#twst niege
greenapplebling · 9 days
Hotel Miranda! x Twst AU where Niege and Vil co-own the hotel and kidnap guests to turn them into staff with the help of musical numbers
They sing Uno los dos ("we both used to be one") with Jamil (bc I think the lyrics fit him):
Y es que tú, no eras tú sin mí, no
No eras nada ni yo existía sin tu compañía
Corazón, dame algo de razón
Hemos perdido personalidad en esta relación
(And it's that you, you weren't yourself without me, no
You were nothing nor did I exist without you
Sweetheart, admit I'm right*
We lost personality in this relationship)
*that line would lose its original meaning if I translated it literally so I did my best to translate the meaning
And Perfecta ("perfect") with Kalim and Ruggie:
Solo tú, no necesito más
Te adoraría lo que dure la eternidad
Debes ser perfecta para (perfecta para)
Perfecta para mí, mi amor
(Just you, I don't need anything else
I could adore you for the rest of eternity
You should be perfect for (perfect for)
Perfect for me, my love)
... Yeah, I have to shoehorn Jamikali in every AU I make, stop judging me /hj
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Night light
It was the day of the audition and Yuu was sitting still waiting for Ace and Duece to finish their audition until his eyes landed on a piano sitting still in a corner of pomefiore lounge...
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to pass time right? Yuu asked himself before sitting on the bench near the piano.
"Hmm what should I play... what about this!"
Inside the pomefiore dance room Grim Ace and Duce were smiling after hearing that they passed the audition only for Vil to warn them about how much work it will be for them from that moment. Beetween the grumbling od the first year a loving melody could be heard coming from the lounge.
Vil shot up and in a quick motion started walking towards the melody.
However after passing the door to the lounge Vil couldn't help but stare at the sight before him.
Prefect Yuu was looking down as his fingers moved with skill and grace on the keys; the melody that came from the piano was cheerfull yet mildly slow filled with love.
After a few notes the prefect started to sing a song that Vil had never heard before.
"Silly boy, don't talk to me
I don't have the energy
Please don't ask to dance with me tonight
I do better on my own (on my own)
I don't mean to come off cold (come off cold)
But my dear, I'm all danced out tonight
Now the gin is hitting me
And it's almost half-past three
Am I crazy or seeing things?
I'm sorry if I can't go for another swing
You're a charmer, that's for sure
But I can't stand anymore
Shame I would've danced with you tonight
(Dance with you tonight)
Do, do-do, do do do-do
Do, do-do, do do do-do
Do, do-do, do do do-do, do-do
Now the gin is hitting me
And it's almost half-past three
Am I crazy or seeing things?
I'm sorry if I can't go for another swing
You're a charmer, that's for sure
But I can't stand anymore
Shame I would've danced with you tonight
Would've danced with you tonight..."
Vil was shocked to say the least; the master wich the pale fingers of the prefect slided on the keys was mesmerizing the prefect looked absolutely beutifull.
With a tinge of envy (wich Vil shrudded off quite quickly) he got closer to the prefect clapping his hand in a delighted motion.
"Let me say prefect your performance was delightfull" said Vil his heels clicking against the floor.
At the sound of a outside voice the prefect flinched before turning only to see Vil in all his glory.
"I am curios tough... what kind of song was that I never heard it before."
"Oh that's a song from were I am from it was from my favourite artist" the prefect say with a hint of sadness.
"Why don't you join us on VDC prefect?"
"Oh no no no I would ruin everything I'm horrible when it comes to dancing!" The prefect said with a light chuckle.
"As you wish prefect..."
Little did the prefect know that Vil secretly asked the headmaster to give Yuu a space after everyone to perform.
It was the day of VDC and after the fiasco of Vil's overblot.
The show was going to start in an hour when Vil approached the prefect.
"Yuu I'm sorry you got caught in this mess however I have a request."
"What's up Vil?"
"I asked the headmage and he said that it was ok to have two performances for VDC so I'm like to ask you to play after our performance as a special guest... are you up for it?"
"Normally I would shy away from such a request however I actually had a feeling that it would've happened something similar oh minus overblot of course!" (Read Azul gave the prefect this information in exchange of Yuu's labor in the lounge as a bonus)
A smile formed on Vil's face "Thank you prefect."
The two school performance ended with the win of RSA as everybody was starting to leave a booming voice was heard from the stage.
Headmaster Crowley gained everyone attention with just a cough
"Attention audience the show has not ended yet!"
"As a special guest from NRC I present to you all our fist magicless students and prefect of the newly re-founded Ramshackle dorm Yuu!"
As Yuu stepped on to the stage a piano appeared put of nowhere.
Then Yuu started the melody as a nostalgic yet vibrant tone was heard coming out of the instrument.
After some note Yuu's sweet voice started to sing
"Up the staircase, first door to your left
Walls of white, a window, ten-by-ten
A treasure chest of everything I've ever known
Safe inside my childhood home
Every record I have ever heard
I know every melody and every word
A little book of every dream I ever had
Sleeping in that twin sized bed
All of the laughter
All the sleepless nights
Waiting for ever after
Snow falling outside, keeping on the night light
Cardboard boxes covering the floor
Guess I won't be living in here anymore
Take down the posters of the pop-stars on the wall
Empty room, it looks so small
All of the laughter
All the sleepless nights
Waiting for ever after
Snow falling outside, keeping on the night light
Take down the posters of the pop stars on the wall
Empty room it feels so small
All of the laughter
All the sleepless nights
Waiting for ever after
Snow falling outside, keeping on the night light"
The crowd erupted in cheers as the song ended. A proud smile appeared on the prefect's face before giving the crowd a gracefull bow
Niege was stunned to say the least "the prefect looked so beutyfull. like a prince..."" in his heart Niege knew that he would've lost if this opponent had been the prefect.
Vil was amazed by the prefect performance he couldn't. tear his eyes off of him. "I wonder if You would be up for a duet someday..."
Everyone gave a standing ovation to the magicless student before etting up and leave, The prefect knew he would be drowned by estions later but now he was too happy to care.
Dance with me tonight-Laufey
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coffmakovski · 6 months
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twst-hottest-takes · 26 days
I'm sorry in advance for distracting you from making a part 2 to your leech twin post (congrats on that post having over 200 notes btw ^^). However in my opinion in book 5, I just can't get over how weirdly Neige is written.
Don't get me wrong, I love how nice and friendly his character is. BUT it's weird to me that him and Vil are besties, but there's a one sided hatred in their friendship. Like whenever Vil sees Neige he's like "Omg not this guy >:(...I mean omg hi :D!" And I feel like Neige should have matched that vibe. It's weird to have Neige be so friendly to Vil, when not even Snow White was that nice to the Evil Queen.
I do understand in book 6 Vil was like "I was just being unreasonable, Neige deserves everything." However in book 7 in the jp server Vil's dream was like "Neige is my servant, and literally deserves nothing." Like huh???
It's also weird to me how long this has gone on, and NOBODY noticed??? I mean I assume Vil and Neige have been friends for a while, since Neige has given him a nickname, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
Neige is probably just being overly familiar and naive.
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The nature of Vil and Neige's relationship seems to be mostly professional. I don't remember anything really stating that they're true friends so much as they just work closely pretty often. So I think Neige just feels a sense of kinship while Vil sees a rivalry.
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What we do know from the story (at least as far as I can find in the EN version) is that Neige and Vil debuted together, and have been casted alongside eachother since they were kids. I think that they see each other more often than most celebrities do. Between work and events such as the SDC, Neige just tends to think that they're friends because they have spent a lot of time together--relatively speaking--and Vil has never told him otherwise. I also think that Neige is written to be overly optimistic and he tends to read the best into people's actions and intentions (kind of like Kalim). Vil is very image conscious. He probably doesn't want to start celebrity drama or look petty. So Vil won't explicitly say they are friends, and he'll at least act cordial in front of Neige and the cameras. In any case the game hasn't made it clear what the public perception of Vil and Neige's relationship is, so at the moment I would say that their dynamic is like two coworkers who are in the same department but don't see each other outside of work.
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One of them thinks they are friends because they work so well together, and the other hates him just for existing. I bet Neige DOES wish he and Vil could hang out more casually as friends, but Vil makes excuses as to why that can't ever happen and the former just takes his word for it as opposed to reading the subtext. Vil describes Neige as "oblivious" here, and I honestly think that might be the case. We'll throw a bone to Vil as well though: he is an actor and I can see a majority of people not seeing past his professional appearance regarding his peer/costar.
I find it really funny actually. The only thing that would make it funnier is if they had the dwarves telling Neige, "You know that guy hates you, right?" And Neige just not willing to believe it because Vil always acts so nice around him.
We can only hope to get a deeper look into Neige's character later. (Which I would very much enjoy, because at face value I do like him.)
Thank you for the ask!
Don't worry, we'll get back to the eel discussion soon.~
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troycattribunny · 1 year
Niege: yeah okay we have a chocolate fountain, what do you think about that
Vil: you wanna know what I think about that
Vil: I'll tell you what I think about that
ruggie taking the chocolate fountain, Jamil takes the powdered donuts, Epel takes the apples
Niege: NOOOO
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dystopyx-blog · 1 month
inspired by this post (cw it's a teeny bit nsfw)
Imagine going to a park or zoo or aquarium with your yandere twst bf... something where are there kids running about. The baby fever hits HARD for them then.
There are kids running about, clearly not following rules, which upsets Riddle. He thinks he could never deal with that... He ends up yeling at a couple of kids, and really upsets them. But you get right in there and comfort them. You tell them what they were doing was bad, but you also tell off Riddle. You get the kids to calm down and behave. He can't help but think how good of a mom you'd be. Very different than his mother, but maybe that'd be a good thing.
Leona takes you to Cheka's birthday party. No way he could handle it on his own. You're mostly there for emotional support for him, but at some point Cheka and his friends pull you away to play with them, and you just shrug and laugh as you apologize to Leona and go along. He's incredibly annoyed at first, his annoying nephew dragging off his girlfriend when you're supposed to be there with him. But you're so good with them... and then his sister in law goes up to him and tells him what good parents they'd both be, and all he can think is "yeah, of course we would."
You thought a good date with Azul would be the aquarium. But while you enjoyed looking at all the colorful fish in large tanks, Azul was mostly just smiling and nodding along with you. In all honesty when you checked out the fish, he'd rather check his investments. But he loves you so he humored you. And then he saw a child pressed up against the glass of a tank. He cringed slightly, but you walked over to them and started talking to them. Curious, he approached the two of you, and realized you were looking at an octopus. And he realized, with a blush, that you were telling the child all about them. The child is in awe, and you turn around to him with a loving smile, and he knows right then what you two are doing when you get back home.
All it takes for Kalim is bringing you back to his home and watching you get along with all his little siblings.
You're out walking with Jamil when you see a bunch of kids dancing around a fountain. You laugh and join in, dragging Jamil with you. You insist he show off, and after you praise him and inflate his ego, he does. The kids are incredibly impressed to say the least, and you continue to praise him, even after you two are finished dancing with the kids. And suddenly he's entertaining the idea of giving you children of your own.
Vil is treating you to a shopping date when bunch of children approach you. They noticed Vil and, just like the kids from his youth, thought of him as the villain he played. But you immediately set them straight, telling them how wonderful Vil is. The kids look at Vil with a whole new perspective. And they even tell them how cool it is that someone so cool can even play evil characters! "Niege can play a good guy, but only Vil can be the villain!" You giggle as you send them along, and Vil is looking at you and the idea of children in a whole different way.
Idia already knew you were great with Ortho, but this was different. Idia finally had someone to go to a convention with, an emotional support person aside from Ortho. He was baffled when he saw children there, but you were quick with a positive spin, as you so often were. "Look at the baby nerds, Idia! Awww, that nervous one kinda reminds me of you." While checking out a booth, the same kids show up, and you all, Idia included, end up talking about your favorite games and comics. Of course, Idia always knew Ortho was really cool, but he didn't realize other kids could be cool, too! He's hesitant to bring another Shroud into the world, along with a metric shit ton of other concerns, but he's starting to consider the idea of introducing a player three....
Malleus is one who already has massive baby fever no matter what as is. But then you walk with him around a beautiful park, and insist on swinging with him. There are children there, of course, and some want to swing as well. And you and Malleus, of course, offer up your swings. A lilltle one is struggling to swing as high as the other child, so you offer to push them. And Malleus, the show off, uses magic to help the child. You and Malleus end up spending a lot of time playing with the kids, Malleus using his magic and you teaching them games from your world. This doesn't introduce the idea to Malleus, but it does make him decide that you are going to start trying for kids right fucking now. ... I mean once you're alone. Probably. ...... at least away from any kids. He has that much self control.
Going to the beach with Floyd, and you both end up playing with a bunch of kids. Floyd is in pure bliss and he wants nothing more than to start a family with you right then and there the sooner the better.
Staying in Harveston with Epel. You're helping out some of the youngins and it has Epel contemplating about continuing the family business and the family name.
Thing is that you don't even genuinely have to like kids in these scenarios... you could just be being a responsible and respectable adult, but the point is you're being good with kids and all of a sudden these guys are imagining you with their kids 🙄
This was very soft barely yandere I'm sorryyyyyy
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missashketchum · 6 months
Niege meeting Ash and going "Are you a princess? ". Cue the chaos with the boys and pokemon
the twst guys are freaking out because “what the hell is Neige from RSA doing at NRC!?!?”
her Pokemon are freaking out because “who the hell is this random guy talking to their trainer!?!?” (Pikachu is especially freaked out, Ash has to stop him from zapping everyone in the vicinity)
and Ash is contemplating whether she should tell Neige she’s technically the “King (or Queen I guess?) of the Sea” or if she should just keep her mouth shut XD
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helenadurazzo · 8 months
My Current Ranking of the Twst Characters
Featuring All the NRC Boys + Rollo, Chenya, and Niege
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kawaiisimp · 1 year
Neige LeBlanche headcanons bc I know nothing about him and this is how I see him. I literally made up a back story for him bc we don't have one. None of this is true except for like two things I got from a twst wiki. Also warnings: these headcanons involve Neige having terrible parents (nothing is described in detail, I just say they're bad) and Niege gets in his feels. I tagged it anyways tho. This is long as hell tho, sorry guys...
His voice is high pitched, but it's actually much deeper. He just fakes how high it bc someone in the industry told him he sounded similar to Vil and his natural voice doesn't match his "cute vibe" his fans love (he rolls with it bc he doesn't want to disappoint fans).
He had a rough childhood and his parents weren't ever in the picture and were extremely neglectful, so his grandma fought for custody of him to give him a good life
Neige was inspired to act for two reasons 1. He used to watch black and white movie with his grandma and wanted to be as fabulous, sweet, and cute as the actresses and 2. He watched Vil act during a school play (found out from the wiki he saw Vil act in a school play) and was moved by Vil's passion and amazing acting skills.
He went to the same school as Vil (a fine arts school bc I said so!) And his grandma fought tooth and nail to get him accepted and afford for him to go
He was discovered at one of his school plays and his career took off from there
He sends most of his money to his grandma. Not for her to put into a savings account for him, but for her to spend and use.
Back to his bad parents, when Neige started making money his parents suddenly loved him so much and wanted to make things right with their son. Grandma wasn't having it and didn't allow contact. Lawyers were involved.
His grandma made the sweater vest under his school uniform
He has a million other sweaters and sweater vests made by his grandma. They all look similar to the vest we see him wear, but with different colors and various forest animals.
His grandma also embroidered the "one day my Princess will come..." we see on his hat. It's a reference to his favorite black and white romance movie (I know what it's actually referencing but in my heart it's this!)
He gets swindled and used constantly. Che'nya caught on to this and their friendship started out with him messing with Neige, but turned into an actual friendship when he realized how much people were using Neige for their own gain.
Che'nya is one of his few actual friends and has been helping him feel less guilty about saying no and standing up for himself.
He has piercings.
Che'nya gave them to him over a month, IN CHE'NYA'S DORM, USING PIERCING NEEDLES FROM AMAZON, RUBBING ALCOHOL, AND A LIGHTER! (don't do this at home kids).
Neige freaked out for every. Single. Piercing. And had a melt down every. Single. Time the needle TOUCHED his skin. He went back to smiling and raving about about cute they were after the piercings were in.
He has two piercings on his left ear (lobe), three on his right (lobe and tragus), a septum, a smiley piercing, and an eyebrow ring.
He uses dermaflage for his of "non-conventional" piercings, but takes out his smiley piercing and flips his septum piercing inside of his nose or takes it out for modeling, acting, etc.
His agent, manager, stylist, teachers, etc all went insane Neige showed up with piercing in his face after a sleepover with a "friend" (Che'nya he's not a snitch tho and didn't want to loose one of his three real friends)
Che'nya convinced him to do it bc Neige revealed he felt like He was "loosing himself, and wasn't sure if he had a personality beyond what those controlling his career said he was and could like."
Neige has always looked up to Vil for being stunning, fabulous, professional, confident, passionate, and an amazing actor. He wishes just just once he could be the Villain and not the hero or damsel in distress.
He does Magicam lives all the time. More than his manager and etc. recommends bc he just really loves interacting with his fans
He also reads and keeps, most if not everything, his fans send him.
He ruined Che'nya's hair on a Magicam live once with a hair dye brand deal. He watched in horror as he washed Che'nya's hair out after 5 minutes of the bleach sitting (Che'nya said it was burning).
His eyes then went wide and started crying because he "ruined Che'nya's hair" when Che'nya's hair started melting off.
Che'nya was laughing his butt off while Neige sobbed in the background. (He's ruined his own hair before so his hair melting off is not a new event for him).
This event was memed for nearly 6 months before everyone moved on bc another influencer fricked up.
Neige thinks he's bad at attracting a partner, but in reality he's just oblivious to flirting and people showing a romantic interest
Rook low-key creeps him out but he's not going to say anything bc "He's just a fan!"
He wears makeup bc he wants to be like Vil, not because he needs to.
Even though he has a phone, he writes his grandma letters instead of texting her. He also calls her every chance he gets. He also sends her gifts for every holiday he's not home for.
He listens to indie and rock music with Che'nya and finds himself listening to it when he's away from him bc it's his friend's favorite music genres <3
He works out for the sole purpose to one day be able to carry his future s/o like a princess
In conclusion, I like Neige fr fr and I wish we had more info on him. He's also a sweet boi <3
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lk0727 · 38 minutes
I think when it comes to the "is leona a feminist" debate we're missing the broader context of why the narrative would push any ideology.
His disney counterpart is a very female centric character (even if unintentionally) who relies on women, yet he dominates them in his pride once he leads it. He's ultimately defeated by an ambitious, focused woman, and his regime is carried on similarly (twice) by a militaristic, ambitious woman. In real life lionesses are the hunters, and in the literal sense of home makers, a pride is only a pride when lionesses are involved, with just men it's called a "coalition" btw. This is probably the main reason why others see him as feminist, because women are woven into the fabric of his story and given attention, despite it being ultimately Leona's story. But then that's an arguement you could make, is it really feminism if it's not intentional?
What makes a feminist? In what context does it stop being feminism and rather a natural reaction in a gynocentric society?
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Twst has a habit of exploring motivation over actions, and that's how (I think) people should address Leona's claims. Like for instance, Vil is obsessed with reaching a physical zenith of beauty, and that's portrayed as her being overly ambitious, which is what she uses to save Idia and Ortho. Although she's not the hero of book 5 like she is in book 6, her ambition is reframed as jealousy over being ostracized (in childhood) in childhood and passed over for roles. In the same book we learn that Niege has had an even harder life, and the fruits of his labor are manifested when he procures roles that Vil seemingly can't. The narrative isn't asking if Vil is wrong or right in her actions, but rather if her ambition should be considered as valid as Neiges. To twist real life phenomena and explore them through a lens of "cultural favoritism and privilege" is essentially the point of every conflict. Like, should Jamil be forgiven when given the full context of his situation, or why is it fine for the Shrouds to be punished for the actions of an ancient ancestor, aren't necessarily asked by the narrative, but rather why are these conflicting truths valid when seen from another, more socially acceptable perspective?
This, to me, is what's missing in the heart of the "Is Leona a feminist" debate. The story isn't asking for you to confirm if he is or isn't one, but rather to reflect on your real life understanding of feminism in regards to patriarchy. Leona is considered a feminist by fans in the sense that he allows women's feelings to take precedence over his own, and how they view him being important to him as well. He can blow off Kifaji, someone who seemingly raised him, but God forbid he miss a call from his sister-in-law (who he picks up for, but ignores the calls of his nephew.) His criticisms of women are always shallow observations or misdirection because he has an image to uphold. He's a feminist in the sense that he doesn't contest female supremacy in any meaningful ways, and that's a very loose (yet valid) definition of feminism.
Leona double speaks on the idea of being considered "extra nice" to women, but even his answer doesn't necessarily malign them in a way that would be seen unfavorably by beastmen society. From what we’ve seen, being aggressive, dominating, physically imposing, strong-willed, are traits that the best possess. (He even inadvertently criticizes his brother for lacking these traits by implying he’s not cunning and too friendly.) If anything, it makes sense for him to not want to incur the wrath of a demographic if he deemed them in any way above himself. After all, he doesn't mince words with those beneath him, or even on a similar level to him like speaking poorly of Kalim to his face or the constant bickering with Malleus! I don't think his exasperation with women is fake, it must be annoying having to submit to somebody placed above you unfairly, but these are regulations he imposes on himself. When considering how Leona behaves and what he believes, (only the fittest should rule/everybody has their strengths but others just have much more) it makes great sense that his view of women is influenced by their societal performance and their ability to serve him.
When you contrast traits that Leona finds noteworthy in women, you get this understanding of a "gender-flipped" society, and the real question that should be asked ends up being "is Leona's respect of women not valid because of the conditions that it exists under? What makes his feminism less realistic than someone who only pays women lip service without taking real action?" Like Vil, Jaml, and Idia, Leona's foil is somebody who exposes hypocrisy but also bridges a gap in understanding of societal expectations. 
So, in essence, I think the conversation should switch from "is Leona a feminist" (we're talking in circles) and move towards "What does he get from being one / does his motivation make his resolve less valuable?" (we can explore his actions and dissect his character further)
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greenapplebling · 12 days
Cater: Hey, Niege! Is it true you don't follow anyone back on magicam?
Niege: Yeah, I was advised not to by my manager and I don't use magicam that much anyway
Cater: But you're following Vil? He's literally the only account you're following...
Niege: Oh! That's bc he told me "you have 3 seconds OR ELSE" and I really didn't want to discover what "or else" was supposed to mean
(Reference below)
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savanah-claw21 · 1 year
My twisted wonderland oc
Twst deet
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More things on his bio
Status: alive
Crush: niege
Clan: grottan
Favorite food:moss niege apple pie
Family:maya(mother) isla(mother) barbara(sister)
Story:he was helping his family by feeding the nurlocs then some portal open sucking him in and he arrived on twisted wonderland but he entered in royal sword academy instead of nightraven college the head master Ambrose promise to help him find a way back to his home
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scrivenger-grimgar · 2 years
So one of my twst ocs is a man named Biene Belle who goes to RSA, and I hate him. His character is a play on beauty and the beast, being a wonderfully handsome and charismatic young man who’s very open about looking for someone to love. He’s kind and outgoing, a lot like Niege in that he’d be nice to hang out with… and it’s not exactly a lie…
Born and raised in a noble family, he hasn’t been told “no” enough as a child, and has an almost unnoticeable superiority complex, and is subtly racist and classist, but he tends to phrase it in a way that seems helpful or concerned.
Biene Belle will flaunt his wealth in the same way Kalim does, acting oblivious and air-headed, but unlike Kalim he's not going to offer anyone riches or money. if he gifts you something its going to be of a lower quality than if he bought it for himself.
he'll offer his academic help to beast- and merfolk more often than to human students and will speak slower and simpler while speaking to them as well. he will often avoid speaking to fae or touching anyone who isn't human.
the arguably worst part of his character is how predatory he is. he'll use his kindness and gentle seeming nature to gather people who are loyal or committed to him because he helped them somehow. they'll defend him and do what he asks with little to no interest in Biene's reasoning.
this predatory nature extends to his "search for love". when he finds someone he wants to "love," will not let them go. he will buy them gifts and take them on expensive trips and feed them good food and basically do anything to coerce them into staying with him, whilst simultaneously attempting to make them solely dependant on him.
if they don't fall for Biene's "affections" it only gets worse. poisoning food to make them weak, setting up accidents and injuries to keep them in his care, and deliberately housing them in the most labyrinthine part of his mansion home.
Biene Belle comes finds Lazarus in the woods (post-first year NRC, post-missing incident), and falls in "love". he finds it odd that Lazarus fights harder than others before him for their independence, and it eventually ends with Lazarus in the mansion's basement in shackles. it is during Lazarus' escape that Biene gives him his signature facial scar. Bien thinks his escape is unfortunate but ultimately thinks that Lazarus would die without him, so it doesn't seem of consequence to him.
Lazarus does survive, though, and now has a new and severe fear of humans.
see, Lazarus is a selkie (remind me to post about them), and selkies have an unfortunate history with humans that, while no longer happening in current day (officially, it is illegal, but it arguably still occurs), selkie trafficking was once a prominent and lucrative business. selkies were seen as "lesser fae," easier to capture and control than fae, but still just as beautiful, perfect for concubines or sex slaves.
Lazarus knows this. he knows this very well. and so from his perspective, Biene Belle took him, tried to unmake him, turn him into an object for his personal use. it wasn't just being held captive, it was constantly under threat of being sexually violated, despite Biene not actually having that intention.
Biene Belle does not know of the gruesome history between humans and selkies, he genuinely wanted to take care of Lazarus but his extremely twisted way of showing affection had Lazarus assuming the worst.
Lazarus absolutely despises Biene Belle, as well as RSA overall making him prickly as a result of Biene Belle wearing his RSA uniform/apparel quite often. He knows, logically, that not everyone is going to be like Belle, but its an instinctive reaction to associate the RSA coat of arms with his SA trauma.
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troycattribunny · 1 year
I only ship niege x vil as a crack pairing au of Disney's Sonny with a chance where Vil is trying to make his big break an awful b-list comedy sketch show while Niege is a well respected actor from the same network working on a highly successful j-drama/soap operas. One sided enemies to lovers slow burn 2.8k words.
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rose-the-witch1 · 2 years
18, 19, 20, and 48 for the twst music asks?
— @piratealt
Songs I'd recommend to:
18. your favorite dorm leader
Malleus Draconia - Rises the Moon by Liana Flores
19. your favorite staff member
Sam - Rule #21: Momento Mori by Fish in a Birdcage
20. your favorite rsa student
Niege LeBlanche - Happy by The Rolling Stones
Shuffling my playlist, this is the song that:
48. Is stuck in your head during class
Rät by Penelope Scott
I've never done one of these ask games before, so feel free to send me more!
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daduic-lacuentista · 3 years
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