#weaponized mental health
nenelonomh · 25 days
miscellaneous study tips
do all readings, even the ones that are 'suggested' but not required. they were suggested for a reason.
get to class early. getting to class early gives you time to be prepared and ready to study. review your notes from the day before, lay out all your supplies, ask the teacher any lingering questions about the material.
your feet feel cold? put on socks. you feel thirsty? fill up your waterbottle and leave it beside you. make yourself comfortable whilst you are studying, or you will hate it.
if you can't find the motivation to get to work on something, force yourself to pick it up for just two minutes. you're very likely to continue.
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littletroubledoll · 7 months
“that girl” vision board
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geminiskulleta · 11 months
Hey guys
just had my first breakdown of the evening over my exams on Monday :D feeling festive ❤️🫶❤️🫶❤️🫶❤️👍👍👍👍
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webs-of-words · 4 months
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could never be average in this hellish world
sources: jennifer’s body | ccz | pinterest | @/goitsmangoz on twitter | pinterest | this is me trying - taylor swift | @coming-of-age-witch on tumblr | pinterest | you’re on your own kid - taylor swift | @/kinglessqueen on twitter | pinterest
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seaweedstarshine · 6 months
Thinking about River affectionately calling the Doctor her “madman in a box” only after he's called her his “bespoke psychopath,” and vice versa. They each were called these words by the other before ever using them to describe the other.
Thinking about the way they defy reality for each other. How modern psychiatry elevates objective reality to gatekeep full participation in society, yet they shatter objective reality with love — “I can’t let you die without knowing that you are loved.” and “You are always here to me and I always listen and I can always see you.”
Thinking about “What's the mad fool talking about now?” and how Gallifrey ostracizes those labelled mad, going so far as to see it as failure in children. Thinking about “A child is not a weapon!” “Give us time.” and how Kovarian equates psychopath with weapon as a tool of dehumanization and control.
Thinking about the way the psychiatric-industrial complex inflicts violence upon those who deviate from psychosocial norms. How their relationship was born in violence, but of madness — not madness in a post-Enlightenment framework of opposition to Reason, but madness as radical compassion that doesn’t demand so-called rationality — “Every time you've asked, I have been there.”
Thinking about how neither of them chose “psychopath” or “madman,” but they both own those words as instruments in their own agency.
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⚕️ Turn Illness into a Weapon ⚕️
"Among the surviving records of SPK’s (Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv or Socialist Patients' Collective) actions and ideologies is a manifesto written by its members called Aus Der Krankheit Eine Waffe Machen (often translated as To Make an Army out of Illness, or Turn Illness into a Weapon). This 1972 text is part user manual, part oral history, part sardonic critique of Cold War capitalism. Unlike other self-organized patient groups and their counterparts in the anti-psychiatry movement, SPK uniquely combined Marxist political theory, social science analysis, and what they termed 'therapeutic praxis' to create an improvised, in-patient community with the express collectivist goal of researching the connections between capitalism, madness, eugenics, and the individuation of illness under political economies of work and care."¹
— from Health Communism, written by Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Artie Vierkant.
[ID: My design of a linocut print on brown paper. A snake is wrapped around a stick, with text below which reads, "Turn Illness into a Weapon". The snake is hissing and baring its fangs. Its tongue is curling out of its mouth. The second image is the same design but on white paper. End ID]
¹ Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Artie Vierkant, Health Communism (Brooklyn: Verso, 2022), 128-129.
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erigcore · 1 month
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Day 9 of building a disciplined life
A week into reading “Feeling good - The new therapy”
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ros3ybabe · 11 days
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Daily Check-in: September 9th, 2024 🍂
This weekend was rough. My grandma passed away and I found out at the end of a 13 hour work shift, so it made for a difficult night to say the least. But today was a decent day. Got lots of steps and had an overall pretty good day.
📚 What I Accomplished
completed lab 19 pre lab for chemistry
complete 8/10 assignments for my intro to business class
took a nap
did my morning and night skincare
journaled in the morning
filled out my planner for the week
booked a tattoo appointment for October
🎨 Random Stuff From The Day
got a ride to and from lab with one of my roommates and found out she's actually a giant sweetheart, her and I are both just two awkward people
ordered taco bell for dinner cause why not
need to start taking creatine again, but I've stopped working out cause life. need to get back to it
am going to pull extra hours at work cause I definitely wanna make sure I can pay for my tattoo and all my bills
forgot to take my meds, whoops
🍉 Stuff For Tuesday, Sept 10th
go to accounting class
complete more homework
study japanese
morning + night skincare
work a ~8 hour shift
go to the gym with my friend after work
have a good day <3
that's all for yesterday. not much to speak on for the day tbh but it was a good day. I definitely didn't do as much as I had wanted but that's okay, cause life happens.
til next time lovelies 🩷
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freudsdaddyissues · 2 months
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have to physically carve this into my brain
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nenelonomh · 1 month
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tip for study after school:
when you get home, eat something and REMOVE your phone. turn it off and put it away in another room. try your hardest to not get distracted because once you're on your phone it may be hard to clear your head.
then you can do your homework and afterwards, you can enjoy your leisure time. leisure time must be something that does not stress you.
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
Ever think about how the sharpest sword would be incredibly ineffective? How swords weren't made as sharp as something like a razor because they needed to be sturdy, needed to be swung into hard material without breaking. Even when peasants weaponized their scythes they did it by making them blunter. The necessities of an object that needed to be able to be blocked by a shield and not break were more important than that it be as good as possible at cutting.
Maybe you should be that way. Maybe it's more important you don't break than that you're 100% effective.
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stollemyheart · 1 month
╭₊˚ʚ🐰ɞ august
day 14 of 31 ☄. *. ⋆
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uni was exhausting today :(( but in a good way. i feel like over the past two years i've developed such an unhealthy relationship with studying, and have such negative emotion attached with learning. so i'm slowly trying to unlearn that. honestly, over the past month, i haven't gotten a lot of studying done, but i'm just trying to be happier and more at ease.
today i :
took a very short and infuriating nap
took a very long walk
packed for my trip
started a new kdrama: red swan
🎧: older by sasha alex sloan
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marmelade-sky · 3 months
"I simply can't communicate my needs-" learn how to.
"I'm bad at communicating my feelings-" learn it then.
"I constantly lose friends because I don't keep up with them-" make an effort.
"I just have terrible emotional regulation-" self-reflect. Get better.
"Sorry I'm always late-" improve your time management strategies.
"Everytime I meet this person they make me feel awful-" don't meet them anymore. I know it's hard, do it anyway.
"My relationship with my partner is suffering because I never talk to them about what I need and want-" they can't read your mind. Learn to talk.
If you are an adult, you can learn how to handle your own feelings. Sit down, write it down, self-reflect, make strategies. Seek change. Better yourself.
Weaponized emotional incompetence, where you expect people around you to handle your issues without ever trying to change, isn't the way to go. You have agency, use it.
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mr---cringe · 3 months
An unpopular opinion for a considerably messed up mentally ill person. Not comparing my experience (yep smart buddy hands off of the keyboard you don't know shit about me expect for kinks and hyperfixations) to that of Mr Creed but considering mine I can't help but think of should Victor attend a competent and professional psychiatrist and take his meds he would have a chance to be more or less ok
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dearweirdme · 3 months
why it so hard for you to accept that jungkook and tae couldn’t have a deep conversation? you don’t know these men, you probably frankly never will- you cannot say that they never felt like it based on the interpretation you have of their relationship when their words have told you otherwise. and how their distance cannot be true because it doesn’t align with your fantasies. it’s not only weird but boderline insane. you’re extremely obsessive and need a reality check. rather than accepting that these men want to share a story ab themselves and to show you you can mend relationships with people your close with and things aren’t always at it seems, you fight tooth and nail to convince yourself and others that it’s not real. it’s funny because it seems that when tae was struggling with his mental health that’s exactly when their relationship took a hit- he became closed off because of it even so that jungkook noticed and wrote it to him in their 2020 festa in which he told tae to reach out to someone- literally anyone because he knew he wasn’t that person. you denying this is denying that tae did ultimately go through something, something that the entire fandom had noticed and rather than accepting it and acknowledging the fact that mental health does it fact cause strains on person relationships you act the way you do. like a delusional person. relationships can change find a way to accept that or unstan tae. they’re not pawns for a story u chose to create to comfort yourself, they’re real people
Hi anon!
I don't even care if you're a Jkkr or just annoyed with Tkkkrs in general (though I'm leaning towards Jkkr since you're probably here because of that jkkr account that discussed my post recently).
You are very much underestimating my experience and knowledge about/with mental health, depression, and the effect it has on relationships. This will probably come of as a 'trust me dude, I know', but honestly most people who have suffered from depression (or other mental health problems) will tell you that the depth of a relationship does not matter when it comes to depression. Depressed people are not more prone to open up to their partners, their partners can't fix them and are not able to cure them from being depressed. Partners are also so often just a bystander in someone's struggle with depression. So your comments on this are basically invalidating every depressed person's relationship with their partener, because it has the assumption that a romantic partner is the exception when it comes to a depressed person's internal struggles. They are not! Very often a depressed person will try to hide their pain from everyone. To avoid harming them. Now every person's story is different and every depressed person's way of dealing will also be different. Educate yourself anon.
Tae shut everyone out. Just like Jm shut people out, just like Namjoon shut people out. Parners that truly love one another will endure these times together, even if one of them shut's the other out. I do think Tae shut Jk out at his hardest moments. I also think it is clear that Jk stood by him and was a source of comfort in the ways he could. I've witnessed many (too much for my liking, because it is brutal to see people you love go through this) couples survive mental health problems and making it through them together. I've been the person that a depressed person's partner hoped they would open up to... even though they did not open up to their partner themselves. When you see someone go through hell each day, you don't care who they open up to.. you just hope they do to whomever they can.
Now the real question is... why does it trigger YOU so much that I think Tae and Jk do have deep conversations?
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n33tabix · 5 months
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Schizophrenic Pico Stimboard for MHAM
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