#writing era
stewieonthewall · 4 months
no one move i’m actually working on the covid fic
@bkristen you can chill now
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lilianrouge · 22 days
*will also be entering my writing era trust I swear I’m kicking my ass to work on this story and will be posting*
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unheadmusicnotes · 1 year
Yalls know that moment where u have an idea for a story/fanfic but can't find it anywhere? And like you COULD write it but u just wanna read it? No? Just me?
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My soul calls to you, can you see it in my eyes?
The way you look at me, is it love in disguise?
Can you hear my heartbeat, it's beating our song?
Do you know not to care, when they say we love wrong?
Have you looked in the mirror, and loved what you see?
Saw your flaws even clearer, began to believe?
Our difference is beauty, our difference is love,
Accept it and see it, and send the white dove,
Flying through wars in your head and in mine,
The mountain gets taller but we'll make the climb,
With lionheart spirits and unshielded hearts,
Our difference is beauty, our difference is art.
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issatalk · 9 months
might have paige fic loading up…
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solardrink · 1 year
When He Died - by Solardrink ^_^
Professor Numnberg,
I recently noticed that you denied my project funding request because it “needed revisions.” Could you elaborate on that note? I provided multiple sources that attest to the potential of this area of exploration in medical and technological fields.
Terry Mores
Hi Terry,
Yes, your project was denied because you requested $400,000 to develop a synthetic human-compatible material/consciousness? Honestly, your initial thesis on the subject was just left of understandable. Edinburough University has always been a stout supporter of lucrative and visionary ideas, but there simply isn’t enough experimental data to be a good investment. You have a good deal of theoretical evidence to support your project, but the board needs to be promised results.
Have a good day,
Professor Sinclair Numnberg
A crash echoed in the dim apartment followed by a roar of anger.
“What the hell do they know?!”
The man gripped the wall of his apartment, breathing heavily and snarling at the dim computer screen. To his disgust, frustrated tears blurred his eyes and his throat burned with a suppressed cry. Terry planned this project for years, had labored on thesis after essay after report after stuttered presentation just to be denied at this point while his peers got their unoriginal projects approved.
A stab of regret burned through him as he processed the shattered glass on the floor, the tossed monitor still displaying the email, glowing pale white in the dark room. More money down the drain because of the damned board.
Like a flip switched, the white-hot anger in his veins sharply cooled into bitter resolve. In this world, where the young, rich, and clueless are gently guided through their futures and given everything they want on a silver platter, the rest have to claw their way to their goals. There’s no use raving about the injustice of it all- screaming about who deserves what.
He righted the cracked monitor on his desk and took out his notes.
The only thing that mattered was finishing what he had started.
Systems: Updating…
Crèche: Online. Functioning 100% Capacity.
Four recording security cameras stationed in key points around the room calmly blinked red. The dented tech swiveled in place to track the sound of someone entering the lab. Lab, as in the dark corner of Terry’s half-dilapidated apartment. Three locks were keyed open and the shadowed man swept into his home.
The cameras whirred and continuously recorded. In that curtained corner, a dull green light shone behind the obstruction and illuminated the room. Terry pulled aside the curtains to reveal the greatest pride of his life. Within a synthesized holding solution, courtesy of stolen lab equipment, floated a dark gray mass, shifting and glittering with every undulation, integrated nano tech reflecting the light. He ran his fingers over the glass container and turned to his notes on nano applications. It could act as an exoskeleton, consolidate and form fibers modeled after muscles, serve the functions of bones and more.
He would have to carry out additional experiments to determine the reactiveness of the substance to light, to food, to different amounts of water and oxygen. So far he had been sustaining it with the pH, water, oxygen, and nutrient levels human flesh needed to survive, given that was the primary source of DNA along with zebrafish cardiomyocytes and DNA. But this amalgamation of biotech was something wholly alien. Incredibly enough, it responded to vibrations - sound waves, electromagnetic fields, or what - hard to say as it would not always react when noises were made. Perhaps it might be prudent to attempt separating the mass, and perform separate experiments with an untampered original as a control.
Uploading: Mores_Nutrient_Solution Version 3.8…
Terry took to his bed and let the supplementary process occur as he slept. In the pitch hours after midnight, the mass within the 2-foot-tall container swirled and rose to the top of the container…
Terry woke with a muffled start. “What!-” The wet gray mass glittered in the morning sun and pulsed before obstructing his mouth. “How?! No!” He clawed at it but it was already entering the orifices of his face. With one last muffled scream, he ran out of air and collapsed out of the bed with a dull thump.
“You know, and absolutely Maggie, it’s just heartbreaking,” A beautiful blonde woman said with a frown and shake of her head. “It feels like everyday, you hear some new awful tragedy happening at one of our nation’s schools.”
Her co-host nodded in agreement, “It’s certainly a topic that needs to be addressed, Rory. The disappearance of Terry Mores and the recent string of thefts at Edinburough… it’s all very alarming.”
“Right?” Rory shifted her face to a more neutral expression. “We’ve been in contact with the local Harper City Police Department. They said in a statement that they have been doing all they can to investigate any misconduct at the university and that, with no leads so far, there’s no reason to believe the campus or surrounding areas will also be at risk of criminal activity.”
“I would say that’s relieving to hear, but frankly with no evidence-”
“Um, excuse me one moment - it seems we’re receiving news of an attack at Edinburough University!”
The green screen featuring the last-seen photograph of Terry Mores paused and switched to a live view of the outside of Edinburough University. Billows of smoke burst over the north entrance of the university and panicked students stumbled out of the building.
A sickening crack rang out in the rapidly heating room. Two professors frantically tried to force open the door only to double back as the automated metal entrance superheated to an untouchable temperature. Another crack. A bitterly cold chill went down her spine and heated the back of her neck. Sinclair gasped when she caught sight of the monster in the corner of the pitch smokey room. Two sickly green eyes stared back from within the smoke. The cameras of the conference room continued to record.
Despite all the incredible technological advances made by Terry Mores, unfortunately, the genetically modified goop still preferred a carbon dioxide level geared toward humans and the lungs of the hijacked ride couldn’t quite withstand the smoke, leaving the unholy creation out cold on the floor of the bloodied conference room.
“It’s - you know it’s incredible stuff! The material actually reacts to emotional, um, fluctuations? Well, really it reacts to neurophysiological changes and the minute electrical signatures of said changes. It could possess a lot of applications and implications about how we classify-” The man cut himself off abruptly as his supervisor death-stared at him blankly. “Ah, I mean, this is a real tragedy and the lab will um, pool all its resources in containing the cause of destruction.”
In a glass case bolted to the floor and ceiling, a grayed out corpse twitched its finger.
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It's safe to say I'm going back into my writing era again sorry I was gone so long
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time to put on some music and produce some filth. get ready k/az fans it's your lucky day (she posts about him every single second.)
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telleroftime · 1 month
Imagine Sukuna letting you wash his hair. He's never allowed it before but he heard some ladies in high society talk about how their maids washed their bodies for them from time to time and as a man that likes to try everything - he summoned you to the bathing chamber just so that you could do it.
You, the head servant, had simply assumed that Sukuna intended for you to bring him something. Perhaps the oils in the water were not to his liking, or perhaps he forgot a towel. But no, he orders you to wash his hair for him.
He doesn't think he would enjoy it. He stops you a few times during it too, his hand gripping your wrist before he relents. And when you finally lather the products in his hair? He cannot stop the content rumble from leaving his throat. He relaxes against the edge of the water as his back presses more firmly against your knees that stick out over the edge. You're delicate and that surprises him. He's not used to that, even from his concubines.
You comb his hair too, rinsing it with rice water and making sure each knot is brushed out. He likes it. He will never admit that he likes it, but he does. And you know he does when he summons you once per week to do it again and again. And of course, no one else gets the privilege.
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doodlemcjazzhands · 6 months
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"I know I will be long dead before you read this..."
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stewieonthewall · 3 months
i acc can’t stop rereading close and i’d let you LIKE THEYRE SO GOOD DUDE
ok fine since you asked so nicely i have a secret
i’d let you part 2 also in the works 🤫🤫 don’t tell anyone tho
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me, reading my own incomplete writing : *gasp* and then what happened?
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spn2006 · 9 months
the fact that eric kripke isn't even christian really adds something to the way christianity is depicted on supernatural. because its really not about being christian at all, but about living in america, a country dominated by christianity, and having to decide for yourself how to handle that. faith is huge in supernatural, and the mythology of the show is very bible-centric, but notably, christ is never there. even sam, who starts out revering the angels, who once said he prays every night, doesn't actually call himself a christian or imply that he believes in jesus--the show is steeped in christianity and biblical lore and yet neither sam nor dean are christians. in fact, over and over again the church itself is depicted as a haunted house that sam and dean will only ever enter as strangers, as outsiders. priests, preachers, faith healers, chapels, crypts, etc. are all just iconography that create an intense sense of unease that sam and dean respond to instantly. as a jew, its very relatable. an essential part of living in america when you're not christian is that exact sense of unease, of knowing that the culture of your country has ensured that you'll get knocked over by christianity no matter where you go, that you'll see hundreds of people truly believing they're good people while doing awful things in the name of their god, and you have no choice but to confront that. kripke gets it
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blistexenthusiast · 4 months
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19th century wax seals
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ashamaxxing · 1 month
mom come pick me up they’re defending the divine right of kings on asoiaf twitter again
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rudamaruda520 · 3 months
imagine jegulus where James so desperately trying to put them in those painfully obvious "get together" scenarios but fails every bloody time
[in a motel]
James: so there's only one room available so we'll have to share... I sure hope it has two separate beds *crossing fingers*
Regulus: *opening the door* oh yeah, it does, don't you worry 😌
James: 🥲
[in a car]
James: a six-hour trip and just the two of us... I sure hope we don't bond over the long conversation that is ahead of us...
James: Right Reggie?
James: Reggie?
James: *looks at the passenger seat and sees Regulus sleeping with headphones in his ears*
James: 🥲
[in a club]
James: *hires a guy who is going to start aggressively hitting on Regulus so that he can swoop in like a knight on a white horse and save him from trouble*
James: *watches as Regulus flirts back and leaves with a guy hired by James (he probably shouldn't hire Barty for that)*
James: 🥲
[in a small space they "accidentally" locked themselves in]
James: Blimey... it could be hours before someone finds us here...
Regulus: Just a moment... aaaand I managed to unlock the door 🤓
James: Of course you did... 🥲
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