#wow a comic that isn’t 4 panels!
beansprean · 2 years
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Queening the Pawn Act 2 part 3
Wow, things are going so well...hope nothing happens to change that...
Act 1
Act 2: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Close up of Nandor sitting back in his chair, still holding his right hand with his pinkie extended. He frowns down at it as if inspecting it for a change and asks, “So… you forgive me now?” 1b. Reverse shot of Guillermo sitting back against the pillow-laden loveseat, arms crossed as he looks at Nandor with a small smirk. He replies, “Getting there.” 1c. Close up on Nandor again as he pinches his pinkie with his other hand, fidgeting with it gently. He is smiling a bit bashfully now, eyes lowered to focus on his hands. From offscreen, Guillermo continues, “Jeez, I am way too easy on you.”
2a. Wide shot from behind Nandor as he hesitantly asks, “Are you…okay, Guillermo?” Guillermo slumps down in the pillows, arms still crossed and legs straight out, ankles hooked together. He throws his head back with a dramatic sigh and says, “Oh, yeah! I just had my lifelong dream completely shattered and cried like a baby in front of my boss. I’m super.” 2b. Reverse shot of Nandor as he straightens up with a pleased grin, exclaiming, “Oh, good!” 2c. Repeat of previous panel, but smaller. Nandor sits back in his seat, squinting, and continues “Wait, this is the sarcasm, isn’t it.” Offscreen, Guillermo replies, “Yes, Nandor.” Nandor: “You are not super.” Guillermo: “No.” 2c. Wide shot behind Guillermo’s head. Nandor curls his hands into fists on the armrests of his chair and opens his mouth comically wide to anxiously shout, “Guillermo, I am not your boss any longer, I am your friend and I demand you spill your emotional beans!” In the foreground, Guillermo’s head tips forward with a snort.
3a. Close up on Guillermo as he looks up at Nandor with a genuine, handsome smile as if still mid-laugh, eyes round and hopeful but still bearing the red bags from his recent crying fits. He says, “Thanks, Nandor. Maybe later, okay?” 3b. Close up on Nandor glancing away from Guillermo’s gaze with a flustered pout, slightly purple in the cheeks. Offscreen, Guillermo continues, “I…still need to process a lot of things.” Nandor mumbles back, “Okie dokie…” /end ID
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venjamyra · 3 months
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Lyrics – Same Shade as Concrete by Circle Takes the Square
feels a little funny to be making fanart of a manga that started before I was born with music that came out when i wasn’t even one year old yet…
lineart and various inane ramblings (manga spoilers ahead) about this comic that haunts my mind below the cut (its a lot…)
Okay, here’s the line art for anyone who wanted to see it without spoiler talk:
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wow, so cool. Sometimes I like the lineart better in some ways and the colored version in other, different ways… I wonder how to find a good middle ground…… such are the mysteries of life
Onto the brain rot!!!
Okay, so this whole piece is kind of showing Wolfwood’s journey toward ‘accepting’ that he is an assassin. He has killed people. And his belief that he is irredeemable, this is just who he is now, stained with blood.
I’m gonna talk about panels 1,2,3, and 4. Those are just in order from top to bottom, so panel 1 is him firing the gun, and panel 4 is him in the river of blood.
So panel 1 is establishing that this is teenage Wolfwood, and he’s killing someone. YES I used that one painting as a reference (The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel). I don’t know anything about it, but it looks cool and I like the idea of an apparently evil character crying dramatically. Throw a gun in the mix and you have me curled up in a ball crying about Wolfwood. Wolfwood isn’t crying here, but I hope the reference shows the implication that he’s crying internally.
Panel 2 is directly contrasting with panel 4 with the volume of blood. I chose the blood to just barely cover his hands on purpose, NOT just so that I didn’t have to draw more hands lmao. Lots of blood on his hands symbolism throughout, because he has his whole thing about it. Anyway, this is like, the specific amount of blood where Wolfwood finally feels too far gone. It’s reached his hands, he can’t come back from this.
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shout out to the people who helped me find this panel earlier 😅 @markcampbells @grymmdark
The crosses are there to establish his being surrounded by the Eye of Michael, trapped into this pool of blood. I know with the three crosses there’s some heavy crucifixion symbolism going on. It was honestly unintentional, but if I had to come up with something for it, I’d say in Wolfwood’s mind in this moment, he is the one crucifying people (Jesus, whomever). Again with that ‘too far gone’ stuff. He ‘knows’ who he is now, and it is not a savior. I’m not Christian as an adult and the only thing I did in Sunday school was question the adults or quietly judge them for their logical fallacies so idk if this makes sense in Bible-lore 😭 lol sorry.
Panel 3 hits home on the bloody hands thing, big motif. And then the gun pokes through the panel to give us this connection to the final panel, where we see a second drop of blood, coming from Wolfwood’s own hand, presumably filling the river he’s in. So the entire river is made specifically of blood from his hands, not just blood he spilled.
Panel 4. The big one. Okay, I heard that willow trees represent peace. I don’t know if this is bullshit, but I guess they can mean whatever I want ✨. Wolfwood is not fighting the flood here, just floating along, basically. He’s not relaxed, he hates this. But he’s come to some kind of acceptance. He feels (false) peace that this is just who he is. If he doesn’t get to control who he is or what he does, at least he knows that. This is not the time or place that I’d like to talk about themes of control and bodily autonomy in Trigun--we’d be here forever lol--but its totally that stuff. The willow trees contrast with the crosses here. It is no longer the Eye of Michael holding him in, trapping him in this pool of blood. Now, the willow trees (peace, acceptance) that are grown from his own mind/coping methods are what keep him trapped. I like to imagine the crosses are still beyond the trees, causing the trees to serve as both a wall keeping Wolfwood in and a wall keeping the antagonism of the Eye of Michael out. This is also visual because willow trees look much nicer than mysterious creepy crosses.
The comic basically ends where Wolfwood begins in Trigun. Yeah, he’s got his silly moments, but on a deeper, less superficial (sub-superficial…ficial…?) level, he really believes himself to be stuck in life, unable to change. In the last panel, he’s naked because he’s vulnerable; this isn’t the suit and a charming smile, this is him as he sees himself.
This idea of Wolfwood feeling acceptance with his shitty life drives me insane. In volume 8, after he kinda does his normal assassin work again, he is so fucking sad and angry. I think he tries to tap back into that idea of acceptance, but he can’t. He’s been through so much and seen so much with Vash that he just can’t accept it anymore. Like with the song lyrics as they’re used in this comic, is someone (Eye of Michael, Chapel) goading him into standing in this pool of blood and staying there even as it rises. And then here, he gets a little taste of freedom and just fucking pulls himself out!!! If I feel inspired I could make a part 2 one day where he’s pulling himself out of the blood river or something idk.
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All manga panels are courtesy of Trigun Manga Overhaul!
Oh and some fun drawing things before I go. Important disclaimer: I do not claim to know what I’m doing.
The first pic has the guidelines I used to create shape and draw attention. I saw someone say that using simple shapes helps with composition so I’ve been trying that? It seems cool, I like it. And the second one has my lines to remember where my light source is. I kind of shade based on vibes, which I want to work on, but for now is fine. But the idea is that even though each of these panels has days/weeks to years between them, they all have one light source that extends across the comic. It comes across as a ‘lower’ source relative to Wolfwood in the first panel, which feels dramatic. By the time we get to the last panel, it comes across as the sun, high in the sky. I did this because it felt cool.
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okay love and peace and go listen to the emo music my older brother showed me yippee!!!
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fanonical · 8 months
I feel this is a good time to disclose that I don’t know what homestuck is so that you can induct me and also talk about it at length so that others may be similarly inducted.
Thank you in advance/you’re welcome xox
hahaha i actually do this a lot, i should probably find one of my “how to read/understand Homestuck” posts and bring it back to reblog every time somebody asks about it
Homestuck is an interactive webcomic & experimental hypertext, told mostly through epistolary chatlogs. In short, this means that Homestuck is told mostly through images and text (like most comics) but that sometimes — even often — the panels are have sound effects, music, playable sequences etc. facilitated through Shockwave Flash (the same now-retired software that used to let you play browser games during class if you’re the same generation as me :P). Also, as mentioned, most of the dialogue is delivered through chat logs between internet friends, and they’re incredibly faithfully written — Homestuck is the comic for internet friends to read together.
I just spent a long time talking about what Homestuck IS but not what it’s about — this is because as a whopping 8,000-page epic told using over a million words Homestuck is actually about a lot of things and its genre, setting, and even main characters shift quite drastically throughout the comic. Also, because Homestuck is a meta-narrative, its story is often about itself, which gets a little tricky to understand & explain; one of the big conflicts of Homestuck is the concept of retaining fictional relevancy (some characters even know when they are and aren’t the main character, and it vexes them, for example).
Overall, the first “main plot” you’re going to contend with is the adventure of four teenaged internet friends playing a special videogame together and discovering their destinies to embark on a quest to save all of reality.
1. Don’t let the 8,000 pages, 1 million words thing get to you. It breezes by a lot faster than you’d think when you get into it. Plus, single-panel-pages & long playwright style dialogs inflate how big it looks a lot; a lot those one million words are probably the narrative stating a character’s name to show they’re talking.
2. Read the Unofficial Homestuck Collection. There is an official Homestuck website; as of February 2024 it’s still considered pretty broken & the Unofficial Collection is considered unbeatable. It’s even author approved.
3. A lot of people give up because they don’t “get it” and they think they’re missing something. They aren’t, it’s just a little obtuse and doesn’t explain everything in a clear way intentionally sometimes. The comic will trick you, lie to you, tell you things intentionally out of order, make up meta bullshit a joke, intentionally draw stuff badly, etc etc. It’s a trial through fire. You can overcome it, and if you do, Homestuck is for you & it has a bounty of creative spoils for you.
4. People also give up assuming it isn’t queer because characters don’t immediately say “oh wow im gay” in the first thirty seconds. Well, these characters are realistically portrayed teenagers. You’re gonna have to wait, and that’s what makes it so good.
Good luck. You’re gonna need it.
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ifwebefriends · 6 months
Happy Solar Eclipse day to the seven years woman and ONLY the seven years woman
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Content ID under cut
[Content ID: a 20-panel comic. It’s drawn in a simplistic stick-figure art style. The first 8 panels are more faded than the final 12
Panel 1: a woman and her boyfriend are sitting on a bed while the woman gets a call from a doctor. The boyfriend has one hand on her shoulder and another holding her unoccupied hand. She says “oh god”
Panel 2: the woman is sitting in a large chair, she has lost her hair and is receiving an IV infusion. The machine goes “…beeep…beeep…beeep” her boyfriend is sitting next to her. They’re both working on laptops.
Panel 3: the woman and boyfriend are canoeing on a lake. The woman is wearing a beanie. There’s lilypads in the lake and mountains in the background.
Panel 4: The woman and her boyfriend are sitting at a table. The woman is still bald. There’s a phone on the table and a clock on the wall. The woman says “how long can it take to read a scan!?”
Panel 5: the woman is receiving another IV infusion. Her boyfriend is with her and they’re playing scrabble. The boyfriend says “‘zarg’ isn’t a word.” The woman responds “but caaaancer.” The boyfriend relents “…ok, fine”
Panel 6: the woman and her boyfriend are talking to someone else. The woman is wearing a hat. The other person says “so next year you should come visit us up in the mountains and” the rest of his text is obscured. The woman and the boyfriend are both thinking “next year”
Panel 7: the woman and the boyfriend are getting married. The man is wearing a bow tie and the woman is wearing a white dress and veil. Her hair is short and a bit frizzy. There’s lots of other people there.
Panel 8: a caption at the top says “two years” the woman and her husband are at a coast watching a large bird swoop in and take a fish with a “fwoosh.” the girl is wearing a hat. This panel is the last of the faded ones.
Panel 9: the woman and her husband are walking through a forest full of tall trees. The woman seems to have grown back some of her hair.
Panel 10: the woman is sitting on the ground, her hair is down to the nape of her neck. Her husband is standing behind her. The woman says “my toe hurts. And I found a report of a case in which toe pain was an early sign of cancer spreading.” The husband responds “wait—didn’t you stub your toe yesterday?” The woman responds “yes, but what if this is unrelated?”
Panel 11: the woman and her husband are climbing into a dark cave while someone else guides them. The woman’s hair is down to her shoulders.
Panel 12: the woman is on a large rock taking a picture of a crocodile with a large camera. Her husband stands behind her on a platform with rails, he says “when they estimated your survival odds, I think they made some optimistic assumptions about your hobbies”
Panel 13: the woman is at a doctor’s appointment. Her hair is a little past her shoulders. The doctor says “this is probably nothing, but given your history, we should do a full scan. We’ll call with the results in a few days. Try not to worry about it until then!”
Panel 14: the woman and her husband are at a lake, their image is distorted by the water due to the angle of the picture. The woman is controlling a small submersible camera, she is looking at the lake floor.
Panel 15: the woman and her husband are standing next to each other. The woman’s hair has grown a bit past her shoulders. The woman says “hard to believe—six years ago, I was bald. But today, after a long struggle, I finally look like the little girl from The Ring.” Her husband responds “that’s, uhh…good?” The woman responds “hissssss”
Panel 16: the woman, her husband, and two other women and two other men are looking at a solar eclipse. The landscape is dark and you can see the corona behind the dark moon.
Panel 17: after the eclipse has passed, the world is bright again and everyone looks at each other. another blonde woman says “wow.” The woman says “yeah.”
Panel 18: the woman and her husband walk away hand in hand. The woman says “that was incredible. When’s the next one?” The husband responds “in seven years. Wanna go see it?”
Panel 19: the woman and her husband, still walking hand in hand, are both thinking of a timeline. The timeline has the years 2010, 2017, and 2024 marked with points. Before 2017, the timeline is a solid line, but after 2017, it’s a dashed line. There’s three question marks under the 2024 bullet point.
Panel 20: the woman says “yeah. I’ll do my best.” Her husband responds “it’s a date!”
End ID]
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
Robin II (vol. 1) #1: The Funniest Thing Happened
Read Date: January 06, 2023 Cover Date: December 1991 ● Writer: Chuck Dixon ● Penciler: Tom Lyle ● Inker: Bob Smith ● Colorist: Adrienne Roy ● Letterer: Tim Harkins ● Editor: Kelley Puckett ◦ Dennis O'Neil ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● as of January 5, the DC app FINALLY allows full-page AND panel-by-panel view!! happy dance ● (pg 1) “This is madness!” THIS… IS… SPARTA ARKHAM! ● (pg 2) Aunt May? ● (pg 3) of course this can only go one way… ● the heavy-lidded Joker is kinda creepy. Creepier than usual, anyway. ● there’s a file hidden in that bible, isn’t there ● (pg 4) ok, not a file. That really wouldn’t have been Joker’s style though, would it
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● I approve of these final words ● Aunt May, how could you? ● (pg 6) Be nice to that cabbie, Joker ● Ah, Tim’s first solo in Gotham! ● (pg 7) I wonder if there are any cases where Gordon has used the signal but Batman just wasn’t around to see it. Surely that has happened, right? ● (pg 8) oof, going against Joker on his first time solo. Talk about trial by fire. ● aww, apparently Tim feels the same way.
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● (pg 9) whew, cabbie is safe ● awkward… ● (pg 10) heheheheh ● (pg 11) I wouldn’t do well in Joker’s gang if Joker doesn’t allow others to make jokes…
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● (pg 12) Aww, Tim has a little Batman logo in his locker! ● “Warlocks and Warriors” - ha! I love it ● (pg 13) No party, no WnW either. ● (pg 14) ooo, imagine being a librarian at Arkham Asylum! ● (pg 15) most of the books and magazines Joker checked out were about someone named Dr. Osgood Pellinger ● (pg 16) I love that “Alfie” has to drive Robin around in a van ● (pg 17) First time seeing a snow plow in comics! Not sure why that makes me happy, but it does ^_^ ● uh-oh, not an innocent snow plow (I’m still happy, though)
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● oof… though it doesn’t happen often that Joker is rocked back on his heels like this ● (pg 20) “Wow. He is crazy.” LOL ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: At Arkham Asylum, bureaucrats debate whether or not the Joker should be allowed to visit his mother. Conditions are arranged so that his mother can visit him in the asylum, but when a bible she gifts him turns out to be a device that expels Joker Gas into the room, things go awry. The Joker manages to escape, and his 'mother' is simply a man under his influence.
Meanwhile Robin goes on his first patrol in Gotham City without the accompaniment of Batman, who is in Rio De Janeiro. Things are slow until he notices that the Bat-Signal is lit. When he arrives at Gotham City Police Headquarters, Commissioner Gordon is disappointed that Batman isn't with him, especially since it's the Joker who's escaped. Tim is unsure of his readiness to deal with the Joker on his own, but Alfred tries to be reassuring.
The next day, Tim goes to school, where he is invited to a party by a jock named Karl. He turns down the invite, but he disappoints his real friends when he has to turn down plans with them too for his duties as Robin. That night, he goes to Arkham to investigate the Joker's cell. Inside, he finds a number of computer related magazines, and wonders what reason they might be of interest to the Joker. He finds a number of references to a Dr. Osgood Pellinger, who has theories about the pervasiveness of computers.
Robin stakes out Pellinger's home and follows him when he goes out in his car at a suspiciously late hour. Unfortunately, Dr. Pellinger's car is scooped up by a plow driven by the Joker, and he is kidnapped. Robin jumps down onto the hood of the plow, and the Joker is surprised to see him alive, not realizing that there have been other Robins before. He knocks the boy off of the vehicle and escapes.
Tim is worried that the Joker will realize that Batman is out of Gotham, and go on a rampage. In order to keep him in line, Tim and Alfred agree to form a plan that will convince the Joker that Batman is still in the city.
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Fan Art: Robin Poster by pinkhavok
Accompanying Podcast: ● Everyone Loves the Drake - episode 18
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greybugg1864 · 2 years
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Thinkin about how Ingo is the only warden who used pokeballs.
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bonus-links · 2 years
Oh my god, I saw that ask about your paneling inspiring their comics and I was also over here thinking about how your paneling has really inspired me! I���d been sitting on the next part of my comic for 4 months because I’d been struggling with scripting and thumbnailing and your comic has breathed life into me. honestly your paneling has been such a treat to look at.
I forgot how exciting and unique paneling can be!! It’s so fun to look at and I have shown pages of your comic to other comic friends like look at this!!! Isn’t this cool!!!
Also it delights me whenever someone finds a way to represent link’s stamina bar in skyward sword in some way. Link’s coughing and wheezing had me going oh!!!! The long ugh was very relatable
ahh wow, thank you so much!!! 🥺🥺🥺 I’m so happy my work has helped you get back into comics!!! that’s the highest praise seriously 🥺🥺💕💕
loft’s low stamina is so important to me lol pls just imagine him shoving stray stamina fruits in his mouth for that entire run across faron
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looneyllama-archive · 3 years
Echo: a Shin Moomin Comic
A scary Moomins story for Halloween!  TW: animal death, animal corpse (only shown on page 2), guns.  ID under the cut.
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[Start ID: this is a 6 page comic, drawn in greyscale, featuring the Shin Mūmin versions of the Moomin characters.
Page 1
The top left corner of the first page says “Echo,” subtitled “A Shin Mūmin comic.”
Page 1-Panel 1: Snorkmaiden, Sniff, Little My, Moomin, and Snufkin are sitting around a campfire in the woods at sunset. Snorkmaiden (mischievous): “Know what we should do? We should tell ghost stories!” Sniff (scared): “Do we have to?” Little My (annoyed): “Don’t be a wimp, Sniff!” Moomin (enthusiastic): “Snufkin, do you know any scary stories?” Snufkin (eyes closed, thinking): “Hmm.”
1-2: Snufkin (eyes still closed, smiling): “Yes, I’ve got something to tell. It’s not a ghost story, exactly…”
1-3: Snufkin (narrating): “It’s a memory.” The panel shows Snufkin several years younger, his eyes open, scowling. He closely resembles the Mūmin 1969 Snufkin design, except he has no scarf, his hat is undecorated, his dress is a big too big, and he has a rifle strapped to his back. The background has changed to daytime, with distant mountains.
1-4: Snufkin (narration box 1): “This was a few years before I found Moominvalley, and Moomin found me. I was wandering inland, trying to get to the other side of the continent, but I didn’t dare try to cross the Badlands by myself.” There are 3 cowhands on horseback and a herd of cows, with mountains in the background. Snufkin (narration box 2): “I met a band of cattle drivers, and offered to work in exchange for passage across the desert. Fortunately, they cared more about my night eyes than my age, so I got the job.”
1-5: Back in present day, with Moomin and Snufkin by the campfire. Moomin (excited): “Wow! So you were a real cowboy!” Snufkin: (chuckling) “You could say that. It was hard work, but I learned a lot from the cowhands.”
1-6: Snufkin takes out his pipe and looks at it. Snufkin (smirking): “Including a couple of bad habits.”
Page 2
2-1: Returning to the flashback, a scene in early morning. A cow bucking, with cowhand 1 straining to hold onto her rope, and cowhand 2 ducking away from her hooves. Another cowhand and the rest of the herd are in the background. Snufkin (narrating): “We were in the roughest leg of the journey, the longest distance to cover with no access to water, when one of the cows went wild.”
2-2: The cow runs off. Cowhand 1 has fallen on the ground, cowhands 2 and 4 pursue her on foot, and cowhand 3chases her on horseback, whirling a lasso. Snufkin (narrating): “A few of the cowhands tried to chase her down, but they had to give up before long. We needed to get the rest of the herd as far as we could before the sun rose to its peak.”
2-3: Later that morning in the flashback, the herd and cowhands are continuing across the desert. Young Snufkin is on the back of a horse with an old cowhand named Cactus Needle; this is an original character, a middle-aged hemulen wearing a cowboy hat, a collared shirt and bandana, a gun belt, and boots. From off the panel, cowhand 2 yells: “Hey, look over there!”
2-4: Cowhand 2 points to a dead cow lying on the ground in the distance.
2-5: Cowhand 2 (confused): “Can’t be ours. She just ran off an hour ago.” Cactus Needle (suspicious): “No, it’s her, all right.” They dismount the horse. Cowhand 3 and the herd are visible in the background.
2-6: A closer look at the cow corpse, with the shadows of Cactus Needle and cowhand 3.
2-7: Cowhand 3 nudges the corpse with her foot.
2-8: Water comes pouring out of the corpse’s mouth. Cowhand 3: “What the?!”
2-9: Outside the panel from the left, cowhand 2: “Drowned! But what th’ hell she drown in?” Outside the panel from the right, cowhand 3: “Maybe there’s a watering hole out here after all!” In the center, Cactus Needle (through gritted teeth): “No. There isn’t.”
2-10: Cactus Needle marches back to their horse. Young Snufkin is standing next to it, holding the reins.
2-11: Cactus Needle, on the horse, grabs young Snufkin by the neck of his dress. He makes a “hrk” noise and looks surprised.
2-12: Cactus Needle has put young Snufkin on the back of her horse. The horse rears up, and young Snufkin grabs Cactus Needle with one paw and his hat with the other. Cactus Needle (shouting): “Quit gawkin’, ya lead-footed lunkheads! Let’s get a move on!”
Page 3
3-1: A silhouette of the herd and the cowhands on horseback. Cactus Needle and young Snufkin’s horse is galloping far in front of the rest.
3-2: Cactus Needle and Young Snufkin, still on horseback, moving more slowly. Young Snufkin: “Cactus Needle? What happened to that cow?” Cactus Needle: “Listen kid, ‘cause I’m only tellin’ ya this once.”
3-3: Cactus Needle (grimly): “Sometimes, ya come across things in the desert no one can explain. Wrong things. When ya do, don’t ask questions. Don’t investigate.”
3-4: A view of Cactus Needle and young Snufkin on the horse from behind, with young Snufkin looking back. Cactus Needle: “Just ignore it.”
3-5: Late at night in the flashback. Young Snufkin is on guard with his rifle on his back, playing guitar quietly and looking at the stars with a smile. In the background, there are 5 tents set up by a campfire and the herd of cows asleep nearby. Snufkin (narrating): “My job was to keep the cattle and the cowhands safe from coyotes or rustlers through the night. Out there in the desert, the sky was absolutely studded with stars, and the horizon seemed to stretch on forever. All of those long, lonely nights are treasured memories.”
3-6: Young Snufkin stops playing and looks intently into distance, where large hills of sand have risen up. Snufkin (narrating): “Except one.”
3-7: Three boxes of narration alternate with two boxes with silhouettes. Snufkin (narration 1): “The desert made everything feel small, yet it was enormous.” Silhouette box 1 shows the Ancient One floating over the sand, causing it to form waves. Snufkin (narration 2): “It swam over the dunes rather than walked, splashing sand as it moved.” Silhouette box 2 shows the Ancient One again, still swimming closer. Snufkin (narration 3): “And the longer I looked, the faster it came toward me.”
3-8: Back in the present day, at the campfire. Little My has grabbed onto Snufkin’s knee; Moomin and Snufkin both look surprised. Little My (yelling, concerned): “Didn’t you have a gun?!”
3-9: Returning to the flashback, young Snufkin is kneeling, aiming his rifle at the Ancient One, still in silhouette. His guitar is on the ground nearby. Snufkin (narrating): “I did.”
3-10: The Ancient One, facing front. Its head is a skull with a long snout and enormous eyes. Ribs are visible behind the skull. It has no flesh, but water is suspended around its bones. I Snufkin (narrating): “But what could a bullet do to bones and seawater?”
3-11: A view of young Snufkin from the waist down, still kneeling. He is putting down the rifle with his left hand and grabbing the guitar with his right.
3-12: A view of young Snufkin from the shoulders down, playing the guitar and producing a few small music notes.
3-13: Identical to the last panel, but young Snufkin is tense, with his shoulders drawn up and his claws protracted, and there is water dripping from above him. The musical notes get larger and more jagged.
3-14: More large, jagged music notes. Cactus Needle in her tent, leaning out. Cactus Needle: (tired) “Would ya keep it down, kid? Some o’ us are tryin’ to—“
3-15: Cactus Needle with a horrified look on their face.
Page 4
4-1: The Ancient One is fully visible in the firelight. It is made of seawater floating around bones. The bones are based on ichthyosaur fossils, with many ribs and a long spine, four flippers, a tail fin, a dorsal fin, a long nose, and oversized eye sockets about the size of young Snufkin’s head. There are ancient skeletons of fish, trilobites, ammonites, and a sea turtle swimming in the water that floats inside of the Ancient One’s ribcage. The Ancient One is looming over young Snufkin, dripping water onto him. Young Snufkin is terrified; his pupils have shrunk to slits, his claws are protracted, and he has tears in his eyes.
4-2: Divided into 3 small panels. The first has Cactus Needle’s face from the side, looking down at young Snufkin. Cactus Needle: “Ya better stop now.” The second panel shows young Snufkin’s face from the side, still terrified. The third shows the Ancient One’s jaws.
4-3: Divided into 7 small panels. The first is a closeup on Cactus Needle’s mouth. Cactus Needle: “It’s time for ya to rest.” The second panel is a closeup on young Snufkin’s eye, and a tear running down his cheek. The third is a closeup on the Ancient One’s eyes. The fourth through seventh panels are very small; the two behind the panel of young Snufkin show jagged musical notes, and the two below the panel of the Ancient One are drops of water.
4-4: Cactus Needle shouts from off panel: “Stop it now and go to sleep!” The Ancient One collapses. A large quantity of water slams into young Snufkin’s back. Water sprays and bones fall all around him.
4-5: Young Snufkin is kneeling, soaked and coughing. Cactus Needle holds the wet brim of his hat out of his face. Cactus Needle: “Lands, kid, ya must have nerves of steel. C’mon, we gotta get ya dried off.” The Ancient One’s bones are scattered around.
Page 5:
5-1: Back in the present day, with Snorkmaiden, Sniff, Little My, Moomin, and Snufkin around the campfire. Sniff (nervous): “Brrr, that’s creepy!” Snorkmaiden: “But what was that thing? Was it a ghost?” Snufkin: “I don’t know. ‘Ghost’ doesn’t seem like the right word.”
5-2: Return to flashback. Young Snufkin is sitting by the fire, wrapped in a towel. Snufkin (narrating): “I think it was a memory.”
5-3 Young Snufkin looking up with a tired expression. Snufkin (narrating): “Older than the Ancestor.
5-4: Cactus Needle approaches the fire, their arms full of bones, including the Ancient One’s skull. Snufkin (narrating): “Older than the Fair Folk.”
5-5: A worms-eye view of the bones burning in the campfire. The smoke contains shapes of ancient fish, sea turtles, trilobites, and ammonites. Cactus Needle and young Snufkin look up at the smoke, young Snufkin with a look of wonder. Snufkin (narrating): “Old enough to remember when the desert was the sea.”
5-6: Back in present day, Sniff (serious expression, ears back): “Whatever it was, I’m glad it’s dead. Nasty thing.” Snufkin from off-panel: “Hmm.”
5-7: Snorkmaiden: “What? You disagree? Little My (angrily): “It tried to kill you!”
5-8: Snufkin (eyes closed): “I feel sorry for it.”
5-9: An aerial view of Moominvalley. Snufkin (off-panel, narration box 1): “To return to your home, only to find you no longer recognize it. To realize that you no longer have a place in the world, that you’ve been gone too long and everyone has moved on without you…” Snufkin (off-panel, narration box 2): “That’s more frightening than any ghost story.”
Page 6
6-1: Later that same night. Snorkmaiden, Sniff, Moomin, and Snufkin are lying down by the dying campfire; Little My is sprawled out on Snorkmaiden’s belly. Everyone is asleep but Moomin, who is staring at Snufkin. Snufkin has his scarf under his head and his hat pulled over his eyes.
6-2: Moomin propped up on one elbow, looking over Snufkin. Moomin (whispering): “You’ll always have a place here in Moominvalley, Snufkin. I promise.”
6-3. Snufkin reaches out and puts his arms around Moomin. Moomin, who thought he was asleep, looks surprised.
6-4: Split into two panels. On the left side of the page, Moomin smiles at Snufkin. On the right, Snufkin pushes his hat off his head and smiles back at Moomin.
6-5: Cuddling and smiling, Moomin and Snufkin go to sleep.
End ID.]
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onedivinemisfit · 3 years
2021 Creator Self-Love Extravaganza!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2021. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
Tagged by @bubblesthemonsterartist
Weirdly enough I am less reflected over this year than I was the one previous. In 2020, I had goals. In 2021, I just DRUMMED ON as long as my inspiration would let me! I indulged, I think, for the most part. 😂 However, looking back, I daresay I am proud. I have experimented more than I realized, and my pieces look rather good for it~
Year total: 184 artworks, 1 gif
1. Obiyuki Almost Kiss This would be one of many artworks I would scream into Joanna’s dms about; one of those THIS HAS TO BE GOOD OKAY-type artwork. The Concubine!AU means a lot to me, and the fic she and Jen wrote even moreso. This artwork was the first time where I applied 3D models during the sketching stage, and a perspective grid for… well, that’s rather self-explanatory yes?
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2. “When doth mine husband return to me?” The first in what would be a series of “Annie says she’s gonna sketch, then 30 hours later has to admit she lied”. LOL. One of many redraws this year, I tested new ways of both coloring and shading with this one - not to mention the lineless background that I was mighty proud of, for being entirely made up on the spot. I feel like this artwork marked the spot where I got more into harmonizing colors, while also playing with stronger contrasts.
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3. Miss me when the ships sail West Omigosh this one. I made a couple comics this year and this is my fave. Again, lots of focus on vibrant colors - I find my style benefits from sacrificing some realism in favor of impressionistic, striking scenery. Comics are also challenging, bc you know that in order to tell the story well, you have to choose the right panels, and I have never been good at minimalism. This was also my first venture into chromatic aberration! Which has quickly become a favorite!
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4. Now and then, forever the same While this artwork isn’t really impressive in its own right - it was a quick sketch, where color setting and atmosphere was the most important, to instantly tell a story. But. BUT. I made a gif! For the first time in ten whole years, I went back to try and animate something. It was a lot of work, ngl, but it really paid off in the end, wow.
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5. Wheel of Fortune Ngl, that whole week went by in a flurry. I made seven pieces from scratch in exactly 7x24 days. THAT is a record in its own right. This one was perhaps my favorite of the lot, for it came to me so naturally. And it felt like I applied all the news tricks I’d learned this year into a single piece, and best of all, I got to try one of my favorite palettes!
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BONUS: Ladies of the Witcher AU Just because I can, and because I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t! These aren’t even about quality or detailwork, but the fact that I still remain so proud of these designs. Eleven actually badass-looking girls and women, none who can be mistaken for one another, and whose energy is entirely her own.
If I can preserve even half of the subconscious energy I’ve channeled towards art this year, for next year, I will be overjoyed! Here’s to hoping~
Tagging: hmmmm, my darling @jaqdaw-art, @nokaru, @qob-vrisk and @ccprovolomies if any of you feel ever so inclined 😘
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inkwellfire · 3 years
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[Image Description: An After the Fall comic page featuring a black child, Flower, in a grey dress with purple feathers, and a Hispanic teenager, Kelley, in a dirty tan shirt and brown pant and boots.
Pane 1: The characters are silhouetted in front of a red brick library with a large tree emerging from the roof. It has a ruined white sign that reads “[Illegible] City [Illegible] Library.” The pair talk back and forth- Kelley: “You live here?” Flower: “Yeah!” K: “Wow. It’s like a castle.... And the Demon?” F: “They don’t come in here for some reason.... Leaf picked it out.” K: “Oh right... The dragon. Where is it?” F: “She (emphasized) isn’t too far from us. She’s following the demon.”
Panel 2: They enter the building, Kelley leaning on the doorway with a concerned look, holding his injured side. He huffs, with a “phew”. Flower walks in front of him, looking forward with a smile, gesturing broadly as she says “Anyway this is my house! I’ll show you around!”
Panel 3: With an overhead shot, the Library is shown to have 2 levels, and a tree growing in the center, wrapping around some of the bookcases. Kelley walks behind Flower, asking “Where’s your family?”
Panel 4: Flower looks back with wide eyes, seeming caught off-guard. Her dialogue bubble has 3 ellipses.
Panel 5: Flower turns towards him with a small smile, enthusiastic as she exclaims “I have Leaf!”
Panel 6: Kelley continues to hold his side, with a small uneasy smile, brows pinched. He says “Oh. Okay.” Panel 7: Kelley bows, gesturing forward with one hand as he says “Well, after you, dear Princess.” Flower covers her mouth with a giggle. End ID]
The Full Comic of After the Fall (& commission information) can be found at InkwellArtist.com!
Additionally, I have an askblog/archive blog for AtF @abouthefall So feel free to hop over there and send asks or inquires!
Remember to reblog!
& If you want, donate to my Ko-Fi: Ko-fi.com/InkwellArtist. Thank you!
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pfreadsandwrites · 3 years
九つの命/9 Lives Translation
Hi!! So, @foxy-and-tales asked me to tell her what was going on in the comic mentioned in this post. After skimming through it, I thought it'd be good practice - and it'd be easier to answer her question - if I just went through it and told her what it all meant. I realised by that point I was doing a translation, and since I was going to the trouble anyway, I thought I'd post it publicly.
So, the full comic is here. It's basically a comic that has 7 little stories about Kakashi's ninja hounds and their lives with Kakashi. It's an adorable, heartfelt story and I absolutely love the personalities that the artist gave all the ninja hounds and the depictions of their relationships with Kakashi.
My translation will be this post, follow it as a script. I don't have the skill or knowledge to edit and typeset and change the images myself - and I wouldn't do that anyway, as it would involve reposting the art and changing it without the artist's consent. But I do think that not referring to the pictures as you're reading through the script really harms how sweet this story is, so if you can go through the comic slowly whilst referring to my (amateur) translation of it, I hope you can get a glimpse of that!
WARNINGS: There is a depiction of an already dead dog in part 4 😢, and some (human!) male partial nudity in part 6 (😉)
Tagging: @scaredlittlefoxy @lemony-snickers @backalleykat @whatshernameis @gwedosuns @topsyturvy-dream @ice-icebaby @cosmiclattes
This is also the artist’s note that follows after the comic, that I’m putting here:
(Artist’s note translation)
"This is a story about the daily life of Kakashi and the eight ninken.
The ninja dogs’ personalities etc mightn’t be faithful to the source material.
The dogs live free range in Kakashi’s house.
There is an illustration of a dog dying, though it isn’t any of the ninken. Please take note.
You don’t have to read it, but below this are the dogs’ personalities:
Shiba: Friendly and sensitive
Biscuit: Childish and Selfish
Akino: Calm and cool demeanour
Bull: Timid and Quiet
Urushi: Ladykiller. A little bit dim. (Note: Himbo!)
Guruko: Annoyingly helpful and naggy
Uhei: Pure-hearted and cheerful
Pakkun: Same as in the series"
Some notes and then onwards into the translation under the cut:
Please take heed before continuing:
I’m not a professional translator, in fact I’ve done very little of this, so there’s some guesswork and liberties taken, and I don't claim that that there’ll be no mistakes.
I’ve separated it out by sections and pages, so you should be able to follow the story from following the speech bubbles (right to left) and referencing the lines here by speaker
Each space between a line denotes that it’s the next speech bubble
A new line but no change in speaker will denote that it’s the same character talking, but in the next panel or speech bubble
Italics means the character is thinking or flashbacks. I'll try and make this obvious as I go but the artwork should make that clear too.
Brackets are my additions, or me translating things like signs etc, or brackets will have smaller background dialogue not in speech bubbles. I'll try to make this clear as I go.
Stuff surrounded by * denotes actions or onomatopoeic actions/words in panels
Ask me if there’s any parts that confuse you about the story!! The way I’ve done this isn’t easy to follow but it's the best my dumb brain could come up with
Title page
9 Lives
1. ‘I won’t tell anyone’
(SFX: dogs playing and wagging tails)
Kakashi: Hm? You’re not gonna play, Shiba?
Shiba: …No. …Hey, Kakashi’
Kakashi: Hm? What?’
Shiba: There’s a girl I like’
Kakashi: Ohhh… I won’t tell anybody.
I won’t tell ~ I won’t tell ~
(p. 3)
Shiba: She’s really cute…
Kakashi: That’s great ~
Shiba: But I haven’t even spoken to her once
Kakashi: You should go for it ~
(SFX: *happy dog panting*)
Shiba: I’ll come back as soon as I’ve talked to her!’
Kakashi: Yep!
Shiba: I’ll be right back, definitely!
Kakashi: Ok, ok (lit. Yes yes)
Shiba: She’s already got someone (lit. she’s already in a couple/has a mate)
Kakashi: I see…
Shiba: She said her mate hurt his leg and can’t walk so he's staying at home…
Kakashi: Shiba, you know.. have feet that can walk anywhere…
So maybe you’ll meet an amazing girl again, won’t you?
(*dog cries*)
Kakashi: ...I won’t tell anyone. (*Comforting doggy*)
I won’t say anything. I won’t say anything.
(Kakashi: Aw, Shiba is pretty sweet to me, huh?)
2. Biscuit’s Sausage (note: I know his name is technically Bisuke in Japanese, but Biscuit is his dub name and it’s too adorable so that’s what I’m going with here! Also suits the personality he has in this story. What a biscuithead this boy is)
Biscuit: -You’re so sneaky, Kakashi! I wanted to eat sausages!
*crying dog noises*
(Uhei: Sorry, Kakashi…
Guruko: I told you!!)
Kakashi: You know if you eat sausages, Biscuit, your tummy will get sick, right? I’m boiling cod for you right now
(*tantrum noises, pounding feet and barking*)
Biscuit: *angry puppy noises* I hate fish, you idiot! I said I want to eat sausages! Sausages! Sausages!
Kakashi: *sternly* Biscuit
Biscuit: *whimper*
Biscuit: Kakashi, you IDIOT!
(2. Biscuit’s Sausage)
Biscuit: *sniff*
(Sign says Konoha Pet Food)
Biscuit: This is the store that sells the dog food Kakashi buys! Wow, maybe they have sausages here too!
Biscuit: I wonder if I'll be able to eat as much as I want… *gulp*
But if I did that, Kakashi would get in trouble
No, maybe…
*heart pounding*
Kakashi kept it (this) a secret just from me, because I'll get sick...
(Apron says Konoha Pet Food)
Shop Lady: *shuffles*
Biscuit: I didn't do anything yet!!! * heart pounding*
Shop Lady: Oh my… you really just talked!
Shop lady: You’re Kakashi’s pup, aren’t you?
Shop lady: Kakashi got you to come here, huh?
(Shop lady: you’re a good boy!)
Bisuke: Oh, no-
Shop lady: Though, he shouldn't have made you come pick it up without contacting us, huh? Here, sausages!
Biscuit: Sausages?!
Shop lady: There’s a pup among you guys that can’t have normal sausages, right?
It was a request from Kakashi.
He said he wanted me to make some especially for the puppy who can’t handle meat.
Shop lady: Well, here you go!! You’ll tell Kakashi we’re sorry for making him wait, won’t you?
Biscuit: Oh, um… But I don’t have any money…
Shop lady: It’s fine, because it’s Kakashi!
Whenever he has free time, he comes to pay.
I have a deal with him, you see. And he can't get the food if he's not here...
Next time, come together with Kakashi, okay?
(p. 11)
Kakashi: *casually picks up Bisuke* Thank you! This is for you ~
Shop lady: Thank you, come again!
Biscuit: Kakashi…
Kakashi: Hm?
Biscuit: Sorry…
Kakashi: Yeah…
I’m sorry too. I gave everyone else sausages while keeping it a secret from you.
I thought you’d definitely want some if you saw…
(Kakashi: But I got caught.)
(p. 12)
Kakashi: But…. Everyone’ll want some if they see this, too.
How about stopping by the park and eating it there?
We’ll keep it a secret from everyone 😊
Bisuke: *happy face licking and barking* When we get home, I’ll eat the cod too!!
Kakashi: Uhh… Well, Uhei and Guruko already ate it…
Bisuke: WHAT?!!!
(Flashback, Uhei and Guruko saying ‘Cod! Me too!! Me too! I want to eat some too!’)
3. Kakashi’s smile
(p. 13)
*paws thudding on ground/running away*
Kakashi: …Got you.
Akino: Ack!
It’s always only me that you brush so roughly, Kakashi!
Kakashi: It can’t be helped, can it? You have the thickest fur, Akino
*brushing softly* It’ll be over soon, it’ll be over soon…
Other doggies: That seems nice to me, Akino…
Kakashi: Hey, it’s falling out, it’s falling out ~
Akino: !!!
Kakashi: Look, it’s a mini Akino!! So much fur…
Akino: That’s too much hair off the bottom, Kakashi! Wha…
(p. 14)
*Kakashi continuing to laugh at his mini Akino*
Akino: There are times now where Kakashi summons us, even if he doesn’t have any business for us to take care of…
(Back then) he never ever summoned us outside of missions…
(p. 15)
Akino: He was doing all kinds of things, but he was the kind of person who never had a smile on his face…
Kakashi: If I had more time, I could make an even hairier one, you know
(Other dogs: *laughing* Akino: That’s a lie!)
Akino: Kakashi…. You're having fun?
Kakashi: *genuine smile* Yep, I am!
Akino: *smile* If you feel like it, you can keep going…
Kakashi: Oh?
(Later, Akino notices Kakashi has put sunglasses on the mini Akino)
4. Timid Bull (CW Animal Death)
(p. 16)
Bull: I’m the last ninja hound that came to Kakashi’s home.
Before that, I was living in a training centre for ninja hounds.
(4. Timid Bull)
The dogs I lived together with there… were all adopted when they were puppies.
But I still lived at the training centre, even as I became fully grown.
Ninja Hey, that dog looks tough, doesn’t he?
Centre manager: Yes, but… he’s not all that suited for battling…
Despite how he looks, he’s actually a timid dog.
Bull: I… I’m scared of insects. I’m scared of noises.
I’m scared of blood.
Centre manager: Because he can understand the stories of troubled humans, you see…
Bull: I’m scared of anything other than myself.
(p. 17)
Bull: Nobody would want a dog like me, right?
Kakashi: I found a good boy ~
Bull: *panicking* There’s no manager here!
Kakashi: Hello ~
Bull: …Hello… *heart pounding*
Kakashi: Ah, one that talks, huh…
Would you like to become one of my pups?
(p. 18)
Bull: Me…? Me, really? Quit it… That’s enough joking around.
Kakashi: What do you mean?
Bull: No-one wants me (😢)
Kakashi: No-one?
I want you, though.
Bull: What kind of a strange person would want me, I thought
(p. 19)
Bull: There were lots of dogs at Kakashi’s house
(Happy barking doggy noises)
Uhei: Woah, you’re huge! But among these guys, I have the fastest legs, you know!!!
Guruko: And I have the best nose!!
Biscuit: And I’m whiny!! (Note: lit. ‘I’m selfish!’)
Shiba: I have the sharpest bite!
Pakkun: I am the wisest. (Note: Pakkun I think uses Kansai-dialect Japanese lol so he sounds kinda... distinct. This is hard to convey for me lol)
Urushi: I’m popular with the ladies ;)
(Akino: I’m the fluffiest!)
Bull: I was so confused
You… you’re not scared of me?
I’m huge, and I have a scary face… So no one comes near me.
They all said they weren’t scared.
The reason, they said together, was…
(p. 20)
‘Because Kakashi brought you, Bull!’
Everyone was totally relaxed, as if they had no worries at all.
They all clung to me as if it was completely natural to do so.
I realised that there’d always be someone beside me.
(p. 21)
*sounds of paws scuffling against ground in first two panels*
*jumping to the ground noise in third panel*
Kakashi: …Bull, this way is a dead end.
Bull: …Sorry.
I couldn’t go back to where you were, and I thought so, but -
Bull: *looking at dog* He asked me to stay by his side.
…He was an enemy, but he was already dying.
That’s why, Kakashi….
Kakashi: …Yep.
Let’s give him a send-off together.
(Note: this was a tricky one because Kakashi says 送る, which means send, and is used with mail etc, but can mean to say farewells to the deceased, which is why Bull comments on it on the next page)
(p. 23)
Bull: He wanted to say ‘I want to bury him’
But Kakashi said ‘send-off’.
Lightly, as if his life force was still there
There… there are a lot of things that scare me.
When I was waiting for this dog, I was scared.
But I couldn’t refuse his request.
(p. 24)
Bull: …I’m spineless.
Kakashi: Everyone else has lots of things they’re scared of, you know.
That’s why they all stay by your side, Bull.
If you’re there, everything will be alright. That’s how everyone feels.
If you’re close by, everyone’s able to feel safe.
(p. 25)
Kakashi: ….This puppy, too.
Dying dog: …Please…
Bull: That dog…
Dying dog: Stay with me, until the end…
Kakashi: Because you stayed with him, Bull, he felt at peace, didn’t he?
Bull: I don’t think that dog was happy…
He was very thin, and he also smelt like he was sick
To protect themselves, his owner didn’t treasure this [this dog’s] life.
Kakashi, I…
Somehow, I..
I’m very…
(p. 26)
Bull: I wanted to cry out as loud as I could..
Kakashi: Yeah… (I’m not sure who’s saying this line)
Bull: For feeling guilty towards that dog, and for knowing Kakashi…
For my life being here now.
For my life, I wanted to cry it out until the blood came out of my throat.
(p. 27)
Bull: That dog…
I wonder, was that dog ever able to feel like this, even once?
(Flashback) Doggies: Because Kakashi brought you, Bull!
Uhei: Hey!!! Bull!!
Shiba: You’re late!!
I was worried, you know!
Guruko: (to others) Hey, Bull came back!!
Bull: I’m Bull. The dog that Kakashi found.
5. Urushi’s scales
Urushi: I think I’m good looking
(5. Urushi’s scales)
Girl pups: Ahh~ Urushi…~
Urushi: I’m popular with the ladies
(note: he uses メス, which means bitch in the literal sense - a female dog - and all the puppers use it to refer to human women too. So I just left it as ladies, as I don't think the pups mean it to be crass, they just use dog language and apply it to humans as well as themselves)
Sometimes I’m told ‘it’s probably because you’re one of Kakashi’s ninken’, but…
(Background lettering over the other dogs says ‘Unstylish/Uncool/Lame’)
But my other friends aren’t all that popular, really.
Still, I think it’s because I really am good-looking after all.
(Choruses of ‘Urushi~’, ‘Ahh…; and ‘Let’s play together, Urushi)
Urushi: Hehehe…
Being good-looking is a great thing.
Guruko: Hey, Kakashi!
(p. 29)
Guruko: You got hit by a girl again, didn’t you?!
Kakashi: *laughing* No…
Akino: Why were you hit by a girl? Do girls not like you?
Uhei: It looks like it hurts…
Kakashi: Nooo ~
Shiba: You’re so strong, Kakashi, why were you hit?
Biscuit: You couldn’t avoid it?
Guruko: *Steam from nostrils* I’ll fight her for you!
Kakashi: It’s fine, it’s fine ~
What are you saying?
(p. 30.)
Urushi: Kakashi said ‘I took responsibility’.
Sometimes humans say things I don’t understand…
Girl dog: Urushi… pair up with me.
Urushi: If Kakashi’s saying it, it must be important…
Be… Because I’m one of Kakashi’s ninken?
Girl dog: It has nothing to do with that. I like you, Urushi
Urushi: Wow… *heart pounding*
Girl dog: Pair up with me, and…
I want you to leave the ninken. (Lit. Stop being a ninken)
(p. 31)
Girl dog: I love you, Urushi, but what if, on a mission, you…
I can’t stand the thought of that!
Leave the ninken, and… always stay in the village with me?
Urushi: This girl’s a beauty, and has a kind personality…
I think that I might want to be with her…
Should I leave the ninken?
(p. 32)
Urushi: *perplexed*
Kakashi, Bull and Biscuit: *zzz, sleeping sounds*
Urushi: If I said I wanted to leave the ninken…
Kakashi: (in Urushi’s imagination) If that’s what you want, Urushi
It’s fine with me! (Background: It would be a shame, though…)
Urushi: I feel like Kakashi would say something like that…
Do I want to do that…? Not really, but… *sigh*
Hey, Pakkun.
(p. 33)
Pakkun: Something bothering you?
Urushi: Yeah, there is
I have to decide between two things, but it’s difficult…
I want both of them, but I can’t have them.
Pakkun: … Is it a girl problem?
Urushi: Yep ~
Pakkun: That’s just like you, Urushi. (Pakkun’s imagination shows two girl pups arguing:
Urushi!! Which one will you choose, me or her?! *indignant barking*)
When making a decision about something, one needs to think about what’s most.
...important to oneself.
Let’s say you balance both sides on your scales…
Urushi: My scales?
Pakkun: For example….
(p. 34)
It’s not the physical weight, but the weight of what you think is precious and important. It’s the weight of those feelings.
If you think about which is heavier, you’ll find the answer.
Kakashi: You guys are having a kinda complicated conversation, huh…?
Pakkun: Oh, Kakashi, you woke up, did you?
Urushi: *heart pounding*
Kakashi: My scales lean towards sleep, you know..
Let’s eat soon, okay? Please…
Urushi: Kakashi…. Are you happy that I’m here?
(p. 35)
Kakashi: Hm? Yeah, I’m happy!
Urushi, of course I’m happy ~
(Note: the word Kakashi uses is 嬉しい, which is ‘ureshii’ so Kakashi is making a pun with Urushi’s name here.)
Urushi: *blush* Okay!
Pakkun: What we were just talking about… Don’t talk about it in front of Shiba.
Urushi: Huh? Why?
Pakkun: Seems like he recently had his heart broken…
(p. 36)
Urushi: The thing that’s most important and precious to me… isn’t you.
That’s why I can’t be with you.
I can’t be with you, but… you’re a beautiful and amazing lady.
So, let’s meet again one day ~
Biscuit: Kakashi! Kakashiiiii! It’s awful!!
(p. 37)
(*throbbing pain*)
Biscuit: Urushi’s hurt!!
(*dogs barking*)
Guruko: Let’s go fight them!! *steam from nostrils*
Shiba: No way, is it a girl? Kakashi, you better tell him off!!!
Kakashi: Did you get into a fight with a dog from the village?
Urushi: No, it’s not that…
I took responsibility.
I’ve got a manly mark on my face, heh~
Shiba: You better tell him off!! *bark*
Pakkun: That’s it…
6. Kakashi’s Helper Team!
(p. 38)
Kakashi: I’m home~!!!
Guruko: ?!!! Kakashi, you stink!!
Kakashi: *sweetly smiling* Oh, stop it…
I saw Asuma after a long time, and we talked and ended up getting some drinks… It was nice to see him… *flops down on floor*
Guruko: Take a bath!!!
Don’t go to sleep!!
(*soundly sleeping*)
(p. 39.)
Guruko: Uhei! Uheiii!
Uhei: What is it?
Guruko: Let’s clean up Kakashi!
(6. Kakashi’s Helper Team!)
Uhei: Ehh… But if he wakes up, he’ll take a bath himself, won’t he?
(SFX: Heave-ho! Heave-ho!)
Guruko: We can’t leave Kakashi as he is when he’s this stinky! It’s fine, take it off!
Uhei: Uh, this is stuck half way, I can’t take it off
Guruko: Because you haven’t taken off his leg bandages!
(p. 40)
Guruko: Damn, this is stuck half way *pulling*
Uhei: Isn’t that because you haven’t taken off his headband?!
Guruko: This is enough, let’s carry him to the bath like this!
(*dragging noises*)
Uhei: Won’t his clothes get wet?
Guruko: It’s fine, because we’re going to wash them anyway!
Uhei: It’s amazing… Kakashi still hasn’t woken up!
Guruko: Okay, let’s wash him!
Uhei: Isn’t that… the shampoo that we use?
Guruko: It’s totally safe!!
If it’s fine for us to use, it’ll be fine for Kakashi too, right?
Uhei: I guess…
(p. 41)
Uhei: We can wash his body, but what about his clothes?
(SFX: *scrub scrub*)
Guruko: If we wash them together, it’ll be fine! Hey, pour some hot water over here ~
Uhei: Okay!
(SFX: *splash*)
Kakashi: *suddenly yelling* I’m gonna die!!
Guruko: *screaming*
Kakashi: Even with my face covered, if you pour hot water on me, I can’t breathe, you know!! You really can’t do that.
Guruko: You woke up…
(SFX: *heart pounding*)
Uhei: You really scared me…
(p. 42)
Kakashi: You’d started something, and I wondered how far you’d carry on… Ah, I’m drenched.
Guruko: Ah, I’m sorry, Kakashi!!
Kakashi: Well, anyway.. you guys ended up cleaning yourselves pretty good too. You’re all drenched, too.
Guruko: Then I’ll go get some towels!!
Uhei: Kakashi, Kakashi
Guruko acts the way he does, but he really loves looking after you!
Kakashi: I know.
Biscuit: I want to have a bath with Kakashi too ~
Guruko: That’s not it! It’s just all slippery (note: not accurate, but the gist is that Biscuit misunderstands and Guruko puts him straight)
7. I’ll always love you
(p. 43)
Sakumo: Pakkun…
I have a favour to ask.
(SFX: Snoring)
Kakashi: Pakkun..
(SFX: Gasp)
Pakkun: Huh?
Kakashi: It’s time to eat.
(p. 44)
Pakkun: Alright.
(Other dogs: Food~ Food ~
Kakashi: Yes ~ Yes ~)
Sakumo: Pakkun…
(p. 45)
Pakkun: Kakashi?
Kakashi: Hm?
Pakkun: For the mission report before… You didn't need me, did you?
Why did you bring me?
Other dogs: We want to come too!!
Kakashi: It’s just Pakkun for today
Kakashi: Hmm…
Hey, let’s relax here for a little while.
Pakkun: What’s this…
Kakashi: Come on…
(p. 46)
Kakashi: I want to talk about Dad.
…No. Maybe it’s a confession?
Talking about Dad…. Felt like something we couldn’t even broach. Ever.
I think you felt this way too, right, Pakkun?
I couldn’t tell you earlier that ‘it’s all right now’. Even though it was.
It was just a matter of timing, I guess…
Pakkun: But I wasn’t waiting for you to say that… Even if you’d have said it earlier, that’d have been good, but..
Why, out of the blue like this?
A change like that… Just like…
Just like…
(p. 47)
Sakumo: I have a favour.
Kakashi: The day Dad died…
Ever since then, for a long time, now… I became strange.
I’ve been nothing but trouble for you.
Pakkun: Kakashi-
Kakashi: Even though… you were hurting over Dad not being here too.
(p. 48)
Kakashi: Dad was your first master, right?
You really were precious to him.
….The other day, when you were having a nap, I woke you up, didn’t I?
It might have been because of the food, but your nose was twitching.
At first, I thought you were growling.
When I woke you up, you had a really startled expression when you looked at me.
I understood right away.
You were thinking about Dad, right?
(p. 49)
Kakashi: You were having a dream about Dad that time, right?
Thank you for always being considerate towards me…
But it’s alright now.
From now on, I want you to tell me…
The things about Dad that only you know.
(p. 50)
Pakkun: Sakumo…
(Sakumo: Pakkun…)
Pakkun: …really was a loving, kind man.
Kind, and…
(Sakumo: Pakkun…)
Pakkun: Kind, and…
I’ll tell you about Sakumo.
The things I’ve always wanted to tell you
I’ll tell you now.
Kakashi: Okay.
(p. 51)
Kakashi: Thank you for telling me about Dad, Pakkun.
Pakkun: …Don’t you dare die.
I’ve had enough now.
Yeah. Enough.
(p. 52)
(Sakumo: I’m asking.…)
Pakkun: Sakumo…
The two of you are exactly alike.
Kakashi: Oh, really?
Pakkun: Everything’s alright now.
(p. 53)
(p. 54)
(No text)
(p. 55)
(p. 56)
(Note: I think the favour Sakumo asked of Pakkun was to take care of and be mindful of Kakashi always. This isn't outright stated)
76 notes · View notes
eminems-skittles · 3 years
cosplays and crushes [penelope garcia x reader]
penelope garcia x fem!reader warnings: none word count: 2.3k
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
     The hot San Diego sun had started to set on the line full of costume-clad convention goers. Penelope and Spencer, decked out in their Doctor Who and Rose Tyler cosplays, had been camped out since 4 in the afternoon. They just so happened to be in San Diego for a case when Rossi surprised the two nerds with tickets to Comic Con. Hotch had already agreed to giving them the weekend off in order to attend the event, saying they deserved the break and to be around people who understand what they're talking about. After some pushback from Spencer and Penelope, not because they didn't want to go but because they didn't want to be out of state if there was an emergency, they gladly accepted the tickets. The rest of the team, having been aware of the surprise, had already booked hotel rooms at a fancy hotel in San Diego as well. They had all decided that it was time for a well deserved break from their demanding jobs.
   Currently, Spencer and Penelope were in line for the Doctor Who panel. They were surrounded by people who shared their love of the show. While everyone there were all dressed in cosplays and costumes, one specific person caught Penelope's eye. Well, technically, she noticed the girl as soon as they arrived in line. This particular girl had (Y/H/C) and was dressed as (Y/F/C). She was there, apparently by herself. After two hours of constant chatting with Spencer about what they are looking forward too, their theories of previous cases, and Penelope's not so secretive constant checking to see if maybe the beautiful stranger's friends had finally showed up, Penelope had finally gathered the courage to introduce herself to the lonely girl. Spencer, being the expert profiler he is, had already picked up on Garcia's growing curiosity about the lonesome girl.
   Spencer leaned close to Penelope, to ensure that the girl wouldn't hear him, and whispered, "Just talk to her Pen. She won't bite."
   "Aw but I like it when they bite," Penelope whined jokingly, winking at the now blushing Spencer. She pinched his cheek, "Oh ease up, kiddo. I'm kidding. I would talk to her but what if she shoots me down? She is way out of my league. Besides, what am I supposed to say?"
   "Pen, believe me, she is not out of your league. She's here isn't she? You two are in the same league. Just talk to her." Spencer tried to convince her. If the girl they were talking about wasn't so close, Spencer might have also mentioned that he noticed the girl looking at Penelope also. But for now, he'd keep that too himself.
   Penelope took a deep breath, making eye contact with Spencer, who gave her a small reassuring small, before turning around to face the girl. She waved before introducing herself, "Uh, hi! My name is Penelope and this is my friend Spencer! I really like your costume! (Y/F/C) is one of my favorites!"
   "Oh hi!" she waved at spencer slightly before directing her attention back to Penelope. "My name is Y/N! Thank you so much! It took forever to make. I like yours too! Where are you from?"
   "We're from Virginia, we were out here for work and one of our co-workers surprised us with tickets. How about you? Where are you from?"
   "Oh that's awesome! I'm actually from Virginia also! How funny! I live in Richmond for work but when I'm not working I live in (Y/H/T)." Y/N said, her eyes lighting up when she heard that the pretty girl in front of her lived in the same state as her. "If it's not too much to ask, where do you guys live? I'm not a stalker I swear." She added quickly.
   Spencer and Penelope shared an amused look, before laughing slightly.
   "We live in Quantico. Spence and I work for the FBI." Penelope hoped it was okay that she told this stranger that she was an FBI agent. However, Spencer didn't stop her so she assumed it was okay. "What do you do for work?"
    "Oh well I am an elementary school teacher so when school is session, I live in Richmond but during summer I go back home to help out my family. It's not the best situation but I make it work," She laughed slightly. Penelope decided then and there that she loved Y/N's laugh. "Anyway, what do y'all do for the FBI, that is if you're allowed to say."
   "Well I am a tech analyst for the Behavioral Analyst Unit, or the BAU as we call it. So I basically research suspects, victims, open cases, stuff like that and send it to the team." Penelope explains, being careful not to spill too much about her job.
   "And I'm a profiler for the BAU. So while Penelope is at the office, the other agents and I are in the field, examining crime scenes and catching serial killers and bad guys," Spencer explained.
   "Wow, you guys have such cool and important jobs." Y/N said.
   "Yeah, I guess we do," Penelope said, smiling brightly at Y/N. "So are you here by yourself?"
   "Unfortunately. My girlfriend was supposed to come but uh she broke up with me two weeks ago and it was too late to refund the tickets. I needed time away from there anyway" Y/N looked sad as she explained. Penelope looked at Spencer, her eyes silently pleading with him. Spencer looked at Y/N, then at Penelope, before slightly nodding his head.
   "Oh no! I'm so sorry, hon! If you'd like, you can stick with Spencer and I. We're staying at the main hotel with our coworkers. You are more than welcome to join us!" Penelope said, silently cursing herself for sounding so eager. How she already managed to have feelings for this girl so fast was beyond her. Normally, it took her a few days before developing feelings for someone. Yet here she was, having the most mundane conversation with this random girl.
    Thoughts started zooming around in Penelope's brain. Surely it has to be fate that they were both here. Penelope never planned on going to Comic Con until a few days ago. She didn't even plan on going to this panel because she had thought they missed it. And yet, here she was, talking with the prettiest girl she had ever seen. She almost couldn't form proper sentences. Y/N's smile seemed to cause her brain to short-circuit.
    "Are you sure? I don't want to impose. This is your guys vacation." Y/N hesitantly said.
     "It's fine, really, Y/N. It would be fun. Comic Con isn't a place to be alone at." Spencer cut in, a small smile stretching across his face. This was the first time he had seen Penelope act like this in front of a girl, and with everything that Penelope did for him and the team, he figured it was time he did something for her.
    Y/N contemplated for a second. A very small part of her was saying no, because she had just met these people. But then she reasoned that they are FBI agents so they wouldn't hurt her. She also already had started developing a small crush on Penelope. She knew she shouldn't of been catching feelings so quickly. It had only been two weeks since her ex had broken up with up her. However, in this moment, Y/N could care less. If her ex didn't want to be with her anymore, that was no longer her problem. She couldn't spend the rest of her life being sad about someone who did not care about her anymore.
     "If you're sure about this, then of course! You guys seem really fun and I'd love to hangout!" Y/N agreed.
    Penelope and Y/N shared a smile, getting momentarily lost in each others eyes. They stayed like that until Spencer nudged Penelope with his elbow. Once they were broken out of their trance, Penelope and Y/N had realized that the line had finally started moving. Once they got into the panel, Y/N, Penelope, and Spencer sat down as close to the front as possible. Throughout the panel, Y/N and Penelope silently fangirled as Spencer watched intently, no doubt trying to memorize everything that everyone said. Not that he had to try.
     At the end of the panel, around 9:00 at night, the trio was trying to figure out where to go for dinner. Spencer, who was eager to tell Derek about Penelope's new love interest, excused himself to the hotel for the night, saying he was too tired and to go out without him.
    "Let's go change into normal clothes and meet up in 15 minutes? We can go to the hotel bar or go to a restaurant in town?" Y/N asked, secretly hoping this dinner would turn into a date. The day she had spent with Penelope was one of the best days she had had in a long time. Even when she was with her ex-girlfriend. Penelope agreed before they headed to their respective rooms to change into clothes for the evening.
   After they got ready, they met in the hotel lobby and decided on staying at the hotel restaurant and bar. Penelope decided against going into town because of what she sees everyday in her line of work. Y/N did not mind, she just wanted to spend time with Penelope.
   The two had ended up getting kicked out of the hotel bar, having stayed until 2 in the morning. They had decided to make their way to the pool to just sit and talk.
   "Thank you for the wonderful night, Penny," Y/N said, smiling at the slightly taller girl. Y/N was slightly tipsy, leaning her head against Penelope's shoulder.
   "You know, I think you're one of the first people to call me Penny, doll face," She said giggling a bit harder than she should have. "You're welcome, sweetcheeks. I had an amazing time tonight also."
   Little did the two girls know, the BAU team (with the exception of Hotch, who insisted that he had better things to do than spy on Penelope's first date) were hiding along the row of chairs behind them to get a good look at the scene unfolding in front of them.
  Y/N and Penelope stared at each other for a second before a voice shouted, "JUST KISS ALREADY!" The two of them jumped about five feet in the air before looking back to see JJ and Emily pulling Spencer back to the ground to hide him from the two.
  "Might as well give the people what they want," Penelope said, wiggling her eyebrows. Y/N smiled for what felt like the millionth time that day, before nodding her head.
  The two leaned forward, pausing for a second to look each other in the eyes, before leaning in all the way. Penelope brought her hands up to Y/N's face, one on her cheek, the other on the back of her neck. Y/N put both of her hands on Penelope's cheeks. They stayed like that for a few moments, the soft kiss seemingly having lasted longer than a few seconds. They pulled apart, catching their breaths.
   "Wow," Y/N breathed out. A smile and blush had forced their way onto her face, as she looked at Penelope.
   "Wow," Penelope repeated, staring into Y/N's eyes.
   "I SHIP!" Spencer shouted from where he, Derek, Emily, JJ, and Rossi were supposed to be hiding. Penelope broke her stare from Y/N, turning to face her not so secretive friends.
   "Ok, who let him drink tonight?" Penelope shout back to her friends.
   "You know, for FBI agents, your friends aren't all that sneaky." Y/N said, smiling slightly before kissing Penelope again. The group of FBI agents all hooted and hollered jokingly at Penelope and Y/N.
    "Alright you idiots, lets all get to bed before we anger Garcia enough to make her hack all of our records," Rossi said to the team, trying to get them to leave. He was met with a few groans and 'okay dad's, but everyone got up and followed him out of the pool area. As soon as they were sure they were by themselves, they pulled apart from the kiss.
   "I know we just met and you're fresh out of a relationship, but Y/N, I uh I really like you. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be with you. I can wait as long as you-" she was interrupted by yet another small kiss.
   "Penny, I like you a lot too. And I want to be with you too. But it's going to take a bit of time before I get into another relationship." Y/N explained.
   "Of course, take all the time you need, sweetie," Penelope said. The two girls cuddled up next to each other for a few minutes before deciding to call it a night. Penelope walked Y/N to her hotel room with promises of an early breakfast the next day.
  "Goodnight Y/N," Penelope said, before kissing Y/N's cheek.
  "Goodnight Penny," Y/N said, kissing Penelope's cheek as well. She unlocked her door and stepped instead, saying goodnight one final time before watching Penelope walk back down the hall to the elevator. Before she got into the elevator, Penelope waved back at Y/N before dramatically blowing a kiss down the hall. Y/N playfully got the kiss and placed her hand on her cheek, waiting for the elevator doors to close, before making her way into her own room. She was unable to stop smiling the whole time she got ready for bed. This was the best day ever.
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Aaaanyways, I wanna put on my comic-art-nerd hat and talk about panel-to-panel action in that Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow preview because yes, I have been staring at it for days, and yes, I will continue to do so until it is released next month! XD
I apologize in advance for the funky formatting, there’s an art to tumblr text posts and I...have not mastered it. XD
It’ll go image, then analysis.
Also, just to be clear: I’m not doing this so much to be like, ‘WOW THIS IS GROUNDBREAKING, STUNNING, NEVER-BEEN-DONE!’ In fact, many comics do the things I’m gonna highlight/geek out over! Rather, it’s more about, like. Appreciating the construction of the pages, panels, etc.
Okay, so! Page 1, the SPLASH PAGE
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Okay, so, admittedly, I don’t have a ton to say about this opening image, largely because it is one single illustration as opposed to a series of panels. But even then! It quickly establishes that we’re not on earth--the foliage, rock formations, and GIANT WOOLY FRIEND(?) give that away. Also! Said rock formations and wooly friend’s horns frame our new character RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PAGE, letting you know that even though she is tiny, she is important. And, I will just say, I love the dust effects on the ground. The repeated semi-circle shapes evoke the feeling of rhythmic, galloping hoof beats, even without actual movement or sound. Lovely.
And now, PAGE 2!
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So, I’ve highlighted panel 3, but before I get there! Panels 1 & 2 do such a nice job of giving us an idea as to the actual, physical size of these two characters, as well as the power dynamic at play. This random dude takes up the WHOLE DANG PANEL with his bulging muscles and is framed in an up-shot; in panel 2, Ruthye is not only shown from above--we’re literally looking down at her--she is also relegated to the bottom half of the panel. Additionally, it’s a great way to show the action of her turning to pull the sword from her belt, obscuring it from both our view and his, to bring out the ‘big reveal’ in the next panel.
Speaking of! Panel 3! Our establishing shot! We’re introduced to the full interior of this tavern. We see where everything is placed--walls, furniture, and perhaps most importantly, the various patrons!
Establishing shots are so important to have in visual media because they help us, the reader/viewer, to orient all of the various components within a sequence or scene.  
It’s also helpful for the artists because then they can better maintain things like screen direction and continuity.
If we don’t have a shot like this, then subsequent action can become confusing to the point of distraction.
YOU WOULD BE SURPRISED how often this is neglected or forgotten in comics! Scenes will change abruptly and it’s like, ‘wait, wait, where are we?’ 
ADDITIONALLY, the establishing shot not only gives us basic spatial information, it ~sets the mood~ XD Setting! Atmosphere! Genre! It’s all here.
I mentioned this in my prior post, that the art gives off some intense fantasy vibes, what with the organic shapes, rough textures, and color palette.
Folks who’ve read advanced copies have described the book as a fantasy/western; that extends even to the series title design! The designer revealed that the western look of the text is deliberate.
So A+ to the art team for NAILING IT!
Okay, on to page 3!
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Not a ton of notes on this one, but that’s only because the prior page has done such a solid job of laying out the space, as well as the relationship between these two characters WITH JUST WITH THE ART. (Okay, okay, the words help too. XD) Once more, we see this big brute tower over Ruthye, panel- to-panel; he’s always ‘large and in charge’ regardless of the angle. Even in that final panel! Ruthye is the largest element because she’s closer to us, but the guy is still positioned ‘above’ her, literally talking down to Ruthye from over his shoulder. 
(And HMMMM. That unassuming stranger in the back there, underneath the lanterns that seem to act as an arrow pointing right at her...could she be...important?)
(Her tiny size would seem to imply that she isn’t...AND YET...)
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Okay, but before I get into that, I do wanna briefly mention panel size and shape.
All of these pages (save for 1 and 7, which are full-page illustrations) pretty much stick to a very traditional panel structure. Each panel is completely enclosed, and there is zero variety in terms of shape. It’s all rectangles.
BUT. The size and orientation change--take, for instance, that ‘skinny’ horizontal panel up top, the way it perfectly suits the ‘shape’ of the elements/action being shown. It’s a close on Kara’s wrist/hand, reaching out for the sword in the guy’s belt. 
I mention this because often, writers don’t dictate stuff like panel layout in a script. They will give the artist the number of panels, and what needs to be included in each one, but the actual, overall organization of the page? Totally up to the artist.
So! Really knowing what you want to highlight and convey is key, because you can use the panels’ size/shape/relation to other panels to ENHANCE those images, like that sword grabbing up top!
AND! Another thing I love about that panel in particular is the way that Kara’s hand and the sword make a tiny frame for Ruthye! Who is, again, VERY TINY! 
I keep mentioning the size thing because it’s a nice bit of economical visual storytelling; the child character is going to be smaller than the adult characters anyway, but by calling attention to it repeatedly, we as the viewer are constantly reminded that this kid is small! She needs help! She needs to be protected! Which is like, the whole premise of the inciting incident. XD Good stuff!
(Also more dot eyes in comics that aren’t humor comics, please.) 
There’s another frame down in panel 3 as well! Evely uses this device several times throughout this sequence; it’s such a great use of the multiple swords in the scene, AND shows that she can really pack all of the characters in there without cutting any of them off/obscuring them behind various objects.
And like, NO TANGENTS, which takes some serious skillz.
ESPECIALLY when you consider all that beautiful linework. LOOK AT THEM INKS.
...In particular, look at them inks in panel 5! The shading on the booth is done in such a manner that the ‘grain’ of the ink defines the perspective. We’re looking down at Kara, from above. This is a helpful little bit of orientation, as there’s not a ton of room around Kara to have any other perspective lines to help sell the angle. 
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Allow me to explain:
In panel four on page 4, we see the guy reach for his sword, his body language revealing that he’s intent on moving towards Kara.
In panel 5 on the same page, we get that lovely down shot of Kara looking right up at us, the viewer. But also, the implication is that she’s ACTUALLY looking at Tough Guy, because in the next page, we see that he’s positioned himself right above her to swing that sword down!
(My apologies for the poor attempts at drawn annotations.) 
There’s no action lines cluttering up the beautiful art; Not-Conan’s hair, rather, acts as the action line/guiding ‘arc’ so that we can better follow the movement.
Kara, likewise, doesn’t have any action lines on her, but her posture and hair act as visual cues to tell us that she slides over in the booth, out of the way of the sword.
In particular, the way her right shoulder/arm draws closer to her body, and the way her left hand comes up to offset the way she’s now positioned, really sells the ‘slide’. 
More beautiful indicators of movement in panel 2; the hair, the action line on the sword, the torn fabric of Kara’s shirt.
Panel 3 brings more FRAMES WITHIN FRAMES! And, actually, as I’m looking at it? I think it could be argued that we actually have a FRAME within a FRAME within a FRAME!
First frame: Panel border, natch.
Second frame: Goofus’ sword, arm, and face frame Kara.
Third frame: Kara’s arm and sword work with Goofus’ head again to frame tiny Krypto.
And now, a note about colors!
I said before that I love the palette at play. The earthy tones give the entire setting an organic feel--this is not a high-tech locale! We’re dealing with natural materials here.
Not only do we get that nice split complementary thing happening with the yellow, but it also signals the blue of Kara’s costume, a little hint of which is revealed in the final page.
And, like. It’s night time. XD
(I just gotta say, love the cold blue outside the window next to Kara’s table, contrasted with the warm yellow of the interior. Even though this is a bar, there’s still that element of like. Coziness.)
Also! Even though the overall palette is heavy on the yellows, Kara’s hair is more saturated and leans towards a warmer yellow, while the rest of the yellows in the scene are cooler. Thus! We have CONTRAST! Our eyes are drawn right to her.
And I know--I KNOW--that SG comics twitter already hates King because Kara’s DRINKING and personally I want more of the story/context before I pass any judgement but I must admit, the shapes? In panel 5? With Kara drinking in the foreground? 
I kinda love it.
Also mmmm-MMMM, more of them SOFT BLUES.
Okay. PAGE 6!
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Now THIS PAGE is what inspired this whole endeavor.
Because, okay. If I’ve not made it clear by now: I read a lot of comics.
And I generally enjoy all of the comics I read!
But, what I’ve found lately, is that if I don’t enjoy a comic, it’s because I, as a reader, find myself confused by the art.
Confused as in, the art is hard to follow.
That can be because the color design/ink work doesn’t have enough contrast, or the composition is muddled, but most frequently?
It’s poor panel-to-panel action.
When there’s no flow/connection between what’s happening in one panel vs. another, suddenly it’s on you, as the reader, to do a lot more of the work as you go through the scene. And sometimes! We don’t even have enough visual information to DO that work!
So when I read this, I was like, ‘ah, thank you, an easy flow of action for my brain to appreciate.’ XD
AND SO. Panel 1! Same stuff we’ve been seeing! The ink work, hair, clothing details, etc. all work to show us which direction each character is moving. Kara’s arm and jacket all point to her slamming that mug in the dude’s face; dude’s sword serves as a GIANT ARROW illustrating the path of his stab.
Not much to say on panels 2 and 3 other than: FACIAL EXPRESSIONS! And also, HAIR!!!
Love. This. Panel.
Again, I really love that there are no action lines slapped on top of this gorgeous art, all of the movement is conveyed in the inks, body language, clothes, and so on.
Like. There’s a conscious decision, here, to not have Kara’s hair obscuring the dude’s torso, and that’s good! Because his belt/uhh...kilt? Skirt? Is showing us the speed and direction of his jab; if Kara’s hair were in the way, it would break up the flow.
Note the ties on her cuff, and the inks on her jacket!
There’s nothing special happening with Krypto, BTW. I just circled him because he’s a Good Boy who deserves to be noticed.
Panel 5, more of the same, the inks telling us how these characters are moving through space. ALSO, the length of the lines conveys speed without needing to add something distracting/obscure the art with a ‘blur’ effect.
Final panel! I. LOVE. THIS.
Particularly the movement in Kara’s hair, just. Beautiful shape language.
But in addition! You’ve got that LOVELY line of action in Kara’s spine as she flips him over, the sword likewise curved in the direction of the throw.
And of course, the dude is crumpling in the appropriate direction, bent in the middle as he collides with the table to--quite literally--complete the circle.
Also, just. The characterization here, is PHENOMENAL.
People (read: irate fans on twitter) have expressed concern (read: complained) about Kara having a sword. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that Kara’s basically a murderer now, because she’s using a weapon.
Never mind the fact that in an episode of JLU, Supergirl used both a sword AND a gun to defend herself while in Skartaris because she had no powers. 
Except we see here that Kara DOESN’T USE THE SWORD to take the guy out, she uses his own force against him. She only uses the swords in the FINAL PAGE in a type of ‘yield’ fashion.
(This particular ‘fight’ sequence reminded me of Brainy’s fighting style in the show so of course that added to my overall enjoyment.)
Like, Kara’s got no powers here, she very well could have used the sword to defend herself, and would...kinda be justified.
But she didn’t! 
Like. Even drunk and therefore out of it, Kara 1.) Steps in to help that kid and 2.) doesn’t use superpowered lethal force on the guy. (I mean, she can’t use her super powers anyway, what with the red sun, but you get the idea.)
And like, the flourish there, of the arms, the way the jacket swirls around her, like a gymnast sticking the landing, GAAAAAHHHH I just love it. It’s great.
Okay, FINAL PAGE, #7:
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I mean. What more can I say? EVELY AND LOPES, MAN.
Just some top notch art.
(Also get it guys, it’s a LITERAL shirt rip! XD)
(And look! There’s that tiny bit of blue!)
But anyways, if you’ve made it this far, I applaud you, and thank you for indulging my desire to just. Geek out over one of my favorite comic artists drawing one of my favorite comic characters.
And just to like, reiterate, I’m not suggesting that this comic is THE BEST EVER or that it’s going to redefine the medium, or anything. XD Everything I’ve mentioned here is...pretty basic storytelling mechanics. Watch any movie, and you’ll see all this same stuff at work.
RATHER, this whole post is more about...admiring two artists who clearly know what they’re doing.
And they’re doing it so well! :D
TL;DR: I’m so excited that the Supergirl book has Evely and Lopes, guys. So. Excited. 
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bluegarners · 4 years
If you're taking asks I would love to hear your thoughs about the Ric arc and the current state of Nightwing comics!!!!!!!!!! :))
Oh goodness, where to begin...
To start, I share a lot of the same opinions as @nightwingmyboi and @hood-ex ~~ they have very extensive and well thought out takes on the Ric Arc and the general direction DC has decided to take Dick Grayson with, along with his legacy of Nightwing. I highly suggest you read some of their posts about it, as they are very informative and probably more well versed in explaining opinions, haha!
So, my thoughts on the Ric Arc? Like most fans of Nightwing, I believe it kinda sucked ass. Like, sucked ass in the way where DC kinda just forgot characterizations (again), made it all about Batman (again), and ignored good side characters (Bea). The only thing positive I can really say about that whole arc was the art- I really enjoyed the take on Dick's features in Nightwing #74. I was happy they gave him more ethnic looking features with the fuller lips and the more angular nose. (However, they kinda screwed up with the heights??? Jason was tiny!! Barely 5' 4" it looked like LOL) The colors were pretty as well, Ryan Benjamin is a favorite artist of mine, and most of the scenes were fluid.
Another positive I can say about the Ric Arc is one of the very beginning scenes, where Damian goes to see Dick in the hospital while he's still recovering. It was moving that they let Damian be an impatient child when "demanding" for Dick to wake up, and then follow it up with him essentially fleeing and crying when he's not answered. Of course, Damian isn't really mentioned again after this, but it was still really nice to see this side of his character.
The plot.... where do I start? I don't think I'll get too much into it because it'll only frusturate me more sdfslhf but I'll say this. While I am a fan of Dick Grayson angst, DC made it very... unenjoyable, for lack of a better word. It felt like they just threw in as many villains as possible, what with the introduction of the new "sidekick" for Joker, aka Punchline, the Court of Owls appearing for a very brief time just to screw with Dick's memory more, KGBeast and Bane conspiring to get to Batman through Nightwing BY SHOOTING HIM IN THE HEAD (okay, mini rant here: DC, if you're going to make this comic about Nightwing, please please please actually make it about Nightwing. Make the problem about him, not Batman. I get that Bane is kind of the main motivator here, what with him trying to break Batman by killing his oldest allie and destroying his marriage with Seleina, but surely there are writers at the DC headquarters that can come up with a separate problem that doesn't always involve Batman. Surely that's possible right? Nightwing's whole persona was made so he could be recognized separately from Batman; stepping away from Robin was supposed to free Dick of his restrictive ties to the Bat symbol. By always tying Dick's problems immediately back to Batman or one of his enemies, it defeats the purpose of Nightwing being his own hero with his own villians and his own freakin city with its own dozens of problems!!)
Continuing on with villains, here's what I can remember off the top of my head: KGBeast, Bane, Punchline, Joker, Harely (not really, but I'm going to add her anyway), Talon, and the Court of Owls. Now, this is going to controversial, but I'm also going to add the Batfam as part of that list, and here's why. They didn't care. Plain and simple, they didn't care about Ric, they only cared about Dick and what he could do for them. There were a grand total of maybe three times where the Batfam reached out to Ric to try and reason with him, but before all of that, they re-traumatized an already amnesiac and confused person by showing him get assassinated. Like, Bruce. Wth?? I know a lot of this was mostly character assassination, especially with Barbara, but come on. Barbara was really weird throughout this entire arc, and even after he goes back to "normal", she blames Dick for being mean to her, completely ignoring the fact that he didn't know who she was half the time. And that he was, ya know,
mind controlled by multiple villains for a majority of the comic.
Moving past all of that, since I feel like I could rant for ages about it, I didn't like how abruptly they ended that arc. The crystal being my main problem. DC has many scapegoats, the lazerous pit being their biggest imo, but a crystal? All they had to do was show it to him and BOOM cured??? There was no character development. The build up to it could hardly be called build up, as it was done and over with in the span of a few panels. Nothing felt high stakes anymore, and then after he got his memories back, everyone cheered and was like "yay, he's back to normal! you were a real ass to us, and we're not going to apologize for leaving you homeless and left to fend for yourself against all these villains even though you had no memories! oh, but don't worry! we were watching this whole time, so we just let all that stuff happen to you! wow, so glad you're back- we really need Nightwing, but I guess having Dick back is okay too."
That's a very crass interpretation of what went down, but that's what happened. Bruce's half assed excuse of "I was always watching" was awful because then it just leads to more problems of, oh well, if you were always there, why didn't you rent him an apartment so he didn't have to live out of his taxi? Or get him out of trouble and bar fights? Or stop the Joker from getting him and taking control of his mind? Or any numerous terrible things that happened to Ric? It's just annoying that no one seems to actually try and emphathize with what Dick went through, and it's all getting brushed to the side in favour of, "oh, well, back to work!"
They could've gone down so many pathways with Dick getting shot in the head, but instead they gave him amnesia, trauma, bad reception from the fam, and being passed around from villian to villain just to be used over and over again. It felt like this weird dump fest where the writers just woke up one morning and was like, "how many characters can we fit into this arc to get the most amount of readers as possible? How can we become more controversial?"
I know that in the arc after Ric, we're getting some of the aftermath. I'm so so happy they let Dick cry over Alfred's death (he really needed that release of emotions, poor boy has been bottling them up for the sake of others [again, DC, I know he's supposed to be the emotionally controlled one, but please let him be healthy with his emotions and not a shut in with them]) but they still haven't addressed Damian? Like, Dick and Damian were arguably the closest before shit hit the fan, and Dick isn't wondering where the kid is? Or exactly what happened with Alfred and how Damian witnessed it?? A large part of it is the Batfam not telling Dick any of it and kind of just leaving him to his own devices now that the "issue" has been resolved (sound familiar? history repeats itself yet again....). Something else that bugs me a bit is that everyone is telling Dick what he should be feeling/thinking/doing/etc. No one's letting him... grieve. Like, Dick just got his memories back and he's probably grappling with old trauma that's now fresh in his face. Additionally, everyone is assuming he's just going to go back to normal, as if none of what just happened, well, happened. They're erasing this brand spanking new trauma, along with the news that Alfred was murdered, and the fact that Dick is still trying to do his best for his family because it's whats expected of him. I mentioned earlier that Barbara was being really weird, @nightwingmyboi actually already made a post about it, but when Dick tries to apologize and talk to her about what happened when he was Ric, she just kind of... runs away? Dramatically? Didn't even attempt to hear what dick had to say- she was just so consumed with her own hurt that talking wasn't an option for whatever reason. WHICH IS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF HER CHARACTER. It's frusturating because Dick is doing his best to apologize to people when he should have nothing to apologize for- he wasn't under any of his own control and the things he did while Ric or "Dickie-boy" weren't under his own will. If anything, Dick is the one that should get an apology and a hug; he's been through so much and no one seems to be acknowledging that.
All of that to say: I liked the idea of what the Ric arc could've offered, but the plot fell through and just disappointed a lot of people. I'm hoping a lot of the issues presented in the Ric arc that went unaddressed do end up being properly resolved in the newer arcs coming out, but I'm not going to be surprised if it doesn't. Sorry for the long answer LOL
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Author’s Note: I did not proofread this at all. I may do so tomorrow (today, but not at 3 in the morning) when I am semi-coherent. I’m also probably going to reblog it then because time zones. It’ll go on AO3 later, but the void is physically manifesting so bon apetit. 
“Wait, so it’s Valentine’s day?” Reyna stared agape at Thalia. For someone who always knew the date, she was notoriously bad with holidays. 
“You didn’t know?” Thalia asked. “Piper’s been nagging me about it for weeks.”
In the back of her mind, Reyna was pretty sure someone had mentioned it, but, frankly, she had more important things on her mind. 
“Okay, yeah, she probably did. Sorry, I forgot.”
“Yeah, fair enough. Either way, the reason I’m here-” Reyna could tell from Thalia’s tone that she was about to say something crazy. 
“Okay. So.” Thalia began again. “I can’t find anyone to agree to platonically do cheesy Valentine’s Day things with me. I do it every year, and it’s the best thing ever.”
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean that we both dress as formal as possible, then go to the most formal restaurant I can find, where I will have Valentine’s balloons waiting, much to the annoyance of the wait staff. We will proceed to watch cheesy romantic movies in a movie theater that I happen to know sells those tiny candy hearts. It needs to be as sickeningly sweet and stereotypical as possible.”
“What?” Reyna asked, laughing. “You do that?”
“Every time I get the chance. Then, of course, there’s tomorrow, when I’m going to buy out an entire store’s worth of discount Valentine’s chocolate, but you don’t have to join me for that. Are you in?”
Reyna thought for a moment. She had dignity, a reputation to uphold, and work that she needed to do. Then again, Thalia’s idea sounded ridiculously fun, and she did have a very Valentine’s-esque, overly formal dress that she never got a chance to wear. 
It was her good judgement versus impulse, and she knew exactly which was going to win out.
“Yeah, I’m in. When and where do I meet you?”
Thalia gave her an address and time, then left, a triumphant smile on her face. 
A few hours later, Reyna found herself in front of the fanciest restaurant in town. Most likely, it was filled with rich elderly straight couples. The thought of Thalia in there was almost laughable; she was loud and cheerful and would never blend into a formal setting like that. She’d be chased out, three Karens on her heels, within seconds. 
She waited in her truck for a few minutes before Thalia walked into the parking lot, grinning. She had dyed the blue streak in her hair bright red, which matched the dress Reyna had not expected her to be wearing. She carried a comically large bouquet of garishly colored flowers.
“Did you walk all the way here?” Reyna asked. It would have been maybe 3 or 4 miles from where New Rome, where Thalia was staying just outside of. That was pretty far in heels. Thalia had indeed left nothing out of her ensemble. Then again, neither had Reyna. 
“No, I probably would have died halfway here,” said Thalia. “I can’t drive, so your sister drove me.”
“Hylla?” asked Reyna. “Did you tell her I was here?”
“No, she would have murdered me for dragging you into this. She thinks I’m with Piper, who seems to be playing along with it.”
“Isn’t Piper with Shel?” “She’s also playing along,” stated Thalia. “I’d like to escape tonight with my life, thank you very much.”
“Looks like you’ve planned this out,” said Reyna as Thalia passed her the bouquet, which was probably at least two feet tall. 
“Well, let’s go. Annoying the straights with my very presence waits for no one.”
Reyna had to admit that the inside of the restaurant was impressive. The entrance was wood paneled in a way that New Rome could only dream of affording. A crystal chandelier as big as she was hung from the ceiling. The wait staff were all wearing suits. Reyna had to admit, it was all a bit intimidating, but she knew nothing better than situations like this. She was fine. 
Thalia approached the podium, announcing that she had a reservation. The hostess seemed mildly annoyed, between Thalia’s hair, the flowers, Reyna, and the fact that she had already brought in hot pink heart balloons, which Reyna could see from where they were standing. 
With a sigh, the hostess led the two over to their seats, where they were already getting disapproving glares from the middle-aged couples surrounding them, who were now getting someone to point fingers at for the disruptive balloons. 
As they looked over the menus, Thalia held out a handful of the same tiny candy hearts that they were going to eat at the movie theater later. 
“I practically live for these. Do you want any?”
Reyna did not like candy hearts. But who wanted to say no to the look on Thalia’s face? With a sigh, she picked one. 
Thalia was once again grinning like a madman. Did that girl have any other facial expressions? Reyna couldn’t help it; she returned the ear-to-ear smile. 
Surprisingly, the two made it through their dinner without the acidic glares of everyone else boring holes into them. 
“Do we really want to leave this early?” Thalia asked in what was almost a whisper after a waitress cleared their plates. “Or do we order a giant chocolate cake? Because most times I don’t get this many dirty looks from old people and I’m honestly vibing with it.”
The option was appealing to Reyna, though of course it had numerous problems. “I thought you wanted to eat candy hearts at the movie theater?”
Thalia seemed to realize her mistake. “Yeah, good idea. Small chocolate cake, then.”
“No,” Reyna said. “As in, we have twenty minutes to get there. I don’t know where I’m going and you can’t drive.”
“We’ve been here for an hour?” Thalia seemed shocked. “Wow, didn’t realize that.”
Although it took them a few minutes to finish squabbling over the check, they had made it into Reyna’s truck within five minutes. 
“Where to?” Reyna asked as soon as she was behind the wheel. 
“Um, left,” Thalia guessed. “It isn’t far from here, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t pass it on the way.”
“How far is it?” Reyna asked. 
“Just maybe two minutes drive, max.”
“Would we be better to walk?” asked Reyna. She knew that she could navigate almost any area better on foot; maybe Thalia was the same. “Probably.”
Sure enough, Thalia was able to find her way on foot to the theater, a tiny one just a single street over. Despite its small size, it was packed with people, all of whose existence served to remind Reyna of how overdressed she and Thalia were. 
“You get the food, I get the tickets,” Reyna told her. Did she care that they’d just eaten? Not particularly. Anytime can be popcorn time. 
As agreed upon, Reyna found the cheesiest movie in the theater and bought two tickets. By the time she had finished that, however, Thalia had barely even moved in line for the popcorn and candy. Since they still had five minutes, Reyna decided she might as well stand in line with her. 
No sooner had she, however, than an employee announced that they had run out of popcorn and candy hearts. 
“That’s a shame,” Thalia said. “I guess I’ll get extra tomorrow.” “How many do you have now?” “Five.”
“We’ll still be fine,” said Reyna. “At least now we won’t miss the beginning of the movie.”
“You have a point,” Thalia admitted. “Let’s go, the previews should be over soon.”
The plot of the movie, Reyna found, wasn’t all that interesting, though the characters were incredibly stupid, which, as everyone knows, makes up for everything. That, plus Thalia’s snide comments every five minutes, made the experience quite enjoyable. 
Speaking of Thalia, Reyna’s eyes kept darting over to her. Despite her overly formal attire, she seemed very relaxed, smiling slightly in the dim light of the theater. Reyna wasn’t really sure why she couldn’t keep her eyes off her, nor was she sure if she cared. 
No, at this moment she cared about nothing at all. Nothing but Thalia. 
Leaving the movie theater, the world was just one thin plane of reality away from her, almost like she was in a trance. Thalia was just herself, talking so quickly Reyna barely had time to comprehend point A before she was on point F. 
Of course, they had to walk back to the truck, still in the parking lot of the restaurant. It was almost midnight and below freezing, but the cold was all that was keeping Reyna’s mind on Earth right then. 
All she could do was go over in her head the entire night on repeat. After sitting in the driver’s seat of her truck for a second, she took all the control left in her mind to snap herself out of it. 
You’ll have plenty of time for this later, she reminded herself. Though it’s stupid anyway. 
Later, she kept reminding herself as her brain kept threatening to send her back. But by some miracle, she drove herself and Thalia back safely. 
Say something, she commanded her brain. 
“We’re doing this again next year, right?” Reyna asked. 
“I don’t have any other plans.”
“So that’s a yes?”
“For now,” Thalia smirked. “But thanks for joining me.” “Thanks for letting me.”
“Good night, praetor.”
“You too, lieutenant.” 
Reyna wandered back into the praetorian villa quietly, as by now it was nearing 12:30 in the morning. She went immediately to bed, though she should have known sleeping would be pointless. Her mind was swimming, but within it was only one thought. 
What had she done? 
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cheshirelibrary · 4 years
This isn’t a post about the merits of The Good Place. It’s about the cold hard numbers: how good of a bookish person are you? Would you go to The Good Place or The Bad Place based purely on your readerly decisions? In The Good Place, everyone’s actions on earth are assigned a point value. Remembered your sister’s birthday: +15.02. Used the term “bro-code”: -8.20. Poisoned a river: -4015.55. Installed solar panels (house, arid environment): +1994.49. You can check out more of the examples of the point system at this Medium article.
Of course, the idea of assigned point values to actions got me thinking: what are the bookish equivalents? How would our reading habits and bookish actions be judged by the impartial The Good Place calculations? A lot of different Rioters gave their suggestions, and here are our best guesses for the point values of being a bookish person. How do you stack up? Pull out your calculator, and check the end of the post to see where you’d end up!
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Book Custodianship
Dogeared a page: -0.4
Dropped a book in a puddle: -1.7
Dropped a book in the bath: -3
Dropped a book in the toilet: -4.3
Cracked a book’s spine: -.4
Cracked a borrowed book’s spine: -7.6
Made notes in and/or highlighted a borrowed book: -25
Used a book to squash a spider: -8
Mended a book that would have otherwise been recycled: +12.4
Made art out of a book that would have otherwise been recycled: +9.4
Used a book as a coaster and left a ring on the front cover: -2.2
Preserved important cultural texts for future generations, keeping them in temperature- and humidity-controlled conditions: +229
Returned a library book on time: +4
Returned a library book a week late, with holds: -9
“Lost” a library book, but secretly just liked it so much you kept it: -17.6
Returned a library book with Cheeto fingerprints on the pages: -16.3
Stole books from a library (but only to save them from an encroaching war): +5998.3
Burned down the Library of Alexandria: -8766.9
Requested a new release from your local library instead of downloading it: +18.1
Started a Little Free Library: +21
Started a Little Free Library in a book desert, and consistently kept it well-stocked: +279.7
Filled a Little Free Library with phone books, technical manuals, outdated textbooks, and other unreadable materials: -26
Filled a Little Free Library with coveted galleys/ARCs: +10
Became a librarian: +186
Preordered a book: +5
Donated a book: +6
“Donated” an outdated computer manual: -3
Went to an indie bookstore and told the bookseller “but it’s cheaper on Amazon”: -54
Adopted a stray cat as the mascot of your bookstore: +172.7
Found a “reluctant reader” a book they were excited about: +47
Located that book that was on the radio last week and has an orange cover: +7
Handsold diverse books: +80
Tidied up the bookshelves while browsing as a customer: +7.2
“Organized” the bookshelves as a customer, completely destroying the store’s system:-12.1
Taught a child to read: +103.7
Read the same book over and over to a child upon request: +12.4
Started your own literacy charity for disadvantaged kids: +5833
Volunteered with an audiobook-creating nonprofit to make reading more accessible: +148
Wrote an essay on a book when you only read the SparkNotes: -4.7
Hid a cellphone behind your book in silent reading: -7.3
Stocked a classroom with well-loved books: +138
Funded a classroom on DonorsChoose: +241
Assigned a classic so dry that it turned kids away from reading: -129
Bookish Citizenship
Loaned a book to a friend: +12.2
Didn’t say anything when your loaned book came back slightly damaged: +34.6
Read only white authors: -147.3
Defended reading only white authors by saying, “I just read good books”: -212.1
Insulted the entire romance genre to a romance reader: -47.8
Insulted the entire romance genre to a romance writer: -87.8
Said comics aren’t “real books”: -15
Recounted in great detail the entire plot of the book you’re reading to someone who is clearly not interested: -2.3
Purposely spoiled the ending of a book: -31.8
Literary Criticism
Left a one-star review of a book you’ve never read: -27
Claimed to have read the book when you’ve really only watched the movie -2.3
Wrote a scathing review insulting the author of a book just because you don’t like the genre: -87.5
Used your status as a popular author to dehumanize an entire group of people: -1765
Wrote well-loved fan fiction: +46.8
Left an insulting comment on someone’s fan fiction: -27
Tweeted at an author demanding they finish the sequel already: -34.2
Sent an email to an author saying how much you loved their book: +23.3
What Your Points Total Means
4,918.9 to 13,685.8 Points
Wow! You’re a really good person. I mean, you are truly one of the best people who has ever lived. You are definitely getting into The Good Place. You’ll have access to every book that’s ever been written, and endless time to read them. There will be your choice of cozy book nooks, or you can read outside in the sunshine with a gentle breeze (and no bugs). You can build your dream library, complete with sliding ladders! Congratulations. You deserve it.
0.1 to 4,918.8 Points
You’re probably an okay person…Unfortunately, The Good Place is pretty exclusive. Only the best of the best get through. Which means…you’re going to be going to The Bad Place, too. Which likely means a lot of paper cuts and lemon juice. Good luck!
-11,555 to 0 Points
Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but you are definitely going to The Bad Place. You’ll only be able to read political books you disagree with and instruction manuals. When you do get to read a novel, the last few pages will be ripped out. Every chair will be incredibly uncomfortable. And that’s on top of the regular torture: the bear with two mouths, butthole spiders, bees with teeth, etc. At least you’ll be in company, though: maybe you can bump into Shakespeare while he’s being tortured by having the plot of Entourage described to him!
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