#winx cassandra
snarky-art · 2 months
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Chimera and Cassandra!
In my rewrite, they’re both Lunarian , aka Deliosians (the actual name that most of them use to refer to themselves as)
Cassandra does indeed use Valtor’s influence to get them a higher ranking, in fact, the highest ranking one could get under Solarian rule.
Chimera is just a pawn in that, and although isn’t enthusiastic, is non the less shunned into obedience by their mother.
Info on their general storyline, content within my lore, and why I drew them Cassandra with a different skin tone and Chimera with a different hair texture below!
Cassandra ends up tanning to pass as more Solarian since they have an ethnic ancestry from those who stayed underground on Lunaria, which in my thing, results in them tending to have a paler complexion as well as increasing the likelihood for a paler hair color. Blond is considered a Solarian trait by those from Solaria, although the lightness of it would be considered Lunarian. Cassandra can just pass it off as being the result of some “impure Ancestry” though and that she’s mainly Solarian because,, the color of her hair, you see? Blond! And her iris color (also Lunarian, but she can claim the paleness is because of the small Lunarian part “tainting” it and resulting in phenotypic traits being less intense in hue) and that combined with her tan, she can prove she is Mostly Solarian,, right????
Spoiler alert: she’s totally 100% Lunarian.
In my thing, Stella will realize fairly quickly that Chimera is not someone who has much choice in this. On top of not being a willful participant, they hate pretty much everything about it. They straighten their hair because it’s easier than curling it to the 3c and various 4 texture curls that Solarian’s can have, but they still hate it. They refuse to tan or add glimmers or contacts to change their eyes. They don’t want to. Why should they?
Cassandra allows it, VERY begrudgingly. She can blame it all on Chimera’s father anyway (he had an ancestry from those who lived above ground hilariously enough, meaning his skin tone and hair color were darker overall, and he could’ve passed better as Solarian if he wanted to ((he didn’t for obvious reasons. Fuck Solarian Imperial rule.)) but shhhh he’s not in the political sphere there’s no reason for that information to pop up ever).
Even with all of this though, when all of this stuff is said and done, Stella can’t even really blame Cassandra.
For Cassandra, yes it is an attempt at a power grab, but, Stella also kind of Gets It.
“Well,, I can’t really blame her for this at the end of it all. I understand why she would want that power. How else would she get it? She’s Lunarian.”
She’s still pissed at her for doing what she could to get rid of her obviously and she thinks she’s a shitty mom, but the actual goal of trying to get on the throne? Stella goes, “well I think it’s fair to see why she would want more power. It’s not like they have much compared to me. To Solarians.”
And people are pissed she’s saying this, it was cute she was trying to play Dress Up and shit (how they referred to her connecting to her heritage from her mother, wearing actual Deliosian garb and paying respect to the Moons equally as much as the Suns). But she’s taking this seriously? Cassandra was just another power hungry Lunarian trying to get into court in a higher position. They’ve always wanted more than they have, say the Solarians in power.
Stella’s response? It’s because what they have isn’t equal.
The rest of the panel she’s speaking to during the court session: well,, I mean, that’s not the same as wanting equality-
Stella: why not? Because you’ve refused to give them independence. This wouldn’t be an issue if you did that. Or are you actually going to concede and give them equal representation?
The panel:…..
Stella ends it by pointing out she’s just as much Lunarian as she is Solarian. The panel hates it.
Stella and Chimera end up as sisters when everything is done, with Stella and Chimera referring to each other as such, and Chimera becomes one of the loudest people and a head representative for the Delios Independence Movement.
Cassandra is still in court sessions as a political figure, but is given shit for being such an ass to Stella and being seen as a shitty mom, forcing her daughter into this and using her mainly for a political pawn. It’s too soon to let her continue to hold influence though after the Valtor incident the others present decide, and she’s kicked out for a while. She’s still shit talked for the reasons previously mentioned, and for being a Lunarian that dared to want power, according to the Solarian Imperialists in court.
Stella invites her back after a time. Stella appreciates her thoughts on how to make things better for those of Delios because she knows Cassandra will never hold back on her real thoughts and feelings. Chimera and Cassandra don’t really talk after everything for a while, but eventually things do get better, and they do resume regular correspondence and communication. They’ll never be super close, but they know they can rely on each other when it counts.
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doodlegraveyard · 10 months
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Solarian court vibes
[image description: designs for winx club characters. Stella’s father King Radius has dark skin and flowing gold hair, dressed in a gold sun crown and golden armor beneath a brilliant gold and orange over gown in Tudor style. Queen Luna is small and incredibly pale, with porcelain skin and white hair. She is covered neck to ankle in a deep navy dress covered in large pearls like stars in a dark sky. On her head a large peineta with phases of the moon, covered by a translucent veil that reaches all the way to the floor. Cassandra is a curvy woman with very white skin and pale blonde head. She wears a dress in silver and gold, tight fitting like a 40s gown but with an Elizabethan ruff dyed golden like sunbeams. She has a necklace in the shape of a moon eclipsing the sun. End description]
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
Share a spoiler, if thou wisheth
Of course, I do! :D
I have reimagined Chimera a lot for the rewrite. For starters, she is several years older than Stella (I don't have a final number in mind yet but she's at least 4 years older). Her father was killed (by Griffin while she was still working with Valtor) in a confrontation between Solaria and the Coven when he sacrificed himself to stop them from infiltrating the Hall of the Universe. Cassandra blamed his death on his devotion to Solaria and so she vowed that she will never let Chimera become victim of the same devotion to the kingdom. She sent Chimera away to boarding school from a very early age and Chimera has spent most of her life away from home and her mother. Their relationship is mostly non-existent but Chimera has become a very powerful fairy. So much so that everyone on Solaria is convinced that should the need for a Guardian Fairy arise, Chimera will be the one to fill the role as soon as she sets foot back on Solaria. The confrontation between her and Stella on Magix doesn't really happen. They meet but Chimera is mostly polite if a bit cold; she only allows herself one snide remark about Luna. Stella's insecurities about whether she's actually a good fit to be Princess of Solaria arise because of the meeting but when she next sees Chimera in the palace for her own Princess Ball (she's aware that Radius and Cassandra are courting at this point), Chimera acts friendly towards her. In light of their parents getting engaged, Chimera reveals that she's actually excited about having a father figure. Stella admits that her dad has been absorbed into his political duties (and the divorce with her mom) and hasn't had much time for her. She and Chimera bond over feeling ignored by their parents and decide that at least they both will be gaining a sister from this. They get closer over the summer but when Winx arrive for the Princess Ball, Chimera starts to feel jealous because she thinks that Stella will never consider her as close a friend as she considers the Winx. Unfortunately, that's when Valtor enters the stage.
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“Cassandra/Chimera are a great lost opportunity. This could be an impactful story of Stella getting used to her second family but nope. Rainbow preferred to just put Valtor's plans in the mix colliding with this plot! One of reasons I think Season3 shouldn't have been that overrated. Chimera could be a moon fairy opposite of Stella's sun power, Rainbow forgot that Stella was "a sun and moon fairy" anyway! *sigh*”
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imhereformr · 2 years
I’m glad you had Radius tell Stella that he was seeing someone- and Stella getting her first interaction with Chimera because the shoe just threw that whole plot into 3 episodes and said “I think that’s good enough”
Seriously like how fucking awful of a father is Radius in canon that he didn't tell his daughter he was seeing someone???? Also, announcing his engagement at Stella's princess ball of all places???? Like, does he crave the spotlight that much that he would overshadow his own daughter???? And the fact that no one - NOT A SOUL - on the writing team was like "uh guys something isnt right here..." UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE I know winx isnt exactly known for its writing but COME ON!!!
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charmixpower · 2 years
So I was thinking about how lame Cassandra was bc she didn't get a boss battle, and how I love fairy villains soo
Cassandra, the Charmix fairy of Light
Cassandra's powers are the exact opposite of Darcy's powers but work incredibly similarly. Equal but opposite. Just like how Darcy's dark powers allow her some mind control powers, Cassandra's light powers offer her the same exact thing but they work in the opposite direction. Darcy can control negative emotions, Cassandra can control positive ones
Radius is actually specifically under Cassandra's control, not with Valtor's mark. Valtor boosted Cassandra's powers, making her able to stamp down all positive feelings Radius had for Stella and magnify all the positive ones he had for her, despite being a very middling Charmix fairy
Cassandra is selfish to a fault, and never managed to gain Enchantix, so despite Valtor's power boost she's about the same as the Winx's Enchantix
She has a one on one battle with Stella, who due to her moon powers, is immune to most forms of mind control. Moon powers fall into stuff like peace, clearing the mind, illusions, and other meditative/head stuff so as long as Stella can keep her powers up, Cassandra can't get her
She's literally the only person who can fight Cassandra without getting her emotions fucked with. Everyone else has to hide under a barrier
I think it's would be really cool that the thing that allows Stella so save her father and Solaria, is her mother's powers from Noctilucae
Anyways, Musa (Music effects emotions) and Tecna (technology is devoid of emotions) make a barrier to protect the Winx, and Flora ties up every one outside of the barrier so no one can be used against Stella
And Cassandra fights like a coward and tries to overwhelm Stella and win easily while Stella gets to monologue on how Cassandra isn't winning because she doesn't care about anyone or anything but herself, Stella overwhelms her thought attrition and wins!
That's the current idea! I think it's pretty fun!
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crazy-queen-winx · 3 months
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djphantomlight · 2 months
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Countess Cassandra running from the consequences of her actions, which have taken the form of a very angry Enchantix Fairy.
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folkloristico · 12 days
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i used to move into the future, bring it all back let it bleed through my fingers, a treasure in my hands
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barsikscorner · 8 months
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My many blorbos of 2023, they all made this year so much better for me
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redhairedgirl95 · 10 months
like mother, like daughter
Luna to Cassandra: Oh, I forgot that you existed. or Stella to Chimera: Oh, I forgot that you existed.
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
OMG I loved your batfamily headcanon, is there any chance you would ever write a fix around them ???
I’m actually considering doing a Reverse Robins fic, (that’s why I asked about storylines about Damian, Steph and Cass)
I’ve got a vague plot outline (THIS WOULD BE A SIDE PROJECT NOT ME ABANDONING THE WINX REWRITE, I’d prob not publish it until it was all finished)
It’d include literally everyone, the Robins, the 3 batgirls and Duke.
And it wouldn’t be like- like- everyone would switch certain storylines just based on who I feel would be best for it and how different reactions would be.
For example if Tim was the one with Jason’s death plotline (he won’t but this is to explain what I mean) he wouldn’t be mad about being ‘replaced’ because his mentality is very different and understands that Batman needs a Robin. So to explore how different characters would react to each other’s storylines yay!
Also there wouldn’t be ‘Robins’ I’m still figuring that out. Like, Duke will be the first, he names himself Goldfinch and starts a tradition of naming themselves after birds.
Damian would be either Phoenix (cause he’s dramatic like that) or Nightwing to keep that name… maybe Shadow-wing or Shadow Bird???, Cass starts off as Orphan but eventually becomes the Black Swan, Steph starts as Spoiler but, if she does take a bird name it’d either be Strix or Crow/Raven (still hesitating about if those are good options for her)
Tim would start with one of the previous names and eventually become Cardinal. Jason would be Sparrow (maybe?), Barbara is Owl (maybe?) and finally Dick is Robin.
The storylines I’m thinking of taking and switching around so far are Dick’s storyline of tracking down a murderer, that OG angry Robin and being a leader to the Teen Titans. Jason’s death plotline. Barbara’s Oracle plotline (and maybe smth with the Birds of Prey? I’m also looking for more storylines from Oracle that don’t just revolve around the Killing Joke), Tim’s takedown of the League and Duke’s Robin Gang.
Still figuring out what storylines to take from Damian and Cass but for Steph I’ll probably take the Order of the Scythe (I know it’s not the most popular storyline for Steph but I really like it and for the character I have in mind for this storyline it’d really help their development)
So umm… yeah. That’s in the plans and I’m having a lot of fun starting to plan it out, it’s a great stress reliever ajajjajajaa
Hope you like the idea!
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blackstorm-xvi · 2 years
I was watching Fate: The Winx Saga (Netflix) and I can definitely imagine Kit as Sky. They even wear a similar jacket.
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Stella is so precious and should be protected at all costs!
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priamcapp · 6 months
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Countess Cassandra and Chimera
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daydreamxr17 · 2 years
This week is like:
Kit (TSC) "you shouldn't be here even tho it's kinda your house" 🤝🏻 Riven (Fate) "your life is your life even tho I might BE mind-controlled at some point"
Yeah, I hate my life😂
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