#yeah I’m posting this before I go to bed what abt it
enbeemerang · 1 year
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Some more work doodles
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
love language
Tara Carpenter x F!Reader
masterlist | over (1) | safety net (3)
Summary: Tara Carpenter loves to play games with you. (inspired by love language by SZA)
Warnings: sexual themes implied, mature language. toxic!tara, jealous!tara.
Note: this was originally going to be a two-parter, but I wanted to keep writing about this dynamic. So I made it into three parts! Sorry for the long wait, I've been deathly ill the last few days, so it's been hard to do anything but sleep :/ but the last part will be posted tomorrow! (idk how i feel abt this but i tried my best lol)
Word Count: 3.7k+
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Tara: ‘Last night was fun ;) but had to run!’
At least she had the decency to leave you a text as she left you to wake up in your bed, alone.
Sighing, you sit up; cracks and pops reverberate through the empty room as you stretch your stiff muscles. You run a tired hand on your face and glance at the spot beside you where Tara was just hours ago. 
You should have known she would leave.
You weren’t sure if she even bothered to stay after you had passed from exhaustion after the fourth round. Tara rarely stayed over, her sister’s overprotectiveness made the occasion scarce. Coupled with the fact that the smaller girl thought it crossed boundaries to stay the night. So, the only time she had ever slept was when you fucked her senselessly she physically couldn’t make it home. 
“Morning!” A loud voice interrupts the quietness in your dorm. “I bought the three of us some coffee. By the way, I didn’t appreciate coming home to you and Tara naked. You do you, but at least send a text – or hang a sock on the door… where’d Tara go?”
“Left…” You flush embarrassed, grabbing the shirt on your headboard to slip on, and stepping off your bed. Shivers run through your bare feet as you step on the cold floor. 
“Yeah… Oh.” You replied bitterly, moving to gather some clothes to start your day; even if it started off on the wrong foot already. 
“...How does that make you feel?” She says after a few moments of silence.
“You’re not gonna therapize me right now, Minds.” You laugh, trying to avoid her probing tone. “It’s too early and I’m nearly naked.”
“You’re really gonna stand there and tell me it doesn’t bother you how she’s acting?” She crosses her arms, fed up with you and her childhood friend’s immature antics. 
“Why would it bother me?” You say as evenly as you can. “We’re just hooking up.”
She scoffs, “Yeah right, Chad told me what happened at the coffee shop last night.”
You roll your eyes, “Of course, he did.”
“Point is… she’s playing games with you and you say that you’re fine with it because you're just hooking up but I can tell it bothers you, Y/N."
You stand rigid, unmoving and slightly uncomfortable. Talking about your feelings has never been your strong suit, maybe that’s why you fell so easily into this routine with Tara. It was all physical and lust-driven; no words have to be uttered when you two are tangled in each other’s sheets. But maybe, somewhere along the way lines began to blur the longer you got to know the Carpenter. The more your lives began to intertwine the harder it became to separate feelings during sex.
It grows increasingly difficult to ignore that thought, when she acts affectionately toward you around your friends. During movie nights, she’d scare off anyone else who dared to sit beside you; sharing a blanket and linking your fingers underneath. And in the classes you had together, she always made sure to save a seat for you beside her, leaning into you as close as she can.
“I promise… I’m fine. Tara can do whatever she wants.” You maintain eye contact with your roommate; trying to remain unbothered.
“I can’t deal with you two.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m just saying… you two have danced around each other long enough, maybe it's time you really talk to each other. Before someone gets hurt.”
You stay silent thinking over her words.
“Look... I really didn’t want to like you when I first moved here – getting stabbed makes people paranoid, you know.” She chuckles dryly. “But I guess the odds are finally in my favour 'cause I got a roommate I actually like… so figure your shit out because I’d like to keep hanging out together as a group please.”
You chuckle, breaking out of your trance. You send her a lopsided smile, appreciating her words. “I like being your roommate too, Minds.” 
“Gross, this is too much for me now… go take a shower, you reek of sex.” She purposefully avoids your eyes, turning to grab her now lukewarm coffee. 
You roll your eyes, laughing at Mindy's antics but grab some clothes anyway to start your day.
“So I just handed in my last assignment, which means it’s officially spring break for me… and everyone’s gonna be out tonight. Wanna come over?” Tara slides into your booth out of nowhere.
You flinch, slightly startled; dropping the pen you were using with a clang. You were currently in the common room on campus attempting to get some studying in before your final exam. “What?”
She rolls her eyes but smiles fondly at you. “I said, everyone’s out for the night. Come over… I miss you.” 
Your cheeks flush as your heart darts wildly in your chest at her words. “We were just together last night…”
“Yeah, but I had to leave so soon cause Sam was coming home early.” She pouted, moving closer to you to swing her leg over yours. 
You clear your throat, glancing down. “I still have to study for my exam tomorrow.” 
“Come over after you study then…” She places a hand on your inner thigh, swiping her thumb on the fabric of your pants.
“Tara…” You were trying your hardest to gather some sort of self-control but it was becoming increasingly difficult when she started leaving light kisses on your shoulder. “Tara there are other people around.”
You were lucky you had chosen a booth that was tucked in the corner of the room, facing away from possible wandering eyes. Even still, this was definitely not the time nor the place, no matter how much you wanted to give in. 
“Don’t care…” Her kisses on your clothed shoulder move upward toward your neck. You grab at her waist, trying to push her back. “Tara, seriously.”
She simply wraps her free arm around your shoulder, moving closer to you. “I’ll only stop if you promise to come over…” 
You feel her bite down on the bruise you tried to cover up with your hoodie; you wince. “Ow… okay, okay. I’ll come over, now stop before someone reports us for public indecency.”
She rolls her eyes, but smirks smugly, unwrapping herself from you. You’d be a liar if you said you didn’t immediately feel cold from the lack of contact. “You’re no fun… but I’ll see you tonight.”
The Carpenter doesn’t say anything else. Just slides out of the booth, gathers her things and walks away from you.
You drop your head against the headrest of the booth, heaving out a heavy sigh. You feel like the most pathetic person in the world for giving in so easily, especially since Mindy’s words kept ringing in your ears all morning.
Later that night, you found yourself standing in front of the Carpenter’s apartment, contemplating if it wasn’t too late to turn around and run away. This is a bad idea and you knew it. You should have padlocked yourself in your dorm and not left until the weekend was over. But Mindy had convinced you this was the best chance for you to finally talk to Tara.
So here you were rooted dumbly in front of her door. Unable to bring yourself to knock.
The door opening makes the decision for you. “I heard you stomping down the hall, were you not gonna to knock?”
She has a smirk planted across her lips as she leans against the doorframe. 
“Uh… I was just about to...”
You see her brow raise in amusement but doesn’t question your awkwardness; electing to pull you into her apartment with a tug on your wrist. “Come on… I have a movie on and popcorn waiting for us.”
You allow her to lead you through the apartment and then to the couch, pushing you to sit down. Upon sitting, you take a moment to scan the living room; taking note of the one light coming from the kitchen, casting darkness to the rest of the room. She has candles lit up on the coffee table across from you, with bowls of an assortment of snacks. 
This suddenly felt more… intimate. You felt a pang of guilt for thinking she had only invited you over as a booty call.
“Um… what is this?” You ask dumbly.
“What’s it look like? Movie night.” She chuckles before plopping down beside you and draping a blanket over your legs. You feel her move closer, pressing your thighs together. 
The two of you haven’t had a movie night since before you had fallen into this friends-with-benefits situation. They were actually the reason how you and Tara became closer in the early stages of your friendship. 
Two months ago, she had invited you over for a movie night under the guise of simply being bored, but when she had opened the door you saw the slight redness in her irises and the tear-stained marks on her cheeks. You said nothing and just allowed her to pull you inside. In your attempts to cheer her up, you may have made a trip to the liquor store around the corner and drank away your sorrows with the Carpenter. That was the first night you and Tara had ever slept together.
“Oh… I just thought–never mind. Movie night sounds nice.” You smile, appreciating her efforts. Maybe that talk can wait another time. You didn’t want to ruin the night when she was clearly trying.
“Good.” She returns your grin, settling in to lean against you as she entangles your legs. “No talking this is my favourite part.”
“The movie just started.”
Thirty minutes must have passed when you felt a hand run up and down your thigh. Your eyes snap away from the TV, looking down atop Tara’s head as she leans on your chest. You couldn’t see her face from this angle but you can tell she was enjoying how you tensed in her touch.
You ignore the movements, turning back to face the screen. But Tara doesn’t seem satisfied as she tilts her head up. The feeling of her soft lips brushing against your neck makes you stiffen even more in her hold. And like earlier, she begins to leave a litter of light pecks on your still-bruised neck. 
She hums, scooting up to reach your jaw. Her fingers tickle your sides as she slips her fingers under your shirt to grab your waist, shuffling to sit on your lap. Tara kisses that spot just under your ear that always makes you cave – marking you. She has you now and she knew it. 
A part of you wants to bang your head against the wall because of course this movie night would eventually lead to sex. It always leads to sex with Tara. It was like a vicious cycle you couldn’t get off of. But the way she touches you feels so heavenly that you couldn’t even think clearly enough to stop her.
“Take this off…” She mutters, bunching up your shirt in a fist as she pushes it up. You pull back to obey her request, hastily yanking the fabric off your head and connecting your mouths in a harsh kiss. You slip your hand under her shirt, tracing your fingers dangerously close to the waistband of her shorts. She whines under the cold touch. 
“No teasing…” She whispers before grabbing at your cheeks to pull you impossibly closer; the feeling of her tongue brushing against yours feels sinful.
You wrap an arm around her waist, ready to flip her on her back and take her on this couch when suddenly a frantic knock startles you both. 
“What the fuck?” Tara mutters, pulling away from you but keeping a firm grip on your shoulders. She was panting heavily, lips already beginning to bruise. 
“I thought you said everyone was out for the night?” You heave, also trying to catch your breath. 
“They were…” She mutters, sliding off your lap to toss you your shirt. You slip it over your head swiftly, following the smaller girl as she walks to the door. 
She takes a look through the peephole and the scowl on her face was an indication that she was less than pleased. Then she moves to unlock the numerous amounts of locks on her door, yanking it open.
The twins, Anika and Ethan stood on the other side of the door.
“What are you guys doing here?” Tara says unamused, crossing her arms over her chest. You move to stand behind her, connecting eyes with your roommate. 
“Mindy said it’s movie night, so we came over,” Chad answers from behind his twin, holding up a plastic bag with a large smile on his face. “Don’t worry, we brought snacks!”
You send your roommate a glare, grateful Tara had her back to you. Slightly irritated because Mindy had been the one insisting you go see Tara.
Tara sighs, dropping her crossed arms. She glances at you for a brief moment, before opening the door wider to let the others in. 
“I’m gonna make some more popcorn…” The Carpenter mutters, leaving the room. 
You immediately corner Mindy. “What the hell, man? You told me to talk to her, what are you doing here?”
She raises an unimpressed brow, pointing at your neck. “Did she leave that hickey on your neck when you guys were talking too?”
You slap a hand on the spot she’s pointing at, attempting to hide it. “Shut up… I was going to talk to her later.”
“No, you weren’t.” She whispers, glancing around to make sure no one was listening. “You two were going to have sex and ignore the talking part… like you always do.”
You cross your arms, scowling, “So you gathered the entire village to cockblock me instead?” 
“Yes.” She responds unapologetically. You stare at your roommate for a few seconds. Eventually, you groan lowly, knowing she’s right. You were about to give in to Tara and until you two have talked about what this is, that probably wasn’t the best idea. 
Ultimately, that chance to talk with Tara never came as the friend group all settled back in the living room to watch a plethora of movies for the rest of the evening. And when Sam came home, everyone knew to call it a night.
Maybe you dodged a bullet by not confronting Tara tonight. Not quite sure what you even wanted to say to her, yet.
Hey Tara, remember when we agreed to just be friends with benefits? Yeah well I caught feelings... actually I may be in love with you. And it hurts when you run off with other people. Ha. Sorry.
She would run away from you. Tara was like a deer, you needed to be cautious upon approach. But even then, it was getting increasingly difficult to just remain friends with her.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Tara leans against the doorframe; watching as you slip on your jacket to leave. 
“I have my exam in the morning, but maybe after.” You stand unmoving for a few moments, wanting nothing more than to leave a kiss on her cheek but her sister was standing right there, watching the two of you with an observant gaze. So instead, you squeeze her shoulder, send her a tight-lipped smile and catch up with the rest of the group down the hall. 
You missed Tara’s disappointed frown. 
“What’s wrong with you?” Anika asks over the loud music.
Since it was officially spring break for everyone; students who decided to stay on campus have been throwing parties non-stop. And currently, that's where Tara found herself; huddled on a couch on a Thursday night beside Anika and Mindy, sipping on a red-solo cup as she watches people drunkenly dance around the room. 
“What? There’s wrong with me.” She glances at her friend, confused. 
“You’ve been staring holes at the front door for the last ten minutes.” Mindy counters, peering over her girlfriend to look at her childhood friend. 
“You can just say you’re waiting for Y/N.” Anika teases, bumping her shoulder. "We all know."
Tara rolls her eyes, “I’m not waiting for anyone.”
The Carpenter hears a scoff, “You didn’t even wanna go to this party until you heard she might be coming.” 
You’ve been…distant with her lately. 
Giving half-excuses as to why you can’t hang out, cancelling last minute on group activities or taking hours to respond through texts.
She hasn’t seen you since your friends crashed movie night and that was already a few days ago. You never did meet up with her the next day, and since then you’ve made yourself scarce; not hanging out with the friend group, always seemingly busy. 
She had confronted Chad on your whereabouts, she figured he would know where you have been spending your time, given your… close friendship with the boy. But Chad had merely said you were helping your uncle with his shop uptown during the break, hence why you haven’t been around.
Tara was hoping she can get a chance to be alone with you tonight and ask why you have been so closed off with her when she caught wind that Chad might be dragging you to the party.
“Shut up.” She mutters, sipping on the cheap alcohol. “She’s been acting weird lately, I just want answers.” 
The two girls nodded, unconvinced. For the amount of times, you two say you’re just ‘hooking up’ Tara sure played the part of the concerned girlfriend perfectly. 
Eventually, Tara’s wandering eyes snap to the door, catching a glimpse of the top of your head as push past the crowd with Chad and Ethan trailing behind you. You seem tense, looking like you’d rather be anywhere else than here. 
Before she can even think about it, she’s standing, about to stomp over to you but a hand on her wrist stops her.
“What?” She glances over at Mindy.
“At least, let Y/N grab a drink before you ambush her.” She reasons, glancing over at you from across the room.
Tara turns to find you, Chad and Ethan greeting a group of people, smiling and laughing. The group eventually trickles over to the kitchen, no doubt grabbing some drinks.
“Fine…” She mutters, sitting back down in her spot as you disappear from her sight.
Tara waits for you to come out of the kitchen for the next ten minutes; patience thinning by the second. This was ridiculous, you were literally another room away. Why is she waiting for you to come back? 
As the smaller girl's eyes remain unmoving from the kitchen door, she eventually sees you walking out with an unfamiliar girl beside you. You were smiling, clearly entertained by the conversation. Tara feels an uncomfortable pang in her chest at your undivided attention towards the girl. 
The Carpenter can’t help her moving legs as she stands, abandoning her cup on a random table; stalking toward you with an unrelenting gaze. Before you can even step into the living room, Tara is dragging you upstairs by the wrist; leaving the girl you were conversing with confused.
“What the hell— Tara!” You stumble behind her, desperately trying not to trip on the steps as she tugs you along with an unabated grip. 
She pushes you through a random door, slamming it shut behind her. Tara crosses her arms just glaring at you.
“What’d you do that for?” You huff, feeling slightly irritated. 
She raises a brow at your tone, “Wanna tell me why you’ve been distant with me lately?”
You stand straighter, “I’m not… I’ve just been busy.” 
Tara chuckles dryly, “Busy enough to ignore my texts?"
You didn't answer and the scoff Tara lets out tells you it was the wrong choice to make.
"You didn't seem busy enough when you were entertaining that girl downstairs.” Tara couldn't stop the words from leaving her mouth, fed up with the silence.
She sees a flash of irritation in your eyes as you cross your arms, defensive. “Are you serious? Why do you even care? You’re not my girlfriend.”
Tara’s brows raise in surprise. For a brief moment, you regretted your words as she looked slightly hurt before her face drops impassively. “I didn’t know it was a crime to be worried about your friends.” 
You scoff, “Yeah friends…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” She stares at you, not believing that for a minute. 
“What is going on with you?” Tara steps forward, but you take a step back. This time, the Carpenter can’t hide the frown on her lips. 
“I think we should stop this…us.” You gesture between you two. 
“What?” Tara's forehead creases in confusion, unsure if she heard you correctly. 
“I can’t do it anymore.” You mutter, eyes trained to your shoes; unable to look her in the eyes. 
“Why?” She takes a step forward, reaching for your arm but you yank back.
“Cause I caught feelings!” You shout making Tara flinch; the repressed feelings you've been hopelessly trying to bury come hurling out; unable to keep them at bay. You knew this situation would only end in heartbreak the longer it continued. So you made the decision to break your heart first before she got the chance to. “I can’t do the games anymore… I-I'm tired, Tara. I think we should stop.”
“I–I…” Tara stutters, taken aback by your confession. "Y/N... we agreed we're just hooking up."
You laugh solemnly, roughly rubbing your eyes. Was it possible to feel your own heartbreak? That's really all she had to say? "Yeah... well too late for that."
“You don’t have to say anything else. You made your feelings clear. But I caught feelings, okay? I know it wasn’t part of the plan, but it just happened. So I’m sorry, but I just need some space at the moment.”
Without waiting for a response, you brush past the smaller girl, slamming the door behind you. 
Tara stands rooted in her spot, unable to move as you leave her to process what you just said. 
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junicult · 1 year
Could you write about what it’s like when the bachelors and the farmer decide to try for a baby? Either the conversation they have about it or when they actually TRY 😉. Or both… No pressure tho! I love your work!
!! trying for a baby with the bachelors.
contains ; fem!farmer. nsfw! fluffff <33. talk of children / pregnancy. mostly talk, not much smut. some smut in harvey’s, sam’s, & alex’s. farmer wears a dress. breeding kink. not proofread! i’ll add more tags later & i apologize this is a bit rushed :,
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- alright so i basically talked all abt this on my last post,
- but i’ll happily elaborate further.
- first of all, this man dreams of being a father.
- he’s always wanted to be one, and may i just say he’d be the best father?? hello???
- if u don’t agree ur lying.
- so i wanna say the topic of children was first brought up when you were only dating.
- “would you ever want to have kids one day?” you ask, and it wasn’t so blunt that he was blindsided, but he was still a little taken aback by the question.
- standing next to you in his kitchen, mixing breakfast on the stove while you sat on the counter.
- he only looks at you for a sec, because ever the overthinker he is, he’s afraid he’ll say the wrong thing.
- “yes, i do. one day.” he feels the need to specify, before looking back down at the pan to avoid eye contact.
- he doesn’t see your smile, or the way you softly chuckle at his action.
- “me too. one day.”
- and now he feels beyond excited. so excited that he starts to grin without even realizing it.
- i feel like that’s as far as the conversation went for now, you changing the topic to breakfast and starting to get plates together while he displayed it all.
- but ofc the thought would always stay in the back of his mind.
- bc now, when you’re married and it’s actually clear that you would want him to be the father of your child, it’s easier to have the conversation without feeling worried abt rejection. for him, at least.
- i feel like it happens one night after work, and you’re both a little exhausted and just want to be together.
- ur all clean and full after showering and eating together, just spending time w one another before u finally finish up ur tiring day in bed.
- “do you want to try for a baby?” you ask.
- my fav part abt all of this is that u always ask at the most unexpected times.
- but he’s not as shocked this time around, cus he was literally thinking the same thing.
- “do you want to?” lmfao.
- “i do. i think we’re ready.”
- say no more, cus he’s absolutely ready.
- i mean, he’s literally been ready for the last like 15 years of his life so…yeah.
- i mentioned this my last post, but i’m gonna say it again. to really get the message across.
- ur married to a doctor. ur abt to try for a baby with a DOCTOR.
- ur not just gonna fuck until you make a baby. unfortunately 😞
- he’s gonna help you figure out ur ovulation schedule. and if you aren’t for a while, obviously you’re not just gonna stop having sex, but you’re not going to be actively trying as hard until you’re ovulating.
- and when u finally aarreee 😊😊😊
- tehehehe.
- imagine he comes home from spending like the entire day in the clinic, and he’s so tired and all he wants to do is be with you.
- like he’s literally spent the last three or so hours thinking about burying his face in the crook of your neck and just holding you.
- so picture his excitement when you finished up your work super quick, made dinner, and you tell him ur ovulating liikkeeeee.
- suddenly he’s forgotten all about his annoying day.
- his arms wrap around your waist, lifting you ever so slightly to meet his height while your lips are already molded together.
- try to tell me he wouldn’t lift u bridal style to take u to the bedroom. just try.
- hands softly running up and down your body underneath your layers of clothes, kisses trailing down to your neck and collar while he piece by piece helps you out of them.
- “love these lips, these cheeks, these ears,” he whispers all the while emphasizing each feature with a kiss.
- he’s so handsy, and he won’t let you hear the end of his praise.
- prep prep prep prep prepppppps you.
- he’s so grateful to be able to have you like this, ofc he’s going to make the most of it.
- plus, statistically, a female orgasm increases the chances of pregnancy.
- it wouldn’t hurt to up the chances by giving you a few, now would it?
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- for sam, being a father wasn’t really something he spent so much time dwelling on.
- like, it’d just be a passing thought in his mind before he fell asleep,
- occasionally wondering what it’d be like to have a wife and kids, but not something he’d want to act on for at least a few years.
- he never found himself thinking about that kind of stuff, until he met you.
- and sure, you were both young, but the more he spent time with you, the longer he fell in love with you, the thought would continue to pop up way more often.
- he started to really think about it after seeing you interact with vincent.
- how his little brother would come running into your arms the minute you knocked on the door, excitedly latching onto you as his way of saying hello.
- “hey kiddo, how’s it been?” as if you didn’t see him literally yesterday.
- but that doesn’t matter, bc the way you ruffle his hair, entertaining his all-over-the-place conversation without even a hint of annoyance—makes sam feel all sputtery inside.
- it’s like vincent would be your main priority until he finished up telling you whatever it was he wanted you to know, and then you’d turn and greet your boyfriend with a small kiss on the cheek.
- like sam was secondary to the rest of his family, bc not to mention, you were also a sweetheart to jodi.
- vincent absolutely adored you. he’d always bother sam about you, asking when you’d come over or if he could tag along on your dates.
- i feel like his breaking point (if u will) was when he came home from work one day to see all three of you in his kitchen.
- his mom was teaching you how to make some special dish, and you had vincent propped on your back so he could watch.
- “sorry! i forgot you were working today but jodi just told me to wait here, and we kinda lost track of time.” you justify, face pinching in worry at his silence.
- that’s the exact moment it all clicked for him.
- he stayed dreadfully quiet while jodi finished up teaching you, and each moment you were growing increasingly worried.
- it wasn’t until you finally had alone time, and you immediately started gushing apologies when you stepped into his room.
- “i’m so sorry, sam, i didn’t mean to make it awkward for you, but your mom wanted to show me something and i was excited to learn and i dunno, i just forgot about—“
- “i wanna get married to you.”
- gn.
- you just blink back in awe, unsure of how to respond bc WHAT a bomb to drop rn.
- “…you do?”
- “so bad. i love you so much, i really want to be your husband.”
- so of course you ask him, “where is this coming from? i thought you were mad at me?”
- he just cups his hands on your cheeks, shaking his head. “are you kidding? how could i ever be mad at you spending time with my family?”
- and when he realizes you didn’t say anything, he goes all quiet and he’s like, “…do you wanna marry me?”
- duh.
- and so the topic of kids doesn’t follow long after, when you both mutually agree you want them, but at least not for a while.
- neither of u act on it until like a year after u get married.
- “vincent was asking about you. says he misses you and wants us to come over for dinner soon.” sam says, recapping his day while you wash your body beside him.
- btw, i like to think he waits until whenever u need to shower to shower with u.
- why? idk.
- anyways,
- “i’ll go visit him tomorrow. i miss the little guy,” you giggle.
- for him, he misses the way he’d see you interact with his little brother. how sweet, and kind you were. how you’d always include him in things, and despite him being a child, you didn’t really treat him as one.
- sure, you knew better then to say certain things around him, but when it came to all of you being in the same room together, you made sure he wasn’t forgotten about.
- he knows you’d be a great mother.
- “i wish we had a baby.” he blurts, a little frown on his face as he rinses the soap out of his hair.
- it’s not like it’s a foreign topic, but it’s still a little unexpected.
- “yeah! they’d have your hair and my eyes. with your cheeks, and cute nose.”
- he’s so cute i’m sobbing.
- you can’t help but grin at him as he goes on about how many kids he wants, and what they’d be named, and how they’d look.
- “yeah, i know vincent has jas but how cool would it be if he had another little buddy in town?”
- “i didn’t think you wanted kids yet?”
- “well, that was a year ago. we just haven’t really talked about it since.” he shrugs, and you can’t help but kiss his cute, rosy cheek.
- so from now on, ur gonna try for a baby🫡
- it’s definitely not as thought out as harvey.
- yeah, u guys are just gonna fuck until it works LMAO.
- but dare i say, you’ve never enjoyed sex like this.
- you’re all hot and sweaty, naked, hair clinging to your neck and staggered breaths all over his lips.
- “nggh, fuck, sam—feels s’good…” moaning into his mouth while he does the same, hips meeting yours at a eye-rolling pace.
- he’s already came twice, hardly enough energy to even bring himself to a third but yet somehow, here he is, fucking into you like he knows no better.
- and he won’t stop sputtering just pure filth in your ear,
- “mmgh—y’so pretty, so perfect. you’d make the prettiest babies.” “what are you doing to me? nnfuck, feels so, so good…”
- your fingers are feathered through his hair, arms wrapped around his neck to keep him close.
- you’re already so sensitive and overstimulated by the time he cums. you both are.
- so while he catches his breath, he’s holding you close and staying buried to the hilt inside of u.
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- :,).
- i feel like it’s his little secret that he’s always wanted to be a father.
- but he never thought it’d happen for him.
- and after he met you, first of all he was shocked you liked him back.
- and as time progressed, and you’ve helped with his alcohol addiction, he’s really found that he fell in love with you.
- spending all this time together, despite you being so busy.
- you always make a way to fit him into your schedule, whether it be he comes over and helps you with some of your chores, or you meet him at the saloon.
- but as time progressed, and you were both were absolutely infatuated with each other, he couldn’t stop thinking about marrying you.
- but more importantly…having kids with you.
- i think, generally, he wants to be a good father, which is why he’s always kinda wanted kids.
- he wants to try to be there for his child, and wants to laugh with them, help them when they need it, watch them grow up and stuff.
- he wants to be able to nurture someone in a way he wasn’t really able to do for himself.
- but also, he’s a little possessive🤷‍♀️
- it’s sick, and gross, but the idea of you walking around with a pretty, swollen belly and everyone gets to know he did that. well.
- and he just knows you’d be the most amazing mom. with how you care for your animals, and you’re such a hard-worker…he’s gonna lose his mind.
- so yeah, despite him thinking about it constantly, you’re still the first to bring it up.
- “…can we talk about something?”
- instantly, he’s nervous. he feels like ur gonna break up with him or something.
- “a-about what?”
- you’re in the middle of washing dishes, so you use that as an excuse to avoid eye contact.
- since you’ve been dating for many months now, long past the point of exchanging “i love you”‘s and even closer to the inevitable possibility of marriage.
- but to make it this far and find out he doesn’t want children like you do, well that would be the most painful way to end things.
- “what are your thoughts on…like…kids?”
- he blinks.
- “kids?”
- “yeah, kids. like…children.”
- he’s quietly scratching the back of his head, trying not to let confusion paint across his face but yet here he is, eyebrows furrowed and head tilted.
- “i—i dunno. they’re pretty…cool? i guess? i like them…”
- he’s just staring at you, trying to read your expression in any way to figure out what the hell u are bringing this up for.
- he’s even more confused when you just nod instead of giving him an answer.
- “is that all you wanted to talk about?”
- it takes u another like 5 minutes to finally swallow your fear, and flicker your gaze to him.
- “no, i just…well i wanted to know if you’d ever be interested in, like, having kids….of your own—in the future! not now, or, whatever.”
- he thinks ur so cute.
- the way you’re purposely angling your chin down to hide your face, and despite the fact that you’ve already cleaned the same plate like seven times, you still continue to scrub it.
- he has half a mind to laugh a little, but he knows that’s only make you feel more nervous. so he just smiles quietly to himself, looking at you.
- “hmm, having kids?” he sighs, leaning against the counter, crossing his arms like he’s in deep thought to agonize you teasingly.
- “well, considering i have jas in my life, yeah. kids aren’t so bad.”
- the puppy-dog look you give him finally has him chuckling.
- “you’d want kids?”
- “yeah, someday. but you know, having kids is kind of a two person job.“
- now it’s your turn to giggle, fixing your gaze back towards a new dish you grab to clean.
- “oh, is it?”
- “mhm. they’re hiring, too. but not just anyone can apply.”
- “what’re the requirements?”
- he gently wraps his arms around your waist, pressing against your back and lowering to rest his chin on your shoulder.
- “hmm, we’ll they’re looking for someone who’s perfect.” he presses a kiss to your cheek. “have i told you you’re perfect?”
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- much like sam, he didn’t really spend time thinking about fatherhood.
- it wasn’t something he dwelled on hardly, if not ever.
- he had other things to focus on, and unfortunately he didn’t really think that’d ever be a part of his future.
- and it didn’t change right when he met you.
- he really liked you for a long time before anything even progressed (nerves, i guess?)
- but eventually, you were steadily a very good couple.
- spending lots of time together, going on dates (more like ponder sessions by the rivers and beach but whatever) and just overall the early stages of falling in love.
- he’d come visit at the farm and wouldn’t leave for days. even when he told himself he needed to, it’d take him so long to actually leave.
- he spent so much time thinking about you too, that of course his mind began to wander.
- what would marriage be like, first of all.
- it didn’t take long before he decided he liked that thought. coming home to you every day, waking up with you by his side.
- his city dreams weren’t so important to him anymore. not if it meant leaving you behind.
- now, as for children,
- he didn’t spend much time thinking about it for a while. it was mostly just a passing thought in his mind.
- kinda like sam, you two definitely discussed it before getting married but it was a short, “if we decide we want to someday,” and that was about it.
- i feel like sebastian is a little possessive, too.
- he loves the fact that he’s married to you now. that he’s legally tied to you and he has a reason for wanting you all to himself some days.
- the longer you two were married, however, he had to get used to his mom’s constant remarks.
- “you know, i did build a nursery in her house, sebby. just something to think about.” robin grins in passing convo.
- which he can’t help but cringe at what his mom is implying, but he guesses she has a point.
- so as he got older, he started to think about having kids a lot more.
- because, yes, being married to him does kinda scream off limits.
- but wouldn’t having a child be even a much better indicator?
- how there’s actual living proof that sebastian is yours and you are his.
- yeah, he’s gonna be thinking about it a lot.
- “honey, are you okay? you’ve been really quiet today.” you wonder softly, wrapping your arms around his back where he laid with his face pressed against your chest.
- you know that sometimes he just likes to be alone, and it has nothing to do with you, it’s just his own personal preference.
- but he’s not usually like this. clingy, latched onto you tight while he’s lost in his thoughts.
- “hm? oh, yeah i’m fine baby. don’t worry.”
- you frown at his vagueness. “you can tell me anything. need me to step out? i don’t mind, sebby.”
- he loves u sm.
- “no! no, it’s nothing like that,” he even accentuates by squeezing you a little tighter, “i’ve just…been thinking.”
- “about…?”
- you feel him shrug, but he moves his face to bury into the crook of your neck, so you can’t see him.
- “i dunno, just like…us. i guess.”
- 😑
- “…okay…”
- and now ur kind like, sitting up to move away from him, and he’s not having that.
- he frowns, once again tightening his hold on you and burying himself deeper.
- “nothing bad, i promise.” he murmurs into you.
- “then what is it?”
- you never want to pressure him to tell you what’s on his mind, but when he’s like this, you feel like you deserve to know a little.
- he only answers with hesitation, taking long enough before you frown and squint your eyes down at him.
- “sebastian, if y—“
- “i wanna have a baby.”
- lol.
- now it gets real quiet.
- you freeze, hand pausing midway through his hair. you can almost feel the significant change in the atmosphere.
- “…what?”
- “i know we haven’t really talked about it lately, i just think it’s something we should talk about.”
- he keeps his face hidden away from yours, despite you attempting to look down at him.-
- but, if he was looking at you, he’d be able to see the smile on your plump cheeks, and how you were suddenly wrapping your legs around his torso.
- “i was thinking the same thing.”
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- okay, so for this one,
- i feel like it’d be 50/50.
- one half of me says he’d never want kids.
- he saw the man his father grew up to be, and he despises him because of it.
- it scarred him enough to mess with his relationships with past women, definitely gave him commitment issues for a long while.
- so he never wanted to be a father. he can’t picture himself as one.
- but the other half of me says the opposite.
- he’s a man, who knows what it’s like to live with an abusive, absent father.
- and despite him still being kind of young, he couldn’t stop thinking about how he’d never treat his child, or even his wife like how his father did.
- almost like he’d want to prove people wrong.
- like, not all men end up like his father. most of them can actually become loving, supportive fathers and husbands.
- that’s the side of him i like to think abt most 😇
- but, i do wanna say though, when he met you, he didn’t really think that deeply about you.
- sure, he really liked you and how sweet you are. you’d always spend time with him, and make him feel better whenever he was down.
- most importantly, however, you weren’t shy to put him in his place if he ever said anything offhanded.
- you taught him a lot, and that’s when he really started to fall for you.
- it didn’t take long to confess his feelings. he likes being bold like that, and rejection doesn’t scare him.
- after you told him you reciprocated, he was instantly excited to call you his girlfriend.
- evelyn and george already loved you, (maybe evelyn a little more openly,) so accepting you into the family was a very easy task.
- he’d talk about you constantly. he’d find any opportunity to steer the conversation to you, and run with it for as long as they’d let him.
- and don’t get me started whenever he’s with you.
- he may act all tough, and above-it all the time, but i can promise you:
- whenever you’re alone, he’s just a big baby.
- smushing his face into your chest, wrapping his arms and legs around you so he could take a nap.
- and he loves when you’d lay like that, brushing your fingers through his hair and telling him about you day so he can just listen to your voice.
- now, that being said: i feel like he’s not scared to talk about wanting children with you.
- it was probably a conversation early on in your relationship, he just steered clear from stating he’d like you to be the mother of his child.
- “yeah, i’d love to have kids one day. babies love me!” kinda thing.
- and the longer you two were dating, and the more serious and committed it became, he was all for letting you know what was really on his mind.
- “you’d be the most perfect mom. our kids would be so smart, and gentle. plus, with our ridiculously good looks—unbeatable.” he grins, pop kissing all over your face as wraps his arms around you.
- behind your fit of giggles, you can’t help but counter, “please, alex, i need get back to work!”
- and he’s reluctantly sending you off to do your job, spending the rest of his hours making himself busy at home until he can repeat it all over again when you finish up at night.
- despite him talking and thinking about it so often, much like the rest of the guys he won’t act on it until you’re actually married.
- probably like a month after you get married he brings it up, but not like he used to.
- “hmm, what do you say about making a baby, pretty?” his fingertips slide through your hair, cupping the side of your face.
- he can’t help but place one calloused hand to your bare stomach, pressing down just slightly to watch the way your eyes pinch and lips part.
- his hips were stilled, cock buried deep inside of you after minutes of teasing you.
- “nngh? whaa—“ you’re hardly coherent, head lulling into his palm the moment he begins his slow drags in and out of you.
-“aww, you’d look so pretty carrying my kids, dontcha think? let’s make it happen baby, please?” “we wanna baby, right? c’mon, we’re ready. now’s perfect.”
- he’s gently nipping at your cheek, kissing down your jaw and neck to hear you whine on top of the way he’s pressing against you.
- “c-can’t, t’much,” you whimper, eyes rolling the minute his hips snap and his pace quickens.
- “yes you can, i know you can.” his voice is breathless and low in your ear, “why don’t you let me cum inside, hm?”
- his sweet gaze has your head spinning, lower lip puckered and wobbling.
- you’re so overstimulated even the slightest movement has your body twitching, throat swelling.
- yet somehow, you’re still bringing yourself to nod slowly while he grins above you.
- “yeah, knew you’d like that.”
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- he’s absolutely ready to be a father.
- it probably didn’t become something he actually dwelled on until he got older, but yeah, he’s absolutely ready.
- when he met you, not to say it was love a first sight but…
- it was love at first sight.
- he quickly became well acquainted with you, and spent much time with you.
- whether you were at his cabin, or he came to visit your farm, it didn’t matter.
- it didn’t take long before you started dating and fell in love.
- he’d find himself thinking about you at his desk instead of writing.
- or lying awake at night, missing you beside him and eagerly awaiting the morning when he could go and see you.
- he’d spend so much time picturing what it’d be like to have you as his wife and mother of his children.
- the topic of kids was definitely early on.
- “i’d want three. two girls and a boy. he’d be the youngest.” he hums, taking a bite out of a pomegranate you had just given him a few minutes beforehand.
- “yeah? three, huh?”
- he smiles, nodding.
- “well y’know, if she didn’t want three, then i’m fine with however many.”
- you were sitting on the foot end of his bed, while he sat beside you.
- “hmm, no, three is fine. i’m sure she wouldn’t mind three.”
- “you think?” he licks the fruit juice off his thumb behind his grin, before leaning back against the headboard.
- “oh, i know.”
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ovaryacted · 4 months
HI haii saw your post abt the subby leon in re2 having a mommy kink and i was thinking abt how id!leon would deny the fact that he has a mommy kink for you— he accidentally calls you ‘mommy’ throughout his orgasm😭😭😭 and when you ask abt it he just denies it or pretends like he didnt hear you nd you tease him about it and deny his orgasm till he admits he just called you mommy UHM hope ygwim - 🥯
MDNI/18+. NSFW. | wc: 1.5k words
Hey bagel anon! I didn’t even know there was a bagel emoji but welcome to the club. This idea though, yeah…you ate with this one. I also don’t how my answer got so long, but you’re one of the lucky few to get a full response out of me. I hope you like this cause I had fun writing this out. I may or may not expand on this in a full fic, but we’ll see.
ID! Leon gives me those vibes that he’ll accidentally gaslight himself and you if he lets the mommy word slip out and you ask him about it. He’s not rude when he does it, but his anxiety kicks in if he’s questioned about something he thinks you’ll reject him for.
You were too damn hot around him, clenching with every piston of his hips against you. He didn’t relent, gripping you with force and fucking you into the mattress. Reason left his mind a long time ago, slipping past the crevices of desire and melting away as your legs kept him caged between them.
He couldn’t think straight, groaning when his aching cock began to pulsate inside you, knowing he was about to reach his end. Your fingers pulled his hair back so you could take in his features, admiring how his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his nose scrunched up, strong forearms shaking when he struggled to keep himself upright above you.
An intense orgasm is all he needs to accidentally slip out the word Mommy, deep and guttural from his chest the moment he fills you up to the brim. Your release followed soon after, whimpering at the feel of his cum spilling into you as deep as he would go. He panted against your chest, offering you a kiss on the shoulder from the comedown.
You heard him, and he knows you heard him. But he wasn’t going to be the one to address it first, better yet he wasn’t going to address it at all. He paid it no mind, giving you light kisses on your neck and jaw before soft snores filled the bedroom, leaving the inevitable confrontation for another day.
Waking up in an empty bed, you head into the bathroom to freshen up before finding Leon in his usual place in the kitchen. He was busy drinking some coffee as he cooked breakfast, his hair still sticking up on the top of his head in a disheveled mess. His ears perked up at the sound of your footsteps, accepting your gentle kiss and going back to flipping his eggs. You let him be for a while, choosing to enjoy the silence and refusing to ruin it with questions and unwanted probing. Once you both sat down at the kitchen island, that’s when you took your chance.
“Leon…is there something you’re hiding from me?”, you started the conversation off with a question, hoping it would open up the floor for him to answer.
“No, I have nothing to hide. Besides, you’d probably know if I was”, he said with a shrug, taking a bite out of some toast and looking at you closely. If you couldn’t already tell, he was reading you, waiting for what you were going to say next.
“You called me something last night. You said Mommy and I heard you, you know I did”, your eyes challenged his, the tension in the room growing and his body stiffened ever so slightly. He tried to downplay it, but you knew it was a front.
“I didn’t say that, you misheard me sweetheart”, he throws in a term of endearment and a light chuckle to hide the truth, and from his body language, he wasn’t going to be receptive to your curiosity.
“Leon, it’s okay. I’m not j-”
“Let me refill your coffee”, he didn’t let you finish your sentence, taking your mug and walking over to the counter, fixing your drink the way you liked. You got the message after that, just to drop the topic entirely and pretend it never happened.
Only it continued to haunt you after that night. The word that fell from his lips replayed over and over in your mind, so much to the point that it was starting to give you a damn headache. He wasn’t going to admit the truth, you knew that, so you used the only tactic you thought would work. Rejection.
Folding the fresh laundry, you felt Leon press himself against you from behind, his nose rubbing against the back of your neck. You paid him no mind, refusing to give him the attention he craved, the same way you’ve been withholding that intimacy going on two weeks now.
“Are you mad at me or something?”, he asks behind you, growing antsy from the lack of reciprocation he’s been getting from you. You were still you, still did the things he loved and enjoyed. But for some reason, sex was just off the table and he didn’t know why.
“No, I’m not mad at you”, the least you could do was reassure him that there wasn’t something deliberately wrong in your relationship. Still, that wasn’t enough.
“Then why are you ignoring me? It feels like I did something to upset you”, he sounded like a child, whining from how you refused to touch him the way he wanted. You turned around and sighed, meeting his begging eyes and crossing your arms over your chest.
“Leon, you haven’t been honest with me recently, you know that”, you observed the way his eyebrow raised, silently asking you what you meant. “Mommy Leon? You should’ve just told me you had a mommy kink”
“I don’t have one…”, he mutters, still in denial and beating himself up knowing he let the damn word slip.
“Don’t lie to me”, your tone of voice was more forceful, and as much as Leon tried to think with his brain, all of the blood flowing through his body was rushing down south. You stepped closer to him, hearing his sudden intake of breath at your proximity.
“Just tell me the truth baby, that’s all you need to do”, you were toying with him, that he knew, and a part of him was conflicted in not knowing what was the best approach. For the first time, Leon couldn’t read you, couldn’t get your angle or predict any possible outcomes.
All those years of learning how to read situations proved futile when it came to you.
“I don’t…don’t know what you’re talking about…”, his voice was shaky now, his heart pounding the closer you got. You placed a hand on his firm chest, caressing him before trailing your fingers down his abdomen and towards his hips.
“You do know. Be a good boy for mommy and tell me what you want”
He didn’t know what had gotten into you, hell you didn’t either. Over the past few weeks you’ve been avoiding him and not fucking him, you’ve found yourself scrolling through porn sites in incognito mode. You called it “conducting research”, typing in mommy kink, and going through a whole rabbit hole to learn more about femdom and the works. Watching so many videos with appealing and borderline strange titles at times changed the way you thought about sex, at least with your boyfriend.
You weren’t expecting to like it so much, didn’t know that finding the idea of making him submit like that would make your panties wet. Going so long without his touch only made you want this to play out even more, so you raised the stakes. Coming closer to him, you cupped the growing bulge in his pants, rubbing over it and grinning as you felt him twitch.
“Don’t be shy baby, you can tell me. You want to play with mommy?” Leon whimpered, the sound making you wetter than before. Leon’s eyes met yours again, a faint blush on his cheeks and growing more aroused with every passing second.
“Yes…”, he mumbled his response, fighting to close his eyes but you held his chin up with the tip of your finger.
“Yes what?”, you were ordering him, reveling in the way Leon’s resolve crumbled right in front of you, accepting his defeat.
“Yes mommy. Fuck, I wanna play so bad”, he was already so pliable, bending to your will and pleading for more. You gave him a light kiss, pulling away before you could indulge him further. He grew harder under your palm, the material of his jeans rubbing into him so deliciously it made his head fuzzy.
“C’mon baby, you gotta make up for keeping your little secret from me. Mommy’s not happy”, you pulled him forward by one of his belt loops, guiding him towards the bedroom already knowing you’re both in for a fun afternoon. If Leon didn’t have heart eyes before, he certainly had them now.
“Anything for you mommy”
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sturniolojpg · 7 months
— boyfriend! chris sturniolo
pairings: chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: sfw & nsfw!! i put a divider for ya
notes: again, from experience. i love my bf! ❤️ not proof read
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♥︎. loves cuddling. he’s a big ole softie with you. you playing with his hair & scratching his back at the same time is like his kryptonite.
♥︎. he’s kinda pda personified. the man truly doesn’t give a fuck about what other people see him do. he’s more modest if he’s around his brothers.. but strangers? he couldn’t give less of a fuck and will try to get you to make out with him in public.
♥︎. he used to think it was corny asf when people made playlists for their significant others but he’s made multiple for you! are they filled with rap & trap music?? yeah but it’s the thought that counts
♥︎. you love to show him off and he loves to show you off, y’all are private in the sense of none of your relationship details are public but everyone knows you’re together cause it’s impossible for the other not to be included in a post. he’s proud of bagging such a bad ass bitch.
♥︎. he tries to force you to travel with him when they go back and forth between boston and la, he hates being away from you for longer than a day. you’re one of his favorite people.
♥︎. trust is sooo important to this man. he doesn’t fw that sharing passwords & looking through each others phones shit. he’s got nothing to hide but it feels like an invasion of privacy, his phone is basically his second person, it’s with him 24/7. if you don’t trust him and if he doesn’t trust you then it won’t work. 🤷🏽‍♀️
♥︎. communication is also huge. y’all are both stubbornnnnn. it’s so hard for either of you to admit when you’re wrong but for the sake of your friendship and romance, you always talk it out. y’all could not talk for hours on end but you’ll always semi resolve it before it’s time to go to bed for the day. you both hate going to sleep upset with the other.
♥︎. always touching you. linked pinkies, holding hands, touching feet, holding arms, resting heads on the others shoulder, he’s cool with it all. he just likes the physical assurance that you’re right there.
♥︎. he loves being your passenger princess because it means he can control the aux, as we all know man loves his music.
♥︎. he is very possessive over you but not in an over controlling way, you wear whatever you want, he’ll be your biggest cheerleader but if another guy tries to flirt with you he’ll be escorting you out of that situation immediately. no entertaining it, ever. he don’t play abt you.
♥︎. he knows you’re hot so when people say it via social media it doesn’t bother him. it’s only when people intentionally disrespect him when he gets pissed tf off and almost beats a mfs head into cemant. (go white boy gooo!)
♥︎. talking to him is your favorite thing. he could truly go on and on for hours and you’d listen the entire time. he offers such a unique perspective when you’re discussing anything, and you can tell he genuinely cares about what he’s saying and what you’re saying. he’s very good with his words.
♥︎. you’re probably the only person he could sleep in the same bed with for multiple days in a row.
♥︎. he values your presence sooo much and aways vocalizes that. he never wants you to forget just how much you mean to him. he’s truly be lost without you and that scares him so bad.
HORNY BELOWWW, i’m not your parent but rwc
♥︎. public sex is his thing, he loves it. he doesn’t know why he loves it but he does. maybe its the possibility of getting caught, maybe its the fact that you’re always down to fuck him wherever you are, probably both!
♥︎. likes receiving head more than giving but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know his way around your body. he knows exactly what to do to earn specific reactions and he gets turned on over just how well he knows you.
♥︎. y’all know that one country song?? that goes “i know every curve like the back of my head” yeah.. thats chris. he’s got your body MEMORIZED. like engraved in his head, he may act like he’s tryna explore when he touches you all over but there’s no part of you he hasn’t seen. and anything he doesn’t remember? in his my eyes only thats fulll of your nudes 😛😛 he loves his lady!
♥︎. speaking of nudes, he’s a sucker for them. he’d actually do anything you asked him to if it meant you’d send him some. he’s such a boy but he can’t help it when it comes to you, he loves every inch of you.
♥︎. he loves when you wear mini skirts. your ass and thighs always look… phenomenal??? and he enjoys the easy access. y’all have had public bathroom sex more times than you’d like to admit! 😅
♥︎. doggy is his favorite position. he’s an ass guy, doesn’t matter the size, he just lovesssss ass. what gets him off even more though is fucking you doggy in front of a mirror. you watching yourself get fucked by him turns him on beyond belief.
♥︎. you weren’t necessarily a slutty girl but when you started dating him something like shifted with you sexually. you genuinely need that man in your pants 24/7!!!!! like why is he not in your bed RN??? sickening.
♥︎. he hates skinny jeans on everyone but you, the way they hug your legs, thighs, and most important to him, your ass is wayyy too sexy for him to hate them. he loves when you’re out in public and wear them because he gets to see your ass in basically full display 🤗
♥︎. he likes to be the more dominant one most times but the man must admit when you boss him around in and outside of the bedroom it’s the sexiest thing in the world. he finds your confidence sooo hot.
♥︎. you LOVE to overstim him. and he loves it when you do it too, selfishly because all the attention is on him and he’s a cocky guy.
♥︎. when he overstims you tho??? heaven. actual heaven. he’ll eat you out till you cry, safe word is the only thing that’ll make him stop if he’s realllyyy into it.
♥︎. shower sex is his favvvv too. he loves the intimacy. plus it makes clean up easier, he’s a lil slacky in the aftercare department so anything to remove an extra step for him
♥︎. y’all fucked on the roof of your house ONCE after you played him that one ariana grande song and he still recalls it as the best sex of his life. you’re pretty sure he’s a fanatic for public sex.
♥︎. he genuinely wants to have sex with you everydayyyy. you have no idea how bro has so much stamina to want it everyday but of course you’re always down! you are a literal whore for him. your brain just goes la la la la la la when you’re with him.
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bearr02 · 8 months
Safe and Sound |Chapter Nine|
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Pairing: Hybrid!ot7 x f!reader
Chapter warnings: Jungkook has a bit of a breakdown and Y/n is there for him :(… looks like we found Yoongi’s secret..
Summary: You have worked at a hybrid rehab and adoption center for years, enjoying being able to help people others only see as their animal side. You thought you might end up taking in one or two, what you didn’t expect however, was to take in 7.
Genre: fluff, angst, eventual smut, non-idol au, hybrid au, strangers to friends to lovers au
Word count: 1.3k
Member’s hybrid types: Namjoon: Bear, Yoongi: Bobcat, Hoseok: Ferret, Jin: Wolf, Jimin: Red panda, Jungkook: Bunny, Taehyung: Marble fox
A/n: okay like, I know I’ve been posting a bunch, but like, I’m restless and my mind is flowing rn and the ideas won’t stop (I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I’m happy abt it) sooo yeah..don’t be surprised if I post more soon, or if I don’t. Whichever happens, I’ll let you guys know if I do get another writers block or something tho
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You groan, shifting around on your bed. “Y/n!” A voice yells before you feel a body pounce on top of your own making you groan. You open your eyes, looking down at the shaking man on top of you through your bleary eyes. Your brows furrow, blinking in an attempt to make it go away. The first thing you can make out is long ears, then Jungkook’s tear stained face as he looks up at you for a moment before burying his head in your neck.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, wrapping your arms around Jungkook. “You passed out.” Dr. Martin mumbles, standing beside your bed with Hoseok. You remove an arm from Jungkook, opening it in Hoseok's direction. He immediately claims the opened spot, tucking his head into the other side of your neck. “What happened?” You ask, looking at Dr. Martin to the best of your ability. “The man uh tackled you and I think you hit your head pretty hard.” Dr. Martin mumbles, pursing his lips.
You hear a small growl from Hoseok and a whine from Jungkook as they push themselves closer to you. “Is he okay?” You ask, a frown settling on your face. “I think he’s fine, a doctor came in shortly after you went down and they sedated him..like we didn’t want to happen, but y’know, hybrids are ‘dangerous’.” Dr. Martin mumbles, mimicking air quotes. “Why are you worried about him? He hurt you.” Hoseok grumbles, rubbing his cheek on your shoulder.
You sigh, “Because someone hurt him like your old owner hurt you both.” You say, leaning your head on Hoseok’s, closing your eyes. Hoseok grumbles something you can’t quite decipher, but before you can ask you feel something wet hit your shoulder. “Hobi?” You ask, carding your hands through his hair with furrowed brows. “I was scared.” He mumbles, turning his head so you can hear him. “I’ll leave you guys alone. Call if you need anything.” Dr. Martin says, smiling at you before leaving your room.
Hoseok and Jungkook practically go limp on top of you, both letting out an exhale of relief. “You were out for a few hours.” Hoseok mumbles, pushing himself closer to you. You frown, you were out for that long? “I’m sorry I worried you both.” You say, hugging the two closer to you. You feel a fourth weight added to the bed, lighter than you, Hoseok and Jungkook. You lift your head to see your furry friend on the bed, looking at the three of you curiously. You smile, “C’mere kitty.” You call. The cat practically rushes forward, curling in a ball on your stomach as deep purrs vibrate in his chest.
“Did you feed him?” You ask, stroking the cat's fur as best as you can. Hoseok nods, petting the cat as well. The cat glares at Hoseok, shuffling away from him on your stomach. You stifle a laugh, pursing your lips making Hoseok glare at you, a large pout on his face. “Sorry, sorry.” You mumble, pulling the best straight face you can manage. “Alright you two, I gotta use the bathroom.” You say, patting Jungkook and Hoseoks backs gently before trying to move them.
Jungkook whines while Hoseok huffs, both pushing closer to you. “Do you want me to pee on you?” You ask. You laugh when both boys shoot off of you, pouting at you nonetheless as they stare at you with their arms crossed. “Sorry.” You mumble, your attention directing to the cat on your stomach. “You too, kitty.” The cat's eyes narrow at your words, his short tail doing a small flick. “Alright, gonna have to do this the hard way.” You mumble, reaching down to pick up the cat before plopping him on the bed beside you.
The cat grumbles before jumping off the bed, waltzing out of the room with a huff making you laugh. “I swear he acts just like a person.” You say, taking the blanket off of you before standing up with a groan. “Haha..yeah..” Jungkook says, awkwardly laughing afterwards while avoiding your eyes. You raise an eyebrow, “Is there something you’re not telling me?” You ask. Jungkook’s wide, panicked eyes meet yours (he’s never been good at hiding how he feels), quickly stuttering out an excuse. “N-no! I was j-just agreeing with you.” He says, quickly averting his eyes again.
“Okay. Spill.” You say, resting your hands on your hips. “There’s nothing to spill.” Jungkook mumbles, scratching his wrist, a tell tale sign he’s lying. “Uh-huh sure.” You say, turning to Hoseok. “Are you going to tell me or am I gonna have to do an interrogation with the two of you?” You ask. Hoseok sighs, “Your cat is a hybrid.” He says, nervously playing with his hands. “And you kept that from me, why?” You ask, genuinely confused why they would keep something so simple from you. “He’s scared of something. We could smell it on him.” Hoseok says, eyebrows drawing together.
“You still should have told me, especially if he’s scared.” You say, your own brows furrowing. “We’re sorry.” Jungkook mumbles, voice wavering slightly. “You don’t have to be sorry.” You say, taking a step toward Jungkook, only for him to take one back. “Jungkook?” You call out softly, taking a step back. His head whips up, eyes wide and full of panic as he stares at you. “I’m-I’m-I’m sorry. I d-didn't mean t-too.” He whimpers before he pinches his eyes shut. You look at Hoseok, taking another step away from Jungkook and sitting on the bed.
Hoseok sighs, sitting on the bed before scooching over to you. “He got most of the beatings from our old owner, I still got my fair share but he had it the worst between us.” Hoseok mumbles with a frown, looking back at Jungkook. “He especially didn’t like when we lied, that’s how we got our worst ‘punishments’.” Hoseok mumbles, looking down at his hands.
You frown, getting up from the bed before walking to Jungkook, pulling him into your arms before he can back away again. He jumps, pushing at you for a moment, but just as you’re about to let go, he wraps his good arm around your waist, sobbing into your shoulder. “‘M sorry.” Jungkook whispers into your shoulder, lightly dragging his cheek across it. “You don’t have to apologize, bun. You did nothing wrong.” You whisper, laying your head on his.
Jungkook only sobs harder at your words, pressing himself closer to you (if it’s even possible). You try to gently pull him back, succeeding fairly quickly. You don’t get a chance to look at his face, however, as he quickly shields it with his long, fluffy ears. “Can you look at me?” You call softly, maneuvering around his ears to cup his face. He shakes his head, a small whimper escaping him in the process.
“I don’t know what that man—that vile creature—made you think whatever you do think up in there,” You gently tap his head “But none of that is true. You’re an amazing person, Jungkook. Hybrid or not. I understand why you didn’t tell me about the cat, he’s scared. You were protecting him. From what? I don’t know. I don’t know if you even know. But you were protecting him.” You say, smiling slightly when his ears move from his face a bit, a single doe eye peeking at you. “I don’t care if that creature said lying is bad. If you’re doing it for the right reason, I wouldn’t say it is. And you were doing it for the right reason.” You say, pulling Jungkook back into your arms.
He exhales deeply, going completely limp against you. You reach up to gently card your fingers through his hair, laying your head on his. “Thank you, Y/n.” He mumbles, a sound akin to a purr rumbling in his chest. You only hum, letting your eyes slide shut as you ignore your bladder’s desperate pleas for you to use the bathroom, deciding to focus on the more important thing right now.
Comforting Jungkook.
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Series taglist:
@blancflms @dreamerwasfound @pettyandprettyy @watermelon2319 @yoongistangerine @danielle143 @canarystwin @catlove83 @joonie-tunes @staygirl1986 @singukieee
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halleyscomet14 · 25 days
ouuuhh I read yr fic and oh my goodness it’s so sapphicly beautiful even if it could very well be gender neutral ,,,,,
I love love love writing blurbs abt my favorites so … any off handed Billie thoughts???
here’s one I had after reading ur fic
you as her lover go to every concert, touring by her side as even at her busiest, she needs you to ground her. you having a front row seat , smiling at her and listening to her perform. she’s smug, flirting with you on stage in a way that makes the whole crowd swoon for her. you’ve always loved watching her perform, ofc, you love the way she carries herself, the way she talks, the way she sings, voice serenading itself into everybody’s ears from her lips through the speakers, and that all gets to be put on a stage for you? It’s perfect.
You love touring with her, because even after all of that, you get to snuggle with her in her tour bus after the show. You get to see her have fun and then , you see her soften.
augh sorry I saw you liked my post abt me being dragged down into Billie’s fandom and whatnot and I had to look at ur posts..
santa ana
relationships: billie eilish x female reader
warnings: none! just fluff
word count: 1683
summary: billie usually invited her girlfriend to shows, and today was santa ana, the first place she ever did a show at!
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it had been around a year of dating billie, and while you sometimes had time to be with each other to do things like: cuddle until you fall asleep, make those cookies you saw online, film tiktoks only to put them in your drafts or just watch the show she hooked you on; sometimes the celebrity-singer lifestyle would get in the way. billie was a massive singer internationally and it was no doubt fans wanted, concerts, interviews and meet&greets. so, you occasionally had been in the cramped schedule of singer life. you didn’t mind it too much though!
billie would tag you along to every concert she had, so when she invited you to come to Santa Ana with her to a concert, it wasn’t the biggest surprise.
today was the concert day. as always, you woke up next to your breathtaking girlfriend. “g’morning gorgeous” she said as you opened your eyes. a smile grew on both your faces, thinking how you were lucky to wake up next to billie. small rays of sun shone on your bed, onto billie’s beautiful blue eyes. “morning baby” you greeted back. “i’m going to order breakfast from room service, want anything?” she asked you as she rose up from the bed, and walked towards the telephone on the desk. “i’ll have what you’re having!” you replied. she turned to face you, “burritos it is” she said, slightly smirking.
the day moved on, and you arrived at the arena. you both were at the bus, just sitting next to each other when you saw billie fidgeting with her rings. she was nervous before each show, and this show was the first show she had planned. even though the last concert she did was only around 5 months ago, something was wrong. she was unnecessarily stressed. “hey, babe?” you questioned. no response. she kept looking at the floor of the bus, still fidgeting with her head down, eyes locked. you moved your hand down to her vision and reached on to hold her hand. “billie?” you asked, a bit louder now. she snapped back to reality. “huh? oh sorry y/n.” she said looking at you. her hand held yours back. “everything okay?” you questioned. her hand went up to her neck, scratching the back of it. “yeah, yeah. just a bit nervous.” she replied, with a bit of a shaky voice, indicating she was stressed out. “i know you’re always nervous before shows but, something seems off. you know if you need to talk about-“ you got cut off. “yeah baby, i know.” she smiled at you. “you know this place was the first place i did a concert at.” she continued. “really?” you asked, surprised. chuckling, “yeah actually. kinda a milestone so… just kinda nervous about it. this place means stuff so, uh. just don’t wanna mess up.” she explained. “totally get it. but that was one time! your shows need exercise and movement bils! i mean, it’s normal to be nervous. you’ve done so many shows now, you should know that a shit ton of fans care more about seeing you then the actual show.” you say. the bus starts to slow down, showing that you’re there. “also, i know you’re gonna kill it. i’m gonna be in awe the whole show, gonna be totally shocked from how much of an incredible show you put on. i bet everyone will leave with a smile.” you say, trying your best to comfort her. she smiles at you, “yeah. i shouldn’t get it to my head. i got this.” she says, you hear the van door open.
standing up, “wanna greet some fans?” she offers. “no thanks babe. have fun!”. she nods, and leans in for a kiss, she holds your neck, and you reach out your hand when she pulls away. she plants one kiss on your forehead and waves as she gets out of the bus. billie greeted the fans waiting in line. taking pictures with her fans, talking and interacting with them must be the highlight of her day, except the part where after a long concert, both of you hopped in the shower and tossed your tired body’s to bed, mending with each other as you cuddled.
you met up with finneas and claudia, which you chatted for a bit. in the middle of the conversation, you saw billie, in a rush with her manager, yelling at him. she seemed to be mad. you faced finneas, looking at him puzzled. then, you left them to chase after billie, to possibly help put out the commotion going on. you went through the halls with fluorescent lighting, then turned right into a room where you heard your girlfriends familiar voice. in the room you saw her manager, yelling at her to do something you didn’t quite follow, and saw billie sitting on the couch looking disappointed and mad. they kept yelling while you leaned to the doorframe, listening on to see if you could help. these things happened all the time and to billie, you seemed like the answer to relax. her manager stormed out the room, and that was the perfect place to comfort her. “i cant believe that stupid guy!” billie yelled, “i literally wanted one thing, one thing for the fucking show! how can you mess that up! gosh i’m working with such incompetent people!” she continued. she kept talking, you put a hand on her back and started drawing shapes the way you knew she liked. it was soothing for her. the two of you sat there for about 30 minutes, trying to clear the very tense billie’s mind. she got announced to get ready, so you placed a kiss on her lips, wishing her good luck on the concert and assuring she’ll kill it anyways.
the show had already started outside with the starter band getting the crowd ready. you also went out to the stage, to get to your exclusive spot where you would watch every concert.
the crowd hyped up with every minute passing, and when you heard the intro to NDA, you knew you were ready for a long night. your girlfriend, in her usual concert attire arrived on stage, making an epic entrance. you eyes shone at the sight of your girlfriend on stage. each concert, she knew how to surprise you with her acts, her voice and every other little aspect.
you sang along to every song as the concert went on. between songs, she stopped to talk with the crowd. “okay so, this song is a fan favorite. and i wrote it for someone very special too! i want everyone to sing along, can you guys do that?” she talked to the crowd. they yelled yes all together. it could’ve been a couple different songs, but you assumed it would be birds of a feather, written after your relationship. “knew i could count on you guys! so then, let’s sing for the love of my life. mama, i’m gonna sing this to you.” she said in her soft baby voice. “i’ll love you till the day that i die baby!” she said as the intro of birds of a feather rolled in. the crowd sang along to the verse. and as the famous part of the song rolled in, billie went up towards the front of the stage to make eye contact with you. still singing, she went down to come next to your special spot with the help of the guards. “till the light leaves my eyes!” she sang as she held your chin, cameras facing you to show you on billie’s eye contact on screen. both of you smiled, gosh you were so in love. “but you’re so full of shit!” she sang, you frowned, the crowd went “aw”. she quickly placed a peck on your lips in order to apologize. you smirked.
a few songs later therefore i am came up, and we all know the acts to that song. fully holding eye contact during the parts where she layed on the floor of the arena, seducing everyone, she held eye contact with you. you both looked deep into each others eyes, both of you knowing how hot billie looked right there.
her last song of the set was lunch. when they heard the banger start playing, the crowd went wild. everyone way jumping, screaming the lyrics, whilst you mouthed the lyrics too. the crowd knew who billie was singing the song to. concerts felt so much more special with the new album. billie had really discovered herself.
the concert ended, and you were escorted out to the lounge where billie and finneas were. you jumped to your girlfriend, hugging her tightly. “that was so rad!” you smiled at her. you then faced finneas, hugging and congratulating him on the amazing show they put on. you turned to billie again, running into her arms and hugging her once more. finneas left the room. you let go of the hug to hold on her neck, kissing her deeply. your lips mended together as you felt her hand creep up your waist, giving you butterflies. “babe!” you yelled, still in awe of her amazing concert. “i killed it,didn’t i!?” she asked with excitement. “for sure bils!” you said in return. “when are we heading back?” you asked billie, knowing the both of you were tired after a long concert day. “whenever. let’s head out.” she says. both of you grab your stuff, and you hold billie’s hand through the hallways after a successful show. it was a bit later than midnight, as you walked to your tour bus.
you layed down to the couch on the bus as you waited for billie. she came in the room with something way more comfortable and joined you. you cuddled, placing a kiss on her forehead you were on the verge of falling asleep. “i love you, billie” you say to her, looking up. “i love you too, mama” she says. “till the day that i die.” she whispered in your ear. you smile.
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thedvilsinthedetails · 4 months
Rosekiller band au microfic!!!
hey guys, I wrote the first microfic in the lil series I’m doing, you can find the original idea for it here
ik I’d said I’d wait but I’m impatient hahaha
(some of the ppl that asked to be tagged if i ever wrote it: @always-reading @blu3stars @chaoticgaywitch @1284646imjusthere @depressedtheatrekiddo @idk-what-to-put-here-123)
anyway just wrote this pretty quickly so it might have some mistakes n stuff sorry abt that I don’t do grammar or punctuation anyway here you go, enjoy:
(EDIT: link to part 2)
••• Pink lipstick stains, cigarette butts
I lie in bed, I hate my guts
A day in the dark 
A muddled afternoon, yeah
Barty pressed his cheek close to Evan as they sang into the same microphone. He could feel the buzz of the music through the vibration of the stage below him. 
Oh baby darling how I long 
To become your suicide blonde
He ran a hand through Evan’s platinum curls as he sung the line. Evan leaned into it, eyes meeting Barty’s, grinning as he sung. 
To lie beside my Romeo
Oh what a wicked way to go
Evan’s fingers moved deftly on the guitar, he lifted a hand, twirled the pick in his hand before resuming immediately, he didn’t take his eyes off Barty the entire song. 
“Ah fucking hell look at the comments Bee.”
Evan was sat at the base of the sofa, scrolling through the comments on a video of their performance last night. He held the phone up to Barty on the sofa, who squinted before taking it and reading it out to the room.
“Skittlefiend57 says ‘omg Blarty and Evan! I’m so gone 4 them u guys’”
Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“We’ve been getting my name wrong all these years guys. Wow that’s a crazy thing to discover at 23.”
“Bad spelling aside, there’s way more. And it’s not all good stuff.”
Evan said and Barty looked back down at the comments. 
“Barty and Evan are queerbaiting, they act so gay but they’re not dating. It’s all clearly faked to get attention. Fucking pathetic. Why thank you peenisonapizza. Glad to see you know us personally and can therefore speak on our behalf.”
“Don’t know why they’re obsessed with accusing a band with two trans guys of queer baiting.”
Evan pinched his furrowed brow and shook his head in disbelief.
“They don’t even care about the fucking music, just us and whether we’re dating or not.”
Barty laid down on the sofa, dropping one arm around Evan and resting his chin on Evan’s shoulder.
“Hey cheer up Rosie. They care about the music. There’s a few assholes but that’s a given. If they weren’t talking about us acting gay they’d be talking about whether my tattoos are real or fake.”
“Or some conspiracy theory that Reggie’s not actually lactose intolerant.” 
Pandora chipped in.
“I’m not lactose intolerant!”
Regulus replied indignantly.
“Is that you talking or your obsession with chocolate?”
Dorcas rolled her eyes as she spoke. Regulus avoided her gaze as he mumbled out a half hearted response.
“Remus got me hooked on Tony’s chocolonely.”
While the rest of the group squabbled Evan leaned his head back against Barty’s shoulder, he pulled out his phone.
Hey everyone, I’ve noticed there’s a lot of speculation about me and @Barty.Grouch.JR and I wanted to say that it’s none of your business, you can think what you like but please don’t ask us or spam comment sections with theories. As always thank u so much for listening to our music, the skittles luv u x
Evan breathed in and passed the phone to Barty.
“You think this is good?”
Barty read it over and nodded.
“You’ve been really nice about it too.”
Evan huffed out a laugh.
“I was normal about, not my fault you would have said something like-“
“Roses are red, violets are blue, you are a cunt and I hate you @peenisonapizza.”
Barty took a small bow, flourishing his hand dramatically. Evan turned around and flicked him in the leg, which only succeeded in making him laugh. 
 “Ok I’ve posted it.”
Evan clicked post and watched as the ‘likes’ number quickly began to climb.
“Now I’m just not gonna read the comments on that post.”
Evan huffed out a laugh and Barty patted his shoulder.
“Good on you Rosie. Now who wants to watch a movie?”
Evan clambered onto the sofa next to Barty who leaned against him immediately, head resting on his shoulder.
Barty whispered.
“Yeah Bee?”
“Give me your phone. Look we both know it will bother you all evening not reading those comments if you have your phone on you. Just- out of sight out of mind, I’ll give it back to you once the movie is over but you deserve to have an evening off.”
Barty’s eyes were wide, expression genuine as he spoke. Evan hesitated then reached in his pocket for his phone.
“Don’t spam it with photos alright?”
A smirk spread on Barty’s face quickly, eyes sparkling.
“I make no promises Ev.”
Evan rolled his eyes but handed the phone over. 
The movie was something Pandora had picked, something from the late 80s, a strange mix of fantasy, reality and meta theatre that Evan actually didn’t hate.
Still he drifted to sleep at some point watching it, the stress of the day had clearly gotten to him and something about the way the top of Barty’s head made for a great pillow probably didn’t help.
Either way he woke up to the feeling of Barty shaking him.
“Come on sleeping beauty, let’s get you to a real bed. Here’s your phone back.”
Evan rubbed his eyes and got up, stumbling to his room as thanked Barty in a half asleep murmur.
He got to his room and turned on his phone, wincing at the glaring brightness, turning it down quickly. He opened his photos app, just as he’d suspected his camera roll was filled with new photos.
He began to scroll through them. There was one of his friends, all waving at the camera. A zoomed in shot of Inigo Montoya‘s face on the TV screen from a funny angle. Himself, looking dumb, sleeping with his mouth slightly open. He scrolled to the next picture and stopped. Barty with that cheeky grin of his, curled up against Evan, flipping off the camera. Eyes twinkling in that way that always made Evan feel a little warmer, a little brighter. He fell asleep again dreaming of a body pressed against his in a hug, the hum of a movie no longer playing, soft hair tickling his face and mischief painted in big brown eyes. 
For info about the position they’re sat in (it’s clear in my mind but I’m not sure how clear it is in the description), the song that they are playing and the movie they watch, look below the read more:
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Position they are in before Evan gets on the sofa, red is Evan, green is Barty - yes Barty is uncomfortable, yes he would sit like that anyway bc Barty will do fucking contortion to be able to hug Evan argue with a wall
Don’t question the drawing skills, I can’t draw and did it in a moving vehicle
the song is EVOL by MARINA
the movie is the princess bride suggested by the lovely @lulublack90 who u shld defo check out bc she’s rlly amazing at writing
(Oh also Evan and Reggie are both trans in this)
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sleepiexx · 11 months
Pillow Talk
Carlos Oliveira x fem!Reader
Note: so sorry I haven’t been posting, I’ve been working a shit ton and I have like no motivation to write
Summary: (Y/N) and Carlos reminisce about the first time they met, in Raccoon City.
Warnings: reader is super insecure, thinks she isn’t worthy of Carlos, but that’s abt it
Word count: 868
(Y/N) woke up and stretched, moving to go into the kitchen and grab breakfast but she was ultimately stopped as Carlos unconsciously tightened his arms around her so tight it felt like the grip of a dead man. Her hopes of leaving or trying to fight his tense grasp were crushed instantly, she’d been here many times before, none of which could she escape Carlos’s impossibly strong hold. At least this time she didn’t have to pee.
She sighed in defeat, turning over and burying her face into Carlos’s chest. She quickly realized that the position was completely impractical and turned her head so one cheek rested on his left pec. His steady heartbeat thrummed in her ears, a calming noise. So calming, it almost lulled her straight back into dreamland if not for Carlos’s groggy morning voice cutting through the atmosphere.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He groaned, holding her even tighter if at all possible. He kissed the top of her head with adoration, making her melt.
“Good morning.” She whispered.
They made eye contact, both of their faces breaking into a wide grin.
“You have bed head.” Carlos teased, messing with her hair which was going every which direction.
She scoffed, reaching out a hand to further mess up his already messy hair. “So do you, dipshit.”
He squeezed his eyes shut and smiled, leaning into the palm of her hand still placed at the top of his head.
“I love you.” He muttered.
She pushed his head down into the pillow and straddled him, pressing a firm kiss to his lips.
“I love you too.” She whispered against them.
Carlos’s arms snaked their way back around her waist, pressing her body against his. He buried his head in the dip between her neck and her shoulder.
“I’m never getting out of this bed, am I?” She joked.
He shook his head, beard scratching her neck. “Nope, never.”
She settled down on top of him, resigning herself to her fate.
She sat, tracing shapes into Carlos’s chest, “Y’know, if you would’ve told me this would be my life back when everything in RC was happening, I would’ve laughed in your face.”
Carlos smiled and laughed, (Y/N) laughing along.
“Oh yeah?” He muttered.
She nodded, looking up at his face. “Yeah, of course, I bet you’d have done the same.”
“Not me.”
“Not you?”
“Nah, I knew from the moment I saw you that I’d make you mine.” He smiled like he’d figured out everything. Like some omnipotent knowledge had been bestowed upon him and he’d never had any doubt whatsoever.
(Y/N) buried her face into his chest in embarrassment at how much his sentiment had flustered her, “You’re so sweet I’m gonna die,” she remarked.
“I’m serious!” He said, “I had the biggest crush on you since the second I met you. Would’ve made it more obvious, but we were kind of fighting for our lives.”
She smiled, staring at him in awe. “That’s crazy,” she mumbled.
“Well now I’m curious,” Carlos began, “when did you start to crush on me?”
She laughed a little bit, thinking back.
“Y’know, now that I think about it, I had a little crush on you back then too. Just didn’t want to admit it because of the circumstances.” The room was quiet for a second before she added on, “I also definitely thought you were out of my league. Still do.”
The last part was said quietly but Carlos heard. He furrowed his eyebrows like what she said was truly unbelievable, sitting up against the headboard so he could get a better look at (Y/N)’s expressions, “Me? Out of your league? (Y/N), come on, there’s no way.”
She sat up too, trying to pull herself off of him, but his hands maintained a steady grip on her hips. “I mean, you’re very handsome, Carlos. And funny, and sweet, an overall catch. I just never felt like I deserved you, honestly I’m still debating it.” She tried to laugh it off, but Carlos’s lips were pressed into a pout.
He shook his head profusely, pulling her closer, “But you’re my everything.” He frowned deeply, “Baby, you mean so much to me. You make me so insanely happy, you make me laugh so hard my stomach starts to hurt, and as an added bonus, you’re absolutely gorgeous.”
“Fuck,” (Y/N) groaned, “you’re so nice to me.”
His deep brown eyes continued staring holes into her own, “I’m not being nice, baby, I’m being truthful. I love you so much and I really hope that one day you can see yourself the way I see you.”
“Yeah,” she whispered, nodding along solemnly, “yeah, I really hope so too.”
Carlos kissed the top of her head, content with that answer— for now.
“Why don’t I take you out today? We could have a nice day out on the town.” He suggested, trying to lighten the mood.
(Y/N) tilted her head, “But I thought you wanted to stay in?”
“Changed my mind, wanna show you off.” He flirted.
Her face felt all tingly and she was buzzing at the thought. She agreed with a small, giddy smile, “Okay.”
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blue-jisungs · 2 years
Dino is bias wrecking me so bad I can’t abxhxbd
I’m glad you’re writing for svt too since there aren’t a lot of people who write abt them 😩 I was thinking about something like 69 74 aaand 75?? Maybe
And 22 37 and maybe 40?
They are so random I’m not even sure you can write anything based on that XD
"with you i’m always comfortable"
a/n. i got a bunch of asks with prompt 37 before so i decided to take a different turn on it (like not midnight talks in bed but just in general lmao) but i hope you enjoy it! :D
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you opened the door from the training room and saw your boyfriend practicing, eyes fixated on the mirror. you closed the door and started walking towards him, sticking to the wall.
you watched him in silence, only the sound of squeaking shoes against the floor and music in the background filling the room. you didn’t want to get him out of his dancing hypnosis.
you didn’t even realise when he was finished, only when dino’s loud laugh made you snap back to reality.
"what are you doing here? it’s like, midnight" he hummed and chan pushed his hair back "do you not have better things to be doing? like sleeping for example?"
"oh shut up. i just wanted to see you. besides, it’s hard to sleep without you next to me or whatever" you grinned and stood up "so i came to look for you"
chan grinned and came up to you, tilting his head.
"ew, you’re sweaty" you teased him and cupped his cheeks, placing a soft kiss on his lips.
"ew, you’re kissing a sweaty guy" he came back at you when he leaned away.
"how much longer you wanna be here?" you hummed and caressed his cheeks.
"just a while. i think like i need to just perfect one or two moves. then we’ll go home" he nodded, so did you.
he returned to his spot, turning on the music. you sat down, leaning against the wall. you didn’t notice, too stunned by his dancing skills but he was glancing at you from time to time. you cheered for him and his laughter echoed through the room from time to time.
just when chan noticed when you started to get a bit drowsy, you heard the door click. it made stir a bit and you locked eyes with chan.
"what was that?" you asked, rubbing your eye. chan run up to the door and pulled the knob.
but the door wouldn’t even bulge.
you and dino looked at each other and he was terrified. not for long, because you started laughing.
"did we just got locked up?" you laughed, stretching your arms above your head.
"yeah" chan mumbled, placing a hand on his chest "i’m actually… scared. what if they turn on the alarm and we’ll cause problems?"
you shook your head and he came up to you, sitting down.
"my heart is beating so fast right now" he laughed and you leaned closer to feel it.
"calm down or you’ll get a stroke or something" you scoffed, feeling his heart thump against his chest. it was probably still the rush of adrenaline after long training and now the emotions.
dino placed one hand on top of yours and poked your cheek with another one.
"y/n. you’re stuck here because of me" chan pouted. you shrugged.
"so what? i’d rather be stuck here with you than sleep alone" you grinned and poked his cheek back "but i do have to sleep with you on a floor. and you’re stinky"
he scoffed, knowing well you’re joking. but he felt bad.
"here, lay on my lap. do you want a hoodie?" he asked, putting a strand of loose hair behind your ear.
"i’m fine. will you be comfortable?" you asked and he nodded, so you rested your head on his lap.
"with you i’m always comfortable" chan hummed and started playing with your hair "should i text someone that we’re here?" his voice was barely audible. chan frowned upon no response from you but when he noticed you’re already asleep, he just smiled softly.
(in the morning you were greeted by 12 voices coping about how cute you are and threats with posting the pics on weverse…)
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @lhsng ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinhobi
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mobworlddomination · 2 years
dating obanai iguro!!
im speedrunning this bc i havent posted anything since that intro and its been DAYS so soz if this is garbage MB… also warning i did not reread this for mistakes uhnhhh…. if its hard to read… my fault
the blatant favoritism is insane
during the episode where they have that hashira meeting to talk abt the kamados and obanai’s on tanjiro so he can’t move…
if you just told him to move he would INSTANTLY.
“okay y/n i’m sorry”
honestly he would probably do ANYTHING for you
his love language is definitely giving/recieving gifts and quality time
when obanai isn’t busy with hashira duties, a lot of time you guys spend together is silently holding each other- or just sitting together, reading, eating, watching a sunset, anything.
sometimes he’s too shy for physical affection, and he’s usually avoidant of verbal affection. it’s not really his thing.
if you were a hashira, ubayashiki would probably put you two on missions often, because it seems that obanai performs the best when you two are together
obanai would definitely admire you as a hashira, especially your strength, stronger than him or not. he doesn’t care
he kinda gets jealous very easily… r u shocked
he gets jealous when you hang out w anyone but ESPECIALLY if you hung out w giyuu or tanjiro…
anyways, he’s a very sweet boyfriend, just in his own ways
oh, and some nights he wakes up with nightmares of his past. sometimes he doesn’t wake you up to comfort him, because sometimes just knowing you’re laying in bed peacefully next to him is enough.
I ALMOST FORGOT ABT KABAMARU! kabamaru loves you and sometimes you babysit him when obanai (unwillingly) has to go on missions by himself
i love obanai so much <3
I heard the door creak open, and I instanlty perked up with a smile. Kabamaru looked up from my shoulder aswell. “Obanai’s home, ‘Maru.” I grinned, standing up from where I sat to greet my boyfriend at the door.
And there he stood, sighing lightly as he took off his haori, hanging it up. His tired look turned soft once he noticed me standing there. “Y/N. I’m sorry the mission took longer than usual, so on my way back, I got this for you.” He handed me a small box, but I didn’t even get a chance to look at it before he tiredly wrapped his arms around me, burrowing his face in my neck.
“Oh, Obanai…” I cooed with a soft smile as I leaned into the hug more, “tiring mission, huh?”
“The mission would’ve been just fine, but Master doesn’t want to put us together. What’s up with that?” He groaned.
“Honey,” I giggled as I kissed his forehead when he looked up at me. “Master puts us together on missions most of the time. And when we’re not together, you’re alone or with Sanemi. You’ll be alright.”
He grumbled, mumbling unintelligible words. After a moment, he let go of me and pointed towards the box in my hand. “Open it. I saw it and just thought… it looked like something you might like.”
I smiled softly at him before carefully opening the small package, seeing a cute silver necklace. And at the end of the necklace, there was a beautiful F/C gem at the end.
“Awh, Obanai! This is so cute! I love it, thank you.” I beamed happily as I quickly put it around my neck, staring at the gem.
“Yeah… of course. No problem.” If it weren’t for the mask he wore, his bright red face would be terribly obvious. “Can we… just lay down now? I’m really tired. That mission was so… boring.”
“Sure it was, Obanai.” I smiled, giggling. “We can lay down, but… go shower first, okay? I’ll wait for you!”
He sighed a bit impatiently, but nodded nonetheless. “That’s probably a good idea. You won’t fall asleep without me, right? I want to at least tell you goodnight.”
“I promise, honey! Just go shower, Kabamaru and I will be waiting.” I smiled softly as I turned and walked to the bedroom, where I patiently waited for my Serpant Hashira to arrive.
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hii maya!!! i have a success story and im so excited bc this is my first manifestation success story.
for context for everyone else, i was getting bullied at my workplace. my boss hated me and would mock me in front of people and my coworkers disliked me and disincluded me from things and talked behind my back. It was so bad and i was searching for another job instead even though this was so close to my house, the pay was good, the actual work was easy. etc. I told maya abt this and she was such an angel and would let me vent to her and gave me a lot of advice about manifesting.
I wish I could say that I took her advice and changed my life but I honestly struggled a lot. I rmbr crying every single night before going to work and constantly just dreading being there or the thought of having to be there.
But everytime I vented, maya would always tell me to just affirm while listening to theta waves as I was going to sleep so I tried to atleast do that. In hindsight this was a really big thing. I was recently looking into SATS and reading posts about how important what you do before sleeping is because you are super suggestible. I think crying every night made me keep manifesting that my job sucked and stuff whereas affirming that it was great helped to start changing that.
I also tried to ignore the bullying and just act like I was being treated correctly. Like one time my boss said that she wished she had hired someone else and before I would have said nothing and just gone home and cried but instead I just laughed, taking it as a joke, and said that I'll make sure to work hard so that she can be proud of hiring me.
Slowly over the course of 2 weeks things started to change. We got 2 new people added into the team and one of them sits next to me and is my friend and I talk to him a lot. My boss and coworkers are okay with me now, like we have nice small talks and I haven't been undermined in a while. I made an error and before it would have become a big issue and while I did get scolded slightly, it was more of a "be more careful when doing this" versus what I usually got which was "you are so stupid, why are you like this." I also made a lot of other friends at work and work is pretty fun! I look forward to going to work sometimes (not all the time bc I'd rather just be at home in bed) but yeah it has changed so much and I'm much happier.
i just want to thank you so much maya. you are such an angel and i genuinely appreciate you so much. i can't wait to come back to you with a void success story!!
I am beyond proud of you! Your Success is proof that you overcame everything and persevered. But I actually want to point out your reaction to your boss, and encourage everyone to follow suit. You quite literally laughed at the 3D which is what I would do metaphorically but I mean physically probably works better lol.
Regardless I’m happy for everything you’ve accepted as yours. I’m also glad this is only encouraging you to want to go farther and achieve your entire dream life, not just a good one you can tolerate. When I reached this stage I remember I had a thought like “well maybe I should just accept this” “or it’s not that bad now I guess so do I really need to continue or can I chill” and if you have to ask yourself that the answer is no and you know you deserve it all at the highest degree.
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dun9eons · 1 month
a/n: hihi first post on this site anyway enjoy chiaki x fem reader smut (my chance to revive the danganronpa community is at low rn..) my carrd if u wnna know more abt me > dun9eons.carrd
summary: you make chiaki mess up on a level and she punishes you for it (im nasty like that..)
CW (18+): smut, cunnilingus, make-out, fingering, overstim, wlw
words: 3.0k
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fuck up, make up
You 're playing a game on your phone, trying hard in those team games and yelling at your teammates, so what? They 're bad and you're obviously better than them. Silently cursing to yourself for your teammates mistakes, you got a notification on the top of your screen.
Your face moves closer to the screen for a better look to realize it was from your crush Chiaki. Chiaki? Why would she be messaging you now? You knew around this time she would be napping, but any how, you opened to message that reads; “hi S/OOOOO, I just wanted to let you know if you could like come over to my dorm to hang out n stuff”
You started smiling at the screen in excitement, as you quickly typed back; “yeah ofc i can, js givr md a few minutes and ill be there!” You made typos along the way during type just a simple response, did Chiaki as your crush really affected your typing towards her? Jesus it’s pathetic. Your finger shook, leaning closer and closer to the send button, finally pressing it. You got up from your bed, packing your phone, console, and your dorm keys. You head for the door, opening then leaving, walking to Chiaki’s dorm. Chiaki’s house wasn’t far from yours, just a simple few minute walk from one side of the dorms to another.
You’re finally at her door, you knock a few times, Chiaki yawns, opening the door for you as she moves, making room for you to step inside. “Hey, S/O…” She gives you a small wave, rubbing her eyes as she holds a video game console in the other hand. Already in her pajamas.
"H-Hi Chiaki..!" You stuttered, you cursed yourself silently, why did you stutter? Just the presence makes you shiver, but she’s not even scary, she's the opposite of scary, you guess that you have a crush on her, who wouldn’t be nervous around their crush?
Snapping out of your thoughts you wrapped your arms around her neck as you buried your face in the crook of her neck.
Chiaki jumps a little at your sudden gesture, her eyes widening in surprise for a moment before she relaxes and wraps her arms around you in return, gently rubbing your back.
"Hey, what's up? Are you alright?" She asks in a soft voice, her breath warm against your ear. "You came all this way to see me, so I'm happy you're here, but is everything okay?" She looks at you with concern, her blossom pink eyes searching for your answer.
You pulled back from the hug with a little worried look on your face. “I’m fine, why?” You asked in a nervous tone, was it obvious that you look or act differently around Chiaki because she’s your crush? Who knows.. “Ah, sorry for assuming, you just look a little err.. Red?” Her hand reached up for your face, softly swiping off your hair from your forehead, as she planted the back of her hand onto your forehead. “You’re kinda burning up S/O, are you sure you’re okay?” “Of course I’m fine, don’t worry!” You instantly felt your face heating up and turning more redder, due to the contact and her basically calling you out. “Alright alright..” Chiaki's brow raises she's skeptical but she leads you into her living room, setting down the video game console on the table.
"Alright, how about we play a game together and then maybe have some snacks? What do you think?" She asks, trying to make you comfortable and ease the tension. 
“Yeah sure, I wouldn’t mind that.”
As you settle down on the couch, she turns on the console and selects a game for you both to play. Chiaki joins you on the couch, sitting close to you, you and her thighs brushing against each other lightly.
"Alright, here we go.." She says, starting the game. She's quite good at gaming, her fingers moving quickly on the controller, emitting soft grunts of concentration.
After a few rounds, you notice she's leaning closer to you, her body pressing against yours slightly. You can smell her light floral perfume mixed with a hint of vanilla. Your heart races faster as she focuses intently on the game.
You stole a few glances from her, noticing how cute she looked when she was tense and so concentrated on a game. You looked back onto the screen, looking on her side of the screen, you noticed that she was about to break a world record score.
It’s to the point you 're way too comfortable with each other, so you thought it was funny and fine to elbow Chiaki on the side, causing her to mess up. The room was silent, until Chiaki finally spoke up. “S/O what the hell? Why did you do that?” She said with a frustrated tone, “I was about to break the world record, oh my god..”
Realizing what you’ve done, you apologized frantically, “I-I’m so sorry Chiaki! It was just a prank I swear!”
“Prank? And you thought that was funny? S/O I swear..” She trailed off when she said the last word to her sentence, you tried brainstorming ideas on how Chiaki can forgive you, she was your crush, and your crush hating you was the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone, so you finally spoke up. “I’m so sorry Chiaki, I-I’ll do anything! Please just forgive me..” You pleaded desperately.
There was a minute of silence, you noticed a grin forming on Chiaki’s face, you knew what you said was very risky, but Chiaki wouldn’t go that type of risky right? Well, that's what you thought, until she spoke up. “Anything? Are you sure you mean anything..?” She asked, leaning closer than usual. Your breath hitched at the sight of Chiaki leaning in, your faces a few inches away from each other.
“Yes, anything! Just please forgive me, that's all I want..!” Your eyes stayed on the pillows of the couch you were sitting on, your body filled with guilt and nervousness, you kept thinking to yourself; what is she going to do to you?
(W: Anything past this part is 18+ if ur uncomfortable, please skip through)
“Well then, if you say anything.. Then you wouldn’t mind If i did this, right..?” She leans in closer, her lips barely brushing against yours, your heart was beating so fast, you couldn’t even comprehend what was happening, even if she was right in front of you.
Both of your lips we're now connected, her hand resting on the side of your cheek, it started of slow and a bit shy, then you eased into it, Chiaki’s tongue desperately asking for entrance in your mouth, you opened your lips a bit more wider for her tongue, she easily slipped inside, claiming all of your mouth with her tongue. She was so aggressive with her kissing, you fell back on accident, all of your back resting on the couch pillows you were sitting on, and Chiaki on top of you. Her knee was slightly pushing in between your thighs, putting pressure on your sensitive area.
Both of you continued your passionate make-out, turning more needy every passing second, Chiaki then pulled her head back, looking down on you, still continuing to grind her knee against your sensitive area. “Uhm.. Why’d you stop..?” You don’t even know why you asked this, you 're just so needy and lusting for more from Chiaki, you never knew she was good at these types of things, is it because of the dating sims she would play? “Oh? You want more..?” She said, with a teasing smile, “I just have one more question for you S/O, then maybe I’ll give you some more.” “Yes, o-of course..! What’s your question..?” You waited in anticipation with whatever question Chiaki would ask you.
“Well.. S/O, do you perhaps.. Like me..?” Your heart dropped at the question, how did she know? Was it really that obvious you like her? You wanted to just end yourself right then and there. “I’m sorry S/O, but you made it pretty clear you liked me, even when you came right at the door, you were so flustered and all red around me weren't you..?” You took a deep breath before finally confessing, “Yes Chiaki, I’ve liked you for such a long time, I don’t even know how long, but I know that I love you dearly..”You finally realized what you said, you confessed to her, her on top of you, you can’t even tell if this is a good or bad situation to be in. You instantly bring both of your hands to your face, covering the growing blush, your eyes filling with tears and sliding down your cheek. Now you really wanted to end yourself.
“Oh S/O..” Chiaki noticed you were crying from the sniffling sounds you 're making, she gently took your hands off your face and rested a hand on your cheek, wiping away your tears.
You used your sleeve to try wiping off the tears, along with Chiaki’s gentle care, you stopped crying, but that didn’t stop your sniffling and your flustered face. “S/O, stop crying okay..? You didn’t even let me finish..” You wondered what she was going to say next, was she going to reject you? Accept your confession? Anything can happen. “S/O, I’ve loved you for such a long time as well, as soon as my eyes landed onto yours, you were so perfect, so kind, so gentle..” Your face filled with a red color even more than before somehow, you couldn’t believe it, she liked you back. You were hers. You didn’t even respond, but you put your hand on the back of Chiaki’s head, forcing her lips to connect with yours. It was yet another aggressive make-out, making a few soft moans during it. God, you were so aroused, you didn’t care about anything but just her, the thought of you being hers increased your arousal significantly. Chiaki started kissing further down, to your cheek, and onto your neck and collarbone, making a few hickeys along the way. Chiaki pulled back, she adjusted herself and was now sitting on top of your lap, admiring the marks she made on your neck and collarbone. Her hand slowly rises up from her side, placing her hand on your chest. “May I?” She asked, would you let her do such a thing? Her taking off your clothes? Yes. Yes you would. You nodded frantically, just being more in need of Chiaki’s touch.
With your confirmation, she kept going, unbuttoning the uniform to your clothing, taking off your blazer, and your white sleeve top, tossing them on the floor. You couldn’t believe it, your bra was exposed to Chiaki’s view. You didn't even care anymore, you just wanted her to touch you right then and there. She reached behind her, pulling the waistline of your skirt just a little lower than usual, showing the outline of your underwear. She took her hand off your skirt, then continued her attention on your chest, with your bra still exposed to her view, she definitely wanted to see less than that, so she reached a hand behind your back, unclipping your bra, she then brings her hand back, pulling down your bra, now with your perky breasts to her view, nipples hardening to the cold air of the room.
It took her a minute, leaning in, teasingly licking the tip of your nipple, causing you to slightly twitch and your breath hitching. Without any warning, her mouth enveloped your nipple, her other hand slightly pinching and twisting your other nipple to further increase your arousal and sensations. You let out a few whines and shaky breaths of pleasure, you could feel Chiaki smiling against your chest, she knew you were needy for her, she found it adorable.
As Chiaki was still busy with your chest, you could start feeling an awkward heat rising from the lower region of your body, you couldn’t believe you were enjoying it this much, you just confessed to Chiaki, made out, now having sex? It was like a dream come true. 
But your thoughts came to a stop when she pulled her head back, you could feel her saliva traveling down your chest to your torso or down your ribs. She adjusted herself, now in between your legs. Being left with no touch, you were squirming a lot, trying hard to create some sort of friction, but with Chiaki’s leg still in between your legs and teasing your sensitive area, she believed it was time for attention for a different area.
She pulled your skirt down and puts the middle of her finger, slightly pressing it on your damp panties, she giggled slightly, you were so wet, so aroused. “S/O.. You’re so wet already, just from a little touching..” She teased, her fingers doing circle patterns on your panties, she could feel your clit pulsating in need. “Shut up..” You whined, you wanted her to stop teasing you, and just touch you on the place where you needed her most. She scoffed, playing with the waistline of your underwear, she gave you a look to keep on going or not. You nodded, and you felt her sliding your underwear down to your ankles.
She then cupped your pussy with her palm, feeling the warmth emanating from your needy pussy.
“Chiaki please..” You pleaded, you kept squirming, letting out a whimper, you really need her fingers inside you right now. “So needy..” She mumbled, she then placed two fingers on your folds, opening them for a better view. She then stuck in one finger, pumping in and out of you, teasing you in such an annoyingly slow way. It felt a bit uncomfortable at first, the first time both of you have ever had sex, so, she took it slow at the start, but a minute or two later, she gradually increased her speed, starting to become more aggressive and powerful, curling her fingers up with each thrust for that g-spot. You arched your back off the couch, your chest heaving, the continuous moans and sobs you let out. “Ngh..~ Aaahnn.. Ch-Chiaki..~!” She then added a second finger onto the first one, which made you make even more noises, she leaned into your neck, her fingers still pumping in and out of you. She kissed everywhere on your neck and collar, leaving more hickies. You desperately reach your arms out, hanging them onto Chiaki for dear life, the pain and pleasure you are enduring is so much, your nails are digging to the back of Chiaki’s skin. “Ch-Aah.. Chiaki..! M-More pl-ngh.. Please~!” You choked out, barely getting the chance to form understandable sentences, it was pure gibberish. “Mmmh.. Such a pillow princess..” She said, her hot breath against your ear, she did well putting you in such a lustful state, your mind was just nothing but blank but filled with lust and desire, all for Chiaki.
She added yet another finger, now making it three, the pure sensation of 3 fingers pumping in and out of you at such a fast pace made your eyes roll back. You felt the knot in your stomach tighten even more from each thrust from her. You were so close, you needed to release.
“Chiaki.. I-I’m ngh..~ Gonna c-cum..” You muttered, signaling to Chiaki that you were close. After Chiaki knew you were close, she went even rougher and faster. Not even a minute later, you finally released on her hand, your thighs spasming. You watched your cum slowly travel down to the couch’s surface and down your thigh. You glanced up at Chiaki, she had most of the cum on her fingers and hand, she then reached her hand out towards your face, stretching her fingers to see the string of cum stuck in between. “Never knew you could produce that much S/O..” She grinned. You said nothing, you were busy desperately breathing for air, your chest heaving. Chiaki then came back to her position, she looked like she had a thought to herself, not a good one at most, she was smiling in a way that you knew she was up to no good. She shifted lower, now her head in front of your dripping pussy. You instantly realized what she was doing. “Wait Chiaki.. I can’t last another round..” You said, still breathing heavily from your first orgasm.
“Mmh.. You want my forgiveness right..?” She grinned an evil smile, she knew the power she had on you, you were so submissive to her. You couldn't do anything but just sigh and comply with her.She smiled innocently, prepping both of your legs on top of each of her shoulders for easier entrance and view. Your pussy was still dripping from your intense orgasm just bare minutes ago.
She planted kisses on your pussy. Her tongue teasing your entrance, flicking her tongue up, causing you to let out a whimper. She then plunged her tongue in, exploring and expanding your walls. The sensation of her tongue just flicking inside you rapidly made you scream. You already felt another orgasm coming, and it was only one or two minutes since she started. You needed to release again, it was starting to become painful, yet still pleasuring.
“Chiaki.. I-I’m! Going to cum a-again..~!” You mewled out, your moans being mixed with sobs, you couldn’t take it anymore. You really needed release.
And with that, a minute later goes by, and you finally cum, producing even more than before. Chiaki carefully placed down your legs on the couch again, licking your sweet cum off her fingers.
“You did so well for me S/O, is this a warning that you don't mess me up again..?” “Of course..”
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i wish chiaki could do tht to me irl istg
for anyone who wants the link of the photo i used for the > banner <
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bobawitch · 6 months
Hey could you write something abt Nick and reader being best friends and like she gets heartbroken and Nick is js there for her bc their like bestie until the restie so ya‼️ but I love your writing and if you can’t write this or your uncomfortable with it I get it!! Thank you for your timeeee :))))
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a/n: i hope this is what you were thinking of, i recently got dumped so this was rlly helpful
wc: 967
cw: none just platonic stuff
Nick had been one of your closest friends for years now, you had met once at a sale for urban outfitters when you were 18. He grabbed a shirt with excitement and noticed the price, scrunching up his face and shaking his head, throwing it back on the rack. You noticed and laughed, making a comment about the price and how a sale isn’t actually a sale. And that’s all it took, soon enough you were inseparable. You, Nick, and Madi were always hanging out, just as you were when you first met your boyfriend, Madi hyped you up to go talk to him but he beat you to it. You almost immediately caught feelings for the boy and Nick was there helping you pick your outfit for your first date. That was about a year and a half ago and even though your boyfriend was nice and caring you noticed that he had his flaws. Unfortunately for you, Nick noticed too. So currently you sat in bed staring at your phone, the words “Read 15 minutes ago” haunting your brain.
Your stomach twisted into pretzels trying not to let your worst nightmares cloud your mind. Soon the familiar bubbles popped up on your screen, you whipped up in bed, clutching your phone with your breath stuck in your throat. You watched as the 4 dreaded words came to your screen. “We need to talk.” Tears stung at the back of your eyes as you slowly began to type “Ok.” You watched the message send before your phone buzzed, a phone call you never wanted to answer popping up. Slowly you pressed the green accept button and held the phone to your ear. “We need to break up. We aren’t in the same place we used to be.” And que the water works. All the air you had held escaped you, seemingly gone forever. You didn’t respond, you just hung up. Quickly scrolling to Nick’s contact and pressing call. “Heyyyyyyy! I’m in the car with Chris and Ma-” Nick fell silent as he heard you desperate gasps for breath. “Y/N? Y/N what’s wrong? Hold on, we’re coming to pick you up. Matt, go to Y/N’s house now.” You knew you didn’t need to say anything to Nick. He had heard every fight between you and your boyfriend, knew every single time your boyfriend pissed you off and knew that if you were crying like this that there was something extra bad happening. 
Within 10 minutes Nick was in your apartment and Matt and Chris had gone to get you food, Nick’s orders. He walked into your room and sat on your bed, pulling you into a tight hug. You felt like you were in another world, like you were watching yourself cry into Nick. Honestly part of you was happy you weren’t totally in it because it felt a bit embarrassing to be this upset over someone else. Nick gently petting your hair as he let you cry into him. After a few sad songs and a good 20 minutes of crying you had stopped, sniffling and pressing the puffiness that had accumulated around your eyes. “He broke up with me…” You softly admitted and Nick’s face contorted. “Ew, what a fucking idiot.” You giggled a pained giggle before looking up at the boy. “Yeah I guess so.” He smiled at you and pulled out his phone. “You know what helps me when men decide to be stupid?” You shook your head as you watched Nick open tik tok. Quickly he pulled up an old video of Matt and handed you the phone. “You boyfriend broke up with you? Here’s what I’m going to say, you ready? His loss. It’s ok that you’re single, it’s ok that you don’t have a boyfriend.” You stifled a laugh before liking the video. Nick’s jaw dropped and you smirked over at him. “That person is going to post something about me liking that video, you know that right?” You laughed at Nick’s shock. “Yeah I know.” Nick laughed with his mouth still open before taking his phone back and turning it off. “Matt really spitting facts though, you know that?” You nodded silently, a smile still present on your face. You heard your doorbell ring and stood, walking to your door and opening it to see Matt and Chris holding your favorite milkshake and shitty burger. Chris was leaned against your door frame and Matt held the food out to you. He awkwardly smiled and nodded at you. Chris smiled at you and gave you a fist bump before Nick came over to shoo them off. You closed the door and stared at the food. “Your brothers are awesome, tell Matt I’ll venmo him.” You said as you brought the food to your living room table. “Nope, I paid for it. You don’t need to worry about that right now.” You stood and hugged Nick again, tears threatening to fall down your cheeks once more. “Nuh uh hoe, we just stopped crying, it's food time now.” You sniffled and nodded, stepping back to your food and immediately devouring it. Nick watched in awe before laughing again. “Gimme your phone.” He said, you complied without much thought. Honestly you were in concentration of your food, barely noticing Nick removing your ex from your social media and gallery. 
The day carried on, Nick pulling your focus away from anything that even resembled your new ex. The two of you now sat by your tv, the credits of Edawrd Scissorhands playing in the background. “Sooo now that I’m single, what’s Matt up to?” You were joking of course but seeing Nick whip his head around at you made you bust out laughing. He watched you die laughing before shaking his head. “I hate you bro.” “Love you too Nicky-poo!”
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confusedmuggle · 1 year
The New Girl
f!reader x mattheo, f!reader x George Weasley
summary: After your family moves, you must switch from attending Ilvermorny to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is there you meet a certain redhead and brunette.
Warnings: None
Chapter 2 here
A/N - At Ilvermorny, f!reader was in Thunderbird, which is the equivalent to Slytherin. This take place 3rd yr {because I don’t want to deal with all the drama in future years yet}, but all the characters are aged up abt 3 yrs.
If this post gets 15 likes, I will post a Chapter 2!
“Very cunning, and very brave. You are a difficult one, but it shall be . . . SLYTHERIN!”
You stepped off the chair and walked toward the table of students cheering. Because you were joining later than most, you were brought in before all of the first years to get sorted. You sat down across from a cute brunette boy that was mid conversation with the blonde boy next to him. When you sat down, they both turned to look at you. “You must be the new girl. What year did they say you were in? Third? Whatever. You’re lucky you got sorted into this house. You will soon learn that there are people at this school that are better than others. I’m Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.” Draco said. “I’m y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” You responded. The brunette just stared at you, not saying anything. Malfoy nudged him, then he was pulled out of his thoughts.
“I’m Mattheo.”
“Nice to meet you Mattheo” you said, smiling at him.
The headmaster Dumbledore quieted the room, then all of the first years walked in. You sat watching the first years with a smile. Because of your gaze being on the first years, you missed the certain redhead watching you fondly. Dinner started shortly after, and you began talking to the girl next to you, Pansy, and some of the other people near your seat. It didn’t feel like long until you were leaving the great hall to go to the Slytherin common rooms. You shared a room with Pansy and two other girls, Callie Shrew and Madeleine Caprine. All of your belongings were already in your room, which must’ve been to the house elves that basically took care of everything here. You got changed into your pjs, then snuggled into the silk green sheets and fell into a deep sleep. ************************************************
“Wake up roomie”
You awoke to Pansy standing above you, holding a slytherin robe.
“This was at the edge of your bed, we have like 30 minutes until we have to be at the Great Hall for breakfast.” At this, you quickly grabbed the robes and changed. Everything went smooth until the tie.
“Do you know how to tie a tie ?” Pansy asked, and I responded no. At Ilvermorny ties were not apart of the uniform. She quickly tied the tie with precision and ease, then left for the Great Hall. The only problem was, you didn’t know the way to the great hall yet. You walked through the empty common room and into the confusing halls of hogwarts. A right turn here, a left turn there, right, left, left, annnd you were lost. Very lost. Just as you made this realization, a tall boy with with red hair and lots of freckles turned the corner. He spotted you quickly and walked over. “Are you lost? You’re the new girl, right?” He said kindly.
“Yeah, that’s me. I’m y/n. I was trying to get to the Great Hall but I’m pretty sure I made more than a few wrong turns.”
“Breakfast is almost over, but I know somewhere we can get food. Do you wanna follow me ? I’m George, by the way.”
You followed him throughout the twisting paths, learning that he was in 3rd year, like you, and was a Gryffindor. He told you he was surprised at how nice you were, considering slytherins were known for being assholes, especially to other houses. Just as you were about to respond, he stopped right infront of a large painting of a bowl of fruit.
“Here we are!” he said, and he reached up and touched the pear. The painting swung open, revealing a large kitchen full of busy looking house elves.
“Woah what is this place?”
“This, darling, is the kitchen.” You blushed slightly at the nickname and stepped into the kitchen. The house elves turned to you, welcoming you in and offering you lots of snacks. You grabbed a few that looked good and started eating as quick as possible.
“Do you know where the potions classroom is? That’s my first hour but I’m not sure where it’s at.”
“Yeah, fair warning though Snape is a total downer. He might like you because you’re a slytherin, but he’s got something against the other houses, especially Gryffindor.” He responded as you guys started walking to Snape’s class
“Thanks for letting me know — anything else I should know about these teachers ?”
“Hagrids great, McGonagall’s strict but nice enough, Trelawny is crazy, Quirrell has been weird for a few years, Binns is boring, and that’s basically it. Oh and the groundskeeper filch is super annoying, but if he bothers you we can team up and prank his sorry arse.” He said with a laugh
“That sounds great.” You said, with a genuine smile crossing your face. “Here we are, good luck y/n.” He said.
“Thanks George, I’ll see you around I guess.” You said, wishing he could stay a bit longer.
You sat down next to the boy from the Great Hall, Mattheo. “Hey it’s good to see you again Mattheo!” He glanced at your eyes and replied “Yeah it’s nice to see you again t—”
ouch— now you knew what George had meant. Snape had snuck up behind you two and hit you both on the head with a textbook. You could tell you were going to just love this class. “There shall be no talking or messing around in the classroom.” Snape said in a low monotone voice. “Now, today we will make a basic remedy for boils. You will need your potions book, horned slugs, snake fangs, and porcupine quills. Get to work.”
You and Mattheo got started, working surprising very well together. Your group finished first, with a potion that Snape called, ‘very acceptable’, and gave you each 5 points. You both started walking back to the common room together since you had finished early. As you were making your way back, you heard the sound of something speeding towards you both. Suddenly, a firework zipped through the middle of the hall, forcing mattheo and you up against the wall.
George Weasley ran around the corner laughing, following his firework he had set off to distract filch but stopped his movements once he saw you two. Mattheo’s arms over your head, pinning you to the wall, and you looking up at him.
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cryptidblossomd · 2 months
Posting about my oc Clemént because I think about him a lot. But yes this is intended for shipping
Clem sat on the counter while Mikey cooked, the two weren’t best friends but they did talk to one another abt fashion. Though the conversation at hand wasn’t really that, Clem was listening as Mikey told funny stories about the past things he remembered.
“Oh! Speaking of us purring did you know we basically have an off switch” The orange clad turtle took a sip of the soup he was making.
This made Clement blink “WH-NO???? DD would never tell me this, spill the tea” The taller hummed as Mikey walked over to the sink placing the ladle in it. “Hmmm let me think about it….do i really want to embarrass Dee that badly..” It was quiet for a second before Mikey shrugged “Hell yeah”
Clem snorted “Glad to see all of you grasp as any point to embarrass each other.” Mikey hummed “Of course” he eyed Clem. “Now listen here, like a cat if you scratch under our chin we usually purr but go a little lower and pinch” Mikey lifted his jaw to point at a spot underneath “right here, and basically we lose all sense of reason.” He lowered his head back down “Sorta like we just become jelly in the others arms, our eyes get all wide and we purr like an engine and the chirps are very soft” He huffed, reminded of what his brothers looked like.
Clem smiled softly “Oh? So it’s literally an off switch” they chuckled “Just full mushy brain”
Mikey nodded “yep! It takes a good few minutes to snap out of it but it’s honestly not that bad just not fun when you go like full animal brained y’know”
Clem giggled “actually no, I don’t but I also sorta do…?” Mikey shrugged “Good enough for me, now use this info very wisely. Donnie isn’t a big fan of this trick but since he is seriously obsessed with you i’m sure he won’t mind” Clement giggled again “I wouldn’t say he’s obsessed but thank you, I will use this wisely” Mikey nodded “Sure~” He wiggled his brows. Clem hopped off the counter and flipped him off Mikey just wheeze’d.
A good while went by Clem never even mentioning anything about that trick again. They of course always remembered but never utilized it. Until one day, when Donnie was acting super pissy. He was so frustrated and looked to be on the edge of a break down, nothing about their patrol went according to his plans and Meat Sweats decided to use the poor soft shell as a punching bag today so now Donnie was just sore and angry.
Around 9pm Clement had come over, he heard from Leo how Donnie was acting and felt kinda bad.
Walking into the room Clem spotted Donnie hunched over at his desk, the tan male sighed and made his way over to his reptilian boyfriend.
“Y’know that is only going to make your back feel worse right?” Donnie just grumbled. Clem huffed again “Dude come on, I know you feel like shit so let’s lay down for 5 minutes and I swear on my career you can come back to the computer” Donnie turned around and glared at Clement. But that was all they needed to lift the turtle up by his armpits and throw him on the bed.
“First mistake was facing me” Donnie yelped as he landed on the bed, it was a lot softer then it looked. “Seconded mistake and Allowing Leo to let me in” Donnie glared at the door outside. Looking at Clem as he climbed into the bed Donnie grumbled “This is stupid I don’t need to be resting I need to be working on making a more padded battle shell” Clem just shook his head “No can do, five minutes. That’s all i ask for”
Donnie really wanted to protest but his partner was already lifting him onto their lag. Donnie just sighed as he sat on their lap, his plastron against their chest and his legs hanging off to the back. He was way too comfy now, so he just settled and huffed “Fine…five minutes” Clement nodded, placing soft kisses against the turtles neck and shoulder. Donnie shuddered but leaned closer into the touch, maybe he did need this.
Five minutes pass like no time and Donnie barely noticed, the gentleness of Clement’s kisses against his neck and shoulder made him melt. Five more minutes pass and he was now laying in their lap, his shell against the covers and Clement leaning down to place small kisses on his eyelids and beak, it was around this time he went to lean up.
“Alright, your time has passed love; let me up now” Clements whined “noooo i thought my affection would make you forget” Donnie smiled at their childness “Well it made me stay 5 minutes over time so i’d say your attempts were successful”
Clem groaned “Come on Dee just two more minutes, I saw how you were about to fall asleep. Give in” Donnie blushed softly “You must be mistaken I was just resting my eyes”
Clem rolled his eyes “Yeah sure mister smarty pants, those sighs of relief must have also been a figment of my imagination then?” Donnie nodded “Exactly, now-” He leaned forward trying to sit up again “Let me go”
Clem frowned “Pleaseeeeee Donnnnn, just lay down with me for a little longer! JUST A MINUTE I SWEAR!!!” Donnie sighed “You get one minute”
Clem cheered softly, as Donnie laid back down.
Clem started scratching the underside of Donnie’s chin. It was silent before Donnie started to purr softly Clem giggled as he continued to scratch Donnie’s chin. Donnie only got louder by the second he was pretty happy you could even see small thumps of his tail wagging, slowly Clement made his way down Donnies neck still scratching. Suddenly the human pinched softly at a spot and Donnie’s eyes shot open a squeak coming out of his mouth before his eyes went half lidded and his pupils large. The softshell went from his head being in Clement’s lap to throwing his whole body onto his boyfriend.
Loud purrs and chirps made it’s way up his throat and out his lips, rubbing his whole body against Clem’s hand it looked like. Clem was surprised for a second before giggling using one of their hands they softly traced the spikes on Donnie’s shell and used the other to scratch Donnie’s snout. Churring Donnie’s chest rumbled, his tail swishing against the bed sheets.
Clem chuckled watching as his boyfriend turned into a puddle in their lap, leaning forward they placed soft kisses on every spot they saw on Donnie’s shell. Donnie squirms around a drunk-love sick look on his face. He didn’t like this feeling before but maybe being vulnerable around your partner was something different.
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