#; funny how Mads tries to always keep himself under control
distopea · 1 year
More Random/Useless Muse Facts
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Did they believe in Santa?: Not very much as a kid. He was quick to move on, his childhood wasn't the happiest and he didn't have much occasion to celebrate Christmas after his mother's death (he was 7). Christmas is not important for Mads.
Were they a dinosaur or rock kid?: A little soldiers kid.
Bugs or slimy critters?: None. He prefers dogs.
Do they fidget? How?: He sometimes fidget whenever he feels in an uncomfortable position or experience a social awkwardness. Usually he wants to move from his spot, he will cross his arms and he will make sure that his hair doesn't fall in front of his eyes.
What were they frequently in trouble for as a child?: Yes, often. He was the type of kid to be rebellious and to defy the rules. He was constantly missing classes and his brother would come along. He was also punching kids whenever they were attacking someone weaker.
What underwear do they like?: Generally boxers, the classic.
Designs on clothing or no?: He have just a few shops he visits whenever he wants to get something. He takes cares of his clothes and he doesn't own much. Though, they are good quality fabric, the brand doesn't matter.
Birthmarks?: Nothing.
Do they have good self control?: Back in the days, absolutely not, but with his army discipline and his change of temper, I would say yes. However, it requires him an effort, because his nature would push him to break his calm.
Favorite franchise?: Not really.
Do they re-enact scenarios in the shower?: In his head, a lot. He will think about what he should have done and how he wishes he would have react (basically with violence instead of calm).
Do they tell the waiter that their order is wrong?: Yes, he can be picky so even for a butchered coffee, he will say something.
Stairs or elevator?: Both, he doesn't mind or care.
Are they an exaggerator when telling stories?: No, never, he's very factual whenever. he talks and will rarely let his emotions get the better of his statement.
tagged by: @nezumivc103221
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I thought of another 1K fic request for you if you have the time. For a while, I've had this missing scene in my head from Calypso's Birthday where Stede is the one who untied Ed from the stretching device he was tied to. Stede undoubtedly heard Ed screaming in pain and from the angle we're shown, he probably couldn't see him that well, if at all, so he had to be worried sick over hearing his love in pain but not being able to see what was happening. I just imagine him rushing over as soon as the situation is under control and untying him and whispering to him and making sure he's okay. Ed probably has a hard time moving at first because his joints were just popped, so maybe he just lays there for a minute while he adjusts and Stede comforts him.
I really enjoyed this one! It works so well with some thoughts I'd had bouncing around about what I wish we'd seen in this episode.
(Always taking prompts for 1k word fics!)
The world had narrowed down to a singular goal and what Stede had to do to see it through.
There was clarity, in moments like this, and Stede was glad for it. Everything he could see, from the rope around his wrists to the knives within eyeshot, became nothing more or less than potential tools. He was, himself, little more than the need to get to Ed. To touch him and kiss him and make sure he was okay, yes, but at times like these his mind could only hold one thing, and there wasn’t even space to think of what could come after.
Stede wondered if the way Ned had positioned them on deck, so he and Ed couldn’t see each other, was another intentional way of hurting them or if it was just a casual cruelty. Stede didn’t even know what was happening to Ed, how badly he was being hurt and in what way, and if he thought about it for too long he thought he might just go mad with worry.
Time went funny, at moments like these, every second sort of melting into the next. Stede knew he’d dream about it for years, probably - picking out Ed’s cries from the crowd, the little broken noises of pain as he tried to keep himself quiet. A shouted threat at the end of one of Stede’s own yelps. A scream that morphed into a cry of Stede’s name and back again, like Ed just loved Stede so much, trusted him so much, that he was hurting and unconsciously thought of Stede as the person who might be able to make it stop -
He couldn’t even deny it to himself, later. Ned Low’s death warrant was written when he’d mocked and hurt Ed in the cabin; it was sealed with the pain and fear and humiliation of having to listen to Ed be hurt and be powerless to do anything about it or offer comfort.
It was all very clever, slipping his bonds and getting Ned’s crew turned against him, and Stede was sure he’d find time to brag about it later. But the instant tides shifted, it all faded into the background.
Stede’s legs wobbled as he ran to Ed.
“They put you on a fucking rack,” he said indignantly, looking Ed over, checking for blood or bruises.
“Bit medieval, yeah,” Ed agreed. His voice sounded alright; little hoarse, but nothing indicating he was in excessive pain, circumstances considered. “Respect the chutzpah, at least?”
“I do not respect the chutzpah, frankly,” Stede muttered, getting to work on grabbing one of the torturer’s knives and sawing through the bonds on Ed’s wrists. 
“Oh, oh fuck,” Ed groaned, starting to pull his arms back by his side and stopping immediately, his face twisted in pain.
“Are you okay?” Stede laid a gentle hand on Ed’s elbow, and Ed flinched.
“Nothing broken, nothing dislocated.” Ed let his eyes slip closed for just a moment. “I’m alright. I’m okay.”
It sounded like he was trying to convince himself.
“Gonna help you,” Stede said, carefully taking Ed’s forearms in his hands. “On three, okay?”
They moved Ed’s arms back down to his side, Stede guiding them back very slowly, trying to minimize Ed’s pain. As he’d said, it was nothing time and rest wouldn’t fix, but his muscles and joints were incredibly sore and weak, and his arms trembled with exertion as they brought them down.
“More comfortable?” Stede asked, undoing the bonds around his ankles next. “How do you feel?”
“I’m alright.” Ed shifted a bit, grimacing. “Just…hurts.”
He’d lowered his voice to a whisper as he admitted it. Stede rested his hand on Ed’s thigh as he worked, rubbing soothing circles through the leather.
“For a second there, it actually felt really nice,” Ed joked. “Gave my back this satisfying pop like you wouldn’t believe.”
“Oh, I bet.” Stede sat at his side, taking note of how reluctant Ed was to move. “Right now, on my pain scale, I’d say I’m at about…a four. They mostly just poked me and hit me with a stick. Very impermanent.”
He raised his eyebrows, then, in obvious question. He’d shared. It was a safe space to talk about it.
“I’m at…” Ed considered. “Maybe a seven.”
“Oh, Ed.” Very slowly, so Ed had plenty of time to object if he didn’t want it, Stede took Ed’s hand, giving his fingers what he hoped was a comforting squeeze, and with the other he cupped Ed’s cheek. “You poor thing.”
“I’m alright,” Ed mumbled. “Just need to lie still for a bit.”
Stede’s own wrists were red from the chafing of the rope, he’d noticed, and he confirmed grimly that Ed’s looked just as sore and painful. Slowly, being sure not to move too quickly and hurt him, Stede lifted Ed’s hand to his mouth so he could kiss the scrapes on his wrist.
“Thank you,” Ed whispered.
“Of course.” Stede scritched his fingers lightly through Ed’s beard, making him hum happily. “You just take a breather. You’re doing so well. I’m here, now, and you’re safe, and I’m never going to let you get hurt again. I’m with you.”
He hoped Ed heard between the words. I love you, I love you.
Stede held Ed’s hand and kept a soothing hand on his face, smiling down at him as Ed nuzzled his cheek into his palm. Occasionally, he glanced up to supervise how things were going, making a mental checklist of the crew, making sure they were all okay, keeping an eye on Ned Low as his own former crew tied him up.
He ran his thumb gently over Ed’s cheekbone.
The crisis had shifted. Ed was safe and alright, and Stede had a new priority. He watched Ned with narrowed eyes.
Oh, yes. He wasn’t sure how, yet, or exactly when. But he looked at Ned Low and there was one, singular goal in his mind:
Ned Low was a dead man walking.
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I followed up the culmination of Gwen's Orders of Tyria arc (Order of Whispers, baby!) with the next phase of the story, the beginning of the best Order of Whispers arc.
So this was all about Gwen meeting Destiny's Edge, Logan's old guild who failed against an Elder Dragon when, iirc, Logan left at a particularly pivotal moment to save Queen Jennah. While this is a kind of boring motivation, given how Extra every other member of Destiny's Edge is, I may be alone in sympathizing with him? Also, if I'm remembering the backstory right, the domino effect of Jennah's survival at that moment was a pretty big deal.
But onto the story. Gwen began by—HEY, OLD LION'S ARCH!!!
Okay, I know it's now accessible outside of old story instances, but I haven't gotten the achievement for that, and I always forget that we get a great view of it in this scene.
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Okay, back to the story for real. Gwen went over to talk to Logan, who was suspicious and telling her to stay close. Gwen responded that she doubted Caithe was plotting an ambush (fair enough; I wouldn't put it beyond Caithe after playing the level 10 sylvari story, but it didn't suit her goals in this case). I do find it pretty funny to imagine Logan keeping Gwen (who is maybe 5'5") close as like ... an emotional support spy?
It turned out that Caithe had sent her message to all the former members of Destiny's Edge, and Logan was pissed about the inclusion of one member in particular: Rytlock, the Charr member.
In one sense, this isn't surprising. But I don't actually remember why Logan is mad at Rytlock specifically. I know they were good friends and that factors into Rytlock's anger at Logan, I get why everyone feels Logan abandoned them and got a friend killed, I get why Logan feels none of them understand what went into his choice or fully grasps the consequences. But he does seem very specifically angry at Rytlock. He tells Caithe he wouldn't have come if he'd known "this Charr" was going to be there, which has always made me wonder if at some level, part of his anger is cultural as well as personal. More on that in a bit.
Rytlock was angry as well, but in a more controlled and contemptuous way—Logan definitely seemed the more hotheaded of the two. Still, Rytlock definitely upped the ante by saying he should just gut Logan (...). It's hard not to think of the Charr NPC who goes on about how all Charr cubs are taught to skin every human they meet. That's horrifying, but in a Charr context, Rytlock talking about gutting Logan while not actually harming him would probably seem pretty cool and collected.
Logan's response was not only furious but one of his more iconic moments, if you ask me:
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[Logan: Gut me? With what? That human-made sword you looted from Ascalon? I've had enough! We're done here.]
I can't screencap how Logan's VA says this, but I think the delivery definitely stresses "looted from Ascalon" and sounds genuinely outraged about it.
I do think Logan is defensive here, but it's intriguing that it's his kneejerk response under pressure, and presumably how he really feels about Rytlock taking Sohothin. To Logan, it's an act of looting and conquest in the land where Logan's ancestors lived for hundreds of years. #valid
And I mean, he's a direct descendant of the girl who defied the subjugation the Charr tried to inflict on her and refused to be driven out of Ascalon as so many were, instead turning herself into a woman the Charr themselves feared. Not even Pyre Fierceshot, her eventual friend, really seemed to care about how many thousands of innocent people got killed in a single day or who they were, but Gwen Thackeray made sure the Charr remembered her name.
That is part of Logan's legacy, and given this response, I've always wondered if he feels it in some way. He and Rytlock were close once, but maybe even at their best, there was a strain of resentment that Logan probably couldn't have expressed even to himself, but which comes out here.
The fact that saving Jennah also saved Ebonhawke if I'm recalling correctly, the last stronghold of the Ascalonians in Ascalon, besieged for over 200 years after being established by Gwen, is weirdly understated in all this. In fact, I'm not sure anyone at any point brings up Logan's contribution to the survival of Ebonhawke and, consequently, the survival of his people in Ascalon proper. Maybe the game doesn't want us to think about GW1 too hard wrt this particular conflict, or really wants Logan's motives to be All About Jennah, but as a GW1 veteran, it's kind of impossible not to think about it with Logan's emphasis on "this Charr" and "Ascalon."
Anyway, that's my headcanon and I'm sticking to it.
As for the other members, my Gwen also saw Zojja the Asura, who blamed the leadership(?) of Eir the Norn more than Logan, which is also interesting. Zojja, too, was done with the whole thing and left. Caithe and Eir seemed by far the most reasonable, pleasant, and down-to-earth of the group (kind of funny considering the hardcore and clearly troubled Caithe of the sylvari story) and briefly talked through their discouragement at the failure to reunite. Eir had some plan to bring Logan and Rytlock together, which iirc ends in disaster in the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon.
I imagine that my Gwen's response to all this was 1000% Team Logan, especially with the specter of Ascalon hanging over his conflict with Rytlock. She might even be uncomfortably so for Logan, perhaps? You know how sometimes someone is so fervently on your side that you almost second-guess yourself, even though you normally trust them? I imagine that's how Logan would feel. And Gwen has her own Ebonhawke hang-ups because her parents died for it, so Logan's actions contributing to its survival would ensure she is very intensely on his side.
I imagine she was pretty neutral on Zojja and Eir, while she understood Caithe's slightly underhanded way of bringing everyone together—Gwen can be pretty underhanded herself—but didn't much appreciate it in the circumstances.
So at this point, she kind of uncritically resents Rytlock and supports Logan, she has reservations about Caithe, while she's meh about Eir and Zojja. Clearly a recipe for group unity!
Gwen and Logan had a brief chat afterward—Logan was still principally angry at Rytlock, though also frustrated and a bit self-pitying with regard to everyone. But when Gwen told him they just needed time, Logan quite rightly responded, "Time is one thing we don't have, my friend," but admitted he needed to cool off. I think that would seem very reasonable to Gwen and only encourage her to jump into the Order of Whispers wholeheartedly while he's figuring out what to do next.
And what should show up in my mailbox but a letter about apples :D
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ihaechans · 2 years
NCT 127: You trying to dom them
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Nct 127: You trying to dom them
- anon request
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I don't really think he would mind you trying to dom him. I don't think he really believes in the "there's a sub and dom in every relationship" thing, he just let's you do what you want to him. It's very rare when one of you try to have control over the other, so that was why he was confused when you sat on top of him, pinning his wrists above his head unexpectedly.
"Can I?" you asked, slowly tracing your free hand along the outline of his forming erection. Who was he to say no? He had to admit that it felt good being in this position for once, he had secretly always imagined this.
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It's very obvious that he was the one in charge of your sexual life. You really couldn't do anything about it either. His tall, muscular frame compared to yours was an automatic defeat, never battling him when he ordered you around in bed. All he did was grin and chuckle when you straddled him, a failed attempt at getting him to take you seriously. He easily moved your body off of him, flipping your positions with ease.
"You're so annoying." you huff, rolling your eyes in feign annoyance. At this point your life goal was to dom Johnny, have him at your complete mercy. "You're so cute under me though. Maybe I'll let you dom me...." You smile with excitement at his statement, "In a couple of years," he finishes, laughing at your disappointed expression.
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I don't think he would mind if you tried to dom him. He would literally be so excited if you even mentioned the idea to him, giving you some ideas of what he likes and what you should do to him. He would love if you used toys on him, or tied his hands up so that he could torture himself, he liked those kinds of things. It caught him off guard when you suddenly pushed him onto the bed, restricting his hands to the bed.
Taeyong gasps in surprise, "I said you could dom me... but I was writing lyrics. You couldn't wait a little longer?" he questions, gazing adoringly at you on top of him. Oh how he loved seeing you in this position. He would definitely let you do this more often.
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As much as he thought about your request, it would still be a hard no. Yuta was a strict dom, and a mean one at that. He was the type to spank your ass until you were crying, fuck your throat until your voice was raw and hoarse, not a sub. He thought it would be a funny joke to keep your hopes up for weeks while he was "thinking about it" and when he came up with his answer of a simple 'no' you were devastated. Your sadness didn't last long though, Yuta would have to make it up to you somehow.
"I'm really sorry princess," he mumbles, barely audible due to his head being stuck between your thighs. So this was him making it up to you, letting you cum on his tongue as many times as you wanted. You could definitely get used to this.
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He would tell you he was thinking about it, much like Yuta. But instead of teasing you, he would genuinely be thinking about it. Doyoung was a hard dom, but he was open to trying new things. Having that knowledge was the whole reason you had asked him about the idea in the first place. It honestly surprised you when he nervously accepted your offer and told you yes. Your happiness didn't last long though, halfway through Doyoung took over, letting his dom side win once again.
You scoffed in annoyance at your boyfriend, "You told me you were gonna be good! You just had to let your dom tendencies take over," Doyoung pouted at you like a dog begging for forgiveness. You could never stay mad at him.
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He's a dom for sure, and a freaky one. In public he acts quiet and innocent, but in the sheets he's a whole different person, tossing you in any position he pleases. He was honestly taken aback when you suddenly sat on his lap while he was playing video games, grinding your clothed cunt onto his dick. He laughed at you, whole-heartily laughed at you.
"What do you think you're doing baby?" he asks teasingly, carrying you to his bed and laying you down with ease. "You're no fun Jaehyun," you pout, rolling your eyes at him and looking away. "I'm no fun? We'll see if you're having fun soon baby," you were in for a long night.
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Honestly, the thought of you domming him turns him on more than he will ever admit. He's a switch, but most of the time he ends up in control, so you want to change that. You brought up the idea randomly one day, and he instantly agreed. He was up for you to do anything you wanted with him, vibrators, gags, blindfolds, he wanted the full experience.
Gently tying the blindfold around Jungwoo's eyes, you can't help but ask what he thinks about this, "Are you sure this is what you want?" you ask, "If I didn't want this we wouldn't be in this position right now, would we princess?" He was right, and if he was ready to do this then you were ready to destroy him.
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Mark is such a switch it's insane. He could be fucking you senseless one minute, and then a few minutes later, he would be completely at your mercy, begging you to let him cum. He's big on orgasm control and overstimulation, so when you asked him if you could dom him for the first time, those ideas popped into his mind. He secretly hoped you would be doing it to him soon.
"I'm kind of nervous about this y/n... I've never been like this with anyone else before," If he meant that he had never been a sub for anyone, that would definitely be changing today. You were already making your way to his bulge, teasing it with your gentle touches, "Get ready for a life-changing experience,"
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A balanced switch. It honestly just depends on his mood. After a hard day of scheduling, he would most likely ask you to do the work for him, riding him into oblivion while he whined like a bitch at the euphoric sensation. The first time you dommed him, he enjoyed it so much that it happened again, and again, and again, almost as if he had done this before. He had admitted that he was open to the idea, and when it finally happened you had converted him into a full time switch.
"Please," Haechan pouts, "I'm soooo tired and horny baby, I need you to fuck me so bad," he complains, guiding your hands down to his obvious erection. "Fine," you sigh, "Next time you're topping though. I've done it four times this week,"
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distort-opia · 2 years
Did joker ever try to make batman jealous? i think that would be so funny actually, imagine him not giving batman attention and somehow giving more validation for some other herói and bruce getting so mad lmao
The only example i can think of is injustice when he messes with supes but i wish there were more
Well, Joker has gone to different cities and has fought a lot of different heroes, over time. More often than not, he goes to Metropolis, though the thing is, to my knowledge, Joker hasn’t ever done this with the express purpose of making Batman jealous. Not even his actions during Injustice: Gods Among Us were for this reason, but rather (as Injustice: Year Zero shows), it was to prove to Bruce that Clark was not the incorruptible, all-good person Bruce believed him to be. It wasn’t to make Batman jealous, it was because Joker was jealous himself.
However, this ask did make me revisit some great interactions between Joker and other heroes, and there are a couple of interesting conclusions to draw from them, regarding this subject. Bruce doesn’t always show up outside of Gotham when Joker himself does; for instance, Joker goes to Metropolis because some businessmen are ripping off his clown brand to sell toys, in Action Comics #714. But Batman doesn’t appear, and Clark deals with Joker on his own. In a similar vein, after No Man’s Land, Joker goes to Metropolis to piss off Lex Luthor (in Action Comics #765), but Bruce is once again absent. Hell, in Wonder Woman (1987) #96-97, Joker goes to Boston because there’s an ongoing gang war and he wants to make the chaos worse, fighting and getting defeated by Diana in the process... because he gets out-crazied by her. She communes with Pan, the Greek God, who teaches her how to dance the dance of chaos, and then she’s just as crazy as Joker, and able to defeat him. (God, I love comics.) Anyway, Batman doesn’t show up here either. You can either chalk it up to him not even knowing Joker changed locations, him not having the time to travel to where Joker is, or him trusting the respective hero to handle Joker themselves. Or, sometimes it’s Bruce being an asshole and knowingly letting Joker go to Metropolis to test Clark’s mettle (like in Adventures of Superman #14). 
But, when Bruce does show up, it’s “I know how Joker works, you don’t. Fuck off.” And it’s kinda funny. I’m putting the rest of these instances under the cut, as always.
Alright, Bruce doesn’t show up in person to this particular caper, but I love the fact that Clark called Alfred to make sure Bruce does not find out Joker is in Metropolis. They both freaking conspire to keep Bruce in the dark, because they know Bruce would instantly go after Joker, and he needs the rest :))
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Oh yeah, this is also the issue Joker gets saved by Clark and calls himself a “fruitcake”... All-around delightful. I also recommend DC Comics Presents #72 for Clark kidnapping Joker so him and Phantom Stranger can weaponize his insanity. They team up and have crazy multi-dimensional shenanigans, it’s fun.
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-- DC Comics Presents #41
Now, this next one is a story written by Morrison, in which Joker goes to the fictional Vanity City and tries to enact his mad plans there (using dancing crickets for mind control), under the hero Aztek’s nose. However, Bruce shows up this time.
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-- Aztek: The Ultimate Man #6
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-- Aztek: The Ultimate Man #7
Besides Bruce going “I’m gonna deal with Joker myself!”, I love the explanation he gives Aztek at the end. “He’s playing a game with me, and it goes way back.” This is why I honestly think it’d take quite a bit to make Bruce genuinely jealous. Even when Joker goes somewhere else and fights other heroes, Bruce still assumes the game Joker plays is with him (and he’s usually right).
Aaand lastly, here’s a classic instance you might’ve seen floating around, but the context of the whole thing is honestly so funny. Joker... kind of gains control of Atlantis by talking? After falling into the ocean on accident? And then Aquaman has to get his kingdom back, with Bruce hearing about all of it and managing to find him:
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Again, Bruce tries to take Joker down alone and bring him back to Gotham (“Joker’s been mine for quite some time!”), but the funny part is that he does let Arthur deal with Joker first after they fight about it for a bit -- in exchange for Atlantis’ location.
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-- Legends of the DC Universe #27
(Worth noting that at the end, when Joker is presumed dead, Bruce is still the one to investigate what happened with him, and discovers that Joker survived.)
Even in Adventures of Superman #14, Bruce treats Joker going to Metropolis as an ongoing game; he turns it into an opportunity to test Superman. It doesn’t occur to him that Joker might genuinely like Metropolis, or Superman, and not come back. 
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-- Adventures of Superman (2013) #14
So, to sum it up... understandably, Bruce consistently assumes the things Joker does are about him, at all times. Even when Joker goes away or fights someone else, so him expressing jealousy would require some extreme actions on Joker’s part. Kind of like Injustice: Gods Among Us, although even then... personally I read “This has always been about us. Why did you do this to him?” as despair, not jealousy. It’s Bruce saying “I’ve always been the one to sacrifice myself to contain your madness, why would you go and destroy someone else? Why wasn’t it enough? Why did you ruin him, someone good, someone entirely unlike me?” (Bruce does not believe the best of himself, that has to be kept in mind, I feel.)
Anyway, hope the rant was enjoyable, Anon! I entirely agree it’d be such an interesting story -- having Joker genuinely try to focus on someone else, break away from Batman and Gotham... Sadly it hasn’t been attempted, at least not to my knowledge. I am very curious how Bruce would react.
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
All Yours - Harry Styles
a/n: idk if you saw those pics of the house that’s supposedly Harry’s, maybe it’s not his but that shower gave me... thoughts 👀 . and these are those thoughts lmao enjoy!!
warning: sexual content
word count: 2.2k
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Harry has been mad at you all day. Well, not mad in the sense where he hates your guts, that could never happen because the two of you are ridiculously in love, but he thought you let a guy flirt with you earlier in the grocery shop and his dominant, jealous side came out right away.
“I was just answering his question nicely, H,” you sighed when he confronted you in the car on the way home.
“Yeah, nicely let him flirt with you and basically fuck you with his eyes,” he scoffed, still clearly upset by it.
“Harry, I don’t have control over what others think. How am I supposed to change what goes on in his mind?” you asked with a confused chuckle. You could feel the man’s stare, but he didn’t do anything disrespectful, he didn’t touch you or say something inappropriate, just asked you a simple question, you answered and then you parted ways. Easy as it is.
“You could have just not answer him,” he shrugged, but you could tell he knew you would have never done that.
“What happened to treat people with kindness, babe?” you teased him, but he just rolled his eyes mumbling under his breath.
“No kindness when someone is trying to fuck my girlfriend.”
You find it amusing when he turns into some kind of cave man whenever he is jealous. It has a manly charm that just riles you up. Knowing how territorial he is, how he wants everyone to know that you’re his, it’s just doing things to you only Harry can achieve.
Now he is lying in bed, scrolling through his phone and he still seems a little distant following the little jealousy scene from earlier. You’ve tried to lighten him up, but for some reason he is trying to convince him that you really were flirting with that man. So now you are eager to show him that he is the only man in your life and you’re not planning to change that anytime soon.
“Gonna take a shower,” you tell him walking out of your closet in only your silky bathrobe. Harry doesn’t look up, just hums in response. Reaching to your stomach you untie the knot on the robe and let it slide open, revealing your fully naked body, making his eyes finally flicker up. “You are welcome to join,” you tell him with a sly smirk before walking into the bathroom joined to the bedroom you’ve been sharing with him this past year.
You don’t close the door behind you, and just as you take the robe off you hear him shuffling outside, walking into the bathroom just when you step into the giant walk-in shower. Biting into your lip you start the water that rains down on you from the showerheads hanging from the ceiling while Harry is eager to free himself from his sweatpants and shirt.
He kicks his boxers down, his eyes widening slightly as he watches you stand under the water, running your hands through your wet hair, making sure the light coming from the window on the other side gives out the silhouette of your curves perfectly. Dropping your hands you turn to him, tilting your head to the side, enjoying the attention you are getting from your man.
“Are you gonna stay there watching or you plan on getting inside?” you ask teasingly and he doesn’t need more. He joins you under the water in a heartbeat, the droplets running down his firm chest and broad shoulders so perfectly, you already want to lick them off with your hungry mouth. It’s always funny to you how Harry still can think you’d leave him for someone else when the entire male population starts and ends with him for you, there’s just no man that could ever make you feel the things he can, intentionally or not on purpose as well.
You grab the shower gel and squeeze some into the palm of your hand before starting to soap your upper body, eyes never leaving his as his green, greedy eyes burn down on your naked body.
“Would you mind doing my back?” you ask with faked innocence as you turn around and show him your back. He hums in response, reaching around you so his hands meet yours, stealing some of the gel from them before moving them to your back and gently massaging it into your wet skin. His finger start working on your shoulders and neck, rubbing your muscles perfectly as you feel yourself relax under his touch. When you accidentally take a tiny step backwards you can’t help the smirk that tugs on your lips when you feel his already hardening cock poking at your bum.
Harry pushes his chest against your back, his hands moving down to your breasts as he kneads them, making you moan, your head falling back to his shoulder.
“Feels good, baby?” he murmurs pressing his lips to your jawline as you reach back with your hands, lacing your fingers through his wet locks.
“Yes,” you breathe out, pushing your bum against him even more so his cock presses into you, making him groan in pleasure. Turning around in his arms you attack his lips, not able to keep yourself controlled any longer. He kisses you back with just as much passion and vigor, his hands gripping your waist so hard his fingers dig into your flesh. You move your hands down his back, nails scratching his soft skin until you reach his ass, squeezing each cheeks in a hand shamelessly that just makes him moan into your mouth.
“What do you want to do with me, Harry?” you ask him seductively, bringing a hand up to his hair so you can tug on his locks just the way he loves. “I’m all yours. Always have been, always will be.”
“Sit on the bench, baby. I want to taste you,” he groans, kissing you hard one last time before he lets go of you so you can move.
You sit to the marble bench under the window, the water not hitting you any longer and as Harry sinks to his knees in front of you, your legs open up for him out of instinct. Harry’s hands grab onto the insides of your thighs, exposing you to him even more and he stares down at your throbbing core like it’s his favorite meal in the entire world, made just for him by a chef.
Dipping his head down he kisses both your thighs up until his lips brush against your sensitive bud, teasing you a little as he is barely touching you.
“Harry!” you whine, a hand coming into his hair while you try to support you with the other one so you don’t fall back. “I need you!”
“M’right here, baby,” he smirks before he finally places and openmouthed kiss to your clit, swirling his tongue, sucking on your skin relentlessly.
“Oh fuck!” you gasp, your chest heaving from the pleasure that crashes down on you suddenly.
Harry has a magical mouth and you’ve known this since your third date years ago when the two of you were so hungry for each other that you didn’t even make it into your place, he ate you out in the backseat of his car before he fucked you good. Right then and there you knew you found the man you want to spend the rest of your life with.
He is making you see stars as he licks and sucks on your sex, two fingers coming to your hole, teasing you slightly, not thrusting into you just yet.
“Harry! Don’t fucking tease me!” you groan in frustration, desperate to feel more. You can feel his smirk against you before he finally pushes two fingers into you, making you moan his name over and over again.
“I fucking love your pussy, it’s so sweet and warm,” he hums, pumping into you without skipping a beat as he looks up to see the pleasure he is giving you on your face. He is satisfied with the work he is doing, watching you fall apart under his touch, weak for him and only for him.
He edges you until you’re screaming his name, almost reaching your climax but then he pulls back, leaving you feeling empty and unfinished. You don’t have the chance to speak up before he gets up to his feet and orders you around again.
“Get up, I’m gonna fuck you against the wall,” he tells you and your whole body lights on fire. You love it when he bosses you around, when he takes control but not too much. He knows your limits and knows that you fancy him being a little dominant, but he also knows how much you need the freedom of doing whatever you want during sex. You’re not completely submissive and he is not trying to make you either, just accepts your boundaries and play within the rules, making you extremely grateful that he is all about pleasuring you.
You stand up, but your knees weaken for a moment, threatening to collapse, but Harry grabs you just in time, holding you against his firm chest as he kisses your forehead.
“You good, baby?” he asks in a much softer tone.
“Yeah, just… a bit shaken,” you chuckle as you hold onto his shoulders. “I’m fine,” you assure him before pulling down to kiss him, your tongue meeting his in the middle.
He walks you until your back hits the wall and you hiss at the sudden coldness of it, making you arch against him, your breasts pushing against his tattooed chest. His lips never leave yours, he is tugging on your bottom lip, biting and licking into your mouth as his hands find the back of your thighs and he hoists you up until your legs wrap around his waist, holding you without a mishap.
“I’m gonna make you feel good, baby,” he mumbles into the kiss as he reaches down and grabbing the base of his fully erected cock, lining himself up with you, the tip teasing your core already.
“Go deep and hard, want to feel you everywhere,” you breathe out, grabbing a handful of his hair before he pushes into you without warning, filling you up entirely.
You gasp at the sudden feeling and he stops when he is all the way inside you, giving you some time to adjust to him. He kisses your lips, your nose and cheeks before you give his hair another tug, signaling that he can start moving. He picks up a steady pace, moving in and out of you easily since you are dripping wet for him at this point. Curling your arms around his shoulders you pant against the side of his face, kissing his temple, ear and the soft skin below it as he keeps thrusting into you, building your orgasm up once again.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good,” he groans, moving faster as his fingers dig into your thighs locked around his waist.
“Are you close, baby?” you ask out of breath.
“Yeah, I’m close, are you?”
“Yes, want you to cum with me, want to do it together,” you pant as you pull his head back so you can look into his eyes. He just nods and makes his thrusts shorter but harder, pushing you towards the edge.
“I’m gonna cum,” he warns you, his eyes shutting close for a few moments.
“Cum, I’m close too. Cum for me, Harry!” you ask him and he whines at your words.
A few more thrusts later you feel him jerk inside you as he falls out of his rhythm, coming hard inside you as he keeps moaning your name over and over again. When his head falls forward and his teeth dig into your shoulder you burst too, the pleaser washing over you in waves.
“Oh fuck! Harry!” He keeps moving, even when he has already ridden down his high, just to make sure you’re fully satisfied. He pushes into you a few more times before he stops, putting you down gently, making sure your legs don’t collapse under you again. He kisses your face wherever he can until his lips meet yours, dragging this kiss a little longer and softer than the once you shared before.
He pulls you under the water and grabs a washcloth from the side, he wets it and gently cleans you up, peppering featherlike kisses to your skin everywhere he goes.
“I hope the way I just screamed your name proves that you’re the only man I want,” you smile at him sheepishly, running your hands up his chest until they rest at the base of his neck.
“M’sorry for being a pain in the ass, I’m just so fucking in love with you, I selfishly want to be the only man that can have the privilege to feel this way for you.”
“And you are,” you chuckle softly, cupping his face in your hands. “Others might find me hot or have a thing for me, but you are the only one who knows me, who sees me like this… who makes me feel like this. I’m all yours, H.”
Breathing out through his nose he captures your lips in another kiss as he pulls you tight against him.
“I love you, baby.”
“Love you too. Now let’s actually shower,” you chuckle, reaching for your shampoo.
Thank you for reading! Please like/reblog if you enjoyed!
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dr4cking · 3 years
I just came across your blog and I love your writing so much. Can I request where reader and draco are in a secret relationship so she likes to tease him in public by flirting with guys!? And he gets like so possessive and fucks the living shit out of her 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | anon requested.
a/n : thank you for requesting! this was so fun to write! <3
this is one of the most excited things she got when she signed a deal to be in a relationship with the one and only, draco malfoy.
they have been secretly dating for 7 months and the fact that no one know about this, making the adrenaline of getting caught more exciting.
y/n loves how draco would treated her like she is the only girl for him, which is true. but she also likes how she would seek a chance of getting him worked up when she gets on his skin then she would get what she wanted.
like now, it was no different days but she decided she would add some fun today, she loves when he goes rough with her in bed and now she makes sure she would get it without having to look desperate.
y/n smirked as the brightest idea popped up in her mind. draco is the type of jealous and overprotective boyfriend, so why doesnt she proves it today?
she admit she was kinda scared when she saw the angry version of her boyfriend but she loved it at the same time. she likes to tease him, knowing he cant do anything.
and if this how she would get what she wanted then she would take it.
she walked out of her dorm and run downstairs, she knew draco already waiting for her in the great hall. it would be the perfect chance for her.
her eyes looking for the blonde haired guy as soon as she entered the great hall and she found him already looking at her, his eyes were telling her to sit near him,
but no, not today.
y/n took a seat beside theodore nott, a friend of draco who would always take his chance to flirt with all the girls who passed by him.
“hey nott, you’re looking good today” y/n raising her voice a little bit louder on purpose, draco who sat across them already fuming at her flirty voices.
“hey y/n its all you, looking hot as always.” she laughs although its not really funny, she cringed at the way her laugh sounds but play it along when she heard a thumped sounds from a fork dropped to the plate.
y/n continues her flirting with theo touching his arm and laughing about his jokes until it was time for their class. she looks at draco’s red face and give him a wink and a smirk.
“what the fuck is up with your bratty behavior today?” draco asked as he walks past her, he makes sure no one was looking in their direction.
“who are you calling brat? because i’m for sure not one.” y/n replied giving him her sly grin before she runs to the class not giving him the chance to answer her.
they were sitting next to each other in potions class, draco tried his best not to distracting the class by calling y/n’s name at any chance he got but she was still ignoring him and told him it was nothing.
“baby, did i do something wrong?” she swore she almost wanted to stop all her game when she heard the intonation in his voice but she decided to be stubborn.
“its nothing draco i promise” y/n shoots him a smile reassuring him, the least she could do right now.
professor snape called out and announce that they’re gonna make a new potion and have to partner up with someone and when he listed her name with harry potter, she couldnt get more excited as she look at draco and shot him an apologetic smile.
“hey y/n, could you bring the ingredients i’m still working on how to make this properly” she nodded at harry’s order and get the ingredients immediately but not before taking a look at draco and swaying her hips on her way making him glared at her.
“here, harry. so, what’s the first step?” y/n asked and do what harry instructed.
she keeps asking him not-so- important questions to keep their conversation going but to make it worse she touched his arm on purpose and twirling her hair.
draco behind her already watching every move she made.
but whats make draco more mad is when they finished the potion and y/n jumped happily as they successfully made the potion and give the chosen one a tight embrace.
draco stormed out of the class balling his fists up, anger radiates off of him making all people passed by him to back off a little. y/n noticed this right away feeling guilty and decided to follow him but he was nowhere at the sight.
she was still looking around for draco asking people if they’ve seen him but the answer is no.
until a cold hand grabbed her wrist harshly and pulling her in one of abandoned class. she yelped when the person lock the door and put his hand on her mouth to muffled her scream.
“you did that on purpose, dont you, brat?” y/n rubbed her thighs together as she recognized the deep voice behind her, its draco.
“now you gonna have to stay quiet and be a good girl for me while i teached you some lesson, yeah?” she only nodded at him cant speak as his hand still on her mouth.
“for the whole day i’ve been wondering what i did wrong to make you act like an ungrateful brat. but all i see now is that you just need to be tamed, right?” draco whispers into her ear guiding his free hand down to the bottom of her skirt after y/n gives him a nod of permission.
he sneaked his hand under her skirt and put it in her panties rubbing her cunt getting her aroused then he pushed in his fingers into her without warning making her body jolt out.
“you just wanted to be fucked braindead, yeah? what a dumb girl” his hand still remain on her mouth not trusting she would be able to keep her voice down.
y/n put her hand on his hand that were buried deep inside her and pushing his fingers deeper into her starting to fuck herself on his fingers making him chuckle.
“think you deserve to cum after what you did earlier, hm?” draco said taking all the control in his hand and starts to thrusting his fingers deeper and faster.
his long fingers abused her cunt just like the way she needed and when he curls them inside she screamed, luckily his other hand still covering her. she was squirming there and then under his touch.
y/n rolled her eyes back in pleasure when his fingers meet her spot and pumping into it over and over again.
draco feels her walls clenching around him and quickly pulled them out of her leaving the girl whining.
“think about the consequences next time, princess.” draco turns her around and pushes her chest against the wall, placing her ass right in front of his crotch.
“i’m sorry i’m sorry draco! please i need to cum.. fuck me please dray punish me!” y/n finally let her voice out as his hands are too busy roaming around her body.
a hard smack delivered to her ass making a loud sound causing her to whimpered at the sting.
“stay quiet princess or i will not consider about giving you the chance to cum” she shuts her mouth instantly as draco unbuckled his pants letting it falls to his ankle.
y/n cant help but letting out high pitched moan when his hand came in contact with her marked ass again and when he pushed her panties aside finally lining up his cock against her entrance.
“now you will remember who you belong to.” draco said as he slammed all of his cock inside her, pounding into her right away not giving her time to adjust.
“oh fuck! y-yes dray..” y/n moans out loud which earned her another slap on her sore ass.
“quiet, brat” she tried to hold her moan by biting her lips but it just slipped off of her especially when his tip hit her spot.
draco’s eyes rolled back in pleasure, groaning quietly as he let himself disappear inside her going in and out of her with snaps of his hips, each time it gets harder and faster.
he roughly squeezed her breasts through her shirt making her shirt ruffled and messy before letting his hand down to circling her clit.
“make yourself cum, y/n.” he slaps her sensitive clit a few times making her writhed, ripping her orgasm through her body, she doesnt care anymore when she moaned his name out loud.
“feels so fucking good” with the last thrust, draco stilled and shoots his thick cum into her non stop, painting her walls white with his liquids over and over again making the girl moaned when her panties became sticky.
draco pulls out and put his pants back on. he stared at her fucked out body before turning her around to face him and quickly pressing their lips together kissing her passionately.
“next time just ask me if you want your needy pussy to get pounded hard by me. dont you dare do that stunt ever again.” y/n nodded at his words giving him a cheeky grin. sweats running through their bodies.
and when they opened the door, all the students that passed by giving them a weird look, draco smirked at them before pulling y/n back into a deep kiss.
pls i love this one-
tagging : @dracoscum (unblock me hoe) @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @youreso-golden @silverdelirium @dracmalf0y-dm @f4iryluvy @famishedbeak @arzfia @starstruckgranger @lieswithoutfairytales @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Power Couple
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Sean, Felix, Dave, and Joel welcome Corpse’s girlfriend to a game of Party Animals. It’s her first time playing and she has to deal with a lot more than just the controls and objectives - her boyfriend being a cute, cuddly sweetheart with ulterior motives to his clinginess.
Requested by @susceptible-but-siriusexual. Thank you so much for your request! Hope I captured what you wanted and how you wanted. Feel free to send any other requests you may have XOXO
It’s been one hell of a day. Had to correct twice as many documents as I was originally supposed to at work; found my car with a flat tire in the parking lot as I was about to go home; argued with my boss over the phone while stuck in a traffic jam. It’s been a rough twelve hours, but it has led me here and that’s what I’d rather think about.
By ‘here’ I mean I’m sitting on the couch in Corpse’s recording room, my computer in my lap, my screen displaying the screen to the game Party Animals. The suggestion was Corpse’s. He immediately picked up on my below par mood and wasted no time finding a solution to bright up the remainder of the day, shadowing the shitty portion of it. I am not what you would call a gamer. Sure I’ve played Among Us with Corpse and his friends a few times. Even that I struggle to do because I’m internally fangirling over all the people in the lobby. Yeah, dating a youtuber doesn’t mean you automatically stop gushing over the many content creators on the platform you’ve been watching for quite some time now. Corpse knows how nervous I get so he’s always near me when we play with Sean, Felix and the other. All he has to do is give me that encouraging smile and wink of his and I’m good to go. Side note: massive props to him for going easy on me in Among Us, getting teasingly called ‘simp’ by his friends in the process.
“You’ll love it.“ He promised me over and over again as the game was downloading on my computer.
“I don’t doubt that, Corpse. But I am going in completely blind and I seriously don’t wanna embarrass myself.“ I mumble a quick ‘nor you‘ under my breath, hoping he doesn’t catch it because I’m in for a pep talk if he does. 
To my dismay, he does, “Listen here, you couldn’t embarrass me even if you actively tried to do something outrageous. Most likely scenario, I’d join you in the act.” He ducks in front of the couch so we’re at eye level, his hand coming up to cup my cheek in the sweetest, most comforting gesture ever. “We’ll show em who’s the boss at stealing candy.”
I can’t help but laugh, feeling unable to express just how much this man means to me. Words can’t do the feeling justice.
“Corpse Wife has arrived!“
Hearing all the greetings lights a flame in my chest, the warmth spreading all the way to my neck and cheeks. “Hi guys! Missed playing with you!”
“We missed you too!“ Dave, the only one of the gaming gang I’ve actually met in person, replies to me, his words along with all the others’ wrapping around me like a comfort blanket. Despite them knowing I’m a fan of theirs, they’ve always made me feel welcomed, comfortable, nothing less than them.
“You know anything about this game?“ Felix asks me.
I shake my head, almost forgetting he can’t see me, “Corpse told me it’s funny and cute. It sounds like the perfect game for me.” 
“Oh no, this is a game of survival. Survival of the fittest!“ Sean shouts excitedly, a bang following his shout I can only assume was him hitting his desk.
“I’d like to think I’m pretty fit.“ I shrug my shoulders, laughing along with the guys.
“This is the only way to find out if you actually are.“ Joel’s voice comes through my headphones in the form of a tease.
Sean mumbles quietly to himself as he’s deciding how to separate us in two teams. “Guys, a little help here. We all suck at this game, it doesn’t really matter who’s in which team.”
“Actually...“ Felix trails off, “Corpse and Y/N are the ultimate power couple in Among Us. Chances are they will be in this as well. So, the only logical move would be to...“
“I’m taking Y/N, you take Corpse.“ Sean declares. “Joel, Dave, who do you guys wanna be with?“
And the game starts. Sean, Joel and I are the Meowfia while Corpse, Felix and Dave are yet to choose a team name. We throw around snarky, cocky comments at each other, taunting the opposite team as we struggle to take the candy to our respective sides of the map.
“Don’t you dare pull that lever, Dave!“ I launch at Dave, knocking his cute avatar away from the lever, buying Joel and Sean some time to steal back the gummy bear Corpse and Felix took from us.
“Y/N! Joel is out! Help me!“ Sean is freaking out now. I ditch Dave’s unconscious body and run to Sean’s aid. 
As I’m helping him push it towards out area a member from the opposite team latches onto my avatar, weighing me down and hindering me from doing anything.
“Hug!“ Corpse laughs as he has literally turned into a koala, holding onto my avatar.
“Corpse, you know you are actually supposed to hinder Y/N, not hug her. It’s cute though, don’t get me wrong.“ Felix laughs as him and Sean continue to struggle over the gummy bear.
“Nah, his tactic’s great. I can’t do shit.“ I desperately try and shake him off, “Babe, this is unfair. I can’t even be mad at you!“ I whine, staring to panic now that Dave is back to life and Joel is nowhere to be seen.
The round is won by Felix, Dave and Corpse who, if I might add, didn’t let go of me for the rest of the game.
We switch maps, now every man for himself. We’re on the submarine, recreating the Hunger Games with cute fuzzy animals. The thought passes through my mind, causing me to giggle.
“Y/N, you sound exactly like I’d imagine your avatar to sound. You’re so cute.“ Sean’s avatar circles mine a few times as he laughs.
He’s not wrong, my pale blue puppy is indeed cute. Apparently immortal as well.
“How is Y/N still alive?! Holy shit, her and Corpse really are a power couple.“ Dave shrieks when he sees me pick up the freeze gun. “NOOO!“ He shouts, devastated by the fact I shot him, sending him straight to his death.
“Chill, Dave. It’s all cool. Nothing personal.“ I struggle to hide my laughter, “No hard feelings, right?“
“Of course not, love.“ I can tell he grits the sentence through clenched teeth.
“Aw Dave, you are such an ice guy.“ I giggle, now shooting Joel with the gun.
“Someone take that gun from her!“ Sean cries as him and Felix race up the submarine.
Suddenly, the avatar of my boyfriend again wraps itself around mine. I hadn’t seen him in a while, considering Sean knocked him into the ocean earlier in the round. 
“How are you still alive?!“ I try to spin my puppy to get him to let go but he holds on tightly. “Babe, I swear, you are cute and I love you, but this is ridiculous. How and why are you alive?”
“That’s his superpower! He never fucking dies.“ Felix laughs, letting out a yelp when he briefly slips while climbing.
“Immortals!!! Immortals!!!“ Sean breaks out into a song, a song I really like, breaking the restraints I had on my laughter.
“Drop the gun or we’re dying together.“ He says almost seriously. Even though I can only see the back of his head I know he’s grinning.
“A Titanic/Romeo and Juliet mashup? Why not? I can live with dying a double historical death.“ Even though I appear accepting of his offer, I’m still trying to set myself free.
In the end, Sean claims his first win of the game and the rest of us are dead at the bottom of the ocean. Corpse and I did indeed die a Romeo and Juliet/Titanic death, getting everyone in their feels. We make a deal to get together and play again as soon as possible and we all go our separate ways, exiting the Discord call.
*Later that night* 
After a dinner consisting of takeout and two thirds of a shitty romantic comedies, Corpse shifts from next to me, starting to get up from the couch. I am surprised to feel jolted out of a half sleep as the room is now completely silent, the TV being turned off.
“Hey where’re you going?“ I ask groggily, rubbing my sleepy eyes.
“I have some editing to do. Don’t worry, I won’t stay up too late.“ He kisses my forehead before grabbing his phone from the coffee table.
Just as he’s about to walk away, I wrap my arms around his legs. He laughs, catching onto what I’m insinuating. His chuckle brings a smile to my face and butterflies in my belly. No matter how long we date for or how much time we spend together, some things never change. 
“Payback, huh?“ He asks, the smile audible in the question. I keep my eyes shut but nod, my arms still around his legs. “Alright, you koala. You’re coming with me.”
In his recording room, he settles in his chair placing me in his lap in a way that my legs dangling off to the side, my side leaning against his chest, my face hidden in the crook of his neck. We’re both comfortable, content and relaxed.
I don’t know when exactly it happens, but all my mind has registered is a quiet ‘I love you’ and the soft touch of Corpse’s lips on my temple. I manage to reply with an ‘I love you too’ before my sleepiness consumes me, my body completely relaxing against his, the warmth of his body, his scent, the sound of his breathing making me feel safe and loved: the two feelings I want him to feel with the same intensity when I’m in his arms.
Something tells me he does.
@simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17 @chrysanthykios  @annshit @i-cant-choose-a-username-help
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workofheart · 4 years
eren jaeger relationship hcs
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eren’s turn! modern relationship hcs. nsfw under the cut as per usual <3 levi ver.
really clingy. when ur away on a trip or something, he definitely cuddles your pillow and buries his head in it. might also spray your perfume on his hoodie so he can be reminded of you throughout the day (as if you aren’t already on his mind 24/7)
on that note, LOVES seeing you in his clothing. i feel like for most guys this is true and people mention it all the time, but eren especially. it makes him feel mushy and horny at the same time (more on that later) bc it just drapes over your shoulders perfectly. like he sees you and has to suck in a breath and look away to collect himself or else he’ll just become a puddle on the floor
likes hearing verbal affirmations. when you compliment him, tell him you’re proud of him, he gets all warm and fuzzy inside. it means so much coming from you and he knows you're genuine
really goofy, this is to be expected - tries to get you to laugh bc it raises his self esteem and confidence. he just likes looking at you being happy and smiling, it makes him feel so warm inside
definitely hides behind corners when he hears you walking or coming down the stairs so he can jump out and scare you. don’t worry though, because he always proceeds to hug you and kiss your forehead or temple to say he’s sorry but only kind of bc ur reaction was priceless. the little whack u give his arm in annoyance? he lovessss it bc it’s like he knows u still love him even when he is a little obnoxious
eren is definitely one of those enemies to lovers kind of guy bc he desperately wants someone to love him not necessarily in spite of his flaws, but with his flaws. he needs u to acknowledge that he’s far from a perfect person but still love him regardless
his favorite kind of dates are park dates. he likes going on warm & sunny days to throw a frisbee around with you in the open fields. i feel like he’s a basketball guy so he’ll bring you onto the court and play knockout... when he loses, will tell you he let you win on purpose for the sake of his ego 
lolll imagine him critiquing your free throw form or something and coming up behind you to fix it (it wasn’t actually that bad, he just wanted an excuse to be near you)
really needs physical touch. he’s the kind of guy who will always be in contact w you in some way or another. when driving, his hand will be on your thigh or holding yours on top of the center console, same for if you’re out at restaurants but under the table. he’d definitely try and play footsies with you if you’re sitting across from him rather than beside him. when sleeping, he holds you really tight and won’t let you roll over so you better just get comfortable. 
doesn’t mind being ur photographer and taking pics for you. he takes some time to learn the methods for the best pics but he eventually gets it
this is kind of random but when playing minecraft, he always blows up creepers and never fills in the creeper holes :| sorry. to make up for it he’ll get you music discs. also likes just going on little adventures to find a sand biome two thousand blocks away and just walking with you in game
on this topic actually i LOVE the idea of gamer bf eren. like not the league-and-monster-drinking kind but sumn about him in a headset and sitting at the edge of his bed... but he’ll definitely teach you how to play shooter games and will be so nice about it, won’t get mad at you, will give you little kisses when you’re not doing well and getting frustrated, and if you’re playing in online lobbies together he’ll stick by you the whole time and carry you
always sending you tiktoks & tries to get you to do all the trends with him. they never go viral but he goes back and watches them when he misses you
i peg him as a cat guy! really good with animals in general. i think most people would expect him to be a dog person since he can be loud and rowdy and excited, but on an emotional level i think he also just likes to be calm and relaxed and would get along with cats well. also teases you when animals reject you for him.
definitely writes about you in his journal. he jots down funny things you say or do or moments you shared so he never forgets any of them, and when he misses you he’ll read through them :( imagine when you’re so much older and he has documented proof of his love for you back when he was young please it makes me cry
also writes down little poetic words or things that remind him of you. he’ll hear a quote in a movie or a book or a song that instantly makes you pop into his head and he just has to write it down. he’s probably tried writing poems or songs about you, but he keeps those really secret because he’s embarrassed
this is kind of random but i think he’s a total beach person! likes going to spend days in the sun, builds sand castles and asks for your rating, drags you into the water to swim with him, will dive under and grab your ankles to freak you out, also looks really good in swim trunks but that's besides the point
he hates to see you upset and tries to cuddle the sadness out of you. when needs be, he’s a really good listener and doesn’t mind letting you just vent. when you cry, he pulls you in for a really tight hug and cradles your head - also because if he sees you crying, he’ll start to cry too because he genuinely feels for you 
tries his best to take care of you when you’re sick. not really a good cook or anything, but he’ll make you a grilled cheese or a pop tart, albeit a little crispy even though it’s his third attempt. doesn’t mind being near you and isn’t afraid of getting sick so he’ll cuddle you anyway
loses focus when you’re talking to him sometimes but it’s not because he’s not listening, it’s because he just gets caught up in staring at you and how you look when you talk bc he just adores you. when you snap him out of his, he always gets all red and blushy :(
nsfw under the cut (18+)
really likes sending & receiving nudes/lewds. he always goes for the torso selfie to show off his chest/abs when sending, and it doesn’t matter to him what you send back because he’ll like anything you have to offer
and his responses aren’t lame either. NOT the type to send you a thumbs up or a “ayo you sexy as hell fr doe” - he will hype you up with dirty talk because he seriously means it. honestly might just send you a voice message, or call you if you’re alone and available bc while he might look at pics of you from time to time for aesthetics, the majority of the time he’s jacking off
so you know how i said he likes seeing you in his clothing? he especially likes nudes of you in his clothes. send him a pic wearing his zip up hoodie & nothing else and he’s yours 
he prefers being in control/being on top but doesn’t mind if you want to take the reigns every once in a while
throws his head back and groans when u give him head. that's the image.
one of his favorite positions is when you’re in doggy but he pulls you up by the arms so your back is against his chest. he’ll snake a hand around to rub tight little circles on your clit, might put his hand around your throat if you like it. heavenly.
reallyyyy dirty mouth omg. asks sooo many teasing questions, likes hearing you say his name. “you like that, princess?” “louder for me” “who’s making you feel this good?” ugh and it’s not awkward either he makes it sound so good
has a lot of energy and a lot of stamina. stroke game will make you pass out, he’s so smooth and sets such a rhythm with his hips
things that get him going: kissing under his jaw, especially up by his ear. sucking his fingers. tugging on his hair. running your nails down his back.
pins your thighs to the bed when he eats you out. likes to make you squirm and loooves to edge you. super teasing in every way
can we just talk about his voice for a sec... he has the prettiest moans and isn’t afraid to let you know how he’s feeling. when you’re in missionary, he’ll hold himself up with one elbow, hold your hand with the other, and will lean down to moan right in your ear. sometimes does it on purpose bc he knows it turns you on from how you clench around him
usually has a death grip on that sensitive spot between your hips and your waist so he has something to hold on to while he pounds you
when he cums, he 100% buries his face in the crook of your neck, might even bite down from time to time 
can totally see him going harder if he knows there’s people around, he doesn’t care who it is that’s outside the door but they’re gonna hear how good he’s making you feel whether you like it or not
wants to see your face when you cum. will definitely tell you to cum for him and keep your eyes open when he’s really feeling it - your expression makes him nut so fucking hard lawwddd
daps u up after sex just cause he’s weird like that lol
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Make Me | 🔞 | JJK x Reader
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Pairing:Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Romance, Lowkey kinda crack, Smut, slight angst
Wordcount: 3.4k (its pretty short since I plan on giving you guys random smut-shots for this, so a lot of the scenes didn't make it into this one.)
Tags/warnings: Playful teasing, swearing, name calling, slight hair pulling, smut, usage of toys (remote controlled), slight angst, they be fighting a lil, it's a pretty low-carb meal really, very lightweight, okay I don't think there's anything else to say
Summary: Jungkook and you; a couple that's not only connected under the name of lovers- but best friends and enemies as well.
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  Jungkook is absolutely in love with you.
That may be hard to believe, considering the two of you currently fighting on the couch over the last bite of your burger. You're not play-fighting like cutesy couples either, no; you're both acting as if starvation was the only alternative.
Its really not; there's plenty other takeout still on the table.
"I paid for this shit you ungrateful bitch!" He laughs out as you stuff the bite into your mouth, hands high in triumph. "I can't believe you sometimes." He mumbles, watching you chew and swallow before he attacks again. He's careful with you, although it might not seem that way. Jungkook wouldn't dare to injure you in any way, always getting apologetic every time he accidentally bruises your skin. He pins your arms on the couch, predatory eyes staring at you as you raise your eyebrows.
"What'cha gonna do about it?" You challenge, and he groans out as he lets you go.
"Fuck you!" He says, and you laugh out loud. "Don't make me fucking pop a boner- I don't wanna eat cold french fries!" He whines while reaching for said food item, and you shrug as you reach for the pack of chicken nuggets, opening a tiny tub of sauce. "I can't believe you." He chuckles, unable to hold up his facade of being upset about all of it.
He really isn't.
Everyone of his friends thinks its weird- the relationship you two had. He himself however always felt like he had won the jackpot with you; he had a hot girlfriend he didn't have to change anything for. There was no need to be all romantic and cheesy and make himself into someone he wasn't. Being gentle was no requirement with you; you were his absolute best friend, and also lover at the same time.
He had it all with you.
Hard to believe, but Jungkook had been very realistic about it with you. Of course it had been exciting when you two had hooked up for the first time- but the more he got to know you, the more he fell in love with your honest nature and loving personality. You were passionate about your art, never let someone talk down on you, always spoke your mind. You were a challenge, a tiger waiting to be tamed, and Jungkook was as ready as he had ever been to try and do just that. Because right now you were young, you were wild, and one day, you'll have lived all of your dreams. Somewhere deep down, he already imagines it. Sometimes. The way he'll buy a house for you two, how he'll marry you and knock you up to make his family complete.
But for now, you were simply two young lovers in the moment.
Theres a drop of sauce on the top of your breast, and you don't even notice the way Jungkook stares as you wipe it off with your finger, licking it clean like second nature. He's furrowing his brows as he throws his head back, pure agony in his voice as he growls out. "God what is it now?" You playfully complain, last bite of your food gone in your mouth as you look at him with amusement. "Don't tell me you're still hard." You say.
"Fuck off, it's your fault!" He laughs out, unable to quite conceal how funny the entire situation seems to him as well. "Can't you sit on my dick while I finish my food?" He whines, pouting expression thrown your way as you give him a look that says more than you could with words. "Okay yeah saying that out loud makes it sound weird." He mumbles, speeding up his speed as he finishes his food. He swallows after a moment, leaning back on the couch as he gives himself a moment to settle. Maybe he'll come down on his own.
But then again, as he looks at you, he has to remember what his mother always told him.
'don't let the food get cold'
And its your laughter in his ears that makes him smile as he crawls over you, pulling your shirt over your head as he decides no; he doesn't want to wait.
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"Jungkookie, LOOK!" You exclaim as he walks inside your studio, watching as you were petting a massive dog. Maybe a great dane? Mastiff? It didn't matter at all- because you were so happy his attention wasn't on the animal next to you at all. "He's so cute, aren't you?" You say, squishing the dogs head a little. Jungkook laughs.
"Please don't tell me you want a dog now." He says, and you look at him with large eyes. "No, please, we can barely take care of ourselves right now!" He laughs. "Bring it up again when you can walk stairs without stumbling." He teases, and you stare daggers at him.
"At least I'm not scared of the fucking microwave." You mumble, as you stand up, the customer absolutely entertained by the two of you. Jungkook slaps your butt as an answer to your teasing, making you squeal scandalized. "Jungkook! That's public indecency!" You exclaim, and Jungkook laughs as he sits down on a chair in the waiting lounge you're standing in.
"If that's true I gladly get arrested." He says, and you roll your eyes as you say your goodbyes to the customer and his very lovable pet, getting your stuff to walk over to him. "Good to go?" He asks, and you nod, walking out next to him as you spot his car outside- or rather, the small van his company provided him. You have had your suspicions already as he was still wearing his work attire- this sight now spoke out clearly what you were fearing.
"Jungkook no-" You whine, and he sighs, silently telling you were right. "You promised no more overtime!" You said. "We were supposed to have a nice weekend!" You say, genuinely upset, and he can see it; the look in your eyes is pure disappointment, brows scrunched up as your shoulder slump down. "You promised." You mumble, as he opens the passenger door for you, letting you get inside the car.
"I'm sorry, but Tae called in sick and they asked who could take his shift." He explained as he drove home, well knowing that this was no excuse for you. But instead of voicing that out like you usually did, you were silent.
He did not like that.
"I'm really sorry." He says again, but you're still not answering him. "Baby?" He tries, but you're looking out the window, not sparing him even a glance. He knows he fucks up sometimes, but this is entirely new territory for him. Never had he had to deal with you genuinely upset with him, at least not to this extend- because at the moment it seemed as if you were ready to open that door at the next red light and walk right away from him.
The thought alone made him shudder- and not in a good way.
He tries again, but this time you speak; voice quiet, serious, and way too formal for him to feel comfortable with. "Just bring me home Jungkook." The way you say his name makes him bite the inside of his cheek. He's now upset at himself as well. He knew how much you had been looking forward to a shared weekend together. He should've not said anything when they asked who could take over the shift.
And as he came to a stop in front of your shared apartment, it only got worse. Because for the first time, you just got out of his car, closing the door, and went into the apartment complex.
You didn't give him his kiss to the cheek like you did every time- even when you were mad.
You didn't say goodbye.
You didn't even look back.
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"I don't want you gone all the time." You whine out as you hold onto him, his hands on your back as he helps you stay where you are on his lap, your head in his neck as you breath heavily. "I need you." You say, and its one of the rare moments you're open like that. He's eating it up, drinking it in, as he holds you, palms all over your bare skin while you move lazily.
"I know, I'm sorry, I really am." He breathes out, placing kisses to your shoulder, helping you rock on his cock so you won't have to do all the work. "I need you too, I really do, I'm sorry." He mumbles, slipping out of you for a moment before he lays you flat on the bed, guiding his length back inside you as he looms over your body, kissing your skin as if he's worshipping you, as if he can't get close enough to you, his hands holding onto your middle as he keeps you stable while he pushes into you slowly.
"Faster-" You beg him, but he shakes his head, not picking up his pace at all as you whine. "Kookie please-" You say, and he shakes his head again.
"No, we got time." He argues back, and you open your eyes at that, looking to the side. "What is it?" He asks.
"We don't." You say. "You have to get up early tomorrow." You say, and Jungkook shakes his head, making you roll your eyes for a moment as you want to continue- but he shuts you up with a well practiced hand on your clit, your body reacting instantly as your toes curl up. "Jungkook-"
"I don't." He says, gritting his teeth as he finally picks up his pace. "I took time off." He breathes out. "Told them I need the weekend." His hand is eager to have you come undone underneath him as your legs move, heels digging into the small of his back as you snake them around his body the best you can considering the size difference. "Told them I got my girlfriend at home, and guess what?" He asks, and you mewl at his antics. "No one's gonna call me up. Phone's on airplane mode." You're suddenly frantic, hands gripping the bedsheets underneath you as he doesn't let up, smiles into your neck as he bites and sucks his marks. "They can fuck off while I fuck you." He whispers, and you suddenly snap, back arching as you come, his violent thrusting making you sob dryly, fingers reaching for his arms as you dig them into his inked skin.
That's your art underneath his skin, safely tucked away to be guarded from time. That's your ink on his body, your way of making him yours. And this, the way he mouths and nibbles and bites and kisses- that's his way of making you his.
He slips out, desperately rutting into his own hand as he cums onto your lower belly, his release staining the sheets below.
But it doesn't matter in that moment.
He gladly cleans up afterwards.
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"Would you ever wanna live in New Zealand?" You ask him, as he makes sure not to burn any of the food on the grill.
It's your yearly holiday trip, this time in the cold of new Zealand, a camping van your home for the two weeks you'd decided to travel the country. "I mean, why not?" He tells you, turning a piece of meat over, before he looks at you sitting next to him, all bundled up in his way too large puffer jacket. It's already large on him- so it almost swallows you whole. But it also awakens something inside him, seeing you wear his clothes like that. He feels protective, weirdly so.
"Hmhm." You say. "The people seem nice here." You say, and then you rest your head against his shoulder, making him smile as his arm wraps around you- a movement almost instinctual at this point. "But I don't know, won't we miss home?" You wonder, and Jungkook shrugs.
"I don't really need a home as long as you're with me." He says, speaking it out loud without thinking as you suddenly detach from him. He looks at you, worried he might've said something too much, but you look at him so.. he can't describe it. Your lips are on his in the next second, before you go to the van to retrieve some paper plates.
"Oh my god, that was-" You say, balancing cutlery in your arm. "-The most romantic fucking thing you've ever said!" You say, putting everything onto the camping table as he chuckles. "No, I mean it. That was so movie-worthy!" You say. "I feel like I'm in a K-Drama!" You exclaim, and he laughs.
"They don't swear that much in K-Dramas." He corrects you playfully, but still smiles. "But yeah I get you. Sometimes I feel like this isn't real too. Too good to be true and all that." He says, and you suddenly squeal, making him look at you.
"Stop!" You say, before you hug him tightly.
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You're looking through clothing items when you suddenly feel it.
The sudden buzzing right inside you, making your foot studder in its step as you try to conceil your reaction as best as you can. You can feel your thighs clenching, muscles contracting as the feeling of the bullet vibrator. And one look towards Jungkook sitting on a chair in front of the dressing stalls makes you want to punch him right in his pretty face.
He's got his hand inside his sweater pocket, smirking slightly at your struggle as he doesn't seem to care who's sitting next to him- or who could see you and connect the dots. He likes things like that; the slight thrill of getting caught and the literall proof that you had given him all control making him feel absolute bliss.
You're more concerned about the fact that you're about to cum.
Right inside this fucking store.
You shoot him daggers, and he simply has the audacity to smile, shrugging his arms as if he's got no idea what you mean. He tones it down a little, turning it off for now when he felt like he'd tortured you enough; stripping you of your orgasm as well. You want to whine out, complain, but you simply but the clothes back where they belong, walking up to him. "Oh? Nothing caught your eye baby?" He asks innocently, and you simply smile, shaking your head. "Alright." He says, getting up to walk out with you.
And its inside the car after he had parked in a secluded spot on a scarcely lit parking lot that he turns the device on again. "I have to say.." He starts, watching you squirm in the passenger seat, hands instantly clenching into fists as your legs squeeze together. "I'm not mad anymore I almost paid a hundred bucks for this thing." He tells you. "Feels good baby?" He asks, and you nod- but its not enough for Jungkook. "I can't hear you." He tells you, and you have to cut yourself off to not moan out loud.
"I-t.. ah- feels good.." You somehow get out, squirming and slowly growing desperate as he keeps the setting low- too low for you to actually cum. He's enjoying the show for a moment, until he reaches underneath his drivers' seat, fumbling around before the seat rolls back, making more room. You know what's going to happen next. "Can I-?" You start, and he nods, helping you safely onto his lap.
"You look so pretty like this." He praises, hands underneath your clothing as he gently fondles your breasts- enjoying the fact you've decided to skip the bra today. "Hm?" He humms against your skin, before he leans back, switching onto the highest setting. He doesn't even need to touch himself to get off, he knows that already; the sight in front of you enough to get him going. You're erratic at this point, Hips rutting into nothing as you hold your hands awkwardly in front of your mouth. Jungkook reaches out, letting you hold onto him, and he feels weirdly loving at the sight of you holding onto him so desperately. "Oh?" He suddenly asks, noticing you stutter. "Cum baby. Come on." He urges, and you want to tell him its too much, too much, but then you suddenly cum, and he tones it down a little, letting you ride it out as you clumsily fondle him over his jeans- only a few movements enough for him however to come undone inside his pants. "Shh, you're good, good job, good girl." He humms out, letting you rest against his chest for a moment, closing his eyes as he enjoys the moment with you.
He's really not mad about the hundred bucks anymore.
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One thing Jungkook had come to live with was the fact that you loved everything cute.
You collected anything pink and soft and cute, plushies being his go-to present because he knew that would always be a bullseye-shot with you. They're all over the place, but Jungkook doesn't mind. Even though he can't understand the appeal of some of them, he himself understands the appeal of collecting things. And he's also not one to judge- having accepted you with every piece and habit you have.
That doesn't mean he doesn't tease you for it.
"Why's the rat wearing old granny clothes?"jungkook snorts, jumping over the back of the couch to sit next to you, who is currently trying to sew a hole on your melody plush toy shut.
"Shut up, Melody isn't a rat!" You mumble, making Jungkook chuckle as he eats his popsicle, watching you work. He really likes how delicate your hands are; they fit nicely in his hands whenever he holds them. Yours get cold a lot- and he likes giving you some warmth whenever he can.
Anything for you.
"I think its a rat." He tells you, giggling boyishly when you throw your head back, groaning. He gets up to walk into the kitchen to throw the wooden stick of his treat away, as he hears you.
"Well detective melody thinks you're a little bitch." You retort. And only seconds later, jungkook is behind you, looking over your shoulder to check if its clear- he doesn't want you to hurt yourself with the needle. Once he's made sure, he grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling it back so you're looking at him upside down.
"You wanna say that again sweetheart?" He growls out, and your sparkling eyes shout mischievously at him from below.
He loves the powerplay.
But this time you decide to ge cute, holding the stuffed toy into his face as you giggle. "Its melodys words, not mine!" You argue, and he laughs, before he pushes the toy aside, pressing a kiss to your nose before he walks back into the kitchen again. "Although I can't argue with whats been said-" you start, and Jungkook shouts from the kitchen as you laugh.
"I wasn't a little bitch last night when I was balls deep in-" he starts, and you scream over his words, scandalized.
"Jungkook, not when melody is listening!"
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"So.." Jimin started, looking at your hand. "You wanna explain that expensive ass thing?" He asks, before he slaps the table. "Don't tell me its real!" He asks, eyes wide as you laugh.
"Why, you wanna steal n' sell?" You challenge, and he shakes his head, now a little more serious.
"No, I just wondered. He popped the question or not?" He asks, and you can't help the grin that spreads onto your cheeks. But before any of you can answer, the man in question walks inside, having heard the conversation.
"I did, and that means you can fuck off Park." He challenges, roughly pushing the elder away with a hand on his head, making everyone laugh at their antics. "How's my fiance doing?" He asks. "Still walking like a newborn babydeer?" He teases, and you smack his head with a printout you had rolled up. "Ow, you literally told me to go hard, don't be mad now!" He says, before running away from your red-faced form, chasing him with the printouts around the studio.
Yeah, some things never change.
And that's ok.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. Don't try reposting on AO3 or your mom's facebook. I got eyes everywhere.
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Tech problems (bucky x reader)
Summary: bucky doesn’t know how to work the TV, his new phone, anything. After getting made fun if he wants to quit but the reader helps him out.
Pairing: bucky barns x reader
Warning: mentions of death near the end, but it’s mostly fluff
Bucky stood at the counter in the kitchen, full weight leaning on the concrete slab that most people ate off of. His eyebrows were basically touching as he fiddled with his phone that Tony just gave him, he just couldn’t figure it out for the life of him.
“Hey, old guy!” Tony walked in, “whatcha doing?” He walked over and peered over Bucky’s shoulder.
“Trying to…” his brain wasn’t focused on completing the sentence, more on creating an e-mail.
“I see,” Tony snatched the phone from Bucky’s hands and turned his back to him, Bucky tried to see what he was doing but Tony kept walking around. A little bit of anger grew inside him because Tony seemed just fine at working with tech- everyone did.
Steve had walked in, “Tony, what are you doing?” His voice was tired and annoyed, he already knew what was happening simply from the way Bucky looked longingly at Steve. “Tony-“
“Ah-ta-ta, let me help him.” Tony smirked, his voice dripping in sarcasm. “I’m doing it all for him, aaaand- done!” He turned and slapped the phone in the table, it looked like everyone else’s.
“What did you do to it?” Bucky asked, his anger coming through in his tone.
“Nothing, tin man- old man- silver hair, just nothing.” He seemed like he was telling the truth, “i just did it so you wouldn’t keep annoying me and asking so many god damn questions, jeez.” Tony scoffed and walked away, Bucky didn’t pick up the phone, rather stare at it.
“How stupid am I?” Bucky asked, “really, like you got this figured out in less than a week, Tony told me when I asked for the Bluetooth password.”
“Wifi.” Steve corrected.
“What?” Bucky looked over, “same thing, who cares…” Bucky waved him off, his head snapped up at Steve suppressing a laugh, his stomach sank, “what?” His voice light and almost a whisper.
“It’s not the same thing, very much not the same thing.” He laughed, Bucky sighed, he’d had enough of this. Bucky picked up the phone and walked down the hall, “oh, come on! I’m having fun with you!” Steve laughed.
You wiped the sweat from your forehead, training with Nat had just ended and you were heading back to your shared room with Bucky. As you walked past the kitchen you saw Steve looking at nothing, he hand kept his head up.
“Why the long face?” You panted, still needing to catch your breath.
“I made fun of Bucky, he’s mad now.” His mouth barley moved, the sentence was muffled.
“About what?” You asked softly but you were still mad, he made fun of your boyfriend.
“Him not knowing how to use tech,” Steve looked up and saw your jaw drop, “what?”
“Literally last night he was so upset because he called me when I was training and he used the emergency signal, so I came running to our room and he had no idea.” You looked towards the bedrooms, “he was so upset with himself that he made me scared, he was all in his head. I need to go check up on him,” you sighed and turned to go to your room; that hot shower had to wait.
Once you made it to your room you softly knocked on the door, “Bucky?” You called, when you heard a hum you opened the door a jar, seeing him slumped over with his phone in his hands. “Hey, babe.” He seemed to break out of his thoughts when you placed a hand on his back.
“Hi, doll face.” He tried to smile, “how’s training?” He looked over to you as you sat beside him.
“Very long and very tiring,” you chuckled, you knew if you asked how he was doing he might get mad or breakdown, “Steve told me what happened, he seemed sad when I was in the kitchen.” Your hand started to rub his upper back, making sure you didn’t hit any scars through the shirt. “You wanna talk about it?” His phone was still on the home page, all the apps were downloaded but you knew he didn’t do that himself.
“I don’t know anything,” he sighed, “i don’t know how to work my phone, the microwave, the TV…I don’t know how to use the system thing in here properly, I can barley understand cars these days, that’s why I use the motorcycle because they didn’t change much but-… y/n, everyone thinks it so funny, the old guy who doesn’t know jack shit about tech.” He slumped forward.
“I don’t think it’s funny,” you moved up to the back of his neck, knowing he likes when you get under into his scalp.
“You’re different.” He stated.
“How so?”
“Because you’ve never been mean to anyone, you’re this shining star, you’re a light and you’re never mean.” His eyes left his phone and he looked at your leg, not wanting to make eye contact after saying that.
Your heart melted, his lips turned up at the quickly kiss to his cheek. He looked over and kissed you back, your hands wrapped around his neck and his pulled your waist in. After pulling away your foreheads rested on one another’s.
“Let me teach you, yeah?” You whispered, “no jokes. No funny business. As long as you need, I’ll go through it all.” You leaned back and waiting for his response.
“I don’t wanna make you go through-“
“Nope. Final rule, no self-doubt.” You smiled, his lip pouted out and he tried to cover his face and blush.
“Okay,” he nodded, “teach me.”
“Not right now,” you laughed, Bucky quirked a brow, “I’m tired and sweaty and I feel gross, also, I would like some cuddles.” You stood and grabbed your towel and a change of comfy clothes, “tomorrow.”
It was the next day, Bucky sat on the bed as you walked around the TV in your shared room, deep down he wanted to take some notes but he knew if anyone found them, he’d never hear the end of it.
“So let’s start basic,” you stood in front of the blank TV, “let’s say you’ve lost he remote, this is how you control it. Right here,” you pointed to the circle with a line through the top symbol, “that is the universal signal for on and off, look for that. Then, once you’ve pressed it here is the little notches for the volume and then the channel notches.” You pointed as you went along the bottom of the screen.
“Sounds easy,” Bucky muttered more to himself.
“But we have a remote, here, same little symbol, on and off. There, that’s the volume, and the big circle can help navigate up and down, side to side.” You showed him up close, “lots of these buttons will never be used, so I won’t really go through them.” You waved it off. “Okay, test number one, turn of the tv.” You passed the remote.
“Okay…” bucky clicked the button with the symbol he now knew and the screen lit up, some random cartoon played, “yes!” He shit up and jumped, quickly catching himself he sat back down.
“Can you change the channel for me?” You asked, a smirk on your face from his reaction before, he clicked the channel button and it went to the news. “And turn it up, please.”
“Easy,” he smiled and clicked, no sound came out. “What?” He clicked again and the sound came back, but not louder.
“You hit the mute button, use the long button here,” you pointed, he clicked up and it went up one level, after catching on and holding it the volume kept going up, “Bucky-“ you tried to warn but the volume cut out completely.
“Shit.” He stood up, Bucky fiddled with the notches on the actual TV but nothing happened. “What did I do?” His face i genuine terror, “did I break it, oh god, Tony’s gonna get some mad.”
“You blew out the speakers,” after observing the smoke coming out from the side of the TV that was the only possible answer.
“I knew i’d mess it up, I get so cocky, I really thought I had it.” He paced around, tugging his hair.
“Don’t worry, it’ll all be fine,” you calmed him and sat him in the bed, “it’s hard at first but it will only get easier.” You smiled before pulling him into a hug, you could feel his sigh of defeat as he hugged back.
You both headed out to the kitchen, Bucky still in a mood from breaking the TV a couple minutes ago. You both had some coffee, yours with a little milk.
“Hello, lovebirds.” Tony walked in, Bucky looked right at his feet and tried not to look awkward. “What’s up with cyborg over here?” Tony giggled.
“Nothing,” you dipped your coffee, Bucky just nodded along.
“I got a notification that the speakers in your room were blown out,” Tony teased, Bucky stiffened and inches closer to you, “what happened?”
Bucky looked up, his mouth open and about to talk. You gently placed a hand on his chest and looked him in the eye, a way of saying ‘I got this’.
“I sat in the remote, turns out my ass poked it right at the volume and I couldn’t figure it out in time.” You laughed, Bucky looked at you crazy before forcing one out.
Tony hunched over, “I can picture that, oh wow- I wish I was there!” He cackled before turning away and walking down the hall, “it’ll be fixed by tomorrow!” He called over his shoulder.
It was lonely without you, it was very rare you’d go in missions without Bucky but also rare you’d go alone. It was a simple infiltrate, you were more on the espionage rather than Captain America side of powers. 
Bucky had tired to talk to Steve about letting someone go with you, this mission would involve zero contact with the base. But no one listened, it was always going to be you.
It had been a month, three quarters done with the they needed. The tech lesions had to be halted, you weren’t there to teach and Bucky refused to let anyone tell him anything about the tech in his room.
“If only you could see me, babe…” he whispered as he worked the TV, that was the only thing he knew, and he was great at it. Last week he recorded a show, he was never going to watch it, but it as recorded. He almost had a heart attack when the remote stopped working, but it just ran out of batteries.
After doing all the cool tricks he knew he looked over to your side of the bed, it was neatly made and seemed untouched. Whenever you’d be fine for even a night he’d sleep on the ground, but he promised he’d sleep on the bed, but he never rolled over or even sat on your side.
The one thing he missed was the way your shampoo stunk up the whole bed in a good way, when he’d wake up the morning after you’d showered he’d could smell your lavender shampoo right away, it almost puts him back to sleep. But as the days went on, it faded.
Bucky looked around before gently placing his face your pillow, almost like an afterthought of your sent came through; just barley there. His face hovered before he gave in and relaxed on it, he knew if he’d roll around the sent would fade quicker, he didn’t really care.
There was a hard spot on your pillow, he reached under and found a green spiral notebook. It didn’t have anything in the cover, once he opened it a gasp fell from his lips.
It was a notebook, for every piece of tech in the house. From his phone to how F.R.I.D.A.Y. works, it was all there. Intricate diagrams that where labeled, one page had everything he needed to know.
Bucky’s phone sat face down in his bedside table, he flipped the that page and looked it over. He picked up his phone and read through it all, slightly muttering then words that were written to himself like he was being taught.
“Okay, you got this,” he said as he pressed the on button, as he navigated around he learned how to add a contact, send and text, google, the a picture, send an email. Everything.
You walked into the compound completely exhausted, one black eye layer, the base had been infiltrated. You went to your mission report computer and Tony was there, he gave you your phone.
“Connect back to the wifi,” he nodded before leaving you to connect.
Once you were fully back online your phone began to buzz, over and over. Tons of notifications rolled in. You went to emails first.
From: bucky
To: y/n
Subject: test?
Hellooooooo this is a test, don’t worry about it!
You laughed and scrolled through the other emails, finding out they were all kind of the same, then you went to text messages.
There was a selfie of him holding the green book, his smile couldn’t have been wider. He sent three, probably by accident. But they were still cute.
So I figured hit text!
Kinda cool
I found the book, it was like Christmas
Anyway, I know you won’t read this but I think I’ll try the oven next, I’ll ask wanda about it.
As the texts went on, your heart started to drop and your stomach swirled. They had been getting progressively sadder.
Hey doll face, I hope you’re well, miss you
I miss you
I love you
I wanna marry you one day, maybe live on farm and have a few kids
If you want
Sent: two months ago
I finished your book, I think I know it all now, I’ve been going over those tests you put in the back sleeve, they’re really good
You’re very thoughtful
I know you can’t see this
I don’t know what to do with myself, this is very hard.
Sent: one month ago
Are you dead?
I had a dream you died in my arms, and I can’t tell if it was a flashback or a dream
I hope you’re not
I love you too much
Please come home
I really need you
I wish I never learn how to use this shit, honestly, I can’t seem to put my phone down because this is all I have if you right now. I keep checking it to see if you’ve responded but I know you haven’t, but part of me wants you to respond so I know you’re alive.
I’m not ready to say goodbye to you yet.
Sent: 24 hours ago
You slammed the phone down and raced down the hall, you passed the kitchen and everyone who smiled at you because they hadn’t seen you in three months, they probably also thought you were dead.
You stopped right before the door, you could hear soft whimpers coming from inside.
“I miss you,” the voice was muffled.
You opened the door silently, you saw Bucky lying right next to your side of the bed, it was still perfectly made. You also saw what looked like glass shattered by the wall, a closer look and it was his phone.
“Bucky?” You asked.
His head shot up and he sat up straight, after wiping his face he ran right over to you. His hug pushed you back on the floor, he just stayed there.
“Don’t ever do that again, please.” His voice was still shaken, “I can’t go through that again.”
“Never again, i was so worried when I saw your text a minuet ago.” You whispered and ran your fingers through his hair.
“Your name in my phone, your the only one.” He sniffled, “it was like it was taunting me, I got really mad and I threw it.” He hugged you tighter, “you were supposed to come home two days ago.” He cried.
“I know,” you housed him and sat up, as he pulled away he saw your bruised face, his thumb gently traced the purple mark.
“I don’t want a phone, I like knowing about it, but I’ll only ever borrow yours.” He seemed like he was pledging something, like an oath.
“Done deal,” you pulled him in for a long kiss, hoping it would never end.
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If you're still doing 1k prompts.
Maybe one after Izzys death. After Stede takes him back to the captains quarters Ed breaks down again, and tells Stede the crew probably wishes it was him instead of Izzy. Then after an exhausted Ed falls asleep in his arms Stede reluctantly leaves him and goes to talk to the crew, who decide to do something special for Ed to show him that Izzy was right that Ed's their family and they love him.
Thanks so much for this prompt! Heartbreaking stuff.
(Always feel free to send me prompts for 1k word fics!)
“There we are, sweet man, you’re doing great.”
Ed just rested his head on Stede’s shoulder, letting Stede hold him up as he gently peeled off the blood-stained uniform shirt. He’d stopped crying, for now, and that was a win.
Ed was shaking, still, teary-eyed, and Stede had just a moment of doubt. Ed was probably really happy to be stuck getting comfort from the guy whose plan was the reason everything went south -
Stede cut himself off. It wasn’t like it was his fault Izzy sucked shit at checking hostages for weapons, now, was it?
That thought was probably not one Ed would find funny at the moment. Regardless, Stede knew his Ed, and he knew what he could do for him, and his world narrowed to the things he could do to help his boyfriend feel better. 
He helped Ed get clean with a washcloth, wiping dried blood from his hands, and got him changed into a soft nightgown, telling him how well he was doing all the while. Ed mostly just sniffled, but he squeezed Stede’s fingers, leaned over so Stede could kiss his cheek. Stede spritzed Ed’s hair with the bottle of freshwater they kept in the bathroom and brushed it through with some coconut oil - Ed hated what the salty sea air could do to his hair, and helping him take care of it was a way Stede could keep him comfortable and make sure he felt loved.
Ed mumbled something as Stede held him on the bed, using a damp cloth to clean his hands better, scrubbing the dried blood out from under his fingernails. His face was tucked pretty tight into Stede’s chest, so Stede hadn’t been able to make it out.
“What’s that, love?” He kissed Ed’s forehead, encouraging him to stop hiding his face.
Ed looked up, his eyes teary again, and his lip wobbled. “D’you think they wish it was me instead?”
Stede frowned. “What -”
“The crew.” Ed’s lip trembled a bit harder, and he pursed his lips to try and keep it under control. “They - they liked him more than me, they hate me -”
“Ed, honey, no -”
“They wish it was me instead, Stede, I know they do,” Ed said, his voice breaking off into a sob, and Stede barely had time to blink before Ed was wrapping his arms around his chest and holding him close as he wailed.
It was the helplessness Stede hated the most, he thought, to be holding Ed and trying desperately to comfort him, and not being able to calm him. Every time he tried to reassure him that the crew did love him, Ed only cried harder, shaking his head, his breath hitching with broken sobs.
All Stede could do, really, was hold Ed close and rock him gently in his arms as he cried himself to sleep, too exhausted and raw to talk.
This would not do.
Slowly, being careful not to wake him, Stede gently moved Ed onto the bed, getting him tucked up under the covers. He kissed Ed’s tear-streaked cheek, his heart warming at the way Ed’s expression relaxed slightly, before heading back up on deck.
Fang found him as he was tossing the bloodied English uniform off the ship. He didn’t think Ed would ever want to look at it again.
“Hey,” Fang said softly. “How is he?”
“Not great, to tell you the truth.” Stede sighed  down at the ripple as the uniform sank. “I was actually thinking that it might be nice to have a bit of crew appreciation for him, he’s had a very rough go of it lately, and he says he’s worried that some people might be mad it was Izzy instead of him -”
Fang barely had time to gasp before Frenchie’s head popped around the corner.
“I hear that right?” Frenchie gasped. “Eddie’s worried we’re mad he didn’t die? Oh, no way, that’s not on.”
“My thoughts exactly,” Stede began, and he was left to just follow along as Fang and Frenchie streaked off.
In the end, Stede barely needed to contribute anything. The crew came up with it all themselves.
When Ed woke up the next morning, after a cuddle and promises that Stede wasn’t mad, not at all, about all the crying, they came out of the cabin to find cake for breakfast.
“Aww, fuck yeah,” Ed said, giving the crew a weak smile as Jim handed him his slice. “I love orange cake, Roach, really. You always get the texture just immaculate.”
That was just Ed, Stede thought with a smile. Even when he was having such a hard time, he was doing his absolute best to find an enthusiastic compliment.
“We made you somethin’,” Jim said very loudly, prompting Frenchie to groan at how they ruined the surprise, man, where’s your sense of theatrics.
The card made Ed cry again, but in a very good way.
The crew had debated for a while on what it should say, but Stede thought the simple we’re glad you’re alive! got the job done just fine.
Most of the crew had instructed Lucius to draw them around the smiling Ed at the center of the picture doing something Ed taught them, or that they did together. Roach bringing some adventurous new recipe for Ed to taste-test, Jim tying a cool rigging knot, Pete doing a backflip (Stede found that one a bit far-fetched)...
“Thank you guys,” Ed said, wiping his eyes, clutching the card to his chest. “I, uh… it means a lot.”
“Sappy bastard.” Archie affectionately whacked Ed’s shoulder. “We love you, too. Dickhead.”
Stede didn’t think that either he or Ed had ever thought they’d be part of a community where they were really, truly loved, where you could count on everyone to support each other, let alone expected they’d help foster that community. Now, getting to watch Ed receive that love, to feel safe to accept it - 
It was the best gift he thought he’d ever received.
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I’m Yours, You’re Mine | 2
Word Count: 2.6k
Genre: Smut, future angst
Summary:  You’ve always wished to take a more dominant role in bed, but Chan just wasn’t having it. So when you see an opportunity to do just that with Felix, you can’t help yourself. But you soon come to regret your drunken decision for a reason other than that you’d cheated on your boyfriend with his own bestfriend.
Warnings: Cheating, justifying cheating (badly), yandere!felix, sub!felix, dom!reader, reader tries to pressure chan into subbing, felix getting pegged in a kitten maid outfit, excessive use of whore and slut and noona, degradation, felix messy
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It was a mistake. You had decided. You were both too drunk and horny to think it through and it was best to forget it all.
Felix, however, refused to drop it which really only cemented in your mind that it’s the right decision to stop this thing before it starts. If he’s kicking up this much fuss about it and you’ve barely done anything, what is he gonna do if you got more involved later? No, it’s over and you’d told him as such. You don’t want him and it had been a mistake.
But at night, when you’re all alone with your thoughts after chan had fucked you and gone to sleep, you can’t help but think of the freckled boy and how he had followed your every order so obediently. You touch yourself every night to the memory of it, how good he sounded touching himself for you. It has become a sort of escapism for you, a way to let out your frustrations every time Chan doesn’t let you take the lead.
It pissed you the fuck off, how condescending he’d sound when telling you to ‘stop messing around, babygirl’ as he proceeds to pin you down and fuck you from behind. Still, you keep trying because maybe if he’d let you have this, you wouldn’t run to other men to satisfy your needs.
"Baby, take a look at this." You call out to Chan who was sitting on the chair next to you, turning your laptop screen towards him so he'd see the costume you were looking at, a cat maid outfit for men. He scrunches his nose at it and laughs, "That's certainly something."
"You don't like it?" You pout and he looks at you incredulously. "You do?" 
"I don't know.” You shrug, once again feeling ridiculed. It’s not like you haven’t worn a schoolgirl or a sexy nurse outfit for him before when he’d asked. “I just think you'd look cute in it. And with halloween coming up and everything--"
"I’m gonna stop you right there, baby. Absolutely not."
"Why not?" You whine like a child.
"Because it's embarrassing!"
"But it's halloween, it’s supposed to be crazy. No one will care, they might even like it. I’d really like it.." 
"No. Pick something else." He deadpans but you keep pushing. "But I want this!"
Chan gets off his chair and sits on the couch next to you, grabbing your jaw and pulling you close to his face. “Baby, I’m a man, not a toy for you to play with and dress up as you please. You never mentioned any of this stuff before and you can’t just drop this on me now and expect me to do what you please.” 
“But why can’t you at least try?” 
“I’m not interested.” He answers slowly, emphasizing every word. "Now stop pressing or I'll put your pretty little mouth to better use."
You’re standing alone in a corner, nursing your drink as you watch the party-goers mingle and have fun, when you suddenly feel someone wrap their arms around you and press up their body against your back. You don’t flinch, already knowing who it is. 
“Hey, baby, wanna go out for a bite?” The stupid pickup line only serves to make you more annoyed at the boy behind you and you wince as he digs his fake fangs into the skin of your shoulder. Shrugging the man off, you turn to face him. “I thought strong women made you flaccid.” 
The sour smile on his face only lasts for a second before it turns patronizing. “That’s not true. I was very into Kim Possible.” He cups your cheek and leans down close to your face, his nose touching yours. “But I’d fuck Shego too.” 
You push his hand away and step back, stopping the kiss he was going for. “Sorry, but this Shego isn’t interested in getting fucked.”
Chan rests his hands on his hips and lets out a heavy sigh. “How long are you gonna stay mad at that?”
“How long is your fragile masculinity gonna keep you from satisfying your girlfriend in bed?” 
He steps towards you angrily, getting all up in your face again. “Don’t you dare! I always make you cum.”
“So? I can make myself cum just fine on my own. But what I actually want from you, you’re not giving to me.” 
“You’re fucking unbelievable.” He yells, face turning red as he prepares to launch into his own angry rant when something catches his eyes and he bursts out laughing. “Oh, for fucks sake.”
You look at him in confusion and he grabs you by the shoulders and turns you around.  “Take a look at Felix, honey.” He murmurs sardonically.
With narrowed eyes, you search for the blonde among the crowd of people gathered at your apartment, wondering why Chan was stopping your oh-so-important argument for this. But when your eyes land on him, they blow wide open. Felix is dressed in the exact outfit you’d shown Chan wished earlier, complete with the cat eats and the little bell around his neck. He looked perfect. 
“Look at how ridiculous he looks.” Chan’s voice cuts into your thoughts as he leans down to jeer in your ear. "And you wanted me to look like that. Hey, maybe Lix will bend over and let you fuck him if you ask." 
He says it with the most sarcasm and contempt he can muster before shoving you a little bit forward and walking off. But it’s far from a joke to you. There is nothing funny about the gorgeous boy looking like he just came out of your wildest dreams. 
With anger and lust mixing dangerously in your veins, you march straight to Felix, and without even greeting him, you grab him by the arm and pull him into the bathroom that was further into the apartment and lock the both of you inside. 
Pushing him against the sink, you grab his hair and force him to look at himself in the mirror. "What is the meaning of this?"
“Noona?” He wonders uneasily, playing innocent. 
“How the fuck did you get this?” 
“I found it on the internet, noona.” 
“Oh, you found it, huh?” You scoff, running your hand over the black and white outfit. “You just happened to find the exact same costume I was showing to Chan a few weeks back?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, noona.” He stares at your reflection through his lashes, doing his best to look meek and clueless. Growling, you shove your hand between his legs, grabbing at his half-hard dick and making him squeal. 
“Oh, you don’t, do you? You’re such a fucking whore, Felix.” He moans, bucking his hip into your hand. "You know I belong to your hyung and you're just gonna betray him like that?"
He shakes his head earnestly, "No, noona. I’m not trying to."
"Don't lie. Little whore only thinks with his cock." You hiss, letting your other hand fall from his hair to his chest, your fingers roughly pulling at his nipples through the thin fabric covering them. 
“Ah--fuck--noona!” He cries, thrusting his dick against your hand more and more. "I'm a good boy. You know that noona."
“Then what is is?” You pull his skirt up to clearly show his now fully hard dick straining against the panties he’s wearing. And when you do, you stop in your tracks. 
"Are those my panties?" You shriek, pushing him flat over the marble countertop and flipping the skirt over his ass so you can see the black panties more clearly. “You fucking creep!”
You hook your thumbs under the waistband and yank the panties down, getting even more of a shock when you see what he has under them. 
"Shit." You breathe, momentarily forgetting all about the panties as you stare at the pink butt plug wedged snuggly in his ass. When you reach out and tap the base of it, Felix's legs buckle. “Is this part of the costume too?”
He stays quiet, burying his face into his arms and you scoff. "God, you're such a slut." You grab the plug and pull it back, only to slam it back in all at once. His scream is muffled against his arms but he eagerly pushes his hips back into you. 
You take a few seconds to get your breathing under control. Once again you can’t believe what is in front of you. You’ve only dreamt about something like this before, but here is Felix giving it all to you without you even asking. How can you resist?
"Don't move." You hiss in his ear, ignoring his little moan of protest as you pull away and step out of the bathroom.
You get what you want from your room as fast as you possibly can before going back to the bathroom and finding that Felix has actually not stayed still, and is now standing up and nervously fiddling with his fingers.
"Didn't I say to not move?"
"I was afraid someone would come in." He mumbles.
“Afraid people will find out what a whore you are, you mean.” You step in and lock the door behind you before you before you show him what you have in the box you just retrieved. 
You smile at his gasp when he sees you pull out the strap you own, the one you never even got to show to Chan before. Cocking your head to the side, you stare at the shaking boy. “You’ll let me fuck you, won’t you, Lixie?” 
He nods before you even finish your question. “Of course, noona. You can do whatever you want to me.” 
You smirk like you expected nothing less than that, but in reality you were riding high off of the fact that he so easily gave into you without you even needing to coax him. It made you wanna give him everything he asks for. 
But Felix’s enthusiasm is dampened a little when he sees you putting the strap-on over your costume. Pouting, he asks you, “You’re not gonna take anything off, noona?”
"I don't need to take anything off to fuck you." You reply simply and he lets out an insolent whine. “But I wanna see your body. I never got to see it up-close.” 
Your face turns hard and Felix takes a moment to realize the implication of what he just said. “So you’re saying you’ve seen my body before? Have you been spying on me too, you little shit?” 
He stays quiet, staring at the floor. 
“You’re such a fucking pervert. I ought to tell Chan about all of this.” You push him around to face the mirror again and press his body against the countertop. “The outfit. The panties. The spying.” You grit, taking the butt plug out of his ass and running your fingertips up and down his open hole.
“No, please don’t tell him.” He whimpers, face pressed against the cool marble. 
“Why shouldn’t I? He should know what his precious friend is up to behind his back.” You squeeze some lube over your fingers before you push one inside of him. It goes in easily so you add the second one right away, pressing down as you pump your fingers in and out of his ass.
“Nghh--noona--noona!” He squirms under you, hands grasping to find any purchase over the smooth countertop. “Please, fuck me.”
You can’t really deny him for long, already feeling like you could cream your panties just watching him break down under you. As you push the didlo in, he lets out a loud keen that turns into heavy panting as you start rocking your hips into his. 
“Thank you, noona.” His voice is garbled and you pull him up by the hair to make him stand up so you can look at his face while you fuck him. He looks like an absolute mess of drool and flushed cheeks, his dick leaking little drops on the floor. 
"What a tiny dick you have, Lixie.” You can't help but stare at it and the leather garter belt he has around his thigh with a metallic heart looped in it. Wrapping your hand his wet dick, you start pumping it as you thrust into his ass. “No wonder you can't dom a girl. I probably have a bigger dick than yours."
“I’m sorry, n-noona. Please use me--ahh--however you want.” He sobs, barely able to hold himself up in your arms. 
“Use you for what? You’re a complete mess. You wouldn’t be able to satisfy me even if you tried.” You fuck him harder, quickening the pace of your strokes on his twitching dick and shivering at the sounds that fill up the room, from the snap of your hips against his ass, to the slick sound of you jerking him off, to the whiny moans he's letting loose to the tune of the bell in his choker. “But it’s okay, I’ll just think about this when Channie is fucking my brains out tonight.” 
Suddenly his face changes, taking on a dark and sinister hue that makes goosebumps erupt across your skin. But you can’t let him intimidate you. If you can’t even dom Felix then Chan is right not to take you seriously. Besides, if you want to keep this going, you have to have him under a tight leash or else he’ll go rogue and expose the both of you. 
"What? You have something to say?" You challenge, but he stays quiet, his lips curled into a mean sneer. "You're just a toy for me and if you want me to keep playing with you, you need to learn your place. Is that understood?"
But Felix doesn’t respond, continuing to stare you down through the mirror. 
“You want me to leave you high and dry like last time? Because that’s what you’ll get if you don’t back down, kitten.” You warn him, your thrusts turning from fast and hard to slow and deep, and your grip on his cock tightening. “Come on, who is my good boy?” 
Finally, he relents, throwing his head back over your shoulder and moaning out, “I am, noona.” 
“Prove it or else I’ll have no use for you.” You smatter stinging kisses all over the side of his neck in retaliation for taking so long, and you feel him gulping under your lips. "Come on, little slut, squirt out that cum for me." 
“Yes, noona, just need a little more.” He grunts obediently, thrusting his cock up into your closed fist in time with your own thrusts into his ass. "Aahh--noona--fuck---noona!" His hands reach back and his fingers dig into your flesh as he cums, using his hold on you to keep standing upright.
“That’s it. That’s it.” You coo, taking a bit too long before you stop touching him, letting him suffer the pain of overstimulation for a minute, his eyes blown wide as his mouth hangs open as he stares at you with glazed over eyes in the mirror, his cum dripping down your hand and making a small puddle on the floor under you. 
“You’ll keep being a good boy, won’t you, Lixie?” You press a soft kiss under his ear that makes him shiver. Letting the tension out of his body, he relaxes back into your arms and closes his eyes. 
“Yes, Noona.” 
A/N: next chapter is using one of those remote control vibrators on lixie in public uwu oh and making him watch chan fuck reader :))))) 
feedback keeps me going and makes me upload faster like this :))))
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daringyounggrayson · 3 years
misplaced guilt
(Read below or on AO3)
It’s been a while since Bruce has been to one of these galas, and for once, he is neither hosting nor making a speech. It’s a nice change, to say the least.
Dick is sitting next to him, kicking his legs under the table. Bruce would tell him to stop, but at least he’s actually using the chair as intended with both feet closer to the floor than the chair, so Bruce lets it go for the moment. If it gets too out of control, he can always reach out and stop him, but for now, he’ll let the kid release some pent-up energy.
Bruce keeps half of his attention on Dick and the other half on his conversation with Jasmine Owen, a woman who works at one of Gotham’s youth centers. Bruce knew from the second she introduced herself that she came over in hopes of getting a donation, but he doesn’t mind; that’s one of the main purposes of these things, and Bruce is happy to help however he can.
“Babs,” Dick gasps excitedly, shooting upright when he catches Barbara walk into the room, Commissioner Gordon by her side. Bruce looks over at Dick, quirking an eyebrow. Dick smiles back, asks in his I’m-in-public-so-I’m-behaving-like-an-angel voice, “May I please be excused?”
“Hnn,” Bruce says, pretending to think over his answer.
“Bruce,” Dick whines.
Bruce smiles. “Alright. But stay in the ballroom. Dinner is going to be served soon.”
“Okay, thanks!” he slides out of his chair and offers a wave. “Nice meeting you, Ms. Owen.”
“And you, Richard,” she smiles back. When he’s gone, she turns to Bruce again and says, “He’s a sweet kid.”
Bruce can’t help but think at least in public, and at least to people who aren’t me. He’s half-joking, but there’s some truth to the statement: Dick has always seemed to behave better for Alfred, and he’s nothing if not an angel around strangers, even when he’s mad at Bruce.
At home, it’s not that Dick isn’t a good kid—he is—but he’s still a kid. Dick can be sassy, and he has a taste for anything that will make Bruce’s hair turn gray (usually dangerous, usually far away from the ground). He also has no qualms about making fun of Bruce when Dick feels it’s called for. Then there are the arguments, the borderline tantrums. Both have been decreasing in frequency, and Bruce attributes most of them to processing and coming to terms with his parents’ murder, but they are—difficult, to say the least. Dick will have these rough days—sometimes rough weeks—where he’ll lash out at Bruce over the smallest things. Sometimes it seems like he yells at Bruce just to put his hurt somewhere.
Bruce tries to take all of it—from the jokes at his expense that even he has to admit are funny, to the meltdowns—as a good sign, one that says Dick feels secure and knows that Bruce will love him regardless of his behavior or attitude. But there are certainly days when Bruce thinks it would be nice if Dick would listen to him like he listens to Alfred—like when Bruce tells him to get off of the unstable shed roof, for example.  
Despite the challenges that come with raising a child, there are also so many blessings. There’s no other word to describe it. Seeing Dick learn and grow and thrive is something Bruce will never get tired of. On top of that, Dick is just this brilliant, funny, and kind child. He has the biggest heart Bruce has ever seen, and he cares so deeply and widely. Bruce doesn’t know how he got so lucky. Dick is Bruce’s light, his whole world.
Bruce pulls himself out of his head, says, “He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.” It’s something he can say with complete honesty. “Do you have kids?”
“Oh god, no. I think I’m still a little young for that,” she laughs. Then, thinking about what she said, her face falls. “Not that you were too young, just for me, I’d rather—”
“No, no, it’s fine.” He puts his hands up and smiles. “I was really young when I took Dick in. I go to parent-teacher conferences, and most of the other parents are at least ten years older than me. But I like to think I’m doing alright, and Dick’s happy, so that’s all that matters.”
“Yes, I suppose.” She smiles, but looks down at the table.
“So, what’s it like day-to-day at the youth center?”
She looks up, coming alive again, and the conversation picks back up.
After dinner, Dick and Barbara disappear again, and Bruce is left alone to mingle. Most people come to him, but he only has to escape a few times, so it’s going about as good as these things can go.
That is until a very urgent Barbara runs into him and tugs on his arm. “Sorry everyone, but I need to borrow Brucie for a second.”
Bruce ducks down to look Barbara in the eye. “What is it?”
“Dick. Just come with me.”
He follows her without another word to the group of people he was talking to. She leads him into the hall and toward the lobby. When they turn the corner, Dick is on the ground in a lateral recumbent position. Gordon is talking to him gently, though Dick seems unresponsive.
“Dick.” Bruce lurches forward, falling to his knees and reaching out to find Dick’s pulse and check his breathing. “What happened?”
“Barbara thinks he had a seizure,” Gordon answers. “An ambulance will be here soon.”
Dick’s breath hitches and he lets out a low moan that feels like a twisting dagger in Bruce’s chest. His eyes find Bruce’s, and he unwraps one hand from his stomach to reach for Bruce’s. Bruce takes it, squeezing it gently in a reassuring manner.
“I’m right here,” Bruce promises, running a hand through Dick’s hair.
“It hurts,” Dick gasps.
“Shh, the paramedics are going to be here soon. We’ll fix it.”
Dick shakes his head and squeezes his eyes shut. “I don’t feel right.”
Bruce tightens his grip slightly, hoping to keep Dick conscious. “What’s wrong? Where does it hurt?”
“Head, stomach,” Dick mumbles. “Feel hot, an’ dizzy.”
Bruce frowns, trying to determine what could be causing Dick’s symptoms. Is this the beginning of an illness, or a seizure disorder? Has Dick been poisoned? There was a run-in with Scarecrow a few nights ago, and Dick had needed to take an untested antidote for the fear toxin. Could this be a delayed reaction to the concoction Bruce had come up with?
Dick’s grip loosens.
“Dick?” Bruce calls urgently. “Dick!”
He gets no response.
Dick is staring at a white ceiling when he realizes he’s awake. Sunlight is streaming in through a giant window on his right, and there’s a framed painting of giraffes across from him. He’s tired and confused, and his gut tells him that something is wrong, that something bad happened. His first thought is that he wants his mom.
He turns his head to the left, finding Bruce in a chair and holding his hand.
“Hi,” Dick says, slowly pushing himself into a sitting position. Bruce grunts some kind of greeting and raises Dick’s bed while Dick takes in the medical bracelets on his wrist—one ID bracelet and one that indicates that he’s a fall risk—and the IV in the back of his hand. “What happened?”
Bruce shifts in his chair, face serious. “We were at the gala. You were poisoned.”
Dick matches Bruce’s expression, trying to think. He remembers being with Babs, telling her that something was wrong. Then he’d been on the ground, and there’d been sirens.
“The man who poisoned you had planned to offer me the antidote for a price, but he didn’t realize that you would react to the poison so—so severely,” Bruce explains, rubbing his thumb over Dick’s knuckles. “He was working as one of the waiters and heard the commotion. He came forward shortly after the ambulance left and he’s currently in custody.”
Dick swallows. “Why did he . . .” Why did he poison Dick in the first place? Need money so badly? Feel that poisoning Dick was the only option? “Would it have killed me? If he didn’t give us the antidote.”
Bruce, like always, is honest with Dick. “The doctors were able to stabilize you, but they needed to neutralize the poison quickly, and the antidote did that. It’s hard to say what would have happened without it, but things were touch and go for a while.”
Dick nods, not sure what to say as he takes it in. Eventually, he asks, “How long have I been out?”
“A few days. You woke up a few times yesterday, but you were incoherent,” Bruce says.
Dick wracks his brain, trying to pull up some inaccessible memory.
“I’m sorry that this happened, Dick.”
Dick squeezes Bruce’s hand. “Not your fault.”
“What? Are you seriously guilty that you didn’t taste all of my food first or something? ‘Cause that’s nuts, B.”
Bruce says, “You are my child. I am allowed to feel guilty when I fail to protect you.”
“You didn’t fail,” Dick interjects. “I’m okay—really.”
Bruce’s face is still pinched and concerned, and he’s looking at Dick like he might fall apart. Dick leans toward him and stretches his arms out, and Bruce quickly pulls him into a tight hug.
“I’m not going anywhere, Bruce,” Dick promises. And even to himself, it doesn’t sound like a reassurance most nine-year-olds should be giving. But it fits with his new life, he supposes. “I’m okay.”
Bruce tucks Dick’s head under his chin, says, “I was . . . I’m glad that you’re alright.”
Dick nods into Bruce’s chest and lets himself be held for another moment. It’s not the hug from his mom that he woke up wanting, but it’s close. It makes him feel safe and reminds him of home, and maybe that’s all Dick needs.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
I Thought This Was A Closet Party
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: Peter helps you with a favor that brings you closer than ever. Like, stuck in a closet together type of close
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“Hello Peter.” You greeted him stiffly. “You look very sexy today.”
Peter swiveled in his chair to look at you, perched in his door way with a look on your face that he knew all too well.
“Oh God.” He groaned. “What do you want?”
“What makes you think I want something, my delectable best friend?” You asked as you walked into his room and shut the door behind you. Peter his earbuds out and looked up at you, giving you his full attention.
“Maybe because called me “delectable”.” He said pointedly and you waved your hand in dismissal.
“Haha.” You faked laughed and draped yourself over his lap, making him adjust himself in the chair to catch you. “You are just as funny as you are handsome.”
“Fake flirting?” He raised an eyebrow at you as he secured his arms around your waist to keep you from falling off the chair. “What do want? My kidney?”
“Oh, Peter. You are so silly. Your sense of humor is unmatched.” You laughed again as you patted his chest. “Have I mentioned I love this flannel? It’s so rugged and lesbian chic. You fill it out really well. Is it Gucci?”
“It’s from Goodwill and I’m not giving you anything. Flattery gets you nowhere-“
“Hold on.” You interrupted before sighing dramatically. “Sorry. I just got lost in your eyes. They remind me of the ocean.”
“My eyes are brown.” Peter shut you down instantly.
“I know. Water pollution is so devastating. I bet you could end it with just a smile and a wink.” You flirted around you walked your fingers up his chest and booped his nose.
“That’s one of the weirder come on’s I’ve heard.” He laughed at you. Even thought he knew you were only kidding, it didn’t stop his heart from pounding when you flirted with him. He did his best to keep a straight face as you toyed with the collar of his shirt. You looked up suddenly and your face softened, almost like you were being genuine for a moment.
“Your face looks scrumptious in the moonlight.” You deadpanned, making Peter groan loudly and rub his tired eyes.
“I need you to stop.” Peter whined as you laughed at yourself.
“I fantasize about us being in love to fall asleep.” You continued your charade as you wrapped your arms around his neck. That one hit a little too close to home for Peter and he blew out a breath.
“Just take it. Take my kidney. This is unbearable.”
“I really like your personality.” You tried again.
“Not gonna happen.” Peter insisted.
“You butt looks good in those jeans?” You phrased it as more of a question as you looked at him with hope.
“You got me.” He sighed. “You know my butt is a direct pathway to my heart. What do you need from me?”
You smiled with pride as you finally broke him down and climbed off his lap.
“I need an interview with Cleatus Kassidy for an article.” You told him as you clasped your hands under your chin.
“Okay.” Peter nodded. “Where is he?”
You took a step towards Peter and brushed a curl behind his ear, letting your hand rest in the back of his neck and and tangle in his curls. He knew this was just another step in your scheme to get him to help you, but he couldn’t help from leaning into your touch.
“Queensboro Correctional facility.” You said sheepishly, and Peter finally understood what all the flirtatious precautions were for.
“He’s in jail?” Peter nearly screamed when you broke the news.
“No.” You said and Peter relaxed. “He’s in prison.”
“No. Absolutely not.” Peter dismissed you and held out the scissors again. “I’d rather you take the kidney.”
“Please?” You pleaded and tilted his chin up to look at you. “I can’t be a criminal investigator without any experience and I’m already behind since my stupid professor doesn’t like me. Which is insane, by the way, since I’m adorable and charming.”
“Yeah, I cant imagine why he wouldn’t like you, you being so humble and all.” He replied. 
“Right?” You answered, unaware of his sarcasm. “I need this to prove I belong in his class. This is the break I’ve been waiting for.”
“What do you need from me?” Peter sighed. “That doesn’t mean I’m helping, I just want an estimation on how stupid this plan is before I put an offer down.”
“I need you to help me break into the prison so I can put my name in his visitors list.” You said all in one breath.
“You want to break into jail?” Peter whispered harshly so his aunt wouldn’t hear.
“No.” You said bluntly. “I want to break into prison.”
“Nope. Not happening.” Peter held up his hands in defense and swiveled back to face his desk.
“Peter, please?” You begged as you turned his chair around. “Do you understand how much this means to me?”
“And do you understand that people typically try to break out of prison? Not in?” Peter sassed you.
“But this is the only way to get on his visitors list.” You whined. “I’ve tried calling everyday for the three weeks but he keeps getting his phone privileges taken away for behavioral misconducts.”
“What kind of behavior misconducts?” Peter lowered his eyebrows skeptically. You looked down at your hands and timidly picked at your chipping nail polish.
“The stabbing kind.” You mumbled and Peters jaw dropped.
“That’s a bad kind!” He exclaimed.
“But no one ever finds a knife!” You retorted. “The victims always have deep puncture wounds but no knife. And the guards once found bite marks.”
“Oh, great. So he takes a little nibble after puncturing his victims.” Peter clasped his hands together on his lap. “Can’t wait to meet him. Should I bake him some cornbread as a gift?”
“That’d be nice.” You ignored his sarcasm and answered honestly.
“I was being sarcastic.” Peter snapped and got out of his chair.
“Good for you!” You said back. “No one investigated the bite marks even though they didn’t match Cleatus’s dental records. Not to mention, his MO has completely changed since getting into prison. He used to go after blonde women in their 40’s-
“Karen’s.” Peter cut in.
“Exactly.” You nodded. “And now he goes after men who are in for non violent crimes with no previous records. Something weird is going and no one is investigating it. That’s why I need to get in there and see what’s up but I need your help to do that. You owe me since you got me thinking about how much I want cornbread.”
Peter leaned on his hand and stared at you, trying to decipher his next move. You folded your arms and stared back, trying to look serious.
“People are dying, Peter.” You said softly, making him sigh.
“I also want cornbread.” He said quietly as he kept his gaze down.
“Peter, I will bake you all the cornbread you can eat until you’re too heavy to swing from your webs if you help me.” You told him as you sat back on his lap. Peter squeezed your hip gently and pursed his lips.
“I don’t know.” He shook his head. “We could get in a lot of trouble.”
“Your ass is bigger than Captain America’s.” You started up again with the compliments, making a smile tug at Peters lips. 
“I’m in.”
“Yay! Thank you so much.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “When I win the Pulitzer Prize for my work you’ll be the first one I thank.”
“All right, all right.” Peter chuckled softly as he rubbed your back. “What’s the first step of the plan?”
“You have your suit, so it’s only fair I get a disguise of my own.” You began.
“Does that mean...”
“Yep.” You smiled. “Road trip to Goodwill.”
“You treat me so well.” Peter beamed.
A day later, you stood outside Queensboro Correctional facility in a makeshift guard next to Peter in his Spiderman suit.
“This is it?” Peter asked as he looked at the building. It’s height alone made him feel small, and the fact he was the reason a few of those inmates were in there didn’t make him feel any better.
“This is it.” You confirmed as you adjusted your tie.
“How do we get in?” Peter looked to you.
“The computer room is the only one with a window that opens since you need a key to get in. It locks automatically so you have to stay there while I do my part of the plan. Once my name is on the list, we can meet back at the computer room.”
“And then we get cornbread?” Peter asked.
“And then we get cornbread.” You nodded.
“Awesome. You ready?”
“Ready.” You secured yourself to Peters side but stopped him before he could swing away. “Oh wait. Hang on.” You took out your phone and quickly dialed a number.
“Who are you calling?” Peter wondered as you held your phone to your ear.
“Remember that thing we talked about? Awesome. Yeah, you can do it now.” You said into the phone as you looked to the sky. Right as Peter looked up in the same direction, a hot blue lightning rod struck the power lines, sending a wave of sparks to rain down. The lights inside the prison flickered for a moment before coming back on.
“You got Thor involved?” Peter asked in shock.
“I needed him to knock out the security cameras so we didn’t get caught.” You shrugged. “Unless, of course, you wanted to join Cleatus in there.”
“Just grab on.” Peter huffed and wrapped his arm around your waist. He shot a web towards the fifth floor and swung you up there with ease. He stuck to the side of the building as he opened the window, pushing you inside before going in himself.
“You didn’t have to roll me in like I’m a bowling ball.” You grumbled as you dusted yourself off.
“You’re just mad because I always beat you at Wii bowling.” Peter shrugged as he brushed some dust off your shoulder.
“Okay, but which one of us cried because they lost at Wii tennis last week?” You asked as you peered out the window in the door for any guards.
“Me, but I wasn’t crying because I lost.” Peter insisted.
“Sure you weren't.” You quipped as you fixed your uniform.
“You hit me in the face with your controller!” Peter whispered harshly, not wanting to alert anyone to his presence.
“The past can hurt us, but we have to chose to run from it or learn from it.” You said causally as you continued to look out the window.
“Do not quote Lion King right now, I swear to God.” Peter grumbled as he took a seat at one of the computers.
“You’re not being very Hakuna matata right now.” You said quietly and Peter glared at you, piercing you through his mask.
“I just feel like you’re being a little too slimy and not enough satisfying.” You added and he balled his hands into a fist.
“We are in a correctional facility right now and unless you’d like to write your next exposition from a cell in a women’s prison, I suggest you get on with your part of the plan.” Peter said with superficial calmness.
“Right. Sorry. I’ll go find a guard.” You hung your head in shame and left the room. You tried to blend in as you walked through the halls, smiling tightly at any guards you passed. Coming behind a corner, you found a single guard by an open window and took the next step of the plan. You ducked behind the wall and held your fingers against the intercom in your ear.
“Eagle 1, do you copy? Eagle 1, over.” You whispered.
“Who’s Eagle 1? Don’t even tell me you got Sam in on the plan.” Peters voice filled your ear.
“You’re Eagle 1!” You whispered abrasively. “We can’t have a heist without code names.”
“I’m thinking of a lot of code names I’d like you call you right now.” Peter mumbled.
“Are you in position?” You asked him.
“Yes, I am in position.” Peter confirmed as he stuck to the side of the building.
“I found a guard.” You told him. “I’m on the west side of the fifth floor. Do you see me?”
“I see you.” Peter responded.
“Okay. Do your thing.”
You watched Peter swing back and forth between the buildings outside of the window where you were positioned. When the guard didn’t look up, you had to step in.
“Wow! Is that Spider-Man?” You asked dramatically as you came around the corner. The guard barely glanced up at the window and looked at you.
“Yeah.” He sighed.
“That’s so cool. He’s like a celebrity.” You gushed.
“Yeah.” He said again.
“Boy, wouldn’t it be awesome to get a picture with him? You’d be the coolest guy ever if you could get a picture.” You forced a laugh, beginning to panic when the guard wasn’t responding the way you hoped.
“Eh.” He shrugged unenthusiastically.
“Why don’t you give me your phone and I’ll take your picture? I’m sure Spiderman wouldn’t mind.” You looked at Peter and gave him a thumbs up, which he reciprocated.
“Meh.” He said and began to walk away, making your heart race with fear.
“Okay, um, wait!” You called after him, still needing the code from him.
“What?” He turned around, growing frustrated with you. Your eyes darted across his face before landing on his name tag.
“Sebastian.” You faked a smile. “I really need to get onto one of the computers but I left my phone as home. Do you think you could tell me the passcode?”
Sebastian cocked his head to the side and looked at you sideways for a moment, making you shift uncomfortably. You were sure you were caught just from his look.
“Where’s your name tag?” He questioned. You looked down at where your name tag should be and gulped. The uniform was pretty easy to make out of miscellaneous items from Goodwill, but you’d forgotten about a name tag.
“An inmate…swallowed it.” You lied, hoping he would somehow believe you with your pithy excuse.
“Which inmate?” Sebastian asked, making you suck in a breath. You raked your brain for the most generic name you could think of.
“Josh?” It came out as more of question as a bead of sweat rolled down your forehead. To your surprise, Sebastians face softened and he let out a laugh.
“Damn. That is so Josh.” He chuckled. “The code is 877-393-4448. If you talk to Sheila at the front desk, she can get you another name tag. This is the ninth one Josh has swallowed.”
You gave Sebastian a gentle smile, surprised he was so eager to help you.
“Thank you.” You said sincerely. Sebastian nodded and returned the smile.
“And between you and me, Captain America is way cooler.” He said behind his hand, like it was a secret.
“Totally.” You laughed before he walked away.
“I heard that.” Peter grumbled into your intercom.
“I was just playing along to keep my cover.” You defended yourself as you wrote the code down in your notes.
“Eagle 1, the recipe has been downloaded. I repeat, the recipe had been downloaded.” You whispered so only Peter could hear.
“What recipe?”
“The code!” You almost yelled. “I got the code, you ninny. Are you back in the computer room?”
“I just got in.” He told you.
“Okay. I’m texting you the code. Tell me when you get it.”
“I got it.” He confirmed.
“Go to inmate information.” You walked him through the steps.
“Find inmate 24601.” You said, Cleatus’s number.
“Getting scared at how much you know about the prison computer system.” Peter laughed nervously as he did what you asked.
“Go to visitors.” You ignored his comment.
“And put my full name.” You instructed. Your heart raced as you waited for him to complete the most important part of the plan.
“You’re on.” Peter told you, making you sigh in relief.
“Yes! I love you.” You cheered. “You’re the best best friend in the world.”
“You’re not so bad yourself.” Peter said quietly, still reeling from you saying you loved him.
“I couldn’t have done it without you.” You gushed as you walked back towards the computer room. You were flooded with excitement and appreciation for Peter that was pouring out of you.
“And Thor, apparently.” He commented as he got out of the computer chair.
“Shut up.” You teased. “All we need to do now is get out of here without being seen. Think you can do that?”
“You’re talking to Spiderman, baby.” Peter quipped. “I can do anything.”
“Except put the toilet seat down after using it, apparently.” You shrugged, biting your tongue so you wouldn’t laugh as you passed a guard.
“I told you I was sorry for that.”
“Do you know what it’s like to fall into a toilet, Peter?” You asked him. “My knees hit my shoulders.”
“I think you’re being a little dramatic.” He insisted.
“I could’ve drowned.” You snapped as you came around a corner. Your eyes widened in shock as Peter, still in his suit, met you in the hallway.
“Could you really, though?” He sassed as he approached you. Your throat went dry at the sight of him and you struggled to find the words to say.
“What are you doing here?” You whispered as you pulled him back around the corner.
“Oh, didn’t you hear? We broke in. You know, like a crime.” Peter said casually, making you groan loudly.
“Do not rehash John Mulaney jokes right now.” You demanded. “Why are you here? You left the computer room?”
“You said we were gonna meet up.” He said, beginning to see how panicked you were.
“Yes! Inside the computer room! So we can escape out the window.” You had to keep yourself from yelling so you frantically paced back and forth. There was no explanation for why or how Spider-Man was inside the prison and all it would take was a quick search of your name to reveal you didn’t actually work there.
“All right, so we’ll just go back in there.” Peter said calmly, trying to address the situation.
“We can’t just go back in there. It locks automatically.” You told him. “That’s why you were supposed to wait in there to let me in.”
“Oh.” Peter said meekly.
“Yeah. Oh.” You poked him angrily.
“What do we do now?” He asked, his panic levels rising to match your own. You opened your mouth to speak until the sound of keys jingling caught your attention.
“Wait, someone’s coming. We can’t get caught.” You gripped his shoulders and looked at him in fear.
“What’s the big deal? You have your guard costume on. Plus, everyone love the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.” Peter tried to calm you down but it only made you worse.
“Unless you want to become the friendly cell block inmate, we need to hide.” You whispered as you looked around. You spotted a janitors closet down the hall and tugged Peter towards it. “Get in here.”
You scrambled inside the closet, not realizing how cramped it would be with two people and a prisons worth of cleaning supplies. Your back was pressed against shelves and the front of you was pressed against Peter, someone he wasn’t complaining about. You rested your hands on his chest and looked through the slits in the door vent as Sebastian walked by the closet.
“He looks mean.” Peter gulped. “He looks like a biter.”
“Don’t judge him.” You whispered. “He was actually very nice to me.”
“Why are you getting friendly with the correctional officers?” Peter looked down at you, feeling a familiar sense of jealously bubble in his tummy.
“Why are you so doo doo at following directions?” You shot back.
“Your adjectives never fail to blow my mind.” Peter shook his head as he slipped his mask off.
“yOuR aDjeCtiVes nEVer fAil”, you mimicked his voice as you moved your hand like a puppet, “yeah okay School House Rock.”
“Keep it coming with the obscure references.” Peter leaned closer to taunt you. “Keep it coming please.”
You continued to berate Peter until his attention snapped towards the door and he put a gloved hand over your mouth.
“Wait, shhh!” He silenced you as he squinted through the vents in the door.
“Ew. When was the last time you washed your hands? We’re in a prison! You touched the doorknobs.” You grimaced as your took his hand off your mouth.
“You don’t like my doorknob hands? You don’t like my grimy doorknobs hands?” Peter asked as he rubbed his hands all over your face while you gagged.
“Might I remind you our personal freedoms are at stake? Do you want to go to jail?” You asked as you held his hands tightly in place to keep them off of you. Peter looked down guilty when he remembered where you were and put his hands down.
“I’ll be quiet.” He said sheepishly. You both stood in silence as another guard walked by, the only sounds coming from your heartbeats. Being this close to you was one thing, but Peters heightened senses was giving him gateway to a whole other experience. He could literally smell your fear, as well as your strawberry shampoo.
“I cannot believe we’re hiding in a supply closet.” He laughed a little to distract himself. “What’s next, we’re forced to share a bed?”
“I know. Or like, my mom can’t pay the bills so she sells me to your family.” You added, laughing along with him until you heard footsteps. “Oh, shh.”
You pressed yourself even closer to Peter as a group of guards walked past, trying to breathe as quietly as possible so they didn’t hear you. Peters has tightened with you this close, placing his hand on the small of your back to keep you in place. Your ear was flush against his heartbeat and you could hear it beating like a drum as you clung to him for safety.
“This is ridiculous. I am never going along with one of your plans again. They always put us in the most uncomfortable positions.” Peter grumbled, trying to act like having you this close wasn’t the greatest thing to happen to him.
“No they don’t.” You scoffed and continued to look out the vents for guards.
“Remember your fantastic movie night plan when you convinced me to watch 365 Days? How did that turn out, huh?” He reminded you making your whole face go white as you remembered that movie.
“I don’t want to talk about that.” You avoided his eyes as your cheeks flamed.
“Exactly.” Peter argued. “We couldn’t even look at each other. We were too frozen from shock to turn it off.”
“Every time I hear the word “boat” I get flashbacks.” You shuddered.
“Okay let’s not talk about the boat scene when we’re this close.” Peter squeezed his eyes shut to keep himself calm.
All of him.
“Why?” You asked curiously, not understanding what was going through Peters mind.
“I’m gonna shish kebab you, that’s why.” Peter said with embarrassment, suddenly wishing he had left the mask on to keep you from seeing how flushed he was. The wheels turned in your brain and a sheepish smile came on your face as you realized what he was worried about. You opened your mouth to speak but quickly shut it when a janitor and a guard stopped outside your closet.
“Kassidy again? What now?” The janitor asked with a sigh. You listened closely as you clung to Peter. He could barely focus on the conversation as your heartbeat fell into rhythm with him.
“Another stabbing.” The guard said. “If this guy gets one more shot, he’s getting moved to max.”
“All right. I’ll grab a mop.” The janitor said, making you and Peter look at each other in a panic.
“Shit.” You whispered with wide eyes.
“What?” Peter asked.
“Either you’re shish kebab-ing me from the back or the mop he’s looking for is right behind me.” You explained. Peter peered behind you and saw the handle of a mop leaning against the shelves and felt his heart race.
“Oh God. I can’t go to prison! I’m too soft and wholesome.” Peter began to freak out, feeling his forehead drip with sweat.
“Yeah, I hear that defense works really well in court.” You said sarcastically.
“Do not sass me, woman! This is your fault!” He exclaimed and you knew he was right. It was your fault.
“Let’s not play the blame game.” You said timidly. “And calling me “woman” like that is demeaning.”
“I know. Sorry women.” Peter said sincerely as he looked up. You looked up too but saw nothing but a water stain.
“Who are you apologizing to?” You asked.
“Captain Marvel.” He said sheepishly.
“What are we gonna do? We can’t get caught.” You whined quietly as you anxiously clutched Peters arms. Peter cleared his throat as another wave of your shampoo was scent his way.
“On the one hand, we could explain to them what we’re doing here and hope they have a sense of humor and sympathy for college students.” Peter chuckled shortly. “On the other hand, you smell like strawberries.”
“Wait, shh.” You stepped even closer to him when the janitor came closer to the closet door.
“Come here.” Peter said as he turned you around. He wrapped his arm firmly around your shoulders and held you flushed against himself as the janitor opened the door. You both held your breath and you pressed your back as close to Peters chest as you possibly could as the janitor grabbed the mop you were previously leaning against and left the closet. You waited a few seconds before sighing in relief, staying in Peters arms as you relaxed.
“I cannot believe that worked.” You breathed, still scared to talk too loudly in case he came back.
“I know. My friend Drax taught me how to do it. If you stand perfectly still, you become invisible to the human eye.” Peter spoke in a hushed tone as he panted.
“Wow.” You swallowed, your mouth having gone dry from fear.
“I know.” Peter nodded, resting his chin on top of your head. You had finally collected yourself when you felt something pressed against your leg.
“Am I leaning on another mop?”
More silence filled the closet as that something continued to press against you.
“I wish I could say yes.” Peter said after a minute. You hung your head and tried to keep your laughter to yourself.
“Oh my God.” You sputtered. “Peter!”
“I’m sorry.” He said sincerely. “I have no control over him.”
“Him?!” You craned your neck to look at him in shock.
“If you must know, I call him Samuel L. Jackson.” Peter said sheepishly.
“Why?” You looked at him over your shoulder and he looked down in shame.
“Because he’s in everything.” Peter admitted, making you look up at the ceiling and count to ten in your head.
“You belong here.” You nodded. “You belong in prison.”
“I’m sorry!” Peter exclaimed. “Don’t get mad at me. It’ll only make it worse.”
“Everything I’m learning about you right now is against my will.” You grimaced.
“Wait, Karen isn’t picking up any heat signatures near us.” Peter said as he slipped his mask back on.
“Now he changes the subject.” You muttered to yourself.
“The coast is clear. We gotta go.” Peter scooped you up and opened the closet door. “And I’m not waiting for your little slow ass.”
“This is not how I imagined my Saturday.” You commented as Peter carried you back to the computer room as fast as he could.
“That makes three of us.” Peter said as he rounded the corner.
“Can’t forget about Samuel.” He gulped, knowing you’d get mad at him for what he said. You shook your head as he set you down in front of the the computer room door.
“We can’t go out this way. The door is locked, remember?” You put your hands on your hips and looked at him.
“Maybe, but it won’t be unlocked when we use this key I stole from the janitor.” Peter said as he smugly held up a key. “Even has a cute little label on it that says ‘computer room.’ How convenient.”
A smile lit up your face as you took the key from him, wasting no time in unlocking the door and pulled him inside. Once you were hidden from view, you pulled him into a long hug.
“I’m glad you came along.” You murmured in his ear. Peter smiled as he hugged you back, nuzzling into your hair. “Lets go.”
Two hours later, you were back in Peters apartment in your regular clothes. Peter could hear you talking on the phone after you stepped out take a call. After all the romantic moments, he really didn’t want to go back to being just friends.
Peter snapped out of his trance when you came back from his balcony, a giddy smile on your face.
“I just got off the phone with Queensboro.” You beamed. “I have a 2 pm appointment tomorrow with Cleatus.”
You punctuated your sentence by breaking out in a happy dance, grabbing Peters hand and twirling yourself with it.
“So our little plan worked.” He chuckled as you moved back and forth, dancing to music that wasn’t there.
“Couldn’t have done it without you.” You said as you took your head off his shoulder to look at him fondly. “Love you.”
“Ew. Whatever.” Peter pretended to gag to distract from his blush.
“You know”, you smiled coyly at Peter, “I’m gonna be pretty hungry after my interview tomorrow. All that criminal investigating is sure to work up an appetite.”
“I’m sure it will.” He responded, not knowing where you were going with that statement. You rested your head back on his shoulder as you continued to sway.
“Maybe you can take me on that date you’ve been dying to ask me on.”
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dreamifics · 3 years
James Potter x Reader
Warning:just angst and sad fluff ig
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A letter for James Fleamont Potter
Dear James Potter,
Hey, what's up? That's a lousy letter starter after years of pretending you guys didn't exist.. This would be a rollercoaster of emotions, so try to keep up. Remember when we first met? You were in Ollivanders, buying a wand when you accidentaly almost killed me?
A little girl was walking pass a shop called Ollivanders, she was simply minding her own business when a ray of magic blast to her.. She fell on her butt first, her hair was a mess, she looked like she got burnt..
"Oh, dear godric!I'm very sorry!" A little boy about the same age as the girl came running out of the store.. He had a messy hair and thick glasses, he gave the girl an apologetic smile..
"What in the bloody hell are you doing?!" The girl was mad, who wouldn't? She was just simply having a great day when an idiot almost killed her..
"Buying wands?" He answered unsure. He was just shopping for wands when this very powerful surge made him lose control and it blast to her.
"I look like a mess, Mother would be infuriated..", The girl mumbles to herself as she stands up.. She huffs and glare at the boy.
"I'm James, by the way.."
"I'm Y---"
"Y/N L/N!!WHAT HAPPEND TO YOU?!" Her mother's voice boomed all throughout the alley causing some wizards to look at them..
"Goodbye, you bloody idiot.." Y/N mutters to herself.
"I heard that!"
"You were supposed to hear that!"
And that was the start of our friendship.. You little dim wit, but I'm thankful for that, because I got to meet you.. Did you know that I was not very fond of you? You just wore me down, you're a persistent arse.. But now, it all made sense to me..
What my gut was telling me about you.. You were-- no no, you're still my downfall, James.. I clearly remember when it all daunt to me, the how and why? I'm still unsure about the answer to those two questions. I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about, if you don't... I'll say it or write it now..
I'm hopelessly fucking in love with you, I realized that when you went and announced your relationship with Lily.. There was this painfully hurtful jealousy in my heart and brain.. And I couldn't get rid of those stupid feelings for you..
It was another dreary Sunday in Hogwarts, Y/N was with the Marauders except for James, they were eating at the great hall.. They were talking, teasing and annoying each other when James entered with Lily in his arms.. That image broke Y/N to thousands of little pieces, she suddenly became one with the universe.
"She finally said yes, mates!" James announced causing all of the students to cheer and screamed, obviously happy.
To Y/N, the news broke her.. She was fine with James crushing to Lily because she though Lily was not interested.. But after years of pining and persuasion, she finally said yes. Y/N should've seen it coming, she should be happy for them but why is she hurting?
"Aren't you happy for us, Y/N?"
Y/N was called back from her thoughts, the question echoed through her mind.. Oh dear Godric, she was not happy.. She wanted to be the one under James arms, or to be the one to kiss him in the lips.. She love James, not like platonic, this was so much more.. She wanted to be Lily so bad, ofcourse she's not bloody happy!
"Of course, I am!Congratulations, Prongs!"
But what could she do? Y/N would have lost that battle years ago, she was not James type.. What could she do but just pretend that she was happy and fine with them.. She was dead sure that she'll forget all about James someday.. So until that day comes, she needs to fake a smile and accept her fate.
Loving your bestfriend is the worst thing in the world, James.. I wanted to confess so bad, but the idea of losing you was a heavy baggage to carry.. So, I settled by just being your friend but you don't know how many times I've wanted to confess..
To go up to you and smashed my lips into yours but you were in a relationship with Lily, so I never did anything.. You were happy, and that was enough for me.. And don't get me wrong, I tried to find someone else but you were the best James..
It has been weeks since James and Lily got together, no one knew how she felt.. She was all alone, fighting her feelings from overcoming her. Y/N was sitting in the library, reading a muggle book called 'Wuthering Heights'..
However she hated it, she was bitter and had no time for lovey dovey books.. Y/N needed to move on, she shouldn't be stuck on James..
"Hey, Y/N!"
Y/N was startled by a Hufflepuff student, she smiled and laughed..
"I'm sorry if I startled you, I--I just have a question to ask you.."
Y/N squint her eyes, she doesn't even know this guy.. She rattled her brain for any recollection of this guy..The guy saw her confused face and chuckled.
"I'm Oliver Rigby, the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team.."
"Ohhh, yeah.." She just murmured but she had no idea who this guy is.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade this weekend?"
Y/N was taken aback but she needed to move on, she can no longer be hung up on a guy that doesn't even loves her back.
"Alright!I'll pick you up then!"
Y/N just smiled and walked away, she was reluctant to moved on.. Her heart was still beating for James, but she needs to move on.. For her own sake.
They were nothing compared to you, I tried to moved on.. But I always ended up to you, the same feelings always came rushing in when I see you.. Every guy seems horrible when compared to you.. The short period of time we spent together was wonderful, you gave me purpose when no one else did.
Y/N has just come back from a very horrible date, the guy did nothing but talk and brag about himself.. He was not like James who was funny and talks about entertaining stories.. The guy was not sweet nor kind, he was a bit of an ass.. That's the only thing he had in common with James, she sighs and sat in one of the sofa in the common room..
No one can beat James to Y/N, her standards were bloody high because of James.. She wanted to cry but that was stupid.. Crying over a guy who didn't even hurt her, she hates herself.
Y/N heart skipped a beat, she knows who's voice is that.. That voice gives her butterflies, she loves how that voice says her name..
"Thought you had a date?Why are you back so early?" He questioned.
"Did he stood you up? I reckon he'd do that, he looked like a douche to me."
"Sure.." She answered not looking at him, James sits next to her and put her arms around Y/N.. She felt her body stiffen as his body made contact with her.. Y/N silently prayed that James wouldn't notice her increasing heartbeat, the stiffening of her body and the way her cheeks blush..
"Are you alright?" James seems to notice his bestfriend all red and she looked like very uncomfortable..
"What if I said no, what would you do?"
"Make you feel better, ofcourse!" His laughs echoed through the whole Gryffindor tower.. Y/N let out a dry laugh, she didn't mean that.. But her heart was breaking into thousands of pieces, she want this feeling out of her system.
"Are you really alright?"
"Yeah, maybe.."
"Want to talk---"
"Jameees!" Lily's voice called the attention of the messy-haired boy..
"I'll be right back, Lily needs me.."
"B-But what about me?" Y/N tried her very best to not choke up and crack.
"Later, Y/N.." James messed her hair, she didn't meant to be demanding however this was the sign she was looking for.. The sign that James doesn't feel anything special for her, she was just James very annoying friend..Y/N realized that with one call, Lily has James wrapped around her perfect fingers, with only one call from Lily, James was gone.. He just left her hurting friend for Lily, Y/N suddenly felt her heart was no longer there..
It was bruised and beated so many times, and now.. Y/N chest is nothing but a vacant lot, an empty hollow space.. The tiny little hope that maybe James likes her back can no longer be found.
That hope was now gone.
Y/N had reached her limit, it was truly over.. The love and jealousy she feels was a heavy baggage to carry. Y/N needed to avoid James, just until she was fully okay..
Y/N knew deep inside her that her love for James will never fully go away..
Avoiding you was the only reasonable thing to do, to be frank.. It was the only thing to do.. If I kept up that silly facade, I would ended up being mental.. You see James, jealousy is a monster that takes over your whole mind and body. It's a hideous monster you can't escape.. I do have a few questions, did you notice the not-so-subtle cold shoulder I gave you? Because back then it seems like you didn't, did you though? Did you cry every night like I did? Or did your heart break like mine did?
Y/N finally got out of her bed, she was in the great hall, hundreds of feet away from James.. But from the looks of it, he didn't really seem to mind.. He was too busy whispering sweet nothings to Lily's ear.
"If your glares could kill, Evans and Potter would be dead now.." Her friend intoned, she snapped her head away from the sight of James.
"I don't what your talking about.." Y/N denied..
"Of course, you don't.." Her friend tease.
"If my looks can kill, you will be the first one dead.." Y/N gave her friend a glare which her friends just brushed off.
"Blimey!No need to get mad, I was just stating facts.."
"Just sod off." Y/N just played with the food in her plate.
"If you told James about your feelings, he would've ask you out." Y/N's friend said in a teasing manner..
"No, he would never do that.."
"And how do you know that?" Y/n rolled her eyes at her friends question.
"Because I knew James, he was inlove with Lily since the start of our first year. "
"That's what you think.." Her friend crosses her arms and smirk at her.
"What?" She questioned confused.
"Nothing, idiot.. You won't understand.."
"Look Y/N, just move on.." Y/N scoffs at her friends genius idea.
"You make it sound like it's so bloody easy.."
"Is it not?You cry about it for a day then you find someone else.. " Y/N looked at her friend with a surprised gaze, is it that easy? How come it's so hard for her?
"See, easy.."
"Sod off.." She shut her friend down as thoughts occupied her mind..
Y/N was walking down the silent halls of Hogwarts alone, a frown in her face she hasn't been smiling this past few weeks.. Her back suddenly stood straight when the four familiar faces welcomed her when she entered an empty classroom.
"Oh, hello Y/N.." Sirius was the first to greet her with a big smile on his face but she didn't give the smile back.
"Y/N!I was wondering where you were these past few weeks.." Remus gave her a comforting smile.
"Yeah, I had no one to eat my sweets with!" Peter walked up to Y/N and offered her a chocolate which she didn't accept.
"I apologize, I have to go now.."
"But Y/N--" Peter didn't get to finish the sentence, she was gone, James didn't even look up from his seat.. Did he forgot all about Y/N? But Y/N didn't feel anything anymore.. Funny how numbness can have it's perks sometimes..
Maybe you didn't notice me because you were so inlove with pretty little Evans? That came out a little rude, I apologize for that, but I'm not sorry.. You see, I don't hate Lily, but then again kinda wish she were dead.. She was all you saw James, I was with you through your worst.. I gave you everything, but what do I get in return?
Just heartaches and neverending what-ifs.. You never saw me James.. Remember the day we graduated and left Hogwarts? You didn't even say goodbye to me, not even a single glance James.. I was not the only one who gave up on our friendship.. We both did, James..
Riding the Hogwarts train one last time was a bittersweet moment for others.. To Y/N, it was a relief.. She would finally get to leave the place that reminds her of James, every corner and walls was embedded with memories of Y/N and James having fun with each other.. It may sound nice but it only brought misery to her.
"Y/N!We're getting off now.." Y/N's friend broke her silent trance.. Y/N stands up and exits the train, her feet hit the platform floor, Y/N took a deep breath and wander her eyes to the sea of graduate  students. Some were celebrating, some were crying and there Y/N saw him..
James had Lily under his arms as they talk with the rest of the Marauders.. Disappointment was written all over Y/N's face, this was the last day they would be able to see each other and James didn't even glance at her.. They were friends for years, she couldn't belive that their friendship was beyond repair..
"Quit staring at him, your looking pathetic." Y/N whispers under her breath, walking away without saying goodbye was not how she planned her last day in Hogwarts. Y/N was moving to America and will work in the Ministry of Magic there.. She does not want to work in the same place that James and Lily was going to work at..
Y/N needs to really move on, and America would be the place for it.. Atleast there, she's far away from any reminders of James or Lily.. Holding her trunk, she walks away from her old life.. No more heartaches, just miserable thoughts and lots of what ifs.
Moving here didn't even help, I'm still inlove with you.. You might be confused about why I'm just sending this letter to you now.. Well Mister Potter, I just got an invitation to your wedding and I'm very very drunk right now.. I didn't think you would really send me an invitation because you know were just strangers.. We spent years ignoring each other and now this bloody envelope shows up at my home..
How did you even knew my address? Were you keeping tabs on me? If that's the case then I'm very flattered and also a little bit creeped out but that's not the point! The point is, I'm not going to your wedding because I'm still fucking inlove with you.. I hope you enjoy the wedding though, also don't bother writing back.. I would never remember this anyway, so James.. Give Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease.
If you guys have any request for imagines about ( marvel characters, DC characters, stranger things, game of thrones, brooklyn 99, friends, basically anything! I accept everything!)
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