#use backups
ghostoftheyear · 11 months
I just read a comment on a post that made me very concerned, so I wanted to put out a PSA.
Someone was panicking during the recent AO3 outage, where the DDoS was trying very hard to put the site under for good, because they didn't have any way to recover their fics. Which is terrifying, sure... if all you ever do is write directly into the draft page on AO3.
But. Why would you do that?
Like. OK. I know I'm old, and I'm also privileged to have a desktop PC that I use for the majority of everything online. I understand this is not as common a circumstance as it used to be. But if you're using a laptop or PC, you should REALLY be writing somewhere else first. Even if it's just the native notepad program. Anything that allows you to save the file. You don't need something expensive like Scrivener. I personally use a text-based program called NoteTab, which is inexpensive, reliable, and has lots of nice little extras. Of course there's Word and OpenLibre and things like that. Even Google Docs if you're in a pinch (though I can't recommend it given that they're now starting their own AI-theft program).
I'm not as well versed in apps for phones and tablets. But even so, I beg you to find something to write on that isn't directly into AO3. The notes program? Email yourself? A physical notebook?
And there is a reason for this. Purely aside from the fact that the draft will only save your text for 30 days -- and was NEVER meant to be used as a word processor to begin with! -- you should always have a backup of your work somewhere, in the exact case of circumstances like this.
Many moons ago, I used a free site called Crosswinds to host my website. (There were a lot of these, like geocities, tripod, & so on.) One day, there was a server glitch and lots of my files were wiped from creation. I didn't keep copies of them anywhere else, and so they were just gone. I was able to recover some of it, but most of it was just. Gone. Forever.
These days, I edit my stuff on my PC first, and then upload it. I should also probably have another backup of some kind, because I have had catastrophic hard drive failures and lost everything. You think it won't happen to you. Then it does, and your stuff that you've labored on is just gone.
Plus, it's just good to be able to have the text in a location where you can easily read and edit; on top of that, you know that trick of putting it in another font so you can catch mistakes? That is exactly what happens when I get the fic into the preview page on AO3 and I'm able to see all those goddamn typos and missed italics tags and so on.
For the love of whatever you love, friends, you must keep your own backups. You will lose your data at some point. It's going to happen. Or a site will go down. Or something crashes. And it'll all be gone. You really can make sure that doesn't happen, and it'll take less time than you think.
But I will be over here begging on my arthritic, ruined knees for the rest of time: NEVER WRITE DIRECTLY INTO THE AO3 PAGE. EVER. DON'T FUCKIN DO IT.
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raavenb2619 · 5 months
I’m not sure when exactly this happened, but I think it’s clear that the aro community really is a community, now.
For the longest time I’ve felt like we were still in stasis, not quite there; a proto-community, yes, but not quite a community. But we have more history now to lean back on, more of each other to talk to and laugh with and cry with and learn from. More people that’ll go forward and make a part of modern aro history. More people that believe us, believe in us, will stand with us if we ask them.
I wouldn’t consider myself an aro elder yet, though each year I’m surprised at how long aromanticism has been a part of my life, how long I’ve been free of doubt or insecurity about my aromanticism, how far we’ve come since I was questioning. Then again, when I was questioning, some of the people I looked up to for guidance were probably close to the age I am now, so I might be there sooner than I think.
And, I’m so so hopeful for all aros, young or old, new or not, because we’ve come so far. Day by day, progress is slow (and yes, it’s unfair, it should be so much faster), but looking back it feels fast. We are our own role models, the people we look up to for guidance. We carve our own path through life, making things up as we go. I used to find that terrifying, because I had no idea what the future would bring. But it’s actually amazing, because I can ignore all these silly “rules” and guidelines about what my life should be, and instead ask, “what do I want my life to be?”
Younger me, you have no idea how awesome your future is gonna be. I’m sorry about the pain and hardship you’ll go through first; it won’t be fair and you shouldn’t have to deal with it. But you’ll make it through, and one day you’ll be me. I can’t wait for you to get here.
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unpretty · 10 months
why are so many of you not saving the backup codes they give you when you set up two-factor authentication
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day-colors · 3 months
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hes definitely not chicken
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dollsdesires · 6 months
Holyyyyyyy FUCK your ass is immaculate 😍🥵😵‍💫🤤
I don’t know about that, but thank you 🙈🥰💕
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mimilllion · 2 months
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won't it be grand to get rid of it all (rid of it alllll)?
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 2 months
Do you remember episode 12, season 3 of Xiaolin Showdown when Chase was trapped on that machine thing that was brushing butter or whatever all over his chest? Well, hypothetically speaking if First walked in on that situation, how’d he react?
Ok I cackled unreasonably loud at this ask
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listen i rewatched the episode (for science) and honestly the unexpected fanservice torture dungeon happened much differently than i remembered lol (also how fucked up is that right after Jack straigth up murked older monks?? wild)
but anyway basically what First Ninja saw
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ive been on internet too long not to see all of it now
congrats Jack you managed to traumatize a 800 year old ghost.
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extra doodle
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cxlandine · 3 months
arthur created grix to be a perfectly lawful, responsible principal should aguefort be under investigation. arthur had a legal failsafe in case the feds came around. and he fucking shoots kids with nets and awakens sex robots to attack them-
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vinlynce · 6 months
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Almost done one of my video wips, so take one of the pieces from it in the meanwhile!
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fairydrowning · 1 year
In my "can't continue under this circumstances" era.
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y'all!! i'm doing it!! i'm reading a charted pattern with NO TEXT BACKUP, and a baby shawl is being born!!
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just-somedude · 9 months
Ladies, I don't mean to soak your panties but I want to let you know I only back into parking spots
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belpheg0r-luna · 22 days
Its the missing Andrew Joseph White's writing hours
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xlillyle · 3 months
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"We can delay the mission for another two minutes."
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spicler-man · 1 year
me thinking about irondad’s canon fate for longer than six seconds
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gotchibam · 1 month
Does anyone here draw in both desktop & mobile? I'm planning to get a galaxy tab at some point and since I don't really have any experience drawing on a (mobile) tablet, I'm curious abt how it feels to draw on one vs. drawing on pc w/ a graphic tablet 🤔
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