#( eating disorder tw )
support · 5 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone.  
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Eating Disorders Association (support, resources, treatment options)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find help lines related to eating disorders for your country. 
For self-help courses on body image and general peer support, please try Koko. 
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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teaboot · 21 hours
God I hate scrolling through Aesthetic and Transmasc tags and repeatedly getting blasted with a neck-deep wave of "pro-ana" #hashtag #Thinspo diet culture liquid diet grapefruit cleanse hip dip thigh gap top 10 easy meals under 10 calories low-carb keto Before And After Journey lose weight FAST! self care burn-fat-fast smart-snacking flat tummy bullshit
I don't even HAVE an eating disorder and here I am scrambling to block this crap taking -10 psychic damage every time a #coquette #gothic #dark academia thigh-high sock flies past like a string of paper lanterns in a hurricane
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she-whodreams · 10 months
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Im back fellas
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catgirl-kaiju · 2 years
me: hmh getting hungry
adhd: u can't eat rn you're already doing something
autism: there is nothing in the house that u like
anorexia: like u even need any calories
trauma: u've barely done anything today. you don't deserve to eat
little anime girl: burg her
me: burg her...
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little anime girl:
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soldierboys · 1 year
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scientia-rex · 11 months
It is WILD to me that people continue to think they can "gotcha" me into saying the science on weight loss doesn't say what it says. Like, it's not what the authors say; it's what the data reflect. And the data don't give one single hot shit about your reason for wanting weight loss. You can have a terrible reason or a great reason and it doesn't matter. The reason behind your desire for an outcome doesn't change whether the data support the likelihood of it happening or not. There isn't a secret Option C here. The options are A) try to make peace with your weight or B) fight it forever. And if you fight it, the data are pretty clear that you're worse off than if you make peace and take the best care of yourself that you can. You can hate vegetables, you can want it to be easier to find clothes that fit, you can be disabled and find physical exertion challenging, but it doesn't matter. There is no secret option where, because you hate vegetables, your body works differently than every other body that's been studied.
There IS a database of people who have managed to sustain long-term large-scale weight loss. They're so rare we study them extensively. In general, they eat severely restricted diets and exercise for at least an hour a day. I have no desire to recommend eating disorders to my patients. If staying thin is occupying time and brain-space you could be putting into other things that are more meaningful to you, do those other things.
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what-even-is-thiss · 6 months
I don’t really talk much about my personal history with eating disorders and especially my bulimic tendencies partially because I’m just not that emo about it like it genuinely doesn’t bother me anymore and partially because I’m still obese after all that and people just don’t wanna confront the fact that all that nonsense just doesn’t make you skinny. It doesn’t even work. Like not only is it bad and dangerous it doesn’t even work. Like. I went through all that and what did I get? A cavity.
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knifewieldingenby · 1 year
If I have to read one more "I hate picky eaters, they have the taste palette of a 5-year-old" post, I WILL actually start killing people. You don't want to be around "picky eaters?" Fine, then get the fuck away from us. We're better off without your judgment.
"But wahhhh why won't they just try something new" Shut. Up. Look up how things like adhd, autism, depression, and many more affect eating. Look up food allergies, intolerances, and general sensitivities. FUCKING LOOK UP ARFID. Seriously I am so damn tired of people not knowing shit about arfid, refusing to research even when I tell them about it (most of my doctors don't even know anything about it even though they've known about my struggles for over two years!) And then you have the nerve to shame us for dealing with an eating disorder that is fuck all hard to work through cuz, again, no one knows fucking shit about it and they don't want to learn! My therapist reached out to an eating disorder clinic to find help for me, and the only goddamn one who even knew it existed was the director.
Stay the hell away from so-called "picky eaters" if you're gonna make post after post complaining about how annoying you find us, or how you just so badly want to go to restaurants with your friend but they eat like a child! Go alone, asshole.
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malaierba · 2 months
Thoughts on Toshiro’s eating behavior, restrictive ed/disordered eating habits, and ARFID (obvious warnings apply).
Been thinking about how Toshiro’s eating is described in the manga. Especially when you consider the context within which he snaps — which is jokingly referred to as “he has hangry”. Interestingly enough, emotional deregulation IS a common symptom of EDs. That, alongside all the symptoms that Ryoko Koi chooses to illustrate in him… it’s done too accurately for it to be dismissed as him simply choosing not to eat and starve, as if it were that easy.
Basically, I think Toshiro’s inability to eat is ARFID-coded, and that’s symbolism in itself. I also think food is one of the few areas in his life where he exerts control effectively.
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Assuming that he was under the influence of the dungeon (not necessary for this analysis to work tbh), his behavior is a quite accurate depiction of how desire works for people who are chronic ascetics in general, and ED'd in particular:
According to Maizuru, he’s a person who's denied themselves all their life (“saving Falyn was his first selfish request“),
Who seems to only experience a sort of self-agency when it's linked to deprivation (not really eating food from anyone who wasn’t Maizuru as a child, turning down her food as an adult even though he’s otherwise easy to pull around),
Who's actively reaching towards something for the first time in their lives (so he doesn’t know how to work towards it without burning himself out).
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A common trigger (perhaps the main one) in EDs is the desire for control. The logic often goes, what's easier to control than what you eat? what do you own more fully than your body? It tracks in Toshiro’s case: when he is picky that's one thing he can fully control, no one could force him to eat not when he was a child nor as an adult. Toshiro's “whims” are most indulged when he restricts or rejects food, rather than when he reaches for it.
The reason why I’m getting ARFID vibes from him is Maizuru’s wording. On the screenshot I shared, she said “he never ate much, but he ate plenty of what I made”, making it sound like he’d try stuff made by other people, but in the end, Maizuru was the only one who could tailor it to his tastes the best (and made it with love). Rather than fighting him or forcing him, he worked with him, which is the best course of action for parents with kids who are being picky eaters.
There’s also the wording used by Maizuru: I think he's ARFID and perhaps ortho coded, or some other restrictive ED. Here we have to note that EDs aren't exclusively or even always about weight, weight is often a secondary effect of the behaviors that are motivated by the ED. In layman terms, they're eating disorders not weight disorders.
With the established, I do see a narrative relevance to giving Toshiro this type of relationship with food:
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It sets him in obvious opposition to Laios: You need to eat and take care of yourself to succeed, neglecting yourself equals not taking your goals seriously vs. I’ll sacrifice everything recklessly, myself included, in the pursuit of my goals.
Tangentially related but lol, can’t help but think of Laios getting SO mad when Toshiro’s reaction to his plan (admittedly thought of on the spot) to get back Falyn is “you aren’t even EATING” which, SO fair, you can strategize and make detailed long term plans all you want, but as they say the secret to your future lies within your daily habits.
It makes him a mirror of Falyn, her passiveness reflecting Toshiro’s own. Falyn explicitly says at the end of her adventure, while she’s turning down Toshiro’s marriage proposal, “I’ve always wanted to travel; I’ve always just done what my bother and Marcille want, I want to try doing what I want now”, which is reminiscent of Maizuru saying “He was always such a well-behaved, reasonable boy, so much so that it worried me sometimes. The only time he ever made a personal request was for this task” <- person disconnected from their desires. (More on this idea here, I love it as a narrative choice).
And then (here’s where I get suppositional). It could be an extrapolation of the way his upbringing has permeated so deep within himself that he overtly controls what he eats even under normal circumstances. This extreme exertion of self-control, this constant self-monitoring, would be unsurprising in the guy who’s a little too good at following social scripts and masking (fun fact, did you know that ARFID is often co-morbid with autism?).
I often think of him in this scene, where he seems to be telling Senshi that he’s had enough / he doesn’t want something (featuring the other Weird With Food character, my beloved Kabru, maybe trying to help him? or maybe hassling him too lol):
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Looks like some habits are hard to break. But, Laios does get through to him when he kicks his ass, and Falyn seems to have reached him too with his words, so perhaps there’s hope.
Look at him forcing himself to eat a burger while holding so much distaste in his heart. Did he and Laios order for each other? At least Laios seems to like his meal.
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nyancrimew · 1 year
it'd be kinda cool if tumblr didn't show me like 4 different fasting ads a day
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muppetmagic · 2 years
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uncanny-tranny · 4 months
If you hate your body, do not achieve the body you want out of hate.
I know what you're thinking: starve yourself, run yourself into the ground, faster cardio, no carbs, no sugar.
You're reaching a perceived level of health at the expense of your actual health. If you expedite the process without doing the internal work, you're fucked. Now, I know there's some people who are finally happy and, uh, thinner body and I'm not talking to you, okay? Please, separate yourself from the equation and listen to what I'm saying.
It is so much more rewarding if you just improve your lifestyle. I just got my 10,000 steps on this beautiful day. I didn't do it to burn calories, I did it because I get to. I'm gonna go train legs now, I fucking love squatting and deadlifting! I love being strong! I have more time today, so I'm gonna take my time to cook a delicious, nutritious lunch. I'm not grinding, I'm not fasting, I'm not just having protein. I'm not doing burpees in-between my sets.
When you do this from an extreme standpoint, you're abandoning your quality of life. Therefore, you'll be more resentful. And because you're so resentful, you'll constantly be looking for validation, and it will never be good enough, and you'll be chasing a body that's impossible to reach 'cause your standards are too high. Just chase health! It's so much more rewarding, and you don't have to answer to fucking anybody!
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egberts · 1 year
fat phobia is so insane my own mother calls me model-body and skinny and has a fucking complex about it when I've been losing weight due to epileptic seizures. her own internalized fat phobia is trying to praise me for being extremely ill. I want to scream
yup, my mom is actually a fat woman and would do the same thing. their generation was raised during a rapid decline in public opinion on fat people, when being fat was really starting to be equated with being ugly and a moral failing. this is a really good video i watched a few weeks ago about the history of fat fashion that talks about this topic a lot
it's bad to the point that when I went to the doctor for antidepressants and one of the side effects was weight loss the doctor got happy and acted like that was a good thing, that I'd be losing weight from not eating because my new antidepressants suppressed my appetite
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georgiaswarr · 24 days
osemanverse allergies and intolerances
a list of headcanons and why they are 100% correct
obviously, bliss is lactose intolerant. cause nobody loves dairy more than lactose intolerant people.
rowan is allergic to cat hair because as we’ve established he is allergic to going to therapy, so naturally he’d also be allergic to the ark’s therapy cat. doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have both. pill up, bitch.
lister is severely allergic to shellfish. reasons being that in my experience, shellfish are a more elite, rich people meal, something you’d order at a fancy restaurant, i.e. something lister wouldn’t have had growing up poor. however, once he comes into money, he would try some for the first time and almost die, which shows that his current decadent lifestyle is very unhealthy.
jimmy is coeliac but he doesn’t know it yet. for one, he is constantly fatigued, which could in part be related to — and reinforced by — a severe iron deficiency. also, he is canonically shown to suffer from disordered eating, since he tends to skip and forget meals. this mirrors what many coeliacs tend to struggle with (and i assume people with other allergies too, i’m just speaking from my own experience); if your food options are greatly limited, it’s easy to skip or straight-up forget a meal.
georgia is coeliac but she doesn’t know it yet because i’m tumblr user georgiaswarr and i say so.
sunil is allergic to nuts. that’s an asexual and trans joke.
tori has seasonal allergies because we all know her as a winter girlie, so tori in spring (no pun intended but pun greatly appreciated) doesn’t sit right with me. or her sinuses.
michael has a loooooot of allergies; wheat, dairy, peanuts, oats, just to name a few. we all know he was very ostracised and unpopular at truham, something that would be reinforced by his ‘weird’ and ‘annoying’ dietary restrictions. after all, which horrible teenage boy is gonna like the kid that got peanuts banned on school grounds?
frances is allergic to certain fruits such as bananas or kiwis. however, she thinks that’s just how they’re supposed to taste, they’re supposed to hurt a bit. you know, just how she thought studying and university was just supposed to be painful without reflecting on why those expectations caused her this much suffering.
elle is allergic to nuts. that’s another trans joke.
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aropride · 6 months
the second you start posting your eating disorder publicly- the second you start naming your "goal weight" and your "current weight," the second you post lists of what you ate today, or lists of "proana meals!" or diet plans or cute little calorie tracking calendars, the second you reblog thinspo onto a public blog, the second you put your ed posts in unrelated tags, the second you encourage restriction, REGARDLESS of whether your bio or tags say you're "only pro for yourself," you are contributing to an online community known for sucking in children and giving them life ruining eating disorders. you are no longer "only pro for yourself" because your blog is not "for yourself," it is public, and you are using public tags. you are reblogging from real people and we see when cigarettesanddietcoke reblogs from us, and it's at best uncomfortable and at worst actively triggering. the second you post the details of your disordered thoughts or behavior publicly you are being actively and dangerously irresponsible. you are encouraging disordered behavior in yourself and in others, by way of platforming it on your blog. how can you say it's not harmful to post this stuff when you yourself look at this content to trigger yourself?? it does not matter how many times you say you're "only pro for yourself." you are complicit in others' eating disorders worsening. get a diary. at least private your blog. it's even possible to vent about your eating disorder without encouraging that way of thinking, and that would be the responsible thing to do, and you are actively choosing not to do it. and for the love of god keep your posts out of unrelated tags. eating disorders kill people. at least try not to cause someone to develop or relapse in theirs.
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