#yesterday my friend had a new book of comics by this person we know
minzart · 3 months
Sooo I finished reading PK²
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It's a-ok, I really liked how they changed the status quo and shaked things with some already established characters that is probably to happen.
Everett is a really good villain, I love to hate him, he already had a good base for it, the mad scientist vibes! The whole rich guy thing, THE WHOLE THING THAT HAPPENED TO DUE
And right from the start I was INVESTED IN HATING HIM, he excencialy killed Uno AND DIDN'T EVEN LET US(readers and donald) HAVE A PROPER FUCKING GOODBYE
Donald losing all his gadgets and hiper tecnology apparatus, even if he still has his car it now can't be extremely easily accessed until he meets Lyo. SPEAKINV OF LYO, I sweared it would be revealed he was astrongman, his dynamic with Donald is funny, an old hero "sidekick" who only respects old technology to contrast with Everett duck-mad-genius-of-technology-lair IS GOOD it makes everything much more dire for our hero
And his daughters? I really liked the angle they were going with them, since, you know. IT WAS ALREADY THERE WITH UNO AND DUE, add two more sisters and make a plot were their father encencialy kidnapped them and because of sircunstances they lost they entire childhood and grew up in a suspended state. I also would be pretty fucking crazy if that happen, those are toddlers in adult bodies without any of the excential formative experiences.
literaly pass the 5 fist inssues? Uno stops existing, donald doesn't mention him anymore, Everett sure didn't even saw him as a person, AND LYLA ALSO FUCKS OFF TO GOD KNOWS WERE TO DO HELLS KNOWS WHAT.
The story has a strong base with.... weak execution, I didn't like the sisters being all "dominate the world mad bitches", the whole plot could be so much better if they only acknowledge that uno and due were creations and were done so dirty by daddy dearest, we could also go without the panels of sexy born yesterday vibes the sisters always were subjected to during most of their scenes, and I have zero sympathy for Donald's "nice-guy" friend and his subject of attraction.
The good things? Strong base story, and they toned down the racist design :D IT ONLY TOOK +-4 YEARS BUT WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT IT ISN'T HARD.
Now, bear with me, apparently the series was canceled bc it wasn't selling well at the time, wich explains the rushed ending, but if those were the details that would just be expanded and dragged on for more inssues.... that really doesn't confort me at all... and yes I know that uno somehow survived and Odin is alive in the next reboots, I don't know yet how but I know he does, it's a comic book series that's not news my problem isn't that he died it's that he was forgotten by the narrative
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year
Pen Pal
Pairing: Ellie Williams x reader
Warnings: Slight mentions of homophobia
Summary: You've been Pen Pals with Ellie since you were in 5th grade. Will you finally get to meet her in person?
*Not Proof Read* TLOU Masterlist
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
November 3, 2028 (10 yrs old)
Dear Y/N,
My name is Ellie. I'm a fifth grader in Miss James' class in Wyoming. I like Savage Starlight and cookies. My best friends' name is Riley.
Do you have a best friend? Do you like Savage Starlight?
Sincerely Ellie Williams
November 10, 2028 (10 yrs old)
Dear Ellie,
Hi! It's nice to meet you! I love Savage Starlight! My brother hates them though. He never takes me to buy them at the book store :(
My bestfriends' name is Julie! Cookies are cool! I like ice cream. I have a dog. Do you have a dog? Do you like frogs? I like the color pink. Do you like pink?
Sincerely Y/N L/N
June 20, 2030 (12 yrs old)
Dear Y/N,
How's your dog? Joel's teaching me how to play the guitar! I learned how to play a song yesterday! I'm so happy.
Riley and I are planning on going to the fair tomorrow. I wish you could come. I bet you'd love Riley! Maybe some day you could meet her.
I finished the new addition of Savage Starlight yesterday and I'm so fucking sad. Did you finish it? I won't spoil. Let me know if you did so we can talk about it!
Sincerely Ellie!
June 28, 2030 (12 years old)
Dear Ellie,
I have bad news. Pepper died.
She died last night. Mom said she got really old and died in her sleep. Pepper was a good dog. I'm going to miss her.
I'm really sad. I wish she was still her.
I haven't finished Savage Starlight yet. I'm waiting until I feel happy. Maybe in a few days.
Sincerely Y/N
August 3, 2032 (14 years old)
Riley's moving away. She came over and told me today. I'm really sad about it. She's been my friend ever since kindergarten.
She's moving to Boston.
I found an a cute ice cream shop yesterday and thought of you. Maybe some day you can see it. We could get ice cream there and then look at the comic book store.
I can't believe Savage Starlight is fucking ending. I've been reading it since fourth grade. I don't want it to end. How do you feel about it ending?
Love, Els
August 9, 2032 (14 years old)
I'm so sorry about Riley. That sucks. I hope you guys can still talk.
I'd love to go to the ice cream shop and comic book store with you one day. My brother went off to college today. He's studying to be a doctor. Cool right?
I don't want Savage Starlight end either. I wish it could go on forever. Fucking sucks.
I think you're my best friend.
Love, Y/N
September 12, 2032 (16 yrs old)
I won first place in the art show! I'm so fucking happy. Joel took me out for ice cream with Sarah yesterday. We had so much fun.
Do you think we should start using email? Or texting? Joel got me phone yesterday! I'm so excited! Here's my number if you want to text xxx-xxx-xxxx and my email: [email protected]
I've started working out at a local gym. I love it. I'm going every day. I think I might do something with space when I'm older. I really like space.
Also, I'm gay.
Love, Els
September 18, 2032 (16 yrs old)
Subject: Hi
Els, this is my email! I'll send you a text right after this. I'm so happy for you! First phone yay!! Also congrats on the art show!
The gym is fun! And space is so cool! I'm not sure what I'll do yet when I'm older. I'm still deciding. I'm glad you know what you want to do though.
Also, cool! I'm glad you feel comfortable telling me! I love you, Els. <3
My brother's being a fucking asshole. He refuses to come to my birthday party because his girlfriend's parents want to have dinner the same day.
I wish you could come. Maybe some day.
Love, Y/N
May 2, 2034 (18 yrs old)
Subject: So
I think I might not be straight. I'm not sure. I've only told you. I can't tell my parents. I don't know how they'd react. I know my brother would hate me. He's a fucking dick now. I don't know why he's the way he is.
My parents have started fighting a lot. Money problems I think. I think my dad might have cheated on my mom too.
I'm excited to go to college next year. I'm glad we got into the same school! We'll finally be able to meet. I've been wanting to meet you for years. Maybe I can finally get away from all the shit that's been going on lately.
I don't know why this all happened so fucking fast.
I hope you're well.
Lots of Love, Y/N
May 2, 2034 (18 yrs old)
Receiver: y/[email protected]
Subject: So
Hey, so I know how you're feeling. It'll take some time to figure out, but you'll get there. No matter what, I'll love you.
You're family sounds like a bunch of dicks. I'm sorry you have to go through that.
I've been talking with Joel and he said I could do this.
Do you want to come stay with me and my family over the summer? Maybe get a break from your family? We could idk finally fucking meet?
Let me know if you want to come to Wyoming. You could meet my friends. Then we could drive up to school together. It's not too far from my house. Maybe day or two away.
Also, I got a girlfriend. her name is Cat. She gave me this cool ass tattoo. I'll send a pic.
__Pic Attached__
Love, Els
My eyes scan over the email again, making sure I didn't imagine what I just read. Ellie just invited me to Wyoming for the summer! There's no fucking way I'm missing this opportunity.
I'm finally going to get to meet her!
My eyes land on the last line. I got a girlfriend.
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chaussur-blog · 8 months
Fuck you! (English translation)
So this is a comic that i made during the summer 21 (and thought out during the year before). So it's a lil old but i'm still very proud of it! I made it with watercolors, on paper of about 17cm x 17 cm.
The original is in French so if you understand it, you can find it: here.
There's the transcription of the text at the bottom of each page in case my handwriting is a lil hard to understand (original is paper, it was made more to be read like that)
Anyhow, enjoy!
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Right that moment, i felt like dying
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This meant, that some things had to change
Name change : Elliott
Delete these 28 contacts? yes / no
Reorientation : sociology - economy
Hi. I am non-binary. If you can’t respect that, please go to hell xoxo. Some people, 98 [redacted]
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That’s why I am here !
University ♡
red hair / unconditional love for crop tops / emo 4 ever / uncertain gender expression / new in town / side-cut
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Well. This year will at least be interesting
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This precise second, my world exploded
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I saw \*this girl - person\*
hair!! / nice smile / hypnotizing eyes / heck of a style/ real cool piercings
… and huge gay vibes
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I needed a way, a pretext to talk to them, quickly
Fortunately, the universe wasn’t relying on my subtle flirting skills (& it’s fair)
Hi, do you know where the classroom is ? For orientation
I know where that is! I’ll show you. By the way, I’m Antoine.
Nice to meet you! I’m Elliott!
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Little by little, we became pretty close
A little too close
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Fuck no
of course i wanna have sex with them but i really fucked up i want to have a romantic relationship with them too and this is not what they’re gonna think fuck
of course ; but not like that
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solution 1 : talk about it (that’s the right one) / solution 2 : flee
yes ; i’m an asshole
What the hell?
Hi! I can’t be your sexfriend! Sorry (yesterday was fun tho)
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Nothing matters anymore!
I am stupid
2 missed calls
Living in a world so cold, wasting away / Living in a shell with no soul, since you’ve gone away / Living in a world so cold, counting the days / Since you’ve gone away from me
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Those were bad times.
Do not sit
I found shelter in books
and I, in a whole lot of things
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Lectures were really awkward
But I wanted to explain.
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Why are you talking to me?
I’m sorry. Can we talk ?
No, not really.
I really / screwed up.
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Now is high time for my best coping mechanism
Hi! I’m Alice / I’m Leo! What do you do? / I study sociology and economy. / Could you explain inflation to me? Where do the money disappear to? / Let’s dance instead.
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Using strangers / Destroying myself
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Elliott… / I haven’t seen you around, I’m worried about you
Talk to me.
Please let me give you my notes
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I'm sorry you have to see that, / Antoine
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Okay. So you’re obviously feeling too bad for me to help you. But I’ll support you.
Everything will be alright. / There are several steps.
But firstly, do you see your current situation as a problem? / …Yes. / Are you ready,
To try to improve it? / Yes. / You’re sure? / Yes. I’m sick of living like this.
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Neat! That was step 1
Thanks, Antoine
Step 2 is to clean your flat and keep it tidy enough
doing the dishes is better than piling them in your bathtub / air is great / changing your sheets, too / getting rid of the harmful stuff
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Step 3: restructuring your days and getting rid of your bad habits
Every day: / hydrate eat (3 times) / go out at least once / rest, sleep / go to class & study
Every week: / plan meals / laundry / grocery shopping / do sport
uninstall Webtoons, Twitter and Instagram. / sober of self-harm (2 days) / quit alcohol and smoking / do sport / study, but not too much / journal
But Antoine was very clear: / We’re friends. We’ll see if we can be more when you get better.
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There was one step left, last but not least: going to therapy
It took me time and energy. But it was worth it.
Thank you. / No problem, Elliott
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Of course, I had some trouble
But Antoine helped me each time I asked him.
Sorry / Progress isn’t linear
That’s rich, prick
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I feel much better, so I’m going to ask Antoine out. Well, that’s the plan
stressed out / black dye / attempt at a fancy outfit
Knock knock
Oh hi Elliott ! Looking very smart today!
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Hi… Last time, we did not communicate very well. So I’d like to ask you properly, would you go on a date (with me)?
Of course, Eliott. / Glad to know that you are still interested.
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and this date,
was the first of many,
and many other rendez-vous.
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Thanks, the universe
If you're here i would really love for you to tell me that you read it / what you thought about it so please don't hesitate to! I hearing about it 🥰
And also you can find some more drawings of them on my Instagram: here.
But yeah, thank you, i send you much love, take care of yourself :)
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momobani · 2 years
P1Harmony Harmony: Set In album review
Unsolicited album review (p3!!)
I’ve been a p1ece since debut and I just get so excited about new music, no one asks for these nor cares, but I have fun doing it, so there. Hope everyone’s enjoying the album!!
Warning: long post [1.4k], I got carried away lmao.
Note - this is the first time P1Harmony has done the showcase first, then dropped the MV and then the rest of the album, the order does feel a little funny but it was actually really nice to hear two of the songs yesterday (they sang Better Together at the showcase as well as the title).
As always, I did keep up with the teasers, so it definitely won’t be a total surprise listening to the album. I feel like instead of spoiling it though, I got so hyped so I guess the teasers did their job alright. I also watched the showcase yesterday and heard both songs and I really liked both. 
Bonus: Jiung helped write Better Together!!! Intak and Jongseob always have their rap writing credits but to see a composition credit is just such a joy, especially because we know how much Jiung likes writing music and how much pride he takes in it.
Back Down (+MV)
Alright first things first - holy shit the visuals!!!!! I loved the underground idk ‘lair’ or whatever you can call the hang out spot since they dropped the prologue. It’s amazing, the detail, the decor is perfect. I immediately thought of the Ninja Turtles when I saw it, and I had a good look around on the bird app and found other people had a similar thought so I guess maybe FNC was going for it? If it’s so obvious lol. But I love it so much; the guys said this album is about friendship and I totally see why there’s a sort of reference to the ninja turtles - they’re a cute bunch (of brothers) but also friends and they go on cool missions and stuff so the vibe is perfect.
Okay the song: I could tell from the few seconds we got as teasers that this was going to be a bop but omg it’s so much better than that, it’s a whole banger! (Keeho’s intro, sir, do you have something to say?) There’s something so satisfying about Jongseob’s hard ‘rr’ sound and I love the bass boom in the instrumental. (also the MV - they got super powers or something from getting electrocuted? fun!) Intak’s “bro!” took me out (actually his whole verse did but yea), then the MV transition where they jump up from the sewers to the metro was just so neat omg. I love the sort of New York setting they’re emulating, it really keeps up the reference to the Ninja Turtles. Keeho with those glasses and earrings, he actually looks like he time travelled from the 90s lol. The backpacks make them look like turtles I’m sorry I said it but I find it adorable.
RA TA TA TA!!!!!!
Tag yourself I’m the pizza person looking down in the sewer.
Jiung is out for my life, he serving too hard this era, everyone say thank you to the stylists. But also the styling is as usual so incredible and everyone looks amazing!!
Soul throwing the pizza at us, the trio against the moonlight and standing on top of the buildings? So very Ninja Turtles, my heart is happy haha (i love the ninja turtles, can you tell?)
Omg the little captions too, comic book feel, it’s fun. BUT THEN
Jiung driving (Jiung driving me insane, p1eces sound off if you’re alive)
SOUL LINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY
The pre-chorus is so long, what a build up, it’s like 3 different phrases? It’s dope.
The suits the suits the suits the suits also the little video game style thing when they’re “fighting” each other is so cute
Also I had this thought when I saw Keeho with this hair at the showcase yesterday - it really reminded me of something then I got it: he’s in his Rockhopper Penguin era, duh
Keeyang bridge - I love the way the instrumental gets so minimal, like yes, please we want to hear the vocals (ft Jiung losing his mind around the table lmao).
Intak’s ‘time to change it now’ - change what dude???!!! Also he looked like a cute school kid with that backpack lol I feel like I’m taking my kids to school when I see them with those massive bags haha.
The chorus of this song is so full of energy it’s definitely one of their biggest hype songs and that’s saying something.
I just checked how long the song is and it’s only 2:48?? It feels so much longer than that not just cuz of the video but like so much happens in it? anyway, interesting since it’s their shortest title track (all of the others are at least 3 mins long)
The instrumental touched my soul for a second. Speaking of which, SOUL LINES???!!!!!! YESSSSS my kid getting something after how long omg. The build up is beautiful. This is Yes Man’s younger, more playful sibling. That guitar? riff is ingrained in my heart now, no going back. Jongseob’s shimmy shimmy ah haha cute! This song is an instant serotonin boost I’m smiling so much. It’s so short though I need more!! So I’ll listen to it again sskskskskjdn
The ‘by your side’ harmony!! I want to dance, it’s so fun and cute omg. Jongseob’s singing yesss.
Secret Sauce
The intro????? i’m-
Beat is sick omg, the build up too. “future’s coming” interesting you should mention that.
Chorus took a totally different turn then I expected lol. The adlibs!!!! The gang vocals!!!! The whispering in the background behind the rapper’s verses holy shit, that’s cool.
Shimmy shimmy count x1000 aosfousduf
Taeyang please, have mercy, also that little ‘sauce’ adlib (i think it was actually Soul for some reason) before Keeho’s lines. What is that noise?? It sounded like an electronic xylophone or something wtf that was so cool
(in conclusion shimmy shimmy has me in a chokehold)
One and only
What????? The teaser didn’t do this song justice I say that like 20 secs in.
Funky lil instrumental, my beloved. Okay if BFF was related to Yes Man, so is this one, it’s like the funky cousin that is so loud but you love them anyway. Life of the party type of thing. BOOM! ZOOM! (i promised I’m not possessed by the music). SOUL LINESSSSSSS I’LL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT THIS, KID’S DOING SO WELL!! The bridge, there’s so much going on in the instrumental holy shit. NANANANANANAANANA - you know a song is good when it has that.
Look At Me Now
(I really liked the Korean title, it’s something like “the child who swallowed the sun”?) just from the teasers I thought this might be one of my super all times favourite in the piwon catalog, let’s see if that’s true lol.
Jiung I’m on my last straw
Jongseob pop off my child :’)
“I’m on the top floor” - I’m somewhere in space, speeding toward the sun while listening to this song wbu (this is going to be my new 3am psychosis song lskdjosidsds)
This is p1eces’ boxer/WWE theme song, y’know when they announce the contenders and stuff, and they come out to epic music? This is the song
Better Together
(heard this yesterday watching the showcase, it was lovely as a performance)
I love the rapper’s vocals!!
I feel like Taeyang really owns this for some reason - like in the chorus especially.
Piwon’s medium pop ballads are always top notch, they all have that softness and upbeat chord progression that’s like sunshine on a rainy day.
I want an acoustic performance for some reason - I totally see this with a bunch of guitars and maybe around a camp fire?
Piwon harmonies!!!!!
In conclusion, Piwon have a god tier, no-skip discography and when kpoppies find out about them it’s over for everyone. I don’t know how they do it, like every album they put out is consistently brilliant and they manage to stay fresh and do different things while keeping that distinct p1harmony flavour, I really wonder what they put in the fish cake water.
I’m not a person who likes the obsessive fan culture with voting and streaming but honestly I would hope that there’s some way to give piwon a win, they more than deserved it for this whole year, every album/title was incredible and they’ve done so much, I’m so proud of them.
I really hope the guys can have some time off since they really had such a busy year, 3 albums, a tour, extra performances and all the harmony forest stuff too, holy shit, it’s really insane, but it was also so amazing and I hope they’re proud of what they’ve accomplished so far.
anyways, I love p1harmony and I hope you do too <333
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newtedison · 2 years
fic rec tag game!
ty @crestfallercanyon for the tag, tumblr never wants me to see my tags but i did it
rules: recommend three of YOUR fics, one that is the most popular and two that are “hidden gems”
i don’t want to recommend this but i have to
most popular: therapy dogs and comic books
this fic is almost at 30k hits, i’ll literally never have another fic reach this high. i haven’t even come close since. 
i wrote this when i was 18 and at the peak of my newtmas phase. it’s an 80k high school au strangers to friends to lovers fic. people tell me they really like it. i’m personally quite distanced from it now and would change a bunch of it if i could, but clearly i did something that resonated with people, and i’m happy about that. 
“hidden gem” #1: to have a heartbeat
where my brenderesa girlies at?! this is an 11k fic where brenda is a new ghost that teresa accidentally summons while working on a photo restoration for thomas. i was rereading parts of this yesterday and i was like you know this kind of goes off. not to toot my own horn but i like it. despite the fact that brenda is a ghost i don’t actually think it’s that sad. i’m hoping i can expand the universe of this fic one day but we shall see!
“hidden gem”#2: Kenopsia
if you weren’t in the discord or missed when i posted this, you might have seen me reblog things about a “torture labyrinth” or pictures of liminal spaces with the tag “kenopsia” and have no idea what i’m talking about. essentially i had this idea to make a fic about liminal spaces, passed out, and woke up with 28k written. newtmas. maze runner parallels where thomas wakes up mid-run in a liminal space with no memories and finds newt who is also trapped. if you’ve ever seen “eternal sunshine of the spotless mind” it’s sort of like that. i know it’s weird but please give it a shot. 
i tag @subjecta5newtella @newtmsa and @itsthemxze
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laurenceslife · 2 years
Chapter 54
              Laurence invited Dennis to his house to meet with Diana again – she only could be better than the taxi driver – he thought – Moreover, they were even each other’s opposite. The aggressive, hostile woman, and the shy fan girl… - He already liked Diana’s inside too. He was looking forward to getting to know her better.
But Dennis only could be coming in the evening.
Laurence didn’t know how to occupy himself till then.
              He went to a boxing match with Lemuel and Bruce, of course, by motorcycle there too, where he was singing like usual.
After the match, he was reading a comic book but he got bored with it soon. He already preferred to watch superhero movies.
By a sudden idea, he called his father to ask him if he would come to the cinema with him, and he agreed to it.
- Do you remember the good old days when we went to the cinema together? – the older Laurence smiled at him in the car.
- That’s why you came into my head. But then still you took me – his son laughed.
And he was experiencing good days nowadays too – it also came into his head - Earlier, he still would have been angry with the taxi driver. Jocelyn also got surprised that he wasn’t angry with her anymore. His life was much better this way that he wasn’t resentful.
After he had arrived at home, he cooked dinner, then Dennis arrived, but alone. This evening still wasn’t good for Diana.
The man laughed about his disappointed reaction. He was happy that two of his friends could get a new relationship.
They were talking about the girl on, and Laurence was already sure he wanted to meet her. She liked sci-fi, too, she liked to appear on the stage, too, because she didn’t have to jitter for a year about if the audience liked the show; she was shy, too, like the man inside, that was why he didn’t like it when fans got up to him. She didn’t want children, either, and she didn’t mind it either if they would live separately with Laurence till the end. Earlier, she also wanted a child but since she heard from everybody how much care it needs, she didn’t cling to it anymore. And with Laurence, she also wanted to meet if she would have wanted a child.
On the other hand, Dennis also told him that there was something that Diana wasn’t sure of if she wanted to meet him, but he didn’t know why. She only said she already almost succeeded in falling out of love, and that was also why it so much upset her that she got to know that he was single again. She had to decide if she would give this relationship one more chance, and she decided to try it, maybe it would work. She thought the past lots of years since she had been hooked on him, deserved it, especially when she got to know that he was going to be there at the wedding, too.
              After Dennis had left, Laurence was considering what it could be why Diana almost fell out of love, but nothing came into his head.
He was reading a Paulo Coelho-book, then took a shower, meditated, and went to sleep.
Next day, he had breakfast in front of the TV as usual, then flew to take Montana to the kindergarten as they arranged it with Hajna.
Exactly after he had arrived home, his phone rang.
It was Diana!
- Hi! How do you know my number? – he asked kindly.
- Sorry, just Dennis gave it… - she said shyly – Sorry I couldn’t go yesterday; I thought then I would already call you today... – she jabbered.
- Then you could already come over. I prefer talking in person.
- I don’t know where you live.
The man explained it to her, and Diana said she would be there about an hour later.
Until the girl had come, he cooked lunch; during it, it came into his head that maybe they shouldn’t have called her to his house, because it was the first date, they rather should sit somewhere else.
- Hi – he opened the door awkwardly when Diana had arrived.
- Hi… Wouldn’t we rather go somewhere? I don’t go to anybody’s house when we meet for the first time… - the girl said shyly, too.
- This is already our second meeting, and I also cooked lunch, and if you don’t come in, you found your way here in vain – Laurence smiled.
- That’s right – Diana laughed in embarrassment, and came in through the door.
The man had never met such a shy girl, but he liked her very much. She aroused that instinct inside him that she could recline upon him, and he loved it when women reclined upon him. And her look was also so different from his latest partners, she was exactly their opposite; he hadn’t had such a partner since he was a teenager: recently, he had black wife and girlfriends, and Diana was white, with blond hair and light blue eyes. He just realized that he desired this change. It was also exciting for him that their looks were exactly each other’s opposite, except their heights. Since Victoria, except Gina, everybody was far from he would have liked anyone this much.
While the lunch was boiling, they sat down in the living room.
- What did you come by? – Laurence asked.
- By taxi – the girl answered still shyly, then it came into her head that she should say some more – I can’t drive, I don’t even have a car. It would cost a lot, and I think driving wouldn’t even go well – she laughed in embarrassment in the end.
- That’s right that even maintaining a car costs some money – the man tried to stoop to Diana’s social level.
- Especially getting a driving license and buying a car.
- I bought a motorcycle not long ago; nowadays I go by that. I learnt how to drive the motorcycle during the last filming, for the movie’s sake, and since then, that’s my new hobby.
The girl liked Laurence even more. She saw her even more manly by it. What she liked in him the most, was always exactly that he is so manly.
- I think the lunch is ready, I’ll take a look at it – the man stood up, and walked over to the open-plan kitchen – Will we sit over to the table? – he put the food over to the table. It was laid already.
Diana stood up, too, and they sat down at the beautiful, huge table.
On the table, there were cut vegetables, cheeses, Caesar salad, sausage with mash, and peas with rice too. Laurence wanted to be sure that there would be something among the food that the girl liked. All of them looked so good that Diana didn’t even know which to take, then took some of the cheeses and the salad, and the man was eating sausage with mash.
The girl liked it too. She thought that food was the manliest.
She also liked the food, although it didn’t need much work but she suspected that since Laurence cooks, then he cooks well. She thought he does everything well that he gets cracking, this befits to he’s manly so she looked up to him. This, that he cooks, didn’t make him less manly to her, either. To her, he was like a cook, and cooks are mostly men.
- How’s the food? – the man asked.
- It tastes good – the girl smiled shyly - Sorry, it’s just so unbelievable to me that I met with you! Though this is already the second opportunity but I’ve imagined it so many times – she laughed in embarrassment.
- Since when have you been a fan of mine?
- Since I was twelve.
- That’s really quite a long time. On the other hand, Dennis said to me that you don’t like something about me nowadays.
Diana was startled.
- Do you tell me what that is? – Laurence asked.
The girl didn’t count on it.
- What you said in your latest interview… - Diana said, scared to death.
- What did I say? – the man asked.
The girl didn’t know how to tell him, and Laurence was considering.
Then it came into his head. He said that he had an affair with the leading woman when his relationship was still lasting with Victoria.
He got frightened, too.
- That wasn’t true – he said tensely – I only said it to annoy Victoria. We were on bad terms at that time.
- You didn’t seem to be too moody.
- It’s acting. Sometimes I use it beyond the theater and filming too. I just can’t take part in an interview sadly.
- That’s right… - Diana said, but she was still tense because of the subject.
- Have we cleared up the subject? – Laurence smiled.
- It’s still an unlovely thing that you did to her. I don’t like those people who lie, a priori. Aand by it, you detracted your own reputation, too. And it’s also a pretty shameless thing to say that somebody was your lover… - the girl finished shyly.
- I wouldn’t do such a thing anymore. Since I've read As a Man Thinketh by James Allen and become a UNICEF ambassador, I have grown a lot humanly. For example a hostile woman took me away from the wedding but I already just laughed about this all. I’m already much less resentful.
Diana also wanted to tell him that she couldn’t know if he lied now or then, but the man was very convincing. But as soon as they had eaten the lunch, she justly said goodbye, and went home.
Laurence wanted to stay with her. He wanted to kiss her, wanted to be a couple with her. He tried to detain her but the girl wanted to go anyway. He didn’t know why. But this way, he liked the girl even more, that he had to fight for her accepting him and that it wasn’t easy to get her.
              After lunch, he met with Martin, and told him everything. He was also talking with him about his being an UNICEF ambassador, and they were also talking about Martin’s foundation Robert. F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation which he works for. The foundation is involved in social justice, and facilitates Robert Kennedy’s work. He thinks it is important for people to celebrate heroes, and they try to inspire people to do a higher and more human service for their fellow-men. Martin told him that he already thought Laurence a hero, too, because he became an UNICEF ambassador.
              After going home from Martin’s place, he was reading, then had dinner in front of the TV, and took a shower.
After he had gone to sleep, he couldn’t sleep because he wasn’t reading and meditating but watching TV before it.
It came into his head that he didn’t ask for Diana’s phone number, and they didn’t even arrange their next meeting – Maybe she didn’t want to meet with him anymore. Maybe she was disappointed in him compared to the way she imagined him before she properly got to know him in person. Or she didn’t believe him that he changed since he had said he had an affair with a woman when he was with Victoria – it came into his head.
He decided to call Dennis and ask for her number tomorrow, to ask her if she still wanted to meet with him.
              Next day, the first thing he did was that he called the man who gave him the girl’s number. He even forgot to have breakfast, and by nerves, he couldn’t even be eating because maybe Diana didn’t want to meet with him anymore.
As soon as he had gotten the number, he called the girl.
They arranged that they would meet tomorrow, at Diana’s place.
Laurence happily replaced the receiver. It was a great load off his mind – It seemed they would succeed in meeting – he thought. He realized that he had even fallen in love with her.
He had no idea how to spend the rest of the day. Plentiful enough lunch remained from yesterday so he didn’t have to cook.
He turned on his favorite radio station, and was trying to read a comic book but he was constantly thinking about tomorrow, he was going to meet with the girl, and couldn’t concentrate on it.
He invited Erica, one of his cousins to his house, but of course, she didn’t have time.
He put in one of his blouse cassettes, and was reading another book, but he couldn’t concentrate on it either. Any girl hadn’t crazed him this much.
He couldn’t be meeting with Langston, Montana and Mike because they were at school and in kindergarten.
It came into his head that he had met with Joe the longest time ago of his friends, so he sat on the motorcycle, and went to his place. He didn’t even care if he wasn’t at home, at least he was riding the motorcycle.
He really wasn’t at home.
At home, in front of the TV, he had a lunch, then called Gary who came into his head by Joe, because they are friends.
- Hello! How are you guys? – Laurence asked cheerfully.
- We’re well but still not so much like you – the other man said funnily – By why are you so cheerful?
- I met a new girl – the man laid down on the sofa, grinning.
Gary got started. He had never experienced his friend to be like this – Maybe she was the one? – he thought.
- Since when have you two been together? – Gary asked.
- It seems like tomorrow, we meet – Laurence said joyously.
- You two haven’t even met? – his friend got startled again – How do you know that she wants to meet you?
- She’s been hooked on me since she was a teenager.
- And how did you two meet? – Gary was surprised.
- At Dennis’ wedding. And yesterday she’s was at my house, too.
- And how does she know Dennis???
- Diana’s an actress, and for a while, they played together in the theater.
- Then how come you two met only now?
- While I was married or was in a relationship, she didn’t wanna meet with me – Laurence said sadly, pitying the girl.
Gary fell from one awe to the other. He didn’t experience his friend to be so sympathetic either – Although it was natural that he pitied who he was in love with – he thought.
              After the conversation, Laurence called Michael Douglas who invited him for tea.
He also told him that it seemed he had a new girlfriend, and Michael was talking about his family and about his being a truce-bearer, but these weren’t interesting for Laurence, he was thinking about Diana till the end, except when they were talking about acting why he was a fan of Michael’s.
After going home, he talked to his children on the phone, then had dinner in front of the TV, read a Paulo Coelho-book, took a shower, meditated, and went to sleep.
              Next day, he was waiting all day to go to Diana’s place. The girl invited him for dinner, for six p. m. Laurence couldn’t imagine how he would bear it till then.
By the excitement, he couldn’t be having breakfast then either; instead of it, he rather called Hajna to ask if he could take Montana to the kindergarten.
Hajna didn’t answer the phone so he thought he would call her back to ask if he could go for her or for Langston.
But what would he do till then? – he thought.
He went to ride the motorcycle just because; during it, he was singing a love song.
After going home, he was struggling with reading a comic book again. He forgot again that nowadays, it didn’t preoccupy him.
After he had realized it, and it came into his head, he rented a Marvel movie, and at home, alone, he saw it, but he had seen it already like he always saw every Marvel movie already in the cinema.
While watching the movie, he was only thinking about what to be doing after that.
After taking the movie back, he made lunch; during it, he was singing a further love song.
In front of the TV, he ate the French fries and the ham-salad sandwich, then read a historical informative book.
Just this once, of course, it wasn’t interesting to him, either.
He called Hajna, and asked her if he could go for either of the children.
The woman said he could go for Langston, and this was going to be the first time that Will was going to go for Montana. He had to go for the little boy for two p. m.
It was still only half past one; till then, he invited his father, and smoked a cigar with him; during it, they were talking about Lemuel, and of course, Diana came in, too.
              After going for Langston to the school and taking him home, he asked Hajna if he could be staying with the children, because he forgot that this time Will was there. The woman was surprised, she had never seen the man to be so straggling. By it and by his unusual cheer, she also realized that it was because of a woman.
Laurence, after arriving home, was switching the channels on TV, and found a Gary Oldman-movie, and because of his favorite actor, he watched it till the end.
When it was over, he was nervous when it came into his head that he already had to be getting ready for meeting with Diana.
He was considering what to put on, then it came into his head that the girl had already fallen in love with him, anyway, so he stayed in his white T-shirt that had buttons on its upper part, and light brown, loose pants.
After that, it came into his head that he should buy her something, but it came into his head that it would be too early yet – That was also possible that she only wanted friendship – it came into his head.
He had to be starting.
He got on the motorcycle, and arrived there three quarters of an hour later.
He found himself in front of a nice housing estate’s block.
He rang on the intercom, and went upstairs to the second floor as the girl said.
Diana’s mother answered the door.
- Good evening. Come in – the woman with brownish blond, half-long hair, said, smiling and jittering.
- Good evening – the man went in, surprised that the girl’s mother answered the door.
- I’m Sandra, Diana’s mom – the woman shook hands with him.
- Nice to meet you, I’m Laurence.
- Hi – the girl came out of her room shyly.
The man was startled that she was still so shy – So she was always so shy – he thought.
- Hi – Laurence smiled.
- Come to the living room – Sandra called them out of the entrance hall.
All of them sat down on the L-shaped sofa, the man next to Diana.
They got it over with a boring, polite chat, then the two of them went into the girl’s room.
- Where is your dad? – he asked after they sat down on the bed.
- My parents divorced two years ago – the girl answered.
- You haven’t even told me.
- I’m already an adult. It didn’t wear me too much. Rather that wore me when my dad started dating.
- I was only ten when my parents divorced. Which wore me was that they didn’t stay together.
- Yeah, I know… - she knew it from that interview which they talked about last time too.
It came into the man’s head too, and he already regretted broaching the subject.
- You believe what I said to you last time, don’t you? – he asked tremulously.
- Yeah – the girl said shyly.
- I love that you’re so shy – Laurence kissed her.
Diana felt like she was dreaming – how many times she imagined this moment! – she thought. She felt it in advance that with her love, kissing would be better than with anybody else, and it was really this way.
She embraced the man’s neck, and her heart was panting. She had never experienced such a beautiful feeling like this.
The man was fondling her arms, then her breast, and was kissing her neck and shoulder.
- I need to tell you something – the girl began to speak, frightened.
- What? – Laurence asked, frightened, too.
- I’ve never been in love with anybody… - Diana watched the carpet shyly.
There was startled silence.
- I’ve dated with some boys but I’ve never slept with anybody – the girl continued, still watching the carpet – That was also a reason why it so bothered me when you said that you had a lover without love. I couldn’t sleep with anybody without love, and I’m disgusted at people who do it, and also tell it…
- Wait… You’re a virgin at twenty-five? – the man asked, surprised.
- Yes – Diana laughed awkwardly.
- No problem, you’re even more interesting this way. Then I already understand why you beetled off so much the day before yesterday…
Sandra said that the dinner was ready.
They went back to the living room, sat down at the table, and continued the small talk with the woman while eating.
              After Laurence had gone home, he was considering whether Diana could cook at all. She was so shy, in contrast to Victoria, she lived with her mother, she was still a virgin, and her mother was cooking and answered the door when he arrived… He was startled, experiencing that these all even more aroused care’s instinct inside him, that he could be the girl’s support. He considered this childishness sweet and charming. He considered it very-very girlish and youthful. He never would have thought that these things would ever be attractive for him.
The phone rang.
It was his godfather. He inquired about him because they had talked a long time ago.
He told him too, that he had a new girlfriend, but he couldn’t say too many good things about Diana. He couldn’t say any such thing why somebody could be a good girlfriend of somebody’s.
- And what do you like about her so much? – Maurice asked.
- Her little girly charm – Laurence laughed – She’s so shy, she lives with her mother, she’s so innocent…
- But she at least works, doesn’t she? – the other man asked seriously.
- Yeah, she’s an actress, too. She works in the theater, Dennis is one of her friends, and we met at his wedding.
- Dennis got married again? – Maurice was staggered – Although one can’t be surprised at this about him – he laughed.
- It seems nowadays he’s also hooked on young girls. He married a thirty-one years younger girl – his godson laughed, too.
- Yeah, his previous wife was far younger than him, too.
- And what’s up with you guys?
- Lizzy’s pregnant again.
- You’re telling me just now?! Why didn’t you start with it? – Laurence asked cheerfully.
- Actually she didn’t want any more kids. She has many problems even with one.
- What’s the problem with her? – the man asked, maybe he could help, and sat down on the edge of the sofa.
- She just takes too much of her time. She came too early, and she didn’t have time to live her youth.
- You haven’t even told me.
- You were lucky that you weren’t the one who raised Mike in your teens. I mean you weren’t the one who lived with him. And Kristen was lucky, too, that she lived with her parents, who could help her. If you move in with that childish girl, it won’t be like you have to raise a kid alone, will it be?
- Of course not, and I don’t even wanna move in with anybody! I don’t know how it came into your head now! – Laurence said edgily.
              After they had replaced the receiver, the man was considering about why Maurice could think that Diana would have been so childish that it would have been necessary to raise her – It’s even impossible to raise a twenty-five-year-old woman! – he thought angrily – And it was normal that she lived with her mother since she hadn’t gotten married, and hadn’t lived together with any of their partners, either.
After that, his father called him.
He angrily told him what Maurice said, but his father agreed with him, too. He said maybe the girl was so shy that she couldn’t even go about her lawful occasions, maybe she had some illness. But his son didn’t believe him, he told him she even appeared in the theater, and she didn’t seem to be pathological at all.
- In the plays, the words are put into her mouth – his father continued tensely – She knows what and how to say so she doesn’t need to jitter about it.
- So you think she doesn’t even know how to communicate! – Laurence said indignantly – You haven’t seen her! She’s completely normal, just shy!
- Maybe you’re right. I and Maurice just worry about you, and every possibility comes into our head.
- Besides, I don’t wanna move in with anybody. Then isn’t it the same?! And I’m not a kid anymore, it’s not necessary to worry about me! – his son continued edgily.
- You’re not calm, either, I see. I think you should ask her mother if she has some mental illness.
- Isn’t it the same?! I’ve already told you  that I’m not gonna move in with her!
- Then why are you so edgy?!
- Because you two are insulting the girl who I love! – Laurence slapped the phone down furiously.
He angrily went to take a shower, then regretted talking to Maurice and his father like that. He was also reflecting about what they said – Maybe Diana was so shy because of some mental illness. But he was very shy, too, just didn’t show it. Accordingly she was even shyer than him, she was so shy that she couldn’t even hide it or she hadn’t been there in acting where he was – he thought - But why did he have to care about it? Wasn’t it the same why she was shy? Or maybe some other things were also hand in hand with her illness? But he hadn’t noticed anything. Then she surely didn’t have any other problem – he calmed down, and went to sleep.
He couldn’t be sleeping because it came into his head that maybe she had such a problem which she could hide – But then why did he care about this? It wouldn’t affect their relationship – it came into his head.
              Next morning, she called his father to say sorry to him:
- Sorry I slapped the phone down last night. I was thinking about what you said, and maybe you’re right. But isn’t it the same why she’s shy?
- You’re right. It’s even better if it doesn’t come out. If your mother got to know that you’re with a mentally ill girl, maybe she would think it harms your career.
It didn’t even come into Laurence’s head.
- It’s the same, people won’t get to know it if she has some illness. It’s not visible – he said angrily – Besides, some stars have mental illnesses, too.
- But on them, it’s really not visible. On the other hand, you’ve said that girl’s very shy…
- So what? There are very shy people who still aren’t ill! People just shouldn’t get to know it if it’s because of an illness!
-  On the other hand, you should know it if your girlfriend has some illness. She shouldn’t have secrets before you.
- Maybe it’s better if I don’t know it, either. In the end, it would come to my mother’s ear – Laurence said edgily.
- Then don’t tell it to anybody.
- I don’t wanna live in mystification – he said furiously.
- Then decide if you want your love to be secretive before you, and if you want your mother to annoy you ’cause she thinks your girlfriend’s bad reputation can harm your career – his father said tensely.
              Laurence had breakfast in front of the TV, then it came into his head that they didn’t arrange it with Diana when to meet next time.
He was considering when to call her.
During it, somebody rang.
It was Hattie.
- You didn’t even say that you would come – the man answered the door.
- Good morning to you too – the woman came in through the door angrily.
They sat down to the sofa, and Laurence looked at her, frightened at maybe Maurice told her everything – Although he didn’t have anything to be afraid of, she couldn’t debar him from dating with the girl; at most they would be in bad again, but he didn’t want that either – it came into his head.
Hattie was looking at him angrily in the future too – Accordingly she knew everything – the man thought.
- Maurice told me everything – the woman began to speak – First, I thought how you can meet someone who’s nobody, while you’re a star, and by it, you bring shame upon your fame. On the other hand, on the way, I was thinking, and realized that you won’t be less successful by dating an unknown girl – she began to smile.
Laurence was startled – Till now, how didn’t it come into his head how smart his mother is?! – he thought. He couldn’t even begin to speak – But then who was she angry with? Was she angry with Maurice, or was she angry with him because he received her like that?
But it was the same – it came into his head.
- I’m just angry with Maurice because he wanted to intervene in your life, and I’m angry with you ’cause you received me like that.
The man laughed.
- It’s still no nothing that he cares about me even when I’m an adult – he said seriously after it – He deserved that I modeled my last year’s role about him – he reflected.
- You didn’t tell me but I realized that you modeled it about him.
- I even forgot how smart you are.
- Love took your mind – his mother smiled.
Her son laughed.
- While it’s unlike you. I’ve never seen you so much being in love – Hattie said happily.
              They were talking about Diana, then Laurence called the girl to ask when to meet.
They arranged that they would have lunch together in a restaurant.
During it, the man was reading a Paulo Coelho-book, then called Hajna to ask if he could go for Langston to the school and for Montana to the kindergarten.
The woman agreed to it.
After that, Laurence already set off to meet with his love.
              The restaurant was beautiful, it was full of golden and white colors. The white colors reminded the man of the girl’s innocence.
Laurence sat down at the booked table, beside the window, and until Diana had arrived, he chose his ordered meal in advance.
- Hi – the girl had arrived immediately after that.
- Hi – the man stood up, and kissed her.
- Have you chosen? – Diana asked nervously while they sat down.
- Aha. What did you come by?
- By bus – the girl took the menu nervously.
- I think you should choose the Hawaii slice. That’s the best here.
- Exactly pineapple and coconut are which I don’t like – his girlfriend laughed.
He was dead on it – the man thought, but laughed with her.
- Then I won’t intervene it – he said.
Diana was nervously trying to choose as soon as possible so the awkward quiet would come to an end, but Laurence was only admiring her beauty during it.
- I’ve chosen – the girl began to speak a minute later.
The waiter had come, and they told him what they chose.
- How has your day been? – the man asked.
- I get up pretty late so I haven’t done too many things yet – his girlfriend laughed in embarrassment.
Laurence was admiring her shyness.
- And what have you done today? – Diana asked.
- I’ve had a pretty eventful day – the man said tensely – I’ve talked to a heaps of people today. I called my father, then my mother came, then I called Hajna to ask if I could go for the kids.
It came into the girl’s head that Laurence would surely introduce her to his children.
- Did I say something bad? – the man asked, seeing his girlfriend’s fright.
- Why were you so tense? – the girl pushed the question over to him.
- I had a debate with my dad. I called him to say sorry – Laurence said still tensely.
The waiter had brought their orders.
- What did you two argue about? – Diana asked during eating. She calmed down because they didn’t have to be talking about her.
On the other hand, the man got frightened that he had to broach the subject. He didn’t know if he should say it was the same, it didn’t matter anymore or if he should ask the question if she had some mental illness.
He hadn't even begun to eat but was only tensely watching the table.
- About you… - he said, still tensely, still watching the table. He knew that he would have told her in vain already that it didn’t matter anymore.
The girl was watching him, petrified with fear.
- I love that you’re this shy, but some others don’t like it… I didn’t tell them as a complaint but I told them as a good quality – Laurence continued emphatically – But you don’t have any mental illness, do you? – he asked unsteadily.
His girlfriend was scared to death.
- That’s not a problem, either if you have. If you don’t wanna tell me, you don’t have to – the man appeased her.
- I’ve got a very rare mental illness… But to me, it’s not serious – Diana began tensely – I could live alone too, and I can manage everything alone – she continued calmly and firmly.
- And what’s this illness? – Laurence asked tensely.
- You don’t know it, anyway. Elective mutism… and social phobia…
- Oh my God! – the man sat back, startled – How can you appear on the stage this way??? – he asked with pity in his voice.
- It’s pretty hard… - his girlfriend said tensely – It causes so much stress that I even became asthmatic by it. At least it began when I started to appear on the stage.
- Do you also take some medicine?
- Yes. For all of them. Otherwise I couldn’t even appear, and would be even shyer…
It was no nothing that she was quite capable of doing for him – Laurence thought – It seemed that it was really love from the beginning, and it wasn’t only some teenage love that teenage girls feel for famous men.
They were eating on without a word but Diana hardly could be eating because she was scared to death of the reason why the man wasn’t talking to him, was because he didn’t want anything from her anymore – Maybe she shouldn’t have told him social phobia – she thought – Now he could consider her sheer crazy… Two psychiatric illnesses at the same time…
They had finished eating off, the man paid, took the girl home, and he also went home.
Was it surely a good idea to be dating such a girl who had two psychiatric illnesses? – Laurence was considering – Although he had also known it till then how shy she was; he only got to know its reasons. And he had never been this much in love, and he had never been this sure of the other’s love.
He even called her.
- Hallo – Diana’s sweet, shy voice was heard.
- It’s Laurence. I thought I would call you after the date. Sorry I left you without an answer, I just needed to think. But I already know that I’d like to stay with you. I fell in love with you, and I’ve never been this much in love.
- I love you, too. I’ve always loved you, already for years. That’s why I haven’t been able to fall in love with any of my partners. When I was a tween, I was really just hooked on you, but later, it became real love… It was very grievous… And now I was afraid of losing you.
- I need to admit that I already knew what you feel for me, and what you went through recently. After you told me those two illnesses, I thought I owed you this much.
Diana terribly got balled up. She could have killed Dennis.
- Don’t be angry with Dennis, he just let it slip – the man smiled.
The girl laughed.
- He still shouldn’t have told this all – she said tensely after that.
Laurence couldn’t say anything to that – Dennis had always been such a troublemaker – he thought – Although this time, he didn’t make trouble, and recently, he was also more serious.
- Won’t you come over to my place? – the man asked - Actually originally, I would have taken you to my place.
Diana wasn’t ready for it – He surely wanted to sleep with her – she thought. She didn’t imagine it this way. She was too shy for it. It was daylight, and she didn’t want to show herself naked before Laurence. She never took off her clothes before anybody, even before women. Even before her own mother. And she hadn’t even been ready to see a man naked.
She said this much of the meeting was enough for her for one day, and they replaced the receiver.
              Laurence really wanted to already sleep with her already, but he also wanted to meet with her in person because he preferred to talk with people in person. And he also wanted to kiss her again. He was looking forward to meeting with her again.
On the other hand, it came into his head that he was dating with a white girl for the first time since he was a teenager, and he could have problems by it again – Although since then, people got to be much more conforming towards black people – it came into his head, and he was happy again.
0 notes
This Is Why I’m Neo-Spiritual (Because Of Toxic-Religious Shisnos)
okay I’m on my Xbox One, and I wanted to check some stuff on Youtube on there, and well I did put in a DVD of Steven Universe Movie to watch in it, you know you can watch DVDs and Blu-Rays on your Xbox One, right...?
which I guess might only work if you download that blu-ray app that you can find at the Store on there.
which after finding out that it does have Uno, I think I found that out yesterday I think, and well I think I will try to get Uno on there sometime.
anyway looking up some Cult Of The Lamb stuff, also I did do my first fan art about it, but I think I will wait to post it maybe later or whenever.
anyway found out about some channel called....well I was going to say the name on here, but let’s just call them Toxic-Religious Fanatic.
and only seeing one video that talks about Cult Of The Lamb (and even getting the name freaking wrong in the video, even if the title does have the name right.)
I gotta say, that I’m NOT a big fan of that channel...
seriously, first of all no one said that video game will be for little kids, and would be most likely for Mature Audiences, cause once again, NOT ALL VIDEO GAMES OR CARTOONS OR MOVIES OR COMIC BOOKS WILL BE FOR LITTLE KIDS AND WILL ONLY BE FOR THOSE WHO ARE MATURE AUDIENCES AND AREN’T UNDER THE AGES OF 15 OR 18.
you can’t just place the blame on mature content or call it “evil” because it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows, even if content with sunshine and rainbows can be a good thing, but when you turn it into a Toxic-Rainbows, well it’s because of well ignorance like that...it becomes not the good kind of rainbows and sunshine...
I don’t know if they are serious or are just joking, but I sure ain’t laughing.
I had a bad experience with a Toxic-Religious person a few years ago, which I think it was before the whole Covid happen.
anyway as I said before, they kept misusing the whole “may the lord have mercy on you” or “may god have mercy on you” at me.
and even though my feelings were hurt, and I did try to point that out to them and try to get them to stop it, they just kept doing it, probably thinking it was “helping”....no it wasn’t, you self absorbed Toxic-Religious Jerk!
anyone else who is religious or not at all, would of been more empathic and understanding than your sorry jerky self.
anyway back to the whole talk about the video I watched from the channel that peeved me off, I’m not for certain Animal Rituals either, but we have to remember that Cult Of The Lamb, is JUST a video game.
plus it isn’t like it would be like my so called Toxic-Satanist Family from one of my past lives, which they are so lucky I don’t remember their faces, and if they were alive in the here and now, I would probably would want to punch them...
yeah like I pointed out before, Toxic-Satanists are on my list, that and Toxic-Catholic Priests and Nuns, I don’t believe that all Priests are bad, no matter what religion they are in....but if they cross a line and end up doing really evil stuff, then yeah I’m going to call them Toxic-Priests, along with the Toxic-Nuns.
plus I can have friends who can be religious or not religious at all, and don’t have to believe in the new found belief I found myself in.
and yeah I’m a Defective Earth Angel, and might not work as correctly or in a perfect program as other Earth Angels but I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t.
plus it might be a good thing that I’m a Defective Earth Angel.
I really wasn’t suspecting to find one of THOSE types of videos, but I did get curious when I saw the title, but I know that after watching the full video, I’m still not happy about it...
I don’t know when I will be able to play the cult of the lamb myself, but I’m not letting some judgmental toxic-religious mature content scapegoating toxic-religious shisno ruin it for me.
 also in case anyone can guess by that, the whole mature content scapegoating of course means, when someone who is a Parent or Aunt or Uncle or anyone else, who scapegoats mature content instead of taking the full blame on themselves because they didn’t make sure their kids or kids they are watching for a friend or relative or whatever, stays away from the mature content until they are the proper age to view it.
I mean I know I shouldn’t of seen Cool World Movie until I was the proper age to view it, and well I do have the DVD of the movie now, and I can watch it whenever, and I still like the movie, but it might of been best if my family told me “No” when I first asked to watch it when we rented it from a old video place back at the place where we use to live before.
and I don’t know if someone covered my eyes in some parts or not, I don’t remember much about that time when I was first exposed to that movie.
but I was like not even close to being a teen yet when I first saw it.
and I was just a baby when I said “son of a b****”
and no that wasn’t my first word, lucky my first word wasn’t a bad word.
plus I would of been more of a toddler when I said that no-no word.
but can’t truly blame the man on tv for saying it and I just repeated it.
the fault on that happening would be my family, who should know better to let a toddler who is like a little sponge and might be going through a parrot phase.
see something that has language that would only be for mature audiences, and will of course have a no-no word that the little baby might hear and parrot.
 I don’t really blame the mature content, at least if I did before, I don’t anymore.
the true fault is with those who should know better, who shouldn’t believe that all entertainment will be for little kids, cause once again it is NOT.
there can be some series where it grows along with the fans, but if the fans are still not the proper age yet to view the future mature content of it, then they will have to wait and parents or whoever is the guardian, will have to keep them from it until they are the proper age to view and or read it.
 first of all, I’m not scapegoating, I’m stating a fact that some Toxic-Religious people who are often at times Toxic-Parents, who scapegoat instead of understanding they can’t just assume something is evil or that it’s gonna be for little kids.
and yeah as weird as it might sound, I had suddenly had some thoughts about if I should pray for Lilith to be healed, I mean it isn’t really 100% her fault she became the way she is now, she became that way because of Adam and those three Angels.
Adam could of left her along so she could heal properly, plus I wouldn’t be surprised if some Toxic-Angel got into Adam’s head and made him have a “I’m superior than you” complex.
plus if some info is true, that the Earthly Mother or The Mother Of All Angels did try to help heal Lilith by giving her a Earth Angel daughter, and if one of those Three Angels killed that said daughter, that could of been part of the reason why Lilith fully fell into the darkness.
even if Adam didn’t get his hands dirty, he would still technically be the first to take a life, NOT Cain...
although that would just be on the Adam Family branch, there could of been other humans that were around before Adam, Eve and Lilith.
and I still think it is possible that Lilith is that same girl who was mention in that one book that has to do with Confessions Of A Rebel Angel by Timothy Wyllie.
the girl is called Onya, and I think it’s possible that Lilith and Onya are one in the same and Onya was taken to Eden maybe when she became a young woman, and there she would become Lilith and Adam’s First Wife.
Lilith possibly had gotten amnesia from when she was close to death when she was Onya, but her life was saved but at a price.
not everyone has to agree on this theory, but it might be possible that Lilith and Onya are one in the same and Lilith forgot who she was and ended up with amnesia.
 anyway I don’t like that person who talked about cult of the lamb in that video, even if they kept calling the game by the wrong name in the video...
but yeah it’s humans like them, is why I dislike toxic-religious comments like that.
also is weird to have thoughts of going in the way of the Nymph, like in my afterlife, I would rather go sleep in a tree on Earth...?
I guess that might be weird to some, but I guess some might understand my reasons for that weird thinking.
I do want to play cult of the lamb when I’m able to, and I don’t want some toxic-religious person like from that one channel to ruin it for me.
also it is possible for some Earth Angels to be born from fragments of Other Earth Angels and Other Angels, and sadly even Fallen Angels...
which would make them our parents or grandparents by soul genetics, and I guess only some soul fragments from them will merge together and give birth to someone entirely new, and not truly being a clone of them because of the whole being part of the another different soul fragment as well.
but even if it does turn out that some Earth Angels Soul-Parents are Fallen Angels, and not just from the whole Ancestors being Nephilim thing.
but that doesn’t mean they will be like them, they can be good or bad or neutral and it wouldn’t have to do with their Ancestors or their Soul-Parents.
plus it can be possible that if a Earth Angel and Fallen Angel accidentally made a offspring together because of their soul fragmenting and merging together and making a baby soul that takes the form of a newborn baby or is in some kind of angelic egg that will hatch and there be a human looking baby that hatches out of it...
chances are one or both would lose custody of their said offspring, and the offspring will be given to Angel Foster Parents.
or in some cases when the Earth Angel does get reborn on Earth and becomes part of a human family, but the family’s disgusting actions could result in the Earth Angel Baby being adopted by Stolas who has to look after the child until Azrael comes to retrieve them.
don’t ask, I don’t want to explain that info right now...
 but anyway hopefully I wont have to see any more bad mouthing from that one channel, and it does appear it isn’t just cult of the lamb they are bad mouthing about....but they still need to understand that it is possible that cult of the lamb might be for those who aren’t 10 years old or those who are under the proper age to play it....
I was going to say what the name of the channel is, and I did originally write down on here, but I decided not to...
anyway I think after I check out some stuff on Youtube, I will watch a show or movie on DVD or Blu-Ray and then I will play some video games.
just need to take my mind off of that toxic-channel, and if they had bad mouth  Aroaceflux, I would have another reason to be peeved...
I’m not sure if I’m Gray-Asexual, I need to look it up again sometime and read more info on it.
I have to stay in the Ace Closet at home, and I guess even the Sexual Empath Closet as well, which I think the bracelets do help keep me from picking up sexual energy that isn’t my own, and once again one of the things that humans can get wrong about sexual empath is the whole physical contact thing.
even if you could still pick it up from physical contact, but there are other ways to pick up that kind of energy, like how a flower picks up energy from the sun.
you don’t have to be in the same room as the person or people who are giving that type of energy off, you could be in another room and their energy ended up where you are.  
and yeah it might be rare for some Aces who are flux or not but could have any romantic identity to be that kind of Empath, and might not know it and might have to take measures to protect themselves from those types of energies that aren’t their own.
the worse case for energy empaths, is when the energies of other people and even a place, can cause seizures and your doctors misdiagnose you and it doesn’t help that you could be RH Negative, and what they use some scan thing on you, and you could of end up messing with the machine that caused the misdiagnosis which then gets you stuck taking medicine you never really needed and when you try to get off it, you go through a withdrawal.
anyway with some seizures, yes medicine is needed but that might not be the case for energy based ones.
also no matter the sexuality or romantic identity of someone, they could possibly end up being a energy empath and could possibly went through their childhood with seizures and it being the energy type which would be caused by the overwhelming energies of a large group of people in one large room in real life.
the body would go through a overload from other people’s energy or even a place with very bad energy....which would then cause the seizure.
but this might only be for the energy type seizures, not all seizures will be the same and even those who aren’t energy empaths can still get seizures, so please don’t misunderstand.
also it is possible for some not to start out as Aromantic or Ace or both or even the Aroaceflux at first, but might become that way later in life.
it can be possible for someone to be Ace early in their life and not figure it out until some years later, but they shouldn’t be shamed for being Ace.
I would like a T-Shirt that says “Being H*rny Shouldn’t Be Mandatory, So Stop Shaming Me For Being Ace.”
but maybe instead of the word Ace, it has the Spade in it’s place but with the same meaning.
also I know I did see a video once that seem to get the whole Asexual Reproduction confused with Asexuality, and we know not to confuse the two.
they aren’t the same thing, even if they both have the word Asexual in it.
anyway even if I did get off topic in this, I hope some of you can understand why I’m not happy with the person and the toxic-channel they are part of, who had bad mouthed cult of the lamb.....and even got the name wrong when they talked about it, even if the title of the video did get it right...
I’m not gonna say the name of the channel, it might be best not to.
I’m going to sign off for a few hours or so, but I will back on here later, to check out some stuff and even post some fan art and even talk about some fan theories that has to do with Undertale, Deltarune, FNAF or any other video game or show or movie series.
so yeah thanks for listening, stay safe, see ya later...
and I’m going to go back to playing on my Xbox One.                                       
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Sun 15 Dec
Adore You is doing well in the charts but guess what's doing even better? Falling! The people have spoken, and they want to suffer. Teen Vogue comes through with the best take yet again, this time on Harry's Guardian article, reminding us that "it’s entirely Harry’s right to share personal details about himself on his own terms. What’s more, however you choose to label yourself (or not label yourself, as the case may be) is valid, and doesn't make your sexual identity any less real." And it was observed that some of the more, uh, eye popping Tim Walker photos had been edited for the pop up store decorations and merch: to be blunt, Harry's package was edited right out of existence like a damn Ken doll.
Niall was on SNL last night! He played both his current singles with a capital L Look for each (a suit for NTMY that he captioned "pink to make the girls wink" in a later post) plus even more Looks in the bumpers plus a sketch in wow, need I say it, a Look. Ghost of a seventies swinger in a hot tub, and yes he did get to do an accent. NTMY video behind the scenes out and he opened the Boston Jingle Ball tonight (and remembered to bring his world saving water bottle out with him this time). Interviewed backstage about what music he's into right now he names Taylor Swift and Kacey Musgraves then goes on to say that he was looking at his favorites for the year on Spotify and it was "all unbelievable females" and that "the girls smashed it this year."
Liam says he thinks Put A Little Love On Me is terrific and that one of his great life regrets is taking a dare (*coughLouis*) to pants Harry onstage, that he's really sorry and wishes he hasn't done that, and Capital put out a Liam video where they talk to him about Harry (and then cut to an awful lot of footage of Harry for a video about Liam) and he's like, people got mad at me for saying we didn't have anything in common but like... look at us! Look at our music! There's nothing groundbreaking in the video but nothing real stressful either so I call that a win.
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gumx395 · 3 years
Eternals Film Review: This is NOT your diversity darling
So I saw Marvel’s Eternals yesterday. It’s a week late, but I honestly didn’t think I would see it at all considering I just haven’t been as on top of Marvel products lately, nor have they impressed me much. But a friend wanted to see it for her birthday, and I figured that, worst case scenario, I’d at least get to enjoy some nachos in the movie theater’s comfy new recliners while a mediocre movie played in the background.
I was wrong, in the worst possible way.
I want to start this off by saying that I went in knowing that the Eternals, as a comic book group, has anti indigenous sentiment in it, and by this point I’ve seen all the “Marvel made a gay black man responsible for Hiroshima” memes. I went in thinking I knew the levels of racist it would be, and tried to brace myself accordingly. I grew up a half Mexican half Salvadoran mestiza, by this point I’m used to racism against my ancestors and my people getting swept under the rug. I figured I could sit through those scenes and make it to the end of the film still pretending I had a good time. I was not, in fact, prepared for what I ended up seeing.
Marvel’s Eternals is a racist, sexist, and ableist film hiding behind “diverse casting”. Let me count the ways.
the anti indigenous stuff is so much worse than I originally thought. Before watching the film, my friends and I discussed its origins in the comics, how it might be changed in the film, and whether or not it’s even possible to extract it from their story. Well, turns out we debated for nothing, because they didn’t even try. We see the ancient Aztecs being massacred while the Eternals stand by and debate the ethics of getting involved. The slaughter of my ancestors is used as background noise for the Eternals’ personal drama. Druig, the Eternal capable of mind control, argues to use his powers to make the Spaniards stop. I remember thinking “ok, a bit white savior-y, but I like him for that.” And then he proceeds to mind control the Spaniards AND the Aztecs to end the scene. It’s haunting, seeing him do that. But he’s not done there! When the others catch up to him in modern times, he’s in an indigenous village in the Amazon, essentially playing god, using his mind control to act through them and speak through them. It’s heavily implied he, a white man, is treated as a god. When the Deviants show up, he essentially uses them as red shirts to fight them. He has to be told by others not to risk these people’s lives without their consent.
As someone who briefly dabbled with the idea of becoming an anthropologist in college, I learned that the Middle East is THE place to go for archeology and anthropology. The real world reason for this is because this is where different ancient human groups met up, traded, and procreated with each other. It’s regarded as the place where human civilization was able to spread and grow. In the film, however, this is rewritten as the spot where the Eternals first landed on Earth. Not only do we SEE them create all human inventions, we see them DEBATE whether the people there, the ancient Arabic people, are ready for certain inventions (according to the Eternals, they weren’t ready for the steam engine, but they might be able to manage a gardening plow). We get a scene where one of the Eternals, Makkari, is trading with and stealing from these people, and the ancient Arabic men in particular are, in that scene, portrayed as violent and as swindlers specifically to push the romance between Makkari and Druig. This scene is part a few that imply that the empire of Babylon was successful specifically due to the Eternals’ involvement.  When the Eternals return to Iraq in the modern day, we see that Makkari has been hoarding archeological findings in their spaceship.
In case you haven’t seen the Hiroshima memes (just typing that makes me sick), Phastos, the gay black Eternal primarily responsible for human technological advancement, feels personally responsible for Hiroshima. How it’s shown in the movie is Phastos and Ajak, sharply dressed, are walking among the ruins after the atomic bomb is dropped. Phastos cries and, while kneeling among the ashes of innocent Japanese civilians, says “humanity isn’t worth saving”. Maybe it wasn’t meant this way, but you can’t help but feel like the innocent people that were wiped out are being put in the same category as the white imperialists who just wiped them out.
Gemma Chan’s character, Sersi, is a tradfem fantasy. Now, before you assume I mean “all feminine characters exist for male consumption”, no, that’s not what I mean. I love when the female lead is allowed to be deep AND strong AND sensitive AND feminine. I have fought tooth and nail for feminine woman characters to be given the respect they deserve. But that’s not what Sersi is. While I’m not saying you can’t like, or love, or even feel represented by her character, you cannot deny she lacks serious depth. The entire establishment of her character is done through the eyes of the white men that are in love with her. They fall for her while watching her serve, and give, and do stereotypically feminine things, NOT through talking to her and getting to know her. We never see why SHE loves THEM, we just assume that, well, he’s an impressive masculine specimen, so why shouldn’t she fall in love with him, right? When Ajak dies, she chooses Sersi to succeed her as leader of the Eternals, but we never get a reason WHY. I don’t even think we see them have so much as a proper conversation, but we’re meant to assume Ajak just felt that Sersi was “good” and “kind” enough to be the leader, NOT that she felt Sersi would be a competent leader. Sersi’s entire motivations throughout the movie are “I love these two men” and “humanity dying is bad”. We don’t see her have any desires or needs outside of that.
All of the women of color are either fridged by an awful white man (Ajak) or in love with an awful white man (Sersi and Makkari). As a Mexican woman, seeing one Mexican woman get killed mercilessly and another Mexican woman fall in love with a man who treats the indigenous people of Latin America as little more than police dogs was disturbing on a whole other level.
Now to the ableism. I don’t want to speak too much on how they used the actress for Makkari, Lauren Ridloff’s, deafness in the movie, as I’m not deaf myself, but I’ll lay it out and let you come to your own conclusion: the character is also deaf, and sign language is used in the movie. It’s stated in the movie that she can sense all vibrations in the world, including people’s vocal cord movements, so she can “feel” what others are saying rather than hear. Sometimes the other Eternals use sign language with her, sometimes they don’t, either implying she reads their lips or can “feel” what they’re saying.
What I DO feel comfortable talking about, as someone with various mental illnesses and disorders, is how they handled Thena, Angelina Jolie’s character. Early on in the film (during the genocide scene, actually), she gets a psychological condition that only Celestials get that causes her to lose touch with reality. Despite the fact that the in-world explanation for it is simply that she’s remembering past lives, it causes her to be violent with her fellow Eternals, resulting in her being given the option to either be killed or have her memories wiped, thus erasing who she has come to be as a person. This reeks of real world eugenics as well as the stereotype that the mentally ill are inherently violent. Gilgamesh, the most physically strong of the Eternals, offers to be her caretaker, and they live in complete isolation for thousands of years. When the others meet up with them in modern day, we get a scene straight out of an ableist horror movie, with Thena sitting under a tree, surrounded by bones and scribbling creepy drawings. Once the existence of their past lives is revealed, her psychological disorder is used solely as a plot device and then just.....vanishes.
I honestly had to stop myself from leaving the the theater several times throughout the film. It was infuriating, it was disgusting, and it was PAINFUL. None of what I just wrote can be swept under the rug or circumvented by the color blind casting. Making Ajak a Mexican woman doesn’t make her advocating for letting my ancestors get slaughtered any less awful, it just makes Ikarus killing her that much more uncomfortable.
Usually when I leave a movie, even if I didn’t like it, I love to come onto Tumblr and Twitter to see what people think and what they took from it. But for the first time, I can’t bring myself to see people praise this film for false diversity, or stan a ship that makes my stomach turn, or make photosets of how beautiful a character that’s seeped in harmful tropes is.
The Eternals is not a good movie. Not only do I not recommend it, but I sincerely hope it flops so bad that Marvel gives up on a sequel. Another film with this group should not be made.
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH21
We’ve done it! We’re caught up to AO3! As such, I will be taking the next month off from posting to get AO3 updated and take a short break. I will resume posting on AO3 first, then tumblr right after starting on July 2, 2021! Can’t wait for you all to see the rest of this story! I have a lot of changes coming.
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Chapter 21: Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince
The next morning, Adrien’s stomach churned on the way to school. Chloe sat beside him adjusting her makeup while Gorilla was stopped at a red light. Everyone would know about their interview now. He expected backlash, but not like this. Pulling out his phone, he opened the article again.
Ladybug’s #1 Fan Deletes Blog After Scathing Final Video
“It’s like I don’t even know who she is anymore. I thought she was this amazing, genuine person, but in reality, she doesn’t care about any of us,” Alya said in the clip.
“Sources speculate this video was posted in response to the interview Ladybug did prior yesterday afternoon with the daughter of Paris’s own Mayor Bourgeois and the son of famous fashion mogul, Gabriel Agreste. In the interview, Ladybug denounced clout-chasers using her name to get attention, stating that such actions are “dangerous” and “need to stop.” The blogger behind the popular Ladyblog seemed to find fault with these comments and was akumatized shortly after the interview. It seems that bad blood has brewed between the blogger and the heroine even after the day was saved. The Ladyblogger posted one final video lashing out at the superheroine before deleting her blog altogether.”
“Ugh, stop reading that. Who cares?” Chloe groaned, swiping Adrien’s phone from his hands. “That brat doesn’t have brain cells if she believes a nobody like Lila over a superhero.”
“Alya devoted a lot of time to that blog, and she really looked up to Ladybug. She’s probably crushed right now,” Adrien said.
Chloe rolled her eyes and pulled out her lip gloss. “So let her be. She did this to herself by siding with that wannabe. If any of these losers have a brain, then Lila’s going to be finished today. I’ll be shocked if she’s even here.”
“Uh, I think we have other things to worry about.” Adrien pointed to the crowd waiting at the bottom of the stairs as their car rolled up to the curb. Their classmates had formed a wall between them and the inside of the school like a group of knights defending their queen. Lila was waiting safely inside, no doubt. She never liked getting her hands dirty unless she had to.
“You don’t think she’ll get away with this and make everyone hate us, do you?” Adrien asked.
“Everyone already hates me, Adrikins. I have nothing to lose.” Chloe snapped her compact shut and dropped it into her purse. “But it looks like we’ll have to finish the job ourselves. I’m going to need a spa day after working so hard.”
A pit tangled in Adrien’s stomach as they climbed from the car, the angry expressions of their classmates sending a chill up his spine. When they’d done the interview, Adrien expected everyone to be mad at Lila, not him. How did she weasel her way out of this one?
“Oh, look who decided to show up,” Alya said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Where’s your bff Ladybug?”
“She’s got better things to do than worry about you losers,” Chloe said without missing a beat, completely undeterred by the mob in front of them. “Now, move, you’re blocking the stairs.”
“Ya know, I’ve always known you were evil, but this is really low, even for you.” Alya shook her head.
“Yeah! Tricking Ladybug is way uncool, Chloe,” Nino said.
“Yeah!” Several classmates echoed their agreement.
“Ladybug spoke the honest truth. All I did was ask the questions.” Chloe examined her nails.
“Stop pretending to be innocent. I overheard you and Adrien plotting to trick Ladybug into saying incriminating things about Lila, so don’t even lie to us.” Alya shot Adrien a glare that cut through his chest like a knife. “And what do you have to say for yourself? Teaming up with the wicked witch. We all thought you denounced Chloe’s actions, but I guess the silver spoon doesn’t fall far from the table.”
“Ugh, she’s delusional. Come on, Adrikins.” Chloe tugged his arm, but he remained rooted in place.
“No, she’s right. Chloe and I did conspire to trick Ladybug into admitting she and Lila were never friends,” Adrien said, and Chloe shot him a warning glare. “But that’s not actually what happened.”
“Really? So you two didn’t do a live interview where Ladybug said she doesn’t have any non-superhero friends?” Alya quirked a brow.
“Chloe and I originally planned to trick Ladybug, yes, but I didn’t feel right about it, so before the interview, I told Ladybug the truth. She went into that interviewing knowing what we were going to ask her, and she agreed,” Adrien said.
“What?” Chloe gasped.
“What Ladybug said was her choice. Lila’s lies have gotten out of hand, and she knows that better than anyone,” Adrien said.
“Why should we believe you?” Nathaniel grunted. “You teamed up with Chloe, so obviously you’re not the innocent sunshine boy everyone thinks you are.”
“Yeah, Chloe’s the worst!” Sabrina shouted, and Chloe’s gaze locked on her.
“How dare you! You’re not allowed to side with those losers. Get over here!” Chloe demanded, but Alya draped an arm around Sabrina’s shoulders.
“She’s done putting up with your crud, Chloe. We all are,” Alya said. “Lila hasn’t done anything to deserve all the hate from you or Marinette or Ladybug or anybody!”
“So, you losers are really going to believe some random girl who walked in off the street and started telling all of these amazing stories without evidence to back them up over a superhero?” Chloe cocked a hip. “You’re all more pathetic than I thought.”
“You’re the pathetic one! You two and Marinette have been plotting against Lila for weeks, haven’t you?” Alya shot back.
“Whoa, Marinette has nothing to do with any of this,” Adrien said. “This was all me and Chloe.”
“I heard you two talking. You said you were doing it for Marinette, or did I hear you incorrectly?” Alya challenged.
Adrien sighed. “No, we did say that, and I did do it for Marinette.”
“But not because she told me to.” Adrien took a deep breath and turned to his classmates. “All of you, don’t you miss Marinette? Rose, don’t you miss when she would bring you extra fabric for your scrapbook projects? And Nathaniel, don’t you miss when she’d offer suggestions for your comic books?”
When they remained quiet, he continued, “Marinette left this school feeling hurt and empty. She felt like all of her friends turned their backs on her for a new girl. She poured her heart and soul into everything she did here, and Lila drove her away. Marinette knew the truth, so Lila threatened to take everything away from her. And she did which is why I teamed up with Chloe to stop her. Marinette doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. Not after everything she’s done.”
Everyone was quiet. Even Alya’s resolve seemed shaken, but she squared her shoulders.
“I can’t believe you when you’re standing next to her.” She nodded at Chloe.
Kim pursed his lips, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I dunno, it doesn’t make sense. Marinette would never do something like that. Adrien can be protective of people he cares about, but that doesn’t make him a bad guy.”
“Yeah, Marinette is like the nicest person in the world. She’d never go against someone without a reason, especially if it involves teaming up with Chloe,” Alix agreed.
“And Marinette was always looking out for everyone before Lila showed up,” Ivan said.
They moved to stand beside Adrien, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Well, I’m not siding with Chloe, even if Marinette was nice to me sometimes.” Nathaniel crossed his arms over his chest.
“Yeah, I’m done being your bff. You’ll have to get someone else to do your homework from now on,” Sabrina said with a humph.
Myléne flicked her gaze between the forming groups, curling her shoulders. “Sorry, but they’re right. Chloe is always being mean. I don’t really think Marinette is involved, but this seems very typical for Chloe.”
Max tapped his chin with one finger. “It’s true that this type of behavior is very typical of Chloe, but senseless cruelty is atypical of Adrien. However, acting in defense of a dear friend is a trait Adrien and Marinette have demonstrated on numerous occasions, and Lila’s stories can be outlandish at times. Then there’s the issue of the interview with Ladybu-”
“Oh, just pick a side!” Chloe groaned.
“I-” Max glanced between his friends. “I am choosing to abstain from taking sides until I have further evidence. Both Lila and Marinette are my friends.”
“Ugh, whatever. What about you two?” Chloe turned to Juleka and Rose.
Juleka mumbled something no one understood but moved to stand by Alix. Rose cupped a hand over her mouth, shifting between Alya and Adrien.
“Rose?” Adrien prompted.
Her shoulders curled, and she squeezed her eyes shut. “I don’t want to pick! I don’t want anyone to fight anymore.” She covered her face with a whimper, and Nino placed a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s gonna be alright,” he said.
“Nino?” Adrien asked hopefully, but his best bud lowered his head, red cap covering his eyes.
“Sorry, bro. I know you and Chloe have always been tight, but that doesn’t mean she and I have to be,” Nino said, taking a purposeful step toward Alya.
“Well, looks like more people are on my side than yours.” Chloe gloated.
“Hold up,” Alix said. “No one on this side picked you. We just believe Marinette is innocent, and Adrien was acting to protect her.”
“Yeah, you’re still the worst. We’re on Marinette’s team,” Ivan added. Chloe scowled but didn’t argue further.
A cold anger burned behind Alya’s eyes, the hurt she was feeling bubbling just beneath the surface. Adrien shivered. This wasn’t what he wanted when they did the interview. He wanted everyone to be free from Lila’s influence, especially Alya, but Lila’s hooks were in too deep. He never should have let things get this bad. If he’d acted sooner, then Marinette never would have left. Their classmates would be free, and no one would have to feel torn.
When the bell rang, their classmates dispersed, filing into the school one-by-one. Chloe fell into step beside Adrien.
“Now what?” he asked.
“I don’t know. I need time to forget about the fact that I’m Team Marinette.” Chloe shuddered.
“We’ve got enough people who at least believe Marinette is innocent, but we can’t get too cocky. That’s not the same thing as believing Lila is guilty,” Adrien said.
“We’ll figure something out. We just need time and a little precision,” Chloe said.
Adrien gulped, gripping the strap on his bag tighter. For their sake, he hoped they thought of something soon.
♪♫♪ Learn to Let Go ♪♫♪
“Take a deep breath in,” Macy said.
Marinette sat cross-legged on a bright blue yoga mat. Sunlight streaming in from the skylights warmed Marinette’s bare shoulders while soothing music played softly in the background. After the past few days, Marinette’s anxiety was at an all-time high, so a meditation session was in order. She followed Macy’s instructions, but it did little to relax her.
“Now, breathe out all of that negative energy. Let it all leave your body,” Macy continued. “Think of all the things in your life that make you happy and push out the things that don’t.”
Marinette took another breath, but the events of the last two days flashed vividly in her mind. The interview, Ladyblogger, the hurt look in Alya’s eyes when Ladybug captured her akuma, the video… Marinette breathed out.
Alya deleted the Ladyblog. Lila had done the impossible and turned Ladybug’s biggest fan into one of her biggest detractors. Granted, Ladybug might have helped by replacing Rena Rouge, but what was Marinette supposed to do? Working with Alya wasn’t an option after everything—it would have been too painful. Even still, Marinette would be lying if she said watching Alya lose faith in Ladybug didn’t rip another hole in her chest. Despite ending their friendship, Marinette still wished Alya the best, even if she was running with Lila.
“You’re not letting go of the negative energy,” Macy said.
Marinette blinked her eyes open and sighed, letting her posture fall. “Sorry, it’s been a rough few days.”
Macy turned to face Marinette with a smile. “Why don’t we talk about it instead? Maybe it will help if you get it all off your chest.”
“Maybe…” Marinette picked at a loose thread on her pants. She shifted to face Macy, chest tight. “It’s just…my old school. When I left, I didn’t want to look back, but it feels like no matter what I do, I can’t leave it behind.”
“Well, you had a lot of friends at your old school, right? It’s not easy to walk away from people you care about,” Macy said. “Especially when you know someone is using them.”
“I guess.” Marinette hugged her knees to her chest. “I thought I’d been gone long enough to not care anymore, but when Alya got akumatized, I just felt so sad.”
“Of course, you did! She was your best friend.” Macy pulled the tea table closer and prepared a cup. “It’s not easy to see someone you love in that much pain. You’re not a robot, Marinette. It’s okay to care.”
Macy pushed a cup toward her, but when she made no move to accept it, Macy changed the subject. “What about Adrien? Have you heard from him?”
Marinette flicked her gaze to her phone and shook her head. “No. Not since yesterday. I think he’s avoiding me.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I dunno.” Marinette shrugged. “He’s been texting me all the time lately, but now all of a sudden, he just stopped.”
“Boys are flaky like that sometimes. Give him time. I’m sure he’ll come around,” Macy assured her.
“I know, and I know it’s probably because of the interview he did with Ladybug.” Marinette sighed. “He probably thinks I’m mad at him.”
“How do you know?” Macy asked.
Marinette shifted to tuck her legs under the table and pulled her cup closer. She stared at her reflection in the tea and shrugged. “Because I thought the same thing when I changed schools behind his back. I thought he’d be disappointed.”
“Was he?” Macy asked.
“No, but I didn’t know that until he talked to me.” Marinette took a long sip. “I just feel bad that he did all of that for me. He shouldn’t have to deal with my problems.”
Macy surveyed her with a frown. “That’s something I’ve noticed about you, ya know,” she said thoughtfully. “You’re quick to shoulder everyone’s burdens when you think they need help, but you never expect anyone to do it for you.”
“I just want to be there for my friends, that’s all.” Marinette deflected as if it were no big deal, but Macy shot her a chiding look.
“Marinette, that’s very noble and sweet, but the same is true for you, ya know,” Macy said. “Everyone else’s burdens aren’t yours to bear. You’re going to break your back carrying so much weight around.” When Marinette remained quiet, Macy sighed. “Well, then I guess I have no choice.”
“What do you mean?” Marinette blinked up at her.
“If you’re running head-first into everyone’s problems, then I’m coming too,” Macy said. “I’m not going to let you do it all alone, and I don’t think Martin and Eliott will either. Adrien certainly isn’t.”
“Marinette!” Macy threw her head back with a groan. “What I’m trying to say is… Your friends have your back, okay? So don’t worry about anything. We’re right behind you all the way.”
Macy’s smile was soft and genuine, and Marinette shivered, the fear and uncertainty floating to the surface. She leaned against Macy’s chest as fresh tears streamed down her cheeks, and her friend patted her hair, whispering encouragement while Marinette sobbed. The dull ache that had plagued her all month lightened as each tear carried away her pain.
Macy didn’t let go until her whimpers quieted, and when Marinette sat up, the weight on her shoulders felt lighter. She took a deep breath and exhaled all of her worry just like Macy said. Even if she didn’t have her old friends anymore, she had new ones, and she had to admit—they were pretty hard to beat.
♪♫♪ Daylight ♪♫♪
Adrien faced his mother’s statue in the garden with a sigh. Things were messier now than they had been a few days ago, and he didn’t know what to do anymore. No matter what they threw at Lila, she always managed to wiggle out of it. Would they ever be rid of Lila Rossi? At least some of their classmates still believed in Marinette. She’d be happy to hear that she didn’t lose everyone at Francoise-Dupont.
He flicked his gaze down to his phone with a sigh. They hadn’t spoken since before the interview. Adrien couldn’t bring himself to after everything that happened with Alya. She was bound to know the truth now—that he’d teamed up with Chloe to stop Lila, despite how she’d refused. How much more pain had he caused her by trying to fix her problems? He was afraid to know. He’d betrayed her wishes, but hopefully she’d understand that his heart was in the right place. She was all his heart ever talked about these days. Avoiding her was agony, and his heart ached every time he looked at his phone.
“I don’t know what to do, Mom,” he murmured. He shifted to press his back to the statue, resting his cheek against her lap. “No matter how hard I try, it’s never enough. Sometimes I wish you were still here to tell me everything will be alright.”
He closed his eyes, listening to the birds chirping and the hum of the city beyond the walls. When had life gotten so complicated? He longed for freedom for so long, but he never imagined what it would cost. The pain he would endure. But he’d take this pain over isolation. He never wanted to be locked up again. One day he’d be free from his father’s control, then he and Marinette could be together whenever they wanted. One day…
He sat up, cheek sore from resting against the stone. When had he fallen asleep? Red and black spots filled his vision, awakening his heart with a jolt.
“Ladybug?” He blinked, rubbing his eyes as if expecting her to be a dream.
“Sorry, I was just passing overhead, and I saw you sitting down here. I didn’t mean to intrude,” she said.
“No, no, it’s fine,” he insisted. “Stay. I could use the company.”
“That makes two of us,” she said, taking a seat beside him with a sigh. “We really made a mess of things.”
“Yeah…” Adrien rested his chin on his fist. “I don’t know how she gets away with it every time.”
Ladybug leaned her head back with a sigh. “Lila is crafty. She targeted Alya specifically because she knew she’d be her most powerful ally.”
“I just feel so bad. I was hoping we could finally make everyone see the truth, but it looks like we just made things worse. Marinette was right, I shouldn’t have gotten involved,” he said, “but I couldn’t help it. Not after everything Lila has done to her.”
“You really care about this girl, don’t you?” Ladybug smiled.
His cheeks warmed, and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, more than anything. But I feel like all I ever do is cause her trouble. She’s probably furious with me.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Ladybug said. “From what I know of her, a gesture like that would mean the world to her, and I’ll bet she’s not as angry as you think.”
“How can you be sure?”
“Because you wouldn’t go out of your way to help her if you didn’t share a special bond. You’re probably just as important to her as she is to you,” Ladybug said. “Talk to her. I think it will make you both feel better.”
Adrien pulled up his messages, thumb hovering over her name. Ladybug was right. The longer he avoided her, the longer they’d both feel this pain. Marinette would understand. He loved her, and he believed that she loved him too. Everything would be alright in the end so long as they had each other.
“Thanks, Ladybug,” he murmured.
“I’ll leave you alone now.” She palmed her yoyo but hesitated, turning over her shoulder. “That girl is really lucky to have someone like you watching over her.”
With a flick of her wrist, she tossed her yoyo and shot off into the rooftops. Adrien drummed his fingers on his thigh, then stood up and headed into the house. Gorilla was playing a game on his tablet in the foyer when Adrien found him.
“There’s somewhere I need to go.”
♪♫♪ Death of a Bachelor ♪♫♪
Marinette hummed to herself while waiting for the kettle to boil. She stole glances at her phone, but it stayed quiet. Maybe he was just trying to figure out what to say. He was bound to call sooner or later.
When the doorbell rang, her heart jumped up to her throat. She raced to the front door, hoping her clumsy footsteps didn’t betray her eagerness. Taking a composing breath, she opened the door.
His head was low, one hand shoved in his pocket, and he looked up at her through timid eyelashes. He opened his mouth, but no words came out, his fear written all over his face. Marinette smiled, gesturing him inside, but he remained rooted in place.
“Marinette, I-”
“I know,” she said.
“You’re not mad?” he asked.
“Adrien,” Marinette sighed, giving him a gentle, scolding look. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You are the sweetest boy I know. How could I ever be mad at you?”
Adrien stood stiffly in silence before his shoulders began to shake. He gripped fistfuls of her shirt, wetting her shoulder and nuzzling into her neck. Marinette held him, letting all of his worry wash between them like rain flowing down a roof. When clouds grew too heavy, they unloaded their burdens on everyone below, so Marinette stood under Adrien and let him rain.
“I’m sorry!” he cried. “I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay. I forgive you,” Marinette whispered, trailing her fingers through his soft hair. “I forgive you, Adrien.”
His sobs quieted, and he sat up, rubbing a hand across his red nose. The kettle on the stove screeched, and Marinette gestured him in again.
“Come on. I’ll make us some tea,” she said.
Adrien sat at the table, combing his fingers through his hair. She passed him a cup with a smile and took a seat beside him.
“I take it things didn’t go as planned with the interview?” Marinette asked.
“Not exactly,” Adrien grunted as if that were an understatement and took a sip. “Alya and some others still believe Lila is innocent, but there are a lot of us who think you are too.”
“I know. I shouldn’t have gotten involved.” He swirled his finger around the rim of the cup. “But I couldn’t just sit by and do nothing. You mean the world to me, Marinette.”
Marinette’s heart fluttered, and she took a sip to hide her blush. The chamomile wasn’t strong enough to calm her nerves when he said things like that to her. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to pass out.
Setting her cup down, she cupped his cheek, tilting his chin to face her. “Thank you for looking out for me. It’s really sweet, but you don’t have to solve all of my problems. Sometimes it’s okay to just let things go.”
“Yeah…” Adrien sighed.
“Promise me you won’t get involved anymore. Lila will dig her own grave eventually. It’s better if we just let it go and move on,” Marinette said.
Adrien leaned into her touch, pressing a soft kiss to her palm.
“I promise,” he murmured.
Her pulse quickened when those gorgeous green eyes softened on her. The air hung heavy around them, warming her skin from her cheeks to the very fingertips touching his skin. Goosebumps tickled the tiny hairs of her arms, Adrien’s magnetic pull drawing her in.
Marinette slipped her fingers behind his neck and tugged ever-so-gently. Adrien leaned forward, eyelids hooding. His lips parted, warm breath swirling against her own. Marinette closed her eyes, tilting her head to finally give respite to the tension that had been building between them for weeks.
But relief never came.
Her father threw open the front door, and the sparks between them crackled. They jolted away from each other, clumsily grasping for their cups as her dad waltzed in with a fresh loaf of bread. He read the tension between them, and undoubtedly, noticed their rosy cheeks.
“Am I interrupting something?” His eyes narrowed.
“No, Papa!”
“No, sir. No way.” Adrien took a long sip and cleared his throat.
“Are you sure? I was just bringing up some fresh bread to go with dinner. I can leave if you two are-”
“Papa!” Marinette growled.
“Actually, I should get going. My father will want me home soon.” Adrien stood up. “Thanks for the tea.”
“Yeah, no biggie,” Marinette insisted.
Adrien hesitated, flicking a quick glance at her dad, then lifting her hand to his lips. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
He pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles before fleeing out the front door. Marinette sat back, letting out a ragged breath.
“I ruined a moment, didn’t I?” Her dad winced.
Marinette offered him a smile, jumping up to place a kiss on his cheek. “It’s not the first time.”
“Is everything alright?” Marinette’s mother came through the door. “I passed Adrien on the stairs, he was redder than the strawberries on the cake we baked for Manon’s birthday.”
“I interrupted a moment,” her dad confessed.
“They were having a moment?” her mom gasped excitedly.
“Maman!” Marinette groaned.
“My little girl’s growing up so fast. She’s already got her first boyfriend. Before we know it, they’ll be bringing their kids over for Sunday brunch.” Her dad rubbed the tears forming in his eyes.
Marinette covered her face, willing this all to be a dream, but alas, she couldn’t fly away.
“Do you think Adrien would ever take an interest in baking?” her dad asked, and Marinette let out a moan.
“I’m going to my room. Call me when dinner’s ready,” she said.
“Next time Adrien comes over, we promise not to interrupt!” her mom called as she made her way up the stairs.
“That’s enough!”
“Should we invite him to dinner?” her dad asked.
“Good night!”
Marinette slammed her trap door shut and flopped against it with a sigh. She’d almost kissed Adrien—again! And after confessing how important they were to each other. Did this mean they were dating? Neither of them said the l-word, but maybe sometime soon…
She covered her face and giggled. Her boyfriend Adrien. She could get used to that.
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youarejesting · 4 years
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[MASTER LIST] Beta: @fluffy-fluffu​ Rating: 18+ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader x V Genre: SMUT, mature, angst, fluff, mystery, thriller Words: 4.9k WARNINGS & TRIGGERS: psych ward in a mental asylum from back in the 1920’s, misguided medical practices; Electroshock therapy etc. Multiple personality disorder/alter ego’s/Dissociative Identity Disorder, Sex, Dirty Talk, Masturbation, Fingering, Exhibitionism, Voyuerism, blow jobs, Yandere V. If you squint for a split second there is like a slight hesitation in the reader but they consent. Nurse sleeps with the patient. Sad boy Tae, Tae vs. V, Talks about cum, Restraints, Sedation.
Summary: Taehyung from room 10 on the ward is being haunted by V a mischievous sexual deviant. Taehyung likes puzzles and his friends which includes you. But V likes you, your hair, your face and the warmth between your thighs. It’s a fight between Taehyung and V who will win?
Authors note: This is in no way shape of form a diagnosis of DID or multiple personalities nor is it an accurate depiction of said mental disorders or illnesses. This is purely fictional. If you are triggered by old medical horror please don’t read. If you identify anything you think should be added to the warnings and triggers let me know so I can warn others.
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“The patients on this ward are docile, they won’t hurt you” the nurse explained, smiling softly. It was your first day, you were a fresh new nurse and it was safe to say you were a little scared of your new working environment. “The only one we want you to look out for is um, the patient in room number 10” 
“Number 10?” you repeated. 
“Let me introduce you to some of them.” You had already met some, there was a group who thought they were kittens and puppies and it was adorable. “Hyuka, don’t scratch the mattress” the head nurse chided before guiding him to the bathroom. 
You heard a noise from room 10. It  sounded a lot like something fell. You walked over and quickly scanned over his chart. “Patient is manipulative, he can do whatever is needed to get what he wants, compulsive sexual behaviour, the patient has two prominent altering personalities, Taehyung and V. When the patient addresses himself as V it is best to leave.”
You unlocked the door, peering inside you saw him cuddling his pillow in deep slumber. He seemed to have knocked something off from the bedside table in his sleep. You sighed softly before walking over, trying not to wake him while doing so. 
He had a beautiful face. It was honestly making you feel self conscious to be around him, you fought the urge to brush your hand through his soft curls and crouched down to pick the book up off the floor. 
You stayed crouched whilst examining the book. It seemed to be a comic book you concluded, a famous one that you knew of. You moved to put it back to its original place. As you were about to stand you turned to the patient to see his eyes open, staring directly at you. 
“Hello?” He yawned rubbing his eyes “I am Taehyung”
“Hello Taehyung, I was just picking up your book, how are you feeling this morning?”
“I’m tired, who are you?”
“I am the new nurse” you smiled as he sat up rubbing his hand over his arm casually scratching an itch.
“You are new, that’s exciting” he smiled sitting up properly on his hospital bed showing his impeccable manners “What’s your name?”
“My name is Nurse Y/L/N,” you said with a soft smile trying to appear friendly. From the hall you heard the head nurse call out.
“Kim Namjoon, please don’t try to escape this morning. We are about to serve breakfast okay? You know breakfast is important to fuel that big brain of yours, so sit back down while I will get you a book. How does that sound?”
You turned to look at the door which was still a fraction open, when a hand touched your hair.  Your body went stiff, heart racing in fear. You had turned your back on him. One of the most important things to remember on your first day and you had to let him get the upper hand. 
“Your hair is really pretty, I like the colour” he smiled and you turned, giving him a polite and gentle smile. 
“Thank you Taehyung, you are so sweet” you smiled. “Are you hungry? I can bring your breakfast in, if you would like?”
“I have to shower first, I have a schedule; shower, breakfast and then I get to do some activities” he said 
“Nurse y/n?” The head nurse said “is everything okay?”
“Yes of course Taehyung and I are just talking, he is telling me about his schedule” you smiled 
“Well aren’t you nice this morning Taehyung,”
“Hello Taehyung, are you ready for your shower?'' the male nurse appeared at the door smiling. Stepping past you he uncuffed the patient's ankle chain that restrained him to the bed, there was raw skin where the metal dug into his flesh and some blood stains on the corner of the sheet. 
“You must be the new nurse. I am Jihoon, a resident nurse on the ward, if you need any help, or there is something you're not comfortable with you can call me,” he grinned, shaking your hand. You thought you heard Taehyung scoff which made you blink up at him curiously. You shrugged it off thinking maybe it was all in your head. 
“My name is Y/n,” you prompted yourself to move on, “it’s nice to meet you” 
“Nurse Y/n, could you get some spare clothes and bring them back?” Jihoon asked softly, “Tae’s clothes are in the green cube on the shelf.”
You went along the corridor and found the cubed shelves. Each cube seemed to have a coloured basket, the green one had Kim Taehyung written on it. “Hello?” A voice called behind you, you turned to see two young men sitting playing cards at a table. 
“Hello, my name is nurse y/n, What are your names?”
“My name is Hoseok” the man laughed
“And I am Jungkook-ah” the other said sweetly “we are roommates, will you sit with us at lunch?”
“I will have to see if I am allowed. I don’t want to get in trouble,” you grinned before waving and heading back to Taehyung’s room where you heard the sound of banter coming from the bathroom. 
“You don’t want to miss breakfast,” Jihoon said standing in the doorway, keeping a lookout for any sudden movements. “Oh Y/n! Thanks, you can leave the clothes anywhere”
You took it upon yourself to make the bed and tried to disregard the blood and other intimate stains on the white sheets. You looked up and caught sight of Taehyung in the reflection of the mirror, he was watching you. His eyes were not wide with curiosity as you thought it would be, no rather they were hooded with something darker. 
“Nurse Jihoon, I am almost finished with my shower” he moaned, still staring at your reflection, you saw how his arm shook and how his lips fell open in ecstasy. “I just have to finish this, it would be quicker if it wasn’t my own hand for a change”
Once the bed was made you ran off into the hall trying to ignore the sounds and clear the images from your head. 
You helped serve breakfast and smiled sitting with the two young men from earlier. The nurse who showed you around had approved of the two boys, saying they were harmless. She did however have a bit of a laugh, “this one is Hoseok and that one isn’t Jungkook, his name is Jimin, they are roommates one has narcolepsy and the other is a pathological liar”
You sat down, talking with them about their card game and laughed at some of their jokes. Jimin promised you the world and told you sweet nothings. He even proposed to you several times, you concluded he was a shameless flirt. 
“Hey Jiminie?” Taehyung said walking over, and brushing his fingers along Jimin's neck, “you want to play a game of cards?”
“I can't, I have to go to a photoshoot today.” He said before standing up, “I should get ready.”
“What a shame, maybe next time?” He smirked. The boy across the table started to draw frantically. You looked over and saw it was a general shape and the clothes and hair were that of Taehyungs but the face was distorted. You hummed at the boy's work.
“Nurse, the young ones are going to play outside.” The head nurse in charge of this ward announced, eyeing Taehyung carefully. “Would you be so kind as to watch over them? Please make sure they don’t eat anything strange.”
“Of course. I will be back in a little while,” You told the boys, they were so cute, it was like playing make believe but there was no turning it off. They really thought they were cats and dogs and you loved them already despite it only being your first day. You wanted to protect them while they were in this headspace no matter what.
Looking up at the second floor of the hospital you saw Taehyung pressed against the glass looking down at you. He seemed to be angry at the fact that you were playing with the boys. You saw him get dragged away from the glass and you could not help but feel concerned, hoping he hadn’t gotten hurt.
You didn’t see him for the rest of the day he had been confined to his room and when you walked past all you could hear was crying and begging. You went to open the door but Jungkook, the silent patient grabbed your wrist gently. He handed you two sketches one was labeled Taehyung and it was him smiling and looking happy and genuinely adorable. The other was labeled V and it was the distorted picture from the morning. You flicked through the rest of the book and saw the others drawn, they looked a little different from real life but you knew who was who. The five young boys were drawn as cats and dogs making you smile.
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The next day started a little differently, your shift started at lunch and you saw Taehyung sitting at the table looking forlorn, he was bandaged and looked weak. “They sedated him yesterday”,one of the nurses gossiped, “apparently he was trying to come onto one of the nurses working yesterday”
“I wish it was me, I would let him do whatever he wants,” Another nurse whispered back, you ignored them as you walked over and smiled “Good afternoon, how are you all feeling today?”
“Nurse y/n! You are here” Namjoon said, “Tell me, do you have any books to read at home?”
“I have a small bookshelf, why?”
“Well, I am bored and I would like some more books to read” He said and you hummed, “How about instead I tell you a story little by little so you have things to think about throughout the day?”
He reluctantly accepted and you started the story. There was a small giggle at one of the jokes made by Taehyung and you smiled, he looked so tired and soft in his little blanket, his wrists and ankles bandaged.
You were there for a while and the group began playing different card games, you had to explain some of the games and they picked up the concept quickly.
Taehyung left after a while, yawning while stating he was too tired to continue playing and the boys waved goodbye to him. 
Jimin who just yesterday was afraid of him, walked him to his room, practically carrying Taehyung on his back while singing that they were soulmates.
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It was odd because Taehyung didn’t seem that strange and when he did it wasn’t as extreme as people made it out to be. You had noticed Taehyung was a sweet boy, whilst V was just a little more forward and flirty. 
Sure he still had his tendencies to do inappropriate things but you tried to ignore those moments and be professional at all times. 
The problem was they began haunting you at night and you were finding it hard to keep your fantasies at bay. He was charming, flirty, and pleasing to the eye, could you really be blamed for being attracted to him? 
The first time you met V and you mean really met V was when you were greeting him one morning and he sat there smirking at you. 
“Hey there bad kitty, you want some milk?” He had his hand wrapped around his hard shaft. It was thick and the tip was an angry red, oozing out precum.  “I want to give you all my milk, but you're a bad kitty and won’t take it”
You tried repressing the images from your head, squeezing your thighs together for some sort of friction, nothing has ever aroused you and made you this wet so quickly. Ignoring him as he jerked off on the bed you continued your act of nonchalance at his actions. You picked up his clothes off the floor and placed them in the wash basket. 
You dodged his hand reaching out to grab you and he frowned before going back to his previous task. You cleaned his bedside table, he was becoming very vocal and more profoundly dirty as time went on. He had resorted to explaining everything about what he wanted to do to you in great detail. 
Your underwear was soaked at this point and you were finding it hard to breath. You had to leave right then, you didn't know how long you could remain professional. You moved to pick up the book that had fallen off the bed, losing focus of your distance from the bed. You were briskly reminded when he took a firm grip of your hair. 
You cursed at yourself, you made a huge mistake letting your guard down. Stupid stupid stupid. He pulled you up by your hair. “Open your mouth.” He growled as he came on your face. You watched him as his face contorted he growled and came hard as you kept your mouth firmly shut. When he finally finished he let go of your hair. 
“You wasted my milk bad kitty” he huffed watching you clean your face in the sink before you promptly rushed out of his room. 
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Taehyung sat confused after breakfast. He took a puzzle and started working, “You okay Tae?”
“Oh hey, yeah I am just working on this puzzle, I am just a little confused” he smiled as the two of you sat and started working on the puzzle. It was a basket of kittens. 
“This one looks like you” he laughed “you are a kitty”
The words and context were so innocent but you couldn’t help but remember what happened that morning and you glanced at the young man from the corner of your eye. 
“What did he do?” Taehyung asked
“It was nothing you should be worried about” you smiled patting his head. “We should only worry about finishing this puzzle”
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The night shift was different, you ate dinner with the residence and you all sat and watched a movie afterwards. It was a general audience movie with nothing bad in it. 
Taehyung leant his head on your shoulder as everyone else including the other nurses sat watching the movie as well. The male nurse was sitting with the five young boys. They laid their heads in his laps and he gave them pets on their backs, trying to give all of them equal attention, otherwise one would whine and rub their heads into his arms. 
The female nurse sat with Namjoon painstakingly discussing the movie instead of actually watching it. You and Taehyung were wrapped up in his blanket and you felt his hand start slithering down towards one of your thighs rubbing it tenderly. You glanced at him to see him smirking at you, “You’re such a bad kitty aren’t you?” 
His hand slipped under your dress and into your underwear. His finger grazed your clit gently making you shift in your seat. Taehyung snickered as you bit back a moan, he moved inconspicuously a little closer and whispered in your ear. His voice was deep and barely audible, his breath brushing the shell of your ear.
“You are a bad kitty aren’t you?” He pressed his nose against your neck and inhaled deeply, “Bad kitty smells nice”
Your mouth fell open, a silent gasp escaping as he pushed a single digit inside of you, “Taehyung, stop” You warned him and he chuckled darkly.
“I am not Taehyung, I am V” He took your free hand under the blanket and brushed it against his dick, letting out a small satisfied moan. He tried to pry your fingers open but you refused, he growled lowly and pushed another digit inside you. Whilst you were distracted he slid himself into your closed fist letting it mould around his shaft.
Unintentionally your fingers clenched around his boner as he gently guided your hand along his length back and forth. You kept your mouth firmly shut but it didn’t seem to stop the feelings from building, you were panting softly, the wet sounds coming from between your legs becoming more audible to you and you sighed in relief when you sawa loud action scene was underway in the movie. 
He pumped his fingers and moved your hand faster as his breathing became sporadic. V turned to you, biting your shoulder hard and coming into your hand. Without hesitation V pressed his thumb against your clit as he pumped his finger into you harder and you came, your body almost doubling over in pleasure.
“You are a bad kitty” He grinned, pushing your hand to your mouth “Lick your milk.”
“No,” You muttered seemingly uninterested and his smile disappeared.
“Bad, bad kitty” He watched as you got up and left.
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As the days passed you understood more and more the difference between Taehyung and his counterpart V. You loved Taehyung, he was such a sweet boy who could do no wrong, but, you longed for the thrill of V, it took everything in your power to refuse his advances. 
An easy way to establish who you were talking to was their nicknames for you, Taehyung called you a Kitty after that fateful day of doing a puzzle together. Whereas V called you Bad Kitty for reasons unknown.
One day during the night shift you heard Taehyung crying. Stepping into the room you saw how he wiped his eyes quickly, feigning that he was okay. “Hey, Taehyung, tell me what’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing please, you can go?” He sniffled, choosing to ignore his request you got closer and sat on the edge of his bed concerned.
“I am here now, I want to know what has got you so upset?”
He looked up at you innocently. The bedside lamp was his only source of light and it was quite dull. It made the room feel small as the shadows waited on the edge.
“I remember less and less, V is taking over and I can’t remember things, the boys sometimes get really nervous with me, Jungkook’s pictures are horrific.” He sniffed, “I have never been with a lady, let alone kissed someone and he has done such vulgar things”
You leaned over and kissed him before leaning back and smiling softly, “You have kissed a girl now”
He was frozen, fingers slowly pressing to his lips in shock, “Wait, nurse can I um, can you kiss me again a real kiss, I want to know what it feels like” 
You knew you shouldn’t have but you let him. Yet you kissed him and he kissed back, it was soft and timid. He pulled back, “That was amazing, if I was just a normal person. Would there be a chance that you would ever like me, Kitty?”
“I would.” You smiled brushing his hair back and smiling at the innocence in his eyes.
“Would you let me take you out to dinner?” He asked softly, you nodded “Would you let me kiss you and maybe even spend the night together?”
You nodded and he frowned, “I wish I was normal, I just want to be normal” He cried into your shoulder hugging you and as you held him he kissed you softly. You didn’t have the heart to stop him with how gentle and kind he was. He pleaded sadly, “Please, just once, just tonight”
You were helpless to the look in his eyes and you shut his door climbing onto his bed where you kissed him, touching his body as he did the same. The light tinkling of his ankle cuff was the only thing keeping you alert to any possible dangers. But he was gentle. Taehyung wasn’t V.
“Does this feel okay?” He whispered “I am not hurting you?”
Riding him was like a dream, he guided you with his hands on your hips and you felt his heart racing against your hands that were on his chest. Right before he was going to finish, you got off and took him in your mouth, you weren’t going to take any risks without any condoms.
“Yes kitty,” he whispered as he grabbed your head and came. You managed to pull away and he came all over the two of you causing him to frown, “bad kitty you got us all dirty”
Alarm bells rang but he still looked so innocent and carefully wiped your face with a tissue, apologizing the whole time. Taehyung helped you dress and even helped you tie up your hair. “I am really thankful that you helped me experience something, I won’t tell anyone, I don’t want you to lose your job or anything”
“It’s okay, Taehyung, I trust you.” He gave your hand an affectionate squeeze and you slipped out the room before people would start to suspect something.
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You and Taehyung spend the next few days bonding, he warns you when he feels himself slipping away and you have enough time to prepare before V emerges. Whilst painting in the garden Taehyung is talking about all the things he loves, his favourite style of music and his favourite colour and the two of you talk about what you would do if you could do anything.
On your way back Taehyung is telling you about a new electrotherapy that has been said to remove alternate persona’s from one's mind. “It is worth a shot don’t you think?”
“It sounds a little scary, what if something goes wrong, what if you die?” you asked
“I would rather die than spend my whole life in this ward trapped in my own body because someone else is taking control of me, making me do things I don’t want to” He exclaimed, laughing almost bitterly.
“Sorry Taehyung, I didn’t know” You whispered “It’s not something I can truly comprehend.”
“That’s right because you are perfect and everything is normal,” He hissed getting aggravated, he was being restrained when he panicked and started apologizing. “Wait I am sorry, I am sorry, please let me go.”
He was taken to his room and your heart felt like it was breaking, he was afraid of himself and he wanted to get better. He was alone, longing for someone to love him for who he was. Could you be that for him perhaps?
After dinner you went to the room to see him, he was hunched over his shoulders shaking as he sniffled, “I’m sorry,” his voice was small. You stepped over and touched his shoulder, his hand came up and squeezed yours. “You should go, I am not the person you should be with”
“I want to stay, I want to be with you. If there was a way, I would love to get married, have a family and live happily ever after.”
His grip tightened and the sniffling turned to laughter, you were pulled on top of him, his grip was harsh, “You want to get married, my bad kitty, you want me to put some babies inside you?”
You were grabbed and one of the male nurses sedated him, you were crying and you left the room, “I just tried to comfort Taehyung, I am fine I was just startled and scared. I will go for a shower and I will head home for the night.”
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You came back to work the next day but you didn’t step foot into Taehyung’s room. You spoke over meals with everyone and he was his usual nice and gentle self. He told everyone that he was getting electroshock therapy. He was saying if it all went successful he would be allowed out of the asylum and allowed to live like a normal human again. 
It took three whole weeks before you had willingly stepped into Taehyung's room, it was his first interview about him and his illness they were recording data to compare with afterwards. You walked him to his interview and walked him back, opening his door and stepping inside.
The door shut behind you and you knew he was behind you. The number one rule is don't let the patient block your exit. And here you were stuck in the room blocked in by Taehyung. 
“Hey Taehyung, you want to play another game of cards” you said, watching him look at the door shoulders hunched over. He slowly turned, looking up with a dangerous glint in his eyes. 
“I’m not Taehyung.” he said,his face void of any expression. 
“Who are you, then?”
“You know who I am!” He shouted before reigning himself back in, “I am V, I am the one that scares you bad kitty, that day when they sedated me, I almost had you” 
“You liked what I said though didn’t you, you pressed your thighs together and the sweet scent of arousal filled the room. You want to get fucked and you want it hard” he said, gripping you by the hair and pushing you so your chest is flat against the bed. 
You wanted it, god you wanted it and he knew it, but you would get fired. As if reading your thoughts V softly whispered into your ear, “you can blame me if they come in sweetheart, no one has to know you were willing, just tell me you want it”
“I can’t” you whined into the bed cursing that you couldn’t. 
“You let Taehyung fuck you but not me?” He pressed himself against you letting you feel how hard you made him.
“Because Taehyung was sweet,” and upset. You were trying to comfort him and had forgotten you were at work, but you didn’t say the last bit out loud.
“Listen to me. Taehyung doesn’t control me but I can control him, that was all me, you know it because I called you by my nickname. Didn’t he call you bad kitty that day?”
You looked at him in shock as he continued, all the while lifting your dress and pulling down your soaked underwear, “That’s right it was me all along so what’s the harm if we try it again?”
“Fuck me, please” you moaned throwing caution to the wind, if you lost your job then so be it. 
He pushed himself into you in a single, hard thrust and you felt your walls stretch around him. He felt bigger then Taehyung but that had to be impossible.
Where one was timid and soft, he was rough and ferocious, his hips pistoned in and out as he fucked you hard. He was vocal and unrefined, he didn’t have any other thought except the primal urge to fuck you. The lewd sounds bounced off of the walls as he pounded into you. He thrusted deep, you could feel him deep inside in your inner walls.
You were drooling, biting the blankets on his bed clutching them between your fists trying to muffle the sounds you were making. 
Taehyung had thrust hard one last time before you felt heat spreading inside you and your eyes shot open, “Fuck, Tae what about a condom?”
“You are mine.” he growled, punctuating each of his words with a thrust as he went, leaving you a writhing mess. 
You quickly got dressed and stormed into the staff bathroom and took a shower.
You changed your clothes and hurried home. You spent the night huddled in your blankets crying yourself to sleep. 
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You left for a while after that incident, you spent christmas and new years with your family and when you came back you went back to working right away. The shift was awkward as Taehyung kept staring at you, you didn’t know what it meant but you tried to pay it no mind. The end of your first week back was the day Taehyung would undergo Electroshock therapy.
When it came around you walked him to the theatre and stayed in the hall, you didn’t want to witness it but you wanted to be there by him as soon as it was over. What you didn’t expect was the screaming. What felt like after an eternity but was only half an hour later they stepped out wheeling Taehyung on a gurney, he didn’t look so good. 
It took awhile but Taehyung was starting to grow stronger and he would chat and seemed to be getting healthier and there was no sign of V. You were extremely happy and a month later he was reviewed and approved for discharge from the asylum. He was finally moving in with you and you two were going to live together and start a family.
He waved to the boys but they hadn��t stopped crying all morning, they didn’t say a word, only sobbing more when Taehyung hugged them before leaving. “I wish I could take you all with me,” He said, wiping his eyes.
Taehyung moved in and you two started decorating the apartment to make it more homey. You were cooking dinner for him one night, everything was going well so far, it had been two months since his discharge and the two of you were happy.
“We could try for a baby, if you wanted?” Taehyung shuffled his feet looking at the ground. You giggled, grabbing his hand and leading him to the bedroom, he undressed you and laid you on the bed before undressing and settling in between your legs. You hadn’t been intimate since Taehyung had been discharged from the asylum and it was just as amazing as you remembered, slow and sensual just like your first time with Taehyung. 
Taehyung lifted your hands above your head, kissing and licking your breasts. Panting against you when his hands tightened his grip around your wrists. His hips drove deeper inside you, he was soon going faster and harder pounding into you with all his force and you whined in pleasure. “Yes please.”
“Do you like that bad kitty?”
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barbenheimer-core · 3 years
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하나. chanel : part two — 1.7k words
The lights in the shop lowered in their intensity, and Ahyeong gasped, drawing in heavy breaths of air as her limbs finally moved of her own accord, bending low to clutch her knees and balance herself when she slightly stumbled.
"Are you okay?" Wangja the Shop Owner asked, concerned about the sudden change in demeanor.
"I,"— Ahyeong found herself at a loss for words, what was happening to her?— "I don't know."
An abnormal lucid dream, she thought, that was what she was experiencing. One in which she was aware of her made-up fantasy world but couldn't control her speech and actions at times.
It was like the dream itself had a script of its own.
Huh. Maybe that was it. She just had to follow the script.
"Umm... I think I should get going," she mumbled, hoping her hunch was right.
Wangja looked a bit disappointed that he couldn't carry on the conversation, but nodded in agreement. The sleek black car outside that he had spotted while coming in was probably her driver waiting on her.
Suho was still coughing on their way out, and upon the two shooting concerned looks at him he merely ignored them, gaining his composure and zooming past them and into the dimly lit night in his mildly flustered state.
As Ahyeong stepped into the cold night air, she saw her family's personal car, finding Driver Kwon sitting in front of the wheel through the tinted windows.
Her family and acquaintances must be the same as before then.
"Well, do come by often," Wangja said, handing her the copy of Shiver that she had been sifting through previously, and when Ahyeong looked at him confusedly, he winked, "as an insurance that you do visit, I'm letting you borrow it. Remember, the shop's policy only lets you borrow items for two weeks. Any more and you'll have to compensate."
The girl tucked the comic under her elbow, amused at his antics as if she'd known him for a long time, and said without thinking, "Does ramyeon work as compensation?"
The shop owner grinned, "Aye, you know me so well. Now go. Your driver is giving me the creeps with his glare."
Ahyeong chuckled at that. Driver Kwon was rather overprotective over the Song siblings and got suspicious of anyone who got within six feet of them, even the people the two kids had explicitly stated were their friends.
Bidding Wangja goodbye, Ahyeong slipped into the leather seats of the car, fastening the seatbelt around herself as was the clearly stated rule by the person in front of her who turned the key as soon as she got in, revving the engine before taking off into the night and to, presumably, her home.
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Ahyeong paused at the front door, looking at the front lawn with puzzled eyes.
Why did it look even more extravagant than it was on a usual day?
The flowers were in full bloom despite spring having passed months ago, the garden lights were still switched on, illuminating the finely-trimmed shrubs and foliage, and the cars were displayed out in the open instead of being in the garage.
It was as if someone was trying to make a drawing of a picturesque rich household, perfect in every aspect with next to no flaws in its design.
The mahogany doors opened abruptly, halting her thoughts, and the housemaid, Eunjung, hurriedly ushered her in, putting slippers in front of the girl's feet as she toed her shoes off.
"Why were you out so late? It's past curfew. Thank goodness Mrs. Song hasn't returned from work yet, or you would've been in trouble," she fussed.
Trouble with her mother? That was odd. That never happened because Ahyeong usually informed Eunjung of where she was going, and her mother didn't really mind if she was out past curfew as long as she had alerted someone of coming in late.
"I'll prepare your dinner while you wash up. Do you want to eat at the table or should I bring it to your room upstairs?"
"My room, if it's not too much trouble."
Eunjung waved her hands, dismissing her, and scurried off to the kitchen while Ahyeong headed up the stairs to the West Wing of the house where her bedroom resided.
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Contrary to what she thought, her room had not been what she expected.
It was littered with cardboard boxes and suitcases, most of them unpacked and organized but there still being enough to do that the floor looked messy.
Ahyeong remembered her involuntary words back at Prince Comics.
So her family moved to Seoul in this dream?
From where though? She's never lived anywhere else other than this city.
Oh well, too bad. There was no use dwelling on it. Her dream would end as soon as she would go to sleep and wake up anyway.
But her nagging mind urged her to clean her room up, and despite knowing that her efforts may be in vain she obliged, and by the end of the hour, her room looked just as it had been in real life.
Setting her towel by the bathroom rack to dry, Ahyeong sat down in front of her desk in her pajamas, where the maid had spread out a variety of steaming dishes on fine china while she had been tidying up.
Leave it to Eunjung to make mouth-watering food for any time of the day.
Just as she raised her spoon to eat the seaweed soup, her door swung open.
Gilyeong stood by the threshold, racing to her and shoving his phone in her face, a rather horrible picture of a mangled body on its screen.
"What the-" Ahyeong dropped her utensils with a clang, pushing the device away from her face with a disgusted expression and glaring at her brother, who giggled mischievously, "I'm trying to eat, you gremlin. Don't make me lose my appetite."
"It's payback for the time you showed me a clip of a gutted person when I was trying to eat pat-bingsu. Now get a taste of your own medicine, grinch," Gilyeong laughed evilly, shoving his phone into Ahyeong's eyesight as she tried to stop him from ruining her eyes in front of her food.
Even in dreams, her brother was as nasty as they came.
"You evil little-" Ahyeong wrestled the phone out of his hands, making the younger Song frown and whine at her to give it back to him, and got an idea as she glanced at the shelf on top of her desk.
"If you promise to behave yourself this week, I'll let you borrow that," she said, pointing at the Junji Ito comic that Wangja had let her borrow.
Gilyeong looked up, and his eyes glimmered in anticipation as he jumped up to grab it from the shelf.
"Woah, where did you get this from?" He exclaimed as he started to peruse the pages, "It was out of stock in every bookstore I dragged you to."
"I got it from a hippie who starred in a drama," she smirked at her brother's puzzled face , "so, do we have a deal?"
She raised her hands as she said so.
Her brother looked up at her suspiciously, eyes narrowed in contemplation, then nodded briefly, "deal."
He raised his palms, meeting Ahyeong's halfway as they did their Handshake of Temporary Truce.
Yes, they had different handshakes for a whole list of situations.
"But you still have to pay up for your flinches from yesterday and now," he drawled while walking out of her room.
Wait, yesterday?
"What do you mean the flinch from yesterday?"
Gilyeong stopped midway and turned around, confused.
"Don't tell me you've been getting amnesia too. We were at the restaurant yesterday with Mum and Dad's investors, remember?"
With that ominous comment, he stepped out, shutting the door behind him.
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Sunlight peeked through the half-open blinds, beaming on Ahyeong's face as she woke up and looked around her room, same as ever.
What a crazy dream.
She remembered it as clear as day.
But it was over and done with, and she was in reality now.
For a moment she pondered how she had gotten into her bed, but then trashed the thought. One of her parents had probably carried her here when she had fallen into a deep sleep in the lobby of the restaurant.
She got up, picking up her phone to look at the day and time.
It was around 8 on a Sunday morning, and Ahyeong yawned, kicking off her blanket to freshen up. She woke up too early for a weekend.
Deciding to explore the city for the day, she changed into a button-up and denim trousers, picking up a set of Doc Martens on her way out for breakfast.
"What's new this mornin', gremlin," she greeted Gilyeong while running down the stairs, who sat by the couch reading something, its cover blocked out of her eyesight.
She slightly tripped on the last two steps and hit her knee on the railing, hissing in pain and lightly hopping towards the dining table.
"Good morning, Eunjung-ssi," Ahyeong smiled through her discomfort at the maid, in complete contrast to the way she greeted her brother, and he scowled at her from his spot but didn't say anything.
Eunjung rolled her eyes in good nature at the sibling's antics, all too used to it, "Good morning to you too."
She set down two servings of rice, soup, and a variety of side dishes for breakfast, and the siblings came to sit at the dining table.
As Ahyeong scooped up a spoonful of rice, she saw Gilyeong putting down his book, finally spotting its cover.
She paused.
"Hey, dongsaeng, how did you get that?" She said as she pointed at the copy of Shiver.
The young Song stopped eating, pointing a fake grin at her.
"From the grinch who got it from a hippie who starred in a drama."
This was not a dream.
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© 2021 Alfia Sheikh, All Rights Reserved
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girlactionfigure · 3 years
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There is a popular quote that circulates every once in a while that reads “One person can make a difference and everyone should try.”
This individual holds a special place in my heart and also the hearts of many long-time Peace Page followers, who found this page after reading a simple story which mentioned her and which became one of the most popular posts on the Peace Page. Her name is Harriet Glickman, she is the teacher who decided to write a letter to Charles Schulz and ask him if he could create a black character on his Peanuts comic strip - that character would become Franklin, one of the first black characters in a popular comic strip. Harriet Glickman passed away Friday morning, March 27, 2020, at her home in Sherman Oaks. She was 93. Her passing was reported by a Peanuts-based website, which quoted a personal friend who said, her passing was "peaceful, in her sleep" and that the former schoolteacher had been "well prepared for this." They say representation matters, and Franklin, even though he was a fictional character, was noticed by many who did not feel they were being represented enough during those days. The original Peace Page post started: "On July 31, 1968, a young, black man was reading the newspaper when he saw something that he had never seen before. With tears in his eyes, he started running and screaming throughout the house, calling for his mom. He would show his mom, and, she would gasp, seeing something she thought she would never see in her lifetime. Throughout the nation, there were similar reactions. "What they saw was Franklin Armstrong's first appearance on the iconic comic strip "Peanuts." Although Charles Schulz deserves the accolades and credit for having the courage to create Franklin and standing by him when he started receiving racist demands to remove him, it was all started by a school teacher who decided to write a simple letter. "Harriet has a very interesting place in history," according to The LAist. "In 1968, she wrote to 'Peanuts' creator Charles Schulz asking him to do something remarkable at the time: integrate his famous comic strip." "Harriet Glickman was a white, 42-year-old suburban Los Angeles school teacher and mother raising three children when Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968," according to the Press Telegram. According to NPR, she wrote, “Since the death of Martin Luther King, 'I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help change those conditions in our society which led to the assassination and which contribute to the vast sea of misunderstanding, hate, fear and violence.'” Glickman decided to write a letter to Schulz, not knowing whether he would actually read it or even whether he would receive the letter. Glickman was especially aware of the power of comics among the young. “And my feeling at the time was that I realized that black kids and white kids never saw themselves [depicted] together in the classroom,” she said in the Washington Post. She hoped this would bring the country together and show people of color that they are not excluded from American society. At the time, Schulz, the creator of the enormously popular “Peanuts” comic strip, was already being "published in hundreds of newspapers around the United States reaching nearly 100 million readers," according to the Press Telegram. Surprisingly, Schulz did respond, but wasn't sure whether it would be right, coming from him, he didn't want to make matters worse, he felt that it may sound condescending to people of color. Glickman persisted, however, continuing her correspondence with Schulz, even having black friends write to Schulz and explain to him what it would mean to them. She told Schulz that "the gentleness of the [Peanuts would be] 'the perfect setting' for such representation," according to CBR. “I am well aware of the very long and tortuous road ahead,” she added. “I’m sure one doesn’t make radical changes in so important an institution without a lot of shock waves from syndicates, clients, etc. You have, however, a stature and reputation which can withstand a great deal.” This conversation would continue until one day, Schulz told Glickman to check her newspaper on July 31, 1968. On that date, the cartoon, as created by Schulz, shows Charlie Brown meeting a new character, named Franklin. Other than his color, Franklin was just an ordinary kid who befriends and helps Charlie Brown. In a speech at American University of Health Sciences in Signal Hill, California in 2018, talking to a group of children and adults, Glickman said, the 1960s in the United States was “a time long before any of you were born, a time when not everyone was understanding of other people, when young African Americans couldn’t go to the same beach as white children and when schools were separate.” According to the Press Telegram, the Rev. Gregory Johnson, co-founder of American University of Health Sciences who invited Glickman to the event, said he wanted her to know what a profound effect her action with Schulz had on him. “I appreciate so much what you did in improving relations. I wouldn’t be here without you,” he said. Glickman was born in Sioux City, Iowa, and lived in Chicago before moving to Southern California and a job in the Burbank School District and eventually UCLA before retiring. Glickman explained in previous interviews that her parents were "concerned about others, and the values that they instilled in us about caring for and appreciating everyone of all colors and backgrounds — this is what we knew when we were growing up, that you cared about other people . . . And so, during the years, we were very aware of the issues of racism and civil rights in this country [when] black people had to sit at the back of the bus, black people couldn’t sit in the same seats in the restaurants that you could sit . . . Every day I would see, or read, about black children trying to get into school and seeing crowds of white people standing around spitting at them or yelling at them . . . and the beatings and the dogs and the hosings and the courage of so many people in that time." Glickman, according to The LAist, said someone once commented to her that "‘It took courage [to do what she did, to make a stand].’ I said, ’No it didn’t, it didn’t take courage for me to sit in Sherman Oaks in my comfortable home with my three children and type a letter.'" "Courage," she said, "was little Ruby Bridges, the little girl who integrated a school in the south who had to come with the National Guard with people spitting at her and yelling at her and throwing things at her and the parents who drew their children out. That was courage." Because of Glickman, because of Schulz, people around the world were introduced to a little boy named Franklin, and even today, when Franklin is mentioned, fond memories are evoked, such as those like the young, black man, who with tears in his eyes, started running and screaming throughout the house because he was introduced to Franklin for the first time. Barbara Brandon-Croft, the first African American woman to have a nationally syndicated comic strip in the mainstream press, was 10 years old in 1968, said, “I remember feeling affirmed by seeing Franklin in ‘Peanuts.’ ‘There’s a little black kid! Thank goodness! We do matter.’" When the Peace Page first shared its story about Franklin's birth, one Peace Page reader commented, "I normally don't comment on Facebook but I feel compelled to now. As a black child growing up in the 70's and 80's U grew up in mostly white neighborhoods. One of the most difficult things at that time is my sense of where I belonged in the world. I didn't have anybody in my position i could relate to on TV or in the movies. Then I started reading Peanut cartoons and I met Franklin and I saw myself for once. As a character, Franklin was so important to me I named my third son after him. thank you . . . for helping me find my place." That Peace Page story has now reached 22,498,877 people, receiving 2,091,450 reactions. It has inspired an Upworthy article and has been shared all over the world, including by media companies in Australia and Italy. When the Peace Page contacted the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California, one of the representatives said that Glickman regularly visited the museum and she was fondly called "Franklin's Mom." When she saw that Peace Page post, she commented on the Peace Page, "It's always a joy for me to share the Franklin story. I consider him my fourth child and he is very much loved." In the speech in 2018 at American University of Health Sciences, she told the audience that it still “feels like yesterday [when Franklin was introduced].” She said some things have changed, but others have not. “We still have so many problems on how we see each other,” she said in an article by the Press Telegram. She told the children: “You can make a difference in making the world a better place. When you see something that makes you feel angry or upset, don’t just complain, do something about it. And remember that we all care for each other; we’re all the same loving, caring people.” She then autographed a book introducing Franklin to Charlie Brown, “Nice to Meet You, Franklin!” and urged each youngster “to make a difference.” Thank you, Harriet Glickman, also, for making a difference and making the world a better place. [Photo courtesy of CBR]
The Jon S. Randal Peace Page
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Life With You Makes Perfect Sense (You're My Best Friend)
TimKon Fanfic
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For context: this takes place during the time when Stephanie Brown was Robin after Tim's dad figured out his identity and made him retire. In the comics, Conner finds this out by coming to Gotham to look for Tim when he fails to show up at Titan's Tower and bumping into Robin Steph. Batman refuses to give Conner Tim's address but tells him that he has all the same skills Superman has to find him himself. Conner tracks down Tim's voice and confronts him in his bedroom. In the comics, he ends up leaving and doesn't appear to hear from Tim again until he comes back to the Robin role. This fic takes place as a sort of "what-if" to fill in that missing time.
I took the dialogue in italics from the first and last scenes directly from my copy of the TPB Teen Titans: Beast Boys & Girls (2005), though the body language that goes with the dialogue and everything else in the fic is mine.
Title comes from Tim McGraw's "My Best Friend"
Tim woke up clinging to the whisps of a dream that fled from the screeching of his alarm. As he blinked himself back to consciousness, he grasped vainly for the subject of the dream and was left feeling inexplicably wistful.
His fumbling fingers managed to silence the alarm, but there was still the unfortunate matter of having to heave himself out of bed, his limbs feeling heavier and more uncooperative than they had in weeks. Apparently, all the extra sleep he’d been getting since he retired still wasn’t enough to make Monday mornings suck any less.
He pushed away the traitorous voice in the back of his head that suggested that maybe his exhaustion had something to do with his conversation with Conner the other night.
Conner had shown up unannounced and asking questions Tim hadn’t expected to have to answer again. “Why didn’t you show at the tower yesterday? And what’s with this new Robin? The girl?”
“Last week…” Tim paused, trying to decide how best to make Conner understand. “My dad found my costume. He found out I was Robin, and he went a little—” Tim paused, unsure, “—overboard. I’ve been wanting to tell him for months anyway.”
Conner turned his head towards where he could hear Jack moving around, easily locking onto his vitals. “He seems totally relaxed now. His heart rate is normal and—”
Tim glanced back at Conner nervously, but still refused to look at him head on. “I quit.”
“You what?” Conner exclaimed.
“I’m not Robin anymore. I gave it up.”
“Why?” Conner couldn’t wrap his mind around what he was hearing.
Tim tried to explain, needing Conner to understand. His approval felt vital in that moment. “I never liked living two lives. I never planned on doing it for this long. And I never wanted to lie to my dad. Now I don’t have to anymore.”
Conner shook his head in denial. “Come on. You can’t do this to the Titans. That girl isn’t… She’s not Robin.”
Tim wanted to stop thinking about that night, but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t. The look on Conner’s face when Tim told him he wasn’t coming back to the Titans, how Conner refused to meet Tim’s eyes when he talked about how much he and the other Titans needed Tim, not just Robin. All of it. After all, what right did Conner have to come in and tell Tim how to live his life? Conner was born into this, he didn’t have a Before to compare the hero life to. He didn’t understand what it was like to be torn between two halves of himself.
At that thought, Tim paused about halfway through pulling on a shirt, and immediately felt guilty for even thinking it. Conner had just found out he was half Lex Luthor after all. He was probably the only person Tim knew who would understand exactly how Tim felt being stuck between his Dad and Bruce since the truth came out.
Tim pulled the shirt on the rest of the way with a mental sigh. He wasn’t really mad at Conner. Things had changed really quickly, and the other boy had made a lot of good points. As he ran through the rest of his morning routine, Tim’s mind continued its highlight reel.
“Let it go.”
“You’re my best friend, Tim. How can I? The Titans aren’t the Titans without Robin. They just aren’t.”
“Just because I’m not wearing a cape doesn’t mean we can’t hang.”
For the first time since Tim had explained his motivation, Conner finally met his eyes again. The resignation there made Tim’s throat tighten. “It won’t be the same. I’ve heard that from too many friends. Friends I never talk to anymore.”
And Conner wasn’t wrong. When was the last time he had talked to Cissie? Sure, he still got the occasional update on what she was up to from Cassie on Titans weekends, but that wasn’t the same. It was so easy to lose touch with people who left the hero game. Hell, he hadn’t even spoken to Dick since he quit, and they had supposedly been brothers.
Conner had every right to be worried. But what else was he supposed to do? There was nothing else he could have done to protect everyone’s identities, and it wasn’t like his Dad was about to let him go to group hangouts with a bunch of superteens.
Tim mulled it over as he mechanically choked down a bowl of cereal. His dad had been pretty adamant about the no contact thing, and Tim was trying to be the respectful son his dad deserved. But Conner wasn’t something Tim was willing to sacrifice for his new mission. Besides, what was the harm in just staying touch, it’s not like he was putting himself in danger.
Still, it was probably better safe than sorry. If he got his hands on a computer at school, it wouldn’t be hard to track down the Kents’ phone number. Then it was just a matter of waiting for Dad and Dana to be out long enough for him to have sole access to the landline.
Yeah, Tim thought as he threw his bowl and the sink and headed out to catch his bus, that would work. It would be enough. It had to. Tim just wished he didn’t feel like he was betraying his dad all over again.
If anyone could read his mind right now, they would be impressed by the amount of self-restraint Conner was exercising to control his strength as well as he was despite how frustrated he was. Unfortunately, poor Lottie the Cow could not read his mind, and, unlike Krypto, she wasn’t hiding any secret Kryptonian powers of her own.
After the third time he used just a tad too much pressure in his attempts to milk her and she shied away from him yet again, he had to concede defeat. As he swapped out with Pa (who was all too willing to pass off the stall mucking), Conner let himself feel the indignation he hadn’t been able to get out of his head since he spoke to Tim.
It just wasn’t right! Anyone with eyes could see how much Tim loved being Robin. Conner knew how much pride he took in being able to hold his own against some of the most powerful people on the planet. How Tim’s heartrate still sped up with excitement every time he swung off a building or when he flew with Conner.
His dad wanted him to be normal so bad? What was more normal than a teen managing to sneak out without their guardian knowing or taking their dad’s car out for a joyride with their friends. So what if the car was a Batmobile or if the adult he was sneaking past was a Tamaranean princess?
And the worst part was that he wasn’t even mad at Tim, not really. Sure, he had been pissed in the moment, but mostly he was just hurt. They had all finally gotten back to normal, and now Tim was leavingagain. It just wasn’t fair. Conner just wanted his best friend back, but every time they got over one hurdle another one showed up. And this was something Conner couldn’t punch.
“If you shovel any harder, you’re going to snap the end off again.”
Conner whirled around, barely managing not to break the poor tool in his surprise. Martha just raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him, a full basket of chicken eggs resting on her hip. “You want to tell me what’s eating you?”
Conner didn’t meet her eyes, just grabbed the now full bucket of manure to take it to the compost. “It’s nothing, Aunt Martha.”
Her brow wrinkled in concern, which was not what Conner had wanted at all. She took another moment, clearly choosing her words carefully. “Well… I know you don’t owe me your thoughts son, and I don’t pretend to know what it’s like to do what you and Clark do.” She started walking alongside Conner before continuing. “But I have raised one Kryptonian and I can listen with the best of them. So, if you need to get something off your chest…”
Dumping the bucket into the compost, Conner almost refused out of habit. Instead, he hesitated, casting his eyes to the side as he grasped for an answer. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon. “It’s kinda a long story…” the note of disappointment in his voice seemed to surprise both of them. Martha didn’t miss a step as she steered them back towards the house. She too glanced at the rising sun and then sent Conner an appraising look. “hmmm… School is important. It would be a shame if you had woken up ill this morning and couldn’t attend.”
Conner felt himself gaping like a fish as he followed her inside.
Tim was pretending not to notice Dana hovering when the doorbell rang.
And wasn’t that a fun situation. Tim wasn’t quite sure how much Dana knew. He knew his dad hadn’t told her about Robin, as per the arrangement. But he wasn’t sure what story she’d been given instead, or, more likely, if she’d just been left to draw her own conclusions.
Regardless, she clearly knew Tim had been hiding something because she had been acting strangely ever since. Making excuses to keep him in view, asking much more probing questions about his day and who he was spending it with, checking out parenting books on “troubled teens.”
She hadn’t said anything to Tim about whatever it was she thought was going on, but she had always been over-protective of Tim. Sure it could occasionally cross over into infantilizing, but, after a lifetime of people only worrying about Tim’s wellbeing when it affected them, it was kinda nice to have a parent care so openly.
Still, this was starting to get ridiculous. It wasn’t like he was running a drug empire from the kitchen table, and writing an English essay while someone keeps sneaking glances at you while cleaning the stovetop wasn’t exactly easy.
So, the doorbell was a welcome distraction.
While Dana rose to answer the door, Tim tried to focus back on his paper, as if he could make it write itself with the force of his glare. However, there was no amount of effort that would ever keep him from recognizing that voice.
He was at the door before he even realized he’d made the decision.
“—don’t know why he didn’t mention it, ma’am, we made these plans last week.”
“Well, I don’t know if I’m really comfortable with letting you boys go without clearing it with Jack fir—"
Tim peeked around Dana’s shoulder to see Conner Kent, glasses and all, staring up at his stepmom with an almost comically earnest expression. “Dana?”
She glanced back at Tim, not letting go of the half-open door. “Your friend—”
“Conner,” the boy in question supplied helpfully.
“Right,” she said with a forced smile, “Your friend, Conner, was just telling me that you two made plans to get together to study tonight? Tim, honey, you know your Dad wants you to let him know before you make plans to go out with people we don’t know.”
Tim did know. It was one of many new rules that his dad had decided to implement after he found his Robin gear. The restrictions chafed, but, as his dad pointed out, he definitely deserved the lack of trust at this point.
But when he caught the cocky “play along” grin over Dana’s shoulder, Tim stomach filled with warmth at the familiarity. He quickly schooled his expression into an appropriately sheepish smile. “Sorry Dana, I guess it just slipped my mind.”
Dana softened, her grip on the door slackening just a tad.
“If it helps, Mrs. Drake,” Conner broke in, “we can just study here.”
Tim wondered if Conner had learned the earnest and polite young man routine from watching Clark or if it was just natural talent. Either way it was enough for Dana, leading her to relax and open the door completely.
“Oh, that would be perfect! Tim, honey, why don’t you get you and your friend set up at the table? Will you be staying for dinner, Conner? We’re having Chinese tonight, and it’d be no problem to order an extra serving.”
“That would be great, Mrs. Drake!”
Dana headed back towards the kitchen, presumably looking for the takeout menus, leaving Tim and Conner in awkward silence. Tim decided to break the tension first.
“I’m sorry, Conner, I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I know you were just trying to help.”
“Wait, that’s supposed to be my line! I’m sorry, Tim. I didn’t mean to make it seem like I didn’t think you could make your own decisions.”
“So, still friends?”
“Please! You didn’t think I’d come all the way to Gotham to ditch you now, did you?”
“Why did you come? If that was it, why not just come in the window?”
Conner shifted his weight, hand tightening minutely around the strap of the backpack slung over his shoulder.
“Well, I was talking to Ma earlier, and she helped me realize that even if Robin can’t hang out with Superboy, that doesn’t mean Conner Kent can’t spend time with Tim Drake.” He looked up from his shoes, his blue eyes putting the Gotham sky to shame. “That is… if it’s okay with you?”
If you had asked Conner, Tim’s answering grin could have lit up even the darkest Gotham alley.
Fifteen minutes later found Tim and Conner side by side at the kitchen table, various homework from various subjects strewn out about. Leaning over under the guise of checking Conner’s math, Tim murmured under his breath for only Conner to hear: “So Conner Kent wears flannel now?”
Conner snorted. “I’m pretty sure it’s the only thing they sell in Smallville,” he whispered back. “Why? You a fan?”
“To be honest… I miss the leather,” he replied thoughtlessly.
“Is that so?” Tim realized what he’d said out loud a moment too late. “I guess I’ll have to keep that in mind,” he smirked.
“Oh, shut up,” Tim replied with a little shove that did absolutely nothing but prompt Conner to break out into full body laughter so loud it drew Dana in from the living room to see what was going on.
When she found a blushing Tim whispering back furiously and sending her embarrassed looks, she let out a chuckle of her own before leaving them to it. She had a good feeling about this kid.
It quickly became routine for Conner to come by after school to do homework a few days a week. Tim had worried that it might have been getting Conner in trouble, but Conner had assured him that he had worked things out with ‘Ma so that he still got all his chores done in spite of the extra hours he was putting in Gotham. And as for Batman, well, if he didn’t want him coming to Gotham to see Tim, he shouldn’t have told him how to find him.
And at least he wasn’t dangling the latest Robin in mid-air anymore.
Whether by fate or weird coincidence, however, he still hadn’t managed to run into Jack Drake while he was monopolizing his son’s time yet. The first night Conner stayed for dinner had ended with them all waiting for half an hour after the food arrived before Jack remembered to call and let Dana know he would be working late. It wasn’t the last time either. And the nights he did come home for dinner were the nights where Conner had already planned to head home early to have dinner with his own family.
Not to say Conner minded. He had some thoughtsabout Jack Drake and the way he treated his son. It was probably better for everyone that Conner spent as little time with the man as possible.
But there was only so long that could last, especially since Tim was practically dying to get out of the house for more than just school or Jack’s father-son excursions.
Unfortunately, as time went on Jack had only gotten more paranoid about where Tim was going and what he was doing, not less. Lately, Tim was practically on lockdown since it was such a pain to get permission to go anywhere without his dad or Dana. The last time he had gone out to the diner with Bernard and Darla his Dad had “just happened” to stop by for a to-go coffee. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that he had been making sure Tim really was where he said he was.
His only saving grace was Dana. While she still enforced his dad’s rules (apparently not wanting to undermine his parenting), Tim had overheard her arguing on his behalf with his dad on multiple occasions, insisting that Tim was a good kid who had earned a little bit of freedom. Granted, these conversations rarely accomplished much besides getting Jack to dismiss her concerns as a lack of understanding due to not having children of her own. Still, Tim appreciated the support. Particularly since Dana had clearly decided that she liked Conner and essentially left them to their own devices while they were “studying.”
Now in addition to actually doing their homework, they were able to spend time talking about the rest of their lives, especially the normal civilian stuff they never seemed to have time for during Titans weekends. Everything from friendships, to TV shows, to their relationships with their parents was fair game. Tim had felt like he knew Conner before, but this was a whole new level. And the more he learned, the more he wanted to know.
And that’s why he had recruited Dana.
It hadn’t been hard. For once in his life, being completely honest with an authority figure about what he wanted was enough. It probably shouldn’t have felt as weird as it did.
Dana had given him a strange look when he mentioned he wanted to hang out with Conner outside of studying, but she had agreed that she didn’t see a problem with it. After all, if his father was alright with him spending time with Bernard (who Dana knew firsthand was not exactly the best of influences) then surely he would be okay with Tim spending more time with “a nice young man” like Conner. He just needed to meet him first.
It would be fine. Probably.
And that was how the two of them had ended up setting the dining table while Dana put the finishing touches on what she assured Tim was Jack’s favorite meal.
“Dude, you’ve got to take a breath,” Conner whispered as he reached around Tim. “I’ve heard your heart beat slower going up against literal mercenaries.”
Tim snorted. “I’ll take Deathstroke over this any day.”
“Hey now,” he shot back with a scandalized hand to his chest, “I’ll have you know I am delightful company!”
Tim’s futile attempts at a mock glare were interrupted when he could no longer hold back the urge to giggle at the absurdity of the situation. He could go up against the worst the world had to offer without thinking twice, but the idea of his dad and his best friend in the same room had him on the verge of a panic attack.
He shot Conner a grateful smile. “I just really need this to go well.”
Conner slung a careless arm around Tim’s shoulder but spoke with a level of seriousness he rarely let people see. “And it will, I promise. We make a good team, remember? We can handle this.”
Tim nodded and drew in some deep breaths to calm his racing pulse. Conner didn’t say anything else, just let him take the minute he needed. Just as Tim had gotten a hold of himself and was about to gently shrug off Conner’s arm, Conner pulled away of his own accord with a parting squeeze of Tim’s shoulder.
“He’s here,” he explained, gesturing to the front door with his chin as he finished off the last place setting.
Sure enough, a moment later Tim heard the telltale click of a key in a lock. There was a very slight possibility that his breathing may have quickened again just a bit if the bemused look Conner sent him was any indication.
Tim most definitely did not stick his tongue out at his friend before heading to the entryway to take his dad’s coat.
Conner and his snicker followed a beat behind Tim. When Jack’s gaze finally landed on Conner, Conner felt his spine straighten involuntarily. Jack didn’t say anything at first, and in the stretching silence Conner felt himself trying to channel every bit of the big blue boy scout he had in him.
Jack’s eyes cast over every bit of Conner’s appearance, from his glasses to his button up to his clean but scuffed sneakers. Conner was uncomfortably reminded of being a literal lab specimen under observation.
Suddenly, Jack’s expression morphed into a charming smile Conner didn’t trust for an instant. He stuck out a hand, and Conner was so caught off guard by the sudden transition that he almost forgot to shake it.
“You must be Tim’s friend. Carter, right?”
“It’s Conner, Dad.”
Jack waved Tim’s correction away. “Right, right, Conner then.” He started walking off to the living room, clearly expecting them to follow. “Dana tells me that you’ve been coming over to study quite a bit lately. I hope your grades have seen a better uptick than Tim’s have.”
Conner sent a questioning glance Tim’s way but didn’t get a response other than the visible tension in the other boy’s jaw.
“Not really sure what the point of a study group is if it doesn’t actually raise your grades any,” Jack continued.
Assuming that the biting comment was rhetorical and feeling supremely awkward, Conner didn’t respond right away. But as the three of them each pulled up a chair, Jack’s impatient expression clued Conner in on the fact that he was actually supposed to answer.
“Er…yes sir. I’ve been really lucky to have Tim’s help getting caught up.”
Jack was saved from responding beyond a noncommittal hmm by Dana’s arrival with the food. As she placed the casserole dish of what looked like enchiladas on the table, Dana gave them all a forced smile.
“And it’s been so nice getting to know one of Tim’s friends, Conner.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Drake.”
“So how did you and Tim start hanging out?” Jack questioned absently.
They had prepped for this question. Conner used the opportunity to launch into an overdramatic retelling of a group project they had worked on together and how they realized that they worked well together. Like all the best lies, it included just enough details not to be suspicious while still having a kernel of truth.
His story succeeded in breaking the ice enough to get conversation started, and Conner felt himself relaxing. He had meant what he said to Tim earlier, but he didn’t exactly meet that many new civilians. But Tim had prepared him well, and this wasn’t his first undercover op. He skillfully navigated around dangerous truths and gave the performance of his life as the perfect All-American teen.
Maybe he should have felt guilty about lying to these people who had opened their home to him. Clark probably would have had something to say about it. After all, on paper Jack had every right to be upset. His son had literally been throwing himself in front of bullets for strangers for years behind his back. Not only that, but he’d been doing it alongside another adult he had trusted to have his son’s best interests at heart. Surely any good parent would have been just as upset, right?
But Conner was very aware that Jack Drake was not the parent he believed himself to be.
Good parents didn’t ship their kid off to boarding schools from the minute he was old enough to attend, and then never show up for the few weeks their kid is home.
Good parents don’t look at everything that makes you you and try to sand it away so that you’ll fit some perfect ideal they have in their head of what you should be.
Good parents don’t look at the emotional scars and bruises they’ve given to their child and tell them that its their own fault for making them do this, for not being enough or for being too much.
Jack Drake may not have laid a hand on his son, but he’d still done plenty of damage, and Conner was forced to watch Tim thank him for it.
So, no. Conner didn’t feel an ounce of guilt for lying to the man who constantly left his favorite person more confused and conflicted than any mystery Batman had ever handed to him.
Tim may not realize that he deserved better yet, but that was alright. Conner would flatter and charm and play meek and responsible without feeling a single thing if it made Tim’s life easier.
As the conversation shifted to what was new with Dana’s sister and her kids, Conner met Tim’s eyes again. Tim subtly tipped his glass approvingly toward Conner, and Conner sent back an answering wink.
Well, he corrected internally, maybe he’d feel one thing after all.
Gotham wasn’t exactly known for its tourist attractions. It was kind of a risky financial decision to try to open anything that encouraged a lot of people to congregate in a city where crowds drew Rogues like killer moths to a flamethrower. And that went double for anything that could be construed as children’s entertainment.
Luckily, Gothamites were both stubborn and spiteful, so there were a few places, like the traveling carnival currently set up near the harbor, that popped up every now and then with that brilliant fuck you energy that so clearly defined the city.
After last week’s dinner got off to its admittedly awkward start, Conner had hit his stride. Seamlessly switching between the perfect “aw shucks, me?” smile when asked a question about himself and then an earnest “tell me more about…” to turn the conversation back to Jack’s interests, Conner would have earned even the Batman’s reluctant approval.
By the end of the night, Jack was riding the high of getting to speak about himself to a willing audience for so long. It was all too easy to get Jack’s permission for Tim to hang out with Conner outside the house… as long as he still made sure to call and check in on the hour, of course.
Tim hadn’t hesitated to get them tickets for the second night the carnival was in town (not wanting to tempt a Rogue’s attack on the first), and the night had finally arrived.
Now, sharing a seat on the ferris wheel with the other teen, Tim couldn’t understand why he’d been so worried. He’d always been the first to insist that there was so much more to Conner than people gave him credit for.
Tim found himself glancing at Conner out of the corner of his eye. Luckily, the other boy was too busy leaning over the railing to watch the sun set behind the city skyline.
Most people looked at Superboy and saw a brash, arrogant, and (if he was lucky) comical teenager. They dismissed him as the brawn to other Titans’ brains. They couldn’t understand how he could be so different from Superman.
Tim knew better than that. Sure, he could be all those things, but what teenager wasn’t? Especially considering all the shit the authority figures in his life had put him through. And yeah, he was funny too.
But Conner was also a damn good friend. He was loyal and brave and empathetic and fiercely protective of the people who had earned his respect. He paid attention to people, and he cared so deeply, even though he tried to cover it up with nonchalance and a confident façade. He might be bulletproof, but Tim would protect that vulnerability he saw until the day he died.
“Alright. Where’d you go?”
Pulled back into the moment rather suddenly, Tim was startled, but he didn’t have to worry about coming up with a suitably mysterious response here. “What?”
Conner snorted and raised one hand to slide his sunglasses just far enough down the bridge of his nose that he could meet Tim’s eyes.
“You’re looking at me weird. What’s up?”
As Tim tried to decide how to answer in a way that wasn’t completely cheesy, the ferris wheel paused again, this time with the two of them at the very top.
“I just—I’m just really glad you’re here. Thanks for coming to Gotham.” He didn’t just mean today either. He meant all of it. The first time he came to find out why Robin wasn’t at the tower, the time he showed up at Tim’s door even what would have chased anyone else away, and every other time they had hung out since.
He didn’t have to specify that though. The blinding smile that broke out over Conner’s face made it clear the message was received.
Conner took a moment, trying to school his expression into something a little smoother, but it was a lost cause. Eventually he just settled for clearing his throat. “You don’t have to thank me, Tim. There’s no place I’d rather be. Besides,” he continued as he casually threw an arm across the back of Tim’s seat, “everyone knows Gotham has the best sunsets.”
His heart pounding, Tim took a deep breath and let himself sink into Conner’s side. For a second, Conner stiffened and Tim worried that he’d made a horrible mistake, that he’d ruined everything.
It was only when he felt the comforting weight of Conner’s arm move from the seat to wrap around Tim’s shoulders, pulling him closer, that Tim let himself believe that this could be okay. They could have this.
The leather of Conner’s jacket was cool against the side of Tim’s face. The sky was a brilliant mess of golds and reds and purples. And Tim was with the person who made him feel safer and more himself than anyone else on the planet.
“Yeah, I suppose we do, don’t we?”
That evening, Tim sat down on his bed, pulling his camera out of his bag. He was looking forward to developing them. Maybe he’d give Conner a few of the shots if they were any good.
knock knock
Tim looked up to see Dana leaning up against the doorframe she had knocked on.
“Hey, Honey. Did y’all have a good time?”
Tim couldn’t have held back the smile if he’d tried. “Oh yeah, it was awesome!”
Dana smiled back just as warmly. “Oh, I’m so glad!” Tim believed her. That was the best thing about Dana, she was one of the most genuine people he knew, and for some reason Tim couldn’t fathom, she had always seemed to care so much about Tim.
“Do you mind if I come in, sweetheart? There’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about…”
“I swear to god I used to be good at keeping secrets,” Tim groaned as he allowed his head to thunk dramatically against the diner table.
Conner didn’t look up from his menu, but he did use his TTK to save their waters from tipping over. “Sure you were,” he deadpanned.
“I was literally trained in deception and resistance to interrogation by one of the best detectives in the world.”
“She still doesn’t know I was Robin. Neither of them have made the very obvious connections between you and a certain Boy of Steel for some reason.
“It’s the glasses.”
“It is not the glasses.”
“It is,” he said. “Conner Kent wears glasses, and Superboy doesn’t. Therefore, obviously different people.” His forehead crinkled. “Do you think a sweet potato milkshake would be any good?”
“It wouldn’t be the weirdest thing I’ve ever eaten.” Tim squinted back up suspiciously from where he was still sprawled on the table. “Also, I feel like you are not being nearly sympathetic enough to my plight.”
Conner finally gave up the pretense of looking at the menu and dropped his chin to rest on his hands on the tabletop, so his face was only a few inches from Tim’s long-suffering expression.
Unfortunately for Tim’s dignity, Conner’s crooked grin was infectious. “How long did it take her to figure it out?”
“Ugh, she apparently she knew the minute she saw me, but at least she promised not to tell Dad.”
Conner snickered.
“Don’t laugh! She tried to give me the talk, Conner!”
That just sent Conner into full-body cackles. Tim watched him throw his head back and couldn’t help but feel proud. He did that. But he wasn’t done pouting yet either. It was the principle of the thing, after all.
“Sorry—” Conner gasped, “Sorry babe!” He leaned forward to place a kiss to Tim’s forehead, reveling in the way his boyfriend blushed so immediately. “You can hide just about anything else, sure, but you’ve got absolutely no poker face when you’re happy.”
Tim grumbled good naturedly like the absolute gremlin he was before finally deciding to sit up when a rather unimpressed waitress stopped by to take their order.
When she walked off, Conner turned back to Tim, casually taking one of Tim’s hands in his as though they weren’t both still completely in awe of this new development.
“So…” Conner started. “You were supposed to get together with your Wizards & Warlocks friends over the weekend, right? How’d that go?”
Tim’s eyes lit up as he started telling Conner about the most recent developments to their current campaign. Conner did his best to make sense of all of the characters and jargon he had no reference for, since it clearly meant a lot to Tim. Though that was made a little trickier by how much fun he was having just watching Tim.
He rarely got to see him so animated, due to the expectations constantly heaped on Robin and Tim Drake alike. When talking about something he enjoyed, however, Tim came alive. So, Conner listened, asking real questions that sparked off another tangent every time he started running out of steam.
Conner wondered if Tim’s eyes had always sparkled that much when they were hidden behind a mask. He didn’t think so, but either way he was just grateful Tim trusted him enough to let him see.
“So then Ives—oh, Dana, can you pass the bread? thanks—Ives ended up rolling a Nat 20 on persuasion, which completely messed with my pla—”
“Alright, alright, I’m about tapped out on Witches & Wizards—” Jack interrupted, his hands raised in a timeout gesture.
“Jack!” Dana admonished.
“It’s actually Wizards & Warlocks, Dad.”
“Whatever it’s called! There’s only so much of this I can hear before my brain rots.”
Tim forced an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Dad.”
Jack waved away the apology with his buttered roll. “Forget about it. Hey, how’s your school’s basketball team this year? I was thinking we would go to the game this Friday, just the two of us.”
“Oh,” Tim said, “I don’t really know. Umm… what time is the game? Because I already made plans to go see a movie with Conner on Friday before he has to go away for the weekend for some family stuff.”
Jack frowned and Tim found himself straightening up involuntarily. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with that Conner kid. What’s up with that?” he asked accusatorily.
Wary of stumbling into a trap he couldn’t see, Tim tried to feign a casualness he didn’t feel. “I don’t know, I guess I just realized we have a lot in common, but I hang out with a lot of people. Why do you ask?”
This apparently wasn’t enough for Jack because he didn’t let it go, even putting his fork down so he could make sure his full attention was on Tim. “You don’t though! You almost never talk about Bernard anymore, or that Darla girl! The wizards thing was weird enough, but now if it’s not that then it’s Conner this or Conner that! If you’re not careful, you’re gonna give people the wrong idea about the two of you.”
The tightening in Tim’s throat would have been painful if it weren’t for the numbness he felt sinking into his bones.
“And now you’re suddenly too good to hang out with your dad anymore? I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I’m concerned about the person you’re becoming lately.”
“No! No, Dad it’s not like that—”
Tim looked at a wide-eyed Dana desperately for help. Ever ready to defend Tim when he needed, Dana didn’t disappoint.
“Oh, Jack, honey,” she laughed a little too loudly, “leave the poor boy be. He’s a good kid, and it’s healthy for a teenage boy to want to spend more time with his friends! I don’t see the harm in it. Honestly, shouldn’t we be proud of him for honoring his commitments?”
Jack’s glare was as hard as steel and just as cold. “Don’t tell me what I should and shouldn’t be proud of. I think I know how to parent my son.”
Dana broke eye-contact first, and Jack seemed to be the only one immune to the rising tension. Eventually he paused his meal consideringly. “Though I suppose you do have a point, Dana. Tim and I will just have to go to the next game, hmm?”
Grateful for the out, Tim nodded quickly. “Sounds great, Dad.”
Tim had been looking forward to seeing this movie since he’d seen the first preview, but he hadn’t been paying attention at all for the last ten minutes. Oh well, he could come back and watch it again later, maybe with the guys in his W&W group.
In the meantime, it was definitely worth the sacrifice. Kissing Conner in the back row of the theatre, Tim had never felt more like a normal teenager in his life. This might be just as fun as running over rooftops.
Conner swung Tim’s hand back and forth between them as they walked, feeling a bit like a little kid. Most people probably would have been on edge walking through the streets of Gotham right after sunset, but most people weren’t literally bulletproof.
As it was, Conner would have been content to stay out there all night if it meant he got to keep holding Tim’s hand while he chattered about the photos he had taken on their last outing to the botanical gardens and how they had turned out. Conner had learned more about camera lenses in the last ten minutes than he had in his life, and he was loving it.
Unfortunately, the Titans would be expecting him in an hour or so, and Tim’s dad would probably take exception to his son being out all night under mysterious circumstances. So, it was with a heavy sigh that Conner finally arrived at the Drake’s brownstone.
The boys came to a stop before reaching the front steps, neither ready for the night to end. Conner leaned forward to press his forehead to rest against Tim’s.
“You know,” he whispered, “I know I said I wanted Robin to come back to the Titans —and don’t get me wrong, I would still love that— but I’m also kinda loving having you all to myself.”
Tim chuckled and when that laugh turned into a crooked grin that made Conner’s stomach flutter, he couldn’t resist kissing it back off.
Tim and Conner jumped apart as the door to the brownstone slammed open. Jack glared down at them.
“Tim. Get in this house, right now.” When Tim hesitated to move, Jack’s tone only grew even more demanding. “I said get in this house Timothy Jackson Drake.”
The sound of his full name seemed to spark Tim back to life, as he scrambled back towards the house. Conner gently caught one of Tim’s hands just before he was out of reach, and the other boy looked at him like a started deer.
“Do you want me to…” Conner trailed off with a meaningful hand wave at the side of his head. Do you want me to listen in, he was asking.
Tim thought about it for a second before shaking his head. “But maybe don’t go far?”
Conner nodded decisively before meeting Jack’s hateful gaze defiantly for just a moment. He shoved his fists into his jacket pockets before storming off to the corner. As soon as he was out of view, however, he took advantage of Gotham’s perpetual lighting problem to fly up to the roof of the house next to Tim’s, ready to be there the minute Tim needed him.
He settled in to wait, trying to focus on anything but the shouting coming from the Drake residence.
It was probably took longer than it should have for Conner to realize he wasn’t alone, but, hey, he was distracted. Sue him.
“You can come out. I can hear your heartbeat.”
Black Bat unfurled from where she had blended perfectly into the shadows cast by the air-conditioning unit.
“What are you doing here?” Conner asked.
Cass joined him in sitting on the edge of the roof to watch the brownstone. “A while ago…there was a killer…hunting the last robin. I still check in.”
“Every night?”
“No…but most nights.”
Conner considered that for a moment. “So, I’m guessing you saw…?”
“Yes.” Conner thought he could detect a playful edge to her voice. “You are not very subtle.” Okay, no, he was definitely being teased.
trying to play along, he bumped her shoulder with his own. “Well, we can’t all be bat-level sneaky. The universe couldn’t take it. Some of us have to be showy enough to balance the rest of you out.”
Cass hummed consideringly. “That’s fine. Batman will… train it out of you.”
Conner let himself fall back dramatically in mock horror, and Cass giggled. The sound did not match the mask at all, but somehow the juxtaposition seemed fitting for a member of the bat family.
“It’s how he shows his love, promise.”
Conner smiled, the tension of the moment briefly eclipsed by the mental image of the Batman trying to mother-hen a super. Clark would never let him live it down.
Suddenly, movement drew his eye, and Conner saw Tim. Ready to hear the verdict, Conner rose to fly back down.
“Thanks,” he turned to say, only to find himself met with an empty roof.
Bats, man.
Tim followed Jack into the house, his heart pounding so hard Clark could probably hear it in Metropolis. His lips and fingers felt weirdly tingly before going slightly numb. His brain was going a million miles an hour but his body just felt slightly distant.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. This wasn’t supposed to happen at all. He wasn’t ready for this, it was supposed to be on his terms. But it was happening and it was happening now.
Jack stormed into the living room where Dana was half-risen in concern. She froze at the thunderous expression on his face as Jack being to pace the room like a caged lion. Meanwhile, Tim was a stone statue standing just in the room’s entrance. He felt a little bit like one of the artifacts his parents had brought back as souvenirs from their travels, just another relic meant to show off to friends that just ended up cluttering an empty house. And were Tim’s ears ringing?
“What the fuck did I just see, Tim?!” Jack burst out.
“Dad, I—”
“Don’t you fucking dare try to talk yourself out of this. Do you think I’m some kind of idiot?!”
“No! Of cour—”
“Jack, honey, whatever this is about, maybe we—”
Dana’s attempts to calm Jack only seemed to enrage him more, and she was cut off by the CRASH that came from Jack pitching one of her vases across the room. She froze, her eyes darting between Tim and Jack.
“Do you want to tell her what you’ve been doing behind our backs, Tim, or should I?”
“I—Conner and I--We” Tim sputtered unintelligibly, but Dana got the gist. She closed her eyes for a moment too long in sympathy, and Jack’s fury turned on her in an instant.
“You knew? You knew what was happening, and you didn’t put a stop to it?”
“Jack! There’s nothing wro…”
Her voice trailed off as Jack stalked closer and closer to her chair until he towered over her. She shrunk down. Jack leaned down over her and braced himself on the arms of the chair, effectively trapping his wife.
“Do you even care about what this could do to us?” His voice had gone low and picked up a dangerous quality that reminded Tim of the way Batman spoke to criminals he interrogated. But Tim had never been afraid of Batman.
He went on, his head tilted mockingly. “Or, are you just too stupid and selfish to realize how this reflects back on me?”
And, as he watched Dana start to shake, something in Tim snapped.
He was across the room in an instant, wrenching Jack’s arm behind his back so that he was forced to step back and turn around to keep it from breaking. The second Jack let go of Dana’s chair, Tim shoved him stumbling in the opposite direction.
“Leave her alone.”
Jack spun back around. “Did you just shove me?” he asked in pure outrage.
Tim’s chin raised defiantly. “I told you I could, didn’t I?”
At the reminder of the night Jack found out about Robin, Jack’s face twisted back into something ugly.
“So what?! I risk my life to save you from those freaks the first time, and this is the thanks I get? How the hell is anyone supposed to take me seriously when my son is—”
“I didn’t ASK you to save me, Dad!” Tim shouted. Years and years of bottling his resentment and frustration had led to an inevitable explosion, and Tim didn’t care who got burned. “I loved being Robin, I loved getting to help people, and getting to show what I can do. I worked so hard to earn Robin, and I gave it up to make you happy and I still can’t do anything right for you. I am so sick of pretending to be someone I’m not in the hopes that maybe someday it’ll finally be enough for you.”
“No! It’s my turn now!” Tim’s words were acid. If he didn’t get them out now, they would burn him from the inside out. “I will never be the perfect kid you and Mom thought you deserved. I get that now. But I am enough. Bruce thinks so. Dick thinks so. And Conner thinks so too. I am more me with him than I am with anyone else. You already took Robin from me. I won’t let you take this from me too.”
Jack puffed up in rage. Seemingly having forgotten his lesson, he stormed into Tim’s space. Tim took a few steps back on instinct before he came back to himself and planted his feet, forcing Jack to stop to avoid a collision. Their faces were only a few inches apart as they glared at each other.
Tim realized he was almost as tall as his father.
Stubbornly trying to regain the control he could feel slipping through his fingers like water, Jack summoned every bit of authority he had in his body into his tone. “You aren’t seeing him again. This never happens again. Do I make myself clear?”
It was a good effort, but Tim had fought the Justice League. He regularly stared down the worst Gotham had to offer and said not here, not today. There was a lot he was willing to do to keep the peace. But Tim was fed up, and this was one thing he refusedto compromise on.
There was nothing as immovable as a Bat who had made up their mind.
Maybe Jack finally recognized that because, for just a moment, Tim thought he saw something like sadness in his father’s eyes before they hardened like steel.
“Then get out.”
Tim blinked, his confusion enough to break through the bubble of anger that had been clouding out all else. “What?”
“I said get out of my house. And don’t come back.”
“I don’t know who you are anymore. But you aren’t my son. I guess Batman ended up killing him after all.”
Tim’s eyes widened. He wasn’t sure whether it was the grief or betrayal that cut worse, but he kinda wished the numbness would come back. He drew in a deep breath, pulling what was left of his anger around him like a shield. Or maybe a cloak.
He spun around on his heel and marched back toward the front door.
The movement seemed to break the trance of confused horror that had held Dana like a vice as she watched the argument unfold like a demented tennis match.
“Tim!” she called after him. She reached out vainly as if that would be enough to close the distance that had opened up between them like a chasm. “Tim, sweetheart!”
Tim couldn’t turn around, but that didn’t make Dana’s heartbroken tone any less painful to hear.
He didn’t stop once he was out of the door until he was halfway down the street. And then, it was only because Conner landed right in front of him.
“Hey, what happened?”
Tim couldn’t answer. He couldn’t make eye contact right now either. But Conner didn’t press him.
“Okay,” he reassured, “that’s okay.” He raised one hand for Tim to take if he wanted. “Can I give you a lift then?”
Tim took the hand.
Tim directed Conner to touch down at the Manor’s front door, not wanting to risk the possibility of Bruce having changed the security codes by now. Even still, he was certain they had tripped some sort of alarm when they flew over the property.
He was proven correct when Alfred pulled open the door before he’d had the chance to knock. If he noticed that Tim still hadn’t let go of Conner’s hand, the butler didn’t say anything.
“Master Timothy! What an excellent surprise!”
Despite everything, Tim found his mouth pulling into a fond smile at the old man. “Hi Alfred. Is Bruce home? I need to talk to him.”
“Right this way, sir!” Alfred said, already pulling the door open, and Conner allowed himself to be pulled along with nothing but a supportive hand squeeze.
Tim felt his heart pounding as he followed Alfred towards what he quickly realized was Bruce’s study. Suddenly unable to bear the silence anymore, Tim burst out: “Alfred, have you met Conner?”
Alfred’s face twitched into what only the bats would recognize as the butler suppressing a fond smile of his own. “I have not, sir. Though I must admit I had guessed.” Addressing Conner directly this time, Alfred continued, “My name is Alfred Pennyworth. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Kent.”
“Oh, uh…” Conner stammered before Martha Kent’s training kicked in. “It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Pennyworth.”
Alfred hmmd approvingly but left it there. Luckily, Tim was saved from further attempts at small talk by their arrival at the study doors. Alfred bid them goodbye before slipping away with a subtlety Conner had only thought attainable by bats.
Tim drew in a deep breath before knocking hesitatingly on the ornate doors. The “come in!’ came barely a moment later, and Tim pushed them open with the resignation of a convict approaching the gallows.
On any other day, Conner would have been looking around at anything and everything in the office appreciatively. But today he couldn’t tear his eyes away from Tim who had gone ramrod straight, his own gaze locked onto the man standing up from his desk at the other end of the room.
Bruce Wayne rose from his desk, in that moment somehow managing to look twice as intimidating in a tailored suit as he ever did as Batman. His eyes roved over both boys, taking in everything from their still intertwined hands to Conner’s civilian garb to the way Tim looked like he might be on the verge of passing out. His face was inscrutable the whole time.
Eventually, Bruce’s gaze met Conner’s own defiant glare. “So…” he drawled in perfect deadpan, “are the glasses genetic, or is the entire caped community conspiring to drive me prematurely gray.”
Tim let out a sudden laugh so strangled Conner was mildly concerned he was choking. Conner could empathize.
Apparently amused by their reaction, the Batman smirked,and Conner’s soul left his body for a moment.
When it became clear that they weren’t going to say anything on their own, Bruce continued. “Well, Conner, something tells me that Tim and I need to have a conversation. Will you be joining us, or do you have somewhere to be,” he asked mildly.
Conner gave Tim a sideways glance, under no delusions about who’s comfort Bruce was really concerned with here. Tim squeezed Conner’s hand one more time before finally letting go, and Conner took that as the dismissal it was.
“Actually, sir, I think better head to San Francisco before Victor starts to wonder where I am.”
Bruce nodded turned his attention to Tim. Conner made sure to supportively squeeze Tim’s shoulder back on his way out. He tried to ignore the part of himself that made him feel like he was abandoning Tim to the lions.
Once Conner had pulled the door shut behind him, Bruce let go of the bit of Batman that had made its appearance the minute the proximity alarms had let him know that someone had flown over the property boundaries.
Tim still wasn’t making eye contact, his gaze getting no closer than Bruce’s mouth. Bruce resisted the instinct to drop into the Batman voice. While it would be a sure-fire way to get Tim to look at him, it also would do nothing to actually make the kid more comfortable. Tim would assume that it meant he’d done something wrong, and that would just make everything ten times worse.
Instead, Bruce fought to keep his tone as even and gentle as possible. “How about we sit down,” he asked with a gesture toward the twin armchairs by the fire.
Tim nodded stiffly but still wouldn’t speak. Bruce held in his sigh. Just as he reached his own chair, there was another knock on the door, and Alfred pushed his way in without waiting for a response.
“Forgive me for interrupting, Master Bruce, but I thought some soothing tea might be helpful.”
Bruce smiled at the older man. “Thank you, Alfred. That would be great.”
Alfred nodded and brought his tray over to the side table before pouring each of them a cup. As he turned to leave, Tim’s quiet “thanks” was almost inaudible, but Alfred caught it anyway.
“You are most welcome, young man” he replied, making sure to send Bruce a pointed don’t screw this up glance on his way out.
Bruce settled down into the chair next to Tim, their knees almost close enough to touch. Tim’s hands were wrapped so tightly around his teacup that Bruce worried he might shatter it, but he didn’t take so much as a sip.
“Tim. Can you tell me what’s going on, son?”
Tim finally looked up from his cup again, his gaze settling on Bruce’s mouth again.
“I’m not really sure where to start.”
Okay, Bruce could work with that. “Does your Dad know where you are right now?”
Tim snorted humorlessly. “I really don’t think he gives a shit where I am or what I do at this point. He—” Tim broke off to clear his throat before trying again. “He kicked me out.”
There was pure defeat in Tim’s voice, as if he’d always known it was a matter of time, but he still managed to be disappointed anyway. That more than anything filled Bruce with a level of rage rare even for him while simultaneously breaking his heart.
Not trusting himself to speak at first, Bruce instead gently pulled the poor teacup out of Tim’s grasp and took his hands in his own. Tim’s fingers were trembling.
“Because he found out about you and Conner?” he clarified softly, not wanting to risk a faulty assumption when everything was so fragile.
Tim nodded again anyway. “We fought about some other stuff too, but… yeah, it was mostly about that. He saw us together, and—”
Again, Bruce really wanted to shake Jack Drake senseless. It was bad enough he always seemed to take this wonderful kid for granted, but to see a father intentionally hurt his child over something so inconsequential? It was unforgiveable.
“I’m so sorry, Tim. I know how much you wanted this to work out.”
Tim’s eyes filled with tears, and Bruce was pulling him against his chest even before he consciously recognized what he was seeing. As his son fell apart in his arms, Bruce found tears coming to his own eyes as well.
It had always been obvious how desperate Tim was for his father’s affection and approval after being starved for it for so many years. This was the final deathblow to the hope that one day it would be enough.
So, Bruce held his son, running his fingers through his hair. Eventually, Tim had cried himself out and pulled away, his embarrassment clear on his face. Bruce pulled a clean handkerchief (courtesy of Alfred, of course) from his pocket and handed it to a grateful Tim. Once he had pulled himself together, Tim looked back at Bruce, finally meeting his eyes.
“Does this…Does this mean I can come back to the Manor?”
“Oh, chum…” Bruce reached out to cradle one side of Tim’s face in his hand, his thumb reaching out to brush away another rogue tear. “I promise, you will always have a place in my home. Got it?”
“But what about Stephanie? You already have a Robin…”
Bruce raised an eyebrow. “Well, first of all, your place in this family is not contingent on whether you’re wearing a mask or not. And I’m so sorry if I’ve made you think otherwise. You are just as welcome here if you never put a mask on again as you would be if you went out tomorrow.
And secondly,” here he grimaced, “I may or may not have fired her for putting herself in danger after I told her to stay put. So… Robin’s yours if you still want it.”
“And you’re really okay with me dating a guy?”
Bruce chuckled. “Tim, I’ve taken in three boys by now. You think I never considered the possibility that at least one of you might bring home a boy someday? Granted, I would have put money on Dick being the first, but the point still stands. It makes absolutely no difference to me if you’re gay, buddy.”
“Umm… I think I’m bi actually.”
“Alright then, but my point still stands. I trust your judgment, and I don’t care who you date, as long as they make you happy.”
Tim gave a watery smile. “Thanks, Bruce.”
“Anytime, kiddo.” Then fully out of emotion points, Bruce cleared his suddenly tight throat. “Now, mind coming with me to the cave?”
Confused, Tim cocked his head, but rose accommodatingly. “Sure, what do you need?”
Bruce shook his head as he spun the clock hands and opened the secret passage. “It’s not what I need, but what you need.” He beckoned Tim to follow him down the steps, which he did obligingly. “I need to grab some more Kryptonite.”
“Bruce!” Tim squawked in shock and indignation. His brain immediately went into panic mode, thinking about all the ways Bruce trying to shovel-talk Conner might go horribly wrong, or at least be horribly embarrassing.
Bruce turned back, completely baffled by how adamant and unexpected the refusal was. “Tim,” he started. And oh no, that was his I don’t know why you’re arguing with this perfectly reasonable request voice that always managed to piss Dick off.
“If the two of you are going to be spending time together in Gotham as civilians, you need to be prepared in case the two of you get caught up in one a Rogue attack.” He turned back around and continued on over to the vault where he kept the Kryptonite. “Oh, and don’t let me forget to give him one of these new rebreathers I’ve been working on next time he comes over. The last thing Gotham needs is a Kryptonian getting dosed with Fear Toxin or Joker Gas.”
Kryptonite in hand, Bruce spun and nearly walked into a frozen Tim who was looking at him with a dumbfounded expression. “What?” he asked, the smallest bit of defensiveness bleeding into his voice.
Tim’s voice turned slightly skeptical. “And that’s the only thing you want the Kryptonite for?”
Now it was Bruce’s turn to be confused. “Yes???” he asked, mind whirling to figure out what he was missing.
Tim realized he had definitely misread where this was going and felt torn between laughing at Bruce’s complete confusion and the urge to hug him.
He decided to go with the second one, and if Bruce still had no idea what was going on when he hugged Tim back, well, that just made it better.
Conner was happy enough to take the call that saved him from having to help seed the backfield. He was twice as happy to hear it was from Tim, who he hadn’t heard from since Conner left him at Wayne Manor three days ago.
“Tim, is that…you?”
“It’s me.”
“What’s up? What’s going on? I hear gunshots.”
“Tell the Titans not to give up my room. Tell them I’m back.”
Conner grinned. “I knew it.”
60 notes · View notes
kyotakumrau · 4 years
A thread with the 1st slot report from azifxxx, Zepp Tokyo with Kyo and Shinya
F: Hello everyone at Zepp Tokyo! I'm DIR's manager Fujieda.
T: I'm manager Takabayashi.
F: today in Tokyo it's the last day (...) now I'd like to invite two band members to start the talk event! Give them applause!
Shinya arrives, then Kyo.
Kyo wore a black beret and big glasses, blackish grey jacket, some yellow badge on the left side? and grey denim. Shinya (Yamo-chan) wore all black, double jacket? it looked very soft. When entering the stage Kyo did 'Fujifuji pose' to F...
F: today Kyo and Shinya came to the event! How are you doing, the two of you?
S: I'm always fine. 24h a day. Just got bit foolish in Sendai due to snow...
K: yeah... I'm also good...
F: for both of you it's your second time, going straight to the point what's the most impactful/memorable thing in 2020 for you?
S: not COVID?
F: from the band's point of view it is.
S: it didn't feel like being in a band. There were no concerts at all.
F: for you, Kyo? (pretending to eat)
K: PS5.
S: I see.
K: I couldn't get it. That's all I can think about.
S: I want it too, but not that much... can you play Dead by Daylight on PS5? having ps4 edition?
K: you can.
S: then I want it. I also applied for it, but as I wasn't contacted I don't think I won.
F: there's nothing besides PS5?
K: the fan who said in the message they're getting it next day, they are probably playing right now..  I get angry again when I think about it. And not just a bit....(F: what would you do if after you got PS5?) Eh? I have to say it each time?💢 (makes dissatisfied sound and turns away, for a while stays silent) 
F passes them the merch items.
S&K: ... (silently checking the items)
When prompted to say something
S: mini water bottle.. is for when you go out for a bit...
K: is that a pig?
S: it's a bear
But it has 3 fingers? The hoofs? 
S: a bear isn't like that? 
K: but only 3 fingers?! 
K: you draw 3 or 4 fingers for a bear! A horse gets 2! is the claw here (between the fingers?)? the claws come out here (pointing back of the hand)? 
S: there are no fingers there (in the back of the hand) 
K: and it is listening standing in front of the speaker? Its ears will get bad! Listening to such loud sound in front of the speaker! you will go nuts! 
F: so Kyo, you were praising the choker a lot in Osaka. 
K: ... (looks at the choker) ...(starts to tie the choker)...(puts the choker in front of F) 
F: it can be tied up? Is that a good point? Ah, you mean that it can be displayed like this? It's a very popular item so everyone please get one! 
Today there are only two tables, on the right (kamite) sits Shinya with Takabayashi, on the left (shimote) Fujieda with Kyo 
F: any no-no topics for the questions? (S says nothing) I hope it’ going to be interesting... what kind of outfit are you wearing today? 
S: I’m wearing black... the hood is...(hesitates) like Penyu 
K: (smiling😊) 
S: I realized today that it’s like Penyu. Not because Kyo came today as well. 
K: suddenly getting closer, feels bad 
F: Kyo... today you’re also wearing a total outfit idea? 
K: you think there’s a theme? 
F: a bit... like in an older coffee shop.... cafe... like sitting in a coffee shop... 
K: it’s monochrome checkers! 
F who got told it's checkers went 'i see~'
K: what, so today's theme is let's have a smoke or let's go to a cafe?
The usual atmosphere... like Kyo who always corners F until he's lost what to say
Ta chooses a question: 'what's the memorable small (v-kei) venue for the band members?'
S: Area or Cyber recently got closed, right? I really don't remember... didn't we only play at Rock-may-kan? I think no small venues [we played at] are left in Kansai? only Cowboy or Muse Hall.
K: I guess only Rock-may-kan.
Ta: how about for Shibere Bajiru?
K: with going straight to Shibire (like paying too much attention?), is that a shoulder pad. No? I wanted to see~
F: Cyber, Area is a very sad news... K, you don't have any [venues]?
K: not really...
Ta: 'what's the book you've recently read or a movie you've seen?'
S: ehm... nothing much... I also don't really read manga. But I've seen Demon Slayer. I got into it after watching anime.
K: heh, about Demon Slayer, I ordered the comics to be delivered, but only volumes 4~8 came. Am I supposed to start from vol 4? Wouldn't it be horrible? don't wanna start there
K: there's this thing I have, only get into it after it stops being so popular. I also didn't watch yesterday.
F: what kind of books do you read?
K: I read various things ... but I'm really excited about the new story from the Innocent.
Ta: 'what's your kanji of the year?'
S: 心・kokoro from 心夜・Shinya
Ta: isn't that the same every year?
K: for me... nothing really.
Ta: what was it this year (officially)?
S: 密・mitsu・crowd/carefulness, right?
K: (still trying to think) ...nothing really.
F: 'if you were to play on a different position in a band?'
S: by elimination only the guitar is left.
K: not the vocals? You're going for the guitar??
S: I'm not going for the vocals...
K: but you sing in karaoke?
S: I can't sing...
K: there's emotional singing! You're often angry!
S: I haven't gotten angry in 10+ years
K: but you sing the chorus!
S: but there's only short phrase with the chorus...
K: but you're doing lotsa of choruses
S: well... I'm practicing...but vocals are the most impossible for me...
'If you done something else than vocals?'
K: Takumi's position is good, watching the band members from the side, if it's something else than vocals then from the side is good.
S: but you like bass? That's the only idea I have for you.
K: that's only when song writing though!?
S: but you've been playing everywhere, right?
K: where everywhere? I haven't!
S: you have that time... (=sukekiyo)
Ta: aren't we going fast today? 'is there any country you'd like to visit?'
S: if possible I don't want to go...
K: but you're always going somewhere alone. To play board games etc
S: it only happened because I was already going.
Ta: Kyo doesn't want to go like "I'm!Not!Going!"
K: I'm playing a bit online games (Fortnite), but I'm told I suck at it. When you suck at something it's usually better to quit, I'm told so, many times, why is this guy going that way or is he going to the enemy's site on purpose? I'm told things like that from 6:30 in the morning sometimes.
K: if I (my heart) get broken by that how should I continue living?
S: I'm being told 'how are you living?'. I'm using the pig character but it feels like I'm living like a pig. I can block out the talk, but I'd rather hear those terrible opinions.
K: but it's hard
S: it is really hard.
K: when I played with Fujieda it was going well! He told me, get down or make your nose bigger
S: it also went well when we played, don't go there, let's go there and so on.
K: but the fights take about 20 mins in DbD, right? I'm dead in Fortnite in about 10 seconds
Ta: 'what do you like about F?'
S: he's always full of energy and almost never gets sad
K: his nose? Doesn't it get bigger as you look at it?
F: is that a praise?
K: it's easy to breathe and the mask stays on. Hands down it's your nose.
F: 'what song would you like to listen to very loudly?'
S: I'm not good with loud sounds... I prefer to listen quietly.
F: what do you listen to nowadays?
S: our new song(s)
K: I also don't want to listen (loudly), not really...
F: how about a song to listen quietly?
K: nothing special
F: Fujifuji!x
K: (ignoring him) (removes invisible dust from his shoulder)
Ta: 'what would you ask Santa for?'
S: it would be PS5?
K: Me? After all of that, I don't need it anymore, don't come. How does he get inside? There is no chimney. Is he picking a lock? Is Santa like a cockroach? Pretending to be dead when they're not... but maybe Santa is fine with all of that.
K: in the past, when I was in elementary school I was happy when Santa came, but then at some point he stopped coming. Wasn't that a crime (Santa's visits)? and parents also don't know how he comes in, isn't that scary? And from that time he doest come. I don't want him to come anymore.
'What song do you want to play when you can do concerts again?'
S: And Zero. I saod that in Sendai as well, but if it's not mode of Arche we probably won't...
Kyo: I don't really have one..
F: Do you want to play new songs?
K: I haven't listen to it (them). Isn't it how it is that you listen to them even when you weren't planning to? you dot feel like listening so much to the song you made yourself, no?
S: I also haven't listened to the new song(s) much.
Ta: Fujieda is listening to new songs a lot, in a car.
K: isn't that a bit narcissistic?
F: you don't want to perform new songs?
S: I already did while filming the music videos... doesn't that count?
'what time you go to bed and wake up?'
S: I go to bed at 6 and wake up at 1pm. It's my cycle.
K: I go to sleep at 1 and wake up around half nine. Should be around then? So there's someone who wants to know information like this?
F: they want to imagine (their lives)
K: and for what? Even if they know the time they don't know what we do
K: what time you wake up and then what time do you make coffee, make a toast, I don't understand why asking that, what's the point?
F: Shinya, is there something you'd like to know about Kyo?
S: I want to know everything.
K: I hate it that this person is called a doctor.
F: when the band has just started you two have met as first, right? What was your impression then?
S: I thought he's a really good person.
K: ...Oh?
F: And did you hit it off/became friends?
K: he didn't speak like this then. He spoke one or two things a day. He had long black hair and earrings.
S: You've bleached that black hair for me.
K: and, he said 'thank you' but... he said his kanji of the year is 心・heart, but he's the one without one. For over 20 years all band members are saying that he's like a robot or humanoid. When you go to his house he will reply with 'what is it?' with the chain on the door.
S: this is because when a certain member came some things happened...
K: But when I came over I was nice! I want to  visit! Remodel stuff! (with enthusiasm)
S: remodeling... (like the certain member) there are issues like that and that's why you're banned...
'is it weird if your mother comes to the concerts?'
K: isn't it okay?
S: and brings dad...
K: I'd love to see mother headbanging. The deep one when you start from waist!
F: do your parents come to the shows?
S: mine often come.
F: your parents as well, Kyo?
K: sometimes.
F: is it something you welcome?
K: yeah.
And then F asked when they came last time but probably T said nlt to ask something like that
About the avatar Music Clip for the 12/31 stream.
S: the video looks like PS2 game..
K: like that from Virtua Fighter.
The last comments
Shinya: Thank you for today. I think we won't be able to meet for a while, but there will be the nye stream and also a knot calendars, I hope you will spend the next year using them. Let's meet again.
Kyo: We couldn't meet at all this year, but after this long time seeing everyone's faces I calm down. I think it's a good thing. Everyone knows through social media what others are doing, but it is important to meet in person. We will be looking into concert plans, hope you stay tuned and thank you.
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with-love-anu · 4 years
Badass women of Hogwarts
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary: You always leave Fred confused, being a pureblood and slytherin he never quite expects you to be so kind
Warnings: swearing, mentions of injuries and passing out
Word Count: 2,909 
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Fred rolled his eyes as the pink, monster of a woman as she took them to her office yet again. George was right behind him, sighing quietly. They couldn’t. Not when that first year had done nothing wrong. They had to take the blame.
“Ahhhh Miss (Y/n), doing good I hope?” she said, smiling wickedly at the student in front. (Y/n) bit her tongue, trying not to say anything that would get her into any more trouble. Her hand was already red and swollen.
Fred’s gaze shifted to you, writing over the small round table. He furrowed his eyebrows. Didn’t Umbridge support all Slytherins?
“Mr. Weasley!” came the teacher’s shrill voice and Fred looked at the toad again.
“If you two could please take the quills here?” she said mockingly as they both picked it up, sitting behind a small table together.
“What do we have to write?” they asked taking out a sheet.
“Write, ‘we must not destroy school property.’” She said, laughing. If there could be a worse sound in the world.
Fred started writing as he felt the familiar prick in his hands. Hundreds of needles, stabbing his arm as he tried not to hiss. He heard a small gasp beside as he turned to look at you. Your one arm was plump and you were writing from the other one. Did the witch made you write from both of them?
“Now Mr. Weasley, it would be nice to concentrate on your own punishment and let it sink in. Miss (Y/l/n), I hope you are getting the message?” she asked sipping her tea. Fred wondered if it was polyjuice hiding something far terrible from them, but then again, she was already horrendous.
“Yes, professor.” You said with such contempt, that George looked up exchanging a glance with him. The teacher however didn’t notice.
Fred kept sneaking glances at you throughout the next few hours. You were bit your lip as if trying not to say something. He never quite noticed you if he was honest. You were always with your close friends from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. You were a quiet person seemingly blending with the crowds. He always took it to be pride over your blood status, not wanting to mingle with the so called, ‘dirty bloods’. Now as he saw you, he wondered if he was wrong. He wanted to know what brought you here. He looked down at his own parchment thinking what had gotten into him.
He scribbled furiously, wanting to get this over with. George raised an eyebrow at him, but he just shrugged. He saw you stand up, showing Umbridge your arms, getting a tut for approval. He rushed through the next few lines, filling up the page as he felt tears prick his eyes.
He stood up as you left the room, rushing to the witch. He showed his arms to her and the page. Umbridge raised her eyebrows at him. Fred bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from saying something.
“You may leave Mr. Weasley. Remember not to repeat it again.” She said as Fred tried to nod. Fred rushed out of the room, turning towards the corridor leading to the dungeons. He turned and finally saw you walking slowly towards your dorm.
“Heyyy! (Y/n)!!! Wait!” he called out as you turned to see the notorious boy with apprehension.
“What did you get detention for?” Fred asked out of breath as you let out a laugh little at his state and a little remembering the best moment of your life.
“I called her a stupid ignorant bitch who needs to re-attend all her classes at how not to be an idiot.”
“You, WHAT?” Fred said barking out laughing. “You didn’t”
“Well don’t tell me; I have a hard time believing it too!” you said laughing nervously. There weren’t many things that riled you up. But that woman was a monster, she infuriated you and the burst of anger was the result.
“Well, don’t you support blood purity and stuff?” Fred said looking at you. You frowned, deflating immediately.
“Did I say that?” you asked.
“Then why did you think that?” you said sighing, shaking your head. You turned and walked back to your dorm, not wanting to continue the conversation. Gryffindors were mighty judgmental even though they upheld honor and bravery. Fred jogged to catch up with you.
“I didn’t want to offend you.” He said as you reached the Slytherin common room.
“Well, too late for that Weasley” you shrugged, moving inside leaving the red-head more intrigued than ever.
You tried to shake away budding thoughts as you lay in bed that night. You were done with people assuming that you upheld totally disgusting views on blood purity just because you were a pureblood and a Slytherin. Just because you were quiet didn’t mean you agreed with every single one around you. So why did his thoughts still plague you? Maybe it was because of the way he asked, his face as it lit up when you told him what you did. Whatever it was, you were sure that the next day would come soon and he would forget this conversation happened all together. Maybe you would too.
You took out yet another book, placed haphazardly on the shelf. You sighed seeing it wasn’t even in the right section of the hall. You took up to helping Madam Pince with the library long ago. You got to spend more time here than anyone, plus you had free access to the restricted section. There was a tap on your shoulder as you turned to see Fred. You raised your eyebrows at him.
“Need some help?” Fred asked.
“No, it’s all good.”
“Listen, I’m sorry for yesterday. I totally didn’t mean to offend you. I'm sorry for being judgemental.”
“It’s okay.”
“Let me help you,” he said taking the book from your hands, and going to keep it in the right section. You found yourself smiling at his retreating figure.
You weren’t gonna lie, with his help, everything finished a lot faster and easily and you were thankful. Keeping the away the last stash of books you sighed. Fred grinned beside you. The two of you went to a secluded table at the back, hidden from Madam Pince. Unless, you shout at the top of your lungs, you could pretty much keep talking here.
“Thank you for helping me today.”
“It is always my pleasure to help the badass women of Hogwarts.” He said dramatically as you laughed.
“Believe me, I don’t know what took over me. Maybe it was her just drilling everyone, I was done.”
“It was still badass.” He said with sparkling eyes and you smiled widely.
“What about you?”
“Why were you being punished?”
Fred told you the reason as you felt the familiar knots tie up your stomach. She was horrid. You wondered why she was given the job of a teacher in the first place. Fred sensed your expression and changed the topic. You both laughed and talked and for the very first time, you felt at ease. The twins were like that, weren’t they? Making everyone comfortable? Your eyes widened at the time. The two of you had been talking for hours! Fred followed your gaze to the huge clock and grinned.
“I must say (Y/n), for a quiet student, you sure do talk much” he said smirking down at you. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Do I hear complains?” you asked, raising an eyebrow and Fred laughed.
“Not at all, miss!” he said, bowing down as you giggled a little.
Fred started seeing you almost everyday. It was always nice to talk to him, to be near him in general. You would laugh, have fun and just forget about everything, if only for a little while. George joined you two sometimes and the three of you would goof around. You felt light for the first time after years. Come to think of it, you didn’t remember a time when your close friends talked about anything other than Umbridge and NEWTs. It was a great change.
Fred never not called you ‘Miss’ or ‘Madam’ having his little smirk on as you tried hard not to blush. Something had changed a while ago as you saw Fred helping a terrified first year Slytherin. Your heart had started to flutter whenever he was around. You had started to melt at his compliments. You knew where this was going and didn’t like it. At all. Didn’t stop your heart from doing it anyway. There were so many reasons against you for falling for the notorious red-head. You didn’t want to destroy the new found friendship. Then why did you keep finding yourself staring at the freckles which covered his cheek, his sparkling eyes which were sharper and darker than his twin’s? His smile that warmed your heart?
The three of you were coming back from the library as George and Fred told you yet another story of the burrow. As you turned the corner, you saw Umbridge holding a child’s arm as he cried, leading him to her office. The grip was tight and sure to leave bruises, even you could see that, standing feet apart. You scowled trying to breathe. Fred and George looked at each other.
“Are you thinking what I am?”
“We have an important prank on our hands?”
“Yes, we do.”
“I’ll join you.” You blurted, looking at them both.
“I’ll join you. I want in.” you said as they grinned at you.
“You’re most welcome, Madam!” Fred said winking at you as you felt your heart do flips. You tried hard not to blush.
You started pranking the pink disaster along with the twins and you weren’t sad about it. Even for a moment. You had fun seeing steam rise out of Umbridge’s ears, her face contort in the most hilarious of ways. She looked comical. One time turned into two and then three and you never quite stopped. You always did it when she was overlooking a punishment, so as to help the students. And it was never not funny. You did get caught at times, but you faced all the punishments bravely. There was a satisfaction in it, getting punished when you knew it was you who did something deliberately for it. And the twins made it easier too. It was like you weren’t alone. All in this together.
Fred loved this side of you. The side that was wild and untamed. You would come up with the most crazy of ideas and were amazing at executing them too. Your eyes sparkled and there was a passion in them that he loved. Nothing seemed to deter you, not the punishments, not the scoldings, not the friends who held you back. Fred had overheard them telling you to take care of yourself as you’d just laughed and said, ‘It’s time I took care of others.’ Fred’s heart had strangely warmed on hearing it. He didn’t know what it was, whether it was pride or something else.
It was yet another detention. Umbridge had made you go on for hours. You had taken blame for it all. Fred paced the corridor outside the office. He was worried. It had been four hours already. Not to say that you hadn’t healed properly from the last punishment, now this? His heart beat faster with each passing second. Why the hell would you do it? They were in this together. Why did you have to save both their asses?
“Fred, sit down.” George commented. He sat on the low stone wall and had seen Fred become more and more anxious for you.
“I can’t. I can’t. I need to see her. What is that witch doing to her? We need to get her out George. She-“ Fred huffed as George shook his head. He was so oblivious to his own feelings.
“Do you like her Fred?” he asked softly as Fred stopped to look at him, frowning.
“Of course I like her, she’s my fri-“
“Don’t be dumb, Fred. Do you like like her?” he asked as Fred’s eyes widened. It was as if on queue that he heard the office door opening and closing. You came out, wiping your face with your sleeve. They both jogged towards you. You smiled at them forcefully.
“Heyyy…” you said, your voice raspy. Fred’s heart beat faster on seeing you. You had rolled your sleeves down so they couldn’t see the wound.
“Could I see you two tomorrow? I’m very tired.” You managed to get out. You knew Fred would flip on seeing deep cuts on your arm. He would do something reckless and get in trouble. You didn’t want that.
George nodded, Fred didn’t. His eyes were pleading as he looked at you. You couldn't take it. You knew that if you looked at him a second longer, you would break.
You turned, walking back to your dorm, trying not to let the tears fall. It hurt, it hurt so much. You felt your head zoom suddenly and you plopped down in a corner trying to take in deep, deep breaths. You whimpered, slowly rolling up your sleeves to see the damage. You slowly pulled away the cloths you’d wrapped your arms under, hissing at the sensation. It was still bleeding. Profusely.
“(Y/n)!!!” Fred’s voice came as you tried to wipe away your tears, but weren’t fast enough. Fred’s heart dropped on seeing you. You were crouched in a corner, holding your bloodied arms. He gasped as he slowly walked over to you, sitting down on the floor beside you slowly. He didn't utter a word. Maybe the silence would fill in everything he wanted to say. He was scared he would hurt you. You looked at him, your eyes red, as he took your hands in his. He rummaged through his bag taking out a gillywater vial.
“Fred, that’s the last batch. I ca-“ you started as he shushed you. He transformed the vial into a large bowl, increasing the potion as much as possible. He let your hand sink in them as you hissed making his heart contract. He looked at you seeing how hard you tried not to cry. Tears pricked his eyes. As he saw your wounds slowly healing, he took the bloodied cloths, cleaning them. He dipped it in a paste Hermione gave him, which helped to calm the skin down. He wrapped them both on your hands, as you took them out of gillywater. You kept looking at him as he worked, his hands so tender and careful, you’d think they were flowers.
He looked at you as he was done. He wiped away the tears you didn’t know had fallen. He kissed your forehead and heard you sniff. Wrapping his hands around you, he pulled you closer. He didn’t know who needed the contact more, him or you. You broke down. He felt you shake as you cried into his chest. Fred felt as if someone squeezed his lungs as he let his own tears fall. No. Not you. He didn’t want you to suffer. You didn’t deserve this. He blamed himself for not coming forward as George had held him back. You were always strong and seeing you break like this, it triggered something in him. he wanted to keep you like this. If it was what it took to keep you safe. He realized something. He realized just how much he had come to love you, to cherish you and seeing you hurt, even if it was a little, killed him. He had to tell you.
He didn't know how long he held you. He picked you up when you calmed down and led you to your dorm, putting you to bed. He whispered sweet dream wishes into your ear and you sighed. He got out of the Slytherin house dorms and started planning.
You woke up to a shuffling in your bed. Your eyes widened as you saw someone shifting. You were about to scream as a hand stopped you and you met with familiar brown eyes. He took his hands away smiling at you softly. You squinted at him. Was he blushing?
“I’m sorry I woke you up, but this couldn’t wait. And it’s almost afternoon anyway.” He said nervously as you looked at the time. 12pm. He wasn’t wrong. You let out a laugh. Maybe you were pretty exhausted since yesterday.
“Ummm, these are for you.” He said, giving you your favourite flowers. You were confused but smiled widely nonetheless.
"Thank you, are-" you started but Fred shushed you.
"(Y/n), I realised just how much I love you yesterday. Seeing you hurt, it broke me." He said cupping your face. Your heart flipped. "I am in love you. And I hate myself for taking it so long to realise. It's okay if you don't like me back. But I really needed to tell you. I-"
You pressed your lips against his. He gasped but pulled you closer, kissing you like he was dying to. Maybe he was. He pulled away breathless.
"Wait, I wanted to ask you out on a date!" He said as you laughed.
"We can go on as many dates as you want. But first let me kiss you properly" you said pulling him down to kiss again.
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A/N: This is written for Clarrisa's ( @approved-by-dentists ) 400 writing challenge. This is also, based on the ship request, I did for @futurewriter2000 which can be found here.
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