#you know even now you can see some destroyed buildings in the very center of belgrade
tomurawr44 · 3 months
i’d like to see ur hcs for tomura x civilian reader! ^^
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A/N: this is like two parts and stuff, teen to adult tomura :3
WARNINGS: spoilers, ooc tomura maybe, teen tomura, suggestive content, kind of goes Kurogiri centered for awhile.
how'd you two meet? (15-18yr old Tomu)
you two probably met in some sort of store, gamestop, arcade, cafe, computer/gaming cafe, or something along the lines of that.
it'd either start out as small little interactions getting deeper and deeper, or it'd start with you interacting first, I don't think Tomura would willingly interact with someone who isn't a criminal/someone Kurogiri or giran introduced him to.
you would fall first, but he'd fall harder, don't worry, he just scraped his knee, he can still get back up he promises.
he'd probably spiral with his feelings for awhile, he becomes meaner and colder to you because he's not sure how to process and deal with things, and it makes him 'hurt', so in turn he wants to destroy you. but the thought that he'd never see you again pisses him off even more.
he will come back to normal soon enough, just give him some time.
he's confused and a little nervous, but eventually he asks you something he hasn't really thought of asking someone before.
"Do you want to go to the arcade with me? but don't cry when i beat you in everything." is what he would mumble softly to you.
he's picking at his neck with one hand, his hood up and he was looking down because he was so nervous, he hasn't felt this, not in a situation like this and it makes him grit his teeth and want to just turn you to dust right then and there.
he was scared you'd think of him as a gross creep, but he was absolutely adorable, he had his charms. the messy baby blue hair? the lanky build? it made you bite your lip sometimes thinking about him.
his whole body was blushing, down to his collarbones his pale yellow skin was tinted with a very faint pink.
if you say yes, he wants to tear you apart but he gets the same rush and high when he clutches a game from hearing your response. you didn't reject him.
and that's it, no confession or anything, you said yes and now your his partner for eternity. sorry, he makes the rules.
How did Kurogiri/Master find out and react to it?
The first red flag for Kurogiri was when Tomura started going out alot more, even going as far as to sneak out. he'd atleast let Kurogiri know he was leaving and sometimes say where he was headed.
that raised his suspicions and he reported to AFO the moment that it started occurring so frequently. but the old bastard just shrugged it off and assumed Tomura was making connections to other local gangs within the area to try and recruit allies.
Kurogiri thought he's been blowing all his allowance on the arcade again, but why? Tomura would usually tell Kurogiri what he wanted, he has all the games he needs.
the poor butler was stuck thinking for awhile.
the second red flag was when Tomura started cleaning his garbage dump of a room, started taking showers more frequently and Kurogiri even caught him preening in the mirror once.
one time, Kurogiri snuck into Tomura's room and looked for clues, feeling his PC, it was cold. it shouldn't be cold. it should be warm to signal that Tomura has been using it alot.
then he found the gifts you've been giving Tomura, matching keychains, colorful clothing, all sorts of things that you've bought for the crusty munch.
he was starting to connect the dots, a significant other perhaps? he heard the door to the bar open and the familiar steps of Tomura coming up the stairs so he warps into his own room to act like he's been resting.
when Tomura asks for more money and leaves, Kurogiri voices his concern and findings to his master. once AFO catches wind of this, he's a bit upset. so he tells Kurogiri to find more evidence and such, but keep it neutral, as if he wasn't suspecting anything.
Tomura thinks he's sooo slick and good at hiding things.
once Tomura gets comfortable enough with you, he'll actually clean his room, and it scared Kurogiri, Tomura? Vaccuming? changing his sheets? organizing his room? unheard of.
once you come over and introduce yourself, game over. the moment you and Tomura are in his room he immediately contacts AFO and lets him know who you are and what you and Tomura seem to be.
once you go home, AFO immediately tries to get Tomura to break it off with you, he want's to object but he really does, so he picks and points AFO's questions and replies with his own. if his master was supposed to teach him everything, wouldn't it be good he had an ally?
let's say your someone with connections here and there, he'd bring that up to AFO (it's just your friend group..) and try to reason with his master.
AFO does not let it go, instead plants insecurities and doubt into Tomura's head about his partner.
too bad you're just too good at reassurance.
If you want to see dating hcs with Tomura/Civillian reader, please check out this post or ask again for a separate one 🖤
Villain era tomura! (20yrs old)
when he finally gets into his villain era, seeing your boyfriend covered in so many hands attacking children on live television made you feel scared.
scared of him and for him, how come you haven't seen this coming?
okay maybe you did, but you thought he was just a shoplifter or some petty crime like that!
you'd obviously contact him about it and he feels nervous, now that you've seen him for who he truly is.
stick around please, become an ally. an outsider to help with him.
he will introduce you to the league, but again, seeing your boyfriend on live television in the fight of the century spiked something deep within your heart.
you needed to help him, you'd call him as soon as possible.
Wrong move for your finances, now you have a bunch of sad stinky wet cats soaked with trauma in your house. all depending on you and Kurogiri to manage them.
no more sex :(
he will ask you to join him, be a villain too, but it's really up to you and the path you choose.
Sorry if i ended it so abruptly! if you want to see a progression of this or something along the lines of that, please send in an ask! my askbox is always 100% open🖤
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—Ake 2024
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Knives and the House of Black
You know who loves knives? Members of the Black family, that's who. In my newer writings, I've been exploring knives and what they can do for the Black family. This is based in canon - Bellatrix has her handy dagger, which kills Dobby and wounds Hermione (and who knows who else), and Sirius gifts Harry a knife that can open doors (until the blade is destroyed). Personally I love the idea of the Black family having a love affair with knives.
In my micro fic for the @ladiesofhpfest's mini yesterday in honor of Bellatrix Black Lestrange, I introduced a tradition of Black family witches and wizards getting knives on their 13th birthdays. This tradition came out of the world building I'm doing in my Tedromeda/Remadora AU, Supernova. I've pre-written a good bit of the work, which includes some knife head canons. I'm happy to share them here, and if you're reading Supernova, you'll see how they all fit into the story as it goes on.
HCs for Black family knives:
Knives are goblin-wrought and imbued with a ton of familial magic. Droplets of Black family blood are folded into the silver to create a particular blood magic that prevents Black family members from harming each other with their knives. The blade dulls if it touches another family member.
How related do you have to be? The magic holds with concentration, so once you get past grandparents, it's lethal. E.g. Scorpius Malfoy and Teddy Lupin couldn't hurt each other because their grandmothers were Blacks, but their children could hack each other apart if they wanted to. This also means that Black family members' spouses are fair game - e.g. Bellatrix can play with Rodolphus as much as she likes (and she really likes).
The knives have magic of their own: when they're 13, the knives have the basic Black family magic, but when they turn 17, the knives have gotten to know their owner enough that a new, unique type of magic is revealed. (See below for each of their magics!)
The knife *always* returns to its owner unless its magic is modified or the owner is deceased. If the knife is stolen or lost, it'll come back the next day.
Black family witches wear their knives around their thighs. The holsters are lightweight and barely noticeable. The holster is made of leather and the blade cleans itself within. Black family wizards keep them on their arms or in their pockets. The witches usually get daggers and the wizards usually get pocketknives. Either way, they're self-cleaning so they don't have to worry about dirty blood on their bodies.
The Black family magic can't be taken away, even if someone is disowned.
The knives are long enough to pierce the heart, or can be extended to do so.
The witches' daggers tend to be very ornate looking, with flowers, stars, or other patterns engraved in the handles. They're innocent looking until you're being stabbed and losing consciousness. Yay!
The wizards' knives are handsome and practical-looking. They look like ordinary pocketknives most of the time until you realize that they're about to shank you.
Now, for specific HCs on what the knives can do for each family member when they turn 17 (this is an incomplete list - it's what I have so far for Supernova, which is mostly centered on the Black family witches):
Walburga: her knife BURNS. If she's stabbing you with her dagger, it's going to scorch your skin and make your blood boil. Ouch.
Orion: his pocketknife is Walburga's opposite. It freezes, so imagine getting stabbed in the heart and then having your heart grow cold at the same time. Goodbye life.
Alphard: his pocketknife is a dual-purpose compass. It can give him directions as needed, but also points to what he most desires (think Jack Sparrow's special compass).
Cygnus: his knife temporarily blinds its victim. Not only can he stab you, but you'll be blinded for a hot minute, which makes it hard to escape.
Bellatrix: her knife ALWAYS leaves a mark. She can carve whatever she wants into whoever she wants. That scar is never going away.
Andromeda: her knife doubles as an escape. She can swish it around and create a quick bubble with which she can Apparate away as needed.
Narcissa: her knife changes shape according to her wish. This is useful with potions, but extra useful if she wants to inflict maximum damage on someone by using a serrated blade.
Sirius: his knife is the pocketknife that opens any door. He's clever enough to change the magic on it so he can gift it to Harry, because he's had enough of his family and Harry has more use for it now.
Regulus: his knife becomes invisible to anyone but him. It's an excellent way of being able to sneakily attack someone. You think he's going in for a hug or a handshake and boom, bye-bye life.
Nymphadora/Dora: this is particular to Supernova, my story, as she's being raised under different circumstances. Her dagger will heal her. When she runs her blade against a wound on her body (and her body alone) it will seal itself.
It's all fun, games, and knives, until one of them is fucking you up with their knife and having a fabulous time doing so.
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aceofwhump · 2 months
Hi Ace! Any advice for this newfound adult? (18)
ALSO ALSO I love your page so much its literally one of the bestEST!!! In my eyes you're like a whump celebrity! 😀🔥
Asdfghjkl omg thank you so much!!! You're too kind! I'm glad you enjoy my blog! And hello! Welcome to the adult world! It sucks! lol sorry. I'm not the best at adulting at all but sure I can share some advice. Some things I've learned since turning 18:
Other adults are just as dumb as you feel. We're all drowning and have no idea what we're doing so it's okay to feel like you have nothing down and don't know what you're doing. Cause we all feel like that. We're all just kids trying to make our way in the world.
Work should not be the center of your world. Work is supposed to be the place you go to make money so you can live your life. Don't let it take over your life. Don't let the frustrations of work destroy your mental health. No job is worth that. If it gets to be too much and it's affecting your health, it's time to find another job.
Maintaining friendships can be harder as you reach adulthood because schedules get crazy and people move and such but it's so worth the work. It won't be as easy as it was in high school because you're not gonna see people every day. You have to work hard to make time to see people and remember to text your friends every now and then even if it's just a "hey I'm thinking about you" or sending them a funny gif or video. Make the effort. Reach out to people you care about. Tell them you care about them.
Now I don't know your home life but as someone who still lives with their parents and has never moved out, THAT'S OKAY TO DO. You are not required to move out as soon as possible just to say your an adult. Life is hard and expensive and sometimes it's nice to have people to come home to.
Don't worry about what others think of you. Wear what you want, enjoy your hobbies whatever they may be, eat what you want, live you life for yourself. Not for others. You'll be happier. Trust me.
Go out there and try things!! You're young! Do things! You never know what you might find until you look.
Learn how to budget but remember that it's okay to spend money on "stupid stuff" that makes you happy. Go ahead and buy that stuffed animal or toy you've wanted since you were a kid.
Lists are very helpful for keeping track of important dates, chores to do, bills to pay. Makes lists. Keep them up on the fridge or a bulletin board above your computer.
Take care of your health. Brush your teeth, try to eat healthy, go outside for a walk, etc.
The best advice I got concerning credit cards was this: use one for big purchases but only use it when you have the money in your bank account to pay for the item. So like, go buy a chair with your credit card and then as soon as you can, pay the credit card bill with the money you should have in the bank. That way you don't end up going into massive credit card debt because you're spending money you don't have.
Be patient.
Be open to new things and meeting new people.
Be kind but take no shit. You never know what the other person is going through and we all handle stress and fear in different ways. It never hurts to just be kind when you can. When you can't be kind? Take no shit. Don't let someone walk over. Stand up for yourself.
Wear sunscreen!!!
Find a hobby. And I mean something you do just for yourself that has nothing to do with making any money. Create something. Learn to crochet or knit or make things with wood or draw or build legos or sew or cosplay or write or make movies or photography. SOMETHING that lets you use your hands and that you do just for yourself because it makes you happy. It's also a great way to meet people. Most of my friends I've met through my hobbies. Hobbies are great for your mental health
Put the phone down sometimes and just be in the moment. Just enjoy life for a bit without thinking about taking photos for social media.
Work hard but don't kill yourself. It's good to work hard and have a good work ethic but remember to take a break and don't push yourself beyond your limits.
GO THRIFTING!!! I can't say that one enough. People tend to look down on places like Good Will, Savers, and thrift stores but I can buy a brand new couch for like 30 dollars at these places. I have bought an entire wardrobe for next to nothing. Go thrifting. You'll find some really great things for cheap.
Ask for help when you need it. It's not shameful to ask for help. And that's for everything. Don't understand something at work? Ask a coworker or manager. Not sure how to cook something? Ask a friend or family member if they know how. Struggling with your mental health? Ask for help from a friend or family member. ASK FOR HELP
And finally, there is no deadline or boxes you need to mark off to be considered an "adult". You don't have to get married, buy a house, have kids, etc. to be successful at adulting. Live your life how you want to live your life.
Good luck nonny!!!!
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crime-wives · 9 months
ok so i've been rewatching the good place recently and there was once scene in season 2 episode 6 that stood out to me.
the scene between michael and janet in his office where michael refuses to kill her. "why are you making such a big deal about turning me into a marble forever?" "because of reasons. there are reasons. they exist, and I just don't want to explain them right now." "what are the reasons?" "they're reasons, janet!" "okay, but what are they?"
"the reason is friends!"
after he says this, we see michael blink in shock over the fact that he actually, truly cares for someone. it surprises him that he even has the ability to care. it humanizes michael to the audience by showing that even after years of nihilism, he still cares somewhere deep down. this is the first time we've seen michael express his feelings honestly. and it feels raw and real in a way that is emphasized so well in the show. before this moment, michael was trying to form excuses over his reluctance to kill janet, i.e. 'vicky will find out' 'we need you to escape to the real good place' etc etc. after the shock has set in, michael stands by his statement.
"but for me, our… our relationship has become important. you're my oldest, my truest, my most loyal friend. i can't just get rid of you and replace you with some other janet I don't even know."
in this moment we see michael recognize the value of external connection and companionship. the realization that things, that people matter to him.
i talk a lot about michael, but this moment also humanizes janet. i mean this in a way that's different from michael. throughout the show so far, we've seen janet as a comic relief, or as someone who really isn't very fleshed out as a character. she's mostly used as a device on the show for the main characters to gain items or knowledge for their own benefit. it's established very early on that she's not human and therefore does not have feelings. however, as we progress through the show, after all of the reboots, we see janet begin to develop feelings. she becomes more human because of that. additionally, this scene impacts janet as well. this is because it's different for janet to matter to someone not just because she's useful to them. michael values her because she's his friend, because he cares about her. not what she can provide him. maybe it started like that, but now, she has value outside of being useful. it shows janet that she is not replaceable, no matter what she may think. however, even with her developing psyche, she's still pragmatic to a fault. insisting that killing her is the choice that causes the most good.
in fact, now that i think about it, this is an interpretation of the trolley problem presented for michael. 'kill his closest friend to save the neighborhood, or not kill her and let the neighborhood be destroyed, and his experiment deemed a failure, risking retirement'
in the previous episode titled "the trolley problem" we see michael's fickle grasp of ethics as he plots on how to cause the most carnage. however now, when faced with the exact scenario in a way that applies to him, he is unable to do anything. he chooses to save janet's life, risking the entire experiment, his future, and the existence of everyone else. and is that selfish, sure. but it shows that michael has grown. that he prioritizes the people he cares about over all else. it shows that michael is loyal, a trait we have not seen him display so far in the show.
anyway, what was i on about again? oh right, the importance of michael and janet's relationship in the development of both of their characters. about how friendship, having people to lean on, being vulnerable, caring, having external support can help you build yourself into a better person. i think that good place is a show centered on the belief that everyone can change, that it is never too late to improve oneself. the good place shows that being "good" is a choice. that you have to choose it over and over and over again. and that even in this bleak world, it matters. all you can do is be kind and caring and good towards others, and i think this is the moment where michael chose it for the first time.
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crystallizedday · 1 month
Aight, so
As some of you may know
I have quite a bit of knowledge of Fusionfall & its story, especially its endgame plot points.
You may ALSO know that most of my Fusionfall research is centered around Demongo, an endgame character I absolutely adore.
Well, there’s this minor plot point I’ve conjured a while ago that I thought would’ve been a great addition to the story, help give some important endgame characters some well deserved spotlight, & actually give one of the endgame missions some proper build up.
Unlike the rest of Fusionfall, the Darklands does not feature many familiar faces with the exception of four: Samurai Jack & Tetrax in Forsaken Valley, Demongo in Huntor’s Crest, & Cheese in Hero’s Hollow.
Obviously, ONE of those characters stand out against the rest since well
Cheese is not a serious character.
In fact, he’s only there to explain how the heroes lost the battle at Hero’s Hollow.
Is odd to me
Cause the ENTIRE story of Fusionfall builds up the importance of imaginary friends, & how their energies actively work to counteract Lord Fuse’s forces.
After all, the fusion spawns can fuse with any object or copy the DNA of someone to make themselves stronger
So what’s a better way to combat them than through something born from nothing, something that can’t be easily absorbed or mimicked, ie imagination?
It’s a cheesy resolution, but it’s one I very much appreciate, especially since this universe hinges on the imagination of the people who make all these cartoons in the first place.
What I DON’T understand is why there was an imaginary character RIGHT THERE in one of the LAST locations of the game that was not utilized in the final battles against Fuse’s army.
Yes, I know. It’s Cheese. He already cost the battle of Hero’s Hollow.
But it just feels like wasted potential to just
Keep the character there for joke missions & not much else.
But I have a solution to that
& it’s all thanks to our favorite fire demon.
Ya see, there’s this set of missions where you are tasked with destroying these fusion control centers, which are essentially hot spots where Fuse can efficiently communicate with his army.
Samurai Jack guides you through the first three, but for the fourth one, Demongo guides you, planning on making this one a surprise attack that could end the war for good.
He’s clearly done his research as he states how he knows imaginary energy can be used against Fuse’s army, & has called someone harnessing that energy to join in on the fight.
That person being…
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I get it.
Demongo probably thinks Eduardo was the most intimidating of the selection, & that’s why he was chosen
& that all the control center assaults feature characters from all over the map
But like
How would Demongo even convince Eduardo to come to the Darklands, let alone convince Frankie (who is with Eduardo at Foster’s) to let the big guy go to THE most dangerous area in the entire world??
It just doesn’t make sense the more you think about it…
So I have a proposal
What if it was Cheese instead?
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Cheese is already like
A 5 minute walk from where Demongo is
& NO ONE at Foster’s would probably object to Cheese joining the fight outside of the concern of the lil guy messing everything up.
& Cheese…
I mean, you play your cards right & Cheese might not even give a damn & go along with this assault.
& that’s when I got an idea…
Fusionfall fleshes out Demongo’s character by putting him in a situation where he’s essentially powerless, having to rely on whatever doohickey he can get his hands on to keep his ego intact.
He uses dry ice
To feel spooky,
& has the player fetch him a hibachi so he can look like he still has his pyrokinesis.
It’s adorable in a really REALLY sad way…
Since he’s essentially powerless with NO ONE on his side (since no one really trusts him)
It wouldn’t be so far fetched to say he’s kinda in a vulnerable spot right now
& that vulnerability eventually leads to him stumbling upon Cheese
Who at FIRST annoys the hell out of him
Ya know
It’s Cheese.
However, despite how vulnerable CHEESE may be in such a war zone, since he IS an imaginary friend, I can see him actually being able to (unintentionally) fend for himself in Hero’s Hollow.
Perhaps it can even be in the same fashion as his synergy attack with Billy in Punch Time Explosion (the CN fighting game).
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Which is just
But it WORKS
& it HAS taken down monsters out in the field.
So let’s say
Demongo sees this
& is intrigued by it
That such a pathetic, disgusting, & universally HATED creature can fend for himself despite not exactly being warrior-material.
& in a way, deep down, it’s actually sort of touching for Demongo, who is also not exactly well liked (for different reasons) & cannot battle like he used to.
In a way, he finds Cheese to be somewhat inspirational, in an appalling way
Maybe even forming a sort of goofy, one sided friendship with the lil guy.
Cause like
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if the ONE person that actually gave a damn about Cheese was THE most reclusive & seemingly dangerous character in the entire cast?
The fanmade Retro revival tried doing the same thing with Demongo & Chowder, but that just did not work as an idea cause the whole plot line just straight up mischaracterized Demongo’s character purely for the funni.
Not here though.
Cause his “friendship” with Cheese isn’t just to be funny.
It also helps him somewhat cope with the loss of his powers, & how no one else is really on his side.
Maybe Demongo eventually learns to speak to Cheese in a way that the little guy can ACTUALLY understand him, perhaps after studying the lil fella extensively.
I can imagine him meeting Cheese for the first time happens sometime when the player is at level 33, where missions for Hero’s Hollow become open to complete.
Maybe you’re tasked by Demongo to investigate the area after he hears reports of a ruckus going on over there, only to learn that Cheese is the one causing it.
But afterwards, Demongo butts in, explaining how he’s been surveying the situation & has seen Cheese fending for himself just fine, absolutely marveled by the strength of such a tiny ugly creature.
You return to Demongo, who tells you that he’ll be keeping an eye on Cheese, explaining how the lil guy may be much stronger than he looks & could be useful to the war effort in the future.
This eventually leads to the fourth control center assault where, instead of Eduardo, Cheese is sent into the fight…
Which all gets ruined by Billy, just like in the original.
I like to think that if this scene was rewritten to be just Jack & Demongo taking on the assault & NOT the player (like a sort of Fusionfall anime kind of deal where these characters do all the missions you’re supposed to do), Demongo would bring Cheese along using a stupid lil baby carrier, using Cheese as a sort of shield for his front…
Without exactly processing how absolutely stupid the two of them look to everyone else OWMWOSMSOMXSOKC
It’s just such a fun idea that I wanted to share with y’all, cause honestly
Both Demongo & Cheese deserve a friend in the messed up world of Fusionfall, & Demongo could DEFINITELY use the ego boost after having his entire life turned upside down with the loss of his powers OSMWOSMSOXKSOCK
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A Blue Bird and a Black Cat pt 11
(Selina decides that Marinette would be better as the Cat than Adrien. Five years, later Dick is very confused about this Lady Noire)
Ao3. Beginning. Previous
Marinette stood on the roof of Pam and Harley's building, breathing deeply. She turned to see the Sirens smiling behind her, surrounded by the Kwami. It was time. She focused onwards and felt her energies, and for the first time in ten years, it was enough. Finally she was balanced. With equal parts creation and distraction, Marinette could finally act. And yet…
"Kitten?" Selena said softly. "We can do this some other time. It is not the end of the world if you're not ready."
"It's not that," Marinette softly, and she reached up to touch the simple black earrings that she had not worn in ten years. "It's just…It's just been so long. And the last time I did this…"
"Marinette,' Tikki said, flying up to eye level. "It's ok to be scared. The last time you were Ladybug, your life was completely unbalanced, and it hurt you. Just being Ladybug hurt you. It's ok to be scared of that."
Marinette smiled as the Kwami of creation nuzzled her cheek. And Harley said, "She's right, Sugah. Finding healing in the hurt is hard. But this is the next step. This is a part of you. So today, tomorrow, five years from now, it doesn't matter."
"We'll be here for you," Ivy declared. 
"No matter what," Selina whispered, her face glowing with pride for her kitten. 
Marinette had to blink tears from her eyes. She hadn't even done anything yet. She was just standing there. But these wonderful women were proud of her. They were proud of her for doing nothing, but being strong. And that…that was exactly what Marinette needed to hear. This was a part of her, as surely and as strongly as Lady Noire and Marinette. She was Ladybug, and nothing was going to take that away from her again! 
"Tikki!" She cried more passionately than she ever had before, "Spots On!"
The world was bathed in a bright pink light and Marinette felt it, pure creation rushing through her veins. And Oh! How she had missed it! It was like being wrapped in a weighted blanket, warm, heavy, and grounding. It centered her with the earth, and she could feel the life around her in the air and in the ground. Her shoulders squared under the weight of responsibility, but it was not crushing…it was freeing. 
It gave her confidence and strength, and it was empowering to know that she was responsible. She was the leader, the warrior, who would challenge the dark and lead the charge against the enemy. That was what being Ladybug gave her, a solid rock to stand on in the middle of the ocean. In a world of Chaos she was strong, because she was Order. 
Marinette remembered the first time she had transformed. It had felt just like this. She had been so young, full of anxiety and self doubt, and her entire being was in chaos. But then she had transformed, and the energy of creation had transmuted her very soul into something powerful, and steadfast.
 When had that weight become crushing? When did that responsibility become overwhelming? She couldn't remember. But she did remember the pain and the sorrow when she realized that the very thing giving her strength was destroying her. The knowledge had broken her as she clawed desperately for anything to help her stand up again, to help her live again. 
That was when she met Selina. Selina had given her Plagg, and for the next five years, they had worked to free her soul. It was hard, and it was grueling work. But with Plagg she felt like flying. When she was filled with chaos, she was as light as a feather floating, above the clouds, far from anything that could do her harm. 
But…her first love had been Tikki. Her first power had been creation. Her first strength was Order. And so as the weight of Order and the warmth of creation surrounded and filled her, Marinette smiled and cried tears of joy. Because it felt better than the first time when she was scared and full of doubt. It felt better than the second time when she was eager and full of determination. It felt better than ever before because it felt…
Like Home. 
Nightwing panicked, so he ran. Which was absolutely the right thing to do because the…Thing was enormous and shooting lasers out of its fingers! One of which just happened to be cutting across the rooftop, he was standing on vaporizing everything in its path! 
Nightwing felt the heat of the laser pass over him as he leapt from the ten story building. Instinct born of long, hard training was the only thing that kept him from becoming a splat of goo on the abandoned, car clogged street below. Instead he pulled out his gliders and drifted gracefully onto the top of a van, which he promptly flipped off of in typical Flying Grayson style (not that his present company noticed). They were all too focused on the Giant. Glowing. Thing trying to burn Jump City to the ground! 
"You know Star," Nightwing said into his comm, "When you invited me to lead the Titans in a training session, you said it would be a nice, quiet weekend to get away from the Gotham crazy." The top of a nearby building exploded. "This is not Quiet!" 
"I know! I'm sorry!" Starfire said through the comms, and in the distance Nightwing could see her attempting to blast the giant, light demon with little to no success. "Does anyone have any idea what this thing is!" She cried as she dodged one of it's brilliant white rays. 
"I think," Raven said calmly as she elegantly floated down to stand beside Nightwing. "I'm not sure. But when my shadow connected with it, I thought it felt familiar. It…it felt like Dr. Light." 
"What!" Beast Boy cried as a green elephant tried to knock the light demon off its feet with some success. "Mama, you need your shadow checked! There's no way that push over Dr. Light is this fool! I mean we can take that idiot down in our sleep." 
Nightwing turned as Robin grappled down to stand on the other side of Nightwing, but it was Beast Boy he addressed, "If Raven says it's Light. Then it's Light. She's never been wrong before." 
"Something must be amplifying his power," Starfire shouted, as she dodged a glowing fist. 
"The Beetle's not picking up anything!" Blue Beetle cried as he attempted to blast the thing. 
"It must be magic!" Cyborg said as his missiles failed to dent the Thing. "My scanners aren't picking up anything either." 
"Man, I hate magic!" Kid Flash yelled from his position evacuating civilians. 
"We need to find out what's amplifying him," Nightwing said. "Raven, can you sense anything off of him? An artifact, or curse, or something!" 
"Don't bother!" A new voice, cool and confident, called from behind them. The three Titans spun, ready to fight the newcomer and froze. 
The woman stood strong in blood red armor, lined in black. The breastplate seemed to be Chinese inspired, but it was cut for easy movement, and fitted to accentuate the woman's form. Her vambraces and pauldrons were the same, and revealed the slight but hard muscle of her arms. The base layer was scaled fabric of black and red that shimmered metallic in the light. But it moved with the woman, like a second skin, as she stepped forward in armored boots, also of black and red. 
But what caught Nightwing's attention was her face. The woman's features were hidden by black mask lined with red that covered half of her face. Her midnight black hair was pulled back but blue in the wind, playing almost hypnotically with the red and black ends of her mask. However, what Nightwing found the most hypnotic was her eyes. They practically glowed inside her dark mask. Like sapphires in a lost cave when touched by a light for the first time. 
Nightwing's breath caught as she walked towards them with the confidence and command of the strongest generals. With her regal appearance, piercing eyes, and easy confidence, Nightwing would have said she was one of the Amazons. She was certainly beautiful enough for it. But those thoughts were cut off, when Raven dropped down from her hovering knelt before the warrior, her deep purple billowing around her. 
"Ladybug," Raven said in awe, "Grand Guardian of the Miraculous, I greet you in the name of Azarath. May the light of that most holy place surround you and bless you for honoring us with your presence." 
Robin and Nightwing exchanged startled looks, but said nothing as they watched the two great women in front of them. On the other hand, Ladybug only seemed amused by this greeting, as she smiled gently and pulled Raven to her feet saying, 
"You have no need to kneel to me, Child of Azarath. For though that realm is gone, its blessing lives in you. You who sacrifice yourself to keep the Great Demon at bay. For this and more, I will forever see you as my equal, and perhaps…my friend?"
Nightwing had never seen Raven smile. Oh there had been some small grins and soft smirks over the years. Only two people could get Raven to even attempt a chuckle. But for the most part she maintained a level of stoicism that he thought even Batman must envy. However, at Ladybug's words, the dark sorceress practically beamed with joy. It was such a bright and happy smile, that Nightwing thought it made the whole world brighter with it. The sound of explosions and crashing buildings shook Nightwing out of his reverie and he cleared his throat. 
"Ladybug," he said, "I'm Nightwing. I've met your partner, Lady Noire, she said you were busy rebuilding the Order of Guardians." 
Ladybug smiled warmly, but with a hidden spark that spoke of some deep secret Nightwing couldn't even begin to comprehend. "Yes," Ladybug said; she spoke with a slight French accent that seemed to elevate her words rather than middle them, "She told me about you too. You made quite the impression on her." 
Nightwing felt himself grin slyly, "A good impression I hope." 
"That all depends," Ladybug hummed. 
"On whether or not she was exaggerating, she tends to do that."
Nightwing couldn't help but laugh at that, as Ladybug's smile warmed his very soul. But before he could respond, Robin scowled saying, "If you too are done flirting. Could you tell us why you think Raven can't handle that monstrosity."
"Robin!" Both Nightwing and Raven hissed at him. But Ladybug only laughed clear and free saying, 
"My apologies Robin. I didn't mean to degrade your friend. However, her magic would not work against that creature because it is powered by Miraculous."
"Really!" Raven said in a horrified whisper. 
Ladybug nodded sagely, "Unless I miss my guess, it is the Miraculous of the Lion which has the power of amplification. If we turn off his lights, I'm willing to bet your enemy will appear dressed in a horrid lion costume." 
"Why do you assume it will be horrid?" Nightwing asked, genuinely curious. 
"Because," Ladybug answered simply. "He is clearly incompatible with it. Otherwise, his amplified power wouldn't be so…out of control. When a welder is incompatible with a Miraculous, their fashion sense essentially goes in the trash." 
"So how do we get the Miraculous away from him?" Robin asked coldly. 
"First we have to knock him unconscious," Ladybug began. 
"Um, how?!" Beast Boy cried through the comms as the green elephant was thrown into a bus. 
"BB asked–" Nightwing began, but Ladybug interrupted saying, 
"I heard. I'm tuned into your comms. Starfire if you can keep your team distracting Dr. Light, me and these three will work to incapacitate him. I'll know the Miraculous when I see it." 
"Very well," Starfire said, "I'm trusting you, Ladybug." 
Ladybug nodded her understanding, and Nightwing was once again struck by her seemingly innate leadership. She was just so different from Lady Noire, who was all playful tricks, and mischievous looks. But he could still easily see them as friends, with Ladybug's gentle smiles and commanding presence. They were the perfect contrast. And since both women had black hair and blue eyes, they would probably look like sisters underneath the mask. 
However, Nightwing pushed those thoughts aside as Ladybug reached for her waist. That's when he noticed that Ladybug only carried one weapon, her signature yo-yo, the only thing that hadn't changed from her Parisian days. They all watched as she called on her "Lucky Charm" and…a banana? Fell into her hands? 
The four heroes blinked at the red banana with black spots for five seconds, before the Titans were caught off guard by Ladybug's light chuckle and nostalgic smile.
"God!" She said, "I missed this. Ok!" Her head darted up, as she quickly surveyed the battlefield her eyes darted faster than the Flash on a caffeine high. Finally her smile grew into a devious smirk that sent a shiver down Nightwing's spine. "I know what to do!" She cried, "But all of you are going to have to exactly as I say with no questions or deviations. We don't have time to build a report and we have to act fast and efficiently. Do you trust me?" 
Robin opened his mouth to argue, but Nightwing cut him off saying, "Where do you want us?" 
Her calculating eyes took him in immediately. She seemed surprised that he had caved so quickly. But Nightwing only let himself slouch as a sly smile played on his lips. He knew his role. Half the time he was the cool confident leader that pulled everyone together with a spur of the moment plan, and an off the cuff idea. But the other half of the time, he was the sidekick. The plucky comic relief that cut the tension with a joke and distracted the villain with sass and a wisecrack. He was not afraid to go back to his roots, not even in front of a beautiful and obviously powerful woman like Ladybug. Let her, Starfire, Wonder Woman, and anyone else take the lead. He'd make sure their plans succeeded and they won the day. That was his job, and he let Ladybug know it. 
Nightwing saw the moment she understood, because the slightest bit of tension in her frame seemed to relax just a smidge as she nodded. She then began relaying her orders, and Nightwing watched in satisfaction her confidence only grew.  
Taglist @tails-and-scales @the-ghost-trader @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @the-dumber-scaramouche @yoonjae20 @robyalix @seraphichana @iglowinggemma28 @taewinterbear95 @heretopasstimebi @littleblue5mcdork @quotesandanime @komatsuna-yuki @attractivemyfoot @deathssilentapproach-blog @vel-vee @vixen-uchiha @lady-bee-fechin @qualityhistorygamingwinner @its-maemain @meira-3919 @raven-ette @doglover82 @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @laurcad123 @crazylittlemunchkin @iamablinkmarvelarmy
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itookyoudown · 1 year
I know it’s been a while since you wrote it, but I’d love to get the directors’ commentary on this excerpt from “and i would be the one (to hold you down):”
Tim’s ordained badge hangs from a chain around his neck. It rests like a shield over his heart though Tim’s not so sure if it’s protecting him from Boyd or Boyd from him. Usually, the weight of the star was light. Like a pat of reassurance. Now, it wears heavy. Like a collar.
He supposes dog-like feelings are appropriate for him. In the army, they’d made a big whoop about the differences between sheep, sheepdogs, and wolves. An easy way to divvy up the world’s people into tidy designations. War may be chaos, but the military is orderly. Civilians, the good guys, and the bad guys. Tim’s a sheepdog. By default that makes him one of the good guys, though sometimes he has doubts on whether the world is that simple and clean.
It doesn’t feel particularly good to point his weapon at Boyd.
There’s a big difference between doing something because you like doing it and doing something because you’re good at doing it. Tim doesn’t like shooting people...but he does like being good at it. Taking aim at Boyd doesn’t feel good per se, but it feels familiar and that makes it easy.
In his heart, Tim’s still a soldier. Boyd’s not. He may have served, but he’s no longer one of the sheepdogs. Maybe he never really was. That’s the difference between them right there. Tim has the skills to shoot and the willingness to pull, but not without an order to do it. Boyd doesn’t take orders from anyone. He makes his own decisions now. Without input from anyone or consideration for others.
Tim can see the irrefutable evidence of Boyd’s most recent decisions. After all, Boyd’s wearing them. They’ve stained his hands and the front of his clothes. He’s already pulled first on someone and literally taken the clothes off their back. The local sheriff, Tim assumes, from the brown and beige star-smacked look that Boyd is wearing.
Boyd’s a wolf dressed up as a sheepdog.
There are no sheep left in the building.
Oh thank you! I'm actually really happy you asked about this even if I have to really dig into my memory bank.
and i would be the one (to hold you down). It was my first fanfic ever so I'm very fond of it, even if looking back I realize it's still raw in a few places and could have used some more baking. But I love the world I created for this and I pulled off the vibe & grappled with the themes I set out to explore in this piece.
So, this whole passage really was to acknowledge that while Boyd and Tim have commonalities (they're veterans they're southern boys they're soldiers they come from abusive homes etc etc) they are fundamentally very different people and they do NOT share moral values. There is zero overlap there, they're vehemently opposed in this regard. No same coin, opposite sides imagery happening here. They aren't even in the same piggybank together lol.
(I stressed the importance of this because it was intended to amplify the real horror at the end of Tim losing his morality when Boyd forcibly turns him into a vampire -- Boyd doesn't just take Tim's life, he does something even more sinister and destroys Tim's moral center).
Tim’s ordained badge hangs from a chain around his neck. It rests like a shield over his heart though Tim’s not so sure if it’s protecting him from Boyd or Boyd from him. Usually, the weight of the star was light. Like a pat of reassurance. Now, it wears heavy. Like a collar.
I have so many feelings about the symbolism behind the badge of the US marshals. It's so distinctive and evocative that this bit was really just stopping to ponder what that badge means and how it is used and to show that Tim's relationship with his own job as a LEO isn't without nuance.
He supposes dog-like feelings are appropriate for him. In the army, they’d made a big whoop about the differences between sheep, sheepdogs, and wolves. An easy way to divvy up the world’s people into tidy designations. War may be chaos, but the military is orderly. Civilians, the good guys, and the bad guys. Tim’s a sheepdog. By default that makes him one of the good guys, though sometimes he has doubts on whether the world is that simple and clean.
This whole bit about wolves VS sheepdogs is an old analogy (hi jesus as a shepherd imagery). But you'll also see it tossed around in veteran circles a lot -- shows up in military memes constantly lol. There's controversy about the dude and the essay/lecture/book it stems from, but I won't get into all that. Simply put, this analogy is one that Tim would be familiar with and I think as a young man who was sent off to war it really cemented into his mind. That pretty sounding and crystal clear separation between innocents, protectors, and predators is one that has helped Tim grapple with his moral injuries.
Though he doesn't fully buy into it. Tim is a product and weapon of the USA military propaganda machine, but Tim's service has left him questioning everything he was taught and told. Tim has remarkable self-awareness and I wanted to show that while Tim uses this mindset to help guide himself through the complications of life, he doesn't entirely fall prey to the us VS them mentality.
Tim's capable of self-reflection and in order to do that you need to have the ability to doubt yourself.
It doesn’t feel particularly good to point his weapon at Boyd.
I really wanted to make it clear to readers that Tim has little ill will toward Boyd. That his confrontation with Boyd is Tim acting professionally and that he's adhering to the vow he took when he took up office as a US deputy marshal. It doesn't matter that Boyd has been a pain in the ass to our lawmen for six seasons or that Tim is tired of Boyd and Raylan's personal bullshit or even that Tim and Raylan are implied to have a romantic relationship + the later insinuated that Raylan has been feeding on Tim.
Tim doesn't hate Boyd in this story. There's no rage or jealousy or hatred when he draws his weapon because this is Tim, as a LEO, reacting to an active shooting in a hospital.
In his heart, Tim’s still a soldier. Boyd’s not. He may have served, but he’s no longer one of the sheepdogs. Maybe he never really was.
Deep breath. I just love season 6 Boyd so much. He's awful and it's horrible to watch him unravel and go full-throttle with his cruelty and anger, but I think it's such a fitting end for him when you look back at all of his choices throughout the story. Tragic, in a certain light, but Boyd went from antagonist to full-fledged villain of his own accord and I love that for him. Go outlaw man go!
I loved including this bit because I think it harkens back nicely to all the lies Boyd tells and the masks he wears and Boyd never quite being who he says he is.
They’ve stained his hands and the front of his clothes. He’s already pulled first on someone and literally taken the clothes off their back. The local sheriff, Tim assumes, from the brown and beige star-smacked look that Boyd is wearing.
Nah we, as readers, know that'd be Carl, but this is told from Tim's POV and he wouldn't know about that. I did really like this bit though because we see Tim in LEO mode even in the heat of the moment -- he's making assumptions and trying to piece together clues but he's not stating facts. Because we're shown once again that Tim isn't acting from an emotional place.
Boyd’s a wolf dressed up as a sheepdog. There are no sheep left in the building.
Ominous sentences OMNIOUS. Here is kinda where I started to slip in the horror. And also on a practical level to explain Tim's alone with Boyd. The gunshots have cleared out the hospital. There is no one to come to Tim's rescue or help him.
And to go on a ramble for a moment here: when the horror does rise in the following paragraphs...the wolf, sheepdog, and sheep analogy actually entirely falls apart and is no longer applicable in any way. Because Boyd isn't human at all. He's not even a wolf. He's so far beyond Tim's understanding or ability to comprehend what Boyd is! Because vampires :)
That's also why this is the last time I use the wolf/dog/sheep imagery in this fic.
Thanks again for sending this ask! This was a fun trip down memory lane.
(author commentary ask game)
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misscammiedawn · 2 months
ok but how am I supposed to flirt with/compliment/be sweet at only one of y'all in your inbox? you have to know that isn't going to happen.
Camden: I'm looking forward to the next time we can just sit and talk and be vulnerable with each other. Also, we should get back to sharing media with each other - especially the media that we both find so formative <3
Cammie: Oh, sweetling? I have such plans for you in 30 short days. I am going to enjoy bespelling you, captivating you, melting you into a somft, obedient puddle
Craig: thank you for sharing the Euros with me, love. I wish they'd ended better. It meant so much that you *wanted* to include me in that, even when you were watching with people in physical space. I can't wait until our next chance to just sit and share hot drinks (and maybe some fruit pastilles) and just *be* together
Dawn: Oh, so many ways to flirt - to be all bratty at you, knowing you know why I brat. Or to be sweet and docile for you, showing how eager I can be to let you in... oh, my love, my Fae, how I adore you.
Wynn: Watching you (and Cammie) play Hollow Knight has been a joy and delight. You continually impress me with your skill and determination, and getting to understand *you* over the last couple of months has been a joy and delight. You are so much more than "these circumstances", and I'm glad you're getting to explore what that means for you, now
*Blushes and whimpering* I am speechless! You have me wordless! I CANNOT WORDS!!!
So--- uh-- I wish everyone were awake and able to just rapid fire a reply for each compliment-- but I can at least compliment you in turn!
The relationship that we have built is the most slow and deliberate courtship of our life with understanding and communication at the center of everything-- our friendship was built over years and years finding one another over and over again as the communities we shared were built and destroyed and there's something so beautiful about the way we rolled in and out of one another's radars for years until the point of which we found each other offline-- I don't think either of us knew how BIG that meeting was when it happened-- you were the first person outside of Oikos to greet me to the IRL community on the very week that we came out as trans and it made us feel so included and part of the new world we found
To think that was only 2 months before COVID lockdowns--- we originally weren't even going to go to that event, we were going to spend "more time in the oven" and debut at the Chicago event later in the year-- I am glad we are in the timeline we are in
I know I've tried to find words for how much you mean to us (up to and including my fictional declarations of affection in Madison/Belladonna) and I'll never stop-- I'll learn your languages and take time to understand why you think and feel as you do and to give space and accommodation and grow with you-- earlier we reblogged a thing about soul mates not being a gift but forged and you and I forge these things so carefully and with such intention-- I never ever ever feel like what we do is work though
You don't cost spoons
I'm not afraid of you
--and given how wounded and scared I was when we began dating-- that means a lot--
I wanna finish the enchanted forest books, I wanna do more trivia, I wanna share more games, I wanna do more shenanigans and teach more classes and travel to more cities and see more shows and build more memories
I love you Daja
I love you so so so much and you are the kindest and most enthusiastic human I've ever seen! The way you just glow with passion and take care of your humans and share your resources and knowledge and heart?
Just-- YOU
Also on insistence of the Fae: "Ding!"
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e77y · 5 months
Long but relatively unserious vent/rant below the cut (sorry I added this in bc I realized how long this post is oops)
Being at the center of some kind of internet witchhunt (which ik is kind of buzzwordy but) is literally my biggest fear ohhh my god. Even a small scale one… I think I would Die. Maybe it’s because I had a similar thing happen with my friend group in high school where one of them convinced the others I was like evil and spread all these rumors about me… 😭 He was splitting on me but still. That’s an explanation, not an excuse. And it basically confirmed all of my intrusive thoughts about myself, and my personality completely self-destructed and changed, and I haven’t interacted with any of those people the same way since. I isolated from them for MONTHS and just loathed myself. Bleh
The reason it’s on my mind is bc I’ve seen this happen to friends and mutuals and even just people I’ve followed in small fandoms, where the whole fandom hates them bc of this little drama and like. I KNOW that fandom drama is not the end of the world, but truly I think that would destroy me for months. And I would never be able to set foot in those spaces again :’) Getting a handful of rude comments about a fucking transfem hc I had at like 14 made me stop writing fanfic for YEARS 😭😭😭 sigh. Just bc they said it was ‘out of character for him to want to be a girl’ 🙄 (<- character who canonically felt confident when dressed as a woman btw. initially for a disguise but then she grew to love it. BUT I DIGRESS KNSHFJW)
All this to say I think that’s why I tiptoe around everything I say online… I am SO scared of ruffling feathers, but I know that fandoms are places for like! Having fun! And it’s not a big deal! And it doesn’t affect my real life! But like idk.. I just hate the idea of being hated by anyone. I’m sure that I ANNOY some people, and that’s whatever; I talk a lot and make overly personal posts sometimes (like this lol) but I don’t wanna be HATED yk? And idek if it’s better to be hated and ostracized publicly or resented in secret by people who still interact with you… :( Agh. If you ever have an issue with me, please DM me instead of letting it build up into something worse!
ANYWAY LIKE.. with fandom stuff. Idk. I want to have fun! I want to write and post things on Tumblr and AO3 etc but I am just very scared of peoples’ opinions, especially now that I have a decently popular/well-liked longfic in DnDads. For some reason I have convinced myself that writing bad or self-indulgent NSFW will make everyone hate me lmao. Like girl the POINT of fanfic is to be self-indulgent……….. sigh I need to get out more
^ light-hearted… but also kinda true haha. I stay at home a lot just bc I don’t have many reasons to go out atm and only a handful of close friends to go out with. Hopefully that will change when I move next semester lol. And whenever I get interests, they’re VERY strong and long-lasting, and fanfic writing is one of my main hobbies, so I get REALLY into online communities. And rn that is kind of my little niche fandom Tumblr bubble… which is embarrassing and probably unhealthy but whatever. I just inevitably get a lot of anxiety about things that are important/fun to me (bc OCD), especially bc I’ve never really had mutuals/‘friends’ in a fandom before this, excluding my irls
Anyway this got longer and more vent-y than I intended so I will tag accordingly, and sorry to whoever is reading this lol; I just wanted to get my thoughts written down in a public forum bc idk… Makes me feel less insane when ik other people can see it, too. Helps me not take it too seriously and spiral lol.
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sailor-toni · 1 year
Chapter 2: A long ago past
You can also read this on A03, FF.net, and Wattpad.
The room was covered in darkness, with only a single candelabra on the center of the round table, to light the room. Four figures sat at the table, each covering their face with long purple hoods that arched before their face like the beaks of hawks. Nocturne closed the door behind him, and locked it before joining the others. His long star-studded robe formed an elaborate chair under him. The fabric turned into ink as it weaved and built itself up. The others at the table rolled their eyes at the display of power, the green man at the end threw off his hood. 
“Fashionably late as always Nocturne?” The green man said. Danny gasped at the sight of him, this man had to be related to Undergrowth in some way. He was much smaller than Undergrowth and unlike the plant titan, this man had pale green skin, and his face was more human as well with blockly features and black matted hair. But his mouth was a large green beak, and small horns were coming out of his head in a mohawk-like fashion, trailing from his hairline down to the cape of his neck. And the vines. Vines slithered out of his skin, wrapping his entire lower body like a skirt, but even in the low light Danny could see the vines under his skin crawling like worms in the dirt. Finally, the man’s arms had been replaced with the vines as well. 
“I cannot help when some members come earlier than expected Undergrowth. And appearances must be kept up with the ghats and ghouls below,” Nocturne's voice was like dark chocolate on a warm day. 
  “Now that he is here,” The figure at the front cut in. His silver eyes under the hood gave a quick warning glance at the two. “We can begin.” The figure removed his purple hood, and allowed a long braid of silver hair to spill out. A sour expression was etched into his face like stone, and his left eye was covered in bandages. “I will start with the gravest news of all. Pariah Dark has destroyed the old castle and is in the process of building a new keep out of the rubble of the old. This new keep will be designed to repel any invaders and lead any who do manage to enter the castle, to a second early death. I was not able to obtain a copy of the floor plans before-” The figure took a long sigh, grabbing at the-
  “Is that Clockwork!” Tucker yelled.
  “OW! My ear!” Danny yelled back. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It looks like clockwork and sounds like him, but he looks different.” Danny rubbed his poor ringing ear. 
“Maybe this is him but younger?” Sam said. 
  “But we’ve seen Clockwork when he’s younger. He turns into a child all the time,” Tucker said.
“Maybe this is him mentally younger? I don’t know ghost aging is weird, like you know how Ember died in like 1985 but she still acts 16?”
“Well maybe ghosts don’t age physically but mentally?” 
“So, ghosts only age when their minds age? That would make sense, but wait. Why does Danny Ghost form change then?” 
“What does that mean?”
“Well, Danny you're not the most mature sixteen-year-old I know,” 
“Well at least I don’t still collect action figures Tucker,” 
“They are not action figures, they are figma figures! And they are very-”
“Would you two shut up?” Sam pointed to the table again, where Clockwork had begun talking. 
“-I was found out. I did memorize the lower floors but I am not sure how useful that will be now.” Clockwork said. 
The latest figure in the room took off his black cloak revealing horns made out of ice. “Why do you say that? Do you think he will change the floor plans now that he has found out?” 
“I think so.” 
“So, you got caught, you lost your good eye and now you come to us with nothing? Typical,” Undergrowth huffed. 
“Our friend almost had his core destroyed by someone close to him, the very least you can do is lend him your pity Undergrowth? Or do you only have pity for your own worm-infested head,” Nocturne rolled his eyes. 
“A plant wouldn’t have gotten caught.” 
“A plant wouldn’t have gotten us anything.” 
“Speaking of plants… What new information do they have?” Clockwork asked. 
“What updates do you have for us Undergrowth? What have your plants done in the last year?” 
“My plants and I have been preoccupied with protecting the forest against the King’s forces. The armies have been attacking from the edges, but any that try to venture inside are quickly turned into fertilizer,” Undergrowth proudly said. 
“That’s it?” Nocturne said. 
“ That’s it? I would love to see you control an entire forest of plants against two armies without losing your form!”
  “Two armies?” Clockwork asked.
“Pariah has recently divided up his forces into two armies. The weaker one attacks from the northeast, while the bothersome one attacks from the west,”
“When did his troops reach the west side?” Clockwork’s tone became serious. 
“About two months ago? Why does it matter? I Will be the victor either way,”
  “You seem quite relaxed for someone who is being surrounded,” Nocturne rolled his eyes. Again. 
“Surrounded? Ha? Don’t make me laugh Nocturne. My forest is too massive to be surrounded by his armies,”
“Your forest is indeed large, but it is not infinite. Pariah Dark can create Armies with the power of the crown of fire, it is not impossible that he could surround your forest with his armies,” The one with the ice horns said. 
“Frostbite is right, plus Pariah is known to destroy whatever he can’t control,” Nocturne gave Clockwork a quick concerned look. 
“If he tries to burn the whole forest down, we should have some of Frostbite’s men there to combat the -” 
“NO!” Undergrowth slammed his hands on the table. “I will not let the cold winds of death destroy what I have built. I will let none from the Land of Ice enter my lands.” 
“And Pariah burning down your lands is a better solution?” Frostbite slammed his hands on the table raising himself up and above the others. 
“No of course not you wet mut! But the cold will kill my plants faster than his flames. Look at the Frozen lands, do you see any plant growth there?” 
“What about the dragons?’ The final figure finally spoke up, her voice was like an old woman’s, soft but harsh. “Before Nocturne decides to berate me with his overgrown tongue, the Dragon Queen could not make it to this meeting today and so she has requested that I speak for her. Her army has both fire and shadow cores in its regiments, and a small battalion of shadow cores could take temporary residence in your forest. Their shadow powers won’t harm the plants and they are a good matchup against Pariah flames. Snuffing out the sparks before they can wreck any havoc,” 
  Undergrowth rubbed his chin before saying “I will accept that”
“The only thing she will ask in return is that you give you ALLY an apology,”
  “Frostbite is your ally and his people will be greatly needed in the final battle. One would not see it wise to call such an important ally dogs,” 
  “Pandora is right,” Clockwork said. “An apology is needed.” 
“No. '' Undergrowth crossed his arms like a child. 
  “I said the truth. I will not apologize for the truth, especially when the matter at hand is my lands,”
“If the plant wishes to stand by his words, then he can die by them. We will not be sending anyone to his forest,” Frostbit sat down. 
“Thank you!” Undergrowth said.  
“Nor will the Dragons be sending any of their people until an apology is given,” 
“What! No! Uh,” Undergrowth looked around the table but his allies were in agreement with Pandora. “Fine! I am sorry for calling you dogs, even though that's what you are!” 
Frostbite gave a curt nod “thank you, I will accept this apology.” 
“Then I will send the Dragon Mother news about this alliance. You will hear from her soon with further terms of this agreement,” Pandora said. 
  “With that and with all parties pleased, I will end this topic. Next on the docket is the progress of the sarcophagus of forever sleep, Frostbite, Pandora, can you give an update?” Clockwork said. 
“I am proud to say that the craftsmen sent from the Land of Ice, have been more than kind and resourceful during their stay with us,” Pandora began. 
“And Pandora’s people have been more than hospitable to my people during their stay. I have received several letters from them, praising the Trojans and their metalworking skills,” Frostbite continued. 
“You praise us too much Frostbite. Let’s not pass over the fact that it was your second in command’s idea to strength the metal by exposing it to rapid heat and cold,” 
“But Pandora, it was your locksmiths who designed the impressive locking mechanism,”
  “Yes, but they would never have come up with the idea for it if the smaller wolf had not brought up the idea of using the artifacts itself to seal the King away,” 
“Aye, that might be true, but we would’ve have never managed to finish it without your people hard work,” 
  “Why thank you Frostbite,” 
  “I hate to interrupt,” Nocturne said, cutting Frostbite off before he could get his reply out. “But is the dam thing done yet?” 
“The first prototype is done and ready for testing,” Pandora said. 
“Aka you don’t know if it will work,” Nocturne said. 
  “If we had someone who is close in power to Pariah to test it on, we could see if it works or not,” Pandora's eyes moved across the table, and everyone else followed her gaze to Undergrowth.
“What? What is everyone looking at me for?” Undergrowth said. 
  “Since you are okay with showing your arse to others it should be okay to test the sarcophagus on you first. After all Undergrowth, you once said you were almost as powerful as Pariah Dark,” 
“Well, um, that is true but-”
Nocturne slammed one of his hands on Undergrowth’s shoulders “Let’s go ally and let’s get this fancy coffin working!” 
“Wait no! What!” Nocturne stammered. Everyone else at the table began to laugh at Undergrowth's misfortune. 
“Hey, who turned down the lights?” Tucker asked. The figures at the table turned into harsh silhouettes before evaporating into the floor below. The rest of the room followed its lead. The black ooze receded back into its vessel, leaving the three teenagers alone in a ruined room. The fine colors and tapestries from before had been reduced to faded rags hanging from the ceiling. 
“What was that? Was that the memory thing he was talking about earlier?” Sam said. 
“Maybe? I don’t know, maybe we should ask Ghostwriter?” Tucker said. He walked over to the table, the wood had been ruined with time, the middle had been blasted through with the wood chips stuck and rotted into the floor below them. Each step they took the floor let out a small scream or squeak.
  “With how he was looking for us before? No way, if we bother him again, he might shove us into another one of his books,” Danny said.
“But what was that? They were talking about Pariah Dark, and his sarcophagus-” Sam said. 
“Yeah, and everyone looked a lot younger too, did you see how Pandora looked? Man, she was a sight,” Tucker let out a whistle. 
Sam rolled her eyes, “Wait, if it was the past, then we can go ask them about what happened!” 
“That’s true! I’m sure Frostbite would tell us everything!” Danny said. 
“Well then what are we waiting for? let's go,” 
  “But what if Fright Knight sees us?” Sam said.
  “Ugh, you're right. If bucket head sees us, he’ll drag us back to the castle and lecture Danny about king stuff,” 
  “What about the Fenton family ghost assault vehicle? We can use that to quickly move through the Ghost Zone, and if he sees us, well his horse can’t out run an assault vehicle,” Sam said. 
  “Yeah! Quick Danny, go ask Jazz if she can bring it!” Tucker yelled. 
  “Why don’t you call her!”
  “She’s your sister,” 
  “Fine, but you have to sit next to her,” Danny said as he fumbled his phone out of his pocket. “Hey jazz? No, I’m not home? What? Fright Knight is what? Okay, um just listen to me. We need you to get the GAV to Ghostwriter’s library- you're already on your way? Oh-um okay see you soon Sis.”
  “What was that?” Sam asked. 
“Fright Knight is trying to find out where we are from my parents,” 
“Oh! Poor fright Knight!’ Sam said.
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New Trahearne lives AU alert/NMC headcanon post/Made my own Sylvari Tree alert!!!
(yes all in one. I am generous like that) (this is mighty long. Enjoy)
Okay let's go in a slightly different order and start with the nightmare shenanigans.
After Heart of Thorns the nightmare court splinters into several factions, mostly along lines already present under Faolain's rule. The various dukes and duchesses had already been vying for power in the court and had surrounded themselves with underlings who thought along their lines.
After Faolain's death many of them sought to bring the whole court under their domain, but some immidiately cut ties and set up their own thing. Also it should be noted that this is still an ongoing development, and as with the dreamers many courtiers are still unsure what to make of the recent revalations obout the sylvaris' true origin.
The largest factions are the one's largely seeking to continue the court's previous mission, though they clearly disagree what that mission even was. He we have the Court of Flowers, that's Duchess Chrysanthea and her ilk. They see the Pale Tree as rotten to the core and thus seek to build their own dream. They are seeking to restore Faolain's nightmare tree and many of them are actively trying to "convert" other sylvari. You can think of them as Soundless+. They are less outwardly hostile and thus at least somewhat tolerated by non-sylvari neighbors.
Their main opponent is the Knightly court, you may remember them from that time they became obsessed with Malyck. They are more numerous but a lot more divided among themselves. They still seek to corrupt the original dream and twist the pale tree into a nightmarish version of itself, although their motivations vary wildly.
Some of them say that now they have the definitive proof that Ventary obviously twisted the dreams true nature and thus that influence must be removed. Others come from the completely opposite angle, viewing the dream as part of Mordremoth that the sylvari have to be freed from.
There are a few minor factions in that mess too, but those two are the big players. These people largely see the twilight arbor as the center of everything nightmare court.
The first of the splinters that immidiately got thrown out of the twilight arbor are what I call, in lieu of a better name, the death cult. I'll find a cooler name for them I promise. They see the sylvari as an abberant ofshoot of Mordremoth who should be destroyed. They seek to burn down the pale tree, kill all it's children and then themselves. You may understand why no-one wanted them around. They mostly hang around Mount Maelstrom, scheme and dream about dipping their mom into the lava.
Then theres two factions who can trace their origins back to Scarlet Briar. The Toxic alliance doesn't exist anymore, their tower destroyed, their leaders dead and no Scarlet to find suitable individuals to replace them. But the stain they left on tyria will take a lot longer to wash away. That counts for the devastated shores of Lake Viathan the same as it counts for the remaining courtiers.
They had a taste of great power and now they yearn for more of it. They scour the Kessex hills for toxic spores and plead with the Krait to once again work their magic on them. The Krait are less eager to return to the arrangement, but some of them are open for trade, so the courtiers also scour the Kessex Hills for slaves too. They don't really have a big goal, right now they're just scraping by.
And last but oh boy definitely not least theres the Mordremoth Resurrection Cult. Does what is says on the tin, they want to bring back the big guy. That's why dream felt so wrong, it stopped them from serving their master. Finally they have a purpose!
Problem is, no one really knows how to do that. Everyone knows "Mordremoth is the jungle" but what are you supposed to do with that information? Also very few people really know what the commander did to Mordremoth. The big battle outside, theres thousands that can tell about the giant snake like dragon, but inside there was only the commander and their closest friends. The only thing people definitely know is that somewhere in there Trahearne died.
So what should they do. Should they care for the jungle? Okay, they will kill the local hylek and bury them between the tree roots so the jungle grows stronger. Should they pump it full of magic to feed it? Okay they will hunt and destroy the exalted to release their magic.
They revere the remaining mordrem guard with admiration, some of them try to make themselves closer to them with weird magic.
And they absolutely hate the pact.
And yet, despite their cluelessness they somehow have come farther than any other group of courtiers. They went up to the big tree with still slowly decomposing Mouth of Mordremoth, and they started treating the tree the same way that Faolain had nursed the Nightmare Tree and lo and behold it started to recover.
Now they have yet to find a way to cummunicate with it, and the mordrem guard are still free, but that there Tree is definitely growing, and it's slowly evident that it is also growing pods.
And unbeknownst to them, while were successful in resurrecting the tree, they were not successful in resurrecting the dragon. Now if you remember the title of this post, you might have a clue what they accidentally did.
Up in that there tree, in a chamber the courtiers have yet to find, sits a softly glowing trahearne pondering how he will teach his children.
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snail-speed · 1 year
There's a predator cult out there
When Arizona enters Reine City in Chapter 1, you can go into a house where the reindeer inside complain about scary noises in their basement, and one of them gives you the key to the basement assuming you're the person they hired to take care of it.
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If you go in there you're immediately trapped by predators, and you end up discovering the basement is part of a larger underground complex. Going to the right first leads you into a room with a doll that's described as "really old," and continuing has Arizona enter the Reine City sewers.
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Continuing upwards leads you towards the Altar of Appetence, which proceeds to open and out comes a bear and several other predators. You do canonically defeat them, but going up to the now-closed altar and interacting with it has Arizona mention concern over the fact she can't wait around for it to open again.
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Later on in the Temple of the Ancestors there's yet another one, the Altar of Esurience, which has Arizona battle a similar set of predators and causing the altar to close.
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Now, the AoE, while out of place thematically, at least seems to match the stonework and color of the surrounding themple. The same can't be said about the AoA, which has the exact same style but in a modern sewer setting.
Here's my theory: someone put it there not too long ago, and the same thing probably goes for the one at the Temple.
Think about it, the predators were banished at the very least over a thousand years ago. Reine City on the other hand has no records of being as old as that. If the altars were from the time predators got banished, the reindeer building the sewer system would've stumbled upon the AoA and either moved it elsewhere for research/display (they have a large museum of history and art, after all) or deliberately destroyed/buried it, they wouldn't have left it perfectly centered and positioned in a large spare room.
Texas' story has accompanying images, and they show ungulates opening a dimensional rift in the sky to banish the predators, there's no mention nor depiction of them using the altars to accomplish this.
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There's also the fact they have morbid names that only the players get to see. They're not "mysterious altar" or "strange rock" or even "????", they've got concrete titles revolving around hunger.
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Their locations are perfect for maximizing the carnage predators will cause once they escape. The one under Reine City is accessed through the basements of civilian buildings, and flavor text in the game's official site mentions the Temple of the Ancestors is a popular destination for archaeologists, adventurers and grave robbers.
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Outside of sheep dogs (which are definitely not behind this) and maybe Fred, there's no confirmation there's any group of predators that are still around in Foenum, which means that, whoever put those altars where they did, were definitely ungulates. For what purpose? Who knows, maybe to convince predators to give them power, or some fantasy version of ecofascism, or maybe just plain old doomsday cult-esque beliefs.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
emillia as the moon to priscilla sun
Priscilla’s connection to the sun is a bit more obvious. She’s literally nicknamed The Sun Princess after all. She uses a blade made out of fire hotter than the typical, wears bright red clothes, and has orange hair. Even her pupils are a bright yellow-orange like the sun.
Priscilla as a ruler can be viewed like the sun as well. She is known to bring great prosperity to her subjects from afar. However, those who get too close to her may be burned by her harsh temperament.
In Japanese mythology, Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, is commonly associated with fertility and growing crops. This is the very first thing she becomes known for after becoming ruler of her domain, as she helped her subjects grow their crops.
Amaterasu is also connected to pride. When she caused her brother Susanoo to go on a rampage and destroy a lot of heaven and earth she fled to a cave in shame. This caused the first winter, a very harsh period at the time.
To draw her out the other gods threw a party. In curiosity, she drew closer to the entrance only to find a mirror. Her own reflection would be what finally drew her fully out of the cave.
Amaterasu, as queen of heaven, the gods, and creation, is also associated with the idea of powerful women and female rulers. Another contrast worth mentioning is luck. As Priscilla says, the world itself bends to always suit her. She often finds herself on top even without much effort of her own.
some reddit comments I had seen in regards to sun and moon
and why its emillia and priscilla
There are a lot of scenes in re:zero where the moon is a center point and Reinhart just happens to be in a few of them.
Secondly it's fairly certain now that the moon represents Satella, the most blatant hint being that in Mimigau if the male version of Satella is named Luna.
Most of the legends and fables you mentioned regarding the moon fit Satella just as well:
The story of the rabbit on the moon tells that one day the man on the moon came down to earth and disguised himself as a beggar. When he asked four animals for food, three were able to provide some. But the rabbit was only able to give him grass.
Impressed by his self-sacrifice and generosity, the man saved the rabbit and brought it back to live with him on the moon. That’s why you can see the outline of a rabbit on it today.
Because of this, the rabbit and the moon represent charity and self-sacrifice. These obviously are core facets of Reinhard’s character.
twitter . com/VortechsTG/status/1656501691024543745
The rabbit in the moon:
Tappei mentioned that if Emilia would be an animal she would be a rabbit, since she and Satella are similar in appearance I'm going to assume she would be the same
The rabbit jumped into the fire to feed the man, but the man saved the rabbit. Satella wants Subaru to kill her and he wants to save her.
wants to bring order, but create chaos. Satella went mad and destroyed half the world, but before this we know from Arc 6 that Volcanica knew her and were friends. Also Hoshin in Isekai Quartet said that he and his friend wanted to save the world.
Yin and Yang:
The moon and lunar energy represents Yin and so does shadow magic which Satella is a great practitioner of.
BUT I do believe that Reinhart is actually both the sun and the moon, as in I think he represent the concept of balance/perfection. He has the best of both worlds Yang attributes: strength, courage, tall build, red hair; Yin attributes: discipline, charming, beauty, blue eyes.
Reinhart himself in the story is mostly a reactionary force. If a calamity like Puck is unleashed he is there to stop him to bring back order and balance. If he is lacking in any way he receives a blessing to fill that void.
It also makes Priscilla looks even more like rival to Emilia. If Emilia and Satella share symbolism then we get:
Fire vs Ice (Emilia)
Sun vs Moon (Satella)
Yang vs Yin (Satella)
Arrogant capable noble vs foolish kind village girl
Both were born to be loved by the world.
Those two share so many opposite traits it almost looks like Pris was the original rival before story took proper shape.  
 ( the person means love rival 
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Assignment 3
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Farouk Ibrahim
I show this photo as a representation because, as we know, the representation is anything that really shows things as they actually are. Recognizable objects, people, or events from actual life are depicted in representational. This picture shows us how the people in 1992, the result of the Cairo earthquake, were in a state of satisfaction and adaptation to the situation, although at this time, Egypt witnessed a very strong and devastating earthquake. On that day, a massive earthquake struck Egypt, killing 545 people, wounding 6,512, and uprooting 50,000 people. It was the first time in modern Egypt's history that such extensive seismic damage had occurred, serving as a warning to Egyptians that earthquakes can be more than just a bed shake. The nation frequently encounters larger magnitudes with much less harm. However, the devastation was catastrophic when the earthquake struck 25 kilometers southwest of Cairo. It was felt not only in all of Cairo but also in Alexandria, Port Said, and as far south as Asyut. According to a report by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), 216 mosques and 350 schools were among the 350 buildings that were either completely destroyed or substantially damaged. Older Egyptians may still recall where they were, what they were doing, and how they were feeling at the time. The episode, which is now mostly only a memory to most people, serves as a warning that catastrophes can happen at any time. Therefore, the picture represents how this family sits in the street as a result of the earthquake. This is the way that the photographer painstakingly sets up the image's composition to visually convey his point and significance to the audience.
Barakat, S., & Barakat, S. (2022, 17 mei). Calamity in Cairo: The Earthquake That Shook Egypt 30 Years Ago | Egyptian Streets. Egyptian Streets. https://egyptianstreets.com/2022/05/17/calamity-in-cairo-the-earthquake-that-shook-egypt-30-years-ago/
2. Myth
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I show this photo as a myth because, as we know, the myth is always some degree of subjective judgment involved in creating a picture through a camera lens; photography has always been linked with realism (such things as selection of subject, framing, and lighting, for example). This picture consists of 3 parts: the first part of the paper, the girl, and the second part of the paper. The two sides of the paper show how it explains the thinking of Hanaa, even if it will be tiring. The paper talks about how Hanaa was talking about her family's suffering because her father is working and the salary is still insufficient for them. She decided to work in a brickyard despite her young age, which was only 12 years old. When she started working, it turned out that the work was difficult, but she did not tell his father that it was difficult. She used to say that it was comfortable. Hanaa showed the opposite of what was inside her because her father was not aware of the difficulty of the work, so he would not tell her not to complete this work. As it is clear in the picture, Hanaa appears tired but remains steadfast in helping her father. Therefore, the picture presents it as a myth because the myth shows things that are not true or is not as we think. 
3. Ideology
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(Reza, 2015, Sakran)
I show this photo as an ideology because, as we know, Ideology serves as a vehicle for the naturalization of particular values, such as the importance of family and home, development, and individual freedom. I see this picture as an ideology because it shows how the importance of the love between any man and woman even, if in the early age or not. As we see, the value of love does not compare between younger or older; the love can be between also elder people because they have loved each other from their youth. Moreover, the happiness on their faces shows how they still love each other at this age. The value of love is dedication, and devotion to something or someone you love will reveal the significance of love. What you are prepared to give up in exchange for love is the question. Everything in life is a give-and-take relationship. Without making some sort of sacrifice, nothing is gained. Therefore, the ideology can be anything between family, friends, partners, the value of love, and truth. All of these characteristics I see in this picture, Ideology is the process by which some values—like individual liberty, development, or the value of a family and home—are made to appear natural.
D. (2018, 27 mei). Love is a Treasure ~ How Do You Value it? - Thrive Global - Medium. Medium. https://medium.com/thrive-global/love-is-a-treasure-how-do-you-value-it-1554f1ee9109#:~:text=The%20value%20of%20love%20is,without%20some%20kind%20of%20sacrifice.
4. Icon
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Farouk Ibrahim
I show this photo as an icon because, as we know, the icon is the ability of image icons to travel through visual networks and be transformed into new images while retaining some of the original's characteristics is another important characteristic. It is an item or person that is highly regarded, especially for its importance or influence in a certain field. a symbol of civil rights. a famous actor and style figure. As we see in the two pictures, there is a similar position but with a different man. The first man is an icon in today's context, an image on a computer screen that stands in for an application, a feature, or another idea or distinct entity that has meaning for the user. Many years after this photograph was shot, Gene Kelly, a dancer, actor, singer, and director, served as Ortega's mentor. Ortega remembers, "He would invite me to his house. He would explain to me how he created choreography for the camera when we watched his films together. The second man, who is a very famous Egyptian actor in Egypt, he knows as his movements are as flexible as a dancer's. Therefore, both pictures are similar to each other in the position of the movement, hands, and legs. So, it is an icon image as a result of the similarity between both.
Blair, E. (2015b, juli 23). You Might Not Know Kenny Ortega, But You Probably Know His Choreography. NPR. https://www.npr.org/2015/07/23/425105595/you-might-not-know-kenny-ortega-but-you-probably-know-his-choreography
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bearpillowmonster · 5 months
Some of the best episodes so far, I'm still not interested in every episode but definitely some fun and some finality. The music hits a little harder, I feel the tension between characters I don't really know like-ahem-hem-hem, someone from somewhere other than Bad Batch.
Then we have M count. Wait. M. It took me until episode 9 to realize but Midichlorian? No, no way. You just opened up a freaking box because I'm about to let it rip. George centered his sequel trilogy around this idea and introduced it in the prequels. I wasn't too fond of it when it was first discovered but as time went on and they showed the whills and such in the Clone Wars, I started to see a bit more clearer and was fine with whatever George put out but having the current sequel trilogy that we have today that completely negates all that and pretty much downright retcons it with its messaging that anybody could be force sensitive. And I don't just mean the trilogy either, anything Disney's put out has seemed this way and has not made a lick towards any of that. Even that I'm fine with.
It's the fact that their undoing- well-
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Except they're not using George or George's story, they're making it their own. If they would've just kept it one way or the other, I would've been fine with it but you're introducing a pretty vital piece of lore so far in that it's not even funny. I've known for a long time now that they were trying to find a host body for Palpatine to use, it's no coincidence they had the cloning guy in the Mandalorian, they've been setting this up. And it makes sense to have Grogu be this big contender because he can use the force. Ironic that the thing he needs is the very thing he sought to destroy and also a bit of a plot hole if he was looking this early into it in the timeline. But still, they could've played it off as "they have no idea what makes a compatible host" or even try to force the force into someone so that it can be used as a husk.
It makes SENSE for midichlorians to be used here, it makes sense for them to be the deciding factor but don't try to spoon feed me both ways
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I don't know if Ahsoka did this too since I haven't seen it yet, I know they have Sabine being a user but I was alright with that at face value, I don't know how they introduce it. You don't get it, I had to bring myself back. True, I wasn't happy with the outcome of the sequel trilogy but we had the Mandalorian. Things started going down again with Kenobi and Bob's Feet but still, I kept on. They were releasing so much that I fell behind around Mando S3, Andor, BB2, Visions 2, Tales of the Jedi, all put on hold. I finally more or less caught up except for Ahsoka and now this just makes me want to crawl back into that rabbit hole because while I was there, I realized that Star Wars wasn't what I wanted anymore and I didn't care much until I saw people saying that I missed some of the best so far so I jumped back in. This makes me feel the same way again, like the skywalker saga should truly be done. Move on way past or way back, none of that Rey reforging the Jedi, no more in betweens other than Mando. Just reboot it, don't retread and give me remakes or a retelling, do the old republic or something like the Acolyte is promising (which I'm still worried about mind you).
I wanted George's story to be revived so bad and I was so close to believing that we were getting it when we saw Boba Fett shoot Bib Fortuna and kick him out of the chair. That he was going to be in Darth Maul's place and take over the Underworld and I was here for it. Or having Maul and Crimson Dawn show up at the end of Solo. Or having Luke start to build the new Jedi order. All for squat. And this is Dave Filoni who was involved with those series, who's supposedly the new mastermind behind all of this. Even if you scrap all that away, I was fine with it, as long as they had a plan but it seems they keep flipping it down the road.
But was bringing Asajj back worth it? There was really no reason for her to be there other than to make me mad anyway, even going as far as bringing her back from the dead apparently from her book (which I haven't read yet but plan to) so that just further proves my point. "All will be revealed" my butt, how about "somehow Asajj returned" Screw you, stop holding back if you're going to introduce it.
...I wrote this part and then they announced Tales of the Empire. I can't win. It keeps sucking me back. Time for the finale, so spoilers.
I wasn't impressed with the lead up to this finale, nothing seemed connected. I mean, yeah, they go and they save Omega. Ok? And? It's not like that's something new, it felt like it needed to be definitive for the characters, it dragged them off their refuge island, they can't live a normal life. We don't see them in Rebels. So we ask what happens to them? They imposed with Rampart that maybe Crosshair doesn't have everyone's interests in mind. They imposed with Asajj that maybe Omega can use the force and even put her in marketing. They didn't impose, but the fans speculated that Tech could be the Shadow since they put so much attention on him. But it's also the last episode, you're shifting all the weight and not allowing it to breathe, even if they had used all those to great advantages then it was still the end, it doesn't seem like there's a point.
What I wanted this ending to be when I really thought about it was actually really simple. A battle between clone troopers and storm troopers but it'd explain so much. The clones would lose, it's be their last "Clone War", unless they decided to intermingle with the stormtroopers. It'd explain the transition, why there's so few in Rebels call back to the action setpieces of the original 2003 series, be a reverse order 66! That's my headcanon. But I knew going in that it wasn't going to be that. They might free the clones though.
I like the idea of Omega using all the skills she's learned from each other members of the party to get out, Echo even says "That's exactly what I'd do." but I don't know, when the zillo first appeared, they should've had him make it a distraction and then call back to it. The part where the kid says he hates heights after seeing a ladder is stupid because they planned this whole mission around climbing, she described it to him, they had already done it in the shaft and only at the ladder does he falter.
Emory's redemption should've been compilative, having her drop hints to show them how to leave the facility and maybe even manage to get one wounded that way, to which she transfers quarters until Echo arrives. They have a case of the Knights of Ren with the shadows, cool designs, seem to be teasing for something greater and we get no real context in the end. Introducing Project Necromancer then having Rampard ask about it before you cut is like asking who Rey is in TFA and never telling you except Necromancer is dissolved now so what was the point? What is project Necromancer, what is Crimson Dawn, what is- . It doesn't matter. Stop giving codenames, you had it with Hux and Pell but come on.
If you're going to leave plot threads open, we need to know how this series contributes to the bigger picture but since you called this the final season, I would like to this as much and would rather the plot lines stay contained and resolved. We are still very much in the Disney sequel era despite everyone thinking it ended after TROS and the new room took over, they're doing the same stuff.
Echo leaving to join Rex was a cool idea but I really wish it was him and not Gregor in Rebels. But it seems like he just hangs with the Clone Force every other time anyway so I don't really know why they did this. Ok, include Rex, but that's all you had to do. Then to go off and make him depart again at the end really doesn't say anything. Ok, he's going to return in the future?
"Well, I think you're right that, in a sense, this really is an end of an era," Baker says. "Because the clones in the Bad Batch was the final element of The Clone Wars that George Lucas had his fingerprints on. This was his idea, to initially start and give them a little arc and give it a try." This too is false and I like you Dee Bradley but I knew from the moment you said this that it was wrong. First off, you made it so that the characters live (which I don't mind but don't say this and contradict that!) And even excluding the Bad Batch, if only there were something else like GEORGE'S EFFING TREATMENTS!! This is like when Kathleen Kennedy said that there's no source material to adapt for a sequel series. Like take a look around and read the room. There's a ton of stuff that I'm sure George gave up that had to do with Star Wars. Officially released? Maybe not so much but you can't go and ruin all of that too. This is unless Dee Bradley believed that none of that would ever see the light of day but why would he know that if he believes this is the last time he'll play the clones? Does he believe that? Because the ending says otherwise unless it's all live action from here forth. And even if that...then where the f- did the midichloarians come from?
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akinformation · 1 year
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cool people of those times. They are not human. They went through places of power. Are you with me? Here’s how I see it.
Well, imagine we are tsars in St. Petersburg now. And we see a person who is very talented, and we take him from the frequency of people and lead him through places of power as an initiation, and this person disconnects from human elements and becomes like us. This dude becomes Godly. Well, the artist or scientist from God. And he starts painting or researching. He paints without a mind as if God were painting these pictures through him. And this artist, he does not even care about what he is doing, can you imagine? That’s what’s funny. And for you to understand, the architects who built these places did not have an understanding of the special mechanism they were building. It was as if those who were above, the aliens built it through them. Here’s another interesting mystery. It turns out that the forces activated me through these places, initiated me, and opened me. Like if you really go through these places of power, you seem to go through this corridor, into an elevator to up there. These are my assumptions, just stupid human thoughts, but maybe, thanks to this mechanism, I will understand how it works, and then I’ll be able to launch this mechanism with my attention. Maybe influence the minds of all people, maybe this is how it will work, I don’t know. But I know one thing: if you research and decipher it, if you pay attention to all the bridges in St. Petersburg, we are talking about St. Petersburg for now, but, of course, you can draw an analogy with your city. So these bridges have some sort of golden apple feature – it’s an antenna. And there are such apples under the crosses on the domes. And all of this, all these churches and all these bridges, all these palaces, they are all placed at certain distances from each other. But this is a complex mechanism; this is just one gear; there are many of them. Let’s imagine that there are churches arranged in an eight-pointed star, and these churches are all, for example, three meters high. And there are four other churches, and they have a height of twelve meters. And this is how this matrix is built over the city. And that is why no one will ever allow any tall building to be built in the center of the city because otherwise, this matrix will be destroyed. And no one can break this rule, no matter who you are, even the president. Aliens will immediately send greetings from above. That’s how it works. Can you imagine? And it’s some kind of mechanism.
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