#why wasn't THIS in the next gen update
kashuan · 2 years
once again i am thinking about this video and the romance route that we were Robbed of
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khunyuki · 4 months
"I've lived my life with blade and you always in my mind"
Pairing/s: Hoshina Soshiro x Fiancee!OC
Note/s: Got a prior engagement for the whole day today so I couldn't write but I finally got to make a schedule🤗💕 I'll try very hard to stick to it so you'll know when you can read the next parts😘
Masterlist: TOC, a
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June 11 (Tuesday)
Note/s: Side stories are currently in writing! It still takes place before the main timeline so yeahhhh
b. Jealousy, Jealousy
Uzui Kagami admires Captain Ashiro Mina but that doesn't mean it didn't bother her whenever she hears Soshiro talk about her all of the time.
Hoshina Soshiro doesn't really think of Captain Narumi Gen as a threat but with how clingy he is to Kagami, boy does it feel annoying.
c. We promised to take care of each other, didn't we? [Fluff, Hurt/Comfort]
After their very first mission as Defense Force Officers, Kagami and Soshiro promised to take care of each other when they got injured. That means taking the entire day/week off just to nurse them back to health.
A few years have passed since then without any significant injuries, that's why it came as a surprise to Kagami when a certain someone came knocking at the First Division's front doors.
June 13 (Thursday)
Note/s: Finally got to the main story! Might be a bit cliche but I'll try to write it the best that I can🥹! I might change the titles to better fit the contents. Intro focuses on Kagami while the rest is all about the two🫶🫶🫶
Intro: When foundations fall apart [Angst]
Kagami doesn't know what to do with all the pressure. So she decided to make a judgment without a second thought thinking it's for the better. It doesn't matter if she's unhappy, she's used to people taking away what she loves.
1. You are so far out of my reach now [Angst]
Kagami thinks that with how pathetic she is: being a burnt out adult, useless platoon leader, talentless heir, unreliable fiancee; as someone who succumbed to the pressure, she no longer deserves to be by his side. So she pushes him away.
June 15 (Saturday)
Note/s: This will be my first time writing anything spicy🌶️ so I really need a lot of courage cuz f^ck I might die out of embarrassment while writing from how much it feel like I am commiting a grave sin😭😭😭
2. I'll show you just how much you mean to me [NSFW]
Soshiro, who didn't notice just how much pressure Kagami was experiencing, felt extremely guilty. He thought he's been expressing his love for her clearly but it seems like it wasn't enough. So he better make sure his beloved fiancee will understand it all night long.
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lucidlivi · 1 year
Chosen For Pleasure (XII)
Series Masterlist/Warnings
Tag List: @ladysparkles78 @suckitands33 @little-x-wolf @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @jc-winchester @mrsjenniferwinchester @lessons-of-red @jamerlynn @deans-spinster-witch @kazsrm67 @deans-baby-momma @willow-sages @ritz-hell-hotel @perpetualabsurdity @mhessellund @itzabbyxx @chriszgirl92 @abbybarnesstuff @larrem88 @commonsenseishard @impalaspixie @notsogoofyjelly @hzllxhoundxx @taylortots-world @k-slla @heavenlyackles @spnfamily-j2 @buckybarnes-1917 @foxyjwls007 @spnbaby-67 @readingsins @lauraashley93 @antisocialcorrupt @anixiiee @jackles010378 @alternativeprincess @rosecentury (I love that half the battle of writing my updates is writing the tag list! I'm so grateful for all the love you guys have shown me and this fiction! If you would like to be added please send me a message or an ask so I can easily look back on them, there are too many names for me to keep track of!)
a emotional roller coaster of a chapter, you ain't ready..
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"is that.."
oh you've got to be kidding.
"Jensen?" I questioned trying to get his attention.
He has yet to take his eyes off the blonde, as she clung to an older gentleman talking to another couple.
I instantly felt jealousy burning through my entire body.
"Jensen." I snapped.
He finally tore his eyes away, meeting my own.
"are you okay?" I asked hesitantly.
He took a deep breath before plastering a smile on his face. I could tell it was fake.
"yeah, I won't let this ruin our night." He said.
Why didn't I believe him?
Jared once again gave him an apologetic look. Jensen took my hand, walking in the opposite direction of Elle.
Jensen gripped my hand tightly pulling me through the crowds of people.
"J hang on." I said stopping us.
He turned to me hesitantly.
"you're not okay, I can see it." I spoke.
"I'm fine." He was quick to defend.
"why don't I believe you?"
Jensen ran a hand over his jaw letting out a frustrated sigh.
"I let that girl ruin my life for a long time, I don't want her to ruin tonight too. I'm here with you, I want to enjoy tonight with you." Jensen said emphasizing the word you.
I felt like we were just sweeping the issue under the rug, but I would be lying if I said I didn't want to enjoy the night with him too.
"okay." I breathed reluctantly.
Jensen offered me a smile as he snagged two champagne glasses off a serving tray being passed around. I sipped it hesitantly as my eyes traveled around the room, looking for the blonde girl. Jensen led me over to a table where Jared and Genevieve sat with other members of the cast. I offered Gen a smile as we took the spot next to them. Jensen conversed with Jared and Misha as if he wasn't bothered by the situation at all.
So why was I?
I felt like we were just pretending, something I'd never been good at.
I tried my best too though, I chatted with cast, sipped champagne and even picked at the fancy dinner. I felt myself start to loosen up, even if just a little bit.
"may I have this dance?" Jensen asked extending a hand out to me.
"of course." I smiled placing my hand in his.
Jensen led us over to the dance floor, a slow song coming from the band on stage. He wrapped one arm around my waist, his other hand held mine as we swayed back and forth to the music.
"you really do look beautiful tonight." Jensen smiled.
"you clean up well too." I laughed.
It was silent for a moment until I spoke up.
"I apologize if I freaked you out earlier with my confession." I whispered before biting my lip.
"I'm not freaked out, flattered actually." he quickly spoke.
"a sweet girl like you being in love with a fuck up like me, I don't know what I did to make that happen." he spoke quietly.
"Jensen you don't seriously think you're a fuck up do you?" I asked grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at me.
"oh I think I'm completely fucked up." He said with a painful laugh.
"I think we're all a little fucked up." I said.
"I'm just thankful you put up with me."
"yeah well I've always liked a bit of a challenge." I smirked.
He laughed as he pulled me closer, wrapping both arms around me. I felt completely at peace slow dancing with him. It was as if we were the only two people around. It just felt so right being with him. For once I forgot about everything wrong about us and just focused on the right here right now. I held on to him tightly as if as soon as I let him go he'd float away.
I was completely and irrevocably in love with this man.
I sighed as the song ended, longing for the moment to last. Jensen leaned down, placing his lips to my forehead in a gentle kiss.
"I'm happy you're here with me tonight." Jensen spoke.
We walked back towards the group. I wore a real smile for once tonight.
"I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back." I said kissing Jensen's cheek gently.
I was thankful there was no wait in the bathroom. I quickly did what I came there to do before going to the sink to wash my hands. I wiped off some excess lip gloss and glanced at myself one last time in the mirror.
I could suddenly feel someone come up beside me. I saw blonde locks out of the corner of my eye. I didn't need to look at her to know who it was.
I took a deep breath mentally cursing the world.
"with the billionaire Jensen Ackles, lucky girl." she spoke uncapping lipstick and swiping it on her over lined lips.
I hesitantly turned my body to face the last person in the world I wanted to see.
"Elle, but I have a feeling you already knew that." she introduced.
"no, you know what I don't think your name has come up." I said crossing my arms.
"If only I believed that, I just had to meet the girl that Jensen was so smitten with."
"well now you have, and now I'll be going." I growled turning to leave.
I didn't want to be in her presence another second.
"he looks amazing tonight, maybe I'll have to go say hi."
I stopped in my tracks at her words. I clenched my hands into fists at my sides. I really wanted to knock this girl out right now.
"as if he would even talk to you." I growled turning my body back towards her.
"I think you underestimate the power I have over him. If I wanted him to, he'd come running back to me in a heartbeat."
I felt my heart shatter at her words. I knew she was just trying to get under my skin, but part of me wondered if she was right.
"yeah well he's not a toy you can play with and drop when you get bored." I growled.
"of course not, I did love to play with him though, you know he is the best kisser."
I could feel the rage building inside of me with each word she spoke.
"oh wait I forgot, you wouldn't know, my bad."
"are you trying to intimidate me, cause it isn't working."
"intimidate you? oh no, I just want to know who my competition is." Elle said before departing from the restroom.
Competition? What the hell was she talking about?
I quickly escaped the bathroom making my way through the crowds of people. I could feel my chest tightening as my breathing became sporadic. I needed some fresh air. Jensen immediately noticed my departure as he pushed through the crowd after me.
I kept walking, even as the night air hit my face. I had to get out of there.
"wait, (y/n) please stop." Jensen called running to catch up with me.
I kept walking, ignoring his protests. He finally caught me, making me turn to face him.
"I want to go home." I said choking back the tears that threatened to spill out any moment.
"what did Elle say to you?"
"nothing just drop it." I growled.
"no I'm not going to drop it, what did she say?"
"Jensen please."
"I thought we weren't keeping secrets from each other? I thought we'd moved past all this?"
"don't you get it, we can't move past all of this until you move past her!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air.
"what the hell are you talking about?"
"do you still love her?" I asked, letting a few tears slip.
"what no of course I don't love her." Jensen scoffed.
"is that why you won't kiss me?"
Jensen looked as if I had just slapped him in the face.
"no that's not why, I thought you understood." Jensen growled
"I thought I did too, but now I'm not so sure." I whispered turning my body away from him.
"don't do this please." Jensen begged coming to stand in front of me.
I let another tear slide down my cheek as I stared at him.
"please just take me home." I whispered.
Jensen looked hurt as he opened the door to the limo allowing me to slide in. It was silent as Cole drove us back to Jensen's, a van that contained the extra security guards led the way.
I don't know why I let her have this power over me.
Actually I did.
It was because I was terrified that she was right. I was terrified that if she called, he'd go running. Jensen said it himself, he was prepared to spend his life with her. Elle had manipulated him once, something told me if she really wanted she could do it again.
"you know we're going to have to talk about this at some point." Jensen said, lifting a wine bottle to his lips taking a swig.
I didn't respond, just continued to stare out the window.
"I don't care about Elle anymore, not since I met you. God you're all I think about. Why can't you see that? You're everything to me." Jensen spoke.
I let the tears fall freely from my eyes. I hesitantly glanced at him, but he was already staring at me.
"I don't kiss you because I'm afraid that once I do, you'll realize how much better off you are without me, and I can't stand to lose you. (y/n) I'm so in love with you." Jensen whispered, a single tear rolling down his cheek.
I cried as I wrapped my arms around him. He squeezed me tightly, as if he were afraid of letting me go. It was everything I had ever wanted to hear from him. He loved me.
"Jensen, I could never be better off without you. No one has ever made me feel even a fraction of what you make me feel." I said placing a hand on his cheek.
Jensen leaned his forehead down on mine, looking at my lips. I could tell how nervous he was.
"if we do this, no going back." Jensen whispered, his lips dangerously close to mine.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
Jensen's lips brushed mine slowly. I felt my pulse increase. I had waited for this moment, dreamt of it.
"Mr. Ackles, you should come look at this." Cole spoke up from the front seat sounding worried.
Jensen pulled away quickly. I let out the breath I didn't know I had been holding.
"stay here." He ordered.
I watched as Jensen and Cole got out of the limo, the security guards dispersed around the property. I could see them looking at something but I couldn't see what. Jensen looked distressed. I disobeyed him, getting out of the limo.
"oh my god." I gasped.
Jensen and Cole stood in front of my car. It had been destroyed. I saw the tires had been slashed, and the windshield smashed in. I could see key marks on the hood as well as various dents. I didn't even recognize it as my car with all the damage done to it.
However the most haunting thing was the words He's Mine spray painted in white along the side.
"I'm getting (y/n) out of here, find her Cole." Jensen growled.
Jensen grabbed my hand pulling me to one of his cars. He quickly opened the door, so I could get in before running around to get in as well. He started up the car, speeding out of his garage and down the road.
"where are we going?" I asked fearful.
"somewhere nobody else knows about." He spoke.
He pressed down on the accelerator speeding up even more. I looked at him as he gripped the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles turned white.
"Jensen slow down, you're scaring me." I said gripping the door handle and slinking back in to the seat.
"I told you to stay in the car." He growled.
"Jensen please." I begged.
He glanced over at me, seeing I was incredibly scared. He quickly took his foot off the accelerator, slowing down.
"I don't know how she got in, she shouldn't have been able to get in the garage, I'm so sorry." Jensen apologized taking one of his hands off the wheel and grabbing my own.
I took a deep breath squeezing his hand.
He kept driving, not letting go of my hand. I looked out the window to see we were getting far away from the city, and heading up a mountain. It was at least another hour before Jensen finally stopped the car. I saw we were way in the woods at what appeared to be a cabin.
"it used to belong to my aunt and uncle." Jensen whispered.
"she won't find us here?" I asked worried.
"no, I promise." Jensen said getting out of the car, coming to open the door for me.
I got out, falling straight in to his arms.
"I'm scared Jensen." I admitted.
"I know baby, I'm so sorry." Jensen said running a hand through my hair.
I stood in his embrace for awhile before looking and meeting his eyes.
"I'm supposed to be protecting you, if anything ever happened to you because of me, I'd never be able to forgive myself." Jensen whispered.
I saw in his eyes that he was scared too. Not so much of Riley, but scared that she could have gotten to me.
"Jensen I love you." I said leaning my forehead against his.
"then kiss me."
Author Note:
AHHHHHHH IT'S HAPPENING! I REPEAT IT'S HAPPENING! I'm done playing with your feelings tonight, but make sure you come back so I can play with them some more cause we just getting started.... please show some love in the form of a heart, comment, reblog, and a follow! I appreciate all the love!
Part (XIII)
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catmonk · 1 year
Bruised Waynes
Part One Part Two
Pairing- (GEN) Bruce Wayne and His Kids
Leaning on the counter of his sink, Bruce looked in the mirror and sighed. It seemed everyday that he looked older and older. Perhaps aging wasn't a horrible curse, but it had been long since he had heard that he looked like his late father. Shouting in front of his window interrupted his reverie.
CRACK! Shards of his window rained down as his daughter leapt into his arms.
“What is going on here-” He shielded Cass with his body as another figure leaped through the window. 
Glitter blasted into his face. 
He could feel Cassandra trembling with laughter behind him. Bruce opened his eyes slowly, what greeted him was a horrified Spoiler.
“Look it wasn’t me, it was all Tim’s idea-” Steph threw the glitter gun out of the window. 
Beneath the window someone yelled “SNITCH!”
“Stephanie. I suggest you run.” He said with an eerie calm.
She dived out of the window with the speed and grace that would make an olympic diving judge cry, but it wouldn't be enough to save her. Not even an alien invasion would postpone his revenge. Bruce grabbed the fire extinguisher, kissed his innocent daughter on the nose, and dove out of the window to his victims. 
Revenge would be served with a trail of glitter leading to his victims. 
Update to the Medical File- 
The Spoiler: 🖕
Bruce tapped his foot against the elevator floor. No one could ever claim that elevator music was good, especially the music that Barbra had picked out for her clock tower. It seemed that every time he visited, that one song would be playing- what was it called? Ah yes, the “Rick Roll’. He sighed as finally the elevator doors opened, allowing his escape from that awfully persistent song. The click of his loafers echoed against the floor as he strolled to the mass of computers in the room. 
“Good evening, Barbra- oh why hello there.” The new cat, Cat-Bruce, rubbed against his leg. 
“You should talk to Cass about adoption habits, you don't want her to be like you.”Barbra turned her wheelchair from her screen to face him. 
Bruce exhaled fondly, “For the record, it’s Alfred that she takes after.” He handed the redhead the tupperware he brought with him. “From the last family dinner.”
“I’ll make it to the next one.” She smiled, pushing up her glasses. “Oh, there’s an issue I needed your assistance on.” She turned to her computer, clicking through the various tabs.
Bruce’s brows creased. “What is it?” Concern flooded him, Barbra rarely asked for help.
“I was reviewing the medical file from my Batgirl days, and I couldn't recall what the injury on February first was. It’s not my memory that's fading mind you, I remember the day before that perfectly.”
He peered over her shoulder. 
Update to the Medical File- 
Batgirl: FUCK
Bruce sighed, pinching his nose.
“I don't want to hear it from you about using the medical file wrong Mr Hypocrite.”
He grumbled under his breath.
Barbra rolled her eyes. “I've compared it to the dates of case filed, and the only case on that day is locked by you. Care to tell me why?”
“That is none of your concern.” Nothing betrayed his thoughts but a small twitching under his eye.
“Ohh it must be bad, but Bruce, I’m willing to bet that the nipple suit would go viral on the internet should I release it to Vicki Vale. Weigh your cards carefully.
Bruce sighed, and typed into the password for the file. Barbra shoved him out of the way only to look at the screen in complete horror. 
“My god, Bruce… it's worse than the nipple suit.”
The two watched the security footage, one with disgusted fascination and the other with simply disgust. On the screen, Bruce from Earth-803 entered the cave, or more accurately, Ratman. The footage showed Batgirl decking the alternate Bruce, only to be shot in the back by the actual Bruce with a memory gun. Bruce then continued to throw his counterpart’s limp body through the portal and then laid Barbra on the medical bed. The footage cut out.
Barbra turned slowly to the cringing Bruce.
“God, that’s why we have that rat helmet in the archives, I thought you got into a fight with the city mascot.”
Bruce sighed deeply. He should have chosen the nipple suit.
Bruce dragged his body to the chair, barely making it far into the batcave. He grunted as he pulled himself up and grabbed bandages off the table. Gritting his teeth he ripped the bandages with his teeth and wrapped them with his left hand. A sloppy job but it would have to do. He winced at every move he made, but he would heal, he needed to, Gotham needed him. He heaved his body to turn to the batcomputer, he needed to write the report.
Update to the Medical File- 
Batman: 1:12 AM. Bane
“Me first!”
“Unhand me, Drake! Your cheeto dust is unsightly.”
“Outta the way, Demon Brat, I’m the one taking care of Pops.”
“Children, don't fi- OW CASS NO BITING!”
Bruce watched with a weary smile as his children clamored over the cave’s entrance, all fighting to take care of him. 
“Master Bruce, might I suggest that we bring you over the medical bay?” Alfred appeared behind Bruce, eyeing the wounds disapprovingly. “And perhaps setting an example for your children by using the medical file correctly yourself.”
Bruce just gave the man a warm smile. 
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hueningsloverr · 1 year
౨ৎ not your song !
chapter two : NOT IN LOVE
pairing : hueningkai x 6th member!reader summary : tomorrow x together, or txt, wasn't always six members, and for some unforeseen reason, it wouldn't stay six either. set in : pre-debut, skips to around late 2019 word count : 1.0k
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as the group inched closer to their debut, kai couldn’t help but notice how restless (y/n) had become. she fidgeted with her hands more, picked at her nails, and played with her hair.
not that kai was obsessing over her or anything. he wasn’t stalking the poor girl, or taking every moment he had with her to look at her. he was not in love with her. he just, noticed?
“are you anxious?” he had asked her, randomly, one day.
she hadn’t know what to say, so she didn’t say anything. but she did shake her head, her eyes screwed shut.
kai nodded to himself, and sat down next to her on the floor of one of the many practice rooms. it was just the two of them at the time; beomgyu and taehyun had left for some idotic reason, yeonjun babysitting them, and soobin was discussing something with a manager.
“if you’re nervous, that’s okay.” he added, mumbling slightly.
“i’m not nervous. they’re calling me the ‘fourth gen weapon’ or something stupid. i’m so far from nervous.” she laughed, a faux confident tone in her voice.
kai nodded slowly, as if to say ‘i know you want to say more, so say it.’
and clearly, she picked up on his message.
“i don’t- it’s just that my last group was pulled right before we debuted. my family was torn apart in like five minutes.” she huffed, running a hand through her hair absentmindedly.
“why? you never did tell us why love machine got pulled, and you didn’t tell us why they didn’t just put together a new group for you.”
“they are putting together a new group, i think they were just too scared i’d leave big hit, so they put me in the first group they could find, which so happened to be txt.” she grinned, playfully hitting her shoulder against his.
“why was love machine disbanded?” kai asked again, a serious look in his eyes and determination in his voice.
he was not in love with her (which tyun and gyu liked to tease him about), but he was worried about her, like any friend would be.
it didn’t occur to kai at the moment to ask about the ‘new group’ being put together. (y/n) had been with txt for nearly a year now, and they were debuting in a month, so why would she have another group waiting for her?
“i don’t know.” she snapped, an upset look filling her face. “they didn’t tell me. they didn’t tell any of us. one moment we were so close to debuting, and the next we were done for.”
kai should’ve calmed her down, comforted her. she was upset, and hurt, over something that happened so long ago. that sort of pain only makers a person bitter. but kai did not do that.
instead, he simply left. grovelling about how she needed to learn to control her temper.
as the group debuted, of course, they made waves. five boys and a girl was not exactly ‘the norm’ in the industry, nor was (y/n) though.
of course, each member was set to open their own personal twitter after the success of txt within the first week, so fans could stay updated on their favorite member(s).
(y/n) was the only one who was really active on social media though, posting silly photos and updates. of course, they all got approved by management first, but fans didn’t seem to care. they still idolised their girl and her posts, making their own posts wondering what she could be ‘teasing’.
her first post, unnaturally, got a million views, nearly a million likes, and three hundred thousand retweets.
kai wasn’t aware that that many people even listen to k-pop, let alone liked (y/n).
his feelings towards her were mixed, still weary from pre-debut, yet he had accepted that she had upstaged him. he didn’t hate the girl, of course not, but it’s not like he was in love with her.
she was no taehyun, beomgyu, or yeonjun - all of whom he'd been with for nearly two years.
and she definitely was no soobin, who suspiciously gifted kai a penguin plushie on the first day of their break after the groups exhausting debut.
though kai never thanked soobin for the plushie, he didn’t know what other member would do such a thing for him. soobin was really kai's only friend during their trainee days, always sticking by the younger boys side. soobin looked out for kai. always. so who else would give kai a gift?
kai never stopped to consider (y/n), the one who went around questioning each member on their favorite animal. maybe he brushed the possibility of the girl being the gifter off because he missed beomgyu and taehyun happily thanking her for the gifts she got them.
either way, kai never stopped to think about the girl except for wondering how long she'd actually be with the group. sure, her vocals were good, and any day of the week she could out-rap any member, but her dancing was different.
he knew that not all girls could easily do boy group choreography, but even his little sister, bahiyyih, was able to mimic some of the choreo.
(y/n) on the other hand, had the choreo changed to suit her. yes, she was more flexible, and sure she wasn't a towering 6'1 like soobin was, but what was her real excuse to have the choreo differ? when beomgyu brought up the change in crown to suit a sixth member, and a girl, and how odd it was, she simply laughed it off.
"i'm not you, my dancing isn't the same as yours. we weren't trained to debut in the same style of dancing." she giggled, shaking her head.
the answer was sufficient enough for the other boys, but not for kai.
"then why are you here? or why not change your style?"
she didn't have a response for him, shrugging and continuing on with what she was doing before.
perhaps he was a bit rude with her, but he barely even counted her as a friend. when people theorised if txt were friends, family, or just co-workers, kai wanted to shout that they were a family - but he didn't exactly count her.
the other boys did, of course, but it didn't exactly bother the teen. he didn't hate her, but he was not in love with the girl. he had learnt to just be indifferent.
and he planned on staying indifferent.
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©2023 — all rights reserved to hueningsloverr , please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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salternateunreality2 · 7 months
MDZS aka SephZack adventures update: episodes 14-23 SHUT UP I'M AN ADULT I CAN WATCH 9 EPISODES IN A ROW IF MY BABIES ARE IN DANGER
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Zack: let's fight the tortoise of slaughter!!!!
Sephiroth: *stares in besotted wtf*
Zack: no, it'll be super cool, we can kill it and get the glory and solve the mystery and most importantly, I won't be bored waiting for Genesis to get back!
Sephiroth: *stares in besotted 'bruh, my leg is broke, you ribs is broke, we both got open wounds, we're starving to death, and you want to fight a giant tortoise'*
Zack: no really, I checked and we can't get out, so I'mma be super bored. Come onnnnnn, it'll be fun! 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶♥️🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Sephiroth: ...this is going to be our entire relationship, isn't it? Ok.
Zack: YESSSSSS, after we make some weapons, I'll jump into its shell because apparently that's a thing I can do!
Sephiroth: ...ok
The fight with the dick head (literally) Tortoise of Slaughter (solid naming decision) goes great, but Zack succumbs to the infection he undoubtedly got from SWIMMING WITH AN OPEN WOUND AND PROBABLY BROKEN RIBS, THEN RUNNING AROUND THE FESTERING INNARDS OF A TORTOISE OF SLAUGHTER.
Sure, the evil sword energy probably didn't help, and I'm sure canon is saying "um, actually" as we speak, but come on, Zack. The magic grass you packed into your boo's leg wound next to the weirdly short, unsanitary sticks was limited.
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The whole fight, Zack is battling with the evil sword miasma, and Sephiroth is making this face:
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It's very cute, I am HERE for it.
Zack: 😵
Sephiroth: 😦😦😦😦 you have a fever!!!
Salty: gee I wonder why
Zack: mmm sing me a song
Salty: how about medical treatment, such as getting you out of the wet clothes, sharing spiritual energy, prying your hands off the evil sword that made you sick...
Sephiroth: ok *sings in simp*
Zack: 🥴😵‍💫 what's that song called?
Sephiroth: Wangxian, our ship name, but I don't say it out loud so the Chinese censors are happy ❤️
Zack: ❤️😵‍💫🥴🐶❤️😵
Salty: ffs, if cuteness could cure stupidity, we wouldn't be in this situation, but as it is, keep trying to fix his stupidity/fever with adorableness, it's working for my shipping heart.
The next [way too many] episodes:
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Then Wen Ning aka Cloud comes in clutch! Wen Ning is baby, and he is BEST BABY EVER ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐥
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Some quick plot points:
Genesis gets degradation, Zack gets him out of it.
Gen's girlfriend helps because she's nice (?) like that.
Gen's parents die.
A war happens with zombie degradation clones.
Zack gets yeeted by the villains into a den of unmitigated horror (not Hojo's labs, but just as nasty).
Everything sucks.
I sat on the toilet to cry into my shirt, not knowing why. It was because I watched the sad thing in my room and the toilet was the only place where the sad wasn't happening. Also it took me a full several hours to realize watching a sad thing made me sad #neurodivergence #isfun #andquirky!
Sephiroth: you should probably not fuck around with this newfound angry spirit power...
Zack: remember my cute puppy face?
Sephiroth: fuck
Zack: 🐶
Sephiroth: 🥴
Angeal (btw he's alive): they are so fucking cute
Zack's sister: dude they so are ❤️
Genesis: we are at WAR
Angeal: I'm gonna be a bridesmaid
Zack's sister: GASP we should get matching outfits!
Genesis: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Zack: *waits until the LAST minute to whip out his fancy angry spirit powers* Hey Idiot Poop Face, how bout that?!
Idiot Poop Face: 🤬 *chokes Zack* *it's not kinky*
Sephiroth; *is jealous anyway* *catches bb Zack as he passes out from using angry spirit powers and being choked* *my dude was like half a football field away* *then he appeared out of nowhere to catch his boo*
Salty: *clicks rewind several times because it's fucking adorable*
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eddiemelrose · 6 months
Yo, hit me with all your Bloodlines ramblings - I too have the BL brain rotation and a strong desire to punch TRC until its the ending we deserved and not... whatever that was
maybe it's taken me four months to answer this. maybe i forgot about the ask. but i will answer now anyway.
As much as I'd love to ramble about my next gen headcanons I've come up with I'll stick to complaints I have about stuff that is actually in canon:
(spoilers for the whole series obviously)
The whole series started because Jill was being targeted and Lissa wanted to change the family law. At the end of the series there was no update on that. In fact, Jill was rescued and just brought back to Court IIRC. I haven't read TRC for a long time and... I don't plan on reading it again for a while so someone else will have to confirm that for me.
And on that note of overarching world plots beyond Sydney... the vaccine?? Massive running plot but it was just left hanging. This series doesn't do "the reader can decide" so why are we left to theorise the outcome of the vaccine???
Now onto Declan... okay so I know a lot of people are angry that he ended up with Adrian and Sydney. I get it. But let's just talk about the long term implications of them raising him:
The trio (+ Eddie + Daniella) are living in human society in Maine. To the Moroi world, Declan is six months younger than he actually is - is this true for the humans too??
I have problems with Neil's abandoning Declan I've complained about before...
Will Adrian and Sydney tell Declan about who he really is? Will he become a guardian? These are very important questions to me that hold a lot of weight in planning my next gen world!!!!!
Think about it. You tell a child that he is adopted. Fine. But if you told Declan that he is adopted? That has problems if he mentions that to other people. Because why would they have adopted a child, they weren't exactly in the best situation for it? Alternatively if Declan knows he's adopted but he's also told he can't tell anyone or something like that he'd definitely be confused about why and again probably end up telling someone.
So the question is then when does he get told about who he really is??? I do have my own theories about when that happens but I'll leave them out of this post since they're related to other characters I'm not talking about right now lol.
Still on Declan: is he going to a Moroi academy? Immediate response would be yes if it wasn't for his situation?? Like whether people know the truth or not, his birth will still be controversial - son of two dhampirs or son of a Moroi and a human. I like to think that growing up with Eddie made Declan super determined to become a guardian himself so he begs his parents to go to a Moroi academy even though they weren't too keen on that.
Also Daniella. Is she just going to live with her son forever? Get the woman a job or a sugar daddy.
And finally.... as I have said a million times before.... WHERE DOES ADRIAN GET BLOOD IN MAINE?
no seriously. you can NOT make this a major plot point in vampire academy with Rose and Lissa and then just FORGET about it with Sydney and Adrian.
That is all.
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Minecraft: A short Essay on Nostalgia
I'm writing this rather late at night so excuse any spelling errors (Sorry it's not in MLA format, I'm not back in school yet and need a break)
I often find myself scrolling online late at night, stuck in the rabbit hole of youtube shorts, wondering how in the world I'll be able to function the next morning. Many times, the only thing that puts me to sleep on those restless nights, are playlists of "nostalgic" minecraft music. Why is that? Why is the music considered "nostalgic" in the first place?
Nostalgia is defined as making one think of or long for a familiar or comforting time. When I first received Minecraft back in 2016, I was still a little kid. I was in fourth grade and was longing to know what all the fuss was about. I remember booting it up for the first time, my sister sitting eagerly next to me. We only had one controller, so we had to take turns. In true older sister fashion, I did not share as I was supposed to. Eventually, though, I learned to share the game and enjoy what my sister created. I found that I was a natural at this game, I learned all of the mechanics with ease. My sister was not so lucky, she still struggles to fight in the game to this day. We spent many nights playing Minecraft. My mother worked the night shift at her work, and my father was always working on schoolwork to get his second degree. This left me and my sister to eat our spagettio's and play minecraft all night. I remember one night in particular, playing the "Little Big Planet" Mash up pack for the PS4 Edition of the game. We knew that nothing we did would be saved, but oddly enough we liked it that way. I was usually a creative player and my sister liked survival, though she wasn't very good at it. When we did play on a saved world, we would build massive cities and marveled at our own architectural prowess (Or, more often, the prowess of those we watched on youtube). I still have these old worlds, I visit them from time to time. I used to entice my sister to play with me by telling her I would do whatever she wanted me to in the game. This usually ended badly. Still, there are many old save files titled, "E's the Boss". I was young and simple, a stable built out of pink wool was just fine for me.
As I work with my therapist to uncover certain things about my past, I remember the nights that I would spend playing this game, desperately avoiding my bed time. This game, this simple game comprised of blocks and some funny red powder, had become virtually the only escape I had from the harsh reality that attacked me every time I left that infinite green wasteland that was a superflat world. Long before the aquatic update or the remodeled horses, I was building houses to replicate my own, creating worlds to escape the one that so vehemently tortured me each day. I remember, on the days that we were aloud to have the sound on on the TV, I would always play my favorite music disc. It was the one simply titled C4-18. I have so many memories attached to the music that plays in this game. And the only reason those memories mean so much, is because that is how I coped. Gen-Z, the silent generation, the generation that inherited all of the problems that everyone else was to stubborn to settle, has been left to our own devices to find some way to be happy in a world that revolves around hate. And for many children, including me, that device just so happened to be digital. We found some sliver of hope in the notion that we could still shape out destinies. The thought that we could choose to survive, adventure, or create was so enticing that we put hundreds of hours into buildings and bases, maps and achievements. On the occasions that we couldn't play the game, we would watch others play it. Roleplay channels like Little Kelly and Little Carly, mod channels like Unspeakable and Moose, Pat and Jen, even DanTDM, shaped out childhood. Often these channels exposed us to more mature themes through contact with more mature channels, such as Markiplier, JackSepticEye, and Pewdiepie. Now, we're all grown up. Many of us are going to college, getting jobs, some are even starting families. And so are our heros. Dan is a father, and Felix will be too. Mat has a son and wife, Pat and Jen split up, Jack has Evelyn, Mark has Amy. As we matured, so did our heros. And what does it al come back to?
A simple video game based on mining blocks, and using them to craft different blocks. I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that the Minecraft soundtrack is so nostalgic, because it takes us back to a *bad* time. It reminds us of when everything was going downhill, and all we could do is watch and hope we didn't get hit when crap went flying. Minecraft, for many of us, was our first step into healing, our first step towards maturing, and our first step towards becoming our own people, all be it far to soon. Minecraft music makes us cry, makes us feel this deep nostalgic sadness, because we don't know if we'll be able to find that again. We're grown ups now.. there's no one else to guide us, and video games can only take us so far. How do we know what to trust, what to watch, what to smile and laugh at..
We don't. That's the unfortunate truth of nostalgia. We don't have that wonderful thing, that guide to help us through the tough times. Now we are the ones guiding, building, surviving.. In a weird way, Minecraft prepared an entire generation of struggling kids with a blueprint for life. It's as simple as this:
Start your Journey
Find someplace you like, and settle down there.
Go on adventures, make friends, learn new things, and never go into the dark without a light.
And if it all comes crashing down...
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drizzileiscool · 8 months
NO I HAVE NOT PLAYED NEO YET!!!! I AM POOR!!!!! PLEASE DON'T SPOIL ME ON IT!!!!!! I've played some of the demo though!!!!!
I first decided to get into twewy last month. I saw that there was a switch version available, but I was unable to play that version. I did, however, have a ds emulator, but after talking to some people I realized I probably would've gotten arthritis playing it on emulator.
When I was just about ready to give up, I decided to watch the first episode of the anime. I enjoyed it a bit.
I was then told to not watch the anime.
So you may be wondering.. "How did you play twewy?"
I played the mobile version. Solo mix. Yeah that one. The one not available for current gen phones.
I found a link to a modded version on an old reddit thread that was updated for current gen android phones, and one of my friends helped me get it set up, and I was finally ready to play.
During my first few hours, I didn't actually like neku all that much. Honestly, he was a dick. i remember what you said about plushies, neku. i will not forgive this as a plushie enthusiast.
While playing the game, I was under the assumption that I would get to change partners whenever once I unlocked it. Rhyme seemed cool, so I was hoping to get to partner with her.
And then the game killed her off.
Despite not knowing anything about rhyme, she was still my favorite character. Besides beat of course, but that's later during week 3.
I remember that I was crying when I first saw her death. I was all like "why did they make such a cool character design, just to kill her off?? that doesn't make sense."
earlier today I saw a tweet on twitter that said "cute cosplay idea for couples!" and it was a rhyme cosplay and a shark costume and I nearly lost my shit laughing, so I guess I'm over it.
When week 1 was ending, I remember feeling like "wait, that's it?" of course, I was wrong.
anyways week 2 now uhh uhhhhhh-
when I first met joshua and learned that I could scan him I was all like "huh???". also excellent foreshadowing there, square enix!
at this point, I didn't really know what to expect anymore. the game broke one of its already established rules, "players can't scan other players" so I had no idea what was coming next anymore.
uhhg. don't got anything else to say about this week except I genuinely thought hanekoma was the composer.
I was extremely shocked to learn that joshua killed neku during this week, and was even more shocked to learn that it was a misfire (and then I learned it wasn't a misfire but that's in week 3 and we haven't gotten to that yet!)
alright, before I started week 3, I actually didn't like beat all that much. that changed a LOT during week 3. he is now one of my favorite characters.
later that week, I had finally learned joshua was the composer and was actually extremely shocked lol.
oh uh I also got spoiled on how beat and rhyme got hit by a car from ign so uhhhh oops
I beat the game. I loved the credits theme (and will rewatch the credits later) and really liked how neku threw off his headphones to symbolize how he won't shut himself off from the world anymore.
10/10 game, really enjoyed playing it!
also there was a scene early on where neku went up to a reaper and said I know what you are and I didn't get to screenshot it :(
so.. yeah! my experience with twewy! good game! one of my favorites now! getting neo soon!
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simmie-stories · 5 months
Gen 3. Aurora #24 The Curse of the Sweater
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The next day, Briar Rose was back at the treehouse, a little earlier because it was so cold. She even resorted to her mother's knitwear at L.'s bidding.
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That was when Philip came by to listen to her singing. He was a bit off that day, a little bit dirty, and something seemed to be freaking him out.
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Having completed her teen aspiration of Passionseeker, she decided to focus on her love life.
These two teen aspirations are by SimmerJohn and updated by ilkavelle. High School Sweetheart requires 5 gold dates and the exchange of promise rings, and given only 1 week left and how difficult it was with Ella to get gold dates, I'm not confident Briar Rose will attain it.
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Unfortunately, Phillip seemed to be having moment. Was this sweater cursed? Briar Rose regretted her outfit choice that day; maybe he was terrified of her hideous sweater.
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"What's the matter Phillip?? It's me! Briar Rose!"
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Phillip calmed down somewhat, but... they only got a silver date. It was just not going to happen that day.
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"Listen, I've got to go. I'll ... see you next time, maybe?!"
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Poor Briar Rose already got this milestone at this point, even with Phlilip all stinky & crazy!
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"I HATE this sweater! Why did you make me wear it today??" "How dare you be ungrateful toward your mother! She sacrificed so much for you!"
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"Wha- what do you mean?! What happened to my mother? Why would she sacrifice herself for me?"
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After Briar Rose ran away sobbing, Simeon was about to cast Ivy Wrap on L. but he stopped himself just in time... he was trying to reach "Good Fairy" alignment.
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Morgyn was a bit more diplomatic and just scolded L. instead.
Actually, I don't think it was really the sweater since it wasn't given to or by a significant other, but I had no idea what was wrong with Phillip that day. Let's just go with the game's chaos.
Main Back Next
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dangerous-drabbles · 1 year
i've been putting off writing this, but i can't exactly not, so... i'll try and make this brief.
in short: i've had an epiphany.
(tl;dr at bottom)
i've been writing/brainstorming this fic since november/december last year, and since then, my ideas and understandings of the show and it's characters have evolved. and with them, my plans and understandings for iwf.
i want to be clear: this is not me saying i'm done with iwf, or going on some long hiatus. in fact, it's more the opposite.
having graduated, with summer in full swing, and feeling more sure than ever about where i want to take this fic (as well as remaining fully invested in this fandom), i plan to do more writing than ever before B)
that said: something needs to change.
this fic has been, and continues to be, my baby (besides my ever-growing, yet rarely spoken of, tmnt iteration) for most of the time i've been active in this fandom.
i've long struggled with motivation for big writing projects, but i am resolved to keep with this one because i have a story worth telling. will it be worth reading? who's to say!! (i hope so /gen)
but, as you might've noticed, my more recent updates (especially around the end of arc I) were... bad. maybe not bad-bad, but still bad from a 'technical writing/story' perspective. i struggled a lot with them, and i think that really shows.
i've was trying to figure out why its come to be this way while pushing forward by forcing myself to write, but that didn't work. it wasn't until this week, tuesday, when realization struck me (while watching a video essay, lol).
it made me realize a big part of what was making me unhappy was something i already knew, an issue underlying the fic (and my writing style) as a whole.
with this in mind, i can't keep going forward in the way i had planned.
i'm not gonna go back and change arc I. while the problem is there, especially in the later chapters, i'm early enough on that i can turn things around and (hopefully) root out the problem(s) without any major changes to what i've written/set up so far.
but to do this, i need time.
i know i know i just took a 2-3 week long break, but to pull this off, i need time to prepare and rewrite. i'm halfway through revisions for the arc II outline, and i'll need to heavily revise/rewrite several chapters, plus write some new stuff (since i'm axing the next couple i had planned/written out... rip.)
if all goes well, it shouldn't take longer than two weeks. best case scenario, i get it done in one. we'll see.
until then, i humbly ask for your patience.
as a note:
i could go deep into my inspirations for this fic, where i wanted to go originally, what's changed since then, and especially what brought me to my realization (plus the specifics of said realization) but i said i would try to make this brief, and here we are, [insert amount of words] later.
are you really surprised, though? (/lh)
[if you would like to see me talk more about that (i would absolutely always be down, i love talking about myself /j /lh), feel free to shoot me an ask. in fact, i would beg on my hands and knees, if i were not a silly guy who lives on your computer (/j)]
(tl;dr -- i am not done writing iwf. however, i had a realization that led to me reevaluating my writing and determining that i need to rewrite/revise my arc II outline, and edit/revise/completely rewrite the next several chapters.
this means i am planning to take another week or so off (i am sosososo sorry) to iron everything out and get ahead.
this whole post was me trying to explain the reasoning behind this decision, with an underlying sense of desperate patheticism to match (/j /lh).)
to conclude, i want to say thank you so much for your support, silent or otherwise, from all who have read and (hopefully) enjoyed this fic thus far. i genuinely couldn't do it without you (yes, sun, this includes you /lh.)
especially to my frequent commenters, who i promise i do see and appreciate. you guys are the real mvps <3
i have some really big plans for iwf, and i hope you'll stick around to see them come to fruition (:<
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quaddmgd · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Crystal
So today (August 25th) marks one year since I started playing Cyberpunk 2077 and created Crystal. A year is a really long time for me to still play the same singleplayer game with no subsequent playthroughs. Things like that don't happen often, and Crystal means a world to me, so why not ramble for a bit about my memories, feelings towards the game and other stuff. Keep in mind, it's nothing more than a journal entry. Unless you know me a bit better than a typical mutual, you won't find anything of value here.
Long time ago...
I was really hyped about the game before its release in December 2020, my s/o even more than me. There were some signs that it's going to turn out disappointing, but we were keeping our hopes up. Alas, came the release date, the game hit headlines due to it's poor technical state and some broken promises. We were very upset, especially since all we had to play it on was Xbox One and low-spec by today's standards PCs. First updates showed that CDPR has much more to fix than we expected, so our hype has slowly died down.
Since then, I played through Cruelty Squad, Red Dead Redemption 2, multiple Yakuza, Devil May Cry and Resident Evil games, and I couldn't care less about the game at the start of 2022.
Why I got the game?
I only purchased Cyberpunk 2077 in May-June 2022, along with Kao The Kangaroo (2022) which, to be honest, was the main attraction for me. Both games were physical Xbox releases and I only was hyped to play Cyberpunk thanks my to lil bro, who has finished the game twice, and showed me this trailer with a beautiful cover of Never Fade Away - a song very in-line with my music taste.
Speaking as a seasoned video editor, the trailer was masterfully realized, with multiple great cuts showing off the diverse cast and some of the action. Editing, music and the scenes they chose made the entire trailer feel more like a tribute video - obviously this was made with love.
Now, I played The Witcher 3, and I knew that this game will require time and dedication from me - something I couldn't afford at the time. And despite hearing about the next gen patch (update 1.5) bringing the game to a state it should've been released in, I remained skeptical about it being good. No offense, but people (especially on Twitter) tend to overreact and talk about stuff they know nothing about. Even with recent title releases, folks just assume the latest patch made them better and fixed important issues. But then you sit with the game and a proper frame rate analysis is enough to prove such reports to be false.
My life in corpo
Before we get to August 2022, I want to provide some more context regarding the state I was in. I was working a piss-poor corpo job, which was gradually eating away my soul for longer than I'd like to admit. It wasn't fulfilling and it was (and probably still is) full of ungrateful pricks, that were coming up with issues to justify their payrolls, only to send QA on us to not detect any issues mentioned. To keep it brief, it was a very hostile work environment, that was treating people like garbage. But hey, at least they were smiling, right?
Come summer 2022, I was feeling like a shell of a human being, and I'm happy that fate decided that it's time for me get out and take care of myself. I'm not sure where would I be right now if I didn't.
So, my time at the job was coming to an end and I couldn't give less of a fuck about looking for another one. I needed some well-deserved vacation. I was supposed to work until August 31st and during these last few days I was trying to take it really easy.
Still the work was going as usual, so despite of having only few days left, my mental and physical state was as shitty as before. After each remaining day I was a walking corpse, drinking coffee at 10pm to squeeze these additional two hours from a day and try to enjoy some of my hobbies before going to sleep and repeating the cycle.
Starting the playthrough
My job is the reason why my memory is hazy on how I decided that it's time to start Cyberpunk 2077, but it's possible that it was my s/o that encouraged me to do it. She surely wanted to see the character creator with her own eyes, and was always interested in me creating OCs - something I wasn't doing often back then.
So, on August 25th 2022, I started playing Cyberpunk 2077, knowing nothing about the lore, with a sole intention of creating my character and seeing what happens. It was already late and my entire evening was sponsored by coffee, but whatever.
I'm not really sure how long it took me to create Crystal, but I spent an ungodly amount of time on perfecting her looks. I wanted her to look badass and beautiful, maybe end up being a cooler version of me. While I don't think I based her off my looks, my partner noticed that we have similar jawlines and hairstyles (well, I'm a natural blonde, which later I consciously reflected on her while creating her flashback version).
Needless to say, I instantly fell in love with her. And I know I wouldn't create a female character I wouldn't wanna date :>, but I really mean it. She was, and still is, simply perfect.
Her name was Crystal since the moment I was adding finishing touches (like makeup and tattoos), but I wasn't planning on giving her a standalone story. She was supposed to be V, with her name later revealed to be Valerie - a name I really like the sound of, and it fits her nicely. Still, in my mind her name was Crystal - and I have no idea why... she just looks like Crystal.
So here I was with my nomad V, ready to play through the prologue and possibly the rest of the game.
Playing through the game
My first evening of playing ended on me visiting Wakako (I don't even remember the reason you are supposed to go there tbh but if you played, you know these are still introductory quests) and photographing the hell out of C. My lesbian ass couldn't even be bothered to change FOV (and back then I couldn't really see the issue with default FOV screenshots - it took me months to adjust my eyes tbh) but she looked so badass. The photo mode, for industry standards, isn't that bad too, so I was really hyped to play the game, meet more people and shoot pics. While I already loved her friendship with Jackie and the way CDPR handled introduction to some of the cast, I wasn't sold on the story yet.
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some of pics made on the first night :>
Then on the next day I went through The Heist and Love Like Fire, and learned that my actions as Johnny led to 2023 Night City Holocaust. Everyone who played through these quests know how full of events and emotions they are. It was 3/4am on Friday (technically Saturday) night, mind you, and I still was living mostly off coffee. That's a lot to take in for a tired mind and in some way it might have helped me immerse in Crystal's position even more. After waking up as her, with Jackie dead, and a parasite in my head that actively wants me to join him, I was just as clueless as to what the fuck happened. All I knew was that she/we need to survive. I can't let her/us die.
Let me tell you, waking up in her apartment, to the original version of Never Fade Away on the radio, was one of the most powerful moments in the game. To me, it has become a theme song for the rest of the playthrough. Leaving the apartment after getting some irl sleep was just as powerful.
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the first time C left her apartment after Jackie's death and Johnny's flashback
The playthrough was going alright and I was hooked. I don't think there are many things worth talking about here. One thing worth mentioning is that I was starting to feel a strong connection with Crystal - something I've never felt to such an extent in any game. Maybe it's my background in corpo, which was only coming to an end. Or maybe I subconsciously designed her to help me with some of identity issues I had back then. I will never know for sure, but either way, she has helped me. She was exactly who I wanted her to be, who she wanted herself to be and was constantly brave and punk about it. I was feeling a growing mix of immersion and adoration as I progressed through the game.
And progress through the game I did! I finished plenty of gigs/ncpd jobs and all available side quests before starting the last mission chain (or so I thought - in the end I totally missed the vending machine one and the entirety of Kerry's questline lmao). During this time I was put out of misery of working my job, each day feeling more alive than the last, playing more and more hours of Cyberpunk 2077, shooting many pictures, enjoying my time in Night City and being Crystal.
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yeah it might be using default fov but it's still one of my favorite shots
Last Tapeworm, Chipping In and dying
To me, Cyberpunk 2077 was at its best when it was focusing on the relationship between V and Johnny. Last part of Tapeworm was a very powerful moment. There's no way I'll ever forget the conversation she had with Johnny in that apartment. Going from a foe that actively eating your life away, to possibly the only person that's ready to sacrifice their life to save yours, Johnny and his redemption arc are some of the biggest highlights of the game.
The conversation was of course followed by a side quest sequence started with Chipping In, with another memorable scene at Johnny's grave. Seeing how far we've come together, how many people we met, how often we were agreeing with each other - it was like talking to a friend who was right by your side for every important event in your life. And to think that only few days ago I was watching him trying to smash her head against the window...
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side quests really were the best part of the story
It's hard to say which moment was more impactful, but for me it all clicked just after the Tapeworm cutscene. If I remember it right, I spent a few minutes more in this apartment block, staring away at the sunset, listening to waves breaking Pacifica's silence. Not even sure if I'll manage to save Crystal, I wasn't ready to finish it anytime soon. I still had a lot to do and it took me an additional day to finish everything and start Nocturne OP55N1, but I was looking at the game differently than before.
It might sound dramatic, but I mean it. For the remaining duration of the game, each time I didn't hear any music, it was just silence of a big city dying from heatstroke and sandstorms, echoing conversations with people I met during my journey, and uncertainty, if I'll even make it out alive in the end. Unfortunately, I can't convey it any better, but it has to do with the atmosphere of this city and CDPR's natural talent for creating gray characters, which Cyberpunk 2077 is full of, and last but not least, my connection to Crystal.
Nocturne OP55N1
So the time has come for me to start the last mission sequence and I knew that it might go bad. The moment I was warned that it's a point of no return, I backed out and went for a walk around the city. Don't know if it was scripted, but the weather was overcast and NC was covered in fog. In my experience it's such a rare occurrence, that either I was "lucky" or it was planned. I visited Judy (VCrystal's sweetheart) for the last time, disappointed by the lack of new dialogues to start, and went back to Megabuilding H10 to see a cute heart made out of consumables by her. I went to sleep in my own bed, probably for the last time.
During my last journey to Embers, Major Crimes by Health started playing on the radio, and I got emotional. Not often games make me cry, but I really didn't want Crystal to die, or my journey to end. It really felt like I was saying goodbye to everyone and not going back.
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just look at the weather - shot outside of Embers, before starting Nocturne Op55N1
In the end I managed to go through the Embers section just fine, but very stressed. Then, after suffering through heartbreaking moments at Viktor's Clinic, I got to the rooftop.
Now, I'm not really sure how much time I spent there. Seems like an eternity, looking back on it. No choice felt right (and in the end, none was perfect), but I had to choose something. Unable to decide, I did something I really hate doing - I looked up endings to see which one will let me live happily with Judy... or survive at the very least.
While I didn't know it yet, I chose the happiest ending of the bunch. All I knew is that Crystal will be able to leave Night City with Judy - I didn't know that it'll be impossible to remove the chip in Mikoshi and that there's hope of achieving it in Arizona. Yes, I chose The Star ending.
I still was on the edge of my sit and really scared for C, but deep down, I knew that I probably won't get another chance to mess it up.
The ending was bittersweet and I got an instant hangover. I needed some time to come to terms with it, and make peace with me not getting the happy ending. In the end I managed to create a brief scenario where that guy Panam knows somehow manages to remove the chip, and Crystal and Judy got to live happily ever after.
I beat the game on September 4th.
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Feelings Feelings Feelings
See, there's a reason I'm talking about the ending and my feelings about it in such detail. I really fell in love with Crystal. After all, it's the first time I got so immersed into a character and I can't put my finger on why exactly.
Maybe it's because it's the prettiest character I have ever created, maybe I just saw parallels in our stories or feelings, maybe I subconsciously made up all the connections in my head. Meh, it's probably a bit of everything, on top of a really good story, even if most of it is hidden in side content.
The thing is, I was in the right place, at the right time and, like I said, it all just clicked.
Back then, I was tired, angry, feeling exploited and robbed of soul. She was there to help me stop thinking about it, get revenge in a way, even if on a fictional corporation, however dumb it might sound. And the more I was thinking about her, dressing her up in cool clothing (bra + edgerunner combo ftw), the more I strived to be like her. I learned to love myself a bit more, I started dressing up for myself again, putting some makeup on just to stare at the mirror and enjoy the end result, maybe even shoot some selfies. It's almost like, on top of everything I already said, I was trying to express myself through her, which has in return influenced me. I hope that makes sense.
Crystal Hartley
Now, it took me some time to create her own story and separate her from V. And I wouldn't probably do it if it wasn't for my s/o. She was already working on her OCs story, and after many tries she finally talked me into writing my girl. The last modification date of the document with the initial version of the story is February 25th - exactly 6 months after starting the game. Since then, I made some changes and the end result can be seen here. It helped me further resonate with her and she didn't have a deadly chip inside anymore, at the cost of her not getting to know Johnny. She remained a warrior, a true badass who's not scared of anything.
Honestly she was and still is inspiring me. Being it her as V or real Crystal I wrote a few months back, she suffered hardships, she had her all-time low moment not that long ago, but she recovered and she always stands brave against all odds - knowing that in the end everything will turn out just fine.
For now, C has got some closure. She's living in Night City, she has a loving and beautiful girlfriend she's thinking about all the time, they're still doing gigs and getting in trouble together <3 While she still recovers from what happened in her nomad family, she has Elegy, Misty, Claire and Saul to help her deal with it. She's in a good place right now.
Other girls
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Some time ago I made EV, a girl that was originally a Cyberpunk version of my Evie from Red Dead Online, albeit I made her personality a polar opposite to Evie's. I don't have a lot about her, really - she's beautiful, photogenic, conveys vibes the best out of all of my OCs. She's probably going to end up as my canon V. She and Johnny are a match made in heaven... or hell. Actually if I put them together in the same body Night City might end up in flames.
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Then there's Thalia. A girl I initially only mentioned as a friendly gang member in Crystal's mega lore post. She wasn't hanging around with Crystal's group of friends, but they got really close after getting to know each other during a party. Officially, she sacrificed herself to save Crystal and the rest when they got overrun by enemies. She did survive, with help of [REDACTED] and is looking for Crystal in Night City to reunite with her and [REDACTED]. Hopefully they meet soon! It'll probably bring some unpleasant memories back, but in the end Crystal will reunite with Thalia and, with Elegy, they'll make a dream team.
Some stats!
Why not wrap it up with some interesting data!
Since I started Cyberpunk 2077:
I got all the achievements and I intend on doing the same for Phantom Liberty
according to Xbox I played the game for 268 hours* **
I made 3405 captures, taking up a whopping 36 GB of space*
421 of these captures were made during my initial playthrough
* - at the time of writing ** - including time I was afk
So... I just wanted to post some thoughts about Cyberpunk 2077 and, especially, Crystal. Going from a game I wasn't even that stoked to play, to an ongoing hyperfixation, that has helped me through tough times and still influences me to this very day! I even made some internet friends!
When I was working on a standalone story for Crystal, I decided that her birthday is the day I first played the game - 25th August... today.
Happy birthday, Crystal <3
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solis-legacy · 1 year
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Spare Update:
Wyatt: "Where are you going?"
Rayne: "Out."
W: "Please let me explain."
R: "No. I can't even look at you right now so I'm going out."
W: "When will you be back?"
R: "I don't know. Maybe you can spend this time with your sons instead of thinking of how to leave them."
Ivar: "Why didn't you come to my house?"
R: "You had just gotten back from the hospital with a newborn. I wasn't about to bother you, especially since I already felt bad that I couldn't be your midwife for this little one."
Previous l Beginning l Gen. 18 l Next
Credit: @vertisimsblog, @herecirmsims
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00katrinka00 · 1 year
Landcaster Legacy Gen 7 Update #45
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Dear Diary, So, I might not have won battle of the bands, but I did get invited to take a class in Del Sol Valley for young musicians. My mom said she isn't comfortable with letting me go to Del Sol Valley all by myself, I just have to convince her. -Violet
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"It's my birthday!" Rosie exclaimed that morning after Mads had gotten her dresses. "It is, you need to stop growing," Mads pulled her into a hug. "Gonna be a big kid now!"
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Later, while Mads was busy getting the cake ready, Violet came down to talk, "Mom, this is an amazing opportunity, I can't just decline." "I don't know if I want you in Del Sol Valley alone," Mads told her. "You haven't even read the course info yet!"
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"Can you promise to read the course information?" Violet asked. "Then make a decision. I really want this." "Sure," Mads agreed. "I'll read the course information; I also want you to give Amelia Alden a call and see if she'd be willing to give us a tour of the facility." "Deal!"
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Before the party started, Ethan had begun to get emotional over the fact that his oldest was about to be a young adult. "Dad," Leo said. "You really need to calm down, it's not that big of a deal, really." "To you, it's a huge deal for me!" Leo just pulled him into a hug.
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"Lacy, look at my part dress," Rosie exclaimed. "It's pretty and pink. I'm going to be a big kid now, maybe you stop being mean." "Sorry kid," said Lacy. "You're still a bipedal rat." Rosie sighed, "mean Lacy."
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And I made everyone pose for a family photo before Leo and Rosie aged up.
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"Happy birthday!" Violet exclaimed. "What do you want?" "Why do you assume I need something?" "Because you rarely talk to me unless you do." "Okay, fine, can you help convince Mom to let me do that music class in Del Sol Valley." "We'll see."
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As soon as the party started, Ethan and Mads both managed to pawn Alex and Sophie off to family and friends. Anything to get a small break.
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"I'm glad you could make it!" Violet exclaimed when Sage showed up. "Of course," Sage pulled her into a hug. "You invited me."
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When Nat arrived, Leo was quick to greet her. "Happy birthday," he smiled. "And happy birthday to you too," Nat grinned.
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First up is Rosie, who got the outgoing trait, and I miss her little toddler face.
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Next up was Leo who ended up with the perfectionist trait. He also got word that he did manage to achieve his goal of becoming valedictorian. Let's just hope the graduation appears on the calendar.
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Lastly was Nat, and if I'm completely honest she wasn't a part of the household during the party, so I have no idea which trait she aged up with.
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"And, here is part of your gift from your father and I," Mads handed Rosie her present "A BIKE!" she exclaimed "You dad and I can help teach you how to ride" "So cool" Rosie paused. "Wait, only part of my gift?" "Well we thought it'd be fun to build a treehouse with you out back"
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"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Rosie exclaimed. "You're welcome, sweetheart," Mads smiled down at her.
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Then came time for Leo's gift. "We kind of had trouble figuring out what to get you," Ethan admitted. Leo opened his gift, "A check?" "We couldn't figure out what to get you, so we figured we'd pay for your first term at uni and then some." "Mom, Dad, thank you, it means a lot."
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"No longer a bipedal rat," Rosie said confidently while sitting down next to Lacy. "Still a child," Lacy told her. "And children are gross." "What's it going to take for you to like me?" "Age up into a teen," Lacy said sarcastically. She didn't mean that.
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"Time for the best gift ever," Violet said while handing Rosie her present. Rosie opened it excitedly, "It's a- uh, a violin," her voice fell. "So you can be just like your awesome big sister." "Haha, uh, yeah," Rosie said dryly.
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dxscmfrt · 5 months
slsdblr part 3
i feel like i should mention that these fake posts aren't necessarily canon canon and the only thing really real about them is the character dynamics. general time period (??) of these posts is within about 0-2 days after the world update
also pguy would absolutely start discourse over the most random things lmao.
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☀️ solarisricefield Follow
world update
we made it through another month !! say congratulations everyone !! with may just around the corner the snow-rainy season is ending and we will soon be entering the dry season. good luck with the weather it's about to get fucking crazy
patch notes - 30/04/2024
sol gets over their inability to name things. congratulations to everyone who got a name! i hope you're happy with what you have. sorry sleepy better luck next month
added the past
removed the past
added the past, but different
humanity is 0.63% less annoying. cant really do much at this rate sorry
added birthday updates in patch notes. i thought it would be nice.
removed herobrine
birthdays !!
08/04 - ya boi turned 18 three weeks ago. too late to say happy birthday now but you can still say it if you want.
14/04 - happy 23rd birthday to ruby!!
#world update #30/04/24 world update #slsdverse #sol's stuff and things
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🎒 no1parachutelover Follow
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☀️ solarisricefield Follow
i removed him
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🎒 no1parachutelover Follow
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☀️ solarisricefield Follow
i removed him in the update before this one
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🎒 no1parachutelover Follow
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☀️ solarisricefield Follow
somebody's gotta make sure
52 notes
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🔥 ratinacage Follow
thanks sol (and everyone) for the (very late) birthday wish...
#btw i meant this in a lighthearted way hehe... no hard feelings! i get it /gen #rue.txt
343 notes
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☀️ solarisricefield Follow
none of you wished me a happy birthday
#sol's stuff and things
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🎼 parachysonata Follow
you guys only remembered to wish rue a happy birthday today? pathetic. i did that just in time and even threw a whole party for her. do better.
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🎒 no1parachutelover Follow
OH MY GOD WE GET IT you have celebrity influence over the whole world and you two are lovebirds who love each other soooooo much you have to keep reminding everyone about it
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🧵 craftswithoutarts Follow
P guy can you shut up? She probably meant it as a joke. It doesn't mean much. Piper is just commenting on how everyone forgot, and also how good of a girlfriend she is. Leave her alone let people express themselves
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📘 giftedkidburnout Follow
okay normally i wouldn't be on board with pguy's tendency to fish for discourse over the most random things but he's right you know. ruby has already said that the late birthday wishes aren't a big deal, this post wasn't necessary.
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🎼 parachysonata Follow
you all aren't even real friends if you can't even say happy birthday on time.
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🎒 no1parachutelover Follow
see? it's not a joke, acacia. parachy if you just wanna make everyone else feel bad about themselves just quit it. youre just fishing for attention at this point
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🎼 parachysonata Follow
Haha i'm sorry WHO'S fishing for attention? you're the one who decided to respond to my post with that confrontational-ass shit. i'm just making a statement. i'm not fishing for attention. tell that to sol, they're the one who keeps posting about "ohh nobody wished ME a happy birthday boo hoo" bitch nobody cares.
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🔥 ratinacage Follow
piper please, i already said i didn't mind. it's not a big deal...
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🧵 craftswithoutarts Follow
I take back everything I've said. Stop it. Don't bring Rice into this, you're lucky they muted tumblr notifs otherwise I pray for the well being of your ass
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📘 giftedkidburnout Follow
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🧵 craftswithoutarts Follow
Anemone no
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☀️ solarisricefield Follow
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🐟 fishfinderrr Follow
There are 4 FISH in this post!
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🧵 craftswithoutarts Follow
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raviposting · 2 years
Favorite Marvel ship and least favorite DC ship for the ask game?
idk how i missed this one but!!
What made you ship it? This is hard - much like Batcat it was a childhood ship so I don't have an exact thing, I just knew I always loved them.
What are your favorite things about the ship? So it comes from the comics mainly, but they just get each other so much. There's a scene I particularly love from the, I think 2001 comics? Peter and MJ are separated or going through a rough time in that comic, but there's a moment where Pete is staring at this building and MJ comes up next to him and they have a moment, silent there, and Peter says he misses her so much, and MJ says she does too, and we see the plaque is for Gwen. It was just such a beautiful, sweet thing, on how they both loved Gwen so much and miss her so deeply, and how even in this stressful time in their relationship they can have this shared moment of grief and understanding between each other, and idk I just!! Loved it so so so much
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I guess that I don't mind the Zendaya MJ version, if we're going with comics canon? She's obviously a very different MJ than we've seen before, but I remember watching a video that put what I think into words - MJ was introduced as kind of an outcast or differing person to society in her first introduction. She partied, she went out, but that wasn't what was seen for other female characters in comics during that time, and I like that we adapted that theme for MJ in the MCU movies (and this is besides the point of Peter/MJ, but updated a lot of themes in general for these characters and what they would represent in a 2023 kid's life versus what we'd be used to from like the say, 90s. Like Flash being a bully is the same regardless, but we see how he's well, a Gen Z bully and not a stereotypical 90s bully we're used to seeing physically beating people up lmao. And I just love it, I like that this is one that takes the idea of these characters and tries to update it but a;lfjal anyway that's a tangent).
Snowbarry - this one was so hard bc I feel like I've blocked most of the Arrowverse ships from my head and I could only think of the incest batman ships so a;lskdjfa;lkj let's go with this one!
Why don’t you ship it? The way the fandom was created basically right after Danielle and Candice's casting reeeeally did not help, as well as the intense racism - sure, from a minority of the fandom, but it just asjdfkl didn't give me a great taste. That and they just didn't seem like they had any actual real chemistry? A lot of the time they felt like siblings at best and colleagues the rest of the time.
What would have made you like it? If Grant and Danielle had romantic chemistry lol
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? The ship name is nice!
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