#what bothers me is repetitive noises
crystalisopod · 8 months
I know loud sounds being a sensory issue is the most common (?) but it kinda irks me that that's what people always assume for me. and I do actually have issues with sound, but it's not a huge problem, and it's never in the way people assume it to be
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dude-iloveu · 2 months
i don't know if it's something tumblr or Firefox did but the site om mobile browser is a little faster now. as in, it's not as annoying to navigate as it used to be
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stevebabey · 1 year
Eddie is beginning to wonder if he’ll ever reach a point where Steve couldn’t reduce him to this state.
This state being… transfixed. Eddie is sure he must look like a lovesick cartoon. In fact, if he could manage to drag his gaze away, he’d probably find red hearts circling around his head in a halo, popping like little bubbles.
But Eddie can’t move his eyes. Can’t even close his mouth either.
Steve’s talking to him too, which is most definitely worse — he’s totally missing every word. He can see Steve’s lips moving, pink plush lips wrapping around words but fuck, that was a total trap because now Eddie is just looking at his lips. He tries to refocus, to listen. His eyes just wander back to what he was staring back at the first place.
Was Steve like this all the time? Just a walking around looking so damn delectable?
Or is it Eddie, just a starved man who’s been living off stolen glances, for as long as he can remember? For once, he’s learning, he’s allowed to look.
And by God, is he looking.
Steve’s not even doing it on purpose either, which probably makes the whole thing funnier. Eddie knows what his boyfriend (boyfriend! he thinks giddily in his mind) looks like when he’s cleaned up to impress. He can spot the way Steve preens beneath Eddie’s lingering gaze.
This is not that. Today, Steve is just cleaning, a usual Sunday morning ritual.
He’s got some old sport shorts on and he’s clearly grown a bit since he first got them— unless Hawkins has always been giving out slutty little shorts to the basketball team (They haven’t. Eddie would know if they did.)
He’s wearing one of his wife-beater singlets too. It’s a little on the scrappy side though, considering it’s nearly see-through with how worn it is.
Honestly, in Eddie’s humble and gay opinion, it’s stupidly hot. The dark hair dusted across of Steve’s chest is visible beneath it, the shirt showing off the shape of his broad chest. Even better, his happy trail is visible and goddamn, if that doesn’t make Eddie happy, he doesn’t know what will.
But it’s not even that.
Quite frankly, Eddie’s rather embarrassed that he’s basically blue-screening because Steve is pulling out the cord out from the vacuum cleaner.
But… but he’s yanking it up towards his chest, slow and strong repetitive motions— that take enough effort to make his biceps bulge with every tug.
Eddie can’t stop watching. The cord must be several metres long and he’s not sure if he should be cursing it or thanking it for the view he gets; Steve’s tan arms flexing and rippling. Try as he might, Eddie can’t help imagining how they must look when Steve’s got his hand aroun—
“—hello? Are you even listening to me?”
Steve’s voice cuts into Eddie’s dangerously side-tracked thoughts and he pauses his tugging at the same time. It’s the thing that finally allows him to break his lustful stare at Steve’s arms. Oh God, he just got all hot and bothered over his boyfriend doing the vacuuming.
“Hello.” Eddie says back, because that was the first word to register in his brain. “I mean- yes. I’m—”
Eddie decides mid-sentence that he’s not getting away with the lie. He pivots. “Okay, no, I didn’t hear that. Would you please tell me what you just said, oh lovely sweet man of mine?”
Ever the butterer-upper, he was. Thank God it works on Steve. He rolls his eyes a little but there’s an adoring grin on his lips.
“Man of mine,” Steve mutters amusedly under his breath. He drops the vacuum cord on the carpeted floor and leans down the grab the handle of the vacuum. “You just kinda froze when you came in. I was asking if everything was okay? I’m just doing this room then I’ll be done, if you don’t like the noise.”
Eddie adores that Steve’s taken his silence as though he might be afraid of the vacuum cleaner or something. He nearly snorts aloud at how far from the truth it is.
“Uh huh.” Eddie nods, not bothering to correct him. He jerks a thumb behind him, pointing at nothing. “I’m just gonna…”
He spins on his heel and exits left stage, fast as he can while still looking normal (he’s unsuccessful, as he leaves a baffled Steve behind him.) As he enters into the kitchen and decides to fix them both a pot of coffee, Eddie lets himself giggle over the pure absurdity of what just happens.
It’s mortifying. It’s hilarious. He can never tell Steve.
Except, when Steve comes to find him in the kitchen and trades a kiss for some coffee, Eddie can’t help it. All he ever wants to do is make Steve laugh.
He decides it’s worth the embarrassment when Steve laughs so hard coffee comes out his nose.
Steve teasingly promises that he’ll to try be less distracting, then rescinds his words at Eddie’s abject reaction (“Don’t you dare.”) looking far too smug— in a delighted sort of way. Preening, in that way Eddie loves.
Their first kiss, as Eddie slides onto Steve’s lap and loops his arms over his shoulders, fingers dancing on those tasty arms, tastes a little bit like coffee. Their mugs grow cold, untouched.
Eddie doesn’t mind — he’s too busy finding out that the rest of their kisses taste like something between sunlight and Steve.
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Girl in a Box
Epilogue for Sweet Treats AU: by character | chronological | epilogues
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Warnings: these drabbles will include dark elements such as noncon, control, intimidation, and other stuff that may not be specified. Take this as you chance to scroll by.
Please let me know what you think <3
At first, you assume the tapping is a tree branch or some critter searching for a hole in the foundation. It’s too persistent, too repetitive. It scratches at the back of your head as you try to unpack. You don’t know why you bother. It’s just a weekend away. It’s good to keep busy. That way you don’t have to think about Bucky’s sour mood. 
You knew it wouldn’t be like your dreams. Relationships are different. They take work. They’re imperfect but it all feels like it’s going sideways. 
For a little while longer, you can excuse his moods as symptoms of his grief, of his uncertainty. Worse than losing someone is not knowing their fate. You can’t begin to imagine the toll of that. You can be patient but only so far.  
Still, you don’t know if you really have the strength to cut the rope. It’s early. This is your first trip. Let it be the litmus test. Take it one day at a time and let things unfold before you jump into doom.
Taptaptap, tap-tap-tap, taptaptap. 
God, that’s so annoying. You turn to stare at the wall. You round the bed and near the incessant noise. It sounds like it’s coming from inside. No, the other side. 
You listen again. There’s a pattern; three fast taps, three slow, three fast, then a pause. Then it starts over. 
You put your hand against the wood as the cycle repeats. You curl your fingers and press your knuckles to the wall. You knock, in that little rhythm you do at your parents place; taptap tap-tap-tap tap tap. You wait and the tap responds in kind.. 
You pull back and think. The next room. Steve stopped there and asked if someone was okay. It must be the girlfriend he alluded to. 
Should you go check on her? Is that too much? You hate to overstep. She’s obviously trying to get your attention. Maybe you could just go get Steve.
You sway in limbo and make yourself move. You pull open the door and step into the hall. You listen to the house. You don’t hear much, a low drone but so distant it could be the wind. You think you heard the guys go outside earlier but you can’t be sure. There was just the decisive open and close of the front door. 
You tiptoe down to the next door. You stop and stare at it, hesitant to knock. What if she’s sleeping and you wake her? What if it’s some trick of your mind? You linger, chewing your knuckle as you try to decide. 
“Hey,” a voice wafts under the door and you look down as fingers poke through the space beneath, “hey, can you unlock the door?” 
You stare down at the wiggling digits as they reach through. What the hell? You grasp the knob and jiggle it. It is locked. Why? 
“What...” you pause and get down on your knees, “what’s going on? Are you with Steve?” 
“Does it matter? Please, can you let me out?” She hisses. 
You blink and sit back on your heels, “why is it locked?” 
She sighs and retracts her fingers, “are you going to help me or are you going to keep asking questions?” 
Her sharpness is jarring but you figure if you were locked in, you’d be a bit claustrophobic too. You get up and feel around the door handle. You find the mechanism on the side and flick it. The handle is backward, that should be on the inside. 
The knob twists and a woman pulls it open from the other side. Before you can react, she yanks you in by your arm. She covers your mouth before you can yelp. 
“Alright, we gotta play this smart,” she says, “how many cars are here?” 
You grumble into her palm as your brows draw together. She squints at you and shifts her hand to press her index to your lips. She hushes you before she draws away. 
“We have to get out of here,” she keeps her voice low. 
“What? Why?” You sputter. 
“These men are psycho.” 
“N-no, Bucky’s my boyfriend?” You begin 
“If he’s hanging out with Steve, he’s a piece of shit,” she hisses. 
“Oh? Are you... fighting?” 
“Fighting?!” She scoffs, “I’m not with him. I don’t even know where I am.” 
“Huh?” You blink dumbly. 
“Right, so you got the good guy. Lucky you. Well, good ole Cap has been keeping me in a cage. Dried me out good. If you wanna stay, go for it. After all, why would trust the crazy lady? I’m going--” 
“But... you can’t. How--” 
“I have to get out of here and if you have any sense in your head, you will too.” 
“I... maybe I should get Steve...” 
“Shut up,” she snarls, “don’t fucking do that. Are you kidding me?” 
“Sorry, I don’t... I don’t understand.” 
She frowns and crosses her arms. She goes to the window and pulls the curtain back. She clucks as she turns inward again and huffs. 
“Right, I’m not gonna get that far, even if I can finagle some keys off one of those fuckers. You got a phone?” 
“Uh, sure, but there’s no reception.” 
“Doesn’t matter, I just need the phone,” she insists. “You’ll get it back, alright?” 
“Sure, guess I’m not using it,” you shrug and back up. 
“Hey, hey,” she catches up to you, “please don’t blow this. I’m begging you. Just trust me, please.” 
You look her in the face. She’s desperate. The more you look at her, the more concerning her appearance is. She wears only a tee shirt and there’s a dark stain on the collar. You think she might even have a few bruises. Her lips are chapped to her eyes slightly foggy. 
“I won’t say anything,” you promise. 
You don’t know if you should trust her but something about her plea strikes a chord. You leave her to get your phone and come back. You tell her the code to unlock it as you hand it over. She swiftly does so and starts to flick her thumb over the screen. 
“Okay, right,” she nods and looks at you, “lock me in.” 
“He can’t know you were in here. Plan B,” she wiggles the phone at you. “I can’t run. I’m still withdrawing. I’ll pass out in some ditch. So I’ll play by the Cap’s rules. As far as you’re concerned, I’ve never seen your face in my life. So get out and lock the door.” 
“But-- wait--” 
She nudges you into the hall and she shuts the door, keeping the knob twisted so it doesn’t click. Slowly she turns it into place and stare at the wood. It makes no sense but you don’t need a lecture from Bucky about respect. You flip the lock back into place. 
As you walk back to your room, the desolation sets in, underlining your confusion. Something isn’t right about this place. Yet, what could be wrong? Steve and Bucky are heroes. They’re the good guys, aren’t they? 
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carnivorousmossbeast · 5 months
no content warnings
Summary: John “Soap” MacTavish & Simon “Ghost” Riley wait for a military convoy. Ghost finds out Soap knows a song that isn’t “Anarchy in the UK” by the Sex Pistols.
The only thing cutting through the silence of the pre-dawn darkness was the lieutenant opening and closing his mouth, clacking his bloody tongue piercing against his teeth — mindless and heedless of the phantom pain shooting through Soap’s mouth every time it happened. The wet sounds of lips parting, smacking, tongue licking and detaching from soft, spit-slicked gums were driving Soap up the walls.
“Gum?” There lieutenant’s voice cut through Soap’s unease.
“Gum- what?”
“Did ye want any?” Ghost asked, producing a sliver-wrapped strip from somewhere. Mysterious pocket candy, as likely to be fresh as it might have been plucked from a dead Russian operative seven months ago, and Ghost had simply forgotten to empty his pockets before laundry. Juicy Fruit mixed with old pocket sweat stains and Persil detergent didn’t seem like a flavour to chase the miserably watered down and microwaved coffee sachet he’d called his breakfast because mess didn’t open until five. Two full hours before they were scheduled to leave. Soap sighed and turned his face towards the window. They were supposed to be out on the road already, but the fucking convoy of course ran late — and now all they could do was stare at the silent radio and wait. He hated these hours wasted in limbo.
Ghost seemed oddly calm, for once. Aside from the whole mouth-smacking of course. Soap wondered why he hadn’t noticed it before. Perhaps the situation had him more on edge than usual.
“Bother ye if I start the motor?” Soap asked. The windows were fogging up and the used air was making him sleepier than it should, although given the three thirty wakeup call he decided to cut himself some slack. Still, being this tired without the convoy having reached base yet, let alone getting a move on, it didn’t seem like his best idea.
“Keep the lights down. Lieutenant Morrison gets weird about his boys and they’re facing us.” The lieutenant wiggled his leg. “Tell me about your basic,” Ghost finally asked.
“Wot? Story time because ye’s types didn’t have a good sergeant in basic?” Soap snorted. Ghost did that thing he liked to do where he could be staring at Soap, at Soap’s bones and nerves and delicate blood vessels, or something not-Soap which just so happened to occupy the same space as Soap. The eery glare didn’t really do it for Soap so he turned the key in the ignition and took a second to appreciate the warm red and orange lights popping up before he twisted the key one notch further and the old jeep coughed back to life. The machine was loud in the pre-dawn silence, cutting through the dreams and exhausted half-comas that their comrades surely still tried to escape in.
“Used to ah. We used to sing a lot. Had an Irish boy in our group, he knew all these songs from his ma’s pub.”
“Sing like a bird, the lot of you?”
“Ever heard a shoebill, Lt?” Soap asked.
“On YouTube,” his lieutenant admitted easily. Soap sniggered to himself.
“Surprised ye know what that is, sir.”
“Had to take basic somewhere, didn’t I?” Ghost asked mildly. The weirdly wet mouth-noises stopped, and instead he started popping one of the buttons on his thigh pocket.
“Yer right mad if ye think for a second I believe that Sir, all due respect.”
Ghost only hummed to Soap’s indignant reply. “Sing us a song then, Soap.”
“Ever heard a Kiwi?”
“Had one run up to me in the middle of a night training with Aussie SAS,” Ghost replied with what sounded like a grimace. “The poor sods that were sent to populate that continent really had to think they were being sent to hell.”
“They didn’t know how America would turn out,” Soap replied absently, trying not to focus too hard on the repetitive metallic plop of Ghost opening and closing the buttons on his trouser pockets.
“A right comedian before sunrise.” At least Ghost seemed amused by his disgruntled, short replies.
“Aye, Dante had shit on me,” Soap agreed easily and wondered for the umpteenth time why Ghost would be so fucking awake at this ungodly hour. He wasn’t used to superiors sitting awake while they waited for a convoy, wasn’t used to conversation beyond talking shit at the CO passed out snoring in the passenger seat.
“Not quite, Soap,” Ghost said with what sounded like a smile. “Promised me a song, sergeant.”
“Nae danger did I promise ye anything,” Soap tried.
“Don’t get cute with me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sir.”
“Go’an then.”
Soap sighed and rolled his eyes for good measure before adjusting the fan to heat the windows.
“There are men of over ninety that have never yet kissed a girl,” he started and then stopped himself to clear his throat. “But give me a ramblin’ rover frae Orkney down to Dover. We will roam the country over and together we’ll face the world.
“If you’re bent with arthritis, your bowels have colitis, you’ve gallopin’ bollockitis, and you’re thinkin’ it’s time you died,
“If you’ve been a man of action, though you’re lying there in traction, you may gain some satisfaction thinking ‘Jesus, at least I tried’.
“Oh there’s sober men and plenty, and drunkards barely twenty, there are men of over ninety that have never yet kissed a girl.”
“Missed your true callsign, didn’t you?” Ghost asked quietly, as if he regretted breaking the silence after Soap’s voice cracked on the last line. “Sing like a lark for me, Soap.”
“Not a happy song, Lt.” Soap exhaled through his nose, and tried not to think too hard about the way his voice had cracked. On how many notes he had missed. Why he had chosen that particular part of the song to sing.
“Doesn’t change that you sing it nicely, sergeant. Sound like a choir boy.” Soap bit his lip, uncomfortable with how easily Ghost had spoken about Soap’s childhood, regardless of if it stemmed from Soap’s personnel file — which Ghost has full access to, it would just be weird — or if it had come from conjecture — also weird to think of himself as so easily fitting into patterns, Soap thought.
“Think that’s the convoy up ahead, on the service road?” Soap noticed movement to his left, half hidden behind his lieutenant’s bulky form. Desperately wished for the moving string of lights to be his reprieve from Ghosts eery perception. Ghost turned in his seat, twisting his entire spine. Soap thought to himself that he’d have been both more and less surprised at the same time if his lieutenant had just swivelled his head like an owl.
“You good to drive, sergeant?” Ghost asked.
“Tell you when it changes, Lt,” Soap promised and watched Ghost’s satisfied little nod.
“Then hit the road,” he ordered lightly and started fiddling with that stupid pocket again.
“Yes, Sir.” Soap smiled to himself while he turned on the lights and pulled out of the parking space to slip between the guard vehicles of the MP.
We will roam the country over and together we’ll face the world.
He hummed to himself, quietly of course as to not disturb the night any further. If Ghost joined him, Soap pretended not to pay any attention to it and weaselled the soft sound away to keep safe in his breast pocket.
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jolynesmom · 5 months
Hey, I’m really sorry to dump this onto you. I really apologize. I don’t know who to talk about this anymore.
I’m 26. Struggling with the void state. I basically messed up my entire life and career and I only found out of the void state like 8 months ago. But I find myself getting so frustrated.
I know it’s easy and it’s basically us. But I can’t seem to grasp this and achieve it. Do you have any tips about this please?
hiya, you really don’t need to apologize! I totally get you and it can take some pressure off when you talk out your worries;
I understand where your frustration comes from, it took me 4 years to finally get any results in my journey, I was just so desperate to get out of here I kept persevering even when I felt like giving up
I don’t know if you want to use the void state to shift or manifest something here but let me tell you something!!
even if it takes you 10 years to get your desires, after you get them, those years will feel so insignificant and short lived compared to the life you live after
why does it matter you messed up your life and career when you can fix everything overnight? the 3D be damned, it’s so irrelevant I literally just laugh when I think how powerless it is compared to me or you
I suggest you take a step back and relax. find the source of your frustrations and address it. treat everything with indifference and keep persisting. even with not entering the void yet, you can manifest a better life here and now. when something negative comes my way i manifest it away immediately, I don’t stay sad or stressed for more than 10 minutes. even if I fail entering the void or shifting, I remind myself I have all the time in the world to achieve it
entertaining the void is very easy: you just need an alternate state of consciousness (hypnogogia, lucid dreaming, sats etc) and intention. you don’t even need to have a positive mindset or fully believe it. if you’ve read my post on how to I entered the void, I mentioned how I didn’t think I can enter the void without doing yoga nidra then entered it a few minutes later because I simply wanted to get into the void
your thoughts create your reality. just state what you want, keep persisting and watch how your desires come to you
repetition and persistence are the keys; you don't have to fully believe the things you want to manifest, you just have to persist with the new thought
if you desire something, just immerse yourself in the idea that it's already yours in your imagination. affirm it, feel it, and don't let the current reality bother you. focus on your imagined reality (4D), persist in it, and over time, your outer reality (3D) will align with what you've imagined. that's when your desires come to life
here is some advice I can give regarding the void and manifesting, but I’ll also link some posts I hope you’ll find useful:
—the void state is nothing special, it’s just a deep meditative state just like when you zoom out in class and can’t hear, see or feel anything
—meditate; find a meditation you find comfortable doing and do it any time you can (I suggest doing it at least one time per day, especially in the morning). I like doing wim hof breathing method and listening to white, pink and brown noise. you can also use guided meditations on youtube. meditation can help you also release stress
—affirm daily for your desires. even if you get negative thoughts, ignore them and continue affirming
—be delusion regarding your desires. even if it feels icky at the beginning, keep on persisting
—if you can lucid dream use it to get into the void. it’s so easy and quick
—cici’s meditation guide for beginners
—the void state is easy
—jani’s law of assumption guide
—the best and fastest way to manifest
—enter the void on command by turning off your left brain side
—lucid dreaming guide
—void method: wake back to bed
—void method: pink hof breathing method
—void method: distraction method
—void method: lullaby method
—meditations to enter the void state
I wish you the best!! I hope only positive things come your way from now on 🤍
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lilgarbitch · 14 days
Can you write something about reader Noah walking back to his place, maybe on the way home from picking up more alcohol for a party the guys are having and reader comes up next to him, loops her arm through his and asks him to act like he knows her. He agrees after he looks back and see a guy following her. She explains that he won't leave her alone and she has been walking in circles trying to get him to go away. Noah immediately agrees and ends up taking her back to his place. Can do with this what you please ❤️❤️
Highly appreciate the request, especially how much info you gave me❤️ It’s short and simple, mainly just working out what you said, but definitely a story I could build off of in the future!
A groan escapes my lips as I shove my phone back into my pocket. Ruffilo sent me a text telling me to pick up a specific mixer for a drink he wanted to see if he could make since I was running to the store. But I already asked them what they needed before I left, and I was already halfway back to the house.
I paused for a moment, internally debating if I wanted to be the nice friend and go back, or tell him to suck it. I mean, it was only a 15 minute walk between the liquor store and our house, so it wouldn’t be a bother, but a mixer? Nah, fuck it. He can try it another day.
I start back up on my stroll, just taking in the view of the night as I swung the bag in my hand. The lampposts lit the street perfectly, and it was just warm enough that I could talk out here without a jacket. But what was that noise? It was like..a bouncing? Some repetitive noise? I couldn’t even tell which direction it was coming from, but it was getting closer.
Then, it stopped and turned into heavy breathing and softer footsteps behind me. I glance back, wondering what kind of danger I got myself into, but I just see a girl. She kept checking her phone and looking behind her as she walked. After seeing something as she glanced behind her, she instantly turned towards me, like she was about to run again, but she stood there stunned once her eyes landed on me. Looking me up and down, she picked up her pace, closing the distance between us.
She locked her arm into mine and stared straight forward. I gave her an odd look, but she didn’t look up at me, even when speaking.
“Please pretend like you know me,” She spoke in a hushed voice, not wanting her words to echo off the buildings around us, “That guy has been following me for the past 20 minutes and I swear he picks up speed every time I do.”
I sneak a glance back, and see a large older man trudging his way down the street, looking like he was searching for something. My grasp on her arm instinctively tightens, feeling the malicious aura he gave off as he searched. For her.
“I got you. We’re almost at my place. You can come inside until he leaves.” I whisper out. She nods, still not looking at me, almost as if too much movement would trigger the man stalking us.
I finally see the house and pull her in front of me, wanting to shield her from him just in case. With my hands on her shoulders, I discreetly pointed towards the house, signaling how much further we had to go. She just responded with a nod as we both picked up our pace.
“HEY! YOU! GET OVER HERE!” The man shouts from behind us, causing us both to jump. I glance back and see him moving towards us much faster now, so I grab her arm and pull her faster towards the house.
I pull us past the house and into our backyard, since the back door was always unlocked if any of us wanted to smoke, and I couldn’t take the chances of the mere seconds it would take to pull out my keys and unlock the front door.
We finally reach the back door and I open it and push her inside, quickly following lead, before slamming the door behind me and locking it. I lean my back against the door, both to catch my breath and feeling like I was the only other barricade I could use in case he tried getting in.
Footsteps came tumbling towards us, before the three boys stop and look at us confused.
“I asked for mixer, not a girl,” Ruffilo mumbled out, before getting smacked by Jolly.
“What’s going on? Who’s this?” Jolly asked, stepping closer.
“Guy. Followed her. Had to get her somewhere safe,” I answered, pointing towards the door I was leaning against. My heart was still racing and my brain was scattered as I relived the last few minutes.
“Uh..I’m Y/N.. I’m sorry to intrude. Some freak was following me for the past 20 minutes and I had to ask him for help..” She answered, sounding a lot less freaked out than I was. The boys took a moment, looking between us and the door, terrified.
“Oh. Uh.. No, you’re not intruding. Come in. Stay as long as you need. Do you need us to call someone? 911?” Jolly rushed out once all the thoughts settled in his head.
“No, it’s okay. But if I could borrow a charger, that’d be nice,” She answered, holding up her dead phone. Nick took off into the house, searching for a charger for her.
“Um. I’m Joakim, but you can just call me Jolly, and that was Nick,” He pointed back to wherever Nick took off, “This is Nicholas, but you can call him Ruffilo so you don’t get confused.”
She nodded and gave a weary smile to them, before turning to me.
“Oh, fuck. I’m Noah. Sorry,” I scrambled out, making her laugh a little.
“Nice to meet you all, despite the circumstances.” Jolly gave her a smile.
“Come on. Let me get you a drink and get both of you, or mainly Noah, calmed down,” He said as he walked into the house. She followed, so I did as well.
Once we reached the living room, I set down the bag I had been carrying and fell onto the couch. I’ve never been so tense in my life. Nick came back, holding a charger and plugged it in, before holding his hand out for her phone. She handed it to him, so he plugged it in and set it down before joining us all.
It took her a minute to feel at ease, being surrounded by 4 unknown men, but eventually we all started getting a good conversation going. She soon got comfortable and it seemed like she completely forgot the events of the night as she joined in on our little ‘party’ (just us four guys drinking and being idiots). The night went on and it was almost as if she had been a part of the group the whole time.
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aydien677 · 22 days
Please, Just Give Me Your Time
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A/N: A little hurt/Comfort. I tried my best.
Warnings; Abandonment issues, Mentions of emotional abuse and child neglect, mentions of force feeding
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Just one more step, and another, and another. Every step they took led them into Lucifer’s office. It’s not like anyone else was home. It was so quiet and dark. The house felt colder than usual without all the people causing shivers to wrack their already freezing body that never seemed to know warmth. They quietly knocked before entering to see a very tired Lucifer sitting at his desk. Lucifer looks up and his eyes widen at the sight of their pale complexion and teary eyes
“Please?” They asked “m-may I please have some of your time? I-I’ll pay you if you want”
they were so worn down it showed in their voice. Lucifer quickly stood and went to them. He wrapped them in a tight embrace
“Oh Dear” he said softly “You don’t have to pay me to give you attention. Whatever brought this on my little sheep?”
they sniffled and buried their face in Lucifer’s chest, their body cold from never being able to eat enough despite being forced to eat a lot as a kid.
I don’t have to pay you? B-but I’m not your worth your time”
“Moonbeam” Lucifer sighs “What brought this on?”
“I-I wasn’t worth my parents time s-so how could I be worth yours?”
Lucifer was not surprised by their confession since all the signs were there but it still hurt to hear. He guided them to the couch and sat them in his lap, holding them protectively. He played with their hair and stared into as they began sobbing into his chest. He didn’t know what else to do but be there for them.
“You never have to pay to be with me,” he said softly “I will always be here for you, no matter what so don’t bother believing otherwise.”
Soon the crackle of the fair place and the repetitive motions of Lucifer’s hand calmed them down and they fell asleep. Lucifer carefully laid them down on the couch and used his jacket as a blanket as he returned to his work. The only noise left was the light crackle of the fireplace, the scribble of Lucifer’s pen, and their light breathing as they slept peacefully.
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charcharbinks333 · 26 days
S.G ~ Hayloft.
❝𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙮 (𝙡𝙤𝙛𝙩)❞
highschool!sam golbach x highschool!reader.
sexual references if you squint. use of y/n.
word count:
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Small, repetitive taps echoed throughout your room. Your eyes fluttered open, the noise finally startling you awake. You rolled out of your bed groggily, walking over to the window with careful steps. 
You peeked outside to see a familiar blonde haired boy outside your window. He held a handful of the pebbles that decorated the outside of your house. You rolled your eyes and cracked your window open. “What the hell are you doing, Golbach? Do you even know what time it is?” 
Sam stared up at you, immediately speechless as his eyes met yours. The dim lighting from your room barely illuminated your features, just enough for him to see. “Look, I know it’s late, and I’m probably the last person you want to see standing in your yard, but I have to show you something,” he pleaded, scattering the rocks back into their decorative piles among the grass. 
He held a hand out to you, knowing you couldn’t reach, but simply as a gesture to imply you should follow him. You knew you’d be dead if your parents knew you were leaving this late, but couldn’t it be deemed worth it to see just what he was bothering you for?
“And why can't this wait til the morning?” You asked skeptically. His watercolor eyes held a hopeful look, seeing as your response wasn't necessarily negative. It definitely wasn't a no. 
“What's the fun in that?” His big goofy smile made your heart skip a beat. He looked down, kicking at the dirt. “there's really no one else I'd rather show this to.” 
You stared at him for a moment more, contemplating your options. If you got caught, you'd be dead. But, what's the worst that could happen? “And what do I get out of this?” 
He shrugged. “Hanging out with me?” 
The hopeful look he held was nothing if not enticing to you. You leaned out the window further, sighing as you checked for anyone else around. It was just him, clearly he had no ill intention. Or maybe he did.
“Eh, why the hell not,” you say with an obvious eye roll, shutting your window before he could respond. You take your time moving toward the back door, making your hasty exit before you could be caught.
“I knew you’d come around,” he cooed with a cocky smile.
“Honestly, kinda felt like I was being held at gunpoint,” you teased. “I mean, what can I say? Can't ignore you forever.” 
He let out a small laugh. “I'm glad you feel that way.” 
“Don't make me change my mind,” you warned. “What do you even have to show me, anyway? Don't you have your little boyfriend, Cole or something?” 
“Colby is sleeping.” He emphasized his best friend's name. “My car is parked right up the street,” he mentioned, matching his walking pace with yours. 
“Uh, excuse me. I was sleeping too,” you muttered. 
“Well, he would've killed me if I woke him up. I thought since you want to kill me either way, it was worth a shot.” A small smile was plastered on his face. He felt as if he couldn't stop smiling, he finally got you to give him some sort of a chance. 
You roll your eyes, chuckling dryly at his statement. “Yeah, whatever. I never wanted to kill you, necessarily. That’s just an exaggeration…”
It wasn’t at all an exaggeration. Your mind helplessly wandered to your past interactions, not a single one showing any sort of connection. 
“Ew, as if, Golbach! Go bother your boyfriend instead,” you scoffed as he leaned closer to you, his signature—and clearly fake—cocky smirk plastered on his pale skin. You shoved him away and he stumbled back into a desk, his mouth hanging agape as he stared at you in shock. You’d never laid a hand on him, but he couldn’t do anything back… you were a girl! He couldn’t hit a girl…
The gross look on your face snapped him back to reality. “You know, that was really uncalled for,” he muttered before storming off. 
You shook the thought from your head, seeing as that scene happened all the way back in middle school. Maybe in that moment, you did want to kill him, but you never truly did. 
“Okay, Y/n.” He laughed, a sarcastic undertone to everything he said. You knew he was just protecting his heart. He had his guard up around you now, and you were starting to feel bad about it. 
Your voice softened. You didn't know how to apologize without sounding like a pussy, but you felt like it was needed. The weird tension was slowly getting to you. “Maybe I disliked you very much, but I never hated you, Sam.” 
“Past tense?” He asked, a laugh falling from his lips. “Do you actually like me now?” 
“I can tolerate your presence,” you rebutted. 
What seemed like a crack in his hard exterior became more and more visible by the second. He smiled. The realest smile you’d seen from him. 
“Yeah, well, you’re not too bad yourself,” he joked, playfully bumping your shoulder with his.
You both finally arrived at Sam’s car, after what felt like an eternity. The next shocker—he opened the door for you. Your eyes lingered on him for a moment before you ducked down and settled yourself in the passenger seat. 
“Y’know, I didn’t peg you for a gentleman.” He settled on his side and started the car after a few stalls. He glanced over at you with a dry chuckle, a clear and sarcastic sign that none of his gestures could be deemed gentlemanly.
Sam explained that it was quite a long drive before going quiet. An awkward silence filled the car as you listened intently to the soft radio. 
As houses and barns started to disperse, you knew you were leaving town. It was a small town, give or take, so you weren't necessarily surprised. What you were was concerned. “Are you kidnapping me?” 
Sam shook his head and chuckled, changing the radio station as he drove. “No, we’re going to a very common hang out spot among my friends. you may not like it though, princess,” he teased. He stopped his car in a large patch of pebbles, and all you could see was a large prairie on the outskirts of a small forest.
“Oh shit, are you taking me to the legendary barn?” You ask with an eager smile. You’d heard stories of this place, but never thought you’d ever go.
“Yeah, and it’s a long walk, so no complaining.” He got out of the car and walked around to your side, opening the door for you.
You couldn't help your face from heating up at the smallest gesture. The moon illuminated Sam's features, especially the ones you had never taken the time to notice. You caught yourself staring, making your heart jump. You looked down at your feet as you followed behind him.  
You listened closely to Sam's soft footsteps in the dirt mixed with the noises of crickets chirping in the far distance. He quickly broke the silence. “I'm honestly surprised you've heard about our barn.”
“Your barn,” you muttered under your breath with a laugh. “It's not like you guys are secretive about your ‘investigations.’ Colby posts on his Facebook so much.” 
Sam laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. “Yeah, no, that’s true… I tried to tell him our spot would be invaded if he kept posting, but he’s stubborn. Don’t get me wrong, though, he’s a great guy, just doesn’t think ahead." The way he spoke about his best friend was kind of cute, like he held Colby on a pedestal of sorts, it was admirable.
“Are we almost there?” you chimed, breaking the momentary silence. Sam holds a low-hanging branch out of your way as you enter the forest.
“Not much further, so don’t worry.” You both trekked through the forest, making it to the edge of the trees when the barn finally came into view. 
The atmosphere was so peaceful, yet terrifying. Sam walking close beside you was a comforting presence. His hand brushed against yours, sending goosebumps all over your body. Your stomach was doing backflips as you looked at him.  
He led you into the barn. You Looked up at the hay bales stacked close to the roof. Your jaw fell open at the sight. “How the hell do you even get up there?” 
“Look, I’ll show you.” Dirt kicked up under his shoes as he jogged over to a singular hay bale on the floor. “You just climb up these, it's basically a staircase.” He jumped to the second one. 
You bobbed over and climbed on top of it, following his lead. “Is this safe?” 
He hesitated. “No.. But I'll make sure you're safe. don't worry, baby,” he teased with a smile. He held out his hand. You took it and he pulled you up to the next hay bale. 
Baby? The name alone made your heart pound out of your chest, or maybe it was the anxiety from the American Ninja Warrior-esque trek up to the top of the hay bails. As you finally made it, you had a straight-shot view of the moon. There were holes in the aluminum panels that gave you a perfect view of the night sky, and only wooden beams supporting the metal that could easily fall on you at any moment.
“You said you come here often, right?” You wanted reassurance that the roof wouldn’t collapse on you and end up another town-wide horror story. He nodded his head as he settled toward the top of the hay, patting the spot next to him. You settle there hesitantly, nervous you’d fall down to your death at any moment.
“Don’t be afraid, you won’t fall,” he said, clearly comforting you. He wrapped his arm around your waist. “If you start falling, I’ll be here to make sure you don’t die or whatever.” He flashed a charming smile your way.
His touch made your mind foggy. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of your waist as you spoke. “What do you and Colby even do when you're here?” 
“We play little kid games, like tag, and run around on the hay bales,” he explained. “Do you remember when I had to wear a fat ass brace to school for like, a week?” 
You nodded. He seemed to be amused that you remembered such a small detail. 
“Yeah, that was ‘cause my ankle got stuck in between these bales. Colby physically couldn't stop laughing at me.” Sam adjusted, scooting closer to you. 
His obvious attempts to remain close to you didn’t go unnoticed. You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, trying to find something to say to keep talking to him. You couldn’t help but love his voice, especially with him this close to you…
“I always found your voice really comforting, y’know,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself. His eyebrows raised in amusement as he glanced over at you, his teeth grazing his lower lip for a moment.
“Wow, really? People usually say I sound like a squeaky toy.” His joke was emphasized by an accidental voice crack, and his pale face immediately flushed red. You nudge him playfully with your elbow, teasing him.
“Aww, you sound like a 12 year old boy,” you coo.
“Wow, watch me hit puberty all over again,” he joked. “I'm kidding, I hit puberty a long time ago, don't worry.” 
You rolled your eyes as he winked at you. “Thanks for letting me know,” you reply sarcastically. 
“Really, though. I don't know what to say to that,” he admitted, avoiding eye contact with you. You watched intently as he picked at the hay under the two of you. He seemed hesitant, choking on his words. “Y/n, there's something I really need to tell you.” 
You turn back to look at him, your head cocked to the side. You’d never seen him so hesitant, he seemed… insecure, even. You held your lower lip between your teeth for a moment, the tension between the two practically killing you. “Y-yeah…?”
His eyes drifted to somewhere behind you, his brows raising for a moment. He had the chance to get away from this painfully awkward position, realizing he wasn’t quite ready yet. “There’s a… There’s a ladder behind you, we could go to the roof, if you’d like,” he suggested with a coy shrug of his shoulders.
Sam mentally chided himself. He wanted so badly to confess to you, but something about the moment didn’t feel right. Something was off. He scratched the back of his neck nervously as he awaited your answer, looking up at you through his brows. 
“Uhm, okay. Yeah.” Sam stood up and offered his hand to you. You gratefully took it and he pulled you to a standing position. You awkwardly followed him up the ladder to the roof. 
The night was gorgeous. Out in the middle of nowhere, there weren't any lights or noises to interrupt the music of the nighttime. You admired the twinkling stars in the sky that reminded you of Sam's eyes every time he saw you. You couldn't get enough of how he looked at you. 
He stood next to you, staring up at the sky as well. “It’s really nice outside,” he broke the silence, before turning to you. “Come sit with me?” 
You hummed in response. He walked to the edge of the roof and sat down, letting his feet dangle off the ledge. You sat next to him, mirroring his position. You sat dangerously close to him, placing your hand on top of his softly. 
You felt uneasy sitting up there, like you could fall at any moment. You looked down to the ground and tensed up, your hand squeezing Sam’s. He shifted closer to you and moved to wrap his arm around your shoulder, giving you a sense of comfort.
“Don’t worry, only a few people have fallen through or off this roof. Maybe like, 7?” You shove him gently as he tried to scare you, but it earned a hearty laugh from you.
“Alright, alright, no reason to be scared, blah blah…” you trail off as you turn your head, realizing just how close the two of you were. You could feel his warm breath against your face, causing a shudder to run down your spine. 
Sam’s gaze flicked down to your lips momentarily, before meeting your eyes once again. Something was hidden in the pale blue color of his irises, some kind of longing. “There was something I wanted to tell you, y/n,” he whispered, each word he spoke laced with unease and anxiety.
“Just fucking spit it out, Golbach,” you muttered. He was so close, you could hear his uneasy breathing. “Please.”
“I love you, Y/n. God, I knew I'd love you as soon as we spoke for the first time, even if you were mean to me,” he paused, taking a deep breath. 
Sam had been one of those untouchable boys since middle school. All of the girls wanted him, but he had never shown any interest. It was that moment you realized why. 
His bright blue eyes met yours. “Fuck, I've never loved anyone like I love you. You don’t- You don't have to say anything, but I want you to know.” He moved his arm from your shoulder to wrap tightly around your waist. You could feel how badly he was shaking. 
You raise your eyebrows, taking a moment to process everything he had said to you. Your hand trembled slightly as you reached out, brushing his hair away from his eyes gently.
“You mean more to me than you could ever know,” you murmured, “I never… meant to hurt you, Sam, I just taught myself to hate you because I thought you hated me, but in reality… goddamn, I think I love you too.” Your hand moves to cup his cheek, your touch ghosting his skin, feathery almost. 
His shoulders relaxed as soon as you confessed. It was like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, like he could walk on water. Anything was possible now that he knew: you loved him. He pulled you closer by your waist, his eyes boring holes into you.
“I’ve been waiting so long to hear you say that,” he whispered, his eyes fixed on your lips now, wanting more than anything to lean in closer.
His lips finally met yours. They moved in a sweet, sensual motion. He tasted of vanilla, a surprisingly sweet combination with your minty gum. He moved his hands down to your hips, squeezing gently as he held the kiss for as long as you let him. 
Sam could've kissed you forever. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tangled your fingers in his honey locks. 
You pulled away a moment to catch your breath, but he immediately chased your lips. He was insanely desperate for you, to not lose your touch for even a moment. 
You tug playfully on his golden hair, earning a soft grunt from him. One of his hands moved to the roof beside you to keep himself steady.
He pulled away, breathing heavily. He gazed into your eyes, resting his sweaty forehead against yours. You couldn't help but smile and place a soft peck against his lips. “I love you, Sam. I'm sorry for everything before, I wish I wasn't so stupid.”
“You're not stupid. I’m stupidly in love with you.” He grinned at the cheesy saying. You rolled your eyes with a contradictory smile. 
He took your hand in his, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles slowly. He looked up at the sky, the stars shining beautifully, sure, but they couldn’t compare to you.
“There's Orion's belt.” you pointed out the constellation, a smile on your face. What a dork… he thought to himself. He followed your hand and looked up at the sky once again, finding the constellation easily with your guidance.
“All these stars, yet somehow you shine brighter,” he murmured, as if thinking aloud without realizing. a red hue meets your cheeks as you look back at him, your brows raised.
“Well I'll be damned, he’s a poet,” you teased. He rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“Yeah, yeah, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it or whatever corny shit you’re gonna say next,” he laughed sarcastically.
You lightly slapped his shoulder. “Now I'm the corny one?” 
He rolled his eyes. “I should probably take you home soon, don't want your parents flipping out.”
You let out a sad sigh. “I guess you're right.” 
The venture back to the car was no easier than getting there. Sam helped you down the ladder and off of the hay bales. He interlocked his fingers with yours as you carefully walked out of the barn. 
“When can I see you again?” he asked suddenly. “I mean, I know we have school Monday, but that's still one day I don't get to see you. Do you even know how much I hate that?” 
You giggled. “If I'm not grounded, come over tomorrow. My parents are working, so we'll have the whole house to ourselves.” 
He smirked, “I'm completely okay with that.” 
You slapped his arm again. “Shut up, not like that!”
He shrugged. “Can’t blame a boy for his mind wandering.” 
The drive back to your house was silent as Sam was caught in his own mind. He could see you again tomorrow? And what did tonight mean for the two of you? He wanted to be your boyfriend, more than anything, but he couldn’t be sure that you wanted the same. He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song playing—some old rock song or something.
He parked a few houses down from yours, getting out of the car before you and jogging around to your side to once again open the door for you.
“You are such a gentleman,” you say with a fake posh accent and a clumsy faux-curtsey. You giggle as he shuts the door as quietly as possible, not wanting to raise suspicion from anyone on the street.
He walked you back to your house, his arm around your shoulder, shielding you from the cold.
“You planning on coming in with me or something?” you accused with a quiet laugh under your breath.
“I mean, do you want me to?” 
“Yeah,” you tried to say nonchalantly, but ended up giggling. 
He followed you in through the back door and tiptoed quietly through the house. This was the first time he was really seeing your room. He looked around at your pale walls that were covered with miscellaneous decorations and your messy bed. He couldn't help but smile. He felt like he was looking at your whole life in one small area. To be fair, he was. 
You collapsed onto your bed with a huff. “I am exhausted.” 
“I’ll let you go back to sleep, I'm going to go home.” He walked over and placed a kiss on your forehead. “I love you, y/n.”
“Wait!” You grabbed his hand as he started to walk towards your door. “Stay, please?” 
His face lit up as you grabbed his hand, he turned back to you, kneeling beside your bed. “Do you really want me to stay?” he whispered, his brows quirked.
“Of course I do.” You scoot closer to the wall and pat the spot on your bed beside you. He hesitantly sat down, leaning back against your headboard. He looked up and saw the Napoleon Dynamite poster on your ceiling, which brought a small smile to his lips. 
“I love Napoleon Dynamite,” he said, looking down at you once again. You looked 10 times more comfortable with him sitting beside you. His heart was immediately warmed seeing you grasp onto his sleeve. 
“So do I,” you said in a surprisingly casual tone, considering your stomach was being immediately swarmed with butterflies as he mentioned loving your favorite movie.
Silence filled the room for a moment. He interrupted the silence. “Why are you so far away? c'mere.” 
He opened his arms to you as he laid down in your bed. You wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his chest. “Y'know, it's so much cozier in here with you.” 
He smiled, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “Everything's better when I'm with you.” 
You felt your heart, which was once pounding against your ribcage as you adjusted to his touch, calming down as you cuddled into his chest. You exhaled softly, feeling your eyelids growing heavier by the moment.
“Goodnight, Golbach,” you teased, finally feeling the warmth of your duvet as he pulled it over the both of you.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He kissed the top of your head once again. He ran his hand up and down your back, slowly coaxing you into sleep.
~~~~~ collab with @hearts4golbach check out their page!
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hearts4golbach · 27 days
This fanfiction is co-written by @charcharbinks333.
Highschool!Sam Golbach x Highschool!Fem!Reader.
"young lovers and they are not sleeping, young lovers in the hayloft."
sexual references if you squint.
word count:
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Small, repetitive taps echoed throughout your room. Your eyes fluttered open, the noise finally startling you awake. You rolled out of your bed groggily, walking over to the window with careful steps.
You peeked outside to see a familiar blonde haired boy outside your window. He held a handful of the pebbles that decorated the outside of your house. You rolled your eyes and cracked your window open. “What the hell are you doing, Golbach? Do you even know what time it is?”
Sam stared up at you, immediately speechless as his eyes met yours. The dim lighting from your room barely illuminated your features, just enough for him to see. “Look, I know it’s late, and I’m probably the last person you want to see standing in your yard, but I have to show you something,” he pleaded, scattering the rocks back into their decorative piles among the grass.
He held a hand out to you, knowing you couldn’t reach, but simply as a gesture to imply you should follow him. You knew you’d be dead if your parents knew you were leaving this late, but couldn’t it be deemed worth it to see just what he was bothering you for?
“And why can't this wait til the morning?” You asked skeptically. His watercolor eyes held a hopeful look, seeing as your response wasn't necessarily negative. It definitely wasn't a no.
“What's the fun in that?” His big goofy smile made your heart skip a beat. He looked down, kicking at the dirt. “there's really no one else I'd rather show this to.”
You stared at him for a moment more, contemplating your options. If you got caught, you'd be dead. But, what's the worst that could happen? “And what do I get out of this?”
He shrugged. “Hanging out with me?”
The hopeful look he held was nothing if not enticing to you. You leaned out the window further, sighing as you checked for anyone else around. It was just him, clearly he had no ill intention. Or maybe he did.
“Eh, why the hell not,” you say with an obvious eye roll, shutting your window before he could respond. You take your time moving toward the back door, making your hasty exit before you could be caught.
“I knew you’d come around,” he cooed with a cocky smile.
“Honestly, kinda felt like I was being held at gunpoint,” you teased. “I mean, what can I say? Can't ignore you forever.”
He let out a small laugh. “I'm glad you feel that way.”
“Don't make me change my mind,” you warned. “What do you even have to show me, anyway? Don't you have your little boyfriend, Cole or something?”
“Colby is sleeping.” He emphasized his best friend's name. “My car is parked right up the street,” he mentioned, matching his walking pace with yours.
“Uh, excuse me. I was sleeping too,” you muttered.
“Well, he would've killed me if I woke him up. I thought since you want to kill me either way, it was worth a shot.” A small smile was plastered on his face. He felt as if he couldn't stop smiling, he finally got you to give him some sort of a chance.
You roll your eyes, chuckling dryly at his statement. “Yeah, whatever. I never wanted to kill you, necessarily. That’s just an exaggeration…”
It wasn’t at all an exaggeration. Your mind helplessly wandered to your past interactions, not a single one showing any sort of connection.
“Ew, as if, Golbach! Go bother your boyfriend instead,” you scoffed as he leaned closer to you, his signature—and clearly fake—cocky smirk plastered on his pale skin. You shoved him away and he stumbled back into a desk, his mouth hanging agape as he stared at you in shock. You’d never laid a hand on him, but he couldn’t do anything back… you were a girl! He couldn’t hit a girl…
The gross look on your face snapped him back to reality. “You know, that was really uncalled for,” he muttered before storming off.
You shook the thought from your head, seeing as that scene happened all the way back in middle school. Maybe in that moment, you did want to kill him, but you never truly did.
“Okay, Y/n.” He laughed, a sarcastic undertone to everything he said. You knew he was just protecting his heart. He had his guard up around you now, and you were starting to feel bad about it.
Your voice softened. You didn't know how to apologize without sounding like a pussy, but you felt like it was needed. The weird tension was slowly getting to you. “Maybe I disliked you very much, but I never hated you, Sam.”
“Past tense?” He asked, a laugh falling from his lips. “Do you actually like me now?”
“I can tolerate your presence,” you rebutted.
What seemed like a crack in his hard exterior became more and more visible by the second. He smiled. The realest smile you’d seen from him.
“Yeah, well, you’re not too bad yourself,” he joked, playfully bumping your shoulder with his.
You both finally arrived at Sam’s car, after what felt like an eternity. The next shocker—he opened the door for you. Your eyes lingered on him for a moment before you ducked down and settled yourself in the passenger seat.
“Y’know, I didn’t peg you for a gentleman.” He settled on his side and started the car after a few stalls. He glanced over at you with a dry chuckle, a clear and sarcastic sign that none of his gestures could be deemed gentlemanly.
Sam explained that it was quite a long drive before going quiet. An awkward silence filled the car as you listened intently to the soft radio.
As houses and barns started to disperse, you knew you were leaving town. It was a small town, give or take, so you weren't necessarily surprised. What you were was concerned. “Are you kidnapping me?”
Sam shook his head and chuckled, changing the radio station as he drove. “No, we’re going to a very common hang out spot among my friends. you may not like it though, princess,” he teased. He stopped his car in a large patch of pebbles, and all you could see was a large prairie on the outskirts of a small forest.
“Oh shit, are you taking me to the legendary barn?” You ask with an eager smile. You’d heard stories of this place, but never thought you’d ever go.
“Yeah, and it’s a long walk, so no complaining.” He got out of the car and walked around to your side, opening the door for you.
You couldn't help your face from heating up at the smallest gesture. The moon illuminated Sam's features, especially the ones you had never taken the time to notice. You caught yourself staring, making your heart jump. You looked down at your feet as you followed behind him.
You listened closely to Sam's soft footsteps in the dirt mixed with the noises of crickets chirping in the far distance. He quickly broke the silence. “I'm honestly surprised you've heard about our barn.”
“Your barn,” you muttered under your breath with a laugh. “It's not like you guys are secretive about your ‘investigations.’ Colby posts on his Facebook so much.”
Sam laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. “Yeah, no, that’s true… I tried to tell him our spot would be invaded if he kept posting, but he’s stubborn. Don’t get me wrong, though, he’s a great guy, just doesn’t think ahead." The way he spoke about his best friend was kind of cute, like he held Colby on a pedestal of sorts, it was admirable.
“Are we almost there?” you chimed, breaking the momentary silence. Sam holds a low-hanging branch out of your way as you enter the forest.
“Not much further, so don’t worry.” You both trekked through the forest, making it to the edge of the trees when the barn finally came into view.
The atmosphere was so peaceful, yet terrifying. Sam walking close beside you was a comforting presence. His hand brushed against yours, sending goosebumps all over your body. Your stomach was doing backflips as you looked at him.
He led you into the barn. You Looked up at the hay bales stacked close to the roof. Your jaw fell open at the sight. “How the hell do you even get up there?”
“Look, I’ll show you.” Dirt kicked up under his shoes as he jogged over to a singular hay bale on the floor. “You just climb up these, it's basically a staircase.” He jumped to the second one.
You bobbed over and climbed on top of it, following his lead. “Is this safe?”
He hesitated. “No.. But I'll make sure you're safe. don't worry, baby,” he teased with a smile. He held out his hand. You took it and he pulled you up to the next hay bale.
Baby? The name alone made your heart pound out of your chest, or maybe it was the anxiety from the American Ninja Warrior-esque trek up to the top of the hay bails. As you finally made it, you had a straight-shot view of the moon. There were holes in the aluminum panels that gave you a perfect view of the night sky, and only wooden beams supporting the metal that could easily fall on you at any moment.
“You said you come here often, right?” You wanted reassurance that the roof wouldn’t collapse on you and end up another town-wide horror story. He nodded his head as he settled toward the top of the hay, patting the spot next to him. You settle there hesitantly, nervous you’d fall down to your death at any moment.
“Don’t be afraid, you won’t fall,” he said, clearly comforting you. He wrapped his arm around your waist. “If you start falling, I’ll be here to make sure you don’t die or whatever.” He flashed a charming smile your way.
His touch made your mind foggy. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of your waist as you spoke. “What do you and Colby even do when you're here?”
“We play little kid games, like tag, and run around on the hay bales,” he explained. “Do you remember when I had to wear a fat ass brace to school for like, a week?”
You nodded. He seemed to be amused that you remembered such a small detail.
“Yeah, that was ‘cause my ankle got stuck in between these bales. Colby physically couldn't stop laughing at me.” Sam adjusted, scooting closer to you.
His obvious attempts to remain close to you didn’t go unnoticed. You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, trying to find something to say to keep talking to him. You couldn’t help but love his voice, especially with him this close to you…
“I always found your voice really comforting, y’know,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself. His eyebrows raised in amusement as he glanced over at you, his teeth grazing his lower lip for a moment.
“Wow, really? People usually say I sound like a squeaky toy.” His joke was emphasized by an accidental voice crack, and his pale face immediately flushed red. You nudge him playfully with your elbow, teasing him.
“Aww, you sound like a 12 year old boy,” you coo.
“Wow, watch me hit puberty all over again,” he joked. “I'm kidding, I hit puberty a long time ago, don't worry.”
You rolled your eyes as he winked at you. “Thanks for letting me know,” you reply sarcastically.
“Really, though. I don't know what to say to that,” he admitted, avoiding eye contact with you. You watched intently as he picked at the hay under the two of you. He seemed hesitant, choking on his words. “Y/n, there's something I really need to tell you.”
You turn back to look at him, your head cocked to the side. You’d never seen him so hesitant, he seemed… insecure, even. You held your lower lip between your teeth for a moment, the tension between the two practically killing you. “Y-yeah…?”
His eyes drifted to somewhere behind you, his brows raising for a moment. He had the chance to get away from this painfully awkward position, realizing he wasn’t quite ready yet. “There’s a… There’s a ladder behind you, we could go to the roof, if you’d like,” he suggested with a coy shrug of his shoulders.
Sam mentally chided himself. He wanted so badly to confess to you, but something about the moment didn’t feel right. Something was off. He scratched the back of his neck nervously as he awaited your answer, looking up at you through his brows.
“Uhm, okay. Yeah.” Sam stood up and offered his hand to you. You gratefully took it and he pulled you to a standing position. You awkwardly followed him up the ladder to the roof.
The night was gorgeous. Out in the middle of nowhere, there weren't any lights or noises to interrupt the music of the nighttime. You admired the twinkling stars in the sky that reminded you of Sam's eyes every time he saw you. You couldn't get enough of how he looked at you.
He stood next to you, staring up at the sky as well. “It’s really nice outside,” he broke the silence, before turning to you. “Come sit with me?”
You hummed in response. He walked to the edge of the roof and sat down, letting his feet dangle off the ledge. You sat next to him, mirroring his position. You sat dangerously close to him, placing your hand on top of his softly.
You felt uneasy sitting up there, like you could fall at any moment. You looked down to the ground and tensed up, your hand squeezing Sam’s. He shifted closer to you and moved to wrap his arm around your shoulder, giving you a sense of comfort.
“Don’t worry, only a few people have fallen through or off this roof. Maybe like, 7?” You shove him gently as he tried to scare you, but it earned a hearty laugh from you.
“Alright, alright, no reason to be scared, blah blah…” you trail off as you turn your head, realizing just how close the two of you were. You could feel his warm breath against your face, causing a shudder to run down your spine.
Sam’s gaze flicked down to your lips momentarily, before meeting your eyes once again. Something was hidden in the pale blue color of his irises, some kind of longing. “There was something I wanted to tell you, y/n,” he whispered, each word he spoke laced with unease and anxiety.
“Just fucking spit it out, Golbach,” you muttered. He was so close, you could hear his uneasy breathing. “Please.”
“I love you, Y/n. God, I knew I'd love you as soon as we spoke for the first time, even if you were mean to me,” he paused, taking a deep breath.
Sam had been one of those untouchable boys since middle school. All of the girls wanted him, but he had never shown any interest. It was that moment you realized why.
His bright blue eyes met yours. “Fuck, I've never loved anyone like I love you. You don’t- You don't have to say anything, but I want you to know.” He moved his arm from your shoulder to wrap tightly around your waist. You could feel how badly he was shaking.
You raise your eyebrows, taking a moment to process everything he had said to you. Your hand trembled slightly as you reached out, brushing his hair away from his eyes gently.
“You mean more to me than you could ever know,” you murmured, “I never… meant to hurt you, Sam, I just taught myself to hate you because I thought you hated me, but in reality… goddamn, I think I love you too.” Your hand moves to cup his cheek, your touch ghosting his skin, feathery almost.
His shoulders relaxed as soon as you confessed. It was like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, like he could walk on water. Anything was possible now that he knew: you loved him. He pulled you closer by your waist, his eyes boring holes into you.
“I’ve been waiting so long to hear you say that,” he whispered, his eyes fixed on your lips now, wanting more than anything to lean in closer.
His lips finally met yours. They moved in a sweet, sensual motion. He tasted of vanilla, a surprisingly sweet combination with your minty gum. He moved his hands down to your hips, squeezing gently as he held the kiss for as long as you let him.
Sam could've kissed you forever. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tangled your fingers in his honey locks.
You pulled away a moment to catch your breath, but he immediately chased your lips. He was insanely desperate for you, to not lose your touch for even a moment.
You tug playfully on his golden hair, earning a soft grunt from him. One of his hands moved to the roof beside you to keep himself steady.
He pulled away, breathing heavily. He gazed into your eyes, resting his sweaty forehead against yours. You couldn't help but smile and place a soft peck against his lips. “I love you, Sam. I'm sorry for everything before, I wish I wasn't so stupid.”
“You're not stupid. I’m stupidly in love with you.” He grinned at the cheesy saying. You rolled your eyes with a contradictory smile.
He took your hand in his, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles slowly. He looked up at the sky, the stars shining beautifully, sure, but they couldn’t compare to you.
“There's Orion's belt.” you pointed out the constellation, a smile on your face. What a dork… he thought to himself. He followed your hand and looked up at the sky once again, finding the constellation easily with your guidance.
“All these stars, yet somehow you shine brighter,” he murmured, as if thinking aloud without realizing. a red hue meets your cheeks as you look back at him, your brows raised.
“Well I'll be damned, he’s a poet,” you teased. He rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“Yeah, yeah, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it or whatever corny shit you’re gonna say next,” he laughed sarcastically.
You lightly slapped his shoulder. “Now I'm the corny one?”
He rolled his eyes. “I should probably take you home soon, don't want your parents flipping out.”
You let out a sad sigh. “I guess you're right.”
The venture back to the car was no easier than getting there. Sam helped you down the ladder and off of the hay bales. He interlocked his fingers with yours as you carefully walked out of the barn.
“When can I see you again?” he asked suddenly. “I mean, I know we have school Monday, but that's still one day I don't get to see you. Do you even know how much I hate that?”
You giggled. “If I'm not grounded, come over tomorrow. My parents are working, so we'll have the whole house to ourselves.”
He smirked, “I'm completely okay with that.”
You slapped his arm again. “Shut up, not like that!”
He shrugged. “Can’t blame a boy for his mind wandering.”
The drive back to your house was silent as Sam was caught in his own mind. He could see you again tomorrow? And what did tonight mean for the two of you? He wanted to be your boyfriend, more than anything, but he couldn’t be sure that you wanted the same. He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song playing—some old rock song or something.
He parked a few houses down from yours, getting out of the car before you and jogging around to your side to once again open the door for you.
“You are such a gentleman,” you say with a fake posh accent and a clumsy faux-curtsey. You giggle as he shuts the door as quietly as possible, not wanting to raise suspicion from anyone on the street.
He walked you back to your house, his arm around your shoulder, shielding you from the cold.
“You planning on coming in with me or something?” you accused with a quiet laugh under your breath.
“I mean, do you want me to?”
“Yeah,” you tried to say nonchalantly, but ended up giggling.
He followed you in through the back door and tiptoed quietly through the house. This was the first time he was really seeing your room. He looked around at your pale walls that were covered with miscellaneous decorations and your messy bed. He couldn't help but smile. He felt like he was looking at your whole life in one small area. To be fair, he was.
You collapsed onto your bed with a huff. “I am exhausted.”
“I’ll let you go back to sleep, I'm going to go home.” He walked over and placed a kiss on your forehead. “I love you, y/n.”
“Wait!” You grabbed his hand as he started to walk towards your door. “Stay, please?”
His face lit up as you grabbed his hand, he turned back to you, kneeling beside your bed. “Do you really want me to stay?” he whispered, his brows quirked.
“Of course I do.” You scoot closer to the wall and pat the spot on your bed beside you. He hesitantly sat down, leaning back against your headboard. He looked up and saw the Napoleon Dynamite poster on your ceiling, which brought a small smile to his lips.
“I love Napoleon Dynamite,” he said, looking down at you once again. You looked 10 times more comfortable with him sitting beside you. His heart was immediately warmed seeing you grasp onto his sleeve.
“So do I,” you said in a surprisingly casual tone, considering your stomach was being immediately swarmed with butterflies as he mentioned loving your favorite movie.
Silence filled the room for a moment. He interrupted the silence. “Why are you so far away? c'mere.”
He opened his arms to you as he laid down in your bed. You wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his chest. “Y'know, it's so much cozier in here with you.”
He smiled, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “Everything's better when I'm with you.”
You felt your heart, which was once pounding against your ribcage as you adjusted to his touch, calming down as you cuddled into his chest. You exhaled softly, feeling your eyelids growing heavier by the moment.
“Goodnight, Golbach,” you teased, finally feeling the warmth of your duvet as he pulled it over the both of you.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He kissed the top of your head once again. He ran his hand up and down your back, slowly coaxing you into sleep.
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How ROTTMNT reacts to over stimulated reader
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This might be a tad bit self indulgent (but made to comfort all). Also appologies if any of these feel bland, exam prep has me tiredd.
Characters: Rise! Raphael, Rise! Leo, Rise! Donnie, Rise! Mikey, Rise April!
CW: None
Theme: General head cannons
Reader: Gn Reader
A/U: None
Premise: Headcannons on how the turtle bros and april help you when you're overstimulated
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Raph would notice you're not acting yourself right away
Would guide you to a safe quiet spot, usually his room
Locks the door but asks if you want him there with you or not
If you do he stays and tries to help you calm down
Makes you your safe food and some water
Very cautious about touch just incase it causes you to feel worse
Gives you headphones if your noise sensitivity is higher than usual
If you say you need space then he will guard the door
Tell anyone who passes to be quiet or not bother you
Once you've calmed down you two talk about it
What caused you to become overstimulated, was it something specific, ect.
Helps you avoid certain sensory things that may cause you to be overstimulated
If its during a mission, he'll find a secluded area and keep you safe while the others deal with the threat
Asks Donnie for help, mostly just books or research on how to help prevent overstimulation
Low lighting in his room is now a thing and you thank him for it
Will put on a soothing repetitive sound that helps you regulate your breathing
If your still a bit sensitive to everything around you, he'll act as a weighted blanket
He's trying his best to make sure you're okay
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Poor dude doesn't really know what to do
Leo tries to make you laugh with his silly jokes but when those don't work he's sort of out of ideas
Does try to comply with your needs though
If you ask him to leave the room, he'll whine about it but leave eventually
Stays by the door though just incase you call for him
Does take some good sensory objects that he can find around the house to give to you
If you want him to stay with you he'll have a hard time trying not to talk constantly
Does ask how you're feeling
Tries to see how much of his voice you can handle as a signifier to see if you're calming down or not
Doesn't push and doesn't yell just humming a random song or talking about his day
Doesn't try to take your silence personal, but sometimes he can't help it
After the first overstimulation panic you had, Leo did research and asked his brothers questions about it
He gets better through each time you become overstimulated and tries his best to help and not make it worse
If you're on a mission or outside of the lair, he'll just portal you back home until you're either ready to continue the battle or you know you won't be able to continue
If you can't continue then he'll stay home with you, much to his brothers dismay
Tries to help you focus on your breathing by doing breathing techniques with you
Actually actively checks for any sign before you end up in a panicked state
Leo wants you to be safe and cope in healthy ways
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Donnie understand what's going on right away
Actually catches signs of an overstimulation panic before it got to the extreme
Will do whatever he can to help
Does not really know how other than basic things like offering solitude and asking if you want touch or not
Does research however after
Actually starts to gain confidence on how to help you when you're overstimulated
Has a sign on his room for when you're using it as a sanctuary
And of course passer byers obey the sign
Does hold your hand if you're okay with touch
Also stashes of snacks are everywhere of your safe food
If you want to be alone in his room then he will leave reluctantly
While you're calming down, Donnie looks for the reason as to why you were overstimulated so he can help you avoid it and let people know
Gives you his sweater because its a cozy texture and it helps a lot of the time
If you happen to become overstimulated during a battle he calls S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N to come and fly you away
After the battle he will come find you and try to help you if you're still on edge
Has a special program around his tech to help you calm down if you become overstimulated when he's not there to help
Is very vigilant when you're around something that might trigger you to become overstimulated
Donnie is the most understanding and wants you to feel comfortable enough to cope
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Mikey doesn't really let you become overstimulated to a point of extreme
Has taken the role of the therapist in his family so he has done a lot of research
Mikey also notices behavior changes when you're overwhelmed
If it does become extreme though, he'll text you and have you hide in a place comfortable to you
Not necessarily his room, but doesn't mind if that is the place you chose
Gives you things to distract yourself and to help you calm down
Most common is drawing your feelings with markers and paper
Does try to pay attention but sometimes gets distracted by other things
Mikey is sort of good with the comfort, but his attention goes everywhere most of the time
Does try to stay focused on your needs though
If you need alone time to help calm down he will respect that
If one of his brothers try to bother you, he will "gently" tell them not too
If you want him there then he's gladly to stay
Talks about things to distract you if talking doesn't make it worse
Will text instead if it does
If you become overstimulated during a battle, Mikey gives you noise cancelling headphones and a quick safety blanket
He is prepared for anything when it comes to you
Mikey wants you to feel your best!
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April is really chill when you become overstimulated
Does a quick google search to better understand what's happening to you
Did panic a bit because it happened all of a sudden
You two were just hanging out, you weren't having the best day and then boom tears started streaming down your face, words were hard, and you were upset stimming
Gave you her jacket as a way to help ground yourself
You just rubbed the clothe as she stayed close to you
If you needed space then she gave it to you, but wasn't far enough to make you feel unattended too
Will try other things that comfort you and help you calm down
Has your comfort food on hand just in case
She also has cold water on her too
April tries her best to accommodate to you and your needs when you become overstimulated
Finds a secluded area if possible and just is like your guard dog
If you two are in a battle and you're overstimulated then she is full protective mode
Has the turtle bros take care of the threat while she takes care of you
If you two are in a public area when you're overstimulated she'll hide you in an ally and have you calm down there
She takes you home when you're calm enough
Tends to take the more protective approach when you're overstimulated
April wants to protect you and make sure you don't get overwhelmed to often
Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission. Reblogs and comments are welcome
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
Did Blake watching Jaune give Weiss her birthday spankings ended up in a 3 way, seeing how Blake got excited at the end of the previous post?
This ended up bigger than that~ ---------------
Ruby: Hey sis. Has Blake told you what Weiss wants to do for her birthday?
Yang: *Checking her phone* Nothing yet.
Ruby: My Oum, why is she taking so long?
Yang: If it bothers you so much, why don't you find out for yourself what Weiss wants to do for her birthday?
Ruby: But the plan was that Blake was going to ask her, you were going to book the place, I was going to get the decorations, and she wouldn't notice that we forgot it was her birthday!
Yang: Well the plans changed. Are you going to look for her or not?
Ruby: Agh! Ok, I'm going to look for her.
Disappointed that her plan didn't work, Ruby makes her way to Weiss's room. A moment later she reaches the entrance of the room and hears a noise looking inside. She's hard to hear, but it sounds repetitive. She takes the doorknob, turns it, and walks into the room.
Ruby: Hey Weiss about your birthday...!
Weiss: Oh FUCK Yes!~💕
Ruby's eyes were wide open. In front of her was Jaune on top of her Weiss fucking her. Weiss has her legs locked behind Jaune, while he moves his hips violently, much to Weiss's delight.
Beside them sat Balke taking a breath with her legs apart. Ruby could see how a white liquid came out of her two holes. Blake notices her and smiles.
Blake: Hey Ruby, I didn't expect to see you here.
Weiss: Daddy, you fuck me so good!~💕
Weiss yells without realizing that someone has just entered her room.
Ruby: What are you guys doing?!
Blake: I thought it was obvious, we're celebrating Weiss's birthday~
Ruby: But this wasn't our plan!
Weiss: I'm close daddy! I'm very close! Please, do not stop!
Blake: Well, that change. So you have two options. You can leave... or you can join us~💕
Weiss: I'm cumming! I'm Cumming! OH DADDY!!!💕
Jaune: OH FUCK!~
Weiss came so hard you could see her shaking. Between her legs she could see Jaune's cum spilling out.
Blake: Looks like Weiss needs a break. Do you want to take her place?
Jaune then slowly pulls out his member, already somewhat tired, but then he shines with aura, rejuvenating his "big friend" down there and ready for action.
Ruby: Fucking yes.
She says as she takes off her clothes as quickly as possible.
Blake: Fu fu~ Now it's a fucking party~💕
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cherryapplejuice · 2 years
you make me nervous
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larissa weems x reader
content: soft, fluff, mutual sapphic yearning
warnings: none
It all started with such a small gesture. You were spending your lunch break at the Weathervane, writing your lesson plan in preparation for next month because, let’s face it, you never allow yourself a real break. Your soy vanilla latte was now merely beige bubbles scattered at the bottom of your empty mug and the steady sound of the milk steaming contraption behind the counter had become an oddly relaxing form of white noise as your pen scribbled in your notebook.
A small ringing sound pierced through the emptiness of the room and you turned instinctively to see none other than Larissa Weems coming in for her usual cappuccino. You flashed her a smile that beamed embarrassingly beyond what you had intended and she offered back a familiar grin and nod in response. You felt a nauseating tightness in your abdomen not too dissimilar to the usual feeling you got when you analysed your every move around Larissa, praying that one day you would somehow find the ability to act cool around her, or at the very least, like a normal human being. You buried your head back into your work in effort to concentrate and block yourself from drowning in the sweet way Larissa stepped towards the counter and spoke with that soft, polite hushed tone that always tore you up from the inside out. Your efforts to muster up new ideas about which classical and romantic period musicians to base your next music theory module on - while you felt Larissa’s eyes burning into your head for a brief moment - became obsolete.
“Small cappuccino.” The boy behind the counter smiled as he placed it before her.
“Thank you.” Larissa beamed, and you wanted to curse her for how sick her sweet voice made you feel. “Mind if I join you?”
You were so used to not wanting to assume anyone would choose your company over solitude, or the company of someone much more enjoyable, that you instinctively waited a few seconds before looking up at her. She was talking to you.
“Oh, of course.” You babbled, scrambling to tidy the mess of paper and books scattered messily across the table to make room before gesturing enthusiastically toward the empty seat across from you. “Go ahead!”
“What are you working on?” Larissa questioned inquisitively. You admired how gifted she was at making everyone she spoke to feel genuinely important and interesting, even if you did still question whether or not she was simply being polite and just making conversation because she felt she had to.
“Oh, uh, this? I’m just trying to decide on a composer to use as inspiration when we move back onto theory with my 10th graders. Theory’s the boring part that everybody hates and they spend the whole time wishing they could just go back to messing with actual instruments so…” You paused for a moment, panicking suddenly that you may be rambling on and boring the poor woman to death. “Yeah. That’s about it.”
You held eye contact with the words on the pages below you rather than with Larissa; after all, ink on paper couldn’t make you flustered so it seemed like the safer option. As the seconds passed, you only wished more and more that the ground would swallow you up. The caffeine may not have been a wise idea when you know you’re prone to becoming this nervous, and you made a mental note to try decaf next time.
“Go with Tchaikovsky.” Larissa broke the silence and you looked up to meet her eyes. “He’s my favourite.”
You shared a smile, a feeling of warmth and genuine comfort finally radiating toward you and settling your jitters as you held each other’s gaze. She wasn’t bothered by your rambling at all. She could tell you were taken aback by her showing interest in what you had to say and, although you weren’t to know, it made her a little sad.
“Tchaikovsky. Tchaikovsky.” You spoke aloud in affirmation to yourself, mostly, the second repetition more sure and certain and the relief in your voice was audible. Larissa shot you a soft grin before reaching down to wrap her fingers around the mug before her and bringing it up to her lips, enjoying the comfortable silence as you flipped to the index of your textbook and flicked your way through to find the pages you needed. You finally had a strange but welcome sense of comfort sitting in your stomach. In all honestly, it could be a little embarrassing how you transformed with the smallest amount of reassurance but you will always take it, you thought to yourself.
You looked up to meet Larissa’s gaze once again. Cobalt glittered from her eyes and the bright porcelain of her skin laid perfectly over her face. Your eyes fell to her lips; the only spot of out place was a small patch of white foam that had found its way from her mug to the perfect soft red pigment applied over them as she had sipped.
“What?” Larissa asked, concerned, as you stared at that one spot on her upper lip. A sheepish smile crept over your face and you were unsure if you were feeling embarrassment or simply sheer adoration for the sudden realisation that Larissa was, too, a real human who is susceptible to the small mishaps that make people just that little bit more endearing. You giggled slightly.
“You, uh. You just…” You paused before shuffling forward and rising from your chair, clearly feeling emboldened and finding your new ability to lean over the table to reach forward, slowly letting your thumb find its way to Larissa’s intimidatingly perfect features, and swiping gently across her lip to remove the foam, leaving her makeup untarnished and a dizzying feeling of yearning in the pit of your stomach. Time had stopped for the both of you. The contact between your skin lingered for perhaps a few seconds too long and the tension behind the eye contact you held, now from a much closer proximity, was incredibly palpable. It was just you two. It didn’t matter that you were out in public, surrounded by clattering and the words of others around you because everything was a blur except for that perfect face in front of you. You watched as the skin on her throat dipped with a sudden gulp before her lips parted to catch her breath. Was she blushing?
But you had no idea that Larissa’s world had just come tumbling down around her, the rubble and debris of all professionalism and decorum she had once prided herself on now gathered at her feet and emitting dust that clouded her thoughts. It had all started with such a small gesture. The feeling of your skin against her lip, the way your eyes had expertly examined her to clean her up efficiently, the slight furrow of your brow in concentration in the half second before your eyes came up again to meet hers - it was all too much. Her world had become brighter, the beige and graphite hues that once surrounded her now bursts of rich sienna and greens that lit the path in front of her. She was suddenly crucially aware of the warmth she felt radiating from the beams of light that surrounded you. A halo.
She had fallen in love.
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nickeverdeen · 6 months
Maybe (or not) you remember me but I asked once if you write neurodivergent readers. So... I'm finally here to make my first request (🙈). I wanted to have HCs with jesse from Tlou being reader's boyfriend (besides ellie being her bestfriend and joel having a really soft spot for reader in his old heart). And in this case, reader is a high-functioning autistic. (I don't know if you feel like you can write a reader like that, but I can write some of my own characteristics/habits to help you if you want).
So, the idea is Hc's with how jesse deals with an autistic reader, for example: reader having sensitivity to loud voices sometimes, having some problems with some food textures and repetitive hobbies, stimming with hands a lot (thinking about jesse letting reader fidgeting with the colar of his shirt is so comforting), how jesse tries to make things a little easier for her day by day, how is being attentive with her during sex moments, how does he feels about reader patrolling with him or someone else (even tho she's capable and smart), or how would he or some other main character feel if some random person is bothering reader somehow would be nice. This is more jesse centric, but you can say things about other characters too if u want. Anways, If you read until here thank you, I know I'm babbling by now lol
Oh and if you don't feel like writing this one it's fine by me too. Do what you feel comfortable!!
Hey, of course I remember you and I did the best I could and pls tell me if I messed something up and don’t worry as I’m completely fine with writing this as I myself have ADD and mild ASD so no worries and feel free to request anything anytime!
Jesse x high-functioning autistic fem!reader
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Pairing: Jesse x reader (romantic), Ellie x reader (platonic), Joel x reader (platonic)
Warning: Mention of sex
Jesse is incredibly patient and understanding when it comes to your sensitivity to loud voices
He always makes sure to speak softly and calmly around you, especially in crowded or noisy environments
He’s attentive to your cues and knows when you’re starting to feel overwhelmed by loud noises
Whether it’s a crowded party or a busy street, he’ll gently guide you to a quieter area or suggest taking a break
Jesse is your rock during moments of sensory overload
He’ll hold your hand, provide comforting touches, or even use calming techniques like deep breathing exercises to help you feel grounded and calm
He’s proactive about creating a sensory-friendly environment for you
Whether it’s adjusting the volume on the TV or choosing quieter places to hang out, he’s always thinking ahead to make sure you’re comfortable
Jesse is your biggest advocate and isn’t afraid to speak up on your behalf
If someone is being too loud or insensitive to your needs, he’ll step in and politely address the situation
He’s constantly educating himself about autism and sensory processing issues to better understand your experiences and how to support you
Jesse loves finding new ways to connect with you that cater to your sensory preferences
Whether it’s going for quiet walks in nature or enjoying calming activities like painting or listening to music together, he’s always looking for ways to make you feel at ease
He’s great at finding creative solutions to help you navigate loud or overwhelming situations
Whether it’s using noise-canceling headphones or carrying earplugs, he’s always prepared to help you manage sensory overload
Jesse’s unwavering patience and understanding make you feel truly accepted and loved for who you are
You never have to worry about being judged or misunderstood when you’re with him
Above all, Jesse’s love for you is unwavering, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you feel safe, comfortable, and understood
Jesse is incredibly understanding of your sensory issues with food textures and always takes them into consideration when planning meals or dining out together
He’s patient and supportive, never making you feel bad or self-conscious about your food preferences and always willing to accommodate them
Jesse enjoys exploring new recipes and cooking together with you, focusing on dishes with textures that you find comfortable and enjoyable
He’s always on the lookout for restaurants or eateries that offer a variety of textures to suit your preferences, making dining out a stress-free experience for you
Jesse encourages you to communicate openly about your food texture sensitivities, ensuring that he’s aware of any new triggers or preferences that arise
He’s willing to try new foods and textures with you at your own pace, providing encouragement and support every step of the way
Jesse understands the importance of routine and stability for you, so he’s always up for participating in your repetitive hobbies or activities, whether it’s watching the same movie or engaging in a favorite pastime together
He finds joy in sharing your hobbies and interests, embracing the comfort and familiarity they bring to your relationship
Jesse is patient and never rushes you when engaging in repetitive activities, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience and find comfort in the familiar
Jesse’s unwavering support and understanding make you feel accepted and loved for who you are, quirks and all
Jesse is incredibly understanding when it comes you stimming with your hands
He knows that it’s a natural behavior for you and never makes you feel self-conscious about it
He notices how your hands move in certain patterns or motions when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, and he gently encourages you to stim whenever you need to
Jesse actually finds it endearing and comforting when you fidget with the collar of his shirt
He sees it as a way for you to feel grounded and connected to him, and he always lets you do it without hesitation
Whenever you’re cuddling or sitting close together, Jesse intentionally wears shirts with soft collars, knowing that it brings you a sense of calm and security to fidget with them
He often holds your hand or intertwines your fingers when you’re feeling particularly anxious, providing you with a sense of physical reassurance and comfort
Jesse never rushes you or makes you feel pressured to stop stimming
He respects your boundaries and always creates a safe and accepting environment for you
He learns about different stimming techniques and tools that can help you manage your sensory needs better, and he’s always willing to try new things to support you
Jesse is observant and attentive to your nonverbal cues, knowing when you need a moment alone to stim or when you need his presence and support
He often incorporates activities that allow you to stim into your daily routine, whether it’s going for walks, playing with fidget toys, or engaging in sensory-friendly activities together
Jesse constantly reassures you that your stimming is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of
He loves and accepts you exactly as you are
Jesse learns about autism and its various aspects to better understand his girlfriend’s needs and experiences
He creates a calming and predictable routine for you both, knowing that structure can provide stability and comfort
Jesse communicates openly with you, discussing any changes or plans in advance to minimize surprises
He sets up a quiet and sensory-friendly space in your home where his you can retreat when feeling overwhelmed
Jesse encourages you to engage in activities that you enjoy and finds ways to incorporate you into your daily routine
He offers gentle reminders and prompts to help you stay organized and on track with tasks and appointments
Jesse provides emotional support and reassurance during challenging situations, offering comfort and understanding
He actively listens to your concerns and respects your boundaries, always prioritizing your comfort and well-being
Jesse educates his friends about autism, helping them understand how to best support and help you when something’s up
He advocates for your needs in social settings, stepping in to explain or intervene if necessary to ensure your comfort
He participates in activities that you enjoy, showing genuine interest and enthusiasm for your hobbies
Jesse researches and introduces new coping strategies and sensory tools that may benefit you
He remains patient and understanding, recognizing that everyone experiences the world differently and embracing the differences between you two
Jesse continually learns and grows alongside his girlfriend, adapting his approach to best support you as you navigate life together
Jesse pays close attention to your verbal and non-verbal cues, ensuring clear communication and mutual understanding throughout
He creates a comfortable and sensory-friendly environment, minimizing distractions and providing a safe space for you to relax
Jesse prioritizes his girlfriend’s pleasure and enjoyment, focusing on your needs and desires during sex moments
He takes the time to discuss boundaries and preferences with you beforehand, respecting your limits and boundaries at all times
Jesse engages in gentle and reassuring touch, using soft caresses and strokes to help you feel relaxed and at ease
He remains attuned to your responses, adjusting his actions and pacing based on your comfort level and feedback
Jesse encourages open communication during sex, inviting you to express your feelings and desires without judgment
He incorporates sensory stimulation that you enjoy, such as specific textures or sensations, to enhance your pleasure
Jesse maintains eye contact and verbal reassurance, offering words of encouragement and affirmation to you throughout
He checks in with you regularly, asking if you are comfortable and if there’s anything you need or want to change
Jesse creates a sense of safety and trust, fostering an environment where you feel free to explore and express yourself sexually
He embraces your unique way of experiencing sex, adapting his approach to suit your preferences and comfort level
He avoids sudden or unexpected movements, providing gentle guidance and support to help you feel secure
Jesse focuses on emotional connection as well as physical pleasure, prioritizing sex and closeness in your sexual experiences
Jesse remains attentive and responsive to your needs and desires, ensuring that your sexual encounters are mutually satisfying and fulfilling
Jesse feels proud and honored that you choose to join him on patrols, recognizing your intelligence and capabilities
He admires your bravery and determination, knowing that you are more than capable of handling yourself in challenging situations
Jesse values your unique perspective and skills, seeing you as an asset during patrols and missions
He prioritizes your safety and well-being, ensuring that you have the necessary support and resources while patrolling together
Jesse trusts your judgment and decision-making abilities, knowing that you are capable of handling yourself in any situation that may arise
He enjoys spending time with his girlfriend on patrols, cherishing the opportunity to work together and strengthen their bond
Jesse remains attentive to your needs and comfort level while patrolling, offering reassurance and support as needed
He encourages you to communicate openly about your experiences and feelings while on patrol, fostering a sense of trust and teamwork
Jesse respects your autonomy and independence, allowing you to take the lead or contribute in your own way during patrols
He acknowledges any challenges or difficulties you may face while patrolling, offering encouragement and understanding throughout
Jesse values your contributions and insights during patrols, appreciating your unique perspective and problem-solving skills
He remains vigilant and protective of you while on patrol, ensuring that you are safe and supported at all times
Jesse communicates openly with his girlfriend about the risks and dangers of patrolling, seeking your input and collaboration in decision-making
He prioritizes clear communication and coordination with you while on patrol, working together seamlessly to achieve their objectives
Jesse acknowledges and respects your boundaries and comfort level during patrols, adjusting their approach as needed to ensure your well-being
Jesse cherishes the opportunity to patrol alongside his girlfriend, savoring the moments you share together while working towards a common goal
Ellie deeply values her best friend’s presence on patrols, recognizing your unique perspective and attention to detail, which often spot things others might miss
Despite your autism, Ellie views you as an essential and equal member of the patrol team, treating you with respect and admiration for your intelligence and capabilities
Ellie feels a sense of responsibility towards her best friend, ensuring you feel comfortable and safe while on patrol, and always ready to provide support or assistance whenever needed
She occasionally worries about her best friend’s well-being during patrols, especially in dangerous or high-stress situations, but trusts your abilities and instincts to handle yourself effectively
Joel respects your intelligence and capabilities, recognizing your unique strengths and skills that make you a valuable asset on patrols
He feels a sense of protectiveness towards you, understanding that you may face additional challenges due to your autism, but admiring your determination to overcome them and contribute effectively to your patrol missions
Joel appreciates your honesty and sincerity, finding your straightforwardness refreshing and valuable, especially during critical moments on patrol where clear communication is essential
Despite any initial reservations or concerns, Joel quickly realizes your capabilities and trusts you to handle yourself competently during patrols, treating you as an equal and valued member of their team
If there would be someone bothering you Jesse would feel protective of you, especially knowing that you may have difficulty handling certain situations
He would approach the situation calmly but assertively, intervening if the random person is bothering you
Jesse would prioritize your comfort and well-being above everything else, making sure you feel safe and supported
He might try to defuse the situation peacefully by calmly talking to the random person and asking them to leave you alone
If the random person doesn’t listen, Jesse would be prepared to take more decisive action to ensure your safety, but he would try to avoid escalating the situation unnecessarily
Jesse would make sure to reassure you afterward, letting you know that he’s there for you and that you don’t have to face such situations alone
He might also discuss strategies with you on how to handle similar situations in the future, empowering you to advocate for yourself
Jesse would be understanding of any anxiety or distress you may feel after the encounter and would be there to provide comfort and support
He would also make sure to check in on you regularly to see how you’re feeling and if there’s anything else he can do to help
Overall, Jesse’s priority would be to create a safe and supportive environment for his girlfriend, where she feels loved, respected, and protected
As your best friend Ellie would immediately step in to defend you, not hesitating to confront the random person
She would use her quick wit and sharp tongue to shut down the person bothering you, making it clear that they’re not welcome
Ellie’s protective instincts would kick in, and she would make it known that messing with her friend is not something she takes lightly
She might use humor or sarcasm to diffuse the tension and lighten the mood, but her underlying message would be clear: back off
Ellie would stay by your side throughout the encounter, offering you support and solidarity
She would make sure you feel safe and reassured, using her own confidence and strength to bolster her friend’s spirits
Ellie might also try to distract you afterward, engaging you in a fun activity or conversation to take your mind off the incident
She would be fiercely protective of your emotional well-being, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on if needed
Ellie would make it clear to the random person that bothering you is not something she’ll tolerate, and she’ll be keeping an eye out to ensure it doesn’t happen again
Overall, Ellie’s loyalty and fierce protectiveness would shine through as she stands up for her best friend and ensures she feels supported and defended
Joel having a soft spot for you would feel a surge of protective instinct towards you, wanting to shield you from any harm or discomfort
He might initially feel a bit more reserved in his approach compared to Jesse and Ellie, but his protective instincts would still drive him to intervene
Joel would calmly assess the situation and step in to defuse any tension, using his calm demeanor and authoritative presence to assertively handle the situation
He would make it clear to the random person that bothering you is not acceptable, firmly but respectfully insisting that they leave you alone
Joel’s protective nature would extend to your emotional well-being, and he would make sure you feel supported and reassured throughout the encounter
He might offer you a comforting presence, standing by your side and subtly communicating his support and solidarity
Joel would be observant of your cues and emotions, tuning in to your needs and offering his assistance or guidance as necessary
After the encounter, Joel would check in on you to see how you’re feeling and offer you any additional support or reassurance you may need and he might offer you some good coffee too
He would also make it clear to the random person that bothering you is not something he’ll tolerate, and he’ll be keeping an eye out to ensure it doesn’t happen again
Overall, Joel’s protective instincts and caring nature would shine through as he ensures you feel safe, supported, and defended
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goemon-fan · 9 months
does goemon have autism?
I hear this talked about all the time on here, and I'd like to look into it.
Many sources on autism in adults repeat one another, so I will primarily use this one (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326841).
This beginning line of the article immediately draws my attention:
"Autism symptoms in adults may include difficulty making conversation, social anxiety, and limited interest in only a few activities."
To be brief, this description is applicable to Goemon. While the "social anxiety" cannot be verified other than his tendency for shyness, "difficulty making conversation" and "limited interest[s]" are present within Goemon's character. He is exceptionally quiet, speaks very formally even among friends, and has limited interests pertaining to being a samurai.
Thankfully, this site conveniently provides a list of autism criteria. I will be adding a point to every trait Goemon possesses.
"Common signs and symptoms of ASD [autism spectrum disorder] in adults can include:
difficulty making conversation (+ 1 )
difficulty making or maintaining close friendships (+ 1 )
discomfort during eye contact (+ 1 )
challenges with regulating emotions (+ 1 )
extreme interest in one particular topic (+ 1 )
frequent monologues on the same subject or subjects (+ 1 )
hypersensitivity to sounds or smells that do not seem to bother others
involuntary noises, such as repetitive throat clearing
difficulty understanding sarcasm or idioms
lack of inflection [range of voice/tone] when speaking (+ 1 )
limited interest in only a few activities (+ 1 )
preference for solitary activities (+ 1 )
problems reading the emotions of others
trouble understanding facial expressions and body language
reliance on daily routines and difficulty dealing with change (+ 1 )
repetitive behaviors
social anxiety
superior abilities in a particular field, such as mathematics or other disciplines
the need to arrange items in a specific order
Autistic people will not usually have all the above signs and symptoms, and they may experience others that are not on the list."
Out of the list of 19, Goemon reliably meets 10 traits [the list in actuality should be made smaller, as we have no way of knowing whether Goemon has social anxiety/trouble understanding facial expressions/the other internal traits].
Something that stuck out to me were the "discomfort during eye contact" and "challenges regulating emotions" points, because there is a scene in Lupin III: the First dealing with exactly this.
Goemon is made to leave behind Zantetsuken to allow a passage for his friends, and upon learning what he must do he explodes in anger. There is also a scene where the other characters question him, and he looks to the ground, looks back up quickly, and looks back to the ground.
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Goemon also heavily relies on routine, with having a strict training schedule and wanting to know the specifics of a heist beforehand. There is a scene in Part 1 where Goemon storms off after Lupin is late to their meeting and Lupin announces Fujiko will now be joining their heist, and although it was written with misogynistic overtones it is autistic in nature; Goemon wants to meet at a set time, follow the preorganized plan/routine, and gets disproportionately angry towards seemingly small things.
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There are many other scenes applicable to this diagnostic criteria, but I have to assume that you know a reasonable amount about Goemon to evaluate this yourself, otherwise we'd be here all day.
So, does Goemon have autism? I do not know for sure, as he isn't real. But it is very likely.
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fadingdaggerr · 2 years
a piece of home
part one | part two | part three | part four
pairing: brienne of tarth x gn!reader
summary: when traveling to king’s landing with jaime lannister, brienne finds she’s much less alone than she had originally thought
warnings: game of thrones type discussions, mentions of violence (not specific), practice sword fighting, small description of injuries, very small blood mention, early s3 jaime
note: since it’s got, i used shoulder length hair that is pulled back, but no specific hair type. i try not to add too many physical descriptions to be as inclusive as possible for presentation/body type/race. let me know if there’s anything i can do to help me more inclusive in my writing
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sound travels easily in the forest, that much she knew. knowing where the sound came from is the challenge. brienne’s hand fell to the hilt of her sword, eyes scanning for any clue. a sharp knocking sound could be heard from close by, over and over again, followed by a pause, then more knocking. her traveling companion did not seem as bothered by this, only complained of its repetitiveness and her slowing of their pace. perhaps a bird pecking the trees or a buck scraping the last of his velvet from his antlers. the journey continued, the sound only growing closer.
approaching a small clearing, both took cover behind a large boulder covered in thick moss. peering around, they took in what seemed to be the cause of this ‘incessant noise,’ as jaime put it.
a young boy, no older than 10, with a training sword, practice fighting with someone. brienne took notice of the skill, even toned down for a child, it was noticeable. the boy yelped upon his opponent striking his arm.
“no fair!”
“i said watch my footwork, not stare at your reflection in my buckles! again!”
both brienne and jaime fought back chuckles. they watched as the two fighters struck their swords against each other, wood cracking, if only they were closer brienne would see the splintering under each blow. the pair decided to leave the child and his friend alone, both nodding and beginning to head back to their horses. their departure was not as easily cloaked as their staring.
a small breeze passed and a slight pain stung brienne’s ear. she reaches her hand up, a small trace of blood on her fingers. her head raises to see a dagger now stuck in the tree in front of her, she turns instantly, sword drawn, stance ready. her eyes went from furious to unsure, seeing the child being shoved behind the other fighter, now seeing you fully.
“who are you?” you yell, hand gripping another dagger, eyes darting between the two. anger and venom fueled your words, your stance defensive and strong.
“we’re just passing through, we meant no harm,” brienne says, sword sliding back into the scabbard, her hands raising, jaime follows her action.
unconvinced you speak again, “you say that, but you have a sword. and a lannister. that’s enough harm. now, who. are. you?” the question is raised, as well as another dagger, likely to be targeted toward jaime. you reach around to your side and an object is passed to the boy.
“i am brienne of tarth, i’m under the order of lady catelyn stark of winterfell to escort this man to king’s landing,” never one for dishonesty, she refuses to lie and give you another reason to throw a dagger.
“larkin. two times please,” you lower your guard. the boy moves from the group and blows the horn, now she knows, twice. now they look at brienne, “come with me, no harm will come. you’ll be fed and have a cot for the night. even your friend.”
this didn’t seem to be a conversation, or an invitation for that matter. the dagger in your hand spins and is placed in a sheath on your thigh as you walk forward. you pass brienne and jaime, who share a bewildered look, and pull the dagger out from the trunk.
“get your horses if you have them. then, this way.”
the walk to the camp was silent, other than the boy, larkin, updating his teacher on what’s been happening around their camp, your arm wrapped around his shoulders. brienne could see the way this person cared for the child, almost as if he were your child.
as the camp grows closer, larkin turned around and began walking backwards, his attention focused on jaime, “you’re a lannister?” jaime nodded. “are you the king slayer?”
“larkin!” the boy immediately turns, “that is not how we speak to guests,” the practice sword you held was shoved in the boy’s hands, “now, go put these back properly, and clean up.”
he sighs defeatedly, “yes, commander.” looking at brienne and jaime, he nods before he running off from the group.
silently, the commander begins walking, leaving the other two to follow. soldiers, if they even were that, all stood at guard around the camp, eyes never leaving the outsiders. they arrive at a large tent, a wave and ‘enter.’ looking around, both take in the sheer amount of weaponry and maps that filled the space. a large table was in the center, now being leaned upon.
“what is catelyn stark trading this one for?” the question is solely aimed to brienne.
“she wishes to receive back her daughters, the ladies sansa and arya,” brienne replies coolly, not quite sure of the climate of this group.
a harsh laugh comes in response, “i’m familiar with the ladies, sansa is quite sweet from what i’m told, arya less so, but that’s fine by me.”
“why are we here?” jaime asks, irritated by another detour.
“i find the king slayer wandering in my woods, with a lady knight, being traded like cattle, my interest was peaked. it was peaked before then,” now facing brienne, a question is asked to her, “tarth? you’re lord selwyn’s daughter?”
“i’m not a knight and, yes. you know my father?”
you look her up and down, staring at her for a moment, “not personally, mostly of him. i’ve only ever had the pleasure of being under his protection as my lord, for a short time. he’s a fair man.”
“you’re from tarth?” brienne tried to hold both her fear, knowing she had a past of cruel treatment there. she prayed this sentiment would not follow her further.
“born and raised until was 12, then i left, though hardly my choice. interesting, i’ve never met another from tarth out here,” a light smile played on your lips.
jaime, ever the charmer, groaned and added, “i’m glad we had this tarth family reunion, but we have a destination to reach.”
the smile on your slips grew menacingly, “i’m sure you miss your sister, king slayer. but i seem to recall, you are a trade piece for lady catelyn stark, for ladies sansa and arya stark, being transported by lady brienne of tarth. your opinion means very little, ser. especially here,” and that was that. no one had ever made jaime shut his mouth that fast other than his father and cersei.
you move from you spot on the table, and poke out of the tent to speak to a guard, who immediately goes off to do what you asked. ‘thank you ragnall,’ is called to him. gesturing the chairs, you sit down, and your guests follow suit. the three of you stay quiet, until ragnall returns with a healer and larkin in tow, a large tray being steadily balanced by the boy, pure focus on his steps.
the healer takes to brienne, asking to check her ear to which she agrees politely. she sits tense the entire time, not wincing even as he pokes and prods at the slice. she takes this time to took at you. medium length hair, tied half up messily. the outfit you donned was all black, down to the black fur robe that rested upon your shoulders. you wore gloves, the fingers ripped off of them, no doubt to make throwing daggers easier. her staring came to a halt when the healer spoke, seeing attention back to her area. she looks down.
the slice to her ear was clean, only nicking the side of her ear. a very clearly stated warning shot. the healer cleans the wound and reminds her to do the same, as often as she can. she nods and quietly thanks him. the healer moves to inspect jaime’s arm.
“i apologize for my hurting you,” you say sincerely, “i often get incredibly over-defensive when it comes to the children of the company. i hope the meal and bed will suffice as repayment.”
brienne looks to jaime, his face read defeat, succumbing to the offer of a warm meal and a bed not compiled of leaves and moss. they both look back to this commander, nodding firmly.
larkin immediately brings food to the table, dropping the tray a little from holding it for so long. hot stew and warm bread is brought to all three at the table, a fourth dish set is brought to a smaller table to the side for himself to eat.
“larkin, come here,” you say, arm extended to bring the boy close, whispering to him, “bring your supper to your tent, i’ll explain it all later.” he’s quick to follow his orders, knowing you’ll stay true to your word.
once he’s out of sight and earshot, brienne opens with, “he’s a handsome young lad, is he yours?”
“gods no. he’s the son of a previous seamstress of the company, amelia. she passed from a sickness unknown to our healers. i promised her i would look after him, and that’s what i will continue to do,” there’s a pointedly look in your eye, one that said the warning shot was the only warning they’d get.
“you said you’ve been told of sansa and arya, yet i’ve never seen you in king’s landing, and we’re far from the north. how do you know of their likeness?” jaime prods.
rolling your eyes and taking a sip of ale, you respond to question, “the master of whispers has his little birds, i have mine. mine are just better at their job.”
this shocks both jaime and brienne. a commander of an unknown group of fighters, who has spies in the capital, and has never been spoken of there. someone entering the tent breaks their thoughts, announcing that the cots were prepared for the duo, then heading back to his post.
“who are you?” brienne asks, a little surprised with herself that she hadn’t asked sooner.
“skyforth, a proud collection of fighters. for almost 200 years, the company was loyal the crown, when it belonged to the targaryens. but once the mad king started his reign, some fled due to his… unorthodox approach. most stayed, thinking the king would protect them because of their loyalty, but they were killed in the wild fire attacks.”
brienne is fascinated, she had heard stories of skyforth, but it was thought to have been eradicated. she understood now, why you were more defensive of jaime’s presence. royal families had destroyed too much in your life. she wants to ask more, more on the history and how you remained unknown yet powerful. she doesn’t get the chance.
“so this is just another group to pillage, raid, and ra-” jaime begins, but it cut off.
“i have been in command for eight years now, these men are not to harm innocents, in any fashion. if i found out one of my men committed a crime against a woman or child, they would be killed. two have dared challenge this and two have died. we protect the lives of all people, more than you can say about your precious king’s guard,” you were not to be trifled with, hand gripping the handle of the knife on the table.
“i’m sure. and what did you have your men do to them?” he counters, looking for a weak spot.
“dagger to the cock and one to each eye,” you take a bite of your food, “by yours truly.”
“ser jaime, shut your mouth and eat your food. we are guests, act like it,” brienne whispered roughly, jaime obeys. you titter from across the table, finding amusement that a knight of the king’s guard could be shot down by just a woman’s words.
an hour passed, and jaime left to be escorted to his cot for the night, only a wave in your general direction. brienne stared at the floor for a moment, debating asking you more questions or going to bed.
bravery left, and brienne rose from her seat, bidding you goodnight as she left. it really was rare to find someone from tarth out here, the isle was beautiful and lively, but small in comparison to others. she smiled to herself at finding a little piece of home.
she had spent the better part of an hour on her cot, laying on her back and praying for sleep to come, but it evaded her. sitting back up, brienne laced her boots up again, sword fastened to her hip once more. as she stepped out of the small tent, she was aware that intent eyes were on her, but she could see no one. she continued her walk, following a source of light some yards away.
she saw you in the distance by the large fire at the center or camp, sat on a log, staring into the flames. you could hear her faint footsteps approaching the fire as well, but you didn’t move to greet her. brienne moved to sit on another log to your left, watching you watch the flames.
strings of hair hung in your face, shadows casted across your skin. the fire lit up your face, and she could see scars from your battles on your cheekbones and lip. your knuckles were scarred badly as well, she was sure the rest of you was too. she watched you sharpen a dagger in your hand, examining against the light of the flame, angling and turning with squinted eyes.
without moving your gaze, you spoke to her, “what’s bothering you?”
she’s a little taken aback, you hadn’t looked at her once since she sat down. she was certain you noticed her, but she wasn’t sure.
“couldn’t sleep.”
“sleeping surrounded by strangers will do that. but, still doesn’t answer my question?” you move on to the next blade.
brienne takes a breath, “why did you invite us here? we would and could have just moved on, why didn’t we?”
your hands still. you look at her now, eyes scanning her face, then quickly moving to her sword. “tarth,” you simply reply, continuing your task. you didn’t need to say more, she understood completely.
“how bad is traveling with pompous and pretty?”
brienne laughs at the name for jaime, “surprisingly, he’s not the worst traveling companion. he never stops talking, mostly insults to myself. but he saved my life, told them the sapphire isle was made from real sapphire. he paid for it by losing his hand. so, insults mean nothing, especially when they’re overused.”
your eyes snap to hers upon hearing about jaime’s actions. jaime lannister gave his hand to save her life. your distaste for the man lowers, but it still sits deep in your belly. jaime’s lie reminded you, “when i was a child, i was told that the sapphires that colored the water were held in the eyes of the family of tarth.”
brienne smiles at this, having heard this story as a child from the women who told her bedtime stories. hearing this story mentioned by you makes her feel warmth growing in her chest. she only wants to talk to you more, and thankfully you speak again.
“i remember a ball on tarth, just before i was made to leave. one for potential suitors for the lady,” you look at her, “no one worthy enough?”
the warmth dissipates, brienne stiffens, “no.”
you look at her quizzically, “did i say something of offense? that was not my intention.”
brienne was holding down anger, “you know what they said about me in tarth, and you ask me that of all things?”
“i was told to not pay mind to common gossip. to listen for information, not opinions. i know what most say, but that’s their thoughts, not mine,” you hold eye contact with brienne as you speak, “those suitors were fools, the whole lot of them.”
“you don’t mean that,” brienne is firm on her stance.
“have you traveled my thoughts brienne, i was not aware they were a part of westeros,” you’re just as firm.
“you refuse to believe the words of many for your own thoughts?”
“i refuse to take beliefs of others as fact, i know what i see. those. suitors. were. fools,” you said your words definitively, then begin to mumble to yourself, “stubborn as you are tall.”
the tension that had built in her shoulders fell, brienne let a deep breath out. you didn’t hold any malice in your words, she could tell that much. she just simply could not fathom what you saw that the others didn’t. she didn’t speak about it again, just watched as you inspected your handiwork.
“skyforth?” is all she asks, hoping you’ll understand the question.
you chuckle, “targaryens. dragons. flying. in the sky. sky-forth. bit stupid in my opinion, they never let any of them be dragon riders when they had ‘em. we should’ve been called… anything… fucking lizards, i don’t know,” you laugh over your words, brienne joining you, laughing loudly. you find her laugh lovely, she thinks you’re sweeter than you let on.
she stays and chat for a while, eyes growing heavy, words slowing. you had finished with your knives a while ago, now laying with your head against the log, look at the stars. brienne finds her eyes drawing back to you, watching as you yawn and shake your head.
with that, you rise and smother the fire, “goodnight, lady brienne.” she found herself unable to reply.
after a sleepless night of replaying your conversation over and over for hours, brienne decided it was time to get off the cot. she opens the tent to dewy grass, the fire restarted in the center of camp, commander not sitting beside it. she walks further, she feels eyes on her once again, still unable to see no they belong to.
she’s greeted by the sight of larkin, who is attempting to throw daggers into a target. you’re standing next to him, throwing your own. you’re making a point to verbalize each movement you make, how hard to snap your wrist into the throw, how you your feet have to move, how to aim quickly.
you demonstrate once more, then actually throwing. the knife strikes the center of the target quickly, half of the blade embedded within the dirt filled sack. the throw was fast, brienne could have swore the blade just appeared into the doll. she watches you throw two more, one hitting just above the knife from before, the other right under.
brienne decides announces herself, needing to move before she was caught staring, again. larkin beams with excitement, immediately asking you if brienne could join in your practice.
“i believe lady brienne is more of a swordsman, larkin.”
“well then she can sword fight with me, it’s way more interesting than knives,” he says, bouncing in place, hoping you’ll say yes. brienne chuckles as his words.
“i’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that to me,” you say fighting a smile at his enthusiasm, “one more round of daggers, then we’ll talk.”
larkin is quick to follow direction. you and brienne walk towards each other, meeting halfway. you stand together and watch the boy for a little bit, both turning when steps approach. jaime stands on the other side of brienne, keeping distance between you and him.
“are our healers treating your arm well, ser jaime?” you speak first, hoping to show less hostility towards him. brienne takes note of the change in behavior.
“they’re treating me just fine,” he replies dryly, brienne elbows his roughly, “thank you.”
you nod, eyes staying on larkin as he throws his final dagger. he quickly collects them and comes barreling towards you, less than patiently waiting on your word. you look to brienne, she nods.
you sigh, “go ahead.” the boy hands you the daggers before sprinting to get the practice swords.
“he hears you’re from tarth and now he’s obsessed with you,” you laugh, the tone in your voice bleeds love for the child. jaime notices that you seem completely unbothered by this fact, almost happy about it, and adds it to a list of things to make fun of brienne for.
the day carries on, breakfast was eaten after a short battle with larkin. you shouted directions to him, brienne worked with your directions to help teach the boy. she let him defeat her in the end, joking that she was glad he only had the wooden sword, or she ‘would have been done for’. she misses your large smile at the interaction, jaime again, does not. another one for lady brienne.
as the days grows older, brienne knows taking leave soon would be advisable. she had an oath to bring jaime to king’s landing and protect the stark girls, and she was going to fulfill it. she readied her things, jaime doing the same. their horses were brought to them by some of the men, clean and groomed, saddles as well. the food storage was restocked, water canisters filled to the brim. they were taken care of.
she makes her way to the tent from yesterday, hoping you’d be there. she enters slowly, eyes in search of you. she finds you sitting crisscross on a table, map spread out in front of you, drawing invisible lines with your fingers through paths and valleys, making note on paper next to you. she watches a little longer before fully entering and announcing her presence.
“you did not have to fill my stores,” she says.
“and yet i did,” you hop down from your seat, “take it as repayment for your injury and detour.”
“thank you,” she pauses, “i appreciate your hospitality, even if it’s only because i’m of tarth,” she’s only half joking.
“if that’s what you’d like to believe is the only reason, then you can. have you considered i’m just a kind person?” you poke back.
she pokes harder, “oh, i know you’re not. i seem to recall the title ‘pompous and pretty’ for a certain knight.”
“he is definitely pompous and he definitely thinks he’s pretty,” you laugh, “he’s alright. just, not quite right.”
brienne finds herself humming in agreement, jaime was a handsome man, that was pretty much fact. yet, she found herself also thinking there was something missing about him, she couldn’t see the magic. she tries not to dwell on it, and pushes back your comment from last night that creeps to the forefront of her mind.
“i’ll see you out. i’m positive larkin would also like to bid you farewell,” you say, brushing past her as you exit the tent. she turns to follow, lead by your voice yelling a drawn out ‘boy!’ between cupped hands as you walked.
she walks with you, side by side in silence. she doesn’t want to speak, she just wants to enjoy the time with you. you don’t speak, only walking at a slower pace than usual, forcing brienne’s long legs to shorten her strides. the silence is broken by a slightly late call of ‘incoming!’ from the distance and an oof breaking from you. a young boy now wrapped around you, your arms flying around him as he crash landed into your chest.
“good gods boy, you’re getting too big for that. next time, you’re gonna have to carry me to the healers for broken ribs,” you joke, pushing his curly hair out of his face, squishing his face a little before releasing him. he jumps in line with you and brienne, the three of you walking together now, you in between them.
“you called for me, and i knew lady brienne and see jaime were leaving today, so i probably had to hurry. and i was all the way down at the targets, and i was practicing archery like you said and i act-” you let him continue, half-listening. you shoot a playful look to brienne, and she smiles lightly, raising her eyebrows. for a second your mind wanders, how could anyone think she was a ‘beastly creature’? she’s quite beautiful, really.
the three of you reach the horses and jaime, who is being given detailed instructions of how to wrap his wound whilst they travel. larkin grows quiet as the pair began to ready their horses, double and triple checking they were secure. you wrap an arm around him, giving him a squeeze before approaching jaime and brienne.
“i wish you both safe travels, it was nice to have guests. these oafs need socialization,” jaime laughs at this, the joke was mainly for him anyways. “i hope our paths cross again,” you hold your arm out to brienne to shake, when holds your arm tightly as she does. jaime is quicker with his, appreciative of you switching arms for him, and gives you a kind smile. maybe he’s not so pompous.
larkin copies your actions, ‘safe travels’ and all, just no dig on the other men of the company. you place your hand over your mouth to cover a laugh as brienne’s hand completely wrapped around his arm, but he stayed diplomatic. he as trying to not show he was upset at their departure, even jaime.
they hoist themselves up onto their horses, steadying themselves. jaime says a quick farewell and begins slowly riding ahead, giving brienne a private goodbye with you.
“do i get to your name now, commander?”
“maybe next time, brienne of tarth.”
brienne begins to follow jaime, looking back at you and larkin, who is now gripping your arm. she waves gently, equally returned by you and excitedly by the boy. why is this so hard? it’s been only one day!
a few days later, the coming nightfall asks for jaime and brienne to set up camp. she goes through her bag, looking for a smaller blade to skin the rabbits she caught for supper. combing through, she sees something she hadn’t put in there. she takes it out, knife long forgotten.
a horn with a sheathed dagger tied around it.
very excited to write another part to this, i have it all planned out. as per usual, feedback is always appreciated!
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