#you deserve so much comfort and safeness my dear.
angelicstalker · 4 months
I miss you more than I know how to admit or describe.
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rosicheeks · 1 year
hiiiiii uh this may be a bit off of my usual format but just wanted to share: last night i had my first time wearing a dress in public, at a gathering with some other trans and queer people, and despite a little anxiety bc of everything going on with regards to trans people rn, i had a lot of fun and took comfort in looking good and being around people like me 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 and i wanted to share a little happiness in the gender euphoria <3
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radioisntdead · 6 months
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Good evening folks! Here's a drabble I wrote as a warm up, not my best work but it's short And it was written at three am, Enjoy!
The radio man's Wife
Alastor x female reader
Human Alastor, murder, Not much Alastor in here but he's here, victim blaming the dead people
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You could ask anyone who had met her and they would tell you that The local radio host's wife was the sweetest person they had ever met, a real angel on earth, she'd help out her neighbors, delivering fresh baked goods to those in need, she'd help take care of the neighborhood kids while their parents got away for a night,
She was a saint, who was to know that she had married a monster? She was just another unwilling victim right?
After all,
She was just so kind!
but even those who appear kind could do the cruelest of things, sweet words secretly drenched in venom, dressed in soft unsuspecting colors, her eyes that held nothing but fondness for the person she married and distain for those who stood against him, for those who ran his name through the mud.
She'd gleefully turn a blind eye to the wicked acts he did, being nothing but a bystander, at most she threw a few sickly sweet words to the victims that left them feeling sick to the pits of their stomaches before they perished.
She'd clean up any remaining mess he left behind, making any leftover carnage into fertilizer for her beautiful garden, mopping up the blood stained floors, or digging up a deep grave in the nearby woods for him to drag a body or two into.
She willingly laid next to someone who had countless people's blood on his hands, she'd give nothing but a love-filled smile at him,
She'd dance with a repeat murderer while soft jazz played on the radio each night after dinner, after the dishes were done and dried He'd take her hand and they'd dance.
She'd give a small kiss on the cheek, telling him to stay safe and leave him to his business slaughtering folks.
After all they deserved it right? They weren't truly good folks, Her and her dear Alastor believed ? that wholeheartedly, and Honestly it's their own fault for being easy targets
No one would believe you if you told them beforehand that the charming radio host, Alastor was a cold blooded murderer who had claimed multiple lives,
After all he was so charming, always with that smile on his face that could make anyone swoon, although you could never exactly know what he was thinking, people adored his voice and his radioshow where he'd play the tunes of the time, and briefly speak about the recent disappearances of people, telling everyone to stay safe.
It's truly the charming ones you should look out for.
It was only revealed when someone hunting in the dead of night mistook her dearest Alastor for a deer, shooting him swiftly through the head, killing him almost instantly, leaving him to be bitten and torn by man's best friend.
The phonecall she got when it was discovered was heart wrenching,
Her beloved Radio host went from charming to his name being thrown around, treated like a monster, [Which he was, he killed people] his office was cleaned out swiftly after being searched for anything alluding to his crimes, the home they shared was searched and torn apart for evidence as she sobbed into the arms of a supportive, unsuspecting neighbor,
After everything went down she was either scorned or deemed a unfortunate lady who unknowingly married a murderous monster, she had parts of the community that took pity bring around casseroles and give her words of comfort.
It couldn't have been more then a year since Alastor had gone, a family member of one of his victims wanted revenge, however since the murderer was already six feet under, why not go for his widow?
In the dead of night carrying a gun he crept into the home she once shared with her beloved, he moved passed the picture frames on the walls, from events, Their wedding photos and pictures of family, all were hung up neatly.
He opened the door, a creaking noise rung out throughout the house,
He moved forward towards the bed where the widow laid, deep in a slumber she'd never wake up from,
The man lifted up the gun and shot her right in the heart, She didn't know what hit her.
Arising from the ground she brushed herself off, the sight of brimstone and the harsh smell of sulfur filled her nose,
She didn't know what killed her, maybe a heart attack? Perhaps she choked on something in her sleep? Well there was no use in wondering, what's done is done, and from the looks of it she definitely ended up in hell, wasn't surprising after all she did help out her husband in his crimes.
With a quick look at herself, she made a face at the animal ears that protruded from her head, along with the matching tail on her back, shaking her head she began walking around to explore the place.
She supposed it was time to go find her dearly departed darling now wasn't it?
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Good evening folks! Thank you for reading!
I'm making my way through requests and a couple of them will hopefully be out within the week! Stay tuned!
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generalsmemories · 1 year
hello jing yuan's wife!! congrats on 1k followers! you very much deserved it 😊 may i please request for jing yuan with angst scenario #5? thank you in advance!
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✧ jing yuan x gn!reader
✧ prompt used: needing to go to an event after a party and having to pretend as if they aren’t angry with one another the entire time || 1k event
✧ contents: established relationship, hurt/comfort, alcohol consumption, arguments cause yeehaw, however happy ending cause they are functioning adults, mentions of other characters
✧ a/n: the amount of times ya'll have called me jing yuan's wife at this point HAHAH. anyway! first drabble to kickstart the 1k event is a sort of angsty one because why not but ya'll remember that one book where the sanctus medicus had 5 operations to try and get rid of jing yuan? yeah have that back in mind. - also not beta-read but who is surprised at this point LMFAO
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"... You could've died."
Jing Yuan snorts, adjusting the bracers on his forearms without even sparing you a glance, "But I'm here right now breathing, aren't I?" he quips back instead, almost sounding amused at your worry.
It infuriates you. It baffles you how little he truly cared about the situation and at the severity of it. The hair you had for once tried to style already messy by the amount of times you've ran a hand through it out of stress or frustration the past two hours.
You're so glad you made Yanqing leave earlier to assist where it was necessary.
"Do you honestly see this as a mere joke, Jing Yuan?" you sneer, arms crossed whilst leaning one side against the doorframe. He must already know what you're referring to, being that you had finally opened the report handed to you from today - a report telling that there was yet another attempt on his life.
Another attempt that he didn't want to tell you about.
"Quite the contrary," he says, turning around to finally face you. His smile is still present on his lips which only serves to make you more agitated, "Nothing happened as you can see, and I'm perfectly fine. As such I didn't see the need to tell you about it because nothing happened. I wasn't even at the Artisanship Commission like they thought-"
"Because you got delayed."
He sighs, crossing his arms as well and cocking his head to the side, "Dear, with the amount you're worrying about me it makes me believe you have no trust in my capabilities to protect myself. Am I right to assume that?" he questions, his smile fading a bit after he had asked.
"Where the hell did you even get that from- Can I not worry about my lovers safety even when I'm aware of his swordmanship?" you ask, clicking your tongue whilst running yet another hand through your strands.
"And I'm telling you that it is a needless worry-"
"You're fucking unbelievable," you scoff, turning around to head for the entrance of your home, Jing Yuan quirking an eyebrow at your retreating form, "Oh? You're not going to nag at me further?" he asks, his tone may be lighthearted, but even you can pick out the slight bite it has to it.
"Even looking at you right now makes me want to punch you. The fact that you can't even see where I'm coming from is unbelievable enough, so fine! I won't worry more about our dear general," you bite back, slamming the door shut once you're at the other side.
You can come up with an excuse as to why the two of you arrive separately - it wouldn't be the first time after all.
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"You must be quite delighted that the expedition finished earlier than planned, right [Name]?" Master Gongshu asks, handing you a glass and immediately clinking his own against it before taking a sip, "Even the tiny lieutenant made more of a name to himself out there."
You snicker, swirling the contents of the drink before you, stealing a brief glance over at Jing Yuan who is surrounded himself, "Indeed, I'm quite relieved to see him and Yanqing safely return to the Luofu."
Even though there was immediately another attempt on his life the moment he stepped one foot back onboard.
"But say, aren't you a bit saddened that the general haven't been by your side as much today? He's practically surrounded by the other commissioners and knights," master Gongshu points out, to which you only shake your head, "Why of course not, as long as I know that my husband is safe - I wouldn't have to worry about anything," you say - a bit louder than needed.
You know Jing Yuan heard you.
He kept his attention solely on the people before him though, not even sparing you a glance.
The sight makes you let out another loud sigh, bringing the glass to your lips only to immediately drink it in one gulp, Master Gongshu snickering beside you while calling another waiter over, "Oho, I see you're rearing to go so early! This is indeed what a celebration feast is about!" Master Gonshu roars, his laughter having been a bit too loud to attract the attention of other people, who merely snickered at his own energy.
Jing Yuan only narrowed his eyes, eyebrows furrowing in displeasure at your comment. It seems like you still haven't cooled down. But as soon as he heard his name get called, he was all smiles again, "Aren't you worried that [Name] is going to drink too much, general?" a solider jokingly asked, raising his own glass to have a toast with the general. Jing Yuan merely let out a low chuckle, "Of course not, and even if they were to, I'm here to take care of them."
At this point, the master diviner had made herself to your side with a few snacks - just in time to see your expression twist for a split second upon hearing what Jing Yuan said, letting out a laugh yourself, "Oh, don't worry dear. I know how to take care of myself, so there's no need for you to needlessly worry like this!"
She can practically sense the animosity between you two that no one else in the room has apparently picked up on.
But Fu Xuan does admit that seeing Jing Yuan's perfectly crafted smile twitch a bit in annoyance while his eyebrows furrowed a tiny bit did bring her satisfaction - a taste of his own medicine.
So while master Gongshu have wandered off to get a refill, she makes her way over to you with a raised eyebrow, "Trouble in paradise?" she asks lowly, you merely huff in return - turning around to lean on the fence, staring at the various starskiffs in the air, "... No."
"I applaud you for still wanting to lie in front of me," Fu Xuan comments, placing the tray of various snacks beside you for your perusal - you don't grab anything, already lost in thought.
"Is it a needless worry?" you end up asking, Fu Xuan having leaned against the fence herself while having her body turned to face you, "About what? His safety? Yes and no."
"Gee, that helps a lot."
"He's a general, [Name]. An attempt on his life is unfortunately common sense, moreso at this time too being that he had just returned from an expedition and would be by some standards - exhausted and have his senses dulled."
"So why-"
"But it's also because he is a general that precautions are taken. Even if he got delayed or not before coming to the Artisanship Commission, the Cloud Knights stationed had already intercepted the attempt - he would've still been safe."
You bite your tongue to prevent yourself from blurting anything more. In hindsight you were perfectly aware that Jing Yuan would be fine - but you're pretty sure there's not a single lover out there who would not worry about their own husbands' safety if his head had once again been targeted - even if it had been yet another failed attempt.
Before you can admit your wrongdoings to Fu Xuan, you feel an arm slither around your waist - delicate lips pressing against your temple, and from the faint breath Jing Yuan lets out, you can tell he's had a few more to drink than you in the span of your conversation with Fu Xuan.
"... I thought you didn't like to drink that much," you say softly, turning around in his hold only to be met with a smile, "And I thought you weren't going to speak to me?" he whispers back. You merely huff and let his head fall down to your shoulder, sending Fu Xuan a pleading gaze to which she immediately gets without you needing to say anything more - walking over to the crowd of onlookers to step in for both you and Jing Yuan.
"I am still mad," you finally utter after a few minutes of silence between the two of you.
"Whatever can I do to make my beloved not mad at me then?" he asks back in a whisper, careful to not let anyone else hear the two of you. You can tell from your peripheral vision that he's turned his head to face you, although you keep your gaze facing forward.
"Admit you were wrong," you huff, Jing Yuan letting out a low chuckle at how you're still holding onto that stubborness, "I'm pretty sure I saw that you were about to admit that you were wrong to the master diviner, no?"
You don't answer, merely looking away in a silent defiance. The sight making Jing Yuan sigh in amusement, "Alright, I'm sorry dear. I'll make sure to tell you in the future whenever I feel something amiss," he says in the end - but before you can accept that apology, he quickly adds on.
"In return, I do hope you tell me whenever the disciples also target you."
.... Oh.
"... You know you could've made me inform you in any other way than having us argue?" you state, back to your moody self - the switch in mood making your husband laugh, "Not such a great feeling being left in the dark, is it?" he reminds you - and you hate how effective this sort of method is.
So your only reply is to wrap your arms around his waist, "I'm sorry," You can feel his body shake with laughter, his own arms wrapping around your shoulders before you feel his lips pressing themselves at the top of your head, "Now stop being mad, because these few hours were quite tortuous for me."
"You just say that because I usually do all the talking."
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struggled with that ending for 3 days man.
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Omfg I ate that Vox fic up! The one where he hypnotized the reader after a long fight of them nearly being taken from him. Can you do a part 2 please? Like when the reader eventually learns he basically forced them to sign the contract and they find a way to be immune to his hypnosis? He goes absolutely nuts despite literally owning their soul. He's canonically a control freak and seems to even have some yandere traits. I hope I'm not going against your rules! You don't have any posted so I just wanna ask! Thank you for being awesome! :D Don't hesitate to turn down this request. Write what makes you feel comfortable. Just please respond so I and everyone else knows not to make a similar request in the future. Lots of love!
ABSOLUTELY!! I did take this in a slightly different direction, but hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Lowkey thinking of doing a Vox POV of this later and maybe even a part three...
Vox isn't actually in this much, but I feel a loose actual plot coming together and this is what naturally flowed for me.
I hope y'all are ready for more angst... plus a cliff-hanger <3
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More Than Anything Part 2 [Vox x Reader]
Part 1
Part 2.5
"You controlling prick!"
Vox ducked as you threw a pillow at him. Even in your righteous anger, you'd never actually truly try to hurt him, but by god were you pissed.
Despite Vox's obvious disdain for the Hazbin Hotel and its association with Alastor, you visited the hotel occasionally to catch up with your friend Angel Dust and give some much-deserved love to his pet pig Fat Nuggets. It was during one of these visits that you ran into Alastor, who immediately looked at you with disgust in his ever-present smile.
"Really now, my dear," he said as he shook his head in disapproval. "It's already enough of a shame that you have such poor taste in a romantic partner, but to give your soul to him as well? I thought you were smarter than that."
The overlord could see the aura of Vox's ever-annoying electric cords locked around your soul like chains. You'd been confused and his eye twitched with annoyance as he realized what Vox had done to you. To say you were livid after he explained that you'd been tricked was an understatement.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," Vox pleaded as you fumed at him in his room. "But you left me no other choice! You weren't listening to me and if I didn't bind your soul, then Satan knows what could have happened to you by now."
"Just because you don't fucking believe in my ability to look out for myself doesn't mean you get to just take my soul!" You screamed with hot, angry tears flowing down your face. You wipe at them, only crying harder at the frustration of the tears you couldn't control in your anger. You felt like they undermined your emotions.
Vox's magic sparked around him as he tried his best not to get angry and start a fight with you. He was terrified and was that much more susceptible to his angry tendencies in moments like these. It took everything in him to try and calm himself, not wanting to push you away further. His heart dropped and his blood ran cold as he saw you pull a large bag out of the closet and start shoving clothes into it.
"W-Where are you going?" Vox panicked as he crossed the room.
"The hotel," you said with quiet fury, as you stepped away from the closet and went to the nightstand with your personal things on it. "I need some space and it's the one fucking place I know you'd rather die again than follow me to."
"Ŷ̸̪͕o̸̢̿̿ū̷̫ ̶̬͂c̶̺̾͂a̴͒͘͜n̴̫̂̔'̶̡̉t̶͙̝̄͒," Vox said, his voice starting to glitch as his panic increased. "You've heard the news, the extermination is in a week and the angels plan on attacking there first. There's no guarantee they'll keep to the date after how much little miss dumbass pissed off heaven. It's not safe there."
You pull your bag over your shoulder and the look you gave him will haunt him for the rest of his afterlife. "It's safer than here."
It breaks him all the more when you shield your eyes from him and storm past him so he can't hypnotize you into staying. Vox is paralyzed with fear like never before. He wanted to scream, to beg, to stop you from leaving him, but he couldn't do anything as his system glitched so hard it forced him into a reboot. When he came to, he was alone. You were gone.
Charlie was more than willing to let you stay at the hotel. The two of you hadn't had the chance to really ever speak before, but she was always friendly when you came to visit Angel, even after you explained to her there was no way you'd be able to become a guest.
In exchange, you were happy to help set up the defenses against the extermination. You got to know all of the other members of the hotel and the work helped you push down the burning ache in your chest.
Vox had been trying to contact you nonstop. You eventually turned off your phone, driven insane by the wall of notifications of him begging you to respond in any way. He knew you were okay for the time being. He was literally connected to your soul. But as the extermination day grew closer, his panic only increased. If it wasn't for Valentino and Velvette holding him back, there were several times he genuinely would have set aside his pride and come to the hotel just to get you.
It was after helping Husk and Cherri put up a particularly tricky barrier with the dwindling supplies that Angel found you taking a break. He passed you a water which you took gratefully as he slid down the wall and joined you on the floor.
"So," he started. "Are we going to ever talk about the reason why you're hiding out here?"
"Do we have to?" You groan, running your fingers through your hair. Despite the smiles and laughter you'd been sharing with your newfound friends as you all prepared for the potential end of it all, the dark circles on your eyes gave away what was lurking underneath.
For as angry as you were at Vox, you missed him. You missed feeling him curl against you in bed. You missed being woken up at unholy hours early in the morning because Vox couldn't start his day without giving you a kiss and telling you how much he loved you. You missed his shitty taste in shows and how he'd collapse into your arms after a long day at work.
Angel sighed, looking at the boarded-up lobby. "Look I may not get it, but you love the guy, right? Are you really content with possibly dying in a couple of days for a cause you're not even a part of, just because you're pissed with him?"
"He stole my soul, Angie" You frown at him.
"And that is fucked up as hell," he agrees. "But I know you and I know there ain't no way in hell you're actually satisfied leaving shit like this."
"I just-," you start before groaning. "How the hell are we supposed to come back from this? I doubt he'd ever void the contract. He's too convinced he's right for that."
Angel sighed, setting his own cup aside. "Honestly toots, you're not gonna like it, but... He kinda has a point."
You whip your head up to look at him and he holds up his hands defensively. "Not saying that stealing your soul was the right call. Believe me, if anyone gets how fucked it is having your soul controlled by a sociopath with a big ego, it's me. But you're not exactly in the safest of places, dollface. Not to mention, you're dating an overlord who's in a trio determined to piss off as many big shots as possible. His mind may not be in the right place, but his heart kinda is."
You take Angel's words to heart and sigh as you bury your face in your arms. "I hate it, but you're right... I just... I don't want to hold him back. I don't want to be the person that needs to be protected. I want to be his equal, not his problem."
"Then tell him that," Angel sighs. His gaze drifts to the bar and smiles fondly. "Someone recently has taught me how important being real with yourself is. It's okay to be flawed. No one got stuck in this shithole cause we were perfect, y'know?"
He nudged you with a grin as he added, "Plus, come on. Can you imagine how many bitches in hell would kill to have a sexy fucker that wants nothing more than to love ya and keep ya safe? I love you toots, but for fucks sake, pick a struggle."
You snort, shaking your head as you lightly swat at his arm. "Fuck you for being right about shit all the time."
"It's one of my best assets," Angel smirked. "Y'know, aside from all the fluff."
You laughed as he puffed up his chest and by the end of the evening, you'd decided to head back. As much as you loved Angel and wanted nothing more than to be by his side as the extermination drew near, he had a point. This wasn't your fight and there was a controlling dumbass that had been blowing up your phone ever since you left that was praying for your return.
After exchanging promises to see each other after the extermination, you left the hotel. You had an idiot to see.
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soap-ify · 7 months
i was wondering if you could write Price praising/body worshipping his girlfriend (the reader) for being so good even when he gets home from a mission? ᰔ She’s been so good waiting for him to get back and always listening to him in bed, he missed her so much and wants to thank her for everything she always does
instead of him coming home and crashing he’s so happy to be back with her and praises her endlessly while fucking her so good !
oh price would just be the sweetest!
cw — cunnilingus, unprotected p in v, soft sex he's so in love, subtle religious imagery.
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this mission was a brutal one, grotesque images simply etched onto price’s head as he opened the door of his house, his mood nothing short of foul. that was until he smelled the comforting scent of his home and you that his mind started to clear a bit, features softening up out of pure adoration.
oh, you. he could never be less grateful, just so enamoured by how dear you were. quickly undoing his boots and putting them aside, he marched towards the bedroom, fully determined to thank you properly for waiting for him.
ending up in between your legs while he kneeled on the ground with all your clothes scattered besides him, he didn’t even let you greet him properly after you saw him, silencing all your worried questions with his mouth that was busy with your cunt, his tongue dragging up and down your sensitive clit deliberately slow while applying just the right amount of pressing, two thick fingers gently thrusting in and out of your warm hole, curling up inside to hit that sweet spot that made you moan oh so deliciously.
“been so good f’me, hm? such a sweetheart, always doing an amazing job taking care of everything while m’gone for work.” he mumbled and pulled away for a second, letting you catch a glimpse of his beard glistening with your wetness, those blue eyes of his half open and soft, looking at you so fondly.
he hated leaving you all alone in this house in agonising suspense whenever he’d be gone for missions, even after all the promises he’d make of coming back safe to you, promises he never broke. still, all the time away from you was simply torture. he needed to make it up to you, show you how lucky of a man he is.
diving back into your cunt, his fingers continued to thrust into you while his mouth latched onto your clit, gently sucking onto it until you came apart on his fingers, letting him patiently taste you up, the moans leaving your lips sounding nothing less than the songs sung by angels.
“oh, john…” you breathed heavily softly, your orgasm leaving your body feeling tingly, eyes looking down at price who was still on his knees, beginning to press soft kisses on your thighs now, moving down to kiss both your knees and calves, kissing you over and over, mumbling sweet praises to you — he adored and worshiped you as if you were his very goddess, which you were. he’d even get on the ground and kiss it to show how much you meant to him, how you are the holy light comforting the filthiness etched within him.
“you’re beautiful.” the smile adorning his lips made your heart skip a bit, watching him get up on his feet once more before climbing on top of you, gently easing you down onto the mattress. “i love you. fuck- i love you, sweetheart.” with a groan, he moved down to press some more kisses on your neck, making you feel the rough edges of his beard scratching your skin. “can never tell you enough of that, y'know? never.”
he nearly melted right there and then when he felt your fingers gently scratching his scalp, your breathing soothing his nerves. “my baby, i love you.” he just couldn’t stop repeating it, it almost hurt. he didn’t deserve you, didn’t deserve someone so perfect who was still willing to put up with a wrecked mess like him hidden beneath all that sternness.
“i love you too…” your voice came out quiet yet assured, brimming with nothing but pure love.
soft rustles of clothes could be heard as price got rid of his own a bit too eagerly, eyes fixed on you. “oh, fuck.” he grunted under his breath once his hand held the base of his cock, all girthy and already leaking almost pathetically. he gently tapped the tip of his cock on your puffy clit a few times, grinning at the little whine that escaped you before he finally aligned it against your tight hole, gently pushing it into your cunt. your warmth enveloped him, his hips stuttering just a bit once he was overcome with emotions, poorly hiding them.
“my sweet, sweet love.” slowly caging his strong arms around your head, he felt your legs wrap around his hips while he began to slowly thrust his girthy cock into you, fully pressed down on you. your hands dug into his back while his face was aligned with yours, giving him the perfect chance to press loving kisses on your forehead and nose.
his embrace felt like a prayer of its own, his thrusts not losing their momentum despite his body aching to go a bit faster. no, not today. it was all about you today, to give you all the gentle love he held deep within him. you could feel his bushy happy trail rubbing against your clit, making it a bit achy in a good way. he probably didn’t have time to trim it properly during deployment, and oh were you grateful.
“j-john, feels so good.” you moaned blissfully into his ear, pleasure coursing through every fiber of yours, your walls clenching around him with every kiss he gave to your face, drowning your moans once he pressed his lips to yours.
it wasn’t long until your orgasm came crashing down on you once again, washing over you pleasantly while you drenched his cock. he twitched inside you, grunting as his arms came down to wrap around you and pull you impossibly close, his head burying into your sweaty neck while he continued to fuck you until he felt his balls tighten, filling you up with his warm cum.
he wasn’t willing to get away from you after that, running you a warm bath and washing you while he kissed your tits, hands massaging your thighs with the foam of the soap, the sweet aroma of lavender lingering in the bathroom, both of you fully content.
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chuuyascumsock · 4 days
Bury Beneath this Filth they Call Skin and Turn it into a Garden || MINORS DNI
Summary: I made a hurt/comfort fic for Chuuya, I might as well make a comfort fic for Dazai too cause he’s my soft spot.
Tags: Dazai Osamu/Reader, GN reader, Angst, Comfort, No One Is Safe, Mentions Of Self Sabotaging, Self-deprecating Thoughts, Mentions Of Dehumanization, Mentions Of Suicide Attempt, Dazai Highkey Has Bad Hygiene Because I Know He Canonically Reeks Of Liquid Ass (I Still Love Him But Honey—), Brief Description Of Self Harm Scars, He Takes Off His Bandages, Non-Sexual Nudity For A Bit.
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Dazai doesn’t remember when you started to keep an extra pair of clothes in your bottom drawer just for him.
He doesn’t remember when you bought an extra toothbrush for him either, the item sitting in a small cup on your bathroom counter so intimately close to yours. He doesn’t remember when you started to stock your cabinets with canned crab or an occasional snack he had stolen from you before and said it tasted good. He doesn’t remember when you began preparing meals big enough for two. And he doesn’t remember when you started to look at him the way you do.
Those eyes that so fondly trace over every inch of his frame like he’s capable of being loved— like he’s not a silver-tongued beast of a man, his words filled with more teeth than his bite ever could. He doesn’t deserve it— he knows he doesn’t— so why does he find himself at your doorstep every time he fails his attempts in ending his miserable existence?
“You’re going to get sick if you keep this up,” You sigh out, stripping away Dazai’s soaked clothes until he’s shivering in his sopping wet bandages and boxers. “And you smell horrible every time…” Your nose slightly scrunches at the lingering smell of hydrogen sulfide and mucky water from the Yokohama canal.
“Whatever do you mean, dear? That’s just my natural musk,” Dazai gives a lopsided grin, attempting to lighten the mood. His grin falls into an uneasy look when he notices the brief side eye you give him as you toss his clothes into the washer.
“My water bills spike every month you do this, you know,” You point out blamelessly.
“Sorry,” Dazai mumbles with a weak smile. He always made a promise to try his hardest not to inconvenience anyone while making his attempts— making it up to those who he had done so with such as Atsushi. But he’s burdened you countless times, not realizing until now. Before he mentally promises himself to never return to you like a pathetic, mangy stray dog— you come into his view again.
“Don’t be sorry, but please come to me when you feel the urge to do these things, ‘Samu. I worry about you.” And Dazai can’t help but to immediately let his previous thoughts fly away. Who was he kidding? He’d never be able to stay away from you.
Your hands carefully reach to begin unwrapping the bandages sliding off Dazai’s body. Flinching, Dazai subconsciously moves a hand to stop you from taking his bandages off. There’s a momentary standstill between both of your movements as you look into his eyes with a reassuring gaze before his hand relaxes and falls to his side. It’s not the first time this has happened, but Dazai doesn’t think he’d ever get used to the feeling of having his protective cloth shed to reveal the myriad of scars that are engraved on this once blank canvas that humans call skin.
And when all is removed, you still look at him as you always had with an unwavering fondness that leaves him subconsciously leaning into you, yearning to be swallowed and drowned in your gentle affections. He doesn’t understand why you do the things that you do, such as loving him no matter how many times he tells you how much he doesn’t need you because it’s always been like that— lonely— or why you even put up with any of his shit for that matter. But you do. And he thinks he’ll never know why, because he’s terrible and doesn’t deserve what you do in return to his horrid behavior.
He slips into the tub without needing guidance, face tilting up to look at you without his usual charming grin, expression replaced with a quiet pleading, begging for any sliver of attention you can offer. And you give into his pleads, sitting by the tub while running a hand through his dark tangled hair before reaching for a washcloth to bathe him. There’s a lack of cheeky comments and flirting from Dazai as you rinse away the grime sticking to his tainted skin, his eyes flickering from distant to focused in a matter of minutes before glancing back over to you and melting further into your reverent touch.
Even after exiting the tub, he says nothing, allowing you to wrap a towel around his shoulders and place a tender kiss to his forehead. If this had been any other day, he would’ve teased you to no end about how you had to stand on your toes just to reach his face, but he merely softly smiles in mild amusement and lets you lead him into your room to get dressed.
He wears the extra pair of clothes you keep for him at the bottom of your drawer, shirt loosely hanging off his shoulders and pajama pants dragging along the floor each time he takes a step forward to follow you to your bed. He was used to sleeping on his futon, but he much preferred your bed and the comfort your body brought when he tangled his limbs in yours.
You don’t scold him either when he buries his face into your neck like you used to the first few times he had done so— complaining about his hot breath on your neck. Now, you reach a hand back to scratch your fingers through his damp hair in an affectionate manner, sighing out softly in what he can tell is contentment.
Even as Dazai drifts off, he can’t help but think about the irony of hating dogs as much as he does, yet he can’t help but love you like one.
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
I really like your writing about protective husband dazai x reader can you do make one with fyodor ☺?
sin — fyodor dostoyevsky x f!reader
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a/n: I am glad you liked it, sweetheart! I hope you enjoy this one as well <33 mentions of blood + death
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you loved the way fyodor’s glided along the cello as he played tune after tune.
it was comforting, calming, and sent a wave of security through your being.
but, at the moment, the sound of the cello is antagonizing to you. it creeps you out and makes you want to hide.
your husband isn’t the one playing it and the man who is playing is smiling wickedly as he moves his hands, roughly and stiffly—almost mockingly, “to think that fyodor had such a pretty plaything. I wonder,” he looks at you, “will he actually come to save you?”
his cackle echoes throughout the room and you hate that you can’t give a confident answer to his question.
will fyodor really come to save you?
or were you one of the chess pieces that can be discarded?
you shake the thought out of your head and try looking around once more for anything that would aid your escape.
your captor notices and quips, “give it up; this room is full of nothing—save for you and me, of course.”
you feel your chest tighten and despair is starting to fill your heart. will you really die here? Dark thoughts start flooding your mind.
but then, you snap your heads towards the door when it opens.
it finally reveals your husband, fyodor. the man leaves the cello, dropping it to the floor and you could swear that your husband’s eyes narrow, and approaches fyodor, “long time no see, fedya! hope you didn’t mind that I stole your wife for a bit.”
fyodor’s eyes travel to your form, ignoring the man, and analyze your state. you’re safe, but he would be blind if he couldn’t see the bruises on your arms, probably from their filthy and harsh grips on you.
the man snaps his fingers, catching fyodor’s attention again, “did you get my stuff? your wife for the goods, you know the policy.”
fyodor sighs, “you don’t deserve the salvation I will grant you, but—you also don’t deserve to walk this earth after what you have done.”
the man laughs, “and what will you do, fyodor? a frail man like you can only kill me if he touches me.”
a smirk settles on your husband’s face, “are you so arrogant to think that I would come unprepared?” and so fyodor snaps his fingers and a portal opens.
it’s nikolai’s, you note.
on the other hand, the man doesn’t get to react as a pole impales him right then and there.
a frightened scream escapes you at the sight and you look away. your breathing quickens and you try to move away from the puddle of blood forming.
Fyodor simply walks past it and looks at the man’s dead body, “may you be punished for all your sins,” he sneers then nears you, his eyes softer.
he kneels in front of you, taking your hands into his own, “are you okay, milaya?”
your eyes dart frantically from your husband to the corpse, “w-what about—?”
your husband shushes you before placing a kiss on your forehead then on your eyelids, “he deserved it. if left alone, a sinful fool like him will only cause chaos.”
fyodor pulls you close and strokes your hair, “you get it, don’t you, my dear?” he buries his face in your face, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, “he thought of hurting you and that alone is a big sin.”
you pat your husband’s back, “were you…worried?”
“you’re smart enough to figure that out, sweetheart,” he murmurs as he pulls away to examine your face, “surely, you don’t think that I don’t care about my own wife, right?”
you avoid his eyes and he frowns lightly, “foolish wife of mine,” he gazes at you and his lips graze your ears, “I wouldn’t have kept you if I didn’t care.”
for the longest while, he was shocked by how much you became to him, but he never fought it. he embraced it a while ago and he has come to the terms that to him, you being hurt is the biggest sin anyone could do.
so he pulls you close once again and prays that you’re spared from the aftermath of any action he does. because he is sure that once something happens to you, his heart will know nothing but vengeance in your name.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @waosobii
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
stray kids as love letter confessions <3
a/n: i said that a quote about love was hyunjin-coded and got the urge to write out how stray kids would confess their love. this is short and sweet, but let me know if you want something more! pics not mine <3
content: fluff, romance | wc: 0.6k | warnings: none really! | pairing: stray kids x gn!reader | requests: open
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for the longest time, i felt like i needed to stay busy. i was always running toward something, chasing after the next achievement, creating goal after goal, searching for fulfillment. when i met you, it was like i took a deep breath for the first time. you are my sense of peace. you are my place of rest, my solace, my comfort. i can never say thank you enough. please let me be the one to help you breathe easy. i love you.
there are so many different ways to say it, and the simplest version is that i care about you. anything i can do to ensure you are cared for is something i’ll do with great pride. i’ll always peel fruit for you, lend you my coat on the coldest days, offer you a safe place from the rest of the world, and be there whenever and wherever you need me. i’m sorry i can’t think of anything original to say on the matter, but i’ll keep trying. i’ll always care for you, my dear, because i love you.
when i look at you, i realize that all that i have was lacking something important before. my life is rich, and i am so grateful, but everything became more meaningful after you became a part of my life. you are critical to everything i have because it is worth so much more now that i can share it with the person that matters the most to me. you have all of me. i love you more than anything and everything. 
you captivate me. even if i attempted to create something new every day for the rest of my life, i don’t think i could find the words or images powerful enough to portray the way you have enchanted me. you changed how i see the world, how i experience life, for the better. i’ll never stop trying to explain the magnitude of what you make me feel because i love you, endlessly. 
knowing you, i finally understand what soulmates are. only something as magical as fate can explain our connection. whether we’re tied by a red thread or written in the stars, i truly believe we are meant to be. it is an unbelievable honor to have you in my life, and it is even more of a gift to be a part of yours. you inspire me. you ground me. i promise that i’ll choose you again and again and again. thank you for finding me. i love you.
you are the brightest star in my eyes. when people call me “sunshine,” i think of you, because i have become warmer after basking in your light. thank you for shining in your own way. thank you for teaching me true happiness. i promise to be the best i can be, if only to see your radiant smile shine even brighter. you make everything around you glow. i love you, my star. 
you are better than a dream come true. knowing you surpasses anything i could have imagined, and yet you are real, right here with me. what a surprise, what a delight it is to be with you! every love song must have been written about you, for i cannot think of anyone more deserving of such beautiful, tender love. you have my heart. i love you.
i can’t say i’m good at expressing all of this, so i’ll state the obvious: i love you. my life is sweeter with you in it. the good times are more enjoyable, and the difficult times are easier to withstand, all because you are with me. as long as you let me, i will be by your side. i promise to always be there because you make me feel as though i'll never be alone again. thank you for everything. i love you. 
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shirefantasies · 3 months
LoTR Characters Finding Out You Were in an Abusive Relationship
Sort of requested/mentioned by @autisticgenderworm and desired by yours truly, here is the other version of this reaction. I hope it brings comfort to anyone who needs it.
Warnings: mentions/implications of past abuse, but nothing graphic
Aragorn's pause sparks no concern. He is a pensive man and that is something you always loved about him, let alone any consideration the gravity of what you just shared. "And you gave your heart so freely, I have no doubt." He shakes his head. "That such a truly corrupt mind would try to take you. But that is just it: I see it in your eyes and I feel it in the way I am so lucky in your love. They can try, but they cannot break you. You are stronger than all the hate, all the avarice, in the world. You know this, do you not?" Eyes watering, you peer at him and blink. "Some days I feel so far from that." Aragorn nods. He reaches out and holds your cheek against his calloused palm and somehow it is the softest touch you've ever felt. "Our true strength is that we are never alone. You have so many who will fight for you. I will fight for you. You will be on no lead, your own person simply making our lives all the richer for it."
Brows furrowing lightly, he tilts his head, fixing you with a look of deep sorrow. You see his hand raise, lower again hesitantly, so you reach out to take it. "I don't mean to frighten you," you tell him, "I'm sorry." “You have nothing to apologize for, my love. The burden rests solely on the one who took it upon themselves to hurt you. It was nothing you did. And I am not frightened. Rather I would have you feel safe.” “I do,” you tell him, “That is why I hoped you were not afraid. The last thing I would want is for you to see me differently. To be too much for you.” “Too much for me? No such thing,” Legolas teases with a little smile, “But truly I am just grateful you shared. If there is anything I do, anything I say, allow me to apologize now.” “That alone puts me at ease,” you reply, feeling yourself relax and breathe deeply once more as Legolas takes your hand.
“Why?” “I- I don’t think there was a ‘why’,” you stuttered, “I could have done things differently, I suppose, but-” “No,” Boromir cuts you off, a hand reaching to gently caress your cheek, “Not you, my dear. Not you. Why would anyone seek to defile beauty? And kindness. Why indeed.” “I don’t know,” you answer helplessly, gaze falling from his, “I should have left sooner. I-I guess I was truly that lonely that I thought it was worth changing. It wasn’t.” A shaky, sardonic laugh escapes your lips. “Nobody should have to choose between lonely and pain,” Boromir laments, hands sliding down to take yours, “But we are here now, and I will give you everything you deserve.”
“Where is the bastard? I have a selection of choice words for such a great blight upon this earth.” Gimli’s hands ball into fists at his sides as he speaks, his voice darkening a bit more with each passing word. You cannot help but smile at that even in spite of his tone. “I would be happy to introduce you if I knew,” you replied, “But I know not and care not.” “That’s my fire!” Gimli exclaims, pride coloring his tone and his very gaze upon you. “You don’t need me- my approval or my axe! But of course you have them both with equal enthusiasm. To look upon you is to see a flame most bright and most beautiful that nobody’s rain can extinguish.” It is you who steps forward first, pulling the dwarf into your arms, but it is Gimli who asks if he might kiss your beautiful lips. Just the asking is such a difference; of course you acquiesce.
He says nothing at first, expression just softening and crumpling in pain. One fair hand extends and finds purchase upon your shoulder; Frodo’s touch melts you and he feels your relaxation beneath him. “Oh,” he speaks your name so softly, all but reverently, “For so long you have been my strength and yet you carried this.” “I didn’t know how to tell you,” you answer, “Didn’t want you to think badly of me.” “How could I? You asked for none of that. So often do these things happen against our will.” “Sometimes I wish I had never said yes when I did. So I would have never had to say no,” you tell him, crumpling into his arms. Frodo presses a kiss to the crown of your head. I often remember what Gandalf told me: ‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us’. They may have chosen to use their time to hurt and to wrestle control, but no longer. Time can only do so much healing, I know, but I will be here for you. Here for it all.”
"You can't mean... They didn't!" Anger flashes in Sam's typically docile green eyes. "I know," you reply, "I shouldn't have-" "You shouldn't have? The only person who shouldn't have was that monster! Don't you dare apologize for something you didn't do, alright? I don't want that sort of thing running through your head." Sam's last sentence emerged quietly. Trembled with an uncertain sadness. It broke you and made you whole all over again. You gave a small nod. "You're right." Sam looked up and met your eyes once more, returning the gesture with a bit more vigor. "I see that now, and that is all thanks to you. You love me like I deserve. Fight for me in all you do. When I am with you, Sam, I have the love I always thought was just a dream.” Tears rose in his eyes then even as his lips smiled. “And when I met you I thought the same: this has to be a dream.”
“They didn’t.” “Unfortunately,” you nod, gaze locked upon your feet, “They did. Sometimes I wonder what might have been different if I had-” “Don’t do that to yourself!” Merry cut you off, pausing for a moment as a look of remorseful surprise came over him. “That is to say we can’t change the past. Just like we can’t see the future. I may not have been there for your past, but I do know nothing that happened came of what you did. People like that, they have no shame. You are far too kind for someone like that. They took advantage of you. Made you feel bad and that’s all them. All right?” It was still difficult to believe sometimes, but Merry’s voice was nothing but convicted, and you trusted him. Swallowing, you nodded. “All right.” The hobbit opened his arms. “Come here.” You fell right in.
"No." Eyes wide, he shakes his head and reaches for your hands. "No. How could- How could anybody..." "I don't know," you sigh, relaxing slightly as his thumbs ran over the backs of your hands, "Perhaps I should never have-" Pippin cut you off there. "It wasn't your fault. None of it was. There isn't a thing you could do to make any of that alright. And I swear to you that I will never do anything of the like. After all, who could even think of putting a precious gem like yourself down, hm?" At those last words, the soothing touch of his hands, your tearful expression broke into a shaky smile. "What did I do to deserve you?" You asked. "Don't worry," he replied, "I ask myself the same thing every day. I love you, you know. And I want to treat you like it. If I ever don't, please help me." The longer he spoke, his words faded closer and closer to a whisper, those lovely green eyes focused solely, searchingly, upon your gaze. Tears returning alongside your smile, you nodded. "You already do, Pippin. You already do."
Brows furrowed, Faramir takes your hands at once, blue eyes gazing deeply into yours. "There are no words to lift the weight of it all. Nothing I can say but that your pain is mine and that I know how difficult it is to speak of such things. Thank you, truly, for sharing this with me. I want to be worthy of this. Of you." Worthy of you? Him? "You are more than worthy, Faramir." "And I wish to continue to live up to that for the sake of your beautiful heart. I wish for you to never feel unworthy again." His voice breaks and your heart does the same, knowing how similar your experiences were- Faramir was made to feel lesser for years. "I want the same for you," you run your hands over his gently with a tentative smile, "And I think deep down I knew you would understand. That no one else would understand like you. We can love each other more every day." "I like the sound of that," Faramir replies, his eyes shining nothing but love into yours.
Even as your words fade, you catch the way his hands tighten into fists, tense slightly at the sight. "Coward. That worm had no honor whatsoever. And you...here you stand triumphant." "It does not always feel so," you admit, gaze falling. Eomer places a hand upon your shoulder. "We all have our scars. To escape, to be free... Why, that is the greatest show of strength. Is it not what we all fight for? And fight you did! Believe me when I tell you I am nothing but proud of you." Eomer's normally stoic expression rises into a smile, his hand sliding from your shoulder gently down your arm and finally to grasp your hand and bring it to his lips. "Nobody has the right to treat you like property. They should feel ashamed trying to tame a heart like yours. I would have it tempered. Let me act as your bellows, then, to stoke your fire of resiliency." His words do indeed fuel the embers in your heart, coax fire to them as they bring a small smile to your lips. "I would like that." "And let that scoundrel hope to never come within a league of this place while I draw breath."
“So cruel this world can be!” Eowyn cries out. “How can they not see all you have to offer? This will hardly erase the hurt, but I will say this: the loss is theirs.” Leaning in, her voice lowers to a conspiratorial whisper at that last phrase, her lips raising in a tentative smile. “For your heart is strong and steadfast and your laugh is music to me. To have you by my side is naught but joy. So help me, I will never treat you as a belonging, put you in a cage. And if that is how you feel I would have you tell me." "Never," you answer her, "Nor would I do the same to you. I told you because I trust you to understand. Because I love you." She leans forward at this, connecting your foreheads; golden strands of hair tickle your cheek, but you mind not. "And I you," Eowyn breathes.
Never have you seen Haldir's eyes darken such as they are now. A part of you wants to back away, but you know that his ire is not for you. Not when he shakes his head, looking at you with...not quite pity. Rather all that swims in his eyes as he turns back to you is a new understanding, something deep in the blue. His hands hover over you as if you are spun-glass, and with your eyelids fluttering shut you take them and rest them upon your hips. "I do not mean to trouble you with this news, I just..." "Trouble me? The only trouble I have is how badly I wish to punish anybody who hurts you." At that, he smirks a bit and you feel his hands grip you a bit tighter. A shiver runs down your spine at his words. "You know, I would hardly mind that at this point. Not exactly unearned. So this is no change to you?" "Only any changes you want me to make," Haldir answers.
Her face falls, but something in its look leads you to suspect she knew already. Galadriel's gifts lie far beyond your understanding. "Do not discount the light you bring to this world," her voice cuts through your thoughts, "For you remind me of its joys every day. There will always be those who seek to rob us of our light, but that is only to fill the darkness that is in their hearts. You are more than enough despite what they say. You need not trouble yourself with the words of lesser folk." Tears flood your eyes at her words and all you can do is nod, shakily smiling. You feel Galadriel's lips against one cheek, then the other, then upon the top of your head, and finally warmly and softly upon your lips. "I'm so lucky to have you," you tell her, and at that she shakes her head. "It is I who is the lucky one," she refutes with a mischievous but loving smile.
For just a moment, his expression steels and you flinch back, but only for a moment before it’s softened like never before and falling. Pain. That is the only word to describe what crosses Elrond’s face. He feels your pain. Stepping closer, the Lord of Rivendell opens his arms, and with a tearful smile you fall into them, into the silken softness of his robe and the gentle warmth of his hold. “Healing takes time. I have time. And here I shall be to grant you peace as best I can. Please do not hesitate to ask it of me. If you ask it and it is within my power, I shall grant it.” “I’d like to stay like this,” you reply, words muffled by the cushion of your cheek to his chest, the sound of Elrond’s soothing heartbeat in your ear. “As would I,” he agrees softly.
“Meleth nîn,” she addresses you softly, brows furrowed in concern, “You endured all that?” At her words, you just nod, gripping her hands a bit tighter. She gives yours a gentle squeeze in response. “Your strength knows no bounds. Fear not, for by my side you can take all the time you need. I can wait, you know.” At that, she giggles and you smile. You are, after all, in love with not only the fairest of beings but one immortal by nearly all accounts. Her smile alone brings you so much comfort. “You are the one I have chosen and I will not take that for granted. You are a gift and that anyone would cast that aside is folly.”
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 | Reply/Message/Ask to join 💕
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daisynik7 · 10 months
Sweet Like Honey
Chapter 3: First Vacation
Pairing: Nanami x f!reader
Word Count: ~5.1k
cw: established relationship, fluff, smut – phone sex, mutual masturbation, PIV sex (doggy style, cowgirl), cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, pet names (sweetheart, sweeties, baby), use of the word slut (endearing)
Summary: You and Nanami go on your first trip together to a hot springs resort and things get steamy. 
Author’s Notes: Here’s the last spicy side story for A Bento for Kento! This is a repost; I’ve rewritten it a bit to reflect my current writing style better. I hope you enjoy it! Nanami deserves all good things in the world! Divider credit to @/cafekitsune. 
Previous Chapter | Sweet Like Honey Masterlist
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Four months into your relationship, you and Nanami plan your first trip together. The two of you sit on the couch in your living room, digesting the dinner you just ate. There’s a nearby mountain town called Hakone, known for being a hot springs resort with views of Mt. Fuji. Apparently, Nanami has been there before and recommends it. Having never been to a hot spring yourself, the idea of snuggling up next to your boyfriend in a steamy stone bath excites you. That is, until he breaks the news to you. “Hot springs are separate for men and women, sweetheart. We won’t be in the hot springs together.”
You look at him, mouth agape. “Huh, what’s the point then?!”
He chuckles, lifting the back of your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “To relax. You really can’t go a few hours without being beside me?” 
You raise a brow at him. “Oh please. Says the man who made me late to work this entire week because you kept wanting to cuddle.”
Smiling, he responds, “I can’t help it. It’s getting cold and you’re too cute. Anyways, I’m planning to book a room with a personal hot tub on the balcony, so we can still relax together at night.” 
That does sound nice. And it’s not like you are actually upset about the separate hot springs. It’s probably a better idea not to be near each other when naked in public. 
Since the day you two confessed your love for one another, the sex has ramped up quite a bit. And by quite a bit, you mean a lot. With your dear brother Ren officially living in the dorms at Jujutsu High, you and Nanami are together nearly every day, either at your place or his. And with your love for each other growing by the second, it’s no surprise that sex has become a regular part of your lives. You can’t keep your hands off each other. Sometimes, the two of you don’t have the patience to move to the bedroom, so Kento made sure to hide lube in the drawers of each room in both your homes, even in the most unsuspecting of places, like the kitchen and laundry room, which has definitely come in handy already. In the beginning of your relationship, there was still that trepidation of figuring out what each other was comfortable with. Both of you were extremely cautious of not crossing any lines, always asking, “Is this okay?” or “Do you like this?”. After a certain point, you became more comfortable with each other. You feel safe when you’re together. Now, the sex is more passionate than it’s ever been. Knowing he loves you just as much as you love him makes all the difference. This is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with. There’s no holding back. 
“Hot tub on a balcony? Sounds very romantic.” You scooch closer to sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Let’s do it.”
“Great. I’ll ask Gojo to help me book it. He’s the one who got us in last time.” He leans forward to nuzzle his nose to yours, grinning. “I can’t wait. Our first vacation together.”
“I’m getting excited just thinking about it.” You kiss him on the lips as he cradles you in his arms. 
“What are you thinking about? Are you being naughty again?”
“Of course not! How dare you. You know I’m a good girl,” you say with a coy smile, walking your fingers up his chest to loosen his tie.
He hums. “You are a good girl. You’re my good girl.” His lips brush lightly along your neck. In just a few short minutes, clothes are shed and the drawer next to the couch is open. 
The week of their vacation, Nanami is sent on a mission to Osaka with Gojo. Not only does he have to spend four days in a hotel room with his insufferable friend, but this will be the longest he’s been apart from his girlfriend since they started dating. 
On the last night, Nanami groans at his phone, staring at a picture of the yakisoba she made for dinner tonight as he eats a bowl of spicy instant ramen from a convenience store. “Remind me why we don’t have any stipend for food?” Nanami asks Gojo, who is happily slurping away at his noodles, cross-legged on the bed.
“Geez, Nanamin. Sorry our agency can’t afford five-star meals every night. Since when have you been such a snob?!”
“I’d rather be at home, eating my girlfriend’s yakisoba than eating instant ramen with you.”
“I’m so glad you said yakisoba and not something else,” Gojo jokes, with an eyebrow raised.
They finish the rest of their meal in a comfortable silence. When he’s done, Gojo stands up to stretch his long limbs. “I’m going for a walk. Be back in thirty minutes.” 
“Where are you going?”
“Just around. I’m giving you some alone time so you can talk to your girlfriend. Take the hint, buddy.”
Surprised, Nanami murmurs, “You don’t have to leave. It’s fine.”
“Seriously, it’s no big deal. Just tell her I say ‘hi’. And remember, thirty minutes. I better not walk in here with your pants down,” he teases, smirking as he opens the door.
“Oh, you are awful,” Nanami mutters before he’s left all alone. Finally. 
Immediately, he dials her number and after two rings, she picks up. “Hi baby!”
He loves hearing her voice. It instantly puts him in a good mood. “Hi honey. How are you?”
“Honey? Are you alone right now?”
“Yes. Gojo went out for a walk.”
They chat for several minutes about each other’s week. Nanami talks about the multiple curses they’ve exorcised and how Gojo has them eating convenience store food every night. She complains about work and her friend’s boyfriend drama, which he shamelessly indulges in. 
“I miss you so much,” Nanami says. He’s sitting up on his bed now, loosening the tie around his collar. 
“I miss you too, Kento.”
“I can’t wait for our vacation tomorrow.”
“Me too.”
There’s a brief silence over the phone, a familiar tension growing between the static noise. She breaks the silence first. “What do you want to do during our trip?”
“Well, we’re going to do the hot springs, maybe a massage –”
“No, Kento. I mean, what do you want to do to me?” He hears shifting on her end. He wonders what room she’s in and what she’s wearing.
He exhales into the phone, reaching for his belt, unbuckling it quietly. “What do you want, sweetheart? I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”
“Whatever I want?” she challenges. 
“Yes, anything.”
“Can you fuck me like the little slut that I am?”
“Fuck, baby. Fuck,” he mutters, pushing past the waistband of his pants to release his erect cock. He starts jerking off hastily, picturing her sprawled out on the bed for him, legs spread wide and ready to be railed. “You’re such a slut for me, huh? Always so needy for this cock. Where are you right now?” He rasps filthy words into the phone, all discretion tossed out the window.
“I’m on the couch in the living room, touching myself.” 
“Already? Can’t even make it to the bedroom, huh? You really are a slut. Can’t wait to eat that pussy out tomorrow. Can’t wait to devour you. You always taste divine on my tongue.” 
“God, Kento. Wish you were here. Wish you could fuck me on the couch like you did last week.” 
“Have you been touching yourself while I’ve been away? Have you been naughty?” He bites his lip thinking about her rubbing that clit with those cute little fingers, sliding them up and down her wet cunt. 
“Yes, I’ve been very naughty,” she huffs, voice trembling with arousal. “How will you punish me?” 
“Going to give you a spanking,” he growls, fisting his cock faster, precum leaking from the tip. “Going to fuck you until you can’t come anymore. Going to milk you dry.”
“Is that a promise?” If he listens carefully enough, he can hear the lewd squelches while she pleasures herself, spurring him on.
“You’re such a bad girl, always trying to provoke me. Tell me exactly what you’re doing.”
“Rubbing my clit,” she stammers. “Spreading my cum all over it so it’s nice and wet for you. God, I miss you so much, baby.”
“I know, honey. I miss you too. I miss you too,” he repeats, getting closer and closer to the edge. “Can you make yourself come? For me? Fuck yourself, pretend it’s me doing it. I want to hear it.��
He relishes in her faint whimpers as she masturbates on the phone with him, timing his strokes to match her moans. “There you go, sweetheart. Just like that. You’re doing so good for me,” he praises. He’s close and by the sounds of it, so is she. “Tell me what you’re thinking about,” he says in a low voice.
“Your big cock filling me up.”
“What position?”
“Cowgirl. I’m bouncing on it until you come inside, like how we did it on the couch. It was dripping down my thighs, remember?” Her voice is hoarse with lust, gradually unraveling on the other end of the line. 
“How could I forget?” he smiles to himself, vividly recalling the erotic memory. “And what did I do after?”
She lets out a loud moan before answering, “You put it back in me and fucked me again.”
“That’s right, baby. I know how much you like that.” He strokes his dick in a frenzy, ears hot and eyes shut tight as he approaches his climax.  
“Come with me, Kento. Come with me.” 
At her command, his abs clench as he releases all over himself, painting the bottom of his button up shirt with his seed. He really should have taken this off beforehand, but as usual, they get too caught up in the moment to think logically. 
“Did you come?” Her voice is quiet, her breathing shallow just like it gets whenever she orgasms.  
“Yes, I did. All over my shirt,” he admits, laughing softly.
“Oh no! Baby!”
“It’s okay. I have another one. How about you? Did you come?”
“Yes, I did,” she replies. He smirks, picturing her laid out on the couch, panties around her ankles, that blissful gaze in her eyes. That’s my girl, he muses. 
“You should clean yourself up before Gojo gets back,” she suggests.
Gojo. Shit.
Nanami turns his wrist to read his watch; it’s been at least forty-five minutes since his friend left for his thirty-minute walk. In a panic, he checks his messages and finds three from Gojo that he somehow missed:
NANAMINNNNN coming back from my walk now
never mind, extending my walk another 30
you dirty bastard
The next day, you and Nanami reunite for your trip. It’s a two-hour train ride to Hakone. You rest your head on Nanami’s shoulder, hands laced together, basking in each other’s existence. A few days away makes you realize how happy you are being with him. As if you had any doubts. 
When the train approaches the station, Nanami lightly taps on your thigh to get your attention. He points out the window. “Look, sweetie.” It’s a gorgeous view of Mt. Fuji in the distance. The hotel you’re staying at is only a ten-minute walk from the station, meaning this is the scenery you’ll have all weekend. You can’t imagine anything more romantic and peaceful than this. 
The hotel is as quaint as you pictured it. You check into the room and settle in before getting ready for the hot springs. Two hours away from each other is a cinch, especially in paradise. You both enjoy your separate onsen experiences, rejuvenated and relaxed for the night to come. 
After a delightful dinner at the hotel restaurant, it’s time to retreat into your room. On the elevator ride up, Nanami pushes you up against the wall and kisses you, unable to contain himself any longer. You fumble on the way to the room, exchanging delicate kisses until you’re inside. He removes his coat, then yours, before wrapping his arms around you in a big bear hug. “I’ve been waiting all week for this,” he says softly. 
You both change into proper hot tub attire: Nanami in swim trunks, you in a two-piece bathing suit. He leads you to the balcony, holding your hand to help you into the spa. The sexual tension is palpable. As you sit beside each other in the water, your muscles relax in the heat. You let your head fall back on the edge of the tub as you sigh, feeling at ease, staying like this for a few minutes. Even with your eyes closed, you can sense Nanami’s gaze on you. Cracking one eye open, you smirk. “Don’t you know it’s rude to stare?”
His hand slides up your thigh. “I can’t help it when you look like this.”
You face him, smiling. “And what do I look like?”
“Happy. Tranquil.” He pauses, leaning in closer to whisper, “You’re beautiful.”
There’s a flutter in your stomach, a sensation you’ll never get tired of. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” 
Your lips brush together seamlessly, his breath warm on your mouth. With your hands on his chest, you feel the steady thump of his heartbeat pick up in pace as you continue to kiss passionately. Your skin prickles with goosebumps despite the surrounding heat. Something about the way Nanami kisses you always makes you tingly.
Straddling his lap now, you kiss his neck while you roll your hips on him, using his shoulders to hold on to. He lets out a guttural moan, making you ride him slower, touching every inch of him as you possible can until he’s undeniably hard beneath you. You want him. You need him.  
Water splashes over the edge of the tub, the waves rippling with each movement. The steam from the hot water is dewy on your skin. He caresses your head, fingers gripped to the back of your head, gently pulling you off so he can meet your lips with his before trailing along your neck, sucking on your skin, claiming you as his. His other hand cups your ass, moving with the rhythm in which you ride him. 
“You’re so good to me, Kento. Always so good to me,” you whimper.
He whispers in your ear, “I want you. I want you around my cock.” His squeezes your ass tighter, his self-control wavering. “Let’s go.”
You hop off and get out first. The contrast of the cold night air on your sweltering skin makes you shiver. When you watch him emerge out of the water with a very distinct bulge in his swimming trunks, you shudder even more. 
“Don’t you know it’s rude to stare?” he teases, grabbing your wrist and leading you back inside. His grip is strong, his pace quick. Seeing him unravel like this is arousing. Knowing how much he desires you in this moment makes you quiver for him.
He takes you into the bathroom, where he starts the shower, knob turned all the way to hot. He releases his hold on you to remove his swimming trunks, his hard dick flopping against his abdomen. The sight resonates straight to your arousal. In complete surrender, you bend over the sink counter begging, “Kento, please. I can’t wait anymore. I need you right now.”
He leans over you, his lips tickling your ear as he chuckles. “Be a good girl and get in the shower. Be patient, sweetheart.” His erection rubs against you, his lips grazing your nape seductively. He roams your back to remove your top, then down your ass, where he slides your bikini bottoms off at an agonizing speed. 
Pouting, you do as he says, slapping your ass as you step over the bathtub. He follows you in, pawing at your waist to pull you close. With a bar of soap, you stand underneath the hot shower, scrubbing the chlorine off your skin as Nanami watches you from behind. Soap suds travel from your neck down to your breasts. From the your peripheral, you see him lick his lips, salivating. When you’re ready to rinse off, you turn to face him, reaching between your legs, tapping your clit. 
“Can’t wait to taste you,” he says in a low voice, the look in his eyes carnal with desire. God, you want him. You want him so bad it hurts, pussy aching to be filled.
Letting the water rinse your body, you offer him the bar of soap. He shakes his head. “You do it.” This is the other side of him. Nanami is usually sweet and gentle with you. Never does he demand you to do anything or boss you around. But when he’s like this, you can’t help but heed his every command. Only you get to see him like this. You scrub the soap on his skin, sliding your hands all over his body. You pull him closer to you, letting the water wash away the bubbles. When you reach down to his still erect cock, he snatches your hand away and growls, “Not yet. I want to fuck you on the bed.” 
Once rinsed off, he gives you a small kiss on the forehead before stepping out, leaving you alone in the shower. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he gives you one last smirk before exiting the bathroom. What is he up to? 
A small groan escapes your mouth, your patience wearing thin. This is the longest foreplay you two have managed to last through. How much longer is he going to keep you waiting? How has he managed to stay this hard for this long without giving in? The anticipation puts you on edge. 
When you’re done, you wrap a robe loosely around yourself, returning to the bedroom to see Nanami sitting up on the bed, naked on top of the covers, watching you. He points to a small, black gift bag propped up at the foot of the bed. “Open it.”
Inside is a black slip dress and a matching lace thong. You swallow hard as you glide the thin material between your fingers, nervous and aroused at what’s about to come. “Put it on. Model it for me.” He leans back on the headboard, palms behind his head, cock stiff against his stomach. There’s a smug expression on his face; you can tell he’s enjoying this. 
You shrug the robe off and wear the dress first. Your nipples poke through the fabric. Nanami bites his lower lip and leans forward to get a better look. “Now put the thong on. Slowly.”
At his direction, you slip on the lingerie slowly. When it’s past your knees, he says, “Turn around and let me see.” With your back towards him, you stick your ass out and lift the hem of the dress to slide the thong between your cheeks. 
You hear him moan quietly. “Perfect. You’re perfect. Come here, sweetheart.”
She crawls next to him, where they begin kissing, all sloppy and wet. Her hand reaches down to stroke his shaft. He cradles her bottom, fingers feeling for the lacey fabric buried between her ass cheeks.  
“Get on your back,” he orders, hovering above her, marveling at how insanely gorgeous she is. The satin dress accentuates every bodacious curve of her body. He makes a mental note to buy more of these for her in the future.
He slides his hand beneath the dress to rub his fingers on the wet spot of her lacey lingerie. “So wet for me already,” he purrs, slipping past the fabric. “Always so wet for me.”
“Please,” she pleads. He loves it when she begs. Absolutely loves it. It awakens something in him. The usually calm Kento Nanami becomes unhinged whenever he touches her. But when she begs for it, he wants nothing more than to make her feel amazing, to be the reason she squirms in pleasure beneath him.
He slides his middle finger along her folds, gathering as much slick as he can before he starts caressing her puffy clit. She whines under his touch, the sensation too much. She’s been waiting for this all night. Been begging for it. This is her reward for her patience. She grabs the nearest pillow to cover her mouth, but as soon as she does, Nanami pulls it off and tosses it behind him. 
“No,” he demands. “I want everyone to hear how good you’re getting it right now.”
He shimmies down the bed, spreading her thighs apart. With his head between her legs, he leans forward, teasing her clit with a flick of his tongue, holding her panties to the side. She grabs hold of his hair as he presses soft kisses to her clit. Suddenly, he flattens his tongue on her bud and moves it side to side, surrounding every centimeter of that pretty clit with his mouth. Lewd sounds fill the room, from her loud, shameless moaning to the wet noises he makes as he eats her out. He adjusts his position to stroke himself as he continues to devour her.
She’s like honey on his tongue, luscious and decadent. He cherishes every time he gets to do this to her. Usually, she is too shy to let him eat her out. She deprives him of this treat. He’s starved for it. With her like this, spread out like a fucking feast in front of him, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t take full advantage of this moment. He latches his lips around her, sucking on it as he lets go of his cock to slide his middle and ring finger into her pussy. He watches her chest fall and rise with shallow breaths with his fingers pumping in and out of her, thumb rubbing circles around her clit. She cries out his name. “Kento!”
“Fuck. You have no idea how good you look right now, swallowing up my fingers like this.” He bucks his hips against the bed, desperate for any type of friction. All he hears from her is a litany of swears and his name. Her moans eventually turn into whimpers. He stops massaging her clit and eats her out again, this time sloppier and more erratic as he continues to work his fingers inside her. The sheets are damp with his saliva and her cum. He’s not sure how many times she orgasms; based on the evidence before him, he guesses it’s at least twice. She’s too busy taking it like a slut to even verbalize when she’s coming. 
When he’s close to his limit, he places one last tender kiss on her clit before releasing her lacey thong; he’s been holding them to the side this entire time. His fingers slip out of her, shiny with her orgasm. The temptation to suck her sweet nectar from his fingers is too good to resist. As he kneels next to her, he leans down to put his face close to hers. Her eyes widen with anticipation, waiting for his next move. With a dark look in his eyes, he licks his glossy fingers, dragging his tongue up and down, savoring it like it’s the most decadent treat. She whines, staring at him, grinding her hips up, desperate to be fucked. He never gets tired of seeing her like this.  
Fully aware of how her slick glistens on his lips and chin, he murmurs, “Taste yourself. I want you know how good you are.”
There’s a dazed expression in her eyes as she obeys, sitting up to kiss him sloppily, tongue lapping into his open mouth then down to his chin. It drives him crazy. Before he comes right then and there, he shoves his hand between her legs and tugs her panties off, admiring how soaked they are, all for him. Because of him. 
Under the pillow is the bottle of lube he hid right after he got out of the shower. He pops off the cap and pours a liberal amount into his palms, coating his shaft. He strokes his cock vigorously, asking, “Are you ready, sweetheart?”
“Yes, Kento. Please. Please. I need you inside me.”
“I know, baby. I know.” He kneels in front of her, aligning the tip of his dick with her slit, entering her slowly, careful not to be too forceful. She’s always so tight, even when she’s dripping wet for him. “Such a good girl,” he whispers, leaning over her to kiss her forehead. 
Halfway in, her body adjusts to his size, allowing him to thrust into her in fluid motions. She wraps her legs around him, babbling. “Kento, fuck. Fuck.”
“So wet for me. You’re perfect around my cock.” Once he’s fully inside her, he kisses her with open lips, tongue licking up her saliva as she moans into his mouth. He pins her wrists above her head, thrusting his hips against her. They make love like this for a while, Nanami relishing the way her body melts around him. He knows what she wants, but he takes his time teasing her like this until she groans out, “Fuck me harder. Please.”
As if on cue, he pulls out of her and taps his fingers at her hips. At his command, she flips over onto her stomach and gets on all fours, pushing her ass out. The hem of her satin dress rides up over the curve of her hips. The sight in front of him is immaculate. He wants this ingrained in his memory forever. “Think you can take it, sweetheart? I’m not gonna go easy on you.”
“Yes, baby. Fuck me hard. Please. I can take it.”
“Good girl,” he coos, placing a soft kiss on her back. Whatever she wants, he’ll give it to her, especially when she begs like this. He puts both of his hands on each of her ass cheeks and spreads them apart, watching his glistening cock slowly slide into her pussy. 
“God, I wish you could see what I see right now. It’s exquisite. You look fucking incredible like this. My sweet girl.” Once he’s all the way in, he grabs hold of her hips and fucks her. Hard. Exactly how she likes it. 
“Fuck, feels so fucking good!” she cries out. Her knuckles are tight as she clenches the sheets. He spanks her as he fucks her, causing her to groan into the pillow with her back arched. The sound of his pelvis slapping against her ass with each rapid thrust is filthy. 
“I needed this, baby. It’s been such a long week,” he grunts. “God, you take it so well. Such a slut for me, huh? Say it.”
“I’m a slut for you, Kento. Feels amazing when you fuck me like this.” 
Grip still firm on her hips, he continues to drive his cock into her, reveling in the way she swallows him up. She turns her head to the side, that dazed look on her face. Her lips are parted as she continues to moan incoherently, drool leaking down the sides of her wet mouth. When she makes eye contact with him, her lips curl into a small smile. “Right there, Kento. Make me come.”
Growling, he hits her sweet spot until she comes all over his cock. She tightens around him. his dick creamy with more of her cum with each thrust. It’s obscene; he can’t hold it in anymore. 
“Ride me,” he demands, pulling out abruptly. He rolls onto his back, watching her climb on top of him. She guides his dick inside her, exhaling deeply as she sinks lower onto his shaft. It goes in easily, her pussy sleek from her multiple orgasms, his own precum, and the lube from earlier. When he bottoms out, she leans over him, kissing him passionately as she thrusts her ass back and forth onto his cock. 
“Just like that. Fuck,” he moans. This is his absolute favorite position. He loves it when she rides him like this. Always so eager and greedy for his cum whenever she’s on top. It makes him feel like a fucking god. He cranes his neck to the side, tugging on the hem of her dress to watch her bounce on his lap. “I fucking love this. You know how much I love this, you fucking nasty slut.” 
“I’m such a nasty slut for you, baby. Only for you. Fuck,” she moans into his ear, riding him faster. 
He’s close. How he’s managed to last this long without coming, he’ll never know. Maybe his stamina has improved after all the sex they’ve been having recently. Or maybe it’s the thought of coming in her like this that kept him under control. Whatever it is, he decides he’s been patient long enough. 
“Let me take over,” he whispers to her.
Her body relaxes. Now, he’s in control. He plants his feet onto the bed and thrusts into her at a rapid pace, holding onto her waist to move her in perfect rhythm with his hips. 
“Come inside me, Kento. Fill me up,” she mewls into his ear.
At her words, he releases inside her, shutting his eyes tight as he rides out the rest of his orgasm. When he’s finished, he pulls out and she collapses beside him. The dress is defiled with the aftermath of their lovemaking, just as he fantasized about. 
You put your arm over his chest and lay your head against his shoulder. “Wow,” is all you can muster, voice shaky. Nanami just rocked your fucking world, and you can’t find better words to describe it. 
He chuckles, his eyes still closed. “Yeah. Wow.” He takes your hand and kisses the inside of your wrist. “I’m sorry for calling you a slut.”
You giggle. He always does this. “You don’t have to keep apologizing for that! You know I like it.”
“I usually don’t use degrading language like that. I just want to make sure it’s still okay with you.” You can’t contain your smile. He’s too cute for his own good. 
“By the way, how long have you been planning this?” you ask.
He finally opens his eyes and faces you. “All week. Saw the dress on display at a mall in Osaka. I knew it would look magnificent on you. It’s even better than what I imagined.”
“You sneaky devil!”
“I’m only this way because of you. You really unleash the devil in me.” He grins, nuzzling his nose against yours.
“I guess I’m the lucky angel then, huh?”
“You are,” he says, peppering kisses on your face. “My sweet angel. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
After a few more minutes of post-coital cuddling, the two of you wash up again and get ready for a well-deserved sleep. You snuggle each other in pure bliss, looking forward to more vacations with the man you love. 
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Tag List: @chiyoso @bloombb @liliorsstuff-blog
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haru-natsuka · 11 months
The Rhyme (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader)
Genre: Fluff
- I write the non-angst version for you guys! And because Malleus deserves better
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"You act like a child. I'm getting confused about which one is my child"
You caressed your husband's head as he tried to snuggle closer towards your body and warmth. Your back was laid on the bed stand while your husband put his head on top of your leg. Although you sound like you are mad at him but he only responds with a smirk as he knows very much how you love him to be close to you. Therefore, it was time to bring him to reality.
You tried to lift his head and it would be a success if he did not purposely put all his weight on your lap. You even tried to move your legs from being a comfortable cushion for him but he still laid firm and even chuckled at your misery. No way you would let Malleus win this war. You slowly approached his neck and tickled him. It was a failed mission. Same results as before.
"If you don't move, I will touch your most sensitive part." You gaze at his horns in a victorious look only for you to be dumfounded by his reply
"You do it and after that, you might be pregnant with our second child" You blushed so hard at his comment as you do understand his meaning. Being pregnant with another child was only the outcome but the process of it, a month without leaving the bedroom was too much! The fact that you just gave birth to your first egg was enough for you to not try to seduce your husband more, maybe in 10 years more.
"Dear, I am in love with your voice. Sing more, please. The same song"
"But that song is for our child and you just put our egg out of my reach. At least, let me hold him while singing it" You looked at the egg that was floating above from Malleus but a bit far from your reach. Did Malleus think your child was a kite?
"Dear, just focus on me first. Our child will get plenty of your attention when he hatches from his egg so now your eyes should be on me" A hand caressed your cheek before it slipped at the back of your neck and Malleus pulled your face towards him. His lips gently kissed you again and again which just melts your heart from trying to let yourself free from him. When he stopped kissing you, you took the advantage to peck at his forehead.
"Because you give me so much love, it's just right to repay it"
A warm cradle
Starlight and the happiness
Even now I will be by your side
As we look at each other
Don't be afraid
Even if you wake up from the dreams
Sleep, sleep, my beloved child
In dreams,
I pray you would be guided toward the light
Malleus could not help but keep on staring at his wife's face looking up at their egg as she sang the songs with a loveable look on her face. It was the face of a mother who tried to pour her love into her child with the song. Telling the child that she would be safe as the mother was always by his side so the child just should keep on dreaming happily without any worry.
Was this how his mother looked like when she sang the song for him before? Such a gentle look and love was so warm. It was different when Lilia tried to sing the song for Silver. Mother's love was a really special thing. No one told him anything about his parent so this much was enough. To know his mother loved him this much was enough. He was not lonely and alone at all.
A warm cradle
Starlight and the happiness
Even now I will be by your side
As we look at each other
Don't be afraid
Even if you wake up from the dreams
Sleep, sleep, my beloved husband
In dreams,
I pray you would be guided toward the light
The change of the lyric for the second time did catch him out of his guard while his wife just smiled as she knew he noticed the thing she did. "Thank you, dear" Malleus had a smile of joy as he hummed along to his wife's voice. He loves his current life.
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bedoballoons · 11 months
Is your requests still open i just got back on and stuff and i kinda forgot your username did you change it i feel like my memory is getting worser everyday🫠aside from that if you are still doing requests can i maybe request like a reader that has animals following them around because of the calming presence they have around them that they use to comfort the characters at times maybe with a dendro or cryo vision (tighnari, wanderer,lyney,xiao,nuevelle bro what is this mans name and maybe cyno for the last) oh and they are a healer
It did change! My older username was much longer and a randomly generated one so I decided to go with something more personal! Also so happy to see you again! Sorry this took forever to write, but I hope you enjoy!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
{༻~Calm like a soft breeze~༺}
CW: Super sweet and fluffy!
(Includes: Lyney, Tighnari, Xiao, Wanderer, and Neuvillette!)
"Oh my" Lyney gasped as he caught sight of the fish in the ocean, the lot of them swirling at the bottom of your feet while you searched for shells against the setting sun...the crabs had even started to follow you. You just had that affect on everything, anything that could see your sweet smile...feel the calm collected words that left your lips...they'd be entranced. He himself often got himself watching you with lovestruck eyes, hoping to catch glimpses of just what made you a walking safe place.
"Mon amour, you're one of the most beautiful mysteries of this world, I hope you realize just how many times you leave me in awe..."
"L-lyney...I'm just collecting shel-"
"I know and yet you've even caught the attention of the sea itself...incredible. Absolutely incredible."
Tighnaris tail swayed slightly as he watched you, he couldn't help but be amazed...more animals gathering around to watch along with him as you intertwined small sticks into a crown. Your soft presence drawing him and every other living thing closer so they could see the culprit behind their newfound peace of mind. He had no clue how you managed to turn even his most stressed days into easy evenings. You truly had to be magical, and not like using a vision type of magic. A magic entirely your own, a spell you cast on anyone who met you.
"You're pretty incredible. I thought today was going terribly and then you turned it around like it had never been bad to begin with...how do you do it?"
"I just go with the flow and comfort you all the ways I can, you're the incredible one and I want to help you feel that way."
"There's no doubt you do."
Xiao sighed, watching as more birds gathered around you...your being radiating a calming aura that even had him feeling like he could lull off into a sweet sleep. "How do you always manage to draw the attention of the birds? You're just humming and yet it feels like you slow the world down so all can feel at peace...even me with my Karmic debt. How?"
"I'm not sure, I just humm the melody in my heart and hope that the birds and you enjoy it. As for being calming...I guess I find it easier to comfort people when I'm like this. Does this help?"
"Yes...I appreciate it. I might actually rest for awhile...if that's alright."
"Of course it is. Rest as long as you can my dear, you deserve it."
Wanderer set his hat beside you, laying his head on your lap so he could look up at you while more animals gathered around the both of you. Normally so much attention from the wildlife would leave him annoyed...but you calmed his angry soul so easily. Reading aloud to the creatures of the forest and him while the clouds slowly swayed in the sky...you just left everything feeling safe and cozy.
"I don't know how you do it...but thanks I guess, for making me feel better. Even if you didn't really do anything but read. It helps.."
"If reading to you is what helps then consider it my pleasure."
"...you, are what helps."
Neuvillette opened the window slightly, allowing the many birds that had been sitting on the sill of it to get a better look at the source of the most wonderful lullaby they'd ever heard. Your voice was like the calming waves of a ocean, the perfect sound washing over him and wrapping him in a comforting warmth he'd needed so badly after his long day at work. He could listen to you for hours and never find your voice dull.
"You're a work of art my dear."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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lxdymoon0357 · 11 months
Soooooo....yandere ji-hyeok and yandere ji-woj from marry my husband?
(Of-course, apologies if it's a bit rusty...)
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Yandere!Ji-hyeok, Ji-won X Reader HCs
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Yu Ji-hyeok
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⊷ Okay, let's start with the fact that maybe he found with playing with the Pang and was immediately enamored with you, your personality, your caring nature, your beauty and introduced himself to you and took the kitty home hoping to see you again the next day..
⊷ Now it depends, if you came everyday after that, he would slowly build a bond with you and get your number and become one of your close friends, and if you didn't come like Jiwon..then he would still visit everyday hoping to see you bringing Pang with him!
⊷ Jihyeok, though definitely have a strong enough family is very much cared for you, he was always scared something will happen and the paranoia was horrible for his condition..he wouldn't sleep or anything, Huiyeong got annoyed at this and she agreed to be your friend to keep tabs on you for him so he gets his rest..
⊷ Jihyeok is never one to use his power as the grandson of a huge chairman, but for you, he definitely uses it to his advantage, like having you get into his sector, having you work side-by-side with him or Huiyeong!
⊷ Would never let Minhwan or Sumin get near you, oh hell no..He has seen those two hurt Jiwon, so he helped his friend and he knows those two will try to get close to you as well..he's not going to allow that!
⊷ Makes sure you're with him AT ALL TIMES!! He cannot stand being away, he will hold your wrists tightly (a bit too tightly at times..) and has a hand on your waist if he can't hold your hand...he just gets paranoid when you're not around....Don't ask why, he just does...worried someone will hurt you..
⊷ Needs to have you at arms-length at ALL TIMES! if that isn't possible, you have to be in his eye range, he isn't afraid to falsely accuse people you care about of serious crimes if it means you'll be under his control and under his embrace..
⊷ Huiyeong is also around you at-least 99% of the time, he has her gain your trust and tell him anything you say or think or do...everything is passed through her hands to Jihyeok.
⊷ Most definitely blackmails Minhwan and Sumin under the threat of revealing their crimes they committed to Jiwon and getting them fired if they even try to gaze at you!
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Kang ji-won
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⊷ Jiwon is more of a protective yandere so say the least...she knows people aren't the kindest in this world and you were with her since childhood and you comforted her when her father passed, when Eunho Baek confessed to Sumin and when Sumin overall embarrassed her but she was too dense to see through it...
⊷ Jiwon will makes sure any one whom she sees as a threat is somehow suddenly away from you or trapped in a very bad situation, Jiwon can pull a few strings...she's not dumb!
⊷ Jiwon cannot stand Sumin or Minhwan being around you, she will blackmail them and isn't afraid to reveal info to certain people..She definitely got Huiyeong and Jihyeok under her fingers to help her if anything goes wrong.
⊷ Jiwon doesn't know it very well, but she's a rather good manipulator and can use people's words against them, she is absolutely not afraid to manipulate you into depending on her or staying with her.
⊷ Makes sure you're safe at all times, has given tiny trinkets and attached some type of camera to it to see you at all times! She is also kind of a stalker at times to make sure you don't get hurt, she gives your...so she can keep an eye on you.
⊷ She will not let you be with anyone else other than her, she has been feeling as though she had been through enough and she will take whatever she deems she's worthy of and all that she thinks she deserves! And that includes you darling.
⊷ She isn't afraid to extinguish a life-light of one of your dear ones, by a little mistake of falsely accuse them of a crime...she is smart enough and has connections through Jihyeok and Huiyeong.
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finnzhal · 11 months
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@meow2765 asked
can you do a platonic yandere alastor from hazbin hotel x a gn!reader? (feel free to ignore this if you don’t want to do it!)
FINN's Voicemail
Ooh ! We sure love our demon with a Karen haircut <33 I feel like I've gone too deep into the yandere instead of making it fluffy.. but yandere isn't supposed to be fluffy, isn't it?
Reader : GN!READER
Mentions : I don't support this behavior in real life, I only enjoyed writing.
Links : MASTERLINKS for requesting & rules !
I see YAN!Alastor as someone who loves to see the scared look in his darling, he finds it entertaining. The way his darling wanted his help? So much better. He's shackling and a possessive type. He's a yandere who likes to control everything, "keeping you safe" from everyone by that means isolating his darling and observing their every move.
He met you at the happy Hazbin hotel and immediately thought you looked vulnerable and needed someone's help to take care of you in this cruel hell. His help.
The terrified and intimidated look you give him during his first time arrival.. he wanted to see that face more, he wanted to see how much you needed help, needed him. Which means he made you as his companion.. or a friend you call. Making this as an excuse to be more close to you.
He always keep an eye on you, monitoring you, disciplining you even. He doesn't want you getting hurt..If you're someone who gets into troubles or break alot of rules, He'll discipline you. "This place isn't safe, darling. That's why i'm here to observe you." he said, he's truly worried.
He makes a good impression of himself infront for you, it's weird that he treats you as if you're a fragile glass that can break at any moment. He treats you more differently than the others.
Don't get fooled by him, he'll criticize you or even insult you everytime you point out his weird behaviour or complain about him being overprotective and suffocating you. If you could just zip your mouth shut, he would praise you by the littlest things.
As hell is already cruel enough, he'll brainwash you and make you depend on him. He likes the way you need him to be by your side. Even when you think he's not there, his eyes are always on you.
Whenever you wanted to go out without him.. he'll purposely make your trip worse by stalking or asking someone to do something to make you call him and ask for help.. or even comforting you after the day
He invades your privacy, as he calls it checking if your safe. He doesn't like it when you keep secrets from him.. what if it cause you harm? how would someone help you? How would he help you if you keep being secretive?
Of course he would also be jealous if someone takes care of his dearest friend and you love it more than the way he cares about you. It makes him furious about seeing you smile and he's not the reason why you smiled. It makes him glitch out.
He would and will remove people for you. Someone bad or even good, Making you feel worthless as the people around you have gone. Making you more dependent on him.
Deep down he's afraid of losing you, he doesn't want that to happen again. He likes the feeling of being in control, being the one keeping you safe. If someone takes you away from him, he'll go insane.
If you break one of his rules, he had no choice but to isolate you from the others. You supposed to be listening to him. That's your punishment, he doesn't want you starving or get hurt because of him. He's not a good friend if he does that to you..
He just loves you, for sure you love him too because of him being so caring about you. You're vulnerable, weak, and pathetic.. who else would protect you other than him?
"You need me, Dear. You need my protection. You don't deserve to be in this cruel place.." He spoke softly while caressing your hair, You all chained up to your bed
©finnzhal. Do not steal other people's works.
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mothwingwritings · 8 months
I kind of would like to see a yandere Katsumi with a breeding kink. I’m usually the one to write him with one, but I’d like to see the way one of my favorite writers would write him ❤️
Anything for you, my darling! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ I missed writing for our dear boy. <3 Also, you know his ass would be *so* sly about it. This man isn’t gonna stop until your body is a veritable child making factory, irrevocably binding you to him whether you want to be or not. :)
WARNINGS:  Breeding kink, lots of mentions of babies (making/rearing) and pregnancy, dubcon, Katsumi blatantly lying to you and manipulating you to get what he wants for ‘your own good’ (of course :D).
NSFW so 18+ only please and thank you!!!
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It had been several days since you saw Katsumi, a weekend trip to see your family taking you away from him for the past three nights. Judging by his reaction when you walked through the door however, you would have thought months or possibly years had gone by since you last embraced, as he was on you before you even had the chance to give him a proper greeting.
“Missed you so much baby,” he murmured in between heated kisses, his hungry mouth moving from your lips to trail sloppy kisses across your cheek and down your neck, “I’m so glad you’re home.”
You giggled at his enthusiasm, pushing on him a little in an attempt to get him to ease up. “I missed you too Katsu, but can I at least make it two steps inside before I am assaulted with affection, please?”
“Impossible.” He responded simply, hoisting you up from the floor.  After he had successfully scooped you into his arms, he gave a small twirl, causing you to laugh harder. He made an exaggerated hustle to the living room, hauling you in tow. Gently he plopped you down on the plush sofa, making sure you were comfortable before positioning himself above you.
“There, happy?” he smiled, giving you a small kiss on the nose, “Now that you are safely and securely inside, do I have permission to continue?”
You sighed dramatically, giving a playful roll of your eyes. “Geez, you sure are needy today! But I suppose I can oblige your request just this once. Besides…” Your hand traveled up to cup his cheek, your thumb gently stroking his smooth skin as he leaned into you, savoring your touch. “It may have only been a few days, but you weren’t the only one feeling lonely.”
He took your words as an invitation to draw nearer, his warm smile radiating down on you as he pressed his lips to yours once more. Sweet, delicate kisses were quick to grow deeper, the intensity steadily increasing as you both sought to lose yourselves in each other.
…And you figured that would be the end of it. A hot and heavy make out session to welcome you back followed by cuddles, questions about the trip, updates on what happened while you were gone, and then maybe a very well deserved nap.
But Katsumi kept going, his hand slowly creeping under your shirt and across your stomach, stopping to paw at your chest. You gasped slightly at the sensation, causing him to release a pleased hum.
“Sensitive today, are we?” He teased you, his groping growing more feverish as he fed off your reaction. You whined as he pushed your shirt up past your chest, your bra following directly after, giving him free access to your bare chest. A chuckle rumbled from within him as his fingers pressed into your supple skin, your body twitching as his palms ghosted your nipples, thoroughly enjoying watching the reactions his subtle toying yielded. “You say I’m the needy one, but look how you are pressing against me, seeking me out. Even if you didn’t use your words to tell me how much you missed me, your body would have given you away.”
“Katsu” you hissed, squirming under each stroke of his hand, “please, can’t we at least wait till after I’ve settled in some?”
“This is settling you in,” he smiled, working until the top half of your clothing had been completely discarded on the floor. “How much more settled can you be than here in my arms, nestled up against me while we enjoy each other’s company?” He stopped for a second, briefly mulling over his words before adding “Well, I guess you’d be the most settled with me buried deep inside of you, but I’m working on that.”
Your face flushed at his brazen words, bunched fists pushing up against his chest in a small act of resistance. It wasn’t that you weren’t interested-your previous admission of loneliness wasn’t a lie. Your trip had only been a few days, but Katsumi had been busy for several nights preceding that, leaving you feeling deeply unfulfilled for well over a week. Toys and your own hands could only take you so far.
You could feel your resolve waning with each passing moment. Every kiss of his lips, every caress of his hand, every coaxing word spoken by his husky voice, was like torture to your love deprived body. In the midst of it all he shed his own shirt, making you damn near lose your mind with desire. What right did he have to look so good, like he was some kind of Adonis pulled from the pages of a romance novel? You shuddered as his eyes roamed the curves of your compromised form, shining with eagerness to drown you in pleasure.
He dipped his head back down to your chest, his gaze turning mischievous as his eyes bore into yours. His tongue lightly laved over your soft skin and you clenched your jaw to stifle a whimper, desperately attempting to calm yourself down. But despite your best efforts one slipped out when he gently bit down, his tongue swirling your nipple friskily. His free hand sought out your other breast, massaging it gingerly as he lapped and sucked to his heart’s content.
Losing yourself in his ministrations, it wasn’t until he began to tug at your pants that you started to come to, your haze of lust dissipating the further down your legs the clothing traveled. Once past the knees, your hands shot to his shoulders, garnering his attention.
“Katsumi, stop,” you tried to speak firmly, even though your voice still warbled with desire, “I’m not ready for this right now.”
“Shhh,” he whispered, planting a kiss on your stomach, continuing to undress you, “let me make you feel good, baby. You are worn out from the trip, right? I’m just trying to help you unwind~”
You gripped his shoulders tighter, “Katsu, please, I- I just think we should wait…” your voice trailed off, a red hue spreading across your cheeks as you spoke your next words, “Right now is… it’s kind of bad timing, you know? We’re in a bit of a danger zone if we do anything rash.”
You finished the sentence with a nervous laugh, hopeful that he would pick up on your true discomfort and drop the subject entirely. Unfortunately, your words didn’t seem to affect him in the slightest as he finished discarding your pants, now focusing on the panties that were destined to join them.
“You’re on the pill, right? It shouldn’t be a problem…” He shimmied himself down your exposed body, trailing kisses as he went, “besides, you don’t seem to be putting up much of a fight to stop me right now, so you can’t be that against what I’m doing to you.”
You looked down at him, pouting in reaction to his cheeky smile. “I shouldn’t have to fight you. You should just respect your beloved girlfriend’s wishes and stop on your own.”
Katsumi laughed, “You may have a point, but when you dangle a bone before a starving dog, he’s gonna make a move,” he gave you another once over, the heat of his stare causing your heart rate to quicken. “Looking the way that you do, you can hardly blame me.”
A jolt coursed through your body as you felt Katsumi’s fingers lightly graze your folds, a bright blush illuminating your cheeks as Katsumi gave another throaty chuckle. He planted a lingering kiss on your leg, “So fucking cute,” he spoke against your skin, his demeanor morphing from mischievous to downright lustful, “I know you want this too. I’ll use protection, OK?”
Before you had the opportunity to respond his fingers were pressing more firmly against you, teasing your entrance. A wave of heat rushed through your body, your hips bucking up involuntarily to receive more of his touch. Driven by your body’s reaction, Katsumi repositioned himself between your legs, quickly shedding his pants in the process.
Your whole body ached with desire as you watched him move above you, staring at you with longing eyes. You had witnessed him like this countless times before, but each time it happened you couldn’t help but gawk at him. Katsumi was flawless, strong, and handsome beyond compare. Sometimes you couldn’t help but wonder how someone like him even ended up as yours to begin with (though he always hated that insecurity of yours, stating if anyone were to feel that way in this relationship, it should be him).
Katsu was your biggest fan, the apple of your eye, the love of your life. You were both just as crazy about each other now as you were when you first met so long ago, wrapped up in some kind of never-ending whirl-wind romance you thought only existed in movies or fairy tales. You loved him so goddamn much, every moment with him was a moment to be treasured.
So when he lowered his mouth to your entrance, dragging his tongue languidly against your bare cunt, your body was quick to give in. You shuddered as his tongue worked its way inside of you, warm and inviting as it tenderly explored you. Your breathing grew erratic as his thumb moved to massage your clit, his hand and mouth working in synchrony to lead you to euphoria.
You knew where this was all headed, and even with Katsumi’s previous assurances you still felt unsure. You had been experiencing abnormal hormonal fluctuations, often times having a full on period when you knew the medicine you were on was supposed to be staunching it. You had been meaning to go to the doctor to get it addressed but something always seemed to be popping up, barring you from finding out the root cause of the issue.
You had tried to stress your concerns to Katsumi multiple times, but he always brushed them off by saying that you were both being safe and nothing would happen. You wanted to believe him, truly you did, but you knew how weak your resolve was in moments like this and his was even worse. How could either of you say you were doing all you could to prevent bringing another life into this world, a life neither of you was ready to raise or care for?
But even with all your misgivings, how could you ever tell him no? How could you ever not give in to your overwhelming need for him? The longer he touched you the more you felt as if you were losing yourself, ensnared by the bliss he was supplying you. You whined as his hand gripped your leg tighter, pulling you closer to him. You assisted by latching your hands to his hair, grinding yourself against his face as you chased your pleasure. He moaned against you in response, causing you to shiver.
In your haze of lust, you glanced down at him, watching as his feverish mouth worked its magic. Your blush deepened when his focus shifted back your way, his lidded eyes staring up at you had a bestial look to them as he fixated on you, thoroughly engrossed in eating you out. He was fueled by each twitch of your face, the furrowing of your brow, the look of growing ecstasy in your eyes, and you found his palpable desire just as exciting.
All of your tells were driving him to the point of insanity as he lapped at you, the bulge in his boxers growing painful as it strained against the pre-cum soaked fabric, desperate to be inside of you. “I need you now,” his voice was deep as he detached himself from you, wiping your slick from his chin with the back of his hand, “I can’t wait any longer.”
“Katsu,” your voice was strained, missing his contact as soon as it was gone, “Katsu, I-“
“It’s OK baby,” Katsumi purred, cutting you off, “I told you I’ll take care of you, and I’m a man of my word.”
His baritone voice caused an eruption of butterflies in your stomach, your entire body aching for him as he shed what remained of his clothing. He spat on his hand, giving himself a few cursory pumps before he slotted himself against you, dragging his hard cock tauntingly across your opening.
“Are you ready for me?”
Though your mind was muddled with desire, the fact that Katsumi was not sticking to his promise had not escaped your notice. A pang of fear spiked in your heart as you felt him start to enter you, the repercussions of this liaison sending anxiety coursing through your veins.
“W-wait, you said-“
Katsumi pressed his lips to yours, making you instantly swallow your protest. He pushed his way inside, causing you to whine against his kiss. He parted from you slightly, his breathing unsteady as he enjoyed the feeling of you enveloping him.
“I’m sorry baby, couldn’t wait,” he panted, moving his hips until he was completely sheathed inside of you, “you feel so fucking good.”
“Katsu,” you whispered, overwhelmed by the stretch of him inside of you, “please, I-“
Another kiss, “It’ll be OK, trust me.”
His voice was hurried, his words a means to pacify. They did little to assuage your concerns, but as you felt the slow drag of his length against your walls, your ability to dispute him was stolen from you. His thumb pressed against your clit, massaging the tender bud, coaxing your body back into a sense of mounting ecstasy that effectively killed any lingering protests.
You gasped as he thrust into you again, more forcefully than his initial entrance. He continued just as roughly, each deliberate stroke hitting you so deeply it made your head spin. Delicate whimpers turned into wanton moans as he pushed on, quickening his pace to an almost brutal degree. He leaned down, pressing his body against yours as he covered your neck with hot, open mouth kisses. His hands gripped the back of your legs, pressing them back so that he had access to plunge even deeper.
“So fucking perfect,” he panted into your neck, voice wavering with desire, “everything about you is perfect (name). I love you so fucking much.”
A particularly harsh push of his hips made you scream, a growl of pleasure rumbling from Katsumi’s throat. “And you’re all mine. I’m the only one that gets to see you like this, the only one who can make you feel this good.  And you’re the one who completes me, the only person that drives me to the point of insanity with how much I love you.”
At some point tears began to fall down your cheeks, the intensity of his love overpowering you as he imprinted himself into your very core. His affection was as intoxicating as it was formidable, and you found yourself being able to do little more than cling to him, crying over the potent mix of pleasure and pain he continuously hammered into you.
His hands snaked up your arms, entwining his fingers with yours in a vice like grip. Sweat coated his brow as his eyes caught yours in a heady stare. You could tell his release was imminent, the ability to speak chased away by his growing passion, a string of unintelligible praises and moans tumbling from his lips as his hips smacked lewdly against you.
A final wave of pleasure crashed upon you, taking you in its brilliance. Crying out in bliss, you tightened around him as you came, your entire body vibrating in complete satisfaction at Katsumi’s efforts. The reaction caused his hips to stutter, his voice roaring your name as he came, spilling himself deep inside of you.
For a moment you were lost in your buzz. Breathing heavily in his arms, a thin layer of sweat coated your battered body as you slowly regained your bearings. Katsumi stayed where he was, plugging you up as he planted lingering kisses along your face and collarbone, his praise never ceasing as he held you close.
“K-Katsumi,” your voice was weak as you came down off your high, a nagging feeling of disquiet once more taking root in your brain. You squirmed in his hold, trying to detach yourself from him and the softening cock he kept stuffed inside of you. “Katsumi, get off of me…”
“Hey now, if you keep moving around like that you’re gonna get me excited again,” he chuckled, your body jolting when he gave your breast a playful nip, “You already ready for round two? Naughty girl~”
“S-stop,” you pouted, upset that he was trying to joke around when you were in a clear state of distress, “What the hell even was that? I told you now wasn’t good timing…”
He laughed again, “As I said, you didn’t seem to really be complaining.”
You smacked him lightly on the shoulder, brows furrowing. “I’m not joking around Katsumi! It felt nice, but what happens if…” Your voice trailed off. Despite all you had just done, you couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed as you confronted what could be a very real repercussion of your actions. “What if we get pregnant?”
“…Would it really be so bad?”
Your eyes shot back to him, taken aback by the nonchalance in his words. There was a serene smile on his face as he spoke them, as if bringing a child into your life was no big deal at all.
“We’re gonna have them someday anyway, aren’t we?” He continued to smile at you, nudging his nose against yours affectionately, “Does it really matter if we have them now or later? Another member of the Orochi family wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.” He planted a small kiss on your lips, looking down at you with a sparkle in his eye. “Besides, you’d look absolutely gorgeous full of my children, don’t you think? Can’t say I’m not looking forward to you wobbling around all plump and pretty, there will just be that much more of you to love on.”
A deep red blossomed across your face, trailing down your chest. “Y-you know I’m not ready for all that Katsu, I wouldn’t know the first thing to do with a kid right now.” You shook your head, giving him an earnest look, “We can’t do this, at least not yet. I, we are not ready for a commitment that big. We agreed on this already, right?”
He hummed thoughtfully as he took you in, an indiscernible look reflected in his eyes as they bore into yours. For a brief moment you felt uncomfortable with his demeanor, his silence making you feel almost as if something you said had bothered him and now he was upset with you. But just as you were about to confront him on it, his smile returned. In a swift movement he pulled out of you, pivoting his body around until he had scooped you up in his arms.
Pressed firmly against his chest, he planted a kiss on the crown of your head. “I’m sorry (Name), you’re right. I just can’t help but get carried away when I’m with you. I’ll try better to restrain myself in the future.”
You sighed, snuggling into his chest as you tried to dispel the feelings of concern that still wracked your mind. “It’s OK,” you spoke softly, the evidence of his transgression leaking uncomfortably from between your legs. “We’ll just have to be extra careful in the future, alright?”
As you rested against him, Katsumi was happy you couldn’t see the guilt that briefly permeated his features. He had total faith in his plan, knew that ultimately it was the right thing to do for not just him, but yourself as well. Yet still, hearing your blatant concern as you snuggled against him, held close by the man you trusted the most while you remained none the wiser to his plan… He couldn’t help but feel like the bad guy.
He grimaced as he tightened his hold on you, frustrated that you were making this so hard for him. You belonged with him. No one could make you happier than he could, no one could protect you or provide for you better than he could. Really, all of the fears you conjured pertaining to your inevitable future with him were your own fault, self-inflicted punishment you suffered for being so stubborn.
Every ideal and goal that you were so keen on pursuing were ultimately pointless in the grand scheme of things-Silly little distractions that you for some reason deemed as more important than creating a family with him. He tried not to let it gnaw away at him, but sometimes it was too hard to ignore.
The thought that you could just slip away someday, leaving him behind as you gave your love and your future to someone else, haunted him. He knew you loved him, it was undeniable. He was sure a break-up was the furthest thing from your mind, the loyalty you felt for him as unwavering as his was for you. And yet worries still plagued him. You were his happiness, his love, his light. Everything he did, he did for you. If one day your love for him dimmed, where would that leave him? What would be the purpose of life if you weren’t there by his side, experiencing it with him as you grew old together?
He couldn’t accept that, he wouldn’t. You were his, always and forever. But he needed an assurance that you would stay by his side for keeps, something bigger than spoken promises and more concrete than a ring on your finger. He needed something to bind you to him irrevocably, a sign of your lifelong love that was truly permanent.
And what was a better culmination of devotion and attachment than a baby? He always wanted to be a father, and from the moment he met you, he wanted to make you the mother of his children. It only made sense that one day, hopefully very soon, that goal would be realized.
In his home, fat with his babies, basking in his touch and his ceaseless love, THAT was the life you deserved and the only thing you should be focused on. If you weren’t going to recognize it on your own, of course he had no choice but to begin taking drastic measures. Swapping out your pills, sabotaging your doctor’s appointments, lying to you… he wasn’t proud of himself for having to do it, but his hands were tied. Any struggling or feelings of discontentment were ultimately entirely your own fault.
“…Katsumi? Did you hear me?”
“Oh, sorry baby,” he startled at the acknowledgment, dragged back to earth by your questioning voice. “But I hear you loud and clear. I meant it when I said you have nothing to worry about. I’ll always keep your best interests at heart, I promise.”
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