#while I do think the show will eventually make Eddie queer
littlerosetrove · 29 days
If. IF the show, for whatever reason, decides to stick with Eddie being (assumedly) straight, then boy will that be fuckin weird, disappointing and boring. And a disservice to Eddie considering how he’s been written thus far. 
If I may attempt to lay this out in the simplest terms. 
The entire time Eddie was married to Shannon he literally, metaphorically, and emotionally kept running away from her. As far as we can tell, not once did he ever truly allow himself to be vulnerable with her. Not in a way that matters for the health of a relationship/marriage. When Shannon tried to be vulnerable, Eddie shut that stuff down. 
Eddie was never vulnerable with Ana until literally when they broke up. He was never really invested in Ana or their relationship. His main investment was “get a new mother for Christopher.”
Same for Marisol, but somehow worse. He’s never been invested in their relationship nor Marisol as a person. He’s clearly been shown to be disinterested in her, actually. One way to avoid getting to know Marisol was using sex as both an avoidance technique (which he often did with Shannon), and using it as the only way for Eddie to accept any kind of closeness with Marisol. 
Hell we can even mention Kim. He’s not seeing her as her own person, but merely someone he can project his dead wife onto. 
When it comes to sex, frankly, Eddie does not seem to have a healthy relationship with it. Again, he’s predominately used sex as a combination of avoiding arguments, avoiding getting to know someone, and out of a sense of duty/obligation. The sense of duty plays into Eddie’s very heteronormative and frankly backwards/toxic stereotypes he has of what a male/female relationship in a marriage or otherwise should look like. ← This was inspired by both this fantastic 7x7 meta post by @sevensoulmates, and conversations I’ve had with @elvensorceress.  I genuinely question and wonder how often, if ever, Eddie had sex because he wanted to and not because he felt like he had to. I don’t think it means Eddie’s disliked every time he’s had sex, in part because let’s be real and keep in mind sex is biologically made/designed to feel good, but really. How often has he ever had sex because he actually wanted it? 
Important side note, I’ll always think that Eddie, out of the many reasons he needs to go back to therapy, is that he needs to learn healthy consent. He needs to know that if he doesn’t want sex he’s allowed to say no. He does not have to have sex because he’s a man, and “men should want and want to provide sex for their wife/girlfriend.” That it’s “a man’s duty to satisfy his wife/girlfriend.” 
Even with Shannon, Eddie’s relationships with women have been performative. He’s only been in and settled into relationships with women because it provides a comforting facade of “This Eddie guy here is a respectable man in a relationship with a woman and has a kid who he provides for, as he should.” ← Society, his family, his Latino catholic upbringing, and heteronormativity has taught Eddie this is what’s good and proper for him. That he should have and want to have a nuclear family (and that he must suppress what his heart really wants).
Three times (four if you include Kim) Eddie has consistently kept every woman he’s been romantically involved with at arms length. IF the show were to keep him straight, well they’ve been doing a shit job at making it look like Eddie even wants to be in a romantic relationship with a woman at all. To me Eddie very much comes across and reads as a repressed gay and demi man. 
Now if you have different views, perhaps you feel that I’m wrong in my interpretation and understanding of Eddie and Shannon’s relationship, or hell, maybe you think Eddie is bisexual, that’s fine. Neither of us are stupid for our thoughts and opinions on this fictional character. But please do not comment or reblog this with “well actually” or anything like that. I have my opinion in my corner over here, and you can have yours on your own, okay? Thank you.
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
Pt2 to this post is here 🤗 | AO3 link
When Eddie stumbles out of his room the next day, still half asleep and purposefully headed towards the coffee machine, he notices a crumpled piece of paper on the table. He frowns when he sees it's the note he tossed in the trash a day earlier. It's folded open again, and there's a mysterious, slightly gross looking stain on it, but the number is still clearly readable.
He takes a good few seconds to stare at the digits, written neatly with a blue ballpoint, as if the guy was doing his very best to make sure that none of the numbers would be unreadable. He can't believe that Wayne is invested enough in this to get the note out of the trash for Eddie, even though Eddie already made more than clear how utterly uninterested he is in this Steve person. He shrugs, crumples the note back up again, and tosses it back into the trash.
It goes on like that for a while: every time Eddie wakes up or gets back home, the number is staring at him from the table, only to be crumpled in Eddie's fist again and again and again. Neither Wayne nor Eddie say anything about it; it becomes a tacid game of who can be the most stubborn, and they both know that both of them can keep that up for a very long time. Eddie knows he could just tear it up, or burn it, or poetically bury it at the base of a tree at the edge of the woods outside the trailer. But something's stopping him. It isn't the guy, or even the idea of the guy – he's sure as hell that this Steve wouldn't be for him at all. No, it's the memory of the look on Wayne's face after he gave Eddie the number, all excited and proud of himself. It's the knowledge of how immensely lucky he is to have an uncle like that, who supports him and loves him exactly the way he is, even actively wants him to be happy with another man. It's the flash of disappointment that crossed Wayne's face that first time Eddie made a whole show of throwing the note away. That's the reason he eventually, after almost a whole week of moving the note from trashcan to table and back again, finds himself standing at the phone with the piece of paper in his hand. The note has become truly disgusting by now, with all kinds of unrecognizable smudges on it, but thanks to Steve's clear handwriting, Eddie can still read all the digits.
It doesn't take long before 'Steve Harrington' picks up the horn on the other side.
'Hey, um, this is Eddie,' Eddie says, suddenly feeling awkward about the whole thing and wondering if he should've thought through what he was about to say to Steve. 'You met my uncle at a baseball game, last weekend?'
'Oh!' Steve sounds surprised. 'Eddie! Yeah, yes I did – Wayne, right?'
'I didn't really expect a call anymore, to be honest,' Steve says.
'Yeah, sorry 'bout that,' says Eddie. 'Listen, to be honest, I'm not calling because I actually think this is gonna be something. From what I heard – not to sound like a dick or anything, I'm sure you're perfectly nice and all that – you just, totally don't sound like my type, you know? But my uncle won't drop it, and it'd probably make my life a whole lot easier if I could just prove to him that not every random queer guy he meets is a good match for me, so... Do you wanna meet up for coffee sometime? We can establish what a terrible match we are, I'll pay for your drinks, and then we can move on with our lives without any gnawing guilt or “what if”s playing around in our minds, and we'll never have to think about each other again. How does that sound?'
'Um...' There's a pause of a couple of seconds on the other side of the line, then a small sigh. 'I guess the free coffee sounds good?' It sounds more like a question than a statement, and suddenly, Eddie feels a bit stupid about the whole thing.
'I'm sorry,' he blurts out. 'I totally get it if it's not really what you expected of this. You met my uncle, and I know he's pretty awesome, and, like, wildly attractive and stuff, but if you expect me to be like him – that's not at all what I'm like, you know. So it'll probably be good for both of us to get that out of the way. To establish that we are not at all attracted to each other and happily move on.'
'Yeah, yeah, sure,' says Steve. 'Sounds good. I can't wait to find out what a terrible match you are for me.'
Eddie is relieved to hear the guy softly chuckling. 
Pt3 Seriously the response to this silly lil AU has been sooo lovely, thank all of you so much for your kind words and hilarious tags, it made my day 🥹 Altogether the whole thing will probably get to +/-7 parts, so if you feel like that’s a bit much to keep following, please don’t feel awkward about telling me you’d like to be removed from the taglist, I don't wanna spam anyone!
Taglist: @phantypurple @love-kurdt @eddiemunsonswife @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy @swimmingbirdrunningrock @paintsplatteredandimperfect @stevesbipanic @momotonescreaming @yourebuckingkiddingme @th3-r4t-k1ng @messrs-weasley @moonshadows-13 @im-sam-fucking-winchester @xjessicafaithx @yournowheregirl @henderdads @lwhoscribbles @courtjestermunson @steveisabicon
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buddiebeginz · 1 month
I have so many thoughts swimming around my head after that ep not sure I'll make much sense but here goes.
My feeling about Eddie cheating is that even if it might not seem like it on the surface it is very much connected to his sexuality (and eventual coming out). It’s also a big warning sign that he’s not in a good place mentally.
Eddie has always tried to do the right thing. He tried to do what Shannon wanted. What his parents wanted. To do right by Chris. He’s been in these very strict positions of the military and firefighter most of his life. Never taking much time to examine who he is and what he really wants. Just doing what he thinks he has to do and should do.
Looking back on how this season has been playing out I’ve noticed that we’ve been slowly watching Eddie let go of all these rules he has for himself. Just look at how he was at the bachelor party. I don’t know if he’s ever really allowed himself to be so uninhibited liked that before. He just let loose and was enjoying being with Buck and at no point was Marisol brought up at all. There was also a lot of queer subtext in those scenes drag queens, Eddie in pink, Eddie as Crockett, Eddie’s shirt getting ripped off by men (including Buck), Buck and Eddie sitting pressed up together.
Before that Eddie was spending a considerable amount of time with T*mmy to the point that he kept ditching Chris to run off and leave his girlfriend to be his babysitter.
Then there was moving Marisol in and back out again while Chris wasn’t even there and without telling him. When the show has made it a point to always show how much Eddie takes Chris’ feelings into consideration especially with his relationships. But that’s the thing Eddie’s mindset this season has become do first think later and damn the consequences.
Now we have Eddie using this woman Kim he just met as a Shannon replacement but more so as a distraction from his girlfriend and just reality in general. Which this whole situation involves Eddie lying and sneaking around and a disregard for everyone’s feelings involved including Buck’s.
I know some might say how out of character this all feels for Eddie but that’s the point he’s changing and this is how it’s manifesting at the moment. Going back to Eddie’s sexuality I feel like before we can get to a place where Eddie can admit he has feelings for Buck (or any guy for that matter) we’re gonna see him spiral a bit to deny it even to himself. To reach for what feels the most safe instead and that’s his relationship with Shannon.
I think Eddie loved Shannon and will always have love for her but they got married more out of Eddie feeling obligated than anything else. Eddie also hides behind his feelings for Shannon. She’s come to be like this security blanket for him which is understandable in a way given how much history they share. She’s connected to his youth and she’s Chris’ mom, there is so much familiarity there but those memories are also keeping him stuck and unable to move forward.
At the end of season 6 Buck almost dies and I think that is really when Eddie started thinking about Shannon again. I also think Buck almost dying made Eddie realize (on some level) how important Buck is to him and that terrified him because he can’t handle losing Buck the way he lost Shannon. There’s also the Chris of it all which was further highlighted in 7x01 when Chris talked about how everyone leaves like his mom did. Some part of Eddie still wants to give Chris this perfect idylic family he thinks he needs when no one will ever replace Shannon and Chris already has two parental figures.
I know we’ve been mostly focused on Buck and his coming out story this season (and rightfully so) but I also think we moved on too quick from how much time Eddie was spending with T*mmy, how they said Eddie and T*mmy were originally going to be paired together, and Eddie’s reaction when Buck came out to him. How he was shocked that Tommy was gay and also seemed to be holding back some feelings. Eddie also immediately went home and told Marisol to move out after that convo.
Now we have Eddie dating Kim (I assume), in a relationship with Marisol, and lying to his best friend and son. Which btw if Eddie and Buck are just friends why does he need to lie to him at all? Is it maybe because Eddie knows that Buck gets him better than anyone and would not hesitate to call him out if he knew what he was doing?
I just think a lot of how Eddie is acting right now is wrapped up in so many feelings he hasn’t dealt with yet. I know from personal experience the more you try and avoid dealing with things the worse it’s gonna get. Eddie also has a lot of past traumas and pains. From his childhood, the army, from his relationship with Shannon and how she died, from guilt over not being there for Chris, from things he’s seen on the job, almost losing Buck, his repressed sexuality. You can’t keep all that bottled forever sooner or later you’ll snap.
Maybe that comes out in the form of trashing the hell out of your room maybe in cheating with your dead wife’s double. Either way Eddie is careening towards having to fully deal with himself and all the things he’s compartmentalized for so long. He’s put himself in a situation which guarantees he can’t run away this time. Because I do think it’s all going to blow up spectacularly in his face. He’s going to have to deal with why he’s still clinging to Shannon. Why he didn’t want to really invest in a relationship with Marisol. Why he can’t commit to all these women yet he’s been committed in one way shape or form to Buck for years now.
Hoping I made some kind of sense here. If you read all of this thanks. ❤️
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camryntheking · 2 months
Ok! My thoughts on 7x05!
First, i just wanna say that the whole Hen and Karen storyline is awesome! I love that the show is giving queer people so much screen time, especially a Black lesbian couple! And i think its super sweet that they really want to try for Mara! I hope it works out!
Next, i think that has been my favorite cold open so far. The “ITS MEEE” gets me every time (i have already watched it loads of times). I dont have much to comment on it other than it was funny as fuck
Ok. The date scene. I was hoping to see more of Eddie watching them (especially after the stills), but oh well. The second-hand embarrassment i got was… a lot. But i dont think its necessarily a bad thing. It showed how out of his comfort zone Buck was and how he was trying to navigate a terrifying situation. And Tommy? I might have to retract my earlier retraction. Cos wtf?? Literally had just finished talking about how its hard to accept yourself in a “macho” field, then makes a dig at Buck when he fumbles? Not cool. Then not communicating what was happening until he was getting in the Uber? You dont just abandon someone at a restaurant like that. I understand the “you’re not ready” thing, but that was a dick move.
Also, Buck, baby. Sweetheart. Darling. “I look at hot guys’ asses.” Sweetie. Like Maddie said. You are more than an ally lmao. I also just love how Maddie showed interest in getting to know who Buck was talking about and treating the convo after like a normal convo. Because it is! And i love it! But she also emphasized talking to Eddie, because she knew that Eddie would not react poorly. I feel like that just shows how everyone knows how close Buck and Eddie are. TLDR, Maddie is an awesome sister and Buck is lucky to have her ❤️
Next point, the scene where Buck and Tommy talk over coffee. I do think that the hand holding at the end is very sweet and shows how Buck is really trying to be more open, but Tommy is just really starting to rub me the wrong way. Pretty much everything he said contradicts what happened in the date scene. I feel like him being at the wedding is really gonna spark some Jealous Eddie, tho, so i am excited to see that lmao
And Eddie and Marisol? I feel like the show is going in a direction that leads them to breaking up. Like yes, it is showing growth for Eddie and allowed him to acknowledge that he has Catholic guilt, but theres just. No chemistry. It feels awkward. I feel like her being an ex-nun is gonna bring up some issues with Buck and Eddie will not stand for that. I also wanted to point out that i got even more vibes that Eddie could be demisexual, cos he didnt straight up say that he loved Shannon, just that he loved being married to her. And he knows that he is moving too fast and needs to step back a bit
Finally, Buck coming out to Eddie. I do find it funny that Eddie seemed more shocked that Tommy wasnt straight than figuring out Buck isnt straight. But its awesome that Eddie showed interest and genuinely wanted to help Buck through the issue. And the hug? Finally! Give me men not being afraid to hug each other! I feel like this is allowing Buck and Eddie to become even closer (i do hope for Buddie eventually)
Overall, i feel like this episode was great for setting up the development of Buck and Eddie’s relationship (whether it ends up being platonic or romantic). And i am all for Buck exploring his sexuality with someone that isnt Eddie. While Tommy isnt my favorite right now, i do think that he is great for the progression of Buck’s story. I do hope to see more of Dad!Bobby in the coming episodes and how Buck’s parents might react to Tommy. I dont wanna wait three weeks for the next episode 😢. Im ready for the chaos of the Madney wedding
If i think of anything else ill add on, but i think thats all i have for now. Feel free to share your thoughts!
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i really don’t want this to seem ignorant- so sorry if it does. But FOX did make Lonestar, which has a queer canon couple, a trans guy and other incisive characters
i know Oliver said FOX didn’t allowed Buddie but also kind of wrote it in but also pretended they didn’t but also had a plan they never followed through on, but FOX aren’t evil are they? I mean I prefer 9-1-1 over Lonestar but I liked the show and all the different characters they had (even if they made some bizarre decisions)
i’m not saying FOX don’t suck- but why specifically does the fandom hate them so much. Is it cause queer baiting (over buddie)?
I can’t speak for myself, but personally a lot of my issues with FOX handling the buddie situation was less so with Fox, but more with Kristen Reidel for coming in and completely sweeping away the setup that Tim had made for buddie at the end of season 4.
Obviously we only know tidbits that have been said in interviews, and they’re never going to outright talk about what happened (at least not until buddie goes canon or the show ends) but from the few things we’ve heard, it sounds like the sniper plot was setup to be bothe Buck and Eddie’s “oh” moment, and Tim had planned to explore that in season 5 to work towards Buddie canon.
However when Tim switched over to LS from 9-1-1, and KR stepped in, she and FOX both nixed everything that Tim had initially planned, and took the show in a different direction— this is why a lot of fans dislike season 5 and 6 (not because of buddie not going canon, but because it almost felt like a different show at times— and we all know the debacle that was the rushed plot wrap-ups at the end of s6 that granted weren’t entirely KR’s fault, but could have been handled better than they were)
So tldr, i think a lot of fans are more annoyed at the combination of FOX and KR both deciding not to go down the bi!buck route in s5 and eventually leading to buddie canon. at least that’s where my frustration lies, but everyone has different reasons. I think other people are aggravated by the fact that LS did make Tarlos canon but so vehemently disagreed with Buddie/Bi!Buck…. (that is not to say I don’t love Tarlos i absolutely do, but it is a little annoying that they would give us one queer ship while denying another)
(and to answer your question about FOX being evil- this might be my socialist brain talking but they are a major media corporation which to me automatically makes them icky bc their main concern is making money which means they really don’t gaf about representation unless it makes them money— but this also goes for ABC and any other network but i digress)
I hope this clears things up/answers your question? I don’t think there’s a really clear-cut across the board answer, but this fits with a lot of what i’ve seen/discussed w other fans.
Thanks for the ask, anon 💕💕💕
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
uhhh so i finally watched the 3rd episode of The Last of Us. that shit was unpleasant. this is also…not happy.
I’d like to think that Steve and Eddie’s daughters watch The Last of Us as it comes out and spend the entire six weeks it runs begging their dads to watch it too.
Robbie is the one leading the crusade – the one who enjoys horror and sci-fi the most. Moe, Steve’s kid through and through, tolerates the genre, though she usually spends the duration of the movie or show questioning vague world-building elements. She does appreciate a good story though, and she likes hanging out with her sister, so she ends up enjoying it.
Hazel hates horror, slashers, all things scary, so she isn’t inclined to watch the show at all, which is mostly why the older two turn to their dads when they need an audience to channel their harassing towards.
Moe and Robbie pester them for weeks and eventually, about a month after the show’s final episode airs, Hazel approaches Steve and Eddie saying she wants to start watching it but doesn’t want to watch it alone, and Hazel is the baby of the family and they’ve got less than two years left with her until she’s off to college like her older sisters, so they’re usually inclined to give in to any and all requests she makes.
(And they never find out that Hazel only asked them because Moe and Robbie bribed her to do it).
The three of them watch the first episode, Hazel curled up in an armchair while Steve and Eddie share a blanket on the couch. Hazel covers her eyes during the more disturbing scenes and makes Eddie describe them shot-for-shot as they unfold. By the time the credits are rolling, they’ve all collectively decided they don’t hate the show (Eddie actually really enjoys it).
“That shit might be worse than what we went through,” Eddie acknowledges later that night while he and Steve are getting ready for bed.
“That’s...” Steve pauses, “Yeah, that’s fair. If I had to choose between the Upside Down and that, I’d choose the Upside Down.”
“It’s always nice to know things could’a been worse.”
“Shut up,” Steve nudges him.
They all watch the second episode the next night, and it goes pretty much the same.
The following evening, Hazel goes to a sleepover and tells her dads they don’t have to wait to watch the third episode if they want, and because Moe and Robbie had repeatedly said they had to see the third one, even if they don’t end up watching any further, they curl up on the couch under that same blanket (this time with one or two more glasses of wine than they would normally have if their kids were home) and settle in to watch it.
The episode starts out normal.
“Don’t we know that guy from something?”
“Which guy?”
“Ed – the only guy on the screen. Isn't he in that show Moe showed us an episode of – the one in the office with that one from SNL?”
“The Office?”
No, not The Office. Never mind.”
They quickly realize exactly why their daughters had been so insistent that they watch it.
“Is this the good kind of queer rep?”
“I never know anymore,” Steve shakes his head, “I just let Moe tell me that kind of stuff.”
The mood sobers quickly after that, and they don’t even make it to the end of the episode before Steve says he’s done. Eddie doesn’t respond, just turns the TV off.
They sit together for a while, Steve’s hand tight on Eddie’s thigh, Eddie running his nails over the nape of Steve’s neck, until Steve finishes his wine and lets Eddie pull him off the couch (at fifty-six, his knees aren’t what they used to be).
They get ready for bed together, like they almost always do, and Steve looks at the two of them in the bathroom mirror.
They’re older.
Obviously they’re older – it’s been thirty years since they first started dating (that particular anniversary is coming up, actually), and almost forty since they won the war against Vecna and the Mind Flayer.
Steve’s hair is very decidedly greying now, as is Eddie’s, though it’s harder to tell because his hair is lighter – and frankly, Eddie is more concerned about whether or not his hairline is going to start receding like Wayne’s (though it’s always been pretty clear that his hair is from his mom’s half of the genetic pool, so he might be in the clear).
They climb into bed, immediately reaching for each other.
“Eddie,” Steve says, his voice wet, and Eddie’s breath hitches.
Steve doesn’t call him Eddie very often, not like he did when they were young.
“Hey,” Eddie replies, pulling Steve into his arms, “Love you, Stevie.”
“Love you too,” Steve says, letting his husband hold him close, pressing his face into Ed’s neck so his nose rests on the spot that jumps with his ever-persisting heartbeat and trying to not let creep back into his brain the thirty-year-old memory of what Eddie looks like when he’s nearly dead.
He doesn’t think about that stuff too much anymore. He hasn’t had to, and after all these years, it sometimes doesn’t even seem real.
It was real though, and as he slips a hand under Eddie’s shirt to rest on the raised scars that still decorate his stomach and torso, Steve begins to kick himself for not considering sooner the possibility that it could still return, for not having a gameplan ready to execute to keep their daughters safe if it did.
And he would keep them safe. He would keep them safe the way no adult had done for him.
Steve and Eddie’s oldest daughter is twenty-one. Their oldest daughter is now older than both of them had been when Eddie had nearly died, when Steve had carried him out of hell and made sure he didn’t. All three of their daughters – even Hazel – are older than Steve had been when he got sucked into that horrible mess, and they’re still so damn young. He can’t imagine looking at any one of them and seeing someone equipped to take on what had been asked of Steve when he was their same age.
He remembers how grown up he'd felt back then at the big age of nineteen. In all fairness, it was the most grown up he'd been up to that point — he’s always the most grown up he’s ever been, but now, with the privilege of hindsight and two decades of parenting under his belt, he's able to recognize just how young they’d been.
They'd been kids. They’d all been kids, kids with body counts, kids who could look at an arsenal of weapons and know which one they wielded best, kids who'd lived double lives since their teens because, despite it all, they’d still had NDA’s they could barely comprehend shoved into their hands before they could even think to seek comfort from the adults in their lives who were supposed to have been there for them, but weren’t.
Steve lifts his head, still grazing his fingertips over Eddie’s scars..
“Hey, if...if all that stuff starts up again–”
“It won’t,” Eddie interrupts.
“I know.”
“It’s been forty years.”
“I know,” Steve repeats, “But if it did–”
“It won’t,” Eddie insists.
“Ed, humor me. Please.”
Eddie pauses.
“Fine,” he sighs, because he knows that the prospect of the Upside Down and all of its horrors returning is a fear for Steve in a way that it isn’t for him.
“If all that shows up again, just…don’t let me go back, okay? Don’t let me get involved again, because I...I’ll want to. I’ll have to, but I can’t...you–I, I mean, our–the girls–”
Steve is stammering and Ed silences him with a soft kiss.
“Steve,” Eddie says against his lips, “I know.”
He clutches Steve’s face in his hands, leaning back so their eyes can meet, so Steve can see the crow’s feet that have made a home on his face (Steve loves them, loves him, loves that their life together has been happy enough to put them there), “You’re my whole fucking world, baby. There’s no way I’d let you go. No fucking chance.”
Steve manages a nod.
“It’s not gonna come back, Steve, okay?”
“Ed,” Steve shakes his head.
“No – just say okay. Please?”
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lemotmo · 4 days
What do you think about this ?
I…kinda have to agree. Like I’m already a little iffy going into season 8 because I honestly felt like if nothing massive happened in season 7 then it probably wasn’t going to happen since they had new network, new audience, it was the time to weed out any of the old (old as in everyone who watched it on fox) audience who would have an issue with buddie, get the new audience on board with it etc. Which Bi Buck helped but then nothing else really happened. Are there threads? Yes. But the shows more known for having threads and then just pretending they never existed.
So if after season 8 it’s still not happening then I really do think it’s time for the fandom to accept it’s not going to. Because at this point, the shooting and then breakdown were the perfect set ups for it. And it was such a baffling concept to learn it was shut down and then for us to have to sit here and think how are they going to reach the same level of the shooting and breakdown aftermaths to make it happen again. And they have hit it now with what is probably the only realistic way with what happened by the end of season 7 with the Kim of it all and the Chris of it all. So if they don’t do it now? I really and truly do not think they plan to because there really won’t be any other way to reach those levels for Eddie to look deeper and accept and acknowledge etc.
Hey Nonny! I had already seen this on Twitter and I fully agree with it. The time is now. If they don't start Eddie's journey and eventually Buddie's journey in season 8? I don't think it will ever happen and ABC will have wasted the biggest chance of making history.
A lot of people will be disappointed if that happens and I won't lie, so would I. 6 years of shipping, only for one half of the ship to end up in a lackluster, unsatisfactory and boring relationship and the other half probably shoved into a new nothing relationship again? No, not for me. Thank you. I would retreat to fanon-land where Buddie are happily in love and together.
However, I feel like we have seen plenty in season 7 that is highly promising for season 8. So I really don't think my retirement into fanon-land will be happening anytime soon. :) I have a good feeling about season 8.
It's obvious that they were planning to go all in with Buddie when they thought they would only get one season. The promo was insane. But then they got that renewal and I think they decided right there and then to push Eddie's storyline to season 8, giving them time to prepare it properly. Since we now know that they are already writing season 8, I think they have a chance to really do the storyline justice.
The thing is, when Buck was outed as being bisexual it was a big shock to the general audience. Not to any of us, because we have seen this coming for years now. Buck was always queer-coded and so was Eddie by the way. Even more than Buck in my opinion.
However, Eddie having some sort of queer awakening in the same season? I really think ABC wanted to slow the pace a little. See how the general audience would react with Buck, which didn't turn out to be such a big problem after all. 911 is still leading strongly in viewership.
Another perk of pushing the Eddie storyline to season 8? It gives the story room to breathe and percolate. It will only make the payoff even more satisfactory.
The reason why Tommy was used to out Buck is obvious as well. He's an easy choice. Nobody remembered Tommy from season 1 and there is no emotional attachment to the character. He came into season 7 as an established gay character. When eventually Buck and Tommy break up, not a lot of people of the general audience will actually care about it, because there is no emotional connection to Tommy. He is just a new character they brought in as a narrative device. He will eventually disappear again, maybe showing up once in a while as a friend to Buck.
If they had gone for Eddie, the stakes would have been so much higher, because he is a beloved main character. It was safer to start with Tommy.
Besides, Eddie has so many canon issues with his previous relationships that his story needs more time. With the Vertigo arc (which I hated by the way) he is now in a perfect place to take a good look at himself and his past relationships. He might start comparing all these relationships to what he has with Buck.
Who knows how they are planning this? I just know it has the potential to be so good and satisfying after 6 years of shipping. And the fact that this show will now have a canon queer slow burn? Epic! Something ABC wouldn't want to drop. It's dream promo for a network.
Also, the reason why they never went through with the original storylines was because of FOX. Seeing as ABC has shows like 'Grey's anatomy' which has had many popular queer characters, I really don't think they have told 911 to cut the storyline. I just think it's all about pacing and getting the general audience on board.
Now, all that being said, if season 8 ends up giving us nothing? Sorry for being wrong about this. I humbly apologise. :b
But I don't think I'm wrong though. And a lot of people in this fandom share that conviction.
So yeah, who knows? Buddie season 8? Yep, it's highly possible at this point.
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thegayestdiaz · 28 days
I’ve seen the argument that making eddie also queer would be too risky for abc given that what the GA already knows about him and his backstory would not make sense with him being queer and while I think it should make narrative sense, the idea of riskiness as something against queer eddie is frankly pretty weird. Abc isn’t benevolent but they’ve had at least four main characters (MAIN. Not recurring) on other shows I can name off the top of my head who were not established/developed as queer at first but came out at least a good time after their intro. I mean — if you know of grey’s, Amelia was introduced on a spinoff of the main show as a main and then put on the main show as a main and had literally been engaged to one guy and married/divorced to another guy before she was implied and then confirmed as queer I think nearly a decade after she’d been first introduced as a character. So while I don’t think abc is great or anything it’s still a corporation eddie being eventually confirmed as queer is not something that’s never been done before with a character on a show they had
exactly, like what’s so risky? what are we risking? viewership? i think we’ve proven that for whatever viewers they lose, there are plenty of people already watching and people that will pick it up. so many people have been waiting to see this happen, and so many people haven’t started because they didn’t want to be queerbaited. i think just because it’s rare doesn’t mean it’s never happened before. and since we talk about normalising queer experiences in media, wouldn’t this be doing exactly that? eddie wouldn’t be the first man ever to be very involved with women and then come out later, but he would certainly be significant. and yes i said that we can’t trust any network, however abc is a place that had given us all kinds of queer characters so making eddie queer is not outside the realm of possibility.
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hollersparrow · 3 months
just some 9-1-1 headcanons/plot bunnies
so i've kinda gone on a 9-1-1 deep dive that started out casual and rapidly turned into an obsession. a few things to note, i definitely think that buck and eddie have something (whether it's romantic or queerplatonic is up for grabs but there's something beyond friendship there and no one can convince me otherwise) and i am a strong subscriber to any tropes that strongly encourage found family/families so...make of that what you will
anyway, after binging all of the available episodes, i have several headcanons that i want to put out there (for some reason a lot of them are from season 5???)
ana realizing that there's more to eddie and buck's relationship than it seems in that scene from s5e2 when she brings christopher to the station. buck clocks that eddie has started panicking immediately and ana just like. *looks* at him for a few seconds in a way that just makes me think that this woman clocked that they have a deeper than normal connection to one another. that or she's heard about buck but obviously has never seen eddie and buck interact and is suddenly realizing exactly what people keep trying to tell her about
a buck/eddie-focused exploration of the aftermath of 'brawl in cell block 9-1-1'. buck freaking out once mitchell's been carted off to get his heart taken out and refusing to let eddie go anywhere while checking him for injuries, eddie having some uncomfortable realizations about just how affected buck was by the whole experience. personally, i feel that would lead to them actually talking about the sniper and all the mess that goes with it
lots of potential for temporary angst with eddie having a lot of big feelings about having failed as a husband in his marriage to shannon and not wanting to get married again b/c of it (thinks he doesn't deserve another shot at it? thinks there's something fundamentally wrong with him to where he can't? don't know how this would manifest exactly). personally, i see this eventually leading to him and buck realizing that they're more or less functionally married and they may as well reap some tax benefits from it but you can do whatever you want with that
buck goes to the funerals of many of the people who die on calls that he's a part of. it's mostly people that he directly worked on and he doesn't tend to tell anyone that he's a first responder that was involved (b/c of how devon's sister reacted in s1) but he does go to them.
kinda of tied to the headcanon above this but! buck getting adopted by a bunch of older queer folk following the deaths of mitchell and thomas in s2. he goes to the joint funeral that was planned for the two of them, in part b/c he wants/needs to and in part bc he accidentally took a few photos from the scrapbook from the scene (he shoved them in his pocket on instinct when thomas collapses). anyway, he shows up and the older queer community has rallied to show up at the funeral and they recognize him as someone who needs more found family and just adopt him into their ranks. i could see the 118 finding out about this soon after it happens or not until years later; maybe karen and hen finding out sooner than everyone else but buck asks them to keep it quiet?
s5e14 where jee-yun gets sick? what if it actually WAS leukemia and she somehow ends up needing some sort of donation (plasma? bone marrow? idk really anything about how cancer is treated). jee's put on a list and they start testing family members, none of whom work out until...buck. cue maddie not wanting to ask that of buck b/c of all the baggage that comes with daniel and the buckley parents are absolute assholes about it (along the lines of completely disregarding buck's autonomy as a human being in the face of their precious granddaughter being in trouble), maybe a chimney that isn't trying to be pushy about it but also just...can't help pushing a bit, a buck that so overwhelmed with everything that he's feeling that he goes off the rails a bit. obviously everything works out and buck donates or whatever needs to happen and jee-yun is completely fine b/c i don't actually want it to end badly
the entire 'buck's a sperm donor' family argument and maraget saying "you're a miracle baby yourself" made my fucking blood boil and i want to see a better exploration of the fallout of that statement b/c you just know that there was more to it than it just getting brushed off
buck telling maddie that he has a checklist that he goes through every time he wakes up post-coma in s6e12. chris and eddie being part of that list, where buck is just constantly checking up on them to make sure that they're still in LA (part of the reason why it's so easy for him to fall asleep/relax on the diaz couch or in their house in general). eddie doesn't notice the uptick in check-ins b/c he's too busy figuring out the least intrusive ways for him to check in on buck at all times b/c he NEEDS to know that buck is alive/breathing. once eddie notices though, he confronts buck about it
maddie asking buck to be her maid of honor for her wedding since hen is obviously going to have best man privileges. mostly just exploring the ridiculous that this brings up and everyone joking about buck in a dress (up to you whether he actually wears one to the wedding or not), but i have to include a side note that the buckley parents are dicks about it and have no sense of humour/fun
literally anything featuring athena being worried about buck as a maternal figure, i was so disappointed by her lack of interaction when buck was struck by lightning and, while i'm so fucking happy to have may acknowledging that buck is bobby's son too, we missed out on athena being devastated by the situation as well
there will probably be more of these to come at some point knowing myself.
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chevelleneech · 1 month
I am fully on Tim’s side when it comes to him saying he doesn’t have control over the promo. Almost no director or showrunner has a say in how their production company or network chooses to promote a project, meaning ABC’s marketing team knew Buddie was popular and would work regardless of if they saw the finished episode.
As well, Tim isn’t an editor nor did he direct the episode, so it’s also not completely on him to know what all would be included and what would be axed. That’s just television and film.
That said, the people trying to climb on a high horse and act like Buddie shippers are wrong for demanding fan service be fulfilled and it’s not Tim’s job to give them whatever they want…
Buck is canonically bisexual because Tim gave into fan service. Five seasons of demand, which he recently basically confirmed himself. And that’s not a bad thing. Fans having wanted it for years and Tim deciding to go through with it now is fine, but the way you all are trying to remove that fact from reality is ridiculous.
So to repeat what I’ve said before, multiple times now, the show needs to clean itself up where Buddie is concerned. It needs to clarify what is canon and what’s not, and if Tim is going to say Buck’s been queer coded this whole time, he has to decide how he is going to approach the fact that this now means fans can choose to assume Buck’s been coded as being into Eddie since s2. Because that is almost exclusively where his queer coding comes from.
Meaning, it is no one’s fault but Tim Minear’s that most Buddie shippers are expecting Buddie to happen now. It is not a reach nor leap for shippers who have consistently wanted one thing for years, to except to have the whole thing now that they’ve got half of it. I do think some fans are taking it too far and are being impatient and rude, but at the end of the day, a lot of them aren’t. A lot of them are coming to a logical conclusion, even if they might eventually end up wrong.
And these conclusions are logical specifically because the show runner 1) gave into fan service by making Buck bisexual 2) confirmed Buck’s queer coding started in the very same season he met Eddie. — Which is technically him giving into fan service again, even if it’s something he himself truly believes from a storytelling standpoint.
But as the person who mainly controls the story being told… he is showing one thing in canon while confirming another off screen. Which is not the best thing to be doing.
So I’m curious where they will go with everything, but it’s getting kinda messy.
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wenellyb · 29 days
What’s your take on the hunch that the show (now that Buck is confirmed queer) is going to kill him off because he and Bobby have their final goodbye in the s7 finale? The show’s creators said that Eddie will go into s8 feeling isolated, and we know that Peter’s contract isn’t up for the show, so Bobby’s likely not dying. Does anyone know if Oliver’s contract is up??? I really hope they don’t give us a bury your gays trope 😫
Hi Anon!!!
I don't know anything about the actors contracts and I don't know where that rumor came from but I know for sure they won’t kill off Buck. If it were Grey's anatomy I would have a different answer but the 911 franchise don't kill off their Main Characters so "easily".
And I don't even why they would kill off Buck "now that he's confirmed Queer"...?????? It doesn't make sense. I would expect 911 Lone Star to kill off Nancy, or Tk, or Carlos, or Paul.
I'm not saying it couldn't happen in the future, and for sure something dramatic is going to happen before the end of the season, but I can already tell you if they kill off a Main Character it won't be Buck ( if Oliver contract was ending, and I don't know that that the case, they would find another of making him "leave").
Eddie feeling isolated could be for different reasons, and also feeling isolated isn't the same as being isolated.
I think his recent actions show that he's in a weird place and he might isolate himself in fear of being judged. Or he might be isolated because some of his friends won't approve his behavior. There are so many storylines the writers could come up with...
So here's the wild part, I never really thought about how Eddie might feel isolated, but this is how I imagined Eddie's recent storyline going.
I don't know if Eddie will keep seeing Shannon's lookalike or not, but going on a date was already cheating and I don't know if he'll confess or not, but Marisol will eventually hear about it and probably break things off.
We don’t know what Eddie and Marisol's relationship is at exactly, but we know that Marisol and Christopher are really close, we saw it the last episode, but we also heard that Marisol often babysits Chris when Eddie goes out with friends, and once did it twice in the same week. And finally, Eddie wouldn't have moved in with Marisol if he thought Chris would have the slighest problem with it (she moved out the same day, but the 1st decision was taken seriously and having Chris in mind).
So here's my wild theory, and bear with me.... I think that when Marisol and Eddie break up and Chris finds out it's his father fault.... He contact Marisol and run away to see her, I think he'll only stay a little, like Marisol will call Eddie to tell him that he's safe and tell him it's better if he stays the night because he was pretty upset. So even if Chris goes back home, he will still be mad at his father and won't talk to him (leading to Eddie feeling isolated).
If Christopher ever learns that his father cheated on Marisol with his mother's doppelganger, things might be even worse, he might leave to go live with Marisol for a while or with Buck.
I know this isn't your ask, but I'm sure Buck is safe (from being killed off, not from other dramatic events).
And your ask made me think of my theory and whataver the writers do with Eddie and Marisol's relationship I hope they explore the impact it has on Christopher because we've already seen that they're really close and anything. I hope the writers don't suddenly forget about it.
Sorry for derailing but your ask was the perfect opportunity to talk about this.
Btw, does anybody know anything about Olivier's contract?
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
I just want to say if you're following me for 911/Buddie I don't plan on posting much Buck/Tommy stuff. This isn't anything against Buck or what's going on with his story right now. I've wrote posts myself talking about how I know that Buck having this journey and this relationship with Tommy before Eddie is important. Still I'm not a multishipper I'm here for Buddie first and foremost and I want to see the guys end up together eventually.
The issues I have with Buck/Tommy and the reason I plan on avoiding them isn't even really a shipping one so much as it's how parts of fandom are responding to them. It's literally only been a few days and already I've seen tons of posts, comments, tweets, fanfiction, tiktoks, etc being anti Buddie. I just came across a fic last night that was about how Eddie treated Buck awful (used him for sex) and then Tommy came along to be the best boyfriend ever.
I'm just not here for the way people are treating Buddie and Eddie. I also don't like how people keep saying Buck's story is more important than Buddie. All of it is important. Buck, Eddie, Buddie, Buddie and Chris (as a family) all of their stories and what they mean for incredibly needed lgbtq represention are important.
I'm so thankful that 911 is doing a bi storyline with a character like Buck (one I relate to a lot) but the fact that I still want to see them follow through and extend that to Eddie and Buddie doesn't mean I'm trying to take anything away from Buck's journey.
We've never really had a same sex slow burn story like this and especially not with characters like Buck and Eddie. Older queer characters who are figuring out their sexuality later in life. Who are also raising a son together. Who don't fit into some preconceived mold of what it means to be queer. Having Buddie be canon would be groundbreaking it’s own way and if they follow through on this story I believe it has the power to really change media in some ways. I think them doing Buck's coming out storyline is already doing that. It is basically unheard of for a primetime show like 911, with a character like Buck who was basically written to appeal to straight men and women to now come out so late in the shows run. The show is taking a risk and will be taking an even bigger one to make Buddie happen but that's why they need to follow through on it.
I'm not going to apologize for wanting all of the stuff we've been hoping and begging the show runners and networks to give us for 6 seasons. It is possible to care about more than one thing. I can wholeheartedly love and relate to and support Buck's journey while still wanting to see Buck and Eddie together and definitely still want to see Eddie's coming out story too.
I'm also tired of seeing people outside of the Buddie fandom say Buck and Eddie are too good of friends to "ruin" with making into a couple. That Buck and Tommy should be endgame so Buck and Eddie can stay friends. Fact is Buck and Eddie have never been just friends. If you look at how Hen and Chim and Athena and Hen and any other friendship on the show is they're not written the same at all. They don't have the same kind of depth and definitely don't have the same romantic and sometimes sexual overtones that Buddie's does. We obviously need more male friendships in media but Buddie isn't about two guys who are just friends, it's about two men who have loved and supported one another for six years and we're about to watch that love turn into something even more profound in the coming seasons.
So yeah I probably won't post much about Tommy but if I do I'll try and tag anything as b*ck t*mmy for bl. The other reason I probably won't post about them is that it feels like every space in our fandom is getting swallowed up by this ship. It's just frustrating when all of the tags are full of Buck/Tommy.
I'm not trying to hate on people who ship them. I think everyone should be able to multi ship if they want or just ship whatever ships they like. I've been hated on many times for ships I like. But I do think those of us who just love Buddie shouldn't have to see Buck/Tommy 24/7 and definitely shouldn't have to see anti Buddie stuff.
I also want to say don't let anyone make you feel like shit if you're not super into Buck/Tommy. You can still love Buck and support him without gushing over him in a relationship with someone else. I hate when fandoms get this crowd mentality where if you think any differently you're told you’re a bad person. Just remember that the story the show is telling is leading towards Buddie canon eventually. So people can be excited over Buck and Tommy for now if they want but it’ll be Buddie in the end.
Also if you have Buddie or Eddie gif requests please let me know. I really want to see Buddie and Eddie back in the tags.
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monstatrbl · 2 years
Okay so I said I would pen some of my 911 thoughts so here we are with my main thought.
I think we’re at a pinnacle point in the show where an executive decision needs to be made (if it hasn’t been already) in the writer’s room about whether or not Buddie will go canon. I do not think they can continue to make the show without making a concrete decision. The main reason being where Buck and Eddie are in their character development. Seasons 1-5 have been about the past for them; about confronting and working through their past traumas. Season 6a on the other hand has clearly established that we are now looking towards the future. For Buck, he’s at a point where he’s starting to question his life and what it means to be happy. It means examining his current life and looking at what he would need/want in the future to attain what he eventually deems as happiness. Clearly a big part of that happiness will be being a father; they wouldn't be doing the sperm donor storyline if it wasn’t.
For Eddie, he’s at a point where he’s gone/going to therapy and is in a good place. He’s learning to live for himself, especially now that he has more time to himself as his kid is growing up and seeking independence. With this time to himself will come with questioning what he wants out of life; what’s his happiness.
Clearly both of these characters’ trajectories are going towards the future. With the way the writing has been going, it would be very easy for the writers to make these two characters’ desires of the future be interconnected. I personally think that’s the way to go with the story, considering, whether intentionally or not, they’ve already set the groundwork. However, if they really do not want to go in this direction, I think now would be the time to decide. While a solid argument can be made that they queer baited their audience for 4 whole seasons if they choose to go with the “band of brothers” route, I think with some directional and writing changes, they still could establish Buck and Eddie as ride or die friends. But, imo, they truly cannot continue with not making a decision and stringing along the fans knowing that they’re intentionally baiting them by giving them hope that Buddie will happen. It just doesn’t do justice to the characters, the show, or their audience.
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sibylsleaves · 11 days
About the Buck Tommy break up: If they do break them up, when do you think that would happen? How long would they date for? I feel like they might keep them together for all of the next season.
Yeah I kinda think I agree? and like i'll remind you i'm like. 50/50 on buddie canon ON A GOOD DAY (i'm 100000% FOR IT, i'm 50/50 on them actually doing it) so. even assuming buddie canon is definitely where they want to take the story i could definitely see Tommy sticking around through s8.
(another cut because idk how to shut the fuck up)
For one, he's a recurring character so he's not going to be in every episode anyway. which means even if he's there for all of s8 they probably only have like 8-12 episodes to actually develop that relationship arc. For two, they seem to have forgotten how to develop Buck as a character without putting him in a relationship (see the mess that was his arc in s6...the girlies were spinning their wheels so hard and throwing everything against the wall to see what would stick) so they have every reason to want to keep him in said relationship for most of the season purely for story fodder.
I'm hopeful they'll find a way to continue developing Buck's sexuality arc without it being all about his relationship, but honestly i'm not banking on it. (my kingdom for a queer first responders group...a great way to also introduce some new tertiary characters plz & thanks!! more Hen/Buck also plz & thanks!!) i think the buck/fatherhood storyline (his desire for it, his realization that he almost but not quite has it already?) is ALSO something that could be built out in s8 and i would loooooooooove to see it (and could, as already mentioned, lead us to the eventual Buck-Tommy breakup).
anyway you didn't ask me about Buck storylines LMAO so back to your point. They have let's say 10-ish episodes over the course of s8 to really develop the Buck-Tommy relationship so I think them breaking up at the end of the season makes sense. and given that unlike in other seasons they're starting with a LOT of ground to cover in terms of other storylines (Captain Gerrard, Bobby returning, EDDIE & CHRIS, Councilwoman Ortiz, Hen + Karen + Chim + Maddie as coparents, etc etc etc) I wouldn't be surprised if Buck and Tommy continue to take kind of a backseat in the first half of the season. Like I think we'll see Tommy around and we'll get a few one-off storylines about him/their relationship but that's it.
And let's say things go exactly the way I want them to and we do get an Eddie feelings realization while Buck and Tommy are still together. I think we need at LEAST half a season to get Eddie there, probably even more, just because he's got SO MUCH to go through next season (i am hopeful the Gerrard arc only takes up 1-3 episodes MAX--unless they do another big disaster season opener--and then we get a Christopher reunion by mid-mid season, ep 6-7. They do often like to do big emotional set piece episodes smack dab in the middle of each half, like Tomorrow in 6a and There Goes the Groom in 7b).
THEN we also need time for Eddie to pine. For a good half season, at the very least. So yeah that easily puts us at the end of s8, just in time for Buck to have his own feelings realization, perhaps in the aftermath of some dramatic season-ending storyline, and then break up with Tommy at the very end of s8. Leading to mutual pining at the beginning of s9. Or they could drag it out even further, especially if they get an early renewal again. I wouldn't be opposed to that.
Obviously this is like. Sibyl's Dream Scenario. aka what would happen if ABC hired me as the showrunner. What they actually will do in the show I have no idea. And a lot of it also depends on LFJ's availability (like we all know that's exactly what ended up happening with Natalia and why she got unceremoniously dumped offscreen). I know he's on another show as well, but I get the feeling he's going to make his 911 stuff a priority as much as he can because he's gotten a LOT of attention for this role and from what i can tell has seemed genuinely enthusiastic about it.
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fruitjedi · 1 year
Send me to Hell my love
so instead of writing chapter seven of unmatched I wrote this buddie fic. enjoy
Evan “Buck” Buckley knew he loved Eddie Diaz. He knew that and he knew that he more than loved Eddie. But accepting that was harder on a fundamental level. Since he was tiny Buck had been told by his parents that queer people were “bad” or “evil”. So since he was small Buck knew he couldn’t be one of them, he couldn’t be queer, he couldn’t be evil.
That was before Eddie Diaz came along with his sweet smile like fresh-made honey and his adorable son who stole Bucks's heart. But Buck couldn’t be queer. He just couldn’t. He’d been raised that it was so bad and he didn’t want to be bad. So he threw himself into straight relationships. He liked those too. This could work.
Or so Buck thought. Soon Eddie was everywhere. He was ingrained in Buck’s life. He was Buck’s partner both in and out of work. But Buck couldn’t be queer. He couldn’t.
That’s why at 11 pm late on a Friday night (After movie night had ended) Buck showed up at Maddie’s sobbing,  just absolutely, completely broken.
Maddie was barely able to make out something about Eddie and evil. So once her brother calmed down she asked him to elaborate.
“My feelings for Eddie aren’t right. They always said boys like girls and girls like boys and god forbid you switch from one to other and- god Maddie I’m so broken”
Maddie thought for a moment. Their parents had definitely messed Buck up good. “Evan, Aren’t you friends with Hen and Karen? How would you feel if someone called them broken?”
“That’s different there my friends. I loved them no matter what. I’d defend them of course I would but what does that have to do with anything”
Maddie sighed and patted her brother on the shoulder “Don’y you consider yourself to be a friend?”
Buck didn’t have an answer for that. 
“Wait,” Maddie said remembering “isn’t tonight movie night? Why aren’t you at Eddie’s”
Buck broke down in tears “I kissed him, Maddie. I kissed him and it was so wrong of me I’m gonna go to hell, and I’m gonna be evil, and I’m gonna lose Eddie, and Mom and Dad are gonna sever whatever’s left of our relationship.”
Oh. Maddie thought. He was scared their parents would hate him and he was scared his best friend would leave him. Her little brother was scared  This was gonna be harder than just citing he had queer friends. “Evan, It’ll be ok, He’s not gonna hate you he’s probably worried, And about our parents screw what they think they fucked us up good and they don’t deserve to be in our lives if their not gonna support who you love”
“I know I just don’t want to give up on them,” Buck said after a while 
“I know, but you’ve given them so many chances and they really overdid it this time”
Buck and Maddie talked for a while longer before eventually Buck pulled himself together and by 3 am he was knocking on Eddie's door. To Buck’s surprise, he opened it almost instantly.
“You have a key,” Eddie said exhausted 
Buck nodded and looked at his shoes “I know, I just thought after everything that happened-”
Eddie interrupted him “Yeah what was that it looked like you had a panic attack, I was worried about you”
Buck smiled “Your.. you're not mad I kissed you?”
“No, why would I be?”
Buck took a deep breath “Cause we’re both guys”
Eddie smiled “Yeah and? I like guys Buck. Remember that guy Pepa set me up with Robin?”
Buck looked sheepishly at the ground “I thought that was a girl”
Eddie shook his head and walked closer “Are you mad you kissed me?”
Buck’s eyes started to tear up at how well Eddie knew him “Yeah, I ran to Maddie’s. I got freaked out”
“But your back home now”
Buck beamed at the thought of Eddie’s house being home “Yeah, I am”
“Good” Eddie took bucks hand and lead him to his bedroom “No sleeping on the couch tonight mi amor”
Buck looked around at the room and the man smiling at him, holding his hand and grounding him. “Yeah, no more couch ever”
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teplejtrouba · 2 years
will and eddie being friends headcanons:
- eddie ADORES his art. paintings, drawings, whatever he's into at the moment, eddie's always gonna tell him how cool it is and how much he loves it
- they're both DnD obsessed nerds and that's definitely what most of their time together is spent doing. making new characters, coming up with the story for the rest of the hellfire club. eddie always goes hard with the drama and gore and tragedy and fights and will is more into the fantastical elements and chatacter relations and aesthetic choices for the worlds and stuff. so together they come up with the most awesome campaigns
- will LOVES drawing/painting their ideas. and eddie sometimes asks him for specific art too and always wants to see the stuff will did on his own. he definitely drew everyone's characters and loves coming up with like locations where their stories take place and then when they play they put his drawings on the table for the Atmosphere
- eddie loves seeing how the always quiet and timid will becomes passionate and excited and dramatic during their DnD sessions
- but at one point he realizes that will is like that with him even when they're not playing and it's because will feels like he can really be himself around him and trust him and he knows he won't make fun of him or make him feel bad for being annoying or taking up space
- i think will tells him that as well at one point. eddie definitely cries a bit when he goes to sleep that night
- a part of it is definitely the Queer Solidarity™ eddie notices right away but he's Sure after a few weeks of observing the way he acts around Mike. so they definitely have a talk. i think eddie would either nonchalantly mention a past male crush/lover or work it somehow into DnD talk. like 'this is the character i came up with years ago and this is his husband, who later dramatically dies in his arms after saving the kingdom' or something. the conversation is slightly awkward and eddie doesn't pressure will into saying anything really but he just wanted him to know that it's okay and he's not alone
- helps him with the mike stuff for sure. they come up with a secret codename so it's not suspicious to others
- eddie really helps will stand up for himself more and just be a bit more confident
- maybe before the coming out thing they have a similar talk to the one will had with Jonathan about being a freak. he needed to hear it again, that it's okay to be different, this time from The Freak of hawkins high
- he's will's personal bodyguard. if anyone is mean to him or bullies him he definitely makes sure it never happens again
- joyce LOVES him. he becomes attached to her too because he never had a stable mother figure in his life and she's the nicest mom in hawkins. she's glad someone's looking out for her boy now that Jonathan's in college (Eddie's on really good terms with him as well), maybe he drives him from/to school sometimes. she invites him to dinner at least once a week
- eddie makes will draw some design he's been thinking of for a while. eddie loves it and will doesn't think much of it except that it's really cool and he's glad eddie likes what he did with it. and then when he comes to hellfire one afternoon he almost has a heart attack because that's HIS picture on EDDIE'S ARM
- and eddie's just so excited. he didn't tell him that he's gonna get it tattooed because he knew will would protest but eddie really wanted this and would do it anyway so he just asks for forgiveness and not permission
- will just. does not comprehend. but eventually after he questions Eddie's sanity for a few minutes he just. hugs him.
- eddie tries to get will into metal and mischief. it works partially, will likes some of the songs but still prefers Jonathan's music taste. but he's always gonna listen to anything eddie brings him because he loves how excited he is about showing him so of course he's gonna let him ramble about his favourite bands for hours.
- I don't think will would be really open to trying beer/weed/cigarettes/other drugs and Eddie's honestly glad, he always offers it as a joke. he tries drinking beer one (1) time but it's gross
- eddie lends him his jacket one time and he does feel pretty cool in it. I don't really think will would be brave enough to explore his style in any big ways but i think eddie notices will's interest in his fashions. so he gets will a cool ring for his birthday and he's always happy when he sees him wearing it to school
- i don't think will would really come to his concerts (or that Joyce would let him) but he does enjoy seeing him practice on the guitar. maybe he tries it out a few times too. or helps him write songs for corroded coffin
- they're just. they would love each other and i hate the duffer brothers for not even letting them meet
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