#wire coat hanger
Swordtember 2024 Day 6 - "Smoke"
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Continuing the vibe of enjoying the outdoor weather before it cools off too much, I suppose. This sword will definitely keep you warm, but be careful or you'll get smoke in your eye!
Swordtember 2024 Master List
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bossymarmalade · 8 months
sorry but Free Fallin is the worst Tom Petty song
IT STILL DESERVES TO WIN OVER SLEDGEHAMMER which may be the best Peter Gabriel song and still should die in a ditch
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fauvester · 7 months
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since I am a completionist i did want to do a tcgf au jackson... roaming the mortal world with his band of fiercesome ghost lieutenants.. carousing and bothering mortals... stealing ceremonial incense and smoking it like a pipe... despite his ferocious reputation he can come off as very gentlemanly and gallant, especially to ladies (in a purely grandfatherly way, of course) but he wears the proof of a hard and violent life proudly
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seat-safety-switch · 23 days
When we were kids, we didn't have access to cool power tools. Every summer, when the soapbox derby race was coming, we'd break into my neighbour's garage while he was at work. Then, we'd use his drill press, lathe, table saw, all the fun tools. Over the course of a week, a race car was produced, which is more than the workshop ever made during the rest of the year.
Sure, we could have asked him if we could have borrowed his tools, but no doubt he would want to be there to supervise. And then he'd want to help. We'd never get done while we were busy indulging the suburb-tinged fantasies of someone who didn't take wood shop and chose instead to idly worship at the altar of Television Presents: The Fantasy of Bob Vila in adulthood.
One year, Old Man Garrett got a security system. Probably this was because Ted (fucking Ted) didn't clean up the sawdust that one time like we asked him to. The old man must have seen the footprint, and realized that he did not wear size-seven Nikes. Child thieves, casing his precious table saw! Now, our humble breaking-and-entering had become significantly more difficult than "reach a coat hanger under the door and pull the emergency release."
With the help of some of the high-school kids who were taking electronics class, we managed to defeat the security system. We did so using an ancient Japanese technique known as "distract Old Man Garrett while he's setting it, and then cut the wires to the panel." I think it loses something in translation, but you get the gist of it. That year's car was especially sweet.
In adulthood, I got drunk and bragged to some work buddies about our little scam. They responded in abject horror, because I was still occupying the weird hump in the middle of a normal distribution of "acceptable crimes." It was terrifying to them to see one of their own, one of the suburbanites, speak openly about largely-harmless property crimes. What if we had been hurt, they shrieked. Around the water cooler, I would become a pariah, unless I could make amends.
I did hunt down Old Man Garrett after that, still feeling the sting of rejection. He was still on the property, and he still had a beautiful collection of immaculate cabinet-making tools in the garage. I rang his doorbell and, when he answered, I told him the whole story. He laughed.
"I knew it was you dumb shits from the beginning," he bragged. "Fucking Ted -"
"Fucking Ted," I echoed, unconsciously.
"Fucking Ted left his library book on building race cars behind on the workbench that first year. You didn't let him drive, did you?"
I shook my head. "We ran the car into him if the hockey-stick brakes ever failed."
We had a good laugh about the whole thing that evening, and I returned to work with my soul cleansed. It's just a pity Ted didn't know how bad he actually was at crime, before he tried to knock over that liquor store and all.
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trigger warnings for graphic description of the above topics, human trafficking, cannibalism, violence against pregnant women.
everything about this is entirely fictional, meant for writers. since I understand there aren’t many whump blogs that feel comfortable writing prompts about the subject (very understandable), I figured I could offer writers out there some prompts about this, in case they were looking for ideas for their works.
that being said, while the prompts are not real, the subject is very much real and can be triggering, so if it’s not something you’re comfortable with, don’t read below the line.
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*feel free to change/adjust the pronouns however you want
a pregnant whumpee got kicked in the stomach by whumper, which led to miscarriage.
a pregnant whumpee, who was a housewife, fell down the stairs at her house when her partner was away for work. she didn’t tell her partner about the incident either because she was afraid he was going to get mad at her or because she thought it was fine and didn’t want to worry him. until she suffered severe bleeding that turned the mattress red at night.
whumpee who went through miscarriage kept hallucinating a life where her child was alive and she got to raise them. caretaker tried to help her, and even though her condition only seemed to get worse, they refused to send her to an asylum. 
whumpee who lost her child during childbirth refused to surrender her child’s corpse. It was understandable at first, until the child started to decompose and rot in her arms and she, with a knife in her hand, would attack anyone who tried to take her baby away from her.
whumpee was a sex slave who got pregnant, the thing was that it was a mistake. so in order for her to be able to continue doing ‘her job’, whumper made her undergo unsafe abortion by having a straightened-out wire with sharp edge (from a coat hanger) inserted into her vagina and into her uterus. they got the fetus out, but whumpee later got a nasty infection that resulted in her suffering from hallucinations, and her not being able to stand or stop her pale, naked body from shivering. whether or not she was rescued in time is up to you, the writer. 
whumper is an OB doctor who often lied to the patients that they miscarried their perfectly healthy stillborns and that the babies needed to be surgically removed in order to save the moms’ lives. this made it very easy for the doc to get away with eating fetuses, since the moms would rather not keep the corpses of their stillborns anyway, and police were never involved. (I mean who would question a licensed physician?!)
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exculis · 1 year
i gotta find my sock blockers i made out of wire. theyre too big for my moms socks but i could block my own socks sometimes. i just dunno where they went. lol
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req'd by @feech-phylicia
.... slippery and unreliable? man i dunno all I got on these hangers is that I can't hang anything light on these things cuz they just fall into my closet floor
text: He has the personality of a coat-hanger. Like. One of the wire ones.
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munsonsmixtapes · 4 months
Drive Me Crazy
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mechanic!Eddie x fem!reader
summary: Eddie hot wires your car with the intention to take it for a joy ride but you catch him before he can
You never liked getting gas late at night. Between the creepy lighting and the weirdos who roamed around the area, you never felt safe. But your car was very low on gas and wasn’t going to make it home so you could get gas in the morning. So, you took a chance and pulled it after work. Once you got your gas, you took a chance and went inside to get a snack for your ride home.
Eddie wouldn’t have considered himself a criminal, he just liked to hot wire cars for the adrenaline. He never stole them, he would just take them for a ride and then return them like nothing happened. It was just for fun, the thrill.
He was at the gas station for some coffee to keep him awake and had no intention of taking a joy ride, but then he saw your pretty cherry red car pull into the parking lot and he knew he had to take it for a spin.
He leaned against his bike as he watched you exit the vehicle, he almost felt bad thinking about how he really did want to take your car. You were pretty even with the angry look on your face. He honestly thought it was hot, actually.
Once you were inside, Eddie snuck over to your car and was delighted to see that you had left your window down, but had locked it which seemed silly to him, but now he didn’t have to use the coat hanger he kept around. He unlocked the door and crouched down to begin his work while keeping an eye on the door for you.
He snipped two of the wires and was so focused on getting the car to start up that he hadn’t even see you come back to your car. You stood behind him, waiting for him to notice you, but he didn’t look back until you spoke up.
“Having fun there?” You asked, tilting your head to the side while taking a sip from your slurpee. Eddie whipped around and put on his best smile, hoping that he could charm his way out of the situation, but judging by the unimpressed look on your face, you weren’t buying it.
“Is this your car?” He tried his best to put on an innocent look, but you weren’t buying that either.
“Mhm,” you nodded.
“Sorry, I thought it was a buddy of mines. He has the exact same car.” Did he really think you were going to believe that? Maybe it worked on other people, but definitely not you.
“Oh, so you think I’m an idiot, right?” Eddie actually thought you were pretty smart even after knowing you for a few minutes.
“Not an idiot, no.” There were a lot of people who Eddie would categorize as an idiot, but you were definitely not one of them.
“Then what? Stupid?” He just chuckled at that.
“Those are synonyms.”
“Whatever. Do you mind moving away from my car? What were you going to do? Steal it?” You put your free hand on your hip and he didn’t like that he was finding your anger hot.
“No, I was just going to take it for a joyride.” A joyride? Why would he just steal a random car to do that? You had seen him on his bike and that seemed like the ultimate joyride vehicle.
“Look, I have pepper spray so if you don’t get the fuck out of here, I will use it.” You really didn’t, you were just hoping that would scare him off. And it did. He stood up and you reached for your purse as he backed away.
“Alright, alright. I’m going.” He put his hands up in defense as he continued to back up to his bike. “Just so you know, I work at the shop downtown, so if this ever breaks down or if you need me in anyway, feel free to come on down,” he said with a wink and you just scoffed.
“No thanks. I can fix it myself.” With that, you got into your car and he got onto his bike, making sure to give you a wink before he put on his helmet and drove off.
You got into your car and slammed the door before hitting your head against the steering wheel repeatedly. Why was he flirting with you after he tried to take your car and why did you like it? Why did you find him attractive? God, this was getting way more complicated for your liking and you were so close to driving your car over there just to see him. Maybe if you got the guts, you would.
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minihotdog · 7 months
Locked Out On Valentine's (Ending: You took the tea)
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
C/W: Smut, unprotected P in V, sexist-type humor, size kink
Word Count: 3k
Previous part
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“You want some tea, love?”
You’re now sitting at the small round dinner table watching as he tilts the kettle into the mugs. He walks the mugs over to the table and sits across from you.
“Didn’t have anyone to stay with, did you?” He asks before taking a sip.
“I sure didn’t. Everyone is still avoiding me like the plague.” You stare down at the mug. 
“It’ll end soon.” He wipes his bottom lip with his thumb. The action catches your attention and he doesn’t miss the sparkle in your eyes. For a stone-cold man, he sure was catching himself smirking a lot tonight. 
“When I showed up to my first unit I got the same, and the unit after that.” The two of you drink simultaneously.
“What? They ignored you?”
“No,” He chuckles softly. “My first unit, they held me down and branded me with a shite-looking coat of arms made from a wire clothes hanger.”
You gasp, covering your mouth with your hand.
“What?! Where?!”
“My bum.”
You snort, “I’m sorry, that’s not funny.” You cover your face with your hands. His shoulders rise and fall with soft laughter.
“It is a little.”
“Did they ever get in trouble? Reprimanded?”
“Never told anyone, ran into them at my next unit and pummeled them into the ground.”
“Bravo!” You celebrate with your hands in the air. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“Then I was disciplined for the beatin’ they got but it was worth it.”
“I agree, they had it coming.”
You take another gulp of your tea enjoying the spread of warmth inside of you.
“You’re quite fond of trouble.” He states flatly. You still, squinting at him in suspicion.
“What makes you say that?”
“Your files,” He raises his eyebrows at you. “Lengthy history of discipline, being reprimanded.”
You hum in response. “Is that the word on the street?”
He grins, his hand coming up to stroke his stubble before he sits back with his arms crossed looking at you. You roll your eyes, “Yeah, I’ve gotten in trouble a couple of times in my career, what about it?”
“How long have you been in?”
“Five years.”
“You’re tellin’ me that you’ve been reprimanded nearly every single year you’ve been in?” He now leans on the table looking over at you with a dumbfounded look.
“Shit happens, I have no problem taking responsibility for it.”
“I didn’t take you for the type to cause trouble.”
“I’m not, I just don’t have the grace other people do. I do something stupid and get caught immediately.”
“You’re right about that. You’re a naughty one, for sure.” He says before downing the remaining liquid in his mug.
He smirks to himself letting his eyes roam over your shoulders.
"I heard that boyfriend of yours was a calvary bum." He pokes, changing the subject. 
You "tsk" at him. Once everyone found out about your now ex-boyfriend they never let you live it down.
"What's his job got to do with anything?"
Simon shrugs, feigning ignorance, “Assumed a woman like you preferred men, that’s all.”
“Oh, hush!” You bite back a laugh refusing to meet his eyes. 
“I bet he cried like a child at the thought of going to the field.”
“That’s enough out of you!” You reach over the table to cover his mouth. He fights you off taking your wrists in his hands. He stands and walks to your side of the table gently pulling up by the wrists. His massive frame takes most of your view, you can’t help but feel anxiety pool in your stomach having him tower over you.
“Poor bird, spendin’ her nights with half a man. Bet he didn’t have a clue what he was doin’.”
The warmth you felt from the tea was traveling up to your cheeks. He was so close you could smell the rich cologne in his skin. His hands were so rough but warm on your pulse. 
Your eyes focus on his lips.
“Did he?” The gravel of his voice makes a shiver run through your spine. You gulp before responding.
”He was… enthusiastic.”
Simon laughs hoarsely, “Enthusiastic?” He enunciates with a shit-eating grin.
”Why is my sex life a topic of conversation to my Lt.?” You suddenly get some courage.
”You think I haven’t noticed you droolin’ over me, love. Peakin’ at me from afar. Now you show up to my flat with your tits fallin’ out of your top, your bare ass out, and a broken heart from some lad not worth the air he breathes.” He drops his head forcing you to meet his eyes. “Quite the coincidence, innit?”
”I think it’s more of a happy coincid-“ He breaks your sentence off catching your lips with his. Your brain pushes you out of your frozen state and the two of you begin moving in unison. He slowly releases your wrists and moves his hands to your waist. Your hands run down his chest.
He deepens the kiss, forcing his tongue past your lips. You moan softly as his tongue plays with yours. He pulls you against him, one hand over yours on his chest the other at the small of your back. You feel lightheaded, not in a bad way, quite the opposite. You’d fantasized about your Lt. plenty of times, his touch, the scars he hid beneath his army green top, the way his lips felt - come to find out they were soft, unlike the rest of him. His hands keep setting you ablaze when they touch your skin, the callouses nearly make your eyes roll back.
He growls into the kiss, tearing himself away from you. His arms wrap around the back of your thighs and you grab onto his shoulders. He lifts and places you on the table, forcing himself between your legs. He bites at your neck, pulling you into him. You grip the table feeling as if you could slide off at any second. 
He eats up every single gasp he gets out of you. His teeth graze your collar bone and he sucks on the sensitive skin. Your nails run over his scalp down to the back of his neck drawing a groan from him.
He stops for a moment to let you catch your breath.
”You want this, love?” He leans his forehead against yours looking into your eyes.
“God, yes!” You exasperate. 
He chuckles, still looking into your eyes.
”Hold on.”
”What do you-“ 
You squeal as he lifts you off the table and rushes to wrap your arms around his neck. You rest your head on his neck relishing in the feeling of his body against yours. Warmth radiated off of him like a furnace, the feel of his skin so addictive.
He carries you to the couch placing his knee on the cushions before gently placing you on your back. He follows you down and your hands run down his bare back.
He supports himself with one arm, the other trails down to your aching core, cupping the mound. He lets out a ragged breath once he feels the heat burning through you. He moves to pull your shorts off, dragging them up your legs and tossing them off to the side.
”Fuckin’ hell,” He groans at the sight of your bare pussy. “Such a bad girl walking around without knickers.”
He gives you one last hypnotizing kiss before brushing his lips in between your breasts. He kisses each one and carries on down your stomach and lands right above your clit.
You panic inside, you prop yourself up on your elbows, “Lt.”
”Fuck’s sake, love. As much as I love hearin’ you call me that, say my name, will you?” He laughs light-heartedly. You smile behind your hand trying not to break out in giggles. 
“What is it?” His eyebrows pull together.
”You don’t have to do that if you don’t want.”
”Eat you out?” He looks at you confused.
You nod slowly, embarrassed at the question.
He “Tsks” at you lowering himself once again while muttering something along the lines of, “Calvary muppet took the fun out of pussy, didn’t he?”
”I’m serious! You don’t have to!” You spit out frantically.
“Shut up, doll.”
He licks a stripe up your cunt and moans softly to himself. Your lips part in disbelief. He slowly laps at your clit and you lower yourself onto your back. He decides not to work you too fast yet, scared you’d pass out after being neglected by that dumb bloke for so long. 
You whine softly, legs already shaking. He wraps his arms around your thighs and presses them against his head.
He gently sucks on your clit and your hand shoots down to his head. The feeling of you tugging one his short locs encourages him to speed up. His lips wrap around your clit and toys with it as he pleases. The pace causes you to clamp your thighs around his head on your own.
Moans pour from your lips as your back arches. His hands stroke your thighs as you restrain yourself from pushing his head down further.
”Simon! Oh god!” Your mouth hangs open. You look down at him and nearly orgasm seeing him between your legs. His eyes are blown out, his thumb caresses your skin.
He lets go of one thigh and his fingers tap at your entrance gathering your wetness. He pushes two of his fingers inside you and your head falls back. Your vision goes fuzzy and you clamp your eyes shut. His fingers pump into you hitting your g-spot each time.
Your hand flies to your mouth and you let out a high-pitched moan. You chant his name tightening around his fingers. He feels your walls clamp down and continues pumping letting you ride it out. Your hips twitch, your thighs trap him where he is. 
He waits until you go limp to pull away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
”Fuck, you made a mess.” He groans. He climbs above you and peppers your face with kisses. “Was that alright, love?” 
You open your eyes to meet his, all you can do is nod unable to trust yourself to talk. He smirks at you, proud of himself for leaving you in such a state.
”You think you can take me, love, or do you need some time?”
”Want you so bad,” You whine out.
He lowers his head for a chaste kiss and pulls himself up onto his feet. He drops his sweats revealing the thick muscle of his thighs. His cock slaps his thigh as he throws his sweats onto the floor, the weight of it keeping it down. Your eyes meet his member and a wave of nervousness comes over you. His length was impressive but the thickness was your biggest concern. 
“Hey! You weren’t wearing underwear either, hypocrite!”
He rolls his eyes at you with a smile. A sight so beautiful you can’t help but smile back.
He takes his earlier position above you and aligns himself with your entrance. He looks up at you and you feel his tip poking into you already.
”Ready, doll?”
You nod at him.
”Say it.” He whispers.
”I-I’m ready.”
”Alright then.” He nudges your forehead with his before the two of you look down to watch the sinful show of him slowly sliding into you. You gasp, hands going to his back. He moves at a snail’s pace letting you adjust as he goes. He cradles your head, forehead against yours trying to keep his breathing steady.
”Ah, tight little thing.” He rasps out.
Your mouth hangs open, your nails digging into his skin, legs hugging his waist once he fills you to the hilt. He waits a moment before slowly sliding out halfway and bringing himself back to the same depth. Your whines draw out. His tip hits the deepest parts of you so well that you nearly begin drooling.
He examines your face for any sign of discomfort before nudging your neck with his nose. He begins with a moderate pace as he kisses along your jaw. You wrap your arms around him, fingers running over the buzzed hair at the back of his head. 
The stretch from his cock stings slightly, the overwhelming pleasure sending tingles through your bones making it hard to notice. He continues rocking his hips into yours letting you enjoy the feel of him without anything too overwhelming. You mewl into his ear as he stretches you over and over.
”Fuck, so good,” You whine.
His hand comes down to grip your breast, his thumb playing with your nipple, circling it gently. He slides his legs up kneeling with you in between his thighs. He stops, letting you catch your breath and he sucks your nipple into his mouth. He suckles the nub, playing with it with his warm tongue. He thumbs your clit as he treats the nub like a candy. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you down onto his cock, dragging you down the cushions fucking you onto him for a while. 
He angles his hips to hit all the right places, your cunt throbs around him when he hits your g-spot head on causing you to gasp.
”Oh fuck! Right there!” Your hands cling onto his forearms for dear life as he goes on to hit the spot repeatedly until it nearly hurts. His pubic bone rubs against your clit with every thrust. He picks up his pace, throttling that poor little sensitive spot. Your back arches painfully. He takes advantage of it and throws his hand under your waist keeping you in the position swinging you down to meet his thrusts.
He stuffs you with his cock relentlessly. You become a mess beneath him struggling to get words out, just high-pitched moans filling the room.
”God! Oh god!” 
“He’s not here, love. Be a good girl and cum on my cock.” He orders.
The feeling grows inside you pulling the air from your lungs. He nips the skin below your breasts and licks a stripe between them to your neck. Your pussy flutters around him before you fall deep into euphoria, his name pours from you. Your ears ring and eyes wire themselves shut as you clamp down around him. Tears pour from your eyes involuntarily. 
The sequence of flutters pulls him back into you making it too difficult to pull out too far. He buries his head in your chest as he’s pulled over the edge. He moans into your skin as your body sucks him back in, milking him so hard he blinks trying to rid himself of the fog. He begins spilling into you, his white hot streams shooting out at high velocity. He paints your walls so thoroughly that you feel his cock twitching with every spasm. 
His cum spills out of you not having any more room to fill. You gush around him and he quietly gasps. 
The two of you stay like this for what could’ve been an eternity. The post-orgasmic haze engulfs the both of you. He keeps himself inside and lowers himself onto his side, dragging you with him, throwing your leg over his hip. He pulls you into his sweaty heaving chest and kisses your forehead. 
He feels a wetness on his thumb and pulls back, wiping away your tears.
”What’s happened, Y/n?” He asks, concerned. “Did I hurt you?” He moves to pull himself out of you and you grab him, bringing him to a stop. “You’re crying, love.”
”That was amazing.” You mumble, eyes struggling to open.
”You cryin’ because it was good?” He laughs, a big goofy smile plasters itself on his face. You force your eyes open to peek at him. 
“You smile so pretty.”
He pulls you back to his chest, arms wrapped tightly around you.
”Thank you, love.” You could still hear the smile in his voice. “Let’s get you cleaned up and put to bed, yeah?”
”Too sleepy.” You complain.
”It’s alright, I’ll take care of you.” Against your protests, he lifts himself slowly and positions himself to pull out of you. He gives you a single nudge with his cock still sheathed and you nearly purr. 
He pulls out slowly.
”Jesus, I’m gonna need a new couch.” He mutters. His cum spills from you, his eyes glued to your core watching it slowly pour out. His cock twitches and he has to look away. There was no way you were in shape for another round. Thankfully the memory was burned into his mind - the best thing he’d ever seen, next to you of course. 
He lets you know he’ll be back and you hear water rushing down the hall. He returns moments later and slides his hands under you.
”Bath time,” He says in a sing-song-y voice. You giggle, lacing your fingers behind his neck. He lifts you in his arms and looks into your eyes. “You were wonderful.” He pecks your lips and carries you off to his bathroom placing you in the bathtub before sliding in behind you.
”I don’t have a hair tie but I’ll try with some string,” He says mostly to himself. The warm water only reaches your belly button, once he slides behind you it rises a few inches. He wraps your hair into a funny-looking bun and ties it with the piece of string he found.
” Ta-da.” 
“Thank you, Simon.” You say sweetly leaning back against him. He holds you against him and you feel something poke into your back.
”Sorry, love. It’ll go down, I don’t expect you to stay awake long enough for another one.”
You moan in response and sigh letting the water nearly lull you to sleep. 
“Wait,” you breathe out. “Does me saying your name turn you on?”
He doesn’t respond. You try to look up at him but he tightens his hold not wanting you to see the red spawning over his face.
”Oh, hush.” He imitates your voice.
He grabs his loofa and begins lathering you in bubbles.
”C’mon, I wanna get you in bed before you fall asleep.”
He cleans every bit of you, focusing on your breasts because no matter how much he denied it at that moment, he was still a dog. He hands you a bath bomb that he saved in case he ever had a special someone stay over and let you watch it fizz up as he cleans himself.
He dries you off and plops you down on his massive bed wearing his t-shirt. By the time he throws on his boxers you’re fast asleep under the covers, engulfed in his scent.
He slides next to you pulling you into his arms. He plants a kiss on the top of your head and whispers into your hair, “You’re mine now, doll. All mine.”
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skywarpie · 1 year
It's the wire coat hanger in the mv for me
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Imagine not liking the Doctor’s plan to work with Agent O...
“Oh! You’re here. Perfect!” You walked around the console, arms wrapped with multicoloured wires, and proceeded over to Ryan where you transferred the mess into his arms.  
“Uh, what’s all this then?” The young man asked with a frown. Yaz and Graham squinted at the odd behaviour and watched you grin with wide eyes. 
“I’ve finally created the Miniaturisation Materialiser out of some coat hangers and a car tyre in the basement.”
“We have a basement?” Ryan’s question fell on deaf ears as you led the trio to what looked like a toaster sitting on the console. The appliance was hooked up to several wires that ran along the TARDIS floor into Ryan’s arms before disappearing below the panels under their feet.
You grabbed two slices of toast from a little glove compartment and placed them in the toaster, pressing the small knob down. There was a small sizzle until the toaster sparked small white electricity for a second and the bell rang.
The toast popped up and Yaz, Ryan, and Graham leaned in to take a closer look. 
“They’ve shrunk to the size of a grape.” Yaz commented.
You nodded and spun around with excitement. “I know! Isn’t it great?” 
Ryan chuckled but Graham tilted his head.
“It’s wonderful Y/n, truly. But wouldn’t it make more sense to create something that makes food bigger?” 
You squinted curiously, pondering over the suggestion. You lifted the toaster and scanned its outer casing.
“Like an Enhanced Extrapolation Enlarger ... yes, I think we can manage this easily.” You reached back and opened your hand, palm facing up. “Graham, give me your shoe.”
“My what?”
“Y/n, I hope you’re powering that thing safely.” The Doctor parented as she entered her travelling vehicle. She often found that when she left you alone for a day, you had created something new.
Nodding, you lowered the device and took the wires back from Ryan. “Don’t get your sonic in a knot. I rerouted the comms through the swimming pool and the navigation systems are funnelling from the carousel. All temporary.”
“Huh.” The Doctor mused as she reached the satellite screen. “Maybe leave the carousel funnel, I’m getting some great readings. Points for innovation.”
You beamed with pride. Turning to your friends, you gestured for them to walk to an open panel by the stairs. 
“So, how was it? I thought you were going to be back later.”
“O found something on the aliens.” Yaz replied.
“O?” You wondered, dropping the wires into the floor. The TARDIS doors opened once more and a familiar face walked in. “Oh.” 
You shoulders slumped when the guest entered the TARDIS, his eyes filled with wonder and awe at the interior. Spotting you, O smiled as he made his way over to you and stuck out his hand.
You eyed the friendly expression and stared at the open handshake. Then you turned on your heel and called out to the woman behind the console. 
The Doctor’s head popped up quickly at the question, her furrowed brows quickly darting up when she realised what the issue was. 
“Y/n, play nice.”
“We need all the help we can get.”
Laying down her expectations, the doctor disappeared once more. You exhaled loudly and looked back at O. One smile from him and you rolled your eyes before walking off in the opposite direction. 
Graham caught the tension flying from the pair and gently tapped O’s arm. “Why are they so mad at you?” 
O shook his head with a small smile. “You know, I don’t think they could quite figure me out.”
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ruh--roh-raggy · 9 months
Heart of Wires (Sundrop/Moondrop x DCA!OC Piper)
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Hello hello! Welcome to something new and different from me!!! This is my first time writing Sundrop, this is also my first time making an OC! It is with my greatest pleasure that I introduce you to Piper Belle Healy! This whole fic is going to be slow burn, super tooth rottingly sweet fluff. I'm just enamored by these big Bois, I wanna hold their hands and kiss them on the cheek. SO THATS WHAT IM GUNNA DO!! I hope you enjoy! Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list!
You can find my Masterlist here!
Word Count: 3,985
Part 2
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“Good morning!” The chipper blond welcomed her with a gapped tooth smile as she sang her greeting. “Piper, right?” The red head nodded in confirmation. “Perfect. I'm Meredith, everyone calls me Merry, I'm gonna be the one showing you around the Pizzaplex!” She motions for Piper to follow her, pushing through the turnstiles with ease before walking into the main lobby. “I’ll give you a more thorough run down after your shift, they never listen when I tell them to have you come tour the place beforehand.” She sighs, stepping onto an escalator and casually leaning up against the railing. “You’re going to be in the daycare, so you’ll be working with Sundrop. It should be pretty easy; arts and crafts, making sure the kids don't hurt themselves, nap time, nothing too crazy. Sun can walk you through it, anything you need, just ask him.”
“Some interesting nicknames around here.” She remarks with a lopsided smile. “Merry and Sun.”
“Oh, Sundrop is his real name!” She responds with a laugh. “I take it you haven't gotten to meet any of the animatronics yet?” Merry gives her an excited glance.
“No, I've seen the posters and stuff, pictures of them in the office when I went in for my interview, things like that, but I haven't, uh, met them?” She says giving the taller blond a look of confusion. ‘Why would I have to introduce myself to a robot?’ She thinks, quickly shaking the thought as she rushes to keep up. She approached a set of large, wooden double doors, the gold handles glistening in the low lighting. She holds the door open for her with a smile, motioning for Piper to walk in ahead of her. Piper fidgets with the sleeves of her sweater, looking around the room to see shoe cubbies and hangers for coats and bags about halfway up the wall. The faded paint was covered in drawings of kids standing next to who you were assuming to be the daycare animatronics. Both of them are tall and slender, one with a sun shaped head, the other a moon. The sun wore yellow and red striped pants that billowed loosely down his legs, you noticed most of the kids had drawn what must have been bells on his wrists and ankles. The moon was dressed similarly, only his pants had white stars against a dark blue background, a matching sleep cap sitting atop his head. She smiled, breathing out a soft laugh as she ran her finger over the waxy artwork.
“We could take the stairs, but the slide’s faster.” Piper jumps as Merry suddenly starts talking. She chuckles seeing the shorter woman’s expression, pointing to a tube that must have led down to the daycare.
“Slide it is.” Piper giggles in response. Merry grabs onto the railing above the slide, jumping slightly before flinging herself down the plastic tunnel. Piper hears the clatter of plastic below before Merry calls for her to come down. She excitedly hops into the slide, unable to stop herself from smiling as she rushes downwards. She yelps slightly as the slide abruptly ends and she’s flung into the waiting ball pit below.
“Sunny! I’ve got a new friend for you to meet!” Merry cups her hands around her mouth as she calls out in the massive playroom.
“A new friend? Oh, how exciting!” Piper hears a voice call from above. Her eyes widen as she sees a large clown with a sun shaped head spin out onto a platform overlooking the daycare. In one swift motion he dove from the platform and into the ballpit, mere feet in front of her. Piper scrambled to find solid ground, hoisting herself up onto the rubber mat covered floor, her foot slipping on one of the yellow pool noodle covered edges. Two sets of articulate robotic fingers wrap around the foam in front of her before the robot hoists himself up to his full height, she scrambles backwards, screaming as she bumps into Merry.
“It’s alright! Piper, this is who you’re working with!” She drops down to her side, shaking her slightly in an attempt to break her out of her panic. She froze, her chest heaving as she watched the golden points whirl around his face.
“You said he was an animatronic!” She exclaims, motioning rapidly to the human-esque figure in front of her.
“He is!” She exclaims. “The technology for him is very advanced, it’s something the owners have been perfecting their entire lives.” She explains with a smile. She looks between the animatronic and the nearly shaking girl in front of her. “Sundrop, this is Piper, she’s the new daycare attendant.” He stands there for a moment. His unreadable expression makes her heart race.
“New daycare attendant, hm?” He suddenly speaks, his voice was so expressive, if she wasn't so terrified of his monstrously tall stature Piper would've been amazed. He slinks closer to her, kneeling down to bring his face directly in front of hers. “I’ll warn you now, the daycare isn’t a place for amateurs.” She furrowed her brows at him.
“I’ll have you know I’m wonderful with children.” She sits up, he jolts back as she suddenly gets close to him. “I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t make assumptions about me considering you just met me a few seconds ago.” He seemed a bit taken aback at her sudden change in demeanor. Just a moment ago she looked so timid and scared, but now she looked like she was ready to bite his head off.
“I’ll let your work speak for you then.” He stands, grabbing her gently by the wrist and hoisting her up with him.
“Sun, play nice, she’s the best resume that’s applied for the daycare in a long time. Who knows, maybe you might even like her.” She smiles and winks at him. She turns to Piper, “I’ll swing back by here at lunchtime, I’ll help you find your way to the cafeteria.” She offers happily. “And don’t let him make you nervous, he’s a drama queen anyways.” She teases, making Piper giggle.
“I wonder why? It’s not like my programming was originally meant for the theater or anything.” He responds sarcastically.
“Show her around the daycare, give her a run down of the schedule, don’t kill each other.” She counts out the tasks on her fingers. “Think both of you can handle that?” They both nod. She gives both of them a wave over her shoulder as she heads off to get ready for her shift.
“So, we start off with free play.” He motions for her to follow him as he prattles on about the schedule for the day. He shows her where all the craft supplies are, where to find the adult-only tools like sharp scissors and permanent markers. He explained that during naptime is when she would meet Moondrop, “let him handle putting the kids down, he doesn’t like it when someone interrupts his system.” He explains. “Other than that, if you’ve worked with kids before, you should know what you’re doing already.” He sighs, obviously expecting her to fail from the start.
“I think I can handle it, don’t worry.” She squeaks with mock confidence, trying to find some way to change the animatronics tune towards her. “Sundrop?” He turns to her. “I’m really looking forward to working with you, I’m sure I can learn a lot.” She noticed how the whirrs and pings of his internal mechanisms grew slightly louder at her compliment. His eyes flicker over her face for a moment.
“Thank you, Piper.”
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Piper watches as child after child comes down the slide into the Superstar Daycare. “Friends, if I could interrupt your playtime for just one moment, I have an important announcement to make!” She was pleasantly surprised at how quickly the screams and laughter of the children died down, Sun easily able to catch their attention. “Some of you might have noticed there's a new face around the Daycare today. I would like to introduce all of you to Miss Piper.” There was a chorus of small hello's and hi’s from the group. She jump as Sun suddenly claps his hands together, telling them all they could go back to playing. He strides up to her, her eyes trailing up his long thin frame as he stretches farther above her than anyone she had ever met. She guessed that Sun stood somewhere around 7 feet tall, compared to her short stature he looked nothing short of a gigantic. “Go grab the markers from the supply closet, I'll take care of pulling out the tables and chairs.”
“You know it wouldn’t kill you to say please.” Piper huffs before turning on her heels and hurrying off to get set up for drawing time. Sun can’t help but watch her retreat. Out of all of his time in the Pizzaplex he had never met anyone like her, staff member or otherwise. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind, that was apparent from the small little quips she had spit out at him. Granted, he knew he had a tendency to be a bit harsh towards new hires, but that was only because almost everyone they sent him was incompetent. It's not that Sundrop was mean, he was just a perfectionist. The Daycare Attendants he has worked with in the past didn't care about the kids like he did, they didn't have the same passion for the glitter covered stick figures they would be presented with. But there was something different about Piper. Sun saw how you immediately stopped when one of the kids ran up to you, stooping down to scoop the small boy up in her arms to head in the direction he was pointing in. A ball had gotten stuck in one of the rungs on the play place, too high for any of the kids to reach safely. He watched as she maneuvered herself carefully up the brightly colored structure, wiggling the ball loose before climbing back down. She hands the ball over to the boy, giving him a high five and praising him for asking for help. She smiles as the boy runs off to play with his friends. Her eyes meet Sun’s, causing her to freeze. She lets out a sigh of relief, smiling softly as he offers her a subtle thumbs up. Sun walks away, going to set up the tables for the next activity.
“What do we have here?” A voice purrs in Sun’s head.
“There's a new Daycare Attendant.” Sun mutters quietly out loud.
The voice groans, “another one? They keep sending us these stupid humans-”
“I thought the same thing. But she seems… different.” He explains, sliding the tables across the floor.
“So that's what woke me up.” He lets out a raspy chuckle. “I guess I’ll have to see what she’s like in a couple hours.” The warmth in the back of Sun's head dissipates as his counterpart returns to sleep.
“Sundrop?” He's snapped from his thoughts by her melodic voice. He turns to find Piper standing there with multiple bins of art supplies stacked in her arms. “I have all the crayons, markers, glitter, stickers, glue sticks, and stamps.” He smiles as he listens to her list off everything he would have grabbed. “I'm having some trouble finding the paper.” She admits bashfully.
“Here, let me take these.” The cold tips of his metal fingers brush against hers as he takes the stack of containers from her. He spreads them out across the tables before turning back to her. “Let’s go look for that paper.” She was a bit shocked by his response, she was waiting for him to start yelling at her. He didn't seem too keen on working with someone new, her not being able to complete such a simple task should've set him off. She follows him into the supply closet, he lets out a soft hum as he scans over the shelves. “Here we go.” He pulls out a pack of paper and hands it to her. It appeared to be at the back of one of the very top shelves, a place she couldn't have reached if she tried. “I'll make sure to get all the paper moved down to where you can get it.” He states simply before walking back out into the daycare, leaving Piper to watch him duck out of the closet in a state of confusion. He had seemed to completely change from the animatronic she had met earlier this morning, and she couldn't figure out just what exactly had spurred the sudden shift. She got everything set up for drawing time; separating the stack of paper into smaller piles to make it easier for all the kids to share, opening all the containers and removing a couple markers that had been left uncapped and had dried out. You heard the excited screams and talking of the kids as they ran over to draw. Sun had a child in either arm, a third clung to his leg as he moved in your direction.
“Miss Piper?” Her attention was caught by a girl with strawberry blond pigtails as she tugged on her sleeve.
“Hi honey, what’s your name?” She asks cheerily, kneeling down to be closer to the girl's eye level.
“Haley.” She responds with a huge smile, her two front teeth missing.
“It’s nice to meet you Haley, what’s up?” She looks bashfully over at Sundrop before her eyes immediately dart back to Piper.
“Do you think you could help me draw a picture for Mr. Sun?” She holds out the orange crayon she had clutched in her fist. “I want to make something for him but he’s really hard to draw.”
“Of course I can.” Piper smiles brightly at her, letting out a soft chuckle at her excited expression. Haley grabs Piper by the hand, tugging her back to where she was sitting, telling all of her friends that Piper would help them make pictures for Mr. Sun. She couldn't help but smile as her time was filled with giving high fives to all the excited kids as they showed off their drawings to her, drawing a quick Sundrop head for the kids to color, and being asked a million questions about her bright colored jewelry and fun outfit. Little did she know, the whole time Sun was keeping a close eye on her, absolutely delighted by what he saw.
“How’s everyone doing over here?”
“Mr. Sun!”
“Sundrop!” Piper looks over her shoulder to see the large animatronic had made his way over to where she was working.
“Is it okay if I sit here Miss Piper?” He asks with a smile, motioning to the chair next to her. He noticed how some of the kids must have placed stickers on her cheeks, her freckles laced with sparkly stars and neon smiley faces.
“Sure, Sundrop.” She smiles sweetly at him. He crouches into the comically small chair, his knees pressed to his chest.
“Miss Piper’s been helping us draw you Mr. Sun.” Haley exclaims, giggling when the animatronic gives her an amazed expression.
“Really? You all wanted to draw me?” They all clamored over to him, wanting to show off their pictures, most of them drawings of Sundrop holding hands with that child, ‘best friends’ scrawled across the bottom in messy script. “These are so wonderful!” He leans in closer to the group, they all copy his motions with wide eyes, waiting eagerly to see what he would say to them. “How about next you guys draw some pictures of Miss Piper?” They all silently agree before hurriedly turning back to their papers and crayons. He leans back in his chair. “I'll have to admit Piper, you're doing an amazing job.” She found heat settling behind her cheeks at the compliment, her eyes darting over to meet his glowing white ones.
“Thank you, Sundrop.” She smiles shyly.
“You can call me Sun, less of a mouthful.” He chuckles. “If Moon likes you you'll have passed your trial run.” There was a slight teasing tone in his voice.
“Well, lets hope for the best then.” She smiles at him.
She was grateful for nap time once it rolled around, with so many kids it was hard to find a moment to catch her breath. “Go pick your spot.” She shoos off a small boy into the other room, dimming the lights as they all settle in. She softly shuts the door, tucking herself away in a corner so she wouldn't get in Moon’s way. She wondered why she hadn't seen any sign of the animatronic all day. Her eyes immediately drifted to Sun as he stepped in the room, as he shut the door you watch his face spin around, all of the points surrounding his head getting tucked away as a sleep cap appeared. She blinked, the gold and red stripes on his pants suddenly turning to stars.
“You must be this new Daycare Attendant I heard about.” His voice was much raspier than Sun’s, he turned to face Piper, a noticeable difference in his face from the animatronic that had just stepped in the room in front of her. The moon on his face was much more prominent, the other side of his face being blacked out save for his glowing white eye. She was amazed at the complexities of their system, not to mention the immediate difference she noticed in their personalities, if she hadn’t just seen the change in front of her she wouldn't have believed this was the same animatronic. “You just sit back here, I’ll make this quick… and try to stay awake.” He chuckles before slinking off into the dark room. She heard the soft gasps and calls for Moon that he gently shushed, patting each child's head that greeted him as he made his way to the center of the room. The soft sounds of a music box beginning to chime filled the room, a tapestry of stars slowly rotated around the ceiling. Almost like magic Piper noticed the kids near her fall asleep one by one, every one of them in the room asleep by the time his song ended. She found herself yawning, pushing her round, wire framed glasses onto the top of her head as she wiped her eyes. She stretched, her spine letting out a soft pop as she pulled her arms over her head. Her eyes fluttered open, her hand immediately clapping over her mouth to suppress the scream that had welled up in her throat. Moondrop’s face was mere inches away from her own, he studied her closely, slowly crawling around her with almost spider like movements.
“I'm assuming you must be Moon?” She whispers nervously, his gaze didn't feel as judgemental as when she first met Sun, but he still made her nervous nonetheless. He offers her a small nod in response. “I’m Piper.”
“Sun seems very impressed with you Miss Piper.” He coos softly. “I do have to say you're definitely a lot prettier than the usual Daycare Attendants they send us.” He chuckles at her flustered expression. He runs a finger over one of the star stickers on her cheek. “The kids seem to like you too, that’s good.” He carefully maneuvers around her, propping himself up against the wall at her side. “How are you enjoying your first day?”
“It’s been good, definitely not what I was expecting.” She giggles, Moon felt a strange pang in his chest at the sight of her smile. She looks out over the group of sleeping children. “You know, that?” She makes a vague motion to the room. “Very impressive.”
“I have a bit of a talent.” He chuckles in response.
“Do you only come out for nap time?” He was a bit surprised by the genuine curiosity in her tone.
“I can only come out when the lights are off.” He explains. “Nap time, sleepovers, Sun and I switch off after hours.” She sat and quietly chatted with Moon for the rest of nap time, Piper found herself a bit sad to see him go.
“It was wonderful getting to know you.” She smiles softly at him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Piper.” The lights gradually grew brighter as nap time came to an end. The sleepy yawns of kids and soft giggles of them talking amongst themselves filled the room.
“Well, good morning!” Sun greets the kids cheerfully as they head back out into the main play area. She timidly makes her way up to his side, feeling a bit awkward standing next to the tall robot. “I take it everything went well with Moon?” She could tell by the softness his expression held that he already knew the answer to that.
“I hope so.” She smiles at him. “I don't want either of you to think I'm an amateur.” She mocks his assumption from the morning with a wink, making him chuckle.
“You definitely proved you're not an amateur Piper.” His hand gently comes to rest on the top of her head. Piper feels a blush spread across her cheeks as he pats the spot between her messy, copper space buns. “I'm sure they're all hungry, let's get them set up for snack time.”
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“He hasn't been giving you a rough time, has he?” Merry asks as she hands you a tray.
“No, I've actually been having a lot of fun working with him.” She admits with a small shrug and a bashful smile.
“What about Moondrop?” She follows up.
“He was also wonderful.” You reassure her.
“I'm impressed.” She mumbles as she starts to grab things to eat. “The last three people they hired had already been run off by now.” She chuckles. “I guess they did end up liking you after all.”
“I can't get over how much personality they have.” Piper smiles excitedly.
“I mean, they might as well be people with how complex of a machine they are. They're fully articulate, their AI lets them experience emotion, they're pretty much just like us without the internal organs.” They both pay for their lunches and sit down. “So, now that you've spent a couple hours with them, do you think you’re going to keep the job?” She seemed almost nervous as she asked her.
“Oh, absolutely!” Piper beams. She hurries through her lunch, exchanging goodbye’s with Merry before she heads back to the daycare. So she wouldn't cause a disruption she decided to take the stairs down to the main play area.
“Welcome back.” Sun smiles at her as she approaches. The rest of the day flew by as Piper got dragged off by a small group of kids to go play. She couldn't help but laugh as she caught sight of a girl wearing pastel pink fairy wings riding around on Sundrop’s shoulders, pretending like she was flying. Slowly your group became smaller and smaller as parents arrived to pick up their children, before you knew it you and Sun were alone, cleaning up the disaster left behind. “I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot this morning.” He suddenly apologizes, nervously tapping the curled golden toe of his shoe on the floor.
“It’s okay, from what Merry told me they threw in some real pieces of work before me.” She giggles in response. “We can always try again tomorrow.” He pauses, straightening up to look at her.
“Piper?” She hums softly, her blue eyes landing on him. Sun felt the words catch in his throat for a second. He takes a few steps closer to her, retrieving a yellow sun sticker from the booklet he kept in his pocket. He presses it to the apple of her cheek, her soft warm skin squishing under his finger as she smiles at his action. “Welcome to the team.”
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Tag List: @yellowbunnydreams @twelvelevens
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You know it's pretty wild that since S2 started, Stolas isn't needed as a character anymore. This whole arc with Blitz could be done with basically anyone from his past like(Fizz, Verosika, Barbie) or with the other actual main characters in Mox, Millie and Loona.
The whole Asmodean Crystal thing, given how fast Fizz was willing to just give him one after making up with Blitz and getting his life saved. ...There was a whole 1st Season worth of content right there that could have been explored, how Blitz gets to Earth for his company that way. Blitz also mentions that I.M.P. was killing in Hell before, so it's not as if they would be out of money if they weren't killing up top anyway(as well as actually exploring Hell itself). But there is a story hook there for a whole 1st Season.
It explores Blitz not only as a character, but also his past, who he interacted with, so on and so forth. This would then fit to make S1 more consistent with what S2 is going on with his character. Stolas isn't needed for any of this, he's just a S1 hanger on that no longer really matters from a writing standpoint.
Let's see what's more interesting for S1 as a character for Blitz?
Getting into a transaction deal with a Royal in order to keep his company afloat?
Trying to make amends to those he wronged in the past, exploring his internal issues, while at the same time trying to keep his company afloat?
The former fits more with just a sort of "Ha Ha" comedy/dark sort of line where you can have character moments, but they aren't really a focus and it's more just a side thing.
The latter fits more with....well what S2 is trying to do, in that it's become this character soap opera drama thing. In fact S1 was also building up to that, but they instead just brush by it so quick in S2 to instead focus on this 'romance'.
Notice how S2 is basically retreading all of S1, just with a different coat of paint? Because I swear we've been through all of this before already in S1, the only difference being is that Stolas isn't needed as a character anymore.
And yeah sure, I get same sex couples aren't exactly swimming through media. But this show wasn't setup as telling this 'soap opera romance' thing. It was setup as a whacky assassination show, that was the premise, it just so happened there were also 2 guys screwing.
I dunno, I just feel like a whole lot of other great potential was lost somewhere that would actually fit both of the Seasons way better.
Honestly yeah. ANYTHING would be better than St*litz. And I really feel you about retreading, we do it every 5 fucking minutes with Moxxie as well as with the constant Stolitz drama. It gets really tiring when meanwhile we barely know anything about stuff like Stella and Octavia's relationship, Barbie Wire, etc. Also yeah seeing hell more would be nice as I definitely want to see more of rings other than pride lust and greed, the rings are such a fun concept that I wish was utlilized more. Especially since Hazbin will probably only really show pride since its about earth born sinners and they only exist there.
To build off this idea of focusing more on a show where Blitz makes ammends, something I think that would have potentially been a better idea instead of the-stolitz-show would have been to make each season focused more on a certain side character. You'd have S1 Fizz, S2 Verosika, S3 Barbie Wire. And each one is an opposition of sorts.
Like, maybe in S1 Fizz has beef once hes with Ozzie since Blitz keeps robbing crystals to try and set up IMP without having to rely on St*las (you could just scrap the registration thing, maybe Blitz found a way to hack and bypass it even). Also make the crystals able to run out of power and need replacing, hence Blitz keeps stealing them. As a result of this we see Fizz on and off before they finally reconcile. And slowly through their beef we'd uncover what exactly happened at the circus and what they were like as kids.
Then in S2 when IMP starts doing well Verosika hears about it and shows up to ruin Blitz's life and they're both explored before coming to an understanding. We'd get to directly see the aftermath of what Blitz did, and how it put her in rehab, and how she clawed her way out and kept her career going anyway. She'd get to have her life outside of Blitz explored more like Fizz got to have.
Finally, in s3 rather than being an opposition, Blitz wants to save or help Barbie Wire and fix his relationship with his sister. Maybe Barbie was even friends with Verosika in this version so Verosika coming to terms with Blitz sends her spiraling/feels like a betrayal and Blitz becomes determined to make it up with her too so they can all be at ease. Or, maybe not, and instead when the understanding between Verosika and Blitz comes, later she contacts him that she knows Barbie needs help and that maybe Blitz should try reconcile with her too.
I feel you anon about St*las being unnecessary other than for the ship but I do think what we had of him in S1 was very powerful and had a lot of potential. I think a lot of the problem is that hes a side character that wasn't allowed to stay one. And so I raise you this:
St*las still exists in this each-season-focuses-on-an-ex-something-of-Blitz alternate show. But he exists as a side drama and a side character, especially since for S1 he'd be a kind of comparison to the healthy Ozzie/Fizz relationship. Perhaps he even becomes an antagonist especially towards the end. And ultimately they both part ways once Blitz has a legal way of always obtaining a crystal of his own at the end of S1 or start of S2. Sadly that would mean less Octavia and Stella and idk how Striker would then be used exactly but I feel like letting the St*litz ship die would have allowed for it to properly be explored in an interesting way instead of a fetishized sexual extortion way and without needing to make St*las a poor wooby baby. Hell, we could even have a catch up episode to see how the whole family is after St*las moves on.
The 3 side characters from Blitz's past focuses would also be overarching over the season they pertain to, so we'd have time to stop to explore Millie, Moxxie, Loona, side threads etc.
HB consistently has banger side characters. Say what you will about it but so many of its side characters have people in love and hooked. I feel like giving the female ones as well as male ones special focus, and focusing on Blitz's past drama since its so interesting via cool side characters instead of just showing us hints or snippets before jumping back to yet more gross annoying St*litz would be superior.
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tesalicious2 · 2 months
Maintence Clones Headcanons
types of maintenance clones: shuttle (includes fighters and smaller carriers that are on a Venator), starship, armor, artillery
It���s pretty easy to tell what they do but it’s one of the most complex and difficult jobs in the GAR
Shuttle crews work exclusively on shuttles, all day every day
Maintenance includes reloading the weapons, taking apart and cleaning the laser canons/guns, checking the wires for fraying, cleaning the windows, engine repair, etc
Though, deep maintenance such as engine and gun cleaning only happens during transport to other battles as those take a lot of time
Shuttle crews can take apart and put together any ship blindfolded
During quick maintenance, windows are cleaned, systems are given a quick diagnostic check, and guns are checked for debris before they are let loose
These crews can go from 3 (for single fighters like Y wings) to 15 (larger carriers)
Starship maintenance crews are the largest and the most diverse in their jobs
They work in shifts for cleaning as that never truly stops, but otherwise assigned to one area of the ship
Starship category is broken down into subsections: engines, reactors, systems, cannons, general
The engines crew are mostly active on repair trips or leaves. Their job is to make sure the engines work in top shape
This includes checking fuel usage and stuff like that
However it also includes cleaning the engines, hanging from lines at the top and hanging hundreds of feet above the ground
The engines are lined with a coating keeping the metal from melting, this needs to be reapplied every so often so they painstakingly coat the engines from top to bottom
They also have to check the pilot flame that starts the engines by climbing in and cleaning by hand
The engine crews are the most insane and chill, they hang in the air for eight or more hours listening to music or chatting while applying coatings and checking for rust
The reactor crew works just with the reactors that power the engines
While this seems that it should be apart of the engine, it’s best to be kept separate as the job is just as extensive but much more complicated
Reactor crews lift off the metal covering the tech and check every line and wire for fraying or shorting out
The systems crew deals with life support, navigation, and weapons systems
Their job is similar to the reactor crews, checking wires, electrical outputs, things like that
Though unlike reactor crews and engine crews, they don’t stop working while in space
At the end of every 24 hour rotation they go through the navigation systems to fully update the storage chips
If something shorts out or glitches, they are the ones to call, similar to an IT department (just incredibly skilled and specialized)
Cannons crew, while sounding like a simple job, is just as complex as the others
They don’t just deal with the cannons, any weapon attached to the starship is their responsibility
They work at the same time as the engine crews, while the ship is docked and under repair
They take off the barrels, clean and oil them, reattach, and put them back online. Do this more than 100x and you’ve got a canon crew
They also work on the cannons that are in the hangers. Those barrels cannot be detached so they use long cleaning pipes that extend and clear the grooves inside the barrel
To make sure the weapon is clear, they fire a blank under the watch of the artillery crew
The final crew for starships are the general crew
This crew is made up of the engine and cannon crews while in space
They take care of any damage the ship takes while in battle
They check on the water and sewage pipes that run throughout the ship, they keep the halls clean and make sure the overall structure of the ship is able to handle cannons firing, shuttles and fighters mount and going, and people running through the ship without collapsing on itself
The final two maintenance crews are different as they aren’t limited to the starship crew or shuttles but are a mix of both
Armor crews keep the clones armor in top shape and clean, they repair armor and get replacements as needed
They work on HUD and any built in systems of the clone trooper armor
However, they also work on ship armament. If a shuttles armor is severly weakened, they have to fix it (or make it useable until they get to a proper repair dock)
Artillery is similar but more extensive
If it’s fired or needed ammunition, they take care of it
From blaster packs to torpedos, they maintain it and have it in stock
They mostly deal with larger weapons such as the cannons (both on board and those that are to be taken into battle) and the shots for the AT-TE.
Though, many specialize in certain weaponry such as bombs, attached artillery (cannons on AT-TE, shuttles, fighters, and starships), loner (rocket launchers, grenades, blaster packs, and mini guns)
Though these groups are diverse and often work together to fully arm and prepare any one thing.
An AT-TE doesn’t just require torpedos and the like, it’s crew need blasters, they’ll transport rockets to troops
All maintenance are pretty chill dudes and will happily tell you about their job if asked
They don’t take kindly to taunting or degrading and will make your life hell
They wear an outfit similar to the scrapper guild, a base outfit of a clone engineer under suit, then a full body harness (optional), a Kevlar like vest with pockets everywhere and a hood, a poncho for rain, finally a full helmet with a visor for soldering, an air filter (can be mod to a rebreather), and it’s made out of durasteel
Many have an additional tool belt and see on pockets for even more storage
While off duty, they just wear the under suit
They tend to get made fun of a lot because they do keep the ship clean like a janitor most times they are seen
But, if you need a secret hiding hole, a camera blind spot, a quick fix for your stuff, or a place to crash, they’re the ones to go to
Many who work with younger Jedi teach them how to repair their clothing and tech, though they’ve never gotten a look inside the lightsaber (no matter how they’ve tried)
Sometimes they are assigned to mind younglings during off hours or really harsh battle
They have the most free time and
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seat-safety-switch · 9 months
Copper theft is the fastest-growing industry in our country. Whereas before you had to work an entire week of a job you hate, now you can just head to your local substation and grab some wire. Is it live? Maybe. Are you going to be the first person to get there? Statistically, no. Like Dr. Seuss once said: the early bird gets fucking charred, and then the bird who shows up about 15 minutes later and steps through the pre-cut hole in the fence and over the smoking corpse gets $11.63 in copper.
Now, you might think that it is depressing that so many people in our society are driven to destroying parts of the infrastructure in order to survive. And that is true. Even though running from guard dogs is good cardio, the current state of affairs is meeting few of local government's standards for proper functionality. We all pay for the cost of this theft, from elevated taxes to jacked-up power company service fees. The latter is especially tragic, as the amount that the fees are jacked up would otherwise go entirely to executive compensation instead of replacing some Romex.
Me, I'm doing my part. By driving a car that features as little wiring as possible, thieves aren't lured to steal it, and I won't have to buy more copper in order to replace that stolen wire. The planet will be that little bit happier knowing that an open-pit copper mine on the other side of the planet will fill underground aquifers up with horrific man-made solvents slightly slower due to my reduction in demand. And I've made exciting advancements in the field of using old coat hangers to replace some of that copper, too. I'm not gonna pass up a chance to make some extra money, after all, even if I do have to live with extremely dim headlights and wipers that only work on one side. Thieves made it like this, officer. I'm innocent.
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swordmouse · 1 year
Cosplay ear fins tutorial
I made ear fins for an Eridan cosplay, and a lot of people asked how I made them. I haven’t seen anyone else doing the same method I used, so I thought I’d share.
I started out with some wire. I don’t know the exact gauge off the top of my head, but I don’t think it particularly matters as long as it’s thick enough to hold its shape but thin enough to shape with your hands/pliers. Cutting up a sturdy wire coat hanger would probably give you workable material.
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Here are the bases I made. I put some paper over my ears first and sketched a loose outline to get the size I wanted, but I didn’t end up following it too closely. It was mostly a lot of trial and error. I decided on four tines for each ear fin, but you could do a different amount or longer tines if you want. I used round nose and needle nose pliers to shape the wire, but I mostly used my hands and you could probably do this project without pliers if you don’t have them. The ends are curled to avoid stabbing myself in the ear with wire. You want the ear fins to go in front of your ears, and then the wire at the ends loops around the back of your ears to hold them in place. Getting this right took a lot of trying them on and adjusting them, but I eventually got them to where they would stay on without any adhesive but didn’t squeeze my ears too badly.
Next, cut up some old pantyhose/tights to get nylon material. You don't need too much material for this, so sock-style pantyhose would be enough. I happened to have some old tights with holes in them so I just cut out some non-holey pieces. I used black tights since it was the closest I had to gray. You’ll color over these later, but try to get a base shade as close to your desired ear color as possible to make things easier later on. I wouldn’t recommend buying new tights in the exact color you want since that’s expensive and wasteful, so you’ll probably be choosing between black, beige, and maybe white, but just keep in mind that you’ll have to color over it and the coloring method isn't completely opaque. Like, don't use black tights if you want white ears.
Stretch the nylon over the wire bases. I used a roughly square piece of nylon for each ear and folded it in half, then scrunched the excess to pull it tight and used binder clips to hold the material in place. Then use a thread in the color you want the ears to be and sew along the whole open edge of the nylon, anchoring it to the wire frame as shown below. Keep the nylon stretched tight over the tines while sewing so it has those divots in between tines. Cut off excess material and sew the raw edges down.
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Try the ears on again and adjust as needed.
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Paint the fabric with Mod Podge (I used matte but I think other finishes would work too.) Take extra care to spread the Mod Podge around the sewn edges to really glue things in place. Wait for the Mod Podge to dry on the nylon. This creates a hard, chalkboard-like surface that you can color on, but keeps some of the transparency of the nylon. I used a combination of chalk, pastels, and eyeshadow powder to color the ears. If you’re going for ears that match your skin tone, foundation powder would probably work. I was just using whatever art supplies I had around, but any powdery pigment should do the job.
I started with white chalk all over the surface to lighten the black color into grey. Then I used white pastel to make highlight lines on the top of each tine and black pastel to make shadow lines below each tine. This added some definition and made the tines look more three dimensional. I filled the spaces between tines with some purple pastel, which I blended into the grey shade with my finger. I then put a layer of shimmery purple eyeshadow over it to give it a nice sheen.
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Once you’re done coloring the ears, seal the whole thing with some hairspray and you’re ready to go! You could probably also add some earrings to them if that’s the look you’re going for.
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Here’s my final result! I was able to wear a mask with them and they were relatively comfortable to wear all day. Let me know if you have any questions and if you try this tutorial, definitely send me pictures of the results!
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