#when i come across it again i'll definitely share it! ;)
suzukiblu · 3 days
For WIP-not-wednesday I gotta ask for mirror, mirror please. Every snippet of it you've shared has me frothing at the mouth, it's so good
“Fuck you,” Match gasps, and Kon nuzzles his throat again; rubs the pad of his thumb across the other's nipple and squeezes the arm he has around him again, and rocks his cock in slow. Match makes the closest thing to a “breathy” noise that Kon has ever heard him make and slumps forward heavier against the mirror, and tilts his hips back up and into him. Kon barely keeps a leash on himself. He's pretty sure he only manages it because he can't even believe he's getting this much of a reaction out of the bastard, but he'll take it. 
“Don't worry, I'll make sure you get to come on my cock as many times as you want tonight,” he purrs against Match’s pulse, and feels his gut burn even hotter when he hears it jump. “I'll even let you sit in my lap and keep him warm after.” 
Match makes an absolute croak of a noise. Kon presses a kiss against his throat while he's trying not to lose his entire fucking mind about it, then nuzzles him again and keeps rolling his hips into his slow and steady, over and over, and keeps Match’s body held tight against his own. The bathroom shudders again. 
Kon wants to fuck the bastard until the other strips the fucking tile off the walls. 
“Sounds fun, right?” he breathes, squeezing Match’s pec again. “You can just stay on my cock and stay my special little baby girl all night, just like you like.” 
Match curses, or at least probably he's cursing. It's a little hard to tell what he's saying, with his teeth clenched so tight. Definitely sounds like cursing, though. 
Like. Very definitely.
“I know, I know, your pussy wants to come so bad, doesn’t it, baby girl,” Kon croons soothingly at him, and again barely doesn't lose his own damn mind about this. He slides both hands up to cup Match’s chest again and press his pecs together; slides his cock into him with a metronome-steady rhythm he has to use his TTK to help himself keep. “It's okay, you can do it. I know you can. Do you need a little help? Need me to rub your cute little clit or just give you a nice big load in your–” 
Match chokes and comes all over the mirror and the broken-off pipes in the wall.
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their reaction to you wearing a flavoured lipstick
task force 141 x reader headcanons
synopsis: headcanons of how would they react when the reader wears a flavoured lipstick/lip gloss/lip balm
notes: can you tell who is my favourite?
comments and reblogs are always appreciated🙈
warnings: mentions of smoking, occasional swearing, tooth-rotting fluff
find it on a03 masterlist
Captain 'John' Price - chocolate and red velvet
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He may be slightly old-fashioned and love it when you wear red lipstick as he considers it a classy, but bold choice of colour
He is aware that you own more than one red lipstick, yet he secretly cannot differentiate one shade from another. Not that he'll ever let you know
That is until one day you visit him at work. He won't let it show, but he becomes jealous the second you walk in the base, your lips painted in a rich, velvety crimson. He cannot take his eyes off you, hypnotized by the captivating movement of your lips as you speak to him, telling him about your day and what you thought you should have for dinner.
John does not miss the hungry looks that are thrown across your way. He is quick to snake his hand around your waist and usher you to his office, where he could be the only one relishing in the allure the red lipstick cast over you-
"John, you're not really listening, are you?" your playful tone snaps him out of his reverie, a sheepish look plastered on his face.
"Love, did I ever tell you how much red lipstick suits you?"
"Only twice per day and more than ten times per night…" you roll your eyes at his antics, cupping his cheeks in your hands and planting a kiss at the corner of his lips, letting out a small giggle as his stubble tickled your lips.
"Well, I am headed home to get started on that dinner you didn't pay attention to!" you keep teasing him, amused by his dazzled expression. Little did you know, you had him wrapped around your finger.
"A…Alright, drive safe! I'll be there as soon as I finish this paperwork!"
Only he spends the next hour daydreaming about your red lips and the tender way they made contact with his skin, the phantom touch still lingering on the corner of his lips. Unconsciously, he traces his tongue over the place, freezing when he feels a mild flavour of chocolate.
He checks it once again, partially ashamed of the childish gesture. If any of his teammates caught him at that moment, they wouldn't let him live it down. But the subtle taste is there, sweet yet distant, almost as if it was teasing him.
The paperwork's long forgotten before he realizes it must be your lipstick. You might have told him that you found a new flavoured collection, but he had been too busy staring at your giddy figure to pay attention.
So he becomes a man with a plan and does not delay heading home anymore. The drive there seems endless, but it's all worth it the moment he opens the door and sees you standing by the kitchen counter, wearing the apron he gave you for Christmas
One second he's by the door, the next he's smashing his lips against yours, a small sigh of pleasure leaving him as he relishes in the now-intense aroma of chocolate.
"Warn an old man next time, will ya?"
From that day on, he starts calling you "chocolate". The pet name raises a few eyebrows here and there, but none of you are bothered by it. Not when you could tease him about his newly-found sweet tooth and he could lose himself in your delicate kisses.
Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley - strawberries and cigarettes
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There are times when he becomes a heavy smoker, sitting on the balcony of your shared apartment and burning through a pack in one day while his mind is mulling over the previous or the next mission
In times like those, he has nothing against your presence, secretly enjoying when you lay his head atop his shoulder and hug him from behind, but he always refuses to kiss you afterwards, arguing that the acrid taste of cigarettes would gross you out
It definitely doesn't- it is an integral part of him that you'd come to accept and love- and now you couldn't live without it
Until one evening, you opt to sit across him, leaning your hands on the balcony railing, while your eyes wander over the city lights. Over the course of your relationship with Simon, you had grown used to his long bouts of silence, becoming accustomed to all of his telltale signs: his left eyebrow would twitch when he doesn't like something, his right foot would continuously tap against the ground when he is distressed.
Three cigarettes in, and his foot is reenacting Radetzky's March. He is utterly unaware of the amused glances you steal at him
"Something the matter, love?" you ask him in a sweet tone, trying to pull off your most innocent face.
"'s nothing", he begins hesitantly, his voice rough from not using it. "…just a little cold, I guess"
You have to turn your head away from him and back to the city, a satisfied smirk spreading on your face. Simon might have been the deadliest operator the Special Forces have had in a long time, but deep down he was also a touch-starved man who found solace and peace in your arms
When the foot tapping does not stop, you struggle to school your face into a neutral expression and turn towards him, your eyes melting at the sight of his dishevelled blonde hair and furrowed brow. He sheepishly looks up in your direction, a silent plea dancing in his chocolate eyes.
You stand and approach him slowly, stopping only when your faces are inches apart. His half-burnt cigarette is forgotten in the ashtray, the remnants of smoke in his breath fanning over your face.
His eyes hold a hundred unanswered questions: did he do something to upset you, did you grow sick of him, can he do anything to get you back; but they are all silenced when you lean in further, placing a gentle and intimate kiss on his lips
The unexpected gesture sends shivers of pleasure down his spine and he has to take a moment before cupping your cheeks in his hands and kissing you back, the way you deserve to be kissed
You chuckle in his mouth before pecking both his eyes and forehead and returning to your original position, your head resting in the crook of his neck as your arms engulf him in a warm hug
He opens his mouth to scold you for kissing him when he is smoking. In his mind, it is almost like he is tainting your presence with the stale smell of smoked cigarettes. But as the words form on his lips, he hesitates, his mind struggling to acknowledge the foreign taste on his tongue
He turns to look at you with a confused look on his face. It was October so there could be no strawberries at the market and the freezer was empty as you had eaten all ice cream when you were on your period-
So why did he taste strawberries on your kiss?
"I may have found a lip gloss from high school", you eventually break the silence, blowing a huff of strawberry-scented air in his direction. "One I bought and swore to keep untouched until I found someone worth using it for!"
His thunderous laugh has you opening your mouth in shock. You could count on your fingers the number of times he'd laugh openly and without reserves
"Bloody hell, darling. You'll get me killed before smoking does! That thing must have been expired for years now!"
You shake your head in disbelief, faintly blushing at his words. You know he is teasing you, but that does not stop you from taking revenge as you start to plant messy pecks and kisses on his neck and cheeks. You eventually stop when your lips are once again inches apart from his, your breaths slowly mingling into a shared one
"Then I guess we are going down together"
Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish - cherries and chapped lips
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It all begins one cold morning when he leans in to kiss you goodbye before leaving for work
"Hold on! Johnny, you've got to do something about your chapped lips! You know what, let me get you a lip balm!"
He is quick to place a hand on your shoulder to stop you. His eyebrows are raised in disbelief and he has to do a double-take before words tumble out of his mouth
"Ain't no way I'm using such a thing, bonnie! Lip balms and such are made for wee lasses like you, not for demolition experts like me!"
You roll your eyes at his badly constructed argument and give him an unimpressed look when an idea pops into your mind.
"You stay right here, I'll be back in a jiffy!"
"What even is a jiffy?"
But you don't bother to answer as you head towards the bedroom, looking for the cherry-flavoured lip balm you bought specifically for the cold season. With precise movements, you apply a thick layer on your lips, smacking your lips to check if the cherry flavour is strong enough to linger. It fortunately is.
So you hurry into the hallway where Soap's waiting for you, hands on his hips as he angles his head in your direction. If he notices that your lips have just got shinier, he doesn't mention it
Instead, he leans in to properly kiss you goodbye this time, eyes comically widening when you deepen the kiss and make it last longer than usually
A small chuckle leaves his lips as you cup his cheeks in your hand and place a small kiss on the top of his nose
"How about we continue this when I come home?", he smiles at the ticklish sensation of your lips against his skin, the constant stinging of his own being forgotten for the moment
"Is that a promise, Sergeant?"
He has a hard time leaving home that day, the drive to the base being plagued by thoughts of you and how much you care for him. His lips have been chapped ever since spending the last two weeks on a mission that required him to be on constant watches in freezing temperatures. He eventually got used to it, the cracks and fissures becoming familiar from the countless times he dragged his tongue over lips, in a hopeless attempt to soothe the pain radiating from them
He does not realise that he is currently doing the same thing, his brain temporarily freezing as it detects a new, yet familiar aroma
Why do his lips taste like cherries?
He remains in the car, long after he's parked, his mind deep in thought as he runs his tongue over his lips once more, partially scared that he'll make the mysterious taste go away if he's too insistent. He does not see Ghost approaching his car from the back and actually flinches when he hears someone pounding on the window.
"D'you lock yourself in here, Johnny? The briefing's about to start in five and you haven't even geared up yet!"
"Bloody hell, you should really do something about your lips- they look like cracked desert earth or something…"
"Did not take you for a poet, L.T."
"Never said I was."
He is in the middle of the briefing when he figures out the source of the mystery taste. It all starts to make sense - the quick detour you had to take, the passionate kiss. He has to give it to you - you could do anything you put your mind to.
Because, besides the compelling taste, the chapstick you must have used started to have a soothing effect on his lips, the stinging becoming more bearable with every passing moment
He spends the rest of the day struggling to make the cherry flavour last longer, but it eventually fades out after he's forced to drink water. A small pout etches itself into his face and he starts to regret not listening to you.
The moment he comes home, he's in the bedroom, unscrewing the cap of every lip balm and smelling it before trying to place it back exactly as it was
You silently linger in the doorway, an amused smile creeping across your face as your fingers shift with the cherry-flavoured lip balm. Soap is so distracted by his covert operations task that he does not hear you trying to contain your chuckles.
"I believe you are looking for this?"
He is quick to snatch the small tube from your hands before bringing it closer to his nose and drawing a deep breath in. You shake your head in exasperation, a loud laugh escaping your lips as he clumsily tries to rub the chapstick across his lips.
"Love, you're doing it wrong! You might break it if you apply that much pressure!"
"Here, let me help you!"
Ends up insisting you order a batch just for him.
In just days, his lips go from cracked and fissured to soft and plump, perfect for the customary morning kiss
Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick - vanilla and stained teeth
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Combat training is fun and games until you are paired up with someone like Ghost, Soap, or Gaz and get your ass handed to you
Lucky you, today Gaz is the person who slams your back on the hard mattress and pins your hands above your head, interlocking your feet with his
Your mind replays the steamy events of last night and you can't help but give him a suggestive smirk which is quickly followed by a toothy grin upon seeing the blush that spreads on his face
He shakes his head in disbelief, not letting go of your arms or feet. Instead, he leans forward, cocks his head and openly stares at you
"Darling, you've got lipstick on your teeth!"
You comically widen your eyes and try to bring your hands to your mouth, struggling to escape his firm grip, but to no avail.
"'m n't s'ppos'd to we'r lipstick 't w'rk", you try to mumble with your mouth closed while your tongue is running over your teeth, looking for any traces of lipstick.
"Ok, has it gone now?", you open your mouth and practically bar your teeth at him, frowning at his unreadable expression. "Gaz- you're scaring m-"
Before you finish your sentence, he smashes his lips against yours and it takes all you have not to whimper when you feel his tongue repeatedly swiping over your teeth
Once he breaks up the kiss, he makes a show of checking you up, his thumb slowly tracing the outline of your lips
"Yeah, I think I got it all…"
You roll your eyes at the shit-eating grin he's sporting as he runs his tongue over his lips and freezes, his jaw going slack
"Why am I tasting vanilla? Are you tasting vanilla?"
You try to give him an answer, but before being able to say a word, his lips are back on yours and he is kissing you hard and long, his hold remaining as firm as before
"Alright, lovebirds - go get a room before I cite you for public indecency!"
Upon hearing Captain Price, your combat instincts kick back in and you manage to push Gaz off of you, switching position, so that you are atop him, pinning him to the ground
"Sorry, Captain! We'll go back to training!", you call out to him, offering him an apologetic smile which he accepts with a subtle nod.
"Next time you wear that lipstick, let a man know!"
"It screams you need someone to kiss it better"
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mrsbarnesblog · 11 months
my everything
masterlist ko-fi ao3
Summary: The last thing that Bucky ever expected to see was the love of his life from the past trapped in one of the Hydra bunkers in the cryofreeze chamber. Yet here he was almost two days later, staring at your still unconscious body through the window at the medical wing, imagining the horror and disgust on your face when you found out that he was no longer the innocent and happy boy you knew before.
Word count: 6.8K
Warnings: angst and fluff, I fucked up original timeline so there is no civil war in here, bucky needs and gets a hug, you're bucky's gf from the 40's, cryofreeze, self hate talk, happy end.
Author's note: enjoy💘
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“Aren't you fucking tired of this?” Bucky growled as he burst into the common room where Sam, Steve, and Natasha were sitting. "If you set me up on another date, Wilson, I'll break your fucking wings."
Sam rolled his eyes and said, "Calm down, cyborg. Look at you, all angry and stressed out; you need to get laid! When was the last time you’ve been on a date?"
Steve raised his eyebrows in surprise as he glanced between his two friends.
"Sit down, Barnes." Nat nodded her head at the couch across from her. Bucky hesitated for a few seconds, as too many feelings were bubbling inside of him, but he obeyed and sat down, crossing his arms over his chest. “Now explain what happened.”
 "This idiot is trying to set me up again.” He said, nodding towards Sam. "And I told you I'm not interested."
 “But why? Don't you want to feel like back in the days and have some fun with pretty women? This Hydra shit clearly wasn’t good for you. You’re too tense and always mad. Go on a date, maybe you’ll find a good girl to spend some time with.” Sam genuinely wanted to help his friend, and he didn’t understand why Bucky was so mad about it.
The look on Bucky’s face was weird. Like he wanted to say something but, at the same time, didn’t want to share his thoughts. 
“Are you already dating someone?” Natasha leaned with her elbows on her knees and studied his face. There was definitely something that Bucky didn’t want to say.
Steve looked between the three of his friends, and when Nat asked Bucky a question, it was like a bulb turned on in his head.
 "Buck…" Bucky met Steve's eyes, holding eye contact for a few seconds, like they were talking about something that only they knew.
 “Hey!” Sam said, waving his hands. “What are you two doing? Do you know something, Rogers?”
 “Buck, is it because of her?” The blonde said it almost in a whisper. “You still remember, right?”
“Did you have a girlfriend before the war?” Natasha, as always, understood everything immediately, and it was funny to see how Sam’s mouth fell open in shock.
Bucky clenched and unclenched his hands in his lap, not sure if he should reveal the truth. He had kept it to himself for so long—ever since he escaped Hydra and the memories from the past started to flood his head. It was too painful to think about you. To think about the woman who was his whole life many years ago. He remembered everything, and now he sees you in his dreams almost every night. Sometimes in nightmares, sometimes in the good ones, about the life that you two would’ve had if he hadn’t gone to war.
“What the hell are you hiding from us?” Sam shouted again, trying to get attention.
 “I…” Bucky frowns, staring at his hands. ��I had a girlfriend... before the army, before the Hydra.” He closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing. Just the thought of you hurt him, making him regret everything. That he left, that he didn’t marry you, and that the universe had this shitty plan.
 “And that’s why you don’t want to go out with someone?” Come on, man, how long has it been?  80 years? Get over it. It must have been another one of your girlfriends that you hooked up with when you were young.” He chuckled, looking between his friends, none of whom seemed happy with his choice of words.
 "Sam, don't—"
“You sound like an asshole.” 
 “Get over it?” Bucky didn’t let Steve or Nat finish their sentences before he barked at Sam, looking even more angry than before. “Just another one of my girlfriends? Do you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about, Wilson? " He looked like he was ready to kick his friend right in the face. “She wasn’t one of them. In fact, there was no “them”. In my entire life, I’ve never even touched another woman because I've been in love with Y/N since I was 14. We started dating when I turned 18, and I proposed before I had to go to the war.”
Bucky’s emotions quickly changed as the hot rage turned into a longing for memories and feelings. He felt a lump in his throat, so he reached into his pocket for his wallet, from which he pulled out your old and shabby photo, gently running his finger over your face.
“Y/N was everything to me. She said yes, and I promised her that I would return so we could get married. I imagined that I would spend my whole life with her, you know? I don't need any other woman. I do not want it. I still love her, and I don't care if either of you find it funny.
The room fell into heavy silence. Steve just looked out the window, remembering the times when the three of you went to Coney Island, and he was always the third wheel. You were his friend too, and the aching feeling in his chest was too heavy.
Sam felt a little bit awkward after saying these things about your relationships. He wanted to tease Bucky, not be rude.
Natasha was the one who took the first step when she stretched the arm so Bucky would give her the photo. “You two look so cheesy. She’s really gorgeous.” She smirked, looking at the old black-and-white photo of you two sitting on the bench. Your back was almost lying on Bucky’s body, and his arms were wrapped around you. It seemed like you were talking about something and enjoying the private moment. Bucky had the biggest smile Natasha has ever seen on his face, as he was looking at you with heart eyes.
 “Can I see?” Sam finally asked, nodding at the photograph in Natasha's hands. She passed him the photo and Bucky moved in his place, feeling a little bit uncomfortable about revealing this part of his life. 
“You two look cute. Weird to see a smile on your face.” Sam chuckled.
“Where did you find this photo?” Steve leaned closer to the picture, immediately remembering the day you and Bucky took it and the way Bucky has had it with him ever since.
 “I took it to the war. Always had it in a jacket, even on missions. She was with me that day on the train. I think Hydra found this in my pocket. When I ran away from there, I found a box with my stuff; the photo was there.”
 “Have you… tried to find something about her?” Steve lifted his head, studying his friend's reaction.
 “Yeah,” Bucky sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I don’t know how, but I didn’t find anything. Two years after my fall, there was no record of her. No marriage certificate, no place of residence, no place of work. Nothing. Like she just disappeared.” He shook his head in despair. 
 “But it's impossible.” Steve frowned, giving the photo back. “A person can't just disappear and leave nothing behind.”
 "I don't know," Bucky shrugged, looking back at the photo for a second and then slipping it back into his wallet. "Maybe it's for the best. I don't know how I would come to terms with the news of her death.”
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It’s been almost two weeks since that conversation, and luckily for Bucky, Sam didn’t attempt to set him up with anyone anymore.
Earlier that day, Tony announced that his new technology had spotted some weird activity in something that looked like an old and hidden Hydra base. It was pretty much abandoned, but there were signs of small energy consumption, as if something was still constantly working. That’s why the team of Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Tony had to check it out and destroy any possible danger.
After being free from Hydra, Bucky didn’t take part in many missions because the team agreed that it would be better for him to heal and stay far away from triggers. But this base brought up many concerns: it was hidden far away, there was no information about it in nonofficial papers, and even Bucky himself had never heard about it. Tony insisted that someone with knowledge of the Hydra system should go there too.
When the four of them arrived on the quinjet at something that looked like a well-hidden abandoned bunker, they decided not to split up and go through the main and only entrance.
“Be careful; we don’t know that they might hide in here.” Steve said, going in first with a shield in front of him. Bucky and Sam went after him, holding rifles and checking the big and almost empty room.
“They should clean in here, kinda dusty.” Tony chuckled in his usual playful voice. 
“It’s not a good time for your jokes, Stark.” Steve was always a little too serious during missions, and Tony really liked pushing his buttons. “I see the light in the other room.” He whispered, carefully opening the door. 
“Holy shit.” Sam and Tony spoke at the same time when all four of them entered the giant room.
There were five big glass machines that were a little bit foggy and had a little lightning in them.
“What is this?” Steve ran closer to one of them and saw that there was a man inside. “Oh my god, there is a man in here... It looks like he’s alive.”
“There is a folder called “The Winter Soldier Program” with personal information.” Sam said, picking up a file from the shelf in the corner of the room. “George Harris, 27 from New York. Kathleen Hill, 21 from New York…” He read, mumbling to himself.
“It’s a cryostasis chamber. Hydra used it to freeze me.” Bucky lowered his rifle, coming closer to one of the chambers. Another man. “It lowers your body temperature to the point that you can be kept like that for many years. Hydra– “ Bucky went silent when he got to another glass camera. 
“Barnes? Why is there—” Sam didn’t finish his words when the sound of Bucky’s weapon falling on the cold concrete filled the room. 
“No-no-no, please, no!” He whispered, moving closer to the glass. He couldn’t believe what he saw. 
You were right in front of him, with closed eyes and too pale skin. That was impossible. It’s not you. There was no chance that you somehow ended up with Hydra. 
Bucky felt like he was unable to breathe. He tried to inhale some air, but the lump in his throat was too big. The tears blurred his vision; he didn’t hear anything around him, as your almost lifeless body was the only thing that he thought about. You, his sweet girl, somehow ended up trapped with monsters, and he couldn’t do anything to save you from it. 
“Bucky!” Two pairs of hands dragged him from the chamber, and the blurry vision of his best friend was now visible in front of him. “Bucky, listen to me! You should calm down, buddy. Just breathe, okay?” Steve deeply inhaled and exhaled to help Bucky, and after a few minutes, he was finally able to speak.
“T-that’s impossible, Steve. She shouldn’t be there! She should’ve found another man and lived a happy life with her family!” He said in a shaking voice, angrily wiping away tears from his face. 
“I don’t know how this happened, Buck; I really don’t. But she may be alive there.” Steve supportively squeezed Bucky’s shoulder. 
“We can’t just take these people out. We should transport them to the tower and find the safest way to unfreeze them.” Tony said in a serious voice, not joking around anymore. He walked closer to the chambers, studying each of them. “It looks like they are working on their own power, and this one, “he pointed at the one that was dark and with water drops from the inside. “Doesn’t work anymore. The man is probably dead.” 
“Are there any chances of getting them out of there alive?” Sam glared at Bucky, who was just staring at your peaceful but haggard face through the glass.
“I don’t know, but me and Banner will do everything we can.”
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It took another day to find a way to move four of the still-working chambers to the compound and ten more hours to defrost everyone. and to say that Bucky was completely stressed out and exhausted was an understatement. He didn’t sleep at all, staying in the room near the lab to get all the news as soon as possible. He walked around the room for hours, overthinking everything—what will happen if you die or if you survive? Is it really better for you to wake up and see all the damage that he has done for the past years? To see the empty shell of the person you loved in the past?
“Barnes!” Tony blasted through the doors with a grin on his face. “We did it.”
“You did it?” Bucky’s whole body was buzzing with energy and anxiety. “Where is she? Is she alive? Is she conscious? Can I see her?”
“Wow-wow, calm down. She is alive, but you can’t see or visit her right now. Dr. Cho has to run many tests to find out whether your lovebird is healthy or not.” Tony nodded his head toward the corridor so Bucky would follow him. “We put each of them into a different room, and your Blonde Bestie insisted on putting Y/N into the best and the biggest one. There is a special window through which you can see her, but she cannot see you from the inside. So you can be as creepy as you want to until she gets better.” Stark slapped Bucky on the shoulder to show some kind of support when they stopped in front of the said window. 
You were lying on the bed, surrounded by too many wires and monitors. Dr. Cho was standing above you, writing something down, and checking the device near your head.
She said something aloud, probably talking to FRIDAY, and came out of the room. 
“Oh, Mr.Barnes, I heard that Y/N was your girlfriend, right?” She smiled, and Bucky slightly nodded, not being able to completely drag his attention from your body. “I’ll tell you this: it’s my most difficult and unique case, but she’s a strong one. Her body heals faster than other people’s from cryo. I believe she’ll be fully awake tomorrow.” 
“Thank you, Dr.Cho.” Bucky felt a little bit better now that he had more hope that you could really be back. Dr.Cho gave him another smile and left to check on her other patients. 
“I have to find out if these people have families. Did Y/N have someone who might be alive?” Tony asked. 
“No, she didn’t.”
“I’ll go, and you, Barnes, will stay away from her for now, understood?” He pointed a finger into Bucky’s face. 
“Yes. I’ll just watch from here.” 
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You were alive. You were awake. Bucky saw with his own eyes as your body started moving and you slowly sat on the bed, confused by your surroundings. He saw panic on your face because you were clearly disoriented and scared to be alone in an unknown place. 
As fast as he could, he found Dr. Cho, who was in the room with Steve and Natasha. When he, choking on all the emotions, told them about you, it was a mess. 
Dr. Cho and a few other nurses ran to your room to check your condition because you were the first one to open your eyes.
Bucky, Steve, and Nat stood on the other side of the window. Bucky wasn’t able to fully convince himself that it was true that you were so close to him. It felt like a dream, like a weird picture that his brain created to comfort him. 
“She’s okay, Buddy.” Steve placed a hand on Bucky’s shoulder because it seemed like he didn’t even blink or breathe. “You can see her soon.”
“No.” He mumbled.
“What?” His friend’s head shot in his direction.
“Someone else should talk to her first. Tell her about my past. Maybe she won’t even want to see me after everything I’ve done.”
“I can go and talk to her first.” Natasha softly smiled. She knew the feeling when you’re afraid that someone will leave you because of your past. “I think it’s better for Y/N to first find out that she woke up in the new century and that she was cryofrozen for many years. I’ll tell her that Steve is alive, and then me and you can both tell her about Bucky.” 
Bucky just nodded to her words, still not being able to look at anything besides you. He wasn’t sure that after you find out all the truth, you’ll allow him to even be around you, so for now, he tried to memorize you as much as he could. 
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Since the moment you opened your eyes, everything felt unknown and different. You couldn’t explain it, but something had changed. You didn’t know where you were, what time it was, how you ended up in that place, or who all these people were. You felt scared as too many doctors crowded your room and fussed around, talking about tests and medical procedures. 
The young woman who seemed to be in charge was actually really sweet. After only you and her were left in the room, she sat on your bed with a pile of clothes in her hands and smiled at you. 
“So, Y/N, my name is Dr. Cho, and I’m here to help you heal faster and without any consequences.” 
“Where am I?” Your voice was too raspy and harsh. It felt like you swallowed a glass of sand. 
She sighed, looking at her journal. “It’s hard to explain, but I promise that there’s nothing to worry about. You are safe. In a few minutes, someone will visit you to talk about everything and answer any of your questions. Now, I was told to give you these clothes so it would be more comfortable for you. You can change in the bathroom right there; there is also anything you might need like a toothbrush, soap, and so on.” She pointed at the door in the corner of the room. 
You stayed silent until Dr. Cho left your room, and then slowly, feeling kind of scared to move around this place, you went to the bathroom to change out of the hospital gown. 
The bathroom looked even weirder than the main room; you had never seen such furniture and interiors. And when you unfolded your new clothes, it took you a few seconds to figure it out. It was some kind of soft pants and a large t-shirt. What kind of clothes was it? Yes, they were actually comfortable, but it wasn’t something that you saw in the stores. 
While you were brushing your teeth, your brain was working too hard trying to figure out what the hell was going on, until you heard someone calling your name. 
“Hey, Y/N, my name is Natasha.” The pretty red-headed woman was standing near your bed with a tray and food in her hands. 
“Please, tell me what’s going on. Where am I? Why does everything look so strange here?” You said in a desperate voice, you almost wanted to scream because you woke up several hours ago, but no one told you a single thing.
“Don’t be nervous, honey. Let's sit on the bed; you’ll eat your special meal, and I’ll tell you everything you want.” She was so nice and genuine, so you nodded and sat down. 
Natasha placed a tray near you, and you saw that it was your favorite food of all time. You took a bite, and your taste buds were immediately filled with the taste of the meal that James cooked you almost every day. James. It was his recipe. The tears flooded your eyes when all of the memories about your dead boyfriend returned to your head. Yeah, how could you forget that it had been at least two years since he was gone? 
“Y/N? What happened?” Natasha’s worried voice distracted you. 
“It just reminded me of someone. I felt like I was home, and it hurts me because nothing is the same anymore.” You wiped your tears away, taking another bite. 
“I promise you that everything is going to be okay. You are not alone here.” You frowned at her words but still nodded. “So ask whatever you want to.” 
“Where am I, and why does everything look so different?”
“You are at the Avengers Tower, located in Manhattan, New York City. I know that might sound ridiculous, but you were in the cryostasis chamber up until now. It’s 2023, and a lot of things have changed in the world; that's why it might be confusing.”
You stayed silent for a few seconds, overthinking Natasha’s words. “It can’t be true. I can’t be more than one hundred years old now. And I look the same.” 
“This is how cryostasis works—it freezes the body so it can survive many years without any changes. Now tell me how you ended up with Hydra. What is the last thing you remember before waking up here?” 
“Back in the 40s, I was a nurse. My– my boyfriend— he died during the war.” You stopped because of the lump in your throat. It was too hard to bring back these memories because it was the first time you said these words out loud. “He died, and then my closest friend died too, and I just had no one left. I was alone, and I didn’t even know what to live for because all of my dreams about family and a happy life with the person I loved died too.” Natasha put her hand over yours on the bed and gave you a supportive squeeze. “Then one day in our hospital, scientists were looking for people who would like to test new serums. I decided that I had nothing to lose, so me and a few other nurses signed in.” 
“Kathleen, Josh, Adam, and Frank, right?” The woman in front of you gave you a sad smile.
“Yes, how do you know that?” 
“We found them with you. Adam’s camera was broken, so he died a long time ago, but the rest of them are here too, but, unfortunately, they haven’t regained consciousness yet.” 
You nodded. Your food was now done and set aside, and you sat on the bed more comfortably, bringing your knees to your chest. “These scientists were running some tests on us in the lab that they brought us in. It felt weird, and I remember that Kathleen always complained that it was painful. The last thing that happened was that they told us to step into a weird-looking machine that was meant to be a part of some kind of experiment. That’s it.”
“It was Hydra. A terrorist organization that tried to rule the world. They were evil, and you were lucky to get out of there alive.” Natasha pursed her lips. “Thank you for telling me this.” 
You two sat in silence for a few seconds until she looked over her shoulder at the weird-looking mirror that took up almost a whole wall. 
“Is anything wrong?” You furrowed.
“I have to tell and show you something really important, but everyone is worried about how you are going to react to this.” She studied your face with a weird expression. 
“Is there anything more crazy than me being in another century after I was frozen?” You tried to smile, but Natasha just nodded. 
“I’ll be right back. Please, try to breathe, okay?” She stood from your bed, took the tray, and left. 
Natasha came back, and behind her was the last person you ever expected to see again. You jumped on your feet, feeling like your eyes were lying to you. 
“This—this can’t be true... No, Natasha—Steve, you died.” You mumbled under your breath. Your heart rate was way higher than usual, and it felt like you were drowning. You put your hand over your eyes, as your body started shaking. It’s just a dream. It’s just a weird fucking dream.
Two large hands wrapped around your body, pulling you into the hard chest. “Sh-s, Y/N, breathe, just breathe.” His familiar voice filled your ears, and you started crying harder, gripping his shirt. He was rocking you from side to side like a baby, while your tears and sobs filled the silent room.
“What– how– how is this possible? You crushed the plane into ice.” You shattered, tears running down your face.
“The Super Soldier serum saved me. The S.H.I.E.L.D. found my body 12 years ago.” Steve loosened his arms around you, allowing you to look up at him. He was exactly the same. This blonde hair, these light blue eyes, and that soft smile that he always had for you. “Please, sit back on the bed. We have a lot to talk about.” His face was now more serious. Even though he was extremely happy to get back his second closest best friend, he knew that Bucky was dying without you.
Steve and Bucky both looked at your interaction with Natasha, and it was obvious that everything Bucky wanted was for you to be near him. He looked through that window without any distraction, and his face lit up with a small smile when you tasted the food that he cooked for you and became emotional. He knew that you would appreciate it.
“About what?” You wiped your face with the back of your hand and sat down, holding Steve's hand. Natasha, who was still standing in the middle of the room, passed him a thick folder and left. Steve sat near you and gave you a supportive smile. 
You froze and snatched your hand out of his. 
“Steve, no. Please—” You wrapped your hands around your body, as if you were instantly trying to hide from the pain that was aching in your chest. “Please, don’t hurt me anymore. I can’t handle that. Talking about him w-when he’s not with me anymore.” The sods started to get out of you, and you hid your face from Steve’s soft and apologizing eyes.
“He is alive.” Steve’s hands fell on your shoulders, and he lowered his head, trying to make you look him in the eyes.
“Don’t lie to me! He is dead; I saw the reports; I got the letter from Phillips saying that he’s sorry for our loss!” You particularly yelled at your friend. 
“Y/N, listen to me, okay? Bucky is alive. He is here. Behind that door, he’s watching us right now.” You were shaking your head in denial. 
That was impossible. You knew all this story; Steve himself told you what happened that day. There was no chance for Bucky to survive the fall from that height in the middle of nowhere. Yet here was Steve, sitting right before you. His big blue and soft eyes were looking into your eyes, and you didn’t see a single sign of hesitation or lying in there. He was so genuine that you wanted to believe that your boyfriend was, in fact, a few meters away from you.
“How? And why? James– he would’ve been with me if he were alive. Why isn’t he here?” You sobbed, and then the realization came to you. “That food—the food that Natsha brought me. It tasted exactly like he made it.”
“Bucky thought that it might comfort you. He found you in that laboratory, he has been near you since that day, and he saw that you were scared and disoriented when you woke up. And that's why I am here. Bucky insisted that I should talk to you first and tell you everything. He is afraid that you might not see him anymore after finding out everything that is written here.” Steve picked up the folder and put it on your lap. 
“The Winter Soldier” was written on top of the old-looking piece of paper, and for some reason you felt something weird in your chest.
“I want to let you know that whatever is in here, it cannot make me hate him.” You mumbled, hesitating to open the folder. “What’s in there, Steve? Tell me everything.”
“These are the papers that S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra had on the Winter Soldier. Everything that happened to him: experiments, torture, assassinations, crimes. This is what happened to Bucky after the fall. This is what Hydra did to him over these years.” 
You felt a lump in your throat when you opened the first page and saw Bucky’s photo from the army. But nothing prepared you for everything you read and saw after that. He wasn’t even James or Bucky anymore. He was a Soldier. An Asset. Someone without an identity. All the detailed descriptions of the medical procedures, brainwashing, electroshock, torture, and punishments with attached photos made you want to vomit and cry hysterically. You couldn’t stop crying when your shaking hands took a picture of the love of your life sitting shirtless and unconscious on some kind of stool with wires attached to his head. 
How could someone do that? How could someone torture a person almost to death and then just write about it like it was a fucking dairy? 
“His arm, it’s metal. Why is it made from metal?” Your teary-red eyes shoot back to Steve’s face. 
“Bucky lost it during the fall. They gave him a new one, but it causes him a lot of pain. Physical and mental.”
“I don’t— Steve, I don’t understand.” You took another picture with Bucky standing in his full black costume and a mask, not a single emotion on his face. “Why did they do this? For what?” 
“Hydra wanted to have the perfect asset. Killing machine. To commit crimes, kill unwanted people, and basically rule the world.” Steve ran a hand through his hair, looking at the floor. “They made Bucky the best. They completely cleared his head from the memories of his past; they trained him to be invincible and invisible. They had a special combination of words to control him, so he would always come back and do as he was told.”
You closed the file and moved it aside, closing your face with your hands while you were crying.
“And he thinks that I can reject him?” You whispered.
“Y/N, please try to understand what such things can do to your brain. Bucky goes to therapy, but he probably would never be able to fully heal from this experience.” His hand fell on your shoulder and squeezed it slightly. “Bucky always was a good person; that's why right now he feels so much guilt that it’s unimaginable. Even if nothing of this is his fault, he can’t forgive himself for these murders and damage. He has PTSD, nightmares, and a lot of trust issues.”
“I understand, but I would’ve never rejected him. He’s everything that I had, and when I lost him, it felt like hell.” You took a deep breath, looking Steve in the eyes. “Please, let me see him. I need it, and he needs it too.” Steve’s eyes softened at you. He almost forgot the love that his two best friends had for each other. 
“Give me a minute, okay?” He smiled, kissed your head, and left your room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You were really going to see the man that you thought you had lost forever in a few seconds. It was almost three years for you, but almost eighty for him. A wave of anxiety washed over you when you thought that maybe he doesn’t feel the same anymore and doesn’t have the same feelings as you do. You almost went down a rabbit hole until the door started to open. 
You slowly stood up, feeling a little bit uneasy. Even though you and Steve were just talking about it, seeing Bucky alive felt unreal. Your eyes were sliding up and down his face to remember every little part. He looked different, more mature, with a broad chest and shoulders and long, silky hair. 
Bucky’s heart was pounding in his ears, and his mouth was completely dry while you were observing him. You had tears in your eyes, and your lower lip was trembling when you tried to hold yourself from crying out loud. You were in some baggy clothes that Nat found for you, but you still looked fucking gorgeous. Still the most beautiful girl on the whole planet. 
“Doll…” Bucky’s raspy voice filled the room, and it was everything you needed. 
In just a second, you ran to him, falling right into his body. Arms wrapped around his shoulders, and your face hidden into his neck. 
As soon as Bucky finally hugged your smaller body and felt that it was real and that you were real, he broke down. Every last piece of strength went through the window as the tears rolled down his cheeks, probably soaking your t-shirt.
He wanted to drop to his knees and beg for your forgiveness for all of the awful things that he had done. He didn’t deserve you anymore, not with this much blood on his hands. But Bucky couldn’t do what he wanted because your grip on him was so strong that he wasn’t even able to move away for an inch. 
“James…” Your quiet voice filled his ears, and it sent shivers down his spine. Only you and his ma called him that, and he missed it so fucking much.
Bucky’s hands moved from your waist a little bit lower, and you viewed it as an opportunity to get even closer. Your legs instantly wrapped around his body, and Bucky, making sure that you wouldn’t fall, went to the bed and sat down with you on his knees. 
“I’m so sorry... I’m so sorry for everything that I’ve done.” He sobbed, shaking his head. You pulled away a little bit, finally meeting Bucky face-to-face. 
“Don’t you dare apologize for the things that you weren’t able to control, James!” Your voice suddenly became rough, filled with so much anger toward the people who hurt your precious boy. His hand on your waist tightened, and you slid your own to cup Bucky’s face. “I want to kill every one of them. Everyone who hurt you, who punished you,” Soft fingertips traced the delicate skin of the templates where, as you remember from the photos, wires with electricity were placed. “You didn’t deserve to go through this, James. I wish I was there for you.” 
“You were always with me. Even when they wiped me, I still had someone in my head. A woman with a soft voice, who told me that I'm strong and that it will end soon. I would’ve died without it.” You both were looking into each other's teary eyes, both feeling too much love and desire. 
Your head slightly tilted towards his, connecting your foreheads, and for a few seconds, it felt like home. Like nothing happened and you two were just having a lazy morning in bed.
The calloused hand on the side of your face brought you back to reality. Bucky’s beautiful blue eyes were looking into yours, and, sharing one thought, you both moved closer and connected your lips. The kiss was so soft, slow, and gentle, like you had the whole time in the world. It was this type of kiss that said that you both were there and alive. It was a reminder of the love that you had for each other. Reassurance, that no matter what, you will be there.
“I missed you so fucking much, doll. Since the day I first remembered everything, all I could think about was you. Even tried to find you, but there was not a single document. I started to believe that you just found a man, changed your last name, and moved away from that mess.” You were so close to each other, not wanting to split up even for a second. Your hands were moving up and down Bucky’s hard chest while he was rubbing the soft skin of your cheek with his thumb.
“Are you joking, James? No one was able to replace you. The only people I talked to during that time were your mom and Becca.” His facial expression slightly changed at the mention of his family, and you placed a soft kiss on his stubble cheek. “I should’ve been the one who took care of them, but I was nothing without you, and Winnie almost made me move in with them. That’s why I jumped at the opportunity to be a volunteer for these tests.” 
Bucky shook his head, his eyes again full of regret and pain. “I hate that it happened because of me.”
“At least I’m here right now. With you.” You smiled, sliding your hand into his dark, long locks. “You know, James, you look really good for someone who’s older than one hundred years old. I like your hair. And stubble.” His eyes rolled back at the feeling of your nails on his scalp. It had been so long since someone touched him without an intention to hurt him, and the realization of that made your heart swell with the need to take care of your boyfriend. 
“You know that you’re one year younger than me, right?” Your favorite little smirk in the whole world appeared on Bucky’s lips, and you smiled, moving a little bit closer to his body. The metal hand on your waist tightened, and you realized that you hadn't seen it in person yet. 
Your right hand reached behind you, grabbing a hard wrist that was covered in leather. Bucky’s body immediately froze under you, and his eyes snapped open. 
“Doll, no… You don’t have to...” 
“I want to. Give me your hand, James.” You said without any hesitation. Bucky looked you in the eyes for a few seconds, but then brought his metal hand between your bodies. “It’s just me, okay? I’m not scared, and I want to know everything.” You wrapped both of your hands around his hand and then gently started to take off the glove. 
The dark metal with beautiful golden stripes was shining under the bright light of the room. Your mouth slightly opened when you moved each finger with interest. Your gentle hands slid higher, rolling up the sleeve of the red henley Bucky was wearing. It was so smooth, without any sharp details, just an amazing and mind-blowing mechanism. 
“That’s so beautiful.” You mumbled in awe. Suddenly the plates under your hands moved, and a quiet whirring sound filled the room. You shot your eyes back at Bucky in shock, only to see that he was already looking at you with so much love that you almost melted. “Did you do that?” 
“It’s a new arm, not from Hydra. It reacts to my emotions. No one ever touched it without any fear.” You almost missed that last sentence, but the hurt in Bucky’s voice made you grab his face with your hands to get his whole attention.
“Listen to me, James. I’m not afraid of you. I won’t reject you. You are everything that I want. You still have the biggest and kindest heart of the guy that I met many years ago, and I’ll do everything to prove to you this.” The metal hand carefully touched your hand on the side of his face. “I love you. I love you so much, James.”
“I love you too, Doll. More than anything in this life,” Your lips crushed into each other, now sharing a more passionate and deep kiss. You slightly tilted your head, allowing Bucky to part your lips with his tongue and playfully bite you. It was almost too overwhelming, and you both were completely lost in each other until you finally needed to breathe. 
“Stay here with me, please. I don’t want you to leave.” You whined, trying to push your big and strong super soldier onto the bed. 
“I won’t leave, baby.” He chuckled, allowing you to push him back. You happily giggled and laid near him, interlacing your bodies together. 
You two were just staying in your own little bubble on your bed for what seemed like forever, talking about everything and nothing at the same time, until you finally fell asleep, feeling happy and peaceful in each other's arms.  
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Snow Angel
Aegon's Version
I'll angel in the snow until I'm worthy but if it kills me, I tried.
Gwyane's Version ❄ Daemon's Version ❄ Aegon's Version ❄ Aemond's Version ❄ Jacaerys' Version ❄ Cregan's Version ❄ Criston's Version
Aegon Targaryen x Reader | 600< | cw: fem!reader, wife!reader, forced/arranged marriage, angst, pregnancy, death, typos, etc.
A/N: renee rapp my beloved
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To this day, you could not say how you felt about your husband. Aegon was many things, a drunk, a pervert, a maniac, but it did not really matter because he was also a Targaryen, and one day, he would also be a king.
Did you hate him? Perhaps in times he took his anger out on you or when he made you lie with him when you did not want to.
Did you think him horrid? Yes. Most definitely in times where he abused his power for his entertainment. But perhaps the most horrid thing he's ever done to you is make yourself wonder if you loved him.
You did not marry him for love, gods no. Not once when you caught a glimpse of him in feasts or namedays did you ever imagine you'd be his bride, but then you were. And once you were a princess, everyday you were reminded one day you might be queen. This was why your belly was never not swollen with child, to secure babe that might one day be a king.
"A king lives in you," Helaena mutters as she played with her food.
You turn to her, rubbing your bump. You smile, "a boy?" You turn to her mother who was silently eating her dinner across you, "the queen will be pleased."
"And brother will be loathed to see himself staring back at him," Aemond says upon hearing your words.
You press your lips into a tight line, "is that how you felt when Helaena gave birth to your son?"
"I am not my brother," he turns to you, "and my son is not me."
"A chick crying for his mother," Helaena says, looking at your belly.
She does not continue. It agitates you, "where is his mother?"
She turns to her food again, shaking her head, "flew away."
"Flew away?" Aegon drunkenly repeats what his sister told you at the dinner table he'd been absent from.
Your eyes could not help but water in this moment. You rub your belly, dreading the idea of never being able to see your son.
"You would know not to-" belch "-believe everything Helaena says."
You turn to your hands and shake your head. She predicted the sex of your three daughters. She predicted the injury Aegon sustained trying to mount Sunfyre drunk. You believed her.
Aegon notices your silence and the tear that drips down your nose. He sighs and sits beside you on your shared bed. You look up at him when the mattress dips. He gracelessly takes your hand and slaps his on top of it, "all will be well."
You remain silent. Your red eyes staring back at him sober him up. He rubs your hand, "we have the best maesters in Westeros."
You lower your gaze, observing his touch grows gentler and gentler.
"Take heart. If it is a boy, then it will have been the last time you need lay with me."
His ministrations halt when you place your hand atop his. You look up at him, tears rolling down your cheeks.
Aegon knows no matter what he says, you will not find comfort, and yet he offers still, "Sunfyre will feast if they do not preserve the mother of my children."
His somber face pinches your heart. In this moment, you did not need to wonder. You mutter, "I love you."
Aegon does not reply. He does not know what to do with the admission. He does not even know if it was true. Come the birth of his son, he realizes he did not care. He did not care if you really loved him or not, so long as you were there.
The life of his youngest came at the cost of your own however. Helaena was right, his chick cried for his mother. No one could stop him from making true the last promise he gave his wife. His dragon drank the blood of ten people the day his heir was born.
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mywifealhaitham · 7 months
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pre release boothill relationship headcanons!!!
a/n: I'm fiending off crumbs... I've wanted to read some x reader of him but theres none so I gotta write it myself. I hope the other 4 boothill fans enjoy
warnings: gn!reader, like 2 gendered pet names (pretty girl/boy), most of this is written with bias because we don't have alot to go off, obviously written prerelease, when we actually get content of him I'll definitely be rewriting
bc: Valentine_DD_ on twt
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- Boothill is described as a righteous person if his bottom line doesn't get crossed, so he definitely treats you good. probably more on the protective side when it comes to you, he's probably not afraid to use his gun if someone is threatening you.
- and believe me he's intimidating. from his overall tough and "unruly" cowboy look to his mechanical body it leaves enemies just a little challenged. he lowers his voice too and probably has a more fierce look in his eyes too. after any threats have been delt with he probably turns to you and turns into the sweetest thing ever, a wide grin across his face and his hands on your cheeks peppering you with small kisses.
- Its said he's a bit sophisticated due to his experiences so I'd like to imagine sometimes he charms you with facts and details about other planets or just genuinely sharing some tips and tricks he's picked up from other cultures. he's also a person who can get along with others pretty well but he can easily give strangers an impression he's selfish and is a bad person.
- again this kinda feeds into he's basically you'd guard dog... but I mean who wouldn't want to be saved by a handsome and sweet cowboy. despite his unpredictable personality and looks he's a huge gentleman for sure. always opens doors and pulls out chairs for you, makes sure your behind him and okay if any danger approaches and practically listens to your every command (lowkey giving off my girl and I don't argue she tells me to shut up and I do)
- one part I'm so excited to see is what they mean by he's illiterate and using metaphors. it's probably just him using slang but it's still kinda cute. I feel like his cheesy and strange metaphors turn into pick up lines when talking to you. perhaps he'll pull a "did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" or something cheesier. Definitely a huge nickname guy, almost never uses your real name. I'm guessing he'd use stuff like doll, sugar, baby, pretty girl/boy and more teasing names. heavy on doll and sugar and just imagine him saying it in a deep southern accent... 😍 kicking my feet. also I imagine he loves making you giggle by not cursing (because he literally cant) and normally he'd get pissed if someone laughed at him like that if it's you he doesn't mind at all.
- that's pretty much it for like analyzing the leaks I saw but now the stuff up ahead is just bias yapping because I always project
- HE DEFINITELY IS A HAND KISSER. greets you by getting on one knee, holding his hat to his chest and kissing your hand. makes eye contact with you too and does that toothy smirk of his IM SWOONINGGG
- maybe he's a dancer! pulls you into his arms and places his hat on your head when a good song plays in taverns. even if your clueless on any type of dances then he'll pull you along to the beat whispering Instructions in your ear.
- gets so lovesick when drunk it drives everyone mad. any folks he's sitting with at a bar gets a whole speech on his wonderful beautiful darling who he owes his live and would happily die by their hand. and may God save you when you come pick him up because he'll be all over you. Immediately he wraps a arm around your waist as he slurrs his hello as he proceeds to tell you he loves you like 40 times. besides the mass amounts of kisses you'll receive once you both reach a private spot he let's some feelings that he might be too shy to share normally, holding your face as he calls you his pretty girl/boy and how he's so lucky to have you.
- honestly not the best for cuddling however unfortunately he needs to cuddle you to sleep so goodluck! his metal body isn't completely uncomfortable it's just cold alot. he tries to get around this by literally preheating himself with blankets before you go to bed.
very bad boothill brainrot atm... only a few more weeks until we get official content 😭 everyone hold hands we got this
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here's the actual leaks if anyone is curious ^_^
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New year, new me?
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So anyway.
Those ABC Headcanons I did for Mihawk, Shanks, Sanji, and Zoro a few months ago when I first started this Tumblr. I'm doing one for Crocodaddy now. Needed to iron them out to write him later in a fanfiction I already have in-progress, and this helps.
This also means I'll be accepting requests for him tentatively (I know I'm way behind on ask requests as is, bear with me pls).
Also excuse me while I squeal about being able to create semi-transparent banners and shit now
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A through Z
NSFW Headcanons
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A — Afterglow (How are they have sex?)
He'll be sitting up against the pillows and headboard of your shared bed, striking up a cigar while you're still lying alongside him gasping for air.
Glancing down at you in your utterly spent and trembling state, smirking with the cigar between his teeth and pulling you up by your shoulder to recline back against his chest.
Not at all above taunting you about how utterly ruined you are.
"Oh, what's wrong? Was it too much?"
Chuckling when you tell him to go fuck himself as he leans over to pour himself and you a small glass of bourbon.
Leaning down to brush his lips and nibble at your neck, murmur in your ear while you take a sip from your glass, praising you with that same edge of almost cruel amusement.
"Such a good little fuck toy."
This is the most relaxed you're usually going to see him, and the most inclined toward cuddling up with you he's going to be.
B — Backrubs? (Do they like them? Like giving them?)
First time you come into his office and circle around behind his chair, he's going to be suspicious, probably even standoffish about it—until your hands are rubbing his neck and his shoulders.
"The hell do you think you're—......oh. Oh, that's...mmmm..."
You won't hear one single further complaint out of him after that.
He's not going to ask you to do it again—he's more likely to demand that you do, to send for you after a particularly long day so he can just lean back and let you work your magic on his stiff muscles.
If he returns the favor at any point, you can rest assured that it's not without an ulterior motive—he won't settle for having his hand on you without getting more out of it.
C — Cuddling (Do they enjoy cuddling a lot or only at certain moments?)
He's more likely to pull you against him or onto his lap in public than he is in private—he likes showing off his trophies, after all, and you're among his most prized possessions.
Gets off on making sure that everyone around knows that you're his, tugging you onto his knee with an arm curled possessively around your waist.
In private, he's still not going to shove you away if you lay back and drape yourself across his lap.
He might not say so, but he honestly loves it. He'll probably absently stroke your hair or brush his thumb across your cheek—but he's not as likely to initiate.
D — Dance (Are they good at it? Do they enjoy it?)
He's got his share of experience—being a filthy rich business magnate doesn't come without its share of formal to-dos, after all.
He's going to spend the majority of said fraternizations discussing business and making connections—but he can't and won't ever resist any opportunity that arises to show you off, either.
Whether you ask or not, at some point he's going to wrap his arm around you and curl his hook around your waist—pull you in close by your chin to speak against your lips.
"Let's show these low-lives what they're missing."
Lowering his hand down and squeezing your ass to tug you against him.
It's definitely more of a command than a question, and he's already smirking because he knows you aren't going to protest—at least not if you know what's good for you.
E — Extravagant Gestures (Things they do to make you feel loved)
"Love" is a strong word, and one that it's going to take a hell of a long time for him to actually admit out loud or really show.
He'll mostly show his appreciation in a material manner—buying you flowers, jewelry, clothes.
Anything you desire or he thinks you deserve, he's going to give you without any hesitation. He doesn't always have much time to spend, but he has more than enough money to spend, and he's going to.
It might seem like empty gestures on the surface, but showering you with gifts is his main mode of affection.
When he does have time to spend, however, he makes sure that his sole focus is on you and you alone, either flat out ignoring anyone that dares interrupt or putting them in their place on the spot.
He intends to ensure that his lover should never have to need or want for anything.
F — Fighting (How do they handle arguments/apologies?)
He's not apologizing. Doesn't matter if he's at fault or in the wrong, he's not going to acknowledge it.
He'll typically keep a cool head about it, even if you're shouting—but if you take a stab at his pride, things are probably going to escalate until you're not on speaking terms for a bit.
Closest thing to an apology you're going to get is him conveniently forgetting about the whole thing and you suddenly being showered with even more lavish gifts than normal, likely even accompanied by little handwritten sappy notes.
He'll also probably let it go entirely if you come back and apologize, but he's going to remain bitter about it for a while.
At least until he gets you alone later to bend you over and grudge-fuck your brains out until he's satisfied you've learned your lesson.
G — Getting Hot (What do they do turn turn you on, and vice versa?)
He stays busy enough that it tends to stray from his mind that physical intimacy an important part of a healthy romantic relationship.
On the rare occasion he isn’t busy, however, he's likely to have his hands and lips all over you—even if you're busy at the time yourself, intent on distracting you from your own priorities and enjoying you at his own whim.
Pulling you back against him by your waist while you're in the middle of some important business or personal call, pushing his hand down between your thighs, his voice a low murmur in your ear, conveying in great detail what he plans to do to you.
"Hang up the phone...unless you want them to hear me ruining you."
Pushing his hook under your chin to tilt your head back, giving his lips free roam of your neck and your jaw, trailing them slowly across every inch of your exposed skin.
The quickest way to get him riled up is to subtly do the same to him in a situation where he can't do anything about it.
To cup your hands around his ear while he's in the middle of some important business or social exchange and whisper all your dirtiest fantasies, forcing him to keep up a calm and professional demeanor in spite of his carnal desire for you.
He's going to act like it's annoying him, but you know better.
You know that he's going to be tearing your clothes off the second he manages to get you alone.
H — Heartache (How would they handle it if you broke up with them?)
He's used to courting his losses, so in the surface it's going to seem like he's unbothered, and anyone that suggests otherwise is going to get their head bitten off over it.
He's going to be more cruel, more impatient with his subordinates.
He's going to be a lot more likely to fly off the handle at anything that could be taken as a slight or insult.
He's going to be unfocused in his business dealings, delegating more work than usual to those below him.
He's going to engage in a great deal of debauchery and self-destructive behavior to push you from his mind—rebound sex, heavy gambling, heavy drinking, chain smoking.
He's going to spend sleepless nights glaring uo at the ceiling and white-knuckling a bottle of liquor, beating himself up over it in silence and solitude.
He's probably going to end up drunkenly den den mushi dialing you after a few weeks, slurring about how big a mistake you made and how much better off he is...and slurring about how big a mistake he made while begging you to come back.
Emotional availability isn’t one of his strong suits.
I — Intimacy (When are they intimate with you? And how often?)
Whenever he feels like it.
He could go a week without paying you much attention at all; then revert to shoving you against a wall or pulling you onto his lap and having you every time he catches sight of you.
Depends largely on his mood, which depends largely on other aspects of his life.
Unless he's incredibly busy or frustrated from stress, he isn’t likely to turn you away if you initiate.
Whether you're circling behind him to rub his shoulders or sitting yourself on his lap, he's likely to pull you closer and breathe you in, brush his lips to your neck and jaw, enjoying some much needed peace and solace in your closeness.
But he's still going to tease and belittle you about it, making sure you feel his lips curve into a smirk against your skin.
"What's the matter? Does my little girl need some attention?"
J — Joker (How do they make you laugh)
His sense of humor is typically cruel and comes at the expense of others.
Certified master at roasting—typically with deadpan delivery, maybe with a hint of a condescending smirk as he verbally destroys whoever has dared to cross him.
There might be a playful insult battle between you and him here and there—he's not going to do it to be outright hurtful, but if you call him an arrogant prick (a slur he frankly agrees with and gladly owns), he's going to put you in your place and chuckle at whatever you manage to throw back at him.
K — Kissing (How good? How often?)
Like other brands of physical affection, he's not going to initiate it very often.
Which is a bit of a shame, because he's incredibly good at it—if more than a bit of a tease.
Slow and sensual, curling his hand around the back of your head, his teeth grazing against your bottom lip, tongue brushing against yours.
Smirking and drawing away when you moan to tease you in a low murmur.
"Oh...? Did you want more, sweetheart?"
Grasping your waist and pulling you against him aggressively to deepen the kiss, devouring your lips possessively with a low growl.
No qualms at all about doing so in public—he greatly enjoys the thrill of all those judgmental and envious eyes, of showing others what they're missing out on.
L — Lay down (How do they sleep with you? Are they a cuddler or do they prefer their space?)
His pride won't allow him to say so aloud, but he cannot sleep without you.
There's always the slightest subconscious worry, eating away at the back of his mind, that he doesn't do enough for you, that he isn’t there enough for you, a worry that really only surfaces in the minutes and hours before sleep when he has no choice but to be alone with his own thoughts.
He'll lay awake until you're there with him so he can pull you against his side, lower his head over yours and breathe in your scent, relaxing into the comfort of your warmth.
This is when he's most vulnerable, most affectionate, when he's anything even close to self-conscious.
When he might brush his lips to your temple and praise you in a low murmur without any expectation of you reciprocating.
"Mmm...so warm....."
He'll slip his arm under you, pull you against him, and refuse to release you until morning.
M — Making babies (Do they want to settle down and have kids?)
No, absolutely not.
This really isn’t negotiable. He has no interest in having children at all. Doesn't remotely have the patience necessary and doesn't wish to change his lifestyle to fit around parenthood.
N — Nervous? (How confident are they when it comes to romance?)
Confident really isn’t the word—the man's arrogance is unrivaled.
He's filthy rich, he has unrivaled social standing, the physique of a living god, he knows he could have damned near any woman he wants. Why the hell would he be worried?
His only concern is the matter of trust—that letting anyone get too close could be detrimental to his status. You could blackmail him, you could entice him too deeply and take him for all he's worth, so he might keep you ag arm's length for a while.
Despite his confidence, he also won't tolerate any other men hitting on you—you're his, and he doesn't share his things.
O — Oral Fixation (Giving or receiving? And how good are they?)
Far more into receiving.
Very into pulling out abruptly after fucking you relentlessly and forcing his cock down your throat while you're still gasping for air, reveling in the sight of your make-up smeared over your flushed face and the sound of you gagging on it.
"Yeah, that's it, baby—take every fucking inch—"
But he does love making you beg, and giving isn’t off the table if you satisfy him adequately and ask very nicely.
Just as much as he loves ruining you—so he's going to hold you down by your hip, isn’t going to stop until you're screaming, gasping, hyperventilating from overstimulation, limp and trembling and barely conscious in his grasp.
P — Pet Peeves (Things they don't like in a partner)
Excessive neediness is going to irritate the hell out of him.
He doesn't have the time or the patience to constantly offer his attention and reassurance, so he strongly prefers a confident and independent lover.
Absolutely can't stand you flirting with other men to make him jealous.
It might get his attention, but not in a good way.
He's already iffy about trust, and all that will do is put him on high alert and make him more likely to push you away.
Q — Quiet Time (How much alone time do they need, or do they want to be with you 24/7?)
He stays busy—whether it's running several profitable businesses around Alabasta or dealing with Cross Guild, he doesn't have much spare time, and he's pretty used to it.
That means he's also accustomed to a lot of alone time, and that it's required for his work.
He doesn't mind you being there while he's dealing with it, but only if you're quiet—if you insist on distracting him, he's not going to be pleased.
He's fine with you laying back across his lap, even against his chest with his arm stretched over your shoulders, just as long as you're not intentionally disturbing his concentration.
Though if you are intentionally disturbing him, he will bend you over and wear you out until you're too spent to bother him any further.
R — Romance (How romantic are they? Do they have to force it ir does it come natural?)
Not much of a romantic at all. He's pretty accustomed to just being able to win over women with money and status.
Dinner reservations at expensive restaurants where the waiting lists go on for months, ritzy parties and clubs, anything that allows him to throw his weight and wallet around and show you off.
He will make a point of keeping his attention in you—his arm curled around your waist, keeping you close at his side—but traditional romance is definitely not his strong suit.
S — Spending Money (How much do they like to spend on you?)
Physical touch is his love language, but it's best that yours is receiving gifts, because you're going to be getting a LOT of them.
Designer clothes, jewelry expensive enough that it could be used as collateral in purchasing a small nation, the finest perfumes, date nights that could cost a few hundred thousand berries—whatever your poison, he's providing it.
You're never going to want or need for anything. Even if something just briefly catches your eye in a shop window or a vendor stall, you're likely going to find it in your possession before the end of the day.
In a way it's an apology for not being able to spend as much time with you as he feels you deserve—he'll never say so out loud, that would injure his pride, but the implications of it are heavy.
Only the best of the best for his lady.
T — Trust (Are they trusting of you? Jealous?)
There are some definite trust issues with Croc. It's not uncommon for women to cozy up to him just for monetary and material gain, and he's well aware of it. It's going to take a lot of time for him to fully believe that this isn’t your endgame.
Even once he does trust you, may the heavens have mercy on any man whose eyes linger on you for too long, because he'll need divine intervention to save him if Crocodile catches him.
At that point it's less a matter of his trust wavering—it's more a matter of the fact that he does trust you, and doesn't want to lose that, to lose you now that you do have his trust.
U — Underwear (What kind do they wear, and what kind do they like on you?)
Tends toward tight boxers and briefs (always designer) to show off his physique.
That's his default, at least; you could pretty easily talk him into wearing something more skimpy if you want.
He's going to have a full closet of expensive lingerie for you. If it's something he wants to see you in, he's buying it.
The finest silk, the smoothest satin, the most delicate lace. If it's fit for a queen, then it's yours.
V — Vulnerable (How vulnerable are they with you? Is it easy for them to open up to you?
There's a solid steel wall separating you from his emotions and his past that is damned near impossible to break down.
He has to be able to trust you before he can be open, and again, that's going to take time. A lot of time.
He doesn't allow himself to take that kind of risk—one single mistake, being the slightest bit too open with the wrong person, and every ounce of power he's built up could come crashing down on the wings of blackmail and betrayal.
That being said, once you do manage to gain his trust, you'll be the only person he's open with.
And he'll be completely open, because it's a bit addictive, as it's not something he's accustomed to—being able to be comfortably vulnerable is a nice, relaxing change of pace.
W — Wine and Dine (Do they prefer meals at home or going out with you? Who does more of the cooking?)
Domestic endeavors definitely aren't his forte. He's had a personal chef on his staff since well before he met you.
He isn't going to prevent you from cooking if you enjoy it—though he might find it a little strange, since it's a task he considers below him.
He might even watch you out of sheer curiosity, though it's doubtful he will partake; he'll be more likely to sit back and puff on a cigar, taking the opportunity to enjoy the view and let his eyes roam over you while you work.
Overall, he would usually prefer to just go out, or let the staff handle it...but he does find something particularly enticing about seeing you working with your hands, regardless the reason.
X — X-Rated (How good are they in bed? What do they like?)
You're going to need a safe word, because he's aggressive. He desires total and absolute control, and won't settle for anything less.
You're his free use slut—if and when he wants you, you had best be ready for him.
He'll curl his hook around your neck and his hand around your waist to pull you back against him, let out a slow breath against your neck as his slips your clothes down your shoulders to lay in a pool at your feet.
Or simply rip them away from you, pressing against you to ensure you feel the hard heat of his arousal straining against his clothes, throbbing against your ass and your lower back.
Tilting his head down to ensure you both feel and hear his low, commanding growl in your ear.
"You're mine. Aren't you, my little whore?"
Whether he leads you by the edge of his hook to the privacy of your bedroom he simply bends you over his desk is entirely at his whim.
Either way, he's going to do little more than pull your panties to the side before he thrusts straight into you and fucks you relentlessly.
He's selfish, his main concern is mostly his own gratification—but he still has some concern for yours.
He does love the sound of your breathless moans, after all. Your cries of abandon are music to his ears, and there's nothing more intoxicating than the feeling of your pussy tightening up and pulsing around his cock as you fall limp beneath him in the wake of release.
Pulling you right back up by your hair before you've recovered, hearing your breath catch in your throat.
He lives for it, growling in your ear as he tightens his grip around your tender flesh, pinching and rolling one of your nipples between his thumb and forefinger, his lips curled into a cruel smirk.
"I didn't say I was done with you, slut."
He has no intention of stopping until he is done, until he's fully satisfied—whether that means making you cum until you pass out or cramming his cock down your throat until you're choking on his cum, it doesn't matter.
Either way, he always gets what he wants.
Y — Yearning (How long will they pursue the person they're interested in before losing interest?)
Not long, in most cases. He can just throw money and gifts at most women and get the gratification that he's after out of it.
He's going to be more interested, and honestly more likely to pursue, if you can't be bought.
If you're interested in more than what he can provide for you on a material or physical level, he's going to be intrigued. That's not something he's used to.
In that case, he very much enjoys a good game of cat and mouse. He'll want to find out exactly what makes you tick, and he's going to persist until he does find out.
He'll likely be courting and fraternizing with other women at the same time initially, but he'll push them away in a heartbeat if you engage in the game and show interest.
He'll probably still throw money and gifts at you, as that's what he's accustomed to doing—but he'll make a point of learning about you, and make the gifts more personal, more in line with your interests and passions, to ensure you know he's paying attention.
He still won't wait for too long. The whole hard-to-get shtick is fun for a time, but he will move on if it begins to seem to him like he's being strung along. If he isn’t the one in control and he feels like he's being played a fool, he'll cut his losses without a second thought.
Z — Zen (What do they do to wind down and relax? Do they prefer to do it alone or with you?
He doesn't have much time for rest and relaxation, so he values it immensely—and he absolutely requires your presence for it.
Even if he doesn't show it most of the time, you're his solace, his peace, the one thing that warms the cold and calculating persona he has to keep up almost twenty-four seven.
If he's reclining back with a glass of bourbon and a cigar, he wants you there. He needs you there.
Reclining back against his chest, his thumb brushing circles against your waist, trailing delicate patterns over your hand as he lies his head back to slowly exhale a plume of smoke.
Lowering his head back down to admire the sight of you, to brush your hair behind your shoulder and murmur in your ear.
"Get comfortable. You're not going anywhere until I say so."
638 notes · View notes
causenessus · 3 months
love notes
"the pavement moves so quickly, flying high. i'll be there soon. i'll be next to you."
from new song by lowertown, left in sakai, osaka
CONTENT WARNINGS: one use of the phrase "attention whore" in a joke, one "what if i kms" type joke, mentions of hyperventilating/a panic attack, mommy/family issues, lots of comfort <3 we love found family!! but also if you don't feel comfortable reading it, that's ok!! it's not incredibly important to the plot, and i would recommend skipping everything after the tweets after the written part of this chapter :)
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when the door chimes open and she hears two sets of laughter and the rain pouring outside before it quickly closes shut again, she’s quick to peek her head out. it’s eleven at night and there’s an hour until closing, which oftentimes meant her only customers were rowdy teenagers stumbling into the only place left open for a quick bite.
she smiles at the sight of the two pushing each other, trying to get the last laugh. they definitely act and look like rowdy teenagers, but they’re her rowdy teenagers. they’re breathing hard and water is dripping from their clothes like they’ve been running through the rain for hours. she grins as they take off their coats, hanging them on a nearby rack before sitting down at the counter. “you guys are sopping wet, what've you been up to?” she asks, tone light and teasing.
they share a look that only spells trouble before they burst out laughing again. “atsumu got the police called on us,” suna answers once they've calmed down while she places mugs in front of both of them.
osamu comes around the corner at the same time, drying his hands with a towel and a raised brow, “what did i just hear you say?”
a smile ghosts her own lips, the energy of the two boys in front of her rubbing off on her as she pours them tea. “thanks,” she hears suna whisper with a smile towards her before he joins atsumu in recounting their story to osamu.
“seriously? and you decided to come here? if someone comes in looking for either of you, i’m not hiding you guys,” osamu shakes his head in disappointment at the retelling. despite his words, they all know he’d cover for them if needed and they all laugh again before atsumu sneezes.
“do you guys want towels to dry off? one of you are bound to catch a cold,” she chides pushing off the counter when they both nod their heads eagerly.
she comes back and osamu is still scolding the two boys for something. she passes by him to hand a towel to atsumu first, who gives her a wink in thanks. and when suna’s hand brushes past her’s as he takes the towel, she has to hold in a breath to keep herself from reacting. her heart tightens as if she's overwhelmed, looking at him in the moment. his normally combed-out hair is damp and slightly flattened down, and the mischievous glint in his eyes is something that’s only increased throughout the years. 
perhaps it had come with the way they’d grown closer together, but she felt like she could read his emotions better, now. she could see the way adrenaline was still flowing through his veins, the way his pupils had dilated and the wide grin across his face. it was an urge deep inside of her that made her want to just come around the corner and dry his hair herself, to tell him she’s loved him since the first time she saw them. 
but instead, she only interrupts the boys’ conversations to ask if they were going to order anything, already knowing the answer. and with how frequently they came, she could already predict their orders. she disappears behind the counter into the kitchen leaving the boys to talk before she comes back out, carrying a plate and bowl.
in her absence, osamu has brought over two stools for them to sit on behind the counter. he’s sitting across from atsumu, resting the side of his cheek against his fist while he listens to his brother talk. she places the tonkatsu ramen in front of atsumu and the curry in front of suna before taking her own seat, absentmindedly picking at her fingers as she listens to the blond. she doesn’t realize what she’s doing until she feels a tap on her hand and turns back to the boy in front of her.
“you’re shaking,” he points out and she examines her own hands, watching the way they tremble.
“oh,” she says, dumbfounded, “that’s weird. i don’t know why they’re doing that.”
“i saw your twitter,” suna mentions. “something about a hike, right? and you’re working on top of that. have you eaten?”
the question surprises her, as she has to wrack her brain to even try and remember her own day, and when she last ate something. “i don’t think i’ve eaten something since this morning…”
suna raises a brow, checking his phone, “it’s almost 11:30 now.”
“yeah,” she presses her lips into a thin line at the realization. “i should probably make something for myself.” she moves to stand up before a hand on her shoulder keeps her where she is.
“stay here,” when she looks up at osamu in surprise, he only smiles, “i’ll make you something.”
she lets out a sigh of relief, “thank you, ‘samu, you’re the best.”
when he walks away, it goes silent for a moment before atsumu speaks up, shoving food into his mouth. “how come you went on a hike again?” he asks.
“i have a photography exhibit coming up soon,” she explains, playing with her apron to keep herself from picking at her skin. “it’s an assignment for one of my classes with akaashi and kenma, so we all decided to hike up a mountain to take some pictures for what we’re doing.”
“did they turn out good?” suna asks, and she tries not to fall apart under his gaze. she doesn’t want to ramble on too much about her own work, but he’s looking at her as if he’s genuinely interested in what she’s talking about, and it makes her feel a little better.
“yeah,” she says with a small smile towards him. “i posted some pictures of the flower field on my twitter, but i’m not using any of those. i have a specific theme i’m going for and we set a swing on fire for it. that one turned out pretty cool, and i actually got another picture i’m planning to use, too, but i think i’ll leave that one untitled.”
“fire?” he echoes with a perplexed look on his face.
she laughs, “we had a fire extinguisher handy and i think we had permission to do it…i kind of left that up to kenma. but i’ll show it to you later. i'm gonna mess around with the saturation before i dodge and burn it.”
he nods, “does that mean you're go back to the darkroom again? can i join you?”
she can’t help the way her lips curve into a bigger smile at the question, “yeah, i’ll be in there again but in case you come to my exhibit, i want the photos to be a surprise. do you think you'll come?”
he doesn't have the chance to respond before a plate is placed in front of her and her face lights up. it’s the same kind of curry as suna’s, and it’s one of her favorites. “thank you, osamu!” she looks up at him and he only chuckles.
“don’t mention it. it's the least i can do for my favorite employee,” he says, sitting back down while she turns back to her plate in time to see suna stealing a bite from it.
“hey! you have your own. it's the same thing,” she scolds, fighting off his spoon with her own.
he hums in response with a small smile on his face, “no, yours is better.”
she takes a bite of her own curry as she responds, “well duh, osamu’s the professional here.”
“no, i mean the one you made for me is better,” he clarifies and she freezes, her face immediately warming.
“wow. i’m right here, suna,” osamu scoffs, but shrugs playfully when she sends him an apologetic look.
“well i have credibility as a fellow chef, and i think your curry is the best i’ve ever had, ‘samu,” she defends.
“oh please, you don’t have to appease me. everyone has their own opinion, that’s just the way food is,” osamu responds, but gives her a smile in thanks for the compliment.
“you probably just think his food is good because he makes it with love,” atsumu chimes in, looking towards her while still eating his ramen, “but for me, he probably spits in my food. i like your food too, y/n. ‘cause you actually care about me and give me discounts.”
she rolls her eyes at his words before suna draws her attention back to him, “when’s your exhibit?”
“it’s exactly a week from now,” she sighs, rubbing her eyes. even the reminder of the event makes her feel exhausted, thinking about all the work she has to do between now and then. “honestly, it’s a problem. i don’t even have all my shots yet. i still need to find somewhere that i can set up the last one,” she explains further before stopping, “sorry, you didn’t ask about that.”
“that’s okay,” he reassures her, “i like hearing about the process. and i’ll be there—at your exhibit. just make sure you take care of yourself. you won’t be able to do it if you’re on the verge of passing out.” she’s sure her cheeks have flushed red at his words again, and she can only nod silently while he checks his phone, “‘tsumu, you ready to go? they’re gonna close soon, we shouldn’t hold them up.”
atsumu looks over from his conversation with osamu, blinking for a moment as he processes the question before he responds, “oh, yeah. i’m good.”
she stands up, meeting them by the register while osamu takes their trays away. she rings up atsumu first, who slips her a few notes with another wink that makes her roll her eyes. as suna is paying for his order, atsumu looks over his shoulder and gasps, “how come suna gets a bigger discount than me?”
she shrugs at his exclaim, “company policy.”
osamu comes up from behind her, following up, “i have a dedicated discount for you, ‘tsumu. you get 25% off.”
suna looks at his total, trying to do the math before he asks, “how much of a discount are you giving me?”
she turns red as osamu looks at the register screen and whistles, “damn, 75% off.”
the smile suna gives her only makes her more embarrassed and she’s quick to rip his receipt from the machine and give it to him, “see you later, rin.”
she slaps a hand over her mouth immediately as it slips out and he’s looking at her in surprise, “i’m so sorry, it just came out– i was looking at the receipt–”
“no, it’s fine. really. i don’t mind,” he cuts her off, taking the receipt and leaving a tip in her hand as well before the door chimes, signaling the exit of their last customers.
she’s left standing there with osamu at her side, her hand still reached out, the yen sitting in her open palm as she tries to process what just happened. she turns to osamu once she pulls herself together, “sorry, i can pay for suna’s food if that was too much of a discount, i promise i only do it for him.”
he laughs, shaking his head. “no, don’t worry about it. i know that’s what you always give him. akaashi eats here for free because we like him so much, so i really can’t fault you. i even put up with talking to my brother so that you guys could have a conversation. just make sure this all goes somewhere,” he pokes her forehead playfully, breaking her out of her trance as he walks past her. “now, let’s get out of here soon. do you wanna close back or front?”
she finally lets out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding in and feels the weight lift from her shoulder, “i'll close front!"
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extras <3
SORRY FOR ANOTHER LONG CHAPTER </3 i didn't want to split it into two parts and drag it on
y/n and suna teamed up on atsumu to bully him back after his initial tweet which y/n didn't think much of. she just thought atsumu was being annoying again
hmmmmmmm i wonder who owns a convenience store and would get FLY spray painted onto it
UKAI APPEARANCE IN LOVE NOTES!!! DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT LOCATIONS in this smau he's retired and he owns a convenience store in osaka now and it has a little garage door with "fly" painted onto it now <3
while y/n and suna were off in their own world talking <3 atsumu talked to osamu instead bc my boy likes to yap and needs someone listening at all times
and osamu put up with it for y/n <3
osamu and y/n also have a very close sibling bond if that wasn't obvious
i stole akaashi's "bye cruel world" post from pinterest. i wish i was that funny. but nothing bad happened to him, he was just stressed out and wanted to pass out
y/n was NOT supposed to have a panic attack but then i almost did writing this so it happened
"mei" is short for "meimei" which is chinese for little sister but it's a term my family uses because i'm the youngest daughter so i put it in here bc i was influenced by how cool @cr4yolaas' use of filipino culture in their smau mezzo forte is!!! (shameless plug <3)
also a really silly thing but i colorcode my phone contacts into people i don't like (yellow) and people i do like (brown) through their pfps (like everyone has a brown or yellow pfp, or an animal/their face if i really like them) so i just did the same thing here but made blue the pfp picture of anyone y/n doesn't like lol
y/n has met kuroo before from when he visited kenma previously and they hit it off super well so they're always asking kenma how the other is doing
to which he always replies "why can't you guys just ask each other? 😐"
their response?
"bc it's more fun to ask you!!! ❤"
taglist: @0moonii @iluvmang @bluebeanbee @wyrcan @oyasumeii @froyaoya @gyuijns @nbcvs @milkteade @eggyrocks @guitarstringed-scars @makkir0ll @mylahrins @cherrypieyourface @vivian-555 @sharkerino @r0seandth0rns @staileykout @lunavixia @thvvluvr @elliott0o0 @wolffmaiden @rockleeisbaeeee @toges-cough-syrup @cnnmairoll @ryeyeyer @hibernatinghamster @localgaytrainwreck @lemonocity @bows4life @sereniteav @madiexuberant @eclecticeggknightpsychic @phoenix-eclipses @sonicsolos @httpakkeiji @brkfclub @snail-squasher @starry-magicshop @kitnootkat @zzzlevislothzzz @iluv-ace @iluvaquaphor @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @applepi25 @twiishaa @girlkissersco @sleepystrwbrryy @encrypta
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megxplryxb · 1 year
Roommate Romance
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Pairings: Roommate!Steve x Reader
Notes: Apologies for the long delay, I've had some personal stuff going on lately so thank you all for sticking with me! <3
Disclaimer: Not my gif
It was a little after 9pm on an uneventful Saturday evening, Steve was lying across the shoddy leather couch in the small but cosy living room in nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants he had put on after his shower. He groaned in frustration as he flicked through the channels trying to find something interesting to watch, having long given up on reading some boring ass book that Eddie had given him when he heard a key turn in the door of the apartment he shared with you and Robin.
The latter had left to stay in Vickie’s house twenty minutes ago but Steve assumed Robin had forgotten something and come back for it 'cause he wasn't expecting you home for another couple of hours at least. He flinched a little when he heard the door open and close with a louder than usual bang, hearing heels click through the hallway and towards the kitchen. He knew it was you immediately, the scent of your jasmine perfume filling his nostrils as he pushed himself up from the couch to follow you down the hallway to make sure everything was alright, noting he hadn't heard a second pair of feet follow you inside.
Earlier at the video store, Robin had told Steve about a date you were going on that evening with a guy you’d met while waitressing at Enzo’s during the week. Steve had tried his best to hide his jealousy when Robin began to describe the guy, tuning out her ramblings once she mentioned that he was a “total babe”. She knew that Steve had a crush on you, noticing his attempts to flirt with you on a regular basis but she had made him promise that he wouldn't make a move on you, because she didn't want things to get awkward with you all living under the same roof. But fuck, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted to bend the rules from time to time and sometimes, he even thought that was exactly what you wanted him to do too.
Steve leaned his shoulder against the doorway of the small, compact, kitchen, watching as you unsuccessfully reached for a wineglass on the top shelf of the cupboard over the sink. He bit on the corner of his lip as your tiny black dress lifted ever so slightly, about to reveal parts of you that he knew he shouldn't be staring at and if he didn't look away now, he didn't know how he would explain the tent growing in his pants when you eventually turned to face him.
"Need a hand?" He smirked, as you let out a small yelp, not expecting Steve to be home already and definitely not expecting to see him standing there in just his sweatpants.
"Jesus Christ, Steve! You almost gave me a heart attack!" You pant, placing a hand across your chest, trying to look away from his bare chest.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. God princess, you're in heels and you still can't reach." He teased as you shot him a glare.
"No shit Sherlock, are you going to help or just stand there staring at me?" You questioned, rolling your eyes at the boy.
"I mean honestly, it's a pretty good view." Steve flirted, while you began to feel the heat rush to your face, hoping you had enough make up on to cover your flushed cheeks.
"Will you just quit being a perv and help me already?"
"A please would be nice." He replied, still smirking at you.
"Harrington, I swear to god..."
"What? It's just one little word, it's not even that hard to say." Steve laughed, knowing he was getting under your skin and you were in no mood for his jokes.
"Forget it, I'll get it myself." You stated, turning back to the sink, one knee on the counter top as you began to pull yourself up.
"Hey, hey, what are you doing, are you trying to break your damn ankle?" Steve entered the kitchen, his hands rushing to grab your waist and pull you back down again.
"Relax sweetheart, I got it.” He whispered, setting you down, moving behind you, one hand on your shoulder, his toned chest pressing lightly against your back and you prayed he didn't feel the shiver that went all the way down your spine as he reached up for the glass. You had to remind yourself to breath with the feeling of him so close to you, his skin touching yours. You could smell his cologne, the shampoo from his still damp hair and his usual boyish scent that was nothing other than Steve.
"All yours princess, you're welcome by the way." Steve teased, finally handing you the wineglass as your lips pulled in to a smile. You secretly wondered if he knew the effect he had on you, cause you just couldn’t stay mad at him for long. Not when he looked like that, staring at you like he was challenging you to make the next move.
"Why are you home anyway, weren't you working tonight?" You asked, shaking your thoughts away, leaning against the counter, letting out an instant sigh of relief once you removed the heels you'd been wearing all evening. Steve swallowed hard hearing the little moan of pleasure fall from your mouth with the feeling of the cold tiles under your sore feet as you tossed the shoes in the corner.
"Uh, Keith let me go early, the store was pretty dead." He answered, rubbing the back of his neck.
"That doesn't sound like Keith." You replied confused, knowing Keith wasn't that nice of a boss.
"Well, it might have had something to do with the new porno movies being delivered to the store tonight. Think he wanted first dibs." He chuckled as you scrunched your nose in disgust. “Yeah, that sounds more like Keith."
"Anyways, wasn't expecting you home for a while either, Robin mentioned you had a hot date tonight." Steve teased, folding his arms as you let out a sarcastic laugh, moving by him to take a bottle of wine from the fridge.
"Yeah, I thought so too. Turns out, not so hot." You reveal, pouring yourself a drink, taking a quick sip as Steve kept his eyes on you. Selfishly, he was glad that your date turned out to be a bust, because the thought of you being out with some guy that wasn't him had been driving Steve crazy all evening.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asked, before you walked back to the fridge grabbing a beer and offering it to him. "Wanna get a little drunk first?"
"Y..yeah, sure." He nodded, trying to take the bottle from your hand but you pulled it back, smirking at your friend. "Not so fast Harrington, go put on a shirt, then you can have this."
"Why, am I distracting you, princess?" Steve winked, heading to his room, throwing on the first t-shirt he could find before following you towards the living room.
Of course he was distracting you and you cursed Robin for making you promise never to cross that line with her best friend all those months ago when you decided to live together. You liked Steve, a lot, more than Robin even realised. He was everything you'd usually look for in a boyfriend and more but since nothing could ever happen between you, you'd made it your mission to find someone else and forget about Steve Harrington. That turned out to be easier said that done when he walked around shirtless on a daily basis.
An hour had passed and you and Steve were finally starting to feel the effects of the alcohol you had been consuming. When you couldn’t decide on a movie to watch, he played some music from the pretty expensive stereo his parents had given him as a house warming gift when he moved out. Steve was slouched on one side of the little couch while you occupied the other half, lying length ways so your feet were slumped across his legs, a pillow resting on your tummy for comfort, still wearing your dress.
It was nice to have a night with just Steve, it was never just the two of you with Robin, Vickie, Eddie or the kids usually hanging out with you both too.
“So come on, tell me, what happened with your date?” Steve asked, bringing the beer bottle to his lips as you groaned.
"I don't think I'm drunk enough yet." You muttered, pouring more wine in to your glass.
"Was it really that bad?" He asked as he watched your face change. "It was worse than bad, Steve."
"Worse than Cassie Peterson throwing up on me in the movie theatre?" He questioned as you widened your eyes in shock, almost spitting out your wine. "Oh my god! You never told me that?"
"I didn't tell anybody! It was so embarrassing, the whole place was staring at us." He explained as you laughed out loud.
"Is that why you never called her again? Robin was dying to know what happened between you." You teased as he began to explain himself, running a hand through his brown locks.
"She ruined my favourite sweater! Of course I never called her again.” Steve responded, taking a swig from his bottle of beer.
"It's not like she meant to throw up on you, Steve. I bet she felt way worse about it than you did." You giggled at your friend's childish behaviour.
"Hey, I was a total gentleman. I got her some water, made sure she got home safe, all while stinking of vomit I might add! I could've just left her there, I mean she literally barfed all over me." He joked but you knew Steve would never actually do that to anyone.
"She must have been mortified!" You cringed, placing a hand over your face from second hand embarrassment.
"Oh that wasn't even the worst part, she actually leaned in for me to kiss her goodnight when I dropped her home!" Steve revealed as you tried hard not to gag.
"Oh Steve, please tell me you didn't..."
"Of course I didn't! I lied and told her I had a coldsore, then ran back to my car." He chuckled, opening another beer as you threw your head back in hysterics. "Wow, I feel sooo much better about my date now.” You sighed, sipping your wine.
"I swear to Christ if you ever tell Robin that story, I’ll never give you a ride to work again.” Steve threatened, smiling at you.
“I cross my heart Harrington, I’ll take it to the grave with me.” You say sweetly as he rolls his eyes. “Please, we both know you’re gonna tell Robin the minute she walks in that door tomorrow.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” You smile as he shakes his head.
"Anyways princess, enough about my horrible dating life, time to hear about yours.” Steve clapped, while you sat up on the couch, pulling your legs under you, taking a deep breath.
“Ok, so I met him a couple of days ago in work, he came in to pick up lunch for his Boss and he seemed totally nice, y'know? Very handsome, good dresser, nice hair..." You said as Steve began to cough, looking overly offended. "Not as nice as yours Steve, don't worry." You reassured, patting his head.
"Just making sure, princess."
"Anyway, we got talking, flirted a little and he eventually asked if he could take me to dinner. So he picked me up for our date here, gave me a bunch of flowers, opened the car door….”
"So far, he sounds like a real asshole." Steve smirked sarcastically, before pressing his lips to the bottle of beer.
"Guess where he took me for dinner?” You said as Steve tried to read your face. “I dunno, some fancy restaurant with valet parking?”
“He took me to Enzo's, Steve, the place I work five days a week, on my day off!" You whine as Steve started to chuckle at your reaction.
"Maybe he was trying to be nice y'know? Like, maybe he thought you'd feel safer going there with him because you didn't know him and....”
"He took me there because he thought they'd give us a discount." You interrupted, folding your arms. "Did they?" Steve asked as you shook your head.
"Of course not, it wasn't expensive anyway, we didn't even make it past the appetisers." You revealed, drinking the last of the wine in your glass.
"He was just that irresistible, huh?" Steve joked as you playfully nudged him with your foot.
"Totally, I just couldn't wait to rip his clothes off. All that discount talk was too much of a turn on.” You gagged, sticking your tongue out.
“It could’ve been worse…” Steve stated as you wagged your finger at him. “Oh it was, I’m not done yet.” You giggled, pouring more wine in to your glass.
“This elderly couple came in a couple of minutes after us and his whole demeanour changed when he saw them.”
“Parents? Oh Jesus, did they join you for dinner or somethin’?” Steve questioned as you placed a hand over his mouth to stop him from speaking again.
“They weren’t his parent’s. They were his parent’s neighbours and when the lady came over to say hello to him, he introduced me as a work colleague.”
“That’s weird.” Steve said, raising a brow.
“Right? So, I asked him why he said that and he said that she likes to gossip and he’s very private, I accepted that, I’m pretty private too. But then! He left the table to go to use the restroom and the lady came over again and….”
“Did she want a discount too?” The boy joked as you threw a pillow at his face. “Steve! I’m trying to finish my story!” You hiccuped as he held his hands up, holding back another laugh. “I’m sorry, go ahead princess, tell me what happened.”
“She asked me if I was really his work colleague so, I said no because obviously something weird was going on right? Then she told me that he’s already in a relationship and had only proposed to the poor girl two months ago!” You revealed, watching the shock form on Steve’s face.
“You’re fucking kidding me?” He said as you shook your head. “I’m totally serious.”
“What did you do?” Steve asked, hanging on to your every word. His blood starting boil as you continued your story, all his instincts telling him to go find the guy and kick his ass.
“I thanked her for telling me, ordered them an expensive bottle of champagne and told the guys to charge that asshole for it!” You smiled proudly. “Man, what a creep! How did he think he was going to get away with something like that in a small town like this?"
“Honestly, I have no idea. He even came after me, telling me we could finish the date somewhere else!” You shivered as Steve scoffed in disbelief.
"Why didn't you call me to come pick you up?" He asked, looking at you a little more seriously than he had been all night. “I thought you were working.” You shrugged, pulling a strand of hair behind your ear.
“You could’ve called the store, you know I would have come for you, right?” Steve says softly, placing his warm hand on your knee while you nod your head. “I know you would have, Steve." You blush, noticing that he hadn't moved his hand away, still looking at you intently.
"Anyways, cheers to no more bad dates!" You tease, raising the almost empty wine glass to clink with Steve's bottle as he lets out a small chuckle. "Honestly, I don't think I could handle going on any more bad dates.”
"We should totally make a pact, you know, like if we're both still single by the time we're thirty five, we'll just marry each other!" You jokingly suggest as Steve shakes his head.
"Thirty five huh? That's over a decade away sweetheart..." He huffs.
"So?" You laugh, shrugging your shoulders.
"So, that's a lot of sex to be missing out on having with you." The boy admits, eyes widening when he realises what he's just said.
"Oh really? And what makes you think I'd have sex with you?" You challenge, raising a brow at the boy who smirks confidently at you.
"Well theoretically speaking princess, you'd be my wife, so I'd kind of hope that if you were having sex with anybody, It'd be with me."
"You're so cocky sometimes, you know that?" You roll your eyes as he finishes the end of the bottle. "Come on princess, like you never thought about it before." Steve teases as your cheeks begin to flush.
"Thought about what?" You question trying to play dumb. You knew exactly what he meant.
"Us." He answers, eyes completely focused on your reaction.
"I can't say I have." You lie and Steve knows it , because he moves closer to your side of the couch, brushing strands of hair out of your face and he swears he hears a little whimper from you when he touches your cheek.
"So, if I said I wanted to kiss you right now would you let me? Cause I'm not sure I can wait until I'm thirty five for something to happen between us." Steve whispers as you clench your thighs, biting on your bottom lip.
"Steve we can't, I want to, I do, but I promised Robin I..."
"She made you promise too huh?" He smirks as you nodded a yes. "She said she didn't want things to get complicated." You whine while Steve presses his forehead to yours, pulling you in to his lap.
"Sweetheart, I think we're already there, don't you?"
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theabigailthorn · 1 year
If you had an employee who was perfectly civil and did all their work but just didn't want to be your friend what would you do?
I actually had a similar situation a while ago, not with an employee but a colleague! I was on a show with an actress who was really, really cold to me - to the point that some of the crew even commented on it like, "I can't believe I've just seen her do that, she's never this rude to anyone else!" After one incident I asked her whether I had done something to upset her and she denied it in a very odd, stiff way, so I was scratching my head a bit.
I reflected on my own behaviour and eventually I hypothesised (never found out if this was true, so it might all be in my head) that I might be accidentally activating her insecurities for a cluster of reasons, some of which weren't within my control but some of which arguably were. For example, I was pretty sure my being trans was part of it and that definitely indicated some shit she needed to work through! But I'd also been talking excitedly about my upcoming work on another show, which might have come across as bragging; I like to share my excitement, and I'm learning that some people take it as boasting when I don't mean it to be. I'd assumed she'd share my excitement because in my eyes she's much more successful than me, but you never know how people view their own careers - she might not have had anything lined up after that project and could have been really anxious about her career even though from the outside it looked good to me! (I also found out much later she'd been going through some difficult personal stuff during the shoot, so maybe she wasn't at her best - it happens!)
So having done that reflection I considered taking it to the producers but then I was like, "Y'know what? I've only got 2 weeks left on this thing, I don't have to see her much, let's just get through it." I finished the shoot with no more incidents, gave her plenty of space whenever we had to be together, and then afterwards I chatted to my agent about it too and we agreed yeah, not worth picking a fight over :)
Not sure if I'll ever run into her again but I'd be happy to start afresh if we ever did! We all have bad months sometimes <3
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holy-puckslibrary · 6 months
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just a lil firefighter!sid fluff for y'all :)
gif from @ehghtysevenarchive + per this ask and others
Surely, the chief of Canada's oldest fire department has more important things to do on a crisp morning, the last one preceding a fresh week, than this. He most definitely does. And, yes, Chief Crosby is known for his pragmatic approach to, well, everything.
But neither carries weight here—not when she calls.
Leaky faucet, dead car battery, unreachable spider... It doesn't matter. One ring, and he's rushing home. He can't pin-point when the pattern began, likely sometime shortly between the day you moved into town and his first off-day, but it's a routine he's come to enjoy despite the extra strain on both his schedule and his body; Sidney never thought sharing a property line could be so tedious or time-consuming.
He knows he shouldn't enjoy the distraction as much as he does. You aren't together, Sidney doesn't ever allow his imagination wander that far, but he can't help it. He can't help but help. He rarely turns down anyone in need, which has done wonders for his reputation within the community, but with you... With you, it's different, and embarrassingly so.
He doesn't have the words to explain it. Not that he needs to, it's written plainly across his face.
There's a reason you're regular fixtures in the town's gossip column.
When he arrives on scene—not ten minutes after his F-Series crawled down the gravel drive—Sidney shakes his head and laughs. Collecting his cell and his radio, he slips out of the truck, watching as you fret like a mother hen.
Still in your slippers, you're stood at the base of a decently-sized red spruce wedged between his yard and yours, your crumpled face angled up into the yellow-green needles. You're the very picture of worry, wringing your trembling hands and muttering to yourself.
A stray kitten caught in a tree, that's what's got you in a such a state.
"Well, this is a new one," he bellows in lieu of a greeting, slamming the door shut as his boots hit the ground.
Briefly, your glassy eyes dart in his direction. You're midway through your customary apology when he arrives at your side and quiets you, just as he always does.
"They're more than capable of holding down the fort for however long it takes to rescue our new friend, okay?"
"I know, but what if—"
"But nothing," Sidney huffs, and he dares to take you by the shoulders. And, externally, he ignores the way you shiver under his palms. "If I didn't think it was safe for me to step out for a couple of minutes, I wouldn't. You believe me, right?"
You nod, bottom lip pinched between your teeth.
"Good. Now, how 'bout you keep an ear on this," Sidney sets the clunky satellite radio in your hand, "—and I'll grab the ladder from the shed?"
He doesn't really need your help monitoring the channel, but he knows you'll feel better if you feel like you're doing something. Like him, you find comfort in your utility.
In less than a minute, Sidney re-emerges, rounding the corner with a ladder in hand. You're in the same spot, now fidgeting with the radio, anxiously dumping it from one palm to the other and back again. He follows your gaze to line up the simple equipment necessary for the rescue operation.
Sidney's heart swells as you quietly step forward to spot him.
Lucky for everyone, the ball of orange fur is on the branch nearest to the ground. Sidney needs only to step up onto the first wrung to safetly coax the frightened creature into his waiting hands, he's back on the ground not long after.
He gives the kitten a gentle parting scratch under the chin, then transfers the purring fluff to you. The soft bundle takes to you immediately, nuzzling into your chest like that's where it wanted to be all along.
"I think he likes you," Sidney observes with a cheek-numbing grin.
Your lips are tipped up at the end and there's fan of happiness rooting itself around your eyes. Your mouth opens to reply, but before the words come—
"Well, would you look at this?"
Across the quiet street and a few houses to the left sits an audience of two. Both of which are now cooing as loudly as two ladies in their sixties can manage. Coffee cups in one hand and their cellphones propped up in the other, they fawn over the two of you as if it's live theater.
Sidney curses their sons, who he'd completed the explorer program with as teens, for enabling this technological torture.
"Smile, you two! Oh, Denise is just going to eat this up," one of them, a spitfire in a 4'11 frame by the name of Mrs. Bouchard, exclaims to her co-conspirator, Ms. Johnston.
Then, to no one's surprise and Sid's chagrin, they giddily type out their respective messages to the local paper's equally-nosy editor-in-chief.
"Looks like we're front-page news again," you hum bashfully.
The tabby mewls in your arms. You curl into the little bundle of fur, lips landing between its delicate ears.
Sid studies you in his periphery as he slips in and out of heady contemplation, ultimately deciding he doesn't mind as much as he once did. "That we are..."
eek! wait, why do i luv them already 🥹
as always, i would really appreciate if you reblogged my work, left a comment or dropped by my inbox w some feedback :) fandom runs on engagement, and so do writers!! thx a mil in advance!
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sinswithpleasure · 1 year
Corrupt Practices
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For @chunksworld and @gangplanksorenji
Been a while since I've written a facefuck and I don't think this is up to par. Releasing it anyway because if I don't put something out I never will.
The last thing you'd expected when entering your office in the middle of your year-end party was Kim Jungeun.
"Hey, partner."
The soft, deep voice startles you at first, but you'd know that greeting anywhere. You can't resist your smile when you turn around to greet her. She's hidden behind your door as usual, just as always when she sneaks into one of your many bases in operation.
You wonder about stepping up security to your office—no one's supposed to be here right now—but you know all too well about Jungeun's skill in evading detection. It's not going to matter any more, anyway. 
"I've missed you." 
When your arms wrap against Jungeun's lithe frame, you take in a deep breath of her scent, the fresh floral perfume that she always wears. You recall it as one of her own creations—learnt in her spare time as an undercover perfumer back in France, and she's used it ever since. She has on a long red dress this time—it hugs her figure so nicely, definitely tailor made.
"Still the same perfume, Agent?"
"Always, partner."
When she releases you from the hug, you smile at each other meaningfully, until she breaks the moment. 
"I see you still have your love for shit-coloured suits."
"Hey, fuck you, Jungeun. These are nice!" You scoff and roll your eyes in faux ire, just to humor her. It's an attempt to fake some sense of normalcy before you start talking shop, but the authenticity of the moment, ironically, can never be fake. 
"Sure, sure, whatever you say." Jungeun's soft grin matches the one on your face, and she pulls you in by the lapel, just to admire your attire. "You look well put together, that's all that matters."
You trail behind her as she takes a stroll around your office. You're in a mansion deep in the country, far away from the bright lights of the city, and this is the first time Jungeun's set foot into this new location.
"Oh, the record player from Spain's still here. And so are these books." Jungeun grins. "The one I bought you back in LA is still here."
“Yep, they are. I’d never throw away anything you give me.”
Jungeun is careful not to touch anything. She can't leave any trace of her presence. 
The dim light of the moon shining through the oriel windows lands across Jungeun's skin. You stay out of the light, content on watching her explore your office. 
"Ah, you and your scented candles. Different from your last office back in Milan."
"Of course they're different. I didn't even get to grab that one before you came." You chuckle, then pretend to shake your fist in anger. "I liked that one."
"I'll buy it for you next time we meet, okay?" Jungeun steps over to pull you into the light, and she rests herself against your desk. "For now… just kiss me."
You don't stop her when she draws closer, and neither does she stop you. Your lips land softly against hers, and both of you melt into a deep kiss. When you break for air, Jungeun chases your lips again, and both of you share soft pecks against each other's lips, just content to finally have some private time with each other. 
In another life, this could've been normal. In another life, this could've been a daily happening. However, not this life. Never in this life. 
The truth is this: you're number one on Interpol's Most Wanted, and Jungeun's the agent assigned on your case permanently. You're too far deep to leave the underworld, and she's too high up to ever quit pursuing justice. The both of you together shouldn't have worked out, and yet here you are, deeply in love with each other, stealing moments like these in between Interpol sting operations and shady underworld dealings. 
"What's the situation, Jungeun?"
"Interpol's coming. They're here to get everyone in one fell swoop tonight."
None of this surprises you any more. You've expected it—a mole in your operation must've leaked plans out, but you're not surprised. After all, it's not as if you don't have one in Interpol in Jungeun, and here you are, with her clung to you as your lover, in this dim office. It's a problem, but not for right now.
"How much longer before it happens?" You sigh, and give Jungeun a kiss on her forehead as appreciation for the news. Your turncoat agent hugs you tightly, just to enjoy your warmth around her.
"An hour. You have to leave before then."  
"What about you?" You can't help but wonder about Jungeun—you don't get to know about her days often. You wish you could, but…
"Back to chasing you across the globe, I guess, waiting until we meet again." Jungeun gives you a soft peck on your lips. "I'll be fine. I always am."
"In that case, let's not waste this time, mm? We're both here right now."
Jungeun picks up on your meaning almost immediately. There isn't much time, but she'll make it work with you. 
"Don't you need to inform your people?"
"Yeah, let me send this text… and done." You throw your phone aside, and you pull Jungeun against you for another deep kiss. This time, you let lust creep into the kiss, and soon enough, Jungeun has her tongue against yours, and she's pulling your suit jacket off, just as you're fondling her clothed chest. Her hands roam across your back when your jacket falls off, and she moans when you grab her ass and knead it. Jungeun pulls you closer to her, and when you shift to leave kisses down her lips to her neck, she gasps in pleasure and anticipation. You take the time to run your hands along her figure, almost as if to burn the memory of her against your palms. 
"We can't have sex today."
"Why not?" You temporarily halt your actions to give her a peck on her lips while you wait for her answer. 
"I'm ovulating today—I can't get pregnant right now, even though I'm so fucking wet and needing you to fuck a baby into me."
"Oh my God, fuck, Jungeun, you can't just say things like that!" Your cock twitches in your pants, and you can't help but rub your own bulge.
"It's the truth, baby. I wish I could just let you fuck me raw like that, let you impregnate me and father our child, but… fuck…" Jungeun replaces your hand with hers. She begins to work at your belt, and you groan when she undoes your zipper and fondles you over your boxers. Both of you share another torrid kiss, and you feel her hand slide beneath the waistband. When she pulls your hard cock out, you can't help but twitch in her hand as she strokes your length. 
"If only we had more time…" Jungeun kisses you once more, and she reaches behind her back. You hear the telltale sign of a zipper being undone, and you watch as Jungeun pulls the strap of her dress over her head and pulls the cloth down. You feast your eyes upon her bra-clad breasts, and you keep watching as she undoes the clasp and pulls the garment off her, leaving her topless right in front of you. Her breasts are just as pretty as you remembered—brown nipples, taut with arousal, atop her petite, beautiful chest. Jungeun leads your hand to her body, and you softly knead her flesh, which draws a sigh of pleasure from her. The glow of the moonlight across her skin bathes her in an almost otherworldly glow, and you can't help but admire the goddess that is Kim Jungeun as you touch her. 
"You know what I'm going to do when this whole op is over?" Jungeun's question is broken up with soft sighs.
"I'm going to go to my quarters after a nice shower, and I'm going to fuck myseld with my dildo. I'm going to ride it pretending I'm riding your cock." Jungeun grabs your cock once again, and she strokes it as she speaks. "I'm going to moan your name as I ride that cock, and I'm going to think of you breeding me, fucking a baby into me. I'm going to squirt all over it, and I'm not going to stop until I can't squirt anymore."
When Jungeun finishes her sentence, you crash your lips against hers in desperation and lust. You want nothing more than to fuck her, ruin her, and you tell her as such—searing words of lust whispered against her skin. 
"You still can, you know?" Jungeun's soft whisper against your lips gets you to stop kissing her for a moment, and she giggles. "I have other holes you can fuck."
You watch as your love sinks down to her knees. She still strokes your cock, dripping with pre-cum, and you shakily exhale when you feel her hot breath brush over your tip. Jungeun looks up at you, and you stare right into her eyes as her tongue glides over your tip to collect your essence. She licks you along your length right after, leaving soft kisses around the crown. 
"Fuck my mouth just like how you want to fuck my pussy. Use me, make me choke on that cock, make me swallow every last drop of cum you can shoot down my throat. Fuck me until you cum, baby."
Jungeun wastes no time—she wraps her lips around your shaft, and she begins to bob her head along your length, drawing soft curses out of you. Bit by bit, she takes more and more of you, and you can't help but groan when your tip hits the back of her throat. 
"Oh my God, fuck…!"
Jungeun's hands reach behind you to grab your ass. She pulls herself back, and she pushes you towards her as she takes you again. You take her cue this time—your hands grip her head, and you begin to thrust into her mouth, pulling out halfway, then thrusting back in again. Jungeun has no gag reflex—you know that fact very intimately, and you take full advantage of that. With every thrust, thick tendrils of spit coat your cock and drip down below to Jungeun's chest, and you can't help but swear at how good your love's mouth and throat feel. The sounds that Jungeun produces echoes around your office, and when you pull yourself out of her mouth, you nearly cum at the sight of the girl beneath you. Tears run down her face, her makeup ruined, and strings of her drool still cling to your shaft. You grab your cock and rub it all over Jungeun's face, and she actively welcomes it—softly moaning as you mess up her face even more. Her hands are kept busy—even as you were using her throat like you would her cunt, she'd kneaded and squeezed her own breasts for pleasure, and right now, she has her long red dress pulled up haphazardly to give herself access. She keeps one hand on her breasts, and the other reaches between her legs, where you can hear her fingers thrusting deep into her dripping cunt. No panties in sight—you twitch at the thought of her not having worn any.
"Fuck, baby, fuck, I feel so good, oh God, fuck~!"
Somewhere deep in you, a primal aggression rises—Jungeun's fucking herself, fingers deep in her pussy that you're meant to be fucking. Without warning, you shove your cock back into Jungeun's mouth, and you force her to choke on your cock. You don't even make it halfway out of her mouth before you're thrusting back in, your balls slapping against her chin and sending her spit splattering below. 
The sounds of Jungeun's throat taking your pounding drives you closer and closer to release. You look down to admire your love having her face fucked while she masturbates. The girl looks up at you, and she has completely surrendered herself to the fucking—her eyes are glossed over, the haze of pleasure too much for her, and you watch her shudder as she releases choked moans, and then you hear the telltale hiss, see the hard spray of her juices. Jungeun's a messy girl—she doesn't stop fingering herself, and her squirt sprays all over her thighs. Between her knees, a puddle of her juices grows bigger and messier. 
"Oh, fuck, I'm—!"
It is with that sight that you explode in Jungeun's mouth and throat. She manages to take two thick shots before you pull out to cum all over her face and chest. Shot after shot of hot semen rains upon Jungeun and dots her skin with white, and you nearly lose your balance as you shudder in pleasure with your release. 
When your orgasm subsides, both you and Jungeun move with urgency built off habit. You dress and clean the area while she cleans herself up, and both of you work like a well-oiled machine—ten minutes left to spare, and the clock resets, counting down until the next moment you get to see Jungeun again. 
Cleanup never takes too long—Jungeun's out in five, and you're done as well. You turn to pull the lever to your secret exit, but Jungeun stops you. 
"I'm going to miss you." This is the part that you hate, just as she does.
"And so will I."
You share a soft kiss with her, and both of you turn away from each other to run. The secret door closes behind you, and you leave, you can't help but run with a smile across your face. 
Until we meet again.
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fangisms · 1 year
due november
A/N: was feeling particularly soft and magical this september afternoon, so im here to feed the beasts (with love) gif creds: @osvaldrps-archived
Pairings: Husband!Neville Longbottom x Pregnant!Fem!Reader
Summary: Your family of nearly three share a moment in the living room. 0.8k words
Warnings: set when both are ~20s-30s, pregnancy, established relationship, dorky dad neville, fluff, smutty intentions but only jokes
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It's all got Neville worried down to the bone. The weight of being a good husband was heavy enough without the impending uncertainty of fatherhood. Which is not to say he isn't a good husband or that he wouldn't be a good father, but the stress of it can be crippling for the nervous wreck that he is.
Though, his shakiness is ever soothed by the way you hold the back of his head when you kiss him, the way you clean his glasses of dirt smudges, the way you catch his eye in your sweetly flowing skirts, dresses, and blouses. Daintily, he'd say, very prettily.
"They're like house pets at this point," you remark, tip-toeing over the vines weaving between the slats of your hardwood flooring. Throughout the kitchen, greenery creeps in through open windows, finding home in doorframes and across the ceiling. They can't help it. The September chill is getting to everybody.
"I just can't bring myself to trim them!" he chirps, catching your waist when you trip into his side, belly protruding against your floral house dress. "On second thought—"
"No, no, Nev! I like it. I like them. It's free interior design."
"Damn weeds. It's a free death sentence."
"You're just a pessimist!" you tease.
As open to ogling as you always seem to be, he hates that you can still make him blush after all these years. Even with duckfoot ivy weaving its way through your shared home and baby names listed on the chalkboard by the door, he's still blushing when you so much as look at him.
And right now, you're looking at your horticulturist's dirt-smudged under shirt exposed beneath his striped button down. Which also happens to be smudged with dirt.
He clears his throat.
"Nervous, my dear?" you tease when he diverts his gaze from down your neckline.
"Hmm? Oh, no, not at all"—his voice falters, and he tries to focus back on the delicate clay pot in his hands—"Craving anything for lunch?"
"Nothing much," you sigh, "maybe a bite of my husband."
He blinks, eyes wide open but blank like the dial tone is just ringing through his skull. He places the empty pot gently in the sink basin, moving both damp hands to your waist with that doe-eyed look.
"You've already got one in there, lovebug, we can't go around trying for another now, can we," he says. You toss your head back with laughter, and he watches you in annoyed amazement. Since when were you impervious to his awkward charm. "Come on, lunch. Anything you want."
He cups his hands together around your lower back, letting out a soft breath when you push his hair out of his face and thumb the dirt from his brow.
"Let's see... couple of ice lollies? Sounds good, dunnit?"
"Well-rounded, definitely," he says, patting your bum with a chuckle. "I'll make some sandwiches. And I've got time for a walk after."
"You'll spoil me rotten, Mr Longbottom!"
"Watch it, or you're getting triplets."
"Oh, you're nasty, Mr Longbottom," you tease, holding his chin and leaning in for a kiss. He spins you round and pats you towards the living area.
You hurdle a couple of roots and make it halfway to the hand-me-down chaise lounge in the corner when you feel a sharp twitch.
"Christ," you yelp, grabbing the arm of the chair with a hiss, slightly bent at the waist and taking a deep breath.
"Baby? What's going on?"
"She's kicking again!" Your palm is splayed across your rounded belly as you practice deep, circular breathing. There's a harsh clammer from the kitchen. Then silence.
Then he appears in the opening, hair flopping down over his forehead, brows furrowed, towel flung over his shoulder, so still you'd think he saw his old, cranky professor.
"...She?" he huffs, pushing a hand through his hair.
"Oh. Oh, Nev, I—" You cup your palm over your mouth with a sharp breath in. "You wanted it to be a surprise. I'm so sorry."
But a smile makes its way across his lips, pulling and tugging at the soft pink as he shuffles closer. Two strong hands meet yours on the curve of your belly, welcoming another jolt. One reaches for the back of your neck, and he leans in to kiss your worried forehead.
"We're having a baby girl?"
You nod, tears welling in your eyes when he tilts your chin up to peck your wobbly bottom lip. You feel the stubbly skin of his cheek with the pad of your thumb and let him kiss you once more.
"I was so restless, I had to know," you huff, "I'm such a spoilsport! You were so excited, Nev!"
"I know. And you're not a spoilsport. I'm still excited, know why?"
"Why?" you say, wiping your nose and pouting at him. He grins.
"Because she's ours."
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Little things, they do 2 (Price, Ghost, Gaz) (headcannons)
Part 1 (Alex, Soap, König) here
Little things, they do, that get you every time. Silly, warm, heart-melting, wholesome things.
Captain John Price
Knuckle kisses. That's it.
Praises you not only when you succeed, but also when you fail. “I know, you tried so hard, love. This doesn't make you lesser. You don't have to prove anything to me. I'm proud of you. You're enough.”
Compliments you at the most random times. You've just woken up with an absolute mess on your head, or you walk around the house in old faded sweatpants and a dirty T-shirt because the rest of the clothes are being washed? John takes your hand, brings it to his lips and whispers "You are incredibly beautiful." or “How did an old git like me ended up with the most gorgeous, hottest  human being out there?”
He has this habit of going behind your back and leaning close to your very ear while telling you something. Maybe he just likes to feel you close and uses it as an excuse, maybe he wants to “envelop” you in a way, hide you from the whole world, sharing his knowledge, feeling, how interested you are in a topic.
One of those people to actually use paper and envelopes, that some hotel still provide their rooms with. You get these long 3-5 page letters from different corners of earth every now and then. They can be absolutely platonic - he can literally describe, what he's seen or overheard on the streets lately or rant about how he wants to hear seabirds voices, but they are interrupted by the unceasing roar of engines and roadworks here… But you see it: every line screams “I love you. I freaking love you so much, it's almost 4 am here, and I'm still wide awake, because I need to write to you, to communicate in any way that will be safe for you.” 
Simon Ghost Riley
He is no stranger to triggered stress or panic. So if you have any phobia, and he finds out about it - he starts protecting you from its triggers. Let's say, you're scared of spiders and scorpions. Even a picture of one can absolutely freak you out. Simon goes above and beyond to shield you from any type of appearance of these creatures in your life. In summer, he'll escort and even tiniest spider out of your apartment, before you see it.
He even shares a googledoc with trigger warning time codes for every piece of media, you wanted to see. Even if it's a long series - he just checks every episode of it on a fast rewind and writes you, if it's fully safe to watch or not. 
Ghost has a wealth of experience in dealing with insomnia and is willing to help you, if you come across this issue. Just don't hesitate to ask - he is ready to spend all the night helping you out. Will definitely start with pressing your back to his chest and guiding you through a breathing exercise.
If you had a bad day and dropped him a message - he`d surely call you as soon as he can to talk you through everything that happened and soothe you. 
“I`m always there for you, you know?” “I know, Simon…” “No, thats not the way, we do that.” “...” “Come on. Say it.” “I remember, ok?” “Say. it. I need you say it out loud.” “You are always there for me, no matter what.” “And?” “... and I can call or text you any time and you'll reach back asap.” “Good job. I'll call you again before you go to sleep.”
Despite his ascetic way of life, he likes nice things and gradually accustoms you to the same preferences. 
It all starts with tea. One day, you go grocery shopping together. You walk between the rows of shelves while Simon stays by your cart. Returning to the cart, you find him skeptically examining the box of tea you dropped into the cart earlier. "What is this?" "It's tea, Simon, stop pretending you can't read." Ghosts gaze eloquently demonstrates his attitude towards this product. "It's trash." He pulls out a simple but elegant box from the top shelf. "This is tea." You try to convince him that with the money spent on that "good" box, you could drink tea all year, but he is relentless. Simon ends up buying the tea himself and brewing it at your place. When you first try it and roll your eyes in pleasure - he smiles contentedly. “Told you.”
Kyle Gaz Garrick
“Babe this is delicious, wanna try it?” - say yes and firstly he will kiss you. You absolutely need to try that ice cream, his tongue is just a nice bonus. Ofc shares his food with you afterward.
One of the most supportive human beings out there. Encourages every your hobby, hella proud of you and not shy to demonstrate it. “Have you heard her singing? RNs got a voice of a songbird!” “Kyle, please, I just went to a few vocal lessons and learned like… 2 songs.” “Those are my favorite ones from now on, love.”
If you work from home, he'll walk into your room randomly (but only when he is 100% sure, you're not on the call), sit beside you and just stare silently at you. Ask him, what's up, and he'll give you a quick kiss on the forehead and walk away grinning. 
Slow dances with you on streets, when you two pass by street musicians. Doesn't care if everybody looking, even if someone pulls out a phone and starts filming this wholesome scene. It's only you in Kyles hands, that matter right now to him. 
If you have a pet - he definitely becomes its new dad. When Kyle is around - your four-legged friend absolutely forgets about your existence, because Gaz is an expert in best scratches!
By the way, your pets birthday is now Kyles official holiday!
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stsgluver · 1 year
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synopsis. after too many years, gojo has his family together again.
wc. 810
tags. lovers-to-strangers-to-lovers!au
series link !
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"so are you two back together?"
you and gojo share a surprised look that that was the first question that tsumiki asked. yes, you had acknowledged the status of your relationship would be brought up in this small cafe meeting with tsumiki and megumi, but admittedly you'd hoped it would've come up far later in the conversation. if at all.
beyond your initial comment about how leaving him had impacted you, there hadn't been much discussion on anything regarding the two of you together. the jujutsu world was one of heartache and pain and neither of you were brave enough to take the dive into another heartbreak that would surely kill you both.
you cleared your throat, ignoring the heat that had risen to your cheeks as you shook your head, "no, no, we are just friends." gojo gave a tight-lipped smile and nodded in agreement.
just friends aren't still deeply in lo-
"-being away from this place wasn't as... cleansing for the soul as i'd hoped it to be so i came back," you explained and tsumiki eyed you both suspiciously.
tsumiki had been thirteen and megumi twelve when you had left. they had always been insightful children and knew something was wrong before you and gojo officially ended things. neither had expected you to leave them, however, and it had taken megumi some convincing to come to the cafe at all to see you.
he'd barely acknowledged you at jujutsu high.
"so you're back for good?" tsumiki asked and you nodded, causing a wide grin to appear on her face, "yay! i've really hated being the only girl in the house-"
"-she's not moving back in," gojo cut her off more harshly than intended and he bit his tongue, sending you an apologetic glance.
you brushed it off, leaning across the table to lightly squeeze tsumiki's hand, "i'll definitely come over and visit. I've missed our friday girl's nights." it wasn't enough to make her smile as it had before, but at least one night a week was definitely better than the zero she'd had for three and a half years.
"are you sure you should be coming back?"
everything around you stilled and you're once again reminded of how observant megumi was, even as a young teenager. it reflected his muddled childhood and you felt a pang of guilt for only further causing an issue which forced him to mature more quickly than he should've had to.
"i'm okay now megs, i promise," you said sincerely, "everything was just getting a little too much and i could barely focus. i didn't want to get someone hurt on a mission because of my mistakes. you're stuck with me now though. forever." your promise did little to subside the unease that megumi felt but he nodded his head in recognition nonetheless.
the silence of a thousand unsaid words settled between the four of you, each of you deciding that staring at your drinks were more fascinating.
gojo decided that this was his opportunity to make his coffee to just his liking and began pouring in several tubes of sugar at once.
you scoffed at his behaviour as he reached for three more, "how do you have any teeth left?"
gojo gave your drink a disgusted glance, "if you tell me that you like the bitter flavour of coffee, i'll be the one who leaves this time." whilst you'd like to say that you were shocked that he was making jokes so soon, you'd be lying. this was how he coped. had it not been for the circumstance, you think you would've been a little happier for that - this gojo was still your gojo.
you diverted your attention back to megumi, "you still remember the pins to gojo's cards right?" he nodded with a smirk in gojo's direction. "perfect!" you placed your hand on gojo's forearm that rested on the table as you grinned up at him. he did his best not to visibly react to feeling the warm of your touch, even through the fabric of his shirt. "we'll be okay without you." however, the way your fingers naturally hold onto his shirt a little bit tighter than necessary screamed otherwise.
gojo dramatically rolled his eyes, tsking as you 'ganged' up on him, "oh so now you're all using me for my money? shocked but not surprised."
"well it's definitely not your personality that keeps us around," megumi quipped and gojo gasped as he clutched a hand to his shirt in faux agony. for a boy who so often kept his emotions hidden beneath a facade, no one missed the quirk of his lips into a small smile.
for a moment, a very brief fleeting moment, gojo was content. in front of him were the three most important people in his life and, relationships aside, his family was together again.
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tag list below cut:
@trinityimagines ! @karmcrim15 ! @sagekko! @hoejosfavhoe ! @hilzup ! @planetnini ! @mariapierce789 ! @deegausserr ! @shoutoandsatorubrainrot ! @keilaq1 !
if you have any suggestions or any ideas for this series please let me know!!
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
searching for redemption [K.Bishop]
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pairing: switch!kate bishop x bottom!reader x top!kate bishop
summary: a multiversal anomaly grants you and your girlfriend the opportunity to explore some of your more...intense desires.
warnings: pure smut -> minors, don't you dare interact with this [selfcest + threesome; kinda dubcon at the beginning 'cause R doesn't know it's another version of kate; slight degradation/humiliation [other kate is mean but in a good way]; strap-on sex [kate receiving]; cunnilingus [R receiving]; both kates are technically service tops but shhh; there's an element of tease and denial but it's sort of a background thing]
wordcount: 3.4k
a/n: this is quite literally the filthiest thing i've ever written so proceed with caution. this is a request/lowkey commission from a very lovely anonymous person so shoutout to them for all their ideas. i'm definitely not going to drop a link to my buy me a coffee for anyone else who might be interested. anyways, thank you for your support, i'll go back to writing pure fluff soon...maybe, hope you enjoy <3
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You should've known something was different about your girlfriend the second she stepped foot in your shared apartment.
She had left early in the morning, mumbling something about Yelena and how the blonde was insistent on forcing her to have an actual training routine. Your complaints about it had been swallowed up by your exhaustion so the brunette was forced to leave since she couldn't come up with any excuses not to.
Needless to say, your day had been boring so, the second you heard the front door open, your mind was filled with the excitement of your girlfriend being back home. Excitement that didn't let you focus on the way Kate slammed the door shut behind her or the mumbled string of curses that followed.
“Well, what do we have here?”
The sound of her voice makes you smile and you turn to look at her over your shoulder. “Thought I would surprise my girlfriend with her favorite food. I would’ve gotten pizza but you always end up giving all your slices to Lucky.”
You catch the small roll of her eyes before you turn your attention back to the stove, turning off the flame before Kate distracts you and you burn the boxed macaroni…again.
She doesn’t reply immediately but you write it off as her being tired and nothing else. Until she speaks up again in a tone you’re not used to hearing from her.
“Fuck. You're perfect.”
“Is that you or your stomach talking?”
You're about to ask her what she means when she crosses the space between you. Her hands grip your waist, pulling you backward until you collide with her body. The food you had been preparing gets forgotten the second you feel a certain hardness rubbing against your ass.
“You missed me that much?” You tease.
You’re expecting one of her usual responses. Maybe a whine or a witty comment or a barrage of kisses across your shoulders.
You don’t get any of that, though.
Instead, you get her calloused hands groping at your chest through the fabric of the worn-out band tee you stole from her closet. “Don’t be a brat, baby.”
The words are something you've only ever heard as a joke, a playful jab that never lands since you both know Kate’s the real brat. But today, they slip out of her mouth without a second thought as if she’s said them, and meant them, a thousand times before.
“Says the one ignoring my fantastic cooking skills.” You push back against her hips, expertly grinding against the strap-on hidden inside her pants and earning yourself a groan from her parted lips.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to be complaining,” she mumbles.
Her hands leave your waist and all at once, she’s turning you around and pushing you up against the kitchen counter. You attempt to tease her again but she’s far quicker than you are.
She instantly leans in to capture your lips in a borderline desperate kiss as her hands explore your waist. You're no stranger to Kate's arousal-filled desperation, and you can't judge her since you're the same way sometimes, but there's something different about it.
Some underlying darkness that you can't quite place.
“Kate-” You attempt to pull away but she doesn't let you get far.
She ignores your half-formed moan, choosing instead to deepen the kiss while she hooks one of your legs over her hip to erase the already non-existent space left between your bodies. Her actions are unexpected but they only serve to fuel the gathering arousal in your underwear.
You’re too caught up in the feelings she creates inside you to hear the sound of the door opening again…until you hear a very familiar voice.
“What the fuck?”
You jump away from the archer only to find yourself staring at Kate.
Well, two Kates.
You briefly wonder if you’re dreaming but the remnants of Kate’s hands on your body feel far too real for any of this to be a dream. Which means you’re staring at not one but two versions of your girlfriend.
Versions that seem to be engaged in a very serious staring contest.
“Is this another one of Wanda’s little tricks?” The difference in her tone of voice is suddenly obvious. “‘Cause it wasn’t funny the first time.”
“What? No. I’m me…and you’re me…and you’re hot?” The way the brunette stumbles over her words confirms your suspicions.
You’ve been making out with another version of your girlfriend.
And you can’t find it in yourself to be too upset about it.
Clearly, this other version Kate doesn’t mind either. She steps away from you, her arms crossed and a single eyebrow raised. “Why do you sound so surprised? Have you never looked at yourself in the mirror?”
Kate’s eyes widen and you can make out the soft pink hue that spreads across her face. Her hands are balled into fists at her side, almost as if she’s ready to defend you from this other version of herself. “y/n?”
You know what she’s actually asking of you but you can’t stop yourself from adding fuel to the fire. “Well, you are hot.”
Your girlfriend stares at you like a fish out of water while her other self bursts out laughing. It should be weird and yet you find yourself smiling as if the fabric of the universe didn’t somehow rip to create this moment.
“See? This is why I love her.”
Kate’s flustered and slightly nonchalant attitude disappears instantly. “Hey, she’s my girlfriend.”
Her possessive nature can’t be stopped, not even when her only competition is literally herself.
“Excuse me, your girlfriend was enjoying everything I was doing.”
Her comment leaves you breathless and, unfortunately for all of you, your girlfriend knows exactly what that reaction means. It means the other Kate isn’t wrong. And the knowledge instantly sparks a reaction in your archer.
“Shut the fuck up.” She shoves the other version of herself and while the act isn’t technically aggressive, it prompts the other archer to respond the same way.
Their shoves turn into a, somewhat pathetic, attempt at fighting with each other. They’re somehow the exact same person which means every punch is anticipated and blocked accordingly, leaving them both to stumble toward the nearest wall while they try to outwit each other with increasingly illogical insults.
The sight is more entertaining than strange and your next words fly out of you far too fast to be stopped. “You guys should just kiss and make up, it’ll be faster.”
The smirk you receive in response gives you a clear idea of which Kate is currently being held against the wall. “I told you she was into it.”
Your archer reluctantly lets go of the other one, turning around to look at you, a weird mix of surprise and longing in her eyes. “You think we should…what?”
“I’m just saying,” you reply with a shrug. “What’s the use of fighting with yourself anyway?”
Kate stares at you, mouth agape, while her variant shoots you a wink over your girlfriend’s shoulder. It shouldn’t be hot but you learned a long time ago not to question the things you find attractive about the archer.
“Come on, you can’t tell me you’ve never thought about it.”
“Thought about what?” Those eyes you love so much leave you as she waits for a response from her double.
“Kissing yourself.”
You have to fight against yourself not to laugh at the look that crosses your girlfriend’s face. “Excuse me?”
“Is she always this stubborn?” Kate rolls her eyes before pushing herself off the wall and approaching you again. The way she moves tells you there's a plan hiding inside her mind and you already know you’ll go along with whatever she wants.
“Don’t you already know the answer?” You reply, accepting the hand she holds out for you and jumping down from the counter. “You’re the same person.”
“Right again, darling.”
Your girlfriend’s intake of breath reaches your ears right as her variant pulls you in close. What you’re doing borders on insanity but you don’t care. Some experiences are worth losing your mind over.
She wordlessly checks in with you and the second you nod, her hands tangle in your hair and pull you into until there’s no space left between your lips. You know you should feel weird about what you're doing, maybe even a little guilty, but it’s impossible to deny the connection that runs between you, even if you’re different versions of the person the other one loves.
You almost expect your Kate to voice her displeasure and kick her variant out. But of course, that doesn’t happen. Because no one in this room can’t say they’re not more than a little curious to see where things go. To see how far they can go.
Kate pulls away from you, her lips pulled together somewhere between a giddy grin and a knowing smirk. It’s striking how different she seems to be despite being the archer you know and love. “Glad to see we’re on the same page, baby.”
“y/n?” The archer’s voice is barely audible over the pounding in your chest. “I…do you…is this what you want?”
You meet her eyes, both of you searching the other for any signs of discomfort. The only thing you find though are the very obvious signs of your girlfriend’s growing arousal. So, you nod. “Yeah. If you’re okay with it.”
“I…I mean, yeah. I think I am.”
“That was fast,” Kate’s variant teases. “Did watching me make out with your girlfriend turn you on that much?”
The answer is more than clear but the slight catch of her breath gives her away far too quickly. “Shut up.”
“Make me.”
A few seconds of tense silence go by before you all collectively spring into action. It’s, admittedly, a mess of hands and lips but the three of you make it into the bedroom together. You lose track of who’s who until a pair of rough hands push you down onto the mattress.
Kate attempts to follow after you but her double stops her before she can get too far. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“I, uh-” You watch as your girlfriend does her best to pull herself together. “Where do you think?”
“Nice try.” She pulls Kate against her body and you’re given a front row seat to the subtle expressions of pleasure your archer tries to hide. “You’re not going anywhere yet though. We have to give your girlfriend a good show.”
You have a pretty good idea of what she means and yet nothing could have prepared you for the real thing.
Your thighs instantly clench together while you watch the other Kate’s hands trail underneath your girlfriend’s shirt. The fabric in the way stops you from seeing much but your girlfriend’s body and the feeling of her skin in your hands is forever ingrained into your brain.
“What-” Her words get caught in her throat and all that comes out instead is a breathy moan.
“Do you ever stop talking?” The variant’s words slip out in between groans, her hips sliding back and forth against Kate’s ass. “Just let yourself feel good, I know what you want.”
You watch, entranced, as Kate’s lips trail a path down your archer’s neck, slowly coaxing her tense shoulders into relaxing as her head tilts back. “You…are way too sure of yourself.”
It’s impossible not to laugh at her words, mainly because you’ve said them at least a hundred times and she never believes you. Your amusement is shared by the other archer and she shoots you a small smile. “Maybe…but I’ll bet anything you’re already dripping for me.”
The words aren’t technically meant for you but your moan tangles with Kate’s. In all honesty, you’ve been dripping since your little makeout session in the kitchen and your clit throbs so hard, you’re sure a mere gust of wind would be enough to make you cum. It really would be so easy to slip your hand-
“No touching, sweetheart. Be a good girl and wait for us.”
The thought of having to wait more than a few seconds is unbearable but there’s no way you’ll disobey this dominant version of your girlfriend. You’ve always had your suspicions that Kate holds back her rougher side around you and this, strange and unexpected, meeting merely confirms your thoughts.
You’re tempted to beg just to see what reaction you’ll get out of both of them.
Instead, you groan and position your hands above your head, gripping the pillow hard enough to leave nail marks in the fabric.
Your own struggle leaves you unaware of the storm brewing inside your girlfriend. A storm full of unspoken desires and a need to get her hands on something.
The position she’s in makes it hard for her to even attempt to fight for control but she tries anyway. Hesitant hands reach out behind her to blindly run her fingers across whatever skin she can find.
“I told you it would feel good.” Her other self murmurs against the flushed skin of her neck. “I know everything you like. I know all the spots that drive you wild.”
Your girlfriend’s slightly whiny voice forces you to focus again. Unfortunately, the sight you focus on merely serves to drive you further toward the edge of desperation. “God, will you just hurry up and fuck each other already?”
Your words make both versions of the archer halt their movements.
Two pairs of wide eyes stare you down but while one looks flustered enough to turn into a puddle on the floor, the other one regards you as if you're her next meal. It's dizzying and pleasurable all at the same time and you know the squirming of your legs gives you away instantly.
“I see you still haven't tamed your brat.” Kate rolls her eyes but there's far too much excitement on her face for the action to be believable. “Too bad I can't deny her anything.”
Time somehow slows down and speeds up at the same time.
You're still left neglected on the bed but the two brunettes finally start removing the many obstacles in the way. Your girlfriend gets turned around easily and you're barely able to keep yourself together when she works up enough courage to kiss the other version of herself.
Surprisingly steady hands reach out to tear away at shirts and clumsily pull at pants.
It feels like both an eternity and a second until they're both standing naked in front of you and you're panting just from the sight of them. Your patience is finally rewarded when your girlfriend climbs on top of you, hushed murmurs of how perfect you are getting lost as her hands explore your desperate skin.
“Kate,” you moan, your hands reaching out for her.
“I know, baby, I'm getting there.” There's the slightest hint of a tease in her tone but it comes more serious than you've ever heard it from her. You don't know what being physical with a variant of herself has done to your girlfriend but you don't really care as long as she’ll finally give you what you want.
What you want comes in the form of four hands pushing and pulling at your clothes until you're left vulnerable under both of them.
The sight of your drenched folds makes them both groan but it's your archer who moves first. “Fuck, y/n, you look so good like this. All mine to play with.”
The more dominant of the two merely smirks, content to watch while Kate trails a path of kisses down your body.
“Please.” This time, you're the one who begs and your hands instinctively wrap around the archer’s as she holds your legs open.
She doesn't say anything in response, she merely leans in and lets her mouth explore your wetness. There's nothing new about her motions but there's a certain confidence behind them that you've never seen before.
Your girlfriend, usually slow and gentle, instantly attaches herself to your swollen clit, her tongue flicking relentlessly against your sensitive bud.
You're too lost in your own pleasure to notice the movements of her variant…until you literally feel Kate moan into your cunt.
It's hard for your eyes to focus but once they do, you're left bucking your hips up and clenching around nothing. You watch through wide eyes as Kate’s variant thrusts into her soaked pussy, strong hands gripping her hips while she fucks her at an equally relentless pace.
Holding your head up is a challenge but you manage, unwilling to look away from such a tantalizing sight.
You whine when Kate’s lips detach from your clit and it takes no time for her other self to grip onto her hair and push her face down into your cunt. “Fuck her like you mean it, Katie.”
Whatever response your girlfriend had fades away as you messily grind against her face. She wastes no time in giving you what you need, her grip tightening in an attempt to keep you still.
There's no way for any of you to stop yourself from squirming and grinding into each other in some way and the room quickly falls into a continued chorus of grunts and moans.
You can hear the sound of the other archer’s voice but you're too far gone to make out the words she says.
Kate isn't though and the mix between being praised and degraded makes her clench around the strap buried deep inside of herself. Which only prompts more humiliatingly pleasurable words from lips that are basically identical to her own.
“Fuck, this is what you needed, isn't it? To be fucked so good you're forced to give in to all those nasty thoughts in your head? It feels so good, doesn't it, Kate?”
Hearing her own name in her own voice while she's being pounded into by herself feels far too good not to admit it. And the sounds of pleasure that escape her lips push you right over the edge almost instantly.
“Kate!” The archer’s name is the only warning you can give before you slam head-first into an earth-shattering orgasm.
“Fuck-” Both Kates respond at the same time as they're both pushed over the edge by different things.
Your girlfriend falls apart the second she feels your release soak her chin and the sight of both of you completely fucked out beneath her causes her variant to crash into her own orgasm.
You're sure you blackout for a few bliss-filled moments and when you open your eyes again, you're greeted with the sight of your girlfriend sprawled out on top of you, her heavy pants lightly tickling your skin.
You turn your head to the side and find her variant, panting just as heavily beside you, her hand clutching yours, the toy covered in your girlfriend’s release still attached to her hips.
You're in the middle of forming a plan to get your hands on her when she speaks up. “That was…wow.”
The sound of her voice makes your archer lift her face from your chest, a wide grin on her face. “You can say that again.”
You hate how well you know her because her features give away the words she’s not willing to say. “You want to leave, don't you?”
Your voice is a hoarse whisper after all the loud moaning you've done but they both hear you. There's a beat of silence, two sets of eyebrows furrowing, and then your answer.
“Yeah…I just…I don't know how I got here but I need to get back home. To you…my version of you.”
She looks genuinely apologetic and you would laugh if you weren't so tired. “I get it. As amazing as this was, this isn't your home.”
“But feel free to come back anytime,” Kate says, completing the other half of your thoughts. “You, uh, taught us a lot.”
“Mmm, did she? I think we already knew you were full of yourself.”
“Yeah, but she made it literal.”
Your girlfriend gets a chuckle out of both you and her variant but it's not enough of a reward for her.
It happens in the blink of an eye but suddenly Kate is sitting up and pulling her other self into a rough kiss, her hands tangled in her hair and her teeth nipping at her bottom lip.
The sight is somehow more attractive than the first time and all three of you are left breathless once they pull away. Giving Kate the satisfaction she was looking for.
Her variant leaves, once she manages to pull herself together again, and you and Kate, your Kate, stay in bed for a while. There's an unspoken understanding about what she's discovered about herself but she finally speaks up after a while.
“So…do you think we can try bondage next?”
“Yeah. I honestly always thought you were a little vanilla in bed.”
Your response earns you a glare…and an overachieving archer who goes above and beyond to show you how wrong you truly are.
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diamondheartyux · 22 days
Decided to finally try posting my fanfics here ♡
Got Your Number
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S.Coups x Changkyun x reader
Genre: Smut ⚠️18 + Only⚠️
Word Count: 12.6K
Warnings: aggression, possession, shared partners, unprotected sex, derogatory language, spanking, pet names (lots of "good girl" 미안해),
Dating an idol isn’t for the weak, much less marrying one. There is always something pulling his attention away from you so one day, mid-function, you decide to find something or well, someone, to give you the attention and entertainment you deserve. And you find it alright, after your husband reminds you what it’s like to be under his touch and at his mercy before he passes you off to your plaything. 
You sigh. Your shoulders sag as the sound runs through your body before you cross your arms over your chest, jutting your bottom lip out. “But I hate these functions, Cheoli” you whine dramatically. You hated half his schedule honestly. The meetings, the social events, the interviews. They were all so fucking boring. They took his attention away from you. Seungcheol places his hands on your arms softly, an equal pout spreading across his face. 
“I know but I have to do them. Do this for me? Please. I'll miss you too much if you don't come. I can't look sad in the pictures.” He pokes his bottom lip out, his voice a higher pitch than normal as his words are wrapped in the whine escaping his lips. He widens his dark eyes, giving you a puppish stare. Your heart flutters at the sight. He knows you could never resist him, especially when he’s pouting. You sigh again, this time you lift your foot slightly before setting it again down in protest. 
“Fine. I'll come. But I'm not going to pretend to like it. My job is to be your wife, not wear a mask for the paparazzi.” Your voice is defiant, the absolute dread of going evident in your tone. You make sure to let him know how much you dislike these things every time one happens. And they happen a lot. Seungcheol chuckles, his hands rub up and down your arms lightly. He leans in and places a soft kiss to your forehead before pulling away to look at you again then leans back to take in all of you. 
“Okay, princess. Go get ready.” He says with a jerk of his head. “Wear that dress I like” He raises his brow slightly and you shake your head lightly, rolling your eyes before bringing your hand to slap his chest playfully. “Stop. We haven't even left yet and we won't leave if I put that one on.” You stick your tongue out at him before shrugging his hands off you. You turn quickly and begin to make your way to your closet, stomping in a continued protest. You fling the door to your walk in open dramatically, your level of spoiled evident at the array of clothing, purses, jewelry, and shoes filling the massive space dedicated solely to you. 
You definitely are not wearing his favorite dress, on purpose. If he wants to drag you out to another function against your will then you are going to wear something that would draw a lot more attention to you instead. All eyes on you. You huff, grinning slightly as you survey your wardrobe. Your hands pass softly over each article as you stroll the closet, looking for THE outfit to wear as a tease and a punishment. 
You stop in your tracks, as your hand brushes against a dress as your eyes light up. This was it. You smirk, pulling it from the rack. It was perfect. Cherry red, it wraps around your neck in a halter to drape lightly over your breasts leaving a split in the middle. The tail end of one side hangs loosely down your leg, the other coiling around your back to billow like a train behind you. The bottom starts at your waist, hugging your curves before it stops mid thigh, the opposite side pulled up to rest in a swoop on your hip to leave the side of your leg fully exposed. It left very little to the imagination and you hope it makes Seungcheol struggle to pay attention to anything but you. 
You slip into the dress, pairing it with some strappy gold, open toed heels. You slip on your shiniest gold plated jewelry to make sure you were the brightest diamond in the room. You spend less time on your hair, opting for a simple half up, half down hairstyle. It brings the hair off your face and neck to show off your accessories while leaving perfectly placed strands to frame your face. You add soft eyeshadow and bright red lips to match the dress, admiring yourself in the mirror of your closet as you run your hands down your sides and over the curve of your hips, taking a few turns to admire your body in the reflection. 
You smirk, a small huff of air leaving your nose as you approve your look before you grab a small clutch that matches your shoes before exiting. You make your way to the living room of your shared penthouse to findSeungcheol waiting, reclining on the couch. Already clad in his attire, he sits with one foot crossed over the opposite leg. He wears black jeans he holds up with a gold buckled, dark brown belt in which he has a black, high neck shirt slightly tucked into. His blazer is blacked, studded with silver specks to match the small silver chain around his neck. His obsidian, ear length hair is pushed back to reveal his forehead, half of his bangs hanging just above his eyes. Your heart stops at the sight of him but you work to recover, remembering that despite his beauty he is still taking you somewhere where he wouldn’t pay any attention to you. 
You lift your head higher, squaring your shoulders back as you take purposeful strides towards him, not missing the way his eyes graze your body. A flicker of heat flashes in them and you smirk at the sight. You continue to walk past, not stopping to wait for him, as you make your way to the door. You hear him following, the soft clack of your heels echoing in the space around the two of you as he closes the door before following you to the car.  
Ever the gentleman, Seungcheol opens the back door to the car waiting for you, allowing you to slide in before he closes the door softly. On the ride to the venue, he wraps his hand around yours and squeezes it, his thumb caressing the top of your hand softly. The ride is quiet, as expected, and you spend the entire drive staring aimlessly out of the window, watching the scenery fly by. The idol life was a hard one, forever torn between wanting to give your fans the best you can but also just wanting to be human. The rides there were spent in silence as Seungcheol prepares himself for the role he has to play on screen, one you also have to play with as well. You sigh under your breath, your gaze focusing on the skyline. The sky outside your window is muted, the bright blue morphing into pale pinks and oranges as the sun begins its descent into the horizon as you pull up to the venue. 
You sit patiently as Seungcheol exits the car before coming around to open your door for you, offering a hand to help you out. You slide your hand into his before placing your heeled feet onto the asphalt one by one. You stand with your husband’s help and smooth your dress out before he takes your hand and places it onto his arm. The two of you walk quickly inside a bustling open space. Tables fill the area to your right, all decorated with white flowers and crisp linen napkins. To the left sits a stage, decorated with the same white flowers and a small pulpit-like stand. Apparently this was some sort of an awards ceremony. 
You groan audibly, making sure Seungcheol hears your displeasure as he leads you to the tables as you follow a sleek suited staff member. When you approach your table, he pulls your chair out for you and waits for you to sit before pushing the chair forward. He leans over and places a kiss to the top of your head before sauntering off to an adjacent table already full of most of his group members. You sigh again, propping your head on your hand as you survey the room. It’s filled with people, some you recognize and some you’ve never seen before. Boredom sets in quickly, the feeling of not wanting to be there setting in relatively quick tonight.
You bounce your leg under the table as you continue to scan the room, looking for a reason to get up and leave. Seungcheol loved you but he loved his members too. It was a balance he was good at maintaining and you knew that tonight was not a night for you. You begin to pull your eyes back to your empty table until something catches it. Or, well, someone. He is off the side and alone. At average height, his jet black hair is parted in the middle and his bangs frame his face as they come to rest on his cheeks. His cheekbones are accented for the cameras, his jaw sharp enough to kill with that paired with his cherry tinted lush lips. He looks dangerous, absolutely enticing in his white button down that is splashed with black and light gray squares across it. He has his shirt tucked into a pair of black dress slacks and a matching tie, polished loafers completing the ensemble. He knew he was attractive and it was evident in how he carried himself.
You smile and your stomach flutters. This is definitely your target. Something moves in your peripheral and you jerk your head to the side to see your husband as he makes his way around the table next to you. His eyes aren’t directly on you but you know he is watching so you wait before you make a move. Your eyes find your new interest again and you watch him closely, noting the way he carries himself as you size him up. So confident, so…..catty. You smirk, noting Seungcheol from the side of your eyesight. Very slowly, you slide your ring off, the diamond catching the lighting momentarily as you toss it into your clutch. You stand quickly, wanting your husband to see you as you stalk off towards some other man, a prospect... someone else who would give you the attention you deserve.  You walk gracefully, your steps purposeful, as you sashay your hips with a little flair before approaching your handsome stranger. You smile as you stop to stand next to him, clutch in hand while you cross your arms across your chest.
“Enjoying the chaos from the safety of the sidelines, I see.” you tell him as you train your eyes to the room full of tables before you. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before and I’d remember because you’re quite the tall glass of water.” You smile slyly, turning your head to catch his gaze before locking on to his obsidian orbs. You watch as a faint flush of pink graces his cheeks before it disappears and an equally sly smile graces his lips. You watch his eyes as they flit to roam your body, your dress a beacon for straying eyes. You lean in slightly, pushing your chest out to cause the slit in your top to open a little more and give him a better view of your assets. 
His eyes flutter momentarily, not lingering which almost causes you to pout. It wasn’t the reaction you had wanted but you try not to let it get you down. It was kind of hot that he didn’t immediately fall to your half ass effort. You like to chase sometimes. In the time your eyes are off of him, his eyes are on you and drinking in your body. The curves of your hips and your breasts, the thickness of your thighs, and the empty spot on your ring finger. A smirk crosses the man’s face before he turns his attention back to the room. When you return to people watching, you can see that Seungcheol is casually looking around the room trying to find you..You smirk quickly, reveling in watching him try to find you before turning back to the man next to you. You shift on your feet, using the motion to move a bit closer to your strange man to allow your arms to touch. A thrill immediately shoots through you at the contact.
“I’m going to be honest with you,….” you trail off, pulling your attention from the crowd and returning your gaze to the man next to you. “I haven’t gotten your name yet, actually.” You say cheekily. He smirks, chuffing slightly before he answers, leaning in towards you a little. “You never asked actually. But it’s Changkyun.” He leans back but not all the way, keeping a small space between the two of your faces. 
“Ah, well I’m going to be honest, Changkyun. These things are quite boring to me and you caught my attention. You look like a little bit of fun, some color to all this drab, you know? Care to keep me occupied?” You ask boldly, tightening your arms around your chest to help push your breasts up a little more, for extra persuasion if he needs it. Changkyun chuckles softly, the sound light yet deep at the same time and it sends a small shiver through you. 
“I’m not sure if you could handle my brand of occupied, princess. You look like you’re used to everyone giving you everything you ever want.” He brings a hand up to your waist, his fingers trailing down to your hip lightly before he grips it. “Fun, huh? How bad do you want some entertainment?” Changkyun leans in, his mouth dangerously close to your ears as he whispers. “Would you beg for it?” 
You scoff, struggling to force down the warmth that was beginning to blossom in your stomach. The fact that he could read you so well was,....attractive, and paired with the husky tone in his voice as it caressed your ear, you had to fight hard at the reaction your body was having. His fingers on your waist all but burned with warmth and it radiated everywhere. Your brain struggles to formulate a response, unsure of how you would even answer when he speaks again. 
“Aww, cat got your tongue, princess?” he tsks, the sound shooting directly into your ear from his lips before he leans closer to almost nuzzle your neck. “I thought you wanted to play. You don’t want to be my little kitten?” His voice is raspy and his breath ghosts across the crook of your neck. You shiver noticeably this time, pulling your bottom lip into your mouth with your teeth. His fingers squeeze your hip lightly again before pulling you towards him, your bodies snug together as you stand hip to hi and your breath catches. You set out looking for fun but you didn’t expect it to play out like this. 
He slides his fingers slowly from your hip around to your back to rest his hand softly. The touch is cool, featherlight as his fingertips all but hover over your skin but your body is on fire underneath it and you fight to press your back harder into his slender hand. He lifts his head, grinning cheekily before he glances around the room again. His fingers begin to draw lazy lines up and down your back, charting their course dangerously close to your ass before moving back upwards again. You were melting faster than ice on a cloudless, summer day already and so you take a breath, grounding yourself mentally before you make a move. 
You turn towards him ever so slightly, your bodies touching faintly. You slide a finger through one of his belt loops and tug it softly, praying the fluster you’re feeling isn't evident in your voice when you speak again. “Beg? I don't beg. And even if I did, I'm not sure you could make me do so. I require a lot of attention. I'm a lot to handle.” You swallow silently, hoping the faltering shake in the last of your words wasn't noticeable because damn, did he have you fucked up and fucked up so fast. This was supposed to be your game of cat and mouse but you were slowly becoming the mouse in this power play . Another low, husky chuckles fills the air between the two of you, the sound acting like a fan to the embers smoldering in your stomach. 
“You have no idea what I'm capable of, princess. The question is, ….are you brave enough to find out?” He turns to look at you and arches an eyebrow, watching you questioningly. A challenge, a dare, an invitation. Your breathing speeds up slightly, your chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm. Your eyes flit across his features before roaming the rest of him, your mind quick to run away as it begins to create wild fantasies of the ways he would make you beg. You shove them away for a moment, ignoring the excited flutter they send through your core before falling back into your original role in this dynamic. You are the cat and this is your prey. You can make him beg and plead for you, make him absolutely fawn over you. You are that bitch. With your renewed confidence, you catch his eyes again as you place your other hand against his stomach and run it up to rest on his chest. 
“Brave enough? Oh, Changkyun. The things I would do to you.” You tell him with a soft laugh. “I'll play your game and whoever begs first loses, hm?” 
You smile confidently as you catch a hint of lust flicker across his eyes. He smirks at you, the action devilish in nature, before he leans close to your ear again. The hand that is trailing your lower back dips even lower this time, grazing down slowly while his fingers curl around to cup the curve of your ass before squeezing softly. He brings his mouth to your cheek, a chuckle escaping his mouth as nothing but a mere ghost of a breath, its warmth billows between you and hits your skin, spurring on a shiver that runs through you. His raspy voice deepens dramatically as he whispers softly into your ear  . 
“Game on then, princess.” You hear the sly grin in his voice and it doesn't help in smothering the ever growing fire burning inside you. Without warning, his teeth graze your earlobe and tug softly before releasing it. A small gasp leaves your lips and you bite back the moan traveling dangerously close behind it. He leans back up, the grin you heard seconds before plastered across his face smugly as he turns his head to watch the room again. You push your body closer to him as you run your hands slowly down his chest, stopping at the top of his pants. You dance your fingers delicately over the button, gliding them teasingly down the zipper. You can feel his body respond to your touch and it sends a rush through you. It's a turn on but also feeds the raging lust rising like a phoenix in the flames blazing in your core. A slender, wide hand wraps around your wrist to halt your teasing strokes followed by a soft, sensual chuckle. 
He clicks his tongue twice, his voice muted. “You're going to have to do better than that. Are you trying to simply turn me on or make me beg? Hm?” His eyes never leave the room in front of you as he continues. “Be a big girl, princess. Didn't you say I had no idea the things you would do to me? Why don't you tell me then. Use your words.” His words are a demand in the disguise of a request and if he wants to play, then you will play to win. You shake your wrist from his grip then slide your hands around his waist, crossing them around his back lifting up on your tiptoes to bring your mouth to his ear. 
“You want words, I’ll give you words.” You whisper before nipping his ear gently. You brush your lips against the inside of his neck, the touch featherlight before pulling back to leave a breath of space between his skin and your lips. “You’ve considered it, haven’t you? In the short time we’ve been here, you’ve imagined what it would be like to run those big, slender hands across my small, delicate body.” You uncross your hands around his back and bring them to his waist as you begin to slide them back up his chest at a snail’s pace, agonizingly and exaggeratingly slow as you allow the buttons on his shirt to snag against your fingers. 
You press your lips into the crook of his neck again, just as light as before and bring your mouth back slightly. Your warm breath rolls against the cool imprint of your lips and you can feel the slight shiver it sends through him. You smirk confidently to yourself before you whisper again, pressing your chest into his body. “I’ll admit, I’ve thought about how it would feel for you to touch my chest, to squeeze and knead my breasts before teasing my nipple, pinching and rolling it between these fingers before putting your mouth on them to tease with your tongue.” Your hands stop to rest flatly against his stomach, the heel of your palm touching the top of his waistband. 
“I bet that tongue is amazing too, hm? I’d love to straddle your face and see if it can make me cum all over those plush, pillowy soft lips of yours.” You hum softly next to his ear, the sound bouncing around in your throat. “But I also would love to tease you with my tongue as well. You wouldn’t be able to resist as I licked your cock softly, maybe swirl my tongue around your head a few times before I inhale you into my warm, wet mouth and do my best to suck the very atoms of your body out of you. I just know the sounds you are bound to make would shatter my existence. They would be a delicacy to satiate my finicky palate” 
You drop a hand to the front of his pants and are met with a noticeable bulge. A surge of arrogance swirls in you pairing with your own arousal as your mind creates images to the words you were feeding Changkyun, further turning you on as well. You place a kiss on his neck, exaggerating your movements and you can hear a small, soft groan before it dies in his throat. You press your body flush against his, your hands sliding around his waist once more before you teasingly grind against him softly. You bring your head from his neck, moving softly to face him, leaving your lips mere centimeters from his as you flick your eyes to his then back to his lips. You close the small space between you, pressing your mouth to his and fight back to moan threatening to escape. Your body aches, desperate for his touch but you resist the urge to give in and pull back quickly, grabbing his bottom lip with your teeth to pull it with you before releasing it. You hum, a satisfactory smile creeping across your face. 
“I wouldn’t stop there though. You play a hard game but I bet you would fold the minute I actually took the reins. Imagine it, you straddled between my thighs, my hand wrapped around this delicious neck of yours before I submerge you deep into my tight, warm, absolutely soaking wet pussy. I’d fuck you so good, Changkyun. I know you’d be begging me then, only you would be begging me to allow you to fill me up. What a sweet sound that’s going to be because I just know you’ll be begging before the night is over anyway.” 
His hands come to grip your waist, squeezing roughly and you scoff, sending a puff of air from your nose as you curl your lips into a sassy smirk. You press your lips against his again, sliding them slowly across his. You grip his waist with an equal strength, pulling him into you more while rolling your hips against the hardness protruding from the front of his pants. You pull away from the kiss and a moan in protest leaves his lips which you nip a little less gently this time. His eyes find yours and you’re thrilled to see the lust blazing in them. Too easy, you think to yourself. Game.Set.Match  He digs his fingers into your hips more, the sensation sending electric jolts through you. You want so desperately to wrap yourself around him but you refuse to lose this little game. Instead, you hold his gaze before you speak again. “Maybe we should continue our little pursuit somewhere more private. Unless, you’re into publicity. There’s plenty of it here, especially with all the cameras.” You smirk cheekily at him, leaning forward boldly to grab his tie with your teeth to tug him forward as you step backwards softly. Changkyun doesn’t resist but he comes close to you again, your bodies almost flush so he can whisper in your ear. 
“I’m not afraid of an audience but I feel like it would be best to keep your end of this under the cover of privacy.” He nibbles your earlobe softly and you bite your lip quickly, everything about him driving you absolutely insane now. “Let’s go, princess. Surely there’s an empty office back here somewhere we can play in.” Changkyun doesn’t wait for you to answer before he drops his hands from your hips reaching to remove yours from his waist so he can grab your hand and lead you to a hallway off to the side.
“Oh, by the way. There’s a man out there in a sparkly black blazer that has been really focused on you lately.” He mutters softly as he tugs you closer to the hallway. A thrill shoots through you at his words. You know you would be watched and the confirmation excites you even more leaving you to feel giddy as you let Changkyun lead you through a door then down a reasonably long hallway. The offices here were all dark, everyone having clocked out hours ago and what employees left sprinkled out in the chaos you just left behind, keeping everything running smoothly. As you near the end of the hallway, he tries a few doors only to be met with door handles jingling in the empty space as the first few come up locked. The third one opens, swinging into a dark room that you can vaguely make out a desk and chairs in. His hand fumbles along the wall before finding a switch which he flips on. 
The room illuminates quickly allowing  the quaint, cluttered desk to come into view. A rolling chair sits behind it with two low back chairs in front of it. It was a small room, but it would work. You close the door behind you and the moment the latch catches, Changkyun is on you. He pushes you against the door with his body, pressing into you roughly. His hands roam your sides, sliding teasingly over your breasts before coming to cup your neck. You gasp slightly, your body aching under his touch as you almost give into the wildfire blazing under your skin . He dips his head, bringing his lips to almost touch yours. His breathing is rapid, the gusts of his breath rolling off your skin. You meet and hold his gaze, desire lighting both of your eyes but neither of you would cave. 
“Remember, kitten. Whoever begs first loses but I’m considering changing the rules. How about whoever moans or whimpers first loses, no? Or can you not handle that steep of a challenge?” His voice is deep and raspy, his words are almost a growl as they leave his lips. Your head is spinning, drunk off the lust feeding from his touch and his sounds that you almost give in right then and there but you don’t. Somehow you manage to gather yourself long enough to agree. Changkyun pulls you to him, his hands still cupping your neck before he crashes his mouth against yours. The kiss is needy and laced with desperation. You lose yourself in it, your hands wrapping around him to run as far up his back as they can go. You fist his shirt in your hands and press yourself against him more despite being flush with his body. His tongue flickers across your lips as if knocking to ask for permission to enter and you part your lips willingly for him. Your tongue dances with his wildly, exploring his mouth and savoring the taste of him in yours. 
He begins to walk backwards and you follow, desperate to keep the connection between your mouths as you drop the clutch you’ve been carrying this entire time, the sound of it hitting the floor echoing around you. His hands slip from your neck to your hips where he guides you, his steps hasty. His legs bump the desk behind him and he swings you around swiftly, pressing you against the edge of it. His kisses grow sloppier, his tongue more eager and it takes effort to not let the moans building up inside to slip gracefully from your mouth into his for him to swallow. Your bodies press against each other, neither of you willing to put space between you. His hands come from your hips to glide up your stomach before they rest on your chest. Your body slouches under his hands as if sighing in relief. Your chest aches for more and as if reading your mind, he obliges to your thoughts as he begins to knead your breast gently. He weaves his hands into the slit of your dress, grasping your bare breast causing you gasp softly into his mouth.  
He grinds against you and his erection digs into your front. You want to moan so desperately, the ache building between your thighs almost unbearable. He pulls away, breaking the contact between your mouths and kisses your jaw before kissing your neck, making his way down your body. His hands release as well, one coming to move the fabric of your dress to the side before he places his mouth on one of your plump breasts. You gasp quietly, quickly shutting your mouth to hold back the moan you wanted to release. He sucks softly, his tongue coming to swirl around your nipple before he flicks it across it, swiping up and down. Pleasure shots through you, running directly from his mouth and into the wetness pooling between your legs. You bite your lip hard, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you begin to fear you’ll lose this game because the sensations running through your body were heightened with him and you desperately needed to make some kind of sound. 
He pulls back, your nipple clamped between his lips stretching it lightly as he moves before he releases it to give the opposite one the same attention. Your body trembles under his touch, the lust inside blossoming into a full grown monster and you aren’t sure how much longer you can keep it at bay. He teases and taunts your other breast, his free hand kneading the opposite one at the same time. You unclench your fists, dropping the fabric of his shirt to grip him, pushing your nails into his skin under his shirt. His response was felt when his teeth grazed the nipple in his mouth before he pulled back to kiss up your chest, stopping to nibble on the sensitive area of your neck just below your ear. His hands grab your hips as turns you, pulling your back against his chest.
“Hands on the desk, kitten.” he commands, the words a growl simmering in the back of his throat. You obey immediately, placing your palms flat on the desk leaning forward to arch your back and push your ass into him. You hear his breathing hitch, obviously fighting the groan he wants to release before his hands are running up the back of your thigh. “Remember, you lose if you moan first.” He says hoarsely.
His hands make steady pace, slipping under the fabric of your dress on one side, before stopping to squeeze your ass roughly. His fingers journey up to play with the top of your underwear, curling around it as he begins to pull them down slowly. You press your hands harder into the desk under you, the sounds compacting dangerously in your throat as if waiting for the right moment to erupt like a dormant volcano into the room around the two of you. He tugs them down in an antagonizing slow pace, leaning forward to place kisses along your shoulder blades as he does.
His breath caresses your skin on your bare back and your body shivers, your bones feeling like jello underneath him. He pulls your panties down just enough to give him access, leaving them to dangle at the top of your knees. He runs a hand between your thighs, his fingertips immediately finding your needy and sensitive clit to rub delicate circles on it. You loll your head forward and bite your lip again as you roll your hips into his fingers. Pleasure dances across your body, the performance from his fingers Oscar worthy. The lust inside you bangs violently at your willpower, begging and pleading to give in and let him have you right here against this desk. And you almost oblige until your internal struggle is interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat followed by three distinct clicks of his tongue. 
“All this over a function, babygirl?” A familiar voice carried across the empty room.
Your head snaps up at the sound of it, a smirk playing across your voice as you make eye contact with Seungcheol. He walks in the room and closes the door softly behind him. He takes his blazer off, draping it carefully over a chair in front of the desk before he starts to roll his shirt sleeves up. An irritation flashes in his eyes and disappears as fast as it appears, a stoic expression taking its place instead. Your stomach flutters at it, a thrill coursing in your veins knowing you struck a chord as his footsteps bring him closer to you.  
“I see you want to play, love. And I’ll let you play but do you really think he’ll satisfy you like I do?” His firm voice floats across the room, his question more a statement than actual curiosity because he knows your body better than anyone else on this earth ever would. He knows how to make you come apart and how to make you melt like putty under his fingers. He approaches the two of you, his eyes darting from your bent over figure to Changkyun standing flush against you before bringing his gaze to settle on Changkyun.
“Have to say it’s a surprise to see you here, Changkyun.” Seungcheol says matter of factly. “Though I shouldn’t be. You’re very much her type.” He crosses his arms across his chest, his eyes dancing with emotion as they move to focus on you.
 “You’ll get your turn in a minute. So sit back and enjoy the show. Let me show you how it’s done.” You watch him jerk his head at Changkyun, signaling for him to move out of the way to which Changkyun obliges. He doesn't say a word instead he nods before backing up until he is leaning against the closed door, his arms coming to rest across his chest. You watch the men closely, confused a little at the recognition between the two. When you begin to lean up straight, ready to ask the men if they knew each other, Seungcheol’s hand grasps the back of your neck firmly.       
“Aht, aht baby girl. Back down. Hands back down on the desk like a good girl.” He commands.You shudder, noting the tone in his voice and the edge that no one else would notice but you as you lean back over the desk and plant your hands on it firmly again, bracing yourself for what was to come. Seungcheol’s hands run across your back as he comes to stand behind you. He traces his fingers across the bare skin of your back, dancing them up lightly where your top was tied around your neck. He leans forward slightly as he works to untie the bow holding the fabric across your breasts, pulling it apart delicately before allowing it to fall freely from his hands. The fabric sags at the lack of tension and begins to shift down as it starts to pool on the desk beneath you, exposing you to the cool air in the room. Your nipples harden at the sudden change in temperature and Seungcheol’s hands are quick to reach around to play with them. He rolls both nipples between his fingers, both hands teasing you, as he leans forward to kiss your shoulder blades gently.
You shudder beneath him knowing the gentleness is a precursor to what’s to come and you wiggle in anticipation, your ass rubbing against the now strained front of his pants. He pinches your nipples hard, tugging them roughly before he lets them go, sliding his hands around your side as he begins to caress your back lightly. He brings his hands down to run across your hips then down your thighs and back up to cup your ass. One hand dips between your legs and his fingers slide between your folds as he rubs them back and forth, coating them with your wetness. He pulls them back and clicks his tongue again. 
“Aw, look at you. Soaking wet already but not for me.” He mocks a pout before slipping his fingers into his mouth, sucking your juices off his digits. “But you still taste just as sweet.” You shiver again, your body ready to burst at any moment as you feel his hands caressing your bare upper back again. He teases you, running his fingertips along your sides lightly before running one down to your hip and the other up into your hair. He fists it quickly and tugs it, pulling your head backs lightly. He leans down to your ear, his breath in quick pants already before he all but growls in your ear. 
“No one can make you feel like I do. I’m going to show him how it’s done but just remember, my little cherry blossom, that you are mine. You belong to me. This body? It’s mine. This pussy? It’s mine.” Seungcheol digs his fingers into your hip painfully and pulls your hair harder before shoving your face into the desk forcefully, leaning in more to reach your ear again. “Oh and, you can moan with me. Don't hold back, baby. I'm not playing your silly little game. I want you to let him hear how good I feel. Let him hear what he won’t ever be able to make you do.” he growls so low, the words are barely a ghost in your ear. Your body shivers involuntarily as if his words triggered some kind of muscle memory and it was prepping itself. 
You whimper softly as you impatiently wait to feel him sliding into you. When it doesn’t happen almost immediately, you press backwards and whine in hope to coax Seungcheol into giving you what you want. Instead, a sharp smack echoes in the room before heat radiates through your ass. You yelp, jumping slightly at the slap, your motion stifled by the hand holding you against the desk. He chuckles softly at your reaction, rubbing the reddening skin tenderly with his hand to soothe the ache. “Did you really think it would be that easy, baby girl? That I would just give in to you?” You whimper in response, the yes evident in your tone because that’s what Seungcheol does, he gives you anything and everything you want. He raises his hand again before striking your ass in the same spot with an open hand. You stifle your yelp this time, flinching at the tenderness already setting in as he rubs the spot softly again. You knew he was marking you right now but also punishing you at the same time. He would eventually give you what you wanted but he had to deny you first. He had to claim you so Changkyun knew whose body this was, who you belonged to, and that no one would make you come apart like he could. You whine softly when his hand falls from your ass once more. “Cheoli-” You begin only for him to cut you off before you can finish. 
“Cheoli isn’t here, my sweet little blossom.” he responds as he places a third slap to your ass, this one stinging more before the pain morphs briefly to a hint of pleasure at the end. You moan quietly as he massages your cheek once more. His hand on your head relaxes as it trails down your back to rest on your hip. “Only fourteen more to go.” he tells you, the smirk on his face present in his tone. You whimper in protest, desperate for him to plunge into you and fuck you but instead he continues speaking. “Count them, angel.” 
Another whine falls from your lips, drawn out to express your disdain but before you could open your mouth to protest, his hand falls back against your tender skin. You groan, forgetting that you are supposed to be counting. His response follows quickly, ever ready to make sure you behave. “Count them. That was four, my love. The next one you forget, we start over.” You sigh, bracing yourself for the next one. It comes with two more quickly behind it. 
“five, six, seven…”
Your ass stings with every collision of his hand against it but each time the pain lessens after slowly turning into pleasure. Your whimpers transform into soft moans, your body shivering with need, ready to explode at any second. His hand connects again, three back to back one more time. 
“eight, nine, ten…”
Seungcheol spends a little extra time caressing your red, tender skin. You had no doubt there would be a handprint left behind after this, especially as he kisses around the outside of the red area shining brightly like a trophy for him. His lips leave your skin, swiftly replaced with another set of three slaps. You moan softly, arching your back to push your ass up and back to him, almost forgetting to continue your count. Your body was an inferno of lust and you were desperate for relief from it. 
“eleven, twelve, thirteen….” you moan almost inaudibly. A hand rubs the place of impact again and you whimper. “Cheoli please,... no more.” you pant softly, the whine in your tone drawing out the syllables in each word. “I need you, please.” You hear him chuckle again as he rolls his hips against you, the strained front of his pants sending a chill through you. “Such a needy little thing today aren’t you?” he chuckles again as he squeezes the almost blistered part of your ass, causing you to wince softly. “You only have four more to go, baby.”
You whine more before his hand connects with your skin again. You brace yourself for the others to come and when they don't, you quickly count out the number. 
“fourteen..Cheol-” was all you could get out before his hand connected again. You whine loudly, knowing he was drawing the last few out unnecessarily. “fifteen…” his fingers dig into your hips, the touch possessive but loving. Another smack stings your skin, this one more forceful than the last. The pain fades quickly as you slowly drink in the pleasure throbbing under your skin. 
“sixteen..” You barely manage to moan out as you anticipate the last one. Seungcheol rubs your ass generously, the hand on your hip comes down to grasp the other side as it joins in on the massage. His fingers grip your flesh roughly as he pushes and pulls, spreading your ass cheeks apart slightly, his fingers brushing close to your aching cunt. You moan, instinctively moving your body to the touch in attempts to get the friction you desperately need. Your body was burning, the flames all but consuming you. You whined loudly in protest when his fingers trailed further away, leaving you aching instead of full. The second the sound of your whine spills over your lips, his hand collides with your red, raw ass the final time, this time with more force than any of the others previously. The pain stings longer, tears forming at your water line, the pleasure masked by the throbbing. You sniffle softly as Seungcheol places a gentle kiss to your skin, careful not to make it hurt further. 
“Seventeen” you say softly, a single tear slipping down your cheek. He places another kiss on the small of your back, peppering his way to the nape of your neck, his hands wrapping around your waist as he presses his body against you. He kisses the crook of your neck and whispers in your ear. “That’s my good girl.”
You shudder, the movement coursing through your entire body as his arms squeeze around your waist softly. You smile at the tenderness before he unwraps a hand and snakes it between your legs. His fingers slide to your clit and you moan at the touch before he begins to rub small, soft circles on the sensitive bud. You roll your hips against his fingers, the desperation returning as you crave more of the pleasurable sensation shooting through you before it coils tightly in your stomach. Seungcheol knew how to work your body. He knew how to touch you to ignite you and then set you off, to let you sizzle and burn out and he knew that you were already wound too tight. He quickens his circles as you moan at the change in pace. Your hips buck against his fingers, the sensation too much as it sends you right over the edge almost instantly, that coil snapping almost explosively. You cry out as your body trembles, Seungcheol’s fingers never relent in their pace as he rubs continuously to draw your pleasure out. 
Your hips slowly stop pushing forward as the last lingering bit of your orgasm fades. You rest against the desk, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you come down. Seungcheol places a soft kiss to the nape of your neck again, nuzzling you softly with his nose. “So beautiful when you fall to pieces for me.” he whispers softly against your neck before he leans back to stand up. A thrill shoots through you when you hear his clothing rustling. You hear a heavy sound as he unbuttons his pants and they fall to the floor. His hands grasp your waist again softly as he pulls you backwards towards him. “Turn around.” he commands and you obey without question. You spin around to face him and he tugs your dress up to expose your lower half, bunching it around your waist. He presses his body against yours, his hard cock rubbing against you as he lifts you just enough to sit you on the edge of the desk. “I want you to look at me as I make you come again. I want to watch as your eyes roll back as my name flies from your lips. I want to see just how you belong to me. I want you to watch me as I fill you to the brim and know that you will always mine.” He says with a soft growl. 
Your eyes meet his and you can see the need for dominance, the possessiveness flickering in them. The sight sends a spark of arousal through you, your body revving up again under his gaze like it always does. His eyes never leave yours as he spreads your legs and nestles between them, lining himself up with your entrance. You wrap your legs around him as he slips himself into you slowly, making his way inch by inch. You moan softly at the fullness, the familiarity a relief. Your hands come around his neck as he bottoms out, your bodies flush against each other. He rocks his hips forward sharply, a small tease as it pushes himself deeper into you. You moan again before you whisper softly, “Cheoli, just fuck me already, please.” 
Without any hesitation, he pulls back and thrusts into you again and you hum in satisfaction. The sound fuels him and he does it again, settling into a rhythm. You roll your hips to meet every upward stroke he makes, slamming yourself against him with equal force as you match his rhythm. The sounds of your moans mix together to form a symphony between you, the sound reverberating in the air of the room as his pace quickens, each thrust harder and faster than the last. Your head lolls back and his mouth comes to your neck immediately. His pace lessens slightly as he nibbles and sucks on the sensitive skin right below your ear. Every time his teeth graze your teeth, your skin prickles before sending a shiver through your burning body, adding fuel to the newly growing fire. 
He bites your neck harder before sucking even harder, determined to leave yet another mark on you, another sign that you were his for everyone to see. You moan loudly, your fingers trailing up to curl into his hair and you tug it quickly. He growls almost animalistic against your neck before he picks up his pace again, causing you to curse under your breath before the words transform into a loud moan. The ember burning in your core catches and ignites, the flames consuming you now as they dance wildly, threatening to explode. Your fingers tighten in Seungcheol’s hair as you work to match his pace when he slows down drastically before stopping, leaving you to dangle on the edge of your release. You groan in protest and his lips catch yours to swallow the sound. His mouth presses against yours passionately, an edge of tenderness linger with every part of his lush, rouge colored lips. His tongue dances out to caress your mouth, begging for entrance and you grant it, flicking your tongue out to meet his. They clash intensely, your tastes melding together in the space between you. You rock your hips against him, needing him to continue, craving him to push you over the edge into the awaiting bliss. 
He groans softly but refuses to move, his tongue still dancing in and out of your mouth. He leans forward into you, the motion moving you backwards until you are flat against the desk underneath you. He leans down closer before pulling your legs from around him, his lips still entwined with yours. His teeth nip your bottom lip, pulling it with him as he moves back before he releases it. He grabs your ankles, tossing them over his shoulders before he leans back down, rolling your body up ever so slightly. You cross your ankles around his neck and his hands grip your hips before he begins to thrust into you again. You shutter and moan, his thrust echoing throughout your body. He begins to slam into you relentlessly, his strokes equally fast and rough pushing you back to the edge again. Your eyes start to flutter closed when he grabs your chin roughly. “Aht aht, look at me.” He bellows, his voice husky, laced with the lust driving him. He drives into you faster and harder, the sound of flesh connecting floating through the air as he finally pushes you over the ledge, catapulting you into the awaiting tides of bliss . The tension entwined in your stomach finally breaks, releasing intense tides of pleasure to crash into you. You cry out, your eyes rolling back and wave after wave runs through you, ebbing and flowing in an extended duration as Seungcheol's pace continues. 
He growls at the sight of your trembling body as you clench around him tightly, your orgasm vibrating against him with each wave. He drives into you faster, the precision to his thrusts fading as his need for release takes over. You moan softly, the last edge of your orgasm leaving you sensitive as he pounds into you roughly. Your eyes stay fixated on his, noting the possessive, lust glazed look in his eyes as his beautiful obsidian orbs bear into you. You bring your lower lip into your mouth and gnaw it slightly, your body flickering with a new arousal at the sight of him. His fingers dig into you, as if anchoring you in place and you know he's about to tumble off the edge of his own climax. 
As you guessed, the next thrust into you, Seungcheol groans loudly, cursing on the tail end of the sound. “Are you ready for me to fill you up like a good girl? Are you ready for me to mark my claim on you, angel?” he asks, his voice low and raspy. You moan softly in response, the only answer he needs before he rams into you one final time as he cums, his sticky seed squirting into you. He bucks his hips with each wave of his orgasm, the impact of his body against yours sending vibrations through you, further sparking the arousal beginning again. After a moment, he stops thrusting and his hands come to your thighs, rubbing them gently before he untangles himself from your legs. He pulls you up, pressing you into his chest and places a soft, passionate kiss on your lips. You moan softly when his hands come to your breasts. He kneads them softly, stopping to tease your nipples every now and then. You push your hips forward slightly, your body responding to his touch like it always does. 
He breaks the kiss before he pulls out of you slowly, pulling you off the desk and turning you around again. He places a hand on your shoulder blade and guides you to bend over back over the desk while the other hand trails slowly downward, his fingertips leaving the ghost of their path to tingle behind them. He follows the curve of your ass before he stops at your entrance. You can hear him groan softly at the sight of your over-filled cunt, his release dripping slowly from it right before his eyes. He runs a finger down the inside of your thigh to swipe his cum onto it. He runs it back upwards before he slides it into you, pushing his seed deeper inside. You moan, pushing yourself against his digits, your body still sensitive from your previous orgasm. A heat flickers up once again under his touch and you sigh at the feeling of him. Seungcheol continues to slip his fingers in and out of you at a slow, antagonizing pace. You whine in protest, trying to push yourself against his hand for the friction you were once again craving. 
He continues to finger you slowly, taking his time with every slip inside making sure to curl his fingers and brush against your sweet spot before sipping them out again. You whine loudly, the desperate need to be filled and fucked again overwhelming to the point that your eyes threaten to tear up. He teased you softly and slowly, stoking the flames smoldering again in your core. He slips his fingers out, bringing them to your lips, to which you instinctively open your mouth for. He slips them into your mouth and you obediently begin to suck them, swirling your tongue around his digits to remove the mixture of you two from them. You moan softly at the taste, the sound vibrating against his hand, and he slips from your mouth as he steps away. An ache burns between your thighs and you squeeze them tightly.
You whine as he pulls away from you, your body almost shaking with the need for his touch and another release. He steps back to redress himself before stepping to the side. You watch him, still leaning over the desk, as he walks to your purse discarded on the floor. The sound of the latch popping echoes as he rummages through the clutch before he tosses it on the floor, the rest of the contents spilling out. He makes his way back to you, his footsteps heavy across the small distance, the sound giving you a thrill. Seungcheol Reaches out and takes your left hand before sliding your wedding ring back onto it gently. He places your hand back down on the desk and comes to stand behind you, shuffling coming from his pocket. His arms come around your face, something dangling between them. He shifts his hands at the nape of your neck, brushing your hair to the side as he works to fasten the dainty day collar on you. Your hand comes to touch it, feeling the delicate chain and the olive branch dangling from the small O shaped ring nestled cozily against your throat. Seungcheol leans to rest his lips just next to your ear, his voice soft and low as if telling a secret only meant for you. 
“A reminder,...” he says as his breath billows against the shell of your ear. “of whom you belong too, princess, while you have your fun.” 
He places a soft, tender kiss on your temple before retreating, stopping to stand in front of the door. You shiver, your body aching for more as you watch him walk away to stand and watch. As if he was observing you to prove his point. Your eyes widen, excitement flooding through you. Your body, pre-warmed for the next contender, buzzes at the thought of him watching you as you test out Changkyun, a challenge to prove that your heart, body, and mind all belong to Seungcheol.  Another touch ignites against your skin, this one unfamiliar but equally as exciting. Your body purrs beneath it, teased and eager for the attention to come. A sting radiates through the tender skin of your ass as fingers graze across them. You hiss softly but don’t try to move, allowing Changkyun’s hands to finish their journey. A hand dips down, two fingers slipping into you with ease as he begins to pump them in and out slowly. You bite your lip as he fingers you slowly, your body grateful for the touch. You rock back against his hand slightly in a dire need for more as he pushes every drop of Seungcheol’s release deeper into you as well.  You can hear the jingle of his belt as it unfastens and the soft swish of fabric as his pants fall, letting them pool at his ankles. Another rustling of fabric follows as he quickly unbuttons his shirt to toss in aside as well. You shiver lightly when he presses his naked body against yours, his erection nestled between you. You groan, pushing yourself back, your body desperate for more as he leans over, fisting your hair forcefully. He brings his lips to your ear, his breathing coming in shaking rasps as he whispers to you.. 
“You’ve not had enough, have you?” he chuckles, the sound no more than a low rumble. “I’ll admit, I was a little disappointed he got to have you first. I wanted to be the one to get off first, to christen your sweet little pussy but now I’m curious as to just how full you can get. You’d like that wouldn’t you? To be filled to the brim like a good little cumdumpster.” He hums, the sound vibrating through your body, fueling the ache inside. You whimper softly, pushing back against him to convey the need you felt. You wanted him to bury himself to the hilt inside you and, in that moment, you would beg for it. 
He releases your hair and leans up, his hand dragging harshly down your bare back to wrap around your hip firmly. He grabs himself with his free hand, stroking lightly before teasing you as he rubs his head up and down between your cheeks. You groan softly when he stops at your entrance and you push back against him lightly. He doesn’t stop you but pushes himself forward, sliding into you quickly. It felt different, the way he filled you, the way he touched you so roughly without a gentle undertone. It felt good but in a different way. It was volatile and explosive instead of slow burning, a spark meant to detonate instead of fizzle out delicately. You sigh, the sound morphing into a moan at the sensation. Your body heaves at the relief of being full but continues to burn for more. He grinds against you, his thrust rough, before he pulls almost completely out of you.
“Sounds like you lost, kitten. Now let’s see what other noises you can make.” he murmurs before he slams back into you forcefully. You moan loudly, your body rocking forward against the desk. The tension in your stomach was already dangerously close to snapping, a courtesy given to you by Seungcheol, leaving you barely hanging by a thread. Changkyun’s thrusts remain the same pace, railing you as hard as he could as he worked towards the release he knew was already built up. Your fingers tense, trying to grasp the desk as you poorly attempt to keep the sounds flying from your mouth down. A sharp clap rings out, your already sensitive skin burning furiously as his hand connects with the raw skin of your ass. 
“Choke back one more sound and I’ll bruise the other side. Let me hear how it sounds when I am filling you up, princess.” he growls, his thrusts coming faster. You moan loudly, partly from obedience and partly from the pleasure exploding in every cell of your body. His strokes continue, angling himself to hit all the right spots, and within minutes the structure of your release wobbles and collapses. You cry out, your head lolling back as you arch your back to push against him, clenching him tightly. Release slams into you, your body quivering almost violently as your third orgasm surges through you. Changkyun continues to pound into you, drawing your pleasure out longer. 
Once the waves subside, he slows down before coming to a stop, rolling his hips against your ass in a tease before leaning over slightly. He snakes a hand around your throat, pulling you up flush against his chest. “Next time” he grumbles “I want to hear my name spill from those slutty little lips.” He squeezes your neck tightly before releasing it and you shutter, your body still smoldering despite the orgasm that had just barely finished wrecking your body. He slides out of you, a small whimper of protest leaving you, and moves back as he reaches to turn you around. He lightly tugs your arm down, a signal that you need no explanation for. You drop obediently to your knees, your hands coming to rest on his thighs as you look up at him. He steps out of his clothing, tossing them to the side and smirks as he strokes himself softly, watching you with attentive eyes.  
“I’ve got something to help satiate the thirst you so clearly have, kitten. And don’t worry, there’s enough to fill you with after too.” he says, a catty, arrogance in his tone. “Open” He commands firmly and you oblige, parting your lips compliantly as he guides himself between them. You hum softly as you start to suck him slowly. You can feel his muscles tighten under your hands and you smirk, feeling a little arrogant. You swirl your tongue around the end of his head, flicking it over the apex lightly before sucking him a little harder as you slowly descend. You slide down until your face is flush with his pelvis, his cock nestled against the back of your throat. He groans before coiling both hands in your hair, his fingers wrapping tightly around the strands gathered in his fists. He thrusts his hips forward, the motion pushing his cock further into your mouth.
Your eyes hold his gaze, his jet black orbs dancing with a blaze of lust and dominance as he pulls back to push into your mouth, his pace picking up at the next stroke. He pulls himself almost all the way out before practically slamming into the back of your mouth. Your fingers curl against his thigh as his thrusts grow faster, the rough rhythm growing steadily. He hits your throat again, this time pulling your hair to hold you there as you gag forcefully. He groans louder this time and the sound echoes through you as it turns you over in its grasps. Another ache starts to form between your thighs as you gasp for air when he pulls out. He doesn’t give you but a few seconds to breathe before he’s back against your throat, pounding in and out before shoving himself as far into your mouth as he can to watch you choke, each gag more intense than the last. 
Your nails now dig into his skin, redness forming around them as tears start to form and seek escape down your face. His groans come more frequently, morphing into the most beautiful hisses and soft moans you’ve ever heard. The throbbing between your legs has grown considerably despite the absolute storm he was unleashed on your face. His pace grows erratic as he continues to crash against your mouth over and over. Your throat burns, a rawness settling in from the harshness of every dry heave you make mixing with the relentless pounding of his cock against it. The tears that formed originally never stopped forming, your face undoubtedly streaked with mascara. His hands tighten on your head, his sloppy strokes heightening before he collides with your throat one final time.His throws his head back as a long, low moan flows from his lips. You can feel his thighs shaking under your fingers before his hot, saltiness sprays into your mouth. You moan, the sound vibrating around him which causes him to jerk, thrusting against your face again. He keeps you firmly flush against his pelvis as his body twitches with his release.
You lift your eyes up to watch his face as the last waves of pleasure reside, leaving him breathless and panting. When he looks down, he catches your gaze and groans. “Drink up, kitten.” he commands as he pulls out, waiting to watch you drink him obediently. You drop your hands from his thighs before swallowing his load, holding your tongue out to show him almost proudly. He reaches down to grip your chin with his fingers, tilting your head upwards. The heat between your legs all but ignites threatening to catch and cause a wildfire as he stares deep into your eyes, a confident smirk dancing across his lips. He could see the lust glazing your eyes and he knew you wanted more.   
“Such a good girl you are.” he coos, your body melting but also revving up at the praise. He releases your chin and your eyes drop, noting the marks on his thigh. You grin slyly to yourself before he snaps your attention back to him. “Up” he tells you, his hand hooking under your elbow to help you stand. He stands in front of you, moving you backwards against the desk, lifting you slightly to set you on the edge of it. The ties of your dress drap from your waist, resting almost on the floor. The skirt of your dress sits hiked around your waist still, your bare ass sitting on the cool desk. He settles in front of you, your legs going around him instinctively as he nestles between them as you bring your hands to his waist.. His lips crash against yours, gentleness knowing no place with him as he flicks his tongue against your mouth. You part your lips, allowing him to slip inside. He moans softly as his tongue dances and plays, the taste of him in your mouth lingering. His hands come to tease your breasts, squeezing, tugging, and pinching in almost a frenzy. You roll your hips against him, anxiously waiting for him to be back inside you again. 
He pinches and tugs one of your nipples hard before swiping his hand across it forcefully, a small clapping sound echoing around you. You gasp into his mouth, the brief pain of the slap quickly morphing into arousal. You tighten your legs around him more, pulling him even closer to you, your bodies flush once again. A hand snakes up your chest and wraps around your throat and you moan against his mouth immediately as his thin fingers clamp around it. He squeezes it firmly as his kiss begins to turn sloppy. He wraps his free hand around your waist and pulls you closer to the edge of the desk. You can feel him, now freshly hardened between you and you groan softly, the sound scattered between the dance of your tongues. He pulls back, the sound of his rapid breathing sending a shivering straight to your core. You bite your lips softly before trying to close the distance between your mouths once more only to be met with a low chuckle.  
“Needy, aren’t we, kitten?” He grins, the sight just another douse of fuel to the fire raging in your stomach. He backs up before taking a few strides to the chair pushed neatly against the desk. He sits down, slouching slightly before spreading his legs some. “You want it? Work for it.” His voice was strict as he pointed to his crotch, his erection inviting you to come sink down on it. You shiver from excitement, more than willing and ready to be filled with him again. You wanted to bury him as deep inside of you as you could all while making him come undone to you. You may have lost your little game, but you could still make him cum harder than he ever has before. You hop down from the desk and saunter over to him quickly, sliding into his lap eagerly. You position your legs around his as best you can before reaching between you to wrap your hand around him. You slide your hand up and down slowly, teasingly before you lift, lining him with your entrance, and sit down slowly. You take your time on your descent, reveling in the feeling of him filling you inch by inch before he bottoms out inside you. 
You moan as you settle on him rolling your hips instantly, refusing to waste time. His hands come to rest on your waist, tugging you in rhythm to help you along. You begin to buck your hips, increasing your pace as you grind against him, your hands resting against his chest. You lean forward, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck as you begin to place needy kisses on his skin. You peck, nibble, and suck lightly on his skin, threatening to leave a mark, as you stop grinding against him and start to bounce. You slow down to a teasingly slow pace, your nips on his neck getting harder as you bite down a little more each time. He groans and his fingers dig into your skin harshly before he starts to buck up into you. You moan as he slams into you, your pace faulting as his own picks up. He thrusts upward hard and fast, pulling you down with every upward motion. Tension begins to coil in your stomach again as he hits your spot over and over. Your lips come off his neck as you bury your face into it, every moan of yours depositing straight into his ear. Each sound you make only encourages him. He moves faster, then harder and then faster again, the pleasure tightening more and more. You whisper his name softly as he slams into you again and he growls, the sound almost sending you over the edge. He whispers against your hair after, his strokes never breaking pace. “Louder. Say it louder. I want to hear you scream for me the same way you did for him, kitten.” 
Your body trembles as it reaches the edge of your release. You want to fight and make this last but you know it was only a matter of moments before it snaps and you fall right off into the swirling whirlpool of pleasure waiting for you. And you were right, the next time he guides you forcefully down onto him, you feel it snap. You cry out his name loudly, clenching him tightly as your body quivers while your fourth orgasm smashes through your body, draining you with every wave. Changkyun’s pace becomes erratic at the sight and sounds of your pleasure and his thrusts become sloppy and needy as he chases his own release. You moan at the feeling of him slamming into you, your body sensitive still as his fingers dig into you harder, pain shooting from under them as he groans, cursing under his breath before he reaches his own orgasm. You can feel his cock twitch before he lets go, filling you up with his warm, sticky cum. He gradually slows down little but little as the remnants of his orgasm slowly fade away. 
His grip on you releases and you sit for a moment, waiting for your breathing to return to normal before you slide off of him. You can feel a warmth begin to trickle down your leg but you say nothing. Instead you grab the fabric ties of your top and begin to tie them back in place to cover yourself then pull the bottom of your dress down to hopefully hide the trail dripping down your inner thigh. You watch as Changkyun sits up completely before standing. He walks to the pile of discarded clothes and steps into his pants, pulling his bottoms up and refastening them around his waist. He takes a few steps to the side where your purse lies open, the contents hanging out, and grabs your phone. His fingers fly across the screen before he’s walking towards you, phone in hand, then stopping arms reach away. He flips the phone out towards you with his hand. 
“If you ever need someone to love you when he’s gone, well ... you got my number” he says with a cheeky grin, the corners of his lips crinkling into a catty like curve before he winks at you. Changkyun turns around to scoop his shirt up and pulls it back on quickly, adjusting it as he slides between Seungcheol and the now open door, squeezing against the door frame to disappear out of sight, leaving you still dripping under the watchful gaze of your husband. 
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