#‘now listen here young man. if I don’t see your butt over here in the next ten minutes I’m skipping class for the rest of the year’
daemour · 10 months
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Pairing: biker Wooyoung x barista gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff, light angst barely there
Warnings: Cursing, mean customer who throws hot coffee
WC: 1809
Summary: Customer service sucks, and today even more so. But a certain regular makes it better.
Yes, yet another wooyo fic LOL im sorry but i love this man and biker wooyo makes my knees weak
“(Y/N), your favourite customer is here,” Keonhee peeks his head around the back, wriggling his eyebrows at you as you make a face at him. “He’s looking especially fine today, you know.”
As you walk past him, you try to shove at his shoulder but Keonhee dodges and giggles. “What a butt,” you roll your eyes at him with no maliciousness. He isn’t wrong anyway. Every Friday, a group of bikers would come in and order a bunch of coffee. When you first started working here, they terrified you, but as time went on, you slowly got used to them and even came to enjoy their company.
And yes, one of them has caught your eye. Not that it was any of Keonhee’s business. But god damn was he fine. The gang itself was filled to the brim with young, handsome guys who would send even the most stoic person into a blushing mess. But there was something about this guy—Wooyoung, you learned his name was after overhearing their conversation—that just sparked something in your gut.
Maybe it was the way he smiled or his loud laugh that you could hear even in the back storage room. Or maybe it was the way he always included a lollipop along with his (very generous) cash tip. And the way he was nice to look at helped as well.
To your surprise, the rest of his friends were nowhere to be seen. It’s weird enough to see him on a Tuesday. “Hi, fancy seeing you here today,” you greet him, wiping your hands on your apron. “Your usual today?”
“Hey, it’s my favourite employee!” Wooyoung beams as soon as you come into view and you can’t help but smile back. “What’s popping, dude?”
Wooyoung leans forward, elbows propped on the counter, and it takes all your willpower not to stare at the sliver of chest showing. “Nah,” Wooyoung drawls. “I’ll try something else. What do you reccommend, doll?”
You try your hardest to keep your face still but even if you succeed you’re sure your burning face gives you away. “Trying something new?” you ask, attempting to cover up your awkwardness.
Wooyoung’s smile widens. “Yeah, I think I will. What’s your favourite drink?”
Is he flirting? You’re not quite sure. It sounds like he is but you’re also a pessimist and would much rather go for the safer option. “Ah, I know you like your coffee strong, but I actually don’t drink it. I prefer a matcha latte, but if you prefer coffee I can ask my coworker?”
Wooyoung shakes his head, his smile unwavering. “That’s okay, I’ll try your favourite drink. You can make it just how you like it.” He punctuates his sentence with a wink and you immediately busy yourself with the register, avoiding his eye contact so that you can calm your heart rate down. Surely he’s got to be flirting now? Sometimes you hate your obliviousness.
You know Keonhee is absolutely listening in on your exchange and you accept your fate of getting teased for the next four shifts until Friday rolls around and he finds new blackmail material. “This one is on the house,” you attempt to regain some dignity by keeping your voice steady “as thanks for being such loyal customers.”
Before Wooyoung can protest or even say anything, you quickly process the order and turn to make the drink, willing your face to cool down in the process. As you mentioned, you don’t know what it is about Wooyoung that makes you flustered and become so socially inept.
As you are pouring the finished drink into the cup the door opens and the bell tinkles. “I’ll be with you in a moment,” you call out, slightly thankful for the distraction but also mildly annoyed you can’t spend more time with Wooyoung on your own.
“Here’s your drink,” you hand it to Wooyoung over the counter, “enjoy!”
He smiles at you and you return it before heading back to take the next customer’s order. “Hello! Sorry for the wait, what can I do for you?” Before you can even say anything, the middle-aged lady gives you a once-over and you already know what kind of customer she will be.
“That’s fine, I guess,” she sniffs and waves her hand dismissively. “Can I get two hot chai lattes with oat milk and four pumps of syrup?”
“What type of syrup? All our flavours are listed here.” You motion towards the plastic taped to the counter. Apparently, this was the wrong move because the lady rolled her eyes.
“You don’t have to give me such attitude! I can read perfectly fine! I’ll take the vanilla.”
Your eye twitches and you bite back a snarky reply, instead opting for a polite, “I apologise. I’ll get this done ASAP.” As you input her order, you can feel Wooyoung’s eyes on you. It’s not quite how you wanted him to see you, but that’s just how customer service is, you suppose.
As you finish up, you can hear the lady grumbling under her breath about the disappointing service and you have to take a few deep breaths to avoid letting your temper get the better of you. “Here’s your drinks, ma’am.”
“Finally! You know, I am in a rush, you should hurry up next time,” the lady snaps, snatching the cups from you and taking a sip from one.
“Ma’am, that’s a hot–” you try to warn her but to no avail. The lady chokes, and in her surprise slams the cup down onto the table, creating a mess that you inevitably will have to clean up.
“How dare you!” the lady screams at you as you stare in disbelief. “I am a paying customer!”
“Sorry ma’am,” you grit out. “It does say on the cup that it is a hot beverage, but I can make you a new one if you’d like?”
Your offer was not enough to appease the angry customer and she grabbed the other drink, attempting to throw it at your face. Thankfully, you take a step back and her aim is just as bad as her manners, but it still catches on your shoulder.
Keonhee gasps behind you but before he even has a chance to kick her out, Wooyoung steps forward.
“Get out.” The lady snaps her head towards him, incredulous, and opens her mouth to speak but Wooyoung slams his fist on the counter. “Get out of my sight, and get out of the store. I never want to see you here, or even hear of you here again. Am I clear?”
Without another word, the customer scurries away and Wooyoung turns to look at you. “Uh…I’ll go get the med kit,” Keonhee says, turning tail and leaving you in the front with Wooyoung, but with a completely different vibe surrounding the two of you.
“I’m sorry you had to witness that,” you apologise to Wooyoung, bowling low, but he waves away your apologies.
“Don’t worry about it, that lady was such a bitch,” he scoffs, glancing out the door as if she’d come back. “Tell me if she comes to bother you again. Are you okay though?”
You glance down at the soiled fabric and it’s only then the pain hits you and you wince as you try and shift your shoulder. “It’ll heal. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad and it wasn’t my face.” You peel back the sleeve and both you and Wooyoung wince at the sight of the red flesh.
“(Y/N), I got the med kit,” Keeho calls out as he returns with the white box in one hand and a damp cloth in the other. “Do you need to take the day off? I can have Minho come in to cover for you.”
You start to decline but Wooyoung interrupts. “Yeah, call him in,” Wooyoung stares you down when you try to argue and you’re much too tired to fight him on this. “You’re in no condition to work. I’ll take you to the bus stop and you will rest.”
You look at him for a long moment and Keeho looks unsure about his offer, but you’re not in the mood to argue about this either. “Okay, you win, Wooyoung,” you concede with a sigh. “I’ll take the day off.”
Wooyoung hums, happy with your choice and Keonhee dares to wink at you in full view of Wooyoung, who just laughs smugly. “Come on, then. Do you have everything?”
You nod, and as you walk around the counter towards Wooyoung, he ushers you out with a hand on your lower back and you fight to keep your smile off your face. Maybe that customer was worth it—you get a day off and kinda of get to “hang out” with Wooyoung.
As the two of you walk down the sidewalk, you’re not sure of what to say, or how to even start a conversation. Usually, there’s a counter between you and Wooyoung, but with his hand on you, you apparently can’t think straight. “So, what is your name?” Wooyoung breaks the silence. “I never got it yet.”
“Ah, I’m (Y/N). I’m surprised you didn’t hear my coworker yell it from the backrooms.” Wooyoung laughs.
“I don’t really take to eavesdropping, unlike how you learnt my name,” Wooyoung bumps your good shoulder, a laugh in his voice and you squawk. “I don’t mind, really. We’re a loud bunch, which I’m sure you’ve known by now.”
You laugh a little at that. Your boss is always annoyed at the noise they make but they are regulars and tip well so he can’t do much about that. “So I have. Speaking of which, are they not with you today?”
Wooyoung shakes his head, his bangs falling into his face. “Nah, I wanted to steal you all to myself. And I definitely got more than I bargained for.”
“Oh, my God,” you whisper, ducking your head down to hide your burning face. “How are you so smooth?”
Wooyoung snorts. “I can’t help myself around you,” he teases, poking at your face.
“Oh, hey look, the bus stop! And how lucky, the bus is coming too.” You keep your eyes firmly ahead and Wooyoung laughs as you approach the stop. “Thank you for walking me back, Wooyoung.”
“Hey, of course. I’ll see you Friday?” You nod, turning to board the bus when he grabs your wrist. “Wait, hold on! You need your lollipop!”
Wooyoung fumbles in his pocket before pulling out a lollipop and you laugh, taking it. “Blue raspberry? You’re so basic.”
Wooyoung rolls his eyes. “I’m so nice to you and this is all I get in return? You don’t deserve to see me Friday, me nor my lollipop stash.”
You laugh at his antics and Wooyoung smiles, proud of your laughter. “I’ll see you Friday, Wooyoung. Thank you.”
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shanair · 2 months
Rick and Morty X F!Reader | S1E6
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Episode Name- Rick Potion #9
Word Count- 4,398
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Morty and I stand around at our lockers at school, I scroll on my phone as he gets his stuff. Principal… Vagina speaks overhead on the intercom. Man, our school is a joke.
“Principal Vagina here, don't let the name fool you, I'm very much in charge, reminding you that tonight is our annual flu season dance. I don't know how many times I have to say this but if you have the flu, stay home, the flu season dance is about awareness, not celebration. You don't bring dead babies to Passover.”
I find myself snickering at what probably wasn’t meant to be a joke. I look up at the sound of Morty slamming his locker shut to look over at Jessica, whom her friends had just approached. He doesn’t look in my direction, but I know what he’s going to do- god that idiot needs to stop trying to get with her, it’s so sad to watch.
“Ohhh. Okay, here we go.” I hear him psych himself up, I should stop him. Butttt, sad or not it’s entertaining. He walks over to her nervously. “H-Hey, Jessica, uhh-”
“What's up, Morty?” She greeted before sneezing. Morty stutters again but Brad doesn’t give him the chance to respond. He swings Jessica behind him with his arm, I scoff audibly.
“What are you doing?” He butts in, already up in Morty’s face. I push myself off the locker to stand near Morty.
“Ummm…” Morty stammered.
“Wait, wait. Were you about to talk... to her?” Brad points to Jessica.
“Well, I mean, I was thinking about it.”
“Dude-” Brad taps Morty’s chest, “stay in your league! Look at how hot she is! You don't see me going to a bigger school in a wealthier district and hittin' on their prettiest girl!” Jessica sighs and lets Brad lead her away, I hear her sarcastically mutter.
“Gee, thanks, Brad.”
“I throw balls far. You want good words, date a languager.” Brad yaps as he walks off with Jessica. At least she seemed, happier talking to Morty? I guess? I wrap my arm around Morty, grinning at him.
“Oh don’t worry about it too much, Morty. She’ll dump him soon enough after she’s done with his bullshit.”
“W-well that’s easy for you to say. I don’t want her later, I want her now- so I can go to the dance with her!” He sighs. He does make a good point, I shrug at him.
“Be realistic! There is no way you can make her like you right now. Can we go now?”
“Fine, fine.” He swats my arm off as we go to class.
. . .
I follow Rick into the kitchen as he gets something to drink, Dad stands behind the counter making a complex sandwich while Morty sits solemnly in front of him, with a plate of cookies. 
“...I remember feeling that way about a young lady named your mom, and that's not an urban dis, your mom was my Jessica. I remember the first time I saw her, I thought…”
“--I should get her pregnant, then she'll have to marry me” Rick interjects as he grabs a glass and opens the fridge, I walk over to Morty and steal a cookie. He’s too sad to care, score!
“I beg your pardon, Rick, inappropriate.” Dad warned as he pointed to Morty and I.
“Sorry, please proceed with your story about banging my daughter in high school,” Rick rolled his eyes, “I'm not sure you want to take romantic advice from this guy, Morty, his marriage is hanging from a thread.”
“My marriage is fine, thank you.” Dad replied defensively, turning around fully to Rick as he walked up.
“Jerry, it's your house, whatever you say it is is how it is, but I think a blind man could see that Beth is looking for the door. I barely have a reason to care and even I noticed.”
“Rick that’s harsh,” I add, Morty tacks on.
“Come on, Rick, don't talk about our parents like that.”
“Listen, Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people call "love" is a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it, your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science. At least your sister isn’t pinning over a rando anymore.” Rick monologued before leaving the room with his juice. As much as I like to be the better sibling I am still pinning, but at least not to Morty’s level. Don’t know if I should be disappointed or proud of his tenacity. The silence drags out as Dad walks over to us.
“Alright, well, I'm gonna go get dressed for the dance.” Morty said awkwardly before leaving his seat. Dad looks at me awkwardly.
“Yeah, I'm just going to...check on your mom.” He walks off too, both of them leaving me alone in the kitchen. 
“And they both left perfectly good food.” I comment at the discarded cookies and sandwich, I ponder skipping the dance and just sitting here but Morty shouldn’t suffer alone.. I guess. I finish up the cookies while I wait for Morty to finish getting ready. 
Once he’s out of our room I take the chance to get ready myself. I sit on my side of the room, taking my time to get dressed. I don’t care about this dance but I might as well look nice. Besides, maybe Olivia will be there. I’m not a big dress person but I put on an old one that Summer had, I could almost hear her when she gave it to me. ‘What and you’re so skinny then? Fine! You have it then, I don’t care!’, and then she ran out of the room crying. It wasn’t my fault, she asked how it looked on her and I said snug- oh. Yeah, I see why, oops. My dilemma ends when I realize I had zoned out thinking about that memory and now I’m ready. 
I walk to Rick’s garage, knowing that’s where Morty probably was, and I was right. My face dropped as I saw Morty as he was starting to zip his fly down, Rick was leaned over a machine near him with his back towards me. Morty gives me a dumbfounded face, I scrunch mine up in aversion.
“Am I interrupting, or???” I ask cautiously, Morty pulls it back up.
“Rick needed DNA.” He shrugs and Rick shakes his head before turning back to Morty.
“A hair, Morty, I needed one of your hairs! This isn't Game Of Thrones.” He plucks a hair from Morty. Morty shrieked quietly as Rick plucked a strand off his head. He shoves the hairpiece into the machine which deposits an orangey substance into a flask.
“What is this for exactly?” I question while walking to take a better look.
“Your brother wanted to make a love potion, so I used the oxytocin from voles combined with his DNA to concoct this.” Rick picks up the flask, handing it to Morty. “Alright, Morty, whoever you smear this stuff on will fall in love with you, and only you, forever. Ya happy now, Morty?” He walks away to sit back on his desk.
“Heck yeah! Thank you, Grandpa Rick!” Morty cheered as he took the potion happily. “Hey there's no dangers or anything or side effects, right?”
“Www.. what am I, a hack?! Go nuts, Morty, it's full proof.”
“Are you sure, Rick? Positive that nothing will go wrong? No small tiny details?” I push. Knowing Rick there has got to be something iffy about this. You can’t just mess around with love that delicately. Morty tugs on my arm as Rick turns back over.
“W-what are you going to doubt Rick’s invention? Let’s go! Jessica is waiting for me!” Morty frowned as he pulled me out of the room. Oh boy.
. . .
“This isn’t a good idea Morty!” I insist as we walk around the dance looking for Jessica.
“Shh! You’re just jealous… Oh! There she is!” Morty smiled. He pulled the potion out and smeared it on his hands. I sigh and accept he’s going to do this. I instead glance around the gym. It was decently packed, who knew a dance about flu prevention would have no physical aspects to enforce flu prevention? Eh, our school is a shithole anyway. Oh no, our school is a shithole. I can already feel myself worrying about catching the flu again, sure I have the shot, but these kids probably have an advanced strain that’ll mutilate my immune system. I wonder how many people have already spread it around. 
“Hey there, Jessica” Morty reaches Jessica, pretending to trip as he smears the potion on her exposed arm. “Whoops!”
She turns around, I can see the change in her demeanor as she grabs him close to her.
“Omigod, Morty. You look really nice tonight.”
“O-Wow, thanks!”
“I love you, Morty. I love you so much it burns!” I cringe as she starts caressing his face.
“Oh, man. I love you too, Jessica!” Morty smiled like an idiot up at her while Brad shoved in between the two.
“Is this punk bothering you, Jessica?!”
“Leave him alone, jerk!” Jessica hissed as she lost her shit. She gets up in Brad’s face aggressively. “I'm in love with him! He's more man than you will ever be!” She sneezes into his face. Yeah, sure she’s trying to defend Morty, but she could have at least covered when sneezing.
Brad’s face contorts a little before merging into remorse, surprisingly. He sighs.
“Aw man, Morty, ugh, I'm really sorry.”
“Oh, well, no problem Brad.” Morty replied, equally confused as I am. I see him glance over at me and I shrug in return.
“There's somethin' special bout you, somethin' special.” Brad hugs Morty before squeezing his ass. Something’s not right here.
“Whoa, take it easy!” Morty shouted as he pushed Brad off. Jessica grabs Morty’s left arm, narrowing her eyes at Brad.
“Get your hands off of him!” She screeched.
“Back off I'm trying to be with my man!” Brad shouted back before Principal Vagina and Mr. Goldenfold pull him off.
“That's enough Bradley. We don't want you injuring your ball-throwing arm.” Principal Vagina said as they dragged Brad off.
“Never leave me, Morty, never.” Jessica pulls Morty with her and I grab him. I see her glare daggers at me.
“Morty, you need to end this now. I have a bad feeling.” I whisper to him in a hushed voice. I overhear Brad's calling out for Morty as he’s brought out of the gym. “See?” Morty gives me a nervous look before Jessica intervenes.
“You have a problem, bitch?!” She gets in my face, pushing Morty behind him. “You want him too?! You can’t have him! You can never have him– or take him away from me.”
“Jesus Christ Jessica no I do not want to… take Morty away from you, I just want to talk to him.” 
“LIAR!” She shouted before grappling me.
“Jessica stop it!” I hear Morty protest, and other students look at us strangely. I throw Jessica to the ground but she immediately stands up, running at me like a madman. Okay why is it always Morty getting us into these situations, I can’t even go a week peacefully. But I’m his sister, so today cannot be the day where I start ditching him. So of course, I square up.
. . .
Jessica ends up shoving me into the crowd, and one of her friends catches me. She fucking growls at me before turning back to Morty. She pushes herself up against him. 
“Do it, Morty. Do it. Rip my clothes off and mate with me for life!”
“Jessica, get a hold of yourself!” The friend cried out before dropping me and rushing up to Morty to hold him as well. “You don’t deserve to carry Morty’s genes.” Simultaneously, everyone surrounding the fight gets the same possessive look in their eyes. I’m pushed back as even the DJ starts to sing about Morty.
“I love Morty and I hope Morty loves me I'd like to wrap my arms around him and feel him inside me”
“Oh, crap. Morty!” I shout over the crowd as they all crowd and fight each other for Morty. I get trampled partially as I push against the rushing crowd into the opening. The exit pushes open behind me and I look up to see Rick.
“(Y/N)!” Rick steadies me as he sees Morty sprinting towards us, the crowd scrambling behind him. “Morty, come on! We got to get you out of here. You're not gonna believe this because it usually never happens, but I made a mistake.” He shuts the door as we rush past, and the doors are immediately rammed into by the horny crowd. 
Another door bursts open as Principal Vagina runs behind us.
“Morty, are you okay?”
“I'm fine!” He shouts back.
“Oh, good. If anything ever happened to you, I would kill myself. I love you bad, mo-mo!”
“Ha! You got Mr. Vagina in love with you Morty! M-maybe I am jealous!” I grin through my labored breath. Jeez, this dress is not the running kind.
“Morty, the principal, and I have discussed it, a-a-and we're both insecure enough to agree to a three-way!” Another voice speaks out, I turn around and see Mr. Goldenfold. My eyebrows rise at the prospect but we make it outside. We rush into the ship, Morty trips but I turn him over into the seat. As I grip the handle to pull shut, the crowd pushes it in for me. The vehicle shakes as we settle in. 
“I didn't realize when I gave you that serum that Jessica had the flu you know, t-t-t-t-t-t-t-that might have been valuable information for me, Morty.” Rick groaned as he started the ship.
“What the hell is going on, Rick?!” Morty and I ask. Rick glared at our combined question.
“What does it look like? T-t-t-the serum is piggybacking on the virus. It's gone airborne.”
“Oh, crap. What are we gonna do, Rick?” Morty wailed.
“It's gonna be fine, Morty, relax. I whipped up an antidote. It's based on praying mantis DNA. You know, praying mantises are the exact opposite of voles, Morty. I mean, they-they mate once, and then they, you know, decapitate the partner. I mean, it's a whole ritual. It's really gruesome and totally opposite. There's no love at all. I-I-I basically mixed this with a more contagious flu virus. It should neutralize the whole thing, Morty. It'll all be over very shortly.” We fly over the crowd below after Rick pours his antidote into the ship as it expels a mist version over the crowd. “Uh, by the way, Morty, I know you didn't ask or anything, but I'm not interested in having sex with you. These serums, they don't work on anybody related to you genetically.”
“Uhm, obviously!” I retort. “I think we’ve picked up on that. Wait, considering Morty and I are twins, why aren’t they attracted to me?” 
“Y-you guys aren’t technically identical twins. You two share most of the same DNA initially, but when your chromosomes changed to XX instead of XY that’s a biggg difference.”
“Is it?”
“Ya, because I said so–”
“OH MY GOD!” Morty screeched, startling me as he stared in horror outside the window. I look out it also, everyone hit by the ‘antidote’ turned into an amalgamation of a praying mantis. Rick grimaced himself. 
“Okay, well, sometimes, science is more art than science, twins. A lot of people don't get that.”
. . .
We had parked the ship in a desert canyon. We stand and watch different broadcasts across the world looking for Morty so they can have sex with him before chopping his head off. He paces and freaks out.
“Oh, my god, Rick. The whole world is infected!”
“Yeah, it's pretty wild how fast that spread. I've really outdone myself.” Rick gloats, working on something else connected to the ship.
“Outdone yourself?! W-w a-are are you kidding me, Rick? This is not okay! Not only do they all want to have sex with me, but, you know, now they want to eat me afterwards!”
“Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. Mantises are they opposite of voles? I mean, obviously, DNA's a little more complicated than that. You know what, though, Morty?” He pulls out another vial, this one filled with a purple liquid. “This right here's gonna do the trick, baby. It's koala mixed with rattlesnake, chimpanzee, cactus, shark, golden retriever, and just a smidge of dinosaur. Should add up to normal humanity.”
“I don't that doesn't make any sense, Rick. How does that add up to normal humanity?” 
“What, Morty, you want me to show you my math? I'm sorry a-are you the scientist or are you the kid that wanted to get laid?”
“It’s not his fault for being cautious, first you left out important information after we specifically asked for it, then you mess up fixing that mistake and start an apocalypse! Clearly, you don’t know what you’re doing!” I fuss, and Rick sighs obnoxiously.
“Okay, fine, whatever. Since you’re the smartass, you can make a serum to end this.” I stay quiet because I in fact know nothing about what he’s doing. “Exactly, get in the car.” We pile back in before flying back into civilization. The town is already wrecked, fire and destruction everywhere. It’s scary how fast this happened. I’m starting to get nervous now, what if Rick really can’t fix this? He nudges my shoulder. “Take a good look down there, (Y/N), and soak it in, because, you know, once I pull this lever, it's all back to normal.”
“I hope so. Just do it already.”
“Well, technically, (Y/N), there's no rush. I mean, you know, o-once it's fixed, it's done. It's fixed. You know, we could we could just enjoy it for a little bit. I mean, l-l-l-look at how crazy it is. I mean, (Y/N), w-w-when's the next time you're gonna see something like this? I mean, soak it in, you know? It's it's pretty neat. It's pretty interesting.”
“Please shut up–”
“That's it, Rick! I'm pulling the lever.” Morty yells as he pulls the lever, releasing the new antidote. Everyone melts back to normal.
“W-what do we have here, twins? Looks like I was right and you were wrong, huh? I-I-I-I-I-I-I bet you feel pretty stupid right about now, huh? I-I-I bet you both feel like the world's smallest kids that you were doubting me about this whole thing.”
“Oh, Rick,”
“Something's not right.” I exhale as everyone outside starts to crumble down to the ground. Their bodies convulse unnaturally.
“Yeah, you. You're not right ever.”
“No, no! Look, you idiot!” I force Rick to look outside. Everyone screamed as they turned into these fleshy bug-looking creatures. Many with extra appendages, eyes, and some even wings. 
Morty and I watch in horror as Rick once again screws up everything. Albeit this idea was Morty’s, Rick could have stopped this if he had just warned us in the beginning.
“Bet you're loving this. This must be the best day of your life. You get to be the mayor of I told you town. You're welcome.” Rick babbled drunkenly as he drank more from his flask. 
Holy shit. This is irreversible, isn’t it? The world is in ruins because of Morty’s stupid hormones. Everything is different now, it’s unfixable. What’s happening with our family right now? What if they got ripped apart by those… things? The sun rises on the broken world as we settle down on a rooftop. We walk out to sit on the ledge.
“Boy, I really cronenberged the world up, didn't I? We got a whole planet of cronenbergs walking around down there. Hey, Morty. A-at least they're not in love with you anymore, though. That's a huge step in the right direction.
“Oh, my god! It's a living nightmare! How could you be so irresponsible, Rick?” Morty cried.
“Me irresponsible?! You- all I wanted you to do was hand me a screwdriver, Morty! You're the one who wanted to be wanted me to buckle down and make you up a... roofie-juice serum so you could roofie that poor girl at your school. I mean, g w-w-w-w-w w are you kidding me, Morty? You're gonna try to take the high road on this one? Y-y-y-y-you're a little creep, Morty. Y-you're a you're you're you're just a little creepy... creep person.” Rick lectured as he stood up. Fine, Morty was a creep, is a creep. But Rick is still the ass here.
“All right, fine. I should have just listened to you when you refused to make the serum. I'm willing to accept my part of the blame for this, Rick. But I'll tell you something you know what? You got to accept your part of the blame! I'm not the one who fooled up the serum! I'm not the one who-who-who-who haphazardly, you know, mixed a bunch of nonsense together and created a bunch of cronenbergs! You got to fix this, Rick!” Morty yells defensively as he stands up as well.
“Yeah, Rick! Fix this! There are millions– no billions of lives that are now destroyed because of your crappy serum! Okay? This one is on, you!” I stand up as well, crossing my arms. I now realize how messed up my dress is but in a less torn fashion than Morty’s. I cannot believe I’m saying this but, I miss Summer. Rick steps closer to us, trying to reconcile.
“All right, all right, Morty. You know, w-w-w-we are in a pretty deep hole, here, but I do have one emergency solution that I can use that'll kind of put everything back to normal, relatively speaking. Here, Morty, put this on while I do a little bit of scouting.” Rick tosses Morty this metal backpack with a green panel, before putting on goggles. This better be a good plan.
. . .
IT WAS NOT A GOOD PLAN!!! Morty and I freak as we walk through a portal into a different dimension. Three identical bodies to our own lay mangled on the ground, blood everywhere.
“Oh, my god, Rick!” I cover my mouth in shock and fear as the metallic smell rushes into my face.
“Is that us?! W-w-w-we're dead! What is going on, Rick? I'm freaking out!” Morty cried hysterically.
“Calm down, you two!” Rick shouted but we tuned him out.
“Oh my god, oh my god. I can’t do this– I cannot, do this.” I pace around while Morty makes more noises of disgust combined with fear.
“I can't deal with this, Rick!” Morty shook his head as Rick grasped him.
“Calm down, Morty!” Rick shook him as I grabbed a trash can and promptly vomited into it. My eyes are pricked with tears at the brutality and the sickly feeling in my stomach.
“This can't be real!”
“You got to calm down, Morty.” Rick reiterates as I retch more, standing up I move over to the two.
“Rick! W-w-w-we-we’re ripped apart!” I stammer, he reaches over and grabs my head before knocking it into Morty’s. The shock shuts us up as he makes us focus on him.
“Shut up and listen to me! It's fine. Everything is fine. There's an infinite number of realities, and in a few dozen of those, I got lucky and turned everything back to normal. I just had to find one of those realities in which we also happen to all die around this time. Now we can just slip into the place of our dead selves in this reality and everything will be fine. We're not skipping a beat, twins. Now, help me with these bodies.”
“This is insane.” Morty muttered as he crouched down near ourselves. Rick hauls up his own body.
“Look, guys, I'll grab myself, you grab yourselves, okay? I mean, t-t-t-that seems fair to me I mean, that seems like a fair way to divvy it up.”
“Rick, what about the reality we left behind?” I sniffed as I walked over to my body. Her eyes were still open and bulged out like they were looking straight at me. Rick’s voice droned in my head as he spoke.
“What about the reality where Hitler cured cancer, (Y/N)? The answer is don't think about it. It's not like we can do this every week, anyways. We get three or four more of these, tops. Now, pick up your dead self and come on. Haste makes waste. I-I-I don't suppose you've considered this detail, but obviously, if I hadn't screwed up as much as I did, we'd be these guys right now, so, again, you're welcome.”
I suppressed my feelings as Morty and I followed Rick’s orders. We picked up our bodies, dragging them to the backyard. With every step, I felt not like myself, as if I was pushing my consciousness away. It was like I was a bystander, watching myself as I pulled another version of myself. As I dig the grave and push my body into it. I’m thinking of the God complex we must have as people. What of everyone in this universe? They’re the exact same, but they aren’t. Mom, Dad, Summer. They’re the same people, but not our people. We left our family in the universe we ruined. No goodbyes, or even anything to show that we’re okay– to see that they’re okay. The fact that we can do something like this… it’s abhorred. We’re going to live with this family that lost us, what gives us the right to replace them? Walking into the untouched home, I can tell Morty shares the same daze that I’m in. Our parents argue and shout at each other, but the only thing I hear is the ringing in my ears. The only thing I can truly see is my body staring up at me. Rick sits on the couch, unbothered next to a different Summer. Sitting next to her is strange. Everything’s okay now, we left that universe behind, and now, we can carry on with ourselves. Rick must be right, this is the best outcome we could get in our situation, right?
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Steve Rogers x Reader ~ April Fool’s Day  [Shield Adventures]
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A/N: I came up with this idea after April Fool’s Day, sadly, but I figured you guys won’t mind a belated fic! There will be more “Shield Adventures” stories to come in the future.
[My Marvel Masterlist] 
Word Count: 1967
Before the Quinjet’s ramp has a chance to lower all the way onto the landing pad, (Y/n) is running straight into the aircraft, making a beeline for her husband clad in red, white, and blue. The man in question has to brace himself and the young woman all but throws herself into his embrace. 
“Hello to you too, (Y/n),” he chuckles softly. “As much as I’ve missed you, I am pretty sweaty right now. I wouldn’t exactly recommend hugging until I am out of the suit.”
(Y/n)’s head lifts away from the comfortable spot between the blond super soldier’s pectorals to flash a pout. She pulls away with hesitance, but Steve promises to make it up to her with cuddles on the couch, which immediately puts a smile on her face. 
“Oh yeah,” (Y/n) suddenly exclaims, “Tony told me he needs your shield. He mentioned something about upgrades and polishing it.”
���”Right now? Can’t it wait until after I settle down and finish up my mission reports?”
“I can drop it off with him. I have to head over to his lab anyway. Tony’s been working on a new design for my uniform that’ll give me more maneuverability when I move my arms around. It’s pretty neat.”
While (Y/n) continues to ramble on about the new upgrades, Steve cannot help but zone out. Rather than focusing on the conversation, his attention is on (Y/n). Ever since the beginning of their relationship, Steve has admired her ability to grow excited over every little aspect of life. Something as simple as improved mobility in a tactical garment normally does not elicit too much excitement, but with (Y/n), it is as if Christmas came early.
“Steveee,” she whines, stomping her foot all the while. “Are you even listening to me?”
“Yes, yes. I heard you. You’re getting some awesome suit upgrades to let you flail around better on the field.”
His phrasing brings back her pout. With arms crossed in front of her chest, (Y/n) begins to explain in heavy detail about her telekinetic powers requiring calculated movements, not uncontrolled flailing. 
“Don’t worry,” Sam butts with a smirk as he makes his way down the ramp. “Steve flails just as much whenever he uses the shield. You should’ve seen him today. His arms looked like those weird balloons at the car dealerships each time he threw that frisbee of his.”
The couple, scandalized by the former airman’s remark, send him a glare and threaten to assign the least-favorable task come the next mission. 
“Anyway, I should get going.” Wrapping her arms around Steve, (Y/n) squeezes her husband once more in a tight embrace, only this time, her hands find their way to his shield as she pulls away from him. “I’ll see you tonight for those cuddles. Bye, Steve!!”
Steve finds himself shaking his head with amusement as he watches his beloved run off across the landing pad.
“Well…there’s no telling when I’m getting that back.”
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“I got it!”
Grinning like the cat that got the cream, (Y/n) holds up the shield in triumph as she enters Tony’s lab. She nearly runs into DUM-E, but her quick reflexes, and the shield, save her just in time when the robot nearly hits her head with a fire extinguisher. Unfortunately, her safety comes at the cost of DUM-E’s mechanical arm, which is now bent and dented at a weird angle.
“I invite you to my lab, and here you are, breaking my stuff.”
“It’s fine! That’s what the shield is for,” she snickers, “And DUM-E has been broken since you made him. You have no one to blame but yourself for that one.”
“I’ll remember that the next time you come to me for a favor,” the man teases while holding up a large box. “Are you sure you wanna do this? Cap isn’t gonna be too happy in the morning.”
“He’ll be fine. You said the glue will come off with a bit of soap and water, so there’s nothing to worry about.”
Tony eyes her warily. Despite his excitement to prank Steve, he will suffer the consequences if the blond super soldier finds out who lended a helping hand with the prank. He knows for a fact that (Y/n) will be left off easy for simply being married to him. Tony, on the other hand, will not. He already had a shaky start at the relationship when they first met to save New York. While their relationship has been mended since then and he and Steve are both friends and coworkers, pranking him feels like a line that should never be crossed. Especially when it involves his shield. “You better not mention my name. Tony played no part in your shenanigans, you hear me?” “Yes, sir,” (Y/n) replies as her hand comes up in mock salute. “Now, hand over the gems and glitter.”
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The sun has long since set beyond the horizon. Disregarding this, Steve elects to keep the lights off in the bedroom as he lays on top of the duvet, his eyes close to just rest as he waits for (Y/n) to return from whatever it is she has occupied herself with after having run off with his shield. Being a man of his word, Steve has stayed awake in order to fulfill his promise of cuddles, yet he has no clue where his wife could be. “Maybe I should call her,” he mutters to himself once he realizes midnight is nearly creeping up. Yet, right as he decides to turn to grab his phone from the nightstand, the familiar sound of the bedroom door creaking open has him freeze.
Despite being shrouded in partial darkness thanks to the cloudy night sky keeping the moonlight from shining through the windows, (Y/n) carefully sneaks across the master bedroom. She carefully tiptoes with her uniform in one hand and the leather shield bag in the other. There is a soft clunk as she sets down the bag in its designated corner by Steve’s nightstand; the super soldier has grown paranoid of potential break-ins or emergency missions, so he has gotten into the habit of keeping the weapon within arms reach.
“Ya’ know, if you were trying to be sneaky, you’d have to try harder.” Steve watches in amusement as his beloved jumps in the air like a spooked feline. A small chuckle escapes once he notices the sour look on her face. 
“Steve, you scared me! Why aren’t you asleep?”
“Well, someone was feeling clingy earlier today, so I promised cuddles, remember?”
“Oh yeah!” Dropping the uniform to the floor in favor of physical affection, (Y/n) all but dives onto the bed, landing on top of her husband’s chest and successfully knocking the wind out of him. “Snuggle time!” Strong arms wrap around the smaller form sprawled across him. The cool spring breeze is nothing compared to the heat radiating from the super soldier’s body. The warmth has (Y/n) sighing in comfort, nuzzling her head against Steve’s pectorals with a hum of delight. “So, what kind of changes did Tony make?” “I dunno. Wasn’t paying attention.” “You weren’t paying attention to your partner in mischief?” “No,” she argues, “Sam is my partner in mischief. Tony just provides the money to fuel the chaos if he approves of it.”
“I knew you had looped Tony into your shenanigans.” “Shhh. It’s late. Go to bed, old man.” “You’re married to this old man,” Steve teases, pressing soft kisses along her neck. 
“Yup. And grandpas like you need sleep,” (Y/n) states with finality, leaving the blond super soldier to chuckle even more when he peers down to see her eyes fluttering shut with exhaustion. “Good night.”
“Good night, (Y/n).”
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“(Y/n)!!!” The woman in question freezes at the sound of her name being yelled from the other side of the compound. She woke up early to evade Steve, and to solidify her reason for disappearing, the young woman dragged Bucky and Sam to accompany her in an extensive training session.
“Ooooh, he sounds mad,” Sam remarks with a smirk. “What’d you do this time?”
“This time? Are you accusing me of always torturing my poor husband?” “Well,” Bucky joins in, “your ‘poor husband’ always uses that voice when he’s upset. I would know. He’s been doing that since the 40’s.”
Rather than answering, (Y/n) chooses to drag the two men in front of her to hide behind them right as the double doors slam open. The two veterans in the gym are unable to contain their laughter once they realize the reason for the blond super soldier’s anger. In his hands is a shield covered with red, white, and blue glitter with rhinestones covering the star in the center. 
“Goin’ to a party or something, Cap?” Sam manages to wheeze out between choked breaths. “Star spangled man with a plan? More like a sparkly spangled man with a plan!”
Steve sends Sam an unamused glare. He does not need to look hard to find his wife, given that Sam is hunched over in an attempt to catch his breath from laughing too hard. Words are not needed as he glances back and forth between the bedazzled shield and (Y/n). “Hi, Steve.” “Are you going to explain yourself, (Y/n)?”
“Happy April Fool’s Day?”
Without speaking, Steve gestures for (Y/n) to make her way to his side. But instead of listening to his silent request, she chooses to simply peek out from behind Bucky’s metal arm. Her eyes stay trained on her husband, waiting for any sudden movements so that she can panic react accordingly. 
“It was just a fun little prank, Steve. No need to get upset.” “Upset? (Y/n), my shield is covered in glitter and jewels. How am I supposed to get them all off in time for the next mission?” “But Tony said the gl-” A hand slaps itself over her mouth as soon as the woman realizes her mistake. Unfortunately for her, it is too late to take back what she had said. Steve heard her loud and clear; the blond super soldier sets down his newly-bedazzled shield by the entrance in favor of using both arms to cross them over his chest. Authority oozes from his stance as he raises an eyebrow, waiting for (Y/n) to speak up. “Tony said what exactly?” (Y/n) mumbles the answer meekly, but the only person who can hear her is the two men acting as human shields, and being the cheeky person he is, Bucky shoves her towards his best friend. A gasp can be heard at the sudden betrayal. “I’m not actually mad,” Steve admits softly when he realizes (Y/n) is actually worried. “I know you were just having a bit of fun. I know you well enough to know that if you were the mastermind behind a prank, there won’t be any permanent damage.” “Tony promised that the glue he bought should wash right off with soap, water, and a bit of scrubbing.” With a quick kiss pressed to (Y/n)’s forehead, Steve picks up his shield and turns around to leave.
“Thank you. But don’t think I’m gonna let you get away with this without some form of punishment. The next mission we have, you’re benched.” “What??” “Love you, sweetheart!” Steve exits the room just as quickly as he had initially entered it, stomping away with purpose as he enters the elevator and instructs FRIDAY to lead him to a certain genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; as (Y/n), Bucky, and Sam resume their training, they choose to ignore the distant shouting from the floor above.
The End
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siriuslysmoking · 1 year
The Blues | chapter 4
(The Year Everything Flipped Upside Down Masterlist)
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—You know you can't hold me forever I didn't sign up with you I'm not a present for your friends to open This boy's too young to be singing The blues, ah, ah— -Elton John
“Hey, Steve.” Dustin and Max walk into Family Video. She’s alive. They’re storming in, looking like they’re on a mission
“Did you see this?” Steve questions.
“How many phones do you have?” Dustin says back.
“Someone was murdered.”
“How many phones do you have!” He pushes, raising his voice.
“Two, why?”
“Technically three, if you count Kieth’s in the back.” Robin adds.
“Yeah, three works.” Max finally speaks. Dustin swings his backpack off his shoulder and over the counter.
“What are you doing?” Steve says plainly, already knowing. Dustin pushes to his tummy on the counter twisting and sliding over the counter. “No, no, no, my tapes, Dude! What are you doing man?”
“Setting up base of operations here.” Dustin slides into the chair in front of the computer, quickly starting to type.
“Base of operations?” Robin inquiries
“What shit are you two in now?” Y/n spoke as Max walked around her, she didn’t notice that the redhead had walked around the counter -the proper way to get around the counter.
“Get off.” Steve motions to the computer Dustin’s still typing on, it looks as though he’s looking for customer data.
“I need it.” Dustin replies, not looking away from the screen.
“For what?” Steve questions.
“Eddie’s friends’ phone numbers.”
“Shouldn't you know his friends since they’re in the club with you?” Y/n butts in.
“Oh, Eddie, your new best friend you think is cooler because he plays your nerdy game.” Steve actually looks sad Dustin’s found another older friend.
“Yeah, we’re cooler, we’ve actually killed those things in your games, can he do that?” Y/n asks, “No? Didn’t think so.”
Dustin shakes his head, “Yes.” and then pauses, “I never said that.” he says in disbelief.
“Seriously, if you guys came on a monday you can play around here like toddlers, but it’s a saturday.” Robin’s cleaning up all the tapes Dustin’s feet had knocked over. “It’s our busiest day.”
“Look, Robin I totally empathize, but this cannot wait until monday.” Dustin’s now writing data on a clipboard.
“Oh my god.” Steve mutters, running his hands over his face.
“What calling all of Eddie’s friends is an emergency?” Robin asks, still putting the front counter back together.
“Correct!” Dustin raises his voice.
“Uh, Do you want me to strangle him or do you wanna do it?” Steve asks standing next to Robin but still in ear shot for Y/n to hear.
“We could take turns.” Robin speaks cheerfully.
“Can you fill them in while I do this?” Dustin speaks to max. She turns the trio behind them both.
“Fill us in on what?” Robin asks, turning to face the two younger kids. The sound of Dustin’s fingers hitting the keyboard is the only sound as Max goes quiet.
“Last night I went outside and I saw Eddie Munson, walking into his trailer with Chrissy Cunningham.”
“And that has something to do with us… how?” Y/n asks quietly.
“Later that night I heard screaming, it was Eddie, I looked out and saw him get in his van and drive away but when he opened his door to his trailer, I saw a body on the ground”
“He killed Chrissy?” Steve asks in disbelief. Y/n is quiet, she listens while she stares blankly at the wall.
“That's the thing, he was scared, terrified.”
“Cause he’d just killed someone.” Steve points out obviously.
“I don’t think so.” Max sighs, “If you had killed someone would you run away screaming and leave the body?”
“Well Eddie probably left the body because-” Steve was cut off.
“Not just body, Chrissy’s body.” Y/n doesn’t move her gaze from the chipping paint spot on the wall. “Chrissy’s dead? That’s what you’re telling us?”
Max pauses as she sees a small wobble in Y/n’s bottom lip as she speaks. “Yes. I believe so.”
“Oh.” she sniffles, “Okay.”
She doesn't say anything else as she quickly hops off the counter as she heads towards the staff bathroom, she almost doesn’t make it, the burning down her throat as she lowerss to her knees bending over the toilet and letting go of her breakfast this morning, so much for the toast.
Steve’s hot on her trail, pushing stray hairs away from her face, slowly rubbing circles into her back. He’s always been the first to comfort her.
Y/n is laying in bed, wide awake, she’s tossed and turned all night. It’s two in the morning when she gets a call from her phone on her night stand.
She rolls over and lazily pulls the phone to her ear. She waits for someone to speak.
“Steve?” Y/n seems to sober up from her sleep quickly. “Are you okay?”
–Yeah, can’t sleep.
There’s a pregnant pause, she hears him sigh.
–did I wake you up?
“Nah, I couldn't sleep either.” she thinks for a moment “Do you wanna go for a drive?”
–yeah, I’ll be over in ten.
“See you then.” She hangs up and slips tennis shoes on, grabs her bag, and writes a note just in case someone wakes up and wonders where she is. She leaves it on her pillow and heads down the stairs.
She’s sitting on the porch’s steps by the time Steve rolls up into the neighborhood. She stubs out her cigarette on the pavement of the driveway before standing.
She see’s Steve lean over to unlock the passenger’s door as she draws closer.
“Milkshakes?” He asks as he starts to drive.
“Milkshakes.” Y/n hums in agreement. As Steve starts to drive to the 24-hour diner, Y/n starts to look through his cassettes, finding her favorite, Never for Ever by Kate Bush. Steve had bought it just for her on their late night drives, he wasn’t as into music as she was but he agreed with her that ‘Babooshka’ was a good song. Maybe not his favorite but definitely hers. The two of them could both agree on their love for ABBA and their songs, those were the most frequent songs played.
“Have you heard from Eddie recently?” Dustin asks on the phone, that’s the first thing she hears once she’s walked back into the main room, finally calmed down enough to walk. The TV’s playing Doctor Zhivago instead of the news, definitely Robin’s doing. “When’s the last time you talked to him?”
“Eddie Munson.” Max’s head’s in her hands as she’s pacing back and forth with the phone to her ear. “Have you seen him?”
“Okay.” Dustin sighs in defeat. “Sorry to bother you.” He crosses off a line on a white board he’d written on with different names and numbers. All three, Robin, Max, and Dustin are on the three phones they have in the store.
“Reefer Rick?” Max questions to the phone. “No. Does thetis Reefer Rick have a last name? I mean it’s kind of…”
Y/n’s attention falls onto Steve who’s the only one doing his job, by the looks of it. But his pathetic attempt to flirt and pick up a girl looks as though it’s in vain, as he says “See you later… Alligator.”
Y/n just rolls her eyes as she sits down at the swivel chair behind the counter, fidgeting with her hands.
“Hey guys, I might have a lead.” Maax hangs up her phone, talking to the group, knocking Y/n out of her head. Robin hangs up her phone as Dustin swivels to look at Max from his position at the computer.
“Seriously?” He asks, smiling.
“Yeah.” She pauses, “Apparently Eddie gets his drugs from some guy Reefer Rick and sometimes Eddie crashes there.”
“That sounds promising.” Robin says, “Where does this Reefer Rick guy live?”
“See that’s the thing, no one knows. He’s more of a legend than someone that people actually know.”
“What about a last name?” Dustin questions.
“I don’t know that either.”
“Bet the cops know.” Steve butts in. Max asks what he means, “Cops. I mean if this Refer Rick guy is actually a drug dealer I guarantee you he’s been busted at some point.” Steve leans across the counter, looking at them all. “Means he’s in the system
“The cops?” Dustin asks in disbelief. “Really, Steve, that's your suggestion?”
“I mean I think at this point they should probably be filled in on what we know, what’s going on.”
“You think Eddie’s guilty don’t you?” Dustin gets defensive.
“W’whoa, I believe innocent until proven guilty, all the constitutional shit.” Max looks concerned for Steve. “I just don't think we should rule it out.”
“That’s precisely what we’re trying to do here to Steve.” Max counters
“And maybe we’d have a little bit more luck if you’d spent less time trying to find a girlfriend and more time trying to find Eddie.”
“Well someone has to attend to the customers.” Steve points out, motioning ton the store around them.
“Especially if they’re babes, right?” Robin winks at him.
“Hey, not fair, I attend to all customers equally, babes and non-babes alike. We’ve got a big selection in here, it can be super overwhelming for people.”
“Wait, Steve was right.” Y/n finally speaks.
“Thank you!” Steve laughs, “About what?”
“Rick being in the system.”
“We’re not going to the cops!” Dustin pleas.
“No.” Y/n stands and walks toward the computer, “He’s probably in their system but he might be in ours.”
“What?” Robin asks.
“I’m guessing drug dealers also enjoy a good movie.” she starts to type in ‘Rick’ in their data system. “Twelve Ricks, have accounts here.”
“That’s a lot of Ricks.” Max speaks.
“So let's narrow it down.” Robin speaks from behind Y/n, typing in something over Y/n’s shoulder. “Rick Alderman’s latest rentals are Annie and Dumbo.” She looks towards Max and Dustin. “Chance our drug dealer has a family.”
“Not likely.” Max shakes her head.
“All right. Rick Conroy.” Robin scrolls. “Sixteen Candles, Teen Wolf, Romancing the Stone.”
“No.” Max, Dustin, and Steve all say at the same time.
“Okay, Rick Joiner. Mask, Footloose, and Grease.” Y/n speaks this time.
“Nah.” they say again.
“Rick Kimbrough, The Blue Lagoon and Splash.
“Definitely not.” Steve laughs.
Y/n clicks on the next one, “Rick Lipton, Fast Times, Cheech and Chong's Next Movie, Cheech and Chong’s Nice Dreams, Cheech and Chong's Up In Smoke.”
They all laugh and look at each other as Dustin says, “Bingo.”
“Lipton?” Max asks.
“Spelled like the tea.” Robin says, reading the screen. “2121 Holland Road.”
“That’s out by Lover’s Lake.” Dustin says
“Middle of nowhere” Max points out.
“Perfect place to hide.” Robin speaks next.
“Looks like we found our Rick.” Y/n high fives Robin, they all grab their bags, rushing out the door, all packing into Steve’s BMW as Robin quickly locks up the store. The five of them headed up to Lover’s Lake.
I hope you enjoyed the 4th chapter! Reposts, comment, and likes are super appreciated! Updates every sunday!
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coleskingdom · 4 months
A Grand Adventure
Adam Page x F reader
Same era as Debut
The encouragement from @madhatterbri and @midwestmade29 wrote part 2
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As the night came to an end, the smile on my face as I entered the carriage with my mother and father nearly gave away my secret. My mother said that Mr. Cole had been quite taken with me as well as the eldest Jackson brother. She suggested meeting with both families at a lunch. I looked out the carriage window nodding my head absently and noncommittally. Upon returning home, my grandmother was waiting in my bedroom with a tea tray. “So….tell me, did the handsome Mr.Page ask you to dance. ?” She asked impatiently. “Yes, and he dances divinely.” I said wistfully. “ is there any substance to the man or is he just a pretty face? “ she asked solemnly “ I enjoyed his company immensely he was interested in . I don’t think mother saw us together but I fear father may have.” I said sipping the tea that she poured . “ I’ll handle your father and remind him that you’re a smart young woman who deserves to be happy. Marriage is hard, you need to have a connection or you’ll be miserable. Did Mr. Page say he would call upon you?” She asked softly “ Yes, but Adam didn’t say when.” I replied “ Get some sleep dear, I’ll handle your father who will handle your mother.” As she squeezed my hand before exiting the room.
My father and grandmother met with Adam when he came to call the following day. I was grateful my mother was at the sewing club when he arrived. My grandmother was charmed by him and was won over quickly by him. I’m sure the bottle of French perfume and fresh flowers he brought helped. My father heard Adam’s explanation as to his disownment. Having known the elder Page he wasn’t surprised that they had butt heads and admired Adams ability to build a life of his own. “ My daughter is quite the handful, she’s been spoiled by me and her grandmother. I treated her both as my daughter and as my only child my son as well. She can shoot, ride horses both European and Side Saddle I’ve been quite liberal in letting her explore her interests, she reads the same books I read at West Point, she reads the newspapers and has her own views and opinions” my father said proudly looking at me. “ If you’re looking for a docile woman as your betrothed I’d ask you to reconsider. “ he said stoically. “ Sir, ma’am , it is my intention in life to find my like. I mean to find someone to not just share my life with, but to enjoy life with.” Adam said matter of factly as possible. He did not waiver under my father’s intense gaze. “Well then, it will be daughter’s decision as to if and whom she is to marry. Son, you have my permission to court her, should she be open to it.” My father and grandmother each left the room. My grandmother winking as she exited. “ Your grandmother is quite the woman, I see where your fire comes from.” Adam said laughing. His warm rich laugh filled the room. “Your father is quite proud of you as well. I don’t know that I’ve ever met a woman whose father brought up her shooting and horsewoman ship so casually. I don’t know if that was meant to be comforting or a warning.” This time I laughed “ knowing father it was probably a bit of both.” I said putting my hand to my mouth. “ I could listen to that sound forever.” He said “ What?” I asked “ Your laugh, now that I’ve heard it, I want to hear more of it.” he said.
I heard the front door open and my mother’s voice when she entered the parlor. “Why is he here?” As she pointed accusingly at Adam. “ I forbade you from evening speaking to him, and now he’s here in our home. Does your father know?” Her voice angrier by the moment . “ I best leave” Adam said softly “ Ma’am I never meant to upset you. For that I am truly sorry.” his voice calm . I had enough of my mother “ Mother, calm down, Father gave Adam permission to court me, after speaking with him and grandmother. In fact he told me that it’s my choice who I marry, if I should so choose to. “ My voice firm and unwavering.
“What’s all this commotion?” My father stepping into the foyer “ Dear what is wrong?” he asked my mother unsure as to why she was so angry. “ Your daughter, and that scoundrel, she said you gave her permission to be courted by him.” Her fury still rising.
“ I did, he met with mother and I. I think that they’d be a good match after the conversation and mother agrees. I understand that you had hopes of a Jackson or a Cole family engagement. However, that’s a social marriage. I’m thinking of our daughter’s happiness, neither Cole nor the eldest Jackson would know what to do with our daughter.” He said calmly.
“ I won’t have it.” She said spitefully. “If this is her choice she will be cut off. She will be disowned and disinherited.” her voice pure malice.
My grandmother had now heard enough I hadn’t realized she was behind me. “ Now listen here, I’m the matriarch of this family, it’s his side of the family that brought wealth into this household. Your bitter ugliness is showing, I’ve seen it for years. You wanted a different life, you wanted a different husband, my son has been good and faithful to you. You shouldn’t saddle your daughter with your coldness and resentment. Upon her wedding day I have a trust set up for that I am in sole control of till then It is not a dowry but simply money that she can choose how her life shall be. Your threats are hollow, she will always be part of this family.Do you have any further comment or can these two resume their day. I believe they were headed for a carriage ride and a picnic.” She said handing me a basket she had put together. My mother stormed up stairs and knowing the battle was over slammed her door.
“Son, I’m sorry you had to witness my wife’s theatrics.” My father said opening the front door, “ My mother packed you both a picnic, please try to enjoy the rest of the day.” Encouraging both of us out the door. “ Yes sir, I’ll have her back at a respectable time. “ Adam said My father kissed my cheek “ I’m trusting you with my world “ looking Adam in the eye and Adam nodded knowingly.
Adam helped me into the carriage. “ I understand if that was too much .” I said softly not blaming him one bit if he turned and ran from this situation. “Darlin, if you think that’s the first family argument I’ve seen, then you’d be wrong. Have I mentioned how much I like your grandmother.” He laughed as he drove us down the road. We chatted about books and poetry, the desire to travel to Europe and Egypt. He told me of how French New Orleans was, how California might as well be a world away. He pulled off by the river, where the shade of the live oak trees and the breeze off the river seemed the perfect place to picnic. Grandmother had packed fried chicken, potatoes and fruit pies as well as lemonade. We ate and chatted. Adam said it was the best meal he’d had in ages. I told him I knew my grandmother’s recipes and that I had been under her hand the entire time. “If you could have anything in this world , what would you ask for?” I asked him, leaning back on the tree. “A kiss from you” the grin on his face undeniable. “Seriously, out of everything in this world” as I turned my face he kissed me gently. His forehead rested on mine. I blushed as he was my first kiss. “Darlin, if you could have anything in this world what would you ask for?” He asked “A kiss from you” I said softly, he kissed me again. “ I want to do that for my the rest of my life” he said, “ You do?” I asked shyly. “ I want to make laugh, smile and hear every thought that passes through your head.” the tenderness in his voice breathtaking. “What are you saying?” I asked searching his eyes, “ I knew from the moment that my hand touched yours,that we were meant to be. It was as if I had known you forever. I’d like to ask you father for your hand in marriage unless you’re opposed.” his voice a soothing caress. “ Adam, you’re sure, because my father will give you his blessing, and I don’t need a long courtship. I want you to be sure, because I know that you’d make me happy. Being with you is as natural as breathing. I’d do everything to make you happy. “ I said my voice conveying the hope and happiness I felt in his presence. “ I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” He said kissing me again. “ Let me get you home, so I can speak to your father.” he said as we picked up our picnic.
Adam asked my father for my hand in marriage. My father and grandmother were pleased with my choice of husband. My grandmother sat me down the morning of my wedding to bestow her final words of wisdom.
“ Love him, love him fiercely, love him recklessly, love him as you love yourself. Don’t be afraid, my sweet granddaughter, life is going to be a grand adventure. I’m so proud of you for choosing love. Tomorrow before you depart, the bank will have a letter of credit for you, and give you access to your trust. Darling girl, I fear what is ahead, the rumblings are loud and getting louder everyday. I have arranged with Adam’s blessing for you both to do the grand tour. Stay away as long as you can, write to me often, do not let some fool sense of loyalty put either of you in a peril. If this is the last time I see you, I will know you are happy, in love and safe. I want you to know you’ve been my greatest gift, and that I will always be here no matter what. I love you.” Her voice weakened as emotion took over.
My mother refused to attend my wedding claiming that she was ill. My father and grandmother handed me to Adam at the altar. My father and Adam, had a deep understanding of each other and my father traditionally stoic not only shook his hand but hugged him. My father hugged me and told me, he loved me and that he was proud of me. Adam and I said our vows as he kissed me politely he smiled. “ This is just the beginning “ he said as we turned and walked back up the aisle.
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lunarsun12 · 6 months
Boss Baby
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When Jongho has been put in charge, he will take advantage of the situation. By bossing his hyungs around by doing whatever he wants. Due to his spying last couple of months on them and snitching to Seonghwa. In order to get them in trouble and Seonghwa, gave him the power.
However the power has got to Jongho head, as he managed to make his hyungs life in hell. The hyungs has formed an alliance in order to stop Jongho
Will they end their horror from the maknae?
Ateez kids chat
Today 6:00am
Jongho🐻: WAKE UP! WAKE UP!
*Jongho🐻 calls the chat*
San🐱: I’m already awake. I went to the gym with Wooyoungie
Wooyoung🦊: FYI I’m never doing deadlift with San ever again
Yeosang🍗: 😠😠😠
Yeosang🍗: This is better be good reason why Jongho called
Jongho🐻: Someone make me breakfast 🍳
Wooyoung🦊: Do it yourself! You already awake
Jongho🐻: I’m the boss today! You have to listen to me. Eomma says so 😇
Wooyoung🦊: You making it up
Jongho🐻: I will show the convo I have with Eomma
2 days ago
Jongho and Seonghwa Private Chat
Jongho🐻: Eomma, it was Mingi who broke your broom. He was pretending to be Harry Potter. He only lied just so you don’t get mad at him
Seonghwa🌸: That who it was! I take back what I said I believe mingi over your brother wooyoung
Seonghwa🌸: Anything else I need to know?
Jongho🐻: Hmmmm let me think
Jongho🐻: Ah yes Yeosang stole some of your money so he can buy that fancy massage chair
Jongho🐻: And San-
Seonghwa🌸: Stop! I don’t want to hear anymore
Seonghwa🌸: If only someone can keep an watchful eye on them while I am away. Someone responsible
Jongho🐻: I am the most responsible here. I cause no trouble whatsoever, leave me in charge and the hyungs will cause least trouble
Seonghwa🌸: Are you sure? Such responsibilities at such young age!
Jongho🐻: Not at all! I love being responsible
Jongho🐻: Also quick question? Can I boss them around like you did 😇
Seonghwa🌸: Sure
End of flashback
Jongho🐻: Finally all these spying pays off
Yeosang🍗: By ratting us to Eomma
Wooyoung🦊: I’m just glad Jongho didn’t tell Eomma about the club incident with Yunho
Jongho🐻: I did. It was not easy sneaking into the club but I made it work 😇
Wooyoung🦊: You little monster
Jongho🐻: Thank you! Now make me food! You don’t want me be cranky when I am super hungry
Many hours later
Save us from Jongho Chat
Yunho🐶: Somone need to stop Jongho! He wouldn’t stop demanding to get him apple juice. This is 10th carton today
Mingi🦄: He is now doing Acapella…my ears!
San🐱: I wanted to join :(
Wooyoung🦊: You got the nice end of the stick. He made me and San to perform a play saying why he is better then us
Wooyoung🦊: Poor Sannie, he was about to cry when Jongho said he looked like mouldy sack of potatoes
Wooyoung🦊: It’s a long story…San simply wanted to hug him and you all piece the rest
Mingi🦄: He kicked me out my room! He said he will rip my plush collection and try on my clothes. THOSE ARE EXPENSIVE
Yunho🐶: Mingi, it’s alright! If he touches your little babies. He will have to pay the price
San🐱: I can relate on the plush collection. I used to be obess with Shiba but now I am grown man
Wooyoung🦊: Grown man, my butt! Who cried earlier
San🐱: That wasn’t me! You are just seeing things
Yunho🐶: Where is Yeosang?
Mingi🦄: Jongho must done something to Yeosang
San🐱: I haven’t seen Yeosang all day, after Jongho said he was in charge
Wooyoung🦊: Forget about Yeosang. Who wants to give Jongho a foot massage plus a mini concert. I heard him singing for us to come
San🐱: Not me! I don’t want him to hit me again
Yunho🐶: It’s your turn! You should do it
Yunho🐶: Mingi is unavailable right now, so you are the last option left
Yunho🐶: You owe me after harassing me 2 weeks ago about appa award
Yeosang🍗: Hello idiots
Yeosang🍗: I may have found a way to stop our hell
Yeosang🍗: I am at home all day. I didn’t bother to talk, to avoid being that kid servant
Yeosang🍗: I just told Eomma that Jongho only wanted to bully us and I recorded everything secretly.Your Welcone hehet welcome
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bighands42 · 1 year
I’ve watched this beautiful blonde all weekend. Watched her shake her voluptuous round butt to the music in her tiny thin clothes and perky boobs with nipples free to tease the fuck out of me. She gets me ragin hard so quickly, I’m begging to fuck her after watching her secretly, over and over. I’ve practically missed all the music I wanted to see just so I can follow her around and stare while I squeeze my hidden cock in my pocket.
This night I can’t take it any more. It’s late. I’m done playing with my cock in my tent while I dream of tasting your young little pussy. I hope she likes an older man. I leave my tent and tip toe over to where I’ve memorized even in the dark. I’ve rehearsed this enough. She will enjoy me even though she doesn’t even know me.
I crouch right beside your tent and listen to your heavy breaths and little girl whimpers. My adrenaline kicks in as I -slowly- unzip your tent. Not a lot of room inside so I carefully slip inside and lay down beside you and wait. Wait for any change in your breathing. For all I know the next tent over saw me and is finding security, knowing you are here alone. It’s been long enough, I don’t hear any warnings.
It’s a hot night so you are naked, lying on top of your sleeping bag. I start caressing your legs and stomach, zeroing in on your pussy lips. Your breathing gets heavier and you let out little tiny moans as I slip my big finger inside your already soaking wet slit. I’m rock. Fucking. Hard. Taking advantage of you as a stranger and knowing I’m gonna get what I want fills my cock almost uncomfortably. I need this release. I want this little girl.
I slip another finger inside you while you moan loud and deep. You awaken and grab my hand suddenly and I immediately cover your mouth and nose with my other hand while the adrenaline takes over again. You freak out a bit and fight my hands, realizing what a stranger has been doing to your sexy little body. I’m way too strong for you to try and pull my hand away as you try to scream a bit. It’s ok, the next tent over is definitely getting a blowjob by the moaning and gagging sounds. No one will notice.
My fingers are thrusting deep inside you as far as my hand and your cervix will allow. Squeezing your spots and pushing your pussy lips open down to your tight butt, opening your ass just from the pressure from your pink hole. You’ve stopped fighting me as your juices pour out, but suddenly you start fighting again. No moans, just squirming as I realize I’ve cut your air off completely to keep you from screaming. Relaxing my fingers off your nose, your chest and perfect tits heave as you inhale deeply for precious air and your eyes roll back to normal. I keep your mouth closed just in case.
You grab my hand and force me to continue finger fucking deep in your velvety wet cunt. Your muted moans are still drowned out by the loud couple fucking nearby as you yell behind my hand that is still holding your mouth and pinching your nose just for fun. It’s clear that it’s one of your kinks and a favorite of mine for sure.
I can’t take it anymore. I’ve got to have that beautiful ass that I’ve followed around all weekend like a blonde beacon. I pull my fingers out of your soaked lips and put them in my mouth to taste your sweet juice as I roll you over onto your side and squeeze my veiny hard cock just inside your sweet lips. Fuck you are so tight! I start pounding you nice and slow and stretch those pouring lips open with my other hand as I find your swollen clit and start rubbing you in time with my thrusts. You’re really moaning and whimpering now. I don’t care, I’ll fuck you as loud as I want so everybody tomorrow knows exactly what happened to you late last night. Hopefully you’ll feel like the dirty slut you are. Letting a stranger fuck you in the dark middle of the night.
Your sweet wet cunt squeezes me so tightly as you moan and cum almost endlessly on my hard cock pounding in you. Your legs lock together and your whole body seizes and shakes and you take a huge breath again and fall on your back in ecstasy. You’re shaking still. My warm cum slowly drips onto your legs. You still don’t know what I look like. I kiss you on your forehead and tell you, “Don’t worry, little girl, I’ll find you again…” as I zip up your tent.
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It's not even light out (but you've somewhere to be)
Fandom: The Cuphead Show AU: Canon Divergence AU Ships: Cupcest (tho its written ambiguously enough you could read it as platonic too) Summary: "The moment I said it / The moment I opened my mouth / Lead in your eyelids / Bulldozed the life out of me" (An AU where Mugman doesn't allow himself to be rescued by Cuphead so easily.)
You are flickering, leisurely (Very little to do today), banging into your container every now and then. You flutter under the winds of the slamming door, knocking the points of your flames against your brick confines. They dig, into the crevices and warming the plaster.
It's so rubbery and fitting to the touch, you wonder if the only reason it doesn’t melt, giving the bricks way to toppling over and snuffing you out, is because of some enchanting property of sorts. You’ll have to ask the smiles on the floor planks if the magic comes from you or the furnace (Always good to learn about your heritage!).
By the time you upright yourself, the travelers inviting the breeze in are already hanging up their keys and comically large souvenirs on the hooks, along with their gloves.
As if the old man’s heart hasn’t suffered enough close calls.
The smiles have a tendency to lay by the radio and listen along to his shows, snapping at his loafers just to burst out into creeks and giggles as he groans, scratches, and stretches only to find his new shoe shine gnawed clean off. You scold them for wasting the nickel he must’ve spent on that and they recap each episode as if none of them caught you peeking out from your opening every once and a while (someone’s gotta make sure they don’t scuff each other up too bad). Though you’d snuff your flame before you bother to remember a single line of that “action-packed” drivel (They expect you to buy dragons that live lifetimes in forests without burning the whole place down? Preposterous!), not everything goes over your head.
Apparently (and you are paraphrasing here), once the gloves…“come off”, so to speak, “it” is, in some way or sort (again, you do want to stress that this is paraphrasing)...“going down”.
The sight of Elder Kettle’s snores flying right over their own heads, bubbling milk splattering a few of the z’s, does not assure you otherwise.
“I can’t just believe you. The gall, the absolute nerve of you to embarrass me like that!”
“Oh, I’m sorry! I’ll try for a more cordial entrance next time I save your butt from the clutches of the devil himself!”
Those last two words generate an actual blast of wind, a few straight lines indicating its direction. You sink back into the cracks of the logs for protection. Being a magical talking fireplace and all with no real ability to spread to the other room, you can only pray to whatever god or animator is listening that the storm brewing here be weak enough not to put you out.
“You know darn well that’s not what I’m talking about, young man!”
“Oh, goodness me, of course not!” The red one (26 episodes just isn’t enough time to care enough to learn their names, alright?) presses a bare hand to his chest, throwing his head over his shoulder. You’re surprised the damn thing doesn’t go flying across the room with how dramatic he’s being.
Somewhere under his breath, the blue one spits a similar sentiment through pursed lips. As always, he’s trying to keep this argument somewhat civilized, though there’s only so much prodding at the insecurities a man can take. Oh, sure, the red one can backtrack as much as he wants, insisting that those southern belle-like tendencies suit his brother “far better than any ol’ dame around these parts!”, but the blue one’s smarter than that. He knows a brotherly lie when he sees one.
If he didn’t, they wouldn’t be having this fight.
“I’m sure you’ve some perfectly reasonable reason for playing the silent treatment all the way to the fair, just to nag me with the pettiest arguments I’ve ever heard, aaaaall the way home, as if you haven’t been pulling this crap since we was stumbling around in diapers, and crushin’ each other with those toy pianos!”
“Telling you to quit risking your soul at carnival games is one of the least petty-”
“I’m sure. Absolutely, positively, sure! That you’re standing here, nagging me, instead’a planning out how much time we have to play kick the can before bedtime on your maticuleress little chart, because you-
“Actually, I believe you’ll find it's pronounced ‘meticulous’-”
“You quit changin’ the subject!”
“I am not!”
“Are too!”
“Are not!”
“Are too!”
You are unsure how much more of this you can take.
“Fine! You wanna know why I’m so furiously belligerent with you tonight-”
“Oh, here he goes, folks!” You’re hiding away in the furnace, who the hell is he talking to- “Whipping out the big boy words so he can feel so much smarter and wiser and respon-”
“It’s because you didn’t learn jack-[BLEEP]”
Silence sorta settles onto the room somewhere. You wish the fight hadn’t moved the blue one out of your sight by this point. This entire night has been a headache, and a nightmare, and a fire-extinguishing hazard, but this…
Well, you’re almost curious now.
“...But…But, I apologized, a-and everything! You saw me!”
“I saw you make a fool out of me on an impulse.” 
“You said you weren’t going back with me unless I said I was sorry and I proved to you that I learned my lesson, and I-”
“You…took my hands,” The blue one clamps both hands around the others. You wonder about when the last time they’d held hands like this, porcelain against porcelain. ”Got down on your knees,” The red one winces. The shove must’ve irritated the already blooming bruises. “And said that the day you stopped looking out for me is the day you land in hell for good!”
You suppose he must not be very strong, physically speaking. The red one looks so much more pained as he’s slighted by his own words of love and devotion.
“We were getting chased by the monster that’s been after your hide for the past…however long! And you had to go…implyin’ things!”
“...Things you got no right implyin’.”
“...That’s the part you’re worried about?” You are not buying that shaky grin. Neither is the blue one.
“...Lucifer himself, caring about that sorta thing?”
The force of the crack is enough to blow you out.
By the time their grandfather lights you again, the two are in timeout, facing the ends of the wall. The right side of the red one’s mouth is lined with a sharp crack and specks of dust.
You cannot see the blue one’s hand. You can’t see his face, either.
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wutbju · 5 months
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I heard this sermon in 2008, and it took me weeks to recover.
It made me cry.
You can listen here.
It's awful. It's really, really awful.
And I bring it up here because in all the Christploitation media I've mentioned in these two weeks, I personally have not been the object of derision.
But in Martin's sermon, he's maligning me. He uses crass language in the name of "honesty," and in the end he only humiliates the women listening.
Sermonaudio has the transcript if you want to read it instead of listening.
But here are the moments that are chilling and humiliating and are Reefer Madness level of exploitation.
He's deliberately trying to humiliate the women listening to him. It makes him feel self-righteous and superior at the cost of the women around him.
It's exploitation.
Should God be pleased in the next hour to bring among us 20 raw 21st century pagan women dressed with mini skirts, cleavage almost down to their belly buttons or with slacks of stretch material that hug their thighs and their buttocks and their crotch….
These are like magnets in a women’s dress, magnets that draw men’s eyes to parts of their bodies that if they are to maintain purity of mind they don’t want their minds drawn to these parts of a woman’s body. Here are the 10 magnets to men’s eyes.
Number one, dresses or skirts with lengthy slits. When a man’s eye sees a slit that comes up to the knee or above, he thinks, “Oh, a few more inches and what would I see?” That is the way a man’s mind works. If your fathers have not told you this, daughters, it is true. If you husbands have not told your wives this, shame on you. You know it is true. This is a magnet to men’s eyes, dresses or skirts with lengthy slits.
Secondly, dresses or skirts which hug the buttocks. I don’t know a better word to use. I asked my brethren. What do I mean? My shirt is not hugging any part of my body except, perhaps, this is hugging my wrist. A skirt that hugs the buttocks is a skirt that not only comes down over the buttocks, but back in to the back of the thighs.
When you see pictures of hookers one of the marks of a hooker, she always has her buttocks hugged, whether it is a mini skirt, whether it is jeans, whether it is tight slacks, her butt is always hugged because that is what she is selling. And that is what she wants me to buy. It is a magnet to men’s eyes.
Thirdly, any upper garment that hugs the breast. And I don’t know a better way to describe it. It is one thing for your garment to come down over and hang loosely upon the breast, but to hug the breast, to shape and isolate your breasts becomes a magnet to men’s eyes. People should not receive an anatomy lesson in mammary glands when they look at you women. It is a magnet to men’s eyes.
Fourthly, unbuttoned blouses, low neck lines or cleavage on any upper body garment. You know what I mean by the buttons. You have got a blouse that buttons up to hear. You not only unbutton here and here and here and here, but you unbutton down to one button away from bearing your bra. And when a man sees only one button to go his mind goes, I wonder what is under that one more button.
I am looking down right now at a young woman who has everything up to the last button. It opens the collar, that’s all. And a man’s mind only sees that is an open collar. Come two buttons down and what he sees and what he thinks is an occasion of stumbling to him. . . .
Number five, another magnet to men’s eyes. Sleeveless blouses or dresses with large arm holes. You look down on your sleeveless dress and you see nothing but your shoulder. But if it is a large arm hole, a man sitting behind you looks up at the pulpit, sees through to your bra. And his mind goes where he doesn’t want it to go. It is immodest to appear in the house of God with sleeveless blouses and dresses with large arm holes. If the arm holes are tight enough that no one can see in, then that is your liberty before God.
Number six, low rise skirts or pants. This is the style made popular by Christine [?], Brittany Spears, Jennifer Lopez, these sex pots, sex pots, flaunting their bodies in their gyrations with their so called music. They have made this style popular with the skirts that barely hang on the hip bones and with the jeans that barely come up and cover the crack of the buttocks.
I have been in situations with Christian women where I have had to look at the crack of their buttocks because of the low rise jeans, skirts or pants.
Number seven, see through clothing of any kind, clothing that does not cover your under garments to the point where no one can see them. Some of you need to know the function of a camisole.
Number eight. Skirts and dresses that are just plain too short. Difficult when you are seated to adequately covered yourself. And then you get engrossed in something in a public setting and you are not keeping your knees locked together and before long the legs are spread a bit and anyone just happening to glance can see clean up to your pants. That is not modest. It is immodest. It becomes a magnet to men’s eyes.
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sweettee18 · 1 year
Dracula(Bela Lugosi) Imagines #1
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Dracula X reader
It has now been a century since the last time anyone has heard of Dracula, was when he was slain by Abraham Van Helsing and became a legend and folklore. Somehow, he had escaped and settled in America. It is now the present 2018 and everything was going well until he met Genevieve, a barista at a café, whom he later saved from an unwanted admirer, who followed her from work. Overtime, he began to fall in love with her. But how will she feel when he had to reveal his secret? 
Part 1/3
As the sun went down behind the home of a victorian like residence in Los Angeles, California, Dracula, got himself ready and went out for a stroll to search for victims to quench his thirst. As he was walking downtown, he came across a Starbucks Cafe, which he would pass by from time to time to observe the interaction of people going in and out with their coffee, Frappuccinos, espressos, etc. And that’s when he set his eyes on Genevieve, a barista who was helping a customer that had a small accident he made.
As he was watching her clean up the mess the customer made, he was shocked that this man, whom he called himself, grabbed her butt.  Genevieve immediately turned around and slapped it away. He saw her pointing at him that what he did cross the line and asked him to leave. Again, the man tried to grab her, but she pushed him away and told him again to leave.
“Brandon, I don’t know what has gotten into you, but right now, it is getting out of hand. I’m going to tell you one more time, you need to leave.” She said doing her best not to go off on him. “Oh, come on, baby. You now you want to.” Before Genevieve could lose her cool, her boss, Marcus, and two of her other coworkers who was watching from behind the counter, grabbed Brandon and threw him out at the Starbucks. “And stay out!” Marcus said as he and the two coworkers walked back inside to check on Genevieve. 
Dracula was amazed of how strong Genevieve was to reject someone by the likes of Brandon. And that caught his attention. He decided to walk in and sit him self down near the window as he waited for someone to take his order. Within five seconds, just as he hoped, Genevieve walked over with a notepad and a pen. “Good evening, sir, and welcome to Starbucks. I’m Genevieve and I will be your server for the evening. Is there anything particular you would like to have?” She said in the kindest way, she would ask all of her customers.
Dracula looked up at her and told her, “Good evening, Madam. I’d like to have an espresso, decaffeinated, please.” “An Espresso it is. Right away.” She said as she walked away toward the counter to prepare his drink.  Within five minutes, Genevieve comes back with his espresso. “Here’s your espresso, sir. Hope you will enjoy.” As she walked away, Dracula called out to her.
“Genevieve…?” She turned around and asked,“Will there be anything else,sir?” “Forgive me for saying this, but, I just witnessed you having a small altercation with the young man that the staff members just threw out. Who is he?” Genevieve rolled her eyes and replied, “I am so sorry you had to see that. That was Brandon, he’s a regular here… Well, was.”
Dracula continue to listen. “We gave him plenty of opportunities for him to straighten up and keep his hands to himself. As you already have witnessed, this was the last straw for us. And now we’re going have to get him trespassed to make sure he doesn’t come back to the Starbucks. With that being said, is there anything else you need, sir?”
Dracula replied, “I was going to ask you if you would like for me to escort you home after you get off your shift.” Genevieve leaned back at this request and thought about it before saying, “That is very nice of you, sir, but my apartment is not far from here is the walking distance from this café is right down the street. But the next time I will keep that in mind.” And Dracula smiled as Genevieve walked away to continue her shift.
8:00 PM rolled around and the staff members began to leave one by one  to go home. Genevieve was put in charge to lock up the Starbucks. Not long within a few feet from walking away from the café, she heard footsteps behind her. She slowly reached into her pocket and grabbed her small can a pepper spray, ready to spray the person who was following her.
At this time, nobody was outside. The streets were dark, with the exception of the street lights and lamp posts that lit up the way on the sidewalks, on the road and at the bus stop. Her apartment complex was not too far from where she worked, which was only about a 10 minute walk, 12 if there were to be any traffic. 
She began to pick up the pace and started to walk faster, then the person behind her began to walk fast as well. She was just about to cross the street to get to her apartment when someone grabbed her from behind and put their hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. Genevieve, with all her might, bit down as hard as she could, causing the person to let go, and she began to run. A familiar voice began to call out to her, which turned out to be Brandon from the café.
She began to dig into her purse for her keys as she reached the door to her apartment. As soon as she put the key into the door, Brandon grabbed her again and spun her around as if she were to be a rag doll. He placed his hand over her mouth again, this time he cupped it to prevent her from biting him. “I told you I was gonna get you didn’t I?” He said, with this evil smirk on his face, as he was about to do Lord knows what to her.
But before he could do anything, he found himself being thrown right off of her by a unknown figure. Genevieve looked around to see who it was, and saw a dark figure grabbing Brandon on both sides of his jacket. Almost immediately, she recognized it was Dracula, because of the cape he wore when he came to her job and ordered an espresso. 
She ran up to him and placed her arm on his shoulder and pleaded, “Please sir, don’t hurt him. He’s not worth going to jail over. Hopefully, he’ll learned his lesson from this.” She looked at Brandon with a angry look. Dracula looked back at Brandon and sighed as he let go of him, letting him hit the ground, butt first. As Brandon scrambled up to full height, Dracula told him with a look of death on his face, “You ever go near her again. I won’t be as merciful as this time. Now be gone from here!”
Brandon immediately ran away as soon as he saw Dracula’s eyes glow red. Dracula turned to Genevieve and asked her, “Are you all right Genevieve?“ Genevieve looked at her self and straighten her self up and replied, “I’m fine for now, just have a little scrape on my elbow here.” almost immediately ,Dracula’s eyes lit up when he saw blood coming from her elbow, but was able to keep his composure as he took out a napkin from his pocket, and began to put pressure on it. Genevieve looked up at Dracula and said, “I never got your name. What is it?” he replied, “please, Genevieve. Call me, Vlad.”
“Well then, Vlad. Thank you for saving me. I’m pretty sure that he’s not gonna take your warning seriously and I’m pretty sure he’s going to come back.” She said to Dracula as he continued to damp her elbow to stop the bleeding. Dracula said to her with assurance.“ I doubt that he will because I plan on being here for a while. My home is not far from here. I most likely am a night person .”“Probably maybe for the next few nights you can escort me to my apartment. Tomorrow I work a late night shift. I don’t get off until 9:30 PM.“ With a small smile, Dracula said, “ Then I will be there at 9 p.m., if that works for you.” Genevieve said and she smiled back, “That would be great.” With that said, Dracula escorted Genevieve to the door and bidded each other a good night. As soon as she got into her apartment, he turned around and looked at the distance with his eyes glowing red as he said, “Let the hunt begin.”
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Stay tuned for part 2
8 notes · View notes
fandomgirlz01 · 2 years
Always Come For You Pt. 1
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Steve Rogers x Reader
Imagine on my fandom Instagram?: No
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes
Word count: 5720
Warnings here (none yet... they will be coming soon)
You can listen to the story be read out loud here.
Post Date: August 22ed 2022
Post Time: 9:46 pm
Summary: Steve thought he’d lost both his best friends in the war, but he never expected seventy years later to find out that he’d ever get to see the two that mattered most to him again. First Bucky, now he’s told the reader is alive too? Will he ever get the chance to tell the reader how he feels or is all lost? Bucky came back, so why can’t you?
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This was based off of a post I saw on @druiigg page now it is in no way shape or form taking anything from the work that was posted to their page, it just heavily inspired it. So thank you Enna for inspiring this.
This is the post that inspired this:
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Please refrain from stealing our work, thank you and please enjoy!!!
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Steve’s Pov: *Flashback* 
“War continues to ravage Europe, but help is on the way. Every able-bodied young man is lining up to serve his country. Even little Timmy is doing his part collecting scrap metal. Nice work Timmy!” The war ad before the movie plays. 
“Nobody cares!” A guy shouts out from the front of the theater. 
“Just play the movie!” he continues to shout as he throws his hand up. 
“Hey, show some respect, won’t you?” I whisper out to the guy and he goes quiet as the ad plays on. 
“Our brave boys are showing the axis that the price of our freedom is never too high.” The ad continues to play on with it now quiet. 
“Let’s go! Get on with it!” he yells out again and I get angry. 
“Hey, just start the cartoon!” he continues on as everyone just lets him. 
“Hey, you wanna shut up?” I yell at him on my last straw as I lean forward. 
“Together with allied forces, we’ll face any threat, no matter the size.” The ad plays on as the guy slowly stands up in front of me and glares at me. 
Before I know it, we’re outside and I’m getting a punch to the face. I get back up, but he’s bigger than me so he easily throws another punch, making me fall to the ground again. I get back up using the wall and grab the lid to the trash cans that are next to me. 
I hold the lid out like a shield, but he easily rips it from my hand and throws it to his side. He then turns back and throws another punch, making me stumble back against the wall. I stand back up and get into a fighting stance, ready to fight back. 
“You just don’t know when to give up, do you?” he asks as he throws his arms up before letting them drop back to his side. 
“I can do this all day,” I pant out as I get down, ready to fight him off. 
I take one swing at him, but he quickly blocks it before throwing another punch to the other side. I go flying back to the floor and hit the trash cans on my way down. 
“Hey!” I hear a familiar voice say as I take a moment, but I turn my head to see Bucky. 
“Pick on someone your own size,” Bucky tells the guy as he walks backwards. 
The guy then swings at Bucky and he dodges it before laying his own punch to the guy. I get up and lean over the trash, watching as Bucky kicks him in the butt and the guy goes running off. 
“Sometimes I think you like getting punched,” Bucky jokes as he walks over to me. 
“I had him on the ropes,” I responded as I flick my hand to get goop off of it. 
“How many times is this?” Bucky asks as he bends over and picks up my recently failed enlistment slip. 
“You're from Paramus now?” Bucky asks as he looks up from the slip and I don’t reply as I start to dust myself off. 
“You know it’s illegal to lie on the enlistment form?” he asks as he looks at me. 
“And seriously, Jersey?” he adds as I wipe at my nose before I finally look up at him to see him in uniform. 
“You get your orders?” I ask as I continue to wipe my hands. 
“The 107th. Sergeant James Barnes. Shipping out for England first thing tomorrow,” he affirms and I nod slowly. 
“I should be going,” I state as I look down and rub my hands together one last time. 
“Come on. Knucklehead,” Bucky chuckles out after a moment of silence before gripping my shoulder. 
“It’s my last night. Y/n’s gonna clean ya up,” Bucky explains as he keeps his arm around me and we head outside of the alley. 
“Why? Where are we going?” I ask as we continue to walk. 
“The future,” he replies as he hands me a newspaper. 
I look at it to see an ad for the world expansion of tomorrow. I shake my head and fold the paper back up before turning to him again. 
“Is y/n going?” I ask and he shakes his head. 
“Nope. I asked her. Said she had other plans. She’ll be leaving the house at maybe 6:30ish. Gives her time to help patch ya up,” Bucky explains as we start walking towards my house. 
“But didn’t she just get off work?” I ask and he nods. “Maybe we shouldn’t bother her then,” I add on and Bucky chuckles. 
“I know you don’t want to have her do it, but you know what she’ll say if I don’t bring you to her,” Bucky replies and I only nod in silent agreement. 
“Well, come on. Hussle, buddy, we’re meeting the girls at seven,” he explains as he puts his arm around my neck again and pushes me forward slightly. 
“What girls?” I ask him and he chuckles. 
“I may or may not have found us dames to hang around for the night,” he admits with a grin and I roll my eyes. 
We walked for quite a while before coming up to my mom's apartment. Instead of going to mine, Bucky knocks on the door across from us. We wait maybe five minutes before we hear y/n. 
“Coming just a minute!” she shouts before the door swings open. 
“Boys! Hi!” Y/n beams at us before her mouth falls into a frown as she looks at me over. 
“Oh Stevie, did you win another fight?” she asks and I shake my head no as I grin. 
“No. I lost again,” I uttered and she gave a ‘whatever’ motion with her hand. 
“Awe, I really thought you’d win this time. I guess there’s always next time, bubs,” she mused with a smile and Bucky scoffs. 
“Y/n, please don’t encourage it,” Bucky complains and y/n lets out a heavenly giggle. 
“Bucky. I’m not encouraging anything, but the fact he’ll win,” she remarks and he rolls his eyes exasperatedly. 
“That’s encouraging him to fight in the first place,” he remarks and she shrugs, making him roll his eyes. 
“Well, come on. Gotta get you fixed up for that date,” she affirms as she grabs my hand and starts to pull me to her bathroom. 
“Did ya at least get one punch in?” Y/n asks as she pushes me to sit on her toilet and starts to get her supplies she keeps for this exact reason. 
“No.. he blocked it,” I murmur and she just smile at me. 
“There’s always next time, bubs. I know you’ll get one in next time,” she reiterates what she said before. 
“I heard that! Stop encouraging him to fight, y/n!” Bucky shouts from her living room. 
“Oh! You heard no such thing!” she yells back before turning to me and putting a finger to her lips, telling me to be quiet. 
“I like your moxie, Steve. Keep it. Don’t ever lose it,” she tells me as she puts a hand on my cheek, rubbing it lightly before going back to cleaning my cuts. 
“Did he tell you he tried to enlist again? Under another alias?” Bucky asks as he comes into the bathroom and leans on the door watching as she cleans at my lip. 
“No. Steve? Did you?” she asks and I sigh before nodding. 
“Stevie. I know you want to help, but please don’t do that. You could get caught. Then where would I be after you go away for it? Stuck with this pain in the neck… no, I really don’t think I could handle that…” she deadpans, jabbing her thumb over her shoulder at him and I laugh when Bucky’s face falls. 
“Hey! I wouldn’t be so bad to be stuck with!” he proclaims, making me and y/n laugh. 
“Sorry to tell you, Buck… but it’d be absolute torture. I need Steve more than you…” she jokes and he scoffs before shaking his head. 
“Oh, stop being all in cahoots, you knuckleheads,” Bucky grumbles with a frown, making me and y/n laugh. 
“Awe, Buck, I’m just ragging on you. That’s all,” y/n professes with another giggle. 
“Ragging on me? No, no it doesn't work that way. I’m the one who’s always supposed to be ragging on you. Not the other way around,” Bucky explains and she giggles. 
“Buck, it’s way above my pay grade to not be ragging on you,” y/n jokes back and he just huffs as he crosses his arms. 
“Whatever you say, doll,” Bucky settled as he shook his head still leaned against the door frame. 
“They're all done. The dame that’s going out with you tonight is a real lucky girl, Stevie, treat her right tonight. You hear me?” she tells me as she pokes my chest and Bucky bursts out laughing. 
“Y/n, you're the only girl he’s ever really been around. With the way he treats you, doll, I really don’t think Steve could harm a soul,” Bucky bursts out and y/n rolls her eyes. 
“Every guy is capable of hurting someone at least once, Buck. Whether it be physically or mentally. Even our Steve is capable of it. I love Steve and you, but you're still men in the 40s,” she explains and Bucky rolls his eyes. 
“And you’ll always be our doll. I promise I’ll treat her well,” I agree with her and she smiles an almost sad, soft smile at me. 
“Good. Now get going, I gotta get ready,” she tells us as she pushes us towards the door. 
“Boys, wait…” she exclaims as Buck opens the door. 
We both turn around and before I know it, I’m being pulled into a bone-crushing hug. I hug her back, confused, but I hear her sniffle. 
“What’s wrong, y/n? Are you ok?” I ask her and she quickly nods. 
“I’m ok, Stevie,” she responds before squeezing me one last time. 
“I love you, ok. Just remember that,” she whispers in my ear before she fully pulls away and I arch an eyebrow when I see her eyes are rimmed red. 
“I love you too. You know I always will,” I tell her and she softly smiles at me. 
“Can you give me and Buck a minute, Steve?” she asks and I give her a thoughtful look. 
“Sure. I’ll be just outside,” I say, pointing over my shoulder. 
Y/n’s Pov: 
“Bucky. If I’m not here for when you leave tomorrow, promise me you’ll give this to Steve,” I tell Bucky as I hand him the fat envelope that I had put my letter and a few other things to Steve in. 
“What? What do you mean you won’t be here?” he asks and I shake my head. 
“I can’t tell you. Government stuff…” I explain and his eyes widen. 
“Your aunt…” Bucky gasps out and I nod. 
“It’s time I take her place. Don’t worry, I won’t be the only girl. What’s your station going to be?” I ask him and he shakes his head in disbelief. 
“No. You were supposed to stay here and be with Steve,” he fights back and I sigh. 
“That was the plan, Buck… but I didn’t predict my aunt being killed in action then me needing to go take her place. What is your station?” I ask again and he rubs his face in frustration. 
“The 107th…” he reluctantly tells me and I shrug. 
“At least we’ll be together. Best friends helping one another through war,” I joke, but tears fill my eyes and I start to shake. 
“I don’t want to leave him all alone, Bucky,” I mutter as my tears start to fall now. 
“Oh, doll. Come here.” Bucky pulls me into a hug. 
“Why don’t you just tell him? You told me. Then maybe he’ll understand,” Bucky tries to reason with me and I shake my head. 
“There’s nothing to understand, Buck. My aunt told Erskine herself that she wanted me and not my cousin. She knew that I’d handle it far better,” I explain and Bucky sighs. 
“I really wish you didn’t have to go,” Bucky sympathizes with me and I choke back a sob. 
“Me too, but I have no other choice,” I explain as I try to hold back another sob. 
“But if for some reason I die over there, you give him this,” I tell him as I hit my knuckle against the thick envelope. 
“I promise I will…” Bucky says before he’s hugging me again. 
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then,” I state sadly and he nods. 
“Wait! I forgot to give you yours,” I exclaim before I rush back over to my desk to grab Bucky’s letter. 
“Just promise me, you’ll only read it if I don’t make it home,” I choke out as I hand it to him and he nods with sadness all over his face. 
“So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Bucky asks and I nod sadly. 
He gives me one last half-hearted smile before he shoves the letters into his jacket. I watch as he leaves my house and pats Steve on the back as they both walk off. Steve turns and gives me one last wave and I wave back as I lean against the door frame. 
I watch as they push each other back and forth until they're out of sight. I shake my head with a light smile before walking back into my house. I walk back into my room and see my suitcase half packed. 
I finish packing up my suitcase before sighing as a knock is sounded on the door. I walk out to the door and open it. 
“Dr. Erskine, hello,” I greet the older man in front of me. 
“Hello, dear. Are you ready to go? We need to make a stop by one of the recruitment buildings on our way out,” he explains and I nod as he holds out his hand before motioning for my suitcase. 
“Oh. Thank you. Just let me turn all the lights out,” I explain and he nods as he takes my suitcase for me. 
I walk back to my room and take one last look around at it. A tear falls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away before sighing. I then turn off the light before walking back out to the living room and catching the rest of the lights off as I go. When all the lights are off, I walk out and turn around to lock the apartment door. 
After locking up, I turn around to see Erskine holding a car door open for me. I walk over and give him a light smile before getting into the car. He gets in next to me before telling the driver he can go. 
The driver drives for a while before coming up to a recruitment building. Erskine leans forward and talks with the driver for a moment before turning back to me. 
“Ok dear, the driver is going to take you to the plane where you’ll fly over with Howard Stark. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at camp,” he explains and I nod as I give him a light smile. 
“When you get to camp, you’ll be introduced to Miss Peggy Carter. She’ll share your tent with you as well as work alongside you. She’ll inform you more on your job once you get there,” he explains and I nod in understanding, making him smile. 
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow!” he reiterates as he gets out of the car. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Dr.,” I respond before the door closes. 
He waves at me and I wave back before the driver pulls the car out of its spot. I watch with my forehead against the window as the driver passes all the places I knew growing up. I let a few tears fall as I see the diner Steve would always take me to after nightmares. 
“Ma’am, are you ok?” The driver asks as he makes eye contact with me though the rear view mirror. 
“I’m fine. I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce myself. I’m y/n,” I respond and he lightly smiles at me. 
“Edwin Jarvis Ma’am, but everyone just calls me Jarvis,” Edwin explains as he gives me a small nod. 
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Jarvis,” I tell him with a smile and he gives a nod. 
“It’s nice to meet you too, Miss y/n,” he responds with another smile. 
“I hear you’ll be flying over with Mr. Stark. Good luck. He’s a lot sometimes,” he explains with a chuckle as he shakes his head. 
“Do you work for him?” I ask and he nods his head. 
“Yes, I do. I’m his family’s butler. I’ve been with them since he was maybe five,” Jarvis explains with a proud smile. 
“Well I’m sure he appreciates you very much,” I comment with a smile and he smiles back. 
He continues to drive for a while before pulling up next to a plane. He gets out before coming around to open my door for me and I smile at him as I get out. I turn and look at the plane to see someone standing by the stairs. 
“That would be Mr. Stark. He just finished his futuristic show,” Jarvis explains as he pulls my suitcase out for me. 
“Thank you, Jarvis. I hope we get to meet again,” I tell him as I turn to him and he nods. 
“As do I, Miss y/n,” Jarvis replies before handing me my suitcase. 
A well put together man who looks around my age comes over to us. “Ahh, you must be y/n. Alacia’s niece, correct? I’m Howard. It’s nice to meet you, dear,” he says.
“Yeah, that’s me. I was hoping I’d never have to do this, but I wasn’t anticipating auntie Alacia dying,” I explain and he nods solemnly. 
“Well I am sorry to hear about poor Alacia, we were real good friends,” he explains and I give him a sad nod as we start to walk towards the plane. 
“I’m afraid I didn’t know her very well. She was already busy working with the government by the time my mama died,” I explain and he frowns, shaking his head. 
“Well she certainly knew about you, my dear. She was always showing me pictures of you growing up when your mother would send them to her. You were what mattered most to her, my dear,” he explains as he puts a hand on my shoulder and my eyes widen. 
“Really? Cause my mama said she didn’t want anything to do with me…” I mutter out and he shakes his head. 
“All a cover story, doll. She had to stay away to protect you,” he explains some more and I shake my head in disbelief, making us stop a few feet in front of the plane. 
“I don’t believe you,” I timidly squeak out and he holds up a finger. 
“Of course you wouldn’t, you're just like her, you know,” he informs me as he pulls what looks like a wallet out of his back pocket.  
“Here. She kept one just like it with her all the time,” he explains as he pulls something out of the wallet and holds a picture out to me. 
“What? How do you have a baby picture of me?” I ask in shock as I look at the picture of myself. 
“Your aunt…” he starts, but trails off as he gives a dismissive wave in the air. 
“She gave me one when I said how adorable you were one time. She had older photos of you, but I liked this one. You looked so young and cute with your hair all done up,” Howard explains and I feel a blush rise to my cheeks. 
“Thank you. It’s nice to hear I had family I didn’t know around. I always thought of myself as a stray cat after mama passed. I mean I had the boys, but I guess I had you and my auntie out there too,” I timidly explain and he grins. 
“You became part of the team dear, even while not being around. I started to think of you like a sister,” he continues to explain as I just hold the picture:
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“Well I hope we can really get to know one another then,” I reply as I give the picture back to him. 
“Glad to hear it! I’m sure we will. Come on then, best be going,” he declares as he puts a hand on my back before starting to lead me to the plane. 
“Oh wait!” I shout out as I set my suitcase down before running over to Jarvis. 
“Bye, Jarvis. I’ll see you soon, ok?” I promise as I pull him into a hug and he smiles as he hugs me. 
“Ok, Miss. See you soon,” he agrees before pulling away from the hug. 
“Hopefully very soon,” I nod in agreement before taking a step back. 
I give him one last wave before fully turning around to see Howard now handing my suitcase over to someone. The person takes it from him and walks away, I can only assume it’s to put it away for the flight. With one last sigh I grab onto my locket that has both the boys in it before starting up the stairs of the plane.
~Time Skip~
“Morning dear. Time to wake up,” I hear as I open my eyes slowly. I see Howard standing over me with a smile. I rub at my eyes as I sit up and Howard sits back down in the seat in front of me. 
“Where are we exactly? Dr. Erskine didn’t exactly tell me where we’re going to be stationed,” I ask through a yawn and Howard lets out a chuckle. 
“Right now you and I are in Paris, but when we head to camp you’ll be at Camp Lehigh in New Jersey,” Howard explains as he gets up out of his seat. 
“Wait, why Paris?” I quickly ask and Howard’s eyebrows furrow. 
“Did Erskine tell you nothing?” Howard asks in an angered voice. 
“No. He did not. He said Peggy Carter would fill me in,” I explain and he sighs, shaking his head. 
“Damn, Dr. Always leaving me to do it all,” he mutters under his breath before standing straight. 
“We are here to get you your uniform and work gear,” he explains as he walks over to the wall before opening the door to a closet. 
“Here, put this dress on. Your first official job starts now,” he tells me as he throws me a nice navy colored dress:
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“Ok…” I agree with slight confusion before walking into the bathroom.
Once I’m done changing, I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. I shift around, feeling uncomfortable in the dress, a dress I’d never normally wear. 
Oh what would Stevie say if he saw me now…
A knock on the door breaks me out of my thoughts and I crack the door open. Howard stands there with a wide smile on his face. 
“You look absolutely beautiful, doll. Here, put some makeup on. Maybe before we leave we can do what me and Peg always do when we’re out here,” he declares as he holds a small bag out to me. 
“Well, thank you. I’ve only ever been called beautiful by two other people,” I bite my lip as I explain and blush a little before walking back into the bathroom leaving the door open as I apply the makeup he gave me. 
“Never had a beau then, I take it?” he asks and I shake my head. 
“No. I have, just none of them were really anything real. It was more just because, ya know?” I try to explain but fail and he laughs. 
“Ahh, so you got boyfriends to get over another boy, am I correct?” he asks with a raised eyebrow at me as I finish up and zip up the bag before walking back out. 
“Yes, ok…” I reluctantly agree and he smiles. 
“Well, what’s his name?” he asks and I chuckle as he eggs me on. 
“His name is Steve. We grew up together. Me, Steve, and our friend Bucky, well actually his name is James Buchanan Barnes, but we’ve always called him Bucky,” I explain and he smiles wide. 
“Well doll, why haven’t you tried anything with him?” he asks and I shrug. 
“I don’t think he’d like me like that. Now, what’s the job?” I ask and he grins, standing up. 
“You're not getting out of this that easily. We’ll continue this conversation later. Anyway, my plan for us to do what me and Peggy do when we come out here works into the plan,” he tells me as he puts a hand on the small of my back and leads me out of the plane. 
“Ok. What are we doing?” I ask as we now start down the stairs of the plane. 
“We’ll be having fondue while gathering information! It’ll be perfect!” he excitedly explains and I raise an eyebrow at him. 
“One, what is fondue, and second, who are we getting information on?” I ask and he gasps like a school girl getting dirty information. 
“You’ve never had fondue?!” he asks and I giggle, shaking my head no. 
“Well, then let's go quickly! You must have some fondue!” he shouts as he holds the door to the awaiting car open for me. 
“Ok. I guess I’m having fondue,” I reply with a giggle before he’s closing the door and running around to get in himself. 
“Trust me. You’ll love it,” he promises before he leans forward to tell the driver to drive. 
The driver starts to drive and before I know it, he’s pulling up to a nice looking restaurant. I smile as Howard gets out and opens my door for me before holding an arm out to me. 
“Play along. We have to look like a couple out having fun,” he whispers into my ear as I grab onto his arm and walk with him. 
“Of course, dear,” I agree though a giggle and he smiles. 
“You're a natural at this. No wonder your aunt named you instead of your cousin. I’ve met her, she wouldn’t be able to just blend in the way you are, dear,” he beams with a bright smile. 
“She is a little bland sometimes…” I agree and he throws his head back laughing. 
“This friendship is starting out very well, my dear,” he states as he pulls my chair out for me. 
“Yes. I would say it most definitely is, Howard. Thank you,” I agree as I take a seat in the chair. 
I pull my chair in as he takes a seat across from me. A waitress comes up to the table and Howard speaks with her in French. When they're done talking, the waitress walks off and he turns to me with a grin. 
“So, where is this fondue you speak so highly of?” I ask as I look over the menu before realizing I can’t read it. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve already ordered it. She’ll be back with it and to take our drink order shortly,” Howard explains and I sigh. 
“Thank you. I wouldn’t have been able to even read the menu,” I respond and he smiles as he shrugs. 
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that. You’ll be learning French and so much more through this job,” he informs me and I nod. 
“Do you have any other languages under your belt?” he asks and I nod proudly. 
“One summer, my mamma thought it’d be good for me to learn something new, so she had me learn Italian,” I mention with a proud smile and he nods. 
“That probably was more your aunt than your mamma, dear,” he comments and my eyes widen in shock. 
“What do you mean more my auntie than my mamma?” I ask and he sighs as he takes a moment. 
“I mean your aunt most likely wanted you to know at least one other language before coming into the job. So she probably hinted at it to your mother,” he explains and I’m at a loss for words. 
“She… she…” I choke out and he places a hand on mine. 
“She really did love you, dear girl. She just couldn’t be there with you,” he spoke softly as he gave my hand a squeeze. 
“I just always thought she hated me. Learning she loved me from afar is just hard to believe, but you’ve truly made me believe it,” I explain as I wipe at a tear and he smiles softly at me. 
“Well my dear, you have me now and I’m sure you’ll have Peggy too after you meet her. She doesn’t exactly do what you and I do, but she helps out when she can,” he tells me and he smiles one last smile at me before the fondue comes to our table. 
“What would you like to drink?” he asks me as the waitress sets down the breadsticks along with sliced apples and a bowl. 
“Oh. Just water for me,” I affirm and he nods before talking to the waitress. 
“Well, are you going to try it?!” he asks with a raised eyebrow as the waitress walks away. 
“Of course I am. You didn’t even give me a chance to!” I joke and he chuckles, shaking his head before holding his hand out over the food. 
I grab a breadstick and tear it in two before dipping it into the bowl. After dipping it, I hold my hand under it as I move it up to my mouth and take a bite. The flavors mix together in my mouth amazingly and I let out a light moan at the taste. 
After I’m done chewing, I look up at Howard who’s smirking at me. I roll my eyes before dabbing my napkin around my mouth. 
“My, you weren’t kidding. That stuff is amazing,” I declare and Howard chuckles. 
“See, stick with me doll and you’ll try many new things,” he states with a wink and I giggle lightly. 
“Me and Pegs come almost weekly, just so we can get away from everything,” he explains and I nod in understanding. 
“Well I hope to join you in some of your getaways,” I note and he smiles as the waitress brings our drinks and sets them down. 
“Of course you can, my dear! It’ll be the three of us fonduing!” he proclaims and my face twists up in disdain. 
“Yeah, maybe we don’t call it that,” I inform and he chuckles. 
“Why ever not! It could be our code name for it,” he responds and I roll my eyes before giggling. 
“Ok, Howard, fonduing it is,” I reluctantly agree and he grins. 
“Perfect! It’s settled!” he beams and I nod as I pick up another breadstick to break in half. 
We continue to eat as Howard carefully watches a guy across the room. Soon all the fondue is gone and Howard is standing from his chair. 
“Come now, darling, our job here is done,” he tells me and I get up. 
“Really? But all we did was sit here and eat fondue,” I muse as he puts his hand on my back. 
“All you did was eat fondue. I, on the other hand, surveillanced who we needed to. Even got pictures of him,” Howard explains as he leads me to the car. 
“Wha- how…?” I ask in shock and Howard chuckles. 
“This is what you will get good at my dear, but in due time. For now I want your first real job to be a success,” he tells me as he opens the car door and lets me in first before getting in himself. 
“To the plane, Jarvis!” he declares and the driver turns around. 
“Of course, sir. Hello, Miss y/n, nice to see you again,” Jarvis responds with a smile before turning to me. 
“Good to see you too, Jarvis,” I reply and he smiles before starting up the car. 
He drives us back to the plane and we get into it. Howard hands me a new set of clothes, telling me it’s my uniform before sitting down. I walk into the bathroom and change before coming back out. 
“Sleep, my dear sister. We have a long journey back,” Howard tells me and I smile slightly at him as I put my new dress into my suitcase. 
“You too, Howard. Sleep well,” I tell my new friend and he smiles at me before closing his eyes and resting back in his seat. 
I sit in my seat and lean back with a light smile on my face. Before I know it, I’m being woken up by Howard again. 
“Wake up, dear. We’re here,” he announces softly as I blink my eyes open. 
“Hmm. Good morning, H,” I reply sleepily as I rub my eyes. 
We both pick up our stuff before heading out and when the door opens we see all the soldiers training. Howard leads me over to the ladies tent and helps me with my bag. 
“Welcome to camp, my dear,” Howard beams as he sets my bag down by one of the only two beds. 
“Thank you, H,” I reply and he smiles. 
“I like the new nickname, dear. And you're very welcome. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning in the head office to get you acquainted with everything. Peggy should be in for bed soon,” he explains and I nod as I roll out one of the mattresses. 
“Goodnight, doll!” Howard shouts as he leaves and I giggle. 
“Goodnight!” I shout back before plopping down on my bed. 
I let out a puff of breath before shaking my head in disbelief of how my day has gone. I smile lightly before standing up and getting ready for bed. Sleeping on an army cot doesn’t sound too appealing, but I am sure I’ll get used to it very soon. 
To Be Continued…
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nyotasaimiri · 1 year
Arc Two 118
Dinner went smoothly, to Nyota’s quiet gratitude, though Lumen gave her a stern word for being up and about so much.
“Ya took a real beatin’ in there, ma’am. It ain’t good to be wanderin’ around so much until ya rest up more.” He kept his voice low and leaned close as he spoke, his natural warmth tickling her fur.
“Sorry, Lumen.” Nyota gave him a small, apologetic smile. “I was carried away, I think.” Once, she might have argued that she was fine, if only to keep up the illusion of strength. But she could feel fatigue setting in hard, and knew that he was right. It would only shatter the illusion harder if she worked herself past breaking.
He accepted this, and patted her shoulder. “I kinda expected it, with yer old friend visitin’. Just mind ya don’t stay up late, and let the kids handle the dishes tonight.”
“Kids.” That earned him an amused look. “Lumen, you do realize I am not that old myself, yes?”
He chuckled. “All ya organic folks’re kids to me.”
“Ha. As you say, old man.” She flicked his corona and got up to serve the pie. As she sat down again, she caught Marcy smiling at her, and returned it. She knew why; it had taken a very long time for Nyota to be comfortable enough with Marcy and Isobu to show physical affection with them. It must have been strange, but maybe good she hoped, to see Nyota warm up so fast with someone new. Perhaps it had been quicker with Lumen because he didn’t butt heads with her like Isobu often did, or because Isobu and Marcy had loosened up the cracks.
A spoon bounced off Lumen’s head and made him whistle like an out-of-tune radio.
“No ssticking Captain in bed, Lightss-friend,” Namina said through a mouthful of pie. “Can’t make sssweet treats from bed.”
“She can’t make them if ya run her ragged for yer darn sweet-fang, Ferny,” Lumen grumbled, shaking the spoon at him. “Captain, if ya start wheezin’ from that guffawin’, yer on yer own. I gotta knock some brains into this fella here.”
Mihre bounced their spoon off Lumen’s head too. “No flirting at the table, we have young listeners.”
Lumen whistled like a small train. “What’s with all these dang spoons?”
“Bewildered. How is that flirting?” Arrowmail asked, turning a bright stare from floran to novakid and back. “It sounds like threats to me.”
“No, it’s quite traditional floran flirting,” Nyota said. She hid her laughter under a carefully studious face. “Very by-the-book, but with a nice flair to it.”
Sonny whistled. “C’mon, Captain, you can’t be serious. Wait, Lumen, why’re you glowin’ like that?”
Lumen ducked to hide his fire-bright glow, hand over his brand. “Hush, lil’ Glowbug. By-the-book, my boot. I rusted the bottom clean outta the bucket…”
Eldie chuckled and put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. “I think you did fine.”
Lumen glowed brighter. Nyota let her grin slip free just a little bit. It was rather poetic, after how he’d teased her about Lana, but she’d spare him this once. Perhaps. Now she knew why floran pick-up lines had been in SAIL’s search history. She slid Lumen an extra slice of pie as a consolation prize.
Gizzie watched the proceedings with absolute bewilderment written all over their face. Nyota caught their eye with a small smile. “Not what you expected from a band of hardened wanderers?”
Gizzie shook their head, wide-eyed. “Not at all, no.”
“I appreciate your honesty.” Nyota slid a plate toward them. “Go on. You are allowed to have dessert too. I made plenty.”
They accepted the plate and started eating. About two seconds after the first bite, their face puckered. “It’s sour. But sweet…”
Nyota laughed. “Oculemon. It’s sharper and richer than Earth lemons, but very good once you get used to it.”
Gizzie seemed to agree; they were already reaching for another bite.
Nyota smiled and sat back to watch her odd little crew—her odd little family—settle into their routine. Sonny collected everyone’s dishes as they finished and joined Arjun to wash them. Arrowmail followed Oldarva upstairs to the library, Marcy close behind. After hesitating for a few moments, Gizzie tagged along. Mihre headlocked Namina and ended up as an impromptu scarf again as Namina just stood up and wandered off for his evening routine without reacting in the slightest. Lumen stayed behind, watching Nyota.
“Afraid I’ll keel over?” she teased with a small smile.
“Kinda, but ya seem alright.” Lumen got up and stretched with a quavering, happy hum. “It sure is a nice night. C’mon, let’s get ya back to bed. I’ll give ya somethin’ to keep the stiff at bay.”
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whumpdoyoumean · 2 years
Whumptober #24
xxx fight, flight, or freeze
There’s a reason Arthur doesn’t like to close. Well, a lot of reasons actually, the primary being that he’s getting too old for this shit. And as the pounding at the door starts up for a third time, he’s reminded just how too old for it he really is. He sighs and sets down his rag, grabs his rifle from its place under the bar before making his way slowly to the door.
“I’m comin’, I’m comin’,” he calls, then under his breath adds, “Goddamn nuisance, that’s what this is.” 
He reaches the door right as another round of knocking begins, and he bangs the butt of his rifle on the door in response. 
“Listen,” he calls. “I’m not fixing to shoot nobody, but I will if I have to. I’m openin’ the door now.”
He opens the door and raises the rifle, but quickly lowers it again when it’s apparent that this is no scoundrel. 
The man is leaning against the doorframe, tall even though he’s bent a little at the middle. He looks too rich to be at a place like this, with his fancy suit and cowboy hat and new shoes. He also looks like he could keel over at any minute, like he’s already had a few too many.
“Sorry, we’re closed,” Arthur says.
The man gazes at Arthur from under the brim of his hat. His eyes are surprisingly clear.
“Yessir, I know, and I’m real sorry to be botherin’ you this late. I just need a place to rest a minute, and maybe use your phone if you don’t mind. Then I’ll be gone.” His accent is lighter than most around these parts, but it’s there. More noticeable is the weariness in his voice. 
Arthur gives him another, closer inspection. He can see now that the man looks less drunk and more bone-tired, and just a little desperate.
“Well, alright,” he says, stepping back from the door. “Come on in, we’ll get you set down.”
The man starts in and immediately stumbles, catching himself in the doorway and muttering a quiet apology. Arthur doesn’t ask questions, just moves to the nearest table and pulls out a chair. The man collapses into it with a sigh of relief.
“Thank you,” he says, his words practically choked with sincerity, eyes wide with it. “I mean it.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Arthur waves a hand and turns, embarrassed at the attention. “You er…you want somethin’ to drink?”
The man gives a small smile. “I could go for a, uh, a whiskey. Whichever’s your favorite.”
Arthur nods and shuffles away, back to the bar. This man isn’t like the rich city-slickers that come through every once in a while, with their big words and fake niceness. He’s got the manners of someone who grew up in these parts, without the brashness that so many of the boys around here have. Even so, there’s something about the young man that seems to suggest he’s well acquainted with the rougher things in life…
He pours two glasses of his good whiskey, the kind he keeps for himself, and carries them back to the table. The man’s slumped down in the chair, head down, hat tipped down over his face.
“Hey, I got your drink,” Arthur says, setting both glasses down on the table. He peers at the man as he does, craning his neck to get a look at his face. The man’s eyes are closed. He raises his voice a little. “Hey, mister.”
His eyes travel down, to where a spot of red peeks out from under the suit jacket on the man’s left side. He pushes the jacket back and sighs. 
“Well, shit.”
He’s no expert, but he’s fairly certain based on the hole in the man’s shirt that he’d been shot. Whatever happened, there’s a hell of a lot of blood. He reaches forward and gives the man’s shoulder a gentle shake, relieved when the man lets out a small groan, his eyes fluttering open.
“What’s your name, son?” Arthur asks, keenly aware of how gruff he sounds despite his attempt to ask gently.
“R--” The man tries to sit up straighter but quickly winces in pain, sucking a sharp breath through clenched teeth as both hands fly to his wounded side. “Shit. ‘m sorry.” His eyes start to close. 
“Your name,” Arthur urges, and the man pries his eyes open.
“It’s Raylan. Raylan Givens…” He looks down at his hands and lifts them slowly. They come away covered in blood, and he frowns as if he’s surprised. He blinks heavily and looks up at Arthur. “I think maybe y’should…should call…” 
His eyes droop shut, head lolling forward, and Arthur’s heart jumps a little. He taps the man’s face, but this time he remains stubbornly unconscious. 
“Damn,” Arthur mutters. He gets up as quickly as his aching joints will allow and hurries, as much as he can, to the phone on the wall and dials 911. “Yeah, this is Arthur Howard, over at the Pennyrile…Pennyrile Roadhouse, that’s right. Listen, uh, I don’t know what the Sam Hill is going on but I’ve got a man in here appears to be shot. Just came in here and passed out…Yes ma’am. No. No, ma’am…Yes, I understand.”
He hangs up and heads to the bar, grabbing some clean wash rags before walking back out to the table. He pulls a chair out and sits next to the man and puts pressure on the wound, holding the rags against the man’s side with one hand as he waits for the ambulance. With his other hand, he reaches over for one of the glasses of whiskey and sips at it, since he has it there anyway. 
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
One of Us
“Yo, anyone hear from Tennyson, lately?” Tyler asked his friends, fiddling on his phone as they waited for class to start. “It’s been like, a week. What’s his face on the news is always going on about things the little menace blew up.”
“Don’t listen to Harangue, he’s a biased old grouch,” Aria said with an eyeroll. “Jimmy Jones’ blog is the place to keep track of Ben 10 and, according to him, Ben and the Plumbers are on a deep space mission. It’s gotta be big, they took almost all their heavy hitters with them.”
“Deep space,” Miguel sighed, resting his head on his desk. “Some dudes have all the luck. Do you even know what I’d do to go into space, even for like 5 minutes? We have aliens in Bellwood but I want to see different planets, new cultures.”
“Or change your shape and form any time you want,” Aria pouted. “I bet he’s kicking butt right now while we’re waiting for homeroom.”
“Certainly was more interesting when Tennyson was here,” Tyler snorted looking over at the vacant seat. “Dude’s lucky he can skip out of school and stuff. It was cool the few weeks he was here after being outed before he went full online.”
“He’s a fulltime superhero,” Aria scolded, adjusting their glasses as the bell rang. “He doesn’t have the time for normal school hours plus villains kept interrupting class to get a piece of him. Seeing the action up close and personal...” They made a face, “okay yeah I miss it too but it seriously wasn’t safe for anyone.”
“Probably got tired of the constant adoration,” Miguel grumbled. He glanced up at the clock, “also Mrs. O’Hara is late, what’s up with that?”
“Probably waiting for her tea to finish steeping,” Tyler said absentminded, going back to his phone. “Ugh seriously, where is Tennyson? The news is so boring without him.”
The sound of a commotion in the hallway stopped the trio’s conversation, along with everyone else’s. They waited, curious for what all the raised voices were about. The door opened and Ben Tennyson staggered in. He gave a lopsided smile and leaned against the doorframe like it was the only thing holding him up.
“Sorry ‘m late,” he slurred, drifting a bit as he made his way over to his empty desk and practically fell into it. “Traffic was hell this morning.”
“Uh that’s not the only thing that looks like hell,” Tyler whistled softly. Ben 10, hero of the universe, looked like a train had run him over then backed up for good measure. His hair was sticking in all directions and his left cheek had a nasty bruise with a several stitched up cuts going down through part of his lip to his chin. His left arm was in a sling and wrapped securely with gauze but the ends of his fingers peeking out were limp, purple and mottled. He wore a hospital gown underneath his iconic green jacket paired with pink sweatpants. Ben’s eyes were vacant, his pupils blown wide as he stared at everything and nothing.
“Holy shit what happened to him,” someone whispered.
“I thought he didn’t go here anymore?” Another added.
“Christ, I know he’s like a hero or whatever but isn’t someone watching out for him?”
“Mr. Tennyson,” Mrs. O’Hara boomed, hustling in with a stern expression but she seemed nervous and unsure of what to do. “You are in no state to be here right now, young man. I’ve contacted your grandfather and someone is coming to take you home or possibly to a hospital.” Her expression faltered, “are you- are you alright, sweetie? Can I do anything?”
“Oh yeah,” Ben drawled, leaning himself over on top of the desk. “Totally fine and ready to learn. If I don’t keep my grades up they’ll kick me off the soccer team.”
“Ben, buddy,” Eugene said slowly, turning in his seat to look at his former friend. “You haven’t been on the team in months. School wouldn’t let you play with your whole hero thing going on,” Eugene grimaced. “Remember?”
“Course I remember,” Ben said, his voice clear for the moment. “So glad you and the other guys backed me up at the time.” Eugene winced while Ben just moaned and grabbed at his head with his one working hand. “Ugh what hit me? My head hurts like crazy.”
“Probably some mega big and scary alien dude,” Tyler noted dryly, “you’re like super concussed, Tennyson.”
“M’yeah probably,” Ben mumbled laying his head on the desk with a gentle thump. “Don’t mind me, carry on, I’ll read over the notes later.”
“Ben, I don’t think you’re supposed to sleep with a concussion,” Miguel said, reaching over to ever so gently jostling Ben’s good shoulder. The other teen gasped and jolted away from Miguel’s hand with wide, fearful eyes. His right hand slammed instinctively down where his watch was hidden beneath layers of gauze.
“Ow, goddammit, mother-” Ben groaned, leaning over his injured arm as he panted, trembling with pain and terror. “Don’t touch me, please don’t touch me! Everyone keep away from me or I’ll-!”
“Alright, yeah man sorry ‘bout that,” Miguel squeaked, throwing his hands up in surrender. A few of the chairs around Ben screeched as they scooted away, giving the teen hero some space but also separating him even more from his classmates.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Brittney whispered to Nikole as they watched the confident hero they both had pictures cut in the shapes of hearts taped inside their lockers shiver and shake. “Should we do something?”
“Excuse me,” a rough voice asked. They turned to find a tall alien with blue fur standing awkwardly in the doorway. He himself looked worse for wear, with part of his fur singed and his lower arms covered in bandages. His eyes locked immediately on the shaking teen. “I represent Magister Tennyson. My name is Rook and I am Ben’s Plumber partner. I will be taking him back to HQ for treatment.”
He strode forward confidently and sighed as he leaned down and assessed his partner. “Can you walk?” He waited a beat before sighing, “no, that would not help matters. Forgive me, I am going to pick you up now. Don’t fight me.”
With telegraphed movements, he gently scooped Ben into his arms who tensed up but didn’t move. “I am not sure whether to be impressed or infuriated that you got past our security in your condition,” Rook said almost fondly as he carried the teen who looked pitifully small in his arms.
“Imma a hero,” Ben ground out as he squeezed his eyes shut at the movement. “It’s what I do.”
“Your only job right now is to rest,” Rook explained wearily. “You saved 5 galaxies the other day, a break is deserved.” He paused to nod his head at Mrs. O’Hara. “I apologize for the interruption, we will be on our way. Thank you for caring for him. Do not worry, Ben is tough. He will be back to normal in a few days.” That said, Ben and the alien were gone.
“Holy shit,” someone said quietly from the middle of the silent classroom. 
“What a joke,” Spencer grumbled, “we haven’t done anything to take care of him.” He turned to glare at Eugene, “Ben’s right, we just let the school kick him off the team. I don’t think any of us have reached out to him after he stopped coming in. He’s one of our own and we abandoned him.”
“Is he really,” Eugene frowned, “is he really one of us? Because that? That wasn’t normal and, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want any part of it.”
“Children!” Mrs. O’Hara announced, clapping her hands loudly to gain their attention. “I know that was, very unsettling for us to see but we’re already ten minutes into the period and I have things to go over. I do think it would be nice if we all signed a get well card to wish Ben a speedy recovery. Let him know we’re thinking of him even when he isn’t here. Now, moving on, Fall Fest is just days away and we need to get our final preps in order.”
Three days later, aliens who looks like a mix between squids and parrots invaded the high school’s Fall Fest. The attack had barely started when Ben 10 swooped in and saved the day. 
As he powered down, he glanced over at his classmates hiding behind various overturned booths. His face was free of marks, his left arm was out of the sling and his eyes clearheaded. The only evidence of his injury earlier in the week was his obvious discomfort. Without a word, he loaded the would be villains into the back of a Plumber’s van and left.
There was no point in sticking around, he wasn’t one of them. Not anymore. 
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sukunasbabymama · 3 years
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Meeting his counterpart, pt. 2.
⌗ Pairing: Izana Kurokawa.
⌗ Warnings: Izana himself, cursing, some violence because hello it’s Izana (it doesn’t escalated tho).
⌗ A/N: The king? aight the king.
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You got to be one crazy mf to be the counterpart of this man cuz listen–💀
You own a small cafe and you were really proud of that because at your young age you can say you have something that it’s entirely yours.
You have two coworkers, and one of them was a boy that you knew wherein a gang, although his gang respected you enough to not bring chaos into your little local.
What you didn’t knew was that an opposite gang would come for him. At your goddamn shop.
You were cleaning the tables when two guys entered the shop as if they were the owners, one of them has a big scar on his face and the other one has purple eyes.
“Y/N, do you need me to help you with those boxes in the…” Your coworker froze on the spot when he sees the two guys.
They started to walk to him but you move till you were in front of the short one.
“What do you think you're doing?” He says and his whole voice sounds dangerous. Too bad for him that it was your cafe that he entered.
“What the fuck do you think your doing barging into my cafe like that and starting to walk to the back as if you run shit here?” Your coworker was speechless, not even when he makes a mistake you talk to him like that.
“Move” It’s all the guy says, you roll your eyes.
“You have one minute to get the hell out of my shop before I get psychical”
As soon as you ended that sentence his hand flies to your throat with a little bit of force, enough to make your butt hit the table you were cleaning a couple minutes ago, his face really close to yours.
“Repeat that shit again, I fucking dare you” He whispered with a threat.
You laugh in his face, and you were so close that he could swear he felt your lips brushing his, but you weren’t thinking about that because is this bitch really serious? Touching you? Without your permission? Without even knowing you?
You lift your knee with a little bit of force, and he groans in pain when it collided with his crotch, when he was bend down you grabbed his cheeks with your right hand, forcing him to look at you.
“I don’t have to repeat myself because the minute ended” You murmured. “Out of my damn cafe. Now”
“Woah, Woah, let’s calm down now,” The guy with the scars says, and you look at him with a raised eyebrow and let go of the guy. “He’s not gonna touch you again, I promise. We just wanted to talk to that guy over there”
“Drop the bullshit, we both know you didn’t come here to talk and this guy's attitude is proof of that. Now, if you want to beat his ass be my guest, he knows better than to be doing stupid stuff with gangs, what you are not going to do is barge into my cafe, talk to me like you are superior and on top of that touch me without my damn permission” You say, the guy nods giving you the reason.
“I know, I apologize on his behalf, we are going to wa—”
“You know what? Y’all have totally forbidden to touch him, I don’t care if he was on your territory or something, and since you came to mine and all you gonna be left is with a kick to your fucking balls then you should be grateful” You say exasperated changing your mind because you can and you fucking will. “Touch him and next time I’ll make sure your balls get past recovery.”
“Is that so?” The kicked guy says straightening his posture, you raised an eyebrow.
“You can go now baby, I’ll see you tomorrow at the same time” You say in a motherly tone, without breaking the eye contact with the guy you kicked.
Your coworker grab his jacket and starts walking slowly to the door, you grab him when he’s by your say and look into his eyes, you give him a sweet smile.
“What’s his name?” You ask him, and he look between you and the guy for a second and decided that you were more threatening.
“Izana Kurokawa, he’s the boss of the Tenjiku gang…” He says and you nod, you motion him to go on his way.
The guy don’t even look at him while he’s going out.
“Y/N, right?” He says and you nod while returning to clean tables. “Are you affiliated with a gang?”
“I am not, I just don’t respect you” You answer him in a monotone tone, you motion to his partner with your chin. “He has more manners than you, I like him more”
Izana was pissed, aroused and curious, all in one. He wanted to grab you and toss you around but at the same time he want to see more of that attitude, not even his second in command talks or touch him like that.
He decided in that moment that he likes you.
“So, Y/N… You sure you don’t need help with the boxes at the back?” He says, and you stop to look at him, he didn’t look away.
You lick your lips and let out a giggle, remembering that was what you coworker was saying earlier. You gift him with a little flirty smile.
“Yes, I do need help with the boxes”
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no bc I got mad when izana said that everybody followed him out of fear like wtf you mean fear shortie I’ll rearrange your dark thoughts with a bitch slap.😐
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I’m Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 6
Batfamily x Batsis Story
Word Count: 1.7K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst Tags!: @itsnottilly @cloudyskylines @starflyer-104 @iwillstaywiththemforever @justine-en @weirdgirlfromtx @notsostraightweeb @candlestudy @willowoo @peterxwade24 @the-atlantic-french-fry @bad-bouquet-of-emotions @vvipgot7be @pure-princess-97 @atomicsoulhumanspy @foreverthefloor @natatawa-ako (I discounted the names of those whose blogs I couldn't tag! Y'all gotta get that figured out on your end!)
Author's Note: And here we are with the long awaited PT. 6 after like...five days of hiatus. FLASHBACK TIME. Enjoy! -Thorne
The silver doors closed in his face and Wally couldn’t find it in himself to turn around and face the family behind. She wasn’t wrong for being upset and hostile, but something deep down inside naively assumed there would’ve been a teary reunion at the end of the night.
He hung his head and sighed heavily, turning around to pay the piper. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I thought…I thought I could—”
“How could you keep this from us!” Dick interrupted, angrily thrusting the letter towards Bruce. “We could’ve done more to find her! Released some statement about this! Told her earlier that she was wrong!”
Bruce’s face still held that indomitable impassivity as he responded calmly, “Dick, it would’ve caused more problems for us all if we’d released something pertaining to the information on the letter.”
“And making up some bullshit about (Y/N) fucking off to Europe was the betteroption?” Jason retorted, pointing at his father as he accused, “All those letters and pictures she supposedly sent were bullshit too, weren’t they?” He scoffed. “Of course they were. She’s been living here for the last three years.”
Tim, who’d been silent as his brothers delivered their harsh criticisms, murmured, “Bruce has a point guys.”
“Seriously?” Jason replied, eyes wide in shock. “You’re defending this?”
“Putting out the information in the letter would’ve made it seem like Bruce was irresponsible and inattentive to us.”
“But we—”
“Jason, Child Services would’ve conducted investigations into the manor.” Tim leveled him with a serious expression. “They could’ve taken me and Damian if they found things not to their likings.”
Jason went silent in agreement, but his pursed lips told Tim that he didn’t like it, and the rest of them matched the stillness.
Wally collapsed into the seat beside Dick. “I’m sorry, Dick,” he murmured remorsefully. “I thought I could help fix things.”
Dick was silent for a long time, then he sighed and shook his head. “It’s not your fault, Wally. You did the best you could.” He turned his blue eyes onto the speedster. “If anything, it was ours for cornering her.” He rubbed his temples. “I should’ve listened to you the first time when you told me to meet in Central instead of doing…this. She might’ve felt less threatened if we hadn’t ganged up on her.”
Wally looked away, the memory of (Y/N)’s disappearance still fresh in his mind and replaying as if it was still happening.
He could count on one hand how many times things had actually unnerved him to his core, and this one by far topped every instance of dread filled panic. And it certainly wasn’t the ecstatic atmosphere of Wayne-Family-Pizza-Fridays that was drilling him so hard—it was the confession that kept slipping onto his tongue, forcing him to swallow it down to avoid ruining everything.
“Wally, you good?”
His eyes darted to Jason’s, who were uncharacteristically concerned, and he gave a tight smile. “Yeah man, just chilling.”
Jason snorted. “You look like you’ve got a stick up your a—your butt,” he finished when Alfred’s glare hit him.
“Sorry, just thinking about some things.” He took a piece of pizza from one of the boxes, handing it to Cass who silently held her plate out, then proceeded to get himself one. “Don’t let me stop the story,” he quipped, and Jason shook his head, but went back into some story about kicking Two-Face’s ass the other night.
Maybe he should tell Dick later? Wouldn’t that be better than telling the whole family? A frown etched onto his face as he chewed, but it all tasted bitter. (Y/N) didn’t want to be found and she seemed pretty adamant about it as well. Maybe she was right? Maybe they did ignore her a lot. Bruce doesn’t exactly have the best track record of keeping up with all his kids, I mean look at Jason. And then everybody else gets sidetracked in their own lives and things just get forgotten along the way. Was she one of those things? Their own sister? No, they couldn’t—
Laughter exploded across the table, Cass pressing her face into Tim’s arm to stifle her giggles, Stephanie cackling at Tim for snorting soda out of his nose, and that just set everyone off again. Dick and Damian pointing at Tim while their faces turned red from laughing so hard, Jason was crying at that point, and surprisingly, Barbara and Bruce had their heads in their hands. The only one not laughing was Wally.
“I know where (Y/N) is.” He blurted and the table went dead quiet as everyone stared at him.
For a full minute, no one said a word.
“What did you just say?” Dick asked and Wally swallowed, looking at him.
“I…I know where (Y/N) is.” He looked at Bruce and that weighted stare made the words fall right out of his mouth. “She’s been living in Central under the alias Melisandre Hale. Has been for the last three years.”
“What,” Dick started, but shook his head like he couldn’t comprehend. “What are you talking about, Wally? (Y/N)’s in Italy.”
Wally shook his head. “No, Dick, she’s not. And she never was. She left three years ago and has been living a completely different life up until now.”
“Until now?” Jason repeated. “What do you mean until now?”
“Dick and the other Titans came to hang out in Central two months ago and Melisan—(Y/N)mentioned herself. Rather curiously I might add.” He shrugged. “Now that I think about it, that was her way of dipping a toe into the water to see the ripples. To see where she was in the grand scheme of things.”
His eyes drifted to Dick’s. “When I showed you her picture you offhandedly commented on how similar they looked to one another and that night—”
“You went to confront her,” Dick finished, eyes flashing, and Wally wasn’t sure if it was from anger or sadness or some other heavy emotion the eldest brother was feeling about his baby sister. “…How’d she react when you did?”
Wally sighed, slouching in the hardwood chair. “Not in the positive, Dick.” He glanced at Bruce. “She doesn’t want to be found. And she certainly doesn’t want to be met by anyone. Especially…especially anyone here.”
“(Y/N)’s our sister,” Tim retorted. “What do you mean she doesn’t want to meet us?” he was already rising from his seat and that seemed to spark every brother to do so.
Wally’s hand shot out, wrapping around Dick’s wrist. “Dick, I’m being serious. Don’t corner her. Let me handle this.”
Dick tried to pull away, but he held tight. “You will handle this. We’ll all handle it together.”
“You don’t understand, Dick. If you want this to play out the way you’re planning, you need to come to Central alone with me.” He gazed at the others. “We need Dick to do this himself and then we can see about bringing her back here.”
Jason scowled. “With all due respect Wally, she’s our sister. Not yours.”
And with that, Dick pulled away firmly and Wally watched as the lot headed for the cave, the young women and Bruce still seated at the dinner table. He groaned and put his head in his hands, knowing this was going to come back to bite him in the ass.
“Wally,” someone said quietly. “Is she okay?”
He looked up, meeting Bruce’s eyes. His mouth opened, ready to lie, but he sighed and shook his head. “No,” he answered honestly. “(Y/N) isn’t the shy girl I remember. Especially when I confronted her. She was…cold and indifferent.” His mouth drew into a taut line and he stared at Bruce. “This isn’t going to end well, isn’t it?”
Bruce wiped his mouth on the napkin in his lap then stood from his seat, pushing in the chair behind him. “No, Wally. No, it’s not.”
He shook the memory away and instead of looking at any of the brothers, he looked at Bruce. “So, what do we do now?”
“We go find her and bring her back to Gotham, that’s what we do,” Jason griped, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No,” Bruce said firmly. “If (Y/N) wants to stay here, then we’ll let her.”
“WHAT?!” all three of the boys around him shouted in unison, their eyes practically bulging out of their heads.
He merely looked on. “We’ll wait for her to meet us halfway.”
“And what if she tries to leave again?” Dick questioned angrily and Bruce turned his slate gray eyes to him.
“We’ll know.”
“How?” Tim asked. “If she left the first time, what’s stopping her from leaving again?”
Wally cleared his throat and if he were a lesser man, he would’ve cowered under their withering glares as he admitted, “Actually, I tagged (Y/N) with a bug.”
“You did what?” Jason questioned, brows furrowing.
“I tagged a pocket in her purse with a bug when she wasn’t paying attention earlier in the car.”
“And you’re sure she won’t just throw that purse away? She left the house with money and a suitcase of necessities. A purse doesn’t seem that way.”
Wally snorted and crossed his arms. “(Y/N)’s purse is a Givenchy black bag that she found at a thrift store for thirty dollars. She might be a different person after living on minimum wage, but deep down she’s still a billionaire’s daughter who can’t help but love expensive things.” He grinned rather cockily. “She’s not going to get rid of a two-thousand-dollar purse she found for thirty. Even if she throws away everything else she’s got.”
He shifted his gaze to Bruce. “I think waiting for her is a good option, but you might want to do something more.”
“Like what?” Tim asked.
Wally shrugged. “Write her personal letters. The semester ends in three months and she won’t leave before it does, or she’ll have to pay those classes off.” He stared them down. “You’ve got three months to wear her down into staying on grid before she goes off again.” His eyes hardened. “And you know as well as I that if she goes off…we won’t find her ever again.”
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