#………it’d be. fun to own a strap
profoundidiot · 3 months
I almost forgot it’s Thighs Thursday!
well, practically Thighs Friday at this point.
I don’t suppose you still want to take a look?
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ohimsummer · 2 months
Uh- Gojo is a dom in canon. It’s show in the manga and anime and gege said he had a canon god complex.
“f-fu—, ah!” your boyfriend cries into a drool-soaked pillow, stuffing his face in it to hide from your endless giggling.
“is this too much for you, satoru?” your tone is evil and mischievous. it’s obvious you’re having wayyyy too much fun here. “just do what you tell me all the time and take it. take my dick like a good slut.”
at this point, he can only answer in grunts and moans, eyes clenched beneath furrowed brows as you pound deep into his ass. it’s sore and bruised, imprinted with layers of your red handprints and the occasional bite mark. maybe you went a little feral when he agreed to let you fuck his ass…whatever, it’s his fault for being so annoying about it,
“try not to go at a snail’s pace”, satoru teases, giving his ass a cheeky wiggle against your rubber appendage. “you don’t have to go too easy on me. i can take whatever you can give, pretty girl.”
you glide slippery lube up and down the the fake dick strapped to your pelvis. “you better, because i didn’t intend on it.”
the lack of reaction from you somewhat intrigues gojo, but he assumes you’re putting on a confident facade in front of him. just wait, once you actually get ready to put it in, you’ll be all hesitant and nervous and begging him to help poor little you.
“wait, ‘s too—,” a pathetic whimper leaves satoru’s plump lips, decorated with teeth indentations. “it’s too much, fuck, sl-slow down—“
“slow downnn??”, you feign utter shock, the hand pumping his leaking dick picking up pace. “satoru! don’t tell me the strongest can’t handle it? i thought you told me not to go at a snail’s pace?”
he huffs, using whatever energy he has left to direct glaring, teary blue eyes at you. “i-i did, but—“
“but what, sweetheart?” you spot the wobble of his pouty lips, entire face tinted a bright red hue. you’re pulling out all his own teases and tricks, all the mockery satoru makes you endure when it’s you getting fucked into the mattress.
“nothing.” he grunts it stubbornly into the pillow, facing away to keep whatever’s left of his pride.
“ohhh, so now it’s nothing?” his length twitches in your palm. “that’s so good to hear, baby. it’d be a shame if all that talk you were doing beforehand was just a bunch of lies.”
you can feel satoru throbbing in your hand again, and you know he’s close. another smack to his behind pushes a high-pitched moan from his lips.
“i wa-wanna cum.”, he says, turning slightly to look at you.
“oh?”, you thumb over the dribbling tip of his cock. “are you asking or are you telling me?”
“asking—!”, satoru whines. he fucks wildly into the palm of your hand. “please! please let me cum!”
this must be how he feels when he watches you writhing and squirming beneath him any other night. this towering sense of pride and accomplishment and smugness.
“since you beg so nicely,” you indulge him, “go on, then. make a mess for me, pretty boy.”
and he does. satoru gives a few more weak thrusts before letting out a deafening moan, and hot, thick ropes of his seed come shooting out—it’s a lot, enough to coat both your hand and his stomach and leak down to the sheets below.
“empty?”, you ask, and satoru gives a weak shake of his head. “good! now let’s go again.”
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wolfmoonmusic · 1 year
hiiii!!! can u do a valentine’s day angsty post where james and y/n are in a secret relationship because she’s a hufflepuff but he flirts with lily and gets her flowers on valentines so he doesn’t cause suspicion u get upset and cry and break up with him and he tries to win u back but remus gets u flowers and kinda helps u get over james??🤭🤭🤭 if u don’t wanna do this it’s totally okay!! love ur work<3
A/N: This was so painful to write. But, it was also super fun.
Summary: You love James Potter and would do anything for him, including keeping your relationship an absolute secret. However, he may not feel the same.
Pairing: James Potter x Hufflepuff!reader, Remus Lupin x Hufflepuff!reader
w/c: 3600+
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3
The room of requirements had a lot of uses.
“Jamie, stop it!” you giggled as your boyfriend peppered your face with kisses. He pulled away grinning, “What? I’ve missed you!” 
You shook your head, a sad smile taking over the grin you’d had before. “You wouldn’t have to miss me, if people knew about us,” you said, your hands fixing his hair, and adjusting his glasses. “If at least your friends knew,” you added, now fixing your own robes.
James closed his eyes, tilting his head back. “We’ve talked about this n/n,” he whined, cupping your face. His eyes searched yours, “I-I’ve told you, they can’t know.”
You shook your head, “You’ve never told me why, James.” You pulled his hands away from your face, bending down to pick up your bag, the next period would start soon. You tried to ignore how your chest tightened.
When James didn’t respond, bending down to pick his own bag up, you sighed. Everytime over the past few months that you’d had this conversation, it ended the same way. Sometimes, you wondered, if he was embarrassed of you, but it made no sense, because all of his friends loved hanging out with you.
Or so you thought. You weren’t sure of anything anymore.
“I-I just need you to trust me,” he said softly, adjusting his bag straps. You just stared at him blankly. It was scary how used to this you were by now. 
“Right,” you whispered, before stepping past him and leaving.
He didn’t follow you. He never did.
When James had first told you he liked you, he’d also mentioned a need to keep it private. You’d wholeheartedly agreed at first, maybe he just didn’t want his friends all over the two of you. However, that didn’t make sense either. Sirius had openly teased the both of you on some occasions, when James had one too many drinks, and got a little too touchy around you. 
Of course, it happened only when he was drunk.
As days turned into weeks, you started wondering if he ever planned on telling at least his friends. He never got too close to you whenever you were around them. In fact, he’d barely even look at you. It was Remus who was always around you, talking and making you laugh.
If James hadn’t asked you out first, Remus might’ve been the one you were with.
He always made you feel wanted. In a way James never had. 
The worst part was that Valentine’s Day was tomorrow. And James hadn’t even brought it up. Even when you’d asked him, he’d just shrugged and said “I’ll come up with something.”
You definitely didn’t miss the way his friends kept pushing him towards Lily Evans. Or how he seemed to be subtly flirting with her, every time you looked at him when you were in public.
At first you would cry in your dorm room, unable to tell anyone about how you felt, because no matter how much you hated it, you still felt obliged to keep it a secret. Over time, you learnt to shrug it off, allowing the pain to grow in your chest. You didn’t know what it was like to go through a day without that crushing sensation.
Sometimes you wished you weren’t that nice. 
As you entered class, you weren’t expecting Remus to excitedly wave you over, Sirius turning away from his friend to smile at you as well.
You couldn’t even avoid them, it’d seem suspicious. You plastered on a fake smile, making your way over to the boys.
“Hey Y/N,” they both chorused. 
“Hello,” you responded, settling down next to Remus. He held out a chocolate in the palm of his hand, and you gladly accepted, muttering a simple thanks.
This is what it was like to be around Remus. It wasn’t the constant fear of someone finding out. It didn’t come with the thoughts swarming in your head.
Your eyes found James walking into class, hesitating, for just a moment when he saw you, before his face returned to normal and he took a seat beside Sirius.
Of course, he didn’t give you a second glance.
Class started, causing you to shift your focus on your professor. You hated how routine it had all become. 
How unaffected you were.
As you were walking back to your dorm, you felt someone grab your hand, pulling you behind a wall. 
“Y/N, don’t be mad,” James whispered. You stared at him blankly, before sighing softly. “How long?” you asked, staring directly into his eyes, hoping that you could decipher what was going on. He gulped, looking away for a minute, before his eyes landed on you again. “I-I don’t know,” he said, immediately looking down at his shoes.
You tried to blink away the gathering tears, nodding. “Look, James, I like being your girlfriend. But, I hate being your secret,” you said. His eyes snapped up to meet yours, full of panic. “You’re not my secret,” he said firmly, his eyes filled with confidence. You almost believed him.
You scoffed. “Right because this,” you said, gesturing to your hiding spot, “doesn’t indicate that you’re hiding me.”
“No, no I-” he sighed frustratedly, a hand running through his hair. 
“I’ll see you in the Gryffindor common room in the evening. I’m studying with Remus. You,” you jabbed a finger at his chest, “can ignore me as usual.”
With that, you left, unable to hold the onslaught of tears any longer. As the hot tears streamed down your face, you started running, picking up more speed as the feeling in your chest grew. You didn’t care that people were staring. You didn’t care that you could get into trouble. You just needed to get away.
You didn’t go to class. You didn’t go to lunch. You sat in your room all day pondering your situation. It hurt you to think about it. You’d been so happy in the beginning, an amazing boyfriend, good friends, you had it all. But slowly, your sudden disappearances had increased, and you couldn’t explain it to your friends. You’d even missed your roommate's cake cutting on her birthday because you’d run off to find James.
They barely even talked to you now.
You sniffled, hearing voices as your roommates piled in, barely acknowledging you. You watched as they walked right past you, only one of them, Rose, the one who’s birthday you missed, paused to give you a sad smile, before joining the others in their discussion.
You couldn’t handle the pain anymore. It enveloped you completely, the numbness taking over. You quietly got up, leaving the room. Anywhere was better than here. 
As you got to your common room, you realized all the classes were over for the day. Your eyes scanned the room, as you tried to ignore the fact that you were supposed to be with Remus now. You didn’t want to go. James would be there.
But, you’d promised Remus yesterday. 
You sighed, deciding you had to go, leaving the common room, with no one to stop you.
The second you entered the common room, Remus called you over. Unfortunately, he was sitting with his friends. Including your boyfriend.
You walked over, ignoring the way James watched you, eyes trained on Remus. “Hi Remmy,” you said softly, taking a seat next to him. “Hello love. Are you alright? You weren’t in Defense Against the Dark Arts today,” he asked, brows furrowed together in concern. 
Did James even realize?
You nodded quietly, “Just needed to get away from everything for a while y’know?” 
Remus nodded, understanding taking over his features. 
“You don’t have your books,” Sirius pointed out.
You froze, you’d been so worked up that you hadn’t even realized.
“I - uh”
“ ‘S alright love, we can share,” Remus interrupted, passing his book over to you.
You smiled gratefully, “Thanks Moony.”
You knew James was watching you, but you didn’t look at him. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. It hurt too much.
“Oh! I heard someone’s secret relationship was found out!” Sirius suddenly exclaimed.
You couldn’t process what he’d just said. Did he - did he know?
“Who?” you heard James ask. Your eyes snapped to him, but he was looking at Sirius, face seeming amused.
Was he not worried? Or did he not care? Or…was he so sure that it wasn’t about you two?
However Sirius just shrugged, “Don’t know, don’t care,” he pointed at the three of you, “however I think whoever it was is an absolute coward.”
Remus looked up from his book, “Coward?”
Sirius hummed in response. “You like someone enough to date them, why would you keep it quiet?” he asked, now looking at you, “If you’re not embarrassed or if it’s not forbidden love or something right n/n?” You were caught off guard by the question. 
The way he looked at you made you feel as if he knew more than he was letting on. 
“I uh-. Yeah, yeah, why would you?” you asked in response, looking at James. At this point, you didn’t care if someone suspected something. You wanted an answer.
James’s eyes widened in shock. “I-” 
The three of you were looking at him now. “You shouldn’t. Not if you care about the person enough,” he muttered, looking at everyone but you.
You didn’t stop the tears from flowing. “I- I have to go,” you whispered, before running out. 
Did he not care enough then? If that was just a response, framed to keep people from guessing, how far was he willing to go to keep this a secret?
You ran all the way to your dorm room, ignoring the way your roommates were looking at you with concern, before jumping on the bed, hiding your face in the pillow, and sobbing. 
None of them came to ask you what was wrong. Of course they didn’t. You hadn’t been there for them, constantly putting James first. 
The James that always seemed to put you last.
You woke up in the morning, eyes puffy and head hurting. You hadn’t even changed into your pajamas. You groaned, sitting up slowly, eyes closed, as the events of the day before, flooded into your head.
You opened your eyes, finding Rose sitting on your bed, a soft smile on her face.
“Hi?” you said, shocked that she was even talking to you. 
“You came in, a mess last night,” she laughed lightly.
You could feel your cheeks heating up in embarrassment . She moved closer to you, placing a hand on your knee. “What’s going on?” she asked, voice filled with concern. 
You were surprised that she’d even asked. “I missed your birthday?” you asked in response, unable to form an actual sentence.
She laughed again, “I know you Y/N. You wouldn’t have done that unless something was going on.”
You felt your eyes water again. “You really want to know?” you asked, your voice shaking. She simply nodded, waiting for you to continue.
You hesitated, unsure if you should tell her, but as the pain in your chest continued to grow with every second, you realized you needed to let it out.
So you did.
You told her everything. From the very beginning, to the conversation you’d had yesterday.
The second you’d finished, she engulfed you in a hug. “Oh n/n, you don’t deserve that,” she said, pulling away.
“But I mean, what I don't get is, why?” you whispered.
“I don’t know love, but you have to tell him,” she said sternly.
“Tell him what?” you asked, afraid of what she was going to say.
“That if he wants to stay with you, he should be willing to be open about it. Not PDA level but you know what I mean,” she said, taking your hands in hers.
You nodded. She was right. Absolutely right.
You had to tell him now. Why not? It was Valentine’s? It was perfect.
“I’ll tell him right now,” you said, getting off the bed.
Rose gripped your hand. “Not like this you’re not,” she told you, looking you up and down.
You laughed in embarrassment, “Right.”
Rose had helped you get ready, even helping you out with a bit of makeup. 
So now, as you sped across the halls, you were feeling confident. You were sure you mattered to him, so you didn’t worry too much about the conversation you were about to have. You were feeling good.
But then you heard the name Potter coming out of a certain redhead’s mouth. You came to a halt, turning to look at the scene behind you.
Lily Evans was holding a bouquet in her hands, blushing profusely. 
“I can’t believe he actually knows what flowers you like!” her friend exclaimed.
Lily nodded, “He might be a prick sometimes, but he really is good at this.”
Your heart dropped.
It can’t be.
You walked over to her clearing your throat. “Um, Lily?” you called, causing the girl to turn to you.
“Oh hey Y/N!” she smiled warmly. You returned it with a weak smile of your own, “I was just wondering,” you said shakily, pointing to the flowers, “who gave you those?” 
She grinned, “James Potter. As thick headed as he is, he’s also a sweetheart.”
You felt like you’d been kicked in the stomach, the color draining from your face. 
“You alright?” she asked, noticing the way your hands were shaking.
You nodded quickly. “Yeah, yeah of course. Have a nice day,” you said, quickly turning around and bolting. 
You had someone to go meet.
“James!” you yelled, barging into the Gryffindor common room. Sirius, Peter and Remus, and James all turned to look at you. Luckily there was no one else there.
Though, to be honest, you wouldn’t have cared.
You were tired of hiding.
“You gave Lily flowers?” you said, walking up to your boyfriend. 
He stood up, eyes wide. 
“Of course he did! Are you oblivious to how he’s head over heels for her?” Sirius interjected, confused as to why you were so angry.
You ignored him, eyes trained on your boyfriend.
“Well? Did you? Or is she lying to me?” you asked, your eyes watering.
“I swear to god James if you try to hide this even now, I will not hesitate to slap you.”
You could see how panicked James was. But you didn’t care. You were hurt beyond repair.
He closed his eyes, cursing under his breath.
“I did,” he whispered.
Hot tears streamed down your face.
“But I swear,” he said, opening his eyes, “ I only did it to keep people off of us.” He tried to reach for your hand, but you pushed him away.
“Why?” you sobbed. Your chest felt like it was being crushed. Your heart, breaking into tinier pieces by the minute.
James huffed. “Because,” he started throwing his hands up in the air, “Because you’re a Hufflepuff!” he yelled.
You staggered back, the shock of the revelation came like a blow.
“What?” you whispered.
“Mate, what’s going on?” Remus asked, walking over to stand next to you.
James just shook his head, running a hand through his hair.
“Love,” Remus turned to you, a gentle hand on your shoulder, “what’s going on?” he asked.
Sirius stepped forward, “James fucked up, that’s what’s going on,” he supplied.
You and James looked at him in shock.
“I saw you both kissing a few days back,” he explained. “It completely threw me off, because Prongs here,” he threw an arm around James’s shoulder, “has been head over heels for Evans since first year.”
First year?
“However, he did tell us about catching feelings for you last year, though we thought it subsided because he never mentioned it again. Of course, I found out only recently that he didn’t mention it, because he was too up in his head about the whole ‘Gryffindor being a superior house’ thing,” Sirius said, making air quotes. You stared at James, not knowing how to process the information being dealt out.
“Then I saw you both snogging each other before Charms one day, and decided to bring it up. James however said you were just friends. But he wouldn’t shut up about how in love he was with Evans. Meaning one of two things,” Sirius said, moving away from James, holding out both his hands.
“One,” he said, lifting his left hand up, “James was using you to get the attention he wanted because Lily wasn’t paying him regard,” James opened his mouth to say something but Sirius cut him off, “but, James isn’t a prick. He wouldn’t do that.” Sirius said, lowering his hand. “Which could only mean,” he lifted his right hand now, “that James did in fact like you, but he couldn’t give up completely on Lily, and,” he paused, pointing to James, “he feels too superior about his house, as always.”
You blinked multiple times, trying to understand what Sirius had just said. 
He’d known yesterday. And he’d been trying to warn you.
“Y/N-” James started.
“Don’t. Don’t James. Don’t open your mouth and try to explain. You’ll only make it worse,” you seethed. Your hurt had completely transformed into anger.
“We’re done. Go on and snog Lily in front of everyone, yeah? She’s in Gryffindor,” you glared at him, before storming out of the common room, ignoring his protests.
You’d spent the entire day in your room. Thinking, crying, and thinking some more. You’d told Rose, and then also told her you needed some alone time.
She’d been doing a great job at keeping everyone away.
Until now that is.
You heard a soft knock on your dorm room door.
“Please, not now,” you called out, hoping the person would go away.
“I uh- It’s me, Remus,” a soft, uncertain, voice called back.
Your eyes widened and you quickly got off the bed, opening the door to your visitor.
“Remus?” you asked, surprised.
He smiled at you warmly. “Hello love, may I come in?” he asked. You nodded, stepping aside to let him. You closed the door again, watching as he gently placed his bag on the floor before sitting on your bed.
“I had to bribe Rose with 2 weeks of free chocolates,” he laughed.
For the first time in hours, you felt a smile creep up onto your face. “Aww, you did that for me?” you teased, settling down in front of him.
“I’d do anything for you,” he said, quietly. 
You froze, a warmth coating your cheeks and the tips of your ears. 
He sighed, “James is- He’s an idiot. To hurt you like that. It’s-” he shook his head, “It’s fucked up and not fair on you. If I was him, I’d be showing you off,” he said, reaching over to place his hand on your knee.
You felt goosebumps erupt all over you at his touch.
“Even if I’m a hufflepuff?” you smiled sadly.
“Even if you’re a Hufflepuff,” Remus nodded, before adding, “In fact, I’m happy you’re not a Gryffindor, I know too many Gryffindors,” he laughed.
You felt yourself relax at the comforting sound, a small chuckle slipping past your lips as well. 
Remus bent over, searching through his bag before presenting a bouquet of (your favorite flowers).
Your jaw dropped in shock. “I- Are these for me?” you asked, reaching out slowly.
Remus nodded, “Just for you,” he said.
You pulled them close to your face, inhaling the fresh scent. “I love it, Moony, thank you,” you whispered. 
Remus just stared at you, his brown eyes filled with love. For a second, he looked away, as if pondering something, before his eyes landed on his hands. You watched as played with his sweater, shrugging, before taking in a deep breath, and looking into your eyes.
“I know it might be too early, but do you think- would you maybe- I don’t know how to say it,” he sighed, looking away.
You knew what it was immediately. Did you want it? Yes, so very badly. Because you were confident that Remus would treat you right. Even Rose thought so.
He knew you better than James ever had.
“Just say it Remmy,” you said, placing the flowers next to you, before taking his hands in yours.
He looked at you, staring into your eyes. You felt your heart pick up speed, thumping loud against your ribcage.
He shook his head, looking away again, unable to keep eye contact for long. 
You moved closer to him, knitting your hands together, sitting knee to knee. 
“I’d love to be your girlfriend. We- We’ll have to take it slow, but I’d absolutely love to do that Remus,” you said.
He gently untangled your arms, and worry took over. Is that not what he wanted?
But then, his lips were on yours, his hands on your waist, and your head was on cloud nine.
It wasn’t rushed, he took his time, savoring every second. It wasn’t mixed with the fear of being caught. Or the pain of knowing you wouldn’t get it again for a while.
No. You couldn’t think. Your heart took over your body, as you pushed back. Every fiber of your being, lighting up with joy.
It was like your first kiss all over again.
Until, someone threw the door open, and you almost feared how Remus would react.
But he didn’t recoil, or act like nothing had happened. He just backed away, shocked, one hand still on your waist, as the other ran through his hair, eyes closed as he let out a small airy chuckle. 
It was Rose. She was grinning. “I knew it!” she pumped her fist in the air. 
Remus laughed, shaking his head, “Now will you leave us alone? Unless you want to watch?” he asked, eyebrows raised. 
Rose’s eyes widened, and she held her hand up in defense, “No sir,” she said, before leaving, closing the door behind her, causing you to giggle.
Remus turned to you, smiling, pressing his forehead against yours.
“Promise we won’t be a secret?” You whispered.
“I promise,” he responded, pressing his lips to your forehead.
And he stuck to that promise, ‘till your heart went still.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
My birthday is in like 2 weekd (the 13th) so I just wanted to make a quick request before I forget :)
Can you write a poly!marauder x reader when it’s readers birthday and she doesn’t have enough time to celebrate so they throw her a surprise party at like midnight?
Hi lovely! Hope I timed this right with the time zones and all, but if I did, happy birthday! Hope you're enjoying it despite your time constraints :)
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 718 words
When you get home from your shift, your hair is greasy, your feet are sore, and you’d normally be ready to collapse into bed but tonight you’re buzzing with excitement despite the late hour. 
The thing is, you’re a birthday person. It’d be easier if you weren’t, because unlike some of your friends who get to celebrate on school breaks or take time off work, you were born smack in the middle of nearly the busiest time of the year. It’s almost like it was prophetic; you were predestined to be in a rush before you’d even left the womb. 
Still, you’re excited for the little things you do get to do to celebrate. James is baking you a cake, and thought you don’t have time for anything on the actual day—tomorrow—you’ll probably go out for a small belated birthday dinner next weekend. It’s not everything you could ever want and more, but it’s what you can do, and it’ll still be fun. 
The house is quieter than you’d expect as you shuck off your shoes. Normally at least Sirius would still be up, but you suppose it is pretty late. Your boyfriends were undoubtedly tired from their own days at work. You shrug off your coat, and suddenly every light in the house is turned on. 
“Surprise!” The collective shout nearly knocks you over, but James appears behind you, laughing as he steadies you by the waist. 
“Whoa, babe, did we getcha?” he asks. 
“I—what?” You shake your head, gawping at your friends, who have materialized all around your living room. “What are you all doing here?” 
“Oh, don’t play coy,” Sirius says, coming over to secure a party hat on your head. “We all know you haven’t forgotten your own birthday.” 
“But—I—it’s tomorrow,” you stammer helplessly, getting past your shock but unable to accept that this is really happening. It’s too good to be true. 
“Not anymore.” He rolls his eyes at you, but his touch is fond as he adjusts the strap of the hat under your chin, knuckle brushing your cheek. “It’s past midnight, babydoll.” 
“You’re old now,” Marlene says, holding a plastic cup up as if toasting to the fact. 
Sirius hums, peering closer at your face. “She’s right. I think I see wrinkles.” 
Your laugh comes loud and sharp, and James’ arms snake around your waist, drawing you back into him. “Oi, leave the birthday girl alone,” he objects.
“We’re all younger than you, Pads,” Remus reminds him, coming from over by the kitchen to bring you a drink. You take it with a smile, and he pecks you on the cheek. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” 
“Thanks.” You beam, feeling blood rush to your cheeks at all the attention. “Thanks for doing this, you guys, this is…just, beyond nice of you.” 
“It’s no problem.” James gives your middle a squeeze. “Figured if we couldn’t do anything during the day, a midnight celebration was the way to go, you know?” 
“Oh, don’t take all the credit for yourself,” Sirius argues, pinching at James’ side so he yelps and covers his body with yours. “All he did was make the cake, Moony and I did everything else.”
“And by Moony and I, he means that he picked out what he wanted and I made it happen,” Remus says drily, though the look he gives you is soft as mush. “I’m glad you like it, though, lovely girl.” 
“I really do,” you say, cheeks hurting from the force of your smile. “Thank you so much.” 
Remus smiles, and James rests his chin on your shoulder, fondness oozing from all three of your boyfriends. 
“Alright,” Lily says, “if you guys wanted y/n to yourselves, you shouldn’t have invited the rest of us.”
“Hear hear!” Marlene hoists her cup up, liquid sloshing dangerously close to the rim. You think you see Remus wince for your couch. “Shall we have cake and sing?” 
“Absolutely!” James declares, hands sliding to your hips for one good squeeze before he releases you, heading into the kitchen. “Wait until you all see my masterpiece. This is what I should have done for a living.” 
“You’ll want to prepare yourself, gorgeous,” Sirius whispers to you. “I saw it in the fridge earlier. It’s a monstrosity.”
“Be nice,” Remus murmurs. “He tried his best.”
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moneymartin · 12 days
okau i know u already did these but can u do more nsfw hcs for nika???
✧.* - smutty nika hcs
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warnings: this whole thing is literally smut sooo… 18+
a/n: im havin fun with these ngl… if anything is repeated from the og hcs im sorry!!!! got carried away and some of my thoughts r sprinkled around here
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she gets off on eating you out i swear
nika got a pussy eater jaw too
i think its because you squeeze your thighs around her head
she likes it
i said this the last time but your pleasure matters more to her than her own
100% a titty girl like i can see it
like during sex she’ll cup them any chance she gets
an ass girl too
stares at em in public w no shame and grabs at your butt when she can 😭
veryyy vocal
lots of huffing and puffing when it comes to her
whiner and whimperer when she hears you getting more comfortable abt the noises you’re making
loves when you moan her name don’t even get me started
grunts too fosho
i think she’d talk in croatian too and it turns you AWNNNNNNNN
“ljubavi” “moj anđele” “dušo” “dobra cura”
dirty talks in croatian too but idk how to translate that.
she’d dom half of the time but if you wanna dom she’ll gladly oblige
strap game is crazy
totally does that thing where she teases you really slowly then js plunges into you
never rough unless asked but if she’s angry or upset she’ll go WILLDDDDD
call me crazy but she’d def like it if you bit…
i think she’d be the hardest teaser ever
esp in public.
if you’re really feeling it when you two are out she can tell
its like her superpower
uses it against you too cs she doesn’t wanna let you get it easy
her fingers are running up and down your thighs and shes always getting sooo close it fucks you up every time
she gets you WET w one touch its actually crazy
if you were touch deprived it’d be even worse too like if she brushed her lips up against you and breathed on your skin js a lil you’d FREEAK
freak as in you’d be SOOOOAKKED
please tell me you guys think she’d wanna film sex tapes
she a secret freak for those
i think arguments would lead into rlly fucking hot angry sex
but she initiates the intimacy first after bc she knows you’re def not gonna be in the mood to do so
honestly it starts w really small touches to the arm while you two yell back and forth
the next thing you know you two are fucking on the kitchen counter 😭
or she has to literally manhandle you onto the bed and fucks you there instead 🥸
uses the strap durin that too u can’t tell me otherwise
i think if you got really horny in public out of nowhere she’d take care of it for you IMMEDIATELYYYY
the family restrooms.
or the car
you guys could be in the car while on a roadtrip and she’ll find a way to sneak a hand onto you to make you feel good 🤫
def eats you out in the backseat too
say its your first time
definitely takes it as slowwww as you need her to be
offers to just use her hands or something first so that you get used to it
but if you wanna like go rlly far for the first time she’ll do it for sure as long as you’re comfy
she loves when you touch her abs it turns her on 😫
makes you ride em for sure cs she fucking loves when they’re glistening in your cum
makes you lick it up CLEAN after too w your tongue
she’s a switch
power bottom and soft dom
super slow when she tops you
but she lovesss when you’re riding her strap too its her fav thing next to the ab riding
ouhhhh she loves eye contact
her eyes r so beautiful like
they get all predatory when she’s fucking you its so sexy
also when she gives you the fuck me eyes i think she means it in the opposite way
meaning she wants to fuck you
cowgirl is her fav position don’tttt play
again shes a titty girl
she loves looking at them bounce.
she doesn’t bother to get fully undressed cause it shows she cares more about you
okay im done thanks.
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lovelybucky1 · 9 months
Smile for the Camera
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Kinktober Day 6- Pegging
warnings: AFAB!reader, pegging, sex tape, feminization kink, dom/sub dynamics, breeding kink in a roleplay setting, sex toys, mentions of exhibitionism, 18+ minors dni
kinktober masterlist
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Being as big of a film buff as Neil is, he’s always wanted to make his own movies. He’s never been good at coming up with stories and he’s a terrible writer, so he never made it very far in that aspect. He has found that the unscripted, off the cuff types of movies are more his speed. Those movies just happen to be porn.
It didn’t take much convincing to get you on board with filming yourselves having sex. You trust Neil with your life, and you think it’d be fun to watch it back, seeing his face while you fucked him.
When you have sex, you’re pretty much always dominant. Weather it’s a dom/sub scene or just regular old sex, you call the shots and Neil listens to your directions. He’s a good boy like that.
Since he proposed the idea, you and Neil have made six film, all with varying scenes. Tonight's scene is something you have done together in private, but never on camera.
The camera is set up on a tripod at the foot of the bed while you and Neil face it. He is on his knees and elbows, back arched like a good boy as you hit it from the back.
You started off slow and built up the pace, just how he likes, and now you're fucking him roughly. Your hips slap against his ass, filling the room with clapping. With each thrust, Neil makes a punched-out little moan.
"Talk to me, baby. How's that feel?" you ask.
"So- fuck- so good," he says, voice high pitched with pleasure.
"This is how we should always fuck," you say as you grab his hips tightly. "You know I do it better."
"Fuck me so good," he moans.
Neil's cock bobs between his legs, useless and untouched as it dribbles precum onto the bedspread. While you can't see his face right now, you've fucked him enough to have a pretty good image of his pinched expression in your mind.
Neither of you are any good at acting, but you like to throw in some dirty talk to spice up the video- and because Neil loves it.
"You take my dick so fuckin' well, baby. Your little pussy is gripping me. You love my dick that much, huh? You don't wanna let it go?"
Instead of answering you, Neil can only whine. He reaches between his legs and grabs his dick to find that it's already wet with his arousal.
Your strap on is bigger than Neil's dick, a fact that is as humiliating to him as it is hot. You did have a smaller one that was comparable in size to Neil, but he complained that it wasn't enough. Your boyfriend is a little size queen, and now whenever you stuff him full of your cock, he's reminded of what he lacks.
You reach forward to twist your fingers in Neil's hair and pull his head off the mattress. You force him to look straight at the camera, showing off his undoubtedly fucked-out expression.
"Blow a kiss to the people at home, baby," you instruct. There isn't actually anyone at home; the two of you are the only ones who will ever watch this. The fantasy of an audience is enough to get Neil going, however.
"Maybe I'll hide this tape on the shelf at the video store. Bet the pervs in the porno section will never expect to see the store owner getting fucked in the ass by his girlfriend," you laugh.
You let Neil's head fall back on the mattress and you drag your nails down his spine, making his back arch. He's so sensitive to your touch, especially on his back and sides where he's ticklish.
You wrap your arm around his waist and drape yourself over his back to rut into him deeply. From the pitch of his moans alone you can tell that Neil is close. He jerks his cock roughly, but you don't care enough to chastise him for getting himself off. You want to see him cum on your cock.
"I'm gonna cum in you, baby. Want me to fill you up?"
"Yes, yes!" he whines.
"Yeah," you say into his ear. "Gonna knock you up. You're gonna be a mommy. You want that, Neil? You want my cum bad enough?"
He nods with his forehead pressed against the mattress. One day you’ll get a strap on that actually cums, but for now you’ll just have to play pretend.
“Cum in my dick, Neil. Make that pussy cream all over me.”
Like the good boy he does, he clenches around your length and jerks himself roughly to completion. He cums all over his fist and the bed with a strangled moan.
“Good fucking boy,” you whisper against his neck.
He falls limp onto the bed and you remain on his back while you both catch your breath. Neil’s breathing is shaky and erratic as he comes down from his high and for a moment you wonder if he needs his inhaler.
“Thank you,” he breathes out.
You press a kiss to his neck before slowly pulling out of him. You spread his cheeks to look at his hole and trace the rim with your finger.
“Can you turn around for me, baby? I want to show everyone your wrecked little pussy.”
Neil nods weakly and sits up on his knees to turn around. He bends back over and allows you to keep him spread. His hole winks, clenching around nothing.
“Is it messy?” he asks. He’s not even playing it up for the scene, he’s just that much of a slut.
“You’re ruined, honey.”
“Good,” he says.
With a smile and a gentle pat to his hip, you get off the bed and shut off the camera.
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honeyedmiller · 10 months
Law of Attraction — Chapter One: Rough Draft
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series masterlist | next chapter
rating: 18+, minors dni.
warnings: Professor!Joel, reader is self conscious for a bit, reader is mentioned to be plus sized, no outbreak au, smut (fingering, thigh riding, f oral receiving, unprotected piv), pet names, age gap (joel is in his mid forties and reader is in late twenties), no use of y/n.
word count: 4.4k
chapter synopsis: you need help with a paper you’re writing for Professor Miller’s class, and he’s more than happy to oblige.
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Professor Miller’s class was your favorite.
Criminal Law was your favorite subject, and Professor Miller made learning about it sound like the most interesting thing in the world (which to you, it truly was).
Although the class itself was a bit monotonous, you got to look at the most handsome Professor on the University of Austin’s campus. It was no secret that people only joined Professor Miller’s class just to ogle over him and his ruggedly handsome looks.
You, on the other hand, needed this class to graduate. Which means you needed to try. You were a good student; A’s and B’s as your final grades at the end of each semester, took good notes, studied hard, and asked for help when you needed it. However, you found it to be a bit difficult to do so for Professor Miller.
Even just being around him made you unintentionally blush. His eyes always tended to land on yours because you sat up front, and, well, tried to pay attention to the lesson. So, when you weren’t exactly confident in the rough draft of a paper you wrote for his class, you’d emailed him for help.
Good evening Professor Miller,
I was just wondering if I could have you read through the rough draft of my paper. I seem to be struggling a bit with this particular section of the course, and would like some feedback to see what I need to change or can improve.
Thank you and kind regards.
You held your breath as you clicked ‘send’, and in less than five minutes, he replied to you. Your heart leaped into your throat when you saw his name on the screen, and you rolled your eyes at yourself for getting so worked up over a man that you’d never be able to have, regardless if you were well above a legal age.
Of course. Meet me after class tomorrow and we can go over it in my office during my office hours.
Have a good night.
Professor M
You often thought of Professor Miller outside of class, and, sometimes, you’d let your mind wander to places it shouldn’t go. Places like what it’d feel like for him to run his hands over you, fingers in you, him moaning because of you.
Your thoughts always quickly dissipated though when reality sunk in. Surely he’d want someone his own age, not a student of his, and someone who was… well, thinner. You were a bigger girl and you’d struggled with your image a lot, especially because trauma from your childhood from being made fun of constantly haunted you into your adulthood.
It wasn’t easy not caring what people thought of you, especially since you weren’t society’s “standard” beauty. You were curvy, yes, but you didn’t have a flat tummy like other women. You’ve been on a journey of self love and healing for a long time, and you've come a long way. You've had a newfound confidence spring within you, but you just couldn't help the thought loom in the back of your mind as you fantasized about your unfairly gorgeous professor.
So, as it was, you went to bed that night fucking yourself with your fingers, wishing they were his instead as a ghost of his name was whispered from your lips.
It was unusually hot in Austin the next day, which resulted in you wearing a pencil skirt that came just above the knees, a button down shirt with the first couple of buttons undone, and strap back kitten heels. You had a presentation in your first class with a team to act as if you were profilers giving a profile on a high stakes case. So, naturally, you had to dress the part.
What you didn't take in account is the fact that several of your classmate's eyes landed on you as you walked into Professor Miller's class a few minutes before it started. Professor Miller's eyes snapped up and looked at you, taking in your professional attire. You felt your face get hot as you tried to subtly head to your desk in the front, but your heels clicking against the floor didn't help.
Joel cleared his throat as he typed something on his computer, turning on the projector so the screen could display today's lesson. Joel got up from his desk and trudged over to yours, knocking on it twice. Your head was already buried in the notes from the previous lessons, so his presence startled you.
"I remembered your email from yesterday. See me after class today if you can." He pauses, taking a moment to look over your features, pretty face was perfectly on display for him. Your eyebrows were furrowed and your doe eyes scanned his face, lips in a soft pout, and your chest was rising and falling faster than usual. The way he looked at you made you squeeze your legs together, and Joel noticed.
"For my paper." You stated matter-of-factly, rather than questioning it. He nodded, and you mirrored his actions once before he stalked back to his desk. He greeted the class shortly after, beginning the lesson almost immediately.
Class lasted the two hours as usual, and as everyone gathered their stuff, you stay put. You’d crossed your leg over one another because the heavy feeling of arousal just wasn’t going away.
Professor Miller looked particularly good today, with his hair done up and a tight cotton green button down hugging the muscles in his arms. You always admired his husky build, and this shirt he wore with the fitted denim jeans he had on accentuated it perfectly.
“So what exactly are you struggling with?” Professor Miller cuts to the chase, prompting you to come up to his desk. You clear your throat as you pull the rough draft from your folder, sliding out of your desk. You walk over to him, heels still clicking onto the floor with purpose. You hand him the paper and he takes it from you gently.
“I’m having trouble with the case study here,” You lean over his desk slightly, a perfectly manicured finger of yours pointing at the third paragraph on the first page. “I don’t know if I should apply or dispute it.” You chew on your bottom lip nervously, not realizing how incredibly sexy you look to your dear professor right now.
One of your hands was hooked to the edge of his desk, gripping on it to balance yourself as you leaned over giving him a slight peep of the very top of the soft flesh of your breasts. You biting your lip like that didn’t make things any better. Joel felt his cock twitch in his jeans, and he wanted to groan.
Joel’s admired your curviness since the first day you walked into his classroom. He always found plus size women attractive, so naturally, he felt more drawn to you. He knew you were a consenting adult and a grown woman at that, so he truthfully didn’t feel too guilty for unashamedly checking you out. You just never noticed.
Joel’s eyes snapped back to your paper, reading over the section you pointed at. “You should apply the argument,” Joel said, writing next to the printed words with red ink. “Everything looks good, though. Just apply the argument and assess the similarities between the two cases and you’re golden.” He hands you back the paper after writing his feedback.
“Great. Thank you for your help, Professor.”
“Call me Joel.”
You look at him a little confused. “Sir?” The word just slipped out of your mouth, and you didn’t realize what you’d just said until after the fact. Joel exhaled shakily out of his nose.
To change the subject, he took in your attire again. “What’ya doin’ dressed up all fancy like that?” He asks, leaning back in his chair. He was trying to distract his own mind from wandering places that it shouldn’t with you.
“Oh,” You laugh, and fuck if that wasn’t one of Joel’s new favorite sounds. “I have Professor Sanchez’s class before this. We had a group presentation today,” You turn away from him to put the paper back in your folder, so your back was facing him. You heard Joel get up from his chair, but his footsteps didn’t go far. It sounded like he was leaning up against his desk. “We basically had to give out a profile for a mock high stakes case.”
Joel hummed, and you whirred around to face him. His body looked elongated the way he leaned so cooly up against his mahogany desk, legs extended but crossed as his boots touched the ground, and his arms were crossed over his chest. He looked like a tall glass of water and you’d be damned if you didn’t get a sip.
“Professor Sanchez’s class sounds fun.” Joel quips, tilting his head.
“Yours is better.”
“Oh really? Why’s that?” He uncrosses his arms and pushes himself off of his desk, analyzing your body language again. He can tell by the way your legs are pressed together and the rising of your chest that you’re nervous, which makes him nearly smirk.
“More fun to learn about.” You shrug, trying to play it cool. You were certain he could see right through you, though, but neither of you were doing anything about it. You couldn’t help but have a hunch that Professor Miller might just want you the same way you want him. Maybe.
He huffs a chuckle and looks down at the linoleum tile on the floor, biting his tongue. You know he wants to say something, but he’s hesitant. So, you took the initiative and took a step closer to him, taking in his broad frame.
“Look, darlin’,” He starts, and your stomach flutters at the nickname. “I know you’re a grown woman and all, but you’re still my student.”
You tilt your head to the side in wonder, a ghost of a smirk on your lips. “What ever are you talking about, sir?” You’re playing with fire now as you take a step forward, just inches away from the man you’ve wanted to ruin you for so long.
“You know exactly–” He paused as you dragged your index finger down the side of his neck, to his exposed collarbone. “What I’m talkin’ about.”
“As far as I’m concerned, sir, we’re both consenting adults.” You drop your hand and shrug, your eyes feening innocence.
He sighs defeatedly, shaking his head.
“You’re not wrong about that. You don’t know how hard it’s been trying to keep my eyes to myself every time you walk into my classroom. And then you come in here looking like this?” Joel gestures to your whole body, and your heart is hammering in your chest.
“Never thought you’d look at me that way, Professor.” You confess.
“You kiddin’ me? You’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in my life,” He scoffs as if he can’t believe you don’t see yourself in the same light that he does. He thinks for a moment before opening his mouth, then clamping it shut. It seems that he made a final decision when he sighs and closes his eyes, opening them to look directly into yours. His brown eyes were so mesmerizing, you almost didn’t hear him say his next words. “If you really want this, want me, follow me into my office.” He whispers, and you nod with subtle eagerness.
Holy fuck. You couldn’t believe this was happening. You trailed not too far behind him with your book bag slung over your shoulder, heels clicking against the floor in anticipation as you tried to keep up with his wide strides. You walked through a door in the classroom that led to a hallway with another door at the end. Joel unlocked the door and opened it for you, letting you in first. He trailed in hot on your heels and shut the door. He locked it and swiftly grabbed the softness of your hips, pushing you up against the door. You gasp softly, hands landing on his broad chest.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so beautiful.” Was all he said before he crashed his lips with yours, gripping one of your thighs and bringing it up to wrap around his waist. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of your thigh as your skirt rode to your hips, leaving you to feel just how hard Joel’s cock was getting.
You moaned into his mouth and tangled your fingers into his slightly graying hair, tugging the slightest bit. He pushed you even further into the door, grinding his hips into yours. You left out a soft whimper into his mouth, but he swallowed it right up when he swept his tongue over your bottom lip. You didn’t hesitate to let his tongue explore your mouth.
You both were clearly so ravenous for each other, and the clashing of tongues and teeth proved that. You gripped at each other like you’d both disappear and this would’ve been a sad, unfulfilling dream.
Joel pulled apart from your lips as he trailed his warm lips down your throat and to your collar bone, his hot tongue poking out to soothe tiny bites he made along the way.
“Joel, please.” You beg, not really sure for what though. You want him everywhere on you all at once. You wanted to drink him in like he was the last fucking water source in the world. You wanted to feel his burly muscles rippling beneath your hands as you became full of him, stretching you out so heavenly that you couldn’t even comprehend what was going on around you.
He moaned at the sound of his name rolling off your tongue, and he pulled apart from you. He dragged you over to his desk, where he sat down in his large office chair and pulled you down to straddle one thigh of his.
“Go on, baby, use me.” He breathed, brushing the curve of your cheekbone softly. You leaned forward to kiss him again, finally registering what he meant. You settled your clothed core over his jean-clad thigh, grinding yourself onto him slowly at first. The friction was heavenly and you knew you were already close.
So many days and nights of fantasizing about this and how it’d go down, only for it to come true in the end, was truly otherworldly. His large hands moved down to unbutton a couple of more buttons on your shirt before moving down the curves of your body to rest on your ass, giving it a squeeze. You brought your hands onto his shoulders to steady yourself as you began to really ride his thigh.
You moaned softly and your eyebrows threaded together, the friction becoming nearly unbearable.
“Fuck.” You muttered, jaw going slack. Joel watched you in pure lust and amusement, waiting for you to soak a spot into his jeans. Seeing you like this, on top of him, riding his thigh, getting off because of him… made his head swirl with euphoria.
“That’s it, angel. C’mon. Give it to me, baby.” Joel encouraged, softly forcing his hands against your ass to get you to rut your hips a little faster.
“Fuck, fuck, Joel, I’m gonna– fuck!” You came hard on his thigh, and he nearly came in his pants at the sight. He felt the warm slick on his thigh, and he needed to get a taste of you.
“So good for me, sweet girl,” He murmured as he lifted you by your hips and set you down on his neat desk. Your skirt was already up to your hips, so Joel swiftly removed your soaked panties and stuffed them in his back pocket. “Let me just get a taste.” He said, looking down at you. Your cunt clenched around nothing at his words, silently begging him to devour you like you were his last meal.
He got down on his knees and pulled your ass closer to the edge of the desk by your thighs, hooking them around his shoulders as he came face-to-face with your glistening heat. “So fuckin’ pretty. This pussy’s mine.” Joel mewled, calloused fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs once more as his tongue circled your clit.
The drag of his muscle was slow, teasing. He took his time just to hear you beg for his mouth. He needed to hear it.
“Sir, please.” You softly whimper, and his eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head. His ran his tongue up and down your folds, swirling it a few times before it prodded your entrance. He delved his tongue inside of you, and you had to clamp your hand over your mouth in order to keep from screaming.
His tongue felt so warm and wet and heavenly in you and around your aching cunt, just begging to be devoured until you reach another orgasm. Joel is was moaning against you, and the vibrations shot straight up your core. It made your toes curl in your heels, and your hips buck up from the desk. He folded his hands on top of your stomach to keep you locked down, and you whined at the sensation.
You were panting heavily beneath your hand, trying to muffle the loud whines and moans that you emitted. Joel’s tongue kept working against you as he lapped up your slick, drinking you in like he was dehydrated in the desert. You tasted so good to him; like nectarine from the ripest peach.
He then solely focused his tongue on your clit, flicking over it rapidly before using his lips to lightly suck on it. Your nails from your free hand clawed at the desk, the feeling of overstimulation creeping in. You felt that low burning sensation in your core as your next orgasm began to build up. As if on cue, Joel swiftly detached his mouth from you as he gathered your slick on his middle finger, followed by his ring. He pushed his two fingers into your entrance slowly, relishing the tightness around his digits.
He latched his mouth back onto your clit, interchanging between licking and sucking. Your shaky thighs began to squeeze Joel’s head as your orgasm was about to peak.
Joel hummed against you as he curled his fingers , hitting that spongy spot inside of your cunt that had you rolling your eyes back as your body shook through your climax. You whimpered as he detached his mouth and removed his fingers, bringing them to his mouth to lick them clean. The whole bottom half of his face was covered in your arousal, and he looked down at you with a dangerous glint in his eyes.
“So sweet f’me, baby. Could eat that perfect pussy all day.” He tossed you a shit-eating grin, and your thighs clamped shut as you tried to regain your breath. He leaned down to give you a kiss, and you tasted yourself on his tongue as he slipped it into your mouth. You could feel his painfully hard erection against your thigh, so you tried to muster up as much energy as you could to start taking off his belt.
Joel helped you by taking the rest of his belt off after you undid the buckle. He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, pulling them down just below his ass. He tugged his boxers down too so he could free his erection. Your mouth watered at the sight of his erect cock, head weeping and leaking pre cum.
“L’me taste you.” You managed to say in your already fucked-out state, but Joel shook his head.
“Next time, baby,” Next time. You pouted at him and he chuckled, cradling your face. “Now if you need to tap out, give me two hard taps on my thigh, okay angel?” You swallowed and nodded at his directions, and once again, you clenched around nothing.
“I’m– I have an IUD.” You say, and Joel looks down at you.
“Good.” Was all he said before putting both of his hands by your head, leaning down to kiss you gently. Without removing his lips from yours, he took one hand and guided the head of his cock over your aching folds. You were buzzing with anticipation, because the need to have him in you was almost unbearable.
He slowly prodded your entrance, then pushed himself in. You nearly choke on a gasp as he fills you up. You felt every ridge and vein on his silky, girthy flesh and you closed your eyes in pure ecstasy at the feeling. His cock was heavy in you, the weight adding to the extra pleasure you were already experiencing.
Joel looked at your face, admiring how it was contorted in pleasure and slight pain before he leaned down again to bite the soft flesh of your breast as he adjusted to your tightness.
“Feel so fuckin’ good, baby.” Joel moaned, standing upright after littering a few more kisses on your chest.
“Please move, Joel.” Was all you said before he began to rock his hips steadily. His thrusts were slow at first, but you tried to grind your hips against his for more friction. A few times your clit met the coarse hair at the base of his cock, and that gave you the friction you needed to clench around him so deliciously.
“This pretty pussy is all mine, y’hear me? So fuckin’ wet and tight, darlin’. Have me fuckin’ losin’ my mind,” Joel picks up his pace, slamming into you at an impossible rate. “Say it.” He warns, taking your breasts out from the cup of your bra.
“It’s–fuck, it’s all yours sir. All yours.” You couldn’t believe how good he felt as he fucked you like this, feverishly and buried to the hilt every single time.
“Good girl.” You moaned at the praise, and he leaned down to capture a swollen bud into his mouth. His hot tongue swirled around your flesh, sucking it and ever so slightly nipping it with his teeth. You hissed at the feeling, but it only spurred your arousal on further.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he fucked you, but he stood up and removed your legs from him and put them over his shoulders instead. The new angle made it easier for him to fuck you deeper. A dark glint passed in Joel’s eyes as you moaned loudly.
He gathered both of your wrists into one of his, pinning them above your head. The pace of his hips picked up, and all that was heard in the windowless room was the sound of skin on skin slapping together, your wonton moans, and Joel’s grunts. He moved his other hand over your throat, wrapping around it and giving the sides a squeeze as he fucked you senselessly. You felt that tight coil in the pit of your core once more, and you were writhing beneath Joel the best you could.
“Fuck, Joel, ‘m gonna cum again.”
“Go ‘head angel, cum f’me.” His deep Southern drawl is what sent you over the edge, crumbling down and shattering all at once as your orgasm ripped through you. You cried out, and Joel quickly removed his hand from your throat and kissed you urgently, but the pace of his hips didn’t let up. He released your wrists next and your hands found purchase in his hair, raking their way down his back as you desperately tried to grab a hold on him.
It resulted in your nails scratching down his back, which he hissed at but didn’t seem to mind overall. Joel was chasing his own release as your slick cunt gripped him so desperately.
“C’mon baby, give me one more.” He grunted, gripping your hips so tightly you were sure there were going to be bruises. As if on command, your body beckoned to his call and you found yourself orgasming for the fourth time that day. A gush of liquid expelled from your overstimulated cunt, and a strangled cry left your mouth.
Joel was teetering on the edge, teeth clenched and brow furrowed. “Where do you want me, angel?” His voice was strangulated and desperate, both of you gasping for air.
“In me, Joel, please.” You cry, gently gripping at his hair as his head dropped to your shoulder, warm spurts of cum shooting into you. He groaned into your ear, cursing under his breath as he filled you to the brim.
He collapsed onto you, cradling the side of your face as he kissed you passionately.
“So good f’me, sweet girl. Y’did so well.” He praises, kissing your lips once more before standing up slowly and pulling himself out of your sensitive cunt.
You hummed as you tried to relish in the feeling of being so fucked out by one of the hottest men you’ve ever come to know in your life. You couldn’t believe that just happened, and your mind was swirling with a million thoughts per minute.
Joel helped you up onto shaky legs, grinning to himself at how fucked out you looked. He was sure he looked the same way, but he couldn’t care less.
“You have any classes after this, baby?” Joel asks as he buttons up your shirt for you. You shake your head no, your voice not quite caught up to you just yet.
“‘M going home to sleep. Im exhausted.” You sigh, leaning against him. He chuckles and kisses the top of your head, smoothing out any stray hairs that were misplaced from your activities.
“Get some rest, baby. Here. Take my number and I’ll call you.” He rips a piece of paper from a notebook laying nearby, scribbling his number on it before tucking it into the breast pocket of your shirt. You beam up at him, hand trailing up his torso to rest on his chest. Your other hand found purchase on the back of his neck, softly tugging him down to kiss him once more.
“Mm. Will do, Professor.” You playfully wink at him, and he taps your ass playfully before you unlock the door to his office.
He half smiled as he watched you walk away, admiring your beautiful body from behind. He called out to you one last time, hoping you’d text him asap that night.
“Don’t forget to fix your rough draft!”
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tag list:
@cool-iguana ; @wannab-urs ; @bastardmandennis ; @nostalxgic ; @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin ; @pamasaur ; @planet-marz1
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dreamsoflightvalley · 6 months
Two of Skates (James P Sullivan X Reader)
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Summary: You’re an introvert who isn’t too keen on attending one of Roar Omega Roar’s famous ragers, if anything you’d rather attend one of Oozma Kappa’s small gatherings. You prefer good times and pizza over goo pong and crazy stunts… Oh, and of course your crush on Sullivan plays a part in the decision too.
Content: Completely SFW, romance, introverted reader, gender neutral reader, copious amounts of pizza, overall wholesomeness and good times! Also, skating.
A/N: Was thinking of Total Eclipse of the Heart while writing this (specifically the Nicki French cover). Enjoy!
Monsters University, one of the most prestigious scaring schools out there, was not immune to the party culture that prevailed in just about every college.
Every other week like clockwork RΩR would throw a rager that was open to the entire campus, and it’d keep going well into the night. Exams had just ended, so naturally all of the top scarers in that house were partying. Every house was to attend the party, but standout group Oozma Kappa was definitely uninvited.
You watched as your dorm buddy did her makeup in front of her vanity while rubbing your arm. “You’re coming with us, right Y/N?” Your friend turned to you, tilting her head.
“I dunno… Isn’t there any other house throwing their own party?” You asked, looking out the window to see students in droves flooding into the RΩR house. You couldn’t stand half the members in that group, they were so full of themselves and didn’t hesitate to pick on you for not having a pedigree like them. So what if your parents weren’t top scarers? So what if you didn’t make all A’s? That kind of stuff shouldn’t matter, but to them it did. It also didn’t help that Johnny Worthington had a penchant for singling you out specifically.
“Well, OK or whatever their house name is, is having their own party. They’re going to a roller rink or something,” She scoffed with a smile, turning back to the mirror. “The short squishy one handed me an invitation earlier, it was kinda cute… And also kinda sad,” She chuckled, clearly having no intentions to abandon a big RΩR party to go hang out with a bunch of dweebs at a roller rink.
Oddly enough, that sounded right up your alley.
“Where’d you put it?” You asked.
“Oh, it’s in my backpack. I was gonna throw it away, but I’d feel bad doing it right in front of the little guy,” She admitted sheepishly.
You went over to her backpack and scrounged through it, finding the hand drawn pamphlet rather quickly. It had a little drawing of all the members inside alongside a date, time, and address for the party. Free rides are being offered to anyone who needs them, yadda yadda… Oh, and pizza too?
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna miss out on a Roar Omega Roar party for that!” She folded her arms, giving you a stern look.
“Oh, come on! It sounds like fun! Besides, you know I can’t stand Johnny. He picks on me even with you around,” You grabbed your thoroughly worn jacket off the back of your desk chair, shrugging it on.
“You’re just saying that because you wanna hang out with your lover James.~”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
You grabbed the scooter by the door and stuck your tongue out playfully at your friend, and she returned the gesture.
“You know I hate going to parties without you,” She watched as you grabbed your ita bag, pulling the strap over your shoulder. “But I guess I can manage,” She sighed dramatically, leaning back and closing her eyes. It only took her a few seconds to open one to see if her attempts to stop you were working.
“I know you will,” You reassured her, twirling your keys in hand. “But at least you won’t have to stand with me by the snack table the whole time anymore, you can go and play goo pong with the girls… Maybe make a move of your own on that Crystal chick you’ve been diggin’,” You scooted out of the door before your friend could scold you for teasing, popping your headphones on so that you could drown out the nearby music.
You managed to weave through the gaps in the crowd with relative ease, the noise canceling allowed you to follow the beat of your own music and ignore the bass that rumbled through the ground as you passed the noisy fraternity. The OK house wasn’t too far from campus, not on scooter at least. Right as you arrived you could already see the members boarding into an old van, you were just barely on time.
Of course Sulley was the one to notice you scooting towards them, a heavy hand resting atop the car. He was about to duck into the back seat but he saw you and perked up immediately— so fast that he bumped his head on the roof of the car. He shook it off as he stood up straight, raising a curious brow at your arrival.
You took your headphones off and paused your music, breathing a little heavily as you fished into your back to pull out a slightly crumpled up invitation. “I heard you guys were throwing your own party…” You held it out to them shyly, still scared of rejection despite the fact that they were the definition of the rejects.
Squishy approached you and took the invite from your hands, a smile slowly creeping onto his face. “You… Actually showed up?” He looked up at you for confirmation, eyes bigger than usual. “Well of course they showed up, they’re right in front of you!” Mike gestured towards you, happier than he’d like to admit. He was in disbelief too, since literally no one would turn down a Roar Omega Rager the way you just did. “Niiiice, stickin’ it to the man!” Art wasn’t one to look a gift pig in the mouth, so he was quick to accept you aboard. “N-No one’s ever come to an Oozma Kappa party before, no one outside of us at least! This is gonna be awesome!” Terri jumped excitedly, forcing Terry’s half of the body to also move with him. “Not to be that guy, but we’d better hurry up before the pizza gets cold. No one wants to eat cold pizza,” Terry put a hand on his brother’s shoulder, trying to calm him down. Just then, Squishy’s mom piped up from the front seat.
“Come on now, kiddos! That rink isn’t gonna skate itself.”
You waited for everyone else to enter the van, unsure of where you were gonna squeeze in. Squishy climbed into the front seat, Art, Terri, and Terry were in the far back, leaving the middle row to you, Mike, and Sullivan.
Mike got the window seat on the left side, and since you didn’t want to get between the two Sulley sat in the middle without complaint, only because it meant he got to sit next to you.
You closed the door on your side and quickly realized how cramped of a ride this was going to be, the moment the door shut you were walled into the corner by a dense wall of warm, teal fur. In a weird way it was cozy, and you did get to get a nice whiff of him from here…
Sheri turned on the radio as she started to drive, and there was some quiet idle chatter among the others…
“So…” You began, trying to get over your shyness. “You remembered my name..?”
“Hmm?” Sulley looked over at you, though you were hard to see compared to his shoulder. “Oh, your name. Yeah, of course I do. I have a great memory.”
You found it odd since the two of you never really interacted much. You were sure that you introduced yourself, during class but you didn’t expect him to actually… Remember. The encounter was so brief after all. Since then you’d occasionally run into each other (mostly due to you looking for him), but he always seemed too busy for you.
“That’s a bunch of malarky! You have terrible memory. You know how many study sessions we’ve had and you still can’t remember the name of New Eekland’s first prime minister?”
Mike butt in the first chance he got, he had a right to after how viciously Sulley used to tease him when they were freshman.
“When am I ever gonna need that information, history is boring! I don’t choose what I get to remember, I just trust that whatever my noggin thinks is important and retain that.”
Oh, so you were important enough to remember? Interesting.
“Keep thinkin’ like that and you’ll only remember sandwich ingredients, and maybe a few scarers if you’re lucky.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at their banter, their friendship never ceasing to amuse you. It was clear that they chided each other out of compassion, if they didn’t like each other they definitely wouldn’t be here right now.
The conversation started to liven up as the drive went on, and for the most part you were simply enjoying the friendly environment and listening to the others talk. Only when the group settled down at their own booth did you get the chance to talk about yourself.
“My friend wanted to go, but honestly? This is so much better than whatever they could possibly be doing right now,” You nearly salivated at the sight of the stringy cheese still clinging onto the pizza for dear life. “I’m not really crazy about big parties like that. They’re so…”
“Loud?” Terri asked.
“Disorienting?” Art chimed in.
“Jock centric?” Mike rolled his eyes.
“Annoying?” Terry groaned.
“Chaotic?” Squishy was the last to finish the chain, since Sulley had nothing against parties. If anything he liked that kind of environment, so when everyone looked at him all he had to say was “What?”
“Uh, yeah, that!” You licked the grease off your fingers after you finished your first slice, already going in for another. “I’d rather be in a small group with nice people I kinda know than be in a den of strangers with only a friend or two, y’know… Quality over quantity.”
Just then, Sheri and Don came back with arms full of skates, each to your respective sizes and foot shapes. Don did a lot of the carrying thanks to his suckers. “We got yer skates, now let’s hit the floor!” Don’s energy was refreshing, but you wanted to stay at the table a little longer. “I think I’ll eat a little more first, after all it uh… Seems like you guys ordered quite a bit,” You glanced at the boxes upon boxes of uneaten pizza, stomach growling loudly.
“Yeah, I’ll hang back too. Y’know, to help,” Sulley shrugged, looking back and forth as he rubbed the back of his head. Sheri caught on immediately, but didn’t say anything. “Alright, we’ll leave you to it,” She guided Don and the others away before he could say anything, giving the two of you a wink and thumbs up as they walked away.
You and James locked eyes for a moment before you shyly looked away.
“Dunno what that was about,” He played dumb, a purple tint washing over the fur on his face.
“Y-Yeah, me neither,” You aired out your collar slightly, trying not to make things awkward.
A silence had settled between you as you ate for a little while. Truthfully, you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself in the rink since you had no idea how to skate whatsoever, but you acted like you were staying behind for the food. Why Sulley stayed behind is beyond you.
“Honestly… I’m no good at skating,” You admitted as you filled your plate once more.
“Oh yeah?” He smiled crookedly, filling his own plate at the same time as you.
He looked around as he scooped a slice into his mouth, making sure no one could hear but you. “Me neither.”
You smiled up at him, surprised that a mighty Sullivan would acknowledge something he couldn’t do. It was rare that James would admit to a fault of his, so even something this small was special. He had to like you at least a little bit.
The noise from the rink caught your attention, and from where you sat you could see Art spinning around in the middle while he held Terri and Terry up in the air. Sheri and Don held Squishy’s hands between them, helping him skate while Mike slipped and slid clumsily.
“You know, maybe if we skate together we’d be alright,” He folded his arms and leaned back, looking at you from the side of his eyes as he tried to gauge your reaction to his suggestion.
“What? You mean like… Two bad skaters come together to form one halfway decent skater? Our talent will balance itself out?”
“Something like that,” He shrugged.
You looked down at your loaded plate and then back at the rink, knowing full well you wouldn’t be able to finish all that pizza.
“You know what… Why the heck not,” You stood up and grabbed your skates, offering your hand to him.
“Heck?” He echoed as he took your hand, finding it funny that you didn’t say the other word.
“Yeah, heck! Hay is for horses.”
As the two of you made your way to the rink after putting your skates on, you held onto each other’s hand tightly. When one of you lost balance the other would make up for it, which was surprising given how large Sulley is.
You slowly stretched a leg into the rink, a love song playing over the speakers almost as soon as Sulley joined you. The colored lights shifted from blue and green to red and pink, the DJ sensing the spark between you two. It didn’t seem to matter to either of you though, since you were too busy trying not to fall onto your butts the whole time.
“H-Hey, this isn’t so bad!” You had to admit you didn’t think the idea would work, but as the two of you skated in circles you realized that struggling together made the process a lot easier than struggling alone. “I told you it’d work,” He smirked as he used his tail to grab Mike by the hand, steadying his balance. “How you doin’ back there little buddy?”
“Just peachy!” Mike’s knees were shaking like a leaf, but he wasn’t falling like earlier.
“Good, cause Y/N has an idea and you’re gonna help us!”
Before you put your skates on earlier, you mentioned the idea of giving out the pizza to everyone else who was there. Even if it was taken home for leftovers it would surely go bad, and if Mrs. Squishy got mad you’d be willing to pay her back… And James was nothing if not a risk taker.
Before Mike could even question it, Sulley dragged him screaming from the rink and back to the booth. You had a stack of pizza boxes on your free hand, as did Sulley… Mike, unfortunately, had them balancing on his head.
“Alright, who wants free pizza?” Sulley shouted, holding up the boxes with you as the crowd cheered.
All three of you skated around the building giving free boxes to anyone who wanted some, feeding the entire place better than the cooks did… And yes, even the cooks and cashiers got pizza breaks too.
As the mid-90s Europop song faded, you and Sullivan returned to the booth with some pizza to spare, reclining into the stiff seats as though they were the highest quality massage chairs the world had to offer. James had to pick and limp Mike up by the wrist and sit him down too.
All of you caught your breath together, but even after burning off all that energy you still kept your hands clasped together. You looked over at his palm, his grip softening ever so slightly. He was worried for a second that you’d want to let go, but when you squeezed his giant hand in yours he felt relief wash over him.
“You know… We should do this again sometime…” You smiled up at him.
You shuffled a little closer to him, resting your head on his arm. In response he rested his head on top of yours, his bushy brows lowering over his eyes.
To Johnny’s surprise the next day, the school papers replaced the usual column going over the events of his parties with a new blurb on the “Cutest Couple on Campus,” the sight m causing him to spit his coffee out of shock.
“Wh-What the—?!”
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scarlethexelove · 3 months
Hello!! 👀
This is like an extension of something I’ve already requested. ‘You’re Mine Now’ was awesome
I absolutely love dark Agatha and if you’re okay with writing it, it’d be much appreciated 🙏🏻 Okay so… Maybe Agatha and Reader already have a dynamic that works for Agatha. Agatha is happy because Reader behaves very well so Reader is allowed to do more things in the house. Then, Reader watches on TV that her best friend is looking for her, it is like a switch is turned on and Reader wants to escape. Agatha realizes it and stops her. Agatha tells Reader that she (Agatha) couldn't let nobody take her precious treasure so she had to make that person disappear. Then fucks reader 🫣 Sorry this is pretty long but yeah! I would like to read it if you are okay with writing this. Totally cool if you’re not ofc
You're Not Going Anywhere
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Pairing: Agatha Harkness x Reader
Word Count: 2088
Warnings: Dark!Agatha, Smut, Spanking, Restraints, Cum Strap, Rough Sex, Forced Submission, Dub/Con, No aftercare, Talks of murder, Choking (Not the fun way).
Part 1: You're Mine Now
A/n: I really hope you enjoy this nonnie. I tried to make her nice and dark with this one. I kind of feel the smut is kind of shit and I'm sorry about that.
Soft sounds play through the air as you watch the tv. The room is dark only illuminated by the beams of light spilling from the sides of the curtains. You know it might not be the best idea to ignore Agatha’s wishes for you to clean the house but you just want to be lazy today. You haven’t even managed to get out of your pajamas today. Your mind barely focused on the tv as you almost stared pass the tv. 
Words start scrolling on the bottom of the tv as your program is interrupted, pulling your focus to the tv. You watch as the scene changes. A woman you find familiar talking to a news anchor appears on the screen. The words scrolling on the bottom states that a woman has been kidnapped and missing for six months. You look back up a picture of yourself now displayed on the side of the screen. It’s in an instant that your suppressed mind comes back to reality. That is your best friend. You’re the woman that is missing and people are looking for you. You hadn’t even noticed that you had been gone for six long months. You’re mind submitting to that of the older woman who has kept you captive. 
You quickly jump off the couch and look at the time. Three hours till Agatha comes home. You have time to pack some things and run. A few months back Agatha had removed some of the locks off the door to keep you here. You have become compliant with her wants and needs. No urge to run from the woman, only the thought of love for her keeping you there. You didn’t see the reason to run from someone taking such good care of you. But now it is like the spell is broken and you have to get away. You remember the horrible things that she did to get you here and you need to run now while you have a chance. 
You make your way into the bedroom grabbing some things. What you didn’t know is that Agatha was watching you. Camera’s scattered all around the house so she can watch you even while at work. She curses as she grabs her jacket leaving work and rushing home to you. If you think you can leave her you are wrong. She will just have to show you again who is in charge and who you belong to. 
Once you're done you finally turn around ready to leave but you hadn’t noticed the clicking of the door behind you. Startled when you see the older woman standing behind you. A gasp leaves your throat before a hand is placed around it. Squeezing tightly and walking you backwards. You grasp at the hand around your neck the more it squeezes. Digging your nails into her arm hoping that she will let go, but there is a fury in her eyes. 
“Please.” You whimper while still struggling against her. She slams your body back against the wall making you whimper more. “You think you can leave me, little girl? I own you. You’re not going anywhere.” Agatha hisses. You can feel yourself getting lightheaded the longer she holds your neck. The woman is much stronger than you so your struggle is futile, her grip never loosening. 
When your vision starts to blur and black spots appear in your vision Agatha finally loosens the grip. Tossing your body on the bed like a rag doll. You cough and sputter as air fills your lungs. Your hand placed against your neck feeling the tenderness of the flesh. Your voice is hoarse as you try to speak. “I just wanna go home.” A dark chuckle leaves the woman. “You are home sweet girl.” 
Agatha is on you in an instant, pulling the shackles out. You kick and scream trying your best to fight off the woman, but it is no use. She flips your body over easily so that you are laying on your stomach. Securing both of your ankles to the bed. She then moves and secures your wrist to the bed. Leaving your spread eagle on the bed. 
“I’m going to have to punish you baby girl.” Agatha’s hand smooths over the curve of your ass. You squirm as her hand touches you. She grabs your pants and underwear and pulls them down swiftly. Bunched up around your thighs as she grabs your ass harshly. “I think 20 each side will do. Now count whore.” Her voice is dark and dripping with venom. Agatha’s hand comes down hard. “O-one.” You cry out. Her hands are rough the more she slaps down hard on your ass.
Your tears stain the sheets below the longer she goes. Your ass is a bright red, tender and hot to the touch. You’re cries and screams only egging the woman on. You have stopped counting but she doesn’t seem to mind anymore. Relishing in the pleasure she gets from your pain. By the end you have no more fight left in you. Your body is already exhausted from the beating. “P-please. No more.” You whimper hoping the woman will hear you. She stops her hand smoothing over your ass which makes you cry out in pain. 
“Are you going to behave from now on?” Agatha asks you, her hands moving down to gently caress your tights. Her hand sliding between feeling that unmistakable wetness, smirking to herself. You nod your head, mind already fuzzy. Throat sore and scratchy from the beating you had just taken. She would normally ask you to speak up but she can see that the fight you had not that long ago is gone. 
You’re relieved when the bed feels lighter. Agatha shifting her weight and removing herself from the mattress. You can hear some shuffling and you turn your head trying to look. Tears still fall, blurring your vision slightly. You can’t see her but the bed dips again as a hand rubs your ass again making you whine and squirm. “So pretty like this.” Agatha leans down and whispers in your ear. 
Agatha’s weight shifts on the bed again. She moves between your legs. She grabs your pants and underwear that is on your thighs. You hear the sound of fabric ripping as she tears your clothes off of you. “You’re fucking mine you hear me?” Agatha leans over you, a weight slapping on your ass. You whimper and nod. “Yes. I’m yours.” She leans back up towering over you. “Good girl.” The weight that once sat on your ass she now swipes through your folds wet with your arousal. Spreading it up and down and coating her strap. 
You have no time to register Agatha’s actions as she lines up with your entrance and thrust the faux cock inside of you. You cry out at the deliciously painful stretch. It’s bigger than what you have taken before. She starts a hard and fast pace, fucking into your tight hole. “Fuck your taking me to well.” She slaps your ass again, enjoying the hiss of pain that leaves your lips. Her hand moving you and wrapping around the back of your neck pushing your face further into the mattress. 
Right now she doesn’t care about your pleasure, only her own. Fucking into you with reckless abandon. “So fucking tight no matter how many times I fuck you.” Her hips slapping against your ass making you whimper and moan. “You wouldn’t survive without me. Just a dumb stupid whore.” You’re already clenching around her strap the faster she drives her hips into you. Your pleasure heightened by the pain. 
Agatha leans over you pressing her front into your back still holding your face down rutting into you. “You fucking try to leave me again I’ll kill you. You don’t get another chance, little girl. I told you’re mine and if I can’t have you no one can. You know that little friend of yours? I saw that she was looking for you. I took care of that little problem. I saw her little TV stunt. I wanted to see what your dumb little brain would do if you knew so I recorded it. Let it play for you. So stupid thinking you could get away.” She whispers in your ear. More tears slip down your face. You’re trapped here forever you know the woman wouldn’t lie. You’re her property now and there is no one else left to save you. 
It is better to let your mind submit now. Let her be your one and only. You’ll be safer that way. “I’m sorry.” You whimper. “I-I’ll never try again. I’m you-yours.” She smiles, kissing your shoulder before leaning back up and pounding into you. Her hand still smacks against your ass occasionally. Your sounds spur her on to continue. 
You let all your thoughts melt away. Whimpers and moans fall from your lips, the squelching sound of Agatha pounding into your pussy mixing in. You submit as she pushes you into your subspace. Babbling how you are hers and sorrys for trying to leave. She just smirks above you. Her test didn’t go quiet as she hoped but she has you now. The perfect obedient little housewife. Cooking and cleaning for her then being the perfect little fleshlight for her to use. 
Agatha’s thrust becomes more erratic as the harness brushes against her clit perfectly. Her need to cum approaching fast. “Mmm fuck. I’m going to fill this little pussy. So fucking tight.” Her hands move to grip your waist digging in her fingers, sure to leave bruises behind. You’re confused by her words but that thought melts away when she hits that spot deep inside you. The sight of your tear stained face and your reddened ass cheeks sends her over the edge. As she cums her hand moves and you feel a gush of liquid fill you up. Your own orgasm then washing over you. 
The realization of what she meant as you feel so full. Cum leaking out around her strap as she doesn’t slow down. Continuing to pound into you roughly. “Aggie.” You whine hoping she will stop but she doesn’t. You can only see part of her but there is an animalistic look to her. She is going to keep filling you whether you want her to or not. Her thrust rough and hard as fucks you even further into submission. 
You don’t know how many times you cum or how many times she has filled you by the time she stops. You're both panting and sweaty messes. Your whole body hurts from her roughness and the marks she has left on you. You whimper when she removes her strap from your overstimulated aching core. She isn’t gentle about it like normal. She slaps your bruised ass once more before climbing off the bed. The mix of your cums leaking out of you onto the sheets below, as your gaping hole clenches around nothing trying to keep the cum in. 
Your eyes droop as your fuzzy mind listens for her movement around the room. You expect her to release you from your restraints and to clean you up. To place ointment on your bruised ass but it doesn’t come. “I’ve been so kind to you baby girl. Let’s see how you like it if I leave you as a mess. The dumb cumrag you were always meant to be. Maybe you’ll learn your lesson.” Agatha’s harsh tone filters through your ears. You cry out for her. You want her comfort and her soft touches. 
The door slams shut moments later leaving you in darkness. You continue to cry as your body shakes. You want her to come back to comfort you and tell you that you are her good girl. Promise you’ll never do it again. But your mind is tired as your struggle to stay awake. Your whimpers for the woman become quiet as you drift off into a deep sleep. 
What you don’t know is that Agatha is sitting on the other side of the door. Listening and watching you. An evil smirk playing on her lips. She has finally broken you completely and all it took was showing you that you can’t leave her. She had to punish you in order to break that last bit of hope deep in your mind. Soon she will have you as her perfect little housewife. Destined to be with her, tied to her forever.
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kel-lance · 2 months
Sub!Choso x Reader
MDNI——collars leashes whip’s edging stomping humiliation blindfolds restraints gags overstimulation pegging taunting slapping blood play period sex {all mentioned}
Premise: Choso walked in on you and (bonus:) your date (sub!Nanami) and begs for his own collar.
Making it home after another morning shift, you’re stopped in front of your apartment door to punch in the numbers to the automated lock. You push your way in and thank your district manager finally let you have an opening shift. You swear people get dumber as the day goes on and by the end of the night your patience has worn thin. 
You’re still a sweetheart though, everyone knows you as being the mediator. The person to come to to see both sides and even additionally your own view of it to let them think over their problems, or options. Either way, you’d always keep things light. 
Any form of confrontation or conflict made you want to help fix it right away. But what do you do to help with the anger? Surely there was something else you’d do, like a hobby or something, to release the stress of harboring the most open mind, and basically know how it will go with the way you’d observe them silently.
Not many people would know about your fun pastime, not until choso walked in on you and you date one night. 
He surely was still trying to understand what he saw. That wasn’t a dream? Because it would make more sense if it were a dream, he knew for a fact. But it was something he just couldn’t stop thinking about, it had his balls blue. 
If he were to think about it he’d swell up immediately, the blood rushing to his cheeks and sadly but quickly creating a mess in his pants, he’d curse how much of a mess you now made of him. 
His quiet and caring roommate looked so out of place, but it was their room… “(Y/n)’s a sadist?” Just having him walk in on you was torture on him enough. You two knew each others schedules, and Yuki’s too as she’s the third to share the large studio together. Their brother-sister relationship, and you and her friendship, and you and him just being caught up in her world, living together just made things easier. Really it saved gas. 
It wasn’t like walking in on you while you were talking a no clothes shit. Or if you just got in the shower and the glass or mirror hasn’t steamed up yet. This was your best friends brother walking into your room, while you were dressed up in just pleather straps, having recognized that that was his youngest brother’s teacher, blindfolded and on his knees in front of you.
You wonder if he was still going to act weird about it. The best way to relieve yourself was just power play in general. You already knew it all, all possible ways situations can play out, you could tell what people will say, what their next action could be, it was already enough to make you so bored, or go crazy. 
It wasn’t like you were feigning your consideration towards others, but it’s the fact when they don’t listen. You tell what the next moves are, by the patterns of things and taking chances on how some days just don’t go as planned. That there will always be an element of surprise just when you thought you got the pattern down. 
You can talk and talk and talk, and explain finally what you mean, maybe you talked too much and it confused them… “That’s on them for not paying attention.” The supremacy you secretly held was upsetting. It was just fantasy, something that you had to figure out how to fix, “Maybe they just like to be hurt.” You thought one day, and that’s when it started. 
You’ve secretly become a sadist, it just made sense. Trusting you to carry out their most wicked fantasies and you love to help, making the experience fruitful by learning how bodies react to certain things. As they taught you what they liked, you found yourself domineering the sessions, and most of the time they don’t object. (Half of them are gagged up anyway.)
And with all that time, sure you may have thought about it once or twice but knew it’d be rude to be the one to ask if Yuki could third wheel in her own house. “It couldn’t be me to ask, and I shouldn’t anyway.” Even though you two were close, you still held out consideration for them to not ruin the dynamic, but the sight in front of her older brother had stopped him in his tracks. Your small pleather get up was something he couldn’t even dream seeing on you. 
Your leg was up in the bed, your date was kneeling, blindfolded and clothed but exposed. His dress shirt unbuttoned at the top with bites and hickies under his collar and his pants still on but his erection bouncing and begging for your touch. His mouth was open and waiting, tongue begging to taste you while you hold his blonde hair back, he silently thanks you for taunting him. 
Choso and your eyes met, but you didn’t move. It was kinda hot, no, it was really hot seeing him blush immediately. With how red he got, you were hoping he be brave enough to join. 
You weren’t embarrassed, that wouldn’t make sense of your dominating energy in the room. The mouth under you was panting into you, the heat hot on your other mouth, the wetness coming down your legs, you were enjoying the sudden intrusion so much that you pushed Nanami’s face into you. Not breaking eye contact with choso, his deer in the headlights look on his face while you were riding another man’s face just 10 feet away from him, it happened so fast get it took him forever gather himself to leave.
You could only chuckle as you know this was gonna be a weird talk later. Nanami was fucked stupid now. His rigid face was soft and teary. The rise and fall of his chest was so fast, not helping the oxygen going to his head. So drunk for you, mindless and trusting, he wanted it so bad but couldn’t take another whip or edging session. Though your dates were always bliss for him and you just loved your pets so dearly. 
You were sitting on the couch and he comes up to the doorway. Not looking up, you stay sitting at the couch in the living room. Anytime you’d go into your room again, it was almost like choso was just trying to prove himself wrong with what he saw. He was like a puppy who saw their owner in a mask, got confused and scared, and now is wondering if “that person” is ever going to come back. You were just finally showing him that this was you; Your cool attitude about all this made choso realize you were always like this. 
Competitive when the reward is high, loud and domineering in rooms when control is needed, usually calm and quiet like him but he thought, he thought you really were like him. 
He wasn’t weak, but he didn’t like to call the shots, he didn’t care to unless it was for his family. But everyone grew up and he was already content, visiting them whenever they could and living with you and your friend, his “sister”, Yuki. 
You’ve always wanted him under you like this he was such a boy failure literally clung to his sister at the hip, her being such a flirt to men but her girlfriends find it funny when she beats them up if they ever got mad, like hey they never asked her. To which she’ll make up silly things to taunt the poor fuck who thought they could fight her.
Choso though just always was the coolest. His piercings and new tattoos every other month were just so hot. But you weren’t gonna ruin him. That wasn’t your call, he didn’t know that about you but you could tell he was perfect. Whatever he thought of you is what has been holding him back from a world that was ready for him. 
“Please,” You let him suck on your fingers as you work and pulled away when he got too greedy. He stopped afraid you’d pull away and be not in the mood anymore. You just reposition yourself opening your legs which he knew to get in his knees.
He’s crying again and thanking you for finally letting him eat. He’s been waiting for so long, it's probably just been a week and since he saw you and his brothers teacher, and then it took him (almost) 48 hours before he was trying to ask you to do that with him. He just couldn’t flirt for the life of him.
His tears make his face so wet and sloppy and his hair is a mess. His make up, you applied it over every time he messed it up, even when you didn’t touch him but he’d always find a way to make a mess. His sobs had his cheeks glowing, crying while you laugh bc it tickles, “That feels so good.”
His cheeks were soaked that he could close his mouth and basically motorboat the inside of your thighs, his lips rubbing on every part of you, side to side, while his cheeks stimulated the side of your innerds, touching you everywhere, enhancing the whole body feeling. 
His hands were around your hips to keep you from moving, which, he hopes you’ll punish him for later but he just needed it so bad. The needy whiny man was in front of you, just wanted a taste, and recieved the whole thing. Something tells you this would be the longest he’ll ever holdout for again. 
“You’ve been so good Choso,” You lean forward to give him a kiss on his wet cheek. You make sure your hand is dry before lightly fixing his hair, your fingertips sending shocks throughout his starved form. “I wanna see you under me, get on the bed.” 
He almost begs for another kiss before listening to you, going to lay in the middle of your bed, head on the pillow, but you look at him bored. You motion for him to sit up, as you cage him in on your knees, straddling the air. 
Choso almost bucks his hips forward just to feel your soft skin, just the smallest touch to know he wasn’t dreaming, or better yet he wanted to squeeze his own thighs together to create some kind of contact. His aching erection wanted nothing more than you, but placing a hand on his chest, tracing it down and tickling him, he arches forward at your touch, to which you slap his thigh sharply. 
“Hmm? Speak up baby, I can’t hear you.” You cooed. Now we’ve lost him, the man was babbling to himself, almost heaving and hyperventilating at the same time. His pants were long and drug out, and he couldn’t move. Subconsciously fearing you’d bring out the whip, like the one he’s seen on your bed, he freezes to just enjoy his situation a bit longer. “Come on, Choso,” Your fingers pinch his chin to face you. “Use your words.” 
You can only look down at him, he’s still crying, he can’t even speak, you don’t let him. Grabbing greedily at his waist, pulling it towards you, lifting his legs and spreading him open was such a treat. 
You knew to never have expectations of others bodies but his was better than you could have imagined.  The muscle and tattoos on his upper thighs were so hot, you get a good read of his body, the number of tattoos just confirm his masochism. 
You notice his face before he started to let loose. You grab at the sides of his throat and squeezed, cutting out his whimpers. It was amazing, those cute noises really ignited your hunger, you were surprisingly becoming satisfied.
You smear at and pick up his cum with your hand, using it to palm at his sensitive parts. He careened into your hand as you kept him hard and even rubbed under to get his balls. He gasps back and starts crying again. “Hey, pay attention.” He almost cums again as he watches you use the rest of his cum from your hand to wipe along your slit, to add to your wetness. You stare into his eyes. “Do you want to go first?” He uses this chance to flip you around. He hastily plunges into you and is so pathetic with his stroke game you laugh at him, he thanks you for letting him cum in you. 
You push his face off of you, grabbing him by his messy space buns you spit in his face and smear everything around. He pants and is so pussy drunk he’s only staring at you longingly after you keep a grip on his cheeks, finding a few seconds before he could find and stay focused on your eyes. As he was coming back, you decide to dig your fingers into his arms, enough to draw blood. He pants as it added a bit to his dying orgasm. You grip him and think how was life going to be like after this? 
Well that’s exactly what you asked him. He, being shy, and fucked silly was trying to regain the feeling in his face before remembering that this was just the beginning:
Sub!Choso waiting for you to come how everyday after work. 
Sub! Choso who usually knocks on your door lightly but with a raging hard on that he really needs you to help him out with.
Sub Choso who stays in the straps and keeps the toys you share in or stimulating him until you come back home. 
Sub! Choso melting at your touch and never letting you do anything around the house again.
Sub Chose who wants to have sleepovers and you two had to explain to Yuki that its just you two sleepover. 
Sub choso begging for you to touch him after a week bc of the last hasty move he did the other day had you decided to hold off and lock him out of your room. 
Completely abandoning him, bringing Nanami and another back to your room in front of him,
teasing him with wearing almost nothing around the house when yuki’s gone, you were going to ruin him,
that was the goal now If he just can’t hold back then you shouldn’t either.  
You who pinches Sub!Choso’s sides and nose when he comes off too needy, he cries for you and you honestly don’t know what you got yourself into. 
Sub choso who insists on doing everything with you, showering, being in the kitchen with you, and if you do allow him in your room, hell sit on the floor and wait to see if you want to use him.
Sub Chose who really likes to fuck you on your period bc that’s blood magic and he dabbles tf in that
Its basically a love spell, and he doesn’t care. He thinks it's a way to get closer to you without hurting you, not the way you’d claw at his skin or even lightly cut him sometimes just to lick up the wounds. 
Sub Choso always lowering himself around you bc he’s used to looking up at you
Sub Choso who gets jealous and asks why isn’t he enough to which you didn’t know his feelings were that deep so you two talk about your other pets, and what rules and other stuff going forward 
Sub Choso who decided to act out out one day, knowing that you would be holding off for a bit after how crazy the last session went, he was begging for your attention.
Sometimes you liked to see such a pathetic beautiful man beg for you at the end of a long day, but when you held off, he would become a mess. Not the kind to melt all over the floor, but he'd be more desperate for your touch, eyes always on you, almost like a stalker that you'd almost want to call Nanami back to show him what will happen if he keeps bothering you when you're trying to work.
That day he fucked up, you were on your way out to have some time to yourself. Maybe just sit at a cafe, or at a park, maybe even just find a high hill and watch the sky, but Choso was blocking your path
Sub Choso asking where you were going as it was your day off and you hadn't said anything to him about your plans for the day.
You tell him to be good and to let you have an hour or so to yourself. Hearing this he freaks out a little bit, his fists ball up and his voice was trying to leave his throat. "You're gonna go see him again aren't you? I don't like this game, that you can have as many and use them whenever."
I know you hate waiting Choso but its not like it's your turn and his turn. And by the way I'm not going to see him, but you could always find another mistress.
Sub Choso who refuses the very thought and walks towards you, grabbing at your hands desperately that it hurt, "No!" He turns his head to hide his face and holds onto you, not letting you leave.
You're very quiet, enough for him to finally look back at you and he realizes he cut you with his nails. The grip he had on you created semi purple blotches on your wrists, and you stood there not moving.
Sub Choso realizing what he just did and releasing your hands before falling down to your feet. He kneels as he watches your face, knowing what you do to him unprovoked already had him both excited and frightened, but this time he didn't even know how badly his body wanted you.
As he submits and shudders at what he's done, you make a rain check on that walk and drag him back to your room by his collar.
You had choso kneeling on the floor as you restrained his arms to his back, ignoring his pleads and sorry's. Your pets don't touch you like that. They don't do whatever they want without your approval, Choso knew that and acted accordingly, even if it got annoying sometimes. His dependency was so rich, it was like getting a new puppy.
In this case you were going to need the muzzle. This was no time for bargaining, he will learn what he did was wrong.
"I'm- (y/n), please, I'm sorry I just wanted you so bad I-" You slap him hard, fingers slapping against his cheekbone. He grunts as it stung, and continues his sorry's. "I really didn't mean to!"
You put the damn muzzle on him, having him bite down on the gag inside, you tighten the straps as Sub!Choso looks petrified, though still accepting his punishment.
There was nothing holding you back now, you were pissed. Your hands were your money makers, not to mention if one of /them/ start to overpower you, you could lose the title altogether. Like you were going to let a tantrum denounce you.
You have him strip and kneel again, whipping out his back and silently watching him wince and recoil at each thrash. You wanted his back red, this was just your warning.
Pointing his chin to look up at you, you place your foot down on his crotch and stepped forward. He hisses and throws his head around, his eyes finding your cold ones, pleading again with more than his usual frenzied state.
You draw your foot back and stomp on him this time. Tears formed and flowed, he sat there, still, taking it.
While his eyes were cringing to the horror happening to his privates, you take a fist full of his hair and yank his head forward, trying to make a judgement of what he deserved next.
You take your foot off his poor wood, but granting him no relief as you whipped at his chest and exposed thighs. The noises he made through his gag should have at least been enough to crack a smile out of you, but your wrists were still a little red, and when you get angry you're usually one to give them back what they dished out, and sometimes even more when you're feeling generous.
Easing your heel back onto him, having him hold his breath as he doesn't know if you were to stomp at any moment, torturing him with the anticipation as your head was somewhere else.
You havent tried this one thing, though you thought you would have by now. Stepping off again, you go to your closet and place a big enough leash on the poignant bastard and tugging him towards your bed.
You sit at the edge, bending him over your legs, you place a blindfold on him as well, not letting him know what you were about to do.
You grab the bullet, coating it with your spit before sliding it into his ass. The new sensation had him squirm, sensitive to how your fingertips traces the small of his back, he was getting a bit overwhelmed, not being able to see or yell out, much less move his arms still, you plunge the small machine further in him, "As long as its past his prostate." You thought. "I'll push it this time."
Sub!Choso is completely at your mercy, tied up, silences, bent over, whipped over and over, he was loving it. Scared at how quiet you were but this was the level of manhandled he would fantasize about.
It wasn't anything wrong with the way you did it before, but you still cared just a little bit, he felt your hesitation and wanted you to be as free as you wanted, proving right now that you're capable of leaving him bedridden for days.
Sub!Choso who yelps and gurgles through his gag as you turn the vibrator on. You test it out, pulling at the string to slowly bring it closer and closer to his prostate. You sure were going to tease the fuck out of him this way before putting on the strap.
Sub!Choso who lays on you, hugging you as tight as he could while recovering from the beating you gave his contemptible hole.
Sub!Choso who whispers his thanks, his appreciation, his admiration, just loving babble as he slips from this to sleep.
You tell him to shut up as you hold him closer to you.
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oreolemur · 1 month
Sleeping Beauty- Megumi Fushiguro Fanfic
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Standing in front of your dresser, you admired the unconscious man laying on your bed. With his arms tied above his head to your headboard, you were able to remove his clothes, leaving him naked. “What a beautiful body you have, doll”, you bit your lip. Running your fingers through his torso, you playfully flicked his nipple as you made your way to his face. “Your pretty face is mine now”, you blushed. Kissing him, you internally celebrated your successful kidnapping. “It was all so easy”, you whispered into his ear. “If those two idiots hadn’t left you, then I wouldn’t have been able to make my move”. You pulled on his black hair, seductively grinning. “I wonder how poor Yuji feels knowing that his cherished friend is missing”. Getting off the bed, you searched through your drawer, pulling out a black box. Unlocking it, you sinfully giggled, holding a small pink vibrator. “We’re gonna have so much fun together”.
Walking back over to him, you positioned yourself below his waist. Taking his cock into your hand, you spat on it, proceeding to stroke. Watching him get hard gave you butterflies. “Do you like it?”, you teased while turning on the toy. Placing it on his tip, you drew circles around the sensitive area. “It’d be better if you were awake, but your unconscious state turns me on more”. Increasing the intensity level, you heard a small moan. Glancing up at your beloved’s face, you noticed his pretty fair skin turned red.  “Aw, your voice. I want more”. Throwing the vibrator aside, you quickly opened your mouth, beginning to suck his cock. 
You slowly bobbed your head, putting in more inches. Megumi twitched, causing you to suck harder. You loved the way he felt inside of you. No matter how big he was, you wanted to give every ounce of him your love. Opening your throat more, you made sure not to leave any part of him unsucked. “Mmm”, you whined with your nose hitting his pelvis. You grabbed hold of his waist, slamming yourself repeatedly down his shaft. You heard him moan more, it was like music to your ears. 
“Just a little more….I can feel it”, you thought, sensing his orgasm. Slowly moving up to his tip, you playfully licked it as you teased him. “Come on, sweetie. Please finish for-”. Your words were cut off as he unexpectedly came onto your face. “Oh”, you said, wiping away the fluid on the side of your mouth. “Tasty”.
After cleaning up, you focused on the next task. “Megumi darling..”, you paused. “I’ve been wanting to try something new lately”. Untying his wrists, you flipped him over onto his stomach. “I hope you behave for me…you’ve been doing good so far”. Hovering over him, you attached a strap-on to your waist. Lubing it up, you squirted some of the liquid onto your hand, rubbing it onto Megumi's ass. As you spread his cheeks, you placed the silicon dildo near his anus. Brushing his hair out of his face, you rested your head on top of his. With one thrust, the man’s body reacted. “Shh, it’s only your body fighting back”, you whispered. “The drugs will make sure you stay asleep. How thoughtful am I?”, you kissed his neck. Taking hold of his waist, you slightly arched his back, making the toy go in deeper. You thrusted hard, enjoying the power you had over him. “If only I had an actual dick….I’d love to fill you up with my cum”.  Megumi’s body became your own personal toy. You repeatedly slammed your hips into his ass, forcing more noises to escape from his lips. “Just like that, doll. Give me more”. Sweat formed as you continued to go harder.
It didn’t take long before your body started to exhaust. You pulled out, catching a breath. “I’m starting to get tired”, you stated. Turning him around, you put Megumi back on his stomach. Wiping away a tear that left his eye, you kissed his lips as you removed the strap from your waist. “Luckily for you..I still have some energy left in me”. You pumped his cock, getting it hard again. “All that fun made me soaked”. Hovering above his private, you slid your pussy against him, blushing from the sensation. “I hope I can take it”, you giggled. Shoving it into you slowly, you gasped at the feeling of it stretching your walls open. You managed to fit the whole thing in, leaving it inside for a few minutes to adjust. As you waited, you made out with your victim. “Oh Megumi…I love you so much”. You bruised his skin, marking it with your teeth. “I hope Nobara and Yuji never find you”. 
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kayliraine · 3 days
🎸⭐️ EMA Band AU || character headcanons (pt. 2):
strap in, i accidentally made this kinda long loll
🗝️🥁 | Eren:
Eren gets a guitar for his birthday in late elementary school and doesn't really touch it much until one day when Mikasa comes over and tells him how cool it is. Then he starts teaching himself.
Eren plays a song in their middle school’s talent show because he secretly (but oh so obviously) wants to impress Mikasa, but his hands are so shaky and he’s so nervous that he kinda bombs it. Jean makes fun of him, and without hesitation, Eren goes swinging.
Heated, Jean makes a snarky comment about drums being a better instrument for Eren because it’d “help him vent his anger issues.”
Months later, Jean buys him drumsticks as a joke gift for a Secret Santa event. Eren takes this as a challenge.
Fast forward to "Mikasa and the Titans" as a band, Eren is their drummer and he’s amazing at it (though he will never, ever thank Jean for the inspiration).
He occasionally helps write songs too, but he’s not as good at expressing himself, and his writing is kind of juvenile.
Armin still encourages him to try, and together with Mikasa, he embellishes and translates Eren's verses.
Eren also knows how to sing but doesn't like to as much. It feels like more of a private thing to him.
Sometimes Armin will write songs for him though because he loves his voice. These songs are usually slower, more somber, and quite stripped back. Often it’s Eren singing with his guitar, Armin on keys, and Mikasa harmonizing with him.
During performances, Eren sings his one or two songs last and it’s always a surprise to the audience when he stands from his drum set. No one expects it, but he’s really good.
When he sings he goes off into another world and it’s almost as if he forgets he’s on stage.
He’s definitely the most mysterious of the group—he probably posts the least on social media, but he's still a fan favorite.
On the side, Eren posts some metal covers on youtube. He doesn’t advertise it at all—even Mikasa and Armin have to come across it themselves without him telling them. (Mikasa gets very upset he kept it a secret and he has to apologize profusely.)
He has an impressive metal growl akin to his canon titan roars.
🧣🎸 | Mikasa:
As a kid, Mikasa is by no means musically inclined. Her parents force her to do piano lessons for a while, but she quits out of frustration.
This all changes in elementary school when she sees Eren get a guitar, inspiring her desire to learn as well.
At first, she borrows Eren's guitar a lot and gets him to teach her chords and strumming patterns (and he likes to act all annoyed about it, but it's so clear he enjoys helping her).
Eventually, her parents buy Mikasa her own guitar for her birthday, and from then on, she starts learning more on her own. Sometimes she and Eren still play together though.
Mikasa is a fast learner and incredibly determined, so her skills progress quickly and she’s soon surpassing even Eren. (It makes him feel a little bad, but that feeling is almost immediately replaced with strong admiration.)
She starts learning how to sing too. She develops a silvery, sweet, and clear tone that grows more intense when she sings passionate songs.
At some point, Armin confides in Mikasa his hidden passion for writing poetry, and Mikasa creates melodies on her guitar inspired by his work—sometimes even singing his words aloud. (It makes him feel flustered at first, but it soon evolves into the two of them creating experimental acoustic songs together for fun.)
Mikasa has an undeniable stage presence. She is confident, and the way she plays the guitar as she sings seems almost effortless. She has a very devoted fanbase of people who simp over her and her cool energy.
Mikasa manages their group’s Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter accounts, (because Eren is too chronically offline to understand marketing, and Armin is a bit of a boomer with internet jargon and memes). so the fans get to interact with her the most.
She posts a lot of OOTDs and sneak peeks of upcoming songs on her Instagram story.
Many of their fans rely on her stories to get a glimpse of what Eren is actually like because he never posts and has a habit of blocking people on Twitter who say things about their band that annoy him (i.e. rumors about him having a thing for Mikasa because of the way he looked over at her during one of the recorded performances…).
Mikasa takes her musical career very seriously and is constantly on that grindset mindset.
She’s always coming up with new melodies on her guitar and sending voice recordings late at night in their group chat. It’s something fun for her to do and it comes so naturally.
��🎹 | Armin:
Armin takes piano lessons as a child and is literally a prodigy. He plays at all of their school’s holiday ceremonies and even participates in (and wins) competitions.
He is extremely talented: he has perfect pitch, starts learning to compose his own songs at an early age, and gets amazing grades on top of it all. He is a hardworking kid.
Along with his musical interest, Armin has also always been interested in literature and writing (He grows up to be an English or Linguistics major for sure).
He goes everywhere with a book in hand.
He enjoys telling Eren about the books he reads, and Eren listens diligently. It’s easy and comfortable to tell him things as he always seems genuinely interested in what Armin has to say, no matter the subject.
Armin develops an interest in poetry in middle school and even starts a journal where he writes his own.
He’s extremely shy about his writing at first, only really showing Mikasa because he's too embarrassed to show Eren (not because he thinks Eren will make fun of him—he just really looks up to Eren).
Mikasa inspires him to combine his two passions of music and writing by composing pieces to accompany his poetry.
It moves him how Mikasa is so captivated by his writing that she wants to help him with his music too.
In their band, Mikasa is the main singer, but Armin can also sing a little. He has a higher range and does harmonies for her in some of their songs.
It's not his thing though, so he doesn't sing otherwise.
Armin has to force Eren and Mikasa to study with him sometimes because they tend to neglect their schoolwork due to their extreme engrossment in their music.
Despite his devotion to school, Armin still does a lot of work for the band when he has time.
He’s the one who contacts venues in the area for them to perform at. He handles a lot of their social ventures despite his anxious and non-confrontational nature.
Armin really enjoys being in the band—he likes being around his friends more than anything in the world. And hearing his written words turning into beautifully layered noise makes him giddy to no end.
AAA THANK YOU FOR READING ASKNSJK EMA band inspired playlist :) :
also if you guys have any questions or thoughts about this au, don't hesitate to ask!!! I like to talk <33
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johaerys-writes · 6 days
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Just as Patroclus gets ready for the most important work trip of his career, Achilles decides to come along for the ride without asking. After not having seen each other for a year, the friendship they once had is hanging by a thread... while the tension that neither of them wants to acknowledge is heavier than ever.
Read on AO3
Chapter 1: i try to live in black and white but i'm so blue
It’s still dark outside when Patroclus hauls his suitcase out of his apartment building, waiting at the curb for his cab. The city is quiet in the twilight; there’s barely anyone in the streets, save for the garbage trucks making their first rounds. He glances down at his wristwatch: just short of 5am, and mere hours before he boards one of the most important flights of his entire career.
He heaves a sigh of relief when his cab finally arrives. The driver steps out to help him with his suitcase, and asks him if he wants to place his hand luggage in the trunk as well, but Patroclus smiles and shakes his head as he clutches it protectively close. He’d rather keep his laptop as close to his person as he can short of strapping it on him.
The driver has just shut the trunk door when the tires of another car screech, startlingly loud in the empty steet. Patroclus glances back to see another cab through the rear window skidding to a halt behind them. The car door is flung open before the cab has even stopped moving, and then—
And then, out steps the bane of Patroclus’ entire existence.
“Stop the car!” Achilles shouts. He grabs a designer duffel bag out of the cab’s trunk and slings it over his shoulder, then tosses some bills through the driver window— probably much more than the actual ride was worth— before running up to them.
“Hi!” He chirps merrily, slipping into the backseat beside Patroclus. His scent hits Patroclus like a punch in the face: a hint of expensive cologne and his own familiar smell, that heady summer smell Patroclus knows so well. It’s so sudden, it’s all happening so fast, that it renders him completely speechless and numb.
Achilles leans over to the cab driver and pats him on the shoulder. “Let’s get moving, we have a plane to catch!”
Patroclus, who had been watching the events unfold in pure shock, as if witnessing the collision of a rushing train with a brick wall, finally stirs out of his silence. “We?” he echoes. “Who’s we?”
Achilles blinks at him, completely bamboozled that he would think to ask such a question. “You and me, of course. Did you think you were going to that conference alone?”
The cab rolls down the street, steadily gaining speed. Patroclus can barely take in his surroundings for the sudden flash anger that fills him. “Wait, wait, wait —” he says, holding up a hand, which the driver chooses to ignore. “Why are you here, Achilles? What are you doing?”
“I’m flying to Singapore with you.” He grins at Patroclus as if he’s just given him the best news of his entire life, before he adds, “After being away for so long, I thought it’d be fun to surprise you. Didn’t you miss me?”
His hair is so golden and glossy in the morning’s bleak first light, windswept and yet still attractively dishevelled, like he’s spent hours trying to achieve that specific look even though Patroclus knows he probably woke up like this. His eyes are bright with mischief, like they used to be when they were kids and running around the garden of their childhood summer house in Phthia, but there’s something else in his searching gaze now: a sort of tentative hope that’s so at odds with his usual brazen confidence. A flicker of the real Achilles behind the face he chooses to put up.
After not having gazed upon him in the flesh for more than a year, being so close to him is almost physically painful right now.
Patroclus might as well have swallowed his tongue for how incapable he is of forming actual words. He turns away from Achilles and scowls out of the window, seething with frustration as Achilles nags the cab driver about connecting his phone to the car’s speakers and blasting his favourite tunes the whole damned way to the airport.
He doesn’t talk to Achilles when the cab drops them off at the airport departures, and he refuses to reply to any of his enthusiastic comments and questions as they drop off their bags at check-in and make their way through airport security. Once they make it to their gate, Patroclus leaves Achilles flicking through the pages of an airplane magazine as he steps away to make a phone call.
“Hello?” comes Peleus’ groggy answer. The man has never been an early bird, and this is particularly early even for Patroclus. He feels bad for waking him, but this can’t wait.
“It’s me. Patroclus,” he says, though he knows it’s unnecessary. Peleus can tell who he is through the caller ID. “Listen, I’m sorry for waking you but I need to talk to you.”
“What happened? Anything wrong with your flight?”
“Yes. No. Well, sort of.” Patroclus lets out a sharp breath and rubs the bridge of his nose. “Are you aware that your son is travelling with me?”
“Achilles?” Peleus asks, baffled. “That’s the first I’m hearing of it.”
Patroclus stays silent, guts twisting with anxiety while he waits for Peleus to properly wake up.
“I told him about the conference last night, when he came over for dinner. He was very happy to hear about you taking on this responsibility. But you know Achilles— he has never been particularly interested in the business end of things. I practically had to beg and bribe him for him to agree to start coming to the office once in a blue moon. Every year I ask him to go to one of these conferences, to start learning the job, and every year I get the same answer. I’ll spare you it; it’s too early in the morning.”
Peleus laughs indulgently at his son’s antics, but all Patroclus feels is dull and hollow bitterness. His stomach squeezes uncomfortably at the prospect of spending any time at all with Achilles, let alone the entire length of this trip. At least he’s somewhat mollified by the fact that Peleus didn’t send Achilles along to keep an eye on Patroclus, as if he can’t be trusted to do a job on his own, and that Achilles’ actions are all his own fault and of his own devising. As per usual.
“You know,” Peleus continues, “it isn’t such a bad thing that he wants to come. It’s about time he showed some initiative— and you have always been such a good influence on him. Catching up will do a world of good to you both, I’m sure.”
Patroclus grits out a reluctant acknowledgment to this, which is neither an assent or a refusal, and hangs up the phone. He isn’t at all sure that ‘catching up’ will do anyone any good, especially Achilles and himself.
By the time they board the plane, Patroclus is hungry, tired, and already has a splitting headache. He wants nothing more than to be left alone for the rest of his flight, even though there’s little chance of that with Achilles managing to find a seat right next to him on the plane.
“Isn’t it great, going on a trip together after so long?” Achilles says happily as the plane takes off. “It’s going to be like an adventure! Like old times, right?”
“I’ve got a job to do, Achilles,” Patroclus says. “I’m not interested in adventures.”
Achilles laughs, and the sound at once enrages him and makes him ache with painful longing. “We’ll be there for a week, you won’t be working all the time.”
“Watch me,” Patroclus says irritably, reaching for his laptop in the overhead locker once the sign to stay in their seats flickers out.
He barely got any sleep the previous night, working on his presentation until late, much later than was reasonable. The presentation is pretty much ready, but he can’t resist tinkering with it all the time, changing a word here and fixing the formatting there. He knows he should leave it alone, but he is simply incapable of doing that. He wants to be the best, the very best, at what he does.
It isn’t just about him being a perfectionist, though, or having a chip on his shoulder. The task Peleus has entrusted him with is the most important he’s ever had to undertake; sending him off to Singapore to one of the biggest business conferences in the world to present the growth and production of the company before an audience of hundreds, and thousands more online, is just a small token of the enormous faith Peleus places on him. Patroclus isn’t about to let him down.
And he won’t let anything distract him from that purpose. Not Achilles, or anyone else. This is far too important.
His resolve doesn’t last very long, as Achilles thrusts his face over Patroclus’ shoulder to peek at his laptop screen. “Ooh, what’s this?”
“Do you mind?” Patroclus snaps, slamming the laptop closed. He shifts around to face Achilles, schooling his features to the most annoyed scowl he can muster. “This is important stuff, Achilles. I can’t have you poking around my work. If we’re going to have to suffer each other’s company for a week, the least you could do is mind your business and let me do mine, okay?”
He hates the way his heart plummets at the sight of Achilles’ smile fading, at the disappointed pout that replaces it. Achilles edges back, all of his enthusiasm melting away.
“Fine, okay,” he mutters. “Whatever.”
He turns around and takes his headphones out of his bag, placing them over his head. Though being left in peace was everything Patroclus wanted, Achilles pulling his attention away from him feels like the sun being hidden behind thick rainclouds, taking away all its warmth. He sullenly returns to his work while Achilles gets ready to watch a movie on his tablet, and wonders how long it’s been since they’ve done anything in the same space, since they’ve sat so close. The distance between their elbows on the armrest is electrifying, and every time they almost touch, Patroclus’ heart gives a painful, frustrating thump in his chest.
Patroclus does his best to ignore it.
Read the rest on AO3
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moonstruckme · 10 months
summary: the wilderness favors James over you, but it does have some redeeming qualities
cw: mentions of blood, minor injury
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 1.6k words
Camping hadn’t sounded like such a bad idea last weekend, when James had suggested it. You aren’t a naturally outdoorsy person, but you loved the idea of getting him all to yourself for a couple of days, and what could be more romantic than frolicking through the forest together, the soft light of a campfire, and sleeping under the stars? 
Frolicking, you think sardonically, slapping your cheek in yet another attempt to nail the mosquito that has been trailing you for the past hour, slowly sucking you dry. You could not possibly have been more naive in your imaginings of what camping would entail. Your legs hurt, your supposedly practical shoes are starting to chafe on your ankles, and you’re unsure if the back of your neck is itching from bug bites (completely undeterred by the bug spray you’d applied at the car, by the way) or your ceaseless sweating. You feel tired, and sticky, and sore. 
“Oh, look!” James calls from a few paces ahead of you. “There’s a river up here.” 
You try not to resent him in times like this, but there’s something seriously unjust about how easily your boyfriend has taken to the wilderness. You suppose it simply boils down to one fact: James loves the world, and it loves him right back. A light sheen of sweat has him glistening in the sunlight, his muscled legs effortlessly navigating the landscape, and the breeze has tousled his curls just so as to make hair stylists worldwide mad with envy. He even seems to be getting a tan, whereas you’re strapped into what he calls your “sexy hat”—a beige, floppy thing with vents and a chin fastening—to avoid a sunburn. 
You push ahead on shaky legs until you’re beside James, looking at what appears to you to be more of a creek, or a stream maybe, than a river. 
“Nice,” you say, smiling with all the enthusiasm you can muster. “Wanna go for a swim?”
“Uh, absolutely,” James says, and you suspect he was only waiting for you to ask so it’d be your idea. He sets off for the water, discarding his backpack a few feet away and all but diving in. You follow more warily, not loving the idea of a fish or some other mysterious river dweller brushing up against you, but the prospect of cool, flowing water washing the dirt and sweat from your legs has you stepping out of your shoes and wading in. 
James grasps your hands to keep you from stumbling as you approach him in the middle of the stream. The water here comes up almost to the hems of your shorts, and you’re considering tossing your clothes to the shore if it means you can experience this icy relief all over your body. 
“This is fun, yeah?” James grins, and your heart contracts guiltily as you realize you may not have been as covert with your dissatisfaction as you’d thought. It’s not James’ fault the outdoors doesn’t treat you as kindly as it seems to treat him, and you have no intention of ruining what should be a perfect trip for him. 
“Yeah, it is.” You return his smile, bracing your hands on his shoulders and standing on tiptoe to kiss him. 
He returns your efforts with gusto, pressing his mouth to yours so ardently you have to take a tiny step back to keep your balance, and a sharp pain goes through your heel. 
You gasp, almost biting James’ lip as you rear back. 
“What?” he asks, instantly concerned, and you grip his shoulders tightly, hopping around awkwardly on one foot. 
“I don’t know.” Your foot stings, the water ripping at it even as you do your best to keep it motionless. “I think I stepped on something.”
James curses. “You aren’t wearing water shoes?”
“I don’t own water shoes,” you cry. 
“Okay, sorry,” he says, both of you speaking more sharply than you’d prefer. “Alright, let’s get out.” He picks you up with strong arms under your knees and shoulders, and you can easily blame it on the pain if you swoon a bit as he carries you to the rocky shore, setting you down gingerly. 
You curl your wounded foot close to you, a puddle of watery red already forming on the rock beneath you. There’s a piece of glass stuck in the skin of your heel, soft and already slightly wrinkled from the water, and it’s panic more than hurt that has invisible fingers closing in a suffocating grip around your throat. 
“You’re okay,” James says, watching you with his own barely-leashed panic swimming in his eyes. “Can I have a look?”
You nod, letting him take your ankle cautiously and bring your tender foot onto his lap. You make a small sound of protest at the blood you’re getting on his shorts, but he shushes you, gripping the protruding piece of glass between his fingernails. 
“I’m gonna take it out, okay? Then we can clean it.” He looks at you for approval, and all you can do is nod again before he’s removed the intruder from your heel and your blood is flowing even faster. You hiss at the pain and in mourning for the stain that will certainly never come out of James’ poor shorts. “Aw, I’m sorry, angel,” James coos, grabbing antiseptic spray you had no idea he’d brought from his backpack. He makes short work of cleaning and covering your wound, and even kisses your gross, river-scented foot when he’s done, though the comically small band-aid covering the cut really puts things into perspective for you. 
You’re doing your best to rally the gung-ho attitude you’ll need to get through the rest of this trip when James says, “I know it’s early, but you probably won’t be able to walk much on that for a little while. Want to go ahead and set up camp at that clearing we passed earlier?” and frankly, the idea of this ordeal being over with for the night is too good to pass up. 
“Sure,” you say, trying to feign some reluctance, and he kisses you on the forehead before hauling you up. 
You’re grateful for James’ selfless character (and his sturdy frame) as he lets you lean some of your weight on him, in addition to the not-insignificant weight of his backpack, while you limp the fifteen minutes to the clearing. He takes the tent from his pack as soon as he’s set everything down, unrolling it and placing the first stake at a corner. 
“Here,” you crawl over, taking the mallet from him. “I can do that.” 
James gives you a look like you’ve sprouted a second head. “No,” he says, taking the mallet back from you and starting to hammer in the stake himself, “you’re hurt.”
You can’t help it; you laugh. “Jamie, a cut in my foot hardly keeps me from using my arms.”
He only shakes his head at you. “You just rest, sweetheart. I’ve got it.” 
You consider protesting further, but he seems serious, and eventually you simply shrug, scooting into a patch of shade to watch him work. If your boyfriend wants to do all the hard work, far be it for you to prevent him.
And as the evening goes on, James actually does insist on doing everything for you. He sets up the tent, builds the fire, heats your dinner, and even fashions a little cushion for you to sit on out of a spare blanket. You argue that you’re not all of a sudden made of glass when he won’t let you roast your own marshmallow, but James won’t hear it, and soon you’re lying on the cool ground, using your blanket cushion to pillow your head and looking at the stars. 
“We can start back to the car as soon as we wake up tomorrow,” James says over the chirping of crickets and croaking of frogs, his head just a few inches from yours. “I’m sure you want to be in your own bed.”
“What?” You push up onto your elbow, looking down at him in disbelief. “No, I’ll be okay to walk tomorrow.” You’re fairly sure you were okay to walk today. “Don’t cut the trip short on my account.” 
James only looks at you glumly. “Sweetheart, you weren’t having any fun today. You were miserable, and then you got hurt.” His brows scrunch like even the memory is agonizing for him. “I don’t want to make it worse by having you walk on it all day tomorrow.”
You’re officially the worst girlfriend in the world. James had been looking forward to this all week, and as soon as you’d gotten here, you’d made no secret of how little you were enjoying yourself. “James, I’ll be fine,” you promise. “I was being a wimp today, and now I know what to do to make it easier for myself.” More bug spray, to start with. You sigh, laying your head on his shoulder. “I didn’t mean to spoil your good time. Let me try again tomorrow, okay?” 
“You’re sure?” You can’t see James’ face, but there’s no mistaking the hope in his voice. 
“Positive. You’re so sweet for offering to go home, though.” You tilt your head up until your lips find his, the kiss short and sweet. “Thank you.” 
“Don’t want my girl to have a bad time,” James says, sitting up and pulling you with him so he can kiss you more fully. He casts a forlorn look at your foot. “My poor, injured girl.” 
You grin, bringing your unscathed leg around to straddle his lap. “Not so injured I can’t do anything,” you remind him.
James’ eyebrows rise, his lips slowly curving upward. “Oh, yeah?” he croons, pulling you closer by your waist. “I mean, if you’re sure, sweetheart. But the sexy hat is going to have to stay on."
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crow-stars · 11 months
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❦summary; sometimes there are bad days, sometimes there are reeally bad days. lashing out can't be helped but at the very least there are people that can help. ♪the characters in this story; trey clover, gn!reader ✎word count; 957 ❀what do the ghosts say?; ambiguous, reader is having a baaad day, short person energy, picked up like a wet cat and carried like a sack of potatoes, headpats from trey, "you're not you when you're hungry" ☛the author's notes; i have never written for trey before, but the wheel said it was trey's turn so he gets a piece. also short because my brain has been full with stuff ☪look at the catalogue?
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You were angry. 
Well, just upset, or frustrated. But at the very least, you weren’t in the best of moods today. 
“Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?” Yes, yes you did because a certain red headed Heartslaybul thought it’d be fun to drag the covers off your body with you coming along for the ride. You ended up hitting your forehead against the bed frame and earned a nasty bump this morning. 
“Hey, how’d you do on the alchemy homework?” You wouldn’t know because you couldn’t find your alchemy homework and had to sit through a lecture from Professor Crewel about responsibility. You could have sworn you slipped it into your binder, but apparently it had slipped through somewhere.
“What did you eat for lunch today?” You didn’t. Some students were being rowdy and you ended up dropping the sandwich your friend Trey had packed for you. 
By now, you were just about ready to scream. Your head hurt, you lost your homework, and you were hungry. And all those combined into just one day was a bad combination for anyone in your general proximity. Some students could even feel the dark cloud around you and were wise to stay away to let you stew in your own emotions. 
Other people, somehow, did not take the hint. 
So, there you were walking through the hallways, eyes narrowed at anyone unfortunate enough to catch your glare, and the grip on your bag’s strap deathly. Most people had the understanding to sense your bad mood and step away. 
Though, some people weren’t included in that category. 
There, on the other end of the hall, was a group of some Savannaclaw students, talking amongst themselves, grins wide as they spoke about some topic you didn’t have the energy to think about. With you keeping your stare to the ground and the students so wrapped up in their conversation, it was inevitable that at least one was going to bump into you. And it wasn’t just a light tap, but it caused you to stumble back, bumping into someone else who, thankfully, caught you. 
“Hey! Look up while you’re walking, why don’t you?” The student sent a sharp glare in your direction while you recuperated yourself. And his words ticked you off, the last nail in the coffin to solidify your already frustrating day. 
“Why don’t you watch where you’re going?!” 
Your voice practically echoed through the hall, being heard from all the way at the end. It got a shocked look out of a few people in the general vicinity, especially the group of Savannaclaw students. 
“By the Seven, can’t you be aware of your damn surroundings?! And then you have the audacity to tell me to ‘look where I walk’! Way to make a bad day worse!” 
Words began pouring from your mouth, eventually becoming a babble of frustration and anger. A few people stared at you, some a bit unsure of what to do and a few more watching in some type of amusement. The student that you were pouring your anger out on couldn’t look away, taking the brunt of your yelling. 
Two hands then wrapped around your torso, grip firm as you were suddenly tossed over someone’s shoulder like a sack of flour. “Come on now, there’s no need to be screaming like that.” 
“Trey?!” The vice housewarden let out a small chuckle as he began walking away with you over his shoulder, making sure to keep hold of your legs and support your body over his shoulder. Normally, one would be amused at this, but with your current state, you were none too pleased and started trying to squirm your way out of Trey’s hold. 
“Let me down! I’m not some kind of child! I hate you so much right now!” 
Trey paid no mind to your words, only letting out another chuckle and continuing to walk. Around halfway to wherever Trey was taking you did your kicking and yelling finally stop and you accepted defeat, lying limp on Trey’s shoulder and letting him carry you. He took you all the way to the Heartslaybul kitchen, with only a few odd looks tossed towards you two, and sat you down on one of the stools. With you sitting on the stool, Trey set a plate with a sandwich and some fruit on the side in front of you and a glass of water. You looked at Trey with a bit of confusion and he only responded by pushing the plate a bit closer. 
Sighing, you pulled the plate in front of you and began eating, chewing at the sandwich slowly and taking sips of the water while Trey watched over you. He was silent the whole time, just watching you eat. Only when the plate was empty and the glass close to empty did Trey speak. 
A huff of air left you, but you nodded. A bit of food in someone’s stomach never hurt anyone, especially since you were hungry. You leaned against the counter, head held up by your hands. 
“Today sucked.” 
Trey laughed quietly, though it was that type of laugh that sounded like a mix between a chuckle and a sigh. He reached his hand over to you, his palm resting on your head for a few seconds before it made a back and forth motion, continuous and soothing. It was hard to not bask into such a gentle touch, your body easing into a more relaxed position. “Seems like it was. Do you wanna tell me about it?” 
You shook your head and exhaled slowly. “Not right now.” 
Trey nodded, a soft ‘okay’ being heard from him as he continued to pet at your head. The rest of the day may have been bad, but at the very least it ended well.
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mrwavellswaps · 1 year
A Life He Never Had - Part 2 (Father’s POV)
➡️ Son’s POV ⬅️
Oh god I can’t help but moan, these nipple are so damn sensitive. I know he can hear me as well with my door wide open. It might be a little cruel of me to keep teasing him like this but I just can’t help myself. You know I originally had my doubts but fuck am I glad I decided to steal my Son’s body!
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When I’d first bought that switching potion I honestly wasn’t sure if it’d work or not. I would’ve tested it first but apparently it was only good for one use. However I was so fucking desperate to have another chance at the life I never got that I decided to throw all my chips in and risk it.
Next thing you know I’m drugging my own Son after having our weekly meal together and lugging his barely conscious body up to my bedroom. I don’t think think he was fully out but it didn’t make a difference in the end. I was able to get him to drink some of the potion before downing the rest myself. After that I laid down next to him and prayed this stuff was legit.
I wasn’t sure exactly what I was expecting to be honest. One second I was awake and the next I was out cold with my soul being forced out of my body. I could see my old body lying unconscious on the bed next to my Son while his soul was floating next to mine. Only, unlike me, his soul seemed dormant. I knew what I had to do. I used my ghostly hands to grab my Son’s soul before stuffing it inside my 51 year old body and watching as it sealed itself inside forever. Once that was done I turned my attention back to his young sleeping body. With a lick of my lips I dove down with a hunger for the youth that body was about to grant me.
Waking up that next morning had to have been the greatest moment of my life. The second I returned to consciousness my eyes shot wide open, eager to inspect my new form. Looking down I certainly wasn’t disappointed. I was so lean, muscular and hairless that it seemed unreal. And when I looked to the side to see none other than my fat old body, that’s when I knew this for real.
The first thing I did was throw off my Son’s clothes and get a good look at his, or should I say my, naked body and I have to say I was more than impressed with what I saw. Not only did he have some very well sculpted muscle from years of hard work but he had a cock on him like a horse! It had to be at least twice the size of my old one so there’s no way he got it from me. Same with this ass! I remember turning in the mirror and being genuinely shocked at how well shaped my Son’s big bubble ass was compared to my relatively flat one. Whatever the case they belonged to me now and I was gonna use them however I goddamn pleased.
Truth be told I’d actually done a little preparation before hand in the hopes that the swap would be a success. I’d done a little shopping for my new body in the form of some fun new clothes to try on. Mainly underwear. I grabbed them from my secret little stash and started trying them on one by one. Jock straps, speedos and just a bunch of saucy underwear. And let me tell you I looked fucking incredible. The way they all stretched over my ass and bulge was nothing short of breath taking. With a body like this I couldn’t have been more certain I’d be able to bag a guy to fuck my brains out.
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I eventually decided to head downstairs and make myself a coffee, still wearing a kinky pair of white briefs at the time, when I heard a scream come from upstairs. I shook my head knowing that he’d finally woken up so I grabbed my cup and made my way back up to him. When I got there he nothing short of was hysterical. Especially when he saw me in these briefs. Yelling and screaming about what the hell was going on but I just couldn’t help smiling and teasing him. I think I even gave my ass a smack just to see what he would do. I thought he’d try to punch me honestly but he must’ve been in too much shock I suppose.
Ever since then my life has felt like a living a dream. One of the very first things I did was break up with my son’s girlfriend. I might have his body but I still don’t care much for chicks at all. Dick is all I wanted. All I needed. And I was now more certain than ever that I was gonna get it.
Almost as soon as I could I was heading out to all sorts of gay clubs and signing up to hook-up apps and let me tell you it wasn’t long before I had stud after stud in my bed. Guys I would never have had a chance with before now drooling over me as much as I was over them. It was a little… painful at first I’ve gotta say. Considering my Son was straight before I took his body it only made sense that his hole was as tight as could be but I was working on loosening it up. With every fat cock I took up there it got easier and easier. Some might consider me a man whore now but can you really blame an old man for wanting to catch up on all that he missed out on.
Originally when I’d first gotten this body I was partly considering keeping up my Son’s ritual of shaving his body and facial hair to stay smooth. After all I’d been so hairy for so long that it was kinda nice to be so smooth for once. But after quite a few of the guys that fucked me suggested growing out some fur again I decided to do just that. I prefer a more masculine look anyway. And so over the coming month I simply let my body grow its natural hair again and allowed a short beard to form which I’ve gotta say seems to have gained me some extra attention.
I’ve gotta say though I’ve really enjoyed teasing my Son since the swap. Does that make me a bad person? Probably. Am I gonna keep doing it? Absolutely! It’s just too much fun to walk around the house with barely any clothes on just so I can not only flaunt what he used to have but also show him how much of a slut I’d made his body now. I made sure to reinforce that even further whenever I brought a guy home by moaning as loud as possible to make sure he heard. Just to make sure he knew I was getting his former straight guy hole filled to brim with cum. And just for good measure I made sure to tell him all about it afterwards.
You know before all this I thought I was a total bottom. That is until I slept with a much more versatile dude. He was a pretty big bear of a man and made sure to fuck me good first. But after he’d pumped his load inside me, he started to compliment me a lot on the size of my cock. I was flattered of course but when he asked if I’d ever used it I said I hadn’t ever really considered topping before. Well wouldn’t you know it the next minute he’s bent over and displaying his furry ass for me. I was a little apprehensive at first but once I shoved myself inside and started pumping, I gotta say it wasn’t bad. I’ll probably still bottom most of the time but maybe topping here and there could be fun after all with my Son’s huge fat cock under my control.
Speaking of cock this thing just doesn’t stop! For over ten years I’d been struggling to get my old dick fully hard but this one does it all the time! Even just the slightest glance at a hot guy, especially when there was nobody else around, and boom! Massive erection! It’s fucking amazing! I’m jerking off all the time and squirting my young new seed on everything I own when I’m not just having straight up sex. I forgot how endless the sex drive is for guys in their early twenties… though I’m certain I was never this horny when I was originally this age.
And that brings me back to present, sat in my new bedroom tweaking my nipples and groaning as loudly as possible. My young cock beginning to strain against this new jockstrap I bought myself. You should see the way it frames my ass. I’m sure the guy that I’m having over tonight will appreciate it.
Speaking of, I’ve had this guy around a few times now and honestly I’m really starting to like him. Maybe after he’s filled my ass again I’ll ask him out for dinner. Wouldn’t that be something. My first ever date with a man. I hope he says yes!
Until then I’ll just keep enjoying my new body and all it has to offer while shoving it in the face of its former owner. I couldn’t be more happy that this swap is irreversible…
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