#yeah I had to do this for my prompt for today.
Hi! From the soft angst prompts, ❛whatever you do, do not let go of my hand.❜ for Bucktommy?
Every firefighter knows the saying: three bad calls are followed by a disaster. Fate had obviously decided that this was one of those days, Buck thought as he rolled up the hose at lightning speed. Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong three times today: a mistake on connecting a hydrant had soaked them all, Eddie had sawed his foot open while breaking up an overturned car, and a novice driver, blinded by the sun, had crashed into the fire truck. In the end, everything had turned out quite well, even though Eddie was in hospital for safety reasons and the fire engine now had a large dent. But still…
Gerrard was mad as hell, and everyone else was tense. Buck was counting the days until Bobby's return (he'd be back for sure), but the day was far from over, and everyone had categorized the three missions for what they had been: crap.  
"Something's gonna happen," Chimney gloomily stated.
"Yeah, I don't think we'll be getting off work on time today," Ravi quipped.
"Don't jinx it," said Hen. "Three jobs in a row, totally screwed up. That’s bad luck, you should know that by now." 
"I don't believe in such things."
A heated discussion about superstition and statistical probabilities broke out, and normally Buck, who was a walking encyclopedia when it came to such details, would have joined in. But not today. He looked ahead, through the windshield, and remarked thoughtfully, "Looks like a thunderstorm approaching."
"Nothing in the weather report," remarked Gerrard tight-lipped. Chimney, who loathed the guy intensely, interjected, "Thunderstorms can often be reliably detected only one to two hours before they arrive."
Hen ignored them and nudged Buck, "You don't think..."
"Yes, I do," Buck replied. "Three bad missions, one disaster. A thunderstorm is the icing on the cake.“
Half an hour later, the sky was heavily clouded, and the sound of thunder could be heard from the distance. The 118 had completed another mission, successfully this time, and was on its way back to the station when the radio crackled with a message. 
"Lightning strike at Pier 17, harbor area, reinforcement requested for emergency services on site."
"They have their own fire station," Gerrard remarked with an ugly laugh. 
"Wait a minute," Buck said, his brow furrowed with concern, "Pier 17, that is the firehouse, isn't it?"
"Station 217, yeah, 2 stands for the southern neighborhoods, 17 for the harbor section," Chimney said, looking at Buck.
"Confirm," he pressed out between clenched teeth, giving Gerrard a challenging stare.
"What, Buckley?"
"Confirm the mission. The 217 needs help."
"We'll be at the harbor in ten minutes, Captain," Hen said in her calm voice. 
"We're one man short after we dropped the Latino at the hospital."
"His name is Eddie," Buck said dangerously calmly, "and we've managed all the other missions without him. Confirm the assignment."
"It would be a shame," Chimney intervened, "if the chief hears that we were so close and haven't made our fire engine available to the 217."
Gerrard glared at him and reached for the radio.
It was ironic that, of all places, it was the fire station that was on fire, Buck thought. As they reached the harbor, the clouds poured down with heavy rain, and lightning flashed furiously across the sky. Buck looked up grimly. It would be ridiculous to develop a fear of thunderstorms just because he had been struck by lightning once, right? The statistical probability was... well, very low. It definitely wouldn't happen again. 
The fire station of the 217 was already completely engulfed in flames, and with it almost all the equipment – including their own fire engine. The 221 had been close enough to take the assignment, and they were happy to see reinforcements, because the fire was... a beast, Buck thought in surprise, realizing for the first time that Tommy was stationed here. The hangar was only a hundred yards from the station, and now Buck spotted him: Tommy and two other men were trying to prevent the fire from spreading to the hangar. 
Gerrard was busy looking busy and putting Ravi and Hen to work. Chimney and Buck exchanged a single glance, then took off running towards the hangar. 
"Damn it, report in,  Han and Buckley!"
"We're doing our job, Captain," Buck yelled, not even taking a glance back. 
The fire came dangerously close to the hangar, but so did the thunderstorm: at that moment, it seemed like heaven opened all the floodgates. Hail pelted down on the men, and Buck could barely see where they were running. Sometimes, rain was a firefighter’s friend, but this… this was no longer a fire to be impressed by the elements. The lightning must have struck an electrical distribution board, because the smoke and the huge flames were repeatedly accompanied by sparks. 
"Watch out," Chimney shouted over the roar of the fire, and Buck jumped out of the way of a splintered cable just in time, it was flashing across the floor, sparkling dangerously. Tommy turned, and his eyes widened as he recognized them.
"Didn't want to miss this, did you?" he called out, but Buck noticed the concern in his voice. The station was probably completely destroyed, and if the fire hit air support as well... 
"We wanted to see if you were any good in firefighting," Chimney replied, "but I'm afraid you've taken on a lot."
Thunder roared and a flash of lightning lit up the sky. Buck flinched. 
"Don't think you can do much here," Tommy said and briefly laid a hand on his arm. "You might as well…"
"You need us," Buck replied curtly, a wry little smile on his lips. "It's just a thunderstorm."
There was clear doubt in Tommy's eyes, but he nodded. "We need to shore up the back of the hangar," he said, "it's close to the bank, and it's sloping. There were two lightning strikes, the second one hit a fuse box behind the hangar and set off a kind of chain reaction."
"Who builds a hangar so close to the water?" asked Chimney, shaking his head.
"Someone who didn't expect something like this to ever happen," Tommy returned. 
They circled the building, which the others were still trying to keep clear of the fire, and now Buck saw what he meant. It was barely visible from the front, but the hangar was actually located on a hillside property that sloped steeply down to the sea. High waves would rarely be a problem here, and there was normally no danger of landslides – the hangar was actually in an ideal position for helicopter launches both for missions in the city and across the water. But then the storm somehow got out of control. 
Three deployments, one disaster, Buck thought as he looked at the mess. Perhaps the harbor building had once been a warehouse, because behind it was one of the smaller harbor cranes used in the past to transport heavy loads. It hadn't been in use for a long time, but the fuse box, which was also located back here, had. It was charred black, burnt through, and hissing with sparks like an angry snake. Tommy had said that lightning had struck. The force had apparently torn one of the power cables from its ground anchorage and hurled it towards the crane, which now resembled the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 
"It takes very little to crash into the hangar," Chimney said, "Or it tears off a chunk of the slope and crashes down," Buck added, pointing to the crumbling soil beneath the crooked crane. 
"Both, I'm afraid." Tommy looked at both men, all cheerfulness gone from his features. "We need ideas."
"And tools, I should think, wait," Chimney said, turning and running off.
"What the..."
"He knows what he's doing," Buck went. "Probably fetching the winch. In the meantime, we could…"
His voice trailed off as he carefully approached the crane, pushing a heel into the ground to test it. 
"I was thinking about the pile of firewood," Tommy said with a gesture to his back, and Buck raised his brows. "You're storing firewood behind your hangar?"
"Collection point for Forest Service," Tommy replied with a shrug. "The 217 is not a particularly glamorous fire station, Evan. We share the ground with other tenants."
"Your captain allows this?“ Buck remarked, shaking his head, "But well, sure, with those big beams there we could…"
He didn't get to finish the sentence. Another bolt of lightning crashed across the sky, directly over the water, so close that the sudden brightness stung Buck's eyes. A memory flashed through his mind, glowing like the lightning that had struck him and stopped his heart. Buck staggered back.
Tommy's voice seemed to come from far away, and through the rain, still streaked with hail, he was all but a blur. Buck’s feet failed to find a hold, but it wasn’t until his stomach dropped that he noticed something was very wrong.
"Evan, hold on!" Tommy yelled, and Buck finally realized that he was falling. His mind kicked in again, or maybe it was just instinct, he jerked his arms. His fingers clawed into earth that slipped beneath his fingers, wet from the rain. Panicked, Buck realized that his feet were dangling in the air, and he was slipping. Then, a violent jerk, and something, someone, grabbed him by the wrists. 
Strands of wet hair fell into Buck's eyes, but that was the least of his problems. He didn't dare look down, but an ominous rumble that was clearly not thunder told him that the crane wouldn't last much longer. And he was right in its path, should it tip over. 
A face appeared at the edge of his view, the most beautiful blue eyes Buck knew, yet there was fear in them. Impossible, Buck thought. Tommy isn't afraid of anything. However, perhaps this was a situation in which one should be afraid. Buck was hanging over the precipice, about to be hit by a crane, and all that was holding him up were two strong arms, pulling painfully at his own muscles.
"Hold on," Tommy repeated, his voice commanding, and almost automatically Buck clasped the hands that held him. 
"Whatever you do, do not let go of my hand, do you hear me?"
Tommy's eyes sought his, and Buck blinked. 
"'S fine," he croaked, and Tommy shook his head. "It’s not, stop deflecting and listen. I’m gonna pull, and I need you to support me with your knees or feet. Imagine you're mountain climbing, okay?"
"Tommy, the crane…"
"You will not think about the crane," Tommy ordered, his eyes flashing. His voice sounded strained. I'm heavy, Buck thought. "You will just listen to my voice. I'm pulling now."
He moved with a groan, and Buck felt as if his arms were being dislocated. The pressure on his wrists was immense, and he frantically tried to find some kind of grip on the sloping terrain with his boots. 
"You... will ... not... let go," Tommy gasped, as if it were some kind of mantra, and so Buck didn't let go, no matter how much it hurt or how hard it was. Progress was piecemeal, the ground was slippery and it was still raining. Buck winced with every thunderclap, but the lightning seemed to move away. His stomach dropped when Tommy slipped once, but he held on to him, and once, he himself lost a foothold that he had just gained on the slope. He still held on.
It seemed to take hours, but in reality, Chimney told them later, it had been less than two minutes. He approached at the same moment Tommy pulled Buck up. Buck slid across the damp ground and banged his nose into the soil, but he was safe. Or so he thought. 
"Look out," Chimney roared, but another roaring was even louder, announcing danger.
Tommy looked up when the crane lost its grip, and his eyes were wide as he grabbed Buck by the collar and took what he later would call– in the safety of Buck's bed and with some pride – a masterful Muay Thai jump. They rolled over the ground, dangerously close to the edge, and the crane fell very, very close to Tommy's left foot. Earth pelted down on them like rain, a deafening crash sounded, but... They were safe. 
Tommy came to rest on top of Buck, looking at him in amazement, as if he couldn't believe they'd pulled this off. He sucked in a breath and said, "Every day with you is a disaster, Evan."
"That was fate," Buck replied timidly, and Tommy laughed.
"Definitely," he replied, and when he kissed him, the world stopped for a moment, and it was wonderful. 
Thank you so much for this prompt, I had fun :)
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ripleylove · 2 days
Show me.
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requested by @judgementdaysunshine saying: Can I have Jey Uso x Fem reader with the prompts "Remember, you're not alone" + "You're my home" with fluff and soft smut?
pairing: jey uso x fem reader.
genre: fluff,smut
warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. nipple play,fingering,oral (reader receiving),orgasm and I think that's all!
summary: after Jey announced your relationship to the wwe universe,people started to give you mean comments,and Jey's here to show you that you're his one and only love.
A/N: first time writing smut,kinda a challenge! but I did it for one of my dearest moots so it's okay!
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
Sometimes you felt low,sure,but not as low as you were feeling today.
As Jey's girlfriend,you knew you had to be prepared when you knew that Jey wanted to tell the world you were in a 7 months relationship.
And you were,but,apparently, not enough.
As Jey announced it on Raw,you couldn't help but be scared.
You were scared of what people would think,and you were scares about the hate you or Jey were gonna receive.
The crowd had mixed reactions,some gasping and some shouting,while Jey happily talked about the strong and faithful love you shared for each other.
While he was rambling about you (with obvious heart eyes), you felt your phone lit up with notifications from twitter and instagram.
"Here goes nothing." You took a deep breath,and opened twitter.
Surprisingly, many people were happy and congratulated the both of you,but there always had to be the negative side.
@jimmyusoreturn9099: no way she isn't with him for money.
@_chaey2k: she doesn't deserve him,bffr. just leave the boy alone,you witch. 😘
@jeyusomainevent: he was happier with his ex!
You tried to not make your tears fall while scrolling on the cruel comments,but it was of no use.
Why did they they have to be so mean?
As your boyfriend's music hit in the small tv in his locker room,where you were,you hurriedly put away your phone,while trying to look presentable (and to make it seem like you didn't just have a mental breakdown.) .
It took a few minutes for Jey to barge in his locker room,since a lot of fellow wrestlers and staff workers congratulated him on the way.
"Hey,baby! Did you see me on tv? Have you heard what I said?" He asked,excitement evident in his voice and in his behaviour.
But,that excitement didn't last long,since he saw your tear stained cheeks and your watery eyes.
"Yeah,I did baby. You were grea-" You were gonna compliment his speech,but you got interrupted by him.
"Hold on,hold on,hold on. What gotchu crying,mhm?" He came closer to the black ottoman you were sitting on,and got on his knees,facing you.
You couldn't even look at him in the eye,and suddenly your nike shoes looked deeply interesting.
His pointer and middle finger raised your chin,forcing you to look at his chocolate brown eyes,capturing your every feeling.
"It's nothing,really." Your voice was quiet,and your tone was unsure,you didn't even believe yourself.
Jey sighed and caressed your soft and red cheeks,causing you to lean in his warm touch.
"C'mon,ma. I know you,and I also know that you ain't crying for nothing." His words combined with his touch mesmerised you,and you gave into his wishes.
"It's just that I've read some comments about me on twitter and they were a bit too mean,but don't worry. I should've prepared myself." You admitted,and he kissed your cheek,stopping tears that you didn't know formed again.
"Ma,let me see 'em. I'm gonna make them regret it all." He said and you handed him your phone,watching him scroll through all the mean comments from his "fans",and he immediately got irritated.
"Jealous bitches. Those hoes think I'd give them a chance. They can only wish they were me 'cause I got a girl like you by my side." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
You giggled,liking this side of him.
"Watchu laughing at,huh?" He said jokingly,starting to tickle your sides. Your laugh filled the whole room,and you were sure that even out of there people could hear you laughing.
"Oh my god! Please stop! Oh god!" You said between laughs and giggles,and Jey finally stopped,while you were catching your breath.
"But seriously, baby. Don't listen to this jealous fuckers,cause I got you and you got me,hell,you're my home! Remember,you're not alone,and I'm always by your side. I'm like a guardian angel! A strong and hot one,I must say." He said while cockily showing off his muscles,and you slapped him on the chest.
"Oh,so you are my guardian angel now?" You smirked jokingly.
"Oh hell yeah,ma. Want me to show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me?" He asked while peppering your neck with kisses.
"Do it then,show me."
smut below!
Without wasting anytime,he softly attached his lips to yours,tongues heavenly dancing together.
His hands roamed on your paradise-like body,touching every inch of your body.
The trail of kisses arrived to your soft breasts,and your breath hitched.
As he took your nipples in his mouth,he already felt delighted.
He was sucking on your left nipple,and stimulating the other with his right hand,and viceversa.
As his kisses continued their way down your body,you felt a familiar hot ache in your core,begging to be touched.
"Please,Jey." You said with a sigh caused from the immense pleasure he was making you feel,and you gripped his fluffy mullet,pulling him down to your pussy.
"Please what,mama? What are you begging for?" He asked teasingly, stopping his kisses on your belly,completely looking at you while waiting for a response.
"Please,touch me,Jey. Please!" You said whining,and he didn't waste a second to go down,eyeing your throbbing core.
He removed your panties that were on the way,and he admired your sweet nectar.
"All wet for me." He said groaning,slipping his digits in your silky folds that embraced his finger gladly.
You moaned when he inserted two of his fingers in your hole,while his tongue was working wonders on your clit.
As his pace started to speed up,you started to feel the knot in your stomach grow,and,soon enough you came on his fingers.
He slowly slipped out his digits,and you whined at the feeling of emptiness,while he licked the wetness off his fingers.
Your chest was going up and down quickly, and he caressed your now sweaty forehead to make you calm down.
"Such a good girl for me,aren't you?" He asked,and you mindlessly nodded,starting to doze off thanks to the intense orgasm he gave you.
"I love you..." You softly whispered,and she smiled fondly at the sight.
"I love you more." He whispered in response,planting a kiss on the crown of your head,sealing a secret promise to protect you.
Maybe he really was a guardian angel.
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp @thegalacticnacho091
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unicornpopcorn14 · 2 days
1, 8, or 32 for skk (from the hug prompts) 🥹👉🏻👈🏻
bestie you can’t do this to me i will request all of them
Hug prompts
Decided to go for 1- "Are you cold? You look like you're freezing."
Additionally, for @dazaibirthdayweek2024 Day 3: Good Intentions + Masks
Words: 3.3k. Hope you like it, Essie!! :D
Rings a Bell
You’d think being stuck with your former partner/enemy in a confined space is the worst thing that can happen to a person…
But no, it can get worse, when said confined space happens to be a fucking freezer room.
Yeah, Chuuya has no idea what led them to this. Well, he does, but thinking about it too hard might cause his fifth aneurism today, and, less importantly, dissipate his already fickle energy.
A snicker resounds from beside him, “Chuuya’s growling like a dog again!”
“Shut the fuck up before I hang you from that meat hook myself…” He tries to give his usual bite, but it falls short as his stomach lurches again, feeling awful in all sorts of places.
Great news: he can’t see shit. Mostly blurry shapes and wavering colors, but never past that. It doesn’t help that he has the fattest migraine of the century, accompanied by an urge to vomit he honestly doesn’t know how he managed to fight against this long. Arahabaki, the damn scoundrel, decides to stay standstill and let him handle this one on his own. Fucking fantastic.
He had been told what poison he’s been injected with, but he can’t for the life of him remember the name right now.
And who’s to blame for all of this? You guessed it.
“Chuuya!!” Dazai claps with a higher-than-normal-pitch, which successfully sends stronger-than-usual-ringing to his ears, “How did you know the new method I was planning to try out?! And you’re offering to help me?! My, you should get poisoned more often!”
“You’re lucky I currently am, piece of shit…” God, he wanted to sound harsher than that– perhaps come up with a more creative thing to retort with, but that all gets swept away by low groans and helpless eye rolls…
Chuuya doesn’t know why he even bothers with looking out for that bastard when all he does is become a pain in the ass afterwards. Every time he tells himself he would wholly ignore his former partner the next joint mission, something like this happens which throws all of his vows to the curb:
Dazai was probably distracted, probably not, but Chuuya grabbed him aside anyways, rendering him without an ability for just a second.
And right then a needle buried in his neck.
They got their asses handed to them immediately afterwards, because of course, and the fuckers decided to add onto their frozen meat collection today of all days– thus, their predicament.
Which consists of opposite organization members seated in a freezer room against an icy wall, the mafia member certainly looking more limp and uncoordinated than the other. Chuuya doesn’t know how Dazai’s seated, but he’s 90% sure he isn’t staying still for the life of him, so guessing that would be impossible.
“Think Koyou-san will send a search party after you?” The question comes out as slyly as you’d think a Dazai-question would come out.
“This fast? No… She knows I can handle myself…” Dazai should already know this, as nothing has changed much in the last four years. Chuuya groans out, breathing coming in difficult, “I’d have to be gone for an entire week before she gets worried.”
“Hm, same with the Agency. But not that long. Just a day at most…” He hears shifting from beside him once again, overly wary of his surroundings since his sight is on hold, “So we’re stuck here until the poison symptoms wear off. Alone. Together. Great.” Dazai concludes like it wasn’t fucking obvious.
“At least you have the blessing of seeing in front of you.” Chuuya closes his eyes to stop his spinning vision, as perhaps that can help keep the migraine at bay, “Do you realize… how nerve-racking it is to stay this close to you while blind?! You might try anything…!”
“That’s right!” Dazai chirps, his enthusiasm successfully making Chuuya’s nerves prickle, “Chuuya better use his ultra-deduction-instincts if he wishes to stand a chance!”
He grimaces while thumping his head back, wanting to re-demand the other to shut up for how splitting his voice rings in his skull, but Dazai would probably take that as an opportunity to scream, so he resorts to: “God, I hate you…”
From (unfortunate) experience, and seeing how high on the awful-feeling scale this falls, Arahabaki will stay asleep for twenty more minutes -adding to the fifteen he already suffered through-, until he finally feels the need to fucking do something and starts kicking his freaky immune system to life.
His breath comes out as condensed clouds, each intake of breath colder than the last. The shitty smell of raw meat doesn’t help with the nausea, and he has half a mind to sleep all of this off, but leaving the suicidal freak alone with metal hooks all around is probably a wildly stupid idea. He’s still weighing his options-
“I’m booooored!!” Dazai suddenly whines, high pitched and grating. Chuuya jolts, opening his eyes in order to send the other a scowl out of habit.
Only various shades of brown meet his vision, swimming before him. The migraine remerges tenfold,  “Wh-”
“Chuuya, entertain me!” Dazai leans onto him, shoulder to shoulder, so roughly that the clench of his stomach tightens. Chuuya barely has the energy to push the bastard back, said bastard surely aware of that, “Be my jester! Now, now!”
“How the fuck am I supposed to do that? Hey-”
Just as Dazai straightens on his own, Chuuya feels his fedora getting snatched, followed by low chuckles and murmurs of “Disgusting hat, I’mma burn you when we’re out of here…”
If Chuuya were to sound crazy, he’d have told you that Dazai is purposely being extra obnoxious right now– ridiculously so, but four years of separation might have granted him the blessing of forgetting how annoying Dazai could truly get, thus doesn’t humor that thought…
“You have two seconds before I start calling for grantors of dark disgrace and level this whole room over your head.” He warns, and doubts this is a good idea at all (Forcing Arahabaki awake is never a good idea). But he’s seriously getting tipped over the edge and the drug rushing in his veins isn’t helping in the slightest, “Give it, now.”
Dazai stays silent for a few seconds. A few seconds too long. Catching a glimpse of his face threatens to empty out the contents in his stomach, so Chuuya just decides to close his eyes again and relish this brief moment of piece, brushing the flicker of confusion aside.
Then the grating is back, “Fiiiine…”
It’s weird how Dazai takes his already outstretched hand and places the fedora on top of it, even lingering the hold on his gloved fingers for a second before letting go. Weird, but not concerning.
“Smart choice.”  He plants his belonging back on his head, sighing lowly. The option of sleeping sounds like a dream right now– would save him the trouble of handling the two constant problems in his life at once. But nothing ever feels as good as it sounds in Chuuya’s case– sometimes his comfort comes with a heavy price, even.
Suffering through this it is, then.
“Ne, you really still can’t see?” Dazai leans onto him again– not as roughly, but certainly making Chuuya lose his balance all the same, “What about the headache? Is it getting any better? Is it? I’m bored- can you see yet? Can y-”
“No I fucking can’t, that’s why we’re still here!” Chuuya exclaims, successfully shoving him off, unable to handle Dazai’s toddler whining a second longer, “You think I wouldn’t have kicked the door down the second I regained my ability?!”
“Eh, you’re right. The air smells so bad when a dog is sharing it with me.” Dazai taunts, and must be leaning back onto the wall now, legs overly outstretched before him (probably rocking his heels back and forth) because God forbid he ever sit normally, “Too bad the door is too sturdy to budge with my kicks.”
“Cuz you’re a wuss.”
“Cuz it’s sturdy.” The other stresses, then it’s silent for a few minutes. The moment the headache begins to dissipate into a buzzing sting, rather than pounding ache, Dazai decides he should resume the torture session,
“Chuuya should cut his hair.”
That’s… so random. Even by Dazai standards. “What the he- Are you touching it?!”
Fingers tug on the longer end of his hair, brushing it, “Need scissors.”
Chuuya wishes he could recoil back in disgust, he really does, “Keep your grubby fingers to yourself, piece of shit! You know how much product I use?!” He tries to smack the hand away, never lands on it, “They’re worth your damn hands.”
Dazai blows a raspberry, and the fingers meekly abort, “My bad for trying to make a slug look a hundred times better.”
“This is neither the time nor place for it, freak.”
“Oh, so you agree to cutting it later? Consent granted!”
Chuuya springs up from the wall, “THAT’T NOT WHAT I-” At the violent lurch he receives in his abdomen, he gags mid-sentence, but thankfully doesn’t fully throw up. Or unthankfully. He isn’t sure what’s better for him at the moment. He tries to breathe through the acid in his throat, “Fuck…”
He hears shifting from beside him, peeking to deduce Dazai hugging his knees now– rocking back and forth? He closes his eyes again, wishing time wasn’t a slow bitch at the moment. One arm presses to his abdomen, right where it’s angry and upset, the other stays numb on the floor beside him. Several clouds form in front of his lips, with him somehow sweating midst the freezing room, the water cooling on his burning skin terrifyingly fast. Perhaps a minute more and they’d turn solid.
“Can your trusty dusty chaos God wake up any faster?” Oh, right. Dazai isn’t dead yet, so peace for him isn’t an option, “Does turning him off and on again works?”
Chuuya rigids once something that feels like ice pokes his cheek,
“Fucking hell, when did you find an ice cube?” He uncoordinatedly smacks the thing away, which turns out to be a hand. Huh. “You already know the answer to that, bastard. Why are you even trying?”
“Worth it…” He giggles, something breathy about it, off. Chuuya pauses, sharpening his hearing instantly, because anything off regarding Dazai is always a bad sign, and his sense about this never lies. Call it a sixth sense, if you will. “Besides, pestering Chuuya when he’s weak is fun! You think I won’t take my chances? You really don’t know me at all!”
At that his concentrated frown dissipates, immediately replaced by one of assessment.
“Wait a second…” He keeps his head hanged and eyes closed, but his tone rumbles all the same, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Whatever you mean, sluggy poo?”
Chuuya doesn’t fall for the bait, sharpening his hearing even more, “I thought you were being annoying just for the sake of it, but now you’re outright telling me you’re being annoying?” He lifts his head to look at the direction of the other, sending a glare with closed eyes, “You’re trying to hide something. Out with it.”
“Pfff, paranoid much, aren’t we?”
And just like that, Chuuya catches it.
The shivers in the other’s breathing, that automatically translate to shudders in his speech, are so subdued, desperately trying to stay hidden from him, trying to get concealed behind loud pitches and provoking fronts.
It’s a testament to how far gone his mind is in order for that to escape him.
“You’re-” Without asking for verbal confirmation that he wouldn’t get, Chuuya hurriedly takes off his gloves, “Gimme that- where is it?” He blindly wanders till he finds a bandaged wrist and grasps it. The stiffen of the other gets ignored as his hands travel to the only bare parts in Dazai’s body– his fingers and face. The fingers are frigid to the point where he can’t hold them for more than a few seconds, while the moment he clumsily smacks the face in order to cup it with both hands, it’s like all his body heat rushes to it– the skin cold, hungry and craving any kind of warmth, “What the hell- you’re fucking freezing!”
“Wow, what an astute observation, Chuuya.” He hears the roll of the other’s eyes, as Dazai’s quivering fingers hold onto both of Chuuya’s wrists, trying to push them away from his face but not putting that much effort into it, “It’s not like we’re literally in a freezer room.”
“No- this isn’t normal.” Chuuya declares, squeezing the cheeks in. How come cold skin can burn so much? “We’ve only been here for like…”
“Twenty minutes?”
“Exactly. Doesn’t it take about… way longer for hypothermia to kick in?”
“That’s you! You’re the abnormal one!” Dazai exclaims, sounding more genuine than he has been since they’ve been thrown in here. Scratch that– since he’d known him, “You think all people come with a built-in heater? I thought you realized that that’s not the case during your mission in Siberia. And you call me a fish.”
Chuuya pauses promptly. Oh, right. Sometimes he forgets that he isn’t the only one who occasionally wakes up to screams coming from within, or feels unprecedented urge to unleash chaos in stressful situations, or even runs way warmer than others. These are constants in his life. Constants he has to remind himself that no other person experiences…
And even if Arahabaki is asleep, the remnants of his abnormally high temperature is still very much intact. Chuuya doesn’t feel much past the chills of the poison itself, other than that? Coolness at best at his extremists. He’d need to stay here thirty minutes longer for the real frigidness to kick in…
Though Chuuya is equally aware that while his core temperature is abnormally high, Dazai’s core temperature is, funnily enough, abnormally low. Leave him out in the snow for a few minutes and you’d get a hypothermic mackerel popsicle in no time.
Chuuya grimaces. Stupid, stupid.
How could he forget that? His mind defends him, tells him it must have been the poison, that it must have played a part in brushing that fact aside. Chuuya wants to curse it out. He’s retained many random facts about Dazai by heart– so, so many, some even entirely useless; but when it comes to important stuff he somehow has to be reminded of them the hard way. What is wrong with him?
Well, time to make up for that. Harshly, because the bastard deserves it.
“I’m perfectly normal, thank you very much.” He lies through his teeth, but his voice is almost soft, fingers still intact with the skin cosplaying an ice wall, “You’re the one with a terrible immune system that is eager to kill you at the first given chance.”
Dazai chuckles, breathily once again. Shakily, the accurate word for it. “Dying by hypothermia i-isn’t too bad, actually!”
“Just- fucking drop it, will you? You don’t need to do that shit.” Once again he grits out softer than intended, finally cutting the contact. If he had his eyes working, he’d have seen the way Dazai chases the hands for a second before collecting himself and drawing back, “Come closer before I snatch you by the hair.”
“Chuuya wouldn’t have the energy to, anyway…” Dazai finally sounds as slurred and exhausted as he should, and Chuuya’s thankful he can even move– numbness probably there but hasn’t fully settled in.
“You remember our code?”
“Code white? O-Of course I do. Have many fond memories with it.” He hears the rustle of fabric, which means that Dazai is taking off his coat. Chuuya does the same, if a little slower.
Chuuya exhales, “Thank fuck, I wasn’t looking forward to sharing body heat with you properly.”
There is a pause, then, “…Severe, then.” He sees the smirk in the Dazai’s face without the need to see at all.
“That so? I’ll bash your head against that metal wall, then.” He knocks behind him twice, just as he senses Dazai drawing near, “Seems like it would do the trick nicely.”  
“No thanks, I-I change my mind. I’d like the mild-stage treatment.”
“Just as I thought.”
Chuuya suddenly feels a weight on his lap, and acts. He takes both of their coats and wraps them with it as make-shift blankets, just as Dazai gets comfortably seated, ear over Chuuya’s heart, knees tucked close. The redhead presses his lips on the hair beneath him before he can help it, feeling the frost that has settled there. One arm supports the taller’s shoulder and back, while the other wraps around Dazai’s midsection, keeping him caged in.
Now without the need to hide anything, Dazai’s shivers turn to trembles, rocking him to his core and rocking Chuuya along with it. The brunette wraps the coats tighter around himself, pulse audibly rapid and panicking, trying to compensate the body for the heat it lost apace.
Chuuya’s migraine begins dissipating a little, and he dares open his eyes, to find the variety of colors taking the form of actual shapes, now. He relaxes, just as he feels Dazai do the same– their positioning, strange as it may come for them, somehow feeling utterly natural…
“Gosh, I almost forgot your stupid tendency to never speak up in situations like this.” The mafioso chastises midst the curls, “What? Were you trying to make up for the fact that I got drugged cuz of you?” Chuuya is sure there might be a number of other reasons, like the fact that Dazai could have simply been waiting to die like that– to pass out from the cold and never feel it when Chuuya tries to wake him up again.
But Dazai’s silence grants him an abundance of answers, one of them that confirms his verbal question, and he tskes in displeasure.
“Goody-two-shoes act that makes me sick...” He rasps, his upset stomach comforted with the added pressure to it.
Dazai huffs, finding the energy to nuzzle his cheek to Chuuya’s chest exactly like a freaking cat, “My personal heater…”
At how weirdly endearing that sounds, Chuuya bristles, “I’m not your fucking-”
“Along with being my dog? Too many jobs for your brain to handle, Chibi…!” Dazai’s slurred speech sounds funny, but the words themselves cause the shorter to growl, “You’ll overwork yourself!”
“Your neck is in a perfect position to get snapped. Watch your words.”
“Hm…” Dazai takes the threat in stride, one of his hands that was lost under the blanket coming up to hold onto Chuuya’s shoulder, “The air still smells bad, by the way.”
“Then I’ll keep you trapped in it for longer.” Chuuya counters, sharing his former partner’s frigidness without mind or care. He meekly feels the forehead concealed under brown bangs, to find it minutely warmer than before. Good, great.
“How much longer are we staying here again…?” Dazai asks.
Chuuya blinks, cozy, “Not much. I can see better now.”
“Mm, then all your strength will be back in ten minutes at most…”
“Of course you still memorize the exact cooldown duration of my ability.” Chuuya would have rolled his eyes if it weren’t for his splitting headache, “Why am I not surprised?”
Dazai keeps quiet, head hanging as he mumbles, “Chuuya’s the one with a bad memory…”
The redhead pauses, unable to deny the present truth before him, “Maybe…” He mumbles back, then huffs, “But at least you’re a thorn in my side that annoyingly reminds me of the kind of stuff I eagerly want forgotten…”
“If it’ll make Chuuya miserable,” Dazai tilts his head up. Chuuya sees the smile so clear, bright and giddy. Blurry at the edges but real. “I’ll always be a thorn in his side that will always keep annoyingly reminding him…”
Something leaps in his heart at the connotation embedded in these words, of his former partner vowing to never leave again, to forever be a part of the mafioso’s life despite what life has done them, despite the circumstances. And Chuuya himself vows to never forget how such a simple word almost sent him in a haze of emotions so deep and human. The word always.
His hold tightens, and he hides his face before mumbling, “Of course it will make me miserable, bastard…”
Hc for context: I’m a ‘Chuuya has amnesia as a trauma response’ believer. Like yeah he remembers some details regarding missions but otherwise blocks out anything his mind deems too stressful to deal with. “Your mission in Siberia” Actually had most of his subordinates die because they stayed for the cold too long. :’) Obviously, some missions with Dazai are in that chunk as well, along with the entirety of Stormbringer cuz I said so jnrgjrn.
HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! This wasn’t my best work so forgive me, Essie! I’ll try my best to edit and tweak some things in here when I have the energy. <33
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veren-cos · 2 days
HELLOOOOOO this is my first time requesting so I’m kinda nervous lol , but could you please do a fic where seb does period comfort? Like a whole fic and not headcannons pleaseee!
Sebastian (Sdv) x reader period comfort
Ngl I took the prompt and ran with it. I love writing period fics. I think there should be more.
"Ughhhhhhhh" You rolled over on your bed. Cramps were cramping like crazy. Just a heavy steady ache all over your lower back and hips. This was the worst.
You didn't feel like getting up. Getting up meant being productive. Getting up meant watering crops, and feeding animals, and everything a responsible farmer had to do. But getting up meant seeing Sebastian, which is the only thing that was motivating you.
But despite that. You still laid in bed. No matter how much you wanted to see your boyfriend, you were just in too much pain to do anything. And if you could see your boyfriend, you could take care of the farm. Which meant no seeing your boyfriend today.
*knock knock knock*
Unless your boyfriend came to see you? You groaned in the direction of the door, "come in, it's always open."
You heard light footsteps coming in your direction. "Babe?" You hissed as Sebastian turned on the lights. "You're not up yet?"
"Mmmmmm no.." You had forgot that the two of you were supposed to hang out today. He was coming over with pizza from the bar, and you were going to play Solarian Chronicles.
He set down the game and pizza and sat by you on the bed. "Is everything okay?" He pushed your hair out of your face as you adjusted under the blankets.
"Everything hurts. Cramps are kicking my ass." He nodded. Sebastian was pretty chill about all this stuff. And since you were planning on staying home anyways, it wouldn't make much of a difference.
He got up and shuffled around your closet. After a while, Sebastian came back with a heating pad for you. He plugged it in and tossed it to you. Then he grabbed the table nearby and brought it next to your bed. You honestly had no idea what he was doing.
Once he was finished with what seemed to be rearranging your whole room, he left again. This time, he returned with the game, a bottle of ibuprofen, and some water.
"You still able to play if you can stay in bed?" He sat next to you again, starting to set up your quest. He had brought everything you could need to your room, such a sweetie.
"Of course!" You attempted to sit up but it just made everything hurt worse.
He shot you a concerned look, "need help?" He reached behind you to hold you up. After a bit of shuffling you were upright.
"Mmmnn life hurts."
He laughed a bit, "I'd bet." He handed you the water and meds, "take these. And I know you have sprinklers, but I'm going to go finish watering your crops. And let out the animals, they just eat the grass then, right?"
You blushed a bit, how did you land a guy this nice? "Yeah, thank you. You really don't have to, I can do it before I sleep."
"No you can't. You hadn't even gotten out of the bed. And from the looks of you, you weren't planning on it. You just sit there a bit while I finish things up for you. If you're feeling helpful, finish setting up the game?" He softly smiled at you.
The rest of your day went really well. The two of you defeated a wizard and saved a town! You got all the loot, and successfully completed your quest. Sebastian put the pizza into your microwave, and the two of you ate in bed.
You barely got up, but in all fairness, you didn't really want to. Sebastian certainly wasn't overbearing, but he was shockingly attentive. He had brought the TV into your room, so he put on a shitty movie. Honestly his company was what made you feel better more than anything else.
His presence always made you calmer. Once the two of you got into the swing of your relationship, he was shockingly chill. After all of his initial nerves were taken care of anyways. Sometimes he was still a tad cautious though. He barely touched you all day!
You decided that that needed to be rectified right now. Of course, you appreciated that he respected your space. In general, but especially on your period. But more often than not you just wanted cuddles and you'd be damned if you didn't get them!
The two of you were sitting next to each other, so it wasn't necessarily difficult. The movie was crap anyways, so you just rolled to your side into his chest. He immediately went warm.
"Too cold?" He looked down at you. He had a small smile on his face.
"No," you adjusted yourself further into his lap. "Just wanted attention."
"Oh yeah?" He laid down instead of sitting so you could get comfortable. "I can do that." He wrapped you in his arms and gave you a kiss. He intertwined your legs, and planted a peck on your cheek. You giggled as you landed one on his nose.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and gave him a final kiss. He landed a few more pecks before laying his chin on the top of your head as you made some final adjustments. Sebastian truly made even the roughest starting day wonderful. You sighed, gave him a final hug, and listened to the horrible movie as sleep fell over the two of you.
An* hello!!! thank you for the request!! And don't be nervousss, more than likely, if an author takes requests, they absolutely love them! I know I do!! I hope you like it, I know it got kinda off topic and turned into a general fluff fic near the end, but it's still cute imo! I might edit some parts eventually because I'm so tired and this wasn't proofread- but yeah, hope you enjoyed!
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neyswxrld · 3 days
the (not so) perfect day
Crosshair POV, no pairing
summary: Crosshair is having a perfect day at the beach, until Wrecker decides to interfere and share his plan of a water gun fight.
words: ~1450
warnings: sibling shenanigans, fear and feeling of drowning (just a very short passage, nothing happens)
a/n: hello again! i decided to join in on the fun of @summer-of-bad-batch! even though i'm late, here's the first prompt of the first week: water gun fight! this is not my best work since i had a somewhat long break of writing, and i also think i didn't get crosshair quite right, but i hope i can write some more stuff. this was very fun and i absolutely love and adore this event!
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Crosshair couldn't believe it.
At one moment, he was sitting under the sun at the beach, enjoying the warmth and the pleasant breeze coming from the ocean, savoring the sweet, refreshing taste of the fruity juice Wrecker made for him.
The sound of the ocean bringing everything to peace. The waves hitting the beach, murmuring quiet assurances, the birds singing their songs of freedom and joy. Far away, he could hear his brothers and Omega playing around in the water, laughing, screaming. 
They are happy, and so is he.
He sighs quietly and shakes his head slightly. Sappy. They made him sappy and soft.
Him enjoying the bird sounds. The laughter of his siblings bringing him peace instead of annoyance. Old Crosshair would shake his head in disappointment about how much he's changed. But- did he?
He thinks back a few years, to their time on Kamino. He knew everything was okay when his brothers were laughing, happy. At least as okay as it could be. As they could be.
No one was hurt. They weren't thinking about what could possibly happen to them when they took a misstep. The regs didn't bother them. They were fine, they showed it through their ability to laugh freely, and Crosshair knew, nothing bad will ever happen as long as they'll stay together.
He keeps reminiscing, thinking about different occasions where they felt secure, safe, like nobody and nothing could hurt him, when suddenly a too cool splash of water hits him at the side of his head.
A little shocked, he turns around, just to directly look down the barrel of a gun. A- A light blue plastic gun. That apparently shoots water?
"Wrecker, what are you doing?" he asks confused, as he looks up at his older brother, who holds the water gun with his stupid, wide grin, still pointed at Crosshair.
"Look what Omega found! Thought I could pick you up from your grumpy mood today. It's a water pistol. You wanna try it?" Wrecker asks excited and pulls the trigger another time, hitting Crosshair in the face with a second splash.
"Wrecker! Stop it!" Crosshair starts to curse and swats his brother's hand away. "I am not grumpy!" he scowls, irritated about how his brother could take his mood in such a wrong way.
Today was a good day, and Wrecker should know as much. He even told him he liked the juice.
"Hah, yeah, I know. You still wanna try?" Wrecker asks again, and keeps irritating Crosshair even more. Why should he try? What was Wreckers goal?
Wrecker is confusing on most of the days. Even though he is easy to entertain and, admittedly, to be with, he still is able to irritate Crosshair like no other. Hell, he could push his buttons like no one else could, making him sour and angry like nothing else.
And hell did the older one know that.
"Please?" Wrecker asks again.
Crosshair looks over at him skeptically, not saying a word.
Wrecker shifts uncomfortably from one foot to another, pleading with his puppy dog eyes.
"We could have a water gun fight! Hunter says no. But- I thought- Since you like shooting so much..." Wrecker drifts from one side to another, scratching his neck.
Like Crosshair thought earlier, today is a good day. The weather is good. The juice is good. His mood is good. And, since quite a few days, he had problems with saying no to Wrecker.
The juice is very good.
Nonetheless, he likes Wrecker to make Wrecker squirm, which is why he keeps looking at him motionless for a few more seconds, enjoying the sight of his restless, impatient brother.
"Fine," he sighs and holds open his hand for Wrecker to give him the water gun.
"Yeah!" Wrecker yells, and starts to rustle around in his pocket.
Surprisingly, Wrecker doesn't give him the blue gun, but pulls out an orange one from said pockets, already full of water, and hands it over.
"Try it!" he animates him, and, with another sigh from his lips, Crosshair takes the new gun, aims at Wreckers chest and pulls the trigger, hitting spot on.
"Isn't that fun?" Wrecker says rhetorically and shoots back, hitting Crosshair's chest in the same way.
"Imagine what we could do with them!" he laughs, almost maniacally, nodding in Hunter's direction.
Their eldest brother is still sitting at the shore line, next to Omega, and helps her build one of her sandcastles. He didn't know what exactly her deal was with the sandy buildings, but she was oddly obsessed with making one every time they're having a beach day.
Crosshair raises an eyebrow, looks over at Hunter and how he's trying to place some seashells on the castle's walls according to Omega's instructions, biting his tongue in concentration.
Yes, the only thing that could make this day perfect, was pulling some stupid, harmless pranks on Hunter.
Wrecker has him right where he wants him, and both of them know it.
"He'll kill you," Crosshair rolls his eyes over-dramatically, but stands up.
"You mean, he'll kill us," Wrecker corrects, with a huge smile on his face, before dropping an arm around his brother.
"We should take him in a crossfire. He won't know what's happening, and then we just have to run fast enough," Wrecker explains his plan, and sooner rather than later, the boys start to run towards their siblings, aiming at the dark haired one, and shoot like their lives depend on it.
"What- Stop it! Wrecker! Crosshair!" Hunter starts yelling, surprised by the sudden wetness on his body, but soon realizing where it comes from.
He's up and ready to catch the both of them, before they can even think about of running away.
Lucky for Wrecker, Hunter doesn't go after him, but runs for Crosshair, who reacts just a second too slow.
"I said," Hunter yells, sitting down on Crosshairs back and taking the gun out of his hand, "stop it!"
Crosshair is busy with spitting out some bits of the sand that found their way into his mouth when Hunter tackled him onto the ground. Hunter himself is busy with shooting water at the back of his head, and yelling at Wrecker, who is still splashing water at Hunter, laughing.
Crosshair definitely isn't having fun anymore. Not at all. But if it makes Wrecker happy... He could put up with it.
Well, at least he thought he could.
He didn't realize that he and Hunter toppled over to the water when they fell, with the water splashing at his head, he didn't notice the wetness beneath him - until said wetness comes back from above. In the form of a wave.
Suddenly, the cold water is everywhere. On top of him, beneath him, left, and right.
He notices how Hunter is suddenly not on him anymore.
The salty water makes his eyes burn, and he gets pulled into the sea, while he fights to find a way upwards.
It was probably just a meter or two, at most, but with the suddenness of it all, mixed with his unexpected inability to see, he feels like he's completely underwater, in the middle of the sea and about to drown.
Luckily, just at that moment, large hands grab him by his upper arms and pull him above the water line.
Coughing, Crosshair tries to wipe his eyes clean - but it doesn't really do anything.
"Crosshair, Crosshair careful! Look here, I got a towel!" Hunter's voice interrupts him, and a second later his brother puts said thing into his wet hands.
He quickly dries his hands and face, before looking up at Hunter, Wrecker and Omega, who eye him concerned.
"Are you okay?" Omega asks first.
Crosshair frowns at her.
"Got a little too close to the water. Sorry for that," Hunter says, holding out a hand.
Crosshair scowls. Yeah, this wasn't the perfect day at all anymore.
"I hate the both of you," he coughs, glaring at his brothers, but takes Hunter's hand and accepts his help of pulling him up.
It's Wrecker who raises his voice next, happily as ever.
"You should've seen your face!" he laughs and claps Crosshairs back, almost making him face-plant again. "I'm glad you're good, otherwise it wouldn't be that funny!" he keeps chuckling heartily.
Crosshair just shakes his head and heads back to the deck chair he left behind just minutes ago.
'We could have a water gun fight!', he starts to mimic Wrecker in his head.
'Isn't that fun?', he repeats.
'Imagine what we could do with them!'
Nothing. Nothing, at all!
He shakes his head again, takes his juice and starts brooding while sipping out of his glass.
Never again.
He would never, never ever, have a water gun fight again.
Not in a million years.
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@isthereanechoinhere96 @trixie2023 @freesia-writes
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lulublack90 · 6 hours
Prompt 18 - Saltwater
@wolfstarmicrofic June 18, word count 623
Previous part First part
“Today I’m splitting you four up. Black, Pettigrew, you will be on toilet cleaning duty. I expect every cabin to be spotless. I will be inspecting.” McGonagall pushed rubber gloves into Sirius and Peter’s hands as well as a caddy with cleaning supplies. “Potter and Lupin, you will be helping Irma in the library to rescan the books into the new system.” 
“Wait, how come James and Remus get the good job, and I’m stuck cleaning toilets?” Peter protested. 
“I flipped a coin, Mr Pettigrew,” Minerva said simply. “If you are finished before lunchtime you may join the rest of the campers at the lake on the inflatables,” She turned and walked away, leaving them to their chores. Peter was still grumbling under his breath, but Sirius stepped forward and kissed Remus on the lips gently before grabbing Peter and dragging him to the first cabin. 
Remus and James made their way over to the library.
“Getting pretty serious then?” James teased him, poking him in the side with his finger. Remus jumped out of his reach. 
“I don’t know. He’s the first boyfriend I’ve ever had. It's all very new for me,” He confessed to James, chewing on his lip. 
“Boyfriend?!” James choked. Remus felt his stomach drop. “Did he actually tell you that?” 
“Er, erm—No, I just—I don’t—Erm.” Remus started panicking. He’d just assumed that they were going out. He was such an idiot. 
They entered the cool, quiet library and listened to Ms. Pince’s instructions on how to scan and reshelve the books. Remus was quiet while he worked. James kept trying to get him to talk, but he just nodded and walked away to reshelve the book he’d just scanned. He was reshelving a book on Saltwater Crocodiles when James grabbed him and pulled him behind one of the shelves out of the eyeline of Ms Pince. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I tend to open my mouth before my brain catches up with what’s coming out of it.” James apologised. Remus nodded, not sure what to say. “Remus, are we okay?” Remus looked up to meet his eyes.
“Yeah, of course.” He couldn’t say any more because James had gathered him in his arms and was spinning him around. 
“What on earth are you two doing?” Ms Pince came around the corner in near silence.
“Sorry,” James said as he put Remus back on his feet. “We’ll get back to work now.” 
“Make sure you do,” She stared daggers at them before returning to her desk. They somehow got through all the books just as Sirius came bursting into the library smelling like toilet products. He didn’t even have time to fret over what to say because, for the second time in an hour, he was scooped up off his feet and swung around in a circle. 
“Eww, Sirius, put me down. You smell terrible.” He laughed as Sirius put him down and rubbed himself all over him as he tried to escape. 
“OUT!!!” Ms Pince barked at them. 
“Where’s Pete?” James asked once they were out of the library. 
“He’s in the shower, so I thought I’d come see how you two were getting on. Make sure we can all go on the inflatables.” He’d wrapped his arm around Remus as they walked back to their cabin. 
“I think you need a shower as well,” He wrinkled his nose at the smell. 
“Wanna join me?” Remus stopped dead, eyes bugging out of his face. “Remus, calm down, I’m teasing.” He kissed Remus again and tugged him until he started walking. Remus’s brain was going a million miles a minute. James’s words spinning around his head as he walked up the steps. 
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
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Yuma Month: Day 13: What If?
What if Yuma accepted Melami and Pucci’s offers to help him to the infirmary?
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fantasykiri5 · 1 month
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Day 6 of @hermitadaymay and it’s the one and only Sans Undertale!!
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crescentfool · 1 year
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happy birthday felix! 🎂🎉🎊
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unorcadox · 9 months
made a 7 part edit series tonight that'll probs just trickle out over the next few weeks, won't be labelled as a series, but consider this proof if you notice the pattern
edit: omgg for the first time in several months, i actually have a slight surplus in total edits. i've been scraping by for literally all of the summer, but maybe i can finally get a decent backlog again :D
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Besties, it's clipboard season again, and not to brag but I'm really fucking good at colors
#clipboard season: when i tey desperately to paint a clipboard for all of the leadership and my staff at the camp i work at#this year it amounts to about fifteen clipboards#i choose a different cool thing that reminds me of the person or what i think they would like and then paint it on the back of a clipboard!!#today i started the first because i got the overwhelming vision while i was at work and i needed to paint it#this guy is the nature director. loves fishing and is very good at it. knows a shit ton about fish and fishing#so im painting his clipboard in the style of those educational posters with a bunch of different fish on it#yknow the yellowy beige ones with like fish or plants drawn on them#yeah. im doing that with common fish found in our lake!!#which prompted this post because. that yellowy beige was a fun color to mix up. and not to brag but i got it just about perfect#now comes the drawing. im better at painting than drawing#colors and stuff make more sense than lines and stuff. but im getting better!#im learning more and more every day. and i guess today (and for rhe next ten days) ill be learning to draw fish#(I'm giving myself ten days per clipboard)#(last year when i started i only had like three days per clipboard to finish them before camp)#(spoiler: i finished exactly one)#really hoping this year ill do better. mostly because i love painting and this is a fun way to remember to do ir#as well as challenge nyself and get better#i hope youre all having a great 2024
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neverendingford · 5 months
#tag talk#had a new therapist appointment today. she seems nice and I think we'll probably get along.#I complained about growing up queer and christian and she complained about her bible thumping sister so I complained about my little brother#who is the same flavor of dogmatic religious and as long as it doesn't ever turn into her genuinely complaining about stuff to me we're good#I'm always bad at open ended questions like “tell me about yourself” but I can go off for an hour with a prompt like “do you have any kids?”#I woke up my laptop an hour ahead because it's so fuckin old it needs the time to wake up but my pc doesn't have a webcam so laptop it is.#I got a headset that connects with a bluetooth dongle because my pc network card doesn't have onboard bluetooth and it's nice#cause I don't have to worry about audio cords and I can walk around the house while still connected to call.#so many people I vc with have issues with headphones and mics unplugging all the time and I'm like hah I'm better than you.#anyway. we'll see how it goes. she was nice and wasn't sarcastic or passive aggressive so better than the first person I saw here.#and she actually responds to my comments and asks questions instead of just silently listening so better than my last actual therapist.#fourth time's the charm maybe. we'll see. I'm also in a place where I can get even more done myself with just a little external motivation#so even if she's not remarkably insightful I'm in a better place mentally so with a bit of external impetus I can get even more done now.#I picked weekly instead of biweekly because I will forget stuff so fucking fast if I pick biweekly and I can schedule it further away later#if I decide that's what I want/need/can handle. but yeah. new stuff#I still to call their dental department about a checkup cause it's been since 2019 since I got an actual checkup.#I brush and floss and mouthwash because I'm paranoid of having an issue without immediate dental care so I'm prolly fine#but it would be nice to be sure about it instead of just presuming and guessing.#once again thanks for socialized healthcare even if it is pretty garbage in the US it's absolutely better than nothing.#if/when I want gender surgery shit it'll probably be a whole-ass issue but for the entry-level shit it's very manageable.#anyway. I almost forgot about my scheduled appointment because when my brain is nervous about stuff it chooses to forget about it#which has cause problems in the past and certainly will again in the future but I remembered early enough that I didn't try and shower#cause deadass one time I had to hop out of the shower to take a scheduled Dr call cause I forgot about it#if my music hadn't paused I wouldn't have noticed.#no big deal just me talking about important medical treatment stuff buck ass nude full thang swangin#anyway. hopefully good things in the future perhaps.#I have to go shower for real now. byeeeeee
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silhouettecrow · 6 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 354
Adjective: Mammoth
Noun: Library
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Mammoth: huge; pertaining or relating to a mammoth (a large extinct elephant of the Pleistocene epoch, typically hairy with a sloping back and long curved tusks)
Library: a building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for people to read, borrow, or refer to; a collection of books and periodicals held in a library; a room in a private house where books are kept; a series of books, recordings, etc., issued by the same company and similar in appearance; a collection of films, recorded music, genetic material, etc., organized systematically and kept for research or borrowing; (computing) a collection of programs and software packages made generally available, often loaded and stored on disk for immediate use
#im only a smidge late this time#but im late nonetheless#mainly because my girlfriend and i got home not too long ago from doing laundry#and before that we went to my doctors appointment#which went less than ideal cos the doctor i saw was pretty dismissive and condescending about the issues we focussed on#she specifically said 'youre 23 you shouldnt be dealing with these things'#like yeah why the fuck do you think im here? cos what my joints/bones are doing is not normal#she also thinks a specific back problem ive been dealing with for at least 3 years is my trap muscle#(because 'i dont do anything' something she gathered solely because i mainly work at a desk)#(despite the fact i semi-regularly exercise specifically my arms and back and my chiropractor thinks my back muscles are fine)#like that back problem is that an area sometimes hurts and i have to pop it for it to stop hurting which clearly seems like a joint issue#do muscles pop? cos if they do thats major news to me#and she seemed to think my wrist problem (i have to basically keep snapping my wrist back into place to stop it hurting) is occupational#im pretty sure theres something deeper than me writing/drawing/playing video games too much if i have to keep relocating my wrist every hour#sorry about the rant ive just been pretty pissed about how this doctor treated me#(not to mention she kept talking over me when i was answering her questions and she ignored crucial info i provided to give context)#at least my girlfriend and i had breakfast together this morning and played some magic today#(my horrors deck lowkey beats ass)#anyhoo this is another prompt i chose for my girlfriend (they love 'mammoth's)#but i also kinda chose it for me (i love the idea of a huge 'library')#so im of course very exited about this prompt and im thinking of incorporating both definitions of 'mammoth' into my poem#again im very excited#thanks for reading#writing#writer#creative writing#writing prompt#writeblr#trying to be a writeblr at least
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My phone doesn't lock for some reason sometimes, and today when we popped into the grocery store, I saw something that I thought would be fun to post on tumblr with no context and took my phone out to take a picture. Pulling my phone out I discovered that I was a part of a five person video call in my friends' group chat. I immediately noped out of the conversation, which prompted protests from my friends, telling me to get my ass back into the call, they saw a glimpse of a grocery store floor and want to hear how I'm doing and see what I'm up to. What am I buying.
I explained them that I hadn't meant to join the call, my phone had unlocked itself in my pocket. They were like "yeah we know", and clarified that I hadn't accidentally joined their group call, I had accidentally called them. And four of them had just joined in on the call. This gang of feral goblins that I call my friends noticed I had called them by accident and agreed to just eavesdrop me from my pocket for shits and giggles.
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ace-malarky · 11 months
Because I am so very smart and know I'm in a no-computer kick of writing I have. managed to not pick a thing to write just now when I am very actively looking for a thing to write
Should I have put my big ol' notepad in my bag as well? maybe
Should I probably be focusing on work while I'm, you know, at work and organising events? maybe
but have you considered; wanna make words work
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omgeto · 10 months
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summary: your best friends, geto and gojo, rail you in a hotel bed. that's it. that's the fic.
cw: afab!reader, finger fucking, unprotected sex, double penetration so mdni !!
an: I wrote this whilst drinking a big fat cup of tea, and eating a packet of stale biscuits. so no angsty romance today, just two besties appreciating you in their own special way. it is 5:40 am so I did not proof read this so ignore mistakes pls <;33
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gojo and geto were mischievous on their own accords – but when together it was worse. so when you were sandwiched between them in your hotel room, since of course there was only one bed, you weren’t even surprised.
“this is not fair,” gojo mumbles, his lips curling into a mock pout as he exhales a huff of air. 
“oh don’t be a baby,” geto scolds, with a chuckle . gojo and geto bickered over who got to sleep where and after a lengthy game of rock paper scissors – it was gojo who had to face the wall. “you’ll get your turn soon.” you could feel geto’s breath on your neck as he was placed firmly behind you, his hands stuffed in your pants as his fingers caress your wet slit. 
“don’t be mean sugu,” you chastise, your hand trailing up gojo's back to his shoulder to turn him over, facing you, “there’s enough of me to go around.” gojo is needy, pressing a feverish kiss to your lips, wanting to taste all of you.
gojo didn’t think his plan would work, when he proposed it to geto he was swift in his agreement — the only thing left was you. their pretty little best friend. who they've both wanted a piece of, for years.
now that he’s got you, he couldn’t contain himself – if he wasn’t careful he knew he’d be cumming in his boxers too soon. he latches onto your neck sucking and biting his hands grabbing onto your tits, tweaking and pinching at your nipples.
“you’re hogging her,” gojo complains, as his fingers slip down to your cunt. geto adds another finger spreading your lips wider as gojo’s forces his fingers into you. they were both rubbing your pussy. your wetness making it easier for gojo to piston in and out of you and for geto to stroke and flick against your clit with his thumb.
“g-guys fuck, you’re both too much,” you whimper,  your hips thrusting towards gojo, slotting onto his fingers further. geto’s slides his tongue from your collar bone to your jaw before his hand grips onto it, his lips remain at your ears as he whispers, “you gonna cum for us baby?”
“yeah c’mon make a mess for us,” gojo adds, continuing his pattern of rubs and pushes in your pussy, its almost as if he’s committed the rhythm to memory. he was effortless in working with geto, both aiding each other to help you reach your climax. geto pinches your clint, hard, and you spray both of their hands with your cum – squirting all over them.
gojo’s eyes widen at the sight, “shit, i didn’t know you could do that” he exclaims, taking his fingers out of you, examining them as they glisten with your juices, “suguru, did she know that she could do that?”
geto ignores him, rolling his eyes at his friends over excitement, “wanna be wowed even further, taste her, i bet she’s sweet.” before gojo could comply you take his fingers in your mouth, practically choking on them as you suck off all your juices. 
“you taste good don’t you?” geto muses, pressing a kiss to your neck, you nod dumbly as you lock eyes with gojo still nibbling on his fingers. 
“hey suguru, can we try something with her,” gojo proposes, and geto nods, prompting him to continue, “i wanna stuff her. i want both of us to stuff her. 
“we can make that happen, can't we?” geto smirks, rubbing on your ass giving it a light smack, “come sit on my dick, i’ll take of you.”
“what about me?” gojo whines, groaning as you're pulled away from him and on top of geto. 
“you’ll get yours in due time, satoru,” geto scolds, taking out his dick giving it some light pumps before rubbing it across your slit. you force yourself down on him, your hands clawing at his chest as you push it down. you were already gushing at the feeling of geto inside of you, filling you whole. so the idea of having them both in you had you excited, grinding down onto geto’s dick as hard as he was thrusting into you.
“are you seeing this?” geto asks gojo, gesturing to the way your head was thrown back and your lips were clenched in your teeth, “the way our pretty friend here is all strung out on my dick?”
gojo’s eyes were focused on the way you bounced repeatedly on his best friends dick, furiously pumping his as the sight. the way your grabbed your tits and played with your nipples, moaning to the beat of geto’s thrusts, he knew he needed to be inside of you. 
he gets out of the bed, coming to kneel behind you, peppering kisses along your spine. “i think theres room for me, isn’t there?” he jests, slightly pushing you forward, eyeing the way geto’s dick slides in and out of you. 
you take a shark inhale at the feeling of gojo entering you, “you’re good,” geto reassures, “you can take us.” and you moan as you get used to the feeling of the both of them, their dicks rubbing together as they drive into you, instantly finding a rhythm. 
“you feel so fuckin’ good, w-way too good,” gojo moans, holds you from behind, his chest presses against your back, his hands cupping your boobs as his head rests on your shoulders. 
“‘m close,” geto mutters, smirking at the sight of you, the feeling of you. “you gonna let us cum inside of you? really keep you filled up.” you moan out in agreement, your head felt so foggy with the feeling of them both charging into you. geto gives gojo a knowing smile, and as if on cue, they both load into you showering you with their cum. you finish at the same as them with a high pitched moan, releasing onto them, feeling stuffed with all their cum, and yours, resting inside of you.
“now that,” gojo pulls out of you, pressing an appreciative kiss on the corner of your lips before collapsing on the bed with a blissful smile, “was fucking magical.”
“yeah i guess it was good,” geto chuckles, still inside of you, kissing you on your forehead, his hand slinging over your ass, as you slump on top of him, “how are you feeling?”
“you two are exhausting,” you joke with a smile, “but i can see why i kept you around as my friends.” although this was something that you yourself didn’t plan, you weren’t gonna deny that being freshly fucked and laid up with your two best friends wasn’t all that bad.
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AN: I think you can see my heavy bias for geto come thru in this fic but oh well DIVIDERS BY @/CAFEKITSUNE I wrote this more for time than anyone else tbf BUT TELL ME WHAT U THINK since I am iffy on my smut skills
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