#weak for you prompts
thepromptswhisperer · 4 months
"I'm weak for you." Prompts
“I’d do anything for you.”
“Ha. Don’t think too highly of yourself. Just because I crave your company every now and then, doesn’t mean you’re my weakness. You’re not.”
“I can’t control myself around you. Don’t even want to.”
“Fiiiiine. I’ll do it. For you. Just for you.”
“Why do you have to make keeping a distance from you so damn difficult? I’m trying my hardest and you just…”
“That was but a moment of weakness. Think nothing of it.”
“Having a weak spot for someone doesn’t equate to wanting to be with them. Those are two completely different things.”
“Why can’t I say ‘no’ to you?”
“It scares me to see how far I’m willing to go for you.”
“No, wait. Stay- Stay back. I need to think rationally.” “...What’s that got to do with me?”
“You just can’t stay away from me for too long, huh?”
“My knees have gone a bit weak. Do you mind holding me?”
“It’s like… You have this power over me, and I- I guess I’m wary of where it might lead.”
“I don’t care about anything but you.”
“No other person makes me feel both weak and strong.”
“Stop it. Can’t you see that staying away from you is torture for me too?”
“I’m weak for you.” 
“You have me all wrapped around your finger.”
“I don’t want to scare you away with my… infatuation.”
“Right now I think you could probably talk me into anything.”
“You’ll be the death of me, [name].”
“You’re the only one I have opened up to like this.”
“Aren’t you at least a little ashamed of how blatantly you’re exploiting my feelings for you?”
“For you, I’ll take on any challenge.”
“(Fuck.) I need you to say that/make that sound again.”
“Just when I think you couldn’t make me go even weaker in the knees, you go and say stuff like that. Do you want me to collapse? Maybe melt into a puddle too while I’m at it?”
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demonic0angel · 2 months
Thinking of a Story Idea (click for clarity)
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Where Damian is left alone in Gotham (from plot convenience) and refuses to stay home, so he goes out as Robin by himself. However, he gets into trouble and has to run away from the enemy who keeps chasing him. Just as he thinks that he’s going to get caught, Jazz rescues him by making Shadow catch and absorb him.
Thus, an unlikely friendship happens as Robin uses Jazz and her Shadows as a little getaway and convenient portal, and Jazz makes her first friend in Gotham.
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emacrow · 3 months
Jazz always wanted a little brother.
Her best friend's mommy having a baby brother in her tummy, but right now they were at gotham, mom was meeting with some important people while she stay safe in the car with dad sleeping in the front passenger seat.
When she asked her mom and dad for a baby brother earlier that same week, mom had to explained that her tummy was broken after she had her because she was a very special miracle baby because they tried so hard to have her.
Jazz understood but at the same time, she wanted- no she need a baby brother, maybe one with dad's hair and mom's eyes, or maybe one with hair like hair and dad's eyes.
And she was determined, as she snuck out of the fentomobile car, sneaking inside beside the scary ninjas guards that were temporarily distracted.
She was very good at sneaking around thanks to mom training her to stay quiet and hide better then a ghost.
There was pools of ectoplasmic but much dirtier and less cleaner then the stuff mom and dad work with. Container and chambers full of them.
She saw doctor walking out of one room and snuck in before the the door close on her. There was another ectoplasmic container that had babies in them..
One sleeping upside down and the other upside up. The one of the bottom was sleeping but the older has his eyes open, revealing pretty blue eyes like dad's eyes.
She chewed on her bottom lip a bit and weigh her short limited choices as nodding.
She close her eyes, focusing as she quickly started to float a bit wobbly, sticking her small hands onto the glass ectoplasmic ball using her secret powers that she had learned without mom and dad noticing.
Her invisible hand grabbed the baby slowly, making it invisible as she pulled it out of the ectoplasmic ball.
The baby was very small and light then a feather while covered in wet ectoplasm goop.. the baby cough a bit, dripping ectoplasm out his mouth, squirming a bit as he was about to male a fuzz but quiet down as she held him close into her warm fuzzy jacket.
She snuck back out of the room and quickly out of the place all the way back into fentonmobile..
Covering the baby with her Einstein beat designed blanket, cleaning the baby up like she would with her baby dolls, and she open the empty toy baby bottle and open her mini almond milk jug, then pour the milk in and close it, after remembering to cut a little open hole on the tip of the hard plastic nibble part.
Scooting over to the baby, and carefully picking him up and helding him close onto her lap like she seen the mommy do on TV as she press the toy baby bottle again the baby's mouth.
It would be 1 hour later before mom came back looking excited then 2 hours later after they left gotham before a soft baby wail woke her dad from the backseat of the fenton car where jazz was.
Jazz was pink in the face as she was trying to hide the baby but she couldn't stop him from crying.
It would 20 minutes of jazz lying straight to her parents's faces on where she found the baby, and it would forever be her only best lie she ever told that convinced them to adopt the baby boy that was now named danny..
Meanwhile back at league of Assassin headquarters. The head scientist has noticed that the first unborn twin baby has been removed early then schedule, probably due to natural condition of death since the first one has a much weaker pulse compared to the second unborn baby which Talia had name Damian later.
The leading scientist check off the existence of the supposed first born who went without a name on the data base...
Unknownly to both parties, Jazz was very happy to have a little brother of her own now, even if his eyes flashes green a bit from time to time.
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ministarfruit · 8 months
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day 2: please be gentle ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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noxcheshire · 11 months
I kept thinking of little baby man Phantom and the potential of Danny being an actual baby of the Infinite Realms. However, he’s more snake teenager than itty bitty Little Baby Man edition, cause I think it’d be so funny to just — imagine this teenage snake curled up in a summoning circle, obviously having been taking a nap and looking up with his big green, sleepy eyes and Constantine just stares and freaks because, “THATS A WHOLE ASS BABY, PUT IT BACK!”
But they can’t because apparently the summoning was more of a ‘knock knock I’m a babysitter’ and Danny’s ghost parent decided that this was the perfect time to have some time for themselves if Heroes were so willing to take care of Danny for a little while.
Another take — mainly in reference to a different post about Klarion actually just being a toddler of the infinite realms with no ideas on how to human and thinks him fighting with heroes is just a play date — zooms into the human realm where the heroes are and just goes, “Hey I’m dropping my baby sibling onto you guys cause my dad got mad last time Danny got hurt by the humans I hang with. So here you go, I’ll pick him up later.”
A teenage snake Danny is dropped into a hero’s arms where he mainly grumbles and then shifts to better take a nap. Klarion drops the baby essentials at them with no further explanations other then “here’s their favorite blanket, if they get fussy taco them; here’s the baby milk make sure it’s -200 F, they have an ice core, etc.” and then just DISAPPEARS after leaving what amounts to a month old infant in human heroes care.
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blackkatdraws2 · 6 months
The Main Character.
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[Blank Scripts AU]
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benevolenterrancy · 22 days
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@hereticcryptid I appear to be slowly but surely developing an entire series about how Hensheng and Baxia apparently get fed up with their owners' inability to express their feelings and take matters into their own hands...
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The anti ecto laws go into effect just before S2E2 “Doctors Disorders”. So when Danny’s entire class, including Sam and Tucker, becomes sick with ghost flu and start exhibiting ghost powers, the GIW swoop in and cart all the sick kids off to a GIW facility. They claim the kids are all ecto contaminated and therefore fall under the anti ecto laws! And the GIW aren’t concerned with trying to help the kids get better. Instead they’re experimenting on them. Danny knows he can’t get into the GIW facility to rescue them on his own without getting captured. So he does the only thing he can do, he goes to the Justice League for help.
The Justice League, and the Justice Dark are all together in the watchtower for a meeting when Danny shows up. He’s an absolute mess because his friends and classmates have all been taken by the GIW. And he latches onto the first person in the room that he sees. Which just so happens to be Batman. Now Batman has a sobbing hysterical ghost child clinging to him! Everyone is super confused. It takes them half an hour to calm Danny down enough that he can explain what the problem is.
When they find out about the anti ecto laws and what the GIW have done they are all horrified and pissed!! They immediately set out to rescue Danny’s classmates. And if they just so happen to accidentally destroy the GIW facility along the way well none of them are to broken up about it. After the kids are all rescued, cured from the ghost flu, and returned to their parents, the Justice League sets out to get the anti ecto laws repealed. They reveal to the whole world just what the GIW did to a whole class of innocent human children while using the anti ecto laws as cover to do it! The whole world is outraged! It only takes two days for the laws to be repealed, and for the GIW to be permanently disbanded.
A few days later Danny Phantom does a live tv interview where he answers questions about ghosts and the ghost zone. He hopes that this will help people better understand ghosts and their true nature.
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bitethedustfools · 7 months
TWST Story Idea (10)
Twisted Wonderland is a very unique world. Their world has magic, and they have different species living together, ranging from mages, beastmen, fae, merfolk, and so on.
Yuu's world had something like those, but obviously, that was just in a story, a fiction, a drawing on walls and pots. Something that almost all people heard of but did not believe in their existence. Which is understandable because Yuu's world is just humans and animals, and that's it. There are no werewolves, no vampires or mermaids, not even a dragon, and so on.
Yuu had been the type of person who always has been interested in these kinds of things: mythology, folklore, and cryptozoology, and maybe a little bit of history. That's what Yuu loves in the whole world.
They know many things and the history of how it came to be. You can ask Yuu if they know about skinwalker, and they'll put up a presentation that they prepared for years, which somehow leads to other cryptids. The Beast of Gévaudan? Yuu's got a conspiracy board with a bunch of pictures of animals to prove this beast is actually so and so and where it ran off to. They are also very knowledgeable about Greek mythology, followed by Norse, Aztec, and so on.
So imagine Yuu got transported to Twisted Wonderland and got the shock of their life when they saw a beastman. Yuu expected to see a furry animal standing on two feet, the face a mix with man and animal followed by animalistic growls and piercing eyes. Not… not a goddamn handsome man with a pair of ears and tails!
Sure, they had seen this type before, but that's on some people's fantasy that they have written and drawn! Yuu is absolutely stupefied when they're face to face.
Every time Yuu met a new species, Yuu didn't fail to feel disappointed in what they saw. The dragon by the name of Malleus got a human form that he likes to use, and that has the most ridiculously handsome face Yuu has ever seen. Where is the fire-breathing dragon? Where is the gold they hoard? The wings? Yuu is not satisfied with this.
Yuu met Hades next, who was hailed as one of the prominent seven figures seen as a hero or something, which just conflicted with what Yuu knows about the Hades of their world.
Yuu took a look at the multiple figures next to him like the Fairest Queen, the Queen of Hearts, Maleficent, and Ursula, and was astounded to see that they also were hailed as heroes. Their story is so much nicer than the original story Yuu read that at least, 2 out of 4 stated above died horribly if Yuu is not mistaken.
The dwarves are just toddlers that can speak perfectly, the eels from the Little Mermaid are humanified, what was supposed to be a werewolf is not a werewolf at all. The ghosts are all the same as though they are copy and pasted many times, some had different clothes. Yuu saw Grim, and they're not sure what he is, but he's cute, so that's alright.
Halloween comes, and Yuu is ready to be the most terrifying monster of them all, and they did, but that's because the rest dressed prettily and not terrifyingly like Yuu expected!
Where's the horror? Where are the screams of terror and the nightmare fuel appearance?? Yuu wanted to see someone getting traumatized, and all they got is sparkles and annoyance. Those magicam monsters must be stupid and blind to be scared of such pretty faces.
The only highlight of the Halloween was the Spectral realm like yes! The gloomy atmosphere is here! The graves! The very gothic architecture is everywhere! It was what Yuu imagined where the wandering and unrest souls will go.
It got crashed by a disco ball, though.
In short, Yuu didn't like it.
This world is sh*tty and against everything Yuu believed in. It's like meeting an idol you like so much and find that they are not the same as your expectation or something.
Dissatisfied, Yuu complained to themself, unaware that NRC heard it. "This is not what I imagined them to be. What a let down…"
Seeing that NRC are full of prideful kids, naturally, they get offended being told by a magicless human that Twisted Wonderland filled with wonder doesn't excite Yuu in any slightest.
Now this. This made Yuu perked up, but at the same time, Yuu is also offended that the others think their world is nothing special.
Yuu made up their mind to take it as a challenge. Yuu won't lose to these rip-offs of their world. They're gonna prove their world is superior, and that's Yuu's pride as a human being from that world.
Twisted Wonderland might have 7-8 prominent figures, but Yuu's world has more, although they may not exist today. Yuu is gonna show them how there's charm in being a mystery and history.
Yuu proceeded to drop snippets of a bunch of mythology, folklore, and cryptozoology randomly in the different places.
Yuu would go camping with the friends and said in his world there used to be a Wendigo roaming around in the woods. They would describe vividly about its appearance and how it eats flesh and the origin of how it came to be, taking sadistic delight when said friends looked at each other shakingly.
Yuu would mention out of nowhere about how beautiful people would have been sacrificed to the gods to a rather vain person and said it's lucky they are not in Yuu's world.
They even talked about Salem witch trials down to the details when a group of their friends has a fight or something. Magic doesn't involve in that, of course, but they looked terrified that even humans would accuse and execute their own kin. A very dark history indeed.
The mer eel would have threatened Yuu about squeezing and biting and so on, and Yu would drop a myth in their world about eating mermaid would bring immortality and maybe that's why they don't exist anymore.
They even mentioned casually that the faes would replace human kids with theirs and also kidnapped humans as pets. They can also be invisible to the eyes so no one would know or even find them.
The others are terrified to hear what story sprouted out of Yuu.
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cam-ryt · 17 hours
Could you plz draw Anakin in modern dress (but all black) and Obi as the opposite? Kinda like a modern day causal Wednesday?
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I feel like casual Obi-Wan would still be sophisticated (it was also an excuse to draw him in a turtleneck ngl)
And oh, do you remember when Hayden pulled off those insane large black pants for a premiere or something ?? I think about them every day and about the day he will put them on again (in the meantime, I'm treating myself)
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palecryptid · 3 months
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(p5 spinoff week day five: phamous)
somewhere in a store window… 📷
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lexiluxray · 5 months
your rendition of sycamore is scrumptious, I eat it up every time
Fhfhfhf thaaaanksss I hope I'll keep feeding you well 🧡🧡🧡
As I'm not immune to compliment on my artstyle on a character I adore, I feel the absolute need to draw said character MORE each time I'll receive an ask about it u_u
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hypewinter · 1 year
Conner is the only stable clone of Superman. Therefore the scientists over at Cadmus decide to clone him in the hopes that they'll have most success in their cloning.
They are indeed successful.... kinda. You see while they can produce more stable clones more often, seeing as these are clones of a clone, they're not that strong. They're all basically just slightly stronger than the average human. Except one clone who shows a lot of promise. Too bad he runs away before they can start training him. (They never expected the clone to prematurely wake up in the tank and escape).
That clone ends up becoming, you guessed it, Daniel Fenton. He doesn't know he's a clone and promptly forgets about his 5 minutes trapped in a strange facility as he adopts his new identity. Life goes on, he becomes a ghost, battles other ghosts and gets cloned by the local fruitloop. Enter Ellie. She is now the clone of a clone of clone. Cloneception if you will.
The reason she's constantly destabilizing is because she's so far removed from the original that her cells are physically degraded. Think of it like cells that have been divided for way too long and have become cancerous and/or tumorous. The ectoplasm in her blood just keeps healing her body at the same rate as the degradation but it's constantly needing to be replenished. If she wants to live a truly stable life she would need to get a DNA sample from the original.
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jujucomet · 11 months
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Day 17 - Trust /Failure
Quick BulkDown for rare pair fest! Because the prompt made me think of this episode for some reason.
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
26. creating art inspired by them <3
Altair you brilliant wonderful genius, you’ve given me the perfect way to ring in a fill for “Episode 6 continuation” for Dreamling week.  We shall ignore the fact that I have already have already completed an omegaverse fill that I will be posting tomorrow LMAO-
blossoming romance writing prompts
It is late in the evening of their reunion when Dream finally notices it. Along the back of the New Inn’s wall behind Hob Gadling, there are multiple works of art, framed lovingly, and displayed proudly. It is not the one directly behind Hob that catches his eye, but one to the left of it, and once Dream realizes what it is, he cannot stop looking at it. 
It is a portrait. A portrait of Dream himself. 
Dream recognizes the style of hair and dress to be from their aborted meeting in 1889, when Dream had stormed off into the night at the thought of being called a friend. The portrait should stir something negative in his gut, a sour reminder of how poorly Dream had acted that night, but it does none of these things.
Because in this portrait, Dream is smiling. It is subtle, but it is there, in the quirk of his lips, in the tilt of his eyebrows, in the way his eyes shine in a way Dream has not seen on himself in at least an eon. It is a portrait that makes him look kind instead of cold, warm instead of aloof. 
Was this how Hob Gadling saw Dream in his mind’s eye? Even after how cruelly Dream had treated him before?  
Hob pauses in the story he had been recounting, clearly noticing that something is amiss. He makes a questioning noise, but Dream cannot find it in himself to speak, too dumb struck to form any coherent thoughts or words. It is a rare thing indeed, for the Prince of Stories to be found wordless. And here Hob Gadling has managed to do it with a simple charcoal drawing.
Hob’s eyes eventually follow Dream’s line of sight, and he must realize what Dream is looking at, for he whips his head immediately to the portrait and inhales sharply. 
“Oh, uhm, that,” Hob says sheepishly, bringing a hand to rub at his neck. Dream tears his eyes away from the portrait in time to notice there is blush blooming along the immortal’s neck and face. Hob is still turned to the portrait, as if transfixed.
“You know,” Hob says, eventually turning back and meeting Dream’s eyes. “I’ve been drawing you for a long time,” he admits. “I’ve lost most of the sketchbooks and paintings, after…well, you know when. But that one in particular is special to me. I drew it after you missed our appointment in 1989.”
Hob’s smile is shaky, as if he expects Dream to get up once more and flee The New Inn, as he had in 1889. But leaving is the furthest thing from Dream’s mind. 
“You would draw me so kindly?” Dream asks, voice barely above a whisper. “After we parted so poorly that night?”
Hob’s smile becomes more confident. “That’s how you always looked to me,” he says warmly. “A kind stranger who’s given me the greatest of gifts, a long fulfilling life, a chance to learn and fix my past mistakes. A…” he pauses, then huffs a small laugh. 
“A friend,” Hob says definitively.  “My oldest friend.”
Dream lets out a choked sob. He hadn’t even known his eyes were watering but now tears are flowing freely down his cheeks. He is overcome with emotion at Hob’s devotion to him. And he does not know what to do with himself. 
“Shit!” Hob exclaims, palming at his jacket and jeans until he finds what he is looking for. He pulls out a handkerchief and makes an attempt to first offer the item to Dream, but then changes his mind and moves to wipe Dream’s tears himself. 
“Please no tears friend, this was supposed to be a happy reunion,” Hob pleads, pressing the cloth gently into Dream’s skin. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Dream shakes his head and places his hand over Hob’s, stilling the man’s ministrations. 
“There was no offense,” Dream says. “You just continue to surprise me, Hob Gadling. My friend.”
Hob’s returning smile is blinding. “I don’t think I’ll ever tire of hearing you say that. I would wait another 133 years for you just to hear it again.”
“You do not have to,” Dream replies. “I will call you thus for as long as you will let me. And…” Dream purses his lips, trying to form the correct words for what he will say next.
“Perhaps moving forward,” he continues, “we no longer need to only meet once a century. It is my understanding that friends meet more than that.”
“They do,” Hob replies. “And friends also invite one another into their homes to break bread and drink wine. As it so happens, my home is above this lovely establishment. Would you…would you like to come up?” 
Dream smiles and nods, before they stand and he follows Hob upstairs. 
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caughtonwebcam · 5 months
platonic radiorose dynamic where alastor seeks comfort in rosie because she reminds him of his mom, which brings out alastor’s humanity and vulnerability, which in turn disturbs him deeply
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