lgemme · 3 years
7 ways to get the best nutrition out of your fruits & veggies
7 ways to get the best nutrition out of your fruits & veggies
We hear a lot about the benefits of a plant-based diet; but did you know there are a variety of ways to get more out of your fruits and veggies? Here’s a list of seven ways you might never have thought about that help you retain and absorb more nutrients from your meals. Buy frozen foods or fresh I would even suggest frozen before fresh for many fruits and veggies, unless getting it from a…
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lgemme · 4 years
Do I have enough milk for my newborn?
Do I have enough milk for my newborn?
Like every newly minted parent, you are probably worried about your milk supply and being able to provide enough milk for your newborn. While bottles are see-through, our breasts/chests aren’t. So we can’t always tell how much – if at all – milk our babies are ingesting.Relax, mom and dad! Here are some easy ways to tell if your baby is getting the amount he needs: Your baby’s weight is steadily…
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lgemme · 6 years
What's the key to happiness?
What’s the key to happiness?
The key to happiness is kindness.
  A recent study published in April of this year has shown that doing acts of random of kindness (or ARKs, if you forgive me quoting from the movie Evan Almighty) has amazing results on personal, subjective feelings of happiness.
And it didn’t seem to matter whether the…
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lgemme · 7 years
Recipe: Potato Curry
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If you’ve been following my blog for the last few months, you probably can tell I like my stuff spicy. And during the winter, I always crave the warmth of Indian foods, like curries. So I looked through my cupboards and fridge, and whipped this up. (more…)
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lgemme · 7 years
Thai (inspired) Noodle Soup
Thai-Inspired Noodle Soup
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So when I need inspiration, I hit the books – recipe books, that is. I have fewer recipe books than you’d think, though. Once I discovered internet recipes and Pinterest, there was no turning back. But there are several I hang onto with beautiful pictures that I turn to for ideas. And this past Friday was one such day. But not a single recipe took my fancy. Sure, I had a few ingredients on a…
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lgemme · 7 years
It's time to celebrate!
It’s time to celebrate!
Today LinkedIn has told the world (okay, maybe just my connections) that four years ago on this date, Plateful of Soul was born. It’s hard to believe. Thank goodness for the Internet. If it wasn’t for Facebook reminding me of people’s birthdays, I would probably never remember their special days on time. If it wasn’t for Google calendar reminders, events I’d planned to go to would pass me by. And…
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lgemme · 8 years
Why healthy people don't need to "juice"
Why healthy people don’t need to “juice”
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Want Free Tips and Support?  Sign Up Here For My Monthly E-Newsletter While juicing may still be all the rage in some circles, I can’t find it in my heart to fully get behind it as a well-person’s go-to health fix. Here are some reasons why: (more…)
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lgemme · 8 years
The paradox of positive thinking
The paradox of positive thinking
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It’s everywhere, isn’t it? The power of positive thinking. It will solve all of our problems, it seems to say. We are told to, “Look on the bright side,” “Think positively,” “Cultivate gratitude,”… While these can be helpful to help us correct gross imbalances of negativity, it isn’t actually the whole answer to a life well-lived. (more…)
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lgemme · 8 years
The trouble with my grandmother ...
The trouble with my grandmother …
“Never eat what your grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.” It’s a pretty ubiquitous caveat today. Somehow that one sentence is supposed to conjure up a homey, heart-tendering scene of all of our grandmothers, and the wisdom she brought to the kitchen. If it doesn’t for you, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Because in America, we still have a very outdated vision of what that looks like. (more…)
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lgemme · 8 years
Butternut Squash Spaghetti Sauce
Butternut Squash Spaghetti Sauce
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Here is a recipe I whipped up recently. Because I never make anything small, this makes a lot…but easy enough to freeze some for later meals! Butternut Squash Spaghetti 1 butternut squash, peeled and cubed 1 jar (25-oz) spaghetti sauce 1 can (13.5 oz) light coconut milk Cook together on medium heat covered until squash is cooked. 2 small yellow onions, diced 4 or 5 cloves of garlic, minced…
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lgemme · 8 years
Fork Or Fiction: The fault in pairing your plate with technology
Fork Or Fiction: The fault in pairing your plate with technology
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I was eating breakfast and settling down for a little light reading this past month when I came across this article in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics that grabbed my attention. I actually had to do a double take at the headline. It read: Evaluation of a Smart Fork to Decelerate Eating Rate. What’ll they think of next? The Fork Well, the good news is that scientists are…
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lgemme · 8 years
Proactively creating a happy 2017
Proactively creating a happy 2017
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Well, I went ahead and did it: I made a “Goodie Jar” for 2017. You see all these great ideas floating around the internet around the New Year in order to inspire gratitude and positivity for the next 12 months. Most reshare these ideas on Facebook and they recirculate a few times around your social circle, and then everyone forgets about it. Well, most of them do. I am usually one of them. Like a…
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lgemme · 8 years
Why you should stop trying to lose weight this New Year's
Why you should stop trying to lose weight this New Year’s
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Happy New Year’s! As I sit and write this on the morn of New Year’s Eve, I see my Facebook feed flooding with “resolutions.” We know the drill. Every year, people make the same promises to themselves. To get a better job. To stop smoking. Spend less. Spend more time with family. Get fit. And the topmost popular goal for New Year’s across the board: Lose weight. The sad thing is, most people never…
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lgemme · 8 years
9 tips for eating sanely during the holidays
9 tips for eating sanely during the holidays
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I’m a little embarrassed to admit this, … but Thanksgiving dinner got the better of me this year. (more…)
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lgemme · 8 years
Cold Beet Salad & Sweet Craisin Quinoa
Cold Beet Salad & Sweet Craisin Quinoa
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PREPARATION Quinoa: Prepare one cup quinoa with 1/2 cup raisins and 1/4 cup dried cranberries. Cook together until water is absorbed by quinoa. Add 1/4 cup canned light coconut milk/cream, 1/2 tbsp maple syrup, 1/2 tbsp coconut sugar, and 1/2 tbsp cayenne. Mix well. Sprinkle a handful of fresh, minced mint leaves. Beet Salad I took both red and golden beets, cut the roots from the stems and…
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lgemme · 8 years
Recipe: Sweet & Spicy Butternut Sqash with Pineapple
Recipe: Sweet & Spicy Butternut Sqash with Pineapple
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If you haven’t been following my Instagram feed, I posted this video this past weekend about my cooking process. It’s a little scattered and open to interpretation. Ha! Yes, this #nutritionist every weekend is #livingontheedge by #groceryshopping without a single recipe. #cookingwithoutaparachute #norecipe #noplan #goodfood #quinoa #groceries #foodblogger #foodshopping #redgrapes #butternutsquash…
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lgemme · 8 years
Recipe: Apple Pumpkin Muffins
Recipe: Apple Pumpkin Muffins
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I am not usually into baking. But I married a sweets lover, so I decided to surprise my husband with this little treat when he came home from work this weekend. Since it’s officially fall, my inner tastebud clock was jonesing for something pumpkin flavored. And ta-da! A completely fall-themed muffin recipe for you to try. These are so amazingly moist, it almost tastes like cake. It’s also…
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