#whole fam is a bit delusional
p0ssym1lker · 2 years
Au where Jason never came back (if it's because he found a place in the infinity realm or smth different is up to you)
One day, dick, Tim and Damian are just walking, dick walking backwards to chat with his brothers when at a corner, he runs into someone
It's a bit of a mess with both nearly falling and then trying to help the other, dick opens his mouth to apologize but freezes
The other guy looks at them awkwardly before excusing himself. But just as he was about to leave, dicks hand shoots out and grabs him
His voice shakes, a mix between haunted and hopeful
"Jason? Jay?"
Tim also stepped forward at this point, eyes shaking, Damian is confused
"Sorry? No, I'm Danny"
He leaves but the rest of the family swears to find him again, because that has to be jason
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rapplesart · 4 months
Random fic idea
Tim drake but instead of loosing his spleen he lost part of his leg.
Tim thought it was obvious he was missing his right leg from the knee down. It was a whole leg that was missing after all. Sure he was wearing a prosthetic made by Ra's' best people.
One he painfully earned after that crazy fucker made him fight a bunch of his assassins one legged in order to "proof himself as the true heir of the bat he saw in him" or something. So sure, the leg might be more advanced than most, and it imitated natural steps a lot easier and even made it possible to easily run without switching to a different leg. Truly it was a perfect leg be vigilante with. But he never even bothered to give it human like appearances.
But apparently the Fam didn't notice. When he returned with Bruce everyone was too reliefed to give Tim a closer look and it just never came up afterwards.
Tim thought they just didn't want to ask about it in a weird attempt of being polite or even caring. Bruce surely did enough research on how it happened on his own. The man spend the whole travel back to Gotham with Tim after all. Tim truly believed the world's greatest detective would have noticed his missing leg.
Except he didn't. Not if he interpreted the way they looked so incredibly disturbed by is nonchalant way of handlinh the boiling hot chemicals that landed on his metal leg. He just brushed it off, the battle continued and since nothing seemed to be injured no one pressed him when he said "Must've missed me after all"
Now, how do you deal with a family that didn't notice you're missing a leg? That's right you fuck with them.
First thing he did was buy himself a few more realistic looking prosthetic leg. It had to be custom made to fit his stump so it took a whole but it was a worthwhile investment.
The first one was Jason. Call it a twisted revenge for trying to kill him but Tim just really wanted him to be messed with the most. So one day when he knew it was only Jason and him on patrol he strategically set himself down to fall. Crunching some spaghettis to ass in a sickening way only to stand up and walk away as if nothing ever happened.... With his foot toned the wrong way around. Insisting on nothing being wrong and Jason being delusional whenever the older boy tried to get him to get medical treatment. He switched it up the whole evening, whenever he was out of sight he turned the fool right and wrong. Driving the guy insane.
Jason did not sleep well that night. He was also top weirded out and unsure if what he saw was real to talk about it with anyone else.
Then, he challenged dick to a flexibility contest seeing how far they han bend their knees and feet. Even Mr bones are a social construct gymnast Richard Grayson looked horrified as Tim stood there, food bend almost in half, knee twisted to the impossible and what looked lihe a bend in the middle of his leg. Dick claimed cheating except the thing that greeted him when he demanded Tim to puch up his pant leg to expose his trick was a normal looking leg. The first Robin did lots of stretches in the following weeks. His pride was hurt after all.
Finding a way to mess with Damian was a bit more difficult. The brat still made a bunch of harsh comments again and again and he really wasn't close enough with Tim to be easily gaslit. The kid was a trained assassin and was probably used to a bunch of weird shit considering everything Ra's. So Tim decided he could go a bit more gory on Robin than the others. So one night he sat in front of Damians room, in the dark hallway and waited till one of his pets passed him. Once Alfred the Cat came along he made some louder coping noise that would Definetly make the kid look out to check on his animals. It worked just as planned, Damian peeked out his door to see Tim, crosslegged and barefoot on the floor, seemingly cutting off his toe to feed the cat. In reality it was nothing more than a cat treat and carefully picked, animal safe food coloring.
The kid scremed at him, threatened to stab him, punched him real good for harming his cat and took off with said cat to find Alfred so the older man could check on the poor kitten. Of course not beforeaking sure Tim was in an adequate amount of pain on the floor, with his 'injured' food secured to the floor with another knife. Only to return with a worried Alfred on tow to see Tim, standing two whole bare feet with a confused expression and a bag of cat treats in the hall.
Tim got a broken nose for it but it surely was worth it. Especially once he quietly whispered a 'no one will ever belief you' to the kid in passing. He might have traumatised the boy a little but Tim fought it justified for all the attempted murder he suffered.
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deadbaguette · 14 days
Crack AU treated seriously: Diomdes goes to Ithaca with a twist
So this would generally be your typical Diomedes going to Ithaca AU. Presumably after getting exiled (? Is there a better word for it?), instead of going to modern day Italy he goes to Ithaca under the impression that he’ll see Odysseus there. But, of course he doesn’t because The Odyssey is happening. The twist that makes NO SENSE and is just purely my want to see my platonic rarepair happen (Telemachus and Neoptolemus/Pyrrhus), and the twist is: for whatever reason, Neo is there with Diomedes. Don’t ask why because I could not explain to you a good reason to make this happen lmfao
Story elaborated below but it’s a little long be warned
I like the dynamic of Neoptolemus and Diomedes, mostly because in so many ways as soldiers Diomedes foils/contrasts Achilles but in so many ways parallels his son. Diomedes gets on begrudgingly with Neo, and I could go on a whole other rant on a different post about some fake dynamics/scenarios for just them, but the main point in this post is that Neo somehow SOMEHOW tags along with Diomedes. They reach Ithaca together and meet Penelope and Telemachus.
They greet Diomedes and Pyrrhus with good courtesy, but the elephant in the room of “hold on where tf is your husband??? he was so eager to go back to you guys???” is very present. One way or another Penelope explains the situation, that being Odysseus is absent/mia (much to his own dismay) and the suitors all trying to wed Penelope. Diomedes is sad obv (I’m not gonna go super big into the angst right now) but he tries to brainstorm with Penelope on solutions for her predicament. Since Odysseus was his closest friend (more than friend for me personally but u can interpret it as platonic if u want) and he knows that Odysseus would want what’s best for his wife and son, they think of a solution that can the guarantee of their safety as of now until they hear news of Odysseus. That solution is fake marriage bcs I am a bit of a sucker for that troupe.
But back to Neoptolemus because he’s here too, I want him to bond with Telemachus what with their dads not being here (one’s dead one’s absent). Neo is like way stronger than Telemachus so at first he thinks he’s a bit of a wimp (keep in mind they’re like both teenagers, Neo’s life was just kinda fucked up), but over time they get along better. Pyrrhus’ relationship with Odysseus is a little complicated, so while Penelope and Diomedes might share all the good stories/parts of Odysseus with, Pyrrhus got off to a slightly rocky start with him lol. What with Odysseus taking him away from his mom and basically all the war shenanigans (war crimes), Telemachus for the first time has a whole and humanized version of his dad. It’s more than what the suitors have said out of malice and jealousy, the things Neo has told him have opened up the trickery/cunning side of Odysseus more than he’d known before. He’s jealous that it seems like everyone knows more about his dad than him, but he’s grateful to have someone his age who would view Odysseus more like he would: an annoying dad/uncle??? (Neo vehemently objects to this, and Odysseus would too. “You’re not my fucking dad!!!” “Holy shit thank the GODS for that!!!”)
All in all, happy family. Odysseus returns home to Penelope and Telemachus, and now two surprise guests too. Telemachus has like 3 kinda parents now (Diomedes might be more like an uncle) and a kinda brother/friend/??? I love my little delusional found family. Odysseus is more than a little surprised, considering this IS Neoptolemus. Kid did a 180° in terms of personality in Troy and then ANOTHER 180° somewhere on Ithaca at some point. Or maybe more like a 90° turn in terms of personality, I imagine Telemachus is the most sane of the family and it is much to his dismay.
And when they all eventually die (Diomedes won’t ascend to godhood here I want him to be in the underworld with the rest of the fam) they’ll live happily in the underworld and Pyrrhus can catch up with his dad and mom.
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onmyyan · 3 years
Your Straight Venomous series brought joy to my shriveled little heart. 💖 If you are taking requests could you please do something with bat fam about how they would navigate finding out the grumpy coroner who helps them on cases, and they pine over is a vampire (wears sunglasses constantly, always hangry, routinely dents drywall, drinks weird red smoothies) and they have to help the poor dear overcome her beastly nature and only they can help her yadda delusional but well intentioned yadda
Cold cases warm faces
A/N: Okay so happy to hear you’re enjoying my work thank you so so much for your comments 😭❤️ Tw//blood, dead bodies mentioned, canon typical violence, I hope you enjoy this was so fun to Write!! Aged up Damian as always
So big bad Bruce is the first of our yans to fall and it has a lot to do with your mysterious/grumpy nature
He see’s himself in you a bit, with all the brooding and the solitude
You had a reputation amongst the medical community, poor attitude, never socializing, but your knowledge on the subject of death was unmatched so he sought you out one day
Most people try to butter up the dark knight but not you, you treated him as any other, if not an occasional nuisance, which only deepened his ever growing interest
It isn’t easy to distract a man like Bruce, but you did. He spends a lot of time trying to figure you out, sure he’s met people unaffected by death and dead bodies before but you’re on a different level
You haul cadavers around like it’s nothing, discus decay and rot like it’s the weather, and he could have sworn he’s seen you bend a scalpel in a moment of frustration.
Soon Dick hears about you and just has to check you out, it wasn’t often Bruce spoke of “work friends” so you had to be something special right? First time he stops by is just for an introduction but he ends up to enamored with your cool collected vibe he stays until your shifts up
Dickie boy has no idea something’s up with you beside the fact that your snark and demeanor got him kicking his feet at the thought of ya, reminds you of a gnat in the way he’s always around. He tried to play it off as work in the beginning but eventually dropped the charade to hang out, he starts bringing you lunch
He’s looks so heartbroken when you don’t eat and as annoying as he is you indulge him with a few sips of coffee now and then, if only to get that kicked puppy look off his face. He’d always ask you what you wanted to eat and each time you’d give him a shrug muttering something about a strict diet
When he finds out he goes from offering take out to offering himself, comically draping his body across the cold table, his fingers teasing across his veins, his face would be like ‘😏’ the whole time
He asks Tim to give him access to the cameras in your workspace, just trying to see who he’s working with he says(yeah right)
Easily enough Tim has access to you at anytime and it starts off as a pure curiosity thing, then he finds himself watching you during his free time, fascinated with your peculiar habits, growing more and more frustrated, because all too quickly the screen wasn’t enough, he needed to be in the room
It comes to a head for dear Timmy when he sees you take Dick up on one of his many offers, your mouth latched to his wrist and despite the grainy footage, he could see the enjoyment on Dick’s face. Definitely breaks the mug he was holding because why does he get to have all the fun?
The whole undead thing doesn’t phase him nearly as much as you feeding on his predecessor, and not for the reasons you’d think like he’s up and down jealous
Introduces himself officially to you not long after, out of everyone he’s the person with the same sleep schedule as you, leaving ample room for late night bonding but unlike them he doesn’t bother with the ‘I’m here for work thing’ he befriends you as Red Robin and as soon as he can he’s confessing his identity, hoping his baring of the soul will lead to your own
Sure he already knows everything but he wants to hear it from your mouth🥺
Bruce confronts you one day, having long since put the pieces together, stresses the idea that you’re safe with him and how he’s on your side, that he’d help you in anyway as long as you weren’t running around killing folks, the blood drinking does cause him unease only because if anyone else caught on he’s sure you’d be targeted.
Your assurance doesn’t do much to quell his anxieties, because yes you know what you’re talking about, it didn’t take him long to discover your nature, so who’s to say no one else will?
Is adamant in you not killing, when you explain that you source your food from your job he unclenches a bit, but not much
He won’t be satisfied until you’re living at the manor where he can keep a watchful eye on you but you don’t need to know that until he has your room ready
In the midst of all this Jason stumbles into your life quite literally. You found him in an alleyway drawn to the thick sent of blood in the air, he was leaned against the trash, his helmet still on, and with a sigh you hauled him over your shoulder and brought him to work
It took a few sips of your blood for his body to start to mend and he awoke soon after. You weren’t worried about him turning since he’d need to die immediately after consuming it but I digress
You were the last thing he seen before he knocked out, and the first thing he seen waking up, you hit him with a “Glad you’re not dead now beat it.” and a small smirk and the man was a goner
He tries to repay you in many ways, one by not being nosey but come on could you blame him? Not only did you lift him like he was nothing but his wounds were completely gone, he figured you were just a meta with healing abilities and that was good enough for him
Another way is he appoints himself your personal bodyguard, at first watching from a distance, just making sure his guardian angel was safe, and then he seen Bruce leaving your office one night and positively looses it
How dare he try to creep up on the best thing in Jason’s world??😡 you were his Angel(like bae you’re the one late to the party but go off ig)
He storms in about to demand how you know the old bastard and warn you about him only to see you necking the fuck out a blood bag, I’m talking fangs out eyes glowing, you should have been terrifying but he has stars in his eyes
You’re exhausted at this point just dying to go home and sleep it all off when in storms Red (in all his excitement he forgot to introduce himself so it’s his name in your head) and just when you think you’re gonna have to eat a vigilante he’s throwing off his helmet and lecturing you about “Fuckin’ around with that old man” and how you were bound to be caught and how he’d have you thrown in Arkham for your nature and-
You tuned him out, slowing blinking at the man, because to you this was your second meeting, and he sounded genuinely concerned about your well-being, you chocked it up to saving him and brushed all his worries off with a shrug
“I think I can handle the Bat Red.”
His lil heart went boom at the nickname and he’s in full on question mode
“How often do you uh, eat?” As often as I want “Do you burn in the sun?” No but it is uncomfortable “Do you want some of me?” Uh sure
And just like that you have three people practically begging to be your food, sure having this many people know your secret was dangerous but you had a feeling they weren’t about to rat you out
Damian is our last domino to fall and it’s entirely Bruce’s fault.
He tried and succeeded for a while, at keeping you away from Damian, not because he didn’t trust you, but he knew his son well enough to know he’d see you as the threat you were.
Bruce knew Damian wouldn’t trust you and may even expose you, so he kept it on the low.
But one cannot simply hide something from the Damian Wayne
He knows something’s up with his family and he intends to get to the bottom of it.
He’s overheard his father and Alfred making plans to build something, some sort of containment room, he’s seen the hearts in Grayson’s eyes when he spoke of his ‘new friend’ when Tim was around his eyes were glued to his phone, torn between watching something and eagerly texting someone Jason had stopped coming around the manor, granted he wasn’t there a lot but to ghost them like that? Something was up
He manages to tail his father one night, blending in seamlessly with the shadows, lurking like the goblin he is, only to be disappointed
You were just some coroner. A random citizen with nothing of note on your record. You were utterly normal and he left with more questions than answers. Is all but ready to abandon this investigation until he spots Grayson sliding in through one of the windows
And Drake showing up at 2 in the morning out of costume
And Todd walking you home.
He knew he needed to find an opening to size you up in person but damn was it hard with someone at your side constantly. He was surprised they hadn’t run into one another considering they didn’t go a day without visiting.
And as if the heavens were listening his father was called away for league business, Grayson was reluctantly pulled to Bludhaven, Drake was watching one half of Gotham while Damian was entrusted the other, and Todd was nowhere to be seen.
Almost like the city knew the Knight was out of town, all the crazies were out and about, he’d been working his way through the streets, calling in a few arrest here and there before finding himself at your office.
You lift your head at him surprised at his entrance but also having met the rest, you figured he’d find his way to you one way or another.
“You’re that Robin guy right? What do you want.” You sighed out sure he was here for a case.
He glared at you through his mask, his hands firm at his side as he strode to the reception desk you sat behind.
“Here on official business. I have questions and demand answers. It’s in your best interest to comply.”
“Oh you demand them?” You laughed “Okay I’m in a good mood, what can I do for ya.” The way you were absolutely unbothered got under his skin fast but before he could start his interrogation the chaos from outside spilled in the room in the form of three armed idiots in ski mask’s.
The threat on the man’s lips died out as he stared at the brooding man before him. His eyes widened but he cleared his throat
“Nobody do nothin’ stupid, we just want the money and everybody gets to go home nice and alive.” You shared a look with Robin as if to say ‘are these mf’s serious’ before the man was pointing his gun at you
You couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. “Dude we don’t even have a register in here, why hit a morgue of all places?” A genuine smile found its way to your face as you hoped over the counter, only being stopped by the arm suddenly thrown across your chest.
“We were in the middle of a conversation, so I’ll make this quick. You stay back.” He left no room for arguments and no sooner than the words left his lips was he disarming the first man, definitely breaking his nose as he easily disassembled the weapon. The other two looked at each other before taking aim
Damian turned to take cover and throw you back behind the table only to find you missing, the first shot rang out just barely missing him, the second definitely hit something but it wasn’t him, through the smoke and rubble of what used to be your desk he could make out the screams of the assailants, only for them to be cut short.
Leaping up from his crouched position he took in the sight of you dropping one of them, the body sliding down the wall left a trail of red behind it, the remaining man was slumped at your feet, his expression twisted permanently into a scream. His brows furrowed
now he was sure something was wrong with you but underneath that and the bitterness of taking his chance to show off, was gratitude, you’d taken a shot for him- holy shit you took a shot for him.
The only evidence of this was the bloodied hole in the side of your shirt, he watched you crack your neck before leaning down with a groan, your glasses had been destroyed in the little scuffle much to your annoyance.
“Okay so where were we? You had some questions right?” You’d say nonchalantly picking up both bodies and making your way down into the morgue. And despite his instincts he’d follow you down, more curious than ever.
You’d answer every question he had with honesty, unashamed of your nature, and happy to share your thoughts and feelings as his questions never seemed to stop.
From that day forward he’d begrudgingly pop in to see you, telling you he was only there to make sure you didn’t lose it one day, and if you did he’d be the one to put you down, but you both knew he wanted to be there
Is both disgusted and disappointed you haven’t asked him to feed like,,, yuck he’d never but also how dare you not ask he knows he’d taste good 😡
Don’t ever let him find out you feed on the others as he will pitch a full blown man-fit
Once they realize they’re all pining after the same dark creature it’s pure anarchy at first, then Bruce makes the wise suggestion that you’re safer with them all working together rather than separate and sorry babes but you’re d o n e
You only ever get your food from one of them, they refuse to let you kill(not that you were out here doing it🙄) and take shifts accompanying you, bidding their time until it’s safe to take you home
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dhwty-writes · 4 years
I've had 'Just give me a reason' by pink stuck in my head all day lol, I humbly offer it as a song prompt if it sparks anything :D
“If it sparks anything”... Fam, I just astralprojected back to 2013 and my first kiss! I had a lot of fun with it (although I got a bit distracted midway through, I’m sorry!)
I also couldn’t decide whether I wanted to do a post-mountain fix-it fic or a modern AU, so you’ll get both! Here’s the angsty one (that’s way longer than expected) :)
Read on AO3
The unfairness of it all as he staggered down the steep mountainside was overwhelming. Twenty years of his life for... what exactly? For nothing at all!
Over half of his measly human life he'd spent trailing after that grumpy... horse's arse of a witcher. He poured his heart and soul into a song cycle just to change Geralt's undeserved horrible reputation! (And to get rich, of course, but that was neither here nor there.) By rights he should claim ten percent of Geralt's income, but did he? No, of course not!
He'd never asked anything in return. Nothing but company, a friend, a tiny bit of affection even. Not love, of course. He might be delusional and a hopeless romantic, but not that much of an imbecile.
He knew Geralt loved Yennefer and that the affection was mutual. It was pretty much obvious for about anyone who saw them together. And Jaskier wasn't just anyone. He and the witcher shared just about anything — food, coin, clothes, beds sometimes, when it was cold or there was only one room left. And, though the witcher denied that fervently, Geralt talked in his sleep sometimes.
Jaskier had discovered that one freezing night in a tavern in Kovir, when he'd woken up because he was uncomfortably warm. Additionally, to the heap of quilted blankets they laid under, Geralt had draped himself over him, too, clutching him tight against his chest. 'Cute,' Jaskier had thought, 'Geralt's a cuddler.'
But then he had started talking, and it had been torture of the most exquisite kind. Most of his ramblings were unintelligible, but those he could understand were unbearably sweet. "Don't go," Geralt would say whenever Jaskier tried to move away. Or "C'mere" and tug him closer to his chest. There were plenty of "Y'smell good"s and, on one memorable occasion an "I love you". None of them were meant for him, of course. But, oh, how he wanted them to be.
Jaskier had fallen for Geralt the moment he'd spotted him in that tavern, grumpily nursing his tankard of ale. He'd been absolutely smitten as soon as they walked free from Filavandrel and Geralt smiled at his "Respect doesn't make history" nonsense, thinking he wouldn't see. They had travelled together for the better part of a month, before destiny had parted them again. At an inn at the crossroads Jaskier had stolen a pretty lad's virginity and Geralt had ridden off into the sunset, not knowing he had stolen Jaskier's heart in turn. 'Good old days.'
Only that they weren't good anymore. Jaskier heaved a sigh that sounded more like a sob than anything else. What had previously been a rose-and-gold-coloured fantasy of a memory, seemed now rather dull, truth be told.
After a few weeks going their separate way, Jaskier had heard of a witcher near Hagge and gone to seek him out. They had travelled again, on and off. Most of the time it had been him, who had actively looked for Geralt, tracking down rumours about white-haired monster hunters. But not always.
Right before the whole child surprise ordeal, it had been him performing in a tavern and Geralt barrelling inside, interrupting him mid-song. "Jaskier!" the witcher had shouted. "There you are. I've got a contract, come with me?"
Or that other time in early fall. He'd gotten himself a comfortable place for the winter in the home of some noble lady, who he'd been entertaining with music, poems and other uses of his silver tongue alike, when one early evening a servant knocked on their door, quite adamantly insisting there was a visitor for the troubadour. His host had been none too pleased when he'd gotten up and dressed to greet a witcher of all people. "What the fuck were you thinking, bard," Geralt had growled, "not showing up all summer. I thought you were dead."
All in all, Jaskier had thought that his affection was, at least to some extent, reciprocated. And now this.
After twenty years the moment he'd dreaded had finally come. Twenty years of lavishing Geralt with love. Geralt, the person who'd been told he couldn't feel, mustn't feel. Twenty years of shouting his adoration to the heavens, to finally be told that it was unwanted.
To borrow Geralt's words: "Fuck." He needed a drink.
Geralt of Rivia was an idiot and he knew it. The revelation had dawned on him almost instantly after his foolish outbreak. Well, not entirely instantly. He had a feeling, at the very least, although he hadn't expected the bard to take his words literally. 
He hadn't been able to get rid of him with his gruff exterior before, so he hadn't thought he would now. The realisation that Jaskier was truly gone dawned on him, when he reached the base of the mountain a few days later and the bard was nowhere to be found.
Roach was still there, as were Geralt's bags. Their content wasn't. After twenty years of carrying frivolous outfits, chewed-on quills tattered notebooks that smelled of lavender, they were uncomfortably light.
"Fuck," Geralt said quietly. He didn't know why, but some part of him had hoped to find Jaskier there. 'Where he belongs,' his brain supplied unhelpfully. He frowned deeply, trying to rid himself of that thought. Jaskier wasn't some kind of possession to be owned.
But when he settled down for the night that evening, the forest devoid of any melodic chattering, of joyful laughter, of life, he knew it was true. Jaskier might not belong to him, he mused as he crawled into his bedroll. 'But he belongs to my side all the same.'
Somewhere along the twenty years of companionship — gods, was it truly twenty years? It was nothing for him, but such a long time for humans, who aged so fast — Jaskier had managed to firmly worm himself under Geralt's skin, to the point where there was something missing now that he was truly gone.
Geralt slept terribly that night. When the sun rose the next morning, he set out on another hunt. Not for a monster, that time, but the best thing destiny had ever given to him, that he had chased away with his brashness.
The scavenger hunt led him halfway across the continent, until he stumbled into another tavern on the coast of Temeria. Jaskier's trail hadn't been too hard to follow. Apparently, his friend had been fucking and drinking his way through three kingdoms.
And the bard looked as if he was doing a good job of adding a fourth one. He was more than just a little tipsy, sitting rather than standing on the stage. An agonised look passed over his face when he saw Geralt. He wanted to rush over and pull him into a hug, but then Jaskier started singing and the witcher was just frozen in place. It was the most heart-wrenching ballad yet. It took him only about three lines to realise who it was about. 'Fuck,' he thought.
All his instincts told him to flee. He wasn't prepared for this. He couldn't do this. But Jaskier had seen him already. No getting out of it now.
So, he shouldered his way through the crowd Jaskier always attracted and tried to hide in some secluded corner of the tavern. It took incredibly long for the bard to finally finish his set, and even then he made no attempt to seek Geralt out. Instead, he languidly leaned onto the bar, flirting with the barmaid behind it.
He barely suppressed a growl. 'Fine,' he thought and got up to confront his mistakes. He slammed his tankard down next to Jaskier, scaring the barmaid off in the process. "Jaskier," he greeted him.
"Oh, great," he sneered in response. "There goes my bed for the night."
"Hmm," he answered and ducked his head. "I'm sorry."
"What, for chasing off my newest conquest? I fucking hope you are!"
"No, Jaskier," he answered honenstly. "I'm sorry for what I said to you."
"Hmph, you need to do a lot better than that," he said and reached over the bar for a bottle of strong-smelling liquor. He poured himself a glass and knocked it back. Without pause he continued: "Because you know what? I'm fucking angry, Geralt."
"Do we have to do this here?" he hissed. They were attracting glares. Never a good thing for a witcher.
"No," Jaskier admitted and stood up. Bottle in hand he walked towards the stairs. "You're paying for the room."
"Sure," he grumbled and flagged down the innkeep. By the time he had managed to acquire a key, Jaskier had already dragged himself upstairs and drained a good portion of the bottle.
Geralt snorted and unlocked the door, but didn't comment on it. "What I've been trying to say-" he began, and was promptly interrupted:
"How about trying to shut up?" Jaskier hissed and kicked the door shut. "How about trying to listen to me after twenty fucking years?!"
"Jaskier, what I said-"
"This isn't about what you said! Don't you understand? What you said is only the tip of the figurative dragon mountain. I thought you actually liked me! I thought we were friends."
'Shit,' Geralt thought and ground his teeth. "Hmm."
Jaskier laughed hoarsely. "Oh, great. That same old story again. Why am I even bothering...?" He drank straight from the bottle, swaying a bit on his feet.
"You're drunk," he tried to say as neutrally as possible.
"And you're shutting me out again," he countered. Neither of them were wrong.
"I don't know what to say," Geralt tried.
Jaskier wasn't impressed: "Evidently." He made no attempt to follow that up with anything.
After a few moments of silence, Geralt realised that it was his turn to try and fix this mess with words of all things. "I can't sleep," he tried. "Not since you left."
"Poor you," Jaskier mocked cruelly. "I can't either."
"I can't sleep without you," he tried again. "It's cold. I'm dreaming. And when I wake up I'm alone. Roach is a horrible conversationalist and my camps are too big."
Jaskier put the bottle down slowly, gaping at him.
"I walked the path for decades without you and it was fine. It's not anymore. I can't do it any longer. And I guess... I guess I was scared." The words weren't any less intimidating once he'd finally said them. "You said I talk in my sleep?"
"You do."
"I don't. It's been beaten out of me in Kaer Morhen."
He closed his eyes as tightly as he could. It was stupid, he knew. Childish, even. But he couldn't look at Jaskier for this. "So, I meant it. Every word of it."
No reaction.
"Please, Jaskier, I need you to forgive me."
"Give me one reason and I just might." He could hear him come closer. "Say it," he demanded. "Look me in the eye and say it."
It took him every ounce of his discipline to open his eyes and look at Jaskier, barely two feet away from him. "I love you," he said quietly.
"I love you. I've loved you for years, and it scared me, so I couldn't let you know. Witchers aren't supposed to be scared, and that scared me even more, and-"
The rest of his words was silenced by Jaskier's lips. The bard practically leapt at him, snaking his arms around his neck and pulling him close. "You're an idiot," he said when he pulled away. "A fool, a nitwit, an absolute imbecile. The stupidest man alive!"
"I am," he agreed, looping his arms around his waist.
"Why, oh why, do I have to love you of all people?"
"You love me?"
He laughed a teary laugh. "I do, I do. For years and years. How didn't you notice?"
"Because I'm a fool," Geralt said and kissed him again. He just couldn't resist.
"I'm still angry," Jaskier informed him.
"That's alright. But you don't hate me?"
"Far from it."
"And when I wake up on the morrow, you'll be there?"
"Yes," Jaskier promised with another kiss.
Geralt couldn't help but grin. "Good."
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 27+28.11.20 lbs
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lmao i was gonna get suuuuuuper mad at kabir for being in her room but then he’s like:
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....................... and i instantly snorted happily. vishal is realllllllllly just so likable that i just can’t with him anymore. i love when adorable marshmallows like him and shrenu play evil. you just cannot fucking hate them!
blah blah humaara kamra, mera kamra nonsense.
shaadi ka joda gift. with that tackyyyyyyyyyyyyassss KABIR KI RIDDHIMA written on it. main marr jaooon par kabhi bhi aisa kuch na pehnoon, no matter how much i love the guy.
“kuch hi derr mein tum VANSH ki riddhima se, KABIR ki riddhima ho jaogi.” coz even in 2020, women are nothing but chattel to be passed on from one man to another.
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riddhima is thinking fat chance, bitch.
telling him she’ll never wear red for him, coz “laal pyaar ka rang hota hai, aur main sirf ek insaan se pyaar karti hoon, aur woh hai vansh.”
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“toh yeh bhi vansh ke paise se hi liya hai.” lmaooooooooo
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ghani beizzati by saying she’s already bought a joda for herself, a white one. which honestly looks muchhhhhhhhhh nicer than the red one acc. to me but ok.
vansh checking his account balance and seeing that there’s charges for two wholeass designer jodas bought for a shaadi that’s not even gonna happen:
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anyway kabir’s like ok who cares, colour doesn’t matter, shaadi toh tumhari honi hai mujhse blah blah.
kabir doesn’t like mandap setup. coz all white. and apparently aryan was in charge of it? coz he’s getting dragged by the collar for it.
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good. i don’t feel any sympathy.
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ishani is like dekh liya nateeeja iss loserrrrrrrr ki khushaamad karne ka? when has vansh ever treated you like this no matter how mad he’s gotten at you? he always protected you.
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behen kyun bhains ke aage been bajaa rahi ho? yeh manhoos baaz nahi aana.
ishani flounced away and aryan’s now vowing revenge against kabir. abbe yaar, tera list toh kabhi khata hi nahi hota.
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why the fuck are these ppl soooooooooo dressed up for a wedding they don’t even want to participate in? itna toh main apni genuine shaadi ke liye naa sajjjjjjoon.
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suddenly ishani is allllll about bado ka sammaaan and parampara, pratishthaaaaa, anushaasan and all. lmao ok?????
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tod di choodi uski kalaayi par. jaisa bhai, waisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hi behen.
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shaadi mubarak indeed. lol.
riddhima’s calling vihaan and freakingout ki woh paise leke bhaag gaya. you are so fucking stupid sis, why would you give him that much fucking money BEFORE HE EVEN SHOWED THE FUCK UP??????????
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“tum thodi weird nahi ho????” bhai obvious sawaal naa pooch.
anyway he’s like calm yo tits, untwist your panties, i’ll get there on time.
kabir instead of fixing his maatam waala mandap is back skulking around vihaan’s container box house. ladki ko shaadi karni bhi nahi hai and she’s sitting there ready from 3 hours before, aur yeh, jissko shaadi ki utaavli chadhi thi, is out doing randomassssss jasoosi, coz that’s the priority rn. sounds legit. 
kabir sneaking in with gunnnnnnn.
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how the fuck am i supposed to take him seriously with these bachchon waale sports shoes?!!?!?!? GIVE THE MAN HIS COMBAT BOOTS BACK SO HELP ME GODDDDDD
he’s peeking in the door and making some threatening statements about oh ho yeh hai tumhara plan, main sab khatammmmm kar doonga and all, but we never see wtf he’s looking at and this show is fulllllllllllll of red herrings, so........ idc.
riddhima putting on previous mangalsutra for this wedding and..... guts toh hai bandi main. badiii dheent hai.
mummy coming and saying blah blah usse utaar do this is your new mangalsutra and lmaoooooooooooooo
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this is the tackiest fucking shit i’ve ever seen in my life. what’s with their obsession of putting their name on everything!?!!!?!!? what are you, an eight grader?!?!!?!?
anyway, bored with this ainvayi ki dhamki waala scene, fwding.
blah blah 2 ghante mein kaunsa chamatkaar hona hai and all......... WHY ARE YOU PPL SO DAMN OVERCONFIDENT????
meanwhile kabir is back and now harassing dadi. KISI KO TOH AKELA CHOD DE.  
actually, lmao, i’d love to see him go try this shit on ishani and angre. it would be fucking glooooooooooorious lololololol.
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chikni chupdi baatein ki i’m just trying to be the son vansh was to this house. if i wear his saafa, it’s like uski aashirwaad aur duaein meri saath hongi.
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anyway dadi is like really really fucking hurt by this and my god i wanna fucking murder kabir.
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she’s literally telling him to pick anything else, it’s vansh’s nishaani and he’s like aap sab ke paas koi na koi nishaani hai, mere paas apne bhai ki koiiiiiiiii nishaani nahi hai blah blah and oh my god, this is truly the most villainous thing kabir has done, being thisssssss fucking emotionally manipulative. the absolute fuckkkkkkkk.
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ugh anyway long story short. baandh diya dadi ne ukso saafa. bloody nonsense.
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poor dadi phoot phoot ki ro rahi hai ki she’s losing vansh bit by bit. awwwww man it’s genuinely heartbreaking.
riddhima has witnessed this and is about to fuckkkkkk shit up lolll. 
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lmaoooooooooooo dayum.
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wtf is your problem, i’m marrying you, why are you torturing the fam like this blah blah. kabir like physical, emotional, moral sabbbbbbbbbbb tarah se tod ke rakh doonga inn sabko and ugh god i just really fucking hate him.
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but damn he just looks really good in this sherwani and hair all mussed up.
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anyway he’s doing some real messed-up, genocidal dictator kinda talk and phew. is just askinggggggggg to be murdered.
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and then lmao he abruptly switched to “bohut khoobsurat lag rahi ho tum; time kya ho raha hai???? ooooooh ek ghanta baaki hai.” and i legittttttt lol’d at the way he delivered it. I HATE VISHAL FOR NOT LETTING ME HATE KABIR IN PEACEEEEEEEEE.
riddhima panic-calling vihaan, wants to go check on him. mummy ne pakad liya, room mein badh kar diya coz K told her to handle riddhima’s bhagodi dulhan ways.
great. riddhima’s having a breakdown.
motivational call from the choti sarrdaarni. she kinda just looks like a tall baby shivangi joshi had with aditi dev sharma????
le, doosre show waale heroine ko bhi pata hai kabir kameena hai, iss show mein 3 episode pehle pata chala issko.
ok is the choti sarrdaarni delusional and having a make-believe phone call with the protagonist of her favt tv show IMMJ, coz she knows waaaaay more details than even the people in this house know about the plot and what went down. she’s talking about how vansh aakhri pal tak ladta raha and riddhima’s like huh, news to me, i just got there in time to see him spout some ghatiya shayari and then throw himself off a cliff.
anyway riddhima seems to have gotten strength from this deranged phone call, so............. good for her, i guess.
next ep just abruptly started with kabir and mummy in riddhima’s room threatening her and i just.......... dude, whatever. i’m just gonna skim through this ep coz i know it’s just filler shit till literally the last 1 minute. 
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dang helly looked evennnnnnnn younger in the first eps. legit baby face. at least now they’ve aged her up a lil with the makeup and styling.
he’s saying don’t bother waiting, no one is gonna come. OH BOY. VIHAAN ARE YOU OK????? ARE YOU OK??????? ARE YOU OK VIHAAN?!?!?!?!?
cue riddhima’s panic attack.
lmao kabir telling mummy ki iss shaadi mein ab koi speedbreaker nahi hai lol. heavy foreshadowing that ab se everything that can go wrong is definitely gonna go wrong.
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suddenly at the speed of light kabir is back at the container home in his sherwani and saafa and holding vihaan at gunpoint????
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oh. sapna tha riddhima ka. ouff. this stupid show has tooooo fucking many dream sequences.
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someone give this bitch a klonopin coz watching her is making my anxiety shoot up.
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lol mummy has to call and give bad news to kabir. and i am sad we didn’t get to see his volcanic reaction, which no doubt would have been epicccccccccccc.
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she finally got in and the whole place is empty. he practically lives in a storage unit, you telling me he went and moved his stuff to a whole different storage unit?????
new freakout within the pre-existing panic attack: kabir ne vihaan ko saaf kar diya ya vihaan paise leke bhaag gaya??
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cut to fb: riddhima asking V all earnestly ki tum dhoka toh nahi doge na????
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she’s like nope vihaan gave mummy promise so he won’t give dhoka. ah yes, the most sacred and inviolable of promises.
toh bacha alternative ki kabir has vihaan. 4th simultaneous panic attack in a panic attack. someone sedate this bitch.
aaaaaaaaaand kabir has sent a video of a bomb in VR mansion below the mandap. great.
and now he’s calling to say ki get your ass back home or imma scramble these eggheads called the raisinghanias.
lmao the bomb is counting forwards instead of backwards????
mummy saying MY BETA SMAAAAAARTEST. haan, tha..... kisi zamaane mein. ab nihaayati bewakoof ho gaya hai.
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lmao kabir accosted a passing by angre and is like you need to be loyal to me as you were to vansh and lol angre’s like saaf saaf shabdon mein, fuckkkkkkk off.
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lmao he goes to phodofy naariyal and:
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abhi bappa ko huullllllllll de raha hai. overconfidence ki hadh toh dekho.
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riddhima is back and hunting for the bomb and kabir comes bouncing the fake bomb around and she’s legit like TUMNE MUJHSE JHOOOOOT BOLA?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? lol bitch, seriously???? because he’s been the paragon of truth and virtue up until this moment??????
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“apna hulia sudhaar ke aao. 5 min mein mrs. kabir banne waali ho. thoda standard toh match karo.” lmaooooo the sasss and disdaaaaaain he said that withhhhhh. boy knows he’s looking damn good today.
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anyway blah blah shaadi has started. dadi is sad af. to the point where ishani is looking really concerned. i really love this soft ishani.
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“kaash samay ka paiyya ulta ghoom jaaye aur mera vansh wapis aa jaaye mere paas.”
dadi, shoulda asked for world peace instead. just the one wish you had and you wasted it on getting your hellion pota back. 
some more in-room threatening of riddhima by mummy. while riddhima is throwing out last minute prayers to bappa and vihaan ki bas just do something and stop this whole shitshow.
vihaan ka toh pata nahi, the shady fuck, but bappa like:
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i gotchu girl.
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bhaari bhaari flashback waali walk down the stairs.
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ouffffff so much time wasteeeeeeeeeee.
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watch that he was wearing while falling off the cliff? ✅✅✅
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wedding ring that was not found on the dead body????? ✅✅✅
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“YEH SHAADI NAHI HO SAKTI” booooooooming across the whole damn neighbourhood in the fakest deep voice everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr???? ✅✅✅
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haan yeh sab toh theek hai.............. 😕😕😕
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par asli sexxxxxxxxx waali chemistry idhar hai!!!!!!!! UNFFFFFF. 🤩🤩🤩
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chrisevansluv · 3 years
This Brazilian girl getting catfished reminded of how many South American, Russian and Asian fans get catfished. Like idk of they're delusional or don't have much idea about celebrities and live in their fantasy world. Btw,the South American and Asian stats is something I got from someone else, but the Asian one I've seen irl(because I'm Asian and this issue spans across the whole continent from what I've seen)
Like I remember on LSA a woman who's been moderating CE fan pages since forever(she said she's been a fan before he got worldwide fame) was shocked by the amount of young girls who thought her fan page was his personal profile and sent him n*des and lewd photos. Most of them were minors at that! She was super concerned and even after sending out PSAs her page would get such messages. Also back in 2017-2018 or maybe 2019, remember Chris had to tweet that there's some impersonator online going around asking people for money? Like fuck man,that has to be so fucking stressful to live with!
Though I cannot tell with the twitter kids tbh. Their humor is so fucking weird......or maybe we're right in seeing their desperate and delusional acts while they call it off as humor 🙄
Seriously tho I saw a pretty famous CE IG account photoshop a picture that Chris himself wished him on his birthday and while I could tell his friends were in on the joke congratulating him,some regular people did definitely think it was a 100% real and he even replied back saying it was real(I know this because this kid had a famous Twitter fan account but deleted it a few months back, like he's famous for coming up with BS like that. He made the April Fool's post about People's magazine reporting that Chris was in a relationship with some nice girl from Boston)
1) You always gotta be careful online, because you will never know if you're talking to the person they say they are. As for those actually thinking they might be talking to Chris... Well, don't fall for that trap and ignore those accounts.
2) As for the trolling fam, I think there are 2 different types of trolls and fakes: those who do it for "fun" and those who do it for clout attention. I don't find either funny nor interesting, bit the difference is that the first ones are directly admitting they're trolling and lying, while others keep trying to make others believe it's true. A bit clearer: one is harmless and the other tries to cause drama
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darkshadow90 · 4 years
A Rant about people judging others for finding Penny’s death upsetting.
Hey, guys. This post is gonna be a little different than the ones I’ve made in the past. This one is more of a rant. I really need to get something off my chest. It’s bothered me, and it bothers me even more that people are okay with what Arthur did, and then judge people like me who find it upsetting. Even if it has nothing to do with the context of the situation. Before I get into it, I want to clarify that this has nothing to do with the Joker fandom, nor is it directed toward anyone specifically. Y’all are cool, and I think you’ll understand where I’m coming from. This is more about the reactions I’ve read about and seen from random people in general. Also there will be swears in this post, so just a heads up.
Okay, so, obviously there are a lot of unsettling scenes in Joker. One of them that really got me was the scene when Arthur kills Penny. It still bothers me, but I can handle it better than I did the first time I saw it. Just so you all know, I’m a really sensitive person. I don’t like scenes in movies that involve violence against animals, or scenes where defenseless people are hurt or killed. If movies have scenes like that, I skip them. I don’t care about the context involved. That shit fucks me up. Unfortunately, because it was in the theater, I couldn’t skip it. Also, I didn’t think Arthur was gonna kill Penny. I thought he was gonna confront her about everything. But then the movie was like “LOL, no.” So here’s what happened the first time I saw it.
I’m sitting there, processing everything Arthur just found out. I was so heartbroken for him. I wanted to hug him so badly. The scene where he’s in Penny’s hospital room comes up. I’m thinking “This must be where Arthur confronts her about everything he found out. What will she say to him when he asks her about the abuse, and the fact that he was adopted?” Well, none of that happened. Arthur doesn’t say a word to Penny about the abuse he suffered. He never mentions she adopted him, that Thomas Wayne isn’t his father. He’s just angry at her. He says he always hated the last name “Fleck” that his laugh was never a condition, it was the real him. When he gets up and says, “You know what’s funny? You wanna know what really makes me laugh?” I knew some bad shit was about to happen. Then he snatches the pillow out from under her neck. I was upset. As dumb as it sounds, I was internally hoping Arthur wouldn’t do it. And then he proceeds to smother her, I was silently pleading for him to stop. He pins her down under his weight brutally smothering her with a pillow without displaying emotion. Penny is literally defenseless against him. He has no problem killing a defenseless person. The whole scene upset me. It was so hard to watch. I was so upset Arthur did that.
Now, I’m not making excuses for Penny. I know Arthur was abused. Yes, I know Penny wasn’t the best mother ever. But here’s the thing. We don’t know what actually happened. There are two headlines in the news papers. One says “House of Horrors for Mother and Son.” The other says, “Mother Allowed Her Son’s Abuse.” I believe both Arthur and Penny were abused by her boyfriend. Maybe the reason Penny said she never heard him crying and Arthur always seemed like such a happy little boy really was because Penny never saw him sad. Maybe her boyfriend threatened Arthur with worse abuse if he cried in front of Penny. Maybe Penny tried to get help for both of them, but was dismissed because of her mental health issues, which makes me wonder. I get things were different in those times, but how was a mentally ill woman able to adopt a child in the first place? Adoption wasn’t easy for many people back then, and I would think it would be especially difficult for someone with mental health issues to adopt a child. I don’t know if Penny completely allowed the abuse to happen or not. The truth could be somewhere in the middle. Now, about Penny Lying to Arthur about her relationship with Thomas Wayne. I don’t think she was intentionally lying to Arthur. She was delusional. She thinks her relationship with Thomas Wayne was real. She thinks she was telling the truth. I don’t get the impression she was deliberately lying or trying to trick Arthur into believing he’s Thomas Wayne’s son. I think she genuinely believes it’s the truth. And there are some things that could suggest the relationship between her and Thomas Wayne was real. Thomas Wayne isn’t exactly the nicest guy. We know that for sure. We also know he’s a very wealthy man. It’s very possible that he covered up the relationship with Penny, and had her locked up in Arkham. Due to his wealth, he has been a highly prolific figure in Gotham, probably even before he ran for Mayor. He probably always had plans to run for Mayor and he knew if word got out that he was in a relationship and had a son with an employee, it would be a scandal, so he probably used connections he had in Arkham to help him cover it up. After all, who would believe a woman with a history of mental illness? Also, it’s likely Thomas did get Penny’s letters, and he ignored Penny’s requests for help. That could explain why she never heard from him. I looked at the handwriting on the back of the picture of her and a man, probably Thomas together. It said, “Love your smile. T.W.” I’m not entirely sure, but the handwriting on the back of the picture looked different from the handwriting in Penny’s letter to Thomas. I don’t think it was Penny’s handwriting. She could’ve written that, but I don’t think so. I doubt Penny would have different handwriting for just one picture. I also don’t think she would write that to herself. It’s definitely suspicious.
So why did I go on a tangent about Penny, you may ask? Because I want to look at things in a different perspective. There are usually multiple sides to a story. The person I was with told me I shouldn’t be upset about what Arthur did, that Penny is no angel. And yeah, I agree. Penny wasn’t mother of the year. But I don’t know if I believe everything Arthur/Joker is showing us without question. This is the fucking Joker. We will only see what he wants us to see, even if it turns out parts of the story are twisted around. I wasn’t the only one who found the scene upsetting. I saw a comment thread of people talking about how the scene made them cry. Other people left the theater because it was too much for them. And the replies they got pissed me off. Things like “Lol what a bunch of babies. Why are they upset?” “She deserved it. She lied to him and let him be abused. I was happy when he killed her.” People could’ve been trolling. I don’t care. It’s more about the fact that there are people out there who were trying to justify Arthur killing the woman who raised him, and even worse someone who was defenseless against him. It’s not entirely clear what really happened. Also, while I may understand why Arthur killed Penny, and I may have both empathy and sympathy for him, it doesn’t make it right. I’m not talking about people who sympathize with Arthur and can understand his actions. We all feel bad for Arthur, what he’s been through, how he’s been treated. We just want good things for him. I’m talking about the people who are totally fine with him killing Penny, and are dicks to the people who find it upsetting and are like “Why are you upset? He was abused so it’s fine.” Those people exist. It’s scary as fuck. Thankfully, I haven’t seen any of them in the Joker fam.
I’ll go ahead and talk about what bothers me so much about this scene. Regardless of the context, of wether or not Penny allowed Arthur to be abused or not, of wether her relationship with Thomas Wayne was real or not, Arthur ruthlessly smothers a defenseless person to death. Arthur loved Penny up until that point. He looked after her, did everything to make sure she was cared for. But then, after finding out some heartbreaking information about her, and her past, and things about his past, he was able to just cut any of those feelings he had for her entirely? I get that he would be angry, but as I said earlier he never asks her about anything he found out. He never says, “Hey, Penny/Mom. I went by Arkham and found out you adopted me. I’m not really Thomas Wayne’s son. I also found out you had an abusive boyfriend and I was horribly abused by him. How could you let that happen? Why did you lie to me about everything?” I know that’s not the best thing to say when confronting someone about delicate information, but he still could’ve mentioned those things to her. It’s like Arthur assumes Penny knows why he’s upset. But she doesn’t. She just sees that he came to visit her one day and is upset. She has no idea. And as he’s smothering her, she’s probably terrified and confused. Arthur was emotionless the whole time. He killed the woman who raised him like it was no big deal. Doesn’t it seem weird that he wasn’t reacting at all? He wasn’t crying no guilt, nothing. And that, in spite of how interesting I find Arthur, in spite of the sympathy I have for him, and just want him to find love and be happy is one of the things that scares the shit out of me about him the most. It scares me about Joker even more. This touches a bit on my post about what a relationship with them would actually be like, and I want to reiterate the potential danger a girl could find herself in.
No one is safe from Arthur or Joker. I believe he would be capable of loving someone, and wouldn’t intentionally hurt them. The scary thing to consider is, if Arthur thinks the girl he’s with wronged him in any way, her life would be in danger. If he can kill the woman who raised him like it’s no big deal, if he can kill his own mother, he can do the same to her. There might be a slim chance she’d be okay. If she can show that he’s misinterpreted a situation, he’ll see that he overreacted and feel terrible about it. And if she found out about him killing people he would try to console her and try to make her understand why he did it. He would promise he would never hurt her. He might not be able to keep that promise. With Joker, it would be even worse. If he thinks she wronged him, he wouldn’t give her a chance to explain everything. He would be convinced what she did happened and that would be it. If Joker killed someone in front of her, he wouldn’t give a shit about how she felt about it. He would ask her why she’s upset about it and then tell her they deserved it. God help her if Joker thinks she wronged him. Talk about waking up every morning constantly afraid Joker will lose his shit. She would be walking on eggshells every day. So yeah, just wanted to touch on that point real quick.
To wrap things up, I’ve been holding my feelings about Penny’s death and the people who justify what Arthur did back for awhile. Again, this isn’t directed to anyone specifically. Just random people who got a kick out of it and made excuses for why it was okay, and then are assholes to people who found it upsetting. I’ve seen a GIF online of a guy that has a shocked expression on his face, then as it zooms out he’s clapping. There are captions on it that say, “My reaction when Arthur kills *insert people here*” There was one for each person he killed, including Penny. It was probably just a joke and that’s fine. But I’m also sure there are people who got a kick out of watching that scene. And for those people, I sincerely hope they seek professional help. Just a quick side note: I still love the movie. Penny’s death scene doesn’t make me love it any less. I’m actually very glad I was able get through rest of the movie the first time I saw it lol What can I say maybe I am a weak person. Okay, rant over. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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Jac & Amelia
Jac: [So the vibe is evidently just showing up at the pre-drinks at this gfs house, we'll have to be some level of wasted to have the nerve so from the off it's a mood lol] Amelia: [a select gathering of the gays that you weren't invited too, but it's okay because Amelia can't throw you out when everyone else is like yeah come through] Jac: [literally you'd have to make such a drama and that's not you and also no one knows why you stopped being besties so it clearly appears chill from the outside, I vote the club should be a gay one so you have to commit to that hen] Amelia: [agreed because clearly her gf has planned this because Amelia's plan was to go and get that haircut and outfit with her mum so] Jac: [too pure for this bitch, we all know this is just an excuse for her to party like any other night really, which is rude, do something special but no, at least you're simply that hoe so it's not like we even have to work hard here, the flirting is blatant] Amelia: [it hurts my heart because you know Jamelia would have gone IN for each other's birthdays] Jac: [and her last one was start of transition year so they would've still been friends, AND it was her 16th so it would've been really poppin'] Amelia: [brb sobbing] Jac: [thank god jac is also miserable and only pretending to be living her best life or this would be even ruder] Amelia: [and thank god Amelia isn't in love with this gal] Jac: [and that lmao] Jac: [to me it should be like they just straight up make out on the dance floor 'cos her girlfriend is the 'its not a big deal omg!' type but even if it weren't, it is because it's Jac] Amelia: [hence when Amelia loses it it's Jac she's shouting at and being like how could you do this to me etc not her gf] Jac: [mhmm mHM we all know she's barely speaking at this point so she's not gonna say anything and your gf will be going off 'cos she looks the gobby type so you can slap her if you need babe lol] Amelia: [she so is the gobby type, Amelia just straight up dismissing her because this isn't about you babe I gotta scream at Jac rn thank you] Jac: [meanwhile we're just trying to walk away like the audacity] Amelia: [literally like SAY SOMETHING! because is there anything more frustrating than when someone won't react and you're literally 💔] Jac: [there is not, just shouting 'I'M SORRY' ala Tracy because we do not sound sorry at all but she is never a loud person so everyone else is gonna be shook like damn] Amelia: [your aunt Cass would be proud of that, but Amelia just gonna walk away] Jac: [good lord go home gal, or at least a different club lol, also like to point out she has a September birthday so also would've been after Savannah left so that would've been cheery lol] Amelia: [nice parallel because we know Amelia's walking home but fuck knows how far it would be, we're not at Erin's house now hens] Jac: [I'm sure you don't live right in town, your fam seems a suburb type so that'll be a nice trek, you poor bitch] Amelia: [just sobbing the whole time probably, even though she's not a crier like Savannah is] Jac: [you'd have to have a cry, if Jac hadn't gone catatonic as a defence mechanism, she would be too] Amelia: [which is why we're not getting our parents to pick us up because don't wanna be sobbing to this degree in front of them and her mum already hates the gf so we don't want the I told you so either] Amelia: [plus her mum probably thinks she's over Jac by now because we downplaying things forever] Jac: [parents can only be so much of a MVP at this age] Amelia: [I think when they see each other again it should be another argument that turns into Amelia kissing her because that's a trope for a reason] Jac: [yes, you are both owed it without the audience tbh] Amelia: [like I have no idea where they are when that happens, are you gonna show up on her doorstep to have another argument or what gal lol] Jac: [maybe you had somewhere you went together, idk where or what vibe, so you know she's gonna be there, even if it's just a different club and you're outside angsting] Amelia: [ooh excellent, yeah there's any number of places that could be 'theirs' you've known each other long enough] Jac: [precisely, it can be as everyday and unspecial or the opposite as we'd like, Dublin centre is not that big it's not insane to suggest] Amelia: [when do you think that is, clearly pretty soon after because the emotions have gotta be high] Jac: [yeah, sooner rather than later, like we did this for a reason and like you said, it's too frustrating when someone won't react to you] Amelia: [literally could be the next day/night I'd believe it] Jac: [i literally thought you meant the same night so yes i agree lol] Amelia: [omg that's even better tbh] Jac: like you turn round like AND ANOTHER THING, tensions are beyond that high] Amelia: [exactly] Jac: [at least Amelia is angry enough to break it off 'cos the levels of fucks you don't give rn about anything] Amelia: [yeah she's angry and sad enough to be like ffs what am I doing and actually go home] Jac: [thanks babe, we all know it happens but don't need it to literally look like 2nd choice to your hoe gf 'cos it ain't that] Amelia: [how am I gonna start a convo from here because I clearly am lol] Jac: [thank god you both drunk, I can do it if you want] Amelia: [go ahead if you think you can boo] Jac: you home safe Amelia: no, I'm dead in a ditch Jac: great Amelia: it'll make life easier for you, yeah Jac: my life couldn't be any rosier Amelia: 🥀🥀🥀 Jac: glad to see your flare for the dramatic ain't died in that ditch with you Jac: flair, which one Jac: idk Amelia: you took that over from me, remember Amelia: you really fucking did Jac: aren't you impressed Amelia: if you'd got there earlier you could've pushed me out of the way to blow the candles out on the cake my mum bought too Jac: you don't wanna be kids no more? Jac: could've said sooner Amelia: she's not a doll, she just wants to look like one Jac: who? Amelia: the girlfriend you wanted to share so badly Jac: oh her Jac: bride of chucky maybe Amelia: you did scare everyone with your apology Amelia: very exorcist-ish Jac: I was going for Carrie Jac: oh well Jac: still a better match than you two ain't it Amelia: oh you were trying to win a prom queen sash with acts of charity Amelia: I get it Jac: shouldn't you be throwing all this shade at her Amelia: wait, I'll add her in Jac: ha Jac: go ahead Amelia: she won't accept, sorry Amelia: I did try Jac: devastating Amelia: are you home safe? Jac: yeah Amelia: you do have the 👿👹👺👻 inside protecting you, I guess Jac: its always got a home inside me Amelia: well yeah, you don't ever kiss anyone long enough for it to transfer hosts Jac: you'll wanna get rid of the girlfriend then Jac: before you get infected Amelia: you already did that for me, such a good 🥳🎂🎁 Jac: couldn't think what else to get ya Amelia: 💐? Amelia: no? Jac: thought she might have beat me to it Jac: made a bit of an effort Amelia: she wanted me, that's all I needed Jac: past tense Jac: and that's definitely not the first time she's done that Amelia: what do you care? Jac: you think this is how i'd show it if I did Amelia: I try not to think about you anymore Jac: there's no need to make yourself sound stupid in the process Amelia: not when you're there to make me look it Jac: you'll get another girlfriend Amelia: because that's what is ripping my heart out about this Jac: that's your problem Amelia: stay the fuck away from me Amelia: if you'd done that I wouldn't have a problem Jac: I plan on it Jac: done what I needed to do Amelia: great Jac: enjoy what's left of your big day then Jac: have some 🎂 Amelia: you've made sure I can't Amelia: where's Savannah Moore with a 👏 emoji when you need her? Jac: Sligo Jac: last I heard Amelia: those poor country lads Jac: you've never cared about any lad a day in your life Jac: you can just admit you miss her Amelia: 😂 Jac: hilarious Amelia: not really Amelia: but I physically can't cry any more, I must be dehydrated Jac: unsurprising Jac: me either Amelia: 🍾🥂 Amelia: have a nice life then Amelia: probably leave tonight out of your achievements during the uni interviews Jac: nah Jac: diversity and adversity is all the rage Amelia: that's why I'll be mentioning it Jac: you're welcome x2 Amelia: 🙌 Jac: you sure she don't wanna join Jac: 'cos she's annoying me Amelia: I don't care what she wants or feel sorry for you Jac: yeah Jac: then tell her that Jac: not relaying your message Amelia: I have Jac: she's a liar too, makes sense Amelia: you're well suited Jac: besides the obvious Amelia: that you've done what you needed to do, yeah Amelia: tell her that Jac: I have Jac: not my fault she's so thick she only understands actions Amelia: if she's been messaging you since the 💋 you'll have had time to tell her everything I didn't Amelia: even if it has to be via charades Jac: the fact I didn't fuck her is all the information she's getting from me Amelia: the dancefloor's a bit public even for her Amelia: but maybe she'll be willing to break the rules for you, that's what people do Jac: let's not pretend it was about her Jac: only room for one delusional person in a relationship, don't you know? Amelia: you're ready for that, are you? Amelia: I don't know anything about relationships as it turns out Jac: first cut is the deepest Amelia: if you're going to sing, it's meant to be Happy Birthday Jac: yeah, you wish Amelia: I only got the one and I've already used it Jac: don't tell or it won't come true Amelia: I don't remember it now anyway Jac: bullshit Amelia: if it was 💇🏻 related it definitely didn't come true Jac: you didn't get a fringe Amelia: I still hate it Jac: it's not why you got cheated on Amelia: thanks, that makes me feel loads better about 👧🏻 Amelia: can you just take the posts down please Jac: I dunno Amelia: Jac Jac: fuck sake Jac: one thing Amelia: just do it Jac: then that's it Jac: there's your present, I don't owe you nothing Amelia: no, then that's it because I don't want anything to do with you Amelia: it doesn't make us even Jac: I don't give a shit about being even with you Jac: I win Jac: end of Amelia: it's not a fucking game Jac: you're the only one not playing Amelia: so leave me out of it Jac: that's another favour Jac: pick one Amelia: fuck you Jac: i'm keeping the pictures up then Amelia: enjoy your win Jac: naturally Amelia: 👏👏👏 Jac: you aren't her Amelia: you aren't you Amelia: it still doesn't make us even Jac: maybe you never knew me Jac: we weren't friends, after-all Amelia: there's no maybe about it, if we were ever friends you wouldn't treat me like this Jac: nothing is as simple as you'd like it to be Jac: but sure Amelia: you really hurt me again, it's that simple Amelia: and this time it was deliberate Jac: and you don't hurt the people you love Jac: grow up, Amelia Amelia: not like that Jac: that's easier for you Amelia: what about ANY of this is easy for me? Amelia: you told me to try, I did Amelia: now what? Jac: it isn't my responsibility to worry about that Jac: you figure it out Amelia: I had it figured out and you tore it down Amelia: take some fucking responsibility for that Jac: what, with your shit girlfriend who doesn't give a fuck about you Jac: that was wrecked before I got there Jac: deal with that Amelia: you wrecked me before she got there Amelia: I still think about you all the time, miss you all the time Amelia: and I do have to deal with that, all the time Jac: and I've got nothing to deal with Amelia: of course you do Amelia: happy people don't gatecrash and ruin other people's birthdays Jac: then you'll forgive me for not feeling sorry for you Amelia: I don't want you to feel sorry for me, I want you to be sorry for what you just did Jac: you want a lot Amelia: not this time Amelia: it's bare minimum Jac: I'm happy to disappoint and leave you wanting Amelia: then you win again Amelia: congratulations Jac: yipee Amelia: Don't contact me again unless you're got something to say that means something Jac: fine Amelia: you sound faker than Savannah could ever Amelia: it'd be impressive if it worked Jac: have I contacted you before now? Amelia: that doesn't matter because today you did Jac: today I ruined your relationship and birthday Jac: then I asked if you got home Amelia: yeah, and that all means something Jac: it means I wanted to fuck up your life Amelia: at least that wish came true Jac: there's always shooting stars and eyelashes when there isn't candles Amelia: there isn't a quick fix for this Jac: there's no fix Jac: there's only out and it's still 2 fucking years away Amelia: you were supposed to give me time, that's supposed to be one Jac: well I didn't feel like it today Amelia: clearly Jac: get over it Amelia: I'm not even through it, it literally just happened Jac: I'm not apologising, I can't be any clearer Amelia: then don't Amelia: I didn't know how to beg you when we were friends, I can't do it with this version of you Jac: Done? Amelia: I was done before I actually got home Jac: Well I've not gone home Jac: so we both lied there then Amelia: Where have you gone? Jac: what's it to you? Amelia: I don't want what happened to Is to happen to you, or worse Amelia: I care about you Jac: it won't Amelia: I'm calling your parents Jac: maybe I've told them you're obsessed with me already Amelia: maybe but it's still ringing Amelia: they can decide what they want to do Jac: you're such a snitch Amelia: because I really care what you think of me right now Jac: nah, just hope it makes you feel good about yourself worrying my parents for nothing Amelia: I don't feel good about myself because of you Amelia: your parents are irrelevant to me Jac: we've got that in common then Amelia: they're probably going to want to talk to you and I don't so goodnight Jac: Bold of you to think I'd answer Jac: but it is a reason to turn my phone off so yeah Jac: later Amelia: you're really 😎 we get it Jac: that's what I'm doing Jac: you're so smart Amelia: it's why you want to keep the pics up Amelia: like a 🏆 Jac: i wanna keep em up so you have to see them Amelia: I don't have to see them, I've already blocked you both Jac: 😂 Amelia: What's funny? Jac: 🤡😥 would've been more applicable, perhaps Amelia: probably Jac: you can pal up with Is again, she's up for it Amelia: yeah because I really want to drag her into whatever 🎪 you've started up between us Jac: you're so considerate Amelia: something really fucked up happened to her, you were there, don't act like you don't remember Jac: and you weren't there Amelia: I know that Jac: then you don't get to say shit to me about it Amelia: I'm not, I'm saying this isn't about Is Jac: when is it ever Jac: poor girl Amelia: stop it Jac: you walked out on her Jac: she didn't have enough daddy issues? Amelia: I walked out on you Jac: same difference Amelia: you said you'd let me Jac: and I did Amelia: until now Jac: you're only 17 once Jac: it's not going to happen again Amelia: it shouldn't have happened at all Jac: should woulda coulda Amelia: promise me that this is it Jac: I don't fancy your girlfriend Jac: kissing her was bad enough Amelia: I mean, promise me that I don't have to look over my shoulder for the next 2 years in case you decide that you want to ruin my life again Amelia: because I can't Jac: Amelia Amelia: I'm serious, I'll leave school before I let you do this to me for a third time Jac: I'm not in a position to be making promises about anything, to anyone Jac: I'll try Amelia: okay Jac: just Jac: I don't know Jac: never mind Amelia: you're scaring me, you know Amelia: I should've made you promise not to do any reckless shit back then instead of the other way round Jac: everyone's scared Jac: they say it like I can change it Amelia: I thought I was doing the right thing but everything just keeps getting worse Amelia: for me, you and Is Amelia: even for Savannah, Sligo for fuck's sake Jac: even if you'd done it different Jac: I'd still have done the same Jac: it still would've all happened Amelia: what are you going to do now? Jac: nothing matters now Amelia: you matter Amelia: to me Amelia: come to my 🏠 I'll call your parents back Jac: we're not doing this again Jac: no Jac: it's bad enough i have people in my life i can't get rid of Amelia: we're not doing anything Jac: stop caring about me Amelia: I can't Jac: how much more do I have to ruin your life Amelia: you have ruined it, that doesn't mean I want you to be dead in a ditch Jac: all I'm going to do is break your heart over and over and then I'm going to leave forever Amelia: tonight it's already broken and that's all I'm talking about Amelia: take the guest bedroom Jac: no Jac: because then my family will just think we're friends again and that I'm fine Jac: I'll go home, okay, just stop Amelia: if you stop lying, I'll stop this Jac: I'll send you proof, for fuck's sake Amelia: okay Jac: fine Amelia: [we're just waiting for that pic like] Jac: [however long this is gonna take, at least you're probably a bit more central, the most begrudging pic of the front door lmao] Amelia: no, put your outfit in it so I know it wasn't stored on your phone Jac: 'cos I just have pictures of my door Jac: [but does, some weird angle to not get your face in] Jac: haven't got a newspaper, so sorry Amelia: if you hadn't stopped the party early, they might have been delivered Jac: it was a crap party anyway Jac: she hadn't even booked a table Amelia: Yeah Jac: at least you can have a better girlfriend for your 18th Amelia: can I? Are you going to let me Jac: probably not Jac: but if she's less easy to ruin then there's nothing I can do about that Amelia: you'd have to try something else, that's all Jac: obviously Jac: I'm still smart Amelia: I'm not giving you a compliment Jac: I'm not saying I'm not going to ruin your chances at happiness Amelia: it's not like I need you to Amelia: SO capable on my own Jac: it's not taking credit if you're making excuses for me Jac: but alright Amelia: I'm talking about the 💇🏻 which you can't take credit for Jac: it suits you Amelia: that is the most hurtful thing you've ever said Amelia: take it back Jac: it's also true Jac: and you wanted me to stop lying Amelia: 😒 Jac: at least you don't look like every other girl now Amelia: you think I did before? Amelia: also that's because no other girl wants to look like 👧🏻 Jac: I mean everyone has the same hair Jac: you stand out more Amelia: you don't Jac: well I'm special, obviously Amelia: I know Jac: 🙄 Amelia: 😉 Jac: you're an idiot Jac: Jude better be at a sleepover Amelia: her hair stands out Jac: you should tell her that Jac: she'll be so glad her attention-seeking doesn't go unnoticed Amelia: she think I'm flirting with her so no Jac: oh yeah Jac: you're a predatory lesbian now Amelia: I kissed you Jac: after I kissed your girlfriend Amelia: you don't fancy her Amelia: that wasn't why you did it Jac: she fancies herself enough Amelia: So does Savannah, that wasn't a problem for you Jac: don't talk about her Amelia: sure, I wouldn't want to upset you Amelia: what's the point being 💔 if you're not the saddest Jac: she's gone, there's no point talking about her Amelia: my parents know hers, she's not gone from dinner table conversation at my 🏠 Jac: sucks for you then Amelia: sucks more for her that she's been sent to catholic school Jac: Catholic school? Amelia: yeah, her dad had that brainwave Jac: that is unfortunate Jac: probably a better school than ours though, so she'll be thrilled Amelia: it's my dad's favourite joke threat now Jac: at least you could avoid me Amelia: true, I should call his bluff and take him up on it next time Jac: go for it Jac: it's only me that has to write off this shit school on her uni app Amelia: the rest of your app will more than make up for it Jac: that's the plan Amelia: exactly, so it's not technically a compliment Jac: you're shit at this Amelia: thanks Jac: no, that really wasn't a compliment Jac: not one of your not technicallys Amelia: 😏 Jac: did you get a car Jac: I bet you got a car Amelia: [a picture of it because why not say she did] Jac: just got to pass now Jac: then you can go where you like Amelia: then I can runaway Jac: nah Jac: they'd take you off their insurance and you'd be fucked Amelia: because I'd never drive without insurance Jac: the police would be frantically looking for you as is Jac: that's always how murderers get caught out Amelia: 🤫 you're ruining this too Jac: you fantasize on your own time Amelia: this is my own time, you're home safe Amelia: I don't owe you my full attention now that your 👅 isn't in my ex girlfriend's mouth Jac: have you kissed anyone else Amelia: no Jac: do you regret it being her Amelia: it wasn't you, that's what I regret Amelia: but it couldn't be so Jac: yeah Jac: at least it was a girl Amelia: I'm not stupid enough to kiss any boys Jac: some just call it heterosexual Amelia: and I'm not so it'd be stupid for me Jac: alright Amelia: but I should probably kiss more girls Jac: why should you Amelia: because she'll think all the wrong things if I don't Jac: true Jac: I thought you didn't care about what people thought though Amelia: I'm going to have to find new friends from somewhere Jac: don't you gays stick together Amelia: she sticks with them and I don't want to see her Jac: you move fast Amelia: I don't really have a choice, do I? Jac: I don't need friends Amelia: handy since you don't have any Jac: that's why I don't Amelia: yeah, because you only care about what you need Jac: duh Amelia: did you ever care about me? Jac: don't be stupid Amelia: did you ever care about me when it wasn't because you needed something? Jac: what kind of question is that Amelia: one I need the answer to Jac: we were friends forever Jac: what did I get from it half the time Jac: no more than you did or didn't Amelia: okay Jac: that was a dick move making me answer that when you already knew Amelia: I didn't know Amelia: whenever I talk to you I end up with more questions than answers Amelia: and end up questioning my sanity Jac: you don't need to Jac: your work here is done Amelia: you can't tell me what to do when you don't even do what you said you were going to Jac: so you're going to continue to make a bad decision, just to be awkward Jac: that's smart Amelia: because you have such good reasons for doing what you did earlier Jac: 'course I do Amelia: go on then Amelia: tell me them Jac: already did Jac: I wanted to fuck it up for you Jac: felt great Amelia: there's smarter ways to feel good, and easier Jac: I've tried those Amelia: oh well I loved being your little experiment, thanks Jac: whatever Jac: it needed to be done Amelia: no it didn't Amelia: you keep saying that Jac: you don't get it Amelia: I don't buy into your fake bullshit, no, and that's all you've given me all night Jac: what's fucking fake about the fact I can't stand to have anyone around me happy? Jac: there's nothing fake about misery being the only thing I can stomach now Amelia: you didn't break up your parents or ruin your brother's music career, you sought me out when I haven't even been around you Amelia: you're full of shit Jac: trust me, I'm doing my best Jac: and you're full of shit if you're now trying to say you don't see me every day Jac: and that it isn't the fucking worst Amelia: I thought it was, until you did this Amelia: now I can say today was the worst Amelia: you're so fucking selfish and cruel Jac: nothing has changed Jac: I sped up your inevitable break-up, that's it Amelia: no, you went out of your way to hurt and humiliate me Amelia: everything has changed Jac: if you say so Jac: it wasn't the first time for me Amelia: who are you? Jac: it doesn't matter Amelia: who the fuck are you? Jac: I don't know, Amelia Jac: alright Amelia: you can't treat people like this Jac: then tell everyone what I did Jac: I don't care Jac: you could've done something about it Amelia: what did you want me to do? Jac: I thought you might put up more of a fight Amelia: for what? Against what? Jac: because I humiliated you Amelia: it wasn't the first time for me either Jac: never like that Amelia: I'm not going to fight you Jac: your loss Amelia: I keep telling you, I care about you, I don't want to hurt you Jac: I wish you'd stop Amelia: I wish I could Jac: yeah Jac: well Amelia: it's my loss, like you said Jac: don't worry, I've got my own Amelia: that makes me feel loads better Jac: it should Amelia: it doesn't Jac: you're infuriating Amelia: says you Amelia: I'm so angry at you Jac: because I wanted you to be Jac: that's the correct response Amelia: no, because I love you too much to hate you Amelia: because it won't go away Amelia: and I don't want to feel like this for the rest of my fucking life no matter what you do Jac: I don't have the answer Jac: If I could make you stop then I would Jac: but I don't know how Amelia: me either Jac: there's nothing I can do if you don't hate me by now Jac: I dropped you for Savannah Jac: I did everything I did tonight Amelia: I was there, I don't need you to recap Jac: I couldn't have made it easier Amelia: there's something wrong with me, there must be Jac: not as bad as me Amelia: my mum said at the time that I fell in love with you years ago and I can't expect to fall out of it in a few weeks or months Jac: logic adds up Amelia: she thinks I'm over it now so clearly not Jac: you probably said you were Jac: or near enough Amelia: the girlfriend thing kind of said it for me Jac: yeah well Jac: I've had loads of boyfriends Amelia: you're not in love with me Jac: I meant it doesn't mean anything, necessarily Amelia: yeah Amelia: my mum is more old fashioned though Amelia: romantic or whatever Jac: more romantic than your girlfriend, yeah Amelia: 🙄 Jac: she wasn't good enough for you anyway Amelia: I'm not good enough for anyone Amelia: I'm literally still in love with someone else who isn't them Jac: it isn't that simple Jac: you can feel things for more than one person Jac: you just, didn't for her and she wasn't worth it Amelia: maybe other people can but I don't Jac: how would you know Jac: it just hasn't happened yet Amelia: I'm too self aware if anything Jac: that's some lesbian nonsense Amelia: I'll put it in my bio then Jac: tinder Amelia: I'm not kissing that many girls, she'll definitely think all the wrong things Jac: be kicking herself, like Jac: or is it only okay when she does it Amelia: probably Jac: just like a lad Amelia: 😣 Jac: awh Amelia: I can't be bothered Jac: with girls? Amelia: I'm not trying anymore, you didn't keep your promises anyway Jac: what does that mean? Amelia: it means I don't care, my life can stay the mess you wanted it to be Jac: alright Jac: not like I can turn around and say 'no don't' now Amelia: and if you turn around you won't see me Jac: what? Amelia: school, I'm not doing it either Jac: shut up Amelia: online maybe so my dad doesn't rage Jac: that's bullshit Amelia: so is this Jac: no, fuck you Amelia: 😂 Jac: so you all get to fucking leave and I'm the one stuck dealing Jac: nah Amelia: I've got nothing to stay for Jac: it's school, no one does Jac: jesus Amelia: you said yourself it sucks having to see me every day Amelia: I'm doing you a favour Jac: you are ridiculous Jac: you think you can just run away like this is some shit indie song Amelia: I've tried the alternative Amelia: it didn't go great Jac: you think Savannah is bad? at least her parents made her go Jac: you're such a spoilt brat Amelia: I don't think about Savannah Jac: you don't think about anything Jac: christ Amelia: your audacity is another level Jac: your stupidity is worse Amelia: yeah, I've proved that loads of times over Jac: fucking hell Jac: your life is so hard, Meelie, yeah Jac: everyone thinks its my fault, what happened to Is Jac: and the more she says otherwise, the more it sounds like it was Amelia: no they don't, I don't Jac: well you love me so you're clearly insane and a bit biased Amelia: even if I hated you I'd still know that you weren't the one who assaulted her Amelia: it's his fault, nobody else's Jac: me and Sav still ran like we had something to hide Jac: that's all anyone cares about, working out what Amelia: you were scared, in shock probably Amelia: you felt like it was your fault Amelia: that doesn't mean it was Jac: all I know is she's fucked off, no one will say anything to Is, so it's all down to me, whatever people wanna say or think about it Jac: so yeah, sorry I think your idea is fucking laughable but been there, done that Jac: didn't solve anything, it only made the rest worse Amelia: I know it's a stupid idea, alright Jac: you can't go, alright, you just can't Amelia: you know I'll fight the whole school before I'd ever fight you Amelia: I'll do it for you too, if that will help Jac: Yeah, I do Jac: nothing will help but Jac: at least you're still here Jac: nothing else is the same Amelia: I'll be in detention every day for the next 2 years if that's what it takes to shut people up Jac: I don't deserve it Jac: or anything but hate from you, and I do fucking know that Amelia: you don't deserve to get the blame for being there and being her friend Amelia: I should've been too Amelia: and after it happened we should've talked Jac: maybe it's just karma Jac: I've never been a good friend to her and by the time it happened Jac: well Jac: I made you leave Amelia: I ruined our friend so I had to leave Amelia: *ship Amelia: that's not your fault either Jac: maybe it is Amelia: it's not Amelia: I shouldn't have told you how I felt Amelia: or been jealous of Savannah Amelia: or made such a big deal about the date you went on Jac: no Jac: I get it Jac: you weren't wrong Amelia: I did the wrong thing by leaving you and Is Jac: I couldn't wish the alternative on you Jac: having to stick around and watch Amelia: I still had to watch Amelia: I couldn't go that far Jac: I know it's my fault because it happened again Amelia: what? Jac: Savannah Jac: I kissed her Amelia: I don't understand Jac: you should have been jealous of her Jac: I mean Jac: you know what I mean Amelia: you mean you felt something for her Jac: I didn't want to feel any of it Jac: but she was straight and you weren't so having her around was meant to be easier Amelia: why didn't you just tell me? Amelia: you lied and lied and made me feel crazy Jac: because I feel crazy Jac: I fucking am Jac: I just Jac: it's not like I left that conversation and told her Jac: I kept on and got with lads and pretended to like it, tried to Amelia: everything you said, everything you did Amelia: oh my god Amelia: I can't Amelia: I can't take this in Jac: like I said, it's fucking karma Jac: I fucked it with you and it happened to me Amelia: I'm supposed to feel what, that she queerbaited you? Happy? validated? Jac: I don't know Jac: probably Amelia: did you know how you felt about her when I told you how I felt? Jac: why? Amelia: because you told me over and over again that you liked boys and you'd change that if you could Jac: yes, and I told her the same thing Jac: and I acted accordingly Amelia: I've spent so long feeling horrible for putting you in that position and none of it was real Jac: it was real Jac: I don't want to be Jac: I want to be straight Amelia: it isn't a choice Amelia: and you can't just twist everything to make it one Jac: acting or not acting on it is Amelia: so why did you choose to act on it by kissing her, if that's what you think? Jac: it was a mistake Jac: when we left Jac: after Is Jac: and it was just us Jac: then it destroyed everything and she's literally run away Amelia: and then you destroyed what was left after she'd gone Jac: yes Amelia: great Jac: I'm aware Amelia: are you? Amelia: for years I thought things were one way only to be told they weren't and now you're telling me an entirely different story again Amelia: 🤯 Jac: because we don't live in the ideal world where I accept myself for liking girls and I choose the right one and we live happily ever after Jac: we live in the world where I kissed Savannah and she looked at me like I was the boy who assaulted Isabelle Jac: and that's how I feel about it, and I would rather pretend to be straight forever, and have no real friends again, than have to do that, and feel that disgust again Amelia: we live in a world that doesn't revolve around Savannah fucking Moore Amelia: because she doesn't accept you, you can't accept yourself? No Jac: it's not her fault Jac: the rules don't make no fucking sense Jac: do you know how often she told me she loved me, how beautiful I was, and smart and perfect and kind, that she wanted me in her life forever? Jac: but that doesn't mean she wants to kiss me Amelia: that's why it literally is her fault Amelia: she flirted with you more than I EVER have, or would dare to openly do because I would get called a predatory lesbian and she gets likes and follows Jac: but she meant it Jac: I know she did Jac: that's just friendship to her Jac: it's too confusing Amelia: you want her to have meant it the same way you did, like I wanted you to with me Jac: but I did Jac: I lied Jac: so I know it doesn't make a difference now Jac: but still, you weren't wrong and I did, I am, whatever Jac: it was shitty to lie, I know, I accept it Jac: but she meant it all but she is straight...how does that work Amelia: I don't know Amelia: straight people are weird Jac: I don't want to find that relatable Jac: I want to be normal Amelia: I'm not abnormal, shut up Jac: fine, straight Jac: I don't want to ever have to think about this ever again Amelia: why do you want it so bad? Jac: so I don't feel like this Jac: the not knowing Jac: how much it hurts Jac: boys are easy, I told you Amelia: because you don't like them Amelia: if you were straight you'd get hurt just the same Amelia: you said it, Valentina's no different than a lad Jac: lads just like me Jac: I've never kissed any lad and had them recoil Amelia: they liked me too, it doesn't mean I had to like them back Jac: I mean it's not the same Jac: if a lad didn't like me, he'd have reasons Amelia: loads of girls like you too, I was friends with them for a bit, I heard all that gossip Amelia: Savannah's reason is that she doesn't like girls, any of them Jac: but she loves me Jac: more than she ever did Ty, I fucking know it Amelia: not like that, like Is loved us Jac: I can't stand it Amelia: I know Jac: you know I am sorry Jac: don't you Amelia: yeah Jac: you just had come so far and had done so much work Jac: it wasn't fair Jac: what I did wasn't, but it wouldn't have been to act on it, when I wanted so badly to be straight, for everything I did tell you to be true Amelia: no, I was in exactly the same place that we left each other in Amelia: you're not the only one who can lie Jac: I'm just so sorry but that's worth fuck all Jac: I hate how stupid all of it seems now Jac: redundant Jac: but that's close to a fair punishment, I suppose Amelia: you've already been punished Amelia: and sorry always means something when it's a real one Jac: I feel Jac: I don't Jac: I'm broken Jac: I don't even want to be a person now Amelia: I don't want to find that relatable Amelia: but it is Jac: fuck's sake Jac: see, why would I choose this? Jac: even if they're weird, this never happens to straight people Amelia: of course it does Amelia: Savannah's parents are fucked Jac: just because they don't love each other no more Jac: when they got together, I'm sure they both knew Amelia: still, her mum's so broken she's barely a person Jac: all I'm saying is we're getting dangerously close to comparing being gay to a mental illness Jac: which is what homophobes say and I'm not trying to be the confirmation Amelia: it's not being gay, it's loving the wrong person Amelia: there are happy gays, I've met some Amelia: and your brother isn't being held back by it Jac: don't get me started Amelia: Jude's love life is messier than his Amelia: more dramatic Jac: he'll end up with a girl Amelia: you don't know that Jac: wait and see Amelia: yeah, I'll stalk him from afar like a fangirl Amelia: 🤢 Jac: it's not the same either Amelia: you love a competition Jac: yeah, this is so much fun Jac: him and Jude are the same Jac: it doesn't mean anything to them, so they aren't getting hurt Jac: they don't care, it's not serious Amelia: you've got me, we're very much the same Amelia: in this anyway Jac: I don't want to love anyone ever again Amelia: then don't Jac: that's why I have no friends Amelia: yeah well you don't need them, that's the line and the lie, right? Jac: it's not funny Jac: I can't be trusted Jac: with any kind of relationship with a girl Amelia: I'm not laughing because me either Amelia: I make bad choices and I'm proven stupid, remember Jac: it's so fucking isolating Amelia: school is anyway Amelia: we're all in boxes Jac: you never used to hate it this much Amelia: now you understand how much I hate everything Amelia: how exhausted I am Amelia: it'd be nice to have the solidarity if it wasn't so horrible Jac: I'm just trying to get used to it Jac: accept it Amelia: at least you don't have to see her every day Amelia: maybe that'll make it different Jac: I never get to see her again Amelia: you don't know that either Jac: I do Jac: she's unlikely to stop by when she's seeing her mum Amelia: you verbally recoiled from me, ruined my birthday, nobody would call it likely that we're talking Jac: naive optimism is exactly what got you here Jac: don't even need to scroll for the reminder Amelia: ouch Amelia: you always find new ways to hurt me Jac: you really did just say you made bad choices and were stupid Jac: continuing this conversation is just another one for the list, probably Amelia: I can say it and do so you don't need to Jac: alright, alright Amelia: you're blocked though, this is the only place you could try to Jac: I could make another post but the point has been made well enough I reckon Amelia: it's not my birthday now so there's no point Amelia: ⛅ Jac: sod you then Jac: don't want you getting the wrong impression Amelia: 😂 bit late for that Jac: yeah Amelia: my dad'll be up soon I'll just wait ☕ Amelia: don't need you to entertain me any further Jac: you gonna tell him about your shit birthday Amelia: I'll tell them both we broke up and they'll be thrilled Amelia: it's all they want to hear Jac: you can tell them it was my fault, it doesn't matter to me Amelia: why would I do that? Jac: dunno, but having someone else's parents take over and shout at me for a bit might be mildly entertaining Amelia: they think I'm over you, they want me to be better Amelia: I'm not going to ruin the lie Jac: rude Jac: but fine Jac: guess you don't owe me Amelia: no, I don't Jac: enjoy your coffee then Amelia: it'll taste disgusting like it always does Amelia: the biggest lie of all Jac: you aren't as exhausted and sad as you say you are Jac: the taste would've been acquired by now, you massive child Amelia: I've had to hide it longer than you Amelia: I'm just more skilled and hilarious Jac: so you're better at being sad? Jac: and I love a competition 🙄 Amelia: 😏 Amelia: I've acquired a taste for anything with a high enough alcohol content, there you go Jac: I was drunk before I got there and that was still apparent Amelia: haven't needed stitches yet Jac: that's something Jac: anyway, how'd you figure you've had to hide it longer? Amelia: because I have Amelia: you were sitting pretty on a ☁ with Savannah for ages Amelia: nothing could touch you up there Jac: that's where you're wrong Amelia: I'm not letting you win again Jac: 😏 Jac: it's not like I was fucking boys because I thought I wanted to Amelia: okay 🏆 no need to make me cry thinking about that Jac: they aren't that bad Jac: well, usually Jac: just not as interesting, it didn't make sense Jac: why we would waste time we could be together instead Amelia: it's really sad Amelia: as 💔 it was seeing you with lads, I thought it was at least what you wanted Jac: they aren't the ones that made me 💔 Amelia: I know but Amelia: I can't imagine doing that, or how it would make me feel if I thought I had to Jac: well you're much softer than I am Amelia: excuse me, it took you years to break me, Savannah did the same to you in 1 Amelia: you're not that hard Jac: I think that says more about Savannah than it does you Jac: but alright Amelia: right, because she's so perfect Amelia: I actually can't compete Jac: shut up Amelia: it's true Jac: it isn't that simple, I keep saying Amelia: it's as simple as you've already said, she's straight and I'm not Amelia: it was safer for you, except it wasn't Jac: you make it sound Jac: ugh Amelia: isn't it? Jac: you think I'm a right cold, calculating bitch Jac: and I'm not saying you're wrong but it was nice when you thought otherwise Amelia: we can't go back, you really drilled that into me Jac: I know Jac: oh well Amelia: oh well? that's the best you can do, yeah? Amelia: doesn't sound very calculating and well planned out Jac: because it's all over Jac: the only thing I've got left is uni and the career I want Jac: nothing else can or is going to exist Amelia: that's more than I've got Amelia: I haven't exactly been concentrating on my app Jac: well you're going to run away and find your Thelma aren't you Amelia: you ruined that fantasy with reality Jac: yeah right Jac: you're still a hopeless romantic Amelia: with a 🚗 I can't drive yet Jac: have you had any lessons yet Amelia: no Amelia: I keep asking my dad but he's always too busy Jac: go ask him now Amelia: I've drank too much to go now Jac: well duh but he'll feel so bad for you he'll make time tomorrow or whatever Amelia: and we're back to calculating Jac: someone has to if you wanna be wild and free Amelia: 😂 Jac: how early is it Jac: will the library be open Amelia: it's weird that the library is still open at any hour Amelia: you're literally the only person who ever goes there Jac: excuse me, only child Jac: you try and study with a house full of annoying kids and dogs Amelia: I'm fine with a 🏠 swap, I don't feel like studying Jac: yeah only if you make it permanent Amelia: you wouldn't take my guest room for a night, I don't think I'd be able to make that happen Jac: because you were there Amelia: rude Jac: sensible Amelia: nothing's going to happen Jac: yeah exactly Amelia: what does that mean? Jac: it means we aren't going to be friends Amelia: why not? Jac: I told you why Amelia: I'm not asking you to care about me, I'm saying I'm here for you Jac: No Jac: I wasn't joking when I said I can't have friends Amelia: I know you weren't Jac: that includes you Jac: especially you Amelia: okay Jac: okay Amelia: good morning then Jac: 👋
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prorevenge · 6 years
EK tries get me arrested? Enjoy your own criminal record :D
[Background info]
This happened back when I was in sophomore year, and was a bit of a nerd but in a weird phase where I was actually starting to get some confidence. I spent the last 2 years thinking about launching an online business (back when Shopify wasn't as popular and prominent) and finally started to keep on track.
So I spend several weeks going to whole-sale websites, gathering products, designing the websites, etc. Once it launches, I decide to start small and only use my school district as the target market; of course there is mistrust with this system because no one takes a high school kid with an Amazon-esque website seriously. But after a while and some small purchases, I had a decent customer base with around 10-25 orders per week.
This was first when the school found out about it and the AP (Assistant Principal, person designated to watch our specific graduation class for all 4 years we are there) calls me down to his office and basically lectures me on the importance of the legality and on how I need to change the name of the website. Basically I named it after the school which was named after a well-known politician's family, and they didn't want legal issues. I did a lot of homework involving this and legally checked everything, especially since I was a minor and I didn't wanna cause any issues for my own fam.
I didn't care that much, I had been meaning to reboot the site and make it more lighter and modern anyways. I changed the name and moved on.
[Issues begins]
Now EK was a highly manipulative kid; he was one of those unlikable and bratty people who made up stories to attract girls and popularity. He always bragged he was gonna be rich because of how rich his parents were, girls would be obsessed with him, he was gonna be in movies; basically all sorts of delusional claims. I started out being uneasy "friends" with him meaning I just talked to him in class but I slowly drifted away from him because he would constantly flirt and harass these two girls, even though they told him not to and I tried to stop him.
Most of our entire grade didn't like this kid, but then he claims he owned the websites and ran it, and if anyone knows marketing, an unsavory person with ownership is bad for business. So I confront him and he apologizes saying that he'll retract his claims and say the truth.
The next day he did the exact opposite and spread rumors of how the situation happened in the opposite manner. This angered me and he forced my hand, I went straight to the site and made a notification post and email to all my customers saying that [Due to several circulating rumors about our business, we would like to remind out customers that EK does not own the website nor is he connected with us in any shape or form. Thank you for your service! Please be sure to check out our Easter Sale!]
Embarrassed, EK makes the most insane claim that I have ever heard...that I'm using the website to launder and sell drugs & weapons through school. Post-Columbine, this was taken very seriously and I was called down to the office where I found my AP and 3 police officers waiting for me. They questioned me, the website, etc while patting me down and searching my backpack, jacket, and belongings. They freaked out when they saw a condom and credit card knife (yeah it's my own damn fault for having a blade at school but I was an EDC guy who never did anything wrong). Honestly I wasn't as embarrassed as I was worried for the optics on this.
The considered this plausible intent and cause and I was handcuffed and put into police cruiser (a pretty comfy Dodge Charger to be honest) as they headed over to my house and called my mom telling them the situation. They asked to let them search my room (and only my room) and my mom obliges; with us being immigrants, she didn't want any trouble and she probably couldn't think straight from seeing her son in handcuffs. It angered me for a cop to hold me against the wall while I'm restrained, while two more turned my room upside down looking for something that didn't exist while my mother cried her eyes our at all this happening.
They didn't find anything of interest except this out of school project I was working on (JLaservideo's fire gloves, search it up). I had three of them and parts for at least 3 more. The officers asked me what it was and how it worked, I told them the basics and it was for science fair. They took them in as evidence and questioned the legality of the gloves while taking pictures along with the single canister of butane fuel.
I get suspension for 3.5 days (the rest of my school day was In-School-Suspension AKA isolation) but no criminal charges since there was no evidence. WELL NO SHIT!
I checked the office's sign in sheet (whenever we talk to an AP, they keep a record of the time, name, and date of when someone comes in. As I signed out to, I see one name before my own...EKP's. My anger doubles as all I can think of is ways to kill him but I calm myself, saying that his time will come.
The next 3 days allow me to plan for my revenge...
[Revenge time]
One of my friends had a recording of how EK said he wanted to PUSH A GIRL OFF A BALCONY at a party they both were at BECAUSE SHE REJECTED HIM! Maybe somehow that recording was emailed to the police department, teachers, and several students through a throwaway email....
I recorded him stalking this girl from school and all the way to her house and peeking in through her window. This didn't happen once, twice but four times! This was edited almost like a montage and emailed as well.
Once every 5 weeks, the school brought in drug dogs. I saw a K9 police car in the parking lot and quickly texted my friend that was a pothead. I told him to bring a weed brownie and put it in EK's bag when during 2nd period (which was at the other side of the school so he wouldn't get caught). This went swimmingly as hallway banter was filled with EK being caught with drugs in school.
[End Result]
EK was expelled, had a restraining order filed on him by the girl along with two others who came forward, and had a court case the next month. The second girl had a boyfriend who was a classmate of mine and I let him know what he was doing. Somehow the guy found out where he lived and him and his friend's keyed his car, slashed his tires, stole his shoes, and jumped him. He was found guilty for possession of marijuana (idk the real charge but the state I live in is very strict with weed; this resulted in several moths of juvenile detention where he was beat up even more. Where he is now, I don't know but I doubt he succeeded like how he bragged he would.
I spent the rest of the year in a very peaceful mindset :D
(source) story by (/u/Spade3k)
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ansheofthevalley · 5 years
7, 11 and 16 for the salty asks!!
7. Is there anything I used to like but can’t stand now?
TWD as a whole
Man, I loved TWD. I was so invested on that show, on those characters. When Lori died and Carl had to shoot her? Man, that fucked me up. When the Governor killed Hershel in front of Maggie and Beth? U G H. The second half of S4 when they’re all divided into groups and find each other in Terminus? Talk about relief. Daryl and Beth? THE FEELS, NONNY. THE FEEEEEEELS. When they reach Alexandria, after being through hell? Again, talk about relief. Like I said, I was super invested on the show. But from S6 onwards, it just went downhill. Somewhere during S8 I stopped watching because I didn’t see the point in watching a badly written show that was way past its prime when I could be doing other things, things that brought me some kind of joy. I didn’t even watch when Carl got bit and died. That’s when the show jumped the shark, IMO. Then losing Rick and Maggie? Nah. I’ll stick to the comics. 
When I was a part of the TWD fandom, I was a huge believer in the “Beth survived the gunshot” theory (AKA Team Delusional/Defiance - I still see you, fam!). I read a lot of metas, I even wrote some of my own in my old blog. But seeing how all those very specific clues were there but there was no real resolution... IDK. I didn’t give up per se; I like to think she’s out there kicking walker ass with a crossbow, looking like a total badass with those scars. But far away from the Atlanta group, since the show (as far as S8) was a complete mess. 
I never felt so cheated in my life as I did with TWD (that is until GOT S8, lmao)
11. Is there an unpopular character you like love that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Sansa Stark and Beth Greene
They’re both hated because the fandom thinks them weak. They’re both hated because they think them useless. They’re either too dumb and girly or too bossy. They’re either reliant on other people (which makes them a liability) or they’re suddenly too strong for their own good. They either cry too much or they’re stoic. They’re either stupid for believing or they’re stupid for not having hope. They’re either too weak or not strong enough. They stand up to the male fave and call them on their bullshit, but ofc nobody can do that, especially stupid girls like Sansa and Beth.
At least one of them got a happy(ish) ending.
I gravitate towards those type of characters. The ones that fandom likes to shit on just for existing. So I claim them as my faves and swear to protect them. I guess it’s in my nature. 
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16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
The two last seasons of GOT
Apart from the writing, which I think we can all agree that is the one thing that needs changing the most, I’d make them a 10-episode season each. Have more time to properly develop the story without rushing it. 
But if we’re talking about the writing exclusively:
Season 7
The Winterhell plot. Don’t show Littlefinger do The Creep™ around Winterfell. The plot is about the Starklings working together, so let’s show that. Let the audience know that Littlefinger is fucking clueless about what’s coming for him.
The Dany-Cersei war. Give Cersei more to do than just drink wine and look at KL from her window. She’s Tywin’s daughter, FFS. Show her scheming and double-crossing people. Have Lannister forces take Dragonstone the minute Daenerys heads north. 
Bran. Let him have emotions, y’know, since he’s still a person. Show the conflict of having to live with the world’s past in your mind while still being a young man that defends his family fiercely.
Show Jon to be a player, be manipulative, in other words, make Pol!Jon a lil bit more obvious, for the people in the back. Also, give him his POV.
Make Dany feel more torn about the political conflict and the supernatural conflict, and not make it a line in the final episode of the season.
Season 8
Again, give Jon his POV.
Make RLJ about Jon, not Daenerys.
Show how RLJ changes different dynamics, not just J/onerys.
Show Sansa bonding with someone, anyone (her sister, Theon, Jon, Gilly) instead of her talking to the Hound about her abuse.
Have the Battle of Winterfell have more emotional impact.
Jon doesn’t ride Rhaegal.
Show the reactions of Arya and Sansa to RLJ.
Show the Starklings doing something else than fight.
Again, give Cersei more to do than just drink wine and look out of her window. Definitely don’t make her sleep with Euron.
Mention the burning of the food and the Tarlys.
People (Varys, Tyrion, Cersei) find out about what happened to Littlefinger.
Show that the North as a whole has legitimate reasons not to want Daenerys as their Queen.
Show Dany sharing some moments with Missandei and Greyworm, not just Jon.
Not kill Missandei (especially like that).
Have Arya use her faceless man abilities.
Let people (by people I mean northern lords and the like) find out about RLJ.
Have Dany and co. flee Winterfell in anger after people find out about RLJ.
Have Dany burn both Tyrion and Varys.
Cersei-Sansa reunion.
Sansa tries to raise her banners (and the Vale’s and the Riverland’s) against both Cersei and Daenerys.
Euron dies after killing Rhaegal.
Bran tells Jon about what Dany might do in KL, so Jon leaves to find her in time.
Jon finds Dany but she imprisons him under the charge of high treason.
Ep 5 plays out exactly the same, only that Missandei witnesses it all and from then on questions her loyalty towards Dany.
The massacre of KL is bigger. There’s a lot more losses.
Have Arya kill Dany instead of Jon.
Dragonpit meeting in which the lords and ladies of the different kingdoms declare the 7K to be independent again, the way they were before Aegon’s conquest.
Jon is liberated by the northern forces with the help of Missandei.
Missandei goes back to Naath, trying to find peace after seeing so much bloodshed and thirst for power.
The Starks go back to Winterfell. Sansa is named QITN as the oldest legitimate daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. Jon and Bran are her closest advisors. Arya decides to go west of Westeros.
Send me a salty ask
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cyniciism · 5 years
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´   ・   .   ✶   ⧼    manny   montana,   cis   male,   he   &   him   /   bury   me   face   down   by   grandson   +   a   grubby,   faded   duffel   bag   always   packed   to   capacity   ;   ready   to   be   picked   up   and   slung   over   a   shoulder   padded   in   worn   leather   at   a   moments   notice.   the   slow   build   of   white   hot   anger,   the   itch   in   clenched   fists   with   already   bloodied   knuckles   to   lash   out,   to   do   more   damage,   to   destroy   whatever   is   within   reach.   broken   windows   and   filthy   rooms   and   a   sinking couch   that   has   been   slept   on   one   too   many   times,   bed   clothes   still   knotted   on   its   frame   and   vodka   bottles   half   empty   on   the   mismatched   side   table    ⧽   ━━   don’t   look   now,   but   that’s   CRISTIAN   RAMIRO   DE   LA   CRUZ.   the   THIRTY   year   old   HUMAN   has   been   here   in   seattle   for   his   whole   life,   and   is   a   DETECTIVE   &   LOCAL   YOUTH   GROUP   LEADER.   they’ve   always   been   STAUNCH   &   VALOROUS,   but   i   guess   this   town   just   brings   out   the   worst   in people   ;   apparently,   they’ve   been   way   more   BELLICOSE   &   INJUDICIOUS   than   usual.   it   wouldn’t   surprise   me   if   they   knew   what   was   going   on.   you   can   check   out   his   stat   page   HERE   and   his   pinterest   HERE.
ALL   ALONE   /   whether   you   LIKE   IT   or   not,                alone   will   be   (   something   )   you’ll   be   quite   A   LOT.
SECTION ONE OF THREE : BULLET POINT HISTORY trigger warnings for talk of chronic ill health, prison, sociopathy, serial killers
anyone who knows cristian’s birth mother, mariana de la cruz, can agree on at least one thing - whether she SHOULD have or not, she ALWAYS say the best in people. it probably had something to do with how little about people she actually KNEW. ana was born, it seemed, to suffer ; she spent her whole life SICK, all of her time either in hospital, or AT HOME. she was BEYOND sheltered, and she had very few friends because of it. her kindness could only get her so far in life when she was so SEPARATED from it.
she started to write to CONVICTS in her late teens. it was a decision made out of loneliness, and she figured that was a feeling that the people she wrote to could RELATE to. as heinous as some of their crimes were, ana continued to feel EMPATHY for them. if she had just a few more critical thinking skills, maybe she wouldn’t have fallen in LOVE. he was a sociopath, and a homicidal sadist. he was a SERIAL killer. he was SERVING consecutive life sentences. and still, she got on his visitation list. STILL, five years after they initially began to exchange letters, she obtained a marriage license. and two years after that, cristian ramiro de la cruz, mariana and her locked up love’s child, came into the world.
back when he was just a BABY, of course he visited the prison with his mother ; they would make the trek together once every six months, as this was about as much as she could MANAGE. his mother thought that he was their MIRACLE, and at that, believed wholeheartedly that his father LOVED them BOTH. when he got old enough for conscious thought, he’d REFUSE, point blank. his mother was blind to the type of man that his father was, but cristian’s defining memory is from when he was SIX YEARS OLD, and he was gazing back at his father through the bars of their visitation room. there was no love, in those eyes - eyes they SHARED, and that he would HATE, later on. there was nothing in his expression, that even IMPLIED a hint of care. mariana was delusional, but cristian could SEE what she couldn’t. he would kick up a fuss ever after as his mother prepared to leave, and though it broke her heart - and her visions of a HAPPY FAMILY - she would leave him with a RELATIVE.
outside of this delusion she had, however, mariana was the best mother that he could have ever WANTED. she was the sweetest and most gentle soul ; she loved him with a real FEROCITY, this baby she had never thought she would have, and she was WICKEDLY over protective of him. mariana didn’t LOVE that cristian had to grow up quickly, because of her health. it didn’t make her happy to have a son that could cook for them both when she was simply too weak, or that knew her exact medication dosages off the top of his head, or who had been taught how to place her into the recovery position should the WORST ever happen. he should have gotten to be a KID, and he didn’t, because of her. it HURT, more than anything, and it was probably why the fact he wanted nothing to do with his FATHER pained her so ; they shared EVERYTHING, in their home. they experienced everything, together. and the one thing that cristian couldn’t do was love the man he knew was a MONSTER.
when he was ten years old, his mother collapsed the day before one such visitation. he found her at the bottom of the stairs, and he called 911 from her PHONE as he had been taught to. it wasn’t the first time that his mother had been to the hospital, over his childhood, but it was the first time that he didn’t leave with her. it was decided that mariana was no longer in position to take care of cristian, or herself. she was better off in assisted living, and he would do better in care.
it didn’t take LONG for him to be taken in, and his ‘new parents’... were good substitutes, for the one’s he didn’t have, though he told his adoptive mother more times than he could count that she would never replace his REAL mother. neither of them wanted to, and they won his respect very early on for how they approached DEALING with him. they were there, when he needed someone, and theynever hesitated to help him, when it was required. but they brought him to visit his birth mother once a week, and when he was old enough, he was allowed to go and see mariana ALONE. they helped him buy presents for her, they didn’t STOP him from leaving school early, when his mother’s health seemed to have dipped. they didn’t control him or attempt to take a place they had no right to, and so, cristian grew out of his grudge. it was as easy as that.
and what was more, as he got older and started to go through puberty - they stuck by him, even when he ACTED OUT. cristian had a huge capacity for ANGER - and when he lost his head, he would… break things, over yelling. they never lost their heads with him. they always spoke CALMLY, even after he had punched a hole into his wall, or shattered his mirror. and when he asked, they didn’t HESITATE in sending him to counseling ; something HE recognized he needed, all on his own, as he reached his sixteenth birthday and realized that his BIGGEST fear was being his FATHER, and he was very quickly turning into him.
cristian decided to become a DETECTIVE because he didn’t want to be the kind of MONSTER that his father was. he wanted to be LAW ABIDING in every way - almost to prove to himself, to his father, to EVERYONE who had ever known him, that the blood that ran through his veins wasn’t EVIL. he signed on as team leader for a local group for troubled youth, recently, because he had been there. he had been angry. he had lashed out. he had made BAD CHOICES in his teens that he was lucky hadn’t come back to BITE him. but he’d gotten past it, for the most part, and he wanted to help OTHERS. that’s all he’s been trying to do.
SECTION TWO OF THREE : HEADCANONS trigger warning for mention of cancer
mariana is still alive today, and cris visits her once a fortnight. he still brings her a bouquet of flowers every time, though the gifts he gives are ever changing ; she goes through periods, and right now, she’s enjoying an embroidery hobby, so he brings her thread.
his FATHER, charles brandt, is ALSO still alive - though he TREATS him like he’s NOT. he was diagnosed a year ago with stomach cancer, and cristian’s mother has urged him almost every time he’s visited to do what she can’t, and VISIT. he’ll never want to upset her enough that he’ll tell her the only time he will is when he’s DEAD, but he certainly thinks it quite a bit.
the ONLY reason cristian hasn’t taken on his adoptive parents surname, by now, is equal parts feeling it insulting and because there’s a part of him that thinks doing so would be HIDING. he’s cristian de la cruz, and yes, he’s the son of a serial killer. it’s certainly SOMETHING, and perhaps he would have had an easier time in life at certain points if he wasn’t who he had been BORN. but he’s pretty stubborn, so, here we are.
morals wise, cristian is a GOOD GUY. in every other sense of the words, he probably… wouldn’t be classed as so. he’s pretty arrogant, and he has a fairly bad reputation in the police department because of his TENDENCY to kind of run with things, and charge ahead. they like to say he doesn’t THINK, and that’s why he makes ‘poor’ decisions - but cris is actually very conscious of everything that he does, and he’s very willing to… make the tough call, so to speak, so that no one else HAS to.
he’s still very hot headed. he still goes to counseling. he still fucks up, from time to time. it’s all very human.
you know the usual DRILL ! friends ( anything from best to passing ), enemies, hookups, exes, the very MOST. hit me up if you’re interested !
i’m going to send in wcs later but: 
his adoptive fam !
two half siblings via his serial killer dad !
cristian’s partner in the seattle police force
his oldest friend + current housemate
his enemy w benefits !
work friends , enemies , everything in btwn
his ex fiancé ( its super angsty )
the cotm who will eventually turn him
members of his group for troubled youth ! 
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robotslenderman · 5 years
So like
in my blatantly-self-indulgent-time-travelling-Nerevarine!AU,
That Morrowind DLC main quest went a little differently at one point.
Cut for spoilers
TL;DR -- Haven finally sorta-meets Seht, yells at two thirds of the Tribunal in one day, almost gets murdered by one of them again. Not in that order.
So, there’s a bit where you grab the staff that’s full of Vivec’s power, stick it in the ground, and try to return it to him. That’s the part where Barbas reveals himself and is like “BUAHAHAHA YOU’RE KILLING HIM”
And Haven is like “OH FUCK” because, yeah, fuck Vivec, but also Baar Dau, so she and Seryn stop the ritual
and Vivec is almost dead
And Llevule is like FUCK FUCK FUCK WHAT DO WE DO
and at that point he pulls himself together and sends you for the ritual stone, but Haven was like “NAH FAM, WE GOTTA GET LEXI (fuck I hate her*)”
* She doesn’t hate Almalexia, she’s just still mad about the whole you-killed-me-once-and-tried-to-do-it-AGAIN thing
She runs outside, but Baar Dau is falling, and she’s like OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK
but then Vehk stops it
then she remembers that she can literally fucking teleport between Tribunal cities and has been able to for centuries
Haven has been wearing Barilzar’s mazed band for over two hundred years. She takes that thing off as rarely as she does Moon-and-Star, because it’s one of her few connections to the long-dead Tribunal in the 4th era.
So she just uses that thing to fuck off to Mournhold (much to the guards’ confusion, because WTF she just VANISHED) and hammer on the temple door in the dead of night in Mournhold
and the Hands of Almalexia are like “What the fuck, you can’t just do that????? that’s illegal?????”
And she’s rambling about how Vivec is dying and Baar Dau is coming down and Red Mountain is erupting, so the Hands are like “sigh, looks like we have another delusional worshipper, we better get her out of here”
Hands are like “sorry bud but we just doin our jobs”
So Haven’s now in a tussle with the fucking Hands of Almalexia that are guarding her chambers. Manages to dispatch a handful of them, goes back to yelling at Almalexia’s door
Almalexia wakes up
She is Not Amused
Soon as she sees that someone is fucking murdering her Hands she just goes all Mama Bear
Haven gets swept off her feet by this huge blast of magic and sent straight into a wall over ten feet away. Ouch. Concussed, barely able to breathe, it’s a miracle she’s still conscious
And Ayem is like
and Haven just manages to gasp out, “Vehk is dying, Baar Dau’s coming down, we need you at Vivec now”
and that’s when Ayem recognises Nerevar (Haven helped a few years ago in Mournhold, so it’s not the first time Ayem’s run into time-travelling-Nerevar), comes closer, demands explanation. Haven gives it to her -- Barbas has drained Vivec almost entirely of his power, he is dying, Vvardenfell is on the brink of being wiped out, “And you don’t want to see what other kind of damage Red Mountain can do when it erupts, trust me, you really don’t. I can take you to his side. Please. Come with me.”
So Ayem touches Haven’s arm, and Haven teleports them both to the palace at Vivec City. Ayem bounds up the stairs through the ash. Haven staggers somewhat considerably more slowly after her, on account of having been thrown into a wall, and is like, “Fuck, is this what being on the end of a Fus-Roh-Dah feels like??? FUCK”
By the time Ayem has fed Vivec some of her energy, enough to get him sitting up on his bed again, Haven finally staggers into the room, still gasping for air, and looks at Vivec and is like “SHE ALMOST FUCKING KILLED ME. AGAIN. FUCKING HELL. ALSO FUCK YOUR STAIRS.”
Ayem just fixes her with a wave of her hand. So now Haven’s overcome with dizziness because she can breathe again and just collapses to her knees. “Fuck! I think you broke my ribs! Sweet, sweet air! Fuck! Remind me never to piss you off! Well, I know what happens when I piss you off, I fucking die, but fuuuuck!”
(Basically Haven takes every available opportunity to try and guilt trip them about that time they killed her four three thousand years back.)
I think from there she uses Barilzar’s mazed band again to get to the Clockwork City to find Sotha Sil so he can direct her to the reservoir. (”Great, I have to talk to ALL THREE OF YOU today???? FUCK, JUST WHAT MY DEAD ASS ALWAYS WANTED. Let’s have a party! Maybe this time I won’t get MURDERED”) But he’s plugged into the city, so she has to rap on his helmet-thingy for a while before she realises he’s totally out of it and not coming to help. (”You’re a god, and you can’t tell I’m RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE??!?! fdsjflksjdflkjsdlfkffffffffff”)
She ends up getting lost throughout the Brass Fortress, eventually pieces together where the Reservoir is on her own, and goes there to kick Barbas’s ass.
The Tribunal are extremely annoyed they’re indebted to the guy they murdered a while back, especially when his incarnation won’t shut the fuck up about it.
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desireebarefootblog · 4 years
Lost Runes and Besties
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I have a friend in SL, she’s really cool, cheers me up when I’m down, pushes me on the dance floor when I try to lean back and blend into the bar.  Takes me around to all these amazing clubs filled with amazing people.  We share very similar kinks,  We make one another laugh, and get into the *best* sorts of trouble.  She’s also adamant and super clear that she’s not interested in a relationship.  I know, I know, “relationship” is a broad term and if y’all are hanging out and going out to dance, sharing pixel sex, listening to live venues and actively trying to get one another laid, that sounds like a relationship. Nope, I’m not delusional.  What she isn’t interested in is falling in love, swooning into romantic moments with hearts in our eyes.  Ain’t gonna happen like that, and I respect her for it.  I’m also open and honest with her, because mah brain isn’t wired in the way that can eternally resist grand romantic gestures of feelings. She respects me for that, and understands me for it.
When she found a SL family and was adopted into it, I was up front cheering *hard* for her.  There is a certain amount of social support that grows up in Second Life.  People of similar temperment, interests, kinks and personalities gravitate towards one another.  It’s not “family” like there is in Real Life, because in SL, you get to choose who your family is.  Which makes it more akin to all the social networks of friends and lovers many of us begin to create in our 20s and 30s.
At least that’s been my experience.
I’m gonna veer off here for a moment because the person on the other side of my keyboard.  The person who dreamed me into being and who I’m helping to make sense of this stage of their life in this idealized wonderland, they got some history.  The tired old Gen X term from the last century would have been issues. Yah.  dey got dem. There may be a handful of Real Life people who know this person on the other side of my keyboard reading this.  I’m gonna wave at you (WAAAAVVVVEEEE) and let you know that I’m sharing some details, you may have been involved in (or may not.. if it revolves around parents definitely not, we’re not at the point where I can introduce myself to them) and it’s gonna sound like some of these issues came from your time with my dreamer. Ah God this gets awkward fast don’t it? The person whose head I’m bouncing around in?  They want you to know they don’t blame you or anyone else for what they carry inside them.  But, I can’t be a proper voice of self-improvement if I let them hide those feelings any longer.  Hugs.
Bestie who was adopted into the SL Clan introduced me to their Matriarch and Patriarch (I mean, they use the terms Momma and Daddy, but I’m serious Desi and classy).  We all hung out, chatted, danced and listened to really good tunes at their Swingin’ Hot Spot.  And on Monday they adopted me into their fold.  So now Bestie is also mah Sister.  GO TEAM DESI!
Then the new fam gifted Bestie and Me an SL House!  With a purple bedroom for me!  AAaaaaaand my heart broke.   Just broke.  It’s silly, ridiculous, dare I say a teeny bit foolish to have these very deep, very legit feelings of love.  Deep Breath.  Another.  C’mon Dreamer you can do this.. you can put all those words down.  Its important, and it’s real.
Dreamer’s last marraige ended in divorce some fifteen years ago.  The end of the marriage happened a couple of years earlier.  It. Hurt.  They thought they would die from it.  It took a solid calendar year, hiding, withdrawing into themselves to even stand up again.  Even then they left home, moved to someplace new, tried to move on.  They never stood still long enough to sink roots.  They still haven’t even today.  They rent a room in a flat, they live single and though they got friends and roomies so they’re not *alone* they still don’t feel like they ever belong.  Not fully. It can get really lonely.
So theres this clan, and it adopts me.  I have a boifriend in whom I love and can confide, I have a Bestie who experiences this new Second Life with me.  And last night around 10pm, it struck me.  I found a place that feels like home. Where I can be myself, I don’t have to worry about what revealing too much of myself would mangle.  Peeps.  I never get to be home. for almost the entire 21st Century to date.  I never come home.  Dreamer has been moving from place to place, staying in orbit, but never landing.  They’ve denied and hidden themselves, always prepared that if the need arises, they can just move on before their welcome is worn out.  But here in Second Life I feel like I’m in a place where I am home.  God I hope Linden Labs keeps the lights on and the servers running for the next 25 years, because I don’t know if I can handle this digital world going blip on me.  (I know even if SL does end up going obsolete or financially folding up or any of the other fates that befall internet companies, that I, Desiree will be fine.  Dreamer left SL for 10 years almost, and I thrived in their brain until today.  I’m a part of them now.)
I get it if this post goes off into rambling babbling stream-of-consciousness.  There is a LOT to say, and these couple hundred words aren’t nearly enough to express it all.  But we’ll keep going, I’ll keep writing it all down as it happens to Dreamer there behind the keyboard.  Maybe eventually these thoughts and blogs will snap into focus and I can show you all the whole picture.  Right now, like I mentioned earlier.  I have to keep up with the habit of Acknowledging when the Universe gives me nice things.  And it has, again.  I have a digital family and a Bestie and a Boifriend.  It has been a long time since I’ve felt this blessed.
Be Well
Wash your hands
I love all of you
You are worth keeping safe.
0 notes
justincaseyouareme · 7 years
25 Upcoming Robron Speculations
Some thoughts on next 8 weeks and beyond.
1. The fact Aaron ends up at the hospital at the birth has him dealing with feelings he didn’t think he still had about Rob.  We’ve seen hints before his holiday that he still cared for Rob and couldn’t move on yet.  Ending up being involved with the birth I think will bring that home more than ever to him which will make it hurt more seeing Rob with his baby boy.
2. Rob will struggle with the birth because of his self loathing and not believing he is deserving of a son and that he will be a horrible father.  It will also hit Rob hard when he sees Aaron at the hospital.  His hatred of himself for what he has done to Aaron will just dial itself up to a new higher level.
3. I don’t think Aaron will pull any punches after Rob tells him everything.  He’ll be shocked, ashamed, mad and very disappointed in Rob.  I think Aaron will be just as determined to not be with Rob after learning all of this as he ever was.
4. Even though Aaron is disappointed and upset with Rob he will still give him the “Be a dad or run away like you always do” speech. It will remind us of Dec 2014 before Andy and Katie’s wedding when Aaron ripped into Rob after hearing him be verbally cruel to Andy, Katie, Vic and Diane.  He told Rob to do one if that was his attitude because he had no interest in a man that treated his family that way.  Rob took in everything Aaron said and immediately apologized to his family. Even though the wedding was still ruined b/c of the ring fiasco Aaron was still pleased with Rob that he made the effort to be better.  Aaron will give a similar speech to Rob this time and he will once again take it in and decide to try to be a good father because that is what Aaron expects of him.
5. We all keep wandering what is the event that gets Aaron onside with Rob again to where he wants to actually physically be in his orbit now.  It might not end up being some big event.  It might be something as small as seeing Rob making an effort at being a dad because if you think about last June/July that is pretty much all Aaron wanted was for Rob to not lie to himself and admit he wants to be a good dad.  If they could have had that talk back then who knows if they would have even broke up???
6. Seeing all of the spoilers that I have seen for November tells me that this story is going from zero to 120 the day of the birth and it won’t be slowing done one bit.  We’ve all been waiting for the birth to get here now it’s full speed ahead.  As fast as it will be going and with everything I’ve read so far I actually don’t think we are going to get a lot of air time of happy family w/Rob and Bex and Seb.  We might see a scene or two but I would be surprised if it is anymore than that.  Because of that I’m not to worried about having to watch much happy fam on the screen.  It will be all fake smile from Rob anyhow when Bex is in the room with him and Seb.
7.  I told a friend today considering how miserable it has been waiting these 8 months to get to where we are now....  Thank God humans don’t have the gestation period of elephants.  Imagine if he had to wait 22 months for the baby Seb’s delivery.  EEK!!
8.  Who picked up on Paddy and Chas today sneeking around and Chas saying she likes the sneeking because she hates when everyone is sticking their nose in her business.  I about spit my coffee when I heard her say that of all people.  But it got me to thinking. Chas goes back to Paddy after she ends it last spring and now doesn’t want anyone knowing about it. Sound familiar to what is probably going to happen with the boys? On top of that with all of the spoilers we are now getting nothing is even hinting that Chas is going to have her nose in Aaron and Rob’s business at least in November.  
9. If Rob has properly set up Rug Tree Bonds as a proper company like was hinted on the show by Chrissie then he’s got the 30% of HF fair and square.  The only shares that Rebecca could be demanding Rob return are the 10% that Lawrence gave to Rob.
10. I’ve been getting a real laugh watching Rob attempting to play the “kept boy” of Larry’s and continue to push the romance envelope with him. I saw no one mention the little scene on Thursday when Rob tried to get Larry to go somewhere private with him to open that bottle of wine.  Talk about trying to play the loverboy role right in front of the sisters.  Hysterical.  Then this entire week it has been like Rob has been attached to Larry’s hip.  Milking it for all it’s worth.  With what we know is going to happen on the day of the birth at the hotel it is obvious that Rob has kept working it and Larry is now completely smitten if not in love in Robert.  I will carry this idea on further in another point.
xxxxxxx - At this point everything following is pure speculation and theory and wishful thinking on my part - xxxxxxxx
11. I think a pivotal point in Nov will be the day Aaron reaches out to Bex about Rob seeing his son. I actually believe (and nothing to support my belief) this will be the event that will suddenly solidify Aaron’s thoughts about Rob, Rebecca and Seb.  Their conversation will let AAron realize Rob truly isn’t interested in this woman.  He will realize she is delusional when it comes to Rob.  This will erase that fear that he always had that Rob would eventually leave him for that woman who gives him a child and then set up a perfect proper family which Aaron has always believed he could never do with him as a man.
12. Now for those of you, like me, who are conspiracy theorist, led by Queen Taryn :-) then this could very well be the conversation that gets heated enough between Aaron and Bex that she let’s it slip that Rob isn’t the father. He might even be able to pull out of her that the ONS didn’t happen too.  Now if you tend to be more in the rationale court with Queen Clo then you can just disregard this point all together.  But since I’m a loyalist to Queen Taryn I will continue my theory and suggest that Aaron doesn’t tell Rob right away what Bex has told him.  He will keep it to himself because he hasn’t got his own head around it yet. He also will question if this info will matter or not considering how much has been said and done by each of them over that past months and if they could even come back from all of that even if the ONS and baby didn’t exist.  So he keeps this info to himself for now.....  
13. What if Aaron also doesn’t tell Rob about him exposing the whole Lachlan/prostitute thing to Belle which causes her to break up with Lachlan and tips Lachlan into psycho mode.  Rob is a lot more aware of what Lachaln potentially could do so he would be more alert than Aaron is if he knew but he won’t. I think Lachlan will target Aaron to hurt because he told Belle.  At the same time Lachlan wants to hurt Robert but Lachlan soon figures out that the best way to wound Robert is to hurt/kill Aaron so that becomes his plan.
14. With Lachlan’s spying I think he will overhear something from Bex and figure out she’s been playing Rob this whole time which pisses him off because that is what opened the door for Rob to be back at HF.  Not sure though if he will target her or not?  I don’t know.  But, more importantly he’ll overhear a conversation between Larry and Rob that is implying those two are in a sexual relationship or that Larry is wanting to take it there.  This sickens Lachlan and dials up his psycho level to another notch. I think this makes Larry another target for Lachlan when he realizes how much his granddad has been stupid enough to get sucked in by Robert.
15. Robert’s scheming finally is all exposed which shocks Larry as he thinks Robert really does love him.  Bex finds out everything Rob has been doing with her dad and gets sick over it all.  Larry and Rob get into some type of fight. I don’t expect Rob to hurt Larry that much but I wonder if this is an opportunity for Lachlan to finish off Larry and try to frame Rob?  Or not.???  Don’t have much thought about this yet.
16. Also not sure what all Chrissie is doing through all of this stuff.  Haven’t figured out a role for her in it all yet except for standing on the sidelines with her glass of wine shouting out “I told you so” when it comes to Robert.  LOL  But maybe Lachlan does kill Rebecca and Chrissie takes off with the baby.  Doubt it but it would be a fun little thing on the side to me at least.
17. Through it all Robert finds out that Aaron is Lachlan’s next target so he tries to warn Aaron.  He gets to Aaron at the same time as Lachlan is trying to run him over with his new car. (Yes I think there was a point to making sure we knew Lachlan passed his driving test this week and will now be getting that new car he was promised).  Anyway, Rob will try to push Aaron out of the way but they both get hit. Rob seriously hit and Aaron not so much because Rob saved him..... again.
18. Rob will be on death’s door.  Aaron will be banged up put OK.  This is where Chas/Paddy stick there nose in finally at the hospital trying to tell Aaron not to go back just because Rob saved him.  What they don’t know is what Aaron knows about the baby and ONS...  something he hadn’t told Rob about yet.  So now it will be Aaron at the hospital fearing Rob will die not knowing he didn’t cheat on Aaron.  Aaron finally confesses to Chas everything and surprisingly she will understand and accept Aaron’s decisions. Now Rob just has to wake up and get better.
19. Not sure how the whole Xmas show will fit in.  If it is an outlier show or another part of the story.  However it works out, Rob wakes up, Aaron tells him the truth about baby and ONS and his “I never stopped” feelings. Rob will struggle with accepting the baby isn’t his, that Aaron didn’t tell him right away, and even if ONS didn’t happen he probably still isn’t good enough for Aaron and will try to push him away.  How much will Aaron allow him to push before Aaron puts a stop to it? Don’t know.   The Xmas show then could be some kind of dream like thing for Rob now facing up to his past and his behavior.  Andy is the cameo that walks Rob through it all and helps him see that he needs to hang on to AAron and not push him away.
20. Rebecca has left ED with baby but she gets tracked down after first of year and a paternity test is done to confirm Rob isn’t the father but she refuses to say who is. Everyone assumes it is Ross.  Another test is done.  Ross isn’t the father but someone close DNA wise is..  a father, brother or son of Ross’s.  :-)   Of course I’m a champion of the Adam theory.  It’s proven true and Adam leaves ED because of it.  Who cares if he goes to Bex or not.  I don’t.  Aaron will be both devastated and hurt that Adam had been actively involved with Bex and knowingly allowed her to tear apart Rob and their relationship.  Through all of this Aaron will finally figure out that Rob really was the only truly looking out for him while he was in prison.  Everyone else, including his best mate took the opportunity to hurt Rob.
21. As for Aaron and Rob.  Rob will be seriously injured but I’m guessing the miracle workers of Hotten General will have him fully recovered as fast as Rhona was last year.  I would love to see him have a broken leg or something that requires some hospital time and Aaron and Vic fighting to take care of him after he gets out. Whatever happens I counting on the reunion first kiss on New Years either in hospital or at the Mill.  Aaron will also end up being Rob’s caregiver and learns to be there for Rob like he has always been there for Aaron in the past.  An important growth point in their relationship.
22. I don’t think it will take long after the new year for Rob to move back in to the Mill for the simple fact there is no longer a set at the studio for Vic’s Keeper’s Cottage. The Aaron and Rob scenes will have to be at the Mill and while I expect Rob will still live at Keeper’s or B&B for awhile it won’t take long for him to eventually move in...  or maybe move into the other flat for awhile.  That could happen too.  Live in the other flat but still eat meals, watch movies with Aaron and Liv at theirs. 
23. Since the wedding isn’t until summer I think it allows them to take their time working through all of their issues properly.  It is a soap so it won’t take forever. I also think there will be other things happening drama wise with them in the spring.  It will be voting season again for the BSA’s and I’m guessing Ryan and Danny will be primary targets for ED to promote for best actor which means they will have some kind of drama in the spring again to make them even more visible to the voters.  It doesn’t have to be angsty drama but something.  This is where I think maybe the baby could come back into play if you don’t believe my theory and believe the baby is Rob’s but Bex had left with it.  I don’t know but something will put a spot light on the boys in the spring during BSA voting season I’m sure.
24.  I still haven’t put my finger on the wide spectrum of stuff we got from Vic in all of this.  She has been from one extreme to another.  But mostly not being there for Rob through most of it.  The spoilers suggest even Bex finally calls her out on her meddling.  I think she will be left out in the cold when Rob is hurt and Aaron won’t have much use for her.  Rob will choose Aaron to care for him over her and she’ll feel the outcast feeling that Rob has felt so often and realize some things about her actions.  Adam will be the final hurt for her.  In the end it will be Rob that reaches out to her.  Old Rob would turn his back and let her suffer.  New Rob will love his sister unconditionally and not turn his back on her.  Lots of people in the village will find themselves apologizing. Rob will finally talk to his family about Jack.  The family will bond again.
25. More than likely most of this will be way off base like most of my speculations are.  I guess I just fall into the category of not thinking they are going to throw a baby into the mix while Rob and Aaron are rebuilding their relationship.  This has always been about Robron and if baby Seb remains in the mix it will no longer be about Robron.  It will be about Robastian with Aaron on the side and that isn’t the story they are telling I don’t think.  The little bit of baby we will get in November will be enough to change a lot of Rob’s perspectives on many things and it will give him enough of a taste of fatherhood to make him now want to be a father.  Aaron will develop strong feelings about it too which will make it an obvious easy story line for the new legally married Dingle-Sugden’s in the last half of 2018 to start the adoption/surragacy process.
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findsupercat · 7 years
So what are your top five?
This was really, really hard and I cheated at a lot and the number of fic I still had to leave out is heartbreaking. Basically you get two top sevens (in no particular order), one for WIP and one for completed.  I tried to limit myself to one per author (sort of successfully if you only look at one category at a time and ignore honorable mentions).
This is kind of long so the recs are under the cut:
Completed Fic:
Family by @pinkrabbitpro Cat gets seriously injured protecting Alex. I have a weakness for Cat proving her love in extreme ways  and (not really) unrequited pining. Favorite moment: Cat getting caught touching Kara or Cat’s disappointment when she has confirmation that Kara is Supergirl.
Let me lend a helping hand by @wistfulwatcher. Kara loses her powers and Cat…helps. Honestly this is just hot (and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t include at least one completely smutty option) but with a sneaky side of emotional involvement in the second chapter.  Favorite moment: Kara realizing that Cat is feeling vulnerable/rejected… also all the sex.
More about you by @bridgetteirish Cat decides she’s going to date Supergirl; it gets complicated and angsty quickly.  Favorite moment: The science section. I have a LOT of feelings about the science section.
A Shadow Passed by @fictorium/ @damelola Kara doesn’t save the plane.  Favorite moment: Who died?
Got a piece of my mind (to tell you who’s mine) by @itsswanqueen. I’m such a sucker for a soulmate AU.  Soulmates have their names on each other’s wrist; Cat’s is in Kryptonian. Bonus General Danvers plot. Favorite moment: Cat’s reveal and the bits about Adam.
Fallen by @spaceshipsarecool Kara is the Devil and Cat wants to make a deal. Really interesting from a theological point of view. It’s perfect. Favorite moment: Kara requesting a kiss. 
Thursday Nights by @rtarara  what if Kara landed on time fic. Kara is a prostitute and Cat is her John.  If you enjoy having your guts ripped out while you read fic, @rtarara is definitely the writer for you. Favorite Moment: “I’m an idiot, but I’m not delusional.” I’m always gonna cry in a rtarara fic. This is where I lost it in this one.  
Honorable Mention (which I didn’t count because I told you it was a favorite yesterday and this way I could sneak in another by @spaceshipsarecool):
Lab Down Under It’s perfect. Whimsical supervillain Cat and superpuppy Kara following her around and taking care of her.
Still in Progress Fic:
The Music and the Mirror by @fictorium/ @damelola The ballet AU. I will drop literally everything I’m doing when I see an update. Not even kidding. I pulled over on a road in the middle of nowhere Ohio to read a chapter and read another while helping my sister try on wedding dresses. Favorite moment: Cat freaking out over Kara’s feet. Bonding over Vodka. All of it. Just the whole fic.
Quiet Nights and Quiet Stars by @inspectorboxer​. Kara/Supergirl and Cat go on amazing dates and take on the Joker. This is actually a series with the first two being Cat and Supergirl dates and the Joker plot line really picking up in the third and fourth. I adore these stories.  Favorite moment: “Just come tonight as Kara Danvers and that will be enough.”
Chasing Fog by @pinkrabbitpro Bat fam AU. Kara is Bruce Wayne’s adopted daughter and Cat is Catwoman. The world building is amazing. It has tons of plot and is deliciously slow burn. Featuring an awesome Carter and a really interesting take on Alex. Favorite moment: Cat telling off Alex. And basically every moment with Cat, Kara and Carter all together. 
One Bridge at a Time by @dinovia-grant. Cat and Kara (and Carter) end up telepathically linked. It’s amazing and lovely and every chapter is the length of a small novel. Favorite moment: “Trickle down crazy!” and  Cat and Alex’s confrontation.
Hope it’s worth (I’ve born ready) by @hiraeth-unstuckintime​ A soulmate AU where anything written on your skin shows up on your soulmate. Cat and Kara begin communicating while Kara is still on Krypton. I’m a total sucker for a soulmate AU and this one is perfect. Favorite moment: “It’s that thing you humans do before marriage, right? You explained it to me. “
The Hidden Force by @musetotheworld​ Star Wars AU. Kara was a padawan who escaped the massacre. Such a fantastic job done with the Star Wars world/mythology. Really excellent Alex and Kara interactions and a side of pretend dating and Sanvers. Favorite moment: Basically all of Cat and Kara’s talks.
The mob bosses daughter by @supercitycarnival Mob boss!Cat and bodyguard Kara.  It’s only one chapter in but it’s amazing so far and it is off to a very promising start; I’m really excited about it. Also if you haven’t seen Full Circle mob!Cat is really REALLY hot.  Favorite moment: Kara’s reflections on Cat.
Honorable mention (It would be higher but I’m not sure it’s still updating so I didn’t want to rec it if it’s been abandoned):
Secrets by writtensword (does anyone know if they’re on tumblr?). Adam is gay and brings Kara to Thanksgiving with Cat and fam as a cover. It’s perfect and lovely. Features extremely awful Katherine Grant and a really cute Winn/Adam thing. Favorite moment: Adam coming out to Cat. 
What do you think? Anyone want to make a case for different fic? Argue that one of mine is overrated? Request themed recs?
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