#wasn't expecting this brainrot when i first watched it but here we are :))))
thiscoldheart · 4 months
some details that i loved in la chimera (spoiler heavy) :
i posted this on twitter as well but i wanted to include it here too. i love this little moment here where italia rests her head on arthur's shoulder and for a brief moment, he's anchored to the present by that touch, but him being the orpheus that he is, just HAD to turn back and find himself gravitating towards the tombs, the past and his eurydice.
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the fact that italia's name is literally italy in italian and by the end of the movie she creates a community of her own where she's looking out for those that are outcasted by society, in an abandoned train station named riparbella which literally means "to start again".
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arthur's eye always being blocked by shadow throughout the movie until he sees the light at the very end
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according to wiki, the goddess the statue is based on is cybele, goddess of nature, animals, wild places and represents the "creative and destructive force of nature." her phrygian name matar (mother) alludes to the fact that she was a "mediator between the boundaries of the known and unknown, the civilized and the wild, the worlds of the living and the dead." i love that this goddess' presence in the movie symbolizes arthur traversing between the living and the dead worlds and getting closer to beniamina. i love that by the end of the movie, the statue itself becomes unknown to human eyes and returns to the wild, far away from civilization, which is arguably the same fate that arthur meets as he dies.
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the red string that's following arthur around is very reminiscent of the red string ariadne gives theseus to find his way through the maze. it's beautiful how this red string seems to appear only in his dreams at first but slowly starts crossing the boundaries of dreams and reality as the movie goes on until he is able to tug at it by the end and cross over into beniamina's world.
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arthur, at the beginning of the movie, says "so it's you. my last woman's face." how cool is it that beniamina's face resembles cybele's?
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arthur goes back to flora's house after being injured and her daughter finds him in the bathroom. spooked, she says "i thought it was a ghost" which arthur might as well be considering how he's essentially been a walking corpse this entire movie.
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also a special shout out from the bottom of my heart to the sped up sequences, didn't even realize how badly i needed them until i saw them. the chaos in these sequences is everything to me. this is REAL cinema!
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in general, one of the themes that i've come to love about this movie is how objects can have different meanings to everyone. an object like the bell arthur found was just "a thing that rings" whereas italia interprets it as a gift until she comes to realize it's been excavated from a grave. the statue was part of a shrine back when it was made, but to the tombaroli and the sellers, this is only a means to make more money. the train station started off as a place that symbolizes movement of people from the city to the countryside but has now become a home for the outcasts of society. the apotropaic phallus would've have warded off evil and bad luck back in the day, but is now used as a means of escape from the law. a simple red string is the literal lifeline for arthur as he tries to find his way back to his lover.
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also want to give another shout out to the inclusion of the italian troubadours (our greek chorus) who beautifully spell out the tragedy of our protagonist and his gang.
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speaking of music, i really liked this particular song italia was singing as she was practicing. the lyrics go "i'd like to explain to you, o god/ where my suffering lies/ but fate condemns me to weep/ to weep" and that's exactly when arthur finds her crying son. at least italia finds a way for her suffering to end by the end of the movie. maybe we can say the same about arthur too?
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i'll probably add more as i keep rewatching the movie lol and make a thread of this on twitter too (x) thanks for sticking around and let me know what other cool details y'all noticed!
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flowering-thought · 12 days
Part 2? Fuck I've been thinking about them too much again so here I am ;-;
Supossed to be writing something else but this AU has me held by my nonexistent balls-
Brainrot gods please spare me I am nothing but a simple creature who doesn't get enough sleep
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, obsessive behavior
COD Psych Ward Unit × Reader
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When you were first transferring shifts from night to day, you only had a weekend to adjust your schedule.
You had told the boys about it previously so they were very eager to actually get to see you in the light of day instead of the cold lights of the hospital at night.
What they weren't expecting was your disheveled form and the annoying laugh of the front desk person who witnessed your poor state early in the morning at breakfast.
Price was pretty sure the scrubs you were wearing were inside out and Ghost could tell from where he was sitting that you definitely had eyebags.
Soap noticed that the usually organized tote bag you brought to work was stuffed a bit more than usual and he could tell you were not very happy.
Gaz had assumed the change would be tough on you but not this tough. The sight of you was enough to make his heart clench and the need to hold you in his arms worsened.
They really hadn't expected you to be this tired. The moment you made it past the desk they saw your shoulders droop and your eyes close for a moment, likely getting your bearings before the annoying form of the one and only Philip Graves stepped in front of you, getting in the way of their view.
"Well, what do we have here? Some poor darlin' made their way to the wrong unit?" the Texan teased, a shit-eating grin tugged at his lips.
What he didn't expect was your eyes to open and softly glare at him, a wry smile appearing on your features as you raised your brow at him, "And I wasn't expecting a warm welcome from a cowboy wannabee? Go eat breakfast, cowboy. I gotta get ready for my shift." You fired at him and watched as he put his hands up and backed away, a genuine grin on his features.
You rolled your eyes and moved down the hall, using your badge to access the breakroom and put your stuff away. While you got ready in the breakroom, trying to make yourself look more presentable and put together before your shift officially started, a commotion was happening in the common area with Ghost tugging graved by the neck of his shirt.
"Keep your disgusting paws off Graves. The last thing they need is some bastard like you interrupting their day." He growled, his fist tight as Soap and Gaz stood just in case they needed to support their lieutenant.
Graves just gave them the biggest shit-eating grin, his hands still up as though surrendering, "I'm not sure what you mean boys? Just givin' my greetings to the miss?" he teased.
Ghost stared him down until he decided to let go, Graves shirt wrinkled and scrunched up from how tight his grip was. Unfortunately, having 141 show interest in you made multiple others notice and observe you. And to Graves? He was curious about you from the moment you stepped into the ward on your day shift with those sleepy eyes that made him think about holding you close under the sheets. What can he say? He's a sucker for pretty things like you.
The moment you stepped back into the hall, the first thing you did was check the schedule, seeing if anyone had any meetings with the doctors or group therapy which was usually every day in wards like these. Much to your surprise there was nothing. You even checked the chart and notes from doctors but it was practically just telling you to let them sit in the common area through the day and lock them up at night.
You hummed to yourself, looking from the schedule to the assortment of men scattered around the tables where shitty games were played and they all clearly looked bored.
You had never worked in a ward as lacking as this one. It's like they were just kept here under high security for the fuck of it. You huffed before checking the rules for nurses and the activities they were allowed to do with the patients. And as you expected you were allowed free reign.
You couldn't help but shake your head in disappointment. Well if you were going to get paid well then you're at least gonna make the patients happy even if you have to force them to participate in activities.
So there you were, standing at the windows where all the tables could see you with an Uno deck in your hands, "Hello! Nice to meet you all I'm coming from the night shift so you'll see me more often!" You greeted, multiple heads and chairs turning to face you.
You hated the shift in attention but kept a smile on your lips and tried to ignore the invasive stares. "I'm nurse (L/n). And the schedule here looks a little lackluster, so I thought maybe a friendly game of Uno?" You offered.
The boys all sat at one table and just couldn't help the little flutter in their chest at your sudden proclamation. Graves sat at a table with Konig and Horangi. Konig, with his constant leg shaking and Horangi, just played with a deck of cards in his hands. Nikolai, who was still eating, sat at a table on his own but put the plate down at the sudden mention of an "activity".
You felt very awkward with all the stares but kept up the smile on your face as you brought a couple extra chairs to an empty table, "If anyone wants to participate, just come sit over here.".
Soap was quick in his decision, immediately choosing a chair next to you and Gaz tried to be fast but sadly Graves beat him to it. Gaz tried to grab Graves by the back of his shirt like Ghost had but watched your brow lift at the sight of his agitation.
With a huff, Gaz sat next to Soap, clearly ticked off, and glared at Graves, who had the same grin as always. Horangi, who you had yet to officially talk to sat down at the table.
Nikolai joined after putting his plate away while the rest who didn't want to participate brought over chairs so they could watch.
You smiled happily as you opened the uno cards and started shuffling, you weren't the best but you tried anyway and then gave everyone their cards.
Horangi lifted his hand, his eyes shielded by his sunglasses so you couldn't tell if he was looking at you or the cards in his hands, "How exactly do you play this?" He asked, his fingers holding onto the cards and fiddling with them curiously.
You looked around as the rest also didn't seem to know how to play the very colorful game of Uno. You laughed as you explained, the sight of grown men not knowing how to play uno somehow very amusing.
After explaining the basics and the rules, Gaz was the first one to get a double plus four by Graves, with an argument breaking out between them about how it's unfair.
Graves ended up calling Gaz a sore loser which made you stop him, "Nope, no name calling Mr. Graves. Play nice or I'll make you quit the game now." You warned, watching as his brows lifted in surprise. Gaz gave him a triumphant smirk and settled back into playing despite the massive amount of cards now held in his hands.
It went on like that for a bit, with the first person to get Uno being Nikolai, who proudly and very loudly claimed victory. "I win so I'll be getting a reward yeah?" He asked, his eyes pointing straight to you.
You just smiled and nodded your head, "Mhm, I brought extra snacks for the dayshift so I'll share them with you.".
The next person to win Uno was surprisingly Soap who had been very secretive about the cards he had and tried his best not to get angry when the color changed to something he didn't need.
Unfortunately, Horangi had the most cards in his hands. The ever-growing pile in his hands looked so bad you wanted to offer to take some off his hands but part of you also wanted to win.
It went on like that till lunch, with you getting uno, then Graves, and lastly with Gaz. The only one who didn't was the last player Horangi who had what you figured had to be the record holder of cards at 36.
You had fairly given out the snacks you promised, with Nikolai getting extra for being the first Uno winner. But you did sneak Horangi some candy you kept in your pocket with a small smile and your index finger to your lips.
And the day went fast with you proposing activities and checking over charts and rules. Honestly part of you didn't understand why these men were here.
From what you had seen all had been a part of the military and all had the problems that came with it. Ptsd, Cptsd, paranoia, insomnia, things that weren't exactly too bad and could likely be treated outpatient with how well the men acted.
You've seen many kinds of people in psych wards, and these men were the kind that would maybe need a month at most, not long-term stays.
While you wondered about it at your little desk you saw the head nurse approaching, a grumpy-looking woman who always had her hair held back in a tight bun that you imagined definitely hurt her scalp.
She looked to be in a bad mood as normally she didn't approach any of the nurses during their shifts and especially not in front of patients.
"What are you doing?" Came the shrill voice you had yet to get used to.
You flinch, your eyes darting between your desk, the head nurse, and the men who all sat eating dinner as it was now later in the day.
You looked a little confused, your hands coming down to sit in your lap, your fingers fiddled with each other before you replied, "Checking charts ma'am? Also checking schedules so I can plan activities." You claimed, your tone coming off ever more confused as if to ask why she was questioning you.
Her eyes glared at you as her hand raised to her hip, "Goodness I know you've been here for maybe what? A month or two? But you don't have to try so hard. This is a very lax ward for nurses you don't have to entertain the patients or even talk to them. Just give them medication and send them on their way." She stated, as though it was the most natural thing.
You wanted to protest but before you could she slammed her hand down on your desk and got close to your face, "Just listen hm? They don't need any special attention. They don't need kind treatment and they definitely don't need to be rewarded. Yes, I can't punish you for doing so but I can make things more difficult if I have to." She warned.
Price hated it, the way your body curled in on itself, how your eyes widened at the woman in front of you. All of the boys practically had to fist their knees to stop themselves from getting up.
Graves was silent but inside he was fuming. It was your first day shift and you're getting scolded by the head nurse for being a good nurse? What kind of damn logic is that?
Konig was getting anxious just watching, his leg bouncing aggressively enough to shake the table he sat hunched over. Horangi would have tried to help him out, but his hand ghosted over the candy in his pocket to prevent himself from yelling at this crazy woman who called herself the head nurse. He always hated when foolish women yell at innocent people like you.
Nik had to look away at some point, his hand gripping the table so tight you'd imagine his veins would pop if he gripped it any tighter.
After the woman thought she had thoroughly warned you, she told you to get off your shift and head home. "What? I don't even have to sign out for thirty minutes!" You protested, standing up to face her better.
You were beginning to get upset at her actions. She had never been this tight on you during the night shift, so why was she like this now?
"Just be glad you're getting off early hm? Have a good night (L/n)." She said.
You looked at her before walking off, heading to the breakroom to grab your things from your locker. You silently fumed as you signed out at the front desk, the women who knew you at the front desk gave you a look of sympathy as you walked off and out of the building.
When you got in your car you had the urge to scream but you just turned your key in and blasted music, your grip on the steering wheel tight.
On your way home you stopped by multiple places, the store to get a month's worth of snacks and the crafts store to get stickers and other things. Among them, you saw a couple of fidget toys. Squishy things and others with all sorts of switches and flips.
You contemplated before grabbing a couple, remembering the chart.
While at the crafts store you also bought some games, simple things that would be safe to bring into the unit and enough to piss off the head nurse, "Don't need kind treatment my ass... fucking bitch.." You grumbled, opening up the door to your apartment and plopping down.
"If I'm gonna be the only nurse to do my job then I'm doing a damn good one." You confirmed out loud, talking to no one but yourself as you clutched the blankets closer before falling asleep.
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rotdistressxox · 5 months
im currently brainrotting over agito as you can see..can you write how you think he would meet reader and how their relationship would develop into romance with him? like actually i sat at work for like 15 minutes trying to think how but i actually cannot cook anything up.
(Also I'm seeing the ghost stuff and I'm interested...gonna have to do research for dis one☝️)
sorry if i keep sending you silly asks😞
—🪡 anon
JOIN US WE HAVE SEXY POPES WHO DOUBLE AS FRONTMEN AND FREAKY GHOULS. Listen to them, I highly recommend listening to the meliora and prequelle album before delving any deeper. Watch some YouTube videos abt the lore. PLUS THEY HAVE LITTLE EPISODES <3
Time for some more Cakemaster 9000
Phew, this took a while
Kanoh Agito: How does he fall for you?
• Like what I mentioned in one of the headcanons, you work for Katahara. While Agito doesn't directly work for him apart from beint his representative fighter, he's technically his family AND The Fang.
• However, you two hardly see eachother when on the job. BUT-
• You two visit the same coffee shop. He loves his morning Latte, and you love (insert your favorite Cafe drink here)
• When you first started working, you were surprised to see the Kanoh Agito at a small coffee shop.
• He usually greets and addresses you formally, not interested in any small talk.
• "Sheesh, what a stick in the mud" It's not that he was trying to be rude, but he did come off a little condescending when he greeted you. (He has tone issues)
• One day you woke up late and didn't have time to stop and get your usual.
• He notices your absence. "They can't be sick, they showed no signs of it two days ago"
• Long story short, he picks up your order and goes looking for you. Once he finds you, he stiffly hands it to you. "You were late I presume. I picked this up for you"
• Everyone in the room was shocked. The cold hearted Fang buying someone a drink? You smiled warmly and looked into his eyes "Thank you, this was very kind of you"
• His breathing hitched, and he felt speechless. Was he....flustered? "Don't let it happen again, you work for the Chairman afterall"
• You obviously didn't let it happen again....buuuttt it was super sweet how he seemed to care about you enough to get you something.
• To return the favor, you arrived earlier and got him his Latte. Listen, he was speechless before, now he was in shock. He didn't show it though. In his lifetime no one had ever bought him anything or returned a favor. There was a first time for everything.
• You saw through his attempt to hide the baffled expression on his face. It was kinda- cute.
• "Why have you done this?" "Why not? I'm just repaying you" "I-" "Shush, just take the drink, it's burning my hand"
• He has to get there before you now to ensure that he sees you. He's a bit friendlier with the greetings, too. Don't expect a smile though, just a softer glance in your direction.
• When he was around you, he didn't feel like he needed to be The Fang of Metsudo. You didn't hold him to any higher standard when you chatted, you didn't bother holding back a few curses. He felt as if his soul was on Earth instead of hanging in the balance.
• On one of your off days, the two of you get coffee and sit down for once. Finally having a slower paced discussion. It lasted a few hours, you did most of the talking while he had a response to almost anything. There was a lot he didn't know about pop culture.
• Coffee dates became your thing, even though it wasn't technically a date. More like two friends hanging out. Discussions got into deeper topics like pasts and whatnot.
• Agito decided that he could trust you, so he opened up about the Human Gu Ritual. He didn't know what trauma was, so you explained to him that his feelings and memories about that time in his life would be very traumatic.
• "I'm glad you could tell me that, but are you okay? If I had something like that on my chest I'd cry" "I'm quite alright, I'm not fazed in the slightest but I had no idea the caliber of the topic. I hope I didn't ruin the conversation"
• You tapped your cheek and sighed. "Have you ever been hugged before?" Agito thought for a second. The embracing gesture? The only physical contact he's hand was a pat on the shoulder or when he's fighting.
• "No, I don't think I have" "Well today's your lucky day, bring it in"
• He froze as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him into you. His heartbeat raced as he thought of what to do. "Just tell me if you don't like it" you squeezed him gently. He awkwardly put his hand behind your back and rested it there.
• You let go after a few seconds, but he didn't want you to. "How was it?" You smiled.
• "I'm not sure" He smoothed out his suit, trying to relax himself after what just happened.
• A few days passed and you haven't seen him anywhere. He wasn't at work or at the coffee shop. You start to worry. Did you drive him away? Was the hug too much? Oh god was he dead?
• All the while Agito was keeping an eye on you from afar. Not letting you see him, but he could see you. He felt very fragile after that day, he almost felt ashamed. He wasn't good at managing his emotions. And what happened moved him in a way that frightened him.
• He summons the courage to talk to Katahara Metsudo about how he felt. He was the only parental figure he had in a sense.
• "You are a grown man. Is this really a difficult concept to grasp?" Katahara looked out the window of his office. "I'm inexperienced, these feelings are foreign to me"
• 'He's not referring to himself as we and us anymore, this must be serious' Katahara turned around. "To put it simply" he laughed "Tell (Reader) everything you told me"
• "I have a strong regard for you" Agito came clean. You know how I said there was a first time for everything? Well he had a hint of red on his cheeks. This beast of a man, blushing? Utterly adorable
• "So you're saying you love me?" That's the word. Love. He nodded. "Well. Say it then. There's nothing holding you back"
• He pauses for a moment, he's not exactly fond of eye contact. But this was for (Reader)
• "I love you"
• You wrap your arms around his waist again. "That's all I needed to hear"
• His lips curled into a smile as he looked down at you. You parted from the hug and tilted your head to the side. "Wanna go out to a restaurant sometime?"
• "Are you asking me out on...what is it that they call it...a date?" "Yes" you stated bluntly. Beating around the bush or teasing wouldn't get far in this situation.
• "We can talk about plans later, I have important matters to attend to" he look your hand and grazed his lips on you knuckles. Planting a small kiss on it.
• "Now where did you learn that?" "It's a romantic gesture they do on television" you bite your lip from calling him a dork.
• "I'll meet with you later about this date. Until we see eachother again" He leaves, and you're alone again.
• Man, you're already falling for him. It's not like you'd hate dating him. But you didn't want to be head over heels just yet. You looked at your knuckles and sighed "Ah what the hell, being love isn't that bad"
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number1aaronhater · 2 months
Zane headcanons because I love him Lets start with family
-Despite never meeting his father's standerds he looked up to him until he came out.. *Garte only let Zane even tranisiton because having another son looked better for the company.
-During childhood Zane was a tomboy, the only "Girly" thing he had was long hair. *He realised he was trans at age 12 and started socialy transistioning
-Garroth was Zane's biggest supporter. Defending him from bullies and trying his hardest to support his little brother.
-Zianna was probably the first to pick up on her son being trans before he even fully came out to her *Zane was bad at hiding the fact he's trans.
-Vylad was 10 and didn't fully understand why Zane was now a boy but he only cared that he wasn't going to have to get the stupid girl hand me downs he got from Zane *Zane and Vylad probably got along the most as teens for their shared gender queerness.
-Garte was the harsher on Zane, he had high expectations for garroth and had even higher expectations for Zane. *Garte thought if Zane wants to be a boy he's going to have to work for it.
*Yes Garte sucks ass but what do you expect.
Moving on from family we have school. This section includes PDH and FCU.
-Durning middle school Zane was bullied by the guys for liking childish games, and the girls didn't want to be his friend because he "left girlhood"
-By highschool Zane was an outcast, and a loner
-Zane never really made friends spending his time in school working or playing games on free periods.
-Zane spent his freshman year at O'khasis Prep and only changed schools due to a mandertory sport ellective and to the fact that he would be living on campus. *Zane was apart of the Jury of Nine on the campus and was feared
-When he transfered to PDH he already had a reputation of being cruel from his time at OKP and people rarely spoke to him.
-He often ignored people and/or threatened them when people bothered him.
-He graduated a year early and took a gap year to work on his art profolio.
-Despite ignoring Travis durning school, Zane made an effort to go to each and every one of the boys plays.
-Zane went to FCU and took most of his classes online.
-Zane majored in art and had overlaping classes with Travis and Aphmau.
-Zane slowly got closer to the pair, and Travis was especially clingly since after Zane gradutated he stopped keeping in contact as much.
-Zane made a modeling account after finding out Travis had one and posted parody posts mocking Travis. *Travis was extremly embarresed when Aph showed him the posts.
-This plan did backfire because people ended up really liking Zane's posts
*People didn't know it was Zane due to the fact he had his mask off and was wearing more form fitting clothes. *Zane got even more popular when he wore his binder and shorts and showed off his vitiligo.
-Zane did a photoshoot with Travis when Aphmau begged him too, and the photoshoot was featured on Aphmau's vlog causing everyone at FCU to who watched the vlog now know that Zane did modeling.
-Zane stopped posted because of how much he blew up and stopped going to inperson classes due to the amount of people trying to talk to him. okay i've been writing for a bit to long so i'll stop here, I do have way more headcanons.
Quick edit, I saw a post on hear and it feed my brainrot
-Okay so the post was abou religous veils and it briefly mentioned that their still used in MyS and it fueled something.
-Zane was apart of the Jury of Nine and as the high priest I imagine he wears veils daily. *Zane wears veils for different ocasions, and his mask often matches his veil.
-PDH not being a religous school, Zane was told first day to take it off as full face masks are reserved for high standing priests. *Zane got to wear his full face veil because due to being the high priest at OKP he was fully ordained.
-Zane to freak students out will say random things in Latin.
That's it for my update.
Edit #2
Okay so quick edit because my brain can't stop.
What if Zane went to OKP all of high school, his first ever interaction being the forced family hangout with the Ro'meaves and Aphmau's family.
The interaction went something like this
As mom left with Zianna I was left awkwardly staring at the three brothers infront of me. I could feel my arm burning as I scratched and picked at my arm. Garroth all smiles and shyness just gave me a small awkward smile. Vylad gave me a weak shrug and the last boy I hadn't seen before. He was wearing a flower of the matron necklace and was playing with it in his hand. He wore a mask, and a full face veil which confused me more. Only high-priests wore full face veils. The boy looked up from his necklace and glared at me his black eyes boring into mine.
Please excuse any grammar mistakes, it's literally 12 AM sooooo... Hope you enjoy.
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eldaryasharbinger · 4 months
MCL New Gen Ep 4 Review
I played the episode on early access so now it's review time! Like last time, I'll give a more generic and spoiler free opinion and leave all the spoilers below the cut!
First thing I want to say is that this might be my favorite episode so far, I've gasped in surprise A LOT while playing it, due to all the information we get to know about all the other characters, like there's a lot to unpack from this episode... I can't wait to hear what others will think of it when it's avaible to everyone!
The episode costed me exactly 1716 APs, uncle Archibald included! (I also finally found him and got the right answer! I forgot to look for him in ep 2 and 3 and missed taki's costumes :( )
So far I've only seen Jason's, Amanda's and Devon's illustrations so I'm really curious about the others. Amanda's is very very pretty and the special scene was soo good,, Devon's is pretty cute as well, I liked the idea and I wonder what the interaction was like!
Jason's kind of let me down, I didn't have much expectations and I'm not saying that it's bad, I just wish it was a little bit... more? Still the special scene was so good it fit the way I see Petronilla's personality/way of thinking if that makes sense?? Also I really enjoyed the story so me being low-key disappointed by illu is probably a me-only problem because it was perfect for the context
I'd say more but idk what others might consider spoilers or not so I'm playing safe and leaving all the other details below the cut, spoilers ahead! From the future: It's super long I really had so much to say, so if you're stopping here, remember to come back after playing the episode!
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OKAY BUT THE GASP I GASPED WHEN I SAW LYNN?? Absolutely loved seeing her animated, or yk, seeing her in general! I wasn't really expecting it but I loved the surprise!
Also lmao not Thomas just telling Lynn that he loved her as a kid I WAS SHOCKED but simply because the possibility never crossed my mind... Consider my flabbers, gasted...
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Like when I said we'd be learning a LOT about the others, I MEANT IT!! I didn't know how we'd even end up in the situation to talk about love and relationship with our coworkers in the first place (which was the premise of the episode) but it basically started after Thomas randomly revealed he loved Lynn as a kid, Elenda teasing him and him revealing (kind of) that she had a childhood crush on someone as well which is, well, DEVON!! It was so much because at that point anything could've happened... I was already so surprised and impressed by what was going on... BUT THEN !!
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I love how everyone was going crazy about Roy and Brune being in a relationship when these two have been together for two weeks, never kissed, slept together or anything
And we just have to watch these two having a the realization and simply breaking up like it was nothing...
To be honest I didn't even find it strange or weird although the other characters were kind of annoying about it, and that just because they were so chill with it?? Like, not every break up has to be screams and tears idk, maybe I didn't find it strange because I've only had good breakups? (lots of heartbreaks from relationships that never even started too ofc) Like, once two people both agree that the love is gone/was never there or anything like that I think it's only normal for it to go ok? idk I found it very icky how literally no other character said anything like this, they were all shocked because of the lack of drama? Honestly, Brune is a queen for saying "go watch a soap opera if you want drama" lmao, I love her (unpopular opinion?)
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Yeah you guessed it, I gasped AGAIN when Jason arrived at the café!
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AND I GASPED AGAIN WHEN THOMAS SAID THIS??????? HELLOOOOOOO??????? LMAO IDEK WHAT TO SAY I'm on cloud nine y'all with how the story with Jason is going, I'm THRIVING, my brain is getting back into brainrot, like everything I could've wanted, like this kind of silly fanfic trope, I'm loving it
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Okay Brune, ouch, but I still love you, you can call me anything lol
AND ELENDAAA!! SAME AS THOMAS !!! Yes keep saying these things as if we're teenagers/pos it's so so funny to me it gets me giggling and kicking my feet,, Like oooo he has a crush on you hehehehe hohohoho,, yeah I think it's the worms writing rn, they got control of my brain ;w;,
Okay so next, after we all saw Jason, we stayed on theme and Thomas started talking about how he follows him on insta in secret and how he's seen him with A LOT of women but never twice with the same one... then...
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I kind of felt bad for him because seriously, they not only started talking about his private life, they were also saying bad things about him and were so judgemental, and I get not liking the guy but at the same time it felt uncalled? all he did was go to cozy bear cafe at the same time as us and he didn't even approach us,, come on y'all no one taught you how to behave?? There's this saying that basically says "don't speak about those who are not here to listen" or something like that and I believe in that, if I'm with people who start doing this I either stay shut or remind them that they're being mean, they're supposed to be adults but some of them really think in a rather "twisted" way, like Thomas for instance, he said that since Jason uploaded those pictures himself, it was public (therefore they were allowed to talk sh*t) and man... that's such a scary way to think (I'm not calling him a creep, I get why he might htink that way), I've already stated before that I'm very paranoid and knowing that some people actually think this way (with evil intentions) is the reason why I feel so scared to post anything online, I want my life to remain private,, (these are just my experience with the situation, I'm not trying to make it sound like a big deal it just made me uncomfortable because of my personal beliefs)
Imagine "poor" Jason going for a coffee and then finding your rivals gossiping about your love life etc, and honestly the fact that I like Jason so much isn't even important because I swear I would've felt compassion for him even if I hated him with all my guts... BTW I'm not complaining about the writing, the story was very intresting and I wouldnt've wanted for it to go any diffrent!! "But Kaf! How can you say you liked it if it made you uncomfortable?" you see, I'm a weirdo and got questionable taste, I love me a pityful, loser and not really evil character, this is only making me root for Jason more, as well as making me want to put him in my mouth (means nothing I say this about all things I like so much that I just feel like I have to eat them,,)
Now get ready because next up we have the answer to Candy's question "why do we hate Jason?"
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They werent even friends to begin with, Jason was just this random guy who worked there, probably done with his job he saw Devon's file and decided to Plagiarise and try to get a chance at a better job, got caught, fired and decided that he was now enemies with this other random guy as if he didn't literally steal from him because HE IS A SORE LOSER!!!!!!!! He's unsufferable on purpose, probably very very sad inside and he kind of showed that when he caught them talking sh*t because he looked very serioius, no smile or anything
today is a great day for me, because I've now decided that I'm 100% right and this is how the story goes for Petronilla's story, even if in the future we might a diffrent story, this is how it is in my mind :D!
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I love how she's like "i'm just investigating the rival! I'm totally not zooming in on each and every picture!" she's so real this is 100% 'Nilla behaviour (me too)
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This is Jason's illustration and now you can understand what I meant with "I wish it were more"
More than a picture of a picture on my phone!! It's still accurate so I can't really complain about it too much, in the end I think it's good to have different perspectives (Also how pretty is he... wow...)
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Girl you're cooked
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yeah well, in my head I've already estabilished that Jason saw that and that he'll be overthinking it so much or he'll be like "ha ha, of course she liked this picture of me on purpose to send me a sign, she wants me, but of course cause she can't resist my charm! no one can!" and then feel so confident etc (a loser)
Now let's fast forward to sharing a taxi ride with our beautiful Amanda!
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do you want to kiss already or
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I don't even know why I thought that but with how things were going... the atmosphere yk... And yeah, I gasped about this too
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;A;, (yes, that's all the commentary I have left)
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The illu is so cute and I loved the outfit, just like last time I ended up buying the illustration becase the outfit was different for Jason... Although I think that this one is pefert for Petronilla! (I unlocked it in the shop with 150 hearts at the end of the episode)
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aaand this for last! to back up one of my recent reblogs talking about how Amanda isn't that bad and had her reason to be upset (in case you had the party at your house, I didn't)
That's all and wow, it's a lot
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mushroomwoods · 1 year
One Year, Eleven Months and Twenty Days…
When Hyrule set off into yet another unfortunate journey, he didn't expect a sudden, skittish and nosy you to throw yourself into his life, much less for you to hang around him long enough for him to get attached. He believed he didn't need any company for as long as he lived as the hero, however as you proved him wrong, he started to fear for the possible time limit he could to have around you.
character — Hyrule, romantic.
cw — angst, hurt/comfort, mention of battles/injuries, paranoid behavior, self-blame.
I don't know why I'm starting a long fic, but rulie brainrot took over me, so here we have it. Chapters may not be as regular as I'd like, but I already have the general outline and can say it will be from something in between three to five chapters, so... Yeah, I hope you guys will like it!
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Chapter 1 — Of a lonely hero and a daring traveler
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Two minutes.
It took him less than that to notice that you were injured upon your first encounter, even when you tried to batantly hide the fact with a few poorly timed jokes. He inspected your form from a distance he deemed safe enough, unconvinced by your clear act of amicability towards him. You were just a traveller, just as himself, he happened to stumble upon while running away from yet another village, a very nosy traveller who took upon yourself to help him, the Hero of Hyrule himself, because of his seemingly weak state — he was just a tad tired from the long run, nothing less than usual for him —, while not noticing how poor your own state was, bandage around your upper arm bleeding through your coat.
You were quick to make yourself comfortable on his presence as the two of you had been making way towards the same destination, "Two are way better than one when travelling" you said and while he'd much rather disagree, he didn't do much more than offer a curt nod, accepting of you for as long as you didn't make the first move for a fight.
Fifteen hours.
Was the time before the first nightwatch, the forest far too dark for anymore walking to be productive. You tried to keep watch first, however he disagreed — far too paranoid to let himself be vulnerable on another's presence —, winning the heating discussion with his stubbornness alone. You went to sleep clearly disheartened — you'd take that as your chance to attack, he was sure.
When you woke up to take your turn he didn't offer much complaint, much to your surprise, and went to lay beside a fallen tree, back pressed tightly into it, too afraid to let his back exposed to any lurking enemies.
He did not sleep however, no, of course not. That would be a stupid move when he wasn't clear of your intentions yet, he was sure you were hiding your claws yet, ready to pounce whenever he was the most vulnerable, unable to fight back.
Surprisingly, the night ended peacefully, you dealt with a lurking wolf and even hunt down for breakfast, but made no moves towards his seemingly sleeping form, no glances, no traps, no poisons, nothing.
Three days.
Before the tiredness started catching up to him.
He hadn't slept for the few days your accompanied him, his body slowing down and his reaction time getting worse by the day. If you noticed his state, you made no comments on it, he could see, however, how his workload seemed to decrease slowly, you started walking more slowly saying your injured leg seemed to get worse — a light strain he was sure he had cured the night before as you slept —, you started checking the surroundings before the both of you walked into the next area and started carrying most of the weight around.
The next time he woke up, it must've been at least a days later, his head resting upon your now clean coat, as you sat farther into the clearing, beside a waterbody apparently cleaning down your sword and refilling the water flasks. He could feel the weight of one of your spare hoods on his head, along with a fresh smelling bandage who was poorly wrapped around his head, from this alone he could guess you didn't attempt to take a closer look at his face, which he was minimally grateful for.
In his usual state he'd make sure to go against your action, but in all his tiredness he couldn't bother himself to care enough for it.
It was only a matter of time before he fell down, the workload too much for his system to process. His vision blackening and mind wandering before he could even make contact with the ground.
As much as he wanted to depart soon towards the next city for a restock, your battered state made him hold his tongue. Your sunken eyes were enough of a tell of how much you took care of him in the time he was off. After that he made sure to sleep at least enough during the nights to come so the journey wouldn't be anymore delayed.
Two weeks.
The young boy couldn't even begin to wrap his head around the thought that this money wasn't just yours, but his too. When he tried shaking his hand in disagreement however, he could already see the frown starting to form on your face, stopping before another argument could start, not noticing how lately he seemed to cave in to any of your pleas.
You had reached the first city and he could finally bid you goodbye.
Or so he thought, before you were pulling him through the market, selling off any pelt, spare meat and any shiny object you got your hands on during the short time, the loot he found annoying you took everywhere soon making a hefty amount of rupees he didn't think of before. The most off-putting part of it however was how you naturally turned to him, showing the bag of money to him, while saying " We made so much money this time, all thanks to you" with a big grin.
One thing he could notice that day, was how you were just as awkward as him when it came to human interaction. The moment one of the innkeeper around your age tried asking about your relationship with him, clearly showing a romantic interest in you, you brushed it off with a laugh, running up to your shared room without even looking back, avoiding the attendant eyes for the whole time you spent around there. It was also the first time you had the pleasure to hear him laugh freely, as he made fun of your situation when you talked late into the night.
Two weeks and two days.
The day the both of you departed from the small city, rupee bag noticeably lighter and equipment way more polished, his arrows switched for more durable ones and his sword sharpened — the smith gave him a side glance, however your chattering stopped the man from making him any questions about the unusual blade.
He gave in to the idea that you might accompany him to wherever he was going for as long as he got your attention, also accepting that you were more useful than he thought at first, as you seemed to distract any possible threats by simply existing. He wasn't sure if it was your charisma or if you made other too afraid to question the both of you, but it still made the last two days he spent around other hylians much calmer than he could ever remember being since he finished his journey as the hero of this land, anytime someone as much as made a move to question him about the hood covering his face you started bombarding them with questions about their wares or glared them into silence, getting a pretty big discount as consequence.
It was uneventful enough as your chattered away, sharing with the boy any information and rumor you got from the locals, the few moblins that were found wandering around in strange patterns, the criminals getting more and more aggressive over the last few days and, of course, the newest cuisine that was created in the next town. The last bit you had gotten from a young postman who had to stay for little longer on the last city he visited, as the monsters attacked and everyone had to retreat to safety.
The thought that it may be his fault made him uncomfortable.
Three weeks and four day.
You were getting closer and closer to a dungeon the both of you wanted to explore, for different reasons, but still.
A certain merchant had talked relentlessly about how he could hear Pols Voices getting louder and louder inside a dungeon over the last few days. You didn't seem too keen on helping out until the man said something about a plentiful reward, but still, you waited so the boy could make the final decision. He agreed more out of familiarity than anything, too used to helping others to say no.
It had been some time since he had fought Pols Voices, and he had forgotten how much they strained his throat, but it was enough of a laugh when you prepared to make the first move and he beat you to it, screaming louder than you had ever seen anyone do in you life. Your eyes went wide, as you could do nothing but watch the ghostly monsters dying before they could even approach any of you in the large room.
"How can your voice be so loud when you're so quiet?" You questioned as soon as you got out of the dungeon, still stuffing the spoils into your bag, and he shrugged in answer, to which you pouted.
Upon seeing the merchant waiting for the both of you a little farther on the road, you didn't think before running up to the man, failing to notice the few other shadows that surrounded his figure. A trap.
Fortunately you were quick enough to act when you noticed what was happening, your hands curling around your fellow traveler's own as you fled with a single cut brushing against your neck.
It could've been worse.
Three weeks and five days.
You believed you were already far enough from your chasers.
You were sweating buckets, blood dried over your whole clothes, probably beyond salvation at this point. The boy beside you was unscratched fortunately, and even when he offered to help heal your injury, you denied adamantly. He could do nothing but watch as you clumsily cleaned and bandaged the cut with yet another herbal mixture, probably the same mixture you had used on him before and worked wonder on his body.
The two of you continued your path without your chirpy voice this time, only the few warnings you gave him the few times he tried to eat or feed you something clearly not edible, upon your standards at least.
Your eyes were peeled open ever since that day, barely sleeping at night and the thought that it might've been his fault plagued him yet again that night.
Four weeks and a day.
He should've noticed the signs sooner.
That night you came up with a ferver. Or actually, since the last confrontation you weren't getting any better from your injury.
He saw how restless you were during the nights, tossing and turning with quiet whimpers of pain, however he made the decision to not cure you from your ails, following your wishes.
How stupid he was.
A hero who couldn't offer his help. A hero who was too afraid to even say his own name. A hero who brought more problems than solutions.
Could he even call himself a hero?
That night he was even more scared than the first time he had someone after his head, he couldn't even begin to understand why the thought of never hearing any of your terrible jokes or see any of your stupid life choices made him so restless, however he just understood that if you were like this because of him, the least he could was curing you before parting ways. It'd be for the better.
His powers didn't work.
A month and two days.
It had been five days and you hadn't woken up. Your ferver was still high as he followed the path, your form slumped over his shoulder.
The first day he cried for hours when he noticed that his powers weren't working, but he knew that the longer he spent on the same spot, the easier it'd be for his enemies to find him.
He was quick to change gears and continue his path, even when his mind ran miles a second, he shouldn't let you get hurt again, he should protect you for being the one who put you through such troubles.
It was hard, and his mind wandered sometimes to the first week he spent by your side, how even with his clear distrust, you took care of him, yet never made any complaints when he fell or made any mistakes, covering everything with an easy smile and a wave of the hand.
It was late at night when you first made any sound that wasn't akin to the sharp pain you were feeling, a low "traveler" falling from your lips, before you coughed because of your dry throat.
When he heard the title you used to call him he was quick to drop anything he was doing, running to your side — just now he noticed he had never told you his name.
You tried to laugh at his desperation as he offered you the flask of water, asking if the layers were too cold or too hot, already rummaging through his bag for anything that might help you now that you were awake, but the moment you noticed the tears falling down his hood and into his shaking hands, you shut your mouth, just taking the bottle and gulping down the liquid without a word.
The both of you sat in silence for a few minutes — he wished you'd stay laying down, but you insisted you were healthy enough to sit at least —, but you sighed when he seemed too lost to even make the first move.
"I was poisoned" He flinched. "Fortunately it was nothing fatal, but the side effects can last a few days… or weeks, I already have experience with these things, so it's not like I'll die from something like that."
He felt himself wanting to cry again when he saw that easy smile of yours, the one you always offered when you knew he was a little down, and somehow you always were right.
The hood that covered his face finally fell as he tugged into it, revealing his chestnut hair, curling until right under his pointy ears, much unlike your own, his eyes had a similar color with a forest green undertone that seemed to drawn you in, even when it was bloodshot from his previous crying, his skin glowing under the moonlight, reminding of the tales you often heard during your childhood about the Great Fairy.
He opened his mouth after a few seconds of a heavy silence.
"My name is Link..." He gulped, eyes descending to his fidgeting hands, too nervous to meet your clearly awed gaze as he wondered if it was the right choice, if you'd recognize him and go after his life just like the others. "I'd like to continue travelling with you… Even after we complete this journey."
You stayed silent for a long time, enough so he would look up to you again seeing the warm, real smile you wore.
"Of course! I'd love to, Link!"
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thereapersgambit · 1 year
Here's a 3am post about Lenore and Annabel Lee's death. If the logic isn't...there it's because I just woke up from it being too hot to sleep.
Anyway, in some earlier posts I made it clear that I believe Anna and Leo most likely died by their fathers' hand after they were found out to be scheming to get married and run away together.
But I was having my daily Nevermore brainrot when a thought popped up in my head about the latest class specifically it's location, Mystery Manor. The goal: to get to the Widow's watch and ring the bell.
But if a student were to get up there after getting past every Specterd being, they have to face the last one: The Lady in White.
Now, I've been thinking that it may not be just a coincidence since the Widow's Watch correlates more to Annabel's Spectre than anyone. It also led me to believe that Annabel wasn't the one to die first. Lenore was, making her a widow. Technically, it doesn't make sense sense she was yet to be married but died before it but I still went along with the thought.
It got me thinking of the next person who could've taken an opportunity to find out who Lenore was and kill her which is the other potential suitor and childhood friend of Annabel. Okay, now I still think Annabel's father still killed her but back to the suitor. Her social season is ending and he just so happens to show up to take what he thinks was always his. Annabel's hand in marriage.
So he pulls up and sees this Leo guy succeeding to court Anna and gets suspicious. It reminds me of Jafar from Aladdin so can we just refer to him as such in this post for now lol. Anyway, Jafar suddenly wants to get to the bottom of who this Leo guy is and find out that he isn't a guy at all. He may even fimd out he's plotting with Annabel Lee.
This causes him to go start snitchin to Anna's father. Or even wanting to get revenge on their big day because Mr. Whitlock doesn't believe him at all. So he shoots Lenore first and tries to expose Annabel for their scheming.
There would be conflict between Annabel, Jafar and her father about knowing she was a girl. This could lead to Mr. Whitlock killing her for this. It's unexpected from everyone, especially Annabel Lee who expected to habe her father by her sode always. Whether he thought killing her would be, in a sick and twisted way, for her own good I really don't know.
But that's the gist of this theory. It's been forty minutes and I might look for a snack or go back to bed but thanks for reading and don't be afraid to add on, debunk, whatever it is but just no hate or I'll cry and that's a threat.🚶🏾‍♀️see ya.
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Hiiii!!! How're you doing? Good I hope!! ahh I'm seeing these amazing reblogs on your page and with College and my F1 brainrot I haven't been able to read Irondad fics 😭😭😭 is it okay if I ask you to give me some recommendations? preferable whump or sickfics (with fluff, lots of fluff) 👉🏼👈🏼 or like which fics did you enjoy the most this year/past 6 months 💙💙💙🩵🩵🩵🩵
Sorry for the delay in answering! I just needed to find the right time to really sit down and make a *good* list. Haha. Here is a list of what I've read recently and enjoyed a lot. Some of it fits better into your criteria than others, and some of them are still in progress, but here's the list! Don't forget to kudos and comment!!
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[fic list with links below the cut!]
Paradigm shift by Bergen (T) In Progress (I love where this one is going! Lot's of fun surprises)
Peter got a Stark phone when he was ten. Adrian took him to a big store with lots of TV screens that all played the same video of Tony Stark declaring to the world that he was Iron Man. They ducked behind the microwaves, both of them giggling as Adrian stuffed the phone under Peter’s sweater.
They walked right out the door without tripping the alarm, and Adrian bought him ice cream to celebrate
After his parents die, Peter is taken in by the Toomes’ family. Things slowly, then quickly spiral out of control. All Adrian wants is to take revenge on Tony Stark. All Peter wants is to do the right thing. Why is that so much harder than expected?
Spaghetti and Red Wine by arthropodwithapen (M) In Progress (Lots of good whump moments but also some fluff and angst!)
After Peter's precarious position goes from bad to worse time and time again, he is left all alone with nothing but his anger and resentment at the world to keep him company. He wonders how much more he can take and whether the growing grudge between him and the Avengers will be enough to finish him off for good. Will he be able to complete his mission in time? Does he even want to anymore?
Of course. He is Spider-Man and he has a job to do. And he'll do it even if it kills him. For everyone else's sake.
Strands in the Rope series by Sara (ctrsara) @ctrsara (T) Complete (this whole series and its follow-up are super great. Lots of angst, misunderstandings, and of course, a whole ton of fluff)
A collection of insights starting after the events of Homecoming, mostly from Tony's perspective. The relationship that Tony and Peter had built by the time Infinity War happened (or not - I'm not a big fan) wasn't built on any big world-ending events, but on countless lab sessions, movie nights, smaller emergencies, and conversations. All of these combined to form a bond between them just as strong as blood ties, and just as unbreakable. I feel like we missed out on all that on-screen, so I can never read enough stories that would maybe cover that period. There is a follow-up series called, Unbroken Strands.
Please, Help Me by Muikelle (Not Rated) In Progress (So. Much. Whump.)
Mj watched as they pride apart the car. Her car. The only car she had, the one Tony had gifted her as a graduation gift. The car she and Peter first- well. Anyways. Then Peter was being moved out of it, and slow motion had taken over once more. She was standing to go get to him, he needed her. She needed him. But a man stopped her, told her to sit down, or something of the likes. She was pissed off when they closed the ambulance door and finally took off with her inside, she didn't need to be in there, she needed to be with Peter.
Or Mj and Peter get into a car crash when coming home from spring break.
Iron Dad: Coming Home by JAWorley (T) Complete (I just started reading this but so far it's really great!)
Cold, tired, hungry, and homeless, 14 year old Peter Parker gets taken in by Adrian Toomes and his crew. Mr. Toomes is a great guy who teaches Peter how to survive on the streets, and Peter loves him for it, despite that Mr. Toomes hates Peter’s hero Iron Man and says Tony Stark is out to line his own pockets by stepping on the little guy. When Iron Man appears one day and presents Spider Man with an opportunity too good to pass up, Peter finds himself having to make up his mind about what ‘helping the little guy’ really means. Peter also begins to find out some ugly truths about the things Adrian Toomes and his crew are making, and has to decide if the safety Toomes offers is worth throwing Spider Man’s mission and morals out the window. Can he find that same safety with Mr. Stark? So much of Peter’s future hangs in the balance and depends on the choices he makes. An anti-hero and an anti-villain are just one step over the same line in a different direction.
Double-sided Coin by kingdomfaraway @asyouleft (G) Complete (I have never read anything like this before and it was so so good!)
The Iron Man rarely had assignments that weren’t direct kill orders.
Usually he was given a weapon and a target, with the strict instructions of leaving no one alive, target and witness alike. They didn’t expect him to make too much conversation, to integrate himself into the person’s life, to find a way to gain the target’s trust. He was not a spy. He was a machine made to kill, to take down threats to HYDRA, and to preserve the Greater Good.
When the assignment came from high up to kidnap, not kill, a young boy, Peter Parker, he was a little baffled.
(or How to Make a Deadly Assassin Adopt You: A HYDRA!Tony fic)
How to Get Banned from Monaco (again) by niniblack @niniblack (T) Complete (This is so funny and so perfectly in character. I love it.)
Tony texts Rhodey before they leave for Monaco:
two rules for this trip
don’t let Peter out of your sight
don’t let him do anything Pepper would get mad about
Rhodey: that second one doesn’t leave many options
will you make me a lot of pancakes (when we meet again?) by Peng_Peng (G) Complete (This is some great Ironfam whump, right here!)
Five times hurting you + Five times receiving your kindness.
Peter knew from the first time they met that the kid wasn't going to like him. But Peter could do that. She was his first and only sister after all.
A New Point of View by waitingondaisies (T) Complete (This one is si so fun with lots of funny and serious moments. It's a good balance)
Peter rushes out of school to join Tony in fighting the aliens that appear over New York, leaving behind the problems that plague his life.
He ends up leaving them behind for far longer than expected when an alien substance causes him to swap bodies with Tony. They agree to live each other’s lives to keep the mishap under wraps, giving each of them an up-close and personal view of the other’s hidden problems.
Peter will come to learn that Tony’s life isn’t as glamorous as it appears, and Tony will come face to face with all of the things that Peter never told him about: bullies, unfair teachers, and economic struggles.
Saving the World Does Not a Hero Make by Azure_K_Mello (M) Complete (This isn't an Irondad fic so much as it's an older MCU/X-Men Crossover but I read it again recently because I love it so much)
Years ago, Tony Stark created a brutal weapon. Even when he was the Merchant of Death, he couldn’t bring himself to put it on the market. But, when S.H.I.E.L.D. learned of its existence, they wanted it. Deciding Spider-Man was the weakest link in Iron Man’s armor, Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon were sent to apprehend him — hoping he either knew where the weapon was or that they could trade him to Tony for it.
But, apprehending a fifteen-year-old is more correctly be termed as kidnapping. And what S.H.I.E.L.D. called interrogation was, in actuality, torture. And, when push came to shove, Peter had to save himself when no one else was going to help.
And my shameless self-promotion...
Threenager by happyaspie (G) Incomplete
While on patrol, Peter is struck by a spell that turns him into a toddler. Or mostly into a toddler. His memories, intellect, and experiences are still intact. Unfortunately, that makes being trapped in a toddler's body, with a toddler's motor skills that much harder. His legs are too short, and his fingers are too uncooperative. He can’t ride in the car without a super claustrophobic car seat. He can’t even wash his hands without help and it's all very frustrating. Between the teasing, Tony does his absolute best to help.
I could add so much more to this list, but I think I'll stop here. Haha. As far as sickfics go, @sicktember is coming up soon and I know *I* will have plenty to add to the genera during that event!! So be on the lookout for that, my friend! And Thank you so much for asking me to compile this list!!
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josephlikesmusic · 2 months
Bando Stone and The New World - Childish Gambino (2024)
Besides the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure brainrot surfacing, causing me to accidently call this album "Dio Brando and The New World" multiple times, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this album. I don't tend to love original movie soundtracks on their own, especially when it's all done by a single artist, but I found the bits of dialogue scattered throughout the track list helped push the narrative along. I also enjoyed the variety of genres that Gambino explores on this album, although I think that I'll enjoy this feature even more when I go see the movie. Speaking of the movie, while I did enjoy listening to this album alone, it is hard to really judge a soundtrack when you haven't watched the film that goes along with it. Like I mentioned earlier, this album does work as a standalone project, but having the knowledge that this is a soundtrack for an unreleased feel makes the listen feel somewhat incomplete. I may or may not re-review this album once the movie comes out just to see if my feelings change, but between knowing that this is supposed to be Gambino's final album and that this isn't the completed project, I definitely wasn't completely satisfied with the album.
Despite my grievances, this album had many songs that I will definitely return to on their own. Lead single Lithonia surprised me on my first listen, with a slow, chill, pop-rock vibe and such a straight to the point message: nobody gives a fuck. But I think that the most shocking element of the single was it's music video and it's sudden twist that I won't spoil here. And of course we can't forget about Fartbuckle. Such a wide variety of emotions for a song that is so blunt and straightforward.
Other songs that surprised me instrumentally were No Excuses and Happy Survival. No Excuses brings on composer Ludwig Göransson, who is easily the highlight of the track. From the percussion throughout the beginning of the song, to the unexpectedly amazing saxophone solo, Göransson took a great track and made it an incredible one. As a drummer, and someone who spent his high school years in the band room fascinated with each and every percussion instrument, I appreciate how Göransson incorporated so many instruments that we almost never see in music as mainstream as Gamino's. As I mentioned earlier, Happy Survival was another instrumental that I would never expect from an artist like Gambino, yet I found myself jamming out to the bossa nova groove, with it's incredible vocal riff from Khruangbin. While I didn't find Happy Survival to be as groundbreaking as No Excuses, it's a nice, simple groove to chill out and dance to.
I've already mentioned Ludwig Göransson's work on No Excuses and Khruangbin's vocals on Happy Survival, but Bando Stone is filled with great features throughout it's runtime. I adore Jorja Smith's vocals on In the Night, especially in the post-chorus where she really shines. Smith is the highlight of this track and I wish she had more solo vocals. I also love Flo Milli's verse on Talk My Shit, a more straight forward rap song compared to the other tracks on this album, but still a super enjoyable song that features many modern references, yet doesn't feel dated.
Bando Stone and The New World surprised me with it's variety of genres, great percussion, and amazing storytelling, but I think that this album is going to need the film alongside it in order to really be a fulfilling final album for Childish Gambino. As I've mentioned before, the knowledge that this is a soundtrack rather than just a concept album makes it a bit difficult to fully judge, especially since there isn't even a known release date for the film at the time that I'm writing this. The soundtrack did get me more pumped up for the movie than the trailer did, and knowing how talented Glover is I do think that it will be an enjoyable watch, but until the film's release I really have no way of knowing. The album wasn't my favorite to be released this year, but I still enjoyed many of the individual songs and the concept surrounding them.
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irkimatsu · 5 months
I don't know if this question has already been asked so I apologize in advance for the inconvenience! how did you find out about Hazbin hotel? and what charmed you about husky ? :3
Nope, hasn't been asked before! There's actually a long process on this one! Story time!
First time I heard about Hazbin Hotel was when the pilot came out; Twitter was buzzing about it, and that already might have drawn me in, because "dark musical comedy with fantasy elements and themes of forgiveness and redemption" is already right up my alley and I could feel the Jhonen Vasquez inspiration radiating off the character designs. But what really tipped me off was a friend of mine, Lauri; she was particularly excited about it, and I trust her taste, so I jumped in. (Helps that her favorite is Alastor, who reminds me a lot of another character we bonded over back in the day. Seems we have a "she likes a sadistic bastard and I like the guy held emotionally captive by him" thing going on.) And I loved it! Wasn't super invested just yet, but I did really hope it'd be a full series someday. Don't think I really noticed Husk at this point. I was still deep in Osomatsu-san brainrot, so if anything I probably just went "haha cranky cat, it's like Ichimatsu" and then moved on from him. Favorite at this point was actually Charlie, and she's still a close second. Loved and wanted more of Charlie from day one. She has such magical girl vibes, I love her
Helluva Boss pilot dropped, what, a month later? Watched that because I liked Hazbin and holy shit is that Richard Horvitz. Richard Horvitz said fuck. Okay clearly I need to keep up with this one. And so I did! Avoided its presence on the Internet like the plague, though, because it's a fucking dumpster fire in there and I didn't feel like writing multiple well-sourced essays defending myself for liking a web cartoon that says fuck and makes jokes about murder. Watched it in secret, basically, aside from the occasional fanart reblog. It wasn't a hyperfixation yet, just a fun thing to watch every time a new episode dropped. Catchy music, Moxxie and Blitzo are my boys, it's a fun little side hobby, hey what if the Matsuno brothers started an assassination business in hell-
(Somewhere in here I watched "The Good Place" from start to finish, which isn't super relevant, just that the reason I started watching it was because I thought, hey, isn't that show about redeeming sinners? That's what Hazbin's about! I think I really like that concept, so I'll check it out! Two very different shows, but they're both dear to me because god I need forgiveness narratives, especially in today's social hellscape.)
2024, and I find out that the Hazbin series is finally out because Twitter won't shut the fuck up about how "Poison" is homophobic and victim-blaming or whatever. My main thought is, of course, "oh shit, that's finally out! time to watch it!", not believing any of the criticisms because I already decided years ago that the Internet is fucking stupid about this franchise. First four episodes were up at this point. Watched it fully expecting to enjoy it, but not really expecting to get too invested, still assuming I'll never talk about it online because I just do not need to deal with that shit. Still love Charlie, and the rest of the cast charms me quickly - especially Husk, because in the main series he quickly proves to have more to him here than the pilot let on. Hazbin really said, here, have a scrungy old cat with emotional trauma. I gobbled that shit up immediately.
And then " Loser, Baby" happened. Husk's dancing. Husk's singing voice. Husk's attitude of "yep, shit sucks, we screwed up, there's no use denying it or downplaying it but we're not getting anywhere if we wallow alone in our own misery", that theme of redemption and hope I wanted from this show from the start, here he was exemplifying it. I watched that scene on YouTube constantly, fully expecting to fall in love with Huskerdust. I did, for about five minutes.
And then I realized, fuck, I'm not actually in love with this ship, I'm in love with Husk. So much so that despite my misgivings, I couldn't just keep my mouth shut about how much I love this show, especially how much I love Husk. But no way in hell am I saying that on Twitter, people suck over there, and besides, the character limit isn't enough for all the rambling I wanted to do. So I dusted off my Tumblr blog and quickly became unhinged.
And now I'm here!
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s-dazzlegarden · 1 year
It's been a while! A ... Very long while.
I apologise. I've been very busy with life. I started part time schooling to get my diploma and I've been doing part time work and indulging in other hobbies.
I had to take a break from watching 2434 vtubers because it got a bit too parasocial. So I took a step back and focused on life.
So.. a lot happened since my last post. Idios, Oriens, Dytica, Krisis debuts, 3D debuts and.. graduations.
It's been over half a year since they debuted. How does everyone feel about the heroes?
I've been very enamoured with Oriens and their dynamic but I like how the heroes have been interacting with each other a lot! (Mostly Oriens and Dytica interactions but all 11 of them in general!)
We had Nijiban in April hosted by Peto and Nagao! 2 livers, one from JP and one from EN respectively to introduce both and bridge the groups!
There was also the formation of a new sub group with their own channel and activities, 七次元生徒会, consisting of Knkn, Akn, Leos, Deron, Ryushen and Sango. I've not watched their content besides the 'King' and 'Queen' cover tbh ehe
And.. graduation..
ID was hit with a mass graduation. ZEA, Taka, Siska, Cia, Azura, Nara and soon Reza and Hyona..
JP had a few on their end. Gundou and Akane.
And EN had their first two official graduation.. Both the foxes has moved on from 2434 and are doing different things in their lives now. Thank you so much Nina and Mysta for all that you have done. (Official graduations because we don't actually know if our dj was forced or what. But if anything, they're doing very well! Ifykyk)
Onto happier news 🥹
Salome-sama had her 3D debut a while back!! And two days ago, Rrn had his! I'm really glad his debut went through because there was so much unsureness regarding his own 3D after Axia's graduation..
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A lot of other events in between here and there as well!
Fwcchi hosted his morning radio show in August! It was so fun to watch the different Livers interaction. Fwcchi and Luca interaction always makes me fuwafuwa wwww
Koshien also happened! That was a ride. I kept up with the news and actual event days. Occasionally I did watch the individual coach's streams when I had time to spare!
EN also recently closed auditions for new members so I'm kinda excited to see what new talents they'll bring in for the near future hopefully!
I'm still not really actively watching a lot of the vtubers right now besides Shu and Seraph so I don't think I will be writing much for now. I'll probably be making a side blog that isn't focus on 2434/vtubers and write stories there instead. Because I am having major OP brainrot after watching OPLA and starting the anime.
I've rambled on for so long oop-
Sorry if it wasn't an part 3 (or was it 4?) Of the A Little Something series like you all were expecting.
I'll see you guys again, hopefully sometime soon!
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welcometowonkas · 8 months
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This is a self-indulging Harry Potter fanfiction with my Original Characters. It goes through the same story point starting from the Sorcerer's Stone and by the end, the Deathly Hallows but with my Original Characters included. Hope you enjoy!
You can tell I've been brainrotting 😞🤝 I'll introduce the OCs in here when I finish Chapter 1... I have a w.i.p art but it isn't FINISHEDD
HARRY POTTER FANFICTION (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)
Words: 873
Warning(s): N/A
September 1, 1991.
At the beginning of Hogwarts for fresh first-years, Apophis Snape, aged 11, perched at the foot of his bed, idly toying with the serpent necklace gifted by his father. His belongings were all packed, every item necessary for Hogwarts purchased and neatly arranged. He was ready. All he had to do was wait for his mother until they made their way to the train station for his departure. He shouldn’t be nervous—Yes… his parents were both professors in Hogwarts, there’s nothing to worry about, right? Yes right, nothing to worry about Apophis. You’re a Snape. A son of a powerful wizard and a powerful witch. You can’t be nervous. Ever.
“Sweetheart, Apophis. Are you ready?”
Apophis was abruptly pulled from his reverie, his gaze snapping to the closed door at the sound of his mother's three firm knocks. A habit he observed she always had. As a child, Apophis was exceptionally observant, with some insisting he inherited this trait from his father, while others claimed his resemblance favored his mother. The weight of expectations always loomed heavily upon him. Especially that he was a son of two quite famous people, one was almost feared by many. While his parents were genuinely caring, it was the towering expectations of those around him that weighed heavily on Apophis. You are a Snape. DON’T DISAPPOINT YOUR OWN FAMILY LINEAGE.
“Yes, mother!-” Apophis sprang from his bed hastily, then swung open the door, welcoming his mother with a forced, albeit bright, smile. He hoped it masked the thoughts swirling in his mind. He was only 11, for heaven's sake... He deserved to relax and pursue his own desires. After all, he was still just a child. “I’m ready.” Unfortunately for Apophis, his mother possessed keen observation, making it nearly impossible for him to conceal his thoughts from her discerning gaze. It felt as though she could read his mind, yet he trusted that she wasn't intentionally prying. He knew his mother would never be the type to invade his privacy.
“You don’t have to be nervous, sweetheart.” His mother offered reassurance, bending down to his eye level as she gently cradled his cheeks and placed a tender kiss on his forehead, aiming to comfort him. She loved Apophis dearly and was willing to go to any lengths to ensure his safety and comfort. He was her beacon of light, one she was determined to keep shining brightly. “Me and your father will be in Hogwarts alongside you. We’ll be there whenever you need—We can’t exactly join you in the train, but we’ll watch you depart. You’ll get along with the children well, trust me!”
While she may not have fully understood Apophis' exact struggles, her soothing words provided him with a profound sense of reassurance. Feeling calmer than he had moments ago, he grasped his mother's hands, offering a small smile. Perhaps now he felt more excitement about attending Hogwarts than nervousness.
Apophis stood beside the bustling train station with his mother, his gaze scanning the crowded surroundings as he clutched her hand tightly. Navigating through a crowd of strangers wasn't exactly his strong suit, but he had to manage. He scanned the throng, searching for someone in particular—his father, to be exact. That's what his mother had assured him—that his father would be there to see him off before his journey to Hogwarts. Yet, there was no sign of him anywhere, leaving Apophis deeply saddened, his brow furrowed in disappointment.
But he refused to let it dampen his spirits. Understanding that his father was a busy man, he reasoned that they would eventually reunite at school. Yet, despite this logic, a sense of sadness gnawed at him. He despised the sensation, quickly shaking his head to dispel it before returning his gaze to the wall. Suddenly, he found himself confronted by a pair of piercing bright green eyes peering through the solid barrier. A boy with tousled black hair and cracked round glasses met his gaze, and they held each other's eyes for a moment and as the train signaled its imminent departure, they turned their attention to the platform.
Hastily guided onto the train, their belongings stowed away neatly in a separate compartment, Apophis made his way down the corridor, stealing glances out the window. He spotted his mother waving at him with a tender smile as the train prepared to depart. Returning the smile, Apophis bid his mother a temporary farewell. He reasoned there was no need for excessive worry; after all, he would soon reunite with his parents at school during the opening ceremony, or so he had heard. He felt somewhat reassured knowing that both of his parents were professors at Hogwarts.
He halted at a particular compartment, turning his head to peer inside. There sat the boy he had spotted earlier... and beside him, another boy with fiery red hair and scattered freckles across his face. It appeared to be just the two of them... and since his mother had encouraged him to make friends, now seemed like the perfect opportunity, wouldn't it?
“Hey! Is this compartment still free for another person?”
— to be continued
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dewdrop-writes · 3 years
Hello luv 💞 I weighed my options and decided it might be a waste to chunk this idea in a bin. Please excuse my horrible writing,,, feel free to change the lines or anything at all, there is a reason I am only a reader 😔 this is the Albedo one.
Impostor Albedo tries to pass himself as reader's Bedo in Dragonspine, he tries to mimic Bedo's kisses on reader's forehead and cheeks, unconsciously evading their lips. However, reader doesn't buy it since he's too stiff and ofc the telltale mark of his that she adores, but plays along because she's curious of his intentions. Albedo comes back from their shared home to see Impostor with reader, he watches from the distance ready to attack in case anything happens. Reader noticed him but chose to focus on Impostor, she reveals that she knows that he's not her Bedo, Impostor jolts, torn between attacking her or simply fleeing. Impostor flinches in shock when reader cups his cheek before he could do anything else, reader then asks "who are you really?". Impostor was surprised to find that reader's eyes only held curiosity, no malice or any hostility that he expected. He answers hesitantly, "... I don't know." reader simply smiles at him "You're not Albedo and that's alright, he'll always have memories that you don't, feelings you might not understand, and relationships that you don't. That's because you're not him. " Impostor jostles under reader's hold for a bit, thinking she was mocking him, but she held him firmly and continued, "But if you'd like, we could figure out who you really are together, what things you like, dislike, and shape your own personality. You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not to experience living alomside humans. You could live with us at Mondstadt as yourself." As reader says this, Albedo has slowly walked towards the two of them, contemplating reader's words and slowly coming to accept that this impostor of his IS still technically family. Impostor's eyes widened, breath shaky, he... could he really? Was it that simple? "I imagine Klee would be delighted to have another brother! You could spend time with her as yourself and I'm sure she'll love you just the same as us, or even more!" reader smiles at the thought of the red spark knight. "Albedo and I tend to take days in work here at the Lab, the Knights on the other hand each have their own duties to attend to if they're not free, so I imagine she'll enjoy your company as well as the others! That is,,, if you're willing." she trails off, starting to become unsure of her ramblings. Impostor takes a moment to consider, "I... I can?" he asks, "Of course you can! As long as you mean no harm to anyone you're very welcome!" reader exclaims. "... I would like that." impostor replies, still wary especially in Albedo's presence. "hmm but first, What did you look like before you tried to copy Bedo?" she asks, to which impostor replies, "I... I also don't know...". Reader thinks, her hand cupping her chin in contemplation (she had unconsciously picked up Albedo's little habit) Albedo finds this oddly endearing and he gently wraps an arm on the small of her back, "Perhaps he didn't have another form my love, we were both from the Primordial Human Project after all. " Albedo adds, reader continues to brainstorm for ideas, before finally excitedly rambling, "OH! We could pass you off as Bedo's twin! Although I hope you're alright with me trimming your hair maybe neck length? so that people could differentiate you two. We'd also have to get you clothes but I suppose some of Bedo's other outfits would suit you fine for now." Albedo chuckles, she was already covering all fields for the Impostor to enter their lives, this wasn't how he expected things to turn out with the Impostor but he supposes that everything will be alright since it's reader.
hahaha yEeT, feel free to ignore if the plot is flop. It has a lot of holes and things to work on nxjfjfjdjdjs
- Zhongli Brainrot Anon 🐉
I LOVE that! I wouldn't say it has a lot of holes, it's great imo!!! You could totally be a great writer!!!
I love everything about this!! This was a bit of my own brainrots to add to the aftermath! I might write something longer and more coherent about this eventually cus this!!! AU!!! IS SO SWEET
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The reader becomes a loving support system for our dear imposter!Albedo, who they obviously give a new name. I could imagine Rubedo (which has been circling in the fandom).
Perhaps his wardrobe will consist of darker clothes, to contrast that of Albedo's, much like the traveler twins do.
He settles in in Mondstadt, adopting his new name and looks - being regarded as Albedo's twin. They look nearly identical, people joke, saying if his hair was longer they wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
Klee, of course, welcomes the addition of a new brother with open arms, dragging the slightly closed off man along with her adventures, letting him in on her schemes and bribing him into giving her piggyback rides.
Rubedo feels awkward, at first - but the way Mondstadt accepts him so quickly, referring to him by his new name - merchants greeting him each morning on his strolls, asking him about his day - it lights aflame a warmth he has never felt before.
And then there's you and Albedo.
At first, he has a hard time getting closer to his successor. There are some deep-rooted issues that cling onto both of them - so they keep a distance between themselves, but neither is hostile.
Albedo thinks you are an angel, a true testament of the wonders of human kindness, for managing to bring out this awkward duckling of a man from his imposter who was once set on destroying him.
You travel often between Dragonspine and Mondstadt, busy helping both Albedo and Rubedo. You teach Rubedo how to wash clothes, how to cook and clean, introduce him to your friends and give him attention - lend him an ear when he needs it.
At first, he had simply considered you a part of Albedo's life he wanted to consume for himself, but over time, he has come to hold you dear. You are his closest friend, his savior. He knows you and Albedo are happy - and he would never dare to come between that, not once he saw how Albedo brings joy upon you.
So he watches the two of you with a bittersweet sensation, yearning, but also happy for the two of you.
Eventually, Albedo is the one to approach him, to bond. It was something you urged him to do, and he's almost as awkward as Rubedo about it at first. But they bond over time. Albedo teaches him about art, Rubedo assists him with alchemy, and as time passes, they suppose they could begin to call each other brothers and mean it.
You come to realize, as your friends point out, that you now have two powerful alchemist guard dogs willing to risk life and limb for you.
If one is gone, the other is always around - it's something they actually trust each other with - protecting you.
So yes, your dynamic is a bit strange, but it feels like home, and all three of you can appreciate it.
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Merman Felix and Pirate Pepa...please tell me you'll write something for that?
Lucky for you, an idea for them JUST came to me today!
And by idea, i mean i literally have an ENTIRE au (that i will only go in depth on if asked, you guys are just gonna get a snippet here)and story from start to finish. Caffeine ladies and gentlemen, it fuels me.
(Also, design inspiration for Félix is from @pepa-brainrot, check out their stuff, it's just beautiful)
"Bro, come on!"
"Félix, I don't mean to be that fish, but this feels like, the WORST possible idea!"
Félix wasn't listening. He had some time before he was expected home, and he was going to take advantage of it. He swam past the busy crowd, till the city seemed so out of sight. He raised his head above the water, and immediately he felt excitement.
"Look! There she is! Isn't she beautiful?!"
Félix was nuts about things humans made. But nothing was more beautiful to him than ships. Big and grand, he felt like even sharks would be intimidated by their size. Agustín popped his head up out of the water, squinting. His buddy never did have the greatest vision.
"Uh, she's definitely. Big?"
Félix, despite his friends objections, sat up on a rock so he could relax while he watched. The sail fluttered in the wind, the ship gently rocked from side to side. It was was parked right next to an abandoned island, and the idea of humans being so CLOSE, JUST out of reach. It fascinated him. He helped his buddy up on the rock with him, his own blue scales glistening under the moonlight alongside his own golden pattern.
"Humans are just. Incredible. They have no fins, but yet, they want the water. They explore and wander."
"Unlike your folks?"
He winced. His parents were coral farmers, growing anything pretty and colorful. They were used for all sorts of jewelry and decorations, it made his family comfortable. But, he was restless. There was more to life than just having a comfy living.
"I love my family. You know that. But I just. I want MORE."
"Do you have TIME for more?"
He grumbled into his hand. His mom had been bombarding him with finding a wife. Sure, he was sort of old to be a bachelor, but he never found the one. Sure, he's messed around, he found dozens of women who were pretty. But he never loved them. Never wanted to give away his heart. His heart was meant for out there, SOMEWHERE.
"It's hard being the favorite kid, amigo."
Agustín chuckled, nudging his buddy's side.
"Come on. You've had a good look. We should make it home before your mami has a shark attack."
Félix waited. His buddy had already slid back into the water, but something stopped him from joining him. Maybe it was the humans yelling at each other in the distance, maybe it was the way the lights inside drew him like an anglerfish. They haven't had a ship here since he was a young boy. When would he get this chance again?
"Just. One thing first."
He dove into the water, and rushed to the object of his desires. Agustín cried out to him, but he didn't listen. He just swam. He lifted his head up once he was right next to it, and let his fingers strum against the wood. There had to be some way to get up there, SOMETHING. That was when he felt it, the thing they called a 'ladder'. He grabbed onto it, and forced himself out of the water. Was it a lot of effort, using that much upper body strength? Absolutely. But he was too fuelled by curiosity to stop.
He found some relief as soon as he made it to a hole on the side. He peered in, and watched as the humans walked on and off the ship, seeming to move supplies to and fro. There was yelling between them, people telling other's where to put what. Félix sat there, following legs this way and that. That is, until they settled on a very...specific pair. Woah. He didn't know humans legs could look like that. Slender, long enough for him to look at for days. His gaze followed upwards in curiosity, and there she was. The most beautiful creature he had ever seen.
She was thin, even for a human (he assumed), she had such lovely hips, and he was jealous of her belt for getting to touch her. He was even jealous of the giant sword that occasionally bumped against her leg. And her voice.
"So there's nothing here?"
"Not that we've seen, captain. Aside from the odd bug and bird."
"Mierda...fine. We'll leave in the morning. Soon as the men finish, give them all a drink. I'll take first shift tonight."
She sounded so confident. Her voice wasn't 'sing songy', it was proud, firm. He loved it. She wanted attention and she had it, especially his own.
"So what I'm hearing is 'everyone shut up and let me drink as I brood in the corner'"
"Oye-watch it."
She chuckled, nudging whoever she was talking to. He watched as her feet brought her closer to him, and realized she had sat down. He climbed himself till he was holding onto the railing, and he didn’t care if it'd be so easy for him to get caught. Not when she was literally RIGHT there. Oh she was prettier up close. Her shoulders were exposed, and her skin was decorated in so many freckles, it reminded him of a sandy shore, kissed by the sun. Golden necklace and golden earrings decorated her, but she didn't need them.
Not when her long, orange, wild hair was more than enough. It was in such a long braid, it stopped just short of her lower back. Even the hairs on her head were wild, untamed and unsettled. Her lips were gorgeous too, and he was jealous of those little fingers as they unscrewed the top of a bottle, to take a swig of the dark liquid. He watched her as she put it down for a second, and looked at her eyes. Oh no. He was done for. Her eyes were firm, almost angry, green, she reminded him of one of those peacock shrimp. And honestly, she could probably beat him up with the same amount of fury.
What does one say to the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? What do you say to a woman so beautiful yet so heavy handed and smelled like sweat and salt? He was usually so good with merwomen. But what do you say to humans? He didn't know. But he knew he had to say something, and mean it. So, he leaned into her ear, and whispered.
"Te quiero, mi tesoro."
He meant it. He wanted her, and he treasured everything about her. He watched as her shoulder's stiffened, as her eyes widened, and her cheeks flared. He swore her face erupted in a mess of mist, and he was ready to have her look at the merman that made her just bubble up like sea foam. Then suddenly Agustín grabbed him, and yanked him down to the depths. They looked up at the ship, at her, who thankfully didn’t look down onto the water. Thunder BOOMED behind her, and the light illuminated her scrunched up nose and snarled teeth.
"Ole-YOU FUCKS. WHO'S PLAYING GAMES WITH ME?! Espera y verás!!!"
She walked off to the other side of the ship, scolding and yelling at her men.
"Holy...where did that thunder come from?"
"...call me crazy, but I think...I think SHE did that."
"Dios...Félix she could've killed you!"
"I...I know."
Agustín sighed as he patted his shoulder.
"I'm just glad I got to you in time. I do NOT have arms like yours, took me a while to reach you. Now, what did we learn?"
Félix thought about it. His heart was pounding, his ear fins were fluttering hard enough to start a whirlpool.
"That I love her."
"EXACTLY, now- wait, what?"
"I...I love her. Agustín I'm in love! I have to go tell mami!"
"Wait Félix!"
Too late, he was already rushing home. He immediately dove into his house, Agustín catching up, but not without some wheezing. He immediately went to hug his mother, who laughed in surprise.
"Oh! Mijo, what's got you so excited?"
"Mami you won't believe it- I know who I want to marry!"
She gasped, hands folded over her mouth, her brown ear fings flapping just as fast as his.
"My little guppy is finally ready to get married?! Oh hold on now, let me relax, tell me all about her!"
Félix couldn't wait. He was swimming in place in the kitchen, running on adrenaline and pure, dumb love.
"Oh mami she's unlike anyone I've ever seen! She's beautiful, she's fiesty, she's LOUD, she has all this red hair and she has all these freckles and her eyes! Oh mami you should've SEEN her eyes! I could get lost in them! And her legs! They go on for-"
"Wait. Legs?"
She looked confused, but he didn't care. Not even when Agustín sighed and spilled the beans.
"Félix met a human. A pirate."
"ISN'T IT FANTASTIC?! I'm in LOVE, mami, I'm in LOVE!"
Agustín and his mom didn't have to be excited, he had plenty of that for the both of them. He didn't know how. But some how, some way, he was going to pilfer that pretty pirate's heart.
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ares-athena · 2 years
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Johnny Cade X GN! Reader X Ponyboy Curtis
Since the last one was all how the gang would react to you all being together here's how you all would get together. Poly outsiders brainrot?????
f/f is favorite flower
You and ponyboy met at school
You met Johnny through ponyboy
Pony had asked you to go to the movies with him and a friend
You knowing pony thought he may have meant two bit or steve since you've seen them with him at school
So when you walked to the movies and saw pony with another boy looking to be around your age you were kinda shocked
You were quick to introduce yourself
He was shy but you had learned that his name was Johnny but that was about it
That wasn't the first time you would meet johnny
You would always ask pony about johnny since the first meeting
Pony had assumed you liked Johnny but he didn't telly johnny anything
He liked you but he got mixed signals from you
You would kiss his cheek and be so sweet with him
Then you would always ask about Johnny which confused the boy
Pony had invited you to go to the movies with him and Johnny again
When you got there you saw both Pony and Johnny
Johnny wasn't as nervous as the first time you two met but was still his reserved self
You had sat between both pony and Johnny when you guys went into the theater
Johnny was on the edge then you then ponyboy
It was kinda nice to gave both of them with you
The movie had been a kinda comedy kinda scary it was like scream before scream with more humor
At the first kill you heard Johnny make a small sound
So without thinking you had grabbed his hand
Just as quickly you let it go
Not minding johnny grabbed your hand and held it lightly
Not think you let your other hand get held by ponyboy
The entire movie went well and you really liked being with both Ponyboy and Johnny
So when the movie was over they had both offered to walk you hame given it was 6 p.m. in the fall and sun was setting
When you got home you had given both boys a kiss on the cheek and went inside
To you a kiss on the cheek was a simple gesture
To them and Johnny especially it was a kiss
You had made sure both pony and Johnny made it out your neighborhood ok watching them till they got out of site
After school the next day pony asks you to meet him and Johnny at the lot near his place at 6
You had been to the lot before so you knew where to go
You had beat both johnny and Pony there so you layed out on a bench and waited for them
You had heard footsteps and perked up to see johnny and Pony
You were surprised to say the least to see they had your f/f's
"What's this about?"
"We both like you so can you just pick one of us" Pony had replied back
Truth was you had a feeling this would happen
You didn't want to picn between Ponyboy and Johnny you didn't want to hurt either of them
"I can't just pick one of you"
"You have too give us piece of mind" Pony had said
"Maybe they don't have too" Johnny had mumbled
"What if we all date, Whats the wrost that could happen." Johnny said with both you and Pony staring at him
"I wouldn't mind it" you said looking between the both of them
"We could try it" Pony had said
You gave both boys a kiss on the cheek
You had given pony's his first then johnny
"Why did he get a kiss first" Johnny asked
"I don't know he was just closer."
To make him calm down you had to give him a kiss on his cheek then ponyboy got jealous
You had to admit this wasn't how you expected your day to but it worked
Your new relationship has a bright future ahead
You thought at least
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emypony · 2 years
It's the Honkai brainrot fellas
Specifically like. ER + Senti thoughts
Anyway i just. AUGHSHHSHS...
The. Like ok Fu Hua's shadow knight battlesuit looks. Well, it looks. Not bad or good it just IS THERE.
But the way they illustrated her in ER?? LIKE
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Literally how can I put it into words that she looks like a little swallow?? Licherally just a little bird (yes i know her name means bird BUT STILL LIKE AUDJJSJS) she's so. Baby she deserves the world oh my god i am filled with SO MUCH EMOTION.
Not gonna touch on what the fuck TM is her outfit (i think it's cute but weird and i think we can all guess why lol Eden girl why did you do Hua like this...girl is flat)
Anyway 2nd part of my brainrot consists of Senti interactions with her and everyone else. Who cares why she's there or how did she even GET THERE but alright.
I do head canon that after the whole Herrscher of Domination chapter, Senti still holds a little bit of resentment for Fu Hua bc of that betrayal so 😔 hot girl summer is gonna have to wait until they reconcile. HOWEVER based on her bridge voice lines she does wish for Fu Hua to be happy so it's a back n forth tho i suppose most of the voice lines were written with some neutral (at least) to friendly relationship in mind.
THAT SAID... I think despite having conflicted thoughts about Sim Hua at first (before they realize who Senti actually is), she'd probably try to be cold and angry to keep up her appeal however she cannot fault Sim Hua for stuff she hasn't done 😞😭 like. Ok Hua is still Hua (as per Mei's comment) however she's still. YOU KNOW SHES THE. like she's just there she's trying her best and is more reserved and shy and doesn't speak her mind that much.
So I'd assume if a fight broke out (as we see in Elysium Everlasting, tho i suppose fight is a bit of a misunderstanding LMAO) Senti would - despite claiming to hate all things Fu Hua (her sim included) PROBABLY would threaten to beat the shit out of anyone who looks at Sim Hua the wrong way.
Kalpas better watch his fucking back. Like 🤨 yeah she 'dislikes' Sim Hua but that doesn't give anyone the right to say anything mean to her or they're gonna fucking get it !!!
I think she feels some sort of closeness w Sim Hua from the shared experience of like. (Well i know she's still been there for 50k years too but you know.) Being pretty new and despite having some experience, STILL being quite unsure where your place is or what you're supposed to do.
Her being fiercely protective of Sim Hua would be an interesting dynamic and I think that'd be really cute lol ((not a ship btw but u know just!! U look at a little scrunkly and u decide that u would kill for them that's pretty much Senti))
OH I ALMOST FORGOT - Sim Hua realizing (with some help from Elysia, Eden and Su what Senti is doing (but also she notices it herself bc Senti weirdly hovers around her and glares at Mobius even when she's just passing by) AND THEN U KNOW JUST!! FINDING OUT THAT SHES LIKE. A HERRSCHER HELP? literally her own future self but not really and also the thing that took away so many loved people in her life is now here in front of her (well it wasn't Senti but Herrschers by design, you get my point) and she's not doing anything wrong and it's conflicting (and sometimes a little heartwarming) and even fun sometimes if Sim Hua decides to reach out to Senti a few times and watch her fumble with words because she's not expecting it
Anyway let!! Them!! Interact!! And maybe let Senti bite Kalpas i think that'd also be fun. Beating him up in the Elsyian parking lot
Anyway wow i rambled a lot thanks for coming to my Ted talk ((pls engage with this bc I'd love to hear other ppls thoughts jdjdjhdshshh lmao)) anyway i could not resist keeping these thoughts to myself and you all get to hear it!!!!
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