#wolfstar challenge
❤️ Wolfstar First Date Challenge | Rules & Prompts ❤️
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Wolfstar Writing Challenges is back with another challenge! This one is all about first dates.
How it works :
The goal is to write a story or create a work of art based around first dates. Wolfstar has to be the main pairing, and your work needs to be about a first date, but it doesn’t have to be Wolfstar’s first date. Maybe they’re already together and they’re setting their friends up for a first date, or perhaps Harry comes to them for advice for his first date etc. As long as your work includes a first date + Wolfstar, it counts for this challenge!
There will be 10 first date prompts to help you get inspired, but you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. Feel free to create any first date fluff / angst / smut etc. you want. Prompts can be found at the bottom of this post.
The schedule :
24 April : Rules & Prompts are posted 1 May : The AO3 collection opens 15 June : The AO3 collection closes
Just a few simple rules & guidelines for this challenge :
- This is a Wolfstar challenge, so the main focus of your story has to be Remus & Sirius. But feel free to add any other characters and pairings you like.
- There is no minimum or maximum word count for stories, but if you write a chaptered fic, your work will have to be complete by the end of the challenge. All forms of art are welcome.
- All works posted to the AO3 Collection will be shared to the Tumblr page. Please give it up to 48 hours for me to share your work to Tumblr. If it hasn’t been shared after that time, there’s a chance I have missed it. Then feel free to send me a message to remind me to share it.
- If you only post your work to Tumblr / Wattpad etc. and you want it shared to the page, please send me a message with the following information and a link to your work. (Tagging doesn’t always work, so if you only tag the page and don’t send a message, there’s a chance I might miss it.) :
- Title : - Rating : - Warnings (if any) : - Summary :
- Works for this challenge have to be new. Older works that fit the challenge will not be accepted into the AO3 collection or shared to the Tumblr page.
- Any rating or theme is allowed for the challenge. But please make sure to put up the correct tags, and to add a warning if your story contains things like MCD, Violence, Non-Con etc.
- Works for this challenge may be combined with prompts for other challenges, but please make sure to check with the mods for those other challenges / fests as well!
- A masterlist of all the works created for this challenge will be shared on this Tumblr page after the challenge has ended.
The prompts :
- Dance class - (Midnight) picnic - Cooking class - Escape room - Wine tasting - Concert - Cat cafe - Stargazing - Ghost tour - Pottery class
Have fun! ❤️
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just two gays taking the muggle subway 🌕🍒
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i hope someone knows abt this meme or else i’ll feel very stupid…anyways, close ups:
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wilmvandrr · 12 days
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ohhh the implications of this au makes my mind TICK. I love them dearly <33
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aeligsido · 2 months
[WM] Prompt 29 — Crack Fic.
Rating: G.
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter.
Additional Tags: established relationship, fluff, oblivious Remus for the win, very very very oblivious for this one, even dare I say a bit dumb, but it's okay we love him anyway, humour, domesticity.
Summary: Sirius decides to propose.
Words count: 375.
A/N: I was going to do something else entirely but then this idea came and got stuck in my brain so here we are. Hope you like it! ❤️
The first time — what should have been the only time, really — Sirius decides to be romantic and to do things well. He plans a nice diner and buys flowers and gets out to buy Remus’ favorite cake from his favorite bakery.
Then Remus comes home, sees the setup, and panics. Remus being Remus, he immediately assumes he forgot an important date instead of literally anything else, and so Sirius spends half of the night reassuring him that no, there’s nothing important at all going on.
The second time, Sirius just brings it up in a conversation. Or tries, at least.
But, well, that one is on him for opening with Maybe we should change our relationship status.
The third time, he takes advantage of his favorite day of the week (babysitting Harry and Neville) to do art and craft with the boys and designs a very nice sign for his boyfriend.
Remus puts it away without looking at it after assuming the kids forgot it when leaving.
By then, Sirius throws subtlety by the window and leaves countless wedding magazines everywhere in the flat.
Remus looks at it with a puzzled expression and wonders out loud if it’s leftovers from Marlene and Dorcas’ wedding.
“It’s like when I was trying to ask him out on a date all over again,” he complains to James one night.
James nods along with a sympathetic expression. “Sure hope it won’t take you two years again!” he still teases all too cheerfully.
Sirius downs his beer in one go at the thought.
In the end, he slides the ring on Remus’ finger when he’s sleeping and calls it a night. No need for a grand thing when Remus doesn’t even realize what Sirius is trying to do, right?
Five days later, Sirius catches Remus staring at his hand, dumbfounded.
“Since when do I have a ring?”
Sirius shrugs. “Since you failed to notice I was trying to propose and I decided to just go ahead with it anyway.”
Remus blinks. “Oh, okay.” He goes back to his book, seemingly happy to have his question answered.
Thirty seconds later, his tea is all over himself and his book, and Remus turns red as the information finally sinks in.
“Wait, what?”
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oatmilkbasic · 4 months
may 24: interrupted declaration of love | @wolfstarmicrofic | word count: 360 | tw: drinking + throwing up
Sirius came stumbling into the room with all the grace of a dog learning to walk for the first time. Remus supposed that was fitting. 
“Moooooony,” he slurred, drawing the vowels out as he all but collapsed into Remus’s waiting arms. Remus wasn’t exactly sober himself, but he was better off than the plastered mess before him, so he led Sirius into the bathroom and held his hair back while he emptied the contents of his stomach. His hair was damp with sweat, a product of the fireplace and dancing and dozens of bodies packing the common room. It was knotted, too. Almost automatically, Remus began to detangle it with his fingers. 
This was fine. Sirius was too pissed to remember any of it, so this was fine. 
When Sirius had finished retching, Remus stood to find a rag. 
“Hey, Moony?” Sirius croaked. “Why’d you come up here?” 
Remus ran the cloth under the tap. “Dunno,” he replied, a half-truth. The party was still going downstairs, and he wasn’t usually the type to check out early. He didn’t have a proper explanation for himself, much less for Sirius. Especially not for Sirius— he was still shaking off the image of him devouring some Ravenclaw girl’s face. 
“Wish you hadn’t. ’S boring down there, without you.”
Remus crouched and pressed the cool rag to Sirius’s skin, wiping the clammy sheen from his forehead. “What are you going on about?” he murmured. “You seemed like you were having fun.” He hated saying it, and the icy way it came out. Sirius didn’t owe him anything, nor was his relentless pining his fault— not deliberately, anyway. 
Sirius scoffed. “I s’pose. But she’s not… they’re not… they’re not you,” he whispered, covering Remus’s hand with his own. “I want it to be you. I think I—”
Remus wanted so badly to let him finish. Instead he dropped his hand and pushed Sirius away. 
“Don’t,” he pleaded, putting more distance between them. “Please don’t. Not here. Not like this.” 
“You don’t know what you’re saying,” Remus said, practically begging. “Tell me tomorrow, when you do.” Tell me sober, so I know you mean it.
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gipitothefrog · 3 months
this is my first time doing a microfic prompt, sorry that it's rubbish :/
Word count: 589
“So, how’s it going?” Sirius asked as he fell into a trot beside Remus. 
Remus glanced at Sirius, smiling slightly. “Same as usual, Sir’us. Lotta cattle.” Sirius loved how Remus’ thick southern accent wrapped around his name, like molasses and honey. It sent a shiver down his spine that unfortunately he had to ignore. Remus, in all his perfection, would never want him, would he?
“I know how that is,” Sirius joked, gesturing to the herd in front of them. Remus let out a small huff of laughter and put his attention back on said cattle.
They rode in silence, and he took the opportunity to savor the man beside him. He was tall, muscular, and broad, with amber eyes and a scar across his face that Remus had once admitted to him, on a drunken night, was from his father a long time ago. Sirius never pressed, and Remus never elaborated. That night, however, had been a watershed moment in their relationship, in Sirius’ opinion.
That night, in the glow of the campfire, after Sirius had shared his own stories of his terrible parents, Remus had kissed him. It was short, just a peck really. Sirius knew it probably had meant nothing to the taller man, but to him, it meant everything. If he concentrated hard, he could still feel the burn of Remus’ lips against his own.
That had been exactly a year ago, and still he was unable to get it off his mind. So Sirius had decided to do something about it.
Steeling up the nerves, he took a deep breath.
“Yes, Sir’us?”
Oh my god, Sirius. Focus!
“Do you remember… last year? When we had that bonfire for James’ birthday?”
“The one where we got downright hammered? Yes, I reckon I do recall that night. What about it?”
“You— well, I don’t know how to go about this, but do you remember—”
“I kissed you, yes I do remember.”
“Oh. Well. Um, I suppose… why?”
Remus looked at him contemplatively for a moment. It made Sirius squirm, to have the beautiful man’s eyes on him for so long.
“I would think that would be pretty obvious, Sir’us.” There it was. His stupid name coming out of that dreadful glorious mouth and sounding so perfect. “I reckon, and bear with me, it was because I liked you. And I was drunk, that was part of it too.”
Sirius stared at him in shock for a solid minute as their horses continued trotting along behind the cattle.
He let out a nervous laugh. “Right, well, you surely don’t still like me do—”
“No, I do.” Sirius’s eyes widened. This had to be a dream. Remus had to be messing with him. “I can stop if you like but I’d rather not. You never seemed inclined to let me.”
“Let you…?”
“Let me stop liking you. Every time I tried you’d look at me with those eyes, and I reckon that’s what's kept me here for so long.”
Remus looked away, but Sirius could still see the slight flush of his cheeks. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him for not realizing sooner. 
Sirius gulped. “I- I suppose for me, it was the way you said my name.”
Remus looked back at him, surprised. Sirius felt heat rush to his face and looked down, but he was smiling.
When he looked back up, just a moment later, Remus was still looking at him. There were stars in his eyes, and he was smiling too.
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gardenoflupins · 6 months
Angel/Demon AU / @wolfstarmicrofic / 989 words
CW: sexual content, drugs & alcohol
Remus points a blessed sword against the side of the demon’s throat, eyes narrowed in his direction. He feels Minerva McGonagall’s divine energy as she apparates beside Remus.
“Leave her alone,” he warns in a low voice.
The demon, Sirius, slowly turns around with raised brows. Both Minerva and Remus scowl at him. Sirius had always been a threat to them. Always found a way to corrupt humans, especially the ones assigned to specific angels.
He always got his way.
“She isn’t doing anything she doesn’t want to,” he replies, unbothered about the divine beings in front of him. You’d need to be a major nuisance to have not one, but two angels corner you. And yet, he was indifferent.
Minerva steps forward, quiet and lethal. “You are encouraging a range of unhealthy activities. Drinking, drugs, luring her to this…” she scrunches her nose at the club they were standing outside of.
Sirius grins as if they’re all sharing a mutual joke. “I know, isn’t it fun?”
Minerva looks down her nose at him like he is nothing but filth. “She is under our guidance.”
“Is she?” Sirius asks innocently.
Marlene McKinnon stumbles out of the club in that moment, bottle in hand as she sings out of key. Remus doesn’t need to check to feel the drugs in her system.
Minerva thins her lips. They had lost another one. If there was one thing Remus knew very well, it was that angels were not as forgiving as humans made them out to be.
Remus redirects his sword so it’s right under Sirius’s chin, almost touching him before Sirius flinches away. Blessed weapons had the ability to injure a demon painfully. “You turn them all like you. You ruin everything good. Nothing thrives in your presence. You are a leach,” Remus hisses.
Sirius’s eyes flash in warning. “Careful, angel. Don’t forget I’m not above tearing the wings off your back.”
Minerva tenses and Remus can see her calculating. He knows she is thinking about killing him. He also knows that they’re both aware that they can’t. Not when Sirius belongs to a dangerous family. Killing him would cause a chain of events they didn’t want to deal with.
This is why Remus had come. To make sure someone didn’t die.
Another woman walks out of the club and makes her way to Marlene. Remus watches as she pulls her in for an embrace. Marlene grins up at her before leaning in for a deep kiss.
Minerva’s wings ruffle in agitation at the display.
A tremor goes through Remus’s own, for reasons other than annoyance.
“We will guide her back,” Minerva cautions, wings pulled tight. “Outside of drugs, you have nothing. You are nothing. She will come to the same realisation.”
Sirius glowers at her then directs it to Remus. “What makes you think I won’t torture him. He’s also nothing. There’d hardly be a consequence.”
That much was true. Minerva was more like Remus’s… mentor. She was a higher up. He was, well, replaceable.
She gives him a deadpan look. “I’ll kill you.”
With that, she disapparates.
Remus watches Sirius with stiff shoulders, feathers ruffling from anticipation. They stare at each other, both bracing for bloodshed.
They wait and wait and Remus realises no other angel is coming.
Sirius seems to realise it too.
He is on Remus in a second, hand on Remus’s throat to pin him against the wall. Remus lets out a grunt at the force as Sirius drops his hand to pin him by the hips instead. Remus shivers when he feels Sirius’s hot tongue sliding down his throat. His mouth opens instinctively and he tugs at Sirius’s hair to connect their mouths.
It should be mortifying how quickly that hot liquid of desire spreads through Remus. He is already moaning lightly against Sirius’s mouth, tugging, tugging, tugging to get him even closer.
“My beautiful angel,” Sirius whispers against him, leaving wet kisses across his jaw. Remus sighs contently, spreading his legs so Sirius can be between them. When that doesn’t feel close enough, he attempts to wrap his legs around the other’s waist. Sirius gets the message instantly and indulges him.
Remus loves the closeness.
“Have they been nice?” Sirius murmurs, still leaving kisses across his body.
Remus ignores him. “Stop stealing my humans. You’re going to make it obvious,” he breathes out shakily.
He feels Sirius grin against his throat. “No, they won’t suspect anything. We hate each other.”
Remus arches against him with a gasp when Sirius’s hand slips under his shirt and up his body. “Absolutely loathe each other,” Remus agrees breathily.
He holds Sirius close, deepening the kiss as Sirius tenderly strokes his wing.
“Missed you,” Remus mumbles and Sirius hums. “I missed you too, had to get your attention.”
Remus tries to pull back to give him a disapproving look but Sirius just leans in to kiss his furrowed eyebrows.
Remus gives up. “You’re going to leave traces of yourself on me.”
“I’ll wipe my aura off you,” Sirius mumbles, still peppering him with kisses anywhere he could reach.
“Oh,” a voice says. Remus pulls back to look at Marlene who begins to grin widely. “Fuck yeah Sirius, this is a win for the gays tonight.”
Sirius looks at her smugly as she drags her lover away, saying something about recreating what Sirius was doing. Remus is instantly curious about that interaction as it wasn’t common to directly interact with humans. Both Remus and Sirius were glamoured to look more human so she hadn’t seen the wings or horns.
Sirius mistakes the look on Remus’s face. “She’s fine, just partying,” he says, knowing Remus was still an angel at the end of the day.
Remus can’t even think to reply because Sirius is leaving love bites, pulling pleasurable sighs out of Remus and oh, does it feel lovely.
Sirius had won twice today.
Corruption, afterall, was his strongest ability.
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I Cry 2
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauders Era]
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Sirius Black [Wolfstar]
Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Original Male Character Mary MacDonald
Word Count: 3434
Rating: Teen
Summary: It's alright mate I cry too.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Summer Challenge, Writing Challenge, Song Fic, Realising Feelings, Declarations of Love, Sexuality Struggles, Shame, Sirius is in denial, Attitudes of the Time
Notes: This is my summer writing challenge 2024. Seven fics over seven days - all will be hp based and song fics.
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Summer Challenge 2024 // Song Inspo
‘Who shags someone in someone else’s bed?’
Remus didn’t bother turning around. He didn’t need to because he could picture the expression on Sirius’ face without looking, the way he’d barged into his room and slammed the door behind him without bothering to knock, signalling the mood he was in. Instead he kept pulling his pyjamas from his rickety old chest of drawers as he replied, ‘let me guess, James and Lily?’
When he turned Sirius was sitting on his bed, arms splayed behind him as he propped himself up, his pink lips drawn in the pout Remus had expected though it unclenched as he said, ‘I was just about to get into bed but no! He’s getting his leg over in a room that’s not even his!’
‘Weren’t you saying last week you wanted a godchild?’ Remus countered, hiding his eye rolling at the dramatic tone his friend used by busying himself with changing his t-shirt, ‘I thought you were all for this wedded bliss lark.’
‘I am when it’s at their own house,’ Sirius grumbled, ‘not shagging in someone else’s bed.’
‘Didn’t you and Mary once-’ Remus started to counter but he was cut off.
‘Yeah well that was ages ago. School kid stuff and besides you know Mary, all you have to do is look at her and she’s got her knickers around her ankles,’ Sirius said scathingly. It was a cheap shot, namely because she wasn’t around to let him get away with saying such a thing, but it wasn’t exactly warranted. Not when one could argue the man in question had a reputation just as questionable. Maybe that was why they’d been such a match, a volatile one sure, but a match nevertheless. Well up until recently, their on and off again dynamic seeming permanently off.
That was probably why he didn’t bother saying anything. Standing up for Mary would no doubt cause an argument between him and the long-haired boy and seeing as he was mid-cycle and had just been forced to endure a birthday party he hadn’t requested he was too tired to get into it. Instead, he shrugged off his jeans and pulled his pyjama pants on quickly allowing Sirius to ponder in silence.
Except he took his silence for what it was, deliberate avoidance, and feeling ignored he said, ‘I just wanted to go to bed. Not even like I can kip on the couch because Pete’s sprawled out on it.’
‘You can sleep in here if you want. Double bed and that,’ Remus said, hoping it would stem the flow of self-pity. His bed was calling him, the bags under his eyes feeling heavier the longer he was forced to interact, even with Sirius.
‘Aw Moony my hero,’ Sirius said, rising from his lolling position and looking up at his friend with a beaming smile.
‘Yeah, yeah, I know I’m an angel,’ Remus said rolling his eyes, ‘it’s nothing to do with how cranky you are hungover, even without a night on the floor. Now get changed, will you?’
As Remus climbed into bed, yanking the duvet out from under Sirius, he leapt up moving quickly to get changed. He didn’t bother with clothes; his own pyjamas would be in his room which was occupied and trying to find something of Remus’ would require too much brain power and so he merely stripped out of his shirt and pants and climbed into bed beside his friend.
‘Hmm,’ Sirius said as he leant against the headboard, turned towards his friend who was sitting up, the book that had been on his bedside table now in hand, the pages illuminated by the lamp beside him, which was now the only light on, a flick of his wand sorting an ambient backdrop as Sirius had clambered into bed.
‘What?’ Remus asked, trying to hold in a sigh.
‘Thought you were tired,’ Sirius said simply.
‘I am,’ Remus said. In truth he was. He had been tired all week but it was less to do with genuine weariness and rather social exhaustion. A night in with his friends didn’t elicit the same level of fatigue that chit-chatting with mild acquaintances did. In fact if it was anyone other than Sirius in his bed he probably would’ve doused the lights and laid there in silence.
‘So why are you reading then?’ Sirius challenged.
‘To wind down,’ Remus said, trying to focus his eyes on the page instead of on the way Sirius’ grey gaze was burning into his face.
‘Oh yeah,’ Sirius said, ‘I’ve heard Bowie does the same thing. Forget coke and hookers, get me a book and a cup of tea for the tour bus.’
‘Very funny,’ Remus grumbled, ‘you’re a pillock you know that?’
‘Might have been said,’ Sirius said, resting back against the headboard with a smile on his face.
‘Well if you’d rather coke and hookers feel free to go and find them but in my room it’s books and brews,’ Remus said finally, sinking down and pulling the duvet up towards him so that his book was nestled in view without him having to hold it.
He could feel Sirius was longing to make some quippy response but the way he’d angled himself had made it seem as though their conversation was over and so he sunk down too. Remus tried to focus on his book. He just had a few more pages until the end of the chapter and then he could settle down and go to sleep. But he could feel Sirius awake beside him, practically hear his mind whirring away as he thought about something. He thought it might be some more teasing or perhaps something about Mary or even reignited irritation about James and Lily but it wasn’t that at all.
‘Suppose it’s easy for you to judge,’ Sirius sighed after an interlude of silence. Remus could have probably gotten away with pretending as though he hadn't heard him, the slumber he was working towards close by but instead he took the bait and pushed sleep away as he answered, ‘what?’
‘The shagging thing,’ Sirius said simply, ‘I mean out of the four of us you have the moral high ground I suppose. What with you being…’
‘Being what?’ Remus said, fully aware he was biting the bait Sirius was laying down though he couldn’t stop himself. By now he’d pushed up, forcing Sirius further onto the other side of the bed as he looked down at him with irritation.
‘Well sexless,’ Sirius shrugged.
‘I am not sexless!’ Remus protested.
‘Oh don’t get your knickers in a twist,’ Sirius said dismissively, rolling his eyes as Remus threw his book onto the duvet irately, ‘you know what I mean…you’re just very secretive when it comes to sex. I mean I’ve never met anyone you’ve shagged.’
‘Well excuse me for not going into graphic detail about every encounter I’ve ever had but I doubt me talking about how big some lad's cock is would go down very well would it?’ Remus snapped, ‘in fact I think Pete’s head would explode.’
With that it went quiet. Sirius seemed stunned into silence and Remus immediately started to feel embarrassment flooding through him so much so he was happy he was wearing a t-shirt as he was sure the splotchy red his chest would be turning would only mortify him further. He didn’t look at his friend, instead he turned his attention to his book though the words didn’t make any sense.
Sirius shifted, turning towards him as he cleared his throat and though Remus didn’t look at him as he wanted him to he spoke anyway, a mumbled, ‘I didn’t mean to upset you.’
‘You didn’t upset me,’ Remus protested, ‘it’s just…it’s just not the same for me that’s all.’
‘Why not?’ Sirius asked.
‘Because it’s not,’ Remus replied but when Sirius didn’t speak he chanced a glance and found the boy watching him curiously. In fact it was quite reminiscent of the way Padfoot looked at him, the only thing missing a tilted head to make him truly the picture of a big shaggy dog. Remus sighed.
‘It’s just different okay?’ Remus said, feeling simultaneously uncomfortable and yet obligated to explain, ‘everyone’s fine with it until you start actually talking about it. Talking about it means they have to think about it and that makes them uncomfortable which makes me uncomfortable. And it’s hard to explain to the person I’m trying to get off with that being with them in front of people makes me uncomfortable without sounding like they're the problem.’
‘Yeah but you don’t feel like that around us right?’ Sirius asked. When Remus dropped his gaze Sirius fell quiet for a moment until he said, ‘you don't have to feel uncomfortable around us. We don’t care…not even Pete.’
‘Yeah well doesn’t really matter,’ Remus said dismissively, ‘it’s not like I’ve got anyone worth being uncomfortable for recently.’
Once more they fell silent, the pair of them staring anywhere but the other as the words marinated in the air. Again it was Sirius to break the silence whether because he had far more alcohol swirling around his blood stream or because it was his nature not to let something drop Remus didn’t know.
‘Moony,’ he said after a moment.
‘Yeah?’ Remus asked, wishing he’d just gotten into bed and gone to sleep.
‘Can I ask you something?’ he asked, his tone genuinely curious. Remus knew he could say no, that if he was truly firm with him he would respect his boundaries and let whatever curiosity go. But he didn’t have the heart to and agreed, ‘yeah.’
‘How did you know?’ Sirius asked quietly. At that Remus finally looked at him, he was watching the other boy, his face sympathetic and kind as he noted Remus’ surprise, ‘that I was gay?’
‘Yeah,’ Sirius said, ‘if you never…’
‘I have,’ Remus said, already feeling his defensiveness mounting.
‘But you’ve never had a boyfriend right?’ he said tactfully trying to assure him he wasn’t being accusatory but rather logical.
‘S’pose not,’ Remus said, able to see how one might meet that conclusion. After all, how was he to know, other than one drunken declaration that he was gay at a quidditch after party, Remus rarely talked about his sexuality. He never spoke about his crushes or partners the way his friends did. He didn’t know why, his friends accepted him for who he was, but to do so felt like he was giving them a chance to find fault. Logically he knew that would never happen, they’d accepted him being a bloody werewolf for merlin’s sake, but he was already of the minority. He didn’t feel like highlighting that fact further.
‘Then again have you met men? I’d rather take my chances being single,’ Remus joked, trying his best to lighten the mood but Sirius seemed deep in thought. He didn’t even offer him that signature Sirius black smirk merely asking instead, ‘so how did you know?’
‘I didn’t just decide one day if that’s what you mean,’ Remus said though his tone must've come out sharper than intended as Sirius’ eyes flashed with panic and he sat up and shifted awkwardly.
‘Never mind it’s none of my business,’ he muttered, moving away from him.
For a moment Remus thought he was going to say goodnight, roll over and feign sleep even though the light was still on and he never slept in anything but utter darkness. But Remus suddenly felt the urge not to let him. In fact he was starting to feel that this was less about Remus than either of them had thought.
‘I didn’t know,’ Remus said, staring at the wall opposite them so that when his head inevitably snapped up he wouldn’t feel him staring back at him, ‘I know some people know but I didn’t…well not unless you count getting a rod on over Ziggy Stardust but other than that,’ he joked and when he risked a glance at the other boy he was met with a small smile which spurred his story telling on, ‘I just well…the way you all seemed mad about girls I just didn’t get it. I mean they’re nice and I’m friends with plenty but I just didn’t have any interest in them. Then one day Elliot Vane kissed me and it click-’
‘Elliot Vane!?’ Sirius gasped.
‘Yeah,’ Remus said, ‘at a party in fifth year.’
‘Wow,’ Sirius breathed, ‘I didn’t know he was.’
‘I don’t think he is. I mean he might be but to be honest I think he was just really hammered,’ Remus said, resting back against the headboard as he reminisced about the raven haired sculpted Romeo he’d shared his first kiss with. They’d never really spoken about it after, just an acknowledging nod the next day that signalled to Remus it was a done thing but it had been nice all the same.
‘Still it made me realise maybe there was a reason I didn’t feel like that for girls,’ Remus said, ‘then there was this lad at home in the summer and we sorta became a thing and well it all made sense then I guess.’
Sirius looked as though he was deep in thought and Remus sat and watched him. It was like watching himself in a way, all those years ago when he’d thought himself sick about the ideas he’d been having. After all, didn't everyone find Ziggy Stardust attractive? Didn’t the boys speak of the girls with at least some hint of annoyance, the way he felt?  
‘It doesn’t have to mean anything you know,’ he whispered after a minute, guilty grey eyes meeting his a second later, ‘if Elliot had kissed me and I didn’t feel anything then it would’ve just been a kiss.’
‘I know that,’ Sirius said quietly, ‘but what if one kiss changes everything…I know it didn’t change you but it made you realise who you were right?’
‘Yeah I guess,’ Remus said, ‘and I’m not going to pretend like I didn’t have a nightmare trying to figure it out on my own. My heart felt right but my head not so much. And I'm sure I'm not the first person to cry over their sexuality.’
‘What if you tried it but it wasn’t what you expected. What if you didn’t like it at all?’ Sirius asked. His voice was small and quiet but the pair had sunken lower on the pillows so that there wasn’t much of a gap between them anymore and Remus could hear him clear as day.
‘Try something else?’ Remus suggested with a half-hearted smile, ‘like I said it’s not a big deal. I mean what was it that bloke said, the one we learned about in muggle studies, the physicist-’
‘Einstein?’ Sirius asked, his brow furrowed, unable to see what his friend was on about.
‘Yeah him, didn’t he say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?’ Remus asked, continuing as Sirius’ brow furrowed further, ‘so wouldn’t that be like me sleeping with every girl I come into contact with and hoping it would make me fancy them?’
‘But it’s the same thing isn’t it?’ Sirius asked, ‘pursuing someone in the hopes they’ll turn you into something you're not is the same as pursuing someone you might have no interest in just because you’re a bit confused.’
‘Look it’s a complicated thing I won’t deny it,’ Remus said, ‘but doing something because you don’t want to be yourself and doing something because you’re not sure who you are are two different things. And chances are no one’s going to be angry at you for trying to figure it out.’
‘That’s the thing. I don’t know what I want,’ Sirius said sadly.
‘That’s not a crime,’ Remus replied sympathetically. 
‘Feels like it is,’ Sirius said grimly, ‘because what if I don’t like it? If I’m not-’
‘Pads that’s okay,’ Remus said, placing his hand over the top of his friends in the hopes of comforting him. It wasn’t what he wanted to do, by nature he wasn’t very touchy feely but under the confines of the duvet it was the only pieces of flesh available to him. Sirius looked at it and Remus looked at him, the way his Adam's apple bobbed under pale skin as he swallowed thickly, whatever he wanted to say next, seemingly hard to move from his throat.
‘But what if I don’t want to kiss boys,’ he said quietly, ‘what if…what if I just want to kiss you?’
‘Me?’ Remus said, the disbelief in his voice immediately attracting startled grey eyes upwards.
‘Yeah,’ Sirius whispered, trying to stay firm in his utterances even though his heart had been hammering ten to the dozen since the moment Remus had placed his hand over his.
‘Why me?’ Remus asked.
‘Why not you?’ Sirius asked.
‘Well I’m just-’ he was going to protest. List all of his faults, the things that anyone would see as a reason for them not being together. Put aside the fact Sirius wasn’t entirely sure he swung Remus’ way, the fact that they were friends, best friends, might have implications. Not to mention Remus was far too gangly, moody, scar ridden, irritable, and whatever other fault he could muster to mind. Sirius was none of those things. He was suave and confident. He commanded a room even when he didn’t want to. He made Remus feel warm just by looking at him. Not to mention he was incredibly handsome, debonair and oh my god did Remus have a crush on his best friend?
A crush that started to grow rapidly as Sirius shook his head and said, ‘don’t. Don’t do that, you always put yourself down like that.’
‘I don’t,’ Remus protested.
‘You bloody do,’ Sirius replied.
‘Well I just am-’
‘No you’re not,’ Sirius said firmly, locking his fingers around Remus’ as he looked him firmly in the eye, ‘you’re Moony and I don’t know I guess I always thought you were my best mate but I don’t know…because you’re different to me than James is...maybe it’s since we moved in here and it’s just the two of us…but it feels different… like we’re more than mates…’
He was watching him now, his thumb tracing circles over the back of Remus’ pale hand, his voice shaky as he added, ‘for me at least.’
‘I know what you mean,’ Remus said because he did. He guessed he had never thought about Sirius that way because he was well Sirius. His best friend, the one that understood him no matter what. Of course they had their issues, they bickered like an old married couple so much so there had been concern that moving in together would last all of five minutes but it was never serious. They worked well together, they understood one another. The more Remus thought about it the more he felt as though it was glaringly obvious how much he cared for the boy. And Sirius was right, it wasn’t a care he extended to James or Peter. He wondered if he had been born a girl that this would've been easier to navigate. But it wasn’t.
And Sirius clearly thought as much as he said, ‘but what if it’s not? What if I’m not…y'know and it’s just some random thought? What if I do just like girls-’
‘Sirius,’ Remus said, unable to stop his heart from squeezing at the thought of it.
‘What if I ruin everything for no reason?’ Sirius whispered, ‘I can't do that to you. You're Moony.’
‘Padfoot,’ Remus said firmly. Sirius fell quiet, before uttering a worried, ‘yeah?’
‘It doesn’t have to mean anything,’ Remus said, though he wasn’t sure how it couldn’t. Because it was easy not to want Sirius when he didn’t think there was a chance he could have him. It was easy to acknowledge how handsome he was when it was just a thought he had on a whim. Who knew what a taste of something real would do to him.
‘But it could mean everything,’ Sirius said.
‘Yeah it could,’ Remus agreed.
Their heads were touching now, their breath intermingling, Sirius’ a mixture of beer and fags and Remus’ minty from brushing his teeth. Neither of them cared as they watched one another. Slowly Sirius moved his hand until it was ghosting along Remus’ neck, his pulse throbbing under pale scarred flesh.
‘Moony?’ Sirius whispered.
‘Yeah?’ Remus asked thickly.
‘Can I kiss you?’
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immortalbutterflycos · 8 months
In light of recent, rather humbling realizations, I've decided that it's about time for me to challenge myself for the month of February.
(And hopefully onwards but at the rate I've been going this last YEAR apparently, I think I've got to take baby steps with myself here.)
That's right kids. Ja boi is going to post something every week to my Ao3.
(Listen, I've got a full-time job and unmanaged ADHD and possible Autism. If I could post something every single DAY, I would but I'd honestly be lucky if I manage to keep up the once-every-week thing.)
Whether it's a chapter of one of my many unposted WIPs or a one-shot, I want to try and post something every week.
Feel free to join me in this endeavor if you struggle the way I do when it comes to completing and posting things. <3
Please hold me to this because I really want to get out of this slump. <3
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crimsonlovebartylus · 7 months
sirius: so MY husband today told me that i was prettier than a van gogh painting
regulus: REALLY? MY husband, told me that he would kill someone for me.
barty and remus: *KICKING SCREAMING CRYING JUMPING AROUND on the inside by being called husband*
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msmoony7 · 4 months
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❤️ Wolfstar First Date Challenge | Start of Challenge ❤️
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Wolfstar First Date Challenge starts today! ❤️
The AO3 Collection is now open for everyone to start posting their Wolfstar First Date Challenge works!
The schedule :
24 April : Rules & Prompts are posted 1 May : The AO3 collection opens 15 June : The AO3 collection closes
For more information and the prompts for this challenge, see this post.
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hp-flowers · 5 months
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Here's to a new week of foliage!
Week 2  (May 8 - 14)
Anddd Week 1 is in the books! Amazing! This week, we’re moving on to Prompt Card #2, which has 4 new flowers/plant prompts to choose from. Prompts are photo and text based. A reminder that creators have the option to choose: 1 prompt or a couple, all of the prompts (should you choose the bouquet or display route), or none of them from this prompt card. Feel free to add other flowers/plants if you think they pair well with the challenge prompts. And don’t forget, you can also use any prompts from previous rounds! This week’s prompts are:
1. Camellia- Longing for You
If paired with: >> Daffodil- show longing for an unrequited love
>> Zinnia- a gift for a friend who is moving away
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2. Daisy- Innocence, Childhood or Purity
If paired with: >> Baby’s breath- a gift for a newborn baby
>> Peony and violet- for an expression of childhood bliss
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3. Gladiolus- You Pierce My Heart
If paired with: >> Yarrow- heal a broken heart
>> Anemone and daffodil- for an unrequited love OR
>> Hemlock and marigold- for a friend in grief
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4. Wheat- Riches or Abundance
If paired with: >> Clover- for good luck in a new venture
>> Begonia- repay a favour
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Optional Bouquet or Display: Celebrate New Beginnings
Fastened with a yellow tassel, combining the flowers listed above celebrates a new addition to the family or a new venture in someone’s life. This can also serve as a beautiful housewarming gift.
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All works can be posted to HP Flowers open AO3 collection. If you would like your work to be shared or reblogged, don’t forget to tag @hp-flowers and #hpflowers2024. Let's see what y'all bring to the table!
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aeligsido · 2 months
[WM] Prompt 10 — Pen pals.
Rating: G.
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin; guest appearance of Minerva McGonagall.
Additional Tags: Hogwarts years, friendship, pre-relationship, a bit of flirting maybe, also Sirius being a little shit (affectionate).
Summary: Sirius is bored during Transfiguration class.
Words count: 120.
A/N: Hope you like it! ❤️
help me turn everyone’s hair purple — S
We’re in class? — R
yes and — S
I’m trying to listen. — R
we already know this stuff — S
You do, not me. — R
have a little fun i know you can do it — S
Ask someone else? — R
James’ in the hospital wing — S
I remember. — R
pete's shit at this — S
I know. — R
so you’re helping me — S
Remus — S
Moony — S
don’t ignore me I see you read my notes — S
oh come on Moony stop pouting — S
even if you’re adorable when you pout — S
do you think Minnie noticed the paper ball i threw at her (accidentally mind you) — S
Considering she just gave you detention, yes. — R
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polaroidcats · 19 days
top 5 cultural moments of the 2010s ((idk why that came to mind hahaha))
ohhhh ok let me think:
- the one time in 2013 i think or maybe 2012 when my friend told me people shipped Sirius Black with Lupin and I replied with "huh, I always figured Sirius war aroace and/or deeply in love with James/part of James and Lily's family dynamic in a way"
- the one time I then randomly read a wolfstar fic recommended to me by that friend and uhm.. well... yeah... maybe then read a few more... and a few more... but i was definitely straight. that's why i enjoyed reading about TWO MEN so much. because of how INTO MEN i was, too.
- the one time I watched mulan with a friend and then afterwards started to cry and came out to her, saying those words out loud for the first time, only because the friends I had made in fandom and on tumblr had encouraged me and told me it was okay to be queer, something I didn't yet believe myself
- the one time a wolfstar fic definitely did not at least partly influence where I went to study abroad! definitely not!! definitely....
- the one time i thought i was done with fandom and told my aunt my fic rec blog url, not knowing i would return to that blog in the 2020s yet..... (it haunts me that several family members could see what i'm up to on here)
ask me my top 5 or 10 anything!
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gobstoppercowboy · 5 months
Currently spending my time imagining a Challengers AU with Regulus as Tashi, Barty as Patrick, and James as Art
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