#twst birthday event
nuitthegoddess · 2 years
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i know we did not get a confirmed SSR card for birthday Leona but i had too oki
I can see how it would go
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liviavanrouge · 5 months
Bishop Birthday Boy vignette
Part 1
Ollie: Hey, happy birthday Bishop!
Bishop: Hey Ollie Molly!! Thanks for wishing be a happy birthday, makes me kinda nervous on today's like this, it just means I'm getting older with each day that pass by
Bishop: Savannaclaw actually went through the trouble of decorating everything for me, Ziro had to beat up half of the students though in order to do so!
Ollie: I saw you earlier, you were climbing a tree and picking apples
Bishop: Yep! I have a big love for apple related foods, but I love apple tarts the most, they're delicious! My momma makes the best apple tarts! Not to mention that she gives them to neighbors so they can enjoy them as well!!
Bishop: Me and Epel would go and pick apples, with permission of course, and have my Momma make us some delicious apple tarts! She even sent me some for today, even sent a bag for Epel!
Bishop: I of course gave Epel his before coming here to get ready, my friends and fam are my top priority you know! Gotta make sure everyone is happy and healthy, of course! Here let me share some with ya!
Part 2
Ollie: Any hobbies?
Bishop: I like to climb trees of course, I do lots of parkour! I like to leap from branch to branch to get to where I want to go! I got in lots of trouble back in middle school because I would climb on things! I climbed to the roof one time and my schools head had a heart attack! Hahahaha! Her face was awesome!
Bishop: I also like to meddle with gadgets and make new things! This one time I made this laser gun, and I blasted a hole through a random tree, got into so much trouble with the surrounding people! My Pops was proud of me though because he's a mechanic, never before has he seen something like that!
Bishop: My momma is a human native and my pops is a leopard beastman, my parents moved to Harveston before I was born and had me there, my Pops works as a mechanic and my momma is a stay at home parent! So she raised me as well as she could, same with ma Pops!
Bishop: When I get older, I most definitely wanna take over my pops shop, he said I have a gift with meddling with gadgets and so I continued to meddle with them, fiddling with whatever I can get my hands on and making random things with them
Bishop: Hahaha! It surprised my parents when I didn't end up in Ignihyde! But I like Savannaclaw, it's really fun and I enjoy how things go here, rising up the ranks and earning respect is kinda amusing!
Part 3
Ollie: What do you do in your free time?
Bishop: I parkour of course, I find a place with lots of walls or a crowded grassy area and just climb into the nearest thing and start hopping from branch to branch or wall to to walk to building. Well that depends on what's around me!
Bishop: Like I said earlier, I fiddle with gadgets and I usually help those with broken things fix them, there are times where me and Deuce fiddle with things together as well! It's fun!!
Bishop: *Grins, a hand raised* I also do some cooking, whenever my momma was sick I'd cook because my pops was AWFUL! Some of the dishes he made were edible cause he followed the recipe but most ended up half burned or charred to a crisp causing the fire alarm to go off
Bishop: But I mostly parkour though, gives me some exercise for the legs and arms, I'm able to carry lots of heavy things thanks to all the leaping and climbing I'm doing around the island!
Bishop: *Laughs, his arms crossed over his stomach* I always cook me a snack though before I go leaving an climbing about, the amount of times I've leaped around eating a sandwich or some steak in a container, it's hard but fun! After that, I go back to the dorm to shower then take a nap maybe study when I wake up.
Ollie: Thanks for the interview, Bishop! It was really great hearing about you! Happy birthday once again!!
Bishop: *Gasps, smiling wide as a gadget to shield ones arm was handed to him*
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egophiliac · 10 months
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this is all I can muster right now, too busy having my brain absolutely melted by the September schedule, what is happening
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ryllen · 8 months
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overblot grim with Yuu who accidentally get carried on his back
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
Imagine: Blithesome/Housewarden MC has a Birthday Event
MC: Hm~? Malleus~
Malleus: *the student interviewer* Happy birthday. Though I'm not sure if you deserve to be greeted. *frowning a little*
MC: Does it matter~? I've already heard you say it~.
Malleus: Well, here is my present for you. And I ask that you open it-
MC: *already opens the gift*
Malleus: -later. *sigh*
MC: Hm~? Is this what I think it is~?
Malleus: Yes.
MC: A locket necklace~. And it's a picture of us together inside~.
MC: *smiles mischievously at him* You flirting with me?
Malleus: No. You mentioned before that you never had a photo with a friend- What are you doing this time?
MC: Wearing it~.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Let's just get started with this interview.
Malleus: What's your favorite food?
MC: Intestines~.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Intestines? What? Are you eating it raw?
MC: *giggles*
Malleus: ...
*Sound of Malleus cursing*
Malleus: I see. Thank you for telling me that you at least like it to be cooked.
MC: *enjoys it when he's losing his cool*
Malleus: Now for my next question. If you can choose a dorm, what will you choose and why?
MC: Hm~
Malleus: ...
MC: Hmmmm~.
Malleus: ...
MC: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm~.
Malleus: *annoyed* What is your answer?
MC: Hehe~ Well~ I think I'll choose Savanaclaw~.
Malleus: Huh?
Malleus: Why? *frowning*
MC: Because~ I'll have a lot of pets~.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Your answer is disappointing.
MC: Wouldn't it be if I said Diasomnia instead~?
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Moving on.
Malleus: Do you have any plans after you finish your studies here?
MC: Hm-hm~. I'm going to marry~.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: That's your plan?
MC: *smiles* It will be an arranged marriage, so~ Yes~.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: I feel bad to whoever it is you're going to be wedded with.
MC: *giggles* In that case~ You should be scared~.
MC: Your name might end up on my desk someday~.
Malleus: ...
Lilia: Malleus? Are you alright?
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Lilia, I need to write to my grandmother.
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daily-trey · 8 months
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Phew, Epel really got me good there...
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eternalsnowfan02 · 8 months
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Happy Birthday to Trey~ I promise I'm going to stop poking fun at his dorky green socks now, it was just the best excuse I could find to draw both outfits in one comic.
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Prompt: "…How’d you know I wanted this?" "Because I heard you talking about it on several occasions." "I didn’t know you paid this much attention to me." "—I don’t. You just happen to talk really loudly.”
Pairing: Idia Shroud x GN!Reader/Prefect/Yuu
Genre: Fluff, and slight crack because it's Idia <3
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"-And so, we shall celebrate this winter with a housewarden Secret Santa exchange!" Crowley smiled, golden eyes crinkling into happy little half-moons behind his mask.
The seven housewardens of NRC, joined by Ramshackle's Prefect for this particular meeting, looked at each other. Some with clear exasperation in their eyes, a few (namely Kalim) showing a little more excitement than the rest of their dour counterparts.
The Prefect sighed, sinking into their chair as if embarrassed beyond words as Crowley clapped his hands and stretched his arms towards them, proudly continuing.
"I must give credit of this splendid idea to our beloved Prefect, who told me about this adorable little custom they had followed back in their own world. Of course, being the kind and generous soul that I am, I wish for our Prefect to feel right at home here in Twisted Wonderland. I believe all of you wish the same, hm?"
Leona grumbled under his breath as he leaned back in his chair, tail swishing irritably. Of course the old crow goes and uses them against us, he thought to himself, watching as the others' faces immediately softened at that. No matter how much the seven housewardens of NRC hated working with each other, with the exception of Kalim who seemed happy to just be there, all of them would bear with it if it was for the sake of the Ramshackle Prefect.
Crowley didn't exaggerate when he called the magicless human a beast tamer.
"Fine by me, as long as I don't have to get somethin' for the lizard," he spoke, jutting his chin at Malleus as he frowned. The dragon fae narrowed his eyes at him, before turning to look at the headmage.
"As much as it pains me to admit it, I agree with Kingscholar," he said, voice low and serious. "That being said, I do hope that you would allow me to partake in this gift exchange with the Child of Man as my partner."
"Now, now, that isn't fair to the rest of us, Malleus. I would very much like to be the Prefect's Secret Santa as well," Vil hummed, raising a perfectly trimmed eyebrow as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"That's not how Secret Santa works," the Prefect sighed, before Crowley took over for them. "Precisely. And to ensure that everyone has a fair chance of being assigned as our beloved Prefect's Secret Santa, we will have the fairest means of competition possible!"
He took a box from under the table and placed it in front of everyone. "You all shall draw chits, and the person who's name you draw will be for whom you have to get a gift," he drummed his golden claws on the box as he pushed it in Riddle's direction.
"Mr. Rosehearts, if you would."
Riddle nodded, before putting his hand inside and pulling out a chit.
The process continued, with the Prefect being the last to pull out a name. Their eyes had widened on seeing what was written before they shoved the piece of paper in their pocket, refusing to answer Malleus and Kalim's questions of whose name they had pulled.
No one noticed the reclusive housewarden of Ignihyde slinking away in the shadows, the tips of his hair flaming a soft pink.
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"Why did I have to get them, out of everybody?" Idia groaned into his pillow. The one time he decided to attend a housewarden meeting in person, he had to be roped into what was probably going to be the most awkward bonding activity.
"I do not have enough XP to get the Prefect a gift for Christmas," he mumbled to himself, turning to lie on his back. As Idia stared up at the ceiling, he continued airing out his grievances to the techomantic machines in his room.
"If it was any of the others I could have gotten them something. What do I get them...?"
Idia let out another groan, dragging his hands down his face. Maybe avoiding them after his overblot wasn't such a great idea...
But how could he have brought himself to talk to them after the entire fiasco that was his overblot? If there was anyone who knew all about the effects of overblots on victims and the people around them, it was him. Besides, Ortho had become fast friends with them, so he could always keep an eye on their state through him...
The young humanoid poked his head in through the door, only to be met with the frantic and helpless eyes of his brother.
"Help me get something for the Prefect!"
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Idia sighed, wishing for not the first time and certainly not the last time to melt into the floor, if only to escape the stifling atmosphere in the room as the housewardens exchanged presents.
Distracted by the sight of ever oblivious Kalim handing a flustered Riddle an extremely expensive-looking tea set, he didn't notice when the Prefect snuck up on him.
"Sevens-!" He spun his head to look at them, eyes wide with shock and fear. "P-Prefect, you shouldn't creep up on me like that! That's t-too much for my poor otaku heart-!"
Idia's cheeks and hair tinted a light pink as they mumbled out an apology for startling him. They allowed him to calm down before speaking.
"So, who's the lucky person?" They asked, their gaze on the wrapped box in his hand. He felt his mouth dry, at a loss for words.
"T-this is, uh, it's for you, a-actually," he mumbled, feeling warm as he looked down at the neatly wrapped present before handing it to them.
The Prefect tilted their head, and Idia had to stop his squeal at how cat-like that action was. "You're my Secret Santa?"
Idia nodded, not trusting his words to be anything but a panicked jumble of how cute they were and how much he liked them and how he hoped they liked what he got for them because if they didn't then he would happily bury himself alive to escape the humiliation and embarassment and-
"What a coincidence! I'm your Secret Santa as well!"
"O-Oh." Idia's train of thought screeched to a stop, before roaring back and running at even higher speeds. Is this some sort of joke from the Seven? That just upped the difficulty level! Abort, abort mission right now!
They smiled, before pressing something into Idia's hands. The warmth of their smaller hands on his was equal parts comforting and panic-inducing. Had Ortho been there, he would have definitely remarked on his increased heartbeat and dilated pupils.
"I got you the merch that Precipice Moirai released recently. It isn't much, but..."
"Isn't much..? Wait, are you talking about those figurines they launched for their fifth anniversary?!" Idia's eyes widened as you nodded. "Even I couldn't get them anywhere because I was a bit late! How did you clear that quest so easily?!"
"Well... I entered the lucky draw they held just for fun, but ended up winning the figurines. And I knew that you wanted them, so-"
"How did you know I wanted this?" Idia asked. It wasn't his intention to be rude, but he was pretty sure that all of his groaning and moaning about losing the chance to own the ultra-rare, SSR tier merch was only heard by Ortho.
He watched as they hesitated before answering. "That's because... I heard you talking about it to Ortho a few times."
Idia's heart thundered in his chest. The Prefect was trying to not make eye contact with him, a clear sign that they weren't telling the entire truth.
"I, uh.. I didn’t know you paid this much attention to me"
"—I don’t. You just happen to talk really loudly and passionately about the things you like," they said, still refusing to make eye contact with him. Before Idia could tell himself that it was because the Prefect wanted to get over with this interaction as soon as they could, he noticed the darkness of their cheeks, and the colour on the tip of their ears.
"Oh. Well, thank you anyways, Prefect. I hope you'll like my gift as well," Idia said, an awkward, yet sincere smile on his face.
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thehollowwriter · 6 days
"What is... omegaverse?"
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dracxxnia · 18 days
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if the english localization ruins the stitch event i am going to LOSE MY MIND!! Also i'm grinding my ass off cause I NEED that floyd and lilia card. Happy early birthday Deuce Spade!! Can't wait for training camp cause again, I need more grinding methods.
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robo-milky · 1 month
A trio of Ramshackle students is walking towards Cloche !!! And it Yuustin who spoke up first loudly yelling his birthday wishes:
"Cloche ! Bestie ! You look so groovy in your new outfit !"
He kept fanboying over her birthday outfit, wanting to reach out for the ghost camera but he was stopped by Yuliya. For now.
"Before taking photos, giving him our present would be better, right Yuustin ? " The groovy boy pouted. "Sorry about him, Cloche. He woke up early this morning because he was so excited for your party."
With a flourish and a large smile, he presented to the cat maid of the day her present, a large box wrapped in sparkly paper. He seemed eager to see Cloche's reaction.
" I got you more scrapbooking material, since I know you like it... Themed after each location we visited ! I couldn't wait to give it to you today ! "
Yuliya and Yves had to tap his shoulder before he started rambling about his months long "mission" to prepare for today. The three of them spoke at the same time:
"Happy birthday Cloche ! "
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[Cloche’ Birthday Bash]
The Ramshackle gang, let’s go!! Love the trio so much, and how they balance each other out with their dynamic- This is honestly so cute!! Yuustin being an absolute bean with his months long preparation and Cloche going all “did I mention it?”, not remembering it came up in small talk at one point.
Shout out to Yuliya giving the poor cat maid a break this year! Something that doesn’t induce an immediate heart attack <3
And bby Yves!! Would love to see him more in the future! So curious of how interactions would go… They can bond over artsy things, most likely. Ib, our beloved-
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nuitthegoddess · 11 months
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oya-oya-okay · 4 months
I decided to do a kind of challenge!~💕💕 I don't know if anyone will do it, but WW
• The cards you received very early (NO MORE THAN 10 PULLS or more if it was the earliest you had)
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• The cards you received after spending 100 pulls
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• When you received more than 1 SSR at once
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• The cards that made you cry because you couldn't get them in the end (refused to receive them because of another card or just didn't get it)
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egophiliac · 5 months
BIRD SSR????????????
NOOOO I wasted all my keys on Platinum Malleus, HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO ME
(I do kinda love that this is officially "Raven Jacket" Crowley though) (does this open up the possibility of a selection of future Crowley fashion cards)
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ryllen · 8 months
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"SO SHOW ME EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE , T̷̤̘̺͓̟̽͋̍̍̋̄͛̕͝R̸͍̖̥͋̂͌͆̀̈̿E̴̗̠̥̣̘̼̞̺͓̥̋̈̌̎̀̍̎̓͆͝͠Y̷͉̱͍͚̖̖̟̙̘͗̐̓̅͌̓̈́͗̄ ̶̧̟̹͑̓͂͛͒̄̂̏̃̋̓͊͠C̷͎̲̖͍̩̮̲̜̲̯̗͖̘̱̖̀̆̓̋̄̌̐͛̒̔̈́̆͂̓͠Ļ̷̟̞͎͉͙͚̺̱̜̠̩̹̓̑̀ͅƠ̴̟̿̓̈́V̴̨̹͉̬̣̮̈́̌̉̈́̏É̸̡̢̝̟̜̝̯̺͉̫̣͚̲̱̕R̷̛̼̘̘͗̈́̄̉̋̀̈̎̊̀͝͝͠"
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inthevoid999 · 1 year
I had this idea during Vil's birthday and Leviathan's birthday (Since they share the same birthday. lmao) But it went a bit like this--
OM!Yuu celebrating Vil's birthday at Pomefiore with everyone there to share their birthday messages with Vil. And Yuu walks over to Rook and Vil,
Yuu- I'm sorry to intrude on your conversation but I must head out already.
Rook- Ah, why must you leave now Trickster? we've only started the birthday bash
Vil- Must you leave so early?
Yuu- Yes- uh- I need to get back to Ramshackle. I am afraid I left something running inside the dorm (Lying obviously)
Vil- If you insist Yuu, Thank you regardless for showing up today :)
Yuu- Ah, Its no problem. Sorry to leave so early.
Rook- Must you leave, it won't be as fun without you here Trickster-
Vil- It's fine, let them leave Rook
Yuu- Ah, well have fun I'll see you guys at school.
Yuu walks away to head back to Ramshackle
Vil- Something is going on with them, they obviously needed to be alone for some time...
Rook- You're right as always Roi Du Poison!
Once Yuu get back to Ramshackle they walked into the kitchen opening the fridge to check for something. a purple cupcake still standing inside the fridge
Yuu- Thankfully Grim didn't eat this.
Yuu pulled the cupcake out of the fridge and walked into the living room and pulled out a small orange birthday candle placed it on top of the purple icing and lit it carefully.
"Sigh- Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Levi. Happy Birthday to you~ I wish I could celebrate with you, Levi.."
An orange glow came from underneath your clothes as a slight image of the pact mark of Leviathan. Then the candle flame went out by itself while Yuu just stared at the purple cupcake.
Leviathan was in his room and with it being his birthday refusing to come out of his room unless you were there. Every since you disappeared everyone was a bit gloomy, Leviathan was one of the few that took the worst thinking you left cause you didn't love/like him anymore.
he felt a light feeling dance across his skin, the feeling of a calling it felt so faint. He KNEW it was you, It has to be YOU.
he stood up so quick, he almost lost his balance but regained it by using the wall to hoist himself up, he had to tell his brothers you were still alive. But they just can't reach you. Why can't they reach you?!
Im in school rn lmao might not be the best
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