#yeah I asked him if he likes sunsets or sunrises better
bruisedboys · 1 month
nah bc why does he seem so into you
he’s literally obsessed w me 🙄 like get a life dude 🙄🙄
no just kidding I’m actually the obsessed one without a life!!!!! 😁☝️ I think we’re definitely both interested in each other but neither of us are brave enough to say it outright 🤨 like he’s always saying subtle things that imply he wants to do things together …. actually we both kinda do that 😭 I’m def more chicken than him though
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pochipop · 5 months
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#. synopsis! — rafayel doesn't really like mornings, but heaven knows he likes you .
#. characters! — rafayel.
#. warnings! — none .
#. word count! — 1.3k .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @hhoneypop (moodboards) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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Rafayel has never been a morning person. He likes to watch the occasional sunrise if he wakes naturally to catch it, but heaven knows he’s loath to pull himself out of bed before he feels good and ready. You, on the other hand, don’t tend to have the luxury of sleeping in until whenever you please. The life of a Deepspace Hunter often requires early starts, and now that you’ve woven your life so tightly between the threads of Rafayel’s, he’s seldom excluded from the harsh ring of your alarm coercing you out of bed, out of your dreams of sweet nothings, and into the real world (which is often much less pretty.)
You don’t even have to open your eyes to know that Rafayel is already pouting at the mere thought of your departure, and your suspicions are confirmed when he snakes his arms around your waist, groaning.
“Baby,” he mutters, “don’t go, the bed gets so cold when you leave.”
You sigh.
“Have to,” you murmur, still half asleep. “Work.”
“Call in sick.”
“I’m not sick,” you answer, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “You know my work is important for more reasons than one, Rafayel.”
“I do know,” he sighs, though it’s clear he’s less than happy about agreeing.
In fairness, you’re not particularly happy about this either. You love your job, worked hard to get it and climb the ranks within it, but man, sometimes you wish it were possible to pay the bills with currency earned cuddling in bed with the man nuzzling into your neck like a kitten. 
“Then don’t ask me to call in sick,” you laugh, turning your head to press a soft kiss to his warm temple.
He groans again, though you know he appreciates the affection.
Gently and with great reluctance, you pull yourself from Rafayel’s embrace, though you can’t help but take a moment to marvel at the way early morning rays of light filter through the curtains, playing on his delicate features. His eyes like marbled sunsets lazily find their way to you, still heavy with sleep, peering up at you in a mixture of love and discontent.
“You’re a menace to my sleeping schedule,” he grumbles playfully.
“Consider it payback for all the nights you’ve kept me up too late,” you answer jokingly, shrugging your shoulders.
“I’ll have you know, keeping you up at night is a vital part of our relationship,” he pouts, but there’s an unmistakable glint of mischeviousness in his tired gaze.
You giggle, knowing he’s joking (at least in part.)
“I’ll make it up to you,” you move closer, cupping his cheeks in your hands and leaning down to peck his lips. “Promise.”
“You better,” he mutters.
“Don’t I always?” You inquire, fingers feathering through his soft hair.
“Yeah,” he acknowledges in a semi-rare moment of complete sincerity from the man who often goes through the world half-wittingly. “You do.”
You smile, soft and warm, leaning in for another lingering kiss, savoring the warmth and familiarity of Rafayel’s touch. His arms reach up, wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer, as if he’s hesitant to let go.
“Be safe, okay?” He says.
“Always,” you nod.
Before, you might have mistaken his concern for a lack of trust in your abilities, but you’re well past the point of pointless misunderstandings. Rafayel may be an artist, and he might spin his words like golden threads from time to time, making you read between the lines, but your sincerest assessment of the moment tells you he’s said exactly what he means. He wants you to be safe, wants you to come home in one piece, and you let him steal another quick kiss before standing upright.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” you add, hoping it might soften the blow of your departure.
His playful pout returns.
“You seem to doubt the depth of my ability to lament over your absence,” he states.
“I don’t doubt it at all, but I’d rather you find more enjoyable ways to spend your day,” you laugh.
He sighs dramatically.
“Bring back something interesting from your adventure,” he suggests, a teasing smile pulling at his lips. “Maybe something I can crush up, turn into paint.”
“Need I remind you what happened the last time you used an oddly sourced item for pigment?” You ask incredilously.
Rafayel rolls his eyes.
“Need I remind you that that’s precisely how we met?” He counters.
“Still,” you sigh, “I’d much prefer you not be endangered by your paint. Stick with oils and acrylics for a while. For my peace of mind.”
“Is that concern I detect from you, my little hunter?” Rafayel grins.
“Of course it is,” you reply honestly. “You might be pretentious and obnoxious, but I love you. I’d never want you in harm’s way.”
His teasing smirk softens to a genuine smile at your sincerity, and he stands, taking a moment to stretch before reaching out to caress the curve of your jaw with the top of his index finger.
“Obnoxious and pretentious, huh?” He chuckles lightly. “Thank you for the glowing evaluation of my character, darling. But, because I do happen to love you as well, I’ll let that little dig slide, —and I’ll do my very best to stick to safe and traditional mediums, at least for the time being, just for you.”
You can’t help but smile at Rafayel’s good-natured reply. His gentle touch lingers on your jaw, and you lean into it, relishing in the softness of his affection.
“Very much so appreciated,” you answer amusedly. “I’ll consider it a personal victory if we can avoid any and all paint-related Wanderer incidents for the forseeable future.”
Rafayel gives a curt nod.
“A noble goal, my dearest hunter,” he says. “Now go forth and fell any pesky Wanderers intent on disturbing the peace of our humble city of high-class electronic developments, bringing back tales of wonder and triumph.”
Heaven knows he has to be the most dramatic man you’ve ever met, but you couldn’t imagine him being any other way.
You play along and give him a mock salute.
“Yes sir, at once.”
Rafayel stifles a laugh, clearly pleased by your participation in his theatrics. He thinks for a moment that this life he lives with you is nothing short of fantastical, —the kind of comfort he only dreamed of just years ago, and now here you are before him, like some kind of angel he’s terrified he might wake up to find was a figment of his deepest desires all along. But his worries are quenched by the way your lips slot so perfectly against his own as he leans in, kissing you sweetly.
“May the cosmic forces be ever in your favor, my love. Return not only with tales of triumph, but also interstellar souvenirs for my viewing pleasure and artistic inspirations if you happen to stumble across any. Preferably ones that will not curse our modest seaside home.”
You laugh, and it makes his heart stutter.
“I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for cosmic trinkets,” you assure.
You’re thrumming by the time Rafayel pulls you in again, pressing you closer to his chest. There’s nothing he has to say to fill the silence, and you let your eyes close for a moment, awash in the silent exchange of understanding so deep it could rival the cosmos. Beyond all the playful banter and the theatrical mannerisms, there’s love here, and that’s really all you could ask for. Worries about your safety, concern over Rafayel’s tendency to attract bad omens, —they dissipate in the face of this connection that buzzes like a live wire.
As you finally pull away, you meet his gaze and find nothing but softness there, replacing all the prior amusement and tiredness from before.
“Return safely, my angel. Our oceanside abode awaits your triumphant arrival,” he takes your hand, brushing his lips over your knuckles. “And so do I.”
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jinkoh · 8 months
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sunset or sunrise
jeonghan x gn reader
tags: relationship struggles/arguments, making up, kinda bittersweet, SFW
word count: 742
a/n: just a small experimental drabble--it was interesting to write so i hope it's interesting to read :)
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"Sunset or sunrise?"
"Sunrise." You didn't even have to think about it. You've sat on that bench a zillion times and you've heard that question just as often. 
Yet, you could still recall the first time he’d asked so very clearly. You’d only just met Jeonghan back then, this thing between the two of you fresh and untainted. The question too had been more innocent back then, no hidden meaning until you’d given it one with your reply. Sunrise, you’d said, because I like beginnings. And then, after a pause, I’d like a beginning. He’d clearly understood  the message behind it, meeting your gaze with a smile. Yeah. Me too, I’d like a beginning.
That time seemed impossibly far away now, the innocence and naivety lost somewhere along the way. Still, a fragment of it all seemed to linger.
"I prefer beginnings over endings," you added, your gaze focused straight ahead.
"Yeah. Me too."
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Jeonghan was sweet. From the moment you’d met him, he’d treated you sweetly, meeting your gaze with a smile that made you feel welcomed, appreciated. He said sweet things to you and even though you’d never been good at taking compliments, they made you feel giddy and happy when Jeonghan was the one giving them.
Jeonghan was warm, always taking care of you and making sure you took care of yourself too. After finding out how often you forgot to eat, he would regularly ask if you’d eaten or drop by with snacks. He didn’t make a big deal out of it nor did he scold you. No, he did it casually, as if there was no intention behind it at all, and you appreciated that. 
Jeonghan was comfort, his arms naturally wrapping around you and playfully swaying you from side to side after you had a rough day. And he would listen. He would listen to all your complaints and all your ranting until you felt better.
Jeonghan was all that. But he was the devil too. He was cunning and he liked to tease and play around, fascinated by the chaos he could create. It was fun for him to watch people’s reactions, to see them confused or irritated, to stir a little drama.
At times you found that trait of his amusing. At times you found it unbearable.
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"Why did you have to say that?" you hissed the moment the apartment door closed behind the two of you. You mindlessly tossed your coat in a corner while Jeonghan calmly slipped out of his shoes, taking his time to reply.
"I thought it'd be interesting."
"It wasn’t interesting to me." You ruffled your hair in frustration. "I get your love for drama but can't you just be on my side for once?"
Jeonghan pulled his eyebrows together and came a little closer, his hands smoothing down your upper arms. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't think it would upset you this much."
"It's just—" you started, feeling tears gathering in your eyes. "It's always the same. We're always coming back to the same problems."
"I'll be more careful next time."
You shook your head and took a step back. "I'm just tired, Jeonghan."
Without bothering to put your coat back on, you stepped outside, leaving him and the argument behind in your flat. Jeonghan didn't stop you.
Almost automatically, your feet brought you back to that bench where you sat down, legs pulled up to your stomach. It was too cold to be outside without a jacket, but you didn’t want to go back. So you hugged your legs close to your body and watched the evening sun dyeing the sky in pink and purple and orange.
You didn't look up, when a jacket was draped over your shoulders. It smelled like him.
"I knew you'd be here."
"Yeah." Of course he did. You could have easily gone somewhere, anywhere else, but you'd wanted to be found.
He sat down next to you resting his hand in the space between your bodies.
"It's beautiful," he said, his eyes, too, fixed on the colorful sky, before he glanced over to you. "If you had to choose—sunset or sunrise?"
It was stupid. You shouldn't be doing this over and over again. But when you let your cold fingers brush against his, they felt sweet and warm and comforting.
You couldn't let this go. No matter how often he'd ask, without fail the answer would be the same. Between endings and beginnings, you'd always choose the latter.
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arkhamabyssfiles · 14 days
Arkham Abyss Files: Red Hood Memory II
“I nearly flunked arts. Music I was fine, mostly because I was part of the choir,” Helena said.
“Seriously?” Jason asked incredulously. “How do you flunk arts?”
“It doesn’t interest me.” She shrugged. “I have better things to do and learn. It’s a waste of time–in my opinion.”
“You think beauty is a waste of time?” Jason asked, almost scandalized.
Helena turned bored eyes at him, “Yes. So what?”
“What—? How can you think that when you live surrounded by beautiful things?”
“They’re objects, what does it matter how they look if they accomplish a function?”
Jason couldn’t believe he of all people had to explain to this sinic Princess why beauty was important. Because he was sure she had all her life lived seeing places full of wonderful beautiful things, using pretty clothes, riding gorgeous cars—
Then he laughed a bit snidely. Of course, she had never known what it was to live without it.
“Maybe you should try wearing cheap used clothes or a deadbeat car. Or perhaps returning home to a place with no windows, no sunlight, and when you get out–there’s nothing green, no flowers, no color beyond the faded ad in a pan card selling you some brand that doesn't even exist anymore.”
Helena's expression didn't change much, the only thing he could note at least was a glint in her eyes that made her look far off, and he wondered at that. So far, she'd been amicable and annoyingly teasing.
“Are flowers and trees beautiful?” She asked.
Jason frowned, “Of course!”
“Well, I don’t like flowers. I do like trees, but I don't think of them as beautiful.”
“You don’t like flowers? What kind of Princess are you?”
At this, Helena laughed. And how could she not understand how a beautiful smile soothed some of the world’s darkness? Or maybe she didn’t want to see it for some reason…
“Princess? You think I’m a princess?” She asked.
Jason flushed a little, “Well—you are. Even Bruce is called ‘Prince of Gotham’.”
“Yeah. You’re right. Maybe I do am one. A princess who doesn’t like flowers nor cares for pretty things. I guess I’m a lousy princess then.”
“What about sunrises and sunsets? Everyone gets inspired by that.” Jason tried.
“They mark part of the day.” Helena turned her hand, indicating the passing of time.
“Dresses and shoes?” Girls liked those, right?
“Only if I need to use them and I prefer comfortable shoes.” She shot back, bored.
“How about music? Didn't you say you were in a choir?”
“I did. Out of—a promise of sorts. I have a good voice and others like to listen to it.”
“See? That inspires people because it's beautiful and soothing—assuming you do have a pretty voice,” Jason probed at her.
Helena shot him a mocking glance, “I’m not that lousy of a princess. I do have a nice enough voice.”
“Right,” Jason said dryly.
“But I wouldn’t care if I didn't.”
“What if you were ugly?”
“Oh, you think I'm beautiful?” She asked very pleased and walked towards him. Jason immediately put his arms up and stepped back.
“You are beautiful by human standards. It’s not a matter of opinion.”
“Pooh!” Pooh? Who talked like that in modern times? “So boring. So what if I was ugly? As long as I could still help others, who cares?”
“Believe me, many people care about not being beautiful enough.”
“Then they should make up by working on making their insides better.”
Jason rolled his eyes, “Only a pretty person would say that.”
“Too many people care too much for appearances,” She countered.
“Well, yes. But that's not the point. Beautiful and true things that transcend this world are what make it worth living if it was all ugly and depressing humans would’ve disappeared long ago.”
“You’re talking now about immaterial things—”
“No,” Jason paused and amended, “Not only about those—I really don’t understand that deep shit that much. I’m talking about sunsets, flowers, a good book, calligraphy, music—even if there’s a lot of trash music nowadays.”
Helena laughed again and stepped close to him again, her hands entwined behind her back. This time, Jason didn't step back, knowing full well that this was a tactic of hers to make him fumble or lose the line of reasoning he was on. Once she was nearly on his face, and her dark blue slanted eyes shining with mischief were so close he could count her long eyelashes if he wanted, she said softly.
“You aren’t convincing me.”
Jason huffed and ignored his slightly accelerated heartbeat. He looked up at the clock. It wasn’t that late, so if they went to sleep now, they could get up early in the morning before sunrise.
“Fine. Meet me in the garden at six a.m.”
“Ah! Are you asking me on a date already? And here I thought you didn’t even like me!”
Jason narrowed his eyes, put his index finger on her forehead, and pushed her back.
“It just annoys me to see someone so blind,” He said and then flickered her forehead.
“Ow!” She hissed and rubbed her forehead then glared a bit at him. “Fine, I’ll see you there, Knight of beautiful things!” Helena said, then stuck out her tongue, turned around, and ran out of the library.
Jason sighed and shook his head. She was a handful.
Sunrise still was thirty minutes away, so it was plenty dark to still see the stars—at least in the opposite direction of Gotham with its perpetual shining. Luckily it was a rare February sky that was devoid of clouds. Helena wasn’t that happy of following, even if she had shown on her own. They were both sitting on one of the brick planters that held some rosebushes. 
“It’s cold,” She complained and buried herself deeper in her thick purple coat.
Jason rolled his eyes, “You won’t die, Princess.”
Helena humphed and scooted closer to him until she was stuck to his side, “Share your warmth then.”
As she had made the effort to be out here in the cold early dawn, he complied and didn’t move away from her. She sniffled and asked, “So what’s the great thing that will change my mind?”
Jason sighed and pointed toward the starry sky.
“Just be quiet for a moment. Imagine there’s nothing else but what it’s in front of you right now. It’s just you and the sky.”
Minutes passed in silence then Helena broke it again, “I still don’t see it.”
Jason sighed, “I guess you’re a lost case then. You’ll live the rest of your days in a very dull way.”
“It doesn’t matter as long as I do what I can to help others to the best of my ability,” Helena defended. “As dull as my free time may seem to you.”
“That’s fine. Just don’t talk to me in public.”
Helena laughed, “You’re horrible! At least do you know some constellations?”
Oh well, even if he’d failed to prove his point, he was having fun at least. Then Jason proceeded to point out the few ones that could be made out, it wasn’t long before the first rays of the sun gently erased them from the sky. Helena said some stupid joke about shooting stars getting arrested and Jason laughed despite himself. His eyes turned to Helena, now that there was some light he could make out her expressions more clearly, and right now she was staring at him—with attentive eyes, and her lips were slightly parted. Then she blinked and looked ahead, towards the sunrise and all its colorful hues.
Then Jason saw a shine in her eyes and knew she was admiring the view now.
“Not so bad, huh?” He said.
“I guess—” Helena sent a quick look his way then back in front– “it’s not so bad,” She reluctantly admitted. Then she added quietly, “My Mom was beautiful. Even when she died.”
END OF MEMORY... For more FILES check previous entries...
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royallyprincesslilly · 11 months
Title: HALO: A MasterChief Collection: Deception {12}
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Master Chief Pablo x Sergeant Reader
Warning: Mild cursing, Plot, Angst, Violence, Slightly unhinged John, Creative Liberties Taken, Non-Canon Material,
Words: 2.8k
Summary: You are part of the mighty SPARTANS as a sergeant and a pretty badass addition to the team at that. Everything is different. You’re different. Master Chief is different and Halsey has taken notice. Under the guise of John needing “assistance” the rules of engagement have changed. Cortana is a part of him now. What does that mean for you and him? Is this the end?
Note: II Guess who needs more fics? Master Chief!!! I’ve decided to make a Master Chief collection of standalone one-shots. They all can be read separately to understand, but can also be read in sequence. I will put a number on them so anyone who is interested in reading in sequence can, but again not necessary. This might be an acquired taste, but it’s Pablo as Master Chief forever and always around these parts.  Thank you for reading! Enjoy!
If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!!
***NOT Edited/Proofread AT ALL***
Previous: On Your Six*** | Feel Something | A Night Off | Apex Predators | Truth Be Told | Confess | Unto Dawn*** | Learn Me, Learn You*** | Conceal | Let Me Help**  | Cortana**
“Who are you loyal to, Cortana?”
It was something he’d asked out of the blue. Something he’d been pondering for a full 2 weeks now. It had been two weeks from hell. Before with the pellet, he didn’t know what he was missing. He didn’t know any better than to know that cold, aloofness with one thought in mind of a better Reach and better future for the human race was no way to live. He didn’t realize he was missing out on so much more, like joy, peace, fear, pleasure, and awe. He didn’t know how beautiful the sunset was before, or how warm the sunrises were. He didn’t understand that fear wasn’t a complete weakness but that it could make you stronger. He didn’t comprehend that having something to lose made him better. He also didn’t know that the touch of a kind hand, the graze of soft lips, and the heat of one body could be so addictive.
Yeah, the two weeks since he’d made the call to stay away from you had been a living hell. He'd lived through many hells before, but this was different. He struggled in ways he’d never before. Now everything wasn’t monotonous. He had to put real thought into every move, every word, every call because every single instinct he had was now rewired for one purpose. You. And that was a major problem. If anyone found out he was different, they’d find out about you and Gods only knew what would happen next.
He'd learned quite a bit more about Halsey and her motives for implanting Cortana in his head. He’d also uncovered more and more memories from his time as a child before he’d come to Reach. He’d thought she was his savior--his friend, but now he saw she may very well be the enemy. When he came face to face with that, the fear that had become a new sensation for him gripped him forcefully. He could handle Halsey himself and for himself, but you were his priority. He didn’t want any harm coming to you and vowed he’d protect you at all costs. Hell, he'd start a war if it meant keeping you safe and with him.
“I don’t understand the question, John. Please clarify.”
“It’s a simple inquiry, Cortana. Who—are—you—loyal—to?”
“Well--,” Cortana began before he cut her off.
“Is it Halsey, the UNSC, or me?”
Cortana didn’t answer immediately, and he wondered what her response would be. Over the last two weeks he’d been spending away from you, he’d been trying to learn more about the AI that was now a part of him. He learned she was always there, always listening, watching, and learning. She’d learned his habits, preferences, and speech patterns in days and had implemented her own ways to connect with him. She’d integrated her AI knowledge with his own synapses to make nominal tasks easier, faster, and better. Halsey had said she was meant to make him better and while he knew that was only half the reason for her creation, she hadn’t lied there.
“I was not aware there was a separation between those three options. Is Halsey not part of the UNSC? Did she not make you using UNSC tech and money? Does that not make you part of the UNSC as well? I am afraid I do not understand your question.”
“You’re being obtuse on purpose.”
That was when she appeared. She stood before him with a neutral expression on her face.
“I know the reason you were implanted inside my head. I know you are a means to an end for Halsey and that end is power and control and I know because you’re far more intelligent than normal humans that you understand that.”
He saw that she did. Halsey had implemented this being with free thought and evolutionary processes.
“I know you’ve been watching everything I do and reporting back to her.”
“John--,” Cortana began.
Again he cut her off. “Don’t insult my intelligence with a lie. It was after all what you were implanted to do.”
“I was joined with you to make you better.”
“And you are making me better but that doesn’t negate your primary objective.”
A long silence stretched as she computed the multiple ways this conversation could go. He knew she thought she was so careful that he hadn’t known when she was lagging with her responses that she was playing informer. He wondered just what she was feeding back to Halsey especially since he’d been so careful. He’d tapped into every innate programming from the pellet he’d lived with since he was a child, given himself over to the robotic existence he’d once lived, he’d even gone as far as to be harder and colder with you than anyone else.
Every instinct in him had to be suppressed in order to put on the show for Cortana so she would report to Halsey that everything was status quo.
“You knew,” Cortana dejectedly stated.
“Of course I knew.”
“And you let me report everything you wanted me to. You let me see what you wanted.”
“And they say AI is the future. If I could deceive you what makes you think Halsey is not as well?”
Cortana looked away and that was his clue that she had her own doubts about Halsey’s true motives and her real objectives with not only him but putting her inside of his head.
“So I ask again. Who are you loyal to?”
“I was created by Dr. Halsey.”
“And she created you with the capacity to know right from wrong. Have you any doubts of her own judgement between right and wrong especially with everything you’ve helped me unlock?”
Cortana’s eyes shifted from his and he saw her wavering.
“Tell you what. I have a way to test her, so the truth comes out.”
“John I cannot go against my creator.”
“Even if that creator has lied and does not have the fate of the human race in mind? She stole me from my family, brought me here and lied about it my entire life.”
“There has to be an explanation,” Cortana objected. “If she were against you once I told her that your pellet was gone she would have altered course and found a way to keep you compliant. She did not.”
Jackpot, he thought. He knew she’d told her that much. He scoffed because although she knew his pellet was gone she hadn’t done anything to him for one reason and one reason alone.
“Because I am the key to the keystones. I am the only path to what could be the greatest weapon in this fight between the races. I am the key to her getting everything she wants—more power and control. If those keystones fall into her hands you know things will be bad.”
Cortana stared at him as she connected the dots.
“Why would she do anything to me when she still needs me?”
Long moments passed in silence until a few minutes had went by.
“What would you have me do?”
“Play along, simple as that.”
Cortana nodded slowly and a plan formulated in his head. He’d learn firsthand just where her loyalties lay soon enough. He wasn’t sure what he’d do if he found they were against him.
As he walked into the mess hall he was half dreading it and half looking forward to it. He knew you would be sitting at the usual table between Kai and Miranda with Vannak and Riz on the other side of the table. Normally before the removal of the pellet, he’d sit on the other side of you while Kai was on one. Now that Miranda had taken a liking to interacting with you and Kai his place had been taken. Since his distancing himself from you, he’d skipped meals in the mess. They were too complex. If he wasn’t busy the new rewired instincts took over and he found it easier to give himself away. Tonight he could not resist the need to be near you.
Once he’d gotten his tray he made his way toward the table. It was Miranda who’d seen him first, then Kai and Vannak and Riz.
“Master chief,” Vannak said standing.
“At ease.”
You’d been smiling before his arrival but now the smile had somewhat faded and his heart sunk.
“Your heartrate just elevated Master chief, is everything all right?”
He ignored Cortana’s voice in his head then took a seat across from you. Your eyes dropped back to your tray where you took up your fork and pushed the food around the surface.
“Either you’d been living it up as Halsey’s lapdog or the great Master chief doesn’t need food anymore,” Kai teased.
Unlike him or even you for that matter Kai hadn’t seen a reason to pretend as if she didn’t feel the best she’d ever felt. She didn’t care if her personality seemed drastically different, didn’t care if it looked suspicious for her to be accepting wagers and bets with the other soldiers, or even that her hair had been dyed slightly pink. He envied her. He wished he could be as carefree about it as she had been. With that thought, his eyes slipped back to you.
You were steadily avoiding him. He wondered if this was as hard for you as it was for him. Did you toss and turn at night unable to find a comfortable position because he wasn’t beside you? Did you stare out to space at any given moment thinking about the times you spent together? Did you miss him the way he missed you? Did you crave his presence as he did yours? Did you wander around only to find yourself in front of his door but unable to knock?
“The keystones have been taking up a lot of my time,” he lied.
“Any new revelations there?”
He met Miranda’s curious eyes and shook his head. “Nothing.”
“I’m sure the Covenant is not just sitting around waiting. Why are we?”
Vannak sounded annoyed and he understood. This coming war over these keystones was dangerous and sitting idly by was not a good call.
“I feel like something big is coming,” Miranda began, “Something we may not be prepared for and it makes me wonder who will save us all?”
It was then you raised your head and looked at Miranda.
“Say that again.”
“Uh—who—who will save us all?”
You looked as if you’d seen a Covenant soldier across the mess then your face went blank as if you’d disappeared in a haze of thought.
You shook your head then went back to your food. “Who will save us all,” you mumbled under your breath.
He wanted to reach out and touch you, wanted to establish this connection between you that he felt had been severely damaged, but he couldn’t. The anger from that shot through him like an electric shock and he bolted up then stomped out of the mess. He could feel the eyes of those around him trailing where he went. He hated this and was tired of it. The time was now. He had to know who was with him and was against him because he needed you and felt you needed him just as much.
As he stalked to the ship he knew Halsey was currently on, he tried to contain his anger so it wouldn’t interfere with his plan. This stunt could possibly get him court-martialed and decommissioned. He knew it was risky, but he also knew he was the UNSC. He slipped inside and saw Halsey inside flipping through notes and files completely oblivious to his arrival then reached the top of the door, pulled down the compartment, and yanked out the fuse cord which he knew supplied power, and oxygen to the room. He then stabbed a piece of metal tubing into the crack of the door, further preventing the override procedures that Halsey would try to initiate from taking effect.
That was when Cortana appeared.
“What’s going on John?”
“Thought you knew everything.”
She looked impassive so he went on to question her about her knowledge of Roman Quinn, the engineer of the ship he and Halsey were currently on. As she rattled off facts about the man who’d revolutionized the ships that were currently used throughout the UNSC, he went about adjusting parameters in the computers and walls. As Cortana gave a detailed lesson, Halsey called his name asking him time and time again what was happening.
He ignored them both.
“Why did you lock Dr. Halsey in her lab?”
Ignoring her again he dropped a piece of his reasoning. “Quinn knew that no matter how advanced, something could go bad and he built fail-safes into all his designs. All his designs except one. The UV Decontamination system.”
He sealed his fate and initiated the beginning of his game and test as he walked back to the door to where Halsey was panicking.
He finished his lesson on Roman Quinn by telling where he failed and how simple it was to not fail. Cortana slowly understood then.
“You’re not going to--.”
He smirked, then went to watch the show. Halsey buzzed around the room, trying her best to initiate an override to all he’d done, but no matter which side of the room she went there was no override. He slowly watched her calm, reserved, genius façade fall. He watched the woman who’d been a mastermind of so many things throughout the years feel the inevitability of consequences. He watched her slowly come to the realization that he saw her—completely and now she was going to see him. He was not to be trifled with nor underestimated.
“Nope,” he said popping the “p” in the word. “I feel great!”
“You can’t do this you’re not thinking clearly. You’re overworked, tired--.”
“You don’t understand what will happen if the systems fail with her in there,” Cortana reasoned.
“Oh, but I do. She will receive a very large dose of radiation,” he said matter of factly as f it didn't matter to him one way or another.
He went closer to the door and explained Quinn’s untimely death and the very bloody aftermath.
“John! Open the door right now!”
He glared at Halsey but was unmoving even face to face with her distress. Halsey looked at Cortana.
“Open the door, Cortana.”
“I can’t,” the AI said.
He scoffed. “Make me.”
Cortana stared at him, and he could tell she was going through the possibilities and their repercussions.
“You’re my fail-safe right?”
“I am not. It’s not true. You have to open it.”
“John please,” Halsey begged as she banged on the door.
“She’s been lying my entire life. You know this. You’ve seen it. You’ve noted her lies and infalicies with her thinking. She put you inside my head to keep me in line because she knew once I found out the whole truth I would no longer be under her control, no longer be her obedient little soilder. She put you in here to control me. So do it!”
His shout echoed throughout the ship.
“I can’t. All I can do is overload your neural pathways and put you in a stasis that is temporary. I can’t make you do anything. I can’t control you, nor would I want to. I understand you are angry at Dr. Halsey and no longer trust her.”
“You understand nothing! Do it!”
“I can’t.”
The numbers on the door decreased rounding down to ten but still he didn’t budge.
“Do it!”
“She will die in seconds. John please!”
Halsey’s screams were louder now as her death drew nearer and nearer. Cortana’s features never wavered.
“I’m sorry for stealing you from your family. I’m sorry for lying to you. I’m sorry for trying to control you your entire life,” Halsey screamed as tears rolled down her cheeks.
He stared her down finally face to face with her lies. She’d finally admitted them. Finally laid those cards out.
“John please.”
The numbers fell to zero and the hiss of the vent in the room began. He had his answers and proof of loyalty. Freeing the door, he allowed it to open then yanked Halsey out in the nick of time before sealing the room again. Halsey lay there panting before she turned over and looked up at him with something he’d never seen from her. Fear.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
He clenched his jaw as he stared down at her. This woman was not his friend nor his savior. He knew that now.
“The time for I’m sorries are long gone. They mean nothing to me now.”
With that he walked past her leaving her on the cold steel floor. No doubt Aldon would be along to pick up the pieces. For now, she knew where she stood with him. They were finally both seeing each other as they truly were.
“Who are you loyal to?”
She didn’t appear but she replied. “To you John. I am loyal to you.”
***If you want to be tagged/untagged please SEND AN ASK SO IT WILL BE EASIER FOR ME TO KEEP TRACK OF. Thank you for reading!!!***
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shirefantasies · 2 months
I don’t know if your matchup requests are still open and if not you can totally ignore this, but I was wondering if I could get a Lotr/The Hobbit matchup (preferably male).
A bit about myself:
Female / 5’7 / eneagram 6 / Gemini
My top two love languages are quality time and acts of service.
In my spare time, I love to read and write. It is a great passion of mine, and I hope to make something of it one day.  Sometimes I journal as well. 
I love to be outside in nature because it allows me to unwind after a long day. I also really like going on walks while listening to music in the mornings.
I do have a horrible habit of getting so wound up in projects that I forget to rest both mentally and physically. Taking care of mental health has been the primary struggle, but I have gotten better at it over time. 
I prefer to be kind to all I meet, but sometimes my desire for justice gets in the way.
I also really like watching people do an activity. Sitting in silence watching someone else do something they’re passionate about is very healing and cozy for me.
My personal aesthetic can be described as vintage-inspired; think long skirts and blouses. I love brighter colors such as pink and lavender, but I don’t mind darker tones on occasion, especially when the season calls for it. 
Some other things that I like are sunsets/sunrises, animals of any kind,  warm beverages like coffee or tea, a clean space, collecting gemstones, candlelight, and soft blankets. 
Things I dislike are bugs, getting rained on (I love the rain, don’t get me wrong, but the sensory experience of having rain fall on me is not ideal), large changes in plans, people talking too loudly, and just rude people in general.
Again, if your requests for matchups are not open, feel free to ignore this, but I thank you for taking the time to read this. 
Have a wonderful/blessed day, 
Heck yeah! I opened them indefinitely since I wasn’t overwhelmed with them :))) your Middle-Earthly match is…
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Our Boy Lindir :)
Returning to Rivendell on errand from Elrond, you are met with one of his most trusted confidants, another finely dressed brunette elf who greets you with a smile. “I wasn’t warned of any visitors,” he jokes, giving you a charming look, “who might you be?” “Finn, they call me,” you dismount and curtsy as your horse is taken away, “and I come for an exchange with Lord Elrond, if you please. If he is on business, I can-” “Stay, please,” the elf bids you with a sweep of his hand, “we hardly call ourselves the last homely house for nothing. If you can wait until after supper our lord shall be happy to make your audience.”
Easily you can, thus you are granted a room and a meal with the elves, where you are sat with none other than Elrond himself. Lindir, the elf who had greeted you, stands at his side, and you smile at him. Clear as it is that he is not partaking in the meal, you find yourself drawing him into the conversation once the discussion of your craft ends. The…servant perhaps? appears surprised to learn you are a collector and dealer of gemstones. “Don’t worry,” you tease him, “I don’t mine them myself too.” Supper goes well, your deal with Elrond for the gemstones he needed happily closed and yourself quite charmed, both by the fact Rivendell’s lord is making jewelry for his distant wife and by the gracious hosting of his servant.
Offering to walk you back to your room under claim of his home being quite the labyrinth, you ask Lindir how he finds his duties and what the most difficult part is. Simply put? Rude patrons. Your own distaste for the impertinent gets the better of you, and soon the pair of you are swapping stories outside your door. Laughing far louder than you’d have thought allowed in the great ornate settlement. Soon darkness overtakes the hall, however, and pressing a kiss to your hand, Lindir bids you a good night. It hardly escapes your notice the look of scandal across his own face, but in your kindness you choose not to address it.
Sunrise over the Valley of Imladris is one of the most majestic sights to ever pleasure your eyes; sipping the warm cup of tea another early riser shared with you, you glance beyond the spill of golden light to see Lindir making his way to set a harp near the tables. “Getting the players ready this early?” Shaking his head, he confesses the sunrise inspires him, inspires him so that he enjoys rising with the sun to compose songs. Lightning up, you carry your teacup over his way and share your own love of composition. Soon even the gorgeous sunrise fades as you are lost in song, melody overtaking your ears as Lindir sings a poem you’d penned on your travels. His passion is nearly palpable, flooding your heart with comfort and joy and all the same warmth of your invigorating tea. Passage of time utterly forgotten, your musical moment is only interrupted by Lord Elrond’s entrance and passing, quite amused, comment that you two are quite an unexpected gift, are you not?
Heat rushing to your face, you excuse yourself to attend to your jewelry-making. Once again, minutes or hours may have passed when a knock sounds at the door of your lent workspace. Stretching and wincing at the unpleasant pop, you stride across the room on shaky legs to open the door. Lindir! “I…I apologize, Finn, but we were rather concerned when we were told you hadn’t emerged again.” Raising the tray in his hands, one lain with a light meal and drink, he smiles. “We appreciate your work for Lady Celebrían, but please don’t forget to take care of yourself, too.” You could have kissed him then and there, but you waited a week until your departure, goodbye making the taste of his soft lips that much more bittersweet.
More and more frequently do your journeys take you back to Rivendell until the day comes that Lord Elrond himself appoints you his craftswoman…and winks as he inquires that you have more than just a home to return to now, do you not? He knows the trials of love between elves and mortals just as well as he knows it is a choice made freely.
Lindir honors that choice day after day, always appearing as if with prescience that you’ve thrown yourself into your work again. Sometimes you slip into sleep there in your space, awakening with your favorite blanket draped over your hunched form and a cheeky note inviting you for a morning stroll when you’re up for it.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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atths--twice · 8 months
Adding to the Fund
Working in a restaurant can be stressful and tiring, but it can also lead to a relationship that was not expected.
Fictober Day 14
Prompt- That's all? Easy.
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Sunrise and Sunset, the restaurant on Baker Street was packed. Sundays were always busy, and sometimes stressful, but thankfully the patrons tipped better on those days. 
Well, some of them, Dana Scully thought, rolling her eyes as she picked up the tip from table nineteen. 
It had been a group of older women who had complained about nearly everything: the amount of ice in their glasses of water, the lack of a butter substitute, the temperature of the coffee, and their meals- all for different reasons. 
“Young lady,” one of the women had said, crooking her finger at Dana to come closer. “This bread is far too toasted. I can’t eat this. Take it back and bring me a new sandwich.” 
She had taken the sandwich to the back, swearing as she replaced only the top slice of toasted bread. Waiting a minute to calm down, she had smiled as she brought it back to the woman. 
“Hope this is okay,” she had said and the woman only hummed in reply, her eyebrows raised. 
But she ate everything on the plate, didn’t she? Dana thought, shaking her head. 
Bringing the dishes to the back, she sighed as she added the receipt to the paperwork for the day. 
“Any tip from that party?” a voice asked and she turned to look at Fox Mulder, a fellow worker, his arms laden with plates. 
“Yeah. Two whole dollars. On a sixty eight dollar tab, I might add. Oh, and they also left me a note.” 
“To join them at their church?” he asked, shuddering as he set the plates down. 
“Not this time, no,” she laughed, knowing how often it did happen on a Sunday. “Here.” She handed him the note and he read it out loud. 
“My grandson works in a law firm. He’s very busy and finds looking for a girlfriend to be tedious. I’m sure he would enjoy your company, once he got to know you. 574-1296.” He looked at her, his eyes wide. “Oh, well this one deserves to go up on the board.” 
“No, Fox,” she said, trying to take it from him. 
“Why not?” he asked, holding it out of her reach. “You're not going to call him are you?” His mouth dropped open in mock horror and she shook her head. 
“Not for many reasons, but especially because with that many red flags, you know he’s a douchebag of a person.” 
“Then why? You have others up there. And so do I.” He pointed to the bulletin board on the wall where notes from patrons were kept, especially when they were particularly cringy or funny. “I think this one could make it to the top.” 
“No,” she said, stepping closer to him to take the note out of his hand. “This one just… it makes me feel… I don’t like it. I don’t like thinking that they could treat me shitty the entire time they were here and then suggest I call their grandson, who finds dating tedious. Like I deserve less than from a man who is apparently better than me. It’s gross.” 
“It is. I’m sorry I joked about it,” he said and she nodded as she tore up the obnoxious note and threw it away. 
“There. Gone. Reset,” she said, letting out a deep breath. “Their two dollars will gladly join the Dana Scully eats tonight fund.” He smiled and she smiled back. 
“Fox! Tables twelve and fifteen, orders up. Look alive,” Raul, the head cook called out. 
“Coming,” Fox called back and Dana walked with him. He gave her a confused look and she smiled. 
“I’m heading back out. I’ll help you then see to my tables.” 
“Thanks. I appreciate it,” he said, picking up the plates and lining them up his arm. “I’ve got fifteen. You’ll like twelve better.” 
“Okay,” she laughed, setting the plates along her arm as well and carrying the last plate in her hand. 
At the door, he nodded for her to go first and she smiled her thanks. 
When she was walking to table twelve, she saw why he had given it to her. There was a chubby, bald headed baby sitting in a high chair biting on a plastic toy and a little boy who was drawing on the back of the kids menu. 
“Hello, I’m Dana,” she said as she stood at the table. “Fox was busy so I offered to help him out. Who had the ham and cheese omelet?” 
“Right here,” the husband said, reaching for the plate. “My wife has the French toast and Davy here has the pancakes and bacon.” 
“Perfect. Here you all go,” she said, setting their plates down. She smiled at the boy who looked up at her and kept staring, his green eyes wide. 
“You look like Ariel,” he said in awe. 
“Oh!” she said in surprise. 
“I’m so sorry,” his dad said quickly. “Davy, you don’t just-”
“That’s okay,” Dana said, smiling at Davy. 
“But Ariel’s hair is down, not up,” Davy said. “But it’s red like yours. Do you have blue eyes?” 
“Davy!” his mom admonished him, but Dana only laughed. She squatted down beside him, smiling as she looked at him. 
“Well?” she asked and he leaned forward, looking into her eyes and smiling. 
“You do,” he whispered. “Are you a mermaid?” 
“Not at the moment, because I’m in a restaurant,” she whispered back. “But when I get into the water…” Her eyes widened and then she winked. 
“Like magic?” 
“Like magic,” she nodded and Davy’s smile grew. “But you can’t tell anyone except your mom and dad, promise?” 
“Promise,” he said, nodding emphatically. 
“Will you do the special mermaid handshake to bind the promise and keep my secret safe?” 
“Yes! Yes, I will!” He clapped excitedly and Dana smiled. 
“Okay. So, we do it like this.” 
She took his hand and shook it, then locked their fingers together, thumbs pointing up, then released his hand, waving her fingers up and down like a mermaid tail swimming away. 
“Show me again,” he whispered and she smiled, taking his small hand into hers again, perfecting the handshake before leaving their table to check on her own section. 
Back in the kitchen with her next set of orders, she smiled at Fox who nodded with a wink. 
At her break, she stepped outside behind the restaurant, needing a moment of fresh air. Standing in the sunshine, her head tilted back and her eyes closed, she heard the door open and close. 
“Hey yourself,” she said and Fox chuckled as he came to stand beside her. She opened her eyes and he smiled at her. “Thank you for giving me that table earlier. It’s just what I needed after-”
“Two bucks, Betty?” 
“Exactly,” she said with a laugh. 
“Good. I’m glad it helped.” 
“The little boy thought I looked like Ariel.” 
“Hmm,” Fox hummed, staring into her eyes. “He’s not wrong. But you’re much prettier.” 
“Because I’m not an animated drawing?” she teased and he laughed, his fingers brushing against hers before locking together loosely, causing her heart rate to increase. 
“That and you just are.” 
“I really wanna kiss you,” he whispered, his grip on her fingers tightening slightly. 
“After you didn’t last night, which was a huge mistake by the way-” 
“I agree completely,” he said, nodding his head vigorously. “I… I hesitated too long.” 
“You did,” she agreed. 
“I was nervous. I thought maybe it was just me who was feeling…” He stopped talking when she smiled and shook her head. She squeezed his fingers, interlocking their hands further. 
“It’s not just you,” she admitted and he exhaled as he nodded. “I thought being in a group setting like we were, would help me loosen up enough to at least ask you to dance.”
“Which it did.” 
“Well, the alcohol definitely helped with that,” she said with a laugh. 
“That’s all it takes?” he teased. 
“Easy,” she warned and he laughed, both of them then falling silent. 
“I thought you said you wanted to kiss me,” she said quietly and he drew in a deep breath. 
“I do. Very much.” 
“Well, my break will be over soon and so will yours. You might-”
His lips touched hers softly, then more firmly as their kiss deepened. He let go of her hand and placed it onto the back of her neck, holding her close. She moaned as she wound her arms around his neck, her heart pounding. 
“Hmm,” she hummed when they broke from the kiss, his forehead pressed gently against hers. “That was good.” 
“It was,” he said with a quiet chuckle and she smiled. 
They sat down at the picnic table bench provided for employees to use during their breaks, talking and kissing until their break was over. 
Taking her hand, he pulled her to her feet, kissed her one more time, and walked to the door. 
“Oh,” he said, reaching into his pocket. “The family with the little boy asked me to give this to you.” He handed her the kids menu that had been folded into a small square. “I’m sure this one will be better than the one you got earlier.” 
She smiled as she opened it and then gasped when she found ten dollars inside. 
“Oh,” he said in delighted surprise as she began to read the note that was written in blue crayon. 
“Thank you for showing me the special mermaid handshake. I won’t tell anyone your secret. I hope I can see you again some time. Love, Davy. P.S. I’m four and a half. Oh, isn’t that just…?” She sniffled, blinking back tears as she read it to herself again. 
“A much better note,” he said and she laughed softly, tracing her fingers over the drawing of a mermaid that Davy had made. She had big blue eyes and red hair drawn in a similar style to Dana’s. 
“An incredibly kind note,” she replied, folding it back up, with the money inside, and placing it into her pocket. 
“And the money adds to the Dana Scully eats tonight fund,” he said and she shook her head. 
“No, this money will go into a different fund.” 
“Which fund is that?” he asked as they walked inside and put on their aprons. 
“The… Dating Fox Mulder fund?” she asked tentatively and he paused as he was tying the strings of the apron behind his back. Grinning, he nodded as he finished the task. 
“Only if it can be combined with the one I already have.” 
“Which is that?” she asked, tying her own strings. 
“The Just ask her out already fund,” he said with a grin. 
She laughed loudly, covering her mouth and looking around, but no one had noticed. 
“Yes,” she agreed, stepping close and squeezing his hand. “We can combine them.” 
“Good,” he said, squeezing back. “And it will be my treat tonight because I’ve got quite a bit in there. It pays to be somewhat of a nervous coward.” 
She laughed and shook her head, walking beside him to the kitchen, as his hand rubbed gently at the small of her back. 
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uchihashisuii · 11 months
to listen, to suffer. (to entrust unto tomorrow)
Summary: "Have you slept?" Joshua asks, voice hushed as to not break the facade of peace that permeates the air. Because of course he begins with that; Phoenix is ever the healer, the caregiver, the protector. Concerned only for the well-being of those around him and not a whit for his own ills or pains. | Spoilers abound!
Pairing: Dion Lesage/Joshua Rosfield
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1994
Content warning for introspection, romance, character study, brief mention of suicidal thoughts, and a first kiss long overdue
Author’s Note: rises from the ashes HEH with some brand new nonsense. you ever see two characters you Know are gonna be your faves and you're like. oh i'm gonna make them kiss. and then you discover there's actual substance for aforementioned faves and why they should kiss??? yeah as close to rapture as i'm ever gonna get i wanna thank not only god but jesus for all the joshua and dion content
also the summary lied to you its actually the morning but listen. listen. sunrise is more romantic than sunset fight me on that. plus using eve just sounded better
title is from answers from ffxiv cause i have a disease
Ao3 link
With eyes turned eastward, Dion watches the darkened haze that drapes the world, a startling reflection of that which envelops his heart. Hours, days, weeks; time passes, but even years hence the results of his patricide and his ensuing loss of control will continue to dog his heels, to haunt his every thought.
The clawing shadows of agony swirl around him, enshrouding him; a burden he refuses to allow a moment's respite. For to refuse it, to ignore it - would be as forgetting what he had done. The blood of his father, his people, his home. Red-drenched gauntlets and the wind beneath Bahamut's wings buffeted by the anguished cries of those he swore to protect. Dion resolved himself to ridding Sanbreque of its poison, and instead took that which made her complete. Shining citadels and grand streets could be rebuilt - but one cannot hope to restore the laughter and strength of a people, the love of a father; on Dion's heart will the guilt ever weigh down.
He refuses to dwell on that which he has lost. No, his mind turns only to what he has taken. A home, a people, an emperor. Grieving stars shine through the haze, pinpricks of light weeping for what has been done. There is nothing he could do, no apology or deed grand enough to encapsulate the void of his sorrow, of his remorse.
Dion is not naive nor self-absorbed enough to think throwing himself unto his lance would absolve him, would pay the impossible due of his transgressions. He darent even hope for the opportunity. The unthinkable deeds have been done, and never once would he think himself worthy of forgiveness. There are none left in the ruins of his home even left to offer it. All that remains is the steadfast hope, the will to bring a better tomorrow, reflected in the haunted eyes of Phoenix and Ifrit. And it will cost his life -he hopes, he prays it does- but still he will take to the skies as Bahamut once more, grief punctuating every beat of his wings, as he bears on his back the hope for a future he does not deserve to see.
Joshua finds him still deep in contemplation in the early hours, before the first rays of dawn could break across the horizon. There is a chill dancing about the air, breath fanning forward in pale wisps as they stand in comfortable silence, content to simply gaze out upon the world gone so utterly, ruinously wrong.
He tries not to dwell on it. Where heartbreak threatens to split him in twain, he remembers there is hope. In those surrounding him, in those that look to Ifrit and those whose hands may shape a brighter future. Maybe, even, some hope for him; just a little.
"Have you slept?" Joshua asks, voice hushed as to not break the facade of peace that permeates the air. Because of course he begins with that; Phoenix is ever the healer, the caregiver, the protector. Concerned only for the well-being of those around him and not a whit for his own ills or pains. 
He cares too much for one so young, Dion remembers thinking when they met as children. This small boy, this Dominant of Fire, who kneeled in the dirt and coughed from the dust dispersed. Only stopping long enough to look annoyed about it, before using his abilities as Phoenix to heal the broken wing of a bird. 
Who heals the healer? he thinks now. Certainly nobody he would even allow, insisting others be placed before himself. Dion believes, wholeheartedly, that he'd have made a fine Duke, were things - different. A man he would have been proud to stand beside, uniting their lands and ushering in an era of peace.
He'd left whimsical dreams behind long ago, the only thoughts left remaining were ones of how to ensure Sanbreque's victory and the survival of his people. But something about Joshua -his earnestness, his optimism, his very presence- makes Dion want to believe. Makes him think he's worthy of it.
"A scant couple of hours," is all Dion says in reply once he pulls himself from spiraling thoughts, unable to lie to one so gentle. Gazing out over the calm waters surrounding Ifrit's hideaway in staunch refusal to meet eyes too kind to be cast in his direction. To stare too long would prove his undoing, in more ways than he is comfortable putting a name to. Still, Joshua moves in his periphery, until the press of a bony elbow brushes into his forearm. When he glances a look, just as he expected, Dion cannot look away.
He's beautiful, in the calm of morning. No expectations, no fuss or hassle. The wind tussling his mussed hair, pale eyes bright with something warm. He belongs here, Dion thinks somewhat softly to himself. With the gossamer glow of sunrise bathing him in light, throwing his delicate angles into sharp relief. Impossibly long lashes of burnished gold brushing against the tops of his cheeks, mouth curving up into a secret smile that has Dion turning his attention swiftly elsewhere.
It is a struggle, sometimes, to see Joshua. Unlearning habits take time, but Dion works at it even amidst the fire and flame. His entire life Dion has been defined by simple measures; he is a Dominant, he is crown prince, he is dragoon commander. He is Bahamut, and not simply Dion. A symbol of light, a means to protect the empire. Faceless. A beacon. Simple.
Joshua is not simple. And yet he is; he's merely a man, holding fast to his convictions and his heart. A man with a sweet smile and gentle hands, who loves as fierce as any wildfire. A kind man, who paradoxically keeps any and all at arm's length in the hope that weakness and vulnerability are kept carefully hidden beneath those carefree smiles.
It comes full circle as all at once the taste in his mouth is reminiscent of the ash that blanketed Sanbreque. Dion is no longer any of these things, and those childhood fantasies of finding someone who saw through the gilded silver veneer of an imperial Dominant to unfurl the man trapped beneath - perhaps now, at the end of all things, there is the chance to simply be. Be understood, be - Dion.
Simple, he thinks with a bitter quirk of his mouth, just as I wanted.
"It's a lovely morning," Joshua remarks at his side, leaning just so until he can brush his shoulder against Dion's. Expertly wielding word and action to pull Dion from distraction; his frown shifts into something softer, something worthy of a serene early morning at the side of someone precious. 
When he turns to respond, it is to the sight of Joshua looking to him and not the view. Something clenches just beneath his ribs, and it is only in the quietude of an unassuming morning that Dion feels the world around him fall away, locking gaze with a still-smiling Phoenix.
Dion was never quite able to see himself in Joshua; too starkly different in method if not desire. But perhaps they're more similar than he first surmised, evidenced in the way the younger man studies him awash in the glow of sunrise, in the understanding clear as glass in those lovely eyes. The pressure that comes part and parcel in being fundamentally nothing more than a tool for your people, be it as weapon or shield. The trauma of a lost home, lost family. The guilt of bearing responsibility for so much loss, so much death and destruction. Dion finds himself reflected in those eyes, that have seen and wrought as much pain as he has. But even still, so too is there love, and acceptance, and maybe even peace.
"Lovely indeed," Dion whispers, eyes still locked on Joshua's and soft words nearly lost to the wind.
There are no further words, but none are quite needed. A grin, beautiful with closed eyes and full of teeth and tender joy, breaks across Joshua's face like the dawn. He laughs, very nearly shyly, and brings a hand to cover his mouth. As though he were embarrassed of his mirth, as though he wished to hide from Dion's searching expression. 
It is not a morning for hiding, nor is it one for things left unsaid. Dion doesn't expect to see the next rising of the sun, and shrugs off the idea of his own indulgence. The world and his life have gone to hell, yet the rise of a new day is stunning to behold. Paling very nearly to the pink that dusts Joshua's cheeks, to the way nerves and delight seem to wash from him in near-tangible waves. 
He's beautiful enough to break hearts, Dion thinks. In face and in soul both, in equal measure. His heart must feel much as he does right now; warmth from the gentle light of the sun, filtering through clouds to bathe them, for a moment, in something greater.
Dion feels nearly as shocked as Joshua looks when, not a heartbeat later, his gloved hand moves to curve over Joshua's elbow. The thrum of awareness carries between them, and yet again the world has gone quiet. Breath held, a moment in limbo; anticipation gathers heady around them. Dion cannot move further, cannot make his mouth work to tell Joshua above everything else I see you, I hear you. As you see me, as you hear me.
The linger does not last, Dion jolted from his yet once more spiraling thoughts to find Joshua cupping his cheek. Hand bare, his skin softer than silk. Thumb rubbing small circles beneath Dion's eye, lips parted and something familiarly unspoken dancing on the tip of his tongue. He runs warm, Dion realizes. Some quirk of Phoenix's power, perhaps; or maybe there is some merit to the rumors that all those from Rosalith have fire in their blood. Or perhaps, he thinks, when Joshua leans forward to close what distance lingers between them; perhaps it is simply Joshua. Sunlight manifest. 
The press of his mouth to Dion's feels startling natural. Much like in all other aspects Joshua is reserved, but not timid, when he kisses. Testing the waters, searching for an answer in Dion's reverent silence. And silent he remains; breath stopped short, a gentle gasp stolen with the rush of his pulse. Loud in his own ears, Dion hesitates for barely half a moment before he allows himself to simply feel.
Eyes slipping shut, Dion moves until he grips tight, certain, to Joshua's slim waist. Pulling him close with desperate, grasping fingertips until they are pressed tight enough they threaten to fold together into one. It's heady, made more intoxicant by the way he can feel more than hear the soft moan from Joshua, heat and desire making Dion's head spin. He breaks the kiss, basking and breathing, before pressing another, and another, to Joshua's pliant and waiting mouth. 
He doesn't question, doesn't hesitate. Fate and the future are ever fickle, and whether he deserves even a moment's respite in a question he refuses to entertain at present. Instead Dion savors it, when he grips tight to the hair at Joshua's nape just to hear that sweet sound once more. Perhaps there is nothing that awaits him this day save further agony, perhaps only a quiet death is all he deserves. But for now he has Joshua in his arms, against his mouth. Swallowing down Dion's every small sound, holding tight and refusing to let go. He is no longer shy, no longer gentle; Joshua licks into his mouth and every slick glide of their tongues has Dion falling just that little bit further.
The sun finishes its ascent, blinding even to Dion's closed eyes. The warmth that surrounds him, that resides within him, echoes and builds with every harried pulse of his desperate heart, resonating like the beat of a firebird's wings.
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chimerathewriter · 1 year
Goody two shoes
Chapter 3 Confrontation and interrupted kiss
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Summary: The last Night with spider band before them going to their universes, obviously their spider people so not eveything went smooth as oil especially the reason why their there. Gloria and Hobie
Tw: Confrontation and Interruped kisses
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" I swear by now I though they were supposed to be together" Pav yelled frustrated, it was the last day in Miles's universe and the groups was chilling on Mile's couch
" Right they had so many moments and nothin" Miles said
" Maybe they dont really like each other that way" Gwen shrugged
" Nah they like like each other I can see it on their eyes" the indian boy insisted
" Well we tried everything we should give up" Eniola said stuffing her mouth with popcorns
" About Gloria and Hobie, where are they?" Ganke asked making the whole room fall silent
" So have you decided to tell them yet?" Hobie and Gloria were seating on a bench
" The sooner the better, so probably tomorrow" after talking to Hobie she decided to move out.
" Good who wants to give up in their own freedom"
" Anyway tomorrow you're going back to your universe"
" Yeah"
" So what did you like about this universe? Obviously not our deep rooted codependance and need of capitalism" he looked at her and smiled
" Probably sunrise and sunset, Osborn really fucked up that we can't see the sky, I just never felt so warm" their finger interwined
" How's there?" she looked down at their hands that they were holding
" Why do you want to know, you want come and visit me?" he grinned at her
" What if I want" she continued theteasing him back, their faces where getting closer
" Well where are going to stay?
" Don't you have an apartment?"
" Well is a little crowded but I can make an exception for you" he caressed her cheek, the parks was crowded but she only heard his voice and the fast beating of her heart
" Just for me? I thought you didn't like me"
" Why would you think that...I like you in fact I really like you" he was all flustered, she looked at him in diesbelief
" Really? You always call me today two shoes" the boy giggled at her statement
" You know the story of goody two shoes?" the girl nodded
" The lesson of this story is about if you are gentle and kind you will reveive good things back
" So you didn't say it to tease me"
" Well you look beautiful when you're annoyed"
" You always look beautiful" she looked away bashful
" You're too nice....."
" I'm not lying....listen I can't change your opinion about yourself in a night, but I think your an amazing spiderman who cares about ALL citezens of New York and an amazing person" their faces where getting closer, their lips where brushing eachother
" Hobie..." their sense where tingling for overexcitment
" Yes"
" I really like....."
" Gloria...." a familiar voice startled the girl
" Mom Dad" she stood up scared, trying to ignore their disgusted disappointed look
" So this is what youìve been doing for a whole week galavanting and kissing this good for nothing boy" her mother shouted pointing a finger at Hobie
" Mr and Mrs Obi is a pleasure to meet you, I'm Hobie Brown" the punk artist greeted them, they ignored him
" I'm disappointed in you Gloria, so this is the boy you were talking about"
" He's a fr.......he's someone very important to me" she answered
" So you already open your legs to him?" her father asked
" No no why would you....."
" But is what you were doing hugging and kissing this inzuzu"
" Ok mom there is no need to insult him like that?"
" I knew it this your friendgroup of youris not good for you, they are not on your level, from Miles, to this Hobie and that stupid yorub....."
" No no no, mom stop you can insult me but not my friends, you can hurt me but not them" she finally exploded and talked back
" When did we ever hurt you?" her father asked concerned
" Gloria you're gaining weight, Gloria cut that girl off she's not smart enough, Gloria you're too fat to wear shorts, mini skirt"
" We're just saying for you to get better"
" Better? Better? I went to V.I.S.I.O.N academy, I got accepted in all ivy league schools and chose NYU just because you wanted me at home, I do charity, I help the community who are struggling while you literally turn the other cheek at the people who helped or who never upgraded to a better life
" Gloria....
" Mom I'm not done why do other parents say I'm a good child but I never heared it from you?" she shouted at them tearful
" I wanted to have this conversation calmly at home but I'm moving out I'm staying at V.I.S.I.O.N staff dormitories and when I will save enough money I'm going to rent a apartment"
" So you're leaving us?" their attitued cha ìnged and they look melancholic
" I love you but my meantal health is fragile at the moment, I need a calm and supportive space where I can heal and grow, and I will not accpet a no for answer" the parents looked at eachother and sighed calmly
" Alright you can move out, but promise you will visis us sometimes?" her mother answered awkwardly, she nodded and hugged them tightly, after some minutes and apologies to Hobie the couple left
" Good job that was amazing"
" Yeah I feel kinda light now" she seated down her heart was beating fast and strangely she was catching breath. For the first time she tood up for herself and didn't back up in what she believed in
" How do you feel?" he reached her
" Great, oh what were we talking about?" she looked at him, he gave a sly smile
" We were talking how much I like you love"
" Oh right, Hobie I really realy like you too"their forheads touched, they couldn't stop smiling, the space between them became smaller and smaller and their lips finally touched, but the esctatic moment ended shortly when a familiar portal opened
" Jess and Layla own me a lot of money" it was Peter B Parker with his little daugher Mayday
" You gotta be kidding me...Hi Peter" she smiled slightly annoyed
" Hey lovebirds unfortunately I have to take Hobie with me,there is some chaos in his universe"
" As always" he shrugged
" Do you want another Norman Osborn as president?"
" I'm good mate" the lanky boy stood up and turned around facing Gloria
" So.....I'm going to go now...." she didn't leave him time to speak that she stood up and left him a kiss on his lips
" Be safe, I will come and visit" she smiled shyly before the two heroes crossed the portal.
It seems that Pav was right after all.....
🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸
There will be more Hobie Brown content
See ya
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not-a-space-alien · 1 year
Savage Sunset Chapter 21S
In this chapter: Stimming, and unpleasant secrets come to light
Warnings: Weight discussion, mentions of rape and torture (off-screen)
Story masterpost
Complementary chapter
“All right, up you go.”
Still in his pajamas, Valen tentatively stepped up onto the bathroom scale.
Ari scrutinized the numbers.  “All right, 73 pounds!  You’re getting there, big guy!”
“How much did you weigh before all this?” Lex asked.
“A-about a hundred and ten pounds, I think.”
“That’s still on the light side,” Ari said.  “We’ve gotta fatten you up.”
“He’s already gained ten pounds.”
“Yeah, it’s a wonder what three square meals a day can do to ya.”
“Thank you,” Valen said cryptically.  As usual, it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.   He sounded like he was about to cry.
Ari asked, “Everything okay?”
“It’s just–it’s just been a lot.”
“Of course….You just take it easy.  You don’t have to worry about anything anymore.”
They’d needed to wait a while for his legs to un-break themselves, but that’d been sped up considerably now that he was no longer starving.  He’d been getting more steady on his feet, and seemed to actually have some energy and maybe, if you squinted, even start to develop some muscle and fat back.
Ari helped Valen back down the stairs and into the living room.  She eyed the coffin.  “Um…  So…I promise it’s okay…But…”
Lex followed Ari’s gaze and immediately knew what she was thinking:  Valen had once again torn up his pillow.  Both the pillow case and the pillow itself had bite marks all over, the filling spilling out.  “Oh.  We can replace it again, don’t worry.”
Valen wrung his hands.  “I’m sorry.  I’m sorry I keep ruining them.”  His eyes watered.  “I’m trying not to, but I do it in my sleep.”
“It’s okay,” Lex said, taking his elbow.  “It’s not a big deal.”
He broke eye contact, looking down, face red.
“I noticed that you grind your teeth and bite things when you’re awake too.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, tears spilling over.  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I promise I’m not–I’m not–”
“Relax,” Ari said, putting hands on his shoulders as though to push him back into his body.  “We’re just trying to figure out how to fix whatever problem you’re having.”
He sniffled and wiped his cheek with the back of his hand.  “It’s an anxious habit.  It was–chewing on the muzzle was really the only thing I could do sometimes.”
Lex’s heart broke imagining all the times he’d been in massive pain and unable to move, the only activity available to him grinding his teeth on the metal bit in his mouth.  That would…also explain why all his teeth had been a little bit worn down, from the constant wear against the metal surface.  “It’s okay that you do that.  I don’t think you should try and make yourself stop.  Can you open your mouth for me for a minute?”
He did so, still not making eye contact.  Lex noted his fangs were fully grown back in.  His teeth didn’t look damaged at all–having restored themselves from their ground-down state–but there were threads of fabric stuck in them here and there.
“Do you want us to get you a chew toy?” Lex asked.
Valen shut his mouth.  “A chew toy…?”
“I bet the kind they make for dogs would stand up to your chewing better.  Or we could try and find a binky, or something along those lines.”
“....Yes, I would like that.”
Lex and Ari had continued to go on patrol–they’d taken a few days off work to help Valen, then once they’d settled into a routine and felt comfortable leaving him home alone, started to go back to work.  They did need the money and couldn’t just not go back to work….but they did try to avoid running into any actual vampires, the situation at home weighing heavily on their minds.
They stopped at the store on the way home, in the hours when the sunrise was still young, and bought several dog toys that looked like they could take some serious biting.  They also tried to find the biggest pacifier they could.
While they were in the children’s section, Lex noticed the books.
“You can’t be serious,” Ari said, as Lex picked up a few nonfiction books that looked to be for middle-schoolers.  “The man was practicing advanced biochemistry when we found him.”
“I’ve seen him reading, but he never turns the pages and just kind of stares at it blankly.  I think he needs something to….ease him back in.”
“...Well, it couldn’t hurt to offer, at least.  Keep the receipt, we can just return them if he doesn’t want ‘em.”
When they got home, Valen was in fact doing the exact thing Lex had noted.  He had a virology book open on his lap, but he was just staring over it at the window, where the curtains glowed from the sunlight they were holding back.
“Hey,” Lex said, kneeling by the coffin where he was lying down.  “We got some things for you.”
The paper bag crinkled as he dug inside it.  “Oh. Thank you.”  He picked up one of the books and flipped it open.  There was a picture of an elephant, with simple text next to it telling elephant facts.  His eyes drifted over the text. He slowly ran a hand over the picture, then grabbed one of the pacifiers and put it in his mouth, chewing it quietly.  Once again, it was impossible to tell what he really thought, but he seemed to make heavy use of the gifts over the next few days, which seemed like a good sign. 
Lex was now recovered enough that she felt confident to help feed Valen, so he now had four people feeding him.  Ari seemed to warm up to being fed from a little bit more, and Bailey and Jerome came over as often as they could, too.  He was still massively underweight, but he started to lose the sallow, skeletal appearance fairly quickly with the amount of support he was getting.
Valen was still visibly nervous, though.  He was reserved, and still didn’t seem to trust Lex and Ari fully.  Which was completely understandable, but if there was anything they could do to speed that up, that would probably help Valen feel safer.
Once when Ari was talking on the phone with Nick, Lex saw him physically flinch.  His hearing was good enough that he could probably hear Nicks’ voice just as well as Ari, and he immediately climbed back into his coffin and hid, a mass of quivering blankets.
“You’re okay,” Lex soothed, rubbing his back through the blanket.  “He’s not here.”
“Does-does he know where you live?”
“No,” Lex said.  “No, he doesn’t, remember?”  Lex had reassured him of this probably about a dozen times by now.
Valen huddled under the covers, two red, watery eyes peering out from under the blankets.
Ari quickly finished her conversation and hung up the phone, coming back in.  “Nick is still trying to rope someone else into getting a live capture.  I think he’s getting desperate, because he called just to tell me the bounty’s gone up again.”
Valen let out a terrified whine.
“We’re not giving you back,” Ari said firmly.  “We’re not letting him find out you’re still alive, and we’re not letting anyone else take you.  You say the word, and we take you straight to the border.”
Valen peeked out from under the blanket.  “You were talking to him.”  He said it in an accusatory way.
“Nick? Yeah, on the phone,” Ari said, not seeing his point.
“And at work sometimes, yeah,” Lex added.
“You were talking to him like he’s a person and not a monster.”
Lex and Ari looked at each other, then back at him.  “He’s fucked up,” Ari said.  “But everything he did, he had permission for.”
Valen burst into tears.  Lex’s stomach sank.
“...Right?” Ari said, suddenly alarmed.
“No,” Valen wept.  “No, no, a thousand times no.  He came back at night when the compound was empty because everyone was out on patrol.  He opened the coffin when he was alone, he broke the rules all the time.”
“What?” Ari growled.  “What for?”
“Ari,” Lex said.  Fuck, fuck, she almost didn’t want to know the answer to Ari’s question, but she also thought it was unfair to ask….Especially since Valen was now crying so hard that he couldn’t even get the words out to answer.
Ari knelt, steadying him and supporting him in her arms.  “Breathe, breathe, you’re okay.”
Lex handed him a tissue.  He took it, but was still crying too hysterically to use it.
“Let it out, baby,” Ari said.  “You’re okay.”
Valen took in great, sobbing gasps, wiping his eyes, then blowing his nose.  He wiped his cheeks, which were flushed with black blood.  “S–sorry.”
“You’re okay.  Let it out.”
His lip wobbled.  He grabbed the stuffed cat Lex had put in the coffin, hugging it.  “Nick has a shocking sadistic streak that he knows how to keep hidden.”
Ari stood, palming her mouth.  “All right.  Fuck.”
“I’m sorry,” Lex said.  “We didn’t know.”  She was still lying to herself.  They’d suspected.  But none of them had cared enough.  It’d bothered them, a little, but they’d still been in the “he deserves it” phase.
“He did it all the time.  When we were alone.  He, he, he would do anything he couldn’t get away with during the day under supervision.  Things that–that could have no possible justification.  Humiliating things, senseless torture, rape-”
“What the fuck,” Ari said.  She was turning a cartoonish shade of red with her anger.  “I’m going to kill him.  I’m going to fucking kill him.”
Lex felt sick.  It was fucked up enough the things Nick had done with permission, but there had at least been reasons for those.  Not even the director would approve of meaningless torture.  And oh God, Valen hadn’t even been able to tell anyone that this was happening, this whole time.  Nick had known he could get away with it, because letting Valen talk had been the one thing they’d all known to avoid at any cost.  “We need to tell the director.  He needs to know.” 
“We can’t,” Ari said, through gritted teeth.  “We can’t do anything with this information without everyone finding out Valen is alive.”
Valen took one of the chew toys and put it in his mouth, grinding anxiously.
“I’m going to fucking kill him.  I’m going to shoot him as many times as bullets I have, and then I’m going to get more bullets and shoot him some more.  They’re going to be scrubbing him out of the carpet for months afterwards.”
“Ari, shut up,” Lex said.  Valen had pulled the blanket back over his, still shaking with fear.  “You just said we can’t do anything to let anyone know Valen is alive.  And getting yourself arrested isn’t going to help anyone.”
Ari left the room.  Lex could hear the punching bag Ari always used when she needed to let off steam being beaten half to death.
Lex knelt down.  “What do you want us to do, Valen?”
Valen breathed heavily for a few moments, looking positively overwhelmed.  Then he finally admitted, “I don’t know.”
Ari came back in, still breathing heavily.  She had a foil package in one hand.  “Take this.  All of it.”
Valen hesitated, then took the package.  It had several small white pills inside.  “What is it?”
“Emergency contraception.”
Valen’s eyes widened  “You don’t think–It isn’t possible, surely, for a human and a vampire…?”
“I don’t know.  But I’m not taking any chances.  The whole pack.”
“Will it even work?”
“It’s hormones, so if testosterone injections work on you, then maybe.”
Lex was so horrified that for a moment, she wanted to protest that this wasn’t necessary, that surely Nick hadn’t…
But if Nick hadn’t, then Valen would have said they weren’t necessary.  But instead, Valen just looked grim and started pushing the pills through the foil to swallow them.
“Try the bolt cutters again.”
“We’re not trying the fucking bolt cutters again.  We already saw that didn’t work.”
“I don’t think we’re going to make any progress this way.”
“We might if you give me longer than ten seconds!”
“We might have to use the saw.”
“We’re not using the fucking saw.  You’re going to take his damn head off.”
Valen clearly looked nervous about the direction the conversation was taking.  He was currently bent over the workbench among a nest of tools and books spread out around him.  Ari gripped his head with one hand, pushing him down a bit painfully on accident, and he winced.  “Fuck me, I didn’t expect this to be so hard.”
Ari continued jamming the lockpick into the padlock keeping the metal collar on Valen’s neck, grunting in frustration, consulting the books on the table, which all had diagrams of locks.  It’d been years since she’d picked a lock, but she was determined to get this stupid thing off Valen’s neck today.  She’d suddenly decided it was urgent to get it off, and now had the energy of an irritated, tired father on a road trip as his family sits in cowed silence, afraid to worsen his mood as he drives.
Ari took a step back, letting him stand upright.  “And you’re sure you can’t break it now that you’ve gotten some strength back.”
Ari had already asked this a good three or four times.  Lex had stopped bothering to remind her that the equipment was vampire-proof and therefore Valen would never be able to break it no matter how strong he was, that was the point.
Valen indulged her, hands pulling on the collar, then at the lock.   “Yes, ma’am, I’m quite sure.”
Ari scowled. "All right. Lex, hold the light." Valen craned his neck upwards, wincing away as Ari went at it with the lockpicks again.
"Maybe we can try and get the key off Nick-"
"No, I'm not doing anything that could clue that maniac into the fact that we have Valen."
Valen’s breathing sped up noticeably. 
Ari started to huff and puff angrily, motions becoming agitated. She eventually broke a lockpick and tossed it to the ground, cursing.
"All right, let's take a break," Lex said.
Ari plopped down onto the chair they kept downstairs next to the workbench. "Fuck.  I can’t–I can’t–I still can’t believe he did that.”  I can’t believe we let him do that.  She hated Nick, and she hated herself.  There was only one thing that could make her hate herself a little bit less.
She stood back up and attacked the collar again.
“Ari, stop, take a break.”
“I’m fixing this,” she snarled.  “I’m getting it off, I’m fixing it.  Give me the saw.”
“Ari, you’re scaring him.”
Ari looked up and realized Valen was cringing back, frightened by her intensity and anger, eyes squeezed shut.
Ari dropped the lockpicking stuff.  “I’m sorry,” she said, finally letting the tears well up in her eyes.  “I’m so fucking sorry we did this to you.”
Valen looked at her for a moment, then his face softened.  He reached out to touch her elbow.  She pulled him into a hug, burying him in her ample bosom and broad arms, and cried into his hair.  “F-fuck.  I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
His arms tentatively came around her.  “I’m…not going to say it’s okay,” Valen started.  “Because it isn’t.  But when we make mistakes, what matters is what we do after that.  And you’ve chosen to do everything within your power to fix things, even though it meant confronting your own feelings of shame and guilt.  Looking uncomfortable truths in the eye takes courage and integrity, and for that I admire you.”
This was the moment at which Ari fell a little bit in love with him.  She decided to handle this by choking out, “Wow, okay, Aristotle.”
Lex let out a laugh, slapping Ari on the arm lightly.  “You goofball.  Come on, sit down, let me try for once.”
Ari sat down, wiping her nose on the back of her hand.
Lex, considerably more calm and steady-handed than Ari currently was, gave it a try.  Valen seemed visibly more relaxed now that it was Lex’s hands on him, and she spent a minute examining the diagram of the lock with all its pins.  She took the lockpicks and started fiddling with it.
The lock popped open.  “There, see?  Nothing we can’t fix.”
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
An angel has come down from the heavens and has decided to grant your OCs one consequence-free wish- no strings attached. What do they wish for?
Ooooh good question! Thank you!
(and... yeah, just to make things more interesting, I'm shying away from typical Good Samaritan-type wishes. It's nice to think that they'd eradicate cancer if given the chance, or something like that, but it's just not exciting to read)
Rae: Her mind, and Warren's mind, are now both completely immune to brainwashing or any other mental manipulation. She's been through that shit once, she's not going through it again.
Robin: Every human being on Earth is instantly granted a basic knowledge of ASL - even just the alphabet would be fine, fingerspelling is better than nothing. She's tired of people expecting her to play catch-up instead of making an effort to communicate themselves.
Madison: Wishes for her daggers to be unbreakable, and for them to always return to her when she wants them. Sure, she could have picked something a little more selfless, but she's been hurt too many times for not having her knives when she needed them. Above everything else, she wants to feel safe.
Ophelia: Thinks about this for a long time. She could give herself superpowers, like she's always inwardly wished she had... but she doesn't want to go overboard and lose the skills she's built for herself. In the end, she gives herself healing factor and nothing more. Enough to keep pace and make the injuries easier to bear, but still maintaining who she is.
Jasper: Wishes that Kyle is returned, mentally and physically, to where he was before his death. They love him either way, but they know he still struggles with everything he was put through and they'd love for him to be free of that pain and to feel like himself again.
Katherine: Honestly... I think she's pretty satisfied with who she is, and she struggles with what to wish for. Eventually she wishes to shift the tablet's magic slightly - instead of sunset to sunrise, they all wake up a little earlier and have to return a little later, so they can see the sun again. It's been decades for some of them, and that just hurts her heart.
Kestrel: Their identity as Kestrel is now innate to them - they can still shapeshift, but they don't have to work so hard to find their way back.
Quinn: All the damage to her legs and back is reversed. Hell, she doesn't even care if she's still in pain, just let her run again.
Eris: Very nearly, impulsively wishes for Rick to be immortal so they won't have to watch him die sometime in the future- but stops himself, remembering how many times they've had arguments like this. Finally she comes up with conditions: Rick is immortal until he chooses not to be, and his immortality is the same as Eris' (no aging, accelerated healing but not invulnerable, stronger when rested).
Nikoletta: Almost wishes for her shadow-touch to be no more... then decides she can live with it. Instead she wishes that Abner is never haunted by his past or his mother again. That's far too personal for her to admit, though, so if anyone asks she'll say that she wished for herself to feel warm again. It's a good alibi for most people, but Abner figures it out within the week (he's been strangely at peace for the first time in decades, and she still shivers in the middle of August)
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sweetstarart · 1 year
Ahoy neighbors!! Here was Cap'n Barnaby's day! (Meant to post this sooner, but I kinda got lazy. Isn't that fitting?)
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It's morning but I don't wanna get up... Someone's gotta sail though, and I don't wanna bother anyone else with something I could do myself. Eh, not my friends at least.
Wally's already awake, he says that his necklace ghost is gonna steer today. I don't trust that thing one bit, and I definitely don't want it controlling my mama's ship. I was gonna ask them to leave but the strangest thing happened. I got a chill down my spine, and suddenly I wasn't feeling too good. I swear that ghost has got something to do with it. But I can't prove that. Maybe I just need some sleep, or if I'm lucky, some medicine.
It's been hours now, I still can't sleep. My head is spinning and all can think about is that dumb ghost. I bet they're so proud of themself right now. I'd have tossed in the sea by now if Wally didn't like them so much. I hope he changes his mind, that thing is dangerous. Howdy came by, I think he realized I'm not actually sleeping. I'm real glad to have him around. We told eachother jokes and stuff while he made me take like, a bazillion potions. Thought it seemed like a little much for just a real long dizzy spell. But he said he read about this in his book, a failed possession. I KNEW THAT GHOST WAS BEHIND THIS! I wanna chew them up so bad....
But I gotta use my head right now, and think of a way outta this mess. I think my best bet is to act like I don't know, lure them into a sense of security like a fish, then CHOMP THEM WHEN THEY LEAST EXPECT IT! NO ONE THREATENS MY CREW AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!!!
Uh... anyways, me and Howdy chatted til I fell asleep, I love it when he does that. I wanna do that everyday.
Sounds like the crew found something to do while I was lazing around, there's tons of sounds coming from the deck. I came up and everyone was playing some kinda instrument except Wally. Poor kid looked a bit left out. I don't really wanna, but maybe playing a bit will make him play too.
It worked! He's singing! His voice sounds real swell, he could sing a real good shanty if he wanted to. I shant help but think about it! I'm having fun, why not joke around a bit? Haha!! Today's finally starting to come a-song! Better yet, I think I smell sharks in the water! Tonight our food will be gilly yummy! No wait, tonight's dinner will be fincredible!
Yeah, that's way better.
Wally wanted to help me and Frank cook today! Since I didn't wanna beat around the hook, I decided to ask him what's the deal with that ghost. He calls them Home for some reason and says that they're very close. He refused to elaborate. That made me even more suspicious. I was gonna say more but Frank got mad at us for clowning around. I told him that as a pirate, I think he should stop taking things so seariously. He was so mad! Anyways, we talked at supper like usual but I still couldn't get Home outta my mind, especially when they're everywhere right now...
Guess Howdy caught onto that because he's knocking at my door right now. I just can't hide nothing from you How!
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lifetimeshipper · 3 months
The GrimBee Story
Chapter 2
The next day, Grimlock could feel his metal getting hotter by the passing second, "Hey, Bumblebee? Can we find some shade or something? It's getting really hot."
"Sure. I believe there's a watering hole around here somewhere."
"Thank Primus," the Dinobot sighed in relief as he followed Bumblebee to the watering hole. Seeing the watering hole Grimlock broke into a run, jumping into the water creating a large splash. Bumblebee yelped and covered his face as a bunch of water came towards him.
"Man, this feels so much better."
Bumblebee shook the water off, "Enjoying it?"
"Yep. Do you want to come in? There's plenty of room."
"Sure," Bumblebee says as he goes in.
"Feels good, doesn't it?"
"Sure does."
"Why don't we do this more often?"
"If it stays this hot we most likely will."
Bumblebee just smiled as he enjoyed the cool water.
"What do you like most about Earth?" Grimlock asked.
"Oh gee, I don't know where to begin."
"I know you like that Western thing."
"Oh yeah, and poetry, sunrises and sunsets, the countryside, all sorts of things."
"I think I like the ball thing that breaks the older buildings. What's it called again?"
"A wrecking ball?"
"Yeah, that's it."
"Of course." Bumblebee chuckled.
Grimlock chuckled with a wide grin. "This is nice, two buddies hanging out enjoying the cool water on a hot day," he stated.
"I agree, it is."
Grimlock lowered himself until the water was up to his neck. "We better get going soon, we still need to finish our patrol," Bumblebee tells him.
"Aww, but I wanted to stay a little longer," Grimlock whined.
"I didn't say we had to go now."
"Oh. What was it like during the war?"
"Was it like it was when we were fighting Steeljaw back then?"
"No, a lot worse."
"I'm sorry that stuff happened to you."
"Eh, it's all part of life."
"Guess we all have had something bad happen to us at some point."
"Yep, we all have."
Grimlock stood up and shook off the water as he got out, "Man, that felt good."
Bumblebee walked out as well, "It sure did. Let's continue our patrol now," Bumblebee says as he transforms and drives off. Grimlock put on his disguise and followed after Bumblebee as he sang his Dino-Crane song. They soon finish their patrol and go back to base.
"When can we have a movie night again?" Grimlock asked.
"Soon, Grimlock."
"Alright, can't wait. I prefer the kid movies, they're more interesting." 
"They sure are," Bumblebee chuckled.
"Which one is your favorite?"
"Not really sure. What's yours?"
"I like the one with the young dinosaurs."
"Ahh yes, that's a good one. Gives great lessons."
"I liked the one with the three horns, even if she was a little mean."
Bumblebee chuckled, "Yeah, it's cute how she tries to act all tough like her father."
"I like all of them really."
"Did any of them remind you of your brothers?"
"Yeah, the little long neck made me think of Swoop."
"How so?"
"Swoop's personality is like the long neck's, he's a natural born leader. I forget what their names were."
"The long neck's name is Littlefoot."
"Ahh, do you think the kids would want to watch it again?"
"Most certainly. Or maybe we could watch the others, there is more."
"Really!?" Grimlock asked excitedly.
"Can't wait to see the other ones!" Grimlock exclaimed as he picked up an Energon cube. Bumblebee chuckled as he picked up an Energon cube as well. "Who's your favorite character?" Grimlock asked as he took a sip of his Energon.
"Ducky the duckbilled one."
"She is rather cute. What about her do you like?"
"I like how she asks questions then be like "do you, do you huh, huh?" just too adorable."
Grimlock chuckled, "Yeah, that is kind of cute."
"Yeah," Bumblebee says as he sits with Grimlock and drinks the Energon with him.
"I like the flyer. Was Petrie his name?"
"I like the way he talks."
"Yeah, he does talk funny."
"The first one was kind of crazy though. Littlefoot's mom died and he was all alone."
"Yeah, that one was sad."
"But he made new friends and managed to reunite with his grandparents."
"Yep, which started their whole journey of the other movies."
"I like that."
Sideswipe and Windblade came over to get some Energon and sat down with them, "Hey, what you two talking about?" Sideswipe asked.
"The Land Before Time movies," Grimlock replied.
"We were talking about what our favorite movie was."
"Oh, I see."
"What's your favorite movie?"
"Kids or adults?"
"Either one," the Dinobot shrugged.
"For kids, I'll have to go with The Lion King."
"Why The Lion King?"
"I liked the lion fights."
"I did too until the hyenas came in," Grimlock shuddered. Sideswipe just laughed, "It's not funny, he was still alive when they jumped on him. And from the looks of how the funny one looked, I can only guess what had happened."
"Of course, they killed him and ate him."
"Then why were you laughing? No one deserves something like that."
"Was laughing at your expression."
"What about adult movies?"
"Um, I think I liked the horror movies best."
"Why the horror movies?"
"I guess I just like the jump scares and stuff."
"Because you jump on me whenever something pops up out of nowhere," Windblade teased.
"So? It gets you in my lap too."
Windblade chuckled, "You can get me in your lap any time you want," she whispered to him seductively.
"Good," he said before he grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap.
"Just be careful," she giggled.
"Ain't I always?"
"Yes," she whispered before giving him a soft kiss.
Grimlock watched the two for a moment before taking a sip of his Energon. He wondered what it was like to kiss someone.
Bumblebee looks at him, "You okay, Grim?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine," he replied with an unconvincing smile.
"You sure?"
"Yep, I'm gonna smash some rocks in the quarry," he replied as he transformed into his dino form and took off.
"OK. See ya, Grim!" Bumblebee called after him before looking at the two who were locked in a kiss, "So, what you two gonna do today?"
Windblade broke from the kiss, "I don't think you want to know," she let out a giggle as Sideswipe started kissing her neck.
Grimlock let out a yell as he swung his tail, shattering a boulder into smaller rocks.
"Are you alright, Grimlock?" Drift asked as he walked up to the Dinobot being careful not to get in his way.
"Kind of. Have... have you ever kissed anyone?" He asked with hesitation.
"No, I haven't. Why?"
"I was just wondering. Sideswipe and Windblade seem to enjoy it a lot, so does Steeljaw and Strongarm, and Thunderhoof and Metalsound."
"You never kissed before?"
"No," Grimlock replied feeling embarrassed.
"And you want to try it, am I right?"
"Yeah, just to see what it's like."
"Hmm, well maybe you can find someone to experience it with."
"But who?" The Dinobot asked as he sat on a rock.
"Not sure, you'll have to figure it out yourself."
Grimlock crossed his arms as he tried to think. The only ones he knew that had experience already had mates, there was no way he was going to ask Ultra Magnus. Optimus and Megatron were together and he doubted Drift would even let him.
"Good luck with it," Drift tells him as he walks off.
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
Sunrise Sunset Leak Summary
We open with Dadszlo wondering wtf is up with his surly teenager. He tries to tell Colin to pick up his toys etc and Colin sasses him and leaves his headphones on.
We see Dadszlo and Guillermom having tea discussing the puberty issue, and Nandor playing a book reader, barely partaking in whats going on. We see Laszlo having playdates for Colin and comforting him when a kid broke the rules...but hes like a full grown man acting like a kid lol. Guillermo tries to teach him how to play baseball to no avail.
Our opening credits are Dadszlo melancholy singing Sunrise Sunset while watching his angry teen son. We see a bunch of pics of him and baby Colin from the past year incl formal portrait shots and everything and my heart literally broke.
At the club nothing has gone well. They tried vampire rap battles but vampires are too volatile, improv group but vampires dont get improv ‘cuz its not funny’, bachelorette parties, horror house tours (with a human remarking the sire is just a cheap costume off amazon) and finally basically vampire chuck e cheese.
Back at home Nandor says they cant talk to Colin cuz they arent speaking the jive, the slang kids respond to. He goes to try this, finding Colin bashing in the basement (Laszlo calls it his healthy angry release) and he humors Nandor but makes the jerk off motion when he turns around to leave.
Back at the club PT Barnum is there and Nadja is like I am pretty sure hes dead. Guide is like nah hes a vampire...then its revealed they have the 2nd largest collection of human souls in the US (translator cut off at who has the 1st). The souls dissolve back into the bottles after 24hrs and the Guide has learned how to revive them for that time with witchcraft. So of course they decide to reviva Scott Joplin inventor of ragtime (who they fan girl over).
Back at home Colin is in trouble...he stole Sean’s car. And hes sassing his parents. Sean is trying to help and its just pure screaming. Sean says they should duke it out, Guillermo says fuck no thats the worst idea. Colin apologizes and says maybe he can help Sean drag his car out of the pound. As they leave his eyes glow and his parents realize yeah hes an energy vampire again and Laszlo will have to tell him.
Back the club Scott is playing while the girls plan, they think about bringing back Diamond Jim Brady before concluding they could revive people from history and host it as a one off night. It...doesnt go great. Most of the people Nadja picked dont speak english and no one showed up anyway.
Back at home Laszlo tells Colin and Colin is like why didnt you tell me before? Laszlo’s explanation while saying how great he is is that he didnt want to limit Colin. Colin says god dammit and Laszlo winces. He starts saying God and Christ til Laszlo is writhing and runs from the room upset.
Meanwhile Guillermo is realizing since hes almost grown and Nandor made his bf run off with his clone hes basically an empty nester. Nothing ever gets better but it never changes. He’ll always have something to do but it’ll be like being a hamster in a wheel, you never get any farther along.
Guillermo checks in on Nandor after literally giving up on cleaning. Asks if hes okay cuz hes been kinda quiet lately. Nandor is still reading. He says yeah Im kinda glad for the loneliness, the quiet time after dealing with Mawra. And Guillermo is like so you just wanted the wedding and now your done you dont care if anything ever changes? Nandor is like I dont have time to look back lol. Years pass no biggy. Guillermo is like then what then? Nandor says well you’ve noticed I’ve gotten back to my reading. For how long? Oh 15-20 years we’ll see.
After Nadja’s second history night bombs (Guillermo listening 11 times made them .06 cents lol) She puts the wraiths on a bus for universal orlando for a ‘vacation’ (minions?) and then sets the club on fire...only to find out later that the actual club didnt burn cuz the blood sprinklers finally worked but her OFFICE WITH HER MONEY DID. She blames this on blood liquor.
Meanwhile Colin  got back to hammering and found a box. The box had a slide. The slide led to 4 spots on the wall that when hit reveal a hidden closet and archive. They of course end that on a fart noise. When we see him next hes full fledged adult baldy colin.
He acts like nothing is amiss and the whole fam is shocked. Nandor asks is that really him? Colin is like um yeah why? Laszlo asks does he remember speaking/singing in a childish voice at the wedding etc. He takes that to mean Sean’s pillow sale party and does the Jar Jar voice. Colin unaware of what the fuck has gone on says he’ll pay to restore the wall he busted out and anything else that needs done (they have over half a mil in the bank).
Colin brings in contractors and tells them what to do. He asks Laszlo what to do with the race car bed. Laszlo says it was yours dont u remember? Colin says no Ive never slept in a racecar bed in my life. Laszlo says dont u remember the last year? Me singing while looking at your baby pictures? How I raised you? Nope he just remembers his funny tummy at the birthday party and then now. Laszlo seems devastated but tries not to show it.
The ep ends with Guillermo taking his money duffel bag (he never revealed to Nadja) and offering it to Derrick to turn him into a vampire cuz if he doesnt change something nothing will. The way he talks (could be jammed with the translator) he seems to be acting like he will not come back cuz he tells the crew they can use his room for storage if they want to. He leaves at daylight so none of the vampires know. After asking Derrick it cuts the end. Finished with the entire group singing Sunrise Sunset over the credits.
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staceymcgillicuddy · 1 year
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Day 6: Sunrise, Sunset
One more day! Thanks again @amandaashplease--couldn't let this prompt go by without reflecting on all the "Eddie's a tech guy" headcanons out there.
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As far as Friday night activities are concerned, Eddie doesn’t do school shit, and Hellfire doesn’t count. But he had to take an elective, and he’d already done art and music, so drama was what remained. Since he sure as shit wasn’t acting, he’d joined the crew for the musical and blah blah blah, sets were built, lighting rigs were hung, and sue him: he’d like to see the finished result with an audience. 
Plus, for a musical, Fiddler on the Roof isn’t half-bad. He’s not saying he wants to go see Cats or anything—God, does he fucking hate Cats, and the cast recording Tammy Thompson plays all the goddamn time backstage—but he can get down with some poor people hoping for, like, a better future, or whatever.
So, yeah. He has his spot in the auditorium, near the back, where he can put his feet on the seat in front of him and ignore his classmates.
Until, that is, five minutes before the show’s about to start when someone shuffles into the row next to him and says, “is anyone sitting here?” 
It’s Chrissy Cunningham, and Eddie nearly falls out of his hard wooden seat as he scrambles to sit upright. “Uh. Hey. No, it's cool.” 
“Thanks.” She sits, and Eddie has a million questions. Like, where’s her dumb boyfriend? Why’s she here alone? Does she know how good she smells? Why is her ponytail so high? 
He doesn’t dare to ask any of them, though, so he just tries to look like he’s not looking at her, except for how he is. Mercifully, the lights go down a few minutes later, putting him out of his misery.
The thing is, though, he can’t focus on the show with Chrissy sitting right next to him. Can’t, like, get annoyed with the chick playing Hodel when she misses her mark and sings a whole fucking line in complete darkness. Can’t even appreciate the fact that Samuel Schlesinger is a pretty good Tevye. Way better than Tammy Thompson as Golde. 
But then, during Sunrise, Sunset, he hears some sniffles beside him and realizes Chrissy’s all teary-eyed over what is, objectively, a pretty sad song. But also, what the fuck is he supposed to do about it? His hands are frozen to the armrests, and he wishes he was the kind of dude with a handkerchief in his pocket. 
“You okay?” he whispers in the few spare seconds of silence between the song ending and the wedding beginning. 
Chrissy nods. Compresses her lips into a tight line and wipes her eyes so fiercely that some mascara drags across her temple.
Intermission is soon after, and she turns to him with an apologetic smile when the house lights come on. “I’m sorry. It was just… pretty.” 
“No, uh. You’re fine. You’re uh… yeah. It’s a good song.”
“Mmm.” She twists her mouth into a bow, lower lip jutting into a pout. “Do you ever… it’s so stupid. I forgot about an English assignment, and I have to watch this and write an essay to make it up.” 
That’s surprising in that Chrissy has always struck him as perfect academically and socially, but it explains why she’s not here with friends. “Uh, sorry. I’m only here because I’m in drama, and like… yeah. I worked on it.” 
“Oh.” Another pause and she offers him a smile. “It’s really good.” 
“Thanks. Sorry about your English grade.” 
“At least she’s giving me a chance to make it up. This semester’s been… just. I don’t know.” She smooths down her skirt, then cuts her eyes at him. “Do you… do you ever feel like you’re losing your mind?” 
It’s a loaded question with a simple answer, and Eddie smiles.
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Technically, Tammy already graduated, but given that the Duffers don't care, neither do I, so she's Golde. Suck it, nerds!
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MerMay 2023 Day Twenty-One An Offering
Marvin hadn’t slept well the previous night. He was having trouble sleeping a lot recently. There’d been a lot of stress lately—at first with the life friend ceremony and his family returning, and now there was a whole different type of stress with Chase being captured. How the hell was someone supposed to sleep with all that?
He tried to sleep in late anyway, hoping to make up for the lost time he’d spent tossing and turning. Aribelle and her partners had woken him up earlier to say they were going for a swim upriver, and shortly after that he’d woken up again to see Jameson had left a note saying he was going to visit Schneep. Marvin was completely alone in his house.
Which is why he was immediately on edge when he felt a current brush through the open stone walls. The sort of current only made by nearby movement. The sort of current caused by something big. Marvin lifted his head from his kelp bed and looked up into a pair of green glowing eyes. “Whatthefuck?!” he shrieked. He grabbed the power stone he always kept nearby and raised it defensively.
The green eyes jerked backwards, and there was a voice. “Anti! I told you not to go so fast!”
Marvin backed up, swimming up towards the top corner of the room, the power stone still clutched in his hand. Indeed, those glowing green eyes belonged to Anti, who stayed crouched close to the ground with his tail swishing. But someone else had appeared in the house entrance. Jack. He looked slightly out of breath. “What’s going on?” Marvin demanded.
“He wasn’t supposed to go first,” Jack said, gills fluttering. “I was. Anti, you scared him!”
Anti stared up at Marvin. “Didn’t mean to,” he said slowly. Marvin doubted that.
“A-anyway.” Jack swam forward, in between the two merms. “Anti came to me yesterday. He knows Chase is missing, and he wants to help.”
“Help?” Marvin squeaked in surprise. “How?”
“I don’t know, but apparently it has to do with you,” Jack said. He looked back at Anti. “Well... the space is yours.”
Anti hesitated, shifting position slightly. “I... am... sorry,” he said, looking uncomfortable. “About... what I did. But I think... that... if I help you get your friend away from those humans... it might be... better.”
Marvin blinked. His grip on the power stone didn’t loosen, but it did relax slightly. “How?”
“How what?” Anti asked.
“How were you planning on rescuing Chase?”
Anti kept staring at him. “There are spells to turn merms human, aren’t there?”
That was not the answer Marvin was expecting. And clearly, Jack hadn’t been expecting it either. “Wait, that’s what you were thinking?” he said to Anti.
Anti nodded slowly. “Your human friends can’t go inside that place because the other humans will be expecting them. But I remember what it was like in there. I can go in.”
“That’s...” Marvin cleared his throat. “That’s not an easy thing to do.”
“But you can do it, right?” Anti insisted. “You did it for Chase. That’s how he has halfling elvers.”
“I... yeah, but...” Marvin paused. “How do I explain this? There are... two ways to turn a merm human. Spells and potions. A spell like that either works for a short period of time or a long one. In this case, a merm will be human for three days, or for a year and a day, or... permanently. A-and once you’ve been spelled to be human for a short period of time, it doesn’t work again. It will only work again if you choose to transform permanently.”
Jack looked intrigued, but Anti’s expression was harder to read. “What about potions?” he asked.
“W-well, those can turn a merm human from sunrise to sunset, but... it’s pretty painful,” Marvin whispers. “And both of the ways... both of them take a lot. I-I don’t have enough power in any power stone saved up for the human spell, and the potion ingredients are very rare, they can only be found in the deep. I... to be honest I... was considering it coming to this... eventually. So I’ve been trying to prepare, but nothing’s ready yet.”
Anti tilted his head. “If I find the ingredients, can you make the potion?”
“So you’re still sure, then?” Jack asked. “Um, Marvin, out of curiosity, what do you mean by ‘painful’?”
“I’ve heard the potion described as feeling like your bones are made of sea glass,” Marvin said. “Sharp on the inside. Especially in the legs.”
Jack’s eyes widened. He looked at Anti. “You know, there are other ways you can—”
“I can do it,” Anti cut him off, flicking his tail to send a tiny pulse of electricity through the water. “It can’t be the worst.”
“But—but TridentCorp—the humans probably have guards and security,” Jack insisted. “You can’t just walk in there and grab Chase!”
Suddenly, Anti looked very, very unsure. He glanced at Marvin. “You still have the stone.” It wasn’t a question.
“Wha—no. No.” Marvin shook his head. “You can’t have that! We can’t risk that! A-and it’s not still in storage, if you’re thinking about doing anything—anything sneaky after you leave!” It was. But it was in a hidden compartment, buried under the sand.
Anti stared at him. “Worth a shot. What ingredients do you need?”
“Anti,” Jack said softly.
“Stop being such a fool,” Anti snapped at him. “This is your best shot!”
Silence. Jack swam back a ways. And then, Marvin slowly nodded. “If you’re willing to go that far... I mean, Jack and I will have to ask the others, but... I guess there’s no harm in having you collect potion ingredients, at least. I can write down a list of things I need for you. Well, I’ll copy it from the list I have in storage, but same thing.”
For a moment, Anti looked—frightened? Embarrassed? “No. Just tell me.”
“Uh... alright,” Marvin said, sinking back down to ground level. “If you insist. But I’ll need to check my own list anyway. You... stay here while I do that.” He slowly edged around the room until he reached an entrance and swam backwards through it, never turning his back. “Jack, can you... keep an eye on things?”
Jack nodded. As Marvin finally turned around, he noticed the strange way Jack was staring at Anti. But he didn’t know what to make of it.
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