askthejash · 1 year
your blood is salty…
talk about salt in the wound
*ba dum tss*
Actually, it does hurt quite a bit when I bleed. Interestingly enough, I also believe..
🧪He unwraps his arm, and it's already healed over completely.🧪
Yes, it heals incredibly quickly...
If not for.. everything else, this could have been an amazing step forward in medical science and medicine in general..
Woah, cool.
Yes, quite amazing.
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fangirl-writes · 1 year
Sick Day
JJ Maybank x GN!Reader
Warning(s): Sickness, fever.
Hi!! I've seen you account recently and I was thinking maybe you could write jj maybank x reader when the reader is always so guffy and childish, like they always jump from excitement and love weird things. So reader is sick like have really bad fever and is weary weak, almost fainted because of that and jj take kare of them and maybe lullaby them to sleep by singing them and rocking them please.
Also English isn't my mother language so please forgive me for any mistakes love you.
Feel free to ignore me if you want to byee
Notes: JJ would absolutely listen to Arctic Monkeys don't @ me.
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"But JJ," you whined as he carried you into your house.
"No buts, Y/N, you can't put other shit above yourself. You're sick and you're going to be sick until you get better."
You pouted, burying your head in his shoulder. "But what if you get sick?"
"Don't worry about that, I literally never get sick. It's like some superpower I have," he replied, walking towards your bedroom. "One time John B. got the flu, like shit from both ends bad flu, and I spent the whole day with him anyway and never got sick."
"But you're gonna miss a pogue day off..."
"I think I'm willing to sacrifice one day just for you,"
A blush spread across your cheeks and you said, "...thanks."
You'd woken up feeling like shit, with a fever and an aching body, but you were never one to let anything bring you down so you popped some Tylenol and went on your way.
But the pogues knew something was wrong right away because you were usually the life of the party, bouncing uncontrollably all the way down the dock and talking animatedly about whatever it was that had piqued your interest that day.
But not today.
Today you were relatively silent, refusing a beer and a puff of JJ's blunt.
You'd had off days before, they all did, so none of them pushed you to tell them what was up.
Until you stood up too fast and nearly fainted.
Thankfully, JJ intercepted your body before it could hit the water and laid you down on the floor of the boat. Everyone fanned your face and Kie pressed a cool water bottle to your forehead.
"Y/N, you're burning up," she said. "I think you have a fever."
"What?" JJ said. "Seriously?"
You couldn't help but cry a little bit at the statement, the concern in everyone's eyes making you feel worse.
Which JJ could tell. "Come on, I'm taking you home."
"What? No-" you sat up quickly - too quickly- and had to catch yourself before you fell back. "Seriously, don't let me ruin your day, I can walk home."
"Y/N, you can barely sit up, let JJ take you home," Pope said.
"No, come on, he probably doesn't want to be around me anyway. You'd much rather stay here and drink and smoke with the pogues, right?"
JJ was silent for a moment, narrowing his eyes at you before he leaned over, grabbed your wrist and hip, threw you over his shoulder and hopped up onto the deck with ease.
"JJ!" You protested, but he'd trapped you. You had no escape in this position.
"See you guys later," JJ said, throwing a peace sign to his friends with his free hand before continuing his trek towards your house.
"JJ!" You tried again, pounding against his back. "Put me down!"
He swung you around, making you shout, but he didn't put you down, simply holding you bridal style instead.
You must've turned green because he winced. "Sorry."
Eyes squeezed shut, you said, "It's fine. You should really put me down though."
A few minutes of bickering later and well-
"Here we are," JJ said, setting you down carefully on your bed.
Having resigned yourself to sickness at this point, you immediately crawled under the covers and groaned.
JJ chuckled, running a hand over your forehead. "You really are burning up. I'm gonna go get you some water."
"I'll be right back," He said, smiling at you as you looked up at him.
He pulled a water bottle from the fridge and the bottle of Tylenol from the cabinet before heading back to your room.
Your eyes were still open when he came back.
"Nothing," you replied, smiling weakly. "Just never saw you as the nurse type."
"Never had any sexy dreams about me in a nurse's uniform?" he joked.
"You wish."
Instead of replying, JJ set down the water and Tylenol on your bedside table and picked up the thermometer that was already there.
"You had a fever before and you still came?"
You groaned. "Don't lecture me."
He didn't but he still stuck the thermometer in your mouth.
"101, wow," he said. "You are sick. And you definitely need to sleep."
You tossed your head against your pillow. How were you supposed to sleep in the middle of the afternoon with the sun shining right in your window?
Then an idea struck you.
JJ looked up from where he was surveying the thermometer and noticed your gaze. "...What?"
You made grabby hands at him. "Cuddle me?"
He shook his head. "You're sick."
"What happened to all that bravado about not ever getting sick?"
"I mean you need to sleep."
"I'll sleep better if you're with me," you replied.
He rolled his eyes but joined you in your bed anyway. "If you wanted me in your bed, you didn't have to get sick to do it."
"Shut up," you mumbled, tucking yourself into his arms with your head against his chest. "You know you've always wanted to be here, too."
He hoped his heart wasn't hammering too hard with you so close. "Maybe so."
You sighed, face scrunched up as you tried to will yourself to sleep.
JJ bit his lip.
His mother always used to sing him lullabies when he was sick as a kid. Course that was before she left.
Still, maybe he could turn that painful memory into a good one.
He started humming softly, just loud enough for you to hear, and raking his fingers through your hair.
"You call the shots babe, I just wanna be yours," he sang softly.
Sure he wasn't the most musically gifted person, but he could hold a tune and the way you snuggled further into him told him you were enjoying the serenade.
"Secrets I have held in my heart, are harder to hide than I thought. Maybe I just wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours."
Forgetting the other words, he returned to humming.
You were so beautiful, lying in his arms, half-asleep. Even sick, you were one of the most beautiful people JJ had ever seen.
"I just wanna be yours," he sang one last time, assuming you'd be asleep by now.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and went to get up but you tightened your hold.
"Don't leave," You whispered sleepily, almost slurring. "I wanna be yours, too..."
A little stunned, JJ slunk back into his former position, holding you close. "Really?"
You hummed, nodding.
JJ absolutely got your fever the next day but he'd claim it was worth it to hear you sing the same song back at him and to kiss you whenever he wanted.
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howlingday · 4 months
Ruby J. West
Ruby: We can definitely escape, Penny! All you have to do is pull the cover off that steam pipe!
Penny: Good idea, Ruby!
Penny: (Pulls cover, Steam pours in)
Ruby: Hm... Now that you mention it, I do have trouble breathing underwater sometimes. I'll take the gills!
Roman: Yeah, gills... That means you won't need those pesky lungs anymore, right?
Ruby: I don't see why I would.
Ruby: I may not know anything about deer, but I know a lot about doing anything for just one Lien!
Ruby: (Reaches for Lien bill on electric wire, Can't reach)
Ruby: (Sighs, Climbs down)
Ruby: (Climbs up, Reaches with metal pole) Let me tell you something; if you think bad luck can defeat me, then you don't know my name is Ruby J. Ro- OOOOOOOAGH! Ugh... Phew!
Ruby: (Struck by lightning, Falls)
Jacques: You little shit! You think you can ruin me?! How much do you want?
Ruby: Put that checkbook away, Mr. Schnee, because I found something more important. My friends. And they're not worth a penny to me!
Penny: (Confused look)
Jaune: (Disappointed look)
Ruby: That's why these little guys are going on a pizza, so I can share the food I love with the people I like.
Jacques: Holy hell, you're going to eat them?! Well, make sure you eat them all. You're a growing girl. Toodle-Oo~! (Mutters) Dumb bitch...
Ruby: What a nice, old man.
Ruby: (Thinking) I really can read minds! I have a superpower! There must be something I can use it for...
Ruby: (Gasps)
Ruby: (Sneaks into boy's locker room) Hello, gentlemen. I can read your thoughts~!
Ruby: Hey- OW! OOF! ACK! OWIE! OUCH! OWOWOW! (Kicked out) Oogh... Oh, wait. That's invisibility.
Ruby: I propose a competition. If I win, Remnant is safe. If I lose, you kill us!
Penny: !!!
Salem: Fine, whatever.
Ruby: Uh...
Salem: It's between 1 and 3.
Ruby: FOUR!
Penny: ???
Salem: Between 1 and 3, not including 1 or 3.
Ruby: M!
Penny: ...Is it M?
Salem: ...Yes. The number I was thinking of is the letter M.
Jaune: Don't you ever think ahead?
Ruby: Hell no! If I thought ahead, I wouldn't be Queen of the Mice! And I wouldn't even be at Beacon! It reminds me of the story of the Grasshopper and the Octopus. All year long, the Grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter, while the Octopus watched TV all day and mooched off her boyfriend. Then the winter came and the Grasshopper died, and the Octopus ate all the Grasshopper's acorns and also she got a racecar!
Ruby: Is any of this getting through to you?
Cinder: What do you do for a living?
Ruby: Um... Can I phone a friend?
Cinder: Are you ready to play?
Ruby: I didn't come to play. I CAME TO WIN! Now let's play!
Cinder: For one lien, what tool is used to hammer a nail?
Cinder: A, a hammer. B, a nail. C-
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true-blue-sonic · 1 month
honestly the forces plot would’ve been fixed in my eyes if silver and espio had actually gotten any direct interactions. the story would still be utter nonsense but i’d’ve overlooked all of it as long as my boys found some amount of happiness in each other
I mean, we do have Espio hanging over a table to tell Silver he's right about miracles and what-not! That's pretty romantic, isn't it? /j XD
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Amy is judging in the background, oops XD XD
In general, I think Forces would have done well if we'd seen the Resistance as a whole do more, or at least its core members. I feel quite uncertain about the idea that seven people with a collection of extremely powerful superpowers and weaponry plus a ton of manpower can only protect .1% of the world over six months, and then the two Sonics roll around and in three days Eggman has lost everything. It feels like it's doing the other characters in the cast a disservice, almost. We don't know how the war went, so we really cannot say if they immediately got overrun by Eggman or if they gradually lost terrain over six months' time. But still... Of course Sonic is powerful (as the main player character who always wins, he of course is always going to be more powerful in the end than whatever threat he faces), but the Resistance really could do nothing to win back a bit of terrain and protect it until the Sonics plus the Avatar ran through it once and destroyed some robots? (Hmm, one reason I'm willing to accept on this topic is that Sonic is supposed to be so inspiring to the populace, he gave them the strength to persevere where they could not before. After all, if the most powerful being on the planet is killed by Eggman, what chance do some commoners have to persevere against him? And if that being then comes back to life (sort of XD), it could be the push they needed. I like that idea, actually!)
The above kind of also ties in with the reason why I think six months is simply too long for such a story. There's so much that happened, both to the planet physically and (you would presume) everyone mentally: it's strange to me that afterwards things are immediately back to normal again and in the next game everyone is totes racing around with the guy who actively was destroying and terrorising their home for six months. Nobody, except for arguably Tails, seems particularly affected by that long time-span and the fact they thought Sonic was literally dead, and I feel like more could have been done on that topic. The story is dark and grandiose and epic without being willing to commit to the consequences the events should have, I would say. Except that immediately brings issues: diving into that comes at the risk of things getting melodramatic and overly edgy, which iirc is already a complaint against Forces to begin with, and the Sonic franchise also just plain isn't going to overtly deeply dive into such things, I feel like. The characters are meant to be ideals to marvel at and to be inspiring; obviously they're going to focus on making things right instead of angsting about Eggman's six-month regime in excruciating detail. Such things are hit or miss, and I think it suits the franchise to not even attempt to swing and see. (and during the times it does try, such as with the translation of Forces into English, people immediately point out how things like "Tails losing it" and "Sonic has been tortured for six months" feel very unfitting and don't even match what we see in the game after. But then again, the games have managed to handle dark topics like weapons of mass destruction in a proper way, I would say.) But I'd have to replay Forces and gather my thoughts on this topic more to describe my gripes with the story in much deeper detail, haha. I find it a very inspiring game and I always enjoy playing it because Sonic is so kind to the Avatar, but I do wish they'd tackled certain things differently.
Regardless, your ask did give me an idea about a story I could write between Silver and Espio, so I'll upload that to Tumblr in a sec! ^-^
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miralyk · 4 months
wait, even though you draw yourself, you don't want to associate yourself with f/o or selfshipping communities? genuinely curious, and want to be respectful of boundaries drawing gift art for you
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had to look up what "f/o" means but yeah i think i get an idea of what you're asking... i have a bit of a nuanced and long-winded answer wrt the Topic, which will be under the cut for convenience, but to start for for Fanart, i'm still very conflicted about my appearance both irl and in art, so i'm cool w something like drawing something like my trainersona or my pokesona/foxsona, but not art Directly Of Me, My IRL Self Showing My Bare Face, hope that makes sense!
as for the Specifics since this ask seems to be in response to a recent tag i did saying "i don't want to tag art of myself as self-insert or selfship", no, i don't selfship myself with al*x m*rcer or d*smond m*les, if that's what you're trying to indirectly ask LMAO;; it's just "guys being dudes", an older friend who babysat a little kid under their wing (eg axel and xion's dynamic, or "my coworker/college classmate that's super older than me" LMAO) sort of thing.
(full long-winded answer to this question and broad topic:)
i don't have a problem with selfshipping or self-inserts; any criticisms i have are just core "fandom issues" (out of character writing/art, ignoring serious themes/topics in the source material to flanderize or sanitize fanworks, excessive spam in tags, especially unrelated to the post and/or without proper blockable tagging, etc) that selfshipping/self-inserts can perpetuate like any other fanfics or fanart mediums.
for me personally, i technically do have "self-insert" stuff like trainersona/pokesona art and lore to even a selfship with riley called brilliantaurashipping, but i just try to keep it quiet and not bother anyone tbh. i don't have much confidence with my appearance or overall qualities as a person and the last thing i want to do is be ignorant and pretentious, which i feel like would be hypocritical just. constantly drawing myself. especially in a rose-tinted goggles and mary-sue "oh i'm perfect and nothing's wrong with me i have all the superpowers and plot armor in the world and i'm besties with EVERYONEEEEE" shticks,, it makes me wince for canon-compliance and "oh god i don't want to be someone shitty and ignorant like j*lloapocalypse" reasons.
i also don't want to risk annoying or bothering people... if you're autistic and/or a person of color too you may understand this struggle better, but i've had a lot of ""friendships"" where it turned out people who i thought mutually considered friends actually hated me the whole time and only held their tongue out of societal obligations, laugh behind my back as the "mean girl's autistic pet" thing, fail to communicate properly because of various social cues i couldn't process, and so on. i'd rather have up front, honest communication that doesn't sugarcoat anything or beat around the bush, so here i am doing the same with elaborating my thoughts and hope i'm not misinterpreted or have people make assumptions making things up based on lack of information too. this got a bit long but... yeah, overall i do like drawing, even of "silly" stuff like this, but there's a reason why the word guilty is in "guilty pleasure"
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raethye · 1 year
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Save My Love (Or Kill This Heart) by raethye
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Seokjin x Taehyung
Length: 61.8K, complete
Characters: Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Namjoon | RM, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Min Yoongi | Suga, Original Character(s)
Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Superheroes, Superpowers, Supervillains, Revenge, Memory Alteration, Secret Identity, Angst, Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Light Bondage, Superpower Sex, Second Chances, Romance, Top Kim Seokjin | Jin, Bottom Kim Taehyung | V, Trauma, Blood and Violence, Major Character Injury, Justice, Sad Kim Taehyung | V, Aged-Up Character(s)
The new guy in apartment 1613 is loud. Not in the usual sense of blaring music or stomping feet or overenthusiastic workouts combining both, but nevertheless loud. A surge of secondhand loneliness slams into Seokjin. He's got half a bottle of whiskey to offer some ‘welcome to the neighborhood’ shots with, but no way to explain his pre-dawn presence.
How does one show up unannounced and tell a complete stranger that they seem sad?
The superheroes of Seoul are dealing with a high-profile thief. Seokjin is dealing with Taehyung, his mysterious new neighbor, who may or may not be stealing his heart.
FULL WORK (complete)
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
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lumine-no-hikari · 1 month
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #239
Some very sad and confusing things happened today, and I don't know what to do. I think I'm still not ready to talk about it.
Well. Nonetheless, I had a visitor today. Ma from work came over. We played several rounds of a popular card game in my world called Magic: The Gathering. I don't know how much you know about Queen's Blood, which, as I understand it, is a card game in your world. The rules are very different, but they are similar in that they are both card games, and they both require a good head for strategy. I ended up winning 3 out of the 4 games with Ma. I felt kinda bad about it. But on the 4th game, I ended up drawing poorly, which gave his deck time to build up so it could work in the way he envisioned. The cards he selected were absolutely radiant, and watching them work together was glorious!
…To be perfectly honest, I like it better when the other person wins, when playing Magic: The Gathering. And there are two reasons for this. First, it means the other person gets to feel good and confident about their deck and about the way they put it together. Second, it means I get to see their deck in action, which is essentially an indirect way to see and marvel at how their mind works. I get to see the way they put their cards together. And I get to see the delighted and satisfied looks on their faces when their combination of cards works exactly as intended. It's a very beautiful thing.
I imagine you'd be very good at this game; you're a smart guy and you learn very quickly. Maybe someday if you ever visit my neighborhood, we can show you how it works; I think you'd have a lot of fun with it. It'd be a great way to work that brilliant mind of yours.
I thought we were going to go to the food truck festival today, downtown. But M, J, and Ma weren't feeling it. And that's cool, so we stayed home. I imagine the place would have been crowded and overwhelming for me anyway, and I'm currently not in the bestest emotional state. I'm managing; I'm staying afloat. But… well…
In any case, I'm pleased to tell you that the exercises I got from K at the physical therapy place seem to be working pretty well. I was in almost no pain all day today, and that was pretty great, because that hasn't happened in a while. I did a bunch of dishes today, and then I made my classic recipe of chicken leg quarters, crispy asparagus, and macaroni and cheese. I think I've walked you through the process of making that at least once. It's one of my favorite comfort dishes. Maybe one of these days, I'll get to share it with you. I discovered today that Ma doesn't like asparagus, though; he described it as his "kryptonite".
Oh, uh. You might not know what that's referencing. Uhhh, so… in my world, we have in our popular media a superhero called Superman. He comes from a planet called Krypton, but it was being destroyed by something, so his loving parents built a spaceship for him when he was a baby, and he ended up landing on my planet - Earth. He was found by some farmers, and as he grew, he realized that he has amazing strength, and the ability to fly, and a plethora of other random superpowers. He assumed a very unassuming identity as a journalist called Clark Kent, but in his spare time, he puts on a disguise and protects the world from people who wanna take it over and kill a bunch of people.
But Superman's one weakness is an imaginary substance called Kryptonite (for the record, kryptonite is a real mineral on my planet, but unlike the Kryptonite in the comics, the real stuff is basically inert; it doesn't do anything). For whatever reason, if Superman is in the presence of Kryptonite, he loses all his powers, and if he stays in its presence for too long, I think he'll die.
Most people in my world know about Superman and the effect that Kryptonite has on him. So when they say, "x is my kryptonite", what they really mean is that they hate it a lot.
So, I guess that was a really long way of saying that I made Ma some caramelized onions to go with the chicken and the macaroni and cheese, because he doesn't like asparagus. Hahaha…
…Sephiroth… I know that I write a lot in this space; thank you for putting up with it. You might conclude from this that I am a person who talks all the time, or a person who writes to people all the time. But I'm not. Truth be told, outside of this space here where I feel safe writing to you, I'm actually relatively taciturn. I tend not to demand the attention of the people around me, even if those people are close to me. Usually, I wait to engage with others until they prompt me. And it's not because I don't wanna talk to people; truth be told, I do have a lot going on up in my noggin (as I'm sure you've gathered by this point, if you've read any of these) that I wish could be easily shared. But… through the course of living, and when I consider myself in relation to the rest of the world, I've discovered this:
My life experiences and the way I perceive the world are both very weird. There's a lot going on up in my head, but almost none of it could possibly be relevant to other people in my world. And I don't like demanding others' attention to say things to them that aren't relevant to them. Almost no one in my life wants to hear me talk about the way the trees sing. They don't wanna hear me talk about my special interests. They don't wanna hear me talk about the projects I'm doing. They don't wanna hear me talk about you. They don't wanna hear me talk about my various wacky and stupid adventures. Why should they? It's not like what normal people talk about.
So I don't. And that's fine; they've got their own things that they can talk to me about if they wanna; even if I don't know a whole lot about it or even if I don't know what to say, I still listen. I still try to make myself available, even if it doesn't always work out (sometimes I can't focus for shit). But I'll usually wait for others to initiate; not everyone takes well to being asked about how they're doing or about themselves in general, so I usually wait for others to approach at their leisure, so that it can be their choice. Often enough, J will tap my shoulder while I'm in the middle of something because he wants me to listen to him talk about airplanes or about whatever else is on his mind, and I'm happy to pause what I'm doing to listen; it's delightful.
Usually bad things happen when I try to initiate, though. For example, J gets really overwhelmed and sometimes frustrated if I interrupt him while he's doing something to talk about stuff that has no bearing on his life, and that's natural. I can't just open my mouth and demand people's time like that, willy-nilly. And nearly everyone is like this; it's not just J. Besides, if I get to talking about whatever crazy shit is in my head, then either no one understands, or they get weirded out, or their eyes glaze over pretty quickly. I've noticed that by and large, people won't tell me that they wanna stop talking or that they wanna change the subject, and that baffles me.
…When I start to think I am welcomed and wanted in a space, invariably, what happens is that I mask less, and then others discover that I'm weirder and more incomprehensible than they thought, and then they don't want me around anymore. It happens over and over and over and over again, and… I'm tired. So I just shut up and listen. I've learned that the best way to avoid getting hurt by the people I wanna be loved by is to figure out what they want and just do it. Unfortunately, I don't do a very good job of that unless they tell me what it is that they want. And lots of folks are very hesitant to say the things they want out loud.
So the thing I've learned to do, in order to get around other people's reluctance to set conversational boundaries and their reluctance to tell me what they want, is to wait patiently, to be quiet, to observe keenly, and to listen carefully. Outside of this space, I tend not to speak or write unless I feel like I have something damn important to say, and I almost never feel like I do. Even for M and I, sometimes we go for a day or two without saying much of anything at all to each other (even though we live in the same house and are married), and that doesn't feel bad or wrong to me. It's just easier for everyone this way, because then everyone can be heard and I can avoid bothering people with my bullshit nonsense. I can just work by myself on my stupid little projects in peace and leave everyone alone so that they're free to do their things without needing to worry about being pestered by an annoying little shit like me. It's very simple.
In this space here, when I write to you, it's a little different. I'm not saying words with my face that then others have no choice but to hear. I am not writing things to send to their phones or their social media spaces, which they then might feel they have an obligation to read. I put my thoughts here, and the people who want to know them can read them, and the people who don't want to know can move on. It's here if people want it, and if they don't, they can just ignore it. Easy peasy. In this way, I am not an inconvenience or an imposition. I have a little bit more freedom like this, because I don't have to worry about pissing someone off and losing social face for failing to read the social cues that tell those who aren't socially blind that they're not wanted.
I can write unabashedly in these letters to you, because most of me imagines that you're never going to see them. And even if you did see them, most of me imagines that you'll just destroy them or throw them away without looking at them, anyway. After all, even if you were not a fictional character who doesn't actually exist, I have no reason to believe that you'd treat me any differently than most anyone else does.
…Sigh. It's just… it's complicated. Maybe my brain is a little warped today. I'm grieving. But it can't be helped. It's probably all my fault.
Well. It's 8:56PM. I have to wake up at 5AM to take J to Great Barrington again. If I want a good night's sleep, I have to be in bed within the next four minutes. Wish me luck, yeah?
I love you. And I'll write again tomorrow. Stay safe out there.
Your friend, Lumine
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rate-every-bat · 9 months
Today's Bat: Fringe-Lipped Bat
Your best friend sets you up on a blind date. She says, "He's a real foodie, has great facial hair, and he makes his own cologne!" You're a little apprehensive when you're packed into a Jeep, and become even more so as you're taken out to the Peruvian Amazon. You find yourself alighted to a beautiful stream... the romance in the air crests... and you look up into the face of your date:
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Environmental Impact: These guys are fairly omnivorous, though they're best known for eating frogs (more on this in the Power rating). They've got a wide range across northern South America, and are of no conservational concern. Their usefulness knows no bounds: they're a foundational food source for predators, they control pest species like katydids and mosquitos, they provide fertilizer in the form of guano, and they're choice research specimens thanks to their sociable natures and unique behaviors.
Beauty: Look at that mug. Those namesake lip protrusions are a real showstopper. Additionally, Fringe-Lipped Bats are famous perfumeries: they're well-studied for their "forearm crusts", which are orange patches along their wings where they cake a musk-and-fruit scented mixture of glandular secretions and saliva. These crusts are lady magnets (read: sexually selected traits). Researchers have reported locating roosts based on the group's collective odor. If human beings can appreciate the smells of whale vomit and beaver ass, I think we can make room in our hearts for Fringe-Lipped Bat crusts.
Power: As promised, it's time to discuss this bat's superpower. The whiskers aren't just for show: they can sense the presence of poison. This, combined with their ability to differentiate between vocalizations, allows the bat to select only the most delicious frogs. They have the ability to eat nearly anything (including other bats!!), yet they continue to refine their palates. Respect.
Overall: The Fringe-Lipped Romeo is infinitely loveable. I'd highly recommend looking into Merlin Tuttle's research and photography of this species... and honestly, everything else Merlin Tuttle does. No further notes.
(Today's sources: Animal Diversity Web, Animalia, and the following resources borrowed from my local library:
Flores, Victoria, et al. “The Role of Male Forearm Crust Odour in Fringe-Lipped Bats (Trachops Cirrhosus).” Behaviour, vol. 156, no. 15, Dec. 2019, pp. 1435–58. EBSCOhost, https://doi.org/10.1163/1568539X-00003573.
Merlin D. Tuttle, Michael J. Ryan, Bat Predation and the Evolution of Frog Vocalizations in the Neotropics. Science 214, 677-678 (1981).DOI:10.1126/science.214.4521.677)
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ragsy · 1 year
thinking about how absurdly long i've had (dog)mark as an OC by submitting myself to the mortifying ordeal of looking at my own old art....
the oldest file i have of him my drive is from 2008, but he's functionally an entirely different guy before i ship-of-theseus'd him from a spy RP to a paranormal(ish) rom-com RP
so he went from this (early 2009) (teenager's vague understanding of a highly trained spy, still kind of a loser, has blue hair for some reason, the fact that he's turning into a chicken is irrelevant):
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to this (late 2009-2012) (just kind of a regular guy with a girlfriend, with whom weird paranormal things happen. they got superpowers. they time traveled. there were aliens. there were ghosts. he became santa claus once. it was a good time):
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and he functionally stayed the same after that for years, until roughly 2014-2015 when i started developing a post apocalyptic fantasy setting that i wanted to put him in. he would have been cryogenically preserved from before the apocalypse and get thawed out by accident when some scrappers find the ruins of the city he had lived in. and now looking at the one drawing from that time, i'm thinking i must have been watching a lot of futurama at that point because the resemblance to philip j fry is oddly specific
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and then i didn't do anything with that setting, so i didn't draw him a single time until 2019 or 2020 when i did OC-tober and one of the prompts led me to doing a fantasy AU version of him:
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and then in late 2021 i incorporated him into my running Monster of the Week campaign as (secretly) the Michigan Dogman, but didn't draw him AGAIN until 2022 after it had been revealed that he was the Dogman. and that's the point where i went completely fucking feral about him
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happyandticklish · 1 year
since you sent me such a CRUELLY EXPOSING ask (<3 /j) I figured it only fair to return the favour ^^
If you could only pick ONE fictional character to absolutely wreck you, who would it be and why?
And what do you think that says about you 👀👀
hehe love ya happy <333333
(and omfg thank u so much for liking the fic you have no idea how happy I am that you enjoyed it take your time to scream I'm just glad I did your post proud !!! ^^)
How fucking dare you (affectionate) the audacity of this. I will answer, because I honor my promises, and also because yours was far more exposing than this and I got a lot of insider deets out of that 😌
Also, again with the goddamn choices man, you gotta cut that shit out, a girl can only choose things so many times
Okay, so this took me a thousand hours to decide because there's a couple that I have in my head
And I know you said one, and I will provide my top one, but I have to list the top three because they're all pretty much tied. I also think it's incredibly ironic that my top three lers are also my favorite lees. I don't know if you know any of these characters so I provided a bit of background information for reference
1. At the top of the list.... Chishiya!
I've only known about him for a couple of weeks but that was enough~ I would also like to preface all of these by saying, do I think any of these characters actually would tickle me? No, because most of them are either assholes or would think it's weird. But I am choosing to ignore that for the sake of this question~
So he's a character in Alice in Borderland, which is a show about people who participate in death games and shit. But Chishiya was the Cheshire Cat-esque character, hence the name, so just imagine that vibe for his character. He makes me go absolutely feral, and the idea of him doing it is,,,,,, yeah. I feel like there would be one of his classic slight smiles and a head cock somewhere in there as he watched your reactions, and that would perish me on the spot.
2. Mostly tying out is.... Damien!
So Damien is from The Bright Sessions, and is essentially this guy who can make people do whatever he wants through projecting his own desires via superpowers. He's also half smug asshole/pathetic wet cat of a man. It is the latter half that makes him so tickly-able, but the first half that has him on this list. If you heard his voice, you'd get it. He does this kind of deep drawl thing with it, and his voice is so fucking smug and teasy for literally no reason, it's absolutely not necessary for anything that he says. But whenever he "wins" against someone, he's consistently rubbing it in their face and it's annoying but also,,,, yeah, just but also.
3. Returning as one of my og faves.... Connor from DBH!
He's an android from the game Detroit Become Human, which is essentially about these AI androids that gain life and learn what it means to be human while overcoming bigotry and a bunch of other shit. But Connor was an android cop that was sent to investigate the case, and eventually starts to become deviant, or human, himself. But he's such an attentive, perceptive character because he has to be. His whole job is about analyzing other people. So he can pick up when others are embarrassed and why, and he'll just fucking point it out because he doesn't know you don't talk about those things. So the idea of him noticing that you're ticklish and that you like it, because he would absolutely pick up on that, and pointing it out is beyond flustering for no reason.
As for what they say about me, I think one safe conclusion is that I like assholes lol. But in reality, I think it's mostly reaction based. Having somebody really, truly see me, notice things about me, and discover what things get to me, is such a flustering but nice concept. Just having someone work to get a certain reaction out of you, or tease you when they notice the effect something is having on you, especially if you're trying to hide it. I just like being teased guys. Tk or otherwise, it's such a giddy, happy feeling and I'm obsessed with it.
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cultofsappho · 8 months
Spider-Man Alex ideas (I got a little carried away, I love this verse so much)
1. Henry does something heroic and gets media attention for it. Henry is flustered and Alex is so fucking proud and takes the piss every moment he can.
2. Five times Alex and Henry bail each other out of jail, plus one time they’re thrown in jail together.
3. J. Jonah Jameson is convinced that Henry is Spider-Man because he keeps seeing Henry near Spider-Man activity.
4. Henry keeps having to fish Alex out of dumpsters.
5. The Leak, where both their innermost thoughts and Alex’s identity as Spider-Man get revealed.
6. Another superhero shows up and Alex gets extremely shirty about it.
7. Henry gets superpowers too (i.e. a villain blasts him with cosmic rays and, for the first time, Henry can set himself on fire).
8. Henry is Alex’s home, Nora’s the guy in the chair - what’s June’s role??
i'm giggling like a maniac rn bc what the hell did you hack my wips??? hahaha lets just say like, half of these are basically the plots of the wips i've already started lmaoooo, but the other half? IDEAS ARE BREWING THANK YOU
please never hesitate to scream plots at me you are genius ilysm
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lungclearpro12 · 4 days
Is Lung Clear Pro the Best Supplement for Your Lungs? Let's Find Out!
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Having healthy lungs is super important for feeling good, right? But with all the junk in the air today—like pollution and smoke—our lungs are working overtime. That's why some folks turn to lung health supplements to give them a little extra help.
One that's been getting talked about a lot is Lung Clear Pro. But does it really do what it says? Is it the best thing for lung health, or is it just another supplement fighting for space on the shelf? Well, let's get into it with a full review and see if it's worth your time and money.
Want to know more and maybe grab a bottle for yourself? Head to the Lung Clear Pro website.
So, What Exactly Is Lung Clear Pro?
Lung Clear Pro is a supplement that's all about keeping your lungs in tip-top shape. It's got a mix of natural goodies that aim to help your lungs work better. It's perfect for anyone who's had to deal with breathing problems because of pollution, smoking, or even just a nasty cold.
This little pill is supposed to help your lungs in a few key ways:
1. Cleaner Airways
It's like a little janitor for your lungs, helping to get rid of the yucky stuff like mucus and toxins that clog them up.
2. Less Inflammation
If your lungs are inflamed (which happens a lot with pollution and allergies), it can make it hard to breathe. Lung Clear Pro has ingredients to calm that down.
3. Better Oxygen Flow
By making your airways wider and lung function snappier, Lung Clear Pro wants to help you get more oxygen to your body, which equals more energy and feeling better all around.
4. Stronger Immune System
Healthy lungs are like a fortress against sickness. This supplement has stuff that helps keep your defences up.
What's in Lung Clear Pro?
This supplement is like a cocktail of lung-loving ingredients:
Mullein Leaf: It's an herb that's been used for ages to soothe the lungs and clear out mucus. It's like a breath of fresh air for your airways.
Licorice Root: This root isn't just for candy; it's got anti-inflammatory superpowers that can help your lungs chill out.
Elderberry: It's full of antioxidants, which are like little soldiers that fight off the bad guys that can make your lungs weaker.
Thyme Extract: This herb is a lung superhero, helping to fight off infections and keep mucus from building up.
Oregano: Not just for pizza, oregano can help fight viruses and keep your airways happy.
By mixing all these together, Lung Clear Pro aims to be a one-stop shop for lung health.
What Are People Saying About Lung Clear Pro?
Real people have been using this supplement and sharing their stories. Here's a quick look at what some users have to say:
Martha J: "My allergies used to mess with my breathing so much, but Lung Clear Pro has been a lifesaver. I feel like I can breathe easier now."
James L: "I quit smoking, and Lung Clear Pro has really helped me get my breath back. It's like my lungs are finally getting a break."
Rachel F: "Working in a place with bad air quality was tough on my lungs, but Lung Clear Pro has made a big difference. Less coughing, less wheezing."
Remember, though, everyone's body is different, so it might work faster for some than others.
Is Lung Clear Pro Safe?
It's mostly natural, so it's safe for most folks. But, like with anything new, you should chat with your doctor before starting, especially if you've got health issues or take other meds. Some people might get a bit of a tummy ache or have an allergic reaction, but that's not too common.
How Do I Use Lung Clear Pro?
It's easy peasy—just take it with water once or twice a day, like your morning cup of joe. But remember, consistency is key, and it's best to pair it with lung-friendly habits like exercising and keeping your space clean.
Does It Stack Up Against Other Supplements?
The thing that makes Lung Clear Pro special is that it's all about the lungs. Some supplements are like a jack-of-all-trades, but not this one. It's got natural ingredients and lots of happy users, which sets it apart from the pack.
Where Can I Get Lung Clear Pro?
To make sure you're getting the real deal, order from their official website. That way, you're guaranteed to get the genuine product, and you might snag some cool discounts too.
So, Is Lung Clear Pro Worth the Buzz?
Looking at everything, it seems like Lung Clear Pro is more than just empty promises. It's got a solid track record with users and a simple, focused approach to lung health.
If you're someone who struggles with lung issues or just wants to keep their breathing easy, it's definitely worth checking out. Visit the Lung Clear Pro website to learn more and decide if it's the right choice for you.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Surprising my grandpa his 1954 international pick up truck part 2 #class...
This is the vehicle that Uncle Paul is in and it's one of the Michael Myers movies and he gets a little bit comes back swinging it says really you did this to me why she says you're in the way of of him dating me and he says he's not to you're related and she says we weren't huge giants of our own and they'll be discriminated against and destroyed but they always have been and she said I don't care it has to work it's all we have and get out of the way and she's saying that as she's trying to attack him and he asked you and he said dropkicker and do whatever you can do to stop her and so he tried to stop her and it didn't work and she snuck up on him so she's mad at you after and you're saying who cares your possessed you're an idiot and she starts getting real mad and says is that what I'm getting superpowers from I said yes you're trying to get captured by the max you started because I know why she got really really mad and she said he knows and is telling us we're not listening so right now if you don't believe that's what it is and know about it then you're not controlling it and that's the downfall of choosing to be ignorant in the future it looks like you guys start getting a hold of it and your calling on the powers of chehalude and others and she says wow that's intense and I was sitting there talking so she gets it and she says to him this is a matter of choice and stuff like that and he says and not know it and know it and not know it until you're all dead but you have been the answer is probably and she gets mad and says what is he saying he's saying that you need to study it if you're going to study it or just don't bother don't go around and poke into people's business nobody talks about the demons so you know they're they're something that exist and she says oh yeah so she started doing it she figured it out and she started to try and use it and it was valuable but this is the truck that Ken was in in the future the near future
Thor Freya
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plantwithoutplot · 1 year
15 Questions OC Edition
Thank you for tagging me, @j-1173 ! (*´ ˘ `*)♥
Imma direct all the questions at my OC Léo Alzavola from my novel Eterna Storia, because he is one of my favs and has always been in all of my readers' Top 5 lol
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‌Are you named after anyone?
Léo: Not that I know of? I did take my father's last name, Alzavola, when I was officially adopted in the family, though.
‌When was the last time you cried?
Léo: Today at lunch ― the guy queueing before me at the cafeteria got thr very last slice of pizza. . .  ( ͒ ́ඉ .̫ ඉ ̀ ͒) 
‌Do you have kids?
Léo: Oh God NO I'M 16―
Léo: Unless you count that one draft of the story where I'm supposed to accidentally have two kids when I'm 21~23. Love them, two daughters, much smarter than me, too! And I'm glad their mom and I get along even though we didn't stay together. We both think that spending equal time with them and kreping them happy is what matters most 🩷
‌Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Léo: Me? I would never― _(┐「ε:)_
‌What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Léo: Their Souls? Ahah... It's my superpower, gotta use it sometimes, okay? And at least I always know who is a decent person and who's an asshole you shouldn't ever talk to.
‌What’s your eye color?
Léo: Brown!
‌Scary movies or happy endings?
‌Any special talents?
Léo: I've been told I'm ✨ e x c e l l e n t✨ at fucking the simplest shit up!
‌Where were you born?
Léo: I, uh... I don't...? Oh cavolo―... Mh, okay, okay, so. Long story short is that I was adopted when I was 7 years old. I don't... Remember much. From before. Nothing useful, at least. And we don't have any official document confirming my parents' identity or name so... I really don't know?... Can we move on, now? Please?
‌What are your hobbies?
Léo: I play the trumpet! It started out as a distraction to play during local summer festivals, since my sister is a Gardian and she brings her Manades along with her around the region, for local games like Abrivados or Taureau-Piscine. I... No. No, I won't explain. It is very weird and traditional events and you can't really do it justice by translating it. Traduttore, Traditore, y'know? But I guess you could also count horse riding as a hobby, since my sistrr taught me so that I can help her around with the bulls?
‌Do you have any pets?
Léo: Unfortunately, no... Would have loved to have a dog, though!
‌What sports do you play/have played?
Léo: I never really was one for sports outside of school... I like to hang around with friends and chill and play, but I never focused on just one sport. I do enjoy horse riding, though!
‌How tall are you?
Léo: Uuuuh... Right now? I'm 16 and only 176cm tall right now, but according to my doctor, I'm still gonna grow some more! ٩(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)و🩵
‌Favorite subject in school?
Léo: Lunch? ... Okay then, uh... Italian. Since I grew up learning it from my Dad's side of the family, classes are easy to follow! And I like it better than Spanish... Sorry Mom―
‌Dream job?
Léo: Anything near to a nice 9-to-5 where I get to have a routine and a perfectly normal, boring life!! That's really, really, all that I wish for!
Tagging the amazing @whymustmyfavalwaysdie and @newbieineverything and whoever wanna play ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ✨
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Hi! Tell me about your ocs!
Hiya! Firstly thank you for the ask, I genuinely made gremlin noises haha
I do have like three stories so I’ll just give some basic info about my fav rn and if you wanna know about the others lmk
So it’s a sci-fi story set in a world where superpowers exist. I have a whole backstory but about 1-3% of the population has a power (via recessive genes and such) and the government has placed strict rules and stuff. I’ll probably make a post about the rules eventually but it’s pretty basic dystopian haha
It’s got 6 main characters and I do plan on making a comic eventually I just have no free time rn.
First characters name is Axl they are intersex as a result of their power and they use all pronouns though in the beginning of their story she really only uses he/him because of xer environment and stuff. He is basically a shapeshifter, I call their power restless cells because it’s essentially just their body constantly changing on a cellular level. Xe is a golden retriever personified lol, very himbo but with trauma because I project nonstop
Next up we have Dex they/them. They don’t have powers, they’re more behind the scenes/guy in the chair support. They’re an agoraphobic hacker who instigated the main action that sets the story in motion. They love cats and cheese puffs and the style of an elderly woman
Then J he/him can manipulate electricity. He’s your stereotypical bad boy archetype but he’s in the right lol. He is very reluctant to join the main cast but really has no choice so he rolls with it.
Felix he/him can control shadows, and materialize them… but it does stuff to his brain and if he’s not careful it can put him out of commission. Ironically he’s pretty scared of the dark, but he makes it work and learns to embrace the darker parts of himself as the story goes on. He’s made of puns and self deprecation and I love him.
Nyla she/her can communicate with animals, she ran away from an orphanage at a young age when her powers started presenting and grew up in a small patch of woods. She hates squirrels, and is best friends with a gecko named newt (also she/her). She’s the youngest of the group but also probably the strongest physically (not including powers).
And lastly we have Star she/her. She can alter emotions and chemical reactions in the brain. She isn’t able to control it at all, and her own emotions are often a problem as a result. If a person knows their emotions are being manipulated they can fight it off, but nobody from her childhood even knew she had powers and as a result none of her relationships were ever genuine. She is extremely guarded and very wary of her own power.
That’s all for now, I’ll add pics tomorrow. Thanks again for the ask and lmk if I should do another for the side characters and/or antagonists (who I love very much lol)
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
Jensen Ackles | Orlando Convention 2022 (June 26, 2022)
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Jensen keeps getting asked about what superpower he would want for The Boys press. Everything comes with something bad (like seeing the future). “Flying. It’s pure, just let me soar like a bird.” #spnorl  (x)
Jensen: Phil directed Solid Gold. Is Robert Mitchum (sp?) out yet? No? Hold onto your shorts! There’s a whole other one coming down the pipe. I’ll leave it at that. #spnorl (x)
Fan: I found out I was pregnant during a commercial break. I didn’t get pregnant during a commercial break Jensen: how do you know you didn’t do that too lol #spnorl  (x)
Jensen imitates needing to stop the show and run and find a pregnancy test lol #spnorl  (x)
Fan: do you ever get taken out of context and not like it Jensen: yeah that happens quite a bit (x)  Jensen: we get asked questions about ourselves and work more than most. Our answers have evolved and we have grown. Given what we know now and have matured and acquired knowledge over the past two decades, I would give different answers than I would then. (x)  Jensen: it’s the idea that I wouldn’t change the past because it got me to be here today. I wouldn’t be where I am today and it’s looking pretty good for me. (Grateful to be here now) (x)  Jensen: I know I didn’t answer all those questions right. #spnorl (x)
While filming, Kim Manners set up an extra shot (make up redo and everything) to prank J&J. They climbed down a wall and got doused in 15 gallons of water. (x)  They chased him around and he wasn’t a big guy. Jensen: we basically picked him up and put him into the water (x)  They committed so hard to it they actually had an appointment for Jared to get his cast replaced the next day. They planned him a late call and everything and Jared didn’t know why. (x)  A line producer casually asked about Jensen’s new iPhone as a ploy to get it out of his pocket. An AD immediately swooped in and got him on set in such a way he couldn’t immediately get it back. “They worked it concert.” (x)
Jensen would like Tom Hardy to play him in a British Supernatural adaptation (x)
Jensen says representation with the character of Carlos was important from the start and he’s impressed with the actor. #spnorl  (x)  Jensen: (for the show) I’m most excited to see what you guys think of the twists (x)  Jensen: we are not throwing away 15 years of established canon. #spnorl #thewinchesters (x)  Jensen: (someone mentioned) that John didn’t know about hunting until after Mary died. My answer was “oh I am fully aware” #spnorl (x)
.@JensenAckles : I'm well aware John didn't know about hunting. We're not throwing away 15 years of canon.  (x)
Fan: what do you love most about your kids Jensen: unprovoked I love yous… arrow cupped my face and said ‘I love you’ and immediately wanted to be put down. She wanted nothing but to purely tell me she loved me. Zeppelin & JJ do it too. #spnorl  (x)
Jensen only has one pet: “A 16 year old part blind mostly deaf 20 pound mitt. Watching him now is equally sad and entertaining. He runs into walls. Not full force just a thunk. What do you do? He’s just running around running into shit. I’m like ‘aw your dogs broken’” #spnorl  (x)  Jensen: he will stare at his bowls and walk away and I’m like, idk if he knew what he was doing just now. Like he’s full blown dementia. It’s sad but as soon as I pick him up he’s right into my neck. He knows it’s his dad. #spnorl (x)
Jensen says that Anthony Starr told him he was prepared not to like him but in the end Anthony said he really fucking likes him  #SPNORL #Spnorlando  (x)
Jensen tried hard not to drop the ball and especially not to do anything that can be misconstrued as ego or drama to The Boys. #spnorl (x)  Anthony said he was prepared not to like Jensen (a year after the fact). Jensen asked how he did. It made him happy when Anthony said “I really fucking like you man”. #spnorl (x) Jensen loved the set and crew. They’re good people and Kripke laid the groundwork to help them know not to worry. (x)
Jensen: The Boys is Kripke Unleashed. We always knew his mind was like that and now you do too lol #spnorl  (x)
Jensen finished shooting a new Batman voicing two weeks ago #spnorl (x)
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