#why can't they just point out what i did wrong instead of yelling at me. like dam. im sorry.
gardenlilgnome · 10 months
mmmmm im so exhausted.
#it's me seeing the ppl that I've helped not helping me back at work#its me stressed bc nothing ever goes right#its me not being able to say no to my boss bc i dont wanna let him down and bc i need the money#he called me a good worker bc of how helpful and available i always am#but i am so tired#idk if i can say no if he asks me to come on thirsday#its me always getting complains from somewhere#they can never talk to me normally#why can't they just point out what i did wrong instead of yelling at me. like dam. im sorry.#i cried at work today#i felt so stressed#and i just. didnt have anyone who was willing to help.#i asked a colleague if she could call the other colleague bc i only needed to ask her something and i had already been walking back and#forth and i didnt feel like climbing any more stairs.#and she just. said yes. “go upstairs and go talk to her”#like. 😭.#i just said okay and went away bc 😭#and after talking to the other colleague i just burst into tears in the staircase 😭😭#bc that shit really hurt me. idky.#and when i came back to my post i had the nurse assistants and patients all complaining the food was cold 😭😭😭😭#i offered to heat it up and no one wanted it so 😭😭😭 WHY WERE U COMPLAINING ANYWAY JUST STFU#THEY WERE COMPLAINING HOW HOT IT WAS ON LUNCHTIME IM CRYING#and i was cleaning up trying to held back the tears thinking of just how useless me being kind to others has been.#i needed help. i really needed someone to tell me where it was best to go so i wouldn't waste time and make my post wait too much.#and i was just. by myself. stressed and not knowing what or where i should go.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 2 months
*Perfect Revenge – Steve Harrington
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Warnings: cheated on and cheating with, underage drinking, rough sex, unprotected sex, language
I walked around the house, not entirely sure whose house I was at. With my one and only beer in my hand, I roamed the house looking for my boyfriend. Johnathan and I have been together for about three months. This party was his idea. I'm not sure why he insisted on coming. He usually hated parties.
I headed down the hallway and opened random doors. I wish I had never checked the last door. I covered my mouth as I gasped when my eyes adjusted to the dark.
"Johnathan?!" I yelled when the shock wore off.
"Y/N," he stuttered. "It's not what it looks like."
"Really?" I scoffed. "So you're not fucking Nancy Wheeler?!"
"Y/N. . ."
"Shut up, bitch!"
I turned around and stormed out of the room. I ignored their calls and focused on getting out of there. My mind was racing as I rushed down the hallway. I gasped when I bumped into someone.
"Whoa," Steve laughed. "Are you okay, Y/N?"
"I'm fine," I said, slowly and softly.
"You sure?"
"I don't really believe you," he mumbled, "but anyway, have you seen Nancy?"
"Yes," I whispered. "But you're not gonna want to know."
"Why?" He paused. "Y/N," he elongated, "what's going on?"
I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. So instead, I pointed. He sent me a look before walking into the room I just left. I knew he was there when I heard Nancy gasp his name.
Wow. . . They didn't bother stopping.
When he reappeared in front of me, I could see the anger in his eyes. He looked at me and that anger softened.
"Let's go," he said through clenched teeth.
"Does it matter?" He said harshly. He cleared his throat and changed his tone. "I'm sorry, Y/N. When I said 'let's go', I meant let's get out of here before I beat your boyfriend's ass."
"Ex-boyfriend," I mumbled. "I mean I haven't actually broken up with him. He was a little. . . busy. But I think it's pretty obvious. Right?"
Steve smiled softly at me as he stepped closer and grabbed my hand. "Right," he whispered. "Let me try this again; wanna get out of here and go get a drink somewhere we aren't being cheated on?"
"I'd like that," I tried to laugh but my voice cracked. He intertwined our fingers and led me to his car. He turned it on but didn't leave the house.
"I don't know where to go," he mumbled.
"I know a place," I said softly.
"What do you mean? Neither one of us is twenty-one."
"My cousin owns a bar," I explained. "He'll serve us if you're with me."
"Good to know," he smirked.
As Steve drove us to my cousin's bar, I couldn't get the image of Johnathan and Nancy out of my head. I cleared my throat, trying to get the frog out of my throat.
"You okay?" He asked, pulling me out of my head.
"Me either."
When we got there, we got out of the car and headed inside. "Hey, Y/N," my cousin greeted us from behind the bar.
"We need a drink," I said, sitting on the bar stool in front of him. "Now."
"Wow," he laughed. "What's wrong with you two?"
"My boyfriend cheated on me tonight."
"Damn," he sighed as he instantly grabbed a glass and started making me my usual.
"With his girlfriend," I finished as I pointed at Steve.
"Double damn."
"Steve, this is my cousin, Mark," I introduced. "He's gonna get us drunk."
"Just don't tell anyone," Mark said, sending us a smirk. "What'll you have, Steve?"
* * * * *
About an hour later, Steve and I were deliriously drunk.
"What are we gonna do about this?" Steve drunkenly sighed.
"I don't know," I pouted. "But. . ."
"But what?" He asked when I didn't continue. He swiveled his stool toward me.
"But whatever we do. . ."
"Tell me, Y/N," Steve chuckled.
"Promise you won't judge me?" I asked.
"I promise," he said, crossing his heart.
"I want to make them hurt," I said, not meaning to make my voice sound darker. "I want to make them feel as shitty as we feel."
"What did you have in mind?" Steve smirked.
"I don't know," I shrugged. "We can't actually hurt them."
"True," he chuckled. "But we can do to them what they did to us."
"You mean. . ."
I held my breath as Steve grabbed my knees and spun me toward him. I gasped as he slowly slid his hands higher. I stopped focusing on how high his hands were going as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.
As soon as my body flooded with endorphins, I grabbed his face and deepened the kiss. We scooted as close as we could get without falling off our stools. I gasped when Steve pulled on my legs, making my stool scoot closer to his. It still wasn't close enough to him so he slid off his stool. I moaned against his lips as he opened my thighs and stood between my legs.
"Steve," I moaned as soon as he broke the kiss and started kissing my neck. "Maybe we should. . . Don't you think. . ."
I gasped when he bit my neck, making me shiver with pleasure.
"Let's get out of here," I said quickly. Steve slowly pulled away with a dirty smirk on his face.
"I like the sound of that."
Without another word, Steve grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. The butterflies in my stomach went crazy as he led me to his car. We got in and started driving us somewhere. I didn't bother to ask him where we were going. The truth was, I didn't care where we were going.
I smirked when Steve pulled onto a hiking trail. My stomach flipped when I realized where we were going.
"I've always wanted to come here," I said under my breath.
"Johnathan never brought you to Skull Rock?" He asked, smirking in a way that made my whole body burn.
"He thought it was your spot," I whispered, "and he didn't want to run into you and. . . Nancy."
I looked away when I connected the dots and figured out the real reason he never wanted to come here. With tears in my eyes, I looked down and started playing with my fingers. I held my breath when Steve reached over and put his hand on top of mine.
"Let's not think about them," he whispered. "Besides, we're here."
I looked up to see Steve had parked. He got out and sent me a wink before opening my door for me. He grabbed my hand but I didn't go with him.
"What's wrong?" He asked, his face dropping. "I thought you. . ."
I got out of the front seat but immediately turned and started getting in the back seat. Steve smirked as he leaned against the car.
"Y/N," he said in a sing-songy voice, "you know the whole point of Skull Rock is to make out at, on, and against Skull Rock?"
"I know," I shrugged. Steve swallowed hard when I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it into the front seat. "But what's the harm in getting started here?"
"Nothing," he said through clenched teeth. "Absolutely fucking nothing."
I laughed when he got into the back, instantly climbing on top of me. When he was straddling me, he tore his shirt off and tossed it toward mine. Steve made me gasp as he pressed his lips roughly to mine.
We didn't waste any time. Soon, we were only in our underwear, our bodies dancing against each other.
I gasped and arched my back when Steve leaned down and pressed his face between my breasts. I have never wanted to get rid of a piece of clothing as much as I have wanted to tear off my bra.
Luckily, Steve beat me to it. He slid his hand under my body and was able to undo it with one hand. The second he got it undone, I tore it off and tossed it somewhere.
"Fuck!" I moaned loudly as his lips wrapped around my nipple. "Shit, Steve Harrington," I moaned. "I used to hear about what you did to the girls you brought here."
I gaped when he roughly pulled away. He looked me straight in the eyes as he said, "All of them were nothing compared to you, gorgeous. They were just pointless and useless fucks. Not you."
Steve leaned down and smashed his lips onto mine. I ran my fingers through his hair, slightly pulling on strands until he groaned. When I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed the hem of his boxers and tore them down his thighs. The second he was free, I kicked off my underwear.
Before either one of us could really think this through, I opened my legs and Steve positioned himself. I gasped, breaking the kiss and arching my back when he pushed into me. Things sped up as our lips moved in sync as our bodies danced. We did different things, changing whenever we made the other moan.
We lost track of time as we only focused on each other. Out of the different sexual experiences I've had, Steve Harrington was something else.
"I know why all the girls at school call you the King of Hawkins High," I moaned. My moan turned into a gasp when he pulled out of me.
Steve chuckled as he leaned down and returned his face to my favorite spot. "Fuck," I groaned as he started massaging my breast with his mouth.
Without moving his mouth, Steve grabbed my leg and wrapped my thigh around his waist. I swore under my breath when he was able to push back into me while making out with my chest.
"Oh Steve," I moaned. I grabbed his face and brought it back to mine. Our lips instantly started devouring each other and our tongues battled for dominance.
"Squeeze," he moaned into my mouth.
"Harder," I moaned back. It seemed like we both held our breaths as we fulfilled the other's request. We let out releasing moans as we gave into our rising orgasms.
As we slowly pulled apart, we looked into each other's eyes. The butterflies went crazy as he reached up and moved some hair out of my face. I wanted to say something sweet, something to tell him how much the night meant to me, but nothing came to mind. So instead, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
"Guess we never made it to Skull Rock."
* * * * *
After Steve and I got our revenge, he drove me home and I figured it would end there.
It didn't.
A couple of days later, I was in my room finishing my report when someone knocked on my window. I looked up and my heart jumped in my throat.
"Steve?" I panicked. I quickly stood up, went to my window, and opened it. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you," he shrugged like it was obvious. I watched as he climbed through my window.
"Why?" I couldn't help but ask. When Steve turned around, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest.
"Because I haven't been able to stop thinking about you," he said, his voice low. "You, my backseat, and the hiking trail parking lot half a mile from Skull Rock."
I moaned when he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Without breaking the kiss, Steve walked us toward my bed. We gasped, slightly chuckling as we fell backward.
Instead of kissing me again, he stopped. He reached over and moved some hair out of my face.
"You really haven't stopped thinking about me?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Of course not," he whispered. "I have thought about absolutely everything that happened that night."
"Well, not everything," he smirked. "But only the important parts."
"Like?" I baited. I moaned when he slipped his hand under my shirt, searching for my breast. When he squeezed, I let out another moan.
"Like the feel of your skin against mine," he started listing off. "Like the feel of your body underneath mine. Like the feeling of my lips on your skin. Like the feeling of other body parts pressed and intertwined."
"But what about. . ." I started to ask but couldn't get myself to finish it.
"I broke up with her after I dropped you off."
"Wait, what?" I asked, slightly readjusting under him. He sat up and pulled me with him.
"After I took you home the other night," he explained, "I went by her house. She wasn't there, so I waited. The second she got home, I went to talk to her. I demanded answers and asked her about her and Johnathan. I won't tell you. . ."
"Please," I cut him off. "Tell me."
Steve sighed as he reached up and moved a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'm so sorry, Y/N," he started, "but they've been hooking up for months."
He slowly nodded. "Wow," I whispered as I looked down.
"I know this sucks," he said gently, "but it's a blessing in disguise."
"How?" I asked, my voice breaking. Steve used his finger to lift my head. Without saying anything, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.
"Because it got us together," he whispered as he broke the kiss and kept his forehead pressed to mine. "It made me realize that you are so much better for me than Nancy Wheeler."
"Really?" I asked, the butterflies from a couple of days woke up. He didn't kiss me. Instead, he started kissing my jaw. I felt the hickeys form as he explored my neck.
"What did you say?" I stuttered, trying to get my head back on straight.
"What do you mean?" He moaned against my collarbone.
"The other night," I barely got out, "with Nancy."
"Oh yeah," he smirked as he pulled away. "I ended it. I also told her you and Johnathan were over so she could have him." His smirk dropped. "Was that okay?"
"Yes," I said softly. "It is. Besides, those two cheaters deserve each other."
Steve leaned in but didn't press his lips to mine. Instead, he whispered, "Just like how we deserve each other."
"You really believe that?"
To answer me, Steve closed the gap between us and kissed me. I ran my fingers through his hair as our lips moved in sync. We broke the kiss with matching moans.
"I really do," he whispered. "I know Johnathan hurt you. And honestly, I want to beat the shit out of him for making you cry. But I won't do that. Instead, I'll get back at him by treating you better. Way better, Y/N. The way you deserve to be treated. I promise."
Steve put his hand on my stomach and laid me down, hovering over me. I arched my back when he started kissing and biting my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut as he explored my skin.
"Have you ever done it in the shower?" I asked between moans. Steve pulled away and smirked down at me. "I've never done it, but I hear it's pretty amazing."
"It's fucking unbelievable," he growled, grinding his body against mine. "I can show you the ropes."
"Ropes?" I teased. "Is that your kink, Harrington?"
"Not really," he shrugged teasingly. "My kink is more sneaking around and doing it when and where I know I shouldn't."
"Well then," I moaned as I slid my hands under his shirt and started slowly unbuttoning his pants. "I can show you the ropes."
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kingconia · 1 year
(Aka. In their ’signature’ character trait.)
A/N: Idia was left out, because this author had no idea how to write his part.
Riddle Rosehearts. ❤️
— It is not a secret that Riddle might appear a little bit obsessed, when it comes to rules. He knows all of them, and he merely can't understand how others can be so careless!
— And since no one learned them, excluding him, they trusted with each word he said. Mostly, Riddle said truth, following the codex precisely;
— But, oh, he is still a human. Sometimes, he can make mistakes or confuse things...
— That is why, when a new student of his suddenly stood up to point out at his mistake, Riddle doesn't even know what to do: be happy that there is someone else like him, or get annoyed for a necessity to admit his wrong?
”Hmph, how dare you call yourself a housewarden of Heartslabyul, when you can't follow elemental rules?”
As other students gasp, shocked by this kind of braveness, Riddle feels his cheek heating. Either from anger or from a strict gaze of yours, that reminds him much of his mother.
”You said that the ’only ever drink tea with slice of lemon on even thursdays’ rule is under 53 number,” you repeat, with hands on the tips, and with no care to Trey, who tries to stop you.
”That, I did,” regaining his coldness, Riddle admits.
Truth to be told, he sensed that he made some kind of mistake with this one. But recently he had been more tired than usual, and it is not like someone else know those rules but him, right?
”Well," you huff. ”It is under number 35.”
”I...” Riddle tries to ignore others eyes on him, fingers digging in the fabric of his pants.
He fights an urge to lie about checking other students, instead of admitting his fault. You don't give him time for any of that.
”Well, keep that in mind then,” you say. ”I expect my housewarden to respect our dorm rules, after all.”
With that, you merely leave.
Riddle has a very mixed feelings about this encounter...
Leona Kingscholar. 💛
— When headmaster Crowley stops him not for yelling at him for missed lessons, but to speak of another troublemaker from Savanaclaw, Leona is caught off guard;
— It appears, a new freshmen, gained a quite awful reputation. You seem to be sleeping all the time—you did, in the ceremony; and you do, if you appear on lectures, though, mostly, you don't at all—and the only good thing about you is your surprisingly high grades;
— Truth to be told, Leona is just amused by that. All those warnings some pretty familiar, so, he decides to see you himself;
— Of course, Leona couldn't expect you to be so familiarly annoying!
”Shit,” you yawn, a frown touching your face instantly. ”Dude, you must have a really good reason to wake me up.”
Leona blinks; his curiosity changing with irritation quickly as he hears you speaking so carelessly, while stretching under the tree, not even standing up to meet him properly.
”Oi, brat, pay some respect to your housewarden!” He hisses. ”Perhaps, you are forgetting who are you speaking with?”
”Leona-sama,” you sigh tiredly, not impressed by his answer, ”I can't pay respect to someone, who thinks that distracting me from my power nap, is fine.”
Leona is speechless. Mostly, because he doesn't know how to argue about this—he agrees that sleep is more important than anyone or anything in this school, after all. But the amount of disrespect...
”Do you have an idea of your reputation? Headmaster plans to expel you from the school if you continue like this.
Leona internally cringes from these words.
”Sure,” you hum lazily. ”Good luck with throwing off the best first-year student, just because they find those lectures boring.”
Leona can't even answer to you properly. You just fall asleep as soon as you stop speaking, with your tail wrapping around your legs peacefully. At least, he understands Ruggie now...
Azul Ashengrotto. 🩵
— Azul makes a quick background check on all of his students, of course. For safety reasons. More or less;
— So, he is surprised, when one of the freshman, who happens to be you, is too secretive. Azul can't find anything on you at all, even the smallest piece of information, and so, he gets curious;
— His first plan—to get twins stalker on you—fails, when you catch them in the action, somehow. Even worse, you somehow make a pact with them, which stops them from trying to dig in your past more...
— Your next step is to send Azul invitation for a little friendly lunch in the Monster Lounge. Sadly, when he agreed, he couldn't know that was expecting him here...
”I am failing to understand a purpose of our meeting,” Azul locks his hands together, staring at you without even blinking.
You make another sip of the apple juice you ordered, lips stretching in a soft smile.
”I am here to offer you a pact, Azul-sama.”
Azul almost bursts in the laughter. Who do you think you are, making this bold offer, going against him? What an amusement.
”Oh? Surprise me, then.”
”As far as I know, you spent last three weeks, trying to gain a little information about me. But, oh, all for nothing. Just as I tried to find an answer for a few questions considering you and the Monster Lounge, and failed... So, what I am proposing, is to exchange our secrets mutually,” you wink. ”What do you think?”
How stupid of you to think that he will agree on something like this!
”And why would I want to make a pact with you?”
Suddenly, you search for something in the inner pocket of your jacket. And as you find some envelope, you offer it to him.
”Because you don't want this to get leaked, perhaps?”
It takes a few minutes from him to process what is inside, but when he does, colours leave his face instantly.
How did you?..
”It is a deal, then.” You laugh.
Azul hates how there is nothing he can say to you...
Kalim Al-Asim. 🧡
— Kalim tries to befriend each student of his house naturally! But, sometimes, others don't want to return his sentiment as he is too loud and too naive for them, so they avoid him or offer a fake sympathy;
— So, when one of the students rushes to befriend him first, smiling widely as they met their old friend, Kalim is very, very happy!
— You match instantly, your undying energy and enthusiasm about everything bringing you close as soon as you start speaking;
— Even better, you take him seriously, too. It is something other do rarely, seeming him stupid and air-headed, but you know that is more than that. It goes in both way, after all.
”I... I must admit, I am very happy to be your friend,” you muse softly, back pressing to the carpet as both of you taking your short flight around the school. ”I think, I annoy a lot of people here... But I am not annoying you, am I?”
Kalim looks surprised with this question—after all, you knew him better than anyone!—as he rushes to shake his head in denial.
”No, no! You would never.”
You hum, turning on your stomach slowly. Head pressed on your crossed hands, you nod at him.
”That's good. Thank you.... And, Kalim?”
”Yes?” He asks, mirroring your pose, your shoulders pressing together.
”I think you are amazing housewarden, too. Don't allow anyone think otherwise.”
Before you manage to understand, Kalim is already tucking you on the back, to hug rightly. Just how you always know what to say to him, or how to make him happy?
Vil Schoenheit. 💜
— Everyone knows that despite his tight schedule, Vil always checks on all of his students, so they could fit standards of their dorm;
— He takes more time to deal with new students, though. Most of them are still not aware of Pomefiore rules and expectations, so, he needs to speak with all of them individually;
— So, Vil is slightly taken aback, when someone is already instructing new students before him. He watches as you explain others common rules, while giving them random advice on how to enhance their skin and hair routine, basing on different problems and offering interesting solutions, curiously:
— Of course, Vil can't wait to speak with you personally!
”Y/n Y/s, right?” You pause your speeches, nodding at Vil, who just entered the room. ”I had been watching you for a while, and, I must say, you have impressive qualities. And style, too.”
Vil partly expects you to become all shy over his compliment—that is what happens usually, at least—but, instead, you became even more serious than before.
”I appreciate that, but I believe my wish to help other classmates is partly selfish. And selfishness shouldn't be praised.”
It is not what he thought he will hear.
”And how so?” He asks with unhidden curiousity.
”I strive for perfection, and perfection can only be achieved by the hard work,” you punctuate firmly, raising your chin higher. ”But I also believe that your surroundings should fit you—and so, my dorm, classmates, and housewarden should meet my expectation for myself, too. Therefore, I need to guide them in perfection alone with myself.”
Vil can't help but smirk. What an absolute pleasure to speak with someone, who knows what they are doing, who has right morals!
”Well, well,” he folds arm on his chest. ”I can't wait to see more of your hard work, then.”
”I would never disappoint.”
But as the conversation is finished, Vil already knows who is going to be the next housewarden, when he leaves.
Malleus Draconia. 💚
— When Lilia tells him that they now have another half-dragon creature in the Diasomnia, Malleus is partly curious. It is a rare thing to have someone of his own kind, after all;
— But, of course, Malleus can't just walk to you and start a conversation. Instead, he tries to see you more often; in school or corridors;
— It doesn't give him much. You seem very cold, and other classmates ignore your presence constantly, though, you don't seem to be interested in them, either;
— He finally has a chance to speak with you personally, when he finds you walking around gargoyles in the evening, though.
”Malleus-sama,” you bow your head, noticing his presence even earlier than he announces it. ”Good evening. How this one can help you?”
”Y/n,” he slightly nods, examining you closer. ”If I am not mistaken, there is party for the first-years in the school. Why are you here?”
Malleus can't help but notice hints of confusion, raising in your eyes, before you cover it with the usual stoic expression of yours. With a quiet sigh, you start petting the statute affectionately, much like an animal.
”Is that so? I am afraid, I wasn't invited, then.”
He rewards you with sympathetic look.
”I see,” he adds, awkwardly: ”I am sorry to hear that.”
”Oh, no time for regrets,” your fangs bare in a smile. ”Actually... Malleus-sama, I planned to ask you something for a while, but never had a chance to speak with you before. Can I?”
”Of course.”
”Headmaster told me, that you are leading the club of the researches that are dedicated to gargoyles... And so, I wanted to know what I need to join it. You see...”
As you start rumbling about the importance of gargoyles, Malleus can't help but wonder why he saw you as someone cold before. Was it something others thought of him, judging by short glimpses of his attitude in school?
But it doesn't matter anymore. He thinks, your company is very enjoyable, after all.
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cher-rei · 6 months
prompt 9 or 10 w pedri 🙏🏼
pack it up- pedri gonzalez [ P.G ]
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you and me, always forever [always forever- cults]
pairing: pedri gonzalez x fem!reader
summary: watching the football match with pedri starts off cute, but you've said felix's name one too many times.
genre(s): flufffffff
[wc: 2.5k] masterlist
notes: I changed the plot of this a bunch of times for no reason I swearrr
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"amor the match is starting!"
your call had pedri rushing from the kitchen with his hands occupied by the assorted candies that you asked for. he set it down on the coffee table just in time and settled down next to you on the couch, pulling you closer to his side underneath the blanket.
"I can't believe you're making your injured boyfriend run around for some sweets," he said in disbelief and looked down at you, but yours eyes were glued to the tv screen.
this was a match that you couldn't afford to miss, athlético vs barça was not something that anyone took lightly. that's why you prepped a little more for this match than usual and your boyfriend decided to join you at home instead of going to the stadium with the excuse that it was too cold outside.
you didn't complain though, having pedri at home was a gift from heaven but of course you still wished for a speedy recovery and all that... but he was home and got to spend time with you, so it was okay right?
your lack of response had him dumbfounded, he stayed at home for this? he clicked his tongue and faced forward, mumbling about something under his breath but you were quick to shush him.
"shush babe." you softly hit his arm. "you can complain later."
this wasn't the first shocking thing that has happened today at all. just before kick off, you told him that you forgot to put your barca jersey on and rushed to your room which had pedri smiling from ear to ear, thinking that you would be coming out in one of his jerseys.
and oh how wrong he was.
his smile immediately dropped at the sight, not just because it wasn't one of the jerseys he gave you but rather your own, but also because of whose name and number were flaunted at the back.
your boyfriend blinked up at you, and you asked him what was wrong, clearly not seeing an issue. "is there something wrong with my face?" you put your hand to your face, walking over to the mirror hanging on the wall to check but nothing was there.
"uh no," he said through a forced smile. "but there's something wrong with what you're wearing right now."
your head tilted in confusion and you looked down at your outfit, not seeing an issue with it all. your shoulders slumped and you looked at him in confusion. "there's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing."
"last time i checked, felix isn't your boyfriend, i am." he pointed to himself for emphasis but you only rolled your eyes at his childishness.
"are you serious right now?" you sat down beside him and he shot you a look of judgment buy your were adamant on not changing.
"last time I checked you're not on the pitch right now, felix is." you gestured to the tv yet pedri remained stubborn, saying that it didn't matter whether or not he was playing or not.
where did you even buy that jersey?? he needed to burn it asap.
he was upset but all it took was a quick peck on the lips to ease his mind, reassuring him that you wanted to give felix some extra support because he was playing against his own club. and that made sense to pedri, the support was needed and it was appreciated.
so for the first 20 minutes of the game, your yelling was held at a minimum but the closer you got to halftime time the more restless you and pedri got. the team's play was just too messy, there was no communication or stability.
the ball was lost every other touch, barca could barely make it past the halfway line and they kept on passing the ball back instead of taking their chances. it was frustrating, to say the least, especially for pedri because he was supposed to be there.
he was supposed to be running on the pitch, ensuring that the midfield wasn't a total wreck but he wasn't. he just had to get injured again. you felt his body tense up beside you and immediately knew what he was thinking.
"hey," you called softly and flashed him a small smile. "are you okay?"
when he looked at you his mind immediately eased— one look and a smile from you and he felt so much better. sure he was bugged about the whole jersey thing but you still looked so adorable cuddled up to him that he forgot about everything.
he gave you a reassuring hum and a kiss on the forehead before turning back to the match. his fingers ran through your hair soothingly, your eyes daring to close but you wouldn't dare tell him to stop.
it was now 35 minutes into game time and nothing had happened which had pedri scoffing. "I think you're jinxing us."
"as if, just you wait," you countered but he wasn't too sure about your answer. it wasn't playing in your favour by the looks of it and he swore that it was your jersey, it had to be and when he told you that it was you shook your head, swearing that felix was going to score.
pedri was still I'm disbelief, shaking his head until you shot up when gundogan got the ball, choosing to pass it to lewandoski who was already in the box. it all happened to fast that you barely saw it, both you and pedri holding on to each other until the ball went into the net, by none other than felix himself.
"let's go felix my boy!!" you leapt from the couch and stood in front of your boyfriend who sat silently in disbelief until it sank in.
he looked up at your smiling face with his eyebrows raised. "your boy?"
you chose to ignore him and pat the barcelona crest on your jersey. "pack it up, lover boy. I called it."
the commentators were going crazy, everything happening so fast but you were still standing in front of the tv with your phone in your hand, happily adding the moment to your instagram story and replying to gavi's message about the goal.
"xavi got a red card," pedri said in hopes of redirecting your attention away from felix and his goal. he was happy for his teammate obviously— he was ecstatic, but not about the part where his girlfriend was celebrating as if he was her boyfriend.
he didn't know why, but he was in a rather jealous mood today. he wasn't the jealous type, and you knew that which was why you couldn't help but tease him with the opportunity given.
you put your phone back down on the coffee table. "I don't care about xavi right now. this is about felix and his redemption. the clubs redemption too-- but mostly felix's."
something about the way you said felix's name made pedri's jaw tick. it was like a broken record sounding from your lips, over and over again until he finally let up and pulled you onto his lap which had you all too amused.
"do you know how many times you've said his name tonight?" he asked with a quirked brow.
you tried to ignore the feeling of his hands trailing up your shirt onto your bare skin. it was so rare to see him this riled up, this adamant because pedri was a baby. your baby, who preferred to be the little spoon and smothered in kisses.
so you couldn't falter. not now.
your shoulders shrugged innocently. "the normal amount."
the normal amount? as if.
that wasn't even remotely close to what he wanted to hear and you felt it in the way he looked at you. the living room was dark— the only source of light being from the tv that you'd lost all interest in because your boyfriend was staring you down.
his eyes dropped from your eyes to your lips and you felt your face heat up in anticipation.
"6 times," he muttered just above a whisper and inches towards you achingly slow, only to pull away at the last second because second half had starterted by the sound of it.
he pat your thigh lightly and set you back down beside him, your body still in shock at the fact that he pulled away before kissing you. you looked up at pedri with your lips slightly parted, not sure of what to say.
"what?" he asked with a chuckle and gestured to the tv. "felix is there not here. you're supposed to be supporting him."
oh so he was playing like that tonight? your boyfriend loved to tease you whenever he got the chance. he was playful sure but this was a tad bit too far for your liking. anyway, you brushed it off and continued to enjoy the game, but with less talking.
not too long after second half started lewandoski was able to make the score 2-0 , and this time pedri was the one to jump up in victory whereas you just watched him. you weren't upset, not by a long shot. if he wanted to play, then you'd join in.
your boyfriend spared you a few glances every so often and noticed the bit of space that was left between you two. he watched you silently and began to wonder what the issue was and when he asked if you were okay, a nod was sent his way.
ten more minutes had passed with little to no words exchanged and he was starting to grow restless, whereas you continued to watch the match unbothered. if there truly was an issue then there was only way to make sure of it.
your hand was free, resting on your thigh so naturally his hand slipped into it but you were quick to pull away and instead bent over to reach for your phone on the coffee table.
it was his turn to be shocked— his lips parting and a scoff of disbelief exiting but you paid no mind and continued to go through your phone, only looking up at the tv when you heard that fermin scored.
"how long are you going to keep this up for?" pedri suddenly asked out of the blue and your best act of nonchalantly confusion and asked him what he meant.
his eyebrows quirked up. "you're not talking at all and when I tried to hold your hand you pulled it away."
you raised your phone into the air, "because I wanted to get my phone--"
"oh so you can hold my hand now then?" there was a twinge of anger in his tone, it was almost unnoticeable but you caught it and carried on with the act and shook your head to the side.
"I'm still using my phone pedro--"
pedri's body tensed up at the name that fell from your lips as if this night couldn't have gotten any more confusing. he turned to face you fully. "what did you just call me?"
you squinted, trying your best to suppress your smile because you knew that he hated it when you said his name. it meant that he was in trouble which was rare so for you to say to so casually had him panicking.
"your name?"
"did I do something wrong? are you going to tell me that you want to sleep in the guest room tonight too?"
he began to get riled up and it was seen in the way that his eyes began to wander and never met yours. he had officially gone into full panic mode which you hadn't expected at all, so now it was your turn to let up the act to try and calm him down.
your hand immediately found his and you urged him to calm down, saying that you were just teasing him. you went on like this for however long, spewing apologies and reassurance because having him upset was the last thing anyone wanted.
that was until you saw his lips curve up ever so slowly. your blood began to boil in the realisation that he wasn't being serious at all and had you feeling as guilty as ever for absolutely no reason. without a second thought, you let go of his hand and hot up from the couch.
pedri couldn't stop smiling, a soft chuckle leaving his lips while he tried to pull you back down but you already had your phone and started walking away. "baby wait," he called out after you but no second glance was spared from your side.
"where are you going?" he watched as the figure began walking up the stairs, each step filled with more irritation than the last but he couldn't push aside how adorable you looked.
you scoffed. "the guest bedroom."
your answer had him running after you in a matter of seconds, his laughter echoing through the house as he called out your name and luckily he caught you at the top of the staircase. pedri's arms wrapped around you but you fought it and tried your best to escape his embrace.
"amor I was only teasing you," he said in between his laughter and spun you around to look at him. the pout on your face had his heartstrings tugging but you only rolled your eyes.
"is it because I didn't kiss you hm?" he asked playfully and leant down to kiss you but you turned your head away from him stubbornly. did that stop him? not in the slightest, because he opted for the next open space— your neck which had you in a fit of giggles.
featherlight kisses trailed from your collarbone to your neck— each kiss more delicate than the last and placed so carefully to the point where you couldn't fight it any longer and admitted defeat.
"okay I said you won," you repeated but he didn't stop, a low hum sounding against your skin instead.
"I haven't won until this," he tugged on the hem of the jersey you were still wearing, felix's name at the back. "is on the floor."
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"I hate the new hero" is such a brilliant fic idea! I absolutely devoured it. 
Especially if we throw in some angst into it. *evil laugh*
Like, what if the harassment was too much that it affected the reader’s other life?
What was at first a way for her to hide her superhero identity.. had now made her doubt her vigilante work?
I know the BatBoys won’t act as low to actually physically harass who they thought was a civilian student, no matter how much they hate it, but they’ll definitely make their life worse. Online harassment, endless accusations, fake rumours that caused the reader to be hated by the entire school. 
Until one day you had enough. As much as reader love Gotham, wanting to protect it. But you were only a student now.. a teenage with a future to strive for, a future Gotham Academy could no longer provide you. 
‘Are these people the ones I risk my life every night for..?’
‘What was the point..’
All kinds of self deprecating dark thoughts swirl inside the mind of the teenage girl. 
After some thought, you decided. 
“I’m leaving Gotham,” Aranea announces, sharp eyes looking down the streets of the city from the high rooftop. 
Red Robin almost lost his cool, a cold shudder went through him at the horrifying revelation. It was so sudden, why are you leaving? Leaving Gotham? Leaving them? Leaving him?
His brilliant mind moved at an almost inhuman speed, creating hundreds of possibilities for why you would come to that decision.
But he just doesn’t understand. “Why?” He finally let out, his voice so low he was worried you didn’t catch it. 
But you did. “I have my reasons.” You sigh, your brows furrowing in distress.
Oh, how Tim wished he could kiss your worries away. It kills him to see you so troubled.
“Why? Is something wrong?” He urged, his tone sounding desperate. “I swear if Red Hood did something—“
“No,” You shook your head, “Nothing’s wrong. At least not with you guys.”
“Then what is it?” He eyes you, trying to read you. “Is it your day life? Your life behind the mask?”
You didn’t answer, avoiding his gaze. You were too quiet, it was such a strange sight. Your eyes held a certain sadness, your smile gone. It’s killing him.  
Your silence gave him all the answers he needed. “Then tell me, tell me who you are. Let us help you.” He begs; he knows he’ll do anything you ask him to, and he knows his family would do the same. 
“You know we can’t do that.” You shook your head. 
Damn, this is getting too long. Haha.. I’ll stop. But yeah. It’s a brilliant idea. 
Imagine how crazy he’ll react if he knew that he was the cause of your worries. He was the one who hurt you. The angst will be delicious. 
Not to spoil too much but in future chapters Reader will start to doubt themselves and cracks will show.
Reader may also look elsewhere for places to save. After all, Gotham already has so many heroes, what's one gone?
But they can't let the optimistic sweetheart of a hero go now, can they? You know what they say, you can take the man out of the city but not the city out the man...
Who said that?! 😮‍💨
And for the third paragraph, I absolutely agree! They wouldn't stoop so low as to actually assault Reader. But that doesn't mean they can't misuse the power they have over Gotham (both in their vigilante life and real life).
Though if I were to say one name that I think would get slightly physical (passive aggressively) I would have to say Dick.
Dick is such an emotionally complex character. Damian has learnt from his past and knows better thanks to Bruce, Bruce wouldn't risk anything and would instead just verbally cause harm, Jason doesn't actually resort to violence a lot - he yells, he punches walls, etc but he has never actually hit someone without proper reason/justification, Tim is above violence while a civilian.
The way Dick would do it would be so casual though - a hug too tight, a handshake that "accidentally" breaks a finger, a hard "pat" on the back that makes you spit out whatever you're eating/drinking, small things that don't seem like much.
I also want to state that the Reader is very complex as well with how I write them. Their true personality is cautious, ambitious, kind, sarcastic, kinda cold and loyal but they either display one part too much or too little - kind, loyal and ambitious during hero work is up to 100 while cautious, sarcastic, cold is hidden at 30. Whereas while a civilian they show caution, coldness, sarcasm at 100 with loyalty, kindness and ambition down to 30-40.
I won't say much more though, again Reader is you guys so their "true" personality is up to you - this is just how they're perceived by people.
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writingroom21 · 3 months
Seeing the ghost face reader just inspired me with something. Imagine shy introverted reader (she's like fluttershy if you watched my little pony) nerdy pouge reader where she is sarah’s bestie who has a massive crush on rafe but doesn't show it but when he starts saying something really bad to Sarah (I don't know what) reader loses it inside since she can't show it so later that night she secretly goes to race room quietly while he's asleep wakes him up by slapping his face hard (he wont mind since he's always found reader hot) reader is secretly a dom as they have hardcore sex
Like A Virgin
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex(wrap it up), cream pie, overstimulation, chocking, oral (m receiving), (let me know if I missed any)
Wc: 3.2K
A/N: I'm loving all the requests I've been getting! Keep them coming! I'm getting through them as fast as I can, so sorry if it take a while. I also just started my new job so I have to figure out a writing schedule. So please bare with me, I will get to them
“What the fuck Rafe! Why do you always have to start something? He’s my boyfriend, he can be here.” Sarah’s voice echoes through the halls.You had just walked through the back door to get a drink. She had invited the pogues over for a pool day, you’ve all been outside all day. From the moment you had gotten there you could tell something was off.
Sarah was tense and a little short, apologizing straight after and blaming it on being tired. You would believe her if it wasn’t for the dark looming shadow that was Rafe Cameron. He was lurking around, making sly comments, objectifying your’s and Kie’s body. He knew better than to try with Cleo, she would kill him in his sleep in a heartbeat. There was definitely something going on because even if he normally is a dick, he would have quit by now.
You’ve been Sarah’s friend for ages, the only person she never actually tried to push away. It was shocking for everyone because she’s always been out going while you kept to yourself. Instead of making friends you were reading not wanting to be bothered by the other kids. Then one day Sarah came up to you and forced you out of your shell.From then on the two of you were attached by the hip, always together. She never onced judged you for being a pogue even when all her kook friends made fun of you.
They saw you as an easy target. The shy, poor, bookworm pogue who hangs off the kook princess with a vice grip. She would always defend you, telling them off. Even going as far as getting into an argument with Rafe about you. He wasn’t always a dick to you, at first he was even nice? If you could even use that word but when he started to do drugs he became a different person.
You’ve spent countless hours in this house and viewing how the family dynamic works. They sometimes tend to forget that you are there, your quietness hiding you from their view. You’ve seen how Rafe can get, yelling and making a mess of things. How Ward neglects his eldest and youngest for Sarah and so on. The family has a complicated relationship that’s for sure, but you knew something was wrong.
Now you can see what was wrong, it was all of you. “No, I don't want filthy pogues in my house. They are nothing but low lives Sarah. If you want to ruin your life fine but don’t drag the rest of us down.” Rafe’s voice booms over hers. “Ahhhh you are so crazy. You are literally the worst. I just wanted to have a good time with my friends. Why can’t you just be a normal brother for once?” Sarah storms off running into you on her way back outside. 
“Hey did you?” She points behind her and you just nod. “I’m sorry.” You give her a quick hug and she goes back outside. Entering the kitchen you see Rafe texting on his phone leaning on the counter. He looks up at you and rolls his eyes. “What do you want, pogue?”  You ignore the venom that was laced in his words. Doing what you always do, biting your tongue afraid of the confrontation's consequences. “Fucking spit it out, stop being such a baby.” With a deep breath you do.
“Maybe you should try being nicer to people. Sarah’s your sister and you treat her like shit.” Rafe scoffs as you get water from the fridge. “If I wanted advice I wouldn’t go to someone who’s poor. You and your criminal friends are just a waste of space.” He watches as you walk away, looking back to say one last thing today. “Don’t you find it funny how Sarah actually has friends. You’re still hanging out with high schoolers because everyone hates you. Maybe it's time to change and grow up.”
He left you alone after that. The rest of the afternoon was peaceful and filled with fun. At first you were scared of what he would say or do. You expected him to actually run out after you and start yelling. But nothing happened. Sarah had ordered you all pizzas and set up the movies in the living room. Everyone ate and walked as the movies played in the background. As it got later, the sun died, sleeping until it is brought to life once again in the morning. Mostly everyone was asleep, Kie and Sarah chatted and you chimed in time for time. But soon the sounds of Kie’s voice faded and became nothing. 
“Sarah?” The sound of blankets indicates that someone is moving around.”Yeah?” There’s so much you want to say, tell her so she knows you are there for you. But none of them seem good enough. “Are you okay?” You hear a sigh and more shuffling. Sarah plops her pillow and blanket next to you, laying down, she finally answers. “I guess.”
“It must be tough when he acts like that. I’m sorry you don’t deserve this.” Usually you don’t really comment on these things. Rafe is an iffy topic for Sarah. After he tried to kill her, she finds it hard to even look at him. She wants to help him because he’s her brother but at the same time she doesn’t recognize him. You don’t like to pick at the sore wound so you tend to just lend a comforting hand. “It’s always kinda been like this, the drugs just make it worse.” She pauses, taking a deep breath. “I still remember when we were little and I was so scared of a thunderstorm that he held me the whole night. Told me that he would always be there to protect me because he was my big brother, he loved me. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that, I don’t know who he is.”
You hand finds hers over the blankets, squeezing her fingers. “Sometimes people get lost. Some get help and find their way while the others continue on the never ending path. It sucks that you can’t do anything, he won’t let you. If it makes you feel better I think that part of him is still in there somewhere, he just hasn’t had the chance to show it.” 
Her fingers squeeze yours back. “I hope so.” Sarah fell asleep shortly after that conversation, leaving you to lay there and think. You think back to when you were young, Rafe seemed normal then. Sure he had some quirks but what child doesn’t. He would always hold the door for you everywhere you went. Ward would have you tag along on outings since he felt bad seeing your face after Sarah would tell you about something cool they did. There were also moments when he would try to make you smile, the little boy just wanted to make you happy. 
At that time Rafe was okay with having you around, if you twisted it out of him he might even say excited. That didn’t last long because their mother died and with her she took the last last bit of hope he ever had. He never truly felt safe again knowing that the person he loved the most was just gone. The outburst was the first sign he wasn’t okay, yet Ward ignored it. Then it was the violence, once again ignored. Finally the drugs got him the attention he was looking for. All for him to hear what he always knew. “You’re a fucking disappointment Rafe. Knew it from the moment I laid eyes on you.” From then on out the world was dead to him, he only needed to focus on himself. Everyone else is the enemy. 
Sarah’s words keep replaying in your head. Why can’t Rafe see he’s hurting people? You get why he shut you out, even when you were crushed and cried, you understood. But he can’t do it anymore to his own sister. Without thinking your body makes a mistake. It carries you up the stairs and straight into his room. The sounds of the door shutting wakes him up, he rubs his eyes trying to process what woke him. He opens his eyes just in time to see your hand in the air and strikes his cheek with your palm. 
“What the fuck.” He had to take a second to fully realize that you just slapped him. “What is your problem? Can’t you just be nice to people.” He sits up on the bed and you try to push him back down but he catches your hands. “Me be nice? You just walked into my room while I was sleeping just so you could fucking slap me. How about you be nice.” You struggle to get his grip off of you to no avail, he was holding on tight.
“I’ve been nice since the first time I met you. Kept my mouth shut when you did fucked up shit. Stop ruining your life and the life of others.” His eyes are piercing yours, his hold somehow tighter. “Maybe you should keep it shut, I like it better when you aren’t talking.” He pulls you closer, your knee catching you on the bed so you don’t fall. 
He’s staring at your lips, licking his to wet them. You go to argue with him but he cuts you off. “Come on. I bet a filthy pogue like you could think of ways to put it to better use.” One of his hands that was holding yours lowers. He stops once he feels your fingers brush against the bulge that’s forming in his boxers. The ignorant smirk that always bestows his face makes its way back.
Yanking your hand back, you slap him again, the smirk falling. Once again without thinking your body makes mistake two of the night. You kiss him. Pulling on the chain that lays around his neck, smashing your lips to his. Your other arms wrap around his neck, the hand holding the chain twists, closing it slightly. If this was a mistake then you can beg for forgiveness later, absolving your sins can wait. 
He just tasted too good to stop.
His hands go to your waist, pulling you onto his lap. “I knew you had a thing for me.” If this was your childhood you then there would be no room for arguing. The person you are in this moment doesn’t want to admit how true it is. You have seen how bad of a person he’s become and you know you would lose Sarah if she ever found out. “Do you even know how to keep your mouth shut? For once shut the fuck up.”
From the corner of your eye you see his belt laying on the floor in a pile of his clothes from earlier. Leaning over the side of the bed, you grab it and return to your previous position. “What are you doin” You kiss him to stop him from talking further, hands slowly pulling him over his head. The motion of you grinding down on him was enough to distract him from the feeling of the belt wrapping around his wrists and headboard. 
When you pull back and sit on his lap he goes to chase your lips just to be blocked by the fact his hands are tied. “What the fuck. Get these off.” The headboard rattles against the wall as he struggles to break loose. “Take these off right now or else.” Rafe’s tone is threatening but you can’t help but to laugh at the sight in front of you. The guy who’s been terrorizing your friend group is all vulnerable underneath you. “Or else, what? I’ll just leave you like this, maybe even take off the boxers so whoever finds you will realize you got played.” You scoot back to sit on his thighs.
“What do you think about that, huh Rafe? Personally, the idea of Ward finding you like that is hilarious. Better yet I’ll take a picture of you and post it everywhere, let everyone see the mean old Rafe Cameron as nothing else than a pussy.” Your teasing is accompanied by your fingers grazing over the bulge in his boxers. Rafe wants nothing more than to cuss you out right now. Make you regret even thinking that you could get one over on him.
The twitching in his boxers gives him away. He’s enjoying it. The big scary man that has a whole island afraid of him is enjoying the way you talk down on him. “You like that don’t you? You are a pussy, you know that right?” Your hand grips him tight, a whimper forced out of him. “Stop.” The words are weak and a contrast to how his hips are bucking up into your hand. Feeling generous you lower the boxers, taking his dick in your mouth without warning.
Rafe lets out a sigh when he feels the warmth of your mouth wrap around him. He goes to thrust into your mouth and you pull back, hands pushing his hips back down. “Do that again and I’ll leave you here to be found. I’m not kidding Rafe.” He nods at you, wincing as your nails dig into his skin. “Words.”
He looks down at you and can’t recognize who you are. Where has this side of you been hiding? He’s only ever known you as Sarah’s shy best friend. Yet the person in front of him looks like you but doesn’t act like you. “I get it. Fuck when were you like this?” From this view he looks so pretty.
His cheeks are a shade of pink from blushing, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. He looks good enough to fuck. If he took time to see what you were reading he would see that you’ve always been like this. You just never advertised it like he does. “Always have been. Maybe if you were nicer to people you would know that.” His eyes close when you go back to sucking him off. They scrunch up when he isn’t getting the satisfaction he’s looking for. You are barely even sucking.
It’s more as if he’s in your mouth and you are moving up and down on it. There’s no suction or hand to facilitate your movements. Not enough pressure for him to feel good, in fact he just feels frustrated. Your ears perk up when you hear his little groans and whimpers. “What’s wrong? Is it not good?” The words yes are on the tip of his tongue, they died as soon as his eyes met yours. There’s this defiant look in them, as if you want him to tell you somethings wrong. “No no it’s okay. Great”
You give him a smile. “Good boy.” The moans he lets out to your words are chocked on when you actually start to blow him. Rafe is no virgin that’s for sure, but god damn he feels like one right now. This has got to be one of the best blowjobs he’s ever received, scratch that it is the best. “Please.” He sounds pathetic and it makes you speed up. Rafe physically chokes on air from the sudden change, his body convulsing.
He keeps letting out these moans that sound whiny and a mix of pain. The way that he twitches in your mouth just confirms he’s close. Crystal blue eyes open to see why you stopped. Even in the dark his eyes are still beautiful, it’s not fair. Rafe watches as you slip out of your sleep shorts and panties, then you shirt. Leaving you fully exposed since you didn’t wear a bra.
Taking your panties, you crawl up to hover over his lap. He looks up at you ready to ask you to finally fuck him but you took him by surprise by shoving your panties in his mouth. “Hold this for me baby. Maybe that will finally shut you up.” The two of you stare into the others eyes as you sink down on him. Just from sucking him off you were soaked so he easily slid in. It was a good thing you muffled him. The moan he let out was so loud that it could still be heard, you had to cover his mouth just to stop the sound.
“God you act like a fucking virgin. Thought you were the kook king who could get anyone he wanted.” Rafe’s head was pinning, everything you are doing is making him so confused. He’s usually the one fucking, even when the girls on top he controls everything. Having you come in here and just fuck him as if he’s there for you is mind fucking. When he’s pictured this exact moment it was with you under him, screaming and clawing at his back as he fucked the shit out of you.
This is not how your first time should have gone. It’s the wrong way around yet it felt amazing.
Sweat is forming on your skin, the moonlight reflecting off of it. Your body is on overdrive, bouncing up and down. There is a tingle in your lower abdomen, a sign of your impending orgasim. As the feeling slowly crocendos, your body leans forward. You place the hand that was covering his mouth on his throat. The squeeze of your hand has his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
He’s so close to cumming, can feel it running from his fingertips to his arms that you have tied. He practically cries when you finally cum, your walls pulsating around him, triggering his own orgasim. You let go of his throat, wiping the tears from his eyes and shushing him. “It’s okay. You did so good.” He sobs around your panties, sucking the fabric lightly to ground himself. The way you keep slowly bouncing is killing him, he’s ready to pass out from the sensation. 
Looking down to see where the two of you were connected was his first mistake of the night. The sight alone sent him into another smaller orgasim, his body thrashing from the overstimulation. You pull yourself up and fall down next to him. After a few minutes of not talking to catch your breaths, Rafe tries to speak. Looking over at him you can see he’s staring at you, leaning up you take your panties out of his mouth and slip them back on.
“Are you going to untie me now?” You smile at him and give him a short kiss. Getting up you gather your clothes and put them on. “This isn’t funny untie me or I’ll tell everyone you fucked me.” You walk over to the side of the bed he occupied, leaning to grab the belt holding his arms. Dipping your head to his ears you whisper to him. “Really think anyone would believe you?”
You move back watching his face drop when you walk further towards the door. “Think of this as payback for all my years of silence.” You shrug and open the door. “I’ll get you back for this.” With one last look at him you smirked.
“I hope so.”
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ckret2 · 8 months
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Chapter 34 of human Bill Cipher not making friends with Stan during his imprisonment in the Mystery Shack, featuring: the tooth fairy and her dentist attempting to steal Bill's teeth in the middle of the night. Stan would care a lot less if he weren't still handcuffed to Bill. And also: Stan and Bill have a friendly chat. As you can see.
Even though Bill and Stan were trying to watch the same TV as they had dinner, Bill refused to sit in the living room with Stan; so he sat on the bottom step of the stairs in the entryway, Stan perched on the end of the couch, and they strung the handcuffs around the doorway with their little plastic microwave dinner trays balanced on their knees.
Both of their dinners had come out undercooked. Both of them were too proud to complain.
After picking through maybe a third of his meal, Bill decided he'd rather go to bed hungry than eat something he didn't enjoy, dropped his tray on the floor, and kicked it into the kitchen. "Hey Stanley, still glad you went with the cuffs instead of the bracelets?"
"Shut up."
Bill smirked victoriously, and looked back to the TV. "No mayonnaise in Ireland."
Bill pointed at the screen and the rows of blank letters waiting for contestants to fill them in. "The round that just started. That's the solution."
"Oh." Stan counted out all the blank letters, frowned, and said unconfidently, "It can't be that. It doesn't make any sense."
"You're wrong," Bill said lightly; and then fell silent, running the tip of his tongue over the new gold spots on his teeth. 
When the contestants had guessed enough letters that one could hesitantly offer, "Is it... 'no mayonnaise in Ireland'?" Bill smirked triumphantly at the sound of Stan's silence. He just barely waited until the next board of blank letters flashed on the screen, and then announced, "Tip your waiter."
Stan counted the letters under his breath. "Man. I thought I was good at this, but we'd clean up if we put you on this show. No one would ever figure out how you're cheating."
Bill laughed. "Listen to you! If you were Ford, you'd just be mad that I'm giving away all the answers before you can guess. That's the great thing about you, Stanley: you don't get irritated at me for stupid little reasons. You're more fun." He took a deep breath and shouted, "Hey Ford, did you hear that?! Stan's the fun twin—!"
"Keep it down, you idiot. Ford's in the basement, he can't hear you." Stan had thought Bill was finally sobering up from the sedative; maybe not. (Then again, maybe this was just what he was like sober.) "And what are you talking about? You irritate me all the time!"
"Oh, well, I guess I just don't care when you're irritated." Bill laughed.
Stan grumbled, planted his chin in his hand, and tried to focus on Cash Wheel. It was difficult when he already knew the solution.
He tolerated the silence for less than a minute before sighing, looking toward the doorway, and demanding, "What's with you, anyway? Why are you so obsessed with my brother?"
Bill spluttered in disbelief. Stan could feel his handcuff chain jerk over. Voice even shriller than usual, Bill said, "Excuse m—Excuse me?! Obsessed? Moi?! I don't know what you're talking about!" He forced a loud laugh.
"If Ford's in the room, he's the only one you talk to, and when he isn't here you're yelling across the house for him—"
"Is it obsession to sometimes pay a little more attention to the human here I happen to know best and to whom I happen to be a teacher, muse, and friend—"
"Oh that's a load of bull," Stan snapped, "you're not any of those things! Friend? Friend? He wants you dead, you crazy—"
"Well if he does," Bill said, louder still, "then wouldn't it make perfect sense to keep my eye on the guy who killed me? There's no big mystery—"
"That's it! That's just it!" Stan tossed down his TV dinner and stood so he could face Bill properly. "He didn't kill you alone, remember? That was a two-man con you fell for! But you keep talking like Ford was the only one there!"
Without bothering to stand, Bill looked up at Stan and said, quite confidently, "Only one person killed me. You're just the place where I was killed."
"I wh...?" Stan fell silent, blinking at Bill in disbelief.
"Do you even remember what happened inside your brain? After you took my hand?" Bill asked. "You don't, do you?"
Stan glowered at Bill, but he shut his mouth and said nothing.
"I knew it." Bill laughed nastily. "We were both trapped in there when Fordsy fired the gun. Completely powerless. You were weeping and begging for a way out when the flames got too close, but there was nothing I could do by then—"
"All right," Stan took a threatening step closer, "I know that that didn't happen! I would never—"
Bill leaned back, hands raised palm out in appeasement, "Okay okay okay! All right, you got me—just embellishing the story a little—we actually had a big psychic laser battle. Imagined up all kinds of futuristic weapons. It was very 90's action movie. You did... fine, you were fine."
Stan considered that. "Ehh... sure, that sounds more like me."
"But it was all imaginary," Bill snapped. "It was a vast illusion! At that point there was nothing either of us could do to the other. We were just two victims locked inside a burning house as it came down around us. You didn't kill me, you never even had the power to kill me."
"Huh." That was all Stan said. But he kept looking at Bill, frowning distrustfully, studying him.
Bill's shoulders slowly went up under the pressure of Stan's gaze. "Oh—oh wow, okay, I see what's going on!" He gave Stan a crooked, mean smile. "You're jealous, aren't you? You thought offering up your body to be the scene of a murder finally made you a co-star instead of a sidekick! All your lives, Stanford got more attention from daddy, more attention from the teachers, more attention from the whole world... and you thought you'd finally get at least a little attention from the big bad living nightmare. Just because you let your brother shoot you in the head!" Bill laughed. "You weren't special enough for anyone else—why do you think you're special enough for me?"
Stan jerked Bill to his feet by the handcuff's chain. "I bet I'm special enough to break your face!" He dragged him into the living room, fist raised. "Let's see if you stay down this time—"
Bill scrambled back as far as the chain allowed him. "NO!" Horror filled the one ragged syllable. His free arm was raised to shield his terrified eye.
They froze, staring at each other.
Bill straightened up, forcing a nervous, rattled laugh. "Come on, I just got all this dental work done. At least give me a couple days to enjoy it before you pound it in!" He was talking fast to fill the silence. "Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind having a flatter face, all these bones and cartilage jutting out never did feel right—"
Stan feigned a punch.
Bill flinched.
Stan laughed at him, slapping his knee. "You big chicken! Look at you! Baw-baaawk-bgawk! HA!"
Bill tried, very hard, to explode Stan with his brain. This usually worked on people who dared try to insult Bill Cipher. "If I had one billionth of a billionth of my power, I'd have already destroyed you—!"
"But you don't, sucker!" Stan laughed louder.
Bill screamed in frustration, turned his back on Stan, and stomped upstairs to sulk.
Or, he would have, if he hadn't gotten one step up the stairs before the handcuffs yanked tight. He stumbled back, landed on his butt, and inadvertently jerked Stan down on one knee with a yelp.
Bill cast a resentful look at Stan—who was rubbing his shoulder and finally looking as irritated as Bill felt—and then he lay down and deliberately stared straight at the ceiling. "Whatever. I don't even care about your pointless mammal posturing. It's fine. It doesn't bother me. I'm calm. You're just making yourself look stupid." Bill shut his eyes. "I wanna go to bed."
"Bill," Ford said.
Bill cracked open an eye and peered up at the form looming over his makeshift cushion bed. "Mrm?"
In a very calm voice that suggested he was not calm at all, Ford asked, "Why are you sleeping on the floor in front of my bedroom door."
"Oh. Right, you missed it." Bill yawned and sat up. "Well, you see, Stanley got us handcuffed together until tomorrow morning," he pointed at his cuffed wrist and rattled the chain, "and I tried to be accommodating, but he doesn't want to sleep in the attic and won't let me sleep in the guest room—"
Stan yelled through the door, "And Mr. Accommodating here still refuses to sleep on the sofa bed."
"—so the best compromise we've got is sleeping on the floor with the chain under the door. Not my idea of a fun evening, but." Bill shrugged ruefully, like an adult resigned to indulging the whims of a petulant child. "Do you want in? It'll take us a little coordination to get the door open, but we've already done this once, so—"
"I'm not messing with this," Ford said. "I'm sleeping in the basement. Good night, Stanley."
"Night, Ford."
Trying not to sound miffed at being snubbed, Bill said, "Hey, do you still keep your cot on that rug you used to channel me better?" He laughed.
"Nope. I burned that rug." Ford turned the corner and left.
Bill stuck his tongue out at his back. He didn't actually know whether Ford was lying. He wished he'd thought to check out Ford's study before heading down to the portal back when he'd had his time tape.
"Hey." He rapped on the bedroom door. "I thought we weren't asking Sixer for help so he wouldn't find out about the handcuffs." They hadn't actually discussed it, but he'd taken it for granted. "Now that he knows, why aren't we getting his help?"
"What, you think I need his help to solve all my problems? Ha!"
"Okay, fine. Doesn't matter to me, I'm used to sleeping on the floor." Bill lay back down and sighed.
He shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.
Bill wasn't quite dreaming, but for a few seconds it was something very close to a dream. He saw points of light in darkness. One of his earliest, oldest memories. He'd memorized the constellations outside of his plain when his starblind species didn't even have a word for "constellations."
But these weren't those points of light in darkness. Some nearer, some farther—he could sense their distance—and all of the lights were calling to him. All of his eyes. He could see so many more than he had last night.
One was just a few inches away. He could almost reach out and grab it. 
But those few seconds of light-in-darkness were in the gray twilight between the dreamscape and the physical world, and Bill only fleetingly glimpsed them as he passed from sleep back to wakefulness. He opened his eyes.
To see a person looming over him.
And the taste of thick metal tools in his mouth.
"Hi," Bill said, for lack of anything better to say under these circumstances.
It was enough to make Dr. Illing gasp and stumble back from Bill. "Jeez." He clapped a hand over his heart. "I'm sorry— I-I didn't want to—"
"Uh-huh." Bill sat up and took the abandoned tool out of his mouth—pliers. They'd been gently clamped around one of his canine teeth. "Not the most unpleasant thing I've had aimed at my face in the middle of the night," Bill mused, "but it's pretty high on the list." He tried to lift his other hand to feel his face for damage—and only remembered the handcuff when the rattling chain caught his wrist in place.
They both looked at the cuff. As Dr. Illing realized Bill was trapped, a change came over his face—a desperate, crazed fury.
Bill shook his head. "Ohhh, no no no—"
"Give me that!" Dr. Illing lunged for Bill, one hand reaching toward the pliers and the other toward his throat, trying to pin him against the door.
Bill shoved his feet in Dr. Illing's chest, trying to hold him back. "Stanley!" He pounded on the door with the pliers. "We have visitors, wake up!"
"It'll only take a second," Dr. Illing insisted. "You were going to give me one anyway! And that tooth is already loose! You can handle the pain! Just—hold still, I can't damage it!" He managed to get his thumb in Bill's mouth—he cringed when Bill bit down, but didn't back off—and pulled a fresh set of pliers out of his tool bag.
Bill parried the pliers with his own pair. "STAAAN—"
The door unlatched and Bill tumbled backward into the room. He twisted out of the dentist's way, slid the handcuff chain out from under the door, and skittered behind Stan.
"Wha—what's—?" Stan squinted into the dark hallway. "The heck's going on?"
Bill stretched to Stan's nightstand and grabbed up his glasses and hearing aids. "Put your face on!" He shoved them in Stan's hands, then reached back for his dentures.
Stan put his glasses on first. "What the— Illing? What are you doing here?"
Dr. Illing stood forlorn in the hallway, trembling all over, eyeing Stan nervously. "Uhhh," he said eloquently. "I just..." He gestured around Stan's shoulder toward Bill, "wanted to check her fillings. I thought one of them might be a little loose—"
Bill's cackle cut through his excuses. "Oh, come on! I know your boss put you up to this! What does the little lady want with my mouth?"
Dr. Illing's eyes widened. All he managed to produce was a squeak.
Stan said, "What 'little lady,' this guy's self-employed. What are you talking about—"
"The tooth fairy, genius!" Bill flung his free hand in the air. "Why did you think your dentist pays you to pull your teeth! He lives in a van, who'd you think was funding him?!"
"Uh," Stan said. "You know, I sort of just took his whole 'creepy sadist who bribes people to let him pull their teeth' shtick at face value." (Dr. Illing's shoulders slumped.) "But—I know things are weird around here, but the tooth fairy's gotta be fake, right? That's the stupidest..."
A fairy popped out of Dr. Illing's bag—just large enough to use an adult man's hand like a chair, with a bob cut so white it almost shone, giving off a glowing toothpaste-blue aura, wearing a necklace of baby teeth like a hunter who'd taken trophies from the bones of her kills.
"Oh," Stan said. "Well. Never mind. Just one more crazy thing in this town."
Bill's back went stiff, his eyes widened, and he curled his fists into the fabric of Stan's tank top like he was holding his shield in place. "Oh, she's here." He lisped an inhuman swear under his breath.
Ignoring them, the tooth fairy glowered up at Dr. Illing. "How did they know? What did you tell them!"
"Nothing!" he protested. "I swear! I'd never!"
"Well, you must have let something slip—"
Bill swallowed hard; but then he straightened up, let go, and stepped into the open. "Why, if it isn't Miss Pearl E. White, in the fae flesh! To what do I owe such an honor?"
Dr. Illing and the fairy both flinched. She asked, "How do you know my...?"
"Oh, Pearl. I know things you couldn't even dream of." Bill favored her with his best, widest, most unnerving grin.
And got the creeping sense that she'd stopped looking at his face, and started staring at his teeth. He pressed his lips together. "And here's just one thing I know: lady, if you were toeing the line of your treaty any harder, you'd be tripping across it. So tell me what you're doing here and what you want."
She huffed defensively, wings buzzing as they lifted her several inches in the air. "I'm well within the terms of the treaty! I haven't laid a hand on you and I'm not about to start, and I've been offering more than adequate financial compensation—"
"Oh, right," Bill laughed, "I'm sure the queen of your court would be thrilled to hear you ordered your legally-dubious helper to rip out someone's teeth in the dead of night—"
"Hi," Stan said, "question. What the hey are you guys talking about. Treaties? Queens?"
"Oh, this is all going over your head, isn't it! I'll catch you up." He turned to the side to point accusingly at Pearl, "Little miss enamel-happy here has a thing for teeth. To the extent that she started stealing them straight out of humans' mouths. She went so crazy that the local human settlements actually declared war on her court over her dental kleptomania—and the fairies she dragged into the conflict weren't any happier about it than the humans were. So now, under the conditions of a human-fairy peace treaty, she's only allowed to acquire already freed teeth that are voluntarily offered to her by their owners—which is why she started bribing children."
Pearl crossed her arms, fuming. "That's a very biased version of events. You're just trying to paint me in the worst possible—"
"Save it, sparkles! I woke up with your minion's pliers in my mouth, I'll be as biased as I want!" He shifted his attention to Dr. Illing—who seemed to wilt under the force of Bill's glare. "But she's getting deep in a gray area working with this guy. Once a tooth is handed to a dentist, he's its 'owner,' and can freely give that tooth to the tooth fairy—but him extracting the tooth puts the whole operation on shaky legal ground. Really, I think the only reason you've gotten away with this racket so long is because nobody's filed a legal challenge with the fairy court yet."
"Nobody's complained about it," Pearl said hotly.
"None of your victims know about it," Bill countered. "Hey Fisherman," he jabbed Stan's arm, "how do you feel knowing your teeth were sacrificed to the tooth fairy?"
He considered that. "Well—it was free."
Pearl crowed, "Ha!"
Ignoring Stan's reply, Bill blithely moved on: "But by any reading of the treaty, hiring a human to steal teeth straight out of someone's mouth is beyond the pale. So you'd better have a good explanation for this!"
"Yeah. I do have a good explanation." She sucked in a deep breath. "I want your teeth!" She launched herself toward Bill; Dr. Illing had to grab her around the waist to hold her back. "I'd do anything for those teeth! They're the most amazing teeth I've ever seen!" She clawed at the air, hissing and straining as she tried to reach Bill.
"My lady, please," Dr. Illing said pathetically. "The treaty—"
She aimed a swipe at his face. "I know about the stupid treaty!"
Bill stared at her, baffled. His perfectly normal human teeth? But he shook his head, smiled, and said, "Well okay, fantastic! It's been a while since I've bargained with the fae, but I'm not too attached to this body—so how much gold do you have on you, kid?"
"We're not bargaining. You already know too much," Pearl snapped. "I'm not about to get blackmailed by a human, and I'm not going back to fairy jail. So here's what's happening." She jerked a thumb over her shoulder toward Dr. Illing. "I'm gonna have my guy rip out every one of your teeth, and then rip your head apart so you can't talk, and the only negotiating you get to do is whether or not my guy uses the local anesthetic before he starts. So what's it gonna be?"
Dr. Illing went deathly pale and his knees shook as he verged on fainting.
"Hey," Stan waved at the fairy, "listen, I'd love to see this guy's head get ripped apart, but—crazy thing, long story—it turns out there's fifty-fifty odds that killing him could end the world. So, maybe let's talk this out—?"
Pearl gestured dismissively at Stan. "His mouth has nothing left of interest to me. He's a witness. Kill him, too."
Dr. Illing swallowed hard; but, with trembling hand, he reached into his tool bag and slowly pulled out a large power drill that definitely wasn't designed for teeth.
"Right," Bill said. "Okay. This'll be fun." If he said it convincingly enough, maybe it would be true. "Hey, Fisher—you know that spell Sixer's got on me? If I cast it on Frankie here, can you..."
"Yeah, I see where you're going."
Pearl's eyes narrowed. She pounded her tiny fist on Dr. Illing's finger. "Hurry up, before they—"
Before she could issue a warning, Stan charged at them, fist raised. Dr. Illing flinched, shielding his face with the drill; but Stan dodged around him, heading for the hall. Bill seized Dr. Illing's upper arm as he passed—"Amnesia Limina, Stupidi Digiti, Occultus Locus!"—and then Stan yanked Bill out into the hall by their chain and slammed the bedroom door.
Dr. Illing gasped. "What?"
Blue light radiated through the cracks around the door as Pearl darted around, shrieking, "Open the door, you idiot!"
There was a moment of futile scrabbling. "How?!"
Bill and Stan retreated to the entryway. Bill said, "If we get outside, we can lose 'em."
"Or get the car and run them over," Stan said.
"You don't wanna be the guy who kills the tooth fairy! She might be in the doghouse, but she's still old fae nobility. Her court would—"
Bill cut off as Stan opened the door. Instead of leading to the porch and the forest beyond, it now opened into a bone-colored cathedral, the arches and vaulted ceilings constructed out of what looked like small irregular pebbles: teeth.
Stan gaped at the vast chamber. "Where the heck...?"
Bill looked at what had once been the outside of the door; the numbers "13 / 32" were carved into the wood. "Nowhere we want to go! Shut it!"
Stan slammed the door.
"That explains how she got in," Bill muttered. "There's no time to un-enchant this exit, we'll need another one."
Stan pointed toward the living room. "We can go out the—"
"The floor room exit." Bill dragged Stan back toward the hallway they'd just left.
"What?! That's the other end of the house, you idiot, the gift shop's right through here!"
"But it's a straight shot down the hall—" Bill stumbled to a stop.
The tooth fairy was clawing her way out from under the bedroom door. She caught sight of Bill, and her wings raised in a sharp V like a wasp preparing to attack. "You!"
"Never mind."
Stan dragged Bill back toward the living room. "Now can we go—"
Bill saw the living room—that familiar dark room, the familiar walls and carpet, the familiar armchair facing the doorway as though welcoming him back, the pale blue light from the fish tank climbing the walls like flames—and Stanley Pines, dragging Bill by a chain toward this tomb—and he grabbed on to the staircase railing. "Up."
Stan jerked to a stop. "That's a dead end!" He tried again to pull Bill toward the living room. "Are you insane?!"
"Yes." Bill locked his hand around the railing like a corpse in rigor mortis. He'd break his fingers before he let go. "We're going up."
"We are not—"
The tooth fairy shot past them like a glowing blue bullet, streaking into the kitchen. Stan started, and Bill took the opportunity to drag them up the stairs. Stan finally followed.
"You're not getting out of here with my teeth!" Pearl screamed after them.
"Ignore her," Bill muttered, "she can't risk touching us and she knows it. She's powerless without her minion." He stumbled on a step and just kept climbing on all fours.
"I wouldn't bet on her self control!" Stan struggled to keep up, his cuffed wrist in the lead. "Why are we going this way? How do you expect to get out from the attic?!"
"I don't know! It just seemed like a better idea! Do I have to think of everything?!"
"This was your plan!"
"There's got to be a ladder in the storage over the kids' room, we can get down out a window."
"I don't keep ladders—!"
"Well maybe Jesús does, do you know everything in the attic?! Come on!"
Bill kicked the door to the kids' room until Stan opened it. After a short argument about who should climb to the storage loft ("I have to look, you can't see in the dark!" "And you can?! Since when!" "Since always! You didn't need to know!"), Bill scrambled up the makeshift rungs nailed to the wall while Stan climbed halfway up to give the handcuffs a little slack.
As Bill started searching for anything useful, Pearl's ranting filled the shack: "Those teeth are too good for you!"
"I think she's getting closer," Stan said. "Find anything?"
"Not yet." Bill pulled out a broken umbrella with a hooked handle. He clung to it like it was his only defense as he scanned the loft for any signs of a ladder.
Pearl went on, "They're the most beautiful, pristine, unblemished, perfect teeth I've ever seen in my life!"
Bill asked, "Are they really that great?" He'd never paid that close attention.
"Eh..." Stan shrugged and made a so-so gesture with one hand. "A little weird-looking, honestly. They've got those jagged bits in the front that make 'em look like kids' teeth?"
"They're pure," Pearl snarled. "I've never seen adult teeth so pure! And you're ruining them by drilling out chunks of perfect enamel for unnecessary fillings! You don't have the right to those teeth! I deserve them!"
"Hey Bill," Stan said. "So you knew my dentist works for the tooth fairy, right?"
Bill was dragging aside a large box to see if anything ladder-like was hiding behind it. "Yes."
"And you knew she goes crazy for nice teeth."
"Yes." No ladder; he moved to another stack of boxes.
"And it didn't occur to you that she'd be furious that you carved up your new teeth."
"It's in the past, Stanley! Focus on the present!"
"—and I don't even know how you got magic teeth," Pearl continued. "Fully adult teeth in a fully adult mouth, but somehow they're barely a month old! It's impossible! I could barely believe it myself until I saw your mouth with my own two eyes! I must have those teeth, as soon as possible, so I can preserve them exactly like this, who knows if I'll ever find such a novelty again—"
"Ahh, so that's it," Bill said. "Welp, nope, didn't see that one coming at all."
"She's been shouting a while without actually coming after us," Stan pointed out. "What's she up to?"
Bill paused. "Check." He lay down and stretched his cuffed arm down from the loft to give Stan enough slack to peer out the bedroom door.
Stan frowned. "Huh. Weird."
"She's upstairs?"
"Yeah. But she's just flying in a circle. With... I think a veggie container from the fridge?"
Bill sucked in a breath. "Do we have mushrooms?"
"Wh—yeah? How'd you..."
"What!" Bill half-climbed half-fell to the attic floor. "That little cheater's making a fairy ring! That's not fair!" He leaned out the door with Stan. "She's probably already made the matching ring downstairs. We have to destroy it before—"
The circle of chopped portobello mushrooms glowed white; and with a glittery puff, Dr. Illing appeared in the ring.  He coughed out a lungful of fairy dust.
Pearl pointed at Stan and Bill and screamed, "Get them!" With a murderous scowl and terrified eyes, Dr. Illing stared them down and revved his drill.
Stan yanked Bill back into the bedroom and slammed the door.
Dr. Illing whined. "Aw, f—again?!"
"Just break through it!" Pearl commanded. "It's just wood! You have power tools!"
"He can't do that," Bill said confidently. "Doors don't work like that."
Stan said, "He can do that." A power tool whine announced Dr. Illing beginning his assault on the door.
"Oh." Bill considered that, eyes scanning the bedroom from one side to the other, mouth set in a grim line. "I have an idea." He pointed toward the window with his umbrella. "Stan, open the window." He hooked the umbrella over his elbow as he ripped the bedsheets off Dipper's bed and started tying the corners together.
Stan shook his head in disbelief. "You don't really expect us to climb out that window on bedsheets, do you?"
Bill dragged Stan closer and murmured in his ear, just quiet enough that their assailants wouldn't hear him over the power drill, "No, I expect them to think we climbed out the window, while we hide in the closet in the alcove. Once they're past us to check the window, we can sneak out and run downstairs."
"I don't like hiding like cowards instead of fighting. Illing's rickety, we can take him."
Bill kept tying bedsheets. He picked up Dipper's zodiac blanket, flinched, and tossed it to the floor on the other side of Dipper's bed rather than add it to his chain. "Funny—you didn't seem to have any problem hiding for a week while I had your brother prisoner."
Stan grabbed Bill by the shirt, dragging him closer. "You wanna say that again?"
Bill's hands shot up next to his face in surrender. "Sorry, sorry, sorry—"
"There were people in this shack I wanted to keep safe," Stan growled. "I'm not half as fond of you."
"Got it," Bill squeaked. He pointed toward Mabel's bed. "But I can see a dozen futures that end with our brains splattered across Mabel's dolls. I do not want to fight power tools."
There was a crack as the drill flung the first few splinters of wood free from the door. Stan's scowl deepened, but he let go of Bill and nodded.
They tied the bedsheet rope to a table leg, opened the window, and flung the rope out the window; then retreated into the alcove at the other end of the room, pulled shut the ragged curtain that hid it, and closed themselves in the closet to wait for the tooth fairy and Dr. Illing to break in.
(Thanks for reading!! If y'all enjoyed, I'd love to hear what y'all think! Next week we conclude both with the tooth fairy and with whatever the heck is going on between Stan & Bill.)
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readychilledwine · 11 months
Azriel Week Day 3 Prompt - The Knife in the Dark - The Fall of Icarus
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Summary - Waking up alone in a dark cell was not part of your mission plans, only you're not alone.
Warnings - torture, mentions of blood, Azriel being scary
A/n - I've never wrote a torture scene before 👀👀👀👀 I don't know if I'll ever write one again. Not 100% proud of this @azrielappreciationweek piece, but not hating it either.
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Chains. You had always hated chains. You tugged at the ones on your wrists again, flinching as they cut into the soft skin of your wrist and gave in. 
"You're awake. Good, I was getting bored," you glared towards the darkness that voice came from, arms aching. Your father had warned you to enter the Night Court carefully, and you had. Which made this reality much harder to accept.
Blue siphons began to shine in the darkness in front of you, a large male looking as if he was death himself coming towards you. "Who are you and where did you come from?"
"Get Rhysand. He will know who I am and why I am here." That you realized was the wrong answer. A sharp blade pressed against the hollow point of your throat, causing you to whimper softly as you felt it nick the soft skin there. 
He smirked, "You are in no position to be making demands, little one." You steeled yourself, having sworn to your parents to speak to Rhysand and Rhysand only after he answered a riddle correctly. "Who are you and why are you here?"
You took a deep breath, the bargain tattoo burning as you contemplated breaking it. You made your choice, remembering who you were and your position in your home, and raised your head defiantly. "I will speak to Rhysand and no one else, dog, per my orders."
Azriel put a hand above your shoulder, making you silently grateful you had hidden your wings. "Where did you come from? I will send them a part of you so they know you failed. At least you'll die a loyal fool, though." At speed your mind hardly registered, he cut you.
First the inner part of your left bicep, then diagonally across your stomach, then across the tops of both thighs. You out your head against the stonewall, breathing deeply through the pain. "Kill me and you will find Pryithian lost for help in your upcoming war."
Azriel paused then. "And how would that be, little one." That blade dug back into your throat, and you sent a prayer to the Mother. This is how you'd die. You would die after being sent to Rhysand to ask why an illyrian male had been flying over Cretea and to offer assistance. 
You whispered softly. "I can't tell you." Death would come your way before the dishonor of breaking a bargain with your father, possibly endangering your fae. "I have orders."
Azriel slide that blade down the front of your shirt. "You'll die for your orders instead of just telling me the answers to my questions?"
You nodded. "I'll die for the safety of my home." Azriel didn't want to tell you how he understood. He didn't want to comfort you before doing what he was about to do. He sunk and twisted that blade into your left thigh, barely avoiding that crucial artery before pulling the blade out and putting it into your right hand, making you scream out and tears begin to fall. 
You don't know how long it went on for. Minutes, hours, days. He'd ask you the same three questions, anger setting in more and more for him as you denied him each time. You were beyond grateful were darkness found you again. Slipping into unconsciousness and falling limo against that stonewall.
Azriel lead Rhysand and Cassian to the room, opening it for him. He watched as Rhysand's face fell, his eyes going wide before he ran, ripping the heavy key ring from Azriel and unlocking the female prisoner. 
He went to the ground holding her, rocking her gently while he whispered to her it would be okay. "GO GET A FUCKING HEALER!" It wasn't Rhysand who yelled that at him, but his high lord commanding it. Cassian went instantly while Azriel stood paralyzed. 
"Sssssssshhhh," Azriel watched as Rhysand brushed a hair behind your ear. "You're okay little angel. It's going to be okay."
Azriel heard you speak weakly, "Icarus-"
Rhys interrupted voice broken, "Laughted as he fell and screamed to the winds. There's bitter triumph in failure, joy in the crash, and excitement in falling instead of soaring." The bargain and protect ward faded off of you, revealing those soft feathered wings. "I have you, y/n, you will be fine."
Azriel sat by your side on Rhysand's bitter angry orders. He didn't know how he didn't see it, those familiar doe eyes, that hair, your nose. Rhys was in the room, deep into a letter and scratching the parchment with rushed strokes. 
Parchment he was using to inform Maryam and Drakon of their youngest daughter's torture at Azriel's hands. Your little hand twitched in his and he moved instantly getting water ready for you as you shot awake, body fully healed from Madja, Rhysand, and Lucien's efforts. 
Rhys stiffened instantly, hearing the change in your breathing and set his pen down to come to your other side. "I'm glad you're awake." He offered gently. "Do you want anything?" 
You shook your head, moving closer to him and away from Azriel. It shouldn't have hurt him the way it did. But it had. It cut him deeply that his friend's daughter was afraid of him now. "I want to go home." 
Rhys nodded at the answer. "Why are you here, darling?"
"There was an Illyrian male flying over the ruins of Cretea. Why?"
Azriel shut his eyes. You had been sent as a contact point. He tortured not just his friend's daughter, but a potential allies' contact point. Rhysand inclined his head to Azriel. "I sent him to look for all of you and ask for help with the war we are about to face against Hybern. We assumed you all ran with Jurian looking for your mother." Rhysand offered you the water Azriel was holding. "Do you know if they will stand with us?" 
You shook your head in uncertainty. "I do not make those calls. My father and brothers do. I could have said yes before, but now, I-" You shook your head. "I do not know what dad will say when he hears of this."
Rhys nodded, understanding completely. "He would have never hurt you had he known. We understand why you were so heavily glamored. I know it is a lot to ask right now, but hopefully someday you'll understand why he did what he did."
Summer was beautiful, even if you were currently there being healed after one of Hyberns generals had singled you out. Madja was mending one of your wings, her wrinkled hands moving through the feathers and healing the bones slowly. 
Rhysand had pulled your father out moments ago, mentioning he had a prisoner that he needed your father to decide the fate of. 
You leaned further into Morrigan, appreciating the way she was comforting you by scratching your scalp with her long nails. She froze suddenly, face growing pale as she looked towards the entrance of the tent. Madja gasped loudly, leaving your back go look over who ever had just entered. 
Heavy footsteps made their way towards you, and you looked to see them belonging to a heavily siphoned male, blood soaking his armor and leather wings. You stared at Azriel's face, a brow raised, "Yes?"
"Your father sent me to inform you he is dead." You nodded, looking into those hazel eyes, "and that my debt is paid." You nodded again as Mor silently excused herself and Azriel took her place. 
"How'd you do it?"
Azriel chuckled. "Skinned him alive. One strip for every feather he ripped out and broken bone he gave you."
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Babe
Getting attention on your birthday has never been your thing. You prefer to celebrate with a quiet day to yourself. After a productive morning at the gym, you throw in the towel, and lock eyes with Jeff. He's on his hands and knees, crawling directly towards you...
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"What the hell!" you gasp, "Dude get up!"
Jeff is your straight friend from college. The two of you go way back. In fact, he's the one who got you into working out in the first place. You'd even admit that you had a crush on him once. It's hard not to when he keeps himself in such good shape, but he's a classic lady's man. He knows about your sexuality, but he hates talking about it with you.
And now he's doing the most sensual crawl on all fours towards you, the muscles of his back rippling as he stares daggers into your soul. What the hell is he thinking? The entire gym can see him!
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"Hey, sir," he pants as he catches his breath below you.
"Jeff, get off the floor. This isn't funny."
"But why, sir? This is how men are supposed to talk to you," he explains, looking genuinely confused.
"Why the hell are you calling me 'sir' Jeff?"
You snort in disbelief. What the hell is any of this supposed to mean? Your old friend has to be pulling a joke on you, but he's not the kind of guy to tease you like this. Something about this feels wrong, but you can't deny that seeing Jeff like this is getting you a hard.
Your phone starts ringing. Reluctantly you turn from Jeff, leaving the man to wait on his knees patiently as you answer the phone. It's your boyfriend Andrew, an ex-superhero. He got kicked out of the League of Heroes for misusing his abilities. You immediately suspect he's the one behind this weird conversation with Jeff.
"Happy birthday, babe!" your boyfriend screams over the line.
"Andrew, what did you do?"
"Why are you acting so mad?" Andrew whines back, "This is my gift for your birthday. Your going to love it! For the next twenty-four hours every man in town will think it's normal to get down and kneel when they talk to you. Hot, right?"
"So everyone's like this? Really?"
You storm past Jeff, abandoning your buddy on his knees in the middle of the gym, and rush outside.
"Yup! What's the point of having reality-altering powers if I can't use them as your birthday gift. And feel free to cause whatever mischief you want! These guys are going to be completely submissive and respectful to you once they drop to their knees."
"Andrew, what am I supposed to do with this?" you shake your head.
"Just remember that everything you command is permanent! Have fun!"
With that, your boyfriend hangs up. You stand in the street for a moment, gathering your thoughts and wondering how you're supposed to "have fun." Then you notice the construction site next door. Those assholes have been blocking the main entrance to the gym with their trucks for weeks, but they haven't made any progress. Every time you've seen them, they've just been lounging around and cracking jokes instead of working.
"Hey you!" you call, stepping up to a worker as he smokes a cigarette by a pile of rubble.
When he turns his attention to you, a haze seemed to fall over his eyes. The burly laborer lowers himself to his knees and gazes up to you.
"Yeah, sir?"
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"Right, um... you're not going to smoke anymore. It's unhealthy."
"I'll quit smoking, sir," he replies, throwing the thing in the dirt, and mashing it out with a gloved fist.
"And you need to work faster," you demand awkwardly, "I'm tired of looking at this eye-sore every morning!"
"Yes, sir. We really haven't been taking this job very seriously," he admits, "Let me find the contractor. I'll try and convince him to get everyone to get back to work."
"Just bring them all to me," you command.
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"You all will work tirelessly to get this job done as soon as you can. Got it?" you yell to the group of construction workers kneeling in front of you, "Overtime, weekends, anything, I don't care. Get it done!"
"Yes, sir!" the men answer in unison.
You gaze at the small crowd of obedient laborers kneeling at your feet. Andrew's gift has sure made them docile. These guys seemed so rude and harsh before. The women in the gym were definitely scared to cross by alone. It'd be nice if they stayed as nice and complacent as they are now.
"You all are going to be respectful and kind to anyone that passes. Instead of the catcalls and nasty comments, you'll only shout out compliments and words of encouragement. Now, get back to work."
"Yes, sir!" the men once again bark in unison, before jumping up from their knees and scrambling to their posts.
For the first time in weeks, the machinery is actually on and being used. They seem focused on the tasks at hand, which is very different from the lazy and rude men you avoided this morning. It looks like you actually did some good with your boyfriend's gift.
Hopping in your car, you speed downtown until sirens signal for you to pull over.
"Great!" you groan sarcastically.
You watch from your sideview mirror as a handsome man in uniform steps out of the police cruiser. He already has a pen and paper in hand to write you a ticket. He seems awfully excited to reprimand you. Cops like this have always infuriated you.
You don't wait for him to approach. Instead, you jump out of your vehicle and call out to him.
"Hey cop! Hurry up and just get over here!"
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The same fog creeps over this man's expression as he hears your call. The officer drops to his knees and crawls across the sidewalk, dragging his neatly ironed pants over the pavement.
"Good morning, sir," he meekly states at your feet, "Um, do you know how fast you were going?"
"No," you scoff, "And I don't frankly care."
The cop clears his throat before saying, "Sir, I'm going to have to give you this ticket."
"No you don't. I don't deserve that."
"Your right, sir," he mumbles in response, " I don't know why I thought you did. Can I be of service in any other way, sir?"
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You look at the handsome policeman on his knees. For a second, you consider telling him to strip and bend over. Nothing sounds better than using this arrogant cop to get off, but you hesitate. Andrew may have given you this gift today, but you're not sure you want to abuse it just yet.
"No, just give me an escort to my office. Turn your sirens on."
"Yes, sir. Right away, sir," he nods jumping back into his cruiser.
With the blaring sirens and cop car leading your way, you make it to work in record time. Before you dismiss the cop, you step up to his car window and duck your head in.
"If you ever see me out in public again, I want you to approach me and ask if you can give me another police escort. It's the least you can do," you explain.
"I can do that, sir," the officer nods emphatically.
"Oh and, from now on, officer, everyone you pull over is going to irresistibly attractive. It could be an old, fat man, but if he's behind the wheel, you'll fall head over heels. They might just convince you to forget the ticket, but maybe they'll want more. Who knows?"
With a wave of the hand, you send the cop on his way. He won't be able to write tickets for a very long time.
You smile giddily as you turn back to your office building. You may have taken the day off, but your boss is still there. Marching in and up to your company's floor, you find the man yelling at one of your coworkers in the middle of the office.
This is typical behavior for him. He's notorious for being short-tempered, foul-mouthed, and demanding on all his subordinates.
"Sir," his voice is suddenly quiet as he trembles to his knees.
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"Give me a raise. At least triple my salary," you demand.
Your coworkers watch quietly in fascination, but none of them seem all that surprised by your outburst. Andrew really must have made it completely normal for you to speak this way to other men. They all seem to think this is the natural order of things.
"I'd love to, sir, but our budget is maxed out as it is. We just don't have the money," he explains from the floor.
You frown, but then a brilliant idea comes to your head.
"Then trade. I want your salary and benefits, and you can take mine," you explain.
"I can do that, sir," he agrees, "Does that mean you want to take on a more managerial role?"
"Definitely not, old man," you chuckle, "I'll leave that to you. Just give me all the benefits and none of the responsibility. In fact, why don't you pick up the slack in my position. I shouldn't have to come in more than two days a week."
"That makes complete sense, sir," he responds.
"Go ahead and finalize the details," you command, "And give me my first paycheck early. It is my birthday after all."
"Yes, sir. Happy birthday," he smiles before crawling back into his office.
Falling into your chair triumphantly, you think about how your boyfriend has given you quite the best birthday. It's far from over. You have twenty-four hours and you've only spent three. How are you going to spend the rest of the day?
Maybe you should take a few more liberties with the men you are controlling. Andrew did tell you to have fun after all...
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minminyoonjii · 1 year
HIIII can you please do “ When you have to share your daddies/Masters ” ot8 . Then skz ends up being mean to the reader and reader ends up running away ( reader is really mean to the girl ). Sorry if I’m asking to much
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
P1: Rainy Day|P2: Burn
🕯Summary: When did it end, all the enjoyment. A new inclusion was added to your perfect home, you were tolerant. However, what belonged to you, is yours and if anyone decides to use it without permission will drive you livid. Your daddys' don't act the same as they did before the new inclusion, their warmth made your shiver instead.
Fight|Verbal Degradation|Undermining Of Opinion|Lack Of Boundary|Lack Of Respect|Angst|Bestie! Hannah|Angry Crying|Betrayal|Trust Being Broken|Swearing Like A Sailor|The Trope Of Cold Character No Longer Being Nice To You Vibes|Yelling|Physical Subduing|Jisung Not Mentioned By Name But He's There
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.2K
You held your plushie tight, peeking through the rooms looking for your daddys'. "Is anyone awake?" you mumbled, furrowing your eyebrows at the seemingly empty chambers. A soft shuffling could be heard from the playroom. You made your way towards the sound, eyes widening at the sight. "What the fuck," you cursed, staring at the girl in disgust. She squeaked, quickly setting your toys down. You scoff, slipping out of your initial headspace "What the actual fuck were you thinking?" you snared, walking towards her. 
She gulped, mouth agape but not a single word escaped. You tilted your head, "Are you insane?" you questioned, feeling utterly dirty from the thought that she could've used your sex toys without you knowing. She hung her head, avoiding eye contact. You clenched your jaw, tugging her hair back "Listen to me slut, just because they brought your pathetic ass into the walls of this home doesn't mean everything in sight is fucking yours," you warned, taking the box and dropping it aside. 
A loud thud echoed, alerting the members of the house. "What is going on here?" Chan's voice boomed, making the both of you cringe. You turned, wanting to explain yourself when the rest of the members rushed in. Chan looked at you, "Spit it out, why is she trembling?" he asked, trying to keep neutral but his tone said otherwise. You felt your blood boil, "Why don't you ask the whore sitting on the bed?" you spat, glaring at him. 
Chan pressed his tongue against his cheek, reaching behind your neck and pushing you down, "Who do you think you're talking to, hm?" he asked, staring down. "Christopher, get your fucking hand off me," you glared, turning your head to bite his wrist. Chan tsked, "That's not how bunnies should behave," he reprimanded, holding your wrists together with his other hand, subduing you. "Christopher fucking Bang, I swear to god when I get out of this," you grunted, body trembling from anger. 
"Bunny, what have you got yourself into this time?" Minho asked, staring at your held-down position. You scoffed, "Get this fucking brute of a man of me, Min," you hissed, trashing within Chan's grip. Minho chuckled, patting the girl's dishevelled hair "I told you we shouldn't have placed them in the same house," he said, moving forward to tilt your chin. Chan rolled his eyes, "I didn't expect our bunny to act like a bratty mess," he growled, watching his chin from being headbanged. 
Your breathing turned heavily from the struggle, "She took my fucking toy from my box. What if she used it?" you pointed out, swallowing back tears as your anger built. Changbin crossed his arms, "I gave her permission. I can't see what the big deal is?" he said, nonchalantly. Your blood ran cold, and a shudder ran down your spine, "What?" you whispered, eyes widening. Changbin furrowed his eyebrows, "It's just a toy, what's wrong with sharing?" he asked, leaning back as if this whole debacle was just a nuisance.
You laughed, biting back the tears threatening to spill, "Are you hearing yourself?" you questioned. Changbin frowned, "She asked all of us for permission and we allowed it," he admitted, raising his voice. Your body didn't even react fast enough to flinch, it felt like a bucket of cold water was poured over your head without a warning. You forced your head up looking at Chan, "Bin's lying right, Chris? " you asked, lips etched in a smile.
Chan turned his head, grip loosening. You choked up a laugh, "Really, Chan?" you asked, voice cracking when you said his name. Chan bit his bottom lip, realizing what he just confessed to. Tears split down your cheeks, "You, you, yo- I trusted you. I trusted you the most and this is what you do to me? " you giggled in disbelief. Hyunjin scoffed, "Why are you making a fuss out of it?" he asked, looking at his phone. You clenched your jaw, "Hygiene, boundaries, trust and you neglected them all. Plus, it's my self-purchased items, in a box that has my fucking name, Hwang. Use your brain for once," you hissed, pointing out the obvious.
Seungmin wanted to retort, but you jumped in saying "Shut the fuck up, Kim. You know I'm right," you glared, making him bite his tongue in response. Chan felt his breath get knocked out of him when you pushed him off, keeping your back to the wall "Stay back! " you yelled, snatching your plush. Felix reached his hand towards you but you instinctively flinched, shrinking back. His eyes widened, retracting his hand "Angel," he croaked. 
Your brain ran on adrenaline, no longer feeling safe in the house you called home. "You know," you said, drawing their attention to you. "I always knew, I could never call you mine but I thought you respected me enough to at least not pull something as stupid like this," you said, showing the last view of vulnerability you were willing to display. With the chance of them being stunned by your words, you grab your backpack with minimal supplies and ran. 
Where to, you didn't know. The pavement slicked under the heavy rain, and your heart ached with twisted emotions. You were sure you looked insane from the watching eyes of the pedestrian but that didn't stop you. A familiar route guided you to a familiar door. You rang the bell, squatting down to catch your breath. The door swung open, "What are you doing here? You're soaked!" Hannah exclaimed.
You looked up, corners of your eyes and lips swollen red "Can we have a girl's night?" you asked, knees wobbling as you stood. Hannah's eyes widened, "Did you get mugged? Do I need to call my brother?" she asked, examining your body for injuries. Your lips wobbled, "Can I have a towel first please?" you joked, holding back your tears. She nodded, grabbing a warm towel "Now spill. I will not hesitate to beat someone up," she said, mocking a punch, drawing a giggle from you.
"Okay, okay. Listen well and listen good," you said, telling every drop of the scorching tea. Hannah looked at you in disbelief and disgust, "I don't even let people wear my clothes without permission, what the absolute fuck," she said, pushing her hair back. You nodded, "Right, and the fact that I don't personally know this chick they brought back," you pointed out. Hannah grimaced, "That makes it worse," she groaned, plopping back onto the sofa. 
You laughed, rubbing the back of your neck, "Yeah, but I do feel slightly guilty for my outburst. I said some things," you mumbled. Hannah scoffed, "Hey, no takebacks. Your feelings were valid," she reassured, patting your shoulder. You smiled weakly, "Do you mind if I stay at your place for a bit until I move my stuff back into my old apartment?" you asked, hanging your head. Hannah smiled, "Of course, I have a guest room for a reason," she said, standing up to stretch. Before you could say thank you, "Now, classic girl dinner with a movie marathon?" she proposed. You smiled back, "Definitely," you answered. 
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luvskyxx · 1 year
i need more off parents!rafe x reader argues plsss
it’s soo good omg
Rafe x reader
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Warning: fighting, mentions of drugs, swearing, and more maybe.
Summary: y/n finds out Rafe is still using after he promised he would change for his family.
"FUCKING LIAR" You pushed Rafe's chest as you stormed into the kitchen. rafe was feeding your 8-month-old as your other son was sitting in the living room playing with his toys.
"What?" Rafe questioned throwing his hands up in the air as he was still holding the baby food.
"Why am I getting calls from Barry saying you owe him money" You showed him the phone as texts from an unknown number displeased on the screen. "you promised Rafe" You drop the phone in disappointment. "you promised you wouldn't do this again."
"Baby I don't know what your talking about"
"you promised!!" you yelled slamming the phone on the counter ."don't fucking lie Rafe I called Kelce's he said you didn't even show up to guys night last night." you stood there looking at him in disbelief. you wanted it to be a lie. you wanted Rafe to be telling the truth. that he didn't go to Barry's last night. that he wasn't using this entire time.
you waited for a second hoping he would say something. anything to get you to stay. but as the seconds when on and he just stood there not saying anything you started to believe it.
you turn around with a scoff as you start walking away.
"Baby" he grabs your arm pulling you back.
"no, you promised. you promised when I got pregnant that you would stop. that you would get clean." your finger pointed at him as you continued to yell. keeping you both far enough away that this argument wouldn't escalate. "you promised our sons" you cry out. "you promised me" Tears filled your eyes as your kids were now fully aware of the fight. they may not have understood any of it but they could tell something was wrong.
"momma" your 3-year-old runs over to you trying to comfort you as you cried. your son started to tear up watching you. he hated when you were sad. he hated it more when it was his own father making you sad. he was a mama's boy and always has been. maybe it was because you were a stay-at-home mom. or maybe it was because rafe had a hard time being a dad. As much as he wanted to be he pushed himself away from the role. he didn't want his sons to end up the way he did. the feeling of an unloving father who spent most of his time working instead of loving his kids. picking and choosing who his favorite kid was.
it didn't matter how hard Rafe tried he somehow still managed to mess up. mess up his kids' lives and his wives.
"come on baby" you picked up your son walking out of the room.
"where are you going y/n!" his voice echoed throughout the house. you didn't answer him as you made your way to the bedroom.
"hey baby, you wanna go to grandma's house?" your son nodded in excitement. "yeah? okay, go pack some of your things okay" Your son ran out of the room passing by Rafe as he stormed into the bedroom.
"where the fuck are you going?!" he waited for an answer as you started packing clothes into the suitcase. "huh?" he questioned as you didn't even look at him in the eyes containing to throw random clothes into a bag. you didn't care where you were going you just needed out of the house. you needed away from Rafe. "y/n!" he grabs your arm in anger. your eyes finally shooting up to his as you looked into the eyes of a man you thought you knew. someone you thought you could trust. now all you see is a liar, a manipulator. you pull your arm away having enough of his stupid face.
"I'm going to my mom's house, you can pack your shit and go to your dads or sisters I don't care. ill be back with the kids tomorrow I expect you out by then." you pushed past him and back into the kitchen where he left your crying son in the highchair.
"where the fuck do you expect me to go" he throws his hands up in the air following you around the house. "my dad can't even pick up my calls and I haven't talked to Sarah in years"
"well maybe if you didn't fucking lie to everyone you would have somewhere to go" You pick up your crying toddler out of his chair comforting him as Rafe just stares at the two of you.
"y/n please don't do this right now" he rubs his face in frustration. "it's late can we just go to bed and talk about this tomorrow?"
"Are you fucking kidding me right now Rafe?" you stood there in disbelief. as if you would sleep next to this man after he lied. as if you would even sleep in the same house after what he did. "pack your shit I'm done" you push past him again walking back into the bedroom to finish packing. you set your son down on the bed as he played with the zippers of the suitcase.
"Where do you want me to go y/n?! "
"does it look like I care rafe? honestly" You turned around standing in the doorway of your bedroom looking back into the kitchen to see rafe standing there. tired of following you through the house. "go to fucking Barry's house. we all know you're going to end up there anyways"
"ohh fuck you y/n!" he throws his hands up in the air. "after all I do for this fucking family" his face drops into his hands as he leans on the counter.
"After all you did?" you storm back into the kitchen. "You put your needs before your sons. you would rather get high on cocaine instead of taking care of your sons!"
"what the fuck do you think I do every day y/n" he gets in your face yelling even louder. "I work every day for you. I work to provide for this fucking family"
"ohh I'm sorry that we are such a burden rafe. I'm sorry that you were the one that begged me to have your sons." you pushed back at him getting in his face now.
"why don't you tell our kids that huh?" his hands flew in the air from side to side trying so hard not to put them to use. "you think your so perfect? you didn't even want those boys" he points to the hallway where your boys are kept hidden in the rooms. " you know who wanted them? huh? I did! So don't fucking tell me that I don't care about those kids"
"if you fucking cared about them you wouldn't be getting high every night, you won't be putting their lives at risk."
"I'm sorry if I just want a break from the work and the family shit. it's every day I have to come home from work and change diapers make sure they take a bath and eat. like I just want some time for myself"
"That is what being a parent is rafe, you don't get to just check out when you feel like it."
"one fucking minute! that's all I ask for is one fucking minute to myself" his hands finally came close to you as he tried so hard not to hit you. your body backing up as you don't put it past him to strike you. not like he ever has but it wouldn't be the first time he put his hands on someone.
"I don't want to fight anymore rafe" You finally give in as you didn't like where this was escalating to. you take a breath before speaking again hoping that it would calm down the situation more so you. "I'm going to take the boys to my mother's house and going to call the lawyers. I want full custody of the kids and I want a divorce that's all I will ever ask of you again."
"what no" Rafe's voice was now lowered as he couldn't believe what you were saying. rafe would give you anything. anything you asked for he would make it happen. this? this wasn't something he was going to give you. he loved you too much he loved your sons too much to let you go.
"you wanted time to yourself? here you can have all the time in the world" You finally walked away as the argument settled down. or at least in sound.
"you're not taking my sons away." he yelled storming after you. "you're not leaving me!" his voice picked up.
"you don't get to choose this time rafe" You turn back to face him as his body was in the door frame of your bedroom.
"you're not taking them away from me y/n" he warns.
"you think you can raise them? rafe your an addict. you're so worried that your going to end up like your father when you worse" You knew those words hit him hard as his face changed into regret. regret he pushed away his family. regret that he even decided to use it again. regret that he lied about it all. he knew he fucked up. he knew there was no coming back from this. not this time. "If you want the house then fine I can stay with my mother ill figure everything else out" you tried to reason with him. knowing his life was going downhill at this very moment.
"don't fucking take them away y/n" he begs as you turn around to finish packing. you ignore him as you zip up your bag grabbing your son. "y/n!" he yells. you walk out of the room with your son in search of your other one.
"you ready sweet boy?" you stopped in the door frame of your son's room as he was already packed sitting there patiently. he nodded softly grabbing his things.
"Baby I'm sorry okay let's drop this" rafe follows you out of the house as you pack your thing into the truck. your sons are all nicely buckled and waiting for you. "you're not fucking leaving me y/n" he yells grabbing the door as you try to close it.
"get your shit figured out rafe" You look at him before slamming the door closed as you drive off. leaving your home. leaving the man you love. the man you loved.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Hello, hope you're having a good day/night?
I was wondering if I could request Jason x Male reader who pushes Jason out of the way of an attack just on time but take the blow instead getting shot/stabbed in the gut. Maybe on the way to the hospital/or in surgery he has to be brought back.
But maybe somewhere at the end reader re-sure Jason that everything will be okay and just how much he loves him by covering him in soft lil kisses.
Oh, I most certainly can. Oh this hit me in the feels.
Summary: Jason is used to protecting (Y/N), but he is not prepared for (Y/N) protecting him.
Warnings: Blood, guns, violence, medical inaccuracies, Jason nearly loosing his shit, reader dying once
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Jason wasn't sure if he was going to bring his boyfriend to this gala. It wasn't from the embarrassment or anything else like that. He was proud to show his boyfriend off, but he was afraid of extremely crowded places like these. He couldn't really keep his eyes on all these people. And despite this gala being in the manor, a known territory for both Jason and (Y/N), Jason couldn't relax.
He walked up to his boyfriend from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist, leaning his head on (Y/N)'s shoulder.
" Hey Jay. What's up? "
" Nothing, just missed you. "
(Y/N) knew that Jason wasn't lying, but he knew the main reason behind it.
" You know we are safe here. Bruce has impeccable security. Nothing forbidden will get past the gates of this manor.
" I know, but I can't help it. " Jason murmured into the side of (Y/N)'s neck. He left a gentle kiss and then unwrapped his arms from him.
" And are you enjoying yourself? " Jason asked, knowing the answer already.
" Nope. You know the answer to this already hun. "
" But you do it for me... " Jason trailed off with a smile, gently cupping (Y/N)'s face.
" Always. I can't let you go through these galas alone. "
Jason chuckled, kissing (Y/N)'s cheek.
" You are the best boyfriend. " Jason whispered to (Y/N). (Y/N)'s eyes were absolutely gorgeous.
" I know. Now, how about we go get a drink and then sneak out? " (Y/N) asked, smirking.
Jason knew exactly what (Y/N) meant. He nodded, taking (Y/N)'s hand and leading him out of the room.
" Oh me oh my, somebody is naughty. " Jason snickered quietly, making (Y/N) smack his arm.
" What? I'm not wrong. "
(Y/N) laughed, shaking his head. Jason smiled, opting to let go of (Y/N)'s hand and wrap it around his waist. But the feeling wouldn't last for long. There were some murmurs and then screaming. Jason turned his head, eyes widening when he saw a gun being pointed at him.
He became afraid when (Y/N) pushed him. A single shot rang out. Jason looked at (Y/N)'s stomach, the shirt that was covering it was red... IT WAS RED! his mind screamed at him. Bruce knocked down the bastard and Jason knelt down next to (Y/N), making sure to add pressure to the wound.
He didn't hear anything, his focus entirely on (Y/N).
" Hey, hey can you hear me? " Jason asked, looking at (Y/N)'s eyes. They were hazy and he didn't know what was happening. Oh God. And in the gut too...
" Someone call an ambulance! " Jason yelled out, now afraid. There was way too much blood. Dick came over with the first aid kit, showing Jason a gauze. Jason removed his hands for a moment for Dick to put the gauze before resuming the pressure on the wound.
" The ambulance is on the way. " Dick informed his brother.
" Is there not a single doctor in the manor? " Jason asked, looking down at (Y/N) who was blinking slowly.
" I don't know. They will be here quickly. " Dick said, glancing at (Y/N).
Jason just nodded, refusing to take his eyes off of (Y/N)'s. He was shaking with absolute anger. He was going to kill the bastard that did this. And why did (Y/N) do that? Jason would be able to take it. He made a promise that the would be there to protect him.
He would walk through Hell and back for (Y/N).
Dick had to move him so that the arriving paramedics could get to (Y/N). Jason stood paralyzed, Dick's arms holding him up. He was going to accompany them. No way he wasn't.
He looked at Bruce, who was handing the bastard over to the GCPD. Jason glared at the bastard, his hands shaking. How does he get to breath?
" Jason, go with them, we will take care of the stuff here. " Dick said, releasing Jason.
" If the bastard walks, I will level this city. " Jason said, running with the paramedics outside.
" If you are going with us, sit in the front. " One of the paramedics said. Jason nodded, quickly getting into the front. He looked down at his hands. They... Nope...
" There are wipes in the glove compartment. " The driver said, turning on the sirens and basically flooring the gas pedal. Jason just nodded, shakingly opening it. His hands never shook. They were always steady. He took the wipes and then vigorously wiping the blood. He can't have (Y/N)'s blood on his hands. In any way, shape or form.
He listened to the EMTs talking. They were entering the city already and Jason knew that there wasn't too much to go. General hospital nearby.
But, the commotion at the back made him wonder how close. He heard somebody saying there is no pulse. He swore. He felt his hands shaking and he felt as if somebody ripped his heart out. No. Not (Y/N), just not him.
He held his breath, trying not to cry. He lost the love of his life. He blinked a few times, but nearly died when he heard we have a pulse again. Jason let out a few tears and the breath he was holding. Oh God. Jason went through a rollercoaster of emotions.
He barely registered the ambulance stopping at the General.
He stepped out of the vehicle, but on shaky legs. He took a deep breath before following the EMTs into the hospital. The other doctors took over and they went straight into the OR. Jason followed for as long as he could. Once that (Y/N) was out of his sight, he sat down on the chair. He leaned his head back on the back of the chair. He took a shaky breath and closed his eyes.
He opened them a few moments later, sensing familiar footsteps.
" Hey old man. "
" Jason. " Bruce greeted, sitting down next to him.
" He got into the OR. He had to be... " Jason stopped for a moment to compose himself. " Brought back. I don't think that I went through so much emotions in such a short amount of time. "
Bruce listened, watching Jason wiping his teary eyes.
" I called his parents. They are on their way. "
" And the bastard? " Jason asked, clenching his fists.
" Damian managed to hit him, broke his nose. He nearly got arrested himself. " Bruce chuckled.
Jason smiled. He needs to thank Damian later.
" Remind me to thank him later. "
Bruce nodded, looking at the OR doors.
" You don't have to blame yourself. He did it to protect you. "
" I made a promise to myself. I promised myself that I would protect him from whatever that was thrown at us. " Jason admitted to Bruce, wiping more tears from his eyes.
" But you know that's not possible. It's impossible to protect your loved ones all the time. " Bruce said, putting his hand on Jason's shoulder.
" But I should have pushed him back. He was right next to me. "
" But he choose to protect you. You need to be prepared for these situations too. I don't think he will be standing to the side, watching you take all the blows, so to say? "
Jason didn't respond. He knew that Bruce was right, (Y/N) wasn't the one to stand aside, but this is completely different. Jason is a vigilante, a good guy who makes a lot of enemies. And not to mention the people who hated Bruce.
The list of his enemies was far too big.
" Do you want me to get you something? I saw the vending machine on the way here. "
" No. Thanks though. "
Bruce patted Jason's shoulder and stood up. Jason was left alone once more. He reached for the necklace he was wearing, a little robin on a chain. (Y/N) had it made specifically for him. Jason sniffed again, before exhaling shakily. (Y/N) is okay. He is alive.
He didn't know how long he sat in that chair, but Dick dropped by too. Jason wasn't in the mood to talk. Soon, the entire family was here, plus (Y/N)'s parents. Jason nodded in Damian's direction, letting him know that he was thankful for the broken nose. Damian nodded too, letting him know that it was no problem.
And then he had to talk to (Y/N)'s parents. He wasn't ready for this conversation. At all. But didn't prepare himself for the hug he got from (Y/N)'s mother. He froze, eyes widening. His guard and armor are way down. He is stripped down all the way down to his primal emotions now. He didn't like it.
And then he was hugged by (Y/N)'s dad. He nearly buckled right then and there.
" We don't blame you Jason. "
Jason couldn't keep it in anymore. He cried and he was brought into a group hug from everyone.
After a while, they all sat down waiting.
They all stood up when the doctor came out.
" Are you here for (Y/N) (L/N)? "
Everyone said yes in an instant, nervous beyond belief.
" I'm happy to say he is going to make full recovery. He is in intensive care now. You can come back to visit him tomorrow because we still need to monitor him for the night. If you want to know the visiting hours, you can ask the nurses at the front desk. "
Everyone thanked the doctor and Bruce was going to donate a lot of money as a thank you.
" Come on Jason, you need sleep. Mister and miss (L/N), do you have a place to stay? " Bruce asked, turning to look at the parents.
" No, we came here out of the blue. "
" I would like you two to stay at the manor then. I have more then enough room. "
The pair looked at each other and then nodded. Jason was ready to go to patrol, not sleeping. He needs to let out some steam. Bruce gave him a knowing look.
Jason was walking into the hospital with (Y/N)'s parents. They got the room number at the reception and Jason was going to jump out of his skin.
The trio walked to the room and Jason was going to wait outside. His parents are more important than him now. They were going to be quick, because they couldn't stay for long.
Jason waited in the hall, pacing up and down it slowly. Once the parents came out, he said his goodbyes to (Y/N)'s parents, promising to take care of (Y/N).
He took a deep breath before he entered the room. (Y/N) was awake, smiling tiredly at him. Jason's throat got dry as he walked to (Y/N)'s bed. He sat down, gently taking (Y/N)'s hand into his own. He lifted it up and gave it a soft kiss. He was afraid that he was going break (Y/N).
" (Y/N), do you know how much you scared me? " Jason asked.
" I can guess. But if I had to do that again, I would. " (Y/N) said, gripping Jason's hand.
" But why? I am here to protect you. I will take the blows and hits just to keep you safe. "
(Y/N) knew that Jason was protective, but if he can protect Jason, he will.
" But you are not alone. I love you and I can't stand aside when I have a chance to protect you. "
" I can't live without you (Y/N). I can't. I realized it when you were in surgery. If you had died... I don't know what would have happened to me. " Jason said, feeling the same emotions flaring up.
" Jason, I know you are protective, but as much you don't like these situations, they will happen from time to time. Now, I need you to come closer. "
Jason stood up, moving closer. (Y/N) gently cupped Jason's face, bringing it closer. Then he gave Jason million little, soft kisses all over his face. Lips, cheeks, forehead, eyelids and so on. Those were (Y/N)'s favorite type of kisses.
Jason smiled, covering (Y/N)'s hands with his own. What did he do to deserve this man?
" I love you (Y/N). "
" I love you too Jason. "
Jason was now at peace, knowing that together, they will be okay.
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Aita for casually teasing my friend?
I (27F) met this woman (32F) first day at work and soon enough we started hanging out aaaall the time to the point other coworkers assumed we knew each other beforehand. We were immediately best friends which happened faster than I was comfortable with, basically she was too attached to me and I didn't want to reject her so I tried to do the same for her but because of my past trauma I couldn't be affectionate with her, so instead I chat with her whenever I could and joked around and teased her. Basically I noticed that she was super forgetful so I'd joke about it whenever I remind her of something. I jokingly called her things like absent minded, joked about how she needs me all time, and things like that because I had to save her whenever she forgot something important, which sometimes happened in front of other coworkers. Thing is, I don't usually poke fun of other people, my tongue slipped the first couple of time because of how much she forgets, but she always replied with laughter and responds to my teasing in ways that show me she doesn't mind it, for example when I myself forget something once in a while, she would joke about how she infected me with her forgetfulness.
Six whole months passed by peacefully then she started to lash out sometimes every time I say something slightly negative or things that have nothing to do with my teasing her, such as that one time she yelled at me in front of coworkers and customers for not wanting to do HER work anymore, then proceeded to rant about me to other coworkers for one whole hour.
I finally had enough and told her we can't be friend anymore because of the way she's been treating me lately. So she once again lashed out that the reason she was treating me that way was just her way of reacting to the way i was treating her and about how much I embarrass her in front of others, which was a surprise to me since she always responded positively when I teased her? I even asked her if I was imagining her laughing and joking back whenever I did it because I honestly assumed we were just having fun like friends usually tease each other and she also does it, other coworkers also do it. She responded that no, she honestly didn't think much of it and it didn't start to bother her until recently, that why she always laughed when I did it but it started to upset her because she thought I had gotten too far.
Yes I may have overdid but I only did it because I thought it didn't bother her and that it was just just harmless fun, and it wouldn't escalate if she didn't joke with me too or initiate some of the jokes herself. She made herself the butt of the joke with that attitude.
Other things happened between us but this is the main reason she doesn't talk to me anymore. It's upsetting because unlike me, she an extrovert so she talks to everyone, which means she told everyone about how mean I was to her, she also spread so many lies about me for example she told them that I was trying to upset her on purpose because I didn't want to be friends anymore. She gave everyone the wrong idea about me and I go to work everyday wondering if my coworkers secretly hated me. Aita?
What are these acronyms?
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beegalactica · 8 months
the it girl's guide to handling rejection
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So the one thing that could possibly go wrong finally did... What now?
You put yourself out there; you went for that person, you applied for that opportunity, you tried that thing that had been on your mind for ages, and it didn't work out. Maybe you feel upset with the world and wonder why it always has to be YOU that misses out, or maybe you internalise it all and completely think that it's definitely your fault. Sometimes it is hard to accept how things happen in life because we feel like we were so close, like it could've been us, but ultimately it wasn't because we weren't 'good enough'.
As humans, we always feel the need to be in control of every little thing in our lives, so when something doesn't work out as planned, we ask ourselves: "What did I do wrong? Why not me?". Rejection is a part of life. You are worth so much more than just settling and accepting the bare minimum because you may be desperate, so that's why you don't get that guy or that job.
It's all because there is a greater movement happening in your life that you can't see. After all, you're just hyper-focusing on this one specific aspect. Bigger things are happening for you than you can ever imagine, and if you settle or get complacent where you are right now, you won't be driven to seek out that greater thing, and you won't get to experience it.
You know that it's all supposed to get better. You know that the pain will stop one day and you'll forget all about it, but before you get to that point, it's so hard to even think about it when you feel so negative in the present moment. You just feel this tightness in your chest and it feels like you can't breathe, but I promise you, you will breathe again.
Here are some ways to navigate rejection instead of letting it break down the person that you are:
Cry, yell, do whatever you need to do: the worst thing you can do is let it fester inside until it eats you up. Talk out loud - let yourself truly hear what it is that you feel. It hits you so much harder when you hear yourself be so upset, but acknowledgement is the first step.
Write about it: I will always be the biggest advocate for journaling but this doesn't even have to be formal in any way. Open your notes app and just dump whatever it is that's on your mind. Save It with just the date as the title and one day, maybe in the next week, month or even years, when you feel so much better, you'll be able to look back on that note and have so much proof in your life that you got over it.
Think about what's next: You went out of your way and did that thing, even if it didn't end up the way you would have liked. What are you going to do now to move on? It's better to think about what's next, after having done it anyway, than spend the rest of your life wondering what if.
Always remember to take a step back and express gratitude for the place that you are, even when it feels like there is nothing to be grateful for. The fact that you woke up today is a blessing, even if you spent the whole day in bed. You're not going to be upset one day and magically be perfectly fine the next day, it WILL take time, but it is possible. Just as it is possible for 'bad' things to happen, it is more than possible for amazing things to happen to you and I know that they will.
take care of yourself 💗
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Damian as a little brother. A trained assassin, yes, but also the family's youngest.
Here's how I think that plays (Part 1?)
Damian & Tim
Worth mentioning that I headcanon Tim as a gamer. Now, to me, Tim is a 90s kid. He played pokemon on his Game Boy when it first came out. He had a nintendo 64, a gamecube, and basically every console you can think of.
Because the timeline is not time lining, and he's not allowed to grow up (side eyeing DC), he now is a switch kinda kid.
Cue short story
Every time Tim is at the manor or the cave, Damian can't help but notice he's always using a strange console. He's never paid much attention to it. After all, what Tim does in his free time is of no relevance to him.
But one night, after patrol, he sees Drake throw the console away angrily and leave the room, cursing. (Not real curses, mind you, not with Alfred around).
Now this. This is ... intriguing. Anything that could make the older boy angry, Damian could find interest in. So, out of curiosity, he approaches the device and examines it. Black, two bright controlers on each side. Nintendo is written on the back, and Damian think he does remember a few classmates carrying similar consoles in their bag. They used them to play games that would get them yelling and laughing when on break from lessons.
A gaming console then. Is this what had Tim so riled up? He thought Drake to be above such imbecilic distraction. The older boy has such a practical mind. Damian cannot picture him spending all of his free time playing a child game. And enjoying it. He has to be doing something else with this.. Switch? Something worthwhile.
He must figure it out. So he opens the console, and confusion flows through him at what he sees. These graphics are horrendous. A pixelised and ridiculous robot is giving a speech on the screen. What in the world is Tim playing. The robot turns into a dancing man. What.
Graphics start to flow on the screen. Damian does his best to avoid what he understands to be attacks and to fight back, but his character is ridiculously weak. He is defeated quickly and extremely annoyed. When the screen tells him to "stay determined," he scoffs. This game is taunting him. Ridiculous.
So when the game starts again, instead of fighting the ridiculous robot man, Damian tries to find an ennemy he can slay. And he does! He makes his way back and win a few fights. Now that he understands the concept better, this game- well it's not so bad. He just defeated another ennemy when Drake comes back. And as soon as he sees him with the console, he's yelling.
Damian thinks it's a bit too much. After all, he only played a little and gained experience points. Which Tim was lacking. He says so, but then the older boy goes quiet. Deadly quiet.
Drake takes a step forward, and weirdly worried, Damian takes one back. The yelling picks up, and now Tim is chasing him, throwing cussions and curses at him. He finally catches Damian and rips the console away from him. After pressing a few buttons, he whines and pinches his nose, looking so mad. Disappointed. And that does it.
Damian yells back and demands an explanation. Why is Tim so angry. He does not understand. What did he do that was so wrong?
The questions seem to settle Tim, who deflates, and now simply looks defeated. His head falls back and he starts to talk, as if to explain, but then he stops. And smirk. That can't be good.
Next thing he knows, Damian is sitting in the den. The console is connected to the television, and he's playing the game from the beginning. Tim is sitting next to him, offering no advice. Drake said he would understand what he did wrong once he reaches the end of the game, but really, Damian thinks he's doing great at winning so far.
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bigasswritingmagnet · 2 months
Relatively Speaking This Will Probably Be Fine (ch 8)
Fandom: Girl Genius Rating: T Summary: Everyone knows Agatha Sannikova can't be a Heterodyne, even if she did arrive mysteriously one night to live with Lady Teodora and Lord Saturnus. She's got those headaches, and she's not too bright - she's not even a Spark! She does get along quite well with Lord Saturnus, which is a bit odd, but she's had a very good affect on his health. Lady Teodora doesn't like the kind of, er, "life lessons" he's tried to teach her, but Agatha hasn't set anyone on fire or unleashed any terrifying monstrosities on the town.
...what do you mean, tempting fate?
<Last Chapter | Chapter One | Next Chapter > AO3 Link
“Did I tell her to make a death ray? No! Did I show her how to turn him into a frog? No!”
The front door slammed. A few moments later, Teodora appeared in the doorway, blazing eyes in sharp contrast to the tidy blue dress and hat she had worn when she was called to the school.
“The fact that you know exactly what I’m going to yell at you for means you know what you did was wrong.”
Saturnus snapped his book shut and glared back at her.
“No, it means I knew when I did it that you were going to get mad about it when you found out,” he said. “Just because you think that’s the same thing—”
“You cannot teach Agatha that it is okay to punch people in the throat!”
“It was self-defense! Black fire, Teodora, you think Bill and Barry never hit anyone when they were out doing their sainted heroing?” 
“Not twelve-year-olds!”
“Because they weren’t being threatened by twelve-year-olds! She’s ten! And he’s got half a foot on her; you should be impressed!”
“Impressed? The school was ready to suspend her!”
“Until…?” Saturnus prompted. Teodora’s mouth went tight and flat. “Until…they asked her why? Until…they found out what he’d been up to? Until…they suspended him instead for hitting a girl two years younger than him?”
Teodora’s cheeks were burning now.
“That is not the point.”
“Then why did you mention it?” Saturnus asked, mockingly. Teodora scowled, but pretended to ignore it, which only amused him further.
“The point is, you are teaching her to solve her problems with violence.”
“I am teaching her how to make a statement. It’s going to be important when she takes over Mechanicsburg!”
Teodora was no longer blushing.
“What do you mean when she takes over Mechanicsburg?” 
Saturnus raised his eyebrows.
“You may have noticed, Teodora, that I have recovered my faculties enough that I can see the obvious.” Suddenly he sat upright, expression indignant. “Were you trying to keep it from me? I thought you didn’t think you needed to tell me—you didn’t want me to know?”
“I didn’t want you to do anything rash,” Teodora said, not looking at him.
“Like what, get someone to write it in big flaming letters on the side of Castle Wulfenbach while I paint a big bullseye in the center of town for her to stand on?”
“Like telling her.”  
“Which would have about the same effect as flaming letters on Castle Wulfenbach; Teodora, I am not an idiot.”
“So you knew you were telling her to hit a boy who one day will be one of her subjects?”
“I know what you’re thinking,” he said, raising his hands.
“Do you.” Her voice was flat.
“Yes. But the damage years of bullying would do to Agatha’s self-confidence isn’t worth how funny his face would be if we let it go until they’re grown up and he finds out the girl he pushed into the mud yesterday is the Lady of Mechanicsburg.”
Teodora put her face in her hands. Saturnus did not seem to notice. 
“I know he’s one of her people; she doesn’t know he’s one of her people. I didn’t teach her to hit her servants; I taught her that when people hit her, she should hit back. I am teaching her to stand up for herself.”
“I am teaching her to stand up for herself; something I know a great deal about,” Teodora said. “I never needed to resort to violence.”
“Well,” Saturnus said, raising his eyes to the ceiling, innocently. “There was one rather memorable time—”
“You threatened to kill my sons!”
“And you punched me, and then I didn’t. Listen. A peace treaty to prevent a war is one thing, but when an army rolls into the valley and you use nothing but diplomacy to get them to go away, it looks like weakness! All her enemies would see is that she will allow an army threaten her without repurcussions. Then everyone with a death ray starts showing up to see how much they can get away with!
“But, if she turns that first army in a smoking crater, the line is drawn. The world will know what she can do, and more importantly, what she will do. I even told her, she wasn’t just fighting this one boy, she was making a point to everyone who ever has or will try to push her around. This will be the last time anyone lays a hand on her, I guarantee.”
“We are not talking about war, Saturnus, we are talking about a pair of school children.”
“Oh, please, the schoolyard is a warzone for children. Telling a teacher would have made her a snitch, which is worse than being a bully. Teodora, you can’t tell me that when you found out, you didn’t want to drop kick the little bastard out the window at least a little bit.” 
Teodora looked indignant, but notably did not protest. Saturnus leaned back against the headboard and sighed. His gaze drifted to the window.
“I’m hoping she’ll grow out of the headaches, or maybe they’ll go away when she breaks through—”
Because he was not looking, he missed the expression that flitted across Teodora’s face—an expression that would have been very, very telling.
“—but if they don’t go away, she’ll be at a significant disadvantage. She’ll have to prove her strength to a lot of people, and it won’t be easy for her. But Mechanicsburg will be behind her,” he added, firmly. “She’s still their Lady. They’ll love her no matter what.”
“Of course they will.”
They pretended not to hear the uncertainty in each others’ voices.
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