#demon sirius
silverameco · 5 months
Angel/Demon AU - @wolfstarmicrofic - 834 words
Remus was sitting on a bench just outside of the school, watching Harry talk with his friends, when a beautiful creature approched him. They were wearing something completely inappropriate for the middle of the afternoon, black miniskirt, fishnet tights and platform boots. Long black hair, porcelain skin, smudged eyeliner and fiery grey eyes. But most of all, they had that unmistakable charm and aura that could only belong to dark beings. Remus himself felt drawn to them.
He had to admit, he was surprised. And curious. He didn't encounter a lot of demons these days, most of them got bored of tormenting humans when they already did it better themselves. So they tended to stick to souls and their appearance on earth became rarer over the centuries.
This one though, sat gracefully next to him, charming smile on their face.
"Hi handsome, what's your pretty name ?"
The tone was obviously flirtatious, something that, Remus suspected, was working miracles with humans. Not that he wasn't affected, but still it sounded a bit superficial.
"I'm Remus. And yours ?" he smiled anyway. "What are you doing here ?"
The fire in the demon's eyes seemed to grow, as well as their smile, that turned a bit hungry. "Name's Sirius. And, well, i guess that's for you to decide, Remus." They said his name with a syrupy sweet voice.
"No. I meant what are you doing on earth, demon ?" Remus smirked.
Their fake smile dropped and their eyes widened, but otherwise they just laughed. You could count on demons to not be deterred by anything.
"I thought you were human !"
"Yeah, I could tell."
"Well, what are you ? I've never seen you before." Their gaze seemed to scrutinize him.
"I'm an angel."
The demon - Sirius - visibly recoiled at that. They were properly suprised now. "One of the big bosses ? What are you doing on earth ?!"
Remus laughed. "I'm not that kind of angel. I'm a guardian angel. It's my job to be on earth.".
They seemed to relax at that. "Your job." They repeated in a mocking tone. "Angels, always so well-behaved." they sighed, an amused smile on their face. "So, who's your lucky human then ?"
Remus glanced back towards Harry. He hadn't even noticed that he stopped looking at him. That could not be good.
"That kid over there. Unruly hair, crooked glasses."
"No way !" Sirius seemed delighted. "That's James' son !"
Remus was confused now. How could this demon know Harry's dad ? "You- what ? How do you know that ?"
"James is my human friend." they said like it was nothing. "I find him every few lifetimes."
"Well, I fear you might be a bit late in this one." Remus answered in an apologetic voice. "He died already."
"Oh. Well he does have the tendency to die stupidly young." Sirius seemed lost in thoughts now.
That's when Remus remarked the parents waiting for their kids outside of the school, and their wary looks towards them. Or towards Sirius more specifically, seeing as they could not see him.
"Hey, Sirius. If you're staying, do you mind making yourself invisible before a worried mother calls the cops on you ?"
"Whoops." then they proceeded to do just that. "So when do we start ?"
Remus whirled around, taken aback. "What ?"
Sirius put their head on his shoulder with a genuine smile. "Well, I thought maybe I could help you, since I'm here."
Remus couldn't help it, he laughed. It was a ridiculous idea. "Demons don't help guardian angels ! They rather make our jobs harder." he said with a pointed look.
"Nah, you must know better than me that the humans' biggest ennemies are themselves. We're just having a little fun."
Well, he couldn't argue with that logic. Before he could find any answer, Sirius all but crawled on his lap, fluttering their eyelashes at him.
"Please Remus. Promise I'll be helpful. I'm just a bored eternal being. And I'd never harm James' kid."
There was only so much one could endure before they caved in, right ? Even as an angel. Remus agreed before he could think this through. "Yeah, ok."
"Great ! Let's go, he's leaving !"
Harry was indeed finally going home. As he stood up to follow him, Sirius climbed him to settle on his shoulders. He sighed.
"What are you doing ?"
"Making sure you don't forget me."
Remus hadn't planned on starting his mission with a beautiful and clingy demon on his shoulders, but he figured he didn't mind that much.
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gardenoflupins · 5 months
Angel/Demon AU / @wolfstarmicrofic / 989 words
CW: sexual content, drugs & alcohol
Remus points a blessed sword against the side of the demon’s throat, eyes narrowed in his direction. He feels Minerva McGonagall’s divine energy as she apparates beside Remus.
“Leave her alone,” he warns in a low voice.
The demon, Sirius, slowly turns around with raised brows. Both Minerva and Remus scowl at him. Sirius had always been a threat to them. Always found a way to corrupt humans, especially the ones assigned to specific angels.
He always got his way.
“She isn’t doing anything she doesn’t want to,” he replies, unbothered about the divine beings in front of him. You’d need to be a major nuisance to have not one, but two angels corner you. And yet, he was indifferent.
Minerva steps forward, quiet and lethal. “You are encouraging a range of unhealthy activities. Drinking, drugs, luring her to this…” she scrunches her nose at the club they were standing outside of.
Sirius grins as if they’re all sharing a mutual joke. “I know, isn’t it fun?”
Minerva looks down her nose at him like he is nothing but filth. “She is under our guidance.”
“Is she?” Sirius asks innocently.
Marlene McKinnon stumbles out of the club in that moment, bottle in hand as she sings out of key. Remus doesn’t need to check to feel the drugs in her system.
Minerva thins her lips. They had lost another one. If there was one thing Remus knew very well, it was that angels were not as forgiving as humans made them out to be.
Remus redirects his sword so it’s right under Sirius’s chin, almost touching him before Sirius flinches away. Blessed weapons had the ability to injure a demon painfully. “You turn them all like you. You ruin everything good. Nothing thrives in your presence. You are a leach,” Remus hisses.
Sirius’s eyes flash in warning. “Careful, angel. Don’t forget I’m not above tearing the wings off your back.”
Minerva tenses and Remus can see her calculating. He knows she is thinking about killing him. He also knows that they’re both aware that they can’t. Not when Sirius belongs to a dangerous family. Killing him would cause a chain of events they didn’t want to deal with.
This is why Remus had come. To make sure someone didn’t die.
Another woman walks out of the club and makes her way to Marlene. Remus watches as she pulls her in for an embrace. Marlene grins up at her before leaning in for a deep kiss.
Minerva’s wings ruffle in agitation at the display.
A tremor goes through Remus’s own, for reasons other than annoyance.
“We will guide her back,” Minerva cautions, wings pulled tight. “Outside of drugs, you have nothing. You are nothing. She will come to the same realisation.”
Sirius glowers at her then directs it to Remus. “What makes you think I won’t torture him. He’s also nothing. There’d hardly be a consequence.”
That much was true. Minerva was more like Remus’s… mentor. She was a higher up. He was, well, replaceable.
She gives him a deadpan look. “I’ll kill you.”
With that, she disapparates.
Remus watches Sirius with stiff shoulders, feathers ruffling from anticipation. They stare at each other, both bracing for bloodshed.
They wait and wait and Remus realises no other angel is coming.
Sirius seems to realise it too.
He is on Remus in a second, hand on Remus’s throat to pin him against the wall. Remus lets out a grunt at the force as Sirius drops his hand to pin him by the hips instead. Remus shivers when he feels Sirius’s hot tongue sliding down his throat. His mouth opens instinctively and he tugs at Sirius’s hair to connect their mouths.
It should be mortifying how quickly that hot liquid of desire spreads through Remus. He is already moaning lightly against Sirius’s mouth, tugging, tugging, tugging to get him even closer.
“My beautiful angel,” Sirius whispers against him, leaving wet kisses across his jaw. Remus sighs contently, spreading his legs so Sirius can be between them. When that doesn’t feel close enough, he attempts to wrap his legs around the other’s waist. Sirius gets the message instantly and indulges him.
Remus loves the closeness.
“Have they been nice?” Sirius murmurs, still leaving kisses across his body.
Remus ignores him. “Stop stealing my humans. You’re going to make it obvious,” he breathes out shakily.
He feels Sirius grin against his throat. “No, they won’t suspect anything. We hate each other.”
Remus arches against him with a gasp when Sirius’s hand slips under his shirt and up his body. “Absolutely loathe each other,” Remus agrees breathily.
He holds Sirius close, deepening the kiss as Sirius tenderly strokes his wing.
“Missed you,” Remus mumbles and Sirius hums. “I missed you too, had to get your attention.”
Remus tries to pull back to give him a disapproving look but Sirius just leans in to kiss his furrowed eyebrows.
Remus gives up. “You’re going to leave traces of yourself on me.”
“I’ll wipe my aura off you,” Sirius mumbles, still peppering him with kisses anywhere he could reach.
“Oh,” a voice says. Remus pulls back to look at Marlene who begins to grin widely. “Fuck yeah Sirius, this is a win for the gays tonight.”
Sirius looks at her smugly as she drags her lover away, saying something about recreating what Sirius was doing. Remus is instantly curious about that interaction as it wasn’t common to directly interact with humans. Both Remus and Sirius were glamoured to look more human so she hadn’t seen the wings or horns.
Sirius mistakes the look on Remus’s face. “She’s fine, just partying,” he says, knowing Remus was still an angel at the end of the day.
Remus can’t even think to reply because Sirius is leaving love bites, pulling pleasurable sighs out of Remus and oh, does it feel lovely.
Sirius had won twice today.
Corruption, afterall, was his strongest ability.
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heartofspells · 1 year
Embers Like Teeth
They call him to the forest, ghostly images of thick, skeletal tree trunks flashing behind his eyelids before they open in the dark and the quiet. They're never the same, those dreams – nightmares – that haunt him now, new things but not new, always present in some way yet curved and raised around the edges where they hadn't been before, shimmering like objects displaced from time and space, shining outside of reality.
He's always had them, those dreams, for as long as he can remember, half-formed visions he can only partially remember upon waking, but the parts that remain are vivid, colorless for all their colors, washed grey like areas bathed in moonlight, bleached away from existence into negative space. Old worlds come to him in sleep, times long lost, times that are fantastical for all their darkness and oppression, worlds too bathed in riches and blood alike to truly place belief in.
And there is blood, so much of it, flooding the ground, drowning the grass, decaying the earth until nothing will ever grow again. It comes to his mind nectar-thick and gleaming like black jasper, flowing so smoothly that it cascades over barren land, leaving thirst behind, lips smacking when he wakes, begging for the sweetness he knows must exist inside it.
His mother – odd, the neighbors say as they watch her with her herbs and her fluttery nature, too spiritual, connected to the earth in ways they don't understand – tells him the dreams mean destiny, predetermined pathways set into motion long before their days had ever been anticipated by mere mortals like themselves. Gods but not gods, she says. The energy of the world, of life itself, interwoven into them all, but to him more. Stars aligning at the perfect time, blinking out, reforming, bursting into being in the wrong way yet so right, all for him and what each footstep of his journey holds.
Keep reading on AO3
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innexury · 11 months
i published a thing
(the way i forget tumblr exists and then spam post when i remember. i apologise to the void)
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silveryones · 11 months
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come just a little bit closer
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evil-genius-wannabe · 3 months
I hate it when reader insert fanfiction makes me out to be a weak bitch.
Like personally if someone called me a whore in class, I wouldn't leave crying, I would punch them in the face and break their nose.
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artnijna · 11 months
Ciel is protective over Alois and the blond finds it cute
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deathnguts · 2 months
The black brothers variants
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bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 13 - prompt 13: Supernatural [word count 423]
So, maybe (just maybe) that had been a bad idea. Every single book about demons warned you about summoning them, long lists of every horrible thing a demon could do to you and your loved ones if you failed to contain it properly. But Remus was really desperate. And to be fair, he had been careful. He had placed a containment spell, the most powerful he could find, on the room, and had made a salt circle on the floor for good measure before even starting with the ritual.
Now that the cloud of smoke was slowly starting to take a more precise form at the centre of the salt circle, he remembered he didn’t know what to expect. Descriptions of the physical appearance of demons were varied and contradictory throughout literature. Would it have horns? Bat wings? Claws? Remus squinted at the black cloud as with a last swirl it solidified into something more defined.
“Oh shit,” he said under his breath.
The demon looked like a man. A man with long dark hair, in a leather jacket. And tight leather trousers. No horns, no wings. Still the hottest man Remus had ever seen in his life. The demon looked around and knelt by the edge of the salt circle, looking closely at it. Remus expected him to move back, or hiss at it, but instead he poked it with his index finger and looked up directly at him, raising an eyebrow.
“What, no lime and tequila with it?” he asked.
Remus couldn’t find a witty comeback in time because the demon got back up and casually brushed the salt away with the point of his shoe before stepping out of the circle.
“Are you really a demon?” Remus asked, stepping back.
The other’s grin would have been answer enough, but he nodded as well.
“Don’t I look the part?” he said. “Horns are out, leather is in. Well, to be honest it’s always been in. Sexy invention, that,” he took a couple of steps towards Remus. “So, you summoned me?”
Remus just nodded, his brain short-circuiting as he noticed that the demon didn’t have any shirt under his leather jacket. His skin was pale, covered with thin black lines looking like drawings of constellations. Remus only vaguely noticed that he was coming even closer, the realisation only hitting him when he found himself with his back pressed on the wall, the demon all but glued to him.
“So,” the demon purred in Remus’s ear. “What can I do for you, master?”
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 19 - Angel/Demon AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 19, word count 682
After the fall of Eden and the opening of Pandora’s box, when the World began to crumble, an Angel was created for each Demon. It was their job to restore the balance of any ill-doing their Demon committed and try to quell any rebellion of the Demon realm. 
Sirius had travelled the world and back again, over the aeons, following his Demon and the destruction left behind in his wake. It irked him that his Demon, unlike most of the others, seemed to be particularly creative in his wrongdoings. He’d set off a volcano in Pompeii because a street vendor had gotten in his way. He wiped Atlantis off the map without a trace it had ever existed because the king had refused him hospitality. The fall of Rome. The Titanic, World War 1 and World War 2, for that matter. 
Modern government had been a rather nasty one, putting imbeciles in charge of entire nations of humans and watching the utter carnage that followed. 
After that pièce de résistance, the Demon had calmed down. The humans were destroying themselves faster than he could provoke them, so he’d basically retired from his demonic ways and spent his time revelling in the world going to pot. 
Sirius tracked him down to a little village up in Scotland and, for the next few decades, tried to convince the Demon to give being good a go. 
“Come on, Remus, why won’t you even try? You never know you might like it.” Sirius had said as they sipped tea in Remus’s library. “You can’t be all bad. There must be some good in you, at least. I mean, look at all these books,” He waved his hands at the floor-to-ceiling shelves that covered every wall. “You have hundreds of them. You must have absorbed some good from them.” Remus slurped his tea from his cup, making Sirius wince. He placed the teacup down on his saucer and leaned all the way back in his chair. Grasping the armrests with his hands, he smiled genteelly at the Angel. 
“Why don’t you open one and find out?” Remus challenged, his voice dripping with honey. Sirius gingerly reached out and selected a book at random. He let it fall open in his hands and read a few sentences before he snapped it shut, horror colouring his face. 
“It’s smut!” He grabbed another and another down off the shelves. Tossing each aside after he’d read a few words. “They’re all smut!” He exclaimed, still going. “More smut!” He stood back from the shelves and spun on the spot, looking with new eyes on the rows and rows of books. “It’s all smut!” He gasped. Remus snorted, and Sirius turned to face him. 
“Come on, Sirius, try it. I bet you’ll like it.” Remus purred. And for the first time in millennia, the Angel was tempted by the Demon. 
His feet moved him forward of their own accord. He watched as his hand raised and touched the spine of one of the books. His fingers wrapped around it, and he began to remove it from the shelf, but Remus jumped up and yanked him away. 
“No, no. Not that one. Your eyes will melt in their sockets if you read that one. Er, try this.” The Demon reached up, revealing a strip of tanned skin between his knitted jumper and black trousers. Sirius swallowed. What was happening to him? Remus placed a thin paperback book in Sirius’s hand, and they returned to their seats. 
Sirius flipped the book open and began to read. A strange, tingly feeling in his abdomen startled him when he read a description of a man walking across a beach. It almost felt as though butterflies were happily flapping inside his stomach. It wasn’t unpleasant. Sirius could feel that this was the start of something different. He didn’t know what yet, but he was sure it wouldn’t be long before he found out. 
The Demon watched him closely as Sirius devoured the pages, a half smile tugging at his lips as he poured another cup of tea.
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chocor0se · 5 months
nothing like the tragic siblings trope
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When your friends decide you're the love child of several non-canon ships with the exception of one ship. Then you realize you act like those characters personalities all the time before watching the media they're in and then you realize another one that needs to be added to the list and the fact your style will change between the two character's aesthetics and you don't plan that. 😐
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Why is this my life and realizations are killing me...
I literally keep updating this fucking post as more ships of fandoms I am in keep getting brought up...I can't escape this.
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liakimss · 23 days
I want to take them into my arms while lightly stroking their hair and tell them that they desperately need therapy; and I am willing to pay for it
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vigilantempathy · 30 days
My teenage godson is visiting and we just binge-watched both Hazbin Hotel and Good Omens together. He’s decided that the Hazbin Hotel counterpart pairing to the ineffable husbands (Aziraphale/Crowley) is the “effable”/“F-able husbands” (Husk/Angel Dust).
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
Someone: you’re so nice
James: thanks i’m terrified of any person being upset with me ever
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