for hurting their precious baby boy was on a level that would make Sam shed a tear.
They immediately jumped in front of Danny announcing to the team that they were gonna make sure these villains would never exploit their baby boy ever again.
Even after Danny convinces them not to blow up mt Justice, Maddie scolds superman and Batman about the morals of letting teens fight villains without proper parental permission.
Jack is standing guard in front of the team nodding along as he feeds the teens fudge.
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egophiliac · 11 months
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officially at the point where we're starting to see where it's all headed and I am just going NYEEHEEHEE in delight at it all. ahhh...next week can't come soon enough...
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fairsweetlonging · 8 days
the svsss extras are actually so insane, one moment you're reading about the heartbreaking past between shen jiu and qi yue and about trauma and cycles of abuse, about luo binghe mourning shen yuan and staying with his body every day for years, about shang qinghua being offered the chance to go home and not taking it because he was miserable and lonely, and then the next tianlang-jun is trying to set zhuzhi-lang up with shen yuan and encouraging him to bride-steal?? and then shang qinghua is ordering mobei-jun to make him noodles while fantasizing about writing a danmei peak lord orgy?? cottagecore bingqiu?? everyone thinking shen qingqiu got pregnant with luo binghe's child??? og pidw fans apparently being qijiu and binggejiu shippers?? hello what??
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girberta · 6 months
More twisted!mulan because i cant help myself
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b8ans · 28 days
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eah yuri and the crowd goes wild!!!!!
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"How do you read so many books??" I am simply trying to avoid reality, what are you doing
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eloquent-edits · 7 months
🗡️ “Do not stray far from me.”
I don’t want you to get hurt 🗡️ protective dialogue prompts
“What in the gods’ holy names was that?! I–We could’ve lost you.”
“At the party C sort of kept cornering me…” “What? Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?”
“Stay back.”
“Who did this to you? I just want to talk to them.” (that’s a LIE AND THEY KNOW IT)
“The idea of you getting hurt doesn’t sit well with me.”
“I don’t like the things they said about you. You’re nothing like what they think you are.”
“I’m not going anywhere until I know you’re okay.”
“My duty is to ensure your safety at all times, no matter the cost to my life.”
“If you dare lay a finger on their head, I will have yours served on a silver platter.”
“These walls are meant to protect you, the world out there is far too dangerous for someone like you.” (villain arc??? 👀)
“I’m right here. You’re safe.”
“Say my name and I will be there. I promise.” (thank you daredevil for inspiring this one)
“I’ll take a sword through the heart before they ever reach you.”
“I should’ve been there. This shouldn’t have happened to you.”
“Will you let me know when you’re back safely?”
“I will kill you and everyone you love if it’s the last thing I do.” “It’ll be the last thing you try.”
“You’re worth saving.”
“My house is a safe haven. Go there if you’re ever in danger and we will take care of you.”
“Get away from them!”
“You don’t need to protect me.” “I want to.”
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quartztwst · 6 months
i hate this year’s bday’s outfits but the groovies are so goofy like why are they having an evil monologue about a painting
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like ok tough guy, the bus for the field trip is leaving you at the museum if you don’t hurry up 😭😭😭
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neyafromfrance95 · 23 days
the fact that in trop canon, sauron is written with bearing in mind the fact that he LOVES galadriel??????? L O V E S HER???
imagine being galadriel knowing that the evil incarnate loves you? the abyss that she gazed into with hatred for so long gazed back into her with love!!!
and she is the only thing he is capable of loving? bc there is this cosmic connection between them that is just out of this world, metaphysical, entirely unique??? that they have their very beings bound to one another? that it's something much greater and of a higher essence than anything shallow and common? that they are the light and the dark fated to never unite but being eternally connected in a way that they are unable to with anyone else?
what are we even supposed to do with this information? how are we going to collectively ever be sane again???
THE love story of TV, i'm afraid.
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meli-mouse · 1 month
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twistedtummies2 · 1 month
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When you tell your story...
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Here's a tip I'll share with you!
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Without a Villain...
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In your story...
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Your Hero...
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...Has nothing to do.
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-"Villains Tonight," Hunter Bell & Jeff Bowen
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verenvuoto · 2 months
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Just a little sketchbook drawing I spiced up a bit digitally.
I crave interactions between these two.
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