#‘but seek it’s about creativity’ read a real book
borninwinter81 · 9 months
William Blake - an introduction for Good Omens fans
I have sent @neil-gaiman an ask regarding his feelings toward the poet/artist William Blake a couple of times, but no doubt due to the size of the poor man's inbox I haven't received a response. So I did a Google search to see if he's spoken about Blake before, and it did indeed come up with a fair few hits. I think you might enjoy seeing this Twitter post if you haven't already, the painting is from William Blake's illustrations to Paradise Lost.
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It's not surprising that an author like Neil Gaiman might have an interest in Blake. A visionary from a young age, his imagination was such that he was surrounded by angels made visible in his mind's eye, and he interpreted these visions through poetry, painting and engraving, and self-printed and published many of his own works. This gave him complete freedom to say exactly what he wanted.
Though he had a passionate faith in God, he also had a deep distrust of the church as an institution, and disliked the use of religion as a means of control. This poem from "Songs of Experience" perhaps summarises his feelings best:
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen:
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.
And the gates of this Chapel were shut,
And 'Thou shalt not' writ over the door;
So I turn'd to the Garden of Love,
That so many sweet flowers bore. 
And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tomb-stones where flowers should be:
And Priests in black gowns, were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars, my joys & desires."
In his poetry there is often an incongruity with the generally accepted religious ideas of what is good and evil, Angel and Demon. In The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (there's a title that should make any GO fan sit up and pay attention) he tells us that "in the book of Job, Milton's Messiah is called Satan", signifying that he feels it is Lucifer/the devil who is the true Messiah of Paradise Lost.
He gives us The Voice of the Devil and Proverbs of Hell, and has Angels being transformed into Demons through enlightenment. He tells us that Jesus broke all of the 10 commandments, yet was still virtuous because he acted according to his own morality rather than rules.
The god-figure of his later works, Urizen, generally comes across as malevolent, seeking to bind and control, whilst Los, the Satan/Messiah figure represents freedom, imagination and creativity.
"Restraining desire" and acting contrary to your own nature seem to be the only real evils for Blake.
He expressed his faith through a love of the world and the beauty in it, summed up in this quote:
"When the Sun rises do you not see a round Disk of fire somewhat like a Guinea? O no no I see an innumerable company of the Heavenly host crying Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty".
He saw "God" in everything, in all the wonders we have around us, and considered writers/poets and religious prophets as essentially the same, since they both have a connection to the divine, and express it through stories.
It's quite ironic that probably his most famous poem, Jerusalem (the one that starts "and did those feet in ancient times walk upon England's mountains green"), was made into a very popular church hymn, yet it is supposed to be satirical in nature. The poem recounts the myth that Jesus may have visited England in his boyhood, and Blake is expressing his disbelief at that notion and the unworthiness of England.
Did I have a point to all this? Mostly to show my hand as a massive Blake nerd, but also to hopefully demonstrate that there's a lot of common ground between his ideas and those expressed in a show/book like Good Omens, and hopefully to inspire some of you who may not be familiar with Blake to seek him out. In particular I'd recommend The Marriage of Heaven and Hell to any and all.
EDIT: I should have thought to include this, here's Michael Sheen reading a Blake poem. I have the CD this is from, he reads several by Blake, as well as other poets I love ❤️ 😍
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writing-with-sophia · 10 months
Writing a novel: Step by step
Most writers aspire to publish at least one book in their lifetime, but writing a novel is not easy. From new writers to experienced writers who have published hundreds of books, everyone must follow a step-by-step process to create their work. These steps are based on the wisdom of famous writers, so while they may not be entirely definitive, they will certainly be helpful to you.
Step 1: Generate ideas
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Start by generating ideas for your novel. This can involve brainstorming, keeping a journal of potential story concepts, or drawing inspiration from real-life experiences, books, movies, or current events.
Once you get an idea, hone it.
Step 2: Create characters
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A novel cannot be successful without unique and charming characters. Create compelling and well-rounded characters for your novel. Develop their backgrounds, motivations, personalities, and relationships. Consider their strengths, flaws, and how they will evolve throughout the story.
Remember, the more realistic the characters, the better the novel will be.
Step 3: Build setting
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Establish the setting or world in which your novel takes place. Whether it's a real location or a fictional world, provide enough descriptive details to immerse readers and make the setting feel vivid and believable.
Step 4: Define plot and make an outline
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What is your story about? How will it unfold? How does it begin, develop, and conclude? What and how many scenes will be included? Make an depth and very depth outline, even going so far as to outline every chapter.
Step 5: Write
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Begin writing your first draft. Don't worry about perfection; the goal is to get the story down on paper. Embrace the creative process and let the ideas flow. Please remember, don't go back and make changes. Just write!
Step 6: Revise and edit
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Once the first draft is complete, take a break (for 3 days) before revising and editing. (This will keep you from overediting or not editing enough.) Then, read through your manuscript with a critical eye, focusing on plot holes, inconsistencies, pacing, character development, and overall storytelling. Revise and rewrite sections as needed.
Step 7: Get beta readers
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(You must) seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as beta readers, writing critique groups or your friends. Their input can provide valuable perspectives on areas that may need improvement. Consider their suggestions while maintaining your unique voice and vision for the story.
Step 8: Polish and refine
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Polish and refine your novel based on the feedback received. Pay attention to sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and overall prose. Ensure clarity and coherence in your writing.
Step 9: Publish
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You can research different publishing options, such as traditional publishing or self-publishing. Remember to evaluate the pros and cons of each approach and decide which is the best fit for your goals and circumstances.
That's all. I hope you success in publishing your novel!!
If you want to read more posts about writing, please click here and give me a follow!
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theereina · 5 months
Start a daily gratitude journal to cultivate a positive mindset.
Practice mindfulness meditation for at least 10 minutes each day.
Set specific, achievable goals for yourself in all areas of your life.
Read a self-improvement book or listen to a motivational podcast each week.
Create a budget and track your expenses to improve your financial literacy.
Take a new fitness class or try a different workout routine to stay active and healthy.
Volunteer your time to a cause you're passionate about.
Practice self-care regularly, whether it's through skincare, baths, or relaxation techniques.
Develop a morning routine that sets a positive tone for your day.
Learn a new skill or hobby that interests you, such as painting, cooking, or coding.
Practice forgiveness and let go of grudges or resentments from the past.
Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who uplift and inspire you.
Start a savings account or investment portfolio to secure your financial future.
Practice assertiveness and boundary-setting in your relationships.
Spend time in nature to recharge and reconnect with yourself.
Take a solo trip to explore new places and gain independence.
Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare providers for preventive care.
Practice saying "no" to obligations or activities that drain your energy.
Explore different forms of spirituality or connect with your spiritual beliefs.
Declutter your living space to create a more organized and peaceful environment.
Practice random acts of kindness to spread positivity in your community.
Learn to manage stress through techniques like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.
Attend workshops or seminars to continue learning and growing personally and professionally.
Set aside time for creative expression, whether it's through writing, drawing, or crafting.
Practice self-reflection to identify areas for growth and improvement.
Cultivate a mindset of abundance and gratitude rather than scarcity and fear.
Set boundaries around technology use to prioritize real-life connections.
Experiment with different styles and fashion choices to express your unique personality.
Create a vision board to visualize your goals and aspirations.
Practice self-compassion and treat yourself with kindness and understanding.
Explore your passions and interests to find what truly lights you up.
Develop a morning or evening skincare routine to care for your skin.
Take up a regular exercise routine, whether it's yoga, running, or weightlifting.
Practice effective communication skills to express yourself clearly and assertively.
Set aside time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.
Invest in experiences rather than material possessions for long-lasting happiness.
Foster gratitude by expressing appreciation for the people and things in your life.
Practice forgiveness, both towards others and yourself, to release negative emotions.
Engage in acts of self-love, such as positive affirmations and pampering sessions.
Cultivate a sense of curiosity and wonder by exploring new ideas and perspectives.
Invest in your education and personal development through courses or workshops.
Practice empathy and compassion towards others, seeking to understand their perspectives.
Practice mindfulness in everyday activities, such as eating and walking.
Set realistic expectations for yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.
Surround yourself with supportive friends and mentors who encourage your growth.
Create a financial plan to save for future goals, such as buying a home or traveling.
Practice gratitude by keeping a daily journal of things you're thankful for.
Take time to relax and recharge by engaging in activities you enjoy.
Reflect on your values and priorities to ensure your actions align with your true self.
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dwellordream · 2 months
A Guide to Writing Children and Young Teens
Most of this information is derived from the book Yardsticks by Chip Wood, an informational text aimed at educators and parents who are curious as to how children change developmentally from age to age. The book is not just based on the author's observations and experiences as a teacher but on the work of scholars such as Arnold Gesell, Dorothy H. Cohen, William Crain, Maria Montessori, Jean Piaget, Robert Pianta, Caroline Pratt, and many others. Writing Four-Year-Olds:
"Four-year olds are flexible, exciting, and creative creatures who love to exaggerate and engage in imaginative play. A four-year-old's tall tale about an adventure she had with an imaginary friend may puzzle a parent or teacher but delight the four-year-old. And this play is critical for the development of fours' understanding of right and wrong, early application of social rules, and manners. They sometimes can seem especially "bossy" (particularly with their real and imaginary friends), but this assertiveness is positive rehearsal for learning acceptable limits and how to be a real friend and helper." (Wood 2017)
Have trouble with reading and writing, as well as most close-up visual activities
Awkward with writing utensils, handcrafts, and small movements
Clumsy; collisions and spills are common
Friendly and talkative; will work near but not with a buddy
Love dress-up games and acting out drama
Enjoy 'potty language' and repeating curse words
Love to be given 'jobs' such as setting the table or folding clothes
Are often fearful at night-time
Writing Five-Year-Olds:
"Five-year-olds take in the world through their senses. They see, smell, touch, hear, and taste just about everything--one thing after another, but only one thing at a time. Their intense focus on detail enables them to see not just the butterfly but the pattern on its wings, its proboscis uncurling into a flower, its antennae waving delicately. Fives can give sustained attention to anything that fascinates them." (Wood 2017)
Find it hard to space letters and numbers while writing
Better control when running and jumping than 4 year olds
Often fall or slip out of chairs
Interpret words in the most literal/basic sense
Like to explain things to peers and adults in the most detail possible
Struggle to see accept there is more than one way to play a game or complete a task
May actually believe toys or other objects are alive
Can become stuck in repetitive behavior out of fear of trying new things and failing (such as drawing the same images again and again)
Seek adult approval more than 6 year olds
Writing Six-Year-Olds:
"At six, children's capacity for logical thought begins to blossom. As in Piaget's classic experiment, a six-year-old will tell you that two equal balls of clay remain equal in volume even when one is rolled out into a snake shape. Sixes also begin to grasp cause and effect in the natural world, understanding, for example, that it's the wind that makes the trees move, not vice versa." (Wood, 2017)
May experience more frequent illness than earlier years
Are easily upset when criticized by adults or peers
Often in a hurry and sloppy because of it
Teething as they start to lose baby teeth; chew on fingernails, hair, pencils, etc
Start to value competition
Begin to experience anxiety to perform well
Often bossy and critical towards friends
Begin to care intensely about having a 'best' friend
Can understand past and present as a concept and identify historical markers such as year/date
Comfortable working/playing in noisy, busy environments
Writing Seven-Year-Olds:
"Seven-year-olds are serious children who see and feel with a thoughtful intensity. After the outwardly expressive exuberance of six, sevens turn inward to consolidate the enormous cognitive and emotional growth they've just experienced. They become quieter and more sensitive, self-conscious, and self-absorbed as they figure out how to manage new feelings and cognitive structures. Seven is a year of moving forward cautiously, of craving security and structure while avoiding risk and uncertainty." (Wood, 2017)
Crave stability and predictability; like knowing their schedule
Become more perfectionist than earlier years and begin to worry about schoolwork for the first time
Usually have a 'best' friend but who that is varies wildly day by day
Love being read aloud to, especially longer books with chapters
Moodier than 6 and 5 year olds
Enjoy being in confined spaces/hiding during games
Start to develop more coordination in sports
Often begin to write far smaller/neater than in prior years
Typically want to keep their personal items neat and tidy
Love secret codes such as Morse code and Pig Latin
Mistakes in schoolwork seriously disturb them
Love to classify and sort things
Begin to enjoy board games and online games
Can memorize poems, songs, and chants easily
Writing Eight-Year-Olds:
"Eight-year-olds wake up in the morning with plans for adventure percolating before their feet hit the floor. To be eight is to be inventive and creative, full of energy, curiosity, and imagination, always in a hurry to try the next new thing--or to create the next new thing themselves. With a friend, or better yet, a group of friends, eights roll along with plans for a parade or a play, thrilled with their truly wonderful ideas for the "what" and blithely unconcerned with the "how"." (Wood, 2017)
Develop a love for jokes and sense of humor becomes more refined
Start to care deeply about morality and fairness
Growth spurts can lead to physical clumsiness
Adjust well to change and bounce back faster than 7 year olds
Start to desire the approval of their peers as much as the approval of adults
Begin to form larger friendship groups or cliques
Very talkative and tend to exaggerate about their experiences
Become more ambitious in terms of schoolwork or personal creative projects
Writing Nine-Year-Olds:
"Fairness begins to matter a great deal as nines take on the cognitive task of understanding ethical behavior at a new level. They're concerned about global justice: Why are some people poor? Why are we allowing climate change to happen? Why are some people cruel to animals? Nines show concern about fairness on the local level, too, and often feel singled out for unfair treatment by a teacher, parent, or coach. Their complaints--signs of their increasing understanding of and sensitivity to how the world works--can also be a way for nines to express their growing sense of peer importance and group solidarity." (Wood, 2017)
Often eager to try new styles of dress or appearance, such as haircuts or different clothes
May begin to bite nails, twist at hair, make odd expressions to deal with tension or discomfort
Have a general sense of popularity and want to avoid associating with 'unpopular' children
Enjoy negotiating and arguing with adults
Can revert to 'baby talk' when they feel nervous or silly
Begin to appreciate inappropriate/'edgy' jokes, will mimic online trends/memes, especially sexual/racial/body humor
Desire to use social media to express themselves
Start to lose interest in imaginative play; more focused on facts/how things work
Want explanations as to why they have to do homework or chores from adults
Writing Ten-Year-Olds:
"Happy and easygoing tens generally look up to and admire their teachers and parents and take real pleasure in both family outings and teacher-led activities. They enjoy their classmates, too, and can engage productively in collaborative, project-based learning. Because of their relative calmness and instinct for getting along with others, ten-year-olds do well in a variety of group configurations, including mixed-age groups: They can often help elevens and even twelves in cooperative pursuits." (Wood, 2017)
Often enjoy reading more than younger years
Ready to start using tools such as compasses, protractors, rulers, and templates
May be hotheaded, but are also quicker to forgive than older children
Are more sensitive and empathetic towards friends than 8 or 9 year olds
Generally like being able to lead/guide younger children
Can concentrate for longer periods of time than younger years
Usually eager to learn new things
Start to enjoy word problems and riddles
Writing Eleven-Year-Olds:
"Elevens are, in a sense, electrified. As adolescence begins, cognitive structures in the brain are rewiring themselves at the same amazing speed at which the body is beginning to transform. Relationships with peers and adults are turning topsy-turvy. At home and in school, academically and socially, eleven-year-olds are busy engaging whole new worlds with a sense of outward boldness, yet inward tentativeness. Their lives crackle with the energy of change as they begin to establish a sense of physical and emotional identity." (Wood, 2017)
Stay up late compared to younger children and have more trouble rousing in the morning
Often act out more at home compared to in school
Huge appetites and sleep for longer when given the chance
Often blurt out rude comments without thinking
Cis girls typically have an earlier growth spurt than cis boys
Can become very indecisive and fearful of making mistakes
Like to challenge teachers and parents over rules
Can debate without it becoming personal
Imitate more sophisticated adult language
Begin to focus on what they want to do as adults
Writing Twelve-Year-Olds:
"Along with intense enjoyment of their peers, twelve generally enjoy talking with adults outside the home and can do so with friendliness and a sense of confidence. Yet, twelves can also be unpredictable and hard to read. One day, they fervently want to do schoolwork as part of a group; the next day, they just as fervently want to work alone. They often say "That's not what I meant!" when a teacher misreads their seemingly rude tone or comment. At home, moody, introverted, childish behavior or one-word responses reflect their need to rest and regroup in a safe environment." (Wood, 2017)
Want parents and teachers to take them and their ideas seriously
More open to making new friendships than 11 year olds
Often struggle to follow through with practicing a sport or instrument in their free time
Want to help peers with schoolwork
Can appreciate complex moral issues
May begin to discover a subject or talent they excel at
Better able to switch between playful and serious than younger children
Love testing out new slang and pop culture references
Want to make their own money
Writing Thirteen Year-Olds:
"Thirteen is an age of dramatic contrasts. Because thirteen-year-olds commonly slip backward developmentally as well as move forward, they may seem like younger twelve-year-olds one day and more mature than they really are the next. They want adults to notice, listen, and talk to them but also to leave them alone. They're engaged one minute and bored the next, suddenly confident and just as suddenly unsure, alternately outgoing and withdrawn, brooding alone and then shrieking and shouting with friends." (Wood, 2017)
May struggle with hygiene and/or acne
Most cis girls have begun menstruating by now
Extremely skilled at mimicking peer behavior
Often mean as a defensive strategy when worried about being ignored or left out
Far more adept at sarcasm than younger children
Can become very quiet and secretive compared to their younger selves
More judgmental of teachers than younger students, will gossip about adults
Interested in global justice issues but struggle with empathy in daily life
Can vary between reserved, stoic behavior and unusual aggression when asked questions by adults
Become messier with their personal belongings
Writing Fourteen-Year-Olds:
"To fourteen-year-olds, the question "Who am I?" seems best answered in terms of "Who are we?" The way that others see these students seems to matter more to them than how they see themselves. Fourteens are moving steadily toward peers and away from parents and teachers as the central figures in their lives. They bond in small social groups, travel street and school together, and pour enormous physical, emotional, and cognitive energy into developing an adolescent subculture." (Wood, 2017)
Often embarrassed by the adults in their lives and become very critical of parents
View school as primarily a social experience, don't want to miss out on seeing friends everyday
A small minority will become sexually active
Typically very interested in current events and politics
Will say "I'm bored" when confused, or pretend challenging schoolwork is easy to save face
Love to correct adults and peers on information; hate being lectured
Very expressive faces and body language, can seem contemptuous for no reason
Often become interested in researching various subjects
More willing to admit an error than 12 or 11 year olds; redoing work is not as daunting
Able to joke around with adults
Enjoy mysteries and 'unknown' areas of science/math/history
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exhaustedwerewolf · 19 days
okay not to waste energy being mad about the minecraft movie of all things but I am actually kind of heartbroken by how cynical it feels.
for example, making the creatures that inhabit the world offputting is so indicative of the underlying attitude the film seems to be taking to me. how many millions of minecraft animals, despite being pixels and code, have been genuinely loved by players around the world?
minecraft, despite everything it’s associated with these days, is incredibly earnest in a way that I feel few properties are these days… and genuinely one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing. in its surprisingly melancholic moments in a solo survival world. in the laughs it’s given those far apart from beloved friends, allowing them to be roommates in a beautiful forest cottage or a volcanic fortress or a treehouse palace they’ve built together when thousands of miles apart. in the things people working alone and together have made of it- libraries of banned books made accessible through the medium of the game, scale models of worlds real and fictional, redstone machines with intricate circuitry and incredible intelligence and diligence behind them, in the friendships forged in the pursuit of these creations.
minecraft is collaborative and creative and contemplative in a way few games can be. minecraft, to those who have ‘beaten,’ it, says: everything you need is within you, the darkness you fight is within you, the light you seek is within you, you are not alone, not separate from every other thing, you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code.
minecraft, when so many games are about escaping from yourself, is about connection with your self, your creativity, the plants and earth and animals and structures around you, the people around you.
for it to be, in this context, a self-referential, debasing cash grab, is not a surprise to me but does feel like a disservice to what the heart of this game is, and symptomatic of a wider trend in a storytelling climate increasingly dominated by spin-offs and reboots and tie-ins and remakes. the writers could have had the courage not to break the fourth wall, not to point and laugh and decry the silly memeable ‘get a load of this guy,’ block game, (and by extension ridicule themselves,) but I understand. it’s the same instinct to make the self-effacing joke before you can be laughed at by others for showing your honest self, to cringe from the vulnerability earnesty demands. that’s fine. personally- and I’m probably not alone- I just wish it wasn’t this game.
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asksythe · 1 year
MXTX Interview with Risa Wataya for Subaru Magazine P.5
Character's Allure
Risa: Among the cast, my favorites are the Nie brothers. Nie Huaissang and Nie Mingjue. As I read, I constantly prayed that Nie Shi (House Nie) would not fall. 
Mo Xiang: Shocking! I have yet to see this kind of attitude toward the Nie brothers. In the place of Nie brothers, I deeply thank Risa! Nie Mingjue was created as a foil and reversed mirror image of the 'extremely socially adept' Jin Guangyao. Nie Mingjue is someone who would rather break but never bend. Jin Guangyao is someone who would rather bend but never break. One embodies unbendable justice. One is a cunning smooth operator. I thought about these two contrasting and contradicting kinds of characters and then created them (Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao). A cunning faker (*) like Jin Guangyao, once he meets a 'violent god' (**) Nie Mingjue would become absolutely powerless and can only flee. Their situation would be quite interesting should I continue to write it. Although for them, it definitely would not be a fun time. 
(*: 狡猾 jiaohua: someone who is pretty/righteous on the outside but rotten inside, a faker, a pretty snake masquerading as a saint) 
(**: 凶神恶煞 xioengshen esha: a powerful, brutal, violent god that is consumed by the slaying of evil so much he starts to do evil himself. Someone who should be good but is consumed by rage and violence and becomes no better than the evil he seeks to destroy)
Risa: Nie Huaissang is extremely smart. Nie Mingjue still acts even though his body has been split into multiple pieces. I absolutely love these brothers' opposing approaches to life. 
Moxiang: The more the character personalities contrast with each other, the clearer their conflict and transformation is portrayed. It also makes the story even more compelling and exciting. Nie Huaissang was built on the foundation of Nie Mingjue as a character. They both use sabers as their weapons. Nie Mingjue is more or less straightforward inside and out. Nie Huaissang, on the other hand, looks weak and cowardly on the outside but is actually immensely insightful, patient, and crafty on the inside. The characters of Qinghe Nie Shi were actually complete quite early into the writing. 
Risa: The characters of "Mo Dao Zu Shi" mature into different kinds of people depending on their relationship with their parents. In terms of lineage and family ties, what were your thoughts while writing? 
Moxiang: I think the environment a person grows up in is a very important factor. The parent generation's joy and sorrow will create an increasingly greater impact on their children. Furthermore, children will inherit specific things from their parents. Only when you look at the profound yet incidental similarities between parents and children, you will see that family ties are something very real. 
Risa: Some characters in the book had a very difficult childhood. Jin Guangyao, Xue Yang, and Wei Wuxian. One type of character experiences misfortune in their childhood and then grow to become bad people. One character, on the other hand, steadfastly holds onto his good heart no matter what. Both types exist in the same book. 
Moxiang: To be honest, the character's childhood was the last thing I considered. My creative method starts with imagining the zenith of a character's life when they are shining brightly at the summit. Then I think about narrative developments leading to and from that moment, and then the character's childhood as the finishing touch. After that, I fill out details on their parent generation. The parents mostly act as supporting characters. Their designs are based on the main cast, to contrast or to complete. 
For example, first, I think of what kind of person Wei Wuxian is. Then, I think of what kind of parents could have such a child. I base his parent's characters on his character. 
Looking at it from within the story, it's that parents will inevitably influence their children. But from a structural writing standpoint, it's the children that influence the parents.        
To be continued (We are about... half-way through the interview transcript)
Translator: Sythe / NPD Khanh
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thesensteawitch · 5 months
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hey, Senstea Souls! 💘
This is a collective reading. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Feel free to message me in case you wish to book a tarot reading with me.
Booking Form|Rate Card
Tips are not mandatory but are always appreciated.
Pile 1
Tarot Cards- 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 5 of Wands, 8 of Pentacles, Strength, Page of Cups
This is about a dream. Either this pile is a writer or a singer. Maybe both. You are afraid of the competition. You are supposed to release the fear of being seen. Not that you don't want your art to get recognized, but there's something within you that you don't want the world to see. You're afraid to be judged by others. You are afraid that the world won't accept you. But the cards are asking you to show the world the real you. You have great ideas. Your imagination runs wild. The creativity that is burning in your heart can lead you to great success and recognition. Somewhere, you are afraid of the change. You need to speak up. It's time to show the world what you have. Don't create in isolation. Let others be a part of your creative journey too.
Pile 2
Tarot Cards- King of Swords, 7 of Wands, Page of Swords, 7 of Swords, 9 of Swords, Wheel of Fortune, 7 of Cups, The Hierophant
You come off as a logical and intellectual person, but others do not know how indecisive you are. There's so much overthinking going on behind any move you make. You constantly battle to find the right words or make the right choice so that you can free yourself from any bondage. You sometimes wish to find a shortcut to peace, but you know there isn't. You have to make choices and live a life that is an outcome of your will. You truly want to free yourself from the never-ending battle. Your heart seeks peace among this chitter chatter of the world. You are trying to find a way out of a tricky situation. It's advised that you go by the books. Do the right thing. But don't be too rigid, either. I think you really need to talk with someone about your conflicting situation and thoughts.
Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Queen of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, 6 of Cups, The Tower
You have been working on something for quite a while now. You are patiently waiting to see the results of your work. The good news is that the results are manifesting in your reality. You do wonder, though, why it's slow. I also feel that you are waiting for the connection to revive again, which abruptly went down. You're holding on to hope. I just heard, “Living for the hope of it all." The universe is testing your commitment towards your goals and as a person. There's some sort of nostalgic feeling in your heart. Lately, you have been living in the past a lot. I also see some of you revisiting the past and making sure you don't make the same mistake again in the future. You faced a terrible ending to a connection. The dream you had shattered. And now you clearly see why! Now you seek stability in your life, and you're not impatient anymore. You're okay with taking things slow. The universe is also testing your patience, and you know it. I also see you taking care of your body and spending time in nature. You're really taking care of your heart, pile 3.
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tropylium · 7 months
How to be More Agentic
Ask for things. Ask for things that feel unreasonable, to make sure your intuitions about what’s reasonable are accurate (of course, try not to be a jerk in the process). If you’re only asking for things you get, you’re not aiming high enough.
(We have a saying in Finnish, roughly "darers will dare", with a connotation that well someone's gotta, or else things will not get done… "Daring" is a relatively general pro-agency sentiment but the "darer" part is important also I think; once you have a thought like "oh yeah I'm an asker I will sometimes ask for stuff" about yourself, that already makes it easier to ask, even if you still feel skittlish about rejection or similar)
It’s hard to overstate how overpowered [seeking feedback] is. If you aren’t trying to get real feedback from people who know you, you’re cooking without tasting. This is, like, the lowest hanging fruit for self-improvement, but few people really try to pick it.
(Note to self yeah, I think I can function decently with relatively little social contacts but it's felt for a long time that I am nerfed by not having good sounding boards for talking ideas about my life over with)
Most subject matter is learnable, even stuff that seems really hard. But beyond that, many (most?) traits that people treat as fixed are actually quite malleable if you (1) believe they are and (2) put the same kind of work into learning them as you would anything else. As you might gather, I think agency itself is a good example (…) Many other supposedly fixed traits can likewise be altered. Some other things you can learn: confidence, charisma, warmth, tranquility, optimism. Someone recently asked me how one might go about learning charisma, and the answer was really boring: by reading a few books, watching many hours of charismatic people interacting with others, and adopting a few of their habits. This is surely a plan of action most people could come up with if they didn’t have the notion that charisma is innate lodged in their heads.
(A.k.a. "growth mindset", and crucially yes!, it is itself learnable, learn some of that first of all and it will help you with many many things)
Burnout is the ultimate agency-killer. This is so true that I’ve learned to identify a reduction in agency as one of the first signs of burnout, one that shows up even before I consciously realize what’s happening. A switch flips and I start looking for ways to rule out ideas and actions, to conclude they won’t work or aren’t necessary, rather than chasing better versions. (…) This might be the most important item on the list. It took me almost 40 years to learn it, because my instinct is to think more hours mean more productivity as long as you’re really trying to be productive -- that’s just multiplication, right? No. The reality is that grinding, even if it temporarily increases output, kills creativity and big picture thinking. My rule is never to take instructions on how hard I should work from someone who hasn’t burned out before. Very few people take this seriously enough.
(Extremely true. No amount of exerting agency helps when your issue is burning out for overexerting. Take breaks, don't expect to get miracles done by any set point in your life, learn your limitations; might be a good idea to work on them too but ignoring them doesn't get you past them one bit. "Your body will schedule maintenance for you if you don't")
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blindmagdalena · 7 days
Seeking writing advice from one of the best. Please, share some of your tips, tricks and general wisdom (if you feel comfortable ofc). :))
you're so sweet! i'm no professional but i'll do my very best to offer something helpful!
the unfortunate reality is there's no one universal trick to writing. you just gatta Do It. and do it frequently! write badly. write out of sequence. write streams of consciousness with no mind for how the sentences read.
the most important thing you can do with your ideas is get them OUT of your head. you can't polish a gem before you've mined it.
don't delete the things you write! if you find a fic or a scene isn't flowing right or just doesn't fit where you've written it, put it aside. there's a good chance it'll come in handy later, or you'll be able to utilize it better at another time with a fresh perspective.
i have a whole doc called "odds and ends" where i hold onto moments or bits of dialogue that i've written but don't have a use for yet.
don't be afraid to seek validation! to paraphrase this tessa barron article, writing is performative. your story isn't finished until someone reads it. you'll never be done with it until it becomes real and complete to someone else. that's just part of the art! we write for ourselves, yes, but we also write to connect with each other.
read!!! in order to write well you must read. learn from authors who have more experience, more mastery over the art of storytelling and structuring their sentences. audiobooks count as reading, btw! it's so important as a creative to imbibe stories. i got back into reading published books around the time i started getting serious about writing again, and the impact it had on my style is SO obvious to me any time i go back and read my older pieces.
writing is fire and reading is fuel. feed your creativity!
PLAGERIZE. now ofc i don't mean this literally. but you absolutely SHOULD be freely taking inspiration from everything and everywhere. the reality is that there's only so many stories and concepts out there. what makes something original is the execution. don't ever be afraid to tell your version of a story you love. ESPECIALLY in fanfic! there's a reason fandoms are rife with stuff like beauty and the beast au's.
i hope that helps! 🖤
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strawberrycarat · 2 months
Another rant about this episode... I understand that producers can use the "Fire & Blood is a historical novel type so it's not 100% accurate and we can do a lot of stuff with it...." but, come on ! Even Joffrey said Rhaenyra's rests were still down in the red keep. It's clearly they can't fight against the fact that there are actual human remains that are half bitten / half burned by a fucking dragon - so it doesn't make sense that they killed Sunfyre (for all we know he's dead) or that Daemon is still playing in Luigi's mansion with lord Strong instead of bending knees of half the Riverlands and leading small fights for Rhaenyra... as much as we can't know for sure all those details, we know a war happened in real life even if we don't know the specifics - there are records, bodys, graves... Idk... and it should be the same in Westeros...
Producer's creative licence is making the story going so far from the book it's senseless at times + slow in moments that don't help the plot and are somewhat boring + showing preferences for certain actors whose storyline doesn't help the plot in this moment (which is not their fault) + and, worst of all, painfully fast and (sometimes) ridiculous in the most important moments (Exemple : Jace and Cregan’s oath that leads the North going South to end the Dance of the Dragons + the ice and fire pact that leads the prince that was promised + the fight against the darkness and the Others??? But no, let’s give them 3 min of screen time and make Jace leave immediately)
It is true they don't need to show a full ass battle to be interesting, like GoT did in the first seasons. But they at least had a good rhythm, a coherent narrative and plot twists that were actually surprising and logical with the characters and the story at the same time. In here, I think they are just using those "OMG or WTF" moments without thinking about the plot
Exemple -> Cersei and Jamie being discovered by Bran and him being thrown away from the tower? Made sense with Jamie and Cersei's personalities + they couldn't being discovered or Robert would have their heads and their children's, probably - and it was one of the detonating for the Three-eyed raven plot
-> Daemon having sex with his (I can't believe I'm writing this, even if it was an hallucination) mother???? like why???? what does this help to Daemon's storyline? If he had mommy issues, why is this the first time we see it? I can see Aemond having mommy issues in the way his own mother was distant and believe him some sort of monster AFTER Luke's death (kinslayer -> a terrible sin in the Seven's eyes - the religion she follows with passion) and him seeking out an older woman that had some motherly characteristics and with similar hair than her mother + then keeping Alys Rivers (a wet nurse) when conquering Harrenhall is logical to his storyline... but Daemon??? It seemed more like a "let's have a plot twist just for fun and surprise people" kind of thing)
And even when they want to create plot twist that could work in the plot they don't make them really a plot twist....... Like when they wanted to end Cheese and Blood with Alicent and Criston's sex scene. It would've worked........ if they didn't had already show us Criston Cole going down on Alicent in the middle of the episode. WE ALREADY KNEW ! like why ending with that in the episode anyways when there was no surprise - not anymore ?
honestly I don't know how can they save it now - I'm kind of only watching it for Ewan mitchell / Aemond + the acting in general
Anyways, thank you for reading, I needed to let it out.
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 6 months
Rise!Turtle Boyfriend Headcanons:
• ego either shoots up or is completely unaccounted for in your presence, no in between
• big fan of making you blush
• can say sorry but the execution is...questionable
• really cheesy nicknames that make no sense but it's fine cause it's him
• let him play with your hair
• constantly seeking your validation
• protective over you or is just like 'eh they got it'
• tries to be thoughtful
• will only do things if you tell him to
• remembers very very specific and strange details about you but is bad at remembering something you told him yesterday
• will read comic books to you in funny voices
• snuggles
• clingy clingy clingy
• no shame in complimenting you
• he makes jokes when he's uncomfortable but if you call him out, he tries (keyword: tries) to do better
• nose kisses
• emotionally intelligent but sometimes goes overboard
• he just likes to carry you everywhere
• apologies? no problem. over excessive way of showing you how sorry? lord help you
• very basic nicknames but he makes a special one just for you
• loves taking naps with you
• love language is definitely physical affection
• protective and doesn't like to leave you by yourself places
• definitely feeds his ego if you tell him how big and beautiful he is
• will cook for you...it's edible at least
• very fasinated by your hands and kisses them all the time
• watch movies with him
• will always let you win when you play video games together
• no self control when it comes to expressing his emotions so....have fun with that
• horrible liar so he's always honest
• no shame in complimenting you but prefers to do it when you're alone
• loves when you sit on his lap
• physical affection? eh. words of affirmation? also eh. acts of service? king.
• keeps a log of all your likes and dislikes
• not huge on compliments but will not take his eyes off you when you're dressed nice (and in general)
• protective and possessive
• uses old terms of endearment from shakespeare
• secretly likes cuddles but can't initiate to save his life
• forehead kisses
• horrible at apologies and horrible at showing he's sorry...but he won't do it again
• does everything for you without even asking if you need help
• doesn't listen to you very well but if you start tearing up, that may get his attention
• refers to his projects as "our" children instead of his
• he may do everything for you but he will complain the entire time depending on what it is
• not emotionally intelligent but also..not not emotionally aware
• validate him/compliment his work and he will do whatever you want
• surprisingly very good at gift giving
• doesn't mind hugs if they're coming from you
• king of emotional intelligence and being logical about it
• prepare for the most creative dates of your entire life
• makes you all kinds of drawings all the time
• he's a little brother so he's used to getting his way...don't give in for the sake of world peace
• hugs all the time and cheek kisses are his favorite
• cooking king. expect extravagent meals and the best omelette of your life
• loves doing what you like to do over what he likes when you're together
• he also can't lie so he's also honest
• can apologize and show it...will definitely do it again though
• can't remember dates to save his life
• adhd so have fun trying to keep his attention when you need/want it
• cuddle monster...quite literally
• very fun nicknames and uses them more than your real name
• dr feelings and dr delicate touch are your worst nightmares
• loves when you tell him how cute he is
• protective but also cheers you on if you're kicking butt
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specialagentartemis · 11 months
Fics about SecUnit 3 to Read Before We Get All Our Headcanons Jossed
Three! SecUnit 3! System Collapse comes out in one week and it seems like Three will feature prominently!
Three has been the subject of so much speculation and fascination for the fandom. We have a lot of different ideas about who it may become and who it might want to be.
Before all of that gets debunked by the new book, here's a rec list and roundup of some of the excellent fics that center Three!
Ficlets About Three and Murderbot Figuring Out How To Interact With Each Other
"Feedlog" by OnlyAll0Saw. 599 words. NR, Multi.
ART is a bit of a bully on the feed. MB is having none of it.
A well-done codefic that imagines the rocky early days of Murderbot, Three, and ART all figuring out how to get along with each other.
"Murder Mode Modules" by FlipSpring. 948 words. G, Gen.
3 what the fuck is ‘Murder Mode Modules, Do Not Touch Except For Situations That Necessitate Lots Of Murder?'
Hilarious, great voice, and surprisingly emotional for such a short space and silly tone :') Two excellent podfics!
"Real Things" by ArtemisTheHuntress. 715 words. G, Gen.
Three admits that it doesn't understand the appeal of fictional media.
This one's mine :) Murderbot and Three discuss media. There's a podfic!
Meatier One-Shots about Three Contemplating Its Identity, Who It Is, And What It Wants Now
"pink and green" by CompletelyDifferent. 5,100 words. G, Gen.
During a diplomatic trip to the university's home system to better establish the newly-formed treaty with the Preservation Alliance, Three tries to figure out who it is. Between exploring new hobbies and its sense of fashion, it attempts to figure out what its relationship with Murderbot 1.0 is, precisely. (Murderbot 1.0 ignores this, until it doesn't).
Hot Springs Episode! CompletelyDifferent @elexuscal writes character interactions SO well.
"Uncatalogued and Uncategorized" by lick. 3,033 words. G, Gen.
SecUnit 3 discovers that a hot shower is a good place to work out tangled thoughts.
I loooove this one and return to it regularly. The introspectio makes it a fantastic balance of character study, past trauma, and total confusion of what to do now with itself and its life. Includes a podfic by the author!
"Unacceptable Topics of Conversation" by lick. 4,500 words. Teen & Up, Gen.
Murderbot gives SecUnit 3 a haircut. They discuss the governor module.
lick does it again! The feelings are so fraught, the conversation held so gingerly.
Long, Plot-Heavy Stories About Three Finding Itself In The Universe
"Heuristic Analysis" by thefourthvine. 11,000 words. G, Gen.
Three makes some choices.
Three travels to Mihira with ART and its crew, gets involved in an AI Rights related mystery, and, as advertised, makes some choices. Well-written with some interesting worldbuilding concepts about the Pansystem University of Mihira and New Tideland!
"Seeking Safety" by petwheel. 57,000 words. Teen & Up, Gen.
Three assumes a new identity on Preservation, only to discover someone wants to kill it. To figure out who and why, Three has to delve into secrets from Preservation's past.
A plotty mystery, suspenseful and extremely creative, with some bold and unique takes on Preservation's history - and how Three can fit in.
"Function" by FigOwl. 65,000 words. Teen & Up, Gen.
"I have worked assignments solo before, and I have gotten used to the absences of SecUnit 01 and SecUnit 02. But I have not reconciled myself to the absence of Murderbot 2.0, though I know it is not logical. 2.0 made its choices, and fulfilled its purpose perfectly, and it seemed satisfied with that. I wish that I had any amount of such certainty and resolve." The continuing adventures of SecUnit03. How does a newly freed SecUnit make sense of everything without having consumed 35,000 hours of media for context?
Three goes off on its own self-actualization adventure after Network Effect.
Three On Preservation
"words left behind" by torpidgilliver. 4,400 words. G, Gen.
"How do you stand it?" Dr. Gurathin's tone is slow and even when he asks, "Stand what?" - SecUnit 3 shares its feelings with someone who might understand.
Three meets Gurathin. Also, a cat. Delightfully soft and gently sad.
"Social Competition" by scheidswrites. 2,100 words. G. Gen.
It's been a while since the last attempted murder/kidnapping, and life is good. Everyone is gathered for a celebration on the Mensah Family Farm. The rogue SecUnits invent a new sport. Drs Mensah, Gurathin, and Overse talk about work on their day off.
SecUnit sports! Murderbot and Three bonding without being too awkward about it! I love this.
"The Tree That Owns Itself" by BoldlyNo. 865 words. G, Gen.
There is a tree in the FirstLanding University Botanical Gardens that Murderbot is not thrilled about.
Murderbot and Three have conflicting feelings about a tree.
Miscellaneous But Also Worth Highlighting
"As Your Legal Counsel" by i_have_loved_the_stars_too_fondly. 1,000 words. G, Gen.
Pin-Lee informs Three of its options and legal status, should it choose to come to Preservation.
This one is so fun and sweet! Directly after Network Effect, Pin-Lee talks to Three about its options. Three is a little overwhelmed. Two podfics of this one, one by me :) Also @ilovedthestars your AO3 name is hard to type
"Past the Breakers" by Thylacine_Wishes. 5,300 words. G, Gen.
When Three is badly injured protecting ART's crew on a mission, Murderbot finds itself disagreeing with the safety protocols that it had written. It was supposed to be the SecUnit meat shield, not Three. It doesn't have time to figure out how it feels about that before it's diving in (literally) to rescue Three and maybe coming to terms with some things along the way.
Action! Adventure! Edge-of-your-seat drama written SO well! Almost drowning! Murderbot caring about Three!!!!
"Team of Three" by Lillow. 5,500 words. G, no category.
How Three of three became Three of many.
The tags say it best: the real team was the friends we made along the way. Or is it the real friends are the teammates we make?
Either way, Three finds a team, and people it belongs with.
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sh5 · 22 days
sooooo random but. I think the natural rubber band reflex from the “draw THIS not THAT” “this is good, this is BETTER” era of art social media is the now common sentiment of, “NONE of this is real or matters or should be taken into account”. which is a very frustrating sentiment for me, at least from people who want to take their art seriously. don’t get me wrong, I love art that means nothing, that’s “wrong”, that’s unfinished, etc etc. but like…all of you want to be professional artists, animators or freelance, but you resist critique. my realm is more written works, and I am critical of english as The Colonizer Language and the baggage that comes with trying to “fix” “mistakes” in a language that is dynamic, that is spoken. but that’s not my issue. I see it in other ways. almost every popular genre of fanfic is, objectively, a bad start storytelling-wise, and any interesting story that comes out of the prompt “coffee shop/tattoo artist” is in spite of the tropes of the medium and a testament to the author’s skill. it’s not just that these fics are treated as vices, guilty pleasures; readers now seek published books that are advertised with AO3 tags. I see think posts all the time about how, for example, filler is good for a story, when I personally believe that the “best” writing is extremely economic with every word. idk I don’t have a thesis statement on this or anything I’m just like…so sick of fanfic (and all of its baggage) being synonymous with creative writing. i’m so so so sick of fanfic being treated as a replacement for books. there’s a reason you read “high art” sometimes. it’s for like. your fucking development as a person and a writer.
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risingsuntarot · 5 months
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What are you currently not seeing ?
My lord I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long I kinda jus felt so unmotivated and kinda went hermit mode for quite a while so I apologize for my absence!! Anyways I wanted to make a come back with a reading regarding being trapped, blinded or stuck on something that is unfortunately, hindering your process ;+(
Also * will indicate a reversal from here on out also only three piles because I wanted to get this out ASAP !!
Pile 1
---Cards pulled---
5 of Coins/4 of Wands*/The magician
3 of coins*/The Moon
9 of coins/9 of Swords/The hierophant
Ace of wands/3 of wands
There is most likely a financial or material issue happening, I heard "just enough to get by"
It looks like you lack in what you currently need as well? But despite this you are content or try to come off that way
Maybe you just moved into your own apartment recently? Or now have to pay rent or something along those lines
A new responsibility within your family/home life too
There's a lack of confidence here especially within self and home life
Something or someone in your home isn't making you feel quite safe? Or you get nightmares about them (if this is the case please seek help!!) that might be a very specific message BUT Could also be ready as you may be dealing with flashbacks at this time due to financial or material loss !! Maybe you grew up in poverty or an unstable home? Or your parents/caregivers weren't able to provide necessities?
It looks like with the magician and the hierophant there is a gift on the horizon or a very promising belief or like system? Maybe a change in routine or spending habits and thinking will help tremendously
I see that on your end for some your guides are frustrated with your lack of effort and motivation to make your thousands of ideas a reality
They absolutely love your creativity tho don't get me wrong
Maybe you have a hard time focusing right now and have many great ideas to put into place but lack motivation or resources as well so this leads to lack of movement or commitment
Sadness, restless emotions and late sleepless nights are prominent here, someone may deal with insomnia here but y'all sleep schedule is wack (same tho)
Feeling blocked and frustrated >:+(
Summer - "Bask in Joy and Light"
"Rise up, open your wings and shine. Bring your projects and plans into into the light, into manifestation" as soon as I opened the guidebook lil
DEADASS do that's just that, start off easy with a lobes hobby, draw something new or listen to a new genre, learn that new music sheet that has been challenging you or even get into a new type of skill to re motivate you !!
This also indicates summer may be your time of change!! New opportunities, new memories maybe even knew people
I feel like this is the perfect time to go outside, bask in sunlight and enjoy a nearby park or go on a nature hike, try meeting new people at libraries, bars or events even book clubs?
I'm getting a message to connect more with water so swimming or maybe even kayaking?
The big message here is try something n e w but I'm also being told to "loosen up" I'm tensing up a lot with this reading
Bumble bees maybe significant to someone :+) or honeycombs cereal? Lmao honey and bee related things here
---Channeled Songs---
Ego brain - SOAD
"You see my pain is real
Watch my world dissolve
And pretend that none of us see the fall
As I turned to sand
You took me by the hand
And declared, that love prevails over all"
Pile 2
---Cards pulled---
Temperance/9 of Wands/Ace of cups*
Knight of Coins/6 of Wands
5 of Coins/The Lovers*/8 of Coins
The Moon/Queen of Wands
Okay so there's a sense for reluctance from this pile tbh like to fully acknowledge the truth
I keep wanting to say what happened so you may be being asked this question a lot
For one there is guilt over either healing and moving on or from not healing and moving on from a difficult situation but for most it's a romantic connection
I feel like voices were silenced, and you were constantly fighting for you right to be heard, seen or acknowledged fairly
It was a toxic dynamic that you still look back on to this day but almost feel indifferent but it seems it's just suppressed emotions and memories that you have yet to actually acknowledge
You seem to be a BIT too logical with what happened, like everything was supposed to be this way even this you didn't at all anticipate it if that makes sense
Like you knew what it was exactly, no bs and people tried convincing you otherwise
It looks like someone may come to you to talk about what happened although you may be reluctant to actually open up and speak on your side or even acknowledge that it hurts
It's like you go on about your day with a heavy rain cloud over your head and this person can see :+(
it maybe a friend to help you through this for some possibly offering you a type of hype sesh or even help you glow up a bit even if it's confidence lol
Wolf- "Take care of your needs"
I feel like you definitely need rest here, this card says "Do everything you need to do to be at your best, Then move beyond your fears and limitations"
it feels like a state of I can FINALLY get some rest from running and running and running
You've been in survival mode for so long or you just genuinely feel exhausted from the expectations around you or the trauma in your past
Know that's it's okay to just chill out and it's okay to be on your own for a while it's all part of the process, in fact I believe your guides are asking you to spend time with yourself more
Self care and YouTube days are recommend :+))
---Channeled Songs---
Around the fur - Deftones
"Please don't fuck around and die like this
'Cause I love her"
Brand new numb - Motionless in white
"All of my flaws, I wear 'em with honor
A purple heartbreak for all we've suffered"
Pile 3
---Cards pulled---
The Hierophant*/King of cups/4 of Swords
Wheel of fortune/5 of wands*
Ace of Swords*/5 of Swords/Queen of Coins
The Hermit*/Queen of Cups
This may be a more masculine in terms of energy for this pile but I'll still read the same
So it seems there was a hypocrisy or an act that went against your morals and you were quick to act and deliver your opinion... "sharply"
You stood your ground and what you believed in in your heart despite the haters lol, and despite the arguments or how many people you had to leave behind something about conflict here
Although the way you did this was quite nonchalantly and someone was not a fan I'm picking up on black hair and green for the description for some reason
This person tends to be the center of attention? Or is very attractive, or maybe even a bit out of place almost ? But you not caring is pissing them off
I see there's gonna be change to the situation but someone may have to trail off onto their own path :+( a bit shunned almost but it's a high probability it's this other person
It's possible someone with the same morals and values as you is helping the conflict "die out" but not caring or almost standing in solidarity
High Priest - "Intend and Create"
"Recognize you have the power to change you life. Face your fear and align with the light"
Kind of a plain message but with this card I am getting that you can literally move anyway you want with this and just move on
It seems your intentions were nothing but pure in the end so no Karma was ever delivered to you
How unfortunate for the other person :+pp
It also seems some may follow in your path a bit here but spirits asking you to reach out to someone like a teacher for further guidance if you feel stuck
---Channeled Songs---
Riptide - Grandson
"I've tried getting better, did all of the twelve steps
Whoever would'a thought? Whoever could've guessed?"
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castielslostwings · 2 years
Please help me tell people about my book!
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Hi! I'm publishing a book! It's HERE, just in time for Christmas!! It's GAY!! It's romantic!!! It's HOT! It has firefighters and background sapphic romance, and is exciting AF!!!
I'm very excited, too!
Both U.S. domestic and international friends can order shipped Paperbacks from me directly via my Ko-Fi shop (retailers take less of a cut): https://ko-fi.com/castielslostwings/shop Or you can order on amazon directly, this is the only way to get the KINDLE ebook option: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1945687126
Standard EPUB format is available to download directly from me for $1 cheaper than Amazon: https://ko-fi.com/s/2a82c64d56
And WILL be available at other retailers soon!
Here's the thing: I had a pretty solid platform on Twitter, but since Elon took over, a lot of my followers left, the algorithm crashed, and the whole thing might go under. I don't have the same reach on other platforms, so I need some help! Please share this post if you like GAY SHIT and BOOKS and helping indie content creators be successful!!! Please follow me or check out my ko-fi for updates! Thanks!!! Here's my pitch, hope you like it:
"Fire & Ice": The flaming hot queer romance novel where a foray into BDSM helps two best friends find themselves, each other, and what it really means to burn. Summary: "Firefighter Tripp Truett has somehow tumbled into a whole new kind of relationship with his quirky paramedic best friend, Lee, but mutual relief from their high-stress jobs quickly develops into something more. With all the missed signals and crossed wires, can these two ever figure out that they're so much closer to being on the same page than they think?"
**************************************** About the author (info dump ahoy!!!!) :
I'm Robin, sometimes known as Wings! I'm a 36-year-old, queer, autistic, disabled mom of 2 humans and 5 senior rescue dogs, former R.N. & paramedic. I'm a hardcore fangirl and a proud fanfic writer (and reader), and while I know some people will judge me for that, I am not ashamed! I started writing as a hobby after becoming physically disabled and unable to work as an RN. Fanfic gave me an audience and an outlet, gifted me purpose and hope again. Transformative fiction is FUN! It fosters creativity and passion, heals wounds, and makes people happy. If someone wants to discredit me for that, then perhaps they aren't the audience I'm seeking.
Ultimately, I know I'm taking a risk, but since people seem to enjoy my fics, this book is my attempt to try and make ends meet through original fiction! I know some people WILL discredit me. But I'm always about being myself and speaking on what I feel matters: Fanfic should be legitimized as a creative medium. I assure you, friends—the thousands of hours I've spent on my fanworks are as REAL as it gets. The intersection of disparaging fanfic + sexism/misogyny can't be overstated—women (esp queer women)'s unpaid work is often treated as a "hobby," not worthy of uplifting. I'm here to uplift! The risk is worth it—I would have nothing without fanfic & I'm proud. Younger creators shouldn't feel shame about writing/reading fanfic. We should ALL approach it as a legitimate medium. In fact, MOST new media these days is transformative "fanwork" of SOME kind, whether it's inspired by, based on, or outright rebooting existing worlds.
Plus, we queer folk simply deserve to see our stories in the mainstream media and to see the characters we fall in love, identify with, and root for to get their happily ever afters.
TL;DR: I'm keeping my name and history. Hopefully, I'll be successful in original fiction, but if not, I'll still be a fangirl. Please consider supporting me + other creators attempting to dip into original works. Follow or subscribe to my ko-fi for previews, updates, access to my discord community where I share exclusive content, and more: https://ko-fi.com/castielslostwings FIRE & ICE IS NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH MULTIPLE PLATFORMS! Ko-Fi subscribers will have the option to buy signed copies & merch bundles! The link to purchase will also be posted there first.
A MAJOR thank you to my friends, editors, and to everyone who in my server for supporting and encouraging me to put myself out there and try something new. Love you guys so much. <3 Thank you to @chaoticdean for the beautiful cover. Many more thank yous to come. P.S. If you are reading this and know anyone with a platform who might be interested in receiving a free copy in exchange for promo (only if they enjoy, ofc), please holler at me, I can use all the help I can get!
<3 Wings
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novlr · 5 months
Where do you get your writing inspiration from?
Writing inspiration is a deeply personal thing, and everyone will find their inspiration differently. For some, it could be from their personal experiences, from their favourite TV show, or a book they just read, while for others, they might rely solely on their imaginations without looking to outside influences.
That said, there are lots of places you can go to for inspiration that aren't just about the act of writing. Sometimes, it's just about finding something that will spark an idea, or even just get you in a creative headspace. And for that, we've got some tips in the Reading Room today to show you how to use real life to find creative inspiration.
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