#werewolf au art
spirit0flondonatnight · 9 months
yo so I made some werewolf!au doodles : ]
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anyways, I started listening to MCR a bit, honestly regret not doing so sooner
oh yeah and I made a new tag for all my art! It's "thespiritoflondonatnight'scollection" so if you ever wanna check out some other pieces of mine that's where to look! I'm planning on doing art a bit more consistently now so hopefully I'll be able to use this tag often enough to justify making it ^-^;
And before I forget! I've made a signature! I've hesitated doing so because I'm almost always changing my name but I feel I've gotten comfortable enough with Anakin to put it on my art! However you may notice some different signatures in my past pieces, those are still mine! Some names you might come across are "Ozy" "Theseus" and "Jekyll" those are still me just when I went under a different name!
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bluegiragi · 8 months
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chasing tail.
early access + nsfw on patreon
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camilleflyingrotten · 7 months
Good Omens Vampire/Lycan AU for a happy Halloween!!! 🎃
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Doctor Crowley was a vampire. And he always knew what to do. That was his job. He had to eliminate the lycan before its first transformation, when it was still a fragile and confused human, suffering from what they believe was an infection.
Then he met Mr Fell…
Crowley has been injecting silver in Fell’s bloodstream for a few days now and was surprised of how resilient the man was. Despite telling him it was to prevent further infection, Fell knew he was dying. And his last decision was to spend the last days he had left with Crowley.
It was the first time in the Doctor very long life that a total stranger wanted to spend their last moments with him. And suddenly he didn’t want Fell gone anymore. He could keep the secret. Save the lycan and control him so he can never be a danger for vampires…
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tanuki-pyon · 4 months
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When you're a spy in charge of kidnapping the princess but turns out princess was a mf werewolf
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polarspaz · 8 days
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-More Horror Bros AU doodles! I also updated Tim's werewolf design.
-Dick ALWAYS breaks when Tim gives him the sad puppy dog eyes. Bruce and Damian are also surprisingly weak against it.
-Tim likes to wear shirts that belong to either Bruce or Kon. Bruce's scent calms him down and makes him feel safe, while Kon's scent reminds me of the sun and makes him giddy. Tim will never admit this though, he will also never admit how embarrassed he is about how Kon's shirt is STILL too big for him, even as a werewolf.
-I said before that Jason can't eat, but I think I might make change that and make him have to eat brains, animal ones at least. It gross. So, so, gross and when Jason is feeling especially devious, he'll make digusting noises while eating, just to make Tim gag.
-When they got cursed, Dick was the first to go down and started coughing up his teeth, along with halve of his blood. Jason rushed over to help, but his own skin began to rot and peel off. Damian was hunched over next to Tim, clutching his throat while gasping for breath as tiny green fish scales blossomed all over his skin. Tim had only a moment to act and manged to grab Damian and yeet him into the harbor before he himself began to transform.
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longelk · 7 months
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kaycee "off the wall"
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lieu-rey · 6 days
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more werewolf au ft. jovier!
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bailiesartblog · 2 months
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Dark Paladin Eliska
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selpuku · 7 months
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 8 months
🐺🧼Werewolf!Soap 🐺🧼
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(edit : now with colours!)
I suddenly dreamed of Werewolf!Soap during my nap today and I just need to sketch it. In my dreams he could jump so high and move so fast and of course super human. He has full control of the power, but he of course acts like a puppy attempting to be cool. His hairs are really fluffy when the power is activated.
I know Soap hates dogs but that's where the cuteness lies innit?
Hope you love this sketch! (≧∇≦)ノ
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phuuca · 1 month
Crocodile Sebek 🐊🐊🐊
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I don't see enough crocodile Sebek and decided to fill the void myself.
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theneonflower · 5 months
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werewolf au but it’s just them being dads
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bluegiragi · 5 months
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new moon (part 1)
early access + nsfw on patreon
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miilkybnn · 9 months
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(werewolf au) he got bamboozled
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toadslug · 3 months
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I considered waiting until the "bomb" prompt for RW art month to post this, but nahhh.
Just werewolf Arti frolicking around ☺️💖
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beansprean · 3 months
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Support me on Patreon or send a tip on Kofi!
One day in January I thought, "wouldn't it be hilarious if there was an episode where the camera crew changes places with a crew filming a documentary on werewolves in california. and everyone is playing a werewolf counterpart version of their character?" And it all devolved from there. Ty to @vampireshmampire and @memosminifridge for riffing with me and coming up with hilarious ideas <3
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Title card, close up on a full moon glowing blue, surrounded by swirls of fog and bands of purple, blue, and green light. Overlaid is tht title "What We Do Under The Moon" in the What We Do In The Shadows font, letters dark blue with a brighter blue to purple gradient at the bottom, backlit in white.
2. Wide shot of the werewolf character played by Kayvan Novak doing a talking head. He is wearing medium wash jeans, a grey tee shirt over a millennial pink vest, a small gold medallion around his neck with a matching crescent moon earring, and has his long wavy hair half up in a messy bun. He is sitting on a light cream L-shaped couch adjacent to a glass patio door letting in the sunlight and below a wall hanging that says 'live, laugh, lick'. The lower third identifies him as "Navid - beta werewolf". Navid leans back casually against the cushions and props one elbow up on the back of the couch, leaning his head into that hand, and says, "If I am to establish myself as the Alpha of the pack over Lionel and Niki, I must find a mate. Someone strong, powerful, and...nearby. In the same house even, if possible." As he speaks, he glances meaningfully to his left, where the character played by Harvey Guillen is standing behind the couch, his back to Navid as he fusses with a vacuum. He is wearing square retro glasses, airpods in both ears, brown chinos, and a short sleeved green button up unbuttoned to the sternum with a dog silhouette pattern and sleeves rolled up his biceps. His beard is well-kept stubble and hair is buzzed short on the sides, curls pushed to the side in artful disarray and sun-bleached a lighter brown.
3a. Close up on Harvey's character as he walks down the hall away from Navid's talking head. In the background, Navid whips around to lean over the back of the couch with an expectant grin, howling, "Gerardo!! Eavesdropping again? Do you have anything to add to this topic?" Gerardo barely pays him mind, tossing his reply over his shoulder: "No, sir. Seems like a werewolf-only interview. I'm going to go vacuum the alpha den, they've been shedding." 3b. Waist-up of Gerardo standing with his arms crossed, doing a talking head. The lower third reads "Gerardo Cordero de Luna, werewolf familiar (familiar is crossed out) apprentice." Gerardo says haughtily, "I am not a familiar! Only witches and vampires pull that nonsense. I'm an apprentice, and I'm part of the pack." 3c. Repeat. Offscreen, one of the crew asks, "And what does a werewolf apprentice do?" Gerardo goes a bit red, embarrassed, and glares off to the side, hesitating to answer.
The following are all cropped close ups on a mottled orange and yellow background from a colored doodle dump. 4. Waist up of Gerardo and Navid as Navid begs, hands laced together, "Gerardo, won't you let me bite you?" Gerardo avoids his gaze with a nervous grin, flapping his hand dismissively, and replies, "Ehh...not yet! There's still plenty for me to learn about being a werewolf! I've only been apprenticed what, 3 years?" "Almost 15!" Navid shoots back.
5a. Knees up of Navid and Natasia Demetriou's werewolf character, Niki. She is wearing dark red gradient high waisted leggings, a dark red low cut bralette with crossed straps in front, a fluffy cropped brown fur coat, a gold medallion matching Navid's, and multiple golden piercings in her ears with two large oval discs dangling from the lobes. Her lipstick and square cut nails are dark red, and her long hair is permed in tight fluffy curls half up in twin buns. Navid grabs his left wrist with his right hand and thrusts it at Niki's face with an anxious expression, asking, "I smell like I love him, right??" Niki curls her lip and cringes away from him, hands up to swat his arm away as she spits back, "Ugh, yes!! You stink up the whole house with your pining! There's no way he can't smell it." 5b. Knees up of Gerardo sitting on a light cream couch, reading from a book titled "Care for the Lonely Werewolf" help up in his right hand. Navid is laying across the couch, sans vest and hair loose, with his head resting on Gerardo's left thigh. His right hand is trapped beneath him, fingers hooked at the back of Gerardo's knee, and his left rests on top beneath his cheek. Gerardo's left hand his idly petting his hair. Navid stares intently into the middle distance, thinking, 'Perhaps I should be less aloof with him...'
6a. Bust of Gerardo, who is holding up an iPad in his left hand with a drawing stylus poised in his right. Navid, large and hairy in werewolf form but still sporting his dangly earring and little hair bun, is hugging him from behind, clawed hands on his shoulders and wet nose nuzzling into the side of his face. Navid's eyes are closed and his mouth is hanging open, tongue lolling out happily. Gerardo looks up at him with a fond, if confused, smile. 6b. Knees up of Navid raising a triumphant fist with a grin and confidently declaring, "He is playing hard to get, but he underestimates how hard I am to get rid of!"
7a. Waist up of Matt Berry's werewolf character, Lionel, who looks much the same but is casual in a light cream linen shirt unbuttoned well below his sternum tucked into matching linen pants, his only accessory the gold medallion matching the others'. He is standing in front of a countertop hosting a box of Thin Mints and cringes away with a drawn-out whine as Gerardo pops into frame to spray him with water, scolding, "No, bad Lionel!" 7b. Waist up of Mark Proksch's character, who appears to just be Colin Robinson dressed like Indiana Jones, as he walks into frame with a rolling suitcase. He smiles and waves, shouting, "Howdy, guys!!" Lionel stands in the background, hands on hips with an easy smile, and says. "Oh, look, it's our landlord Arthur Simon Santiago who lives such an interesting life in New York City and uses this condo as a vacation home!"
8. Group shot, knees up, of Lionel, Niki, Gerardo, and Navid smiling for the camera. Lionel has one hand on his hip and the other around his wife's waist, leaning into her. Niki has one arm thrown around Lionel's shoulders, flashing a peace sign, and the other held up behind Navid's head to give him bunny ears. Gerardo is standing slightly in front of her, one hand clutching a pamphlet for Tisch School of the Arts and looking a bit uncomfortable as if he had been dragged into the photo last minute. Still, he offers the camera a hesitant smile and allows his left arm to be crushed to Navid's chest as the werewolf pulls him close with an arm around his shoulders. Navid leans his entire body into Gerardo with a huge grin, flashing a peace sign with his free hand.
9. Uncropped version of the entire doodle dump, repeating images 4 through 8. /end ID
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