#was it a silly crush? was it father-daughter? was it really romantic?
Sometimes writers ruin everything by making clear what was previously ambiguous.
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souliebird · 5 months
[[and then I met you || ch. 18]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to not only protect his new family from Hell's Kitchen, but from the world.
chapter masterlist
Words: 3.7k
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banner thanks to the wonderful @theradioactivespidergwen
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warning: canon typical violence || vomit
“Oh, kiss me, beneath the milky twilight. Lead me out on the moonlit floor, lift your open hand - Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance, silver moon's sparkling. So, kiss me.”
You hum along with the song playing quietly in your ear as you scrub the bathtub. It is one of your cleaning nights and you are focused on getting everything back to tip-top shape. The tub currently has a bit of a purple tint to it after you tried a new brand of bubble bath for Minnie - you are lucky she isn’t now grape flavored as well - and you would very much like it gone. It is coming off easier than you expected, but it is taking a fair amount of elbow grease. 
It is easy to space out and listen to music as you work. Your cleaning playlist are songs you can vibe to that you don’t really associate with anything in your life - mostly you think about the movies the song has been featured in - but you are finding, as you scrub and romantic lyrics float through your head, a certain name and face keeps appearing in your mind’s eye. 
You know it isn’t wise for you to develop a crush on Matt - just because you have a daughter together does not mean he wants to kiss you. You know you need to squash the feelings down before you get yourself hurt. 
But sometimes it is nice to have silly impossible daydreams while you are cleaning alone at ten at night. Having a goofy little smile while you picture yourself spinning around a garden in a dance isn’t hurting anyone. You have a good grasp on reality - you just sometimes want to pretend to be the lead in a cheesy 90’s teen romcom - is that too much to ask? 
No one else needs to know Matt has replaced the lead actor. It is a secret just for you. 
As you scrub bleach powder around your purple-haze tub drain, you catch movement reflecting in the shine of the spout. You can’t hear anything over your music - even though you only have one earbud in - so you sit up and turn around. Of course, it is Minnie standing in the doorway, clad in her jammies, and dragging Scooby by his big paw.
You pull the earbud out, frowning to your daughter, “Is everything alright, Mouse? Is my music too loud? Did it wake you up?”
She shakes her head, then in the most miserable voice you have ever heard from her, whines, “My tummy hurts.”
Instantly, you set down your sponge and your earbud so you can go to your daughter, “your tummy hurts?” 
You move to pick her up, wanting to comfort her, but it is made clear she doesn’t want this by stepping back and holding up her toy between the two of you. It hurts, but it passes, as you know you don’t like to be touched when you feel sick, so instead, you kneel down to be in front of her and try to find the root of the problem. 
“How does your tummy hurt?”
She sways side to side, face scrunching up as she self-analyzes. You can see the little wheels turning in her head, but then there is a very subtle shift in her eyes that only years of being a mother makes you notice. With lightning speed, you grab Minnie under her arms and spin around to hold her over the toilet just as her dinner begins to regurgitate. 
Your heart breaks as she empties her stomach and you try to soothe her the best you can, rubbing her little back as she coughs and hacks. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay, get it all out. Get all the icky out,” you tell her. 
Luckily, her stomach is small and there is not a lot of expel. Once you are sure she is done, you flush the toilet then close the lid, intent on setting Minnie down so you can clean her up, but of course, now she doesn’t want to be put down. She wiggles and turns until she can bury her head into your neck, sniffling and hiccupping, and clinging to you the best she can. 
You can feel bits of vomit on your neck, but since you aren’t completely covered in it, you try to ignore it in favor of your distressed daughter. You begin to rock her gently, humming one of her favorite lullabies as she processes how distressing throwing up is.
You don’t remember when the last time she got sick was, but you have a guess as to what caused this upset - you tried a new ice cream for dessert tonight. It had made your stomach a bit gurgly and you had solved that with a TUMS. 
It hadn’t occurred to you to ask if Minnie needed one, too. 
A lesson for the future.
Minnie doesn’t dissolve into full on tears and after about two minutes, she pulls back and croaks out, “‘cooby?”
She had dropped the toy when you had first picked her up, so you stretch to grab him for her. She quickly switches to clinging to him and you go right for a washcloth. You wipe down your neck first - you can only handle so much - then start on cleaning up your poor Mouse. 
In a blessing from the gods, she only has a little bit of gunk around her mouth and nose. It doesn’t seem like anything got on her clothes. 
Getting her to rinse her mouth out takes a bit of convincing. 
“It will help the icky taste go away,” you promise, but she just clamps her mouth shut and shakes her head. You very much get why she wouldn’t want anything in her mouth after throwing up, but you also know she needs a good rinse. She only gives in after you demonstrate what you want of her by brushing your teeth and gargling some water. However, the condition is that you have to brush her teeth for her while she squeezes Scooby for dear life. 
Once her mouth is clean and the only sign she was ever sick is her puffy red eyes, you scoop up your baby and bring her out to the living room. 
“How does your tummy feel now?” you ask as you set her on the couch and begin to cocoon her in the throw blanket you keep there. 
Minnie rests her head on top of Scooby’s, lip jutting out into a pout, “Icky. And Hurty.”
“Icky and hurty?” You sympathize. You know well the aftermath of throwing up and how sometimes the aftermath is worse than the event - your stomach often turns sour and you feel drained. You know certain fluids will help relieve this, so you kiss Mouse’s forehead and tell her, “Let me see if we have any things to help.”
“Blue Pedi-lyte?” she asks and you can’t help but smile over how observant and smart your little one is. She may not have thrown up in recent memory - but other digestive problems have occurred, and she clearly remembers enough that the drink helped. 
“Yeah. Let me go see if we have any, okay? Do you want to put on some Mickey?”
“Goofy,” is her quick, but mumbled reply. 
You turn on the television and bring up some Goofy related shorts, then head to the kitchen, hoping you have some old Pedialyte. 
But you don’t. 
You have leftover drinks Karen brought you and the only thing that is comparable to what you promised Minnie is yellow Gatorade. However, you have nothing to turn it blue. You have the feeling that trying to give it to your little one is not going to go well, but you try, nonetheless. You fill a sippy cup halfway with yellow liquid and mentally cross yourself as you bring it to Mouse on the couch.
She takes one look at it before pouting at you, “That’s yellow.”
“I know, sweetie. But we don’t have any blue Pedialyte. We only have yellow Gatorade. It will help your tummy, too.”
To her credit, she takes it and holds it in her lap, looking down at it with disdain. She opens and closes her mouth a few times, then wrinkles up her nose and holds the cup back up to you, “It’s stinky.”
You try to not sigh - lemon-lime is an intense flavor and probably won’t taste the best after vomiting, but it is all you have. You crouch down so you are eye level with your daughter and rub her leg, trying to be encouraging, “I know, but it will help your tummy. Can you try for me?”
She looks between you and the cup about fifteen times, her little eyes full of doubt, before bringing it up to her mouth and taking a sip. She does not swallow - instead she looks disgusted before opening her mouth and letting the drink spill down her chin.
“Oh, no, no, let’s not do that,” you groan. You use your t-shirt - which is luckily your cleaning shirt and gross anyways - to wipe her face and soak up the yellow liquid. 
“Icky,” Mouse informs you, then adds, “I want blue Pedi-lyte. Please?”
You take in your daughter, looking so tiny wrapped up on the couch. How awful it must be to not only be nauseous, but to be so with enhanced senses. You’ve thrown up enough times to know what an unpleasant aftertaste it leaves, so she must be so miserable.
You rub your hands over your face and give in, “Okay, let Mommy go change into real people clothes, and we will go get some for you.”
You are no stranger to midnight runs to the bodega two blocks west. You had moved into your current apartment when you were about six months pregnant, and you had spent month seven waddling your way there almost every night for a slice of cake.  The late-night cashier, Sal, practically watched Minnie grow up and he is one of the few people who she will talk to unprompted.  So, you don’t feel embarrassed when you stroll in wearing sweatpants and a band-tank top, with Minnie still in her jammies - Sal has seen you in worse states and at least you aren’t wearing a robe and slippers. 
There’s a couple of college aged boys lingering around the snacks section who smell heavily of marijuana, and they seem more interested in talking about what chips to get than anything, so only your hyper paranoid mind makes you take notice as you make your way to the drink coolers. You pass all the fun things and go to the very back corner of the storefront where the small selection of medicinal goods are. 
Tampons, Tylenol, and band aids are stacked low on the dry goods shelf, and across from them, practically on the floor of the cooler, is one row of Pedialyte. The gods must be smiling on you because it is indeed the blue flavor your daughter is desiring. 
You open the cooler, and with Minnie on your hip, squat down to retrieve your prize. Almost instantly, she starts making grabby hands for it, asking with a bit of a whine, “Mommy, open it.”
“We have to pay for it first, then you can drink it,” you remind her, feeling guilty as you do. You can see the upset in her eyes, and to try and mitigate the damage, you offer, “Do you want to help buy it?”
Mouse, always the eager helper, nods against you, so you hand over the drink, stand, and start making your way to the counter. The stoned boys are debating which chips will leave the least amount of residue on their gaming controllers as you pass them and part of you wants to stop and listen. You don’t have an interest in video games beyond silly ones on your phone, but their passion is intense, and you agree Cheeto dust is one of the worst things in the world. You are lucky Minnie finds them gross and much prefers pretzels as her chip of choice.
As you come up to the checkout, Sal looks up from his phone and gives you a pleasant smile, “Late night snack run?” 
Minnie pipes up before you can, leaning forward as far as she can to hold out the bottle towards him, “I wanna buy this, please, thank you.”
Sal, ever kind, reaches across the counter to get it so you don’t have to try to lean in, “Ahhh, no snacks. Tummy troubles?”
“Tummy troubles,” you confirm. You dig into your purse for your wallet as he begins to ring you up.
Sal clicks his tongue in sympathy, before telling you, “My daughter, Sasha, the tall one, she always had the tummy troubles, too. Turns out, she was allergic to corn. Do you know how much corn is in everything in America?”
You make a face at that because you do, in fact, know how much corn is in everything. “I’m sorry to hear that.” 
In your arms, always wanting to mimic you, Minnie gives a solemn nod to Sal, “Sorry to hear.”
Sal laughs warmly, “You are kind. I hope your tummy troubles are not from corn, but too many sweets.” 
That makes Mouse giggle, which warms your heart. When you are told the total, you hand her your card to hand over to Sal. The sweet man swipes it, then addresses Minnie, “Debit or credit?”
Despite not knowing what that means, she instantly replies with, “Credit!” making you smile all the more. 
“Yes, we will charge it,” he says. The receipt prints and he hands that and the card back to you before bagging the Pedialyte in a little black baggie and handing that to Minnie. “Your purchase, little ma’am.” 
“Thank you!” she chimes, and you thank Sal as well. The college boys have finally decided on their snack, so you vacate the counter so they can make their purchase, wishing the cashier a good rest of his night. 
As you exit the bodega, Minnie bonks your arm with the bagged bottle, “Mommy, open it now. We buyed it.” 
“Okay, okay.”
You set her down on the ground, then get the bottle out so you can crack it open. You help your little one take a few careful sips and once she is done, she smacks her lips. 
“Not icky?” You ask and she gives a big nod in response. 
“Not icky.”
“How is your tummy?”
Her fist goes right into her mouth as she thinks over the question. You use the time to recap the drink and drop it back into the bag, then put that into your purse. 
“It feels like jumping dinosaurs,” Mouse finally tells you, “Going ‘bah bah bah’. Like sheepies.”
You have no idea what that is supposed to mean, but you guess that she feels better. She seems more chipper, which isn’t what you need closing in on midnight. If you don’t get home soon and get her back into bed, you are going to have a very grumpy toddler in the morning. 
Which will go great with your expected grumpiness - you still have to finish cleaning the bathroom and who knows how long that is going to take. You’ll need to redo the toilet and throw a load of laundry into the wash. You’ll probably get to bed around two if you are lucky.
So, with the complete intention of tiring your daughter out, you ask her, “Do you want to walk back home holding Mommy’s hand?”
Which completely does the trick and Minnie takes your hand so you can walk back home together, and you begin heading that way. 
Despite being the city that never sleeps, the streets around you are pretty empty. You haven’t come across any other foot traffic and you’ve only seen a few cars roll by, so to you, it seems like a quiet night.
You wonder if that is how Minnie sees it - or in her case - hears it. 
It has been mind boggling learning her range of hearing and how much input she must constantly receive.
Matt is still working on making you his binder - Karen has apparently taken to copy editing it - but he has given you a preview of a few pages and you can barely comprehend it. You think you would go insane if you could hear everyone talking all at once, all the time. Your anxiety would be astronomical, but your sweet Mouse doesn’t seem bothered in day-to-day life.
You’ve been watching her play more and more and you’ve been learning what catches her attention and interests. To your surprise, it has been music. The little wiggles and shakes she sometimes does is apparently her interpretation of dancing and you have been making her a little playlist for her birthday. You think a dance party would be a fun thing to do the night before the zoo trip, to help get out all her energy. You haven’t told her this yet, but you did ask her to let you know when she hears a song she wants to dance to, so you can look into it. 
You don’t want to add anything inappropriate after all. 
You look down at your daughter as you walk, a little smile coming to your face. She’s watching her feet, and it looks like she’s trying to step on her own shadow without making a big deal of it. You’ve seen her do that before or try to walk one foot in front of the other. You aren’t the fastest walker - you tend to stroll - so you never worry about her games slowing you down. 
Plus, if it wears her out, all the better for you. 
You are about half a block away from your building when Minnie suddenly halts and whirls her head back towards the bodega. Curious, you stop as well, wondering what she has heard now. 
“What is it, sweetie?” 
“There’s a hoot-hoot!” She whisper-yells, looking up to you with the biggest, purest smile. 
Your heart practically bursts from your chest with love and your smile grows to match hers, “A hoot-hoot? Can you tell me about the hoot-hoot?”
She nods, then you watch in slow motion as your daughter’s absolute joy morphs into that of horror and before you can even process what is happening, something is ripping you away from Minnie by the base of your neck. 
You are pivoted left and slammed face first into the brownstone staircase you were just walking by. Your vision goes spotty as pain erupts from the center of your forehead - confusion and panic begin to consume you. 
All you can hear is your daughter screaming in fear.
You have no idea what is going on, but all you know is Minnie needs you, and that ignites something deep and primal in your chest.
There is something grabbing and pulling at your top and your purse - which you wear crossbody - and you realize someone is trying to mug you. Fear fills you as you struggle to get away, break free, but whoever it is is stronger than you and keeps slamming you back against the stone.
The thing inside your chest bursts to life when you hear Minnie cry for you and you kick backwards best you can, trying to dislodge your attacker. Your foot catches their knee and both of you go tumbling to the ground. You hit the cement hard only to be crushed under the weight of your assailant as they land on top of you. 
You refuse to stay still, squirming and trying to army crawl out from under the mugger, but they easily overpower you. Hands wrap around your throat from behind and you are temporarily overwhelmed by the stench of body odor and filth. You are pressed down into the sidewalk for a split second before being yanked back and you just barely manage to turn your face as you are violently forced back down again. Gravel and glass tear at your cheek. 
Something tangles itself into your hair and your head is once again being pulled back, but you won’t give up. You reach back over your head and grab onto the arm of the person attacking you. You feel flesh, so you curl your fingers and dig your nails in the best you can. 
There is a feral, pained yowl, then your head meets the ground again, but it doesn’t stop. They are trying to push you down into the sidewalk using all their weight, like they are trying to crush your skull.
You kick and buck as hard as you are able to, thrashing desperately in an attempt to break away. The pain is quickly becoming all encompassing, but Minnie is crying, and you need to get to her.
You try to get an arm under you, to try and help to push you up, but there is so much weight and all of it is centered on your upper back and skull.
You can’t get up. 
You can’t get to Minnie. 
You can’t save your daughter.
There is a deep and furious roar, then the crushing weight of your attacker is ripped off of you.  
You gasp for breath as you quickly roll onto your side, terrified you're going to be pushed back into the dirt and smothered. Your vision is swimming, blurry and half black, and everything, everything hurts. 
Your eyes snap open and you try to push yourself up onto shaky arms. You try to turn around to find your daughter, but your body doesn’t want to obey anymore, and you collapse back onto the ground. You force your legs to move the best you can, trying to roll until you can find your daughter. 
“Minnie..” you try to call out but you aren’t sure if any noise escapes your lips.
The darkness wraps itself around you and begins to drag you down into its depths. The last thing your mind catches before it switches off is your little Mouse, screaming for you.
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it's been so long since I was here. But I wasn't to see something
How good do you think the bachelors and bachelorettes are at dancing? Ad as many characters as you like, just please add Lance and Isaac because this question came to mind because of them lmao
Hey hey 👋 glad to see you again ☺️
I decided to go wild and write about all the SDV and SVE marriage candidates (+ Isaac). Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Stardew Valley:
Before dancing, he dresses like a real dandy - everything is ironed, clean and perfect.
He just loves slow dancing, such a romantic.
If he is in the right mood, and with his lover/spouse, he will show himself as a tango master.
Even got a rose in his teeth somewhere, that's how passionate he is about the flavor of the dance.
It is sometimes rare that he will accidentally step on his partner's foot or dress, but as a dancer he is quite good.
Ugh. Why?
If it were Sebastian's will, he would never have gone to the Flower dance in the first place.
He can't and won't dance, no matter what kind of dance it is.
But the system dictates otherwise, so he had to learn the simplest moves at least for this dumb festival.
Dances very simply, without enthusiasm (unless it's his crush/lover).
Yoba, why did Marnie drag him to this stupid festival? He doesn't want to dance.
Besides, he can't dance. Like, at all.
The best he can do is a little duckling dance or a father-daughter waltz (in his case, a niece). And that's because he loves his niece.
But otherwise - no, he will not dance, and he is not a good dancer. Don't even try to ask him.
He's ready to show himself in all his splendor.
With Haley as his partner most of the time, he knows the dance by heart.
He's also learned a couple of breakdance moves to show off his athleticism.
A pretty good dancer I would say, but he's not too fond of all those ballet and waltz type dances.
Oh, man! Sam can pull off some pretty cool moves. Breakdance, hip-hop - what do you want to see? Uh, waltz? Sorry, he's not really good at that.
(Well, to be fair, he can do it, he just doesn't want to show it).
He whines a little bit about how he looks silly in a suit and he doesn't know how to dance much, but then quickly gets into the groove.
Hey, he's pretty good at it. But he's willing to dance like this only for his partner.
Surprisingly, he's pretty laid back about even the dances whose movements he doesn't know much about.
If it concerns the same waltz, of course. You shouldn't expect him to move energetically, he's not at that age anymore.
He may accidentally step on his partner's foot if the sun is shining directly in his eyes, but this is rare.
But he can learn simple movements and dance well with his partner.
Penny loves to watch ballet and waltz, but dancing herself... it's a little tricky.
She actually don't mind to dance and has practiced the moves at home where no one can see her.
But when it comes to dancing in front of people, she gets very nervous.
In dancing with a partner there will always be a follower, but once she gets used to it, she dances very well. The practice hasn't gone to waste after all.
She is in favor of any fun activity, so dancing is a pretty good option for her.
The girl is not particularly shy of the audience, even because her movements are not too smooth because of the unusual punch (thanks to Pam).
She doesn't really know how to dance, but that doesn't bother her.
She's having fun, and that's what counts. And if others are having fun - even better!
Step aside! Now the dance queen will once again defend her title.
Her dance is perfect down to the last detail. Therefore, more often than not, she will pick a partner who is also a good dancer.
She dances only slow dances because too vigorous movements can make her sweat a lot, ew.
However, will not refuse to dance with friends around a campfire or something else just for fun.
Dancing? Absolutely! It's her passion and love.
She can do all sorts of different dances very well, likes energetic dances the most.
The type of people who will drag everyone to the dance floor by the hand, and she does not care that her friends dance like a hippopotamus in a china shop.
The main thing is that everyone has fun! She's ready to rock!
She can't stand all that silly slow dancing, especially in heels and a dress.
But energetic and chaotic dancing with friends is welcome!
She knows youth street dancing very well, yet still somehow manages to get tangled up in her own feet during the flower dance.
Depending on the dance itself, she can be a good dancer as well as a good dancer with two left feet.
Oh no, don't even try to get her to dance.
Show her the bare minimum, but more complicated moves? No, thank you.
She considers herself incapable of dancing and confirms it by constantly tripping over everything possible.
Although, maybe if you give her more time to learn the dances, she can dance a little better.
Stardew Valley Expanded:
A talented man is talented in everything. So he can dance well, too.
But it's about dancing with a partner, not solo dancing.
Either a delicate and romantic waltz or a passionate tango - his partner's choice.
He dances so perfectly, it's like he's been doing it all his life.
Magnus Rasmodius:
Magnus has a background in dancing, but the memories of those dances only make him sad.
Surprisingly, he is a very gentle waltz dancer. It's the best he can do, but it's beautiful and professional. However, it requires a partner, so...
He won't dance in public though, so it's easier for him to say he can't.
A hidden dancer, just like a diamond in the rough.
Well-mannered and very romantic - you think he doesn't know how to dance? Wrong.
He will amaze everyone, and especially his partner, with how well he dances.
He also prefers light and slow movements to classical music. Most often with the object of his adoration.
But if asked, he'll teach a few moves in dancing.
Can't and won't dance. Don't even try to get her on the dance floor, it won't work.
She is terribly shy and may cry if someone forces her to dance in public.
Even a nice pink cake will not lure her to dance.
The most she can do is just jumping on the spot to cheerful music (and then only with her best friend Scarlett). Hardly what you'd call dancing, but still.
To say she can't dance is a personal insult.
Salsa, tango, bachata, rumba, or just slow dance - even now she can show a master class.
Beautiful flowing movements, energetic and passionate. For her, dancing is sacred.
Even though she is already a middle-aged woman, she has enough stamina in dancing to outlast any young dancer.
She had waited her whole life for this moment.
Ballet is her passion, and even though she was a little nervous, she showed herself perfectly in this dance.
Beautiful, polished choreography. She has a lot to be proud of - her dancing is excellent, the envy of many famous dancers.
That's what it means to love your hobby! She is simply a wonderful dancer.
Bonus - Isaac:
He certainly didn't originate the idea of dancing.
No one really knew if he could dance, because he turned everyone down (he is still a bitch).
To someone, after all, he did not refuse an uncomplicated dance, and his movements were quite acceptable.
Not a great dancer, but he certainly won't step on his dance partner's feet.
For a beginner dances quite well (if only the movements are the simplest).
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hannibalzero · 1 year
Hi. What brought you to Obikin? What made you think : "Ok. I ship it."? (I ask with all the curiosity and respect).
I don’t mind sharing! It’s kinda a complicated answer. Sooooo way back in 2005 I went to see Revenge of the sith. I was 13 years old and just discovered deviant art. I know I’m old haha. So I saw the movie and thought that Obi-wan was acting more like Padme should of been, confronting Anakin trying to make him see what he’s doing is wrong. Padme did a little of it, shame they cut the knife scene. Okay we we are at the point where Obiwan yells “I loved you.” And Anakin yelled “I hate you.” Not meaning it. He never meant it, he just wanted to hurt obiwan. At 13 it hit me that, oh ohhhh they really loved eachother. More than the brother, master or anything. They where soulmates. This was wayyyyy before the force dyad was introduced. Anakin needed Obiwan and Obiwan needed Anakin.
Then I saw a tv special where George Lucas talked about who Obiwan and Vader are two sides of the same coin. They are Luke and Leia’s father.
Okay so back to 13 and being a budding yaoi fan girl. This was before it was cringe. There was this picture of a mpreg Obiwan and a protective Anakin Skywalker. The image stuck in my mind for a while. I moved on to different ships and yeah I still liked Star Wars but anime boys were life!
So moving forward I was 27 and just finished up watching the new starwars stuff. Yeah I had fun but eh? Kylux is a great ship btw. I missed the old stuff and rewatched the movies 1-6. Yeah it was cheesy but knowing it was written for children, Lucas little boys apparently. I saw them through a new light. I remembered that old mpreg obikin picture and thought I would see what the Obikin fanfiction looked like now a days. I read a few back in the day but nothing great.
I was blown away by the new fanfics and writers on ao3. I was very impressed and then inspired, maybe I could write something? There isn’t any more fics I can read! I’ve roleplayed for years I could write a bit. So I did, just to see if I could write alone. Honestly I was expecting to be ripped a new butthole for bad writing. At 18 I tried writing fanfiction for yugiyo and yikes…yikes man. But the Obikin community was loving and encouraging. I kept going. My writing improved, they loved my crazy random ideas and silly world building.
I love Obikin, the relationship between Obi-wan and Anakin. The fun cannon of Star Wars that can easily fit anything. They’re complicated relationships between Quigonjin, Dooku, Padme and yoda. The amazing fan-artist, how Ewan Megreger is handsome. ( one of my first crushes) along with Hayden Christensen. (That photo of him giving a lightsaber to his daughter?! 🥺)) being a romantic I wanted to give these characters a happy ending.
But the community, is what made this my favorite ship.
I know that was a lotta text, but you deserved a full explanation.
All my love
Hannibella .
I think this is the artist. Geez 2005…that’s a looong time ago!
Side note? I miss iPods :(
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somin-yin · 2 years
Gihun? 💜
Thank you so much for the ask @metoskohatipoglu, I really enjoyed talking about Gi-hun ❤️
Sexuality headcanon: Gi-hun is bisexual and I'll stay on this hill, Sangwoo and him had something, I just know it ❤️😂
OTP: SANGIHUN, SANGIHUN, SANGIHUN (my Sangihun brainrot has awakened since I talked about Sangwoo again)
BROTP: Ali and Gi-hun, let's face it Ali gives major big brother vibes, and Saebyeok and Gi-hun, they're like father and daughter ❤️
NOTP: Gi-hun x Saebyeok in a romantic context but I don't judge if someone ships them 🤷‍♀️
First headcanon that pops into my head: I have no doubts that Gi-hun loved Sangwoo even more than his own daughter, I realised this because he was willing to sacrifice the money for his daughter just to go home with his love, I mean with Sangwoo. Gi-hun has ALWAYS had a crush on Sangwoo since they were kids. ALWAYS, throughout these whole years. So if they really were together in the past then it was like a fever dream for Gi-hun. In Gi-hun's head there was no logic as for why someone as smart, genius, skilled and handsome as Sangwoo would be with someone like him, in his eyes Gi-hun sees himself as good for nothing, some nobody with no chances to thrive in life. But Sangwoo did have those chances to thrive in life, he was full of potential and Gi-hun could only confirm it when Sangwoo got accepted into SNU. So at the beginning Sangwoo didn't want to go because he didn't want to get away from Gi-hun but Gi-hun encouraged him to go and reassured him that nothing would change between them. So Sangwoo went to SNU and time passed, since at that time there was no internet, it was impossible for them to keep a long-distance relationship but Gi-hun used to go visit him to SNU whenever he could. Whenever he visited he realised all the opportunities Sangwoo was missing because of him, and he didn't want that, he didn't want to hinder Sangwoo's future, someone as brilliant as him deserves the best, not a nobody so they started to fall apart, time passed and they lost contact, Gi-hun heard Sangwoo had started dating (which was a not true, that was just a rumour Sangwoo's mother spread because she misunderstood what Sangwoo told her) and Gi-hun thought "well, this is it, he has moved on, I should move on too" and he met his ex wife and got married but he never loved her, he always loved Sangwoo, that's why his marriage failed, for him everything was more important than his wife and Sangwoo will always be the love of his life 🤷‍♀️❤️
Favorite line from this character: "Smart ones never eat too much" (he said this when Sangwoo gave Ali his food 😂 I like this line because it's so silly and it made me laugh when he said it 😂)
One way in which I relate to this character: Gi-hun is the one character to whom I don't relate at all, I've been thinking and thinking if we have something in common but I found nothing 🤷‍♀️
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: When he can't help but tell every person he comes across that Sangwoo went to SNU and that Sangwoo is known as the pride of Ssangmun-dong, please Gi-hun, I know you have good intentions and you're lovely but that's uncomfortable, please stop ;-; (I'm kinda projecting my issues here not going to lie)
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Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon roll all the way ❤️ I kinda know that people like Gi-hun wouldn't survive in the games if they existed irl ;-;
Tagging @moonlitdayy because you asked about Sangihun so here's the Gi-hun part!
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defiant-ex-soldiers · 2 years
Under any other circumstances, a father would grow concerned when their daughter developed a crush on a man old enough to be her father. In this case, however, Roche happened to be a rather close acquaintance of this little silly crush. As innocent as they came, one she would no doubt grow out of.
The man who lives in the sky, apparently. Why that name was easier to remember than simply Cloud was anyone's guess, but it made sense to a four year old kid so who was he to take that away from her?
Bijou had refused to allow Roche to carry the pink backpack she was insisting on bringing with her that day (she had in fact shouted at him twice when he'd attempted to take it from her...) despite the fact that she seemed to struggle with it immensely. Just what had she brought with her today that was so heavy? Though he was soon to find out why the pair of them entered the bar and Bijou took to trotting right over to the other blond occupying one of the many tables while Roche did the honours with hanging their coats near the door.
The girl went on to present Cloud with a spanner, a few random socket attachments and a rather large torque wrench - one that Roche had been searching for and scratching his head for the best part of the day it should be noted. The little menace had been rifling through his tools again! And along with these gifts she would proclaim in the sweetest voice she had to the courier "Happy Heart Day!"
"From both of us, apparently!" Roche would interject with a knowing arch to his brow and perhaps a bewildered look at the little girl beaming back at him.
"I'm... gonna need those back by the way..."
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Meetings at the local bar had become a common occurrence for Cloud and Roche, and often he would bring his daughter along, so he knew Bijou as well.
There wasn't really anybody special he planned to spend Valentine's day with, at least not anybody he had romantic feelings for. Once he might have entertained the idea of spending it with Aerith, but not anymore. So when Roche proposed the idea of meeting up, Cloud couldn't help but take it. If there was nobody romantic to spend the day with, hanging out with friends was just as good.
It just so happened to be that all of his friends that he made during the journey he went on all had their own plans for the special day, which left Cloud by himself.
He certainly didn't expect to see Roche's daughter running into the bar they decided to meet up in with an overstuffed backpack. That was odd... why wasn't Roche carrying it if it was so heavy?
His first reaction to the tools she laid out in front of him, that were clearly Roche's, was one of bewilderment, and then a laugh bubbled up from his throat. Kids truly were a mystery sometimes.
He reached over and gave her a gentle pat on the head.
"Happy heart day to you too, and you as well, Roche."
He gave Roche a look that showed he acknowledged what he said. He didn't want to give them back right away, though, because it might upset Bijou to see him handing back the gifts she so thoughtfully stole from her father for him. He'll get them back to Roche later.
"Thanks for the gifts, kid."
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washeduphazbin · 7 months
Sin of Lust
Lucifer NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Aftercare God, but did you really have any doubts? He would put you and your comfort before his own. He'd ensure you're wrapped in blankets and tucked into bed afterward. Do you need water? He's on it, food? Right away. The only thing he wouldn't let you do is put your clothes back on; he just likes to stare at you too much.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Lucifer likes his tongue and teeth and wants to make you mewl and moan in any way he can, and what better way than using what his father gave him.
He likes your ass and your boobs. Anything that you can use to crush his head is very much the type to be the little spoon just so he can sleep on your breasts.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
In or on his mouth PLEASE. His favorite thing is giving you oral, and thinks you taste divine, he’d rather not waste any of you.
However, if it’s not your cum in his mouth he wants to cum inside you. This man, although a mess with Charlie, adores kids and would absolutely want more.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He can’t keep secrets. He’s so bad at it, feels guilty keeping secrets from you even if it’s something as silly as something kinky.
He’s vocal about it with you, but this man wants to get pegged and degraded. Major mommy kink vibes, Lilith didn’t help with that.
If y’all are in a poly situation, Lilith is the main dom, Lucifer and you are switches. No I won’t take any criticism.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Very. VERY. Experienced. All sexes, all genders every position.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary, he likes to look in your eyes no matter who’s on top. They say eyes are the windows to the soul and he loves seeing yours when you climax.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s a goofball but he doesn’t mean to be, you two will be getting it on and he will stop mid fuck if he has an idea for a new duck design.
Lucifer makes jokes while dicking you down but if you don’t like it, he’ll try to rein it in.
On more than one occasion he’s stopped mid fuck when Charlie has called him. He apologized profusely before answering but you’d never be mad at him for answering his daughter’s calls. He loves you for that.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Carpet does match the drapes and he’s VERY well groomed.
To be honest you’re almost jealous at how effortlessly gorgeous he is, this man doesn’t even have to try. Facial hair and body hair just doesn’t really grow on him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He always makes every romantic or intimate moment with you special. Obviously sometimes things come up, plans get interrupted, but he’s the rose petals and candle light type of guy.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Lucifer’s hand covers the back of his mouth the other palming his dick. His wings flutter out around him as he pictures your face, he can hear your voice echo around in his head giggling and calling his name. “f-fuck,” he hissed biting his lip as his horns began to poke from the top of his head, fire swirling around his head. “Duckling…” he whined into the air, you were at the hotel with Charlie much more passionate about helping his daughter.
And he shouldn’t be thinking of Charlotte right now.
His wings fluttered again glancing over at the picture he had of you over on his dresser, lingerie shoot for his birthday. All in red and gold dressed up just for him his favorite parts on display, he groaned hips bucking up into his hand. Lucifer was closer than he’d like to admit just by looking at your face and- he made a strangled sound as his phone rang. Hands shooting out of his pants fumbling with his phone your contact photo popping up.
“Ducky baby, lovely hello! Totally being normal today! You?” He winced,
“Hello honeybee.” He could hear the teasing tone in your voice, “your lovely daughter’s inviting you for dinner. You’re coming.”
‘Almost was if you didn’t call me.’
“Of course anything for my favorite girls!~ I’ll be there soon!~”
“Good and Luci?”
“Yes Ducky?”
“If I found out you were bad, I’m absolutely going to make you pay for it.~” Lucifer winced and swore he heard a laugh from the famous spider pornstar Charlie hung around with.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good boy.”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Wing Kink
Breeding Kink
Mommy Kink
Daddy Kink
Role Play
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
If Lilith was a part of the relationship from the beginning your/his chambers all the time. He’s private unless he needs to prove a point or gets too jealous.
However, if this is post Lilith or divorce era Lucifer for a while he’d be hesitant to be intimate where he and his ex wife were intimate for so long; but if you told him you didn’t mind he’d get over the hurdle a little faster.
But for a while you’d only have sex in your room in his home, or your own apartment in hell not that you minded. But it always felt funny sneaking the king of hell past your overly talkative and nosy neighbors.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anytime you turn on what he calls your Mommy Voice. Not in a creepy way! But if you start to scold him or click your tongue in a disapproving tone you’ll have him practically humping your leg like a dog to make up for it.
Anything that shows off your chest, thighs or ass he’ll be all over you.
Or, you wearing his clothes or his hat is a sure fire way to get him hot and bothered.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pretty obvious but no water sports or anything to do with bodily fluids of any sort.
Also although he can turn into different animals that’s off the table for him. It’s a little too weird.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Went over this already but he prefers giving rather than reviving and he’s an oral god. I mean there’s a reason why he stole both of Adam’s wives…plus his short term girlfriend if you count when you dated him before you were lead astray by a certain snake.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s slow and sensual. As I mentioned Lucifer is absolutely a romantic, if he doesn’t have time to please you fully he won’t do it. Unless it’s to prove a point or in a fit of rage or jealousy. He always makes sure you’re comfortable, but if you want him to speed up or go rougher if you ask he will provide.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Doesn’t love to do them, only will if both of you are really pent up and frustrated or if he’s jealous. As stated in the previous prompt he much prefers to wine and dine you and be romantic than fuck you quick and not provide adequate aftercare.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s a little shit he’d definitely take risks. Although quickies aren’t preferred it doesn’t mean he won’t do them if you initiate or if he’s very pent up. He’s definitely done it in the Hotel’s library before Charlie made them all participate in a group dinner. The weird little bug cyclops definitely caught the two of you, but she’s yet to mention it so the both of you are just praying no one ever finds out.
Alastor knows. And is waiting for the perfect blackmail opportunity.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
As many as you can last baby. He can go as many rounds as you want and tends to lose himself and not stop until you’re begging and crying from overstimulation.
He can also last decently long, again it’s the decades of practice.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I think it’s safe to say he has them and all different types. I wouldn’t say they’re his go too, for you or for himself but if you wanted to use it to spice things up he wouldn’t be opposed.
If he was going to use anything, and it’s not really a toy, but he’d want to use bondage. Doesn’t matter if you’re tied up or he is, he just likes how it looks.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh little shit loves to tease you and make you beg when he tops. Especially does this when his tongue is so deep inside you, you’re practically praying his name begging him to let you cum.
He doesn’t.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s a whiner and a whimperer more than anything else. Those whines are usually decently loud BUT if he’s not in private he’s good about muffling himself and staying quiet.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Not really a sex headcanon but he definitely has made a duck in your likeness and he talks to it when he misses you or you’re caught up at the hotel.
You’ve definitely walked in on him kissing it before he hasn’t lived it down to this day.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
For a very short man he makes up for it in the size of his dick. Long and thick, a good 8 inches in length with a nice upward curve that hits your g-spot perfectly.
Uncircumcised and very sensitive.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Decently high. I feel like he’s pretty active with or without Lilith in the picture.
I think in my headcanon, he’s had a bit of a dry spell, so if you weren’t already with him and Lilith his sex drive would be SUPER HIGH. Like you show ankle he pops a boner, doesn’t make him any less good at what he does…he just might need a few reminders.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not quickly at all. He could spend hours just watching you fall asleep holding you tightly pressing little kisses to your forehead. You’re his duckling and he’ll admire your post sex beauty for as long as you let him or until he falls asleep sometime later that night.
You always try to beat him and stay awake, you always fail and fall asleep first.
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 2/15
Merry Football Con to all who celebrate!
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Above Snakes TP -  Sean Lewis & Hayden Sherman
A supernatural Western about DIRT, a man out to avenge his wife's death with nothing but a bloodthirsty vulture to guide his way. What happens when the story of Dirt's pain gets stolen by others and the world he thought he understood turns upside down? Featuring the incredible work of the team behind THUMBS and THE FEW, this thrilling new series is best described as Deadwood meets The Sandman.
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The Adventures Of The Galactic Wrestling Federation #1 -  Bob Howard, Max Wolfman & Bill Imbrogna
The action-packed journey of The Red Menace, a young Galactic Wrestler who is determined at all costs to restore his father, his legacy, and the family they once had. Filled with monsters, mayhem, and sweet wrestling moves!
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Break Of Dawn GN -  Tetsuya Imai
The coming-of-age manga that inspired the anime film from the acclaimed screenwriter Dai Sato (Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex)! It's the year 2038, but more importantly, it's summer. A little boy named Yuma is obsessed with the impending return of the Arville Comet. Then, one day, he sneaks onto the roof of an apartment building and finds something even more amazing-something not from this world. Now Yuma and his friends, and his hovering autopet Nanako, must work together to uncover a secret that's slumbered in the Earth for years, as dawn breaks over a new era for him and for humanity!
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Chilling Adventures: Betty The Final Girl One-Shot -  Micol Ostow & Laura Braga
Veronica has invited Betty to her luxurious mountaintop chalet for a cozy weekend of skiing. But their girls weekend is interrupted when Archie shows up and whisks Veronica off on their own snowy romantic adventure. What could go wrong at a fancy remote cabin in the mountains all by herself? Betty's mind races and she can't tell fact from fiction as she suddenly realizes she might not be so alone. Is Betty believing too much in the horror movies she's watched, or is someone (or something) really out to get her? Find out in this BRAND NEW horror anthology one-shot that's equal parts Scream and When a Stranger Calls.
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Confessions Of A Shy Baker GN Vol 1 -  Masamoi Ito
Toshimitsu Yamamura, who runs a real estate business, and Genta Tsubakisaka, a caregiver, live together contentedly. In his spare time, Toshimitsu loves baking and making candies, and coincidentally, Gonta loves eating them! While their day to day lives might be full of difficulties and stresses, the time they spend together at their home café is a sweet treat.
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Foulness In The Walls One-Shot -  Cullen Bunn, Rodrigo Zayas & Sami Kivela
After a tragic loss, George hopes to rebuild his life. He moves to a new house. He gets a new job. He starts dating the girl of his dreams. Sometimes, though, guilt can be as malevolent as an evil spirit. Sometimes, ghosts follow you. Something is rotting in the walls of George's new house. Something hungry. 
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Gap Papa: Daddy At Work & At Home GN Vol 1 -  Utakata
This charming, full-color manga about a devoted family man began as a popular webcomic! His colleagues at work see him as handsome, cool, and distant... but the moment he's back home, this frosty-looking salaryman shows his true colors as a doting father and husband. Playing silly games with his young daughter, showering kisses on his beloved wife-what a gap between his appearance and behavior! This sweet, full-color manga about a wholesome family is sure to warm your heart.
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The Girl That Can’t Get A Girlfriend GN -  Mieri Hiranishi
Mieri is an awkward, nerdy college student with no dating experience, and her previous crushes on fellow butch women have all ended in disaster. That all changes when she meets Ash and has her feelings returned for the first time-but when first love turns to first heartbreak, Mieri will do everything possible to win Ash back. Based on true events, this is a hilarious and heart-wrenching story about love, loneliness, and the true meaning of finding one's own happy ending.
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I Am John Lewis YR HC -  Brad Meltzer & Chris Eliopoulos
This book spotlights John Lewis, known for his role in the Civil Rights Movement, having helped organize the March on Washington and the Selma Voting Rights March, and for his lifelong dedication to public service as a member of the House of Representatives. John Lewis was never afraid to get in good trouble. This virtue this person embodies: John Lewis's resolve to fight for a better world is celebrated in this title.
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Just Friends GN -  Ana Oncina
While Erika was reluctant to go to the teen summer camp her mother insisted on sending her to, little did she know she'd meet Emi. Now both women are in their 30s, and reminisce about where life has taken them both. Missed opportunities, talks about what could have been, and about what a special bond they have with one another. A story about friendship, about two women discovering themselves, and then growing up.
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The Last Barbarians #1 -  Brian Haberlin & Geirrod Van Dyke 
To be Classless is a whole new low... You'd think in a fantastic world full of giants, magic, and flying fish, it would be a world of possibility. But you'd be dead wrong here! Sylv is a jack of all trades; she can fight with the best of them, pick most pockets, and even cast a third-level spell or two. It's too bad for her that if you aren't a member of a guild, you are persona non grata: completely outcast from adventuring. That might be fine, except she has her disabled seven-foot-tall brother to take care of. If she can't find a job to support them both, they'll be dead in a ditch in a matter of weeks. So now her only hope is a quest from a sketchy cleric who promises only a true hero can save the day. Sylv has a lot of skills...and she'll need them all to survive this hero's journey!
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Marmalade Boy Collected Edition GN Vol 1 -  Wataru Yoshizumi
A newly translated edition of the shojo manga classic, which inspired the beloved anime! Miki's life was pretty ordinary until the day her parents told her they were swapping spouses with another couple! Thanks to this unconventional arrangement, Miki not only gains two new step-parents, but a hot new step-brother, Yuu! At first Miki writes Yuu off as a total jerk, but as the two spend time together, Miki starts to fall for him. Can Miki sort out her complicated feelings for her Yuu?
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Masters Of The Universe: Masterverse #1 (of 4) - Tim Seeley, Eddie Nunez & Sergio Aragones 
In the depths of Castle Grayskull, the Sorceress and Zodac debate the value of He-Man. To save the life of her champion, the Sorceress must take the Cosmic Enforcer on a tour of the multiverse! First, a tour across a world where a dim, barbaric He-Man bumbles through a world of annoying warrior goddesses and bored demons as he's pursued by a hungry green tiger in a tale drawn by the legendary Sergio Aragonés! Then, a stop in an Eternia where the power of Grayskull summons an entirely different warrior in a horrific ghost story illustrated by Kelley Jones! Written by MOTU alumni Tim Seeley (Injustice vs. Masters of the Universe, Masters of the Multiverse) with a framing story by Eddie Nunez, this is an anthology series not to be missed!
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Rockstar & Soft Boy Go To Space! One-Shot - Sina Grace
The dirtiest, flirtiest BFFs in comics are back, and holy moly are they in dire straits! After getting brutally rebuffed by the most influential dudes in Lost Angeles, Rockstar and Softboy pack their bags and GO TO SPACE. Acclaimed creator SINA GRACE revisits the 2022 fan-favorite comic for more hijinx than ever before! How, a world away from the world, can these two get into more trouble and learn more about their exquisite friendship!? Only one way to find out!
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Scurry TP -  Mac Smith Enter a world where humanity is gone and only animals have survived. Wix, a brave scout from a colony of house mice, must embark on a perilous journey into parts unknown, where he'll face dangerous threats, fantastic new creatures-and a destiny he never expected. 
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Spa HC - Erik Svetoft
This nightmarish debut, a biting critique of consumer society and the "wellness" industry, recalls the films of David Lynch and Lars Von Trier and the horror manga of Junji Ito. Somewhere in northern Europe, a five-star spa and conference hotel caters to anyone who can afford it. But, at every turn, where luxuriance should reign, things are amiss. A demanding VIP client disappears without a trace. A business seminar is cut short. A young official gets lost looking for his room. A socially outcast masseuse struggles to find acceptance. Two lovers struggle to escape the horror of everyday life - which includes horrific apparitions routinely haunting them. An egocentric manager doubts himself. Abused employees accept their sad fate. Curious inspectors come to settle their accounts. Meanwhile, mysterious moisture damage is spreading. Amidst the extravagant decor, black and viscous liquid flows slowly in the labyrinthine alleys of the resort and trickles down the walls. Hot and humid, the dampness is suffocating. Mold sets in and with it skin diseases, hallucinations, ghosts, malevolent spirits, hybrid creatures, and other monsters both dead and alive. Spa is a horrific graphic novel debut marked by grotesque and whimsical humor.
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Torrent #1 -  Marc Guggenheim, Justin Greenwood & Rico Renzi
From MARC GUGGENHEIM (Arrow, X-Men Gold, Star Wars: Revelations) and JUSTIN GREENWOOD (THE OLD GUARD: TALES THROUGH TIME, Future State: Gotham), the team who brought you the critically acclaimed series Resurrection, comes a brand-new superhero universe. Michelle Metcalf is the world's most happy-go-lucky hero, CRACKERJACK, until tragedy forces her to cross the line from hero to vigilante.
Whatcha snagging this week, Fantom Fam?
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maoam · 3 years
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I wanted to take a deeper look at Hinata’s character, considering there are a lot of claims about her out there, that she’s strong, that she’s kind, that she’s complex and relatable, that she’s the perfect woman and that she’s at least better than Sakura. I don’t really think so, and I’ll explain why. I’ll be focusing on canon, so no fillers or novels will be included in this post. I’ll say this as a warning, if you’re a fan of her character this probably won’t be something you’ll like. This will be tagged with the anti tags and put under read more so please do not complain if tumblr somehow puts this in the normal tags, it is not intentional. Also Sakura stans please don’t write lengthy comments about Sakura under this, I’m not a fan of her either and I’ll write about her later. Make your own post instead.
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Hinata is generally really bad as a shinobi and I’m not sure where the claims that she is strong come from. Hinata's entire character revolves around her being weak. This could have been fine if she actually developed, or if she found some other area for herself, yet she's mediocre at best and a waste of panels at worst, because she never becomes good or strong at anything. She’s not only physically weak from start to finish, but she’s also the equivalent of a damsel in distress. Everytime Hinata attempts to do something, she ends up failing, getting beaten up and having to be saved. She lost to her sister who is five years younger than her, which is what marked her as a failure in her clan. She tried to fight Neji in the chunin exams and ended up coughing up blood and losing her consciousness, and Naruto had to beat Neji for her. After Kabuto heals her fully, she spends the rest of part 1 either sleeping or missing in action. Very underwhelming.
If this had been only the beginning, it would have maybe been fine, but it’s a reoccuring pattern with her character. She throws herself in front of Pain, managing to do nothing but get one-paneled and almost killed. Even at the start of the war she had to be saved by Naruto. She tried to run to Naruto and tripped over a rock. Actually, she’s so weak she got Neji killed, when he had to jump in front of her so she wouldn’t get impaled. Why is she even in the front lines when she can’t fight? Even in Naruto the Last movie she had to be saved multiple times. In Boruto the movie she is still useless and reckless, leaving her daughter’s side to help Naruto, ending up defeated and having to be healed by Sakura once again.
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I can’t say she’s mentally strong either. She has the personality of someone who hates conflict and tries to avoid it as best as they can, to the point of agreeing with others on everything, as Neji pointed out. Even without him saying it out loud, most of Hinata’s moments that aren’t her thinking about Naruto are her doing exactly this. This is not the personality of someone who is strong mentally. It’s the personality of someone who is too weak to have their own mind, someone who will go with the flow and is easily led and convinced. It can be dangerous the more you think about it. Hinata is also the bystander who never stands up for Naruto despite liking and admiring him. If she’s a compassionate girl, why isn’t she showing this by reaching out to Naruto and befriending him? Why doesn’t she show he’s not alone? Why is she only drawing inspiration from him? I don’t normally watch fillers, but there was one filler scene unrelated to Hinata where this girl says if you only look at the loser and do nothing, you aren’t much better than the oppressors, which probably wasn’t meant to be a call out for Hinata, but ended up being so anyway. Another thing that’s annoying is how she is berating herself often, yet doing nothing, it comes off as self-pity. Even in the Last movie, she is talking about how she must be a bad sister for knitting a scarf when her sister is in danger. Then why are you doing it and not stopping? Of course everytime this happens Naruto must cheer her up because she just can’t stop moping around and doing something herself.
Aside from all this, from the very beginning Hinata’s honor needed to be defended by Naruto because she couldn’t stand up for herself. Of course, after Naruto’s words she did stood up for a moment, and that was good, but it should have been a wake up call which altered her course. Instead, she kept doing the same she always did. If we take the Last movie into consideration, she’s still not strong enough to do anything even about her crush on Naruto. She needs genjutsu and Sakura to do the work for her. So even when it comes to the only thing she cares about 90 % of the time, which is Naruto-kun, she can’t do anything about it. That’s really sad.
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There’s one mistake I see people make often, and that’s assuming characters that are quiet and shy are automatically kind. I wouldn’t say Hinata is as kind as the fandom makes her out to be. She simply comes off that way because you don’t really see her have her own opinions or disagree with the other characters. Hinata’s shyness on the other hand is most of the time a fetishized quirk to appeal to certain subset of fans. Her shyness doesn’t stop her from taking exams or hanging around Shino and Kiba, or talking to characters other than Naruto. She also has enough attitude to rub Neji’s status as a house slave in his face during their match, but because she stutters Naruto-kun every five minutes she’s supposedly kind. Kindness is shown through actions, not through standing around and stuttering. For comparison, we see Ino befriend an unpopular kid like Sakura, and give her confidence. That’s an act of kindness. Did Hinata ever cared about helping the branch members in any way? No.
She's supposedly "kind" but like I mentioned before she never shows this kindness by standing up for Naruto, or reaching out to him. She simply stares at him behind a tree and draws inspiration from his suffering. The only time she can actually stand up is to selfishly confess her love and die. She even said she felt like being selfish, and like I said she knew there was nothing she could do, she was told she’d only be in the way. She came there only to confess and commit suicide. This actually reminds me of another anime where this female character, after being unable to receive a male character’s love killed herself in front of him and said ”now you’ll never forget me”.
In the end, she cares about nothing but her own hormonal urges. Hinata tried to help Naruto cheat to pass an exam at the risk of disqualifying her whole team. This is the first individual action we see her character take. Did she consider Shino and Kiba during that moment? No, she didn’t even have an inner conflict on whether she should do this, whether it’s right towards her teammates. Even Naruto considers he might get Hinata, Sasuke and Sakura all in trouble if he accepts Hinata’s offer, which is why he doesn’t do it. Then when Hinata wonders if she can cheer for Naruto during his and Kiba’s match, she thinks Kiba might get mad. It’s more about how Kiba views her rather than whether she should cheer for Kiba because they are in the same team and should support each other. During the Pain attack, she left an injured shinobi, who couldn’t move, to go to Naruto, even when said shinobi told her she would only be in Naruto’s way. She didn’t try to save people, she simply wanted to confess and act in front of Naruto. This is about a threat to the entire village, which includes her comrades and her sister and she’s thinking only about her romantic feelings towards a guy she had maybe two conversations with and who barely remembers she exists. How is she better than Sakura? War arc really was the icing on the cake that Hinata’s character is only about Naruto. We should not forget the infamous ”Naruto-kun’s hand is so big… so manly...” is that really the right time to be thirsty? When Neji just died? Shikamaru mentions that he could help out Naruto as a right-hand man and then Hinata thinks “I-I want to be by Naruto-kun’s side too.” Then there’s of course the scene where she starts running to Naruto, leaving her post and teammates, even when Naruto is a mile away and already in the hands of medical ninjas, and even that ends up her pathetically tripping over a rock. Kiba has to remind her to use her byakugan because she is too busy gushing about Naruto. Eventually her only last line is “Naruto-kun”, when everyone is put into IT. It’s like a parody by this point. She doesn’t have any concern for her sister, her father, her teammates, Kurenai or her baby. It’s just “Naruto-kun” like it always is. Even in the Last movie, she is knitting a scarf for Naruto during the mission where they’re supposed to save her sister. Who brings a scarf on a mission? Why is she thinking about her romantic gift to Naruto so much she has to take it with her on a mission which focus is saving her sister? She even looks more devastated when Toneri tores the scarf apart than she ever does for Hanabi’s sake. It’s just silly and selfish.
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Is she complex though? Her development goes from standing behind a tree looking at her crush she never talks to, to committing suicide for feelings that could never be reciprocated, to… waiting that a genjutsu and Sakura guilt trip Naruto enough for him to be with her? Like I already mentioned her character revolves entirely around Naruto, she has no hobbies or interests we know of aside from him. She has no motivations aside from being by Naruto’s side. She once had an interesting goal and backstory, but that was never fully explored, and it turned into her wanting Naruto’s attention and thinking about him. Her clan plot was irrelevant, she showed no interest in wanting to be a leader or even wanting to make things better for the branch members. It’s funny because immediately after the ending, no one cared about the Hyuuga branch and how the storyline was dropped and had no resolution. It was only when Hinata was being attacked for not showing to care did her fans start to over-analyze all the panels looking for the tiniest little clue that might hint at some changes.
It’s possible to be both shy, anxious and quiet and also to be strong, motivated and have interests and dreams. Hinata is never strong for herself, she’s only strong to be with Naruto, to die for Naruto, to motivate Naruto, to have Naruto look at her even for a moment. All the while Naruto doesn’t pay much attention to her unless she’s literally dying in front of him or she slapped him. Even when a big climax is happening, what’s on her mind is always her romantic feelings and her crush. I saw someone say if she were a male character, and she pulled this pointless sacrifice and theatrical confession in the final fight of an arc, she would’ve been universally mocked. Actually, I think even if it was Sakura who did this instead of Hinata the former would have been mocked, because their stans are unable to see the same flaws in their own fave as they see in the other girl. Naruto is a battle manga, characters are supposed to contribute to the defeat of the villain in some material way. The only reason people praise Hinata for what she did in the Pain arc is because they either pity her or because they’re men who think women killing themselves for a man is great because it boosts their ego.
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I also notice many Hinata fans don’t notice the vanity in their own fandom. They call Hinata “princess”, ”heiress”, ”Konoha’s first lady” and draw fanart glorifying these concepts and how it makes Hinata good, because they like the superficial status, what they don’t care is the titles are unearned. I thought Hinata’s appeal was that she’s the underdog and a loser? Or maybe her real appeal is the idea of getting everything you want without doing much in order to get it?  Another claim is that Hinata is the perfect woman, which you might see from men. This is what I might dislike the most. Men judge Hinata’s worth and whether she’s a good character based on what kind of woman they want and think is the right kind of woman. Hinata has big breasts, she’s submissive, she has no other interests than the man she likes, and she’s the only girl in her class who didn’t go for the popular guy. Many men hate Sakura, Ino and Karin for being fangirls but praise Hinata for being a fangirl. Basically to them if a character is a fangirl of the wrong guy, she’s a stupid slut. If she fangirls their self insert, she’s wife material and the ideal woman. If Sakura has to be saved, she’s useless. If Hinata tries to kill herself for Naruto, she’s ”so kind”. Rin is a one-dimensional character, but Hinata saying Naruto-kun for the 50th time is depth. Hinata is also claimed to be better than the other girls because she had more kids and thus is more ”fertile”. It’s like feminism never happened and we are back to the 16th century. Why are we judging women’s worth on how many kids they have and how much they can please a man?
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I could also talk about how Studio Pierrot turned Hinata into a hentai bait for otakus, which also plays a part in her popularity, but I don’t think it’s necessary, so I will just offer this picture which speaks for itself.
Hinata is simply just a sexist stereotype, a shadow of a real woman, with not much depth, and who is certainly not better than Sakura either. Both of them are fangirls whose characters revolve around men. It’s wild to me how there are women who genuinely act like one must be a misogynist if they reject Hinata’s superficial, one-dimensional and boy crazy character. Her character itself is misogynist for crying out loud. And honestly, what does it say when even the creator himself assumes that Hinata is someone’s favorite character because he must like big boobs?
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anichibicore · 2 years
i have. some thoughts i wanna dump out about aini actually and if i do it on twitter my friend WHO STILL HASN'T STARTED THE GAME will see it and then i'll scream because i've done a fantastic job of not spoiling anything for her SO ANYWAY ANI THOUGHTS TIME. ALSO this isn't everything i just wanna get the loudest thoughts out
i'll be honest i wasn't expecting to like tama much but she ended up being one of my favorites actually. funny little ai-ball so silly and actually such a sweetheart. and she supports the lgbtq. icon
RYUKI i am sooooooooo normal about him. sosososososo SO normal. i started playing and when it got to his pov i really was like the "oh he's just a little guy! oh he's a bit fucked up actually" meme and just. gently holding him. uchikoshi dumped all the trauma he could on this man just to see how much it would take to completely break him i swear. also i kept making fun of him and his so obvious crush on date but also i completely understood because i too love pathetic men. which i'll be honest i was not expecting him to. actually have a thing for date. gay rights!
speaking of date, all i am saying is: i understand where ryuki is coming from. i want to kiss him actually. pathetic man. why are you so hot with an eyepatch.
mizuki all grown up! i loved her interactions with aiba and boss, they are just so good hsjejf.
ALSO i honestly? really liked just boss's casual mention that she has a daughter (bibi) in throwaway lines and just! i didn't think anything of it at the time but god damn uchikoshi you mastermind
mmmmmmmmm one thing i'm really Not Fond Of is kizuna and lien's relationship like. i think if lien didn't literally hit on her the moment he saw her and LITERALLY FOLLOWED HER to pressure her into a relationship, and if kizuna was not 18 AT THE TIME, i'd be at least a little okay with it? individually i think they're pretty good characters and i really do like their arcs but their relationship just ruins it for me. i was REALLY hoping they wouldn't go that way, ESPECIALLY with kizuna shooting down his advances initially but i'm clearly asking for too much from a spike chunsoft game. same goes for gen and amame but to a lesser extent because 1 that remains unrequited (or at least i think it does. i think amame just sees gen as a father figure of sorts) and 2 the two don't eat up screenstime for a focus on a romantic relationship and therefore i can simply Look Away. I Do Not See. also mizuki wouldn't encourage that who brainwashed her into thinking it's okay
SPEAKING OF, i actually did not expect amame to be a major character in the game (if that was shown in a trailer then i am a clown bc i watched like. the initial teaser and the reveal trailer and that's it) and i especially didn't expect to like her as much as i did. i loved how creepy her somniums were AND how the answers to the questions in second one as mizuki were the same as the ones in the first as ryuki like. sorta foreshadowing her whole story? ALSO SHE STRAIGHT UP MURDERED URU I HONESTLY DIDN'T EXPECT THAT. all i have left to say is god damn faye mata is a good va. also the gen and amame route nearly made me cry. i did in fact have tears welling up.
i want to punt chikara into the ocean. that's all
OH ALSO the masked woman/bibi's somnium was obnoxious tbh. i got so fuckin frustrated with it. tho idk if i just got lucky or what but somehow not looking at chikara made him? not notice me as much? i have no fuckin clue. anyway
speaking of somniums, tokiko's was super creepy but like. in a different way than amame's. you know what i mean. the only thing i didn't like about it was the ringing sound in the soundtrack. and how slowly you move, especially when you're swimming to the nirvana initiative for the last mental lock. agony.
the explosion route hurt me in ways i cannot describe. i was semi-livemessaging my friend bits and pieces of my playthrough in the most spoiler free way i could and. i'm just putting these here and letting them speak for me
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ALSO I WANNA SHARE ryuki taking a bullet for date and seemingly dying IN HIS ARMS NO LESS made me almost cry AGAIN. THIS GAME BROKE ME EMOTIONALLY THREE TIMES. i genuinely thought he was dead too and i did not know how to feel. and as funny as date straight up acting like a cat with his head on hitomi's lap was, the way he reacts when mizuki asks him about ryuki just. ow?
i'm not saying i lowkey ship date and ryuki but i lowkey ship date and ryuki
on a lighter note, kizuna breaking out a gatling gun and screaming "come get some, motherfuckers" made me laugh like. way harder than it probably should've. i saved it on my switch because it was too funny not to.
ALSO the whole thing with the true flowchart confused me at first but after thinking it over and getting it explained a bit, it makes a lot more sense. especially since there are two mizukis and the whole thing with aiba being on a secret mission, and also the fact mizuki didn't question date being alive when he saved her from tearer in the abandoned warehouse.
tearer's somnium was literally just a walking zero escape reference and i was living. i didn't properly finish all the puzzles in one room because the first two digits for the password were 9 and i went "999 moment" and got it right. and laughed hysterically. i think the music for those rooms was taken straight from ZE too but idk for sure. i wouldn't be surprised tho
as much as i Don't Like moma being a massive creep in this game, the bits with the vochaloco were pretty funny to me. i hope iris's va had fun recording those lines because hearing iris say fuck is great.
mama :) that's it that's the thought i just love mama.
i think we deserved to see/hear marco personally. there are concepts of a like. genderbent aiba in the dream album (i don't remember which somnium) and i know it sounds basic and lazy of me but i'm pretending that's what he looks like.
i've been typing for like two hours lmao but anyway my conclusion in short is the game has a few problems but overall i had a great time with it. also ryuki is a fruit. that's all
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Back to School Night
Marcus Moreno x gn!reader
Word count: 746
Warnings: none really, fluff, mutual pining, romantic tension, Marcus is an adorable himbo, Missy is her dad’s wingwoman
Request from anon: “Marcus Moreno having a crush on Missys teacher I’m literally sweating over this dilf” (I’m so sorry this took so long I hope you see this!)
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Marcus smoothed out his shirt as he checked out his look in the mirror one last time. Normally, he wouldn’t put so much effort into his appearance just for back-to-school night, but there was one person in particular he looked forward to seeing. “Missy, are you ready to go?” he called for his daughter as he grabbed his keys.
“You’re not gonna embarrass me again are you?” Missy bounced down the hallway to meet her father. 
Marcus pouted, “What do you mean ‘again?’”
“My teacher,” she clarified, “You barely finished your sentences” she put her hands on her hips as she gave him a pointed look, “You’re worse than a teenager!”
He opened and closed his mouth a few times but he conceded and ushered Missy to the car. Thankfully, she did not bring it up again and the car ride was spent with chit chat about the day instead. Marcus thought he had his feeling for you under control, but he must have been worse at hiding it than he thought. You were Missy’s teacher, and he knew how inappropriate it would be to ask you out. But, you were so kind, smart, and so great with the kids that he couldn’t help the way his heart fluttered whenever he saw you. 
Marcus lost his composure almost immediately when he walked into your classroom. Your smile lit up the room, and he lingered in the doorway with a silly half smile as he waved at you. With a grin, you waved back and you had to take a deep breath to keep your own emotions in check.
“Dad…” Missy gave him a gentle, playful push to get him out of the way and she rolled her eyes at how he almost lost his footing. 
You stifled a giggle behind your hand when you saw Marcus stumble. What you didn’t see, however, was that Missy caught the look on your face, and she decided that before she left that she would set the two of you up. 
Adults need more help than we do, she thought to herself.
The evening flew by uneventfully and Marcus and Missy both bid you goodbye as they left. It wasn’t until they got to the car that Missy froze and tugged on her dad’s shirt, “I forgot my backpack,” she tried to sound earnest and looked up at him with wide eyes.
“The whole backpack?” he sighed.
“Yes, the whole backpack,” she replied innocently, “Can you go get it for me? Please?”
Marcus couldn’t resist when Missy gave him that pout, “Alright, wait in the car I’ll be right back.”
Missy’s grin couldn’t be any wider as she settled into the passenger seat.
The building was quiet as Marcus quickly made his way down the halls. Luckily, you were still there when he walked into your classroom and you jumped in surprise when you turned around to find you weren’t alone. The papers in your hands went flying as you shrieked. 
“I’m so sorry,” Marcus immediately dropped down to the floor to help you, “I didn’t mean to scare you. Missy left her backpack.”
“Her whole backpack?” you met Marcus’ eyes as the two of you knelt on the floor together.
“Thank you! That’s what I said,” his voice was light as he spoke. 
Both of you reached for the same sheet of paper at the same time and you suddenly found that your hand was covered by his. Heat rose in your face at the touch and your eyes dropped down at your connected hands. Marcus was just as flustered as you, but yet neither of you moved. He said your name in a soft voice, and when your gaze slowly rose to meet his, your breath caught in your throat at the tender look on his face.
It was now or never, “Listen, you can tell me if I’m crossing a line here but,” Marcus took a deep breath, “Would you like to go out with me some time?”
You thought you would combust at the question; you wanted to hear that question from Marcus for so long, “I’d like that,” your voice was soft but you knew he heard you when the smile on his face grew. Marcus wrapped his hand around yours and helped you up to stand.
“Why do I have the feeling Missy did this on purpose?” you asked with a chuckle.
“Me too,” he agreed with a smile, “Remind me to thank her.”
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ejzah · 3 years
A/N: Takes place a while after Rosa has moved in with Kensi and Deeks had time to adjust a little. Kind of silly and possibly similar to other stories I’ve written.
Schoolgirl Crush
“Hey Rosa, who’s the hot, older guy who always picks you up from school sometimes,” Jessica Niemeyer asked, sitting down across from Rosa. She had a conspiratorial glint in her eye, always in the market for gossip. She was also incredibly nice and one of the first students to welcome Rosa into the new, strange high school with open arms.
“You mean my dad?” Rosa responded, following Jessica’s gaze to where Deeks had parked his truck and was heading there way.
He and Kensi took turns picking her up from school most days, so she rarely had to ride the bus. On nice days, she waited outside at one of the picnic benches in the small courtyard to the side of the school.
“That’s your dad?” Meredith Smalls repeated, frowning at Rosa. “He looks nothing like you.”
“Really?” Rosa kept her expression innocent, a skill she’d perfected courtesy of her adoptive parents. “Everyone says I look just like him when he was younger.”
“But he has blonde hair and-”
“Oh, who cares, Meredith,” Jessica interrupted. “He’s hot.”
“He’s twice your age!”
“Doesn’t make him any less cute.” Jessica fires the last comment back more quietly as Deeks drew within a few yards of them. Rosa was caught between amusement and vague discomfort; while she didn’t exactly have a typical father-daughter relationship with Deeks, she still didn’t think of him in any romantic terms.
She made a face at the thought.
“Hey Rose, Ladies, how’s it going?” Deeks greeted them, giving a half smile that made Meredith flush and Jessica giggle.
“Good, I’m Jessica, one of Rosa’s friends.” Smiling up at him, Jessica offered her hand, and tossed her hair back. “And this is Meredith.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“Oh, the pleasure’s all mine. You have no idea how glad I am Rosa’s here,” Jessica added.
“You gotta be kidding me,” Meredith muttered behind her hand. Rosa snorted in response while Jessica firmly ignored them.
“Hey, would you like to be a chaperone for the homecoming dance?”
“Uh,” Deeks said, looking pretty startled by the thought.
“Here, I have a flyer.” Pulling a bright orange paper from her bag, Jessica offered it to Deeks. “Or I could text you the information. I’m on the planning committee and we need at least three more parents or guardians to volunteer.”
“Oh, well, I’ll certainly keep that in mind,” Deeks finally managed, glancing at Rosa who just shrugged. “We get pretty busy in the Deeks-Blye household, so I’m not sure if we’ll be able to make it.”
“I’ll keep my fingers crossed,” Jessica said as Rosa stood and moved towards Deeks.
“Well, we better get going. It really was nice to meet you both.”
Checking over her shoulder as they walked away, Rosa saw that Meredith and Jessica had immediately leaned over the table, heads close together, and were clearly whispering to each other.
“So, do you want me to chaperone at the dance?” Deeks asked when they reached his truck. “You haven’t mentioned it before. Cause you know we’d be there in a second if you do.”
“No, I’m not sure that would be a good idea,” Rosa commented, laughing softly as she remembered Jessica’s enchanted expression.
“Hey, I promise I wouldn’t embarrass you. Well, at least not too much,” Deeks promised, nudging her shoulder playfully.
“Ok, now I am completely confused.”
“That’s probably for the best,” Rosa decided. She could only imagine his embarrassment to find out one of her classmates had a major crush on him.
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lombredanslaeu · 4 years
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒑 𝒅𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒔 | jung jaehyun.
plot: the story of jung jaehyun and the implications of his relationship with the ceo’s daughter - all the saccharine, the bitter, and the sour. word count 7405
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: curse words 
playlist: the louvre lorde | hard feelings lorde | the girl city & colour | i dont wanna be okay without you charlie bug
this isn’t proofread, so i apologize for any mistakes. feedback is highly appreciated, it motivates me to write more. <3
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“Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are: “It might have been.” - Kurt Vonnegut
Contrary to the public belief, the daughter of one of the biggest entertainment companies in the country isn’t as snippy and snobby as the world pictures her to be. Growing up, you never failed to respect everyone, regardless of their social status. That’s why the world seemed to be in shock when a photo of you, Doyoung, and Johnny spread like wildfire all over social networking sites.
“Why are people so in shock about me being friends with you guys?” You inquired, shoving a spoon of cheesecake to your mouth.
“They’re probably wondering why the hell you’re friends with losers like us.” Johnny replied.
“Oh yeah, that’s probably it.” You agreed. Johnny faked a hurting face, causing everyone in the room to burst into small laughters and smiles.
A swing of the dorm’s door revealed three more of the boys. Mark Lee, Kim Jungwoo, and Jung Jaehyun. How do you begin with Jung Jaehyun?
Everyone fawned over the boy. Who wouldn’t? With a cherub face and charming smile, anyone would fall head over heels over Jaehyun. You blamed his looks, you blamed his voice, and you blamed Doyoung for pointing everything Jaehyun did excellently. You blamed everything else but yourself for having a stupid crush on the boy.
“Oh, I bought you guys cheesecake.” You smiled at the newcomers.
“You’re heaven-sent, Y/N!” Jungwoo exclaimed.
“Thanks, Y/N.” Jaehyun said, with that godly smile that he always wore. You smiled off the racing beats of your heart, concious that Doyoung or Johnny might notice your sudden tension.
Unbeknowsnt to you, one of them already knows. And he has a plan to accomplish.
The warm sun was normally a pleasant thing for you. However, your lack of sleep and rest the previous night was overtaking your personality today. The busy chatters of the students that walk through the premises of Seoul National University fileld your ears. It was a normal day - lectures, presentations, and countless pages to read. You’re already on your third year of college, you should have been used to this by now. Another misconception about you is that you don’t have a personal driver to drive you to and from places; heck, you don’t even own your own car yet. You don’t do it very often but you bratty side is cursing your parents for trying to make you live independently. You made a mental note to complain to them later that night.
A resounding beep from your phone made you halt your walk.
Jung Jaehyun (SM): Hey! Are you around SNU right now?
That’s weird. You thought. It was actually more new than weird. Sure, you and Jaehyun are friends but you don’t think you’ve already reached the level of texting each other all of a sudden.
You: Yeah! Do you need anything?
Jung Jaehyun: I’m actually quite lost.
Jung Jaehyun: Doyoung told me to buy something from this home depot around SNU.
Jung Jaehyun: Do you know where Rosé Palace is?
You chuckled at his sentiment. Your palms sweat by the fact that you just might see him today. You didn’t look your best at this very moment, you didn’t feel the need to fix yourself since your main plan for today was just go to school.
You: I know where that is. Where are you right now?
Jung Jaehyun: I’m here near the musuem.
After a few walks and turns, you found the poor man. He wore all black clothing, with a mask and a bucket hat probably to hide his identity.
“Hey, I’m sorry for being a bother.” He apologized.
“Oh, no! It’s okay! I was done with school anyway.” You quickly respond. “Rosé Palace is actually very near here.”
“Oh, is it?” Jaehyun spoke. “I’m sorry, I really should have just tried finding it instead of bothering you.”
“Stop, it’s really not a problem.” You assured him.
You expected the walk to the location to be awkward. After all, you and Jaehyun doesn’t talk much. He would only ever talk to you whenever someone is also in the conversation.
“Do you live around SNU?” Jaehyun asked.
“Nope,” You answered. “I live at my parent’s home. I don’t dorm here.”
“Really? Do you commute?”
“I actually do.”
“You’re not scared?”
“Not a lot of people know who I am, Jaehyun. They just see me as another tired, college girl.”
“Must be nice not having people know who you are.” His tone seemed down and almost envious.
“Hey, you should be happy people know your name.” You said. “I could probably die right now and no one would bat an eye until they find out I’m a daughter of a CEO.”
“That’s not true!” He spoke. “I’d bat an eye!”
You laughed at him. “Of course, you would.”
Jaehyun emitted a soft chuckle. You were definitely not someone he would casually walk around with. He didn’t think he was worthy of your time, anyway. But then again, you’re friends with every single of the members so you’re probably very nice. And right now, he proved that hypothesis correct. He silently thanked Doyoung for asking him to buy those set of plates for his mother’s birthday.
The next time you and Jaehyun hung out was during one of the company gatherings. According to Taeyong, “you spent so much time with Jaehyun that Doyoung and Johnny got jealous.” You never realized that yourself. One topic in a conversation led to another and before you know it, the gathering is about to end and you still haven’t spared any of the members a glance.
“Is your dad okay with you being so close with Jaehyun?” Doyoung asked.
“Why would he not be okay with that?” You answered his question with another question. “He seems to be okay with me being close friends with all of you.”
“Hmm, yeah,” Johnny trailed. “Sure, that’s the situation here.”
You only looked at him with confusion drawn all over your face.
“Do I sense some sarcasm on your tone?”
“What? Sarcasm? Fuck no!”
It was during their live online concert that Jaehyun realized. In front of them are hundred of pixelated screens, some more distorted than the others. And yet, he still saw you, he still recognized you with a blink of an eye. You’re in a small screen almost at the edge. The other members didn’t notice you, they probably didn’t even know you were attending. He saw you, amongst the landscape of faces, he saw you. That’s when he realized. Jaehyun swallowed a small smile, fearing that Yuta, who’s arm is draped over Jaehyun’s shoulder, would sense something.
This isn’t the first time he realized that he was in love you. It was probably when he kissed you for the first time and the next time, and the next time.
“You love kissing me, don’t you?” You whispered against his lips.
The two of you did not even make it to bed when you decided to lock your lips together for the nth time that night.
“I do.” He replied. “How about you?”
“I love everything that you do to me.”
The night grew feverish. The two of you still hasn’t talked about the current status of whatever relationship you both have. You act like lovers but never brought it upon yourselves to admit that you’re smitten. Maybe Jaehyun felt embarrassed that he was the first to fall in love you. He probably will never admit that soon. The fear of nothing having his feelings reciprocated was bubbling inside him. However, the answers are right in front of his eyes. You have an exam tomorrow but instead of buring your eyebrows to study, you’re here between his arms, making out with him.
He didn’t know if it was love. He doesn’t like anything else about you except for your smile, your eyes, your angelic laughter, and the way he feels whenever you’re around. He feels at peace, he feels as if his feet are in the clouds. They could disperse any moment, causing him plummet to the ground. But he has no intention of going elsewhere. If falling to rock bottom would be caused by you, he would be more than willing to experience that.
Oh yeah, I’m in love. The only thought that lingered on his mind until he saw you in person again.
“Nice job tonight, Jae.” Your honey voice immersed from the speakers of Jaehyun’s phone.
“You actually watched.”
“Of course, I would. How could I miss that?” You chuckled, awakening the annoying butterflies inside Jaehyun’s veins.
A muffled clinking of glass could be heard through Jaehyun’s end. “Are you guys drinking?”
“Perhaps?” Jaehyun smiled through his response. Johnny and Taeyong’s loud bickering confirmed your suspicion.
“Celebrating the concert?”
“We’re not drinking.”
“Okay, I believe you.” It was your turn to smile at his silliness.
There was a brief moment of silence between you two. You could hear the faint breathing of Jaehyun and for a minute, you might have believed he fell asleep on you. A soft giggle proved you wrong. Just the mere fact of having you on the other side of the line was enough to make Jaehyun turn soft.
There was a loud argument inside his head. His job is unforgiving especially in terms of forming a romantic relationship with someone. If making friendships with others idols would be a walk on broken glass, what more could a romantic relationship be? The fact that you’re also the daughter of his boss didn’t help with his dilemma at all. It could either break his career or your relationship with your father. Jaehyun isn’t afraid of taking risk, yet somehow, he was scared of making another step towards you. When he realized that he was helplessly in love with you, he became scared of ever seeing you again. But despite it all, he still managed to say the worst thing he could have told you that night: “I’m in love with you.”
You had every chance to realize. Each time he would stretch his schedule to make a spot for you, even every time he would spam your messages just to ask if you’ve made it home safely. You were not new to dating bans being imposed of idols. Although your father never directly imposed such thing to his recent employees, you knew full well not to meddle with the busy and demanding life of an idol. So, Jaehyun was a problem.
Another one of your problems was when Jaehyun kissed you for the first time the other night. You didn’t know what lead him to do such thing and to be frank, Jaehyun didn’t know what came to him either.
Normally, the secluded and narrow walkway you and Jaehyun are currently walking on would send chills through your spine. The comforting feeling of having someone beside you, and thankfully it’s Jung Jaehyun, made you feel safe despite the thrilling nature of the walkway. The tiring activities of moving in your stuff to your new apartment lingered through your bones.
“Do you always come walk here after school?” He asked, his breath forming smoke in the cold air.
“I do,” You answered. Jaehyun spun his head towards with a face full of worry. “I never leave school very late anyway. In daylight, this place is filled with people so it’s not that scary.”
Your information made Jaehyun release a sigh of relief. Good to know that he won’t need to worry as much about you walking this scary place at this time of the night.
“Thanks for helping me move my stuff to my apartment.” You spoke.
“It’s my pleasure to help you in all kinds of things.”
Heat formed in your cheeks. If you’re not wearing a thick scarf around your neck, you’re sure Jaehyun would notice the small smile you have.
“Hey,” His gloved hand touched your forearm briefly to call your attention. “It still wonders me how we never hung out before.”
“We just never had the chance I guess?” You shrugged.
Before you was a beautiful piece of art. You wondered how someone so charming and handsome could even exist. Not a single flaw was present in Jaehyun’s appearance, meanwhile you could list ten things you wish you could change about the way you look in an instant. You didn’t feel worthy of his attention. You spent a good 30 seconds just staring at him and he did the same.
“Can I do something?” Jaehyun asked, swallowing a lump in his throat.
Jaehyun leaned down to meet your face. Placing a hand behind your neck, his lips joined yours. Oh my god, Jung Jaehyun is kissing me!
It took a second or two for you to reciprocate the kiss. His lips felt cold but what made you shiver was the booming feeling in your chest. The kiss wasn’t lustful, it was a steady and endearing kiss. He pulled away after a moment. In his face was the cute smile and a set of dimples.
“I want to hang out with you for the rest of my life.” He said.
“I want to hang out with you too, for as long as you want me to be.”
It also didn’t help that you’ve only came to terms with your feelings just recently. Behind your laptop was a pile of readings waiting to be read. University was your top priority yet, here you are. Looking immensely through your laptop screen with the whole universe in your eyes. That was when you realized. You were willing to put Jaehyun above anything else in your life.
You and Jaehyun was undeniably spending a lot of time with each other. It surprised you that no fans or news outlet has caught you and Jaehyun strolling around the city. You enjoyed being outside, you loved the city and everything that came with it. Jaehyun knew full well not to spend so much time outside with his manager. But, he could never say no to your requests. He don’t why either. Whenever he risked getting caught just to spend time with you, the universe has given multiple chances to realize how you felt about him. Unfortunately, oblivion has spread all over your system like a poison. It was only until tonight that you finally got the taste of the antidote.
You knew the consequences, you knew the implications. He was drunk and you knew full well that there’s a chance he might not meant what he said.
“I’m in love with you as well, Jae.”
The gloomy atmosphere of the skies mimicked how you felt that day. Your eyes lingered on your phone screen, it has been that way for about 30 minutes now.
Dad: No one can know about you and Jaehyun. Not even the members.
You were doubting the relationship yourself. Was this a good decision? Jaehyun never made your relationship feel like a mistake. Yet, here you are, thinking that what if being with Jaehyun was nothing but a mistake. You never meant for your parents to find out. However, it would dumb of you to think that you could keep this from them forever, or at least until Jaehyun retires.
“I expected you to know how complicated dating is in the industry.” Your father’s voice wasn’t loud but it was chilling and stern.
“Of course, I know that-” You started.
“Then, why did I wake up this morning bombarded with the news that you and Jaehyun are dating?”
You couldn’t answer him. You knew from the start the complications of your relationship with Jaehyun. There was fear and anxiety bubbling in your heart; and beneath it all, there was a small tinge of regret. That growing seed of regret was something you decided to shrug off. You would never admit to anyone that you felt that way.
“Jaehyun is one of my most popular idol.” Your father spoke again. “If the fans repulse him, my stocks could be damaged.”
You kept your head low. “I understand.”
“I’m not asking you to break up with him.” He announced, causing to look up at him. “But if I receive a news article about the two of you, you know what to expect.”
The leaves grew heavy as the raindrops drenched them. Suddenly, a warm pair of arms snuggled you close to their person.
“I don’t want to leave you while you’re this upset.” Jaehyun whispered.
“Don’t worry about me, babe.” You said. “I’ll be fine soon.”
You heard him drop a heavy sigh. Jaehyun was struggling as well. The last thing you want to do was to bring more stress on him.
“I want to go to Paris too.” You suddenly spoke.
“It baffles me how someone from a rich family as you has never been to Paris.” He said, rubbing comforting circles on your exposed arms.
“My family doesn’t like going out of the country.”
“I wish I could take you to Paris with me.”
“No.” You sat up a little. “This is your time to have fun with your fans and the guys. I know my parents has been really stressful for the both of us.”
“I don’t care about the world as long as you’re with me, Y/N.”
You stared at him for a moment. Before you know it, your lips were entangled with his. The sweet taste of Jaehyun and the bitter reality of your family made you press into him a little harder. Jaehyun wrapped his arms tightly around you as he savored every flavor of you that he could taste right now.
Under his heavy breathing, he spoke, “Promise me something?”
“Be with me always, Y/N.” He said, with every bit of love and pleading that he could ever give. Tears were starting to burn in your eyes. You weren’t planning to spend this day with him crying.
“I promise, Jaehyun.” You responded, offering every ounce of sincerity you have in you. “Can you promise me that as well?”
“I could only show you once we get there, Y/N.” He replied. “Even if we won’t be together tomorrow, go to Paris ten years from now and see for yourself if I uphold my side of the promise.”
Many people have told you that love isn’t always pink skies and candy hearts. But, it sure as hell not sitting behind a computer screen, watching your boyfriend flirt with other idols. You sighed and close your eyes.
It’s okay, Y/N. He’s just putting up the facade that he’s single and ready to mingle. You’ve been dating him for almost two years now, get used to it.
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe he’s just dating you to secure a place in the group?” Areum said. Areum is one of your closest college friends, the only person you shared your secret with. She was trustworthy, you’re willing to testify with that. However, came with her loyal and reliable aspect was the fact that she’s so fucking straightforward. She just have the ability to sense bullshit from anyone and she’s not afraid on waking people up.
You scoff. Half you wants her to be wrong and the other believed her.
“No, he’s not.” You said. “Why would you even think that?”
“I just got the vibe.” She shrugged her shoulders. “You don’t have to fully believe what I say, Y/N.”
“Damn, if you don’t like him for me, you could have just told me directly.”
“It’s not that I don’t like him for you, Y/N.” Areum’s tone was more serious now. “I care for you. I know that people can manipulate you in every way that they can to get on your good side.”
“Stop accusing Jaehyun of such things.”
It was safe to say that you’ve gone cold to Areum after that conversation. You hated that she might be right but you’re too full of pride to even admit that. But you know Jaehyun better than Areum knows him.
You tried. You tried to forget what Areum said. But the thought still lingers inside your head and now everything that Jaehyun did made you wonder if he’s doing it to stay secured in the company. You don’t have the power that your father has but he’s dating his boss’ daughter and you have a great influence on your dad’s decisions.
“You should have called me to let me know you were working late.” You said, frustration clear in your voice. It’s already an hour before midnight and you have not heard from Jaehyun until the moment he knocked on your apartment door. Ever since you moved in two years ago, Jaehyun has been spending a lot of nights there; he unofficialy lives there. His managers would have been pissed off by now but then, again, you are their boss’ daughter.
“The comeback is almost near.” He said, replicating your frustration. “You should have known that work will be tight now.”
“You could have sent me a simple text so I don’t have to worry where you are.”
“You don’t have to worry where I am, Y/N.” His tone was grim. “Do you really expect me to send you a text while I’m busy? I could have finish so much during the time I’m texting you.”
You took a sharp and deep breath. The anger and hurt were like tornados revolving deep inside you. It was normal for couples to fight but the frustration seems to build up one fight after another. Some days, you just wanted to fight with him. You don’t know what’s the reason or excuse for your sudden urge to form an argument with Jaehyun.
“I asked you to start the kettle for me.” He said. Now, his eyebrows were furrowed in clear frustration and his lips rid of their usual sweetness. His hand holding up the cold kettle.
“I’m sorry, I must have forgotten.” You said, your voice was low but it didn’t sound weak.
“I asked you to do one little thing for me, Y/N.” The loud bang of the kettle hitting the stove made you jump. Your heart raced at the sudden noise but it didn’t diminish your anger.
“And I asked you to do one little thing for me as well.” You fight back.
“Asking me to update you all the time is not a little thing.”
“All I’m asking is for you to take maybe a minute to text me where you are!” You roared. “I’ve been worried sick about where you are!”
“You know I’m just in the building, right?” He retorted. “Why? Do you expect me to be elsewhere?”
“Are you implying that I think you’re cheating?” You said, with a small laugh.
“Why else would you be so worried about where I am when you fully know I’m working?” He kept answering you with a question and it was getting tiring.
“I never said anything about you being unfaithful.” You stated. “Why are you getting so defensive all of a sudden? Is there a reason for me to be thinking that?”
“You’re unbelievable, Y/N. Out of all the things I’ve risked for you.” Jaehyun shook his head. “You’re unbelievable and ungrateful.”
The words stung. It was like Cupid shot a salty arrow towards the wound in your chest. He think you’re ungrateful. For a moment, you blamed yourself. Maybe, I am ungrateful and unreasonable. And before you could think about what to say, you said the words you were going to regret for the rest of your life.
“You know, I think you’re only dating me to keep a place in the company.”
You had to reason to say that. It was a sudden burst of the moment and you immediately regret it. Jaehyun gave you no reason to even think that. Your insecurity and fear got in you and you were on the brink of ruining everything. How did it come to this? You were about to retract your statement when Jaehyun turned his back against you for the first time in his life.
A penthouse was definitely too much for you. You never called it a penthouse though, you’ve always called it your apartment. It was great, finally moving out of your parents’ house even if it’s literally just ten minutes away. Everywhere you look, it reminds you of Jaehyun. He helped you move in everything and helped you settle in. The first few nights when you couldn’t sleep because everything was new and overwhelming, he was there to sing you your favorite The Smiths song. He didn’t know the lyrics at first so he just hummed the tune. He was sure he was doing it out of tune but he tried for you. The penthouse was big yet it was suffocating; but Jaehyun was there. It felt safe, it felt like home. You could sleep on the streets and you would still feel at peace as long as he’s there beside you.
Jaehyun couldn’t sleep either. You hurt him but he wasn’t going to deny that he hurt you too. And that’s the last thing he wants to do to you. Why did he turn his back when he knows that you’re just tired and worried? But why did you doubt him when you know he’s only doing his job as an idol? Jaehyun’s eyes immediately landed on the peach plush toy that you gave him for no reason, and then to the Franklin Wilson vinyl record that you spent so much money on. Most of the gifts you gave him, you gave him for no reason - not on an anniversary or on his birthday. You would just randomly give him something sometimes. Above all, you gave him immense love. You could date anyone you want, someone who is of great power and wealth. Yet, you decided to love him. When he’s with you, he’s devoid of all the consequences of the world. He forgot what aching felt like to the point that he forgot that the word exists. 
But right now, it all aches.
“I said I’m sorry, Jaehyun.” Your voice was paired with the painful tears that streamed your voice.
“Come on, Y/N, stop crying.” He pleaded, his own tears falling from his eyes. You crying pained Jaehyun so much, the fact that he was the reason behind it didn’t help either. All he wanted to do right now was to hug you, console you that he’s sorry and he didn’t meant it when he said he wanted to break up.
“I want someone who would never doubt my intentions of loving them.” He said through his tears. “I thought you were that someone.”
“Is there anything I could do to change your mind?”
Jaehyun shook his head, each turn tearing your heart apart. You blamed no one but yourself. If only you didn’t say those words. You wanted to beg but your sobs were choking your words, as if it knows better than to say something in fear that you’ll fuck everything up again.
Jaehyun didn’t care about what vengeance you would do. He knows you so well and he knew you wouldn’t do that to him. But, in a way, he wanted you to do to that to him. He wanted you to tell your father to fire him, kick him out of the company. He wanted that so that he can know you can feel better after having your heart broken by him. He wanted that so that he can be assured that you can finally be at peace. Yet, he knew you very well. What bothered him the most was what you’ll do to yourself. Will you drown yourself in tears and neglect your health & well-being? Will you start flunking in university? It worried him and he hated the fact that he needed to end the greatest thing in his life to avoid hurting you in the future.
Areum was quick on her feet to rush to your apartment after hearing the news.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” She quickly said.
You only hugged her. Letting your tears and sobs fall all over again.
“I’m sorry I even said those things about him.” She said. A part of you wanted to blame her but you saw the bigger picture. You chose to let those words stick to you and ended up hurting Jaehyun. And Jaehyun has better things to do than to be kept down by a relationship. You knew he was begging to be freed without him realizing that.
The first time you saw Jaehyun was five months after your break up. Their recent comeback was a success and due to that, the company held a mini party to celebrate the boys’ hardwork. You shouldn’t have come but the pleading eyes of Doyoung and Johnny gave you no choice. They promised to keep you away from Jaehyun throughout the whole night. You doubted the plan first hand since you know Johnny and Jaehyun are drinking buddies. When there is alchohol, you best believe the two would be inseperable through the night.
Due to Mark Lee’s request, a karaoke console was present in the party. Taeil and Haechan were quick to have a duet before anyone else. They wanted to “bless the night with their voice.” You chuckled at their crazy antics. You definitely missed everyone. Ever since the break up, you focused more on your studies and in a few weeks, you’re off to graduate. The boys never failed to communicate with you through messages and video calls, but you never saw them as often as you used to do.
“Okay, everyone!” Mark screamed through the mic of the karaoke machine. “It’s my time to shine!”
You settled in a spot beside Jungwoo who offered you another cup of beer. The soft, mellow tune of the song began along with the title on the screen: “Leaves” by Ben & Ben. You heard Mark play this song in one of the lives he bugged you to watch in support. You never heard the first song and you didn’t really hear the song clearly in his live. But judging by the instrumentals, you conluded that it might be sad.
“And in the end, can you tell me if it was worth the try so I can decide,” Mark sang. His voice was heavenly but his tipsy nature made it funny.
You knew you weren’t supposed to be in this party. You already regret so many things in your life and now you’re adding this party to that list.
“Oh, you never really love someone until, you learn to forgive.”
Has Jaehyun forgiven you? The question suddenly came up as Mark sang that line. You felt like you don’t have the right to say that you’ve forgiven him. What did he do to you that would require forgiveness? Nothing. He needed to break away and that’s not a sin to anyone. You wondered if he has forgiven you - for doubting him and for making him feel like his love wasn’t enough. You wanted to punch yourself as you swallow the beer in hopes that it will kill the heartache.
Has she forgiven me? That question floats in Jaehyun’s mind even before the party. A love like yours was not something that is easy to forget. Jaehyun doesn’t think he could ever forget you or what your love felt like. It made his heels touch the sky and his fingertips reach the stars. He doesn’t know if you have forgiven him, for breaking your heart and for not giving it another try. Perhaps, he will never know the answer until the day he die.
The song has reached it’s climax. A series of “All will be alright in time” sung by Mark filled the ears of the listeners as the crowd grew silent, savoring the song. A voice inside of you asked you look at Jaehyun for the first time tonight. It’s been five months and being without him is enough punishment for you. You were going to give yourself the pleasure of looking at his face once again. He was five people away but, thankfully, you can still see him clearly. His head swayed lightly to the song before turning his head towards yours - not because your gaze burns but because he wanted to see your face again.
“Oh, you never really love someone until, you learn to forgive.”
The ending instrumentals played right after. As if living through the song, you offered him a small smile. Without thinking twice, he did the same.
That’s the answer to both of your questions.
The balcony of their dorms gave you a full view of the sleeping city. The faint sound of “Psycho” by Red Velvet crept it’s way from the dorm to the balcony. The sound became clear for a moment, an indication that someone opened the balcony door and closed it.
Jaehyun stood beside you, savoring the cold, night wind. You were both quiet.
“Can I hold you?” He suddenly asked.
You turned to him with confusion. You didn’t know why he would ask you that all of a sudden.
“Please?” He begged. “Before we admit that it’s done?”
Before you know it, your arms are wrapped around his torso for the last time.
The busy streets of the city became a lullaby to you. After graduating from college, you interned in one of the top architectural firms in the country. You gained your architecture license after two years but you never left the firm. Unlike your father, you’re not really the leader or boss type. You enjoyed working for and with others. The company felt like a small family. It was very exclusive so they don’t really have a lot of core members; to be amongst them was a privilege in itself. The senior architect, Nayeon, was busy today so she sent you to present the design you both proposed for one of your clients. You never met the client personally or even knew their names as this was your first initial meeting.
The sweet smell of croissants filled your nostrils as you entered the meeting place. The client requested to hold the meeting in a luxurious cafe just a few minutes away from your office. This client must be really rich to waste time on a meeting in a cafe like this. The wide array of the pastries brought back your childhood memories as your mother would bring you home croissants from this place before.
Along with your childhood memories, a familiar yet dear face looked up from their seat. It was no one else but Jung Jaehyun, still beautiful even after all these years.
Oh, isn’t life just really tender on me?
“Hey,” You greeted.
“Hey,” he replied.
There was awkwardness, of course. But you needed to be professional, after all it’s been eight years.
“Im Nayeon couldn’t make it today so I’m here on her behalf.” You stated. “Hope that’s okay for you?”
“Of course,” Jaehyun replied. Standing up to offer you a seat. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
You cleared your throat. You wanted to get out of there quickly so you immediately brought out the papers.
“Do you want something to drink?” He asked.
“No, thank you.” You declined with a smile.
Jaehyun felt foreign. It seems like he doesn’t know who you are anymore. Well, after all, it has been eight years. You’ve grown into someone he’s unfamiliar with.
As you present your plans, Jaehyun couldn’t help but drift in his own thoughts. He wondered about what might have been. If things didn’t end up the way that they did, where would the both of you be right now? He wanted to marry you. He would look at you every night and think to himself that this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Feelings change and so does what people think about others but he still wondered what would have been if he didn’t give up so easily.
But maybe, if the both of you held on that night, it could lead to even more damaging things. Jaehyun assured himself that he made the right decision instead of waiting for things to get worse. At least, right now, he has the ability to see you without resentment from either sides. That’s good enough for him.
“Thank you, my wife will definitely love that.” He commented.
Your heart sank at his statement. Of course, he’s married now. A beautiful creature like him would have no problems finding a partner. You didn’t know you hold hope in your heart right before it crashed down because of the sudden news. You were foolish in thinking that there could still be a chance.
“Your design is amazing, Y/N.” He said.
“Thank you,” You replied. “I’m glad that you like it.”
“I expected nothing but excellence from you. Of course, I would love it.”
You smiled at his words. Jaehyun never failed to make you feel appreciated. You’re bittersweet at the fact that another woman would feel appreciated everything, and that woman is not you. You remembered the late nights where you conclude that you would have this man for the rest of your life. All of that are a distant memory now, along with his touch and kisses.
The both of you are two different people now but you know, and Jaehyun knew, the love is still there. Maybe the romance already left, but the love and genuine care was still evergreen. And you both know that it will never die for as long as the two of you live.
There are a lot of things that you regret in your life. Most of the time, you don’t want to change the past. Even if a lot of things made you want to crash and burn, it still formed you into someone you never knew you could become. This was your first time in Paris, France. The wealth and fame you accumulated over the past years of your life as an architect gave you all the opportunities to get to this very place. However, you made no efforts in landing here. Not until it reached the ten year mark.
You still remembered the promise. But the other party is still not present and it’s almost nearing midnight. You didn’t want to regret every coming here so you decided to relax and make this all about you.
“You remembered.” A voice spoke behind you. The chattering of people that laid in picnics under the Eiffel Tower were still loud despite the time.
Jaehyun is here. He remembered.
“You remembered.” You said back. Your eyes still covered with bewilder, almost not believing that Jaehyun is in front of you, keeping his side of the promise.
“How could I forget?” Jaehyun said, almost in a whisper. “How could I forget you?”
You did nothing but smile at him, with all the love remaining in your heart - all the love that will never go away no matter how much you try.
“Do you ever wondered what could have been if things didn’t go the way that they did?” You asked, looking up at the tall, iron tower.
“All the time.” He replied.
“How’s Chaeyoung and the kids?”
“They’re very well.” He replied with a nod. “How about Eunwoo?”
“He’s doing fine too. He’s currently in Germany with his family.” You answered.
“Ah, I’m glad my wish came true.” He said.
“Yeah,” He turned his head in your direction. “My wish that you find someone who will love you better than I did.”
“You wished that?” You asked in disbelief.
“I actually didn’t wish it,” He said. “I knew that the universe made someone out there to love someone as beautiful as you.”
“Oh, stop it.” You blushed. You felt guilty that another man, specifically your ex, was making you blush.
“So, this is my proof when I promised you that I will always be here.” Jaehyun whispered.
“And me being here is my proof that I meant when I said that I want to hang out with you for as long as you want me to be.” You replied.
The night was young and alive, so is the love you have for each other. A love that, unfortunately, neither of you could ever express ever again.
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playing--koi · 5 years
Errand Boy
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader
Warning(s): SMUT (18+), language, unprotected sex, infidelity
Summary: Your father, the king, has been employing Geralt of Rivia to do many jobs for him, however most find it to be quite curious considering Geralt doesn’t typically make a habit of returning to the same employers. Perhaps he’s found another purpose besides coin?
Word Count: 3.6k
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Jaskier sat idly as he waited for Geralt to fetch him at the pub. Strumming his guitar lazily and nursing a beer was all he could bring himself to do in his state of boredom. Not many people were inhabiting the bar, so he had no one to entertain with his tales of grandeur. He could only imagine whatever task Geralt was doomed to endure in search of profit. Something about ghouls? He couldn’t even bother to remember what silly little task the king had sent Geralt chasing this time.
For the life of him, he really couldn’t figure out what was possessing his friend to keep up with the pathetic jobs this king had been demanding. Geralt was usually so picky with what he agreed to and the clientele he kept, usually very nomadic in his style. But, as usual, when he questioned Geralt, he wasn’t granted a response—but more of a grumble of warning.
His internal monologue was abruptly halted by the wooden door of the pub slamming against the wall. Speak of the devil. Geralt looked angry, in his signature countenance. His mane was tangled and knotted with leaves and dirt; his face sporting a few bruises and minor cuts, but nothing too alarming. Nothing like the aftermath of a more frightening beast. He could assume that the rest of Geralt’s body was fine as he wasn’t displaying any pain or difficulty on his trek to the bar, but he could never be sure with all of the leather that hid his skin.
Geralt sat down heavily on the barstool and tapped the counter twice, signaling for a beer. Once the barkeep slid it to the spot right in front of him, he began chugging it.
“All of this attitude because of a ghoul?” Jaskier chided. “You’ve gone soft on us, Geralt!” The white-haired man wordlessly narrowed his eyes at the jester, only lowering his beer for a moment before continuing.
But that sour face was never enough to dissuade Jaskier before. He was determined to get to the bottom of this very un-Geralt behavior.
“So, may I ask when you’re gonna be done being the king’s little errand boy?”
“I’m not an errand boy,” Geralt growled in response. “—it’s steady coin.”
“Yeah, I’m definitely not buying that,” Jaskier could see right through the bullshit that the Witcher was so expertly feeding him, “there are monsters everywhere and people who need help ridding of them everywhere. And those people have coin as well,”.
Geralt’s silence, while annoying, was slightly exciting to Jaskier, considering it meant he’d struck some sort of chord.
Jaskier sighed. “Look, Geralt—it’s not like I’m angry that we keep going back. Just curious is all. How could I be angry when it means I can continue to behold the king’s daughter—” The bard pursed his lips, no doubt imagining some sort of filthy scenario, “—now that is one fine specimen,”.
Geralt’s head whipped around so quickly at the mention of the princess, Jaskier almost thought his neck would snap. The mountain of a man nearly had his teeth bared. “Ah-ha!” He pointed victoriously at the Witcher. “That’s why you keep going back, I knew it!” Jaskier fancied himself a sleuth at the discovery.
“Shut up,” Geralt hissed out.
“Oh, relax, buddy. Your little crush is safe with me,”. He patted the other man on the back.
“Ah, yes! He returns,” the king proclaimed as Geralt and Jaskier’s presence was announced to the throne room, where a party of sorts had nearly bored you to tears. Your head immediately perked up at the mention of the duo, your once-heavy eyelids now light as a feather. You watched as the two both walked in, one’s stride certainly commanding more respect than his counterpart.
You could feel your husband’s eyes on you, suspicious as to why you were suddenly so interested, but his gaze was soon otherwise occupied by some other dame. It wasn’t like you cared if he knew of your interest. You knew of his continuous conquests and, since you were nowhere near ready to have children, you hadn’t touched each other since the marriage was consummated. It was purely a marriage of political gain and you had no problem with that. But one thing you hated was when he suddenly got possessive if he saw your eyes wander.
The band went silent, as did most other conversations in the room at the entrance of such a well-known figure—known for his bravery and abilities. Your father congratulating him on another job well done, but you barely heard any of it, too busy staring at him; hair deliciously unkempt and face sporting light signs of a struggle. His brows were furrowed as they usually were, showing his attention to what the king was saying.
You managed to come back to reality as Geralt was agreeing to sit in on the party and ‘let loose’, as your father had put it. But everything about the man in question made you wonder if it was even possible for him to relax in such a garish setting. The bard accompanying him, however, seemed not to have a problem with it at all as he was already grabbing himself a glass of wine and introducing himself to the company. Primarily the female company.
You giggled slightly at his antics as your eyes slowly trailed back to the Witcher. You found that he was being ushered up the few stairs leading to the large table that the royals were sat at. Where you were sat. Oh, this was just perfect, the ideas floating through your mind were reminiscent of a Cheshire cat.
Due to your brother being away on military duties, the chair to your left was vacant, so he was invited by your father to take that place as the ‘guest of honor who’d been a great help to the province’.
His presence to your left was like a boulder weighing on your mind. While it was exciting, it was also cruel to sit him next to you because it was much harder to watch him discreetly that way.
You nearly flinched as you felt the weight of your husband’s hand make contact with your thigh, wordlessly declaring himself to be your controller. It wasn’t an announcement to the rest of the party, however, because they couldn’t even see it due to the long tablecloth obscuring their vision. Oh no, it was an announcement to you and the object of your desires. You clenched your jaw to keep from dismissing his overbearing gesture, masked as some sort of romantic affection that you knew to be in vain. You had no problem spitting it back in his face, but you were encouraged to keep those matters private.
Just the arrival of Geralt was enough to make any man feel inferior and you couldn’t help but feel entertained that your husband was so upset by it. So, instead of moving his hand away, you decided to turn to Geralt and start a conversation while you knew your husband’s attention was on you.
As you faced him, you could see his golden eyes overtaken with confusion, brows furrowing. “Won’t you and your companion stay at the castle tonight?” You inquired. “I can imagine it’s been a long day and we have plenty of room to spare at the castle—” you turned back to look at your husband innocently “—don’t we, darling?” Your husband was clearly not thrilled with the idea, but nodded nonetheless.
You turned back to look at the Witcher yet again, waiting for a response. “I suppose the bard and I could use a place to stay,” you almost whimpered at the sound of his voice, deep and gritty and rough.
“Perfect,” you smirked, “I’ll let my father know to have two rooms prepared,”.
As the night continued and the music quickened, your husband eventually invited you to dance and you begrudgingly agreed. He held you tightly to him, leaving no room between your two bodies as he spun you around the room and soaked in the attention that was on you both. You grew very disillusioned with all of it long ago, but his bursting ego seemed to bask in it and would probably continue to until the day he died.
You could feel a pair of eyes following you specifically throughout the seemingly endless song you’d been trapped dancing to; and you hoped more than anything that they belonged to the guest of honor. But the endless spinning made it difficult to check.
Finally the song came to a halt and you were free to return to your seat, nursing your wine until the party’s glorious end.
Once everyone had retreated to their separate quarters of the castle and you were freed from the watchful glare of your husband, you were left alone with your harrowing desires and never-ending thoughts of a certain Witcher between your thighs. You tossed and turned in bed, mindlessly rubbing your thighs together in search of any form of release. While you enjoyed the large bed you slept in, it felt so much emptier in times of want.
You couldn’t take it anymore. You needed something.
Leaping from your bed, you tiptoed to the door and pulled it open, careful to work slowly and avoid any creaking. You had no idea which room Geralt was given, but you were too dazed to care, simply willing to look through all of them in search.
Your feet were freezing against the marble floors and your nipples pebbled through the fabric of your nightgown; you were too desperate to remember a robe or footwear, but you couldn’t be bothered to go back for them. If things worked out according to plan, you’d be warmed up in a jiffy.
As you arrived at the first room in question, you could hear loud sexual noises on the other side of the door that sounded suspiciously like the bard and a female companion. At least, you sincerely hoped it was the bard otherwise you’d be seeking vengeance. You were excited for him while also feeling extremely jealous that you weren’t in the same…situation.
You continued your search throughout the the interwoven hallways and corridors, your lust-filled brain proving useless in your search. Your nearly automated search continued before you gasped as you felt a hand envelope your bicep, pulling you against the wall. Your back would’ve slammed against the barrier had a strong arm not wrapped around your waist and stopped any form of collision, gently placing you so that your back was resting against the cool stone walls, goosebumps arising on your skin.
Your eyes had tightly shut upon feeling the need to brace yourself, but once your eyes opened and the culprit was revealed, you’d never felt more satiated.
The amber eyes staring back into yours held a twinge of cockiness at finding you in this position—aimlessly wandering the hallways in search of him. He caged you in, an arm circling your waist as his other hand pressed against the stone beside your head; successfully trapping you as if you’d even make an attempt to flee. His hot breath lingered across the skin of your face as you both remained silent, staring at each other. His scent was a beautiful blend of smoke, leather, and eucalyptus.
He was the first to break the silence, deep voice guiding you deeper into your trance of lust. “Couldn’t wait another few moments for me to come and find you, princess?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“I was afraid that my husband’s wordless warnings may have scared you off.” You whispered back, challenging his alleged fearlessness. “And I missed having you between my legs. It’s been too long,”.
A ghost of a smile crossed his lips. “It’s been but a few days, your highness,” he stated.
You smirked, eyes darting down to his lips then quickly returning to his own, “my statement still stands, Witcher. It’s been too long,”.
He captured your lips in an intense kiss; one of longing and passion. While he would never say it, you knew that the time spent apart was just as unbearable to him as it was to you. His signature flavor had already become familiar to your desperate mind, looking for a semblance of him in every delicacy you’d tasted since. Soon enough, the hand pressed against the wall joined the other, wrapping around your waist and pulling you impossibly closer.
One of your own hands settled on his chest while the other found its place on the back of his neck, keeping him in place as you both explored each other. His overwhelming presence of muscles and angular ridges pressed against you so wonderfully as his thick thigh found its way between your legs. You gasped for air as your mouths separated, now staring into each other’s eyes hungrily.
“So I see the prince didn’t exactly scare you off,” you teased, a glimmer of jest in your eyes.
His own squinted in response. “I was one moment away from ripping his arms from his shoulders,” without any forewarning, his hand administered a spank to your clothed buttocks, granting a hiss from you, “because this body is all mine, princess,” he whispered as his lips now made their way down your neck. He nipped, suckled, and caressed the sensitive areas of your throat with his mouth. He tried to pull noises from you, but your nerves prevented you from indulging in any vocal pleasures.
Soon enough, he grew fed up of the quiet you were both doomed to obey in the hallways, so he grasped your thighs and pulled you to wrap your legs around his waist. He began walking you through corridors, but you paid no attention to where he was headed. You trusted that he knew where your quarters were located after the many times you’d both given into a shared midnight tryst. While you should’ve probably proceeded with immense caution, you couldn’t find a care in the world as you grasped his mane in your greedy hands, whispering a simple, “please hurry,”. And hurry, he did.
You were soon deposited back onto your own luxurious sheets, his frantic movements calculated as he stripped you of your dressing gown and left your naked at the foot of your bed, your legs hanging off the edge as you stared up at his towering person. He stared down at you, worshipping your physique with his eyes; the soft edges of your body awaiting him as your chest rose and fell with each delicate breath you allowed.
He soon knelt, his face now level with yours as he held you tight against him and continued his earlier assault on your neck. Your breaths were now emitting other varied sounds: whimpers, gasps, pleas as his hand slithered up your thigh and made contact with your clit, slowly circling the bundle of nerves, your hips bucking at the unexpected stimulation. Your back arched, chasing any form of pleasure he’d give you.
His lips broke contact with the flesh of your throat, now pulling back to watch your expression of pleasure. “Yes, Princess,” he praised, “who does this beautiful cunt belong to?” He challenged. “Is it that little prince of yours?”
“No,” you desperately begged, your body chasing any sort of liberation, “It belongs to you. My body belongs to you,”.
Your eyes were clamped shut, so you were unable to see the soft grin in response to your words. “That’s right, princess, that’s what I wanted to hear,”. Before you could even tell what was happening, he flipped your body over; your stomach now pressed against the bed as his strong hands held your hips, slowly rubbing and pinching at the skin of your ass.
“Look at this pretty little ass,” he mused, softly spanking at the skin of your left cheek. You moaned as he massaged the skin he’d previously slapped, the delectable paradox of pleasure and pain overwhelming you after a long night of vexing desire.
Without any sort of warning, he spread your ass and licked a long striped from your clit to your pert little hole, deep voice groaning the entire distance. You let out an obscene moan of surprise, never having felt a lover as committed to your pleasure as Geralt. His name left your lips in praise.
“That’s right, kitten—” the warmth of his breath invaded every inch of your heat, “let me hear all your little sounds while I devour this pretty little ass,”. He’d rarely spoken to you like this and you had a sneaking suspicion that it was a reaction to seeing your husband get so possessive with you, but no matter the reason, it had you so turned on you could barely see straight. Your fists clenched around the fabric of the sheets, trying to find any outlet for the euphoria you were feeling.  
His tongue and lips made quick work of your core, slurping at the surrounding area and lightly caressing your bud. Every few movements, his tongue would reconnect with your tight ring of muscle, earning a gasp each time. He alternated between that and sucking at your bundle, finding a pattern that your body reacted best to. Your hips were grinding against the sheets mindlessly, no doubt soaking both the fabric and Geralt’s face as you rode toward your high.
The fingers on both of his hands continued to dig into the skin of you ass, pulling you closer to his mouth and dragging you to the edge with each sound of his own satisfaction that passed his lips. Without any thought, you moved one of your hands—from its place gripping the blanket— around your back to grip his hair, pulling at it as he coaxed more noises from you; just remembering that he liked a bit of roughness while he worked you over. As he felt you nearing the end, he moved both of his hands around your thighs, pressing you tight up against his face and holding you steady as you prepared to burst, the searing red feeling of orgasm washing over you. His arms holding your thighs up were the only thing keeping you from collapsing onto the bed into a heap of shaking limbs. One your ears were done ringing, you could hear the sounds of fabric hitting the ground as he no doubt rid himself of his clothes at the foot of your bed.
Quickly aware of his own release not having been met yet, you pulled yourself up on your forearms and flipped yourself over to face him. His pupils were dilated so heavily, you could almost swear that his whole iris was black, as he smirked at you with undoubtable pride. His forehead glimmered with sweat and his partial bun was disheveled, no doubt due to your pulling.
You grasped at the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss as you tasted your own juices mixed in with his musk. You pulled him forward as you crawled yourself further onto the bed, him chasing your movements and making sure your mouths didn’t part. When you could feel the pillows at the top of your bed, you motioned for him to lie back on the bed.
He stared up at your figure as you straddled his legs, his member pressed up against his belly. You gripped it with one of your hands as you sunk down, his manhood slowly entering you, the delicious stretch of his thick cock enough to overpower you as you held onto his shoulders tightly. “Fuck, princess. That’s it,”. You mewled at his approval no matter how many times you’d heard it. He sat up straighter the further you descended onto his cock, his body closing every semblance of distance.
His hands found their way to your hips, guiding your rhythm as you rode him. Golden eyes staring at you with praise and awe as he took one of your pert nipples into his mouth. His gigantic hands just kept pulling you into him, blurring the lines between where each of you started and finished, as you both indulged in this realm of pleasure together. You yanked at his hair, drawing his lips back into a searing kiss, teeth clattering and heavy breaths veiling over one another. Your hips bucked against his, both frantically chasing your bliss. Teetering over the edge together, both bodies drenched in sweat and yearning as you met the white hot feeling of completion.
Letting out the most obscene noises, your legs no longer able to hold you up as he pulled you into a laying position beside him on the bed. Both facing each other, your release slowly dwindled as you returned to your body, finding his near-glowing eyes again in the darkness.
Once you both were no longer panting, you let a small smile adorn your face, unafraid of the vulnerability after the activities you’d both shared. And, while most people might never get to see it, a small beam adorned his face as well, his arms slithering around your waist and pulling you closer.
“Let’s hope the king has at least a few more jobs for me,” he whispered into the darkness.
You giggled at his antics, gleeful that he wasn’t sick of you yet. “I’m sure he’ll find something for you to do,”.
A/N: Another Geralt fic because I couldn’t resist! I would sincerely LOVE any sort of a feedback (as I am a whore for all comments) and I hope you all like it!! Perhaps leave it a like? Maybe even a reblog? Anyways, thank you so much for reading!!!! Have a lovely day, babies!! x g
geralt tag list: @alwayshave-faith​ @fairytale07​ @whatawildone​
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Done Wondering
Jock!Tom Holland x Female!Reader
Highschool AU
@danicarosaline requested: Hi pretty!! i saw your requests are open so may i please request a jock Tom x reader! Tom is a big softy and the captain of his football team and reader is a tough ‘not taking shits from anybody’ type of person? Like Tom gets in an argument with a team mate and he’s being all nice and calm about it but reader thinks his team mate deserves a good punch in the face so she punches him and it shocks the entire team and Tom himself even though he expected it!!
Warnings: F L U F F, not sure that the football talk is 100% accurate, all I know about American football is that Tom Brady's a quarterback, their jerseys are cool and apparently I'm supposed to cheer for the Pats? (yeah, that's my dad's fault), B99 references (i fucking love that show), cursing, a bit of violence ig
Word Count: 2.3k words (why can i not write short things?)
Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes
A/N: so sorry it took so long to get this out! also, i got waaaaaay to invested in this... oopsie
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You ran across the field as people all around you celebrated with only one goal in mind: kiss your boyfriend.
You and Tom had been dating for almost seven months now, to many people's surprise. The entire school thought you'd be together for a week tops, but you surpassed all their expectations by becoming the longest standing couple in junior year (not that it was hard, high schoolers change partners like discardable gloves). 
Tom was one of Sunset High's best and brightest, loved by the teachers, captain of the football team, and the object of many's affection.
You, however, were nothing like that. You hated sports (everyone knows art's better anyway), social interactions were your personal little slice of hell, and everyone was too scared to approach you since you threatened to gut Charles after he accidentally forgot to give you back your pencil.
All in all, there was no way you two could stay together.
There was no way you could even make a friendship work, let alone a romantic relationship.
But then there was that fateful summer night...
Your mind ran at a thousand miles an hour as you rocked in the park's nest swing. The stars looming over you were the only thing keeping you from spiraling, and after an hour of watching them, the peace in your mind was crumbling.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."
You sat up on the swing and looked to your right where stood a sheepish-looking Tom.
"It's okay, I should probably leave anyway..."
"No! I mean, it's okay, you were here first I didn't mean to disturb you."
You cast your eyes down until he spoke again.
"You go to my school, right? (Y/n)? We were in the same English class in freshman year."
"Yeah, I think so... I'm surprised you remember me, we didn't have any classes together last year..."
He huffed out a laugh and leaned against the support beam, hands in his pockets.
"It's kinda hard to forget someone like you. You stood up to the teacher on the first day after he yelled at a kid and spent the next year having actual coherent debates about the books that most of the class never even read, let alone understood. You're kind of amazing."
You ducked your head once more to try to cover the blush on your cheeks, biting your lip.
He nodded and took a deep breath, then sat in front of you and pushed so the swing was rocking softly, always catching it before it hit his face.
You giggled a bit and sat criss-cross applesauce, back straight, your mother's words permanently etched into your brain.
"So, what are you doing alone in the town's most secluded park at midnight?"
"Oh, you know, questioning my life choices, freaking out because in three weeks we're going back to school while simultaneously feeling stir crazy after having nothing cool to do all summer, regretting ever being born, the usual. What about you?"
"Getting crushed by everyone's expectations, feeling constricted cause I have to set a good example for my little brothers, freaking out cause I have no idea what I want to do with my life, the usual."
A comfortable silence settled between you.
"Do our lives really suck or is it just the teenagers in us that dramatize everything?"
He huffed out a laugh.
"I don't know, tell me your story and I'll let you know."
You scooched to the side and patted the now empty spot on the too-small swing so he could lay down next to you. Looking at the stars seemed like a better idea than looking at him.
"I never really liked school, people are jerks, cafeteria food is disgusting at best, I have no friends -not that I care about that, I'm better off alone. Still, it's better than being home. When my father isn't working in his study, he's berating me about getting better grades, even though I'm a straight-A student, not that he cares enough to actually know that. My mother's usually either gossiping with her other rich friends or telling me to correct my posture, dress better, act like a lady, it's infuriating...
"My older brother, the only person in that family that I genuinely like, left for MIT today, so I guess I'm just now realizing that I'm really... alone. I'll have to suffer through my father's lectures about getting high grades and act like someone I'm not so my mother doesn't take away everything I love until I "learn to act like a respectable woman". Jake used to get them to lay off me, but now he's not here. Sometimes I wonder why they even adopted me if I'm such a bad daughter. It just sucks."
You felt his hand twitch next to yours and his eyes on your face.
"Your turn."
He took a shuddering breath before speaking.
"My parents are amazing, they really are, they only want what's best for me, but sometimes it's a little much. They constantly remind me of going to training, doing my homework, studying for tests, and even though they always say it's okay, I see the disappointment in their eyes when my grades lower even by a single point.
"My little brothers look up to me a lot, and they're always telling me how much they want to be just like me when they grow up. I know they mean it in the best possible way, but it's just that much more pressure. I just... feel the need to always be the best at everything. The best football player, the best captain, the best student, the kindest person in that school, most helpful... it's all a bit much."
This time, it was you who were looking at his profile while he gazed at the stars.
"It's okay to feel overwhelmed, Tom. It doesn't matter that they have the best intentions, they're still putting too much pressure on you and you deserve the chance to relax."
He turned towards you and for the first time that night, you realized just how close you were.
"You're not a bad daughter just because you have different interests. I, for one, think you are a strong and independent woman who doesn't need to change because of some mere peasants. You're a queen... You deserve someone that'll treat you as one."
Your breath caught in your throat as you locked eyes with him.
"Wanna make a deal?"
You nodded tentatively, though at this point you'd probably agree to murder someone as long as he kept looking at you that way.
"I'll be your friend, give you something to do whenever you need it, save you from your asshole parents and remind you of just how awesome you are every day..."
"And in return?"
"And in return, you'll say stuff like what you said before when I get too stuck in my head, save me from my so-called friends when they're being jerks, and come to every practice with me so you have something to do and I have someone to make silly faces at."
"I'm pretty sure there are a thousand girls in that school that would kill to have you make silly faces at them."
"Maybe so, but they aren't you. A lock of your hair is worth more than all of them combined."
You bit your lip and smiled.
He pecked you softly on the lips before he lost his nerve, quick and fleeting, feather-light but strong enough to leave fires in its wake. You pulled him back and gave him a slightly longer kiss before setting your head on his shoulder and going back to stargazing, now with someone to keep you company.
Three weeks later, you walked into school hand in hand and haven't let go since.
You jumped into his arms, ignoring the smell of sweat and how it would probably cling to your clothes.
"You did so good baby!"
He kissed you straight on the lips, not minding his teammate's wolf-whistles, having grown used to them already.
"I had a pretty good motivation."
"Mm-hm, my girl told me she'd bake me cookies if I won this match, and I really like her cookies."
"Sounds like you have a great girlfriend."
"The best."
You kissed him again and he smiled when he felt the fabric of his spare jersey adorning your figure.
"Yo, Holland!"
You forced apart by Teddy's call, one of the newer players. Since you went to every single practice, you knew that Teddy was being an ass lately, always wanting the glory, never passing the ball to his teammates. If it weren't for Tom's skill as captain of the team, he would've cost them most matches, including this one.
"Why didn't you pass me the ball?"
"That last play, I was free and you passed the ball to Harrison even though he almost lost it. You should have passed it to me, we almost lost because you want to make your useless bestie feel included!"
"Johnson was closing in on you, if I'd passed it to you, we would have lost for sure. Passing it to Harrison bought me the time I needed to get out of danger. It was purely strategical, you would know that if you paid attention to your teammates instead of playing all on your own. Haz is an amazing player and I don't treat him differently just because he's my best friend. I'd like you to apologize to him, please, it's not kind to insult your teammates."
You admired the fact that he managed to remain calm and collected throughout the whole conversation, looking like the embodiment of 'I'm not mad, I'm disappointed'. You, however, were not having such an easy time keeping your cool, hands firmly clenched at your side.
"The hell it was! You just feel threatened by me because you'll never be as good as me, so you never pass me the ball, it's ridiculous!"
"Okay, buddy, you need to back the hell off and close your mouth before I punch it shut."
His eyes flickered to you and he rose a brow mockingly.
"Oh, your little slut's standing up for you know? I always knew you were a chicken, guess my theory's been pro-"
You cut him off with a punch to the nose, smiling when you heard the satisfying crack of his bones and his howls of pain.
A collective 'ooh' came from the crowd, and they took a few steps back (excluding Tom of course, who was only looking at you with wide eyes).
"What the fuck?"
"I warned you, didn't I?"
You smirked evilly as Teddy was pulled away by the coach to check his injury.
"You're a bitch!"
"Baddest of them all, sweetheart. Have a fun time at the hospital!"
The whole crowd had gone silent by the time you turned back around, seemingly satisfied with your vengeance.
You tilted your head in confusion at the awestruck looks on the team's faces.
"You broke his nose!"
"With just your hand."
"Since when are you so violent?"
You were actually kind of offended at that.
"I know that I bring you guys snacks after practice, but do none of you hear when I threaten other people? It's a daily occurrence."
The rubbed their necks sheepishly.
"Well, you see..."
Haz started, seemingly measuring his words.
"You're kind of like Rosa from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. No one actually knows what you're capable of, no one thinks you'd actually kill someone, but we're also kind of too scared to test you, so we just... wonder."
"Well, when you're done wondering, go take a shower so we can go celebrate, I'm hungry."
They all scrambled away in a chorus of 'yes ma'am' before you turned back to Tom with a smile on your face.
"You didn't have to punch him, you know?"
"Yeah, but I've been wanting to for weeks now."
He huffed out a laugh and kissed your forehead.
"How're your knuckles?"
"A bit sore, but I'm pretty sure that if we put some ice it'll be good, the rings took most of the impact."
You wiggled your hand, showing off the array of rings covering your fingers in what you deemed to be an aesthetically pleasing way.
"I love you, babygirl."
You kissed him, smiling into his lips.
"I love you too. Now go, shower!"
You patted his butt and laughed at the look he threw you, standing next to the field while you waited for them to get out.
Their coach came to stand next to you and you smiled at him, having taken a liking for him. He was a good teacher and treated the team well.
"Coach Jeffords."
"What's the verdict?"
"Nurse says it's broken but we'll only know the full extent of his injuries after he gets examined at the ER. He's on his way there as we speak."
You nodded.
"You'll be pleased to know that he's been taken off the team and suspended for a week for unruly behavior. His parents aren't going to press charges since they feel it's deserved."
You smirked evilly.
"I'd advise you to watch out for Pembroke. He's starting to become a nuisance. If he keeps it up, he might be next."
He nodded, fighting back his smile even though you knew damn well he agreed.
"I'll do my best."
"And I'll do mine."
"(Y/n)! Ready to go?"
You nodded in goodbye at the coach and walked over to a freshly showered Tom, interlacing your fingers.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Request: Hi! Can i request an imagine where reader is Sirius daughter, and older than Harry and she’s like an older sister to him, She promides Sirius that she’d always protect him, as he couldn’t when he was away. Probably she gets hurt all the time by doing this, but she doesn’t care. If you want, can you make her date Fred or something, and you can add some angst, or whatever. Develop as u wish, hope u like it! Sorry if it’s not very clear! xx
A/N: Here it is @play-morezeppelin ! Thank you for your request, I hope you like it! I really enjoyed writing, I’ll admit I struggled to start it but once I got into, I couldn't really stop. I hope I’ve done your request justice - I had to have a reunion between Sirius and the reader!
Pairings: Fred Weasley x Reader (romantic), Harry Potter x Reader (platonic), Sirius Black x Reader (familial).
Warnings: swearing, angst, some violence
Word count: 3.3k
A letter from your father, that was all you had left of him. A letter asking you, begging you, to watch out for baby Harry.
For the first fourteen years of your life, you are unable to due to Harry being raised by his muggle aunt and uncle, but also being far too young. You needed to be raised yourself.
Your arrival at Hogwarts introduced you to the Weasley twins. Fred and George quickly became your best friends from the moment you were sorted into Gryffindor. You also had to be honest with yourself, this last year you had been catching yourself looking at Fred in a different light; looking at him as more than a friend. It felt natural with Fred – to go from a friendship to a relationship, as if it was always meant to be. You only hope that he felt the same way.
The arrival of Harry Potter at Hogwarts and his sorting into Gryffindor had made you miss your father more than usual. Your memories of Harry were few and far between, visiting him often as a baby but never seeing him again after the unfortunate deaths of his parents – of your godparents.
A friendship is quickly formed between you and the boy you once thought of as family. Helped along by your friendship with the Weasley twins. Your friendship group starts to blend across year groups and there isn’t a thing you would do to change it, cherishing every single friendship between the trio: Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Through his first year at Hogwarts, you had become somewhat of a rock for Harry. Someone he could come to if he wanted to speak freely about his worries or his parents. You wished you could help him; through every new bit of information he found about his parents, he ended up grieving them all over again. He would come to you when that happened; Harry felt an almost kinship with you – he couldn’t explain it, he just knew that you would understand.
If you had one complaint about Harry and his friends though, it was that they could not, for one second, keep themselves out of trouble. By the end of their first year, you had lost count on your hands of how many injuries you had gotten trying to protect them. Their second year was no different; you had no choice to forgive Harry after had apologised over and over for getting you hurt in the process.
You could only hope and pray that their third year would be different.
“Harry?” You call out over breakfast.
“Yes, (Y/N)?”
“Can you promise me one thing for this year?”
“What’s that?”
“Stay out of trouble for me and my health?”
Harry laughs, “I’m afraid I can’t make that promise. Haven’t you heard? There’s a serial killer after me now.”
You sigh at his answer; you realise that their third year was to be the same. You had heard about the escaped convict from Azkaban; your heart had dropped the minute you saw your father’s face plastered over every single wizarding publication. It was an outer body experience, to see your father again after so long.
You’re snapped out of your reveries by the Daily Prophet being slammed down in front of you.
“It’s like a family reunion for you, isn’t it (Y/N)?” A Slytherin says, snickering lightly.
You freeze; any chance of a reply lost in the tears that start to well in your eyes. An arm wraps around your shoulders, you don’t need to look to know it’s Fred.
“Bugger off, will you? You’re wasting your breath.” He says towards the student; they quickly turn and walk away.
Fred leans into you, whispers into your ear. “Don’t worry, love. There’s an extra-large Dung-bomb with their name on it.”
He frowns when you simply nod; normally, the idea of a prank or revenge gets you smiling and planning along with him.
He grabs your hand, and pulls you up to stand with him, “Come on, we’re gonna talk.”
You let Fred pull you from the Great Hall; he doesn’t let go of your hand until you’re in an empty classroom where he sits you down at a desk. He leans against the desk opposites and looks at you.
You start to rant, wiping at your eyes, feeling slightly foolish, “I just didn’t expect to see him. It sounds silly because of course – of course his face is going to be plastered on every news outlet in the wizarding world. Even the muggle Prime Minister was informed for Christ’s sake, but I didn’t actually think I would see him, or a picture of him.”
“It’s understandable that you didn’t. You haven’t seen your father in twelve years.”
You snort, “I know. He looks so different, Fred. It scared me.”
Fred takes a seat on top of your desk, wrapping an around your shoulder. He rubs his hand up and down your arm in a comforting motion. You can’t help but lean into his side. No words need to be said between the two of you; Fred doesn’t need to offer you words of comfort, simply being there for you through this is enough for you.
“Thank you for the Hall.”
“I’ll always defend you; you know that.”
You sniffle, “I do. You’re too good for me, Fred.”
“I doubt that. I’d like to think I’m perfect for you actually.”
You look at him, an eyebrow raised.
Fred swallows, “This wasn’t the time or place that I wanted to do this, but I’ve had a crush on your for about a year now and I would really like it if you would go out with me?”
A smile breaks out across your face, leaning up, you press a kiss to his cheek, “Yes, I’ll go out with you. I’ve had a crush on you for so long.”
Fred smiles at you, he also starts to blush.
Things start to deteriorate in school; Sirius Black enters the school multiple times. You almost vomited when you hear what happened to Ron – he doesn’t seem to be too shaken up by the event, but your stomach turns with guilt regardless. You start to panic over what could happen next; what will he do next? Has he been driven to insanity in Azkaban?
The comments made by fellow students get worse too. It has never been a secret who your father was, and you were never ashamed to be his daughter. You believed in his innocence and that was all you needed; you didn’t need the approval or belief of other students. It was becoming routine for you to receive two or three comments on your way to any class; it was becoming draining, but every single time after every single comment, you thought back to the aged letter from your father that is hidden away in your trunk. Fred stands by you through it all; defending you constantly. George has had to stock up on his Zonko product’s more times than he would like to admit to you.
Through all of this, your weekends have become your favourite times of the week. They are the days where you can spend the whole day with Fred and not have to worry about anything. Comments are still made, but you pay less attention to them on the weekend. Instead, focusing all of your energy into your relationship with Fred, your homework, your friends and Hogsmeade.
Your first date with Fred is at Hogsmeade; the day is spent together, dawdling from shop to shop. Grabbing some new quills at Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop and updating your Honeyduke’s sweets stash. It’s a perfect day, and only made better by the kiss Fred places on your lips before entering the school grounds. Your smile and blush last for days after that.
Time spent with Fred helps to ease the burden and the guilt you feel about what is happening. Fred reassures you multiple times and when that doesn’t work, he kisses you quiet. That works pretty well.
You had known perfectly well that Harry, Hermione and Ron would visit Hagrid with the execution of Buckbeak, the Hippogriff. From the very minute they had shown you the letter from Hagrid telling them of Buckbeak’s fate, you know that they would not let it be. It was sweet, that they wanted to be there for Hagrid, but it was not worth the trouble they would be in if they were caught.
Rushing out of the common room, you could only hope that you could catch them in time.
You don’t. Instead, you see all three running towards the Whomping Willow.
You start running towards the trio the moment you see the great, black dog that you know is your father.
From there, you start to curse whatever luck you have. It is just your luck and your choice of friends that get you into messes such as these. You make a mental note to expand your friendship group after everything passes.
Entering the passage below the Whomping Willow, your breath comes in short pants. Nerves and adrenaline are taking over your system; you know exactly who is at the end of the tunnel. You never thought a reunion would be possible, and all you wanted was for it to be in better circumstances.
You stop short of the entrance. Nerves have overtaken your adrenaline, your stomach turning at the thought of seeing your father again after twelve years of separation. Tears prick at the corner of your eyes; the newspaper clipping flashes before your eyes. Would he even recognise you after so long?
You take a deep breath to steel yourself. Then you enter the room.
Ron lies on a bed; his face crumpled in pain, Scabbers the rat flailing about in his hand.
Harry and Hermione stand together in the corner of the room; Harry’s body partly shielding Hermione. His wand is raised, he looks shocked at your entrance.
“(Y/N)!? What are you doing here?” He shouts.
“Harry, I need you to listen to me. I need you to put the wand down.”
“No! Why should I? He killed my parents, (Y/N). He is the reason I don’t have my mum and dad.”
“Harry, please. Put your wand down. I need to tell you something.”
Harry looks at you; sadness, grief and anger run rampant in his eyes. You frown at him, how many times must this boy relive the death of his parents?
“Okay. Harry, here. Have my wand.” You throw your wand at him; he catches it.
“I’m defenceless now. Will you put your wand down and let me explain to you why I’m here?”
He continues to watch you, but slowly, Harry lowers his wand. You sigh quietly in relief.
“Thank you, Harry.” You whisper. “What I’m about to say, I need you to give me the benefit of the doubt. I need you all to remember that I am only two years older than you all.”
“Why does that matter?” Hermione asks.
“Because Hermione, the man standing behind me is my father.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Ron shouts.
You close your eyes at the shouts coming from all three. You want to look at him, your father, but you aren’t ready just yet. You can feel his eyes on you though; taking in every detail from the twelve years he has been missing from your life.
“Sirius Black is my father.” You start, when their voices have quietened down. “Truthfully, I’m the product of a one-night stand. Sirius got full custody of me when he was told I existed; my mother agreed. I got two years with him, that’s all. Two years with my father before he was taken away to Azkaban.”
“He killed my parents, (Y/N)! Of course he got sent to Azkaban, he should still be there.” Harry shouts, his eyes glistening.
“Harry, no. I’m not trying to erase your pain, Harry. I’m truly not. But it wasn’t just you who lost people that night. I lost my father and my godparents. Lily and James were my godparents, just like Sirius is your godfather.
“He left me a letter, that was all he could leave me. A letter. In which he begged me to watch out for you Harry, and I am so sorry that I couldn’t for the first eleven years of your life, but I am only two years older than you. My befriending of you when you arrived at Hogwarts was genuine, but my father’s words always stayed in the back of my head. I made sure to look out for you, but you have an incredible talent for getting yourself into trouble.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I trusted you with so much.” Harry asks, the slight break in his voice the only evidence of his emotions.
“You never asked. From the minute of his escape, I was petrified of you finding out. It isn’t a secret who my father is, and I am not ashamed of him, so it was never hidden.” The panic within you is starting to rise; the very last outcome of this was losing Harry’s trust – you absolutely did not want that to happen.
Ron grimaces, “Does Fred know?”
You blush, “Yes. Your entire family knows Ron. I was raised with Bill and Charlie through the first wizarding war.”
Ron nods, seeming happy at your answer. His protectiveness of his older brother coming out; he did not want you lie to Fred – he wouldn’t stand for it.
Throwing a small smile in Ron’s direction, you prepare yourself for turning around.
For the first time since you arrived in the shack, you look at your father. His clothes are ruined, his hair reaches his elbows, and he’s far too thin. A sob breaks free of your lips, and he’s at your side in an instant. His hands on either side of your face, getting a good look at you. He hasn’t seen so much as a picture of you in twelve years; he cannot believe that you even recognise him.
“(Y/N)?” Sirius whispers.
You nod, tears falling freely now. “Hi Dad.”
He wraps you in his arms. He hasn’t held you in his arms since you were two years old and you were a delightfully chubby toddler. When he was taken away to Azkaban, you were barely taking your first steps, still needing to be held by your father. Now, you reach his shoulders easily where you wrap your arms, wanting to sob again from the feeling of his bones clearly poking through the skin. Sirius clings to you; savouring the fact that he’s holding his daughter after so long.
“You know,” Sirius starts, “You used to be smaller.”
You nod, “I know. We’ve missed a lot.”
“(Y/N)! Get away from him. He’s still a murderer.” Harry shouts.
“He isn’t. He never was.”
“He isn’t innocent; he sold out my parents to Lord Voldemort.” Both Hermione and Ron wince at the use of the Dark Lord’s name.
“No, he didn’t.” You state, gritting your teeth.
“Then who did?” Harry demands; all he wants are answers, and he is more than entitled to them.
“Peter Pettigrew.” A voice says; one that neither yours nor Sirius’.
Remus Lupin enters the room. After that, even more explanations are given, and secrets revealed. You knew that in the morning, you would have one hell of a headache from all the information you had to process. Your heart went out to Harry, who in the span of a few weeks has had his entire family history almost rewritten. The trust between you had been damaged, and it would take a lot of time to fix.
If possible, the night gets worse. As the group lead Pettigrew and unconscious Snape (who dramatically interrupted) back to the castle, the full moon rises. Taking one single look at Lupin, you know that he hasn’t taken his Wolfsbane Potion and he’s about to transform. All hell breaks loose from that very moment – Sirius transforms, Snape resurrects, and Harry has to follow. He has to follow. You barely get close to him before Snape pulls you back, berating you for being so stupid. You have to repress the urge to scream at him; you fight each step of the way back to castle, only calming when you realise that Ron is seriously hurt and for Fred’s sanity, you help him to the hospital wing.
Once he’s settled and getting treatment, you take a seat on one of the spare beds. The thing you want to do most is go and find your father, but you can’t move. Instead, you start to cry silently. Letting the tears you’ve hidden for twelve years finally start to flow. After what seems likes hours, from sheer exhaustion, you pass out on the bed.
You awake in the hospital wing with Fred comes bursting in, disturbing the peace.
“Thank God, you’re okay.” He breathes. His arms wrap around you tightly, pressing you to him.
“I am.” You say, rubbing a hand up and down his back, “I’m okay.”
Fred pulls away, he looks as if he wants to run his hands all over you, to check for himself that you are truly okay with no major injuries. Fred had never known panic like it, when Professor McGonagall pulled him to one side in the common room to tell him that you were currently lying in the hospital wing. Everything was white noise after that, leaving as fast as he could so he could get to you.
You grab his hands, hold them in both of yours, rubbing calming circles into them. “I’ve got nothing other than a few scratches; go check on your brother, Fred.”
Fred frowns, he doesn’t want to leave you – not for one second. Instead, he shouts to other bed, “Ron! Are you okay?”
Ron replies, “I’ll be fine, mum and dad are already on their way.”
Fred grins at you, “I’ve checked on him. Can I stay with you now?”
You nod, opening your arms for him. The only thing you wanted at this moment in time was Fred’s arms around you. He obliges happily; his arms are wrapped around you and you feel as if you can finally breathe, as if you are finally back on earth after the most dramatic evening on your entire life. His hands rub up and down your back and you hum happily.
“Will you tell me what happened tonight?”
“I’m sure the whole school knows by now.”
“I just want to hear it from you; to know that you weren’t in real danger.”
You sigh, “I will. Just not tonight, I need tonight to process please.”
He nods, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “Take all the time you need.”
Looking at other beds, you can see Harry and Hermione laid out in separate beds. Fear starts to flow through your body.
“Fred, what happened to Sirius?”
“He’s been caught. The teachers are keeping him hidden in one of their rooms.”
Tears start to form in your eyes; you don’t even know; you were certain that you had cried yourself out last night. “Oh god, no. I just got him back. I just got my father back and they’re going to take him away again.”
Fred shushes you, not to stop you talking but because Harry and Hermione have awoken, and Dumbledore has entered the hospital wing. They shout for a few minutes before Dumbledore talks to them quietly. Hermione pulls a long necklace out of her shirt and you swiftly realise that she is in possession of a Time Turner; and all at once, it hits you what they’re going to do.
Harry catches your eyes for a second, nods, and then he’s gone. And all you can do is wait.
They’re going to rescue an innocent man. They’re going to rescue your father.
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