#wizard isnt really about being open with their magic- not for a long time
alongwalkhomecomic · 4 months
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fanficwritinggirl · 3 years
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This is due to the fact that when i was 14 years old i met Bill Weasley. And when i mean i met him i mean we were only introduced to each other. I was spending the summer at the Weasleys which i did every summer since i started Hogwarts. And this was the one time that Bill Weasley decided that he was going to come and spend a few days with his family and this was when i first met him.
I must admit that seeing him for the first time was like something out of a romance movie or novel. Like time litrally stopped. I remember looking at him and thinking that he was the most beautiful man that i had ever seen. He gave his family a cheerful good morning and kissed his mother on the cheek and then sat down opposite to me. I remember our eyes meeting and he smiled at me and offered his hand to me. "Bill Weasley nice to meet you. You must be Y/N L/N" he introduced. And he said it in the most sweetest way that it made me swoon. I gave him a small smile and a nod and he left it at that. I sat there listening to him talk about his work. And the passion that was in his voice when he spoke of it made me fall for him. I know that it is cleche but that is the only way that i can describe it. I had never met someone as amazing as Bill Weasley and i never shall as i declare that he is the most amazing person that i have ever met. And that might just be my dumb teenage mind but he is in all honsetly as passionate, beautiful individual.
2 years after the battle of Hogwarts i was now 19 years old and you could say that a lot of things had changed since then. Well for a start Ron and Hermione are together. Harry and Ginny are together. And our poor Fred was sadly killed in the battle to sum it up. The dynamic that had taken place in the Weasley house was never the same after the death of Fred. And i wouldnt expect anything less. I miss what the twins had. The pranks that they pulled. I feel as though the light had gone out. That the magic that once filled the home will never be whole again. And that broke my heart. But i am 19 now. An adult and i have to face the fact that life isnt full of happiness and that this was one of the many hard things that i was going to have to face.
Me and Ron sat  in the sitting room of the weasley home playing an intense game of Wizards Chess. And once again i was losing. Ron was still the best chess player that i knew even 8 years later. I groan as Ron beats me once again. "Seriously Ron you have to at least give me a chance to win" i whine. He laughs. "Well maybe if you would practice more you might stand a chance of beating me" he boasts and i gasp. "Ronald Weasley dont be such a cocky git" i say as i hit him in the arm and he laughs at me as i sulk.
"What are you doing now Ron" Hermione asks as she walks in. Ron giggles. "She is sulking because i beat her again at Wizards Chess" he tells her. Hermione shakes her head and kisses his forehead. "Im sorry to tell you this Y/N but i dont think that you are ever going to beat him. Trust me i dont like to increase his ego but he is the best chess player and we both know that" she says sympathetically and i groan again and stand up. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We know" i joke and we all laugh.
"Its lovely to see some laughing in here" a voice says and we turn and see Bill Weasley standing at the edge of the sitting room. I freeze not expecting Bill to be here. "Bill what are you doing here" Ron says happily as he stands up and goes to hug his brother. "Decided that i would stay a few days and grace you all with my presence" he states as he hugs Ron. I look at Bill and can see the bags that are under his eyes. Which honestly he looks better then what i expected to look like after everything that he had been through.
Not long after the battle of Hogwarts. Bill and his wife Fleaur divorced. I guess you could say that with the PTSD and the loss of Fred took a toll on their marriage and it inevetable ended in Fleaur leaving on morning and never coming back and a few weeks later divorce papers showed up at shell cottage and then Bill knew that his marriage was over. After signing the divorce papers he moved back in with the weasleys for a few months getting affairs in order and deciding what was the next move which for him was buying an apartment in the city so that he was closer to work and from what i had been told by the rest of the Weasleys his life had been work ever since. It was heartbreaking to see a man that was once so passionate about his work loose that spark because of a broken heart. I had seen him briefly a few months back when i was at diagon alley at the bank and i must admit he looked better now than he did then.
Bill pulls back from Ron and smiles at me and Hermione. "Its nice seeing you two again. Im sorry i havent been around much work and all" he apoligies and me and hermione shake our heads. "Bill dont worry about it. Works work. Your here now" Hermione says kindly. He grins at us. "Thank you that is really nice of you. I just wanted to come and see you all before i go and see Mum. You know her she is going to keep me stuck in converstation all night at this point" he jokes and we all laugh at that. Very well knowing what Molly Weasley was like. "Go on Bill go and see her now if you want to get to bed at a decent hour" Ron says giving him a pat on the back. Bill shakes his head with a grin on his face and heads off upstairs towards. My mind was racing now. Because all i could think about was the fact that the feelings that i had bedded deep down about Bill Weasley were now coming to the surface.
Which a few days later made me completely and utterly scrood. It started with just little things between me and Bill. One morning Molly asked us to wash the dishes and it was just our hands touching that i could feel the sparks that people talk about. All of us playing a game of ball and him moving the hair from the side of my face and staring into my eyes. Him opening the door for me with a smile. It was things like this that made me relise that i was hopelessly in love with Bill Weasley and i could be. He was one of my best friends brothers and that meant that it was a big no no in the eyes of my friendship with Ron which meant that i was going to have to keep my distance.
I was standing at the sink as i was washing the dishes which was something that i offered to always do as a way of helping Molly out which i didnt mind. I loved the view that the kitchen gave me. Right out onto the garden were Ron, George and Bill were currently messing around in the garden together. Casting funny spells on each other and the laughs that was coming from them was bittersweet as there was one Weasley that would have been there. And yes im talking about Fred. And obviously Percy is another weasley sibling which i must admit that after the battle he has tried more with the family but he is still the outsider in a way. I dont know much about Percy and i dont really want to know him all to well.
But back to the view. I loved looking at Bill mess around with his brothers. There was a look of happiness the old Bill in his eyes which i know that we have all missed. The Bill that i remember falling for when i was 14. But this Bill there was so much more to him and that made me more intregued.
"So which one of my brothers are you looking at and please tell me it is not Ron" a voice asks from behind me. I come out of my daze and turn and see Ginny standing behind me. I look at her shocked before shaking my head. "Why would i be staring at Ron Ginny" i ask her confused. She sighs. "Good that is the answer that i wanted now that means that there are only 2 of my brothers that you could have been staring at. Now is it my brother George who is a hilarious guy even though he isnt much anymore but still can be. And can make any girl fall with his jokes. Or is it my eldest brother Bill. Who is passionate, determined and someone who you have been in love with since you were 14. Now let me see ene meany miney..." she says but i cut her off.
"Ginny! Stop okay i know that you know" i burst and she smirks at me. "Of course i know. I know everything. And just to let you know i think you should go for it" she expalins to me with a smirk. I just looks at her and groan. "Ginny he was barley been divorced a year yet alone ready for anew relationship and anyway what about the age difference" i try to excuse so that she would stop talking about it. She shakes me head and me. "No no no. Dont start trying to feed me all of this age difference bs. Come on like 10 years isnt that bad. Like i mean there are people who get married to others who are like 40 years older than them. Which makes you and Bill normal" she trys to persuade me. I sigh and shake my head. "Like i said Ginny he and Fleaur have barely been split up a year. And anyway he probarbly doesnt look at me like that" i doubt and go back to washing the dishes.
"Look Y/N. I know how you feel i thought Harry thought the same thing about me but hey look at us now. We might think one way about something but you know we may be wrong. And i can see the way that you and Bill are together. The way that you two move around each other its like a dance. Its like you two are meant to move together. That you are meant to be together. And i believe in soulmates and i know that you two are. I never got any of this off of Bill and Fleaur. The connection but i do now. And im telling you to go for it. Trust me" she explains. I look at her shocked. Trying to take everything in. She gives me a smile knowing that i am going to think about it. Once she leaves a bend myself over the sink with both elbows on either side of it and put my head in my hands and sigh. This is just making things harder.
Later that night i lie in bed not being able to sleep. What Ginny had said to me had got me fucked up in the way that now i cant decide what to do. I get out of bed after trying for way to long to get to sleep and head down to the kitchen to get myself some milk to help me go to sleep. I walk down there and grab some milk from the fridge and pour some in a pot to put over the stove.
"Y/N" a voice asks and i turn around and see Bill standing there looking at me with sleepy eyes. "Sorry if i woke you"i apoligise. He shakes his head and walks further into the kitchen. "You didnt i was up doing some work" he informs me and i enternally groan. He needs to stop working so much. "Well anyway then. Sorry for disturbing you. Can i offer you a mug of warm milk i heard that it helps on feel more relaxed. Or at least it did when i was a child" i say and he laughs and nods his head. "Yes please but i have a little bit of a request on how to make it better" he says as he walks to the pantree and i pour some milk into some mugs. He comes back out and has some cinnamon in his hand and sprinkles it on the top of the milk. "Mum used to do this when we are little. It just made the drink feel more at home" he says. He turns his head up and looks at me straight in the eyes. And once again there it was. The spark. The connection that i felt was there. To my dissapointment he pulls back and looks at me with intent smile.
"Why dont you try it" he says to me referring to the milk. I break out of the trance that i was in and take a sip of the milk. And he was right. The drink tasted more of home. And now all i could think about when i thought of the milk was him. I see him take a drink of his milk before our eyes meet again. He moves the milk away from his lips and puts it on the counter. He moves closer to me and before i know what is happening his lips are on mine. And a zoo erupts in my stomach. I put my own milk down and wrap my arms around his neck as he deepens it. Devoruing my lips and feeling every part of my body. He moves his hands down to my ass and grabs it pulling me up into his arms before setting me down on the counter.
My breathes are heavy. It is so hard to breathe when i am so intoxicated with him. The feeling of him of my skin. The burning that i feel in my core. This man was a drug. He pulls aways and looks at me. He smirks when he sees me so out of breathe. He moves a part of my C/H out of my face and looks deep in my eyes.
"I have wanted to do that for some long you dont understand. From the first time that i saw you the other day. I knew that you were something else. Something about you was causing me to feel something that i have never felt before and i know now that is because you are my drug Y/N. Your my drug and i hope that i am yours" he asks me. All i can do is nod my head. "Your my drug Bill. And i want all of you" i tell him and once again i am being devoured by him. He lifts me up once again and lifts me upstairs to his room and you can fill in the rest.
The next morning i wake up with Bill lying naked next to me on his back with him slightly snorning next to me. I giggle and turn and stroke his cheek and also planting a kiss. His hands moves up and holds mine and he smiles. "Morning" he says and i smile. "Morning" i say as he kisses me. I sigh. He is my drug. He pulls me closer and groans. "We are going to have to tell them arent we" he asks. I nod as i curl into him. "Yeah we are but i have a feeling that they already know" i inform him and he looks at me confused. "And how would they know" he asks me cheekely. "Well i have a feeling that we may have not been that quiet last night" i say mischeviously. He smirks and leans closer. "I believe that you are correct on that but i would say that it was mostly you calling my name that they heard" he whispers in my ear and i moan. He flips us over and pins my hands over my head. "And i think that for you being a naughty girl and not being quiet last night i might need to punish you" he purrs. The feeling of my core heats up once again. "And how might you do that William" i ask him. I slowly feel him slide his hand down to my pussy and put a finger in and i groan. "I have a few ideas" he says before taking me.
You could say that we were correct. When we walked down the stairs everyone was looking at us. Molly and Arthur looked a little unconfertable. Which i dont blame them. I dont think they preferably wanted to hear their son having sex. Hermione, Ron, Harry and George looked completely shocked and Ginny of course was sitting there with a smug look on her face. Bill sighs. "Ok i know that most of you are shocked right now and i understand that completely. And im sorry that you had to hear that last night. But i just want to let you know that i love Y/N. I love her and some of you might think that it is a bit early after the divorce and all but i know its now. I know that what we feel for each other is stronger than anything that i have ever felt and that will never change. So all i ask is for you please just be happy for us" Bill exclaims. They all just blink at us before Ron is the first to speak.
"Can i just asks. From how hard your bed was going against the wall im surprised that you are even walking Y/N" he jokes. Molly wacks him around the head. "Ronald Weasley" she exclaims and we all laugh. We know that they accept us and Bill kisses my head before we head to the table. We recive some awkward hugs and pats on the back which was expected but at the end of the day i have Bill and Bill has me.
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jelloopy · 4 years
Murder on The Rockport Limited Notes
Previous: Character Creation, HtbG, Moonlighting
Ch 1
Robbie is a halfling who is pretty shitty but he’s good at making “potions” (Robbie is the roommate that everyone really hates but doesn’t want him to leave because he is their plug)
Taako is on the top bunk, Magnus is under Taako, Robbie is next to Taako and Merle is under Robbie
They are woken up at 3 am to report to Lucretia (3 am really?)
”Yeah it’s like Mario Mario or Luigi Mario” ~Griffin (This is so funny because this actually proves that Taako’s last name really is Taaco. Before Justin played it as a joke but this kinda derails that)
Robbie asks them for Pringles when they leave (Thus the beginning of me and the boys not remembering him by anything other than Pringles)
They arrive in their PJs (Taako is in footie pajamas and Merle’s has a flap in at the butt with a Kenny Chesney tattoo on his ass) (When the hell did Merle get that tattoo. Also, why is Lucretia in her full BoB garb right now? Was she asleep and get changed really quickly? Do her robes double as PJ’s? Did she just not go to sleep?)
Taako says he gets night terrors that’s why he’s in like a full-body Onesie/sleeping bag (That is so fricking sad if you think about his backstory later on…)
Magnus just starts changing clothing right then and there when Lucretia tells them that they don’t have time to get ready (This man really has no shame or boundaries. I imagine it was the same in the century tbh)
Leimann Kessler (half-elf man) was murdered before he was even on the train but was able to secure the Relic on the train (Personally, don’t know a lot about how trains work but this to me is kinda odd. Who knew he died? Do their bracers know when the wearer perishes? Is there like a body temp check and a pulse check in there too? We know that it can track them but… how much more can it do…)
All the relics come from a different school of magic. They were never in the hands of someone long enough to learn what they are capable of (Potentially this is a lie. We would have already known the names, schools of magic, and possibly what they could do based upon that alone. I bet Lucretia is hiding that info in her office)
The Gauntlet deals with Evocation magic (Hmmm, I can only imagine why. Maybe because Lup also worked in Evocation magic?)
Avi is manning the cannon! The whole scene with Magnus High as hell. Avi Never learned how to Wink (Avi you’re adorable I love you. Magnus. Get your shit together man.)
Taako pulls the lever too early and they change trajectory into a swamp
Leech fight! (I honest to god forgot this even happened before listening to it again. Not my fave fight)
Ch 2
Merle gets a lot of blood sucked from him by the leeches
Merle is completely submerged in the swamp and Magnus pulls his ass out (Why is it always Merle)
”Scientists have yet to agree” ~Griffin (I personally use this phrase all the time. It just makes me laugh so hard every time.)
Taako can levitate (I really wished he used this more ngl. I would also like to see some more fanart of this)
They are in Rockport! Covered in swamp shit!
Tom Beaudette! We see his house and they get hosed off then they see him at the ticket station again. (What a nice guy!)
Leimann, Diddly, and Justin Kessler (10/10 best alias’ ever)
Taako Charms Tom (It’s a nice go-to huh?)
Merle really wants to murder tom he wanted him to step in front on the train (Merle really is the one who goes straight for murder)
Ch 3
Hudson, Jess the Beheader, Graham Juicy Wizard, ANGUSSSSSSSS, and Jenkins McShittywizard (My favorite train gang!)
Travis making fun of Griffin for how he needs to sleep with 100000000 pillows (I cherish all of these out of character bits where they really just dog on one another)
Angus, my sweet summer child don’t talk to strangers. We know your grandfather’s name was long forgotten even though you’re going to visit him in Never Winter.
The boys legit think Angus is evil and Griffin yells at them bc they are being racist. (1- how are they being legit racist? You haven’t introduced anything about Angus’ race at all?) (2- Jesus he is only 10 years old my dudes)
Graham is 36 years young and is crazy obsessed with trains and his real name is Percy? He is shadowing Jenkins in hopes of learning more about working on a train
Taako from TV! (And so his legend begins!)
Ch 4
Jenkins is harnessing a limited version of teleportation magic
Angus calling the boys out on their bullshit
Taako calling Angus “pumpkin” (Literally melts my heart. I wish someone called me cute nicknames. Also, Taako hasn’t even talked to this kid that much and that name is reoccurring)
Angus has a nondescript blue book that is able to intercept messages sent through magical means (Where did this child get this book and who let him keep it? This is legit just like letting children under 13 have access to the unrestricted internet. It’s literal Hell)
The bit with Angus and “PRYING EYES AND EARS!” (uh foreshadowing my guy)
They find “Jenkins” Dead body after hearing Graham scream
Merle is able to identify a lot of things by looking at the body (It still scares me that he is technically a Physician.)
Angus pulls a small CROSSBOW OUT OF HIS SLEEVE? (Where did he get this, how did he keep it from Hudson, Why the fuck does he have it)
Angus really said “you guys run I’ll get rid of him!” and grabs Graham and runs (How strong is this child. He’s legit lifting and pulling a grown-ass man without help)
”I’m following Angus I’ll see yall in hell!” ~Taako (Yes follow the badass 10-year old please)
”I wanna tell you about the time about this time there were three ogres…”~Taako
The Foley work bit and then Griffin just snapping “The train derails and you all die” (Another out of character goof that I cherish)
”I shit and take 14 damage” ~Griffin (are you okay? How much health do you have? What’s your max HP dude?)
Taako makes the Crab monster Levitate
Magnus punched the crab monster out of the window and it got scrapped up on the side of the train
Ch 5
They follow the Crab into their sleeper car and Magnus attacks with a chair and Griffin says “I imagine because you are so skilled at carpentry that you’ve had to attack someone with a chair before so you are in fact proficient in this attack”
Jess comes in and finishes the crab off with her Soul bound ax that she can conjure at any time (This legit just means that Jenkins did not need to carry her ax to the crypt safe. She let him do it for shits n giggles. We stan)
Jess got her last name legally changed to “Beheader” and Magnus says that he got his legally changed to “The Hammer” (Really Magnus… this isnt 3rd grade stop trying to impress her. It’s that or it could be another sad reference to “Hammer and Tongs” which would mean Julia was “Tongs” D: that is so depressing and cute)
Magnus and Merle are making good progress in solving the murder
”Alright lads” “oh fuck” When Merle keeps up his disguise as Leimann Kessler (It’s so funny because his fake Leimann Kessler is just his current Argonaut Keen.)
”I cast ZONE OF TRUTH” “Jesus you’re like a zone of truth cleric” (Oh honey. This is just the beginning)
Magnus wakes Graham up with a 5% smack with his left hand and then a 6.5% smack also with his left hand (Wtf is this BNHA? Alright Deku)
Taako is an Alcoholic? (He keeps asking for a drink ...This is a bit concerning but it makes sense)
Magnus slaps Graham again with 7.2% and he popped something in Graham’s jaw and he begins screaming but Merle heals him (OKAY DEKU COOL IT MY GUY)
”I wanna be a guy... with a head!” ~” Hudson” (hehe foreshadowing)
SCUTTLE BUDDY!!!!! (A short but adorable life you have my Lil man)
Ch 6
The “fisticuffs” scene with Taako and Angus (Now this is really concerning considering his backstory. I know it’s a joke because of how many people they accidentally kill all the time but like dude… little do you know…)
Angus leading them through the mystery is so cute. But also you know its Griffin trying to get his family to really think it through and I love it. (It really makes my heart really full to hear Griffin get really excited when they figure it out slowly instead of mocking them when they guess wrong)
MERLE YES! MAGNUS YES! YOU’RE GETTING IT! YOU’RE SO CLOSE! (Teamwork makes the dream work baby!)
Magnus jumps out of the train and Griffin gets really serious and gives him the “if you fail this you will actually die” speech (This coupled with the fight scene that Magnus accidentally skipped and the fact that originally Travis did want Magnus to die so he could re-roll a rogue is so wild)
Magnus is gonna become a wrecking ball Jesus (very Magnus-core)
Hell yeah, Magnus! Knock the meat monster into Jenkins!!
Magnus gets hit for 10 points at 1hp and paries it for 10 points! (Top ten anime near-death experiences)
Jenkins threatens to kill the meat monster. Horribly misses then is thrown off the fucking train by the meat monster (Get fucked wrecked Jenkins that’s what you get for being cocky!)
Ch 7
They find the dousing rod compass that Jenkins was using and find the monocle (Pirates of the Caribbean much?)
Taako grabs The Oculus because he has escaped the thrall of a relic before
It tells him that it can make anything he can imagine (This is really interesting tbh)
The Umbrastaff eATS JENKINS WAND!!! and a Lil sigil appears on the handle of the staff that also looks like an umbrella (Lup gets fed lmao. Don’t really understand the Sigil appearing tho. It doesn’t come up any other time I don’t think so it’s cool)
Taako grabs the teleport wand thing and asks everyone to leave and he grabs a bunch of shit from the Cryptsafe pile (Very Taako-core)
They make it to the engineer’s room and Graham tries to slow the train down but he can’t
Taako wanted to open the gate to Never Winter to Phandalin but they change it to Jenkins’ garden because it needs to be a room with “one entrance” (Solid idea on Taako’s part. If it were to work no one would have been hurt)
Taako pushed Angus off the train and he looses two teeth (This man pushed a whole child off the train… ‘Ight)
Magnus dies by jumping off the train (Top ten anime death scenes)
Taako successfully opens the gate into Jenkin’s garden and the train crashes into the garden
Magnus is stabilized by Merle (Awe so the Cleric can do his job!)
Angus gives them pringles for Robbie and the compass. Taako gives Angus one of the forks from his grandfather’s set.
They go to a nearby Never Winter Clinic to get patched up
Out of character, they choose to work on voices and Griffin calls them out bc he’s been doing 8 “different” voices and Clint goes “Yeah try doing that for 40 years” get fuckin rOASTED Ditto! (Also Griffin I love you but like 3 of the voices were the exact same and 2 were so similar it wasn’t funny. Don’t get me wrong different voices aren’t my strong suit either but ya did give it your best shot so.)
We goin’ back to the moon baby!
AVI MY MAIN MAN! (I will forever and always want and need more Avi screen time)
The oculus works with illusory magic (Which is very interesting bc I know it was made by Davenport because he also worked in allusory magic but I don’t ever remember him using any magic… who knows maybe he has and I just never realized)
Lucretia thought they were gonna get it off the train before it left... woman… (You’ve known these men for how long and you thought they were gonna w h a t?)
Next: Lunar Interlude I, 
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rosa-berberifolia · 4 years
The Long Haul|LOTR x Reader|Eomer x Reader - Part 1
A/N: Part 1 ... 4 I think. This is my first time writing Lord of The Rings I think. Please be kind. Italics are memories or flashbacks. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not that familiar with the books. So if something isnt canon, sorry. But its just a story guys. Make like Elsa and Let It Go.
Warnings: mentions of injury and blood, black magic, probably some language, witch reader
Word Count: 1550ish
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You were looking for anything edible left in the general vicinity of where you had made your encampment for the time being. You could have conjured up some food for yourself, but that was time consuming if you wanted anything to have any flavor. So you opted to scour the area for something that was left over from the last spell. 
It was upon your hands and knees in the forests of Fangorn that you noticed the blood that had been trickled onto the shrubbery. You gasped quietly to yourself. Alarm filled your body. It made your spine tingle. Fear ripped through you in an instant and all measure of safety that you had previously felt about your new location had been thrown away.
You looked around the battlefield and something in you changed. Nearly a hundred men, women, and children were strewn about the dirt, dead and bloodied. Why were you doing this? Did nobody else think that this was terrible? This was really the only thing you knew being the daughter of the Witch King of Angmar. Death and blood and destruction.
You were lost in the sight of a young boy, maybe three or four, face down in the ground next to his mother and father. It was then that you decided that this was a horrible, evil way to be. And you would have none of it anymore. In broad daylight, when your father and his minions were having their rest, you cast the most powerful concealment incantation you could, and you left.
You moved around frequently, never staying anywhere for more than a few days. In this lifestyle you found that you ran into the same person rather frequently. A young man named Aragorn. He taught you how to be kind. What loyalty and friendship were. He taught you some light magics that he had learned from the elves. In time, he took you to Rivendell where you became acquainted with Lord Elrond. Even becoming a member of his council in troubling times. Thanks to Aragorn, you had friends, and you knew love.
You dabbed the blood with your finger, sniffed it, and then tasted it on your tongue. You were relieved to learn that it was not the blood of any fell creature that might have been tracking you. Instead, you could tell right away that his was the blood of a man.
You shot up from the ground and followed the blood, looking for whoever was wounded. You came across a body clad in armor laying on the forest floor. You quietly walked up to them. Their face was covered  by long blonde hair that hung over their face, but you could still make out that their eyes were closed. You crouched in front of them and tried to shake them awake but to no avail. You brushed the hair way from his face and you were pleasantly surprised by his handsome features. Inspecting his body for the source of the wound, you found an arrow in his side that was to the ground. Checking for a heartbeat you turned him onto his back, and were relieved again when you found his pulse. You knew that if you were to remove the arrow and not be able to stop the bleeding he would die. And you wouldn’t be able to stop the bleeding without using black magic without your supplies back at your camp.
“Tensorva tsette risil.”[1] you muttered and then the body levitated a foot or so off of the ground. Just high enough that you could push him through the forest to where your camp was set up.
Letting the man down onto your makeshift bed, you were able to remove his armor and tunic and then start to work getting together the instruments you would need to heal him quickly enough.
You found the light of Nestando, which was given to you as a gift from Celeborn and Galadriel. That, with the book of incantations that you had filled with everything that Aragorn and Lord Elrond had taught you, you were ready to pull out the man’s arrow from him side. 
You held the light to his wound, pulled out the arrow, and then immediately said, “Calanin cannye pustallo serceya.”[2] Chanting the same incantation over and over until the light from Nestando shone and the open wound on the man’s side stopped oozing. “Nestando, a mairecca.”[3] You asked the light, and slowly, almost unnoticeably, the wound started to get smaller.
After you were sure that the man did not need anymore magical attention, you set to work cleaning him up.
The man woke with a start. It made you jump a little as you sat in front of the pot that hung over the fire. You just shook your head and continued stirring the contents of the pot. You were able to look to the left and watch everything that the man was doing. He frantically felt around his abdomen, no doubt looking for the wound he remembered getting. When he noticed the tensor wrapped around his waist he looked up and judged his surroundings.His weapons and armor were on the ground across the camp. He eyed you warily and you him.
“Who are you?” He spoke with harsh authority. You couldn’t help the little smirk that started on your face at his false control he tried to have over the situation.
“My name is Y/n.” You told him going back to the pot over the fire.
“You healed me?” He asked bluntly again. You just nodded. “Why?” he asked in a short manner. You sighed and poured some of the pot’s liquid into a small bowl, stood up and looked at him, face listless.
“Did you want to die?” You asked matter of factly. “I could just kill you if you wish it.” Then you made your way over to the cot he was laying on and handed him the bowl.
“What is this? Poison?” He glared at you.
“Butternut squash soup. But I can put together some poison if you’d prefer.”
The man sighed, and looked at the ground as though he were ashamed of himself. Looking back up at you, he took the bowl from you. His voice was softer when he spoke, “No. Thank you for the soup. And for healing me. I am afraid I have been rude to my savior.”
You smiled at him. “Yeah, but that’s okay. I get it.” You went back to the pot and poured yourself a bowl.
“I am Eomer...of Rohan.” He said. You looked back at him and nodded your greeting. He nodded back to you, and then you sat and silently ate your soup.
“Will I find you here again?” Eomer asked you as he loaded up the provisions you had given him to make it back home.
“Probably not.” You informed him. “I move around a lot.”
“What if I want to find you again?” He looked almost worried. It took you by surprise. You had never been accountable to someone other than your father. The fact that his nice man wanted to see you again was almost startling. It took you a second to find yourself. But you ended up shrugging and shaking your head.
“I’ll find you.” You said.
Eomer smiled and turned to you fully. He put a gentle hand on your cheek, running his thumb along the skin there. You pulled back a bit. No one had ever touched you like that before. Not even your father. Before Aragorn, the only time someone had ever touched you was to hit you. Sometimes Aragorn would put a hand on your shoulder. You have since shaken the hand of many men, women, and elves. Even a wizard once. But nothing had ever been as affectionate as this.
“Thank you.” Eomer said, looking deeply into your eyes. You looked back, seeing a sort of revelry in his. You were so enthralled in him that you had no time to react when he leaned down and placed a small, but meaningful kiss to your lips. Your eyes shot open, but you didn’t move. After a moment he pulled away and rest his forehead against yours. And after another moment of that he pulled away entirely and started backwards, giving you a tip of his head to say goodbye. You replied in kind and watched him as he turned and started on his journey home.
“Eaya varna.”[4] You whispered, genuinely sad to see him go.
The walk back to your camp was lonely. You held your arms around your sides as you walked. You were physically alright, but you still felt as though a void was growing in your body. You were almost so enraptured by the loss you were feeling that you hadn’t noticed the stag in your camp, clicking away at you.
“Gwest.”[5] You greeted the stag putting your hand out for it as slowly walked towards it. It clicked at you and let you come to him. 
“Man nalye?”[6] You asked his identity, “Manan nalye hi?”[7] And then his purpose here. You closed your eyes and took in his clicks, listening intently, trying to understand him.
“Mentava Elrond.”[8] You heard a low voice in your head. You nodded your thanks to the stag, and then it meandered away. You immediately turned and packed up everything in your camp, stashing it all away in an enchanted bag before heading off to Rivendell to see what Elrond needed of you.
Rough translations guys. Gimme a break.
[1] Tensor’s floating disc.
[2] My light, stop his bleeding
[3] Nestando, do your work
[4] Be safe
[5] Greetings
[6] Who are you?
[7] Why are you here?
[8] Message from Elrond
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dragonastra · 4 years
1-100 on the DnD questions, for Deah >:3
Wow you're sure as hell fishing to kill me huh xD
I'll answer these under a read more cuz FUCK. I'll also try to keep it spoiler free -- I may mention stuff that hasn't come up in game but it would be stuff that might not ever come up explicitly anyway. Everything else has either been said or can be gleaned.
If your character wasn’t an adventurer, what livelihood would they lead Probably what she had been doing -- being a pirate
Who in the party would your character trust the most with their life Probably Maddie and/or Gael. Maddie is a divine soul sorcerer and probably the one Deah is closest to. Gael is our barbarian/paladin who is probably the emotional backbone of the group? He is very earnest and genuine, and also hits like a brick house.
What are your character’s core moral beliefs? [Brushes off notes I made like a year ago] Promises must be kept, and debts one day fulfilled. Clean up the messes you made. Family is more important than self. Survival means not letting the past define you. (Not all morals but those are her ideals)
What relationship does your character have with their parents and siblings? She has a twin brother, whom she would die for. Their relationship used to be solid, but theyve currently broken apart somewhat due to lies and building tension, and the brother needing to go his own way. She is still very broken up about it. Her parents are both dead, and she has not spoken of much closeness there, but describes them as "they tried their best." Her pirate captain was basically a surrogate father for her teenage years and onward until their separation, and she... misses him.
Does your character have any biases for or against certain races? Not really. She probably doesnt trust ratfolk based on where she grew up, but beyond that? If you're good, you're good.
What is your character’s opinion on nobility? On authority? (: fuck em. She is... shall we say... less inclined to help rich people.
Describe your character’s current appearance: clothes, armor, scars they’ve picked up along the journey, etc. She's grown out her undercut so she has an asymmetrical style, one side of her head buzzed. She is still wearing her bright red pirate coat, but now wears a dark brown vest with purple accents underneath, as well as a long black sleeve to cover magical scars she received when she accepted a warlock pact with the hunter god. Also covering her scars is a gauntlet made by Maddie, so that they can't be detected by Detect Good and Evil and such.
What location encountered in the campaign has your character felt the most “at home” in, or just generally liked the most? Sometimes she still thinks about that nap she had on the beach at a random island they had stopped at to restock on food.
What deity, if any, does your character worship? What’s their opinion on other people’s worship? As i mentioned, she has a pact with the hunter god, Erastil. She does not worship him. In fact, she rather doesnt like gods much. She doesnt really understand other worshippers, but if they're not hurting anyone with it she doesn't really care. Their worship doesnt affect her.
If your character had time to pick up any artisan’s tools, game set, instrument, etc., what would it be? Let's get this binch some navigator's tools finally!
Describe your character’s current relationship with the player character sitting to your right. We are entirely online so we don't really have table seating. Based on the order of our nicknames in discord though, that would be... Haru, our new kitsune Oracle who joined us to fill a gap while some other players went on hiatus. Deah is uncertain about him, and she is generally pretty wary about strangers in her party, but he is useful. Their relationship is not deep by any means tbh.
What is your character’s current goal, summed up in one sentence? Stop the lord of the sea, and stop Aleksander.
Does your character ever want to “settle down” with a spouse, children, house, etc.? ;) you'll have to ask her
Has your character ever been in love? Before the campaign, certainly not. She's hella ace, and doesn't open up easily, so she's got some confusing feelings right now for Maddie ;)
What battle in the campaign has been most memorable to your character The battle against Tokt, since this was the battle that she was able to help save a person from being possessed by a demon -- something she figured out beforehand and convinced her team about.
If your character wasn’t whatever class they are, what would they be instead? I mean... probably a fighter???? Or maybe a full warlock, if she was desperate enough.
What is your character’s favorite season? Probably the fall? Sailing is usually good during that time, plus the harvest is coming in on land, so there's a lot of fresh food.
What would your character’s Zodiac sign be, following stereotypical astrology? She would be an Aries based on her birthday! Our homebrew world just uses "Season Day" as time markers, with 90 days each season. She was born on Spring 12, which would translate to the first week of April.
Where in the world does your character most want to visit? She's been all over as an adventurer and a sailor. The place she'd like to visit the most is one she doesn't know about -- somewhere important to her old captain.
What is the biggest mistake your character has ever made? Deah would maybe even say joining the pirates. It was the happiest she'd ever been, but it led her brother to a path he regrets and feels pain over, and she feels a... bit guilty about that.
Does your character have any noticeable scars? If so, what are their stories? The only scars she has are from her pact to Erastil. She hides them, though. She's not ashamed of them, but she likes to keep them to herself... she's private like that.
What animal best represents your character? I always liken her to a hawk, especially a sea hawk. In some ways she’s like a cobra or a porcupine too -- kind of hard to get close to!
If your character could go back in time and change one thing about their life, what would it be? 😬
Which other player character does your character find themselves having the most in common with? I don't know about most in common, really, but she gets along easiest with Ro, our halfling. Their banter is 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻. Honestly though? She probably has the most in common with Mercy, our tiefling fighter/paladin.
Does your character regret any particular choice the party has made? She probably regrets the party not staying behind in a certain town after a powerful enemy escaped. They thought the immediate threat had been dealt with and that another team from their guild could keep watch over the town, but then that team got surprised by an undead and two of them died. She feels at least partially responsible for that.
What would your character say their best trait would be? Her ability to perceive and track things. She has the observant feat plus the invocation that lets her see through even magical darkness!
What is your character’s greatest fear? Deep, irrational? Being abandoned.
What is currently motivating your character to stay with the party? No where else to go, really. Like, sure, she likes at least most of them and they've been through a lot!!! And she DOES you know, feel like this is a stable job, and she does feel good helping people. But... she really does have no where else to go. :(
What are your character’s hobbies and interests outside of their class? She does enjoy reading, though she's a little slow. Her favorite books are detective/mystery novels! She also sometimes likes to practice magic tricks (like... sleight of hand stuff). And technically this isnt outside of her class, but she really does enjoy training. Let's her burn off steam.
What would most people think when they first see your character? Pretty little waif, but that resting bitch face looks like she will cut me of I even say hello (this is by design).
What stereotypical group role does your character play in the party? (The Mom, the Mess, the Comic Relief, etc. Optionally: What role would your character play in the “Five Man Band” structure?) [Googles five man band] probably Lancer. Initially she wanted to be the Leader type but with the group dynamics and her own insecurities and issues, that isnt really truly possible for her. But she still tries to lead...
What is your character the most insecure about? :)
What person does your character admire most? Her old ship captain. Her DEAD ship captain :(
What does your character admire and dislike the most about the player character sitting to your left? She admires maddie's strength and kindness (and to a degree, innocence). Maddie's cooking skills. Maddie's family. She dislikes how nervous/anxious and possibly depressed Maddie can get :c
Why is your character’s lowest stat their lowest (the in-character reason, not “because there’s no reason for a wizard to have 16 strength, duh”)? Her lowest stat is strength, and her second lowest is constitution. This is because she grew up poor, and was at times starving and definitely malnourished. Once she was om the pirate ship, she was regularly fed though.
What would be your character’s theme song/favorite band/favorite genre of music? I've been saying if she was in modern time, her favorite band would be Florence and the Machine. There's just something about the Florence sound that speaks to her. She'd definitely be into that kind of music, plus some heavier stuff leaning more towards metal or symphonic metal...
What stereotypical role would your character play in a high school AU/if they attended a normal high school? (Nerd, jock, bully, goth, etc.) She's got the soul of a goth but the hobbies of a jock (in our team's college AU she's totally on the fencing and sailing teams). When I've drawn her in modern day she is usually wearing athleisure (capris leggings, loose tank top, sports bra, e.g.) but also it's mostly dark colors. She's Joth.
What treasure/item/artifact that your character has collected during the adventure is the most important to them? Toby :) just kidding, the pseudodragon isn't an item!!! Specifically collected during the adventure, probably her force blade. Her brother had found it, but had given it to her, near the beginning of the adventure.
Is there any particular weapon, item, etc. that your character longs to find? She's not really looking out for items, no.
Where does your character feel the most at home? On the beach, on the ship. Specific locations to call home, she does finally feel like she has a stable place to call home in the patty's estate.
Does your character care about how they’re perceived by others? How do they change themselves to fit in with other people? She's worn disguises and fake names before, but that's mostly to protect herself during her pirate years. She doesn't care a whole lot, but she does want to appear somewhat intimidating so that unsavoury people won't approach her LMAO. But she also wants to be seen as nice by children and poor folk, so she does soften a bit when they're around.
What does your character think is the true meaning of life? Happiness. Safety. Survival. Family/community.
What is your character’s scent? (Bonus points for a description that sounds like it could be from a bad [or awesome] fanfic.) She's always got a slight scent of salt on her, reminding you just a bit of the sea. For herself, she prefers to just smell... clean, so there's a fresher floral scent lingering...
Does your character think more with their heart or their brain? She tries to think more with her brain but sometimes the bottled up emotions get to be a bit much.
What is your character’s most recent or frequent nightmare? BEING. ABANDONED.
What opinion does your character have on [CERTAIN ESTABLISHED GROUPS/AUTHORITIES IN THE GAME WORLD]? (Dragonmarked Houses, royal crown, etc.) She hates (most) rich people and used to be a pirate, so you can kind of figure it out.
How did your character spend their childhood? Where did they grow up/who were their childhood friends? :(
What aspect of your character’s future are they most curious about? (If they could know one thing about the future, what would it be?) I dunno man she is just taking things one step at a time.
What colors are associated with your character? Red is her primary color. She also uses blacks/dark grays and a light purple as an accent. She's using more brown now tho to represent her connection to the hunter god.
Who in the party would your character prioritize rescuing, in dire circumstances? Maddie always. Then Ro. Then Gael. Haru would probably be up there because he is squishy and also mostly blind.
Is your character the most swayed by ethos, pathos, or logos? A mix of pathos and logos is most effective on Deah. Logos probably most of all, but there are pathos buttons that hold away above all that... if you know which buttons to press.
If your character was granted a single use of Wish, what would they use it for? Currently? To bring back her pirate captain. She knows its selfish but...
What is your character’s favorite spell? If they don’t use spells: what is their favorite personal weapon/combat maneuver/skill/etc.? Her favorite spell is stab with rapier.
How does your character feel about keeping secrets from the rest of the party? She keeps secrets pretty regularly! Basically if the party needs to know, then the secret should be shared. But if it doesnt really affect the group or something important, and the person doesnt want to share, then go ahead and keep the secret.
What type of creature in the world is your character the most intrigued by? Dragons probably, at this point. Definitely an influence by me the player, haha, but it's buoyed by an early meeting with a particular dragon that sparked her interest.
When they were a child, what did your character want to be, or think they were going to be, when they grew up?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ she didnt have life plans as a kid. She just wanted her and her brother to live.
The player character to your left admits that they’re passionately in love with your character. How would your character respond? That's already happened LMAO. Deah didnt know how to react so her brain blur screened and she ran away from the situation for a bit.
If somebody (an NPC, someone from their backstory, etc.) your character trusts/loves asked your character to do something against the party’s best interest, who would they side with? If it only involved herself, Deah would probably go do it. But if it was a huge net loss for the group, she wouldn't, if that makes sense? It's hard to make sweeping statements like that.
Does your character value their own best interest more than the party’s? She values her own interest for sure, but she would prioritize the party's if one meant dunking on the other. She knows what it's like to sail with a tight knit crew; sometimes you sacrifice to make the group as a whole better/happier.
What decision would the party have to make in order for your character to consider splitting off from the group? Oh gosh, uh.... I mean, if they decide to help her enemies (not likely to happen, there are a couple shared ones). If they don't let her do something she REALLY wants... I can't really think of anything specific.
How does your character imagine the way they will die? Tragically. 
What is your character’s greatest achievement? Taming her pseudodragon ;w;
Is your character willing to risk the well-being of others in order to achieve their goal? Hmm... not to a certain degree. Eh, probably not. She only really wants to risk herself, not others. Risking others doesn't give them the choice.
What is your character’s opinion on killing others? She does it all the time!! But if they're defenseless or not fighting back, she won't.
What is your character’s favorite food? Beverage? She really loves fresh baked bread!! As for beverage, uh.... I guess she'd like water with like, something fruity mixed in???
How generous is your character? Especially to those they don’t know? To the poor and to kids? Very. Also, recently, she gave all of the money she got from a quest to a townsperson to help them rebuild their city a bit (secretly of course. Not even her team knows she did that, though maybe some of them suspect hahaha)
What is your character the most envious about, regarding anyone in the party? Once again... probably most envious of Maddie!! She comes up a lot doesn't she ;P
The player character to your left and the player character to your right are both telling your character two different versions of the truth. Who does your character believe? Maddie vs Haru? Shed probably lean towards Maddie :p
What is your character’s sexuality/relationship with sex? I've described Deah as Panromantic Asexual. She is rather sex averse and has difficulty pinpointing romantic feelings as well, being rather prickly at times.
What is your character’s biggest pet peeve? When people try to dig into something she doesn't want to share at the moment.
Describe how your character feels about the party’s current situation/objective/etc. The current objective/situation involves her backstory, so you'll see soon ;)
Who in the party would your character trust the most to keep an important secret? Maddie of course! She trusts Gael, but not with secrets. Similarly, she trusts Mercy to hold an oath to the best of her ability, but not if a secret comes up -- same with Rudi. Ro does what she wants LMAO and she isnt telling Haru anything personal atm.
If your character knew that they were going to die in a month, how would they spend the rest of their life? I dont want to think about that question and neither does Deah
What makes your character feel safe? Having her weapons. Having her pact/her pact scars.
If your character had the chance to rename the party/give the party a name, no questions asked, what would it be? Nah, she likes Fortune's Blades
What memory does your character want to forget the most? Cal leaving. It's probably her most painful memory.
If your character had to multiclass into a class they currently aren’t the next time they level up, what would it be and what reason would they have for doing so? She's already multi classed and her reasons for becoming a warlock are kind of muddied. She explained them initially but maaaaybe wasn't 100% truthful. If she had to pick a third, probably uh.... fighter?????
What television/book/video game/etc. character would your character be best friends with? (Or: what media character is your character the most influenced by/similar to?) I would HOPE she would be friends with Elizabeth Swan (: but idk lol
What unusual talents does your character possess? Sharp senses and magic tricks.
How does your character feel about receiving/giving orders? Are they more of a leader, or a follower? It's rather situational. She tries to be a leader type, but she also realizes she's not at the top of the leader chain (and, with her party, at times different people take the head, so it's almost more consult-y like).
What does your character’s name represent to them? (Or: why as a player did you choose your character’s name?) The player of Cal, her brother, chose his name first from a generator. I like to construct my names sometimes from different name elements, so I made hers to match the sound of her twin's (that is, make it sound like it came from the same language). Her name is constructed of "Feld-" (field) and "-Deah" (dye) so her first name translates roughly to "field of dye." Her original last name is Shearwater, which is a real life sea bird but also follows the traditional elven naming convention (their dad was an elf). She never felt much of an attachment to her last name. She recently changed her last name to Blackheart, which was the moniker of her captain.
Is your character more of an introvert, or an extrovert? Introvert for sure
How far is your character willing to go to pursue the “greater good”? Do they believe in a greater good at all? She would go as far as she needs to, but would never force others to make that same decision.
What does your character want to be remembered by? At one point she thought she would eventually be a famous pirate captain. But mostly I think she just wants to be remembered by those who love her and by those she helped...
What would be your character’s major in college? Fuck, uh... I had discussed this before.... I think I made her pre-law??? Math major???
Does your character consider themselves a hero, villain, or something else? Something else. She doesn't really care about that, she's just Being.
What major arcana tarot card best represents your character? I believe last it was discussed I had picked the Chariot for her.
Where does your character see themselves in 20 years? If not dead from adventuring, then settled somewhere nice, hopefully...
What is your character’s relationship with magic? Are they scared of it, wish to know more about it, indifferent to it? For a long time she was the Sokka of the group, the only non-magic user. Then she got her pact. She's still kind of awkward about it, and at times really doesn't like magic, but she sees it as a tool. A means to an end.
Who is your character’s biggest rival? Rival?????? I guess Morrigan tbh??? Cuz a rival isn't an enemy, and she had a thing going with Morrigan (her player is on hiatus tho). In some ways she rivals Mercy too. A dance of similarities and differences.
What is your character’s guiltiest pleasure? Fine, beautiful dresses. She doesn't own any, because it's a waste of money, but.... she wants them. Secretly.
What does your character hope for the afterlife? Peace and rest.
Who in the party does your character trust the least? Haru, currently, simply by virtue of being new.
What is your character’s biggest flaw? BIGGEST flaw???? Uhhhmmm..... Her secrecy probably. Her tendency to run away from really big, painful problems, to bottle up her emotions around that until everything just gets worse.
How did your character learn the languages that they speak? Common, prucrician and Elvish she learned just growing up. Deep, she just... mysteriously knows. Doesn't know why she can speak it. Draconic she learned at first from Rudi, and then from a dragonborn NPC to finish her lessons during a timeskip.
What is your character’s favorite school of magic/type of weaponry? Rapier
What is most important to your character: health, wealth, or happiness? Why must she choose? Wealth, because that brings health and happiness in her eyes. (Because money buys food and when you have food.....)
What advice would your character give to a younger version of themselves? I know it's hard, but open up more. You don't have to keep it to yourself to protect others. Your brother can be your friend as well... you don't have to just keep holding yourself back for your friends and family.
Are there any social or political issues your character feels strongly about? She doesn't feel super strongly about politics, having been a pirate. She feels strongly about protecting children and poor though, as I've mentioned.
What, currently, is your character the most curious about? The afterlife. Erastil, but specifically just that one god. Her ship captain.
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Come Back to You
Stephen Strange x wizard! female reader
Warning: death, suicidal thoughts, depression, just a lot of angst but dont worry it gets fluffy, violence, curse words
Specifics: angst, romance, fluff, action, one-shot, race neutral reader, gif, !SPOILERS FOR ENDGAME!
People: stephen strange, steve rogers, tony stark, natasha romanoff, scott lang, thanos
Words: 2,147
Requested: By @abigator554 Hey could u do a dr strange x reader where she watched him fade away on titan and thought she would never see him again. she is also a “wizard” and fights in the last battle fighting as if she has nothing left loose. When all of them start to come back she sees him and runs over to him. She starts to break down ending with some really sappy stuff from Stephen and then they take down Thanos together 
Authors Note: so this guys is a sad one indeed god i feel like this whole week has been sad. this story deals and talks about a lot and to me a lot of what u would go thru if someone u loved passed away without a why. if you havent watched endgame then maybe this isnt the fic for u, if u dont care about spoilers then go on ahead. thanks for the request and i always love writing about those who dont get written a lot. also this gif 😍 i mean cmon!
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Its been 5 years. 5 years since your life turned upside down and was changed for the worse, but it just felt like yesterday. 
You stood there, awaiting for what came next, holding tightly Stephen’s hand. “Stephen...”
Suddenly, without control, your colleges, your friends started disappearing on planet Titan. It all happened so fast. You tried to stop it, but it was out of your hands. “No, no, no,” you were shocked, tears streaming down your face as you saw the ones you loved die, just poof away. 
You then remembered your husband. Turning your head to Stephen your world fell apart. He fell, leaning against a rock. “Oh god no,” you sobbed not wanting him to leave you. You needed him, he was your life. “Baby, no don’t leave me,” you pleaded, kneeling before him, clutching his once strong hands now going weak. 
“I’m sorry y/n, I’m sorry,” he only whispered, feeling life soon leaving his body. “I’m sorry, I...we all tried. There was nothing more we could do.” He tried gripping your hand, granting you one last kiss on your knuckles. You could feel the splash of tears drop onto your skin feeling worse knowing he was crying, knowing he didn’t want to leave you. “I love you...” 
He was gone. 
The wind took his ashes away, leaving you with only a little piece of himself. Your lips trembled, you were shaking out of anger and sadness. You picked up a pile of his ashes in your hand and dropped them again to the ground. You looked up to the sky and screamed. Screamed on the top of your lungs. For once being and Avenger didn’t matter for you were powerless.
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Sitting up in your bed full of sweat you look beside you. Hoping Stephen is there and it was all a nightmare. As you look you realize it was all a reality. He was truly gone. Again, everyday, you would sob. Either sob the whole night or sob till you fell asleep. You wrapped yourself up in one of his shirts, smelling it and just wishing for his presence, he was with you. “I miss you my love.” You would hug yourself with his shirt on. 
You were alone in the house. You felt broken and just not wanting to live anymore. Sometimes, what was left of the gang, would come visit you but most days you wanted to stay in bed and hope and pray that you would die. 
A knock on the door startled you. You still laid there not wanting any confrontation. 
“Y/n, I know you’re in there,” Steve called out to you. 
You groaned as you got up. You were wearing pajamas from who knows when. You hadn’t taken a shower, you were a mess. The house was a disaster and you were feeling very weak at the moment. 
You opened the door lightly, “what do you want?” Usually, your cheery self or the you from five years ago would of said something sarcastic or something silly to Steve but that you had disappeared, along with the love of your life. 
Steve looked worried, seeing as you had bags under your eyes and you looked almost lifeless, well you felt it. “Please, can I come in?”
You bit your lip in thought, thinking. 
“Please, y/n, can we just talk?”
You nodded, opening the door wide for him. He looked around the house that was so lively with music playing and you and Stephen dancing together, cooking, you would invite the Avengers for dinners all the time but now the house was dark, curtains closing the sunshine. It was better that way, outside people experienced the same things. Loss of loved ones. Half of the population was wiped out from that snap so outside was dark and gloomy, like everyone's souls. Garbage, clothes, his clothes were every where, lying around the house, bills and letters were all stacked into one corner. 
“Please, sit,” you said as you pointed to the kitchen table. It was all covered in junk. You quickly moved everything aside with force, not caring about a glass vase shattering. You just did not care about anything. 
“Thank you,” Steve sat politely. 
“Would you like some, um,” you went to the kitchen and saw you had no groceries, “water?”
“I’m good thanks.”
You walked back and sat in front of Steve, not knowing what to talk about but you knew what you didn’t want to talk about. Steve and Natasha and some of the group were dead set on bringing those who were snapped back. You just never wanted to talk about it. You didn’t want to bring your hopes up and then when it failed be down all over again. Even seeing their faces brought back your husband in your mind, old times. 
“How are you feeling?”
You chuckled, “the same...”
“Listen y/n, I know you miss him-”
“No don’t you start with that,” you shook your head. 
“-but you can’t keep living like this.” Steve wrapped your hands into his, engulfing them. He then realized you were wearing Stephen’s shirt. “He wouldn’t have wanted this for you.” You brought your hands back as if Steve stung your hands. You hated talking about him. 
“Oh what the he*l do you know, Steve? I can and I will keep living like this. You know I kinda have the right to. Everybody, everybody is wanting me to take care of myself, to just live on, well what if I don’t want to! I never wanted to proceed in living without Step- without him...”
Steve felt pain for you, but he didn’t want nothing bad happening to you either. “Y/n, this has got to stop.”
“I can’t even say his name. I can’t leave the house without thinking about him. I don’t want to breathe, eat, sleep, do anything without him. I won’t. You all expect me, oh its been 5 years, well to me it feels like it was yesterday, you guys expect me to be happy again, to find a hobby, do something amazing with my life, I can’t! For god’s sake that was my husband. He wasn’t just a man that I wanted to pass and we’re done, he was like my other half! I could depend on him and he could depend on me and I failed him.” You slouched in your chair sobbing. Steve wrapped his arms around you, “no don’t think that way. This wasn’t your fault.”
“I wish it would of been me instead of him. Steve, I have a baby room and baby clothes, things. We were gonna try. I was so happy, finally having our little family like I always dreamed of and now, its not a dream, its a nightmare. A nightmare that I am supposedly supposed to keep living. Steve, I don’t want to live anymore! I don’t want this life! I just want it all to end!”
Steve soothed you as he embraced you harder and for as long as you needed him. You cried onto his shoulder, needing that comfort. 
He stayed for the rest of the day there. Just having another person’s presence surprisingly aided you, but sadly he had to leave. You said your goodbyes as he left but he paused, “y/n if you ever need me for anything or just need someone there, someone to talk to, please, don’t ever hesitate to call me. Please.” He almost sounded as if he was begging. You, again, hugged him, “thank you Steve.”
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A couple of days later you got the call. 
You brought all your items together. Notebooks your husband told you about that were very important. They were about the stones, especially the one he gave up. It was all nostalgic. You remember Stephen he was your teacher. He taught you everything about magic and alternate dimensions. Grinning as you saw a picture you threw of him and you along with his old things, “don’t worry baby, we might get somewhere.” You got yourself ready and ran as fast as you could to the Avengers facility. 
The call was from Steve, he said they might have found a way to bring back all those people.
You were so quick, so fast. Could this be real? Could this be possible? Could you really end up seeing your husband again?
You ran, everything disheveled as you entered. Slamming the door open, “tell me!”
They explained to you everything calling the plan the “Time Heist”. Scott Lang said he had experienced the Quantum Realm so he had knowledge about it. He told you that it may help them go back in time and retrieving all the Infinity Stones from major historical events. It all made sense. The lost pieces you were trying to stick into the puzzle piece were found. 
“So you’re telling me this time voodoo whatever might actually work?” Scott placed his hands on your shoulders chuckling, excited, “that is what I’m saying y/n. We may be able to bring back all of them.”
Feeling light headed you sat down. Your mind was racing. Its been so many years. All this time you imagined there was never a possibility of seeing Stephen again and now you were told it might actually happen. 
“Y/n are you okay?” Tony asked concerned. 
Tears started to drip down your cheeks and you bit your fist, “we need to do this...”
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Fighting alongside the Avengers trio leaving behind the feelings of lost from your friend Natasha you head straight for Thanos. 
Using your powers you lift him up and smash him against stones. 
“Guys were losing!” You shouted as you suddenly saw the army of Thanos storming toward you four. You held your breath as you were ready to defend humanity, ready to fight till your last breath. Until you heard a voice on Steve’s ear piece. You turned around, shocked, “could it be...”
All of a sudden Sling Ring portals start opening and one by one people that have been affected by the Snap appear. 
“Oh my god, Steve!” You start laughing. Your hand atop your mouth so surprised. “It worked! It worked!” As you saw those you thought you had lost forever you remember that special someone. “Wait then that means...”
As the next portal opens up out comes you husband, Stephen.
You feel as if you are floating as you see him. Feeling his and your presence only in this terrifying war, in this world. Not caring about the battle that is about to begin you and Stephen make eye contact. You see a tear fall from his face as you pick up your cloak and sprint to him. You trip over your cape a couple of times but that does not stop you. As you get closer Stephen runs to you as well and the two of you embrace, you almost tripping him from the force. Stephen clutches onto your head as you rest your face into his chest, sobbing. “I thought I would never see you again. I missed you so much.”
“I know my love, I know,” he kissed your forehead as he rocked you back and forth. “I’m sorry for all the pain that I’ve caused you.”
You held onto him tighter, afraid of letting go. “It doesn’t matter anymore. All that matters is that you are here with me.” You felt a tear press against your cheek and you realized it was not yours it was Stephen. You backed away and looked directly at his face. Opening his tear filled eyes, the portals light gleaming against his orbs, he sniffles as he smiles, “...my love...”
You touch his cheeks lightly and bring your forehead against his, “we are one again Stephen.” You two share a kiss that was so passionate and full of love. All those days and nights crying alone were days of the past. You now looked forward to your future. A future with your husband. 
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(not mine! do not own!)
You had a grip onto his clothing and you two giggled after the kiss just enjoying each others company. “I love you Mr. Strange.”
“And I love you more Mrs. Strange.”
You two held hands as you all prepared for battle. As husband and wife, the power couple you and Stephen kicked some a*s as you fought for not your life but your husband’s. Vowing that you would never let anything ever happen again to him. 
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A life was lost that day. Everyone mourned the loss of Tony and previously Natasha. It was tough, they were everyone's friend. You thanked everyone for the sacrifices they made, without them you wouldn’t be able to have your husband beside you. 
But just as a life was lost another life was born. You sat upon Stephen’s lap as you uttered only a few words that would completely change your lives, “guess what Stephen...I’m pregnant.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @marwantr, @divaanya, @wassupitschloe, @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @spycii, @eminemsgiraffe, @egos-r-life
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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Sanders Sides RPG AU
Ok so hear me out
new au, Dungeons and Dragons / Savage Worlds / generalized RPG, work in progress, definitely gonna draw for it so dont worry about that
hoping to make it into an ask blog if there’s interest, or if there isnt, because I still like it lol
definitely a lot still mold-able here, if you have some ideas or additions or head cannons to add, please pile them on! :D
LOGAN - (moon elf) Half-elf, Lore Bard (wizard was too obvious) - inspires through teaching moments, inspirational speaking, encouragement, and maybe a rap or poem on a special day - despises the stereotype that all bards sing and dance - raised by the elven parent, this + longer lifespan = detachment from emotion - Wisdom and Intelligence high, Charisma and Strength mid, Dexterity and Constitution low - Lawful Neutral (doesn't bother himself much with arbitrary rules of morality but definitely isn't evil) - Weaknesses: bad at emotions, tends to over-speak, short fuse
PATTON - Stout Halfling, Open Hand Monk - loves good food and companionship - focus on the wellness of the body and purity of the heart and soul - calls himself a ‘way of the open arms’ monk (hugs!) - Dexterity and Wisdom high, Charisma and Constitution mid, Intelligence and Strength low - Lawful Good (lying bad, stealing bad, killing bad) - Weaknesses: a bit judge-y and strict(practically raised by a bunch of old monks and a therapist, he cant help it), quick to trust, fear of spiders
ROMAN - Protector Aasimar, Oath of the Crown Paladin (bard was too obvious) - son of Sune, goddess of beauty and passion and the color red, who really just lets him do his own thing cause she's about as close to 'drunk/cool mom but to the point of negligence' that you can get while still being loved by ur son - so, stick with me here, paladins get their powers from their belief in what they swore their oath to, right? - ideas are EITHER boy is a prince literally/emotionally and swore an oath to himself like a g OR he swore an oath to his king, thomas - either is wholesome and good - Charisma and Strength high, Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Constitution and Intelligence low - Chaotic Good (will break the rules to do what he knows is right, happens to do so frequently) - Weaknesses: super-inflated ego, insecurity issues, v strong but not actually very hardy
VIRGIL - Drow, Wild Magic Sorcerer - during an event he doesn't remember well, while travelling with his old party, they came across Some Shit® that sorta fucked them all up - he went into the experience without magic and came out of it with magic he couldn't control and some pretty bad nerves about some impending doom something something he doesnt remember - left his old party cause he didn't want to hurt them, found three new guys after a while - Strength and Constitution high, Intelligence and Dexterity mid, Wisdom and Charisma low - Lawful Neutral (follows his own code of rules, not necessarily the laws of the land) - Weaknesses: has some trust issues, Some Shit®-related/induced nightmares keeping him from sleeping good, can't control his powers and lost confidence in his previous skills (range-based fighter)
DECEIT - Yuan-ti Pureblood (I mean, clearly), Warlock (either great old one or demonic, still deciding on that) - one one of them who remembers the Some Shit®, came out of it with a deal, knowledge he can't safely share, and some new powers - seems to want the best for everyone, but harbors so many secrets... can he be trusted? - Charisma and Intelligence high, Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Strength and Constitution low - True Neutral (driven purely by self preservation and personal goals, not 'good' but def not evil) - Weaknesses: compulsive liar, short patience, the awareness of impending doom
REMUS - Fallen Aasimar, Wild Soul Barbarian - son of Sune, goddess of beauty and passion, brother of Roman. Mom hardly talks to either of them if at all, but they're pretty sure Roman is the favorite. Remus doesn't appreciate that her views of beauty are so restricted to traditionally attractive things, and started wearing green as part of a rebellious phase, but it really stuck when he started hanging around faries and they seemed to like it so much. (his mom is mega petty and condemmed him as fallen when he said red wasn't his favorite color. this is not a joke) - spent a lot of time planehopping to the nearby feywild, underdark, and shadowfell, met some strange people, and adpoted some strange tendencies and beliefs - Met virgil first, then they found deciet, becoming The Boys® - also saw the Some Shit®, doesnt remember it, but pretty sure that's because it just wasn't very interesting compared to a usual Saturday - Constitution and Strength high, Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Charisma and Intelligence low - Chaotic Chaotic (he cannot be defined with a moral tag and you know he can't) - Weaknesses: unpredictable to the extreme, some inadequacy issues, maybe crazy a little bit This is a fantasy world with several of Thomas and Friends and various skit characters inside, as follows: (I only have thomas joan and talyn rn, no idea for terrence and valerie and camden and the others yet... any ideas lol)(i hope i'm spelling everyone's names right)
REMY - Half-Elf, Inquisitive Rogue - Logan's older brother, formerly a spy for the kingdom they live in, actually very high level but prefers to sleep and otherwise do absolutely nothing - obscenely good at reading people, which Logan desperately envies - hangs around picani a lot, used to go to him for therapy (wouldnt tell logan what about) but now they're just good bros - Charisma and Dexterity high, Constitution Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Strength low (higher levels, less lows) - True Neutral - Weaknesses: debilitatingly lazy, blunt, Curious with a capital C
EMILE PICANI - Lightfoot Halfling, Circle of Dreams Druid - uses his abilities to read and sooth people really well and works as a therapist - sweet boy and housemate to patton, known each other since patton was a child - also pretty high level but doesnt really use it - Charisma and Wisdom high, Dexterity Constitution and Intellegence mid, Strength low - Lawful Good - Weaknesses: first language is refrences, refuses to display negative emotions (more of a 'i will philosophy and cartoon my way out of my sad asap' than an emotion-bottler, but don't put it past him) THOMAS
- Human, Glamour Bard (pretty 👏 boy 👏) - inspires through singing, dancing, performing, encouragement, speeches, literally breathing - Charisma and Intelligence high, Dexterity Strength and Wisdom mid, Constitution low - Lawful Good - Weaknesses: quick to trust and sympathize, puts others first (strengths AND weaknesses) - Lord of base town, with Joan and others as his Advisers
JOAN - Tiefling, Mastermind Rogue (sneaky spooky smart one, good with knowing about people without being necessarily good with people) - Thomas's primary adviser and master of secrets, Remy worked for them - looks scary, very pure. cuts cute little horn holes in their beanie for god's sake i mean come on - Wisdom and Dexterity high, Charisma Intelligence and Strength mid, Constitution low - Neutral Good - Weaknesses: You assume??? Joan can be bested??? Joan cannot be killed. Joan cannot be overcome
TALYN - Forest Gnome, Abjuration Wizard (protective spells) (cute small) - A prime adviser and Master of Knowledge (lore, history, scientific developments, etc) - favors defensive and ally-boosting spells - Logan's teacher; Logan respects and admires them very very much - Intelligence and Charisma high, Dexterity Constitution and Wisdom mid, Strength low - Neutral Good - Weaknesses: its Talyn, Talyn has no weaknesses. thoughts?? interest?? suggestions?? thank you for reading this long post lol
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midnigtartist · 5 years
6. The super long kiss that wasn’t intended
He knows he should be watching the treeline. Sat beside Nott at the front of the cart, Molly knows that he ought to be scanning the tree line for any potential threats to their merry band as they weave their way through the valley. But he just can’t seem to get himself to focus on the slow passing trees as Nein marches southward. His gaze keeps slipping from the road, as he glanced over his shoulder at the wizard curled up in the back of the cart.
As to be expected, he’s got a book propped up in his lap. One of the spellbook he keeps strapped to his side, Molly notes, as he carefully and meticulously sifts through their recent spoils. The faint hum of arcane energy hangs in the air around him. It pricks at the back of Molly’s neck, making the hair there stand on edge and that’s why he’s been so distracted, and certainly not because Caleb looks so darling and content with his task, a small smile curling at the corner of his lips.
No, Molly thinks wryly to himself, it’s certainly nothing to do with that. Not at all.
He swings his legs over the side of the cart bench, earning and disgruntled yelp from Nott as she’s jostled by the movement. Molly ignores this, instead watching Caleb’s, dare he says, giddy smile as the pearl clasped tight in his hand dulls, and he picks up the bracelet he’s been inspecting. Sliding off the bench, Mollymauk seats himself cross legged at the perimeter of Caleb’s pile of spoils, resting his cheek to his fist.
“Anything interesting?”
Caleb starters, but only a little, his head jolting up and eyes blinking as he takes in the new addition to his ring of shiny things. Molly offers him a curling, close mouth smile in lue of a proper greeting.
Caleb nods, pulling at his beard. “Ja, this-” he gestured vaguely over the lot of stuff, a crooked grin on his face. “This ist gut. There is a lot a usefully things here.”
“Almost finished then?” Molly asks.
“Oh yah, I just have to look over these rings for Jester, you know, and then that will be all of it but ahhhh- you have come over here? Is- is there something you need?” the thrill the magic gives him, seems to bear wearing off and Molly can see Caleb slowly receding back into his shell. And that simply won’t do.
He shrugs “Not particularly. This is fascinating, by the way.”
Caleb lowers his gaze to his spellbook. He twiddles and twists the pearl between his fingers and Molly tracks the movement because that’s fascinating too. Caleb’s long fingers rolling the small bead between them is truly something and he can feel the slight flush crawling up his neck.
“You have seen me identify objects before,,,” Caleb mutters.
“And I find it thrilling every time!” he says. He leans forward so his elbows are pressed into his knees. “I think it’s just wonderful, that. How you can learn all of that stuff just from looking at it for a few minutes. It’s very impressive!”
Caleb shrugs, but Molly spies a phantom of a smile touching the corner of his mouth and he finds himself beaming all the wider for it.
“Well you know, there is a bit more to it then that but it is ahhh,, nerd shit.”
“What I’ve learned from traveling with the lot of you terrible people is that nerd shit tends to be the shit that keeps us alive. It’s very useful shit. Don’t sell your shit short Caleb, it’s very good shit! Quality, even.” he says. Somewhere to the right of him, he can hear Jester cackling. He keeps his eyes and his smile trained on Caleb, who’s actually turned a bit to face him.
“Ha ha.” it’s not a laugh, not really. It more just the noise, but it’s so endearing that Molly’s insides squirm with delight at the sound. “I suppose you are right- about that at least.”
“You’d be surprised by how much I’m right about, actually.” Molly says.
This time Caleb does laugh, even if all it is a huff of air. “Mister Mollymauk.”
“Mister Caleb”
The pearl rolls between his thumb and forefinger. “Would you like learn a magic trick? I, you know, I have tried teaching Jester before, and umm, Beauregard but, they don’t, well, they really do not have the patience for this sort of thing.”
He cocks his head to the side. “And you think I do?”
“I have seen you mend your coat.” Caleb says, actually leveling his clear blue gaze on Molly, effectively pinning him in place. “That embroidery is your handy work, hmm? Something like that takes a lot of time.”
Molly draws back so that he’s sitting up straight. “Well as flattering as it is to know you keep eye on me.” Caleb flushes. “-I don’t think I’m quite clever enough to do what it is you do dear.”
Magic, at least, the magic Caleb does, seems to require a lot of reading, and reading has never really agreed with Mollymauk Tealeaf. It makes his eyes hurt and his whole brain revolt against him, can even give him a terrible headache if he forces himself to work at it for too long.
Caleb’s brows draw together, forming deep creases between his eyes. “It is not that hard.” he says.
Molly flashes him a tight smile. “Yes, but I’m not that smart.”
The wizard shuts his spellbook with a forceful snap that makes Molly’s tail jump and curl up behind him. “Come here, Mollymauk.” Caleb says, commands really, Molly thinks with a shiver. “I will not force you, if you do not wish, but do not withhold just because you think that you might not be clever enough. I will be the judge of that.”
“Well when you put it so nicely,,,” Molly says, praying to the Weaver that he sound relatively unaffected by whatever that was. He slides over so that he’s sitting next to Caleb, instead of across from him. “So, what will I be learning then?”
Caleb hesitates, but only for a moment before he opens his book back up, and shuffles over so that Molly can see the pages, balancing it on his knee.
“Something simple, I think.”
“Oh goody.”
Even the creak of the branches in the wind sounds ominous, which Molly thinks is rather ridiculous and painfully cliche. His blade, glowing with a warm, white light, is wrapped up in the tails of his coat to dull it’s radiance as Molly creeps along low in the brush. The Nein had decided, against Molly’s better judgement, decided to travel a few hours past sunset.
“The next town isn’t that far, guys.” Jester had told them, brandishing the map with the same ferocity with which she handles her sickle. “We’ve been on the road for daaaaaaaaaaays and my feet are getting all tired and gross from walking so much and I just want to sleep in a bed and not in the grass and wake up with like, bugs in my hair and stuff.”
So they’d marched on, and now they’re paying the price because not only is it a good couple of hour past sunset, but they’d been assaulted by some ruffians. Taking advantage of the exhausted state of the party, they’d managed to stop them, rob them, and make off with Jester’s haversack of holding. With so much of their valuable shit in that bag, they’d decided to give chase, and had gotten spread pretty thin in the processes. Which, isn’t such a bad thing, Molly’d been able to pick off a few of the bandits, spread thin themselves, quickly and quietly. But he’s worried about everyone else. If they were unlucky enough to run into more of the bastards then they could handle alone, with Jester possible very, very far away. That could make things a bit more sticky.
Of course, they’re all pretty capable, decently strong. And yet,,, Molly’s worried about some, specifically squishy members of their party.
He’ll- they’ll be fine.
He marches on deeper into the woods.
A bit of time later, the sound of muffled voices hit Molly’s ears. Not long after does he spy the flicker of firelight through the leaves, painting speckled shadows along forest floor.
Molly pauses a moment, tucking himself against a rotting old tree trunk. Peeking over the top of it he can just barely make out a group of darkened figured, hooting and hollering like idiots around a makeshift camp. Why do petty thieves always do that? Make a whole fucking ton of noise that gives away their position. Every single band of thieves he’s ever run into does it. It’s just not smart. Though, if they were smart enough to understand that they probably wouldn’t be out here robbing well seasoned mercenary groups, he thinks. He counts the shadows, or at least he tries to. The back lighting from the fire is fucking up his night vision but he thinks he sees four or five distinct individuals. Too many to take out alone.
Reaching into his pocket with his free hand, he pulls out a little piece of wire. Its difficult, harder with only one hand, but he manages to wrap the bit of copper around his finger and brings it up to his lips. He points out into the woods in the general direction he thinks he saw people running. “Found a group of them. Looks like five maybe? North. Just past that one rock that looks remarkably like a penis. Oh ! and you can reply to this message” he whispers into his fist.
Molly does this eight more time, hoping that if he casts a wide enough net he’ll be able to get in touch with at least some of the Nein. Between not knowing exactly where everyone is and the, frankly concerning, fizzle of the spell against his lips he not sure how many of them got the message. On the fourth time, he hears Jester’s cackling rattling around in his skull. It’s a horrible bizarre feeling that makes his skin tingle,and not even in the fun way.  On the sixth one he hears Beau’s exasperated “real fucking mature, man” and has to stifle a chuckle. On the last one, it’s Caleb’s voice ringing around in his skull.
“I see the rock you are talking about. oh- ja it does look like a dick.” He says. “I am making my way over to you now.”
Molly waits, one eye on the trees around him, one on the group of bandits, watching for any strange movement. Maybe one of them will come over here to take a piss. He could take them out nice and quite, and that would be one less shit head to deal with.
The bushes to his right rustle and Molly tightens his grip on his sword. Caleb comes sprinting out of the underbrush towards him, crouched low to the ground to avoid being spotted. Molly can’t even even get a word of greeting out before Caleb is suddenly upon him, hands reaching to curl around the lapel of his coat.
The wizard is positively beaming at him, his face cracked with a wide smile Molly has only ever seen him give Nott. His eyes are practically glowing, wide and excited and full of pride. He’s on Molly in an instant huddled against the rotten log alongside him and Molly is stunned.
“You cast message!” Caleb says, barely able to keep his voice to a stage whisper for the excitement. His hands come up, cupping Molly’s face between them and immediately the teifling feels himself start to color. Thumbs rub over his cheeks, Caleb squishing his face between his calloused palms “You cast the spell, you did the thing that I showed you! Oh! I am so proud! I am so proud of you! You are brilliant Mollymauk. I could kiss you!”
Well, that makes Molly’s heart do all sorts of ill advised and complicated gymnastics in his chest.
He puts a shaking hand on Caleb’s knee. “Don’t say thing you don’t intent to follow through on, Mister Caleb.”
Brain seeming to have caught up with his mouth, Caleb pales, then flushes a deep scarlet. His hand stay cupped around Molly’s cheeks, though they do lessen they’re squeezing a bit. His gaze falls past Molly’s right shoulder. “I ahh- right. I was- well I got a little excited I suppose,,,”
“Happens to the best of us.” he gives Caleb leg a friendly jiggle “Your secret’s safe with me”
Caleb chuckles.
They don’t move. They’re still dreadfully, painfully close. Annoyingly, not close enough. He watches as Caleb’s gaze flickers back over to his face. Watches the way his sharp, ever curious blue eyes trace the curve of his palm where it’s pressed into Molly cheek, all the way down to the corner of his mouth. He leans in.
The center of gravity suddenly shifts and Mollymauk Tealeaf finds himself crashing against Caleb’s warm mouth. Its quick, but it’s everything.
Caleb presses his lips firmly to Mollymauk’s for a brief moment, pulling him in with the fingers still curved around his jaw. Molly gasps, fingers tightening around the fabric of Caleb’s pant leg. He lets his eyes flutter shut. And then the warmth is gone and Molly opens his eyes to see the wizard staring at him, wide eyed and flushed. Still his hands don’t move from Molly’s face.
“I should not have done that. I-”
Molly brings his other hand up to the back of Caleb’s neck and pulls him forward. Their lips meet again and Molly can taste the crackle of arcane power that lingers on them. It shoots a thrill down his spine. The hand on Caleb’s knee tangles into the coarse fur lining of his coat and Molly sigh, deep and wanting against the other man’s mouth.
To his glorious surprise, Caleb responds in kind. His hands begin to move, one sliding down his face to rest at the juncture of his neck and shoulder, those long, scholarly fingers spanning across his throat, making Molly shiver. The other tangles into the short curls at the back of his neck, drawing Molly even closer.
Molly breaths through the kiss, eyes shut tight as he focuses on the feeling. Of dry and ragged ruined lips against his own. On the slight scratch of stubble against his chin and the rough pads of Caleb’s fingers on his skin. He feels exactly like he looks, coarse and rough around the edges. Nothing like the soft, sweet smelling hired company that Molly’s used to. He finds he likes this much better. The earthy smell that clings to weather battered skin, mixed in with faint hints of whatever spell components line Caleb’s pockets. Licorice and molasses.
Caleb sighs against him, tilting his head for a better angle.  Molly puts all other thoughts out of his head. Forgets about the bandits at his back, and his friends stomping through the underbrush. Even forgets about their stole bag of good. He put his facilities to better use, memorizing the shape and heat of Caleb’s lips against his own
Molly parts his lips and prods at Caleb’s lower lip with the twin prongs of his forked tongue, makes a soft sound of pleasure as Caleb’s fingers tighten in his hair. Caleb jumps under his hands, pulling away. He desperately wants to follow, but Molly let him go, keeping fingers folded against the lapels of his coat, half  to keep himself grounded, half to keep Caleb from bolting before he can find his voice again.
“Don’t you dare apologize for that.” He crooks out after a moment.
Caleb stares at him with blown out blue eyes. He swallows, runs a hand across his jaw. His fingers linger against his lips. “Ja- okay,,, That was ahhh-”
“That was good.” Molly assures him, stroking fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
Caleb nods, looking a little unsure. “Gut, ja. You know, uhh maybe we should- should, you know- maybe we could do that again, sometime. But I think we should probably take care of those bandits first.”
A smile splits Molly’s face. “Think we can take them, just the two of us?
“No.” Caleb hands come back around to cup his cheeks, then slip down, coming  to rest against the front of Molly’s coat “We are pretty tough, but you said that there were at least five of them. I do not want us taking any unnecessary risks.” he starts fidgeting with Molly’s coat, adjusting it on his shoulder and smoothing out the silk with his hands. “Clever boy.” Molly says, fondness laced into his words.
Caleb doesn’t meet his gaze, but he does smile.
The sound of twigs snapping catch their attention and moments later Beau comes slinking out of the bushes, a new bruise swelling up over her eye. Caleb hands fall away. Molly keeps fingers pressed lightly against the side of his knee.
“That’s a good look on you.” he says, once Beau is close enough.
“Thanks asshole.” Beau wedges her way between the two of them, elbowing Molly in the stomach as she does.  
He whizzes out a pained laugh.
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kewltie · 5 years
Bc this is me we’re talking about, here are some infos about my non-existent hpverse bakudeku fic:
Mitsuki and inko are bffs (some even say soulmate), having met at Hogwarts and getting sorted into gryffindor in their first year they soon became fast friend bc mitsuki despite being terrifyingly beautiful (bc of her veela heritage) and powerful she wasn’t super popular due to mostly her temperament and force of personality but she does get her rapid fanclub. Inko was much adore by the student body and teachers bc how humble and kind she was despite being from a pureblood family, easily making her the head girl in her 7th year. Together the both of them were a force to reckon with, they were the talk of the school when they attend there and so much stories about their antics become legend bc mitsuki ‘the bad girl’ and inko the ‘good girl’ was such a weird combo nobody know how they remain the bestest of friends.
inko was from powerful magic family but she broke rank when she fell in love with a muggleborn (A SLYTHERIN MUGGLEBORN AT THAT). She like mitsuki is also a legacy Gryffindor so she was disowned for choosing her muggleborn boyfriend instead of a hundred of years of tradition. Mitsuki was the only one who support and stuck by her through it all and it’s kinda ironic to everyone that mitsuki is notorius as the rulebreaker in school but it is inko who turned back against everything to follow her heart. At least mitsuki married another Gryffindor pureblood but lol she didn’t chose her husband bc of that only bc her husband was the only one who was immune to her veela charm bc he was her soulmate.
ANYWAY, now on to the bakudeku who grew up side by side bc of their mothers and katsuki even as young as he was was extremely powerful. Maybe it’s bc of his blood line or maybe it’s his veela side but he always been blessed with powerful that seem bottomless while izuku for the first ten year of his life developed no magic at all. Everyone thought he was a squib bc of that and they whispered maliciously that is what you get for polluting the pure magic bloodline with dirty muggle blood :(((.
Katsuki knew at a v v v young age that izuku is his soulmate but bc izuku shown no sign of magic and katsuki as the spoiled much love son of an ancient pureblood family (WELL BOTH since his parents are both pureblood), he was arrogant and elitist thinking he was superior to izuku in everyway. He didn’t want izuku, THIS FAILURE, as his mate at all but no matter how much he fought it to his very core he can’t help being drawn to izuku by some greater force then he know how. Izuku never realize or find out that he and katsuki are mate. He just think he’s one of the few people who is immune to veela’s charm just like his mother.
Izuku finally get his magic power from all might later around the time Hogwarts start for them. All might was kinda curse/bless (???) with a spell that make his core magic to be able to pass down from one person to another. It has to do with AFO bc he’s the immortal dark lord who to helped his squib brother get magic power he STOLE it from others (AFO creating a spell that steal magic cores) and that’s how OFA was born. Izuku is the newest heir in the long line of people destine to face the dark lord who is v much ALIVE AND THRIVING in secret.
By the time bakudeku get to Hogwarts izuku and katsuki had a very tenuous relationship bc katsuki hated the fact that his mate is pathetic squib but then he suddenly developed magic and KATSUKI doesn’t know what to feel about it. On one hand that level the playing field b/t them a little bc izuku isn’t a pureblood and he got this idea in his head that muggle and wizards/witches are all equal despite their lack of magic bc he’d learned it from from his dad side when he got exposed to muggles and knows they aren’t all evil/weak. Bc katsuki came from a traditional house with thousands of years of magic and history at their back, katsuki grew up thinking he was superior to everyone else so izuku and katsuki often clash with their world/social views.
This make their relationship even more strain when katsuki (like the sorting hat barely touch HIS HEAD before it declare him a Gryffindor) saw izuku was sorted into hufflepuff instead of Gryffindor like him. It actually took the sorting hat one of the longest time to declare izuku’s house bc izuku share many strong traits from various houses (bravery, loyalty, smart, kind) houses that he could easily fall into any of them but in the end the sorting hat gave izuku a choice and he’d chosen hufflepuff bc that’s the house that often get overlook by others. AND IT’S ALSO THE HOUSE THAT KATSUKI HATES AND LOOKS DOWN UPON THE MOST. izuku admires katsuki deeply and would follow him anywhere but he realizes it’s time he carve out his own path and hufflepuffs are strong and noble just like the rest of the other houses and izuku will spent seven years proving to the rest of the school :DD.
With being from two diff houses, katsuki and izuku sorta STARTED an intense house rivaly b/t the two houses even though hufflepuffs lit get along with nearly everyone and never really get into interhouse fighting b.s. that other houses get. Katsuki immediately become one of the star of his house being that his family got a lot weight to throw around and that he’s also 1/8th veela. So many rumors and interest swirl around katsuki and he thrives on them, showing exactly how katsuki deserves to be one of the top students of the year. He’s particularly best at dueling & potion and placing in his house quidditch team the first year. Izuku, on the other hand, nobody really expected anything out of him but he consistent surprises everyone with being esp good at charm and transfiguration that outdo older students.
Izuku absolutely flourish in Hogwarts and is literally friends with many people in diff houses that izuku’s table is fill with other ppl from various houses bc izuku doesn’t really have strict view on house rivalry and who should hang with whom (his bestfriend ochako is from gryff and iieda is from ravenclaw; making the three of them the ‘golden trio’). People even whisper it’s like inko is back in school again and EVERYONE LOVES INKO. Katsuki is almost equal in term of popularity to izuku mainly bc he consistent outperform many people of his age group and even ABOVE in spellworks, power, and dueling. he’s also exceedingly attractive bc of his veela heritage so he always got a flock of fans wherever he go…. It’s just his prickly personality that keep him from being uh too popular lol.
Katsuki, SLOWLY and surely, spent the years watching izuku really grew into his own through many trials thrown at him bc izuku despite being a hufflepuff (a house that isn’t known for any notoriety) is a trouble magnet and get into ALL SORT OF HIGHJINKS. Followers of the dark lord attempting to kill/sabatoge/kidnap izuku bc of OFA and katsuki get pisser with every attempt bc HOW FUCKING DARE THEY TOUCH HIS MATE????!!!!!! It’s not like katsuki suddenly get over his bigot and elitist mentality but with exposure from his housemates and the rest of the school, he slowly understand how warped his world views was but it doesn’t make it easier for him to accept that izuku IS HIS MATE only bc katsuki hate the idea of anything being force upon him and that he can’t chose who he can be with and also THAT IZUKU can’t choose him either. The thought of alone keep him up some nights when he is plague with doubt that izuku would never choose him if they weren’t bonded with each other…
Izuku still doesn’t realize they’re mate bc katsuki never told him and izuku is… uh very oblivious but around their fifth/sixth year katsuki’s attitude slowly change around him. He becomes more attentive and careful with izuku which suprises him at first but he just thought katsuki wants to become friends again lmao. In katsuki’s case though, IZUKU nearly died in one run in way the dark lord and katsuki lost it when he thought izuku was dead and he never ever want to feel that helpless and utter despair again know that he know what it mean to him to lose izuku bc he had been in love with izuku all along. So yea IT’S TIME FOR VEELA’S COURTING BULLSHIT :DDD.
Veela despite their frail beauty is actually a magical creature that v v v much like a bird of prey; they’re fighters and volatile. Katsuki to show izuku that HE IS A GOOD THE BEST MATE, constantly show off in class and dueling (beaTing izuku in the process lmao) that he can provide and strong enough to protect izuku. HE gives izuku one of his feathers as a gift knowing how much izuku loves his wings ever since they were children even though GIVING FEATHERS pretty much mean I WANNA MARRY YOU AND MATE FOR LIFE but izuku didn’t know that.
The slow seduction/courtship of izuku was the most agonizing and difficult thing ever for katsuki. Taking on four dark lords would be easier than courting izuku bc katsuki does It in the most roundabout way possible; HE’S BASICALLY COURTING IZUKU W/O EVERY REVEALING THAT HE’S COURTING IZUKU and everyone to their friends and parents just sigh v v v v v deeply bc WHY YOU GOT TO MAKE IT THIS HARD. But katsuki wants to win izuku over through brute force of affection, gifts, and interest in him instead of some bullshit destiny thing like mate.
izuku loves katsuki since they were children but he ISNT’ IN LOVE WITH HIM until much later in their sixth year when katsuki risk it all to save him in the triwizard tourntament. IZUKu actually was selected as one of the champion (which pisses KATSUKI OFF SO MUCH but he’s older now and mature enough not to hate izuku for it) and in one of the trail izuku nearly lost his life once more and katsuki was the one who jumped in to save him WHICH IS HILARIOUS BC THAT’S THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN BC KATSUKI IS THE ONE WHO GOT KIDNAPPED AS HIS ‘MOST TREASURE PERSON’ which izuku had no clue about but once he realize how true that was.... it was game over for izuku bc he’s finally opened his eyes to what katsuki been LITERALLY COURTING HIM SINCE THEIR FIFTH YEAR lol.
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mush-dooms · 5 years
the marauders’ careers
james took some time off of work to be with baby harry
lily and him had enough money from his father’s company to be okay for a while,
but eventually he grows restless.
a natural leader and son of a businessman,
james knows he wants to start his own company.
but for what?
eventually he opens a company for creating magical objects.
he figured if he could make the map he could probably make more stuff, too
he sells variations of the map to security companies and aurors
but closely guards the secret to making it-- he knows the magic could easily be abused
eventually the company expands to include a whole range of magical security devices
watches that can project a shield charm and send simple messages, 
various modified prank objects to be used as distractions,
a device inspired by muggle cameras that can record videos
and much more.
james also coaches little league quidditch for the local team
harry pretends to be embarrassed, but in reality he loves it
james offered him a job at his company--he did help make the map, after all--
but remus turns him down.
he wants a job where he can help people 
but he’s not quite sure what that should be.
it isn’t easy finding a job with his condition
eventually sirius convinces him to apply for a teaching job at hogwarts
remus is shocked when he finds out he was hired.
he does his best to make his classes fun and educational
he loves his job, and the kids love him.
hogwarts was the first place he felt at home
and he loves being that home for someone else.
once he retires, he becomes a strong advocate for ending anti-werewolf stigma
as a well-respected, beloved professor, people are finally willing to listen.
he manages to pass laws banning werewolf discrimination, funding for a cure, and providing wolfsbane potion free of cost
has no clue what he wants to do.
like, at all.
he bounces around at odd jobs for a while
first as a barkeeper
then in a little bookshop on diagon alley
he tries working with james for a bit
but offices were never his thing.
remus is thriving at his new job at hogwarts, but sirius still feels lost. 
what if he really is a disappointment?
he meets bill one day when the marauders are all invited to the weasleys’
and bill tells him all about curse-breaking
the next day remus finds him burried in a copy of 157 Curses and How to Crack Them.
sirius goes on to be a renowned curse-breaker
he loves the travel, the danger, and the puzzles to unravel.
sirius was always full of restless energy
and he loved coming up with pranks and spells while at hogwarts.
he was never meant to be contained, and curse-breaking harnesses all of his energy and passion perfectly
he does miss remus with all of the traveling,
but he can’t imagine doing anything else
also has no idea what to do after hogwarts
school was never really his thing 
and he was no leader like the others.
he finds a quiet desk job for the ministry in the improper use of magic office,
where he files reports and runs errands.
however, he never really feels fulfilled
when james approaches him about his new business,
peter doesn’t hesitate to accept.
he had always had a knack for charms
so james puts him in product development
he does well, and though he craves leadership and admiration,
he was never good with people.
so he stays in product development and occasionally helps james with businessy things
after having harry, she continues her schooling at a wizarding medical school in london
potions was always her favorite subject
and she has always wanted to heal people
whether it was by mending broken friendships 
or caring when no one else would.
after graduation, she goes to work for st. mungo’s
where she is a doctor for all sorts of magical injuries and diseases.
she also works closely with remus while he’s at hogwarts to develop treatments for lycanthropy
and makes improvements to the wolfsbane potion.
they also set up the Lycanthropic Wizarding Society to provide support, counseling, and community to other werewolves.
the hours are long, and Lily often wishes she had more time at home
but she loves her job
and being able to make others feel better brings her so much joy
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fearofflamingos · 5 years
Muffin Monster and Stud Muffin
Summary: Tyrus is cute
A/N: I was given the prompt of Tyrus + a fond ghc so here we go! I don’t think this is one I’ll even consider a part two for unless it’s highly requested because I feel like this is fine by itself.
OP: @kylieq101 said “Could you do a prompt for tyrus??? Just them being together already around the GHC and stuff?? Like every one around them is like get a room please???”
Includes: POV!cyrus, nicknames, pet names, Tyrus, tj and cyrus being married and adorable, the ghc, muffins, slightly embarrassed cyrus, mini mention of muffy
Warnings: Cyrus sits on TJ’s lap but that’s a bonus tbh, theres one mention of muffy, Tyrus is sickeningly sweet, this may make you feel warm inside (you’ve been warned)
Word count: 979 (kinda short)
Genre: fluff/oneshot
I glanced over at the now empty plate to my left.
I emotionally held my hand up to the tray and looked to the side dramatically.
“Buffy,” I whined, “there’s no more muffins.”
“Oh god really? How will i ever get over this?” she exclaimed in a exaggerated voice before reverting to her calm demeanor.
I pulled on her sleeve and pointed to the source of my impending sadness.
She looked over and shrugged “you’ll live.”
Andi put a hand on my shoulder and chirped up from the other side of me
“You’re talking to cyrus, I’m not so sure he will.”
I nodded and asked
“Why do bad things happen to good people?”
I sighed as I grabbed an apple, leaving the lunch line with a overwhelming sense of disappointment.
An apple.
I could’ve had a muffin but all I got was a stupid, healthy apple.
I wish bad luck on all the apples in the world.
Wait no I don’t I take that back, sorry apples.
But I wish they could like not exist for a day.
As we reached our usual table I set down my tray across from Buffy and Andi.
I stared at my disgustingly healthy snacks.
Here’s an idea for JMS: double the number of muffins and half the number of apples.
I quite like that idea...
I glared at the red fruit hoping I could somehow with my mind transform it into a muffin with an undiscovered magical power.
I’ve had a long day, okay?
I must be a wizard because a hand came and stole my apple and set a chocolate chip muffin in its place.
I gaped at the food before holding it up to make sure it’s real.
“Hello, magic muffin.”
“So that’s what you’re calling me now?”
I looked behind me to see TJ take a bite from my apple.
“No... although it could be. By the way, this isnt a trade I would recommend on your end but thank you!” I beamed at him.
He ruffled my hair and sat to my left, giving me a quick peck on the cheek before explaining
“It was for you to begin with, muffin monster.”
Buffy snorted from in front of us
“You are fueling an obsession,” she said pointing at TJ, “and you need to give apples a chance.” she continued shifting her fingers towards me.
“I refuse.” I said quickly before taking a large bite from my muffin.
“Get a room.” Buffy scoffed.
I saw TJ put his hands up in surrender
“I’m literally just sitting here doing nothing.”
She rolled her eyes and gestured to me
“I’m talking about him and his muffin.”
I swallowed and rose an eyebrow
She shook her head with a sigh.
“Muffin monster?” Andi questioned us with a laugh.
“If I have a muffin obsession then he has an obsession with making up nicknames for me.” I said before taking another bite.
“It’s a gift.” he answered holding a hand to his heart with faux pride.
TJ wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder.
“You don’t love muffins more than me, do you?”
I looked back and forth between my muffin and my boyfriend
“I mean... it’s pretty close...”
He poked my side and gasped looking straight at me with a pout
“Ow, geez. Of course you’re the winner, stud muffin.”
I gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose and intertwined our hands underneath the table.
I mouthed no he’s not when he looked away to which Andi giggled and Buffy smiled.
“I saw that.” He revealed startling me.
Andi and Buffy looked between each other then back at us.
“You two are so married.” Andi said before popping a grape into her mouth.
I stuck out my tongue before striking up a conversation about the latest episode of our favorite show.
As Andi and I discussed the ending, Buffy played an iMessage game on her phone- probably against Marty because they had a weird completion complex. I wasn’t sure when he had started but TJ ran his fingers through my hair while staring at me.
I tried to focus on talking with Andi but his touch felt so soothing and I quickly lost my train of thought.
When Andi started to rant about her favorite character, TJ leant forward, chin in hand, and gave me a small tap to the ankle.
It wasn’t a kick necessarily, but it was almost a teasing knock to my leg so I gave a small tap back.
I saw him smile behind his hand and felt another tap.
We went back and forth for a while until I giggled and mouthed ‘stop’ to him which somehow prompted him to pull me into his lap without a word.
Andi stopped in the middle of her sentence with wide eyes and elbowed and annoyed Buffy.
“What do yo-“
She looked over as well.
I stared pink faced at them as TJ laid his chin on my shoulder and hugged me tightly.
“Wow...” Buffy started, “you’re giving the muffin a run for its money.”
Andi laughed from beside her and added
“This would be the part where you two get a room because you’re both way too smitten.”
I opened my mouth a few times but no words came out so I simply cleared my throat and hoped one of them would strike up a conversation. Although, neither did.
TJ spoke up from behind me
“You guys don’t have to stop on our behalf.”
I felt TJ squeeze my cheeks to make me have a fish face.
“Right, muffin?” He questioned.
“Mmhmmpff.” I mumbled going crossed eyed trying to see his hand.
Andi tilted her head.
“Actually, you guys are sickeningly sweet.”
“Agreed.” Buffy chuckled raising her hand in the air as I grabbed my milk and began taking a sip.
The two high fived and TJ while nuzzling the back of my neck he replied
“What could you guys expect when he’s such a sweetie”
I choked.
Please send feedback and prompts to my inbox <3
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kirbythoughtsihave · 5 years
He who has conquered the Star
AN: SORRY I wrote this like an hour ago and I am falling asleep right now
    There once was a legend on an ancient planet. A planet of beings so wise and powerful, that only they could defeat themselves. They knew of this, and in order to stay safe, they encourage friendship as much as possible. This worked, and the pitfull of many was fixed by the beings of seemingly infinite wisdom, however even the smartest of minds couldn’t count on luck.
    A group of ancients began to work on the power of friendship, and how it could be used for good. This pleased many, as frenship couldn’t be harmful, right?
    The group tested everything, gathering survey to inform, stalking for info, and experimenting with their own bonds for the sake of knowledge. This disturbed the other ancients and they tried to help the group. This only provided more test subjects as the group lied about their feelings and waited to see the results of this path.
    In the end, they found that friendship could be physically manifested and that it could be used to create and destroy. They created tools; tools of hope, dreams, and power. Wish granting devices and cretors that created on their own. However, that group wanted to learn more, so they focused more on the components of the friendship.
        Hear, Soul, Mind, and Dark were all the components of friendship. This puzzled the group, how could matter of darkness be a friend, and so they isolated the component, into a matter most dark, and with this condensation of darkness, a being was born.
        The scientist freaked out and tried to destroy their creation,but all of the energy would be abused by the void. The group screamed for the other ancients, and they came rushing by as the dark being tried to consume the group. The whole planet tried to fend back the being of their own creation, the being trying to find the group that created it. All it knew was destruction; whether it be from it or them.
    The void absorbed every bit of magic and technology thrown at it, and created spawns to help with the search, until four individuals joined forces to fight against a common threat. These four allies used the matters that the matter of dark was missing and forge them into sphere and used those sphers to imporsion the monster.
        The battle was won, but the lives lost caused the planet to become inhabitable. The planets intrade with the ancients home collapsed without an economically infrastructure, and the group, the indirect destroyers of planets, were scattered in hiding, may they be out of shame, or out of fear.
        This only got worse, as the way to create beings out of matter became known, people foolishly began created life. However, things changed.
    A group of sorcerers combined all the matters of friendship, gave the creation a heroic heart, and took away all traces of darkness. This bore two beings, of yellow and pink, however that story is for another time child.
    Kirby shook themselve,’ why were they having flashbacks now,? We are in ANOTHER DIMENSION...’. Their eyes darted to their side. Dark Meta Knight, Darouch, and Marx were annoying Meta Knight as Susie and Magolor observed. Rick, Kine, and Coo were talking to some of the helpers who were...helping. Gooey was floating next to Ribbon and Adeline, and the girls had nevose looks on their faces. Taranza was talking to Bandanna Dee and Dedede, most likely about government stuff- the sort of thing that made Kirby fall asleep whenever Dedede complained about it during a meal.
    Speaking of meals…”Hey Adeline. Is STILL LIFE ready?”
    “Kirby...I just used it.”
    “Yeah but…….that looks to be boss coming up”
    The artist looked in front to see several essence surround an elegant door, and paused. “Guys! I think that’s where all these portals are coming from!” The group all stopped their conversation and examined the gold door that was coming up.
    “Okay, are we all healed?” asked Bandanna Dee.
    “I could go for some food right now”
    “But are you healed?”
    “...Yeah..” The group did a double check, Kine and Darouch were missing some health, but the group was in great condition. With that, they entered the door to the corrupted officiant.
    Everyone felt tired, they had just fought Hyness and the Three Mage Sisters. The helpers that helped were collapsed by the body of Hynessx leaving only the dream friends and Kirby standing(besides the aforementioned sisters). The Sisters opened a portal back to the Gamble Galaxy with four warp stars waiting for them. They restored Hyness's heart, and were on the warpstar when another portale appeared. The star allies look at Hyness in suspicion.
        “Juh? Japologa, but this is not me Majaja.”
    The allies looked at each other and sighed, ‘welp, I guess we’re doing this’ was a common thought among them.
    “Wait, I might be able to help.” Hyness summoned the pink spheres of legend and shot them at each of the warp stars. The stars lit up and combined in a flash of light, and each crating a bigger star, a STAR SPARKLER. The allies nodded and hopped on in a four single file line, one group per four stars. As they entered into the darkness they heard a faint, “We’ll take care of anything that comes out!” from the mage sister below.
    Inside the portal, the darkness faded as the group ended up on a large flat mirroring surface, as what looked to be the galaxy watched. In the center layed a morphing blob of sharp spikes of darkness. It molded itself into a giant form, larger than any being that Kirby and the gang have ever fought sans Star Dream.
        The giant was TRUE VOID TERMINA, and it was a titan on darkness.
    Eyes appeared all over the body and the four stars split up to take the down. Rick, Kine, Coo, Gooey, and Marx took the left, Adeline, Ribbon, Darouch, and Dark Meta Knight took the right. Taranza, Magolor, and Susie shot the eye in the back, while the main four took the eyes in the belly and on the head. The titan’s face mask flew off as Kirby’s star flew inside.
    “This is gross,” mutter King Dedede.
    “Said the person who was eating rotten food earlier,” quipped Meta Knight.
    “Guys could we not fight each other in the middle of fighting someone else” said Bandanna Dee.
    The Shell came off with the combined forces of an electric  hammer, sword, and sphere. The force of the shell blew the four friends out of the body of the void.
           Void Termina’s body directed the newly unleashed power brought upon by the removal of the shell and wings of a familiar foe sprang from it's back. The white and red wings had eyes form on them, and the star allies knew that they had to do this phase again.
           The titan's body cramped up in pain from the shots fired by the four stars, and was sent crashing into the ground with the loudest thud some of them have ever heard.
           Again, the face-mask fell off, but this time the four Star Sparklers rushed into the body of the colossal. Then their eyes met with eyes most familiar.
“ Kirby...what”
           Kirby froze. Those eyes. The eyes of the star traveler. The eyes of a created being, the eyes of puffballs. They were staring at them with the innocence of a newborn. Kirby stared at the being for what seem to be an eternity, but both knights were re yelling at them. They glanced at their friends, eyes in confusion, panic, and fear. The knights’ eyes were one of fearful recognition.
“You recognize them”, stated Kirby
“They….the eyes”
“What's going on?” asked Gooey.
Kirby laughed and said with a sign,” There were tales of the star conqueror. The being that came on a spring breeze. Living anywhere and consuming all.”
“ Why does that thing look like you demanded Susie.
“For they are me and I am them. We were made the same, but the experiences we had changed us.”
“What about us?” asked Dark Metela Knight.
“You were created by that wizard, right?  What made you think he had the right recipe, o’or winged one?”
“Kirby, stop talkin’ like that” said Dedede.
“ Apologizes, but this is a family matter an-” Kirby was cut off as a laser was shot at them. “ Oh right, final boss.”
The dream friends rushed at the boss, swinging everything they had, and used the confusion and betrayal as fuel to fan their flames.  The orb laughed and smiled as the final blow came down, knowing the fate they will receive. The orb exploded and everything went to white.
Kirby woke up to the burnt face of Zan Partizanne tending their wounds. “ What happened?” asked the pink puffball.
“After you left we fought a butterfly and then there was an explosion on the other side of the portal and all of you guys came out with magical injuries.”
“ If you really think about it...isnt everything a ma-”
“That's it, you aren't getting the wait on your explanation.”
         The room flooded in with helpers and dream friends. They all had a pensive look on their faces. “Kirby...what was that?”
“ It's a long story,but here's the abridged version.”
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A little Barnaben fanfic
Hi, people, This is a little gift for @hey-jacob-its-me, because I know that you need more Barnaben and you deserve this. Really this started being a headcanon and well, now it isnt. This would continue more or less her headcanon- fanart about the pairing.
The beginning of their relationship hadn’t been easy, sometimes they were too differents. Barnaby was a boy with a strong and noisy personality, always highlighting in the crowd. Ben was the opposite, shy, always avoid being the spotlight. A gryffindor and a slytherin. A strange couple that, in some way, complemented each other.
It was summer of sixth year; in a few week they would start their last year in Hogwarts. And Barnaby was completely bored. The summer was supposedly the favourite season of the young people, but he hated it. He had lived in the grandparents house since their parents was sent to Azkaban and, though he loved their grandparents, living here was tedious with the only company of their grandparents and their friends.
In the boring afternoons, with nothing to do, Barnaby decided to do a surprise date with Ben in the muggle world, despite the short life of their relationship. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea (Ben didn't like the surprises), but Ben seemed as bored as him and this date would break, at least one day, the tedious summer.
However, his emotion disappeared quickly. He didn't know what muggle do in a date, even he was unaware of what kind of clothes muggles wears. His father did a perfect job to ensure that he ignores all about the muggle world, except the belief that pure-blood superiority to muggles and muggle-born wizards (idea that he had discard when he had met his friends)
He needed help, but hesitated about who to turn to. He couldn't ask Penny because she would tell MC it (and he understood the reason, he did the same thing with Ben), MC would tell Rowan it (due to they were best friends) and Rowan, who couldn't keep a secret, would tell Ben it (Ben had been angry with Rowan due to the theory "Ben is R", but now they had a good friendship again). And neither he couldn't ask Bill, Charlie or Andre, as they were pure-blood like him.
He only had a solution and it was trusting Tonks  whose father was a muggle-born who had taught her the muggle customs. Unfortunately he didn't know the big mistake that he had made.
Tonks (and Tulip who was visiting her) helped him, of course, he was his friend. When they got him dressed and he were wearing muggle clothes, in that sense they kept their word, but it was the most colourful, the most horrible and the most sparkly clothes that Tonks and Tulip could find.
Tonks, feeling a bit guilty, shared a romantic muggle tradition with him. According to her words, muggles give their partners flowers as a show of love. He didn't like so much the idea (killing flowers was stupid gift, but they were muggle customs  and Ben would be proud of his knowledge about muggles). Despite this, he decided to buy a common muggle flowers.
In the florist, the sensation of being watched by another customs and the retailer didn't disappear while he was looking for the flowers. He was afraid of the attention (he didn't know if muggles noticed that he was different), trying to find the perfect flowers quickly, except their new plan had a fault. He couldn't. The muggles flowers were lame. Not screams, not magic powers, not move. Nothing like plants of herbology. He could give Ben grasses of parks, because they were the same.
He was about to give up, when a red and green plant attracted his attention. Their flowers looks like a monster’s mouth with sharp fangs. the retailer say its name, a carnivorous plants, and its name was enough cool to buy it. Besides, there weren't bouquet of those plants, so he took the alive and happy plant in its pot.
He was in front of the door of Ben’s house. His hands were sweaty due to the nervous, rising up in him. Now he wasn't sure if it had been a good idea. It was the first time that he went to boyfriend’s home and he hadnt been invited. Literally he didn't know if the family was here in that moment.
But he couldn't give up now. He breathed deeply and rang the doorbell. Barnaby had been right, Ben were in the house. When the bell rang, he had been reading a book, or rather tried it. he couldn't stop to think about the fear that he felt when his parents asked about a girl that he liked in the school. He always had been a terrible liar, and he couldn't only give a trembling smile, assuring them that his little boy was still too young to think this. He has never been able to speak the  truth.
He couldn't imagine their shocked faces if they would discover his boyfriend and how they were dating during 7 months happily and how he had been less stressed since they were together, except when he thought about these.
Maybe they wouldn't expel him from their house (and family) at that same moment (What would the neighbour think?), but in his 18 birthday, they would do it, without hesitation. Either he couldn't share this with Barnaby, he wasn't able to tell him the treatment that people like them received in the muggle world and why Barnaby couldn't visit him. Really not world wanted them, neither wizard world, not muggle world.  He was more scared due to the hatred due to their relationship than the hatred, that pure-blood wizard, of being a “Mudblood”. At least in the magical world he had friends that would defend him. In the muggle world he was alone against all of them.  
When he opened the door, he couldn't believe his eyes. His goofy, but kind boyfriend were wearing a horrible clothes that he could only get in the hell with a carnivorous plants and a his big brilliant happy smile.
He didn't know what he must do: Laughing for the clothes and surreal situation? Being surprise, but delighted due to his visit? Hugging him (not kissing because of gossip neighbours)? Closing the door and curling up on the floor until that strange hallucination disappears? Or being really scared of their parents and their opinion?
He didn't have time to choose, because their parents appeared behind him, asking who was this strange boy. He was in panic without being able to know what he must say.
Saying the truth, risking the relationship with his parents?
Lying and breaking the Barnaby’s heart?
He only saw a solution. He ran.
If he ran, he wouldn't have to choose it. He wouldn't lose anybody. He wouldn't face hurt people due to his words.
He was the Schrödinger's cat, between two ways.  
He ran until he is tired, hardly breathing. But he didn't stop, moving away from the house and its choices. But running was vain.Not matter how many time he was running away from his problems, finally its would catch him.
He needed time and place to think carefully about what he would do. He hugged himself, feeling alone and lost.
He remembered his secret hiding place when he was a child and the things were too difficult for him. His parents knew about that place and it was too near his house, but it the only one site that he could think.
After a minutes, he was hidden in that secret place, behind a bushes near the river in a park, where he could think peacefully.
He was still confused and scared about what he would do, he needed somebody to help him to choose it, but nobody was in the park due to the sun’s heat.
Like he had been called, Barnaby appeared in the distance, shouting Ben’s name. For a moment you wanted to hide again (and take more time to think it), but neither Barnaby nor you his parents would deserve that agnst. Ben continued in the same site, let Barnaby seeing him. It didn't take long  to it. When Barnaby approached him, Ben noticed how he could hardly breath, but seemed so relieved to find him safe and sound that Ben was embarrassed by his escape. He hugged Ben tightly, trying to calm both of them.
Seeing Barnaby so affected, Ben finally decided to explain the situation about the same-sex couples in the muggle world and what would happen if their parents knew the truth. And the world hadn't finished as he had feared.
Barnaby understood him, each words (and he promised himself  that his boyfriend would never feel this fear again if he was be able to avoid it), because their fears were very similar. His own parents would throw him out the family If they knew that he had a muggle boyfriend. They were scared by their families, but also to hurt their partners. And the hesitancy on both sides had been about to hurt themselves.
After the hard conversation, they spoke about trivialities, something that Ben appreciated  (he needed to forget the discussion that he was going to have with his parents in the near future), and relaxed in this peaceful place, evading the time when Ben must return his house.
However, the time passed quickly, having to come back the Ben’s home. While they were walking  they couldn't hold hands, Ben couldn't let rumours about them. Although their hand touched, that reminds them that they didn´t face this (the fear, the misunderstanding, the hatred that their relationship created in both worlds) alone because they had each other.
When they arrived his house, they would lie, being only best friends, and would hide a beautiful part of themselves during months, maybe years. They didn't know.
But for now they would enjoy the little moments, where it wasn't important if they were muggle-born or pure-blood or loved a person of same-sex.
Where they were only two boys in love.
I hope that you liked this, the english isnt my first language and I wrote this without beta, so Its possible that it has (a lot of) mistakes. If you see them and you say me, I would really apreciate it.
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Elient the 5th 1489 / Night 1 in Barovia
The sound of hurried tiny feet could be heard as Melzan waited silently in her room. With a crash the door burst open, an out of breath and rosy cheeked halfling appeared bearing a wine bottle in each hand. “Alrightly then. Let’s get this party started!” Nessa strode happily into the room, closing the door as she entered. With ease she jumped onto the bed and began to work at opening one of the bottles.
Melzan smiled and locked the door, then the windows. She took the bulk of her armor off before smiling. She wore fine silk under her armor. With a big smile she hopped onto the bed with Nessa. Reaching out, she gently, to avoid pip and elana, pet the halflings hair.
"Yes, lets get this 'party' started. What does one do at a slumber party? Drink and eat? I do like both of those activities," Melzan giggled.
Nessa smiled as she felt the gentle pat atop the head. It brought back many memories…With a gleeful squeal she opened the first bottle. She turned her head to and fro as she scanned the place and sighed. “Ugh…I think I forgot the glasses.” She chuckled awkwardly.
“At a slumber party?” She tilted her head to the side and pondered the question. “I can’t quite say. Never had one myself. Food and drink sound excellent though!”
"That's okay, we can share. I don't have any diseases," she pulled Nessa into a gentle one arm hug and took one of the two bottles to start drinking.
They were most likely going to die here, but for now they were alive and she planned on keeping it that way as long as possible. Melzan liked Nessa. The little halfling was sweet and had a huge heart even if it was mostly filled with the desire for gold.
"I think just drinking and eating will be okay. We'll create our own slumber party."
"Yes!" Ellana nodded and flew around them. Melzan brought out a small cup from her mess kit and filled it with some wine so she could have some.
Nessa clumsily tried to steady the wine bottle as she was briskly wrapped into a warm embrace. Giddy laughter filled the room.
“We certainly will!” Nessa’s smiled as she watched Ellana flit down towards the cup for a drink. She raised her own bottle to her lips and poured a generous amount. Grape Mash…How long had it been? Months? The dark rich flavor flowed down her throat. Oh the Wizards of Winery sure did know how to make a good drink. She thought back to those cheery nights in the back room of the winery with Raph…up all night drinking and talking of better times. A small smile curled up her lips.
She let out a pleasant sigh. Her eyes peered towards Melzan with interest. “So, why do you…ummm..how is it that you…why do you look like a girl now?”
Melzan smiled sweetly and pressed her forehead against Nessa's. For a little while she just enjoyed the closeness before moving back and getting her book out of her bag.
"My goddess... She prefers female worshipers to access her powers. Though very rarely, she choses male ones. Like myself. Though to get closer to her, and obtain our power, she allows us to become her gender. We develop a connection with her and whenever we feel the need to be close with her, we can to a ritual to feel that again. Normally it wears off after I've completed something she wishes me too. So I'm not going to be a girl forever, but this isnt' the first or the last time I will be one."
She opened up the book to the chapter with the ritual. Everything was in elvish but the drawings were clear and obvious. There were female drow dancing nude under the moon.
Nessa grinned happily as she felt Melzan’s warm touch against her forehead. Was this what family was like?
The halfling listens attentively to Melzan’s peculiar tale. “Eilistraee prefers female worshipers hmmm? Is that why you think I’m the one she sent you to find?” She furrows her brow, deep in thought. “But I, I don’t have any magic talent like you do…unless you consider what happens to me when it’s a…” her face pales a little bit as she remembers the torturous transformations she must endure.
She drinks another sip of wine as Melzan brings out her large tome and opens it on the bed. “Well that’s not something you see everyday.” Her fingers trace along the foreign elven script as she eyes the drawing with interest. “Is this one of those kind of books? The ones the boys get all excited about?” She chuckles and removes her hand from the parchment.
“You do rituals…like that?” Her dart from the book and back to Melzan as she pries for answers. “What’s it like?! So does she give you any hints then? For these tasks you are to complete?”
"That is, also she doesn't just need magic users. She just enjoys helping people and bringing them hope. She cares about outcasts and those that don't feel like they have a place," Melzan explained and pulled Nessa closer for a squeeze.
When she mentioned the book being one of 'those kind's that made boys excited she didn't understand. She never considered it anything more than artistic.
"Most the time, when we dance we dont' want to hide anything from her. We want to show her everything. We don't really regard nudity the same as most surface cultures. It's not really all that exciting most of the time."
Melzan loved the questions and she smiled honestly as she turned the page and began to explain. "I do, they are amazing, and take my breath away. Dancing under the stars and enjoying pure song and a type of joy I've never know. Sometimes there are drinks and kissing, but not much more than that in my experience. As for hints, normally I get visions or I just have to ask myself, 'What would she want me to do? What would be the right thing?'. Sometimes I don't always know the answer."
“Hope, huh?” Her face saddens a bit. Did they even have a chance? She gazed back towards Melzan with her hazel eyes. “…you…you mean to say she welcomes anyone?” Seconds later she was enveloped by another comforting hug. Was this what Melzan was like? He…or she seemed so different than Nessa thought she would be. Sure she knew what a badass fighter Melzan was…Nessa admired the way she took down that warlock and massive shadow dragon. But all of this…this compassion…it was an unexpected surprise for Nessa.
“So you leave it all out in the open then during that moonlit dance? Huh. I don’t know if I would be able to do that.” She chuckles to herself.
Nessa stretched out on the bed, wine glass in hand and peered at the tome. “Dancing amongst the stars, huh?” She thought back to the night before and smiled. Despite the exhaustion that followed her transformation she had twirled beneath the moonlit sky without a care in the world. A gentle hand leading and guiding her. “That sounds mighty nice.” Her cheeks burn slightly as she hears the talk of kissing during the rituals. She bashfully sips more wine. “Y-you have visions? H-how do you know that they are…are that? And not dreams?” She looks at him curiously. “It seems like so much of a guessing game then. These mini quests.”
"Anyone. No dance required. If you need hope, a place to belong, believe in freedom and that slavery is something that should be demolished, she'll welcome you. You don't have to dance naked either. But you might be even closer to her than I am now that you are a weretiger. Your more closely connected to the moon," Melzan enjoyed being with Nessa.
She didn't have to worry about fearing her. If she tried to kill her, then Melzan could handle it very easily. She'd lived with rogues and murderers so Nessa would be simple to take care of if it came to that. Melzan also promised to Illiad that she'd watch over this little halfling.
“She seems pretty alright…this goddess of yours. R-Really? You think that she’d accept me for being a…a were tiger.” She whispered the last word, still not comfortable saying it. Bajarni had taught her many things that night but what she was, it would take a bit more time to accept it all. For now…for now she at least had a purpose. Her eyes flared with rage as she recalled her vow.
“What else is in this book of yours?” Her hands reach out to brush the pages edge.
"Just stories and rituals. Information about her. It's something that many people want to destroy. No matter what, I need to protect it," Melzan let Nessa look through the book. "Also, I'm positive she'd accept you if you wished to worship her. She accepted me as a Drow. SHe even accepts orcs, and honestly anyone else who wants to do good for the world."
“They would want to destroy it, but why?” She lightly traces the edge of the drawing. The halfling hadn’t seen much art…it was…it was magical. “Who would want to destroy something so beautiful?” Nessa propped herself up on the bed and swirled the wine at her hand. Hear ears perked up upon hearing who Eilistraee accepted. A light smile played on her face.
“Say Melzan. What do you think of the lot of us? Do you think we stand a chance here?"
"The spider goddess... Lolth. The one most drow worship. She hates Eilistraee and wishes to kill her and snuff out those who worship her," Melzan looked into Nessa's eyes and smiled.
"I think that, after spending these last two weeks with you, that Milo is the heart of the group. He's innocent and pure of heart. That you have so much passion and compassion for those around you that you'll likely do something foolish, but I think we'll be there. That you care deeply for those you consider friends. You seem to want to bring as much joy as you can to those you care for. Not to mention you have a thing for gold. Illiad, well, he's hurting and an idiot, and a fool, and a good fighter and singer, decent with the lute..." Melzan thought about it.
"Samuel is smart, but definitely not much practical knowledge in these lands. He's from a place far away from what I can tell and Igor is well, a zombie gnome. I'm not exactly happy about that, but... All in all, we're going to wipe the floor with Strahd. I believe we will. I know my Goddess wouldn't send me into something hopeless, as I've said before. We will win. I know it."
“Spider goddess? A thing like that exists?” Her mouth opens slightly in surprise.
With her free hand Nessa gently caresses a smooth stone necklace at her neck. Her fingers gently trace the ruins embedded in it. “Milo…I-I hope he’s okay. I can’t believe he slipped through our fingers…” Her eyes burn deeply with regret. “Ha. Something foolish? I would never do that!” She sticks out her tongue and continues to finish off her bottle. “I DO have a thing for gold. I’d gladly take any off of your hands.” She flashes a wry smile.
Upon hearing about Iliad her cheery facade cracks for but a second. That stupid idiot… “I saw you two were enjoying yourself with those vistani women. What exactly were you up to?”
“I don’t know. He seemed capable enough in these lands. Did you TRY one of those apples? They were delicious! You really think we’re capable defeating him? I mean I thought ‘we’ were before…” Her eyes fall downward as her face darkens.
"Well, I'll make sure that any silver or something you have I'll trade you gold for," Melzan said with a smile. "At least when I can spare it. As for the spider goddess, yes, she is evil. Absolute evil and terror and.." Melzan reached to touch her side near where her belly button would be, but to the left.
With a shake of her head she relaxed and thought about what she and Illiad had done.
"Well, we wanted to get information, and people are more vulnerable if they think you're a clueless couple so... we pretended that we were going to be wed at some point. We learned about the laws, where a good dress shop is, when the wedding is going to be. That sort of stuff. About the new Sheriff which... Illiad looked so pale when they mentioned the new sheriff. I also did not try one of the apples. A bit too busy trying to figure out a plan as to what to do."
She leaned a little against Nessa, and moved her hand up to brush her fingers through the halfling's hair. "Yes. I believe we will beat him. Even if it's not true, I need to believe we can, or else we wont..."
“Thanks for that. I appreciate it. I’m still not used to the whole silver thing.” Nessa eyes Melzan curiously as she touches her side. A war wound perhaps? Had she dealt with this god before?
“Ohhhh. So that’s what you were up to. You two looked absolutely ridiculous. What was up with those voices?” She chuckles to herself as she remembers. “If there is a new sheriff in town, I’m sure it won’t be good. Come on now Melzan. It was only an apple. Planning could wait.”
A tiny mouse scampered out from under Nessa’s scarlet locks. He traveled down her shoulder, squeaking in protest, until it found itself in her lap. Nessa giggled and stroked his head to calm him. “It’s only Melzan silly. She won’t do anything.” Her hair bobbed slightly as she looked up at Melzan. “Yeah….I suppose…” The tiny halfling took in what the drow had to say. Was believing enough?
“Hey Melzan, can I uh ask a favor of you?” Nessa uneasily looked over to the edge of the room, she gently stroked Pip’s head with a single finger. “Since you're always around Iliad can you uh...I don’t know...can you make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid…something that he’ll regret?” Nessa looks solemnly at the remaining red liquor as she swirls it in the bottle. “He’s done some pretty...pretty bad stuff in the past that I couldn’t sto…” She slowly looks up and stares Melzan straight in the eyes, her gaze unwavering. “He can get into this...this rage...and I fear for what it will do to him…So, c-can you do that you think? For little ‘ole me?” The familiar smile crawls across her lips.
"I'll do that," Melzan said with a nod. "As best I can I'll try to make sure that he doesn't do anything too stupid. I've done some rather horrible things in my life too... I didn't always have Eilistraee as my patron." she said softly.
“G-good. Thanks Melzan.” She lets out a deep sigh. “Soooo shall we finish the rest of this wine then? The night is still young!” Nessa laughs gleefully and raises the bottle in the air with a grin.
"Yes!" Melzan nodded and raised up her bottle before taking a very long drink.
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dunamanticarchivist · 5 years
The Munchkin Nein - Jester Jay
I’ve been sitting on this one for-fucking-ever (like half a year a full year). Everytime I try doing this I somehow end up not procrastinating on the thing I was trying to to avoid by doing this. Idk its weird, but now I have somewhat a free moment and am looking to finally polish off this piece on cleric abilities - specifically one leetle blue tiefling. Will do Caduceus in another post since despite similarities, Laura and Taliesin play very differently. For those unfamiliar with this series, it is one where I ramble on the M9′s abilities, hoping to inform about the mechanics and let Critters indulge in the metagaming pigeon and optimize combat and damage numbers. You can find the rest of the series (now very outdated) here 
Ok clerics have so many spells I can’t cover them all, especially now they are level 8 and have access to Lvl 1-4 cleric spells. So I’ll mostly go over the ones she uses and maybe explore some I think are pretty cool. But first, an overview. 
Jester has the mechanics of a hybrid melee/caster character due to her above-average stats across the board. Her AC stands at a respectable 18, 2nd highest of the group by default (beat out by Caleb’s 19 if he has Mage Armor and casts Shield). Sadly her HP is relatively low at 67, 3rd last (though Nott, Cad, Jester and Beau) all fall within 65-69 (nice) HP. 
Next her WIS mod is maxed at +5 and her STR and DEX are at +3 and +4 respectively. Which is somewhat a shame she is limited to simple weapons, since a finesse weapon such as a shortsword/scimitar or rapier would be a straight up mechanical improvement in both to hit chances and the actual damage (although her handaxe is +1, evening it out but a +1 finesse weapon would be better yadda yadda whatifs and maybes)
Aiding her in melee damage is her Trickery Domain Divine Strike that adds 1d8 poison damage once per turn on hit in melee. Sadly many things are also resistant to poison, such as the demon they faced in C2E55. 
Ok first things up: Spell slots and spells prepped. Clerics recover their spell slots on a long rest and at Level 8 have the following: 4 L1s, 3 L2s, 3L3s, 2 L4s. 12 spells, seems adequate right? NOPE as the last fight in c2e55 proves. You never have enough spells to keep your squishy party alive. 
Next, clerics theoretically know a lot of spells. Like 70 over spells they could know how to cast. However, at the start of the adventuring day, their god gives them X number to work with. For Jester at Level 8, this is 13 and increases by 1 every level in cleric. Additionally, she has 8 spells that don’t have to be prepared every day (as listed in the Trickery subclass spells). So a large part of cleric (and druid and wizards who have this spell prep mechanic) is choosing the “right” spells for the day. As we know, CR is not exactly combat optimized, so suffice to say not all the following spells will be available in any given scenario. But still, here are some of the options. 
Her much beloved and iconic spiritual weapon the lollipop is a level 2 spell that is cast on a bonus action (good for action economy). It does 1d8 + 5 damage on a hit and 2d8 + 5 instead if she uses her Lvl 4 spell slots (with +d8 every 2 level spell slot increase). And best of all, it is NOT a concentration spell, so she is then free to whirl it about in all directions whilst opening other cans of whoop-ass.
Like Spirit Guardians, a 3rd level AoE 15ft radius centered on self of 3d8 radiant damage. Enemies can make a WIS save to halve the damage, but are still subject to halved speed while in the area regardless if they make the save or not. Casting at higher levels scales the damage by 1d8. This however, is concentration, so she cannot maintain other spell effects such as Blink and Pass without a Trace.
She has 2 nuke spells: Guiding Bolt and Inflict Wounds. Both are single target level 1 spells, and casting with higher level slots give better damage. Guiding bolt starts with 4d6 radiant damage and has a comfortable range of 120 ft while Inflict Wounds does a horrendous 3d10 necrotic, but requires melee range. Inflict Wounds scale better with level +1d10 vs +1d6, but Guiding Bolt (if hit) gives advantage to the next attack from the party. Due to initiative order fuckery and flanking stuff the advantage may be redundant sometimes, but I believe the best combo is Nott (the best detective agency) using the advantage for sneak attack in the absence of other sneak attack conditions. For inflict Wounds, if Jester has her duplicate in melee she can cast it from the duplicate. 
This presents an interesting conundrum for Invoke Duplicity, one of her Channel Divinity options (2 uses per short rest). Invoke Duplicity is a concentration action (bad), but can be cast 120 ft out. I think it isnt optimal to invoke duplicity to Inflict Wounds from a distance since it takes 2 full turns to do so + a bonus action to move the duplicate if when the enemy repositions. Instead, the duplicate can be used to double team an enemy in melee range, giving advantage to any attack rolls. 1. Inflict Wounds is an attack roll. 2. Spiritual Weapon is an attack roll. So perhaps Invoke Duplicity at 30 ft out as a first turn distraction as well as Spiritual Weapon, then move in for the kill. The positioning of both will be key, since she can only move one of them with her bonus action (30 and 20 ft respectively)
I forget how Matt rules with regard to distracting with duplicates (i.e will intelligent enemies attack the duplicate instead?) A parallel situation occurs with the Mirror Image spell. Not concentration (excellent) and is automatically prepared (also very good). When an enemy rolls to attack her if she has cast it, she rolls a d20 and above certain numbers (based on the number of duplicates remaining) the enemy attacks the duplicate. For Mirror Image, the duplicates are destroyed on hit (AC 14 for Jester’s dupes). But I believe Invoke Duplicity ones cannot be destroyed. Either cases could take the heat off Jester (which she has been on the receiving end of TOO MANY times).
Control Water I think I’ll go update Fjordy after all this; its more his spell than Jester’s now they are out of the water.
She also has a lot of other utility spells that can be clutch outside of healing and hurting (ok I have yet to mention her heals but that seems fitting we’ll get to that in a bit). Polymorph and Banishment can take enemies out of the fight temporarily (both concentration), with polymorph being easier to break if anyone accidentally hits them too hard. But polymorph can also be used on allies to turn them into a bag of hitpoints and melee prowess (generally speaking). But maybe not the most appropriate use (Polymorph Nugget/Sprinkle into the BBEG XD)
Dimension Door helps reposition Jester as well as an ally in melee range completely, enough to flee a fight or make a huge chase or get help. Dispel Magic is to nullify some of the magic thrown at the party and can be extremely useful, especially if enemies are limited in their spellcasting. 
And finally when she runs out of leveled spells to throw, she has cantrips. Toll the Dead is an above average damage cantrip (2d12 necrotic at her level unless enemies are at full health, then 2d8) WIS save. Sacred Flame is 2d8 radiant damage and enemies dont get cover bonuses to their DEX save for this. Sadly Matt seems to be very good at saving versus these, and saves mean no damage at all. But still, they are useful when she casts bonus action spells such as Healing Word, Spiritual Weapon and Sanctuary 
And finally the healing stuff. Cure Wounds and Healing Word. They are a parallel to the Inflict Wounds and Guiding Bolt conundrum. Cure Wounds heals for 1d8 + 5 (average of 9.5 HP) at level 1, while Healing Word heals for 1d4 + 5 (7.5 HP). Cure Wounds needs touch, Healing Word has 60ft range. Cure Wounds scales better with level (1d8 vs 1d4). Honestly in D&D 5e, thats not much healing. And the variance can screw you over. So prioritizing damage dealing is a pretty good strategy. In fact, with the presence of Caduceus, Jester has a comparative advantage in dealing damage (her opportunity costs of attacking are actually lower than Caduceus’, situationally).
However, as we see, Revivify is a very, very good tool to keep in one’s back pocket since you never know when an ally might accidentally blow up another. That part of healing, yeah no its a quintessential cleric role that Laura has played completely true to. And everyone needs to thank her for it. 
All in all, the hybrid nature of Jester as a Trickery Cleric has some growing pains, but I think she is a very very dangerous character (Matt acknowledges the value of clerics and is rather fond of focusing them). If she went full beast mode her damage output could probably match Beau’s, so really no one should hold her back with silly things like healing and worrying about her squishy friends. Dr Clay will be with you in a moment (after you’ve gone unconscious that is)
If anyone wants to debate the risk/return profiles of various spells, attacks, damage rolls and dice gods, feel free to drop me an ask!
Edit: her racial features are as follows for completeness sake: Cold resistance, Hellish Rebuke once per day, reaction when taking damage. 3d10 cold damage with DEX save for half damage. DC 12. Darkness once per day. Thaumaturgy as cantrip. Darkvision 60ft
0 notes
i-amusemyself · 7 years
Every and all countries.
HEY ITS MY FAVE ANON!!!! 😄😄😄💕 Thankies!!!! (Sorry for the delay, ive barely had internet)
America: What is your favourite place to eat?I’m not really sure 😂 I dont ever really go out to eat and if I do I just end up going to McDonalds or Nandos tbh
Australia: Do you have any quirks when speaking? ….I don’t know, I don’t pay much attention! I know if my head is somewhere else I’m terrible at keeping eye contact. Besides that I basically just laugh for one reason or another and say sorry 24/7.
Austria: already answered
Belarus: Is there anyone that you love? Family/friends/romantic interest etc.Oh hell yeah definitely!! I love my family one way or another ig. My friends, even the ones I don’t see often, I absolutely adore! I have like 5 people I would legit die for 😂
Belgium: What do you think of your siblings?I dont have any. I wish I did tho.
Botswana: Do you like to sing? Why?Yeah, I like singing since it sometimes helps when my mood gets down. I only really do it when I’m alone tho bc im shy
Bulgaria: Who do you consider close to you?I have 3 close friends tbh and id trust them with just about anything
Cameroon: Describe your culture.Lmaoooo what culture? 😂 I’m basically english and i dont even know if the things associated with that would be considered cultural? Idk we just drink tea, say sorry and are supposed to have a stiff upper lip at all times
Canada: Favourite wintertime activity?Not having to go to school 😂 idk tbh, sledging is kinda fun from what i remember?
China: already answered
Cuba: What sort of grudges do you hold if any?I very rarely hold grudges tbh, I let 99% of things go even if people don’t apologise. It’s hard to say where the line is without sounding overdramatic. I guess if they made my life so bad I considered ending it I wouldnt like someone too much (or if others saw that and continued to stay friends with them).
Cyprus: already answered
Denmark: Do you wish for something of your past?Nah, not really. I try my best to look forward, not back.
Egypt: Do you stand up for what you believe in? How?Ummmm, I’m not sure I could say I’m that active in it. I once wrote a long, anonymous letter to the headteacher or my school wrt the treatment and education of lgbt people. Besides that? I havent dont much. I’d go to a protest if there was one nearby that I supported.
England: Are you controlling?That’s hard to answer? Because when things happen my initial instinct is to control them. But I’m a lot more chilled out than I used to be, and continuing to try to improve on it. So the amount of things I actively try to control are very slim. The issues lies more with my hatred of vague plans tbh 😂
Estonia: Do you think people often misunderstand you?I don’t open up to that many people, not really. Most the therapists I’ve seen have never got me at all. In terms of friends, some do get it, though it depends upon what specifically I’m trying to explain/show etc.
Finland: What do you prefer; kindness, sternness or apathy?Kindness, for sure. It’s nice to know other people might look out for you when you’re not necesarily in a place to look out for yourself. Sternness is just,, hard to communicate with and apathy can put me on edge.
France: How do you share love for those you care for?Most the time I just send them memes 😂 I try to make sure I’m honest and I don’t hold back with compliments. I also try to show then that I really am interested in them/their life, tho sometimes I worry I’m annoying them.
What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do?4 A levels whilst also juggling 3 jobs at one point.
Germany: Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself?I rarely forgive myself for something without outside help, and even then it isnt guaranteed
Ghana: What is your favourite sport?Basketball, its the only one I understand 😂
Greece: Do you let others help you when in need?I do sometimes tell my closest friends if I’m in a really bad patch and out of options. Although, I become more focused on making them feel helpful than actually being honest when I can’t believe them etc.
Hungary: Who is the person you trust the most?My closest friends probably. Although there are different kinds of trust, so it varies with what I’m trusting and who I go to etc.
Hutt River: What is the most memorable dream or nightmare you’ve had?I remember most of my dreams tbh, and for months too. Nightmares especially, but i wont share those bc theyre really horrific tbh. I had a dream a few months back that I died and went to heaven, that was nice. Like, it just felt so calm, I didnt want to wake up.
Hong Kong: Do you fear death?I dont so much fear death as fear excessive pain and suffering tbh. I’m okay with not knowing what, if anything, happens after we die.
Iceland: Do you hide your real personality? Why?Not reaaally 😂 when I’m with people I know and trust I can pretty much be myself. But different people bring out different parts of me.There is a small part I crush right down bc I hate it, but it might slowly be fading.
India: How important is family to you?Idk, I’ve never felt super close to a lot of my family. I just sort of seem to find my own family, and theyre hella important to me.
Japan: Tell us a secret about yourself.I dont have that many secrets????? At all??? And the ones I do have I don’t tell for a reason 😂 lets go with: i have 2 moles and a shoulder dimple that look like a blob fish.
Kenya: What is your favourite wild animal?I love so many of them?!?!?!?! I love capybaras but also elephants and also gorillas???
Korea: What is one thing you accomplished by yourself?Ah, I never do anything completely by myself 😂 Idk, managing to get to america on my own was pretty scary, but I did it.
Kugelmugel: Is there anyone you have a love hate relationship with?I mean according to my anxiety, everyone I love hates me 😂But erm, the only person who I can really think of is my old geography teacher. He was a legend and I loved him, but for sure he hated me.
Latvia: Do you believe you are brave?Eh, idk. I don’t think I’m a coward, but it would depend on the situation.
Ladonia: What is the internet site you visit most often?Tumblr. I cant deny it.
Liechtenstein: How do people underestimate you most often?I have no idea, they usually overestimate me, though I don’t pay much attention to peoples expectations 😂 I genuinly have no idea, maybe I should ask my friends or something
Lithuania: Do you desire power?My initial answer is no, I’m not that interested in being powerful on a large scale. But I guess there are different kinds of power? Like, it would be nice to have the power to change other peoples lives for the better. Or the power that comes with being in government, which has always been something I’ve been interested in.
Macau: What is your favourite festival or celebration?Halloween. Without a doubt.
Molossia: Do you consider yourself strong?I used to think I was strong, given some of the things I’ve been through. Now though I realise I just supressed all the emotions that came with them, which are all coming back, and honestly I’m a weak mess.
Monaco: Do you think you are a lucky person?No, not really. 😂 I mean, there might have been 100 times ive narrowly escaped death, but I wouldnt know it.
New Zealand: Would you rather be an elf, dwarf, hobbit or wizard?I’ve never seen lotr/the hobbit ngl so just based on what I know I’ll say wizard bc magic
North Italy: What is your least favourite part of your personality?All of it. Idk, jealousy. Awkwardness. Inability to make conversation. Just who I am as a person.
Norway: What was the most disappointing time in your life?Idk, Ive been disappointed a lot 😂 my dad let me down p bad once, though i dont really wanna share the deets
Netherlands: Most generous thing someone has ever done for you?My best friend bought me a necklace with “you are the light of my life” on it and I still can’t get over how cute that is 😄
Poland: Hardest thing you’ve been through?The thing that comes to mind was the longest and most stressful night of my life. I’d just broken up from school for summer that day and we had an estate agent coming to value the house the next day so we could move out of the Flood Zone. That evening it rained and rained and I ran around the village asking council people to help us but no one came so we stayed up till 2am pouring water from around the house into wheelie bins to try and stop it coming in. Then I had a breakdown in the bath and just remember feeling so trapped. I never want to go through that again.
Prussia: Would you prefer to live forever or die alone?Oooooh thats a tough one! Bc living forever would surely involve a lot of time alone. I think I’d hate it tbh, 80 years is enough for me 😂 but dying alone is like, my greatest fear tbh. So I’ll say live forever.
Roman Empire: How would you like to be remembered?Idk, just as a good person that maybe helped a few people out, I suppose. I mean, sure I’d love to find a cure for cancer and change the world etc but gotta be realistic
Romania: What is something you are very ashamed of?There are parts of my body I hate so much I’ve genuinly considered taking a knife to them myself. I also struggle to deal with the whole gender/sexuality thing, no matter how much people tell me its okay.
Russia: Have you ever suffered from low self esteem? Do you still?For sure, yeah. I really struggle to love myself in any way, it’s an alien concept to me and I’ve always been taught to keep my mouth shut about anything I actually do like.
Sealand: Who is your best friend?My bro @only-slightly-dangerous lmao
Seborga: What is your favourite beverage?I absolutely looove milkshakes (despite being lactose intollerant 🙄), especially oreo ones
Seychelles: How do you handle people being rude to you?Lmaooo I don’t 😂 if they say anything personal, I take it to heart. I might try to talk back but I’d just screw it up.
South Italy: What is your favourite part of your personality?Ummm, idk, I don’t really think about the words I could use to describe my personality? I guess I quite like my sense of humor. Idk.
Spain: What would you tell to the person or people you hurt most if you had a second chance?I don’t want to sound like,,, a twat,,, but I don’t really think I’ve ever really badly hurt someone (not knowingly or intentionally anyway). The only person I can think of is someone I cut off for being a bad friend… so I don’t really feel too bad about that.
Sweden: Are you a leader, follower or independent?Lmao all of the above, depending on the circumstances 😂 I don’t mind leading things and taking charge, Im quite good at being organised. But equally I don’t mind following other people if I agree with their plans. I also love being independent and doing things alone, bc it feels free and you don’t have to worry about anyone else.
Switzerland: Would you consider yourself evil, good or neutral?Good, I think. I try to be a good person. Sometimes my initial reaction or thoughts might not be good, but I always want to do the right thing.
Thailand: How good is your poker face?If I’m just pissing about, not great. I just laugh. But if I’m serious it’s pretty good, if I can say that 😂 I’m good at acting when I want to be.
Tibet: What do you value most?What?? As in a quality? Or objects?? Idk. People with good intentions, I’ll say that.
Taiwan: What do you think of the people or person who raised you?I have a lot of feelings towards them, not all of them good. I’d rather not talk/think about it rn though.
Turkey: Would you ever want children?Without a doubt, yeah. I’m not sure if I’d have my own or adopt, maybe both. I’m not that naturally maternal; I love kids but knowing how to talk/react to them doesnt come naturally. Im probs more of a dad 😂
Uganda: How would you like others to see you?I dont know???? Just as a kind and trustworthy person that genuinly cares and will always try my best to help when I can.
Ukraine: What is one thing that has made you stronger in life?I have no idea. I don’t feel like a very strong person at all. My life just feels like a long string of events I’ve had to cope with.
Vietnam: What is something you are proud of about yourself?I don’t really,,, feel pride 😂😂😂 like I honestly can’t think of a time I’ve felt like that. I guess I’m pleased I did well in my A levels? But even then I wouldnt say I’m proud.
Yemen: What kind of art do you like?Its hard to describe? I know it when I see it 😂 I’m not too bothered about portraits and paintings of dull landscapes, but equally some modern art is barely Art. I quite like paintings that are bright, or tell a story. I also like sculptures if theyre based on cool stuff like, the human body ooor dragons idk. Mosaics are p nice too
Zimbabwe: Who is your favourite character from any folklaw?I’m not sure I know many folklaws 😂 The person that comes to mind is rumplestiltskin, but I think thats only bc I love his chacter in Once Upon a Time
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