#your love (deja vu) fanfic
fregget-frou · 1 year
Do you think that when Freelancer grows old with Gavin he’ll hold their hand as they go and sing the same song he’d sing to put them to bed? Do you think he’d hold them in his arms and brush their hair in the same way when they’re hungover and sick? Do you think even as they age he’d still look at them with the same stupid grin as they fold laundry on a Sunday afternoon?
When eons pass and freelancer and the rest of the world are gone and replaced by something anew Gavin will still be there, mind long eroded from the suns, to never remember their face again?
But when he looks into his lovers eyes he recognizes a glint, a warm smile as they laugh at him? Do you think when he’s sleeping he’d remember the wrinkles and lines in freelancers hand and trace the exact replicas on his lovers palms? Do you think he’d hum a familiar tune that always seemed to put them at rest, just like something he could just barely remember?
Do you think Gavin looks at his lover, his jaded and old mind long forgot you with time but when he folds some laundry and stands next to them, he asks them if they remember this? Even if he didn’t remember it himself?
Do you think they’d give the same smile, the same crinkle and say, “Let’s do it again, to jog my memory.” And they do it again. They fold the laundry on a Sunday afternoon and even if neither remember or even know what that was about a star in the evening seem just a bit brighter.
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nobodywritingao3 · 11 months
angst au of Your Love. alternate version of the story that i dont htink ill end up writing but a version of the story that i really like :3
bullet point fanfic (long post)
so. the version of your love that im writing wont get taken into this direction at all, but i really liked the plotline of this potential fanfic
i dont think ill ever write it but i thought it was cute and fun and mostly just angsty which is 100 percent my cup of tea :3
Your Love AU that will probably never get written lol
picks up several years after phil's reveal (background info: phil is a giant who adopted wil, tommy, techno who are humans. he revealed his nature to them a few years prior in a way that really scared them. vore involved.)
in this au, the family never really healed from what happened
the kids grew steadily distant from him as the years went on & phil tried to make peace with the fact that after they turned of age, theyd probably refuse to see him
he's right, after tommy becomes an adult all three of them disappear from his life
if i were to write this fic, id probably have an angsty chapter where phil tries to invite them home for special holidays and anniversaries and they refuse to come home / gradually refuse to pick up the phone at all, and eventually he gives up and just drinks the holidays away to avoid having to deal with the pain
eventually the king tracks him down & this time phil doesnt win
phil is captured and brought to the kings' dungeons to act as his executor via eating any prisoners or such that the king doesnt like
phil doesnt want to do this so the king casts a few spells on him to make him more compliant as well as to completely erase his memory
phil gets used to his life as a prisoner. insert another angst chapter where phil is abused by the king and made to live in horrible conditions but accepts it because he doesnt think he deserves better. lots of self worth problems and ":( im a horrible giant monster that eats people ;-;" phil just having a horrible time
eventually one of the kids has to return home for something.
pov switch to that kid and a quick catch up chapter where their life is going pretty well, theyre sucessful and happy but theres always a sense that something in their life is missing or wrong. they feel a little guilty for ditching phil. for extra drama the three kids grew apart as adults
they need something from home, so they call the house and no one picks up. they keep calling and nothing happens so they start to worry. they call their siblings and eventually the worry grows
after an uncomfortable chapter where theyre together and weighing the pros and cons of returning home, they argue and agree that they need to check on phil
they go home and find the house completely ruined because of the king's abduction, which at this point happened a few years ago.
they guiltily reflect on the fact that they had no idea that phil had been in trouble for years at this point. angsty reflection chapter where they finally have to confront how they feel about him
they agree to go look for phil
they spend time scouting and researching and are almost ready to give up when they hear through the rumor mill that the king has a "domesticated" giant hes using to execute people
the giants needs handlers because it keeps eating the people who fill the position - most people take the side of the handlers and think the giant is a monster, but tech,wil,tommy see through that and know phil wouldnt eat anyone unless provoked
they sign up to be handlers and because the king sucks the hiring process is flimsy and they get the jobs right away
the potions made phil an amnesiac who doesnt remember anything, including his kids
so tommy, wilbur, techno have to act as his jailers and handlers while he doesnt remember a thing
in the beginning of their relationship he doesnt trust them and kind of hates them, he threatens to eat them a few times and it badly freaks them out, but they tough it out
eventually their relationship grows a lot stronger
caring for him while hes sick and abused makes them see him as he is and theyre all very regretful for inadvertantly putting him into this position, but they never want to tell him how theyre related to him
he likes them and begins to see them as sons but he refuses this part of him because of his self worth problems
theres always an underlying tension, because in the beginning phil had threatened to eat them for real and theyre always acutely aware of the fact that they are his jailers
as they grow closer the king gets angry at them for cutting phil too much slack. insert a horrible angsty scene where the boys are forced to hurt phil and he takes it because he knows the situation theyre in. forced whumpage
at the end hes exhausted and beat down and the kids are all on the brink of tears but he tells them he forgives them
the king's surveillance puts a new strain on the relationship
they start plotting even harder on how to break phil out
the king wants to break down phil's spirit because the kids are starting to uplift him, so he cruelly tells phil that he actually has three kids on the outside who never came for him / abandoned him
tommy, techno, and wil are all losing their minds as this is happening because theyre worried about the effect itll have on phil as well as if this means the king has figured them out
phil is a mess after finding out he adopted human kids who abandoned him when they found out what he was and wil, tech, tommy have to take care of him and get him out of his depressive funk while fully knowing they caused it
insert a few angsty scenes where he talks to them about his sons and is obviously very distraught about it
the boys try to bring him back to baseline but its not going well
they hear through the kings' servants that the king is planning to execute phil because hes getting harder to control, and his most recent bout of sadness has rendered him harder to use
wil, tech, and tommy really start to panic now. they figure out a way to get phil out of the castle
they do the escape attempt
something goes wrong and phil eats one of them thinking theyre one of the king's soldiers, which makes him lose his mind because he thinks theyll die
after the other two get him out they have to explain to him that its fine cuz his nervous system is wired to recognize him as his kids
hes pissed and angrily explaining to them how this is impossible. he does see them as his kids, but his nervous system didnt rewire itself because they were already adults when they met him
reveal time
phil is their dad lollll. those children who left him behind and didnt find out he was missing until years after are wil tommy and tech
phil fully starts to lose his mind
he brings up whoever he stored and they help him shrink down into his human form
hes still an absolute mess. he feels ashamed and embarassed and betrayed and angry / lots of other horrible conflicting emotions
pushes him into the a very sad mood and the boys have to take care of him again
the relationship gets better over time and phil starts to recover
theres an argument between phil and the kids and it makes the relationship tense and awful again
the king comes back looking for phil
he almost dies and the kids save him, and then he has to save them
they get closer
happy ending
it definitely gets less fleshed out by the end, but yeah. basic plotline for the your love angst au i dont think ill ever end up writing.
this would be a story where phil is a giant for like 98% of the story, and vore would probably feature in every single chapter. itd probably be a bit spookier than my other stories for that reason
let me know if this is something youd ever want to see me properly write. i have a lot of passion for this idea and at a better time its the kind of thing id start writing up right away.
im trying to think of a nickname for this au. i think ill go with love stuck from the mother mother song
cool cool. thanks for reading my nonsense!
editing to add a poll actually
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writers-potion · 2 months
Hi I really love all the writing tips you give! I'm a fanfic writer myself and your tips have helped me out so much with writing <3 I was wondering if you had any tips on how to write any kind of flashback scenes? Like ways to lead up to it or where a character is like having a headache and then BOOM they get a glimpse of a flashback or something. I struggle so much with this ;-;
Ideas for Flashback Scenes
Hey there! Thanks for the question! Since flashbacks are about reminding a character of a memory they haven't been thinking about, here are some ideas for triggering a memory!
Hinge on an Object/Person
Coming across an object or person from the past can call a dusty memory to the forefront. 
Maybe your character is going through the attic or clearing out an unused shelf. It can be a friend returning an item that they’d lost. 
A dream is a product of taking snippets from our actual life and putting them together in weird ways. A character may dream about something in the past, wake up, then recall the memory more clearly, using the dream snippet as the starting point.
Similarly, they may dream briefly as they doze off, then wake up to have a “fuller” flashback. 
A deja-vu would be most natural if the memory being recalled is set somewhere the character goes to on a day-to-day basis (like the supermarket or the cobbled walkway in front of their house, etc.)
A repeated action (cashier checking out items), a familiar scenery, or a familiar sound will trigger a similar memory, maybe even set in the same location. 
Mid-Conversation/Trigger Words 
Certain words or voices can be triggers of memory. You can have a moment where the character pauses for a moment to think, “wait, I think I’ve heard that phrase somewhere…” 
The other character asking them a question can also trigger a memory in the process of trying to come up with an answer. 
Trigger words can appear on road signs or on book covers, etc. You can try describing the font/color of the word and link it to a snapshot of the memory being recalled. 
The "Aha!" Moment 
This is where the character is doing essentially nothing (like standing in the shower, staring off into the ceiling, etc). It can even be when they’ve lied down trying to sleep, when something suddenly just jumps into mind. 
Provide some context through internal dialogue, where the character is either thinking about something that they’re worried about or an event that left an impression on them that day, etc. 
Being in Danger/Near-Death Moments
This is similar to how a character’s life plays out before their eyes right before they die. 
When a character is in danger, their brains will start firing in ways that it usually wouldn’t, triggering a flashback. 
A flashback can be induced by shock, a loud bang, explosion, etc. when the character goes momentarily numb. 
Flashback Under Intoxication
If your character is drunk, on drugs, or taking medication that impacts their cognitive abilities, they may start triggering memories that have long been buried. 
However, the flashback scene in this case will have some unusual aspects, and will be prone to being warped or even fabricated in some parts.
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floatyflowers · 11 months
Hello can you do a sauron/Marion x daughter reader fanfic and sauron being close, strict, and overprotective yet caring and loving father towards his daughter which is the reader!!!
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Even though Sauron is evil to the core and a backstabbing person, surprisingly he is a good father towards you.
After all, you are a part of him, his flesh and blood, so unlike other people, he can't sacrifice you.
He can't just sacrifice a part of him.
But that doesn't mean he won't use his manipulative tendencies on you to make you believe he is a good person.
However, when you started to grow into adulthood, you realized that your father is a scary monster who will do anything to gain power.
That's why you took advantage of the first chance you got and ran away.
On your way, you met Celebrimbor who offered you a roof to live under.
At first you thought the elven prince did it because he sympathized with you.
But in reality, Celebrimbor has fallen deeply for you, only because you are always by his side and helped him with crafting.
that he crafted a necklace to always remind you of him.
Things were going well, until an elf named Annatar entered your lives.
You and Celebrimbor got on well with him.
The fact that Annatar always knew how to cheer you up and make you smile made you feel deja vu.
But the dots all connected when Annatar had Celebrimbor make what will be later known as rings of power.
"Took you long to find out"
Before you could warn Celebrimbor, Sauron kidnapped you and sent you to a hideout to imprison you there.
Unfortunately, the news of Celebrimbor's capture reached you and how his body was shot with arrows, hung upon a pole, and paraded as a banner.
It made you depressed, as you wait for your father's arrival.
When Sauron finally visited your dungeon after many days, only for him to hug you as you cry in his embrace.
"It shall pass, by then you would see me become the king of Middle Earth...my precious"
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 2 months
RWBY Fanfic Recommendation List
Fics that have really struck me, vaguely organized by ship and/or topic.
Bumbleby (Blake x Yang)
first off, basically anything by pugoata. She's the goddess-empress of the Bees. I'm gonna give particular props to Banshee, as it was the first longer fic and AU that I read, and it really opened up my mind to what fanfic could be.
You're a Mountain, Full of Glory - a ski/snowboard with amazing characterization and a closing scene that will live rent-free in my head forever, in a good way.
They Can't Steal the Love You're Born to Find - childhood soulmates repeatedly torn apart and reconnecting, with courtroom drama. One of the most angst-ridden Bee fics I've ever read.
Fucking In Love - pornstar AU that gets right to the sex and slow burns the romance. Hot as hell while also full of tenderness and pining.
Midnight Menagerie - exotic dancer, kinda-cyberpunk dystopia AU. Edges you forever with the sex, earns all the angst tags, and we are majorly trusting @kaelidascope when she promises an amazing happy ending.
Bite Me Like You Love Me - one of the hottest Bee smutfics I've ever read.
You and Me - Blake discovers she's pregnant the day Yang goes MIA on a mission and struggles through being a single mother teaching their child about her amazing other mom. Short, happy ending, amazingly sweet.
WhiteRose (Ruby x Weiss)
The Foxtrot - Ruby and Weiss repair their broken lives after the war. It's one of the most popular RWBY fics of all time for a reason.
Can You See My Strings?/Deja Vu - premium mentally ill Weiss escapes from child abuse angst, with a happy ending if you read the sequel.
But Your Voice Used to Be Mine - Weiss escapes abuse to join RBY's punk band whose smash hit she inspired.
Just One Cigarette - Ruby and Weiss have a little meetup roleplay and it's really good.
Faunus Weiss (generally major themes of struggling with internal and external racism)
Craving the Sky - Weiss has painfully concealed her faunus heritage while she tries to earn her father's love. The support of her team, and the love of Blake and Yang (BeesSchnees) help her soar on her own.
Black Swan Theory - faunus Weiss struggles to recover from child abuse and navigate a deeply racist society while building a relationship with Pyrrha (Schneekos).
Clipped Wings - secret faunus Weiss, dealing with racism and abuse from Jacques, this time slow burning towards Pollination.
Melting Glace - Cinder and Neo find love, and no redemption, in the trauma of failing to destroy Beacon. Will make you cheer for them to win by the end.
Rise from the Ashes - Cinder has a Vader moment and saves Ruby from Salem, and Ruby's pure heart helps her heal, and their adversarial relationship turn to affection. Peak RWBY enemies-to-lovers.
Odds & Ends
The Bermuda Triangle - great modern AU BeesSchnees that gets filthy hot at the end.
Midnight Rose - Summer rescues and adopts Cinder out of Atlas. Their relationship, and Cinder coming to love the Xiao Long-Rose family, is beautifully depicted. Still very much ongoing (no ships as of yet).
Fallen Maiden - Jaune dies protecting Pyrrha at Beacon, and the Fall Maiden power remains split. Will Pyrrha's bloody crusade of vengeance consume her? Or, 'Pyrrha goes full Magneto and fucks Cinder up'.
What's In A Name? - Winter and May grow up together, struggling to cope with their feelings for each other against the background of the Atlas aristocracy.
Red Sky at Night - This excellently-composed fic has a hacked Penny as the primary antagonist of the Beacon arc and builds it to Nuts & Dolts. It captures both Penny's horror at being controlled in her own body and RWBY's fear in fighting a seemingly unstoppable enemy, almost like Terminator vibes, and ultimately takes it to a very sweet relationship.
Linked In Life and Love - I'd be remiss if I didn't mention this one. I really, really love the first act, where Team RWBY sees Blake suffering terribly through a surprise heat cycle and decides that they will all "help" her with it. It's sweet and tender and feels legit for them. I'm not a huge fan of where all the series has gone since, but I would invite anyone to judge that for themselves.
(As I see this getting a decent amount of traffic, I'll just point out that, if it's convinced you [correctly] of my impeccable taste in fanfic, you might want to check out my own RWBY writings)
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daxieoclock · 1 year
Howdy folks. I’m Daxievane, you might know me from my Persona 5 NG+ longfic Deja Vu, my so-far twoshot Black Mask Duo AU, my canceled Kingdom Hearts Dissidia, or my dozen or so WKTD fics. I’m an unemployed trans lesbian with a shit ton of writing experience and many disabilities.
It's summertime and while I'm currently focusing on preparing for summer classes to graduate on time, I'm also trying to budget out my slim savings to get out of my toxic parents' house and stay with my boyfriend for at least a month during my break. But since I'm unemployed, I'm about 200$ short of my goal. If anyone could help by buying me a coffee, I would be very grateful.
I also do prose or fic requests, ghost writing, fiction editing, genre tutoring, and photography+poetry. Check my ko fi above for examples of my art.
Prose, fanfic or ghost writing: 1$ per 100 words (5$ per double-spaced page).
Fiction editing: 1$ per page you'd like my in-depth feedback on.
Genre tutoring: 15$ for a (roughly) hour long lecture on a genre, trope or writing technique of your choice.
Photography + poetry: 15$ for a single image and poem pair with a subject, tone or prompt of your choice.
Sensitivity reading (transfem, nonbinary, lesbian, autism, bpd, ptsd, Jewish): 10$ minimum for <15 pages, 1$ extra for every page over 15.
I am happy to write or edit ns fw content, but I reserve the right to carte blanche rejection for predatory ships, or fandoms that make me uncomfortable. I will not accept any ns fw requests for underage characters, "aged up" or otherwise. I will also not accept any requests for RPF.
My strongest subjects are horror, character drama, action and world/lore building. I will gladly also tutor for romance.
DM me if any of the above sounds interesting, and we can discuss!
Don't tag with donashun etc thank you <3
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idrewagiraffe · 1 year
one of my favourite things in community fanfics is when people write in a little subtle nod to epidemiology. for example characters will get 'a strange feeling' when they hear any abba songs. my personal favourite is when they mention that abed/troy get deja vu from saying i love you too each other.
and i love it every single time like. hell yeah i get your reference author let's go hold hands and run into the sunset
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fujiihime · 2 years
Stranger Things Reading List (Series/One-Shots) - I (Full)
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I made a list of currently reading and recommended Stranger Things fanfics here on Tumblr. All were beautifully written by amazing writers. These writers are incredible and full of brilliant ideas, so please visit their blogs and check all of their works. Happy reading! Don’t forget to comment and reblog their works. You may also reblog this list to share with everyone/blog mutuals. Thank you! (For 18+, MDNI)
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Reading List - Part II
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Steve Harrington
* Oblivion by @wisteriaah * Upside Down Feelings by @aristrocrat * Steve Harrington Series/One-Shots by @harringtown * In The Dark I Will Call Your Name by @americaswritings * Soundtrack Of A Life by @mackenzie-is-loading * Defiance by @wintersxani * 003 by @homeofthepeculiar * The Divorce by @asgardwinter * Strange by @damn-stark * A Place In This World by @outerspacebisexual * Touch by @poeticandors * Dare | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | by @fan-fantasies * Head Over Heels by @theowritesstuff * Into Your Arms by @thegettingbyp2 * Ethereal by @rekiilysm * Out For Blood by @kerstynn * ST Series: Kate Hopper by @stranger-marauders * Sex Education by @sortagaysortahigh * Unlucky by @agentjemmafitzsimmons​​ * New Journey by @suckerfordylansstuff​
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Eddie Munson
* Munson’s Mixtape by @burgundybmw​​ * Right Where You Left Me | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 by @fairy-asian​ * TBSY | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 by @edwardmunsonsimp * Faded Memories | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 by @herroyalhighnessqueenmomo * Scotty Doesn’t Know by @munsonsbbyg * Dancing With Myself by @ambrossart * Eddie Munson Series by @baddiewiththebook * I’m Not Above Begging | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ED by @chvoswxtch​ * Teenage Dirtbag by @kaiasyko * Meet The Munsons by @mypoisonedvine * More Than A Feeling by @dingusfreakhxrrington​ * Heavy Metal Love Of Mine by @morwap * Why Can’t This Be Love? by @screwtoddstevesherdaddynow​ * My Favorite Henderson by @luvfae​
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Billy Hargrove
* Lonely Is Our Lives by @thewordswewrite​ * Hell’s Bells | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ED by @fan-fantasies * 18 Series & Billy One-Shots by @perpetuelledaydreaming * Show Me How by @phobiics * Biology Of Billy Hargrove by @thatonecurlygirl * Stranger Than Fiction by @multi-fandomfuckboy * BH Series & One-Shots by @takemepedropascal * She’s A Runner | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 by @latelyanobsession​ * The Leather Jacket Effect by @beetboxx​​​
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One-Shots / Short Series
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Steve Harrington
* Losing Game by @mcybank * Tolerate It | 2 | 3 by @multi-writer * Ultimatum | 2 by @ficsaregettingstranger * Tongue Tied | 2 by @sinclaiirs * Heartstopper by @forever-rogue * It Must Have Slipped Out | 2 by @girasollake * Well Don’t | 2 by @skyebounded * Put It Into Practice | 2 | 3 | 4 by @she-is-juniper * Unspoken Feelings by @appocalipse * Kiss Me With Your Fist by @forever-rogue * VHS Player | 2 by @adriannamunson * Adult Education | 2 | 3 by @chestharrington * Micro Touch | 2 | 3 by @bvckybanres * Kiss In The Rain by @magicchai * Falling All In You | 2 by @sophia-busch * The Way I Loved You by @lurkymurker * Deja Vu by @maximoff-pan * Operation Love Me by @justburningdaylight * August by @londonharrington * Breakups and Makeups by @bellatrixscurls * The Things We Don’t Say @bimrwolf  * Mean It by @maxmybeloved * You Belong With Me by @peterbenjiparker * I Wanna Be Yours by @ourautumn86​​
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Eddie Munson
* The Broken Hearts Club | ED1 | ED2 by @multi-writer​ * CBCC | Tears In The Rain | Gone With Sin by @queers-gambit​ * Eddie Munson Mini-Series by @strangermarvelss * Hold On To My Heart by @mypoisonedvine * Memories by @ur-local-geek-fest * You Look So Good In Green | 2 | 3 by @shiorinotshiori * Marigold | 2 by @fallen-stark * Separate Ways | 2 | 3 by @theveryfires * False God | 2 | 3 by @goldustwomun * He Loves Me Not | 2 by @hxneybimbo * Deja Vu by @marvelsswansong * I Could Be Your New Spring  * FWB To Lovers  * Love Me | 2 by @steviebears * Break A Leg, Not A Heart | 2 | 3 by @robynnnhooddd * They Don’t Love Me | 2 by @neverinadream * There Are Worse Things I Could Do | 2 by @once-upon-an-imagine * Safe | 2 | 3 by @loeyparker * Boyish by @hauntlikeaghost0 * Eddie Munson Mini-Series by @dahliarose3 * Right To The Bone | 2 by @havecourage-darling * I'll Watch Your Life In Pictures | 2 by @forever-rogue * Hurt | 2 by @hufflepuffobsessedwithmarvel * Heartstring Mayhem by @thisismynerdyself * Baby Munson by @webslinger-holland * A Little Push | 2 by @ladyfogg * Eddie Mini-Series/One-Shots by @xcatnapsx * More Than Friends by @1-800-munson * I’m A Fan Of Cheerleaders by @coolnamestillpending * This Could Be The End Of Everything by @andvys * The Freak And The Cheerleader by @moonlightsolo * Take You Home | 2 | 3 by @strangernstranger​ * Love On A Wire by @mooncakesofpan ​
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Billy Hargrove
* He Needs Her by @steveusesfaberge * It’s Just Sex | 2 | 3 by @erosso * The Good, The Bad & The Billy | 2 | 3 by @babyprincessharrington * No One But You by @waiting4inspiration * Dark Horse by @greatlampfestival * Respect And Responsibility by @andormeddows * Baby Do You Want To Come Home With Me? by @hellfirewhores * The Biggest Asshole in Indiana by @stever-things * Ready For Forever by @harcove 
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Jonathan Byers
* I Wish I Was Her by @lightininglydia * Drunken Regret by @eddiemunsons-girl * Jealousy, Jealousy by @lizzie-boo * Miss You by @iovesteveharrington * Inside A Photography by @inviswounds * Back To The Old House by @nancys4gf * Breath Of Fresh Air by @supervoldejaygent * Seven Minutes In Heaven by @brighteyedbushybrowed * Camping by @proudharrington * Teenage Dirtbag  * Late Night Calls * Be My Mistake by @steddiehickeys​​
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Mixed Masterlist 
* Summer Write-a-thon by @greetings-and-salutations * Steve/Eddie One-Shots by @upsidedownwithsteve * Billy/Steve One-Shots by @darling-i-read-it * Billy/Eddie/Jonathan Series/One Shots by @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ * Hanahaki Disease Series by @xoxoavenger​​​
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sofasoap · 9 months
Love at first sight - life and death
Pairing: Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra x F!reader ( aka Mini MacTavish)
Summary: Life doesn't always play a fair game. Takes place after Epilogue of the main series.
Part I, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,Part 5,Part 6,Epilogue
Warning: M Rating. inaccuracies to medical and military related. discussion of injuries. ANGST.
A/N: Thanks @gamergirlbones helping me with Spanish phrases. and to @siilvan for putting up with me for breaking her heart. not beta nor properly proofread. sorry.
Part of RUDY FEST fic. Thank you @glitterypirateduck the wonderful CoD fanfic and fanart curator for organising another festival :D you are awesome. Prompt used: I'm not leaving you, You have to leave, your life's in danger
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How ironic. 
The rescuer needs to be rescued. 
Your ears are ringing, vision blurred with all the dust in the air. Without looking down, you know you are bleeding out. 
Slowly turning towards your left, you can see two of your fellow medics lying motionless on the ground. 
Are they still alive? If not… 
Who are their next of kin? Oh, you need to retrieve their dog tags. The paper work.. 
Ouch. Why does it hurt so much? That’s right.. You are injured. But where?  
“MINI! Stay with me!” 
You know that voice. But where is he? 
“Oh, hello love. There you are.” you replied, blinking your eyes a few times, trying to flush out the blood that is currently blurring your vision. Finally you spotted the owner of the voice.“ You shouldn’t be here.It’s not safe.” Bit of deja vu? Last time this happened, you were the one who was on the other side, trying frantically to save Rudy’s life. How the tables have turned. 
“I am not leaving you.” Rudy replied adamantly, with a hint of panic as his eyes scanned your body, and the surroundings. “You are going to be ok, cariño, I promise. Stay with me. Please.” he pleaded as he started to open his emergency med kit, doing whatever he can to save his love from dying in front of him. 
“Go. Don’t worry about me.” You tried to lift your arm, but you couldn’t. That’s when you notice half of your body and arm are pinned underneath the boulder and debris. 
“Oh.That’s not good.” you try to laugh, but all you could manage was a shuddered breath. “You muppet, of course it’s not good.” A lower, grumpier voice joined in. “How can you still be laughing in this situation?” 
“Oh, hello,Captain.” You slurred. It’s harder and harder to keep your speech and head straight. “You have to leave, your life's in danger. Take that man with you too, while you are there.” you jerked your head towards Rudy, who is currently radioing for medevac, causing a pounding headache. Everything is starting to hurt. It’s getting so hard to breathe. You thought. 
“Tell Soap and the team I love them…” you wheezed as you tried to convey your last messages to Price. “Tell Soap I’m sorry I ate his chocolate cookies….” “Stop giving out your last words. Medevac is on their way.” he reassures you, or is he trying to reassure himself? The sadness you can see through his eyes, you know you are probably not going to get out of this. 
“What.. is.. them…are my teammates ok?” you look at the two bodies again, worrying. “We can’t lose those two.. They are the best we got…” tears start to flow out. They are your brother and sister in arms, three of you have been through countless life and death situations. Is this where the three of you will partway?
“They are still breathing, last time we checked. We don’t want to move them. Worry about yourself first, cariño. Just concentrate on your breathing.” Rudy replied as he caressed your hair, soothing you. You always love his hand, how calming it is, how safe it makes you feel. 
“Oh good.” you slowly close your eyes. At least someone will stay alive today. 
“Come on, keep your eyes open for me, cariño, talk to me.” Rudy’s voice is getting desperate, trying to keep you awake until the medevac arrives. The help just doesn’t seem to come fast enough. He can’t lose you. Not here, not now, not for another long time to come.
“Hey Rudy.” “Yes love.”
“Do you remember the day we first met?”
“Of course cariño. How could I forget?”
“Hey Rudy.”
“Yes mi vida.”
“You love me??”
“Of course.Mi corazón late por ti”.
The last thing you heard before you sank into the complete darkness was the anguish cry of Rudy, screaming out for you. 
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Mi corazón late por ti : My heart beats for you.
NOTE: Sorry it's a short one. I am just so tired from work conferences and travelling. part 2 might not come out in time for end of Rudy fest :(
Tag list :
@jynxmirage, @siilvan
@glitterypirateduck, @homicidal-slvt
@sprout-fics @cumikering @preciouslittlecreature @crazymela
@liyanahelena @abbeyrjm-blog @alypink @devcica @nrdmssgs
@okayyadriana @caramlizedtomatoes @random-thot-generator @random0lover
@nightingal3-tales, @deakyspuff
@deadbranch, @roosterr, @gamergirlbones, @b1rds3ye, @writeforfandoms @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @onewattson6529
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quintessencewrites · 1 year
Quintessence Writes
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essence 23 pansexual Welcome, Lovelies <3!
This blog is full of original stories, random reposts, and mindless thoughts. I write about what I like. Fanfic is a creative outlet for me that I enjoy beyond words and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.
Feel free to stay a while, get comfortable, talk to me, and become one of my loves
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Rules: I do write smut, so this blog is 18+ ONLY!!! MINORS, DNI!!!!
I write about characters, not real people. For example, I will write for Shuri and Jamie, but not Letitia Wright herself. I'm just not comfortable with it.
I admittedly mostly write for Shuri and Riri, unless otherwise stated, but I will absolutely write for someone else if you guys have any suggestions.
I AM A BLACK WOMAN WHO LOVES BLACK WOMEN (and they/thems, she hers/, he/his, I don't care really)... I write for POC readers, unless otherwise stated.
I do take requests and try my best to respond to them in a timely manner, HOWEVER, I am a nursing student with a full-time job. With that being said, just bear with me, your requested story is coming.
I WILL NOT WRITE ABOUT DISTURBING TOPICS, for example, (TW!!), incest, domestic violence, sexual assault, etc.
There is no hate on my little side of the internet, so be nice and just enjoy so everyone can have fun
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ShuRiri x OC (Sade Davis) Series
Put Me in My Place Riri Williams x OC (Sade Davis)
I feel my body tense, realizing I’m in the arms of my biggest competition throughout high school. I try to pull away, but Riri holds me tighter. “Please,” she starts. “Don’t go.”
You Up? Riri Williams x OC (Sade Davis)
“I told you to take it off. I’ll buy you a new one.”
Sorry For Breaking Your Hearts Riri Williams x OC (Sade Davis)
“No, no, please! My girlfriend, I-I haven’t seen her all day, I haven’t heard from her. I think something’s wrong.”
Two is Plenty, Three’s a Crowd ShuRiri x OC (Sade Davis)
“Sade, it is nice to meet you finally,” came the voice again, and at this point, the speaker was back on the table.
Somehow, I found my voice. “Pr-Princess Shuri.”
Ally? Ally. ShuRiri x OC (Sade Davis)
I face her and evenly reply “You drowned, huh?” Riri’s face flushes and she stammers, struggling to gather her words.
My Love, My Fury ShuRiri x OC (Sade Davis)
“What’s it say,” I ask. Shuri’s smile grows genuine and she responds, “Sade, sithandwa Sam. Sade, my love in my country’s alphabet.”
Breathe ShuRiri x OC (Sade Davis)
"It's like deja vu, isn't it baby?" Riri questions giddily, arms thrown around my neck.
Vanish ShuRiri x reader
"Nisale kakuhle zinkosi zenu (Goodbye, your majesties.)” You bow and exit, leaving the Queens in their despair. 
Vanish pt. 2 ShuRiri x reader
“Aneka, you will lead this mission.
General,” the word comes off her tongue like a tease, knowing she’s driving a spear through Okoye’s heart. “Fall back.”
Yes, Daddy
Y-yes, Daddy stud!ShuRiri x black!fem!reader
“I’m daddy,” Shuri growls and you sink into her body, melting at her vernacular. “Understand, baby?”
You make the mistake of nodding first, catching yourself quickly. “Yes,” you correct. 
“Yes, what?”
“Y-yes, daddy.”
Y-yes, Daddy pt. 2 stud!ShuRiri x black!fem!reader
Hmm, Shuri hums. “You look so damn good walking away, y/n, but that don’t mean I like it when you walk away from me. You wanna explain that shit?”
Escapism Shuri x Riri Shuri brought her hand up between their too-close bodies, tapping at Riri’s chin, then her cheeks. “Alright, alright. You’ve proven yourself. Breathe before you pass out.”
Y-yes, Daddy pt. 3 stud!ShuRiri x black!fem!reader
Her eyes sent the message that her lips didn’t; they couldn’t, too busy being bitten to the flesh between Riri’s perfect rows of teeth, the gold on her lower set mirroring the gold around her neck.
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Jordan Peele’s Nope.-Emerald Haywood
What’s Up, Doc? Emerald Haywood x reader
"You see a therapist?" OJ asks. "I fuck one," Emerald responds dismissively. 
Desire Pt. 1 Shuri x Stripper!reader
"Ladies and Gents, we got a treat for yall tonight! So much cake, it'll make you want to lick the icing first."
"Please help me in welcoming Desire to the stage!"
Desire Pt. 2 Shuri x Stripper!reader
“I desire you.”
“Kudala ndikurhalela.”
“I-I’ve been craving you"
Nobody Gets Me Riri Williams x fwb!reader
How am I supposed to tell ya?
I don't wanna see you with anyone but me
Nobody gets me like you
Happy Valentine's Day
Riri's Love Letter Riri x black!fem!reader
Do you remember what I said to you?
I know you remember that corny ass pickup line. 
“Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?”
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Little Panther
Little Panther Shuri x black!fem!reader
And collect my son I do, adorning his little fluffy figure in kisses. "None for me?" Shuri pouts, eyes begging.
"Uh, uh. You told me to collect my son, not my girl."
Brain-Break ShuRiri x Wakandan!fem!reader
“No, my Queen. If you will not indulge my idea for a moment to give you peace, then you will, at the very least, not work in such silence that you stress yourself anymore. Understood?”
Riri stifles a giggle at your words, sending Shuri to return to her work obediently, grumbling under her breath as she did. “-going to speak to me like that in my own lab.”
She Loves Me-Valkyrie
She Loves Me Shuri x reader; Valkyrie x reader
She loves me. Even though whenever I say it, she doesn't say it back.
Heavy is The Head-Queen Ramonda Heavy is the Head Queen Ramonda x Wakandan!reader
The nonchalant shrug makes a return. "She said I'm not a doll."
Your hands raked through her tight curls, expertly. "You're my doll."
Save Her
Save Her ShuRiri x Wakandan!reader
“Griot,” she started slowly. “Who is piloting Fighter 009?”
“Y/n, Your Majesty.”
Finally ShuRiri x black!fem!reader
“Remember that promise I made you?”
Riri nods, hands running through Shuri’s curls, lips tucked between her teeth in excitement. 
“I’m ready to act on it.”
My Princess
My Princess Shuri x black!fem!plus size!reader
“You heard her,” she started to the stunned girl on the other end. “So we good on whatever shit you was trying to offer her. It ain’t nothing compared to what I got.”
King-Queen Ramonda
King Queen! Ramonda x King!reader
“Your Highness-” “King. Do not be afraid to say it.”
I'm IronHeart
I'm IronHeart college student! Riri x college student!fem!black! reader
“You gon stop fucking up my pretty face-”  “You only like it when its pretty?” A smile broke across both your faces, her shiny rows of perfectly white teeth winking at you from between the prettiest brown lips you’d ever seen. “It’s always pretty,” you ran your fingers down her cheeks once more.
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Mama Shuri
Unyana Mama!Shuri x Mommy!reader
"Shuri, put your child to bed," you exclaim, bouncing down the stairs.
Man-Man drug dealer!ShuRiri x black!fem!single mom!reader
“Hey, baby,” your soft voice cooed. You had his undivided attention and his wide eyes followed the index finger of your free hand as you gestured to the girls standing above him.
Pernicious toxic!Shuri x reader; OC x reader
“Nah, baby, just getting a taste.  “Fuck y-” “I told you, you can’t do this shit better than me.”
Lil Hobie- Hobie Brown
Lil Hobie atsv Hobie x thick!black!fem!reader
“God dammit, Hobie!” “‘Hobie dammit, Hobie’ is kinda a redundant statement, love, don’t ya-”
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nobodywritingao3 · 11 months
spoilers for chapter 4 of your love deja vu
images below the cut
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skz-fanfic-recs · 5 months
long fics
sometimes you have time on your hands and want to read some long skz fics. here are some that won't disappoint. :)
five stars by mazauric
this is definitely my favorite skz fanfic ever, but read at your own risk. this title contains major character death and graphic depictions of violence. themes of cannibalism are present. it is 420690 words and 35 chapters long. the main pairing is jeongjin (aka. jeongin x hyunjin)
do you feel deja vu? by nnooorraa
this was a warm read. jisung's ex-boyfriend's new boyfriend is minho. he gets along almost "too well" with his love rival. this is tagged as an "enemies to friends to lovers." it is 123,149 words and 12 chapters long. the main pairing is minsung (aka. minho x jisung)
come on home by crookedtime
the angst killed me, but there's a happy ending! minho and jisung were adorable in this. there are graphic depictions of violence, so if that isn't your thing, skip this one. it is 206,755 words and 25 chapters long. the main pairing is minsung (aka. minho x jisung)
it is worth noting that all of the fics above contain explicit sexual content.
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pascaloverx · 7 months
Hit The Road
Chapter Five
previous chapter next chapter
Summary: You are a hunter of supernatural beings who is forced to experience a new reality: being a vampire. The only thing stronger than your thirst for blood is your thirst for revenge.
Author's note: the characters mentioned here were created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, based on the book series of the same name by author L. J. Smith. They don't belong to me. That said, this fanfic will be short. This fanfic may address scenes of violence, inappropriate language and adult content. Minors should not interact with this story.
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Something inside you said that finding Elena wouldn't be a completely good experience. You glanced at Damon, wondering whether you should go down to talk to her.
"Shouldn't you go down to see who arrived, or are you afraid your girlfriend will find out what you do when she's not at home?" You say teasing Damon, who at that moment seems to be thinking about what to do.
"Damon, are you there?" A feminine voice asks, seeming to come towards Damon's room. You feel something strange, a sense of déjà vu. And then, another vision fills you.
You're walking quickly, leaving this place in the middle of a forest that resembles a hunting cabin. You seem to be crying when Damon appears in front of you.
"Damon, stop chasing me. Go back to your perfect life with Elena and hope the clan doesn't find out you're in Mystic Falls. As for the rest, our matters are done." You speak hurriedly, as if escaping from Damon.
"It's strange that someone loves you and tells you to choose to be with someone else." Damon speaks somewhat confusedly.
"Who said I love you?" You say, still angry with Damon.
"Tell me why else wouldn't you kill a being that is basically your mortal enemy?" Damon says holding you, you then point to the crossbow that was in your hands. You want him to fear dying by your hands, but both that you don't plan to kill him using the crossbow. If you wanted to kill him, you would have done it already.
"Maybe I feel sorry for you. In love with the same woman for centuries, idolizing her image like someone idolizing a god. Don't try to interpret my compassion Damon, I have no interest in loving you." You lie, you know damn well you're lying but seeing Damon doubt his feelings is the only thing that will keep you two both sane.
You regain consciousness in Damon's arms, it feels like you must have fainted while having yet another vision. There's a woman with long brown hair looking at you like you're very complicated math question. You imagine she must be Elena. You then silently get up from Damon's arms.
"Are you well?" The woman asks with an almost relieved expression, maybe she thought I was dead or maybe she's relieved that I'm out of the man's arms that she loves.
"I'd be better off with a good glass of whiskey in my hand but I'm fine." You answer and she seems surprised by the answer, so you watch Damon smile after your answer.
"Damon never mentioned about having a visit so I came in without knocking. My name is Elena by the way." Elena says as she approaches Damon, you notice that she must be a little afraid to find a woman in his room. Something about you makes you sad to notice that Elena and Damon still care for each other.
"My name is Y/N. I'm an old friend of Damon and Stefan. And sorry for the sudden fainting, I've been going through the transition to vampire life recently." You compose yourself completely and feel uncomfortable being in Damon's room.
"And no one is helping you adapt to your new life?" Elena asks.
"The Salvatore brothers rightly offered to help. That's why I'm here." You respond looking at Damon who seems to like the excuse arranged for your presence in the house.
"If you need wise advice or tips, you can talk to me. My transition wasn't easy either. Even though I don't remember having blackouts and fainting but it could be a different one for each one." Elena says smiling, you then understand why Damon keeps her around. She seems like a good person.
"I appreciate your offer. I'll leave you two alone." You say leaving Damon's room as quickly as possible. You don't want to imagine what they have to talk about or what they will do inside. But you realize there's nothing you can do. And you do not get bored. You then decide to go after Stefan. You knock on his bedroom door once and he answers. He's shirtless, which makes you a little shy.
"Did you come here to watch me?" Stefan asks giving you a mischievous smile.
"You didn't invite me in then..." You respond trying to compose yourself. He approaches, his face just inches away from yours. You then wonder what you should do. Stefan, brings his lips closer to yours, giving you a long kiss. You return the kiss as if you needed it to distract your mind. But unfortunately another vision takes over you.
You're walking in the same forest as before, this time alone. You hear someone following you, so you run towards the cabin where would have weapons to defend yourself. Your heart, still human, beats strongly and your breath almost disappears. You end up falling, almost hurting your foot. Then something throws you against a tree close to where you were.
"I thought we had a deal, you stay out of harm's way and I don't have to get involved in your relationship with Damon." Stefan says while holding your neck tightly.
"Be careful, sweetheart, if you continue like this I'll think you've fallen in love with me." You respond smiling a little, Stefan doesn't seem to like it very much.
"I should never have gotten involved with you. Now I have to keep wondering when my brother will find out that his girlfriend and I fucked like rabbits before he met her." Stefan speaks with trepidation, and you smile.
"I'm not the first woman you and your brother have been interested in. Not to mention that I'm not his girlfriend. Elena or Katherine or anyone who looks like her is. Now either you take off your clothes or get out of my sight." You say and then you and Stefan start kissing intensely.
You wake up from this vision without fainting but you abruptly move away from Stefan who looks at you in surprise. You then quickly run away from him.
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greensimp · 1 year
Hey, a friend of mine linked your glasses fanfic with Gyutaro.
I'm wondering if you could do a fanfic with Gyutaro with a AFAB who has body image issues? I don't really like my body that much, feeling like aspects of it are Frankensteined together with my skin having a couple of blemishes and feeling its not the best or "clearest". Doesn't help when my father makes a lot of comments about me being too thin and should eat more, yet being thin is something a lot of girls want.
Sorry if it got a lil personal, but someone who's also near-sighted, that fanfic made me a lil happy to read it knowing my younger self would have liked that.
I definitely feel you, as someone littered with eczema sores and practically snowing from the scalp with psoriasis. I think Gyutaro would be the most understanding of all our insecurities (and let’s be honest he could probably one-up everyone on here)
I’ll try to be as vague as possible with any identifiers for the reader other than they’re AFAB. This includes any specific insecurities such as being over/underweight, skin issues, height, breast size, etc. (if I get requested to do a specific one like I did the near-sighted reader, I will do it tho)
Canon!Gyutaro x Insecure!AFAB!Reader
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He’d see you picking yourself apart in the mirror one night, a strange sense of deja-vu washing over him.
He doesn’t remember, since his memories are repressed, but he’d do a similar song and dance with his reflection in a puddle or lake when he was a human. At least, until he discovered he had a talent for fighting and intimidating people. Before his sister became the epicenter of his life.
He’d become angry for reasons he couldn’t quite pinpoint.
You’d tried hard not to let Gyutaro see you this upset or down about your body, but this night in particular he hadn’t announced his arrival at your house like he usually did. In fact, he had wanted to surprise you with your favorite snack and the Kimono you had been looking at in the stores but could never afford. (Let’s just say he “borrowed it without permission”)
“What’re ya doing?” He’d growl at you, making you jump to cover yourself with your blanket and stare at him with a tear-stained face.
Normally the sight of you crying would have him rushing to comfort you, but something was different this time.
Repressed feelings of inadequacy and shame were scratching at the recesses of his memories, tugging at his chest like chains.
The feeling of being a pathetic worm with no one to love him and no one to love.
He hated it, and he’d hate to see it in your eyes.
It was like a disease.
And the cold truth was that it didn’t stop with him.
“I-I um-“ You’d be stumbling for words, mortified that he’d seen your naked body for the first time like this. You’d be trying too hard not to burst into tears to see the nasty scowl he’d be giving you.
“You what? You were just looking at yourself like that for fun? Huh?!”
Your breath would hitch at his harsh tone. Was he upset with you? What had you done?
“What do you mean?!” You’d cry out, but that would only make him angrier. To him, you’re hiding from the problem. You’ve been hiding a part of yourself you shouldn’t have.
You’re being pathetic. Just like he used to be.
“Disgraceful! Disgraceful!”
He’d bring his hand up to his face and scratch it till he bled, leaving you more confused. You’d never seen him so distressed and this self-destructive. It was like seeing you triggered some sort of traumatic response from within himself.
You just stare as your beautiful demon boyfriend shreds his skin to pieces, only for it to immediately heal as if it never happened.
He wouldn’t know to figure it out himself, but he would feel like he failed you. That’s why he’s so angry. He’s not mad at you. He’s projecting his feelings onto you. He thought he made you feel beautiful and loved as he never had. He thought you knew that.
But you’d catch on. At least, you’d recognize that he was about to break down.
Out of sheer love and affection for your sweet upper moon, you’d jump from your blankets and run to him, gripping his arms to stop his assault on himself.
You’d just stand there, in the nude, no longer caring about how your body looked to him. All you would want was for him to stop.
When he’d finally catch your determined stare with his own, frantic eyes, he’d falter and begin to shake.
It would be evident that he was on the verge of crying by how glossy his eyes would get.
You’d bring your hands up to his face to cup his cheeks and he’d gently grip your wrists.
“Why?” He’d croak out.
You wouldn’t exactly know what he was asking about.
I would be a question of multiple answers, though.
Why would you think you’re not worthy for him when he looks how he does?
Why would you think he wouldn’t love how you look?
How could you have such little faith in him?
You wouldn’t know how to respond, but you’d feel a twinge of guilt all the same.
You’d bring your hands back to yourself, hugging your body and trying not to cry yourself.
“Don’t hide. Please.”
He’d pry your arms from over your breasts and place his hands on your sides, crouching a bit to touch his forehead to yours.
You’d sniffle, maybe struggle a bit, but he’d just snake his arms around your waist and hold you tight.
“M’sorry I yelled at you. M’so sorry.”
His voice wobbled enough to the point where you could struggle anymore. You just let him hold you and show you how much he appreciates you through his gestures of rubbing your back and playing with your hair.
Every stroke, every touch was as if he were saying “let me love you how you love me.”
And yes, he would think you were beautiful. He wouldn’t understand how you’d think he was, considering how unfortunate he looks compared to conventional beauty standards.
He’d want you to know how much he loves your body every day from this moment onward.
He’d never let you forget that you have one of the most powerful demons on the planet admiring you from the shadows. He’d be there, even if you couldn’t see him.
And that demon’s name is Gyutaro.
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epicsteddieficrecs · 1 year
Epic Steddie Fic Rec (January 16th-February 5th 2023)
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Sorry I took a little unintended break! Hope you enjoy this rec! :)
🖤 Same As It Ever Was by QuokkaFoxtrot (Canon Divergent, Time Loop | 62K | Explicit): “Deja-vu? Like you feel like you’ve done this before, because-” “No!” Steve snaps, feeling everyone’s attention snap to him. He lowers his voice, aiming it so that only Nancy can hear. “I mean I’ve carried Eddie’s body back to the rift in the trailer. Twice.”
What is this, a Crossover Episode? by 3MinsOver, Ayes/ @sayesayes, itskleo/ @noxarcanaart (PWP, Fanfic of Fanfic | 7K | Explicit): SODA BURN/FLIGHT RISK CROSSOVER AU. imagine if, while Steve's still working at Barton's, one Eddie Munson, famous rockstar, takes a liking to him.
🖤 Soda Burn by 3MinsOver (Modern AU, Bartender Steve&Eddie | 80K | Explicit): “Hey newbie. Ever worked in a bar before?” The guy asks with an easy smile. The greeting would be charming from anyone else, perhaps even from the guy himself if he’d not overheard the exchange moments before, but Steve’s insides curl at the condescension. “Yeah. For about five years. Thanks. And my name’s Steve.” He responds, voice clipped. “Nice to meet you, Steve. I’m Eddie.” - when the upmarket cocktail bar Steve’s working at goes out of business, he finds himself in desperate need of a job.
🖤 better by you, better than me by palmviolet/ @palmviolet (Canon Divergent, Season 1-2 | 17/? | 90K | Mature | Warning: Violence): November 1983. Between unpaid bills, the supposedly straight jock he’s seeing, and letters from his convict dad, seventeen year old Eddie Munson’s got enough to worry about. But when Will Byers goes missing, it sparks a chain of events that will show there are more depths to Hawkins — and to certain people in it, like infamous Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington — than he realizes. / or, the excessively long slow-burn in which Eddie is involved in the Upside Down from the very beginning.
🖤 Find Me a Find (Catch Me a Catch) by Humanities_Handbag/ @humanityinahandbag (Post-S4, Wayne POV | 8/11 | 58K | Teen): Eddie fawns over Steve from a hospital bed, Steve has a Grade-A crush, and Wayne is wondering if there’s a way to ask someone to be your son-in-law without making it weird. Or: Wayne decides that playing matchmaker between a band nerd and a royal jock might not be the most glamorous job, but someone’s got to do it.
🖤 Trouble Looks Good On You by indelicate/ @steddielations (Post S4 | 2/4 | 12K | Explicit): It happens like a fever dream. The first time Steve gives Eddie a swift smack on the ass, it’s obviously just an old jock habit that’s stuck with him. It wasn’t meant to have Eddie’s knees going weak, or turn his blood hot under his skin, or give him a brand in the shape of Steve Harrington’s hand, or— Nope, because Eddie’s not even into that. But then, it happens again. Or, Steve keeps accidentally awakening Eddie’s new kinks.
Burning Love by Oniria_Creation/ @oniriacreation​ (Modern AU, Firefighter Steve | 9/12 | 39K | Explicit): Firefighter Steve Harrington meets one Eddie Munson and their lives change forever.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 12 days
Send to the mha omegaverse ch.2
Finding tomura shigaraki ch.1 ch.3 A03
A/N: I hope y'all enjoy this chapter!! It's a bit short but I hope y'all enjoy this ☺️ every chapter will be posted on Thursday. 18+ NO minor, antis and ageless blogs interact with my blog thanks you (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) y/n= your name, l/n= last name
✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。 ♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *
Great just great… not only that I'm in my hero academia but also as an omega. I look at izuku’s feet, I can't make eye contact because of this stupid quirk.
“ So are you an alpha or a beta? ” I ask him as he is still hold his nose, he nervously scratch his neck.
“ y-yeah, I'm an alpha… ” ahh that makes sense, I slowly look at his neck to notice he has a mark… huh? I read some fanfic where alpha doesn't get marks. Does that mean…
“ I don’t have anything to get patches.. ” I sigh heavily, where am I supposed to go in this world? I don't have anything nor a place to stay. This is gonna be a problem.
I put my thumb on my lips as I think, if I don't exist in my world does that mean I'm… dead? No, my family is probably worried about me and wondering where I went. Yeah that could be it.
“ don't worry miss, I got patches for you. ” I see his hand in my view as I grab it from him.
“ uhh this is an odd question but what do I smell like? "Izuku start to blush as he look away.
“ you smell lovely like…. Strawberry cheesecake.. sweet scent." Okay now it makes sense why he is holding his nose, it's because I smell good to him.
I put the patch on my neck as I saw his hand out. “ There's some extra, I gotta get going…” I grab some and put it in my pocket.
As soon as he leaves, we hear loud commotion nearby as we watch the scene unfold.
I looked at Izuku as he was in shock as he screamed out.” THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND!! ” I watch him run straight to the crowd of people as I look straight ahead to realize… Bakugou was covered by the slime villain as I watched izuku run towards it saving his boyfriend? So it's not canon mha in my world where they're enemies but in this universe they're boyfriends. Now it makes sense why izuku has a mark on his neck.
I-… maybe I shouldn't be around, I'll probably affect this world but this doesn't make any sense, I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't be in this universe at all.
I walk away from the crowd feeling like deja vu as I look at myself in the window. It feels odd that I look the same but in an anime style version of myself. 
I blink a few times as I begin to walk away, I pause as I thought to myself.
Maybe I can look for the villains.. Tomura shigaraki in this world, I gotta find him, I can finally have my moments with him and be with my favorite character… well I can't say character anymore since I exist in their world.
But in a city like this, there is no way I can find him as I sighed in defeat.
Well at least I gotta try, I started to look everywhere. In alleyways and to suspicious shady areas. No luck.
I sighed heavily as I sat down on the streets, there was no way I'd be able to find him. I looked up to accidentally make eye contact with a stranger as I felt fear run down my spine as I immediately stood up.
The man smirks wide as he walks towards me.” well well well what a pretty lil omega doing here all by herself? You should come with me, you're mine. ” oh god no, my quirk is affecting him as I begin to run away as fast as possible.
I heard him screaming behind me as I started to panic and feel tears coming out, I've never felt like this. Never been chased by someone and I feel like I could die any minute in this world.
As I ran away forward not knowing where to go as I saw twice?? He ran past me as he started to fight the man who was chasing after me.
I couldn't believe Jin was helping me out, he was not wearing his mask. Maybe this is before he joined the League, I watch them fight each other for a good three minute until the man says.” this is pointless you can have the dumb omega, I’m leaving…” I put my hand on my chest feeling out of breath as I collapsed into the floor, tears running down my cheeks as I held myself as I began to sob.
I hear footsteps coming near as he spoke softly.” hey omega, I saw you getting chased from my window.. are you okay? No she ain’t, should have left her to him. ” I smile hearing him speak, I look at his shoulder a bit.
“ thank you…. I can't make eye contact because of my quirk. ” I see him moving his head to the side in confusion. 
“.... is that how you got chased? ”
“ mhmm.. my quirk is called lovestruck if I look you in the eyes, you'll be like that man. ” I hold myself tight feeling scared for my life.. you would think this world is easy but you get chased by strangers and not to mention you don't know what their true intention will lead if he caught me.
I see his hand in front of me as he said.” lemme help you up, I'm Jin Bubaigawara.. ” I smile softly as I shake his hand.
“ I'm… y/n...   y/n l/n.'' He has a mark on his forehead so did it happen before? It looks a bit fresh but I won't question it as I stand up. Jesus Christ how is he taller than me, he looks like he can easily carry me around with no issues as I started to blush.
Well I'm 5’4 so he gotta be around five something…
“ you can live with me for now, I don't have much… don't be a messy pig. Crap I'm sorry about that I-.. ” I shake my head as I giggle.
“ It's okay, I understand.. is it your quirk that is costing it? "Wait, wouldn't he be confused by me saying that, would he get suspicious of me asking him that.
He turned his head away as he scratched his neck.” yeah my quirk… it's hard to talk about it.”
“  I understand, I won't ask you anything about it if it makes you uncomfortable. ” I pat his shoulder lightly as he smile a bit.
“ thank you y/n. ” I follow behind him as we head to his apartment.
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