#twst chap 7 spoilers
yaoyaobae · 1 year
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A very (loving) eccentric family 🤖🔥💙
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rakiah · 29 days
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I’ll decide of my Happy Ending.
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The senate for real be fighting Riddle's mom for that 'most hated character' title💀
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nohm94art · 9 months
*Lilia and Meleanor talking about her husband*
Me: ok, got it *nods*
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thatweebnooneknows · 9 months
I caved. I watched chapter 7…. AHHHHHH 😭😭😭
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kirisredriot · 1 month
I sat straight up in bed when this thought hit after scrolling through posts since Savannaclaw Rook just dropped. What if the next dream we get whisked off too in Book 7 is Rooks?
Silver said he can’t control whose dream he pops into. So while Lilia gives us time to run we pop into Rooks. And since it’s supposed to be a happy dream it’s how Rook and Vil met slash his transition into Pomefiore from Savannaclaw. After all it was such a momentous event that changed Rook into the one we know today.
I’m calling it now. We will be in Rooks dream next.
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takitafulily · 1 year
Lilia's Cooking
Here's a free Spicy Tomato Juice, enjoy!
Lilia x Reader(kinda?), 3rd person
AN: I was clearing out drafts when I found this, donno what to do with this so enjoy this bit of Lilia ig-
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Lilia Vanrouge:
“Sorry to break it to you Lilia, but this tastes horrible-” She grimaced as she chewed, but she didn’t spit it out or gag, she simply swallowed it.
She had done it. She was the first person to tell Lilia to his face that his cooking was bad. Even more impressive she didn’t even have any major reaction to the food, just a simple grimace and swallow.
“Oh? Is that so?” Lilia looked at the girl with a curious face, “Well, I thank you for your honesty.” He smiled, as if he knew all along.
“No need to thank me. I’m not the best cook either but I could teach you a few tricks if you want.” She didn’t look at him, looking down at the food instead and taking another bite.
“I think I would like that.” Lilia’s smile never faded, watching the girl finish the portion of food he gave her.
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kami-kun1003 · 11 months
[Danganronpa execution music plays over Silver being killed by Malleus]
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liviavanrouge · 8 months
Livia and Malleus relationship breakdown
You guys have all seen my Livia and Malleus writing, there's probably more writing of her and Malleus than there is with her and her family and friends. I'm just gonna go into a quick explanation on why that is.
Number One: What Livia is Twisted From
I have mentioned this plenty of times before but I made Livia based off of Maleficent's Thorns, which is the biggest reason why she's the closest with Malleus and is almost always with him 24/7.
Malleus feels a sorta connection with Livia and it's not just because she's Alya and ??? Rebirth but also because she's based off of the thorns. Livia's OP thorn power and connection with nature is the one reason Malleus wants her with him at times as well. The two are connected because of who they're based off of(Malleus being Maleficent and Livia bring the thorns that are summoned), and neither of them mind this connection either.
Livia is childish, open, kind-hearted and hyper active, while Malleus is regal, kind if you get to know him, a tease and calm which shocks people because their personalities clash yet they're always together. Malleus can sense Livia's thorn powers and how they're too strong for her to control, so he used his own thorns to lock her power away by creating a secondary 'heart' for her. Livia is very unaware of this, and does feel confused by the uncomfortable feeling inside her, which is actually her thorn power trying to break free because her body feels like she's ready to be able to use it, yet Malleus' thorns are keeping her power in check to make sure nothing happens.
Due to Malleus' thorns keeping Livia's ability in check she stays around Malleus more often, which was commented on by Deuce. Deuce comments that whenever he sees them both in the hall together, Malleus is always patting Livia's head, which is unknowingly him replenishing his thorns control over Livia's.
Now back to their connection, when Malleus met Livia when she was four he thought their connection was because of Alya, which made him dislike her for a short while. Livia is one of the few students of NRC that is still awake and has summoned Navy to help her and Ortho that she's now on her way to meet up with at the barrier. Her connection with Malleus is gonna play a bad part in Chapter 7, due to the fact that he can SENSE where she is and WHO she's with no matter where she is on Sage's Island or near it and it got stronger due to his thorns being inside her.
Livia's connection with Malleus is actually gonna be one of the few key elements in beating him and this is gonna be the chapter where Malleus looses his control on Livia's thorns so she's gonna be in Beast Mode here.
Number Two: The Royal Family and Livia's past
Livia was raised by Malleus from 4 years old to 11 years old, because she was Alya's rebirth and he wanted to keep her close to keep an eye on her. Livia was nicknamed the 'Draconia's Beastie' due to Malleus and Maleficia's cherishing love and spoiling towards her. Livia grows close with Malleus during her years with him and Maleficia, and stated to Cater in her Bloom Birthday Story that Malleus was one of the few who helped her grow into who she was now and that she wishes to repay everyone. Maleficia and Livia will probably reunite in Chapter 7, which might shed more light on things that happened in Livia's past but Malleus did comment something ominous about Livia when he noticed she managed to escape.
"Her body won't last much longer, Silver is asleep now so he can't fix her and my magic won't be able to help...she needs to sleep as well."
So, there is most definitely something wrong, and I'm the only person who knows about it since I did create her but if you guys do look at past posts you guys might be able to piece it together and those who have been on my account long before this you guys probably already know what's going on with her. And No, if you guys are guessing it's the blot that Livia stole from Grim and her friends, that's not the reason for her body being unable to last. I will say one thing that is gonna happen in Chapter 7. Livia WILL end up dying in this Arc and it will be a shock to mostly Maleficia and Malleus.
Lastly, Number Three: Livia's past lives
Livia is on her third life right now, her First Life was Alya, Malleus' former betrothed, her Second Life was where Lilia kept her locked away in the cottage until she was twelve and was called a monster for something she never found out about and it was made worse when Cynthia claimed she was 'scared' of Livia. Livia's third life isn't as bad, she goes through a lot of stuff growing up but always comes out with the biggest smile, despite secretly dying inside. Malleus knows about Livias First and Second life, due to seeing Alya's ghost following Livia and overhearing Lilia talk to Aural about Livia's second life.
Now that Malleus knows, he has yet ANOTHER reason to keep Livia within his sight, which is beginning to become possessive on his part since it is stemming from his fear of her having to go through a fourth life to be happy and heathy. Like I stated above, Livia is gonna die from something that happens and Navy is possibly gonna destroy all of Twisted Wonderland due to the agreements of the contract she's made with him, so either way it's possibly gonna be a Bad Ending. Yes, Livia coming in as Ogre is gonna be included, which is the thing that is gonna end her life.
Livia's previous life executions were painful (Beheading for Alya and Hanging for 2nd life Livia), but this one is probably gonna be the most painful for her, since once again Malleus can sense where she is and he might come after her in attempt to 'save' her and keep her body from ripping.
I could go deeper into their relationship, but I don't want this to be longer than it has to, so I decided to state some key elements in this breakdown. Livia will no doubt reunite with Malleus(if she reaches Sage's Island before Ortho) or Maleficia(If she meets up with Ortho and heads there with him), but it depends on Navy's willingness to help her get there in time.
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malleus doodle bc I haven't drawn him in a while ^^
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mrsrookhunt · 11 months
hi, hi! could I ask for pt 2 of the twst "what to expect when your lab experiment drinks formula," I just thought it was rlly cute!☺ you can do any sort of characters, I don't mind!
What to Expect When your Lab Experiment Drinks Formula Pt. 2
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Hihi! Actually, I wrote that scenario for all the characters in twst I'm writing for right now (I'm new to the fandom), so I've gone ahead and made this into a followup on how they're doing as parents, hope you don't mind! Thanks the ask!
Warnings: Mild Chap 7 spoiler (Lilia), Rook & Floyd want so many kids your house is going to look like the 100 baby sims challenge.
Part one! Rook Hunt! Part Two (here), Part Three!
Malleus Draconia
Malleus is running wild with the new heir. As much as he loves you, so much of his time is occupied by playing with his baby that you don't even see him around as often as you used to.
Your new baby is named Ormr, an ancient name directly meaning 'dragon'. Malleus pouted for a bit that it didn't start with 'Mal' but you assured him that it could be a great fresh start before the Draconia family ran out of names.
While you were still a bit disoriented by the strange circumstances, you were adjusting just fine to being a parent. Your little one kept you on your toes, breathing fire onto your homework when you weren't giving them enough attention and flying away with your food when Malleus taught them how to fly short distances.
Get out the broom. There's a dragon baby with a pb&j on the ceiling.
Malleus' love of your child surprised you a bit. Though you had known that he had technically set up the entire creation of the child, you never expected for Malleus to take so strongly to the little dragon fae.
To be fair, the entirety of Briar Valley seemed to rejoice at the news of your little one, so you supposed that your child was more important than it would be to a normal family. This was the continuation of his bloodline, without posing any risk of losing you, his favorite Child of man.
It was perfect, a blissful life together.
Malleus is constantly supportive of you and works hard to be both a father and a partner. He never fails to make your family feel loved and connected, even in trying times.
Rook Hunt
Rook's baby is... Rook's baby.
The little creature is mischievous, even for its young age.
It may not be able to crawl, but provided anything of importance is in its general vicinity, it will be swiped, hidden, or destroyed with an innocent giggle.
Rook manages the child much better than you. Although you love your child to death, they seem to have inherited Rook's predatory mind in their entirety, and it makes Rook far more equipped to handle the baby's demeanor.
When you look away, you'll most certainly be hit with the first thing in reach of your little one. You blame Rook for this, who reveled in showing them documentaries on hunting through the ages from birth.
Soon, it's more complex weapons. Sharp rocks from your trip outside to play have somehow become entrapped in a very deliberately tangled slinky and thrown at the back of your head.
You know it's all in good fun between Rook & your little one, but your baby will be as skilled a hunter as Rook someday. He was not wrong to call your child his little hunter from the moment it fell into your arms.
Rook wants a large family, so you'd better be prepared for lots of little predators running around the house. Good luck trying to keep them from attempting to murder each other.
Extra: Rook is the type to remember that recipe to a tee. If you so much as mention having another child, ten more are going to show up the next day. Honestly he's waiting for you to slip up and mention it. He's absolutely in love with your family, and would be overjoyed to expand it. Best of luck to you.
Floyd Leech
As soon as you were asleep that night, little child snug in a makeshift bassinet next to you, Floyd was already sneaking out to create more children.
You woke up to six more on the bed with you, one of which woke you up directly by biting you for attention.
Overall you've had much trouble managing all the little literal ankle biters. If it weren't for the liberal help from Jade, Grim and Ace, you would not be able to manage all seven.
However, this does not stop you from loving them entirely. The babies love you to death, and you're extremely bonded to them as well. When you and Floyd fight, there's suddenly seven growling creatures lined up behind you, at the ready to attack.
Despite being 110% like Floyd, they are very certain in their favoritism. Two of your children refuse to have him nearby at all.
He claims it breaks his heart, but you catch him praising your little ones with frozen grapes and soda to reinforce their bond with you.
Definitely not what a baby should be fed but when you said they couldn't eat seafood he switched gears to 'land food', and would take no further criticisms.
The best times are cuddle nights. Twice a week, all of you cuddle up in your Ramshackle dorm room and cozy up to a movie and snacks. This continues until well into their childhoods let's be honest. It becomes a Leech family tradition.
Sebek Zigvolt
"Human! Get it! GET IT!!!"
Your baby is very adventurous.... or something close to it.
Always tumbling off furniture and rolling off changing tables, or falling down for some reason or other.
You can have ten sets of eyes on this child and it does not matter, this baby will stubbornly look into your eyes and throw itself off the couch.
There's so much chaos, constantly, when it comes to little baby Zigvolt.
Sebek's excellent training is the only reason that your child has not been hospitalized for concussions.
But his excellent training has not saved him from the baby's love of biting their father. So, so many times. Every time Sebek catches it.
Every time he bathes it.
Everytime he changes a diaper.
Sebek is covered in tiny little baby bites.
But oh, how your baby adores you. In between bouts of defiance and finger-snacking moods, your baby loves to lie in your arms and cuddle.
It's arguably the most comfortable time you get with Sebek and your baby.
And I do mean arguably, because Sebek swears up and down that the baby is happiest in the presence of Malleus, and it's a hill he's willing to die on. But you know he really just wants an excuse to show off your baby to Silver.
Silver is not impressed.
Your baby is the very definition of a headache to Sebek. They cry everytime they see Malleus, they hate any sort of regimen, they love to play and play and... play more. All day long. No work or training to be seen here, baby Zigvolt will NOT be having it unless you want 4 hours of ear-splitting tantrums. And the baby still won't do the work when they're done.
But still, you see Sebek in every aspect of your baby. The strength, the way your child loves you unconditionally, but treats everyone else cautiously, and overall, the refusal to do anything that doesn't align with their little baby whims.
You've lovingly termed your baby 'Stubborn Ziggy the Second'. Sebek is not a fan, but he allowed it after you let go of 'Swamp dog & Swamp puppy'.
Lilia Vanrouge
And more screaming.
It is not the baby. It is you trying to find the baby.
And then--
"Weh!" The baby pops its head out of a cabinet with its hands up the way Lilia does to scare them.
The baby giggles and coos at its own joke, making grabby hands while it waits for you to come get it.
You're just dumbfounded. You're going to have to scold Lilia, because now your little one is picking up on yet another one of his pranks.
Your baby is a lot like you, with one exception-- your baby is so playful and teasing that it honestly gives The Great Lilia Himself a run for his money.
Last week, you were frantically searching for an expensive piece of jewelry, when it dropped down on your head from the spot where little baby Vanrouge was apparently levitating it from.
Oh yes, your child's magic is coming in strong. Though Lilia's is fading, you tease that perhaps the little one is just absorbing it from him outright, showing him videos of your child's most recent magical displays of strength.
Your family bonds through jokes and playful faces, entirely. Lilia is probably a candidate for The Worst Parent on Earth, so you do most of the housework. It's not like Lilia's never offered, it's that you promised Silver not to let Lilia traumatize his little sibling. All of your best moments are spent by making space in your schedule for your family time.
Lil Vanrouge needs all your love, and Lilia Vanrouge does too. It's a fine balance between upsetting either of them, though dealing with hours of screaming and petty annoyance is not a hard decision.
Just make sure both are getting enough cuddles, and maybe don't judge growing-up lil Vanrouge when they decide they love gaming...
Azul Ashengrotto
Don't forget about Azul, please.
Your baby has the chubbiest cheeks and the cutest smile, but is it as cute as Azul? Cuter, probably. But don't tell him that.
Azul loves your child with all his heart, but he's a bit miffed that it requires so much of your love and attention.
You and baby Ashengrotto are very bonded, so it's rare to see you apart for a moment. And in that moment... Azul is putting on Full-Drama Mode. Cuddles, cuddles. More cuddles. Give him a kiss. Could you please take a bath with him? He's just so tired, he doesn't think he can take a bath by himself. Would you mind giving him a massage? You're too tired? That's ok, you scratch his back and he'll scratch yours. He's not too tired after all. He'll give you a massage.
Your little one is so much like their father, wanting all the attention and love in the world, but getting the priority treatment. Little baby Ashengrotto is Octavinelle's favorite thing ever. Everyone just wants to love on them and see their cuteness.
Azul was going to charge people to see them until you put your foot down and said no.
Azul knows how precious his child is. Secretly, he does want another. Two, just for a healthy statistical number's sake. But he won't tell you that. He's trying to come to terms with the shift in attention with one tiny octomer right now, maybe waiting a couple of years would be more optimal. He will never admit that he's jealous of your child, but claims that he's 'working through his issues when you bring it up.
But Azul will always prioritize his baby as well, even if unintentionally. In the end, the wellbeing of his family comes first and foremost.
And maybe showing off mini-mer to the Mostro lounge staff.
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rakiah · 29 days
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ventique18 · 1 year
There are all these takes online now after Chap 7 part 3 that by Malleus taking Yuu out of all of everyone's dreams, completely erasing them from everyone's minds and basically banishing them to alter Ramshackle that that somehow means Malleus doesn't care for Yuu, since his "perfect world" is one without Yuu. Yuu is an obstacle from him protecting Lilia and that's why he's also mad at Silver for breaking everyone (including Lilia) out of their perfect dreams, and I COULD NOT AGREE LESS. This is the same Malleus manchild that doesn't quite understand complex, heavy emotions and copes by lashing out and not thinking ahead. It couldn't be any more clear that for him, it's easier to have never met Yuu and gone through that heartache than to deal with the pain of them leaving.
If he didn't care about Yuu, he'd literally just let them be a background character in everyone's dreams, yeah? Label them as Student A for all he cares. The fact that he bothered enough to erase this "tiny detail" is extremely telling that he recognizes this person has significant impact and not just some dog fucking around on the street lol.
And about protecting someone, I think it's not just Lilia. He's convinced himself that he's saving everyone as if he's some sort of god; and I would not be surprised at all if he legitimately thought he was a god. Because that's literally how he was raised and how people around him treat him. He's power-tripping, and that might actually also be a contributing factor as to why he literally erased Yuu from his world. Because Yuu never looked at him as a god, and that's an insecurity for his overblot-infested brain that there's one non-believer in his utopia.
He's running on full adrenaline right now and it's impossible for him to think clearly. Everything he's doing is because of emotions. Yuu is an anomaly to his utopia, as they have always been. His desire to stop feeling sadness and pain won over and like an aggressive antivirus, he literally just quarantined them in some special place because he just can't think straight and doesn't know what to do with them.
When he looks at them, he can only feel loneliness, emptiness, sadness. Just like how he articulated his sorrow at Ramshackle in Book 6. Unlike Lilia, Silver, and Sebek who he's known for many years, Yuu is something completely new to him; they're the opposite of his eternity. What he wants is everything to stay the same, and Yuu is the uncertainty that barged in his life and could take away a piece of his heart anytime they pleased.
There is a familiar comfort in his found-family-- like a "tradition" that follows the script and wouldn't go wrong, but in Yuu... There is excitement. There is childish wonder. There is happy anticipation. But that anticipation could turn into utter disappointment anytime, and he's scared of that. He mentioned in Glorious Masquerade of his great excitement in stepping into a new world, but also of the terrible fear of disappointment, so we know that Yuu may embody this "modern" feeling him.
The sane him likes this, but his id does not. He's terrified of losing control. And Yuu is something he cannot control. Yuu is someone who can oppose him and inflict pain straight to his deepest weakness, and as a "god" he does not want that. Yuu is his achilles heel.
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egophiliac · 2 years
This may seem a bit dumb question for someone who's main in en server. But I need to prepare myself before chap 6 is coming. Anyway, is chap/book Ignihyde gonna be THAT hard?? I've seen a lot people kept saying they're not ready for chap 6 or good luck for 'that' battle. Is it that difficult?
some preparation would be a good idea, actually! if you just want advice with absolutely no potential spoilers (even vague ones), then I'll say this:
the best thing you can do for yourself is -- for the later part of episode 6 -- try to have at least one SR or SSR card no lower than level 40 for as many characters as possible (specific ones at the bottom 👇👇👇). I've seen 40 as the minimum recommended level but honestly, go as high as you reasonably can, especially with your SSRs.
I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum, hopefully it'll still make sense :')
SO! most of the frustration revolves around chapters 6-66 and 6-67, which are both split into subroutes with multiple subchapters/battles that follow three different groups of characters. you have to finish all three routes to get to the next chapter, and they force certain requirements that can make it a lot more difficult if you aren't careful:
you build your teams at the start of the chapter, and can't change them without resetting your progress. (if I remember right, you do get a chance to rebuild for 6-67.)
teams are built by character, instead of by card like they normally are, and each one has 2-3 required characters locked into that team. you can use any cards of that character, but you can't use multiple of the same character, or use them in a different team. also, no guest/friend cards.
they tell you what the element of the bosses are, but the other battles are just...whatever. if you can manage more than one 40+ card for a character, having good type coverage will help out a lot (why yes, I did get stuck for an embarrassing amount of time on a low-level rando because I got unlucky with type matchups, what about it).
there's a couple of points where you have to wait several real-time hours before continuing. this doesn't have anything to do with the team building, it was just annoying. c'mon. >:(
to be fair, I think some of the general frustration comes from how out of nowhere it was, so it's sure to be much easier if you go in with some idea of what it'll be like. (on my first attempt I tried to be cute and put everybody with their friends. it...did not go well.) I also had a particularly hard time of it because 1) F2P = less SSRs to carry me, and 2) I hadn't really focused on any cards outside of my special little garden of favorites, so not being able to use multiples of the same character for everything kinda left me boned. I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel great when I finally got through it though!
more specific info:
in 6-66, the bosses are a 5-turn survival battle; in 6-67, they're infinite battles (reduce their HP to 0 to win) and, subsequently, much harder to get past. personally speaking, the Wood one was the hardest for me because it heals itself between turns (and also I had literally no good Rook cards at the time). your mileage may vary!
Team 1 - required characters are Vil, Epel and Rook, boss element is Wood
Team 2 - required characters are Leona and Jamil, boss element is Water
Team 3 - required characters are Riddle and Azul, boss element is Fire
teams are 5 characters as per the usual, so make sure you have good cards of the required boys and at least six to complement them, plus a few more if you want to be careful. this is ONLY for those two chapters, which are pretty late in the episode (for JP it came out as part of the final episode 6 update) so you've got time to prep!
there's the obligatory overblot battle later on that is technically harder (stronger + more HP and all that), but it felt SO much easier in comparison just because it was back to normal Twst rules. really hoping that episode 7 doesn't pull its own shenanigans 💀
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chexrybloss0m · 3 months
episode of savanaclaw chapter 6 spoilers!!!!
i am patiently(not) waiting for new updates pls pls pls
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kirisredriot · 1 month
I am quickly learning how many cards I have neglected leveling in the battle maps and I am frantically trying to get enough honey and spell books. Learn from my mistakes friends.
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