#which doesn't mean i won't put them into every single thing i write
impactedfates · 7 months
Love In Different Shapes - Various HSR Girls x GN! Reader
★ Summary: Your lover loves to show that they love you, however some of their methods to do so, aren't something you'd expect - i.e HSR Girls and their love languages (but it's not your typical love language)
☆ Characters Included (Separate): Jingliu, Topaz, Serval, Qingque, Asta, Tingyun, Kafka
★ Genre/Trope: Romantic + Crack (?)
☆ Warnings: None
★ Extra: Just had random thoughts about HSR characters love language and decided to write about what theirs is in my opinion - just not your typical ones. // Not proof read - we die like Himeko // There's a HSR Boy version as well! Right here.
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Y'know those cats who come to your doorstep and drop a dead bird in front of your door? That's her...but it's an actual person.
As Jingliu is well...dead herself (I think) and I believe currently in the Shackling Prison which probably means very small times where she can see you if she can convince Jing Yuan, the fastest gift she can give you...is well...y e a h.
If you do ask her to stop, she will...not getting rid of people, just bringing you the bleeding results. She'd probably steal something from them as I doubt many people would want business from a criminal/dead person.
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She writes notes and gives you gifts...but she gets Numby to send them to you.
It's not that Topaz is shy about giving you gifts, she's more then happy to give you a kiss on the lips if she wants too, but for some reason. To her, if Numby is the one giving the gifts and letters from her to you. She thinks it's more affectionate.
You don't know why, neither does Numby. But you both find it cute, even so. Getting the little daily visits from number with a letter in it's mouth and the page having a small bite mark from where Numby was nomming on, it's sweet of her. As much as this was of showing affection is strange to you.
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But honestly. Serval gives the vibe to call you up on stage during one of her songs, you have an automatic V.I.P ticket and there's a seat/area dedicated to you, that you are the only one allowed in.
She writes love songs with you in it as well and will announce it during her concerts.
Someone in the crowd: "GET ON WITH IT"
(Dw, she won't do this if you're uncomfortable...she'll still write songs about you though)
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Lazing with you. Qingque shows her love by being lazy around you. Y'know how some animals show that they trust you be like being more near you? (Or something like that)
That's her, having a boss(?) like Fu Xuan who scolds her for slacking and others also doing the some. Her lazing around you is her way of showing she trusts you. It doesn't even matter if you'll tattle. She will laze around you or even WITH you.
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Asta loves giving you gifts!...Like an entire planet-
Her love language is gift giving, but none of her gifts are small. There big in terms of how much it costs her, but it probably won't even make a DENT in her income. Avoid saying what you want, because she will buy it for you, even if it means buying thousands upon thousands.
You may need a special room to put all the gifts she buys you...which she also bought...
Point is, her love language is gift giving...extreme version.
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Ever sob when you find out you don't have enough money for something? Tingyuns got you covered! Every single thing that you need shall be handed to you on a silver platter...in terms of coupons and discounts-
She probably has thousands of coupons saved up that she'll give you, and you always get discounts from her store for just being her lover. Every anniversary she gets you a gift you really want, she's sweet like that...but expect a book full of coupons from shops you frequent.
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Anyways, Kafka loves buying and getting coats as we know. And we also know she buys you a bunch of coats and styles you in all of them. (Separately, don't worry)
She can come home from a mission and have 3 bags full of coats for you to try on.
YOU can come back from a mission and she'll still have bags full of coats.
Your closet is so full of the article of clothing she oh so loves to buy all because she thinks it'll look cute on you...she probably lets you wear some of hers as well if you get far enough in the relationship.
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Hehehe. I spent a good bit rambling with my friend about certain HSR characters "unusual" love language and decided to write one! It's not proof read as most of the time, my rambles aren't proof read. But as always, if I messed some spelling or grammar up. Inform me and I'll fix it :D
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
Tiny Vox part 2?
Idk if you'll use this but I just want to give it to you.
I kind of headcannon tiny vox the be dumber, because the unprepared small body can't load all his data very well. So I imagine Vox, being stupidly in love, trying the help them when they are doing the dishes or working on their hobby bit he is just making more of a mess and smiling dumbly in love. Like when reader likes to draw heb grabs a random coloured pencil and bring it to them. You know just adorable but unhelpful.
Pocket-sized Partner: VoxPet™️ Care Guide
Tiny!Vox x Reader
A/N: So uhhh- here's a teeny little Headcanon thing while I write the continuation for the VoxPet series because I love smol TV guy. That and I'm starting to slightly feel the burnout, well- I can't tell if that's the right term since I'm starting to look at my ideas and realize that they're starting to lack the coherence and polish they used to. ANYWAY! Here's a Headcanon list for the small guy before I post the continuation for it- so I hope you guys enjoy! Happy reading!
So given Vox's mostly bionic/mechanical biology, it makes sense that he doesn't necessarily regenerate the same as other more organic(flesh-based) sinners.
Instead, he has spare bodies to upload his consciousness and switch into if the one he's using gets damaged and needs repairs or is just not worth saving.
Hence he has a couple spares lying around.
It's just in this instance, the only spare he had left was in a less than desirable condition-
And the others were still broken or just beyond repair.
Having a his brain be it's own practical digital entity also plays into this, I'd think in his paranoia he'd have copies of his own data stored in cloud servers all over the pride ring too.
So it won't be easy should someone try to get rid of him.
Anyway, back to the body switching.
So this new body Vox took is a very underpowered and overutilized little thing.
Imagine running a Skyrim with over a thousand mods on the highest graphics using a 7 year old dell laptop.
Yeah. That's what Vox is currently doing.
The small body is already running at full capacity with his overload of data and it's not even all of it.
Just the basic necessities like his personality and habits.
Like, what make Vox- vox.
Everything else like his schedules, alarms, work, etc.
They're just uploaded to a cloud server with the rest of his complete data.
Oh I forgot to mention, in his haste to make this tiny cute form-
He totally forgot to give it the ability to form even basic speech patterns.
Hence the squeaking and beeping.
He actually can't talk, not that the small body would even have any more processing room if he did do that.
Vox merely figured that you'd probably find some enjoyment anyway in his predicament until the new spare parts arrived and he didn't want to keep moving around dripping coolant and blood accompanied by some sparking wires.
Let's not even mention the cracked screen.
His face being messed up was probably the least of his issues there too.
So you kind of had to take care of him as that small little guy in that hastily put together body.
Also, because it's so underpowered and practically at it's peak use-
Vox can't actually really use his powers much.
Which he didn't realize only until after he flipped out when Velvette and Valentino found him when the staff were panicking from him suddenly going AWOL.
In this tiny body, he only has his generally human memorization skills to recall important things.
Not his flawless computer memory, which was lumped in with the data this body couldn't hold.
He did thank his lucky stars that you weren't so upset about the state he was in though.
You'd often flip the hell out when he got hurt or just had blatant disregard for his own wellbeing.
I mean, when you can switch bodies like the socks on your feet would you be careful too?
I wouldn't, I'd try every single way to die just out of sheer curiosity and boredom-
Anyway, after you got over the initial shock of seeing your boyfriend all plushie sized and everything-
You better bet he got fucking spoiled.
Literally like a chihuahua in a purse moment.
Y'all know those build a bear clothes and accessories?
Yeah no you'd dress Vox up and down in those tiny things and he just couldn't stop you.
He could figure out how to delete all the photos you'd taken when he got back to normal.
But if being treated like a doll was all it took for you to just drown him in kisses and hugs-
You better bet this man would go ahead and pull something like this again.
Plus the compulsion to just aggressively cuddle the life out of him-
Well he's already dead but the point stands.
He can't help but soak up your affection like a thirsty sponge though.
You do eventually realize that he actually has to be plugged in to recharge though.
Plugged in by a port on the back of his teeny head.
What, where did you think he'd put it?
You're glad that Vox tends to leave all sorts of cords of different lengths around your apartment.
Something to do with his work?
You had half a brain to tie him up with those said cords sometimes-
It was irritating at first but after you organized them to keep, at least you didn't dispose of them since you needed them now-
For once the hardware spaghetti was actually useful.
And thank goodness for the long wire, because he'd become extremely clingy after all the attention and affection you'd given him.
Tiny dude was sitting on your lap being pet and coddled while charging.
All while you were reading a book.
Yep. He was a spoiled little shit.
You also realized that he didn't need to eat because of the charging thing-
But he could if he wanted to.
As proven when Vox just took a small part of your meal and slowly ate it.
It wasn't even a full bite for you but it looked comically big in his tiny hands.
He installed a proper digestive system but not a text to speech thing.
Sometimes you wondered if your boyfriend's priorities were a little more wayside that you originally took them for.
He was so cute trying to help you with the dishes though.
Couldn't really do much because of how small he was-
Not to mention the fact you didn't even want to risk any more damage to him since electronics and water are generally not a good mix-
But he tried, and you'd count him being adorable as helpful emotional support anyway.
Even if he really didn't do anything aside from play with the bubbles and smile cutely at you.
If he didn't have an empire and corporation to run you might actually just keep him like this-
Even when you were looking over at some documents his secretary sent over to sign-
You guessed it was because Vel mentioned that Vox was in your care for the time being.
He was wobbling around holding a pen that was probably half his size.
Again cute as hell, but an unhelpful distraction-
Now when you went to sleep?
You plugged Vox in again and just cuddled him against your chest.
The same thing happens when he "sleeps" whether big or in this form anyway.
Screen dims and then his company logo screensaver pops up.
Anyway, I say sleep in quotations because Vox doesn't actually sleep in the conventional sense.
It's just one of the many ways he can physically recharge.
So if he does sleep it's often by choice or because he just passes out.
If he wanted to keep going physically, Vox could just directly connect himself into a power outlet and not ever run out of juice.
Mentally though- it's why he actually needs our version of sleep.
Or periods of system shutdown where he can actually mentally recuperate.
Otherwise he'd be a cracked out delirious mf hyped up on caffeine.
Which he is sometimes regardless.
Either way, you'd pet and cuddle him until he fell asleep before you would also succumb to slumber.
When you woke up though, he somehow ended up cuddling your face.
You had no idea when that even happened.
He greeted you with a happy beep and a heart on his tiny face when you woke up though.
It was probably selfish as hell but now you really wanted to keep him like this just a little longer-
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fuxuannie · 10 months
❥﹒even if i wont remember it, your name will forever be my favorite.
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✦. synopsis — dan feng was a man who held your heart in his gentle hands, but now you're forced to accept you'll never see him again, atleast the one you knew.
✦. love mail — 💌 i always come back (lie), im trying once again to coming into writing but i really wanna wanna try again eahueauha
✦. tags — i havent written in 500 years, dan feng x reader, not really a dan heng x reader, mentions of dan feng, xianzhou arc spoilers, minor dan heng backstory spoilers
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"What'll it be for tomorrow?"
You smile as you watch Dan Feng make you a flower-crown, sitting across to him as his face is nothing but focused on such a silly task. And though it seemed out of character for him, he did it for you. He'd do anything for you if you asked.
"Can we make a cake?"
You watched him raise a brow, "A cake?" and you nod. "A cake."
He sighs through your soft giggles, ones that could even bring a Vidyadhara's heavy heart at ease. "You do know it is tomorrow, right."
His sentence sounds more like a statement, a matter-of-fact. Which it was.
You simply hoped it hadn't been.
He looks away when he hears you sniffle, his heart aching further when it was followed by dry and bitter laughter. "I know."
"But what's a birthday without a cake, right?"
He shakes his head, smiling softly. "Are you saying it's my birthday tomorrow?"
"It could be, how would you want to look at it?"
There's silence exchanged for a few moments.
"Anything but the day I'm taken away from you."
Those words sting more than you would've thought they should.
You want to beg for him to run, to escape away with you and explore the galaxy you were oh-so curious about. But here you sit, across to him, a crumpling flower crown in his hand as he squeezes it with such intensity. Two of you well aware that his fate is one written within the stars, once he committed the unforgivable act of granting immortality - he knew he was bound to face Sedition.
"Dan Feng.." "Hm?"
If you told him now, would it matter? If you spilled out your heart and your blood for him, would it matter if he wouldn't remember?
You hold your tongue and instead shift over to lean on his shoulder, sighing in what seemed to be disappointment. "It's only a shame we won't do things like this anymore.." And the click of his tongue followed by an 'mhm' means he shares your mutual thoughts.
"But.. I hope by some chance, even if impossible, you'll still turn your head when my name is called."
He cleared his throat, "You see that?"
And in return, you smiled. "Every single time."
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When you arrived the moment Jing Yuan called to visit the Scalegore Waterscape, he sees how you refuse to look straight ahead and sighs. "I understand if you're afraid, you don't have to accompany me."
But thinking about all those what ifs, the ideas that clouded your thoughts all those years - you just wanted them to end. You wanted to hear the answer you've longed for, that you feel like you deserve to know. "No, I do."
The General watched as your footsteps picked up the pace, approaching the figure that stands in front of you - so familiar yet unfamiliar. You reached your hand out for his shoulder in a fit of desperation; "Those horns and tail wouldn't have belonged to anyone else,
And yet,
It doesn't seem right."
You pause when he turns around, his gaze lack of the warmth you've missed for so long. You choke on your own words, "Dan-" You repeat once more, but you know it isn't him. You know that the man that you came all the way for was not the Dan Feng you knew.
"-Heng." He finished for you, his hand putting yours away in a dismissive manner. "I'm sorry but-"
"You're not him."
He notices how your head is hung low, but tears fall towards the ground below, darkening the sand with your pitiful state. "Sorry, I understand." You apologized, but you knew that Dan Feng wouldn't have wanted you to cry like this, at least not over him.
"Dan Heng, right?"
When you meet his gaze, he feels oddly.. entranced by you, and though your eyes were tear filled - he found your expression still kind.
"Mine is (name). I hope that I'm able to know you better, past who Dan Feng was."
"You have a wonderful name." Seeing Dan Heng smile so warmly tugs on your heart strings, as it was like staring at Dan Feng all over again - that smile that never left your mind since his Sedition, but you knew it was Dan Heng's smile. No longer his.
No longer who was once yours.
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Further adventures in "kidnapping your soulmate for fun and profit" for @twird96.
"You did good with that guy who wrecked the street," Tim says, putting on Smiling Normal Civilian Face #2, which is a little more reserved than #4. Superboy turns red again.
"Technically I also wrecked the street," he says, looking embarrassed.
"It was already a wreck when you got there," Tim snorts. Property doesn't mean shit next to people. "And this way nobody died or got hurt too bad."
"You helped with that part," Superboy says, still red-faced. "Made it a lot easier to keep everybody safe with somebody who was thinking straight about getting them all out of the way, like I said. It's hard to, uh–concentrate on that many at once, you know?"
"Keeping track of where all the civilians are has to be a pain in a fight," Tim agrees, though he tries to make it sound more like he's following Superboy's logic than already fully aware of the vitality of situational awareness from his own vigilante gig. Superboy blinks, cocking his head.
"Oh–no, that part's easy," he says. "I can feel everybody. It's just, uh . . . actively spreading my TTK out that much? I gotta concentrate a lot harder. So it's just way easier when nobody's in the line of fire."
Tim . . . pauses. Tilts his head. He is, technically, aware of how Superboy's tactile telekinesis works, but that sounded like . . .
"Sorry," he says. "You had everybody there in your TTK field?"
"Mostly," Superboy says. "Like I said, it's hard to concentrate on that many people, especially if they're running around in a panic."
"Why would you split your focus like that?" Tim asks, a little mystified. Though he guesses this explains how Superboy noticed what he was doing without ever actually looking at him, come to think. "Doesn't it weaken your powers?"
"Well, yeah, but that dude was blowing up the whole street, man," Superboy says, making a face. "Somebody could've gotten shrapneled or something."
It occurs to Tim, slowly, that the amount of injured civilians really wasn't as high as it should've been, and in fact most of the injuries he did see had most likely been caused in the initial attack. So that means . . .
. . . huh.
"Huh," he says. "I didn't realize that was something you could do."
"I try not to advertise it," Superboy says sheepishly. "So, uh, bad guys won't start going after civilians harder when I'm fighting 'em. Or pick crowded areas to pick fights in."
"I was under the impression that you advertised most of what your powers can do," Tim says wryly, though again, he did get that impression from stolen files and cheap magazines.
"Well, yeah," Superboy says with an awkward shrug. "Otherwise people don't think I'm doing anything. Like, that I'm just punching stuff or whatever. Uh, so–how long are you in town for, then?"
"Just for the day," Tim says while making further mental re-evaluations of his soulmate. And it's an admittedly terrible cover, but–"I'm flying back to Gotham on a redeye. I just dropped in to get some time to myself, but I've got school on Monday and a paper to write for it. You know how it is."
"Not so much, man, I don't do that," Superboy says, and Tim . . . pauses, again.
"You don't . . . what, go to school?" he asks.
"Naw," Superboy says. "On account of supervillains attack it when I do."
"So you're home-schooled?" Tim assumes, trying not to cringe at the idea of Rex Leech teaching Superboy math or economics or anything even vaguely in that wheelhouse. That cannot possibly end well.
"Naw," Superboy repeats with another shrug. "Got superhero shit to do. And also, like, brand deals to do. Not really my thing anyway."
. . . Tim is reminded, again, that Superboy is not in fact legally a person and is therefore not in any way protected by labor laws, and Rex Leech and every single dodgy opportunist he's been selling Superboy's likeness to probably knows that. Not even the laws intended for civilians or metahumans or minors or animals would apply, in fact.
The next six months of this kidnapping plot are going to be an agonizing wait, Tim's already realizing.
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isaacswhy · 1 year
watching movies w/ the group
the group x gn!reader (sfw) summary: romantic headcanons of watching a movie with the members of the group. requested?: no a/n: i accidentally deleted this once while writing it entirely. second times the charm ig
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You originally pitched the idea of a movie night date to him. He didn't mind the idea and helped you pick something out from the catalogue you had.
You brought the party downstairs to the couch and TV, in which a few of the housemates came down occasionally throughout the movie for a couple minutes of watch time.
You generally stay cuddled into Isaac, sometimes going so far as to have him wrap his arms around you and hold you, since he's such a big guy.
Isaac is generally a quiet movie watcher, hardly ever talking if only ever to make a joke he thought hard about.
Isaac never falls asleep during movies. He's one of the few people around the house that won't.
Isaac watches a variety of movies, but won't pass up on a good romcom. An unexpected choice, but he loves things like that.
Nick saw a bunch of positive reviews on his twitter timeline and brought you over to see and asked, "you like it?"
Instead of going out to the big screen in the living room, the two of you stayed in his room and watched on his TV under the covers.
Nick also doesn't fall asleep hardly ever to movies. He hates missing out on the film.
Nick watches a lot of action movies. Films like Jason Bourne, Mission Impossible, etc. are right up his alley.
Nick also doesn't talk very often during movies, but he'll make small comments and interact with things you say.
He's a little subtler when it comes to cuddling, so you often just wrap your arms around his arm and put your head on his shoulder, he's very warm so it does wonders.
If anyone attempts to interrupt movie time in his room, they get something thrown at them. Nobody interrupts Nick's movie with his s/o.
BigT / Tanner
Tanner actually came running up to you with the idea to watch a movie, all giddy and excited to show you something new or something he already loved.
Tanner's a 50/50 split on watching things in the movie theater and watching things at home in the living room.
Therefore, Tanner is also a 50/50 split on whether or not he stays awake. He loves going to the theater because it's loud enough to keep him awake.
When it comes to Tanner's movie picks, he loves stupid teen dramas and old action flicks. Mean Girls and the Barbie movie are right up his alley, but so is Jaws.
Tanner often clings to you when cuddling during a movie. You'll have one arm wrapped around his shoulders but he'll have both arms clinging to your torso and pulling you in close.
Tanner likes having candies with him when he watches his movies. Red vines are his favorite movie snack.
You originally came up with the idea of watching a movie, but by the time you were watching the film, Blake seemed giddier to watch something with you.
He brought you downstairs, but by the time you reached him at the couch, he was laid out and ready to go with all of his snacks. Because Yumi needs a shit ton of them for movies.
You wonder how he consistently eats them all, yet falls asleep before the first third of the movie is over EVERY time.
Worst part, you can't even cuddle with Blake. He hogs half of the couch single-handedly and takes all of the blankets for himself.
Blake also likes action movies, but he's a jack of all trades. He especially loves superhero movies. Though, he'll watch just about anything as long as you want to.
After the movie is over and Blake has woken up (whether it be that night or the next morning), he asks you if you liked the movie with a big ass grin on his face. It almost makes up for the fact that he was asleep the whole time. Almost.
Larry Croft
You often are the one that brings up the fact that you want to watch a movie to Larry, but almost exclusively Larry is the one that picks what you're watching.
The thing is, Larry has the weirdest movie picks. He will either put on a "so bad it's good" old horror flick that the two of you are laughing at the whole time, or you're watching some super serious, peak cinema film that drops your jaw.
Seriously, he's either looking up the top 50 worst-rated superhero movies or he's searching Letterboxd for new recommendations as to what's people's best-rated movies of all time.
Larry likes simple cuddles. Somewhat holding each other, a blanket on top of you, a really nice night.
Depending on what you're watching, Larry either talks and laughs the whole time or is quite silent, watching the movie intensely. It's kinda scary.
Even with these serious films, though, the most Larry can say about a movie after it's done is, "I liked it," or, "that was good".
His favorite movie is Parasite. Argue with the wall.
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For those who have ADHD and/or autism.
I wanna to do a test to see if I'm autistic, have ADHD, both or neither. For some reason I'm terrified of knowing the truth. Sorry if I sound offensive at some point, I'm just writing about myself and don't mean to be mean at any point.
ADHD, the name changed right? Gonna use this one because I'm writing this quickly. If I have ok, that'd explain why I'm so forgetful and nothing catches my attention unless I'm interested in the topic. And why is so hard to focus. And why I never finish my projects. But I'm not hyper active. I'm a pretty calm person, I can't reall5sit and focus for too long, but give me a hair elastic thing and I'll play with it for hours while listening to you. And I'll be able to actually listen.
Don't ask me to look in your eyes tho, I will. But only for 5 minutes if you are lucky.
My mom a lot for times aska me for things and I completely forget about them, things that are important and I feel bad for forgetting.
But all of this could simply be me and no ADHD. I don't know.
Frankly I don't think I have autism. But the reports are just so relatable it scares me a bit. I was bullied a lot during my childhood. I remember in the first grade, I tried hard to make friends but I never was able to. To this day I don't know why. Why people didn't like me? I have a timeline of events in my head of my entire life, things that happened when I was 2 y.o. but I don't have details. I don't remember if i did something or not to be not liked. The first school that my parents put me in I was there for a year. In this whole year I didn't make a single friend. I remember I asked my parents for help to do a lost of people who were and weren't my friends simply to try to uncover the reason for that. Is this a sign of autism? Idk. Maybe I'm just out of the norm, but not autistic. Doesn't seem like autism. Autism is something that affects your day to day, every day life. I'm not sure if I have signs everyday.
I have trouble socializing. I have trouble making friends. I have trouble maintaining friendship. But I can understand sarcasm, jokes and I'm able to tell when people are sad or uncomfortable. so there's goes signs that the internet sites gave me. Sometimes I do have troubles talking and truly understanding what my parents say. Not because they are complex, but because I don't get it. There are easier ways to do things and they won't for some alien reason.
I have trouble understanding relationships, in the sense what it means to be in, part of or the different aspects of relationship. People expect things. Sometimes it feels like mathematical equations on which I have to be constant aware of. I gave to do this to get to that. A lot of times I feel like I'm manipulating the few relationships that I have big I can't see another way.
Don't you dare change my routine. I'll be messed up and although not cry, I'll be very close to. Unless the change is "we are not going outside of the house anymore", sudden things messes my little planned time. At the same time I can't really organize myself very well.
I do have some subjects on which I'm very passionate about. But I'm no genius on them and although I'd love to, I can't keep going on them for hours and hours because, as said before I can't communicate very well. My social skills are terrible, I don't know what to say most of the time but I feel like I should.
I don't think I have autism. I don't think I have ADHD. I think I'm only different from other people but can't put my finger exactly on what exactly. I don't feel like I really fall into the spectrum because I lack the usual signs. But I don't know how much of this is stereotyping both those conditions.
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morverenmaybewrites · 1 month
Hiya! First of all your blog’s interface is so cute i’m rolling on the floorrrrrrr
Second of all your writing is absolutely amazing, i’ve just finished reading “the pizza delivery girl’s survival guide to gotham city” and lemme tell u i can’t wait for the next chapter cause absolute gold-
I wanted to ask what your thoughts are on Jason and day-to-day life outside of costume. Like, dude HAS to go outside as himself at least every once in a while, out of pure necessity. How do you think he goes on about it?
Aw, thank you, I'm glad you like my blog interface and my fic. I think it depends on how much he's progressed in processing his trauma, to be honest!
I imagine when he first moved back in Gotham, he avoided going out as much as possible, for a multitude of reasons. First, because he was still reeling emotionally from Bruce enacting project Knightfall (aka faking his own death), he was recovering from the injuries he sustained during the events of Arkham Knight (and of course, the injuries he got from the Joker). Most importantly, he is adjusting to living in a city he once hated enough to want to destroy.
I feel like those first few weeks were painful for him. Every place is filled memories, and while not all of them are bad memories, they often feel too painful to revisit. He likely spent most of his time cooped up in a safehouse (which was established as something he makes no effort to make comfortable), only going out when he absolutely had to. Interacting with the city and its people as little as possible. While I don't think the Joker ever meant him to survive his torture, the amount of scars and physical injuries he bears means that a lot of his interactions bring a lot of (misplaced) guilt and shame. Did that shopkeep spend too long looking at his face, his scar? Maybe he'll pass by some hole-in-the-wall shop and remember that he and Dick and Barbara would cool down there after patrols. The ramen, he'll think, is surprisingly good. The owner is a smiling, heavyset man who insists that they never pay for their meals. Maybe he'll even take a single step toward the shop, only to remember that the scars on his hands make it so it's hard to hold cutlery without shaking. That there are days when it's physically painful to eat. And he'll shake his head and walk away.
But I think the more he interacts with PG in the story and the more he fixes his relationship with his family, the more he'll be able to interact with Gotham City. Maybe going to the grocery won't be treated like a military supply run. Maybe he'll look up from his carefully-curated list and realize a type of candy Barbara used to be obsessed with is back in stock now. Maybe he'll put it in his cart, and for the first time in a while, he doesn't have to think about what he did to her as the Arkham Knight. One day, he'll wake up before his alarm and remember that you used to talk about watching the sun rise over Gotham Bay. He'll take a long walk along the shoreline and watch the way the sky turns into soft shades of pink and orange, and he'll be surprised at the realization that there are still beautiful things in Gotham. Maybe your face will flash in his mind, and he'll think that perhaps he shouldn't be so surprised, after all. Maybe one day, after a long night of patrol, he'll pass by the ramen shop again and this time, he decides to stay. The only thing that has changed is the owner, who's gained weight and a few gray hairs, but his smile is still the same. He'll bring Jason's order without asking, and he'll insist that he doesn't have to pay for it. Eating doesn't hurt as much as he feared. In fact, some days, he can move his hands without feeling pain. This is one of the good days. Maybe on that good day, he'll be surprised to find that the ramen is still good. That he can think of the days he used to stay here with his family after patrols, exchanging combat tips and juicy bits of gossip. And this time, he's able to smile.
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tower-girl-anon · 1 year
Juno: Wedding Edition
Hello!! I came back with another asteroid reading that involves, this time, the asteroid Juno which is usually considered as the asteroid that signals who your future spouse is going to be and how will the marriage will be like. This interpretation is not wrong in my opinion and there is plenty of publications related of the meaning of this asteroids in the sign and houses. But, since I want to do something unique and it's still the month of love, I wanted to write about how would you imagine your wedding day to be based on the sign and house of asteroid Juno. As always, take what resonates and please don't repost this without giving proper credits to the owner.
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Juno in Aries/1st house: you will probably like to be married early in life or fast. In your mind, once you've found your future wife/husband or once you are engaged, you won't like to wait. It has to be as soon as possible. Money won't be an issue for you along with the place of the ceremony, the party, the clothing, and so on. Don't care if it's in Las Vegas, a resort, the beach, or a church. You want to get marry fast.
Juno in Taurus/2nd house: these people will like to be married in a traditional place like a church and with only close friends and family. They won't like to invite thousands of people. Their wedding day could be either a very extravagant one or a very frugal one depending on the taste or the ammount of money you both have. The setting of the party and the clothing could be very classical in the mind of these natives.
Juno in Gemini/3rd house: those who have this sign or house will either plan every single detail of your future wedding, or I can see you being totally confused about what you want to do in that day. Maybe you will imagine yourself in multiples scenarios. One day you picture a church, another in a garden; a classic dress or tuxedo one day, and then a see through dress or a colorful tuxedo; and so on. For some you will picture your wedding place in another town or not close to where you live.
Juno in Cancer/4th house: these people won't think so much about the details of their wedding day like the clothing, the place or the food. Unless those things reflect some special memory or feeling within them. But, in general, the things they will think more are about the feelings he or she will have during that special day. Sorrounded by their loved ones, their friends, their parents, and, of course, their bride or groom. He or she will picture themselves crying in their wedding day.
Juno in Leo/5th house: these people will picture their wedding day as a special day for them and their bride/groom. That will be the day where he or she will feel proudest about their partner and their relationship. Probably, they picture an extravagant place full of people, full of little details and fun so people would remind that wedding. They will like to make clear that they, along with his/her future spuse, are the focus of the day.
Juno in Virgo/6th house: these people won't imagine anything about their future wedding. I think they will plan it in advance. The place, the flowers, the decoration, the clothing, everything. If not that, then they will picture his/her special day being perfect. Every single detail and effort they put through months (or even years) to create this special occasion will unfold perfectly. Just like they want.
Juno in Libra/7th house: the ideal wedding for this group would be something sorrounded by beauty and love. Maybe by nature too. They will like their wedding to be aesthetically pleasing to everyone, which it doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be expensive, and their future spouse. But, overall, they won't mind much about everything as long as his ideal partner looks at them with love during the whole ceremony.
Juno in Scorpio/8th house: these people imagine their future wedding as a private setting or a extravagant one depending on the money. Family and legacy could be a theme here so you could get married following certain traditions of your family, or in familiar setting such as an old camp of your family, or your family could help by paying the wedding arrangements. An intimate energy and transformative power could be felt by these people when they picture their wedding day.
Juno in Sagittarius/9th house: these natives will picture themselves getting married in another country, at the beach, in a farm (the symbol of Sagittarius is a horse), in a place that seems adventurous, or the ceremony could be very spiritual at the very least. They won't stress themselves about doing a fancy wedding. Having fun,maybe wearing something loose, and having a smile on their faces the whole day will be the most important thing for these natives.
Juno in Capricorn/10th house: these natives could picture themselves marrying either at an old age, with someone older, or in a traditional ceremony. For some, there could be an arranged marriage. They are very realistic, so the ammount of planning and hard work they must do in order to make the wedding day a success is already being considered by them. Maybe they picture themselves engaged for a long time first before getting married.
Juno in Aquarius/11th house: these natives imagine their wedding day as a funny and unique day in which there is going to be plenty of friends, family, food, and good times. They could possible imagine themselves wearing something untraditional or different like wearing a colorful outfit or doing something that people will remember such as arriving by helicopter or something. In their minds, their future spouse and them will be like best friends having a good time that day.
Juno in Pisces/12th house: this group imagine their wedding day as a deeply romantic experience full of fantasy, love, and mysticism. The fantasy sorrounding every possible scenario that could unfold on their wedding day will captivate them and keep them awake at night because, for them, marring won't be just an emotional experience, it will be sacred. Spiritual. They will like to keep the magic alive on that special day. In another context (it is really a random thing I just thought), maybe they want their wedding to be full of alcohol or drugs.
This is all I have for you today. I hope you enjoyed this reading.
Tower Girl Anon
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prince-liest · 2 months
Yo, I'm writing a pre canon fic in which young fanboy Vox gets assigned as Alastor's assistant by Lilith, any tips for characterising him?
I think you have a lot of room for leeway and playing around since you're working with pre-canon, but the main points that I tend to at least personally keep around as a scaffold for writing Vox are:
He's got a Charisma modifier of, like, +4. This doesn't mean he's always suave - in fact, he's pretty pathetic around Alastor in particular! But he knows how to put on a performance that appeals to his intended audience, whether that be a customer base whose trust he's winning over, or a fellow Vee that he's trying to wrangle into behaving. He switches between ridiculous showmanship and collected CEO, and this works for him despite both personas being rife with overcompensation.
Every single one of the Vees including Vox thinks they're the only normal, reasonably-behaving person in the room, it's wild.
He's smart, he's capable, he's manipulative. He's good at knowing what people want and how to leverage that to sell them those things. The general population thinks he's #goals thanks to the image he puts forth.
He's a piece of shit that has no qualms with Valentino's behavior with Angel Dust, Velvette selling date rape drugs, or abusing his own hypnosis ability to manipulate people into buying his products (which include spyware literally advertised to voyeurs). This is part of the fun of this character!!
I think he has a lot of very fun physicality to him (as do most of the Hazbin Hotel characters), and I really recommend re-watching some of his scenes to get the hang of how he moves and interacts with people physically because you'd be surprised at how much that can add to characterization even in a non-visual format like writing.
...I also genuinely think he's kind of a horny bastard, to whatever extent and rating your story could even use that, but that's me extrapolating from his behavior around both Alastor and Valentino. It's just a fun cherry on top of the "low impulse control around Alastor" thing, because he's got so much going for him on the intelligence front that it's really funny to me when he tangibly switches to thinking with his dick.
And, of course, on the subject of Alastor in particular:
He's obsessive, and Alastor makes all of his impulse control go out the window. I started using the "Vox's One-sided Psychosexual Obsession with Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)" tag for a reason, and it's that I think it's in fact really funny how much evidence we get in canon that Vox doesn't just hate Alastor and want to dominate him, he'd also probably roll right over into the affectionately wheedling persona he uses with Valentino if Alastor suggested he'd take it well.
We don't just see Vox wanting Alastor dead, we also see Alastor telling us that Vox first asked him to join him; the torn-in-half photo of them standing together; and Vox pretty much popping a boner over Alastor getting wrecked by Adam, nevermind how manically he jumps around to get a word in before Alastor even shows his face during Stayed Gone. Even his little "Fu-uu-uuuuuck!" at the end of the song is like 50% actual despair and 50% :pleading: emoji. He wants Alastor, obviously, and I think a lot of the anger that he's projecting at Alastor in canon is specifically anger at being rejected, which is frantically covering up the fact that he is still desperately, embarrassingly into the radio deer. If Alastor won't join him, Vox has to beat him.
Anyway, I love this funky little TV. This was by no means a comprehensive guide or anything like that, but I hope it helped share at least some of my personal thoughts on writing him!
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broodparasitism · 8 months
Everything I've Learned About Querying from Talking to Agents (And Traditionally Published Authors)
Disclaimer: I'm UK based, as was everyone I spoke to. I didn't include any country specific advice, just what I think is applicable regardless of where you live, put it might be useful to know this is from a UK lens.
As part of my course I was able to go to a lot of talks with literary agents (a mixture of literary, genre and nonfiction) and I picked up a lot of useful information - a lot of it not quite so bleak as I feared! - and thought it might be helpful to compile it for anyone looking to query agents in the future, so, here goes, under the readmore:
Remember that agents want to find and publish new authors. They're not at odds with/out to get aspiring authors. They want to work with us. This is someone you're working with, so don't pick an agent you won't get along with.
Manuscripts should be queried when they are as close to finished you are able to manage. There are a few agents that are open to incomplete manuscripts, yes, but many more that flat-out refuse unfinished work. Manuscripts generally go through about ~15 rounds of edits before landing an agent.
Send query letters in batches - around five or six at a time. There is no limit to how many agents you can contact, but you can't contact more than one agent from the same agency, so make sure you've selected the most suitable one from each.
In most cases you can't submit the same manuscript to the same agent twice - so having it be as finished as possible is all the more vital.
Some of them will take a long time to respond. Some never respond at all. If it's been three months of nothing, it's safe to assume that's a rejection.
One agent said she took on about two new authors a year, which likely isn't true for them all but is probably a reasonable average. For all of them, the amount of queries they get can be in the three digits a week. I can't emphasis enough just how many they get. I take a lot of authors to mean that means it's a 0.001% chance and despair, but that assumes each manuscript has an equal chance, and they don't. Correct spelling and grammar, writing in a genre that appeals to the agent, quality sample chapters and respecting the submission guidelines (more on this later) improve the odds by a significiant amount.
One agent said he rejected about half of his submissions from the first page due to spelling and grammar mistakes and cliches, for perspective.
You'll need to pitch your book. If your book cannot be pitched in three sentences, that's a sign it has too much going on and you'll need to do some pruning.
Please don't panic if you cannot come up with an accurate pitch for your book on the fly - you're not supposed to be able to do that. A pitch takes many edits and drafts just like a manuscript.
Send your first three chapters and a synopsis (this should be a page, or two pages double spaced. It should not include every single plot point though, again, if major things end up not there at all, question if they're necessary for the manuscript).
Three chapters is the standard - as in, if the agent web page doesn't specify how many, that's what to opt for. If they say anything else, for the love of God listen. If there was a single piece of advice that the agents emphasised above all else, it was to just follow each submission requirement to a T.
There needs to be a strong hook in these chapters. If your manuscript is a bit of a slow burn, that's fine, but you can cheat a bit with a 'prologue' that's actually a very hook-y scene from later on.
Read the agent's bio page throughly and make a note of what they like, who they represent, and what they're looking for, and highlight this in the query letter.
Your query letter has to say a little about you. It doesn't have to be really personal information (but say if you're under 40, because that's rare for authors and they like that), and keep it professional but not stiff, they say. If you have any writing credentials, such as awards won or creative writing degrees, include them, as with any real life experiences that pertains to the content of your book. But no one will be rejected on the basis of not having had an interesting enough life.
Apparently one of the biggest mistakes for debut authors tend to be too many filler scenes.
In terms of looking for comparative titles, think about where you want your book to 'sit'. Often literally - go into bookstores and visualise where on the displays you could see it. It's really helpful if you can identify a specific marketing niche. Though you want to choose comparisons that sell well, but going for really obvious choices looks lazy. A TV or film comparison is fine - as long as it genuinely can be compared.
Do not call yourself the next Donna Tartt. Or JK Rowling. They are sick of this.
Don't trust agents who request exclusive submission.
Or any with a fee. Agents take a percentage of your advance/royalties - you never pay them directly.
In terms of trends (crowd booing), there's been a boom in uplifting, optimistic fiction, but more recently dark fiction has been rising in popularity and looks to have its moment. Fantasy and Gothic are both huge right now. Publishers also love what's called upmarket/book club fiction - books that toe the line between genre and literary.
But publishers aren't clairvoyant and writing to trends is a futile effort, so don't let them shape what you want to write. Some writing advice I got that I loved was to not even THINK about marketability until draft three or four.
If any agent requests your full manuscript - this is crucial - email every other agent you're waiting to hear back from and let them know. This will take your manuscript from the slush pile to the top, and you are more likely to get more offers of representation.
The agent that flatters you the most isn't necessarily the best. Be sure to ask them what their plan for the book is, and what publishers they're planning to send it to - you want them to have a precise vision. It might be that their vision misses the mark on what kind of book you wanted to write, and if so, they aren't the right agent for you.
Research like hell! A good place to start is finding out who represents authors you love (the acknowledgements pages are really helpful here). if you can, getting access to The Writer's and Artist's Yearbook is very helpful, as is The Bookseller, the lattr for checking up on specific agents. (I was warned the website search engine is awful, so google "[name] the Bookseller" to see what they've sold. That said, only the huge deals get reported, so it's not indicative of everyone they take on.
I also want to add Juliet Mushen's article on what makes a good query. I owe a lot to it, and I feel like it's a useful template!
Once Agented
Agents send a manuscript to about 18-25 publishers, typically. Most books will end up having more than one publisher interested.
It can be hard to move genres after publishing a debut novel, especially for book two, not only because it means it takes longer for you to establish yourself, but the agent that may be perfect for dealing with manuscripts for book one might not have the skills for book two.
Ask the agency/publisher about their translation rights, their rights to the US market, and film and TV rights. Ask also what time of year the book is going to come out, if being published.
It's less the book agents are interested in than it is you as an author. You will be asked what you're going to write next, so have an answer. Just an answer - you don't need another manuscript ready to go. One author said she flat-out made up a book idea on the spot, and she got away with it - just have an answer. (This is also useful to put on the query letter.)
Caveat that this is, of course, not a foolproof guide to getting a book deal, nor is it in any way unconditional endorsement of how the industry works - I just thought it would be useful to know.
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celestie0 · 4 months
notes on kickoff ch.7
hellooo if you're here thank you for taking the interest! i just had some creative notes i wanted to get off my chest with the release of ch.7 lol i felt compelled to do so with this one i'm basically journaling here. you can read this after reading ch7 here!
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I. on gojo's feelings
as for why didn't gojo just tell reader how he felt at the end of the chapter, and instead only says what he does. i think i rewrote this ending like five different times, he was never supposed to tell her at this point based on my story planning, but i did explore the idea of a dramatic confession here regardless, and it didn't fit for lots of different reasons for one, i think he's finally able to put himself in reader's shoes. it's true he's pretty dense and obviously has commitment issues/valid fears that keep him from opening up, but that still doesn't mean he hasn't hurt reader in a lot of different ways already. he realizes, whether intentionally or not, he's led her on and to do a complete turnaround within a few hours while she's already trying to process rejection as she is clearly withdrawn from him i believed would've been selfish on his part, and could possibly cause even more hurt over the fact that he could come off ingenuine. gojo is finally emotionally aware of her enough to recognize it, but he's not a perfect person so it still slips through that he's distraught at the thought of never seeing her again. in general i'm of the opinion that if someone asks for space, you respect that unless they say otherwise of note, just because he realizes that he has these feelings, doesn't necessary change his fears, as no single moment can undo years of trauma, so i think that's why he bites his tongue too. i'm not keen on making this a "woman fixes man" story but i moreso want to embrace the sentiment that you don't need to resolve every single bad thing that's ever happened to you in order to embrace love or happiness.
II. on gojo's commitment issues
i know it was brought up in the first gojo pov that he has issues committing to just one woman, but i wanted this chapter to reveal that it's really just his fear of opening up to people due to the still raw loss he feels of losing someone he loved. i aim with his pov to be more of a stream of his own consciousness rather than from an omniscient observer, which may explain the ambiguity. he's not sure if he's able to open up to a person in a way he knows is normal and healthy, so he settles on shallow connections instead. just wanted to clear this up, and say that it won't be any sort of plot point in which he struggles to be sincere or faithful when he seriously wants to commit to someone as he has no issues with that if he truly wants to be with them (unlike the whore he's been so far in the series lmao)
III. on strawberry vanilla soda
btw i've never had this flavor of soda i'm not even sure where i came up w it loool or if it even exists. i was kind of toying with the idea of gojo seeing reader's message on the can during the match, and that would maybe help him get more focused on the field (sooo sports romance cliche but i still love it haha) but i settled on him seeing it afterwards to kinda parallel the clumsiness he's had with reader so far. for some reason, the universe just doesn't want him to get his timing right with her lol
IV. on angst/conflict
i know ch7 was a bit differentttt less gojo x reader and more just gojo lmfao, it was also a bit angsty. it definitely won't stay angsty throughout the remaining chapters. this was just gojo's lore drop chapter LOL. there will still obviously be angst here and there, but i've got a lot of fun, cute, tense, silly, passionate, messy scenes still planned similar to ch5&6 because i prefer writing those kinds of scenes haha. ultimately this story was always meant to be a full-circle romance, so ch7 was to lay some of the emotional groundwork that gets brought up as the story builds to its climax
that's all i have to saayyy if you actually read this whole thing i love you?? lol. ch7 really emotionally resonated with me as i wrote it, both as someone who understands how gojo feels but also as someone who understands how reader feels, and if it resonated with you too then that makes me very happy and that's ultimately every writer's dream haha. was very cathartic to share these thoughts. i hope to see you in the next oneeee <3 have a wonderful rest of your day!
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ashtheketchum · 4 months
What Harry Potter character love PART 1
A/N: In this part I will simply share one specific thing that Harry Potter characters would love in a relationship. This is the first part, I will write a second one!
Characters that appear: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Fred & George Weasley
Warnings: None (Just super fluffy af)
Harry Potter:
If you wear his clothes
No matter whether in public or private
Especially if he sees you wearing it to sleep
Most of the time you borrow a T-shirt from him or sometimes a pair of his gloves
Even if no one cares or no one notices a difference, Harry notices
He doesn't say it with pride, but he grins proudly when he sees it
It always makes you embarrassed, but you love being in his clothes
Ron Weasley:
Ron always makes you gifts or collects something for you
He can't really buy you anything, which is why he wants to make it good in another way
He makes you small roses out of paper or collects flowers to make you a bouquet
He even once asked Neville which flowers looked really nice and smelled good
You keep every gift safe
Most of the time you kept them in your room, but if there wasn't room, you had a small box that you put the gifts in
He gives you something every week
Sometimes he just writes you a letter
When the summer holidays arrived in fourth grade, he even gave you a photo album as a gift
Draco Malfoy:
He loves your hickeys
It doesn't matter if he has it on his own neck or you have his on your neck
When you give each other hickeys, at least one is always on the neck for everyone to see
You are his and he wants to show that to everyone
Sometimes he won't even allow you to wear the scarf if you have a hickey
You were only allowed to wear it when it was cold
But the same went for Draco too
Sometimes he proudly shouts about what a great partner he has
Neville Longbottom:
Neville is the kind of guy who wants to keep certain things private
He likes to hold hands with you or give you a kiss on the cheek or forehead
But the thing he really loves is when you put lipstick on and kiss his whole face with it
The kiss marks that remain make him incredibly happy and he can't suppress his grin
He usually loves it when it's a bright color (red, purple or black for example)
Harry saw it once and it made him so uncomfortable
He didn't want to come out of his room for a few days
Fred/George Weasley:
They both love hearing you laugh
Whether you are in a threesome relationship or just a single couple, both twins love it
Most of all, they love it when you laugh at their jokes
Or even about their pranks
They could listen to your laughter all day without even being bored or annoyed
This also means that if you're ticklish, they'll tickle you a lot
It doesn't matter to them whether it's in public or not
Both twins would love to hear you laugh all the time
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x OFC
Part 11
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x OFC
Characters: Wolffe, Cara (child OFC), Comet, Sinker, Boost, Warthog, Plo Koon
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort, family fluff
Word Count: 1.3k
Author's Note: PLEASE READ! I have made the decision to change this series from a reader fic to an OC fic. I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and it's not something I decided on overnight. I don't believe I can do the narrative justice by staying in the constraints of a reader fic, and my first duty is always to the narrative. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone, but trust me, having to go back and re-write everything into third-person past-tense was not on my to-do list. I realize I do not have an OC option on my taglist sign up form. This has been fixed. If you would no longer like to be tagged in this series, please let me know. All of the parts will be updated along with the corrected tags before the next part is posted in two weeks. I apologize for the inconvenience. As always, please enjoy 💚
Beta: @beating-a-dead-plot
Part 1 || Prev | Next
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After the long trek up the Jedi Temple steps, Wolffe placed Cara down onto the ground and let her walk beside him, but he securely held her hand. The Temple still made him feel uneasy, but with a little gentle prodding from Plo, and after passing by several clone troopers, he decided to release Cara's hand and let her walk on her own. He kept one eye on where he was going and the other on her to make sure she didn't wander off on him. She had always been a curious child.
As Plo guided the group through the Temple halls to their new quarters he told Cara a little story that made her giggle and laugh. It warmed Wolffe's heart to hear her laugh and he soaked up as much of it as he could. She had been through so much already, and the funeral was going to ruin any chance of him hearing her laugh in the near future. It wasn't like he laughed much either. His wife was the one who laughed the most, but it was contagious and he always caught it from her.
Along their journey, Wolffe had to stop Cara from touching things that didn't belong to her. She wanted to touch everything within reach and most of it belonged to the Jedi or someone else. The rest of the Wolfpack found it amusing and snickered every time Wolffe veered off from the group to grab his wandering child. He'd never been on babysitting duty before, but his wife made it look easy when they went out together so he thought it wouldn't be an issue for him. He was dead wrong.
"Cara," Wolffe sighed as he sprinted over to her once again. This time it was a cube-shaped shiny-looking object sitting on a table. "If you don't stop walking away from me, I'm gonna have to carry you."
"Look! It's pretty," Cara said as she picked up the cube and admired it.
"It's not yours," Wolffe said. He took the cube from her and placed it back down where she found it.
Cara pouted, turned away from Wolffe, and crossed her arms. "But it was pretty…"
Wolffe's eyes softened and he crouched down to her level. "I know, but just because something is pretty doesn't mean you can take it. That's called stealing."
Cara turned back to face Wolffe, still pouting. "Is stealing bad?"
"Yes, it is," Wolffe said. "The Coruscant Guard can put you in jail for that."
"I don't want to go to jail!" Cara gasped and put her hands behind her back. "I don't like Fox."
Wolffe tried to hide a snort, but failed miserably. "Don't worry, baby, you won't. As long as you stop touching things that don't belong to you."
"Okay," Cara said. She reached her arms up for Wolffe to pick her up and he obliged.
Wolffe fell back into step with the rest of the group as Plo continued to direct them through the Temple. With so many twists, turns, and hallways it wouldn't be easy for Cara to leave the temple, even by accident, which was one of Wolffe's major concerns about getting deployed. Actually, he had a whole list of concerns, but he could only focus on one at a time. He never used to be such a worrier, not with his wife around, but now, so many things could go wrong if he wasn't there with her.
"We have arrived," Plo said as he stopped and turned to face a plain door in the hallway.
Wolffe was pulled away from his thoughts when he heard his general's voice and realized that he'd been walking on autopilot for the last stretch of the journey. He'd have to access the Temple maps later to make sure he knew where all of the entrance and exit routes to and from the room were. He'd memorize the entire Temple layout if he had to. He refused to leave any of this up to chance. There was too much at stake. He couldn't stay focused on a mission if he was thinking about Cara's welfare.
Wolffe placed Cara down and took a hold of her hand. This was new for the both of them, but they'd do it together, even if it was scary. Plo opened the door and Wolffe did an immediate visual scan for threats and initial observations. It was spacious compared to any living quarters the GAR had ever given him, but it looked rather restricting for Cara, who had lived her whole life in a multi-room apartment. It was a simple layout with a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, a window, and, thankfully, no enemies.
Cara grabbed Wolffe's leg and stepped behind him to hide. He could tell she was nervous, but so was he.
"Daddy," her voice trembled. "I want to go home."
Wolffe twisted his neck around to look down at her and sighed. He gave her an encouraging pat on the back and walked forward into the room with her following behind. "This…" he began, but hesitated. "This is home now." The words tasted bitter even for him, but if he was going to convince Cara, he needed to convince himself first. It definitely wasn't home. Not by a longshot. Home was their apartment. Home was pretty curtains and smelly flowers. Home was a warm meal. Home was his wife.
"Out of the way!" Sinker shouted as he barreled past Wolffe and Cara. "Man with a box coming through!"
Cara giggled and Wolffe shook his head as the rest of the Wolfpack filed into the small room.
Boost plopped down onto the bed and bounced on it with exaggerated motions. "This bed is super soft. Softer than any bed I've ever slept on. You should feel it!"
Cara let go of Wolffe's leg and ran over to the bed to try it out for herself.
"Look at this!" Warthog exclaimed over his shoulder. "There's a window too. You can see all of Coruscant from up here!"
Cara hopped off of the bed and ran over to look out the window. She was just a tad bit too short, so Warthog picked her up so she could see.
Comet walked into the room last and pulled open the doors of the wardrobe. "Wow," he said with a big smile. "Lots of space in here, too. You're really staying in luxury, ad'ika."
Wolffe crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe, shaking his head as a small smile crept onto his face. What was once a terrifying situation was now an exciting adventure thanks to the Wolfpack. They knew he was scared just as much as Cara was, even if he'd never admit it, and their exaggerated display had not only eased her fears, but some of his own as well. She was smiling, giggling, laughing, exploring, and seemed fine right now. They saw her fear and shot it point blank like the good soldiers they were.
"Commander," Plo said, interrupting Wolffe's thoughts. "If you will excuse me, I have a briefing to attend."
Wolffe's small smile turned into a grimace. "Understood," he said. "I'll grab my kit."
"No need," Plo dismissed with a wave of his hand. "I will take the sergeant with me. You are much more needed here."
Wolffe looked at Sinker, who nodded in agreement. "I'll report back when the briefing is over."
"And I will meet you all on the terrace in a couple hours," Plo said, a sadness invading his voice.
Wolffe nodded in response and watched as the two left. He worried his lip and wondered what the briefing was about. Normally a briefing meant they were about to deploy, but he hoped that this time it was the slim case where it wasn't a deployment order, because the thought of leaving Cara so soon burned a hole straight through his gut. They still had the funeral to deal with, and he couldn't abandon her after that. It would make him a deplorable father and human being, but a very good soldier.
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How I read and enjoy books in my target language
Please note that I write about what works for me and share advice based on my own experiences. If you have a different opinion or if you use other methods, that's absolutely fine. Do whatever works for you.
Since some people asked me how I read books in my target languages, I would like to describe my way of reading in this post. I focus on reading for some time now and I'm very happy with my progress so far. This doesn't mean that I won't change a few things in the future (I'm constantly gaining experience and changing my learning style accordingly).
1. Choosing a book
Before I start reading, I have to choose an appropriate book, obviously. After trial and error I realized how important this step is. My ideal book is:
not too easy (I won't learn much)
not too difficult (if I can't follow at least the rough story I won't enjoy it)
interesting (motivation to read it)
I try to choose a book that is slightly above my level so that I can follow the story without looking up too many words but also learn new words. I don't need to understand everything, but I don't want to feel lost either. Balance is important.
2. Trying the first chapter
After choosing a book that seems to be appropriate, I try to read the first chapter (and sometimes the first two chapters, if they are short). I pay attention to things like:
Can I follow the story?
Is the story interesting?
Do I like the writing style?
If I can answer (most) questions like these with "yes", I continue reading the book.
Do I only understand single words or sentences here and there? Do I have no clue what happens? Then I put the book aside for now and choose an easier one. There's no shame in admitting that this book is too difficult at the moment. Deciding what I don't read is just as important as deciding what I read.
3. Reading
If the level of difficulty is okay, I start reading the book. In my experience, the first few chapters are always the hardest. I need time to get used to the writing style, the used vocabulary and the story. 
In the case of the japanese version of Harry Potter, the beginning was difficult because of the writing style. But after two chapters, I began to enjoy the story and so I continued. That's why I always try to read at least the first chapter. A book that seems difficult in the beginning can be very enjoyable once I've read enough pages. 
When I come across an interesting word or a sentence I like, I highlight it. I try to not highlight too much stuff, though. Two, maybe three words per page is usually my maximum. Enjoying the story is my number one priority. I can read several pages without highlighting anything, even though there are words I don't know. As long as I don't feel the strong urge to look up a word, I just continue reading. 
In many cases I can understand words from context and learn them over time just by seeing them again and again. That's why I don't look up words immediately. I wait to see if they come up more often.
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After I finished one chapter, I look up all highlighted words and read the passages that contain these words a second time. This way, I can connect the meaning with the full context. I don't try to memorize the word; I just try to understand it in this particular context before I continue. 
Most of the time, I learn words unconsciously. If the book is easy enough, it's not so difficult to guess the meaning of certain words. While reading, I don't focus so much on words I don't know. I just focus on following the story. I may not always understand every detail, but as long as I can follow and enjoy the story, everything is fine. I learn so much by engaging with the language in a meaningful way and enjoying the content. Sometimes, I even forget that I am reading a book in a foreign language!
I have to add, that I'm already familiar with basic sentence patterns and that I have experience with reading books in my target languages. I finished the book "Remembering the Kanji" which makes it easier to guess the meaning of words. Knowing lots of kanji is a great advantage.
I have still a long way to go, of course, but this natural way of learning vocabulary may not work well at very early stages because you need a foundation first. After you are familiar with the dialogues and example sentences in your textbook, graded readers are a good choice in my opinion. Graded readers can make the transition from textbooks to easy books aimed at (young) native speakers easier.
Tip: One thing that helped me is to take a card, write down words I looked up and put this card into the book. When I read it a second time, I don't need to look them up again. Reading texts more than once can help to get more familiar with new words. Plus, writing helps me to remember words better. Reviewing them in their original context is much more enjoyable to me than reviewing them with flashcards. In the picture below you can see how my cards look like:
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4. Enjoy!
I made enjoying books my number one priority. This is what helped me to make much more progress than before. All I need is enough reading material at the right level and a dictionary. As soon as I get absorbed in a book, I don't think about learning a language. I just want to enjoy the story. The more experience I gain, the better I become at understanding the language as a result. There's no need to force it or to hurry.
What I like about just enjoying a book and learning words naturally is that it's so simple. I don't necessarily need my computer, a certain software, add-ons, ... All I need is something I can read. After reading a chapter, I only look up a few words as I described above and that's it. Then, I often feel so motivated that I want to read more. I read much more than before because I enjoy it so much.
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momentsofamberclarity · 3 months
don't call me nonnie.
i know that not all proshipping is sexual, but it's still portraying pedophilia/incest positively
the bullet point lists were because i just wanted to separate each sentence into a different point because they were all sort off disconnected
the "they're just pixels" argument doesn't work because every single thing you see on a screen is a bunch of pixels if you zoom in, with that logic every image posted online is "just pixels", including actual csem
Fine, I won't call you that. But riddle me this, anon; why am I showing you more respect than you're showing me? Why have you told me to go fuck myself multiple times in place of having a discussion?
Here's the thing ... the only way you will find csem is if you go looking for it. You are not going to find csem on tumblr because it would break community guidelines. But fictional characters under the age of 18 do not count as csem and numerous child protection services have stated that those are just art.
Likewise, the only way you're gonna find fanfiction of 'kids being raped' as you keep putting it, is if you're trying to be a white knight and seek those writers out purposefully so that you can harass them like you're doing with me. Because most of the proshippers I know tag their stuff so that it can be found by the target audience and blacklisted by the people who don't want to see it.
And here's the thing about proshipping which I think is the biggest hurtle of the anti community. Proship doesn't mean 'I support active sexual predators hurting real living children'. 'Pedophile' as a term is meaningless at this point because everyone on the internet uses it to describe anyone they disagree with. You're better off using predator and paraphile. Predators are the dangerous people who don't give a shit about fiction because they have full-intent to harm others. But the majority of paraphiles? They're no-contact and/or fiction-only on their paraphilias, or they do consenting adult things with their consenting adult partners that are roleplaying with boundaries set in place for a reason.
I've been on the internet since before the term 'proship' even popped up. Back before that we called it Dead Dove, Don't Eat and Don't Like, Don't Look. 'Proship' as a term has the same meaning as those old ones, it's just shorthand. It means 'I support the rights of others to ship whatever they want in their own space regardless of whether or not I like or condone it because I don't know them and it does not involve me'. You don't like the content? You have a block button and you are encouraged to use it to curate your own online experience just like the artists and authors posting that content are.
The fact that you're still here means you're hearing some of what I'm saying and possibly having a hard time coming to terms with it. Believe me, I went through a period of morality crisis between my bpd and ocd telling me that fiction could affect reality and I thought that thinking bad things ( like intrusive thoughts ) made me a Bad Person. But thoughts are just thoughts.
So if you want to come off anon and actually have a conversation with me, I promise I'm not going to name-drop you. The purpose of this blog has only ever been about clearing up misconceptions about proshippers and paraphiles because I used to be uninformed about those topics myself until my partner and another super close friend explained them to me in a way that I could comprehend. And that is that thought crime doesn't exist. And fictional characters don't have autonomy and therefore cannot be abused by your thoughts, your art, your writing, etc.
But if we did away with fictional expression of paraphilias in a healthy artistic manner ( like KOSA is currently trying to do ), the world would be a more dangerous place for potential victims, because paraphiles and predators are always going to exist whether you choose to accept that or not. My own abusers never faced charges, only one of my partners' abusers is rotting in jail, and that is the reality of this fucked up world that we're living in. People with niche fetishes aren't monsters - most are even too embarrassed to talk about them. Active sexual predators online who hop into the DMs of minors to be creeps are a real world problem. And that has nothing to do with the proship community's philosophy of 'ship and let ship'.
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withacapitalp · 1 year
How come "books are books, shows are shows, do whatever you want w characters" doesn't apply to B*lly? Not trying to start drama, just genuinely want to understand. Is it because he's a bad guy I can't reshape him into something I'd like and ignore what's "canon?"
Oh boy Nonnie okay I'll try to be really clear but it probably won't come out super legible. I'm putting it under a read more because I don't wanna clog up my dash w a long explanation (which knowing me it's going to end up being) I also want to say that all of this is MY opinion. I'm no one's ultimate judge, I'm just a guy on the internet who writes stories.
All that to say, this is why I think that fundamentally the idea that Eddie's sexuality and Billy's racism can be manipulated in fandom on the same level is really flawed.
Overall I think that the point of fan fiction is personal enjoyment. Ultimately you're creating something with yourself as the audience in mind. If not, then I don't really get it. So, for you, maybe it can mean that. Do I personally agree? No, but I can't stop anyone from creating something and putting it online. That's the whole point of ao3, no bars, no barriers. When you start putting that kind of wall in place, a slippery slope starts to form, so even if I would never personally partake in some forms of fanfic, I get why it's important to have a place where any kind of fic can exist. Back button exists for a reason, block button exists for a reason, curate your own online experience.
I'm not gonna be the person who says like if you like Billy you're a garbage person, because like that just isn't true? The two aren't automatically associated. Do I think that people who want to erase that part of Billy should maybe examine that urge? Yeah, but I think we all need to look inside and see where systematic racism might make us think things are more acceptable than they should be. I also can't understand people who want to give Vecna a redemption arc, or the people who think Sn*pe was just misunderstood. Regardless, we're all works in progress, and 90% of people to me are capable of learning more and growing and seeing where they might be working with a bias. I know I definitely have my own too.
I personally just will not give him redemption of any form or reshape him, because to do so seems to be disrespectful from my point of view to real life people. I'm not a person of color, Billy's racism is at the forefront of his character, so for me to reshape that and erase it in a fanfic feels like I would be ignoring a serious thing and pretending like that never happened, when it exists in our society in a major way. There isn't a point where Billy's racism ever gets resolved. In fact, the whole thing gets dropped completely in s3 which seems like a really terrible oversight by the Duffers. It's used as a plot point when it was convenient, which is messy and wrong.
But All of that is just background to your real question here which I believe is this-
Why is it okay to change a character's sexuality, but not their bigotry?
For me, I don't really like to equate the two? I think that the idea that someone's sexuality is a 'flaw' that needs to be reshaped is kinda problematic, and we also don't actually know Eddie's sexuality. Everyone can say what they think till the cows come home, but at no point did we get 'Eddie is confirmed gay, straight, bi, etc. etc.' EVERY single interpretation of Eddie's sexuality is someone shaping canon as they see fit right now.
With Billy he is confirmed racist. He is 100% undoubtedly a racist. Not even someone who used to be racist who learned and repented. He was always racist and tried to commit a hate crime against Lucas (I would argue that he did, because holding a twelve year old up against a wall and threatening to kill them because they're black and they dared to want to get to know your sister feels like a hate crime to me) The only reason he didn't seriously hurt Lucas was the fact that Steve stepped in. That's it. He was going to assault a child for his race.
To compare ignoring that to playing with a character's sexuality feels....mm I just strongly don't agree. I don't exactly have words to explain, but I really don't.
I think there are things you can change about characters easily. You can change their sexualities, their ages, their genders, their backstories, but to fundamentally erase something like that just doesn't line up for me.
No call out here Nonnie, I appreciate that you wanted to ask and be open, but this is my question for people who want to change Billy that way- What is it about Billy that is so compelling that it feels necessary to change that part of him? Why is Billy the character you *need* to write for?
Jonathan is a fantastic big brother who has a ton of issues and was abused by his father. If you're having the hankering to try and examine a flawed big brother, he's right there.
Eddie is an outcast (and strongly implied that he comes from an abusive home) and if you're looking to try and write about that, he's right there.
Steve is the character that has actually GONE through the redemption people always try to give Billy. He said slurs and did bad things, and almost immediately went to make amends for them when he was able to acknowledge he did the wrong thing.
Billy never even apologized. He hadn't changed by the time he died, and no I don't think sacrificing himself was some major change. I think that a villain can be tragic without needing to retroactively make them a better person. Billy is a flawed and broken person. Yes that probably relates mostly to the way he was raised and the fact that his family was violent, but that doesn't excuse it. The Byers have an abusive home, and at no point does Jonathan act the way Billy does. I think they're really good foils to each other on what can happen with a big brother.
Anyways this was a really really long answer nonnie, but I hope I got it across why I really disagree with that stance. If anyone was offended or upset, know that wasn't my intenion, and feel free to let me know.
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