#want to know his football opinions so so so bad
holdthevision · 1 year
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cementcornfield · 2 months
good lord my inbox is a mess lmao
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pitchsidestories · 3 months
the favourite II Aitana Bonmatí x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2349
a/n: hi everyone, this oneshot is a longer one, so get cozy. <3
The golden hour has just begun in the beautiful city of Barcelona, you were finally done with correcting your student’s paper, so you were able to continue reading the book on the sofa, which was the perfect way to clock off of work in your opinion.
The happy mood slightly shifted when you thought back to the phone call you had with your girlfriend earlier that day. Aitana told you she was injured and that she was coming back home this evening.
You felt guilty, because partly you were happy about the fact that your lover was about to return to you, this year has been a lot for her work wise, and you rarely got time to spend together as a couple, apart from you trying to be there in the stands at every home game or final. It didn’t surprise you that the midfielder’s body was exhausted from all of this.
On the other hand, Aitana loved playing football so much, so it would be hard to not see her doing what she was so passionate about. You realized reading at this point was impossible, there were too many thoughts running through your mind.
“Hola, mi amor.”, you greeted her warmly, as you heard her opening the front door.
“Hola.”, the football player replied in a cheerful tone which tried to hide the disappointment the brunette felt.
Immediately you jumped off the sofa to give her a much-needed hug. “How are you? I know you had to leave national team camp early.”
“It’s nothing too bad, don’t worry.”, Aitana reassured you with a weak smile on her lips.
“But I do worry a little.”, you admitted concerned while running a hand through your girlfriends open hair, something you knew she liked, because it had a soothing effect on her.
You caught her looking at the papers which were still laying on your kitchen table, so you added quickly:” Sorry, I’ll take those to my office.”
“No, it’s fine. Stay, you’re busy.”, the midfielder slowly shook her head.
“I’m actually done with going through them. My students wrote about their role models, and I spotted some familiar names quite a few times.”, you remembered, smiling fondly at the memory.
“Oh really? Like whose names?”, Aitana looked up curiously.
“Like Patri, Alexia, Salma, but you’ve been mentioned the most. Wait-”, you counted them off on your fingers. You proudly showed your girlfriend the texts which were about her.
“I didn’t know your students cared so much about football, specifically women’s football.”, the midfielder muttered amazed, while devouring the handwritten pages.
“I know, the view definitely changed in recent years… Remember when we were at school and no one seemed to care about women’s football?”, you asked, thinking back to the time when you and Aitana met for the first time. You were best friends in school, always stuck together. Until things changed in your teenage years.
Unhappily, your girlfriend put the papers back on the table: “They always said that we can’t play with the boys.”
“Or that we would never be as good as them.“, you added. “Which I was okay with because I always preferred books over balls, but I admired you for not listening to these voices.”
You had loved a good football match when you were younger, but you never had the same burning desire to play that Aitana possessed.
“That’s all I ever wanted to do, kick a ball around.”, Aitana shrugged and even though a lot had changed since your school days, you felt reminded of the younger Aitana. The quiet girl that defiantly fought for her right to play football.
You smiled softly: “I know, and it got you very far.”
“I never knew it would.”, Aitana replied, clearly lost in her own thoughts about her career.
“But it did.” You took a deep breath. The idea that had been floating around your head since you read the papers started to take form on the tip of your tongue. “Could you do me a favour?”
“Sure, which one?”, your girlfriend answered quickly.
“Maybe you could visit my class to talk a bit about your life as a football player? It would mean the world to them. You’re clearly one of their favorites.” You nodded in the direction of the pages piled on the table.
Aitana did not answer. She stared at you speechlessly until she found her voice a second later: “Your students want to see… me?”
She looked so surprised that you had to bite back a laugh. “Yes, they would love that.”
Aitana beamed: “Sure. Of course I’m coming.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
You leaned over for a quick kiss: “I really appreciate it.”
“It’s a pleasure.”
“But for now…”
Your girlfriend raised her eyebrows in expectancy: “Yes?”
“Cuddles?”, you asked innocently, ready to wrap your arms around her.
“Please.”, she smiled. You threw yourself against her body, tightly hugging her.
Laughing, Aitana let herself fall backwards against the armrest of the sofa so you could lay on top of her.
She started to run her fingers across your back: “This is nice.”
Your girlfriend paused for a moment, before adding with a smirk on her lips:” But not as comfortable as in our bed.”
“You’re right let’s go to our bedroom.”, you agreed as you helped her getting into a standing position.
“Coming.”, Aitana answered. With a soft sigh the midfielder landed on your double bed.
“This is so much better.”, she declared, eyes closed. The bedding felt pleasantly cool underneath her body while you laid down next to her.  
“Perfect.”, you mumbled. Grinning you continued:” Do you want me to read out to you a little?”
“Sure.”, the football player nodded, there was nothing in the world she found more soothing than listening to your voice.
“Okay.”, you happily obliged to it. After a couple of pages, you realized that your girlfriend was becoming sleepy. Quietly you put your book on the nightstand.
“Sleep well, Tana.”
“Night.”, Aitana whispered before inevitably sleep took it’s hold over her.
In the mornings you were always the first of you two to get up, as you needed to be ready for school. Much to your own surprise you realized that the midfielder was awake too:” Good morning.”
“Morning, amor.”, she replied, before placing a sweet kiss to your mouth.
“You know that you can still stay in bed, right?”, you muttered blushing. After all those years the brunette still had that effect on you.
“I know, but I couldn’t sleep anymore.”, Aitana admitted smiling sheepishly.
“I guess I’ll make two cups of coffees this morning.”, you remarked.
“Please.”, your girlfriend responded. When the dark-haired woman was holding the warm drink in her hand, she thanked you with another kiss.
“You’re welcome.”, you replied, enjoying one of the rare mornings you both had together.
You wished you could enjoy that moment for a little bit longer but looking at the clock on the wall you cursed under your breath:” Oh shit, I need to go!”
“Have fun. I’ll see you later.”, Aitana winked at you.
“Bye.”, you blew her a kiss, before making your way out of your home, ready for another day with your classes which were all dear to your heart.
The day arrived when Aitana was about to meet them for a lesson, you beamed excited at her:” Ready, love?”
“Ready.”, she nodded, your girlfriend was glad to have some distraction from her injury for at least the upcoming two hours. For a second you pressed her hand encouragingly, before leading her into the classroom.
“Good morning, everyone. Today we’ve a very special guest.”, you announced cheerfully.
A young girl with blonde hair called Imma sat in the front row and gasped audibly: “Oh my god, Aitana!“
She stared at the football player with widened eyes.
Your girlfriend smiled politely before introducing herself: “Hi, I’m Aitana Bonmatí. I’m a football player for FC Barcelona.“
“Can we ask her some questions?“, Jordi asked curiously. You knew that the lanky boy had vast interest in all kinds of football, no matter if the players were male or female.
You nodded, watching as his eyes sparkled in excitement: “Sure, that’s why she came.“
“Go ahead.“, Aitana prompted, trying to get the children to ask questions.
Imma raised her hand hesitantly: “From where do you know, Miss y/l/n?“
Your girlfriends gaze subconsciously drifted into your direction. You shared a smile for a split second.
With an eye-roll, Jordi complained: “That’s such a boring question, Imma!“
“I think that’s a very good question. We went to school together years ago.“, Aitana answered the question truthfully.
Jordi snorted: “Was she reading books back then too?“
You had to stop yourself from telling him, once again that reading was not only good for them but also a lot of fun. You tried to encourage your class to read every chance they got.
Before you could say anything, Aitana grinned: “Oh yes. She always loved books.“
“But I can play a bit too.“, you added innocently.
“Yeah. She’s pretty good.“, your girlfriend had to agree.
For once, Jordi was silent, looking from you to Aitana and back. A challenging smile appeared on his face: “We need to see that after class. But how did it feel to win the Ballon d’Or?“
“Amazing. It was a great honour but I couldn’t have done it without my team.“
“And you also won the Champions League!“, a red-haired girl interrupted with a big toothy grin.
“Yes, that was amazing too.“, the football player nodded.
Julias cheeks turned almost as red as her hair from exhilaration: “So cool!“
“I’m lucky to have such a great team around me.“, you heard Aitana say and you almost grimaced at how humble she was in front of your students.
Julia immediately followed with the next question, not allowing your girlfriend a break: “Do you have a favourite teammate? And is it Rolfö?“
Aitana laughed, surprised by the question: “I have a lot of favourite teammates. And Frido is one of them. She’s great, very sweet.“
“Like a team mum?“, Imma piped up.
“A bit, yes.“
“That’s cute.“, Imma commented happily.
“But we have a lot of people who can step up as team mums.“, the midfielder continued.
“Aitana, how’s your injury?”, Jordi changed the subject to a more serious one.
“It’s not too bad. They just wanted to be careful, so it doesn’t get worse.”, the midfielder waved it off in a reassuring way.
“Oh, good.”, he sighed relieved.
 “So now I’m here and can hang out with you guys.”, Aitana clapped enthusiastically her hands.
“Exactly.”, you smiled proudly at her.  
“Sorry, did you want to continue, amor?”, your girlfriend looked at you expectantly.
“No, I just wanted to say that the class is ending soon.”, you shook your head.
“Any more questions?”, the football player turned her attention to your students again.
“Can we play now?”, Jordi asked her innocently.
“Of course. Let’s go and play some football.”, Aitana agreed, her eyes mirroring the excitement of the little boy who was very thrilled to play with a Barcelona player.
On her way out, she couldn’t help but to tease you in front of the children:” Let’s see how good your teacher still is.”
“I’ll show you!”, you laughed.
“Prove it.”, the midfielder gave you a playful challenging look.
One of your students was handing you the football, so you did one of the football tricks you still knew before kicking it into the empty goal, making the boys and girls erupt into a loud cheer.
“See? She didn’t forget anything.”, Aitana said, her voice full of admiration.
“Wow.”, Jordi followed your moves with the football amazed.
“Not, bad, right?”, Aitana questioned him amused.
“Not as good as you are though.”, you whispered into her ear.
“Oh, if you got paid to play football all day, you’d also be good.”, she stated firmly.
“Yes, but I love my job, just look at their eyes.”, you replied, your girlfriend did what you asked her to do. The girls and boys faces lit up while playing football in front of one of their idols.
Afterwards she looked back at you in adoration: “I only must look in your eyes. You were made to work with children. They adore you.”
You weren’t even a big Taylor Swift fan, but your friends and the older students were and there was a line in one of her songs, which you quietly sung to her, before you looped the ball over the midfielder:” You know how to ball, I know Aristotle.”
“Excuse me?! What was that?!”, Aitana’s mouth fell wide open.
“I don’t know how I did it either!”, you confessed.
“That was impressive as hell!”, Jordi told you.
With sparkling eyes, Imma demanded: “Do it again!“
“Yes, do it again.“, Aitana smirked.
“Like this?“, you asked before trying to play the ball over the worlds best female footballer again. This time, you were less lucky and the ball came at the perfect height for Aitana to easily head it back to you.
“Oh no, it didn’t work.“ Julia sounded slightly disappointed.
You shrugged, trying to use the opportunity to teach your students a valuable lesson: “The good thing is, one can always try again.“
Aitana instead winked at them: “Don’t worry, I’ll teach her at home.“
Imma frowned in confusion: “At home? Do you two live together?“
“Are you stupid? She called her amor earlier!“, Jordi groaned.
The smaller girls eyes widened: “She did?“
Aitana smiled at you, subtly linking your pinkies together: “She’s my best friend but also my girlfriend.“
“Oh.“ Julia made a delighted sound.
Jordi rolled his eyes: “They love each other, it’s so obvious, girls.“
And then he was back to kicking the ball around. Julia and Imma quickly chased after him, trying to get the ball.
You and your girlfriend stood in comfortable silence, still holding hands and watching the children run around you.
In this moment you were hit with the realization that this was exactly all you ever wanted from life.
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kaiser1ns · 8 months
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𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗸𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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╹synopsis :: you hated him from the moment he showed up at the bastard munchen tryouts — you can't stand him, it's impossible, or so you thought.
╹contents :: 8.9 k words aka word vomit, fluff and two kind of suggestive scenes,mostly pre-timeskip kaiser, reader is football fanatic, kaiser loves to annoy her(he is just in love with her), just one teenager denying their feelings while the other is clearly in love, mentions of her parents - to clarify they are not dead !, mentions of real players from the actual club bayern munchen, i don't know if I can put this in the slow burn section? she hates him but she loves him.
╹notes :: 100 followers special i gave my blood, sweat and tears for this, please spare me. sorry for any grammar mistakes, hope you enjoy! for my one and only, and big thanks to @kooriou 🤍
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You hated Michael Kaiser from the first moment he stepped into Bastard München Academy, an instant wave of annoyance washed over you. His arrogance and presence got on your nerves, making it impossible to even look at him. But you had to — that was your job as a future assistant coach for the best team in Germany, and who knows maybe you can snatch your uncle's position as manager.
As the tryouts unfolded, you observed him closely, jotting down notes on his skills and trying to give him some initial stats, which to your dismay were either tier A or S. Despite the irritation, there was no point in lying, he was outstanding and he knew what he was doing - or rather, he knew what he wanted. You saw as he teamed up with the boy who wore the jersey with number 20. They made up a pretty good duo, and with Ness's passes and Kaiser's fast attacks, no one could stop them. 
Perhaps beneath the thorny exterior, Michael Kaiser was the player Bastard München looked for—someone who could elevate them to new heights. As the final whistle blew, you already knew the outcome that they would both be accepted into the team, and you'd have to get used to seeing his face almost every day. You got up and walked over to your uncle as all the recruits were lined up, looking at them, as your eyes landed on the striker with with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a blue rose tattoo on his neck. You stared at him, furrowing your eyebrows and with squinted eyes, a silent expression of displeasure etching across your face.
In that subtle gesture, frustration found a physical form; it was a language spoken without words, a non-verbal protest to whatever disturbance had disrupted your peace — and the one who caused it starred back at you, smirking smugly at you, but he turned back to listen to the coach's speech.
"And with that, we welcome you in Bastard Munchen. We hope you will meet and exceed our expectations, and now I will give the word to my niece Y/N who will also work with all of you youngsters." You were still lost in the staring contest with the boy who paid you no mind, and now everyone looked at you, some were getting scared seeing you so oppressed by something; were they that bad that the coach had to ask his niece about another opinion?
Your uncle cleared his throat, making you come back to the real world, a little taken back from the sudden shift of focus. "Ah, yes, of course." as you stood there with all of your glory and pride like you were the president and everyone waited for your long waited speech "As the future of Bastard Munchen, you will be the ones to continue the legacy set by the club's legendary players. Work hard so you can achieve your goals, as you should always believe in yourself. Make every impossibility a reality." 
Your words echoed through the training grounds, making the boys happy to hear something from a beautiful girl - in one way or another, something had to keep them going. As you finished your speech, you caught his eye again, but this time, there was a glimmer of amusement. Was there anything wrong with the things you said? You tried your best to sound like every coach who talks to their team with all the "work hard and give your best shot" stuff. You hope you won't become like that in the future.
Your uncle nodded approvingly, signaling the end of the meeting. The boys started leaving one by one, but the blue-eyed genius stayed, approaching you with confidence.
”Impressive speech, Little Miss, but actions speak louder than words, don't they?" he remarked with a smirk, leaving you with a mix of irritation. You haven't even known each other for a day and you already want to gouge out his eyes. "Talk about yourself, Mister. Show results, and then talk to me again."
Kaiser chuckled, his smile growing wider as he came closer to you, rising a hand as he delicately slid his fingers under your chin, lifting it ever so slightly, your breath hitched from the sudden move.
"We share some similar goals, I will give you that. Be sure to watch me making the impossible your new reality." he walked away, leaving you standing there like a statue - a blushing statue at that.
You definitely hate him.
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In the following weeks, as training sessions progressed and the team started bonding, you couldn't deny that Michael's skills were exceptional. Despite his arrogant attitude, there was a reason why he wore that smug expression. The team was carried by his influence, and you found yourself unfortunately acknowledging his impact. Kaiser Impact, huh? That’s one way to call it.
He approached you, the smirk replaced by a genuine smile. "Not bad, right? I noticed the way you looked only at me," he said, as you rolled your eyes, trying to maintain your composure as you handed him a water bottle "Don't get too comfortable now. This doesn't mean you're off the hook. There's still a long way to go."
The blonde boy chuckled, seemingly unfazed, taking the bottle from your hand, making your fingers briefly touch as he kept eye contact. "I wouldn't want it any other way, Prinzessin. Now what are my stats? I’m sure they went higher." You shot him a skeptical glance, unimpressed by his playfulness. "Stats? Do you mean your nonexistence score? Like in a video game or something," you retorted, crossing your arms over your chest.
He laughed at your comment. "Maybe not a game, but God's challenge, and I'm here to be the best of the best and eventually surpass Noel Noa," he replied with a cocky grin.
Rolling your eyes once more, you couldn't deny the feeling you had when talking back at him. "Fine, let's humor your challenge sent from above for a moment. Strength: still lacking, form: needs improvement, and humility: nonexistent," you assessed, ticking off imaginary boxes in the air. "But hey, you did manage to catch my attention for being the most annoying person I have ever met, so I'll give you that."
Kaiser raised his eyebrows, took a sip from the water bottle, and said, "Well, Prinzessin, catching your attention is just another bonus for me." You scoffed, "Smooth talker, aren't you? But like you said actions speak louder than words, so do me a favor and leave me alone, you are not the only one who has to work hard."
His eyes gleamed with a mischievous glint as he took a step closer, narrowing the distance between you. "Oh, I plan on proving myself in more ways than one. Consider this just the beginning." With that, he went back to the others, leaving you to wonder whether he was genuinely committed to improving or just enjoying getting under your skin.
Deciding to continue your work – which for now was to arrange the water and the towels ready for the players – paying no mind to the world around you, until you felt a hand on your shoulder, thinking it was Kaiser again, but it was your uncle - the head coach. His touch was firm yet comforting, a familiar presence amidst the chaos made by the young athletes.
You turned around, a mixture of surprise and relief coloring your expression. Your uncle, Franz Bauer, wore a knowing smile that hinted comfort “How are you doing so far, Y/N? Is something or rather someone bothering you?” He spoke in a low, reassuring tone. You took a moment to collect your thoughts, grateful for your uncle's concern, but you found it strange how he always knows and notices when you have trouble.
"I'm managing, Uncle Franz," you replied, a faint smile on your lips. "Just the usual, dealing with boys my age. Nothing that I can't handle."
His gaze held a depth of understanding, and as he nodded at you. "I appreciate the help. You know, you remind me of my younger self because I too was an errand kid."
He wanted something from you, and you knew it by the way he started to talk about how much you were like him as a child. He always does it. "Just get to the point. Is there anything specific you want me to do?"
Franz laughed slightly ”You do catch up quickly,” his voice dropping to a confidential tone. "I've been observing you, and I can't help but notice the way you look at the team, wanting to comment on the formations, the positions, and the players themselves. I've been thinking about expanding your role in the team, perhaps as an assistant coach."
The proposition caught you off guard, and your eyes widened in surprise. "Assistant coach? Uncle, I appreciate the offer, but I'm not sure I have the experience for that."
He placed a hand on your shoulder again, a reassuring squeeze. "Well, you will be an assistant coach in training. Experience is gained through opportunities, Y/N. I see potential in you, a natural talent." your eyes widen suddenly “So, for the rest of the training session, you will be the boss.”
“But I-” he cut you off by standing behind you and pushing you forward “No objections, or I'll call your parents to pick you up. You don’t want that, right?” having no time to answer, you were next to the other coaching staff as your uncle gave a thumbs up from the benches with water and towels. That old bastard Well, you better be here training some naive and arrogant footballers, than being home studying economics.
Taking a deep breath, you accepted the challenge, even if you didn't want to. As you stepped onto the field, the weight of the whistle in your hand felt foreign, yet empowering. The players eyed you curiously, some exchanging glances, unsure of what to make of this sudden change. Gathering the team you began to give orders. "You will go against the first team and clash with amazing players like Noel Noa, Thomas Muller, Manuel Neuer and Joshua Kimich. But let go of the thoughts about the big bad wolves chasing you - you shall become the chaser." Your uncle watched from the sidelines as if he knew something you didn't. "So for starters, we are changing the formation to 4-2-3-1 as Kaiser will be the top of the attack, Ness you will be the attacking midfielder so you gotta keep an eye on blondie over here, but also beware of your rivals. "
The players exchanged glances again, as Kaiser and Ness shared a look - shocked at your words. Is this even going to work? Is she for real? You took a moment to gauge their reactions before continuing. "Remember, this is a training session, and mistakes are welcomed. Now, destroy them."
As the training progressed, the intensity of the practice match increased, with each player giving their best to impress you. As the team executed the adjusted formation, you observed them. Kaiser made strategic moves upfront, Ness showcased skillful ball control, and the defense held its ground against the opponents.
In a surprising turn of events, the U-20 team began to dominate the match. GOAL, As you blew the final whistle after Kaiser scored the 5th and final goal of the game, ending practice. He looked at you, and again with that smile - full of self-confidence. You wanted to throw the whistle at his stupid-looking face. The sidelines erupted in cheers from the staff as your uncle gave you an approving nod, acknowledging the success of your "coaching debut", approaching you with a proud smile. "See, Y/N? You have it in you. You made them believe in the impossible about beating the old dogs, and they did it."
After the game, the players gathered around for a brief post-match discussion. The atmosphere was a mix of exhaustion and triumph. Kaiser, still riding the high of his decisive goal, approached you with a smirk.
"Well, well, well, Y/N. I never thought I'd see the day when you'd make me the star of the show," he said putting his arm on your shoulder.
You rolled your eyes, trying not to let his teasing get to you. "This was just a practice match. Let's see if you can replicate this performance in a real game."
He chuckled, "Oh, I plan on it. Just watch, Y/N."
Ness, who had been listening to the conversation, chimed in, "I have to admit, I didn't think this would work, but it did. Maybe you're not as clueless as I thought."
You shot him a glare, "Yeah, thanks Ness." The purple-haired grinned, "No problem. Just keeping you on your toes."
As the midfielder went away, sensing that his partner wanted alone time with you, Kaiser lingered for a moment, a more genuine expression on his face. "You know, Y/N, for a moment there, I almost thought you enjoyed it. Admit it being in charge, making your own choices..."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Kaiser. This was just one game. We'll see how things go in an actual game."
Kaiser looked at you, his grip tightening. "Fair enough. But, if you ever need to test some tactics, you know where to find me~."
You scoffed, removing his hand from your shoulder, "I'm not going to Hell, thank you." he continued to look at you in a way unknown to you, making you feel kinda strange "Well, maybe just a quick visit. You might find it surprisingly pleasant." You rolled your eyes again, but there was something in your chest that you were very unfamiliar with. "I'll consider it, but this doesn't mean I like you or anything."
The boy chuckled, a teasing sound coming from his lips. "Oh, I'm not expecting you to confess your undying love for me just yet, Y/N. But I have to admit, that was flattering." You shot him a skeptical look, feeling a little hot for some unknown reason. Are you getting sick? No, that shouldn’t be it, maybe is the adrenaline, yeah that’s it.
"Is that your idea of a compliment?" He shrugged, noticing how your checks started to turn red "Take it however you want. Just remember, I'm always up for a challenge, especially if it involves the impossible of winning you over, Erdbeere(Strawberry)."
You raised an eyebrow at the unexpected nickname, playing on your face. "Erdbeere? Really?"
Kaiser grinned, undeterred by your reaction. "It suits you. Sweet, but with a bit of a bite. Plus, it's fun to see that tough exterior of yours crack a little."
You sighed, realizing that arguing with him would only fuel his teasing. "Whatever. Just focus on keeping up with the same performance as today"
He winked playfully, "Oh, I'll keep up, Erdbeere. Count on it."
as Kaiser turned to leave, his gaze lingered on you for a moment longer than necessary. The teasing smile on his face softened, revealing a hint of something more genuine. "See you tomorrow, Y/N," he said, his tone unexpectedly earnest.
You watched him go, and as the distance between you and him grew, you felt something. It was a feeling you couldn't quite describe, leaving you to question it.
Alone with your thoughts, you couldn't help but replay the conversation and the teasing remarks in your mind. Kaiser's parting words echoed, and the unexpected nickname he made up for you.
"Erdbeere," you whispered to yourself, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, you liked the sound of it - just maybe, you will let it slide this time.
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After the whole fiasco with the practice match and the “Strawberry incident”, as you liked to call it, the work in the facility was getting harder - running left and right to do tasks, printing documents, ordering equipment, dealing with the teasing remarks of this annoyingly tall boy with long gold locks and light blue eyes deep as the ocean you will let him drown. If he was on fire and you had a bottle of water - you'd drink it in front of him. Yet, amid the chaos, Michael Kaiser always managed to appear, like a haunting ghost, ready to jumpscare you in the most unexpected time.
One day, rushing to deliver some documents to the medical unit, he appeared beside you. His smirk was infuriatingly present, and his voice dripped with playful arrogance.
"Running again, Y/N? You should consider joining the team as a midfielder with all that sprinting you're doing." You shot him a warning look "Maybe if you spent less time making comments and more time working, we'd get things done faster."
Kaiser chuckled, unbothered. "Ah, but where's the fun in that? I'm just trying to lighten the mood, you are always so stressed."
"Your idea of 'fun' is questionable." you said, trying to ignore the strange flutter in your stomach that his teasing somehow managed to evoke.
As you reached the department of the medical unit, you thought you finally got rid of him. However, fate had other plans. On your way back, he appeared again, blocking your way. His tall frame casted a shadow over you, and his mischievous smile widened.
"Michael, move." you demanded with the use of his first name, trying to sound stern, but he merely leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.
"What's the rush, Y/N? Can't I talk to my amazing assistant coach?" he retorted, his eyes never leaving yours.
Annoyed, you attempted to sidestep him, but he effortlessly mirrored your movements. It became a silent dance, a game of cat and mouse in the narrow corridor. Every step you took, he countered, maintaining his blockade.
"Are you always this stubborn, or is it just for me?" he teased, a playful smile playing on his lips.
"Seriously, Kaiser, this isn't funny," you protested, feeling the irritation building up.
But he remained still, his teasing facade never fading. "Come on, now, Don't lie to yourself, you secretly enjoy our little meetings. The way your eyes light up when you see me says it all."
You scoffed, sticking out your tongue, "In your dreams." Deciding you'd had enough, you abruptly turned on your heel and started walking in the opposite direction. To your dismay, he followed, like a persistent shadow. The facility's corridors echoed with the sound of your hurried footsteps and his leisurely ones behind you until the two of you found yourselves in an empty, dimly lit room.
"Honestly what's your deal? Are you stalking me now? You like stalking girls? That's disgusting." you accused, narrowing your eyes.
He chuckled, leaning his back to the wall once again, while you were in the center of the room. "Stalking is such a harsh word. Let's call it... coincidental alignment of paths."
You groaned, turning to leave. However, in your haste, you tripped over your own feet and stumbled forward. In a split second, Kaiser went off the wall as he reached out his hands attempting to catch you mid-fall. Despite his efforts, fate had its way again, and you both fell, as you landed on top of him. Your arms were at the sides of his head, and your legs wrapped around his torso.
Time seemed to freeze for a moment, your eyes widened in surprise, your face millimeters from his, your lips slightly parting as you felt your whole body burning as your heart raced to the rhythm of an unspoken melody. Seeing his features closer, he was beautiful, and now you are the one drowning in the deep blue ocean that his eyes painted. You didn't know what was going on — you didn't know what emotions you were going through, as Kaiser's arms instinctively wrapped around your waist, an unfamiliar but very welcomed warmth spread over your body.
"I-I didn't mean to—this wasn't what I—"
"I've heard of falling for someone, but this is taking it quite literally," He teased, breaking the silence with his flirting, snapping you out of your trance.
You struggled to maintain your composure as you shuttered, attempting to push yourself off him. "G-get off me," your heart continued its upbeat dance, and you couldn't shake off the vivid image of his blue eyes that seemed to have cast a spell on you. 
"Technically, you are on top of me, Prinzessin" blushing furiously as Kaiser's teasing smirk only fueled your embarrassment, making you wish the ground would swallow you whole. The room felt like it had turned into a sauna, the tension thick enough to be cut off with a knife.
Just as the bickering reached its peak, the door swung open, and Ness, the ever-curious magician, stood in the doorway. His eyes widened at the scene before him, feeling a little confused at the sight.
"Oh sorry, am I interrupting something?" Ness quirked an eyebrow, his gaze shifting between Y/N and Kaiser. The two of you exchanged a quick, panicked glance, unsure of how to respond. "Yes/No!," Kaiser and you blurted out, your faces turning even redder. Kaiser, unfazed by the interruption, grinned, while you desperately tried to stay calm as possible.
Ness raised an eyebrow, a sly smile on his lips. "Really? Because it looks like I walked in on a very romantic moment of your little play. Do I need to put on some slowed music?" He walked into the room, closing the door behind him as he continued to stare at the two of you. "I had no idea I was walking into a romantic drama." You shot a glare at Kaiser, who only winked in response. Trying to divert the attention, you stammered, "N-no, Ness, it's not what you think. We were just..." Your voice trailed off as you struggled to come up with a plausible excuse.
He, on the other hand, couldn't resist. "Well, it depends on your definition of interrupting." Ness chuckled, sensing the tension in the air. "Alright, alright, I'll leave you two to your... whatever this is."  The room fell into an uneasy silence, broken only by your attempts to get up from Kaiser. "We were just, uh, having a disagreement," you finally managed to say, avoiding eye contact with both Ness and Kaiser.
Kaiser, ever the charmer, grinned at Ness. "Disagreements can be quite physical, apparently." Ness shook his head, still grinning. "Well, carry on, then. I'll just pretend I didn't see anything." As he left the room, he couldn't resist adding, "But next time, maybe lock the door." As the door closed behind Ness, you let out a breath you didn't realize were holding. Kaiser, however, couldn't help but laugh. "Quite the entrance, huh? Maybe we should argue more often."
Rolling your eyes at Kaiser's comment, you finally managed to free yourself from his grasp as you stood up in the fastest way possible, and he also rose from the ground. "Arguing more often? I think once is more than enough," you retorted, shooting him a disapproving look. Kaiser, still grinning, stretched lazily and got up from the floor. Ness's interruption had shifted the atmosphere in the room, and you couldn't shake off the embarrassment that lingered. "Thanks a lot for that," you muttered, shooting Kaiser another glare.
Seemingly unbothered, he placed a hand on his chest in mock offense. "Me? I didn't do anything. Ness just has unpredictable timing." He winked again, causing you to shake your head in disbelief. "Unpredictable timing, my foot. When will you stop with all of this? I can’t even have one peaceful day without you talking to me and saying all these things that you probably don’t even mean. Does it feel nice to play with someone’s feelings?"
Kaiser's smile faltered for a moment, his lively expression fading away as he saw yours. "Maybe I overdo it sometimes, but that doesn't mean I don't care."
You studied him for a moment, unsure whether to believe his sincerity or dismiss it as another one of his tricks. "Actions speak louder than words, Kaiser. If you genuinely care, maybe try showing it in a way that doesn't involve constant teasing and sarcasm."
The tension between you and him lingered as you both stared into each other's eyes trying to find answers locked in the depth of your souls. Finally, you decided it was time to leave "I'm going to go find Ness and make sure he doesn't go spreading any rumors," you announced, turning to leave the room. As you walked away, your mind was a swirling mess of emotions—something you couldn’t tell. He was still vivid in your thoughts, causing a knot to tighten in your stomach. As you looked behind, he was still there dusting off his clothes.
You furrowed your brows, awaiting the unknown territory of your own feelings. The warmth creeping into your cheeks and the soft tears started to paint over your face like rain. It was an unfamiliar sense, leaving you questioning the source. Was it just fire or something deeper that can get you burned?
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As the days passed, you found yourself avoiding him, unsure of what to think or feel. Everything was so messed up, that you barely slept or ate - when you were not helping your uncle in the faculty, you were at school, where suddenly your grades dropped, and you made excuses for your teachers and friends that you were busy with work - which is partly not a lie but not the whole truth either. Everyone sensed that something was troubling you, even so, you'd rather not tell a single living soul about it all. You couldn't escape the memories of that day, replaying the moment in your mind like a broken record.
Lost in thought, you didn’t realize that someone was next to you as you continued to pour water into the already full bottle that was overflowing over the sink until the person in question shook you by the shoulders. Without much reaction you turned around, your gaze clearly showing the sadness and lifelessness all over your face, you were tired of thinking about him. Your focus returned, the person in front of you was your uncle who was visibly worried about you. "What's going on, my dear? You know you can share everything with your old man" he said, the pain in his eyes to see his niece so down for the past week “It’s nothing … I am just trying to manage school and work.” Another lie left your lips.
Uncle Franz placed a gentle smile on his face. "I've known you since you were a kid. I can see through that facade. Something's eating you inside, and it's more than just school and work. Talk to me." You sighed, the weight of the past week bearing down on you. "It's just complicated, Uncle. I don't know how to put it into words."
He guided you to sit down at the bench near the sink, "Try me. I might be old, but I've been around the block a few times. I am sure it’s a boy problem. Because your mother was the same when she met your dad.”
How does he know it’s about a boy? Honestly, that was shocking to hear. Does he know about the strange situationship between you and Kaiser? Well, you hope he doesn't. Taking a deep breath, you began, "There's this boy, that I met not long ago, and let's say some things happened, and now I'm stuck in this mess. I can't escape it, and it's tearing me apart."
Your uncle listened intently, his eyes reflecting genuine concern. "Love can be a tricky thing, my dear. But keeping it all bottled up inside won't help. Who is this guy, and what happened?" Is that what they call love? Feeling this way because it's terrible not knowing what you want from yourself—you hesitated to answer, unsure if you want to share the details. "It's just someone, not a big deal."
“It’s Michael, isn’t it?” Your eyes widened upon your uncle’s question, and your eyes started to water, as you tried your best not to cry again. Starting to have a thing for someone is a hell of a ride, so you are going to play dumb "I don't know a person by that name." Not that dumb.
Uncle Franz leaned back. "You can deny it all you want, my dear, but your eyes just told me everything I needed to know." Feeling a mix of embarrassment, you laughed nervously, “I think you should go and get your eyes checked, you are starting to see things.” he looked at you with raised eyebrows, apparently he didn't believe you - no one would in those circumstances.
"Okay, maybe it is Michael. But it's complicated. He's so confusing, and I don't even know what he wants."
Uncle Franz patted your head ruffling your hair, "You don't know because you haven't tried talking to him. You should not be scared; just do what your heart wants.” and maybe he was right, he was always right. You just smiled at him, whipping your tears, letting him know you would try - someday eventually. “But if he hurts you one more time, we will have serious problems.” You laughed nervously, should you be scared or just revealed - guess there's one way to find out.
He stood up from the bench looking at you once more "Now cheer up and come with me, there is something I need to tell everyone on the team” and you also went with him, going into the field where they practiced.
A whistle signaled it was time for a break. Everyone gathered around the benches as you stayed closely behind your uncle, who clapped his hands, turning everyone's attention onto him, except for the boy with the blond hair who was looking at you. He took a good look at you - first at your lips, which were stuck together like a solid line, then your eyes, they shimmered with traces of sadness, yet beneath the surface, something else lingered, revealing your soul. Each glance reflected the emotions within your heart. Have you been crying? Is it because of me? He couldn't shake the feeling that he was probably the reason for your sorrow. As the others chatted, he found himself unable to look away, his attention remained fixed on you, trying to ignore the questions swirling in his mind. 
“Even if it’s a friendly game with Dortmund’s U-20, we should give our best, okay? Make sure to get enough sleep and don’t skip your meals, it’s important to have your body and mind in top shape.” your uncle's voice spoke once more as the rest of the team could be heard agreeing on the upcoming friendly game with the club's biggest rival “And Kaiser you better be excellent, no missing targets, no missing shots, no mistakes. I want you to be focused next week, on the maximum output, got it?” then the coach addressed him specifically, and for the first time, Kaiser was somewhat frightened by his look, which held something very personal against him. “Yes, sir. I will do my best” he replied, masking his uneasiness with confidence. “Good, now the training is over. You can go to your dorms and rest.”
And with that, everyone scattered, leaving just the two of you, feeling his gaze still lingering on. His blue eyes seemed to be looking into your soul, he knew what was wrong with you and that he was the reason behind it all. He wanted to apologize to you, he really did, but something was stopping him and he didn't know what exactly. Come on, say something. Alas nothing came out from his mouth, and you just turned and left without saying a word, even if you wanted to talk to him too — you didn't, leaving him with his feeling of guilt.
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The day for the team to leave for Dortmund came, as there were no problems with the flight, but now you were at the hotel, where a big misunderstanding occurred. Being part of the female staff, you had to share a room with one of them, but the hotel receptionist thought you were part of the boy’s team, being a teenager. While everyone was settled, you stayed in the lobby as your uncle talked with the hotel staff, and Ness and Kaiser stood across from you on the sofa. The two of them were talking, and you were lost in thoughts about whether a room would be found for you. 
Your uncle returned from the reception "The problem is solved," he said as you were more than happy to go to your room and enjoy some alone time, "But you will have a room tomorrow, because some of the guests will be leaving then," and your smile faded away, faster than it appeared.
At that moment, Ness nudged Kaiser's shoulder signaling him to act, "I can share my room with you." the striker offered, the keys hanging from his hand with a slight smile on his face. Your eyes widened when you heard the offer. “Absolutely no-”
"Fine, but no funny business." your uncle cut you off, as you looked at him with the most shocked face, your gaze met Kaiser's who had been staring at you this whole time. They can't be serious, you thought, Uncle Franz can't be serious. You mentally facepalmed yourself, having enough headaches, this was just the icing on the cake.
Of all people of course it was him. What did you do in your past life to end up in such situations? Did you murder someone, poison a royalty, or haven’t paid your debt — well you sure are paying it now. 
You got up and took the keys from his hand, eyeing him suspiciously, as you got your luggage and went to the elevator before telling him not to bother you. Well, that wasn't the conversation Kaiser hoped to have with you, but it's still something. He turned to look at your uncle, now that you were not here. “Coach, are you sure this is going to work?” 
Franz chuckled, patting Kaiser on the shoulder. "Sometimes, putting people in unexpected situations helps them see things differently. Who knows, maybe sharing a room will sort the things between you two."
The boy sighed, unsure about how this would play out, as Ness patted him on the back "I just hope she doesn't make this more difficult than it already is."
“And I hope you won’t do anything more than talking. Like I said earlier, no funny business.” Kaiser just nodded “I promise."
Meanwhile, you were in the elevator, still processing the fact that you had to share a room with Kaiser, good thing you won’t sleep on the same bed. As the elevator arrived at your floor you took a deep breath and walked down the corridor, finding the room that matched the key. Opening the door, you were greeted with a very beautiful interior, a nice view of the lively night in Dortmund and ... one bed. Great, things can’t get any worse, can they? 
Placing your suitcase by the bed, opening it and pulling out your pajamas. You started to undress when you heard the door open, seeing wisps of blonde hair. Panicking you raised your voice to him not to enter the room as you were still in your underwear. God, how many awkward situations are there to overcome.
Kaiser froze at the door, his hand still on the handle, as he realized the awkward situation he had just walked into. "Sorry" he quickly averted his gaze. "I didn't know you were... I'll just wait outside.” He said, closing the tiny gap he left open. 
You put on your pajamas faster than Usain Bolt can run. Once you were ready you took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down as you went to open the door to let him enter. It was his room after all, you can't keep him outside even if you wanted to.
As you opened the door, Kaiser stood there, his cheeks slightly flushed with embarrassment, so were yours "I'm sorry about that," he apologized again  "I should have knocked, or... I don't know, you should have locked the door. You know, it could have been some stranger.”
Well he was right, you should have locked the door and kept him outside to sleep on the carpet in the hallway. You didn't say anything, you just went and sat on the bed picking up the phone to check the time [22:22] well better make a wish. You ignored him as he sat on the other side of the bed so you were back to back. 
Kaiser cleared his throat, breaking the silence, “I brought you this” he said, handing you a bar of chocolate, still faced with his back. As you took the chocolate you couldn't help but notice the warmth that was forming in your heart, despite the awkwardness. "Thanks," you muttered, feeling a bit guilty for your initial reaction earlier "I'm sorry too," you finally spoke up, turning slightly to face him. "I didn't mean to be rude to you. Well, maybe I did because you deserved it.”
He turned to face you, a small smile on his lips. "It's alright,Y/N”  he said softly, turning around as his eyes met yours. You agreed, offering him a smile too. "So, uh, I'll just go get changed in the bathroom, and then we can go to sleep." You nodded your head again watching as he got up from the bed and made his way to the bathroom. As the door closed behind him, you let out a big sigh, silence enveloping you again. You decided to start making the bed while he was getting changed. Putting the extra pillows between the mattress, marking the ‘territory’ as you lay down and curled up under the covers of your part. 
You heard the door open and then his footsteps approaching, looking up from the barricade he wore a plain white shirt that was more loose, revealing more of his blue rose tattoo, it was a beautiful design you can't lie, and a pair of black shorts. He too looked at the pillowed wall, then at you with raised brows. “If you don't want to share a bed, I can sleep on the couch.” 
“Not that I don't want to, but the couch is too small and neither you nor I can sleep comfortably on it. So that's why I put pillows in the middle, you have your part, and I have mine.” you explained, leaving him a little bit hurt because of this separation, but whatever you are comfortable with, of course. “Well, sure”
He got under his covers, trying to get cozy but the wall next to him was something he wanted to remove. How much longer are you going to hide from him? Did you hate him so much that you didn't want to see him, in the room where you both were? Guess he will talk to you tomorrow.
No, fuck that. He isn't a scaredy cat anymore, he is not the mentally weak person who constantly gave up on things he believed to be impossible. Because the chance to make it up with you is now — it's not tomorrow, it's not the next day, week, month or year. It's now.
He sat up and removed the one pillow that was separating you from seeing your faces. Catching you, closing your eyes, observing your expression how you tried to keep this innocent sleeping face, and how your chest raised with every breath. You were a good assistant and 'architect', but not a good actress.
“Y/N, I know you are not sleeping,” he whispered your name, his voice soft and full of emotion. You opened your eyes, meeting his gaze, well he got you no point of pretending now. “Let's discuss everything that has happened so far. We are all alone here, no one to interrupt us.”
You sat up too,leaning back on the wooden frame, hugging your knees beneath the fluffy cover. He reached out to gently brush a strand of hair away from your face, his touch gentle and warm. He noticed your nervousness, and he reassured you, with a smile "It's okay, You can tell me anything." His voice was soothing, making you calm down. 
You took a deep breath, struggling to form the words you had been holding back for so long. Your heart raced as you finally found the courage to speak, “I... I've been wanting to say... that I... I..." your voice trailed off, the words catching in your throat as you fought against your fear, this was meant to be an easy task, just to talk it out and end of story. But love is no easy task, it's a challenge that you either take and win or leave with the feeling of despair after the loss. You met his gaze, seeing nothing but love reflected back at you. 
“I like you,” you finally confessed “And I didn't know what to do after all the bickering we had, you left me questioning my entire existence. Making me feel all giddy and nervous, making me confused about your own intentions.” you felt a weight lift off your chest, he listened absorbing every word you uttered.
The soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he reached out to cup your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "I like you too," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper, yet carrying a weight of sincerity that warmed your heart. "More than you can imagine."
You leaned into his touch, savoring the warmth and comfort he offered. "I'm sorry for everything," he murmured, his gaze filled with remorse and affection. "I never meant to hurt you. I didn't know how to approach you properly, and I wanted you to notice me. I wanted you to have eyes only for me and no one else, to think only of me. The only impossible challenge was to make you fall in love with me, but I don’t think I have to worry anymore ."
You shook your head gently, reaching out to intertwine your fingers with his, feeling the warmth of his hand. You hesitated when your lips brushed against his own. You froze. What were you doing, kissing Michael Kaiser? You weren’t even sure if all the hatred you used to hold for him was now gone. He breathed in deeply. “Can I?" You took a moment of thought before you nodded, his hands now cupping your cheeks. His hands were so gentle, but the way he kissed you was not so much. It was like he was starving for you, the kiss sloppy, his tongue licking your lips, trying to taste all of you. 
By the time he stopped, you forgot how to breathe, taking in a deep breath, and so did he. Despite how hot and hungry that kiss was—perhaps even able to fulfill a person's hunger for another—he was still starved for more. His lips brushed against yours once more, this time, there was no hesitation on your part. You leaned into the kiss, letting yourself get lost as you felt him smile.
His hands trailed down your arms as they settled on your waist, pulling you closer to him. The world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you, wrapped up in each other's embrace. As the kiss deepened, passion flared between you, igniting a fire that burned brighter with each passing moment. His tongue danced with yours, exploring every inch of your mouth as if trying to memorize the taste of you.
Time seemed not to exist anymore, as all that mattered was the feel of Kaiserl's lips against yours and the way his touch set your skin ablaze with desire. When the kiss finally ended, you were left breathless, your heart pounding in your chest as you struggled to catch your breath. And as you stared into each other's eyes and as they say, eyes are windows to the soul, you knew one thing for sure — he will forever be yours, and you will be forever his.
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The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, making you arise from your deep slumber, slowly opening your eyes, trying to remember where you were. You had a very strange dream where you got to share a room with Kaiser and you two kissed. It was a nice dream indeed but things like this happened only in the romantic movies.
You wanted to go to the bathroom, but something stopped you from standing up. Confusion was encountered because why was there anything stopping you from getting up. As you took in your surroundings, the details of the dream flooded back to you—the shared room, the confession, and most importantly the unexpected kiss. It felt so vivid, so real, that it left you questioning whether was it really a dream. Looking down to see the force that kept you in a place came not from anyone - but from Kaiser himself. Wait a damn minute, Kaiser!?, you thought to yourself panicking in the process.
Reaching out and touching Kaiser's shoulder, half expecting him to vanish like a fragment of your imagination, but be was very much real , as his soft breathing and light snores reassured you that he was peacefully asleep. He turned around, pulling you down again, your back leaning against his chest, as the warmth of his embrace enveloped you like a comforting blanket. It wasn't a dream. You were indeed lying beside Michael Kaiser.
Wait, so the kiss is real? No, it can't be... right? A million questions ran through your head as you felt him rest his head on the crook of your neck. You suddenly went numb, but tried to see his face one more time, and to your suprise he blinked, trying to open his eyes, with a smile so angelic, for a person with such devilish persona.
"Good morning, Meine Liebe" he said, his voice husky and raspy. You couldn't help but blush at they way these words came out from him, "Good morning," you managed to reply, your own voice contracts to his was soft, barely above a whisper.
His arms tightened around you, pulling you even closer as he pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek. "About last night..." he started, trailing off as if searching for the right words.
"Yeah?" you gulped, suddenly feeling scared about what he might say next. "I meant every word ," he confessed, his gaze locking with yours. "And I meant that kiss too." Your heart skipped a beat, realizing that everything didn't happened in dreamland. It was real, just like the feelings between the both of you.
"I... I don't know what to say," you admitted, feeling overwhelmed by his intense but loving gaze. "You don't have to," he assured you, moving the hand that rested behind your head to pinch the check he kissed you not a moment ago. "Just know that we are together from now on.”
As you absorbed his words, a mixture of disbelief and joy washed over you. 
"Together, huh?" you echoed, seeking confirmation in his eyes. Kaiser nodded, his expression serious yet filled with a warmth that melted your worries away. "Yes, together. Me and you, like a couple."
A wide smile broke across your face, and you couldn't contain the happiness within you. "I like the sound of it.” you replied, as he smiled back at you. "Glad to hear that, Erdbeere." As you settled back into the warmth of his embrace, a comfortable silence wrapped around both of you. 
"My uncle will kill you tho." Kaiser chuckled, as he played with your hair. "Don't worry about it, he won't."
Somewhere in the hotel restaurant, Uncle Franz was on the verge of killing the first thing he saw because Kaiser was late for breakfast, and so were you. “I am going to kill that boy.”
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Kaiser touched the strands of his overgrown and messy hair as he stared at his reflection in the mirror, "I need a change," he said to Ness, who was glad to do anything for his friend.
“Like a new hairstyle?” The magician asked, wondering what was wrong with his long hair. “Yeah, Y/N said that it was getting in the way, when we cuddled. And also tying it up while playing every second bothers me.”
“Well, I am willing to help, we should have scissors in the cupboards. Go sit while I find them.” the striker sat down in the chair in front of the mirror when his friend returned with the scissors.
With tentative snips and Ness transformed Kaiser's lion mane into a stylish cut, an improvised mullet you can say. As the blonde boy was looking at himself in the big bathroom mirror, and Ness admiring his final product a knock was heard from the door. You entered with a plastic bag full of snacks — it was their day off, so you thought you’d spoil them a little but.
Proudly, he turned to you, his girlfriend of one month, to hear your opinion. "Yes, definitely! And why not add something more? How about dying the mullet blue? It will match with your tattoo."
“Sounds nice, but we don't have blue dye right now.” Kaiser said, knowing that he will have to ask Ness to go to the store to buy one, “Don't worry, I do.” 
“Liebe, why do you carry hair dye in your bag?” he asked, surprised by the fact you had the item in your backpack “Well, I thought you would need one, intuition I guess.” No, it wasn't an intuition, he just talked everyday about wanting to dye his hair blue and you decided to carry a blue dye, just in case.
Women's intuition is a scary thing, he will know from now on not to mess up anything, because either way, you'll find out. But that was a worry for another day, now Kaiser was very happy with the end results. And it's the Michael Kaiser you will see from now on. 
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Inside a very beautiful and cozy home, you tried to catch your energetic daughter, Mikaela, who was bubbling with excitement as the day of her dad’s arrival from the football tournament marked on the calendar finally came. Her giggles filled the air as she darted around the house, her tiny feet pattering against the floor, as you yelled while holding your 9-month-old son Matteo in your arms, who was laughing and clapping his hands at the sight, as you attempted to catch the energetic 4-year-old girl. “Mika, please stop running around, or you will hurt yourself.”
“Mama, I can't hear you!” How can she take so much from him, but not me? Just as you attempt to hold onto her tiny hand, the doorbell chimes. "It's Daddy!" Mikaela rushes to the door tip-toeing to reach the handle of the metal and swings it open, revealing your husband standing there, a wide grin on his face at the sight of his daughter.
Kaiser's heart swells with joy at the sight of his daughter waiting for him at the door. He bends down to scoop her up in his arms, lifting her as she squeals with delight. "Hey there, my little princess!" he exclaims, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
As Mikaela showers him with hugs and kisses, Kaiser spots Matteo nestled in his wife's arms, a smile spreading across the baby's face as he reaches out his chubby arms towards his father. With a chuckle, Kaiser takes Matteo from you, exchanging a loving glance before enveloping you in a warm embrace, holding you close as he presses a gentle kiss to your lips.
But their tender moment is interrupted by Mikaela's voice piping up, "Daddy, what about me?" she pouts, her arms outstretched towards her father. Kaiser laughs heartily, balancing Matteo in one arm as he bends down to scoop Mikaela up into his arms once more. He showers her with kisses, making her giggle as he sets her down, as she eagerly reaches out for the brightly wrapped present he’s been hiding behind his back, giving you some time to see each other up close, and not from the small telephone screen.
But before Mikaela can even fully enjoy her new toy, Matteo starts wriggling in his arms. "My little boy missed me too, right?" he coos, as the baby starts laughing from happiness, kicking his little feet, "See Y/N, I told you he is a future football star. Look at that kick!"
As Kaiser holds Matteo, you wrap your arms around him again. "Welcome home, my love," you whisper, giving his lips a little peck. Kaiser returns the embrace, holding you close as he breathes in the familiar scent of home. Just when you think the moment couldn’t get any sweeter, Mikaela pipes up, tugging at Kaiser’s sleeve. "Daddy, what about me? I want more kisses too!" she exclaims, puckering her lips in exaggerated anticipation.
Kaiser chuckles warmly, bending down to scoop Mikaela up once again. "Of course, sweetheart," he says, planting a flurry of kisses on her cheeks as she laughs at her father's teasing and you watch with a smile on your face your small loving family, and how you can't ask for more because you have him and you love him more than anything.
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©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work.
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bruhnze · 1 month
Personal records - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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This is for the pookie that asked. Thank you @okaybronze i had fun writing this, this one is dedicated to you!
Thank you to this, this, this, this and thisssss anon. (you guys sure know how to inspire me)
Summary: This is in an alternative universe where Ona and Lucy are not footballers. Lucy is a personal trainer, Ona is a buisnesswoman.
Wordcount: a bigggggg one 12k+, so i advise to get comfy
Warnings: Minors DNI, smut. It has a lottt of plot bcs i got carried away, but what's new :)
I hope you like it, and i hope i didn't make any mistakes while copy-pasting this thing to here, as this was quite the big one and i proofread in Word so.. if something doesn't make sense, you can ask me, i think i did it right tho :)
Personal Records.
The Batlle family was one of the richest families on the whole planet of earth. In the last years of his working life, Ona's grandfather had completely invested in the internet and technology. His eldest son, Ona's father, had taken over the business and helped it to even greater success. They dominated the tech industry, from hospital equipment to mobile phones and coffee machines.
With so much money and only two children, Ona and her brother Joan were doing anything but bad.
Yet, especially since she had that head start, Ona wanted to create a legacy of her own. Unlike Joan, who filled his time with vacations and his DJ career.
But Ona’s passion wasn’t tech, she liked using her iPhone, yes, but she had no special talent or interest in the subject.
No. Her passion was architecture. She had studied it in college and with her dad paying her tuition,  it gave her all the time in the world to go networking at business events. One thing led to another, and by the age of 20 she already owned 15 buildings.
Now, just after her 25th birthday, she had a portfolio of hundreds of buildings and apartments, and was a very well-known high-class real estate agent all over Europe.
She didn’t like the way her life was filled to the brim with meeting after meeting and the fact that she sometimes felt like she was living in airplanes more than in buildings, the thing she loved most in the world, but it was worth it if she could once again sell a characteristic old building to the right owner.
That was the most perfect thing about her profession in Ona’s opinion, sometimes a house was perfect for a certain type of person, she couldn't explain it, it was just a feeling, but when she closed such a deal, it was one of the few moments that Ona could feel a little bit of satisfaction and happiness flowing through her body.
This had been a problem for a long time, she had been through some difficult years, feeling lonely at times and working far too hard without having an outlet.
After talking to some professionals and trying a few things, Ona discovered what worked perfectly for her: so she hired a personal assistant and got on weekly exercise sessions.
Sophia was a perfect PA, she was a 33 year old woman who was dedicated to work just as much as Ona was and most of all she could speak English perfectly, as she was from the United Kingdom. That was exactly what Ona needed as she got most tired from answering all the endless calls that she received.
The exercising also worked out perfectly. Her PA always found a personal trainer for her, no matter what city they were staying in. The first few months Ona really had to get in shape, but now she always came back with a wonderfully empty head after sweating for those two hours and of course, the six-pack she ended up with was also a great bonus.
This summer she had to spend in London, it was not really her preferred place to be for the next month or two, as English summers were not really something to write home about, but with the deals she had waiting for her, she happily went.
What also helped was the beautiful apartment she had in the center of London, overlooking the bridge, it was one of her favorite houses.
But besides the deals she had to close, she also wanted to relax and exercise a bit. Maybe she would even have time to go shopping.
Wednesday – Ona’s penthouse, London
A week before the big deal, Sophia and Ona arrived in London.
"Miss Batlle," the doorman said, as they walked into the building where Ona ‘lived’, or at least she did for 1 or 2 months a year. She was surprised they guy remembered and greeted him happily.
‘’You sure you don’t want an hotel room?’’ Ona asked as they were standing in the elevator.
Sophia shook her head, ‘’for me it’s easier to be close to you, safes me travel time’’ she sincerely confirmed, ‘’oh gosh, do you want some privacy, I’m sorry I didn’t-
‘’No, no, está bien’’ Ona smiled, ‘’I admire your work ethic, I was just wondering if you didn’t miss privacy’’.
‘’Well your penthouse is very big’’ Sophia smiled, ‘’and it’s not like I have a husband to call or something’’.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona grinned, ‘’our love lives are doomed’’.
A careful smile tugged on Sophia’s mouth, ‘’well, it has been a while since I had to leave space for a date in your schedule’’.
Ona smiled internally at the way Sophia got more and more comfortable with her, she was usually very professional, something Ona admired, but sometimes she felt Sophia and her could be friends a bit more, as she suspected her PA was actually a pretty funny person.
‘’It has’’ Ona confirmed, ‘’i'm basically celibate at this point’’, she added chuckling.
At the same time the elevator stopped at the top floor with a ding.
‘’It is true though’’, Ona said as she stepped out the elevator to open the door ‘’maybe I should add searching dating sites to your to do’s’’.
Sophia groaned as she followed her, ‘’I’ll do it if you would really want that, but I do want to show you my current to do list before’’.
‘’I’m joking Soph’’ Ona said as she took of her heels and dropped her handbag, ‘’I trust you a lot, but, I do think love is something that just needs to happen, I don’t believe in dating apps’’.
‘’Well I do think you need to go out to make that happen’’ Sophia chuckled, ‘’or are you hoping to have a really hot woman buying a house off of you?’’.
‘’Hmm’’, Ona said as she walked into the big living area and stared outside of the windows, ‘’that would be the best thing ever, and I’d know she got taste’’.
Laughing Sophia walked in behind her, pulling her suitcase along ‘’do I got the same room as last time?’’.
Sophia laughed to herself as she walked to the familiar room she had slept in before, recognizing that Ona had entered her thoughtful mode, something that often happened in places with a good view, and when Ona was thinking it was best not to disturb her.
They had ordered dinner, a bit tired from the travel they had decided to eat in and discussing the details of their work trip and calling it an early night.
Sophia had already set up meetings with various clients in a rented meeting room, made a list with properties they needed to visit and when the viewings would be and had booked a personal trainer.
‘’Sadly she is only available once a week’’ Sophia had said, knowing Ona liked to exercise two times a week for two hours, ‘’but she was the only one available in this period, apparently most trainers have this thing called -summer break-‘’ she joked, ‘’but she is really good, I read a dozen of reviews and she also trains athletes when they’re in between seasons’’.
‘’She?’’ Ona asked after the PA was done talking.
Sophia stilled, ‘’oh is that not-
‘’It’s okay, just surprised’’.
‘’I read she can be quite the pusher, helping people break their personal records’’.
Ona laughed, ‘’well I hope she doesn’t expect such a level of me’’.
Sophia frowned, ‘’you’re well fit, I’ve seen you in the pool, you have a killer body’’.
‘’Aesthetics is different to performance’’ Ona decided, ‘’anyways, thanks for arranging that, you’re the best’’.
Friday morning – Ona’s penthouse
‘’Okay I’m heading out to the gym then’’ Ona called through the living space.
‘’Have fun’’ Sophia called back, ‘’don’t break too many personal records!’’.
Friday morning - Bronze Fitness Forge
It was a nice building, Ona was pleased as she walked inside to search for the gym owned by one ‘Lucy Bronze’.
Ona thought it was a perfect name for a business owner and she liked the way the nameplates that showed the way were also done in Bronze, it was chic.
The Catalan businesswoman got to the front desk and told the lady behind it her name.
"Ah for Bronze herself" the lady smiled, "you may use dressing room 2, you will recognize it by the number on the door, when you've changed you just go through the other door in the changing room and then you're in the gym".
"Great. Thank you." Ona said in her business voice. It just happened whenever she spoke to people that were working.
"You can leave your bag inside the changing room but we've also got lockers".
"It's okay" Ona said, "only have some clothes with me".
The changing room looked very nice, Ona appreciated the way that this whole place was set up, it was not clinical or characterless, but it was very neat.
After changing, Ona went into the gym.
A dark-haired woman, just a little taller than her stood with her back to the door, the silhouette was muscular built, broad shoulders protruding from the tank top she wore.
Ona cleared her throat, ´´hello´´.
 The woman turned around from what she was doing and met her with a smile, ´´oh hey´´ she said, ´´uhm´´, she strutted over to Ona and offered her hand, ´´Lucy´´.
´´Ona´´, Ona replied as she mirrored the smile Lucy was wearing. Ona was delighted to notice the woman infront of was rather hot, but she didn´t want to be objectifying and most of all, she was here to clear her head, not to drool over a woman. So she shook the thought from her head and focused back on what she was here for.
´´So´´ Lucy said as she retracted her hand.
Only then Ona realized she was shaking it for a little too long.
´´Oh yes, I´m here for a two hour training session´´.
´´Yes´´ Lucy chuckled, Ona thought it made her look cute, ´´so what are we working with, you didn´t attach a schedule or any of your records or something, did you bring them?´´.
‘’What?’’ Ona said confused, ‘’records?’’.
‘’Yeah what field are you in?’’ Lucy tried, ‘’What do you need working on this summer?’’.
‘’Ohhh’’ Ona breathed out with a laugh, realizing what Lucy was thinking, ‘’I am not an athlete’’.
Lucy scrunched her nose and her head turned slightly in confusion, ‘’not?’’.
‘’No I’m town for business and I always train with a personal trainer, my PA booked you’’.
‘’Do you not train, uh, regular people?’’.
‘’Oh uh, yes’’, Lucy blushed.
‘’Okay no offense’’ Lucy said carefully, ‘’but they’re usually.. a bit.. older’’.
Now it was Ona’s turn to be confused, ‘’why?’’.
‘’it’s expensive’’ Lucy said, hating herself for being so awkward.
‘’ohhh’’ Ona chuckled, ‘’well we better spend those expensive minutes good, shall we?’’.
‘’Yeah I’m sorry, I’m trying to work on that whole -not judging people by their cover- thing’’.
‘’It’s okay’’ Ona said cheerfully ‘’I come to clear my head before I have some important meetings next week’’.
‘’Great’’, Lucy said as she had called herself back to her senses ‘’and how can I help you with that’’.
‘’Well, I always go to a personal trainer because I don’t know anything about training, so I just - listen, do it and enjoy the muscle ache the day after’’.
‘’Hey’’ Lucy laughed, ‘’people always call me crazy when I say - I enjoy that’’.
Ona shrugged, ‘’one of the few things that make me feel alive’’.
“Okay, so you want to get completely worn out” Lucy chuckled, “we’ll make that happen”.
Ona gulped as Lucy took off, damn, this woman was cute.
They had been working out for almost 2 hours without much talking, Ona enjoyed it, Lucy respected the fact that she was doing this for relaxation, not for dumb chit chat, she hated when trainers were like that.
‘’Do you have a neck issue?’’ Lucy asked out of the blue.
Ona looked up, surprised but not in a negative sense ‘’yeah, how did you notice?’’.
‘’It’s stiff’’ Lucy stated, ‘’ I graduated as a sports physiotherapist’’ she offered as an explanation.
 ‘’Yes and right now I’m working on some injury research, stretching and massages are a great interventions for stiffness’’.
‘’So next time we start with neck stretches?’’ Ona joked.
Lucy nodded, ‘’best recipe is stretching – exercise – tissue massage’’.
''Well then, guess I'll do that next time, sometimes my neck really hurts, so I hope it will help''.
‘’Your neck hurts?’’.
‘’Yes, I always just assume it’s my stress traveling to my weak spot’’.
‘’Do you want me to massage that right now really quick? We’ve got-‘’ she looked at her watch, ‘’-10 minutes left’’.
‘’You?’’ Ona let out before she could stop herself.
Lucy crooked her head ‘’yeah?’’ she laughed, ‘’who else?’’.
‘’Ahh’’ Ona chuckled as she spotted the physio bench in the corner of the gym, ''that's where that thing is for''.
‘’Yup’’ Lucy said as she swayed on her feet, ‘’So cooling down? Or quick rub down of the neck?’’.
‘’Well if you’re offering..’’ Ona said as she looked at the big hands Lucy fiddled with, ‘’I do have to warn you that I’m a bit sweaty’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’if you weren’t I wouldn’t be good at my job’’.
Friday - Ona's penthouse
‘’Hello’’, Ona called out as she stepped back into her apartment. She felt amazing, Lucy was great with her hands and after the hot shower she took, she felt totally relaxed.
‘’How was it?’’, Sophia asked from behind her computer.
‘’fucking amazing’’ Ona said dreamily, before she stepped into the living room and snapped back to reality, ‘’uh yeah, it was good’’.
Sophia chuckled, ‘’whattt happeneddddd?’’.
‘’She’s hot’’ Ona said as she went through the fridge, ‘’and great with her hands’’.
‘’WHAT?’’ Sophia yelped, ‘’did you hook up with her?’’.
‘’Oh dios mío Soph! no, who do you think I am!’’ Ona shook her head amused, ‘’she gave me a sports massage’’.  
‘’Ohhh, hot and handy’’ Sophia chuckled.
‘’You sure you couldn’t book her for more than once a week?’’.
‘’I’ll try again for you’’ Sophia said with a grin, ‘’maybe I can book her for some nightly exercises’’.
‘’Soph!’’ Ona said sternly, ‘’no objectification!’’.
‘’Sorry miss Batlle’’ Sophia answered timidly, ‘’I’ll call them later’’.
‘’It’s okay’’ Ona smiled, ‘’thanks for getting groceries’’ she said as she took eggs from the fridge.
Tuesday evening - Bronze Fitness Forge, London
It was a couple of days later, Sophia had bribed Lucy Bronze’s secretary if she could at least ask the woman herself if she could do a couple of more lessons, ‘’Hello, yes, Miss Batlle’s PA, uhm, my boss, she wants to exercise two times a week and I was wondering if you had some more spaces available, she doesn’t mind if it’s outside of office hours, or if it costs extra’’.
Eventually she had persuaded the woman, one and a half times the rate for two hours in the evening, when Lucy actually exercised herself.
Sophia didn't mind making a little effort, she was just happy that Ona was okay with the trainer, that couldn’t always be said.
So this night, at a quarter to eight, Ona walked towards the building with the ‘Bronze Fitness Forge’ logo and headed in.
‘’Hey, miss Batlle’’ Lucy called out from a few meters behind and started jogging towards the door.
Ona held it open for her, ‘’you can call me Ona’’ she said as she let the woman pass.
‘’Oh right, hi Ona’’ Lucy smiled awkwardly, ‘’uhm, to the gym?’’.
Lucy unlocked the door and let Ona in, out of habit Ona walked to dressing room 2, the one she’d used earlier this week too.
Lucy hesitated about what to do, she cringed at herself, she wished she was a bit smoother, ''hey uhm, my stuff is also in 2'' she said as she stopped the door from closing.
''Oh'', Ona looked up, ''i can go to the other-
'''No i'll just take my bag'' Lucy rushed to say.
''Oh no'' Ona said, ''it doesn't bother me, you can change in here as far as I'm concerned''.
‘’O-Okay’’ Lucy said as she looked at the smaller woman, ‘’sure you don’t mind?’’.
Ona looked up with a smile, ‘’should I?’’.
Lucy looked startled ‘’No no, I was just --’’ she mumbled and swallowed the rest of the sentence.
Ona zipped her bag open and got her gym shoes out, she now stood with her back to Lucy, ‘’anyways, had a good dinner?’’ she asked, trying to start some conversation.
‘’Uh yeah’’ Lucy said, now also starting to get her things ‘’I cooked some chicken and vegetables’’.
‘’Nice’’ Ona said as she shimmied down her pants.
Lucy gaze fell on the Spaniards behind, she shook her head, she couldn’t be looking at a client like this, ‘’d-did you have a good dinner?’’ she asked, taking of her shirt.
Ona turned around and sat down on the bench to put her shorts on ‘’yeah I had-‘’  she lagged as she saw the shirtless woman infront of her, who was currently standing with her arms up, struggling to find her arm holes it seemed, she cleared her throat ‘’uhm, I had a business dinner, it was nice but sometimes I get a bit tired of it’’.
Lucy’s head popped up and they looked at eachother. Lucy smiled, ‘’is that why you needed more exercise?’’.
Ona didn’t feel the need to explain anything, frankly, there was not really anything to explain. She had settled for one time a week as she hadn’t known the woman was hot an amazing personal trainer, now that she knew, her assistant had booked her some more time, so she settled on just saying ‘’yes’’.
‘’What branch are you in anyways?’’ Lucy asked as she switched her pants.
‘’Uhm’’ Ona said as she took of her top, ‘’I am a real estate agent’’.
‘’Really’’ Lucy stared at her, partly because she was surprised, partly because the woman looked mesmerizing.
Ona sat up and digged through her bag, it was awkward that she still had to put on her sports bra ‘’yes, I have real estate in a few cities throughout Europe’’ she said and finally found the sports bra. She figured she just had to put no attention to it and quickly get it over with.
Bronze sat down to put her shoes on, ‘’oh.. real estate in a few cities throughout Europe’’ she repeated, ‘’impressive’’.
‘’Thanks’’ Ona said as she took her bra of, ‘’your business is too’’ she turned her head to Lucy ‘’how old are you anyways?’’.
Lucy looked up and blushed when she saw Ona’s bare back, ‘’uhm, I’m 32, and you?’’.
Ona smiled at her, ‘’25’’.
‘’Ah shit, we aren't past your bedtime, are we?’’ Lucy mocked and grinned.
Ona clutched her sports bra infront of her chest and turned around with narrowed eyes, ‘’don’t mock me’’ she said sternly, like how she’d put her workers in place. She had dealt with enough age discrimination, it annoyed her that Lucy did this.
Lucy apologized ‘’oh I’m sorry.. uhm.. I didn’t mean it like that’’. Ona turned around and quickly pulled the sports bra on,.
‘’Uhm, I will start to set up some things, see you in a bit’’ Lucy said before she quickly rushed out of the locker room.
Ona finished dressing up by putting her shoes on and followed her.
‘’Hey I’m sorry, it’s just-  Ona stopped as she saw Lucy carrying a weight plate to the matts.
Lucy smiled ‘’I’m sorry too, I am a bit stupid sometimes, you should take everything I say with a pinch of salt.. i suck at talking to people that’s why I chose sports’’.
‘’-sometimes people do not take me serious because of my age’’ Ona confessed, ‘’it’s a bit of a sensitive topic for me’’.
‘’I am sorry’’, Lucy said sincerely.
Ona shook her head, ‘’you’re aloud to make jokes, I should be able to deal with them’’.
‘’Noted, see if I can help you improve on that front too’’ Lucy grinned.
‘’Oh yeah-‘’ Lucy said with renewed energy, ‘’I mean, I was going to ask you about it - but by the way you move, I think your neck feels better’’.
Ona smiled, ‘’oh soo much, I have had the best days honestly, how could I forget - I wanted to thank you for it, I feel so… loose, uh, supple’’.
Lucy held her hands up, ‘’magic hands’’ she said with a wink. Immediately cringing at herself.
Ona laughed, ‘’they seem to be’’.
‘’So’’ Lucy cleared her throat, ‘’stretching, than exercising, which I will leave you to do a bit more on your own than last time because I need to do mine as well, and then last 20 minutes another tissue massage’’.
‘’Sounds good’’.
The stretching went well, Ona learned a few exercises she had never done before, 'good for the back and neck' Lucy had said, and had followed them all before the real work started.
Lucy finished her warm up a bit earlier than she did, which made sense, as she had been warming up all day and she went to set up some weights for herself.
When Bronze started squatting weights with her back to Ona, she couldn´t help but have peek every once in a while.
After her lunges were done Ona asked what she was doing next.
Lucy proposed for Ona to do a bit of cardio on the stair-master, a machine she hated, but Ona agreed and went on it.
Lucy kept squatting, Ona saw her adding small, little plates to the bar each time she got it.
After a few minutes, the Spaniards thoughts got interrupted, the low grunts were swapped with a yelp, she was startled and almost fell of the stair-master, luckily enough she could jump of in one piece and put the machine off.
‘’What happened?’’ Ona said as she walked towards the English trainer.
Lucy looked up as she undid her waistbelt and wrist wraps, ‘’hm?’’.
Ona came closer, ‘’it sounded like you were in pain’’.
‘’Oh’’ Lucy said as she looked better at Ona, ‘’no I just broke my squatting record’’.
 Ona chuckled.
‘’Wait did it sound like was in pain?’’ Lucy laughed now too, ‘’I don’t know what to think of that’’.
‘’Well I’m glad you’re alive’’.
‘’and broke my PR’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’how much was it?’’.
‘’139,5 kg’’ (307.5 lbs) Lucy stated as she took out her phone, ‘’let me put it in my notes real quick and then I’m all yours again, I’m sorry for just directing you to the cardio machine, I had this on my agenda for tonight’’.
‘’You have a schedule for when you’re gonna break which record?’’ Ona laughed.
After Lucy had typed it in her phone she looked up, ‘’is that weird?’’.
‘’No’’ Ona shrugged, ‘’I like when people are driven’’.
‘’How much is your squatting PR’’.
Ona laughed, ‘’not even half of what you do, I think 50 kg, and that includes the bar’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’want to do 55?’’.
´´Let´s see if I can do 50 first maybe?’’.
Lucy first had her squat the bar alone and with 5kg increments she guided Ona to a 50kg squat.
At 50kg Ona had trouble getting up, her legs shaking as she did a rep for the 3rd time. She felt Lucy stepping a bit closer, ''you can do it'' Lucy said, ''and if not, I got you''.
Instead of feeling more at ease, Ona became more nervous. She felt Lucy's hands hovering just above her skin.
When she remained in her squatting position, with wobbly legs, Lucy held her sides, ''together then''.
With a little help, Ona stood up again, and immediately she racked the weight and stepped forward, shaking her legs.
‘’Legs tired from the stair machine?’’ Lucy asked.
Ona nodded ‘’think so, maybe next time we can try again’’.
‘’Oh we are’’ Lucy smiled, ‘’and now you’re doing 45, 3 sets of 4 reps’’ she said as she started changing weights.
‘’I don’t know if i-‘’
‘’-I believe in you’’ Lucy cut her off, ‘’and I’m spotting you so if you can’t I’ll help’’.
Ona looked at her with dark eyes, ‘’let’s just do something else’’.
Lucy’s head tilted, ‘’no, why?’’.
‘’I’m tired of squats’’ Ona said, mostly because she was and partly because she didn’t want to fail and have Lucy saving her, as she got way to distracted by the way she felt under their skin contact.
‘’Do your other trainers just accept that?’’ Lucy asked as she finished preparing the bar of weights, she stood infront of Ona now, ‘’in 5 sessions I’ll have you squat 55’’.
 Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’I don’t care about how much I can squat’’.
The English woman grinned, ‘’no but you did ask me to help you get sore muscles, If you just listen to me I can guarantee you will not be able to walk the stairs tomorrow, how does that sound?”.
Again Ona rolled her eyes, this time with a little smile ‘’fine’’ she said before quietly adding ‘’molest’’. (annoying person).
They took positions again, but Lucy stood a bit closer then last time. Ona was almost going to make a comment about needing room to breath when Lucy whispered something, ‘’think of your most annoying rival’’.
Ona took the weights on her shoulder, she figured to just ignore Lucy and started squatting, the first 4 went easy.
She racked the bar and stepped forward to shake her legs again.
‘’See, that helped’’, Lucy said ‘’come, another set’’.
‘’Your comment did nothing’’ Ona said, getting slightly annoyed at the woman.
‘’Oh’’ Lucy studied her face, ‘’sorry’’.
Ona took place under the weights again, ‘’okay, let’s get this over with’’.
With two squats her legs started quivering again.
Lucy let her figure it out by herself, she kept close, but didn’t say anything or touch her.
Ona took a deep breath and forced herself up with a deep breath out.
"Good job" Lucy said, but when Ona tried to hang the weight on the rack she was less pleased, "uh-huh, one more rep".
Ona groaned and kept standing there, doubtful about her abilities.
‘’Ona, one more’’ Lucy said sternly.
Ona was allergic to getting ordered around and almost wanted to stop but a fire lit inside her with Lucy’s next comment, ‘’what is it with youth and giving up’’.
She bit back a grumble and did one more squat easily before racking the bar again.
She shook her legs out while still being under the bar and after a few seconds she took it on her shoulders again, squatting with pure annoyance and anger, only at the last squat she had to do she struggled again.
‘’Is your anger already used up?’’ Lucy teased, ‘’I expected more spirit at such a young age’’.
With that she groaned and came up for a last time, angrily racking the weight.
‘’Good, shake it off and we’ll head to leg presses’’.
Ona turned around and looked at her instructor, ‘’more leg exercises’’ she grumbled.
Lucy grinned, ‘’I’ll talk to you on Friday, you’ll thank me’’.
Ona rolled her eyes and followed the English woman to the leg press.
After a long session it was finally time for the massage.
‘’You can take your shoes off, I’ll massage your lower body, back and neck’’ Lucy said.
Ona didn’t respond, ‘’sounds good?’’ Lucy tried.
‘’Oh yeah’’ Ona said tiredly, ‘’perfect’’ she said as she took off her shoes.
‘’Was I too harsh?’’.
Ona looked up at Lucy, ‘’hm, no’’.
‘’Yeah I am, I’ll tell you if you go too far, I’m not shy about speaking my mind’’.
‘’Okay, good’’.
Lucy started massaging Ona’s leg and Ona couldn’t help but closer her eyes at how good it felt.
‘’Okay that was that, how do you feel?’’ Lucy said as she was done.
Ona smiled, ‘’great, thank you, I’m sorry if I came across as a bitch at one point’’.
Lucy grinned, ‘’at one point? Hmm..’’.
Ona slapped Lucy’s shoulder playfully, ‘’oh come on’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’I’m kidding, you don’t come across as a bitch’’ she looked at Ona with a mischievous grin, ‘’just a bit spoiled’’.
The Catalans mouth dropped open, ‘’I’m not spoiled!’’.
‘’I’m joking’’ Lucy said as she rested her hand on Ona’s forearm, ‘’I’m proud you finished those sets, that proves character’’.
‘’Oh’’ Ona furrowed her eyebrows, ‘’because I had a choice’’.
‘’Ofcourse’’ Lucy tilted her head, ‘’you just said you would speak your mind if you really didn’t want to do it’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’okay, maybe I did want to do it’’.
‘’Good’’ Lucy said with a smile as she withdrew her hand, ‘’well, you go shower, I have to clean up this place’’.
‘’I can help?’’.
‘’No’’ Lucy shook her head, ‘’I like to do it myself and I want to do a couple more exercises’’.
‘’You’re crazy’’.
‘’I’ll see you Friday’’ Lucy chuckled, ‘’and then I’ll make you do even more, because you shouldn’t be able to be this much of a smartass if those exercises really were that hard for you’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’yeah see you Friday’’.
In the dressing room Ona jumped straight under the shower, after quickly washing herself and rinsing her hair out, she walked to her bag wrapped in a towel.
As she dug for clean underwear her phone rang, it was Sophia, she had a couple of questions about a client.
‘’Why are you still working Soph?’’ Ona chuckled but as she looked at the time her smile faded, ‘’no way, 22.45 already?’’.
Now it was Sophia’s time to laugh, ‘’yeah got a bit carried away exercising huh?’’.
‘’So it seems’’ Ona said ‘’anyways, for mister Potter you-
-did you ask her number yet?’’ Sophia interrupted her.
‘’Soph! that would not be professional’’ Ona said.
‘’You think she’s hot, what’s wrong with asking a number’’.
‘’Yeah she attractive’’ Ona confessed, ‘’but I don’t even know if she’s a lesbian, maybe she’s just sporty’’.
‘’So ask’’ Sophia simply said.
‘’No I-
A knock on the door interrupted her.
Ona looked up to see Lucy standing in the doorway, ‘’You forgot your shoes’’ she smiled.
Ona’s face got redder than the 2,5 kg weight plates that Lucy’s gym owned, ‘’oh uh thanks’’.
‘’No worries’’, Lucy said as her eyes lingered on Ona’s body for a second before she redirected herself to face Ona and , ‘’see you Friday’’.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona smiled, ‘’see you Friday’’.
Lucy turned around.
‘’Oh and’’ Ona called out.
Lucy turned back around with a smile.
‘’uh, thanks for my shoes’’ Ona said.
Lucy’s smile faded a little but she nodded, ‘’ofcourse’’.
The dressing room door fell closed behind her.
‘’Aahhhhhhgggg’’ Sophia screamed in her ear, ‘’I felt the sexual tension through the phone’’.
‘’What, you fumbled so hard, you said thanks twice, for a second I thought you were going to ask her number’’.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona sighed as she thought about the fact that she was originally planning too, before remembering she had Sophia on the phone, ‘’and give you a listen in on my rejection, don't think so’’.
Sophia groaned, ‘’she likes you too, why are you so uncertain’’.
‘’Why are you so sure, anyways we’ll talk about that client when I’m home’’.
Wednesday morning – Ona’s penthouse
It was the next day, Ona woke up in her big bed as the curtain automatically opened and stretched.
As she was completely stretched out, she suddenly shrank, ‘’merda’’ she groaned as a cramp hit her left leg, she tried to hold the muscle but it took a while before the cramp went away.
After the pain had disappeared she got out of bed, walking to the bathroom, when she wanted to lower herself to take place on the toilet she cringed, she couldn’t just normally take a seat, so she held the wall and let herself plop down.
When she got back to her room after peeing, she grabbed her phone to Google what she could do best in this situation.
A protein-rich breakfast, a warm bath and some stretching exercises later, she felt a little better and started her workday.
Friday morning - Bronze Fitness Forge
‘’Good morning Property Princess’’ Lucy said as Ona stepped into the gym.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’allright Lucy Lift-a-Lot, what are the plans for today’’.
Lucy grinned, ‘’how were your legs Wednesday?’’.
‘’Terrible’’ Ona smiled, ‘’so perfect’’.
‘’Well, I don’t really take those, but the toilet was a pain’’.
Lucy laughed, ‘’good, I suggest more squatting today’’.
Ona scrunched her face, ‘’not to much please, I have this event tomorrow’’.
‘’Work on Saturday?’’.
‘’Well no, it’s like networking event’’.
‘’Oh, is that one of those thing were you have a stand and promote your business’’.
 Ona chuckled, ‘’yeah, but i’m not there with a stand’’.
Lucy tilted her head.
‘’I got invited to look at peoples stands’’ Ona clarified.
‘’Isn’t that like..’’ Lucy didn’t finish her sentence.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona laughed, ‘’but its good for my image to show up, and the event payed me to show up’’.
‘’Really’’ Lucy said with disbelieve, ‘’so you’re actually a big name in the real estate world?’’.
‘’I guess’’ Ona shook her head as she laughed, anyways I’ll be bored out of my mind because Soph is taking this weekend off to see her family’’.
‘’’Sophia, my PA’’ Ona clarified.
‘’Oh right’’ Lucy nodded, ‘’she was on the phone bribing me’’.
‘’Yeah, you wanted two sessions a week’’.
‘’Oh that’’ Ona nodded slowly, ‘’yeah, I hope she was sensible about it?’’.
‘’Oh yeah yeah, it was not actually bribing, she asked nicely’’.
‘’Good, but anyways, I will be walking around all day, so I need some power left in these legs’’.
Lucy nodded and explained some stretches they were starting with.
After the session, where they went a little less extreme as the last time, Lucy gave Ona a massage again. Whilst working her back she broke the silence, ‘’do you not know anyone else in London?’’.
Ona looked at her confused, ‘’what?’’.
‘’For the event, you said you have to go alone, do you not know someone you could take?’’.
Ona shrugged ‘’everyone is on holiday, it’s very last-minute anyways and I wouldn’t drag someone with, I wasn’t kidding when I said it was boring’’ she said into the table.
‘’I think it would be entertaining to see how you talk to everyone professionally’’ Lucy chuckled and acted out a conversation she imagined Ona would have with another realtor. She mockingly acted out the situation, putting on different voices.
Ona’s shoulders shook from her laughter, ‘’I think you will greatly disappointed’’ she laughed.
‘’Yeah?’’ Lucy sad as she put on a pouty face, ‘’is it not like that?’’.
‘’No not at all’’ Ona chuckled, ‘’way more boring’’.
‘’I don’t believe you’’ Lucy challenged.
‘’Well you’re free to join at your own risk’’.
Lucy’s face twisted up in a weird mischievous way, ‘’are you asking me out Batlle?’’.
Ona grinned, ‘’no, I offer you the position to be my plus one to a very boring event so you can entertain me’’.
‘’Well I am free tomorrow’’ Lucy contemplated, ‘’would you like me as your companion?’’.
‘’As long as you don’t publicly mock me’’ Ona rolled her eyes.
Lucy grinned, ‘’I’ll try to keep that for when were alone then’’.
Ona sat up and narrowed her eyes at the taller woman ‘’or like, not do it at all’’.
‘’I’ll see about that’’ Lucy grinned, ‘’what’s the dress code?’’.
‘’uhm, I think you’re best to wear a suit, a light color’’ Ona said as she studied Lucy, ‘’ if you have that’’.
‘’I don’t know’’ Lucy scrunched up her nose, ‘’I’ll have to dig through my closet’’.
‘’Send me a pic, if it’s not good I’ll send some things you could try on’’.
‘’are you going to judge if I look good enough to join your side’’ Lucy laughed, ‘’wow’’.
Ona shrugged, ‘’it’s a cruel world’’.
‘’fine’’ Lucy smiled, ‘’can I get your number?’’.
Ona looked at her with big eyes.
‘’Or do you want me to send Sophia that mirror pic?’’ Lucy grinned.
‘’Oh right, no we’ll exchange numbers, it’s more convenient for tomorrow too’’.
‘’How late is it anyways?’’.
They spoke about the details until Lucy noted that her new appointment would arrive in two minutes. With that Ona went to the changing room and got under the showers, she couldn’t hide the fact that the thought of spending tomorrow with Lucy made her feel giddy.
Friday afternoon – Ona’s penthouse
‘’Okay, I’ll see you Monday morning’’ Sophia said as she embraced Ona, ‘’have fun with your hot date’’.
Ona rolled her eyes but didn’t deny her PA’s words, ‘’you have fun at your parents’ house’’ she wished Soph.
‘’Mhm, I will’’ Sophia said as she walked towards the door with her suitcase, ‘’see you Monday!’’.
‘’Bye Soph’’ Ona called out as she got distracted by her phone buzzing.
An unsaved number had sent her texts, she opened her phone curiously.
@ Bronze Fitness Forge: hey, this is Lucy, hereby my outfit, hope you approve 😅
@ Bronze Fitness Forge: *mirror selfie of Lucy in a mint green suit with a white blouse*
@ Bronze Fitness Forge: ignore my bare feet, sorry, I’ll wear shoes tomorrow I promise
Ona changed the contact name to Lucy and texted back.
@ Ona Batlle: Looks good, what shoes do you plan on wearing?.
@ Lucy: sneakers?
@ Ona Batlle: no.
@ Lucy: i don’t have much else
@ Ona Batlle: what size are you?
@ Lucy: a UK size 7
Ona asked her for her address and ordered her a few shoes and a few white blouses, from a store she had great relations with, making them deliver the products before 10 o’clock tonight.
Friday night – Ona’s penthouse
@ Lucy: why did I just receive 4 pairs of shoes and 3 white blouses
@ Ona Batlle: fit them, see which you like best
@ Lucy: I have blouses
@ Ona Batlle: your suit is nice, can’t ruin it with a cheap blouse
@ Lucy: how can you recognize that from a picture
@ Ona Batlle: I got taste
@ Lucy: spoiled
@ Ona Batlle: do you want to come still?
@ Lucy: *3 pictures in the different blouses*
Ona admired the way Lucy’s arms looked in the blouses, the woman was well fit, with one particular blouse she swore she could even recognize the outline of abs.
She chuckled when she noticed the shorts Lucy was wearing, Barcelona football shorts.
@ Ona Batlle: nice shorts 😉
@ Lucy: shut up, which blouse.
@ Ona Batlle: deffo the one with the green buttons
@ Lucy: that one feels a bit tight
@ Ona Batlle: it looks good, but if you feel like it will rip, I’ll go for the one with the collar that’s got leaves on the inside.
@ Lucy: what shoe do you like best, they all fit
@ Ona Batlle: blouse got brown buttons so maybe the brown Loafers
@ Lucy: great, they were the comfiest
@ Ona Batlle: pic of the complete fit?
@ Lucy: tomorrow, I don’t want to put everything on again
@ Ona Batlle: lazy
@ Lucy: demanding
@ Ona Batlle: you know me so well
@ Lucy: you send a pic of your outfit then
@ Ona Batlle: no.
@ Lucy: then you’ll just see tomorrow
@ Ona Batlle: fine
Lucy was disappointed Ona didn’t ask her to send a full outfit picture more, she would’ve done it with a bit more insistence, but she guessed Ona wasn’t someone who lowered herself to such things, she was sure Ona would never beg for anything.
Saturday afternoon – London, network event.
The event went great, Lucy had been the perfect acquaintance. Making jokes in quiet, boring moments, but shutting up when Ona was talking to people she needed to talk to.
Lucy had on her part also enjoyed the event, there had been going around servers with appetizers and drinks, although they tasted amazing, Lucy tried to stay modest and allowed herself to accept something once in every three time she got offered something.
It was also fun to be around Ona, the woman was classy, she looked beautiful in the emerald colored dress she wore. She wore white heels and had a white bag with her, Lucy didn’t know if she had seen anyone walk as comfortable and elegant in heels as Ona did.
The event had gone by quite quickly, it was already passed eight o'clock.
‘’Oh fuck’’ Ona whispered, pulling Lucy from her thoughts.
They were standing together after Ona had just finished another conversation with an old guy, Lucy had introduced herself too and Ona had told the man they were working on a project together, it was not true but Lucy didn’t mind, and the guy didn’t ask any questions about it anyways.
‘’What?’’ Lucy asked, turning towards Ona.
‘’Don’t look’’ Ona said discretely, ‘’my ex is there, I didn’t know she’d be here’’.
Lucy suppressed her curiosity and kept looking at Ona, ‘’didn’t end well?’’.
‘’No she cheated’’ Ona grimaced, ‘’she’s the worst, she plays unfair both in business and in her private life’’.
‘’That sucks, how long ago-
-oh my god’’ Ona interrupted her, ‘’she’s coming over’’.
As Lucy stood straight again to prepare for an uncomfortable encounter, Ona leaned in and whispered something to her ‘’It was a year ago, if you like you could act like my girlfriend, that would be funny’’.
Lucy grinned and looked at Ona’s face ‘’ofcourse babe’’.
Ona chuckled at the way Lucy took on the role immediately, ‘’if she questions us we answer one after the other’’ she quickly whispered when the women almost had reached them.
‘’Ona!’’ the woman said as she looked at the pair, ‘’nice to see you again’’.
‘’Evelyn’’ Ona said coldly, ‘’how are you’’ she said as the woman forced a greeting with two kisses on her.
‘’I’m good’’ Evelyn said as she directed her gaze to Lucy and eyed the woman, ‘’you to it seems’’.
Lucy extended her hand to the woman who was also wearing a suit, Lucy giggled a little inside at the fact that it was a dark colored suit, since Ona had asked her to wear a light colored suit, ''Lucy, Lucy Bronze'' she introduced herself.
‘’Evelyn Thomas, Thomas real estate’’ the woman said, ‘’what do you do’’.
Lucy smiled, ‘’I am a sports physio, I help injured athletes with their recovery, I am currently also doing research into knee injuries''.
‘’Charity work?’’ Evelyn rudely asked.
Lucy replied with a smile, ‘’well the research doesn’t really bring in money, but that’s a passion of mine, no, I earn my money with my gym, but I get if you’ve never heard of it, it is an quite expensive membership’’.
Evelyn huffed, ‘’sure’’ she turned to Ona.
Lucy stepped closer to Ona rubbed the small of her back before she let her hand rest there.
‘’How long have you two been together?’’.
Ona smiled ‘’about half a year, right Luce?’’. She asked sweetly as she turned to Lucy, who already had her eyes on her.
‘’Best half year of my life’’ Lucy smiled, ‘’It feels like last week that we met’’.
‘’Right babe?’’ Ona sighed out and reached to pet Lucy’s face and kept looking at her, hoping Evelyn would just take the hint and leave.
‘’Allright’’ the woman said, but the pair didn’t look up.
‘’Well, great saying you again Ona’’, she tried.
Ona let her hand glide from Lucy’s face and turned back to Evelyn ‘’oh yeah, I’ll see you around’’.
Lucy smiled, ‘’nice meeting you Evelyn’’ she said in an overly sweet voice.
Lucy took two glasses of champagne from a server that passed them, ‘’here you go darling’’ she joked as she handed Ona one.
‘’Thank you’’ Ona sight as she looked around, ‘’wow, this bitch is still looking at us’’ she whispered in Lucy’s ear.
‘’Behind us?’’ Lucy asked quietly, getting a bit more into Ona’s personal space.
‘’Yeah, don’t look’’.
‘’No I was curious if I could get your consent’’.
‘’For what’’ Ona chuckled.
‘’Touch your butt, I bet she would eat herself up, she is so hung up on you still’’.
Ona grinned and leaned in to kiss Lucy’s neck softly, ‘’do it’’.
The Catalan peeked from Lucy’s neck at the woman a few meters behind them, she saw the woman had her gaze already fixed on Lucy’s hand, the hand that had rested on her lower back until now, smoothly Lucy let her hand travel south and squeezed Ona’s bum. Ona looked back at Lucy’s neck, she didn’t feel the need to watch Evelyn’s face a second longer then necessary.
Ona chuckled as she felt a shiver run down her spine from the way Lucy’s strong hand dug into her clothed flesh.
Lucy rubbed the place she had just squeezed gently and let her hand rest on the small of Ona’s back again, just a bit lower then she had been before.
‘’Thank you’’ Ona quietly said.
Lucy looked at her with a wicked grin, ‘’it was a pleasure’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’not that, for playing along’’.
‘’I was talking about that’’, Lucy said with raised eyebrows, trying to come across honest, ‘’okay squeezing your butt was fun too I guess’’ she sighed.
Ona’s mouth hang open to act as if she felt offended, ‘’liar’’.
‘’No I feel a bit like a cheap whore’’.
Ona chuckled, ‘’a cheap whore?’’.
‘’You buy me clothes in exchange for physical services’’.
‘’You make it sound like I’ll make you sleep with me’’.
‘’are you not?’’ Lucy said acting disappointed.
‘’Lucy!’’ Ona said in disbelieve, ‘’are you proposing to come home with me’’.
‘’I mean, the house of the best realtor is probably very impressive, maybe you can give me a tour’’.
‘’I thought you joined me to distract me from work, not give me more’’.
Lucy shrugged, ‘’okay, worth a try’’.
Ona grumbled on the inside, she wanted Lucy to come with her, but she wasn’t about to beg, ‘’fine’’ she stated, ‘’let’s go then, this event is dead anyways’’.
They were stood in the elevator of Ona’s building, ‘’how are you so bold all of a sudden?’’ Ona asked.
Lucy smirked, ‘’bold, how?’’.
‘’You straight up asked me to sleep with you’’ Ona said as she studied Lucy.
Lucy held her hands up, ‘’I’m confident in my abilities to break personal records with you in several areas, the bedroom being one of them’’.
Ona’s jaw dropped, ‘’does that work on all the girls you hit on’’.
‘’No just the one that are attracted to me’’ she answered with a smug smile.
‘’I’m not- i- how do you-
Lucy grinned, ‘’the dressing rooms are not call-proof, or at least, if it’s a private call, you should probably choose another place from now on’’.
Ona blushed and groaned, ‘’you heard that?’’ she said with a scrunched up nose and palmed her face.
The elevator stopped and with an elegant tone it indicated the arrival to the top floor.
Lucy smiled as the smaller woman walked away with cutely blushed cheeks and opened the door, Lucy followed Ona who stepped in to her appartement.
When she took of her shoes Lucy did the same.
‘’wow’’ Lucy gasped as she walked over to the windows, ‘’this is amazing’’.
‘’Thanks’’ Ona said, ‘’do you want something to drink?’’.
Lucy turned around with a smile, ‘’maybe after the tour? I had some drinks there already’’.
‘’Okay’’ Ona said as she got herself a sparkling water ‘’Okay this is the kitchen, that is the living-
‘’nooo’’ Lucy pouted and walked back to Ona, ‘’the fun way, make me want to buy this place’’ she said as she discarded her jacket on one of the bar stools.
‘’You already would’’.
Lucy rolled her eyes ‘’Like how you-
‘’don’t roll your eyes at me’’ Ona blurted out before she knew it was happening.
Lucy’s mouth fell open, ‘’says you! You roll your eyes every once 10 minutes’’.
Ona walked around the counter and stepped into Lucy’s personal space, ‘’shut up, I can do what I want’’ she said with a grin.
Lucy looked her, quiet from the sudden closeness, ‘’you shut up’’ she said, coming out clumsier than she wanted.
Ona chuckled, ‘’make me shut up then’’ she said as she traced her hand along the row of buttons from Lucy’s blouse.
‘’If you don’t stop me I’ll kiss you’’ Lucy said as she leaned in.
Ona smiled against her lips, ‘’if you don’t kiss me I’ll book you a cab home’’.
Their lips crashed in a hungry, exciting kiss, Lucy was the first to introduce tongue in their facade and Ona cupped the back of her neck as she gladly accepted it in.
Lucy’s hands travelled to the hips she had been eyeing all afternoon, the smaller woman looking delicious at the way the dress hugged her figure just right.
The English pressed herself closer against the Catalan.
Ona broke the kiss.
They both panted as Lucy tilted her head in confusion, ‘’not okay?’’.
‘’How about a quick tour of the bedroom?’’ Ona answered instead.
Lucy gulped, ‘’please’’.
Ona grinned as she took Lucy’s hand and guided her to her bedroom, ‘’wow’’ she gasped for a second time this evening.
‘’Is this enough light for you?’’ Ona asked, ‘’if you want more light we have to close the curtains’’.
Lucy quickly turned to face the woman, ‘’yes, lights on and curtains closed please, I’m not about to be on display for everyone in London to see’’.
‘’that’s why you keep the light off’’ Ona chuckled, ‘’and it can be fun you know, exciting’’.
Lucy shook her head, ‘’nah, as much as I like the view, I bet the view in here will be way better’’.
‘’Oh quite the charmer’’ Ona said as she pushed the button and the curtains started closing, ‘’ let's see if you can live up to all that big talk’’.
Lucy walked over to her and went in for another kiss, much shorter this time, ‘’just give me the green light and I’ll make you experience things you have never before’’.
‘’sure Bronze’’, Ona said as she started to undo to buttons from her blouse, ‘’you have permission do what you want, just stop if I say so’’.
Lucy grinned, ‘’always princess, your wish is my command’’ with that she attached their lips again.
While they were kissing Lucy shook her blouse off, figuring Ona wanted that as she had been tugging on the ting for minutes now. She walked with Ona towards the bed, making her walk backwards. When they were almost there Ona broke the kiss ‘’take my dress off’’ she said breathlessly.
Lucy grinned, ‘’not yet, you look so pretty in it’’ she said before planting her tongue back in Ona’s mouth, a few small sounds escaped the smaller woman as Lucy deepened the kiss and reached to pull up Ona’s dress.
She pushed Ona on the edge of the bed and started kissing her neck, ‘’do you want this’’ she asked between kisses ‘’want me to make you feel so good’’ she asked before licking and sucking the sensitive spots on Ona’s neck.
Ona whimpered, ‘’yes’’.
‘’Allright pretty girl’’ Lucy said she dropped to her knees, she looked up to meet Ona’s eyes as she started to kiss the insides of her thighs, ‘’I bet you taste so good’’ Lucy said as her hands travelled along the skin of Ona’s legs, giving her goose bumps.
‘’Can I taste you?’’ Lucy said as she latched her mouth to Ona’s other leg, she saw the Catalan fighting to keep composure, ‘’y-yes’’ she said with a breathy voice.
‘’Are you so worked up already?’’ Lucy playfully asked as she redirected her gaze to Ona’s thong, a dark-green piece of lace, with an even darker green spot right between the Spaniards legs.
Lucy kissed closer and closer towards the woman’s heat, until she could smell her wetness. Lucy groaned and sat back, ‘’up’’ she ordered as she hooked her fingers in the underwear.
Ona quickly cooperated.
Lucy dropped the thongs on the floor and went back to kissing Ona’s bare legs.
‘’Fuck Lucy, get your mouth on me’’ Ona said jaded.
With a smug face Lucy looked at her, ‘’you still think you’re calling the shots here?’’ she said as she let two fingers glide along Ona’s slick.
‘’Please’’ Ona whimpered.
This was all Lucy needed to hear, the rest of the begging could be done later, now she needed to get a taste.
She spread Ona’s leg wide with her hands as she dove in, letting her tongue glide softly along Ona’s core to make her get used to it.
She reached out for Ona’s hand and placed it in her hair as she kept up the gentle exploration.
When she had found a spot that she felt made Ona quiver, she grinned and kept Ona’s legs apart more strongly before diving in completely.
Ona’s eyes rolled back in their sockets, she head never experienced head like this before.
The skilled tongue rippling against her clit, the strong hands, making her spread out for the English woman on the edge of her bed.
With the hand that was guided to Lucy’s hair she gripped the woman’s dark brown hair, pushing her deeper against her, Ona felt the orgasm building up already. If it didn’t feel this good she would surely have been embarrassed about it.
‘’merda, se sent molt bé’’ (feels so fucking good) Ona moaned before she bit her lips as she struggled to keep herself up, leaning with one hand on the mattress.
Lucy didn’t know what the woman above her was muttering about, but she figured the words were positive. With two fingers of her right hand she teased Ona’s entrance, at this her legs shocked. Lucy looked up.
Ona groaned at the loss of stimulation and looked down at Lucy, ‘’fuck, you can use your fingers’’.
Lucy smirked as she put the fingers inside Ona’s mouth, as Ona sucked at them, covering them in her saliva. Lucy returned to what she was doing, she let her tongue dance along Ona’s clit.
When Ona opened her mouth and moaned, Lucy pulled her hand away and with very little preparation she plunged them inside of the dripping hole between Ona’s legs, deserving a loud guttural moan.
Lucy curled her fingers and searched for Ona’s weak spot, when she’d found it she started thrusting her fingers in a steady but provokingly slow pace.
The difference in paces from Lucy’s tongue and her fingers drove Ona mad, she couldn’t keep her eyes open as her eyes kept rolling back and the arm where she was leaning on was shaking.
After a few second she dropped on her, the leg that Lucy wasn’t keeping open with a hand almost crashed into Lucy but she didn’t budge.
Lucy sat up a bit more and kept working her tongue and hand as she felt Ona’s walls convulsing around her fingers.
She groaned as she felt a new gush of wetness covering her fingers, and dripping on her hand.
With a loud moan and a tight fist in Lucy’s hair, the woman below her orgasmed.
Lucy smiled as she slowly came to a stop and sat back when the hand left her head.
Ona's legs came back together and she stretched with her arms above her, "that was…" she breathed out.
Lucy grinned, ‘’quick?’’ she offered.
Ona sat up and rolled her eyes, ‘’I was going to say good’’.
‘’Both can be true’’ Lucy with a smug face.
After a few hours well spent, Lucy and Ona were standing under her rain shower.
‘’Do you want to sleep here?’’ Ona asked as she was lathering herself up with soap.
Lucy grinned ‘’are you asking out of politeness?’’.
‘’Maybe’’ Ona grinned back, ‘’don’t want you to feel like a cheap whore’’.
Lucy laughed, ‘’no I’ll book my own cab home, thanks’’.
‘’I had fun’’ Ona said sincerely, ‘’thanks for coming along’’.
‘’Me too’’ Lucy returned, ‘’and I’m happy for it to be a one time thing’’.
‘’Mhm’’ Ona said, ‘’perfect’’. She was amazed with Lucy’s maturity about the matter, some woman could get very offended.
‘’What do you want me to do with the shoes and shirts?’’ Lucy asked as they were drying off.
Ona smiled, ‘’keep ‘em, give ‘em away, I don’t care, it costs me more to make effort returning them, then what I would get for it’’.
Lucy shook her head in disbelieve but thought it was very kind she had bought her the things, ‘’thank you’’.
Ona nodded, ‘’it was my pleasure’’.
As Lucy walked back to the bedroom to put her suit back on, Ona just put her robe on, she was home alone anyways, she couldn’t help but look at Lucy’s back and ass, looking perfectly toned.
She bended to pick her clothes up and turned around to lay it on the bed, she looked at the clothes before looking at Ona.
Lucy caught the Catalan staring at her abs and grinned, ‘’could I borrow a pair of briefs?’’ she asked, ‘’I can’t put this back on’’, she said as she held her underwear up.
Ona gaze traveled form Lucy’s muscles to the piece of cloth and she smiled, ‘’ofcourse’’ she said before going into her walk-in wardrobe.
She came back and handed Lucy the underwear, ‘’and you can keep this too’’ she winked.
After that, Ona left Lucy to get dressed and went to the kitchen, she downed the glass of sparkling water that was still on the counter and went to her table, opening the laptop that laid there.
In a few minutes she was completely indulged with the things on her screen and hadn’t noticed Lucy been done with getting dressed, now standing infront of her.
‘’Bye Ona’’ Lucy said as she walked closer to the woman.
Ona jumped at the voice breaking the silence, but quickly got her composure back and smiled, ‘’sorry, I was reading something’’ she stood up, ‘’I’ll see you Tuesday Lucy, thanks again’’.
‘’I had fun’’ Lucy smiled, ‘’I’ll see myself out, see you Tuesday’’.
Tuesday night –  Bronze Fitness Forge, London
Ona and Lucy had another session. They both thought back at their one nightstand as a perfect encounter, the sex had been good and they were both on the same terms as far as relationships are concerned.
Lucy didn't think Ona was the type of girl she’d ever date, but she could say that she was absolutely perfect in terms of appearance. The fact that she was shorter, the freckles, her slightly defined muscles and most of all her perfect butt. Ona’s ass might be her favorite thing about the woman.
Ona was happy Lucy had been on the same page as her about at sleeping over, she didn’t like waking up next to people, they often looked and smelt bad and Ona didn’t like anyone in the world enough to deal with that. Ona was happy to go to the woman’s gym again this day, she felt like her sexual frustration had been cleared up and was ready to maybe even break that squatting PR.
Lucy was a little bit nervous about seeing the woman again, hoping it wouldn’t be awkward, she had gotten in a bit earlier than last time, to make sure they could at least get dressed separately. Even though she would be lying if she’d say she wasn’t at least a little bit curious if the hickey’s she had left were still there.
She shook her head, she shouldn’t be thinking about this. Ona had been perfectly clear, heck she had wanted it herself, this was a one time thing and in a month they’d maybe never see eachother again.
Ona came walking in to the gym, disrupting Lucy’s string of thoughts.
‘’Hey Ona’’ she cheerfully said, but she couldn’t help but notice the fact Ona was wearing a shirt and shorts now, rather then the sports bra she had worked out in until now.
‘’Lucy’’ Ona smiled, ‘’ready to break some records?’’.
‘’I sure am’’ Lucy said, ‘’do we go squatting straight after warm up?’’.
‘’Yes’’ Ona replied, ‘’I hope I can do more then 50 today’’.
‘’Enthusiastic, i love it’’
‘’Oh you know me’’ Ona joked.
‘’Always enthusiastic to break records’’ Lucy said, after which she cringed at herself.
They warmed up and went to the weight rack, ‘’hey have you already set it up?’’ Ona asked, smiling.
‘’Ofcourse’’ Lucy said smugly, ‘’six sessions left until you’re doing 55’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’if you weren’t hot I would’ve hired another personal trainer six sessions ago’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’well first off all thanks, second off all, what do you think a good personal trainer does then’’.
The Spaniard shrugged, ‘’not being annoying’’.
‘’I am not annoying’’ Lucy said as she quirked her eyebrows.
‘’How would you describe a person using insults as motivation’’ Ona challenged her.
‘’did you do those reps or not’’
‘’so, motivational’’ Lucy stated as if it was settled.
Ona shook her head and walked over to take place under the bar, ‘’please keep from your motivations until really really can’t go anymore’’ she stood up and took the bar on her shoulders, ‘’until then, you spot me quietly’’.
‘’yes ma’am’’ Lucy joked as she took position behind Ona, ‘’I kidding, I’ll shut up’’.
Surprisingly, Ona squatted the 50kg the first 8 reps perfectly, without any problem.
‘’I’m impressed’’ Lucy said as Ona was shaking her legs to get ready for the last set, ‘’you finally found your right mindset’’.
Ona smiled but kept quiet, she couldn’t get distracted now.
She took place under the bar again and accidentally walked into Lucy with her butt.
‘’Oh sorry’’ Lucy chuckled as she took a step back, ‘’okay last 4, let’s go’’.
Ona blushed at the way heat traveled to her core from the brief touch.
She took the weight on her shoulders for the third time and for some reason they felt twice as heavy.
Ona didn’t squat but kept standing there with the weights in her neck.
‘’Come on Ona, you can do it’’ she felt Lucy’s hot breath in her neck.
‘’I don’t know if I-
‘’You can do it Ona’’ Lucy pressed up against Ona, and put her hand under her arms, ‘’we’ll do it together’’.
Ona gulped as she felt Lucy front pushed against her.
She squatted and easily came back up with Lucy’s strength supporting her, she wanted to rack the weights as she stood straight again.
‘’3 more Ona’’ Lucy said in her ear.
Ona groaned as she did another.
‘’Good job Ona’’ Lucy said, in a voice close to a whisper. Ona couldn’t help but think the woman was doing this on purpose, she was so close, Ona could feel her abs in her back, and her thighs against her own, no other trainer had ever spotted her like this.
After the four squats Ona racked the bar and turned around, Lucy stepped back.
She studied the woman’s face, Lucy casted her eyes to the ground.
Ona ducked under the bar and stepped into Lucy’s personal space, she noticed a slight blush on the English woman her cheeks, but then again that could be from warming up.
Ona shook her head, thinking it was her mind playing tricks with her, ‘’so what next’’ she asked.
Lucy looked up at her with surprise but quickly put on a neutral face again, ‘’have you ever bench pressed?’’.
‘’Ofcourse’’ Ona chuckled.
Lucy insisted on showing Ona the best technique and did a few quick sets with the weights she had grabbed for Ona.
However, when Ona did the sets with those weights it went a lot less smoothly.
After the set Ona set up and set the weights down on the ground.
Lucy took place on the bench next to her, ‘’have you ever heard about the mind-muscle connection?’’.
‘’no’’ Ona said as she shook her head.
‘’Okay, so during an exercise touching the muscle is a great way to help increase the mind-muscle connection. When you physically touch the muscle, it provides tactile feedback that can be used to better understand which muscles are being targeted and how they should feel during an exercise’’. Lucy explained.
‘’Look’’ she said as she did a bicep curl, ‘’I am working my bicep right now, so then I’ll tap or touch the muscle and that will eventually help with increasing strength in that muscle’’.
Ona sighed, ‘’okay, so you are going to be poking my biceps as I bench press’’.
‘’With a bench press we target arms, shoulders and chest’’ Lucy said, ‘’one of the most useful exercise to work on your mind-muscle connection with, as you automatically start to use the muscles that are touched more then when you just do it, it helps with knowing from where you need to provide strength into the push’’.
‘’Okay lets do it professora’’ Ona chuckled.
While she was benching the weights Lucy poked the concerning muscles, but Ona couldn´t really take it serious, she was getting distracted with the way Lucy´s hands were resting on her chest now, just above her boobs.
´´don´t be so distracted Ona, focus´´ Lucy said, as she noticed Ona slowing her pace.
´´Allright´´ she said, and Lucy retracted her hands at her sudden harsh voice, the effect she hoped it would have, she dropped the weights besides her, ´´you sit here´´ she said as she stood up.
Lucy looked at her confused, ´´what?’’.
‘’Go sit here and do bench presses’’.
Lucy was confused but went to do what Ona ordered, as she had took the weights in her hands she started, ‘’just like this’’ she carefully said.
‘’Yes’’ Ona said as she took place on Lucy’s lap, ‘’go on, keep going’’ she said as she let her hands travel along Lucy’s arms, shoulders, chest and ended at her abs, as Lucy stopped and looked confused at her she repeated what the English woman had told her earlier, ´´don´t be so distracted Lucy, focus´´.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’I wasn’t sitting on your lap’’.
‘’I wasn’t grinding into your ass’’ Ona bit back.
Lucy set the weights besides her, ´´I’m sorry.. I couldn´t..
´´couldn´t what Lucy?’’ Ona sat as she leaned closer towards Lucy’s face, ‘’couldn’t help but wanting to feel my ass?’’.
The English woman swallowed hard, she knew it wasn’t professional of her.
Ona bit her lip as she looked at the woman squirming below her.
She leant to whisper something in Lucy’s ear, ‘’I am going to take a shower’’ she said before softly laying a single kiss in Lucy neck and getting up.
Without turning around she walked towards the changing room, hoping Lucy would follow her.
Lucy scrambled to sit up and wondered what the fuck just happened, she was very confused, a part of screamed that she should follow the woman, another part said to stay in the gym, as she had done more then enough.
-I am going to take a shower-, the words repeated over and over in her head, if Ona really wouldn’t have wanted her to follow her she would’ve surely said something else right, and not give her a kiss.
Without more contemplation Lucy jumped up, she hurried to the changing room and got in, the shower was already running, Lucy spotted Ona’s clothing on the bench.
‘’Uhm’’ Lucy cleared her throat, ‘’sorry’’.
‘’I can’t here you’’ Ona called from under the water, ‘’what did you say?’’.
Lucy  stepped closer to the shower, the shower was just an extension of the dressing room, separated by a tiled wall and a corner, in there were 4 showerheads, which turned out to be the stupidest setup ever, as only one person showered here at a time, but they hadn’t thought about it like that when she helped designing the place.
‘’Sorry’’ she tried again.
Ona chuckled, ‘’Luce come here’’.
Lucy stepped along the wall and was met with a very wet, very naked Ona.
Ona grinned and walked towards Lucy, ‘’it’s okay’’ she said before pressing the taller woman against the wall, ‘’but now you've triggered something in me’’.
‘’Strip’’ Ona said coldly.
Lucy did as told and stepped out of her shoes before she threw her clothes in to the dressing room, in the same undressed state as the Spaniard she walked back to her.
‘’Good’’ Ona said as she pulled Lucy by her wrist to join her under the weak beam of warm water.
Lucy closed her arms around Ona and pulled her in for a deep kiss.
Ona groaned and broke the kiss, ‘’I don’t know what it is but I feel a weirdly big amount of attraction towards you’’.
Lucy narrowed her eyes, ‘’thanks I guess, I think you’re very hot too’’.
‘’No’’ Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’I mean, I have never not been able to suppress the urge to fuck someone’’.
Lucy smirked, ‘’it’s hard when it’s that good’’.
Ona rolled her eyes again, ‘’shut up, your dumb words turn me off’’ she said before kissing Lucy again.
The English woman grinned against Ona’s lips as her hand roamed Ona’s body until they settled between her legs, ‘’Do you get wet when you’re turned off?’’ she asked with an annoying smirk on her face, ‘’or where you lying’’.
‘’I am not lying’’ Ona said as turned them around, ‘’you’re the hottest when your mouth is closed’’.
Lucy chuckled as Ona dropped to her knees and kissed along her upper thighs. ‘’Or when you are cumming’’ Ona added before tugging one of Lucy’s legs on to her shoulder.
She made sure Lucy’s other leg was planted firmly on the ground before she buried her head in between the woman’s legs. Lucy closed her eyes as the shorter woman hungrily started eating her out. Ona reached around Lucy to grab her ass and guided her to grind down on her face. The muscular woman let out a groan and gripped Ona’s hair. The groans of Lucy and humming of Ona echoed in the tiled room.
 With a hand coming down on the Catalans shoulder, pressing into her, she almost lost balance for a second, but she recovered and gripped tighter into the flesh of Lucy’s ass while she kept fucking with her tongue in and out of her entrance.
The leg that was hanging over her shoulder started jolting as Ona heard the breath of the woman above her get more and more unsteady. Lucy felt she was about to come undone and braced herself on Ona and the shower wall, grabbing the rod where the shower was connected to.
She bit her lips as she looked down at the beautiful woman bobbing her head between her own legs, she grabbed the hair she was holding and pulled at the roots as she pushed the head deeper into her core. Ona moaned at the act, a shiver traveled along Lucy’s spine at the vibration.
‘’Fuck’’ she breathed, ‘’I’m cumming’’.
At that last word her voice went up her voice went up an octave and her eyes rolled back while an electric pulse travelled through her body. Ona kept lapping at Lucy, dirty sounds filling the room, only when Lucy’s hips started jerking from sensitivity, she stopped. Only now she realized how hard she had been holding onto Lucy and she caressed the skin gently before pulling her hands back. She sat back and stood up to look at Lucy.
The English woman wore a dopey grin, with hooded eyes she smiled at Ona, ‘’that was amazing’’ she said as if she was under the influence of drugs.
‘’Good’’ Ona said, ‘’because I need this to be our last time’’.
At those words Lucy seemed to get sobered up immediately, ‘’I’m not done’’ she said.
Ona rolled her eyes but couldn’t ignore the way she felt her core pulsing at Lucy’s hungry gaze. Lucy stepped closer and kissed her. Lucy grinned as she felt the Catalan pushing herself against her, almost searching for some kind of relieve with the way her core searches for one of Lucy’s thighs.
‘’Not here’’ Lucy said as she broke the kiss, ‘’come home with me’’.
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runawrites-blog · 1 month
Deadpool Being A Girl Dad Would Include 🌸
-Wade Wilson is the biggest Girl Dad™️ and anyone who disagrees can fight me on it
-Of course, he would have been happy about a boy just as much as a girl but when you came back from a doctor’s appointment to tell him he’d have a daughter he was overjoyed
-When you ask him if he’s crying and tell him how sweet he’s being he just tells you to fuck off and you just hug him tightly
-He buys his daughter so many stuffed toys, going through the whole animal kingdom, then buying unicorns and dinosaurs, too
-He loves painting your daughter's nails and he lets her paint his nails, proudly walking around with his colourful nails and showing off how he matches with his baby girl
-speaking of matching, he will wear clothes that match the ones your daughter is wearing and it won’t matter what colour or motives they have because he’ll gladly wear matching Hello Kitty sweaters just as much as he’ll wear a matching dinosaur shirt
-You have to lecture him on safe sleeping and not letting his daughter sleep in a bed full of stuffed animals
-From the day that he found out he'd have a daughter he was going over names every day, looking them up online, asking his friends about their opinions and overall being very imaginative
-Some of the names were better than others but eventually, you two came to a compromise
(-I personally headcanon his daughter's name to be Bea after Bea Arthur from Golden Girls because in the first Deadpool, he wears a shirt with her face on it, I just needed to share this)
-He adores dressing his daughter in cute outfits, not necessarily in the sense of dressing her in puffy dresses or clothes covered in bows, but in clothes with cute prints
-Wade gets that a baby needs comfortable clothes but that doesn’t mean they can’t have cute kittens on them or be brightly coloured or covered in a glittery print
-He would also totally let his daughter choose what she wants to wear, letting her pick the wildest mix-matched outfits ever
-When his daughter gets old enough to actually understand what books you two are reading to her, he goes out of his way to look for ones with positive female role models
-He buys books where the girl saves the day, where the female characters are strong and independent, where they have agency and big dreams because he wants his daughter to know that she can be anything she wants to be and that she can do that on her own
-That doesn’t mean he isn’t protective because if any bad guys catch wind of the fact that he has a daughter and threatens her, he’ll go ballistic on them
-Spends hours watching Barbie movies with your daughter and then dances around the flat singing along to the songs with her while she pretends to be a princess or fairy
-Wade tries to learn how to do your daughter’s hair and spends countless hours on the internet, looking up tutorials on how to do elaborate hairstyles
-He is always distraught when he can’t get it right and you have to come in and help him
-Totally has tea parties with his daughter and her stuffed animals
-He’ll also be super interested in her hobbies, be it football or ballet, baseball or horseback riding, he will let her talk his ear off about it
-Speaking of ears, when his daughter wants to get her ears pierced he goes with her and lets her sit in his lap so she won’t be afraid but it’s actually him who ends up flinching more than her when he sees her little face scrunch up in pain
-Then he’ll buy her twenty new pairs of earrings while you go on telling him that the piercing needs to heal first and she won’t be able to wear them for another month or so anyway
-Wade is the Dad his daughter's friends feel safe around, and they ask for help if anyone makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe
-loves watching stereotypical girl shows with her, like My Little Pony or Winx Club
-listens to boybands with her
-has pyjama parties with her where they paint each others' nails, watch romcoms, eat popcorn and do face masks
-Wade is the Dad who loudly cheers his kid on during school functions, big games, dance recitals, you name it and he never misses one of these events
-If he has to show up in full Deadpool gear so he will make it on time then he will
-When his daughter gets older and gets her first period, he panics a little but when you sit down to talk to her about it he is there to reassure her, too
-never embarrassed to buy pads or tampons for his daughter and brings home her favourite sweets to make her feel better
-imagine him standing at the cash register in full Deadpool getup buying menstrual products and chocolate for her
-he is also very good at getting blood out of clothes, so that comes in handy, too
-he will teach her self-defence, showing her all the ways she can protect herself, verbally and physically
-insanely proud when she managed to take him down and slam him onto the floor
-isn't the biggest fan of going shopping but will do the stereotypical dad thing where he sits down and lets his daughter put on a full fashion show to show off her new clothes
-he knows what it's like to feel insecure about your looks so if his daughter ever feels insecure or not pretty enough he will actually sit down to have a serious talk with her and tell her how beautiful he thinks she is
-has the sweetest nicknames for her, from regular ones like "Honey" to things like "Light of my Life" or "My Little Princess"
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lwwife · 8 months
Hi, I read your first piece with Leah and really enjoyed it. I then saw you were asking for requests so figured I might as well give an idea I’ve had in my head. Basically its around Leah and a wealthy CEO/Buisnesswoman reader. Their relationship being loving but others seeing things in different ways. Where people/teammates end up assuming Y/n is a gold digger. Falsely accusing her of being such. I’d be curious to know what you think if this and see how it might play out if written.
Gold Digger
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Fluff, angst, suggestive
Word count: 1489
Leah’s pov:
“Mate, please I really don’t want to go, I mean what do they even need me for? Im a footballer not a stock broker!” I whined to my manager Tyra.
“Leah trust me, you’ll love it, the CEO of the company is a huge advocate for women and girls in sports, it’s the centre of tonight’s event, she does a lot more work than just holdings, she’s trying to bring women’s sport into each company the corporation owns to increase growth” I continue to stare at her, still questioning why I have to be there. Tyra sighs, “and, leah, having successful women attending events to show those companies just what women are capable of can help a lot.” She pauses waiting for my response. “She asked specifically for you Leah” I raised my eyebrows, “she did?”, “of course she did you nut, you’re Leah Williamson, you’ve just won the biggest tournament in Europe, now get a grip and go get dressed.” Tyra walks out of the hotel room, and I sigh, maybe it won’t be too bad, I mean I do enjoy advocacy events, hopefully it’s not full of stuck up old rich men, Tyra did say the CEO was a woman.
The event hasn’t been too bad so far, I’ve been introduced to a few really interesting people who seem genuinely interested in what I do, “and this, is y/n y/ln, the CEO of y/ln holdings” Tyra taps me and gestures to a woman stood next to her. I grab on to Tyra’s arm to stable myself, i genuinely think my knees were about to give out. Tyra side eyes me questioningly. 
“Leah! Hi, wow I’m so happy to meet you and so beyond grateful you were able to come tonight, you have no idea how much it means!” Y/n exclaims, offering her hand forward, I stand still, gobsmacked at the angelic woman stood infront of me, smiling brightly, praising me. Tyra shoves me “ow!” I turn to scowl her, she subtly gestures to y/n’s hand still waiting for mine to shake it. “Oh shit” I mumble and y/n laughs quietly, I quickly embrace her hand in mine and shake it. I look up at y/n and meet her eyes, my mouth opens slightly at the feeling of her hand in mine and her eyes staring through me, I feel something electric run through me, and by the look on her face I think she does too. “Well Leah why don’t we take advantage of your presence here and let’s have a drink, I’d love to hear your opinion on some of my ideas for women’s football.” She smiles gently. I nod and smile back “I’d love to” she pulls my hand that’s still clasped with hers and leads me to the bar.
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Wow! What a night, thank you @y/ln.holdings ☺️
@y/ln.holdings: Thanks for coming Leah!
@emilythompson76: Gorgeous!!
@bethmead_: 🔥🔥🔥
@keriawalsh: bloody lovely 
@alexscott2: 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
@y/n_y/ln: Hope you enjoyed your night😉
“Really?” I turn to y/n who is slumped up in my bed, sheets covering her bare chest.
“What!? Did you enjoy your night?” She smirks and moves closer to me. 
“Mmmh it was okay” I smirk back
“Just okay huh? Well we’ll have to do something about that, can’t you having just an ‘okay’ night” 
“Oh yeah? What are we gonna have to do?” I question her, eyebrow raised
“Why don’t I show you” she whispers
Y/n’s pov: (2 months later)
“Ugh, for fucks sakes” I mumble, after getting my 175th email within the last 10 minutes. I run my hands through my hair and lean back in my chair, letting out a much needed breath when I hear a knock on the door. “Miss y/ln?” My assistant Emily peeks through the door, “yes Emily?” I say, slightly more aggressive than intended, “Leah is here to see you ma’am”, “oh Emily for gods sake how many times have I told you to just call me y/n?!” She looks down “sorry ma’am-I mean- uh”, “send her through please”, Emily nods and shuts the door. 
“I know darling” Leah assures as she softly massages my shoulders while I ramble about work.
“And it’s just non stop, Richard will not stop hassling me about the stocks and Ryan! Oh god don’t get me started on Ryan, I swear to go all he doe-“
“I want you to meet my friends” Leah cuts me off. I pause and spin in my chair to face her, “what?” I question, making sure I heard her right. “I said I want you to meet my friends, my teammates. You’ve become so important to me y/n, and I love you so much, you’ve met my family and I’d love for you to meet my friends as well, I want you to be able to know people if you ever get the chance to come to one of my games or bring you as a date to a team night, you know how much Arsenal and the team means to me, I want the two most important things in my life to know each other” she says, whispering the last sentence. 
I grin up at her brightly, “god how are you real?” I question her.
“I don’t know to be honest I’m pretty unreal aren’t I” she smiles cockily.
I slap her arm and stand up so we’re face to face, I grab the back of her neck “come here idiot”. 
Leah’s pov:
“Baby calm down it’s okay” I reach for y/n’s thigh and rub gently to stop her shaking. 
“No babe because what if they hate me, fuck”
“Darling girl listen to me, they’re not going to hate you, I love you, and they will too, so let’s go in there and let me show off my sexy, smart, bossy girlfriend” I smile at her.
“Okay.” She says and takes a deep breath.
I lean forward and capture her lips in a reassuring kiss, “I love you y/n”.
“I love you too my love, I just want the people that mean most to you to like me, I don’t want to lose you” she responds and I simply kiss her again, this time a little harder, fuelled with passion at her words.
“Leah all we’re saying is to be careful” Keira says, I look around at my friends, Alex, Beth, Katie, Lia, and Keira all staring at me, huddled in a corner, trying to convince me to be careful with y/n. 
“You guys don’t know anything about it why can’t you just be happy for me?”
“We are happy for you mate we just want to make sure you’re being cautious” Alex responds.
“Leah things are different for us now, we just won the Euro’s, you don’t know what people’s intentions are with you”
“Oh for fucks same would you lot give it a rest, I’m telling you right now y/n is not a gold digger! That wouldn’t even make any sense” I storm off to find my girl, “what?” I hear them question behind me.
“Come on darling, we’re going” I slide me hand around y/n’s waist.
“Why baby? Is everything okay?” She looks at me concerned. 
“No, my friends are being stuck up assholes, I just want to leave” 
“Okay baby we can leave” I pull her by the waist to lead us out of the pub.
“Leah wait!” I hear Lia call out after me, the rest of the girls following her, “we’re sorry we just want to look out for you”
“No you lot are being entitled twats, you don’t even know what y/n does for a living” y/n turns to me confused.
“What are you all talking about?” She asks.
“Well darling, my dear friends here are accusing you of being a gold digger” y/n laughs to herself in amazement but quickly stops when she realises I’m being serious. 
“Oh you’re serious?” She questions and turns to my friends.
They all look down.
“Y/n is the CEO of a company dickheads, she doesn’t like to boast but she was in Forbes’ millionaire list, her family has run a business for decades which she’s now taken over, so if anyone should be accused of gold digging here it’d make most sense that it was me.” I say to the girls, whose faces have all suddenly turned apologetic.
“We’re sorry Leah” they all say amongst each other.
“No, it’s y/n you should be apologising to” 
“You’re right” Beth says, “we are so sorry y/n, we didn’t even make an effort to get to know you, fuck honestly we are so sorry, can we please start fresh?” They all nod in agreement.
“It’s okay girls honestly you were just looking out for her, but to make it up to me you’re all gonna have to buy me a drink” she winks.
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A bunch of gold diggers
A/n: I loved this request! I hope I did it justice. If anyone has any feedback or anymore requests feel free to message, comment, or put in my asks! Hope you all enjoy :)
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greynatomy · 1 year
the one that got away
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alessia russo x reader
second part to regret. had a lot of fun writing this and might do more polls if i can’t choose for myself again. also, ignore how many times rory’s age is asked. didn’t realize how many times i wrote it in.
part 1
“Gather ‘round girls!” Jonas’ voice brings Leah back to the present.
Everyone comes together at the middle of the gym, waiting for what Jonas is gonna say.
“Just wanna welcome everyone who was in Australia back and also our ACL squad. We’re all glad to see you all up and running.” Everyone cheers and claps. “Now, I wanna welcome our new signing, Alessia Russo.” Alessia walks towards the group awkwardly, not wanting to trip.
“Hi.” She gives a small wave.
“Don’t be shy Lessi. We’re all friendly.”
“Yeah! We don’t bite!”
Over the course of the week, Alessia gets situated with the team and the dynamics, learning how to play with her new team.
“Mrs. Russo, someone’s been calling your phone. It’s says there’s ten missed calls.”
“From who?”
“Amore Mio.”
Everyone’s attention is now on Alessia, all curios about the girl’s significant other, judging from the name that the trainer said that was shown on her phone.
“Hi, love. What happened? So, she’s fine. Yeah. Okay. Thanks for letting me know. I love you. See you later.”
She gives her phone back to one of the trainers, telling them to inform her if you were to call again.
“What was that all about?” Katie asks in her usual loud voice.
“Oh, sorry. My daughter got hurt at preschool.”
“Wait. Hold up! Daughter? You have a daughter?” She didn’t know who asked, but saw the rest of the team walking closer to her.
“Uh, yeah.”
“How old is she?”
“She’s three now.”
“And I’m guessing you didn’t carry cause you’ve not really took a break from football.”
“Nope. Won’t be carrying any babies in me. Freaks me out a bit, but my wife happily did it.”
“So you have a kid and a wife and none of us knew about it?”
“No one really knows. We wanted to keep it to ourselves. I didn’t want the public knowing and plastering their face in the media yet, and we like our little bubble.”
“Not even Tooney knew?”
“Oh, Tooney knew. She had to give the best friend talk and all that. Wanted to know her opinion before anything turned serious and now we’re four years strong, three of them married.”
“So, when do you think we’ll meet ‘em?”
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
“Not really, but have to be. I’ll be seeing a lot of her more since you’ve transferred.”
“It’s been five years too, she’d probably moved on, yeah?”
“Don’t know Lessi. I hope so. Now let’s get little princess dressed.”
“I’ve already dressed her, babe. Just waiting on you.”
You looked at her skeptically.
“You? Dressed Rory?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Alessia asked, offense written on her face.
“Nothing bad, Less. Just, you turn her into a mini me every time.”
“And she loves it every time. I love when the two of you match. My favorite girls.
“And when this baby pops out of me, no doubt he’ll be a mini you.”
“I won’t be outnumbered this time.”
“Sorry, I’m late. Kid ran away while I tried getting her in the car.” Alessia explained, walking to where everyone was gathered in the backyard.
“You’re fine. Now, who is this little one?”
“Wanna say your name bubs?”
“I Rory. I dis many.” She says holding up three fingers.
“Woah. That’s a lot of fingers.” Your daughter giggles.
“Did that wife of yours come?”
“Yeah, she probably went to the—”
“—Sorry. I had to go to the washroom. It’s nice to meet you all. Name’s—”
“—Y/n.” Leah finishes, shocked, voice shaking.
“…Hi, Leah.”
“You two know each other.” Katie asks, intrigued how the skipper knew you.
“Uh, yeah. We used to be close friends.”
“No. She was my wife.” You could’ve heard a pin drop from how silent everyone was.
“Okay. Woah. There is a lot to unpack here.”
“And they can do it privately.” Alessia intervened.
“You know about our history.” Leah turns to Alessia, hurt all over her face. She was close to the girl, being on the national team together and the whole time she was in a relationship with her ex-wife.
“Of course I do. She’s my wife.”
The dinner was pretty awkward for a bit after the interaction. Rory have been playing with some of the other girls, you staying by your wife’s side getting to know her teammates.
Eventually, Leah got the courage to go up to you.
“Hey, uh, do you think we could talk?”
You look up at her, seeing the nervous look on her face.
“Sure. Honey, help me up.” Alessia grabs ahold of your hand and the other on your arm to stabilize you. “Let’s go inside.”
You go to little sitting area in the corner of the living room, away from everyone, but not out of sight. There was a couple seconds of silence, very awkward silence.
“Are you just not gonna say anything?”
Leah apologizes. “Uh, how’ve you been?”
“Doing pretty good.”
Another awkward silence.
“I’m sorry. I don’t really know what to say. I’ve had five years to practice what I was gonna say to you if I ever would run into you, but it just slipped my mind. But I guess I wanted to apologize and say that I took you for granted. I don’t deserve your forgiveness at all for being distant, lying to you about where I’ve been doing or going… for, uh, cheating on you. I’ve hated myself the second it happened.”
“Why’d you do it?”
“Why’d you do it? Was it something I did that made you go to another that you should’ve gone to me for or—”
“—No! God, no! You did nothing wrong, it was all on me. I don’t really have an explanation as shitty as it sounds.”
“It’s been five years and I do forgive you. I think I forgave you the moment I met my wife. I needed to close the door on our relationship to be able to truly love her how she should be loved, so I forgive you. Doesn’t mean that I’ll ever forget. But you are forgiven.”
“Thank you.”
Before anyone can say anything else, your daughter runs to you, climbing into your lap.
“Hi, Mommy.”
“Hi, baby. You having fun?”
“Yeah! Stephy and Kya (Kyra) pway with me.”
“That’s so sweet of them.”
Leah watches your interaction with your daughter, a sad smile on her face.
“How old is she?”
“Hey, Rory. This is Mama’s teammate Leah. Can you tell her how old you are?”
“I free!” She holds up three fingers towards Leah.
“Woah! You’re so big! And you have a little sibling on the way. Can I ask how far along you are?” The question directed towards you.
“I’m five months along. It’s a boy.”
“Thank you! Well, it’s been great catching up with you Leah. I’m glad you’re doing well.”
Leah watches you walk away, your daughter on your hip, towards your wife who was chatting up with a few teammates. She watches Alessia grab Aurora from you, giving you a smile and a kiss, seeing the love you two have.
Maybe in another life, one she hadn’t screwed up on , that could’ve been you and her, but she was just glad that you have someone who lived you the way you deserve to be loved.
Now, that she got everything out of her chest, she would be able to move on, but you’ll always be the one that got away.
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classypauli · 7 months
She’s the Man
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x fem Reader A/N: I don’t even have words, I definitely wasn’t expecting this feedback, you guys made my day. Thank you for all the likes, rebloggs and comments!! You are the best!! Warning: alcohol, drunk people, grammar mistakes, bad punctuation in complex sentences, spelling errors Word count: 4.8k
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Y/N was walking down the hallway with Mason, they didn´t share many classes except literature. It was one of her favorite classes. Y/N becomes a little nerd if someone asks her about history, paintings, architecture, or literature. When she was a kid, she wasn´t into this kind of things. She used to do a lot of sports and her grades weren´t great but also not worse.
When she started to go to a high school she stopped. Her grades became better and soon she was topping most of her classes. Her classmates saw her as someone intelligent, she wasn´t just book smart, she had good opinions and when she started talking people listened to her, she didn´t know why, maybe because she didn´t talk much so they became interested in her talking.
But she never talked about herself. She was always trying to avoid any questions about her. Y/N didn´t know why she did that. She felt more secure that way, less on target. She likes to keep things like this together.  When she used to tell someone about her problems she didn´t feel relief, it was the opposite, she was scared that it wouldn´t end with that person or that they actually didn´t care and just listened to her cause they didn´t want to be impolite. So she found peace in her silence.
When she struggled she picked up a pen and notebook. She kept writing and writing until she forgot why she started. She never read it. Felt ashamed of her words and her feelings. She wasn’t alone after all, she had her family and brother, so why did she still feel so lonely? Y/N knew she wasn´t good with words but she wanted to be better.
When she became older she found herself in poems. Sometimes she was writing about her feelings, other times she was writing about things she likes, saw during the day, or just about her day. In some way they made her realize that being focused on bad things won´t bring her good feelings. And she felt stupid, of course, it was like this but talking about it and behaving according to it were two different things.
„How was your weekend?“ Mason asked as they walked side by side to their class, passing by some of their football teammates, shooting them nods.
„It was pretty good, got some sleep, how about you?“ she shot him a glance. Y/N still can´t believe that someone like him exists, he is so kind and helpful. Today after school they are having practice, she was kind of on the edge of her toes because on saturday they have the game but Mason supported her and calmed her nerves.
„Me too, there was a party going on, it was quite good but it would be even better if you were there.“
They walked into a class and took a seat, chatting about some festival going on this week when suddenly Percy came into a class. He saw her shot her a quick nod and started to make his way to them.
„Hey, Charlie! I didn´t see you almost all weekend!“ Yeah, they were always avoiding each other but not on purpose, Y/N was always somewhere and when she came to the dorm Percy wasn´t there yet, he was sleeping or it was the other way around.
He turned to Mason but didn´t say anything. It was weird, like some tension between them. They just kept looking at each other till Percy asked her about her Friday night.
„How was your hang out with your teammates?“
Mason shot her a questionable look but Percy didn´t seem to notice that. Y/N got stuck. Now there was no way she could keep lying because clearly, Mason was sitting beside her, she could say that she felt sick so she canceled the plans or-
„It was great.“ Mason said from beside her. „Why are you interested? You wanted to join us?“ he asked and kept looking at him for an answer. Y/N knew he didn´t mean the question that way but silently thanked him for saving her. Percy looked at him, stunned, as he wasn´t expecting his statement.
„No, of course not.“ After that, he walked away somewhere behind them to find a free chair to sit on. Mason looked at “Charlie” again with a slightly raised eyebrow.
„I´m not going to ask, if you want to tell me you can, just so you know, I don´t want to force you.“ He said softly. Mason can see the way his teammate is. How she only talks when someone asks her something. He sees how she acts and holds herself. He also can see that something is off but can´t really say what. But still, he has this urge to hold a protective wing above his new friend.
„Thank you, Mason.“ Y/N shot a small smile his way and he gave it back to her. Class began and she can only hope that Percy will forget about their small but tense interaction.
Soon the mentioned festival came. Y/N was walking around by herself not really sure where to head to. There were all the students from her school running around. She saw Georgie on the bench, he was holding big candy floss in his hand looking excited at it. The girl wanted to laugh at him, he looked really funny. Slowly she came to him with a small teasing smile on her face.
„Aren´t you a little too old for this?“ Y/N asked him looking at his change of face at her question.
���There is not something like an age barrier in eating cotton candy!“ Georgie shouted and turned his face around, acting angry at her. Of course, he was right, she liked it too, she just saw the opportunity and took it.
„Yeah, believe whatever you want“ Y/N smiled „Where is the rest?“ she was hitting on Hunter, the two boys were always together, they truly were like brothers, always bickering but supportive of each other. Percy was also a lot of time by their side but Hunter and Georgie were glued by the hip.
„I don´t know I´m waiting for him.“ He said as Y/N slowly took a seat by him. „And what brings you here? Shouldn´t you train for your upcoming match?“ he looked her way.
„Today we have a free day, coach was talking about him having some show at the festival.“ Y/N was looking forward to her match and wanted to be ready, hoping he would let her play for at least a couple of minutes. She wanted to find out how her body would react. She was a little nervous but this stress was healthy. It kept her going.
„Me and Hunter will come to watch you.“ The girl looked at him shocked. He was eating his candy floss with his fingers all sticky.
„You like something else besides eating and taking photography?“ she teased him and he looked at her with lowered eyebrows.
„I didn´t say I enjoy watching it, I just want to see how you lose your first game.“ Georgie laughed then Y/N punched his shoulder. „Ouch! I was only joking you know!“
She stopped and looked around her, feeling like someone was watching her and she was right. There was a girl not so far, looking at her with folded arms and a smirk on her face. She had long brown hair and was short. She started to make her way to the two of them. Y/N straightened her back and waited for what this girl had to say.
„Hey, I don´t think we know each other but my roommate talks a lot about you.“
Now that made the girl sitting on the bench stop. Roommate? She had never seen this girl and Y/N wasn´t sure where she should know her roommate from. The only girl she talks to is Jenna but she´s almost sure that she has no reason to talk about her.
„She is working in the photo booth, I´m sure she would be on top of the roof if you came to see her.“ She still has that teasing smile on her face.
„Uhm... yeah, sure“ Y/N lets out looking at Georgie who´s trying to hold his laugh. The girl left and he lets it out.
„Shut your mouth and keep eating.“ She hissed at him but he only continued with his laugh.
Soon she found Mason and some of her other teammates, they talked about the game how excited are they and how they would smash their opponent. Her brother called her again, saying how his tour was going and he wished her luck. Their parents luckily aren´t suspicious so everything is going according to plan. She takes her walk around the festival, looking at all kinds of booths and how people are enjoying themselves. She stopped by one and just stared, she saw Jenna, and she sat in one of the booths on her face her significant smile. Suddenly the brown eyed girl looked up and saw Y/N. She smiles wider and she indicates with her eyes at the side of the booth. Y/N slowly walks there are is greeted with Jenna´s hug. This was the first time they hugged and Y/N couldn´t focus on anything. She was shocked by the girl´s body language but also glad cause this meant their friendship became stronger.
„Hey, I was looking forward to seeing you today.“ Jenna backed her way out of their hug and looked up at her, still with their bodies close to one another. Y/N looked where they were and she saw that Jenna was working in a... photo booth.
„Uhm... yeah? Why? Do you need something?“ the other girl asked looking down at her again.
„No, I just wanted to see you.“ There goes her dimples again. They are so cute. Her whole face is too pretty. Y/N wanted to say something but was cut off by another voice.
„Hey football player glad you finally decided to come.“ She turned to Jenna „I found her when I went to the toilet, couldn´t hold myself from inviting her to our booth.“ She shot her teasing smile. Jenna face palmed herself, she could already imagine how she approached you and what she said. Gideon was like that, she is a big matchmaker but also really attentive and sweet when it's convenient.
„Charlie this is Gideon, Gideon Charlie.“ She pointed her hand from one to another.
„Hey Charlie, I heard a lot of things about you.“ She smirked and Jenna pushed her away, awkwardly looking around as she stood in front of Y/N.
„Ehm...so, I heard you have an upcoming game this Saturday, are you excited yet?“ the shorter girl asked as she looked at her feet, arms folded. Y/N found her cute right now, how she couldn´t look at her like she did before her roommate interrupted them.
„I pretty am, even though I don´t even know if I will play, I´ve been training only two weeks, and I’m not sure if the coach will let me play.“ She shook her shoulders.
„Oh I´m sure you will be playing, you are one of the best on your team.“ Jenna winked at Y/N and smiled at her. „I saw you a couple of times.“
Now, Jenna was acting as if she had seen her just a couple of times but the truth is, she saw her every practice. She doesn´t know why, at first she just went there cause she didn´t feel like going straight to her dorm, but when she saw you she knew that she wanted to see you again. You were so good. You acted like a totally different person on the field, you were confident and energetic, and your every move was calculated. You could easily catch someone´s attention. You caught Jenna´s attention.
Y/N felt a lot more confident because of Jenna´s words. She wasn´t the first person who said this to her.
„Will you come to see us?“
„Are you inviting me to watch you on your game?“ Jenna teased her.
„Well, if you already have some plans you don´t have to, I mean you probably have better things to do than to watch some stinky players running around the field chasing the ba-“ Y/N didn´t even finish her sentence and the other girls cut her off.
„I will come“ Jenna wouldn´t miss your first game, she was excited to see you being competitive. There was something about you that was always bringing her thoughts to you. You were such a good listener, a soft speaker, and intelligent. She doesn´t think she has ever met someone like you in her life. You were like a fresh air to her stereotypical life. She wanted to be with you cause every time you are together, you give her something new.
Jenna watched Y/N. She couldn’t tear her eyes off her. You were like someone else like they switched you. In-person, you were sweet, quiet, caring, and soft. On the field, you were almost aggressive but not in a bad way, you knew what you were doing. This was definitely your alter ego and Jenna was here for every second of it, you put on quite a show. Running back and forth in your jersey, defending than attacking, the ball moved exactly where you wanted it to move. You were fast, probably the fastest one on the field.
Jenna enjoyed it so much. She used to play football when she was a kid with her family when they spent time together and also in school. But that was a long time ago, she may not play it anymore but she still likes to watch it.
The girl moved her eyes as you got the ball on your foot and started to run trying to get near the opponent's net. Players trying to stop you, running after you, trying to slide their way to you, nothing works. When you got near the goal area you tried your luck and shot the ball into the net. The opponent's goalkeeper couldn’t see the ball because of his teammates standing in front of him, making the ball straight to the top corner. Whistle. Goal.
Jenna stood up clapping her hands big smile on her face as she watched you running to your teammates to celebrate your success. The whole tribune of the students from your school is clapping, yelling supportive words, happy that they are winning against a different university. Your coach is standing near the field with his arms folded and a proud smile on his face. It was definitely a good idea to put you in the first lineup.
“Charlie! That was so good!” Mason tapped your back, he had the biggest smile, and he was so happy for you. You were a big talent.
The game went on and it was almost the end, Y/N became calmer because they were leading. She shot her gaze a couple of times at the tribune and every time she could see Jenna looking at her, she hoped she was enjoying this. Y/N also saw Georgie and Hunter, both boys beside each other smiling widely at her with their thumbs up, Georgie with a hot dog in another hand.
Soon the game ended, and they won 3:0. Y/N was glad that her first match was successful and hopefully, she impressed others. In the changing room, her teammates were chanting, happy about their first match. After that, she walked out of the changing room, bag on her shoulder, still in her football jersey, she’s planning to take a shower in her dorm. She knew that they were a bit suspicious about her cause every time after practice she just took her bag and left, unchanged. But they thought maybe “Charlie” was just shy which was okay not everyone liked showing off skin, even if it was in front of the same gender. Y/N was near the entrance looking into her phone, texting her brother about her game.
„Hey football player.” She looked up from her phone and saw Jenna leaning on her side into the doors looking at her.
„Oh hi, wasn‘t expecting you, did you enjoy the game?” the girl asked as she got closer to her. Now they were looking at each other holding gaze, Jenna looked up biting her lip. You look good right now. Still being in jersey, sweaty forehead, hooded eyes from the energy you gave on the field. If this was someone else she was sure she wouldn’t find them as attractive as you right now.
Jenna nodded her head „Congratulations on your first successful game, pretty cool goal if I have to say.” She says softly still looking at the other girl.
„Pretty cool? It was awesome! Didn’t you see how I ran through half of their players and still shot it?” Y/N started defending herself „I was unstoppable.”
Jenna threw her head back letting out a laugh. She grabbed Y/N by the arm and started to pull her outside of the building.
„Come, we need to celebrate your first win”
„Wait, but I’m still in these clothes, I can’t go anywhere like this.”
Jenna shot her a look „There isn’t any problem if you ask me, but we can stop by your dorm?”
They walked out, still holding each other's hands, Y/N didn’t want to be rude and tear up their hands, she liked this feeling, Jenna’s hand was so soft and warm. Y/N felt good with Jenna, like she has finally someone just for herself.
But her thoughts went to her words, what if her roommate was there and saw them together? He would beat her up. But it was afternoon and he used to be at this time somewhere in the amphitheater.
Y/N agreed as they started making their way towards the dorm rooms. They chatted about some party going on tonight. Jenna’s friend Gideon invited her. Jenna was about to decline but her roommate said there would be also a football team probably celebrating their win. That made Jenna say yes to her offer which Gideon only laughed at.
To Jenna “Charlie” was special, she didn’t know what caught her attention, something inside of her wanted to be with you, by your side.
Luckily for Y/N, Percy was nowhere to be found. She invited Jenna to their room she took her new clothes and went to get a shower. Jenna was sitting on Y/N’s bed, looking around trying to find something which would only make her closer to her friend. Your bed smelled like you, she loved your scent it was like citrus with cedar or something like green tea, she couldn’t describe it in one word. On your desk were books and a notebook, you had it perfectly organized, and everything had its own place. Yeah, you are definitely a perfectionist. When she looked at the other side of the room she could exactly say who was the owner.
The paintings and papers spread around the desk and floor, different types of art. She found them a couple of times in her locker, at the table where she sat, or in her mailbox. Paintings of her. At first, she found it cute but it kept graduating as she got them almost every day. And it was always herself.
But maybe she would be glad, if it ended just with this.
She was in a room where lived two people. One that makes her most pleasant in their presence and the other one she feels most uncomfortable with.
„So what´s your plan for today?“
They were eating in some corner restaurant, Jenna got herself some vegan food, and Y/N sat in front of her with a plate of big burger and some fries. It felt good seeing them like this, both out of student uniforms in their civilian clothes, enjoying each other´s company.
Jenna wanted to know, inconspicuously, if her friend in going to the local party that night. If she said yes then Jenna would also have some plans, that´s for sure. Even though she doesn´t like parties, not anymore.
„Well, some of my teammates are going to some party, I don´t know where, they asked me if I´ll join them.“ She said as she kept eating her fries. „I haven´t decided yet, I´m not really into parties, too loud for me.“ That really didn´t answer her question.
„What about you? Any plans?“
„Gideon was saying something about today´s night but I´m not sure yet.“
„Oh, cool.“ And just like that they continued eating their meals, both hoping, at some point they´ll see each other today. Jenna looked up from the table to Y/N, the girl looked flawless right now, with her invincible walls down, silently eating a burger. Jenna pushed her hand up and stole some fries from her plate. Her friend looked at her with her head not moving from her meat, unimpressed. Softly shook her head from side to side.
„You are lucky it´s you, if it was someone else they wouldn´t have a hand by now.“ She said. She didn’t mind sharing food, sometimes, and she definitely didn´t mind sharing food with the brown-eyed girl.
Y/N was thinking. About Percy to be exact, about their deal or more like his, because he isn´t doing anything to repay. But she promised him she would at least try. And she also tried. When she and Jenna had classes together, like when they were lab partners, she could feel Percy´s stare. His eyes were boring into her skull so hard that sometimes she could even feel a headache. When she looked up at him he moved his eyes to the other girl and back to her. Signalizing what he wants from her.
So she asked. She asked Jenna if she was dating anyone or if she ever thought about going out with Percy. Jenna only laughed at her and shook her head, trying to avoid any questions about him. Y/N could feel something was off, the brown-eyed girl knew the boy and still didn´t even look at him or say hi to him. But Y/N doesn´t know why is she like that. Something happened between them and she wasn´t sure if she wanted to know. It wasn´t her business after all.
After Y/N´s questions, Jenna felt conflicted. She was used to guys asking her out, trying something with her but not you, you were different. You are the only guy who hasn´t tried to get with her. And she liked that. But when you asked her about Percy and said that she would be perfect for him, she almost wasn´t sure if she heard you right.
Perfect for him. But would he be perfect for her? Jenna knew the answer to that question. She disliked him. For what he made her feel. Jenna didn´t want to be perfect for him, she wanted to be perfect for you. And it took her quite a long time to realize that she liked you more than a friend. She talked to Gideon and Emma about it, they told her the same thing.
But did you feel the same?
Jenna was now standing in someone´s living room. Loud music and drunk students were escorting her thoughts. She was looking for her friends, they agreed that they would meet there. She saw Gideon sitting on the sofa, cup in her hand. She was talking to someone Jenna recognized from school. She sat beside her and her roommate looked her way.
„Hey, glad you could make it.“
„What are you drinking?“ Jenna grabbed Gideon´s cup and smelled it.
„Vodka, I got it from the kitchen, down the hallway to the right, you want me to go with you?“ Gideon was sweet, she knew Jenna didn´t enjoy such a thing as a party.
„No it´s okay, I´ll get it, maybe I´ll see Emma or Joy somewhere.“
So with that, she picked herself up from a sofa and started to go into the kitchen. There were a bunch of teens, she barely could make it through them. Some were really drunk and the scent of strong alcohol could be smelled from them. Some guys who saw her shot her flirtatious smirk. She brushed them off and was trying not to make any eye contact on her way. When she saw football players she immediately started looking around if you weren´t somewhere over there. No, you weren’t. She was looking forward to meeting you today but still with no luck. She hoped you would decide to go there.
She made it to the kitchen took a cup in her hand and started looking for some juice. She didn´t feel like drinking, maybe if she was at home with some close friends or you, she would drink but she was at a party, by herself in a stranger´s kitchen.
Jenna heard a voice from the back. The girl turned around and saw someone she was trying to avoid at all costs. She hoped he wouldn´t be there today but of course he would, they are in the same school after all.
Percy was standing by the kitchen entrance, eyes low, looking at her. They were alone there and loud music could be heard from the other room. Suddenly she didn´t feel safe. The last time they met they were in a room full of people and it still didn´t stop him. Now they were alone and she felt even more scared cause there was nothing that could stop him from doing whatever he wanted.
„H-Hey.“ She shot him nodding with her head and continued with whatever she was doing, with her shaking hands, acting like he wasn´t even there in the first place. But she could feel his cold presence closer behind her. She turned around and was met with his face. He smelled like he just drunk a whole bottle of alcohol. She took a step back from him.
„Is there something you want?“ Jenna asked him. He never broke the eye contact, slowly smirking.
„Yeah, actually, you could help me with something.“ He went to grab her hand but she pushed him.
„Stop, you know what happened last time-“ he cut her off.
„I don´t care! Why can´t you just give me a chance? We could be so good together. You like that, right? You like it when guys are chasing you, it makes you like you are in charge, well Jenna, now it´s different, now I´m in charge here.“
„Please get away from me you are scaring me.“ She felt like crying like she got stones in her throat. Still walking away from him, praying that someone will show up and save her. She felt so small in front of him, no one had ever made her felf like this, like she was some prey.
„What are you doing?“
She turned her head to the new voice that was heard in the kitchen. And she was so glad, felt like she could breathe again. There was you looking at him, no emotion in your face, then you walked up to them and looked right into Percy´s eyes.
She had never seen you like this, you were so serious and didn´t show any emotion. You continue your stare down without blinking. Even though you were shorter than him, not much, you still had a bigger and stronger aura than him.
„Is there a problem?“ Y/N could smell the alcohol from his mouth and could see that he didn´t know what he was doing. So that´s why she knew she couldn´t show that she was scared. It would make him even more confident.
His eyes changed when he realized you were here to get him away from Jenna.
„Charlie, what are you doing? We had a deal! You promised!“ he shouted at his roommate. He knew he shouldn´t trust you. He is sure that you like her. You want to take her away from him!
He started to breathe harder and his eyes became more dangerous. You weren´t scared of him, you were calm and waiting for his next move.
„Leave.“ Y/N said with a low voice, face unimpressed. But before he could say anything else Mason and a couple of others of your teammates came into the kitchen.
Mason walked up to the three of you and stood even taller than Percy. Percy was now in a corner and had nothing to do. So he smiled dryly and walked away.
When he left Y/N turned her gaze to Mason and silently thanked him for standing beside her, he smiled at her with his soft eyes and left with their teammates. You turned down to Jenna and saw her already looking at you. She was hugging herself and looked so gentle and small.
„Hi, you good?“ Y/N asked, almost whispering, waiting for the other girl's answer.
„Yeah.“ She softly let out. She then threw her arms around the taller girl. Head buried in her chest. Y/N hugged Jenna strongly, letting her know that she was there with her.
Yeah, Jenna was sure that you were perfect for her.
next chapter
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bestaez · 11 months
Don't Fear the Reaper
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Scream AU
pairing: taehyung x reader
genre: yandere, horror/thriller
warnings: murder, graphic violence, mature themes, obsessive behavior, sexual content
word count: 13k
summary/preview: Just a year since your brother’s brutal murder, bad luck seems to strike again in your once-peaceful hometown. It seems as if death wants to follow you as it finds its next victim in one of your school friends. The more the murders start to connect, you begin to wonder if it really could be just a copycat killer or if the wrong man was imprisoned.
quick note: this is very unedited so pls excuse any mistakes!! ty🖤
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It had been almost a year since your brother’s death and you still couldn’t believe it was real. His bedroom door had been practically sealed shut, neither you nor your father daring to venture inside. The sight of his empty room getting dusty would have just made it that much more real - something the both of you didn’t need as the constant news coverage had done enough of that job already.
It wasn’t necessarily that you were so distraught over Seowon’s death that you couldn’t come to terms with it. He was your older brother, your own blood, but that didn’t mean the two of you had been the closest siblings. You would describe your relationship over the years as lukewarm at best. You loved him because he was your brother but you never truly felt like you knew him. It was also hard to mourn with news vans following you everywhere you went.
The part that was hard to believe was the way in which he had died. He had been found in the woods near your house with seventeen stab wounds. It didn’t make any sense. Your brother had been a star football player at your school, part of the popular crowd. He was well-liked amongst students and teachers. You didn’t think anyone had a bad opinion of him. It’s possible he had rivals especially in sports or romances but nothing that would warrant murder.
Initially, there had been a lot of speculation in the town and you had heard all the rumors, including the one where your father had killed him in a fit of rage. You knew it could never be true; your father had been devastated by your brother’s death. He had been emotionless before, but now he was just a shell of the man he was. And whoever said loss could bring people closer had obviously never met your father.
The truth was that your father had always been emotionally closed for as long as you had known him. Your mother had died from complications after your birth and though he had never voiced it, you knew that he had resented you for being the cause of your mother’s death. At times, you wished you had never been born because living with the guilt had been too much to bear especially living with a father who never forgave you for it. 
When the police eventually did find a suspect, you were shocked to say the least. Min Yoongi was a few years older than you and had already graduated when the murder weapon as well as your brother’s blood on his clothing was found. He had always been a serious guy and if you asked most people, they would say they had always believed he kept skeletons in his closet. You knew he was a bit of a recluse, but you never would have guessed he was capable of murder. The motive they came up with was that Yoongi had been jealous of your brother’s popularity and mixed with his own mental instability, things inevitably came to a day and he decided to act out his aggressions.
Many people wanted to know your side of it, whether you believed the story and whatnot. You had mostly stayed silent on the matter, unlike your father who had screamed at Yoongi in court and had to be dragged out of the room. You can still remember the stares you got from everyone that day - it was the same look you got from most of the town and your classmates. A mix of pity, curiosity, and judgment.
It was safe to say you hadn’t been looking forward to this time of year. The true crime fanatics had seemingly been ramping up their shenanigans, hoping to possibly find some clue that would connect more of the dots. The stares you always felt in town and at school hadn’t lessened and seemed to be picking up a bit more in recent weeks as the anniversary drew closer.
Which is why most nights, you would find yourself holed up in your bedroom where it was calmer. Much to your best friend's dismay, as she would always try to drag you away to some party or school outing. Haena hated it when you closed yourself off and didn’t believe in wallowing alone. In her eyes, it was as if your introvertedness was just a sickness that she had to cure.
The only person who understood your feelings was your boyfriend, Taehyung. He, too, was a bit of a homebody and didn’t mind staying in with you most nights. He did have more friends and liked to party, but he never pressured you to go out. Part of you believed he enjoyed having you all to himself that way and for some reason you didn’t mind it.
You don’t know how you got so lucky getting a boyfriend like Taehyung. He was so dreamy with dark black locks that were often tucked behind his ear and matching dark eyes that seemed to always be on you. He was an artist and could often be found wearing distressed jeans and sweaters with little splotches of paint here and there. He was extremely affectionate, always having to have his hands on you some way or another.
The two of you met in freshman year art class where you had quickly realized you had no business holding a paintbrush, much to Taehyung’s amusement. He would offer to fix up your paintings when the teacher wasn’t looking and was the only reason you ended up passing. It wasn’t until a little after that semester that the two of you started dating.
A low tapping interrupted your thoughts as you sat in bed, almost too quiet to hear over the television playing in your room. You got up to investigate, pulling your curtains open to see none other than Taehyung leaning up against your window using a ladder to get up here. You weren’t even sure if that ladder was yours but you were glad your window didn’t face the street where others could see.
You opened the window as you spluttered in shock, stepping back to allow him room to clamber inside. You held your breath as you kept an ear out to make sure your dad hadn’t heard his nosy arrival, eyes trained on the door like he would bust in any moment.
“What are you doing here?” You hissed once you had regained your composure.
“What, I can’t visit my girlfriend?” Taehyung pouted. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too but if my dad catches you-” “He won’t.” Taehyung cut you off, leveling you with his beautiful dark eyes as he leaned closer to you on the bed. “I’m stealthy.”
You breathed out a sigh, at a loss for words from his sudden close proximity. He reminded you of a tiger the way he stared you down like you were prey. You were so mesmerized by him you had missed him inching closer until you could feel his breath on your lips.
“Tae-” You tried to stop him but he shushed you, pressing his mouth to yours.
Taehyung was your first serious boyfriend and there hadn’t been a single dull moment in your relationship yet. For you, every new experience you had with him had been a thrill. But there was only so many heated makeouts you two could have before you knew he would want to do more. He understood you were inexperienced and was willing to wait but you wondered how much longer before he cracked.
As if on cue, his hand grazed your thigh lightly as if to test the waters. When you didn’t stop him, he grew more confident and raised it until it reached your hip, squeezing gently. You appeared calm on the outside but on the inside, your heart was racing.
He pulled back a bit to look you in the eyes, licking his lips as he smirked. “I can feel your heartbeat.”
Your eyes widened in embarrassment as you quickly sat up, covering your cheeks as you felt them heating. You had hoped it wouldn’t have been so obvious. Why couldn’t you just be normal? 
“Still so nervous around me after all this time,” He chuckled wryly, lifting a hand to remove the ones covering your face. His fingers caressed your cheek as he gazed at you. “What can I do to make you more comfortable, baby?”
“I’m sorry.” You breathed, feeling your heart skip at all the intense eye contact. “I just need more time.”
“Don’t be sorry. I told you I would wait.” He gave you a small smile, leaning in to give you another kiss. He brushed a hand through your hair before pulling away and making his way back over to the window.
You watched him begin his descent back down to the ground before an idea popped into your head. You don’t know where the sudden confidence came from but the sight of his retreating back made you want to try something.
“Taehyung,” You called out from the window once he had made it all the way down. He looked back up at you curiously, his eyebrows raised in question. “Something to hold you over for now?”
You didn’t wait for him to reply before you lifted your shirt up, exposing your breasts to him from down below. You waited a few nerve wracking seconds before pulling it back down, giggling nervously as you did.
His look of pure shock made it all worth it, preventing any possible embarrassment from flooding into your system. You could tell your stunt had rendered him speechless for a moment, if the choked sputters coming from him were anything to go by.
“I think you just made it worse.” He finally spoke, his voice deep and chilling. You laughed loudly, moving to shut your window closed.
When you arrived at school the next day, the atmosphere was tenser than usual. You were used to people whispering around you but this was different. People seemed to be more huddled in groups. It was as if there was some unseen sinister presence that had arrived. You weren’t sure if you could just blame it on the seasons changing but there definitely seemed to be a chill in the air this morning.
A hand grabbing your arm on your way through the courtyard startled you, your heart jumping only to see it was just Haena. Her eyes were wide as she squeezed your forearm urgently. You could tell just by her expression that whatever was going on was serious.
“Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Your confusion was obvious as you watched realization dawn on her.
“You haven’t heard...” She paused as if trying to find the right words, biting her lip unsurely. “YN, some students were murdered last night.”
“What? Who?” The shock spread throughout your body like a numbness, your extremities feeling cold all of the sudden.
“Park Jimin and Yoon Iseul.”
You weren’t sure if any names that could possibly come out of her mouth would not come as a shock but this just floored you. Jimin and Iseul were the school’s power couple. Everyone was in love with them or wanted to be their friend. The correlation between their deaths and your brother’s wasn’t lost on you. Could it be a copycat killer? You didn’t want to think of the alternative - that Yoongi had been wrongfully imprisoned.
“That must be why everyone is acting so strange today.” You mumbled mindlessly, hearing the words coming out of your mouth but not feeling connected with them. “I just saw Iseul yesterday in sixth period.”
“It’s all I’ve been hearing about this morning. How Iseul’s parents came home to the grizzliest scene you can imagine. They said Jimin was tied up and they found Iseul out- '' Her chattering stopped upon seeing the sick look on your face, her lips pressing together as if just now realizing who she was speaking to. You didn’t blame her though - you knew she was just in shock. “Well, you get the gist. Apparently a neighbor saw the killer run out of there wearing some kind of weird ghost mask. Now everyone’s calling them ‘Ghostface.’”
“I don’t understand why this keeps happening.”
At some point in the day, you were called to the principal’s office for questioning. This wasn’t strange, though, as everyone in the entire school was going through the same thing. The police figured their first place to look was at the school, which made sense.
They had asked you simple questions like how well you knew Jimin and Iseul, if you knew if they were in any drama at school, etc. You had answered honestly and as accurately as you could. To be honest, you hadn’t the slightest who could have done something like this. But you could sense the detectives figured you might have some clue as you had been around death before. They looked at you like you had some kind of ghost hanging around you.
You decided that going through your day like you always did was the best shot at getting through it, clinging to any shred of normalcy that you could find. And if that meant having lunch with Haena and her usual friend group, then so be it. The seven of you were sitting outside in the courtyard, the climate having warmed up a bit since this morning.
The boys were goofing off with each other as if nothing was wrong, which in a way comforted you. You needed to act like everything was okay or else you could feel your sanity start to slip. Eyeing Haena, she was chatting with Jungkook while throwing her feet in his lap. He was rubbing her lower calves and you couldn’t help but watch how comfortable they were with each other in public like this.
It gave you the courage to lean back onto Taehyung who was sitting behind you, his warm chest a welcome embrace. He responded by wrapping his arms around your front, not missing a beat as he conversed with Hobi about the quiz they took this morning.
“Did they ask you guys if you liked to hunt?” Hobi asked all of the sudden, the idle chatter dying down as you all knew he was talking about the police interrogations all students had to partake in today.
“Yeah, I just told them I liked to fish.” Jin barked out a laugh.
You wondered out loud, “Why would they ask that?”
“Because their bodies were gutted.” Hobi responded matter-of-factly, turning to Jin with a suspicious look. “Kind of like a fish.”
“Thank you, Hobi.” Taehyung spoke sarcastically and you could practically feel his eye roll from behind you.
“They didn’t ask me about hunting,” Haena frowned in confusion.
“You think a girl could have pulled off a murder like that? Yeah, right.” Jungkook chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows at her in a condescending manner.
Haena scoffed in disgust, pulling her legs off his lap. “That is so sexist of you. Plenty of women become serial killers - look at Aileen Wuornos.”
“She used a gun on her male-only victims. Not exactly the same.”
“Yeah, from what I hear Jimin and Iseul were barely recognizable by the time they found them.” Jungkook informed, seemingly undeterred by Haena’s annoyance. “The fact is that it would take a man to do something like that.”
“How do you gut someone?” Your voice trembled as you voiced the question, your curiosity getting the best of you. Taehyung tightened his arms around you and leaned his head on your neck, leaving a kiss there.
It was silent for a moment before Jungkook spoke up, “Well, you’d get a knife and start from the groin-”
“Jungkook, shut the fuck up.” Taehyung’s harsh tone left no room for argument and even made you tense up a bit.
“Didn’t you date Iseul?” You asked Jungkook.
His eyes lit up for a moment as he chuckled, “Yeah, for like two seconds.”
“Before she dumped him for Jimin!” Hobi chimed in. “Hmm, I wonder how the police would feel if they knew you were her lover scorned.”
“What, you think I killed her?” Jungkook laughed genuinely, shaking his head in disbelief. “I’m sure you would love to see me behind bars but I’m afraid I have an alibi.”
Haena rolled her eyes as Jungkook winked at her, fed up with his immaturity. “If you think I’m going to defend your misogynistic ass, you’re sorely mistaken.”
Jungkook watched her with a pout as she stood up to leave, gathering her books for the next class. “Come on, baby! You know I’m not a killer.”
She ignored him as she walked off, which led to him jumping up and following her to no doubt get back in her good graces. Those two had been on-and-off for a while but you would be lying if you said their shenanigans weren’t entertaining. He was a pig-headed jock and she was an artsy type. They didn’t make any sense but somehow they ended up together.
You went home that day to an empty house and a note on the kitchen table, which both surprised you and somehow didn’t. You were used to your father skipping out on you with no notice but to leave a note? That wasn’t like him.
Got a lead for a job out of town so I’ll be gone for a few days. I’ll try to call but might not have service -Dad 
You supposed the message was emotionally detached enough to be from him but you couldn’t help the strange feeling you got from reading it. You knew he probably wouldn’t call or if he did, it would be just to let you know he was staying longer. He knew you didn’t expect much from him and probably preferred it that way. Weirdly enough, you did too.
Exhausted from the day, you threw your bag on the floor and collapsed on the couch. You flipped the TV on and surfed through the channels mindlessly before one with a news headline and familiar face caught your eye. It was a reporter that you recognized almost immediately - Kim Namjoon. He had covered your brother’s case extensively and even wrote a book about it.
“ This small but mighty town has been hit yet again with another gruesome homicide case. Two young teenagers were found brutally murdered in their own home. ” He spoke clearly, his dragon-eyes penetrating you through the TV screen. You had seen them in person and knew how deadly their effect could be. “ Authorities have yet to release any statement but we know now that no arrest has been made and the murderer could strike again. ”
“ Could it be merely just a coincidence that this month is the anniversary of yet another senseless killing? It has been only ten months since Min Yoongi was found guilty for the murder of Jung Wooshik, who was also a student at Woodsboro High. ” Namjoon continued, and you held your breath as you waited for him to say what you had been fearing. “ Many have made a few theories on what could be the meaning of this, including that of a possible copycat killer or perhaps a wrongful imprisonment. It’s safe to say the town of Woodsboro needs to stay vigilant on protecting its own. ”
You cut him off there, not wanting to hear any more. Namjoon had made it clear early on that he was doubtful of Yoongi being the killer and spent most of his news coverage with that perspective. You tried not to take it personally but there had been instances where it seemed like the reporter blamed you for what happened. You knew you weren’t directly responsible for Yoongi’s conviction but you couldn’t help but wonder if you should feel guilty. You had only told the truth to the judge, that you had seen Yoongi by your house the day your brother died. That your brother had bought some weed from him and that you had seen him leaving while your brother was still alive. What happened between then and when your brother was killed was completely unknown to you.
But your witness testimony along with the physical evidence found in Yoongi’s home and car had been enough to convict him. You can still vividly remember the expression on Yoongi’s face when the verdict was given, as though he hadn’t even heard the judge. You couldn’t help but be amazed at his absolute indifference to everything going on around him at all times. You had never seen him smile or get angry ever. He kept all his emotions inside and it only fueled to make you more unsure of him.
The sound of the phone ringing loudly next to you made you jump, hand laying on your chest to feel your racing heart. You took a deep breath before you answered, “Hello?”
“YN, I just wanted to check on you and make sure you got home okay.” Of course it was just Haena. You knew she worried about you especially when you were home with your father.
“Yeah, I’m okay. My dad’s left town apparently so I’ve got the place to myself.”
“Oh shit, really?” She sounded stunned by this. “Didn’t he hear the news?”
“Not sure. Although knowing him, he might have just wanted to get away from all the media craziness.”
“Do you want to stay at my place?” As if she could sense your hesitance, she continued in a more serious tone, “I know you probably think I’m being dramatic but I just don’t think you should be alone right now.”
“Okay.” You relented, agreeing that it was probably best to not be isolated and vulnerable with a killer on the loose.
You ran upstairs to pack some clothes for the week, unsure of how long you would be staying there. The thought occurred to you that you should probably let Taehyung know where you would be going just in case he tried to make another surprise sneak-in on you again. You picked up your phone and dialed his number. It rang one time before immediately going to voicemail, causing you to pull the phone back and look at it in confusion. It wasn’t like him to outright reject your call, so you tried again. This time it rang all the way through before going to voicemail. 
“Huh, that’s weird.” You waited for the automated voice to end and the beep to sound before leaving him a message informing him of where you would be tonight as well as Haena’s home number in case he needed to reach you later.
When you got to Haena’s house a little while later, you weren’t exactly sure why you felt uneasy all of the sudden seeing the police vehicle in her driveway. Her dad was Sheriff Lee and he had always been like a father to you, more so than your own father anyway. But just seeing his car again after so long and knowing he was in there was dredging up old memories that you had tried to forget.
Haena answered the door with a bright grin and pulled you inside excitedly. You already knew you were in for an eventful next few days, especially with her two younger brothers who were always loud and rambunctious. But oddly enough, you found that you enjoyed being around such a loving and busy household because that had never been your home experience.
You were greeted by warm hugs from Mrs. Lee before she quickly sat you down for dinner with a plate full of food. Haena rolled her eyes at her mom’s antics especially when she realized she was not included in this display of special treatment and would have to make her own plate. At some point, Sheriff Lee rolled in and you could tell by the tired lines on his face that this week had taken a toll on him.
He still greeted you with a smile and a pat on the head before joining you all at the table. Mrs. Lee brought her husband a plate and you couldn’t help but watch as he grabbed her hand to give it a kiss. The two of them had always been a sweet couple and what with your lack of ever seeing that growing up, you were always fascinated by them.
“How’s your father doing, YN?” Haena’s father asked.
“Fine,” You answered, rolling a cherry tomato around on your plate with your fork. “He’s actually on a work trip this week so Haena convinced me to come stay here for a little while if that’s okay.”
“You know you’re always welcome here, honey. You’re practically family.” Mrs Lee was quick to reassure you.
“Work trip, huh?” Sheriff Lee’s eyebrows were drawn together as he held a spoonful of stew in front of him thoughtfully. “Did he mention where?”
“Nope. You know how he is,” You answered honestly and he nodded.
Just then, the phone rang and Mrs. Lee got up to go answer it. You were about to go clean your dish when she came back into the kitchen and said, “YN, someone’s on the phone for you.”
You quickly went over to go pick it up, “Hello?”
“YN,” Taehyung’s deep voice came through on the other line, sounding hushed and slightly out-of-breath. “I just got your message.”
“Oh, yeah well I just didn’t want you to go worrying if you called me and I didn’t answer. Haena’s family is taking care of me.”
“Yeah? That’s good.” He responded, and you could practically picture him posted up somewhere like the cool guy he was. “Although, I wish I had answered when you called because I could have kept you company.”
“I’m sure you would have liked that.” You chuckled. “I don’t think my heart can handle another one of your window sneak-ins.”
“Well, I don’t think my heart can handle being away from you that long.”
“You’ll still see me at school.” You reasoned, rolling your eyes despite him not being able to see you.
“Yeah but that’s school. You won’t even let me kiss you unless it’s somewhere hidden.” You could practically hear his pout through the receiver. “Why don’t you meet me at your place sometime this week? I’ll cook you dinner and we can finally be alone together.”
You couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed at his sudden pushiness to get you alone. You knew if you agreed to meet him at your house that he would probably try to have sex with you again. As much as you wanted to take that step with him, you were scared.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, what with the recent murders and all. I think it’s probably best to stay in larger groups.”
“What, you don’t think I can protect you? I know I’m skinny but I’m strong.”
“No I know you can but it’s just not a good time right now.”
“Yeah, I know. You haven’t been yourself in a while.” He huffed into the receiver. 
You laughed sarcastically, unsure if he was being serious right now. “Yeah, sorry I’m not in the mood to have sex with you right now. I’m kinda still reeling over the deaths of our classmates.”
“I don’t mean recently. You haven’t been the same since Seowon died.” His words shocked you, not understanding where this was coming from all of the sudden.
“Uh, well that’s kind of what loss does to a person if you didn’t know. They change - drastically.” All humor was gone from your tone as you felt yourself getting annoyed with him.
“Yeah well it’s been a year since he died and you’re still so skittish around me. It’s like you think I’m some kind of bad guy.”
“I’m sorry if my trauma has ruined things for you but no one is making you stay with me. If you need it that badly then you-” 
“Stop. That’s not what I meant at all.” He huffed angrily, taking a pause to gather his thoughts. “Listen, I don’t want to make you upset. I know it’s hard to see right now but I’m just feeling insecure. I want to make sure we’re still okay.”
At your silence, he let out another sigh. “I’m gonna let you go now. Please don’t be mad at me. I love you.”
He didn’t say anything after that but he stayed on the line, and you knew he was waiting for you to say it back. Hoping for you to say it back. And as pissed off as he had made you, you hated the idea of going to bed mad at him. So you conceded, for now.
“I love you too.”
When you arrived on campus the next day, you spotted Namjoon standing near his usual news van. He was dressed smartly in an olive sweater and gray slacks, his glasses making him look more like a university student than a reporter. He was busy sorting through some papers, probably brushing up on his notes before he did his next broadcast.
You felt compelled to speak with him, especially after everything that had been going on recently. Over the past year, he had reached out to you multiple times for a comment and you always declined. The only time you had spoken in-person was after the court case had ended and it hadn’t been the most cordial moment.
“YN, this is a surprise. What can I do for you?” Namjoon raised his eyebrows at you, a mix of curiosity and something else you couldn’t quite pick up in his expression.
“I wanted to talk to you about Min Yoongi.”
“Okay.” He spoke slowly, glancing over at his camera crew who were standing a few feet away. “I’m guessing this is off the record?”
“Yes, please.” You paused, trying to think on how to start. “I know you probably don’t think very highly of me.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, you wrote a whole book on how my witness testimony was the reason an innocent man was imprisoned.”
“Yes. I still stand by that.” He responded honestly, crossing his arms over his chest.
“So what, you think I’m a liar?”
“You painted a picture that made him look like a killer. I think you were so desperate for all the media coverage and court trials to end that you picked him as a scapegoat.”
“Have you talked to Yoongi?”
“Many times. He admits to selling drugs to your brother but that’s all.” The look on his face told you just how in-depth their conversations had gone. Namjoon was a very detail-oriented man.
“Then how do you explain the blood on his clothes and the murder weapon in his home?”
“His roommate testified that he came home high with no blood on his clothes. Someone else planted all that evidence and framed him.” The way he spoke of Yoongi was almost like they were close; he clearly felt very strongly about clearing his name.
“Why are you so adamant on proving his innocence? Did you know him?”
“Why do you care what I think?” Namjoon’s face screwed up as he seemed to grow more irritated with you. This was the real emotion you expected to get from him, behind the friendly facade he tried to put on with you. “You got what you wanted, didn’t you? Yoongi’s life is ruined, he’ll never see the light of day again.”
“That’s not what I wanted.” Now, it was your turn to look confused. “I wanted justice. I told the judge exactly what I saw that day.”
His lips pursed as he thought for a moment, processing your words. “Yes, I knew Yoongi. We weren’t exactly friends but anyone who knew him knew he was harmless. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Harmless and yet he sold drugs to teenagers?” You regretted it as soon as it came out your mouth. You knew it was a low blow and you didn’t truly care that he did that anyway but you needed to cling onto some semblance that you made the right call.
He hummed as he searched your face for a moment, “Why are you asking me about Yoongi all of the sudden? You’re not so sure anymore, are you?”
“No, Yoongi murdered my brother.” You weren’t even sure if you believed yourself at how weak your voice sounded.
“These murders are related, aren’t they? The killer’s still on the loose.” He sounded almost triumphant as he marveled at your recent revelation, the cogs in his head working on overdrive. You had just confirmed his biggest theory yet despite your best efforts not to.
Now was a good time to leave. You weren’t sure what you had hoped to get out of this interaction but it wasn’t this. You had been avoiding the truth for a long time but it was catching up to you. 
“Goodbye, Namjoon. Always a pleasure.” He didn’t respond as he watched you move to leave, his lips moving as he quietly murmured to himself. Despite his dark calculating eyes following your every move, you knew that he was in a different place conjuring up his next news broadcast.
Halfway through the school day, it became apparent that Principal Choi had not shown up nor called in sick. After multiple attempts to reach his home phone, one of the administrators called the police to do a wellness check. And what they had found upon entering his home had been what everyone was fearing.
The news of Principal Choi’s death spread through the school like wildfire and you could tell the staff struggled to hold themselves together while keeping the students organized. A few police officers arrived at the school to work with the administrators on figuring out how to go about letting the students go home.
You were in the library with Haena and Jungkook when a pair of boys came running through your section and drawing the attention of everyone nearby. One was screaming in an exaggerated manner and the other was wearing the infamous Ghostface mask and chasing the former. You could tell they were just playing a prank but you didn’t see how anyone could be making fun of the situation right now.
“What is wrong with people?”
“Are you kidding me? Look at this place, it’s like Halloween.” Jungkook threw his head back and laughed.
“Stupidity leak!” Haena berated him, whacking him in the head with her notebook.
You shook your head at him, deciding to just ignore his comment. “Have you guys seen Taehyung around?”
“You mean after you gave him blue balls? No, his heart’s broken.”
“Jungkook,” Haena elbowed him hard, causing him to grunt.
“He said that?” You were shocked that even Jungkook knew about your lack of a sex life but should have known that boys would talk just like girls did.
“Of course he did. The guy’s crazy about you.”
“What guy’s crazy about her?” Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Taehyung leaned over you from behind to kiss the top of your head, causing your heart to do a flip.
“Keanu Reeves, of course.” You mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Haena at her swift coverup, causing her to give you a wink.
“Hey, can I talk to you for a second?” Taehyung whispered in your ear and held your hand as he pulled you out of your chair. Haena ignored Jungkook trying to get her attention as she watched you follow your boyfriend to a more secluded area. 
“I’m really sorry about what I said before - it was way out of line. I’ve been a little out of sorts lately with everything going on.” He sounded vulnerable as he spoke, and you couldn’t help but feel your heart tug at his remorseful face. He had always been the type to wear his heart on his sleeve. “I just want us to be okay again. I want my girlfriend back.”
“I’m still your girlfriend,” You rolled your eyes playfully, squeezing his hand in yours. “But I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel insecure. I know I’ve been acting different for a while and it wasn’t fair to you. I guess I just haven’t been dealing with my trauma very well.”
“That’s not your fault. You don’t need to feel bad about how you grieve.” He reached up to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, a soft expression on his face.
“I haven’t been grieving at all - that’s the problem. It’s like my emotions have been shut off.” You sighed, shutting your eyes as his hand moved to caress your cheek. “I can’t keep hiding in my room forever. I need to move on.”
When you opened your eyes again, Taehyung was watching you carefully with his mouth pressed shut. You wished you could read his mind. There was more you wanted to say but you found it hard to find the words, so you decided to let your actions speak by leaning forward and kissing him deeply.
You could tell he hadn’t expected you to make the move by the way he froze but he quickly recovered, pulling you closer with his arms settling around your waist. You pressed yourself to him as he leaned against the bookshelf. This was the most hot and heavy you had ever been in public and you could tell he was enjoying it, not wanting to part from you for even a second.
When you did eventually pull away, you felt brave enough to ask, “Will you meet me at my house later?”
You felt him tense up in shock yet again but couldn’t see his face as you were leaning on his chest. You dared to look up and see him looking at you with wide eyes.
“I thought you wanted to stay at Haena’s.”
“I changed my mind.” You shrugged, feeling giddy as his face lit up. “You’ll protect me from any bad guys, right?”
He pulled you in again, wrapping his arms around you tightly and resting his chin on the crown of your head. You had never felt safer.
“I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Taehyung has always been careful and thoughtful about how he treated you. His touches were gentle and soft; you couldn’t imagine him hurting a fly. Maybe it was just his artsy persona but you had always known him to be a deep, considerate person. He was meticulous about every detail, whether it was his art or his life. Sometimes it seemed like he truly believed life was art; a painting that was ever-changing and inspiring.
You were a masterpiece in his eyes. Something to be cherished and never tarnished. That was why he wanted to keep you safe from the evil in the world. He knew that life had already not been fair to you. But he believed it was his job to prevent any further wrongdoings from coming into your life. He wouldn’t hesitate to destroy anyone who would even try to cause you harm.
It was when you were laid out on your bed looking like an angel, Taehyung felt like he was truly going to Hell. Surely God was coming for him because he had stolen an angel and kept her all to himself. You had given yourself up to him and you didn’t know it yet but he would never let you go. How could he?
The only word to describe it was heaven. Having you in his arms like this, touching parts of you his hands had never dared to before - it was pure bliss. He wanted to stay like this forever. There was nothing out there for either of you. Everything you both needed was right here, in each other’s arms.
He had lost count of how many times he made you come undone before he had even entered you. This wasn’t his first time but it may as well have been with the way he struggled to not fall apart almost immediately. You were his weakness and at the same time you were the only thing keeping him together most of the time. He didn’t care how old you both were - you were it for him.
You had always imagined your first time would be like a dream, full of romantic candles and roses. The reality of it was much different, more natural, and yet you found it to be better than you could have ever imagined. You felt like one of Taehyung’s paintings as his lips and fingertips caressed you everywhere, molding you into one of his perfect creations. You were his muse and you had never felt so beautiful.
It was a night of passion and love; the perfect embodiment of your relationship. Whatever rocky period you had been going through before was long gone and you almost couldn’t believe you had ever wanted to delay this. This was where you needed to be. You knew you probably sounded like a naive teenager, but you didn’t want to think of anyone else in this way ever. You only wanted Taehyung.
“I’ll always love you, YN. I’ll never leave you.”
The next day, you were on your way to your locker when you spied Haena waiting for you. You tried to act indifferent to Haena’s wide eyes looking you up and down as you approached her. It was as if she was trying to find some kind of visible evidence on you.
“So?” You knew she wanted to know what happened last night, but you weren’t ready to spill so soon. 
“So... what?” You acted ignorant as you opened up your locker, reaching for your math textbook.
“Oh come on, I’m dying here! Spill.”
“Okay, okay.” Laughter bursted out of you, your resolve crumbling before you could even try to build it up. “We, uh... did it.”
“More details, please.” She rolled her eyes at your vagueness.
“It was really sweet. He made us a nice dinner and then we...” You cringed, not knowing how to talk about it without sounding corny. “I don’t know how to describe it.”
“Well, did it hurt? Did you come?” You nodded to both questions honestly and her eyebrows raised as she became more intrigued. “How many times?”
When she saw you counting on your fingers higher and higher, she blew a low whistle. “God damn. Good for you, girl.”
“I feel like he set the bar pretty high. Is it always like this or is he just really talented?”
“Well, it depends. Jungkook is usually pretty good but sometimes he’s too drunk or lazy and then I end up doing most of the work myself.”
You pursed your lips in thought, “Doesn’t he go down on you before?”
Her eyes widened as she opened her mouth in shock, “Can I borrow him?”
You smacked her on the arm as she laughed, linking arms with you as you both made your way to class.
“Oh, by the way, Jungkook’s having a party at his house later.” She mentioned nonchalantly as she popped her gum in her mouth.
“What about curfew?”
She shrugged, “I don’t think they’re being too strict about it. It’s probably safer that we’re all together anyway.”
You still looked convinced, so she added, “But if you’re really worried, we can just stay over at his place. His parents are out of town.”
“Does your dad know?” You glanced at her curiously.
“God, no,” she laughed, shaking her head. “He’s working a night shift so he’ll be busy patrolling. And I’ll just tell my mom we’re staying at yours.”
“Okay. We can go.”
“Yeah?” She looked surprised, a bright smile painting her face. It was infectious as you found yourself smiling back at her and nodding. She bumped shoulders with you, wiggling her eyebrows as she leaned in, “Hmm, I like the new you. She’s fun.”
You were surprised how easy it was for you to agree to the party. Maybe last night gave you more confidence to just live a little. All you knew was the old you would have opted to stay at Haena’s for another night in and you didn’t want to be stuck in your old ways. You owed it to yourself and everyone you loved to move on.
You had foolishly fallen into a sense of false security, not necessarily forgetting about the horrors your town had been cursed with but just for once not having it in the forefront of your mind. You had felt closer to your boyfriend than ever before and now you were ready to be more adventurous. It wasn’t until later in the day did that bubble of excitement pop.
When the classroom door opened to reveal Sheriff Lee, the students around you immediately began whispering to each other conspiringly. You wondered what it could be this time around as he whispered something to the teacher before turning back to face front with a serious expression. Your teacher’s eyes landed on you as she waved her hand, “YN.”
Everyone around you hushed as you gathered your things with shaking hands, making your way to the front of the room quickly. The air out in the hallway felt different, less suffocating. It somewhat helped your rising anxiety.
One look at Sheriff Lee gave you a new perspective of this man who had practically raised you. He wasn’t that old, only early 50s, but the stress he had put under with his profession had aged him. He had tired bags under his eyes, worry lines on his forehead, and sprouting grays here and there. He had always been handsome and you could tell he would continue to age like wine. But that didn’t change how sad it made you to see him in this state.
“YN, I’m afraid I have some bad news. There was a report of a car that wrecked on the side of the road just outside of town.” He spoke slowly as he relayed the information, the consideration from him not lost on you. You were trying to process it all while still not understanding why he was telling you this. “It was your dad’s car.”
Your heart stopped as you clutched your school bag in your hand. Thoughts were going wild in your head as your breathing became erratic. You didn’t know what any of this meant. 
“What, um... is he dead?” Your tongue felt disconnected like your brain was just on autopilot.
“No one has seen him yet.” He sighed, a deep frown etched across his features. “I know you said he was leaving for a work trip but have you spoken to him at all since he left?”
He was aware that your father wasn’t known for contacting you at times like these, but you understood he still had to ask. “No. The last time I saw him was the night before he left.”
He nodded as if he expected that, giving you a small smile. “Well, we’ll keep looking. In the meantime, I want you to stay out of your house in case there are any clues to where he could have gone. And it’s probably safer that you’re not alone right now.”
It seemed like he wanted to say more but clearly was out of his depth when it came to comforting someone. It wasn’t like he could make any promises about finding your dad because the truth was he was most likely gone. You had dealt with enough loss that you knew this feeling well. You gave him a matching small smile, albeit weak but you hoped it would appear encouraging.
“Thank you, Sheriff Lee.”
School ended early that day, mostly due to the fact that half the staff had called out in fear of receiving the same fate as Principal Choi. It was strange that they even had anyone come in at all but you figured the police had already suspected the killer was at the school, thus being their best bet at finding them. Everyone was on edge as if Ghostface was still lurking in its shadows. Which technically, he probably was.
You had already started to go through in your mind which students in your school could have done it. There were a few stronger girls in your class who could have had the physical power to do it, but they were all too nice or non confrontational. There were plenty of bully-like guys that could fit the description, but you had a hard time truly seeing any of your classmates being involved in such gruesome scenes. It’s just that all the victims had one thing in common: the high school. It only made sense that all suspicion would be pointed here.
Eventually, you gave up trying to figure it out because you were only going in circles in your head. The police would figure it out. Tonight was supposed to be fun and you were sure the killer wouldn’t be brave enough to attack a whole group of teenagers. There was strength in numbers and you felt safer this way.
As you and Haena made your way up the driveway, music could be heard blasting from inside. You weren’t even that late but it seems the party was already in full swing. There were a dozen football players and cheerleaders lounging in the main room when you walked in, most of them unknown to you. Haena greeted a few people in the hallway and you followed her into the kitchen as she searched for some refreshments. 
“It’s about time you guys showed up,” Jungkook yelled from where he was standing by the snack table.
“I see you guys couldn’t wait to get started,” Haena eyed where Hobi was pouring beer down a funnel into Jin’s mouth.
“Well no one told you guys to arrive fashionably late,” Hobi replied, high-fiving Jin before switching places with him. Haena rolled her eyes, moving on to talk to Jungkook on the other side of the room.
“Hey, have you guys seen Taehyung?” You asked, leaning against the countertop island.
“He was in here earlier. I think he said something about going outside for a smoke,” Jin informed, not taking his eyes off where he was pouring.
You briefly wondered how you had missed him if you had just come from the outside but shrugged it off. He had to be around here somewhere. You ventured out into the main room and plopped down on the couch. The music had been turned down a bit as they were going back and forth trying to decide what movie to watch. For some reason, the genre they had settled on was horror which was in poor taste in your opinion. At least it was entertaining to hear them argue about who usually survives in a horror movie.
A hand on your shoulder startled you, looking up to see Hobi standing there with the telephone. “Phone for you.”
You held in your confusion as you got up to take the call in a quieter area. “Hello?”
“YN, it’s Namjoon.” Of all people who could be calling you, he was probably the last one you would suspect. “Are you guys okay?”
“Yes, why wouldn’t we be?”
“I’m guessing you haven’t heard yet.” He sighed and your heart thudded in your chest, unable to speak as you willed him to continue. “Sheriff Lee’s dead. They found him strung up on one of the field goals in the football field.”
You almost dropped the phone, a stuttered gasp being the only sound you could make for a moment. 
“Oh god,” you finally spoke, your hand coming up to cover your mouth. “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
“Is Haena with you?” He asked quickly, trying to distract you.
“Yes.” Swallowing, you covered your other ear as the voices in the main room started getting louder. How were you supposed to tell everyone? You were surprised you were even still standing.
“Stay with her. If I were you, I wouldn’t leave that house. ”
You were still so in shock from the news about your Haena’s father that it suddenly dawned on you that he had figured out where you were without you ever telling him. 
“How did you know I was here?”
“Someone reported a large gathering of students at the Jeon house on the scanner. I had a feeling you would be there.” His answer was a shock to you, not expecting anyone to know about the party as it was out on the edge of town.
“O-okay, I better go warn everyone...”
“YN?” You held in your breath as you waited for him to continue, unease crawling into your system at his pause. “Be careful.”
For him to sound so concerned for you only heightened your paranoia, quickly walking back into the main room where everyone was. Jungkook was sprawled out on the couch now along with Jin and Hobi, throwing his head back at something the latter had said. You shakily placed the phone back on the stand.
“Jungkook, I need to talk to you.” You were surprised your voice was so steady, his big eyes meeting yours as he took in your expression.
“Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” He joked, standing up to meet you behind the couch.
“Kim Namjoon just called me,” You felt your stomach flip as you held the back of the couch for support. “Sheriff Lee was murdered.”
You had tried to be discreet about it but your shock must have garnered enough attention, gasps sounding around the room as they all picked up on what you had revealed.
“Holy shit, I’m getting out of here.”
There was a chorus of responses as people started to make themselves scarce, clearly not in the mood for a party anymore. The only ones that stayed were Hobi and Jin, either not concerned enough about the killer or not brave enough to leave the house. You weren’t sure which group you belonged to but you knew you had to find Haena. You looked up at Jungkook, who was staring at the carpet with a serious expression on his face and biting his lip.
“Where’s Haena?” It was like he almost didn’t hear you until you shook his shoulder. “Jungkook?”
“Um, she went to get more beer-” He blinked a few times, waving his arm behind him. “Garage.”
You walked quickly around the house, trying to find the correct door to the garage. When you finally did, it was pitch black save for some light coming in from the opened garage door. You almost turned back as it was clear there was no one in here before something made you stop. There was no noise, no movement but you felt like something was in here.
Your hand sought out the light, switching it on and blinking as it flicked a few times before brightening up the room. Your gaze flitted around, almost giving up before you saw something dark and red that made you flinch backwards. 
There was a piercing scream and you felt the ground beneath you move, your ass hitting the wooden step hard. It wasn’t long before thundering steps came behind you, stopping as they hit your back. Your ears, seemingly filled with water with how muted everything seemed, caught a few more gasps and screams. Hands gripped you under your armpits, pulling you up over the steps and back into the hallway.
After that, everything was a blur of commotion. You were vaguely aware of people yelling around you but it wasn’t until Hobi crouched down, waving his hand in front of your face that you felt alert again.
“I think she’s in shock,” He relayed to the others.
“YN?” Taehyung’s voice sounded from the other end of the hallway, his expression bewildered as he approached quickly. “I heard screaming.”
“Jesus, where have you been Tae?” Jin asked.
“Having a smoke,” Hobi moved out of the way so Taehyung could kneel before you, bringing his hands to your cheeks and analyzing your face closely. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“Go find Jungkook,” Tae instructed the older two.
Hobi groaned, “Why do we have to keep splitting up? This is what the killer wants!”
Jin smacked him behind his head, angling his head towards your shell shocked figure. “Shut up, would you?”
The two of them walked off, bickering quietly as they went. Taehyung sat with you silently as you stayed in the same position, wiping away any tears that escaped. You stared at the floor as your mind raced with a million thoughts, not a single one sticking long enough for you to linger on.
How could this happen so fast? You had just seen Haena in the kitchen talking to Jungkook. Everything was fine. You couldn’t have been gone from her for more than thirty minutes and yet so much had changed. It didn’t make any sense.
First Sheriff Lee, now Haena. The killer was getting closer. No, the killer was already here. It couldn’t have been Jungkook, Hobi, or Jin. They had all been with you.
“Taehyung?” He looked up at you, surprised to hear your voice finally. He leaned in, reaching a hand out to brush your hair back but you shied away. He reared back in shock, his expression confused as he met your suspicious one.
“You were... smoking? For thirty minutes?” Your voice was unsure as you questioned him, sounding stuffed up from all the crying.
“Yes, wh-” The sound of screaming from outside interrupted him. You shot up from your spot, running towards the front door where it came from. “Wait, YN! Don’t!”
You ignored him as you threw open the door; you needed to stop any more evil from happening. You had already lost so much in your life. Enough was enough.
The sight of Hobi’s bloody body laying on the front steps had you freezing in your tracks, feeling Taehyung’s chest collide with your back a moment later. The two of you stared in shock before you became aware of the violent tussle happening further out in the yard. It was hard to make it out but it looked like Jungkook and Jin were fighting. What the hell had happened? You were guessing this was Jungkook’s fight-or-flight response to finding out about Haena.
“Stay right here,” Taehyung spoke softly to you as he brushed past you, walking around Hobi’s battered body and approaching the two other boys with a calmness you didn’t quite understand.
The further he went out, the harder it was to make out who was who especially as they moved between bushes and trees. You felt anxious and stupid as you just stood there, your feet itching to move out and help them but not knowing if it was a smart idea.
“YN,” A voice coughed out from below you, a gasp escaping as you fell to your knees where Hobi was laying. You had been so distracted by the fight that you almost forgot he was there.
“What happened?” You asked urgently, grabbing one of his hands and squeezing.
He choked a bit, blood spraying out onto his lips and neck. “Don’t trust them.” He gave your hand one last squeeze, meeting your eyes as if to make the message stronger. You watched in concern as he closed his eyes, chest rising and falling rapidly. He was still alive but he wasn’t doing well. He needed medical care immediately.
“YN! Get inside now!” Your head flew up to see Taehyung underneath Jin, the two of them fighting over something shiny and sharp-looking between them as what looked like Jungkook was passed out next to them.
Your gaze flew back and forth from them to Hobi’s unconscious face, trying to figure out who to believe. You took a deep breath and ran back inside, locking the door behind you as you ran for the phone. You hit redial, hoping it would direct you to Namjoon. You never thought you could ever cry with relief at hearing his voice.
“YN? Are you okay?”
“Namjoon, tell the police the boys must have snapped or something, I don’t know. But Haena’s dead and we need help.” The words flew out of you so fast you weren’t even sure what all you said, hoping you got the message across as you huffed.
The line went silent at that, and you held your breath as you waited for a response. But there was nothing - just dead air.
“Hello? Namjoon?” You tried again, pulling the phone away before you realized the line was dead. Someone had cut the lines. “Shit.”
Just then, a sudden banging could be heard from the front door followed by desperate shouts of your name. You ran over to it, ready to unlock the door when you hesitated with your hand on the lock.
“Who’s there?”
“YN, let me in! Hurry!” The urgency in Jin’s voice made you throw open the door, gasping when you saw him covered in blood with a knife in his hand.
“Jin, what-”
“Don’t let him in, YN! He attacked me!” Jungkook suddenly appeared behind him, a deep cut on his cheek that hadn’t been there before. 
You looked between Jungkook and Jin, trying to decipher who to believe but not finding any conclusive evidence. To be honest, when you saw them out in the yard before, it was hard to tell who had even started the fight. And now seeing them both with blood on them, you felt at a loss. All you knew was people were dying and someone had cut the phone lines. You didn’t know who you could trust.
“Fuck, I can’t.” You slammed the door as quickly as you could, locking it again. The banging and shouting continued.
“Help me! He’s gone crazy!”
You stood there for a few moments, palms still on the door as you willed your racing heart to calm down. Tonight had been nonstop crazy and you couldn’t remember the last time it was at a resting rate. Before you could turn around, a pair of hands landed on your shoulders and ruined any chance of your heartbeat slowing down any time soon. You shrieked as you turned around, not expecting to see Taehyung standing behind you. 
“Shh, it’s just me.”  He shushed you, putting his hands on your shoulders to calm you down. 
“Wh- how did you get in here?” You hadn’t seen him outside just now.
“I came in through the back. Are you okay?” He checked over your body, fingers brushing over the visible skin on your face and arms.
“I’m fine but Tae, where have you been all night?” Your exasperated tone caught him off guard, a somber look coating his features as he regarded you. “I’m getting really freaked out.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to run off like that. I’ve just been trying to protect you.” His words didn’t make any sense but you weren’t thinking clearly enough to dissect what he meant.
The banging grew louder and Taehyung moved to open it. The roles were reversed this time as you shook your head at him, silently urging him not to let anyone in. Your fingers gripped the sleeve of his sweater anxiously. He turned to look at you, his hand coming up to cover yours on his arm.
“It’s okay. You can trust me.” He nodded at you with a small smile, and you released the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
The door swung open to reveal Jungkook standing there looking out of breath, but his face lit up when he saw you standing there with Taehyung. A grin broke out across his face, “The gang’s all here!”
You could only watch in confusion as Jungkook stepped in in the same move that Taehyung backed you up with him. Jungkook shut the door behind him looking gleeful as ever. You looked at Taehyung who had a serious look on his face but you recognized a glint of something in his eye, almost like he had just won a bet or something.
“What’s going on?” You asked, stepping back cautiously from them. The energy had changed drastically and you didn’t like it one bit.
Taehyung eyed you like you were a scared animal, holding his hands out as if to placate you. His gaze was locked on yours and you almost felt like he could read your thoughts, anticipating your next move before you could even do it.
“Surprise, YN.” Jungkook smirked at you, looking far too elated right now to have just lost his girlfriend.
Your eyes flitted back and forth between the two of them before you spun around, racing toward the kitchen to find something you could defend yourself with. Although you had no proof, you knew it was them. Taehyung and Jungkook were the killers. You didn’t have time to feel heartbroken and betrayed. Your only thought right now was survival.
Before you could get far, arms wrapped around your waist and yanked you back towards a firm chest. You eyed the knife block longingly - so close. Taehyung held you tightly to his front, turning the two of you around so you were backed up against the counter. Jungkook leered from across the room looking like a dangerous predator.
“Why are you doing this?” You cried, hot tears streaming down your face.
“I already told you. I’m protecting you.” Taehyung explained as if it was the most obvious thing.
“By killing all my family and friends? You’re fucking crazy!” Your voice grew louder, unable to feel shy about getting angry despite being caught in a murderer’s arms.
Taehyung was a murder. Your soft, loving, artsy boyfriend was a cold-blooded killer. This was a nightmare; this couldn’t be real.
“Yes, I am crazy, but only for you. I would do anything for you, YN.”
“You’ll never get away with this.”
Jungkook chuckled, “Tell that to Min Yoongi. You wouldn’t believe how easy he was to frame.”
“What did you have against my brother?” There was a lot to unpack here but this was the question you had been wondering for a whole year.
“Your brother wasn’t the picture perfect star quarterback everyone believed him to be. He had a bad habit of date raping girls from other schools, including my cousin.” Taehyung answered for you, the lack of eye contact with him making him hard to read if what he was saying was true.
“You’re lying,” You hissed, trying desperately to break out of his arms.
“Why are you defending him? He was never nice to you.” Jungkook reminded you, his eyes calculating and cold. “Face it, YN. Your brother was a bad apple who got what was coming to him.”
“What do you have to gain from this?”
“Well, naturally, I wanted his spot on the team.” He grinned at you, flashing a perfect set of teeth. “It wasn’t hard for Taehyung to convince me once I realized what a piece of shit he was.”
“And Haena?” You glared at Jungkook. “How could you kill your own girlfriend?”
“I can’t take credit for that,” He nodded towards Taehyung behind you and you felt your body go still. “You saw me. I was here the whole night.”
“Wrong place, wrong time.” Taehyung added, leaning his head on the space between your shoulder and your neck. “But I won’t lie. I hated sharing her with you all the time.”
“You’re okay with him murdering your girlfriend?”
“I liked Haena but she didn’t get me. She didn’t get you either.” Jungkook approached the two of you slowly, dark gaze zeroed in on your anguished expression. He reached out to caress your face, causing you to tense up as Taehyung straightened behind you. “You’re too good for her.”
“Jungkook.” Taehyung’s voice was rough as he motioned with his head towards another part of the kitchen. The two shared some sort of unspoken communication as something dawned on the other boy.
“Oh yeah! We got a surprise for you, YN.” Jungkook’s voice grew louder and more excited as he walked towards the hallway closet door. “You’re gonna love this. It’s a scream, baby.”
It didn’t take him long to retrieve what he was looking for, your eyes almost bulging out of your head as you saw who it was. “Dad!” He was tied up with tape around his mouth and a nasty cut on his forehead.
“See, YN? We got it all figured out, don’t worry.” Jungkook began, pulling the knife from his pants and stuffing it in your dad’s belt. “The cops are already onto him and now the evidence is all over him. Just one more thing to do.”
Leaving you no time to react, Jungkook pulled a gun from behind his pants and aimed it right at your father’s head, shooting him dead. You couldn’t help the scream that tore out of your lungs. You felt cold all over, like your body had disconnected from your brain. Vaguely, you registered Taehyung’s arms holding you steady as your knees buckled.
“He deserved it, YN.” Taehyung spoke so plainly about the murder of your father like it was just a harmless prank he had pulled, “He didn’t appreciate what he had. Deep down, we all know he blamed you for being the one that survived. He never loved you the way a father should.”
The harsh reality of his words hurt. It was like he was looking into your soul, into your deepest darkest feelings that you had tried to keep down for so long.
“We did you a favor.” Jungkook added, his dark stare penetrating you where you stood behind the kitchen island. “And he makes the perfect suspect, triggered by your brothers’ death anniversary, then goes on a killing spree and finally kills himself with the sheriff’s gun. It’s like it was meant to be.”
These two were insane, no doubt about it. They had seen too many scary movies and now they felt like they were invincible. You could practically feel the adrenaline running through Taehyung’s veins.
“And now what? I’m next?”
“Of course not,” Taehyung laughed, switching you around so that he cornered you into the kitchen counter. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead, ignoring your deep cringe. “This has all been for you, baby.”
“Now, we finish what we started.”
Faster than you could blink, Taehyung swung at Jungkook, causing him to keel over. Red started pooling through the side of his shirt as he coughed into his hand, staining it with blood. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
“Tae, what the fuck?” Jungkook grunted, holding his side as he looked up at Taehyung in shock.
“I changed my mind. I don’t need a sidekick anymore.” Taehyung sneered, a venomous look on his face. “Thanks for all the help, buddy.”
Jungkook fell to the kitchen floor and Taehyung moved on top of him, stabbing him a few more times for good measure. In his bloodlust frenzy, he failed to notice that he had turned his back on you. Not only that, but the gun in Jungkook’s hand was now within reach of you.
You wasted no time in falling to your knees to grab it, quickly standing up and aiming it at the back of his head. Taehyung froze, still not facing you but somehow already figuring out his mistake. It was a foolish move on his part but he wasn’t exactly thinking clearly.
“Don’t move.” You spoke clearly, trying to keep your hand steady.
He didn’t listen to you though, moving slowly and carefully as he got off of Jungkook. He turned around with his hands raised, eyes wide as he stared at you. “YN, don’t do anything you’ll regret.”
“I said don’t move!” You yelled, your fingers trembling. You had never even held a gun before and now here you were aiming it at the love of your life.
“I know you don’t understand right now but you have to know: I did it all for you. So that we could be closer. I never meant to hurt you.” The sight of him inching further set you off, giving you the motivation you needed to pull the trigger.
“Goodbye, Taehyung.” You closed your eyes, not wanting to see the image of the light draining from his eyes.
It was over.
Months later, you were relieved to find that life had seemed to calm down after that horrible night full of evil and bloodshed. You had suffered and lost so many people you loved. Much like a year before, only this time you felt somewhat hopeful for the future. Death couldn’t follow you around anymore like a bad curse; the evil was dead and gone from your life. It was the only thing keeping you going.
That and having a positive influence in your life, like for example Namjoon. He was the first to find you there at the Jeon house after getting your phone call but never receiving your message due to the phones being tampered with. You were lying on the kitchen floor, covered in blood and still in shock over everything. He had been so helpful, urging you to call 911 on his cell phone while he checked to see if Hobi and Jin were still somehow alive - which by some miracle, they were. They had sustained serious injuries and were lucky to be alive, each spending quite some time in the hospital and then physical therapy after that. You visited them almost every day.
It had been hard, dealing with the survivor’s guilt. Losing your entire family, best friend, and boyfriend (even though he had been the cause of it all) had done some serious damage to your mental health. And despite all the therapy you had been receiving and would continue to receive, you knew it would never completely be healed. But that was okay. In your mind, you deserved some kind of scar from the whole ordeal since you hadn’t suffered any physical injuries. Several of your friends were dead or badly hurt - you could deal with it if not for yourself, then for them.
The best part about it was being able to exonerate Yoongi. To finally be able to see some emotion from him on the day the judge ruled him not guilty had been life changing. Yoongi had always been such a calm guy and never blamed you for the year of his life wasted behind bars. You wanted desperately to make it up for him but didn’t know how you possibly could. Namjoon assured you that you had done enough but the guilt never seemed to go away.
Namjoon and you had started to develop more of a friendly relationship, something you had never expected to come out of this. But after all the conflict was gone, it was much easier to see each other’s point of view. And the truth was, he had always been right.
“Got any plans this weekend?” Namjoon asked as he poured some sugar into his coffee before taking a sip.
“Not sure,” you began, taking a breath as you thought it over. “I got invited to an end-of-year party but I’m not sure if I should go. Feels too soon.”
“Oh, you should definitely go. It’s not as soon as you think.” He responded encouragingly, sounding like a big brother.
“I just don’t see what there’s to celebrate about.” You shrugged, meeting his gaze.
“There’s plenty to celebrate! How about surviving a tragic murder spree, exonerating an innocent man, finishing up a school year?” You didn’t look convinced, so he tried again, “Come on, I think it would be good for you to get out. You shouldn’t stay in that big house by yourself all the time.”
“You sound like my therapist.” You rolled your eyes at him, stirring the tea in your cup mindlessly.
“Well, you sound like a petulant child.” He chuckled.
You opened your mouth to retort, eyes flying up to look at him when something in the distance caught your eye. Your body felt cold, frozen up as you stared at the familiar figure. Dark black mop of hair covered his face, baggy sweater and jeans on his frame. You blinked a few times but he didn’t move at all. It didn’t make any sense. 
“YN? What is it?” Namjoon waved a hand in your face, distracting you from whatever it was you just saw.
“Huh?” You asked, blinking at Namjoon before glancing back at where he stood before. Only now, there was nobody in sight. You cleared your throat as your gaze fell back on the man before you, “Uh, nothing.”
“You looked like you saw a ghost.” He laughed, eyebrows furrowing at you in a concerned manner.
“Yeah, right.” You shook your head. There was no such thing.
I’ll always love you, YN. I’ll never leave you.
A/N: i'm baaaack! ngl i'm proud of myself for getting this one done bc it was a whopper. i really hoped you liked it! scream is one of my fave scary movies so i've always wanted to make an AU for it. ty for reading and pls lmk what you think!!
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spidybaby · 11 months
i need a toxic pedri he's jealous of your friendship with Gavi because when they both meet you Gavi had a crush on you that he never confess because Pedro made a move first
Bad kind of butterflies
Summary: Pedri let the insecurities of his friend become his own. Ruining his own relationship and friendship.
Warnings: cursing, asshole!Pedri, toxic relationship, asshole!Eric, fighting, drunk driving.
Part two
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Your relationship is not new. You have been together for almost three years now. You will describe the relationship as something lovely and where the two of you support each other.
You will go to every game he has, every competition for the team, supporting his new line, loving his photoshoots, and watching every interview.
Him, he would support you through everything. He will drop you off at college. Even if you didn't agree at first, he would help you study. Always loving how smart and dedicated you're to became a professional.
But if you ask someone in your circle their opinions about the relationship, they would say that you became toxic.
Well, you, it is a misunderstanding. He became toxic.
You meet the team thanks to your friend Sira, she was dating Ferran and he introduced you to his circle.
The circle in question was Gavi, Eric, Alejandro, and Pedri.
When you meet them, your eyes only focused on the dark-haired boy. To him, it was the same. He was quick to make conversation, taking any other friend the opportunity to do it.
But you became closer to the other guys, specifically with Pablo. He became your friend quickly. He was such a supportive friend. And the best part was that he was the best friend of your boyfriend.
Pedro wasn't the jealous type. Sure, he got jealous from time to time, like a normal person. But he wasn't one to feel jealous of other people around.
Being an elite football player makes him feel less insecure than the others. He knew he was all that, and you made him feel even more like all that.
You always made him feel like the center of the universe, and he reciprocated that feeling for you. Having all the girls throwing themselves at him at first made you feel insecure, but he quickly told off that feeling with actions that proved to you he was a loyal one.
To him, everything changed when Eric one night called him drunk, asking him to pick him up from this bar in Barcelona.
When he, as a friend, went there and picked him up, he took him to his house, Eric didn't even knew where his keys were.
Eric was drunk crying, confessing that his girlfriend cheated on him with dude she met at college. How he was so heartbroken.
Naturally, he felt super bad for him, and the thoughts came, the insecurities got to his head.
He called you, knowing you were doing some homework and were pulling an all nighter.
"Hi, mi amor."
"Hey, am I bothering you?"
"When have you ever bother me?"
He fell quiet. He was answering that question on his mind, all the times he asked you to drop something to go to his games, all the times he asked you to move all you thing to his house so he could spend time with you, making you uncomfortable while studying.
"Pedri? Amor?"
"I'm here, I'm just tired."
But you were tired too, it was almost two am. And to him, it was easy. He had a free day, but you were going to wake up really early to go to class. Even if you had only one hour of sleep.
"Don't you want to come over? I'm almost done, and we can cuddle in bed."
"You need sleep."
"So do you, so if you want, the invitation is still there. I'm going to be here for another half hour."
He drove over to your place, wanting to take these insecure thoughts out of his mind.
And you did take all that out of his mind by showing him that he was the only one you wanted by your side.
After that, he was a big support for Eric. He wanted his friend to feel better. He invited him to stay a few hours after practice.
Pablo was helping Pedro with supporting their friend. He brought some candies and things to make him feel better.
They spent most days after practice playing fifa and chatting. Ferran then joined the heartbreak club, Sira and him called it quits.
Ferran felt uncomfortable with you around, so you told Pedro that you were meeting him when they left the house.
Mostly because you didn't want his friends to feel some type of way about you.
The second time Pedro felt different about the relationship was the night Eric confessed something to him.
"I don't know how you can be so open with Gavi about your relationship."
"Gavi is mine and my girlfriend friend. I don't see the problem."
"But aren't you uncomfortable about his crush on your girlfriend?"
Pedro stopped on his tracks. He was confused about why Eric would think that. Gavi never gave any signs about him liking you.
"No sé a que te refieres con eso." (I don't know what you mean by that.")
"No me vengas a decir que no sabes." (Don't tell me you don't know)
"I think you're confused. Just because Gavi is friendly with her doesn't mean he has a crush."
He thought he let it go. But was laying down in bad with you. You were telling him about a video Pablo sent you of a recipe.
Pablo had a crush on you?
But this time, he did brush that off. Not believing his friend would have a crush on his girlfriend.
"Hey, maybe we can do something this weekend?"
"I thought we were having a movie marathon with Pablo. You wanted to see all the conjuring movies, bebé"
He graps his arms around while putting your phone away from you, kissing you cheek and neck.
"Maybe I just want you to myself."
The way his kisses feel on your skin, the intoxicating sensation he makes you feel with his fingers.
"All to myself." He whispers, kissing your lips while he pounds into you.
Your moans all to himself, your lips letting his name out, his lips marking your skin.
His and only his.
"Let me call my girlfriend, and we are on our way."
Pedri, dial your number. He let the call on Bluetooth while turning the car on. The beep goes once, twice, and then into voice mail. You rejected his call.
"Ohhh, someone's getting rejected." Ferran laughs. He loves to pick on him to get a reaction.
"Oh shut up, she's just busy."
He dials your number again, making his way out of his garage.
"Hello, Y/n is in the bathroom. She will call you when she's out." The voice of a man makes him press the break hard. He hung up without Pedri being able to talk.
Ferran and eric laugh as hard as they can. The expression on their friend is a shocked one, his mouth open and brows furrowed.
"Wait that was so fucking funny, he hang up on you."
"Where did you say she was?" Eric asks, "Well, it doesn't matter cause she was busy, and that dude was kinda in a rush to hang up."
"Okay, stop it, Eric." Ferran warns him. "She's probably studying and you heard the dude she's in the bathroom."
"Don't know, that's what my bitch of an ex used to told me 《oh Eric, I was busy studying》, yeah studying another boy's dick."
"She's not like that." Pedri finally says, closing the garage with the control. "She's on finals."
"If you say so." Eric lifts his hands as a piece sign. "Let's just drive, we're going to be late."
The drive was silent, Ferran tried to make conversation, but Pedri and his single answers were not it.
His ring tone interrupts the silence. He presses the green button on his wheel. "Hola hermosa."
"Hola, I'm sorry I didn't answer. I left my phone here while using the bathroom, and Kyle answered the phone."
"Ohhh Kyle." Eric whispers to them.
Ferran pushed him back to the seat. Whispering him to shut up.
"It's okay, I was just calling to check on you."
"Stop it, Eric." Ferran warns once he sees Eric was about to speak again.
"I'm fine, Kyle is dropping me home, I can ask him to drop me at your place if you're free."
"I'm actually with Ferran and Eric, but feel free to go there and relax. You have some clothes there and you can order some takeout. I'll join you in a while."
"Okay, I'll be waiting for you, te amo."
"Yo más, goodbye baby."
He can feel a relief that was unexpected. He knew Kyle. He was your friend and study buddy since the beginning.
"Good thing she was just using the bathroom, right Eric?" Ferran pinch him. Making him yelp. "Fucking say it." He whispers.
"Yes, she was using the bathroom." He says with a bored tone. Making ferran roll his eyes.
The mood for Pedri changed. He was now talking, and Ferran noticed that. They made some jokes until they parked outside of the place they're going to.
The time they spent there was nice. You texted Pedri that you were at his place, a picture attached where you sent him a kiss with the "have fun" text next to it.
But he wanted to hurry up, feeling like cuddling you, like kissing you. Ferran also wanted to keep the stay a little shorter, wanting to relax at home with his family.
They dropped Eric first, saying their goodbyes to their teammate. Ferran knew he wanted to speak about the call incident.
"I want to tell you something."
"Yeah, whatever you want tiburón."
"Eric, he's still not in the right place about his breakup. And that doesn't mean he's allowed to put ideas in your head. Don't let him do that."
"He's just, so fucking extra sometimes." He sighs, wrapping hard on the steering wheel. "I know he's hurt, and sometimes he just projects on me and y/n."
"Don't let him do that." Ferran pats his arm. "I know that with the whole Sira breakup thing, her and me haven't really talked. But she's a nice girl, I know her."
"Yeah, she used to come over after you left so you didn't feel uncomfortable."
"Such a sweetheart." He laughs. "But I'm serious. She's a nice one. Take care of her."
"I will, I love her."
Ferran got out of the car after telling him to tell you hello. Thing he said once he was wrapped in your arms, watching a movie and eating takeout.
After that night
Two weeks has passed, two weeks where the texts, the calls and the meetings were barely there.
You were on your last year of college, and these finals were very important for you. If you pointed well you were able to get more job opportunities.
Pedri felt frustrated. He knew he shouldn't let Eric fucked up with his mind. But he also doesn't want his friend to feel pushed away.
He trusts you with his life. He wanted the long run with you. And nobody was getting in the way of that.
Today was your last final, the last one of the whole curriculum. You were extra excited about it.
Asking Pedri to pick you up so you can go get something to eat after in a celebration mode. He bought flowers for you and a special charm for your bracelet. He knows you love collecting charms for extra special moments.
He parks under a three, a little far more than usual, but he doesn't want to be seen. Wanting all his attention on you.
You texted him that you were out of the test and to send you where he was, wanting to walk to relieve the last bit of stress.
"Are you going to the party?" Kyle asks you.
"Obvio, I'm not missing this. It's all I need"
"Same, I'm ready to chug a whole bottle of reposado."
"Añejo is better, Ky."
Kyle walked you over to Pedri's car, feeling the same about walking to leave the stress of the test.
"Are we doing shots and partnering in beer pong?"
"Duh, you're the only person I would to this with. Nobody does it like you."
Pedri has his window a little down. He can hear the conversation, but to his "luck," he only heard the last five words.
He takes eyes on the way Kyle says goodbye to you, the way his hands are a little more down than necessary.
He squint his eyes, getting that out of his mind. He trusts you. He does.
"Hola, mi amor." You say, closing the car door.
You grab his face into your hands, giving him a kiss. Thing he reciprocate, missing the taste of you and the way you smell.
"Te amo." You say, pecking him "I missed you, bebé."
"You have me all to yourself, princesa." He pecks you back. "Let's go, I made reservations to your favorite stake place."
You grab your backpack to move it to the back of the car, your eyes lay on the bouquet of peonies, and the Tiffany box.
"A little something for you." He squish your thigh.
You grab the bouquet, smelling the flowers. "I love it, I love you"
"I love you more. You're such a smart girl."
You take a picture of the bouquet, posting it to your close friends with the text "blessed with him ❤️" tagging him, even tho he can't repost it.
The food was exquisite. You loved the place. He was breaking his diet, but he was doing it for a good reason.
"I have a party today, do you want to come with me?"
"I have to go to the gym with the team, but I can join after."
"You will be tired, it's okay." You say, feeding him some ice cream. "I'm asking Kyle to pick me up on his way there, we will take an Uber because we both want to drink."
He tense at the name of your friend. He feels so bad about the way his body reacts to things he never felt worried about.
"I can drop you guys off, and tomorrow I don't have to play so I can pick you up when you're ready to go home."
You nod smiling. "I'll text Ky, thank you, amor."
He can't help the guilt. He's doing this so he can prevent you from being alone in an Uber with Kyle. Not because he wants to take you there.
You text your friend, who asks you to thank him. Kyle never met Pedri due to always being a lap of schedules that made them not met.
Back on your way home, you were singing some Quevedo. You were happy and nothing can take that feeling away.
"Open your other gift." He parks the car in the parking lot of your building.
You do as you're told, seeing the silver charm with tiny crystals. You smile, asking him to help with locking it in place.
"I love you, you didn't have to. Thank you."
"I love you, smart girl. You deserve more than that."
He kisses you goodbye, observing you while you go into the elevator and then going into practice.
The gym training was boring. He was with Marc Guiu, Ter Stegen, Fermin, and Araujo, but the exercises were solo ones.
Ter Stegen was telling them a story about something that happened to him with a fan. Everybody was laughing and chatting.
In the end, he and Fermin were the last ones to pick their things. They were chatting while walking outside.
"How is College?"
"It's great, crazy. More now that I'm with the first team."
"You're a heartbreaker." He laughs. "Too many girls?"
"I'm interested in one. But I don't know, he's very shy and very focused in college." He sighs. "And I'm a football player."
"Shoot your shot. My girlfriend just finished college, and we have been together since her third year."
"Will do, take care." He waves Pedro goodbye.
He drove over to your house. He was waiting for you to get ready while he crashed your bed.
"I forgot to bring snacks." He pout, he was craving something.
"I have the crackers your doctor approved." You kiss his cheek, "go get them."
He walks with such no motivation to your kitchen, opening the drawer where you order all your snacks.
He found a box of chocolate with a bite attached. "For my smart girl. K❤️" He throws the box back into the drawer. Appetite gone.
"What if you stay here with me?" He asks, using the frame of the door as a recliner. "I just feel like I haven't seen you in so long."
"Well. I'm all yours after the party."
"So you're not even considering not going to stay with me?"
You turn to him, not sure why he's acting like that when he's the one who encourages you to go out and relax. "Are you okay?"
"No, you don't want to spend time with me. You just want to party and be with your friends and I have feelings too, I miss you too. I'm just tired."
"Amor, you can go home and call it a night. You don't need me for that. I can ask Sira to pick me up and drop me off."
"That's not the point." He squinted his eyes mad. "You prefer to go out than to spend time with me."
"Pedro, relax!" You say, tone serious. "I've been planning to go to this party for a good month now. I help with it. Im not missing it. I deserve this after my hard work."
"That's not the point." He says, angry out of nowhere. "You don't get it." He grabs his wallet and keys, walking out of the room.
"Pedro, seriously?" You can't believe he's walking out like that. "Pedro!"
You hear the door closing. You wanted to go out and ask him to stay, but you didn't. You gave him his time. He's tired and just having a bad night, you think.
You text Sira, asking her to come over so you can go together. Thing she agreed on, texting Kyle that you were picking him up with Sira.
"I love your shorts." Sira says, smacking you. "But that top, maybe a staples one?"
"I like this, I'm not feeling like wearing a strapless."
"Okay, what's with the face?" She grab you by the shoulders, making you turn. "Why are you so blue?"
"Pedro was here. He was supposed to drop me off, but he told me I was only interested in the party and not on him."
"What?" Sira's face is a poem. She has this doubtful expression. "Pedro as in Pedri? What the hell?"
"Maybe he's right." You feel guilty. "Maybe he's going through something, and he doesn't know how to tell me."
"Well, guilt tripping you is not the answer." She hugs you. "We're going, and you're having fun."
You nod, still feeling guilty over going and not calling to fix things with him.
"Now, help me with my makeup." She sits at your vanity. "Hey, stop. You deserve to have fun."
You smile, repeating her words. You deserve to have fun. You grab her makeup bag, helping her with her base and eyeshadow.
Once you're ready, you take out a mini bottle of patron and two shot glasses. Pre gaming with her. "Hey, slow down, you're driving."
"I can do both perfectly, you know that."
You do another shot and left to pick your friend. The trip there was fun, singing with her and Kyle to this Nicki Minaj song.
The party was great, you can say you did drink a little bit more than usual, feeling a bad taste on your mouth after the fight.
"Okay, chug chug chug," Sira cheers you, as you and Karla, your friend in common, are competing on who can drink a long island the fastest.
"Ughh, that was disgusting." You say laughing. "I need a bathroom, I'm going to throw up."
You grab someone's hand, dragging this person to the bathroom with you. You never throw up while drinking, but this time, you kinda get a little crazy on mixing.
"You have luck I have a strong stomach."
"I want my bed." You whisper. "And a blanket."
"Okay, stay here, I'm bringing you water and a mint cause iugh. And I'm asking Sira to go."
"Love you, Ky." You hug his leg, making him laugh. "You're my bestie. Am I your bestie?"
"Sadly, you and your week stomach are my besties." He pets you in the head.
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Pedri was home, bag under his eyes after not being able to sleep, he wonders if you had a nice night, if you were okay.
He replays the story time and time and time again. Sira was with you, so you were okay. You never leave without the other.
He gets your favorite drink and food, knowing you will have a craving of those.
He knocks on your door. It's already almost night, so he's sure Sira and your other friends are gone.
A very destroyed you open the door. You look like you had a little too much fun. He smiles at your sight.
"I got you some food and a drink."
"Food first." You smile, he hands you the bag and drink. You moan hapilly at the taste of the drink. "Okay, you can come in."
"Had some fun?" He kisses your cheek.
"Mhm, a lot." You say opening the bag. "But I kinda got a little more drunk than normal."
He nods, not sure how to address the situation. But you decide to go first.
"I don't like the way you left last night." You look at him. "You don't act like that. Is there something going on? Are you okay?"
"I'm okay, I just got insecure or something I'm not sure. Perdón."
"I get that, but please don't do that again."
He wraps his arms around you, kissing your neck, promising not to act like that again and to be more open about his feelings.
"I love the smell of roses." You say grabbing a red rose.
You were hanging around with Kyle. He was supervising the flower shop his parents had. They were one of the most exclusive flower shops in Barcelona.
"You can grab some, mom won't mind."
"If I get an invoice for this, I'm killing you."
He laughs, you pick out of the big wall that was there. You loved how the roses look so pretty, no matter the color.
"You own me lunch."
"I gave you flowers," He says, funny tone. "Isn't that enough?"
"To take me home?" You ask, imitating his tone. "Invite me to dinner first and then we can head home."
You laugh, he picks his things and tells the girls that are there working to keep an eye for him while he eats lunch.
"What do you want and why is it sushi?"
You smile, you like the rice that the sushi places sell, even tho you're not the biggest sushi fan you liked some pieces.
"I want some rice."
You saw the texts of Pedri, ignoring them. You were mad at him.
He told you, not even asked, told you that he didn't want you out with Kyle because he thought that he had feelings for you.
You had a big fight about it. Asking him to leave. You ignored his calls, texts, and even when he went to your house.
Maybe being with Kyle was not the answer, but he was your friend since the beginning of the career.
He was there for you when you had nobody and you reciprocate that for him. Being his support as much as he was your support.
"Are you okay?" He hugs you by the shoulders. "We can go get some pizza if you want."
"Yes, just a little sleepy."
You never told anybody your fights with Pedro, Sira was an exception for time to time. But that time to time was almost never.
You order food, deciding for some sushi rolls. Kyle noticing how sad you were decided that he wanted some sushi and some other things.
"Wait, lemme take a picture for insta"
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Pedro saw the pictures, blood boiling as he thought he was clear about how he didn't feel nice about this dude being your friend.
"What's wrong?" Eric asks, noticing how he threw his phone into his bag.
"This fucking Kyle dude, fucking on my nerves." He sighs. "I told her I don't like him and she's out with him."
"And you're doing nothing about it?"
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Fucking go to her and ask her to respect you, you're not a fucking college common guy, you're Pedri. Don't forget that."
Ferran wants to say something, but Pedri grabs his bag and runs out of the door.
"You're way out of line." He stops Eric at the corridor. "Stop giving Pedri your stupid advice."
"Stupid advice?" He laughs, "she's probably fucking that dude and you're on her side?"
"She's not like that."
"Just because you want her to help you go back to Sira doesn't mean she's a saint."
"Fucking stop, Eric." He yells. "Keep your problems away from Pedri and his relationship. Just because you weren't man enough for your ex doesn't mean Pedri is like you."
While the two of them yell at each other, Pedri is driving to your place. He needs to talk with you, Eric was right.
You're his girlfriend, and he needs his to feel respected. Thing he's not feeling right now.
He dials your number two times, both ending in voice mail. His anger just grows.
You and Kyle were talking in the parking lot. He needed to go back to the flower shop but also wanted to make sure you're okay.
"You can trust me, I'm not judging."
You feel your tears floot your eyes, you want to believe that Pedro was going through something and that this person who talks to you like that was not the man you love.
You hug your friend, crying in his chest. He didn't ask anything else, he knew you needed time.
"Hey, I'm here. Don't cry." His hands run up and down your back. Thing that smooth you a little.
"I don't know how to explain what's going on." You say, tears falling. "I'm just so confused."
"It's okay, you're okay now."
His hands hugging your body to gave you confort. Thing you can't seem to find.
You heard the loud noise of a car break. Making you turn your head. Pedro was looking at you from the inside of his car.
You push Kyle away from you, but his hands grab your arms. "Kyle, I think you need to go."
"What?" He's confused. Why would you ask him that? and why was your boyfriend looking like he could kill someone?
Pedri slams his car door. You let Kyle go. "Pedri, what are you doing?" You tried to grab his hand but he moved around you to where your friend is. You let a scream out when Pedro's fist impacts Kyle's cheek.
You freeze in shock. The man who's the least confrontational just punched your friend. And the worst part is that it is out of nowhere.
"What the actual fuck?" Kyle screams from the floor. Spitting blood. Lip cut open from the impact. "Are you fucking crazy?"
You can't register what he replied. When he turns around to you. You back off until your body hits his car.
"Get in the car." He grabs you by the wrist, not hurting you but making you walk. Your friend is on the floor, bleeding from the punch your boyfriend gave him.
Pedro puts the seat belt on you, your shock still there, like a fever dream.
You have a nauseous feeling. Just five minutes ago, you were crying about not knowing when he turned into this jealous boy and now he punched your friend.
The drive was silent. You feel hazy, closing your eyes. His breathing is heavy, his hands gripping the wheel so hard to make the leader squeak under his grip.
You feel the car stopping, opening your eyes to see that you're in his house. You don't want to exit the vehicle.
"You punched my friend." You whisper. "Pedro, que carajos?" (What the fuck?)
"Let's go inside." He get out to go to your side to open the door, but you press the lock button. "Y/n, don't play with me. Please get off."
"You punched my friend." You yell this time. "I want to go home. I'm not getting out."
"Get off." He unlocks the door with the control, but you again locked it. "Y/n, please."
"Are you out of your mind?" You ask, crying out of anxiety. "What is wrong with you? This is not you, I want to go."
His expression softens. It's like he's in a state of mind where he can't control himself. You're hyperventilating. Locked in his car.
"Princesa, por favor." He takes a few steps away. "I'm not hurting you, I will never. Just get off and let's talk."
He let you cry, feeling terrible for making you feel insecure around him. Making you feel like he's not your safe place.
"I'm fucking sorry." He says. "I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm not like that, I don't hurt people."
His hand hurts, his heart hurts, and his head hurts.
"Can you please get out of the car?"
You breathe a few times, and you unlock the car and open the door. He wants to have his arms around you.
You notice his hand is red. You know he's not hurting you. He won't. Never did, never will.
"Your hand."
"It doesn't matter."
You grab his wrist, guiding him inside of his house and to his bedroom. Once you're inside, you check for the aid kit.
With a baby wipe and alcohol you clean his hand, and his expression shows pain. You apply some cream to make it better.
"What's on your mind?" You ask, narrowed eyes. "You're not this person. You don't hit people. You don't do shit like this."
"I'm fucking sorry"
"Sorry is not enough."
"Don't say that."
"Pedro, tell me what's going on. Kyle and I have been friends since before you and I even met."
He can't look at you, eyes stick to the ground. You're someone who takes her friendships seriously. You love to nurse your friends, be there for them.
"If I'm with you, that means I'm not looking at any other dudes. Pedro you're the only one for me."
"And you're the only one for me." He finally looks at you. "I don't know what's going on, Eric and his stupid advice are ruining my mind."
"Why are you letting your friend who's bitter about his ex give you relationship advice?" You ask, angry. "Pedro, our relationship is only ours. You don't see me say that Sira or Karla are giving me advice on punching Gavi in the face because you're getting shipped on tik tok."
"I'm dumb. I'm fucking dumb for that."
You rub the rest of the cream, massaging the area to smooth his bruise.
"You're not dumb. You're such a smart man." You press a little harder than necessary, making him hiss. "So I need you to use that intelligence to understand that if you keep doing this shit, you're losing me."
His whole body tense, he can't see a day without you by his side. You're his ride or die. You're the person who taught him how to be a man.
"I can't lose you."
"Well, get your shit together then." You let his hand go, standing up. "Pedro, you're not this person, and I'm not staying if you chose to act like this from now on."
"I'm not, love, please don't go."
He hugs your waist, head on your belly. You feel his shoulders shake. He was crying at the thought of you leaving.
You don't hug him back. You don't caress his back. You don't feel like touching him more than you already did.
"You need to think of what you did. A few days apart will help."
You slowly push his arms away, you wanted to cry, but you know you have to wait till you're alone yo do it.
"Please no."
You got away from him. You take your phone out of your bag, call an Uber, and text your friend to see if you can crash her place.
Sira told you she was close to where you were, and she was picking you up. While that happened, you noticed Pedro crying into his hands.
You take a seat next to him. He's into the idea that he lost you. All because of something that he never even cared about.
"I'm leaving." You say after a while, Sira was outside. "Pedro, I need you to understand why this is happening, you need time to think and so do I."
You kiss his shoulder. Head still in his hands. You walk over to his front door. You want to keep composure, but you didn't even make it to the car when the tears began.
Sira didn't question you. She just started the car on her way to her house. Once you both are in her room, you're crying in her arms, letting all the pain go.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You nod, feeling better now that you let the tears out. She dried your tears with a tissue.
You tell her everything, how the situation went from him not wanting you to go to the party from him punching Kyle and yelling you that it was because of Eric and his advices.
"I'm sorry if this is not what you want to hear, but you should break up with him. He's becoming controlling, and that's not cute."
You shake your head no, you don't want to think about breaking up without fighting for the relationship to work.
"I can help him." You whisper. "He's just letting Eric get into his head."
"Y/n, he punched our friend over a stupid advice."
"He's not like that."
Sira decides to remain silent. She knows you're not hearing anybody. You're too attached to him to even consider the leaving option.
"Okay, I'm here for you whatever you decide."
Ten days later and Pedro still hasn't heard from you.
He knows you were in Paris and horse riding with Sira. You were also doing other things with your classmates.
You answered his texts with a heart or with another emoji, but you won't answer his calls or FaceTime.
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"Can I have my sunglasses back?"
"No, they fit me better."
"We are wearing the same outfit." You laugh. "Hey I'm sure you will do amazing at your competition."
"I have the best cheerleader." She says, hugging and kissing your cheek. "I love you."
"Love you more." You hug her back. "Thank you for being the for me this past days, I needed that so much."
"Are you calling him today?"
"Yes, it's been almost two weeks, and I think we both had out time to think and calm down."
"Do you know how is him?"
"Gavi updates me on what he's on." You confess. "We been talking a lot, you know I love that kid like a little brother."
"He's nice." She agreed. "I love his eyebrows. They have life."
You both laugh, Gavi does have very active expression eyebrows. Thing that makes him even more memorable.
You return home, thanking her for the day with the horses. You take a shower to relax and think about what you're telling him.
He was doing a lot, sending flowers, texting you every day like he always does. Kyle and you were fine. He was just keeping a little distance for now because he's still very mad at him.
You were finishing your skincare routine when you heard a knock on the door. You ignore it, not wanting to go open the door.
But the knocks sound again after a few minutes, and you roll your eyes. Throwing a hoodie over and walking to the door.
You find a very happy Gavi. He was carrying a box of something and had another bag in his hands.
"Hola." He walks inside. Leaving the box and bag in the kitchen aisle. "I'm a messenger. And I have to give you this."
You check the things, a bag full of your favorite snacks and drinks. And the box is a dozen of your favorite pastries.
"Pedri?" You ask, bitting your lip happyly. "Thank you, messenger."
"I charge one of those." He points at the box. Making you roll your eyes in a funny way. "Please."
"Take two."
He did as told. Using a napkin as a plate.
"Want to see a movie now that you're here?" You smile.
"A scary movie?" He raised his eyebrow. Remembering your chat with Sira, you laugh.
"Yes, a scary movie."
He sends a picture to Pedri, letting him know that you got his message and that they were seeing a movie.
"So, how was Paris?"
"It was amazing, I saw Mbappé." You smile. "And it was a good game. They won."
You chat a little while the movie gets good. You were watching the last movie of the conjuring, the one that Pablo hasn't seen.
"Hey, why don't you come to the photoshot we have with this new kit.
"When is it?" You ask confused, thinking that they already did something like this. "Don't you already did that?"
"Yes, but I mean, they always want more content for social media."
"Is Pedro going?"
"Don't think so. He's in the social media team of Alyssa. We're with Antonia."
"Will go if you take me to his house after."
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You smile at the way Pablo and Alejandro shy out with the camera. They're getting scolded by Antonia.
"I'm sorry guys, but the last video I promise, just smile."
The day went fast. They filmed enough content for a while. Not wanting to keep doing it, Antonia let them go.
"Let's go, madame, we're heading to your prince charming house."
"Can I drive?" You ask, running to the pilot door. "I'm about to get my license."
"What if the police stop us?"
"Then you give them free tickets and we're free"
He laughs, throwing the keys at you. You were so excited about being able to drive. Pedri taught you how to do it. During those late night drives.
"Do you know the way?"
"Of course, my horse." You tap his nose with your finger. You love doing that cause of his facial expression. "Want to know a secret?"
"Sira and I love how your eyebrows move depending on your mood."
He blushes, his ex used to say the same thing. His eyebrows had a life.
"They're my best card."
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He told you about the next games and how the team was training hard, things you're used to hearing because of Pedri.
"We're here," you announced to him, who was texting. "Thank you for the drive. Have fun, Pablito."
You both say your goodbyes, you enter Pedro's house with the spare key he gave you.
The house was silent, way too silent for your liking. You knew Fernando was in Tenerife with his parents, so you didn't really find weird not seeing him cooking or working on something.
You left your bag and key in the kitchen aisle, walking upstairs to look up for him.
The sound of the shower gave you an answer of where he was. You can see the steem coming out of the little door opening.
You take your shoes off, walking to the closet and changing into the pajama set you have there. You get into bed, making yourself comfortable in the sheets.
Not even five minutes later, you heard him moving into the bathroom, moving things, even singing lightly to a Quevedo song.
When he's out, he jumps a little, happy but surprised to see you there.
"Me has dejado cagado eh!" (You scare me)
"Perdón, I didn't want to interrupt your shower." You can't help but wonder your eyes up and down his body.
He smirked, walking to where you're to peck your lips. "I missed you. Let me change, and we can talk." You spank his ass when he turned around. "Oye, that's playing dirty."
He was giving you a show, walking around so you could peak at him while he changed. You turn your head so you can focus on the reason on why you were there.
But you didn't mind having an after sex talk with him. In the end, he was the one who needed to make it up to you.
"Ready, princesa." He jumps in bed. Arm around you. "I missed you so much, mi vida"
"So did I." You caress his almost dry hair. "How was your dar, amor?"
"Do you really want to know?" He laughs. "Or should we address the elephant in the room?"
"You're such an inpatient, Pedro." You pinch his cheek. "But yes, sit."
He sits, crossing his legs in front of you. You accommodate his hair, untangling his locks. He grabs your wrists, bringing your hands to his mouth, kissing your knuckles.
"I'm sorry." He began. "You're the most important person in my life. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to let Eric advise me on relationships. But it's not on him. It's on me who did such crazy things like hitting your friend. I'm sorry, I don't want to lose you."
You grab his face, pushing him towards you. Lips collapsing. You fell into bed, lips still attached.
"Please don't do this again." You peck him. "I love you so much."
"I love you, princesa."
"Now love me in the way only you can."
"Will do." He laughs, kneeling and taking his shirt off while you unbutton your own.
"Wooow, such a model." Pablo says, clapping his hands. "I like this one better than the black one."
"I like this one too." You say observing your reflection. "I think this is the one."
"Finally, I'm hungry."
You changed, not before taking a picture to send to your friends. You asked the girl that was helping you that you were taking the dress and to pack it up for you.
"I want Chinese. Do you want some?" You ask Gavi. He was on his phone with his mad face. "What's going on Pablito?"
"Nothing." He pout.
You pay for the dress and walk with him to the basement where the car is. He keeps this pouty face.
He parked at the Chinese restaurant that he liked the most. You want to talk to him about his mood.
You order the food, you text Pedri that you had the dress for the wedding. But what worries you is the boy in front of you.
"Pablito, mi vida. Tell me what's going on."
"I'm not sure, I'm talking with this girl, and we were fine, but these stupid rumors about me and other girls are ruining the chances I had."
"Don't worry, Pablito. You're such a kind-hearted dude. You just had to make her see who you really are."
"What can I do?" He asks, tired of trying and failing.
"Invite her to the wedding." You smile. "If she's from Barcelona, why not?"
"But, what if she says no?"
"You already have the no, but if you ask, you might get a yes."
"You're such a smart girl." He texts happily, asking you what to write and how to invite her properly.
You offer yourself to help his "friend" go get a dress or borrow her one of your own. He was happy with the offer, asking her about it to let her decide.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. If she needs help with the hair and makeup, I can help, I'm kinda good at that."
"Gracias, you're the best." He kisses your cheek. You say your goodbyes to him, hurrying upstairs yo try on the dress again and match it with some shoes.
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"Are you ready to go?" Pedri asks, kissing your cheek. "I'm obsessed with how you look."
You kiss him carefully because of the lipstick. You loved the way he made you feel like so special.
"Let's go, mi amor."
The drive to the venue was a little longer than you thought. You pictured the place being a little closer to his place than what actually is.
"I hope we find parking."
"It's kinda early."
Lucky for you, there were some available spots. You notice Gavi's car. You smile at the thought of him and his date. Hoping everything is well for him.
"Hola, you guys are early birds just like us I see."
To your luck, the table was full of people you know. Alejandro, Robert, Gavi and Eric, and Ferran.
"Una putada, early to a party but late for training." Pedri laughs, saying hi to all the table.
"Anna, Robert, you guys look amazing." You say, "Anna, I love that dress on you."
"Thank you, but what about you? You look like a movie star, shining all around."
"Thank you." You blush at her comments.
The party began not that much later. Many other playmates joined the venue. The party was great.
The bride and groom gave their welcome words, thanking everybody. Did their first dance and later on announced the food.
You made conversation with Ferran, asking him about something silly, while Pedri and Anna chatted about football.
After the food, the dance began, and so did the open bar. You wanted one drink but were too full to get it at the moment.
Ana and Robert were the ones who got to the dance floor first, inviting you all to the table to dance.
You followed them. Even when Pedri didn't like to dance, he would do it for you. "I love you." He kisses you while dancing with you.
You finally chose to go get that drink, Ferran with you because he was feeling some on the rocks.
When you go back, you notice Pedri sat down at the table talking with Alejandro. "Hey, I'm joining them, I'm resting a little." He nodded, grabbing the person he was dancing with again.
"Hola hola, got tired of dancing?" You joke with Pedri. He moves the chair for you, hugging you with his arm.
"Hey, Y/n." Alejandro called you, "how is college going on?"
"Good, I just finished with the curriculum, and we'll I'm working on other things."
"Nice, good for you."
"Excuse me, please." Gavi's date says, walking back to the table and picking up her purse.
Gavi hurried with her outside of the venue. You followed them with your eyes, worried that something might have gone wrong.
"Hey, I'll be back, I'm going to the bathroom." You tell pedri, he nods in response.
You walked outside to where Gavi and his date were, they were fighting about something and where this girl sees you, she reprimanded Gavi about it.
She walks away from the scene, Gavi turns to you, head low. "I fucking hate Eric." He says.
"What?" You hurry to his side. "What's going on, Pablito?"
"That fucking asshole told her that I had a crush on you. And that I have been in love with you since I met you. Que mierda?"
"He did what?"
"He fucking did, I'm going to punch him in the fucking face."
You stopped him, not wanting the party to be ruined about this. "Pablito no, not here. Please."
"He fucking deserves it." He yells.
"I know, but not here. Look, call her, explain.to her your feelings."
"She's not answering." He buffs.
"Try, Gavira." You hit him.in the head.
He dials her number several times, each getting into voice mail. You feel bad about what happened, angry at the asshole of Eric.
"What if you send a voice note to her inbox?"
"And say what?"
You ask for his phone, opening iMessage and searching for her name.
"How do you feel?" You ask, recording what he was about to say in a voice note.
"I just feel like an idiot because I've never met someone so special and someone so fucking pretty, super dedicated to what she does, and super smart, someone who every guy will die to be with. You're the only one I think about in the morning when I wake up, the one I want to call after training or have on the bleachers with my number on her back. You, just you."
You smile, finishing with the recording of the message. You know how important it is for him
"Qué mierda esta pasando?" Pedri asks.
Pablo turns to him. Pedri doesn't notice that what he said was for his date and not for you. "Pedro, it's not what you think."
"So this shit is not you telling my girlfriend you're in love with her?"
"Pedri, stop it." You warn him. "Not here. This is not like that."
"Will you shut up?" He said, eyes looking at Pablo and not at you. "I thought we were friends."
"This is not like that." Pablo yells. "Fucking idiot."
He pushes Pedri lightly, entering the venue again. Pedri turns to you, angry expression on his face.
"Let's go."
"You're so stupid if you think I'm leaving with you."
"Don't do this here. Let's go."
You wanted to leave before you get inside and scream at Eric for being such an asshole. "Let me get my things."
You walk inside and grab your things, Pablo was doing the same but when he noticed you he just asked you if you were okay.
"Yeah, we're leaving. Hope you solve things with her." You hug him goodbye. He sat while waiting for a few minutes till you left.
You walk outside, pedri already has the car in front of the door. You debate actually going with him.
"Get in, we're going to my place. You have some explaining to give."
You walk over to the door, slamming it when you get in. you were mad about everything, the ruined night, he being rude to you, rude to Pablo. Eric fucking up as always and Pedro following the train.
"You're such an asshole." You finally say. "You don't even know what the fuck happened and already jumped into conclusions."
"Don't try to defend him."
"I'm not, but you're so out of line, Pedro."
"Don't defend him, y/n."
"He was talking with his date over a voice note because Eric told her that he had a crush on me which is a fucking lie."
"It's not."
"It is, Pedro." You yell, angry at him. "I helped him with the invitation, with getting her a dress, with everything for him to get the girl, if he had a crush on me why would he do that?"
"You did?'
"Yes." You answer like it's obvious. "Pablo is like a little brother to me, you know that. He's your friend, a better one than Eric. Fucking stop with the attitude."
You both stayed silent until you reached his house. When the garage door closes, you immediately get out of the car.
"You were so out of line, you ruined the night for you, for me and for Pablo. I'm so fucking tires of this."
"No, I want to change and to sleep, my night is ruined, and so is yours. Maybe tomorrow you can fix things.
You walk upstairs, grabbing your makeup remover, some towels, your pajamas and other things, and moving yo Fernando's room.
You definitely were not sleeping, wanting to cry and to scream but just cried. He felt the frustration of the night. Pulling an all-nighter, just like you.
Two days later, you were waiting for Pedro at his house. You wanted to fix things between Pablo and him. You want their friendship to heal. Even tho your relationship was kinda still not well from the last fight.
Pablo was showing you something, his shoulder sticker to yours so you both see the tik tok. You grap your arm around his shoulder, thing you always do.
Pedro was outside doing something with the social media team, or so you thought. He was looking at the two of you from his front door. He was mad about something someone told him.
Wanting to come home and rest and find you two glued to each other was annoying to him. Especially because he was still mad at Gavi.
He clears his throat, making you turn and smile at him.
"Hola." You greet him.
You were expecting him to do the same with you, but he didn't. He just ignored you and went upstairs.
Pablo kept his mouth shut, his teeth clenched because he didn't think that was the way he was supposed to be treating you.
"Maybe he's just mad." You excuse him, thing you do pretty often lately. "Or maybe just tired."
"That doesn't give him the right." Pablo gets up from the couch. "Let's just go, I don't want to be here."
"Wait for me in the car? I just want to get something."
He wants to tell you no and take you to the car. But he also respects your decisions. "Okay, I'll be waiting."
You walk upstairs, following Pedri. His room door was open. He was taking his dirty clothes out of his training bag.
"What was that?" You ask, sitting on his bed. "That was rude."
"Rude is you coming here trying to fix something that I dont want to." He was angry, his voice was low. "Why is he here? I didn't invite him."
You were angry. He was becoming this rude person to you and to his friends.
"Why are you talking like that?" His words were hurting you. It's like a wake-up call you were not ready to answer.
"Because it's the truth, you bring him here uninvited." He shouts.
"What are you even on, Pedro?" You shout, too. "I take time out of my day to fix the shit you have done and try to make things right with our friend because you can't seem to do it."
"Then fucking leave, come back when you can respect my house. Maybe not dressed like that."
You look down at your outfit. You are wearing a tennis skirt with a tank top, the day was hot, you weren't going to wear pants and a long sleeve.
"What about my clothes?"
"Nothing, please go."
"No, what about my clothes? Do you have a problem with the way I dress?"
"I do. Go, come back well dressed."
You laugh, making him turn to you. Angry expression on his face. "You're not going to tell me how to dress. Or who to be friends with, you're my boyfriend Pedro, not my father."
"Yes, your boyfriend, and you should respect me more."
"I have never disrespected you." You yell. "You just fucking did.! You have been doing so often. it's like a habit now. And I'm not going to let you do that to me."
"I'm having a bad fucking day, don't make it even worse."
Sira's words were echoing in your head. <You should break up with him. He's becoming controlling. And that's not cute.>
"Sira was right, I should have broken up with you the day you hit my friend." You say, angry at him. "I'm done."
"What?" His expression changed, even his tone of voice.
"You punched Kyle over nothing. You had a fight with Pablo for God's sake. This is not healthy anymore." You began.
You tried your best to heal what needed to heal in the relationship, but bandaids don't fix bullet holes, specifically if the one that's shooting keeps doing it.
"I can't do this." You wanted to cry but wont. "I excuse you with my friends, I humiliate myself for you, trying to save your image of a good boyfriend. And you just can't seem to change. I'm done for good."
"Don't do this." He tries to get closer, but you push him. "Amor."
"Why are you blaming me? You've been so controlling with my friends, with me. And now clothes are a problem? No, I'm done."
You exit the room. Leaving him speechless. He didn't notice how his actions were breaking the relationship.
"Y/n, wait." He runs downstairs.
You got in the car, asking Pablo to drive.
When Pedro made it to his front door, the car was already moving. He couldn't stop it. You were gone.
🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl 😋💛
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rileyslibrary · 2 years
Your opinion isn’t part of the recipe, Sergeant.
Synopsis: After a successful mission, you and the boys decide to spend a day at the park, celebrating with a picnic. Ghost is barbecuing with Price while Soap and Gaz are annoying the living hell out of them. You? You’re looking at the havoc taking place in front of you.
Relationships: 141 x GN!Reader / Simon “Ghost” Riley x GN!Reader (brief and near the end)
Word count: 1,176
I’ve had this image in my head for quite a while, and I wanted to put it in writing.
There’s a scene involving a sausage. If any of you filthy minds associate it with anything other than what it really is, I swear to Freud, I’ll grab you by the ear and drag you to the naughty corner. 
Platonic and fluffy
Want more?
It’s amazing how they haven’t ripped each other’s heads off yet. 
You all get along so well on missions, that you wonder if it’s the military institution that makes you so well-behaved and orderly. Because what you’re witnessing right now is nothing more than a circus.
You’re sitting on the picnic bench, sipping an ice-cold beer and munching on some thinly sliced carrots you prepared at home. You sprained your ankle on the last mission, and it’s making it difficult for you to participate in anything happening around you. Thank God, you think to yourself.
Soap and Gaz are playing football about twenty metres away from you, which is dangerously close, given the velocity with which they kick the ball to each other. They’ve already hit the table once, launching empty beer cans into the air and shouting “STRIKE!” as if they invented foot bowling. Ghost gave them the death stare and Price politely asked them to keep “the fuck away from anything alive, especially when it’s already injured.”
Ghost is barbecuing. He’s wearing that stupid birthday present you all got him—a tactical vest shaped like an apron with the word “chef” written at the top. It had the same loops a conventional military vest had for attaching pouches for bullets, knives, and walkie-talkies. The loops on that apron, however, were used for organising one’s tools, sauces, and spices while barbecuing. It was a funny gift, and he smiled when he opened it, but you never expected him to wear it. Look at him now, rocking that bad boy as if he was the one who chose it.
Price is standing next to him with a beer and a cigar in his hands. He’s looking at the grill but not touching anything. Ghost clarified that if anyone else touches it, we will eat their fingers along with the sausages. And, even if he didn’t mean the threat, you wouldn’t dare to put his abilities to the test. Especially after seeing what he’s capable of doing at work.
You try to eavesdrop on their conversation, but Soap and Gaz’s shouts drown it out. An F-16 would pass over your head right now, and you’d still hear Soap screaming, “That didn’t count; it was out!”. But, despite the chaos, you can make out some words. They’re reminiscing about the good old days, talking about their first deployment together, their comrades, and only using salt and pepper on steaks.
Price is Ghost’s companion throughout... everything. Whether that’s on a mission or a day out. He can’t seem to bear the entropy that the other two are causing, and he’s not comfortable talking to you yet. Price is as calm and talkative as Ghost desires. Or, perhaps, Price knows what Ghost wants.
Soap and Gaz appear exhausted from football and return to the picnic area. Gaz sits across from you, apologising for being “too sweaty,” and you start laughing. You’ve wiped the blood off of that guy during an enemy attack, and yet, he worries about sweat. 
Soap, on the other hand, isn’t much of an etiquette expert. He’s creeping up on the grill, and Ghost threatens to mark him with the spatula if he gets closer. “I’ve already salted the steaks; I don’t need your sweat,” he says.
Soap ignores his warnings and stands there, hands on the sides of his hips, looking at the grill. He gives unsolicited advice about the cooking time and when to flip the pork chops. Ghost tells him his opinion isn’t part of the recipe but turns the pork chops anyway.
Gaz murmurs that he’s hungry, and you offer him a carrot. He makes a disgusted face and asks Ghost—who is taking his sweet time with cooking—when the food will be ready. Ghost then turns to Price, warning him to get a grip of him before he does, and dares Gaz to come close to see for himself. You smirk and nudge him to go, but he shakes his head, telling you he hasn’t gone crazy just yet.
At some point, Ghost becomes distracted by something Price says and leaves the spatula next to the grill. Soap seizes the opportunity and uses the spatula to poke at the meat. Ghost notices him, but as Soap attempts to run away, he catches him by his maw-hawk and draws him closer. Instead of hazing him, he gently touches his shoulder. He explains why pressing on meat while cooking drains it of its juices. Soap crosses his arms in front of his chest and nods like a student.
Price takes up the football and challenges the two sergeants to a game so they’d leave Ghost alone. He says two against himself, and they make a snide remark about his age, saying he smoked an entire cigar and drank five cans of beer. In response, he throws the ball up and shoots it midair with his foot, demonstrating his abilities. Soap and Gaz run after it like dogs playing fetch, and Price joins them.
Ghost turns to face you. He asks if you’re okay, how’s your ankle, and if you’re enjoying the “rabbit food.” You tell him that everything is fine and smile at him. He drapes a towel over his shoulder and gets a fork and knife. He cuts a piece of sausage and hands it to you, whispering not to tell the others. You take the sausage off the fork, thank him, and pop it into your mouth. He looks at you with curiosity and concern as if trying to judge his creation based on your facial expressions.
“It’s delicious, Ghost.” You compliment him, and he puts his hand in his apron pocket, standing taller than before. When you ask him how he made it, he begins reciting every detail of the recipe as if it were a poem he wrote by heart.
He wipes his brow with a towel and whistles with his fingers for the three self-proclaimed MVPs to end their match because the food is ready. The sergeants bolt, and the captain pants in exhaustion. “It’s that fucking cigar,” Gaz says, and Price reminds him that he beat “the living shite” out of both of them in that match.
The four of you sit down and invite Ghost to join. But he refuses, claiming that the grime from the meat is still fresh and now’s the perfect time to clean it off the grill. He encourages you to begin without him.
You start eating, complimenting Ghost’s cooking as you go. He tries to be humble, but he looks so proud of himself. Proud of being able to provide in ways other than giving orders, shouting, pulling triggers, and hurling knives. He enjoys feeding others, even if it means cleaning up afterwards. He might not be full of food, but he’s full of joy, and that faint smile on his face is a dead giveaway, as he cleans the barbecue grill.
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pedripics · 1 month
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Pedri via Residency - August 21, 2024
He is tired of today's training, which was intense
Idol? - “Iniesta, that hasn’t changed”
When will they be back at the Camp Nou? - “Well, I don't know for sure. At the end of the year or beginning of 2025”
How are you these days? - “All ok”
We are working very hard. The goal at Barça is always to win everything”
How was your first game back? - “I felt and we won in a very complicated field, Mestalla. So everything is ok”
What did you do today? - “Mainly, training. This afternoon I had treatment”
What trophy do you want to win this season? - “La Liga and Champions League, of course”
Favourite Colour? - “Blue”
Favourite Friend? - “My friends since childhood are called Dani, Fran and Ruben”
Do you see the TikTok edits about you? - “Some come up to me, of course! Many times I laugh”
Favourite NBA player? - “Curry”
Summer or winter? - “Well winter isn’t bad with a blanket at home”
How did you think of the name Nilo? - “I liked the name. My mother wanted Thor”
Gavi has not met Nilo yet
He’s looking forward to playing against Las Palmas since he didn’t get to last season
Nilo is a Culer like his entire family
Nilo still has to be at home. Being a very young puppy, he spends the day sleeping
Nilo should be Barça’s captain (i agree)
Who is better at table football? - “Me… I can't tell you anything else”
What promises would you make if you win the Champions League? - “Ugh… I already cut my hair and a moustache for winning the Euro. Some Suggestions?”
He doesn’t drink coffee
What do expect from Saturdays game? - “To win”
Do you often read rumours about yourself? - “As little as possible, although sometimes they come up on TikTok, for example”
Are you excited to play against Messi? - “It should be very nice, yes. And if we win, even more”
Marvel or Taylor Swift? - “The answer is Taylor Swift; I've seen some but I'm not a super fan of those movies”
Who will win the Champions League? - “Barça. I can't think of any other”
Do you ever play tennis? - “It's summer, sometime with my brother and friends”
“I'm very happy. This season I'm going to try to improve my English, as I told you.”
Do you have Arab origins? - “as far as I know only Canarian” (finally a question everyone wanted to know)
Milo’s breed? - “According to the veterinarian, it is a Labrador but a little smaller. I suppose it’s a mix”
Do you like Casado’s playing style? - “He did very well in Mestalla. The boys of the quarry have a lot of quality and desire, not only Marc”
Who is the player you wish you could had played more time? - “That’s easy, with Leo”
You talk with hansi in English? - “I understand him and some things I do tell him, but I mainly speak in Spanish”
Myke Towers or Quevedo? - “Quevedo is my favorite, also because it is from my land, although Mike Towers has crazyyy songs”
Do you get along with XBuyers? - “Yess!! Great people”
Opinion on Musiala? - “I think he’s a top player”
Olympic Sport you followed? - “A little bit pf everything, but Basket 3x3 seemed very good to me”
Do you like futsal? - “Siiii”
Do you play fantasy? - “Siii”
Do you still play FIFA? - “Siii”
Are you an angry or calm person? - “Normally calm”
Do you have more of your mom’s or dad’s personality? - “Maybe my mother… But that's a question for others”
Do u think u will receive a red card one day? - “I'm not very fond of seeing cards, but it's difficult not to see one in one’s entire career”
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thebestsetter · 4 months
Which Blue Lock character should you date based on your MBTI? + some relationship headcannons
~ A/n: this is TOTALLY based on my opinion about the characters' MBTIs. You can desagree with me and give me suggestions on how to do better in the next part! (Assuming there's gonna be a next part lol)
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Isagi Yoichi
◇ I feel like Isagi's an INFJ, since he's overall a selfless and kind person (off the field of course). He's also perceptive and creative to find solutions to his problems in the field and in life, but he may also end up overanalyzing and overthinking things a lot
◇ Based on that, Isagi would be attracted to someone with a great sense of humor and who would show interest in what he has to say about something, be it football or any other topic
◇ He would also enjoy being with someone lively and ambivert/extroverted, who would encourage him to be the best version of himself and would brighten up his days
◇ So, I think ENFJ and ENFP would work PERFECTLY with Isagi, since they tend to be more extroverted and care A LOT about their partners, and show it openly (something tells me Isagi would love to be babied by his partner)
◇ He would be one of the greatest Blue Lock boyfriends imo, a real sweetheart. He would 100% take you to the best dates ever and would probably ask his mother for advice about how to act around you☝️
◇ He would die for a supportive girlfriend who would cheer loudly for him during his games, he'd feel so appreciated!
◇ 10/10 boyfriend.
Karasu Tabito
◇ Karasu's 100% a ESTJ. Don't argue w/ me, you know I'm right.
◇ He's loyal, rational, objective, practical and responsible. He's also reliable and extroverted.
◇ Even with all these qualities, Karasu can act a little hasty and not be respectful when hearing opinions contrary to his own beliefs.
◇ In a relationship, he looks for someone who is supportive and respectful, patient and understanding
◇ He's a great boyfriend and brings out the best in his partner, helping them achieve their dreams and goals
◇ So, Karasu would have a great relationship with someone who would offer a balance to his somewhat "commanding" nature through a more sensitive and adaptable personality, such as an ISFP, or someone who would also be as methodical and rational as him, like an ISTJ
◇ He would LOVE if his partner watched his football games and, in return, he would watch theirs too, no matter what sport they played
◇ If you're an artist, he loves complimenting your art pieces and says you're like a modern-time Picasso (even though some of them may look like they were drawn by a 5 year old with crayons)
◇ Overall, the best boyfriend ever (literally the loml)
Rin Itoshi
◇ Rin's a very reserved introvert, for sure, but he's also very ambitious, determined and self-confident
◇ With that said, he would be an INTJ
◇ Imo, he would need someone to balance his "cold" personality with a cheerful and outgoing personality, like ESFPs or ENFPs, or a more reserved partner that's still a little ambiverted, like an ISFP
◇ To date an INTJ, you must understand that there are times when they just want their personal space and tranquility, which also applies to Rin
◇ He would try not to be so hard on you, but sometimes the feelings would "escape" (old habits die hard Ig) and he might come out as a little harsh. Don't yell at him, he would definitely regret it quickly! His ego is just too big to admit it sometimes....
◇ Not a bad boyfriend, just needs someone patient with him!!
◇ I think his love language would be acts of service, since he's a little shy about expressing his feeling with words
◇ So, your relationship with him would be based on "little things". Like grabing something you can reach from the top of a shelf or tying your shoelaces for you
◇ Overall a very good boyfriend!!!
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Pls someone tell me the easiest and quickest way to become an ISFP or ISTP 🙏😭
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pistatsia · 11 months
Isagi Yoichi: problems with anger expression
Clickbait, right? One would think that what kind of anger expression problems could there be with a guy swearing on the field with war-crime level insults and joyfully bringing a child a few years younger to tears?
The kind where one derives from the the other.
Now, let's figure it out.
To do so, we'll have to go back to Isagi's novel (hoshi801_ translation is used for all of the quotes). From it, we know that Isagi grew up as a quiet and shy child. "He never gets into fights with his friends and never disobeys his teachers."
Nevertheless, it ended quite simply then - thanks to Noa, he learnt how to express his anger and negative feelings. Problem? Only on the football field. The novel says he "was fearless in running into his opponents, as if he had never been a crybaby." 
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He was winning, and what he liked best about football - his football, Noa's football - was the beauty of Noa’s playstyle brutality. Because that's what made it an acceptable outlet for him - fighting with friends is bad, arguing with teachers is not allowed - but on the football pitch you are free. You can be angry. Football became his safe space.
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Except that then Isagi entered the root of all his troubles - Ichinan.
Even before it, the novel mentioned and emphasised Isagi's inability to express himself. For a while, despite this, his plans worked: the coaches let him play the way he wanted, and he didn't have to come into direct conflict with them.
But that trick didn't work in Ichinan - the dream school suddenly turned out to be somehow strange, and Isagi felt that he wasn't allowed to fulfil his potential here.
But no one on the team was unsatisfied by the current system.
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Even before the conversation with the coach where he was ridiculed Isagi had tried to test the waters. Specifically to test - he doesn't say anything outright in fear of being rejected. "Uhm, Tada-kun… don’t you think there’s something wrong with this?" he asks his club mate very cautiously, while in thoughts having more direct “Huh? Am I the only one who thinks that this is ridiculous?”. It's written out separately in the novel that "he watches the expression on Tada's face to see how he'll react" - Isagi already has problems. He's already learnt that he can be rejected if his opinion doesn't coincide with the majority - especially since the conversation wasn't taking place in 'football territory', where he was more or less able to talk straight. 
Having an opinion for Isagi means isolation.
But he still tries one last time - one that finally cracks him up, convincing him that the others know better and he just needs to be patient.
In the novel his friends are "Surprized, seeing the quiet and obedient Isagi talk to the coach" - again, he is used to keeping quiet and not risking. Still, he dares to - and is immediately ridiculed for allegedly trying to "show off". 
And this is what finally kills in him the will to resist. Because losing his friends and football is more terrifying for him than losing himself.
What does the novel says about Isagi after this episode? "He is afraid of being disliked for being assertive", "always timid", "compliant". "When his friends get excited, Isagi would say something like this: “Uh, yeah… me too”."
"He just goes with the flow."
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Isagi agrees with Tada's taste in girls, agrees to eat what he doesn't want to, pleases in every way possible just so he won't be abandoned. He obeys the coach's strategy, and even on the field - the only thing that gave him joy and was a safe place for him - he ends up obeying the rules his surroundings have imposed on him.
He doesn't try to argue, he doesn't try to prove anything - he just chooses the safest path, the one where he doesn't do anything and doesn't fight, but he stays safe. Not abandoned.
What's the conclusion?
Isagi doesn't know how to express anger at all. He just hasn't learnt it because he hasn't tried it. And most importantly, doesn't know how to express it correctly.
Why is it necessary (and important) to know how to anger correctly in the first place? The point is that for the mentality anger is a kind of marker that lets us know when our interests are violated and our needs are not satisfied. Which by its presence helps us to build boundaries and achieve what we need. Anger is the power and energy to change an unpleasant world to suit us and achieve our goals.
But Isagi was shamed for showing negative emotions and for any attempt to express himself. He was shown non-verbally that any expression of self and attempt to argue, even just a different opinion would be received grudgingly, that you had to agree on everything, that if you tried to argue you would be rejected and not only that, you would lose the football.
And Isagi tamps down the anger inside himself - he no longer stands up for himself, and holds back the anger to the last, storing it up inside for years.
He develops a ban on anger.
And in general, not just anger - any negative emotion. He is unable to express even the despair of losing to Kira correctly; he tries to suppress it, to muffle it, the novel explicitly states that he attempts to lock it up inside, but in the end, having overflowed, this despair against his will burst out in a scream. Isagi suppresses all negative feelings in general. Aside from the crying part, this repressed anger is evident even in the first chapter, when he imagines the goalkeeper in tears from defeat, and dreams of crushing Kira. Without saying it out loud, though.
And in that 'against his will' lies the main problem of why exactly anger needs to be lived out properly. 
Because otherwise it'll spill out just like that scream - desperate, seething, expansive, and the worst part?
What is the danger of not controlling the expression of anger? Why can't we just hide it inside and keep smiling, without causing anyone problems and without wasting the resources of our body on it, just adjusting? Yes, in doing so you lose your freedom of expression - so what? 
Because anger doesn't disappear over time. It is put inside layer by layer, day by day. 
And sooner or later you can't hold it back.
In life this rarely ends well: if a person holds themselves to a completely unhealthy level of control they may at some point experience an episode of derealisation - when repressed feelings become so abundant that the brain rolls out one of the strongest self-defence mechanisms - detachment. If it doesn't? One goes off the rails: he overreacts to the smallest of things, he is thrown from one-time hook-ups to drugs and alcohol. The accumulated anger begins to destroy from the insides.
But Isagi, as an adaptation specialist (unconsciously, most likely) has come up with a great answer to this, learnt from childhood and from the show with Noel Noa. Which one? Express anger where it would be considered normal.
Blue Lock with on-field swearing works for Isagi for many reasons at once. He got Bachira, who showed him that there's nothing wrong with expressing his angry-self - he'll be accepted, he would even be welcomed, it's okay to be angry! He got Chigiri and Kunigami, Nanase and Hiori, dozens of people accepting him no matter what (but in personal conflicts outside the field he usually still doesn't know how to behave - he prefers to withdraw and wait for things to resolve themselves - but that's for another time). Here, also, the issue of survival came into play, as expressions of anger and rage were cultivated by the Ego itself, sometimes specifically manipulating the players to do so.
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There's also the application of the familiar pattern of his pre-Ichinan childhood ('I play football as rough as Noa - I'm doing well, I'm not alone, and I achieve my goals because it happens on the field, so it doesn't mean anything'), the general tense atmosphere, and a fair number of trigger characters who would drive even a saint to their grave (heh, Kaiser, heh). Isagi in general has more to do with football than almost all of Blue Lock's characters. Manifestations of anger and determination as a child (on the football field!)? Noa. Manifestations of them now? Blue Lock. He continues to use mechanisms familiar from childhood to protect himself, adapting them to new realities.
(basically, even the fact that Noa is around - who, again, once gave little Isagi the opportunity to express himself openly on the field - can have an impact on the escalation of Isagi's behaviour around Kaiser and Bastards. Whose presence and support is associated with a safe expression of himself)
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like father like son
And uncontrollable anger bursts out, but for now like water from a cracked jug - in jolts, strong and those impossible to shut down, but from just one place. The swearing at the match and the opportunity to openly express himself and his objectives (remember how he shouted at Noa that his system doesn't allow him to score goals hahaha) allowed him to relax, to partially release the anger accumulated over the years - all without any realisation on his part. He doesn't even have to do anything - it all resolved itself. He's not being rejected, he's playing the way he wants to play and yet he's angry! That's great!
And everything seems to be fine, right?
The problem is that Blue Lock's setting just isn't going to work in the long run. Ego will be there for the rest of the project - another 2-3 months - and for training for the World Championship, for the Championship itself, and... that's it. The project ends, Isagi flies off to play in another country, but who can guarantee that the environment for such an expression of anger will be replicated there as well?
At one point, access to the field and, in principle, to the competitive and encouraging environment for such expressions of character in Blue Lock is bound to be cut off. There are gaps between seasons, injuries, end of career, and the simple fact that such expression depends on how much the coach allows to players - at some point Isagi may well be silenced.
And then all the accumulated, bubbling anger inside, which is now used to being expressed regularly, will spill out - and not on the safe field, where much can be blamed on adrenaline, but on his loved ones, his career and himself.
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theholypeanut · 10 months
♪ To All The Girls You Loved Before ♪
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Cw: gn!reader, Otoya slander, Otoya being a lovesick simp, Blood, mentioning of hooking up (not with reader), aged up characters (university), fluff?? kinda?? Mostly comedy I’d say, using words like whore or slut, but I promise it’s not serious I love Otoya, mentioning of STDs (guys why this cw gets weirder and weirder), Otoya is suggested to be bi here
1,3k words (I’m shocked too)
Birthday Fic for Otoya Eita!!
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Otoya Eita was a whore. 
Everyone knew it - at least everyone at the university, in the football club, gym, probably within a 50 kilometers radius from the dorms as well, including supermarkets, flower shops, game arcades, and even the cinema workers (oh they probably knew the best, seeing him every week taking another girl on the same romantic comedy).
Well, it was not a secret, and it was neither something that made you hate or despise him. You had no opinion about him until you met him. 
And you met for the first time in the book shop, when you were looking into a new book by Yoko Ogawa.
Someone next to you dropped their book.
„Ouch, sorry” you heard a deep male voice. „I just accidentally dropped my modern feministic literature. My bad.” He picked up Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay from the floor. This scene was so ridiculous and obnoxious, you couldn’t hold the laughter. 
„Did you literally pick the closest book with the word feminist in it?” You asked amused. He cleared his throat. „No, I’m a big fan of…” he took a quick peak at the cover. „…Roxane Gay”
You smirked and raised your eyebrow. „Ooh really? How did you like Five Guys; My Story of the Polygamist Hexagon?” Eita didn’t even blink. „Actually this one is my favorite” he said with absolutely no shame in his voice. You rolled your eyes with a smile. „It’s not a real book, dumbass. I made it up.” 
Otoya was so used to interactions like this, that he didn’t feel offended at all. „Well sounds like a great read, maybe you should write something like this” he said, putting the book back on the shelf. „However if we start dating I don’t know if I want to have a… polygamist hexagon. Well, at least not with five guys”. He sent you a wink.
You looked at him with a mix of disbelief and amusement. „You are really something else, Otoya” you said, with a smile. „But I’m not gonna lie, that was probably the funniest and the dumbest conversation I had recently. Thanks” And you left him in between the shelves. 
In the beginning, Otoya was planning to just woo you into going on a date with him because you seemed cute. But that was the moment when he fell hard - this bright smile, laughter… He knew his pickup line was awful but you were not really mean to him. You didn’t look at him with disgust. Even more: He never saw the most gorgeous human being with such a beautiful laugh and right now he was dedicated to getting to know you. 
He started to come to the bookshop every single day - he was not obsessed enough to skip trainings (because he was not ready for Yukimiya to kick his ass) but even the elderly lady at the counter started to cheer up for him. 
„You know, young gentleman” she said one evening, seeing him looking in between the shelves. „They are a student at the university close by, I assume they are in their second year since they were buying some textbooks recently” she gave him a hint. The next day Otoya gave her a bouquet of the prettiest flowers he could afford. He was dedicated to finding you. If you knew who he was, then you probably study together. Or did he date your friend? Multiple friends? He hoped not your sibling or mom because that for sure would make things complicated when he will finally propose. 
Yes, this Otoya Eita, a town slut, was already preparing his wedding vows after one interaction. 
„I have no idea what’s their name” he whined to Karasu during the break. „They were the most beautiful person I ever saw…” 
„You say that about every second hook up, Eita” Karasu answered a little annoyed. It's been a week since he started making his failed love life everyone’s problem. Not like he wasn’t whining before, but usually it was after he cheated on a girl and she got angry, not before he even asked anyone out. „Also Jesus, why are you so fixated on the Feminist Book Stranger? You usually take rejection so lightly, I’m surprised to see you so…” 
„Pathetic?” Chigiri suggested, as he was drinking water nearby.
„Pitiful?” Yukimiya added. 
„…Lovesick” Karasu ended. Otoya signed dramatically. „You will be so jealous on my wedding, you will see”
„Well, I don’t think so” Chigiri said after taking another sip of water. „If they know your name, I assume they probably also know your dating history”
He knew. Otoya was well aware of his reputation, but till now he never really cared. Because he never expected to actually fall in love with someone, and even more he never was anxious that his soulmate might find him disgusting and pathetic. 
„At least check yourself for STDs before trying to get into your future spouse’s pants” Reo added after listening to the whole conversation. „I don’t think chlamydia is the best way gift you can give them on the first date.”
Otoya took a mental note that even if he felt a little offended, this was not the worst advice. 
And fate brought you together again, no later than the next day. 
You had an important essay due today and spent every possible moment studying and writing it. You kind of regret you had no time to read for fun anymore, only to drown under the amount of literature you had to read for your university lectures and tests, but there was no other way. There was one particular book you needed to borrow to finally end this monstrosity you’ve been creating, and then you are free… at least until the next essay. You took the turn to the university library. 
„You know, I think I achieved a new low” you heard a feminine voice. „I was looking for a fast hook up and even Otoya ghosted me. This one hurts. I think it's time for therapy or some shit, because if even him…” 
You smirked. Who knows if there are therapists in this city, who get another crying college girl or guy in their chair and can thank Otoya Eita for bringing in more than 20% of their revenue? 
You didn’t want to get caught eavesdropping, so you fast went to the door out of the building, the library was just minutes away. You pushed the door outside with a lot of force… and heard a bang. 
„FUUUUCK” you heard someone swearing right in front of you. It was almost as loud as the laughter that was accompanying it. „Right into your nose dude!” You heard the amused voice. You panicked. „Oh my god, I’m so so sorry” You slide through the door to the poor victim who was not other than… Otoya Eita. He froze for a second, considering if he just died and gone to heaven, that he heard your voice again. He looked up at your face, but his vision was still blurry. 
You took out the tissue from your bag. His nose was bleeding, so you gently pressed the tissue to his face. „Shit, do you have a concussion?” You asked panicked. Karasu stood next to you. „Just ask him something” he suggested, still amused by the situation. You thought for a second. „What's the capital of Malta?” The dark-haired guy looked at you both surprised and amused. „Okay but maybe ask him something he knows”
„I'm fine guys” they heard the weak voice. He looked at Karasu angrily. „Don't you dare flirt with the love of my life!” 
You looked at him confused, then looked at Karasu. „Yeah I think he has a concussion, maybe we should take him to the hospital.” 
Otoya’s nose stopped bleeding and his head was no longer spinning. Somehow you looked even more beautiful than the first time he saw you.
„How about you take me out for dinner, as an apology?” He sent Karasu „the” look. Tabito rolled his eyes in answer. „I’ll leave you two lovebirds here to flirt” he said and started walking away. You were too stunned to speak. You turned back to white haired guy still too confused with what is happening to digest his offer.
„Wait, are you serious right now?”
He smirked.
„So, how about tonight?”
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There is gonna be part 2, this is a promise and a threat at the same time, because I had so much fun writing this crack fic
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