#which drink syrup to buy
luckystorein22 · 1 year
Are there gourmet cuisine dishes prepared with maple syrup?
Maple syrup is a delightful natural sweetener that adds a unique touch to various dishes. Its rich, complex flavor profile and versatility make it a popular choice for both sweet and savory creations. In this article, we'll dive into the world of gourmet cuisine and discover some delectable dishes that feature maple syrup as a star ingredient.
1. Maple-Glazed Salmon:
Indulge your taste buds with a succulent maple-glazed salmon dish. The combination of the delicate, flaky fish and the sweet yet slightly smoky glaze creates a harmonious blend of flavors. The maple syrup caramelizes beautifully, enhancing the salmon's natural richness. Serve it alongside roasted vegetables for a satisfying and healthy meal.
2. Maple-Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts:
Elevate humble Brussels sprouts to gourmet status with a maple-balsamic glaze. The sweetness of maple syrup balances the slight bitterness of the sprouts, while the balsamic vinegar adds a tangy twist. Roast them to perfection for a side dish that will impress even the most discerning palates.
3. Maple-Glazed Pork Tenderloin:
For a hearty main course, try a maple-glazed pork tenderloin. The maple syrup forms a luscious caramelized coating on the succulent meat, creating a sweet and savory masterpiece. The flavors meld together beautifully, making this dish a true crowd-pleaser. Serve it alongside roasted potatoes or a crisp salad for a well-rounded meal.
4. Maple-Pecan French Toast:
Indulge in a decadent breakfast or brunch treat with maple-pecan French toast. Dip thick slices of bread in a mixture of beaten eggs, milk, and a generous drizzle of maple syrup, then pan-fry until golden brown. Top it off with toasted pecans and an extra drizzle of syrup for a delightful morning delight that will make your taste buds sing.
5. Maple-Glazed Carrots with Thyme:
Enhance the natural sweetness of carrots with a maple-thyme glaze. This elegant side dish features tender carrots roasted to perfection with a touch of maple syrup and aromatic thyme. The result is a medley of flavors that will add a vibrant touch to any meal.
Maple syrup offers a world of culinary possibilities, taking gourmet cuisine to new heights. From savory main courses to sweet delights, its distinct flavor and natural sweetness add depth and character to dishes. So, the next time you're looking to impress your guests or simply treat yourself, consider incorporating maple syrup into your cooking. Explore the versatility of this delightful ingredient and let your taste buds embark on a sweet and savory journey like no other.
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caterpillarinacave · 3 months
“why is this so sweet” I ask, drinking straight caramel syrup
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freckleslikestars · 2 years
It may have taken me five and a half hours, but fuck me that was the best latte I’ve ever had
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crimsonblackrose · 2 years
There’s a weird atmosphere to events that don’t happen but still sort of happen. Like a festival where all the vendors cancel but the fancy dj’s with large followings and who play concerts to sold out shows are just chilling and jamming and it’s like the saddest and yet coolest thing. That they chose to still go on even though there’s no one in the parking lot, no one’s dancing, no one’s showing up. But at the same time sometimes you get to chat with the person who planned the event and it’s like looking into another world of people you’ve never heard of and events you don’t know anything about but to someone somewhere this is something they love and you could stay and eat pizza and just chill with these people because your paths crossed and bounce around in a bouncy house but there‘s work in the morning and bao and scallion cakes defrosting in a friend’s car that needs to get home in the freezer. Like I hope they spend all night jamming and bouncing in that bounce castle to their hearts content and just enjoying the night even if it’s just for them, with the gates open for anyone who decides to wander in.
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onlyswan · 11 months
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summary: in which you always get what you want and jungkook is dying to kiss you.
> idol!jungkook x f!reader / fluff!! a pinch of angst / word count: 5.5k
> content/warnings: jimin cameo!!, a photobooth, oc gets a little hot & bothered bcs jk is a menace lol (they both are <3), touches a biiit on toxic relationships but this is pure fluff and yearning :p (the ex oc mentions is the same as the one mentioned in the first meeting drabble)
> songs: bad - wave to earth / just like magic - ariana grande
> in which masterlist!
note: just a sweet and silly drabble of jungkook being hopelessly whipped for oc before they even became official *to intensify the seven mv brainrot* no i didn’t plan this 🥲 + hehe this was only a week before the first kiss :p reblogs and feedback are much appreciated !! <3
“you really came!”
you run towards jungkook with a wide smile that reaches your eyes. the bag hanging on your shoulder swings and strikes your hip due to your excitement, but you could care less about the clinking of coins when there’s a bright star leaning on a lamp post, smiling back at you.
you stand before him as he straightens himself up, puffs of a fleeting cloud appearing as you pant lightly. “dummy, it’s so late. i told you to go to bed. aren’t you tired?”
“exactly, it’s so late.” he emphasizes your words to scold you, concern dripping from the tone of his soft voice. “of course i had to come.”
he tips his head to the side, sparkling eyes drinking you in as if he didn’t just see you the other night.
“you’re so adorable today.”
“thanks. is it because of this?” you happily scrunch your nose at the compliment, tugging at the strings of the brown knitted ear warmers wrapped around your head.
it is near midnight. drowning in the warmth of his bed to flee the freezing season, jungkook should be comfortably resting at home. however, he just had to look for your name in his contact list despite being absolutely knackered… and somehow he ended up here, because if he has been trading his sleep for work all these years, then he can also trade it any day to spend his midnights with you.
an endeared grin spreads on his face, rosy cheeks numb from the cold. “hm, teddy bear.”
a gust of silence passes by as your inquiring eyes survey the white plastic bag hanging from his hand, the company logo stamped in the middle of it familiar since childhood.
“what’s that? are you sick?”
“me?” he points at himself in confusion, shaking his head. “i’m not, though?”
“then why do you have-”
“ahhh- ah!” his face lights up as he is reminded of the other reason he came to you. he slaps his forehead with a chuckle. “i almost forgot.”
jungkook, although still a little shy around you, tries his best to initiate eye-contact when either one of you speaks to avoid giving off the impression that his mind is someplace else when you’re together. however, the mission becomes difficult when you meet his gaze wide-eyed, and he is… breathless.
“you haven’t been feeling well so… uhm, i got you vitamins and more medicine, just incase. here.”
your heart feels like it’s been wrapped in a cozy blanket meant to thaw the winter that has overstayed its welcome, spreading warmth and giddy sparks all the way to the tips of your fingers. you’re relieved that you wore gloves today; he didn’t get electrified when you took the thoughtful gift from his cold hand.
“really? even vitamins?”
the original plan was only to take a peek, but a word written in bold and colorful letters prompts you to bring out the cough medicine for a better look.
oh, jungkook.
you quickly slide it back inside the bag, a laugh accidentally slipping from your mouth. you press your lips into a thin line to suppress the rest of them bubbling in your chest.
“yah, why are you suddenly laughing? did i buy the wrong one?” he questions, nervous about his suspicions being correct.
he follows up with a matter-of-fact tone.
“you said you only like syrup when you have a cough, because it’s soothing.”
“it’s so sweet that you remembered that but…” you giggle, eyes watering as your body quakes with the intensity of it. the image of the packaging flashes in your mind, and you sniffle. “this is for babies.”
“but syrup is really for kids? are they not?”
his doe eyes are shining not with condescension but genuine innocence, and it makes this a whole lot funnier for you.
“yeah, i mean…” you pause as a puzzling realization washes over you.
oh my god, does this mean that this entire time… he’s been thinking that you gulp down bottles of cherry-flavored cough syrup for two-year-old’s? and he didn’t question that? at all?
“i guess you’re right. but they also have one for adults. i was drinking that.”
“huh, that’s what they gave me. and i just assumed-” he gestures at the medicine you’re grasping in your hands before he freezes.
with the clear view of it, he finally discerns how silly of a mistake he has made.
“i must be out of my mind today!”
he breaks out into a fit of laughter, putting a hand over his aching belly.
it’s a sound that has been evoking an inexplicable joy in you since the first time you heard it; a sound that you often miss lately. you still need to remind yourself not to stare at him for too long, scared that he’d be able to read these thoughts from a simple look at your face.
“still, it’s pink. and i bet that tastes better?”
you nod your head in agreement, pulling out the medicine once more to study the directions of use. “with the dropper and everything, i bet it’s a better experience.”
“shit, it- it even has a dropper?”
“i told you! it’s for babies!”
“babies?! no, no. this isn’t it. this won’t do.” he furiously shakes his head as he waves his hand in disapproval, crossing the distance between you to seize your wrist. “let’s go- come with me. let’s go back to the pharmacy. i’ll exchange it for the right one.”
“nope.” you refuse his demands with a smirk, stubbornly breaking away from his grip. “i don’t want to. i’ll keep this.”
“____, come on!”
“but you already gave it to m- jungkook!” you squeal when he makes a move to steal the item from your hands.
out of reflex, you hide them from him behind yourself. and unsurprisingly, that doesn’t deter jungkook’s endless supply of friskiness. he chases you as he reaches for your back, and you carelessly stumble multiple steps backwards to escape him. whimpering at the unexpected impact, you finally reach a dead-end, trapped between a wall and the boy who’s been making your winter a little less blue. your forehead lands on his chest, defeated, and he keeps you steady with a secure hold of your arms.
a harmony of breathy giggles imbues the silence of the deserted sidewalk.
“what are you even going to do with it? you can’t drink it anyway!”
you lift up your head with a drawn-out whine.
you can’t give him an answer.
to be honest, you’re just as clueless as jungkook is.
“ehhh?” he mimics the sound you made with an amused expression painted on his face. you’re too damn adorable for your own good, and it’s doing very dangerous things to his heart. “will you? are you a baby?”
the rhetorical question is a bait that you choose to bite.
“not really, but i can be your baby.” you shrug, melting him with a coquettish smile.
“ah, i see… is that term of endearment your type? you want to be mine?”
his teasing grin puts his dimples on display, and you desperately want to run back into your apartment just to spend a full minute screaming into your pillow. you’re thoroughly convinced that you’ve never felt more attracted to a person than you are to jungkook. this is bad news. you don’t know to what lengths you’re willing to go so that he could stay in your life for as long as you want. it’s terrifying and exhilarating.
“just to set the record straight, you want me to be yours.”
“and if i do? then what…? are you confident you can handle me?”
every nerve connected to your heart is a wire most alive when you yearn to bare it for another.
“try me.”
his hazy eyes falls to your lips and he goes a little crazier than he was the other night. it’s infuriating that you manage to make them look so soft and so inviting despite the frigid air. it’s dizzying, how his face is only inches away from yours and as always, you smell so sweet, just right. he wonders if you taste the same.
jungkook is dying to kiss you.
the thought has been plaguing his mind, haunting his dreams both day and night. he keeps screaming at himself to just fucking do it, but as much as he is impulsive, he doesn’t want to be the guy who catches you off guard. he doesn’t want you confusing your feelings for him with adrenaline. he wants the moment to feel right. he wants you to see that he’s sincere, and he’s nothing like those bastards who took you for granted…
selfishly, he wants this to be something real, co-existing with the fear of pushing you into a tornado of chaos that is his life.
his heart is pounding violently, he’s afraid it might jump through his sweater. the right moment feels like it could be right now, and he knows you feel it too. he observes your breathing getting heavier, and one of your restless hands has freed itself to grab a fistful of his sleeve.
your lips slightly part, and he doesn’t know if it’s the anticipation, or you did it on purpose to rile him up. he figures his jimin-hyung is right; he would be a fool if he allowed you to slip out of his hands. but truth be told, he’s the one wrapped around your finger.
fuck, fuck, fuck. he is doomed.
a pin drops and he is doomed.
his ringtone rattles the silence and slices through the tension between you. disappointment flashes across your face, and you visibly flinch at its loudness. you’ve grown to despise the incessant noise of telephone calls since moving to your apartment, one of your pet peeves jungkook is yet to hear about. panicked and irritated, he scrambles to dish out the vibrating device from the depth of his pocket.
“it’s… it’s my manager. but it’s fine, i’ll handle it.” he informs you quietly as he rejects the call, opting to send a text explaining his whereabouts.
a pang of guilt shoots through your heart.
“you can go home, it’s okay… i can take care of myself.”
“mhm-hm.” he shakes his head, still busy typing away. then, out of nowhere, he looks at you to properly plead. “don’t send me home yet.”
your eyes flicker to watch a piece of ice fall on his shoulder, white contrasting the black fabric of his jacket. another one lands on your hand, and then your collarbone. the stinging coldness, another thing that makes you flinch tonight. you look up to face the snowfall fiercely coming down, and it seems that the heaven opened up the sky to scold two lovesick teenagers tangled in a modern-day dalliance.
goddamn it, you curse.
“are you kidding me?” you grunt in frustration, eyebrows sharpening your previously dazed eyes.
jungkook barely manages to tap the deliver button before you begin dragging him to the roofed entrance of your apartment building.
“stay here. i’ll just grab an umbrella real quick.”
once he confirms that you’re out of sight, he releases a loud sigh, exasperatedly kicking a non-existent ball on the cemented floor.
“fuck! fuck! why? why do i move so slow? ah- they can’t just kill the mood like that. why-” he squeezes his eyes shut, pinching his nose bridge and putting a hand over his hip, so upset he can’t even speak straight. “we almost… shit, this is driving me insane… she hates me. she must hate me right now. i’m done for.”
the aggressive slam of the front door rings throughout your apartment, and you’re about ninety-nine percent certain you disturbed the sleep of a neighbor or two.
“then what?” you grumble to yourself, followed by a desperate cry. “then kiss me! do i really have to do everything myself?”
after grabbing the biggest umbrella you own from the basket you have beside your coat rack, you head to the kitchen where you leave behind what jungkook bought you.
eventually, your overthinking leads you to a bitter conclusion.
“does he not want something more? is he playing with me?!”
and if it was any other person, you’d be fine with that but… your gaze lands on the bottles of vitamins and cough medicine, and you sigh to regulate the accelerated beating of your heart.
“but i think i can finally do this right.”
your voice comes out above a whisper, and the verbal declaration alone fuels the hope in you.
you’re confused whether it’s a sign of luck or childishness. maybe the compensation for being well-acquainted with loss, or good karma if you decide to push it some more… but you always get what you want. despite the blood, sweat, and tears; even during the instances that you do give up, the universe somehow finds a way to arrange matters in your favor.
except you don’t want to give up on this just yet, and you don’t intend to just stand around waiting for the universe work its slow burn magic.
because you look out your bedroom window, and jungkook is squatting on the floor with his head in his hands, looking distraught as if he just lost the lottery and he was only a digit off.
you might be unsure about your label, but he sure wanted to kiss you pinned up against that wall.
jungkook casually steals glances from you every now and then. you’ve been softly humming to christmas songs as the ice underneath your feet crunches with every step you take, influenced by the heavy snowfall despite the holidays being long gone.
when you came back, he thought you’d be giving him the cold shoulder, reminiscent of when you got pissed off at a hair stylist not even a week ago (that day, he learned that you’re grumpy when sick, grumpier when jealous). but instead, you lent him a white fuzzy scarf to keep him warm.
“where are we going?” he asks, unaware of your destination.
he’s just been following your lead for the past five minutes or so. he only knows that you’re going someplace that will satisfy your midnight cravings, as you mentioned over the phone earlier.
“i haven’t told you?” you wince. “just mcdonald’s. i’m craving their fries… hmmm, and chocolate sundae.”
“sundae? but you have a cough.”
“i’m all better now! that’s why i’m getting it!” you keen with excitement.
except jungkook is worried. at home and at work, he has many people fussing over him when he’s not feeling well. most of the time, you only have yourself to rely on. he doesn’t like thinking about your past boyfriends, but he hopes that they took care of you when you would get sick. as for the future, he hopes that he’s there.
he perks up when he sees the pharmacy store he’s been thoughtfully scanning both sides of the streets for, recognizing the lightbox signage. “let’s stop here. i’ll buy you your adult syrup.”
“jungkook,” you giggle airily, pulling at his jacket to motion him not to go near it. “i just told you that i’m not sick anymore.”
“it’s better to be prepared.” he reasons.
the snowfall has ceased. he transfers the umbrella to his other side, freeing his hand to hold yours and tug you along with him. he childishly pretends to not hear your protests.
he’s not showing it, but he must be embarrassed about earlier. you can’t help but to smile from ear to ear, watching his back as you’re left a few steps behind, the two of you tied together by his warm and protective grip of your hand.
your voice is calmer and quieter. he whips his head back, concerned eyes twinkling from the blaring headlights on the road.
“i’m thirsty.”
you’re blissfully unaware of jungkook falling in love with you from the opposite side of the table.
thoroughly engrossed with the movie-like scene outside the glass wall, you’re clutching an apple juice box in both hands, plastic straw stuck between your lips as you take baby sips. he probably sounds like a broken record, but there’s something different in the air tonight, and you’re twice as pretty in his eyes.
“i can sue you for that, you know?”
he drops his phone in shock. he chases it in pure panic as it clashes with the table before tumbling down to his lap. when he puts it down, the screen is already black, a desperate attempt of hiding the raw evidence of his offense. he smiles back at you sheepishly, cheeks and ears flushed after being caught red-handed.
“aren’t i cute? you already made it your lockscreen, haven’t you?” you tease, eyes flickering up to him as you begin stabbing at the chocolate sundae with the little plastic spoon to mix it.
“made what my lockscreen? no, i didn’t!” he strongly denies, holding up his phone to show it to you.
“plain black, really? what happened to gureumie?”
you send him a look of distaste.
“just makes me believe i’m really your lockscreen and you change it to something random before you come see me.” you say in a sing-song voice, shivering with delight after you lick your spoon clean of the sugary treat.
“don’t start. yours is your class schedule!” he retorts with a laugh, which goes up in volume when you slap his hand away for attempting to steal from your fries.
you scowl at him with a displeased pout, dipping a fry into the sundae before popping it in your mouth. “get away. i’m hungrier because you took so long.”
the effect of having your cravings satisfied is instantaneous. it was absolute hell, being sick, albeit it was only a cough accompanied by fatigue. it’s simply no fun being an adult and having no one enter your room every two hours to check up on you. for the first time in the past week, your brain is completely flooded with happy chemicals, and you feel like a little kid kicking their feet with glee.
“it’s not my fault! they had to do something to the ice cream machine… i-i think it stopped working.” jungkook stutters, stuffing his mouth full with a spoonful of his strawberry sundae.
of course, it’s the ice cream machine. it’s always the ice cream machine.
with a gasp, you weakly slam the empty juice box on the table. “wow, i almost didn’t get what i came here for.”
“but you did. ‘cause you’re with your lucky charm.” jungkook cheekily winks at you, and you long to kiss that stupid grin off his face.
“holy shit, he’s kneeling down now. kook, he’s begging- look-”
jungkook is convinced he has never seen your eyes this big. he looks at you dumbfoundedly, cheeks full as he chews a huge bite of his burger. you release a sigh, reaching over to turn his face to the side.
outside, just a few feet away at the opposite direction his body is facing, he discovers an angry tear-stained woman sitting on a bench and a man crying on his knees infront of her.
he swallows, tilting his head. huh, so this is what you were watching earlier when you didn’t notice him arrive with the food. funnily enough, this isn’t considered an unusual occurence in such a populated city.
“i knew it. he’s cheating, he’s definitely cheating.” you squint at the scene, shooting daggers in your mind. you rely on muscle memory as you continue to munch and dip your fries in the sundae without bothering to look anymore.
they were still arguing when you gave jungkook your undivided attention, but the shift in the atmosphere captured your interest again when your peripheral vision caught him on the ground.
“how do you know?”
“he panicked and snatched his phone away when she touched it. that’s why they started fighting.”
a sick feeling in your gut deflects your eyes away from the forlorn couple, the salt and the sugar in your food starting to taste bland on your tongue. on the other hand, it seems that it’s jungkook’s turn to be absorbed in them.
“oh, that makes sense.” he mutters under his breath, eyebrows furrowing as he frowns. “seriously, i’ll never understand cheaters. why… would you go out of your way to hurt a person who’s special to you?”
and because of that, his food are left to be unsupervised. with the hopes of resparking your appetite by stealing a taste of something you haven’t had in over a year, you scoop up a small bite of his strawberry sundae.
“that person isn’t special anymore, or maybe they never were in the first place.”
“but if you’re loved by that person, even if you don’t feel the same way anymore, shouldn’t they still be special to you in some ways?”
he returns to his previous position, and the passion written in his eyes like constellations makes you want to believe that maybe the world isn’t a lost cause. it’s a breath of fresh air — the new point of view clear as day infront of you. jungkook is your best friend, it dawns on you then and there.
a best friend who sends you pictures of the sky. a best friend who won’t let you roam the midnight streets with melancholy. a best friend you want to kiss and hold hands with.
“they should, but they’re horny assholes who don’t think about stuff like that.”
“ah, then what a shame.” he chuckles with a scornful shake of his head, finally going back to devouring his burger.
it’s silent for a few beats.
right now, you like the strawberry flavor more than the chocolate. it tastes better than you remember. it’s rekindling an old flame.
“are you that type of boyfriend? who gives out their password?” your voice is rife with interest as you casually steal another spoonful of jungkook’s dessert.
“of course, i don’t mind. i have nothing to hide. i just have the most random photos, and like a thousand voice memos… but… how do i say it?” he pauses to organize his thoughts, eyes pointing towards ceiling. “uhm, it can get uncomfortable, and hurtful… if they always thoroughly check everything. i don’t know…”
“no, i get that. my ex was doubtful of me all the time and it was tiring. giving reassurance is important, but so is having boundaries… never forget that, understand?”
you radiate with so much tenderness, he finds it so easy to listen to every word that you say. but since you already understand the importance of balancing those two things, can he just forget about it and admire your face?
“is that why you broke up with him?”
you pucker your lips in thought, playfully twirling the plastic spoon between your fingers.
“i guess so? he… he just sees me as a bad person. and i was starting to believe that i am.” you decide to put it lightly, scoffing when the mortifying memories of him floods your mind. “when i had that epiphany, i broke up with him right away. we just weren’t good for each other.”
jungkook utters your name, mellow and sweet, like a serenade.
you’re reminded that he sings for a living.
“i don’t know what happened between you but… when i say you’re a good person, i’m really being sincere.”
during the fall, talking about your past relationship made your heart feel unbearably heavy.
but tonight, it’s winter. jungkook holds out his little spoon to feed you a bite of his strawberry sundae, and you accept it without thinking.
you peer up to him shyly.
“and because you were so kind to me the first time we met, i don’t mind you being a thief.” he fondly strokes your hair, and you squeeze your eyes shut as your body vibrates with giggles. “aigoo, you eat so well. good job, ____.”
“where you are taking me? this isn’t the way home!”
jungkook has an arm around swung over your shoulder, gluing you to his side as you walk together. the last time you checked the time, it was 1:27am. the stores you brush past are already lights off, locked up, and the sidewalk is mostly dead and quiet.
“i really like taking photos, you know?” he grins, sounding thrilled, and you glance at him with suspicion in your eyes.
“i’m very much aware. and so?”
you yawn not long after, leaning some of your weight on him as tiredness seeps into your overused muscles. you’re awfully sleepy, and cold. you can hear your bed calling out your name from kilometers away.
“so we’ll take some together.”
from a distance, you immediately recognize the famous photobooth only several buildings away from the noisy night life of the long rows of bars and nightclubs.
you feel your knees go weaker.
oh, you’re in very serious trouble.
curse jeon jungkook.
curse him and his muscular thighs.
“sit here?” he pats his lap as an invitation, looking up to your motionless figure still standing infront of the closed curtain. “or do you want me to stand behind the chair?”
curse him and his intoxicating perfume and his arm wrapped around your waist.
“four photos and… we’ll print… two copies.” he thinks out loud, face so close to yours as he taps on the screen infront.
curse the stupid person who decided to only put one small stool in this small photobooth.
you won’t dare to make it obvious, but your heart is doing somersaults. you realize how arrogant you were for whining about him not kissing you yet, because here you are trying your hardest not to squirm as you’re sat across his lap.
unconsciously, you embrace the scarf he took off close to your chest.
it’s… been quite a long, torturous while of being deprived of physical touch. and you like jungkook. you like jungkook so much that despite hating cramped spaces, you flash the camera a sweet smile while playfully squishing his pouty face in your hand.
“oh, oh, that’s right!”
a yellow lightbulb appears above his head. he bounces his legs to capture your attention, his arms tightening around your waist to prevent you from falling off.
you cross your thighs to subtly squeeze them together, a poor attempt at putting out the fiery tingles spreading throughout your body. you swallow thickly. he needs to fucking sit still. your self-control is running thin.
“act angry at me and i’ll put it as the first picture, okay?”
“huh? why?”
“so i’ll always remember that you got annoyed at me for dragging you here.”
“and i’m still annoyed!” you slap his chest with a frown, glaring at him exactly as he imagined you would.
his mischievous grin stays when he faces the camera, winking and throwing up a peace sign as the flash goes off.
when the timer starts again, he rushes to reach for the floor, sticking his hand in the paper bag from the pharmacy.
“for the next one- stay still-”
you’re completely clueless. your vision remains fixed on him until he reveals a bunch of pink ribbon hairclips on his big palm.
“where did you get these?” you blink at him.
he only shushes you as he removes the earwarmers from your head, thoughtfully fixing your hair before carefully adorning it with the ribbons as fast as he can.
“the ice cream machine wasn’t broken, was it?”
“shhh, we’re running out of time.” he rebukes you to mask his bashfulness, teeth sinking in his bottom lip as he focuses on arranging the ribbons symetrically.
“are these mine?”
“yours.” he confirms absentmindedly. he backs up to inspect his work, but he only ends up thinking to himself is it right for someone to be this beautiful?
the time runs out before you can deem yourself ready. the camera captures jungkook trying to tame your baby hairs, and you, watching him with a faint smile of affection.
“what do we do now?”
he shrugs. “let’s do whatever we want.”
“wow, i can finally do what i want?” you reply sarcastically. “i thought you were prepared for this.”
“three seconds!”
since you’re already smiling in the other two photos, you figure that it’s your turn to pout in the last.
the number ‘1’ appears on the screen, and you feel him pull you closer than you’ve ever been.
curse jeon jungkook.
curse him and his hand on your neck and his soft lips pressed to your cheek.
“you’re sneaky.”
“you’re one to talk.” jungkook replies, and you roll your eyes.
he chuckles to himself as he scans his copy of the photostrip under the street lamp beside the photobooth. on the other hand, your back is resting against it, your arms crossed over your chest. you take a fleeting glance at him, secretly smiling to yourself because he looks so happy.
yours is tucked in between the pages of the book inside your bag.
later. you can look at it later when you’re a little more sane and the ghost of his lips stops lingering on your skin.
“i don’t just let myself get kissed for free. don’t you know that?” you heave a dramatic sigh, feigning annoyance. “but since you bought me new clips,”
you turn your cheek to stare at him, but you instantly break the eye contact when you see how he looks like an excited puppy when he’s amused by you.
“…i’ll let this pass.”
“i think i just found the motivation to make more money today.”
you crack up at his words. “shut up!”
god, you’re getting swayed by his antics. he has too much hidden underneath his sleeve. you need to up your game.
a breeze sweeps across the earth, and you sniffle as you stuff your hands in your pockets. it’s getting colder and your battery is draining rapidly as the clock ticks. you die a little inside when you think about the consequences of your late-night adventure. there has to be time for you to squeeze in a nap between school and work, right? right? unbeknownst to you, jungkook takes notice of your weary state. he crosses the distance between you to wrap the ear warmers around your head.
“tsk, you’re going to catch a cold.” he whispers, loosely tying the straps under your chin. he reaches for a ribbon, but then pauses to ask for permission. “do you want to take off these now, so you won’t fall asleep on them? these are kind of sharp.”
“stop taking such good care of me.” you say half-jokingly, starting to remove them on your own. “i might get used to it.”
this upsets jungkook, it seems.
his lips are in a permanent pout as he answers, eyebrows knitting together. “what’s wrong with that?”
you only shake your head with a vague smile.
JK :
[sent four photos]
credit GCF if you post on insta
got it?
you’re welcome !!!
hehe you must be sleeping now right?
you better be !
the truth is i’m a bit shy to tell you this in person but ... thank you for being someone i can spend time with comfortably and for always making me smile. i really like you a lot .. i mean that sincerely too
sweet dreams ____ :)
“goodnight, jungkook.”
you stood on your toes to kiss his cheek, painstakingly chaste yet sinfully calculated. he was left all alone in the empty hallway of your apartment floor, too stunned to remember and return your scarf.
it is not the first time you did that, but his mind is reeling like crazy tonight — the corner of his lips is still stained with the graze of your lips.
a rhythmic knock snaps him out of the electrifying memory.
“jungkook-ah,” a freshly-awoken jimin raspily croaks out while he rubs his blurry eyes. “did you bring home anything?”
is this becoming a routine now? him visiting at an ungodly hour in the morning; jungkook sitting up without a word to retrieve the snacks from under his bed.
“thank you.”
he receives an appreciative pat on the back before jimin grabs one of the diamond-shaped biscuits you earnestly made a whole tray of, enough to go around for seven people. he nibbles on it as he flops down on the mattress, planning to sleep here some more until it’s time to prepare for work.
however, his drowsiness gets pushed to the back burner when the photostrip beside the maknae’s pillow attracts his attention.
“yo, jungkook! is this from tonight?”
“hyung! be quiet!” jungkook whisper-shouts.
“the staff didn’t mention a photobooth to me. is this a secret?” the late-night visitor whispers back to humor him.
the bed creaks as he chases the printed memories from jimin’s grasp, who seems to have gained enough energy to tease him, heartily giggling as he rolls away to the edge of the bed.
“yah, you’re so cute together?!”
jungkook’s bunny teeth pop out as he’s unable to resist a satisfied beam at the flattering remark. damn right, they do.
pulling out a pillow from behind him, he playfully hits jimin with the huge bundle of cotton. “hyung, finish eating and go back to sleep. we have that thing later, remember?”
“you’re hurting my feelings. what happened to telling your hyung about your crush?”
“wait a second- i’m still confused. you sprinted to the fashion boutique before ordering?” jimin flips over to lie down on his stomach, speech muffled by the biscuit between his lips.
“they close at midnight, so i had to run there first.” jungkook explains as he reseals the tupperware. weirdly, he only feels the ache in his body now that he’s talking about it. “she really likes things like that.”
“you’ve told me. so how long do you plan on keeping that in here?”
his gaze lands on the paper bag labelled ‘CHANEL’ on the other side of the room, and he makes a pained expression, still agonizing over whether he should give it to you or not.
“but don’t you think it’s too much? maybe i should save it for her birthday.”
“be honest with me. does she even know you’re courting her?”
taglist in the reblogs! send an ask/dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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kairiscorner · 5 months
HIHI🤭 i just realized that i’ve never requested a fic on this account only your haikyuu one😓 BUT i was just thinkkiinnnn about reader and nanami walking together with a child they’re babysitting and some rando comes up and telling them they’re a cute family 🥹🥹 i wanted to appreciate some of my jjk thoughts as well so i’ve come to u😘
⋆˙⟡ what a lovely family.
⨳ in which you and kento nanami are mistaken for parents...
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nanami holds your cousin's young child by the hand as the little kid points to all the pastries and treats they want to get. "remember, you can only have one..." nanami reminds the child, to which they pout and grumble at; in accompaniment with the sounds of them stomping their tiny feet in protest.
nanami sighs and compromises with the child, offering to buy them a toy they really want if they only pick one pastry to eat. you smile as you watch the child's eyes light up, and their forehead crinkling as they try to think of what they'll choose to get. "hey, how about i'll buy you another pastry myself?" you offer, grinning at the child, then looking up into nanami's light brown pupils.
the child gasps, their eyes bright and beaming. "you mean it?!" "i mean it," you insist, much to nanami's initial refusal. "well, then... if you say so." the blonde sighed, giving in and readying money to pay for everyone's food.
"nanamin, i thought we agreed to split the bill?" you reminded him in a hushed whisper, slicing bits of the pastry for the child to safely eat. nanami took a sip of his coffee, his narrow eyes scanning over the headlines and first few sentences of the newspaper he bought. his cheeks were tinged with a slight red to them, as if he were a little bashful to admit the whole truth as to why he footed the bill for all three of you. "i felt generous today, is all," he replied simply, then, moving his gaze up to face you as your eyebrows raised in surprise.
"...thank you, nanamin." "don't thank me, it's nothing, really. you know i have a soft spot for the kid." he rebutted, with you chuckling at how straightforward this man could be. a waiter came by to deliver the rest of your drinks, with them smiling at all three of you in an awestruck way. they were somewhat mesmerized with how playful you were with the child, and how much nanami cared for them, like a silent protector. "here's your drinks, and... enjoy!" the waiter spoke, grinning at you three.
nanami nodded and thanked the waiter, with the waiter nodding and chuckling under their breath. "anytime. you guys are such a wholesome family, actually; it's always a joy to serve such a beautiful family like yours. anyway, enjoy, you three!" the waiter exclaimed, walking back behind the counter while your jaw hung wide open, your eyes wide open, while nanami shared the same flabbergasted reaction, just a lot tamer than your surprised face.
with a flustered look evident on your face, you slowly turned to the blonde that unfolded the wide newspaper before him. "did... they just call us..." you murmured, trailing off as you wiped the child's mouth with a napkin since they got syrup all over them. nanami didn't reply, he pretended to skim through the newspaper, ignoring the heat filling his cheeks as you reiterated the very thoughts that ran through his mind. "ah, well, no point in correcting them now. it's not that bad, anyway." "...that means you look like a dad, nanamin." you teased, smiling softly as the bashfulness on your face began to subside, but persisted.
nanami's face was hued with red and pink, the only thing saving him from embarrassment was the spread out newspaper before him. he cleared his throat and flipped to the next page. "i'll... take that as a compliment, then." he replied, with you giggling silently as the child eyed nanami's pastry. the blonde man took notice, and wordlessly pushed his plate to the child gently, making the child squeal and smile in delight. "thank you, papa nanamin!" the child beamed, with nanami choking a little on his coffee at the sound of that. you laughed aloud and teased him with that nickname for the rest of the morning, like how a real family would do on a lazy weekend morning with the world at your hands.
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nana-au · 27 days
Best Friends Know Best
Suguru Geto ♡
₊˚ପ⊹ Summary: Your trip to the mall stresses Suguru out, so you treat him to some head when you two get home.
₊˚ପ⊹ Warnings: possessiveness, praising, immodest clothes in public, toxic ideology from geto, oral m! receiving, slight slut shaming, throat fucking, dirty talking (did i miss anything.. lol)
₊˚ପ⊹ an: this is sorta an extension off of my fic Best Friends Forever! (also sorry for not posting in a while i’m working on longer fics while also struggling to keep up with life lol)
₊˚ପ⊹ wc: 1.8k
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
He doesn't really understand why you insist on dressing up to go to the mall. You were there to buy new clothes, does it matter what you have on? Typically he would never complain about your fashion choices – You look darling in your girly little outfits. 
But today? He cursed himself for not making you change while he still had the chance. He didn't want to be cruel, you were so excited to wear your new dress. It was a pink gingham number – it was so you. What he didn't like was how your chest spilled out of the low neckline and how anytime you shifted in just the right way your sheer panties were on display. He wanted to cry upon noticing how see-through your panties were – there was no mistaking the outline of your plump cheeks. Did you not know how many creeps there were in this world? Did he protect you so well that you were blissfully unaware of the dangers of looking this good? Tempting any man that is so fortunate to breathe the same air as you. 
All throughout the day Geto followed closely behind you, shielding what he could of your body while trying not to make it obvious. You didn’t really notice what he had been doing until his hand reached to cover your chest from the employee at your check-out lane when you bent over; looking at the cute bracelets set up on the counter in front of you. You slowly stood up straight, giving him an odd look as he pocketed his credit card and grabbed your bag of items from the clerk. “What was that about?” you asked him while walking out of the store. 
“Nothing baby,” he said from close behind you, your multiple bags in his arms, “Let’s go get you a latte.”
“Ooo that sounds good,” you mused, daydreaming which flavor syrup you wanted before you quickly snapped out of it, “Don’t change the subject! Why did you cover my chest? Is it really that noticeable?” You ask, looking down to see your cleavage spilling out the top of your dress. “It’s not that bad…” An exasperated sigh left his lips, seemingly exhausted by spending the whole day trying to keep you modest. “Geto? Does my dress upset you?” you stopped in the middle of the mall, turning around to meet his dead eyes. Your brows furrowed, noticing just how tense Geto was compared to when you first arrived. “Do you not like my dress?” your voice is drenched in worry.
“No baby, your dress is very pretty,” he meant it, your dress looked amazing on you. But that was just the problem he was having. “You look good… Just a little too good, y’know?” he forced a chuckle, trying to convince you that he was less upset than he really was. The two of you had been there for three hours, and for three hours he was at war with every guy’s wandering eyes. He had endured three hours of men checking you out, some were so indiscreet about it that the handles of your shopping bags were barely managing to keep the straps under his tight grasp. “Let’s get you a drink and head home, hmm?” he said, pulling together all of his energy to sound fine.
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
Even after a couple of hours went by at your shared place, Suguru still looked as wound up as he did at the mall. He sat on the couch, drinking a beer and staring at the show on the tv, obviously not really watching it. His grip on the beer bottle was loose, only sipping it when he remembered it was in his hand. 
You grew more and more worried as time passed. You lost the outfit as soon as you got home, opting for pajama shorts and a long sleeved shirt – hoping that he would forget about whatever issue he had with your dress if he no longer had to look at it. That didn’t seem to be the case. 
“Sugu?” you barely said above a whisper, “Is everything okay?” he only hummed at you, not taking his eyes off the screen. “Do you want to talk about it?” you meekly asked. His head shook while he took another lazy sip of his beer. You bit your lip in thought, taking in his still tensed figure that leaned back into the couch. He never changed out of his jeans and black tee, opting to prioritize drinking over unwinding for the day in his usual sweatpants attire. An idea came to you while your eyes trailed his figure, and you hesitated before speaking. “Do you want your cock in my mouth, Suguru?”
He nearly choked on his beer hearing your words, turning to see your face. You looked desperate to hear his response, so eager to hear you can please him. “Of course,” was his response to you, he could never turn that down. You crawled down from the couch and placed yourself between his legs. He sat up, moving to the edge to make it easier for you to reach. He pitched a tent almost immediately seeing you between his thighs. You began to undo his belt, working slowly as he watched with bated breath. 
“Will this be a good apology, Sugu?” your doe eyes met his and you can see him melt at your words. He takes his bottom lip between his teeth, waiting patiently as you pull down his zipper. He lifts his hips off the couch, helping you slide his pants all the way off. You rub his cock over his briefs, slowly stroking it and watching the fabric grow a wet patch. You decide it best not to tease for too long, so you pull his cock out and run your thumb across his wet tip. 
“F-fuck,” he sighed, his hips following you as you began to stroke his cock. You twisted your wrist as you slid your hand up his length, teasing the head with your thumb each time you reached the top. He watched you behind his lidded eyes, waiting to feel the warmth of your throat. He dropped his beer onto the end table, preferring to stroke your hair as your wet tongue reached out to lick a fat stripe from the base of his cock to the tip. He groaned at the feeling, leaning back as your mouth finally took him in. You started slow, only taking him halfway and stroking the half that was left out with your hand. It wasn’t long before Suguru started his usual dirty talk that made you squirm. “You feel so good, princess,” he grunted, “This is what I deserved after a long day of putting up with you, hmm?” His hips bucked up, his tip hitting the roof of your mouth. “Having to keep you safe because you wanted to dress like a slut,” his other hand reached down to pull up his shirt, exposing his toned stomach that flexed every time you showed his tip extra attention. You licked the slit, pulling back just to spit all over it and using your hand to guide the lubricant down. He shuddered as you took more of him into your mouth, massaging his length with your tongue as his tip neared further down your throat. “Just couldn’t help showing yourself off,” he let loose his frustrations while his dick was stuffed in your mouth, preventing you from talking back. “Gotta suck my cock to make it up to me, princess,” he snickered. “You’ll do a good job? Hmm? Take me all the way?” it was your turn to react to the pleasure he was giving you. The way he talked to you always riled you up, his words always going straight to your clit. You shifted on your knees, desperately trying to give yourself any form of relief. As if he knew, his foot reached out for you and you took it, rubbing your clit shamelessly against the spot where his ankle and foot met. He laughed darkly at you, completely in awe as he watched you hump his foot while you drooled around his cock. “Look at you baby,” he purred at you, “Getting off to sucking my cock…” his Adam apple bobbed in his throat while he tried to collect himself before he came too soon. Your tight shorts were already growing wet as you rutted into him, sucking him even more feverishly. You took all of him, your eyes watering at the heavy feeling against your tongue and in your throat. “Fuck your throat feels so good. S’warm and wet,” he was moaning now, not capable of keeping it back anymore. “Almost as good as your little pussy… too bad she doesn’t deserve my cock right now…” you whined at his words, causing you to gag against his cock. You pulled back, coughing and wiping the tears from your eyes. “Am I too big for you, princess? Can’t take it?” he teased and you shook your head, readying yourself to go back down. Instead he guides you back, standing up and pulling his briefs completely off. “Gonna fuck your mouth, okay?” he asks you and you nod, moving in to take him back in your mouth. As soon as his tip hits your tongue he is pushing himself all the way in, gripping your hair and shoving his cock down your throat at a brutal pace. You feel his trimmed hair tickle your nose with each thrust of his hips. Your cheeks were covered in tears and drool seeped from your lips and onto your chin. “You’re so good t’me,” he moaned out, throwing his head back as he used your throat. His hips stuttered and you felt his dick twitch in your throat, you could tell he was close. “You’re gonna swallow it all… else you’re gonna have to try again until you get it right. Fuckkk, can’t waste a drop,” you dug your nails into his thighs, waiting eagerly for him to reach his peak. Eager to taste his salty cum. 
When he finally came you did as you were told, cleaning up anything that spilled out with your fingers, before popping it back into your mouth. “Such a good girl,” he murmured to you, smoothing out the hair he roughed up previously. “So beautiful,” his dark eyes showed nothing but adoration for you, kissing your forehead as he spoke, “A little too beautiful…”
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pixelyssa · 14 days
★彡 reanswering an old ask below:
as a high r3str1cter here’s what i do:
★彡DRY F4ST!NG: 7pm-11am (i have water/meds/gum only if necessary)
It is beneficial when done for 16+ hours. and the best part is we do it in our sleep every night! 
dry means no f00d, no water. since starting this, i’ve noticed less bloating, my “morning sk1nny” lasts longer. i’ve gotten used to my dry f4st times and no longer overe@t at night, which also makes me feel good in the morning. I have acid reflux, and e@ting before bed triggers it. It also triggers, slower met@bolism, difficulty digesting and can disturb your sleep! So even if you aren’t comfortable dry f4sting before bed, atleast not having solid f00ds a couple hours before bed helps, and you will see/feel a difference.
If you tend to get cravings at night, this may be hard at first. here’s how i stopped mine:
(warning, im delulu hehe)
-i always remind myself how i feel after the fact. or the morning after. (guilty, embarrassed, weak) and eventually i was strong enough to let that feeling take over. 
-watch a mukbang or e4ting challenge for the f00d im craving and chugging water until im full lol
-i have insomnia so i have an as needed medication for sleep that knocks me out. if you also struggle to sleep, i def recommend finding ur cure. whether its rain sounds, complete darkness, shutting ur devices off, or melatonin (PRO TIP: do not buy melatonin gummies. Do not consume the 5mg or 10mg or 20mg supplements of melatonin. when our bodies lack melatonin, we only need .5mg MAX, which is sold in pill form or can be prescribed by your doctor! anything higher will just make you immune and it will stop working eventually, it also will make it difficult to get up in the morning.)
-i drink coffee as soon as my dry fast ends. It suppresses my app3t1te for a while and it helps my bowels hehe (i also need the caffeine to get me through the day)
-i HATE black coffee, i prefer brown stevia and a splash of cream/almond milk. but whatever you like!
-i usually have 1-2 cups to start my day. 
-if you don’t like coffee, tea is also good. there are certain types that can do different things for you ofc, i like green tea for the caffeine and metabolism boost (same reason i drink coffee). but i’ve heard good things about ginger tea, mint tea, etc. (if youre a tea person i don’t need to even explain, you know.)
-i try save them for the end of the day, that way when its dinner time and i’m hungry, I’m not feeling like i need to find something small to fit the rest of my lim1t. (the coffee helps with this step)
-i stay distracted and i really worked on self discipline to be able to get through this one lol.
-for example, 2 oreos and juice is the same amount of c4lories as my chocolate chip pancakes r3cipe. cookies aren’t filling, you’ll just want more. theyre a filler. whereas 3 chocolate chip pancakes with berries and syrup is filling and satisfies the same craving. 
-if you like to use ur c4lories for snacks that’s completely fine, im not judging you <3 it just leads to overe@ting for me.
-i usually have 1 meal and 1-2 snacks throughout the day. I have my google doc link ready to go if anyone 18+ would like to see, comment and let me know youre of age and ill message u it (DONT DM ASKING I WONT SEE IT) <3
-by now you’ve probably heard the term “meta” or “metab” day. most people will do this once a week, it is basically where you spike your l1mit for the day. constantly lowering your intake will slow your metabolism and eventually you’ll start maintaining, or plateauing. This is to help boost your metab! Its also good for holidays, or days where you have plans involving f00d. It’s hard at first, but if you’ve been stuck at the same w3ight, its good to start doing this. 
-i do one once a week, but i’ve seen people do them in 10 day increments or even twice a month.
-a friend of mine told me metabolism days should be -200 of your bmr (you can calculate your bmr online) that would make my metab day l1mit around 800-900 c@l. (which is 300+ higher than my normal limit, incase you want to just add to your current intake instead of calculating your bmr) it should be a close to a “normal” l1mit. 
-there are chances of g4ining, of course, from metab days. don’t shy away from it if you feel too scared to g4in, this was my mistake and i was stuck at 102 for WAY TOO LONG. metab helped me break 100, and now im almost at my next goal. Metabolism days are for everyone, it’s not just sk1nny people who plateau and demolish their metabolisms. try it out, its a nice treat <3
we should be drinking over 2L of water a day (you can google and calculate your specific amount needed per day, im just a girl) 
-drink your necessary amount THROUGHOUT THE DAY. it is sm water to have in one sitting so the only possible way to get it all in is to have it all day. tt’ll make you feel better too.
-this is something i struggle with, i just don’t enjoy water. I’m on and off with when i enjoy it and when i can’t get myself to drink it. If anyone else struggles, i’ve realized that ice cold water is easiest for me to drink.
-water gives the illusion of feeling full, it literally keeps you alive, and obviously sm more lol
-i take vitamin d, vitamin c, calcium and a women’s multi vitamin for metabolism every day. the water is important for helping my body absorb these. Look into other vitamins but these are what i take based on my deficiencies. 
-i take gummy vitamins, they have more c4lories than a pill, but its like a sweet treat after my meal so i’ll probably stick to gummies <3 make sure you chew them all the way through if you get these!
★彡IVE BEEN DOING THIS WAY TOO LONG Our b0dies are all different. what works for me might not work for you, and that’s fine, love! I’m sharing what i do because there is a lot of general knowledge in my routines, so i thought i’d share. 
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sexyandcringe · 22 days
Part 1 ◇ Part 2 ◇ Part 3
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Warnings: none
Content: osamu x reader, Angst (to fluff in the next chapters), hurt/comfort
A/n: Guess the Song of Achilles reference! :)
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It has been around three weeks since you last saw Osamu that day: you took your chance to scurry away when he went back into the kitchen briefly, leaving your payment to Tsumoto.
The memory of his embrace with another woman still lingered in your mind, but you were able to distract yourself with the hundreds of books on your shelf and the dogs in the shelter.
You took this time to explore other places in the city, from the cozy Indian restaurant near your workplace, where the taste of salty chapati mixed with matar paneer melted in your mouth like butter, to the Mexican fast food spot at the corner of the library, where you savoured the taste of chiles en nogada followed by elotes. Yet,  nothing compared to Osamu’s handmade onigiris, the taste of his love surpassed any food you’ve ever tried.
You don’t believe he didn’t notice your absence, but it wouldn’t bother him that much, you assume, since you’re nothing more than a friendly regular. 
Or at least, you used to be a regular.
Now you are just a girl who spends her days between work and shelter,  occasionally going out to drink with the few friends you have. You know it’s wrong to use alcohol to dull the suffering, but sometimes it’s the only way to remind yourself that life still holds meaning, and that happiness, however fleeting, can be found.
But not going to Osamu’s restaurant has its consequences, like going to the grocery store to buy all the necessities to make a healthy meal and right now you are not exactly having fun doing all this.
When you were a child, your mother always told you to learn how to cook and clean because “someday you’ll have to do it for your future husband”, so, as an act of rebellion, you refused to learn anything other than the most basic dishes of your culture; this act of rebellion ended up biting your ass now because you are tired of eating the same basic things over and over again and you miss Osamu’s food.
You wander through the aisles, searching for the ingredients of the recipe you want to try.
it has been at least half an hour now and you’re meticulously selecting each item, trying to get the correct amount of food. You always tend to buy more than necessary, which ends up with you never using that specific product again and making it go to waste—like the honey syrup you bought for your pre-made pancakes that now sits untouched. You don’t even have time to eat breakfast most of the time. 
You are trying to understand which vegetables are less decayed than others when someone approaches you slowly. 
“That one will go bad in like 2 days.” 
You startle at first, but you freeze completely the second you meet his eyes.
“Hey.” he smiles.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god, please why did he have to come here out of all the grocery stores in the city?
You tried to forget about him like an unwanted pest, avoiding all the places he could be at, you even chose a longer path home so you wouldn’t bump into him while he closed the restaurant. You are old and tired and so is your heart, it can scarcely bear the burden of yet another heartbreak.
You drew in a slow, steadying breath before replying.
“Hi Osamu, long time no see.” you try your best to beam at him, like nothing has touched you, like you don’t want to run away this instant, like you don’t want to scream at him and hurl all these vegetables at him because you hate him for shattering the last remnants of hope you had left in you.
Like you don’t love him at all.
You tend to buy more than necessary, just like you tend to let your feelings grow more than necessary, and then, then they stay there, growing and decaying at the same time, festering with pests and resentment.
“Yeah, because someone hasn’t been coming to my restaurant lately.” He remarked with a petty edge to his voice.
Well, you jumped into that one.
A nervous laugh leaves your lips, “I was just … busy. We got a few more dogs in the shelter and it’s been a little hectic.” your voice is barely a whisper, laden with the weight of your lies.
Coward, liar, ugly.
He nods in quiet understanding, picking a zucchini with a pristine surface, a stark contrast to your rotten life. “Take this one. What’re ya making?.”
You take the vegetable from his hands and place it in your bag, his kindness pressing against the walls you've erected around your fragile heart “I don’t know,” you sigh, “I'm trying to make some vegetarian lasagna, but I already know it's going to suck. I’m a terrible cook.”
“You can always learn, you know.” he counters, a playful smirk gracing his lips “I wasn’t born with a knife in my hand.”
You roll your eyes, pushing your cart forward. “I’m lazy. And I don’t have anyone to teach me in a fun way.”
“I could teach you. Although I'm not sure if I can do it ‘in a fun way’” he signs with his fingers, “you won't die of boredom, I guess?”
“I’m always having fun with you, Osamu.”  And it’s true.
“That’s crazy considering that you haven’t come to meet me in three weeks.”
“Oh god, you’re so petty!” 
“Hell yeah, I am!”
You stare at each other before bursting into loud giggles; his eyes crinkle as he looks at you and you try so hard to ignore the warmth of your cheeks.
(and the warmth in your chest).
You are not used to being loved but you are used to love, and you can’t help wanting to stay around those you love, can’t ignore the tugs of your heartstrings. You know it will only end up in heartache and you are already regretting what’s coming out of your mouth, but you can’t stop it.
“Well? Will you teach me then?”
He smiles, and his face is like the sun.
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Reblogs are really appreciated!
Tag: @lees-chaotic-brain
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aikunik · 1 month
Yandere Prince x GN reader
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second yandere yay yaya (yandere emperor next or request yans PLS)
warnings: nsfw, yandere tendencies, delusional yan
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Lucian, the kingdom's crown prince, which was next in line to becoming emperor, was a normal man before you moved to his kingdom to seek refuge. Normally, Lucian wouldn't care much about mere refugees, in fact he thought of you guys as nosy flies circling the kingdom and ruining its reputation.
But that was until you received an order from him, changing your view on him completely, during your shift working as a barista at a cafe.
And oh boy, he was a HIGH mantainence prince, what do you mean he needed an "extra hot, triple-shot, half-caf, non-fat, no foam, no whip, caramel macchiato with an extra pump of vanilla syrup, sprinkled with cinnamon, served in a mug that's been pre-warmed for exactly 30 seconds, but make sure the milk is steamed to precisely 150 degrees Fahrenheit, stirred counterclockwise exactly 12 times with a cinnamon stick, then remove the stick and replace it with a peppermint stick for precisely 5 seconds before removing it entirely, and don't forget to sprinkle exactly 7 chocolate shavings on top, alternating between dark and milk chocolate, and finally, serve it with a smile and a sprinkle of fairy dust for good measure."
Like where did he even get that load or information?.. so as a normal employee, you made the drink. But with a twist, you only poured dark coffee in the mug and served it to the cocky prince. And to your surprise he did not in fact, enjoy it. Wow who would've thought.
You then quit from the job and threw your apron right into the crown prince's face.
Lucian was a pervert sweetheart, he even brought your apron back to the imperial palace (where he resided) and added it to a shrine of you, which was his room. (and instantly got a raging boner from seeing or sniffing it)
Yes he had a shrine of you before meeting at the coffee shop and yes, he followed you out of the shop looking like a kicked puppy, if he had dog ears, it would be drooping right now.
And you've never met the crown prince before, you've only met his dad, the famous long-ruling emperor that always doted on his wife. Maybe thats where he got his clinginess from.
Anyway, turns out you met him at your school event which was prom, held a week after you arrived, where he bumped into you once trying to find the way through the festival, and you kept apologising for no reason (he was the one who bumped into you), and that was where you two had a 2 hour long conversation with one another. And that was how he knew you were the one and thought you liked him back too. you don't like him back. you were just hungover from the large amount of drinks you drank
From then on, he started stalking you, gifting you massive amounts of gifts every week anonymously, if you glanced at an item for a second, he would not be hesitant to buy it.
But it was completely different if you looked at someone else, or glanced at them for a millisecond he would start to become dramatic and start to sob for at least than ten minutes on the cold floor or streets, or wherever he was stalking you from, he made sure you heard his pathetic cries, oh how much he wanted you to confess your love to him.
After a day from the coffee incident, he started following you around in broad daylight, tagging along everywhere you go, whether it would be the library, your school, the imperial palace or your house, he would try to invite himself to bathe with you (you never let him in your house, he just.. got in)
Lucian would start to cry uncontrollably on the floor, and banging and punching your bathroom door if you wouldn't let him bath or shower with you. he couldn't be apart from you for any second, since you now knew his obsession.
After your bathing session or shower session, he would roam inside your bathroom, sniffing up every scent of you like a mad dog, relieving himself to bathroom filled with your scent. (he could collapse in there any moment)
"ah- darling's scent ah- wh-why didn't they let me bathe with them.."
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i made this half asleep
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rxmqnova · 3 months
Lost memory pt.2
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Y/N: 4 years old Story: Y/N gets sick and Natasha needs to take care of her… ———
NO ONE'S POV It's been over two months since Natasha found out she has a daughter. Two months since she's been learning how to take a proper care of her with the help of Wanda.
Natasha has to admit it's nice to have a little child running around. She likes to play with the little girl, she likes Y/N's blabbering about everything that has happened through the day. But her absolute favorite thing is cuddling with her little girl.
Wanda has been super supportive, helping Natasha out with everything which helped the redhead the most. But the day had to come, and Wanda left for a mission yesterday, leaving Natasha with Y/N alone for the entire week.
Of course there are other Avengers on the compound who are willing to help with everything, yet Natasha knows how much her daughter loves her auntie Wanda and not having her around will surely upset the little troublemaker.
"What got you so upset, honey?" Natasha asks softly, watching as her little daughter walks over to her with a pout on her face.
Y/N doesn't say a single word though, only lifting her arms up for Natasha, so the redhead sits the little girl on her lap.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Natasha questions, not getting any response once again.
Y/N simply turns around, pushing her face into her mother's chest which only confuses Natasha even more.
"Can you tell mommy what's wrong?" Natasha asks once again, rubbing Y/N's back and pressing kisses to the top of her head.
Y/N only places her hand on her neck as an attempt to show her mother her throat is sore before bursting into a fits of coughs, her little eyes glossy.
Natasha immediately touches the little girl's forehead, finding it warmer than usual, so she immediately carries her daughter to the lab with hope to find Bruce there.
And her worst nightmare comes to live when Bruce confirms her biggest fear… Y/N's sick.
Taking care of her energetic daughter is one thing, but taking care of a sick child? Natasha wasn't expecting this, not at all, but it's here and she needs to deal with it.
Luckily Bruce shows her where all the medicine is and tells her which exactly she should give to Y/N which is a big help.
"Alright, bubs. Let's make you some tea" Natasha sighs, carrying the tiny girl in her arms to the kitchen.
She makes some fruit tea, knowing Y/N won't drink any other and prepares the medicine.
But then comes the problem… when it comes to medicine, Y/N just won't take it. She just won't swallow it and Natasha doesn't know it.
"There we go" Natasha smiles softly, holding a spoon in front of the little girl's lips, but the only response she gets is Y/N burying her face into her mother's neck.
"Honey, please. It will make you feel better. Come on" Natasha sighs, but Y/N doesn't move.
"Yucky" Y/N mumbles, her voice muffled as her face is still in Natasha's neck.
"It's not that yucky. It says it's strawberry flavored. You like strawberries, don't you?" Natasha tries again, but Y/N knows her too well. Natasha tries this every single time, but Y/N won't buy it this time.
"Y/N, please" Natasha sighs, absolutely clueless about what to do.
"… fine" Natasha sighs, nearly giving up when she spots Y/N's strawberry syrup on the counter.
The redhead smirks to herself, an idea immediately popping into her mind. She pours the medicine from the spoon to a cup, adding a bit of the syrup and a little bit of water.
"Let's at least drink a little bit, yeah? Uncle Bruce said you need to drink a lot" Natasha tells her daughter, handing her the cup and hoping Y/N won't taste the medicine and spit it out.
Y/N drinks it completely, her stuffy nose not even allowing her to feel the flavor, but she's happy she doesn't have to take the medicine.
"Alright, little trouble. Let's get you to bed" Natasha smiles to herself, proud that she came up with such an idea, and carries Y/N into her bedroom, along with the tea she made earlier.
She puts the cup of tea on the nightstand and places her little girl on bed, automatically laying down beside her. Y/N doesn't waste a single second and curles up into Natasha's side, wrapping her tiny arms around her mommy.
And just when Y/N falls asleep, Natasha carefully sneaks out of the room and goes back to the kitchen to prepare some fruits for her daughter.
It's like Natasha automatically knew what to do. Y/N hasn't eaten anything since morning, so she surely must be hungry and has to eat something.
Natasha doesn't even realize it, but she takes Y/N's favorite princess bowl for the fruit, her favorite princess cup. And just when she sees Y/N's absolutely favorite teddy bear under the couch and picks it up, everything starts becoming clear.
It was about 5 months ago when Y/N lost her favorite teddy. Natasha could swear they looked everywhere but the stuffed animal was never found.
She can't help but chuckle at it, but suddenly her laugh fades a few seconds later, her face impression changes into a shocked one when she realizes she remembers something that happened 5 months ago and even way ago than that.
The day she first saw the tiny girl, the day she decided to keep her, all of Y/N's good and bad days, just everything. It's like all of the sudden she remembered everything, all the past years.
"Y/N" Natasha whispers to herself, tears filling her eyes. She immediately rushes back to her daughter, sighing in relief when she finds the little trouble still asleep. "I'm so sorry" She whispers, pressing a kiss to Y/N's forehead and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
She stays there, just staring at her baby girl, gently stroking her daughter's hair, making sure she's okay and knowing for sure she doesn't want to leave her baby's side ever again.
I got some requests for part two so here it is <33
Part 1
Series masterlist
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somebebop · 2 months
Drinks offered, accepted and turned down
The Metatron’s coffee (oat milk latte with unknown amount of almond syrup), as well as the whole business about it, is symbolic, I think most fans have agreed on that. It seems to me not only the drink itself is important, but the ceremony of offering and accepting/turning down a drink means a lot as well. When I think of it something archaic comes to mind: accepting a drink creates a connection and builds trust between people, and such exchanges have been symbolic in many cultures for thousands of years.
I’m not very good at drawing conclusions, but I would like to sum up all the cases when drinks are offered in season 2. So that someone more analytical than myself might have clever ideas. And I love making lists, they give an illusion of some control over this complicated narrative.
Aziraphale offers Jim some gross matter hot chocolate. Everyone remembers similar moments in  s1, right? Only this time Gabriel/Jim accepts, and it changes him, becomes an important element of his new personality.
Nina offers Maggie some wine and she turns it down in the weirdest way possible. ‘No judgement’ is already a judgement!
In the Job minisode Crowley offers Aziraphale wine and he turns it down. 
Aziraphale offers Muriel a ‘cuppertea’, and they do the most remarkable thing: they neither accept, not turn it down. They find a third way to go about it, and I absolutely love it. This is yet another small detail about Muriel which makes them so special and sets them apart from everyone - humans, angels, demons.
The barman in the Resurrectionist asks what Aziraphale will be drinking, and he doesn’t order anything. Baffles me every time, it's so not in his character and completely illogical in this situation. Everything is wrong and upside down in this episode. 
I mean, even Gabriel had enough wits to BUY drinks in the pub. Obviously later he tells Beelzebub  ‘You don’t actually have to consume it’, so it makes the drinks accepted but not taken - almost like Muriel's.
Crowley makes hot chocolate for Jim
The ’smitten’ conversation at Justine’s. Aziraphale turns Crowley’s wine down, AGAIN
Metatron’s coffee
May have missed something, but even like this it seems a lot. 
Not sure about the scene with Crowley and laudanum, it it definitely meaningful, but there was no offer. Another special case is Jim making his own hot chocolate. Precious 15 seconds of screen time are wasted devoted to an extremely informative scene where Jim makes the drink, drinks it and says ‘Ah!’. Whatever for?
More questions than answers as usual.
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sadist1224 · 3 months
Everyday life in the Mafia!AU
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part4
I just want a little bit of everyday life when I don't have to worry about kidnappings, bandits and showdowns.
When you come to the bar a few hours before your shift, and Mafia!Gaz "accidentally" comes to say hello to you and ask how you are doing.
Mafia!Soap, who drops by your place literally in a few minutes, just to take you to the nearest coffee shop, to drink coffee, because then you will be immersed in work again and you will not be up to them.
Mafia!Soap and Mafia!Gaz who buy you a big latte with salted caramel syrup, insisting that they pay for it.
Mafia!Soap and the Mafia!Gaz who chatter about everything incessantly, joke and have fun, which makes you feel warm and calm. This is exactly what you need before your shift at the bar.
Mafia!Soap who shamelessly flirts with you after every joke, but you still manage to keep a steady expression on your face. You just like the way he doesn't give up trying to win you over. But you also feel that your wall will crack soon.
And you still don't want to get involved in mafia business, but that's how Mafia!Gaz invites you to some kind of party, just so you can unwind and be with them. And those pleading puppy dog eyes Mafia!Soup, who is already figuring out where you could get a dress and how long it would be.
You jokingly say it's more like a date, and you're amused by how cheeks are Mafia!Gaz darkens with embarrassment, and Mafia!Soap the eyes open wide, as if they were caught red-handed.
You promise them you'll think about it, but only after work, because, well, why not, really?
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5 Times, He Knew
A new series when your man just knew that you were the one for him
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yay, I came out of my den and finally wrote something. sorry guys but it was a very hectic 6 months for me a lot of things happened and I found myself not writing at all but I will try to be more active. apologize and sending you kisses MAIN MASTERLIST.
1. Coffee order
Coffee was Clark's lifeline, ever since adapting to the new city, moving from FarmVille to Metropolis. Coffee, freshly roasted coffee, was his ticket to calmness. When he met you in a coffee shop, he enjoyed the way you considered your coffee important in the day as much as he did.
Bit by bit, coffee by coffee, you two grew close. Relationship close. Small dates turned into night-long discussions about the anime Perfect Blue, lunches that were way longer than the prescribed 45-minute break from work, and drinks in the night, which ensued a little sneaky session in Clark's truck.
Remembering all the small details about you, your routine, your memberships that drain your card, some of which he reminds you to unsubscribe since you don't use them, places you go to calm and relax. Even when he is patrolling, flying through the clouds, he likes to ensure you are safe. Most of the time, listen in on your conversations with your friends while you say components about your man.
But one of the things that makes him a winner in your books is… you remember his coffee order.
white decaf mocha with one pump of caramel syrup and whipped cream on top with chocolate sprinkles
Once, when you came to him after work home, you brought coffee for the two of you. You knew about Clark, you knew about Superman, and you knew about Kal-El, and all of them liked coffee. When you offered the coffee to Clark, reciting the coffee order without hesitation, he swore he fell in love all over again.
'But that's not all. I have something else.' 'What?' 'A pupicino for Krypto!"
Scratch that; Clark was already in his mind buying you a ring.
2. Bachelor watch time
Clark is a romantic person; he is cheesy... so cheesy it borderlines into date-time reality shows, ei The Bachelor. A man/woman who has a harem of people fighting over their hearts and while some drama and unforgettable moments ensue, sign him up. He enjoys watching Bachelorette and Bachelor and especially enjoys watching re-runs with you. He enjoys the way he can talk to you about it, tell you his theories about the contestants, and say his thoughts about the outfits.
Clark enjoys talking about the show after, slicing his ideas for dates on the show more so going far to write a draft for a new episode. Clark loves to spill his thoughts when the roses are given. He loves the way he can talk about it to you with no shame. It is a guilty pleasure; he knows it is. But it feels so good. Clark speaks about it like it is fine art---
'Have you seen the way Rachel looked at Ashley? The stare was so intense. I've got goosebumps, literal goosebumps.'
"The way Micheal gave the rose to Michele and said the wrong name! Such an idiot. I would never forget your name."
'He is talking to like 20 ladies. Name swaps are bound to happen.' 'Tomato potato.' 'That's not how the saying goes, Clark.' "I lived on a farm."
But what Clark enjoys when you talk to him about it. That interaction about it, a safe space for him to talk about it when sometimes you match his energy about it.
3. Dog Walks
They say "People who your dog doesn't like, don't be around them"- a very smart person (me)
But that wasn't your case. Krypto adored you, and you adored Krypto. More so than Clark, but don't tell him that. Krypto enjoyed your company and loved the dog walks with you leading him.
Clark loved you, so when he was ready, he had you met his trusted family member…
"Darling, I want to warn you beforehand. Krypto is a great boy, but he might growl a bit. So when he does that, go behind me." "Okay." with an anxious door opening, Krypto sat in front of the door wagging his tail at Clark's chosen partner walking with few steps, licking the inviting hand. And after that first contact, it was pure love and compassion.
Clark knew that Krypto was a great judge of character, but sometimes Clark felt a bit jealous.
Even now, when he cruised along Metropolis, checking if any daytime crimes were happening around the Metrolois central park. No crimes, just you and Krypto walking side by side in the park. A sight that called a smile upon his face. Lowering himself behind a tree, he wanted to see it better, even with his perfect vision. Seeing Krpyto enjoy the ball being thrown for him as he ran to catch it while you laughed and called him sweetly into your arms. Clark didn't have a big family, he had his lovable parents back in Smallville but no one else in the Metropolis. So, having you and Krypto, he thanked his lucky stars each night, knowing that having a small and meaningful family was all he needed.
Sure, he knew that Krypto loved you more than the caped superhero, but no one could blame him for that.
Clark was also crazy for you too.
4. Moving In
After deciding that you two would live together, Clark was the ever-helpful mover packing each box and happily carrying it into your shared apartment, feeling excited about the new chapter in his life.
Making a big step like this was everything Clark wanted, normal steps suited for his story. Placing down the boxes, Clark felt a sweet relief in the empty apartment that was bare and empty with only Clark, Krypto, and you.
Clark didn't care that the apartment was empty and that there was no bed but only an air mattress. All he wanted was you and him, and Krypto. He was a lovesick fool.
"What's with the grin?" "Nothing… I just love you…" "And I love you too… now the fun part begins…. Ikea furniture set up…" "oh no……"
5. First Dance
Clark was no dancer; the big guy had two left feet. He was constantly bullied and never picked for the Smallville Corn Night dance.
When moving to Metropolis, he never gave it much thought, leaving them to collect dust in his brain. So when he met you, he was a bit confused about why you were dancing in the kitchen while making pasta. Okay… it was more so hips swaying and bit of humming, but for our non-dancing boy, that was full-on dance-breaking.
"Why are you dancing in the kitchen?" "Dancing? What do- oh you mean this?" "Yes." "Well…while I wait for the pasta to cook I like to dance a little. You don't dance?" "…." "Then dance with me. I will show you."
Taking his hand, you lead Clark a bit, his steps mixing a bit as you guided him while soft Spanish music plays in the background. Feeling a bit out of his element, Clark looked into your eyes, seeing the way they sparkled and your signature smile that he loved to the ends of the universe. Feeling him move in a circle slowly and gently with you, he didn't mind as much now that he was dancing in the kitchen.
In that moment, he felt understood, not made fun off, but rather being shown something new that he can enjoy with you. Enjoy it with you.
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fuckingrecipes · 3 months
hello! recently ive had an obsession with drinks, and almost each night ive been making one, ranging from chai latte to orange julius, to milkshakes. but ive been running out - do you happen to have any recipes? nonalcoholic would be preferable, and names are just fine too unless it’s not a wide spread concoction. thank you!!!
How about instead of a recipe, I give you some less-used ingredients and you can DIY some combinations?
Red Bell Pepper Juice! You can sometimes buy it at specialty stores, or you can blend/crush/mash some red bell peppers and strain the juice out yourself. I really like it combined with simple syrup and lime juice for a rich mocktail.
You can also use other vegetable juices in fun little drinks. Carrot juice can be surprisingly sweet. Sugar Beets are named that for a reason. There's a lot of folks down here in the south who just drink sweetcorn juice.
You can get a deeper, smokier flavor by braising your veggies until they char a little, before juicing them.
Seedlip Spice 94, for an herbal, conifer-like flavor. I love this paired with lavender syrup, in any clear soda. It tastes like summer!
Coconut Cream (not coconut water! It's different!) Can be used as a base instead of ice cream, with frozen mango for an ultra-creamy, richly flavored frozen drink. The ratios here will be different, so use your own judgement.
Consider going to a foreign food market, and buying like... random canned fruit you've never heard of. Using lychee syrup is delicious. You can also look around for fruits and drinks you've never tried. There's a whole world out there of packaged drink powders!
Gochujang sweetened with honey and lime, cut with ginger beer is... an experience. Get the ratios right, and it's addictive.
Think about muddling herbs/fruits into your clear soda, which aren't just 'mint and cucumber' - Basil and lime. Dill and apple. Blackberry and Anise.
Had muddled basil and simple syrup in some iced coffee recently. It was intriguing. Good? Not sure, but it compelled me.
Be adventurous and you'll never run out of new flavor combinations to try~
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yuecrown · 8 months
I LOVE YOU — ron kamonohashi
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pairings: ron kamonohashi x gn!reader. warnings: fluff. established relationship. 0.9k wc. notes: this is my first fic for rkdd but i had to write for ron bc hello ?! he's such a menace (affectionate) <3
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when you wake up, the first thought on your mind is that you haven’t slept this well in ages. usually you’re a light sleeper, roused from sleep by even the smallest disturbances.
this morning however, your eyes don’t open until past 10 am— extremely late by your standards. maybe it’s because this is your first time sleeping over at your boyfriend ron’s place. it’s also the first time in a long while that you’ve felt so loved, so safe.
his bed is as comfy as you’d expect it to be, covered with soft blankets, tons of pillows and platypus plushies. it’s huge too, easily big enough to fit both ron and you— but he’s not here.
you blink sleepily and sit up in bed, rubbing your eyes. the space beside you is empty, but the sheets are messy, meaning that ron did sleep here, at least for a while.
you frown. did he find sharing his bed with another person uncomfortable? or did he just have to get up early because toto brought him a case to solve?
you’re snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of something shattering. it seems to be coming from the kitchen. you throw the covers back, about to go find the source of the sound, when ron appears in the doorway.
he looks messier than usual, and it’s cute. his long dark hair is damp, and obscuring his eyes, slightly more tousled than what you’re used to. a towel is slung around his shoulders, and he’s already dressed in his usual t-shirt, jacket and jeans.
“good morning, y/n.” his voice is warm and tinged with excitement as he beams proudly and holds out a tray. “i made you breakfast!”
“good morning,” you mumble back sleepily, stifling a yawn. “i heard something break, are you okay?”
he waves a hand dismissively. “it was just a plate. an occupational hazard.”
“of being a detective?”
“of being a prodigal chef,” he corrects, gesturing towards the tray.
there’s a cute mug with a cat face on it, filled with coffee, alongside a plate stacked with fluffy-looking pancakes.
you sip at the coffee, and almost spit it right out when you taste just how much brown sugar he’s put in it.
“i didn’t know how you took your coffee,” ron says apologetically.
you gingerly sip at the drink again and grimace. “so you decided to add ungodly amounts of brown sugar syrup to it?”
ron blinks. “you don’t like it?”
his head is tilted to one side and he’s watching you keenly, waiting for an answer. the embarrassing truth is that you’d do anything to see him smile, so you steel your nerves and say, “no, um, it’s great! really.”
you can’t tell if he buys the lie or not, but he seems happy enough either way. “good.”
he hugs you from behind, arms wrapping around you as he rests his chin on your shoulder. his warm breath tickles your neck. “you should sleep over more often.”
“yeah. i… i liked it. you’re cute when you’re asleep.”
the unexpected comment has you flustered, but ron seems oblivious as he stabs a pancake with a fork and feeds it to you.
you take a bite and prepare yourself for the brown sugar taste to flood your senses, but instead it’s actually balanced out by the other ingredients. “wait, ron— this is really good!”
“i knew it.” his tone is smug as he eats the rest of the pancake you just took a bite out of. “and now we’ve shared an indirect kiss.”
you try not to laugh at how proud of himself he looks. “we can share a real one too if you want.”
the tips of his ears grown pink. he murmurs, “okay,” and leans in to kiss you, eyes closed.
he tugs you closer onto his lap, one hand resting against your back, keeping you steady. despite his inexperience, he’s a good kisser. it makes sense, you think to yourself— he’s an incredibly quick learner, and even more so when it’s something he enjoys— and the eagerness with which he presses his warm lips to yours proves that he definitely enjoys kissing you.
when you finally pull away, he grins. “if you stay over more often, we can do more of this.”
“you don’t have to try and convince me,” you reply. “i’d love to spend more nights with you.”
“you would?”
“of course, i love you.” the words slip out easier than you’d thought. truth be told, you hadn’t even meant to say them, but now that you had, you weren’t going to take them back.
there’s silence for a few seconds. ron’s eyes bore into you, and both of you hold your breath. then he drapes himself over you like a koala, clutching you tightly, and says, “i love you too.”
you try and fail to hide your giddy smile, burying your face into his neck. “oh.”
he pulls himself off you and observes your flustered expression, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. “i’d assumed it was a given, but you seem to like it when i say the words out loud. hmm. cute. i love you, y/n.”
you hit him on the arm and huff, “you’re insufferable.”
“but you love me, right?”
you stick your tongue out at him. “actually, i love your cat more, so there.”
he sulkily replies, “well, i love brown sugar more, so there.”
“oh, okay.” you get up, pretending to leave. ron grabs your wrist and tugs you back into his embrace, murmuring, “i was kidding.”
you smile and take his hand. “i know.”
he links his fingers with yours tightly and says, “i’ll always love you most.”
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