#which is something James and Sirius would def do
rewritingcanon · 6 months
What would you say are your more controversial opinions about the hp characters?
ohhhh okayyy. i feel like my opinions on a lot of the characters aren’t controversial because i dont feel super strongly towards anyone in any negative light but here are some i could think of at the top of my head:
i’m glad the malfoys faced more extreme backlash after the second wizarding war. a lot of people in the fandom seem to be very sympathetic towards draco and scorpius for getting dogpiled with the brunt of it (which yeah, it sucks, especially for scorpius) but the prejudice makes complete make sense to me. if i was someone who didn’t know scorpius’ character, and had someone from my family get killed in the second war due to death eaters or something— seeing the malfoys still be wealthy and walk around freely without any jailtime, i would be bitter too. they’re hated on but they’re still one of the richest families ever, so they’ll live LOL
another anon has asked about this and i haven’t responded to them yet but when i do i will link it here for my reasons. basically: the best character in the cursed child is harry potter. i think the way they wrote his character and ptsd carried the play. it was def his story, not albus’.
i do think dumbledore has some aspects of him that may be considered morally gray, but mostly i dont think he is. he does everything for the good of the world, and his complete selflessness leads him to sacrifice anything for it— even himself and the people he loves, when necessary. i completely understand why people wouldn’t agree with his methods though.
james potter isn’t a sunshine character he’s a dickhead. fans of him made him a golden retriever character to be more palatable for modern times. i like him the way he is: an asshole and then less of an asshole 👍 this is what true stanning looks like
pansy parkinson is racist and out of all the female side characters, developing HER is so questionable from fandom
harry had questionable descriptions about a lot of male characters to make people think he could be a little 🏳️‍🌈 there was bill, there was sirius, there was cedric. but draco is not a part of that list. harry was not feeling draco whatsoever throughout the series but drarry shippers cling to that one ‘obsessed’ line
furthermore, harry rejecting draco’s offer of friendship wasn’t a sad or a ‘what if’ scene. draco was being a classist piece of shit and harry didnt want to fuck with that, there isnt any way in any timeline he wouldve accepted draco’s friendship.
slytherin sucks just generally lol. people want so bad to pluck anti-heroes out of a series that was written specifically with the mind to make all the characters suck.
hermione and ron’s drama isn’t as toxic as people make it out to be. yes, this includes the time hermione sent birds after him. people act like its the end of the world but she was tackling puberty and the end of society soooo i give her a pass to tweak out.
mostly every harry potter character has horrific names. like literally mostly everyone. even the name harry potter 🙁
movie romione wasn’t that bad LOL
severus snape’s ‘redemption’ or whatever was so ass. he bullies kids for five years and then everything is chill because… true love? on harry’s mum? are you kidding me 💀
weasley family angst goes hard but people (especially percy stans and some ron&ginny stans) acting like they’re the most toxic family to walk the earth make me want to rip my hair out and eat it. molly loves her kids guys shes not evil. jesus.
genuinely trying to think of more but i can’t right now…. maybe i will reblog and add to it. i feel like most of my opinions aren’t that controversial though 😭
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lovableapocalypse · 2 years
part of the band | bassist!remus x fem!reader
marauders band!au
word count- 2.2k
warnings- swearing, fluff, probably some bad grammar and spelling i just churned this out after class
a/n- i had this idea in my head so i feel like this is no plot head empty vibes but its cute and i love bassist remus & will def write more of this universe
i do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
Watching them from the side stage will never get old, but there’s something about being in the actual crowd that you enjoy so much more. None of the boys have spotted you yet and understandably so. The crowd was thick but you’d still managed to get up pretty close to Remus’ side of the stage. 
You’d told him you were going to be late to the show mostly because you wanted to stay in the crowd tonight and not hear any of the guys’ bitching. They liked having you on the side stage so no crazy fans would bombard you and because they could easily see you. While you understood their testament, you also understood being a fan first. 
You showed up when the doors opened, grabbed your vip pass from the box office and headed to the crowd. Sadly for you the boy’s head security, Moody, spotted you and nearly dragged you backstage. You begged him to let you stay and he easily gave in to your puppy eyes and pouty lips. He led you closer to the barricade before heading back to his spot in front of the stage.
You pulled your phone out and skimmed your messages when you heard the girls beside you whispering quite loudly. You heard your name mentioned and glanced beside you. They shifted their eyes away and tried to play it off which made you laugh. You and Remus were pretty popular in the band's fanbase. You’d known the boys for ages and had even helped produce certain tracks with them. Their fans had coined you as the “it couple” of the band- Lily and James coming in a close second if not for their on again off again habit.
The said drummer and his girlfriend were enamored with each other and it seemed to bite them in the ass sometimes. You’re sure they would be the fans #1 otherwise. You weren’t sure why they loved you and Remus together so much. Part of you thought it’s because Remus is the supposed mysterious quiet one and you provide more content of him that they want to see. 
The girls were laughing nervously and you politely say hello and strike up conversation with them. You figure you’re going to be here all night and if you were them you’d want a nice interaction too. 
As the crowd files in and the room gets louder you completely befriend the girls. As you’re chatting about comfortable footwear for concerts you feel your phone buzz again. 
Remmy: Txt me when youre otw x 
You feel guilty for lying but you really did just want to watch the show from the crowd with no objections. You hear the crowd’s volume rise and realize the opener is heading on. You shoot back a quick ‘Ofc xx’ and shut off your phone. 
The girls you’ve attached yourself to smile and shout for the opener, and you can’t help but grin. Luckily not many other people have recognized you in the crowd and you feel a bit annoyed at the boys for thinking fans would ‘bombard’ you and not let you enjoy this.  
The opener is great and you all sing and dance along. They head off and you feel the crowd grow more intense awaiting the boys to come on. 
Sirius, the band’s frontman and lead vocals has been really entertaining the crowds this tour and you’re honestly proud of how well he’s been performing (and behaving). The boy’s have really grown into their roles and it’s amazing to see them all come together on stage. 
You’ve watched them go from recording in their dorm room all the way to renting studio time for weeks on end, and it’s bittersweet to see all these people here to support them. Your phone buzzes a few times and you wince as you read the messages. 
Remmy: Openers just finished
Remmy: Gotta turn my phone off soon, see you after?
Remmy: Be safe x 
As you read these another shoots through that doesn’t make you feel any better. 
Siri: quit making moony nervous
Siri: get here soon yeah
You sigh and tell yourself you’ll just stay in the crowd till the encore so you can see him before  they go back on. You shove your phone into your back pocket and glance around at the crowd again. 
The crowd cheers as the lights dim and you scream along. It feels so amazing to be a part of the crowd again and experience things as one. You can see their silhouettes moving across the stage and you grab the girl’s hand next to you and cheer along. 
When the lights fully illuminate on the stage the crowd erupts. You included. As you’re cheering you can’t help but laugh at Sirius’ smile. You see James wave as he moves to the drum set and Peter quietly moves to the guitar at the other end of the stage. Peter was always more quiet and just did what was suggested to him. It annoyed Sirius endlessly at times, but Peter seemed content staying out of the spotlight. 
Your face splits into a true grin when you see Remus adjust his bass and put his in-ears on. He’s laughing at something James said into the mic and Sirius rolls his eyes dramatically. James plays the opening sequence and the band plays one of their hits right off the bat. 
You’re shouting the lyrics along and feel fucking amazing being in the crowd again. The song comes to an end and the fans cheer enormously. Sirius laughs and addresses everyone, “What a good looking crowd here tonight, huh.” You laugh at his flirtatious self. Sirius makes conversation about the city and such but you're not paying much attention. Remus is messing with his tuning and chords and you can’t keep your eyes off him. He looks so fucking fit. His hair is messy and he’s flushed from the stage lights and you feel yourself falling in love with him all over again. 
The second girl you befriended shouts over to you, “Remus looks so cute!” You laugh and shoot back, “I know right!” 
The band starts the next song on the set list, a list you know all too well seeing as you helped create them for the shows. You dance along and lift your hands as you sing the words. The song comes to an end and the smile on your face hasn’t faltered once. As you glance at the boys again you feel eyes burning into you. When your vision passes over the middle of the stage James is sending you a shit eating grin. Fuck. He raises his brows at you and you shake your head back. You have no idea how he spotted you from his seat and you mentally curse him and his big ass glasses. 
He laughs but the next song starts and his attention is taken. You try and enjoy the song but you keep glancing at Remus to make sure James hasn’t said anything. As soon as the song ends you see James lean into the mic by his shoulder. You mouth ‘don’t’ at him but even if he saw it he doesn’t acknowledge it. You watch him speak into the mic and thankfully he’s spoken to the boys through the stage mic so the crowd hears nothing. You see Remus quickly glance to the side stage so you assume James mentioned your attendance, but not whereabouts. Then James opens his big mouth again and you see all four pairs of eyes move to you. 
Peter laughs lightly and Sirius huffs a laugh as he shakes his head. You finally glance to your boyfriend and send him a weak smile. You can’t read his expression but then Sirius occupies your attention, “Hope the crowd enjoys this next one.” He smirks at you as he also speaks into the stage mic and the opening chords to your personal favorite song of the band’s play. Of course. This song is rarely on the set list and now you understand what Sirius said into the mic. 
You try your hardest to just enjoy the song but Remus’ eyes haven’t left yours. You finally decide to not let them dampen your mood or your favorite song, so you scream the lyrics louder and hold your boyfriend’s eyes as you dance more sensually. He looks away clenching his jaw and you see James laugh at him from his drum set. Remus rolls his eyes at his best mate and finally cracks a small smile as he looks back at you. 
You smile back and the song ends. As he plays the closing chords he mouths ‘hello’ at you from the stage. You mouth it back and blush. 
The show goes on and thankfully the boys don’t bug you too much throughout. They keep sending you smirks and playful looks, but selfishly you think it’s more cool to experience it from the crowd. 
When you realize the next song is the last before the encore you turn to the girls beside you and say goodbye. You take a few pictures with them as the song starts and wave goodbye as you walk away. 
You maneuver your way through the crowd towards the security lined up by the backstage. You show them your pass and id and head to your normal side stage view. The song comes to an end and Sirius thanks the crowd for a wonderful show and the boys take their instruments off. 
They wait for each other and head over your way. You can’t help but bite your lip as Remus approaches you and takes out his in-ears. He’s more disheveled and sweaty from being on stage and he looks amazing. He smiles as he reaches you and tosses his head back lightly. You laugh and reach your arms out for him. 
He wraps you in a sweaty hug, but you don’t mind seeing as you got sweaty yourself in the crowd. 
“Pit monster herself,” Sirius laughs. 
“Piss off” you reply and roll your eyes. 
Remus hugs you closer and whispers into your ear, “Surprised me when I saw you down there.”
You sigh and respond, “I know, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything I kinda just wanted to be in the crowd for once again.”
He nods his head and presses his lips against your neck. “I’m just glad you’re here.” You blush at his words and he pulls out of the embrace. He keeps his arm around your shoulders as you address the rest of the guys. 
“Probably could’ve stayed there the whole time if James didn’t have such a big mouth.”
Said boy laughs and gives you a look of false confusion, “Oh, you saw that?” 
Sirius and Peter laugh and you feel Remus chuckle against you. “You’re such an idiot” you say to James. 
A techie comes around and announces a 2 minute warning for the boys. They all grab some water and head back to the stage. Remus leans down to kiss your lips when Sirius grabs his shirt collar, “No kisses for her.” You scoff and flip him off as he pushes Remus in front of him. Remus laughs and sends you a look of sympathy. 
The boys jog back onto stage and the crowd screams. Now you wish you’d have just stayed down there. As if he can read your thoughts Remus catches your eyes and you share a knowing look. 
The boys end the show with their most popular songs and it really is amazing. You dance and sing by yourself and watch the boys finish strong. They wave to the crowd and thank them and Remus is the first to head back to you. 
He loosely grabs your chin and lifts your face as he catches your lips. He kisses you sweetly and smiles against you. He lifts his head and looks down at you. “You did look hot in the crowd though.” You smile but it’s rudely interrupted when James says “Don’t give her ideas Moony.”
You shoot him a playful glare and the boys laugh at your expense.
Later that night at the afterparty you were checking your socials when you see the two girls you met in the pit post the pictures of you all. They were honestly so cute, so you like and repost them. You’d had a bit to drink and were feeling ballsy so you figured might as well follow them and commnet. You left a sweet ‘these are so cute dm me them!!’ on one and ‘thanks for making me feel normal and not like a loner in the pit tn’ on the other. You laugh as people start to respond to the comments and fans realize you were in the crowd tonight. 
“Maybe you should stay in the crowd more often.” Remus muses from over your shoulder reading the comments as well. “Hmm. I feel like I’ve been saying that for awhile” you tease. He smiles at you and catches you in another kiss. “Just don’t tell Sirius” he laughs. “God, never” you respond. 
He grabs your hand and you dance, together, Remus pressing kisses into you wherever he can.   
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enbysiriusblack · 4 months
What do you think the marauder era characters favourite foods would be?
james- had a veg pakora once and it was very his vibe. so that or maybe like fruit & yogurt pot things
remus- what if i said something other than chocolate? .. i'm gonna (chocolate is more his comfort food, than fav), his fav would be like a roast dinner (especially roast potatoes with gravy)
sirius- it's obviously food that he either had when sneaking out in london or that the potter's made him. not sure which. but lets say like a pork pie or something
peter- def chips. with curry sauce as well. had a summer job in a chip shop and woudl eat them for lunch
lily- she gives me fruit vibes. i'm gonna say raspberries maybe
mary- cherry tart
marlene- chocolate frogs (enjoys trying to catch it and gets very competitive with it)
dorcas- cheese and onion crisps
emmeline- fancy shit like macaroons or something
regulus- fancy shit like. actually no. his favourite is buttered pasta. he's just never allowed it and would tell people its lamb that's made a specific confusing way
pandora- sausage rolls
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brandileigh2003 · 11 months
Ok. But like?
I'm cool with remus not being traditionally beautiful. But Sirius still thinking he's the best thing ever. I think that he has certain attractive features, but he's def not some rockstar and most ppl don't take a second glance. But you need that to see the shade of his eyes, his crooked smile. Sirius loves him and finds beauty because of not despite of his scars. Bc they show strength and tell a story.
Mid level I think someone put it. Sure, I get why that can be a thing.
But. I think he can have sex appeal in other ways. His smile, his voice, a look in his eyes, muscles in certain places that defies him being otherwise skinny.
I'm fine with sirius being super intelligent and quick. Its canon after all. I love how him and James have this quality. But I don't think that means that remus liking to read or studying a lot takes that away from Sirius. I think that he likes academic validation, and he needs to read and study to stay caught up. He wants to prove he's worthy to be at school and has to work for it. I do think that he's smart though, and adds to group dynamics.
I don't think that he's just a downer and boring persay, otherwise why would they want to be with him. I think that he'll do the research maybe on the great idea that Sirius and James had and they will later carry it out flawlessly. Or sees some kind of gap in the plan and can think quick to help patch it up.
I do think he probably gets so hyperfixated on things which some people can't stand. but sirius loves to hear him talk about it. Just like remus is obsessed with everything sirius has to say. He's totally a nerd but I don't think he's just pathetic or a loser. Or maybe I just don't see those words the same as the recent posts have been using for him.
I think he's extraordinarily kind. he worships sirius, who in turn thinks remus is also the best. He's not rude to him even though I really do think they fight. But can't stay mad at each other long.
I do think that he can be angry, but I also think that a lot of times it's just at himself or crappy life circumstances. He's normally careful to keep any anger controlled bc he's worried about perception.
he's shy and and awkward and deals with a lot. He loves to help the younger students, and he uses above hard earned study methods to help them bc everything doesn't just come naturally or can share how he overcame it.
If everyone has a crush it's not bc he's completely hot or any of that. He's a soft boy with big comfy sweaters that gives good hugs. He's a good listener, a good teacher, shares anything he has, especially the chocolate that seems to be never ending in his bag. Bc he believes that it'll make you feel better. He has a kind word or compliment and can make you feel better.
I think he can be a momma's boy. And wants hope or poppy to hug him, and give him a space to cry and be weak. Otherwise I think that he likes to try to hide his pain bc he doesn't want to be a burden.
And ... That all said. I think that CR remus is different than a lot of this and hes absolutely perfect and I love him and I'd do insane things for this fictional man. It's one of my favorite ways to read about him. But something that carries over there from everything else I said is how enamored he is with Sirius Black. And how much he loves his inner circle. How he has this sacrificial love.
But anyways, I could go on about CR but that's totally not the point. Ive just seen a few things and wanted to say some things about how I see him a lot. And maybe the posts that have me feeling kind of sad talking about him are actually saying some of the same things I'm just negatively associating some words or ideas bc I know personally I can also interpret things completely the wrong way or not read into the subtext well enough
Let me know what you think. But if you think this is wrong; be kind.
And the people who like to come all up in my inbox about hating Sirius-- this isnt that. To be clear. I don't want remus to take over any traits of Sirius or whatever else you accuse me of. This has to do mostly with remus except me saying that sirius sees something in remus that a lot of people don't, that they're in love and adore each other.
I do in fact love Sirius Black and think he's wonderful. And you're missing the point if you think I hate that man. But I want to talk about remus rn and if you want something talking about Sirius, so many other wonderful people on here do that, so let's find that instead and let me hyperfixate and talk about remus.
Other random things I'll probably add to that really are prb just me.
-he is a horrible dancer. But he'll do it for sirius
-he'd do almost anything for Sirius.
-he's a music snob. But he'll read anything
-he is super annoying in class bc he shakes his leg or taps his quill. Sirius thinks it's adorable though.
-he needs a cane around the full. But he doesn't like to use it.
-the man loves weed. Him and hope smoke together.
-he has no idea how to take care of his hair
-to me he's associated with chronic illness, pain or disability in every universe. Or some mix or variation. (Ofc authors have free choice it's their story and I have no right for demands or anything) but I write him that way, hc him that way, get stupidly happy when I read it bc I feel so seen, search AO3 tags regularly for these portrayals.
-remus has no sense of style. But sirius doesn't care, he's so soft and cozy with his sweaters. The only thing about that is that I'm personally convinced hope bought remus a leather jacket, he shows up wearing it on the train, Sirius somehow gets his hands on it... Remus' eyes pop out of his head, maybe drools a bit- and it becomes Sirius' trademark
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sommerregenjuniluft · 6 months
everytime i remember both barty & james are setters in ur haikyuu au i go a little insane...... what r they like when they're playing each other?? constantly taunting the other, doing setter dumps back and forth, telling each other the exact play they're about to do, etc....
cass my light my love i'm so glad you asked i only just thought about them yesterday
so back in january i've been watching a lot of international volleyball games on youtube and like taking notes and through that found out how i want james and barty to play. i bet you remember this post. both james and barty do this but in different ways. iranian national team setter saeid marouf does this thing where no matter how good or bad the receive is he always manages to keep his players in a tight rhythm. they're on a time limit so to say and he passes the ball accordingly fast after taking it on, urging his hitters to sped up their last two steps before the jump, which increases their hight and power. it's so mercyless and trusting and how talented you have to fucking be to keep that up let alone invent that so that's our james right there. for barty he is less of an obvious genius (i'm not 100 sure yet if i'll leave it like that or might add something but for now) he always sets percisely in the hitting window to let them also make decisions of their own because they're all so cunning and observant he knows they'll decide on the right thing. slytherin has a wild variety of plays that all are very confusing to their opponent (lots of players attacking at the same time and curved sprints, switching places and everything) even after a bad receive they manage to pull a complex play (they're much like seijoh in that aspect). barty signalizes them the play he wants to do and waits until the last second with deciding who he wants to set to, he's a calculating monster. always having the opponents players in view, how his own hitters are doing, how the receive was, everything. his unpredictability makes him dangerous.
now when they're playing against each other is mostly a disaster waiting to happen. barty is a first year and he's constantly getting admonished by his upperclassmen and the second evan only so much as suspects barty's concentration is slipping because he's too focused on beating James instead of gyffindor he sends him the biggest death glare to reign him back in. and while james is also only a second year, he is captain. sirius has to do so much damage control as vice whenever his temper gets the better of him and it's, if understandably when against barty, a lot.
slytherin is a downright mean team. they block the view to the person serving. they aim where it hurts. yknow how the teams assemble after each point for morality/celebration to like pat each others back? whenever gryffindor makes a mistake and esp when they fumble a serve, slytherin cheers just a tad too loudly. like it's bordering on disrespectful/bad sportmanship. also (and while they def dont need to resort to such measures) they love questioning the referees. they insist there was a block touch or they insist that the served ball was outside of the line etcetc. ofc james is the first to also stand by the refs, shaking his head and desperately trying to remain calm because he does not appreciate getting cheated.
barty being our deceptive king probably would do something like revealing his plays when he hears some of the opponents talk about it, but he'd have to do it under his breath and in secret because the thrid years dont appreciate him being that cocky (because they dont know yet that he can pull it off). also one time after a bad receive he yells Quick! but instead of a middle blocker quick he sets to an outside hitter and everyone is like ?!!?!? but yeah 100% setter dumps back and forth i can easily see james doing one at the very beginning of a set or match even. constantly taunting each other. like in my mind i think it would take quite a lot to get james to lose his uplifting/confident demeanor (as in sad/resigned to a loss) but he does get annoyed/infuriated from time to time, esp about someone outsmarting him (cough atsumu core). and barty is just overall pissed at james keeping his form and not fucking up and petty asf and he 100% trash talks near the net. maybe even about sirius and regulus
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in some jurisdictions (including california in the usa and in the uk as well more recently) pantsing someone can result in sexual assault (or simple assault) charges, even if it's done between students. swm was def written to be standard issue bullying, but a decent amount of the modern western audience is gonna read it in a particular context that is familiar to them/filter it through anti-bullying lectures they've gotten in school/etc.
okok i def get this. i do have a few thoughts they probably arent very well explained but i will try to put them in words best i can.
tldr at the bottom. !!
i do wanna j put it out there, generally, that james & sirius were complete assholes for this and by extension, so were remus and peter. i dont like snape but this was shitty and inexcusable. if it sounds like i'm justifying them in this, i'm not (promise 💔)
i know today it's more often than not considered sexual assault/public indecency , which is totally justified ofc, but this scene didn't take place today - it took place around like . half a centaury ago. lots changed.
yes, ofc, it was wrong then too and even if it didn't mean j&s would go through legalities and stuff, they shouldn't've done it but back then it wasn't considered to be so bad and it was fairly normalized, they probably saw it and did it (albeit in a much crueler way).
hogwarts doesn't teach mannerisms , they never sat through anti-bullying segments or got taught the hard limits or how to fight back vs aggravate. it was written as bullying , because it was. it wasnt intended s/a but that doesn't mean it wasn't heinous .
s/a comes w intent, james and sirius had no intent further than to show their power over him + get rid of their boredom.
istg they were so horrible.
according to wikipedia, this is the definition of sexual assault
Sexual assault is an act in which one intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will.
according to this definition, it's not s/a. it's still blurry, if it happened today i would think it be, because james would choose a specifically sexually violent way of bullying snape, but at the time pantsing didn't have those connotations (esp between boys). obv you can still believe what you want , this is just my two cents.
(i'm also gonna reply to some comments from my original post here since it's easier than responding in the comment section).
@eddvirusz : there's nothing sexual about the scene, and i know s/a is a pretty umbrella term that more specific things fall into but i dont find this specific instance to fall under that. it probably was just a big bullying scene for him bc they didnt have the nuances we have today. ik jkr is sexist but also. 70s were sexist. male s/a wasnt considered shit . but that's not the point of it, because there was no sexual intent which, as i said needs to be present. pantsing itself is not considered s/a according to most sites.
@silentgirlspeaksout : okay i just read through the entirety of swm and this is the order of how they hurt each other physically/attempt to + talking abt what u adressed:
snape attempts to hurt james first. james calls out to him, and snape reaches for his wand. you could say that snape expected an attack and was prepping for self defense or something, but ehhh... i dont believe that. let snape be an imperfect victim, he tried to hurt first
james responded w expelliarmus
he then did impedimenta (slows down/stops target - can also blow them away (which it did) if used more strongly)
james and sirius just taunted him while he lay for a while, throwing insults etc etc . power play.
4. snape tries to throw hexes at them but he can't bc his wand is far away
5. james uses scourgify. i dont exactly know if this is like a bad hex, bc it just cleans, so it must just fill snape's mouth w soap ? ig it has chemicals and stuff, but i doubt pureblood james & sirius knew of that. it did make him gag & choke though, that's when lily enters
james saying 'he exists' seems like a joke ..... i 1000% believe j&s & snape were both horrible to each other and james wasnt gonna stop in the middle of his little show to explain that to lily in detail
this is also where he says 'go out w me and i'll leave him alone' - youre right ,,, this was gross. it was played as shits and giggles i think, 'oh haha he never does miss an opportunity to ask her out, does he!', but it's icky . same , it's no s/a but its harassment soo . big L james. this entire post is kind of a big L for james, and sirius too but he has a lot of Ls.
also, "choke him out with soap before he does anything," - he attempted to do shit
"so I don’t blame him for fighting back with a cutting hex after he’s been hit with several spells" - i get it, vaguely, but not in the same sense (?). if james only hit him with these three hexes and snape went to draw blood, i'd say snape was in the wrong (sorry?), but they had a history - snape drew blood because james and snape had done this before, they've gone violent
6. snape cuts james' face (deep enough that it instantly splatters to his robes)
7. hanging snape upside down the first time
lily tells them to back off,
8. james let him off (*threw him down)
9. sirius hits him with a body-bind spell that temporarily paralyzes him
lily tells them to stop,
10. james mutters counter curse
snape calls lily a mudblood + her exit,
11. snape is hung again and we're left unsure whether or not he was exposed or not
there can be arguments made that, like you said, this is only unconfirmed bc it wouldnt be allowed to be in a children's book otherwise (but the book deals w nazis n like a hundred other things so idk it may be left on purpose)
you say jkr is weird about s/a esp w men and while obv #fuckjkr men and s/a discussions generally were pretty weird in the 70s which is why james mightve never considered that a possibility as to what he did + snape never considered it as s/a. fuck jkr tho
for the mary and mulciber thing , i was just yapping tbh but tysm ! fuck mulciber hail mary
ok i think ive yapped enough gn
tldr : s/a requires there to be something sexual taking place. you can argue assault, you can't argue sexual given time frame and context and just .... anything. but that doesn't mean it wasn't terrible and disgusting. j&s sucked ass for this, i may not like him but ill go pro snape where he's a victim.
not s/a, still unforgivable. snape is an imperfect victim because he's violent too. james and sirius are sadists and they should talk that out with someone that isnt each other.
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Enjoy the second to last HC's, bubz. Who knows... The anon to lovers pipeline sounds kinda in rn..
*in bed*
Reg: So. Just to clarify..You actually like me right?
MC: No, I kept a portrait that kinda hurt to have in my pocket which gave me splinters btw, around for years, got devasted by the demise, slept in said portraits room as a source of comfort, went all the way to NORWAY at the off chance something could be done for said boy in portrait, went into a creepy cave, nearly died, did a ritual, all because I can't fucking stand you.
Reg, contemplating: ..you were in my bed before marriage? 😙
MC: You kinda make me wanna drown myself.
Reg: I thought we established it's too soon for those-
Sirius: There is no fucking way.
Harry: There is definitely a way and fucking is likely involved.
Reg, unfazed: What was it you say birdie.. No bitches? 🤔
Sirius and Harry: Fuck this combo. Fuck this combo. FUCK THIS COMBO-
Blaire: Nah you better be fucking forreal.. FIRST YOU ANSWER MY MOM BEFORE ME, LEAVE ME TO FEND FOR OUR CHILD AND NOW YOU GOTTA SICK VICTORIAN CHILD LOOKING BOYFRIEND? I'm having a moment. Oh i'm have a serious moment.
Reg, coughs: Wrong brother to be having a moment with.
Blaire: Girl, you BETTER be joking.. 👁️_👁️
Mc: I think I'm going to pre-maturely die now. I wish you the best.
*Reg holding MC's hand*
Sirius, behind them both, disgusted: You know, I know you don't know what you're saying and you're aiming for better than blood traitor but you could have said literally anything else. Anything. God.
I have so many.. thoughts. feelings. headcannons. but rly, I want to say thank you first. I've had a pretty rough month and my highlight was always getting to read Second Son. Reg always was a soft spot of mine but your characterisation was probably as close to how I imagined it. When the 3rd last chapter came out? Girl, I was in a boba shop, moral supporting my friend and he thought I was delirious CUZ I WAS GIGGLING. Of course, I'm sad it's come to an end but your journey as a writer sure as hell hasn't thus I'm super excited for you new work!! I hope you're proud of the series because not only were you delivering so often, you rly made all our days when you did. I'm wishing both sides of your pillow are how you desire them to be..
All the love, beloved hc anon 💌✨
My lovely hc anon <33!!! The anon to lover pipeline is def in<333 !!!!
Regulus would definitely be up at ungodly hours just contemplating that kind of stuff (poor reader, but same Reg). Also LOL, reader was more disturbed by Voldemort's snake face than anything else (like reader definitely gets nightmares of that moment at the cave still).
Regulus and Reader would literally drive Sirius up the WALL, like they give him and James a run for their money. +++ I'm so dead LMAO, you captured Blaise's humor perfectly, that is something he would definitely say in his head while plastering on a wide grin !
BLOOD PLEASER. I LOVE that omg...Kreacher is trying to be better, but he would most definitely come up with the most absurd nicknames ever.
I'm so glad that my series has been able to lift your spirits, my dear!! And I must thank you as well because your hc's always made my days so much brighter and really helped bring the characters to life!! You are truly one of my most beloved anons on here, and I really am going to miss these messages <33! I went into this series not expecting much, but I'm so overwhelmed by the kind words I received, and I starkly remember the first ever hc message you sent me. I was just blown away that someone would take the time to do so much for the series, and I truly want to thank you <33!!
I'm excited for the journey ahead and I hope to see you around !! Wishing you a lovely day/night wherever you are !!
-cherry <33
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kate-read-that · 2 years
Jobs I think HP characters would have irl
Adult edition
Moody: survival instructor, has a side blog where he explains why all conspiracy theories are correct at the same time, including how an alien took his eye off for research purposes
McGonagall: legendary biochemistry teacher in a prestigious university, all students love her and fear her (obvs), probably with a nobel price or something similar
Lupin: Literature teacher, the kind robin Williams would represent in a movie, with very peculiar takes on classical authors' sexualities (all the Tumblr takes on literature are part of his lessons, you know it's true)
Sirius: I thought s lot about this one, and social service worker? Because he'd love to work with kids but doesn't have the patience nor the attitude to be a teacher, he'd love to be able to protect kids from abusive households and the fact that he makes little money would 100% ashame his family, which he'd enjoy to no end
Tonks: tatoo artist def, shed become famous thanks to her amazing artworks and get a lot of body modifications herself. Also, she's sent a few lost 18 year olds Sirius' way in the past, when she thought they needed someone that cared more than a tattoo
Hagrid: same job, guarding a big ass forest and befriending the bears and the deers alike, no need to change anything imo
Snape: that highschool chemistry teacher that makes everyone hate the subject and has been reported for student abuse several times. I will take no criticism in this
Molly and Arthur: shed still be a stay-at-home mother, but she'd have a blog with recipes and DIYs for other momma's. He'd fix dishwashers or something like that for a living, but he'd also have a little workshop where he takes pieces that no longer work and put them together to invent things, most of them useless but interesting nonetheless
James: we don't have a lot of canon info on hum, but I'm going to say he inherits his dad's millionaire company. Which is quite fun because he'll often go to a pub with Sirius and Lupin and people will wonder wtf a dude in a 10K suit is doing chatting and laughing with two dudes that look like a coffee shop au, at best.
Lily: she's a important lawyer that mainly works "protect the little guy" cases but will sometimes take quite famous cases and beat the opponents ass in court like it's not big deal, then go back to her small office and use the money to keep rich assholes on their toes. No one quite believes who she's married to.
Dumbledore: he's publicly known as an author, a genius scientist with the mind if a genius that can jump from chemistry to astrophysics without breaking a sweat, and has also won literature prices for his novels. On the other hand, he's also (one of) the most influential persons in the country, having politicians, lawyers, businessman and many others in his pocket, as well as afraid of him
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birlwrites · 2 years
Can you ramble a bit about the heir rings and what they mean to especially Regulus in ttdl but also Evan Sirius and maybe James
okay so first of all some background - heir rings are very very similar to lordship rings, except they have a double border. what is on the ring, you ask? a family crest. what does the family crest look like? i do not know. it varies from family to family - the blacks def have some sort of pointedly medieval-looking-ish thing. i think it probably incorporates some kind of representation of a star - not a specific star, but simply A Star
wow paragraph 2 and we already got off track. anyway on personal significance - the heir rings do very much represent *being the heir* to this family, which informs a lot of how various characters feel about them. for example, you know how regulus and evan wear theirs pretty much all the time? that is *not* the case for everyone
and part of that has to do with the power structure they're operating in as well
the potter heir ring is in a high-security gringotts vault. they like to think of themselves as being down to earth, and james never really feels the need for people to know who he is on that level anyway, so like, why bother wearing it? he just uses whatever to seal his letters he doesn't need to use his heir ring for it
sirius received the black heir ring from his father when he was about 9 and proceeded to wear it every day. orion framed it as a responsibility when he handed it over, and little sirius took that. siriusly. (ba dum tss)
over time, though, it became a visual reminder of who he *didn't* want to become. but he couldn't really stop wearing it - the heir and lordship rings are enchanted such that if you don't wear them, they show up constantly within arm's reach to remind you to put them on. the only way to avoid this is to put them in vaults with very specific enchantments (which are part of the default set for a high security vault at gringotts)
sirius couldn't just drop the ring off at gringotts and call it a day, so for a while (at school - this would not fly at home) he tried putting it on a necklace and just hiding it under his robes, but the ring deemed that insufficient and kept taking itself off the chain
so his new method of coping with it was acquiring *more* rings, so that the black one wouldn't stand out as much
when sirius ran away, once again he didn't have the opportunity to swing by gringotts and drop off the heir ring and call it a day. when it disappeared, it was a moment of relief for sirius, but also a recognition that there really was no going back anymore.
when the black heir ring left sirius, it actually went to orion - they had to remove sirius's heir status before they could make regulus heir, and the ring went to orion in the interim as the lord black who would decide what to do with it. this interim period was not very long. when orion gave the ring to regulus, for regulus that was very much a moment of 'oh shit they actually did it.' the heir ring carried a lot of guilt for regulus for a long time - it felt like something he wasn't supposed to have.
but regulus as we see him in ch 37 has gotten accustomed to this new identity and very possessive over it - it's something he's learned to wield, but he's also protective (lingering insecurities, perhaps?) and regulus also doesn't like other people touching his things in general (see his internal monologue about wands in like chapter 14 or smth, and also not wanting people sitting on his bed in study group meetings - dark arts books occupy a different mental space since those come with the assumption that they're going to be passed around)
and evan!!! most certainly does not have a problem with handing his heir ring over to regulus temporarily. that's not to say he'd give it to just anyone. but evan thinks of the rosier heir ring as..... a nametag, almost? it used to have a lot more significance to him, but that's kind of faded over the years, and now he considers it an identifier rather than a ~symbol of who he is~ on a deep level.
but it does still hold some importance for him, because he fought for that identifier. the fact that he has it matters, and that's also why he wears it (unlike james) and doesn't try to hide it or distract from it (unlike sirius). also, shiny
so for evan to *remove* that identifier and hand it over to regulus (who, lest we forget, is heir to a different house and thus a direct competitor for power) is. ok im realizing the way i phrased that makes it sound like he's giving this symbol of himself to regulus, which is NOT what i meant (that's what it would be if regulus handed over his heir ring to evan).
what i mean is that the rosier heir ring represents something that evan feels he doesn't need to prove--to regulus. for evan, the significance there isn't in giving the ring to regulus so much as it is in taking it off in the first place. but regulus parses the significance as being in the act of giving the ring to him, because he attributes a different type of meaning to heir rings
like, if regulus were to give evan his ring, it would be tantamount to a declaration of love. when evan gives regulus *his* ring, it's more tantamount to a declaration of 'i trust that you know me for my own sake and in my own right.' but then again, those two things can coexist very easily
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
i think i know the answer to this first one but
hello bedtir, my bedtir <3
🎥If you could make a movie/tv show for one of your fics which one would you chose?
i just answered this one with a very lengthy response so ill spare yall again
🪦 if you had to turn one of your fics into MCD which one would you chose?
also answered this one, but could also very much see making postcard from Paris a MCD. like moonchaser didn't get it together after the wedding, and there's a line in there where remus is like "we keep going around and around, and only see each other where sirius is concerned, and unless he has another wedding idk when that will be!"
flash forward and they see each other at sirius's funeral instead.
and james is just like, "well...its not his wedding."
😡which fic did the characters control the most (like you wrote a whole ass plan AND THEY DECIDED TO FUCK IT UP)?
bold of this ask to assume i write any sort of plan. all my fics are character lead. i just have them start talking and then ALL THE SUDDEN OH WE HAVE PURPOSE, NEAT, WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!
but The Fic that Shall Not Be Named def takes the cake for this one. this is the only fic i wrote and published chapter by chapter.
👁 have you ever accidentally foreshadowed something you fully didn't intend to happen?
i...don.t...think so? i don't think so. foreshadowing? who is she.
fic writer ask game
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
sorry this is returning to a long ago conversation but do you headcanon in general any of Sirius's friends disliking regulus the way that regulus's friends dislike sirius? it's def present in ghosts which I thought was very interesting and added a lot of depth
YES OF COURSE it depends on the fic bc obviously there's no dislike when sirius and reg get along or have a good relationship, but more often than not, sirius' friends aren't very fond of reg. they don't hate him (not usually at least, but again, it depends on the fic) but they definitely don't like him. remus might be the one who dislikes him the most, then james, and then peter. james' opinion changes after they get closer, obviously, and i feel like both reg and peter would manage to be friends, or something close to it, under the right circumstances. remus is never a fan, but he's in . decent terms with reg once reg and james start dating + sirius and reg fix their issues
i'm glad ur a fan of that specific portrayal, especially bc i know there's ppl who also read making ghosts that aren't . very fond of it . but that's just how the dynamic works to me yk?
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all yours - l.e.
pairings; lily evans x fem!reader
warnings; nothing really, maybe some symptoms of anxiety
summary; you love lily, but she's in a relationship with your best friend james.
a/n; i enjoyed writing this ngl, i will def write more of my girl <3 alsooo it's like 2,5k words long, i got a bit carried away, sorryy
you sat at the gryffindor table with the marauders and the girls for dinner, playing with your food while watching the couple almost everyone adored so much.
james and lily were, as expected, seated next to each other, whispering to the other's ear and giggling. you were sick.
"stop glaring, love," sirius whispered from beside you.
you looked down at your food. "i'm not glaring."
"and i didn't have the best sex of my life last night with moony." he smirked and you rolled your eyes. sirius always had to say something dirty.
"you know," he began after a moment again. "i think lily isn't that into james now. there are not sparkles in her eyes anymore."
your head perked up but not because of the reason most people would think.
there it goes again, you thought.
"i feel like they will break up soon, don't tell anyone, though," he said sadly. "it doesn't seem like there is something wrong with them now but sometimes it just doesn't feel right. i know you like james but please don't expect him to immediately start dating you or something after lily breaks up with him. he has spent so much time loving her and if she breaks his heart, then he will need his time to heal."
you hated that people assumed you were over heels for james. he was your best friend, yes, and he was a person whose heart was from gold, but you couldn't imagine liking him, let alone dating him.
you held back tears, it was too much for you. no matter what decision you make, one person will always end up being hurt. if you decide to hide your feelings for lily, you would be heartbroken. if you decide to tell lily how you feel about her and if she somehow feels the same about you, james would be the heartbroken one.
you didn't want to feel like it. however, james was one of the most important people in your life and you would rather suffer if that means he would be happy. that was how much you loved him.
biting the inside of your cheek, you let your head fall on sirius's shoulder and closed your eyes.
weeks went by and the torture was more unbearable than before.
sometimes while watching all the happy couples at hogwarts being all cheesy and romantic, you wanted to curl up in your bed and cry yourself to sleep. you dreamed about you and lily being like these couples, making yourself even more sad.
to make it even worse, james invited you to his house for christmas break. at first, you didn't want to go, but then you figured out it wouldn't be so bad if lily wasn't there.
you were proved wrong as soon as you got there. because none other than lily evans opened the door of james's house.
your eyes widened at the sight of you. "lily! what are you doing here?"
"meeting james's parents," she said, beaming.
you took a step to the house. "he didn't mention you would be here."
"surprise," she laughed and you could feel your heart melt.
the boy ran down the stairs to greet you with a warm hug.
you knew this was going to be a hell.
because of james's parents, you shared the guest room with lily. fleamont was not afraid to say directly that he doesn't want any children to be made in his house, making the couple's cheeks heat up.
you didn't know which was worse. waking up next to lily everyday to see her beautiful face in the morning sun light, causing you to fall for her even more, or the idea of sharing room with sirius (monty & mia, for obvious reason, would not be afraid to let the two of you share one bed) but thinking about what kind of things are lily and james doing.
now, you were lying in the bed, writing in your diary. you knew that it wasn't the best idea because you knew that anyone could open it and read it (sirius and james were indeed very nosy people), but it's not like you had anyone to talk about the fact that you were in love with your best friend's girlfriend.
in that moment, lily walked out of the shower. a towel that reached only to the middle of her thighs was wrapped around her body, her hair dripping wet. she looked so pretty. she always did.
lily laughed quietly. "you okay, y/n?"
"hm?" you didn't notice you were staring until she let out those words. "sorry, what did you say?"
"i asked you if you are okay," she repeated. "you were. . . zoned out."
"oh, yeah i am fine."
"what are you doing?"
"nothing," you mumbled. you knew she wanted to ask what were you writing into that diary of yours, but lily was a respectful person.
and then, euphemia called everyone for dinner.
you stood up and hid the little book under your pillow. "d'you want me to want me to wait for you?" you asked the girl.
lily shook her head. "no, it's okay."
and with that, you went down the stairs for dinner.
seven minutes later, lily was nowhere to be seen.
you were almost halfway through your meal when monty spoke.
"are you sure lily is going to join us for dinner?"
"i hope so," james replied.
"she's getting ready. she just came from shower when mia called us," you said.
"lils wants to be pretty for you, mate," sirius laughed.
james grinned. "she doesn't need to try, she always is."
a few seconds later, you lifted your head, realizing something.
it sure doesn't take seven minutes to get dressed. you were sure lily won't be doing her make up when it was evening.
lily saw you writing into the diary.
she for sure wanted to ask you what were you writing about.
lily may have been a respectful person, but she was also a curious one.
you stood up quickly, making everyone look at you in surprise.
for a second, you stared at them before saying, "i'm gonna get her."
never in your life you ran so fast.
you reached the guest room and opened the door, revealing lily, sitting on your side of the bed, reading your diary. she was reading those pages where you basically wrote your heart out.
"lily!" you shouted, not too loudly.
she flinched and snapped her towards you. she dropped the diary and stood up.
"y/n, i. . ."
you cut her off by walking towards her, taking the diary in your hand and dropping into your trunk.
"why would you do that?" you asked her angrily.
"i'm so sorry, i really didn't want to do it—"
"then why did you?"
you didn't wait for an answer. you ran down the stairs, angry and sad. not a good combination. you were about to cry, but you didn't want the potters and sirius worry about you.
you put on a smile and walked to the dining room.
"lily will be here soon," you informed everyone and they nodded. and not even a minute later, the ginger haired girl was seated beside james, eating her dinner.
you couldn't eat anymore, you felt sick from how anxious you were now. you couldn't look anyone in the eye.
you didn't realize you started bouncing your leg, and your hands started to sweat until sirius leaned closer to you and asked in a whisper, "are you okay?"
you looked at him, gulping. from the look in your eyes, sirius could tell you weren't okay at all. you were stressed and scared about something and he didn't know what.
he looked around the table to see if anyone was paying attention to what was happening with you. no one really did, but lily was trying to catch your eye the whole time.
"y/n is not feeling well," he said loudly, catching everyone's attention. "i'm gonna help her."
"oh no!" said mia. "dear, is it something from the food that made you sick?"
"no, mia, i don't think it was from the food." you forced a smile. "i'm gonna go sleep and i promise i will be feeling very much healthy tommorow morning."
sirius took your hand in his and the two of you stood up.
"y/n—" lily stood up too, but then james forced her back to chair.
"she will be okay," james said, comforting —well, not really— her. "get well soon," he said to you.
"thank you," you mumbled. sirius and you walked upstairs to sirius & james's shared room when james's voice reached your ears.
"oh, and, sirius, remember that you have a boyfriend!"
sirius laughed. "jerk."
his smile dropped when he remembered why were you two there in the first place.
you sat on a bed, sirius was still standing. he then sat down on the floor in front of you.
"do you want to talk about it?" he asked gently.
you were ready. "i think i'm gonna explode if i don't."
he nodded, waiting for you to continue. you didn't know how to start. sirius helped you. "you know, everything was fine before you went for lily. you then came back and were all. . . anxious, scared and sad. what happened upstairs?"
"before dinner, i was writing into my diary. . ." you began. "lily came out of the shower and asked what i was doing and i answered 'nothing'. mia then called us for dinner and i asked lily if she wants me to wait for her and she answered that i don't have to, so i went downstairs. everything was okay until i. . . until i realized that lily maybe does respect one's privacy, but she's incredibly curious, too."
"oh god." sirius could already tell where this was going.
"when i opened the door, i found lily reading my diary." your voice was shaky. "she read those pages where. . . where i. . uhm. . . where—"
"where you wrote about your feelings for james," sirius cut you off.
you gave him a look and sighed. "sirius," you began. "have you ever thought about that all those times i told you i don't like james were true?"
he shook his head. "no." you gave him a look again. "i'm sorry, y/n, but i never thought about it."
"then think about it now!" you hissed.
he was quiet for a moment, just staring at you before finally speaking, "if you don't like james, then who?"
you tilted your head and looked at the wall before flicking your eyes back to him. he seemed clueless for a while before his mouth wide opened.
"yeah," you nodded. "oh."
"oh my. . . . merlin."
"is it bad?" you asked.
"well," he gulped. "it's certainly not good."
you couldn't lie that you were glad he was honest with you.
"so, um, lily knows you like her." you nodded. "what did she say about it?"
"well, i didn't give her much space to say anything. i shouted a little and then just left and didn't speak to her since. but it doesn't matter because she loves james and james loves her. they will live happily ever after and i will live in agony. that's my plan."
"that's not exactly true," he said.
"what's not exactly true?"
"that lily loves james."
you laughed, not believeing him. "what do you mean? of course she loves him, why would you think she doesn't."
"she told me."
you stared at him.
"she told me she doesn't love james."
your eyes widened. "when?"
"two days before the break," he answered. "she was waiting for james to get back from practice in the common room and we just talked and i made some jokes abou them getting married and stuff and she just had a breakdown in the middle of the common room. she told me that as much as she loves james, she started realizing that her feelings are purely platonic. she mentioned something about loving someone else."
your heart ached, tears streaming down your cheeks. "who does she love?"
you rolled your eyes and wiped your tears. "this is a very poor and unfunny joke."
"i am telling you what she told me."
"i don't know if i should believe you or not."
"i take that personally," he pretended to be offended, bringing a smile to your face. "there you are," he smiled and hugged you.
"what should i do, sirius?" you mumbled into his shoulder. "how did you confess to moony?"
"i don't know, it just sort of happened. . . we kissed first so then the confessing was easier when i knew he felt the same. my advice is to kiss lily the first chance you get."
you laid in your bed, staring at the ceiling. it was dark already so you didn't see much.
as you were laying, you thought about if lily was now breaking up with james or if she was still pretending to be bewitched by his charm.
you felt bad for hoping it was the first option.
you closed your eyes immediately after hearing the door of the guest room opening, knowitng it was lily.
she closed the door and quietly made her way over to the bed a d laid down next to you.
you hoped she didn't hear you releasing the breath you didn't know you were holding. unfortunately, she did.
"y/n?" she whispered.
you didn't answer.
"y/n," she tried again. "i know you aren't sleeping."
"i am," you whispered.
she sighed and turn on the lamp by the bed. "can you please turn around?"
"i don't want to."
and so you did. you looked at her in the eye for the first time in hours.
"i want to talk about what happened."
"sirius told me you told him you love me, is that true?"
lily closed her eyes. you prepared for the worst and that sirius was actually lying to you. however, you were surprised to hear a 'yes' slipping past lily's lips.
"yes, it is the truth," she confirmed again, opening her eyes.
you were silent, too shocked to say anything
and then, lily shifted her body closer to you, making your heart go wild.
she placed her hand on your cheek and caressed it with her thumb before leaning her face closer to yours. your noses were touching.
"my advice is to kiss lily the first chance you get."
as much you wanted to listen to sirius's wise advice, you couldn't.
you pulled away. "wait," you sat up and looked at her. "did you break with james?"
lily avoided eye contact and shook her head.
"in that case, i don't want to kiss you yet," you said as your head hit the pillow again. "not if you're still with him. i can't and don't want to do that."
"i understand," lily whispered and then smiled sadly. "i'll tell him tommorow morning, i promise."
that night, you laid with your head on lily's chest while she was now and then placing soft and loving kisses on the top of your head or your forehead.
in the morning, you were woken up by lily kissing your cheek.
you didn't need to ask her if she broke up with james. you know she did, because then her lips crashed onto yours, moving together like they were made for each other.
after she pulled away to catch her breath, she smiled and said,
"i am yours now."
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enbysiriusblack · 8 months
what would you say the marauders and co fatal flaw would be for some it clear but for example i think of dorcas having hubris like what i think achilles fatal flaw was but what about marlene i think hers would be excessive wrath but im not really sure
def agree that dorcas' is hubris. she's so achilles fr.
i don't really think marlene's is wrath. tbh, i'd go a very different direction and say loyalty or family. like to me, she hates visiting her family but she still loves them, and she knows something is off which only makes her want to visit them even more, to make sure they're okay and to protect them.
james- love/trust (placing the lives of himself and wife and child in the hands of his friend, because he easily holds unconditional and excessive trust for his friends)
lily- love (also putting her own life and the life of her husband and child in the hands of a friend. but then also the refusing to join voldemort and protecting hari with her last moment of life. and not really a fatal flaw as such but i would say she is also very prideful/angry)
sirius- recklessness/defiance/but also loyalty (with getting killed by his mirrored self/who he'd become if he listened to his parents and didn't defy them. then also the recklessness of his own actions leading him in azkaban and also getting killed, but in an effort to avenge and protect those he loves)
remus- passivity (this one i actually had to think about a bit. but i think passivity because he dies in the war where obviously he's not being very passive, but the lead up to that is him letting things happen around him and not doing anything to take control of his own life)
peter- cowardice (very obvious and clear. although he was also strangled in a moment of hesitation and defiance so you could also say his fatal flaw is actually not cowardice, but disloyalty or insubordination)
emmeline- self-absortion (her thirst for power leads her to hook onto people that just use her and couldn't care less about her)
regulus- distrust/pride (doesn't trust anyone, and tries to deal with the horcrux himself instead of swallowing his pride and asking for help from the order or sirius)
pandora- curiosity (literally a mad scientist. puts her inquiring mind above any sense of self-preservation. killed by her own curiosity/experiments)
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brandileigh2003 · 10 months
any updates to your cr themes?
Yes. About that. I just finished ch 29 and it's currently 26k. So... No way to screenshot or copy all that, hehe. Maybe in installments?
Here's my themes so far if anyone wants particular one?
I'll copy the one about power imbalance for now bc I like some of "extra" commentary (it has the ***. If it's ---it's a quote)
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Crimson rivers spoilers up to ch 30
Theme of power imbalance (and how it tips and balances itself)
***L from server says about ch 2 when they meet which started the discussion– //curious about how the dynamics will work tho because obviously sirius is a mentor and remus is a prisoner so yk the power dynamics could get fucked up //
I said-- Def valid point.
But things from this scene that stood out 1st time and now, with Sirius comparing him to past servants, making him stand out that he would stand up for himself. (A lot of this section can tie into the one about remus and not letting himself lose who he is)
1. Remus took mask off himself
2. He's brave enough to speak.
3. He eats with them.
—Ch 6 Remus starts laughing; full, genuine laughter that shakes his body and makes his eyes sparkle and brings a flush of life to his cheeks. He lifts his hand like he's about to cover his mouth to hide it, or smother it, and Sirius' hand snaps out to catch his arm. He pushes it down gently, and Remus' laughter fades slowly, leaving behind a smile and something that shifts in his eyes. Sirius pulls his hand back, his stomach all topsy-turvy and his heart thumping hard in his chest.
Maybe Sirius shouldn't have done that. He's never—he hasn't touched Remus since trying to remove his mask, careful not to do it without permission. In a way, stopping Remus from covering his mouth was—wrong, and presumptuous. He should have let Remus do it, if that's what he wanted to do; he just wasn't thinking, because he liked it, to see his smile and hear his laugh, and Sirius didn't think Remus should feel like he had to cover that at all.
"Sorry," Sirius murmurs. "I wasn't—I shouldn't have—"
…"You don't have to hold back with me either, you know," Remus replies quietly, his face softening.
***Sirius acknowledging and not sure how to handle it.
Then remus getting it and telling him that he shouldn't have to hold back either.
So they're getting to know the other and trying to maintain a balance.
it's there for sure simply bc of who the hallows have made them.
And I like that remus sees and prb understand things about sirius bc he's learned to notice things-- and right after tells Sirius that he shouldn't have to hold back either (ties in with the masks/persona section)
—ch 6 He's never—he hasn't touched Remus since trying to remove his mask, careful not to do it without permission. In a way, stopping Remus from covering his mouth was—wrong, and presumptuous. He should have let Remus do it, if that's what he wanted to do; he just wasn't thinking, because he liked it, to see his smile and hear his laugh, and Sirius didn't think Remus should feel like he had to cover that at all.
—ch 7 "But what if I want Sirius to...do things?" Remus asks weakly, feeling oddly embarrassed, his face heating up.
"I thought you might," James teases, beaming at him. He looks fucking ecstatic. "I suppose the question is, if you want something done, why don't you do it yourself?"
Remus stares at him.
James chuckles. "Who said it has to be Sirius? You can. That'd tip the scales on the power imbalance, don't you think?"
The mere thought sends Remus' brain into an uproar of fear and desire all tangled up together. He could. He could, but could he, really? That's fucking dangerous. If it were Sirius to do something, then Remus would be able to just—go along with it. Less control that way, which is his normal, what he's used to. Five years ago, Remus would never have stopped to have this internal debate. Actually, five years ago, Remus would have fucked Sirius by now, probably.
Remus swats that thought firmly out of his head, because it's making his heart race, leaving him jittery. He's too enticed by it. Tempted.
—ch 8 This idiot, Remus thinks fondly. This lovely mess of a human being. He shakes his head with a quiet huff of laughter, still remembering his conversation with James. Sirius won't cross boundaries, so Remus is just going to have to show him that the boundaries have moved.
It feels momentous, this breach they've been so careful not to rush into, and yet it's also quite possibly the easiest thing Remus has ever done.
—ch 11 "Give me the glass, Sirius," Remus tells him.
"No," Sirius bites out, bitchy about it. "No, I'll keep it, thanks, and just who are you to tell me—"
"I'm your—" Remus falters, only briefly, then huffs. "I'm important to you, am I not? Or am I just a fucking servant to you?"
Sirius blinks, admittedly smacked right out of his bad mood for a moment to be very bewildered instead. "Um, what?"
"You heard me," Remus says sharply. "Do I or do I not have a right to be concerned about you? Someone very dear to you, that's what you said. But, what, just a servant who gets no say when it's convenient for you? Is that it?"
"I—what? No? Fucking—of course not, no," Sirius spits out in a mixture of disbelief and...anger, actually. Genuine anger that Remus would think that of him. "I—fucking hell, Remus, is now the best time for this? Really?"
"It's the best time when I say it's time. Give me the fucking glass, Sirius," Remus snaps.
"Alright!" Sirius bursts out, mildly incredulous and also baffled and agitated and tense and— He gives Remus the glass. Remus sits it aside, then drops Sirius' wrist. "I have every right to care about you. You gave me that right, and I'm not letting it go, especially not when you're hurting. You're upset. You're under an unimaginable amount of stress right now. If you want to challenge me, that's fine, but I won't back down."
***I think the above iis so important for a lot of reasons
1. that remus is admitting they're something, important to each other-- I mean, it's obv but also, it's finally said out loud
2. We see some of sirius coping mechanisms and his thoughts about them
3. That remus felt secure enough to stop Sirius from doing something that he felt is not good for him. This is the man who was just afraid to knock on a door. Even when he sees Sirius is upset about him stopping him
4. Remus did it anyways. Bc we know sirius wouldn't -- but remus could've been punished or killed for touching or confronting someone. But he did it anyways
5. (If you keep reading past picture) that remus knows it can and would get worse
6. He wants to take care of Sirius and knows that ultimately he can't fix it but he sees a small thing he can.
7. Another talk about boundaries and trying to make sure that Sirius knows he can have his own
—ch 11 "You don't have to apologize," Remus murmurs. "Of course you don't, Sirius. If you don't want me to touch you, then you don't. You can pull away. You can tell me no. You can have boundaries, even in respecting mine."
**Underestimating what they give to each other bc they see it differently. And feeling of debt **
— "Sirius, literally the day we met, you tried to take my mask off to let me breathe. If you were what you think they've made you into, you never would have done that. We wouldn't be talking right now if you weren't better than them."
"That's just—that was just the right thing to do," Sirius mumbles. "It's barely anything. If I could do more—"
"More?" Remus laughs, high and sharp. "Don't you dare. That was everything to me."
Sirius' mouth snaps shut, swallowing thickly. Remus shakes his head ruefully, and Sirius feels his heart clench. "Oh."
"Never undermine your impact again, not to me," Remus tells him, low and firm, gaze sharp and piercing. "Maybe it didn't mean much to you, but me? It was more than I've had in five years, and you've found ways to give me even more than that since you tried to take my mask off. And it's—sometimes, Sirius, it makes me angry. Do you even know how frustrating it is that I—I can't give you anything back? I—I—"
"You don't owe me anything," Sirius says, the one who's speaking gently now, "and you've already given me so much. What I did—that's just...quite literally the bare minimum, and I don't want you to—to praise me for it, or feel indebted. You deserve that, Remus. You deserve to breathe, to speak, to have freedom and control and so much more. You deserve better."
— ch 11 "Remus," Sirius says slowly, "you're the first servant who has removed their mask on their own, ever. You're the first to give their name immediately when asked. You're the first to sit down and have a meal with us. You're the first to just keep taking your mask off on your own, because ah, well, who cares who does it if you'll be killed for it anyway, yeah? Those were your actual words you used, by the way."
"Was I wrong?"
"You also poured a drink on someone, despite knowing you'd be punished for it. You called me sir just to fuck with me. You wanted me to touch you, so you literally just rolled on top of me and demanded I touch you. For fuck's sake, you got me to keep my clothes off the floor by being passive aggressive."
"Well, it worked, didn't it?"
"And now—literally just now—when I eluded to wanting to murder people, you essentially just told me to calm down because so do a lot of people, including you. Oh, and when I said I wanted to murder for you, you looked like you wanted to eat me, and then you weren't even ashamed of responding like that. Actually, you scolded me, like I should have known that would rile you up instead of frighten you. I mean, Remus, I say this with deep, deep admiration, but you're fucking mental."
"Mm, well, sanity hardly gets results," Remus says, lips twitching when Sirius gazes at him with helpless affection.
—ch 17 I temporarily forgot that it's quite literally not allowed for you, considering your position, but also really acceptable while you're in the suite, should you so wish," Sirius continues to explain, in a ramble. "Not that you have to, obviously, but if—if that was something you...wanted to do, then of course you could. Just—I mean—"
"Sirius," Remus says, amused.
"It's—I only mean it's your choice to do it if you want, or not if you don't. Not—I'm not saying—well, you know, you have that freedom here. With anyone." Sirius pauses briefly.
** he's come so far 🥰
--ch 18 Remus knocks on Sirius' door without a moment of hesitation.
Just raises his hand, by his own choice, and knocks. No fear, no worry, no restraint. His inner restrictions have been clipped away, and he feels really, really good about it.
—-ch 29 "So, I'm yours, then?" Remus whispers, eyes fluttering shut as Sirius brushes their mouths together. Really, he shouldn't be so enticed by the idea of belonging to anything or anyone, considering his position, but the mere idea of belonging to Sirius shoots a thrill through him.
"Mine," Sirius agrees. "All mine."
There's something heady about Sirius' tone, the undercurrent of possessiveness in it, something resolute and set in stone, indisputable, and Remus believes it. Something within him surges up in wild agreement, and it's true.
The Hallow can't have him; Sirius has him. Remus is his.
Remus has nothing. Has had nothing for five years. No possessions and nothing to claim, so he can't be blamed for losing his breath when Sirius leans in and whispers in his ear, "And I'm yours. I'm all yours, Remus, only and always." The Hallow can't have Sirius either, not when Remus does. It's good to belong, like this, when it's safe and wanted, when it's a choice, when it's a discovery they're happy to have made. Sirius rocks back and kisses him, slow and soft, and Remus thinks he would let Sirius own him.
He thinks, in the best possible way, Sirius already does.
It doesn't scare him, not one bit.
He's never felt so free.
***they're talking about belonging to each other. That is bc of love that remus feels free in wanting to be sirius'. And realizing it's the same. He wants for that piece of sirius to be only his. Not the hallows.
That the people behind the masks that the majority of the world sees, they can be themselves and find that freedom.
And the change in remus earlier thinking that he had nothing to give, but seeing it different right now.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 10 months
hi lune! i am sleepdeprived and i was thinking (which is already a bad idea when i'm well-rested) and i think you should call your music recs lune-y tunes or just lune's tunes, i think both are super cute and also pls tell me more about your gymbros prongsfoot.... what nefarious things do they get up to in the gym locker rooms?? also, does one of them complain about the protein shake and the other one is like "ohh lemme taste" and it just gets spat into his mouth?? how into sweat are they?? inquiring minds would like to know
AJAJKjkkakykyky HI MIL<3
lune-y tunes is such a good one im def gonna use that, although it will mainly consist of dominic fike, random german shit and then Maybe now and again something useful 🤓
i havent been thinking abt them for a while honestly but!! always ready to talk abojt them *clears throat*
(getting kinda smutty below here at some point)
so before they realize they are together and are allowed to…. kiss and stuff they def like shower together. like under One shower head. entirely nude, dicks bumping and they’re rock hard obv but neither acknowledges it because it’s normal for them anyways. super normal to get incredibly turned on my your very platonic friend. Then whenever one of them has like muscle cramps the other is INSTANTLY there to massage and kiss better and hold them. james whimpers so prettily sirius also gets bricked up. for james it’s sirius’ face, all contorted and in anguish and then esp when he starts relaxing again, james gets sooo flustered🤭 james also helps undress and dress sirius whenever he goes all noodle-y after arm day. sirius is the one with the protein bars in every bag and jacket and gym pants and james is the one prepping their shakes and meals.
so yes if sirius thinks something tastes funny he’s like ??jamie, did you do something different today with the shake? -uh no love, same as every tuesday. cinnamon flavor. -mgh it tastes kinda off -lemme try? -mhm cmere *tilts james’ head back where he’s sitting on the gym bench and spits it in his mouth* -hm no it tastes normal to me dude -…ok again (and then when it dribbles down james’ chin sirius licks it all up and clean like a good dog)
VERY into sweat. half their wardrobe consists of compression shirts and tights and jerseys and gym shorts and the way sweat smells on those materials mixed with their body scent drives them INSANE. james is a armpit sniffer and sirius has days where he sifts trough james freshly used laundry and locks himself in his room for 20 minutes. he’s so obvious about it and james Knows it. hears him too. He swears he wears hoodies for cardio warm up to get hotter quickly so he can start quicker but really??🫢 it’s just for sirius and we all know it. sirius wears those hoodies the same day for movie night at home where they cuddle up on the sofa.
they probably have some type of lotion or cream for their sore muscles that they rub into each other. OH also one of those massage guns probably. maybe once they get together they defile that one too some day. maybe sirius binds james to the bedposts and has a go at him edging him for an hour or so because he’s simply so fascinated and turned on. he comes untouched two times during the process. james nearly passes out when sirius finally makes him cum :)<3
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ddejavvu · 2 years
For multiverse Monday ~ An au where all the marauders/Harry potter characters are transgender as a big fuck you to JKR. Take this as you will (probably with a grain of salt)
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
this deleted itself. not once. but twice. two. times. i think it was jkr’s terf spirit trying to stop me from posting this. i have only ever personally identified with a few different gender labels, and have not had experiences with every single label used in this piece. I do not believe any of this is inconsiderate or disrespectful, I respect every single one of the communities listed here (and more, of course), but if you see something that’s not quite right, please tell me. This blog has been and always will be a safe space, so if I do something that makes you feel otherwise, i will fix it asap. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy :)
demiboy, he/him (but has gotten he/they before and def doesn't mind it)
took him a while to figure out his identity
and it doesn't come from a place of discomfort his assigned gender identity as it does just not always feeling that binary
while clothes do not define someone’s gender identity, james experiments a lot more with his wardrobe after he figures himself out
it’s a result of the confidence he gains from his label, so i’m including it here
he’s a big big big fan of skirts!!
he has a huuuuge headband collection that sirius steals sometimes
flannels!! never caught anywhere without one 
he wasn’t nervous at all to tell his parents, and for good reason
they didn’t quite understand what he was saying at first, but they love their kid, and that means they love his identity as well
they go allll out for pride month
they buy matching shirts like
'I 🖤 MY KID' and the heart is the demiboy flag
agender - any/all pronouns, though most people use they/them and they’re cool with that
I think they have some pretty bad imposter syndrome
for his entire life, they’ve wanted to piss off his mother as much as possible
so when she finally solidifies the agender label
she has this sinking feeling that he’s only telling himself that to anger their mother
now, he’s not
but it puts a lot of strain on them, trying to figure out if their entire identity is based on making her mother upset
remus actually helps sirius through this imposter syndrome
there’s lots of late nights by the fire in each other’s arms 
about his mother
if you think for a second that she would not torment sirius
she tries so hard to misgender her
they’ve got this cheeky little smirk on their face because bitch he uses any pronouns
all in all, it takes him a while to get comfortable with himself and their label
but she’s very confident and very content with herself once he does accept it
non-binary, they/them
was never really confused about their identity
knew from pretty young that they weren’t a boy and they weren’t a girl either
but hadn’t really heard the term non-binary until they were past a few years at school
the second they hear the term they’re like yep that’s me :]
as mentioned above, remus helped sirius a lot with her imposter syndrome
their security in their own identity helped a lot
although non-binary people don’t have to dress androgynously, I believe that that’s just their style
we all know about Moony Sweaters™
a big chunky sweater with some loose, light-wash jeans, and some nice boots?
that’s remus :)
trans man, he/him
i have a feeling that when he was younger his mother tried really hard to make him her perfect little girl
she had sirius as her son, and definitely pushed gender roles waaaay too hard on the both of them
when regulus realizes that he identifies as a boy, she’s livid
he’d come to her so confidently, because he thought she loved him
but he realized that she didn’t love him if he didn’t give her what she wanted, which was a daughter
he tried so hard to push it down and muscle through it because he was desperate for his mother’s approval
they had an unspoken agreement that she’d never bring it up again if he didn’t
he was just committed to the act until he turned 18, then he had plans to leave and never come back
but then when sirius got disowned
suddenly walburga was deprived of a son
and to regulus’s horror, he realized that she was going to encourage him to embrace his identity only because it was convenient for her
when he realizes what she’s doing, he breaks down
he uses the floo to visit sirius who’s probably staying at the potter’s
he bursts in crying and now james has two distraught black siblings in his room
sirius and regulus pack up their stuff with james and remus helping them the next day, and boy do remus and james have lots to say to walburga
once regulus is out from under his mother’s thumb, he thrives
he’s finally able to express himself, instead of pretending just to appease the head of the house
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